(report) After Sgt. Robert Ralston was shot, a block of Lancaster Avenue was cordoned off and a manhunt was on. SWAT teams searched for a black man with "cornrows" and a tattoo. But it was all a lie.
Canada is now coming to grips with the reality of what people is bringing down their society. Soon, all civilize society will identify the trouble-making people. And then will come the cleansing.
Indeed. And people must come to grips with what alleged white "role models" have done in history and what they are bringing society down to. Perhaps then a "cleansing" (as you say) can begin. Enjoy wanker.
What happens when biased 'hereditarianism' and 'biodiversity' notions are applied CONSISTENTLY across the board, and put to the test? What happens to bold claims of virtue and goodness then? Let us ask:
1--White "role models" have produced the most vicious violence in human history, such as the mass murders of the Holocaust
You got it- supposedly more pure, more virtuous people on the "right" side of the Bell Curve. While making up only about one-third of the world's population, Europeans have perpetrated around 90% of the world's genocides. On a more routine violence tally, body count "parity" is not far behind as shown in the killing fields of Cambodia that "cleansed" about one-fourth of the country's population.Asiatics racked up a body count of 60 or so million murdered or starved by "the thought of Chairman Mao", as well as the older depredations of Ghengis Khan and his descendants in more ancient time. In the modern higher IQ era, cold climate Caucasoid "role model" Josef Stalin and followers posted an additional body count of 20 million or so, a shining example for all time by those allegedly possessing Derbyshire's "higher" sense of morality. In terms of the crime of genocide, assorted "biodiversity" and "racial reality" types attempt to avoid uncomfortable reality by claiming that genocide is not a crime. But in fact it is, and has been so recognized by almost every major Western nation and international law since 1948, under a conservative definition that specifically excludes mere political violence. It was European nations that established the definition. It is thus hilarious to see how European race proponents attempt to wriggle away from the bloody facts on the ground, perpetrated by Europeans, even allowing for the most conservative definition.
Herded into the gas chambers to be slaughtered, one Jewish survivor recounts the end of a mass murder gas session QUOTE:
"The people were still standing like columns of stone with no room to fall or lean. Even in death you could tell the families, all holding hands. It was difficult to separate them while emptying the room for the next batch. The bodies were tossed out, blue, wet with sweat and urine, the legs smeared with excrement and menstrual blood. Two dozen workers were busy checking mouths they opened with iron hooks.. dentists knocked out gold teeth, bridges and crowns with hammers." -- Dan Cohn-Sherbok. 2008. God and the Holocaust. p.8
Concerned to hide their monstrous crimes, but still turn a profit, the murder machinery decided to dig up slaughtered Jews in mass graves and burn their bodies, but before that, gold teeth and rings were to be extracted from the heads and fingers of the dead: QUOTE: ".. at the Janowska death pits in Lvov hundreds of Jewish labourers were forced to dig up those who had been murdered and extract gold teeth and rings from the fingers of the dead. As a sitness recounted: 'The fire crackles and sizzles Some of the bodies in the fire have had their hands extended. It looks as if they are pleading to be taken out. Many bodies are lying with open mouths. Could they be tryig to say: ;we are your own mothers, fathers, who raised you and took care of you. Now you are burning us.' " -- Dan Cohn-Sherbok. 2008. God and the Holocaust. p.11
"He called the method of mass killing he invented Sardinenpackung. As Meier describes, it involved forcing victimes to lie together face down and side and side and killing them with Genickschussen, then forcing the next group of victims who preceded them to form another layer, ignoring the victims; terror and horror in the interest of efficiently filling up the killing pit. Jeckeln's despicably cruel execution protocols destroys SS claims, during and after the warm that its executions were 'correct' military-style executions of partisans. Himmler's goal was mass murder.. By the end of August 1941, commanding the Kommandostab SS FIrst Brigade in the western Ukraine, Jeckeln had personally supervised the murder of more than 44,000 human beings, the largest total of Jews murdered by any of Himmler's virulent legions that month." -- Richard Rhodes. Masters of Death: The Ss-Einsatzgruppen .. 2002
"I went out to the woods alone. The Wehrmacht had already dug a grave. The children were brought along in a tractor-drawn wagon. I had nothing to do with this technical procedure. The Ukrainians were standing round trembling. The children were taken down from the tractor. They were lined up along the top of the grave and shot so that they fell into it. The Ukrainians did not aim at any particular part of the body. They fell into the grave. The wailing was indescribable. I shall never forget the scene throughout my life. I find it very hard to bear. I particularly remember a small fair-haired girl who took me by the hand. She too was shot later.. The grave was near soome woods. IT was not near the firing range. The execution must have taken place in the afternoon at about three-thirty or four.. Many children were hit four or five times before they died." -- Richard Rhodes. Masters of Death: The Ss-Einsatzgruppen .. 2002 p. 135
2--WHite "role models" are leading the charge to redefine and destroy traditional marriage along homosexual lines.
It took people on the left side- the despised Black and Hispanic "NAMs", to preserve traditional marriage in California, USA. Whites were willing to undermine it, and continue to do so nationwide. Derbyshire and other HBDers are always lecturing black folk on monogamy, conveniently skirting the fact that whites themselves are fast undermining and destroying monogamy.
A related claim advanced by biodiversity proponents is the absence of monogamy among Africans until "outside" influences like European colonialism brought it. But this is nonsense. Polygamy was more common in Africa than in Europe, but monogamy also has a long history in Africa even before Africans were forciblly transported to the US, and before any significant influence from Europe. Of the 31 captives of the famous Amistad slave ship for example, 15 were married, and only 1 was polygamous, and monogamy is common in various parts of Africa. See <i>Slavery in North Carolina, 1748-1775. by Marvin L. Michael Kay, Lorin Lee Cary- pg 160.</i> Some HBDers also tout "Middle easterners" and Asians as "role models" on this score but in fact, Asia has had polygamy for a long time parallel with monogamy, along with things like multiple concubinage, practiced in China. And it was not until 1945 that polygamy was finally abolished in Japan.
And people like Jews practiced polygamy for centuries as documented in the Bible and anthropological studies. For Arabs and those who follow Islam, polygamy is permissible even today. Indeed while monogamy has been more dominant in Europe, polygamy has always been around until very recent times. Indeed, one of the things Christianity did for Europe was to stamp out and discourage polygamy. Ironically, there is also a long tradition of polygamy in white Christianity (see <i>After polygamy was made a sin: the social history of Christian polygamy- By John Cairncross</i>), and polygamy is documented as common in white Russia in various eras. Ironically Christianity itself, based on the religion of a Semitic people from the sub-tropical Middle East, not cold climate areas, was adopted in white Europe, and thus provided the "rules of morality" that helped suppress polygamy (among other things) by Europeans in many regions as Cairncross notes. In the modern era, the revolving door divorce cycle of many modern whites closely approaches patterns of polygamy.
Another related claim is of an era of idyllic white virtue and goodness during the 1970s, a temporary time of paradise, before disreputable "minorities" moved in to spoil things. Alas this claim too, in its many variants, both hard and soft, is bogus. The supposed "idyllic serenity" may have existed in SOME white areas, but within that haze of supposed sweetness and light, white America was rapidly degenerating in the 1970s, a continuation of trends from the 1960s, long before any real "integration" of the suburbs by blacks. White America saw rising divorce rates, rising drug use, rising out of wedlock births, rising feminism, rising homosexuality, etc. All this is well documented by historians in books such as Bruce J. Schulman's 2002 "The seventies: the great shift in American culture, society.." Furthermore the driving forces behind such changes were whites themselves. Black "militancy" or crime for example has little to do with why rising numbers of whites decided to divorce in the 1970s for example, hastening the breakdown of white family structure, whatever the psychic satisfactions of using the black "Other" as a convenient scapegoat. --------------------------------------------------------------
3--White "role models" lead in abortions and rape
ABORTION: Many HBDers would automatically point the finger at those perennial scapegoats - the black and brown "NAMs" but they carefully avoid the real story. The highest rates of abortion in the world are among white women in Russia, where 2 babies are killed for each live birth according to scholars Loveless and Holman (2006). The website below offers a similar dismal picture, showing that 60% or more of white Russian women have abortions. Derbyshire and his ilk are quick to trot out "genetic deficiency" explanations on this score where black folk are concerned, but hypocritically, start to hem and haw when their touted more virtuous whites post statistics even worse than blacks. You suddenly hear a mysterious silence then. They never consistently apply their own biased methods to whites, and say that white "genetic deficiencies" cause such outcomes. http://www.lifesitenews.com/ldn/2006/may/06051003.html
The highest incidence of rape in the modern world is perpetrated by white "role models". SOviet troops not only raped over two million German women, but also tens of thousands of SoVIET women who had been taken for slave labour by the Nazis. The white troops raped their own fellow citizens, who had just undergone suffering under the Nazis.
"Researchers of the Russian archives and German hospital archives gave an estimate of about one million German woman raped in Berlin and its surrounding areas, and two million German women in the eastern parts of Germany (Weidner 2008- Treibutgut des Krieges: Zeugnisse von Flucht und Vertreibung der Deutschen, Kassel: Volksbund Duetscher Kriegsgraeberfuersorg e.V.))." --FROM: The Will to Live 1010. By Erika Vora
"Beria and Stalin in Moscow knew perfectly well what was going on. In one report they were told that 'many Germans declare that all German women in East PRussia who stayed behind were raped by Red Army soldiers'. Numerous examples of gang rape were given - 'girls under eighteen and old women included'. In fact victims could be as young as twelve years old.'"
"..women and girls released from slave labout in Germany. Many of the girls were as young as sixteen when taken to the Reich; some were just fourteen. The widespread raping of women taken forcibly from the Soviet Union completely undermines any attempts at justifying Red Army behaviour on the grounds of revenge for German brutality in the Soviet Union. -- Antony Beevor. 2003. The Fall of Berlin: 945
In addition, during the era of slavery, tens of thousands of black women were brutally raped by whites. After slavery, sexual assaults by whites against black women continued, with black victims forbidden to testify against their attackers or intimidated into silence while white authorities collaborated with white rapists to look the other way. The brutal case of Recy Taylor, documented in the book At the Dark End of the Street, 2011, by Danielle McGuire - is typical of the conduct of white "role models" - actual physical rape to start, and later rape by an alleged "justice" system.
Tens of thousands of white on black rapes occurred prior to the FBI investigations and civil rights protections of the 1960s, according to author Danielle McGuire. The horrific gang rape of Recy Taylor which many white newspapers declined to even report, is merely one example of white "role models" at work. WHite law enforcement authorities knew who the attackers were based on Taylor's description, but avoided doing an official police lineup, ensuring that Taylor would not be able to point them out in open court.
The white authorities claimed they had the men on bond, "pending trial", but court records show that they issued bond after Taylor's hearing, backdating their supposed "arrest." An all-white jury declined to indict the attackers, who did not even bother to show up in court.
Meanwhile, the black victim's house was firebombed by whites because she reported the rape. A detailed analysis of the case is in At the Dark End of the Street, 2011, by Danielle McGuire
Historical data "Virtually every known nineteenth-century female slave narrative contains a reference to, at some juncture, the ever present threat and reality of rape. Thwo works come immediately to mind: Hariet Jacob's Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl (1861) and Elizabeth Jeckley's Behnd the Scenes or Thirdy Years a Slave (1868).." Beverly Guy-Sheftall. 1995. Words of Fire
"After the Civil Ear, the widespread rape of Black women by white men persisted. Black women were vulnerable to rape in several ways that white women were not. First the rape of Black women was used as a weapon of group terror by white mobs and by the Ku Klux Klan during Reconstruction. Second, because Black women worked outside the home, they were exposed to employers; sexual aggression as white women who worked inside the home were not... [One white judge said to a black victim] 'This court will never take the word of a nigger against the word of a white man.' -- Karen J. Maschke. 1997 The Legal Response to Violence Against Women
4--White "role models" lead in homosexuality, including its public celebration and embrace.
The allegedly more virtuous, "right" side of the Bell Curve folk. Some studies (Rogers and Turner 1991) report higher rates of homosexual activity among whites than blacks. Remafedi, Resnic Blum and Harris (1992) also find same sex attraction some 3 times higher in Whites than Blacks. Yet another study confirms white leadership in homosexuality. A National AIDS Behavioral Survey study (NABS), reported by Binson et al (1995) shows that 9.1% of white men, 3.1% of Black men, 2.7 percent of Hispanic men, and 2.3 percent of Asian/other had had same-sex action. In essence whites were 3 times more likely than blacks to be engaging in homosexual acts. Indeed, the NABS study oversampled Black and Hispanic men but still showed higher rates of white activity. In another study based on vascular risk factors Krieger and Sidney (1997) reported white women and men were more likely to have had homosexual or bisexual contact than either black men or black women. In essence whites were twice as likely to be engaged in homosexual behavior than blacks. Here again, the supposedly more virtuous, mo betta "right" side of the Bell Curve produces dismal "leadership" on the moral front.
"Heriditarian" types often use IQ scores to disparage the morality of putative lesser breeds, but such IQ scores show correlation with homosexuality, according to some research. Indeed according to some studies, homosexuals post higher IQs than straights. (John P. De Cecco, Michael G. Shively (1984) Bisexual and homosexual identities: critical theoretical issues. Routledge). Alan Soble (1997) Sex, love, and friendship: studies of the Society for the Philosophy of Sex. Rodopi. pp. 77) lists several studies attesting to higher homosexual IQs, with most of the subjects in said studies being white. (See also James Weinrich, (1976). Human Reproductive Strategy. HARVARD UNIVERSITY DISSERTATION.[/img] p. 203-15). Since IQ is so important in so many ways, including evolution, according to Derbyshire and assorted HBDers, a cynic using their logic might well argue that homosexuality represents another, "higher" step in white evolution. As noted above, there is some evidence that whites have higher rates of homosexual behavior and attraction than blacks. Hence, using heriditarian logic, homosexuality and the attendant higher IQs might represent an "evolutionary" advance of white people.
Northern European "role models" show extensive homosexual activity stretching back to ancient times as scholars note. Cold-climate Eastern Europeans not far behind. QUOTE:
"The fourth-century A.D. Roman writer Ammianus Marcellinus described homosexual relationships between youth and adult warriors among the Taifali, a Germanic tribe related to the Goths.. Marcellinus became familiar with the Taifali when he was posted as a soldier in the region. Their youth, Marcellinus write, remained in these homosexual relationships until they became adults and had killed a boar or bear, a typical initiatory ordeal. Similar homosexual customs were described by the Roman historian Procopius in the sixth century A.D. among another German tribe, the Heruli.. homosexuality in the form of institutionalized pederasty of the sort described by Ammianis Marcellinus and Procopius is understood to have been the rule within the Germanic warrior societies. Remarkably similar societies of unmarried warriors existed in Norse and Celtic society. The members of the Norse warrior societies also dedicated themselves to their god, Odin, dressed likewise in skins of wolves or bears and were said to fight with the furor f one possessed of the spirits of those animals.. Like the Germanic peoples, Celtic society was ruled by a warrior aristocracy supported by a farming peasantry.. While references by classical writers to homosexual relationship between Celtic warriors and youth are not detailed enough to be able to establish an initiatory construct, the pederastic relations that they described would almost certainly have occurred within the fianna, the principal social venue of the Celtic warriors. Indeed, given the close similarity of Celtic and Germanic tribal customs, and the well documented esteem of the Celts for male homosexuality, it would have been odd if the Celts did not practice a similar type of initiatory homosexuality.
The ancient writers leave no doubt as to the Celtic warriors; enthusiasm for homosexuality in general. According to Aristotle, the Celts held homosexuality in high esteem and publicly honored homosexual relations. Diodorus writes that despite the charm of Celtic women, the Celtic men: "long instead for the embrace of one of their own sex lying on animal skins and tumbling around with a lover on on either side. It is particularly surprising that they attach no value to either dignity or decency, offering their bodies to each other without further ado. This was not regarded as at all harmful: on the contrary, if they were rejected in their approaches, they felt insulted." Celtic youth evidently shared the attitudes of their elders. The Greek writer Strabo, described the young Celts of Gaul as "shamelessly generous with their boyish charms."
"..The lack if sexual inhibitions that the Celtic warriors displayed towards each other amid such an atmosphere of masculine eroticism suggests that homosexuality was not limited to pederastic relations, and that love between comrades was also a part of Celtic warrior life. In fact, it is warriors, not youth, whom Diodorus describes as "offering their bodies to each other without further ado." Such a relationship between warrior peers even appears in an Irish Celtic saga of the late first millennium." [ENDQUOTE]> --Neill, James (2009). The origins and role of same-sex relations in human societies. Mcfarland: pp 120-131
Data on other ancient 'Caucasoid' peoples, supposed Indo-European "role models," reveals a unified pattern of homosexual behavior.
In ancient Greece homosexuality played an important role. QUOTE: "While little is known of the sexual practices of the Kassites, Hyksos or Aryans, that is not the case with the Greeks. The extent of the prevalence and social importance of homosexual behavior among the ancient Greeks is so thoroughly documented that it is possible to get a clear picture not only of the character of homosexual relationships in Greeks society, but the important role homosexuality played in that society.. the fragmentary glimpses we have of homosexual behavior among the other Indo-European peoples can be recognized as revealing a unified pattern of sexual customs and beliefs that seems to have prevailed among all the Indo-European ancestors of modern Europeans." --Neill, James (2009). The origins and role of same-sex relations in human societies. Mcfarland:
Pedophilia and homosexuality was common among the Spartans. Wives and male lovers were shared between Spartan men. Pederasty or use of youth for homosexual purposes was well established among the Spartans, Greeks and Cretans.
[quotes from various scholars:] "..young boys between the ages of 6 and 16 were organized in 'packs' and 'herds' and placed under the supervision of young adult Spartans. This supervision was sometimes seen as surrogate fathering and one marker of its activity ".. was the instutionalization of pederasty. After the age of twelve, each Spartan teenager was expected to receive a young adult warrior as his lover.. Punishment for various infractions such as suffering silently under discipline was sometimes made on the youth's older lover, for having failed to educate his beloved properly."> --From: The Spartans: the world of the warrior-heroes of ancient Greece, from utopia to crisis and collapse Paul Cartledge, Overlook Press, 2003.pg 69-70
"Aspects of Spartan society conduced less to heterosexuality than to homosexuality. In his Laws, Plato wrote that homosexuality resulted from the (male) dining groups and from male nudity in gymnasia. Records of Sparta from the classical period seem to refer to homosexual boyfriends at least as often as to wives. particularly revealing, are some assertions by Xenophon on this subject." > --From: Sparta By Michael Whitby. 2002. Taylor and Francis: p. 93
"Sparta too institutionalized homosexual relations between mature men and adolescent boys, as well as between adult women and girls.. many aspects of Spartan homosexuality and marriage customs point to tribal origins. Participation was mandatory for all youth of good character. There were ordeals- a common feature of tribal initiation.. Even after marriage, men lived in men's houses, not with their wives. Wives and male lovers were shared with age-mates." > ---From: The construction of homosexuality. David F. Greenberg. University of Chicago Press. 1990. p.107 --------------------------
Both homosexuality and pedophilia were institutionalized among the Greeks per scholars: [quotes from various scholars:] FROM: Homosexuality in the ancient world - Page 80. Wayne R. Dynes, Stephen Donaldson - 1992 -
quotes from Dynes and Donaldson: "In short, I have no doubt that the evidence of Xenophon and Plutarch is sufficient to establish the important conclusion that pederasty in Sparta was institutionalised." In the "Politics of Spartan Pederasty" in Homosexuality in the ancient world, pg 23, various documentation from the Spartan era ranges from rock- cut graffiti, to bronze figurines of decidedly masculine "girls", to depictions of anal copulation on drinking cups, to terracotta votive masks depicting unbearded 'Youth' and bearded adult 'Warriors' found in the sanctuary at Orthia.".>
Some historian argue that Greek homosexual activity had ritual significance in the form of the semen, being an agent representing martial excellence or prowess, imparted to the receiving male in the process of sodomy. The venue of the gymnasium also played a part.
quotes from Dynes and Donaldson: "Next there is the point insisted upon by Plato's Athenian Laws (1.636b; cg. Theaer. 162b, 169ab), the role played by the gymnasia as hotbeds of homosexuality. The Spartans put a premium on gymnastic exercise, and if Thucydides (1.6.5) is to be believed, it was they who invented the customs of exercising stark naked and rubbing down with olive oil. In Sparta therefore the cult of the nude male body is likely to have been pushed to the extremes, as it is known to have been in other less gymnastic Greek cities.. None of these conditions favoring homosexuality is wholly peculiar to Spartan society, but their presence in combination suggests that the integration of institutionalised pederasty into the Agoge, whenever precisely it occurred, will at any rate, not have been awkward."> pg 27
Yet others argue that the ties created by pederasty extended to the networks of influence and governance. "Pederasty, in other words, could have acted at Spartan in the age of Xenophon, as it certainly did in fourth-century Crete, as a means of recruiting the political elite,"> ---------------
Young females were also used in Spartan society as part of homosexual relations. Quote: "Plutarch relates that in Sparta, the noble women loved the girls. Also the academic philosopher Hagnon states: "Among the Spartans it was customary (viz for adult women) to have intercourse with girls before their marriage, as one did with boys."> pg 292
Homosexuality was commonly recognized and accepted in Greece, and suggest a common pattern among Indo-European peoples. As one historian notes: "One of the intriguing features of the Greeks is their active interest in homosexuality... Yet the adherents of this solution [a ritual of initiation] have not attempted an explanation pf this puzzling phenomenon and they have ignored the existence of Indo-European (henceforth: I-E) parallels." pg 49
pg 50: "The bachelors had recourse to sodomy, a practice which was not reprobated but was actually a custom of the country- and a custom in the true sense, i.e., fully sanctioned by male society and universally practised.">
Some ancient Greek scholars held that the Persians learned homosexuality from the Greeks ".. we pass straight on to the Persians. Our sources are divided as to whether they practiced pederasty or not. The latter view will be the more probably one, since the Zoroastrian writings tome and again strongly forbade pederasty. It is perhaps indicative for this attitude that Agesilaos, although strongly in love with the son of high-ranking Persian, refrains from any physical contact. On the other hand, the son of Pharnabazus is enamoured of a Greek boy, and the recurrence of the prohibitions of pederasty suggests that the Persians did not succeed in stopping the practice. Such discrepancy between theory and practice could elucidate the remark of Herodotus that the Persians learned pederasty from the Greeks."> pg 282
Quotes from: Homosexuality in the ancient world - Page 80. Wayne R. Dynes, Stephen Donaldson-1992 -
Historian Charles Freeman's "The Greek Achievement" (1999) holds that homosexuality had an influential place in some Greek institutions. According to Freeman: [quote] ".. "The symposia provided the arena for much of this sexual activity. These were highly ritualized affairs whose origins lay in the banqueting halls of aristocratic warriors. The men were garlanded and reclined one or two to a couch around a central table.. there is little evidence that symposia were normally used to discuss politics. Rather the opposite; the longest conversation in Plato's Symposium is about the nature of homosexual love." > (Freeman: pg 299, pg 283-304)
Other writers find similar patterns: "Male homosexuality was also a prominent feature of Classical Athens. It was widely practiced and tolerated. Athenian law disenfranchised a citizen who had prostituted his body to another male, but nothing was done to males who engaged in homosexual love with male prostitutes or other adult males for love or pleasure. The law did not eliminated male prostitution but ensured that male prostitutes would be foreigners, not Athenian citizens." > -- Western Civilization: To 1500, Volume 1. Jackson J. Spielvogel. 2009. Cenage.
Note: ALL cultures have gay individuals and relationships, and some cultures worked out practical "live and let live" arrangements for them, yet some "hereditarian" and "Aryan" types applaud Nazi attempts to kill gays as a way of "purging" the race. They deny the existence of gays in ancient Europe, except as an anomaly brought about by corrupt "Semitic" influences. As the above examples show however, the actual truth is far different. --------------------------------------------------------------
5--White "role models" lead in high rates of child molestation
Whites post higher rates of child molestation than other groups according to scholars Hattery and Smith 2007, depending on the baselines measured, and said white child molesters serve LESS time for their crimes than black crack cocaine offenders, according to some studies. QUOTE:
'Furthermore, our analysis suggests that child molesters, who are primarily white men, serve shorter average sentences than crack offenders who are primarily African American men. Child molesters serve an average of 6 years and only 43% of their full sentences, whereas the average inmate serving a sentence for possession of crack serves 11 years and 80% of his or her sentence." --(African American families, by Angela Hattery, Earl Smith, SAGE 2007. pp. 245) ---
and as one conservative police chief report states:
"Criminal profiling has a legitimate and successful history when applied to serial killers, rapists, hijackers, child molesters and arsonists. Ironically, some criminal profiles show a racial relationship between white males and serial killers, rapists, and child molesters." (-- Carl Milazzo (1999) Race Relations in Police Operations: A Legal and Ethical Perspective. International Assn. of Chiefs of Police) ---
The police chief profiling report mentions several offenses, but when broken out separately, a pattern emerges of whites as over-represented among child molesters. Kirk (1975) found that black offenders were more likely to pick out adult females for sexual assault at a rate three times more than white offenders (34% and 11% respectively), compared to white offenders who selected non-adults more. Kirk's finding is supported by West and Templer's 1994 study of incarcerated sex offenders, which found that a disproportionate number of child molesters were white, compared to negro offenders. (Kirk, S.A. (1975). The sex offenses of blacks and whites. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 4, 295-302) (West, J and Templer D. (1994). Child molestation, rape and ethnicity. Psychological Reports, 75, 1326) ------
The heavy white pattern varies by state. For example, a 1998 study in Florida was carried out on molesters over a 21 month period. Of these 88.4% were white, versus 7.9% black. Around 1998, Florida's populations stood at 78% white, and 14.6% black (Bureau of the Census 2000). Whites were thus overrepresented among the child molesters relative to general population, (88% molesters versus 78% general population) versus blacks who were underrepresented 7.9% versus 14.6%) on molestation offenses. -- Tingle, et al (1998) Childhood and Adolescent Characteristics of Pedophiles and Rapists.
An alternative point of comparison is to compare criminals to criminals - those actually in jail for crime - rather than non-offending persons in the general population. In the 1990s in Florida, whites made up less than 50% of the prison population.* Based on such patterns, whites are thus overrepresented as a proportion of those in jail. The same pattern repeats itself nationally. (*Data Source: Bureau of Justice Statistics, Prison and Jail Inmates at Midyear 1995 - State detail.) ----
"According to the Survey of Inmates of State Correctional Facilities by the U.S. Department of Justice Bureau of Justice Statistics, the following statistics have been recorded concerning the characteristics of offenders who violate and assault children.[/img]
* Those inmates who were convicted of committing violent acts against children were more likely to have been white, a percentage of nearly 70%, than any other race. * White inmates were nearly three times more likely to have victimized a child than black inmates." ------
Detailed data from Federal prison statistical reports also show the same pattern. Under the "Other sexual Assault" category, which is primarily child molestation, whites were six times more likely to go to state prison than Blacks and twice as likely to go to prison for such offenses than Hispanics. Under the category "Parole violators returned to State prison" whites were twice as likely to be returned to prison for the sexual offences than blacks. --Source: Bureau of Justice Statistics. National Corrections Reporting Program, 1994. NCRP9404 - New court commitments to State prison, 1994: Offense by sex, race and Hispanic origin NCRP9405. Parole violators returned to State prison, 1994: Offense, by sex, race, and Hispanic origin
And in 1994 the white prison population was less than 50%, (48,21% per the Federal Sourcebook of Criminal Justice Statistics- 1990) and yet whites made up 77% of all child molesters in prison, almost 30 percent more than their representation in the general prison population. Whites are thus overrepresented as child molesters in proportion to their incarceration rate.
Numerous "HBD" statistics do comparisons to "the general population" - but why always make comparisons to a pool that includes innocent 86 year old grandmothers, pregnant 24-year olds, or 3-year old children? Another equally valid alternative comparison is to compare criminals to criminals- and run the statistics that way. We are talking crime- hence let's run comparisons among the criminal population as well. Hence the 1994 data, and some of the other data above for incarcerated persons shows some interesting patterns that are carefully dodged and avoided by assorted "biodiversity" types.
In summary, while child molestation occurs in all ethnicities, available data show that higher IQ folk display unimpressive moral "leadership" on this score.
Note: No ethnic group is exempt from the above but "biodiversity" proponents continually tout cold climate and or northern European peoples, cold climate eastern Europeans and Asiatics as sterling evolutionary role models, superior in virtue to lesser breeds. A close examination of the actual data yields a much less flattering reality.
6-- White "role models" lead in divorce rates nationally. Within the top 10 of countries with the highest divorce rates in the world, most are reportedly high IQ Western nations- such as the US, Russia, the UK, Denmark, New Zealand, Australia, Canada and Finland. Note the pattern, the bulk of the high divorce countries are the higher IQ ones. http://www.nationmaster.com/graph/peo_div_rat-people-divorc e-rate
7- White "role models" often presume to lecture others on sexual morality but their own conduct in such areas as out-of-wedlock births is rather unimpressive.
It is a fact that for decades prior to the 1960s, black folk in the US posted higher marriage rates and lower divorce rates than whites. Furthermore white OOW rates are hardly sterling. Among the supposedly more virtuous northern Europeans for example, like the white Irish, the OOW rate in some decades of the 19th century exceeded 50% in heavily Irish areas of settlement in cities like NYC, even though the Irish made up less than 26% of the population at the time (Sowell 1981, 1983).
Supposedly virtuous white "Nordic" Europeans are no better. In the 1850s, in Sweden's biggest city, Stockholm, for example, the illegitimacy rate was close to 50%. As Burns and Scott (1994) show, by the mid 19th century when reliable cross-national figures are widely available, it was found than in illegitimacy, (Stockholm (with a 46% rate in the 1850s) was second only to Vienna (49%) among European capitals. Indeed this trend was a continuation since the early 1800s. Nor was this solely a pattern for mid century 1800s. In ultra-white Sweden at the start of the 20th century, barely half of Swedish women married and around one-sixth of children were born out of wedlock. Nor was this solely an urban Stockholm phenomenon. High illegitimacy rates and declining marriage rates were also found in rural areas as well (A companion to nineteenth-century Europe, 1789-1914, By Stefan Berger, Wiley 2006.) By contrast, as late as 1950 the US black illegitimacy rate stood at 17%, well below that of the touted white Swedish "role models" above, and for 50 years, black marriage rates were higher than that of US whites (Sowell 2004- Black Rednecks, White Liberals), and better than the Swedish pattern over several decades. The black illegitimacy rate in 1965 was STILL lower than the 28% posted by US whites in 2000.
Closer into the 20th century, white Nordic "role models" are no paragons of virtue: By the year 2000, out of wedlock births in Nordic Sweden had reached 53% of all births- a steep rise from a mere 10% illegitimacy rate in mid century. (A population history of the United States By Herbert S. Klein, Cambridge University Press. 2004. p. 216) Nor are supposedly more virtuous white people of other "Nordic" nations any better. In the early 1980s illegitimacy rates were on the order of 45% in Iceland and Sweden and 40% in Denmark. (Report on Immigrant populations and demographic development in the member states of the Council of Europe. Rinus Penninx, Council of Europe. 1984.)
8-- The record of white "role models" is much less than advertised re allegedly superior virtue when scrutiny is applied. Indeed some of the supposed paragons of Bell Curve goodness, northern Europeans, have a dubious record in terms of reputed virtue and morality.
Let us begin by looking at white Southerners in the USA- and let's give assorted "biodiversity" proponents the benefit of the doubt by not using "liberal" scholars- let's stick with conservative ones. What happens when even conservative scholars like Thomas Sowell look at the data? We see that native white southerners historically are among the most backward and violent people in the American population. According to Sowell, in his 2005 Black Rednecks and White Liberals, what many see as pathologies of contemporary black culture actually derive from a dysfunctional historical white-southern “cracker” culture. "The cultural values and social patterns prevalent among Southern whites included an aversion to work, proneness to violence, neglect of education, sexual promiscuity, improvidence, drunkenness, lack of entrepreneurship, reckless searches for excitement, a lively music and dance, and a style of religious oratory marked by strident rhetoric, unbridled emotions, and flamboyant imagery. This oratorical style carried over into the political oratory of the region in both the Jim Crow era and the civil rights era, and has continued on into our own times among black politicians, preachers, and activists. Touchy pride, vanity, and boastful self- dramatization were also part of this redneck culture among people from regions of Britain where the civilization was the least developed.[25]"
Several scholars support Sowell’s observations. Grady McWhiney’s Cracker Culture (1988) is a thorough historical study of the values and behavioral patterns of white Southerners, and is backed by many other scholarly studies which have turned up very similar patterns even when they differed in some ways as to the causes. Scholar Hackett Fischer’s Albions Seed,(1989) for example, eschews the Celtic theory advanced by McWhiney, but shows many of the same cultural patterns for the whites, both in Britain and the American South.[26]
Nor can "evil papists" be blamed. Most whites who settled the south were Protestants. Now let's look at another northern European people- whom all are supposed to hail as paragons of cold-climate virtue - the white Irish. The Irish have long been marked by high levels of violence, substance abuse, promiscuity, anti- intellectualism, etc. In rural Ireland before mass immigration to America, for example, sexual morality was relatively conservative. However once the Irish peasantry hit the crowded, fetid slums and streets of big cities such as New York or Boston, this traditional rural conservatism began to break down, In New York for example, some decades of the 19th century show white Irish illegitimacy rates as high as 50% even though the Irish made up less than 26% of the city's population. Likewise in the 1850s around 50% of the people arrested daily were white Irish even though they made up less that 26% of the city's population. (Sowell 1981). Likewise the fallout of the Industrial Revolution in white Britain included horrific poverty, dismal slums and widespread violence as the rural peasantry migrated to the dismal venues of the city.
As far as violence, one history notes: "The New York Draft Riot has gone down in history as one of the nation's bloodiest urban riots. Moreover, the behavior of the Irish during these fateful days and the racism they exhibited reinforced their reputation for violence."(Dolan, JP, The Irish Americans: A History. p. 49) On some measures of social propriety, the Irish were no paragons. One survey of prostitutes in the 1800s in heavily Irish NYC for example "revealed that 35 percent were Irish and 12 percent German." The Irish also posted higher rates of female-headed families than other ethnic groups in the same time period. (Binder, F, and Reimers D. (1996) All the Nations Under Heaven: An Ethnic and Racial History of New York City. Columbia University Press.)
Much is made of comparisons to blacks and assorted European immigrants, but as the example of the Irish shows, blacks are not some unique, basket case. They suffered and show the the same patterns that often accompany rural people being urbanized. As anyone who has a basic knowledge of black history knows, WWII was to spark major changes and population movements in Black America. The MAJORITY of Blacks became an urban people, in contrast to the majority rural volk of previous decades. As becoming urbanized, blacks fell prey to a common pattern that often afflicts 'country' people who are squeezed into the crowded slums, violent streets and indifferent attitudes of cities - there is greater social dysfunction as the old rural community bonds begin to break down. It happened with whites from and in Ireland and Britain. It happened with Chinese in the over-packed slums of numerous Chinatowns. It happened with a host of other people in varying measures. But according to HBD "experts", black people are these unique basket cases as far as such problems go. Only they are permanently affected by such horrible dysfunctions, you see, because they are black. Never mind the white people who have gone before, and who underwent the same pattern. They are exempt, and covered with a magical mantle of alleged white goodness and virtue.
Scholar Thomas Sowell (1981, 2004, 1983) notes that many problems identified with blacks in modern society are hardly unique in terms of American ethnic groups, nor in terms of a rural proletariat swept by disruption as it became urbanized.
Heavy patterns of pathology are for example seen in the white peasant migrants to the dismal urban slums that sprung up during the Industrial Revolution in Britain and elsewhere. He maintains that US blacks only became a largely urban people after WWII, when the booming war economy accelerated a third great migration north, allowing millions of blacks to escape the harsh, oppressive conditions of the South. While southern cities also saw some migration, it was this massive wartime era move north that was much more significant, and the arrival of the rural black proletariat into difficult urban conditions broke down many of the social mores and community-generated controls, such as church influence, that had helped maintain its stability in the past. World War I also saw a spurt of urban migration in response to economic demand, but this urbanization was not completed for most blacks until the WWII era. A recent work by Ira Berlin (2010) entitled "The making of African America: the four great migrations" (Viking: 2010) confirms Sowell's data, showing that full, majority black urbanization was accomplished only after the WW II era, making blacks relatively recent mass entrants into urban economies that ite ethnics had long since operated in. The black urban migrants faced massive discrimination above others, but also social dislocation, with corresponding social problems.
Sowell (1981 - Ethnic America- see below) notes that social problems occurring after such migrations are nothing new with other white ethnic groups, who had the advantage of entering, acculturating and adjusting to the urban economy in toto several decades earlier than blacks. The black migrants faced race discrimination above and beyond other ethnic groups, but fundamentally experienced the same social pathologies others did in becoming urbanized.
Difficulties with crime, schooling, substance abuse etc. are thus not uniquely "black" problems but are well represented in other urbanizing groups from peasant background. In Ethnic America (1981), for example, Sowell shows that white ethnic groups like the Irish were marked by many of the same patterns as blacks who migrated from rural backgrounds to the big urban centers, including high levels of violence and substance abuse. As regards out-of-wedlock births, the rate in some New York areas with heavy white Irish settlement was over 50%, comparable to what would develop in later black ghettos in the same city.[50] Sowell sums of some of these claims in his Pink and Brown People and Other Controversial Essays (1981), warning against what he calls the fallacy of presentism:
"Those who cannot swallow pseudo-biology can turn to pseudo-history as the basis for classification. Unique cultural characteristics are now supposed to neatly divide the population. In this more modern version, the ghetto today is a unique social phenomenon.. American ghettos have always had crime, violence, overcrowding, filth, drunkenness, bad school teaching, and worse learning. Nor are blacks historically unique even in the degree of these things. Crime and violence were much worse in the nineteenth-century slums, which were almost all white. The murder rate in Boston in the middle of the nineteenth century was about three times what it was in the middle of the twentieth century. All the black riots of the 1960s put together did not kill half as many people as were killed in one white riot in 1863.. Squalor, dirt, disease? Historically, blacks are neither the first nor last in any of these categories. There were far more immigrants packed into the slums (per room or per square mile) than is the case with blacks today - not to mention the ten thousand to thirty thousand children with no home at all in the nineteenth-century New York...
Even in the area where many people get most emotional- educational and IQ test results- blacks are doing nothing that various European minorities did not do before them. As of about 1920, any number of European ethnic groups had I.Q.'s the same or lower than the I.Q.'s of blacks today. As recently as 1940, there were schools on the Lower East Side of New York with academic performances lower than those of schools in Harlem. Much of the paranoia that we talk ourselves into about race is a result of provincialism about our own time as compared to other periods in history."
NOTES: Sowell, T, 1981. Ethnic America Sowell T. 2005, Black Rednecks, White liberals Sowell T. 1983. The Economics and Politics of Race Sowell T. 2004. Affirmative Action around the world Berlin, I. 2010. The making of African America: the four great migrations
Northern European groups also show high rates of violence, criminality, substance abuse and welfare dependency as conservative scholar Thomas Sowell notes. [QUOTE:]
"Such living patterns reflected not only the poverty of the Irish but also their being used to squalid living conditions in mud huts in Ireland... Sewage piled up in backyard privies until the municipal authorities chose to collect it, or else it ran off in open trenches, fouling the air and providing breeding grounds for dangerous diseases. The importance of proper garbage disposal, to keep the neighborhood from being overrun with rats, was one of many similar facts of urban life that every rural group new to the city would have to learn over the years, beginning with the Irish, and continuing through many others until the present day. Cholera, which had been unknown before, swept through Boston in 1849, concentrated almost exclusively in Irish neighborhoods. In New York, cholera was also disproportionately observed in Irish wards. In various cities, both tuberculosis and fire swept regularly through the overcrowded tenements where the Irish lived, and there was a high rate of insanity among the Irish immigrants.. The incidence of tuberculosis in Boston varied closely with the proportion of the Irish living in a neighborhood.
Patterns of alcoholism and fighting brought over from Ireland persisted in the United States. Over half the people arrested in New York in the 1850s were Irish.. Police vans became known as 'Paddy wagons" because the prisoners in them were so often Irish. "The fighting Irish" was a phrase that covered everything from individual brawls to mass melees (known as "Donnybrooks" for a town in Ireland) to criminal gangs.. Irish neighborhoods were tough neighborhoods in cities around the country. The Irish Sixth Ward in New York was known as "the bloody ould Sixth." Another Irish Neighborhood in New York was known as "Hell's Kitchen," and another as 'San Juan Hill" because of the battles fought there. In Milwaukee, the Irish section was called the "Bloody Third".. Where the Irish workers built the Illinois Central Railroad, people spoke of "a murder a mile" as they laid track. The largest riot in American history was by predominantly Irish rioters in New York in 1863..
Even the proportion of the black population who were laborers and house servants in Boston in 1850 was much lower than among the Irish, and the free blacks in mid- century Boston were in general economically better off than the Irish. The Irish-women's work as domestic servants and washerwomen was usually more steadily available than that of Irishmen- a situation later to be repeated among blacks.
As in Ireland itself, the poverty and improvidence of the Irish immigrants to America often reduced them to living on charity when hard times came. In early nineteenth-century Ireland, even before the famine, it was common for whole families of the poor to go 'tramping about it for months, bragging from parish to parish.' Recourse to public charity was a well-established habit carried over to America. Expenditures for relief to the poor in Boston more than doubled from 1845 to 1855, during the heavy influx of the Irish, after such expenditures had been relatively stable for years. In New York City in the same era, about 60 percent of the people in almshouses had been born in Ireland. As late as 1906, there were more Irish than Italian paupers, beggars and inmates of almshouses, even though the Italians arrived a generation later and were generally poorer at the turn of the century. radically different attitudes toward accepting charity existed in Ireland and Italy, and these attitudes apparently had more effect than their respective objective economic conditions in America. There were similar cultural differences in attitudes toward the abandonment of wives and children. In the 1840s, 'it was almost automatically assumed than an orphan was Irish," and as late as 1914, about half the Irish families on Manhattan's west side were fatherless. No such pattern appeared among the Italians.
Although the Irish immigrants (like other immigrants) had a disproportionate representation of young people in the prime of life, the mortality rate shot up after their arrival. Boston's mortality rate in 1850 was double that of the rest of Massachusetts, even though there were relatively fewer aged people in Boston. The difference was due to the extremely high mortality rate in the Irish neighborhoods. Diseases that had become rare in America now flourished again. In 1849, cholera spread through Philadelphia to New York and to Boston- primarily in Irish neighborhoods. There had not been a smallpox epidemic in Boston since 1792, but after 1845, it became a recurring plague, again primarily among the Irish. The spread of the Irish into other neighborhoods, mean, among other things, the spread of these and other diseases. The residential flight of middle-class Americans from the Irish immigrants was by no means all irrationality...
Today's neighborhood changes have been dramatized by such expressions was 'white flight' but these patterns existed long before black-white neighborhood changes were the issue. When the nineteenth-century Irish immigrants flooded into New York and Boston, the native Americans fled. With the first appearance of an Irish family in a neighborhood, 'the exodus of non-Irish residents began. 'White flight' is a misleading term, not only because of its historical narrowness, but also because blacks too have fled when circumstances were reversed. Blacks fled a whole series of neighborhoods in nineteenth-century New York, 'pursued' by new Italian immigrants who moved in. The first blacks in Harlem were fleeing from the tough Irish neighborhoods in mid-Manhattan, and avoided going north of 145th Street for fear of encountering more Irish there." [ENDQUOTE]> --FROM: Sowell, T. (1981). Ethnic America
9- White "role models" historically lead in the murder of children- infanticide..
Scholarly works such as Milner 2000 (Milner, Larry S. (2000). Hardness of Heart / Hardness of Life: The Stain of Human Infanticide') and many others give many of the gory details of the activities of these allegedly virtuous "role models." Asian societies like China for example historically carried out massive amounts of sex selective infanticide. In "Caucasoid" India, female infanticide of newborn girls was systematic in many areas, including tossing children into the Ganges River as a sacrificial offering. Among supposedly more moral and virtuous Caucasoid Europeans, killing of children was common. In ancient Sardinia, three thousand bones of young children, with evidence of sacrificial rituals, have been found there. Among supposedly more virtuous Caucasoid stocks in Southwest Asia or the "Middle East", child sacrifices to their goddess Ishtar was routine, and among some Caucasoid tribes of what is now Greece, every 10th child was killed as sacrifice in difficult economic times. In Caucasoid Carthage, child sacrifice according to Milner, "reached its infamous zenith," with infants and young children burned in fire or roasted alive in hot bronze. One archeological excavations yielded 20,000 charred remains of young children (packed in urns). The Bible mentions such sacrifice among the Caucasoid Phoenicians at a site called Topeth. (Brown, Shelby (1991). Late Carthaginian Child Sacrifice and Sacrificial Monuments in their Mediterranean Context.)
In "Caucasoid" Greece, the exposure of unwanted newborns was not uncommon, especially among the noble Spartans. In Caucasoid Rome, infanticide was common, despite laws on the books. Indeed Philo the Philosopher speaks out against it, noting the casual nature with which it was carried out by the Romans. Offenders were rarely prosecuted under Roman law, and said law allowed killing of Caucasoid newborns if they were visibly deformed. (Naphtali, Lewis, ed (1985). "Papyrus Oxyrhynchus 744". Life in Egypt Under Roman Rule). Indeed Rome was founded by near victims of infanticide- the legendary Romulus and Remus. Among the ancient Caucasoid Germanic tribes, the practice was not unknown, and unwanted children were liquidated in the forests. Archeological data shows the burnt bones of children, disposed of as child sacrifice in ancient Britain. (Boswell, John (1988). The Kindness of Strangers. NY: Vintage Books).
In "Caucasoid" Europe of the Middle Ages, one scholar (Langer 2000) notes that infanticide "was practiced on gigantic scale with absolute impunity, noticed by writers with most frigid indifference". At the end of the 12th century, notes Richard Trexler, Roman women threw their newborns into the Tiber river in daylight. (Langer, William L. (1974). "Infanticide: a historical survey". History of Childhood Quarterly 1 (3): 353–366. -- Trexler, Richard (1973). "Infanticide in Florence: new sources and first results". History of Childhood quarterly 1: 99.)
In Caucasoid Russia child sacrifice was offered to the pagan god Perun, who was worshipped as the god of lightning and thunder, and in Kamchatka, children were tossed to dogs to be eaten alive. (Russia in the era of NEP: explorations in Soviet society and culture - Page 201. 1991. Sheila Fitzpatrick, Alexander Rabinowitch, Richard Stites)
By contrast with the supposedly more virtuous and moral Caucasoids and Asiatics above, Africa has the lowest incidence of infanticide. As scholar Milner notes: QUOTE:
"Africa has been reported to have a lower incidence of infanticide than all of the other continents." --Milner, L.S. (2000). Hardness of Heart / Hardness of Life: the stain of infanticide. University Press. p. 160
Infanticide did occur in Africa but to a MUCH LOWER extent that allegedly more virtuous cold Caucasoid or Asiatic “role models.” Ancient Egypt, which was fundamentally populated by peoples with tropical limb proportions from south of the Sahara, is no exception (Zakrewski 2007, Keita 1992, 2005, 2008, Raxter and Ruff 2008 et al). In Egyptian households, at all social levels, children of both sexes were valued and there is no evidence of infanticide.[14] The religion of the Ancient Egyptians forbade infanticide and during the Greco-Roman period they rescued abandoned babies from manure heaps, a common method of infanticide by Greeks or Romans, and were allowed to either adopt them as foundlings or raise them as slaves, often giving them names such as "copro -" to memorialise their rescue.[15] Strabo considered it a peculiarity of the Egyptians that every child must be reared.[16] Diodorus indicates infanticide was a punishable offence.[17]
Notes: 14- "Egypt and the Egyptians", Emily Teeter, p. 97, Cambridge University Press, 1999, 15- "Eroticism and Infanticide at Ashkelon", Lawrence E. Stager, Biblical Archaeology Review, July/Aug 1991 16- "Folkways: A Study of Mores, Manners, Customs and Morals", W Sumner, p. 318, Cosmo 2007, 17- "Life in Ancient Egypt", Adolf Erman, Trans H. M. Tirard, p. 141, pub 1894, repub Kessinger 2003, ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
10- WHite "role models" lead in producing child pornography, with biggest production by the supposedly more virtuous cold climate peoples of northern and eastern Europe, with Asiatics not far behind. Most child pornography is produced by whites, including more disturbing explicit and violent child pornography
A 2010 UN study found that 85% of all child pornography is produced in cold climate regions of Europe. This confirms older analyses by US Customs which found the bulk of child pornography originating in Europe, with Germany being one of the prominent leaders. Studies in the 2000s point to an increasing growth trend of more explicit child pornography.[/b] [QUOTE]: "Amateur pornography produced in Mexico, Philippines and Brazil has been detected but clearly these sources do not predominate... 90% of the commercial child pornography comes from "Eastern Bloc" countries in Europe, and that as a location, Eastern Europe appears to be key to be the organization of the trade." > -- Globalization of Crime: A Transnational Organized Crime Threat Assessment . United Nations Office on Drus and Crime, Geneva: 2010
One US study in the 1980s found that [quote] "According to the US Customs Service, "the traditional source countries are; Sweden, Dennmark and the Netherlands. France, Japan, Thailand, and the Philippines are considered new sources." and "85% of all imported child pornography seized by Customs originated in The Netherlands, Denmark and Sweden. Acccording to INTERPOL, Germany was the major producer, The Netherlands and the United Kingdom were the major distribution centers, and the United States was the largest market. "
-- Dept of the Treasury, US Customs Service, Child Pornography and Protection Unit, 1984: In The sexual exploitation of children (1999) Seth L. Goldstein. CRC Press[/i]
A new more disturbing growth in child pornography fueled by white eastern Europeans: - [QUOTE] "the emergence of more explicit child pornography from Eastern Europe, access to which involves payment, seem to represent a new and disturbing growth in cmmerical exploitation of the market for child pornography." > --Child pornography: an Internet crime. By Maxwell Taylor, Ethel Quayle. Pyshcology Press, 2003
Note: No ethnic group is exempt from evil, but "biodiversity" proponents continually tout cold climate and or northern European peoples, cold climate eastern Europeans, and cold-climate Asiatics as sterling evolutionary role models, superior in virtue to lesser breeds. A close examination of the actual data yields a much less flattering reality. ============================================= ================================
In sum, HBD, "biodiversity" and "hereditarian" types like to lecture others about the supposedly more virtuous folk on the right hand side of the Bell Curve, but in fact, said allegedly more virtuous "role models" are themselves leaders, and extreme practitioners in many of the most degrading examples of human corruption, filth, dissolution, and violence.
Another plank of 'biodiversity' proponents' is that cold-climate peoples lived in 'harsh' environments and this developed higher IQs and superior morality. Alas, an examination of their evidence reveals that the alleged cold-climate environmental "deprivation" of ancient cold-adapted Europeans is dubious. If anything the environment was often favorable, with reliable and predictable food and material resources. Despite this however cold-climate Europeans never pioneered plant or animal domestication even though the species to do this were in place, along with the favorable East-West climatic axis they enjoyed. Indeed, a long tradition of certain scholarship, continuing even today, suggests that some cold-adapted peoples were passive, reaching cultural and even genetic dead-ends.
Quote 1- alleged "harsh" ancient European environment is bogus- conditions were actually favorable in many respects:
"About 35,000 years ago, modern human populations apparently entered Western Europe for the first time and found what one pre-historian has described as 'a virtual Garden of Eden.' Southwest France and northern Spain formed a rich environmental mosaic that supported a profusion of animal and plant life. The diversity of animal life is r eflected in carvings and cave paintings of the Upper Paleolithic Period, spanning from 35,000 to 10,000 years ago. at various times, mammoth, rhinoceros, bison, wild horses, wild oxen, red deer, reindeer, ibex and many other species abounded... the Upper Paleolithic people of Western Europe probably enjoyed a greater degree of social-complexity than is projected by the simplistic hunter-gatherer model. They had a rich diversity of resources, and a high degree of stability and predictability of these resources year to year." -- Lewin, Roger (1988). In the Age of Mankind. Smithsonian. pp. 196-199
Quote 2- Famous Lascaux area of pre-historic France shows a favorable environment, not much different from other hunting areas on other continents, with plenty of climate variability, contradicting claims of alleged "harsh" venues. "The physical world inhabited by the painters and engravers of Lascaux was unlike anything known today.. Sea levels plummeted more than 300 feet; dry land connected not only North America and Asia but Britain and continental Europe. Southern Europe was cold, dry and covered with rich grasslands. In regions with some topographical re;lief, like southwest France and northern Spain, vegetation was more varied; sheltered and exposed localities created different micro-climates. Paleolithic animal life in this area was abundant, much more like the plains of modern Africa than anything seen in Europe today. Herds of horses, bison, and aurochs roamed the grasslands, along with reindeer and ibex in the hills...
To judge from discoveries of pollen and seed at some sites, and from engravings at others, peoples of Lascaux and their contemporaries ate blueberries, raspberries, acorns, hazelnuts, and other tubers, nuts, berries and grasses.
The last Ice Age was by no means a period of unrelieved cold, millennium after millennium. Temperatures fluctuated, sometimes coming close to today's balmy interglacial climes, and the animal and plant communities fluctuated in concert with them. Warmer climes brought woodland and forest where only open grassland had existed previously. At the same time, the horses and bison- animals of the plains, were replaced with red deer, wild boar and other confines of a forest habitat.. " -- Lewin, Roger (1988). In the Age of Mankind. Smithsonian. pp. 144
Quote 3- Long before the coming of the Neolithic revolution from the Near East via the Natufians and others, ancient cold-adapted Europeans had more than enough opportunity to pioneer plant and animal domestication. Wild species of the cow, horse, pig and goat were all well known. Wild ancestors of important crops- such as wheat-like spelt variants, and chick peas were also in place. What then took the alleged cold-adapted "pace-setters" so long to advance human civilization?
".. as critics of the climate theory point out, the world has gone through many climate fluctuations in the 100,000 years since modern humans occupied the Old World. Opportunities for cultivation and animal husbandry surely existed earlier than the Neolithic. Yet no evidence has emerged that any plant or animal domestication occurred before this time. More specifically, no potential climatic trigger can be identified in many of those cases in which development of domestication can be documented sufficiently to reveal information about local climatic conditions." -- Lewin, Roger (1988). In the Age of Mankind. Smithsonian. pp. 193
Quote 4- Even colder northern climes show a rich resource base and substantial material life. Such resources, particularly the water-based ones of the ocean, river and lake, were relatively stable and predictable, providing plenty of food - hardly the picture of alleged cold-climate peoples "deprivation" in "unforgiving" glacial environments, as alleged by JP Rushton, Michael Levin, Satoshi Kanazawa et al.. Nor did the supposed "evolutionary" evidence of high IQ shine forth. A long tradition of scholarship so the cold climate types of northern Europe or cold eastern Europe as dead-enders.
"Similarities appear in societies in which there are rich maritime or lakeside resources from the far north to the Mediterranean. In the far northern latitudes, where for four months of the year the sun does not set, the icy cold but resource-rich northern sea was the focus of settlements with pit houses, with people using elaborate seagoing vessels in their specialised focus on marine foods, probably associated with seal hunting (Bjerck 1995, Bjerck, this volume). Further south, other structured settlements echo the theme of marine or lakeside focus. At Tagerup in Sweden, large houses were constructed in a 'village; at the confluence of two rivers with permanent structures such as jetties and moorings for boats.. coastal and lakeside regions also provide evocative glimpses of societies for whom the sea and water played an important economic and symbolic role. We see richly symbolic pendants of amber and animal teeth, wooden artefacts such as bows, decorated paddles, canoes, and leisters in evidence from submerged sites in the Baltic.. Riverine resources also appear to have been particularly influential in the development of settlements such as Lepenski Vir and Vlasac in the Iron Gates... we see an apparently 'sacred' site at Lepenski Vir, comprising homes with plaster floors, carved figurines, and neonates interred under the floors." [pg 8]
"The Iron gates contain some of the largest concentration of Mesolithic burials in Europe. Burials have been recorded from at least eleven sites, and four of these, Lepenski Vir, Padina, Schela Cladovei and Vlasac each contained very large numbers of graves." [pg 241]
"Even Grahame Clark, excavator of Star Carr and pioneer and champion of Mesolithic studies in Britain, was forced to concede with evident reluctance in 1952 that the archaeological evidence for the coastal Mesolithic peoples of Northwest Europe hardly contradicted the notion of 'a low level of culture' (Clark 1952:63).. Extrapolating the origins of social complexity to certain contexts in Mesolithic Europe marked a powerful departure from ideas of small, marginalised groups apparently 'going nowhere'.. 'Complexity' was built on dense, productive, coastal resources that were available all year." [pg 4]
"Young (2000b:1) concluded that the discipline was still 'waiting for the great leap forwards'. A long-standing story of Mesolithic hunter-gatherers so immersed in their environments and nature, both ecologically and ideologically as to be almost socially inert seems to retain a strong hold on our imaginations." [pg 5]> -- G. N. Bailey (2008) Mesolithic Europe. Cambridge University Press. pp 8, 241, 4, 5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------
Cold climate evolution put to the test- the Neanderthals whose DNA shows up in today's Europeans
Neanderthals occurred primarily in Europe and show distinct cold-adapted body proportions. Some of their DNA markers appear in modern Europeans according to a recent 2010 study (Richard E. Green et al (2010). "A Draft Sequence of the Neanderthal Genome". Science 328 (5979): 710–722. ) Neanderthals, with clear markers to today's Europeans, are thus a test case for alleged cold climate superiority. But in fact, these early cold-climate Europeans are a genetic dead end, with static technology, and brains that while as big as that of modern humans from Africa, lack essential processing capabilities.
Furthermore the Neanderthals failed to make the leap to more advanced technology beyond the stone age Mousterian package, and failed to innovate plant and animal domestication despite having numerous ancestors of sheep, goats, cows, pigs and horses available to them, as well as wild grain variants that could be used. As noted above, Europe in a colder earlier time possessed environments with a number of rich resources, and variable microclimates. The Neanderthals prospered there. So why couldn't this cold climate European race, which [/img]has DNA links appearing in modern Europeans, show the alleged IQ superiority touted for its homeland, either via brain makeup or technological/cultural achievement?
Quote 5: Neanderthal brains, which should have been superior due to alleged "activation" by the "challenges" of cold climate life, lag behind. They ended up a static dead-end, with genes reflected in modern Europeans but nevertheless failed to make crucial advances.
"Neanderthals had brain sizes comparable to modern humans, but their brain cases were elongated and not globular as in Homo sapiens[1,2]. It has, therefore, been suggested that modern humans and Neanderthals reached large brain sizes along different evolutionary pathways [2]. Here, we assess when during development these adult differences emerge. This is critical for understanding whether differences in the pattern of brain development might underlie potential cognitive differences between these two closely related groups. Previous comparisons of Neanderthal and modern human cranial development have shown that many morphological characteristics separating these two groups are already established at the time of birth [3,4,5], and that the subsequent developmental patterns of the face are similar, though not identical [6]. Here, we show that a globularization phase seen in the neurocranial development of modern humans after birth is absent from Neanderthals." -- Gunz et al (2010) . Brain development after birth differs between Neanderthals and modern human. Current Biology: 20, 21.
Other Notes -- Tattersall I, Schwartz JH (June 1999). "Hominids and hybrids: the place of Neanderthals in human evolution". Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 96 (13): 7117–9. ---------------------
r/k Selection theory- more virtuous, high IQ cold climate people (the "K" selected), became so due to alleged "novel challenges" of cold environments, or due to mental adjustments due to "novel, unpredictable" environments. Sounds fascinating, but if r/k selection theory is right in its prediction of behavioral changes caused by "more novel" or "unpredictable" challenges, then it also points to increasing moral corruption and filth by the "k-selected".
In terms of human history and culture child pornography and molestation are certainly outside the norm. They occur in every culture but they are not the norm. However, if r/k Selection Theory is applied, the alleged virtue of whites and Asiatics is called into question. Both groups lead the world in the consumption and production of child pornography or child molestation. Likewise, few tropical nations embrace the marriage of homosexuals on a par with heterosexual relations. Such a par is certainly "novel" in human history. However, here again, r/k Selection Theory may point to a pattern of deviancy being now embraced as normal- it is the white Western nations for the most part that embrace homosexual marriage. Mass killing of children for convenience is also relatively novel in human history. Here again, white women lead all others proportionately (as detailed above), with Asiatics weighing in on the "volume" factor. Examples could go on and on. Proponents of a racial r/k Selection Theory typically spin it to show "approved" groups in a virtuous light, but in fact their same theory predicts continual increases in white "k-selected" moral corruption and filth surpassing anything known in supposedly more "predictable" warm-climate environments.
"BIODIVERSITY", "HBD" AND "HERIDITARIAN" DEBUNKING ROUNDUP ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-------------------- Note: I am not an "Egyptologist" as claimed by some still bitter, defeated, trolls creating fake profiles and posts elsewhere. Hapless losers, you still fail. My output of hard data debunking racist nonsense has actually INCREASED since you began.. Posts: 5905 | From: The Hammer | Registered: Aug 2008
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^ Zaharan is a damn idiot contradicting himself once again.
Genocide and ethnic cleansing verifies racial reality. Racial conflict is the result of natural nepotism within racial groups. Races prefer their own members to outsiders, hence an inbuilt defence mechanism will often cause violence between races. This is why different races and ethnic groups have been killing each other for countless millenia - because different races can not coexist together unless seperated.
And this idea ''whites'' are only genocidal in nonsense. Look at how Negroids have treated Pygmies and continue to do so...
quote:Reports of genocideIn 2003, Sinafasi Makelo, a representative of Mbuti pygmies, told the UN's Indigenous People's Forum that during the Congo Civil War, his people were hunted down and eaten as though they were game animals. In neighbouring North Kivu province there has been cannibalism by a group known as Les Effaceurs ("the erasers") who wanted to clear the land of people to open it up for mineral exploitation.[21] Both sides of the war regarded them as "subhuman" and some say their flesh can confer magical powers.[22] Makelo asked the UN Security Council to recognise cannibalism as a crime against humanity and an act of genocide.[23] According to Minority Rights Group International there is extensive evidence of mass killings, cannibalism and rape of Pygmies and they have urged the International Criminal Court to investigate a campaign of extermination against pygmies. Although they have been targeted by virtually all the armed groups, much of the violence against Pygmies is attributed to the rebel group, the Movement for the Liberation of Congo, which is part of the transitional government and still controls much of the north, and their allies.[24]
Negroids are hunting down and eating Pygmies, but Afrocentric trolls like Zaharan claim Pygmies are a ''tropical african'' brethren.
You couldn't make this **** up...lol
Posts: 1575 | From: - | Registered: May 2011
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quote:Originally posted by facts: When you can show a 300 white mob ransacking a store, you can talk. Your examples are nothing compared to what Blacks are doing.
quote:When you can show a 300 white mob ransacking a store, you can talk. Your examples are nothing compared to what Blacks are doing.
The Tulsa, Oklahoma riots of 1921 involved hundred of screaming, plundering and murderous mobs of whites destroying and ransacking hundreds of black-owned shops. Most were burnt to the ground after by the same murderous and plundering whites.
Are you for real? 1920s? LOL!!!!! EPIC FAIL. Try to find something in say, 2012?
quote:Originally posted by lamin:
quote:When you can show a 300 white mob ransacking a store, you can talk. Your examples are nothing compared to what Blacks are doing.
The Tulsa, Oklahoma riots of 1921 involved hundred of screaming, plundering and murderous mobs of whites destroying and ransacking hundreds of black-owned shops. Most were burnt to the ground after by the same murderous and plundering whites.
The Rosewood massacre, looting and general ransacking of property by whites is another case in point--of which there are many-- of the tendency for whites to riot, burn and loot when given the opportunity.
In the 2 cases of Tulsa and Rosewood the excuse for the riots and ransacking and destruction of property was the belief that "some white girl was assaulted".
It is of some interest to note that moneyed blacks all over the world naively succumb to the principle of "breaking the taboo" as if it ever meant anything positive.
The celebrated film "Birth of a Nation" and the "Emmet Till story" both in the U.S. are well-known signposts in this regard.
Posts: 5492 | Registered: Nov 2004
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What happens when biased 'hereditarianism' and 'biodiversity' notions are applied CONSISTENTLY across the board, and put to the test? What happens to bold claims of virtue and goodness then? Let us ask:
1--White "role models" have produced the most vicious violence in human history, such as the mass murders of the Holocaust
You got it- supposedly more pure, more virtuous people on the "right" side of the Bell Curve. While making up only about one-third of the world's population, Europeans have perpetrated around 90% of the world's genocides. On a more routine violence tally, body count "parity" is not far behind as shown in the killing fields of Cambodia that "cleansed" about one-fourth of the country's population.Asiatics racked up a body count of 60 or so million murdered or starved by "the thought of Chairman Mao", as well as the older depredations of Ghengis Khan and his descendants in more ancient time. In the modern higher IQ era, cold climate Caucasoid "role model" Josef Stalin and followers posted an additional body count of 20 million or so, a shining example for all time by those allegedly possessing Derbyshire's "higher" sense of morality. In terms of the crime of genocide, assorted "biodiversity" and "racial reality" types attempt to avoid uncomfortable reality by claiming that genocide is not a crime. But in fact it is, and has been so recognized by almost every major Western nation and international law since 1948, under a conservative definition that specifically excludes mere political violence. It was European nations that established the definition. It is thus hilarious to see how European race proponents attempt to wriggle away from the bloody facts on the ground, perpetrated by Europeans, even allowing for the most conservative definition.
Herded into the gas chambers to be slaughtered, one Jewish survivor recounts the end of a mass murder gas session QUOTE:
"The people were still standing like columns of stone with no room to fall or lean. Even in death you could tell the families, all holding hands. It was difficult to separate them while emptying the room for the next batch. The bodies were tossed out, blue, wet with sweat and urine, the legs smeared with excrement and menstrual blood. Two dozen workers were busy checking mouths they opened with iron hooks.. dentists knocked out gold teeth, bridges and crowns with hammers." -- Dan Cohn-Sherbok. 2008. God and the Holocaust. p.8
Concerned to hide their monstrous crimes, but still turn a profit, the murder machinery decided to dig up slaughtered Jews in mass graves and burn their bodies, but before that, gold teeth and rings were to be extracted from the heads and fingers of the dead: QUOTE: ".. at the Janowska death pits in Lvov hundreds of Jewish labourers were forced to dig up those who had been murdered and extract gold teeth and rings from the fingers of the dead. As a sitness recounted: 'The fire crackles and sizzles Some of the bodies in the fire have had their hands extended. It looks as if they are pleading to be taken out. Many bodies are lying with open mouths. Could they be tryig to say: ;we are your own mothers, fathers, who raised you and took care of you. Now you are burning us.' " -- Dan Cohn-Sherbok. 2008. God and the Holocaust. p.11
"He called the method of mass killing he invented Sardinenpackung. As Meier describes, it involved forcing victimes to lie together face down and side and side and killing them with Genickschussen, then forcing the next group of victims who preceded them to form another layer, ignoring the victims; terror and horror in the interest of efficiently filling up the killing pit. Jeckeln's despicably cruel execution protocols destroys SS claims, during and after the warm that its executions were 'correct' military-style executions of partisans. Himmler's goal was mass murder.. By the end of August 1941, commanding the Kommandostab SS FIrst Brigade in the western Ukraine, Jeckeln had personally supervised the murder of more than 44,000 human beings, the largest total of Jews murdered by any of Himmler's virulent legions that month." -- Richard Rhodes. Masters of Death: The Ss-Einsatzgruppen .. 2002
"I went out to the woods alone. The Wehrmacht had already dug a grave. The children were brought along in a tractor-drawn wagon. I had nothing to do with this technical procedure. The Ukrainians were standing round trembling. The children were taken down from the tractor. They were lined up along the top of the grave and shot so that they fell into it. The Ukrainians did not aim at any particular part of the body. They fell into the grave. The wailing was indescribable. I shall never forget the scene throughout my life. I find it very hard to bear. I particularly remember a small fair-haired girl who took me by the hand. She too was shot later.. The grave was near soome woods. IT was not near the firing range. The execution must have taken place in the afternoon at about three-thirty or four.. Many children were hit four or five times before they died." -- Richard Rhodes. Masters of Death: The Ss-Einsatzgruppen .. 2002 p. 135
2--WHite "role models" are leading the charge to redefine and destroy traditional marriage along homosexual lines.
It took people on the left side- the despised Black and Hispanic "NAMs", to preserve traditional marriage in California, USA. Whites were willing to undermine it, and continue to do so nationwide. Derbyshire and other HBDers are always lecturing black folk on monogamy, conveniently skirting the fact that whites themselves are fast undermining and destroying monogamy.
A related claim advanced by biodiversity proponents is the absence of monogamy among Africans until "outside" influences like European colonialism brought it. But this is nonsense. Polygamy was more common in Africa than in Europe, but monogamy also has a long history in Africa even before Africans were forciblly transported to the US, and before any significant influence from Europe. Of the 31 captives of the famous Amistad slave ship for example, 15 were married, and only 1 was polygamous, and monogamy is common in various parts of Africa. See <i>Slavery in North Carolina, 1748-1775. by Marvin L. Michael Kay, Lorin Lee Cary- pg 160.</i> Some HBDers also tout "Middle easterners" and Asians as "role models" on this score but in fact, Asia has had polygamy for a long time parallel with monogamy, along with things like multiple concubinage, practiced in China. And it was not until 1945 that polygamy was finally abolished in Japan.
And people like Jews practiced polygamy for centuries as documented in the Bible and anthropological studies. For Arabs and those who follow Islam, polygamy is permissible even today. Indeed while monogamy has been more dominant in Europe, polygamy has always been around until very recent times. Indeed, one of the things Christianity did for Europe was to stamp out and discourage polygamy. Ironically, there is also a long tradition of polygamy in white Christianity (see <i>After polygamy was made a sin: the social history of Christian polygamy- By John Cairncross</i>), and polygamy is documented as common in white Russia in various eras. Ironically Christianity itself, based on the religion of a Semitic people from the sub-tropical Middle East, not cold climate areas, was adopted in white Europe, and thus provided the "rules of morality" that helped suppress polygamy (among other things) by Europeans in many regions as Cairncross notes. In the modern era, the revolving door divorce cycle of many modern whites closely approaches patterns of polygamy.
Another related claim is of an era of idyllic white virtue and goodness during the 1970s, a temporary time of paradise, before disreputable "minorities" moved in to spoil things. Alas this claim too, in its many variants, both hard and soft, is bogus. The supposed "idyllic serenity" may have existed in SOME white areas, but within that haze of supposed sweetness and light, white America was rapidly degenerating in the 1970s, a continuation of trends from the 1960s, long before any real "integration" of the suburbs by blacks. White America saw rising divorce rates, rising drug use, rising out of wedlock births, rising feminism, rising homosexuality, etc. All this is well documented by historians in books such as Bruce J. Schulman's 2002 "The seventies: the great shift in American culture, society.." Furthermore the driving forces behind such changes were whites themselves. Black "militancy" or crime for example has little to do with why rising numbers of whites decided to divorce in the 1970s for example, hastening the breakdown of white family structure, whatever the psychic satisfactions of using the black "Other" as a convenient scapegoat. --------------------------------------------------------------
3--White "role models" lead in abortions and rape
ABORTION: Many HBDers would automatically point the finger at those perennial scapegoats - the black and brown "NAMs" but they carefully avoid the real story. The highest rates of abortion in the world are among white women in Russia, where 2 babies are killed for each live birth according to scholars Loveless and Holman (2006). The website below offers a similar dismal picture, showing that 60% or more of white Russian women have abortions. Derbyshire and his ilk are quick to trot out "genetic deficiency" explanations on this score where black folk are concerned, but hypocritically, start to hem and haw when their touted more virtuous whites post statistics even worse than blacks. You suddenly hear a mysterious silence then. They never consistently apply their own biased methods to whites, and say that white "genetic deficiencies" cause such outcomes. http://www.lifesitenews.com/ldn/2006/may/06051003.html
The highest incidence of rape in the modern world is perpetrated by white "role models". SOviet troops not only raped over two million German women, but also tens of thousands of SoVIET women who had been taken for slave labour by the Nazis. The white troops raped their own fellow citizens, who had just undergone suffering under the Nazis.
"Researchers of the Russian archives and German hospital archives gave an estimate of about one million German woman raped in Berlin and its surrounding areas, and two million German women in the eastern parts of Germany (Weidner 2008- Treibutgut des Krieges: Zeugnisse von Flucht und Vertreibung der Deutschen, Kassel: Volksbund Duetscher Kriegsgraeberfuersorg e.V.))." --FROM: The Will to Live 1010. By Erika Vora
"Beria and Stalin in Moscow knew perfectly well what was going on. In one report they were told that 'many Germans declare that all German women in East PRussia who stayed behind were raped by Red Army soldiers'. Numerous examples of gang rape were given - 'girls under eighteen and old women included'. In fact victims could be as young as twelve years old.'"
"..women and girls released from slave labout in Germany. Many of the girls were as young as sixteen when taken to the Reich; some were just fourteen. The widespread raping of women taken forcibly from the Soviet Union completely undermines any attempts at justifying Red Army behaviour on the grounds of revenge for German brutality in the Soviet Union. -- Antony Beevor. 2003. The Fall of Berlin: 945
In addition, during the era of slavery, tens of thousands of black women were brutally raped by whites. After slavery, sexual assaults by whites against black women continued, with black victims forbidden to testify against their attackers or intimidated into silence while white authorities collaborated with white rapists to look the other way. The brutal case of Recy Taylor, documented in the book At the Dark End of the Street, 2011, by Danielle McGuire - is typical of the conduct of white "role models" - actual physical rape to start, and later rape by an alleged "justice" system.
Tens of thousands of white on black rapes occurred prior to the FBI investigations and civil rights protections of the 1960s, according to author Danielle McGuire. The horrific gang rape of Recy Taylor which many white newspapers declined to even report, is merely one example of white "role models" at work. WHite law enforcement authorities knew who the attackers were based on Taylor's description, but avoided doing an official police lineup, ensuring that Taylor would not be able to point them out in open court.
The white authorities claimed they had the men on bond, "pending trial", but court records show that they issued bond after Taylor's hearing, backdating their supposed "arrest." An all-white jury declined to indict the attackers, who did not even bother to show up in court.
Meanwhile, the black victim's house was firebombed by whites because she reported the rape. A detailed analysis of the case is in At the Dark End of the Street, 2011, by Danielle McGuire
Historical data "Virtually every known nineteenth-century female slave narrative contains a reference to, at some juncture, the ever present threat and reality of rape. Thwo works come immediately to mind: Hariet Jacob's Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl (1861) and Elizabeth Jeckley's Behnd the Scenes or Thirdy Years a Slave (1868).." Beverly Guy-Sheftall. 1995. Words of Fire
"After the Civil Ear, the widespread rape of Black women by white men persisted. Black women were vulnerable to rape in several ways that white women were not. First the rape of Black women was used as a weapon of group terror by white mobs and by the Ku Klux Klan during Reconstruction. Second, because Black women worked outside the home, they were exposed to employers; sexual aggression as white women who worked inside the home were not... [One white judge said to a black victim] 'This court will never take the word of a nigger against the word of a white man.' -- Karen J. Maschke. 1997 The Legal Response to Violence Against Women
4--White "role models" lead in homosexuality, including its public celebration and embrace.
The allegedly more virtuous, "right" side of the Bell Curve folk. Some studies (Rogers and Turner 1991) report higher rates of homosexual activity among whites than blacks. Remafedi, Resnic Blum and Harris (1992) also find same sex attraction some 3 times higher in Whites than Blacks. Yet another study confirms white leadership in homosexuality. A National AIDS Behavioral Survey study (NABS), reported by Binson et al (1995) shows that 9.1% of white men, 3.1% of Black men, 2.7 percent of Hispanic men, and 2.3 percent of Asian/other had had same-sex action. In essence whites were 3 times more likely than blacks to be engaging in homosexual acts. Indeed, the NABS study oversampled Black and Hispanic men but still showed higher rates of white activity. In another study based on vascular risk factors Krieger and Sidney (1997) reported white women and men were more likely to have had homosexual or bisexual contact than either black men or black women. In essence whites were twice as likely to be engaged in homosexual behavior than blacks. Here again, the supposedly more virtuous, mo betta "right" side of the Bell Curve produces dismal "leadership" on the moral front.
"Heriditarian" types often use IQ scores to disparage the morality of putative lesser breeds, but such IQ scores show correlation with homosexuality, according to some research. Indeed according to some studies, homosexuals post higher IQs than straights. (John P. De Cecco, Michael G. Shively (1984) Bisexual and homosexual identities: critical theoretical issues. Routledge). Alan Soble (1997) Sex, love, and friendship: studies of the Society for the Philosophy of Sex. Rodopi. pp. 77) lists several studies attesting to higher homosexual IQs, with most of the subjects in said studies being white. (See also James Weinrich, (1976). Human Reproductive Strategy. HARVARD UNIVERSITY DISSERTATION.[/img] p. 203-15). Since IQ is so important in so many ways, including evolution, according to Derbyshire and assorted HBDers, a cynic using their logic might well argue that homosexuality represents another, "higher" step in white evolution. As noted above, there is some evidence that whites have higher rates of homosexual behavior and attraction than blacks. Hence, using heriditarian logic, homosexuality and the attendant higher IQs might represent an "evolutionary" advance of white people.
Northern European "role models" show extensive homosexual activity stretching back to ancient times as scholars note. Cold-climate Eastern Europeans not far behind. QUOTE:
"The fourth-century A.D. Roman writer Ammianus Marcellinus described homosexual relationships between youth and adult warriors among the Taifali, a Germanic tribe related to the Goths.. Marcellinus became familiar with the Taifali when he was posted as a soldier in the region. Their youth, Marcellinus write, remained in these homosexual relationships until they became adults and had killed a boar or bear, a typical initiatory ordeal. Similar homosexual customs were described by the Roman historian Procopius in the sixth century A.D. among another German tribe, the Heruli.. homosexuality in the form of institutionalized pederasty of the sort described by Ammianis Marcellinus and Procopius is understood to have been the rule within the Germanic warrior societies. Remarkably similar societies of unmarried warriors existed in Norse and Celtic society. The members of the Norse warrior societies also dedicated themselves to their god, Odin, dressed likewise in skins of wolves or bears and were said to fight with the furor f one possessed of the spirits of those animals.. Like the Germanic peoples, Celtic society was ruled by a warrior aristocracy supported by a farming peasantry.. While references by classical writers to homosexual relationship between Celtic warriors and youth are not detailed enough to be able to establish an initiatory construct, the pederastic relations that they described would almost certainly have occurred within the fianna, the principal social venue of the Celtic warriors. Indeed, given the close similarity of Celtic and Germanic tribal customs, and the well documented esteem of the Celts for male homosexuality, it would have been odd if the Celts did not practice a similar type of initiatory homosexuality.
The ancient writers leave no doubt as to the Celtic warriors; enthusiasm for homosexuality in general. According to Aristotle, the Celts held homosexuality in high esteem and publicly honored homosexual relations. Diodorus writes that despite the charm of Celtic women, the Celtic men: "long instead for the embrace of one of their own sex lying on animal skins and tumbling around with a lover on on either side. It is particularly surprising that they attach no value to either dignity or decency, offering their bodies to each other without further ado. This was not regarded as at all harmful: on the contrary, if they were rejected in their approaches, they felt insulted." Celtic youth evidently shared the attitudes of their elders. The Greek writer Strabo, described the young Celts of Gaul as "shamelessly generous with their boyish charms."
"..The lack if sexual inhibitions that the Celtic warriors displayed towards each other amid such an atmosphere of masculine eroticism suggests that homosexuality was not limited to pederastic relations, and that love between comrades was also a part of Celtic warrior life. In fact, it is warriors, not youth, whom Diodorus describes as "offering their bodies to each other without further ado." Such a relationship between warrior peers even appears in an Irish Celtic saga of the late first millennium." [ENDQUOTE]> --Neill, James (2009). The origins and role of same-sex relations in human societies. Mcfarland: pp 120-131
Data on other ancient 'Caucasoid' peoples, supposed Indo-European "role models," reveals a unified pattern of homosexual behavior.
In ancient Greece homosexuality played an important role. QUOTE: "While little is known of the sexual practices of the Kassites, Hyksos or Aryans, that is not the case with the Greeks. The extent of the prevalence and social importance of homosexual behavior among the ancient Greeks is so thoroughly documented that it is possible to get a clear picture not only of the character of homosexual relationships in Greeks society, but the important role homosexuality played in that society.. the fragmentary glimpses we have of homosexual behavior among the other Indo-European peoples can be recognized as revealing a unified pattern of sexual customs and beliefs that seems to have prevailed among all the Indo-European ancestors of modern Europeans." --Neill, James (2009). The origins and role of same-sex relations in human societies. Mcfarland:
Pedophilia and homosexuality was common among the Spartans. Wives and male lovers were shared between Spartan men. Pederasty or use of youth for homosexual purposes was well established among the Spartans, Greeks and Cretans.
[quotes from various scholars:] "..young boys between the ages of 6 and 16 were organized in 'packs' and 'herds' and placed under the supervision of young adult Spartans. This supervision was sometimes seen as surrogate fathering and one marker of its activity ".. was the instutionalization of pederasty. After the age of twelve, each Spartan teenager was expected to receive a young adult warrior as his lover.. Punishment for various infractions such as suffering silently under discipline was sometimes made on the youth's older lover, for having failed to educate his beloved properly."> --From: The Spartans: the world of the warrior-heroes of ancient Greece, from utopia to crisis and collapse Paul Cartledge, Overlook Press, 2003.pg 69-70
"Aspects of Spartan society conduced less to heterosexuality than to homosexuality. In his Laws, Plato wrote that homosexuality resulted from the (male) dining groups and from male nudity in gymnasia. Records of Sparta from the classical period seem to refer to homosexual boyfriends at least as often as to wives. particularly revealing, are some assertions by Xenophon on this subject." > --From: Sparta By Michael Whitby. 2002. Taylor and Francis: p. 93
"Sparta too institutionalized homosexual relations between mature men and adolescent boys, as well as between adult women and girls.. many aspects of Spartan homosexuality and marriage customs point to tribal origins. Participation was mandatory for all youth of good character. There were ordeals- a common feature of tribal initiation.. Even after marriage, men lived in men's houses, not with their wives. Wives and male lovers were shared with age-mates." > ---From: The construction of homosexuality. David F. Greenberg. University of Chicago Press. 1990. p.107 --------------------------
Both homosexuality and pedophilia were institutionalized among the Greeks per scholars: [quotes from various scholars:] FROM: Homosexuality in the ancient world - Page 80. Wayne R. Dynes, Stephen Donaldson - 1992 -
quotes from Dynes and Donaldson: "In short, I have no doubt that the evidence of Xenophon and Plutarch is sufficient to establish the important conclusion that pederasty in Sparta was institutionalised." In the "Politics of Spartan Pederasty" in Homosexuality in the ancient world, pg 23, various documentation from the Spartan era ranges from rock- cut graffiti, to bronze figurines of decidedly masculine "girls", to depictions of anal copulation on drinking cups, to terracotta votive masks depicting unbearded 'Youth' and bearded adult 'Warriors' found in the sanctuary at Orthia.".>
Some historian argue that Greek homosexual activity had ritual significance in the form of the semen, being an agent representing martial excellence or prowess, imparted to the receiving male in the process of sodomy. The venue of the gymnasium also played a part.
quotes from Dynes and Donaldson: "Next there is the point insisted upon by Plato's Athenian Laws (1.636b; cg. Theaer. 162b, 169ab), the role played by the gymnasia as hotbeds of homosexuality. The Spartans put a premium on gymnastic exercise, and if Thucydides (1.6.5) is to be believed, it was they who invented the customs of exercising stark naked and rubbing down with olive oil. In Sparta therefore the cult of the nude male body is likely to have been pushed to the extremes, as it is known to have been in other less gymnastic Greek cities.. None of these conditions favoring homosexuality is wholly peculiar to Spartan society, but their presence in combination suggests that the integration of institutionalised pederasty into the Agoge, whenever precisely it occurred, will at any rate, not have been awkward."> pg 27
Yet others argue that the ties created by pederasty extended to the networks of influence and governance. "Pederasty, in other words, could have acted at Spartan in the age of Xenophon, as it certainly did in fourth-century Crete, as a means of recruiting the political elite,"> ---------------
Young females were also used in Spartan society as part of homosexual relations. Quote: "Plutarch relates that in Sparta, the noble women loved the girls. Also the academic philosopher Hagnon states: "Among the Spartans it was customary (viz for adult women) to have intercourse with girls before their marriage, as one did with boys."> pg 292
Homosexuality was commonly recognized and accepted in Greece, and suggest a common pattern among Indo-European peoples. As one historian notes: "One of the intriguing features of the Greeks is their active interest in homosexuality... Yet the adherents of this solution [a ritual of initiation] have not attempted an explanation pf this puzzling phenomenon and they have ignored the existence of Indo-European (henceforth: I-E) parallels." pg 49
pg 50: "The bachelors had recourse to sodomy, a practice which was not reprobated but was actually a custom of the country- and a custom in the true sense, i.e., fully sanctioned by male society and universally practised.">
Some ancient Greek scholars held that the Persians learned homosexuality from the Greeks ".. we pass straight on to the Persians. Our sources are divided as to whether they practiced pederasty or not. The latter view will be the more probably one, since the Zoroastrian writings tome and again strongly forbade pederasty. It is perhaps indicative for this attitude that Agesilaos, although strongly in love with the son of high-ranking Persian, refrains from any physical contact. On the other hand, the son of Pharnabazus is enamoured of a Greek boy, and the recurrence of the prohibitions of pederasty suggests that the Persians did not succeed in stopping the practice. Such discrepancy between theory and practice could elucidate the remark of Herodotus that the Persians learned pederasty from the Greeks."> pg 282
Quotes from: Homosexuality in the ancient world - Page 80. Wayne R. Dynes, Stephen Donaldson-1992 -
Historian Charles Freeman's "The Greek Achievement" (1999) holds that homosexuality had an influential place in some Greek institutions. According to Freeman: [quote] ".. "The symposia provided the arena for much of this sexual activity. These were highly ritualized affairs whose origins lay in the banqueting halls of aristocratic warriors. The men were garlanded and reclined one or two to a couch around a central table.. there is little evidence that symposia were normally used to discuss politics. Rather the opposite; the longest conversation in Plato's Symposium is about the nature of homosexual love." > (Freeman: pg 299, pg 283-304)
Other writers find similar patterns: "Male homosexuality was also a prominent feature of Classical Athens. It was widely practiced and tolerated. Athenian law disenfranchised a citizen who had prostituted his body to another male, but nothing was done to males who engaged in homosexual love with male prostitutes or other adult males for love or pleasure. The law did not eliminated male prostitution but ensured that male prostitutes would be foreigners, not Athenian citizens." > -- Western Civilization: To 1500, Volume 1. Jackson J. Spielvogel. 2009. Cenage.
Note: ALL cultures have gay individuals and relationships, and some cultures worked out practical "live and let live" arrangements for them, yet some "hereditarian" and "Aryan" types applaud Nazi attempts to kill gays as a way of "purging" the race. They deny the existence of gays in ancient Europe, except as an anomaly brought about by corrupt "Semitic" influences. As the above examples show however, the actual truth is far different. --------------------------------------------------------------
5--White "role models" lead in high rates of child molestation
Whites post higher rates of child molestation than other groups according to scholars Hattery and Smith 2007, depending on the baselines measured, and said white child molesters serve LESS time for their crimes than black crack cocaine offenders, according to some studies. QUOTE:
'Furthermore, our analysis suggests that child molesters, who are primarily white men, serve shorter average sentences than crack offenders who are primarily African American men. Child molesters serve an average of 6 years and only 43% of their full sentences, whereas the average inmate serving a sentence for possession of crack serves 11 years and 80% of his or her sentence." --(African American families, by Angela Hattery, Earl Smith, SAGE 2007. pp. 245) ---
and as one conservative police chief report states:
"Criminal profiling has a legitimate and successful history when applied to serial killers, rapists, hijackers, child molesters and arsonists. Ironically, some criminal profiles show a racial relationship between white males and serial killers, rapists, and child molesters." (-- Carl Milazzo (1999) Race Relations in Police Operations: A Legal and Ethical Perspective. International Assn. of Chiefs of Police) ---
The police chief profiling report mentions several offenses, but when broken out separately, a pattern emerges of whites as over-represented among child molesters. Kirk (1975) found that black offenders were more likely to pick out adult females for sexual assault at a rate three times more than white offenders (34% and 11% respectively), compared to white offenders who selected non-adults more. Kirk's finding is supported by West and Templer's 1994 study of incarcerated sex offenders, which found that a disproportionate number of child molesters were white, compared to negro offenders. (Kirk, S.A. (1975). The sex offenses of blacks and whites. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 4, 295-302) (West, J and Templer D. (1994). Child molestation, rape and ethnicity. Psychological Reports, 75, 1326) ------
The heavy white pattern varies by state. For example, a 1998 study in Florida was carried out on molesters over a 21 month period. Of these 88.4% were white, versus 7.9% black. Around 1998, Florida's populations stood at 78% white, and 14.6% black (Bureau of the Census 2000). Whites were thus overrepresented among the child molesters relative to general population, (88% molesters versus 78% general population) versus blacks who were underrepresented 7.9% versus 14.6%) on molestation offenses. -- Tingle, et al (1998) Childhood and Adolescent Characteristics of Pedophiles and Rapists.
An alternative point of comparison is to compare criminals to criminals - those actually in jail for crime - rather than non-offending persons in the general population. In the 1990s in Florida, whites made up less than 50% of the prison population.* Based on such patterns, whites are thus overrepresented as a proportion of those in jail. The same pattern repeats itself nationally. (*Data Source: Bureau of Justice Statistics, Prison and Jail Inmates at Midyear 1995 - State detail.) ----
"According to the Survey of Inmates of State Correctional Facilities by the U.S. Department of Justice Bureau of Justice Statistics, the following statistics have been recorded concerning the characteristics of offenders who violate and assault children.[/img]
* Those inmates who were convicted of committing violent acts against children were more likely to have been white, a percentage of nearly 70%, than any other race. * White inmates were nearly three times more likely to have victimized a child than black inmates." ------
Detailed data from Federal prison statistical reports also show the same pattern. Under the "Other sexual Assault" category, which is primarily child molestation, whites were six times more likely to go to state prison than Blacks and twice as likely to go to prison for such offenses than Hispanics. Under the category "Parole violators returned to State prison" whites were twice as likely to be returned to prison for the sexual offences than blacks. --Source: Bureau of Justice Statistics. National Corrections Reporting Program, 1994. NCRP9404 - New court commitments to State prison, 1994: Offense by sex, race and Hispanic origin NCRP9405. Parole violators returned to State prison, 1994: Offense, by sex, race, and Hispanic origin
And in 1994 the white prison population was less than 50%, (48,21% per the Federal Sourcebook of Criminal Justice Statistics- 1990) and yet whites made up 77% of all child molesters in prison, almost 30 percent more than their representation in the general prison population. Whites are thus overrepresented as child molesters in proportion to their incarceration rate.
Numerous "HBD" statistics do comparisons to "the general population" - but why always make comparisons to a pool that includes innocent 86 year old grandmothers, pregnant 24-year olds, or 3-year old children? Another equally valid alternative comparison is to compare criminals to criminals- and run the statistics that way. We are talking crime- hence let's run comparisons among the criminal population as well. Hence the 1994 data, and some of the other data above for incarcerated persons shows some interesting patterns that are carefully dodged and avoided by assorted "biodiversity" types.
In summary, while child molestation occurs in all ethnicities, available data show that higher IQ folk display unimpressive moral "leadership" on this score.
Note: No ethnic group is exempt from the above but "biodiversity" proponents continually tout cold climate and or northern European peoples, cold climate eastern Europeans and Asiatics as sterling evolutionary role models, superior in virtue to lesser breeds. A close examination of the actual data yields a much less flattering reality.
6-- White "role models" lead in divorce rates nationally. Within the top 10 of countries with the highest divorce rates in the world, most are reportedly high IQ Western nations- such as the US, Russia, the UK, Denmark, New Zealand, Australia, Canada and Finland. Note the pattern, the bulk of the high divorce countries are the higher IQ ones. http://www.nationmaster.com/graph/peo_div_rat-people-divorc e-rate
7- White "role models" often presume to lecture others on sexual morality but their own conduct in such areas as out-of-wedlock births is rather unimpressive.
It is a fact that for decades prior to the 1960s, black folk in the US posted higher marriage rates and lower divorce rates than whites. Furthermore white OOW rates are hardly sterling. Among the supposedly more virtuous northern Europeans for example, like the white Irish, the OOW rate in some decades of the 19th century exceeded 50% in heavily Irish areas of settlement in cities like NYC, even though the Irish made up less than 26% of the population at the time (Sowell 1981, 1983).
Supposedly virtuous white "Nordic" Europeans are no better. In the 1850s, in Sweden's biggest city, Stockholm, for example, the illegitimacy rate was close to 50%. As Burns and Scott (1994) show, by the mid 19th century when reliable cross-national figures are widely available, it was found than in illegitimacy, (Stockholm (with a 46% rate in the 1850s) was second only to Vienna (49%) among European capitals. Indeed this trend was a continuation since the early 1800s. Nor was this solely a pattern for mid century 1800s. In ultra-white Sweden at the start of the 20th century, barely half of Swedish women married and around one-sixth of children were born out of wedlock. Nor was this solely an urban Stockholm phenomenon. High illegitimacy rates and declining marriage rates were also found in rural areas as well (A companion to nineteenth-century Europe, 1789-1914, By Stefan Berger, Wiley 2006.) By contrast, as late as 1950 the US black illegitimacy rate stood at 17%, well below that of the touted white Swedish "role models" above, and for 50 years, black marriage rates were higher than that of US whites (Sowell 2004- Black Rednecks, White Liberals), and better than the Swedish pattern over several decades. The black illegitimacy rate in 1965 was STILL lower than the 28% posted by US whites in 2000.
Closer into the 20th century, white Nordic "role models" are no paragons of virtue: By the year 2000, out of wedlock births in Nordic Sweden had reached 53% of all births- a steep rise from a mere 10% illegitimacy rate in mid century. (A population history of the United States By Herbert S. Klein, Cambridge University Press. 2004. p. 216) Nor are supposedly more virtuous white people of other "Nordic" nations any better. In the early 1980s illegitimacy rates were on the order of 45% in Iceland and Sweden and 40% in Denmark. (Report on Immigrant populations and demographic development in the member states of the Council of Europe. Rinus Penninx, Council of Europe. 1984.)
8-- The record of white "role models" is much less than advertised re allegedly superior virtue when scrutiny is applied. Indeed some of the supposed paragons of Bell Curve goodness, northern Europeans, have a dubious record in terms of reputed virtue and morality.
Let us begin by looking at white Southerners in the USA- and let's give assorted "biodiversity" proponents the benefit of the doubt by not using "liberal" scholars- let's stick with conservative ones. What happens when even conservative scholars like Thomas Sowell look at the data? We see that native white southerners historically are among the most backward and violent people in the American population. According to Sowell, in his 2005 Black Rednecks and White Liberals, what many see as pathologies of contemporary black culture actually derive from a dysfunctional historical white-southern “cracker” culture. "The cultural values and social patterns prevalent among Southern whites included an aversion to work, proneness to violence, neglect of education, sexual promiscuity, improvidence, drunkenness, lack of entrepreneurship, reckless searches for excitement, a lively music and dance, and a style of religious oratory marked by strident rhetoric, unbridled emotions, and flamboyant imagery. This oratorical style carried over into the political oratory of the region in both the Jim Crow era and the civil rights era, and has continued on into our own times among black politicians, preachers, and activists. Touchy pride, vanity, and boastful self- dramatization were also part of this redneck culture among people from regions of Britain where the civilization was the least developed.[25]"
Several scholars support Sowell’s observations. Grady McWhiney’s Cracker Culture (1988) is a thorough historical study of the values and behavioral patterns of white Southerners, and is backed by many other scholarly studies which have turned up very similar patterns even when they differed in some ways as to the causes. Scholar Hackett Fischer’s Albions Seed,(1989) for example, eschews the Celtic theory advanced by McWhiney, but shows many of the same cultural patterns for the whites, both in Britain and the American South.[26]
Nor can "evil papists" be blamed. Most whites who settled the south were Protestants. Now let's look at another northern European people- whom all are supposed to hail as paragons of cold-climate virtue - the white Irish. The Irish have long been marked by high levels of violence, substance abuse, promiscuity, anti- intellectualism, etc. In rural Ireland before mass immigration to America, for example, sexual morality was relatively conservative. However once the Irish peasantry hit the crowded, fetid slums and streets of big cities such as New York or Boston, this traditional rural conservatism began to break down, In New York for example, some decades of the 19th century show white Irish illegitimacy rates as high as 50% even though the Irish made up less than 26% of the city's population. Likewise in the 1850s around 50% of the people arrested daily were white Irish even though they made up less that 26% of the city's population. (Sowell 1981). Likewise the fallout of the Industrial Revolution in white Britain included horrific poverty, dismal slums and widespread violence as the rural peasantry migrated to the dismal venues of the city.
As far as violence, one history notes: "The New York Draft Riot has gone down in history as one of the nation's bloodiest urban riots. Moreover, the behavior of the Irish during these fateful days and the racism they exhibited reinforced their reputation for violence."(Dolan, JP, The Irish Americans: A History. p. 49) On some measures of social propriety, the Irish were no paragons. One survey of prostitutes in the 1800s in heavily Irish NYC for example "revealed that 35 percent were Irish and 12 percent German." The Irish also posted higher rates of female-headed families than other ethnic groups in the same time period. (Binder, F, and Reimers D. (1996) All the Nations Under Heaven: An Ethnic and Racial History of New York City. Columbia University Press.)
Much is made of comparisons to blacks and assorted European immigrants, but as the example of the Irish shows, blacks are not some unique, basket case. They suffered and show the the same patterns that often accompany rural people being urbanized. As anyone who has a basic knowledge of black history knows, WWII was to spark major changes and population movements in Black America. The MAJORITY of Blacks became an urban people, in contrast to the majority rural volk of previous decades. As becoming urbanized, blacks fell prey to a common pattern that often afflicts 'country' people who are squeezed into the crowded slums, violent streets and indifferent attitudes of cities - there is greater social dysfunction as the old rural community bonds begin to break down. It happened with whites from and in Ireland and Britain. It happened with Chinese in the over-packed slums of numerous Chinatowns. It happened with a host of other people in varying measures. But according to HBD "experts", black people are these unique basket cases as far as such problems go. Only they are permanently affected by such horrible dysfunctions, you see, because they are black. Never mind the white people who have gone before, and who underwent the same pattern. They are exempt, and covered with a magical mantle of alleged white goodness and virtue.
Scholar Thomas Sowell (1981, 2004, 1983) notes that many problems identified with blacks in modern society are hardly unique in terms of American ethnic groups, nor in terms of a rural proletariat swept by disruption as it became urbanized.
Heavy patterns of pathology are for example seen in the white peasant migrants to the dismal urban slums that sprung up during the Industrial Revolution in Britain and elsewhere. He maintains that US blacks only became a largely urban people after WWII, when the booming war economy accelerated a third great migration north, allowing millions of blacks to escape the harsh, oppressive conditions of the South. While southern cities also saw some migration, it was this massive wartime era move north that was much more significant, and the arrival of the rural black proletariat into difficult urban conditions broke down many of the social mores and community-generated controls, such as church influence, that had helped maintain its stability in the past. World War I also saw a spurt of urban migration in response to economic demand, but this urbanization was not completed for most blacks until the WWII era. A recent work by Ira Berlin (2010) entitled "The making of African America: the four great migrations" (Viking: 2010) confirms Sowell's data, showing that full, majority black urbanization was accomplished only after the WW II era, making blacks relatively recent mass entrants into urban economies that ite ethnics had long since operated in. The black urban migrants faced massive discrimination above others, but also social dislocation, with corresponding social problems.
Sowell (1981 - Ethnic America- see below) notes that social problems occurring after such migrations are nothing new with other white ethnic groups, who had the advantage of entering, acculturating and adjusting to the urban economy in toto several decades earlier than blacks. The black migrants faced race discrimination above and beyond other ethnic groups, but fundamentally experienced the same social pathologies others did in becoming urbanized.
Difficulties with crime, schooling, substance abuse etc. are thus not uniquely "black" problems but are well represented in other urbanizing groups from peasant background. In Ethnic America (1981), for example, Sowell shows that white ethnic groups like the Irish were marked by many of the same patterns as blacks who migrated from rural backgrounds to the big urban centers, including high levels of violence and substance abuse. As regards out-of-wedlock births, the rate in some New York areas with heavy white Irish settlement was over 50%, comparable to what would develop in later black ghettos in the same city.[50] Sowell sums of some of these claims in his Pink and Brown People and Other Controversial Essays (1981), warning against what he calls the fallacy of presentism:
"Those who cannot swallow pseudo-biology can turn to pseudo-history as the basis for classification. Unique cultural characteristics are now supposed to neatly divide the population. In this more modern version, the ghetto today is a unique social phenomenon.. American ghettos have always had crime, violence, overcrowding, filth, drunkenness, bad school teaching, and worse learning. Nor are blacks historically unique even in the degree of these things. Crime and violence were much worse in the nineteenth-century slums, which were almost all white. The murder rate in Boston in the middle of the nineteenth century was about three times what it was in the middle of the twentieth century. All the black riots of the 1960s put together did not kill half as many people as were killed in one white riot in 1863.. Squalor, dirt, disease? Historically, blacks are neither the first nor last in any of these categories. There were far more immigrants packed into the slums (per room or per square mile) than is the case with blacks today - not to mention the ten thousand to thirty thousand children with no home at all in the nineteenth-century New York...
Even in the area where many people get most emotional- educational and IQ test results- blacks are doing nothing that various European minorities did not do before them. As of about 1920, any number of European ethnic groups had I.Q.'s the same or lower than the I.Q.'s of blacks today. As recently as 1940, there were schools on the Lower East Side of New York with academic performances lower than those of schools in Harlem. Much of the paranoia that we talk ourselves into about race is a result of provincialism about our own time as compared to other periods in history."
NOTES: Sowell, T, 1981. Ethnic America Sowell T. 2005, Black Rednecks, White liberals Sowell T. 1983. The Economics and Politics of Race Sowell T. 2004. Affirmative Action around the world Berlin, I. 2010. The making of African America: the four great migrations
Northern European groups also show high rates of violence, criminality, substance abuse and welfare dependency as conservative scholar Thomas Sowell notes. [QUOTE:]
"Such living patterns reflected not only the poverty of the Irish but also their being used to squalid living conditions in mud huts in Ireland... Sewage piled up in backyard privies until the municipal authorities chose to collect it, or else it ran off in open trenches, fouling the air and providing breeding grounds for dangerous diseases. The importance of proper garbage disposal, to keep the neighborhood from being overrun with rats, was one of many similar facts of urban life that every rural group new to the city would have to learn over the years, beginning with the Irish, and continuing through many others until the present day. Cholera, which had been unknown before, swept through Boston in 1849, concentrated almost exclusively in Irish neighborhoods. In New York, cholera was also disproportionately observed in Irish wards. In various cities, both tuberculosis and fire swept regularly through the overcrowded tenements where the Irish lived, and there was a high rate of insanity among the Irish immigrants.. The incidence of tuberculosis in Boston varied closely with the proportion of the Irish living in a neighborhood.
Patterns of alcoholism and fighting brought over from Ireland persisted in the United States. Over half the people arrested in New York in the 1850s were Irish.. Police vans became known as 'Paddy wagons" because the prisoners in them were so often Irish. "The fighting Irish" was a phrase that covered everything from individual brawls to mass melees (known as "Donnybrooks" for a town in Ireland) to criminal gangs.. Irish neighborhoods were tough neighborhoods in cities around the country. The Irish Sixth Ward in New York was known as "the bloody ould Sixth." Another Irish Neighborhood in New York was known as "Hell's Kitchen," and another as 'San Juan Hill" because of the battles fought there. In Milwaukee, the Irish section was called the "Bloody Third".. Where the Irish workers built the Illinois Central Railroad, people spoke of "a murder a mile" as they laid track. The largest riot in American history was by predominantly Irish rioters in New York in 1863..
Even the proportion of the black population who were laborers and house servants in Boston in 1850 was much lower than among the Irish, and the free blacks in mid- century Boston were in general economically better off than the Irish. The Irish-women's work as domestic servants and washerwomen was usually more steadily available than that of Irishmen- a situation later to be repeated among blacks.
As in Ireland itself, the poverty and improvidence of the Irish immigrants to America often reduced them to living on charity when hard times came. In early nineteenth-century Ireland, even before the famine, it was common for whole families of the poor to go 'tramping about it for months, bragging from parish to parish.' Recourse to public charity was a well-established habit carried over to America. Expenditures for relief to the poor in Boston more than doubled from 1845 to 1855, during the heavy influx of the Irish, after such expenditures had been relatively stable for years. In New York City in the same era, about 60 percent of the people in almshouses had been born in Ireland. As late as 1906, there were more Irish than Italian paupers, beggars and inmates of almshouses, even though the Italians arrived a generation later and were generally poorer at the turn of the century. radically different attitudes toward accepting charity existed in Ireland and Italy, and these attitudes apparently had more effect than their respective objective economic conditions in America. There were similar cultural differences in attitudes toward the abandonment of wives and children. In the 1840s, 'it was almost automatically assumed than an orphan was Irish," and as late as 1914, about half the Irish families on Manhattan's west side were fatherless. No such pattern appeared among the Italians.
Although the Irish immigrants (like other immigrants) had a disproportionate representation of young people in the prime of life, the mortality rate shot up after their arrival. Boston's mortality rate in 1850 was double that of the rest of Massachusetts, even though there were relatively fewer aged people in Boston. The difference was due to the extremely high mortality rate in the Irish neighborhoods. Diseases that had become rare in America now flourished again. In 1849, cholera spread through Philadelphia to New York and to Boston- primarily in Irish neighborhoods. There had not been a smallpox epidemic in Boston since 1792, but after 1845, it became a recurring plague, again primarily among the Irish. The spread of the Irish into other neighborhoods, mean, among other things, the spread of these and other diseases. The residential flight of middle-class Americans from the Irish immigrants was by no means all irrationality...
Today's neighborhood changes have been dramatized by such expressions was 'white flight' but these patterns existed long before black-white neighborhood changes were the issue. When the nineteenth-century Irish immigrants flooded into New York and Boston, the native Americans fled. With the first appearance of an Irish family in a neighborhood, 'the exodus of non-Irish residents began. 'White flight' is a misleading term, not only because of its historical narrowness, but also because blacks too have fled when circumstances were reversed. Blacks fled a whole series of neighborhoods in nineteenth-century New York, 'pursued' by new Italian immigrants who moved in. The first blacks in Harlem were fleeing from the tough Irish neighborhoods in mid-Manhattan, and avoided going north of 145th Street for fear of encountering more Irish there." [ENDQUOTE]> --FROM: Sowell, T. (1981). Ethnic America
9- White "role models" historically lead in the murder of children- infanticide..
Scholarly works such as Milner 2000 (Milner, Larry S. (2000). Hardness of Heart / Hardness of Life: The Stain of Human Infanticide') and many others give many of the gory details of the activities of these allegedly virtuous "role models." Asian societies like China for example historically carried out massive amounts of sex selective infanticide. In "Caucasoid" India, female infanticide of newborn girls was systematic in many areas, including tossing children into the Ganges River as a sacrificial offering. Among supposedly more moral and virtuous Caucasoid Europeans, killing of children was common. In ancient Sardinia, three thousand bones of young children, with evidence of sacrificial rituals, have been found there. Among supposedly more virtuous Caucasoid stocks in Southwest Asia or the "Middle East", child sacrifices to their goddess Ishtar was routine, and among some Caucasoid tribes of what is now Greece, every 10th child was killed as sacrifice in difficult economic times. In Caucasoid Carthage, child sacrifice according to Milner, "reached its infamous zenith," with infants and young children burned in fire or roasted alive in hot bronze. One archeological excavations yielded 20,000 charred remains of young children (packed in urns). The Bible mentions such sacrifice among the Caucasoid Phoenicians at a site called Topeth. (Brown, Shelby (1991). Late Carthaginian Child Sacrifice and Sacrificial Monuments in their Mediterranean Context.)
In "Caucasoid" Greece, the exposure of unwanted newborns was not uncommon, especially among the noble Spartans. In Caucasoid Rome, infanticide was common, despite laws on the books. Indeed Philo the Philosopher speaks out against it, noting the casual nature with which it was carried out by the Romans. Offenders were rarely prosecuted under Roman law, and said law allowed killing of Caucasoid newborns if they were visibly deformed. (Naphtali, Lewis, ed (1985). "Papyrus Oxyrhynchus 744". Life in Egypt Under Roman Rule). Indeed Rome was founded by near victims of infanticide- the legendary Romulus and Remus. Among the ancient Caucasoid Germanic tribes, the practice was not unknown, and unwanted children were liquidated in the forests. Archeological data shows the burnt bones of children, disposed of as child sacrifice in ancient Britain. (Boswell, John (1988). The Kindness of Strangers. NY: Vintage Books).
In "Caucasoid" Europe of the Middle Ages, one scholar (Langer 2000) notes that infanticide "was practiced on gigantic scale with absolute impunity, noticed by writers with most frigid indifference". At the end of the 12th century, notes Richard Trexler, Roman women threw their newborns into the Tiber river in daylight. (Langer, William L. (1974). "Infanticide: a historical survey". History of Childhood Quarterly 1 (3): 353–366. -- Trexler, Richard (1973). "Infanticide in Florence: new sources and first results". History of Childhood quarterly 1: 99.)
In Caucasoid Russia child sacrifice was offered to the pagan god Perun, who was worshipped as the god of lightning and thunder, and in Kamchatka, children were tossed to dogs to be eaten alive. (Russia in the era of NEP: explorations in Soviet society and culture - Page 201. 1991. Sheila Fitzpatrick, Alexander Rabinowitch, Richard Stites)
By contrast with the supposedly more virtuous and moral Caucasoids and Asiatics above, Africa has the lowest incidence of infanticide. As scholar Milner notes: QUOTE:
"Africa has been reported to have a lower incidence of infanticide than all of the other continents." --Milner, L.S. (2000). Hardness of Heart / Hardness of Life: the stain of infanticide. University Press. p. 160
Infanticide did occur in Africa but to a MUCH LOWER extent that allegedly more virtuous cold Caucasoid or Asiatic “role models.” Ancient Egypt, which was fundamentally populated by peoples with tropical limb proportions from south of the Sahara, is no exception (Zakrewski 2007, Keita 1992, 2005, 2008, Raxter and Ruff 2008 et al). In Egyptian households, at all social levels, children of both sexes were valued and there is no evidence of infanticide.[14] The religion of the Ancient Egyptians forbade infanticide and during the Greco-Roman period they rescued abandoned babies from manure heaps, a common method of infanticide by Greeks or Romans, and were allowed to either adopt them as foundlings or raise them as slaves, often giving them names such as "copro -" to memorialise their rescue.[15] Strabo considered it a peculiarity of the Egyptians that every child must be reared.[16] Diodorus indicates infanticide was a punishable offence.[17]
Notes: 14- "Egypt and the Egyptians", Emily Teeter, p. 97, Cambridge University Press, 1999, 15- "Eroticism and Infanticide at Ashkelon", Lawrence E. Stager, Biblical Archaeology Review, July/Aug 1991 16- "Folkways: A Study of Mores, Manners, Customs and Morals", W Sumner, p. 318, Cosmo 2007, 17- "Life in Ancient Egypt", Adolf Erman, Trans H. M. Tirard, p. 141, pub 1894, repub Kessinger 2003, ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
10- WHite "role models" lead in producing child pornography, with biggest production by the supposedly more virtuous cold climate peoples of northern and eastern Europe, with Asiatics not far behind. Most child pornography is produced by whites, including more disturbing explicit and violent child pornography
A 2010 UN study found that 85% of all child pornography is produced in cold climate regions of Europe. This confirms older analyses by US Customs which found the bulk of child pornography originating in Europe, with Germany being one of the prominent leaders. Studies in the 2000s point to an increasing growth trend of more explicit child pornography.[/b] [QUOTE]: "Amateur pornography produced in Mexico, Philippines and Brazil has been detected but clearly these sources do not predominate... 90% of the commercial child pornography comes from "Eastern Bloc" countries in Europe, and that as a location, Eastern Europe appears to be key to be the organization of the trade." > -- Globalization of Crime: A Transnational Organized Crime Threat Assessment . United Nations Office on Drus and Crime, Geneva: 2010
One US study in the 1980s found that [quote] "According to the US Customs Service, "the traditional source countries are; Sweden, Dennmark and the Netherlands. France, Japan, Thailand, and the Philippines are considered new sources." and "85% of all imported child pornography seized by Customs originated in The Netherlands, Denmark and Sweden. Acccording to INTERPOL, Germany was the major producer, The Netherlands and the United Kingdom were the major distribution centers, and the United States was the largest market. "
-- Dept of the Treasury, US Customs Service, Child Pornography and Protection Unit, 1984: In The sexual exploitation of children (1999) Seth L. Goldstein. CRC Press[/i]
A new more disturbing growth in child pornography fueled by white eastern Europeans: - [QUOTE] "the emergence of more explicit child pornography from Eastern Europe, access to which involves payment, seem to represent a new and disturbing growth in cmmerical exploitation of the market for child pornography." > --Child pornography: an Internet crime. By Maxwell Taylor, Ethel Quayle. Pyshcology Press, 2003
Note: No ethnic group is exempt from evil, but "biodiversity" proponents continually tout cold climate and or northern European peoples, cold climate eastern Europeans, and cold-climate Asiatics as sterling evolutionary role models, superior in virtue to lesser breeds. A close examination of the actual data yields a much less flattering reality. ============================================= ================================
In sum, HBD, "biodiversity" and "hereditarian" types like to lecture others about the supposedly more virtuous folk on the right hand side of the Bell Curve, but in fact, said allegedly more virtuous "role models" are themselves leaders, and extreme practitioners in many of the most degrading examples of human corruption, filth, dissolution, and violence.
Another plank of 'biodiversity' proponents' is that cold-climate peoples lived in 'harsh' environments and this developed higher IQs and superior morality. Alas, an examination of their evidence reveals that the alleged cold-climate environmental "deprivation" of ancient cold-adapted Europeans is dubious. If anything the environment was often favorable, with reliable and predictable food and material resources. Despite this however cold-climate Europeans never pioneered plant or animal domestication even though the species to do this were in place, along with the favorable East-West climatic axis they enjoyed. Indeed, a long tradition of certain scholarship, continuing even today, suggests that some cold-adapted peoples were passive, reaching cultural and even genetic dead-ends.
Quote 1- alleged "harsh" ancient European environment is bogus- conditions were actually favorable in many respects:
"About 35,000 years ago, modern human populations apparently entered Western Europe for the first time and found what one pre-historian has described as 'a virtual Garden of Eden.' Southwest France and northern Spain formed a rich environmental mosaic that supported a profusion of animal and plant life. The diversity of animal life is r eflected in carvings and cave paintings of the Upper Paleolithic Period, spanning from 35,000 to 10,000 years ago. at various times, mammoth, rhinoceros, bison, wild horses, wild oxen, red deer, reindeer, ibex and many other species abounded... the Upper Paleolithic people of Western Europe probably enjoyed a greater degree of social-complexity than is projected by the simplistic hunter-gatherer model. They had a rich diversity of resources, and a high degree of stability and predictability of these resources year to year." -- Lewin, Roger (1988). In the Age of Mankind. Smithsonian. pp. 196-199
Quote 2- Famous Lascaux area of pre-historic France shows a favorable environment, not much different from other hunting areas on other continents, with plenty of climate variability, contradicting claims of alleged "harsh" venues. "The physical world inhabited by the painters and engravers of Lascaux was unlike anything known today.. Sea levels plummeted more than 300 feet; dry land connected not only North America and Asia but Britain and continental Europe. Southern Europe was cold, dry and covered with rich grasslands. In regions with some topographical re;lief, like southwest France and northern Spain, vegetation was more varied; sheltered and exposed localities created different micro-climates. Paleolithic animal life in this area was abundant, much more like the plains of modern Africa than anything seen in Europe today. Herds of horses, bison, and aurochs roamed the grasslands, along with reindeer and ibex in the hills...
To judge from discoveries of pollen and seed at some sites, and from engravings at others, peoples of Lascaux and their contemporaries ate blueberries, raspberries, acorns, hazelnuts, and other tubers, nuts, berries and grasses.
The last Ice Age was by no means a period of unrelieved cold, millennium after millennium. Temperatures fluctuated, sometimes coming close to today's balmy interglacial climes, and the animal and plant communities fluctuated in concert with them. Warmer climes brought woodland and forest where only open grassland had existed previously. At the same time, the horses and bison- animals of the plains, were replaced with red deer, wild boar and other confines of a forest habitat.. " -- Lewin, Roger (1988). In the Age of Mankind. Smithsonian. pp. 144
Quote 3- Long before the coming of the Neolithic revolution from the Near East via the Natufians and others, ancient cold-adapted Europeans had more than enough opportunity to pioneer plant and animal domestication. Wild species of the cow, horse, pig and goat were all well known. Wild ancestors of important crops- such as wheat-like spelt variants, and chick peas were also in place. What then took the alleged cold-adapted "pace-setters" so long to advance human civilization?
".. as critics of the climate theory point out, the world has gone through many climate fluctuations in the 100,000 years since modern humans occupied the Old World. Opportunities for cultivation and animal husbandry surely existed earlier than the Neolithic. Yet no evidence has emerged that any plant or animal domestication occurred before this time. More specifically, no potential climatic trigger can be identified in many of those cases in which development of domestication can be documented sufficiently to reveal information about local climatic conditions." -- Lewin, Roger (1988). In the Age of Mankind. Smithsonian. pp. 193
Quote 4- Even colder northern climes show a rich resource base and substantial material life. Such resources, particularly the water-based ones of the ocean, river and lake, were relatively stable and predictable, providing plenty of food - hardly the picture of alleged cold-climate peoples "deprivation" in "unforgiving" glacial environments, as alleged by JP Rushton, Michael Levin, Satoshi Kanazawa et al.. Nor did the supposed "evolutionary" evidence of high IQ shine forth. A long tradition of scholarship so the cold climate types of northern Europe or cold eastern Europe as dead-enders.
"Similarities appear in societies in which there are rich maritime or lakeside resources from the far north to the Mediterranean. In the far northern latitudes, where for four months of the year the sun does not set, the icy cold but resource-rich northern sea was the focus of settlements with pit houses, with people using elaborate seagoing vessels in their specialised focus on marine foods, probably associated with seal hunting (Bjerck 1995, Bjerck, this volume). Further south, other structured settlements echo the theme of marine or lakeside focus. At Tagerup in Sweden, large houses were constructed in a 'village; at the confluence of two rivers with permanent structures such as jetties and moorings for boats.. coastal and lakeside regions also provide evocative glimpses of societies for whom the sea and water played an important economic and symbolic role. We see richly symbolic pendants of amber and animal teeth, wooden artefacts such as bows, decorated paddles, canoes, and leisters in evidence from submerged sites in the Baltic.. Riverine resources also appear to have been particularly influential in the development of settlements such as Lepenski Vir and Vlasac in the Iron Gates... we see an apparently 'sacred' site at Lepenski Vir, comprising homes with plaster floors, carved figurines, and neonates interred under the floors." [pg 8]
"The Iron gates contain some of the largest concentration of Mesolithic burials in Europe. Burials have been recorded from at least eleven sites, and four of these, Lepenski Vir, Padina, Schela Cladovei and Vlasac each contained very large numbers of graves." [pg 241]
"Even Grahame Clark, excavator of Star Carr and pioneer and champion of Mesolithic studies in Britain, was forced to concede with evident reluctance in 1952 that the archaeological evidence for the coastal Mesolithic peoples of Northwest Europe hardly contradicted the notion of 'a low level of culture' (Clark 1952:63).. Extrapolating the origins of social complexity to certain contexts in Mesolithic Europe marked a powerful departure from ideas of small, marginalised groups apparently 'going nowhere'.. 'Complexity' was built on dense, productive, coastal resources that were available all year." [pg 4]
"Young (2000b:1) concluded that the discipline was still 'waiting for the great leap forwards'. A long-standing story of Mesolithic hunter-gatherers so immersed in their environments and nature, both ecologically and ideologically as to be almost socially inert seems to retain a strong hold on our imaginations." [pg 5]> -- G. N. Bailey (2008) Mesolithic Europe. Cambridge University Press. pp 8, 241, 4, 5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------
Cold climate evolution put to the test- the Neanderthals whose DNA shows up in today's Europeans
Neanderthals occurred primarily in Europe and show distinct cold-adapted body proportions. Some of their DNA markers appear in modern Europeans according to a recent 2010 study (Richard E. Green et al (2010). "A Draft Sequence of the Neanderthal Genome". Science 328 (5979): 710–722. ) Neanderthals, with clear markers to today's Europeans, are thus a test case for alleged cold climate superiority. But in fact, these early cold-climate Europeans are a genetic dead end, with static technology, and brains that while as big as that of modern humans from Africa, lack essential processing capabilities.
Furthermore the Neanderthals failed to make the leap to more advanced technology beyond the stone age Mousterian package, and failed to innovate plant and animal domestication despite having numerous ancestors of sheep, goats, cows, pigs and horses available to them, as well as wild grain variants that could be used. As noted above, Europe in a colder earlier time possessed environments with a number of rich resources, and variable microclimates. The Neanderthals prospered there. So why couldn't this cold climate European race, which [/img]has DNA links appearing in modern Europeans, show the alleged IQ superiority touted for its homeland, either via brain makeup or technological/cultural achievement?
Quote 5: Neanderthal brains, which should have been superior due to alleged "activation" by the "challenges" of cold climate life, lag behind. They ended up a static dead-end, with genes reflected in modern Europeans but nevertheless failed to make crucial advances.
"Neanderthals had brain sizes comparable to modern humans, but their brain cases were elongated and not globular as in Homo sapiens[1,2]. It has, therefore, been suggested that modern humans and Neanderthals reached large brain sizes along different evolutionary pathways [2]. Here, we assess when during development these adult differences emerge. This is critical for understanding whether differences in the pattern of brain development might underlie potential cognitive differences between these two closely related groups. Previous comparisons of Neanderthal and modern human cranial development have shown that many morphological characteristics separating these two groups are already established at the time of birth [3,4,5], and that the subsequent developmental patterns of the face are similar, though not identical [6]. Here, we show that a globularization phase seen in the neurocranial development of modern humans after birth is absent from Neanderthals." -- Gunz et al (2010) . Brain development after birth differs between Neanderthals and modern human. Current Biology: 20, 21.
Other Notes -- Tattersall I, Schwartz JH (June 1999). "Hominids and hybrids: the place of Neanderthals in human evolution". Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 96 (13): 7117–9. ---------------------
r/k Selection theory- more virtuous, high IQ cold climate people (the "K" selected), became so due to alleged "novel challenges" of cold environments, or due to mental adjustments due to "novel, unpredictable" environments. Sounds fascinating, but if r/k selection theory is right in its prediction of behavioral changes caused by "more novel" or "unpredictable" challenges, then it also points to increasing moral corruption and filth by the "k-selected".
In terms of human history and culture child pornography and molestation are certainly outside the norm. They occur in every culture but they are not the norm. However, if r/k Selection Theory is applied, the alleged virtue of whites and Asiatics is called into question. Both groups lead the world in the consumption and production of child pornography or child molestation. Likewise, few tropical nations embrace the marriage of homosexuals on a par with heterosexual relations. Such a par is certainly "novel" in human history. However, here again, r/k Selection Theory may point to a pattern of deviancy being now embraced as normal- it is the white Western nations for the most part that embrace homosexual marriage. Mass killing of children for convenience is also relatively novel in human history. Here again, white women lead all others proportionately (as detailed above), with Asiatics weighing in on the "volume" factor. Examples could go on and on. Proponents of a racial r/k Selection Theory typically spin it to show "approved" groups in a virtuous light, but in fact their same theory predicts continual increases in white "k-selected" moral corruption and filth surpassing anything known in supposedly more "predictable" warm-climate environments.
"BIODIVERSITY", "HBD" AND "HERIDITARIAN" DEBUNKING ROUNDUP ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-------------------- Note: I am not an "Egyptologist" as claimed by some still bitter, defeated, trolls creating fake profiles and posts elsewhere. Hapless losers, you still fail. My output of hard data debunking racist nonsense has actually INCREASED since you began.. Posts: 5905 | From: The Hammer | Registered: Aug 2008
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In 2012 whites don't have to openly plunder and loot to get what they want. They do it the quiet hi-tech way by the banks and the bought over government looting and plundering the public. It's safe because this way you can ransack and loot billion and nobody is arrested and goes to jail. The LIBOR scandal is an ongoing case in point.
But when whites want to loot and plunder with open violence they do it the hi-tech way. Uranium depleted bunker buster bombs, drones, firebombs, cruise missiles, poison gas, etc. are your fate if you break the rapacious white rule of "what is mine is mine and what is yours is mine too".
But I must say that the 1921 Tulsa example is relevant because it just highlights the long rap sheet of mobs of whites[the white electorate in its millions who kick back and bring in the popcorn and some cold ones when a major overseas ransacking is about to take place] ransacking and looting other peoples' properties. Just that they have more cunning and criminal hi-tech ways to do such in 2012.
Posts: 5492 | Registered: Nov 2004
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quote:When you can show a 300 white mob ransacking a store, you can talk. Your examples are nothing compared to what Blacks are doing.
The Tulsa, Oklahoma riots of 1921 involved hundred of screaming, plundering and murderous mobs of whites destroying and ransacking hundreds of black-owned shops. Most were burnt to the ground after by the same murderous and plundering whites.
Wikipedia has right because the newspaper archives offer indisputable proof.
Not only that, but initially/earlier in U.S. history, most race riots were yte people rioting- always having something against Blacks or Chinese or some other non-yte or those immigrants still perceived as not really yte but would later have their status changed to yte (re the latter 'status changed to yte' for example: HOW THE IRISH BECAME WHITE, by Noel Ignatiev; WHITENESS OF A DIFFERENT COLOR- EUROPEAN IMMIGRANTS AND THE ALCHEMY OF RACE, by Matthew Frye Jacobson).
Anyway, there is Tulsa; there is Chicago in the Red Summer of 1919; the Wilmington race riot of 1898; matter of fact:
Posts: 3446 | From: U.S. by way of JA by way of Africa | Registered: Jan 2010
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quote:The United States has a brutal history of domestic violence. It is an ugly episode in our national history that has long been neglected. Of the several varieties of American violence, one type stands out as one of the most inhuman chapters in the history of the world�the violence committed against Negro citizens in America by white people. This unit of post Reconstruction Afro-American history will examine anti-Black violence from the 1880s to the 1950s. The phenomenon of lynching and the major race riots of this period, called the American Dark Ages by historian Rayford W. Logan.
Immediately following the end of Reconstruction, the Federal Government of the United States restored white supremacist control to the South and adopted a �laissez-faire� policy in regard to the Negro. The Negro was betrayed by his country. This policy resulted in Negro disfranchisement, social, educational and employment discrimination, and peonage. Deprived of their civil and human rights, Blacks were reduced to a status of quasi-slavery or �second-class� citizenship. A tense atmosphere of racial hatred, ignorance and fear bred lawless mass violence, murder and lynching.
In the decade immediately preceding World War I, a pattern of racial violence began to emerge in which white mob assaults were directed against entire Black communities. These race riots were the product of white society�s desire to maintain its superiority over Blacks, vent its frustrations in times of distress, and attack those least able to defend themselves. In these race riots, white mobs invaded Black neighborhoods, beat and killed large numbers of Blacks and destroyed Black property. In most instances, Blacks fought back and there were many casualties on both sides, though most of the dead were Black.
Gunnar Myrdal opposed the use of the term �riots� to describe these interracial conflicts. He preferred to call this phenomena �a terrorization or massacre, and (considered) it a magnified, or mass, lynching.�13 Race riots occurred in both the North and South, but were more characteristic of the North. They were primarily urban phenomena, while lynching was primarily a rural phenomenon.
Although lynchings were decreasing slightly by the turn of the century, race riots were perceptibly on the increase. Large-scale interracial violence became almost epidemic, as increasing numbers of Blacks migrated to Northern cities. The greatest number of race riots occurred during and just after World War I. During this period the North was concerned with the tremendous migration of Blacks from the South, and the displacement of some whites by Blacks in jobs and residences, which escalated social tensions between the races. The South was concerned about the possible demands of returning Negro soldiers, who were unwilling to slip quietly back into second class citizenship.
The summer of 1919, called �The Red Summer� by James Weldon Johnson, ushered in the greatest period of interracial violence the nation had ever witnessed. During that summer there were twenty-six race riots in such cities as Chicago, Illinois; Washington, D.C.; Elaine, Arkansas; Charleston, South Carolina; Knoxville and Nashville, Tennessee; Longview, Texas; and Omaha, Nebraska. More than one hundred Blacks were killed in these riots, and thousands were wounded and left homeless.
The seven most serious race riots were those which occurred in Wilmington, N. C. (1898), Atlanta, Ga. (1906), Springfield, Ill. (1908), East St. Louis) Ill. (1917), Chicago, Ill. (1919), Tulsa, Okla. (1921) and Detroit, Mich. (1943). What follows is a brief summary of the facts concerning each riot.
Just before the turn of the century, in November 1898, Wilmington, North Carolina exploded in the first major race riot since Reconstruction. The Wilmington riot followed an impassioned election campaign in which intimidation and fraud brought in a white supremacist government. Plans were drawn up before the election to coerce the Black voters and workers, and to expel the editor of the Black newspaper. Two days after the election, as whites began to execute their plan, the riot flamed. About thirty Blacks were killed in the massacre and many left the city. The white mob suffered no casualties.
One of the South�s most sensational riots occurred in Atlanta, Georgia in September 1906. For months the city had been lashed into a fury of race hatred by a movement to disfranchise Blacks. The Atlanta press had begun to treat Black crime, especially assault and rape, in an inflammatory fashion. Twelve rapes of white women were reported in one week, giving the impression that there was an epidemic of Black rape. This touched off a riot. White mobs, meeting ineffective resistance by city police, murdered Blacks, destroyed and looted their homes and businesses. Blacks attempted to resist, but were outnumbered. Some Blacks were arrested for arming themselves in self-defense. When the four days of rioting ended, ten Blacks and two whites were dead, hundreds were injured, and over a thousand fled the city.
In Springfield, Illinois, during August 1908, a three-day riot took place, initiated by a white woman,s claim of violation by a Negro. Inflamed by newspapers� sensationalism, crowds of whites gathered around the jail demanding that the Negro, who had been arrested and imprisoned, be lynched. When the sheriff transferred the accused and another Negro to a jail in a nearby town, white mobs headed for the Negro section and attacked homes and businesses. Two Blacks were lynched, others were dragged from their houses and streetcars and beaten. By the time the National Guardsmen reached the scene, six persons were dead�four whites and two Negroes. This riot, in the home town of Abraham Lincoln, shocked white liberals, who met the following year in New York City, with several prominent Blacks, to form the NAACP �to promote equality of rights and eradicate caste or race prejudice.
The East St. Louis, Illinois riot in 1917 was touched off by the fear of white working men that Negro advances in economic, political and social status were threatening their own status. When the labor force of an aluminum plant went on strike in April, the company hired Negro workers. Although the strike was crushed by a combination of militia, injunctions, and both Black and white strike breakers, the union blamed its defeat on the Blacks. A union meeting in May demanded that �East St. Louis must remain a white man�s town.� A riot followed, sparked by a white man, during which mobs demolished buildings and Blacks were attacked and beaten. Policemen did little more than take the injured to hospitals and disarm Negroes. Harassments and beatings continued through June.
On July 1, some whites in a Ford drove through the main Negro district, shooting into homes. Blacks armed themselves. When a police car, also a Ford, drove down the street to investigate, the Blacks fired on it, killing two policemen. The next day, as reports of the shooting spread, a new riot began. Streetcars were stopped, Blacks were pulled off, stoned, clubbed, kicked and shot. Other rioters set fire to Black homes. By midnight the Black section was in flames and Blacks were fleeing the city. The official casualty figures were nine whites and thirty-nine Blacks, hundreds wounded, but the NAACP investigators estimated that between one hundred to two hundred Blacks were killed.14 Over three hundred buildings were destroyed.
The worst of the post-War race riots took place in Chicago, Illinois. It began late in July 1919 when a young Black �encroached� upon a swimming area that the whites had marked off for themselves, and was stoned until he drowned. By the time the riot ended, thirteen days later, thousands of both races had been involved in a series of frays, fifteen whites and twenty-three Negroes were killed, and 178 whites and 342 Blacks were injured. More than one thousand families, mostly Blacks, were left homeless due to the burnings and general destruction of property.
The Tulsa, Oklahoma riot took place from May 31 to June 1, 1921. A white girl charged a Black youth with attempted rape in an elevator in a public building. The youth was arrested and imprisoned. Armed Blacks came to the jail to protect the accused youth, who, it was rumored, would be lynched. Altercations between whites and Blacks at the jail led to a �race war�. A mob, numbering more than ten thousand attacked the Black district. �Machine-guns were brought into.use; eight aeroplanes were employed to spy on the movements of the Negroes and according to some were used in bombing the colored section.�15 Four companies of the National Guard were called out, but by the time order was restored, fifty whites and between 150 and 200 Blacks were killed. Many homes were looted and $1,500,000 worth of property was destroyed by fire.
The riot in Detroit, Michigan in 1943 flared from the increased racial friction over the sharp rise in the Negro population, which led to competition with whites on the job and housing markets. On June 20, rioting broke out on Belle Isle, a recreational area used by both races but predominately by Negroes. Fist fights escalated into a major conflict. The first wave of looting and bloodshed began in the Black ghetto �Paradise Valley� and later spread to other sections of the city. White mobs attacked Blacks in the downtown area, and traveled into Black neighborhoods by car, where they were met by sniping. By the time federal troops arrived to halt the riot, 25 Blacks and nine whites were killed and property damaged exceeded $2 million.16
Race riots were caused by a great number of social, political and economic factors. Joseph Boskin, author of Urban Racial Violence observed that there were certain general patterns in the major twentieth century race riots:17
1. In each of the race riots, with few exceptions, it was white people that sparked the incident by attacking Black people. 2. In the majority of the riots, some extraordinary social condition prevailed at the time of the riot: prewar social changes, wartime mobility, post-war adjustment, or economic depression. 3. The majority of the riots occurred during the hot summer months. 4. Rumor played an extremely important role in causing many riots. Rumors of some criminal activity by Blacks against whites perpetuated the actions of white mobs. 5. The police force, more than any other institution, was invariably involved as a precipitating cause or perpetuating factor in the riots. In almost every one of the riots, the police sided with the attackers, either by actually participating in, or by failing to quell the attack. 6. In almost every instance, the fighting occurred within the Black community.
Posts: 3446 | From: U.S. by way of JA by way of Africa | Registered: Jan 2010
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quote:LYNCHING In the last decades of the nineteenth century, the lynching of Black people in the Southern and border states became an institutionalized method used by whites to terrorize Blacks and maintain white supremacy. In the South, during the period 1880 to 1940, there was deep-seated and all-pervading hatred and fear of the Negro which led white mobs to turn to 'lynch law' as a means of social control. Lynchings-open public murders of individuals suspected of crime conceived and carried out more or less spontaneously by a mob- seem to have been an American invention. In Lynch-Law, the first scholarly investigation of lynching, written in 1905, author James E. Cutler stated that 'lynching is a criminal practice which is peculiar to the United States.'1
Most of the lynchings were by hanging or shooting, or both. However, many were of a more hideous nature: burning at the stake, maiming, dismemberment, castration, and other brutal methods of physical torture. Lynching therefore was a cruel combination of racism and sadism, which was utilized primarily to sustain the caste system in the South. Many white people believed that Negroes could only be controlled by fear. To them, lynching was seen as the most effective means of control.
There are three major sources of lynching statistics. None cover the complete history of lynching in America. Prior to 1882, no reliable statistics of lynchings were recorded. In that year, the Chicago Tribune first began to take systematic account of lynchings. Shortly thereafter, in 1892, Tuskegee Institute began to make a systematic collection and tabulation of lynching statistics. Beginning in 1912, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People kept an independent record of lynchings.
These statistics were based primarily on newspaper reports. Because the South is so large and the rural districts had not always been in close contact with the city newspapers, it is certain that many lynchings escaped publicity in the press. Undoubtedly, therefore, there are errors and inaccuracies in the available lynching statistics.
The numbers of lynchings listed in each source varies slightly. The NAACP lynching statistics tend to be slightly higher than the Tuskegee Institute figures, which some historians consider 'conservative.' For example, in 1914, Tuskegee Institute reported fifty-two lynchings for the year, the Chicago Tribune reported fifty-four, and The Crisis, the official organ of the NAACP,gave the number as seventy-four.2 The reason for the discrepancies in these figures is due in part to different conceptions of what actually constituted a lynching, and errors in the figures. According to the Tuskegee Institute figures, between the years 1882 and 1951, 4,730 people were lynched in the United States: 3,437 Negro and 1,293 white.3 The largest number of lynchings occurred in 1892. Of the 230 persons lynched that year, 161 were Negroes and sixty-nine whites.
Contrary to present-day popular conception, lynching was not a crime committed exclusively against Black people. During the nineteenth century a significant minority of the lynching victims were white. Between the 1830s and the 1850s the majority of those lynched in the United States were whites. Although a substantial number of white people were victims of this crime, the vast majority of those lynched, by the 1890s and after the turn of the century, were Black people. Actually, the pattern of almost exclusive lynching of Negroes was set during the Reconstruction period. According to the Tuskegee Institute statistics for the period covered in this study, the total number of Black lynching victims was more than two and one-half times as many as the number of whites put to death by lynching.
Lynchings occurred throughout the United States; it was not a sectional crime. However, the great majority of lynchings in the United States took place in the Southern and border states. According to social economist Gunnar Myrdal: 'The Southern states account for nine-tenths of the lynchings. More than two-thirds of the remaining one-tenth occurred in the six states which immediately border the South: Maryland, West Virginia, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, and Kansas.'4 Mississippi, Georgia, Texas, Louisiana, and Alabama were the leading lynching states. These five states furnished nearly half the total victims. Mississippi had the highest incidence of lynchings in the South as well as the highest for the nation, with Georgia and Texas taking second and third places, respectively. However, there were lynchings in the North and West. In fact, every state in the continental United States with the exception of Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New Hampshire and Vermont has had lynching casualties.
The causes assigned by whites in justification or explanation of lynching Black people include everything from major crimes to minor offenses. In many cases, Blacks were lynched for no reason at all other than race prejudice. Southern folk tradition has held that Negroes were lynched only for the crimes of raping white women-the nameless crime- and murder. However, the statistics do not sustain this impression.
The accusations against persons lynched, according to the Tuskegee Institute records for the years 1882 to 1951, were: in 41 per cent for felonious assault, 19.2 per cent for rape, 6.1 per cent for attempted rape, 4.9 per cent for robbery and theft, 1.8 per cent for insult to white persons, and 22.7 per cent for miscellaneous offenses or no offense at a 11.5 In the last category are all sorts of trivial 'offenses' such as 'disputing with a white man,' attempting to register to vote, 'unpopularity', self-defense, testifying against a white man, 'asking a white woman in marriage', and 'peeping in a window.'
Being charged with a crime did not necessarily mean that the person charged was guilty of the crime. Mob victims ware often known to have been innocent of misdeeds. A special study by Arthur Raper of nearly one hundred lynchings convinced him that approximately one-third of the victims were falsely accused.6 Occasionally mobs were mistaken in the identity of their victims.
The racist myth of Negroes' uncontrollable desire to rape white women acquired a strategic position in the defense of the lynching practice. However, homicides and felonious assault, not rape, were most frequently cited in explanation of mob action. Next in importance, from the viewpoint of number of cases, is rape and attempted rape 25.3 per cent of the victims. Concerning this figure, Myrdal states: 'There is much reason to believe that this figure has been inflated by the fact that a mob which makes the accusation of rape is secure from any further investigation; by the broad Southern definition of rape to include all sexual relations between Negro men and white women; and by the psychopathic fears of white women in their contacts with Negro men.'7
Another fact which refutes the fallacy of rape as being the primary cause of Negro lynchings is that between 1882 and 1927, 92 women were victims of lynch mobs: 76 Negro and 16 white.8 Certainly they could not have been rapists.
The lynching of Negroes, Cutler states, 'can only be justified on no other ground than that the law as formulated and administered has proved inadequate to deal with the situation, that there has been governmental inefficiency...'9
Lynchings occurred most commonly in the smaller towns and isolated rural communities of the South where people were poor, mostly illiterate, and where there was a noticeable lack of wholesome community recreation. The people who composed mobs in such neighborhoods were usually small land holders, tenant farmers and common laborers, whose economic status was very similar to that of the Negro. They frequently found Black men economic competitors and bitterly resented any Negro progress. Their starved emotions made the raising of a mob a quick and simple process, and racial antagonism made the killing of Negroes a type of local amusement which broke the monotony of rural life. Although most participants in the lynching mobs were from the lower strata of Southern white society, occasionally middle and upper class whites took part, and generally condoned the illegal activity. Many Southern politicians and officials supported 'lynch-law', and came to power on a platform of race prejudice.
Lynching was a local community affair. When the sentiment of a community favored lynching the laws were difficult or impossible to enforce. State authorities often attempted to prevent lynchings, but seldom punished the mob participants. Because of the tight hold on the courts by local public opinion, lynchers were rarely ever indicted by a grand jury or sentenced. The judge, prosecutor, jurors and witnesses- all white- were usually in sympathy with the lynchers. If sentenced, the participants in the lynch mobs were usually pardoned. Local police and sheriffs rarely did anything to defend Negro citizens and often supported lynchings. Arthur Raper estimated, from his study of one hundred lynchings, that 'at least one-half of the lynchings are carried out with police officers participating, and that in nine-tenths of the others the officers either condone or wink at the mob action.'10
Myrdal suggests several background factors and underlying causes for the prevalence of lynching in rural areas by lower class whites: poverty, economic and social fear of the Negro, low level of education, and the 'isolation, the dullness of every day life and the general boredom of rural and small town life.'11 However, the fundamental cause of lynching was fear of the Negro- the basis of racism and discrimination. Many whites, after Reconstruction and during the first four decades of the twentieth century, feared that the Negro was 'getting out of his place' and that the white man's social status was threatened and was in need of protection. Lynching was seen as the method to defend white domination and keep the Negroes from becoming 'uppity'. [b]Therefore, lynching was more the expression of white American fear of Black social and economic advancement than of Negro crime. W. E. B. DuBois was correct when he stated: '...the white South feared more than Negro dishonesty, ignorance and incompetency, Negro honesty, knowledge, and efficiency.'12
After 1892, lynchings declined quite steadily until about 1905, when there were sixty-two. No material change occurred for nearly twenty years. There was an annual average of sixty-two lynchings for the years 1910 to 1919. However, beginning in 1923 lynchings began to grow markedly fewer, and in the late 1930s and 1940s trailed off and became rarer. During these two decades, the annual rate of lynchings dropped to about ten and three respectively. Although the actual number of lynchings declined after 1892, the percentage of Black victims increased.
This decline has never been fully explained. There has been much speculation about this matter, but several logical reasons have been considered responsible for this steady decline in lynchings. Some have suggested the growing distaste of Southern elites for anti-Negro violence, particularly Southern women and businessmen. Others mention the increasing urbanization of the South during the 1930s and 1940s. Moreover, statewide police systems were developed which were willing to oppose local mobs, and the National Guard was increasingly called to stop lynchings. Also, Southern newspapers began frequently to denounce lynchings.
The work of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People was tremendously effective in awakening the nation to the urgency of stopping lynching. The NAACP, an interracial civil rights protest organization founded in 1909, made thorough investigations of lynchings and other crimes committed against Negroes, and informed the public concerning them. In 1919 the NAACP published Thirty Years of Lynching in the United States, 1889-1918, which was a revelation of the causes of lynching and the circumstances under which the crimes occurred. Beginning in 1921, the NAACP sponsored antilynching legislation such as the Dyer Anti-Lynching Bill and numerous other proposals to make lynching a federal crime.
The sharp decline in lynchings since 1922 undoubtedly had something to do with the fact that early in that year the Dyer Anti-Lynching Bill was passed in the House of Representatives. The Dyer Anti-Lynching Bill provided fines and imprisonment for persons convicted of lynching in federal courts, and fines and penalties against states, counties, and towns which failed to use reasonable efforts to protect citizens from mob violence. It was killed in the Senate by the filibuster of the Southern senators who claimed that anti-lynching legislation would be unconstitutional and an infringement upon states' rights. However, the long discussion of the Dyer Anti-Lynching Bill was of great importance to the decline.
Southern white organizations also began to condemn lynchings during the two decades before World War II. Among them were the Commission for Interracial Cooperation, which did research and issued publications which provided additional facts on lynchings, and the Association of Southern Women for the Prevention of Lynching, which was founded in Atlanta in 1930. Various other women's organizations in the South were also active in the struggle against lynching.
Posts: 3446 | From: U.S. by way of JA by way of Africa | Registered: Jan 2010
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anyway, back to yte people rioting against non-yte communities; let's move on to other ethnic communities they've rioted against in this country that we never hear anything about:
The Rock Springs massacre, also known as the Rock Springs Riot, occurred on September 2, 1885.
'The Chinese massacre of 1871 was a racially motivated riot on October 24, 1871, when a mob of over 500 white men entered Los Angeles' Chinatown to attack, rob and brutally murder Chinese residents of the city.[1] The riots took place on Calle de los Negros (Street of the Negroes), also referred to as "Nigger Alley", which later became part of Los Angeles Street.'
The Seattle riot of 1886 resulted from anti-Chinese sentiment
The 1907 Bellingham Riots
'The Tacoma riot of 1885 took place in the present day U.S. state of Washington, which was a territory at the time. It involved mobs expelling Chinese immigrants from the city of Tacoma, Washington. The riots in Tacoma were part of a broader wave of anti-Chinese violence in the American west during 1885 and 1886.'
'he San Francisco Riot of 1877 was a two day pogrom waged against Chinese immigrants in San Francisco, California by the city's majority white population from the evening of July 23 through the night of July 24, 1877. The ethnic violence which swept Chinatown resulted in four deaths and the destruction of more than $100,000 worth of property belonging to the city's Chinese immigrant population.'
'The Attack on Squak Valley Chinese laborers took place on September 7, 1885, in Squak Valley (now called Issaquah), Washington Territory, when a group of men fired their guns into several tents where a group of Chinese hop pickers were sleeping. The gunfire resulted in the death of three Chinese men and the wounding of three others. The attackers were later identified and brought to trial, but all were acquitted.
The attack was part of a widespread pattern of racially motivated violence against Chinese immigrants in the United States. During the latter half of the 19th century, there were more than 150 documented group attacks against Chinese communities and settlers throughout North America.[1]'
Watsonville Riots in 1930 'WATSONVILLE -- Hundreds of white men armed with pistols and clubs roamed the streets of Watsonville for five days in January 1930, beating Filipino fieldworkers and finally, in a shooting on San Juan Road, killing 22-year-old Fermin Tobera.
The Watsonville riots touched off violence in San Francisco, Stockton, San Jose and Salinas and outrage in Manila.'
Posts: 3446 | From: U.S. by way of JA by way of Africa | Registered: Jan 2010
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1824: Providence, Rhode Island Hardscrabble Riots 1829: Cincinnati riots of 1829 Rioting against African Americans results in over a thousand leaving for Canada. 1829: Charlestown Anti-Catholic Riots 1831: Providence, Rhode Island 1834: Massachusetts Convent Burning 1834: Philadelphia pro-slavery riots[34] 1835: Five Points Riot 1835: Washington, D.C.[35][36] 1836: Cincinnati riots of 1836. Several anti-abolitionist riots took place 1841: Cincinnati, Ohio White Irish-descendant and Irish immigrant dock workers rioted against Black dock workers. When the Black dock workers banded together to defend their community from the approaching Whites, the White rioters retreated and then commandeered a 6-pound cannon and shot it through the streets of Cincinnati. 1844: Philadelphia Nativist Riots (May 6–8/July 5–8) 1851: Hoboken Anti-German Riot 1855: Louisville Anti-German Riots
Civil War Period 1861-1865
1863: New York City Draft Riot 1863: Detroit Race Riot
Reconstruction Period: 1865 - 1877
1866: New Orleans Riot 1866: Memphis, Tennessee 1868: Pulaski Riot 1868: Opelousas, Louisiana 1868: Camilla, Georgia 1870: Eutaw, Alabama 1870: Laurens, South Carolina 1870: New York City Orange Riot 1871: Second New York City Orange Riot 1871: Los Angeles Anti-Chinese Riot 1871: Meridian, Mississippi 1891: New Orleans Anti-Italian Riot 1873: Colfax massacre 1874: Vicksburg, Mississippi 1874: New Orleans, Louisiana {Liberty place riot see[37]} 1874: Coushatta, Louisiana 1875: Yazoo City, Mississippi 1875: Clinton, Mississippi 1876: Hamburg Massacre 1876: Ellenton, South Carolina
Jim Crow Period: 1878 - 1914
1885: Anti-Chinese riot in Rock Springs, Wyoming Territory 1886: Seattle riot of 1886[38] 1898: Wilmington Insurrection of 1898[39] 1898: Lake City, South Carolina 1898: Greenwood County, South Carolina 1900: Robert Charles Riots 1900: New York City, New York 1906: Atlanta Race Riot[40] 1906: Brownsville, Texas 1907: Onancock, Virginia 1908: Springfield Race Riot of 1908[41] 1909: Omaha, Nebraska anti-Greek riot 1910: Nationwide riots following the heavyweight championship fight between Jack Johnson and Jim Jeffries in Reno, Nevada on July 4
War and Inter-War Period: 1914 - 1945
1917: East St. Louis Riot[42] 1917: Chester, Pennsylvania 1917: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 1917: Houston Riot Red Summer of 1919 1919: Washington, D.C. 1919: Chicago Race Riot of 1919[43] 1919: Omaha Race Riot of 1919 1919: Charleston, South Carolina 1919: Longview, Texas 1919: Knoxville Riot of 1919 1919: Elaine Race Riot 1921: Tulsa race riot (Tulsa, Oklahoma)[44] 1923: Rosewood massacre (Rosewood, Florida)[45] 1927: Yakima Valley Anti-Filipino Riot[46] 1928: Wenatchee Valley Anti-Filipino Riot[46] 1929: Exeter Anti-Filipino Riot[47] 1930: Watsonville Anti-Filipino Riots, which inspired race riots in San Francisco, Salinas and San Jose and attacks elsewhere.[47] 1935: Harlem Riot of 1935 1943: Detroit Race Riot[48] 1943: Beaumont Race Riot of 1943 1943: Harlem Riot of 1943 1943: Zoot Suit Riots
Postwar era: 1946 - 1954
1946: Columbia, Tennessee Riot
Civil Rights and Black Power Movement's Period: 1955 - 1977
1958: Battle of Hayes Pond (Maxton, North Carolina) 1963: Cambridge riot of 1963 (Cambridge, Maryland) 1964: Harlem Riot of 1964 (Harlem neighborhood, Manhattan, New York City) 1964: Rochester riot (Rochester, New York) 1964: Philadelphia 1964 race riot (North Philadelphia section of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) 1965: Watts Riots (Watts neighborhood, Los Angeles, California) 1966: Division Street Riots (Humboldt Park neighborhood, Chicago, Illinois) 1966: Hough Riots (Hough community, Cleveland, Ohio) 1966: North Omaha, Nebraska (North Omaha community, Omaha, Nebraska) Long Hot Summer of 1967 1967: Tampa Riots, (Tampa, Florida) 1967: Texas Southern University Riot (Houston, Texas) 1967: 1967 Detroit riot (Detroit, Michigan) 1967: Buffalo riot (Buffalo, NewYork) 1967: Milwaukee Riot (Milwaukee, Wisconsin) 1967: Minneapolis North Side Riots (Minneapolis, Minnesota) 1967: 1967 Newark riots (Newark, New Jersey) 1967: Plainfield riots (Plainfield, New Jersey) Protests of 1968 1968: Orangeburg massacre (Orangeburg, South Carolina) 1968: Nationwide riots following the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. 1968: Baltimore riot of 1968 (Baltimore, Maryland) 1968: Chicago (April 1968) (Chicago, Illinois) 1968: Louisville riots of 1968 (Louisville, Kentucky) 1968: 1968 Washington, D.C. riots (Washington, D.C.) 1969: 1969 York Race Riot (York, Pennsylvania 1969: Stonewall riots (Greenwich Village neighborhood, Manhattan, New York City, New York) 1970: May 11th Race Riot (Augusta, Georgia) 1970: Jackson State killings (Jackson, Mississippi) 1971: Camden Riots (Camden, New Jersey) 1972-1977: Escambia High School riots (Pensacola, Florida)
1980: Miami Riots (Miami, Florida) 1980: Chattanooga Riot (Chattanooga, Tennessee) 1984: Lawrence, Massachusetts Race Riot: A small scale riot centered at the intersection of Haverhill and railroad streets between working class whites and Hispanics; several buildings were destroyed by Molotov cocktails; August 8, 1984.[49] 1991: Crown Heights riot (Crown Heights neighborhood, Brooklyn, New York) 1992: Los Angeles Riots (Los Angeles, California): In a reaction to the acquittal of all LA police officers involved in the videotaped beating of Rodney King and the murder of Latasha Harlins; riots broke out mainly involving black youths in the black neighborhoods and shop owners in Korean neighborhoods, but overall riotiing was mainly to get out the frustrations of the racial groups over the racial tensions that were building in the South Central Los Angeles area for sometime[citation needed]. 1996: St. Petersburg Riots (St. Petersburg, Florida): After Officer Jim Knight stopped 18 yr. old Tyron Lewis for speeding, his car lurched forward causing Knight to fire his weapon, fatally wounding the black teenager. Riots broke out and lasted for about 2 days. 2001: Cincinnati riots (Cincinnati, Ohio): In a reaction to the acquittal of Steven Roach after the fatal shooting of an unarmed young black male, Timothy Thomas, during a foot pursuit, riots broke out over the span of a few days. 2003: Benton Harbor riots (Benton Harbor, Michigan) 2005: 2005 Toledo Riot (Toledo, Ohio): A race riot that broke out after the Neo-Nazi protest marched through a black neighborhood. 2006: Fontana High School riot (Fontana, California): Riot involving about 500 Latino and black students[50] 2006: Prison Race Riots (California): A war between Latino and black prison gangs set off a series of riots across California[51][52] 2008: Locke High School riot[53] (Los Angeles, California) 2009: 2009 Oakland Riots (Oakland, California): Peaceful protests turned into rioting after the fatal shooting of an unarmed black man, Oscar Grant, by a BART transit policeman.
Oh, that all came from Confirmed Eediat-Bwoy's beloved wicki
Note just how many of the above-listed riots were perpetrated by yte people...and I make this point because too many people don't know their history and only associate the word 'riot' with non-yte people...
Note yte people rioted to dis-enfranchise/take away from/drive out/oppress etc people, while Black People rioted over injustice, inequality mistreatment, oppression, etc.....
btw: 'In 1862 the California legislature passed An Act to Protect Free White Labor Against Competition with Chinese Coolie Labor, and [sic] to Discourage The Immigration of the Chinese into the State of California. The act, which would be referred to as the Anti-Coolie Act of 1862 in short, was passed by the California legislature in an attempt to appease rising anger among white laborers about salary competition created by the influx of Chinese immigrants at the height of the California gold rush. The act sought to protect white laborers by imposing a monthly tax on Chinese immigrants seeking to do business in the state of California.'
Posts: 3446 | From: U.S. by way of JA by way of Africa | Registered: Jan 2010
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quote:Originally posted by factless bwoy: just as I expected, my mother was charged with indecent exposure and prostitution last night, from she was caught in a back alley during an act of battery (battery = gangbang)!
Posts: 3446 | From: U.S. by way of JA by way of Africa | Registered: Jan 2010
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In real wars or wars of words, foul is fair for whites.
But they just cannot take their own medicine. They start pleading when they are losing.
You lost the "stereotypes" war--now you are pleading. Keep trying but it's all in vain. You will continue to lose. Posts: 5492 | Registered: Nov 2004
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quote:Originally posted by TruthAndRights: Nativist Period 1700s-1860
1824: Providence, Rhode Island Hardscrabble Riots 1829: Cincinnati riots of 1829 Rioting against African Americans results in over a thousand leaving for Canada. 1829: Charlestown Anti-Catholic Riots 1831: Providence, Rhode Island 1834: Massachusetts Convent Burning 1834: Philadelphia pro-slavery riots[34] 1835: Five Points Riot 1835: Washington, D.C.[35][36] 1836: Cincinnati riots of 1836. Several anti-abolitionist riots took place 1841: Cincinnati, Ohio White Irish-descendant and Irish immigrant dock workers rioted against Black dock workers. When the Black dock workers banded together to defend their community from the approaching Whites, the White rioters retreated and then commandeered a 6-pound cannon and shot it through the streets of Cincinnati. 1844: Philadelphia Nativist Riots (May 6–8/July 5–8) 1851: Hoboken Anti-German Riot 1855: Louisville Anti-German Riots
Civil War Period 1861-1865
1863: New York City Draft Riot 1863: Detroit Race Riot
Reconstruction Period: 1865 - 1877
1866: New Orleans Riot 1866: Memphis, Tennessee 1868: Pulaski Riot 1868: Opelousas, Louisiana 1868: Camilla, Georgia 1870: Eutaw, Alabama 1870: Laurens, South Carolina 1870: New York City Orange Riot 1871: Second New York City Orange Riot 1871: Los Angeles Anti-Chinese Riot 1871: Meridian, Mississippi 1891: New Orleans Anti-Italian Riot 1873: Colfax massacre 1874: Vicksburg, Mississippi 1874: New Orleans, Louisiana {Liberty place riot see[37]} 1874: Coushatta, Louisiana 1875: Yazoo City, Mississippi 1875: Clinton, Mississippi 1876: Hamburg Massacre 1876: Ellenton, South Carolina
Jim Crow Period: 1878 - 1914
1885: Anti-Chinese riot in Rock Springs, Wyoming Territory 1886: Seattle riot of 1886[38] 1898: Wilmington Insurrection of 1898[39] 1898: Lake City, South Carolina 1898: Greenwood County, South Carolina 1900: Robert Charles Riots 1900: New York City, New York 1906: Atlanta Race Riot[40] 1906: Brownsville, Texas 1907: Onancock, Virginia 1908: Springfield Race Riot of 1908[41] 1909: Omaha, Nebraska anti-Greek riot 1910: Nationwide riots following the heavyweight championship fight between Jack Johnson and Jim Jeffries in Reno, Nevada on July 4
War and Inter-War Period: 1914 - 1945
1917: East St. Louis Riot[42] 1917: Chester, Pennsylvania 1917: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 1917: Houston Riot Red Summer of 1919 1919: Washington, D.C. 1919: Chicago Race Riot of 1919[43] 1919: Omaha Race Riot of 1919 1919: Charleston, South Carolina 1919: Longview, Texas 1919: Knoxville Riot of 1919 1919: Elaine Race Riot 1921: Tulsa race riot (Tulsa, Oklahoma)[44] 1923: Rosewood massacre (Rosewood, Florida)[45] 1927: Yakima Valley Anti-Filipino Riot[46] 1928: Wenatchee Valley Anti-Filipino Riot[46] 1929: Exeter Anti-Filipino Riot[47] 1930: Watsonville Anti-Filipino Riots, which inspired race riots in San Francisco, Salinas and San Jose and attacks elsewhere.[47] 1935: Harlem Riot of 1935 1943: Detroit Race Riot[48] 1943: Beaumont Race Riot of 1943 1943: Harlem Riot of 1943 1943: Zoot Suit Riots
Postwar era: 1946 - 1954
1946: Columbia, Tennessee Riot
Civil Rights and Black Power Movement's Period: 1955 - 1977
1958: Battle of Hayes Pond (Maxton, North Carolina) 1963: Cambridge riot of 1963 (Cambridge, Maryland) 1964: Harlem Riot of 1964 (Harlem neighborhood, Manhattan, New York City) 1964: Rochester riot (Rochester, New York) 1964: Philadelphia 1964 race riot (North Philadelphia section of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) 1965: Watts Riots (Watts neighborhood, Los Angeles, California) 1966: Division Street Riots (Humboldt Park neighborhood, Chicago, Illinois) 1966: Hough Riots (Hough community, Cleveland, Ohio) 1966: North Omaha, Nebraska (North Omaha community, Omaha, Nebraska) Long Hot Summer of 1967 1967: Tampa Riots, (Tampa, Florida) 1967: Texas Southern University Riot (Houston, Texas) 1967: 1967 Detroit riot (Detroit, Michigan) 1967: Buffalo riot (Buffalo, NewYork) 1967: Milwaukee Riot (Milwaukee, Wisconsin) 1967: Minneapolis North Side Riots (Minneapolis, Minnesota) 1967: 1967 Newark riots (Newark, New Jersey) 1967: Plainfield riots (Plainfield, New Jersey) Protests of 1968 1968: Orangeburg massacre (Orangeburg, South Carolina) 1968: Nationwide riots following the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. 1968: Baltimore riot of 1968 (Baltimore, Maryland) 1968: Chicago (April 1968) (Chicago, Illinois) 1968: Louisville riots of 1968 (Louisville, Kentucky) 1968: 1968 Washington, D.C. riots (Washington, D.C.) 1969: 1969 York Race Riot (York, Pennsylvania 1969: Stonewall riots (Greenwich Village neighborhood, Manhattan, New York City, New York) 1970: May 11th Race Riot (Augusta, Georgia) 1970: Jackson State killings (Jackson, Mississippi) 1971: Camden Riots (Camden, New Jersey) 1972-1977: Escambia High School riots (Pensacola, Florida)
1980: Miami Riots (Miami, Florida) 1980: Chattanooga Riot (Chattanooga, Tennessee) 1984: Lawrence, Massachusetts Race Riot: A small scale riot centered at the intersection of Haverhill and railroad streets between working class whites and Hispanics; several buildings were destroyed by Molotov cocktails; August 8, 1984.[49] 1991: Crown Heights riot (Crown Heights neighborhood, Brooklyn, New York) 1992: Los Angeles Riots (Los Angeles, California): In a reaction to the acquittal of all LA police officers involved in the videotaped beating of Rodney King and the murder of Latasha Harlins; riots broke out mainly involving black youths in the black neighborhoods and shop owners in Korean neighborhoods, but overall riotiing was mainly to get out the frustrations of the racial groups over the racial tensions that were building in the South Central Los Angeles area for sometime[citation needed]. 1996: St. Petersburg Riots (St. Petersburg, Florida): After Officer Jim Knight stopped 18 yr. old Tyron Lewis for speeding, his car lurched forward causing Knight to fire his weapon, fatally wounding the black teenager. Riots broke out and lasted for about 2 days. 2001: Cincinnati riots (Cincinnati, Ohio): In a reaction to the acquittal of Steven Roach after the fatal shooting of an unarmed young black male, Timothy Thomas, during a foot pursuit, riots broke out over the span of a few days. 2003: Benton Harbor riots (Benton Harbor, Michigan) 2005: 2005 Toledo Riot (Toledo, Ohio): A race riot that broke out after the Neo-Nazi protest marched through a black neighborhood. 2006: Fontana High School riot (Fontana, California): Riot involving about 500 Latino and black students[50] 2006: Prison Race Riots (California): A war between Latino and black prison gangs set off a series of riots across California[51][52] 2008: Locke High School riot[53] (Los Angeles, California) 2009: 2009 Oakland Riots (Oakland, California): Peaceful protests turned into rioting after the fatal shooting of an unarmed black man, Oscar Grant, by a BART transit policeman.
Oh, that all came from Confirmed Eediat-Bwoy's beloved wicki
Note just how many of the above-listed riots were perpetrated by yte people...and I make this point because too many people don't know their history and only associate the word 'riot' with non-yte people...
Note yte people rioted to dis-enfranchise/take away from/drive out/oppress etc people, while Black People rioted over injustice, inequality mistreatment, oppression, etc.....
btw: 'In 1862 the California legislature passed An Act to Protect Free White Labor Against Competition with Chinese Coolie Labor, and [sic] to Discourage The Immigration of the Chinese into the State of California. The act, which would be referred to as the Anti-Coolie Act of 1862 in short, was passed by the California legislature in an attempt to appease rising anger among white laborers about salary competition created by the influx of Chinese immigrants at the height of the California gold rush. The act sought to protect white laborers by imposing a monthly tax on Chinese immigrants seeking to do business in the state of California.'
Good roundup Truth.
Posts: 5905 | From: The Hammer | Registered: Aug 2008
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His tactical gear included a ballistic helmet and protective gear for his legs, throat, and groin.....
He paid for a two-day air delivery
'Purchasing a 100-round magazine for an AR-15 is unusual,'
Oh, I almost forgot the canister of gas!
Now let's deal with reality here: after purchases like that, had he not been a yte male...particularly a yte male with a name like 'James Holmes'....had he been non-yte and/or had a name like Fareed or Jamal or Abdullah or Hassan or some such name...this never would have ended up happening..
^ Had the perpetrator of this HORROR on the patrons of the movie theater been a Black Man, Crushed-EediatBwoy and his ilk would've been on it like white on rice (no pun intended lol)...ranting and raving and foaming at the mouth like rabid mongrel all over this forum bout see that's Black People for you and how society is better off without Black People...had he been a Black Man, to Crushed-EediatBwoy and his ilk, he would have been a representation of all Black Males...kmt....but now *crickets* will never hear Crushed-EediatBwoy and his ilk say he is a representation of all yte males and that's yte people for you and society is better off without yte people...no will not hear them flip it when the shoe is on their own foot...when it's a fact that most of the time when THIS kind of atrocity happens in the U.S., it's yte males who perpetrate it....
Posts: 3446 | From: U.S. by way of JA by way of Africa | Registered: Jan 2010
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quote:Originally posted by zarahan- aka Enrique Cardova:
quote:Originally posted by TruthAndRights: Nativist Period 1700s-1860
1824: Providence, Rhode Island Hardscrabble Riots 1829: Cincinnati riots of 1829 Rioting against African Americans results in over a thousand leaving for Canada. 1829: Charlestown Anti-Catholic Riots 1831: Providence, Rhode Island 1834: Massachusetts Convent Burning 1834: Philadelphia pro-slavery riots[34] 1835: Five Points Riot 1835: Washington, D.C.[35][36] 1836: Cincinnati riots of 1836. Several anti-abolitionist riots took place 1841: Cincinnati, Ohio White Irish-descendant and Irish immigrant dock workers rioted against Black dock workers. When the Black dock workers banded together to defend their community from the approaching Whites, the White rioters retreated and then commandeered a 6-pound cannon and shot it through the streets of Cincinnati. 1844: Philadelphia Nativist Riots (May 6–8/July 5–8) 1851: Hoboken Anti-German Riot 1855: Louisville Anti-German Riots
Civil War Period 1861-1865
1863: New York City Draft Riot 1863: Detroit Race Riot
Reconstruction Period: 1865 - 1877
1866: New Orleans Riot 1866: Memphis, Tennessee 1868: Pulaski Riot 1868: Opelousas, Louisiana 1868: Camilla, Georgia 1870: Eutaw, Alabama 1870: Laurens, South Carolina 1870: New York City Orange Riot 1871: Second New York City Orange Riot 1871: Los Angeles Anti-Chinese Riot 1871: Meridian, Mississippi 1891: New Orleans Anti-Italian Riot 1873: Colfax massacre 1874: Vicksburg, Mississippi 1874: New Orleans, Louisiana {Liberty place riot see[37]} 1874: Coushatta, Louisiana 1875: Yazoo City, Mississippi 1875: Clinton, Mississippi 1876: Hamburg Massacre 1876: Ellenton, South Carolina
Jim Crow Period: 1878 - 1914
1885: Anti-Chinese riot in Rock Springs, Wyoming Territory 1886: Seattle riot of 1886[38] 1898: Wilmington Insurrection of 1898[39] 1898: Lake City, South Carolina 1898: Greenwood County, South Carolina 1900: Robert Charles Riots 1900: New York City, New York 1906: Atlanta Race Riot[40] 1906: Brownsville, Texas 1907: Onancock, Virginia 1908: Springfield Race Riot of 1908[41] 1909: Omaha, Nebraska anti-Greek riot 1910: Nationwide riots following the heavyweight championship fight between Jack Johnson and Jim Jeffries in Reno, Nevada on July 4
War and Inter-War Period: 1914 - 1945
1917: East St. Louis Riot[42] 1917: Chester, Pennsylvania 1917: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 1917: Houston Riot Red Summer of 1919 1919: Washington, D.C. 1919: Chicago Race Riot of 1919[43] 1919: Omaha Race Riot of 1919 1919: Charleston, South Carolina 1919: Longview, Texas 1919: Knoxville Riot of 1919 1919: Elaine Race Riot 1921: Tulsa race riot (Tulsa, Oklahoma)[44] 1923: Rosewood massacre (Rosewood, Florida)[45] 1927: Yakima Valley Anti-Filipino Riot[46] 1928: Wenatchee Valley Anti-Filipino Riot[46] 1929: Exeter Anti-Filipino Riot[47] 1930: Watsonville Anti-Filipino Riots, which inspired race riots in San Francisco, Salinas and San Jose and attacks elsewhere.[47] 1935: Harlem Riot of 1935 1943: Detroit Race Riot[48] 1943: Beaumont Race Riot of 1943 1943: Harlem Riot of 1943 1943: Zoot Suit Riots
Postwar era: 1946 - 1954
1946: Columbia, Tennessee Riot
Civil Rights and Black Power Movement's Period: 1955 - 1977
1958: Battle of Hayes Pond (Maxton, North Carolina) 1963: Cambridge riot of 1963 (Cambridge, Maryland) 1964: Harlem Riot of 1964 (Harlem neighborhood, Manhattan, New York City) 1964: Rochester riot (Rochester, New York) 1964: Philadelphia 1964 race riot (North Philadelphia section of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) 1965: Watts Riots (Watts neighborhood, Los Angeles, California) 1966: Division Street Riots (Humboldt Park neighborhood, Chicago, Illinois) 1966: Hough Riots (Hough community, Cleveland, Ohio) 1966: North Omaha, Nebraska (North Omaha community, Omaha, Nebraska) Long Hot Summer of 1967 1967: Tampa Riots, (Tampa, Florida) 1967: Texas Southern University Riot (Houston, Texas) 1967: 1967 Detroit riot (Detroit, Michigan) 1967: Buffalo riot (Buffalo, NewYork) 1967: Milwaukee Riot (Milwaukee, Wisconsin) 1967: Minneapolis North Side Riots (Minneapolis, Minnesota) 1967: 1967 Newark riots (Newark, New Jersey) 1967: Plainfield riots (Plainfield, New Jersey) Protests of 1968 1968: Orangeburg massacre (Orangeburg, South Carolina) 1968: Nationwide riots following the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. 1968: Baltimore riot of 1968 (Baltimore, Maryland) 1968: Chicago (April 1968) (Chicago, Illinois) 1968: Louisville riots of 1968 (Louisville, Kentucky) 1968: 1968 Washington, D.C. riots (Washington, D.C.) 1969: 1969 York Race Riot (York, Pennsylvania 1969: Stonewall riots (Greenwich Village neighborhood, Manhattan, New York City, New York) 1970: May 11th Race Riot (Augusta, Georgia) 1970: Jackson State killings (Jackson, Mississippi) 1971: Camden Riots (Camden, New Jersey) 1972-1977: Escambia High School riots (Pensacola, Florida)
1980: Miami Riots (Miami, Florida) 1980: Chattanooga Riot (Chattanooga, Tennessee) 1984: Lawrence, Massachusetts Race Riot: A small scale riot centered at the intersection of Haverhill and railroad streets between working class whites and Hispanics; several buildings were destroyed by Molotov cocktails; August 8, 1984.[49] 1991: Crown Heights riot (Crown Heights neighborhood, Brooklyn, New York) 1992: Los Angeles Riots (Los Angeles, California): In a reaction to the acquittal of all LA police officers involved in the videotaped beating of Rodney King and the murder of Latasha Harlins; riots broke out mainly involving black youths in the black neighborhoods and shop owners in Korean neighborhoods, but overall riotiing was mainly to get out the frustrations of the racial groups over the racial tensions that were building in the South Central Los Angeles area for sometime[citation needed]. 1996: St. Petersburg Riots (St. Petersburg, Florida): After Officer Jim Knight stopped 18 yr. old Tyron Lewis for speeding, his car lurched forward causing Knight to fire his weapon, fatally wounding the black teenager. Riots broke out and lasted for about 2 days. 2001: Cincinnati riots (Cincinnati, Ohio): In a reaction to the acquittal of Steven Roach after the fatal shooting of an unarmed young black male, Timothy Thomas, during a foot pursuit, riots broke out over the span of a few days. 2003: Benton Harbor riots (Benton Harbor, Michigan) 2005: 2005 Toledo Riot (Toledo, Ohio): A race riot that broke out after the Neo-Nazi protest marched through a black neighborhood. 2006: Fontana High School riot (Fontana, California): Riot involving about 500 Latino and black students[50] 2006: Prison Race Riots (California): A war between Latino and black prison gangs set off a series of riots across California[51][52] 2008: Locke High School riot[53] (Los Angeles, California) 2009: 2009 Oakland Riots (Oakland, California): Peaceful protests turned into rioting after the fatal shooting of an unarmed black man, Oscar Grant, by a BART transit policeman.
Oh, that all came from Confirmed Eediat-Bwoy's beloved wicki
Note just how many of the above-listed riots were perpetrated by yte people...and I make this point because too many people don't know their history and only associate the word 'riot' with non-yte people...
Note yte people rioted to dis-enfranchise/take away from/drive out/oppress etc people, while Black People rioted over injustice, inequality mistreatment, oppression, etc.....
btw: 'In 1862 the California legislature passed An Act to Protect Free White Labor Against Competition with Chinese Coolie Labor, and [sic] to Discourage The Immigration of the Chinese into the State of California. The act, which would be referred to as the Anti-Coolie Act of 1862 in short, was passed by the California legislature in an attempt to appease rising anger among white laborers about salary competition created by the influx of Chinese immigrants at the height of the California gold rush. The act sought to protect white laborers by imposing a monthly tax on Chinese immigrants seeking to do business in the state of California.'
Good roundup Truth.
You think chasing a fool and flooding a thread with spam is "good work"? I thought you were better than this Zarahan. You waste too much time entertaining trolls dude.
Posts: 4254 | From: dasein | Registered: Jun 2009
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^^Drunken white "role models" in "streetwalker chic"
[QB] Why DO young women go out dressed like this? We meet nightclubbers in four major cities to find the surprising and unsettling answer to the question despairing mothers are asking
By Tanith Carey
Eight o’clock on a freezing November evening — but for all the skimpy outfits on the streets of Manchester, you’d think it was 80 degrees on the Costa Brava. Here the women’s hems are so high — and their tops so low — that there’s no more than a few inches of fabric to shield them from the biting winter cold.
Only the fake tans manage to hide the goosebumps as they totter along uncertainly in six-inch ‘hooker heels’, arm in arm for support.
Tonight it’s Hannah Lawson’s 18th birthday and she’s out on the town with five of her college friends after spending three hours getting ready. Teamed with leopard-print ankle boots, her outfit lends a whole new meaning to the term ‘Little Black Dress’ Suspenders: The tights worn by these two young females would have once been kept behind closed doors This woman in red cowboy hat is all to keen to show off her behind, almost visible thanks to her tiny skirt
Suspenders: The tights worn by these two young females in Newcastle would have once been kept behind closed doors. The woman in red cowboy hat is keen to show off her her tiny skirt and lace thong
Party girls: See-through lace tops like the one worn by the brunette, right, in Newcastle, have become a guaranteed way for women to 'get male attention'
Party girls: See-through lace tops like the one worn by the brunette, right, in Newcastle, have become a guaranteed way for women to 'get male attention' Red alert: This woman's revealing dress shows off a tattoo of flowers running up her leg This lady in Cardiff goes for the look of a burlesque dancer
Red alert: This woman's revealing dress shows off a tattoo of flowers running up her leg. Right, this lady in Cardiff goes for the look of a burlesque dancer
As she and her identically dressed friends line up, hands on hips, only the mottled skin on their naked legs hints at the six-degree temperature. But Hannah proclaims it’s worth it to give them that all-important quality: ‘confidence’.
‘Male attention is good. Then you know you look good,’ she says.
Tulisa hits a bum note as her sheer dress leaves little to the imagination on X Factor No sex please, we're Japanese: Country heads for extinction as survey reveals young people shunning marriage Former I’m A Celebrity star, Kim Woodburn, reveals how the jungle spurred her to have a boob job aged 69 Casual sex and 'bad touching': Guess what your eight-year-old is learning at school these days
‘Yeah, guys wink and make sly remarks,’ chips in her friend Eleanor, 17. They have only just hit the streets, but already they know that their skimpy outfits have made an impact — another group of girls has branded one of their number ‘a slag’.
‘They’re just jealous because we’re beautiful and look young!’ says their friend Ruby Crowther, 19.
Of course, there’s nothing new about young women wanting to look alluring on a night out. But visit Britain’s town centres at night and you cannot fail to notice a disturbing trend: today’s generation of girls have fallen for a style of clothing that is perhaps best described as ‘stripper-chic.’
The standard uniform — micro-miniskirts, sky-high heels and low tops — was once worn only by prostitutes on dingy street corners. Now it’s a mainstream style adopted by almost every female clubber and party-goer under the age of 30.
Why do they cheapen themselves so — especially at a time when young women have never had a greater opportunity to reject crass sexual stereotypes of old.
After all, girls are outperforming boys at every stage of schooling. In the workplace, female employees are starting to out-earn their male counterparts.
Why is it, then, in an age of true equal opportunity that so many women are dressing in such a demeaning way?
By visiting four cities around Britain — Newcastle, Manchester, Cardiff and London — on one night, the Mail set out to talk to these women and discover what motivates their choice of clothing. Their answers gave a surprising — and disturbing — insight into the values of a generation.
Joanne Avery, 23, is a clerical assistant from Chester-le-Street, Co. Durham, out clubbing in Newcastle. Her £45 Playboy skirt sits low enough to reveal a white thong, above it is tattooed her personal motto: ‘Couldn’t give a f***.’ It’s accessorised by another on her upper arm that reads: ‘Raw Sex.’
Joanne’s extensive wardrobe back at home — which includes 25 pairs of high heels — is made possible by the fact she still lives with her family. Indeed, it is her father who lends her money to help fund her £500 a month eBay shopping habit. A group of friends in Cardiff prepare for the night ahead... but will they still look this way after a night of drinking?
A group of friends in Cardiff prepare for the night ahead... but will they still look this way after a night of drinking?
The extremely tight skirts of these young women in Cardiff reach the very tops of their thighs Another young reveller wearing a see-through top while her friend opts for platform heels
Back to front: The extremely tight skirts of these young women in Cardiff reach the very tops of their thighs. Right, another young reveller wears a see-through top while her friend opts for platform heels in Newcastle
Joanne has no qualms about sharing the reasons why she is dressed so provocatively tonight. ‘I’m looking for a bit of totty. You have to dress in a certain way to get attention.
‘If you’ve got t**s, it helps. It does make me feel more confident. I’m a slut, but it’s OK to be a slut as long as you use protection, which most people don’t.’
For Joanne, it is simply not an option to dress more tastefully. ‘I’d never dress in jeans. I just wouldn’t like it. I always want to wear slutty clothes.’
It would be tempting to dismiss her comments as a one-off. But among the ‘stripper-chic’ girls whom we interviewed in Cardiff, Manchester, Newcastle and London, it was clear that there are many others like her: ordinary women dressing in a deliberately sexualised style.
'I’m a slut, but it’s OK to be a slut as long as you use protection, which most people don’t'
Among their number were students, nurses, trainee accountants, trainee social workers, nurses and full-time mothers. When asked why they revealed so much of themselves, the answer came back time and time again: ‘It’s for confidence.’
Naomi Maxfield, an 18-year-old musical theatre student from Chesterfield, was out on the town in Newcastle.
‘I like getting male attention. If I didn’t, I would think: “What’s wrong?” ’ she says. ‘It’s quite a nice feeling. It makes you more confident. Guys smile at you, wink, whistle, try to chat you up.’
Natasha Parish, 19, a hairdresser from Newcastle, has taken an hour and a half to apply her fake tan, lashes and make-up. Once again, she cites the need to feel confident for her choice of clothing. ‘I think dressing up is a part of being a modern woman. I’m OK with how I look.
‘It is nice to get a bit of male attention, not too much. It makes me more confident if I know that I’m looking attractive.’
Given the acres of limbs that are exposed, you might assume that these girls are proud of their bodies. Quite the opposite.
It emerges that in many cases their outfits — and the male leering it provokes — are often a way to bandage up their insecurities in a world where they can’t match up to the oh-so-sexy, celebrity stereotypes of womanhood.
It doesn’t always work out as they hoped, as Sian, an 18-year-old carer on a night out in Cardiff, admits. Her insecurities about showing off her figure in such revealing clothes are so profound that she admits to drinking spirits with her friend to work up the bravery to leave the house.
‘We looked in the mirror before we left the house and were so upset that we necked half a bottle of vodka each.’ These shoes were made for walking: Three young revellers stride down the streets of Newcastle
These shoes were made for walking: Three young revellers stride down the streets of Newcastle
The little black dresses: These two nightclubbers clutch their handbags in Manchester Two more girls in Manchester who have minimal clothes on
The little black dresses: These two nightclubbers clutch their handbags in Manchester. Right, two more girls in Manchester who have minimal clothes on
Her friend Beth, a student, is wearing suspender-style tights, made popular by celebrities such as Rihanna. She says she didn’t buy them to look sexy or fashionable, but to cover up her legs, which she describes as ‘vile.’
‘There’s lots of pressure to look good. Boys always want that perfect person and other women all look amazing.’
Natasha Parish also ‘hates’ her legs — though you would never guess it from the scarlet and black micro-mini she is wearing in Newcastle city centre.
‘I wish girls wore a bigger variety of clothes going out,’ she says. ‘That’s why I wear dresses — everyone else does, so I would look stupid if I wore a longer skirt or trousers. I do wish it was easier and that I could go out in less revealing clothes.’
When Amber Davies, 21, a full–time mother from Bristol goes out in Cardiff, she wears her full armoury including a push-up bra and false eyelashes. But she has the self-knowledge to realise that ultimately it’s not a very convincing mask.
‘The only problem is that this isn’t what we really look like. In the morning, you’d be there without your hair extensions, make-up and false eyelashes, or your body-control pants — and you’d look completely different. Nobody knows what you really look like when you’re dressed up like this.’
The ubiquitous sky-high heels, fake-tanned legs and micro-skirts are about trying to create an illusion of perfection. With so many young women deep-down hating the way they look, provoking lust has simply become the easiest way they know to make themselves feel better. It’s about provoking a reaction.
'Girls had their bottoms touched and squeezed by men coming up behind them - or they were forcefully coerced into bars'
As Charlene David, 25, and Stacey Leonard, 27, stop to chat, two male bystanders come up behind them, put their hands around their waists and tell them they look beautiful.
Far from brushing them off, both girls said it illustrated the usual reaction they provoked from men — and asked for the compliments to be recorded.
Other girls were also seen being touched and having their bottoms squeezed by men coming up behind them — or being forcefully coerced into bars. Because they were barely able to walk on their stilt-like shoes, many couldn’t stagger away, even if they wanted to.
It is Leanne McGinley, 25, a mother-of-two in a leopard-print dress, who sums up the contradiction. ‘I do find the male attention irritating. But it would feel a bit weird if there wasn’t any.’
The price they pay is not just to their self-esteem, but also to their bodies. They are willing to go through agony to spend the evening walking around in hooker heels, of up to six inches. Girls report coming home with feet bloodied from blisters.
But still they say the pain is worth it to look taller and thinner. Kelly Hewitt, 22, a full-time mother from Durham, says: ‘I’ve still got clothes with tags in. My highest heels are six or seven inches — I can walk around all night in most of them.
‘Of course it hurts, but I think it’s worth it. If you want to look good, beauty is pain.’
If it gets cold as she walks between pubs and clubs, she says she just drinks more. ‘The drink warms you up by the end of the night.’
But despite the fact these girls endure the chill and the blisters to look as they do, there is no sense of sisterhood. Instead women fight for pole position on the league table for who looks ‘hottest’.
It’s a contest that can spill into aggression and even violence. As the evening goes on, the alcohol flows and the pairings start to happen. Catfights break out, with competing tribes of girls shouting ‘slag!’ at each other from opposite sides of the street.
It comes as little surprise to discover that the more the women dress like strippers, the more men treat them that way. Among the men we spoke to, one described the women out on the town as ‘eye candy for free’ — and a chance to ‘window shop’.
^More white "role models"..
Toby Harris, 29, a project manager from London, says he likes women dressing in barely-there clothes ‘because you get to think whether you want to sleep with them later’.
‘It’s a certain sort of women who dresses that way — easy chicks,’ he says. ‘They’re definitely not a long-term prospect because they are easy.’ In many cases, that sexist view may well be crass and unjustified. After all, shouldn’t women be free to dress as they please without being judged? But whatever their motivation for dressing as they do, there is no escaping how the micro-skirted mob are perceived by men.
Tom Jones, 23, a landscape gardener from Cardiff, says: ‘It’s good to give the game away and know what you’re getting. The less clothing the better.’
For Lewis Quinn, 23, an electrician from London: ‘Being around all these women is like being at a funfair with glaring lights in your face — but they’re not the sort I go for as it’s too revealing for me.’
What, then, of the parents of the girls who see their daughters disappear off into the night looking like life-sized Bratz dolls?
According to the women we interviewed, only a few parents had raised any serious objections. The greatest concern appeared to be the worry they might catch cold — not that they dressed so provocatively.
Some girls reported that their mothers checked their outfits before they went out and said they ‘looked nice’. Others said their mothers sometimes accompanied them out clubbing, envied their figures — and even borrowed their clothes.
Psychologist Dr Linda Papadopoulos, author of the Home Office Review on the Sexualisation of Girls, believes society has become so influenced by porn culture that no one knows where to draw the line any more.
‘We are inheriting more from the porn culture than we realise — everything from fake nails to fake tans. Porn has become mainstream.
‘The sad thing is that the confidence of these girls has become directly proportionate to how they look. It doesn’t come from what they have achieved or what skills they have learned. It comes from how much attention and looks they get from men.
‘Of course, there’s nothing new about wanting to be desired and complimented. But with these young women, it’s not just that they like compliments. They crave them.
‘The problem comes when your only desire is to be desired.’
Additional reporting: Jenny Stocks & Laura Topham.
Midnight on St Mary Street in Cardiff and everything is exactly as expected. Half a dozen young women slump in a gutter, men urinate outside a health-food shop and, as hordes stagger between nightclubs, someone lifts up a blow-up doll with a sex toy protruding out of it.
The street smells of urine and lager, police struggle to break up a fight outside the Walkabout bar and a paramedic bundles a comatose girl on to a wheelchair. But it's a quiet night for 20-year-old Naomi Jenkins. She has 'only' drunk three shots of peach schnapps, cider and three shots of Jagermeister (during a drinking game called I Have Never) and still feels 'a bit sober'. Her friend Hannah Freeman, 19, was punched in a fight and stumbles about swearing and searching for a bathroom.
'We only do embarrassing things when we're really drunk,' Naomi says. 'I kiss random men in the street and Hannah has had sex behind a chicken coop.' She screams with laughter as Hannah lurches unsteadily in the stairwell of Charleston Bar and Grill on Caroline Street (known locally as Chip Alley) and unashamedly urinates in front of us.
Amazingly, none of the 80-strong throng of passers-by seems to notice –or perhaps care. Hannah rearranges her minuscule dress, steps over her own urine, shouts 'f*** off' and the pair stumble back to Walkabout. It's only midnight, after all.
But as I found out on the streets of Cardiff after midnight, many of these women are –by day at least –well qualified pillars of the community. Among them I met teachers, nurses, occupational therapists, personnel professionals and full-time mothers, all determined to shake off responsibility and have fun in the only way they know how. By getting 'smashed'.
Every week, the ritual is the same: Groups of between four and six girls congregate to dress up and competitively drink bottles of cheap wine or sickly shots. Competition ramps up over who can wear the tiniest mini-dress, the highest heels or the reddest lipstick. Drinking carries on during the bus ride to Cardiff (many young women travel from the surrounding Valleys) and continues in bars between 9pm and 11pm, or until they feel bold enough to dance.
Condom in purse and telephone number for a pre-booked 3am taxi in handbag, they stagger between nightclubs. The ritual continues long into the morning when, dulled by hangovers, they congregate for McDonald's or fried breakfasts to giggle about the drunken 'fun'. … One rather more honest 18-year-old from Caerphilly admits that she decides what to wear depending on whether she is on the prowl for a partner. Tonight –in a transparent Primark blouse and black bra –she undoubtedly is. 'I wouldn't wear this if I had a boyfriend. He'd be like, “You ain't wearing that,” ' she says.
-------------------- Note: I am not an "Egyptologist" as claimed by some still bitter, defeated, trolls creating fake profiles and posts elsewhere. Hapless losers, you still fail. My output of hard data debunking racist nonsense has actually INCREASED since you began.. Posts: 5905 | From: The Hammer | Registered: Aug 2008
| IP: Logged |
They had booked their wedding far in advance. The invitations had been sent, the programs printed. But one day before Charles and Te'Andrea Wilson were to be married at the Mississippi church they frequented, they said a pastor told them they would have to find another venue -- because they were black.
There has never been a black wedding at the First Baptist Church in Crystal Springs, Miss., since its founding in 1883. According to Pastor Stan Weatherford, some church members objected so strongly to breaking that precedent, they threatened to oust him from his pastorship.
Rather than risk his job, Weatherford, who is white, said he decided to marry the pair at a black church down the road.
"My 9-year-old was going to the church with us. How would you say to your 9-year-old daughter, 'We cannot get married here because, guess what sweetie, we're black,'" Charles Wilson told ABC's affiliate WAPT-TV.
Outrage over the wedding's forced relocation swept the Jackson suburb of about 5,000 into a media firestorm.
The vast majority of Crystal Springs residents, blacks and whites alike, were "blown away" by the church's decision, said Theresa Norwood, 48, who was born in Crystal Springs and has lived there her entire life.
Norwood said she believes Weatherford should have married the Wilsons regardless of the risk to his job.
"That church was their home," she said. "What would Jesus have done? He would have married them, without a doubt, because it's the right thing to do. We're all God's children."
While the Wilsons were not members of the church, they often attended services there, and Te'Andrea's uncle is an employee of the church, and her father is a member. Charles Wilson told WAPT that the couple had planned to join as members after their wedding, which was planned for July 20.
Weatherford told WLBT-TV in Jackson that he would have liked to marry the couple as planned, but he decided to perform the ceremony elsewhere as a compromise to ensure that the Wilsons could be married while "addressing a need within our congregation."
Norwood, who is black, said her nephew came to worship at First Baptist Church while he was temporarily living with her, having been evacuated from New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina. The church "made him feel at home," she said, but now she wonders whether he would return there when he visits Crystal Springs.
The church is now holding internal meetings to figure out how it should respond to future requests by black couples to be married there, Weatherford told WLBT-TV.
For her part, though, Norwood, who is dating a white man, said that if she and her boyfriend decide to get married, they will likely look for a different venue.
The gunman who opened fire in a Sikh temple in Oak Creek, Wis., and killed six people has been identified as Army veteran Wade Michael Page.
Page, 40, opened fire outside the temple before entering around 10:30 a.m. Sunday morning and killed six people. He served in the Army from April 1992 through October 1998.
Page was shot and killed in an exchange of gunfire with a police officer who sustained "eight or nine" gunshot wounds, authorities confirmed. Officials are treating it as a case of domestic terrorism.
Though police have not given any details on the motive of the shooter, but Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms Special Agent Thomas Ahern said Page had tattoos that suggested he had ties to white supremacists.
"It is being investigated. And what his tattoos signified is being investigated. They are all pieces of a possible puzzle to learn what was his motive in carrying out such a horrific act," Ahern said.
While in the Army Wade served as a sergeant, and later as a specialist based in Ft. Bliss in Texas and at Ft. Bragg in North Carolina. Wade's job was as a Hawk missile system repairman, and he then became a psychological operations specialist, defense official confirmed to ABC news.
On Sunday the FBI and a bomb squad arrived at a home in Cudahy, Wis., near Oak Creek, and ABC News Milwaukee affiliate WISN reported the action appeared to be related to the temple shootings earlier in the day.
Authorities also were trying to trace a single, semiautomatic handgun recovered at the scene, sources told ABC News.
In addition to the seven confirmed dead, three people -- two adult male civilians and a male police officer -- were in critical condition and were being treated at a local hospital, said officials at Froedtert & The Medical College of Wisconsin.
age was shot and killed in an exchange of gunfire with the wounded police officer outside the temple and was one of the seven dead.
"The officer stopped a tragic event that could've been a lot worse," Oak Creek Police Chief John Edwards told reporters.
Four people were found dead inside the temple and two others were found dead outside the building.
Edwards said authorities were treating the event as a domestic terrorism incident and the FBI would be conducting a full investigation.
"The FBI is working closely with the Oak Creek Police Department and other local and federal agencies to investigate today's shooting incident," FBI Milwaukee Special Agent in Charge Teresa Carlson said in a written statement. "This remains an active investigation in its early stages. While the FBI is investigating whether this matter might be an act of domestic terrorism, no motive has been determined at this time. We know our community has been deeply impacted by this incident, and our thoughts are with those affected and particularly with the officer who was wounded in the line of duty to protect others."
Individuals attending Sunday services at the Sikh Temple of Wisconsin, just south of Milwaukee, fled in all directions this morning when a gunman entered and began firing. Many hid in bathrooms or other rooms within the temple while the shooter attacked, according to police.
The president of the temple, Satwant Singh Kaleka, was preparing to deliver remarks when he became one of the shooting victims. His son, Amardeep Kaleka, spoke by phone with ABC News' David Muir shortly after getting a call from the priest using his father's phone.
"I picked it up immediately thinking it was my dad, but it was the priest and he was standing right next to him," Kaleka said. "He told me right away that right now my father can't speak. There's too much blood coming out of his back area and we have to get ambulances in there right away."
Soon, he heard briefly from his mother, also in hiding in the temple and asking for information about his father.
Edwards said 911 calls began pouring into the police department around 10:25 a.m.
The first police officer to respond to the scene, a 20-year veteran on the police force, exchanged gunfire with the suspect and sustained multiple gunshot wounds. He underwent surgery at Froedtert Hospital, the main trauma center in the Milwaukee region, along with two other injured victims.
According to information broadcast over police radio, a witness to the shooting told law enforcement the shooter was a white male, bald, with a heavy build.
Police tactical teams spent more than four hours securing the temple and, at one point, police asked media outlets to stop broadcasting aerial footage from helicopters on television because of tactical operations at the scene.
Sikh Temple Shooting: 'Ignorance Is Not Going to Get Us Anywhere'
Members of the Sikh community in Milwaukee expressed outrage at the shooting.
"They went to church not knowing that they might die today," said Simran Kaleka, whose family was in the temple, according to ABC News Radio. "I don't know how sick you have to be to do that, and I don't know if it was directed toward the Sikh culture and them having turbans and having beards, but ignorance is not going to get us anywhere."
The wounded president of the temple, Satwant Singh Kaleka, had recently hosted state Rep. Josh Zepnick and the county district attorney to discuss a recent rise in violence against area Sikhs at their stores and businesses, according to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.
"It's gut wrenching," Zepnick said today in response to the shooting. "It certainly makes you wonder about how just how far this epidemic of gun violence goes, where innocent people's lives are put at risk in ordinary day-to-day situations. it makes me sick to my stomach."
On Sundays, Sikh temples, called gurudwaras, serve a community meal at which anyone is welcome as part of their community service. The meal, known as a langar, follows the morning services.
The Sikh religion originated in the Punjab region of India.
"Every single member of my family was inside that church," Simran Kaleka said. "No matter who is shot and killed in there, it's going to affect all of us out here because a lot of people are related here. And it's just, for me, my life flashed before my eyes because it's my whole family."
But why did we know it would be a yte man who committed this act, before they even showed his face...
The gunman who killed two others before police ended his life in a shootout near Texas A&M University had been battling mental health issues on and off for years, his mother said.
Police say Thomas Caffall, known to his family as "Tres," killed a constable and a bystander and injured four others Monday before police fatally shot him.
His mother, Linda Weaver, said the family became worried after Caffall quit his job in January and announced that he would never work again.
3 killed in shootings near Texas A&M
"We had been very concerned about him," Weaver told CNN.
Caffall had withdrawn from the family, and the fear was that he might attempt suicide, his mother said.
But she never imagined that her son would hurt anyone else, or that his end would come so violently.
"Losing a child is a parent's worst nightmare. This is worse," she said.
Police said Caffall, 35, shot and killed Brian Bachmann, a constable for Brazos County, and Chris Northcliffe, an area resident.
Bachmann had approached Caffall's apartment to deliver an eviction notice, and Northcliffe just happened to be nearby.
Also nearby was Rigo Cisneros, a former Army medic who assisted both Bachmann and Caffall after the shooting.
As he lay dying, the gunman offered an apology for what he had done, Cisneros told CNN's Brooke Baldwin.
"He did ask me to apologize to the officer he had shot," he said.
Three College Station police officers and a woman were injured in the shooting, police said. The woman, Barbara Holdsworth, was in serious condition after undergoing surgery.
Investigators on Tuesday continued to process the crime scene.
The area covers "a couple of blocks," College Station Police Chief Jeff Capps said.
The suspect "fired multiple rounds and investigators have recovered long guns and a pistol from the scene," he said.
As the incident unfolded Monday, an alert warning of a gunman was sent out by Texas A&M, one of the state's flagship universities and a sprawling campus of nearly 47,000 students.
According to his Facebook campaign page, Bachmann was a 41-year-old from College Station who had been a Brazos County sheriff's deputy since 1993. The county's website indicated that his four-year term as constable -- an elected position that involves, among other duties, serving court documents such as eviction notices and subpoenas to citizens -- was set to expire on December 31, 2014.
achmann was an up-and-coming law enforcement leader who some expected to run for sheriff one day, said Marc Hamlin, the district clerk for Brazos County and friend of the slain constable for more than 20 years.
"He was a true public servant," Hamlin told CNN.
Whenever a group wanted a law enforcement officer or squad car for a community event, Bachmann was always the first to volunteer, Hamlin said.
He also volunteered to help his friends.
On Monday, Bachmann had lunch with his chief deputy, who had to deliver the eviction notice at the nearby residence afterward. Bachmann took the notice and volunteered to serve it himself, Hamlin said.
A search of court records showed no record of Caffall having run-ins with the law except for a traffic violation.
Caffall's mother described her son as an intelligent youth who wasted opportunities available to him.
"It's so hard to imagine that the really sweet kid you raised turned into a huge monster, and that is what he is now," Weaver said.
He enjoyed collecting weapons and refinishing them, Weaver said, so his owning guns wasn't worrisome, his mother said.
Weaver said Caffall had been very affected by the death of his father when he was 12. She said it is hard to comprehend how the same person would deprive Bachmann's children of their father.
Bachmann's three children -- ages 19, 10 and 8 -- would accompany their father on mission trips in Texas. On a recent trip, they built wheelchair ramps and roofs, Hamlin said.
"He was strong in his faith and strong in his family," he said.
Less is known about Caffall. He was divorced, and was in the constant companionship of a large Sheltie-mix named Lucy, his mother said. Lucy's fate is unclear.
95% of these type of killings are by "Caucasoid lineages". Other groups are not exempt but the overwhelming pattern is "Caucasoid lineages", pointing to genetic causes rooted in European neanderthal evolution. Using "biodiversity" methods and models, this would be because said lineages have a genetic propensity for such vicious, planned, mass murder. A number of white writers advance this theory. Again, this is using their own race model, as to "genetic differences. They want only a self-flattering one-way picture, but it cuts both ways, using their own approach.
Mass murderer, Brevik of Norway.. 71 dead, most children..
12 Killed- July 2012 Twelve people were killed and nearly 60 others wounded during a midnight showing on Friday of "The Dark Knight Rises." - JUly 2012 Police identified the suspect as James Holmes, 24, who is in custody. --------------------------------------------------
77 killed in Oslo -- July 22, 2011:
Confessed mass killer Anders Behring Breivik killed 77 in Norway in twin attacks: a bombing in downtown Oslo and a shooting massacre at a youth camp outside the capital. The self-styled anti-Muslim militant admitted both attacks.
16 killed in Erfurt, Germany -- April 26, 2002:
Robert Steinhaeuser, 19, who had been expelled from school killed 13 teachers, two former classmates and a policeman, before committing suicide. ----------------------------------------------------------------
13 killed at Littleton, Colo. -- April 20, 1999:
Students Eric Harris, 18, and Dylan Klebold, 17, opened fire at Columbine High School, killing 12 classmates and a teacher and wounding 26 others before killing themselves in the school's library. ---------------------------------------------
35 killed in Tasmania, Australia -- April 28, 1996:
Martin Bryant, 29, burst into cafeteria in seaside resort of Port Arthur, shooting 20 people to death. Driving away, he killed 15 others. He was captured and imprisoned. ----------------------------------------------
16 killed in Dunblane, Scotland -- March 13, 1996:
Thomas Hamilton, 43, killed 16 kindergarten children and their teacher in an elementary school then killed himself. ----------------------------------------------------------------
23 killed in Killeen, Texas -- Oct. 16, 1991:
George Hennard opened fire at a Luby's Cafeteria, killing 23 people before taking his own life. Twenty others were wounded in the attack. ----------------------------------------------------------------
21 killed at San Ysidro, Calif. -- July 18, 1984:
James Oliver Huberty (left), an out-of-work security guard, killed 21 people in a McDonald's restaurant. A police sharpshooter killed Huberty. Seven killed at California State University, Fullerton-- July 12, 1976: ----------------------------------------------------------------
16 killed at the University of Texas at Austin -- Aug. 1, 1966: Charles Whitman opened fire from the clock tower at the University of Texas at Austin, killing 16 people and wounding 31.
April 1999 - two teenage schoolboys shot and killed 12 schoolmates and a teacher at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado, before killing themselves.
July 1999 - a stock exchange trader in Atlanta, Georgia, killed 12 people including his wife and two children before taking his own life.
September 1999 - a gunman opened fire at a prayer service in Fort Worth, Texas, killing six people before committing suicide.
August 2003 - in Chicago, a laid-off worker shot and killed six of his former workmates.
November 2004 - in Birchwood, Wisconsin, a hunter killed six other hunters and wounded two others after an argument with them.
March 2005 - a man opened fire at a church service in Brookfield, Wisconsin, killing seven people.
October 2006 - a truck driver killed five schoolgirls and seriously wounded six others in a school in Nickel Mines, Pennsylvania before taking his own life.
December 2007 - a 20-year-old man killed nine people and injured five others in a shopping center in Omaha, Nebraska.
December 2007 - a woman and her boyfriend shot dead six members of her family on Christmas Eve in Carnation, Washington.
February 2008 - a man opened fire in a lecture hall at Northern Illinois University in DeKalb, Illinois, killing five students and wounding 16 others before laying down his weapon and surrendering.
September 2008 - a mentally ill man who was released from jail one month earlier shot eight people in Alger, Washington, leaving six of them dead and the rest two wounded.
December 2008 - a man dressed in a Santa Claus suit opened fire at a family Christmas party in Covina, California, then set fire on the house and killed himself. Police later found nine people dead in the debris of the house.
March 2009 - a 28-year-old laid-off worker opened fire while driving a car through several towns in Alabama, killing 10 people.
March 2009 - a heavily armed gunman shot dead eight people, many of them elderly and sick people, in a private-owned nursing home in North Carolina.
March 2009 - six people were shot dead in a high-grade apartment building in Santa Clara, California.
April 2009 - a man shot dead 13 people at a civic center in Binghamton, New York.
February 2010 – A professor opened fire 50 minutes into at a Biological Sciences Department faculty meeting at the University of Alabama, killing three colleagues and wounding three others.
January 2011 - a gunman opened fire at a public gathering outside a grocery in Tucson, Arizona, killing six people including a 9-year-old girl and wounding at least 12 others. Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords was severely injured with a gunshot to the head.
How could we forget Ted Kaczynski aka the Unabomber?
Andrew Philip Kehoe (February 1, 1872 – May 18, 1927) was an American mass murderer who perpetrated the Bath School Disaster on May 18, 1927.
The Erfurt massacre was a school massacre that occurred on April 26, 2002 at the Gutenberg-Gymnasium in Erfurt, Germany. The gunman, 19-year-old expelled student Robert Steinhäuser, shot and killed 16 people; comprising 13 faculty members, 2 students, and one police officer, before committing suicide. One person was also wounded by a bullet fragment.
The Winnenden school shooting occurred on the morning of 11 March 2009 at a secondary school in Winnenden, Baden-Württemberg, in southwestern Germany, followed by a shootout at a car dealership in nearby Wendlingen.[1][5] The shooting spree resulted in 16 deaths, including the suicide of the perpetrator, 17-year-old Tim Kretschmer, who had graduated from the school one year earlier.[1] Another 11 persons were injured during the incident.
Marc Lépine (October 26, 1964 – December 6, 1989) was a 25-year-old from Montreal, Canada who murdered fourteen women[1] at the École Polytechnique, an engineering school affiliated with the Université de Montréal, in the "École Polytechnique massacre", also known as the "Montreal Massacre".[2][3]
The Cologne school massacre occurred in a Catholic elementary school located at Volkhovener Weg 209 in the suburb of Volkhoven in Cologne, Germany on June 11, 1964. Walter Seifert, born on June 11, 1922, killed eight students and two teachers.
The Kauhajoki school shooting was a school shooting that occurred on 23 September 2008, at Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences[4] in Kauhajoki, a city in Western Finland. The gunman, 22-year-old hospitality management student[5] Matti Juhani Saari, shot and fatally injured ten people with a semi-automatic pistol, before shooting himself in the head. He died a few hours later in Tampere University Hospital.[6] One woman was injured but was in a stable condition.
The Jokela school massacre was a school shooting that occurred on November 7, 2007, at Jokela High School in Jokela, a town in the municipality of Tuusula, Finland. The gunman, 18-year-old student Pekka-Eric Auvinen, entered the school on that morning armed with a semi-automatic pistol. He killed eight people and wounded one person in the toe before shooting himself in the head. He died later that evening in a Helsinki hospital. Less than one year after the Jokela school massacre, another school shooting occurred in Kauhajoki, where a gunman shot and killed 10 people before killing himself.
The Cleveland School massacre (also known as the Stockton schoolyard shooting) occurred on January 17, 1989, at Cleveland Elementary School at 20 East Fulton Street in Stockton, California, United States. The gunman, Patrick Purdy, who had a long criminal history, shot and killed five schoolchildren, and wounded 29 other schoolchildren and one teacher, before committing suicide. His victims were predominantly Southeast Asian refugees.
The Northern Illinois University shooting was a school shooting that took place on February 14, 2008, during which Steven Kazmierczak shot multiple people on the campus of Northern Illinois University in DeKalb, Illinois, United States, killing five and injuring twenty-one, before committing suicide.
THESE TWO WERE ONLY 11 AND 13 SMH- Mitchell Scott Johnson (born August 11, 1984) and Andrew Douglas Golden (born May 25, 1986) are former middle school students who on March 24, 1998 committed a massacre at Westside Middle School in unincorporated Craighead County, Arkansas, United States, near Jonesboro.[1] A total of five people, four female students and a teacher, were killed. Ten people, nine students and one teacher, were injured. This was the deadliest massacre at a United States middle school.
Charles Carl Roberts IV (December 7, 1973 – October 2, 2006) was an American milk truck driver who murdered five Amish girls and injured five others before killing himself in an Amish school in the hamlet of Nickel Mines, in Bart Township, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania on October 2, 2006.
The Bremen school shooting was a school shooting that occurred on June 20, 1913 at St. Mary's Catholic School (St.-Marien-Schule) in Walle, a quarter of Bremen, Germany. The gunman, 29-year-old unemployed teacher Heinz Schmidt from Sülze, indiscriminately shot at students and teachers, causing the death of five girls and wounding more than 20 other people, before being subdued by school staff.[1][2][3][4]
Kipland Philip "Kip" Kinkel (born August 30, 1982) is an American spree killer. In May 1998, at the age of 15, he murdered his parents and engaged in a school shooting at Thurston High School in Springfield, Oregon that left two students dead and 22 others wounded.[1] He is serving a 111-year sentence, without the possibility of parole.
The Dendermonde nursery attack was a stabbing attack on the Fabeltjesland daycare centre in the village of Sint-Gillis-bij-Dendermonde in Dendermonde, Belgium, at 10:00 a.m. CET (9:00 a.m. UTC) on 23 January 2009. Three people were stabbed to death,[1] and twelve were mutilated in the attack.[2] The suspect has been linked to a separate murder of an elderly lady and police have suggested he was plotting more nursery attacks.
The Lindhurst High School shooting was a school shooting and subsequent siege that occurred on May 1, 1992 at Lindhurst High School in Olivehurst, California, United States. The gunman, 20-year-old[1] Eric Houston, was a former student at Lindhurst High School. Houston killed three students and one teacher, and wounded nine students and a teacher before surrendering to police.
The Vilnius school massacre was a school massacre that occurred at Joachim Lelewel high school in Wilno, Poland on May 6, 1925. At about 11 a.m., during the final exams, at least two eighth-grade students attacked the board of examiners with revolvers and hand grenades, killing at least one teacher, several students and themselves.[1][2]
The Olean High School shooting was a school shooting that occurred on December 30, 1974 at Olean High School in Olean, New York, United States. The gunman, 17-year-old Anthony Barbaro, an honor student and member of the school's rifle team, indiscriminately shot at people on the street from windows at the third floor of the school building. Three people were killed and another 11 people were injured during the shooting.[1][2]
On November 1, 1975, Anthony Barbaro hanged himself in his prison cell at the Cattaraugus County Jail.
The Brampton Centennial Secondary School shooting was a school shooting that occurred at Brampton Centennial Secondary School in Brampton, Ontario, Canada on May 28, 1975.
The incident began when 16-year-old Michael Slobodian[1] brought two rifles to school in a guitar case. He was angry at his physics teacher Mr. Bronson because he had failed him in physics, and wanted revenge. He wanted to get into medical school and his grades did not allow it. However, he was unable to make it to his physics teacher's classroom located on the third floor.
Slobodian began firing in a boys' washroom.[2] Slobodian first killed fellow student John Slinger in the washroom. He later entered an art classroom and killed English teacher Margaret Wright, and wounded 13 students inside the classroom. Slobodian then committed suicide in a hallway adjacent to the art classroom
Charles Andrew "Andy" Williams (born February 8, 1986) is an American who, as a teenager perpetrated the shooting at Santana High School on March 5, 2001. In the shooting two students were killed and thirteen others were wounded. Williams is currently serving life in prison without the possibility of parole for 50 years.
On 20 November 2006, at about 9:30 AM local time, 18 year old Bastian Bosse (born 29 April, 1988), who had graduated from the school in 2005, entered the Geschwister Scholl School (a Realschule), firing several shots and setting off smoke grenades. He shot the school janitor and four students and wounded a teacher by throwing a smoke bomb into her face. Additionally 16 police officers had to be treated for respiratory problems due to smoke inhalation and 15 students suffered from shock. Bosse killed himself by a shot into the mouth at 10.36am. He had left an Internet posting and a video message from his parents' living room shortly before the attack. The shooter stated that he hated people and was taught to be a "loser" at his school.[2][3] He also left a suicide note on his website, which has since been deleted.
William Michael Stankewicz in 2001 entered an elementary school with a machete and injured about 13 people. The San Ysidro McDonald's massacre was an incident of mass murder that occurred on July 18, 1984, in a McDonald's restaurant in the San Ysidro section of San Diego, California. The shootings resulted in 21 people killed and 19 others injured.
The Luby's massacre was a mass murder that took place on October 16, 1991, in Killeen, Texas, United States when George Hennard[1] drove his pickup truck into a Luby's cafeteria and shot 23 people to death while wounding another 20, subsequently committing suicide by shooting himself. It was the deadliest shooting rampage in American history until the 2007 Virginia Tech massacre.
Howard Barton Unruh (January 21, 1921 – October 19, 2009) was an American mass murderer[2][3] (sometimes classified as a spree killer[4]) who killed 13 people on September 6, 1949, in Camden, New Jersey, when he was 28 years old. Unruh is considered the first single-episode mass murderer in U.S. history.[5] He died in 2009 after a lengthy illness at the age of 88. The incident became known as the "Walk of Death".[1]
Charles Raymond Starkweather (November 24, 1938 – June 25, 1959)[1] was an American teenaged spree killer[2] who murdered eleven people in Nebraska and Wyoming during a two-month road trip with his 14-year-old girlfriend, Caril Ann Fugate. The couple was captured on January 29, 1958. Starkweather was executed seventeen months later, while Fugate served 17 years in prison.[3]
The Geneva County massacre, which occurred on March 10, 2009, spanned at least two communities, Geneva and Samson in Geneva County, Alabama, USA, and resulted in the death of 11 people, including the 28 year old gunman, Michael Kenneth McLendon.[3] The victims included members of the McLendon family; he also burned down his mother's house in the town of Kinston, Alabama.[5] When law enforcement reached him, McLendon was shot and killed, though it was initially unclear whether the shot was self-inflicted.[6] Later reports said he committed suicide.
The Salina, Utah, Prisoners of War massacre caused the death of nine German prisoners of war and the injury of 20 more. The incident happened on the night of July 7–July 8, 1945, two months after the German surrender. Private Clarence V. Bertucci (September 14, 1921 - December 1969) returned to the camp from a night of drinking, and relieved the guard of the tower nearest the commanding officer's cabin. He proceeded to load and fire a .30 caliber Watercooled Browning machine gun into the German prisoners' tents. Within thirty seconds of the start, his belt of 250 rounds was expended. Nine were killed and 20 were injured.
Salina was the home of some 250 German prisoners of war (both from Wehrmacht and Waffen-SS) who were being used as workers on the local harvest. At the time of the incident the prisoners were waiting to be repatriated.
101 California Street Shootings is the name given to a mass shooting that took place July 1, 1993 in San Francisco, California, claiming the lives of nine people, including the shooter. The killings sparked a number of legal and legislative actions that were precursors to the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act, H.R.3355, 103rd Congress (1994). The Act took effect in 1994, and expired on September 13, 2004, through the operation of a sunset provision.
The Westroads Mall shooting was a murder-suicide that occurred on Wednesday, December 5, 2007, at the Von Maur department store in the Westroads Mall in Omaha, Nebraska, United States. Nineteen-year-old Robert A. Hawkins killed nine people (including himself) and wounded four, two of them critically.[4] It was the deadliest shooting spree in Nebraska since the rampage of Charles Starkweather in 1958.[5] Carl Robert Brown (November 26, 1930 – August 20, 1982) was an American teacher and mass murderer who killed eight people and injured another three with a shotgun in a Miami, Florida welding shop on August 20, 1982. He was later fatally shot and run down by two witnesses, when cycling away from the crime scene.
The Carthage nursing home shooting was a mass murder that occurred on March 29, 2009, when a gunman opened fire at the Pinelake Health and Rehab nursing home in Carthage, North Carolina. The shooter, 45-year-old Robert Stewart, killed eight people and wounded another two before being shot and apprehended by a responding police officer.[1] Stewart's estranged wife, a nurse at the nursing home and the apparent main target, survived the shooting unharmed, as she was hiding in a bathroom in the Alzheimer ward of the building, which is secured by passcode-protected doors.[2]
The Seal Beach shooting was a mass shooting that occurred on October 12, 2011, at the Salon Meritage hair salon in Seal Beach, California. Eight people inside the salon and one person in the parking lot were shot, and only one victim survived. It was the deadliest mass killing in Orange County history.
Nicholas Troy Sheley (born July 31, 1979[1]) is an American ex-convict accused of eight murders across four towns in Illinois and Missouri. He was arrested on July 1, 2008 in Granite City, Illinois. A $25,000 reward was offered for information leading to his arrest. Federal authorities charged him with unlawful flight to avoid prosecution.[2]
Larry Gene Ashbrook (July 10, 1952[1] – September 15, 1999) was an American mass murderer. On September 15, 1999, he murdered seven people and injured a further seven at a post See You at the Pole Rally featuring a concert by Christian rock group Forty Days at Wedgwood Baptist Church in Fort Worth, Texas. Ashbrook then committed suicide.
Terry Michael Ratzmann was an American mass murderer who killed seven members of the Living Church of God (LCG) before committing suicide at a Sheraton Hotel in Brookfield, Wisconsin in 2005. Jared Lee Loughner (play /?l?fn?r/; born September 10, 1988)[1] is an American citizen charged with the shooting in Tucson, Arizona, on January 8, 2011, that killed six people, including Chief U.S. District Court Judge John Roll. The shooting also left 14 others injured, including U.S. Representative Gabrielle Giffords.[2] He has been indicted on 49 counts by federal grand juries in Arizona.[3][4]
The Capitol Hill massacre was a mass murder committed by 28-year-old Kyle Aaron Huff in the southeast part of Seattle's Capitol Hill neighborhood. On the morning of Saturday, March 25, 2006, Huff entered a rave afterparty and opened fire, killing six and wounding two. He then killed himself as he was being confronted by police on the front porch of 2112 E. Republican Street.
The Crandon, Wisconsin shooting was a mass murder that occurred about 2:45 a.m. CDT on October 7, 2007, at a post-homecoming party inside a duplex in Crandon, Wisconsin, United States.[2] The perpetrator, 20-year-old Tyler Peterson, who was a full-time deputy in the Forest County Sheriff's Department and a part-time officer at the Crandon Police Department, shot and killed six people and critically injured a seventh before committing suicide.
1965 Highway 101 sniper attack by teenager Michael Clark.
The 2009 Collier Township shooting, also referred to as the 2009 Bridgeville LA Fitness shooting, was a murder-suicide that took place on August 4, 2009 in an LA Fitness health club in Collier Township, a suburb of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The attack resulted in four deaths, including that of the perpetrator who took his own life. Nine other people were injured.[1]
-------------------- Note: I am not an "Egyptologist" as claimed by some still bitter, defeated, trolls creating fake profiles and posts elsewhere. Hapless losers, you still fail. My output of hard data debunking racist nonsense has actually INCREASED since you began.. Posts: 5905 | From: The Hammer | Registered: Aug 2008
| IP: Logged |
“Graves’ attack on the concept of race is polemical in tone. He is clear on where he stands from the outset: biological races do not exist. Scholars who believe that biologically-based racial differences may exist in behavioral traits he labels as ‘racists.’ Graves’ push for abandoning the racial concept partly depends on his using a definition of racial group that is extremely restrictive, requiring that races have `…hereditary features shared by a group of people and not present in other groups.. That their height distributions may overlap does not invalidate a racial group concept. Similarly, two racial groups could have the same mean on an hereditary trait, but different variances.
Why is that deemed "restrictive"? Your HBD approach also uses a "restrictive" approach, to carve out your own definitions of "race." In fact Graves' definition is consistent with that of numerous other scholars who dispute the concept of race. So it is not merely his critique at all. And your example is a strawman as regards trait differences. Graves never said something like generic height differences which are variable across the human spectrum invalidates race. He was talking about the criteria scientists use to distinguish subspecies. That is the crucial issue, not generic things like height. And you are well aware that there is a large body of serious scholarship disputing "race" - you yourself referenced a Wikipedia page with about 10 such scholars. So trying to put distorted words in the mouth of Graves and then dismissing them won't work.
You need to take some basic biology courses, like I already said. Phenotypes (behavior that you see) is a function of genotypes (the genetic basis that makes behavior possible)...some environments are more amenable to encouraging long-term planning, spatial thinking, and a greater need for intelligence.
Baw haha hahhhhaaa.. Now who needs to take basic biology? The crucial weakness in your example is that you cannot credibly specify what "genotypes" are responsible for what behaviors, although you do not hesitate to attribute almost every negative behavior seen in some blacks to genetics, but duck similar application when it comes to your beloved whites. Your beloved white people for example have the highest abortion rates and rates of mass murder in the world. How is this possible based on your claim of superior phenotypes and genotypes of white evolution? And your claim that cold climate adaptation supposedly caused superior "long term planning, spatial thinking and intelligence" is undermined by the record of human history. Tropical and subtropical environments are hardly lacking in conditions that encourage "long term planning" etc. In fact it is from tropical and sub-tropical enviroments that many of the crucial advances in human culture, civilization and technology spring, undermining your claim of supposedly superior white and Asiatic cold climate adaptation.
Does it say any of them derived from black Africans?
"Black africans" are the layman's term for tropically adapted Africans. Actually Egypt falls within both the tropic and the subtropic zone, and limb proportion studies consistently show the ancient Egyptians, north or south were heavily and distinctly tropically adapted, and indeed, in said studies, cluster much closer to "black Africans" that to your beloved Europeans. (Raxter and Ruff 2008, Zakrewski 2003, Kemp 2005, Robins and Shute 1984.). Cranial studies show the same thing (Keita 1990, 1993, hanihara 2003)- that of said Egyptians clustering more with black Africans than your beloved whites. DNA analysis confirms the pattern- with most Y-DNA in Egypt clustering more with tropical Africans than with your Europeans (Keita 2008). Africa by the way has the highest phenotypic and genetic diversity in the world. Things like narrow noses for examplke are well represented in "black" Africa. Your claim about people who are non-cold adapted, does not hold up under examination. http://www.profilethai.com/download/original/raxterrufftrinkhauscombo.jpg http://www.egyptsearch.com/forums/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=8;t=006992
All you have so far shown is that the ‘scholars’ you have referenced have their own agenda’s that they are desperately trying to gain support for. And there are of course plenty of other scholars, far more widely respected ones, who disagree with them.
Nice try trying to wriggle out of defending your crumbled thesis, but I again, ask, if your cold climate adaptations like "long term planning" are so much the property of white people, how is it then that so many crucial advances of human civilization arose among tropical and sub-tropical peoples who are NOT cold-adapted?
I’m open to hearing a credible debunking of Levin. You just have yet to provide one.
I have already provided a detailed debunking, and you know it. You are avoiding answering the big holes in his and your approach, because you are on shaky ground logically and empirically.
And many scholars don’t believe the Egyptian population was an entirely (or even mostly) African one.
Actually most credible mainstream scholars today hold that the ancient Egyptians are an indigenous African population. They experienced incursions later on in their hsitory as Greeks, Romans, Persians etc came, but the fundamental population that produced and carried forward the dynasties is indigenous African- or if you prefer the more technical term- indigenous, tropically adapted African. This is mainstream scholarship. quotes.htm
I haven’t made anything out. You’re generalizing, lumping together disparate information about environments in the past and present, from different time periods of human history, and creating straw men in a feeble able to prove a point.
Actually no. I am taking your own HBD arguments and examining them, and they are found wanting.
And here you demonstrate once again that you have no understanding of statistics and an inability to distinguish between the mere existence of a trait (in this case, aggressivesness) with the frequency with which that trait occurs within a population.
Actually here again, you demonstrate that you are ducking the point I raised, having no credible reply. A nebulous claim of "statistics" won't help you, although you are quite skilled at covering for and lionizing white people. The "frequency" of the trait I asked about is violence, and history is quite clear on the behavior of whites. If your touted HBD "cold climate" evolution was so benevolent and so much more advanced than tropically adapted peoples, why the mass murder of the gulags, the Holocaust and countless other items by your beloved whites? Defining away violence as street crime won't work. You have to face the music and tell us why your beloved whites of such supposedly "superior" evolution show this pattern - whether it be the crime of genocide or whether defined generically as violence.
Jamila sez: If Scandinavia has so many single moms, why doesn’t it look like the ghetto?
1) For one thing, relatively homogeneous Scandanavia does not have a black population with 300+ years of Jim Crow and slavery to generate anything like black migrations and ghettoes that were to ultimately in the US, or centuries of conquest, oppression and migration associated with the Irish ghettoes of Britain or the US. The Irish by the way are no paragons of virtue on the illegitimacy score. In the 1850s in the major urban concentrations where they lived such as parts of New York, they posted illegitimacy rates of 50%, even though only making up less than 25% of the city's population (Sowell 1981).
2) Second, depending on the time period examined, Scandanavian out of wedlock rates are hardly models of "virtue." In the 1850s, in Sweden's biggest city, Stockholm, for example, the illegitimacy rate was close to 50%. As Burns and Scott (1994) show, by the mid 19th century when reliable cross-national figures are widely available, it was found than in illegitimacy, (Stockholm (with a 46% rate in the 1850s) was second only to Vienna (49%) among European capitals. Indeed this trend was a continuation since the early 1800s. Nor was this solely a pattern for mid century 1800s. In ultra-white Sweden at the start of the 20th century, barely half of Swedish women married and around one-sixth of children were born out of wedlock. Nor was this solely an urban Stockholm phenomenon. High illegitimacy rates and declining marriage rates were also found in rural areas as well (A companion to nineteenth-century Europe, 1789-1914, By Stefan Berger, Wiley 2006.) By contrast, as late as 1950 the US black illegitimacy rate stood at 17%, well below that of the touted white Swedish "role models" above, and for 50 years, black marriage rates were higher than that of US whites, and better than the Swedish pattern over several decades. The black illegitimacy rate in 1965 was STILL lower than the 28% posted by US whites in 2000.
Closer into the 20th century, Sweden is no paragon. By the year 2000, out of wedlock births had reached 53% of all births- a steep rise from a mere 10% illegitimacy rate in mid century. (A population history of the United States By Herbert S. Klein, Cambridge University Press. 2004. p. 216) Nor are supposedly more virtuous white people of other "Nordic" nations any better. In the early 1980s illegitimacy rates were on the order of 45% in Iceland and Sweden and 40% in Denmark. (Report on Immigrant populations and demographic development in the member states of the Council of Europe. Rinus Penninx, Council of Europe. 1984.) --------
White people have a stronger cultural and genetic inclination to maintaining stable intimate relationships than black people. White people are stronger pair-bonders than black people.
As a blanket statement covering most of history this is dubious. In fact, as shown above, when the overall picture is analyzed, the behavior of supposedly more virtuous white people is unimpressive. Black folk produced "stronger" patterns of marriage and childbearing equal to or better than that posted by the lily white Swedes or other supposed paragons of Caucasian virtue in various time periods, up until recent decades. As for the supposed "stronger" cultural and "genetic" inclinations for maintaining stable relationships, most of the top ten divorce rates per thousand are found in developed, mostly white Western nations. Indeed most are white Europe. Yet you claim this virtuous "stability" for white people. How do you explain this? One of the nations with the highest rates- white Russia, also has the highest abortion rates in the world, killing 2 babies for each live birth (Loveless and Holman (2006). How do you explain such behavior from the white people you hail as so virtuous? -------------------------------------------------------
Testosterone, a hormone that some studies have found to be higher in black men, also affects mating and pair-bonding behavior. Black women have also been found to have higher testosterone levels than white women.
Correlation is not causation. There is no evidence that Blacks back in the day had less testosterone as they do today, and back then they produced higher marriage rates than US whites. Every census between 1890 and 1940 show black marriage rates higher than that of white people (Sowell 2005). And as noted above, the black rate even as late as 1950 or even 1960 for illegitmacy is well below that of ultra white Swedes, whether measured in the 19th or 20th centuries. The point is that the testosterone which you and other HBDers tout so much is hardly the most significant factor in the mix of elements that have produced the black dysfunctions of today as regards marriage and family. Indeed there are a wide range of environmental factors at play that cause violence, and several studies show that testosterone, is at best, an indirect element. For example, some studies show that individuals who had previous fighting knowledge continue to be aggressive AFTER testosterne levels are REDUCED. (L. Finley, Encyc of Juv Violence, 2006) Your continued use of the "testosterone factor" as some sort of negative "marker" on black people is not only misguided but an example of naively mistaking correlation with causation.
Furthermore your data and HBD claims are plain misleading. Some studies show aggression associated with LOW testosterone levels, when certain other medical conditions are involved. Even more damming, numerous other researchers have FAILED to replicate your claimed testosterone-violence link, whether in juvenile or adult populations (Alvarez and Bachman 2007). In fact the literature on the field is very mixed on the issue. (Violence: the enduring problem. By Alex Alvarez, Ronet Bachman. 2007) Quote from a standard textbook: "In fact, empirical research shows little if any direct linkage between testosterone and physical aggressiveness." (Walsh and Beaver, 2008, Biosocial crimnology).
In short, when your HBD claims here are subjected to any kind of critical scrutiny, they don't hold up. ------------
But wait! Black men and women at one point married at rates equal to or, for a brief moment in time, at a higher rate than white folks.
It was hardly a "brief" moment in time as far as modern statistics on the issue- - it was well nigh half a century. Every census between 1890 and 1940 show black marriage rates HIGHER than that of white people (Sowell 2005). --------------
When more choices were put on the table and the financial drawbacks of an unlucky choice decreased, black people began much different choices.
You seem to be contradicting yourself here, and appear inconsistent. Up above you claim testosterone as a significant factor in the negative marriage/child rearing equation - or as you put it "mating and pair-bonding behavior." But now you assert here that it is financial considerations that are important- causing black people to "make different choices." However in your "Pair-Bonding vs. Marriage between Blacks and Whites: A Primer" post, you touted HBD "evolutionary" explanations including lower intelligence by blacks for negative patterns in this area. Which is it? -------
In your related Primer argument you also said: Black people stopped getting married at the same rates as white people after the 1960’s because in the face of weaker cultural environmental forces inclining them to get married they were more susceptible to the force of their own genes and culture inclining them to less long-term pair-bonding, in turn inclining them to lower marriage rates.
This is dubious, and you contradict yourself again. First you noted that white pair bonding etc is so much mo betta' than blacks. Why then was black performance BETTER on the marriage front than the supposedly more superior whites for well nigh 50 years, including the much touted Swedish "role models"? This should be impossible under your theory of black genetic and environmental inferiority. And if your claim is true, why did supposedly more virtuous white people begin to produce a "weaker cultural environment?" not only in the US, but in Europe as well? Since they are so much better than black people, how could they produce something weaker? This too should be impossible under your theory of white genetic and environmental superiority.
I expected this from white racists, but find it curious that an intelligent black woman follows the HBD line without more critical scrutiny. I find it strange that you say you are a Christian, yet follow an ideology that virtually makes IQ a god, virtually makes white people gods, dismisses the revelation of God in favor of a racist evolutionary theory, and ranks people on a scale of lesser moral and human worth if they happen to be black. I look forward to your promised future post where you explain how you reconcile your belief in this ideology with Christianity.
While Scandinavia does not have a large black population, the Scandinavia countries are intimately familiar with slavery and the migrational patterns that occur during slave trading. Yes but the Swedish slave trade you describe is hardly comparable to that of the US in terms of the emergency of a significant racially distinct or ethnically distinct minority population, that would later on migrate to urban areas to form anything similar to the American ghettoes you described. The movement of Swedish slaves to Russia is not the same and is not remotely comparable to discriminated against black ex-slaves migrating to urban areas.
With the Irish, the illegitimacy rate was a result of pathologies resulting from a confluence of social factors, eventually they went back to marrying and as conditions improved, their rate of illegitimacy decreased. The exact opposite happened with blacks: as the intensity of their oppression decreased the rate of social pathologies increased along with the out-of-wedlock birth rate.
I will agree with you that over time, Irish behavior improved, as material conditions improved and the Catholic Church's continual criticisms and campaigns for improvement bore fruit. It is also true that as racist discrimination Jim Crow restrictions and discriminatory practices eased, lower class black dysfunction increased. But you seem to agree with the reasoning of white racists, both past and present, (such as Jared Taylor or Carelton Coons), who argue/argued that Jim Crow and discrimination was "good for blacks" and "necessary" due to their genetic inferiority. The growth of black dysfunction, said racists argue, shows that the restrictions of Jim Crow and segregation were needed to keep blacks in line, else they would be off the chain.
Basically you now say "Jim Crow was bad" but then seem to be operating on a hypocritical double standard. When white people show the same patterns of dysfunction brought about by urbanization, and the negative patterns brought about by state subsidies, you have little to say,or advance neutral sounding explanations like a "confluence of social factors". But when black folk show a similar pattern, then you haul out theories of genetic inferiority.
on the picture we get of African unions pre-Atlantic slave trade, and the pattern of increased out-of-wedlock childbearing among American blacks today, it would seem to appear that those of African heritage need stronger incentives to get married, stay married, or stabilize their non-marital relationships than those of European heritage. The prime motivators of stability in unions for American blacks were racist oppression, desire to assimilate into the larger society, and the inability for women to be as financially independent of males. Once those incentives weakened, so did the presence of stable unions.
Dubious. The pattern of increased OOW childbearing, as demonstrated above, is a pattern that appears in lily-white Sweden not only in the latter half of the 20th century/early 21st, but way back in the early 20th and the mid 19th century as well. And as already demonstrated, most of the major white nations have seen significant increases in OOW in recent decades. It is by no means a "black" problem, and it has nothing to do with the dubious "evolutionary inferiority" you keep trying to push on black folk.
You are also totally wrong when you claim that "racist oppression" is one of the "prime motivators" for stability in black unions, and that black folks "need" or needed such as "stronger incentive." This is COMPLETE NONSENSE. In fact, it was the racist oppression that promoted black family INSTABILITY, beginning with slavery- and its practice of separating families, selling off fathers, sexually exploiting women, and creating wide extended families to care for countless kids generated by the above practices. Even IN SPITE OF slavery however black families strived for some modicum of stability. For example slaves recognized the equivalent of marriage as in the well known jumping the broom ceremony, and took steps to salvage what they could of family life. Your claim above is SHEER FANTASY against the record of history.
Your claim is further contradicted by the antebellum period. Once blacks were out of slavery their oppression eased, it was in this period of EASED OPPRESSION that blacks began to post higher marriage rates than whites- a pattern beginning in the decades after the Civil War, in the more relaxed decades of reconstruction, and extending onwards. So again your claim fails to meet the test of both logic and history. BETTER black performance than whites on the marriage scorecard follwed eased conditions and LESS oppression after slavery.
In addition, your notion that females inability to match black male income as a motivator of family stability is somewhat wide of the mark as well. Black women have always had relatively high labor force participation rates, and have always produced and pocketed a substantial share of their own earning, a pattern going back to the Reconstruction era when many black women found employment not only as domestics, but in the seasonal cycles of agriculture such as harvest time when additional labor was needed. Black women were more urbanized than black men during the Reconstruction era, and thus had opportunities for even more independent earning. This pattern of relative independence continued down the decades with black women often being able to find steady employment while black men suffered from seasonal work problems and more job instability. In fact, black women during this high performance era were major bread winners for black families, with many taking in work that could be done at home - easing the childcare burden - such as laundresses and seamstresses. Black men faced severe discrimination in the workplace. Black women filled the earnings gap for their families to a much greater extent than white women. It is thus by no means clear that lack of female wage earning is a significant motivator for black family stability. Indeed your notion is undermined by this historical pattern, and the fact that the high point of black marriage performance was precisely in an era when black women frequently worked. See: African Americans and post-industrial labor markets, By James Benjamin Stewart, 1997.
Half of the top ten divorce rates are to be found outside of Europe and of those that are in the West you will note that most of them are multi-racial, multi-ethnic societies where the whites have lower divorce rates than other groups. By my count, 5 of those nations are not European; of those that are Western, such as Australia, Canada, and the US non-whites have higher divorce rates than the white population.
But your own list of top divorce nations show predominantly white nations represented. What do you call the US which is approx 70% white, or Russia, or the UK, or Dennmark, or New Zealand, or Australia, or Canada or Finland? You are making my point for me. The fact that some of these white countries have some minority populations does not change the basic point in the slightest bit. And how many black people does Russia have, or Finland, or Dennmark or even the UK? 90% of England is white for example. Even Puerto Ricans are 80% white by self identification, and DNA studies show 70% can trace their ancestry to European ancestors. Your attempts to downplay the predominantly white character of these nations just won't work.
FACE IT: Your supposedly more virtuous white people, reputed "role models" of family stability, in terms of a national scale are the top "leaders" of divorce worldwide.
Reliable birth control such as the pill and the IUD have not been widely and uniformly available in all regions throughout the world, thus the fact that Russian women abort so many pregnancies is partly because in the absence of other methods, abortion was often the only method of preventing childbirth.
The question is not if enough pills or the IUDs are avaialble. The question is: if your beloved white people are so genetically virtuous, and such paragons of family life, why are they aborting so many babies? If black women are aborting, you immediately haul out explanations 'bout "genetic deficiencies". But when white people show higher abortion rates than blacks, you quickly switch to some neutral sounding explanations like "not enough" pills or IUDs. Your whole approach seems like a double standard.
American black women rival, if not outrank, Russian women when it comes to number of abortions. No they don't. You own info shows that their rate is LOWER than that of the white Russia. Your Foxnews link for example show black women having 36% of all abortions. However Loveless and Holman (2006) as well as the web link below, show that 60% or more of white Russian women have abortions. Indeed in Russia now, there are more abortions than live births, with 2 babies killed for each live birth.
Your own reference undermines your claim, and again illustrates your double standard approach. You keep bashing black folk for "genetic deficiencies" leading to this terrible abortion pattern and keep touting this white genetic superiority and how good it is in terms of reproduction, family values and so on. But here again, your touted white "role models" are killing 2 babies for each live birth, a rate massively exceeding anything black women in America are doing. But you carefully cover for the white role models- carefully avoiding tagging them with any "genetic deficiency" explanation. Oh- you say- not enough pills available, while quick to bash black folk. http://www.lifesitenews.com/ldn/2006/may/06051003.html
I don’t think testosterone is the most significant factor to black dysfunction. You seem to be backtracking now. In several posts you tout the testosterone factor.
During the decades before the 60’s, the negative consequences of not getting married and integrating into society were higher they were after that decade. There was no welfare state to support maladaptive social behavior and thus there were strong incentives to integrate into the larger society. After that decade, most of those incentives were destroyed or their positive effects were lessened, thus allowing negative behavior to prosper.
Fair enough, but the above is a sociological explanation. In earlier posts and other threads you keep insisting that black genetic deficiencies, going all the way back to evolution in Africa, are responsible for the negatives on marriage. There are still contradiction in your explanations.
Do you mean why are white people creating an increasingly more generous welfare state, both here and in Europe, if the presence of said welfare state encourages dysfunctional behavior in blacks?
Yes and not only that, but also why whites themselves are producing more illegitimacy, more homosexuality, more divorce, more abortions, etc- all the weaknesses. You are quick to black deficient "evolution" and "genetic" patterns if black folk are involved but smoothly cover for white definicencies with a variety of neutral explanations- never applying the same genetic standard you apply to blacks. Whites for example are the most violent people on the planet, as easily seen by the body count from various genocides, and murderous societal "makeovers" such as that under Stalin. Yet you almost never attribute this to "evolutionary deficiencies" and "genetic handicaps" the way you attribute various negatives to blacks.
The way I see it, whether this is admitted or not, I believe that often times the people who are complaining about the resegration of America despise it so much because they don’t feel that the people who are being left behind are capable of taking care of themselves, their children, and the neighborhood up to the same standards that it was being taken care of before the mass exodus of white people and the middle- and upper-class class. This may well be, but whites have no monopoly on neighborhood standards. In fact, in numerous times in US History, the coming of certain whites signalled a DECLINE in such standards. The coming of the white Irish for example illustrates this point, and in certain cities such as Boston, in various eras, law-abiding blacks who were there before moved out of a number of neighborhoods as the uncouth, violent, oftgen drunken white Irish moved in. (Sowell 1981).
LEvin quote Many observers, including a number ready to attribute all black difficulties to racism, agree that there is a disctinctive black behavioral style. Kochman (1983:18) describes the white approach to argument as “low-keyed: dispassionate, impersonal and non-challenging…cool, quiet and without affect,” while the black approach is “high-keyed: animated, interpersonal, and confrontation…heated [and] loud…Blacks do not simply debate an idea [the white mode]: they debate the person debating the idea” (21-34). There is a distinctive style not among "blacks" as Levin claims but among CERTAIN blacks, typically those of the lower class. And said "style" in not the norm for over 1.5 million blacks from the Carribbean now in the US as another example of how bogus some of Levin's arguments are. As for the so-called "white approach" to argument this too is nonsense, and again typical of the skewed mode of analysis used by Levin. Using his biased approach, blacks could well claim to identify a standard "white approach" - namely in the white South, the region that gave genesis to most of today's black population. As Sowell 2005 notes about such "role models":
"The cultural values and social patterns prevalent among Southern whites included an aversion to work, proneness to violence, neglect of education, sexual promiscuity, improvidence, drunkenness, lack of entrepreneurship, reckless searches for excitement, a lively music and dance, and a style of religious oratory marked by strident rhetoric, unbridled emotions, and flamboyant imagery. This oratorical style carried over into the political oratory of the region in both the Jim Crow era and the civil rights era, and has continued on into our own times among black politicians, preachers, and activists. Touchy pride, vanity, and boastful self-dramatization were also part of this redneck culture among people from regions of Britain where the civilization was the least developed." -- Thomas Sowell (2005). Black Rednecks and White Liberals. Encounter Books, p. 6).
You cannot give a black mother on welfare more money in the form of cash assistance than a white mother just because she is black; thus, when we speak of “welfare states [which] subsidize family instability and weaken traditional family bonds” we have to note that the acceptance of welfare will not be as equally attractive to all social groups and that how much dysfunction results will depend upon the strength of the preexisting social bonds of that group. You are partially correct, but there are other sides to the story. How much dysfunction there is also depends in part upon the migration status of the rural proletariat in question.
If white parents in Scandinavia, despite having an expansive welfare state that will allow them to easily not marry still marry at higher rates than blacks–despite the fact that those nations are less religious–and even when Scandinavians do not marry they still manage to remain together to raise their children at much higher rates than blacks, then this would only mean that for some reason(s) blacks are more prone to the dissolution of their unions for reasons that cannot completely be explained by welfare. Of course welfare will not explain EVERYTHING. But you are only telling PART of the story. FOr one thing, you neglect history, only mentioning the last few decades. You need to post credible references showing that Scandanavian family stability stats over time have been better than those of black Americans. So far you haven't. Indeed, Scandanavians countries are among the world leaders in divorce rates, and blacks have produced better showings on that score aas late as the 1964s.
You mention cohabitation but there too, white "virtue" is less than impressive. In Sweden only 20% of the cohabitating couples married within 3 years of starting to live together. In France the numbers were slightly better- only 30% of the "shack ups" lasted 5 years or more. Marriages that followed cohabitation showed a HIGHER rate of divorce than on pre-shack marriages in both Sweden and France. (Marriage, divorce, remarriage By Andrew J. Cherlin 1992). Nor is Sweden unique- other supposedly more "pure" white people are hardly any better. In Norway, as in Sweden the phenomenon of MULTIPLE or SERIAL COHABITATION has emerged, with women bouncing from one "shack up" situation to another. The "official" statistic may show both a male and a female present in a household, but this is a weak indicator of family stability when women are moving from man to man, or vice versa like gypsies. In Norway for example, about 80% of those wo ended cohabitation entered a SECOND cohabitation within 4 years compared to "only" 60% of Swedish women. (Data from: World changes in divorce patternsBy William Josiah Goode, Yale Univ Press, 1993).
Even more ironic for your case, fertility rates in cohabitation situations in Sweden are LOWER than married people. People who shack up produce LESS children. It is ironic that HBDers like yourself are always lamenting the falling fertility rates of white people, but here you are touting some white people that are contributing to exactly that negative outcome by their behavior.
Thus the white people you tout continue to be unimpressive "role models" of family stability. Indeed the white "role models" have been pushing open the door for many other things such as "gay" marriage. It is no surprise that Sweden is a leader in "gay" marriage, with agitation for such unions in place as early as 1953. As early as 1973, Sweden dubbed homosexual cohabitation a "fully acceptable lifeform" according to a declaration by Sweden's parliament. Even worse was to come as the decades rolled on. (Gay marriage, by W. Wskridge, Darren Spedale, Oxford 2010)
In regards to black women once marrying at higher rates than white women it is important to note how this also relates to human biodiversity. All other factors being equal or close to being so, you will expect black woman to marry at higher rates–as they did until the 1950’s–because black women enter the sexual marketplace sooner than white woman and thus are on the marriage market earlier. Black women begin menstruation sooner than white and Asian woman–a sign of earlier physical maturity–and they begin having sex on average about 2 years before Asian woman. As black women enter the marriage market at an earlier age than white and Asian women it should come as no surprise that they once posted higher marital rates. This earlier sexual development works against black women when the safety net of marriage is shredded because instead of two additional years looking for a husband–a life partner being a net positive–she now has two additional years of a higher susceptibility to unplanned pregnancies.
For one thing, you need to actually start posting some credible references to back up your assertions above. Is it indeed the case that black women begin menstruation sooner, and if this is so, what credible reference says that AS A RESULT, they begin having sex sooner than Asians? What scholar specifically supports your claims and where is the citation?
And your notion that black women entered the sexual marketplace earlier than white women back in the day of good black patterns is another unsupported assertion on your part. It may indeed be so, but what credible scholar shows this specifically and where? Let's assume that it was so for the sake of argument. What credible data and scholars specifically shows that this earlier marriage age was a result of earlier menstruation by black women, as compared to other factors? Does menstruation account for 10% of the phenomenon, 30%? 60%? What? Please provide credible evidence to support you claim. So far you have not put anything on the table.
But consider this- for it totally undermines your case. Credible researchers show that the differences between black and white women in terms of marriage age were minor during the crucial years in question, 1890-1940. For example, in 1910, halfway through the period of black superiority in marriage rates, half of all black women got married by age 20.2. For white women the same year it was 21.7 years- a trivial difference. In 1920, still in the period of black superiority, 75% of all white women actually EXCEEDED 75% of black women in marriage age- marrying by age 25.0 compared to only 22.0 for black women. This undermines your claim of menstruation and undermines your claim of marriage ages being so different. (Data from: The ties that bind: perspectives on marriage and cohabitation By Linda J. Waite, Christine Bachrach. 2000)
Still waiting for you to provide credible evidence backing up your claims.
Many black males did not have the skill set to make the transition to skilled employment in the 1930’s as millions of black males do not have the skill set–and are apparently unable to acquire it–in major cities today.
You forget that in 1930, blacks were banned by both law and custom from entering most skilled employment trades. This continued well into the 1960s, with "indirect" union discrimination continuing to freeze black men out of many trades even after the laws on the books were changed.
The Satanic Mills no longer exist in Europe–America also had problems in the mill towns before large-scale, stable unionization–but black men are still suffering higher unemployment rates than white males and working in less prestigious industries at higher rates despite having had over 100 years to make the adjustment to the big city. Even the Satanic Mills of Europe did not last that long.
You are dodging the point I made- that social dysfunctions are common in many poor rural people moving to urban environments. The fact that "mills no longer exist in Europe" is irrelevant, and is ducking the point. And you are also AGAIN TOTALLY WRONG in other assertions you make here. In fact, blacks did NOT have 100 years to make the adjustment. The black population in toto only became a largely urban population after WWII, as Sowell himself notes in his writings. You simply do not have command of the facts. And as for the Industrial Revolution, whether it lasted 60 years or 100 STILL does not change the fact that the urbanization of rural peasantry caused widespread social dysfunction. Furthermore the pangs of urbanization (slum housing, crime, child exploitation, disease etc etc) existed in the 18th century well into the 20th century. As early as the late 1700s for example, a rural proletariat in England was already moving to the slums to feed the developing factory system. You are wrong on your dates as well.
Jamila says: I do believe that the absence of a government-enforced social safety net was good for black people after emancipation because the former slaves had to learn how to be self-sufficient and to depend on themselves and each other–this forced independence fostered the development of strong familial and community ties, i.e, a self-created, self-sustaining safety net amongst black people in black communities.
Agreed that many aspects of the welfare state have been disastrous for blacks. Also agree to the extent that the same principle of self-reliance should apply to whites as well. Too often one hears fiery rhetoric about "cutting off welfare for all those damn blacks" but said fiery speakers maintain a mysterious silence when it comes to ALSO cutting off the cash from white recipients.
After slavery black people wanted more than ever integrate into the larger society and to be seen as equal in their humanity to whites. They went about forming their own schools, creating their own businesses to service their community, and mimicking the dominant white social pattern of the nuclear family... vvv If by integration you mean blacks wanted to live next to white peole and go to the same schools, marry white people, etc etc right after slavery, I do not think that was a major priority for blacks at all, or even on the priority list for most blacks, who were busy just trying to survive. If by integration you mean blacks simply wanted to be independent and no longer slaves but live with the basic privileges of freemen, I would agree.
On blacks mimicking the white nuclear family, not all of it was mimicking. Polygamy may have been more common, but monogamy also has a long history in Africa even before blacks were forcible transported to the US, and before any significant influence from Europe. Of the 31 captives of the famous Amistad slave ship for example, 15 were married, and only 1 was polygamous, and monogamy is common in various parts of Africa. See Slavery in North Carolina, 1748-1775. by Marvin L. Michael Kay, Lorin Lee Cary- pg 160.
SOme HBDers tout whites and Asians as "role models" on this score but in fact, Asia has had polygamy a long time alongside monogamy, along with things like multiple concubinage, practiced China. And it was not until 1945 that polygamy was finally abolished in Japan. And people like Jews practiced polygamy for centuries as documented in the Bible. Indeed while monogamy has been more dominant in Europe, polygamy has alkways been around until recent times. Indeed, one of the things Christianity did for Europe was to stamp out and discourage polygamy, there is a long tradition of polygamy in white Christianity (see After polygamy was made a sin: the social history of Christian polygamy- By John Cairncross), and polygamy is documented as common in white Russia in various eras. Ironically Christianity itself, based on the religion of a Semitic people from the Middle East, was adopted in white Europe, and was instrumental in suppressing polygamy among Europeans, in certain regions as Cairncross notes. ANd the serial monogamy of many whites closely approaches patterns of polygamy.
Black people held it together during the time when Jim Crow was practiced because they had little choice not to. Any innate biological proclivities to high levels of aggression, weaker pair-bonding, or low intelligence would not have been as obvious at that time as it is now for the following reasons.
Blacks were holding it together long before they became slaves in the Americas as an extensive history of civilization across the African continent attests, and Christianity was in Africa long before the slave trade or colonial eras. As for your claims of "innate biological proclivities to high levels of aggression, weaker pair-bonding, or low intelligence" - they are dubious. If blacks had your so-called "weaker pair bonding" for example, why did every census between 1890 and 1940 show HIGHER marriage rates for blacks than whites? (Sowell 2005). ANd these so-called "high levels of aggression" among blacks, are chump change besides white levels of aggression as the mass murder of the Holocaust,, the mass murder of the gulags, and the mass carnage of 2 world wars show. And the jury is very much out on the exact proportion of intelligence to be attributed to the environment versus genes. For every study you post, there are others contradicting them (see Flynn, Nisbett, et al..) Your HBD claims on this score about "innate" this and "proclivities" that are simply nonsense.
Once Jim Crow was dissolved and liberal welfare policies were enacted the match was struck to the powerkeg: the power of the former incentives for blacks to assimilate were vitiated and whatever innate proclivities that blacks had toward high levels of aggression and weak pair-bonding began to manifest.
Your statement that "innate proclivities" were not obvious because of Jim Crow, shows that you really have not changed your tune. You have merely toned down some of the more blatant aspects, such as your earlier virtual endorsement of segregation as beneficial. But even with your more muted formula, and denial that Jim Crow was good, the absurdity of your position still comes through. According to you, blacks are aggressive, sex crazy, dumb folk. Jim Crow suppressed black folks form showing these true to form "innate" biological "proclivities", but with the removal of Jim Crow and subsidies from the liberal welfare state, violent, dumb blacks showed their true colors. No white racist could state their hate and contempt of blacks any better than you do, although you try to not make it seem so blatant.
Jim Crow was not good for black people but the welfare system of the 70’s and 80’s combined with an increasing minimum wage that shut out black laborers may have been a one-two punch that was far worse than Jim Crow in the extent to which they hurt blacks on the march to self-sufficiency and independence.
Of course the liberal wekfare state and the minimum wage hurt blacks. But you are contradicting yourself. First you state Jim Crow was not good. But then you claim balcks have all these negative biologocal proclivities- they are dumber, more violent, more sex crazy. Then you state that Jim Crow suppressed these negative procilvities. How then can you say Jom Crow was not good? If Jim Crow was suppressing low intelligence, promiscuity and violence among blacks, won't that make it a positive thing, as argued by so many white racists? Your attempt to paper over the raw exposure of your thinking won't work. Why would Jim Crow be bad if it was doing the good work of suppressing biologically inferior, more violent negroes?
For the record, I don’t believe that a long-term liberal welfare state is possible in any polyglot society. Some groups will be more prone–due to innate biological abilities and superior cultural practices–to self-sufficiency and excelling in a civilization that increasingly relies on intelligence instead of sheer muscular strength to get jobs done; those groups will dominate while the other less fortunate groups grow resentful of those they consider the elites–all the while the elites grow resentful of those they feel are taking unfair advantage of the system. Enmity between the races will be the natural result of such a system.
Actually don't you think the white Jim Crow system will and did also produce the same enmity?
-------------------- Note: I am not an "Egyptologist" as claimed by some still bitter, defeated, trolls creating fake profiles and posts elsewhere. Hapless losers, you still fail. My output of hard data debunking racist nonsense has actually INCREASED since you began.. Posts: 5905 | From: The Hammer | Registered: Aug 2008
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