Note the lone Black man at the end of the table in this feast painting. By his hat, can you say if he is the Pope or a Cardinal?
Posted by the lioness (Member # 17353) on :
quote:Originally posted by Mike111: [QB] If you know who these people are, please post.
Philip II, king of Spain Habsburg (1527 - 1598). Felipe II (Leone y Pompeo Leoni, Prado E-272)
Philip was born in Valladolid, the son of Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor and King of Spain, and his consort, Isabella of Portugal. He was described by the Venetian ambassador Paolo Fagolo in 1563 as "slight of stature and round-faced, with pale blue eyes, somewhat prominent lip, and pink skin, but his overall appearance is very attractive." The Ambassador went on to say "He dresses very tastefully, and everything that he does is courteous and gracious."
Davis, James C. (1970). Pursuit of Power: Venetian Ambassadors' Reports on Spain, Turkey, and France in the Age of Philip II 1560–1600. New York: Harper & Row. pp. 81–82.
Known in Spanish as "Philip the Prudent" (Felipe el Prudente), his empire included territories in every continent then known to Europeans and during his reign Spain was the foremost Western European power. Under his rule, Spain reached the height of its influence and power, directing explorations all around the world and settling the colonisation of territories in all the known continents including his namesake Philippine islands. However, he was also responsible for four separate state bankruptcies in 1557, 1560, 1575, and 1596; precipitating the declaration of independence which created the Dutch Republic in 1581; and the disastrous fate of the 1588 invasion of England.
He also grappled with the problem of the large Morisco population in Spain, who were sometimes forcibly converted to Christianity by his predecessors. In 1569, the Morisco Revolt broke out in the southern province of Granada in defiance of attempts to suppress Moorish customs; and Philip ordered the expulsion of the Moriscos from Granada and their dispersal to other provinces.
Philip's father arranged his marriage to 37-year old Queen Mary I of England.
From: Translations and Reprints, Vol. 3 No. 3, E. P. Cheyney, ed. Reprinted in Eugen Weber, ed., The Western Tradition, Vol. II: From the Renaissance to the Present, Fifth Ed., (Lexington, MA and Toronto; D. C. Heath, 1995) pp. 102-103.
. The Gold of the Indies (1559)
From New Spain are obtained gold and silver, cochineal [little insects like flies], from which crimson dye is made, leather, cotton, sugar and other things; but from Peru nothing is obtained except minerals. The fifth part of all that is produced goes to the king, but since the gold and silver is brought to Spain and he has a tenth part of that which goes to the mint and is refined and coined, he eventually gets one-fourth of the whole sum, which fourth does not exceed in all four or five hundred thousand ducats, although it is reckoned not alone at millions, but at millions of pounds. Nor is it likely that it will long remain at this figure, because great quantities of gold and silver are no longer found upon the surface of the earth, as they have been in past years; and to penetrate into the bowels of the earth requires greater effort, skill and outlay, and the Spaniards are not willing to do the work themselves, and the natives cannot be forced to do so, because the Emperor has freed them from all obligation of service as soon as they accept the Christian religion. Wherefore it is necessary to acquire negro slaves, who are brought from the coasts of Africa, both within and without the Straits, and these are selling dearer every day, because on account of their natural lack of strength and the change of climate, added to the lack of discretion upon the part of their masters in making them work too hard and giving them too little to eat, they fall sick and the greater part of them die.
Revenues of the King of Spain (1559)
From these his realms his majesty receives every year an income of five millions of gold in times of peace: one and one-half millions from Spain; a half-million from the Indies; one from Naples and Sicily, and another from Flanders and the Low Countries. But his expenses are six millions, and this excess is covered by extraordinary taxes according to his pleasure, whence it appears that he could control only a small amount of money for special undertakings, since he consumes for his ordinary needs everything that he derives from his realms. But looked at from another point of view, the Emperor, his father, although he had the same burdens, was nevertheless able to carry on extensive wars and enterprises in Italy and outside of Italy, both by land and sea, and the same king was able in these later years to maintain great armies in Flanders, in Piedmont, in Lombardy and in the kingdom, and many soldiers in Africa against the Turk. So that we may calculate that he spent more than ten millions of gold; wherefore it may be put down as a fact that although expenses may exceed income, yet a way is not wanting to great princes, whereby they may find large sums of money in times of great need, particularly in the case of the king of Spain, not so much on account of the mines which are found in Spain and the Indies, of which the Spanish nation, according to its custom, makes no great account, as from the fact that he has so many
VERGARAESSE, MARTIN DE. Manuscript Document Signed by Martin de Vergaraesse, the Royal Magistrate in Granada [Peru], 1 p, small folio, "Los Reyes" [i.e. Lima, Peru], 1579, in Spanish, certifying that King Philip has issued a decree to force Indians to mine gold. Some old dampstaining to upper and outer right margin, with paper loss and occasional loss of letters to the right margin.
An interesting document giving official Peruvian confirmation of the royal decree from Spain, which allowed the Aztec Indians to be forced to work in the gold mines. In part, in translation, "in the new kingdom of Granada [i.e. Peru] it shall be permitted to force Indians to work in the gold mines." In effect this amounted to slave labor.
Artist Alonso Sánchez Coello (1532–1588) Title English: The Royal Feast. Alternate title(s): English: King Philip II of Spain banqueting with his family and courtiers. Date 1596 Medium oil on canvas
The Habsburgs, great Blacks of Europe
Philip II, king of Spain Habsburg (1527 - 1598)______and as Prince
close relative?
Posted by the lioness (Member # 17353) on :
quote:Originally posted by Mike111: [QB] [b]If you know who these people are, please post.
This exquisite sculpture, in oiled black marble, was probably done in Venice when he was working on the tomb of Doge Giovanni Pesaro in the early 1660s.
HENRY IV the Pious (1473-1541), Duke of Saxony Portrait: Lucas Cranach the Elder
Benin - Bust of Young Oba (King)
the motherland
Posted by mena7 (Member # 20555) on :
It is very strange in coins and statues Habsburg Emperor Charle V, king Philip II of Spain look black and mixe black but in their painting they look pale European.It is the same for the other European royal families.
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
mena7, it's really quite simple, since they look nothing alike, obviously one of these artifacts is "REAL" and a somewhat accurate depiction of King Philip II of Spain. And the other is your typical Albino "Fake" artifact.
(Hint: Albinos have a great fondness for depicting historical Blacks; complete with the really pale Albino skin and Blue eyes. You know, like "Pure Albinos". Only don't call them Albinos, Albinos hate to be called Albinos).
Posted by the lioness (Member # 17353) on :
quote:Originally posted by mena7: It is very strange in coins and statues Habsburg Emperor Charle V, king Philip II of Spain look black and mixe black but in their painting they look pale European.It is the same for the other European royal families.
here's the same sculpture first a painted photoshop version and then the original sculpture which was unpainted..
Because black people and white people can have some cross over features without the paint it's easier to imagine he could be black and you can trip off it easier.
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
quote:Originally posted by the lioness: Because black people and white people can have some cross over features without the paint it's easier to imagine he could be black and you can trip off it easier.
Hear that Cass??? It is saying that Albinos sometimes look like Blacks.
But for the sake of argument, what do you call people with "cross over features" Lioness???
(Hint: When Blacks and Albinos do the "Nasty" together, they make Mulatto children).
Posted by the lioness (Member # 17353) on :
quote:Originally posted by Mike111:
quote:Originally posted by the lioness: Because black people and white people can have some cross over features without the paint it's easier to imagine he could be black and you can trip off it easier.
Hear that Cass??? It is saying that Albinos sometimes look like Blacks.
But for the sake of argument, what do you call people with "cross over features" Lioness???
(Hint: When Blacks and Albinos do the "Nasty" together, they make Mulatto children).
yes Mike, these must be mulattos, one of their parents had to have been black. Therefore Philip II was Black
^^^^ what's the crossover trait here? His hair is curly but not kinky afro type and strange as this might sound some white people have curly hair.
His jaw is pronathic but not in the same way African's people's jaws are prognathic. African people, not all but many have a bulge around the mouth area top and bottom jaws sometimes even more at the mouth area corresponding to the top jaw.
The Habsburgs however married their own relatives and passed on a birth defect where only the bottom jaw bulges out and it doesn't resemble Black people.
So what is the crossover trait Philip II has? His bottom lip is thicker than the average European. This makes him as Black as Mick jagger. So I have to throw in the towel here, Philip and Mick are Black.
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
^I know, lets ask Cass.
What say you Cass, can they pass muster as Albinos?
Posted by the lioness (Member # 17353) on :
^let's ask Mike, can this pass muster as Albino?
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
^Yes he can!
But he has enough good sense to mate with "Normal" Women and thus "Spare" his children from being Albinos too.
But people like this:
Do NOT have such "Good" sense, thus they produce Albino children just like themselves.
And the "Really" funny part is that they think that it's just "GREAT" to produce "Pure" Albino children like that!
BTW - If that Child had come out "Normal" she would have probably looked like this.
Posted by the lioness (Member # 17353) on :
Mike instead of using your same worn out stock photos to make a point why not use photos from the subject at hand?
quote:Originally posted by Mike111: ^Yes he can!
But he has enough good sense to mate with "Normal" Women and thus "Spare" his children from being Albinos too.
But people like this:
Philip II of Spain
his wife:
Elisabeth of Valois, Her paternal grandparents were Emperor Charles V and Isabella of Portugal. Her maternal grandparents were Henry II of France and Catherine de' Medici. (notice frizzy quality in her hair that means she was Black)
Philip II and his wife Elisabeth of Valois (notice Philip's big lip, that means he's Black)
quote:Originally posted by Mike111:
Do NOT have such "Good" sense, thus they produce Albino children just like themselves.
Their marriage (1559–1568) produced Isabella Clara Eugenia and four other children
Isabella Clara Eugenia daughter of Philip II of Spain and his wife Elisabeth of Valois
^^^ Mike there you have it, light skinned husband, light skinned wife and light skinned daughter. What is your primary reason that Philip II should have married a dark skinned woman instead of Elisabeth of Valois?
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
^Nice collection of "Fake" Albino paintings, falsely depicting Black and Mulatto people as Albinos. I would love to examine those paintings to see when they were actually painted. My guess is about the late 1800s early 1900s.
Posted by the lioness (Member # 17353) on :
quote:Originally posted by Mike111: ^Nice collection of "Fake" Albino paintings, falsely depicting Black and Mulatto people as Albinos. I would love to examine those paintings to see when they were actually painted. My guess is about the late 1800s early 1900s.
Mike you claim whites in Europe start with the Goths. That's about 900 years before Philip II. As usual fvcked up by the timeline
you seemed to have confused an inbred Habsburg birth defect with black people
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
^Ah, the old Albino trick of telling the biggest lie possible, in the hope of fooling the fools - Nice!
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
Lioness, as you know AND "Practice": Albinos have made a science out of lies, and the "Art" of telling lies. Thought that you might be interested in this sampling:
1) A lie told often enough becomes the truth — Lenin
2) If you repeat a lie often enough, it becomes the truth — Goebbels
Proof by assertion From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Proof by assertion, sometimes informally referred to as proof by repeated assertion, is a logical fallacy in which a proposition is repeatedly restated regardless of contradiction. Sometimes, this may be repeated until challenges dry up, at which point it is asserted as fact due to its not being contradicted (argumentum ad nauseam). In other cases, its repetition may be cited as evidence of its truth, in a variant of the appeal to authority or appeal to belief fallacies.
Those "Fake" Albino Portraits that you Albinos have created to bolster your historical lies, constitute Proof by assertion. But it doesn't work, Soon even Negroes will realize what you Albinos have done. Posted by the lioness (Member # 17353) on :
^^^^ there is no discrepancy between any of these artworks, no contradiction. It's all the same dirty blond white guy with the fat lower lip.
you simply want him to be dark skinned like this:
^^^ Europeans painted this and own it, If they wanted to say ther were no blacks in old Europe they would have destroyed or hidden this painting and all the many others that show black people, no secret, right there in their museums on public display and internet archives.
it's just wishful thinking to think Philip II was Black. It just shows you like European culture more than African culture. So you want to pretend Black people are these inbred bastards who authorized the trans Atlantic slave trade, genocide in the Americas and expulsion of the Moriscos. You don't care about any of that history, what they did doesn't matter at all, you just want the pomp and flashy clothes. That's all it's about, clothes and a fancy title. The ultimate wannabe negro 2012.
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
Ya Lioness, these three are an "Exact" match!
^See my post above.
The truth doesn't change, only Albino lies change. Posted by the lioness (Member # 17353) on :
^^^ what's the difference? that he got older and his hair became thinner and less curly or combed out straighter?
what you say there was a cover up, even when older his hair was actually like this:
scandalous !!!
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
Lioness move on, you're starting to chase your tail again.
Posted by DHDoxies (Member # 19701) on :
quote:Originally posted by Mike111: ^Yes he can!
But he has enough good sense to mate with "Normal" Women and thus "Spare" his children from being Albinos too.
But people like this:
Do NOT have such "Good" sense, thus they produce Albino children just like themselves.
And the "Really" funny part is that they think that it's just "GREAT" to produce "Pure" Albino children like that!
BTW - If that Child had come out "Normal" she would have probably looked like this.
No Mike you stupid White people hating, history stealing, lying, Kill Whitey, White people genocidist, Black racist POS SOB pile of horse manure, that man is NOT White, can NOT pass for White, he is an Albino NEGRO. That White child is NOT an Albino, it is a perfectly normal healthy, gorgeous WHITE child & no she would NOT look anything like that East Indian girl even with more color. Whites are NOT Albinos so stop with the racist epithets. We are NOT East Indians, we are NOT Asians, didn't come from anywhere in Asia. You are NOT going to get us to exterminate ourselves by trying to push your Albinos on us & try to get us to breed with non-Whites (yet another tactic of yours to commit genocide against us). We have the right to exist, we have the right to our history, our heritage, our identities, our homeland without you trying to deny us of it.
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
quote:Originally posted by DHDoxies: No Mike you stupid White people hating, history stealing, lying, Kill Whitey, White people genocidist, Black racist POS SOB pile of horse manure, that man is NOT White, can NOT pass for White, he is an Albino NEGRO. That White child is NOT an Albino, it is a perfectly normal healthy, gorgeous WHITE child & no she would NOT look anything like that East Indian girl even with more color. Whites are NOT Albinos so stop with the racist epithets. We are NOT East Indians, we are NOT Asians, didn't come from anywhere in Asia. You are NOT going to get us to exterminate ourselves by trying to push your Albinos on us & try to get us to breed with non-Whites (yet another tactic of yours to commit genocide against us). We have the right to exist, we have the right to our history, our heritage, our identities, our homeland without you trying to deny us of it.
Doxie dear, I am just Sooo sorry, but the "EVIDENCE" seems to be AGAINST you!
Posted by DHDoxies (Member # 19701) on :
quote:Originally posted by Mike111:
quote:Originally posted by DHDoxies: No Mike you stupid White people hating, history stealing, lying, Kill Whitey, White people genocidist, Black racist POS SOB pile of horse manure, that man is NOT White, can NOT pass for White, he is an Albino NEGRO. That White child is NOT an Albino, it is a perfectly normal healthy, gorgeous WHITE child & no she would NOT look anything like that East Indian girl even with more color. Whites are NOT Albinos so stop with the racist epithets. We are NOT East Indians, we are NOT Asians, didn't come from anywhere in Asia. You are NOT going to get us to exterminate ourselves by trying to push your Albinos on us & try to get us to breed with non-Whites (yet another tactic of yours to commit genocide against us). We have the right to exist, we have the right to our history, our heritage, our identities, our homeland without you trying to deny us of it.
Doxie dear, I am just Sooo sorry, but the "EVIDENCE" seems to be AGAINST you!
Sorry Mike but that girl is NOT White. She is simply an albino East Indian, she is NOT one of my people & never will be. As I said before you are NOT going to get us to exterminate ourselves by trying to push your Albinos on us & trying to get us to breed with non-Whites (yet another tactic of yours to commit genocide against us). We have the right to exist, we have the right to our history, our heritage, our identities, our homeland without you trying to deny us of it. BTW, Do NOT call me Doxie, as I have said before you don't have permission as you are no friend of mine or my people you ARE THE ENEMY, you are not worthy, you are SCUM. Also please refain from calling me dear, I'm not your dear I'm your worse nightmare Black racist scumbag LOL.
Posted by the lioness (Member # 17353) on :
Mike why are you more impressed by HENRY IV the Pious , Duke of Saxony? He's more melanated than Philip or Charles V, plus he has nice curls
Posted by Troll Patrol (Member # 18264) on :
Sorry to interrupt, but.
Statue of a Moor bearing the Arms of the Habsburg noble family in Germany
Posted by the lioness (Member # 17353) on :
^^^ and you think this means the Habsburgs were moors?
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
quote:Originally posted by the lioness: ^^^ and you think this means the Habsburgs were moors?
Not Moors - Just Blacks.
Of course you could say that statue represents a Slave. OR the current Albinos in Germany simply don't know their history.
But to tell the truth, I wonder about that statue too. What, Albino Germans celebrating their former Black Knights and kings?
Posted by Troll Patrol (Member # 18264) on :
quote:Originally posted by the lioness: ^^^ and you think this means the Habsburgs were moors?
He has his "dick" hanging out of his pants. I am surprised you haven't noticed yet.
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
^That's probably the butt of a dagger, or something like that.
Posted by the lioness (Member # 17353) on :
I noticed Troll has become bored lately. I guess like Ish Gebor, he eventually got tired of posting 32 page book length replies to every post
Also, Troll I hadn't noticed that his dick was popping out, good looking out
I had been wondering why you kept posting this. Where's Egg ?
Posted by Troll Patrol (Member # 18264) on :
quote:Originally posted by the lioness: I noticed Troll has become bored lately. I guess like Ish Gebor, he eventually got tired of posting 32 page book length replies to every post
Also, Troll I hadn't noticed that his dick was popping out, good looking out
I had been wondering why you kept posting this. Where's Egg ?
You disappoint me again, you have to put your hands under his "skirt", in his pants and pull them out, Don't tell me you haven't done this before. I know you like it, after posting that erected penis a while back...over and over and over...
Anyway, the man is holding a shield with a Habsburg coat of arm on it. He looks "powerful" on many levels, in many ways.
This statue tells many things, from top to bottom.
Posted by Troll Patrol (Member # 18264) on :
quote:Originally posted by Mike111: ^That's probably the butt of a dagger, or something like that.
I do believe it's a dagger, and has stabbed a few with it during his "battles".
Posted by the lioness (Member # 17353) on :
quote:Originally posted by Troll Patrol:
quote:Originally posted by the lioness: [qb] I noticed Troll has become bored lately. I guess like Ish Gebor, he eventually got tired of posting 32 page book length replies to every post
Also, Troll I hadn't noticed that his dick was popping out, good looking out
I had been wondering why you kept posting this. Where's Egg ?
You disappoint me again, you have to put your hands under his "skirt", in his pants and pull them out, Don't tell me you haven't done this before. I know you like it, after posting that erected penis a while back...over and over and over...
Anyway, the man is holding a shield with a Habsburg coat of arm on it. He looks "powerful" on many levels, in many ways.
He also has a Moorish sword. Out of context he looks powerful.
In context fom the perspective medieval and contemporary German white people he is a generic Moor, a man with no name, a symbol of Muslims coverted to Islam and then employed to fight against their own people, risking their lives for the sake of the military campaigns of white kings. That is the reverse of powerful. Not only does it show defeat of a people. It shows they can be made to serve their own enemy. lamin recognized this in another thread about St. Maurice
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
^Yes Lioness, you and Lamin make a wonderful couple of brain-dead historians.
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
This is obviously part of a larger picture, possibly depicting a Roman Emperor. Does anyone know anything about this painting?
Posted by the lioness (Member # 17353) on :
^^^ this is all you have just a detail? Is there a link to this elsewhere on the internet?
also do roman emperors have earrings? he has a white cameo?
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
^It is not likely an actual Roman painting, but Roman is inferred by the soldiers helmet. Here we have the Pearl earring thing again.
Posted by the lioness (Member # 17353) on :
quote:Originally posted by Mike111: ^It is not likely an actual Roman painting, but Roman is inferred by the soldiers helmet. Here we have the Pearl earring thing again.
It's probably a mythical scene as seen in the cameos, mixing Renaissance or later European periods with Classical Greco-Roman themes.
The pearl earring probably indicates a foreign king, perhaps Ethiopian.
^^^ There's the earring with the Mughal Some European explorers might have had an earring to show their worldiness but not kings.
I think in a painting like this it is a vague reference to foreinger from the East or Ethiopia. For example in the herladry a European crown on the head of Moor with a hoop earring. The European crown or clothing isn't literal. It is the fanatsy or ignorance of the artist to paint a foreign king this way. Example, the Magi from "the east" but portrayed sometimes in semi Western garb