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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Member # 4379
 - posted
This is for all the women that wanted an english version of the Kunstkamera black list.
About this website... We are female owned and operated by women who have been hurt by a scam artist. Here you can read & post alerts of any man from Egypt (or other countries) who lied about love, cheated, misrepresented himself online, stole money, etc... Expose a scam artist by sharing your story with others!
The site is an ongoing effort to expose the lies and warn other women about their egyptian 'darlings' and 'husbands'! We have already experienced the hurt, but hopefully with the help of this website... We hope to educate and warn women all over the world! Together we CAN make a difference! Feel free to post the photo(s) of your scam artists here... http://egyptwarning.proboards20.com/index.cgi
black angel
Member # 3515
 - posted
Here there are much girls that have had bad love story with egyptian men, so, in this new site, we can speak on this.
We wait all girls, also for men other country.
In this site you can find advice,important things for other girls.
come on girls, write on it !!!!!!!!!!!
I have read here much bad story,now you can wrire on it !!!!!!!!!!
Member # 5248
 - posted
I visited your pathetic little website/forum, and I just have one question.

What spark of genius ignited in your mind that prompted you to condemn to damnation the enire male population of a country?

Because of a few bad expereinces?

I've had bad experiences with European, American, Egyptian and Latino women, but you know what? I didn't start a f*cking forum on the web about it, crying and whimpering to the general public.

The least you could have done is put up a section entitled "Success Stories With Egyptian Men", or "Female Scam Artists", that would be fair, and that would present you in a positive light. To focus solely on one side is illogical, there are two sides to the coin. How about a section entitled "How to avoid gold-digging egyptian women" because there sure are a hell of alot of them out there, but you know what, there are some who are not like that at all, the point I'm driving at, is that there are always exceptions to the rule, and
nothing is set in stone; you act as if we live in a static world rather than a dynamic, perpetually changing one.

Maybe you need more life experience, at least in the relationship department, because if you've ever had a successful, loving and fulfiling relationship, you wouldn't be such a humongous BullShit factory.

See you in Sharm this winter.


Member # 4668
 - posted
Originally posted by Sexy__Beast:
I visited your pathetic little website/forum, and I just have one question.

What spark of genius ignited in your mind that prompted you to condemn to damnation the enire male population of a country?

Because of a few bad expereinces?

I've had bad experiences with European, American, Egyptian and Latino women, but you know what? I didn't start a f*cking forum on the web about it, crying and whimpering to the general public.

The least you could have done is put up a section entitled "Success Stories With Egyptian Men", or "Female Scam Artists", that would be fair, and that would present you in a positive light. To focus solely on one side is illogical, there are two sides to the coin. How about a section entitled "How to avoid gold-digging egyptian women" because there sure are a hell of alot of them out there, but you know what, there are some who are not like that at all, the point I'm driving at, is that there are always exceptions to the rule, and
nothing is set in stone; you act as if we live in a static world rather than a dynamic, perpetually changing one.

Maybe you need more life experience, at least in the relationship department, because if you've ever had a successful, loving and fulfiling relationship, you wouldn't be such a humongous BullShit factory.

See you in Sharm this winter.


Sexy from planet Beast has landed. Welcome, charming newcomer. Please expand your perpetually changing portfolio to our benefit; the coverage of India and China lands could bring priceless data to your international female experience project. Since it most certainly is a very successful scientific endeavor, please share with us your positive experiences, maybe we will learn something at last. Btw, are you finding your objects of scientific interest in local churches, charity events, nuclear physics' international seminars? I would never think you could prowl, I mean gather crucial information, in any tourist resorts, never ever.

Member # 5033
 - posted
[QUOTE]Originally posted by michaela_112@hotmail.com:
[B]This is for all the women that wanted an english version of the Kunstkamera black list.
About this website... We are female owned and operated by women who have been hurt by a scam artist.

Why are there only negative things written about Egyptian men by Western women? I am an European muslima, married to an Egyptian businessman whom I met in Europe and we live in the UAE, happily married for 10 years. I do not find any of the Egyptian man's characteristics mentioned in this forum in my husband, and even before I knew him I never met that kind of men, neither in Egypt nor in any other country. Girls, you should know that you always attract what you ask for - it's the law of the universe: Cause and effect! Reading some of the discussions I really wondered whether you were talking about Egyptian men, because I heard the same complaints about men at Italian and Spanish beach resorts, men at the French Riviera, in Greece, in Portugal, in California, etc. So it is not an Egyptian problem, it's a certain character of man - and these can be found worldwide. Women attracting idiots (and mostly those far below their own educational level) during vacation will always attract the likes wherever they go on vacation, so please stop blaming Egyptian men and rather get more self-esteem and a positive aura - those will keep them away. It is always you who creates your own reality - you are the producer of your own movie called life, thus do not blame others. No one does anything to anyone if they don't let them do it. If you ruminate that much about how bad Egyptian men are you give your power away - you let your negative feelings have power over you. What a waste of time! I was really shocked about all the questions and answers in here - even if they apparently love someone they seek advice. Why? Didn't Allah give us the wonderful thing called intuition? Go into meditation, ask your inner voice, follow your heart - they are better advisers than bitter women who had unhappy affairs. Oh my, in which century do we live? Women's liberation already happened - didn't you learn anything? Wake up, and don't let negative feelings about unhappy affairs ruin your life! I say that as a muslima and Western woman.

black angel
Member # 3515
 - posted
I want to specify what we are not speaking on all egyptian men but of the section men of sharm,which are well different from the true egyptian.
If you look at other forum, and I tell forum in england, german, russia and other country, you can see there are much bad love story with egy men but all this men are all of Sharm !!!!!!!!!

Member # 4794
 - posted
Originally posted by Shareefa:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by michaela_112@hotmail.com:
Women attracting idiots (and mostly those far below their own educational level) during vacation will always attract the likes wherever they go on vacation, so please stop blaming Egyptian men and rather get more self-esteem and a positive aura - those will keep them away.

Amen to that.

Member # 5248
 - posted
Originally posted by black angel:
I want to specify what we are not speaking on all egyptian men but of the section men of sharm,which are well different from the true egyptian.
If you look at other forum, and I tell forum in england, german, russia and other country, you can see there are much bad love story with egy men but all this men are all of Sharm !!!!!!!!!

Oh, pardon me, you were "not speaking on all egyptian men" but only the men of sharm.

So sharm is the Bermuda Triangle of Egypt, where, upon their entry, ordinary men are magically transformed into rogues with an insatiable desire to rip off old hags on vacation.

Good job, Nancy Drew.


Member # 5033
 - posted
[QUOTE]Originally posted by black angel:
[B]I want to specify what we are not speaking on all egyptian men but of the section men of sharm,which are well different from the true egyptian.

If you know how men in Sharm are, why don't you just ignore them? Still hoping that when you kiss a frog he might turn into a prince? Wake up!

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