I remember doing some research on the Hausa and i found out that they have large percentage of Eurasian DNA paternally.
I also read a book titled "Hausa folk-lore, customs, proverbs, etc ...." vol 1 By Robert Sutherland Rattray This book mentions the origins of the Hausa "idan matanbaiyi ya tanbaye ka, ana mafarin hausawa? ka che, gaskia mafarinsu barebari da arewawa." "Where did the Hausa people have their origin? (say to him) Truly their origin was the Barebari and Northerners" pg 2
Could these same Hausa people be related or mixed with the now extinct "white Ethiopians" mentioned by Strabo and Pliny or the white men who were not black skinned like the moors mentioned by Procopius?
osirion Member # 7644
Simply no. White people are lactose persistent. Hausa are lactose intolerant. Mixed population would be more like the Italians with their much lower rate of lactose persistence.
There's no evidence that White people significantly mixed with any Sub-Saharan, Saharan, or Ethiopians. Or these groups would show lactose persistence.
This argument of back migration into Africa has been debunked. Any back migration occurred before there were White people.
the questioner Member # 22195
quote:Originally posted by osirion: Simply no. White people are lactose persistent. Hausa are lactose intolerant. Mixed population would be more like the Italians with their much lower rate of lactose persistence.
There's no evidence that White people significantly mixed with any Sub-Saharan, Saharan, or Ethiopians. Or these groups would show lactose persistence.
This argument of back migration into Africa has been debunked. Any back migration occurred before there were White people.
what im talking about happened many years ago
if a hand full of white people were surrounded by millions of black people do you really think they would make a significant imprint in the physical features of the population?
some historians had insisted that the Irish were originally an African race that later became white throughout the years
because white people largely outnumbered blacks in the British isles is probably why we don't see them no more
Suliman Member # 22767
the lioness, Member # 17353
quote:Originally posted by osirion: back migration into Africa has been debunked. Any back migration occurred before there were White people.
back migration has not been debunked and is not contingent of the people doing the back migrating to being "white"
Moorbaby Member # 22745
Why not just call all Africans people the descendants of white race and be done with it?
It's really is a desperate time for white supremacists. Lol.
Ish Gebor Member # 18264
quote:Originally posted by the lioness,:
quote:Originally posted by osirion: back migration into Africa has been debunked. Any back migration occurred before there were White people.
back migration has not been debunked and is not contingent of the people doing the back migrating to being "white"