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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Member # 12979
 - posted
Why is tomorrow's date (07-07-07) said to be so special?
By COLIN WILSON - More by this author » Last updated at 01:07am on 6th July 2007

For those of the marrying disposition, tomorrow is the most auspicious day to wed for decades. Gamblers should also find their luck is in. Anyone with a birthday can hope to be kissed by good chance. And the rest of us? Well, fortune should be smiling on us too.

The reason for all this bounty lies in the fact that tomorrow, Saturday, happens to fall on the seventh day of the seventh month of the seventh year of the millennium.

Throughout history, seven has been regarded as a perfect number. So what date could be more special than 7/07/07 - except perhaps the seventh of July 1977?

Could tomorrow be lucky for you?

Modern man long ago forgot why seven has always been so blessed. But he still evokes that ancient knowledge when he uses the phrase "being in the seventh heaven". The number seven runs throughout world mythology, magic and religion and symbolises completeness and perfection.

There are seven seas, seven virtues, Seven Wonders of the World. Seven colours of the rainbow as well as repeated references in the Bible - the seven days of Creation, the seven deadly sins, and the blessing of the seventh day which makes Sunday a day of rest.

Of course, July 7, 2005 is remembered as one the most tragic events in recent British history - the London tube and bus bombings.

But it cannot be denied that the notion of seven being a special number goes way back beyond Biblical times, extending to our remotest ancestors. The proof lies in the group of stars known as the Pleiades, or Seven Sisters.

The acclaimed British anthropologist Stan Gooch discovered that they are the only constellation named by every culture on Earth, past and present, and going back at least 40,000 years.

The Greek legend of the Pleiades says they are six maidens and their mother, who were pursued through the forest by Orion the Hunter, until Zeus took pity on them and changed them into stars.

The Australian Aborigines call them the hunter Wurunna. The Wyoming Indians have the seven maidens pursued by a bear.

And they also play an important part in the legends of the Aztecs, the Incas, the Polynesians, the Chinese, the Masai and the Kikuyu of Kenya, the Hindus and the ancient Egyptians. They are important to all these ancient peoples because they symbolise the number seven.

The reason is hinted at by the phrase "the seventh heaven". Since pre-history, witch doctors - or shamans - of every society have held the same belief: that above our earthly level there are seven heavens, the uppermost of which is the home of spirits.

The shaman was a person chosen by the spirits to act as the intermediary between their world and the Earth. Once chosen, he had to go through a horrifically cruel and harsh training.

He (or sometimes she) may have been starved to the point of death, or lain out in the cold until frozen. It was like a long illness, and if he recovered, he would have gained magical healing powers, and would often have to ascend to the seventh heaven to consult the spirits.

It sounds like absurd superstition. Yet what makes this so extraordinary is that shamans all over the world, from the Arctic to the Amazon, from Siberia to Japan, have for eons held exactly the same beliefs, even when separated by thousands of miles of space or thousands of years in time.

The belief in seven heavens can be found all over the Near East, from India to Iran. It is echoed in the Koran, in Jewish religious belief, and in the ancient Mesopotamian priest climbing the seven steps of his ziggurat.

This is the root cause of the number seven being considered lucky - because throughout human history, mythology and religion, the secret of good fortune has involved the shamans passing through the concentric seven layers of heavens to progressively deeper forms of knowledge.

Shamans insist that attaining such knowledge demands that we learn to focus the mind.

And isn't it striking that things seem to go right when we focus on them - and wrong when we don't. How, by focusing our minds, we can make our own luck.

The playwright George Bernard Shaw expressed this very same insight in Heartbreak House, when he makes the aged Captain Shotover explain that his basic aim in life has been to achieve the Seventh Degree of Concentration.

In my younger days - I will, by coincidence, be 77 next June - I spent a great deal of time trying to put Shotover's recommendation into practice.

I would try to hone my powers of concentration by fixing on certain subjects and consciously applying as much brain power to them as I possibly could.

The trouble was that I never felt anything other than rather furrow-browed - I could never succeed beyond a certain point before I lost my focus. Then one day I stumbled on the solution by accident.

On New Year's Day, 1979, I was trapped by snow in a remote Devon farmhouse where, as an author, I had gone to lecture to some extra-mural students.

After 24 hours we decided we had to try to escape. It so happened that my car was the only one that would climb the slope out of the farmyard.

After several hours' hard work with shovels, we finally made it up and onto a narrow country road. Although the snow had been churned up by traffic, it was still treacherous. And in places where the snow lay untouched, it was hard to see where the road ended and the ditch began.

So as I began to make my way home, I was forced to drive with total, obsessive attention in case I ended up in a ditch. It took two hours to reach the main Exeter road, where I was finally able to relax. Then I noticed a fascinating thing: that everything I looked at seemed curiously real and interesting.

The two hours of concentrated effort had somehow "fixed" my consciousness in a higher state of awareness.

There was also a tremendous feeling of optimism, a conviction that most of our problems are due to vagueness, slackness, inattention, and that they are all perfectly easy to overcome with determined effort.

This state lasted throughout the rest of the drive home. Even now, merely thinking about the experience is enough to bring back the insight and renew the certainty.

What seemed to have happened was that total attention had allowed my level of consciousness to build up a pressure far beyond its normal level. This, I saw, was the closest I had come to Shaw's seventh degree of concentration.

Afterwards, I tried many times to re-create it, initially without success. But before long, after practice, I found that I could achieve this heightened degree of concentration and consciousness in just about one hour, and that, I could then maintain it for at least a further hour.

And now that I have learned the trick, I shall make sure I do it tomorrow. Just to make sure it's my lucky day.

Why number Seven is so lucky
Ramses nemesis
Member # 4125
 - posted
"what a load of rubbish!", lol

Obviously I didn't read the whole post above (no time). The reason I'm commenting is that yesterday I got a text message from a friend wishing me good luck, blah, blah, blah on 07/07/07!!!

Well, guess what? last year there was a 06/06/06 and before that there was, 05/05/05, etc. And hey, not only that, but surprise surprise, next year we'll have 08/08/08!! Now just how incredible is that, wow, really amazing!!!

Now, chances are everybody on this forum was born in the last millinium, so we all witnessed the turn of the millinium. Don't you think that this is the rare occasion. Well, unless you're Noah, it's unlikely that you'll witness this again in your lifetime!

As far as I'm concerned everyday is unique, I mean you won't get 8/7/07 (today) again, or any other date, say 17/5/03 (no significance, just three prime numbers). That's unless of course you'll hop on your time machine and shift to reverse.

Take care, and don't be too superstitious, amusing as it is to others, it's not good for your mental health [Smile]

(btw, you're not intended personally with that, those are just general comments)
Member # 6838
 - posted
Lol i dont understand it either but, my sister apparently does she got married yesterday
Member # 3567
 - posted
I hope and wish that all newly married couples had a first wonderful and memorable wedding night! And yes, who cares about dates!!!!

And Mystic, congratulations to your sister - unknowingly! [Smile]
Member # 11802
 - posted
When people get married they tend to want all the good fortune possible. I am working toward that myself and I wouldn't mind being superstitious if it gave me a bit more peace of mind [Big Grin]
Member # 12979
 - posted
Check this out...Elizabeth was born at 7am on 07/07/07, in delivery room 7. Oh, and she's her parents' 7th child...the luckiest baby ever?

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