I'll start this off by sharing some jokes of mine...
* What do you call a Chinese gorilla? Hong Kong!
* What did the Tyrannosaurus do when a bunch of brown people moved into his neighborhood? He voted for Rexit!
* What does an elephant with nasal congestion have? Too much junk in the trunk!
* When the Crips expanded their business into packaging Christmas presents, they became known as gangsta wrappers.
* Why do pirates watch rap music videos? They love the booty!
* Why did the Klansman get kicked out when he arrived with a coffee stain on his robe? He wasn't white enough for them!
* Why did the NRA member refuse to get an amputation? It would have violated his right to bear arms!
Askia_The_Great Member # 22000
BrandonP Member # 3735
posted EDIT: NM
BrandonP Member # 3735
What did the alien scientist say after they abducted a gorilla? "C'mon, it has to be a human being. Our abductor's sensors are >95% accurate!"
Archeopteryx Member # 23193
About Noah and his ark
Askia_The_Great Member # 22000
quote:Originally posted by Archeopteryx: About Noah and his ark
Okay this was pretty funny.
BrandonP Member # 3735
The Religious Right in America must not like jazz music, given all their efforts to gut sax education in schools.
BrandonP Member # 3735
Anyone else think that Barney from The Simpsons looks kinda like a Neanderthal?
BrandonP Member # 3735
Anyone else think croissants kinda look like boomerangs? I suspect the French got jealous of the Australians, but couldn't resist making their version edible.
BrandonP Member # 3735
What did the penguin say to the polar bear? “The South will rise again, just you wait!”
BrandonP Member # 3735
Why does the devil require virgin sacrifices? Because a sacrifice with more experience would learn how bad he actually was at it.
BrandonP Member # 3735
Not necessarily humorous, but I needed a place to dump this meme (which has art of my own making on it):
BrandonP Member # 3735
Couple more memes of mine:
BrandonP Member # 3735
Learning about how multiple waves of immigration have merged to form modern Europeans really puts their current rioting against immigrants in perspective for me.
Archeopteryx Member # 23193
quote:Originally posted by BrandonP: Couple more memes of mine:
Maybe if the thought of Adam and Eve as an interracial couple (as in the painting below) had won, it could have somewhat mitigated racism and maybe even prevented the slave trade, or stopped it earlier.