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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Member # 20259
 - posted
Blooming Halo

A stone Buddha missing its body is one of nearly 3,000 ancient statues depicting the enlightened prince that were unearthed in northern China earlier this year.

The Buddha's head is surrounded by a halo with a large central lotus-leaf blossom—an important symbol in Buddhism of purity and rebirth.

"The Buddha had a bump on top of his head that represents his extra wisdom," Tsiang said. "In this case that extra protuberance is not very high. It's just shown as a slightly raised part of the skull."

In fifth-century China, Buddhists would often pay to have craftsmen carve a statue of the Buddha, which they would then donate to temples.

"It was a way of doing good deeds, generating merit," Tsiang said. "People who gave gifts to temples were considered deeply deserving of rewards, which could include good health or protection by the Buddha."

Often the statues would include inscriptions wishing a deceased loved one a good rebirth or the attainment of enlightenment.


Deep Thoughts

Statues like this one—of young figure in a cross-legged pose common in Buddhist art—were common in fifth-century China. Such sculptures refer to a formative period in the Buddha's youth, when he had first contemplated the suffering of life and resolved to detach himself from this world while seated in the shade of a bodhi tree.

"This is an image derived from India that appeared in scenes of the life of the Buddha, and it shows the Buddha as a prince before he went in search of enlightenment," Tsiang explained.

The popularity of this "contemplative" pose amongst Buddha statues in fifth-century China may be related to the growing belief at the time that living Buddhist practitioners could also achieve enlightenment, Tsiang said.

"People learned that Buddha himself was a human," she added, "and that it was possible for them to become enlightened through study, cultivation of spirit, and meditation."


Knowing Smile


Member # 19596
 - posted
where is clyde to claim it is black? lmao!!
Member # 20259
 - posted
Clyde would be right.
Everyone knows the Indian Buddha was dark skinned. His Pineal gland was also fully functional to achieve the state of enlightenment he obtained.
the lioness
Member # 17353
 - posted
Originally posted by the lioness:




The head of a Buddha statue peeks above the dirt in Handan (map), China, where archaeologists have reportedly unearthed nearly 3,000 Buddha statues, which could be up to 1,500 years old.

The discovery is believed to be the largest of its kind since the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949, an archaeologist with the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences told reporters in late March, according to the Associated Press.

The Buddha statues—most of which are made of white marble and limestone and many of which are broken—could date back to the Eastern Wei and Northern Qi dynasties (A.D. 534 to 577), experts say.

The statues—discovered during a dig outside of Ye, the ancient capital of the Eastern Wei and Northern Qi dynasties—may have been rounded up and buried after the fall of the Northern Qi dynasty by later emperors in an attempt to purge the country of Buddhism.

"It may have been that some of the ruins and broken sculptures from the past were gathered from old temple sites and buried in a pit," said Katherine Tsiang, director of the Center for the Art of East Asia at the University of Chicago.

In some cases, the Buddhist statues may have been buried by the faithful themselves in times of danger.

"In other sites, there are inscriptions that suggest that old damaged sculptures were not just dumped in a pit, but respectfully buried in an orderly way," Tsiang said.

"Wet Mummy" Face
Photograph from Fame Pictures/Barcroft

With eyebrows, hair, and skin still intact after more than 600 years, a remarkably preserved Chinese "wet mummy" remains bundled in her quilt after centuries in a flooded coffin.

Removed from her wooden casket on March 1, the body had been found in a tomb accidentally uncovered by roadbuilders near the city of Taizhou (map).

"Wet mummies survive so well because of the anaerobic conditions of their burials," said archaeologist Victor Mair. That is, water unusually void of oxygen inhibits bacteria that would normally break down a body.

Unlike ancient Egyptian mummies, the corpse—likely from the Ming dynasty (1368 to 1644)—was probably preserved only accidentally, said Mair, of the University of Pennsylvania.

"I don't know of any evidence that Chinese ever intentionally mummified their deceased," he said. "Whoever happened to encounter the right environment might become a preserved corpse."

the lioness
Member # 17353
 - posted

earliest depictions of the Buddha in human form:


Member # 20281
 - posted
notice how the filthy monkey uses artifacts from the middle ages and even shows a 600 year old mummy LOL

Mongoloids had not invaded black China by then had they? hehehehe
Member # 20281
 - posted
I almost forgot that this board is read by morons that will not understand the clear sarcasm here!

Mongoloids left their caves in Central Asia 1500 BCE. Thats 3500 years ago. But the Xia and Shang Dynasties preceed that! particularly the Xia. Why dont we ever hear much about the Xia Dynasty?

the lioness
Member # 17353
 - posted
Originally posted by Vansertimavindicated:
notice how the filthy monkey uses artifacts from the middle ages and even shows a 600 year old mummy LOL

Mongoloids had not invaded black China by then had they? hehehehe

Mongoloids probably evolved from Khoisans

Member # 20259
 - posted
Originally posted by the lioness:

earliest depictions of the Buddha in human form:



As usual, The pics you posted are bogus.
As usual, again, Mike has dunked your head in the toilet.
Bollywood has done many movies on Buddha. In almost all, he is shown as a medium complexion man, similar in complexion to Will Smith, many slightly darker.
Member # 19596
 - posted
Does this Black Buddha bless account for the White skin Asians that existed several millennia prior to? Just wondering.

Originally posted by Narmerthoth:
Clyde would be right.
Everyone knows the Indian Buddha was dark skinned. His Pineal gland was also fully functional to achieve the state of enlightenment he obtained.

Member # 19596
 - posted
First appearance of a Negro in China is during the Tang dynasty (700 AD).


"In 863 the Chinese author Duan Chengshi (d. 863) provided a detailed description of the slave trade, ivory trade, and ambergris trade in a country called Bobali, which historians suggest was Berbera in Somalia" (Levathes 1994, p. 38.)

Originally posted by Vansertimavindicated:
I almost forgot that this board is read by morons that will not understand the clear sarcasm here!

Mongoloids left their caves in Central Asia 1500 BCE. Thats 3500 years ago. But the Xia and Shang Dynasties preceed that! particularly the Xia. Why dont we ever hear much about the Xia Dynasty?


Member # 18853
 - posted
Originally posted by facts:
First appearance of a Negro in China is during the Tang dynasty (700 AD).


"In 863 the Chinese author Duan Chengshi (d. 863) provided a detailed description of the slave trade, ivory trade, and ambergris trade in a country called Bobali, which historians suggest was Berbera in Somalia" (Levathes 1994, p. 38.)

Originally posted by Vansertimavindicated:
I almost forgot that this board is read by morons that will not understand the clear sarcasm here!

Mongoloids left their caves in Central Asia 1500 BCE. Thats 3500 years ago. But the Xia and Shang Dynasties preceed that! particularly the Xia. Why dont we ever hear much about the Xia Dynasty?


The Afronuts will try to cluster themselves with the Negritos, who appear in earlier BC Chinese annals.

The Negrito though aren't Negroid.
Member # 18853
 - posted
Originally posted by Narmerthoth:
Clyde would be right.
Everyone knows the Indian Buddha was dark skinned. His Pineal gland was also fully functional to achieve the state of enlightenment he obtained.

epic fail.

Buddha is actually described as blue eyed in the Pali Canon, and was of Aryan ancestry, a nobleman in a societal caste system that despised dark skin and. There was nothing remotely Negroid about him, just another Afronut fantasy.

Buddha's Blue eyes:

''Voice deep and resonant; Eyes deep blue; Eyelashes like a royal bull''

Buddah's Blue eyes, still left all over India and Asia -


Buddha was light skinned and blue eyed. Still today you can find Aryan admixed northern indians who have these traits -

Member # 20259
 - posted
The Indian Buhhda

Taken from Ajanta cave paintings in India evacuated in 1BC





You Albinos (or as Fact calls them, depigmentated humans) should learn to be happy with who you are. So what if your origins are tied to mutated Africans. That is your heritage, so be proud to at least update your understanding of from where you come; African Albinos.
Member # 6729
 - posted
Bleached turds inc. [Big Grin]
Troll Patrol
Member # 18264
 - posted
Narmerthoth, those are nice images.

I believe there is a temple with these statues and dipictions.

Is it the one you showed, or is it another one?
Member # 20259
 - posted
The site provides some great photos from many worldwide sites.

Ajanta, a UNESCO world heritage site, is famous for its Buddhist rock-cut cave temples and monasteries with their extraordinary wall paintings. The temples are hollowed out of granite cliffs on the inner side of a 20-meter ravine in the Wagurna River valley, 105 km northeast of Aurangabad, at a site of great scenic beauty.


The dying Princess
Troll Patrol
Member # 18264
 - posted
Originally posted by Narmerthoth:
The site provides some great photos from many worldwide sites.

Ajanta, a UNESCO world heritage site, is famous for its Buddhist rock-cut cave temples and monasteries with their extraordinary wall paintings. The temples are hollowed out of granite cliffs on the inner side of a 20-meter ravine in the Wagurna River valley, 105 km northeast of Aurangabad, at a site of great scenic beauty.


Yes, I am looking at it right now. Thanks.




Member # 20281
 - posted
This should get you started

Member # 20281
 - posted
These are the ORIGINAL people of Asia and the direct descendants of ALL Asians! They have been in asia for more than 60k years and managed not to be polluted by the filthy offspring of Neanderhal and denisova! These are clearly not negroid! You can just look at them and see these are not negroid! Who are you to believe? Me or your lying eyes~!!! LOL

the lioness
Member # 17353
 - posted
Ajanta cave paintings 2nd cent BC

Chempayya Jataka, Cave 1

Some modern people form the same region Maharashtra,



Gandhara Buddha. 1st-2nd century.

The Gandhara Buddhas are the oldest depictions of the Buddha in human form.

dana marniche
Member # 13149
 - posted
Originally posted by facts:
First appearance of a Negro in China is during the Tang dynasty (700 AD).


"In 863 the Chinese author Duan Chengshi (d. 863) provided a detailed description of the slave trade, ivory trade, and ambergris trade in a country called Bobali, which historians suggest was Berbera in Somalia" (Levathes 1994, p. 38.)

Originally posted by Vansertimavindicated:
I almost forgot that this board is read by morons that will not understand the clear sarcasm here!

Mongoloids left their caves in Central Asia 1500 BCE. Thats 3500 years ago. But the Xia and Shang Dynasties preceed that! particularly the Xia. Why dont we ever hear much about the Xia Dynasty?


Blacks including Negroids occupied early southern China and skeletons deemed Melanesian and negroid by Chinese archaeologists themselves are found in the earliest Shang dynasty sites.

The Kuelun, Kunlun or Kwanlun people are a good example of these early indigenous black populations of China and IndoChina.

Chinese portrayal of Kunlun man
the name Kuen-lun today is "given to the mountains between western Tibet and the plains of eastern Turkestan".

Thousands of years later. In the Tang dynasty even the Arab delegations from Hijaz are said to consist of "black men".

The early Srubnaya population of Central Asia was also black and of gracile Negroid type. Perhaps the earliest black Mongol cultures stem from them.

In one text "San Tsai Thou Hoei" speaks of the "abode of the Tseng-Sza (Zang) of Kuen-lun" in the southwestern seas (IndoChina?). A bird is there found named Pheng (the Phoenix) which in its flying obscures the sun." These Zangi were sold as slaves.

James Prichard p. 231 fn Researches into the Phyusical History of Mankind.
Marc Washington
Member # 10979
 - posted



Marc Washington
Member # 10979
 - posted
Earlier in this thread, China's early civilization is spoken of. The following touches on that, though please note the upper right comparative chart showing red and black stick figures, cattle altars and bovine in Africa, Anatolia, and China.

All harken back to Africa where even, as the images show a Chinese pyramid with, no less, a guardian lion, a sphinx reminiscent of the Sphinx of Giza's Great Pyramid. And, stunningly, as Luxor has its Avenue of the Rams, so too the Chinese pyramid has an analogy to the Avenue of the Rams as the picture shows.

Double/Twin Lion gates are found in Egypt and China alike and last but not least, from the Han dynasty, two dancing black men found in Michael Ridley's book, p. 88, Treasures of China:

So-called historians don't tell about these similarities just as they leave out the fact that shabti found in Egypt are also in Chinese pyramids in the same role; 2) astrological symbols and functions the same in Egypt and China; 3) the identical type of animal-talking, moral-bound, stories with similar themes in Africa and China; 4) the king-priest-shaman found in both places; 5) the big bass drum made of copper identical in Africa and China; 6) agriculture came to both locations but later in China than Africa.

No. Deceitful, lying historians of the West hide these similarities too numerous to mention. They'd just rather you didn't know Harvard, Oxford, Cambridge, and Yale alike, all propaganda machines of a living lie.



Member # 20259
 - posted

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