Germanic people, of whom Anglo-Saxons such as the English,find their roots in Saxony.
However, evidence is beginning to emerge that the first Saxons were black, like Otto I the founder of the Holy Roman Empire and the first Holy Roman Emperor and seen above.
Further, it is beginning to be clear that the first protagonists in the bitter war between Catholics and Protestants were also black.
Otto I and Catholic was black. On the other hand, some of the stalwart Protestants were also black as was John Frederick I, Elector of Saxony (2) cultivated a personal relationship with Martin Luther, beginning to correspond with him in the days when the bull of excommunication was hurled against the Reformer, and showing himself a convinced adherent of Luther.
However, on account of his strictly Lutheran convictions was involved in difficulties with the Landgrave of Hesse, who favored a union with the Swiss and Strasburg Evangelicals. As if the Strasburgs didn't have enough trouble with their Wild Men.
CHARLES V, black,
is best known Charles is best known for his role in opposing the Protestant Reformation in which he came to loggerheads with (above) John Frederick I, Elector of Saxony (2)
Google the above names of Electors. Look at the kings. It was blacks involved in these sad religious wars of Protestantism vs. Catholicism, not whites.
Even John Huss was black, a Celt of Prague. One hundred years before Luther, he assembled complaints against the Catholic Church and while Luther is credited with Protestantism, he was only following in the path of John Huss.
They don't tell people these things. History as it is presented is one big lie.
. .
-------------------- The nature of homelife is the fate of the nation. Posts: 2334 | Registered: May 2006
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None of the people above except St Maurice were black stop the shamless lying. The brown color is called rust
Here's the proof:
Otto I
Otto I , hand from statue above
Queen Edith hands, from statue above
More proof? Below another statue of Otto I also at the same Magdeburg Cathedral. Marc and Mike will lie and say it's fake. If the below is a fake trying to make "Black" Otto I look "white" and after to going through the process of making a whole fake statue they then didn't bother to destroy or take the brown color off the above Otto and Queen Edith statues? This is how a conspiracy is managed? Well why are these figures brown? It's rust. When a statue rusts crackpots will say that rust is a black person with an afro from Africa wishing they were German. Oh and they forgot to make the hands brown? enough of these lies Did anybody bother to note the long stringy hair hanging down over their shoulders above? Marc this is just a cute game for right? You don't really believe this stuff??
Marc - Because of the degenerate lying nature of the Albinos, it will likely be a long time before Black researchers have a good understanding of what really happened in the European medieval.
To me, you have drawn some conclusions on the religious wars (that they were no-racial), that I see no proof of, and that I don't really think make any sense when taken in context.
True, there were Blacks (mulattoes actually) who supported the Protestant cause. But as you will see, they were all unstable or under duress - and certainly an ignorant Negro, manipulated by the Albinos, is nothing new.
But first, look at the context. John Huss was inspired by John Wycliffe (1328 – 1384) who was an English Scholastic philosopher, theologian, lay preacher, translator, reformer and university teacher at Oxford in England, who was known as an early dissident in the Roman Catholic Church during the 14th century. His followers were known as Lollards, a somewhat rebellious movement, which preached anticlerical and biblically-centered reforms. The Lollard movement was a precursor to the Protestant Reformation (for this reason, Wycliffe is sometimes called "The Morning Star of the Reformation"). He was one of the earliest opponents of papal authority influencing secular power.
The first complete English-language version of the Bible dates from 1382 and was credited to John Wycliffe and his followers.
Wycliffe Claimed that the office of the Pope lacked scriptural justification, he equated the Pope with Antichrist and welcomed the 14th-century schism in the papacy as a prelude to its destruction. Wycliffe was charged with heresy and retired from Oxford in 1378. Nevertheless, he was never brought to trial, and he continued to write and preach until his death in 1384.
But was Wycliffe really religious or was he a racial usurper?
Lets look at who was king during his time.
The House of Tudor
Henry VII, House of Tudor, was King of England and Lord of Ireland from his seizing the crown on 22 August 1485 until his death on 21 April 1509, as the first monarch of the House of Tudor. Henry won the throne when he defeated Richard III at the Battle of Bosworth Field. He was the last king of England to win his throne on the field of battle. He was successful in restoring the power and stability of the English monarchy after the political upheavals of the Wars of the Roses. He founded a long-lasting dynasty and was peacefully succeeded by his son, Henry VIII, after a reign of nearly 24 years.
. So then, in Britain it took only 100 years after the publishing of the John Wycliffe Protestant Bible, for Britain to change over from a Black monarchy to an Albino monarchy - Coincidence?Posts: 22721 | Registered: Oct 2005
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^Now lets look at the non-Albino supporters of John Huss and Martin Luther. (Each of them is estranged from the monarchy, and looking for allies - why not rebellious Albinos).
John Frederick I, Elector of Saxony 3 March AD 1554
Johann Friedrich IJohn Frederick (Johann Friedrich), eldest son of John the Steadfast and nephew of Frederick the Wise of Saxony, was born in Torgau on 30 June 1503. He earned the appellation "John the Magnanimous" (der Grossmütige) because of his generous spirit and gracious bearing during trials.
John Frederick studied under George Spalatin and through him became an early supporter of Martin Luther. In 1530, he traveled to the Diet of Augsburg and joined his father in signing the Augsburg Confession. In 1532, he and his half-brother John Ernest (Johann Ernst) succeeded John the Steadfast He became sole Elector of Ernestine Saxony 1542, ruling until 1547.
Impulsive by nature, he lacked the foresight and forbearance of many politicians and he often ignored the wise counsel of Chancellor Brück, who had also worked under his father. Because of his staunch Lutheranism, he couldn't abide Philip of Hesse's desire to extend the Schmalkaldic League to include Swiss and Strasburg reformers. His personal piety also recoiled at Philip's bigamy and he insisted that the League retain a strict Evangelical (Lutheran) theology.
John Frederick set aside the 1541 election of Julius von Pflug to the see of Naumburg-Zeitz, promoting avowed Lutheran Nicholas von Amsdorf in his stead. In 1542, he unilaterally attempted to introduce the Reformation to the city of Wurzen, a city under the joint protection of Electoral and Ducal Saxony. This antagonized Maurice, Duke of Saxony. Only the efforts of Luther and Philip of Hesse were able to avert war between the two Saxonies.
His suspicious nature led him to doubt the efficacy of councils and colloquies and he neglected to attend diets and other meetings where he might have gained support and built alliances.
As Charles V prepared his attack on the Schmalkaldic League, John Frederick was misled and reacted slowly to the Emperor's threat. When the Schmalkaldic War broke out in July 1546, he took his army from Saxony to engage the imperial forces but returned when Maurice, who had joined with Charles V, invaded Electoral Saxony. He was able to repel Maurice and retake most of his lost lands but then suffered defeat at the hands of imperial forces at Mühlberg on 24 April 1547.
Charles V initially condemned him to death for his part in the rebellion against the Holy Roman Empire. However, the sentence was commuted to life in prison when Wittenberg surrendered. Maurice released him in 1552 after he defeated and drove off Charles V. However, his title remained in Maurice's hands.
To the end, John Frederick refused under any circumstances to renounce or compromise his Evangelical understanding of Scripture and his complete adherence to Lutheran doctrine.
Philip was the son of Landgrave William II of Hesse and his second wife Anna of Mecklenburg-Schwerin. His father died when Philip was five years old, and in 1514 his mother, after a series of struggles with the Estates of Hesse, succeeded in becoming regent on his behalf. The struggles over authority still continued, however. To put an end to them, Philip was declared of age in 1518, his actual assumption of power beginning the following year. The power of the Estates had been broken by his mother, but he owed her little else. His education had been very imperfect, and his moral and religious training had been neglected. Despite all this, he developed rapidly as a statesman, and soon began to take steps to increase his personal authority as a ruler.
The first meeting of Philip of Hesse with Martin Luther took place in 1521 at the Diet of Worms, where he was attracted by the Luther's personality, though he had at first little interest in the religious elements of the gathering. Philip embraced Protestantism in 1524 after a personal meeting with the theologian Philipp Melanchthon. He then helped suppress the German Peasants' War by defeating Thomas Müntzer at the Battle of Frankenhausen.
Philip refused to be drawn into the anti-Lutheran league of George, Duke of Saxony, in 1525. By his alliance with John, Elector of Saxony, concluded in Gotha on 27 February 1526, he showed that he was already taking steps to organize a protective alliance of all Protestant princes and powers. At the same time, he united political motives with his religious policy. As early as the spring of 1526,he sought to prevent the election of the Catholic Archduke Ferdinand as Holy Roman Emperor. At the Diet of Speyer in the same year, Philip openly championed the Protestant cause, rendering it possible for Protestant preachers to propagate their views while the Diet was in session, and, like his followers, openly disregarding ordinary Roman Catholic ecclesiastical usages.
Although there was no strong popular movement for Protestantism in Hesse, Philip determined to organize the church there according to Protestant principles. In this he was aided not only by his chancellor, the humanist Johann Feige, and his chaplain, Adam Krafft, but also by the ex-Franciscan François Lambert of Avignon, a staunch enemy of the faith he had left. While the radical policy of Lambert, embodied in the Homberg church order, was abandoned, at least in part, the monasteries and religious foundations were dissolved and their property was applied to charitable and scholastic purposes. The University of Marburg was founded in the summer of 1527 to be, like the University of Wittenberg, a school for Protestant theologians.
Philip's father-in-law George, Duke of Saxony, the bishop of Würzburg, Konrad II von Thungen, and the archbishop of Mainz, Albert III of Brandenburg, were active in agitating against the growth of the Reformation. Their activities, along with other circumstances, including rumors of war, convinced Philip of the existence of a secret league among the Roman Catholic princes. His suspicions were confirmed to his own satisfaction by a forgery given him by an adventurer who had been employed in important missions by George of Saxony, one Otto von Pack. After meeting with Elector John of Saxony in Weimar on 9 March 1528, it was agreed that the Protestant princes should take the offensive in order to protect their territories from invasion and capture.
Posts: 22721 | Registered: Oct 2005
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quote:Originally posted by Mike111: Marc - Because of the degenerate lying nature of the Albinos, it will likely be a long time before Black researchers have a good understanding of what really happened in the European medieval.
To me, you have drawn some conclusions on the religious wars (that they were no-racial), that I see no proof of, and that I don't really think make any sense when taken in context.
True, there were Blacks (mulattoes actually) who supported the Protestant cause. But as you will see, they were all unstable or under duress - and certainly an ignorant Negro, manipulated by the Albinos, is nothing new.
But first, look at the context. John Huss was inspired by John Wycliffe (1328 – 1384) who was an English Scholastic philosopher, theologian, lay preacher, translator, reformer and university teacher at Oxford in England, who was known as an early dissident in the Roman Catholic Church during the 14th century. His followers were known as Lollards, a somewhat rebellious movement, which preached anticlerical and biblically-centered reforms. The Lollard movement was a precursor to the Protestant Reformation (for this reason, Wycliffe is sometimes called "The Morning Star of the Reformation"). He was one of the earliest opponents of papal authority influencing secular power.
The first complete English-language version of the Bible dates from 1382 and was credited to John Wycliffe and his followers.
Wycliffe Claimed that the office of the Pope lacked scriptural justification, he equated the Pope with Antichrist and welcomed the 14th-century schism in the papacy as a prelude to its destruction. Wycliffe was charged with heresy and retired from Oxford in 1378. Nevertheless, he was never brought to trial, and he continued to write and preach until his death in 1384.
But was Wycliffe really religious or was he a racial usurper?
Lets look at who was king during his time.
The House of Tudor
Henry VII, House of Tudor, was King of England and Lord of Ireland from his seizing the crown on 22 August 1485 until his death on 21 April 1509, as the first monarch of the House of Tudor. Henry won the throne when he defeated Richard III at the Battle of Bosworth Field. He was the last king of England to win his throne on the field of battle. He was successful in restoring the power and stability of the English monarchy after the political upheavals of the Wars of the Roses. He founded a long-lasting dynasty and was peacefully succeeded by his son, Henry VIII, after a reign of nearly 24 years.
. So then, in Britain it took only 100 years after the publishing of the John Wycliffe Protestant Bible, for Britain to change over from a Black monarchy to an Albino monarchy - Coincidence?
First of all Markie boy you White people hating, Black racist, White people genocidist, Black supremacist poc. Whites are NOT Albinos and you have NO proof that we are. Want to talk about lying you're no one to talk as you're doing it right now you history stealing, white people hating, black racist scumbag. I don't know why you Black racist, White people haters just can't admit the real reason you are doing what you are doing. You simply have the desire to demean, degrade, & dehumanize whites due to your intolerable hatred of us. I've said it before & I'll say it again you and your ilk just want us to think that we have no history, no heritage, no identities, no homeland to call our own, & nothing to be proud of as a people. BTW I think you are blind, how you can look at those statues of Otto I & Queen Eadgyth and see two Black people is beyond me, you seriously need to get your sight checked LOL. Also you have no room to talk you and your Black racist White people hating ilk & your White people hating, racist Black pseudo historians are doing exactly what you claim we are LOL.
Posts: 3257 | From: Madisonville, KY USA | Registered: Nov 2011
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quote:Originally posted by DHDoxies: First of all Markie boy you White people hating, Black racist, White people genocidist, Black supremacist poc. Whites are NOT Albinos and you have NO proof that we are. Want to talk about lying you're no one to talk as you're doing it right now you history stealing, white people hating, black racist scumbag. I don't know why you Black racist, White people haters just can't admit the real reason you are doing what you are doing. You simply have the desire to demean, degrade, & dehumanize whites due to your intolerable hatred of us. I've said it before & I'll say it again you and your ilk just want us to think that we have no history, no heritage, no identities, no homeland to call our own, & nothing to be proud of as a people. BTW I think you are blind, how you can look at those statues of Otto I & Queen Eadgyth and see two Black people is beyond me, you seriously need to get your sight checked LOL. Also you have no room to talk you and your Black racist White people hating ilk & your White people hating, racist Black pseudo historians are doing exactly what you claim we are LOL.
Doxie darling - If there is anyone who knows how Albinos like to play "Dress-up" and "Make-believe" its me.
So if this "Real" picture is not to your liking:
Your fellow Albinos have created thousands of "Fake" images to help your self-esteem.
BTW - Ignore the fact that they all look different: remember, Albino history has nothing to do with reality. It's all about what Albinos like to see and believe.
quote:Originally posted by Mike111: [QUOTE]Originally posted by DHDoxies: [qb] First of all Markie boy you White people hating, Black racist, White people genocidist, Black supremacist poc. Whites are NOT Albinos and you have NO proof that we are. Want to talk about lying you're no one to talk as you're doing it right now you history stealing, white people hating, black racist scumbag. I don't know why you Black racist, White people haters just can't admit the real reason you are doing what you are doing. You simply have the desire to demean, degrade, & dehumanize whites due to your intolerable hatred of us. I've said it before & I'll say it again you and your ilk just want us to think that we have no history, no heritage, no identities, no homeland to call our own, & nothing to be proud of as a people. BTW I think you are blind, how you can look at those statues of Otto I & Queen Eadgyth and see two Black people is beyond me, you seriously need to get your sight checked LOL. Also you have no room to talk you and your Black racist White people hating ilk & your White people hating, racist Black pseudo historians are doing exactly what you claim we are LOL.
Doxie darling - If there is anyone who knows how Albinos like to play "Dress-up" and "Make-believe" its me.
So if this "Real" picture is not to your liking:
Your fellow Albinos have created thousands of "Fake" images to help your self-esteem.
BTW - Ignore the fact that they all look different: remember, Albino history has nothing to do with reality. It's all about what Albinos like to see and believe.
Mikey boy the first pic on your post is the one I was talking about silly. This one right here.
How you can look at those and see a Black man & Black woman is beyond me. Look at them Mikey boy, long straight flowing hair on both, long thin noses, thin lips, all typical Caucasian traits. So tell me Mikey boy what exactly is Black about them besides the fact they have rust on them making them appear darker. Don't you mean its what Blacks like and want to see & believe LOL.
Posts: 3257 | From: Madisonville, KY USA | Registered: Nov 2011
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^ They hate their Negroid nappy hair and broad traits, so they fantatise that Caucasoids are magically ''Black'' despite having as you point out flowing hair, thin noses (non-Negroid traits) etc.
Its extreme self-hatred.
Furthermore as i've exposed numerous times these fake Black supremacists spend their time looking at white porn in their spare time. The fake Black supremacist Narmerthoth who comes here posting insults against us in his spare time uploads naked white blonde models to his photobucket (photobucket/narmerthoth). I presume Mike111 etc does exactly the same.
Posts: 1575 | From: - | Registered: May 2011
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How you can look at those and see a Black man & Black woman is beyond me. Look at them Mikey boy, long straight flowing hair on both, long thin noses, thin lips, all typical Caucasian traits. So tell me Mikey boy what exactly is Black about them besides the fact they have rust on them making them appear darker. Don't you mean its what Blacks like and want to see & believe LOL.
He,he,he: Doxie my darling, all along I have known something that you didn't know. That is that regardless of protestations and the other Altruistic bullsh1t coming out of their mouths, scratch an Albino deep enough, and you will find that Albinos are fundamentally degenerates - even nice sounding ones like YOU!
So then, you have revealed yourself to be a follower of the "True Negro" wing of the Albino fantasizers.
Lets look at one of the creators of this "Albino Truth".
Montague Francis Ashley-Montagu (born Israel Ehrenberg on June 28, 1905, London, England - died November 26, 1999, Princeton, New Jersey, United States) was a British-American anthropologist and humanist, of Jewish ancestry, who popularized topics such as race and gender and their relation to politics and development. He was the rapporteur (appointed investigator), in 1950, for the UNESCO statement The Race Question. As a young man he changed his name to "Montague Francis Ashley-Montagu". After relocating to the United States he used the name "Ashley Montagu".
Montagu lists "neotenous structural traits in which...Negroids [generally] differ from Caucasoids... flattish nose, flat root of the nose, narrower ears, narrower joints, frontal skull eminences, later closure of premaxillary sutures, less hairy, longer eyelashes, [and] cruciform pattern of second and third molars." Ashley Montagu claimed that in the "extinct" "Negroid" group called the "Boskopoids" "pedomorphic traits" proceeded further than in other Negroids.
In modern craniofacial anthropometry, Negroid describes features that typify skulls of Black people. These include a broad and round nasal cavity; no dam or nasal sill; Quonset hut-shaped nasal bones; notable facial projection in the jaw and mouth area (prognathism); a rectangular-shaped palate; a square or rectangular eye orbit shape; and large, megadontic teeth.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BUT TELL ME DOXIE, WHAT ARE WE TO DO WITH PEOPLE LIKE THESE???
Doxie dear - You are always asking me why I always refer to Albinos as Albinos. Well, it's not to be mean. It's just that I know your nature. Doxie dear, you have probably been looking at Black faces all of your life. And you know that Black people have infinite variety in facial features. Yet when stressed by my exposing of false Albino history, you had no trouble joining our resident nutcase Cass, with the "True Negro" nonsense. Face it girl - true to Albino form - YOU LIED!
And that's why I refer to Albinos as Albinos; it's to remind you of what's REAL! Because I know that if given even the slightest opportunity, you will all start fantasizing and making stuff up, all over again.Posts: 22721 | Registered: Oct 2005
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^Doxie - I suppose it's not really you Albinos to blame.
It's us Blacks.
We educated you, and thought that we had civilized you - but we were wrong.
To you civilized means mimicking the trappings of Black civilization: Education, Clothing, speech, buildings etc. But life is never so simple as Monkey see, Monkey do.
Though you are no longer physically, the illiterate Nomads of Central Asia, mentally you are. The evolved inner self of civilized man, which tells him right from wrong, has eluded you. Thus you are doomed to an existence of going from one human atrocity to the next, and never knowing where you went wrong.
But pity us, we have to live with you.
Posts: 22721 | Registered: Oct 2005
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quote:To call black white has passed into a proverb, yet, as Mr. Wedgwood has shown, it is probable that the original meaning of black was white or pale.
-The Teutonic name-system applied to the family names of France, England, and Germany (1864) by Robert Ferguson
Posts: 150 | Registered: Nov 2011
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quote:Originally posted by Mike111: ^Doxie - I suppose it's not really you Albinos to blame.
It's us Blacks.
We educated you, and thought that we had civilized you - but we were wrong.
To you civilized means mimicking the trappings of Black civilization: Education, Clothing, speech, buildings etc. But life is never so simple as Monkey see, Monkey do.
Though you are no longer physically, the illiterate Nomads of Central Asia, mentally you are. The evolved inner self of civilized man, which tells him right from wrong, has eluded you. Thus you are doomed to an existence of going from one human atrocity to the next, and never knowing where you went wrong.
But pity us, we have to live with you.
Letting your hatred and racism show again Mikey boy White people hating, lying, White people genocidist, Black racist, Black supremacist scum. More & more you White people hating Black racist, Black supremacists make my case for me and you're just too stupid to realize it. You should pity US we have to live with your history stealing, lying, White people genocidist Black racist butts. Sorry Mikey boy Whites are NOT Asians, we didn't come from no Central Asia & you know it and you have NO proof that we did.
Posts: 3257 | From: Madisonville, KY USA | Registered: Nov 2011
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^See there Doxie, that's what I mean by your Albino nature. Try to think, where is there in all of history, a case where Blacks did injury to Albinos, just because they're Albinos? None, right? (Excepting the degenerate Negroes in East Africa, who use Albino body parts for medicine and ritual).
On the other hand, it would take days, maybe weeks, to list the reverse. Sure we may have enslaved you, but everyone was enslaved at one time or another.
So no dear, I don't hate Albinos - I'm civilized. I know that you are merely Black people without pigmentation, but with very serious psychological problems. No doubt exasperated by your failure to accept, and own, your true identity as Albinos.
And that's really part of my function here. On the one hand, I have to educate African Negroes (both Patriot and ex-patriot) as to what you really are; (they really believed the bullsh1t that you taught them). As an example, the Negroes in Africa who do those terrible things to their local Albinos, tell them that they are phoney White people.
Pity the poor Black man, he has to not only deal with dumb-assed Degenerate Albinos, but with dumb-assed degenerate Negroes too.
Anyway, as I said earlier, European Blacks educated you, now I'm trying to civilize you. But first, you MUST accept reality! This fantasy history stuff must stop. Violence against, and hatred for normal people must stop. Once you have accomplished those things, then, and only then, will you be on the road to civilized existence.
Posts: 22721 | Registered: Oct 2005
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quote:Originally posted by Mike111: ^See there Doxie, that's what I mean by your Albino nature. Try to think, where is there in all of history, a case where Blacks did injury to Albinos, just because they're Albinos? None, right? (Excepting the degenerate Negroes in East Africa, who use Albino body parts for medicine and ritual).
On the other hand, it would take days, maybe weeks, to list the reverse. Sure we may have enslaved you, but everyone was enslaved at one time or another.
So no dear, I don't hate Albinos - I'm civilized. I know that you are merely Black people without pigmentation, but with very serious psychological problems. No doubt exasperated by your failure to accept, and own, your true identity as Albinos.
And that's really part of my function here. On the one hand, I have to educate African Negroes (both Patriot and ex-patriot) as to what you really are; (they really believed the bullsh1t that you taught them). As an example, the Negroes in Africa who do those terrible things to their local Albinos, tell them that they are phoney White people.
Pity the poor Black man, he has to not only deal with dumb-assed Degenerate Albinos, but with dumb-assed degenerate Negroes too.
Anyway, as I said earlier, European Blacks educated you, now I'm trying to civilize you. But first, you MUST accept reality! This fantasy history stuff must stop. Violence against, and hatred for normal people must stop. Once you have accomplished those things, then, and only then, will you be on the road to civilized existence.
You are an idiot Mikey boy White people hating, Black racist, White people genocidist, Black supremacist POC. Whites are NOT Albinos you have not proven it nor can you. You just use Albino as a racist epithet against us and you know it. You are the one that must accept reality you stupid White people hating POS. Civilized my butt you are a White people hating, Black racist piece of garbage the same as Markie boy, IronLiar, MK, Liar Winters & the rest of your so called scholars. You are a den of thieves, a den of vipers, satan's own children (not speaking of all Blacks just your ilk of Blacks). You try to steal the history, heritage, identities, homelands of others while degrading, demeaning & dehumanizing them. Why don't you just admit the truth for once in your miserable lives Mikey boy & Markie boy. You seek to do harm to Whites & to harm White children by stealing our history, our heritage, our identities, our homeland, to try to make us think that we have absolutely nothing to be proud of. I'm not about to sit back and let that happen.
Posts: 3257 | From: Madisonville, KY USA | Registered: Nov 2011
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Mike, when I saw the picture you showed for Henry VIII, I recalled others.
Look at this golden coin of Henry VIII with the nappy nigger hair and flaring nostrils.
I favor of family trees depicted in coins as the more reliable way to ascertain race.
I'll be presenting some.
Thanks for your scholarly comments on the subject.
. .
Marc stop trying to trick people into thinking Henry VIII was Black:
HENRY VIII as a youth aka white kid with frizzy hair
Posts: 42919 | From: , | Registered: Jan 2010
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Do you see any likeness in the three fake pictures you just posted? Are you out of your mind to compare the golden image on the golden coin with your hogwash?
Now, answer me, what is your problem with the image on the golden coin?
-------------------- Lionz Posts: 7419 | From: North America | Registered: Mar 2009
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Lioness - The beard hair on the coin is different than the beard hair in the portrait. In reality, it would be unthinkable for such an error to occur.
Obviously, as I keep saying, Albino history is merely Albino "made-up fantasy". Backed-up with millions of fabricated fake artifacts.
Such delusional living is "Unhealthy".
You Albinos MUST give it up!
Posts: 22721 | Registered: Oct 2005
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You are an idiot Mikey boy White people hating, Black racist, White people genocidist, Black supremacist POC. Whites are NOT Albinos you have not proven it nor can you. You just use Albino as a racist epithet against us and you know it. You are the one that must accept reality you stupid White people hating POS. Civilized my butt you are a White people hating, Black racist piece of garbage the same as Markie boy, IronLiar, MK, Liar Winters & the rest of your so called scholars. You are a den of thieves, a den of vipers, satan's own children (not speaking of all Blacks just your ilk of Blacks). You try to steal the history, heritage, identities, homelands of others while degrading, demeaning & dehumanizing them. Why don't you just admit the truth for once in your miserable lives Mikey boy & Markie boy. You seek to do harm to Whites & to harm White children by stealing our history, our heritage, our identities, our homeland, to try to make us think that we have absolutely nothing to be proud of. I'm not about to sit back and let that happen. You must give it up.
Posts: 3257 | From: Madisonville, KY USA | Registered: Nov 2011
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quote:Originally posted by IronLion: ^^Aww, shut up cagot!
Do you see any likeness in the three fake pictures you just posted? Are you out of your mind to compare the golden image on the golden coin with your hogwash?
Now, answer me, what is your problem with the image on the golden coin?
No problem, what we have here is white anthropologists call a frizzy hair white boy. Marc said his nostrils are flaring, lol look at that little bitty nose. What a load of horseshit
Oh wait a minute, I forgot, frizzy hair = black, never mind
(Iron, you have a mental disorder some black people get, it's called afrophobia. One of the symptoms is the desire to be a European aristocrat, it's sad. It doesn't even matter that Henry VIII was an asshole, as long as he was European you want to be him )
Posts: 42919 | From: , | Registered: Jan 2010
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Doxie dear - Are you following the postings of Anglo_Pyramidologist (Cass), Crush Black Lies, and Lioness?
These people are obviously delusional and deranged, do you really want to be like them???
I beseech you - Abandon them and their delusions of Albino grandeur. Abandon the way of Albino "Fantasy History". Seek the light - accept me as your guide to a healthy civilized mind, free from delusion. Become a real Human - albeit a depigmented one - but who cares, we have loved you as our slightly odd children, since the beginning. And still do, in spite of your countless atrocities.
Don't believe me?
Look at this picture, see the look on her face? It says: Yes, my child is an Albino, but I will fight to the death to protect my Albino child.
Mike, when I saw the picture you showed for Henry VIII, I recalled others.
Look at this golden coin of Henry VIII with the nappy nigger hair and flaring nostrils.
I favor of family trees depicted in coins as the more reliable way to ascertain race.
I'll be presenting some.
Thanks for your scholarly comments on the subject.
. .
Christian I Elector of Saxony
Christian I of Saxony (Dresden, 29 October 1560 – Dresden, 25 September 1591) was Elector of Saxony from 1586 to 1591.
He was the sixth but second surviving son of Elector Augustus of Saxony and Anna of Denmark. The death of his older brother, Alexander (8 October 1565), made him the new heir apparent to the Electorate of Saxony.
Christian succeeded his father when he died, in 1586.
quote: San Calogero was the patron saint of sciacca in the 6th century, when the population was being decimated by the black plauge he healed the towns people by discovering vaporous healing caves and mineral waters.
quote: Mount Calogero, named for a hermit who resided there in the thermal caves during the 6th century. The hermit was eventually sainted for his good works, and Saint Calogero is Sciacca's patron saint to this day. A grand Baroque-style basilica dedicated to Calogero was built near the site during the 16th century.
quote:Originally posted by Mike111: Doxie dear - Are you following the postings of Anglo_Pyramidologist (Cass), Crush Black Lies, and Lioness?
These people are obviously delusional and deranged, do you really want to be like them???
I beseech you - Abandon them and their delusions of Albino grandeur. Abandon the way of Albino "Fantasy History". Seek the light - accept me as your guide to a healthy civilized mind, free from delusion. Become a real Human - albeit a depigmented one - but who cares, we have loved you as our slightly odd children, since the beginning. And still do, in spite of your countless atrocities.
Don't believe me?
Look at this picture, see the look on her face? It says: Yes, my child is an Albino, but I will fight to the death to protect my Albino child.
I couldn't help but wonder:
Is this the ancient instinct, which caused Negro Slaves during the civil war in the U.S. to protect their masters, instead of seeking their own freedom?
Posts: 22721 | Registered: Oct 2005
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quote:Originally posted by Mike111: I couldn't help but wonder:
Is this the ancient instinct, which caused Negro Slaves during the civil war in the U.S. to protect their masters, instead of seeking their own freedom?
Mikey boy, yes that baby is Albino but its still genetically BLACK, as well as having typical Negro features & of course she'd defend it with her life, its HER child for crying out loud she be a pee poor mother if she didn't geez louise. Sorry Black racist White people hater if I fell for your line of bull I'd be doing a great disservice to any White children I may have or adopt in the future. Just because you want to harm White children doesn't mean I do deary. My children shall have a homeland to call their own, they shall know their history, their heritage, their identities. I'd pull my kids out of a school that taught the line of bull you preach faster than you can say Bob's your stinking uncle. Not only are you harming White children but you are also harming Black children as well, trying to give them a heritage of lies.
Posts: 3257 | From: Madisonville, KY USA | Registered: Nov 2011
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quote:Originally posted by DHDoxies: Mikey boy, yes that baby is Albino but its still genetically BLACK, as well as having typical Negro features.
You see there Doxie, that's just the kind of Albino delusion and fantasy that I'm trying to save you from.
Sweetheart - there is no such a thing as "genetically BLACK". All humans without "P" gene defect are Black - thus all "Normal" Humans are Black.
But as to facial features, you are correct: THESE WERE YOUR ANCIENT SISTERS.
And just as today, your ancient sisters were probably mean to you too.
Photographers comment:
They call her FIRINGI (a foreigner), and make fun of her, being unaware that she has a disease. In this banjara village in Hyderabad, I found this albino girl who was all giggling when I focused my camera towards her... the other kids in the background were making fun of her as usual.
But Doxie dear - you Albinos have to learn to leave the past in the past. Just because your ancient relatives were mean to you, is no reason to continually subject the world to the atrocities of your hurt feelings. It's time to move on - let me help you.Posts: 22721 | Registered: Oct 2005
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The key in fooling black people into thinking that white artistocrats were black is you use coins. Metal coins are unpainted.
Frederick III
John Frederick I
Maurice, Elector of Saxony
Johan Georg, Elector of Saxony
Frederich VIII, duke of Saxony
In other words when these decadent white lords put on some weight, grew beards and minted a coin they magically transformed into black people.
People who believe this are the worst victims of white supremacy. White supreamacy has put them into a fantasy world, their brain no longer functions properly. It's called afrophobia. In other words I hate who I am I want to be like the people that run this place. Maybe I'll transport myself back into time and that will make myself feel better.
At the time there were several hundred Africans in Germany and millions of white people. __________________^^^^ Map of Germany with Saxony indicated
Allison Blakely, “Problems in Studying the Role of Blacks in Europe,” . This article first appeared in the “Teaching” column in Perspectives: The Newsmagazine of the American Historical Association (May-June 1997).
Contributor(s): Blakely, Allison Boston University
Posts: 42919 | From: , | Registered: Jan 2010
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quote:Originally posted by DHDoxies: Mikey boy, yes that baby is Albino but its still genetically BLACK, as well as having typical Negro features.
You see there Doxie, that's just the kind of Albino delusion and fantasy that I'm trying to save you from.
Sweetheart - there is no such a thing as "genetically BLACK". All humans without "P" gene defect are Black - thus all "Normal" Humans are Black.
But as to facial features, you are correct: THESE WERE YOUR ANCIENT SISTERS.
And just as today, your ancient sisters were probably mean to you too.
Photographers comment:
They call her FIRINGI (a foreigner), and make fun of her, being unaware that she has a disease. In this banjara village in Hyderabad, I found this albino girl who was all giggling when I focused my camera towards her... the other kids in the background were making fun of her as usual.
Just look at what it's done to Lioness and Cass.
Posts: 22721 | Registered: Oct 2005
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quote:Originally posted by DHDoxies: Mikey boy, yes that baby is Albino but its still genetically BLACK, as well as having typical Negro features.
You see there Doxie, that's just the kind of Albino delusion and fantasy that I'm trying to save you from.
Sweetheart - there is no such a thing as "genetically BLACK". All humans without "P" gene defect are Black - thus all "Normal" Humans are Black.
But as to facial features, you are correct: THESE WERE YOUR ANCIENT SISTERS.
And just as today, your ancient sisters were probably mean to you too.
Photographers comment:
They call her FIRINGI (a foreigner), and make fun of her, being unaware that she has a disease. In this banjara village in Hyderabad, I found this albino girl who was all giggling when I focused my camera towards her... the other kids in the background were making fun of her as usual.
Classical picture... I love that one Posts: 7419 | From: North America | Registered: Mar 2009
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This is so humiliating know who is descended from wild man
The white in the coats of arms are wild men. Blacks have crowns on their heads
I believe that the wild men are real. they are immigrants and current white descend from them
Posts: 2922 | From: World Empire of the Black People | Registered: Jul 2011
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Mikey boy, White people hater, White people genocidist, Black racist, Black supremacist scum. Why is it then, two Blacks will always have a Black child even if one or even both said Blacks are Albino, their child WILL still have all Black features, nose, hair, eyes, ect. Two Whites normal Whites will always produce a White child with all White features, hair, nose, eyes, etc even if both are true Albinos. Sorry but like I said if I fell for your racist Anti-White crap I'd be doing a severe disservice to any White children I may have or adopt in the future. BTW, that girl is East Indian NOT White.
Posts: 3257 | From: Madisonville, KY USA | Registered: Nov 2011
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