Dr. Eran Elhaik talks about how tens of thousands of ancient Israelite skeletons are being hidden at a University in Jerusalem for "political reasons".
"...I will tell you that I am very concerned there will not be anymore samples in the near future as Israel is going through this religious revolution it will be even more strict about releasing this kind of genome, this kind of information. Don't [be] mistaken, there are thousands and tens of thousands of skeletons. The data are not the problem. The existence of skeletons that show the whole history of Israel from all the regions -- it exists. It's hidden at some University in some core basement. But it's there, they are not being released because there are political pressures.
Just imagine for the sake of argument, tomorrow you're releasing all the skeletons that you collected in Jerusalem and they're all coming up E1b1...
...Do you see the Ashkenazi rabbi standing on a stage and then explaining this to the people and saying 'well we have rights to this temple!' -- that's not happening, right?
Or the Moroccan rabbi coming and saying the same thing the Ashkenazi rabbi said? I don't know how they both can be right. These are the problems we are dealing with and I'm very concerned there will not be more samples coming out and we'll just have to deal with what we have. Hopefully I'm wrong. But once again, the more pieces we have of this puzzle, the more we can put it together with our resources at my lab." Posted by Tazarah (Member # 23365) on :
This speaks to the same issue that all of those Jewish/Israeli TikTokers and YouTubers in Israel have been shedding light on. They explain how DNA testing in Israel is illegal without a court order and they claim it's because DNA tests will reveal that most Israelis are not indigenous to the land:
"...The government uses these measures to protect the public so that insurance companies, private parties, et cetera won't misuse the private information for personal gain, as well as the national implications these tests could hold or affect with Israel being a government recognized Jewish-state."
^^^ Look who's here to derail my thread as usual. What does that have to do with the OP? Or course you have nothing to say about the OP and how the information all comes from Jewish/Israeli sources.
"The lioness" wants everyone to ignore the fact that those screenshots show how I was being harassed by racist Jewish people on a website for black people. He doesn't care about that, the black person (me) is always wrong no matter what.
Then he posts a screenshot of me saying that Christ came to save Israel (which the Bible says word for word) and that gentiles will serve Israel in the Kingdom (which the Bible also says word for word, notice how I referenced the scripture.)
***** This logically means that I myself will be serving the actual Israelites (whoever they are) in the Kingdom if I am not an Israelite.
What "the lioness" won't tell you is that Jewish people also believe the same thing but it's only a problem if black people believe it. Posted by Tazarah (Member # 23365) on :
Posted by Tazarah (Member # 23365) on :
Posted by Tazarah (Member # 23365) on :
Posted by the lioness, (Member # 17353) on :
quote:Originally posted by Tazarah: ^^^ Look who's here to derail my thread as usual. What does that have to do with the OP?
Your posts on Lipstick are totally consistent with your thread topic, that Ashkenazi Jews are fake Jews. Stand by your words before God, don't make excuses.
Posted by Tazarah (Member # 23365) on :
^ You mean like how they think black Jews are fake? I never said they are all "fake Jews" and I've made this clear in other posts.
Furthermore, the info in the OP comes from Jewish/Israeli sources, not from Tazarah.
"The lioness" is a racist white man who has been pretending to be a black woman on this website for at least a decade, and everyone knows it.
He hates black people, especially those who identify as more than just "african" or "african-american", and he is in support of racism/harassment that is directed toward black people by non-blacks.
Posted by the lioness, (Member # 17353) on :
quote:Originally posted by Tazarah: I never said they are all "fake Jews"
You believe that Ashkenazi have no ancestry descending from the ancient Hebrews, that is the point you are trying to make with this thread. It's an attack on identity, you hate these people
Posted by Tazarah (Member # 23365) on :
You must not have read my previous comment. I don't think they are all "fake".
I don't hate anyone, this is not worth hating anyone over. And anyone is free to believe what they want, just like how ashkenazi people think black Jews are fake.
The Jewish person in the screenshot you shared was literally attacking MY identity and you don't care because you are a racist troll who also hates black people like the person who was attacking me.
Regardless, the screenshots I've shared about you speak for themselves.
Everyone already knows what you are about and why you do what you do.
Posted by the lioness, (Member # 17353) on :
quote:Originally posted by Tazarah: You must not have read my previous comment. I don't think they are all "fake".
You believe that Ashkenazi have no ancestry descending from the ancient Hebrews, that is the point you are trying to make with this thread.
You are trying to discredit them and accuse them of hiding skeletons
You sense of identity is about trying to discredit others and accuse them of making fraudulent claims
But this is not a religious website where there are people making ongoing posts about black Hebrew Israelites so you can't claim that you are retaliating to people who are doing that
Posted by Tazarah (Member # 23365) on :
First of all, I have been called a "wannabe Jew" on this very website. Among other things.
Secondly, I didn't accuse anyone of anything you lying idiot, those are Dr. Elhaik's (an Israeli/Jewish geneticist) own words.
Go cry to him and stop harassing and hating black people.
You hate black people so much that you don't even care how hypocritical and biased you are making yourself look right now.
I'm not going to go back and forth with you all day because I know that's what your racist loser ass wants.
Posted by the lioness, (Member # 17353) on :
quote:Originally posted by Tazarah: [QB] I didn't accuse anyone of anything you lying idiot, those are Dr. Elhaik's (an Israeli/Jewish geneticist) own words.
You are advocating Elhaik's and GoBlacktoAfrica's claim that Ashekenzis are liars if they make any claim to being descendants of the ancient Hebrews
That is your intent and you are trying to support that intent with their videos
your intent is to attack Ashkenazi Jews
If some of them attacked you somewhere then go to where they are . You are trying to seed hate here
Your whole identity is built on trying to prove others frauds You can't just go about you business
Instead of "Hebrew Israelites" going about their business they go out of their way, spend a lot of time on, preaching on street corners (and online) about who these goofies think are fake Jews
And anybody black or white thinking there is a God that prefers them to other people due to their ancestry is profoundly stupid
quote:Originally posted by Tazarah: Salivation is only for Israel
that is wicked bullshit and it is an idea comes from man not God People who believe that are synonymous to racists
Posted by Tazarah (Member # 23365) on :
"The lioness" only cries about exclusion when he feels like white people are being excluded. Everyone else (especially black people) is fair game.
quote:Originally posted by Tazarah: ^ You mean like how they think black Jews are fake? I never said they are all "fake Jews" and I've made this clear in other posts.
Furthermore, the info in the OP comes from Jewish/Israeli sources, not from Tazarah.
"The lioness" is a racist white man who has been pretending to be a black woman on this website for at least a decade, and everyone knows it.
He hates black people, especially those who identify as more than just "african" or "african-american", and he is in support racism/harassment that is directed toward black people by non-blacks.
Posted by the lioness, (Member # 17353) on :
The fact you have to try to change the topic to be about me
means you are trying to cover up the fact that the point of this thread is to attack Ashkenazi Jews, trying to seed hate here pretending you're not
I post on multiple topics You are a religious fanatic trying to make narrow religious propaganda posts on an anthropology site attacking other peoples sense of identity
Posted by Tazarah (Member # 23365) on :
A video showing that it's a common belief amongst Jewish people in Israel that gentiles will be their slaves in the coming Kingdom.
A hierarchy and ruling class establishment in the new world is Biblical and not a "Hebrew Israelite" concept.
But "the lioness" only cries about what black people say and think because he is a racist troll who supports white supremacy.
Nobody should hate anybody. Dr. Elhaik said ancient Israelite skeletons are being hidden. He is Israeli/Jewish and he does not hate Jewish people nor does the fact that I referenced him mean that I hate Jewish people.
You are the only one here who hates another race of people.
quote:Originally posted by Tazarah: [QB] A video showing that it's a common belief amongst Jewish people in Israel that gentiles will be their slaves in the coming Kingdom.
Israelite rulership in the new world is Biblical and not a "Hebrew Israelite" concept.
It's a stupid, evil, man-made wishful thinking, analogous to racism concept whether he believes it or you do and you do, to try to justify this wicked, stupid thread
And religious fanatics like him are not posting on Egyptsearch so you are in the wrong venue to use the morally bankrupt argument "but he believes it too"
Posted by Tazarah (Member # 23365) on :
I was called a "wannabe Jew" on this website, based on someone else's personal interpretation of cherrypicked genetic sources, so I made a thread about how ancient Israelite skeletons are being hidden and also included information about how Jewish/Israeli people are coming forward and suggesting that they themselves are not descendants of ancient Jews due to DNA results that they are receiving.
You, being the racist troll that you are, got triggered by a black man (me) touching on this subject, so you tried to misrepresent a screenshot where I was defending myself from the attacks of racist Jewish people, and you also tried to shame be for believing the exact same thing that they believe about the Bible. You brought that stuff up about the Bible -- not me. It's off topic, troll.
You tried, failed and exposed yourself just as you always do.
quote:Originally posted by Tazarah: I was called a "wannabe Jew" on this website, based on someone else's personal interpretation of cherrypicked genetic sources, so I made a thread about how ancient Israelite skeletons are being hidden and also included information about how Jewish/Israeli people are coming forward and suggesting that they themselves are not descendants of ancient Jews due to DNA results that they are receiving.
You are trying to attack Ashkenazi Jews because that is what you found your identity on, attacking other people to try to raise yourself up
And the bullshit excuse you use that someone who is not an Ashkenazi Jew or Jew of any sort and someone you never even quoted (this lie that you are defending yourself) called you a wannabe Jew
You started this thread because you are lowly lost person Your mission here is to seed religious propaganda on an anthropology site and hoping one day people will be your slaves, that is filthy
Posted by Tazarah (Member # 23365) on :
quote:Originally posted by Tazarah: And the bullshit excuse you use that someone who is not an Ashkenazi Jew or Jew of any sort and someone you never even quoted (this lie that you are defending yourself) called you a wannabe Jew
Here you go, you damn failure.
Imagine a white man who has been trolling and pretending to be a black woman for over a decade trying to lecture me on what is right and wrong.
That just goes to show how deluded you are.
I'm not attacking anyone -- I referenced an Israeli geneticist, an Israeli website and a video featuring Jewish/Israeli people and they are the ones who did all the talking.
If the issue is "Real Jews" vs. "Wannabe Jews" then of course other Jewish populations are relevant you no-life having racist loser.
You hate black people so much and it's really come out in recent weeks.
Keep posting and showing everyone what a biased white supremacist you are.
I bet you won't get angry at people calling me a "wannabe Jew" and defend me from people calling me a "wannabe Jew" now will you? Posted by the lioness, (Member # 17353) on :
You are trying to make the lame excuse you made this thread attacking Ashkenazi Jews because Djehuti who is not an Ashkenazi or even a Jew said you were a wannabe Jew
That is bullshit
my guess is your the child of parents who didn't love you but should have, if not you were simply born rotten or was dropped on your head as child
You do what is common practice of Hebrew Israelites, routinely trying to discredit Ashkenazi's Jews hoping that doing that raises them up. It's garbage and evil
Posted by Tazarah (Member # 23365) on :
Repost for the racist cyber troll:
quote:Originally posted by Tazarah: I'm not attacking anyone -- I referenced an Israeli geneticist, an Israeli website and a video featuring Jewish/Israeli people and they are the ones who did all the talking.
If the issue is "Real Jews" vs. "Wannabe Jews" then of course other Jewish populations are relevant you no-life having racist loser.
You hate black people so much and it's really come out in recent weeks.
Keep posting and showing everyone what a biased white supremacist you are.
I bet you won't get angry at people calling me a "wannabe Jew" and defend me from people calling me a "wannabe Jew" now will you?
Sometimes I really just have to remind myself that you're nothing but an old racist white man on a computer who has been pretending to be a black woman for over a decade, and that you aren't even worth my time.
Posted by the lioness, (Member # 17353) on :
quote:Originally posted by Tazarah:
Imagine a white man who has been
you can imagine whatever you like but that is another lie
Posted by Tazarah (Member # 23365) on :
This old racist white man ("lioness") has been trolling threads and pretending to be a black woman on this website for over a decade.
He falsely accuses me of "attacking ashkenazi Jews" and that's actually funny because he has trolled and derailed literally every major thread I have made about black Jews on this website over the years.
You literally hate black people (especially those who identify as Jews) with all your heart and you're trying to project your disgustingness onto me.
What a manipulative loser. Doesn't get anymore scumbag than that.
You can try to distract all you want, trying to get people to focus on me
This thread is an attack on Ashkenazi Jews because you hate them
I have seen all sorts of white and black supremacist or religious groups claim they don't hate, trying to cover up their irrationality But they do hate people and should be honest about it
You think if you destroy the Ashkenazis that will make you righteous It just makes you someone who hates
Posted by Tazarah (Member # 23365) on :
quote:Originally posted by Tazarah: This old racist white man ("lioness") has been trolling threads and pretending to be a black woman on this website for over a decade.
He falsely accuses me of "attacking ashkenazi Jews" and that's actually funny because he has trolled and derailed literally every major thread I have made about black Jews on this website over the years.
You literally hate black people (especially those who identify as Jews) with all your heart and you're trying to project your disgustingness onto me.
What a manipulative loser. Doesn't get anymore scumbag than that.
You can try to distract all you want, trying to get people to focus on me
This thread is an attack on Ashkenazi Jews because that is what people like you do
Posted by Tazarah (Member # 23365) on :
quote:Originally posted by Tazarah: This old racist white man ("lioness") has been trolling threads and pretending to be a black woman on this website for over a decade.
He falsely accuses me of "attacking ashkenazi Jews" and that's actually funny because he has trolled and derailed literally every major thread I have made about black Jews on this website over the years.
You literally hate black people (especially those who identify as Jews) with all your heart and you're trying to project your disgustingness onto me.
What a manipulative loser. Doesn't get anymore scumbag than that.
quote:Originally posted by Tazarah: Repost for the racist cyber troll:
quote:Originally posted by Tazarah: I'm not attacking anyone -- I referenced an Israeli geneticist, an Israeli website and a video featuring Jewish/Israeli people and they are the ones who did all the talking.
If the issue is "Real Jews" vs. "Wannabe Jews" then of course other Jewish populations are relevant you no-life having racist loser.
You hate black people so much and it's really come out in recent weeks.
Keep posting and showing everyone what a biased white supremacist you are.
I bet you won't get angry at people calling me a "wannabe Jew" and defend me from people calling me a "wannabe Jew" now will you?
Sometimes I really just have to remind myself that you're nothing but an old racist white man on a computer who has been pretending to be a black woman for over a decade, and that you aren't even worth my time.
Posted by Yatunde Lisa Bey (Member # 22253) on :
quote:Originally posted by the lioness,: You can try to distract all you want, trying to get people to focus on me
This thread is an attack on Ashkenazi Jews because that is what people like you do
And you attack Black/African people everyday for over a decade.
Posted by Yatunde Lisa Bey (Member # 22253) on :
quote:Originally posted by Tazarah: Dr. Eran Elhaik talks about how tens of thousands of ancient Israelite skeletons are being hidden at a University in Jerusalem for "political reasons".
"...I will tell you that I am very concerned there will not be anymore samples in the near future as Israel is going through this religious revolution it will be even more strict about releasing this kind of genome, this kind of information. Don't [be] mistaken, there are thousands and tens of thousands of skeletons. The data are not the problem. The existence of skeletons that show the whole history of Israel from all the regions -- it exists. It's hidden at some University in some core basement. But it's there, they are not being released because there are political pressures.
Just imagine for the sake of argument, tomorrow you're releasing all the skeletons that you collected in Jerusalem and they're all coming up E1b1...
...Do you see the Ashkenazi rabbi standing on a stage and then explaining this to the people and saying 'well we have rights to this temple!' -- that's not happening, right?
Or the Moroccan rabbi coming and saying the same thing the Ashkenazi rabbi said? I don't know how they both can be right. These are the problems we are dealing with and I'm very concerned there will not be more samples coming out and we'll just have to deal with what we have. Hopefully I'm wrong. But once again, the more pieces we have of this puzzle, the more we can put it together with our resources at my lab."
I agree with Eran, archaeology directed by Israelis and anyone wanting to dig in Israel is controlled by political considerations.
Posted by the lioness, (Member # 17353) on :
quote:Originally posted by Yatunde Lisa Bey:
quote:Originally posted by the lioness,: You can try to distract all you want, trying to get people to focus on me
This thread is an attack on Ashkenazi Jews because that is what people like you do
And you attack Black/African people everyday for over a decade.
That's garbage The only think I attacked was fraudulent claims like King Charles and Abraham Lincoln were black. I got rid of the freestyle buffoonery making a mockery of Black History and discrediting this website
Your impression of attacking black people is not accepting idiotic revisionist history
Example: Benayah Israel teaching African people that they are actually Israelites based on biblical verses about returning to Egypt where they claim Egypt is actually America, even you don't believe that (or that Abraham even existed)
What is Elhaik doing there in that video? He's selling the dream to gullible black people Eran Elhaik is the Chief of Science Officer (CSO) of Ancient DNA Origins, they sell tests kits he designed
This is why I would never communicate with Elhaik because this commercial enterprise is major conflict of interest with his genetics claims
This dude is slick, does not believe a drop of the Blacks Hebrew Israelite identity claims based on pseudo interpretations of bible verses. Ancient Origins uses all white examples for the test kit tribes' pictures (below) yet slick dude is still able to finesse these gullible suckers test kits
Tazarah is scared to take this test yet he promotes Eran Elahik every five seconds Do you realize he has typed the name "Eran Elhaik" 92 times on Egyptsearch?? and sends love letters to him? The least he could do is support him by buying one of his test kits There is nothing to fear, if you are E1b1 (add a or b at the end, it doesn't matter according to Elhaik) I guarantee you will get at least 15% Israelites on these tests, if not more if you buy the premium package > no worries
Tazarah is quite the hypocrite saying he doesn't believe in DNA yet keeps promoting a geneticist/salesman in a video about Hebrew DNA but is also a low key informercial which discuses tests kits he sells and with this phony baloney story of "tens of thousands" of hidden skeletons in the basement, to tickle your imagination
And of what use would such skeletons be to Tazarah who purports not to believe in DNA ??
why even bring up this Elhaik created rumor?
GoBlacktoAfrica (other dude's video, post 2) he talks about AAs should become expats to Africa all the time (consultation fee) he hates America (yet is living off a military's pension for having served in the US Army for 20 years) at the same times thinks he's an Israelite (so much for TAR) and he is doing the same hypocritical thing that Tazarah does, shows these three Jews, a stolen out of context clip, unknown origin or who these people are and why they are doing this -and their DNA test shows no Israel ancestry (which is possible for some Asheknazi but not others) and this implies the a DNA test can verify that.
So, then if GoBlack were take a DNA test himself that would show he does have Israel ancestry, right?
Wrong, All of the sudden DNA tests are invalid GoBlack thinks he's a Hebrew Israelite due to biblical verses such as Deut 28:68
I have no respect for double standard hypocrites like he and Tazarah who are fine with DNA tests to exclude people
> but when it comes to themselves all of the sudden DNA tests are invalid, it goes by bible verses The Israelites were in West Africa for 2,000 generations coming and going thinking they were Africans But then came the slave trade (the Arab one doesn't count) instead the transatlantic one "In ships" Praise the lord !! It's us !! God chose use to be be whipped for 400 years, knew this in advance, did nothing to stop it because we deserved it for not following his laws we are the chosen !! Now we know who we are, God loves us !!
this shit is insane
and you know this nonsense is deluding black people
But who cares you say, let's shit on these white Jews, That's the priority
Posted by Yatunde Lisa Bey (Member # 22253) on :
Lioness is a racist a racist who supports scientific racism and the true negro myth
Posted by the lioness, (Member # 17353) on :
quote:Originally posted by Yatunde Lisa Bey: [QB] Lioness is a racist a racist who supports scientific racism and the true negro myth
keep lying
"true negro" is a dumb term
Posted by the lioness, (Member # 17353) on :
So why does "Benayah Israel" (video in the OP) want to have a discussion about Ashkenazi ?
Why doesn't he just do his black Hebrew Israelites thing and mind his business? It's not like he has an anthropology channel, just do you
No, he wants to show that Ashkenazi's are fake Jews and thinks that makes him a "real" Hebrew
These people have to attack others to try to legitimize themselves
and many of them do it all day long shouting in street corners, add on the general white devil Esau bullshit rhetoric (this is who they think white people come from) and think about that DNA-wise> he would have had the same Y-DNA as Jacob! both sons of Isaac let that sink in and marinate
Posted by Tazarah (Member # 23365) on :
"The lioness" is a racist, anti-black white man who has trolled and derailed every single major thread I've made about black Jews on this website over the years. His fake rage is disgusting when you consider the fact that he has tried his best to completely destroy threads about black Jews on this website.
In one of the threads he trolled so hard and was so offensive/disrespectful that he went back and started editing/removing the text from of his comments (page 1):
If I was Satan or Adolf Hitler or Queen Esther it would not change the fact that this thread is an attempt to attack Ashkenazis Who I am is irrelevant to that fact
Because unlike the black Jews in Dimona and Beta Israel they don't go trying to attack other people like these dumb 1 Westers and Ron Dalton
Where is your thread on Ethiopian Jews and the Kingdom of Aksum or the Tarikh el-Fetash manuscript, where something concrete historically can actually be established?
Why did you even start posting in Egyptsearch?
You missed the boat, it's been years now since there were a lot of revisionist alternative history posts, much less religious people posting here (except KING)
Most of us believe in genetics and most of the posts are about or Egyptian history
you claim not to believe in genetics, so why did you come here?
who sent you?
Posted by Tazarah (Member # 23365) on :
Nobody is forcing "the lioness" to respond to my posts or troll/derail my threads but he acts like it must be done for some reason. The reason is because he hates black people, especially the idea of black Jews.
Who sent me? Who sent YOU? Countless people have testified that you are anti-black troll who has been pretending to be a woman for at least 10 years, as seen in the screenshots I posted above.
I can post whatever the hell wherever the hell I want. This isn't the only site I have posted on.
When you start being anti-black and trying to derail/troll my threads then of course I'm going to respond and defend myself you delusional clown.
quote:Originally posted by Tazarah: "The lioness" is a racist, anti-black white man who has trolled and derailed every single major thread I've made about black Jews on this website over the years. His fake rage is disgusting when you consider the fact that he has tried his best to completely destroy threads about black Jews on this website.
In one of the threads he trolled so hard and was so offensive/disrespectful that he went back and started editing/removing the text from of his comments (page 1):
Israel is not all black. Israel is not all white. Israel is not all asian. Israel is not all indian. Israel is not all latino. Israel is not all arab. Etc.
But when Christ returns and gathers all the Israelites, there will he Israelites who:
It's not about color and I've made that clear countless times over the years. Lyinass is a white supremacist, lying TROLL. Posted by the lioness, (Member # 17353) on :
quote:Originally posted by Tazarah: Nobody is forcing "the lioness" to respond to my posts or troll/derail my threads but he acts like it must be done for some reason. The reason is because he hates black people, especially the idea of black Jews.
Who sent me? Who sent YOU? Countless people have testified that you are anti-black troll who has been pretending to be a woman for 10 years, as seen in the screenshots I posted above.
I can post whatever the hell wherever the hell I want. This isn't the only site I have posted on.
When you start being anti-black and trying to derail/troll my threads then of course I'm going to respond and defend myself you delusional clown.
quote:Originally posted by Tazarah: "The lioness" is a racist, anti-black white man who has trolled and derailed every single major thread I've made about black Jews on this website over the years. His fake rage is disgusting when you consider the fact that he has tried his best to completely destroy threads about black Jews on this website.
In one of the threads he trolled so hard and was so offensive/disrespectful that he went back and started editing/removing the text from of his comments (page 1):
this anti-black stuff is bullshit you are trying to distract people with
This thread is not one of Benayah Israel talking about why he identifies with ancient Israel
>> all of these bible verses things, you base you identity on, he talks about in other vides or videos about his community
you keep that base you found yourself on hidden and instead you pick this other video where it's attack on Ashekenzis and another one in the second post
Posted by Tazarah (Member # 23365) on :
How are these 4 links bullshit you idiot?
Why do you troll and derail literally every major thread I make about black Jews?
And then have the nerve to cry when I post information from Israeli/Jewish sources?
You were doing this type of stuff before I ever made a post about ashkenazi people.
You're a lunatic, you've been harassing black people on this website for over a decade while pretending to be a black woman.
The fact that you don't realize how nuts you look and how racist you are is wild.
You're a full of sh*t hypocrite.
Posted by the lioness, (Member # 17353) on :
My posts elsewhere are irrelevant to your thread
Your thread is an attack on a Ashkenazi Jews
despite me ever existing.
You are responsible for it what I do has zero relation to that
The fact that your are now posting about me, trying to distract people from your creation of this thread is an admission of guilt
You are trying to make the lame excuse you made this thread attacking Ashkenazi Jews because Djehuti who is not an Ashkenazi or even a Jew said you were a wannabe Jew
So the creation of this thread has zero to do with me. It's simply you lashing out a people you hate because that is what your identity is founded on, just like white racist groups base their identity on people they hate, this is what you do
Posted by Tazarah (Member # 23365) on :
^^^ I am now 100% convinced that "the lioness" is a Jewish man. Why is this man so triggered? ROFL. Imagine spending your entire day crying about this thread, when countless people know that you are a black-hating white man pretending to be a black woman.
quote:Originally posted by Tazarah: This old racist white man ("lioness") has been trolling threads and pretending to be a black woman on this website for over a decade.
He falsely accuses me of "attacking ashkenazi Jews" and that's actually funny because he has trolled and derailed literally every major thread I have made about black Jews on this website over the years.
You literally hate black people (especially those who identify as Jews) with all your heart and you're trying to project your disgustingness onto me.
What a manipulative loser. Doesn't get anymore scumbag than that.
And has no explanation or justification for the blatant anti-black racism that he has been promoting for all these years. He won't even acknowledge it because he knows he's full of sh*t and has no legitimate excuse.
But that won't stop him from crying like a little hypocrite.
And let's not forget he's been pretending to be a black woman for over a decade on this website, trolling and harassing actual black people in threads endlessly.
ROFL 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
I'm actually starting to feel a little bad for him believe it or not. I'm glad I got to share all these screenshots about him again and I'm glad he gave me an actual opportunity to do so.
Posted by Yatunde Lisa Bey (Member # 22253) on :
You know, just try going back to read an old thread on anything not even just about ancient Hebrews and you will find Lioness devolving threads into non senscial bs until you can't tell what the original topic was. That in fact is the definition of SATANIC.
John 8:44
quote:You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and has nothing to do with the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks according to his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies.
The primary risk factor for malignant melanoma is uncontrolled exposure to ultraviolet radiation (UV), which is especially relevant to Israel's weather. Israel has a significant population of fair-skinned individuals, which contributes to the increasing trend of skin cancer rates in the country
In Israel, skin cancer is the most common malignancy. Melanoma (skin cancer) is diagnosed in roughly 1,500 people a year.
Posted by the lioness, (Member # 17353) on :
I love Black people and respect Black Jews
but I don't respect hate cults and racists
but this thread is not about me or what I believe
it's a thread attacking other peoples religion
Why? Because the thread starter is in his feelings about being called a wannabe Jew and the person who said this is not even a Jew or white
So that was just a fake excuse
He thinks if he can prove other people "fake" that makes him real Thats a logical fallacy, it's not connected
I have seen no thread by Tazarah that even makes the case why he thinks he's an Israelite. It's because he's not confident in that. He thinks if he can prove other people not "Israelites" he is one but it doesn't work like that
Posted by the lioness, (Member # 17353) on :
quote:Originally posted by Tazarah:
But when Christ returns and gathers all the Israelites, there will he Israelites who:
what Jew believes this? you're some sort of Christian anyway
Posted by Tazarah (Member # 23365) on :
quote:Originally posted by the lioness,: I have seen no thread by Tazarah that even makes the case why he thinks he's an Israelite.
Um I've been linking the same 4 threads over and over again that reference scholarly sources, historical documents and/or draw connections between ancient Jews and blacks descendants of yhr transatlantic slave trade and diaspora.
Ya know, the threads that you trolled, derailed and destroyed because you hate black people claiming to be Jews.
You're done. This has reached a point where I no longer even need to respond because you have beyond exposed yourself and everyone sees you exactly for what you are -- even those who play nice with you for whatever reason
Posted by Tazarah (Member # 23365) on :
quote:Originally posted by Yatunde Lisa Bey: You know, just try going back to read an old thread on anything not even just about ancient Hebrews and you will find Lioness devolving threads into non senscial bs until you can't tell what the original topic was. That in fact is the definition of SATANIC.
John 8:44
quote:You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and has nothing to do with the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks according to his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies.
Posted by Yatunde Lisa Bey (Member # 22253) on :
quote:Originally posted by the lioness,: I love Black people and respect Black Jews
but I don't respect hate cults and racists
but this thread is not about me or what I believe
it's a thread attacking other peoples religion
Why? Because the thread starter is in his feelings about being called a wannabe Jew and the person who said this is not even a Jew or white
So that was just a fake excuse
He thinks if he can prove other people "fake" that makes him real Thats a logical fallacy, it's not connected
I have seen no thread by Tazarah that even makes the case why he thinks he's an Israelite. It's because he's not confident in that. He thinks if he can prove other people not "Israelites" he is one but it doesn't work like that
Lioness YOU are in the cult of white supremacy and scientific racism. Which makes you a RACIST
WHITE SUPREMACY IS A CULT that affects, how history, DNA, archaeology, is studied and reported.
The effects of this current iteration of Eugenics is trying to make it seam that West Africans are a separate species from the reset of Humanity.
Posted by the lioness, (Member # 17353) on :
quote:Originally posted by Yatunde Lisa Bey: Lioness YOU are in the cult of white supremacy and scientific racism. Which makes you a RACIST
this thread is not about me or what I believe
and you are a liar
it's a thread attacking Ashkenazi Jews
Why? Because the thread starter is in his feelings about being called a wannabe Jew and the person who said this was not not me nor a Jew nor white
this is an ongoing habit of theses religious hate fanatics and their revisionist pseudo history
quote:Originally posted by Tazarah: I love how bold he (Elhaik) is when it comes to calling out the ashkenazi about their frivolous claims to be descendants of Israel
wait, Tazarah said this in December? He's been on this track before anyone called him a wannabe Jew, so the victim excuse is bullshit > he is the one starting in with the wannabe accusations
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
^ Lioness, the guy is reeling in pain from the following:
The Genetic History of the Israelite Nation A surprising percentage of men across Judaism who claim to belong to the Levitical priesthood (the Cohanim) share a common Y chromosome within a subgroup of haplogroup J. This is despite the fact that they have been separated in some cases for approximately 2,500 years. This Y chromosome type has been named the Cohen Modal Haplotype (CMH), and men who carry it are more closely related to each other than they are to the other Jews in the communities in which they live. The CMH is rare in non-Levitical Jews, is found in 50% of Levites, and occurs in a much higher proportion of the Cohanim.14 Hammer et al. (2009) discovered that the Cohanim carry many different Y chromosome types, but most are at low frequencies.
Extended Y chromosome haplotypes resolve multiple and unique lineages of the Jewish priesthood In sum, the high frequency of a closely related set of J-P58* chromosomes among Ashkenazi and non-Ashkenazi Cohanim that share a common modal haplotype, and that are estimated to have diverged from a common ancestor >2,000 years ago, is consistent with the hypothesis that the J-P58* lineage traces the Cohanim dynasty to a time before the Jewish diaspora. While the frequency of the J-P58* lineage is higher among Ashkenazi Jews (Fig. 2a), Y-STR variation associated with this haplogroup is older in the non-Ashkenazi community (e.g., we obtained divergence time estimates of 4.6 ± 1.8 and 3.5 ± 2.1 kyears for the 17- and 9-locus datasets, respectively). In this regard, it is also worth noting that the J-P58* network topology suggests population expansion, especially within the Ashkenazim. This may be attributable to the strong founder effect previously suggested for the Ashkenazi population (Behar et al. 2004, 2006).
Origin and diffusion of human Y chromosome haplogroup J1-M267 The Cohen-specific lineage of haplogroup J1-M267 was first described as a Cohen-specific STR haplotype38, called “the Cohen modal haplotype”. It was rejected at first and then confirmed by an extended STR repertoire. This later study reports that 46.1% of all Cohens fall within this lineage. Subsequently, a Cohen-specific branch was also found in the phylogenetic tree of haplogroup J1-M26729. Here, we confirm this Cohen-specific branch in haplogroup J1-M267 as J1a1a1a1a1a1a2-B877 (Fig. 2, Supplementary Fig. S1). All Jewish lineages of haplogroup J1-M267 fall into the J1a1a1-P58 branch (Supplementary Fig. S1), which suggests their origin ultimately in the Levant. It is surprising to find two Jewish or close to Jewish J1a1a1-P58 lineages in the ancient Roman samples (~ 1.5–2.0 kya). This tells us about the migration of the Jewish people, at least of the bearers of the J1a1a1-P58 chromosomes, who travelled from the Levant to Europe via Italy, consistent with an earlier research.
The Y Chromosome Pool of Jews as Part of the Genetic Landscape of the Middle East Abstract A sample of 526 Y chromosomes representing six Middle Eastern populations (Ashkenazi, Sephardic, and Kurdish Jews from Israel; Muslim Kurds; Muslim Arabs from Israel and the Palestinian Authority Area; and Bedouin from the Negev) was analyzed for 13 binary polymorphisms and six microsatellite loci. The investigation of the genetic relationship among three Jewish communities revealed that Kurdish and Sephardic Jews were indistinguishable from one another, whereas both differed slightly, yet significantly, from Ashkenazi Jews. The differences among Ashkenazim may be a result of low-level gene flow from European populations and/or genetic drift during isolation. Admixture between Kurdish Jews and their former Muslim host population in Kurdistan appeared to be negligible. In comparison with data available from other relevant populations in the region, Jews were found to be more closely related to groups in the north of the Fertile Crescent (Kurds, Turks, and Armenians) than to their Arab neighbors. The two haplogroups Eu 9 (J2) and Eu 10 (J* or J1) constitute a major part of the Y chromosome pool in the analyzed sample. *Our data suggest that Eu 9 originated in the northern part, and Eu 10 in the southern part of the Fertile Crescent. Genetic dating yielded estimates of the expansion of both haplogroups that cover the Neolithic period in the region.* Palestinian Arabs and Bedouin differed from the other Middle Eastern populations studied here, mainly in specific high-frequency Eu 10 haplotypes not found in the non-Arab groups. These chromosomes might have been introduced through migrations from the Arabian Peninsula during the last two millennia. The present study contributes to the elucidation of the complex demographic history that shaped the present-day genetic landscape in the region. Posted by Tazarah (Member # 23365) on :
^ Any of you guys willing to address the OP?
Imagine clinging to the most notorious troll on this website to try saving face. "Lioness" is an old racist white man pretending to be a black woman, and he only gets mad when he believes white Jewish people are being "attacked".
He hates black people, especially black Jews -- that has been 200% demonstrated in this thread.
Of course you won't address the OP directly because you know it throws everything you've been spewing into question.
quote:"One thing is clear: the CMH cannot definitively prove the existence of a single founding father for the Jewish priesthood, let alone confirm that he was Aaron. If it is primarily a marker of priestly inheritance, why would it show up on two J lineages—most commonly on J1 but also on J2 -- that split thousands of years, maybe more than ten thousand years, before the time of Aaron? Moreover, some Jews with an oral history of being a Cohanim and no known record of conversion have neither a J1 nor J2 lineage. They are from the haplogroup E3b, which has Middle Eastern origins, or from Rlb, which is common among Europeans and some Turks. How could that be?"
"Abraham's Children: Race, Identity, and the DNA of the Chosen People" by Jon Entine, page 70-71
Posted by Tazarah (Member # 23365) on :
Djehuti the evolutionist is now referencing CREATIONIST websites to try supporting his ideas. ROFL Posted by the lioness, (Member # 17353) on :
Posted by Tazarah (Member # 23365) on :
^ Is that intended for me or djehuti?
Posted by the lioness, (Member # 17353) on :
also calling me racist is a lie
You use that garbage as a diversion
You must think it's racist to question false historical claims but we question everything here. This is a science oriented site, not where everybody looks the other way while religious people post propaganda
Posted by Tazarah (Member # 23365) on :
But it's not intended for djehuti right?
Practice what you preach and call him out for trying to "exclude haplogroups" as you would say.
Thus far, you are racist -- especially towards black people and black people who identify as Jews.
And I'm not the only one who has pointed this out.
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
quote:Originally posted by Tazarah: Djehuti the evolutionist is now referencing CREATIONIST websites to try supporting his ideas. ROFL
All you do is lie and make straw dolls.
When did I ever state I was an "evolutionist"??! In fact I already told you in another thread I wasn't, yet you repeat this lie. Is it because I don't hold the same idiotic views on the bible as you?? Just because I don't share the same imbecilic views and interpretations does not mean I'm not a bible believer, which I am!
You call yourself a "Hebrew Israelite" yet you don't even know the Torah in it's original Hebrew meaning let alone context, hence the dumb backwards views. LOL
Now you keep lying about not having any evidence about Abraham's Y lineage when we have Cohanim from different minhag of Jewry including Lemba of Southern Africa, and your only complaint is that we still have no conclusive proof from ancient kohen or Levite remains.
This is why nobody takes you serious. You are a low IQ person (black or not) which is why I'm not surprised your a BHI as most dumb cults require dumb members. What tribe are you? LOL Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
quote:Originally posted by the lioness,: anybody
also calling me racist is a lie
You use that garbage as a diversion
You must think it's racist to question false historical claims but we question everything here. This is a science oriented site, not where everybody looks the other way while religious people post propaganda
Don't be surprised if scientists in Israel do finally test the remains of Kohanim or Levites and the idiot Taz will then claim the results are erroneous or fabricated! LOL He is nothing but a cornered rat hallucinating he has a chance at victory.
Posted by Tazarah (Member # 23365) on :
quote:Originally posted by Djehuti: "Is it because I don't hold the same idiotic views on the bible as you??
The creationist website that YOU just referenced agrees that the Biblical flood was global, and that a "local flood" theory is not in agreement with what the Bible says (as I have repeatedly told and showed you).
You're probably too dense to even realize what this means for your haplogroup J fantasy, and how your own source just debunked you.
It's impossible for Noah to have had a haplogroup like J, which did not come into existence until after other haplogroups. Noah would have logically had a haplogroup older than J.
Furthermore, genetic methodology follows an evolutionary timeline (I'm surprised you didn't know this...) so by placing genetics over the Bible, you are essentially promoting evolution.
You don't have to admit to being an evolutionist because your arguments demonstrate that you are.
Furthermore #2, you still have not even attempted to address the actual OP of this post.
Posted by Tazarah (Member # 23365) on :
Djehuti is trying to exclude haplogroup E from Abraham's lineage.
What you gonna do? You gonna say anything to him?
Or is it ok to you when non-black people try to exclude Y markers linked to black people?
It only matters when you think white people are being exluded right?
Posted by BrandonP (Member # 3735) on :
quote:You don't have to admit to being an evolutionist because your arguments demonstrate that you are.
I can't speak for DJ, but you should know that evolution is a real phenomenon. We can observe it for ourselves in laboratory settings. I know some theists argue that God or some other supernatural entity was what created life or the Universe in the first place, and that's frankly a different topic altogether. But you can't deny that, once life got started, it's been evolving for a long, long time.
Posted by the lioness, (Member # 17353) on :
quote:Originally posted by Tazarah:
It's impossible for Noah to have had a haplogroup like J
Haplogroup J is around 43,000 years old. Biblically, far before the flood
The oldest haplogroups are haplogroup A, 270,000 years old and haplogroup B is around 100,000 years old
Haplogroup E is 65,200 to 73,000 years old
So would we say, he could not have been E because A , B are much older? No, same problem with your "impossible" claim on J (no logic). These all started before the flood (if we are to believe Noah existed) Noah was not the first man so if he was real, he could have been J or another haplogroup like Elhaik said for the Israelites because J is much older than he was > he does not have to be A, similarly E
don't tell me about Djehuti, I'm not his keeper, that's a gimmick you keep using What I say or don't say to him has nothing to do with your wrongness, stop the diversions, the Most High is watching. It's not me fault you thought Djehuti never comes to the Kemet forum so you could hide here
Posted by Tazarah (Member # 23365) on :
quote:Originally posted by BrandonP:
quote:You don't have to admit to being an evolutionist because your arguments demonstrate that you are.
I can't speak for DJ, but you should know that evolution is a real phenomenon. We can observe it for ourselves in laboratory settings. I know some theists argue that God or some other supernatural entity was what created life or the Universe in the first place, and that's frankly a different topic altogether. But you can't deny that, once life got started, it's been evolving for a long, long time.
Uh I was clearly talking about macro-evolution.
Posted by Tazarah (Member # 23365) on :
quote:Originally posted by the lioness,: So would we say, he could not have been E because A , B are much older? No, same problem with your "impossible" claim on J (no logic). These all started before the flood (if we are to believe Noah existed) Noah was not the first man so if he was real could have been J or another haplogroup like Elhaik said for the Israelites because J is much older than he was > he does not have to be A, similarly E
don't tell me about Djehuti, I'm not his keeper, that's a gimmick you keep using What I say or don't say to him has nothing to do with your wrongness, stop the diversions, the Most High is watching. It's not me fault you thought Djehuti never comes to the Kemet forum so you could hide here
Dr. Elhaik's research brought him to the conclusion Abraham was an E carrier so stop referencing him as if you are actually making a point.
But clearly you and djehuti know more than Dr. Elhaik. Bahaha
If we go by what the Bible says then no haplogroups that predate the flood should be in existence and that pretty much throws all genetic arguments out the window (I've said this before).
And thank you for demonstrating in real time that you have no problem with people attempting to exclude black people from Abraham/Hebrews/The Levant -- you only start to cry and do your trolling nonsense whenever you believe white people are being challenged -- because you yourself are a racist white man who has been masquerading as a black woman for over a decade.
It's not "exlcusion" that you dislike -- it's people who challenge white supremacy that you dislike.
And nobody is afraid of djehuti -- I posted this here so I don't have to worry about getting threatened with bans.
Posted by the lioness, (Member # 17353) on :
quote:Originally posted by Tazarah:
And thank you for demonstrating in real time that you have no problem with people attempting to exclude black people from Abraham/Hebrews/The Levant
If you are saying that about Djehuti you will have to produce a quote of him, otherwise it's false accusation
Posted by Tazarah (Member # 23365) on :
Yup and this is the part where you play dumb and pretend to be unaware of how djehuti is basically promoting the same argument as myself, just with a different Y marker.
So djehuti is essentially excluding all other Y markers from being descendants of Abraham, in favor of J.
You claim to be against exclusion yet have nothing to say about it, because you are a lying hypocrite who only antagonizes black people.
Have a nice day, back to ignoring you now
Posted by the lioness, (Member # 17353) on :
quote:Originally posted by Tazarah:
If we go by what the Bible says then no haplogroups that predate the flood should be in existence and that pretty much throws all genetic arguments out the window (I've said this before).
That's good logical reason for you not to believe that many things in bible are literally true.
However you can explain anything but just saying God miraculously did it. He created humans and animals instantly, created new languages at Babel instantly, creates haplogroups whenever he feels like. Are you doubting the abilities of the Most High?
what we do know is that these biological markers can be observed in the DNA with a microscope.
Posted by Tazarah (Member # 23365) on :
quote:Originally posted by Tazarah: Yup and this is the part where you play dumb and pretend to be unaware of how djehuti is basically promoting the same argument as myself, just with a different Y marker.
So djehuti is essentially excluding all other Y markers from being descendants of Abraham, in favor of J.
You claim to be against exclusion yet have nothing to say about it, because you are a lying hypocrite who only antagonizes black people.
Have a nice day, back to ignoring you now
Posted by the lioness, (Member # 17353) on :
quote:Originally posted by Tazarah: Yup and this is the part where you play dumb and pretend to be unaware of how djehuti is basically promoting the same argument as myself, just with a different Y marker.
So djehuti is essentially excluding all other Y markers from being descendants of Abraham, in favor of J.
You claim to be against exclusion yet have nothing to say about it, because you are a lying hypocrite who only antagonizes black people.
Have a nice day, back to ignoring you now
You're making threads about Ashkenazi. He's not making threads about Hebrew Israelites People are reacting to you
I made a thread about the history of black Hebrew Israelites which was a fair presentation of the history in America, not an attack thread like you do
Posted by Tazarah (Member # 23365) on :
^ Yeah and when I make threads about black Jews you completely derail them and troll them into the ground. Now you're trying to present yourself as some sort of angel. Everyone with a brain knows that you do not like black people.
Then I make one thread about ashkenazi DNA and you lose your damn mind. I never make posts about Jewish people, all my posts are always about black Jews.
So f*ck out of here with that BS you damn devil. We all see through you, I have screenshots of literally everyone calling out your madness. Even the ones who try to act like they like you when they are coming against me.
"Hebrew Israelites" are not a monolith so the fact that you think the thread you made is an accurate representation of the Israelite spectrum just shows how completely ignorant you are.
Posted by the lioness, (Member # 17353) on :
Tazarah thinks if he posts things like this someone is racist to question it
He comes to website, Egyptsearch where people post genetics articles and spend page after page scrutinizing the articles yet anyone who questions these claims is an anti-black racist Yet no geneticist on the planet says says Igbo men originated in the Levant
And why isn't it anti-black to deny the African roots of Igbo men?
This is the delusional state Tazarah is in
In my opinion if Igbos say they are Jews and they follow the bible and practice Jewish customs and law then they are Jews and ancestry doesn't matter but to say Igbo men originated in the Levant is flat out lying This particular self-appointed rabbinical court has no oversight and is lying, probably thinking they are doing good by doing so
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
quote:Originally posted by Tazarah: Uh I was clearly talking about macro-evolution.
Yes, and where did I say I believe in macro-evolution??
You say "my arguments demonstrate" that I am. But where in my arguments did I say anything about evolution at all, micro or macro, when the argument is about Y genetic lineage??!! LOL
You are a pathetic liar who has to resort to the stupidest straw dolls and lies when you know you are losing.
Posted by the lioness, (Member # 17353) on :
quote:Originally posted by Tazarah: Dr. Eran Elhaik talks about how tens of thousands of ancient Israelite skeletons are being hidden at a University in Jerusalem for "political reasons".
"...I will tell you that I am very concerned there will not be anymore samples in the near future as Israel is going through this religious revolution it will be even more strict about releasing this kind of genome, this kind of information. Don't [be] mistaken, there are thousands and tens of thousands of skeletons. The data are not the problem. The existence of skeletons that show the whole history of Israel from all the regions -- it exists. It's hidden at some University in some core basement. But it's there, they are not being released because there are political pressures.
Just imagine for the sake of argument, tomorrow you're releasing all the skeletons that you collected in Jerusalem and they're all coming up E1b1...
...Do you see the Ashkenazi rabbi standing on a stage and then explaining this to the people and saying 'well we have rights to this temple!' -- that's not happening, right?
Or the Moroccan rabbi coming and saying the same thing the Ashkenazi rabbi said? I don't know how they both can be right. These are the problems we are dealing with and I'm very concerned there will not be more samples coming out and we'll just have to deal with what we have. Hopefully I'm wrong. But once again, the more pieces we have of this puzzle, the more we can put it together with our resources at my lab."
Eran Elhaik says here :
"Don't mistaken, there are thousands and tens of thousands of skeletons. The data are not the problem. The existence of skeletons that show the whole history of Israel from all the regions -- it exists. It's hidden at some University in some core basement.
This is a ridiculous claim, that there are tens of thousands of excavated skeletons
and where are they?
He doesn't know. They are at some University
what a load of bullshit
This is not to say there could be untested ancient skeletons at a university but to say tens of thousands is not even realistic
He is just trying to dupe these suckers to buy his test kits
what geneticist would even appear on a youtube channel of people who claim they are Israelites due to biblical verses they believe are fulfilled prophesies?
Then if you question this ridiculously large number of skeletons you are an "anti-black racist"
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
quote:Originally posted by the lioness,:
quote:Originally posted by Tazarah:
It's impossible for Noah to have had a haplogroup like J
Haplogroup J is around 43,000 years old. Biblically, far before the flood
The oldest haplogroups are haplogroup A, 270,000 years old and haplogroup B is around 100,000 years old
Haplogroup E is 65,200 to 73,000 years old
So would we say, he could not have been E because A , B are much older? No, same problem with your "impossible" claim on J (no logic). These all started before the flood (if we are to believe Noah existed) Noah was not the first man so if he was real, he could have been J or another haplogroup like Elhaik said for the Israelites because J is much older than he was > he does not have to be A, similarly E
don't tell me about Djehuti, I'm not his keeper, that's a gimmick you keep using What I say or don't say to him has nothing to do with your wrongness, stop the diversions, the Most High is watching. It's not me fault you thought Djehuti never comes to the Kemet forum so you could hide here
LOL Again aside from the fact that Noah is a mythical figure (and again mythical does NOT mean fictional) how "impossible" it was for him to carry J depends on the era he lived in.
Lioness provides the dating of the clades, and one of many reasons why Noah and his family were not the only people on Earth to survive the flood is the very fact that so many clades exist today in the world that cannot all be derived from one man who is not Adam.
Posted by Tazarah (Member # 23365) on :
djehuti, you are such a clown. Stop wasting my time. Genetics and evolution are one in the same.
If you truly believe you "debunked" me then stop trying to save face by indirectly mentioning me and/or engaging me on a daily/weekly basis.
quote:Originally posted by Tazarah: Furthermore, genetic methodology follows an evolutionary timeline (I'm surprised you didn't know this...) so by placing genetics over the Bible, you are essentially promoting evolution.
You don't have to admit to being an evolutionist because your arguments demonstrate that you are.
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
quote:Originally posted by Tazarah: djehuti, you are such a clown. Stop wasting my time. Genetics and evolution are one in the same.
If that's what you believe then why are you using genetics if you don't believe in evolution??
quote:If you truly believe you "debunked" me then stop trying to save face by indirectly mentioning me and/or engaging me on a daily/weekly basis.
Your ass was debunked long time ago, but since YOU don't believe it I try to remind you.
quote:Originally posted by Tazarah: Furthermore, genetic methodology follows an evolutionary timeline (I'm surprised you didn't know this...) so by placing genetics over the Bible, you are essentially promoting evolution.
You don't have to admit to being an evolutionist because your arguments demonstrate that you are.
So are you saying there is no such thing as micro-evolution with mutations in genes including those of germs which lead to new strains?? Are you saying you don't believe there are no differences in Y lineages with clades A to T and the same with mitochondrial (maternal) lineages?? So why is your ass here even arguing about what Y lineage Abraham carried then??! Even the creationist website I cited talks about Y chromosome clades! LOL Posted by Tazarah (Member # 23365) on :
^ Did you miss the part where I explained to everyone why I even appeal to genetics? I've explained this several times.
Why do atheists with Ph.D's specialize in the Bible?
I already explained to Brandon that when I say evolution I am referring to macro evolution.
You are an evolutionist who is trying to make the Bible agree with evolution and this is why none of your arguments will ever make sense from a Biblical perspective.
Your core beliefs are not Biblical and never will be. Genetic methodology and evolution are one in the same. The fact that you did not even know this is wild.
quote: Genetics and the causes of evolution: 150 years of progress since Darwin
"Modern approaches to human evolution, using large datasets on DNA sequence divergence between primate species and on variation within the human population, were described by Kim et al. (2010) and Hancock et al. (2010). These studies show that Darwin's insight that we are descended from an ancestral species closely related to chimpanzees and gorillas has been amply confirmed by modern studies, and that the DNA of human populations provides evidence of changes reflecting adaptation to local environments."
^ Your argument is both a straw doll AND poisoning the well. Just because genetics has been dominated by evolutionist-Darwinianism does not mean the field in and of itself is wrong. Anymore than biblical scholarship being erroneous because of a large influence of atheist-skeptics.
This is why DISCERNMENT is a considered a special gift of human reasoning and thought which what the bible teaches.
Of course you don't have that, because you are too simple minded and perhaps low IQ.
Posted by Tazarah (Member # 23365) on :
^ Now you're just trying to make an excuses. Genetic methodology and evolution are one in the same, as I have thoroughly demonstrated. Of course you won't admit this because then you'll have to also admit that all of your arguments actually contradict everything the Bible says.
For example, you claim to have discernment but at the same time you claim that "all life under heaven" in Genesis was only in reference to a certain part of the earth. You have to claim such nonsense in order for your religion of evolution to make sense when the Bible is in the equation.
And it's funny because the creationist website that YOU yourself referenced in this thread also disagrees with your faulty interpretation of the flood story in Genesis.
Just stop, go be an evolutionist. Leave the Bible and it's characters alone
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
^ Typical bible pervert that likes to take one sentence and phrase and distort it. Again just to show everyone else in this forum how dumb you are. Genesis is poetry that uses a lot of hyperbole. Hence when it said "all life under heaven" was destroyed, then I guess that would mean Noah and his family, since they too were under heaven, weren't they??! LOL
You see how easy your stupid arguments can be exploded??
Posted by the lioness, (Member # 17353) on :
quote:Originally posted by Tazarah: ^ Now you're just trying to make an excuses. Genetic methodology and evolution are one in the same, as I have thoroughly demonstrated. Of course you won't admit this because then you'll have to also admit that all of your arguments actually contradict everything the Bible says.
if that's the case either the bible is wrong or the many genetic arguments you have been making are nonsense
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
^ Lioness, he is like a rat that jumps from one point to another to keep from getting caught even though he is already trapped.
He makes a preposition based on genetics but when he gets debunked, he then questions genetics and says it is all Darwinian. He even brings up bible arguments that have NOTHING to do with the topic like Noah's Flood killing everything except what was in the ark, and even his argument there is refuted.
Posted by the lioness, (Member # 17353) on :
script flipping at the convenient moment
Posted by Tazarah (Member # 23365) on :
Djehuti is so smart that he didn't even know he is an evolutionist, or that genetic methodology is based on an evolutionary timeline.
Now he's holding hands and coping with the most notorious troll on this website ("the lioness"), who just blatantly said that the Bible is wrong according to genetic methodology.
Rofl. Let's not forget it is common knowledge that the lioness is a racist white man who has been pretending to be a black woman on this website for over a decade.
I already explained months ago on page 3 of this thread (and in other threads as well) that I don't subscribe to genetic methodology and only appeal to it to demonstrate how people do subscribe to it incorrectly use it in regards to the Bible:
And here we have a thread about an atheist bible scholar (djehuti can be seen commenting in this thread) but nobody has a problem with this Bible scholar being an atheist. According to their logic, this atheist bible scholar needs to be a bible-believer in order to study the bible:
They only want to cry about the fact that I place the Bible over "genetics" because I've been spanking them so hard with their own methodology.
Otherwise, they wouldn't be here crying in my thread...
Posted by Tazarah (Member # 23365) on :
quote:Originally posted by Yatunde Lisa bey,: I agree with Eran, archaeology directed by Israelis and anyone wanting to dig in Israel is controlled by political considerations.
It's funny to watch these cry babies stomp their feet and help each other cope. They have nothing to say about this, or the fact that the Ph.D geneticist I linked in the OP has spoken on this issue.
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
^ There you go again attacking the very science you tried to use. Even most Christians who don't believe in macroevolution know that microevolution exists because there is far more conclusive evidence for the latter than for the former.
Don't bring in evolution to a simple issue of what lineage is carried by what population.
Even IF the Cohen modal haplotype is E1b1, the clade of E1b1 found in the Middle East is different from the one carried by African Americans so your BHI narrative has no genetic basis whatsoever!
Posted by Tazarah (Member # 23365) on :
You're such an idiot, I've already explained that I only use it to demonstrate how it contradicts the Bible. None of my arguments rest on DNA.
I only appeal to genetics to demonstrate how it contradicts the Bible and how also lay people like yourself incorrectly use it.
I've done close to 8-10 hours worth of presentations on YouTube and I have not ever once used genetics to support any of my arguments.
YOU guys hold to genetics religiously so all I've done is demonstrate how it doesn't even 100% support what you claim concerning the Bible and it's characters.
If you want to cry about people studying things they don't believe, then go troll that thread I linked in my last comment about the atheist Bible scholar.
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
Meanwhile in another thread, from another paper...
DNA based family research project has revealed facts about the Semites suggesting some things in the Bible may be truer than expected. As it happens, at least two of the ‘Nations’ defined biblically as stemming from Shem’s son Arphaxad, the Arabic (Adnanite) and Hebraic, are confirmed by this study to be fruits of the same y-DNA root, giving credence to that part of the Arphaxad story.
J-Z18271 (18-30): Following Abraham’s migration to Canaan, a group of Canaanites known as the Hyksos, with the benefit of new war-making technologies such as the chariot, entered into Egypt and ruled there as the Fifteenth Dynasty (1650-1550 BCE), before being expelled. The Hyksos expulsion coincided with the beginning of Egypt’s domination of the Levant and the enslavement of Israel in Egypt (a period which lasted about 400years according to the biblical story, or from about 1500 – 1100 BCE). According to the biblical genealogy, Abraham’s Levitic lineage starting around 1500 BCE would have been in Egypt during the enslavement.
Several centuries after the Exodus from Egypt, the Hebrew nation is growing into the Kingdom of Israel, At this moment, ca.1000 BCE, Cohorts 18-30 associate with the Abel Beit Macaah and Meggido-I4517 samples 47 (Hebraic Culture), both in the northern part of the Kingdom. According to prior work done within this project, Z18271 is most likely the haplogroup of Aharon the Priest, from which the Cohanic Modal Haplotype arose. Forthwith from here, all descendants of the lineage are considered Cohanim.
I know it hurts you, but you need to get over it and move on.
Posted by the lioness, (Member # 17353) on :
quote:Originally posted by Tazarah:
I've done close to 8-10 hours worth of presentations on YouTube and I have not ever once used genetics to support any of my arguments.
yes but you did it 58 times on Egyptsearch
Posted by Tazarah (Member # 23365) on :
Damn, is djehuti still trying to convince me that modern people are the descendants of ancient Levites after he is already on record admitting there isn't any ancient Levite DNA to prove it?
Arguments like this are why you guys were completely dismissed by Dr. Elhaik (an actual geneticist), and I would even bet money that he laughed upon hearing what you guys were claiming.
quote:"One thing is clear: the CMH cannot definitively prove the existence of a single founding father for the Jewish priesthood, let alone confirm that he was Aaron. If it is primarily a marker of priestly inheritance, why would it show up on two J lineages—most commonly on J1 but also on J2 -- that split thousands of years, maybe more than ten thousand years, before the time of Aaron? Moreover, some Jews with an oral history of being a Cohanim and no known record of conversion have neither a J1 nor J2 lineage. They are from the haplogroup E3b, which has Middle Eastern origins, or from Rlb, which is common among Europeans and some Turks. How could that be?"
"Abraham's Children: Race, Identity, and the DNA of the Chosen People" by Jon Entine, page 70-71
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
^ We already have DNA from ancient Israelites.
Your only argument is that all these J1 carriers were not Levites but do you have any proof for this claim??
Posted by Tazarah (Member # 23365) on :
Uh I thought you were "done" talking to me?... of course that was a lie.
You keep posting the same map over and over again but where are the papers that support what you claim? What "Israelite" DNA are you referring to? The one from the incomplete study that says the J marker can't be confirmed as representing the entire population of Israel at the time?
I'm not interested in entertaining your backwards and fallacious logic. You are the one claiming ancient Levites had hg J yet at the same time you admit no ancient Levite DNA is even on record. So you actually debunked yourself. The burden of proof is on you to prove that ancient Levites had hg J, not for me to prove the opposite. You are the one making the claim.
quote:"One thing is clear: the CMH cannot definitively prove the existence of a single founding father for the Jewish priesthood, let alone confirm that he was Aaron. If it is primarily a marker of priestly inheritance, why would it show up on two J lineages—most commonly on J1 but also on J2 -- that split thousands of years, maybe more than ten thousand years, before the time of Aaron? Moreover, some Jews with an oral history of being a Cohanim and no known record of conversion have neither a J1 nor J2 lineage. They are from the haplogroup E3b, which has Middle Eastern origins, or from Rlb, which is common among Europeans and some Turks. How could that be?"
"Abraham's Children: Race, Identity, and the DNA of the Chosen People" by Jon Entine, page 70-71
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
^ We have the DNA samples of ancient Israelites so there is no where else for you to run, lying rat.
Your only hope is that they are "not Levites", but there is no evidence to say what tribe they belonged to especially since Levites had no territory of their own.
You're done.
Posted by Tazarah (Member # 23365) on :
If I was done, you wouldn't keep coming back and trying to validate yourself after repeatedly claiming to be "done" talking to me. My previous comment demonstrates how backwards your logic is and how fallacious your "arguments" are.
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
^ You are done but you're just too stupid to realize it. I've long been validated by the data that Lioness, others, and I have been posting in this forum. You are like a braindead zombie that can't accept it.
What backwards logic?? We have samples from actual ancient Israelites who show the SAME Y lineages as modern day Cohen from different Jewish minhag. Your only claim is that we don't know if those remains were Levites or Cohen which is a cop-out since there is no evidence to suggest they were not.
There is no "backwards" logic on our part but yours is that of a kindergartener who can't accept that Santa Clause is not real. LOL Posted by Tazarah (Member # 23365) on :
Imagine calling someone a brain dead zombie but continuing to try engaging them everyday of your life... for some reason you obviously feel the need to try saving face and self-validating your position.
This comment is still relevant and demonstrates how pseudo you are in regards to this topic:
quote:Originally posted by Tazarah: Uh I thought you were "done" talking to me?... of course that was a lie.
You keep posting the same map over and over again but where are the papers that support what you claim? What "Israelite" DNA are you referring to? The one from the incomplete study that says the J marker can't be confirmed as representing the entire population of Israel at the time?
I'm not interested in entertaining your backwards and fallacious logic. You are the one claiming ancient Levites had hg J yet at the same time you admit no ancient Levite DNA is even on record. So you actually debunked yourself. The burden of proof is on you to prove that ancient Levites had hg J, not for me to prove the opposite. You are the one making the claim.
quote:"One thing is clear: the CMH cannot definitively prove the existence of a single founding father for the Jewish priesthood, let alone confirm that he was Aaron. If it is primarily a marker of priestly inheritance, why would it show up on two J lineages—most commonly on J1 but also on J2 -- that split thousands of years, maybe more than ten thousand years, before the time of Aaron? Moreover, some Jews with an oral history of being a Cohanim and no known record of conversion have neither a J1 nor J2 lineage. They are from the haplogroup E3b, which has Middle Eastern origins, or from Rlb, which is common among Europeans and some Turks. How could that be?"
"Abraham's Children: Race, Identity, and the DNA of the Chosen People" by Jon Entine, page 70-71
Posted by BrandonP (Member # 3735) on :
While we're on the topic of BHI, I did a little digging into what they believe, and apparently this is how some of them view the "Twelve Tribes of Israel":
I don't know if this is what our Taz believes, but it is curious to me that the BHI person behind this meme identifies only three of the twelve tribes with Afro-Diasporan groups traditionally racialized as Black, with the others being either Latinos of mixed ancestry or Native Americans. Oddly enough, they identify none of these tribes with modern Africans still in Africa. Do the BHI seriously believe African-Americans are genetically closer to Native Americans than to people back in West and Central Africa?
Actually, it might explain some of the wabo cultism as well.
Posted by the lioness, (Member # 17353) on :
quote:Originally posted by BrandonP: Oddly enough, they identify none of these tribes with modern Africans still in Africa.
I've explained to you several times that "Hebrew Israelites" do not believe all 12 tribes were black.
You repeatedly tried to assert that I was trying to claim all 12 tribes were black and I repeatedly corrected you and told you this was not the case and I referenced the chart multiple times.
Insults from someone like you mean less than nothing. You clearly are not capable of comprehending the most basic and simple explanations of things, and I'm sure this carries over into other areas of your life.
Posted by BrandonP (Member # 3735) on :
quote:Originally posted by Tazarah: Sorry Brandon, but you are clearly remedial.
I've explained to you several times that "Hebrew Israelites" do not believe all 12 tribes were black.
You repeatedly tried to assert that I was trying to claim all 12 tribes were black and I repeatedly corrected you and told you this was not the case and I referenced the chart multiple times.
Insults from someone like you mean less than nothing. You clearly are not capable of comprehending the most basic and simple explanations of things, and I'm sure this carries over into other areas of your life.
So do you think Hispanics and Native Americans represent the other nine tribes like the meme says?
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
quote:Originally posted by BrandonP: While we're on the topic of BHI, I did a little digging into what they believe, and apparently this is how some of them view the "Twelve Tribes of Israel":
I could post a list of the groups the original BHI (British Hebrew Israelites) believed descended from the 10 lost tribes, but what's the point?
The American BHI is just the black version of the British HI.
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
quote:Originally posted by the lioness,:
quote:Originally posted by BrandonP: Oddly enough, they identify none of these tribes with modern Africans still in Africa.
What's just as odd is why they or Taz don't acknowledge the Lemba tribe of southern Africa who still maintain Hebraic customs and traditions and even Arabo-Hebrew.
Perhaps it's because the proof is in the pudding that is a certain haplotype that the Levites and Cohen among them carry.
Posted by Tazarah (Member # 23365) on :
This thread is full of idiots who have no idea what they are talking about. Who said that the Lemba are not acknowledged?
The chart is only supposed to be a guide/model for the western hemisphere you clowns.
Oh wait, what's this? A Lemba Rabbi acknowledging that African Americans are Israelites?
Rofl. Djehuti is such an incompetent idiot that he actually thinks the Lemba let scientists dictate who is or isn't an Israelite.
Posted by BrandonP (Member # 3735) on :
quote:Originally posted by Tazarah: Oh wait, what's this? A Lemba Rabbi acknowledging that African Americans are Israelites?
And so the poorly tethered mask slips off at once!
Posted by Tazarah (Member # 23365) on :
So anyone who believes african americans are Israelites is a "BHI"?
Is that Lemba rabbi a "BHI"?
What about the countless Jewish people and other people of european descent and other ethnicities who say that african americans are Israelites? Are they "BHI" as well?
You are not very intelligent Brandon... and the only poorly tethered mask that is slipping off is your mask.
If you claim that believing that african americans are Israelites makes someone a "BHI" then it's most likely because you are a racist.
Imagine being someone who illustrates images of ancient Israelites that resemble black people... only to then call people a "BHI" for simply saying that black people are Israelites.
Does this also mean that you are a "BHI", since you illustrate images of ancient Israelites that resemble black people?
Posted by BrandonP (Member # 3735) on :
Dude, it’s the claim that modern African-Americans are primarily descended from the Israelites that DJ and I are disputing. I don’t doubt that Israelites were substantially darker than Europeans. You give me a hard time for “misunderstanding” your positions, so please understand mine.
Posted by Tazarah (Member # 23365) on :
Oh so they were black like us, but if we say we descend from them that makes us "BHI" (Black Hebrew Israelites)?
Do you not realize how mad that sounds?
Is the Lemba Rabbi a "BHI"? Or the other European/Jewish people who acknowledge that we are Israelites?
................ ........ ...... ....... ..... ..... ..
Posted by the lioness, (Member # 17353) on :
quote:Originally posted by Tazarah:
The chart is only supposed to be a guide/model for the western hemisphere you clowns.
Abba Bivens (creator of the 12 tribes chart) never said that, stop playing
Posted by the lioness, (Member # 17353) on :
quote:Originally posted by Tazarah: [QB] So anyone who believes african americans are Israelites is a "BHI"?
Is that Lemba rabbi a "BHI"?
Do the Lemba think African Americans are Israelites?
Posted by Tazarah (Member # 23365) on :
Every "BHI" knows the chart is only dealing with the western hemisphere you damned idiot. Literally everytime you call me a liar it's come back to bite you in your silly ass. There's a reason why all the locations on the chart are in the western hemisphere. The "BHI" teach that Israel was scattered to all nations, are you seriously stupid enough to claim that the chart excludes those of us who never left Africa, and those of us located in other countries in the east? Shut the hell up already.
**** P.S. I just literally showed a video where a well known Lemba Rabbi acknowledges that african americans are Israelites.
This is why I ignore your ass. You are not worth a response.
Posted by the lioness, (Member # 17353) on :
quote:Originally posted by Tazarah: Every "BHI" knows the chart is only dealing with the western hemisphere you damned idiot.
Stop lying, BHI routinely call out "Hamites"
Ethiopians are not even on the chart ?
WHY ??
because they were not taken as slaves according to 1 West doctrine
Not because "the chart is only dealing with the western hemisphere"
In America we've been taught that, we from Africa we Africans but it's a difference between Negroes and actual Africans.. Africans are descendants from a man named Ham. When you read Genesis Noah had three sons Shem, Ham and and Japheth. Ham is the father of all the real Africans in Africa and we going to read that for you out the Bible dictionary let me read this... Definition of ham this is out of the Zondervan's Compact Bible Dictionary.. Page 213, the definition of Ham, the youngest son of Noah born probably about 96 years before the flood.. before the flood before Noah's ark... and one of eight persons to live through the flood, he became the progenitor he became the forefather the progenitor of the dark race not the Negro but not the Negroes in America though mean he's the father of those dark skinned races in Africa but not the Negro race. So it's a difference between us and them, just like you got dark skinned Arabs, you got dark skinned East Indians, the ones with the dots on their forehead but we know we not the same race, same thing with Africa
So Africans didn't sell Africans in slavery like they teach us in school. Africans sold the children of Israel, Hebrews and the Negro children the children of Israel
now let's show you how we know we the children of Israel real quick: Deuteronomy 28 There's 12 tribes of Israel but how do we know who the Israelites are today? (it's ) based on the history that happened to us, the prophesy Deuteronomy 28.
11:12 there's a difference between Africans and Israelites... that's what we're showing you This bible is only for the Israelites.
Give me Matthew chapter 15 verse 24. It's not about skin color. You see this brother he's a lighter complexion, you see this brother he's a darker complexion an we ain't saying that he's a part of us, he's not. He's from a different nation of people but this brother is from our nation because his his spirit bears witness with the spirit that happened to his people. His people was taken on a boat ride to Colombia, that's where he's from, they got a mix of people, so now it ain't about color it's about nationality ..
Deuteronomy Chapter 28, verse 64 And the Lord shall scatter thee among all people...
he said the lord was going to scatter us amongst all people, all people the Israelites the 12 tribes of Israel, the blacks, Hispanics and native Americans would be scattered among all people they weren't scattered among all people the so-called Sudanese the so-called uh Watusi's the so-called Nilotes. They weren't scattered among all people but we were
So when you hear about them saying oh well African sold Africans no, Africans sold Israelites because they knew we weren't part of those people go to Luke chapter 21 and 20. let me show you how we got there because this is important for you to know because we got plenty of so-called African stores.. you got a whole community of so-called Africans there but they're not our people
you would think that there are people but they're not our people
We're trying to get you to come back to your true nationality the white man said you're African and that's a blanket statement like you're African 'here go be an African' Well what does that mean what culture do we come from there's 78 countries in Africa which one do am I a part of? See they give you that as a blanket statement so they keep you from knowing who you really are which is the Israelites which God said is the greatest people on the earth
we fled from Jerusalem we, went down to Egypt we kept coming down and we started getting forced to the west coast of Africa because when you come down when you come straight down there's Egypt there's Kenya uh there's Sudan et cetera et cetera so we start warring with those tribes that's why you hear about Hannibal all these different we were warring against the Africans so when you get beat in a war what do you do you have to succumb to their ways, you have to do what they tell you to do
So a lot of us got mixed in and got pushed to the west coast of Africa places like Ghana, places like what they call the ivory coast and from there that's where we got sold into slavery so everything is documented in the bible When we come out here and say that you are Israelite, we know that we the Israelites because the spirit, the bible, has taught us exactly where we come from
Posted by Tazarah (Member # 23365) on :
**** The claim that "BHI" teach and believe all Africans are "Hamites" is yet another one of "the lioness's" lies.
"The lioness" is a racist white man who has been pretending to be a black woman on this website for over a decade. A handful of users from this site and other websites have confirmed this.
quote:Originally posted by Tazarah: You're a troll, all you do is lie and misrepresent. That's why you are unable to provide evidence of "most" or any camps at all teaching that Africans in Africa are Hamites. You don't understand any of this, you're just talking out of your ass like you always do.
You also don't even understand the position taken concerning the Bible scripture you quoted.
I don't have time to correct your lies and teach you these things, nor am I interested in doing so.
The largest and most notable 1west camp has schools in Africa. They and their leader regularly go to different African countries to preach the gospel.
Posted by Tazarah (Member # 23365) on :
....back to ignoring you now.
Posted by TRPL_DRKNSS (Member # 23628) on :
Oh wow! This place has been inflitrated by Black Hebrew Israelites.
Posted by Tazarah (Member # 23365) on :
quote:Originally posted by TRPL_DRKNSS: Oh wow! This place has been inflitrated by Black Hebrew Israelites.
Today I learned that Dr. Eran Elhaik is a "black hebrew israelite".
Posted by BrandonP (Member # 3735) on :
quote:Originally posted by TRPL_DRKNSS: Oh wow! This place has been inflitrated by Black Hebrew Israelites.
As far back as I can remember, they've always been popping in and out of this forum. Forum vet alTakruri/Tukuler always gave me BHI vibes at least insofar as he maintained ancient Hebrews were Black, although I don't recall if he held that African-Americans descended from them.
In all honesty, I currently don't have a problem with the argument that there were people among the ancient Hebrews whom we might call Black if we saw them today. The "black but comely" Shulamite woman in the biblical "Song of Songs" would be evidence of their presence, although I suspect her affinities would have been less with Africa and more with Bronze Age peoples of the Sinai (who must have been intermediate between Egyptians on the one hand and Levantines on the other). Where the BHI enter delusion-land is their argument that Afro-Diasporan groups in the New World (together with Latin and Native Americans) are the Israelites' true descendants, which no line of evidence supports no matter what skin color the original Israelites had.
Posted by Tazarah (Member # 23365) on :
quote:Originally posted by Brandon: Where the BHI enter delusion-land is their argument that Afro-Diasporan groups in the New World (together with Latin and Native Americans) are the Israelites' true descendants, which no line of evidence supports no matter what skin color the original Israelites had.
Gotta love it when people who don't even believe in God or the Bible try to tell others who God's people in the Bible are... bahahaha. The Bible (the most important piece of evidence) has unique prophecies in it that identify God's people.
So the fact that a Bible-denying atheist doesn't agree means less than nothing, especially considering the fact that there IS a plethora of historical and arachaeological evidence outside of the Bible.
Delusional would be you -- rejecting God and the Bible, but at the same time trying to say who is or isn't God's people.
And it's interesting how you have nothing to say about the non-"BHI" people (like the Lemba rabbi) or about the large amount of non-black people who also say we are Israelites.
Posted by TRPL_DRKNSS (Member # 23628) on :
quote:Originally posted by BrandonP:
In all honesty, I currently don't have a problem with the argument that there were people among the ancient Hebrews whom we might call Black if we saw them today.
That's far from what this delusional hate cult claims.
Posted by Tazarah (Member # 23365) on :
If anyone is claiming that believing ancient Jews were black automatically makes someone a "BHI" or a "hate cult".... then that person is most likely an anti-black racist. There seems to be a lot of those types on this website so I'm not surprised.
Posted by TRPL_DRKNSS (Member # 23628) on :
quote:Originally posted by Tazarah: If anyone is claiming that believing ancient Jews were black automatically makes someone a "BHI" or a "hate cult".... then that person is most likely an anti-black racist. There seems to be a lot of those types on this website so I'm not surprised.
That's not what Black Hebrew Israelites claim.
Posted by Tazarah (Member # 23365) on :
Cool, I'm not a "black hebrew israelite". That's the point I was making.
Posted by TRPL_DRKNSS (Member # 23628) on :
The Bible is bullshit by the way.
Posted by Tazarah (Member # 23365) on :
Great! Then you shouldn't have a problem with black people claiming to be the people in the Bible.
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
quote:Originally posted by BrandonP: As far back as I can remember, they've always been popping in and out of this forum. Forum vet alTakruri/Tukuler always gave me BHI vibes at least insofar as he maintained ancient Hebrews were Black, although I don't recall if he held that African-Americans descended from them.
In all honesty, I currently don't have a problem with the argument that there were people among the ancient Hebrews whom we might call Black if we saw them today. The "black but comely" Shulamite woman in the biblical "Song of Songs" would be evidence of their presence, although I suspect her affinities would have been less with Africa and more with Bronze Age peoples of the Sinai (who must have been intermediate between Egyptians on the one hand and Levantines on the other). Where the BHI enter delusion-land is their argument that Afro-Diasporan groups in the New World (together with Latin and Native Americans) are the Israelites' true descendants, which no line of evidence supports no matter what skin color the original Israelites had.
Tukuler was an actual practicing religious Jew! He told me that his background is West African Fulani from a small Jewish community. Hailing from a Jewish community in Africa is quite different from an African American cult basing their Jewish identity on their slave ancestry alone LOL So NO Tukuler was not BHI
Posted by Tazarah (Member # 23365) on :
You know you're pathetic when you have to lie and claim "slave ancestry alone" is the only evidence when there is tons of historical evidence and other sources that we reference all the time... and it's an "african american cult" yet native americans and indegenous latinos are included and believe the same thing?... just goes to show what an uninformed clown you are. Why is a delusional filipino so obsessed with what black people believe? Is it because you feel your culture is too boring?
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
quote:Originally posted by Tazarah: This thread is full of idiots who have no idea what they are talking about. Who said that the Lemba are not acknowledged?
The chart is only supposed to be a guide/model for the western hemisphere you clowns.
Oh wait, what's this? A Lemba Rabbi acknowledging that African Americans are Israelites?
Rofl. Djehuti is such an incompetent idiot that he actually thinks the Lemba let scientists dictate who is or isn't an Israelite.
Quit projecting! The only incompetent idiot in this forum is YOU as ALWAYS! When did I ever say anything about what the Lemba let or allow?? Again, you are lying loser who makes pathetic straw dolls that can easily be crushed and burned.
The Lemba can say or do whatever they want! My point in bringing them up is that geneticists have confirmed their Jewish ancestry via their cohen modal haplotype, which you are in denial of!
You and your 'brethren' have no proofs for your Hebrew heritage so STFU.
Posted by Tazarah (Member # 23365) on :
Aw look, djehuti is mad because the Lemba acknowledge that african americans are Israelites, regardless of what "science" says, because the Lemba actually know history and the prophecies in the Bible (unlike djehuti).
Rofl, fail.
Posted by the lioness, (Member # 17353) on :
quote:Originally posted by Tazarah: Doug has djehuti shook, djehuti has nothing to say about Doug calling out his bullsh*t.
I'm probably done entertaining this djehuti clown. He has already admit no ancient Levite DNA is on record and that there is no conclusive evidence to support the "cohen gene":
Then djehuti tries to make me prove a negative and demonstrate that none of the "Israelite DNA" on record belongs to ancient Levites because he knows he can't prove the affirmative.
What a backwards, logical fallacy spewing idiot.
No sense in continuing to go back and forth with a deluded clown like this.
P.S., none of the "black, woolly-haired men" he just posted resemble Nubians or Ethiopians/Abyssinians (Cushites) which are black africans, like how historical records say the Israelites resembled Nubians and Ethiopians (black africans). What he just did is called cherrypicking -- something people do when they know their argument is failing.
quote:Originally posted by:Tazarah
Are you willing to discuss this topic with Dr. Eran Elhaik, a seasoned geneticist with a Ph.D and decades worth of experience in genetics?
Don't worry Eran has the Levite DNA
Posted by Tazarah (Member # 23365) on :
"Lyinass" the blackfacing white man is falsely accusing Dr. Eran Elhaik of claiming to have ancient Levite Y-dna on record when that clearly says it's dealing with autosomal DNA. The "cohen gene" theory is based on supposed Y-dna.
Back to ignoring you now.
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
quote:Originally posted by Tazarah: Aw look, djehuti is mad because the Lemba acknowledge that african americans are Israelites, regardless of what "science" says, because the Lemba actually know history and the prophecies in the Bible (unlike djehuti).
Rofl, fail.
ROTFL indeed!
You just can't stop lying can you?! Not even to yourself?? No I'm not mad. The Lemba can make whatever claims they want. Perhaps you are just COPING because they possess cohen modal haplotype tying them to other Jewish groups while you BHI do not. Hell, the Lemba can claim that cult in Japan claiming Israelite descent also it's no problem for me. People make claims all the time, that doesn't make it true now does it?
Posted by Tazarah (Member # 23365) on :
Seeing an actual Lemba Rabbi go against "science" and admit that african-americans are also Israelites hurts djehuti so bad.... clearly the Lemba know that historical records and biblical prophecy trump "science" and the incomplete "studies" that it promotes.
Imagine still trying to make claims about the "cohen gene" after you already admit there's no legitimate evidence to confirm that it was actually possessed by ancient Levites.
quote:"One thing is clear: the CMH cannot definitively prove the existence of a single founding father for the Jewish priesthood, let alone confirm that he was Aaron. If it is primarily a marker of priestly inheritance, why would it show up on two J lineages—most commonly on J1 but also on J2 -- that split thousands of years, maybe more than ten thousand years, before the time of Aaron? Moreover, some Jews with an oral history of being a Cohanim and no known record of conversion have neither a J1 nor J2 lineage. They are from the haplogroup E3b, which has Middle Eastern origins, or from Rlb, which is common among Europeans and some Turks. How could that be?"
"Abraham's Children: Race, Identity, and the DNA of the Chosen People" by Jon Entine, page 70-71
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
^ Typical dishonest dog, citing an outdated source.
The cohen modal haplotype has been confirmed to be a subtype of J1.
Origin and diffusion of human Y chromosome haplogroup J1-M267 The Cohen-specific lineage of haplogroup J1-M267 was first described as a Cohen-specific STR haplotype38, called “the Cohen modal haplotype”. **It was rejected at first and then confirmed by an extended STR repertoire.** This later study reports that 46.1% of all Cohens fall within this lineage. Subsequently, a Cohen-specific branch was also found in the phylogenetic tree of haplogroup J1-M26729. Here, we confirm this Cohen-specific branch in haplogroup J1-M267 as J1a1a1a1a1a1a2-B877 (Fig. 2, Supplementary Fig. S1). All Jewish lineages of haplogroup J1-M267 fall into the J1a1a1-P58 branch (Supplementary Fig. S1), which suggests their origin ultimately in the Levant. It is surprising to find two Jewish or close to Jewish J1a1a1-P58 lineages in the ancient Roman samples (~ 1.5–2.0 kya). This tells us about the migration of the Jewish people, at least of the bearers of the J1a1a1-P58 chromosomes, who travelled from the Levant to Europe via Italy, consistent with an earlier research.
Extended Y chromosome haplotypes resolve multiple and unique lineages of the Jewish priesthood In sum, the high frequency of a closely related set of J-P58* chromosomes among Ashkenazi and non-Ashkenazi Cohanim that share a common modal haplotype, and that are estimated to have diverged from a common ancestor >2,000 years ago, is consistent with the hypothesis that the J-P58* lineage traces the Cohanim dynasty to a time before the Jewish diaspora. While the frequency of the J-P58* lineage is higher among Ashkenazi Jews (Fig. 2a), Y-STR variation associated with this haplogroup is older in the non-Ashkenazi community (e.g., we obtained divergence time estimates of 4.6 ± 1.8 and 3.5 ± 2.1 kyears for the 17- and 9-locus datasets, respectively). In this regard, it is also worth noting that the J-P58* network topology suggests population expansion, especially within the Ashkenazim. This may be attributable to the strong founder effect previously suggested for the Ashkenazi population (Behar et al. 2004, 2006).
I know it pains you to read it but oh well.
By the way, Lioness has informed me that the only reason why Dr. Elhaik thinks Levites carried hg E is because his hypothesis is that the Levite priesthood came from Egyptian priests. Unfortunately this goes directly against the biblical claims that Levites descend from Levi one of the sons of Abraham by Leah. So your are stuck between a rock and a hard place my frantic neurotic boy.
Posted by Tazarah (Member # 23365) on :
Yeah and let me guess the part where you admit there's no conclusive evidence to support the "cohen gene" is outdated too?
You have an excuse for everything, and none of the information about those J markers has changed since 2007 when the source was written so stop lying you clown.
I don't give an F what "lioness" claims, Dr. Elhaik wrote that Abraham was hg E and Abraham was not a descendant of Egyptian priests.
If you still want to cry about it then go be a man and email Dr. Elhaik about it.
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
^ You just love to distort my words like the typical liar you are. I never said there was no evidence for cohen haplotype since I've already cited dozens of papers showing such! My claim is we have yet to test the remains of an actual ancient kohen to verify it conclusively. There were already tests on dozens of ancient Israelite remains showing a preponderance of chm so it's very close to be substantiated unlike YOUR claims of hg E.
By the way, I can't help but notice that I and Lioness are the only ones citing papers on the issue of both ancient Israelite and modern Jewish genetics. While you have cited NONE. Why is that??
You then go into a tangent about evolutionism which you claim is the basis of those studies which is ad-hominem attack on the authors especially since many of them are either bible believing Jews and Christians.
You are a liar and a fool is all.
Posted by Tazarah (Member # 23365) on :
Your exact words: there is no conslusive evidence for the "cohen gene", like the remains of an actual ancient Levite being tested for DNA.
Did you email Dr. Elhaik yet? Or are you just going to cry and stomp your feet on egypt search all day for the rest of the year.
Posted by TRPL_DRKNSS (Member # 23628) on :
quote:Originally posted by Tazarah: Great! Then you shouldn't have a problem with black people claiming to be the people in the Bible.
I have serious problems with anybody playing games and promoting delusions and fantasies to Black people.
Which people in the Bible are "Black people" -- or related to any Black populations of today?
Posted by Tazarah (Member # 23365) on :
Do you take the same position when the same "delusions and fantasies" are promoted to modern Jewish people?
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
quote:Originally posted by Tazarah: Yeah and let me guess the part where you admit there's no conclusive evidence to support the "cohen gene" is outdated too?
You have an excuse for everything, and none of the information about those J markers has changed since 2007 when the source was written so stop lying you clown.
I don't give an F what "lioness" claims, Dr. Elhaik wrote that Abraham was hg E and Abraham was not a descendant of Egyptian priests.
If you still want to cry about it then go be a man and email Dr. Elhaik about it.
Failed as usual! No where in my post did I question or doubt chm. I only stated the fact that scientists have yet to test the remains of an actual kohen to confirm it. Chm was already confirmed in the remains of multiple Israelites and it is found in the cohen of multiple Jewish communities including Lemba. So give it up!
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
quote:Originally posted by TRPL_DRKNSS:
quote:Originally posted by Tazarah: Great! Then you shouldn't have a problem with black people claiming to be the people in the Bible.
I have serious problems with anybody playing games and promoting delusions and fantasies to Black people.
Which people in the Bible are "Black people" -- or related to any Black populations of today?
For the record I am a bible believing Christian. If you're not or don't believe in the bible, then that's your belief and opinion.
The problem is that Lioness and I were arguing about genetic evidence about the people of ancient Israel and because Taz does not like the results he goes into an off tangent ad-hominem about biblical passages and evolutionist beliefs! LOL The guy is a psychotic loser who cannot win a debate for the life of him but he is apparently delusional enough to believe he has debunked me, lioness, or others!
Now he is accusing me of being "racist" for pointing out certain things about HIM, beause he's black? LOL Posted by Tazarah (Member # 23365) on :
quote:Originally posted by Djehuti: Failed as usual! No where in my post did I question or doubt chm. I only stated the fact that scientists have yet to test the remains of an actual kohen to confirm it.
Exactly you idiot. No ancient Levites were confirmed as having this "cohen gene" and you have repeatedly acknowledged this. You keep debunking yourself. More importantly none of these "Israelite remains" you keep babbling about have been confirmed as belonging to any actual Israelite tribes, or as having DNA that represented the entire Israelite civilization.
You're grasping for straws and you know it -- that's why you're afraid to ask Dr. Elhaik about any of this.
And you don't believe in the Bible, your pseudo ass just got exposed for trying to lie and twist scriptures in this thread:
I'm glad they locked it right after you got caught red-handed contradicting yourself like the lying pseudo clown that you are.
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
^ Hey idiot, the very name 'cohen' in cohen modal haplotype was named after the modern cohen men it was found in, so your point is null and void!
Trple Drknss, do you see the stupidity that I'm dealing with?? The guy has no actual argument other than straw dolls he likes to toss. He is completely and utterly mentally bankrupt.
Posted by Tazarah (Member # 23365) on :
Imagine being too dense and stupid to realize the fact that you already debunked your own "cohen gene" argument by admitting there is zero evidence that links it to actual ancient Levites. Rofl
quote:"One thing is clear: the CMH cannot definitively prove the existence of a single founding father for the Jewish priesthood, let alone confirm that he was Aaron. If it is primarily a marker of priestly inheritance, why would it show up on two J lineages—most commonly on J1 but also on J2 -- that split thousands of years, maybe more than ten thousand years, before the time of Aaron? Moreover, some Jews with an oral history of being a Cohanim and no known record of conversion have neither a J1 nor J2 lineage. They are from the haplogroup E3b, which has Middle Eastern origins, or from Rlb, which is common among Europeans and some Turks. How could that be?"
"Abraham's Children: Race, Identity, and the DNA of the Chosen People" by Jon Entine, page 70-71
Posted by TRPL_DRKNSS (Member # 23628) on :
This is sad.
Posted by Yatunde Lisa Bey (Member # 22253) on :
quote:Originally posted by Tazarah: Imagine being too dense and stupid to realize the fact that you already debunked your own "cohen gene" argument by admitting there is zero evidence that links it to actual ancient Levites. Rofl
quote:"One thing is clear: the CMH cannot definitively prove the existence of a single founding father for the Jewish priesthood, let alone confirm that he was Aaron. If it is primarily a marker of priestly inheritance, why would it show up on two J lineages—most commonly on J1 but also on J2 -- that split thousands of years, maybe more than ten thousand years, before the time of Aaron? Moreover, some Jews with an oral history of being a Cohanim and no known record of conversion have neither a J1 nor J2 lineage. They are from the haplogroup E3b, which has Middle Eastern origins, or from Rlb, which is common among Europeans and some Turks. How could that be?"
"Abraham's Children: Race, Identity, and the DNA of the Chosen People" by Jon Entine, page 70-71
All the original levites were Egyptian
Posted by Shebitku (Member # 23742) on :
^proof? Can you even prove said Egyptians had significant SSA ancestry?
Posted by -Just Call Me Jari- (Member # 14451) on :
You act like this makes a difference to them...asking this just a waste of time...Beyoku and El Mestro tried years ago....JS
quote:Originally posted by Shebitku: ^proof? Can you even prove said Egyptians had significant SSA ancestry?
Posted by TRPL_DRKNSS (Member # 23628) on :
Truly dispiriting what's happening to this site. It's turned into a nut house.
Posted by Yatunde Lisa Bey (Member # 22253) on :
quote:Originally posted by Shebitku: ^proof? Can you even prove said Egyptians had significant SSA ancestry?
Nah! I am not going to explain general basic college level info to you. The Levites being Egyptian in NOT a new theory.
Start with Sigman Freuds Moses and Monotheism Explore the Kenite hypothesis, and then go from there you will find many PHD's who give it thought and some credence. Richard Friedmans 'The Exodus', is something a little more current.
Posted by the lioness, (Member # 17353) on :
quote:Originally posted by Shebitku: ^proof? Can you even prove said Egyptians had significant SSA ancestry?
quote:Originally posted by Shebitku: ^proof? Can you even prove said Egyptians had significant SSA ancestry?
In 2012, two mummies of two 20th dynasty individuals, Ramesses III and "Unknown Man E" believed to be Ramesses III's son Pentawer, were analyzed by Albert Zink, Yehia Z Gad, and a team of researchers under Zahi Hawass. Genetic kinship analyses revealed identical haplotypes in both mummies; using the Whit Athey's haplogroup predictor, the Y chromosomal haplogroup E1b1a was predicted.[8]
Ramesses III was the son of Setnakhte and Tiy-Merenese. Setnakhte was not the son, brother or a direct descendant of either Twosret or Merneptah Siptah—the immediately preceding two pharaohs—nor that of Siptah's predecessor Seti II, whom Ramesses III, Setnakhte's son, formally considered the last legitimate ruler in his Medinet Habu kinglist.[2][3] Setnakhte was a man of unknown origins who seized the throne during a time of crisis and political unrest likely from Twosret and he was presumably a minor descendant of Ramesses II through a separate family line from that of Seti II, Siptah and Tsowret.
Children of Rameses III: By Tyti: Amenherkhepeshef Ramesses IV Meryamun By Isis Ta-Hemdjert:
Pareherwenemef Ramesses VI Montuherkhopshef By Tiye: Khaemwaset Pentawere Meryatum Ramesses VIII Duatentopet (only daughter)
Posted by Ish Geber (Member # 18264) on :
Sci Adv. 2020 Jun; 6(24): eaaz0183. Published online 2020 Jun 12. doi: 10.1126/sciadv.aaz0183 PMCID: PMC7292641PMID: 32582847
Supplementary Materials for Ancient genomes reveal complex patterns of population movement, interaction, and replacement in sub-Saharan Africa.
Figure S9. Distribution of mitochondrial and Y chromosome haplogroups in the ancient African genetic clusters. We show (A) the distribution of Y haplogroups in each genetic cluster, (B) distribution of mitochondrial haplogroups in each genetic cluster. The haplogroup information of every genetic cluster is detailed in Table S10.
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
quote:Originally posted by TRPL_DRKNSS: Truly dispiriting what's happening to this site. It's turned into a nut house.
Yeah and I feel like the over-worked psychiatrist in the nut house. The sad part is that this forum was already in decline with the lack of interest in Egypt outside of racial issues with all the white racist trolls gone now we have a black BHI troll. LOL
From what I understand Dr. Elhaik's theory is that the Israelite Levites are derived from Egyptians. The problem is that modern Levites and especially Cohen from many Jewish communities all share predominantly J lineages and particularly J1 whose subtype has been identified as cohen modal haplotype. Even the Lemba were found to have it which confirms their own oral and folk traditions of Jewish ancestry and the Lemba's own liturgy uses Temani Hebrew dialect related to the Temani Jews of Yemen.
The BHI share nothing. They are are cult no different from the British Hebrew Israelites which was started in the 16th century.
Posted by Tazarah (Member # 23365) on :
Djehuti tried his best to leave it alone for a few days but is STILL trying to keep it going even after being called out by multiple people for his behavior.
His anti-black hatred will keep him going all year long.
Even brandon had to call you out in the other thread for the racist comments you were making and how you are making the black forum posters on this website uncomfortable with your anti-black hatred.
Get a life, take a break from the internet
Another key thing that Doug pointed out: djehuti is making sweeping genetic arguments about who is or isn't an Israelite based on EXTREMELY LIMITED "genetic evidence", as if those samples reresent the entire Israelite civilization -- yet even the most recent "Israelite DNA" study said they can't confirm the DNA they just found is representative of the entire Israelite civilization.
This is one of the main reasons why I always shake my head at people who try to use genetics to exclude populations they dislike from having ties to ancient civilizations.
And djehuti has already admit there is ZERO conclusive evidence linking the "cohen gene" to actual ancient Levites. Keep bringing it up and coping though djehuti.
quote:"One thing is clear: the CMH cannot definitively prove the existence of a single founding father for the Jewish priesthood, let alone confirm that he was Aaron. If it is primarily a marker of priestly inheritance, why would it show up on two J lineages—most commonly on J1 but also on J2 -- that split thousands of years, maybe more than ten thousand years, before the time of Aaron? Moreover, some Jews with an oral history of being a Cohanim and no known record of conversion have neither a J1 nor J2 lineage. They are from the haplogroup E3b, which has Middle Eastern origins, or from Rlb, which is common among Europeans and some Turks. How could that be?"
"Abraham's Children: Race, Identity, and the DNA of the Chosen People" by Jon Entine, page 70-71
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
^ So, I'm an "anti-black" racist because I don't agree with your idiocy??! LMAO You can't even define the word 'racist'! Just because I point certain facts about the black American community does not make it racist let alone calling out your b.s. You are just a b|tch boy acting like a hurt female with your screen shots. LOL That's because you have been destroyed in every thread you posted in. Lioness, I, and others have been citing evidence while the only thing you cite if you cite anything at all are excerpts from Dr. Elhaik which you like to take out of context. LOL
quote:Originally posted by TRPL_DRKNSS: The Bible is bullshit by the way.
Actually it's not. But idiots and ignoramuses make it seem that way by the way they interpret the texts like when b|tch boy above thinks Noah's flood was a world wide flood that drowned every human except Noah and his family and every animal (including fish!) except those in the ark.
Posted by Tazarah (Member # 23365) on :
Djehuti is a racist, pseudo loser who has already been called out for making anti-black statements by people who don't even agree with me. When he gets angry, his devil horns and true racist nature shows. Why a racist, anti-black idiot like him thinks his opinions on this topic actually matter is completely beyond me.
If he wasn't saying anything damaging or if he wasn't behaving like a racist idiot then he would have no reason to cry about screenshot evidence being posted.
Here's a screenshot of him lying on the Bible in real time and then doing a completely 180 and backpedaling, contradicting himself, after being corrected by myself.
He tried to lie and say "all nations" in the Bible only means the nations known to Israel, and as you can see he quickly tried to recant that bullshit after being shown scriptures that prove his false ideology wrong.
He does the same thing with ALL of his arguments.
This racist incel DOES NOT know the Bible and presents himself as being someone who knows a lot more about other topics than he actually does when in reality he is one of the biggest pseudos I've ever encountered.
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
^ Translation: Djehuti refuses to take my pig sh*t and he won't accept my black card, so I'll call him racist. Waaah waah.
LOL If you won't see a psychiatrist, go see your mommy for help, b|tch boy.
Posted by Tazarah (Member # 23365) on :
Is this racist, pseudo demon even going to apologize to all the black posters he offended during his anti-black racist tirades?
It's crazy how he doesn't feel the need to apologize for his behavior and feels as though he can just keep posting as if he didn't denigrate the entire black community in front of everyone's eyes.
Prime example of a narcissist.
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
As usual the demon lies as I have never insulted the black community only HIM. He obviously does not represent the black community but is rather an insult to it! Meanwhile the demon has not addressed...
The Genetic History of the Israelite Nation A surprising percentage of men across Judaism who claim to belong to the Levitical priesthood (the Cohanim) share a common Y chromosome within a subgroup of haplogroup J. This is despite the fact that they have been separated in some cases for approximately 2,500 years. This Y chromosome type has been named the Cohen Modal Haplotype (CMH), and men who carry it are more closely related to each other than they are to the other Jews in the communities in which they live. The CMH is rare in non-Levitical Jews, is found in 50% of Levites, and occurs in a much higher proportion of the Cohanim.14 Hammer et al. (2009) discovered that the Cohanim carry many different Y chromosome types, but most are at low frequencies.
Extended Y chromosome haplotypes resolve multiple and unique lineages of the Jewish priesthood In sum, the high frequency of a closely related set of J-P58* chromosomes among Ashkenazi and non-Ashkenazi Cohanim that share a common modal haplotype, and that are estimated to have diverged from a common ancestor >2,000 years ago, is consistent with the hypothesis that the J-P58* lineage traces the Cohanim dynasty to a time before the Jewish diaspora. While the frequency of the J-P58* lineage is higher among Ashkenazi Jews (Fig. 2a), Y-STR variation associated with this haplogroup is older in the non-Ashkenazi community (e.g., we obtained divergence time estimates of 4.6 ± 1.8 and 3.5 ± 2.1 kyears for the 17- and 9-locus datasets, respectively). In this regard, it is also worth noting that the J-P58* network topology suggests population expansion, especially within the Ashkenazim. This may be attributable to the strong founder effect previously suggested for the Ashkenazi population (Behar et al. 2004, 2006).
Origin and diffusion of human Y chromosome haplogroup J1-M267 The Cohen-specific lineage of haplogroup J1-M267 was first described as a Cohen-specific STR haplotype38, called “the Cohen modal haplotype”. It was rejected at first and then confirmed by an extended STR repertoire. This later study reports that 46.1% of all Cohens fall within this lineage. Subsequently, a Cohen-specific branch was also found in the phylogenetic tree of haplogroup J1-M26729. Here, we confirm this Cohen-specific branch in haplogroup J1-M267 as J1a1a1a1a1a1a2-B877 (Fig. 2, Supplementary Fig. S1). All Jewish lineages of haplogroup J1-M267 fall into the J1a1a1-P58 branch (Supplementary Fig. S1), which suggests their origin ultimately in the Levant. It is surprising to find two Jewish or close to Jewish J1a1a1-P58 lineages in the ancient Roman samples (~ 1.5–2.0 kya). This tells us about the migration of the Jewish people, at least of the bearers of the J1a1a1-P58 chromosomes, who travelled from the Levant to Europe via Italy, consistent with an earlier research.
The Y Chromosome Pool of Jews as Part of the Genetic Landscape of the Middle East Abstract A sample of 526 Y chromosomes representing six Middle Eastern populations (Ashkenazi, Sephardic, and Kurdish Jews from Israel; Muslim Kurds; Muslim Arabs from Israel and the Palestinian Authority Area; and Bedouin from the Negev) was analyzed for 13 binary polymorphisms and six microsatellite loci. The investigation of the genetic relationship among three Jewish communities revealed that Kurdish and Sephardic Jews were indistinguishable from one another, whereas both differed slightly, yet significantly, from Ashkenazi Jews. The differences among Ashkenazim may be a result of low-level gene flow from European populations and/or genetic drift during isolation. Admixture between Kurdish Jews and their former Muslim host population in Kurdistan appeared to be negligible. In comparison with data available from other relevant populations in the region, Jews were found to be more closely related to groups in the north of the Fertile Crescent (Kurds, Turks, and Armenians) than to their Arab neighbors. The two haplogroups Eu 9 (J2) and Eu 10 (J* or J1) constitute a major part of the Y chromosome pool in the analyzed sample. *Our data suggest that Eu 9 originated in the northern part, and Eu 10 in the southern part of the Fertile Crescent. Genetic dating yielded estimates of the expansion of both haplogroups that cover the Neolithic period in the region.* Palestinian Arabs and Bedouin differed from the other Middle Eastern populations studied here, mainly in specific high-frequency Eu 10 haplotypes not found in the non-Arab groups. These chromosomes might have been introduced through migrations from the Arabian Peninsula during the last two millennia. The present study contributes to the elucidation of the complex demographic history that shaped the present-day genetic landscape in the region. Posted by Tazarah (Member # 23365) on :
I guess brandon is lying about black members of the site personally reaching out to him about how your racist and anti-black comments affected them.
Keep spam posting the same debunked/misrepresented nonsense, it's already been put into perspective by users other than myself who have also called you out. You're a dishonest pseudo with zero integrity who lies and gaslights even when there is screenshot evidence against you.
quote:Originally posted by Tazarah: Is this racist, pseudo demon even going to apologize to all the black posters he offended during his anti-black racist tirades?
It's crazy how he doesn't feel the need to apologize for his behavior and feels as though he can just keep posting as if he didn't denigrate the entire black community in front of everyone's eyes.
Prime example of a narcissist.
Posted by the lioness, (Member # 17353) on :
A book can be anything from a novel to a description of chemicals or historical event
but a document implies that there is an authority approving it or taking it into account like a contract, property deed, damage assessment, police report, etc A record is similar but implies that within a document various things being categorized are recorded one by one or listed like a census or cargo inventoried from a ship or testimony of various witnesses in a trial
quote:Originally posted by Tazarah: Historical documents describing the history of black Jews is not "cult propaganda", these documents have existed for hundreds of years and never have I posted any "religious" or Biblical threads on this site -- it's all been history.
What is an example of such a document? Not a whole book just one example of a document identifying a group as black Jews and saying some particular thing pertaining to them?
Posted by Ish Geber (Member # 18264) on :
J-P58 in particulier is interesting
quote:In North Africa J-M267 is dominated by J-P58, and dispersed in a very uneven manner according to studies so far, often but not always being lower among Berber and/or non-urban populations.
One can wonder how many skeletons are really hidden in university basements in Israel considering that from 1994 there is a human osteological database over skeletal remains found in Israel. If there are tens of thousand hidden skeletons it would mean that many skeletons would not be accounted for in the database.
quote:Human osteological database at the Israel Antiquities Authority Overview and some examples of use
Yossi Nagar
Published 2012
The Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) has a department of osteology that is based in Jerusalem and is in charge of the study of past human skeletal remains found in IAA excavations. The human osteological database was first created by the IAA in 1994 and includes basic demographic, metric, and descriptive data of the archaeological skeletons found in present-day Israel. Over the years, these data have been routinely collected using standardized criteria that are presented here in detail. This standardization allows reconstruction of a comprehensive anthropological profile of ancient local populations and comparison of bioarchaeological data from various periods and geographic regions. Examples of use are given along with selected data from various periods and populations.
quote:Originally posted by Archeotypery: If there are tens of thousand hidden skeletons it would mean that many skeletons would not be accounted for in the database.
Um... duh? That's the entire point.
Posted by Archeopteryx (Member # 23193) on :
Maybe Yossi Nagar who wrote the article about the Human osteological database at the Israel Antiquities Authority would be the right man to ask, he seems to have a lot of experience of working with ancient skeletal remains in Israel.
Posted by Tazarah (Member # 23365) on :
Or you could directly reach out to the PhD Geneticist who made the claim (Dr. Elhaik) and ask him to expound upon why he said what he said.
Posted by the lioness, (Member # 17353) on :
quote:Originally posted by Archeopteryx: One can wonder how many skeletons are really hidden in university basements in Israel considering that from 1994 there is a human osteological database over skeletal remains found in Israel. If there are tens of thousand hidden skeletons it would mean that many skeletons would not be accounted for in the database.
quote:Human osteological database at the Israel Antiquities Authority Overview and some examples of use
Yossi Nagar
Published 2012
The Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) has a department of osteology that is based in Jerusalem and is in charge of the study of past human skeletal remains found in IAA excavations. The human osteological database was first created by the IAA in 1994 and includes basic demographic, metric, and descriptive data of the archaeological skeletons found in present-day Israel. Over the years, these data have been routinely collected using standardized criteria that are presented here in detail. This standardization allows reconstruction of a comprehensive anthropological profile of ancient local populations and comparison of bioarchaeological data from various periods and geographic regions. Examples of use are given along with selected data from various periods and populations.
Human osteological database at the Israel Antiquities Authority Overview and some examples of use
(2011) Bioarchaeology of the Near East, 5:1–18 Human osteological database at the Israel Antiquities Authority Overview and some examples of use
The Chalcolithic period (5300–3700 BCE) Spanning about 1500 years (not including the Wadi Rabah culture), about 30 burial sites from the Chalcolithic period have been found during the last 20 years, with skeletal remains in varying degrees of preservation. Key burial sites from this period (Figure 1) include Peqi’in (A-2297/95; Nagar, forthcoming a), Sha’ar Efrayim (A-3577/02; Nagar 2011b), Horvat Zur (A-4511/05), and Horvat Karkar (A-4635/05).
quote: Human osteological database at the Israel Antiquities Authority Overview and some examples of use
The Bronze Age (3700–1200 BCE)
Several burial sites of the Bronze Age are found and excavated each year, of populations that are generally termed Cana’anites. However, the skeletal remains from this period are usually very fragmentary. Relatively large and important sites (Figure 1) include Tel Asur (A-2235/93, A-4005/03; Nagar 2010; Nagar & Winocur, forthcoming), Ashqelon Barne’a (A-4177/04; Golani & Nagar 2011), Beit Dagan (A-4243/04; Yannai & Nagar, forthcoming), Holyland (A-5385/08), K’far Vradim (A-2160/94; Getzov & Nagar 2002), Horvat Zelef (A-2555/96; Nagar 2011c), and Jallame (A-4124/04). Using paleodemographic data accumulated from various sites and stored in the IAA database, it was possible to plot a mortality graph typical of the Early and Middle Bronze Ages (3700–2200, 2000–1550 BCE respectively), and to calculate the life expectancy of several populations during these periods (Table 3). Craniofacial measurements of a small sample available from the Intermediate Bronze period (2200–2000 BCE) revealed that the population inhabiting the southern Levant during this short period was much diff erent from the local populations of this area in previous and subsequent periods (Yannai & Nagar, forthcoming). Th rough using information stored in the IAA database it was possible to prove the foreign identity of the Intermediate Bronze population in Israel/Cana’an, as had been postulated by several archaeologists (e.g., Kenyon 1966).
I'm not sure if these are used in the recent Bronze age articles, the names are not ringing a bell
Posted by Archeopteryx (Member # 23193) on :
In Israel there is a problem with religious orthodox groups demanding that human bones shall be reburied as quickly as possible if they at all are excavated. Dr Yossi Nager addresses this problem in an article. The article is a bit old now but religious considerations still seems to be a problem for Israeli archaeology.
quote:Evidence of human occupation in Israel begins about 1.5 million years ago. In its more recent history. this area has faced a number of wars, conquerors. national entities, religious movements, and mass immigrations. Nearly 28,000 archaeological sites have already been identified in Israel. Taking Into account the very small size of the country and the fact that roads and houses are being constantly built approximately 300 new sites are uncovered each year and have to he excavated quickly. Human (and ancient hominid) bones are found in about 30 per cent of excavations (sec Table 6.1). Among them are the bones of early Home sapient and Neanderthals, Natufians, pagan Cananites. Nabateans. Jews. Christians, Arabs. and many others. Of the hundreds of boxes of bones sent for reburial each year, those with Jewish ancestry represent but a small fraction of the total The 'Halacha, the Jewish religious law, allows the movement of human bones from one site to another if the burial area is needed for various purposes. such as city expansion or the budding of new roads. Moving bones from their original burial site because of such reasons was common practice during the Hellenistic and Roman periods in Israel. These days, burial sites are only excavated by the Israel Antiquities Authority when necessary, as part of salvage operations. However, the orthodox Jewish community in modern Israel, led by an association named Athra-Kaddisha, opposes even such salvage operations They demand that absolutely no excavations be carried out in burial grounds. No scientific study of bones is welcomed, nor any other action which might disturb the dead from their peaceful rest in the ground. The Moslem and Christian communities, on the other hand, do not intervene in this debate.
The roots of this 'orthodoxy versus archaeology' controversy lie some 150 years ago, when scholars began searching for archaeological evidence of biblical traditions. Whereas the orthodox propaganda is continuously published (e.g 'A grave crisis in Israel' 1998) archaeologists rarely refer to this issue (see e.g. Reich 1996: 33). After years of political debate, sometimes accompanied by violence at grave sites, the situation today is such that an newly excavated bones are sent for reburial. In the majority of cases, this is done direct from the field. The law in Israel defines osteological remains as antiquities if they are: 'Zoological remain; from before 1300 AD (Israel Antiquities Law 1978: paragraph 1). In 1994. the Government's Legal Advisor defined human remains as not being included within the term 'zoological'. Therefore, ancient human remains in Israel are no longer considered 'antiquities, and is illegal to study them in the laboratory.
The Athra-Kaddisha is not satisfied with the present situation. For them, every bone found in Israel may be a Jewish bone, and they alone have the right to decide what to do with it.Their decision, nearly always, is not to excavate at all. Of course. whenever human remains are found, further excavation of other archaeological remains, constructions, or artifacts, placed beneath the bone layer, becomes impossible. The Archaeological community in Israel protested against this situation. However since public opinion is still, in general. indifferent to the issue, the media covers the violent demonstrations without any serious discussion of the subject.