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» EgyptSearch Forums » View Recent Posts: BrandonP

View Recent Posts: BrandonP all posts | topics started | topics participated in
  Topic Forum Date
1 The North African 'Negro' Paradox (post #59) Egyptology
2 The North African 'Negro' Paradox (post #57) Egyptology
3 Who were the wildest Vikings in the North? (post #2) Deshret
4 ALT HISTORY: What if Cleopatra and Amanirenas teamed up against the Romans? (post #15) Deshret
5 Racist plant names discarded (post #4) Deshret
6 Recreating a historical Kushite/Assyrian battle in Total War: Pharaoh Dynasties (post #1) Hetheru's Corner
7 Not even the Chinese are safe from Euronuttery (post #9) Deshret
8 ALT HISTORY: What if Cleopatra and Amanirenas teamed up against the Romans? (post #13) Deshret
9 Water-powered elevator may have helped with construction of Egyptian pyramid (post #0) Egyptology
10 To catch ancient times in art (post #17) Hetheru's Corner
11 ALT HISTORY: What if Cleopatra and Amanirenas teamed up against the Romans? (post #11) Egyptology
12 Ancient Egyptian Oncology and other Pathologies (post #9) Egyptology
13 To catch ancient times in art (post #16) Hetheru's Corner
14 The peopling of the last Green Sahara revealed by high-coverage resequencing of trans (post #128) Egyptology
15 Predynastic Egyptian genome's ancestry broken down, plus AE phenotype calls (post #124) Egyptology
16 To catch ancient times in art (post #15) Hetheru's Corner
17 When did North Africans acquire light skin color? (post #322) Egyptology
18 Fake and misleading historical images on Internet (post #7) Deshret
19 @Punos Rey So when is Egyptsearch going down for another 2 weeks (or more or forever) (post #2) Egyptology
20 The Humor Thread (post #13) Kemet
21 Predynastic Egyptian genome's ancestry broken down, plus AE phenotype calls (post #112) Egyptology
22 When did North Africans acquire light skin color? (post #300) Egyptology
23 When did North Africans acquire light skin color? (post #291) Egyptology
24 When did North Africans acquire light skin color? (post #280) Egyptology
25 When did North Africans acquire light skin color? (post #263) Egyptology
26 Predynastic Egyptian genome's ancestry broken down, plus AE phenotype calls (post #106) Egyptology
27 When did North Africans acquire light skin color? (post #256) Egyptology
28 Can AMH Origins Within Africa be Specified? (post #38) Egyptology
29 When did North Africans acquire light skin color? (post #246) Egyptology
30 When did North Africans acquire light skin color? (post #242) Egyptology
31 When did North Africans acquire light skin color? (post #238) Egyptology
32 When did North Africans acquire light skin color? (post #236) Egyptology
33 When did North Africans acquire light skin color? (post #233) Egyptology
34 Why are so many of my people ultra-focused on the Black jews/Hebrews thing? (post #80) Deshret
35 Promoting my art again (THREAD CLOSED) (post #975) Hetheru's Corner
36 Promoting my art again (THREAD CLOSED) (post #974) Hetheru's Corner
37 Recreating a historical Kushite/Assyrian battle in Total War: Pharaoh Dynasties (post #0) Hetheru's Corner
38 "Screaming Woman" Egyptian mummy may have died screaming in agony (post #0) Egyptology
39 Why are so many of my people ultra-focused on the Black jews/Hebrews thing? (post #50) Deshret
40 Predynastic Egyptian genome's ancestry broken down, plus AE phenotype calls (post #97) Egyptology
41 Why are so many of my people ultra-focused on the Black jews/Hebrews thing? (post #44) Deshret
42 Why are so many of my people ultra-focused on the Black jews/Hebrews thing? (post #42) Deshret
43 Why are so many of my people ultra-focused on the Black jews/Hebrews thing? (post #40) Deshret
44 Why are so many of my people ultra-focused on the Black jews/Hebrews thing? (post #38) Deshret
45 Why are so many of my people ultra-focused on the Black jews/Hebrews thing? (post #35) Deshret
46 Not even the Chinese are safe from Euronuttery (post #7) Deshret
47 Promoting my art again (THREAD CLOSED) (post #973) Hetheru's Corner
48 Predynastic Egyptian genome's ancestry broken down, plus AE phenotype calls (post #95) Egyptology
49 Promoting my art again (THREAD CLOSED) (post #972) Hetheru's Corner
50 Predynastic Egyptian genome's ancestry broken down, plus AE phenotype calls (post #91) Egyptology

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