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» EgyptSearch Forums » View Recent Posts: Joe Bananas

View Recent Posts: Joe Bananas all posts | topics started | topics participated in
  Topic Forum Date
1 Brace et al. 2005 (post #43) Egyptology
2 Predynastic Upper and Lower Egyptians (post #59) Egyptology
3 Predynastic Upper and Lower Egyptians (post #46) Egyptology
4 Predynastic Upper and Lower Egyptians (post #44) Egyptology
5 Predynastic Upper and Lower Egyptians (post #41) Egyptology
6 Eurasians and the Proto-Dynastic (post #16) Egyptology
7 Eurasians and the Proto-Dynastic (post #15) Egyptology
8 Need your feedback on these Ausar (post #0) Egyptology
9 Evil Euro (post #9) Egyptology
10 Evil Euro (post #7) Egyptology
11 Evil Euro (post #5) Egyptology
12 Biological continuity between the A- and C-groups in lower Nubia (post #0) Egyptology
13 pdf on misclassification of Nubian crania (post #0) Egyptology
14 Evil Euro (post #3) Egyptology
15 A Question For D_Manning? (post #6) Egyptology
16 A Question For D_Manning? (post #4) Egyptology
17 A Question For D_Manning? (post #1) Egyptology
18 Evil Euro (post #0) Egyptology
19 The Mediterranean Subrace (post #19) Egyptology
20 The Mediterranean Subrace (post #15) Egyptology
21 The Mediterranean Subrace (post #12) Egyptology
22 The Mediterranean Subrace (post #10) Egyptology
23 The Mediterranean Subrace (post #8) Egyptology
24 The Mediterranean Subrace (post #6) Egyptology
25 Nordic and Medi Versus Broad and Elongated African Types (post #79) Egyptology
26 Nordic and Medi Versus Broad and Elongated African Types (post #76) Egyptology
27 Nordic and Medi Versus Broad and Elongated African Types (post #74) Egyptology
28 Nordic and Medi Versus Broad and Elongated African Types (post #72) Egyptology
29 Nordic and Medi Versus Broad and Elongated African Types (post #69) Egyptology
30 Nordic and Medi Versus Broad and Elongated African Types (post #66) Egyptology
31 Nordic and Medi Versus Broad and Elongated African Types (post #64) Egyptology
32 Autosomal DNA of Ethiopians (post #84) Egyptology
33 Autosomal DNA of Ethiopians (post #82) Egyptology
34 Autosomal DNA of Ethiopians (post #80) Egyptology
35 This is called vindication by Brace's own words (post #41) Egyptology
36 This is called vindication by Brace's own words (post #39) Egyptology
37 Autosomal DNA of Ethiopians (post #67) Egyptology
38 Racial Affiliations of Haplogroups (post #295) Egyptology
39 Black "Berbers" have recent Negroid admixture (post #11) Egyptology
40 Central African Rwandans (post #7) Egyptology
41 Central African Rwandans (post #5) Egyptology
42 Central African Rwandans (post #2) Egyptology
43 Central African Rwandans (post #0) Egyptology
44 Leba needs to be banned (post #3) Egyptology
45 New paper on YAP+ chromosones (post #7) Egyptology
46 New paper on YAP+ chromosones (post #0) Egyptology
47 Racial Affiliations of Haplogroups (post #98) Egyptology
48 Racial Affiliations of Haplogroups (post #96) Egyptology
49 Racial Affiliations of Haplogroups (post #94) Egyptology
50 Racial Affiliations of Haplogroups (post #86) Egyptology

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