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Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on 20 April, 2012 05:05 AM:

Originally posted by Medjay Commander:
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Niger Pyramid Predates Noah

The discovery of a pyramid and a sphinx in Niger lends support to my theory of an African dominion before the time of Noah (B.C. 2490-2415) under the control of Chadic and Kushite rulers. Cain, Seth and their wives were of the ruling houses of this ancient African civilization, as were Lamech the Elder and his son-in-law Methuselah.

The pyramid of Dan Baki is 4500 years old, about 1000 years older than the Giza Pyramids. It is in an advanced state of deterioration, but was not open when it was discovered by Nigerian Egyptologist Souley Garba.

Pyramid at Dan Baki

In February 2012, Garba announced his discovery of a pyramid in the village of Dan Baki, 20 km west of the city of Zinder and 2 km north of the village of Tirmini.

The pyramid contains more than 40,000 gold objects, according to Garba.

The Dan Baki pyramid has a twin nearby and appears to be part of a series of pyramids located in the region of Tanout. All the pyramids in the neighborhood appear to have remained sealed.

Garba explained that years of study of the hieroglyphic texts led him to the name of the village where he discovered the pyramid. He believes that the point of origin of humanity is in Niger. From there people spread into Chad, Nigeria, Sudan, Egypt, Yemen and Saudi Arabia. He has not attempted to explain the presence of more ancient monuments in Southern Africa, Turkey and China.

Study of the ancient hieroglyphic texts reveals a close affinity between Ancient Egyptian and Hausa. The names Tanout and Dar-Gaza constantly recur in the hieroglyphic texts that Garba studied. Dar-Gaza means "crown of God" and refers to the Sun. Gaza is a variant of Giza.

Hausa is in the Afro-Asiatic (or "Hamito-Semitic") language group. This group includes Akkadian, Ancient Egyptian, Arabic, Aramaic, Amharic, Babylonian, Chadic, Ethiopic, Hahm/Jaba, Hebrew, Phoenician, Sumerian and Ugartic. The diversity of this group is amazing! Chadic alone has 600 dialects.

Here is the Verification link

This one is in French in the Egypt News

Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on 20 April, 2012 05:41 AM:
This is an interesting fine. It relates, to my research on the Proto-Saharans who formerly had a fantastic civilization in Saharan Africa. Here is a video on this civilization:

I believe the Proto-Saharans who created the Maa Confederation built many pyramids in addition to the Niger Pyramid.




Google Proto-Saharans to find out more on this civilization.

Posted by IronLion (Member # 16412) on 20 April, 2012 05:59 AM:
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:

Originally posted by Medjay Commander:
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Niger Pyramid Predates Noah

The discovery of a pyramid and a sphinx in Niger lends support to my theory of an African dominion before the time of Noah (B.C. 2490-2415) under the control of Chadic and Kushite rulers. Cain, Seth and their wives were of the ruling houses of this ancient African civilization, as were Lamech the Elder and his son-in-law Methuselah.

The pyramid of Dan Baki is 4500 years old, about 1000 years older than the Giza Pyramids. It is in an advanced state of deterioration, but was not open when it was discovered by Nigerian Egyptologist Souley Garba.

Pyramid at Dan Baki

In February 2012, Garba announced his discovery of a pyramid in the village of Dan Baki, 20 km west of the city of Zinder and 2 km north of the village of Tirmini.

The pyramid contains more than 40,000 gold objects, according to Garba.

The Dan Baki pyramid has a twin nearby and appears to be part of a series of pyramids located in the region of Tanout. All the pyramids in the neighborhood appear to have remained sealed.

Garba explained that years of study of the hieroglyphic texts led him to the name of the village where he discovered the pyramid. He believes that the point of origin of humanity is in Niger. From there people spread into Chad, Nigeria, Sudan, Egypt, Yemen and Saudi Arabia. He has not attempted to explain the presence of more ancient monuments in Southern Africa, Turkey and China.

Study of the ancient hieroglyphic texts reveals a close affinity between Ancient Egyptian and Hausa. The names Tanout and Dar-Gaza constantly recur in the hieroglyphic texts that Garba studied. Dar-Gaza means "crown of God" and refers to the Sun. Gaza is a variant of Giza.

Hausa is in the Afro-Asiatic (or "Hamito-Semitic") language group. This group includes Akkadian, Ancient Egyptian, Arabic, Aramaic, Amharic, Babylonian, Chadic, Ethiopic, Hahm/Jaba, Hebrew, Phoenician, Sumerian and Ugartic. The diversity of this group is amazing! Chadic alone has 600 dialects.

Here is the Verification link

This one is in French in the Egypt News

The Pyramid of Niger:

Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on 20 April, 2012 06:40 AM:
Originally posted by IronLion:
The Pyramid of Niger:


Discovered in Niger by a series of pyramids and a sphinx older than the Egyptian pyramids ...
Posted by on March 29, 2012 jerrylux

This article is to take the conditional! I still have to verify that even the existence of the Egyptologist ... most of it looks at best to a tee ...

A Dan Baki, a village in Niger, about twenty kilometers from Zinder an extraordinary discovery was made by a specialist in Egyptology, Mr. Garba Souley.

There would have discovered a pyramid and a sphinx oldest Egyptian pyramids that ... That would mean that this pyramid would be back more than 12,000 years!

Not having found any trace of this discovery in African media I wonder why our Western media did not reveal the information. I will stay on my guard against this discovery until it has not been confirmed by a trustworthy authority.

According to this expert, the pyramid of Dan Baki predates the Egyptian pyramids. He also theorizes that the language of the ancient Egyptians would have been the Hausa language spoken today by 50 million people in West Africa. It also states that the hieroglyphics of the pyramid were written in Hausa. It is through this language that has been able to decipher and decode, after several years of research, the origin or the starting point of the ancient Egyptians.

Mr. Garba Souley, 29 February 2012, announced his discovery: a pyramid in the village of Dan Baki, 20 km from the city of Zinder. There would, he said, also a sphinx in front of this pyramid, a large lion lying down (if this is true we might be lucky enough to know that she was the face of the Sphinx at Giza before the transformations made by the Egyptians).

The Pyramid and the Sphinx would be connected, he said.

The pyramid discovery, never opened, contain more than 40,000 gold objects (I ask to see ...). This would mean tons of gold and rich astronomical invaluable for Niger and the world (praying that these objects if they are not looted by Nigerian authorities). This pyramid is one of the earliest of mankind. It would be in a state of advanced deterioration, said Master Souley Garba noted before that there is another twin pyramid next to the one he had just discovered. Even more incredible, he said that there would be a whole line of pyramids are located in the region of Tanout.

Master Souley Garba explains that the ancient Egyptians say "they appeared here" to "Dargaza" (Zinder) which means "the crown of God", that is to say, "God Sun" at the time the "bull". And their territory extends from Dargaza to the Red Sea via Egypt and Yemen today. It is well to find "the very key" to read hieroglyphics.

Read below, interview the researcher in Egyptology, Master Souley Garba, Niger with the newspaper Patriot'' 15''.

What is it exactly?
Master Souley GARBA: We just made the discovery of a pyramid in the Zinder region particularly in the village near Tambari Timini. It is 20 km west of Zinder. It is in this region that we have discovered a pyramid and a sphinx. The Sphinx is a kind of large statuette or if you want a large statue of lion. Then the sphinx that we look at the pyramid. The pyramid it is these kinds of pyramids that have some sort of circular stairs, just up the summit. So what is this discovery that we have just done.

THE PATRIOTE15: Congratulations, sir.

Master Souley GARBA: This is the result of our activities we have been carrying anyway 7années. And with a private institute of the United States of America in order to understand more about the Egyptian civilization which is not only of Egypt but now we know who is also to Niger.

THE PATRIOTE15: But master Souley; what guided you to this discovery?

Master Souley GARBA: So basically if you want the original or the main cause that led us to this discovery is a study we conducted for years and especially during seven years here based on the ancient hieroglyphic texts . The study of hieroglyphs allowed us to understand the language of the ancient Egyptians was the Hawsa. The hieroglyphic text has guided us and we understood that there are pyramids in the Zinder region. Now, certainly this is confirmed very clearly. So thanks to the hieroglyphics we could access the name of the village.

This is the village of Dan Baki, a village which lies about 2 km north of the village of Tirmini. We worked on an ancient hieroglyphic text that speaks mainly of Niger. According to this text, the current Egypt is just an extension, an outgrowth of the Republic of Niger. In the distant past, that is to say in ancient times, the Niger ruled Chad, Sudan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Yemen according to the teachings of the ancient Egyptian texts. This text where we found not only to understand the history of mankind qu'one unknown or deliberately hidden but it also explains that there are not only pyramids in Egypt. There are indeed pyramids in Niger.

THE PATRIOTE15: What about pyramids found in Niger in terms of seniority? The pyramid you discover in Zinder is it older or newer than those that are in Egypt?

Master Souley GARBA: great! The pyramid that we found in the region Tirmini indeed is much older than those in Egypt today. Because this one is already in advanced deterioration But it was not open. And all those that are there in the neighborhood retain their immense treasure. If the state gives us the archaeological excavation of the pyramid, we might find more than 40,000 objects Or A short distance from the pyramid there are the twin fields of the inhabitants.

THE PATRIOTE15 Master, then we say that there would be a field of pyramids in this region of Niger!

Master Souley GARBA: Yes indeed. There is a whole line of pyramids of the city of Zinder Tanout up. So he did as pyramids there.

THE PATRIOTE15: Master where did the Egyptians finally? They had migrated to Tanout Zinder Zinder to Tanout or to go up to Egypt?

Master Souley GARBA: Exactly according to the ancient hieroglyphic texts, the Egyptians were born or have appeared in Tanout and including DARGAZA and migrated to Egypt to Yemen and then present to the Red Sea. In the hieroglyphic texts, they speak their land or their territory as extending Tanout up the Red Sea. That is why there are pyramids from Tanout to the edge of the Nile. All this forms a line boat land dotted with pyramids.

THE PATRIOTE15: Is there Tanout in the name of the hieroglyphic text?

Master Souley GARBA: The name of Tanout is there and especially the name of DARGAZA recurs constantly in the hieroglyphic texts as the origin of ancient Egyptians. DARGAZA means "the crown of God" which they called "the Sun God"! And if you like the pyramids of Cairo in the region are called Guésah or Giza. There a relationship between Giza and DARGAZA. This is the same radical.

THE PATRIOTE15: What was the reaction of the Nigerian authorities at the time of this discovery?

Master Souley GARBA: The Prefect of Miriah M. Alatmo Gaskiya reacted very favorably. It is itself informed and mobilized the mayor has Tirmini went to see the site. The people came running to the site. The international and national media came. We thank the Nigerian authorities for their prompt response and the general public and other trades who visited the site (lawyers, journalists, teachers etc..).

THE PATRIOTE15: thank you master Souley GARBA and congratulations.

Souley GARBA master: It is I who thank you. Thank you to all your readers.

Interview by telephone live from Dan Baki (common Tirmini) by Moussa NAGANOU

Posted by IronLion (Member # 16412) on 20 April, 2012 10:29 AM:

These pyramids have been there for ages and could be seen from the air.

I travelled one afternoon between England and Nigeria by air and shed tears when I looked down at the Sahara desert and saw it lined for hour on end with ruins of cities, pyramids, forts...

I shed tears on realizing how they have undereducated and miseducated us in Africa. I cried also from the thrill of discovering that the centre of the universe is I as a muur, and that is all they are seeking to destroy.

From a position of an under-dog, I realized that I was the IronLion.

Now that knowledge and realization that is being made globally available, will make even many many more IronLions, as they realize that the tag of under-dog is merely a brain game...

The truth is out there in the Sahara desert, between Nigeria, Chad, and Niger. In the central Sudan and the Sahel.

Those brown children of the Muurs of America and Africa, mistakenly called the Blacks, they are the top dog. The earth belongs to them, and all its legacies as well.

Aluta Continua!
Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on 20 April, 2012 10:52 AM:
Ironlion you speak truth. The Europeans have the money and access to history and our artifacts.

Our fight to find these artifacts and make them known to the world. Europeans lie. You can never expect the average European to write our history.

We need more men like you to stand up and make a difference.

Posted by kikuyu22 (Member # 19561) on 20 April, 2012 10:53 AM:
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:

Originally posted by Medjay Commander:
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Niger Pyramid Predates Noah

The discovery of a pyramid and a sphinx in Niger lends support to my theory of an African dominion before the time of Noah (B.C. 2490-2415) under the control of Chadic and Kushite rulers. Cain, Seth and their wives were of the ruling houses of this ancient African civilization, as were Lamech the Elder and his son-in-law Methuselah.

The pyramid of Dan Baki is 4500 years old, about 1000 years older than the Giza Pyramids. It is in an advanced state of deterioration, but was not open when it was discovered by Nigerian Egyptologist Souley Garba.

Pyramid at Dan Baki

In February 2012, Garba announced his discovery of a pyramid in the village of Dan Baki, 20 km west of the city of Zinder and 2 km north of the village of Tirmini.

The pyramid contains more than 40,000 gold objects, according to Garba.

The Dan Baki pyramid has a twin nearby and appears to be part of a series of pyramids located in the region of Tanout. All the pyramids in the neighborhood appear to have remained sealed.

Garba explained that years of study of the hieroglyphic texts led him to the name of the village where he discovered the pyramid. He believes that the point of origin of humanity is in Niger. From there people spread into Chad, Nigeria, Sudan, Egypt, Yemen and Saudi Arabia. He has not attempted to explain the presence of more ancient monuments in Southern Africa, Turkey and China.

Study of the ancient hieroglyphic texts reveals a close affinity between Ancient Egyptian and Hausa. The names Tanout and Dar-Gaza constantly recur in the hieroglyphic texts that Garba studied. Dar-Gaza means "crown of God" and refers to the Sun. Gaza is a variant of Giza.

Hausa is in the Afro-Asiatic (or "Hamito-Semitic") language group. This group includes Akkadian, Ancient Egyptian, Arabic, Aramaic, Amharic, Babylonian, Chadic, Ethiopic, Hahm/Jaba, Hebrew, Phoenician, Sumerian and Ugartic. The diversity of this group is amazing! Chadic alone has 600 dialects.

Here is the Verification link

This one is in French in the Egypt News

You know this discovery could be the key to revealing even more forgotten cultures. I remember asking about W.African pyramids here:;f=15;t=005806;p=1#000000
Posted by the lioness (Member # 17353) on 20 April, 2012 01:01 PM:

Posted by Medjay Commander (Member # 17604) on 20 April, 2012 01:07 PM:
Originally posted by the lioness:


And just how are you sure of this?
Posted by asante-Korton (Member # 18532) on 20 April, 2012 01:08 PM:
are there any better photos?
Posted by Medjay Commander (Member # 17604) on 20 April, 2012 01:18 PM:
Originally posted by asante-Korton:
are there any better photos?

Actually I have seen one other and its not really any better, but to be honest there should be better ones. This picture was posted in the Egypt News site and on two other sites.
Posted by IronLion (Member # 16412) on 20 April, 2012 02:24 PM:
Originally posted by the lioness:


Jealous Skunt.... so very much like your Cagotic albino hater ancestors.

"The snake never fails to breed something long and scaly like itself." - Old Muurish Proverb

Albino snake:
Posted by Omo Baba (Member # 18816) on 20 April, 2012 03:56 PM:
Souley Garba is a Nigerien (from Niger Republic) NOT Nigerian egyptologist.





Souley Garba: We have just discovered a pyramid in the region of Zinder, specifically in the village of Tambari, near Tirmini. It is located 20 km west of Zinder. Precisely in this region we found a stepped pyramid and a sphinx. The latter is a sort of statue, or rather a large statue of a lion crouching. The sphinx has eyes facing the pyramid. The step pyramids are monuments that have a kind of circular stairs to the top. It is this, this is the discovery that we made.
Posted by the lioness (Member # 17353) on 20 April, 2012 04:22 PM:
a pyramid has four sides the above is a burial mound not a pyramid .Ancient burial mounds are found all over the world.
It's made of earth with some rocks put on top

"The pyramid contains more than 40,000 gold objects, according to Garba."

^^^ absolute nonsense

Nigerian Egyptologist Souley Garba.

^^^^ self declared "Egyptologist" with no degree in Egyptology from any university anywhere in the world.
The dating of this mound is completely made up.
You really think this guy is going to post this and it's just sitting there with 40,000 gold objects, unprotected?
Note: The first archaeological excavation where you know what's in it before it's excavated

This phoney baloney is not recognized by the Nigerian government, call

Federal Ministry of Science and Technology

feel free to contact:


My Nigerians always catching you Americans in a scam, lol, gullible
Posted by Omo Baba (Member # 18816) on 20 April, 2012 05:24 PM:
^First worthless devil, Souley Garba is a Nigerien as in Niger Republic NOT Nigerian.


Second calm your a$$ down and wait for more info.
Posted by Medjay Commander (Member # 17604) on 20 April, 2012 06:50 PM:
Originally posted by the lioness:
a pyramid has four sides the above is a burial mound not a pyramid .Ancient burial mounds are found all over the world.
It's made of earth with some rocks put on top

"The pyramid contains more than 40,000 gold objects, according to Garba."

^^^ absolute nonsense

Nigerian Egyptologist Souley Garba.

^^^^ self declared "Egyptologist" with no degree in Egyptology from any university anywhere in the world.
The dating of this mound is completely made up.
You really think this guy is going to post this and it's just sitting there with 40,000 gold objects, unprotected?
Note: The first archaeological excavation where you know what's in it before it's excavated

This phoney baloney is not recognized by the Nigerian government, call

Federal Ministry of Science and Technology

feel free to contact:


My Nigerians always catching you Americans in a scam, lol, gullible

[Confused] Yes, why are your feathers all ruffled so early, this information was brought here for investigation, not that it was set in stone.
Now from my understanding this structure have been known about for a short while now (according to Garba), but even I am curious to know why there is not any better photos of something so ground breaking. This is more or less a hurry up and wait situation for all of us seemly.
Posted by the lioness (Member # 17353) on 20 April, 2012 06:56 PM:
^^^ fair enough

^^^Niger website

however despite the site being in Niger

The Federal Ministry of Science and Technology in
Nigeria may have more info on it
Posted by Medjay Commander (Member # 17604) on 20 April, 2012 07:03 PM:
Originally posted by Omo Baba:
Souley Garba is a Nigerien (from Niger Republic) NOT Nigerian egyptologist.





Souley Garba: We have just discovered a pyramid in the region of Zinder, specifically in the village of Tambari, near Tirmini. It is located 20 km west of Zinder. Precisely in this region we found a stepped pyramid and a sphinx. The latter is a sort of statue, or rather a large statue of a lion crouching. The sphinx has eyes facing the pyramid. The step pyramids are monuments that have a kind of circular stairs to the top. It is this, this is the discovery that we made.

[Smile] Good find because I have been looking for something a little better than one I saw the first time, I saw the black and white one, but lost it and couldn't find it anymore. Well done!
Posted by typeZeiss (Member # 18859) on 20 April, 2012 07:36 PM:
Originally posted by the lioness:
a pyramid has four sides the above is a burial mound not a pyramid .Ancient burial mounds are found all over the world.
It's made of earth with some rocks put on top

"The pyramid contains more than 40,000 gold objects, according to Garba."

^^^ absolute nonsense

Nigerian Egyptologist Souley Garba.

^^^^ self declared "Egyptologist" with no degree in Egyptology from any university anywhere in the world.
The dating of this mound is completely made up.
You really think this guy is going to post this and it's just sitting there with 40,000 gold objects, unprotected?
Note: The first archaeological excavation where you know what's in it before it's excavated

This phoney baloney is not recognized by the Nigerian government, call

Federal Ministry of Science and Technology

feel free to contact:


My Nigerians always catching you Americans in a scam, lol, gullible

oh ho ho ho, you fail again. You are talking about Nigeria however the article is talking about Niger.

Nigeria is pronounced Nigh-Geer-E-Ya and the other is pronounced Knee-Jear (like bear but instead with a j in front). They are totally separate countries. One is francophone and the other is english speaking. Ohhhh dumb dumb, you never cease.
Posted by IronLion (Member # 16412) on 20 April, 2012 08:03 PM:
Originally posted by the lioness:
^^^ fair enough

^^^Niger website

however despite the site being in Niger

The Federal Ministry of Science and Technology in
Nigeria may have more info on it

Niger is not Nigeria. Two different countries... lol!

LOL! Dunce cat... [Big Grin]
Posted by IronLion (Member # 16412) on 20 April, 2012 08:08 PM:
Originally posted by Medjay Commander:
Originally posted by Omo Baba:
Souley Garba is a Nigerien (from Niger Republic) NOT Nigerian egyptologist.

Souley Garba: We have just discovered a pyramid in the region of Zinder, specifically in the village of Tambari, near Tirmini. It is located 20 km west of Zinder. Precisely in this region we found a stepped pyramid and a sphinx. The latter is a sort of statue, or rather a large statue of a lion crouching. The sphinx has eyes facing the pyramid. The step pyramids are monuments that have a kind of circular stairs to the top. It is this, this is the discovery that we made.

[Smile] Good find because I have been looking for something a little better than one I saw the first time, I saw the black and white one, but lost it and couldn't find it anymore. Well done!

Kano State became famous for its magnificent groundnut pyramids during Nigeria's period of agricultural boom in the early 1970s. The pyramids came about because licensed agents would go into the rural areas, buy up groundnut harvests and bring everything to Kano for eventual evacuation, by train, to the export facilities in Lagos.

Since there were more groundnuts than trains to carry them, a warehousing problem soon surfaced, hence the stacking up of groundnut sacks into skyscraping pyramids. So why did these iconic pyramids disappear or, better yet, what do their disappearance signify?

Kano state governor Ibrahim Shekarau thinks its simply demand finally catching up with supply:
You cannot see groundnut pyramids again as the demand for groundnut, which used to be minimal about 50 years ago, has increased,’’ he stressed...In those days, people did not have the capacity to process groundnut and had to sell to produce boards that exported them... Today, however, people have been empowered. You will even see women processing groundnut at their backyards to extract oil for other uses,” Shekarau said.
Some blame it on the discovery of oil in the 60s, which, according to this Daily Trust article, brought on an era of negligence in the Nigerian government and a host bad policies:
Since the discovery of oil, however, these pyramids gradually disappeared after deliberate government policies [e.g. taking the African Groundnut Council headquarters from Kano where groundnuts are produced and dumping it in Lagos where they are not] relegated the agricultural sector to the background. With time, these policies killed the production of groundnut and, before long, these famous pyramids disappeared and groundnut farming was reduced to the backyard. Only a few farmers continued with production of the once leading cash crop from Northern Nigeria.
Or it could also be blamed on the death of the country's railway system, suggests another article:

Take Kano State as an instance, where railway transport was key to its transformation as an economic hub in West Africa during the period of the agricultural boom. From over 50 coaches when it was commissioned in 1914, today the Kano Railway Station boasts of only two coaches that travel the Kano-Nguru rail, and the Kano-Port Harcourt rail line...
Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on 21 April, 2012 07:34 AM:


Niger Pyramid


Olmec Pyramid

Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on 23 April, 2012 07:15 AM:
Originally posted by zarahan- aka Enrique Cardova:
There is still a lot of heavy lifting to be done on
this alleged "theory." I wonder if it is another bogus strawman
put out by Eurocentrics so then they can turn around
and say "Afrocentrists" "believe" this and that
weird theory.. We've seen it all before.. Like the
reputed "black militants" that show up on assorted
blogs and web forums to spout the most extreme nonsense.
Only thing is they are usually entirely bogus..

What are these 'bogus theories' and 'extreme nonsense'? The number one theory considered bogus and nonsense by Eurocentrist is that ancient Egypt was a black civilization.

You maintain that Egypt was a black civilization. If we accept your views about what is verified research and bogus research we should reject everything you wrote, since Academe, including Keita claim the pre-Egyptians were black, but ancient Egypt was a mixed society.

Before you dismiss the research of Black scholars you should think about the research you promote yourself.

Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on 23 April, 2012 07:25 AM:

The Niger pyramid could be bogus, but it may also be true.

The idea that everything must be first presented by the Euro media and European academe (peer reviewed) journal for it to be acccepted as true by researchers suggest a victim of white supremacy.

The Mexicans claim the LaVenta mound is a pyramid


The Chinese also have pyramids


These pyramids are considered to be burial mounds. The pyramids at LaVenta and China appear to be similar to the pyramid recently found in Niger.

It is funny, that anything Europeans accept as ‘real’ is accepted as true, by negro and some afrocentric researchers while anything believed to be true by an African researcher is false until Europeans say it is true.

I have my questions about the find but I will run with it. You see that is the way research is something is confirmed until it is disconfirmed. If I am wrong so what.



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