and more like GULLIBILITY to me but hey what do i know? carry on. this ought to be a good one!
Posted by BrandonP (Member # 3735) on :
I do think it probable that life exists on other planets in this vast and largely unexplored universe, but the odds of it having developed our level of intelligence as well as the technology to visit our own planet are a lot slimmer. Furthermore, flattening fragments of cropland while completely avoiding our detection seems a ridiculously cryptic way of contacting us, not to mention inconsiderate to the farmers. Of course, one could suppose that the aliens' psychology and manner of communication is so unlike our own that we could never decipher their intentions, but in which case, why bother communicating with them at all?
quote:Crop circles appear to be very intricate formations, with many geometric shapes linked in sophisticated patterns. But the basics of crop-circle creation and the tools involved are actually fairly simple.
In general, circlemakers follow the following steps:
1. Choose a location.
2. Create a diagram of the design (although some circlemakers decide to come up with an idea spontaneously when they arrive at their intended site).
3. Once they arrive at the field, they use ropes and poles to measure out the circle.
4. One circlemaker stands in the middle of the proposed circle and turns on one foot while pushing the crop down with the other foot to make a center.
5. The team makes the radius of the circle using a long piece of rope tied at both ends to an approximately 4-foot-long (1.2-meter) board called a stalk stomper (a garden roller can also be used). One member of the team stands at the center of the circle while the other walks around the edge of the circle, putting one foot in the middle of the board to stomp down the circle's outline.
quote: They fought from heaven; the stars in their courses fought against Sisera.
Curse ye Meroz, said the angel of the LORD, curse ye bitterly the inhabitants thereof; because they came not to the help of the LORD, to the help of the LORD against the mighty.
An opinion has existed for at least 1400 years now that Meroz is the name of either a solar system or a planet (Tal*mudh Bab*li Mo`ed Qatan 16a). If so, Deborah inspired herself to astral prophetic heights giving evidence of extraterrestrial beings interacting on Earth affairs. Something they are evidently expected to do by celestial/cosmos authority(ies) as if part of their job, so to speak.
All 4 underlines are hyperlinks.
Then Torah itself says even Israelites far off in the outer spaceways they will be part of the deity's great ingathering of his remnant people.