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With a name like Smuckers
Member # 10289
 - posted
To follow up on a thought proposed by desertgirl, the idea of online romances as opposed to online friendships, I would like to hear views from people on friendships they have formed online.

I have formed quite a few, some have come and gone, some didn't really amount to much, but I have about a handful that I have kept in touch with and whom I consider extremely important to me (a couple of which are from ES and still here). I have met up with a couple of people when they visited Egypt and I look forward to hearing from them and we support each other and I care for them a lot.

I know from personal experience that online friendships can certainly blossom as well as online romances but it does seem that we will accept an online friendship easier than the romance.

I would like to hear from others on their experiences with online friendships, any horror stories and any nice stories where the friendship has been mutually beneficial.

Member # 11649
 - posted
I've met a couple of people from this board and others that I consider very good friends. I think the reason they're such good friends is similar to the reason in the online relationship thread....when you talk online you tend to let out a lot more than you would in person. I would not have shared a LOT of things with these friends had we not met online.
Member # 12336
 - posted
What`s the definition of a friend? In my opinion there are a lot of different friendships; it depends on the kind of relationship between the two. You can have sportsfriends, friends to go out, friends to make fun, and a very small number of real friends, the ones who are there for you for years and years, whenever you need them or they need you.
The last one, to me, it`s very difficult to consider a online friendship as a real friendship. It has to feel closer. Meet regularry. Knowing all about each other, Families, work, children, etc...
With a name like Smuckers
Member # 10289
 - posted
doodlebug, I have had the same experiences. I feel much more comfortable online to reveal things, discuss things, just be myself. I'm a pretty shy person face to face, and the online relationship of sharing things affords some privacy and control.

????? I agree with you in a sense, however; meeting a friend online can turn into a lifelong friend that you can turn to and they can turn to you whenever the need arises. I think this type of friendship is difficult to find anywhere.
Member # 13539
 - posted
I have few on-line friends that are worth keeping. Two of them I met here in ES. How I wish I would be able to keep them for a lifetime. It would really be good to meet them for real, but knowing that they are just a click away when you need them most, I couldn't ask for more. A friend is a treasure when they are close to your heart regardless of the distance. However, I was once terribly sad and worried when one of my on-line friends was suddenly gone without knowing a reason or having a clue. Until now, it keeps me worrying and wondering, is he dead? But wherever he may be, I am still grateful that I once met him in my lifetime. As they say, some friends come and go but it doesn't mean you stop loving them as friends especially if they have touched your life [Smile]
Member # 12450
 - posted
I typed a whole page to give my opinion ... but I notice now it was not sent [Frown] [Frown]
Member # 12661
 - posted
When I was younger I had many penfriends, and I have kept in touch with them for years. Long regular letters, it was so good, so much better than emails! But the relationship was the same -they were people I had never met -I only met two of them, two wonderful girls I'm still in touch with. Other penfriends moved, some letters got lost, or life made that we lost contact.
I do have a foreign friend I met online a few years ago, from a forum. We have never met, we have talked on phone a lot, but strangely, I was abroad when he came oversea, and vice-versa, so we never made it! But we email each other daily. He's always there when I need him, always listening to me. Much more patient than my "real life" friends. He's just great.
yorkshire rose
Member # 12072
 - posted
I agree, i have also met great friends on line
, and i ve met some and i think they are great, we have so much more in common,
When you meet some one like here on this forum, you really , have the same intersts, i dont find that with no one, around , me here where i live
Member # 4668
 - posted
Cyberspace opens up the opportunities of meeting people in places far and exotic we would otherwise never have. Also - its anonimity allows sometimes to explore the minds of our close neighbours. I met some dear friends online - also on ES. Hope they consider me as such as well... [Smile]
Angel Heart
Member # 13767
 - posted
I dont really have many friends in real, only 2 and they lived out of city from me since I moved to my parents. So when I feel need a friend to 'chit-chat' I log in yahoo messanger or at this forums. It's very easy to have fun. [Smile]
Member # 11209
 - posted
yes i do karah_mia [Wink]
Member # 13769
 - posted
i have another aspect of online friendship especialy in ES.

I dont write alot, as i find myself more to experss myself verbally/written in arabic or french.

for me i enjoy reading your thoughts, your funny replies.

I know it is not mutual relationship, meanwhile it is better than nothing.
Ana Huna
Member # 12632
 - posted
I have quite a few friendships that started out online that are very important to me. Previous posters were right in saying that the net gives you opportunities to meet people with interests closer to yours. I've found this to be true with me. One of my best friends is someone I met online 6 years ago.

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