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Posted by Tutandmoane (Member # 12060) on :
I thought a revolution was for the benefit of all.
There were obviously going to be some subversive parasites lurking in the back ground of the Egypt uprising, and they didnt take long to surface.

In order for an uprising to be successful in its initial aims, the majority must be on board, and a united front portrayed. The so called organisers achieved this aim, and Wasnt it just great to see all those women - even if many were still draped with cloth from head to toe - right in the front line of organising and demonstrating? And the endearing scenes of crucifix and crescent on posters and flags, and the different religious groups all together, fighting for one cause.

Reality.... its mostly over, cue international womens day. What a joke. Did the men come and support the women demonstrating on this day? Not really in support, but many did come to shout and scream abuse at them, and things turned so ugly the military had to rescue and protect them! This is what these women fought a "revolution" for?

What of the religious groups joining forces for the common good? Oh yes, a church got burned down, followed by some rioting 100 injured and 11 deaths. Christians, now out lived their use in the united revolution? What did they fight it for?

This begs the question, just who was fighting for rights, and what rights were they fighting for?
The real face of who was behind this up rising, and what it truly was about has yet to show itself.
How come these people were shouting for freedom and rights, yet women are still not allowed any and minority religious groups still persicuted?

This new Egypt looks set to become more wahbi like muslim, male orientated. Iran is now coming to mind.
Posted by Tareq (Member # 18033) on :
There is a counter revolution done by the remains of the the state intelligence and the past government

Posted by Exiiled (Member # 17278) on :
The fall of Mubarak is about a month old. The fall of his regime is still a work in progress with more headway each and every day. How spoiled are people, we're talking about a revolution that is relatively bloodless. Things could be a lot worse, and if it wasn't for the great patience of Egyptians, it could turn out to be very bloody. There will be issues, there will be problems, but to judge Egypt NOW, that's just incendiary and at the very least asinine.

This is a revolution, in a country of 80 million people, with a brutal regime that is being purged tooth by tooth. It is nothing short of a miracle that much worse has not transpired. Set aside your petty notions, this is a work in progress, with no elected head of state yet, without an elected parliament yet. 2-3-4-5 years from now, begin to judge the revolution. Are you seriously going to judge a month old revolution? If so, that is absurd.
Posted by metinoot (Member # 17031) on :
Originally posted by Tareq:
There is a counter revolution done by the remains of the the state intelligence and the past government


Thanks for bringing this up, certainly answers: "This new Egypt looks set to become more wahbi like muslim, male orientated. Iran is now coming to mind. "

I wonder how many of those SS officers were trained within the budget of US military Aid or is a joint partnership with KSA?

I know some of KSA's officer corps are trained by Egyptians.
Posted by this (Member # 17234) on :
عصام شرف يحذر من ثورة مضادة ويوجه3رسائل وسط دموعه مؤكدا"المصريين إيد واحدة"

جاءت دموع رئيس الحكومة المصرية الدكتور عصام شرف علي حالة الفوضى التي آلت إليها البلاد لتحمل العديد من الرسائل للمصريين، فهي تعكس صدق هذا الرجل وحبه الحقيقي لهذا الوطن هذا بخلاف رسائله الثالثة..أولهما ضرورة رد الجميل لمصر ودعم اقتصادها خلال الفترة القادمة والثانية أنه جاء وقت حماية الثورة الطاهرة والثالثة أن الشعب المصري أيد واحدة.

وقال شرف إن ما تشهده مصر الآن هو شيء منظم وممنهج يهدف لإشاعة الفوضى مؤكدا أن هناك من يحاول أن يهدم كيان الدولة وهذا أمر خطير يستلزم إستنفار الهمم، وأضاف نحن أؤتمنا علي هذا الوطن وأخذت شرعيتنا من الثورة ويجب أن نحمي الوطن والثورة.

وأوضح شرف أنه لن يسمح بالمساس بهيبة الدولة قائلا خلال حواره مع برنامج العاشرة مساء:هيبة الدولة يجب ألا تمس فهي ليست خط أحمر بل حائط أحمر لا يمكن أن يخترق وإذا فشلنا في حمايتها فسنكون قد خوننا الوطن.

وأضاف: نحن نتفهم المطالب الفئوية خاصة وأن الناس شعرت بعد الثورة أن مطالبهم قابلة للتحقيق ونحن نتفهم ذلك ولكن لا يمكن المساس بهيبة الدولة ولكن لا نتفهم معني أن تنتهك حرمات المؤسسات بدعوي مطالب فئوية، وكشف شرف أن هناك بالفعل ثورة مضادة تقوم علي أسس ممنهجة ومنظمة، وشدد شرف علي أن المساس بهيبة الدولة سيقع تحت طائلة القانون لأن مؤسسات الدولة هي عرض الوطن ويجب أن نحميها من خلال القانون ..فالقانون يوفر حالة الدفاع الشرعي عن النفس.

وتابع قائلا: أنا مسئول عن 85 مليون مصري وعرض هذا الوطن وده مش أي وطن ده مصر، والعالم كله عايز يساعد مصر لتحقيق الاستقرار فلن نسمح للبعض أن يهدم إنجازات الثورة.

وأضاف أن هناك جرائم ترويع والناس خايفة علي عيالها ولا يمكن أن تدور عجلة الإنتاج في تلك الحالة ولذلك كان لابد من الحسم القانوني الرادع، وأوضح أن مهمة حكومته هي إعادة الاستقرار وتدوير عجلة الإنتاج وكلاهما يحتاج للرجوع للأمن مشيرا إلي أن عمر حكومته قصير باعتبارها حكومة تيسير أعمال ولكنها عازمة أن تؤسس دولة القانون وكل ما يتعارض مع القانون سيواجه بكل حزم وحسم.

كما أشار إلى أن ما شهده ميدان التحرير اليوم يؤكد علي ضرورة وجود حالة من الحسم ولكن بالقانون مطالبا الشارع المصري بمصالحة جهاز الشرطة حتى تتمكن من النزول سريع للشارع.

وتساءل شرف: هل الناس مبسوطة بدون وجود الشرطة؟ لا شك في ضرورة وجود مصالحة مع مؤسسة الشرطة ،فهذه المؤسسة عظيمة وقد تأخر في النزول بعض الشيء وسنبدأ النزول التدريجي وسيشعر به الشارع قريبا.

وقال أنا أقف في الشارع وأسمل علي الشرطة وأقول لهم منورين رغم أنهم"لابسين أسود" وبأقول لهم "وحشتونا" وأتمني أن يكون هذا سلوك المواطنين في الفترة القادمة مع الشرطة لاحتضان تلك المؤسسة، وأضاف:شعرنا بغيابهم وبمجرد نزولهم سنشعر بالأمن وسنبدأ في الإنتاج .

ورفض شرف الربط بين اقتحام مقارات أمن الدولة في نفس يوم توليه الوزارة قائلا:أنا متضايق جدا ولا أريد الربط ولابد من تفهم حالة الغضب من الناس نتيجة بعض الممارسات ولكن مرحلة الغضب حينما تصل لإهانة مؤسسات الدولة فلابد من تحكيم القانون وإعماله وما حدث كان سيحدث مع أي حكومة تانية لها توجه عام وأن نكون دولة قانون.

وقال شرف: لم استغرب مما يحدث لانه شيء ممنهج وأتمني أن أكون جزء ولو بسيط في دولة قانون وهناك تحقيقات وقانون وسنعرف منها ما حدث.

وأضاف شرف:أنا فخور بثقة الشعب وأخاف أن أفقدها وإذا فقدتها فسأرحل فورا "اللي جابوني ممكن يمشوني".

ووجه شرف ثلاثة رسائل قصيرة للشعب المصري، قائلا: هناك 3 رسائل..الأولي :لجميع المصريين بالخارج وغير المصريين اللي بيحبوا مصر واللي عايزين يساعدوا مصر ..جاء الوقت لذلك ولو محتارين في الوسيلة فهناك العديد من الوسائل منها عودة البورصة قريبا وده فرصة للاستثمار بها وكذلك صندوق بناء مصر وأدعو المصريين للمشاركة فيه.

الثانية : للشعب المصري في الداخل وخاصة أصحاب النقاء والصفاء أصحاب الثورة الطاهرة الوقت جاء لحماية الثورة، وفجأة تغيرت نبرة صوته وقال:أنا متضايق وأدعي أني أحب بلدي جدا وبالأمس كنت أشعر بضيق شديد وفجأة اتصل بي مصري من السعودية وقال لي أنه ومجموعة سيقمون بأداء عمرة من أجل مصر، كما أرسل لي صديق مسيحي لابني وخطيبته تقول: كل يوم بالليل بنولع شمعة أما الرسالة الثالثة فقالها بدموعه باكيا "المصريين إيد واحدة".
Posted by metinoot (Member # 17031) on :
Arabic to English translation
Icon 1 posted 09 March, 2011 08:16 PM Profile for this Edit / Delete Post Reply With Quote Essam Sharaf warns of counter-revolution and draws 3 messages amid tears, saying "one Egyptian Aid"

Came tears, Egyptian Prime Minister Dr. Essam Sharaf Ali chaos that led to the country to carry many of the messages to the Egyptians, they reflect the sincerity of this man and the true love of this country, not to mention his letters third .. The first is the need to give back to support Egypt's economy during the coming period and the second it came time protect the revolution pure and third, the Egyptian people supported one.

Sharaf said that what Egypt has been witnessing now is something orderly and systematically designed to create chaos, stressing that there are attempts to destroy the structure of the state and this is dangerous requires mobilization of determination, we added Owtmana to this country and took the legitimacy of the revolution and we must protect the homeland and the revolution.

The honor that he would not permit attacks on authority of the state, saying during his interview with the tenth night: prestige of the state should not affect it is not a red line, red wall, but can not penetrate, and if we fail to protect them, we would have Khounna home.

He added: "We understand the demands of partisan special and that people felt after the revolution that their demands are achievable and we understand that, but can not be prejudice to the authority of the state, but does not understand the meaning to violate the sanctity of institutions on the pretext that the demands of class, and the detection of honor that there is already a counter-revolution based on the foundations of a systematic and organized He stressed that the prejudice to the honor at the authority of the state falling under penalty of law because the state institutions is to show the nation and must protect it by law .. The law provides a case of legitimate self-defense.

He added: I am responsible for 85 million Egyptians and view this home not woo any home de Egypt, and the whole world want help to bring stability to Egypt will not allow some to destroy the achievements of the revolution.

He added that there are crimes of intimidation and people go on Aialha can not spin the wheel of production in such a case, therefore, had to be a decisive legal deterrent, and explained that his Government's mission is to restore stability and rotate the wheel of production and both need to return for security, pointing out that the age of his short as the government facilitate the work of but is determined to establish the rule of law, and anything contrary to the law will face firmly and decisively.

He also noted that he witnessed Tahrir Square today confirms the need for a state of law and decisiveness, but the Egyptian street, calling for reconciliation of the police to be able to get off the street fast.

He wondered honor: Are people happy without the presence of the police? No doubt the need for a reconciliation with the police as an institution, this great institution has been delayed to come down a bit and we'll start out down the street and feel it soon.

And said, "I stand in the street and Osml the police and tell them S the, although they are" clothed in black "and I say to them," Hactona "and I hope that this will be the behavior of citizens in the coming period with the police to embrace the institution, and added: We felt absences and as soon as they stepped off we will feel secure and we will start production.

And refused to honor the link between storm Mgarat security of the state on the same day in office, saying: I am uncomfortable so I do not want to link and must understand the anger of the people as a result of some practices, but the stage of anger when they reach for insulting state institutions must be arbitration law and realization of what happened was going to happen with any more the government has a general trend that we are a nation of laws.

Sharaf said: Not surprised at what is happening because it is something systematically and hope to be part, even if simple in the state of law and there are investigations and the law and we will know what happened to them.

The honor: I am proud of the confidence of the people and I'm afraid to lose and if I lose Vsorahl immediately "Elly Jaboni Imshawni possible."

And the honor of three short messages to the Egyptian people, saying: There are 3 messages .. I: for all Egyptians abroad and non-Egyptians who people love Egypt, and who want to help Egypt .. it came time to do so, even puzzled at the way there are many means, including the return of stock soon woo opportunity to invest in building fund, as well as Egypt and the Egyptians call to participate.

Second: to the Egyptian people at home and especially those of purity and serenity owners Revolution pure time came to protect the revolution, and suddenly changed the tone of his voice and said: I am uncomfortable and pretend that I love my country too and yesterday I was annoyed and suddenly called me Egypt from Saudi Arabia and told me that he and a group Siqmon perform umrah from for Egypt, as a Christian friend sent me to my son and his fiancee, says: Every day at night Bnola candle Faqalha The third letter in tears, crying, "one Egyptian Ed."

Even if I could read al-Arabi script that font is way too small for a beginner.
Posted by Shanta Gdeeda (Member # 9889) on :
Let me just say something about relying on what you see on the news as being representative of 'the truth'.

In 1995 I attended the World Science Fiction Convention in Glasgow which took place over 5 days. There were around 5000 or more people there. A serious programme of, I would estimate, almost 1000 hours (parallel programme streams incase you are wondering!) of lectures, debates and interviews with authors, scientists, other experts on hard science, history, politics, sociology, gender, role of fiction and so on and so forth. There were around 10 people in Spock ears and on ONE evening there was a 3 hour 'masquerade' with people in fancy dress costumes.

Guess what was shown on TV and in the newspapers? The people in Spock ears, 0.2% of all attendees.

There was not ONE mention of the 1000 hours of programme which was the MAIN element of the convention. This was particularly galling because the week previously there had been a 'crime fiction' convention where they HAD covered the serious programme. It was obvious that the news media agenda was to ridicule science fiction.

The SINGLE exception was the Guardian newspaper who focused entirely on the fact that Samuel R Delaney - one of the Guests of Honour - was a black, gay professor and author. That's all they mentioned, nothing about his writing.

The news has its agenda - mainly to give exciting and dramatic tv and photos.

(OK I broke my self-pledge not to comment for a week but I didn't mention the E word so this doesn't count - I do have other examples but am sitting on my hands).
Posted by LovedOne (Member # 10222) on :
Have to agree with Exiled on this. It's been a month, we can hardly expect things to have progressed much more than they have. With time we will see great and positive changes insha'Allah.

Also, in the original post was this, "Wasnt it just great to see all those women - even if many were still draped with cloth from head to toe -"

What exactly are you implying? That in order to be free, women need to wear less clothing? That they are somehow less free than other women because they cover their skin with cloth?? [Roll Eyes]

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