We all know the story of the Albinos by now; they are a Black people with defective genes, which inhabit their ability to make Melanin, which is what protects the Human body from Sunlight.
And of course, as a natural human reaction to a defect, Albinos have tried to make their defect a sign of Superiority. (Some normal pigmented people, with defective brains have even believed it).
There are many ethnicity's of Albinos, the larger groupings being Europeans and Turks. There are relatively few "Pure Albinos" left in modern times, as they have mostly cross-bred with "Normal" people (Blacks), and GAINED some level of melanination.
And they treat their Albino roots quite differently: Europeans REFUSE to acknowledge their Albino heritage, and claim that they EVOLVED as they are, even though there is AMPLE evidence that originally the were all: Blond or Red Haired, Blue eyed, and WHITE!
Herodotus - The Budini of Gelonus (east-central Ukraine), whom he describes as (they have all deep blue eyes, and bright red hair).
The Greek writer "Xenophanes" circa 500 B.C. is quoted as writing quote: "The Ethiops say that their gods are flat-nosed and black, While the Thracian's say that theirs have blue eyes and red hair".
Of course "Blue eyes and Red hair" are CLASSIC signs of Albinism. And Black people PRODUCE such Albinos DAILY!
But to their credit, when the European type posses sufficient Black admixture for it to be noticeable - they ACKNOWLEDGE their Black heritage.
They are by far, the most Ambiguous, or perhaps I should say "Racially Schizophrenic" people on Earth.
They all want to claim Black heritage Culturally: Those in North Africa want to claim that they are Berbers. Those in Egypt want to claim that they are Egyptians. Those in Arabia want to claim that they are Arabs. Those in Persia want to claim that they are Persians. Those in Iraq want to claim that they are Mesopotamian's. Those in Lebanon and Syria want to claim that they are Phoenicians. Those in Israel want to claim that they are Hebrews.
ALL Black people and Black civilizations: But NONE of the Turks want to BE Black related!
On the Hawass thread, DhulAlQarnain considered it "SLANDER" to question Hawasses Black admixture (which I figure at 1/4). Of course such people deserve no respect, and I give them none.
But considering these peoples "Schizophrenic" reaction to their roots, I think the charitable thing to do, is to clear it up for them.
The Turks
Turks are Eurasians who may be any of various peoples whose members speak languages belonging to the Turkic subfamily of the Altaic family of languages. They are historically and linguistically connected with the T'u-chüeh, the name given by the Chinese to the nomadic people who in the 6th century A.D. founded an empire stretching from Mongolia and the northern frontier of China to the Black Sea. With some exceptions, notably in the European part of Turkey and in the Volga region, the Turkic peoples are confined to Asia. Their most important cultural link, aside from history and language, is that with Islam, for with the exception of the Sakha (Yakut) of eastern Siberia and the Chuvash of the Volga region of Russia, they are all Muslim.
The Turkic peoples may be divided into two main groups: the western and the eastern. The western group includes the Turkic peoples of southeastern Europe and those of southwestern Asia inhabiting Anatolia (Turkey) and northwestern Iran. The eastern group comprises the Turkic peoples of Central Asia, Kazakhstan, and the Uighur Autonomous Region of Xinjiang in China. Turkic peoples display a great variety of ethnic types.
Little is known about the origins of the Turkic peoples, and much of their history even up to the time of the Mongol conquests in the 10th–13th A.D. is shrouded in obscurity. Chinese documents of the 6th century A.D. refer to the empire of the T'u-chüeh as consisting of two parts, the northern and western Turks. This empire submitted to the nominal suzerainty of the Chinese T'ang dynasty in the 7th century, but the northern Turks regained their independence in 682 and retained it until 744 A.D. The Orhon inscriptions, the oldest known Turkic records (8th century A.D.), refer to this empire and particularly to the confederation of Turkic tribes known as the Oguz; to the Uighur, who lived along the Selenga River (in present-day Mongolia); and to the Kyrgyz, who lived along the Yenisey River (in north-central Russia).
When able to escape the domination of the T'ang dynasty, these northern Turkic groups fought each other for control of Mongolia from the 8th to the 11th century, when the Oguz migrated westward into Persia and Afghanistan. In Persia the family of Oguz tribes known as Seljuqs created an empire that by the late 11th century stretched from the Amu Darya south to the Persian Gulf and from the Indus River west to the Mediterranean Sea.
In 1071 the Seljuq sultan Alp-Arslan defeated the Byzantine Empire at the Battle of Manzikert and thereby opened the way for several million Oguz tribesmen to settle in Anatolia. These Turks came to form the bulk of the population there, and one Oguz tribal chief, "Osman" founded the Ottoman dynasty (early 14th century), that would subsequently extend Turkish power throughout the eastern Mediterranean. The Oguz are the primary ancestors of the Turks of present-day Turkey.
The Khazars were another ancient Turkic people who first appeared in Transcaucasia, {the transitional region between Europe and Asia, extending from the Greater Caucasus to the Turkish and Iranian borders, between the Black and Caspian seas.} in the 2nd century A.D, and subsequently settled in the lower Volga region. They emerged as a force in the 7th century and rose to great power. By the 8th century the Khazar empire extended from the northern shores of the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea to the Urals and as far westward as Kiev. Also in the 8th Century, the Khazars converted to the Hebrew religion and made Judaism the State religion. “Itil” the Khazar capital in the Volga delta, was a great commercial center. The Khazar Empire fell, when Sviatoslav, duke of Kiev (945–72), son of Igor and of St. Olga, defeated its army in 965 A.D. The Khazars are the progenitors of European Jewry, the entomology of the term Jew or Jewish probably relates to these people. {Hebrews were not known as Jews}.
By the time the Turks reached Turkey, the Middle East, and North Africa. They had already gained "Some" pigmentation from the Blacks in Asia, and thus looked EXACTLY like their European Albino derived brethren.
Venetian Portrait of Ottoman Sultan Suleyman I
Muhammad Ali of Egypt
Turkish Shah of Persia/Iran
When the Turks reached Anatolia (now Turkey), they cross-bred with the "Native" Anatolians - who looked like this:
Thereby producing people of varying degrees of pigmentation - like this:
My following posts will be almost exclusively pictures of Turks IN Turkey, with varying degrees of pigmentation, which is the marker of their level of Black admixture.
We have all seen many pictures of the Turks in the other countries mentioned, so I won't bother with them.
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
This woman is described as a "Pastoral Turkoman" by National Geographic. But of course, her heritage would be from the "Original" Anatolians.
Lithograph Dancing Dervishes by Amadeo Preziosi and Lemercier - 1865 Posted by the lioness (Member # 17353) on :
Mike what does this picture teach you about skin tone?
quote:Originally posted by Mike111: ^Quadroon (1/4 Black) I'd say.
1) If the man above with his deep reddish tone might be 1/4 black, then the reddish toned Minoan males may also have been "quadroons" correct?
(but who uses this term today? or octoroon?)
2) You have asserted that the Khoisan people (many are lighter skinned than the above person), you have said they have lighter skin because they were forced to mix with albinos. So if they are lighter skinned than the above man according to your logic are the Khosian people quadroons or octoroons ?
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
I'm dealing with Turks today Lioness, go lick your tail for a while.
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
Posted by the lioness (Member # 17353) on :
quote:Originally posted by the lioness: Mike what does this picture teach you about skin tone?
quote:Originally posted by Mike111: ^Quadroon (1/4 Black) I'd say.
1) If the man above with his deep reddish tone might be 1/4 black, then the reddish toned Minoan males may also have been "quadroons" correct?
(but who uses this term today? or octoroon?)
2) You have asserted that the Khoisan people (many are lighter skinned than the above person), you have said they have lighter skin because they were forced to mix with albinos. So if they are lighter skinned than the above man according to your logic are the Khosian people quadroons or octoroons ?
Posted by Just call me Jari (Member # 14451) on :
Turk Mutts of the Ancient world..
Persian Turk Mutts..
Arabian Turk Mutts-A. Egypt Era..
Levantine and Arab Turk Mutts A. Egypt
Children of A. Egyptian Arab Turk Mutts-21st century A.D Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
Damn, you Albinos get stupid when you're desperate!
Posted by the lioness (Member # 17353) on :
Posted by Just call me Jari (Member # 14451) on :
Minoan Civilization-The First Albino Empire(according to Mike111 Antropology)..
^^^^_________________^^^^^ Pure Black...........Turk Mutt Minoan..
^^^^ Pure Albino Minoan
As we can see the Albinos and Albino Mutts begin to out number the Original Melaneted blacks..
^^^^ Minoan Albinos and Albino Turk Mutts, notice there ane no Pure Black Minoans..
Finally as we can see the albino's take complete control of Knossos. As we can see an Albino Priestess leads a procession of Albino Turk Mutt Minoan men.
Posted by Just call me Jari (Member # 14451) on :
Minoan Albino's Take over Knossos..
quote:Originally posted by Mike111: As I detailed in a previous post; anyone who is not equatorial Black, is so because of Albino admixture.
That being said; there is an "ACCEPTABLE" level of admixture, and there is an "UNACCEPTABLE" level of admixture.
Posted by the lioness (Member # 17353) on :
realturkistory.com Posted by Just call me Jari (Member # 14451) on :
Black Woman Turkish Children...
(The Boy Closest to the Mother is a Turk Mutt, the 3 white Children are Pure Turks..The Little Girl is an Equtorial African)
Mike's World of Turks.com
Posted by Just call me Jari (Member # 14451) on :
More Turks or the Ancient World..
Posted by 'Shahrazat (Member # 12769) on :
Posted by Just call me Jari (Member # 14451) on :
quote:Originally posted by 'Shahrazat:
quote: "Racially Schizophrenic" people on Earth.
Thank you
quote:ALL Black people and Black civilizations: But NONE of the Turks want to BE Black related!
My grand parents are from Caucasia, other grand parents are from Thracia. All are Turkish and have white skin, so why should I call myself as black?
Shazahrat as a Turk mike claims you are an Albino(But Dont worry) Mike111 also claims that you people invaded Arabia, Iran, Egypt, North Africa, Greece, India, Rome, China etc. and mixed with the "original" populations producing Turk Mutts. According to Mike111 your people are the most successful, populous people on Earth.
Its called Mike111 Anthropology, If a Said Population look like this..
Arab turks
Yemeni Turk [img]http://i1.trekearth.com/photos/16908 /yemenigirl.jpg[/img]
Iranian turk
Tunisian/North African Turk
Berber Turk
Greek Turks
and of course the Turk Turk..
The Diverse race of Turks...according to the mind of Mike111 in Mike's world.com
Posted by the lioness (Member # 17353) on :
^^^getting all Turkered out
Posted by Just call me Jari (Member # 14451) on :
^^^^^^^^ Turk names "Ashra Kwesi": Melanin lever 3
Turk Albino Named: Sara Suten Seti-Melanin level 3
Ivan Van Sertime-Turk albino..
Turk named Westly Muhammed
Turk named Lois Ferrakhan
Turk named Elijah Muhammed
Now Compare to the above Turk with More Equtorial African Genes and thus an acceptable albino..
Posted by the lioness (Member # 17353) on :
melanin level: albino
pure Turkish flavored ice cream
Posted by the lioness (Member # 17353) on :
MULATTO/QUADROON, melanin level 2.5 - 5
WHITE, melanin level 0 - 2.5
BLACK, melanin level 5 - 9.7
charcoal melanin level 10
Posted by IronLion (Member # 16412) on :
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
WHAT! Have the two of you run out of nonsense to post???
quote: Damn, you Albinos get stupid when you're desperate!
Posted by the lioness (Member # 17353) on :
quote:Originally posted by IronLion: ^Maddnis!
I have been influenced by melaninking's teachings It's all about the melanin
even though we might like to hide from the results
where do you rank on the melanin scale?
how much albino are you tainted with percentage wise?
Posted by Just call me Jari (Member # 14451) on :
Blacks (according to Mike111 Protocols and the Iron Lion act of 1947).....
Dravidians, Equtorial Africans, Dark African Americans, Australian Aboriginals..
The Races of Men according to the Protocols of MIKE111 and the Iron Lion Act of 1947,.......... Mike's world.com
Posted by IronLion (Member # 16412) on :
U acting berserk... Ok, sorry bout Mike dissing your pink lil Turki dick.
LoL ... but that was funny!
Posted by Just call me Jari (Member # 14451) on :
Behold!!!!, the Iron Lion Act in action...
U acting berserk... Ok, sorry bout Mike dissing your pink lil Turki dick.
LoL ... but that was funny!
Posted by IronLion (Member # 16412) on :
quote:Originally posted by the lioness:
quote:Originally posted by IronLion: ^Maddnis!
I have been influenced by melaninking's teachings It's all about the melanin
even though we might like to hide from the results
where do you rank on the melanin scale?
how much albino are you tainted with percentage wise?
U r desperate for a good dicking, but aint getting none!
That is why you are so strung up most times..
Change that lazy Jew-boy couch potato pink-dicked boy friend of yours for some real chocolate-skin Niggaz!
You will see the difference! Melanin darkens the sweet berries.. Try them
You will be much calmer and quicker witted after...!
Posted by IronLion (Member # 16412) on :
quote:Originally posted by Just call me Jari: Behold!!!!, the Iron Lion Act in action...
U acting berserk... Ok, sorry bout Mike dissing your pink lil Turki dick.
LoL ... but that was funny!
The bwoy has flipped Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
Jari - Can't you get anything right? As I detailed in another thread, the first "REAL" Humans were equatorial people. Therefore the "Purest" and most "Perfect" Humans looked like this:
Modern Dravidian Albinos like this, are NOT "Pure" Albinos. This little boy obviously has "Some" pigmentation.
Even these "Classical" Albinos, (Red hair, Blue eyes, Pale skin) are NOT "Perfect" Albinos.
Where do you and Lioness fit in?
Posted by Just call me Jari (Member # 14451) on :
From Mike111.com
The wealth, culture and technology, that is acquired from the conquered civilizations, will be absorbed by the Greeks to form, what is commonly called the "classical Greek culture". This culture will later be absorbed by the next great White European civilization, The Romans.
quote:Originally posted by IronLion: [QB]
I presume that now you have begun to understand that Rome had predominantly people you would call blacks today. I call them the Moors, just like the old writers did.
The Severan dynasty was not the only black Emperors in old Rome. There were many others.
The Upper class was the same too. You had to demonstrate that you were an old Patrician Roman to have access to certain things in Roman Empire. The Patricians were the same old Romans I am trying to explain to you. They were the black blood Romans. /QB]
Iron Lion confused over the Melanin Theory??......Iron Lion is a Turk Mutt undercover..a Pink Dick white boy of Italian(Roman) Origin.....lying against the Protocols of Mike111...Claiming the Romans, who Mike111 the Learned Elder claims is white, to be black.
IronLion is a Pink dick Eye-talian..
^^^^ IronLion's Pink I-Talian ass
Ho-tep fam
Posted by Just call me Jari (Member # 14451) on :
quote:Originally posted by IronLion:
quote:Originally posted by Just call me Jari: Behold!!!!, the Iron Lion Act in action...
U acting berserk... Ok, sorry bout Mike dissing your pink lil Turki dick.
LoL ... but that was funny!
The bwoy has flipped
Shut cho Eye-Talian Pink Arse up, I busted you Batty Boi...
Take your Italian ass back to Rome, Pink Boi..
Ho-tep Fam..
Posted by IronLion (Member # 16412) on :
quote:Originally posted by IronLion:
quote:Originally posted by Just call me Jari: Behold!!!!, the Iron Lion Act in action...
U acting berserk... Ok, sorry bout Mike dissing your pink lil Turki dick.
LoL ... but that was funny!
The bwoy has flipped
Medication time...
Posted by Just call me Jari (Member # 14451) on :
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Mike111: [QB] Jari - Can't you get anything right? As I detailed in another thread, the first "REAL" Humans were equatorial people. Therefore the "Purest" and most "Perfect" Humans looked like this:
More Perfect Types..
Imperfect Albino Turks..
Ho-tep Fam...
Posted by IronLion (Member # 16412) on :
quote:Originally posted by Just call me Jari: [QUOTE]Originally posted by IronLion: [qb] [QUOTE]Originally posted by Just call me Jari: Take your Italian ass back to Rome, Pink Boi..
Ho-tep Fam..
Point of correction Jari-Juda...
That bwoy there is a Gothic pink ass.
Not a Turki, not a Latini, nor a Celt;
Hez just another Vandal, Goth, or Slav.. I hope you comprehend!
They are Goths not old Italians!
Posted by Just call me Jari (Member # 14451) on :
NAw Pink bwoi...
From Mike111.com...
The wealth, culture and technology, that is acquired from the conquered civilizations, will be absorbed by the Greeks to form, what is commonly called the "classical Greek culture". This culture will later be absorbed by the next great White European civilization, The Romans.
According to Mike111 protocols the Romans were whites..(and the Goths)...
WE Busted Cho I-talian ass
Go back to Italy Pink Bwoi..
Busted cho pink ass!!
quote:Originally posted by IronLion:
quote:Originally posted by Just call me Jari: [QUOTE]Originally posted by IronLion: [qb] [QUOTE]Originally posted by Just call me Jari: Take your Italian ass back to Rome, Pink Boi..
Ho-tep Fam..
Point of correction Jari-Juda...
That bwoy there is a Gothic pink ass.
Not a Turki, not a Latini, nor a Celt;
Hez just another Vandal, Goth, or Slav.. I hope you comprehend!
They are Goths not old Italians!
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
Jari - You were wrong again:
The "Original" and "Perfect" Asian Human, would have looked something like this:
Posted by Just call me Jari (Member # 14451) on :
Wrong Mike, Im the New HEad Honcho of the albino Turk theory..
My first duty of action is to appoint Lioness as the Second Head Honcho..You've been demoted due to collaboration with the Cracka A-Rab Turk I-Talian Iron Lion, and Collaboration with that Quadroon Clyde Winters and Collab with that Turk a-rab Melanin King...
My Next Duty is to present Da Original Asiatic Affrikhan!!!
Behold!! Da Original Asiatic Black Man..
quote:Originally posted by Mike111: Jari - You were wrong again:
The "Original" and "Perfect" Asian Human, would have looked something like this:
Posted by NonProphet (Member # 17745) on :
Partial Albino Mutt -
Original and True African Albino(pink eyes and platinum blonde) - Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
You da man Jari, you da man!
He, he.
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
quote:Originally posted by NonProphet:
Original and True African Albino(pink eyes and platinum blonde) -
Yes, an obvious similarity.
Stop it NonProphet, you are starting to scare me.
Damn, now I'll be dreaming about scary White people all night.
Posted by the lioness (Member # 17353) on :
but seriously Mike you should be able to address this
Mike what does this picture teach you about skin tone?
1) If the men above with their dark reddish brown skin tone are 3/4 albino/ 1/4 black then the reddish toned Minoan males like the middle figure below may also have been 3/4 albino 1/4 black also and are majority albino or "white" correct?
2) You have said that the Khoisan people (many who are lighter skinned than the men above), you have said they have light skin because they were forced to mix with albinos. So a Khosian like the man below who is substantially lighter then the men above the he must then be more albino than a quadroon, less than 1/4 black correct? Is this not your logic applied?
don't tell me I've stumped you with these questions. If so we may have to close the thread and leave it at that, a loss for Mike111
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
Lioness - Are you REALLY trying to match wits with me????
There is nothing stopping you from finding your own artifacts, and announcing your own findings. I suggest you do that.
Posted by the lioness (Member # 17353) on :
From the Minoan thread:
quote:Originally posted by Mike111: This is an important issue, worthy of it's own thread. So please start a new thread with that image and your questions. [/QB]
quote:Originally posted by Mike111: What, no new thread????? He, he, does that mean that you don't want to play the game any more???
Sorry too late, I will start a new thread myself.
quote:Originally posted by Mike111: Lioness - Are you REALLY trying to match wits with me????
There is nothing stopping you from finding your own artifacts, and announcing your own findings. I suggest you do that.
I asked you reasonable questions about your claims. You have been stumped by those questions, your wits have been outmatched, your shoddy conclusions and methodology has been debunked and exposed. The funny thing is when I posted these same questions in the Minoan thread you went out of your way to to say that these issues were important and you started a new thread on them. After starting a whole new thread, again you are stumped by the same questions. Mike you're not a two time loser are you? man up
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
Man up?????
Lioness, I wouldn't fuch you with somebody else's dick.
Posted by Just call me Jari (Member # 14451) on :
quote:Originally posted by the lioness: From the Minoan thread:
quote:Originally posted by Mike111: This is an important issue, worthy of it's own thread. So please start a new thread with that image and your questions.
quote:Originally posted by Mike111: What, no new thread????? He, he, does that mean that you don't want to play the game any more???
Sorry too late, I will start a new thread myself.
quote:Originally posted by Mike111: Lioness - Are you REALLY trying to match wits with me????
There is nothing stopping you from finding your own artifacts, and announcing your own findings. I suggest you do that.
I asked you reasonable questions about your claims. You have been stumped by those questions, your wits have been outmatched, your shoddy conclusions and methodology has been debunked and exposed. The funny thing is when I posted these same questions in the Minoan thread you went out of your way to to say that these issues were important and you started a new thread on them. After starting a whole new thread, again you are stumped by the same questions. Mike you're not a two time loser are you? man up [/QB]
LMAO, Mike111 is a fraud. When a Fraud is confronted with his madness and the holes in his non sense he will flip-flop. Mike does'nt want to confront the question becuase of the big hole in his Albino Theory.
He is angry and upset @ his own theories and methodologies.
Mike is like a Cockroach, you can crush them raid poison them, burn them but they always come back. No one is more of a fraud than Mike even Clyde has more Academia than he does. Mike lives in his own world with his own Laws of Nature and Protocols.
Mike's World.com
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
It seems strange that pure-Black Anatolians still existed in Turkey as late as 1900. Can anyone say what tribe he would be from?
Turkish Man A Turkish man with a long cane weapon. ca. 1900.
Michael Maslan Historic Photographs/CORBIS DATE PHOTOGRAPHED ca. 1900
LOCATION Constantinople, Turkey
He looks more like the Medieval Anatolians....
Saint Gregory Palamas
Born 1296, Constantinople (Istanbul) Died November 14, 1359, Thessaloniki Venerated in Eastern Orthodoxy Eastern Catholic Churches Canonized 1368, Constantinople by Patriarch Philotheos of Constantinople
Than the Ancient Anatolians.
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
This old man seems "Almost" pure, very surprising.
Two Turkish men engage in conversation. Assos, Turkey. IMAGE: Adam Woolfitt/CORBIS DATE PHOTOGRAPHED ca. 1970-1995 LOCATION Assos, Turkey
Posted by the lioness (Member # 17353) on :
Flag of Turkey
Flag of the Nation of Islam
The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad
Sultan Mahmud(t) II
Noble Drew Ali
Posted by the lioness (Member # 17353) on :
Posted by 'Shahrazat (Member # 12769) on :
I m trying to understand what you guys are trying to prove here.
As a Turk, my humble opinion is, you can't find a person that you can call as '100% Turkish' in Anatolia. All mixed. All following people are Turkish, can you see a common feature?
Posted by the lioness (Member # 17353) on :
quote:Originally posted by 'Shahrazat: [QB] I m trying to understand what you guys are trying to prove here.
As a Turk, my humble opinion is, you can't find a person that you can call as '100% Turkish' in Anatolia. All mixed. All following people are Turkish, can you see a common feature?
Mike's view of history is that Turks are the first white community. That they were originally albino children of black people in India who spoke the language Dravidian. They left India and took over native Anatolian black people. They then took over Mesopotamia and the ancient Mediterranean regions, Greece and so on which were also formerly populated by black people. Then went over to Europe and took over black people who had settled there and then took over the rest of the world. They replaced all these black people and changed their names from Turks to whatever new countries they had taken over, switched up clothes and religion, stole all their knowledge and impersonated the older black cultures pretending they were them. You have to admit it's pretty clever how black people got duped over and over again by these people, your people. Mike's computer is located in Bellevue by the way.
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
quote:Originally posted by 'Shahrazat: I m trying to understand what you guys are trying to prove here.
As a Turk, my humble opinion is, you can't find a person that you can call as '100% Turkish' in Anatolia. All mixed. All following people are Turkish, can you see a common feature?
Shahrazat - Yes I do see a common feature, all of the people that you posted are "NEAR" Albino.
Any particular reason for NOT posting Turks like THIS?????
Posted by Just call me Jari (Member # 14451) on :
quote:Originally posted by the lioness:
quote:Originally posted by 'Shahrazat: [QB] I m trying to understand what you guys are trying to prove here.
As a Turk, my humble opinion is, you can't find a person that you can call as '100% Turkish' in Anatolia. All mixed. All following people are Turkish, can you see a common feature?
Mike's view of history is that Turks are the first white community. That they were originally albino children of black people in India who spoke the language Dravidian. They left India and took over native Anatolian black people. They then took over Mesopotamia and the ancient Mediterranean regions, Greece and so on which were also formerly populated by black people. Then went over to Europe and took over black people who had settled there and then took over the rest of the world. They replaced all these black people and changed their names from Turks to whatever new countries they had taken over, switched up clothes and religion, stole all their knowledge and impersonated the older black cultures pretending they were them. You have to admit it's pretty clever how black people got duped over and over again by these people, your people. Mike's computer is located in Bellevue by the way.
The funny part is Mike thinks this will somehow up set the white man..LOL
What a joke.
Posted by 'Shahrazat (Member # 12769) on :
quote:Originally posted by Mike111: [QUOTE]
Of course no particular reasons. I just tried proving that we have different skin colors and face features here in Turkey so I posted the pics of some celebrities that looks very different from the other.
But, as an Anatolian, if my opinion means something to you, I m pretty sure that the man in the 1st pic is a Turkish gipsy and I can't call him as Turkish since they haven't mixed with Anatolians much.
quote: Mike's view of history is that Turks are the first white community. That they were originally albino children of black people in India who spoke the language Dravidian. They left India and took over native Anatolian black people. They then took over Mesopotamia and the ancient Mediterranean regions, Greece and so on which were also formerly populated by black people. Then went over to Europe and took over black people who had settled there and then took over the rest of the world. They replaced all these black people and changed their names from Turks to whatever new countries they had taken over, switched up clothes and religion, stole all their knowledge and impersonated the older black cultures pretending they were them. You have to admit it's pretty clever how black people got duped over and over again by these people, your people.
I don't have the deepest knowledge on races like you people do but wooww, this is very interesting and different than what my history teachers and family taught me Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
Mike have you ever met somebody from Turkey in person?
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
'Shahrazat - The history of Turks, as I presented in the first post. Is it similar to what you were taught in school?
Posted by the lioness (Member # 17353) on :
quote:Originally posted by Mike111:
The Turks
[i]Turks are Eurasians who may be any of various peoples whose members speak languages belonging to the Turkic subfamily of the Altaic family of languages. They are historically and linguistically connected with the T'u-chüeh, the name given by the Chinese to the nomadic people who in the 6th century A.D. founded an empire stretching from Mongolia and the northern frontier of China to the Black Sea. With some exceptions, notably in the European part of Turkey and in the Volga region, the Turkic peoples are confined to Asia. Their most important cultural link, aside from history and language, is that with Islam, for with the exception of the Sakha (Yakut) of eastern Siberia and the Chuvash of the Volga region of Russia, they are all Muslim.
The Turkic peoples may be divided into two main groups: the western and the eastern. The western group includes the Turkic peoples of southeastern Europe and those of southwestern Asia inhabiting Anatolia (Turkey) and northwestern Iran. The eastern group comprises the Turkic peoples of Central Asia, Kazakhstan, and the Uighur Autonomous Region of Xinjiang in China. Turkic peoples display a great variety of ethnic types.
Little is known about the origins of the Turkic peoples, and much of their history even up to the time of the Mongol conquests in the 10th–13th A.D. is shrouded in obscurity. Chinese documents of the 6th century A.D. refer to the empire of the T'u-chüeh as consisting of two parts, the northern and western Turks. This empire submitted to the nominal suzerainty of the Chinese T'ang dynasty in the 7th century, but the northern Turks regained their independence in 682 and retained it until 744 A.D. The Orhon inscriptions, the oldest known Turkic records (8th century A.D.), refer to this empire and particularly to the confederation of Turkic tribes known as the Oguz; to the Uighur, who lived along the Selenga River (in present-day Mongolia); and to the Kyrgyz, who lived along the Yenisey River (in north-central Russia).
Mike it's good to see that you've given up that nonsense about the Turks being albinos from India or otherwise mention of Dravidian albinos.
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
^Turks - earliest records = Asia 600 A.D.
Dravidian Albinos moved to Central Asia = circa 40,000 B.C.
Lioness, you are not an adult are you? What, a thirteen year-old in an institution, doing disgusting things with a cross?
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
Crosses were not meant to be used like that - shame on you!
Posted by the lioness (Member # 17353) on :
quote:Originally posted by Mike111: [QB] ^Turks - earliest records = Asia 600 A.D.
Dravidian Albinos moved to Central Asia = circa 40,000 B.C.
"Dravidian" is by definition a language family that even the precursor Proto-Dravidian only goes back to an estimated 500 BCE. Even if it were 10 or 20,000 years old it would have no application to a period 40,000 years ago. It makes no sense to use this term for those periods. I ask you respectfully, isn't this in itself evidence of high level retardation on your part? Furthermore you have not one scrap of evidence of that there existed any group of albinos existed of that period or more recent periods. The skeletal remains in some of these areas amount to one or two and archaeologists know hardly anything about these periods and have hardly any remains and artifacts to even look at. Yet you keep repeating made up lies like a broken record. Why when there is ample historical substantiation of European exploitation you have to undermine accurate history by interjecting free-styling made up bullsh!t and spew it on the internet pretending it's fact? People like you add discredit and buffoonery to the social justice movement
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
quote:Originally posted by the lioness:
"Dravidian" is by definition a language family that even the precursor Proto-Dravidian only goes back to an estimated 500 BCE. Even if it were 10 or 20,000 years old it would have no application to a period 40,000 years ago. It makes no sense to use this term for those periods. I ask you respectfully, isn't this in itself evidence of high level retardation on your part? Furthermore you have not one scrap of evidence of that there existed any group of albinos existed of that period or more recent periods. The skeletal remains in some of these areas amount to one or two and archaeologists know hardly anything about these periods and have hardly any remains and artifacts to even look at. Yet you keep repeating made up lies like a broken record. Why when there is ample historical substantiation of European exploitation you have to undermine accurate history by interjecting free-styling made up bullsh!t and spew it on the internet pretending it's fact? People like you add discredit and buffoonery to the social justice movement
Lioness - What a foolish mistake you have made.
Facts and logic are your enemy's, yet now you choose to try them - what foolishness.
First of all, if you are going to quote Wiki articles, quote them accurately.
Dravidian languages The origins of the Dravidian languages, as well as their subsequent development and the period of their differentiation are unclear, partially due to the lack of comparative linguistic research into the Dravidian languages.
Although in modern times speakers of the various Dravidian languages have mainly occupied the southern portion of India, nothing definite is known about the ancient domain of the Dravidian parent speech. It is, however, a well-established and well-supported hypothesis that Dravidian speakers must have been widespread throughout India, including the northwest region before the arrival of Indo-European speakers.
Proto-Dravidian is thought to have differentiated into Proto-North Dravidian, Proto-Central Dravidian, Proto South-Central Dravidian and Proto-South Dravidian around 500 BCE, although some linguists have argued that the degree of differentiation between the sub-families points to an earlier split.
So not only does Dravidian language go back 10,000, 20,000, 40,000 years. It like all base languages - (Black languages), finds it's roots in the earliest vocal communications of Man.
Just how stupid are you to think that original languages just pop-up with a particular group.
(Oh ya, right, Whites can't think that deeply).
Some linguists believe that Dravidian-speaking people were spread throughout the Indian subcontinent before a series of Indo-Aryan migrations. In this view, the early Indus Valley civilization (Harappa and Mohenjo Daro) is often identified as having been Dravidian. Cultural and linguistic similarities have been cited by researchers such as Finnish Indologist Asko Parpola as being strong evidence for a proto-Dravidian origin of the ancient Indus Valley civilization.
In a 2009 study of 132 individuals, 560,000 single-nucleotide polymorphisms in 25 different Indian groups were analyzed, providing strong evidence in support of the notion that modern Indians are a hybrid population descending from two pre-historic, genetically divergent populations, one of which, referred to as the 'Ancestral North Indians', aged 40.000 years and the other, called the 'Ancestral South Indians', aged 60.000 years.
The intermingling of ANI's and ASI's happened in the same period as the ANI's first appeared, 40.000 years ago. The study also holds, that the caste system grew out of tribal-like organizations of the Indian society. In another study of 2009 conducted among 10 Asian countries, Dravidian peoples showed similarities with north Indians as well as peoples of Malaysia, Singapore and China.
Dravidian Albino
In China:
Original Mongol.
Mixed with Albino:
Modern Han Chinese.
Posted by the lioness (Member # 17353) on :
quote:Originally posted by Mike111:
Facts and logic are your enemy's, yet now you choose to try them - what foolishness.
First of all, if you are going to quote Wiki articles, quote them accurately.
Dravidian languages The origins of the Dravidian languages, as well as their subsequent development and the period of their differentiation are unclear, partially due to the lack of comparative linguistic research into the Dravidian languages.
Although in modern times speakers of the various Dravidian languages have mainly occupied the southern portion of India, nothing definite is known about the ancient domain of the Dravidian parent speech. It is, however, a well-established and well-supported hypothesis that Dravidian speakers must have been widespread throughout India, including the northwest region before the arrival of Indo-European speakers.
Proto-Dravidian is thought to have differentiated into Proto-North Dravidian, Proto-Central Dravidian, Proto South-Central Dravidian and Proto-South Dravidian around 500 BCE, although some linguists have argued that the degree of differentiation between the sub-families points to an earlier split.
So not only does Dravidian language go back 10,000, 20,000, 40,000 years.
In other words you don't read you make shyt up, can't even decide between 10,000 and 40,000 zero evidence of neither.
The early origins of the region are speculative and their are many theories, yet you simplify to idiot level when the facts are in fact not known:
According to a view put forward by geneticist Luigi Luca Cavalli-Sforza in the book The History and Geography of Human Genes, the Dravidians were preceded in the subcontinent by an Austro-Asiatic people, and were followed by Indo-European-speaking migrants sometime later. The original inhabitants may be identified with the speakers of the Munda languages, which are unrelated to either Indo-Aryan or Dravidian languages. However, the Munda languages, as a subgroup of the larger Austro-Asiatic language family, are presumed to have arrived in the Indian subcontinent from the east, possibly from the area that is now southwestern China, so any genetic similarity between the present-day speakers of the Munda languages and the "original inhabitants" of India is likely to be due to assimilation of the natives by Southeast Asian immigrants speaking a proto-Munda language.
Some linguists believe that Dravidian-speaking people were spread throughout the Indian subcontinent before a series of Indo-Aryan migrations. In this view, the early Indus Valley civilization (Harappa and Mohenjo Daro) is often identified as having been Dravidian[4]. Cultural and linguistic similarities have been cited by researchers such as Finnish Indologist Asko Parpola as being strong evidence for a proto-Dravidian origin of the ancient Indus Valley civilization.
Some scholars like J. Bloch and M. Witzel believe that the Dravidians moved into an already Indo-Aryan speaking area after the oldest parts of the Rig Veda were already composed.[5] This theory might be supported if a higher antiquity of the Indo-Aryan languages could be established. However, since this theory is mainly a linguistic hypothesis, the Dravidian influence on Aryan languages need not necessarily be equated to a movement of populations.[citation needed]
The Brahui population of Balochistan has been taken by some as the linguistic equivalent of a relict population, perhaps indicating that Dravidian languages were formerly much more widespread and were supplanted by the incoming Indo-Aryan languages.[6]
Thomason & Kaufman (1988) state that there is strong evidence that Dravidian influenced Indic through "shift", that is, native Dravidian speakers learning and adopting Indic languages. Elst (1999) claims that the presence of the Brahui language, similarities between Elamite and Harappan script as well as similarities between Indo-Aryan and Dravidian indicate that these languages may have interacted prior to the spread of Indo-Aryans southwards and the resultant intermixing of languages. Erdosy (1995:18) states that the most plausible explanation for the presence of Dravidian structural features in Old Indo-Aryan is that the majority of early Old Indo-Aryan speakers had a Dravidian mother tongue which they gradually abandoned. Even though the innovative traits in Indic could be explained by multiple internal explanations, early Dravidian influence is the only explanation that can account for all of the innovations at once – it becomes a question of explanatory parsimony; moreover, early Dravidian influence accounts for the several of the innovative traits in Indic better than any internal explanation that has been proposed.[7]
Zvelebil remarks[8] that "Several scholars have demonstrated that pre-Indo-Aryan and pre-Dravidian bilingualism in India provided conditions for the far-reaching influence of Dravidian on the Indo-Aryan tongues in the spheres of phonology, syntax and vocabulary".
so from this your conclusion that any light skinned person originally came from India is clown anthropology.
Posted by IronLion (Member # 16412) on :
^^Bytch shut the fuch up!
The entire world knows the Dravidians are black people with thin lips and straight hair. They are related to Somalis, Ethiopians, Yemenis, Omanis, all the way to India.
Any Albino type Dravidian would be a so-called white bwoy!
See that is why the so-called whyte bwoy's male DNA is either African E3B or E3A, or J1 and J2, or Indian K, etc.
Same male DNA as the dark populations of India and Afria. The only difference is phenotypical genes.
Phenotype genes, affect how you look. Thus two male children of an African father would yet bear the E3B clade, although one ends up an Albino and the other remains dark.
The Albino causing genes are SLC and OCA type genes. All so called white people have this genes, just like all true Albinos.
Why dont you accept the facts!
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
Above I said quote: "Lioness, you are not an adult are you? What, a thirteen year-old in an institution, doing disgusting things with a cross?"
You only serve to prove it.
Lioness quote: "In other words you don't read you make shyt up, can't even decide between 10,000 and 40,000 zero evidence of neither."
Lioness, adults understand that changing the meaning of what somebody says is perfectly okay - PROVIDING THE ORIGINAL STATEMENT IS NOT RIGHT ABOVE!
Damn you ARE stupid!
Lioness quote: "so from this your conclusion that any light skinned person originally came from India is clown anthropology."
I didn't say that either: I said that European Albinos originated as Dravidian Albinos.
Though I did indicate that the Chinese coloration is due to this same dynamic.
There is a wealth of evidence to support this conclusion, why don't you try to refute the evidence, instead of making nonsense comments.
Posted by the lioness (Member # 17353) on :
quote:Originally posted by Mike111:
I didn't say that either: I said that European Albinos originated as Dravidian Albinos.
Though I did indicate that the Chinese coloration is due to this same dynamic.
There is a wealth of evidence to support this conclusion,
There is no anthropologist that says Caucasian Europeans come from Dravidians.
Ironlion you dimwit, are you aware Mike is alone on a limb with this theory? Would you agree to being smacked if you or Mike cannot come up with a single anthropologist who says that European Caucasians come from Dravidians. If not keep quiet-lioness orders
Mike, question, if you look at the type of very flat very straight hair that Chinese people, Central Americans, some Australian Aborigines and many Indian people why are there few if any African tribes that have that kind of hair? Where did it come from? How did it come about?
Of course there are some very unusual Africans individuals, pictures that people dig up. But their hair while somewhat straight looks thicker and bushier. I don't think there are whole tribes in Africa that even have the bushier type of straight hair. If there are some individuals that have that type of hair do they have some Asian genes, I don't know.
But the point is that the type of thin very straight hair in the above photos is extremely uncommon in Africa perhaps non existent, yet is the norm for multi millions of Asian people. Why is this how did it come about? I await your wisdom.
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
He, he, HAIR??? Now you're going to argue anthropology based on hair?
Lioness, you obviously don't understand the significance of India.
It was the first real home for man after he left Africa. As such, it had, and has, the greatest diversity of human types OUTSIDE of Africa.
BTW - What you really meant to ask, is where are the WHITE anthropologists who say that White people are Albinos.
Silly, silly, girl. Silly, silly, White people. Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
^looking at the pictures of the six Indians, I couldn't help but think, what a fine bunch of humanity, why all the problems?
Then I looked down, and understood.
Posted by the lioness (Member # 17353) on :
Mike, I haven't argued anything. There is Diversity in Asia but you did not address the cause of this diversity.
There are many millions of people of in Asia who have thin very straight hair. Yes it's part of the diversity of phenotypes in Asia but what is the cause in particular for this type of hair being common in Asia and very uncommon in Africa?
I still await your wisdom on this.
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
Lioness, this is indeed a VERY deep question. So I went straight to the source - the oracle of knowledge - Yahoo! Answers India.
Resolved Question
Why do chinese have straight and silky hairs and we indian have dry and rogh hair ? is it due to climate? hi i am always curious to know why chinese have straight and silky hair ? is it due to climatic conditions or their lifestyle?? we indians inspite of using hair oil in hair and inspite of putting every effort for silky hair dont really get them... may be it is god gift to chinese...!! as far as i know they dont even use any hair oil or henna or any other thing for conditiong...!!
Best Answer - Chosen by Voters a stereo typical asian diet has a TON of fish [high in protein and omega oils] that are FABULOUS for your hair. so while it doesn't necessarily apply to every person of asian descent, it DOES apply to people with that "asian" diet.
it is NOT necessarily genetics
Posted by the lioness (Member # 17353) on :
quote:Originally posted by Mike111: Lioness, this is indeed a VERY deep question. So I went straight to the source - the oracle of knowledge - Yahoo! Answers India.
Resolved Question
Why do chinese have straight and silky hairs and we indian have dry and rogh hair ? is it due to climate? hi i am always curious to know why chinese have straight and silky hair ? is it due to climatic conditions or their lifestyle?? we indians inspite of using hair oil in hair and inspite of putting every effort for silky hair dont really get them... may be it is god gift to chinese...!! as far as i know they dont even use any hair oil or henna or any other thing for conditiong...!!
Best Answer - Chosen by Voters a stereo typical asian diet has a TON of fish [high in protein and omega oils] that are FABULOUS for your hair. so while it doesn't necessarily apply to every person of asian descent, it DOES apply to people with that "asian" diet.
it is NOT necessarily genetics
you're stumped again.
I asked you to compare Eurasians to Africans hair but all you come up with is same silliness comparing an Asian with another Asian of a bordering country on some minute difference in what is very similar both have flat laying hair.
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
The only way to deal with such.
Lioness, go play with your dolls.
Posted by the lioness (Member # 17353) on :
(fake laugh = stumped)
Posted by IronLion (Member # 16412) on :
^^Back to the Turks and Albinos...
What do you find faulty in my analysis?
Posted by IronLion (Member # 16412) on :
Albino causing Phenotypic genes:
You can have these genes even if you are Y-DNA A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H J...etc
So-called white people are either Y-DNA E3B added to Albino causing gene OCA, or SLC45A etc.
Y-DNA E3B + OCA (Albino Genes) = so-called whites
Posted by Just call me Jari (Member # 14451) on :
quote:Originally posted by the lioness:
quote:Originally posted by Mike111: Lioness, this is indeed a VERY deep question. So I went straight to the source - the oracle of knowledge - Yahoo! Answers India.
Resolved Question
Why do chinese have straight and silky hairs and we indian have dry and rogh hair ? is it due to climate? hi i am always curious to know why chinese have straight and silky hair ? is it due to climatic conditions or their lifestyle?? we indians inspite of using hair oil in hair and inspite of putting every effort for silky hair dont really get them... may be it is god gift to chinese...!! as far as i know they dont even use any hair oil or henna or any other thing for conditiong...!!
Best Answer - Chosen by Voters a stereo typical asian diet has a TON of fish [high in protein and omega oils] that are FABULOUS for your hair. so while it doesn't necessarily apply to every person of asian descent, it DOES apply to people with that "asian" diet.
it is NOT necessarily genetics
you're stumped again.
I asked you to compare Eurasians to Africans hair but all you come up with is same silliness comparing an Asian with another Asian of a bordering country on some minute difference in what is very similar both have flat laying hair.
LMAO, Mike is a clown..LOL
Posted by IronLion (Member # 16412) on :
So-called whites have hairs which are very similar to animal furs.
Under te micro-scope, so-called white people have hair structure very similar to dog's, horse's and Deer's hair.
Black people have human hair, unrelated to any found on any animal. Nappy haired black people are singularly unique in this aspect.
Iron, if black people were first in the world how did people who came later who were not black get the other type of hair? How come so many of them have this other type of flat laying very straight hair?
Posted by IronLion (Member # 16412) on :
quote:Originally posted by the lioness:
quote:Originally posted by IronLion: So-called whites have hairs which are very similar to animal furs.
Under te micro-scope, so-called white people have hair structure very similar to dog's, horse's and Deer's hair.
Black people have human hair, unrelated to any found on any animal. Nappy haired black people are singularly unique in this aspect.
Iron, if black people were first in the world how did people who came later who were not black get the other type of hair? How come so many of them have this other type of flat laying very straight hair? ...
Through grafting with animal genes.
Tishkoff et.al. will call it the Neanderthal genes.
All other people have about 4-5% Neanderthal genes. Prolly under-stated.
Africans have no Neanderthal genes. No animal grafts.
Posted by the lioness (Member # 17353) on :
quote:Originally posted by IronLion:
quote:Originally posted by the lioness:
quote:Originally posted by IronLion: So-called whites have hairs which are very similar to animal furs.
Under te micro-scope, so-called white people have hair structure very similar to dog's, horse's and Deer's hair.
Black people have human hair, unrelated to any found on any animal. Nappy haired black people are singularly unique in this aspect.
Iron, if black people were first in the world how did people who came later who were not black get the other type of hair? How come so many of them have this other type of flat laying very straight hair? ...
Through grafting with animal genes.
Tishkoff et.al. will call it the Neanderthal genes.
All other people have about 4-5% Neanderthal genes. Prolly under-stated.
Africans have no Neanderthal genes. No animal grafts.
Some Africans, not all have some Asian genes. African Americans are estimated to have an average of 12% non African genes.
But regardless I don't know what you are referring to about "grafting with animal genes". Grafting is an agricultural method where different plants are cut and merged together. Are you saying this plant method was used on humans? I never heard of that what's your source?
Posted by IronLion (Member # 16412) on :
quote:Originally posted by the lioness:
quote:Originally posted by IronLion:
quote:Originally posted by the lioness:
quote:Originally posted by IronLion: So-called whites have hairs which are very similar to animal furs.
Under te micro-scope, so-called white people have hair structure very similar to dog's, horse's and Deer's hair.
Black people have human hair, unrelated to any found on any animal. Nappy haired black people are singularly unique in this aspect.
Iron, if black people were first in the world how did people who came later who were not black get the other type of hair? How come so many of them have this other type of flat laying very straight hair? ...
Through grafting with animal genes.
Tishkoff et.al. will call it the Neanderthal genes.
All other people have about 4-5% Neanderthal genes. Prolly under-stated.
Africans have no Neanderthal genes. No animal grafts.
Some Africans, not all have some Asian genes. African Americans are estimated to have an average of 12% non African genes.
But regardless I don't know what you are referring to about "grafting with animal genes". Grafting is an agricultural method where different plants are cut and merged together. Are you saying this plant method was used on humans? I never heard of that what's your source?
I just gave you my sources. I will give it to you again.
As your pink scientists said, y'all are part animals, part human. That explains your hair.
quote:Originally posted by 'Shahrazat: I m trying to understand what you guys are trying to prove here.
In a nut shell, they are trying to prove that blacks are a superior race and non blacks are inferior mutants with weakness in intelligence and strength, yet that they mutated and with their few numbers over powered the original superior race and messed up the utopia society that the blacks created.
Posted by Just call me Jari (Member # 14451) on :
quote:Originally posted by D_Oro:
quote:Originally posted by 'Shahrazat: I m trying to understand what you guys are trying to prove here.
In a nut shell, they are trying to prove that blacks are a superior race and non blacks are inferior mutants with weakness in intelligence and strength, yet that they mutated and with their few numbers over powered the original superior race and messed the utopia society that the blacks created up.
Its not THEY its Mike111 and Iron Lion.
Posted by IronLion (Member # 16412) on :
quote:Originally posted by Just call me Jari:
quote:Originally posted by D_Oro:
quote:Originally posted by 'Shahrazat: I m trying to understand what you guys are trying to prove here.
In a nut shell, they are trying to prove that blacks are a superior race and non blacks are inferior mutants with weakness in intelligence and strength, yet that they mutated and with their few numbers over powered the original superior race and messed the utopia society that the blacks created up.
Its not THEY its Mike111 and Iron Lion.
Its not Mike111 and IronLion alone, it also includes eminent so-called white scientists from Ivy league universities, and respected establishment journals and newspapers. Like this one here:
quote:Originally posted by 'Shahrazat: I m trying to understand what you guys are trying to prove here.
In a nut shell, they are trying to prove that blacks are a superior race and non blacks are inferior mutants with weakness in intelligence and strength, yet that they mutated and with their few numbers over powered the original superior race and messed the utopia society that the blacks created up.
Indeed you say it right! And that indeed is the story of every other black society on earth including Arabia, India, and Asia...
You corrupted them, contaminated them, sickened them, weakened them, then like germs you took control of the system.
Look at the American continent!!!
Look at Africa!
Now you overstand why Rasta calls your pink kingdom:
Posted by Just call me Jari (Member # 14451) on :
quote:Originally posted by IronLion:
quote:Originally posted by Just call me Jari:
quote:Originally posted by D_Oro:
quote:Originally posted by 'Shahrazat: I m trying to understand what you guys are trying to prove here.
In a nut shell, they are trying to prove that blacks are a superior race and non blacks are inferior mutants with weakness in intelligence and strength, yet that they mutated and with their few numbers over powered the original superior race and messed the utopia society that the blacks created up.
Its not THEY its Mike111 and Iron Lion.
Its not Mike111 and IronLion alone, it also includes eminent so-called white scientists from Ivy league universities, and respected establishment journals and newspapers. Like this one here:
You are a Joke, what does 4% Neaderthal Genes which is null and viod in modern Humans have to do with your inferority complex.
First Euros are Albino Nigerians, Then Euros are Albino Indians, now Indians are Albino Neaderthals...Pathetic.
You are too stupid to understand Genetics and Biology stick to Mike111 Anthropology and Albino Fantacies, and picture spams.
Posted by IronLion (Member # 16412) on :
Jeri the Gwoat
At least you do not contest that you have animal neanderthal genes. Thanks for that admission.
Next point, do you know the effects of the Neanderthal genes?
Can you explain with sources?
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
Lion, Jari is a little pink-dicked American suburban kid, who loves rap music - remember he started off, like Lioness, claiming to be Black. He wouldn't know a scientific source, if you shoved it up his ass.
Posted by Just call me Jari (Member # 14451) on :
quote:Originally posted by IronLion:
Can you explain with sources?
Neaderthal Genes have no affect on Human Biology..
Cite your sources, cite your sources this is a different kindda rapsody music...
Human Hair from a Bibilical Perspective
Book of Genesis:
Jacob was born smooth skinned
And dark and lovely.
Due to gene grafting:
Esau was born all hairy and red.
His hair was simlar to animal hair.
Posted by Just call me Jari (Member # 14451) on :
quote:Originally posted by IronLion: Geri the pink Gwoat,
Cite your sources, cite your sources this is a different kindda rapsody music...
Human Hair from a Bibilical Perspective
Book of Genesis:
Jacob was born smooth skinned
And dark and lovely.
Due to gene grafting:
Esau was born all hairy and red.
His hair was simlar to animal hair.
bitch I provided my sources, now provide your..show me a schorlarly source that Says Straight hair comes from Neaderthal or the 4% has any bearing on Human biology...stop picture Spamming I thought you did'nt picture Spam...
Show me a source, or do as Mike111 does Cop out like a bitch and claim your lack of evidence as White man BullSh#t, you flunkie.
and if you really want to get more beat down keep appealing to the Bible, If you are claiming that Neaderthal is the reason for Straight and hair supposedly on Essau then you have to concede that Jacob was a Neaderthal too seeing as they were Twin brothers..LMAO
a Damn Joke.
Posted by IronLion (Member # 16412) on :
Hair, Skin and Colour
Genesis 27:11 "Behold my brother Esau is a hairy man and I am a smooth man."
Genesis 25:25 "The first came out red all over like a hairy garment; and they called him Esau."
Posted by Just call me Jari (Member # 14451) on :
Give me a F-king break, show me the source that Says 4% Neaderthal Genes=Straight hair in modern Humans..
Stop Strawmaning..
quote:Originally posted by IronLion: Hair, Skin and Colour
Genesis 27:11 "Behold my brother Esau is a hairy man and I am a smooth man."
Genesis 25:25 "The first came out red all over like a hairy garment; and they called him Esau."
Posted by IronLion (Member # 16412) on :
quote:Originally posted by Just call me Jari: [QUOTE]
bitch I provided my sources, now provide your..blah...blah..blah...
You did not provide any source little Gwoat!
Cut and paste your source that claims that any genetic legacy you carry is invalid.
If 4% of your genes are "invalidated" as you claim, then you must be dumb, deaf and blinder than a thousand bats!!!!!!
The difference between a Moor and a Goth or Turk lies in the fact that:
Moors are 100% human genes!
Turks are ... 96% humans..with the rest being either neanderthal genes like scientists show or "invalidated" genes like Jari the pink Gwoat bleats!
Either way Gwoat meat, it is still neanderthals all the way! LoL
Posted by IronLion (Member # 16412) on :
quote:Originally posted by Just call me Jari: Give me a F-king break, show me the source that Says 4% Neaderthal Genes=Straight hair in modern Humans..
Stop Strawmaning..
quote:Originally posted by IronLion: Hair, Skin and Colour
Genesis 27:11 "Behold my brother Esau is a hairy man and I am a smooth man."
Genesis 25:25 "The first came out red all over like a hairy garment; and they called him Esau."
Shut the **** up Gwoat meat!
I asked you first, show me how your neanderthal genes are "invalidated"?
With peer reviewed sources!
Cut and paste if you want, but be precise.
Posted by IronLion (Member # 16412) on :
quote:Originally posted by Just call me Jari: You are a Joke, what does 4% Neaderthal Genes which is null and viod in modern Humans have to do with your inferority complex. blah...blah...blah....
Jeri you are joke bwoi, the jokes on you!
Jari (pink) Gwoat meat's genes are "4% null and void"... LoL!!!
Jari how did you great grand ma ketch some Neaderthal genes to pass on to your papa and you?
What happened Jeri the gwoat? What happind? Posted by IronLion (Member # 16412) on :
Jari is a Genetically Modified pink gwoat meat!
4% genetically null and void.
Sourced from the horses (sorry I meant gwoat's mouth): Originally posted by Just call me Jari: "You are a Joke, what does 4% Neaderthal Genes which is null and viod in modern Humans have to do with your inferority complex blah...blah...blah...." Posted by Just call me Jari (Member # 14451) on :
^^^^ LMAO at this Crazed Lunatic upset because she can't provide a source that says 4% Neaderth Genes=Straight hair in Modern Humans..
Now for the Death Blow..
The Neanderthal DNA appears in the modern human genomes randomly, suggesting it offers no evolutionary benefit and is merely a genetic relic.
Iron Lion has YET to privide one source that says 4% Neaderthal=Straight hair in Human biology..
Posted by IronLion (Member # 16412) on :
Did I hear a gwoat bleat debunked??
Now for some real genetic studies:
Ancient DNA retrieved from the bones of two Neanderthals suggests that at least some of them had red hair and pale skin, scientists report this week in the journal Science. The international team says that Neanderthals' pigmentation may even have been as varied as that of modern humans, and that at least 1 percent of Neanderthals were likely redheads.
The scientists -- led by Holger Römpler of Harvard University and the University of Leipzig, Carles Lalueza-Fox of the University of Barcelona, and Michael Hofreiter of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig -- extracted, amplified, and sequenced a pigmentation gene called MC1R from the bones of a 43,000-year-old Neanderthal from El Sidrón, Spain, and a 50,000-year-old individual from Monti Lessini, Italy.
Sorry Jeri did that hurt???
Lion! Posted by IronLion (Member # 16412) on :
quote:Originally posted by IronLion: Did I hear a gwoat bleat debunked??
Now for some real genetic studies:
Ancient DNA retrieved from the bones of two Neanderthals suggests that at least some of them had red hair and pale skin, scientists report this week in the journal Science. The international team says that Neanderthals' pigmentation may even have been as varied as that of modern humans, and that at least 1 percent of Neanderthals were likely redheads.
The scientists -- led by Holger Römpler of Harvard University and the University of Leipzig, Carles Lalueza-Fox of the University of Barcelona, and Michael Hofreiter of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig -- extracted, amplified, and sequenced a pigmentation gene called MC1R from the bones of a 43,000-year-old Neanderthal from El Sidrón, Spain, and a 50,000-year-old individual from Monti Lessini, Italy.
Sorry Jeri dd that hurt???
Jeri the Gwoat, do you understand this statement?
"Ancient DNA retrieved from the bones of two Neanderthals suggests that at least some of them had red hair and pale skin, scientists report this week in the journal Science."
You can go play with your pink dick some more Jari....
Game over! Posted by Just call me Jari (Member # 14451) on :
quote:Originally posted by IronLion: Did I hear a gwoat bleat debunked??
Now for some real genetic studies:
Ancient DNA retrieved from the bones of two Neanderthals suggests that at least some of them had red hair and pale skin, scientists report this week in the journal Science. The international team says that Neanderthals' pigmentation may even have been as varied as that of modern humans, and that at least 1 percent of Neanderthals were likely redheads.
The scientists -- led by Holger Römpler of Harvard University and the University of Leipzig, Carles Lalueza-Fox of the University of Barcelona, and Michael Hofreiter of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig -- extracted, amplified, and sequenced a pigmentation gene called MC1R from the bones of a 43,000-year-old Neanderthal from El Sidrón, Spain, and a 50,000-year-old individual from Monti Lessini, Italy.
Sorry Jeri dd that hurt???
LMAO, Dunce where does that say anywhere that 4% Neanderthal Genes = Straight hair in Human Biology..That only adresses Red Hair in Neaderthals and does not even adress straight hair in humans who are mainly NON RED HAIRED..Dummy..
Silly Child go back to the Basement with Mike111...
Posted by Just call me Jari (Member # 14451) on :
quote:Originally posted by IronLion:
quote:Originally posted by IronLion: Did I hear a gwoat bleat debunked??
Now for some real genetic studies:
Ancient DNA retrieved from the bones of two Neanderthals suggests that at least some of them had red hair and pale skin, scientists report this week in the journal Science. The international team says that Neanderthals' pigmentation may even have been as varied as that of modern humans, and that at least 1 percent of Neanderthals were likely redheads.
The scientists -- led by Holger Römpler of Harvard University and the University of Leipzig, Carles Lalueza-Fox of the University of Barcelona, and Michael Hofreiter of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig -- extracted, amplified, and sequenced a pigmentation gene called MC1R from the bones of a 43,000-year-old Neanderthal from El Sidrón, Spain, and a 50,000-year-old individual from Monti Lessini, Italy.
Sorry Jeri dd that hurt???
Jeri the Gwoat, do you understand this statement?
"Ancient DNA retrieved from the bones of two Neanderthals suggests that at least some of them had red hair and pale skin, scientists report this week in the journal Science."
You can go play with your pink dick some more Jari....
Game over!
LMAO, Yeah Game over for you, your source is a Red Herring. It says nothing about straight hair in Humans..
You lost when your own source debunked your dumbass..LOL
You're dismissed.
Posted by IronLion (Member # 16412) on :
quote:Originally posted by IronLion:
quote:Originally posted by IronLion: Did I hear a gwoat bleat debunked??
Now for some real genetic studies:
Ancient DNA retrieved from the bones of two Neanderthals suggests that at least some of them had red hair and pale skin, scientists report this week in the journal Science. The international team says that Neanderthals' pigmentation may even have been as varied as that of modern humans, and that at least 1 percent of Neanderthals were likely redheads.
The scientists -- led by Holger Römpler of Harvard University and the University of Leipzig, Carles Lalueza-Fox of the University of Barcelona, and Michael Hofreiter of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig -- extracted, amplified, and sequenced a pigmentation gene called MC1R from the bones of a 43,000-year-old Neanderthal from El Sidrón, Spain, and a 50,000-year-old individual from Monti Lessini, Italy.
Sorry Jeri dd that hurt???
Jeri the Gwoat, do you understand this statement?
"Ancient DNA retrieved from the bones of two Neanderthals suggests that at least some of them had red hair and pale skin, scientists report this week in the journal Science."
You can go play with your pink dick some more Jari....
Game over!
I knew you never read more than two sentences in any text, so I broke it down for you.
quote:"Ancient DNA retrieved from the bones of two Neanderthals suggests that at least some of them had red hair and pale skin, scientists report this week in the journal Science."
It says the same pale skin and animal hairs were shared by neanderthals and pinks like you.
You already admitted sharing bloodline with neanderthals.
So are you sooo dummb you cannot sum up logic?
Dont be so damn silly, accept your relatives as well as your legacies.
Story brought to you by Havard University Professors...all pinks like you!
Pink gwoat, accept your legacy! Keep it real!
Posted by IronLion (Member # 16412) on :
I will break it down further..
A mutation in the MC1R genes cause red hair and pale skin (in some cases).
According to my sources:
quote:Modern humans with mutations that cause complete or partial loss of MC1R function tend to be pale and red-haired, although many other pigmentation genes can also result in this phenotype....
Sorry Jeri, did that hurt? Posted by IronLion (Member # 16412) on :
The whole shebang!
MC1R Gene Mutations Suggest some Neanderthals Were Red Heads
Ancient DNA retrieved from the bones of two Neanderthals suggests that at least some of them had red hair and pale skin, scientists report this week in the journal Science. The international team says that Neanderthals' pigmentation may even have been as varied as that of modern humans, and that at least 1 percent of Neanderthals were likely redheads.
The scientists -- led by Holger Römpler of Harvard University and the University of Leipzig, Carles Lalueza-Fox of the University of Barcelona, and Michael Hofreiter of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig -- extracted, amplified, and sequenced a pigmentation gene called MC1R from the bones of a 43,000-year-old Neanderthal from El Sidrón, Spain, and a 50,000-year-old individual from Monti Lessini, Italy.
"Together with other genes, this MC1R gene dictates hair and skin color in humans and other mammals," says Römpler, a postdoctoral researcher working with Hopi E. Hoekstra in Harvard's Department of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology. "The two Neanderthal individuals we studied showed a point mutation not seen in modern humans. When we induced such a mutation in human cells, we found that it impaired MC1R activity, a condition that leads to red hair and pale skin in modern humans."
To ensure that the MC1R point mutation was not due to contamination from modern humans, the scientists checked some 3,700 people, including those previously sequenced for the gene as well as everyone involved in the excavation and genetic analysis of the two Neanderthals. None showed the mutation, suggesting that Neanderthals and Homo sapiens followed different evolutionary paths to the same redheaded appearance.
With Neanderthals' surviving bones providing few clues, scientists have long sought to flesh out the appearance of this hominid species found across Eurasia some 28,000 to 400,000 years ago. While anthropologists had predicted that Neanderthals might have had pale skin or red hair, the new work by Römpler and colleagues offers the first strong evidence to support this hunch.
Found in cell membranes, MC1R is a receptor that acts as a switch between production of the red-and-yellow pigment pheomelanin and the black-and-brown pigment eumelanin. Modern humans with mutations that cause complete or partial loss of MC1R function tend to be pale and red-haired, although many other pigmentation genes can also result in this phenotype.
In 2006, a team led by Römpler found a mutation in woolly mammoths that may lead to some blond mammoths; together with her colleagues, Hoekstra, the John L. Loeb Associate Professor of the Natural Sciences at Harvard and curator in mammalogy in Harvard's Museum of Comparative Zoology, has shown that this same mutation causes light coloration in mice. Römpler and Hoekstra are now collaborating to identify genetic changes responsible for pigment variation in other extant and extinct species.
"It has only recently become possible to decipher the genomes of species which became extinct thousands of years ago," Römpler says. "The methods used in these Neanderthal and mammoth studies could provide new insights into the coloration of other extinct hominids, animals, and plants."
Römpler, Lalueza-Fox, and Hofreiter's co-authors are David Caramelli and Elena Pilli of the University of Firenze; Claudia Stäubert and Torsten Schöneberg of the University of Leipzig; Giulio Catalano of the University of Firenze and Universitat Pompeu Fabra; David Hughes, Nadin Rohland, and Mark Stoneking of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology; Laura Longo of the University of Siena; Silvana Condemi of CNRS; Marco de la Rasilla and Javier Fortea of the University of Oveido; Antonio Rosas of the Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales in Madrid; and Jaume Bertranpetit of Universitat Pompeu Fabra.
The work was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science; the Generalitat de Catalunya; the Max Planck Society; the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft; the Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung; the IZKF Leipzig; the Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes; and the Autonomous Government of Asturias.
- Harvard
Posted by Just call me Jari (Member # 14451) on :
Once again the Topic is how does 4% Neaderthal DNA=Straigt hair in Modern Human Biology..
Stop the Red Herrings..
Posted by 'Shahrazat (Member # 12769) on :
quote:Originally posted by D_Oro:
quote:Originally posted by 'Shahrazat: I m trying to understand what you guys are trying to prove here.
In a nut shell, they are trying to prove that blacks are a superior race and non blacks are inferior mutants with weakness in intelligence and strength, yet that they mutated and with their few numbers over powered the original superior race and messed up the utopia society that the blacks created.
Who told them that? Kinda Hitleric superrace theory?
Don't shoot me, joking
Well we believe that we have a racial connection with American Indians. But never heard the black part of the history. Our books say the ancestors of Turks were the people called Brakisefal (don't know the English meaning) and those people came to Mediterranean basin between 3000-1200 BC ....
Anyway who cares? All of us come from Adam, no? Posted by IronLion (Member # 16412) on :
quote:Originally posted by Just call me Jari: Once again the Topic is how does 4% Neaderthal DNA=Straigt hair in Modern Human Biology..
Stop the Red Herrings..
Shut the pathetic bleatings...
Now you see that your animal genes are not null and void, as you claim.
They are responsible for your mutant hair and colour.
Now you see why wooly hair is a mark of Divinity.
Because the Divine created I in his own image...
Not an animal image, Jery the hairy gwoat nooo, IandI is the image of the I-Mighty!
Posted by IronLion (Member # 16412) on :
quote:Originally posted by Just call me Jari: Give me a F-king break, show me the source that Says 4% Neaderthal Genes=Straight hair in modern Humans..
Stop Strawmaning..
quote:Originally posted by IronLion: Hair, Skin and Colour
Genesis 27:11 "Behold my brother Esau is a hairy man and I am a smooth man."
Genesis 25:25 "The first came out red all over like a hairy garment; and they called him Esau."
MOOR DNA science for Jari the pink gwoat:
Around 10 per cent of Scots have red hair and a further 40 per cent carry the ginger gene. ..........
These are traits which natural selection would never have allowed in the blistering African heat.
And that, say experts, suggests the gene must have come from the people that were here before modern man came out of Africa - the Neanderthals.
Rather than being driven out of existence, they say he may actually have formed relationships with the new arrivals.
Dr Harding said: "It seems to be the logical conclusion to what I am saying that all Scottish redheads are descended from Neanderthals, ....I don't know if people are going to like me for saying that....
Dr Harding said: "It seems to be the logical conclusion to what I am saying that all Scottish redheads are descended from Neanderthals.
"The gene is certainly older than 50,000 years and it could be as old as 100,000."
Neanderthals were skilled hunters and warriors who are thought to have indulged in cannibalism, eating of human flesh by other humans. .
But experts insist they were really a caring bunch at heart.
Small with slumped shoulders, prominent brows and a high forehead, Neanderthal man had a broad chest and muscular arms and legs. Scientists say the stereotypical Scot would not be too far removed from his Neanderthal ancestors.
Indeed, Scots have long celebrated the traits of defiance and disobedience that are often found in redheads with hair- trigger tempers.
Hey Jari the red gwoat meat, the joke is on you now...
Hehe, Jari the fake Judas the joke is on your now...
Posted by IronLion (Member # 16412) on :
quote:Originally posted by Just call me Jari: ...Show me the source that Says 4% Neaderthal Genes=Straight hair in modern Humans..
Stop Strawmaning..
quote:Originally posted by IronLion: Hair, Skin and Colour
Genesis 27:11 "Behold my brother Esau is a hairy man and I am a smooth man."
Genesis 25:25 "The first came out red all over like a hairy garment; and they called him Esau."
I will oblige you!
Here is the name of the gene that was sequenced recently from Neanderthals which connect the straight hair of the so-called whites:
quote:THADA: Thyroid adenoma associated. NIDDM association. [Sequenced from neanderthal sample.]
‘Common Variants in the Trichohyalin Gene Are Associated with Straight Hair in Europeans’.
‘Genome-wide association study identifies two susceptibility loci for nonsyndromic cleft lip with or without cleft palate’.
Well we believe that we have a racial connection with American Indians. But never heard the black part of the history. Our books say the ancestors of Turks were the people called Brakisefal (don't know the English meaning) and those people came to Mediterranean basin between 3000-1200 BC ....
Anyway who cares? All of us come from Adam, no?
From Wiki Turkey - Google translation.
The classification of human populations
century mid- 20th century until the beginning of the measurement of the skull in anthropology as the basic criteria for classification of human races hypotheses put forward has emerged. However, this hypothesis is accepted basitleştiriciliği today.
Brachycephalic: Brakisefal: For example, a feature shared by most people of Turkish origin, but this feature is Swiss , Bavarian Germans , France 'in the middle part of the communities, the Bosnians and the Georgians and the form of Taxes on the back of the head in the bowl of the Armenians is shared by the shape of the skull Brakesefal.
Dolikosefal: blonde, blue eyed, white-skinned Swedes the "dolikosefal" is, but almost all of Africa like them niggaz "long kafataslı" dırlar.
Human population index, based on the skull to determine the basis for a classification of human races. In addition, the peoples of the world because of the historical development of mingling with each other throughout the process, separation of races of mankind (and hence the connection of racial classification of objective criteria), an effort oturmamaktadır scientific basis.
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
Ya gotta hand it to the Albinos. No matter where they are. No matter what language they speak. They ARE consistent!
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
It would be very interesting to know what each of the Turkic North African and Middle Eastern countries, teaches it's people about their origins.
Mazigh why don't you start off.
Interestingly: After only 400 years, White Americans have come to believe that THEY are the NATIVE population.
Posted by IronLion (Member # 16412) on :
quote:Originally posted by 'Shahrazat:
quote:Originally posted by D_Oro:
quote:Originally posted by 'Shahrazat: I m trying to understand what you guys are trying to prove here.
In a nut shell, they are trying to prove that blacks are a superior race and non blacks are inferior mutants with weakness in intelligence and strength, yet that they mutated and with their few numbers over powered the original superior race and messed up the utopia society that the blacks created.
Who told them that? Kinda Hitleric superrace theory?
Don't shoot me, joking
Well we believe that we have a racial connection with American Indians. But never heard the black part of the history. Our books say the ancestors of Turks were the people called Brakisefal (don't know the English meaning) and those people came to Mediterranean basin between 3000-1200 BC ....
Anyway who cares? All of us come from Adam, no?
What has American Indians gotta do with this?
Never heard that one about Chief Sitting Bull and the Turks. But then you learn everyday.
Tell me more Sweetie, I am all ears...
About the Turks and the American Indians...
Posted by 'Shahrazat (Member # 12769) on :
quote:Originally posted by Mike111:
quote:Originally posted by 'Shahrazat:
Well we believe that we have a racial connection with American Indians. But never heard the black part of the history. Our books say the ancestors of Turks were the people called Brakisefal (don't know the English meaning) and those people came to Mediterranean basin between 3000-1200 BC ....
Anyway who cares? All of us come from Adam, no?
From Wiki Turkey - Google translation.
I didn't get the info from there if you mean that. I have a book at home written by a Turkish Historian. I already know there was a tribe from 2000 BC but couldn't remember the name. So I checked the book.
Posted by 'Shahrazat (Member # 12769) on :
quote:Originally posted by IronLion:
What has American Indians gotta do with this?
Never heard that one about Chief Sitting Bull and the Turks. But then you learn everyday.
Tell me more Sweetie, I am all ears...
About the Turks and the American Indians...
Lion! [/QB]
Yes it is said that the American Indians migrated from Central Asia and when they checked the DNAs of two races, they came across same features.
Posted by the lioness (Member # 17353) on :
lamb's wool
what was the bullsyt you was sayin lion?
Posted by the lioness (Member # 17353) on :