Clearly the central/ west African portrait busts are not markedly inferior in artistry to the more ancient Egyptian ones. Racially, however, they could not be less alike.
KoKaKoLa Member # 19312
no similarities
the lioness Member # 17353
quote:Originally posted by rahotep101: [QB] Clearly the central/ west African portrait busts are not markedly inferior in artistry to the more ancient Egyptian ones. Racially, however, they could not be less alike.
It depends on where you pick your cherries:
lioness trap #6
rahotep101 Member # 18764
Touché, Lioness, but you've got to be good at cherrypicking to find the exceptional type among the reserve heads...
The one above is on the end, and is quite clearly the odd man out. (Also the only one whose managed to hold on to his ears for some reason). Even there the lips are less full and the nostrils are not as broad as the West African heads.
The above chart maps, among others, an Old kingdom sample, which is mostly made up of remains from Meidum (lower Egypt) and Gizeh Notice that the OK time frame is in the exact same time frame and region, as the reserve heads.
Notice where the Early dynastic and OK samples are in face breadth (they are CLEARLY the series with the broadest faces), and compare that to the (mostly) narrow faces of the reserve heads.
And you wonder why Rahotep and Lioness reject craniofacial studies, and rely on art.
Simple Girl Member # 16578
I have always thought that the bust of Ankhaf was a pretty good attempt at trying to portray him in a realistic looking fashion. Look at the lines under his eyes. The laugh lines and the crease between his lower lip and chin. Even a receding hairline. This was definitely an attempt to create a realistic portrayal of an individual. Fairly rare in ancient Egyptian art I would say.
Sahel (Siptah) Member # 17601
quote:The one above is on the end, and is quite clearly the odd man out. (Also the only one whose managed to hold on to his ears for some reason). Even there the lips are less full and the nostrils are not as broad as the West African heads.
The Reserve Head you call the odd man out very possibly bears the most significance out of all the Reserve Heads being that the particular Reserve Head is a prince and descendant of one of the ruling Pharaohs of Khufu or Khafra.
quote: Reserve Head of a Man. Giza; Fourth Dynasty, probably reign of Khufu (ca. 2551–2528 B.C.E.). Limestone; H. 11 7/8 in. (30 cm). Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Harvard University–Museum of Fine Arts Expedition.
Although each reserve head has characteristics that make it unique, this example stands out from the group. It is one of the largest and is the most perfectly preserved, exhibiting none of the intentional damage found on others. Excavated in a shaft with another head, this one was originally identified as the Nubian wife of the tomb owner. Recent study, however, suggests that it probably represents the male owner of the tomb. Although the face has affinities with later depictions of Nubians, it also bears a striking resemblance to statues of Fourth Dynasty kings and undoubtedly represents an Egyptian. The variations among reserve heads probably reflect the diversity in Egypt's population.
- Courtesy of Met Museum
argyle104 Member # 14634
rahotep101 wrote:
quote: Clearly the central/ west African portrait busts
Folks, is this the sign of a healthy mind?
Damn this boy is obsessed with "central/west africans".
<The sound of wheels squeeling perforates the air as rahotep101 is wheeled to his room by the interns>
rahotep101 Member # 18764
^^^ I think Argyle104 is confusing me for 'Truthcentic'
argyle104 Member # 14634
No I have the right person. I see the tranquilizer the interns gave you has worn off. Notice that when it did your mind went immediately back to obsessing black people.
-Just Call Me Jari- Member # 14451
^^^^ LOL...LMFAO...I gotta admit Argyle has become rather comical lately...keep up the good work Argieboy!!
quote:Originally posted by argyle104: rahotep101 in the morning:
<The sound of wheels squeeling perforates the air as rahotep101 is wheeled to his room by the interns>
Djehuti Member # 6698
quote:Originally posted by dahoslips101: Touché, Lioness, but you've got to be good at cherrypicking to find the exceptional type among the reserve heads...
Of course you know this from experience. By the way there is nothing "exceptional" about it. The reserve heads you love to show possess features no different from black Africans of northeast and northwest Africa once labeled as "Hamites". As for more so-called "negro" looking heads there is entire rows of them not generally shown to the public which were once labeled as "foreign" heads although anthropologists have proven these heads to represent non other than the Upper Egyptian royals to conquered the north.
By the way this whole thread is nothing than a bait for ignoramus trolls like yourself created by non other than the passive aggressive lyingass troll.