Yes,various cultures wore briads. I would not necesarily call what Kemetians wore as braids except maybe the side lock of youth. The side lock of youth were usually adorned by little children,and was later cut off after a child matured. Most of the Kemetian[Egyptian] population wore wigs,but some representations like in the tomb of Nakht with his wife show a little girl with non-wigs which appears to be braided hair.
Women did wear extensions,and so do modern rural Egyptian women,or they simply plaited their hair.
Don't know about the Greeks having braids but the Assyrians use to grease their hair into assorted styles.
There are some modern Southern Sudanese tribes that wear a hair style much like the Nubian mercenaries that immigrated to Egypt. You can compare them from Greco-Roman reliefs they are shown wearing braids.
Native Americans and people from Tibet also wore braids. It's just one of those universal things.