It appears that many do not like to do a great amount of reading. Hopefully this synopsis provides the pertinent information, though in a condensed form.
Thanks Clyde, didn't know you were still lurking.
DHDoxies Member # 19701
Awwww, Mike the Whitey killer, White people hating Black racist made himself a little video featuring his lies & blocked me from being able to call him out. What's the matter Whitey killers, don't like not being able to steal others histories, heritages, identities, & homelands without being challenged & don't like me calling you out publicly for the Whitey hating Black racist you are LOL?
Mike111 Member # 9361
Doxie dear, "calling out" is presenting debunking information. Simply calling someone names, while complaining of the same, is called hypocrisy. It doesn't disprove anything.
DHDoxies Member # 19701
Mike you are the epitome of a hypocrite. I only call you what you are Mike. I call you out for being exactly what you are, so that gullible Whites don't fall for your bull. BTW Mike, stop talking to yourself LOL, I know you have more than one youtube account & are using one of them to talk to yourself to make it seem like someone agrees with you LOL.
1. Black
2. You DO hate White people
3. You ARE Anti-White
4. You DO desire the extermination of Whites
5. You ARE a racist & bigot
6. You ARE A Black supremacist
7. You ARE a history/heritage/identity/homeland stealer
8. You ARE A liar
Mike111 Member # 9361
quote:Originally posted by DHDoxies: BTW Mike, stop talking to yourself LOL, I know you have more than one youtube account & are using one of them to talk to yourself to make it seem like someone agrees with you LOL.
1. Black
6. You ARE A Black supremacist (In that you believe that Blacks are naturally superior in certain ways). I mean, face it, the way some Blacks carry on, that cannot be a Blanket statement.
Doxie dear, I only have one youtube account. That makes your record 3 out of 9, which is not very good. You can't disprove anything I say, because what I say is the truth, so why not find something else to talk about.
DHDoxies Member # 19701
Nope I will NOT allow you to steal my people's history, our heritage, our identities, our homeland, our pride and it go unchallenged so I'm NOT going anywhere. I won't allow you to brainwash White youth & gullible Whites into believing what you say without them knowing exactly what you are a White people hating, Anti-White, Kill Whitey, bigotted, history stealing, lying, deceptive, sneaky, Black racist, Black supremacist who wishes to rob them of what is theirs. Who wants them to believe that their ancestors are Not their ancestors but are yours, that they have no identity, no heritage, no homeland to call their own, that their people have done nothing, accomplished nothing & have no reason to be proud as a people all the while degrading, demeaning, & dehumanizing them. My record is perfect when it comes to you ohh killer of all Whities LOL. You can't tell me that KnowYourself isn't YOU, I known better (they didn't post on any of your videos. You can't tell me this Michael Walley character isn't you, they parrot everything you have said here & on your site word for word, BUSTED. There's another you were talking to on one of your videos who parroted everything you say on your site word for word, you can't tell me that isn't you either, I'll find the name later.
Mike111 Member # 9361
Doxie dear, there are certain medications that would help you. No, I don't mean crystal meth.
DHDoxies Member # 19701
LOL Look who's talking about needing medications Mike. I'm in no way in need of medication,you on the other hand are in major need of medication. Who's the one who is trying to rob/deny who of what is theirs? That would be YOU not me. However there is no kind of medication that will cure your intolerable hatred towards Whites.
Mike111 Member # 9361
^How many times must I tell you, I love White people. Just because I expose the things Whites have done, and haven't done, does not mean that I hate them.
DHDoxies Member # 19701
Yeah yeah Mike sure we all know that's a lie. If I hated a people I might try to deny them of their history, their heritage, their identities, their ancestors, their homeland (like you are doing to Whites) all the while using racist epithets (like you do Albino) to demean, degrade, & dehumanize them.
Mike111 Member # 9361
^Doxie dear, Albino is not a racist epithet, it's the name of a medical condition.
the lioness, Member # 17353
quote:Originally posted by Mike111: ^Doxie dear, Albino is not a racist epithet, it's the name of a medical condition.
you're an asshole
Mike111 Member # 9361
quote:Originally posted by the lioness,:
quote:Originally posted by Mike111: ^Doxie dear, Albino is not a racist epithet, it's the name of a medical condition.
you're an asshole
Is that "Soul Sista" lioness, as indicated by the avatar speaking; Or is it her evil twin "Black Fronting Albino" Lioness speaking?
Mike111 Member # 9361
Lioness, You're not fooling anybody: Why not break loose and tell the truth for once? Start by admitting that you called me an asshole because there was nothing else that you could say. I speak the truth, you know it, and there is no way that you can disprove what I say.
Instead, why not call your own people assholes for the lies and mistruths that they spread?
Definition of ALBINO : an organism exhibiting deficient pigmentation; especially : a human being that is congenitally deficient in pigment and usually has a milky or translucent skin, white or colorless hair, and eyes with pink or blue iris and deep-red pupil
Oculocutaneous Albinism type 1 (OCA1)
OCA1 is caused by an alteration of the tyrosinase gene, and can occur in two variations. The first is OCA1a, and means that the organism cannot develop pigment at all. The hair is usually white (often translucent) and the skin very pale. Vision usually ranges from 20/200 to 20/400. The second is OCA1b, which has several subtypes itself. Some individuals with OCA1b can tan and also develop pigment in the hair. One subtype of OCA1b is called OCA1b TS (temperature sensitive), where the tyrosinase can only function below a certain temperature, which causes the body hair in cooler body regions to develop pigment (i.e. get darker). (An equivalent mutation produces the coat pattern in Siamese cats. Another variant of OCA1b, called Albinism, yellow mutant type (OMIM: 606952) is more common among the Amish than in other populations, and results in blonde hair and the eventual development of skin pigmentation during infancy, though at birth is difficult to distinguish from other types.
Oculocutaneous Albinism type 2 (OCA2)
The most common type of albinism, is caused by mutation of the P gene. People with OCA2 generally have more pigment and better vision than those with OCA1, but cannot tan like some with OCA1b. A little pigment can develop in freckles or moles. People with OCA2 usually have fair skin but often not as pale as OCA1, and pale blonde to golden, strawberry blonde, or even brown hair, and most commonly blue eyes.
Mike111 Member # 9361
O.T. In answer to the question:
Freeing the Black mind from centuries of programmed thinking, which has amounted to programmed stupidity, is my goal. I don't see how debating White scholars would accomplish that. I have to go to where the Black minds are, meager as they are.
Hmmm, lets test if I'm doing any good.
lamin - were there any Blacks in Europe?
DHDoxies Member # 19701
Found another of your Youtube accounts Mike, Kali Sayyid is YOU & I know it is because they spout the exact same bull word for word that you have on your site & that you spout here as well LOL. You are being exposed for the White people hating, deceptive, Black racist POS you are.
Mike111 Member # 9361
quote:Originally posted by DHDoxies: Found another of your Youtube accounts Mike, Kali Sayyid is YOU & I know it is because they spout the exact same bull word for word that you have on your site & that you spout here as well LOL. You are being exposed for the White people hating, deceptive, Black racist POS you are.
Kali Sayyid takes material for his videos from, just as I do. Why does that mean that we must be the same person?
mena7 Member # 20555
I have to look at Kali Sayyid video. I don't know him.
DHDoxies Member # 19701
Ohh come off it Mike, his videos have your MO all over them, be honest for once. If the person spouts it word for word exactly as it is spouted by someone else with nothing at all different it is the same person Mike come on, at least try to be original LOL. Unlike you I admit I have two Youtube channels Buffyjosmom that I use & one I made to f with the BHIs but never have used called either EdomiteQueen Or QueenEdomite don't remember LOL.
Mike111 Member # 9361
quote:Originally posted by DHDoxies: Ohh come off it Mike, his videos have your MO all over them, be honest for once. If the person spouts it word for word exactly as it is spouted by someone else with nothing at all different it is the same person Mike come on, at least try to be original LOL. Unlike you I admit I have two Youtube channels Buffyjosmom that I use & one I made to f with the BHIs but never have used called either EdomiteQueen Or QueenEdomite don't remember LOL.
Loons always find it hard to understand normal people. If I already have the ability to say exactly what I want to say, why would I need an alias to do it? Logic Doxie, Logic.