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Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
In some quarters this has become a hot question regarding Black history as newly revealed: Why some Blacks believe it, why some don't.

First let me say that many Whites freely admit that they too believed that White History was a bogus re-write.

But this is about Blacks:

I have been in communication with Blacks who tell me that some Blacks are completely disbelieving of newly revealed Black History, in spite of the copious proofs submitted in support.

This is reminiscent of the Africans response on this forum. As you may recall, I attribute the Africans response to their desire to have all Blacks declared Africans, thus they get to take credit for the modern accomplishments of Blacks outside of Africa, while getting cover for their own past and current fuch-ups.

And for this, they are willing to cede all Human accomplishment in the entire world to the Albino people - except Egypt of course. One thing about Africans, they don't waste a lot of time thinking.

See seros post here:;f=15;t=009076

So what about disbelieving Blacks in the Americas?

It has been suggested that they may be descended from the African slaves that were brought to the Americas.
These people were often not only Slaves, but the descendants of Slaves in Africa as well.
Thus they have no "Genetic" (for want of a better word) concept of themselves as worthwhile human beings. As an example,
part of the Dutch rationale for the Slave trade was that Africans were used to Slavery,
and thus would be docile slaves in their new homes. (Lets analyze Slave rebellions later in the thread).

Contrast that with Blacks who regard newly revealed Black History as incontrovertible truth, too long in coming.

Following the logic, one might deduce that they descend from the original Paleoamericans or Black Europeans, and thus have a generic memory of the time when Blacks were the standard in human evolution and advancement.

Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
Lets look back at what Blacks were taught regarding Black history.

The American Beer company Anheuser-Busch is a global company which in the late 70s (I think) started a Black history poster series to educate Blacks (he,he,he.he) about their history. I think it can be taken as typical of what Blacks were taught in those days.

As you may recall, Whites originally taught that Egyptians were NOT Blacks, and Hannibal was White!!

That is how ES came to exist I believe.

So this is what Blacks were give as their TOTAL history.


Tenkamenin King of Ghana (1037-1075 AD)
Alexander Bostic (1955-)

Through careful management of gold trade across the Sahara, Tenkamenin’s empire flourished economically yet his greatest strength was in government. He listened to his people and provided justice for all of them. His principles of democratic monarchy and religious tolerance make him one of the great models of African rule.


Mansa Kankan Musa King of Mali (1306-1337)
Barbara Higgins Bond

Mansa Musa distinguished himself as a man who did everything on a grand scale. He was a scholar and imported noteworthy artists to heighten the cultural awareness of his people. After leading a successful pilgrimage across the Sahara he won international prestige for Mali as one of the world’s largest and wealthiest empires.



Sunni Ali Beer King of Songhay (circa 1442-1492)
Leo Dillon (1933-2012)

Sunni Ali Beer built the largest most powerful empire in West Africa during his 28-year reign. With a remarkable army,he won many battles, conquered many lands, seized trade routes and took villages to build the Songhay empire into a major center of commerce, culture and Moslem scholarship.



Affonso I King of the Kongo (circa 1486-1543)
Carl Owens (1929-2002)

Affonso I was a visionary who saw his country as a unified Christian nation equipped with advanced knowledge and technology. He encouraged Christianity, made it possible to practice new skills in masonry, carpentry and agriculture. He established a modern school system and was the first ruler to resist slave trade.


Askia Muhammaed Toure King of Songhay (1493-1529)
Leo Dillon (1933-2012)

A devout Muslim, Askia “The Great” ruled and administered Songhay strictly according to Islamic law. He united the entire central region of the Western Soudan, and established a governmental machine that is still revered today for its detail and efficiency.



Idris Alooma Sultan of Bornu (1580-1617)
Charles Lilly (1949-)

Idris Alooma was a devout Moslem. He replaced tribal law with Moslem law, and made a pilgrimage to Mecca. The trip provided religious and military significance, for he returned with Turkish firearms. After building a strong army Idris Alooma conquered the Bulala, establishing a dominion and peace that lasted fifty years.



Nzingha—Amazon Queen of Matambo (1582-1663)
Dorothy Carter

Nzingha was an astute diplomat and excellent military leader. After settling disputes and waging long wars, Nzingha allied her nation with the Dutch, marking the first African-European alliance against a European oppressor.



Queen Amina of Zaria (1588-1589)
Floyd Cooper (1956-)

A brilliant military strategist she fought many wars and won them all. Amina is credited with building the famous Zaria wall. She is remembered today as “Amina, Yar Bakwa ta san rana,” meaning “Amina, daughter of Nikatau, a woman as capable as a man.”

Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :


Shamba Bolongongo African King of Peace (1600-1620)
Roy LaGrone (1921-1993)

Hailed as one of the greatest monarchs of the Congo, King Shamba had no greater desire than to preserve peace. Shamba was also known for promoting arts and crafts, and for designing a complex and extremely democratic form of government, which represented all Bushongo people.



Osei Tutu King of Asante (circa 1650-1717)
Alfred Smith (1949-)

Osei Tutu was the founder and first ruler of the Asante nation, a great West African kingdom now known as Ghana. He tripled the geographic size of Asante and the kingdom was a significant power that endured for two centuries.



Nandi Queen of Zululand (1778-1826 AD)
HM Rahsaan Fort II (1950-)

Married to the King of Zululand, Nandi gave him a son, Shaka but was banished because the king’s other wives were jealous. Nandi made many sacrifices for her son and raised Shaka as royalty. He later became the greatest of all Zulu kings. Today Zulu people use her name to refer to a woman of high esteem.



Moshoeshoe King of Batsutoland (circa 1786-1870)
Jerry Pinkney (1939-)

Moshoeshoe ruled the country he founded for half a century. He was a wise and just king brilliant in diplomacy and battle. He united many diverse groups into a stable society with law and order. He knew that peace made prosperity possible and often avoided conflict through skillful negotiations.



Shaka-King of the Zulus (1787-1828)
Paul Collins (1936)

A strong leader and military innovator, Shaka is noted for revolutionizing 19th century Bantu warfare. Over the years Shaka’s troops earned such a reputation that many enemies would flee at the sight of them. The Shaka’s nation now encompasses the present day Kwazwu-Natal, South Africa.



Khama III The Good King of Bechuanaland (1819-1923)
Carl Owens (1929-2002)

Khama was highly regarded as a peace-loving ruler intent on technological advancements including building schools, scientific cattle-feeding and the introduction of a mounted police force, which practically eliminated crime. England honored him with approval to remain free from Bechuanaland.



Ja Ja King of the Opobo (1821-1891)
Jonathan Knight (1959-)

After escaping slavery Ja Ja prospered as an independent trader. He became chief of his people and eventually king of his own territory, Opobo. Ja Ja fiercely resisted outside influence which led to his exile at age 70 to the West Indies by the British. He never saw his kingdom again.



Samory Toure The Black Napoleon of the Sudan (1830-1900)
Ezra Tucker

When Samory Toure’s native Bissandugu was attacked and his mother taken captive, he was allowed to take her place. He then escaped and joined the army of King Bitike Souane of Torona. He was soon made king and defied French expansionism in Africa, earning the name “The Black Napoleon of the Sudan.”
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :


Mwana Ngana Ndumba Tembo—Ruler of the Angolan Tchokwe (1840-1880 circa)
Kenneth Calvert (1950-)

Ndumbo Tembo maintained the Tchokwe sovereignty and protected its resources by securing an autonomous territory that severely restricted European access. Ndumba Tembo’s work allowed the Tchokwe to retain their independence.



Benhanzin Hossu Bowelle—The King Shark (1841-1906) Thomas Blackshear II Benhanzin was the most powerful ruler in West Africa at the end of the 19th century. To defend his nation’s sovereignty, he maintained a physically fit army. He was a lover of the humanities and is credited with the creation of some of the finest songs and poetry of Dahomey.



Menelek II King of Kings of Abyssinia (1844-1913)
Dow Miller (1933-1993)

Menelek joined together several independent kingdoms that were often at odds with each other into one strong stable empire known as the United States of Abyssinia (Ethiopia). A stunning victory over Italy in the Battle of Adwa in defense of his own country placed him among the great world leaders in history.



Nehanda of Zimbabwe (1862-1898)
Lydia Thompson (1960-)

Nehanda was one of Zimbabwe’s youngest and most influential religious leaders. She declared war when the English invaded their country. She was captured and executed for ordering the killing of a cruel Native Commander. She remains the single most important person in the modern history of Zimbabwe.



Yaa Asantewa Queen of Ghana (1863-1923)
Barbara Higgins Bond

Queen Mother Yaa Asantewa led her nation in the last Ashanti war against the British. Her name will always be remembered because of her agitation, the return of Prempeh was converted into stirring demands for independence.



Taharqa King of Nubia (710-664 BC)
John Thomas Biggers (1924-2001)

During his 25-year reign, Taharqa controlled the largest empire in ancient Africa. The numbers and majesty of his building projects were legendary with the greatest being the temple at Gebel Barkal in the Sudan.
Posted by the lioness, (Member # 17353) on :
why isn't Runoko Rashidi as famous as Jay Z ?
Posted by the lioness, (Member # 17353) on :
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
^The more astute of you might have noticed that so far, Albino Black history was strictly limited to Sudan/Nubia and parts south.

But the Anheuser-Busch project was a 25 year affair. And in that time, Black pressure forced them to add the following.



Hannibal Ruler of Carthage (247-183 BC)
Charles Lilly (1949-)

Regarded as one of the greatest generals of all time, Hannibal and his army conquered major portions of Spain and Italy, while coming close to defeating the Roman Empire. For more than 2000 years Hannibal has been recognized for destroying a much larger Roman force while seemingly being trapped.



Makeda Queen of Sheba (960 BC) Debra Edgerton (1958-) Makeda was married to King Solomon of Israel and was known for giving him great gifts from her famed journey to visit the Judean monarch. She also gave him a son, Menelek who looked so much like his grandfather that Solomon rechristened him and renamed him David after his father King David.



Hatshepsut The Ablest Queen of Far Antiquity (1503-1482 BC)
Dean Mitchell (1957-)

For 33 years Hatshepsut was the ablest queen as she withstood male rivals after her father appointed her heiress to the throne. She was the leader of the world’s leading nation of the time. To increase her popularity she had spectacular temples and pyramids erected, of which many still stand today.



Tiye The Nubian Queen of Egypt (circa 1415-1340 BC)
Leonard Jenkins

Tiye The Nubian Queen of Egypt changed the course of history. Amenhotep III, the young Egyptian ruler was so taken by her beauty and intellect he defied his nation’s priests and customs by proclaiming her the commoner his Great Royal spouse. He included her in political and military decisions and treated her as his equal.



Akhenaton Pharaoh of Egypt (1375-1358 BC)
Barbara Higgins Bond

He was the first ruler in recorded history to believe in the concept of the One God. Akhenaton built the finest city in the desert where he lived with his wife, Queen Nefertiti. They changed Egyptian culture so radically that their impact was felt for centuries.



Thutmose III Pharaoh of Egypt (753-712 BC)
Antonio Wade (1962-)

Thutmose was known for giving those he conquered the choice to join his kingdom. For the first time in history the entire Nile Valley, from the Mediterranean to the borders of modern Ethiopia, was united under one monarch. By 743 BC the majority of the Egyptians looked upon Thutmose as the ruler of Egypt and Kush.



Nefertari Nubian Queen of Egypt (192-1225 BC) Steve Clay (1944-) Nefertari is heralded as the queen who wed for peace. While her marriage to King Rameses II of Egypt began as a political move to share powers, it grew into one of the greatest royal love affairs in history and ended the 100-year war between Nubia and Egypt.



Cleopatra VII Queen of Egypt (69-30 BC)
Ann Marshall

The most famous of seven matriarchs to bear this name, Cleopatra rose to the throne at seventeen. In a quest to elevate Egypt to world supremacy, she enlisted two Roman leaders—Julius Caesar and Mark Antony. Neither fulfilled her dreams before their own deaths prompting Cleopatra took her own life.
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
Before going on, this is worth noting:

Here Thutmose III has exaggerated Negro features:


But his own statuary looks nothing like that.


Looks like the Africans on this forum might have been involved, doesn't it?

Some people just don't get it:

The truth is the truth:

A lie is a lie:

It doesn't matter what your purpose is!
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
More to come.
Posted by the lioness, (Member # 17353) on :
Originally posted by Mike111:
[QB] ^The more astute of you might have noticed that so far, Albino Black history was strictly limited to Sudan/Nubia and parts south.

But the Anheuser-Busch project was a 25 year affair. And in that time, Black pressure forced them to add the following.

Mike I'm not sure what groups or black individuals pressured Anheuser-Busch to extend their black history coverage but maybe you could ally with them and pressure Anheuser-Busch to add more to this list.

Who would you add?

Also we have to ask ouselves do we want to be educated by a beer company or do we want to be educated by Runoko Rashidi?

Why rely on Budweiser?
Posted by the lioness, (Member # 17353) on :
Originally posted by Mike111:
Before going on, this is worth noting:

Here Thutmose III has exaggerated Negro features:


But his own statuary looks nothing like that.


Looks like the Africans on this forum might have been involved, doesn't it?

that is highly unlikely

the ad campaign is marketed primarily to Americans rather than Africans

are you saying people from Africa pressured Budweiser to depict Thutmose ? Do you have any names of African groups or individuals who mounted such a campaign ??

Mike please don't rant made up bullshyt

thanks. lioness
Posted by the lioness, (Member # 17353) on :
artist: Paul Collins

off the charts

anyway kudos to budweiser for representing black history probably more than most high schools.

Mike please put up some background information on this ad campaign, who was behind it, etc.
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :

The preceding is the entirety of Black history as taught by the Albino people.

From it we can deduce one thing clearly:

Africans never left Africa!

But even the dumbest Negro must sense something is wrong:

For one thing, the Albino people say that Africans left Africa to populate the rest of the world. So if those people were NOT Black Africans, then is there some kind of force field around Africa which then turns people leaving Africa into Non-Blacks?

Then there is all of those Black people in Asia and Oceania: How does an Asinine Negro explain them?

Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
^Okay, common sense says that asinine people are not great thinkers:

So why aren't they moved by pictures of ancient artifacts? You don't have to do much thinking there, you look at a picture, if it looks like a Black person, it looks like a Black person!

Posted by the lioness, (Member # 17353) on :
Originally posted by Mike111:

Albino people say that Africans left Africa to populate the rest of the world.

they go further than that, they say that those Africans were their own ancestors, that all mankind is rooted in Africa

Europeans having that concept is not that old


but of course that is what they want you to believe

The truth is that mankind actually started in Europe with blacks.
Then they deported blacks to the then unpopulated continent, Africa

Are you dumb enough to believe that they would show you the black skulls in Europe which predate Lucy ???

This whole OOA theory has got to be a lie, look at who came up with that

-it's actually OOE
Posted by the lioness, (Member # 17353) on :
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
^Which brings me to my latest theory concerning those Negroes who cannot accept revealed Black history. But this does not involve those who are simply stupid Negroes who willingly worship the Albino people, while holding themselves to be inferior and worthless creatures.

No, this is about those people, who in my opinion are not simply stupid people, but rather, are emotionally spent people.

First refresh your mind with the material above, that is what the Albino people gave to Black people as their history.

Then Consider this:

Is there a possibility that there may be some Blacks who have become so intellectually and emotionally invested in rising above being people who have never done anything or accomplished anything, excepted what was allowed in the preceding. In effect, feeling like they're people having "No REAL History" at all.

Could it be that they are so intellectually and emotionally stretched, in trying to overcome that: that they cannot now change gears and accept their real and true history?


All theories are welcome, except Lioness of course.
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
ausar, if you are monitoring:

You know how Lioness can fuch-up a thread.
Please delete her/his nonsense as necessary.
Posted by the lioness, (Member # 17353) on :
Originally posted by Mike111:

Then Consider this:

Is there a possibility that there may be some Blacks who have become so intellectually and emotionally invested in rising above being people who have never done anything or accomplished anything, excepted what was allowed in the preceding. In effect, feeling like they're people having "No REAL History" at all.

Mike your thesis makes no sense
You have posted many black kings, queen and generals

If some were first enslaved by their fellow Africans or by Europeans
It doesn't matter,
If someone is captured and enslaved at some point in time it doesn't change who their ancestors were

Having been a slave doesn't mean you are condemned to inferiority, you free yourself and transcend your former condition

-and people who come up from humble origins are more impressive than those who ride on their ancestor's reputation but have accomplished little now
-but that is not the case here as you have posted the historical figures

had black history been portrayed as beginning after people stepped of the slave ship you might have had a case
But these Budweiser ads are in direct contradiction to the point you attempt to make

As usual you have things backwards
I implore ausar to delete grumpy old man Mike's mad rantings
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
^A long silence, perhaps some might see themselves in the descriptions?

This forum is about knowledge and learning: explain yourselves, help us understand.
Without understanding how can anything be fixed?
Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Originally posted by the lioness,:
why isn't Runoko Rashidi as famous as Jay Z ?

Uncle Tom Negroes are afraid that if they accept true Black history their white friends may not like them.

Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Most Afro-Americans have been conditioned to believe that what ever a European says has to be right because a European said it. Therefore, they wait until Europeans okay a Black history theme before they embrace it.

This is why most of the researchers here only quote research done by Europeans or Blacks who have the white seal of approval like Keita.These Blacks are so use to being on their knees they don't know how to speak truth to the lies taught by Europeans.It is pathetic that while Europeans excavate ancient sites, Black archaeologist research slave plantations.


Archaeologist, Black Feminist Unearths Contributions of African Diaspora, Everyday People
Wednesday, 29 February 2012 03:51 By Max Eternity, Truthout | Interview
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Whitney Battle-Baptiste. (Photo: February is Black History Month, which presents many opportunities to explore and contextualize the broader, nuanced and less familiar aspects of what it means to be an American man, woman or child. This is all the more true when it comes from an African Diaspora perspective.

So, what happens when one comes to understand that race is more of a social construct and not a biological fact?From that perspective, how should one interpret and convey the black experience in America?

And what does it mean to live "an existence where the direct effects of racism are still a part of the everyday?" These are questions that stem from the larger question: what is the meaning of race? Questions that Whitney Battle-Baptiste says will be answered according to how each individual thinks about this country's historical past.

Battle-Baptiste is an assistant professor of anthropology at the University of Massachusetts (Amherst), and these are just a few of the issues posed in her new book "Black Feminist Archaeology" - a book in which she holds in juxtapositions the often-dueling oppression that accompany both race and gender identity.

Battle-Baptiste says that in understanding that she is "first racialized as Black and then further marginalized as a woman," she found herself forced to "choose between two linked identities." And whereas white woman have never had to fight against racism in their feminist struggle, for black women "the inability to remove race ... has never been an option."

Within this framework, the lives and voices of black women have a unique ability to inform in ways which society might otherwise remain ignorant.

Archaeology is a term that is usually associated with the single-mindedness of an individual or collective scholarly quest for historical artifacts in physical form. Archaeology is, as well, Battle-Baptiste says, the study of cultural and socio-political artifacts inseparably connected to physical relics of the same age. With this in mind, she writes in her book:

There was a quick shift in historical archaeology from what was considered Plantation archaeology or African American archaeology to what we now call African Diaspora archaeology ... We need to take into account that there is no one definition of an African Diaspora, no single language, no monolithic or single culture ... Diaspora has always been about inclusion and exclusion simultaneously.

Most Americans know the names of historical African-American women like Coretta Scott King, Harriet Tubman, Rosa Parks and Ella Fitzgerald. Yet, in moving beyond the level of celebrity and legendary fame, awareness about significant contributions to society made by black women is quickly obscured.

Battle-Baptists says, "Our voices are known and our work is unique, but I feel that many of us have not named it a black feminist archaeology," and this creates an endless supply of unconnected dots.

How well known is this short list of African-American women?

Mary McLeod Bethune: Founder of Bethune-Cookman College, who also served in Franklin Delano Roosevelt's New Deal government.

Gwendolyn Brooks: A former poet laureate of Illinois and first African-American to win a Pulitzer Prize for Poetry in 1950.

Fannie Lou Hamer: Began to work at age six as a sharecropper and time keeper on a cotton plantation. Hamer was such a fierce advocate of civil rights that she was beaten by police while in jail to the point of being permanently disabled. Notwithstanding, Hamer rose to become a founding member and vice president of the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party.

Augusta Savage: In 1937, became the first director of the Harlem Community Art Center, and in spite of the Great Depression, had a successful career: worked with the Works Progress Administration, opened an art gallery in 1939 and won a commission for the 1939 New York World's Fair.

Madam C. J. Walker: The first African-American woman to become a millionaire in the US, who used her largesse in the fight to end lynching and for women's rights.

A more enriched view of the African Diaspora's material culture took a dramatic turn for the better, says Battle-Baptiste, when in 1991, the African burial ground In New York - a 6.6-acre burial ground in Lower Manhattan where both free and enslaved Africans were buried from the late 1600s to the late 1700s - was rediscovered as a result of scheduled redevelopment and urban planning for a federal office building. The site - described on the General Services Administration's web site as "the single-most important, historic urban archaeological project undertaken in the United States" - has since been memorialized as the African Burial Ground National Monument, is listed on the US National Register of Historic Places, is also a US National Historic Landmark and also enjoys the status of a US national monument.

Battle-Baptiste has spent time working at The W.E.B. Du Bois Boyhood Homesite in Great Barrington, Massachusetts. It, too, is a National Historic Landmark; administered by the W.E.B. Du Bois Center of the University of Massachusetts at Amherst.

"I think archaeology is an untapped resource for the exploration of the African past," says Battle-Baptiste, and yet for a chosen career that has only "about 10 to 15" African-American females in the field with PhDs, it would appear that the surface has barely been scratched.

In a recent Skype conversation, Battle-Baptiste further explored these topics from both a professional and personal perspective, also sharing insight on her compelling new book.

Max Eternity: You start your book off by exploring the meaning of race. What is its meaning for you as a black female scholar, author and anthropologist, and how does that weave itself into the multitude of black female experiences and voices?

Whitney Battle-Baptiste: I don't want to say it's by happenstance that I came to archeology, but in some ways it is. I went to a historically black college and majored in history. History is what I thought I wanted to pursue - to be a teacher and then a professor. But history did not lend itself to that underlying detail for life that I was trying to get to. It didn't hold my attention.

So, archeology literally came because a fellowship program was offered, and the fact that there are very few black female [archaeologists] in the country with PhDs - about 10 to 15.

ME: It sounds like this was a way for you to find your own voice, while also doing meaningful work?

WBB: Our experiences have been muted within the larger pursuit of understanding the story of different people through material culture. Our voices are known and our work is unique, but I feel that many of us have not named it a black feminist archaeology.

ME: Could you share some insight on your objective criticisms of the archaeology community, as when you write in your book, "My hope is that one day archaeologists will openly discuss our personal influences, the influence of our backgrounds and experiences, and how these factors could be assets if added to a collective conversation, rather than words suspended in the isolating landscape of individual self-reflexivity."

Should this actually become the case, how might you imagine a new archaeology in the public sphere?

WBB: What archeology would look like is what I'm trying to do right now - here at the Dubois site in Massachusetts, and another site I'm about to embark on in the Bahamas. It's an archaeology where we as archaeologists don't take the lead. It's called an engaged archaeology; a community-based archaeology.

Imagine an archaeology in which you talk to people - you literally engage with a community that will be affected by the work you might do; prior to writing a grant or digging a site. That's the archaeology that we should do - based on the community's needs - which is how public engaged archeology is, as is feminist archaeology. But that's still putting archeologists in a position of power, and that makes it hard to break free of our perceived notions in the field.

We have to ask "what does this mean to you all?" and that will generate continued support from the community. Instead of focusing on getting that big grant, or writing that book or getting tenure, it would be more of a chance to dialogue with people and get the ability to admit, "I never even thought of that before."

ME: Elaborate on this, and if you might provide an example?

WBB: For me that's kind of one of the visions that I see this archaeology engaged with, which came from the African burial ground in New York City. That was an engaged community project. From that site in the early '90s, historically archeology changed. We had to be held accountable beyond our funding sources and our colleagues. One of my visions is to create this thing I call a living archeology, which is relevant to living people who want to hear the truth about how one approaches a site, and its research.

ME: In her book, "The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness," Michele Alexander talks about the evolution of institutionalized anti-black discrimination - that it still exists and is terribly detrimental to the lives of African-Americans, but is in many ways unspoken and/or hidden in public discourse, especially now that we have a part African president. What about, as you say in your book, this "transition from overt racism to a new and veiled culturally-based racism?" Please illuminate this further.

WBB: I think that the cultural racism moves beyond color in a way that it allows the problem to persist. It is also class, and the denial of the existence of class in the West. The reason I say this is because cultural racism can mean that you're not discriminating against black people, it becomes a blame game or an exercise in exclusion. At the University of Texas, affirmative action was [deemed] illegal. Professor Lino Graglia had the perspective that Africans and Latinos do not value education. He said it wasn't based on race, but on cultural identities. It was based on people who valued education and certain people who didn't. So, affirmative action was taken by people who didn't deserve to be there; in culturally racist terms, not biological racist terms.

It's [racism] touted in very masked terms, that people are no longer using Jim Crow derogatory names for us, but there are actions - and our values are [mis]interpreted in ways; that's why we are discriminated against. This is very racist rhetoric that is now couched in cultural and class-based argument. Anthropologists state DNA race is not a biological fact, but the effects of race are very real.

ME: Racism seems to have many tentacles and continues to grow new ones.

WBB: This thing called new cultural racism is just as detrimental to black and Latino people as a Jim Crow situation. You can say race doesn't exist anymore, but the fact that I'm still getting followed when I go into a store is evidence of how I'm still living. Race is here to stay.

ME: Yes, so let's look at gender. What is your definition of feminism, and what happens when that word is enlisted with archaeology?

WBB: Feminism is the ability to recognize how gender - and men have gender too, by the way - influences how we see the past, present and future. It is the ability to recognize how different members of a community or social group connect or contribute to maintaining that community.

I do a lot of work looking at home sites, where people live, act, grow, learn, love and die. There are people who are remembered, and then there are people who are invisible. In terms of labor - in terms of a daily function of a household - feminism brings out the contribution of all members of a household and community. It forces us to recognize how we value and devalue different members of our society, including children.

Women's labor is often invisible, because it's not seen as bringing money in, in a capitalist society. However without these functions - these jobs - the capitalist world does not exist. These things have to be fulfilled.

As a woman, feminism allows me to understand the contributions of women of the past, also allowing me to relate to young women in ways that bring out gender in a society where [many] young women don't know there was ever a fight to get equal pay; to not work inside the house exclusively. Many generations take for granted going to college or working in places where men work. These things are important to understating our past, or where we are now.

Feminism allows how women contribute to a larger understanding of our general past.

ME: And what about your personal process with this?

WBB: Feminism was not something that was easily claimed. It was a hard road for me to call myself a feminist, because I associated feminism with second wave - mostly white women's - movements that did not include me or my foremothers. It did not appeal to me.

It was based on a lot of myths, on my part. But as I began to focus on women in my work, I realized I could not do work without having a feminist approach.

ME: I see, and in your work who and what specifically are you hoping and seeking to find?

WBB: The key word is everyday people; in the sense of, I have three children, and I was very close to my grandmothers. Those are the gamuts for me. In between that, I feel, is me.

When I say everyday people, I'm talking about the lives and experiences of people - in how we see the lives of people. Archaeology is supposed to look at everyday people who are the not the Thomas Jeffersons or the Barack Obamas.

ME: And through professions like archaeology and anthropology, lives are reconstructed and remembered?

WBB: Archaeology provides the material base; the tangible evidence of someone's life. The feminist element - whose existence might be erased by time - and the black, brings these things together in a way that could be influential. We can tell the stories of our ancestors, however menial what they did was. Those are the stories that black feminist archeology can tell. Those are the stories that I can tell my children and other children - that show our contribution in building and the maintenance of the US. Without those stories, our history is skewed between those who have and have not.

I want to use archaeology in a way that I'm literally pulling everyday people out of the ground. Our stories are everywhere and they need to be highlighted, so that our children don't have to doubt what our contributions are in this society and this world.

ME: I see this as a new and more encompassing understanding of archaeology, serving more broadly and with more intent.

WBB: The term archeology is not unfamiliar, but most of us are not in the profession and may not know - beyond the material culture - the value of this work, especially as it relates to engaged members of the African Diaspora.

I think archaeology is an untapped resource for the exploration of the African past. We're doing archeology in different places across the globe, and fortunately there is a constant push to dialogue with each other, wherever we are.

Some of it is part of a painful process when you're from the larger descendent community. By that I mean that there are not a lot of archeologists of African descent. It's a very isolating kind of existence, and sometimes you have to decide if you're going to be part of that ancestry decent or be a researcher and scholar. It's difficult, because there are not a lot of archeologists of African descent: Are you a descendent or are you a scholar? That's a big bone of contention.

For me, you don't have to be a black woman to do this kind of archeology. You just have to open your mind to consider learning about perspectives you might be unfamiliar with; to think differently about the past.

ME: So, here's this: What if we were all black women?

WBB: That's a very deep statement.

I've imagined what it might be like to be a black male. I'm married to one and I have two sons. We live in Amherst - the Happy Valley - where there is supposedly no racism here, but there is. What if we leave the Happy Valley? I would have to prepare myself and my sons. And, how do we prepare for this? I have to be honest with myself; discussing this and interacting on a social level for a second.

Imagining if you were a black male, how would you handle certain situations; the same, if you were a black female? Imagine as an archaeologist digging a site, would you see anything differently if you were a black woman? That perspective shakes the comfort zone, but is what I hope some of this work does.

ME: And that seems to get to the heart of your book.

WBB: I wrote this book for the archeology community, but also for my community - to keep our stories alive.

Afro-American archaeologist practice historical archaeology and excavate slave and free Black settlements .

Posted by the lioness, (Member # 17353) on :
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
Originally posted by the lioness,:
why isn't Runoko Rashidi as famous as Jay Z ?

Uncle Tom Negroes are afraid that if they accept true Black history their white friends may not like them.


Clyde, yet Rashidi and yourself do have some audience, Rashidi does lectures some people attend.
Comparitively Mike remains anonymous.
Have you ever encouraged Mike to reveal himself publically?
Don't other Black folk perceive a person and their message weak or suspect if the person delivering it seems too scared to reveal their identity to the public?
analagously It's like a gay person in the closet
Posted by Child Of The KING (Member # 9422) on :
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
Originally posted by the lioness,:
Don't other Black folk perceive a person and their message weak or suspect if the person delivering it seems too scared to reveal their identity to the public?

What is YOUR true name and where do YOU live?
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
^What happened Lioness, Cat got your tongue?

Stupid degenerate Bitch.
Posted by the lioness, (Member # 17353) on :
I must have hit a nerve
Mike must be hidiing something
There has to be some reason he won't come out of the black European closet. Maybe he has a deformity of some kind
Clyde can help you overcome whatever fears you might have in the coming out process
In the mean time please be polite around here, you shouldn't treat woman like that

As for me and my name, my ideas aren't original enough, they aren't that different from mainstream anthropology, the general public wouldn't be interested in who I am.

But Mike has a special new message. He's trying to wake up Blacks in America
His message is that most of us are not African Americans. Most of us are Black Europeans.
Most blacks in America didn't come over in ships from Africa It's a myth
Blacks had been living in Europe for thousands of years before being deported to America.
So all this corporate Budweiser history is not really our history, we had been living in Europe for at least 45,000 years and haven't been in Africa since then. That's the history of other Black folk, our African ancestors of the very distant past.
Why do some Blacks believe it, and some don't??

Not only that Mike has a website
And he promotes that idea as well as other novel views on world history.

I'm just Mike's therapist,

the general public is not interested in who Mike's therpist is, they don't even know who Mike is

Posted by the lioness, (Member # 17353) on :
I'm going to stop commenting on this thread for a while, ausar pm'd me to go easy on Mike.

carry on where Mike left off.

(but I must warn everybody. if I see my name come up I might have to say something)

peace out, lioness
Posted by mena7 (Member # 20555) on :
I remember buying that Budweiser African history posters collection in the 1990 s.
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
Back to the topic:

As I see it, some people take history - anybody's history - like they do politics. It has nothing to do with their everyday lives, therefore it is unimportant and not worth the time to contemplate it.

These are of course lower rung people.
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
^Before I discussed the myopic over-comer, who is totally focused on overcoming what they told him he was. i.e. Born of a Slave Race of lower intelligence and ability, good only for serving his betters - the Albino people.

Another of the "Keep your distance from it types" is the "Jilted Lover" type of disbeliever.

These are people who in their younger days may have been full of zeal for discovering their origins, but were unfortunate enough to come into contact with some of the charlatans of historical research: these are the rich niggers who tell Blacks what the Albino people want them to know, and in return are handsomely compensated for their trouble.

Then there are those who were unfortunate enough to come into contact with the "Soap Box Nigger": These can be found on streets the world over. I have never listened to them long enough to tell you their full routine. But it heavily involves mystical religion and Blacks wearing funny cloths. After that, I can see why people might want to stay away from people claiming to know history.
Posted by Nebsen (Member # 13728) on :
Wow, how did this topic degenerate from Black history & the wonderful posters by Anheusen Busch ,in which I had many in the early 90's to calling other Black people the N word in the last post !
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
Originally posted by Nebsen:
Wow, how did this topic degenerate from Black history & the wonderful posters by Anheusen Busch ,in which I had many in the early 90's to calling other Black people the N word in the last post !

THE "N" WORD????

So a word scares you huh?

Are you Albino?
Posted by Tukuler (Member # 19944) on :
The producers were quite clear that
African history, not black history,
was the subject of the paintings.

In the 70's there was a grassroots
boycott of Budweiser due to their
discriminatory practices toward
black employees and in hiring blacks.

To compensate that negative mass effect
Anheuser-Busch issued the Great African
campaign in ads, calendars, and
posters marketed to blacks featuring
the most popular black cultural item
at the time; African heritage.

Anhueser-Busch just reflected what
was found in the African history
books blacks at that time used
when teaching the subject:

* du Bois Africa and the World: an inquiry into the part which Africa has played in world history
* Rogers World's Great Men of Color, 3000 BC to 1946 AD
* de Graft-Johnson African Glory
* Ajayi A Thousand Years of West African History
* Dobler & Brown Great Rulers of the African Past
* Davidson African Kingdoms
* Chu & Skinner A Glorious Age in Africa
* Jackson Introduction to African Civilizations

Although meant to save A-B's ass
the series was and remains the
most widely distributed popular
medium in the USA on African
pre-modern personalities. Not
even Johnson pubs since Negro
Digest / Black World
have produced
its like.
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :

These old Books:

The Dictionary of National Biography (DNB) by Stephen Leslie 1832-1904: A standard work of reference with articles on more than 29,000 notable figures from British history. It was originally published in 63 volumes between 1885 and 1900.

The Scottish nation; or, The surnames, families, literature, honours, and biographical history of the people of Scotland (1877) by William Anderson, 1805-1866

The Memoirs of the Secret Services of John Macky, Esq. (1733)

All describe a Britain mostly ruled by Black people.

I am wondering what is going through your disbelieving minds.

The evidence is building up on you, yet there is this eerie silence.

You are obviously torn, every fiber of your being tells you that the Albino man cannot be doubted. But yet, here is all of this evidence building up.

Share your thoughts with us.

Tukuler, as usual, you give wide berth to this sort of thing, plus as an African we know your mindset. But mightn't you share your thoughts with us? It might give the others courage to do the same.
Posted by DHDoxies (Member # 19701) on :
WRONG Mike, stop trying to steal other peopole's histories and get used to the idea you are AFRICAN, Whitey hater.
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
^Doxie, I can't believe you're so Chickenshit.
I addressed you on the other thread, with no response.
Yet you respond here?


Got you on the run, don't I.
Posted by DHDoxies (Member # 19701) on :
Nope, do you always respond to my posts Mike, I thought not Whitey hater.
Posted by asante-Korton (Member # 18532) on :
Mike is just a self hating uncle tom negro, he is ashamed of his african roots and worships europeans which would explain why he calls himself black european LMAO
Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Originally posted by asante-Korton:
Mike is just a self hating uncle tom negro, he is ashamed of his african roots and worships europeans which would explain why he calls himself black european LMAO

Mike is just expressing the truth that Afro-Americans should respect themselves. We are a unique people. Our ANCSETORS not only came from Africa, they were also Native Black Americans, Black Europeans and as a result of the Atlantic slave trade Africans , and East Indians.

How dare you call Mike an uncle tom. His research shows that he loves and respect the history of Black People. The only problem you have is that Mike has discovered that Blacks in the USA, have varying backgrounds some with roots in Europe and Asia, other with roots as Native Black Americans. As a result, he does not have to follow the European myth that Blacks in America are only the descendants of African slaves.

Many Black Americans are beginning to recognize that Africans and Asians are using our fight for freedom to come to the USA--disrespect us and ride on our backs to get ahead economically.

No one is ashamed of their African roots. Mike just accepts the fact that Africans sold us into slavery and now have the nerve to disrespect us, while trying to benefit from our fight for civil rights. Some Black Americans are tired of the fact that while Black Americans fought and died to get our rights, African people allow their leaders to oppress them, while the leaders steal the wealth of African nations and live the high life.

We respect African history, but how can you respect Africans today who murder and rape their own people so they can become leaders of their African nations and sell their natural resources to enrich themselves, and let the people suffer.

Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
Originally posted by asante-Korton:
Mike is just a self hating uncle tom negro, he is ashamed of his african roots and worships europeans which would explain why he calls himself black european LMAO

Here you are right and wrong.

First, I don't believe that I do have recent African roots.
But if I did, I would definitely be be ashamed of it, because it ties me to way too many people like you!

Here is why: in spite of copious evidences that the story of Europe given to us by the Albino people is a lie, you cannot bear to think of the Albino people as anything but your betters. And well you might, because they, and any other humans with the capacity to think, are indeed your betters.

And sadly, as I said, too many Africans unashamedly think as you do. And to compound your stupidity, you do not even realize how alone you are in the world community. To put it bluntly, who likes Africans? Did it ever occur to you that there might be a reason for that?
Posted by asante-Korton (Member # 18532) on :
Originally posted by Mike111:
Originally posted by asante-Korton:
Mike is just a self hating uncle tom negro, he is ashamed of his african roots and worships europeans which would explain why he calls himself black european LMAO

Here you are right and wrong.

First, I don't believe that I do have recent African roots.
But if I did, I would definitely be be ashamed of it, because it ties me to way too many people like you!

Here is why: in spite of copious evidences that the story of Europe given to us by the Albino people is a lie, you cannot bear to think of the Albino people as anything but your betters. And well you might, because they, and any other humans with the capacity to think, are indeed your betters.

And sadly, as I said, too many Africans unashamedly think as you do. And to compound your stupidity, you do not even realize how alone you are in the world community. To put it bluntly, who likes Africans? Did it ever occur to you that there might be a reason for that?

First, I don't believe that I do have recent African roots.
But if I did, I would definitely be be ashamed of it, because it ties me to way too many people like you!

Post some DNA evidence that you or any african americans have no connection to west africa and i'll believe you, and don't give me any of the that DNA is the white mans bullshit.

Here is why: in spite of copious evidences that the story of Europe given to us by the Albino people is a lie, you cannot bear to think of the Albino people as anything but your betters. And well you might, because they, and any other humans with the capacity to think, are indeed your betters.
I don't care about Europe, I only care about Africa and its future not what some black european did 1000's of years ago. The only person who thinks that white people are there betters is you.

And sadly, as I said, too many Africans unashamedly think as you do. And to compound your stupidity, you do not even realize how alone you are in the world community. To put it bluntly, who likes Africans? Did it ever occur to you that there might be a reason for that?
Lonely in the world? there are 1 billion of us and plenty more across the diaspora that Identify with us, how many black would love to be identified with being a black european? Maybe Allen west or Larry elder would like that that title [Big Grin]
Posted by asante-Korton (Member # 18532) on :
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
Originally posted by asante-Korton:
Mike is just a self hating uncle tom negro, he is ashamed of his african roots and worships europeans which would explain why he calls himself black european LMAO

Mike is just expressing the truth that Afro-Americans should respect themselves. We are a unique people. Our ANCSETORS not only came from Africa, they were also Native Black Americans, Black Europeans and as a result of the Atlantic slave trade Africans , and East Indians.

How dare you call Mike an uncle tom. His research shows that he loves and respect the history of Black People. The only problem you have is that Mike has discovered that Blacks in the USA, have varying backgrounds some with roots in Europe and Asia, other with roots as Native Black Americans. As a result, he does not have to follow the European myth that Blacks in America are only the descendants of African slaves.

Many Black Americans are beginning to recognize that Africans and Asians are using our fight for freedom to come to the USA--disrespect us and ride on our backs to get ahead economically.

No one is ashamed of their African roots. Mike just accepts the fact that Africans sold us into slavery and now have the nerve to disrespect us, while trying to benefit from our fight for civil rights. Some Black Americans are tired of the fact that while Black Americans fought and died to get our rights, African people allow their leaders to oppress them, while the leaders steal the wealth of African nations and live the high life.

We respect African history, but how can you respect Africans today who murder and rape their own people so they can become leaders of their African nations and sell their natural resources to enrich themselves, and let the people suffer.


Clyde you and uncle mike don't even believe in the same thing.
Posted by Child Of The KING (Member # 9422) on :
So now we degrading Africans to make ourselves feel better??

Africans are not hated worldwide because Africans have not went to other countries to steal their lands and force there languages on them.

Look at the Philippians. They call themselves after a White man for crying out loud.

I love Filipnos, but until they change the country name, I will always laugh at them for there stupidity worshioping a man. Filipions have many characteristics for greatness but that name they call themselves filipions will always hold them back and make them think of being mind slaves to Europe instead of there own people. Nasme me 1 African country named after a European...

Africa for all it's fault is growing fast. Rwanda etc are the fastest GROWING IN THE WORLD.

Posted by the lioness, (Member # 17353) on :
The fact of the matter is that the albinos knew what they were doing when they named a haplgroup "E"

That stands for European but they covered up it's true origin.

The fact of the matter is that BLACKS (aka Catholics) ruled Europe until the mid 1600s

here's the proof:

We know that during the "Thirty Years Wars" and subsequent wars (mid 1600s), Black Catholics were defeated by the forces of the insurgent Albino Protestants.


At the end of the "Thirty Years Wars" (1618–1648), which involved The Emperor of the Black Holy Roman Empire and his allies: The Papal armies, Spain, Poland, Bavaria: Against the insurgent Albino forces from: France (now under Albino control), England, Russia, the Dutch, Sweden, Transylvania, Hesse-Kassel, and the Palatinate (Please remember this name). Saxony, Brandenburg, and Denmark - switched alliances.

The result: 40% of the population killed.


At the end of the "English Civil Wars" (1642–51) which pitted Black Britons against Albino Britons.

The result: England suffered a 3.7% loss of population, Scotland a loss of 6%, Ireland loss 41% of its population.

The "Glorious Revolution" (1688) which pitted Albino Dutch and British against Black British.

The "Jacobite Wars" (1688 - 1746) which pitted Albino British against Black British who wanted the return of a Black monarchy (the House of stuart).

The result: Unknown number killed.

Note; Scotland had become a center of Black power - while the loss of 6% of it population is terrible, it pales when compared to what happened in Ireland (41%). That would soon be remedied.

In other words most AAs are not of recent African descent
Most of us haven't had contact with Africans for 45,000 years
Swarthy Southern Italians and Spanish are more African than we are, truth be told

The first thing we need to do is to return to Catholicism, our original religion and move on from that traditional Black foundation and get politcal

No more albino based Protestantism or homo-atheism


Black people of America, Europe is our Motherland return to your roots

Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Originally posted by Child Of The KING:
So now we degrading Africans to make ourselves feel better??

Africans are not hated worldwide because Africans have not went to other countries to steal their lands and force there languages on them.

Look at the Philippians. They call themselves after a White man for crying out loud.

I love Filipnos, but until they change the country name, I will always laugh at them for there stupidity worshioping a man. Filipions have many characteristics for greatness but that name they call themselves filipions will always hold them back and make them think of being mind slaves to Europe instead of there own people. Nasme me 1 African country named after a European...

Africa for all it's fault is growing fast. Rwanda etc are the fastest GROWING IN THE WORLD.


Nobody's degrading Africans.Africans in many cases don't respect Afro-Americans.

You must of never seen the Africa series done by Henry Gates.Gates spoke to the descendant of African slave traders. After all we suffered they showed no remorse. In fact they acted as if they would do it today if they had the opportunity.

Name the English speaking Afrocentric professors of West African origin: None. Name the Africans speaking out against the treatment of Afro-Americans: None.

Most of the Africans I have known, pay lip service to Afro-American issues, behind our back they talk about us negatively to whites. Look at the Somalis in Seattle and Los Vegas they are very bias against Blacks and think they're white.
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
^It would be just as well if this line of conversation ends. But I must say that in giving it some thought, Africans invariably think themselves in possession of a wisdom that neither I nor anyone else, can see.

Take the responses of the Africans here on ES. They ignore logic, while repeating with what I call, "Village Wisdom". That is nonsense which makes sense only to the ignorant.

They proudly proclaim that they are Africans, seemingly with no clue that to the rest of the world that is a negative.

When you look at what they do in their own land, and how they are externally, you must conclude that they are just as delusional as the Albino people.
Posted by asante-Korton (Member # 18532) on :

This nigger talks as if he knows everything and has so much more knowledge than everyone else lol your a funny man uncle mike
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
Originally posted by asante-Korton:

This nigger talks as if he knows everything and has so much more knowledge than everyone else lol your a funny man uncle mike

See, that's what I mean:

Ass-hole, I have been doing deep research for over 15 years, Clyde even longer.


But what, because you are an African, you would compare yourself to ME???

Damn, as I said, you people are delusional.
Posted by asante-Korton (Member # 18532) on :
Originally posted by Mike111:
Originally posted by asante-Korton:

This nigger talks as if he knows everything and has so much more knowledge than everyone else lol your a funny man uncle mike

See, that's what I mean:

Ass-hole, I have been doing deep research for over 15 years, Clyde even longer.


But what, because you are an African, you would compare yourself to ME???

Damn, as I said, you people are delusional.

Yet you spend your life on here lol talk about a waste of 15 years lol you must have some african blood in you cause you are one delusional nigger
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
Originally posted by asante-Korton:
Yet you spend your life on here lol talk about a waste of 15 years lol you must have some african blood in you cause you are one delusional nigger

You are even more simple-minded than I thought.

Tukuler, would you care to educate your countryman as to why we are here, rather, have to be here.
Posted by asante-Korton (Member # 18532) on :
Uncle Mike what size are you?

Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
Originally posted by Mike111:
Originally posted by asante-Korton:
Yet you spend your life on here lol talk about a waste of 15 years lol you must have some african blood in you cause you are one delusional nigger

You are even more simple-minded than I thought.

Tukuler, would you care to educate your countryman as to why we are here, rather, have to be here.

See, that's why you people can't progress, you don't try to educate each other.

Tell the boy why you are here!
Posted by asante-Korton (Member # 18532) on :
Originally posted by Mike111:
Originally posted by Mike111:
Originally posted by asante-Korton:
Yet you spend your life on here lol talk about a waste of 15 years lol you must have some african blood in you cause you are one delusional nigger

You are even more simple-minded than I thought.

Tukuler, would you care to educate your countryman as to why we are here, rather, have to be here.

See, that's why you people can't progress, you don't try to educate each other.

Tell the boy why you are here!

Yeah we are from the same country named africa
Posted by asante-Korton (Member # 18532) on :
Originally posted by Mike111:
Originally posted by Mike111:
Originally posted by asante-Korton:
Yet you spend your life on here lol talk about a waste of 15 years lol you must have some african blood in you cause you are one delusional nigger

You are even more simple-minded than I thought.

Tukuler, would you care to educate your countryman as to why we are here, rather, have to be here.

See, that's why you people can't progress, you don't try to educate each other.

Tell the boy why you are here!

Progression from this


to this

Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
^Didn't know that I was conversing with just a Dumb-Assed Kid. It all makes sense now.
Posted by asante-Korton (Member # 18532) on :
Originally posted by Mike111:
^Didn't know that I was conversing with just a Dumb-Assed Kid. It all makes sense now.

Yes you are just to smart for everyone one here you have some much more knowledge than anyone else here, you have some many followers who believe in your black americans are really black european group.
I hope when i grow up I can be just like my uncle mike
Posted by the lioness, (Member # 17353) on :

Black History



Mikean History


Posted by Tukuler (Member # 19944) on :
Originally posted by asante-Korton:

Yeah we are from the same country named africa


Sorry bub but Africa is a continent with more than 50 countries.

I'm here because in 2004 Ausar invited me to the original ES AE&E.
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
^When I asked you to educate that ignorant little boy as to why you are here, I meant why you are STILL here after these ten years.

Very well, I will educate him.

We the unaffiliated learned in the sciences of history and anthropology have no choice but to be here on ES. Because it is one of the few places where we can exchange data and vet our thinking and conclusions.

Now, even more than before, because cruelly, as the quality of participation on ES declines, other venues are closing down also. The way things are going, soon there will be no place for researchers to challenge the Albino peoples lies.
Posted by the lioness, (Member # 17353) on :
Originally posted by Mike111:
The way things are going, soon there will be no place for researchers to challenge the Albino peoples lies.

how sad
Posted by Tukuler (Member # 19944) on :
Bump 4 gr8 Kings posters pg1
Posted by jantavanta (Member # 20328) on :
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Child Of The KING:
[qb] So now we degrading Africans to make ourselves
Name the English speaking Afrocentric professors of West African origin: None. Name the Africans speaking out against the treatment of Afro-Americans: None.......

Most of the Africans I have known, pay lip service to Afro-American issues, behind our back they talk about us negatively to whites. Look at the Somalis in Seattle and Los Vegas they are very bias against Blacks and think they're white.

How about Prof Wole Soyinka? Most of the Africans you come in contact with have only experienced White People as Tourists and Expats. Nobody in Africa is taught about the history of oppresion of AAs, other than "they have been set free and are best in sports and music!"

There are few of us who are self-taught and who are disposed to know more than what is on CNN.

The solution is not for AAs to run to Catholicism or Islam.
Posted by lamin (Member # 5777) on :
How about Prof Wole Soyinka? Most of the Africans you come in contact with have only experienced White People as Tourists and Expats. Nobody in Africa is taught about the history of oppresion of AAs, other than "they have been set free and are best in sports and music!"

There are few of us who are self-taught and who are disposed to know more than what is on CNN.

University students in West Africa do learn of the Atlantic Slave Trade and they use such texts as The History of West Africa by Ajayi and Crowder. They learn about the Haitian Revolution and other revolts in places like Brazil, Cuba, and U.S.

But it's 2 way street. In the Americas the history of West Africa/Africa is hardly taught as an explanation of the African populations now living in the Americas. In Africa, the history of Africa as developed by Cheikh Diop and the history of the forced migration of Africans into the Americas is not taught that much. The fault lies with the text-book industry in Africa itself.
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
Originally posted by jantavanta:
How about Prof Wole Soyinka? Most of the Africans you come in contact with have only experienced White People as Tourists and Expats. Nobody in Africa is taught about the history of oppresion of AAs, other than "they have been set free and are best in sports and music!"

There are few of us who are self-taught and who are disposed to know more than what is on CNN.

The solution is not for AAs to run to Catholicism or Islam.

Wait, Wait, Wait, Wait:

The last African country to achieve INDEPENDENCE was just 21 years ago when South Africa struck a deal with the Afrikaners.

And ALREADY Africans FORGOT their history - that they were conquered, colonized, and abused by Albinos????

WOW - You people are worse off that I thought!

Well just to show what a nice person I am, here is a list or your independence days. If they ask you what they got independence from: well, just tell them that it was something bad.

List of all African countries and their Independence Days, colonial names and former colonizers.


Algeria July 5th, 1962 France
Angola November 11th; 1975 Portugal
Benin August 1st; 1960 French
Botswana September 30th, 1966 Britain
Burkina Faso August 5; 1960 France
Burundi July 1st; 1962 Belgium
Cameroon January 1st; 1960 French-administered UN trusteeship
Cape Verde July 5th; 1975 Portugal
C.A.R August 13th; 1960 France
Chad August 11th, 1960 France
Comoros July 6th; 1975 France
Congo August 15th; 1960 France
Congo DR June 30th; 1960 Belgium
Cote d'Ivoire August 7th; 1960 France
Djibouti June 27th; 1977 France
Egypt February 28th, 1922 Britain
Eq Guinea October 12; 1968 Spain
Eritrea May 24th; 1993 Ethiopia
Ethiopia over 2000 years,
Never colonized (formerly)
Kingdom of Aksum --
Gabon August 17th; 1960 France
Gambia February 18th; 1965 Britain
Ghana 6 March 1957 Gold Coast Britain
Guinea October 2nd; 1958 France
Guinea Bissau 10 September 1974
24 September 1973 Portugal
Kenya December 12th, 1963 Britain
Lesotho October 4th; 1966 Britain
Liberia July 26th; 1847 American colonization Society
Libya December 24; 1951 Italy
Madagascar June 26th; 1960 France
Malawi July 6th; 1964 Britain
Mali September 22nd; 1960 France
Mauritania November 28th; 1960 France
Mauritius March 12th, 1968 Britain
Morocco March 2nd; 1956 France
Mozambique June 25th; 1975 Portugal
Namibia March 21st; 1990 South African mandate
Niger August 3rd; 1960 France
Nigeria October 1st, 1960 Britain
Rwanda July 1st; 1962 Belgium administered UN trusteeship
SaoTomePrincipe July 12th; 1975 Portugal
Senegal April 4th; 1960 France
Seychelles June 29th; 1976 Britain
Sierra Leone April 27th; 1961 Britain
Somalia July 1st; 1960 British Somaliland
Italian Somaliland Britain
South Africa 11 December 1931,
April 1994(end of apatheid) Union of South Africa Britain
Sudan January 1st; 1956 Egypt, Britain
Swaziland September 6th; 1968 Britain
Tanzania April 26th, 1964 Britain
Togo April 27th; 1960 French administered UN trusteeship
Tunisia March 20th; 1956 France
Uganda October 9th; 1962 Britain
Zambia October 24th; 1964 Britain
Zimbabwe April 18th; 1980 Britain
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
You must of never seen the Africa series done by Henry Gates. Gates spoke to the descendant of African slave traders. After all we suffered they showed no remorse. In fact they acted as if they would do it today if they had the opportunity.

Name the English speaking Afrocentric professors of West African origin: None. Name the Africans speaking out against the treatment of Afro-Americans: None.

Most of the Africans I have known, pay lip service to Afro-American issues, behind our back they talk about us negatively to whites. Look at the Somalis in Seattle and Los Vegas they are very bias against Blacks and think they're white.

Could it be that Africans are genetically programmed to forget
everything they have experienced every twenty years or so,
and that is why they don't know their history?

I know it sounds crazy, but is that any crazier than their reality?
Posted by jantavanta (Member # 20328) on :
Originally posted by Mike111:
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
You must of never seen the Africa series done by Henry Gates. Gates spoke to the descendant of African slave traders. After all we suffered they showed no remorse. In fact they acted as if they would do it today if they had the opportunity.

Name the English speaking Afrocentric professors of West African origin: None. Name the Africans speaking out against the treatment of Afro-Americans: None.

Most of the Africans I have known, pay lip service to Afro-American issues, behind our back they talk about us negatively to whites. Look at the Somalis in Seattle and Los Vegas they are very bias against Blacks and think they're white.

Could it be that Africans are genetically programmed to forget
everything they have experienced every twenty years or so,
and that is why they don't know their history?

I know it sounds crazy, but is that any crazier than their reality?

It is a very crazy reality that African countries got only flagship independence.

The Colonial Masters handed over to their faithful servants, went back to Europe, took off their military uniforms, changed into suits, and returned to Africa!

The forgetting of our history was effected by missionary schools, churches and mosques.

In my primary school, I was taught that colonial masters,Francis Drake, Christopher Colombus, Mungo Park where great people. I was never taught about the massacre during the Invasion of Benin Kingdom. Goldilocks, Cinderella, Jack & Jill, Beauty & The Beast, Gulliver's Travels and Caucasian (or Albino) centered religions are the genetic programming that controls Africans.

History is maintained by national festivals. No African country celebrates its indigenous festivals at the national level, (except for the Reed Festival of Southern Africa)

In China and Japan, no government official bears an European or Arab name. That is Independence.
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
^Well now, don't you sound like a proper Black man!

See there, you DO remember.

And all I had to do was figuratively slap you-up-side-your-head a few times, to get you to remember who and what you are.

You must be young, because all I get is failure with the older delusional types like lamin.
Posted by CelticWarrioress (Member # 19701) on :

Correction ohh White child killah. Jantavanta is a Black racist,Black supremacist who is just as Anti-White,Pro-White genocide,& Anti-White children having a future as you are.
Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Originally posted by Mike111:
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
You must of never seen the Africa series done by Henry Gates. Gates spoke to the descendant of African slave traders. After all we suffered they showed no remorse. In fact they acted as if they would do it today if they had the opportunity.

Name the English speaking Afrocentric professors of West African origin: None. Name the Africans speaking out against the treatment of Afro-Americans: None.

Most of the Africans I have known, pay lip service to Afro-American issues, behind our back they talk about us negatively to whites. Look at the Somalis in Seattle and Los Vegas they are very bias against Blacks and think they're white.

Could it be that Africans are genetically programmed to forget
everything they have experienced every twenty years or so,
and that is why they don't know their history?

I know it sounds crazy, but is that any crazier than their reality?

Africans are not genetically programmed to forget everything. The problem with Africa is its leaders. Since forever, when people defeat a nation, they take their leaders and educate them in the culture of the victors. As a result, due to the education and training of African leaders, Africa remains undeveloped and behind the rest of the world.

This mis-education has been perpetuated by African nations adopting the education system of the West which does not relay to them the values necessary to rule their own people in a way that benefits African people.

The failure of African leadership and political behavior ,and, in turn African nations can best be explained by Bio-Politics. Bio-Politics is the role biology plays in determining political behavior. It recognizes that behavor is the result of the interaction between chemicals and electricity.

Melanin provides Africans with speed and percision in the use of the brain and cognitive abilities. This cognitive superiority is most effective when African people are educated in a traditional manner that encourages knowledge building within the the contexts of "right doing".

Today, Africans have become left brained. They lack a moral base due to their western or Wahabbi (Islam) training. This allows them to abuse their people without using any self-control . Read the article below I wrote on this topic back in 1984.



Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
Bravo Clyde - the specifics don't matter, it is the fact that you recognized the problem early on, and tried to address it.

Now if only the Africans themselves, would do that. Their track record is not good, but hope springs eternal.
Posted by kdolo (Member # 21830) on :
'As a result, due to the education and training of African leaders, Africa remains undeveloped and behind the rest of the world.'

I wish it were that simple Clyde. It is not. The best example is the Japanese.

After meeting admiral Perry in 1854, they realized that there were outmatched in most areas...even political,social, and military organization.

What did they do ?? They sent scores of young Japanese to the premier Western institutions of lear about every imaginable and relevant arts and sciences. Upon return, they immediately placed those returnees in positions of power in order to change the society to make it more competitive.

They were so successful that by 1905, they were able to.defeat the Russians in the Russo Japanese War. They went from a medieval society to 'modern' undustrial
state in about 50 years !. They were abke to beat 'the man' at his own game.

The problem with Africa then is not the Western educated is possible that the numbers of Western educated leaders is insufficient to combat uncompetetive cultural practices ????

Or maybe their populations are too slow overall ??
Posted by jantavanta (Member # 20328) on :
Originally posted by Mike111:
^Well now, don't you sound like a proper Black man!

See there, you DO remember.

And all I had to do was figuratively slap you-up-side-your-head a few times, to get you to remember who and what you are.

You must be young, because all I get is failure with the older delusional types like lamin.

I was introduced to African Consciousness while a student barely two decades ago. So, I have plenty years to re-educate myself.

I am very conscious of my childhood miseducation. It is when that chilhood miseducation is transferred to the next generation that it becomes a genetic programming.

Development requires knowledge of self, as a cultural framework for the successful application of the Western Education that the Japanese elite where sent out to acquire. Did they return with Caucasian wives? No. Did African students return with Caucasian wives? Plentiful.

It is those rejected-by-Europe Caucasian wives that became wives of Presidents and Cabinet Members.

Therefore, all policies were in reality, made by those wives to favour our ex-colonial masters.

Have you read Ngugi Wa Thiongo's White Devil on The Cross?
Posted by kdolo (Member # 21830) on :
Have you read Ngugi Wa Thiongo's White Devil on The Cross? No. But I will.

Did African students return with Caucasian wives? Plentiful.

....and why do you think this is ?

Why did the Japanese have knowledge of self and the African not ?? How could the African not have knowledge of self ...
Posted by jantavanta (Member # 20328) on :
Well said Dr Winters. An attempt was made in the late 70s to educate more students in sciences, but it produced more pastors and imams. The teaching of sciences was done without a relevant cultural framework. As a science student, I was taught this White Man, that White Man invented this, discovered that. Chemistry was not taught in a way that connected me with the resources of my immediate environment. So, I would be sitting on wealth without knowing how to extract my living out of it.

Geography was taught to make me accept that the cold weather of europe was better for development.

I had the High School subject option of Christian Religious Knowledge or Islamic Religious Knowledge, but no African Religious Knowledge. To make me reject anything African. The collective result on our psyche was a tendency towards mass dependency on our colonial masters. Can it happen in Japan?
Posted by lamin (Member # 5777) on :
Clyde, so how do you explain the extreme violence meted out on their people by the Russians during Stalin's purges. Thousands and thousands were summarily executed. Or the Turks' cruel genocide of the Armenians. Then Mao's Cultural Revolution that led to children killing parents on account of their ideological purity. Plus European Americans slaughtering each other during the Civil War.

Then today in the Islamic world nothing in African history matches the cruel slaughters of the Islamists in West Asia: sons slaughtering mothers, fathers gleefully murdering daughters to maintain "family honour", slaughters after slaughters for very trivial matters.

One important variable is that those African leaders who showed the right temperament were all killed by the West--through the fault of negligence. Examples: Lumumba, Sankara, Biko, Mondlane, Cabral, Ghaddafi. nkruhmah escaped death but he was overthrown through Western intrigue. Kill Lumumba and replace him with Mobutu. Kill Biko and replace him with Apartheid compromisers, etc.
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
Originally posted by kdolo:

Did African students return with Caucasian wives? Plentiful.

....and why do you think this is ?

Why did the Japanese have knowledge of self and the African not ?? How could the African not have knowledge of self ...

African men have an impediment that Asian men DON'T have:

Contrary to Doxies nonsense, Albino women WANT Black men - not Asian men.

It is therefore up to Africans to demand democratic election, so that they may REJECT those with Albino wives.
Posted by Fencer (Member # 22259) on :
I personally think that the reason some reject it is because they have trouble believing whites would go to such degenerate levels as to mess with artifacts and teach a very delusional history. Would you be so readily to accept that you have people that degenrate at the helm of a lot of the goings on and controls of western society?

What would you do in the immidate circumstance if you had found out the head of your house was a mentally unstable serial killer? Sure you saw elements of abusiveness you could pass off with some excuse but to have evidence right there that things are more serious than a simple drunken beating every so often, it would call for more responsibility to seriously consider doing something.
Posted by jantavanta (Member # 20328) on :
Originally posted by kdolo:
Have you read Ngugi Wa Thiongo's White Devil on The Cross? No. But I will.

Did African students return with Caucasian wives? Plentiful.

....and why do you think this is ?

Why did the Japanese have knowledge of self and the African not ?? How could the African not have knowledge of self ...

Five Hundred Years ago, the Portuguese reached Africa and Japan. Many Japanese were converted to Christianity. James Clavell's Shogun was set in that period.

Japan was able to collectively take a decisive action and drive away the european traders and forcefully reconvert their population back to Shintoism. Africa could not do something similar. Destruction of Black Civilization by Chancellor Williams explains why. In summary, Africa had been invaded for over one thousand years before the Portuguese reached Japan.

African students returned with Caucasian wives, because in the childhood psyche of the African student, he had been bonded to Caucasian women through Hans Christian Anderson & Grimms Brothers fairy tales, Bible & Quaran verses, history textbooks that venerarate Caucasians, etc. The Caucasian Wife became the unattainable that could not be resisted.

Japanese were taught that Caucasians were barbarians. With that, there is no way a Japanese student would think of returning with a Caucasian wife.
Posted by Mindovermatter (Member # 22317) on :
Please don't refer to albino's as "caucasians", that's another of their false terms that they like lie about and deploy to their own benefit.
Posted by jantavanta (Member # 20328) on :
Originally posted by lamin:
Clyde, so how do you explain the extreme violence meted out on their people by the Russians during Stalin's purges. Thousands and thousands were summarily executed. Or the Turks' cruel genocide of the Armenians. Then Mao's Cultural Revolution that led to children killing parents on account of their ideological purity. Plus European Americans slaughtering each other during the Civil War.

Then today in the Islamic world nothing in African history matches the cruel slaughters of the Islamists in West Asia: sons slaughtering mothers, fathers gleefully murdering daughters to maintain "family honour", slaughters after slaughters for very trivial matters.

One important variable is that those African leaders who showed the right temperament were all killed by the West--through the fault of negligence. Examples: Lumumba, Sankara, Biko, Mondlane, Cabral, Ghaddafi. nkruhmah escaped death but he was overthrown through Western intrigue. Kill Lumumba and replace him with Mobutu. Kill Biko and replace him with Apartheid compromisers, etc.

Religion and Ideology makes people to become sworn enemies of each other.

Nkhurumah was very watchful to have escaped being killed.
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
Originally posted by jantavanta:
The Caucasian Wife became the unattainable that could not be resisted.

Fine - Africans (above and below the Sahara) and the Arabs too - they have more Mulattoes than anybody - couldn't resist colorless pussy.

Okay then, you made your bed, so stop bitchin and trying to fuch-up the rest of the world.

If lamin would just say that, instead of all that other nonsense, I would leave him alone.
Posted by jantavanta (Member # 20328) on :
Originally posted by Mindovermatter:
Please don't refer to albino's as "caucasians", that's another of their false terms that they like lie about and deploy to their own benefit.

Okay. We know that they have no origin in Caucasus, and are still looking for their roots. [Smile]
Posted by jantavanta (Member # 20328) on :
Originally posted by Mike111:
Originally posted by jantavanta:
The Caucasian Wife became the unattainable that could not be resisted.

Fine - Africans (above and below the Sahara) and the Arabs too - they have more Mulattoes than anybody - couldn't resist colorless pussy.

Okay then, you made your bed, so stop bitchin and trying to fuch-up the rest of the world.

If lamin would just say that, instead of all that other nonsense, I would leave him alone.

Japan eas just one nation. Africa is thousands of nations. To take a collective decision would not have been easy.
Posted by CelticWarrioress (Member # 19701) on :

See ohh White child killah who can't go for one post without using racist epithets. I told you Jantavanta is a lying,history stealing,Black racist,Black supremacist who is just as Anti-White,Pro-White genocide,& Anti-White children having a future & wants to destroy them just as much as you do. Hate to tell you Mike,the majority of White women don't want you despite what propaganda tells you. You are the rudest, most arrogant,selfish,loudest,hateful,ungentlemanly,unchivalrous,disrespectful,abusive group of men on the planet. Not to mention not many White girls want to be Nicole Simpsoned or our White children from previous marriages murdered by the Black boyfriend. Nope most White women prefer our own men.
Posted by Mindovermatter (Member # 22317) on :
Originally posted by jantavanta:
Originally posted by Mindovermatter:
Please don't refer to albino's as "caucasians", that's another of their false terms that they like lie about and deploy to their own benefit.

Okay. We know that they have no origin in Caucasus, and are still looking for their roots. [Smile]
Do you spend time on here at all? We have already figured out their "roots", and that's in Central Asia and Siberia and as African albino's in Northern Europe.

All the White groups are albino's but they are all genetically distinct groups. Modern euro albino's are the result of African Black albino's and Indian albino's from India mixing together. Although Southern Europe is an exception to this.
Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Originally posted by kdolo:
Clyde, your theory is wrong.

the proof. JAPAN.

Japan sent scores to be educated in the West after the disaster the encountered with Commodore Perry. Upon return, they placed those returnees in positions of authority immediately with explicit directions to modernize Japan in all main aspects.

Within 50 years or so Japan went from medieval to modern industrial state powerful enough to defeat a Western state.

The problem then with African states is other than what you it possible that not enough Africans have been educated at a high level in the West and then are not put into positions of authority or given directions to help make their societies moee competitive.

I believe the latter to be the case because Blacks, both in the West and Africa tend to suffer from a chronic anti intellectualism that the East Asian do not suffer from.

Instead of studying 'the man' and borrowing from him practices that may make you more competitive, Blacks would reject the premise that their is anything to learn outright. (See typical Afrixan respinse to Mike's theories)

In many Black cultures, even displaying an intellectual bent is considered to be 'acting white'....and that is said as an insult.

My theory is correct. The Japanese were never colonized.

After the Japanese forced out the Portuguese they did not allow Westerners back into Japan until the Meiji era.

During the Meiji the Japanese began to send out students to the West to learn about Western technology. The Japanese who acquired these western skills were never made leaders of anything. They taught the skills to others.Their supervisors were always Japanese nurtured in Japan.

In this way the Japanese was able to control the spread of Western Knowledge. By not allowing the Westernized Japanese to hold prominent positions Japanese recognized that they had to attain merit through the Japanese traditions. Not simply by obtaining Western training.
Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Originally posted by lamin:
Clyde, so how do you explain the extreme violence meted out on their people by the Russians during Stalin's purges. Thousands and thousands were summarily executed. Or the Turks' cruel genocide of the Armenians. Then Mao's Cultural Revolution that led to children killing parents on account of their ideological purity. Plus European Americans slaughtering each other during the Civil War.

Then today in the Islamic world nothing in African history matches the cruel slaughters of the Islamists in West Asia: sons slaughtering mothers, fathers gleefully murdering daughters to maintain "family honour", slaughters after slaughters for very trivial matters.

One important variable is that those African leaders who showed the right temperament were all killed by the West--through the fault of negligence. Examples: Lumumba, Sankara, Biko, Mondlane, Cabral, Ghaddafi. nkruhmah escaped death but he was overthrown through Western intrigue. Kill Lumumba and replace him with Mobutu. Kill Biko and replace him with Apartheid compromisers, etc.

It boil down to left brain and right (white) brain. All these nations where we have the most difficulty are "white" and speak Indo-European languages. It is the Indo-European Muslims (and the Muslims in Africa that follow their doctrine) who practice the Wahabbi and Hanifi fiqhs which are the most anti-female and muderous Muslim groups.

Stalin was a good old European who taught the Chinese Marxism. The Chinese were copying off the left brain Europeans they looked up to.

The Japanese are right brained and you find that they are not doing the horrendous things perpetrated by people who follow the left brain Europeans. They are Westernized, but their culture and society will not allow the people to practice all the mean and evil things associated with the European West.
Posted by kdolo (Member # 21830) on :
"During the Meiji the Japanese began to send out students to the West to learn about Western technology. The Japanese who acquired these western skills were never made leaders of anything. They taught the skills to others.Their supervisors were always Japanese nurtured in Japan.

In this way the Japanese was able to control the spread of Western Knowledge. By not allowing the Westernized Japanese to hold prominent positions Japanese recognized that they had to attain merit through the Japanese traditions. Not simply by obtaining Western training."

Clyde. We have had this discussion before. You were wrong them and you are wrong now. QFjAA&usg=AFQjCNG7VeeWFoq-t8BQf2GOWv3ZgWKGig
Posted by Fencer (Member # 22259) on :
Sorry to steer the topic Mike but I wanted to know if the story of black slaves getting the surname of their owners was a BS cover to hide that they already had those names because they were transported from Europe? Also wanted to know how some Albino's got the (such as Jacobites) surnames, were they servants in Europe?
Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Originally posted by kdolo:
"During the Meiji the Japanese began to send out students to the West to learn about Western technology. The Japanese who acquired these western skills were never made leaders of anything. They taught the skills to others.Their supervisors were always Japanese nurtured in Japan.

In this way the Japanese was able to control the spread of Western Knowledge. By not allowing the Westernized Japanese to hold prominent positions Japanese recognized that they had to attain merit through the Japanese traditions. Not simply by obtaining Western training."

Clyde. We have had this discussion before. You were wrong them and you are wrong now. QFjAA&usg=AFQjCNG7VeeWFoq-t8BQf2GOWv3ZgWKGig

LOL. This does not prove me wrong. I said they sent them out, but they were never given powerful positions so people would respect the Japanese culture.
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
Originally posted by Fencer:
Sorry to steer the topic Mike but I wanted to know if the story of black slaves getting the surname of their owners was a BS cover to hide that they already had those names because they were transported from Europe? Also wanted to know how some Albino's got the (such as Jacobites) surnames, were they servants in Europe?

You have no idea what a great question that is.

Having matched many owners to their Slaves and finding no connect in surname, and no previous ownership by that surname, it does appear that many retained their original names.

But keep in mind that together Paleoamericans and Africans needed new names. How they chose their English names is not known by me, but the sheer number of Washington's, Jones, Smiths, Browns, etc. is proof that famous people and vocation was the source of many. Then there were the incident names like Bledsoe, which I believe immortalizes a grievous injury.
Posted by Mindovermatter (Member # 22317) on :
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
Originally posted by lamin:
Clyde, so how do you explain the extreme violence meted out on their people by the Russians during Stalin's purges. Thousands and thousands were summarily executed. Or the Turks' cruel genocide of the Armenians. Then Mao's Cultural Revolution that led to children killing parents on account of their ideological purity. Plus European Americans slaughtering each other during the Civil War.

Then today in the Islamic world nothing in African history matches the cruel slaughters of the Islamists in West Asia: sons slaughtering mothers, fathers gleefully murdering daughters to maintain "family honour", slaughters after slaughters for very trivial matters.

One important variable is that those African leaders who showed the right temperament were all killed by the West--through the fault of negligence. Examples: Lumumba, Sankara, Biko, Mondlane, Cabral, Ghaddafi. nkruhmah escaped death but he was overthrown through Western intrigue. Kill Lumumba and replace him with Mobutu. Kill Biko and replace him with Apartheid compromisers, etc.

It boil down to left brain and right (white) brain. All these nations where we have the most difficulty are "white" and speak Indo-European languages. It is the Indo-European Muslims (and the Muslims in Africa that follow their doctrine) who practice the Wahabbi and Hanifi fiqhs which are the most anti-female and muderous Muslim groups.

Stalin was a good old European who taught the Chinese Marxism. The Chinese were copying off the left brain Europeans they looked up to.

The Japanese are right brained and you find that they are not doing the horrendous things perpetrated by people who follow the left brain Europeans. They are Westernized, but their culture and society will not allow the people to practice all the mean and evil things associated with the European West.

This is false, you have to provide sources that show that the Japanese are right-brained because the current Japanese just copy and mimic what has been created by others and so do other Asians.

Also the whole Right brain/left-brain thing has been debunked and refuted already by many mainstream neuroscientists; the fact of the matter is that Humans use BOTH sides of the brain but each individual using either side depends on the individual themselves; but humans use both sides of the brain.

It is documented in this book:

Also Mohammed was a child molestor, pedophile, warlord, and a rapist, and the charles manson/jim jones of his time. There is absolutely nothing deep or meaningful in the false religion of Islam and frankly it belongs in the stone age. Everything in that stupid religion is plagiarized and stolen off earlier religions from Mohammed's time period.

Infact there is even theories out there that Islam was created by the Vatican and Mohammed might have been agent of them in creating an arabian religion to enslave people to the abrahamic faiths.
Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Originally posted by Mindovermatter:
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
Originally posted by lamin:
Clyde, so how do you explain the extreme violence meted out on their people by the Russians during Stalin's purges. Thousands and thousands were summarily executed. Or the Turks' cruel genocide of the Armenians. Then Mao's Cultural Revolution that led to children killing parents on account of their ideological purity. Plus European Americans slaughtering each other during the Civil War.

Then today in the Islamic world nothing in African history matches the cruel slaughters of the Islamists in West Asia: sons slaughtering mothers, fathers gleefully murdering daughters to maintain "family honour", slaughters after slaughters for very trivial matters.

One important variable is that those African leaders who showed the right temperament were all killed by the West--through the fault of negligence. Examples: Lumumba, Sankara, Biko, Mondlane, Cabral, Ghaddafi. nkruhmah escaped death but he was overthrown through Western intrigue. Kill Lumumba and replace him with Mobutu. Kill Biko and replace him with Apartheid compromisers, etc.

It boil down to left brain and right (white) brain. All these nations where we have the most difficulty are "white" and speak Indo-European languages. It is the Indo-European Muslims (and the Muslims in Africa that follow their doctrine) who practice the Wahabbi and Hanifi fiqhs which are the most anti-female and muderous Muslim groups.

Stalin was a good old European who taught the Chinese Marxism. The Chinese were copying off the left brain Europeans they looked up to.

The Japanese are right brained and you find that they are not doing the horrendous things perpetrated by people who follow the left brain Europeans. They are Westernized, but their culture and society will not allow the people to practice all the mean and evil things associated with the European West.

This is false, you have to provide sources that show that the Japanese are right-brained because the current Japanese just copy and mimic what has been created by others and so do other Asians.

Also the whole Right brain/left-brain thing has been debunked and refuted already by many mainstream neuroscientists; the fact of the matter is that Humans use BOTH sides of the brain but each individual using either side depends on the individual themselves; but humans use both sides of the brain.

It is documented in this book:

Also Mohammed was a child molestor, pedophile, warlord, and a rapist, and the charles manson/jim jones of his time. There is absolutely nothing deep or meaningful in the false religion of Islam and frankly it belongs in the stone age. Everything in that stupid religion is plagiarized and stolen off earlier religions from Mohammed's time period.

Infact there is even theories out there that Islam was created by the Vatican and Mohammed might have been agent of them in creating an arabian religion to enslave people to the abrahamic faiths.

Of course Humans use both sides of the brain but some prefer the use of one side more than another. Right brain left brain has not been debunked . We know that lateralization exist, this is the preference to use one brain region more than others. White people prefer to use the right brain, just like mot people of other nationalities who follow their lead.

I will not even comment on your comments about Muhammad, because they are unfounded and why should I engage in discourse with someone on a topic they don't have a clue.
Posted by Bonampak420 (Member # 20156) on :
Originally posted by Mike111:
Originally posted by Fencer:
Sorry to steer the topic Mike but I wanted to know if the story of black slaves getting the surname of their owners was a BS cover to hide that they already had those names because they were transported from Europe? Also wanted to know how some Albino's got the (such as Jacobites) surnames, were they servants in Europe?

You have no idea what a great question that is.

Having matched many owners to their Slaves and finding no connect in surname, and no previous ownership by that surname, it does appear that many retained their original names.

But keep in mind that together Paleoamericans and Africans needed new names. How they chose their English names is not known by me, but the sheer number of Washington's, Jones, Smiths, Browns, etc. is proof that famous people and vocation was the source of many. Then there were the incident names like Bledsoe, which I believe immortalizes a grievous injury.

I had a posting on this site But cant find it anymore it must have been deleted. I had found a book that lists names of all goldsmiths in london and a trade sign that i found had the image of a black man on it, It was similar to the one below but he wasnt in moorish attire. He was a goldsmith and dealer in emeralds

It was similar to these European Blacks
Trade sign with moorish attire

It was in this book
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
^Nice find Bonampak420, keep digging!

Hmmm, I suppose this means that Albinos have been lying, why that's enough to ruin a young boys faith.
Posted by real expert (Member # 22352) on :
Originally posted by Mike111:
In some quarters this has become a hot question regarding Black history as newly revealed: Why some Blacks believe it, why some don't.

First let me say that many Whites freely admit that they too believed that White History was a bogus re-write....

But this is about Blacks:

I have been in communication with Blacks who tell me that some Blacks are completely disbelieving of newly revealed Black History, in spite of the copious proofs submitted in support.

Who do you mean by white? Many white liberals feel so sorry for you black Americans that they think give them something to be proud of. Therefore some white liberal allow and support Afrocentrics to steal other people's history and identity. Political correctness is running wild these days.

Many Africans reject Afrocentrism because they know that most black Americans have almost a pathological need to steal other people's history and identity. They know that black Americans want to escape from their REAL identity and their West African Bantu ancestery for dwelling in a glorious past they never had.

Dude wake up from your delusion!!! It's very pathetic. The crappy unscientific term BLACK HISTORY is a joke since each people including black Africans have their own specific history.

Furthermore ancient Egytians were predominantly neither European white nor negroid but Nothern African of their own kind and the today Egyptians are more or less their genetical descendants. You like most Afrocentrics present for the most part feel good myth and no facts. Africans know the REAL Africa and not the made up fictional Africa and the so called black history of black American Afrocentrics that never set foot in Africa. The so called newly revealed BLACK HISTORY is mostly made up nonsense that is an insult to the intelligence of people with some brain.

Not all black Americans and Africans have self-esteem issues, are so desperate, so full of disdain for and ashamed of their real history to eat the brain dead afrocentric nonsense. Every person with a decent I.Q, with logical reasoning skills and common sense disbelieves the so called "newly revealed" Black History.

Claims, misrepresenting, twisting and distorting facts, made up feel good myth, half-truth mixed up with lies and fairytales ARE NOT copious proofs submitted in support. In addition to that black American panethnic identity formed in part because it was forced upon the Africans by the English slave masters. Just because white Massa lumped all African slaves in one group and reduced them on their black skin, black Americans copy and follow their masters and lump all Africans in one category. The light-skinned mixed race( half Arab, Semite/ Eastafrican) Ethiopians, Eritreans, the Bedja, Northern Sudanese etc. have no genetical, historical or cultural link to West Africans and black Americans. Even the Northeast African ancient Nubians that were pitch black are the ancestors of the modern day Sudanese and not of black Americans. Why you black Americans obsess over people and their history that have nothing to do with you?

Also black Americans like you think they can pick and choose their ancestors as long they can label them as BLACK. So black Americans can't even claim all Africans to be their people let alone non- African, non- negroid people outside Africa.

The point is that many Americans see history only through their American cultural lense and therefore often come to the wrong conclusions. Having the same skin colour doesn't make you the same people. The history of black Americans is not the HISTORY OF ALL Africans and vise versa therefore the Black HISTORY MONTH is a joke .
Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Originally posted by real expert:
Originally posted by Mike111:
In some quarters this has become a hot question regarding Black history as newly revealed: Why some Blacks believe it, why some don't.

First let me say that many Whites freely admit that they too believed that White History was a bogus re-write....

But this is about Blacks:

I have been in communication with Blacks who tell me that some Blacks are completely disbelieving of newly revealed Black History, in spite of the copious proofs submitted in support.

Who do you mean by white? Many white liberals feel so sorry for you black Americans that they think give them something to be proud of. Therefore some white liberal allow and support Afrocentrics to steal other people's history and identity. Political correctness is running wild these days.

Many Africans reject Afrocentrism because they know that most black Americans have almost a pathological need to steal other people's history and identity. They know that black Americans want to escape from their REAL identity and their West African Bantu ancestery for dwelling in a glorious past they never had.

Dude wake up from your delusion!!! It's very pathetic. The crappy unscientific term BLACK HISTORY is a joke since each people including black Africans have their own specific history.

Furthermore ancient Egytians were predominantly neither European white nor negroid but Nothern African of their own kind and the today Egyptians are more or less their genetical descendants. You like most Afrocentrics present for the most part feel good myth and no facts. Africans know the REAL Africa and not the made up fictional Africa and the so called black history of black American Afrocentrics that never set foot in Africa. The so called newly revealed BLACK HISTORY is mostly made up nonsense that is an insult to the intelligence of people with some brain.

Not all black Americans and Africans have self-esteem issues, are so desperate, so full of disdain for and ashamed of their real history to eat the brain dead afrocentric nonsense. Every person with a decent I.Q, with logical reasoning skills and common sense disbelieves the so called "newly revealed" Black History.

Claims, misrepresenting, twisting and distorting facts, made up feel good myth, half-truth mixed up with lies and fairytales ARE NOT copious proofs submitted in support. In addition to that black American panethnic identity formed in part because it was forced upon the Africans by the English slave masters. Just because white Massa lumped all African slaves in one group and reduced them on their black skin, black Americans copy and follow their masters and lump all Africans in one category. The light-skinned mixed race( half Arab, Semite/ Eastafrican) Ethiopians, Eritreans, the Bedja, Northern Sudanese etc. have no genetical, historical or cultural link to West Africans and black Americans. Even the Northeast African ancient Nubians that were pitch black are the ancestors of the modern day Sudanese and not of black Americans. Why you black Americans obsess over people and their history that have nothing to do with you?

Also black Americans like you think they can pick and choose their ancestors as long they can label them as BLACK. So black Americans can't even claim all Africans to be their people let alone non- African, non- negroid people outside Africa.

The point is that many Americans see history only through their American cultural lense and therefore often come to the wrong conclusions. Having the same skin colour doesn't make you the same people. The history of black Americans is not the HISTORY OF ALL Africans and vise versa therefore the Black HISTORY MONTH is a joke .


You don't know what you're talking about. The themes of Afro-American history in relation to the history of Black people are not new. Black researchers have written on these themes for 200 years. Today's genetics research make it clear the first Europeans were Blacks. Afro-Americans were aware of this fact for over a hundred years.

Below is a statement on the origin of Europeans by the first AA Professor of the Classics.


Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Afro-American scholars have met the standards of scholarship for almost 200 years supporting the role of Blacks in ancient history.

During this period Eurocentric researchers have attempted to whiteout , Blacks from history.


Knowledge is cumulative. In other words we build new knowledge on the research of the giants in our field. From your lack of knowledge about DuBois' it is clear you have no recognition of the fact that what you guys are writing about has already been discussed formerly, and your job should be confirming or disconfirming what these giants wrote.

I teach educational philosophy on occasion. In this class I just don't talk about contemporary educators I also talk about the Greek philosophers.

The themes Ironlion, Mike, Marc and I write about is part of a 200 year tradition of Afro-American scholarship. Many Afro-American researchers need to learn to respect your own scholars. Don't let white supremacy continue to blind you to the truths of history.

Afrocentrism, is a mature social science that was founded by Afro-Americans almost 200 years ago.

These men and women provided scholarship based on contemporary archaeological and historical research the African/Black origination of civilization throughout the world. These Afro-American scholars, mostly trained at Harvard University (one of the few Universities that admitted Blacks in the 19th Century) provide the scientific basis the global role played by African people in civilizing the world.


Afrocentrism and the africalogical study of ancient Black civilizations was began by Afro-Americans.The first researchers like Edward Blyden, used the Bible and Classical literature to write about the ancient history of Black people.

The foundation of any mature science is its articulation in an authoritive text (Kuhn, 1996, 136). The africalogical textbooks published by Hopkins (1905), Perry (1893) and Williams (1883) provided the vocabulary themes for further afrocentric social science research.

The pedagogy for ancient africalogical research was well established by the end of the 19th century by African American researchers well versed in the classical languages and knowledge of Greek and Latin. Cornish and Russwurm (1827) in the Freedom Journal, were the first African Americans to discuss and explain the "Ancient Model" of history.


These afrocentric social scientists used the classics to prove that the Blacks founded civilization in Egypt, Ethiopia, Babylon and Ninevah. Cornish and Russwurm (1827) made it clear that archaeological research supported the classical, or "Ancient Model" of history.

Edward Blyden (1869) also used classical sources to discuss the ancient history of African people. In his work he not only discussed the evidence for Blacks in West Asia and Egypt, he also discussed the role of Blacks in ancient America (Blyden, 1869, 78).

By 1883, africalogical researchers began to publish book on African American history. G.W. Williams (1883) wrote the first textbook on African American history. In the History of the Negro Race in America, Dr. Williams provided the schema for all future africalogical history text.

Dr. Williams (1883) confirmed the classical traditions for Blacks founding civilization in both Africa (Egypt, Ethiopia) and West Asia. In addition, to confirming the "Ancient Model" of history, Dr. Williams (1883) also mentioned the presence of Blacks in Indo-China and the Malay Peninsula. Dr. Williams was trained at Howard.


A decade later R.L. Perry (1893) also presented evidence to confirm the classical traditions of Blacks founding Egypt, Greece and the Mesopotamian civilization. He also provided empirical evidence for the role of Blacks in Phoenicia, thus increasing the scope of the ASAH paradigms.


Pauline E. Hopkins (1905) added further articulation of the ASAH paradigms of the application of these paradigms in understanding the role of Blacks in West Asia and Africa. Hopkins (1905) provided further confirmation of the role of Blacks in Southeast Asia, and expanded the scope of africalogical research to China (1905).

This review of the 19th century africalogical social scientific research indicate confirmation of the "Ancient Model" for the early history of Blacks. We also see a movement away from self-published africalogical research, and publication of research, and the publication of research articles on afrocentric themes, to the publication of textbooks.

It was in these books that the paradigms associated with the "Ancient Model" and ASAH were confirmed, and given reliability by empirical research. It was these texts which provided the pedagogic vehicles for the perpetuation of the africalogical normal social science.

The afrocentric textbooks of Hopkins (1905), Perry (1893) and Williams (1883) proved the reliability and validity of the ASAH paradigms. The discussion in these text of contemporary scientific research findings proving the existence of ancient civilizations in Egypt, Nubia-Sudan (Kush), Mesopotamia, Palestine and North Africa lent congruency to the classical literature which pointed to the existence of these civilizations and these African origins ( i.e., the children of Ham= Khem =Kush?).

The authors of the africalogical textbooks reported the latest archaeological and anthropological findings. The archaeological findings reported in these textbooks added precision to their analysis of the classical and Old Testament literature. This along with the discovery of artifacts on the ancient sites depicting Black\African people proved that the classical and Old Testament literature, as opposed to the "Aryan Model", objectively identified the Black\African role in ancient history. And finally, these textbooks confirmed that any examination of references in the classical literature to Blacks in Egypt, Kush, Mesopotamia and Greece\Crete exhibited constancy to the evidence recovered from archaeological excavations in the Middle East and the Aegean. They in turn disconfirmed the "Aryan Model", which proved to be a falsification of the authentic history of Blacks in early times.

The creation of africalogical textbooks provided us with a number of facts revealing the nature of the afrocentric ancient history paradigms. They include a discussion of:

1) the artifacts depicting Blacks found at ancient sites

recovered through archaeological excavation;

2) the confirmation of the validity of the classical and Old

Testament references to Blacks as founders of civilization in Africa and Asia;

3) the presence of isolated pockets of Blacks existing outside Africa; and

4) that the contemporary Arab people in modern Egypt are not the descendants of the ancient Egyptians.

The early africalogical textbooks also outlined the africalogical themes research should endeavor to study. A result, of the data collected by the africalogical ancient history research pioneers led to the development of three facts by the end of the 19th century, which needed to be solved by the afrocentric paradigms:

(1) What is the exact relationship of ancient Egypt, to Blacks in other parts of Africa;

(2) How and when did Blacks settle America, Asia and Europe;

(3) What are the contributions of the Blacks to the rise, and cultural expression ancient Black\African civilizations;

(4) Did Africans settle parts of America in ancient times.

As you can see the structure of Afrocentrism were made long before Boas and the beginning of the 20th Century.In fact , I would not be surprised if Boas learned what he talked about from the early Afrocentric researchers discussed in this post.

As you can see Afro-Americans have be writing about the Global history of ancient Black civilizations for almost 200 years. It was Afro-Americans who first mentioned the African civilizations of West Africa and the Black roots of Egypt. These Afro-Americans made Africa a historical part of the world.

Afro-American scholars not only highlighted African history they also discussed the African/Black civilizations developed by African people outside Africa over a hundred years before Bernal and Boas.

Your history of what you call "negrocentric" or Black Studies is all wrong. It was DuBois who founded Black/Negro Studies, especially Afro-American studies given his work on the slave trade and sociological and historical studies of Afro-Americans. He mentions in the World and Africa about the Jews and other Europeans who were attempting to take over the field.
There is no one who can deny the fact that Leo Hansberry founded African studies in the U.S., not the Jews.Hansberry was a professor at Howard University.

Moreover, Bernal did not initiate any second wave of "negro/Blackcentric" study for ancient Egyptian civilization. Credit for this social science push is none other than Chiek Diop, who makes it clear that he was influenced by DuBois.


Africalogical study of ancient history
There are four philosophical schools associated with the afrocentric study of ancient history: perennialist, essentialist, existentialist, and progressivist. The taxonomic system we use to classify the various afrocentric philosophical positions and related values affecting afrocentrism are modeled on philo-sophical developments associated with education.

We can use taxonomies of educational philosophies to discuss any proposed afrocentric curriculum because both education and philosophy are "cultural experiences". Moreover, because afrocentrism seeks to explain and delineate the story of African people, it clearly is a field of study which encompasses all aspects of the culture of Black and African people (Asante, 1990, 1991; Winters, 1994).

The perennialist afrocentrists study the great works. The adherents of this school include Martin Delaney (1978), Cornish and Russwurm (1827), Frederick Douglas (1966), and Edward Blyden (1869). These Afrocentrists see knowledge as truth, which is eternal.

The essentialist afrocentric school emphasize in their writing data that is well established through scientific research. Afrocentrists of this philosophical school include W. E. B. DuBois (1965, 1970), John Jackson (1974), C.A. Winters (1985, 1989, 1991, 1994) and Leo Hansberry (1981). They believe that as new research is published, it should be analyzed to discover how it relates to the ancient history of African and Black people to enrich our understanding of the past.

The existentialist afrocentrists believe that africalogical studies should thrive to teach African people to know more about themselves so we can have a better world. The afrocentric existentialists include J.A. Rogers, Anta Diop (1974, 1991), G.M. James (1954), Marcus Garvey (1966) and A.A. Schomburg (1979).

Research is the foundation of good science, or knowing in general. There are four methods of 1) Method of tenacity (one holds firmly to the truth, because "they know it" to be true); 2) method of authority (the method of established belief, i.e., the Bible or the "experts" says it, it is so); 3) method of intuition (the method where a proposition agrees with reason, but not necessarily with experience); and 4) the method of science (the method of attaining knowledge which calls for self-correction). To explain African origin of the Egyptians, I use the scientific method which calls for hypothesis testing, not only supported by experimentation, but also that of alternative plausible hypotheses that, may place doubt on the original hypothesis.

The aim of science is theory construction (F.N. Kirlinger, Foundations of behavior research, (1986) pp.6-10; R. Braithwaite, Scientific explanation, (1955) pp.1-10). A theory is a set of interrelated constructs, propositions and definitions, that provide a systematic understanding of phenomena by outlining relations among a group of variables that explain and predict phenomena.

Scientific inquiry involves issues of theory construction, control and experimentation. Scientific knowledge must rest on testing, rather than mere induction which can be defined as inferences of laws and generalizations, derived from observation. This falsity of logical possibility is evident in the rejection of the African origin of the Egyptians. These writers base their theories solely on observation--nonscientific knowledge is not science.
Karl Popper in The Logic of Scientific Discovery, rejects this form of logical validity based solely on inference and conjecture (pp. 33-65). Popper maintains that confirmation in science, is arrived at through falsification.

Therefore to confirm a theory in science one test the theory through regorous attempts at falsification. In falsification the researcher uses cultural, linguistic, anthropological and historical knowledge to invalidate a proposed theory. If a theory can not be falsified through yes of the variables associated with the theory it is confirmed. It can only be disconfirmed when new generalizations associated with the original theory fail to survive attempts at falsification.

In short, science centers on conjecture and refutation. Given 200 years of research in Afrocentrism, our job is to confirm the research into the role of Blacks in ancient history uncovered by the giants in Afrocentric Social Sciences discussed above.

Dr. Winters has written extensively on the ancient history of the African diaspora. He has numerous sites on the web were explains the ancient history of African people. His major work is Afrocentrism: Myth or Science . In Afrocentrism: Myth or Science Dr. Winters provides a detailed discussion of how to study Afrocentrism and provides an intimate and detailed study of the ancient Black civilizations outside Africa in Europe, Asia and the Americas.

The final afrocentric philosophical school is the progressivist. The afrocentric school of progressivism believes that we should have knowledge of the process and futuristic focus on afrocentric studies. The major exponent of this frame of reference is Molefi K. Asante (1991).

In general Diop (1974, 1991) caused an africalogical social scientific revolution because he was able to prove that Egypt was the archetypical civilization for many West Africans. This was an important discovery because almost all of the slaves that were sold in the United States had originally came from West Africa. Verification of the Egyptian origin of West Africans provided African Americans with relationship to the ancient Egyptians.
Moreover, Diop's use of linguistics, and anthropological evidence to confirm the African origin of Egypt eliminated the need for africalogical researchers to use the classical writers to prove the African origin of Egypt (Diop, 1977, 1978, 1981, 1986, 1987, 1988). This finding by Diop has led africalogical researchers to seek a better understanding of African philosophy through an interpretation of Egyptian philosophy.

Moreover, africalogical researchers like Dr.Winters, have also began the reconstruction of the Paleo-African language used by Blacks in prehistoric times (Anselin, 1982, 1982b, 1989; Winters, 1994) so that we will know more about the culture and civilization of the Proto-Africans. Dr. Winters in Before Egypt: The Maa Confederation, Africa's First Civilization, is about the Maa civilization. The Maa civilization existed in the Saharan highlands. The people of Maa founded many civilizations including Egypt, and Sumer.

Dr, Winters in Egyptian Language, Niger-Congo Speakers and the Mountains of the Moon , provides the linguistic evidence that confirms the hypothesis of Cheikh Anta Diop, L. Homburger, M. Delafosse that the Niger-Congo speakers and Egyptians had a common origin. In this book we argue that many Egytians living in the 22 sepats of Upper Egypt spoke Niger-Congo languages including the Bantu Fulani and Mande languages.

Egyptian Languages , provides the genetic, linguistic and archaeological evidence relating to the diverse Niger-Congo speakers who made up segments of the Egyptian nation. Readers of this book will learn that the Niger-Congo speakers originated in the Highland regions of Middle Africa: the Mountains of the Moon ; and that this population which later settled Upper Egypt, formerly belonged to the Ounanian culture.

Clyde Winters

The last major confirmation of the ASAH paradigms was made by Clyde Ahmad Winters (1977, 1979, 1981, 1983a, 1983c, 1983d, 1984, 1985) when he expanded our understanding of the role of Blacks\Africans in Indo-China, India and China; and the ancient literacy of Blacks (1979, 1983d, 1985c, 1986b). Using linguistic, anthropological and historical evidence, he proved that the earliest cultures of China and Indo-China were founded by Blacks from West Africa and modern Ethiopia (Winters, 1979, 1983d, 1985c, 1986b). In support of this history Dr. Winters has posted over 70 videos on YouTube.

Winters also made it clear that the earliest Japanese were Blacks and that Japanese is related to African languages (Winters, 1979, 1981, 1983a, 1983c, 1984). In addition he was able to prove that the founders of Xia and Shang were of African and Dravidian origin (1983c,1985c).

Using the findings of Wiener in regards to the writing of the Olmecs Winters discovered that the Blacks from West Africa left numerous inscriptions written in the Manding language (Winters, 1977, 1979, 1983a, 1985b) . Winters later discovered that due to the cognition between the Mande writing and ancient scripts used by the Minoans and Indus Valley he could read the Indus Valley Writing and the Linear A inscriptions (1985b).

• The study of Africans in ancient America has been fruitful. Dr. Leo Wiener, in Africa and the Discovery of America was the first to recognize that the ancient civilizations of Mexico had been incluenced by Africans. He was especially sure that the Mande speaking people influenced the religion and civilization of the Aztec and Maya people; and that the writing on the Tuxtla statuette was written in the Mande writing system.

Later Ivan van Sertima wrote an important book which highlighted the influence of Africans in Mexico. In They Came before Columbus, van Sertima discussed the African influence on the Olmec civilization, and the discovery of America by Abubakari, a ruler of the Mali empire in the 1300's A.D. Dr. Winters expands the discussion of Abubakari's voyage to America by discusing the colonies they left in North America and Brazil in his book African Empires in Ancient America.

Dr. Clyde Winters has written extensively on the African origins of the Olmec. He deciphered the Olmec language and since then he has published numerous websites where he discussed the Olmec Kings and their civilization. The most important work of Dr. Winters is Atlantis in Mexico, in this book Dr. Winters provides a detailed account of the migration of the Mande speaking people from Africa to the Americas. He explains that they called themselves Xi (Shi) or Si people and provides an informative discussion of the Mexican traditions regarding the expansion of the Olmec from the Gulf Coast, to the Pacific coast of Mexico.

Atlantis in Mexico will provide any researchers with a wealth of knowledge to understand the African origin of the Olmec. And the contributions of the Xi to the civilizations of Mexico.

Dr. Winters has expanded knowledge about the other Blacks who established colonies in the Americas before Europeans. In African Empires Ancient America,Dr. Winters discussed the Axumite, Mound Builders and other ancient Black Americans.

Proficiency in a language other than English, helped africalogical researchers conduct the normal africalogical social science. It was DuBois' (1965, 1970) and Hansberry's knowledge of German that allowed these afrocentrists to conduct research into the role of Blacks in Egypt and Ethiopia. J.A. Rogers mastered many languages including French and German to prove that Blacks inhabited almost every continent on the globe. Dr. C. A. Winters (1977,1981\1982, 1985, 1991, 1994) had to learn Arabic, Chinese, Malinke, Portuguese, Otomi, Mayan, Swahili, Tamil and Tokharian (Kushana) to conduct his africalogical studies of Blacks in Asia and the Americas. Dr. Wintes used his linguistic knowled to decipher the Olmec, Meroitic and Minoan writing systems. Dr, Winters gives a detailed explanation of his decipherment of Meroitic writing numerous Meroitic inscriptions deciphered and in his book: Meroitic Writing and Literature.

In the 1960's due to the rise of independence in the east African country of Tanzania, Swahili became a language used by africalogical scientists. Swahili terms were used to explain and define the phenomena associated with africalogy. This is one of the reasons that the terms used in the Kwanza ceremonies practiced by blacks are Swahili lexical items (Coleman, 1971).
Swahili is still among africalogical researchers but today Egyptian is recognized as the classical language for africalogical research (Wimby, 1980). Diop (1974,1991) popularized the idea that Egyptian should be used as the classical language for the study of ancient africalogical language and historical studies. As a result, most of the africalogical researchers today concentrate on Egypt and use Egyptian terms to explain the culture and Proto-African language of Africa people (Carruthers, 1977,1980).

Dr. Winters in Afrocentrism: Myth or Science , Has been able to update the literature regarding African civilizations in Asia, Europe and the Americas. This text provides the blueprint necessary for students to understand why the Afrocentric model of history continues to find support from the archaeological, linguistic and anthropological fields of study

This africalogical research by Winters (1981/1982, 1983b, 1983d, 1989a, 1991, 1994) made it clear that the first civilizations in Indo-China and China were founded by Blacks. He has also proved the lie to Hume's (1875) claim that Blacks have "No literacy" and "No letters".

These scholars recognized that the people of ancient Greece, Southeast Asia and Indo-China were African people. When giants in study of Afrocentrism discussed Blacks in Asia they were talking about people of African descent. So when you claim that these civilizations should be outside the study area of Afrocentric scholars you don't know what you're talking about.

These researchers used anthropological, archaeological historical and linguistic evidence to support their conclusions. It is only natural that these well founded hypotheses developed by these scholars can be supported by population genetics.


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Get up off your knees and learn from the Afro-American scholars who began the study of Blacks in ancient history.

In conclusion, Afrocentrism is a mature social science. A social science firmly rooted in the scholarship of Afro-American researchers lasting almost 200 years. Researchers like Marc Washington, Mike and I are continuing a tradition of scholarship began 20 decades ago. All we are doing is confirming research by DuBois and others, that has not been disconfirmed over the past 200 years.

Aluta continua.....The struggle continues.....

Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
Originally posted by real expert:
The history of black Americans is not the HISTORY OF ALL Africans and vise versa therefore the Black HISTORY MONTH is a joke.

I completely agree with you:

Black history as presented by U.S. Negroes IS a joke.


The concept of Black history by Africans like the idiot lamin is also a Joke.

Both of those miss the point that Black History is WORLD history.


Black History is HUMAN history.

You may educate yourself in both regards Here:
Posted by Ish Gebor (Member # 18264) on :
Originally posted by real expert:
Originally posted by Mike111:
In some quarters this has become a hot question regarding Black history as newly revealed: Why some Blacks believe it, why some don't.

First let me say that many Whites freely admit that they too believed that White History was a bogus re-write....

But this is about Blacks:

I have been in communication with Blacks who tell me that some Blacks are completely disbelieving of newly revealed Black History, in spite of the copious proofs submitted in support.

Who do you mean by white? Many white liberals feel so sorry for you black Americans that they think give them something to be proud of. Therefore some white liberal allow and support Afrocentrics to steal other people's history and identity. Political correctness is running wild these days.

Many Africans reject Afrocentrism because they know that most black Americans have almost a pathological need to steal other people's history and identity. They know that black Americans want to escape from their REAL identity and their West African Bantu ancestery for dwelling in a glorious past they never had.

Dude wake up from your delusion!!! It's very pathetic. The crappy unscientific term BLACK HISTORY is a joke since each people including black Africans have their own specific history.

Furthermore ancient Egytians were predominantly neither European white nor negroid but Nothern African of their own kind and the today Egyptians are more or less their genetical descendants. You like most Afrocentrics present for the most part feel good myth and no facts. Africans know the REAL Africa and not the made up fictional Africa and the so called black history of black American Afrocentrics that never set foot in Africa. The so called newly revealed BLACK HISTORY is mostly made up nonsense that is an insult to the intelligence of people with some brain.

Not all black Americans and Africans have self-esteem issues, are so desperate, so full of disdain for and ashamed of their real history to eat the brain dead afrocentric nonsense. Every person with a decent I.Q, with logical reasoning skills and common sense disbelieves the so called "newly revealed" Black History.

Claims, misrepresenting, twisting and distorting facts, made up feel good myth, half-truth mixed up with lies and fairytales ARE NOT copious proofs submitted in support. In addition to that black American panethnic identity formed in part because it was forced upon the Africans by the English slave masters. Just because white Massa lumped all African slaves in one group and reduced them on their black skin, black Americans copy and follow their masters and lump all Africans in one category. The light-skinned mixed race( half Arab, Semite/ Eastafrican) Ethiopians, Eritreans, the Bedja, Northern Sudanese etc. have no genetical, historical or cultural link to West Africans and black Americans. Even the Northeast African ancient Nubians that were pitch black are the ancestors of the modern day Sudanese and not of black Americans. Why you black Americans obsess over people and their history that have nothing to do with you?

Also black Americans like you think they can pick and choose their ancestors as long they can label them as BLACK. So black Americans can't even claim all Africans to be their people let alone non- African, non- negroid people outside Africa.

The point is that many Americans see history only through their American cultural lense and therefore often come to the wrong conclusions. Having the same skin colour doesn't make you the same people. The history of black Americans is not the HISTORY OF ALL Africans and vise versa therefore the Black HISTORY MONTH is a joke .

What a bunch of crackpot rubbish coming from this German.

UNBOXED: The World Beyond the West & the Problem of Eurocentrism

EUROCENTRISM (Western Colonialism)

By: Dr. Antoon De Baets

During most of the last two centuries,the prevailing popular view of world history held that a mainstream of facts could be identified in the flood of events taking place since the dawn of humanity. Essentially, this mainstream coincided with the history of Europe and its antecedents and successors—all the heirs and transmitters of civilization. The source of this stream of facts was located in Egypt and the Near East, and via Greece and Rome it slowly flowed westward to medieval western Europe. In the course of two colonization waves—the first starting in 1450, the second in 1870—it finally came to encompass the whole planet.



The mainstream principle reveals a broader tendency— namely, to perceive one’s own culture as the center of everything and other cultures as its periphery. This tendency is called ethnocentrism.


--Dr. Antoon De Baets
History Dept., Univ. of Groningen,

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