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» EgyptSearch Forums » View Recent Posts: Big_Kane

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  Topic Forum Date
1 OT: India Acquired Language, Not Genes, From West (post #8) Egyptology
2 E3b is a characteristic of Mediterranean populations, (post #4) Egyptology
3 African Athena...Who built Greece? (post #145) Egyptology
4 African Athena...Who built Greece? (post #134) Egyptology
5 OT:Where are you people from? (post #19) Egyptology
6 Ancient Egypt, A Black African Civilization? (post #92) Egyptology
7 Anti-Afro Centrism my Rebuttal to the haters (post #2) Egyptology
8 King Tut & Christ Jesus (post #6) Egyptology
9 Good Afrocentrism, Bad Afrocentrism (post #95) Egyptology
10 Off Topic (post #40) Egyptology
11 Off Topic (post #39) Egyptology
12 Off Topic (post #13) Egyptology
13 OT: Modern Europeans appear genetically unrelated to first farmers (post #23) Egyptology
14 OT: Short History of Pan-Africanism (post #8) Egyptology
15 Off Topic: Riots in France (post #70) Egyptology
16 OT: For Horemheb: subtle nuances of Eurocentrism (post #45) Egyptology
17 OT: For Horemheb: subtle nuances of Eurocentrism (post #43) Egyptology
18 OT: For Horemheb: subtle nuances of Eurocentrism (post #40) Egyptology
19 The Upper Paleolithic and the Mesolithic around the Mediterranean: cultural framework (post #173) Egyptology
20 OT: For Horemheb: subtle nuances of Eurocentrism (post #18) Egyptology
21 What African Americans and Southern Sudanese are Saying to Egyptians. (post #35) Egyptology
22 Thomas Ian Nicholas (post #83) Egyptology
23 Egyptian Diversity (post #26) Egyptology
24 Circumcision (post #71) Egyptology
25 Thomas Ian Nicholas (post #78) Egyptology
26 The interesting...Kemet (post #31) Egyptology
27 Circumcision (post #66) Egyptology
28 Circumcision (post #64) Egyptology
29 Who are the clowns? Euro, Hore or posters who react frenetically to their stupidity (post #25) Egyptology
30 Thomas Ian Nicholas (post #58) Egyptology
31 The Mediterranean Subrace (post #39) Egyptology
32 Ancient Egypt, A Black African Civilization? (post #28) Egyptology
33 The Mediterranean Subrace (post #31) Egyptology
34 Nordic and Medi Versus Broad and Elongated African Types (post #93) Egyptology
35 Autosomal DNA of Ethiopians (post #89) Egyptology
36 is black a race or a color? (post #30) Egyptology
37 Leba: Somalis are not white men (post #25) Egyptology
38 Nordic and Medi Versus Broad and Elongated African Types (post #61) Egyptology
39 Nordic and Medi Versus Broad and Elongated African Types (post #55) Egyptology
40 History & Cultural Biases of the West (post #30) Egyptology

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