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Posted by Tee85 (Member # 10823) on :
Is it a fact or myth that Africans sold other Africans into slavery???
Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
It's a fact.

Posted by Myra Wysinger (Member # 10126) on :
In Light of Black History Month...

Video/Audio: American Civil Rights and Anti-war Movements

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. 1929-1968

Posted by abdulkarem3 (Member # 12885) on :
black americans or negroes as they were called also sold other negroes in the us. especially in areas of south carolina, louisiana, and virginia
Posted by Sonofisis (Member # 12762) on :
Yea, but a lot of sold slaves were prisoners of war, it wasn't really a morality issues in most cases.
Posted by Yonis (Member # 7684) on :
Even to this day they still sell their people in west africa.
Posted by lamin (Member # 5777) on :
The vast majority of captives--they became slaves only when they were purchased by plantation owners--were captives of war(as reported by slavers in their log books).

There were also substantial numbers who were victims of kidnapping by armed gangs in the pay of the slavers and shippers.
The biographies of Suleiman ben Job, Ajai Crowther, Mahoma Baquaqua, etc. testify to t his.

Before the actual trans-Atlantic trade began, the Portugese had installed themselves on the West coast of Africa for at least 50 years. At the end of that a small Afro-Portugese community had sprang up.
These groups called "lanzados" were the ones who served as the procurers of the war captives in exchange for guns, alcohol, cloth and other trade goods.

The providing of such items helped fuel the wars that were the source of the captives that were bartered.

Of course today something similar is occurring in East Europe where young women are sex-trafficked by locals for the thriving brothels in Western Europe and Israel. Kidnappings and similar kinds of sex-salvery traffickins is rampant in places like Thailand, Cambodia and other parts of East Asia. It's even happening in China where women from China and Korea are routinely kidnapped and sold as wives and concubines. China's one child policy--where males are favored--is a direct cause of this buying and selling of human beings.

On the question of collaboration: note that many Jews joined Hitler's armies and collaborated with the Nazis. Yet the Holocaust is never blamed on the Jews themselves despite the collaboration.

It is evident that Europeans seem to have the knack of intervening in other societies and eventually getting the locals to fight, kidnap and murder each other.
The Europan conquest of the Americas is an example of such.

The slaughters that led to the partition of the Indian sub-continent into Pakistan, India and Bangladesh is another example.
And today the slaughters in Iraq carry on that tradition of European skill.
Posted by sheba76 (Member # 12165) on :
Yea, but a lot of sold slaves were prisoners of war, it wasn't really a morality issues in most cases.
I know what you mean but, I feel that's still wrong. Selling another human being is always a morality issue.

Posted by What Box (Wllng Thnkr) (Member # 10819) on :
Posted by sheba76 (Member # 12165) on :
When I was a teacher, I loved February. Black History Month, Valentines, etc. I used to do a whole lesson around the book "Follow the Drinking Gourd". I still love to read it. [Smile]

Also, I love to make quilts. So bringing in the history of quilts was fun too. We would play games and try to remember what each block meant. Things like that. We did everything from making quilts, making a drinking gourd, (circle time talking about (their views) that time in history, what they thought of the stories etc.), foods, religion, ships, the hard trip, how far was Canada lol, how fast they had to run with no shoes from the dogs, etc. I even summarized Uncle Tom's Cabin for them. It was a real eye-opener and great fun.

Ok I know most of you aren't interested in this. It just brought up some good mememories. [Smile]
Posted by Tee85 (Member # 10823) on :
Posted by Sonofisis (Member # 12762) on :
Originally posted by sheba76:
Yea, but a lot of sold slaves were prisoners of war, it wasn't really a morality issues in most cases.
I know what you mean but, I feel that's still wrong. Selling another human being is always a morality issue.


I agree, I can't condone that either. I was just pointing out that it was a different situation.
Posted by MyRedCow (Member # 10893) on :
I was going to a thread on slavery with a whole lot of pics. But, I decided not to do it because it was too upsetting. What also was upsetting was finding out that "slavery" was a widespread practice in West Africa and that when it ended in the Americas in the 18th century, it expanded in West Africa.

That's right. More people became slaves within West Africa as slavery ended in the New World and this slavery has not completely ended.
Posted by yazid904 (Member # 7708) on :
Slavery itself is not a problem. Societies of the past used it as a benefit of war (the defeated are now owned or they join us mentality??). The major and only problem is modern societies claiming freedon and democracy (and modernity) and using the same process to further their own economic gain! I say that because the first Africans to North America were not slaves.
The religious reason for coming to America and being free only applied to Europeans! Even when they revolted from England, we see freedom relied on the power to destroy and prevent others from destroying you. If you can hold it, take it! To hell with everybody else who does not fall in line.
Posted by abdulkarem3 (Member # 12885) on :
economics and circumstances is what i think it evolves around on the surface. People in that region where enemies of each other and a considerable amount where not really what you call cooperative people. Some liked it because of the call of money and mercy was a thing that did not exist in these peoples hearts. To enslave a free person, i believe is heinous crime. The enslaving of political prisoners i believe is not a heinous crime for they are considered by pre-agreement of the opposing parties to be enemies of each others state. This is someone who has engaged in an act of war against the existing state which one who is caught and subdued and because of the initial pre contractual state of the prisoner, he or she still remains in that fashion(enemy of the state, disrupter of the states civil peace)until otherwise. They are part of states property. This all sounds diferent now because who in the heck wants a high risk red alert enemy of the state running around their domain. WHy you think the muslims in guantanamo are treated like that. they are actually property of the united states. Yes, they are held against will and yes if they are made to do work then they will have to comply. geneva is a umbrella that is not followed. look at iraq now with sunnis in shia prisons who are tortured daily with nobody's intervention. So what you think about back in the days when slavery was a normal thing to everybody and all cultures. heck the word(slavery)itself has a indo-european derivation.
Go read about indentures which was the softer form of penal slavery. go read why irish-scots dont like african americans. go read the origins of the word redneck,redshanks,lint head,cracker,hillbilly,peckerwood,P.W.T,
why are there songs from slaves recorded that say " rather be a nigger than a poor white trash". How long were blacks really enslaved(worked or held in bondage against will) compared to whites in the u.s.
Why does the word in the oxford dictionary(gives you complete historical-etymology of the english words) say that the word servant means slavery in the 16th century. just look at the king james " and canaan shall be a servant unto shem"
Posted by alTakruri (Member # 10195) on :
What follows is a mostly, though not completely, accurate essay.
Bracketed words and hi-liting are my editing.
Otherwise it appears as originally presented on in 1997.


The First Slav[ing] Expeditions to [West] Africa

by Anthony A. Lee

Kidnapping [people] from the African coast was part of European
practice even before Portuguese ships had explored the coast of
the continent or discovered a new route to India. One of the
first expeditions to the Senegal River, led by the Portuguese
in 1444, brutally seized the black residents of severl off-shore
islands near the river and carried them off to be sold as slaves.
Other expeditions from Europe about this time did more or less
the same.

But it was not long before African armies became aware of the
new dangers, and Portuguese ships began to meet their match

For example, in 1446, two years later, a ship commanded by Nuno
Tristao attempted to land in the Senegal region. It was attacked
by African fighters in canoes, and the crew of the ship was
wiped out
. And in 1447, a Danish raider commanding a Portuguese
ship was killed, along with most of his crew,
when local African
boats attacked.

Although African vessels -- mostly canoes -- were not designed
for high-seas navigation, they were fully capable of protecting
the coast, even in the 15th century. As a result, in 1456, the
king of Portugal dispatched his ambassador, Diogo Gomes, to
negotiate treaties of peace and trade with the African rulers
along the coast. From that point on, and for 400 years, the
African slave trade was conducted as a matter of international
commerce among equals. The notion of European sailors roaming
through [West] Africa at will, kidnapping as many [people] as they
wanted and shipping them off to America, is completely false
-- and an insult to Africans, who kept European armies off
their soil until the beginning of the 20th century.

Of course, this fact of history makes the Atlantic slave trade
a bit more problematic, from a moral perspective. It is not
simply a question of black and white.
Slavery was well known
in [many] African societies, as much as it was a fact of life
everywhere else in the world during those times.

As soon as Diogo Gomes' diplomatic expedition to West Africa
had succeeded, the export of slaves began to number in the
thousands. During the bloody course, perhaps 10 or 15 million
Africans had been delivered as slaves to the New World, and
perhaps just as many more had died in the process. These [people]
were captured in Africa by Africans, shipped to the African coast
by Africans, and only then sold to European traders
in trade ships
to begin the dreaded Middle Passage to America. African kings and
rulers were active and willing participants in the slave trade,
which made them rich[er], and which could not have existed
without their full cooperation and support.

Indeed, when African kingdoms decided to stop trading in slaves
-- for their own reasons -- there was no way for European nations
to force them to continue.
The earliest example of this is the
Kingdom of Benin on the West African coast (in what is now Nigeria)
In the 1520's this state began to restrict the sale of slaves,
finally cutting it off entirely by about 1550. This was probably
not done for moral reasons, however. Records from this period show
that the kingdom was becoming wealthi[er] from the export of cloth
and pepper. Although it is only a guess, we can imagine that slaves
were needed within Benin itself to produce these valuable products
which could bring more wealth to the king than the sale of human

As uncomfortable as this aspect of black history may be, it
at least explodes the myth of a "dark," helpless and ignorant
African continent that was always at the mercy of European
. Nothing could be further from the truth. The more we
learn about African history, going back even to the middle
ages, the more we learn that Africans were full and active
participants in the world -- on both sides of the Atlantic.

Posted by Africa (Member # 12142) on :
It fair to say that West Africans were color blind in terms of trade at that time.
plan2replan Copyright © 2006 Africa
Posted by What Box Carlos ManguIngez (Member # 10819) on :
^Again, that isn't even the issue. The issue is the selling of human beings without there consent.

A great example of why this is wrong is what happened to the slaves in the hands of their new masters in the west-african slave-trade. The slave masters probably didn't think about this at the time, it could be said that they had money on their minds and you know how it is when you don't want to THINK ABOUT MAKING MONEY. However it's always good to THINK and this is a good example of that fact also, but now you(in general)/we know better.
Originally posted by alTakruri:
What follows is a mostly, though not completely, accurate essay.
Bracketed words and hi-liting are my editing.
Otherwise it appears as originally presented on in 1997.


The First Slav[ing] Expeditions to [West] Africa

by Anthony A. Lee

Kidnapping [people] from the African coast was part of European
practice even before Portuguese ships had explored the coast of
the continent or discovered a new route to India. One of the
first expeditions to the Senegal River, led by the Portuguese
in 1444, brutally seized the black residents of severl off-shore
islands near the river and carried them off to be sold as slaves.
Other expeditions from Europe about this time did more or less
the same.

But it was not long before African armies became aware of the
new dangers, and Portuguese ships began to meet their match

For example, in 1446, two years later, a ship commanded by Nuno
Tristao attempted to land in the Senegal region. It was attacked
by African fighters in canoes, and the crew of the ship was
wiped out
. And in 1447, a Danish raider commanding a Portuguese
ship was killed, along with most of his crew,
when local African
boats attacked.

Although African vessels -- mostly canoes -- were not designed
for high-seas navigation, they were fully capable of protecting
the coast, even in the 15th century. As a result, in 1456, the
king of Portugal dispatched his ambassador, Diogo Gomes, to
negotiate treaties of peace and trade with the African rulers
along the coast. From that point on, and for 400 years, the
African slave trade was conducted as a matter of international
commerce among equals. The notion of European sailors roaming
through [West] Africa at will, kidnapping as many [people] as they
wanted and shipping them off to America, is completely false
-- and an insult to Africans, who kept European armies off
their soil until the beginning of the 20th century.

Of course, this fact of history makes the Atlantic slave trade
a bit more problematic, from a moral perspective. It is not
simply a question of black and white.
Slavery was well known
in [many] African societies, as much as it was a fact of life
everywhere else in the world during those times.

As soon as Diogo Gomes' diplomatic expedition to West Africa
had succeeded, the export of slaves began to number in the
thousands. During the bloody course, perhaps 10 or 15 million
Africans had been delivered as slaves to the New World, and
perhaps just as many more had died in the process. These [people]
were captured in Africa by Africans, shipped to the African coast
by Africans, and only then sold to European traders
in trade ships
to begin the dreaded Middle Passage to America. African kings and
rulers were active and willing participants in the slave trade,
which made them rich[er], and which could not have existed
without their full cooperation and support.

Indeed, when African kingdoms decided to stop trading in slaves
-- for their own reasons -- there was no way for European nations
to force them to continue.
The earliest example of this is the
Kingdom of Benin on the West African coast (in what is now Nigeria)
In the 1520's this state began to restrict the sale of slaves,
finally cutting it off entirely by about 1550. This was probably
not done for moral reasons, however. Records from this period show
that the kingdom was becoming wealthi[er] from the export of cloth
and pepper. Although it is only a guess, we can imagine that slaves
were needed within Benin itself to produce these valuable products
which could bring more wealth to the king than the sale of human

As uncomfortable as this aspect of black history may be, it
at least explodes the myth of a "dark," helpless and ignorant
African continent that was always at the mercy of European
. Nothing could be further from the truth. The more we
learn about African history, going back even to the middle
ages, the more we learn that Africans were full and active
participants in the world -- on both sides of the Atlantic.

Thank you alTakruri and I know exactly why you posted that _ _good timing  - . We are talking about black history and we automatically bring african-american's slavery up, and there also seems to be a an almost automatic catigorizing of europeans as evil kiniving-schemester's

{Wow, Xm chill is goin off right now! - - -
Tosca/ Gemma Gemma Dub - - is on right no} back to my post

/brutal oppressors flying arround. I myself use them in my posts sometimes as an appeal to emotion becaus I'm emotional about some issues. In no means am I trying to say that it's an african-american thing. An obsevation of mine is that 'whites' seem to be very sensitive to this (who wouldn't - this shows that they aren't just liars scared hateful and hostile, that they care/feel and are good people, I theorize that when they're treated as if they do not they then don't care (you know you've felt this we do it too w/ other issues about us- ooh, good example is eminem song("I am what you say I am")) and then it restarts as they are treated as if they don't -it's a cycle), heck, ON THIS site, NONE african-americans have expressed these feelings about europeans.

So it's not an african-american issue, I think it's an issue in western-culture.

Na How About That? A WestERN stereotype that doesn't involve african-americans and in-fact involves 'White'/european-americans!??

Now that's something to think-on.
Posted by Doug M (Member # 7650) on :
Well black history month is always good for its positive images of Africans in the diaspora.

The TRUE history of Africa is good for many reasons. On one hand, it shows Africans as having civilizations, some long before those in Western Europe. It also shows that even the Europeans had to resepect the strength and power of these civilizations in the periods from the 11th to 18th century. Slavery as a result of taking war captives often was used as an excuse to cause Africans to fight each other to acquire more captives, in some cases in order to provide cash to replace other sources of funds that dried up. Ultimately the desire to control this trade directly as well as the resources themselves is what led to the European onslaught of Africa in the 1800s. This in turn led to the stereotypes and OUTRIGHT LIES perpetuated agains Africans by Europeans that was intended to JUSTIFY their oppression and exploitation. Therefore, the idea of the racial superiority of whites was PURPOSE BUILT to support European colonial and imperial ambition and had NOTHING to do with FACTS on the GROUND. So it is important to understand that MUCH of Africas history has been distorted in the last 200 years as a RESULT of the colonial conquest of Africa. Part of the reason for the rise of European imperialism was the fact that slavery and warfare were practiced by MANY, including the Africans themselves as a necessary aspect of growing Empires. The Islamic Empires practiced slavery IN Europe and the Mediterranean and Africans often sold slaves to Europeans. It could be said that the experiences of Europe in contact with the Muslim Empires, along with the Roman empire before that, taught them the goals and practices of the imperial state... (power makes right) and created a desire among Western Europeans to create Empires of their own. Therefore, black history month is a condensed version of the effort to restore the true history of Africa, free from the taint of bias and distortion imposed on it by racist colonizers in the 1800s. It is that taint of distortion that has had a longer and more pervasive impact on Africans and African history, because even to this day, some Africans still think that the Europeans came (and are coming) to bring civilization to Africa. However, even after removing the taint of bias and distortion, the history of Africa is not an idyllic place of peace, happiness and perfection. Africans have had struggles along ethnic, economic and political lines as much as anyone else.
Posted by alTakruri (Member # 10195) on :
No personal offense meant but this is what I mean
when I allude to the Last Poet's phraseology and
say certain writing styles is why "The White Man's
Got A God Complex" which by dialectics means the
other man's got a inferiority/victim complex.


Africans as having civilizations, some long before those in Western Europe

Giving the white man his god complex when I use
him as the yardstick to measure my civilization.
When talking about civ in Africa -- which btw is
where civ began -- it's worse than superfluous to
mention the johnny-come-lately- western European
even the Europeans had to resepect the strength and power of these civilizations
Giving the white man his god complex when I make
him the yardstick of strength and power worldwide.
taking war captives often was used as an excuse to cause Africans to fight each other
Giving the white man his god complex when I make
Africans too stupid to see through whiteman designs
as if Africans never internal disputes worth going
to war about just like any other folk on earth.
MUCH of Africas history has been distorted in the last 200 years as a RESULT of the colonial conquest of Africa
Giving the white man his god complex when I write
African history in reactive object mode constantly
regurgitating external effects then in error
expand the colonial age well before it in fact
stereotypes and OUTRIGHT LIES perpetuated agains Africans by Europeans that was intended to JUSTIFY their oppression and exploitation. Therefore, the idea of the racial superiority of whites was PURPOSE BUILT to support European colonial and imperial ambition
Giving the white man his god complex by keeping alive his short legacy in Africa by never ending
harping on what he did and does -- as if its the overridingly most important thing about Africa
and Africans.

Crust of the bisquit or moral of the story:
The so-called "TRUE history of Africa" doesn't
need constant referencing to Europeans nor is
its goal proving Africa up to snuff to Europe.

How to accomplish writing a "true history of Africa":
Cease and desist from giving the whiteman his god complex.
Posted by Doug M (Member # 7650) on :
There is no God complex to give Al Takrur. European imperialism in Africa is a FACT, just as World War II, World War I and other hisorical acts of imperialism and atrocities are FACTS. You cannot study history and OMIT those FACTS and the IMPACT they had on the people and cultures that were involved. It is YOU who choose to try and DENY the accuracy of what I said by useless appeals to emotion with your accusations of someone giving a GOD complex.

Once again address FACTS and not your opinion:

1) Imperialist Europeans created a distorted form of history in Africa glorifying Europeans and denigrating Africans.

2) Part of the goal of black history month and African history in general, is to HIGHLIGHT the acheivements of Africans and to remove the distortion caused by 200 years of European imperial history.

What part of THAT do you disagree with and why do you REFUSE to address those CENTRAL points as opposed to introducing MEANINGLESS references to a GOD complex. What does THAT have to do with the fact of HISTORY?


So, to answer you, I will give you words from an AFRICAN historian, who is voices the ISSUE of colonial distortion of African history much better than I can:


In concluding this lecture, let me reflect slightly on the nature of history that we inherited from colonial times. I went to colonial schools for my elementary and secondary school education. I am from a cohort of Nigerians who were fed from what was then labelled as History of the British Empire. It was a brand of history in which British imperialists could do no wrong and in which their enemies could do no right. History of the British Empire was severe on enemies of British imperialism, whether they be Americans victorious from their revolt against the British in 1776 or the Benin in West Africa defeated by the British in a vicious campaign of 1897. Nigerian historiography has fought back by seeking out fresh spots in our historical actors of the nineteenth century as being praiseworthy for their "resistance" to British imperialism. Unfortunately, Nigerian historiography will continue to be hopelessly indebted to the methodology of British imperial historiography for as long as it concentrates its attention on the nineteenth and twentieth centuries in which Europeans set the agenda of historical events in the region.

The nineteenth century was cursed in African history. It was a century of which the Benin cannot be proud. One major value of Jacob Egharevba's historical scholarship is that he strongly scolded the behaviour of Benin policy makers in the nineteenth century (see Egharevba 1952: 14-15). Indeed, if we were to limit Benin history to the events of the nineteenth century the harsh judgement that British propaganda and arrogant imperial history have handed over to generations of Nigerians might have some degree of validity. But Benin history is much more than the nineteenth century. When the historian goes back to earlier centuries and then fairly assesses the achievements that elevated a small population to such great heights, then I am convinced that the historical judgement of Benin and its empire is liable to be positive.

In this lecture, I have gone behind the nineteenth century, which was dominated by the British and other Europeans in West Africa, to earlier centuries. What we have is a history of a people in West Africa that husbanded its cultural resources carefully, enabling them to value their culture internally and to gain strength therefrom for embarking on the risky business of empire-building. It is my conclusion that, on balance, the resulting empire did more good than harm to its region of impact in the western lower Niger. I have gone back to Ogiso times because the complex of cultures that resulted from dispersals in those distant centuries is historically significant, in the annals of the ancient world and in the surviving cultural and social ties that those dispersals generated.

These are conclusions that would be impossible to arrive at if we concentrated on the nineteenth century. I dearly hope that the result of this preliminary exploration of the history of what has been labeled as Edoid complex of cultures will encourage others to move behind the European presence in West Africa in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries to more distant centuries of our history and prehistory.


Your and others attempts to create a pshycological complex amongst those who express their opinions on this board are LAME excuses at disagreements DEVOID OF FACT. They are nothing but diversions from the central point. In fact, quite a few MUCH MORE QUALIFIED black Africans have written books on these topics and I DO NOT consider these lame insults as RISING to the STANDARDS of discourse as reflected in the writings of Langston Hughes, W.E.B. Dubois or Frantz Fanon. If you want to start a thread about PSYHOLOGICAL complexes then start a SEPARATE thread. Leave discussions about African history devoid of your asinine attempts to create 20 page long rants about who is and isn't psychologically damaged by European imperialism....

And keep this in mind:

Calling someone a LIAR is not assigning a GOD complex.

Calling someone a THIEF is not assigning a GOD complex.

Calling someone a RAPIST and MASS MURDERER is not assigning a GOD complex.

In fact, the ONLY defense against such allegation is FACTS AGAINST such allegations.

Trying to SIMPLIFY the FACTS of history concerning European involvement in Africa to a GOD complex is not only to miss the point but to be TOTALLY out of context to what is being said. It is tantamount to saying "man I get tired of people talking about the bad things done in Africa, cant we talk about something else....."

My only other response to this is nonsense about a god complex is the following:

On the half-landing of the main staircase of the British Museum hangs a unique display of 50 bronzes, depicting small groups of African soldiers in militay gear. These are just a small percentage of the 900 magnificent bronze sculptures, dating from the 16th century, that were seized from the palace of Benin during a British imperial rampage in west Africa 100 years ago, in February 1897.

The campaign against Benin, a small city-state east of Lagos in what is now southern Nigeria involved the invasion and destruction of the state, the show trial of its king, the execution of its leading chiefs, the torching of the royal palace, and the burning of innumerable villages. Throughout the fighting, in which "friendly" black troops were put in the forward ranks, British forces were largely protected by the steady use of the Maxim machine-gun. These typical atrocities of the British colonial era go unmentioned in the museum's accompanying wall notice, a continuing indication of Britain's officiall reluctance to come to terms with the real cost of its imperial past. Now Bernie Grant, the Labour MP, is backing a campaign for the looted treasures held in museums in London and Scotland to he returned to the King of Benin.

Posted by alTakruri (Member # 10195) on :
Sum simple: Europeans are the only nor are they
the main fact about Africa. Let Europe go and
concentrate on Africa.

Who doesn't know what Europe did in and to Africa?
That's not the point at all. It's Euro obsession
disguised as African historiography I'm attacking
and will continue to attack.

Meds conquered Nords. Huns conquered Europe. Yet
you don't read Nordheimers whining about it
everytime they write anything about their history.
Posted by Doug M (Member # 7650) on :
Telling the HISTORY of the Huns and Mediterraneans and others and their conquest is not WHINING. It is a statement of FACT. You cannot separate statement of FACT from WHINING.

As to the role of slavery in African societies, it is quite complex. A discussion of the Benin civilizations role in slavery can be seen here:

The second puzzle of Benin history is no less intriguing. It concerns Benin's role in the Atlantic Slave Trade. That evil trade, spanning several centuries, devastated the Western African region. Unlike the Arab Slave Trade from eastern and central Africa, in which Arabs undertook the slave raids directly, the West African Atlantic Slave Trade by European traders relied on African states and African slave raiders for their human victims. Throughout the region, many states embroiled themselves in the slave trade. Asante, Oyo, Dahomey, the Rivers states of eastern Nigeria, were all involved in the evil trade. In the nineteenth century, the Sokoto Caliphate joined this train of West African states that traded on fellow Africans, causing the depopulation of the Benue Valley in this instance (see Dike 1956: 27).

What about Benin and its empire? Clearly, Benin had important trade connections and political ties throughout the region that would have put it in a place of considerable advantage in the competition of the slave trade. How much did Benin press its advantages in pursuit of the Slave Trade? The puzzle is that Benin did not press its advantages to engage in the Slave Trade. Indeed, Benin's role in the Slave Trade was minor. It seems fair to say that Ryder=s (1969:198) conclusion on this score has been well accepted by historians. He says: "There is no evidence that Benin ever organized a great slave trading network similar to that which supplied the ports of the eastern delta, or that it ever undertook systematic slave raiding . . . Benin either could not or would not become a slave-trading state on a grand scale" (also see Davidson 1971:65). Don Ohadike, the Anioma historian whose region of western Igbo would have been grievously impacted if Benin had played a large role in the slave trade, concurs with Ryder: Slavery was neither an economic necessity nor a vital component of the entire political and social life of [Benin] society . . . even after the rise of Benin as a large kingdom, its involvement in slavery was limited. Ryder has demonstrated that Benin's participation in the Atlantic slave trade or the European trade generally was minimal. Ryder's thesis is confirmed by the fact that the Edo political structures were not particularly affected by the European trade as was the case with Dahomey and the Gold Coast (Ohadike 1994: 42; also compare Igbafe 1979: 27).

Benin's policies forbidding any large commitment to the slave trade is a puzzle for two main reasons. First, it makes Benin the sole exception among West African states in their full-scale participation in the European Slave Trade. Second, Benin had a strong institution of slavery in its culture and internal social organization. Benin's abstinence from the evil trade could not fairly be attributed to some humanitarian inhibition on its part. How then does one explain this rare phenomena in African history?

The Caribbean scholar Walter Rodney offers one good clue that will help us to solve this puzzle of Benin history. Rodney argued that many African states craved to refrain from the slave trade but were afraid to do so. They were so weak that the European traders could imperil their power and survival if they failed to participate in the slave trade (see Rodney 1972: 80-82). The reverse logic in Rodney's postulate was that only strong African states could make deliberate decisions to participate in the evil trade or else to refrain from it. Benin was a strong state that could say no to European powers and not be threatened with punishment that would destroy it. Apparently, from the outcome of history, Benin took the calculated decision not to involve itself in the slave trade in the manner of other states and not to encourage slave raids such as those for which the Aro were notorious in the Igbo hinterland in eastern Niger Delta.

But why did the Benin decide not to involve the resources of its kingdom in slave raids and slave trade, as so many other African states did? This is where to bemoan the absence of literacy in the civilizations of Benin and the other areas of tropical Africa. How one wished there were written records to reveal the arguments that were advanced for and against Benin's involvement in the slave trade, with menacing pressures from European traders and rival state organizations all across West Africa to cope with. But no such records exist. However, from its history, we can offer two speculative strands of reasoning for Benin's abstinence in the Slave Trade. First, it was entirely possible that policy makers saw the futility of the slave trade. The payback to the participating African states was miserable. But its disruption in their social structures was horrendous. Such was the fate of Oyo that destroyed its state institutions and civilization from the slave trade and a catastrophic civil war that the slave trade instigated in Oyo. A second reason is that Benin needed growth in its population for the management of its state affairs and for its external imperial engagements during the centuries of the Atlantic Slave Trade. There is always the temptation to believe that a large Empire, such as the one that the Benin managed, was being run by a huge population. But that was not the case. Benin was a nation with a small population who ran a big empire -- just as a small Songhai nation sustained a huge empire in the Western Sudan. Involvement in the slave trade would not help in the battle against population decrease that various Obas of the House of Eweka fought to reverse. The policy of abstinence that resulted on this score of the slave trade accords with the imperatives of Benin history of that time.

Whether these explanations for the absence of Benin from large-scale participation in the slave trade are correct or not, the policy forbidding such involvement paid handsome dividends for Benin. Its social structure and political system did not suffer from the destruction which the slave trade wrought for Dahomey, Asante, Oyo, and a host of other African states in the centuries of the slave trade. Moreover, out of the total area of the West African Atlantic coast impacted by the slave trade, the region of the western lower Niger Delta, in which the Benin Empire held sway, was the least disrupted.


The one thing I disagree with is that the Arab slave trade did not involve black Africans. Black Arabized Africans were just as siginifigant in Arab slavery as Western slavery.
Posted by meninarmer (Member # 12654) on :
So, I see both points of view, and both have some validity, but like Obama, no solutions are being offered by what we learn.
Let's dream here...a big dream, accomplished by the new generation of black activists.

Example of a dream;

Is there the possibility of an organization built and designed to consolidate the resources of the world's wealthiest blacks to once, and for all, do for ourselves?
Is there the possibility of the formaltion of an "black dream" organization with the primary goal of acting as the cohesive bond to accomplish what no other organization since Martin Luter King has succeeded in accomplishing on a wide scale, black unity?

Considering the number of black millionaires in just America and Africa, it should be possible to achieve amazing advances. Oprah thought small with her South African school, but this is a dream scenerio, so let's think big.

A partial list of black multimillionaires, that spend 1,2,3 million dollars on 2nd/3rd homes, cars, jewelery, and other consumer goods, so a $1-2 Mil dollar tax deductible donation should be no problem.
1.Micheal Jordan
3.Bill Cosby
4.Eddie Murphy
5.The Robert Johnson Family (Jet/Ebony)
6.Robert Johnson (BET)
7.The Murphy Family (Afro-American news)
8.Oprah Winfried
9.Louis Farrankhan
10.T.D. Jakes
11.Micheal Jackson
12.Samuel Jackson
13.Spike Lee
14.Harry Belafonte
15.Quincy Jones
16.Barry Gordy
17.Stevie Wonder
19.Kobe Bryant
20.The Reggie Lewis Foundation (Beatrice Foods)
21.Muhammed Ali
22.Paul Mony
23.Jamie King
24.Denzel Washington
25.Dave Chappelle
26.Loyld Trotter (CEO-GE Industrial, $24Mil/yr)
27. Martin Luther King Family
28.Jessie Jackson
29.Don King
30.Floyd Mayweather
(based on $1Mil/each donation, this is approx. how much Oprah will spend on S.African school. Tax donation returns 50-70% to contributor?)
These are just a small fraction of the nations multimillionare blacks that could easily, if they found value, donate $1mil to such a fund.

Everyone can continue to contribute to this list using additional millioniares. Since I've barely really touched on sports, business or international, I expect there are many thousands, if not tens of thousands of candidates.
One thousand x $1,000,000 = ???

In all, it should be rather easy with the right structure, leadership, commitment, and plan to raise close to, or over $1 Trillion without over extending any of the participates.

What would be the value of such an enterprise, IF it were structured like the AMA or Bar Association, or the vatican's orporation Sole, and this organization held the negotiation rights for the majority blacks in the following area;
1. NFL
2. NBA
3. MLB
4. Music
5. Movie
6. Boxing
7. Professional (Lawyer, Doctor, Engineer, etc.)
8. Pan-African

What impact would such an organization have on the nation, and the world?
Posted by Young Horus (Member # 11484) on :
^real talk

but how do you avoid sabotage from the enemy?
Posted by meninarmer (Member # 12654) on :
Fruit Of Islam?
Professional Group (Lawyers)?
Black American militery members?
Pay the Black Caucus more then they currently make from AIPAC and other special interests?

Posted by What Box Wasalu Emeagwali (spellin? (Member # 10819) on :
al has some points, but you got to keep in mind that maybe Doug's telling his story to a EuroProp-washed audience.

taking war captives often was used as an excuse to cause Africans to fight each other

Giving the white man his god complex when I make
Africans too stupid to see through whiteman designs
as if Africans never internal disputes worth going
to war about just like any other folk on earth.

True, but doug wasn't saying White men tricked anyone, he was saying africans were being greedy, LOL.

Other than that, I agree that Doug, in historical topics you need to just present, instead of defend (off the bat). I mean, a good fighter know how to attack and defend, so it'd be good to get that latch un-stuck from defend mode! [Wink]

Other than all that-
Originally posted by meninarmer:
So, I see both points of view, and both have some validity, but like Obama, no solutions are being offered by what we learn.

I pretty much agree with ^ this and don't feel the need to go on about THAT.
Men In Armor:
Let's dream here...a big dream, accomplished by the new generation of black activists.

Example of a dream;

Is there the possibility of an organization built and designed to consolidate the resources of the world's wealthiest blacks to once, and for all, do for ourselves?
Is there the possibility of the formaltion of an "black dream" organization with the primary goal of acting as the cohesive bond to accomplish what no other organization since Martin Luter King has succeeded in accomplishing on a wide scale, black unity?

Considering the number of black millionaires in just America and Africa, it should be possible to achieve amazing advances. Oprah thought small with her South African school, but this is a dream scenerio, so let's think big.

A partial list of black multimillionaires, that spend 1,2,3 million dollars on 2nd/3rd homes, cars, jewelery, and other consumer goods, so a $1-2 Mil dollar tax deductible donation should be no problem.
1.Micheal Jordan
3.Bill Cosby
4.Eddie Murphy
5.The Robert Johnson Family (Jet/Ebony)
6.Robert Johnson (BET)
7.The Murphy Family (Afro-American news)
8.Oprah Winfried
9.Louis Farrankhan
10.T.D. Jakes
11.Micheal Jackson
12.Samuel Jackson
13.Spike Lee
14.Harry Belafonte
15.Quincy Jones
16.Barry Gordy
17.Stevie Wonder
19.Kobe Bryant
20.The Reggie Lewis Foundation (Beatrice Foods)
21.Muhammed Ali
22.Paul Mony
23.Jamie King
24.Denzel Washington
25.Dave Chappelle
26.Loyld Trotter (CEO-GE Industrial, $24Mil/yr)
27. Martin Luther King Family
28.Jessie Jackson
29.Don King
30.Floyd Mayweather
(based on $1Mil/each donation, this is approx. how much Oprah will spend on S.African school. Tax donation returns 50-70% to contributor?)
These are just a small fraction of the nations multimillionare blacks that could easily, if they found value, donate $1mil to such a fund.

Hmmm. As for african-americans, as long as our heads are in the right place, we'll be fine.

Africans, on the other hand, are a different story.
Men. ,say:
Everyone can continue to contribute to this list using additional millioniares. [...]

I was just thinking of doing so. [Smile]
Since I've barely really touched on sports, business or international, I expect there are many thousands, if not tens of thousands of candidates.

Yes, the sports. I'm sure THAT list is long.

One thousand x $1,000,000 = ???
^alot of money, according a course to your estimate.

ThousandMillion. [Smile]
Nah, just jokin. One billion. (1,000,000,000$) Don't know about Ya'll, but I know what I'd do with all that doe.:Spend it on some girls, new Cd's and a nigga gotta have some dope, + free B.E.T. for a life-time, and maybe some dope ass cars. and hmn...

[Big Grin] Psych!

On a serious note, I would try to use my monetary gain to enflate the middle class in certain countries in africa. I'd have it used for indigenous owned businesses.

... and the list continues... maybe some ice, I'd move my family to Hawaii or somewhere, or to a ghetto-faulous side of my town, + blow it on tonz a booze (liquor). Oh, and don't let me forget, some booze for da' kids too. (This ain't from TV, I wouldn't do that, it's actually from real-life by the way..)
Posted by alTakruri (Member # 10195) on :
Good stuff meninarmer!

I know you know there've been plans from Martin
Delaney to Chancellor Williams to make a nation
meeting its responsibilities out of the disparate
elements comprising the Middle Passage descendents.

Unfortunately, none have come to fruition, though
those of the Honorable Marcus "Mosiah" Garvey
and the Honorable Elijah Muhammed were, for a
time, very successful.

Young Horus
The only enemy strong enough to sabotage nation
building is the enemy within, or as the quote goes,
"I've seen the enemy and the enemy is us."
Posted by meninarmer (Member # 12654) on :
Originally posted by alTakruri:
Unfortunately none have come to fruition though
those of the Honorable Marcus "Mosiah" Garvey
and the Honorable Elijah Muhammed were, for a
time, very successful.

The Nation is still going strong. Farrakhen has been ill lately, but he ensures everyone that the Nation is in good hands if he has to turn over leadership.

No one knows exactly how many members the Nation has or exactly how large their financial resources are. That's the beauty of having a religious structure like the Vatican. You are a Not-For-Profit entity.

One things for sure, the Nation is very resourceful, self-contained, and a model for how-to-successfully-operate a nation within a nation.

According to the ever spying ADL, the Nation has over the last 60 years, ammased a substantial financial empire (ADL report), has mosques in over 180 U.S. cities, operates The Abundant Life AIDS Clinic (no other black org. has anything approaching this), and maintains an NOI Intelligence Service comparable to the ADL.
They also settled a $4.5 Billion law suit against The New York Post for a reported $250Mil.
The Nation Of Islam has made their dream come true.
One positive aspect of U.S. increase in black incarcerations is; as the black prison population grows, so does the Nation Of Islam's membership numbers. The Nation has definitely learned to effectively turn lemons into lemonade.

Anyone interested in more NOI detail, this article seems fairly complete, however it does contain fallicies, and was written to warm christians of the dangers of the Nation to the church.

All the smart people on the board and still no dream solutions to widely known black issues?
Posted by Doug M (Member # 7650) on :

Other than that, I agree that Doug, in historical topics you need to just present, instead of defend (off the bat). I mean, a good fighter know how to attack and defend, so it'd be good to get that latch un-stuck from defend mode!

So let me get this straight. Saying that Europeans used deception and lies to distort the history of Africa and Africans is an attack? An ATTACK is when you pick up a stick and hit somebody. What I said was a FACT. Everything I said was a FACT. Not ONCE was it an attack on Europeans. European imperialists of the 19th century DID create racist doctrines in science and anthropology to justify oppression and exploitation, as Hitler did in WWII. Telling the FACTS is not an ATTACK, unless someone is NOT AWARE of the facts in the first place. Then it is an ATTACK on ignorance or the results of brainwashing. In that case, MAYBE you are correct. [Smile] In history the only goal is to report the FACTS accurately. If you are suggesting I should NOT do that and only report the GOOD stuff and not the BAD stuff, then that is not telling history, that is telling FAIRY TALES.

Or maybe because I use BOLD words sometimes makes it seem like an attack..... Surely I am not ATTACKING anyone here. [Smile] Unless you WANT to be.... which obviously is a whole another issue. [Smile]
Posted by meninarmer (Member # 12654) on :
Zionism Is Nobody's Friend

By Judy Andreas

" I have chiefly had men's views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the U.S., in the field of commerce and manufacturing, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it." The New Freedom. Woodrow Wilson, 1913

What was this power to which Wilson referred? Why was it talked about in hushed tones and behind closed doors?

Our public has been and continues to be duped. It is a process which begins early and is unrelenting. It begins in homes and schools. It begins on the radio and television. It begins in the print media. And, ultimately, a Pavlovian reaction occurs; man is no longer a critical thinker. Man has become a machine. I know the process all too well; I was a part of it for more years than I care to admit. And now that I am able to see beyond the curtain, even if only partially, I want nothing more then to alert people to the game that is being played at their expense.

Jews have played an important role in this duping drama and yet, the average Jew remains ignorant of what is transpiring. The average Jew has been effectively brainwashed by cries of anti-Semitism and pictures of the Jewish Holocaust The average Jew lives in a state of fear and anxiety and feels a part of the victim class. No matter how much power is amassed, the average Jew feels one step away from extinction. There is always a threat hanging over his head. Another swastika appears on a Synagogue. Another "suicide bomber" manages to get through the labyrinth of checkpoints in Israel. (if you know anything about the checkpoints, you will find this a bit difficult to believe ) Well placed occurrences keep the average Jew vulnerable to this "power." And what is this power? ZIONISM.

Zionism is a political movement that arose in the latter part of the 1800's. Initially it referred to the effort of certain Jewish people to establish a Jewish nation in the land of Palestine. But that term has changed over the years. Today it applies to those who want to expand the borders of what was already established. It refers to those who think nothing of putting their own interests ahead of the interests of any nation in which they reside. It refers to those who will sacrifice anyone, Jews and Gentiles alike, to realize their goals.

It is a grave mistake to believe that all Jews are supporters of Zionism. There have been many vocal critics as well as some who have, for reasons of fear and intimidation, not been as vocal. I will mention some of these courageous voices and my apologies to those I omit. Anti-Zionist writers such as John Sack, Alfred Lilienthal, Benjamin Freedman, Israel Shamir, Israel Shahack, Norman Finkelstein, Henry Makow, Ralph Schoenman, Lenni Brenner, Victor Ostrovsky, Henry Meyer and Jack Bernstein are only of few of this group. These man have dared to speak out and have, as a result, been forced to suffer vicious attacks from groups like the "Anti-Defamation League" (ADL). Despite its appealing name, this group specializes in slander and defamation.

Author Jack Bernstein stated:

"I am well aware of the tactics YOU, my Zionist brethren, use to quiet anyone who attempts to expose any of your subversive acts. If the person is gentile, you cry "you're anti-Semitic," which is nothing more than a smokescreen to hide your actions. But if a Jew is the person doing the exposing, you resort to other tactics:

First, you ignore the charges, hoping the information will not be given widespread distribution. If the information starts reaching too many people, you ridicule the information and the person giving the information. If that doesn't work, your next step is character assassination. If the author or speaker hasn't been involved in sufficient scandal, you are adept at fabricating a scandal against the person or persons. If none of these are effective, you are known to resort to physical attacks. But NEVER do you try to prove the information wrong. " (from The Life Of An American Jew in Racist-Marxist Israel. By Jack Bernstein, 1984)

Bernstein challenged the ADL to an open debate on television. Not surprisingly, the challenge was declined.

The Nuturei Karta is the name given to a group of Orthodox Jews in Jerusalem who refuse to recognize the existence or authority of the so-called "State of Israel" In their literature they write:

"Zionist propagandists are always given to bullying tactics and censorship. It is very helpful in this regard to read former Congressman Findley's book, They Dared to Speak Out. It is the sorry record of the immense resources that the Zionist lobby invested in destroying the careers of politicians all across the United States who had voiced some qualms about this nation's subservience to Israel.

Of course, anti - Zionist Jews of all political and religious orientations have long experienced the lash of the Zionist movement. In 1924, a scholarly Dutch Jew, Dr. Jacob Israel de Hahn, who functioned as a secretary of Rabbi Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld (1849 - 1932 ) Chief Rabbi of Palestine, (may their memories be blessed) was murdered as he returned from evening prayers outside Shaarui Zedek hospital in Jerusalem. His crime was that he had been involved in discussions with Arab leaders that offered an alternative to Zionist hegemony. His murderers were members of the Haganah, a Zionist, so - called "defense organization." In fact, Dr. de Hahn may well be described as the first victim of Zionist violence in the Holy Land. Yet, outside of a limited circle of anti - Zionist Jews, this cowardly and cold blooded murder is completely unknown "

Our history books are replete with blank pages. There is a virtual media blackout on some of the most prescient occurrences that have led to the untenable situation in today's world.

In the late 1800's, the Zionists schemed to take over Arab Palestine. Most people are not aware that the Jews had not controlled Palestine since the days of the Roman Empire and that the small group of Arab Jews who lived in Palestine got along well with their Muslim hosts and never expressed any desire to overthrow the Ottoman rulers and set up a nation called Israel. This movement came strictly from influential European Zionists.

In 1914, Germany, Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman Turkish Empire were locked in conflict against England, France and Russia. By 1916, however, the Germans, Austrian Turks appeared to have won the war. Germany made an offer to Britain to end the war. It was an offer that was favorable to Britain, and yet, the British and the international Zionists had different plans. Led by Chiam Weizmann, they used their influence to bring the United States into the war on Britain's side. In exchange, the British would reward the Zionists by taking Palestine from the conquered Ottoman Empire. Once under British control, the Jews of Europe would be encouraged to immigrate to Palestine in huge numbers.

Zionists such as Bernard Baruch, Louis Brandeis, Paul Warburg, Jacob Schiff and others influenced President Woodrow Wilson, a man whose closet contained a few skeletons that he preferred to keep hidden. The press transformed the German Kaiser and his people into bloodthirsty "Huns". In Germany, the Zionists used their power and influence to undermine Germany from within. The result was that the German, Austrian and Ottoman Empires were defeated and their maps were rewritten by the powers at the Treaty of Versailles in 1918.

The Balfour Declaration, which gave the land of Palestine to the Jews, was issued in 1917, one year before Germany surrendered. (The Jewish Virtual Library of the American-Israeli co-operative enterprise.)

For the readers who have dismissed what I have written so far, I ask you to turn your attention to the work of Benjamin Freedman. Freedman was an American millionaire who severed ties with his fellow Zionists years after the war. He went on to dedicate much of his life and fortune, from the Woodbury Soap Company, to exposing the truth about both World Wars and the Zionist grip on America. This is easily verified. Do not let knee jerk reactions close your mind. I know how distressing this is. Growing up Jewish, I have 'walked that walk'. I have felt the sorrow and disbelief. It is important, however, that we begin to write some real history on those blank pages in your school syllabus.

The Balfour Declaration was a letter prepared in March 1916 and issued in November of 1917 by the British statesman Arthur James Balfour, the foreign secretary which expressed the British government's approval of Zionism and "the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people."

As a result, Israel was established as an independent state in 1948 in the mandated area.

The German people resented the Zionist role in bringing about their WW 1 defeat as well as the incredibly harsh Treaty of Versailles with its brutal monetary reparations. The German economy was in ruins. The people elected Adolf Hitler in 1932 and the Nazi party soon seized control of the German media, banks and universities away from the influential Zionists who had controlled them.

Zionists called for action against Germany and boycotts were imposed in the UK and USA. On March 24, 1933, "The Daily Express" of England carried the following headline; "Judea Declares War on Germany. Jews of All the World Unite in Action" ( Daily Express (England) March 24, 1933.)

In September of 1939, Germany and Poland went to war over disputed territory that had been taken away from Germany by the Versailles Treaty of 1918. Great Britain and France saw an opportunity to declare war on Germany under the pretext of protecting Poland. They conveniently ignored the fact that Stalin's Soviet Union had invaded Poland too. Germany pleaded with Britain and France (the Allies) to withdraw their war declarations, but the Allies continued their massive military buildup along Germany's frontiers. Germany's neighbors (Belgium, Holland and also Norway) succumbed to Allied political pressure to allow their armies to establish bases in their territories. In the spring of 1940, the war in Western Europe began when Germany launched preemptive invasions of Norway, Holland and Belgium. In the United States, the Zionists applied pressure to Franklin Delano Roosevelt to involve the United States in the war.

The rest is history, if you'll pardon the poor pun. The United States' entry into the war resulted in another crushing defeat for Germany.

A few years after the end of the second World War, the plan to establish the nation of Israel in Palestine materialized. Great Britain, left weakened, were chased from Palestine by Zionist acts of terror. The most notorious terror group was the Irgun, led by Menachem Begin. Later on, Begin would go on to become the Prime Minister of Israel and the winner of the Nobel Peace Prize. It kind of leaves you scratching your head, doesn't it?

July 22, 1946, Irgun terrorists, dressed as Arabs, entered the Kind David Hotel in Jerusalem. They unloaded 225 kilograms of explosives. The Secretariat of the Government of Palestine and the Headquarters of the British Forces in Palestine were housed there. Most of the victims were British but 15 innocent Jews also died. The radical Zionists had no trouble killing their fellow Jews in their attempt to advance their mission.

The Irgun terror gang also targeted Arab civilians in order to frighten them into leaving their homes and villages. The massacre at Deir Yassin, April 9, 1948, was one such occurrence.

Christian Arabs numbering over 254 were dragged from their homes, lined up and shot. Many were old men, women and children.

By 1948, the UN, UK and US had recognized the nation of Israel. One of its first acts was to pass "the law of return", which gave any Jew in the world the right to move to Israel and become a citizen. The land had been stolen from the Arabs in a brutal fashion and the brutality has not stopped.

In the years that have followed, many "false flag" operations have occurred:

1. In 1955, Israeli agents, impersonating Arab terrorists were caught staging a series of bombings against US installations in Egypt. The scandal came to be known as the Lavon affair.

2. In 1967, during a war with the Arabs, Israeli gunboats and fighter jets attacked the USS Liberty, an unarmed US ship. Thirty five American sailors were murdered and 170 were injured. Their excuse was that they mistook the ship for an Egyptian one. However, survivors of the incident have contradicted this.

3. In the 1980's, the Israelis once again succeeded in framing enemy Arabs in order to anger the United States. Former Mossad case officer Victor Ostrovsky defected from the Mossad and tried to warn the United States about their evil, murderous nature. He told how the Israelis framed Libya for the bombing of a German night club which framed Libya and caused President Reagan to bomb Libya in 1986, killing the 4 year old daughter of Libyan leader Muamar Qadhafi. Ostrovsky's 1990 book, By Way of Deception revealed how the Mossad recruits Arab agents to carry out their missions. He also stated "Israeli agents are skilled at impersonating Arabs."

It is imperative to emphasize that Zionism is nobody's friend. It is imperative that Jewish people realize that they too have been betrayed by the Zionists who have continued using Judaism to hide behind. In fact, when all the details are carefully examined and carefully considered, the painful reality is that it was ZIONISM which literally sent Europe's Jews into the bowels of the Holocaust.'

A veil of disbelief shrouds many Jewish eyes. This is because the sordid history of Zionism has been so effectively suppressed. The plethora of Holocaust movies and cries of anti-Semitism have left Jewish people with fear and trembling. How many of these people are aware that the Zionists collaborated with the Nazis?

1. According to Lenni Brenner's book Zionism in the Age of Dictators (Ch.7), the Zionist party was the only other political party in Nazi Germany that enjoyed a measure of freedom, and could publish a newspaper. The reason: Zionists and Nazis had a common interest, making German Jews go to Palestine.

2. "If I knew that it would be possible to save all the children in Germany by bringing them over to England and only half of them by transporting them to Eretz Israel, then I opt for the second alternative." David Ben Gurion informed a meeting of Labor Zionists in Great Britain in 1938 (Brenner, Zionism, p.149)

3. In November 1942, Rabbi Michael Dov-Ber Weismandel, a Jewish activist in Slovakia approached Adolph Eichmann's representative, Dieter Wisliceny: "How much money would be needed for all the European Jews to be saved?" Wisliceny went to Berlin and returned with an answer.

For a mere $2 million they could have all the Jews in Western Europe and the Balkans. Weismandel sent a courier to the World Zionist Organization in Switzerland. His request was refused. The official, Nathan Schwalb sent enough money to save only Weismandel and his cadre. He wrote:

"About the cries coming from your country, we should know that all the Allied nations are spilling much of their blood, and if we do not sacrifice any blood, by what right shall we merit coming before the bargaining table when they divide nations and lands at the war's end? ....for only with blood shall we get the land." (Brenner, Zionism, p.237)

"Why would the Zionist leaders betray the Jews of Europe?" You wonder. After all, the entire rationale for the state of Israel has been that it was intended to be a refuge for Jews facing persecution.

The Zionists, to the contrary, saw any effort to rescue Europe's Jews not as the fulfillment of their political purpose but as a threat to their entire movement. If Europe's Jews were saved, they would wish to go elsewhere and the rescue operation would have nothing to do with the Zionist project of conquering Palestine. Their obsession with colonizing Palestine and overwhelming the Arabs led the Zionist movement to oppose any rescue of the Jews facing death, because the ability to deflect select manpower to Palestine would be impeded.

From 1933 to 1935, the World Zionist Organization turned down two-thirds of all the German Jews who applied for immigration certificates. As late as 1943, while countless Jews in Europe were dying, the U.S. Congress proposed to set up a commission to "study" the problem. Rabbi Stephen Wise, who was the principal American spokesperson for Zionism, came to Washington to testify against the rescue bill because it would divert attention from the colonization of Palestine.

One would have, perhaps, expected the Zionists to understand the meaning of humiliation and the pain of being perpetual refugees. And yet, in place of compassion, the Zionists celebrated the persecution of others, even as they first betrayed the Jews and then degraded them. They selected a victim people of their own on whom to inflict a conquering design. They aligned the surviving Jews with a new genocide against the Palestinian people, cloaking themselves, with savage irony, in the collective shroud of the Holocaust.

A chilling tale of Zionist crimes against their brethren is known as The Ringworm Children.

4. In 1951, the director general of the Israeli Health Ministry, Dr. Chaim Sheba flew to America and returned with 7 x-ray machines, supplied to him by the American army.

They were to be used in a mass atomic experiment with an entire generation of Sephardi youths to be used as guinea pigs. Every Sephardi child was to be given 35,000 times the maximum dose of x-rays through his head. For doing so, the American government paid the Israeli government 300,000 Israeli liras a year. The entire Health budget was 60,000 liras. The money paid by the Americans is equivalent to billions of dollars today.

To fool the parents of the victims, the children were taken away on "school trips" and their parents were later told the x-rays were a treatment for the scourge of scalpal ringworm. 6,000 of the children died shortly after their doses were given, the many of the rest developed cancers that killed them over time and are still killing them now. While living, the victims suffered from disorders such as epilepsy, amnesia, Alzheimer's disease, chronic headaches and psychosis.

Yes, that is the subject of the documentary in cold terms. It is another matter to see the victims on the screen. ie. To watch the Moroccan lady describe what getting 35,000 times the dose of allowable x-rays in her head feels like.

"I screamed make the headache go away. Make the headache go away. Make the headache go away. But it never went away."

To watch the bearded man walk hunched down the street.

"I'm in my fifties and everyone thinks I'm in my seventies. I have to stoop when I walk so I won't fall over. They took my youth away with those x-rays."

To watch the old lady who administered the doses to thousands of children.

"They brought them in lines. First their heads were shaved and smeared in burning gel.

Then a ball was put between their legs and the children were ordered not to drop it, so they wouldn't move. The children weren't protected over the rest of their bodies. There were no lead vests for them. I was told I was doing good by helping to remove ringworm. If I knew what dangers the children were facing, I would never have cooperated. Never!"

Because the whole body was exposed to the rays, the genetic makeup of the children was often altered, affecting the next generation. We watch the woman with the distorted face explain, "All three of my children have the same cancers my family suffered. Are you going to tell me that's a coincidence?"

Everyone notices that Sephardi women in their fifties today, often have sparse patchy hair, which they try to cover with henna. Most of us assumed it was just a characteristic of Sephardi women. We watch the woman on the screen wearing a baseball-style hat. She places a picture of a lovely young teenager with flowing black hair opposite the lens. "That was me before my treatment. Now look at me." She removes her hat. Even the red henna can't cover the horrifying scarred bald spots.

The majority of the victims were Moroccan because they were the most numerous of the Sephardi immigrants. The generation that was poisoned became the country's perpetual poor and criminal class. It didn't make sense. The Moroccans who fled to France became prosperous and highly educated. The common explanation was that France got the rich, thus smart ones. The real explanation is that every French Moroccan child didn't have his brain cells fried with gamma rays.

The film made it perfectly plain that this operation was no accident. The dangers of x-rays had been known for over forty years. We read the official guidelines for x-ray treatment in 1952.

5. Thermonuclear blackmail of America by Zionist Israel. Yes, it is quite true as revealed in a stunning United States Air Force paper located here:

One other purpose of Israeli nuclear weapons, not often stated, but obvious, is their "use" on the United States. America does not want Israel's nuclear profile raised.[144] They have been used in the past to ensure America does not desert Israel under increased Arab, or oil embargo, pressure and have forced the United States to support Israel diplomatically against the Soviet Union. Israel used their existence to guarantee a continuing supply of American conventional weapons, a policy likely to continueThe Counterproliferation Papers Series was established by the USAF Counterproliferation Center to provide information and analysis to U.S. national security policy-makers and USAF officers to assist them in countering the threat posed by adversaries equipped with weapons of mass destruction. Copies of papers in this series are available from the USAF Counterproliferation Center, 325 Chennault Circle, Maxwell AFB AL 36112-6427. The fax number is (334) 953-7538; phone (334) 953-7538.

The internet address for the USAF Counterproliferation Center is: "

Have you had enough? I have. I am tired of the manipulation. I am tired of watching people fighting; people who should be banding together in a common cause. I am tired of watching Jews and Gentiles being used for the nefarious gains of an extremely dark force. I am tired of watching the targeting and extermination of Muslims. I am tired of watching our rights disappear while the populace falls asleep in front of their televisions. I am tired of hate and dissension. I am tired of helplessness and hopelessness and an immobilized populace. I am tired of watching people throw their hands up in despair.

There are lone voices crying in the wilderness. Are these voices falling upon deaf ears? I urge every person of conscience to speak out. Don't be afraid. We are the many and they are the few. Add your voice to this group until the hushed whispers become a deafening roar.

Are you doubting what I say? Don't take my word, do your own investigation. It's a painful exploration but I truly believe that the balance of this planet hangs on the opening of Jewish eyes. There are many good hearted Jewish people who are being duped along with their Gentile brethren. Much of the world is waking up to the manipulations of the few and it is imperative that Jewish people join them. There is no time to waste. The information is limitless. There is no refuge for Jewish people in Israel. My dear readers, Zionism will not protect you. Zionism will crucify you on a bloody cross of avarice. It is only through a union of Jewish, Christians and Muslims that we will we be able to take back our planet.

Copyright 2006 Judy Andreas
Posted by What Box Wasalu Emeagwali (spellin? (Member # 10819) on :
^Damn there is always so much **** about zionism. [Eek!] X-rays?

Originally posted by Doug M.:
So let me get this straight. Saying that Europeans used deception and lies to distort the history of Africa and Africans is an attack? An ATTACK is when you pick up a stick and hit somebody.

lol, no, I was saying it was a defense. A defense is reactionary, like when you react an attack.

Posting as if someone, like a hore lets say, made all kinds of falliscious assinine comments about africa or whatever.

I like the counter-attack style best just as well on the internet. On the internet, you present evidence to the contrary (which helps render their point moot) and in addition you then {optional} go on the attack and make them look stupid (I KNOW you know attacks do not have to be pphysical!). You can then lay off if they haven't really did anything to harm you, because if you (in general n' case anyone's wondering) go on a ravenous spree you might leave us wondering about you. (in general again in case anyone's wondering)

Personally I know many of us do have VICTOM complex, and it makes me slap my hand on my forhead.

But I don't think you(Doug) have a victom complex.

I think you, like me Doug have a bull-****[ed] /lie\truth complex, thus we sort feel the need to be always in reaction mode.

People with victom complexes are not totally reactionary, they're still liable to be fooled and believe a lie (who isn't).

THEY DO however make themselves (and 'US') look stupid by accusing anything of being racist without reason.

[...]Then it is an ATTACK on ignorance or the results of brainwashing. In that case, MAYBE you are correct. [Smile]
Ah Doug was that a dis? Sure hope not, because if You think I'm brain-washed, then that makes me start to wonder. I'm like Herodotus. I don't TAKE too much anything as fact, I take most things as heresay, and verify them. Or report it as hearsay if I choose.

Anyway, yes, facts are an attack on ignorance.

In history the only goal is to report the FACTS accurately. If you are suggesting I should NOT do that and only report the GOOD stuff and not the BAD stuff, then that is not telling history, that is telling FAIRY TALES.
 - , but no.
Or maybe because I use BOLD words sometimes makes it seem like an attack.....
no. [Smile] no attacks.
Posted by Doug M (Member # 7650) on :
Originally posted by What Box Wasalu Emeagwali (spellin?:
^Damn there is always so much **** about zionism.

Originally posted by Doug M.:
So let me get this straight. Saying that Europeans used deception and lies to distort the history of Africa and Africans is an attack? An ATTACK is when you pick up a stick and hit somebody.

lol, no, I was saying it was a defense. A defense is reactionary, like when you react an attack.

Posting as if someone, like a hore lets say, made all kinds of falliscious assinine comments about africa or whatever.

I like the counter-attack style best just as well on the internet. On the internet, you present evidence to the contrary (which helps render their point moot) and in addition you then {optional} go on the attack and make them look stupid (I KNOW you know attacks do not have to be pphysical!). You can then lay off if they haven't really did anything to harm you, because if you (in general n' case anyone's wondering) go on a ravenous spree you might leave us wondering about you. (in general again in case anyone's wondering)

Personally I know many of us do have VICTOM complex, and it makes me slap my hand on my forhead.

But I don't think you(Doug) have a victom complex.

I think you, like me Doug have a bull-****[ed] /lie\truth complex, thus we sort feel the need to be always in reaction mode.

People with victom complexes are not totally reactionary, they're still liable to be fooled and believe a lie (who isn't).

THEY DO however make themselves (and 'US') look stupid by accusing anything of being racist without reason.

I understand. And actually, the idea of the psychological problems in Africans as a result of years of oppression and exploitation is nothing new and has been written about by many Africans. Likewise, there have always been debates and rivalries between various camps of those wishing to push an agenda for African progress. However, these cases are well documented and very important to studying the history and struggle within the struggle. A forum like this cannot begin to adress all solve these issues, but can help to disseminate fact from fiction, which IS an important step in the right direction.
Posted by What Box Wasalu Emeagwali (spellin? (Member # 10819) on :
A forum like this cannot begin to adress all solve these issues

not even attempt to?
Posted by meninarmer (Member # 12654) on :
Jewish Dominance and Exploitation
of the Black Civil Rights Movement

Many observers argue that the presumed Jewish altruism and social activism in the American civil rights movement of the 1960's had baser motives. Benjamin Ginsberg argues that the multicultural coalitions spearheaded by Jews in the civil rights era "was a political tactic" to "undermine the power" of those establishment social forces that hindered further Jewish socio-economic advancement. [GINSBERG, p. 125] In 1975 Hasia Dinner wrote a PhD thesis about the way that "Jewish support for black causes was a way for Jews to broaden their own rights without becoming conspicuous by advocating their group interests." [FEINGOLD, p. 130] "Jewish leaders," wrote Diner, "representing different socio-economic classes, ideologies, and cultural experiences committed themselves to black betterment and gave time, money, and energy to black organizations. The spectrum was so wide and the involvement so extensive that one must conclude that these leaders acted out of peculiarly Jewish motives ... [My] book demonstrates that Jewish ends were secured by involvement with blacks." [DINER, p. xiv, xii]

(Similarly, Jewish author Peter Novick notes the changing Jewish strategy in using massive Jewish attack against generic prejudice as a tool in fending off specific anti-Jewish hostility:

"In recent decades, the leading Jewish organizations have invoked the Holocaust to argue that anti-Semitism is a distinctively virulent and murderous form of hatred. But in the first postwar decades their emphasis -- powerfully reinforced by contemporary scholarly opinion -- was on the common psychological roots of all forms of prejudice. Their research, educational, and political action programs consistently minimized diffrences between different targets of discrimination. If prejudice and discrimination were all of a piece, they reasoned that they could serve the cause of Jewish self-defense as well by attacking prejudice and discrimination against blacks as by tackling anti-Semitism directly.") [NOVICK., P., 1999, p. 116]

"The Jewish struggle for equality and fair treatment," says Jonathan Kaufman, "was linked to the struggles of Blacks for greater opportunity. It was not a struggle of equals; Jews did not consider their plight equal to that of Blacks. But they recognized in the Black struggle for civil rights elements that could benefit them and conditions with which they sympathized." [MARTIN, p. 131] Hence, perhaps three-quarters of the funding for the three major civil rights organizations -- the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, The Congress of Racial Equality, and Martin Luther King's Southern Christian Leadership Conference is attributed to Jewish sponsorship. [MARTIN, p. 132]

"Any support of human rights in general by Jews," says Israel Shahak, "which does not include the support of human rights of non-Jews whose rights are being violated by [Israel] is deceitful ... [Jewish] support of Blacks in the South was motivated only by consideration of Jewish self-interest." [SHAHAK, p. 103] "The major role [that Jews] once played in the civil rights movement," says Charles Liebman and Stephen Cohen, "[is a] myth ... [that] enhances the self-image of a Jew as a caring and sensitive minority selflessly contributing to improve the lot of other minorities." [LIEBMAN/COHEN, p. 17] "Among the many myths life and history have imposed on Negroes," wrote Black author Harold Cruse in 1967, "... is the myth that the Negroes' best friend is the Jew." [CRUSE, p. 476]

For years W.E.B. DuBois was the only Black officer in the NAACP, which was largely directed, funded, and controlled in its early decades by Jews like Henry Moskowitz and Joel Spingarn. [ARSON, p. 140] (In 1913 Spingarn announced a yearly award named after himself, the "Spingarn Medal," for the "highest and noblest achievement of an American Negro." [DINER, p. 138] ) In a later era, and another Black organization, the Southern Leadership Christian Conference, a Jew -- Stanley Levison -- even wrote Martin Luther King's speeches for him. [MARTIN, p. 132] Levison has been described as one of King's "closest personal advisers." [KAUFMAN, J., 1988, p. 66] This voice of "Christian Leadership," Levison, was also discovered by the FBI to have been a former Communist party member. [KAUFMAN, J., p. 66] Another Jew, Marvin Rich, was the "chief fundraiser and key speech writer for the Congress of Racial Equality -- CORE", [GINZBURG, p. 145] and his position was later filled by another Jewish attorney, Alan Gartner. In the 1960s, "in CORE, younger and more militant members blocked efforts by [James] Farmer to name one of his Jewish advisers president of CORE, insisting the post be filled with a black." [KAUFMAN, J., 1988, p. 76] In the same era, the Executive Director of the American Jewish Congress, Will Maslow, was also a CORE national board member. (He resigned in outrage when one African-American CORE official, Clifford Brown, angrily declared that Hitler hadn't "killed enough" Jews). [UROFSKY, M., 1978, p. 327]

Another such Black civil rights group was the National Urban League, greatly funded by the Sears-Roebuck magnate, Julius Rosenwald. Edwin Seligman ("descended from one of the wealthiest and most prestigious Jewish families"), was the first chairman of the organization. Its first Executive Board included Abraham Lefkowitz and Felix Adler -- later joined by Seligman's brother George and Ella Sachs Plotz. In 1932, six Jews "served as officials" at the Urban League's Chicago branch. [DINER, p. 186] Following Jewish philanthropic donations, Salmon O. Levinson began directorship of the Abraham Lincoln Center (a social work center for Blacks and whites) in 1917. [DINER, p. 181] Jacob Billikopf, also Jewish, became chairman of Howard University, a Black college, in 1935. Fisk University also had influential Jewish board members. To this day, Rabbi David Saperstein serves as an NAACP board member. "By the mid-1960s," says Jonathan Kaufman, "Jewish contributions made up three-quarters of the money raised by SNCC [Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee], CORE, and SCLC. So important were contributions from Jews to SCLC, Jesse Jackson recalled later, that for a time King's advisers debated whether they should call the group simply the Southern Leadership Conference, eliminating the reference to 'Christian.' In phone conversations with King, Bayard Rustin, one of King's top advisers, would remind him to include references in his speeches to the 'Judeo-Christian tradition.'" [KAUFMAN, J., 1988, p. 66]

Jewish actor Theodore Bikel, a Zionist activist, was once "one of SNCC's most prominent supporters." [VOLKMAN, p. 215] Howard Zinn was also a Jewish SNCC "adviser." [KAUFMAN, J., 1988, p. 67] SNCC African-American leader Stokely Carmichael's "first demonstration was a pro-Israel rally held in front of the United Nations by the Young Socialist League." (He later became very vocally anti-Zionist). Another SNCC Black leader, Robert Moses, "had gone to the Jewish socialist camp, Camp Wo-Chi-Ca, as a child and befriended many Jews from radical and socialist homes." [KAUFMAN, J., 1988, p. 67]

What about the Southern Poverty Law Center, famed fighter for the impoverished and African-American rights, especially in the South? It is based in Montgomery, Alabama, and in 1996 the local Montgomery Advertiser printed an embarrassing expose about the Center. The salary, noted the paper, for SPLC president and CEO (as well as SPLC co-founder) Joseph Levin was $137,798 a year. Not bad for a fighter on behalf of those mired in poverty. The Center's Legal Director, Richard Cohen, made $151,420. But that's not all. The Advertiser further noted that "One thing remains a constant at the nation's wealthiest civil rights charity, the Montgomery-based Southern Poverty Law Center: All the top-paid, top-level management jobs are held by whites." [RICHARDSON, S., 8-29, p. D7] [No notation of the percentage of Jews within this "white" nomenclature is noted] In SPLC's 25-year history "no black person has held a top-level management position, and only one black staffer has ever been among the top five paid positions." In SPLC's team of five lawyers, one was African-American. [RICHARDSON, S., 8-29-96, p. D7]

The next year, an editorial writer, Rose Sanders, expressed outrage in the same newspaper that the SPLC publicly condemned Louis Farrakhan of the Nation of Islam (a hero in large parts of the Black community) as a racist. She pointed out the hypocrisy of the charge, noting that "Joseph Levin says he is not a bigot, but how does he explain the bigotry evidenced by the employment practices at the Poverty Law Center? An example of the Center's racial prejudice is illustrated by its racial tolerance program. The program did not have a single black employee. No black person helped shape or design the program." [SANDERS, R., 9-22-97, p. 7A] The granddaddy of Black civil rights organizations, the NAACP, "took shape" at the estate ("Troutbeck") of Joel Spingarn who became its Board Chairman in 1915. He served in this position until 1929 when he became, instead, the president, til 1939. He was succeeded by his brother Arthur (for many years head of the NAACP's Legal Committee) till 1966, when another Jew, Kivie Kaplan, "a millionaire manufacturer of patent leather," [HILLEL/LEVINE, p. 127] took over. "By 1968," note Hillel Levine and Lawrence Harmon, "the perceived paternalistic leadership style of Kaplan and other prominent Jews in the civil rights movement was coming under increasingly sharp attack. Activists called for his resignation; Kaplan refused." [HILLEL/ HARMON, p. 127] Only with Kaplan's death in 1975 did the NAACP -- 64 years after its founding -- have the opportunity to elect its first Black president. [GOLDBERG, p. 24]

"Litigation," notes Hasia Diner, "was the Association's most potent weapon ... Many of those lawyers and legal advisors were Jews. In fact, Jews made their greatest impact on the Association in this area." [DINER, p. 128] Jewish lawyer Nathan Margold's 1929 "report became the bible of the NAACP's legal efforts." [KAUFMAN, J., 1988, p. 91] Jack Greenberg headed the 1960s-era NAACP Legal Defense Fund. In 1982, still at the helm, a Black student coalition at Harvard protested Jewish paternalism and the fact that a white Jew "was heading the country's premier black legal organization." [KAUFMAN, J., 1988, p. 119-121] Joel Spingarn, who served as both the NAACP Chairman of the Board and as a major in the U.S. Military Intelligence Department (MID) during World War I, was revealed in recent years by the Memphis Commercial Appeal to have "used his [NAACP] post to obtain critical information for MID." [MARTIN, p. 49] Another such "liberal" Jew on the NAACP membership rolls included Judge Julian Mack (of the U.S. Court of Appeals), the first President of the American Jewish Congress. Mack was also president of the Zionist Organization of America from 1918 to 1921. He and Louis Brandeis, notes Thomas Kolsky, "dominated American Zionism from 1914 to 1921 and also in the 1930s." [KOLSKY, T., p. 26]

With Jews holding the purse strings to many ostensibly Black organizations, in 1976 Black activist Julian Bond sought the directorship of the NAACP. Although critical of Israel, Bond found it necessary to sign a yearly "Black Americans in Support of Israel (BASIC)" statement "if he was to have any chance of winning the NAACP position, given the powerful influence of Jews within the organization." [GINZBURG, p. 169] In the early years of the NAACP, adds Hasia Diner, "heavy Jewish involvement may explain why the [NAACP] conference passed the 'Russian Resolution,' which protested the expulsion of Jews from the city of Kiev, Russia." [DINER, p. 136] Later, African Americans like William Pollard, Deputy Director of the NAACP, took "many trips" to Israel, although socialization to the Jewish/Israeli perspectives was not always completely successful. [STARR, J., 1990, p. 251]

Clues to the nature of Spingarn's NAACP may be gleaned from the following quotes from B. Joyce Ross, author of J.E. Spingarn and the Rise of the NAACP:

* "Spingarn's failure to relinquish the power he wielded in the NAACP comprised one of the greatest paradoxes of his career." [p. 69]

* "Spingarn's familiarity with New York's most reputable financial institutions and his expertise in the management of stocks and bonds enabled him to become one of the key formulators of the NAACP's financial policy." [p. 57] (He also had a "special influence" at publishers Harcourt, Brace and a "special relationship" at Alfred Knopf). [LEWIS, p. 562]

* 'The NAACP became a closed corporation ... [resulting in] a tremendous narrowing of the broad base of authority suggested by the Association's constitutional structure, with a concomitant tendency toward a self-perpetuating Board of Directors." [p. 52]

* "The central office's tight control of the branches meant essentially that a few New York administrators determined NAACP policy on a nationwide scale." [p. 58-59]

* "[W.E.B. Du Bois], the only Black executive officer [until 1916] contended that it was absolutely necessary that he have a large measure of autonomy lest the Association with its preponderance of white executives, should become a white dominated organization with Negroes as mere helpers ... From an administrative standpoint [Du Bois'] demand for autonomy was a potential threat to the organization's basic unity." [p. 61-62]

* Even though W. E. Du Bois, one of the foremost Black leaders of the day, received a full salary from the Association for his services, he frequently was obliged to solicit personal loans from Spingarn." [ p. 57] The early Black nationalist Marcus Garvey "stormed out of the NAACP's headquarters in 1917, 'dumbfounded' by the apparent domination of whites." These included Board Chairman Joel Spingarn, his brother Arthur who was pro bono counsel, Herbert Lehman of the Executive Committee, Arthur Sachs, Herbert Seligmann - director of public relations, and his secretary Martha Gruening. [LEWIS, p. 553] (A particularly curious instance occurred in 1962-63 when the labor union expert at the NAACP, a Jew named Herbert Hill, led an attack on the -- largely Jewish -- International Ladies Garment workers union, for racism ["discrimination."] [GLAZER/MOYNIHAN, p. 178]

Other NAACP activists included Felix Frankfurter ("an active Zionist who is credited with drafting the Balfour Declaration, the 1918 statement of the British government favoring the establishment of the Jewish homeland in Palestine" and Herman Lehman who "was also a Zionist and lent a hand in the Palestine Economic Corporation. Among Louis Marshall's "primary activities" included "serving as president of the American Jewish Committee." Herman Moskowitz "worked ardently in the Jewish Joint Distribution Committee and the Jewish Social Service Association." [DINER, p. 123]

In later years Marcus Garvey ran into trouble with the law concerning his part-ownership of a steam line business. "I am being punished for the crime of the Jew Silverstone [an agent of the Black Star line]," he complained, "I was persecuted by Maxwell Mattuck, another Jew, and I am to be sentenced by Judge Julian Mack, the eminent jurist [and an NAACP board member]. Truly, I may say, 'I am going to Jericho and fell among thieves.'" [MAGIDA, p. 166]

"One is driven to the hypothesis," says Israel Shahak, "that quite a few of Martin Luther King's rabbinical supporters were either anti-Black racists who supported him for tactical reasons (wishing to win black support for American Jewry and for Israel) or were accomplished hypocrites." [SHAHAK, p. 26] "[Jewish] loyalists," declared Thelma Thomas Dalevy, president of the mostly Black Delta Sigma Theta sorority in 1979, "are not compatible with the struggle of black Americans for equal opportunity under the law. Indeed, we question whether their loyalties are first with the state of Israel or the United States." [STANFIELD, p. 1849]

Yet, "Jews cannot afford to engage in or tolerate political tactics or public rhetoric that seriously threatens to discredit blacks," observes Benjamin Ginzburg, "This is one of the major reasons that Jewish racism, often expressed privately, seldom manifests itself publicly. African-Americans are simply too important to the legitimacy of the American domestic state. If Jews engage in attacks on blacks or permit doubts to be raised about the merits of their political claims, then Jews are, in effect, undermining a major moral prop supporting the institutions from which they themselves derive enormous benefits and through which they exercise considerable power." [GINZBURG, p. 153]
Posted by What Box : carLos manGuiNGez (Member # 10819) on :
"If I speak The Unpopular Truth, does that make me a liar?"
Posted by meninarmer (Member # 12654) on :
To all the real brothers & sisters.
Posted by What Box : carLos manGuiNGez (Member # 10819) on :
Originally posted by What Box : carLos manGuiNGez:
"If I speak The Unpopular Truth, does that make me a liar?"

^^from a book I read a while ago -

a ^^very good poetic book
Posted by meninarmer (Member # 12654) on :
Black American leadership summary:

By far the most recent letters to BAR were generated by our February 14 article, "Black Leaders, or Leading Blacks?" by Leutisha Stills, of the Congressional Black Caucus Monitor. According to Ms. Stills' evaluation of Tavis Smiley's State of the Black Union event:

"The forum has evolved into an annual substitute for genuine politics in a Black polity that is bereft of institutions of accountability. By default, Tavis fills the void with his road shows and media exhibitions. But Mr. Smiley is not the problem: he is simply a businessman, who sees a hole in the market where a movement used to be."

Ms. Stills described the aftermath of the Katrina disaster as "an indictment of a ‘Black leadership' that lost its moorings when the Black movement was allowed to atrophy - a failure of epic proportions, for which putative leadership must be held accountable." The most important lesson learned from the Hampton University event, which drew 10,000 participants to hear a range of African political personalities, "was the awesome absence of coherence in a Black politics that is no longer fueled by a mass movement," wrote Ms. Stills. "Tavis, the hugely talented impresario, can't fix that."

"With ‘leadership' in tatters, the people become confused, anxious, and angry."

The near-brokenness of Black leadership structures is the result of no longer reconcilable contradictions between divergent political currents that, in the past, managed to coexist within the African American polity - albeit uneasily. Tavis Smiley's forum, like so many Black events that seek to paper over acute contradictions that are finally "coming home to roost," leave participants with a sense that the African American polity at-large is in disarray, when in fact it is a politically polyglot "leadership" whose voices are, when jumbled together, incoherent.

The unfinished business of the Black Freedom Movement, the larger goal of which was empowerment and self-determination for the masses of African Americans, is in open conflict with the Jim Crow-era political current that embraced the personal, professional, business and political advancement of every Black individual as a collective victory for "The Race" as a whole. In today's social-political environment, with hostile, outside forces actively recruiting Black "spokespersons" and financing Black "role models," the Jim Crow-era Black worldview is not just obsolete - it is a formula for disaster.

The contradiction between the two opposing currents - the Black progressive struggle to transform society vs. celebration of individual Black advancement within the existing framework - became dramatically apparent with the advent of Barack Obama's stealth corporate presidential candidacy. The tragedy also unfolds in the ranks of the Congressional Black Caucus, which in less than a decade has been neutered as an institution for social change by relentless corporate penetration.

With "leadership" in tatters, the people - who continue to hold dear the progressive politics of the historical Black political agenda - become confused, anxious, and angry. The contradictions that are now coming to a head are evident at gatherings in every sector of Black America, causing deep consternation and a general sense of collective failure. Therefore, before turning to letters directly addressing Leutisha Stills' article on Tavis Smiley's event, we will share an email from a gentleman in his sixties, long active in civil rights, who along with his wife attended a recent dinner of an NAACP chapter in the Midwest. Our correspondent, who shall remain anonymous, wrote:

"I have had uncomfortable feelings at these meetings seeing large photographs on display of Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice as icons alongside those of Martin Luther King and Malcolm X. I wondered to myself, Is this the NAACP that W.E.B DuBois envisioned? Are all African-Americans supposed to admire the servants of blood-soaked imperialism alongside the peacemakers, seeing them as African-Americans of achievement?

"At this year's...meeting, I heard the African-American president of McDonald's (a company which produces poison for food) speak and be honored. I also heard one of the pastors of our AME church laud BP Amoco for its contributions to NAACP programs. BP Amoco is known to me as a party just as guilty of launching our war of aggression against Iraq as are George Bush and Dick Cheney."

The pictures the writer speaks of on the NAACP's walls reveal a contradiction older and deeper than the organization, itself - one internalized, to some degree, by virtually every African American.

So strong is the imperative to embrace personalities representing all the political tendencies that flow through the historical Black American polity, the pantheon of notables is crowded with folks who had good reason to despise each other. We have all witnessed attempts to harmonize in the same document or event Booker T. Washington, W.E.B. Dubois and Marcus Garvey, "leaders" whose lives overlapped but whose political activities were mutually antithetical.

So long as White society was almost uniformly hostile to ALL manifestations of Black personhood, there was good reason to reflexively celebrate every individual Black advancement as a collective victory. However, in the post-Freedom Movement era, when a) Blacks have achieved the full political rights necessary to choose their own leaders among contending tendencies, and b) corporate forces are for the first time in history actively investing in the creation of "comprador" groupings operating within the Black polity, the harmonizing imperative has become profoundly counterproductive. Indeed, the imperative may have become fatal, since the corporate-funded "line" not only negates the progressive core of the historical Black Political Consensus, but demands the liquidation of Black politics, as such (let's call that Obamaism, whether the Senator actually ascribes to it, or not).

The current corporate entry into Black politics is a quantitative and qualitative leap from B.T. Washington's corporate-funded "Tuskegee Machine," which was essentially a client-patron relationship within the context of Jim Crow. With Jim Crow dead, Obamaism demands that Black politics be disbanded, and the very existence of a Black polity be denied.

Nevertheless, the Black polity exists, and will continue to manifest itself. We are witnessing the beginnings of a kind of civil war within that polity. Like the U.S. Civil War, that's not a tragedy: it is a necessity.

Black Leaders....or Leading Blacks?

Phillip Jackson, of The Black Star Project, in Chicago had the following response to Ms. Stills' article on The State of the Black Union:

"The session in Hampton was mostly a waste of time. Where is the action? Where is the plan? Who are the people who will be accountable? Did the 8,000 people in attendance educate one Black child on this day? We have no more time for popularity contest. Our leaders win; the people lose!

"Black people in America have entered into the time of ‘Educate or Die!'"

John H. Elliott is 1st Vice President/ Political Action Chair of the Bloomington-Normal, Illinois NAACP. He compliments Ms. Stills:

"A good thought provoking article. I think when we talk about accountability, we can not just place the burden entirely on our Leaders. Where are the soldiers or the followers. Dr. King could lead and plan ,but he needed people ready to implement. We talk about Leaders ready to die, do we have followers as in the Civil Rights Movement who were not only ready to die ,but did make the ultimate sacrifice. We had people who were beaten and died for the right to vote, but it is hard to get our people out to vote. You can have Voter Registration Drives and people will not register. If you try door to door registration some will not open the door.

"The problems we face today is not just with a few frustrated Leaders, but with the followers. You can have the BEST Plan, but if you don't have the resources it is hard to implement. Brother Gordon of the NAACP said it correctly, when he mentioned a question he was asked: "What is the NAACP doing?" The questioner was not willing to join or support the organization in any way. The NAACP is made up of volunteers who sacrifice their time, energy, family to help others and people who sit on the sidelines doing nothing still complain.

"You have to remember during the 1960's all people of Color were not supportive of the Movement or Dr King and others, but they pressed on anyway."

From Washington, DC, Ms. Stills heard from Jonathan Stith, Lead Organizer for the Youth Education Alliance.

"Great article on Black Agenda. I think you are on point about Tavis Smiley.

"I like him and think he is on point on a lot of issues. However, like Talib Kweli says, ‘we need them, but rappers just ain't the right leaders.' You can switch rappers with reporters.

"I agree with your assessment of Black leadership. I wonder if ‘Black leadership' is another debilitating social construct.

"Nevertheless, Adolph Reed diagnoses the problem and the remedy in an article titled "Why Black Radical Politics Has Failed." The link is:

"Keep writing and holding leadership accountable."

Atlanta resident Selah Abrams, a Turner Studios production engineer, is also a dedicated activist. He shared notes with Ms. Stills:

"Great topic, great points. I've volunteered whenever Tavis comes to town and I agree with everything you said. I'm focusing on a few areas, and strongly believe that this is where it's at:

* Online community building / social networking for change (GA Progressive Summit, US Social Forum, Nat'l Conference for Media Reform)
* Male mentoring program at Fulton County (Atlanta) Juvenile Court (10,000 open cases and 8,500 young African American males coming through the court this year). Our programs include: entrepreneurship in action, media literacy/activism, audio/video production, and athletics.
* Microfinance as a means to fund community-based organizations by recycling money within our own communities.

"I'm considering a financing model closer to"

One of the deans of Black economic development, Prof. Jim Clingman, welcomed the BAR article:

"Bravo! Hooray! Congrats! Well done!! Outstanding article, sister Stills. I just sent a note to the Editor of our 'Black' newspaper yesterday regarding Black Leaders and Leading Blacks. I will be sending your piece to her today."

Prof. Clingman runs the popular Blackonomics web site and is an organizer of the Bring Back Black Campaign, based in Cincinnati.

An esteemed newspaper publisher felt the urge to acknowledge Ms. Stills' work:

"Just wanted to say your right on point. My name is Jerald C. Brantley I am the publisher of the Iowa Bystander, the third oldest black owned publication in the United States. We have the same opinion of our leadership. Thank you for the insight and information. Continue the learning of our people."

Barbara BF, currently of Minneapolis, Minnesota, used to live in Prince George's County, Maryland, the most affluent majority-Black county in the nation, but one unfortunate to be represented by Congressman Albert Wynn. Wynn, a prominent Black member of the corporatist Democratic Leadership Council. Barbara BF laments that she once wasted precious time supporting misleaders.

"Well, [the article is] really depressing, but needs to be read. Am sending copies to my siblings and friends. Didn't like to be reminded of how I voted for Clinton and the first thing he did was NAFTA. Didn't do so well with supporting the black candidate for Congress in Maryland either. I remember going out in the snow, wind, storms, rain, anything and standing in long lines every time just to vote for him. Unfortunately years later, he was one of four members of CBC to support the invasion of Iraq. And he was a Democrat! When I called his office to ask him not to support Bush and Company, I mentioned the report Scott Ritter had done, and his assistant started actually SCREAMING AT ME on the phone. Saying something like no one cares what Scott Ritter says. Years later and I don't know how many thousands dead in Iraq, I got a recorded message from him when he was up for reelection again, apologizing for his support of the invasion of Iraq. Too little, too late!"

Louis Starks offers Ms. Stills an "Amen Sister":

"I agree with every word of your critique, a critique which is long overdue and in need of increased amplification. Continue your rigorous monitoring and tell it like it is. [Former CBC chairman] Mel Watts is a chump and an empty suit. He has no leadership skills. When Time, Newsweek, and mainstream media began a timid debate on race and class post-Katrina, where was he or the CBC? After all those years running away from issues of import to Blacks and progressives, he and so many others failed to step into the meager crack of opportunity Katrina presented and ratchet up the discussion. What happened to T.D. Jakes, Jesse Jackson, Sharpton, and so many others? (I would throw John Edwards in the mix but we're talking about Black folk now) I guess they were to busy getting their money-groove on.

"I really need to pick-up or purchase Robert Charles Smith's "We Have No Leaders." Unfortunately, the title resonates with me, seemingly, daily."

Some of the letters we are sharing with you were sent directly to the author, others to's blog, The blog, unlike our, allows readers to argue with each other. Mark S. Allen, associate editor of Chicago's South Street Journal Newspaper and co-founder of The New Black Independent Media Coalition, got the blog discussion started.

"These Tavis forums are what Dr. King called ‘The Paralysis of Analysis.'"

"I have been in public service for 30 "straight" years on local, state and national levels, including 7 years as a national staff member to the Rev. Jesse L. Jackson, Sr.

"Please visit the website of The Chicago Urban League and examine the ‘next generation' message and agenda of its new President/CEO, Cheryle Jackson. The model that she sets forth can be the example for us to follow in majority Black communities across the country. If Tavis convenes a meeting to act on this model, then we can begin to ease the pain for all the Black men who are going to jail versus college. We would have finally begun to address the economic problems, which is the underlying reason that most Black people are in jail. Trying to use the illegal drug activity because Black leadership has not provided enough legitimate economic opportunities and left job creation to every other ethnic group except Black people.

"These Tavis forums are what Dr. King called ‘The Paralysis of Analysis.' And while we are talking, everybody else is buying the land and using the ‘minority' access programs and funding to build and rebuild the Black community. This makes our new generation slaves when we have to depend on somebody else to produce while we keep consuming.

"If Black wealth is directing at adopting the Chicago Urban League model, we can immediately begin to have black owned and operated entities accessing the land in majority Black communities, and accessing the capital for existing and new Black business development."Right now, the Tavis forums are providing more symbolism than substance. Lets get started, get the Chicago Urban League position statement and Black Economic agenda, adopt it, amend it, and lets show our people that we have the ability to bring real answers home to the Black community, that they can see."

A brother who goes by the moniker of "Deadbeat," responds:

"Mr. Allen is still living in a fantasy that somehow the expansion of Black Capitalism will be the savior of the black community. This is reactionary and the fact that blacks pay taxes means that blacks need to make DEMANDS in order to change their situation.

"Why won't black capitalism work? Because the white power structure will use its power to dismantle any such accumulation. Until blacks and other minorities can revolutionize the system such that the authoritarian power of the system cannot be used against blacks then such capital formation cannot work.

"Otherwise Mr. Allen basically desires to have a few negros in high places that can reassure the ruling class - the head nigger in charge syndrome that was clearly expressed by Jesse Jackson. In fact it has been this head nigger in charge paradox that lead Jackson to dismantle his coalition after his 1988 run because he has been against the organic development of grassroots leaders.

"Where blacks have to look for guidance, is Latin America. That is the hope for blacks in the United States. Black leaders in the U.S have diluted black aspirations in liberalism such as electoral politics. Latin America has show how their militancy is bringing about real change. Only when Blacks regain militancy can there be a real challenge to the white ruling class

An avowed cultural nationalist contributed his views on the subject. The writer calls himself, "The Strategist."

"Here's the deal: these State of the Black Union forums have become nothing more than annual events - like the Super Bowl, NBA All-Star game or the president's State of the Union address. There are always a few speakers between the two-three panels every year who get it right in terms of what Black America MUST do. Dr. Hare this year was one of the few. Everyone else however is calling for this and calling for that but never telling the audience and Black America how to achieve this; perhaps because they really don't have a clue. Their calls for this and that reads like a wish list and that's the problem with the best-selling text, ‘The Covenant with Black America.' There are some good ideas put forth in the book, however most of it is dependent upon what white America does or thinks. That's not empowering us. I wrote THE most definitive review of the "Covenant..." book last year and most who've read it agreed with my assessment. See, Black America though unsure of exactly how to get out of this collective dilemma we're in, has grown tired of the pontification and excessive analysis by some of the regular panel guests year after year.

"Claud Anderson, Ed.D., president of the Harvest Institute and author of ‘PowerNomics: the National Plan to Empower Black America,' has put forth the most straightforward and comprehensive plan this decade for how Black America can become an independent and competitive group within America. But will you ever hear Tavis acknowledge his work or implement any measure of it in his ‘Covenant' text? Nope!

"It ain't gonna happen because quite frankly, it's too Black! Yes I said it and can prove it. But all in all, if Tavis wants to engage a larger segment of Black America, he'd bring on more within the Black cultural nationalist community - those who aren't celebrities but largely unknown but who are everyday raising the consciousness of Black people in America. Anderson is one but there are many others that Tavis is aware of as well who are much more capable of speaking to Black America than a tight suit wearing black Marxist quoting Greek philosophy.

"That's long been my problem; the fact that this is not a game or show yet the likes of Tavis sees it as such. Ms Stills was nicer than I am on this but to them it's all a rappin' contest to see who has the nicest mic skills and who can get the biggest applause from the audience. If it wasn't then why in the hell are they on a stage before hundreds of millions instead of behind the scenes strategizing? Answer that someone!"

For the record, BAR has vehemently denounced Claud Anderson's backward and politically destructive tirades on immigrants. (See "The Black Latino Future: Finding a Way to Solidarity, October 25, 2006.)

When Barack Obama transmitted his regrets for not attending the State of the Black Union event, some in the Hampton University auditorium crowd hissed and booed. But Pierre Clark believes Obama deserves Black support.

"A very insightful article. I think the major problem with black leadership today is their inability to define and articulate the classic issues of the 60s in terms that fit and move today's 21st century agenda. Too many of our so-called leaders are using terms and strategies that have been co-opted into irrelevance by over 40 years of usage. You can't fight 21st century fights using tactics that played out in the 60s. That is why I think Obama's candidacy will resonate with 21st century voters - he is using the language of today to frame issues that have been classic and intractable and using that language to unify broad coalitions around those issues. Too many of our leaders don't know how to fight the old fights that still need to be won in this new millennium. Moreover, our so-called leaders, many of them 60, 70 and 80 years old, are not in tune with the new generations coming forward and diss the hip-hop generation without understanding where they are coming from, why they express themselves the way they do, and what we can learn from how they use language to connect with and move people today, for good or ill. There's lots more to say on this and I look forward to reading future articles on the site."

Pierre was kind to us, so we will be kind to him. But not to Obama, who is getting plenty of kindness, elsewhere.

Putting Black Faces on Imperial Policies

Our February 14 article raised the question: What does the world think of African Americans after six years of Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice as Secretaries of State? Do we really want U.S. imperialism ravaging the planet in black-face?

"African Americans, who care so much for image - some, to the exclusion of all else - should contemplate what the ascension of a Black face to the Oval Office will mean to world perceptions of Black Americans as a group. Would Barack Obama be a worse international criminal than Hillary Clinton? My guess is, they'd function identically, as stewards of empire. But a Barack Obama presidency would leave an unindelible impression on the planet: The Blacks of the United States have arrived! They, too, are ‘ugly Americans.'"

A reader named Wa'il sees the drift into African American identification with imperialism, as inevitable.

"In a society whose governmental mechanisms are based upon representation as opposed to participation, its easy to see how our people fall into a ‘cattle' like mentality, even lemming like political decisions. It also speaks to the depth at which People of Color must compromise truth, integrity, morality and justice in order to fit into the mainstream institutions of America. One cannot be successful in America and avoid being complicit in its unadulterated imperialist policy dreams."

Monish R. Chatterjee reviews the article from a South Asian perspective:

"I cannot sufficiently praise your insightful article on the emerging ‘Black face of American imperialism.'

"I consider it a must read for all my thoughtful friends, and for all concerned humans worldwide, worried about the genocidal American imperial agenda that is killing, mercilessly, thousands upon thousands of defenseless human beings (of color, for the overwhelming part) around the world, and condemning millions to abject wretchedness in this country as well.

"You are absolutely correct that people around the world (I can speak for myself as an Indian, who even as a young boy admired MLK, Paul Robson, Harry Belafonte and Frederick Douglas as great representatives of the historically persecuted, enslaved, butchered people of African origin in this continent of runaway imperial hubris) considered the black population as very different from the ‘Ugly American,' as you rightly describe the ‘other' American image.

"I have always had the greatest skepticism about the very notion of a ‘Black Republican' - an oxymoron of grand proportions. It is, to me, not too far-fetched from, say, even imagining a black member of the KKK! Therefore, I have always had great misgivings about the likes of a Colin Powell, and certainly the contemptible Condi Rice (‘con' being the operative word) - not to mention the loathsome Clarence Thomas. Time has only proven all my misgivings many times over. As a matter of fact, imperial America could not stand Bill Clinton, because, as Tony Morrison put it, he was the ‘first black President. Let me also caution, incidentally, that I am not an inveterate Clinton admirer - in fact, since the ascension of the current genocidal regime, their actions have been as close to the American imperial establishment as imaginable. Going back to the black Republicans, I would like to say that like some of the African American black athletes, these crass opportunists and unscrupulous ‘house slaves' (as Harry Belafonte put it) do not remotely represent the black people, or people of color anywhere.

"American imperial attacks upon Hugo Chavez and other progressive figures everywhere are part of the same agenda of domination, profiteering and the associated brainwashing.

"Therefore, it has occurred to me, too, many, many times, how ironic it is that a Colin Powell presented America's monstrous, bloodthirsty face to the world under the mega-killer occupying the White House right now. In retrospect, even Powell was less offensive a figure to terrorize the world than the less-than-human Condi Rice.

"I hope fellow Indians feel a sense of solidarity with your views, which truly extend far beyond the narrow confines of this country (in some respect, I consider the U.S. as one of the most narrowly confined nations/cultures in the history of the world, reflecting the dark side of Rabindranath Tagore's vision of freedom in Where the Mind is Without Fear). Please continue your honorable work on behalf of oppressed people and human dignity."

Anthony Ware weighs in, with the biting insight we've come to expect from this brother.

"The white ruling class is happy to create and elevate Blacks that aspire to direct US Imperial military adventure."

"I just read your edifying article. Its clear Barack Obama, Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice are imperialists. Surely, the NAACP gave Rice an Image Award because she embodies their imperial views as Secretary of State. Furthermore, the politics that Emil Jones espouses is growing and Bob Johnson, Oprah Winfrey, Harold Ford, Cathy Hughes revel being ugly Americans. It was no accident that Sean Hannity received an NAACP Image award from the Kentucky chapter. The white ruling class is happy to create and elevate Blacks that aspire to direct US Imperial military adventure. Without John Malone Bob Johnson wouldn't exist and without members of high finance in the Republican party Radio One wouldn't exist.

"It's foreseeable that an Obama presidency would send troops to Somalia and other parts of Africa under the guise of democracy, better known as: corporate oil conglomerates. In addition, such a presidency would loose final solution Israeli aggression in Gaza, Lebanon and maybe Iran if the Bush cabal is thwarted by congress.

"Fascism doesn't discriminate on the basis of color, in this case Black faces."

Black America's Real Problem with Barack Obama

BAR Managing Editor Bruce Dixon's February 14 piece, an audio of which is also available from Black Agenda Radio, blasts those who raise the wrong questions about Barack Obama's presidential candidacy:

"The spurious claim that Black Americans oppose Barack Obama because of his white mother, African father, and Harvard Law degrees is a racist slur against Black Americans by the mainstream news media, designed to trivialize and divert attention from real issues African Americans care about, but which are not addressed by Obama supporters OR their Republican opponents."

The real problems with Obama, writes Dixon, are his political policies and practices:

"In many quarters of black America there are sane, solid and sensible reasons for black voters to question whether Barack Obama will represent them at all. Many remember that his first act as a US Senator was to refuse to stand with the Congressional Black Caucus and California Senator Barbara Boxer in opposition to Ohio's nullification of hundreds of thousands of black votes. Obama's second, third and fourth significant acts were when he declined to ask any difficult, pointed or revealing questions of Condoleezza Rice and two of the president's disastrous Supreme Court nominees, and he actually voted for two out of three of these. Obama's sixth and seventh important acts as a senator were to vote for a bill that made it nearly impossible for ordinary people to sue giant corporations who rob, defraud, maim or kill, and another vote to renew the hated Patriot Act which he vigorously campaigned against. And though Senator Obama now claims to oppose the war in Iraq, he remains advocate of bombing Iran to start yet another."

Richard Levy joins the consuming subject of this week's Letters Column: Who and What is a Black "leader"?

"Viewed through these black eyes, the phenomenon that is Barack Obama is merely the latest in a continuous line of ambitious, talented, successful, though self-serving and tragically disappointing black public figures. He shares with the likes of Oprah Winfrey, Jesse Jackson, Tiger Woods, Bill Cosby, Michael Jordan, Will Smith and the vast majority of black politicians of either party, a spineless reluctance to speak societal truth, at the risk of imperiling their lofty economic and societal standing in the eyes of white America.

"Having achieved enormous crossover success, they feel no special obligation to speak out forcefully on behalf of blacks or against the chronic racial injustice experienced by fellow Black Americans. Unspoken is that their Faustian contract dictates the removal of their tongues in order not to offend white sensitivities and endanger the flow of income provided primarily by their largely white clientele, sponsors and fans.

"To be fair, none - apart from Obama and Jackson - claim to be black leaders, although the pretentious Cosby fancies himself to be a black role model, the insincerity of his judgmental diatribes against blacks being fittingly revealed by the exposure of his extra-marital hypocrisy. All of these black icons are ostensibly polished, articulate, educated, highly successful and thus are seen by whites as ‘nice', non-threatening, apolitical, upstanding citizens,' not like the rest of them.' Since the death of the visionary Martin Luther King, Black Americans have been yearning for the arrival of the next Black Hope. A powerful, passionate and persuasive leader to finally speak out compellingly, a leader with the quality to rise to a position where they affect positive change and improve the lot of blacks in a country that has frankly shown nothing but cruelty, hostility, abuse and utter disregard for them. Malcolm X had the passion and the intelligence, and though he excited blacks with that passion, he strongly offended whites with his expletive-laced, provocative diatribes and thus the poignancy of his messages was able to be dismissed by whites because of the insulting, highly-charged manner in which they were delivered.

"Barack Obama clearly is not that Black Hope. He is, what he is, and you dare not expect more. His views expose him as an elitist and an opportunist. Clearly, he aspires to be president not because of any burning ideology, fresh ideas or a desire to address the rampant corruption, evil and dysfunction that is America. Rather, Obama wants to be president for the same simple reason that a John McCain, a Joseph Biden or a Hillary Clinton want to be president. These concave individuals, lacking conscience or purpose, seek only the power, prestige and historical legacy inherent to the office of the presidency. In their hunger for power for its own sake, they - like the aforementioned black icons - fail to acknowledge or accept their unique societal position that proffers upon them also the responsibility to right societal wrongs, irrespective of their own privileged position under the status quo. Theirs is an abject failure of conscience and humanity, accompanied by shamelessness in perpetuating and being wholly unconcerned for the suffering of others.

"The Oprahs, the Tigers, the Colin Powells, the Cosbys, the Condoleezza Rices, the Michael Jordans of America, through their silence in the face of colossal injustice are complicit in the continuing horror that is the fate of Black America. Abominable living conditions, deficient educational prospects and an absence of equitable employment opportunities amongst American blacks is America's shame. Combined with a predatory military recruitment program that expressly targets poor black youth, blacks of America continue to pay the steeped price in blood for America's corrupt and aggressive military policy, for the exclusive benefit of its corporate and political ‘elite.' The deafening silence of politicians of all parties and the evil words and actions of the shameless Powell and Rice has directly led to the ongoing spilling of black blood (along with other primarily poor American soldiers) and to untold numbers of Iraqi civilian wounding and casualties in the lie that is the present occupation of Iraq; while Obama, Bush, McCain and others chatter about the need for a troop ‘surge,' with the knowing complicity of a criminally corrupt American media.

"Make no mistake about it, the media along with the Republicans and Democrats (who are two sides of the same crooked coin) have no desire to change a status quo from which they benefit so richly. They are, in fact, the morally bankrupt keepers of that status quo and Barack Obama is one of them. Accept that fact, divest yourself of any urge to make an emotional investment in Obama's prospects for changing America and see him for what he is - the latest media-savvy, ethically challenged opportunist. Trust me, it's wiser to save your votes and your energy for someone who actually cares."

Is Dennis Kucinich the ‘Black' Candidate?

Back on December 20th, 2006, Bruce Dixon compared Dennis Kucinich's progressive credentials with the best of the Congressional Black Caucus. The Ohio congressman and presidential candidate passed with flying colors:

"Like Cynthia McKinney, and unlike most Democrats in the Congress, Kucinich has acted the part of an opposition legislator. And like McKinney, he often seems to stand alone because Democrats have long ceased to be an opposition party.

"The potential appeal of Dennis Kucinich to black voters is not limited to his stands on foreign policy. Whether it's health care, Social Security, the environment, the record of the congressman from Cleveland matches the best of the Congressional Black Caucus across the board."

A reader called the "BS Detector" - who detected none from Bruce Dixon - agrees:

"Which Democratic Candidate for President has said that Bush and the members of his administration of War Criminals who have violated international law will be held accountable? Obama? No chance. Hillary? Fugeddaboudit. Edwards? Not a chance!

"Dennis Kucinich has said that they WILL BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE."

The "BS Detector" recommends this site:

Racism: The Growth Engine of the American Prison Gulag

We introduced our February 21 lead article, this way:

"The U.S. prison system is projected to suck up 200,000 additional bodies between now and 2011, half of them African American. The burden of the Gulag, which has grown eightfold since 1970, is unbearable for Black America, whose institutions and dreams have for two generations been ravaged by a public policy of mass Black incarceration. The very existence of the American Gulag - the largest and most pervasive prison system in the history of mankind - presents a clear and present threat to U.S. society at-large, as the Bush men scheme to assassinate the Constitution in their bogus War on Terror. Over the past two decades, an infrastructure of social death has been constructed, that may ultimately become the tomb of American freedoms. It is past time to place a cap on any further expansion of the American Gulag, lest it swallow us all."

Wallace Nixon expounds on the theme:

"If you add up homelessness, exclusion from the work place, and mass incarceration the result will be genocide. It is a creeping genocide but a very definite one. The think tanks have devised means where our demographics are being diminished in no uncertain terms. The U.N. calls any deliberate attempt to harm in whole or part a group genocide! Your claims must be spread far and wide, loud and clear. Otherwise we will passively witness crimes against humanity."

Bernard J. Berg is employed in the "belly of the beast," and knows of what he speaks:

"Full disclosure: I worked at a prison (NJ State slammer for women in Clinton) for 14 years as an R.N. One day a black inmate came up to the cage, looked around, yawned and said: "Oh my God, another day in the joint. Ya look around and all you see is black faces. Then she looked at me and said, "Well, except Bernie there, and, hell, he aint even white." I took it as the highest (but really undeserved) complement I ever got short of my wife saying ‘I do.'"

Franklin D. Williams is glad we make it our business to keep mass Black incarceration at the top of our issues list:

"Right on Brothers! This is the single most important issue facing African-American Men in America. I just made a $52 donation to help keep you going. I want to "CHALLENGE" at least 1,999 more African-American men to give $52 yearly to your news outlet. We must learn to PAY for the TRUTH!"

We are, of course, grateful for brother Williams' financial, as well as moral, support.

Freedom Rider: America The Stupid

Margaret Kimberley's February 21 edition of her Freedom Rider column rejects the idea that corporate media poisons otherwise sane Americans minds, leading them to support criminal policies at home and abroad. The real root of evil is simpler to find, she says: "Belief in American superiority and particularly the superiority of white people, will always win the day and will always keep the nation ignorant."

BAR reader George De Stefano, agrees:

"Great column - stupidity does indeed run amok in America today. ‘American Idiot,' to quote rock band Green Day, is a fitting epithet for so many who hold power in this country, from the clueless dolt in the White House to Texas legislators to the supine public anesthesized by "American Idol" and the depressingly mindless and all-pervasive celebrity-infatuated ‘culture.'"

Ms. Kimberley is Editor and Senior Columnist for BAR. The previous week, February 14, she put current questions about medical experimentation into historical context, in a piece titled, "Medical Apartheid":

"From the gruesome experiments on Black slaves in the pre-Emancipation South, to the infamous Tuskegee syphilis study, to drug ‘research' in the present day, American society remains all too willing to treat Black minds and bodies as less than human.

" New York City in the 1990s, 100 boys, all African American or Latino who were diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, were used to test the now banned drug fenfluramine. They were chosen because they all had older brothers in the juvenile justice system. The tests were conducted to detect biological markers for "anti-social" behavior. It is a question never posed about white people, who are capable of being quite anti-social.

"If New York at the end of the 20th century offered the same treatment as Alabama in the 19th century, then white supremacist ideology, and medical apartheid, are alive and well. We can add health care to the long list of items that are ordinarily beneficial but may not be for people of color. Take a dose of paranoia and call your lawyer in the morning."

Ms. Kimberley got a letter from "Field Negro," who is alert for experimentation on African Americans.

"Nice post! I live in a region of the country where there are many pharmaceutical giants such as Merck, Smith Kline, etc. And I always see the ads in the black newspapers looking for medical guinea pigs for pay.

"This practice must stop; and more attention needs to be paid to this subject. Thanks again for bringing it up."

Interview with Bobby Seale

BAR contributor Rhone Fraser shared with us his excellent interview with Black Panther Party co-founder and former chairman Bobby Seale, on January 16. Derrick Gibson, a newcomer to BAR, is appreciative:

"Mr. Fraser - Thank you so much for providing us with this interview; and of course, to the Honorable Mr. Seale thank you for all of your revolutionary work over the years. I was a little delayed in coming to read this interview on the Black Agenda Report, but the content was well worth the wait.

"I was in San Francisco around April/May last year visiting some friends and heading over to the Museum of the African Diaspora; I took some time to visit a museum that had an exhibit at the same time, a photographic history of the Black Panther Party. I can barely begin to describe the feelings that coursed through me, when I saw those photos of my sisters and brothers - really my aunts and uncles - standing so proudly before the world and demanding the recognition of their rights, saying that I felt proud is a great understatement.

"I felt inspired, I felt thrilled, I felt happy and I felt sad. I felt sad because so powerful a movement has dissipated away to just a faint whisper. Well, I just picked up a book by James Foreman, so I will have to read it so I can learn how to spark that passion again; I know the pilot light still burns within even this generation of Black people.

"Also, a friend of mine has encouraged me to bone up on Marx . . .

"Love the site! Again, it took me awhile to find it but that just means I have some catching up to do!"

The Fallacy of Racial Superiority

San Francisco Bay Area writer and educator M Quinn was kind enough to contribute his piece on the historical context of racism, for our February 14 issue. The article got a reader named "Blynn" thinking:

"Perhaps I am getting old, but I still think that America's racial problems are largely American in origin and that "blackness" and "whiteness" are cultural constructs. I think I can safely absolve the Ancient and Classical worlds of spreading this disease. The Romans were among the least prejudiced people who ever succeeded at being bloodthirsty imperialists. The arch and regular bathing (for which I thank them) were about their only original ideas, and they knew it. They were cultural sponges, not only subject to fads and cults from everywhere, but even embellishing their own traditional pantheon and mythology with the far spicier personae of the Greeks.

"Both the Greeks and the Romans had dealings with Africans. Alexander conquered Egypt, and the Romans fought three wars with Carthage. Yet I can scarcely ever remember seeing the question of skin color arise in any ancient works of note. Sometimes hair color is mentioned in passing (Achilles and Dido were blonds). That most important of ancient works, the Bible, never mentions eye or hair color, and only vaguely refers to skin color, and never implies anything negative about any shade. Slavery in the ancient world cannot be compared with New World practices. It was a low status to which anyone could fall because of debts, crimes, or bad luck. It was a status out of which one could rise also, with little lasting stigma, at least compared with common free people.

"While race-based slavery existed all over the Western Hemisphere, the legacy of that crime has not been the same. Black Cubans who come here find themselves much worse off than Cubans who are identified as white, when both are treated similarly in Cuba. I have heard that Brazil there is no bright line in status between the races, or should I say, among them, since there are many variations there. This is not to say that there is no racism in those places. To the contrary, status all over the West rises as skin pigmentation decreases, but it is a trend, not a certainty. They never had a 1/32 rule, and no one has to ‘pass.'

"I look most askance at the science of genetics, or, rather, the way people have misused genetics. There has been no shortage of misery inflicted in the 20th century because of beliefs about eugenics, but the mischief predates by decades WWII. In fact, Darwinism itself, seemingly the anathema of conservatives today, has since the rise of big business been a guiding principle justifying capitalism when it brings misery (to others). Mind you, I would not blame science itself, any more than I would blame a cliff because someone got thrown over it. Rather, I blame those who attempt to use science to justify before and after the fact what they do, exploit others.

We apologize to those writers whose letters did not appear. The fault is all mine, and has more to do with periodic disorganization than any other factor. Please bear with us - and keep writing.

BAR Executive Editor Glen Ford can be contacted at Glen.Ford (at)
Posted by 2PAC (Member # 11484) on :
Originally posted by alTakruri:

Young Horus
The only enemy strong enough to sabotage nation
building is the enemy within, or as the quote goes,
"I've seen the enemy and the enemy is us."

So true... it's how our leaders keep betraying us in Nigeria. In the 70's (my mother) recalled it as a glorious time in Nigeria, we were really getting somewhere... then President Babangida came in and ruined everything - he was a simple minded Hausa man who wanted to get rich... so many of our parents are colonial minded... it's sooo sad.

I want you African Americans to know, Nigeria has real hope, we have so much resources, so many bright minds going to waste, we just need a good leader, that's all...

And, the young generation of Nigerians today are suffering way more than their parents did. Everyone is desperate, everyone trying to get a crumb off our VERY HUGE national cake... so our moral values are just disappearing by the hour...
Posted by meninarmer (Member # 12654) on :
Nicew piece on the state of Nigerian plundering.
Expect more from our politicians!
Posted by lamin (Member # 5777) on :
posted 28 February, 2007 09:56 AM

Originally posted by alTakruri:

Young Horus
The only enemy strong enough to sabotage nation
building is the enemy within, or as the quote goes,
"I've seen the enemy and the enemy is us."

So true... it's how our leaders keep betraying us in Nigeria. In the 70's (my mother) recalled it as a glorious time in Nigeria, we were really getting somewhere... then President Babangida came in and ruined everything - he was a simple minded Hausa man who wanted to get rich... so many of our parents are colonial minded... it's sooo sad.

I want you African Americans to know, Nigeria has real hope, we have so much resources, so many bright minds going to waste, we just need a good leader, that's all...

And, the young generation of Nigerians today are suffering way more than their parents did. Everyone is desperate, everyone trying to get a crumb off our VERY HUGE national cake... so our moral values are just disappearing by the hour...

The reason for this is alienation. Most Africans educated in Western institutions or their transplants in Africa fit the Fanon syndrome: "black skin white masks" in terms of self image. The mentality and dreams are--for t he most part--about Europe and America for education, banking, holidaying, working, etc.

The capitalist West developed because there were people who were quite money hungry--but they banked their money in Europe and America which the banks in turn lent to others with the same goals. The European did it in South Africa and Zimbabwe where they thought they would hold power for ever.

And in the rest of Africa, when money was made in the colonies the profits always made their way back to the home country.

In the acse of Africans worldwide--there is a flight from the self--probably due to ignorance of African history and a sense of self.
Posted by yazid904 (Member # 7708) on :
I do not regard Barack Obama as a black American in as much as he is, according to the definition but I see him more as an African and an immigrant! As a result, his consciousness as an African and self confidence allows him to do what he please and when, despite the forked tongue of his detractors. If only the group labelled as black American can have the same attitude and beat the multitude at their own game and not care about the 'man'.
At this day and age, education should have been the focus in the larger community but BLING is the goal. Translate the BLING into educational tools and community investment.
Take the gold out of your teeth and parlay with community college degree ( or a meh papi might say) albeit a piece of paper that no body can take from yuh!

Lo que esta pa'ti, nadie se lo quiten!
What is for you, no one can take it (from you).
Posted by meninarmer (Member # 12654) on :
I'd argue that Obama is no more "African" in thought then he is African American.
At present Obama has the ear of what 65% white americans compared to ~54% AAs. It's for good reason.
The TV series "24" has conditioned whites to believe they are prepared for a black (in Obama's case, dark skinned) president. They see Obama as being "color-blind" in a racially polarized society. Therefore, as a "safe" psuedo-nigga.
From reviewing Obama's congressional record, and reviewing his speeches, they are correct.

Of course, being anglo, you wouldn't comprehend this and the gesture itself is sufficent.
Posted by lamin (Member # 5777) on :
Being president of the U.S. entails a lot of complexities. With its checks and balances it would be difficult for any president to be anything but a "safe" president--whatever his/her ethnicity. The U.S. is run by its huge corporations and its influential billionaires. Any U.S. president also has to show an unwavering commitment to a pro-capitalist and pro-Isreal foreign policy.

Any attempt by a U.S. president to put the U.S. on the same social welfare page as places like Denmark, Finland, Australia, Switzeland, Norway, etc. in terms of health care, education, liberalism, economic and welfare rights of individuals will lead to his immediate unpopularity with most of the media and the general public(75-80%).

But here are some reflections to ponder:

If Obama's mother were any of African American, Lebanese extraction, West African or Haitian grandparents, or Jewish--but with the same credentials would he have been equally popular?

Compare Obama's popularity with that of the new AA governor of Massachusetts. Differences?

Note that the president of the U.S. is usually seen as much more than a CEO; he/she is seen as being some kind of symbol about general culture--including religion, marriage, and other cultural items. That's less the case in most other voting democracies.
Posted by Tukuler (Member # 19944) on :
Originally posted by alTakruri on February 14, 2007 05:57 PM

What follows is a mostly, though not completely, accurate essay.
Bracketed words and hi-liting are my editing.
Otherwise it appears as originally presented on in 1997.


The First Slav[ing] Expeditions to [West] Africa

by Anthony A. Lee

Kidnapping [people] from the African coast was part of European
practice even before Portuguese ships had explored the coast of
the continent or discovered a new route to India. One of the
first expeditions to the Senegal River, led by the Portuguese
in 1444, brutally seized the black residents of severl off-shore
islands near the river and carried them off to be sold as slaves.
Other expeditions from Europe about this time did more or less
the same.

But it was not long before African armies became aware of the
new dangers, and Portuguese ships began to meet their match

For example, in 1446, two years later, a ship commanded by Nuno
Tristao attempted to land in the Senegal region. It was attacked
by African fighters in canoes, and the crew of the ship was
wiped out
. And in 1447, a Danish raider commanding a Portuguese
ship was killed, along with most of his crew,
when local African
boats attacked.

Although African vessels -- mostly canoes -- were not designed
for high-seas navigation, they were fully capable of protecting
the coast, even in the 15th century. As a result, in 1456, the
king of Portugal dispatched his ambassador, Diogo Gomes, to
negotiate treaties of peace and trade with the African rulers
along the coast. From that point on, and for 400 years, the
African slave trade was conducted as a matter of international
commerce among equals. The notion of European sailors roaming
through [West] Africa at will, kidnapping as many [people] as they
wanted and shipping them off to America, is completely false
-- and an insult to Africans, who kept European armies off
their soil until the beginning of the 20th century.

Of course, this fact of history makes the Atlantic slave trade
a bit more problematic, from a moral perspective. It is not
simply a question of black and white.
Slavery was well known
in [many] African societies, as much as it was a fact of life
everywhere else in the world during those times.

As soon as Diogo Gomes' diplomatic expedition to West Africa
had succeeded, the export of slaves began to number in the
thousands. During the bloody course, perhaps 10 or 15 million
Africans had been delivered as slaves to the New World, and
perhaps just as many more had died in the process. These [people]
were captured in Africa by Africans, shipped to the African coast
by Africans, and only then sold to European traders
in trade ships
to begin the dreaded Middle Passage to America. African kings and
rulers were active and willing participants in the slave trade,
which made them rich[er], and which could not have existed
without their full cooperation and support.

Indeed, when African kingdoms decided to stop trading in slaves
-- for their own reasons -- there was no way for European nations
to force them to continue.
The earliest example of this is the
Kingdom of Benin on the West African coast (in what is now Nigeria)
In the 1520's this state began to restrict the sale of slaves,
finally cutting it off entirely by about 1550. This was probably
not done for moral reasons, however. Records from this period show
that the kingdom was becoming wealthi[er] from the export of cloth
and pepper. Although it is only a guess, we can imagine that slaves
were needed within Benin itself to produce these valuable products
which could bring more wealth to the king than the sale of human

As uncomfortable as this aspect of black history may be, it
at least explodes the myth of a "dark," helpless and ignorant
African continent that was always at the mercy of European
. Nothing could be further from the truth. The more we
learn about African history, going back even to the middle
ages, the more we learn that Africans were full and active
participants in the world -- on both sides of the Atlantic.

Posted by the lioness, (Member # 17353) on :
Originally posted by Tukuler:
[QB] Originally posted by alTakruri on February 14, 2007 05:57 PM

What follows is a mostly, though not completely, accurate essay.
Bracketed words and hi-liting are my editing.
Otherwise it appears as originally presented on in 1997.

what's inaccurate?
Posted by Ish Gebor (Member # 18264) on :
@ Tukuler, thanks for posting and exposing.

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