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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Member # 17961
 - posted
Hello, everyone!

I'm an American woman, new to the forum. Next month I'll be moving to Cairo, where I have a government job for the next year or so. I'm just filled with questions, but have decided to make my first one a simple--if odd--one.

I'm a bit of an amateur bird watcher and have, thanks to a friend of mine, taken up the challenge of bird photography. I've promised to send him photographs whenever I can... but I just know that now and then someone is going to ask what on earth I'm up to. So I was wondering, how would I say "bird watcher," and "I am a bird watcher" in Egyptian Arabic?

Thank you ahead of time!
Member # 17234
 - posted
Originally posted by Wenamun:
Hello, everyone!

I'm an American woman, new to the forum. Next month I'll be moving to Cairo, where I have a government job for the next year or so. I'm just filled with questions, but have decided to make my first one a simple--if odd--one.

I'm a bit of an amateur bird watcher and have, thanks to a friend of mine, taken up the challenge of bird photography. I've promised to send him photographs whenever I can... but I just know that now and then someone is going to ask what on earth I'm up to. So I was wondering, how would I say "bird watcher," and "I am a bird watcher" in Egyptian Arabic?

Thank you ahead of time!

*Thank you in advance* not ahead of time [Roll Eyes]

Ana baraqeb altyoor = I am bird watching

Morqebat Altyoor = Bird Wacher (woman)

Moraqeb Al Tyoor = Bird watcher (man)
Member # 15263
 - posted
Hey wenamun...

I know a group who go bird watching. If you like I can pass their details on to you and you can join the trips.
Member # 3567
 - posted
Originally posted by Wenamun:
Hello, everyone!

I'm an American woman, new to the forum. Next month I'll be moving to Cairo, where I have a government job for the next year or so. I'm just filled with questions, but have decided to make my first one a simple--if odd--one.

I'm a bit of an amateur bird watcher and have, thanks to a friend of mine, taken up the challenge of bird photography. I've promised to send him photographs whenever I can... but I just know that now and then someone is going to ask what on earth I'm up to. So I was wondering, how would I say "bird watcher," and "I am a bird watcher" in Egyptian Arabic?

Thank you ahead of time!


This site is a forum to promote birdwatching in Egypt. We aim to advance knowledge, appreciation and conservation of Egyptian birds.
We welcome Egyptians, Expartriates and Foreigners. Individuals and Organizations.


Hope you have a good time in Egypt!!!!
Member # 17961
 - posted
Thank you, everyone, for the replies! I am sure that my accent will be terrible, at least until my Egyptian coworkers coach me through the "rough patches."

Cheeky, thank you--I'd love that. And I've joined the Facebook group, too, Tigerlily. I now live in a small town in the state of Maine, so will be looking for most any excuse to "experience nature" while living in Cairo. If I can do that once in a while, I'm bound to have a wonderful time in Egypt.

(Regarding "in advance" vs. "ahead of time," while I appreciate the suggestion, I thought latter perfectly adequate. I am, in addition to being an Egyptologist, a writer and editor, which is why the SCA hired me. [Wink] )
Member # 17961
 - posted
A vaguely related question: does anyone feed birds in Egypt? Or would I be considered an eccentric Yankee? (Which I am at home, anyway!) A local store here in my home town has collapsible bird feeders for sale. I couldn't resist buying one to bring to Egypt, in the hopes that I might have a balcony... and perhaps a chance to feed something other than pigeons. [Smile]

I could always fill it with whatever seed I can find in the souk, but do shops in Cairo sell birdseed? (Hm... perhaps for pet birds?)
Member # 17234
 - posted
Why not pigeons [Confused]

I wouldn't bother with the bird cage if I were you. Just buy one when you get to Cairo. There are lots of people who keep birds as pets and a few bird watchers. I was a hunter myself, I guess that involved some watching [Big Grin]
Member # 17961
 - posted
Oh, I don't mind pigeons (when I was a kid, I wanted to raise them!), but we have enough of them in North America. I'd like to see something a bit less familiar. And I wouldn't be keeping whatever comes along... it's just a little thing that keeps bird seed, not a cage for the birds. Sadly, much as I love birds, I'm quite allergic to them!

And I'd say that hunting definitely involves watching! [Big Grin] I have a duck-hunting manual for Egypt, printed perhaps in the teens or '20s. I have no idea if it will be of any use for photography, but it's so tiny I'll probably bring it along.

Now there's another question for another time and thread: transporting books into Egypt... or not. I am so going to miss my own library!
Member # 17234
 - posted
Originally posted by Wenamun:

Now there's another question for another time and thread: transporting books into Egypt... or not. I am so going to miss my own library!

I wish I knew [Frown] I was just looking into this today and it doesn't look good.
Member # 1925
 - posted
Originally posted by Wenamun:
A vaguely related question: does anyone feed birds in Egypt? Or would I be considered an eccentric Yankee? (Which I am at home, anyway!) A local store here in my home town has collapsible bird feeders for sale. I couldn't resist buying one to bring to Egypt, in the hopes that I might have a balcony... and perhaps a chance to feed something other than pigeons. [Smile]

I could always fill it with whatever seed I can find in the souk, but do shops in Cairo sell birdseed? (Hm... perhaps for pet birds?)

Yes I have a hanging bird feeder on my balcony and have bought bird food from UK many times so you are not the only ecentric. The brids are really funny as all are windows have mirror glass to reflect the heat outwards and the birds put on a great performance thinking they are looking at another bird. That or Egypt has the vainest birds in the world LOL. One thing they also love is tomatoes and cucumber. I laughed the first time my husband put it out and was so suprised they ate it.

One thing to be very careful of though is you can easily attract rats and mice, so do think about where you put it.
Member # 15263
 - posted
A guy opposite has birds out on the balcony and I looove listening to them... I want birds!

I arranged a trip to the red sea to watch the mass migration, bit of a waste really as all we got see were a couple of black ibis. But more twitcher trips are planned.

Don't worry thinking you are alone, there are many people who are nature lovers.

PM me when you arrive in egypt and I will let you know what trips are in the planning.
Member # 17961
 - posted
A belated reply--I've been too busy packing, not to mention getting was sidetracked by a birding trip to southeastern Arizona...

I'm so glad that I won't be the only "eccentric"! Not attracting unwanted critters is high on my list of priorities, so yes, I will definitely be careful about where I hang the feeder and what I put into it. I suspect a bit of trial and error will be required, but that's part of the fun. Wonderful idea about vegetables and fruit! Here in Maine we hang orange halves to attract Baltimore Orioles.

And thank goodness, too, that there are other nature lovers! Going from rural Maine to urban Cairo is going to be a shock to my system. I have only a couple of days left here. I will miss our Blue Jays, Black-capped Chickadees, White-breasted Nuthatches, and even the American Kestrels (which are handsome, Horus-like birds but their cries, which sometimes persist for hours at our house, can get annoying after a while).

Cheeky, I'm going to be in Cairo this weekend. Later next week I will drop you a PM. I've also just joined the EgBirdGroup on Yahoo and, at the urging of an ornithologist friend of mine, am contacting a "birding pal" via BirdingPal.org.

Like you, I Want Birds! LOL!

I'll be in touch soon, once jet lag wears off and I find an apartment.
Member # 15263
 - posted
Sure PM me, no problems.

Here you will mostly see hod hods (Hoopoes), kites and bulbuls on a daily basis. (aside from the obvious crows and sparrows).

The bulbuls here are amazing, they are so vain and fearless.

If you want to see wildlife then you could arrange a desert safari and go see what is out there.
Member # 17961
 - posted
I am now in Cairo, Cheeky! I will PM you in a few days. Unfortunately, I have learned that I have a 6 day workweek, due to the intensity of the project for which I've been hired, but I am really hoping to get some birding in once in a while.

I'm very eager to see my first bulbul! Or at least the first bulbul I see and can say, "Oh, look, a Common Bulbul!" When I complete my move, I will be studying Bruun's _Common Birds of Egypt_. And I just found the guide to the Important Bird Areas of Egypt at a local bookstore. (It's a bit dated, from 1999, but seemed like it might be still useful.)
Member # 15263
 - posted
I also spoke to the guy I know who is a big 'twitcher' ... he is also in the yahoo group and said we are not planning the unpredictable Oct trip but March / April is on guarenteed.

You will soon see hod hods and bulbuls... [Smile]

I hope you settle in well and get some down time to enjoy life here, I am SO sure you will as it is a wonderous country.

NOTE: I am looking at getting me a ferret [Smile]
Member # 17961
 - posted
Ah, March/April would be nice! I do hope I settle down soon, otherwise I won't be nearly as effective at work. [Smile]

(Um... mightn't a ferret scare away the birds? [Eek!] [Smile] )
Member # 15263
 - posted
Oooo no, I want a house trained indoor one. Can you imagine the reaction to one on a lead here... I've already had a guinea pig killed just because of the word pig [Frown]

I am off to Ras Sudr next week and if there is any migration movement I will feedback.
Member # 17961
 - posted
!!! Poor little thing.

I'd love to have a pet but might not be home very much with all the work I have, and I'd hate to part with it when I leave Egypt.

Do tell about Ras Sudr!

I picked up the guide to Important Bird Areas, which I stumbled upon at a book store my first day in Cairo. I hope to hit the AUC bookstore in the coming days to find another field guide.
Member # 15263
 - posted
Ferrets are so easy to keep, they would love my apartment to bolt round.

Did you join the yahoo group? I don't join the groups anymore as got sick of the hassle from guys wanting to meet up!!!!
Member # 17961
 - posted
I did indeed join the Yahoo group. Nobody has yet hassled me, but then, I haven't posted yet, either. Perhaps I should refrain? Not that I would have anything to post. All I've seen yet are sparrows, crows, doves, and an egret. [Smile]
Member # 15263
 - posted
I like the egrets though, maybe becasue they are not a typical bird to see for me. On a cruise last week at sunset we saw a colony of them coming in for the night, quite amazing.

I saw 2 hod hods today cooling down on some sprinkled grass... they are such interesting birds.

I should join the group, what's one more creepy email!
Member # 17961
 - posted
You should join, definitely! En route to the Etisalat place, we passed the fish gardens and I wondered what the birding was like in there.

If you like birds, check out the photographs from my Yucatan trip, posted on my web site. We saw wonderful creatures, really.


If I ever have time, I'll post some photos from southeastern Arizona, too. (And I really need to revise the Yucatan slide show... and the rest of them, actually. I've since started using JAlbum, which does a much nicer job.)
Member # 15263
 - posted
Did you take those pictures? They are astounding. Aside from the birds and butterflies the fig tree on the steps really caught my eye! Beautiful.
Member # 17961
 - posted
I did, CF, and thank you. I did, of course, pick most of the best ones to put online. I have far, far, far more "duds"!

I am looking forward to trying my hand on Egyptian birds. When I visited my apartment this afternoon--for the first time all by myself--I stepped onto the balcony and saw some sort of raptor (I have to unpack the field guide to ID it), followed by flock after flock of rock doves (street pigeons), and a Hooded Crow. It's as though the Avian Welcoming Committee had been waiting for me!

I was hoping for something closer to trees--I am high above trees--but this will do. And I will try to hang my bird feeder, to see if I get birds and not rodents, inshallah! I have already seen a gecko on the outside of the living room window, so one way or another, I will have wildlife.
Member # 1680
 - posted
Wenamun you are here!!!
Member # 17961
 - posted
I am!! And so are you!!! <waving hi to a familiar face>
Member # 1680
 - posted
Waving back lol
Member # 18202
 - posted
Originally posted by Wenamun:
.... I am, in addition to being an Egyptologist, a writer and editor, which is why the SCA hired me. [Wink] )

What is the SCA and do they have a website for Egyptology amateurs or a center in Egypt ???
Member # 1680
 - posted
SCA = Supreme Council of Antiquities headed by Dr Zahi Hawass

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