Mena: White European are constantly and tirelessly trying to steal the black African-Egyptian civilization by representing the Ancient African Egyptian as a white or semite people in their media and history books.
according to all the Ancient historians the Egyptian people were a black people. Ancient Egyptian historians states they were black people who came from the beginning of the Nile and the Lake of fire in East Africa. Ancient Egypt was a multi ethnic black African country like today black African countries in West, Central, East,South Africa.
Revealed: King Tut had girlish hips, a club foot and buck teeth according to a ‘virtual autopsy’ ‘Virtual autopsy’ composed of more than 2,000 computer scans carried out Genetic analysis of Tutankhamun’s family showed his parents were brother and sister Family history could also have led to his premature death in his late teens Various myths have him murdered or dying in chariot race Club foot would have made it impossible to take part in chariot racing
Real black King Tut
The boy king's burial mask - as the world knows him - and his face as revealed by the 'virtual autopsy'
Tutankhamun was reliant on a walking stick thanks to his club foot, which may have been due to the fact that his parents were brother and sister
Fake white King Tut
Fake white King Tut
Real black King Tut
Posted by geeskee55 (Member # 19401) on :
Clubfoot has nothing to do with incest or genes in general.
They don't know the cause (all speculation).
That news site is passing off false medical information as true.
Posted by geeskee55 (Member # 19401) on :
and...there is no need to comment on the level of melanin depicted in this horrible image of tut.
I expect nothing better from these "people".....
Posted by the lioness, (Member # 17353) on :