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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Member # 1797
 - posted

Many reserchers have claimed that a network of underground tunnels exist on the Giza plataeu. Usually these theoriest are people like Grahmn Hancock and others who believe in the lost continent of Atlantis or Edgar Cacey's Hall of Records. Not saying I believe any of these ideas, but I am definately open for reserch into these issues. What is the opinion of the forum?


Member # 1790
 - posted
I have read there is at least a chamber under the sphinx that has been found by ground penetraiting radar.......the other stuff about a network even if true would not be told to the public I would imagine.

They would keep that stuff secret until they found out what was under there and if such things could be released into the public domain

Member # 7133
 - posted
Spoken like a true conspiracist Obenga! Even so, the conjecture is not unfounded and one must wonder why, among other things, large pyramid structures also found a home in ancient China.

Hancock may indulge, although, if I am not mistaken, it was at his behest that the Indian government finally got off its duff and did some exploration around the Gulf of Cambay.

Personally, I have read a little of the "extreme" views on antiquity and remain ambivalent about some of the more celebrated. It is probably wise to remember that the unearthing of ancient Troy came about as a result of near-intangibles. On the other hand, there are charlatans like Z. Sitchin who make a mint by bending whole truths into half truths and vice versa. Often they are so meticulous in their shading of bibliographical references and appendices that it takes ALMOST more time than it is worth to debunk them. Of course, for the sake of fundamental accuracies, it's always worth the effort to deal with the devil and his details directly. And yet, the cagey inclusion and exclusion of information is also true of accepted histories and so-called "firm" theoretical suppositions. In the case of Schooch, Hancock and Beauval's AE, there are tantalizing threads one needs to approach with all due skepticism whereas, in the case of Clesson Harvey, for sentimental reasons, I am a little more forgiving.

As for Zahi Hiwass and the Department of Egyptian Antiquities, that entire bureaucracy is about as tight lipped and tight butted as anything coming out of the Nixon era. I solidly suspect there is a lot more to Egypt than publically stated or delivered in press corps packages. I also believe the Hancocks and Beauvals are not on target with what they presume to be the motherlode.

In fact, from what I have read on these threads at EgyptSearch, kovert (the one and only) has zeroed in on THE critical target and if we are not careful, he will get us all excommunicated, fatwahed or stoned at the gates of Jerusalem. And so be it, sez I. Justice is never served and as I am a Piratical Pi, (a greasy little snake in the grass who has already taken his chances with the Black Pearl) what do I care about life and death when eternity beckons from yonder star?

"There was a ship, quoth he..."

a bientot


Member # 6477
 - posted
Originally posted by ausar:

Many reserchers have claimed that a network of underground tunnels exist on the Giza plataeu. Usually these theoriest are people like Grahmn Hancock and others who believe in the lost continent of Atlantis or Edgar Cacey's Hall of Records. Not saying I believe any of these ideas, but I am definately open for reserch into these issues. What is the opinion of the forum?

There have been attempts by a few to place the construction of monuments like the Sphinx in some distant civilization before that of the Egyptian nation. All I can say about this is that, it is wise not to fall into the trap of that sort of thing.

Ps-Careful and systematic construction of the past with as much corroboration from concrete evidence as possible, to the point where any remaining 'covered' evidence out there will not greatly shake the end result, is most desirable.

[This message has been edited by Super car (edited 02 May 2005).]

Member # 1790
 - posted
Unfortunately politics do play a role in the study of history....Nationalism, Racism etc demand to be accounted for before the simple truth of a thing.

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