~3700bce Bantu Naqada death mask
Posted by Tukuler (Member # 19944) on :
Contriving a fake profile composed partially of ancient DNA and modern DNA really doesn't tell us anything about either component. Braindeath.
Posted by NonProphet (Member # 17745) on :
8 markers are not enough to predict a region, Mr. NegroEgotist wannabe Wodaabe pseudo-genius
Posted by Tukuler (Member # 19944) on :
No member of one Fulbe/HaalPulaar tribe wants to be of another Fulbe/HaalPulaar tribe. Why switch?
9 markers are enough to predict a region via your tool. You've but to supply an extremely rare value to one of the non-minifiler loci to get it to work just like Omo Baba recommended.
TPOX=13 fits the bill. It will not bias the results with modern data since it peaks at like only 1/10th of 1% in a Pacific population per popSTR.
Posted by NonProphet (Member # 17745) on :
Other than pulling TPOX=13 out of Baba's behind, what is your obscurantist reasoning behind this?
Do you understand statistical significance?
Posted by Brada-Anansi (Member # 16371) on :
Fear Of The Dreaded Bantu why is that not Propheting??.. Posted by KoKaKoLa (Member # 19312) on :