Where does "The Bible" come from? Dan Brown postulates that the Bible was assembled by agents of Imperial Rome, working with "the Vatican," to present a deified Jesus Christ, thus excluding forever the alternative history of the Gnostic gospels.
This explanation rings with plausibility among people who believe that the Vatican had that kind of clout and reach and power. Readers on this site have already seen how this paints an unrealistic picture of history. But that is not just the opinion of this Christian writer being upset with Dan Brown's "Da Vinci Code" and getting defensive.
The Bible most widely used includes the entire Hebrew Scriptures, the 27 books of the New Testament, and the "apocryphal" books, also called the "intertestamental" literature. This Bible is used in common by the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Communion. This would be the "Bible" of Dan Brown's reference.
In the western part of the Roman Empire, St. Jerome's Latin translation called the "Vulgate" became the Vatican's standard critical edition, considered "inerrant."
The eastern Roman Empire continued to use the Greek texts of the Septuagint (the Hebrew Scripture and Intertestamental books translated into Greek) and the New Testament (originally composed in Greek).
From the fifth century and forward there was dispute between the Greek-speaking Christians and the Latin Christians of Rome as to whether the Latin Bible could be set on an equal footing with the Greek texts.
Here again, the Vatican's power fell short. Adding fuel to this fire is that Jerome did not copy everything that the Greeks included: the Greek Orthodox Bible includes some apocryphal literature that the Roman Catholic Church does not by virtue of St. Jerome's choices.
In addition, western Christians had developed a view of the Bible that esteemed the Hebrew Testament and the New Testament on a higher level than the intertestamental literature.
This view is based on the assessment that the Jews themselves do not view any texts with non-Hebrew originals as being divinely inspired. Because the books of the intertestamental literature are only attested in Greek, they are rejected by Judaism as "apocryphal."
This western view is not shared by the Eastern Orthodox, according to the forward of the "Orthodox New Testament," a New King James Version with study notes by scholars of the Eastern Orthodox Church in America.
The conviction of the orthodox Church is that the Septuagint, the Greek version of the Hebrew scriptures to which the intertestamental books were appended, is the received "Old Testament."
They make no distinction in their theology of inspiration for the intertestamental books. Once again, Vatican determinations could not be enforced because the Vatican lacked the power to compel the Eastern churches to conform.
Why, if the Vatican had as much power as Dan Brown describes, would the existence of a separate canon be allowed or tolerated?
It was not tolerated. The Nestorians broke from "orthodox" Christianity in the 5th Century. The point is, the Vatican was powerless to prevent the Nestorian Christians from doing what they were going to do with the Bible they had.
It is also an informative historical fact, that even though the Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox and Slavonic churches disagreed about which text could be considered the truest, and even though the Nestorians adopted their own New Testament, NOT ONE OF THESE CHRISTIAN COMMUNIONS INCLUDED GNOSTIC GOSPELS.
Not one. The limits of Vatican power before and after the Nicene Council is obovious because of the existence of Slavonic, Nestorian, and Greek Orthodox communions that did not submit to the Pope. If Gnostic Christian communions were also viable, they should have endured, because the Vatican did not have the power to stamp them out. If Gnostic Christianity was viable, we should have seen an enduring Gnostic community develop a New Testament canon that included, for example, the Gospel of Phillip and the Gospel of Thomas.
What was uniform was the rejection of the Gnostic texts.
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