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  Topic Forum Date
1 aDNA result of an old kingdom upper egyptian ! (post #65) Egyptology
2 aDNA result of an old kingdom upper egyptian ! (post #64) Egyptology
3 aDNA result of an old kingdom upper egyptian ! (post #63) Egyptology
4 White Slaves, African Masters??? Ottoman Empire??? Caucasian Berbers??? (post #0) Deshret
5 Dr. Eran Elhaik: Tens of Thousands of Ancient Israelite Skeletons Are Being Hidden (post #162) Kemet
6 aDNA result of an old kingdom upper egyptian ! (post #61) Egyptology
7 Is Negroid crania a reliable determinant of race? The Beachy Head Lady Incident (post #25) Deshret
8 AI working on revealing library of Roman writing (post #2) Deshret
9 aDNA result of an old kingdom upper egyptian ! (post #56) Egyptology
10 Is Negroid crania a reliable determinant of race? The Beachy Head Lady Incident (post #23) Deshret
11 Is Negroid crania a reliable determinant of race? The Beachy Head Lady Incident (post #22) Deshret
12 Dr. Eran Elhaik: Tens of Thousands of Ancient Israelite Skeletons Are Being Hidden (post #152) Kemet
13 18th dynast were haplogroup R1b/K? (post #197) Egyptology
14 Omar Sharif - Lebanese not Egyptian. (post #7) Kemet
15 Been to Africa 7 times(soon to be 8)... Ask me anything (post #22) Kemet
16 Been to Africa 7 times(soon to be 8)... Ask me anything (post #21) Kemet
17 Been to Africa 7 times(soon to be 8)... Ask me anything (post #20) Kemet
18 18th dynast were haplogroup R1b/K? (post #195) Egyptology
19 18th dynast were haplogroup R1b/K? (post #190) Egyptology
20 18th dynast were haplogroup R1b/K? (post #188) Egyptology
21 18th dynast were haplogroup R1b/K? (post #185) Egyptology
22 18th dynast were haplogroup R1b/K? (post #183) Egyptology
23 18th dynast were haplogroup R1b/K? (post #182) Egyptology
24 18th dynast were haplogroup R1b/K? (post #180) Egyptology
25 18th dynast were haplogroup R1b/K? (post #179) Egyptology
26 18th dynast were haplogroup R1b/K? (post #175) Egyptology
27 An atheist Bible scholar (post #18) Deshret
28 aDNA result of an old kingdom upper egyptian ! (post #53) Egyptology
29 An atheist Bible scholar (post #16) Deshret
30 An atheist Bible scholar (post #14) Deshret
31 An atheist Bible scholar (post #10) Deshret
32 An atheist Bible scholar (post #9) Deshret
33 Been to Africa 7 times(soon to be 8)... Ask me anything (post #15) Kemet
34 Been to Africa 7 times(soon to be 8)... Ask me anything (post #14) Kemet
35 History & Cultural Biases of the West (post #96) Egyptology
36 History & Cultural Biases of the West (post #91) Egyptology
37 History & Cultural Biases of the West (post #90) Egyptology
38 History & Cultural Biases of the West (post #89) Egyptology
39 History & Cultural Biases of the West (post #88) Egyptology
40 History & Cultural Biases of the West (post #87) Egyptology
41 History & Cultural Biases of the West (post #86) Egyptology
42 History & Cultural Biases of the West (post #85) Egyptology
43 KRS-One: “Anyone Who Has a Problem With Afrika Bambaataa Should Quit Hip-Hop” Read M (post #76) Deshret
44 Response Against Great Zimbabwe Being Black (post #186) Egyptology
45 Response Against Great Zimbabwe Being Black (post #185) Egyptology
46 Response Against Great Zimbabwe Being Black (post #181) Egyptology
47 Robert Sepehr is a Bad "Anthropologist" (post #6) Deshret
48 Response Against Great Zimbabwe Being Black (post #179) Egyptology
49 A boat in Sahara (post #5) Egyptology
50 Yellow curly hair found by Petrie at Gurob, Egypt (Blond?) (post #72) Egyptology

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