The Raising of Lazarus. 15th century. Novgorod school. The Russian Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia
Posted by IronLion (Member # 16412) on :
quote:Originally posted by IronLion: Muurs!
The Raising of Lazarus. 15th century. Novgorod school. The Russian Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia
The Crucifixion Novogrod School
Posted by IronLion (Member # 16412) on :
Birth of the Black Messiah Novogrod School of Art
Posted by mena7 (Member # 20555) on :
The Russian religious pictures always show black people and they make the head of the people wooly sometime to show their blackness.The white Russian are more honest then the white Western european who show white people in their religious pictures and worshiped the black Madona and child in secret in their basement.
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
^Be circumspect in your praise of Russian Albinos mena7, don't forget, they are Albinos too, and they killed off their Blacks too.
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
^Apologies Lion, I didn't know what the Novgorod School was, so I had to look it up. Maybe others also don't know, so I am posting it.
The Novgorod School is a Russian school noted for its icon and mural painters active from the 12th century through the 16th century in Novgorod. During this time, the Russian artists preserved Byzantine traditions, influenced by Theophanes the Greek, which became the framework for later Russian art.
Novgorod was an economic and cultural center in 13th and 14th century Russia, when most of the rest of the country was occupied by the Mongols. Novgordian artists preserved the Byzantine traditions that formed the basis of Russian art but introduced lighter and brighter colors, flatter forms, softening of facial types, and increasing use of a graceful, rhythmic line to define form. Until the early 14th century, artistic activity was dominated by mural painting. A new artistic impetus was provided by the introduction of the iconostasis. When icons were displayed together on the iconostasis rather than scattered about the walls of the church, they demanded a coherent overall impression, which was achieved by strong, rhythmic lines and color harmonies. Figures took on the elongated shape that became standard in Russian art.
Two Greek masters were particularly important to the development of the Novgorod School in 14th century, both of whom are mentioned by name in the chronicles: "the Greek Isaiah and companions" who did the frescoes of the Church of the Entry into Jerusalem in 1338, and Theophanes the Greek, who decorated the Church of the Savior of the Transfiguration with frescoes in 1378.
In the 16th century artistic leadership passed to the Moscow School.
Posted by IronLion (Member # 16412) on :
Thanks for inputtng the background context.
The Church at Novogrod
Posted by IronLion (Member # 16412) on :
The Entry into Jerusalem, Russian icon from the iconostasis in the Cathedral of St. Sophia:
quote:Originally posted by Chosen1: those are not blacks. those are Slavs and Ruska Romanians.
Chosen1 - Which part of Byzantine - as in Eastern Roman Empire - don't you understand?
And which part of that do you confuse with "Ruska Romanians" commonly called Russian Gypsies?
quote:Originally posted by Mike111: The Russian artists preserved Byzantine traditions, influenced by Theophanes the Greek, which became the framework for later Russian art.
Novgorod was an economic and cultural center in 13th and 14th century Russia, when most of the rest of the country was occupied by the Mongols. Novgordian artists preserved the Byzantine traditions that formed the basis of Russian art but introduced lighter and brighter colors, flatter forms, softening of facial types, and increasing use of a graceful, rhythmic line to define form.
Ofcourse they are Black skinned people, don't you have eyes?
Not gypsies. They are Muurs!
And yes, they were the rulers of the slavs....
Behold the Muureen:
Tsarina Maria Ilyinichna Miloslavskaya Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
English: Icon depicting The Cross of Kiy, a replica of the True Cross with holy relics commissioned by Nikon, Orthodox patriarch of Moscow, in 1656. On the left are the images of Saint Emperor Constantine the Great, Tsar Alexey Mikhaylovich and Patriarch Nikon. To the right: Saint Empress Helena and Tsarina Maria Ilyinichna. Date 1670s.
Maria Ilyinichna Miloslavskaya (1625–1669) was the first wife of tsar Alexis of Russia and mother of the tsars Feodor III of Russia and Ivan V of Russia, as well as regent princess Sophia Alekseyevna.
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
^Like all Albinos, Russians also have Fake paintings depicting important Black people in Russian history as Albinos.
quote:Originally posted by Mike111: ^Like all Albinos, Russians also have Fake paintings depicting important Black people in Russian history as Albinos.
I agree that Russia has an abundance of Roma and Sinti people, but...?
Гатчинский район, пос. Суйда, ул. Центральная, 4 Время работы: с 10.00 до 17.00, выходные - понедельник и вторник
Музей был открыт в 1999 г. Находится на территории бывшего поместья А.П. Ганнибала - прадеда А.С.Пушкина по материнской линии. Барский дом сгорел в 1897 г. Уцелели каменный гостевой флигель, дом упpавляющего, конюшня, а также пруд и парк, где находятся знаменитое Лукоморье и каменный диван-скамья. Музей занимает часть усадебного флигеля, который сейчас принадлежит ОПХ "Суйда".
quote:Originally posted by Troll Patrol: Mike111 and IronLion. Thanks for this education. I really did not know about this.
Troll Patrol - I think that you miss the point:
our point isn't that they're Black, that was already well known.
The point is that THEY were the "NATIVE" people/rulers and the Russ (Slavs) were the new people - immigrants.
From your link:
Gannibal: The moor of Petersburg, was a black African.
In 1727 to Ganibal (spelt with a single "n"), gesturing towards Hannibal, the great Carthaginian general and fellow African. Repatriated for his engineering skills in 1730, his career resumed its momentum. He flourished during the reign of Peter's daughter Elizabeth I, saw promotion to the rank of major-general and was made governor-general of Revel in Estonia. He married Eudoxia Dioper, the daughter of a Greek adventurer. Her infidelity led to a notorious divorce and allegations that, as a slave-owner and wife-owner, Ganibal was exceptionally cruel even by the standard of the day. Soviet apologists for this side of his character argued that it reflected his frustration and anger at the racial discrimination he suffered as a black man (to some degree attested by a reference in a surviving legal document where his first wife complains that "the blackamoor (arap) is not of our ethnicity").
Troll Patrol - You links are the typical Albino revisionist bullsh1t - did you not read them? Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
quote:Originally posted by Mike111: In 1727 to Ganibal (spelt with a single "n"), gesturing towards Hannibal, the great Carthaginian general and fellow African.
Some might recall that though Carthage was in Africa, Carthaginians were actually Phoenicians/Canaanites/Syrians/Lebanese - Middle Easterners.
Posted by IronLion (Member # 16412) on :
Novogrod and Kiev were the earliest seat of the Kingdom of Russ.
The original rulers of Kiev were Black people, Muurs of Kiev, as their paintings and pictures above and below will demonstrate.
They were members of the Muurish Orthodx church, considered themselves followers of the Black Christ and his Black Mother, and saw themselves as part of the Muurish Internationale since they were obviously politically connected with the Kingdom of Ethiopia which had a presence then in Albania, Georgia, and Abhkazia.
The Muurish Kievans ruled over the neighbouring slavs who had asked them to extend the beneficience of their wise governance and civilization to their territory.
Over time, they inter-married with their subjects and Slavs and the bloodliine gradually became watered down.
Eventually, the albino slavs over-swarmed the Muurish Kievan Russ and today memories of them remain in inexplicable paintings of Russian Kings and Queens in their full Black glory.
Here is one of the earliest of the Muurish Kievan Royalties of Russia, Vladimir of Kiev:
Many people may not be aware of this story but yes there are black Russians who descended from their ancestors probably Egyptians or Ethiopians who lived there since the time of the Colchians (2000 years ago at least).
According to a Wikipedia article, the ethnic origin of the Abkhazians of African descent — and how Africans arrived in Abkhazia — is still a matter of dispute among experts. By experts it refers to confused members of the European academia.
But the story of the Black Abkhazians is yet a living story as they are not all dead. They or their descendants still live around Adzyubzha in Abkhazia of today.
According to the Muurish Abkhazians, or the Abkhazians of African descent themselves, they are the descendants of the Colchians, the inhabitants of the ancient kingdom of Colchis in present-day western Georgia, deep in the Caucasus region.
It appears that they have continued in a quiet unbroken line up to this very day, authenticating the stories told by Herodotus the father of Western History almost 2000 years ago.
According to Herodotus, some contingents of the soldiers of Sesosotris the great Egyptian Pharoah who conquered the known world.
He was said to have left an Egyptian colony near Abhkazia, and in the time of Herodotus, the people of Colchis were still predominantly dark brown in colour, and they all had wooly or frizzy hair. Even then, they still clearly recalled their historical origins as they do even today.
Another account holds that certain Ethiopians and Black Hebrew Israelites had emigrated to the region, in a time that was lost to human recollection.
An Abkhazian writer Dmitry Gulia in the book “History of Abkhazia” compared the place names of Abkhazia and the corresponding names in Ethiopia and claimed that some of the geographical names are identical: Bagadi – Bagadi, Gunma – Gunma, Tabakur – Dabakur, etc.
^Idiots like lamin and the usual Albino lies and Bullsh1t notwithstanding; we should all remain mindful of what the FIRST and ORIGINAL Russians actually looked like!
These are not my constructions, these are the constructions of modern RUSSIAN scientists.
As in Europe, the Albino liars want you to believe that these original Black inhabitants of Russia, somehow "MAGICALLY" disappeared and were replaced by the current Albinos. Only the truly stupid could believe such nonsense.
Please note that in these ancient pictures, ALL THE PEOPLE ARE BLACK!
I recent times:
Is there any who would dispute that Ivan and Peter were Mulattoes?
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
This is what a "Full" Albino Tsar looks like:
Posted by IronLion (Member # 16412) on :
quote:Originally posted by Mike111: ^FOR COMPARISON:
This is what a "Full" Albino Tsar looks like:
As compared with Muurish-Russian Princes Boris and Geb, the sons of Vladimir King of Kiev, below posted:
Posted by IronLion (Member # 16412) on :
Olga of Kiev:
Saint Olga, Equal of the Apostles, was the wife of the Kievan Great Prince Igor. The struggle of Christianity with paganism under Igor and Olga, who reigned after Oleg (+ 912), entered into a new phase. The Church of Christ in the years following the reign of Igor (+ 945) became a remarkable spiritual and political force in the Russian realm. The preserved text of a treaty of Igor with the Greeks in the year 944 gives indication of this: it was included by the chronicler in the “Tale of Bygone Years,” under the entry recording the events of the year 6453 (945).
The peace treaty had to be sworn to by both the religious communities of Kiev: “Baptized Rus”, i.e. the Christian, took place in the cathedral church of the holy Prophet of God Elias (July 20); “Unbaptized Rus”, i.e. the pagans, in turn swore their oath on their weapons in the sanctuary of Perun the Thunderer. The fact, that Christians are included in the document in the first place, indicates their significant spiritual influence in the life of Kievan Rus.
Evidently at the moment when the treaty of 944 was being drawn up at Constantinople, there were people in power in Kiev sympathetic to Christianity, who recognized the historical inevitability of involving Rus into the life-creating Christian culture. To this trend possibly belonged even prince Igor himself, whose official position did not permit him personally to go over to the new faith, nor at that time of deciding the issue concerning the Baptism of the whole country with the consequent dispersal throughout it of Orthodox Church hierarchs. The treaty therefore was drawn up in the circumspect manner of expression, which would not hinder the prince to ratify it in either the form of a pagan oath, or in the form of a Christian oath.
But when the Byzantine emissaries arrived in Kiev, conditions along the River Dneipr had essentially changed. A pagan opposition had clearly emerged, at the head of which stood the Varangian voevoda (military-leader) Svenel’d (or Sveinald) and his son Mstislav (Mtsisha) to whom Igor had given holdings in the Drevlyani lands.
Strong also at Kiev was the influence of the Khazar Jews, who could not but be displeased with the thought of the triumph of Orthodoxy in the Russian Land.
Unable to overcome the customary inertia, Igor remained a pagan and he concluded the treaty in the pagan manner, swearing an oath on his sword. He refused the grace of Baptism and was punished for his unbelief. A year later, in 945, rebellious pagans murdered him in the Drevlyanian land, cut down betwixt two trees. But the days of paganism and the lifestyle of the Slavic tribes basic to it were already numbered. The burden of government fell upon the widow of Igor -- the Kiev Great-princess Olga, and her three-year-old son Svyatoslav.
The name of the future enlightener of the Russian Land and of her native region is first to be met with in the “Tale of Bygone Years,” in the phrase where it speaks about the marriage of Igor: “and they brought him a wife from Pskov, by the name of Olga.” She belonged, so specifies the Joakimov Chronicle, to the lineage of the Izborsk princes, -- one of the obscure ancient-Russian princely dynasties, of which in Rus during the 10th-11th Centuries there numbered no less than twenty, but who were all displaced by the Rurikovichi or merged otherwise with them through marriage. Some of them were of local Slavic descent, others -- Varangian new-comers. It is known, that the Scandinavian Viking “koenigs” (kinglets) called to become princes in the Russian cities -- invariably assimilated to the Russian language, and often, they soon became genuinely Russian with Russian names and lifestyle, world-outlook and even physical appearance of attire.
Thus, Igor’s wife also had the Varangian name “Helga,” which in Russian is pronounced Olga. The feminine name Olga corresponds to the masculine name “Oleg” (Helgi), which means “holy” [from Germanic “heilig” for “holy”]. Although the pagan understanding of holiness was quite different from the Christian, it also presupposed within a man a particular frame of reference, of chastity and sobriety of mind, and of insight. The fact that people called Oleg the Wise-Seer (“Veschi”) and Olga the Wise (“Mudra”) shows the spiritual significance of names.
Rather later traditions regard her a native of a village named Vybuta, several kilometers from Pskov up along the River Velika. They still not so long ago used to point out at the river the Olga Bridge, the ancient fording place, Where Olga was met by Igor. The Pskov geographic features have preserved several names connected with this great descendent of Pskov: the village of Ol’zhinets and Ol’gino Pole (Olga Field); the Olga Gateway, one of the branches of the River Velika; Olga Hill and the Olga Cross near Lake Pskov; and the Olga Stone at the village of Vybuta.
The beginning of the independent rule of Princess Olga is connected in the chronicles with the narrative about her terrible revenge on the Drevlyani, who murdered Igor. Having sworn their oaths on their swords and believing “only in their swords”, the pagans were doomed by the judgment of God to also perish by the sword (Mt. 26: 52). Worshipping fire among the other primal elements, they found their own doom in the fire. And the Lord chose Olga to fulfill the fiery chastisement.
The struggle for the unity of Rus, for the subordination to the Kievan center of mutually divisive and hostile tribes and principalities paved the way towards the ultimate victory of Christianity in the Russian Land. For Olga, though still a pagan, the Kiev Christian Church and its Heavenly patron saint the holy Prophet of God Elias [in icons depicted upon a fiery chariot] stood as a flaming faith and prayer of a fire come down from the heavens, and her victory over the Drevlyani—despite the severe harshness of her victory, was a victory of Christian constructive powers in the Russian realm over the powers of a paganism, dark and destructive....
Boris and Gleb, Christian names Roman and David, respectively, were the first saints canonized in Kievan Rus' after the Christianization of the country.
According to the two 11th century Lives of Boris and Gleb (ascribed to Nestor the Chronicler and Jacob the Monk), they were children of Vladimir the Great, who liked them more than his other children. Both were murdered during the internecine wars of 1015–1019 and glorified (canonized) by the Orthodox church in Rus' in 1071. They were interred at the Vyshhorod Cathedral.
Posted by TRUTH HITMAN (Member # 19500) on :
Whats up My Brothas Mike 11 and Iron Lion to shed more light on the subject of our forefathers rulling Eastern Europe and spreading Chritianity throughout the world. This is from the coronation crown used by the Kingdom of Hungary for most of its existence its called the Holy Crown of Hungary. More than fifty kings were crowned with it (the two kings who were not so crowned were John II Sigismund and Joseph II)
Now if you research and actually look and study the THE HOLY CROWNS ENAMEL PLATES Located around and on top of the CROWN you will find BIBLICAL ICONS like JACOB Paul Peter Andrew
The third patriarch of the Hebrew people JACOB
I guess from these Enamel Plates we can safely say that NEGRO HEBREWS Ruled And Spread Christianity throughout Europe.
Posted by IronLion (Member # 16412) on :
You noticed that Lionese and gang kept out of this thread.
I was waiting for fools like Jari, and Lamin to also begin their bellyacheing but I suppose all have been intimidated by the plethora of evidence herein displayed.
Alexander Nevsky of Novgorod
30 May 1220 – 14 November 1263, proclaimed Saint of the Russian Orthodox Church by Metropolite Macarius in 1547
He was the Prince of Novgorod, Grand Prince of Kiev and Grand Prince of Vladimir during some of the most trying times in the city's history. Commonly regarded as the key figure of medieval Rus', Alexander was the grandson of Vsevolod the Big Nest and rose to legendary status on account of his military victories over the German and Swedish invaders while accepting to pay tribute to the powerful Golden Horde.
Posted by TRUTH HITMAN (Member # 19500) on :
Kursk Root Icon:
Kursk Root Icon of The Mother of God "The Sign
In the 13th century, during the dreadful period of the Golden Horde invasion of Russia, the devastated province of Kursk was emptied of people and its principal city, Kursk, became a wilderness.
Now, the residents of the city of Rylsk, which had been preserved from invasion, often journeyed to the site of Kursk to hunt wild beasts. One of the hunters, going along the bank of the river to Skal, which was not very far from ruined Kursk, noticed an icon lying face down on the ground next to the root of a tree.
The hunter picked it up and found that it was an icon of the Sign, such as was enshrined and venerated in the city of Novgorod. At this time, the icon's first miracle was worked, for no sooner had the hunter picked up the sacred image than there immediately gushed forth with great force an abundant spring of pure water. This took place on September 8th in the year 1295.
This is the only surviving artifact that proves a Huge Negro christian population once live in Kursk Russia.
Map Of Map of Kursk Russia
This is the ORIGINAL KURSK ARTIFACT Found Face Down (Original Artifact) September 8th in the year 1295
RE-MAKE KURSK ARTIFACT Posted by the lioness, (Member # 17353) on :
Truthhitman you accidently got this white dude mixed in, have to delete that, this guy is lighter than Mitt Romney clearly an albino
Posted by the lioness, (Member # 17353) on :
quote:Originally posted by Mike111: Please note that in these ancient pictures, ALL THE PEOPLE ARE BLACK!
_________^^^^ Mike stop posting these fake ass suntanned white people
we need real blacks up in here >>>>
no more half way shyt thanks,
carry on,
Posted by the lioness, (Member # 17353) on :
^^^real black Russian, not the fake ****
we need Doug in this thread, to clear up some things
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
quote:Originally posted by the lioness,: Mike stop posting these fake ass suntanned white people
we need real blacks up in here >>>>
no more half way shyt thanks,
carry on,
Why Lioness, aren't you a Black woman?
Yet you are a proponent of the "True Negro" dogma, how could that be????
I can't say for sure, but my guess is that if certain Black people got a hold of you, they would make some changes to your colorless Albino face.
Posted by IronLion (Member # 16412) on :
Shadrack Mishak and a Baaad Negro:
Note their Royal Muurish Red Fez on their heads...
Shadrack, Mischak and Abednego The Three Young Men in the Fiery Furnace. The fourth is sometimes interpreted as being the Archangel Michael (15th century icon of the Novgorod school).
Posted by the lioness, (Member # 17353) on :
quote:Originally posted by Mike111: Ha,ha,ha:
Why Lioness, aren't you a Black woman?
Yet you are a proponent of the "True Negro" dogma, how could that be????
I can't say for sure, but my guess is that if certain Black people got a hold of you, they would make some changes to your colorless Albino face. [/QB]
to the contrary, I am not trying to run from West Africa by pretending to be a suntanned white person
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
quote:Originally posted by the lioness,:
quote:Originally posted by Mike111: Ha,ha,ha:
Why Lioness, aren't you a Black woman?
Yet you are a proponent of the "True Negro" dogma, how could that be????
I can't say for sure, but my guess is that if certain Black people got a hold of you, they would make some changes to your colorless Albino face.
to the contrary, I am not trying to run from West Africa by pretending to be a suntanned white person
So now only West Africans are truly Black?
I wonder what North Africans, South Africans, East Africans, Black Europeans, Black Americans, Black Asians, and Pacificans will call themselves.
This is the old Albino tactic of declaring only those Blacks within a very narrow range in color and phenotype to be true Negroes.
The others were declared "Black or Brown Caucasians".
It is assumed that the Albinos thought that those declared "Black or Brown Caucasians" would be so proud and grateful for that honor, that they would forever be the Albinos friend.
Strangely, in the case of Turk mulattoes, the honor took a strange turn, they took the honor as license to be racist with Negroes (I say Negroes, because anyone else would plant a foot up a Mutts ass). While at the same time displaying a hatred for the Albinos hitherto unknown.
Posted by the lioness, (Member # 17353) on :
quote:Originally posted by the lioness,: [QB]
Mike the problem is if the above people had paintings made of them you'd be calling them Black. I ask you are these blacks?
I want real blacks no more games, not swarthy South Europeans and Turks. not mulattoes either , full fledged black people
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
quote:Originally posted by the lioness,: I want real blacks no more games, not swarthy South Europeans and Turks. not mulattoes either , full fledged black people
Why lioness, everybody wants some of that. But I'm a little confused as to what your real preference is. I mean what does a "Real" Black man look like: is it skin color, facial features, or size of Penis (this is a particular fascination of Albino girls).
I tell you what, why don't you post some pictures of YOUR idea of real Black men.
Posted by the lioness, (Member # 17353) on :
quote:Originally posted by Mike111:
quote:Originally posted by the lioness,: I want real blacks no more games, not swarthy South Europeans and Turks. not mulattoes either , full fledged black people
Why lioness, everybody wants some of that. But I'm a little confused as to what your real preference is. I mean what does a "Real" Black man look like: is it skin color, facial features, or size of Penis (this is a particular fascination of Albino girls).
I tell you what, why don't you post some pictures of YOUR idea of real Black men.
I already did that, here:
Mike, no more fake imitation blacks, gimme the real stuff
lioness productions
Posted by Troll Patrol (Member # 18264) on :
IronLion, the school certainly has inserting images.
Novgorod School "Icon of St. George"
Anyone, is this source correct?
quote: There are more account of Black Colchians. In 522-443, a Greek poet named Pindar described the Colchians, whom Jason and the Argonauts fought, as being "dark skinned". Then around 350 to 400 AD, Church father St. Jerome and Sophronius refered to Colchis as the "second Ethiopia" because of its black population.
information taken from: Patrick T. English, Cushites, Colchians, and Khazars, Journal of Near Eastern Studies, vol 18, Jaunuary - October 1959, p. 53.
quote:Region located along the eastern coast of the Black Sea south of Caucasus (area 8). Colchis is the place where Jason and the Argonauts went to conquer the Golden Fleece. It is the birthplace of queen Medea, the sorceress daughter of Ćetes, the king of the place, who became Jason's wife.
In his Histories, II, 103-105, Herodotus suggests that Colchis was conquered by an Egyptian Pharao named Sesostris (either Sesostris I or Sesostris III, of the XIIth dynasty, who lived in the XIXth century B. C.) and that the people of Colchis were the descendants of Egyptians who stayed there at the time, but modern history has no knowledge of such an expedition by any Egyptian pharao, though black communities are known to have existed in the area.
^Well, well, lioness, your postings of "Real Black Men" is interesting, though limited. I'm just wondering, where shall we put these?
Posted by the lioness, (Member # 17353) on :
quote:Originally posted by Mike111: [QB] ^Well, well, lioness, your postings of "Real Black Men" is interesting, though limited. I'm just wondering, where shall we put these?
________^^^^ file under white
Mike, we need real blacks in here not imitation
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
quote:Originally posted by the lioness,:
quote:Originally posted by Mike111: [QB] ^Well, well, lioness, your postings of "Real Black Men" is interesting, though limited. I'm just wondering, where shall we put these?
________^^^^ file under white
Mike, we need real blacks in here not imitation
To avoid misunderstandings, I think it best that you ask them.
Many Mulattoes don't like Albinos.
Posted by the lioness, (Member # 17353) on :
quote:Originally posted by Mike111:
quote:Originally posted by the lioness,:
Mike, we need real blacks in here not imitation
To avoid misunderstandings, I think it best that you ask them.
Many Mulattoes don't like Albinos.
Mike, I told you, blacks only in this thread, no mulattoes , stay on topic
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
Trumphet (Lur) and Palm of Victory at Villa del Casale Sicilia, 4th century CE
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
Roman fresco from the lararium of the house of Iulius Polybius IX in Pompeii
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
^Lioness, where do you want to put these?
Posted by the lioness, (Member # 17353) on :
quote:Originally posted by Mike111:
Roman fresco from the lararium of the house of Iulius Polybius IX in Pompeii
^^^^^ Mike no more bad condition stuff, you can't tell if it's
We need stuff in good condition, we are looking for Blacks
No ambiguous stuff, Blacks only
Posted by the lioness, (Member # 17353) on :
^^^^ you had the color right but needed more
^^^^^now with this second guy you have the needed more part right but the color's wrong !!!!
These are pinks, we need Blacks
Posted by TRUTH HITMAN (Member # 19500) on :
quote:Originally posted by the lioness,:
Truthhitman you accidently got this white dude mixed in, have to delete that, this guy is lighter than Mitt Romney clearly an albino
Not true at all as you can see the Hebrews come in different shades of Brown from a DEEP Dark brown skin to a light brown in this case Peter is a light brown skin WITH BALLS OF WOOLLY HAIR he would still be considered Black today if you saw him walking down the street.
here is a Good example to express what I am saying
in Ethiopia the cave church, Tigray has different decendant of hebrews drawn on the walls of the cave some are dark skin some are light brown skin
painting, Gheralta, Abuna Yemata Guh rock hewn church, Ethiopia
See those Hebrew people are different shades of brown skin. These Hebrew Byzantine priests brought Christianity to Ethiopia.
Painting in Abuna Yemata Guh from inside the Cave
Abuna Yemata Guh: Virgin Mary with Jesus on mural inside Abuna Yemata Guh church
See the Virgin Mary is Ruddy complection or Brown skin, christ is brown skin as well but to the right you see a light skin brotha he is still considered to be black he is just light skin.
St. Peter
Now compare the artifact of St Peter to the Brotha on the right on the virgin Mary mural from the Cave church
They are the same complextion light BROWN skin. I hope you can understand, just because you are light skin does not mean that they were WHITE
You see so Peter is still a Hebrew and the Hebrews Never where and never WILL BE WHITE.
Posted by TRUTH HITMAN (Member # 19500) on :
quote:Originally posted by Mike111:
Roman fresco from the lararium of the house of Iulius Polybius IX in Pompeii
Hey Mike do me a favor when EVER you get any new catacomb pic would you give me the links just post them to me ok!
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
quote:Originally posted by TRUTH HITMAN: Hey Mike do me a favor when EVER you get any new catacomb pic would you give me the links just post them to me ok!
No need Hitman:
Just right click the picture, from the popup menu choose "View Image Info" then choose "Media" the link will show under "Location".
BTW - This picture is from Pompeii not the Catacombs.
Posted by TRUTH HITMAN (Member # 19500) on :
quote:Originally posted by the lioness,:
quote:Originally posted by Mike111:
Roman fresco from the lararium of the house of Iulius Polybius IX in Pompeii
^^^^^ Mike no more bad condition stuff, you can't tell if it's
We need stuff in good condition, we are looking for Blacks
No ambiguous stuff, Blacks only
Hey Lioness You seem to NOT understand the Hebrews were always a BURNT FACE PEOPLE
Now I will show you something if the HEBREWS were know throughout the World as being a dark skin race that means if these people happen to relocate to different continents it would not change their nation I will prove my statement with LOGIC
"As I am about to relate the last days of a famous city, it seems appropriate to throw some light on its origin. Many, again, say that they were a race of Ethiopian origin, who in the time of king Cepheus."
Here is another description of the Hebrews by a Greek poet named Cherilus
NASTY HORSE HEADS most likely implies that the true HEBREWS had WIDE noses and THICK lips.
Now, this harmonizes what the Roman historian Tacitus said about how the Jews looked like the Ethiopians or "BURNT FACE RACE"
now since I have proved that they were BLACK now lets see where these black RACE migrated to.
It is a known fact that The BLACK HEBREW community in the Roman Diaspora dates back to the second century BCE and was comparatively large. Several synagogues and catacombs are known. After the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 CE, the communities remained.
Catacombs And Synagogues Map
1.on the Via Nomentana near the Villa Torlonia, 2.on the Via Labicana outside the Porta Maggiore, 3.on the Via Appia Pignatelli (beyond the second milestone, closer to the city than the Christian catacombs), 4.on the Via Appia (Via Cimarra), 5.on the Via Ostiensis, at Monteverde
Now Lioness those are Just some of the Hebrew catacombs in Rome
So in fact all the pics that I or mike or Iron lion post dealing with early christian Europe are artifacts of Black Hebrew Christians these are The people Paul and the apostles talked with.
Christianity was Spread by these people.
So when you show pics of WHITE mixed and Persian mixed turks that shows me that you have not pieced history together YET.
another HISTORICAL Fact these people also migrated into Africa as well the WEST Coast of Africa it is a KNOWN FACT but this racist country tries to Down play the facts and HISTORICAL PROFF
Posted by mena7 (Member # 20555) on :
Mike have the talent of finding rare pictures of black people.The Sicilian mosaic and Pompei wall painting of black Roman is very beautiful.I have never seen them before in Roman pictorial history books.
Posted by mena7 (Member # 20555) on :
Let me use my conspiracy mind for a second.The Russian are probably the descendant of the black Colchian of the black Sea and Caucasus. The Colchian are the descendant of the army and follower of Egyptian Pharaoh Senusret I. The modern Russian are probably a mixture of black Colchian and Slav.
The Khazar Jew that are running the world banking today live in the Caucasus and Black sea area close to the black Egypto-Colchi.
Posted by IronLion (Member # 16412) on :
Modern Russian = Albino
Posted by DHDoxies (Member # 19701) on :
Just White people hating, Kill Whitey, Black racist pos's trying to rob Whites of their history, heritage, identities,& homeland, nothing to see here folks. BTW, Troll Patrol you are NOT going to shut me up or run me off I'm here to stay & I will CONTINUE TO DEFEND THE HISTORY, HERITAGE, IDENTITIES, & HOMELAND OF MY PEOPLE. I will CONTINUE TO CALL BLACK RACIST WHITE PEOPLE HATING, KILL WHITEY history stealers like you, Mike, Marc, Nontruthhitman, Ironcocksucker, Mena7, Kikuyu, Clyde, Xyyman, amongst others out. My people have a right to what is ours without you Black racist idiots trying to steal it from us.
Posted by IronLion (Member # 16412) on :
quote:Originally posted by DHDoxies: bla..bla..bla.... Mike, Marc, Nontruthhitman, Ironcocksucker, Mena7, Kikuyu, Clyde, Xyyman, amongst others out. My people have a right to what is ours without you Black racist idiots trying to steal it from us.
Time for the lil blue pills....
Posted by the lioness, (Member # 17353) on :
quote:Originally posted by TRUTH HITMAN:
in Ethiopia the cave church, Tigray has different decendant of hebrews drawn on the walls of the cave some are dark skin some are light brown skin
St. Peter
quote:Originally posted by TRUTH HITMAN:
See those Hebrew people are different shades of brown skin. These Hebrew Byzantine priests brought Christianity to Ethiopia.
Painting in Abuna Yemata Guh from inside the Cave
^^^^ look at that stringy ass beard, that stuff is bone straight not even wavy, come on son this dude is even whiter than St. Peter
we need some real Blacks in here
Posted by IronLion (Member # 16412) on :
Enuff already. If you have nothing better to promote that some "real blacks" theory then fuch off and go sock the juu which focks you! OK?
Take your albino cagot pink ass elsewhere except you have some solid arguments to drop.
Last warning.....
Posted by the lioness, (Member # 17353) on :
Sorry, I was getting tired of pinks and tanned pinks getting passed off as Blacks. I didn't realize tanned Caucasians were Black, carry on....
Posted by IronLion (Member # 16412) on :
quote:Originally posted by the lioness,: Sorry, I was getting tired of pinks and tanned pinks getting passed off as Blacks. I didn't realize tanned Caucasians were Black, carry on....
No, haney, we are dealing with albino pinks and Muurs..
The slavs against the original Muurish Romanovs. Hebrews according to Truthhitman.
Which part of Muurs don't you get?
What part of cagot you wanna me define for you?
This is Muur Hebrew Lazarus:
This is Gotha Slava Botha your Cagot ancestor:
The difference is clear!
Any Muur questions? Posted by TRUTH HITMAN (Member # 19500) on :
quote:Originally posted by the lioness,: Sorry, I was getting tired of pinks and tanned pinks getting passed off as Blacks. I didn't realize tanned Caucasians were Black, carry on....
Tanned pink! that does not make sense. i do not think you understand the color of so called NEGROES
NONE are "BLACK" only different shades of BROWN I thought you would know this.
I will show you light skin tanned pink NEGROES
first Leader Ben Carter now known as "Ben Ami Ben-Israel" with Israeli President Shimon Peres
Notice "Ben Ami on the right with the RED Garment he is TANNED his skin color matches the skin color of Paul on the hungarian Crown
Brown SKIN
Now lets compare St Peter the one you keep hating on
number one thing that jumps out at you is his HAIR its GRAY and WOOLLY and he is wearing a Afro hair style.
See you are getting caught up in skin color just like these whites. They are confused about race and color.
These are light skin NEGROES
See lioness his skin complexion matches St Peter
I have a question for you just because these men featured have light skin that means they belong to the WHITE Race that is STUPID lioness.
just because their skin is light or pinkish does not mean that they are White
Here is another light skin so called negro Ice T
And we HAVE many others
Posted by the lioness, (Member # 17353) on :
^^^^ you think this white boy has the features and hair of Ice T ?
Posted by IronLion (Member # 16412) on :
quote:Originally posted by the lioness,:
^^^^ you think this white boy has the features and hair of Ice T ?
That is an Ethiopian Prester above. He is dark skinned African, but he is the original white by colour of the law. The Muurs! Just like this one:
This one below is a picture of your cagot ancestor, made by your half brothers and cousins all pink-white, all employees of the National Geographic.
Botha Gotha....the difference is clear!
Any Muur Questions?? Posted by TRUTH HITMAN (Member # 19500) on :
quote:Originally posted by the lioness,:
^^^^ you think this white boy has the features and hair of Ice T ?
To answer your question "you think this white boy has the features and hair of Ice T" YES actually the artifact looks more like Ben Ammi rather than Ice-T
first if you look at this artifact his skin color is BROWN
second if you look at the artifact that is byzantine ethiopian Art work and it is in the same artistic style as the Following wall murals from the church cave at tigray
this is the REAL actual wall depiction from the Tigray Church of these HEBREWS from the Byzantine empire.
see i have a question for you, are these men here WHITE guys?
They are all light brown skin with woolly Afros
this is a painting from the same church
You never commented on this pic do you see a Brown ruddy skinned mary and Jesus and to the right that is a light complected NEGRO MAN with a Afro.
lioness here is another
these are ALL authentic wall murals lioness NO! WHITE MAN EVER CLIMBED up this mountain and painted over these pics.
See you made a argument over the depiction of ST Peter on the hungarian crown.
I showed and proved to you that our forefathers depicted themselves in different shades of brown from a BLUE BLACK to a light complexion.
that was my point and ancient middle age art proves that.
Posted by kikuyu22 (Member # 19561) on :
quote:Originally posted by DHDoxies: Just White people hating, Kill Whitey, Black racist pos's trying to rob Whites of their history, heritage, identities,& homeland, nothing to see here folks. BTW, Troll Patrol you are NOT going to shut me up or run me off I'm here to stay & I will CONTINUE TO DEFEND THE HISTORY, HERITAGE, IDENTITIES, & HOMELAND OF MY PEOPLE. I will CONTINUE TO CALL BLACK RACIST WHITE PEOPLE HATING, KILL WHITEY history stealers like you, Mike, Marc, Nontruthhitman, Ironcocksucker, Mena7, Kikuyu, Clyde, Xyyman, amongst others out. My people have a right to what is ours without you Black racist idiots trying to steal it from us.
I try to understand you doxies,truly I do but I simply can't comprehend the source of endless rage. 1. What's the problem? Don't you see the obvious stylistic resemblance of Russian and Ethiopian icons? 2.Doesn't that prove what we've all been saying? 3.Why does that upset you? 4.If it does upset you how is it the duty of the truthteller to reconcile you with fake history?
Posted by DHDoxies (Member # 19701) on :
Ohh stop fronting Kikuyu, you heartless, evil, wicked, White people hating, Black racist pos I actually have more respect for Mike than I do for you which is NONE. I'm upset because you White people hating, Kill Whitey Black racist peons are trying to steal my people's history, heritage, identities, our homeland why wouldn't I be? Why would I not be upset about you Black racist, slime balls trying to rob my future children of what is rightfully theirs, trying to lead my future children or Grand children to forget who they are, where they came from, who their ancestors were, to make them think they have no history, no heritage, no identity, no homeland to call their own, nothing to be proud of as a people, that their ancestors were not their ancestors but were yours, all because you have an insane desire to paint everybody & every group of people in history Black especially those of any kind of significance, I will not allow my people to be written out of history & allow you to write yourselves in in our place. As I have said before you & your White people hating, kill Whitey, Black racist ilk wouldn't know truth if it came up and bit you on the backside. I ask you this Kikuyu, do my people not have a right to what is ours? Do we not have a right to our history, our heritage, our identities, do we not have a right to our homeland, do we not have a right to our ancestors? Please enlighten me ohh Black racist pos, what exactly is my people's history, what is our heritage, who were our ancestors, where did they come from, what were their names? This ought to be good LOL.
Posted by IronLion (Member # 16412) on :
quote:Originally posted by DHDoxies: Ohh stop fronting Kikuyu, ugulululululu...ugululululu....bwahahaha....
Boy, time for your lil blue candies...
Posted by the lioness, (Member # 17353) on :
His father is said to be of Creole descent and his mother is of African American heritage.
^^^peep the beard hair
Posted by kikuyu22 (Member # 19561) on :
quote:Originally posted by DHDoxies: Ohh stop fronting Kikuyu, you heartless, evil, wicked, White people hating, Black racist pos I actually have more respect for Mike than I do for you which is NONE. I'm upset because you White people hating, Kill Whitey Black racist peons are trying to steal my people's history, heritage, identities, our homeland why wouldn't I be? Why would I not be upset about you Black racist, slime balls trying to rob my future children of what is rightfully theirs, trying to lead my future children or Grand children to forget who they are, where they came from, who their ancestors were, to make them think they have no history, no heritage, no identity, no homeland to call their own, nothing to be proud of as a people, that their ancestors were not their ancestors but were yours, all because you have an insane desire to paint everybody & every group of people in history Black especially those of any kind of significance, I will not allow my people to be written out of history & allow you to write yourselves in in our place. As I have said before you & your White people hating, kill Whitey, Black racist ilk wouldn't know truth if it came up and bit you on the backside. I ask you this Kikuyu, do my people not have a right to what is ours? Do we not have a right to our history, our heritage, our identities, do we not have a right to our homeland, do we not have a right to our ancestors? Please enlighten me ohh Black racist pos, what exactly is my people's history, what is our heritage, who were our ancestors, where did they come from, what were their names? This ought to be good LOL.
Hmmmm,I see. Just like I thought. Everything you thought was your history,your homeland,your culture your very peoples' entire identity has been proven to be nothing but utter B-U-L-L-S-H-I-T!! Like I asked before-how is that mine or anyone elses problem? DEAL WITH IT!! New realities are painful when older 'truths' must first be unlearned.
Posted by the lioness, (Member # 17353) on :
The idea that white people were cavemen 3200 years ago and with stolen knowledge from the black man in that short period mastered and greatly advanced technology and took over the world makes their learning and development abilities seem miraculous. This concept makes them seem even more superior than they claim to be.
Posted by IronLion (Member # 16412) on :
^^Not exactly. Chickens descended from Dinosaurs. That don't make them superior to Dinosaurs...
Posted by mena7 (Member # 20555) on :
Im a lover of the truth. Im a truth seeker.Im a servant of the truth.Some say truth hurt.I will tell the truth even if it hurt me or is against my own interest.The truth have to hurt in order for somebody to change and become a better person.The Bible states the truth will set you free.White people have to accept the true history of the black race.
It is unbelievable how white people who entered Europe 3200 years ago took control of Europe, American continent and world politic, economy,banking and technology from the black race.They had the audacity to erased the original man the black man from world history.Thats an abomination.
Posted by IronLion (Member # 16412) on :
Icon of St Vladimir Russia
In 1131, the icon was sent from Constantinople to Rus to Prince Mstislav and was installed in the Devichi Monastery in Vyshgorod, the ancient city of the holy Equal of the Apostles Princess Olga.
Posted by kikuyu22 (Member # 19561) on :
Btw,doxies,I'm serious. Don't blame the truthteller,especially peer reviewed and published researchers like Clyde and mike111,especially with your redundant play ground insults. THEY'VE FORGOTTEN MORE THAN A SEMI LITERATE JANITOR LIKE YOU WILL EVER KNOW.
Posted by DHDoxies (Member # 19701) on :
Sorry Kikuyu, stupid White people hating Black racist bitch. I'm not going to stop defending the history, heritage, identities, homeland of my people from the likes of you. HAHAHAHAHA, honey I was an A/B student in school & my IQ is 108 so try that again. Again you Black racist sack of craps wouldn't know truth if it came up and bit you the backside, all you know is hate & kill whitey, kill Whitey, get Whitey, get Whitey, me hate White man, me hate White man. Another thing Black racist bitch, I'm not going to stop calling you & the rest of your ilk out, you just can't stand the truth about yourselves(you, Mike, Marc, Mena7, Mali, Narmer, Ironcocksucker, Geeskee, NonTruthHitman, Xyyman, TypeZeiss, Son Of Ra). I only call you what you are.
1. You all ARE BLACK
2. You all ARE RACISTS
3. You all HATE White people especially those who don't worship at the alter of the Negro.
4. You ALL want to exterminate Whitey
5. You ARE history stealers
If the shoe fits wear it Kikuyu, I say nothing about you & your ilk that isn't completely TRUE.
Posted by kikuyu22 (Member # 19561) on :
quote:Originally posted by DHDoxies: Sorry Kikuyu, stupid White people hating Black racist bitch. I'm not going to stop defending the history, heritage, identities, homeland of my people from the likes of you. HAHAHAHAHA, honey I was an A/B student in school & my IQ is 108 so try that again. Again you Black racist sack of craps wouldn't know truth if it came up and bit you the backside, all you know is hate & kill whitey, kill Whitey, get Whitey, get Whitey, me hate White man, me hate White man. Another thing Black racist bitch, I'm not going to stop calling you & the rest of your ilk out, you just can't stand the truth about yourselves(you, Mike, Marc, Mena7, Mali, Narmer, Ironcocksucker, Geeskee, NonTruthHitman, Xyyman, TypeZeiss, Son Of Ra). I only call you what you are.
1. You all ARE BLACK
2. You all ARE RACISTS
3. You all HATE White people especially those who don't worship at the alter of the Negro.
4. You ALL want to exterminate Whitey
5. You ARE history stealers
If the shoe fits wear it Kikuyu, I say nothing about you & your ilk that isn't completely TRUE.
Thank you for confirming what I've known.I'm too nice to people. Here I am ignoring the evidence of your severe schizophrenia engaging you like a normal human being. Ironlion was right. You'll never function beyond this level-woof!woof! Have fun,I'm out.
Posted by Troll Patrol aka Ish Gebor (Member # 18264) on :
quote:Originally posted by the lioness,: ^^^^ you had the color right but needed more
^^^^^now with this second guy you have the needed more part right but the color's wrong !!!!
These are pinks, we need Blacks
Lol at this dumb euronut troll!
Posted by The Great One (Member # 18613) on :
Jada Pinket and mother
Posted by mena7 (Member # 20555) on :
[img] [IMG] [/img][/IMG] Jada Pinket and mother
Actor Will Smith and Wife Jada Pinket Smith
Posted by kdolo (Member # 21830) on :
Black dont crack.....look at the mother !
Posted by Ish Gebor (Member # 18264) on :