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Posted by Faheemdunkers (Member # 20844) on :
"The White Lady is a rock painting, located on a panel, also depicting other art work, on a small rock overhang, deep within Brandberg Mountain. The giant granite monolith located in Damaraland and called 'The Brandberg' is Namibia's highest mountain"


The White Lady of Brandberg, South-West Africa, Her Companions and Her Guards
Abbe Henri Breuil
The South African Archaeological Bulletin,
Vol. 3, No. 9 (Mar., 1948), pp. 2-11


The racial types are mixed; six are certainly not natives, but Europeans or Mediterraneans [...] There are five definitely black [Negroid], two of which are repaintings of an original face of another type; one is Australoid. None are either Bushman or Hottentot."

"We cannot explain this mixture of races except by a column or better still a ship's company of foreigners, settling in the country for some time, or returning on several trips, and camping amongst the rocks near the fresh water spring. My
opinion is that a mixed band of foreigners, recruited when they started forth, in
the course of their journeyings added to their company negro helpers"
Posted by zarahan- aka Enrique Cardova (Member # 15718) on :
Witless buffoon- the so-called "Caucasoid" "White
Lady" is a myth. It is simply another stylized Bushman/San
painting, as credible modern scholars show. But if you want
to continue living in your fantasy world, go ahead... lmao..


^^More mythical "Caucasoid hosts"...

Posted by Faheemdunkers (Member # 20844) on :
How are they Bushmanoid? Look:



Pale skinned with long flowing red hair.

There is also the "Great Man of Chamavara" from Zimbabwe.

Posted by Faheemdunkers (Member # 20844) on :
Credo Mutwa, a Zulu author notes in his book Indaba, My Children (1964, p. 103):

"This is the story of the lost Phoenician empire in Southern Africa, a story which is still sung and told around village fires in South and Central African today."


Mutwa (pp. 174-175) also agrees with the French anthropologist Abbe Breuil who theorised that the 2000 year old 'White lady of Brandberg' rock painting (Namibia) depicts a Caucasoid.
Posted by claus3600 (Member # 19584) on :

'How I manage my Aspergers'

If you do indeed have Aspergers, then I have a better understanding as to why you behave the way you do.
Posted by Swenet (Member # 17303) on :
^Claus, bro, not saying you do, but in case he somehow misconstrues your post (we know he isn't very discerning from his history of misinterpreting his own sources) as indicating you (and possibly others) do: I have no patience for racists.

You understand me, Modo-Face? I have no sympathy for dumb witted, low lives such as yourself, even IF you had evidence that the Holy Ghost himself was putting those thoughts into that misshaped head of yours, and telling you to post them here.

You may fool yourself (and others) into thinking that you're not a racist simply because you're not spouting racial epithets, but I don't care how you define your behaviour. Let me tell you this: if I lived in your neck of the woods, and I knew where you live, I'd come see you. You can tell that to the police, too. If they're really logging every post, as you say, and are negligent enough to not pick up on and pursue your blatant racism, I'd have no problems doing it myself! There, I said it. Go tell the cops, boy. Go tell 'em I said it.
Posted by Truthcentric (Member # 3735) on :
I really don't want Faheemdunkers to have Asperger's. I have that myself, but I sure as hell don't want to be associated with a white supremacist pathological liar.
Posted by claus3600 (Member # 19584) on :

Ok. I thought that with Asperger's there was something compulsive about the behaviour.I understand that its severity varies according to the individual. Could it be so severe that it could make someone behave like Faheemdunkers?

Or his he just a fvcking dirty, lying racist?
Posted by zarahan- aka Enrique Cardova (Member # 15718) on :
Faheem sez:
Credo Mutwa, a Zulu author notes in his book Indaba, My Children (1964, p. 103):

"This is the story of the lost Phoenician empire in Southern Africa, a story which is still sung and told around village fires in South and Central African today."

^^But that's just it- a story, not credible scholarship.
Credo Mutuwa, who postures as some sort of expert
on things African, and who some style as some sort of Zulu
"witch-doctor"(partial title of one of his books) is certainly
entitled to his faith, and to believe whatever he
wants to believe- including alien abductions and sinister
"reptilian" forces embedded among humanity. But he
is no scholar, and citing him has little credibility.
If you are citing him "cuz he black" - so as to add
"authenticity" to the bogus claim, its a dismal failure.


^^Awaiting mysterious, alien, reptilian "white women.."
Posted by the lioness, (Member # 17353) on :
Anthropology and the Bushman
By Alan Barnard

Historical Dictionary of Namibia
By Victor L. Tonchi, William A. Lindeke, John J. Grotpeter
Posted by zarahan- aka Enrique Cardova (Member # 15718) on :
^^Hmmm, good info.

Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
I've been ignoring this thread for days considering both the troll author as well as its title, but of course my curiosity got the better of me so now that I've read what the Ango-Idiot had to say...

Posted by the lioness, (Member # 17353) on :
Originally posted by Faheemdunkers:
The White Lady of Brandberg, South-West Africa, Her Companions and Her Guards
Abbe Henri Breuil
The South African Archaeological Bulletin,
Vol. 3, No. 9 (Mar., 1948), pp. 2-11

^^^why is this the big deal " White Lady of Brandberg" if the below has several white figures?

Originally posted by Faheemdunkers:
How are they Bushmanoid? Look:



^^^^ what is the caption and text related to the two above illustrations?

This rock art is very hard to be certain of the dates of some as possibly as recent as 300 years ago.

You also have the problem of not showing the original rock art but intstead a modern illustration of it


^^^ here's the based Carleton Coon races after Pleistocene map you believe in

Caucasoid, -green
Congoid, -yellow
Capoid, (Khosian) -purple
Mongoloid,- blue
Australoid.- red

I don't see green anywhere near Zimbabwe

Originally posted by Faheemdunkers:
" target="_blank">[/QUOTE]

^^^^ hamitic union's thread entitled:

" Great Zimbabwe - A Caucasoid Civilization "
Posted by the lioness, (Member # 17353) on :
Game and Nature Reserve on top of the Soutpansberg Mountain, Limpopo Province, South Africa
Leshiba Wilderness

Rock Art sites
Our guided archaeological trail at Leshiba offers an enlightening and mystical venture into the past. Leshiba has seven rock art sites where there are Bushman (San) paintings and Khoe Khoe hand and foot paintings and three sites where there is evidence of habitation. The paintings are between 200 and 2000 years old.
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
For those who don't know: The ruins of Great Zimbabwe and its civilization of Monomotape was once claimed by the Dutch colonialists to be the settlement of ancient Semites (read: 'Caucasians') from the 'Near East'-- either Sheba or Phoenicia. This was the ploy of the Euro-colonists to deny that black natives were capable of creating advanced culture and attributing their achievements instead to fabled 'Caucasians'. This ploy became propaganda giving the Dutch and later British colonists justification for taking or as they put it, "re-claiming" land that was originally held by 'Caucasian' brethren. The [white] Queen of Sheba became the mascot and symbol of white colonial presence in South Africa giving civilization to the "black savages" just as she had done centuries ago when her people allegedly founded Monomotape. (Even though we know the Shebans of southern Arabia definitely weren't white judging by their descendants today)

Of course archaeological studies have totally debunked the colonialists claims yet unfortunately some folks still remain victims of this erroneous information even to this day, and unfortunately this includes some native Africans.

Originally posted by Fartheadbonkers:

Credo Mutwa, a Zulu author notes in his book Indaba, My Children (1964, p. 103):

"This is the story of the lost Phoenician empire in Southern Africa, a story which is still sung and told around village fires in South and Central African today."


Mutwa (pp. 174-175) also agrees with the French anthropologist Abbe Breuil who theorised that the 2000 year old 'White lady of Brandberg' rock painting (Namibia) depicts a Caucasoid.

The same way there are Rwandans to this who still latch on to the Belgian colonial lie that Hutus and Tutsis are different races with the latter being 'Caucasoid-mixed' people from Ethiopia. You are always going to some Africans ignorant and nutty enough to buy the lies of their white colonizers. [Embarrassed]

And even such Euronut propaganda finds a way to infect more recent archaeological findings in West Africa-- the Eredo Ramparts-- called 'Queen of Sheba's' burial place. [Roll Eyes]
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
Originally posted by the lioness,:

Anthropology and the Bushman
By Alan Barnard

Historical Dictionary of Namibia
By Victor L. Tonchi, William A. Lindeke, John J. Grotpeter

LOL [Big Grin] So the 'White Lady' isn't even a lady at all but a MALE! This comes to show just how strong bias and agenda can make folks see what they want to see. I'm sure the white discoverers of these Brandberg rock-paintings as well as Breuil and Boyle 'missed' the penis of the figure or that the figure did not have breasts since they too have bought into the White Queen of Sheba propaganda of Rhodesia. Thus the figure is non other than the white Queen of Sheba herself with her entourage of black guards. [Big Grin]
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
Originally posted by Fartheadbonkers:

How are they Bushmanoid? Look:



Pale skinned with long flowing red hair.

There is also the "Great Man of Chamavara" from Zimbabwe.


Hey Anglo-Idiot, you are assuming that the painted figures above are realistic of actual physical appearance. You do realize that some art in Africa is abstract and symbolic. How do you know the paleness is not body paint as many tribes in Africa would apply white paint or chalk on their skin during special ceremonies or occasions? How do you know the flowing red stuff from the head is hair and not part of some sort of headdress??

This reminds me of the claims of whites in the Holocene Sahara due to certain rock paintings in that region.



Posted by Faheemdunkers (Member # 20844) on :
Originally posted by zarahan- aka Enrique Cardova:
[QB] Faheem sez:
Credo Mutwa, a Zulu author notes in his book Indaba, My Children (1964, p. 103):

"This is the story of the lost Phoenician empire in Southern Africa, a story which is still sung and told around village fires in South and Central African today."

^^But that's just it- a story, not credible scholarship.
Credo Mutuwa, who postures as some sort of expert
on things African, and who some style as some sort of Zulu
"witch-doctor"(partial title of one of his books) is certainly
entitled to his faith, and to believe whatever he
wants to believe- including alien abductions and sinister
"reptilian" forces embedded among humanity. But he
is no scholar, and citing him has little credibility.
If you are citing him "cuz he black" - so as to add
"authenticity" to the bogus claim, its a dismal failure.

I'm citing him because he has been called the "the most literate Negro" of all time (Gayre, 1967). The Hamiticization of Africa, and how Negroids recieved virtually all their culture via this exogenous source is none other than embedded in Sub-Saharan African tribal tales and myths themselves:

"Tradition and the use of stone for building suggest a northern origin, and from the traditional evidence current in the first quarter of this century we gain a picture of these "Azanians" as tall, bearded, long-haired, and "red" in colour. Moreover, they are usually said to have come from the north and, in some traditions, to have had long-horned cattle. Taken as a whole, these accounts suggest a people of Hamitic rather than Negro affinities." (Oliver, 1963)

The Lemba, have a tradition that a "white people from over the sea” who came to southeast Africa –from a country which boasted large cities – in order to obtain gold (van Warmelo, 1966, pp. 281-282; Hammond Tooke, 1937; Junod, 1927).

"Almost universally accepted amongst contemporary scholars is the opinion that the ancient ruins known as Great Zimbabwe, in what was formerly Rhodesia (radiocarbon dated to around 1300 AD), must have been created by the ancestors of the Shona, who today inhabit northern and eastern Zimbabwe. However, this theory was challenged in the 1950s and 1960s by several scholars, including Robert Gayre, the founder of The Mankind Quarterly, who argued that there was no sound evidence that the Shona had ever built with stone. Instead, his suggestion was that this massive finely cut stone structure, and certain lesser stone ruins in the area, were probably constructed by the ancestors of the present day Lemba, a people who are at least partly descended from Semitic trader-adventurers who had travelled down the east coast of Africa in search of gold and other potential exports. The Lemba, Gayre maintained, are distinguished from the Shona by certain physical and cultural qualities that suggested genetic and cultural admixture with Semites. It is argued that modern genetic testing offers a measure of support for this thesis."

The full 2012 paper:

A possible Semitic origin for ancient Zimbabwe
David L. McNaughton
Extracted and adapted from The Mankind Quarterly, Vol. 52 (nos. 3-4), 2012 pp. 323-335
Posted by the lioness, (Member # 17353) on :

so called "WHITE LADY" , photo of actual rock painting



The Uis village near of Brandberg Massif, Namibia

Posted by the lioness, (Member # 17353) on :



Three hours of walking brought us to the peak of Konigstein where we were treated to the most amazing views. 360 degree views of Namibia! We could see the Messum Crater and the Atlantic Ocean in one direction, Spitzkoppe in another. The village of Uis was clearly visible, as were the seemingly endless open plains. It is this vastness that makes the most lasting impression. The clean, unpolluted air and the wide open spaces. It was absolutely wonderful. We took the obligatory photographs, wrote a short note in the “visitors book” that is kept in a box built into the cairn at the highest point, and then began our walk back down.

"We stopped at Snake Cave on the way back and were astounded at the quality of the rock art. Some of the pictures are so vivid that it seems that they must have been re-painted at some time in the not so distant past. Manuel was adamant that this is not the case, that the paintings are original, but compared to all the other paintings that we saw on the mountain these certainly appeared much brighter and more clearly defined."

Faheem = Reverse Mike
Posted by Faheemdunkers (Member # 20844) on :
Originally posted by Swenet:
^Claus, bro, not saying you do, but in case he somehow misconstrues your post (we know he isn't very discerning from his history of misinterpreting his own sources) as indicating you (and possibly others) do: I have no patience for racists.

You understand me, Modo-Face? I have no sympathy for dumb witted, low lives such as yourself, even IF you had evidence that the Holy Ghost himself was putting those thoughts into that misshaped head of yours, and telling you to post them here.

You may fool yourself (and others) into thinking that you're not a racist simply because you're not spouting racial epithets, but I don't care how you define your behaviour. Let me tell you this: if I lived in your neck of the woods, and I knew where you live, I'd come see you. You can tell that to the police, too. If they're really logging every post, as you say, and are negligent enough to not pick up on and pursue your blatant racism, I'd have no problems doing it myself! There, I said it. Go tell the cops, boy. Go tell 'em I said it.

I don't log anything. I only said that last year when Claus was threatening to contact my university, as a precaution. I finished my course earlier this month, so I no longer go to a university (i'm back to be living in an area that is 97% "white" outside of London [Wink] ).

And I fail to see what "racism" i posted in the first place. Terms like Negroid and Caucasoid are standard in forensic and physical anthropology, and are accepted in other subject areas. They will still be in use in hundreds of years. I used them throughout my papers, and no one complained.
Posted by the lioness, (Member # 17353) on :
^^^^ you constantly say West African people are ugly.
Your pupose is to demoralize people of West African descent because you want them to be deported out of Britain against their will.
The other thing you try to do is divide potential African unity between diverse groups of Africans
That is just the tip of your racist iceberg'
You lack empathy, That is part of your disorder
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
Originally posted by Fartheadbonkers:

I'm citing him because he has been called the "the most literate Negro" of all time (Gayre, 1967)...

Yeah, the most literate in Euro-colonial white-wash trash! LOL YOU yourself seem to be the most literate Caucasian in such rubbish since I have heard NO other white person repeat such debunked 18th-19th century garbage. [Embarrassed]

The Hamiticization of Africa, and how Negroids recieved virtually all their culture via this exogenous source is none other than embedded in Sub-Saharan African tribal tales and myths themselves:

"Tradition and the use of stone for building suggest a northern origin, and from the traditional evidence current in the first quarter of this century we gain a picture of these "Azanians" as tall, bearded, long-haired, and "red" in colour. Moreover, they are usually said to have come from the north and, in some traditions, to have had long-horned cattle. Taken as a whole, these accounts suggest a people of Hamitic rather than Negro affinities." (Oliver, 1963)

The Lemba, have a tradition that a "white people from over the sea” who came to southeast Africa –from a country which boasted large cities – in order to obtain gold (van Warmelo, 1966, pp. 281-282; Hammond Tooke, 1937; Junod, 1927).

"Almost universally accepted amongst contemporary scholars is the opinion that the ancient ruins known as Great Zimbabwe, in what was formerly Rhodesia (radiocarbon dated to around 1300 AD), must have been created by the ancestors of the Shona, who today inhabit northern and eastern Zimbabwe. However, this theory was challenged in the 1950s and 1960s by several scholars, including Robert Gayre, the founder of The Mankind Quarterly, who argued that there was no sound evidence that the Shona had ever built with stone. Instead, his suggestion was that this massive finely cut stone structure, and certain lesser stone ruins in the area, were probably constructed by the ancestors of the present day Lemba, a people who are at least partly descended from Semitic trader-adventurers who had travelled down the east coast of Africa in search of gold and other potential exports. The Lemba, Gayre maintained, are distinguished from the Shona by certain physical and cultural qualities that suggested genetic and cultural admixture with Semites. It is argued that modern genetic testing offers a measure of support for this thesis."

The full 2012 paper:

A possible Semitic origin for ancient Zimbabwe
David L. McNaughton
Extracted and adapted from The Mankind Quarterly, Vol. 52 (nos. 3-4), 2012 pp. 323-335

All I gotta say is...


To the intelligent folks, I'll just direct you to a thread of mine here which delves into the twisted history of the Euro-colonialist historiography of Africa.
Posted by lamin (Member # 5777) on :
^^^^ you constantly say West African people are ugly.
Your pupose is to demoralize people of West African descent because you want them to be deported out of Britain against their will.
The other thing you try to do is divide potential African unity between diverse groups of Africans
That is just the tip of your racist iceberg'
You lack empathy, That is part of your disorder

This is just laughable. How can such a low IQ, timid, almost agoraphobic "guy" be of significance in anything? Maybe he has fantasies but that's about it. Just comic relief for posters here--when we get bored at the lack of opposition. The zoo sign always says "Don't feed the monkeys", but, hey, we can't always resist.
Posted by claus3600 (Member # 19584) on :

And I fail to see what "racism" i posted in the first place

You fvking idiot.

I finished my course earlier this month, so I no longer go to a university (i'm back to be living in an area that is 97% "white" outside of London ).

Good riddance.

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