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Posted by alTakruri (Member # 10195) on :
This condensed repainting of Lepsius' Denkmaeler Supplement plate 48 is an accurate
reproduction of what's in Ramses III tomb (KV 11). Many inaccurate claims have been
made about it. Below, in its entirety, is the original Denkmaeler Supplement plate.

Posted by alTakruri (Member # 10195) on :
Dear Paul,

Those figures in the Lepsius Erganzungsband, pl. 48 are actually not
Lepsius' work, but a re-edition done in 1913, as I showed in my article
in Egypt in Africa (Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 1997).
To make matters worse, the hieroglyph texts between these figures were
garbled. The original scenes both in Sety I's tomb and in Ramesses III's
tomb showed the Egyptians and the Kushites as distinctly different.
Also, the hieroglyphs on the real walls are distributed between each
of the four figures depicting each type. You can now view the real
photographs of both the Sety I and Ramesses III walls in Hornung's volumes
on the Valley of the Kings. I have been inside both tombs myself and have
seen these scenes and their texts, and on the basis of this, the depiction
in the Erganzungsband is not a real depiction of what is on the walls but
rather a pastische, arranged from Lepsius' notes and garbled in the
process. It is unfortunate that so many people have depended on this
depiction as reality, when a look at the walls in both tombs shows that
patently it is not reality.

Most sincerely,

Frank J. Yurco
University of Chicago

Posted by alTakruri (Member # 10195) on :
I'm not sure what the late Mr. Yurco was trying to pull off here.
Erganzungsband only means supplement and it contains artwork from
the very artists Lepsius commissioned in his lifetime. The pieces
are ones Lepsius himself didn't get to publish before his death.

There's no hieroglyphic "garbling" nor are the "Egyptians and
Kushites" on Ramesses III's tomb wall distinct in any way less
than a trained detailist would notice.

To that effect, I submit that the Book of Gates 4:5 scene 30 as
depicted in Rameses III tomb (KV11f), besides displaying not one
phenotypical distinguishing feature, has RT RMT and NHHSW dressed
precisely the same down to the minutest detail.

They only differ in that the RT RMT sport earrings and their fabric
kilt is form fitting. The NHHSW have nothing attached to their ears
and their fabric kilt is loose, hanging to the same level as the
skin kilt.

Yurco makes pretend he doesn't know Lepsius' artist was rendering
a condensation. He goes on about real walls real photos as if fake
walls and fake photos are all that were available before Hornung.

Yurco's poor recall of the KV11f scene, if indeed he ever entered
KV11f instead of KV11j, is no excuse for a professional to claim
Lepsius' artist's deliberate condensation amounts to no more than
"a pastische, arranged from Lepsius' notes and garbled in the process."

His statement "It is unfortunate that so many people have depended
on this depiction as reality, when a look at the walls in both tombs
shows that patently it is not reality."
is only applicable to himself
and what he's just written in his letter to Paul.

Forthcoming are further images to support every word of my assessment.
Posted by alTakruri (Member # 10195) on :
Lepsius' condensation (Denkmaeler Supplement plate 48) is indeed accurate
and authentic. I'm posting that whole plate where all can see it and also
another condensation of the same scene but from a different tomb in the
upper right half of the plate. That condensation is from KV8 (Merenptah's tomb).

Now for paintings from the Book of Gates the Gate of Teka Hra vignette 30
from three tombs of a few 19th and 20th dynasties pharaohs:

1) KV8 Merenptah (one of the ignored renditions
2) KV11 Rameses III (the controversial one
3) KV17f Seti I (the most famously reproduced one

Here are the two Denkmaeler supplement plate 48 condensations.

BG 4:5 scene 30 as in KV8 tomb of Merneptah (below, right half
BG 4:5 s30 as in KV11f tomb of Rameses III (above, whole register

Now here's the Denkmaeler plate 136ab as in KV17 tomb of Seti I
chamber F Book of Gates Gate of Teka Hra vignette 30 full repro

BTW - No one ever questioned the integrity of Lepsius' Denkmaeler art team
until blacks started referencing them. The Lepsius detractors are motivated
by racial bias.
Posted by alTakruri (Member # 10195) on :
In the supplied graphic the two guys on the left are not Sudani they are Egyptian.
This can be ascertained by the identifying mdw ntr symbol of the sitting ntr which
is rendered between them.

The sitting ntr (Gardiner's A40) is the determinative for superior people. If the
full scene were visible the symbols for R (a mouth) T (a tethering rope) and RMT
(a stylized kneeling man) would also be visible. See next post.

Posted by alTakruri (Member # 10195) on :
Here are all 4 of the men not just the rightmost 2 in the previous post.


In the above photo of the Valley of the Kings KV11
tomb of Rameses III (the controversial one), note
the mdw ntjr between the leftmost figures are the
alphabetic glyphs for
* R (a mouth) and
* T (a tow rope).

Between the two center figures is the triliteral
stylized glyph for
* RMT (man on one knee)

Between the two rightmost figures is the glyph determinitive for
* humans/a people/etc.

Unseen but to the right of the righmost figure are
three upright strokes signifying
* many/plural/etc.

Putting them together gives us
* rt RMT yw
literally "man men" and
best translated as "the best of humanity" but
more commonly as "man of men" or "men of men."

In the below photo (same provenance) of Nhhsw
we can only clearly see the first glyph of a bird
representing the letter N of the word Nhhsw.
Slightly legible are the
* hh twisted cord glyph and the
* s glyph that looks to us like a cane

Missing from the photo are the chick and three
upright strokes for plurality.

Posted by alTakruri (Member # 10195) on :
In conclusion I offer the following series of images
for scrutinization as to who has offered, to paraphrase
Yurco, what patently is not the reality of the tomb walls.

as in Valley of the Kings KV11 tomb of Rameses III
Fig 1. Condensations of KV8 & KV11 - repro Lepsius' team made somewhere between 1842 - 1859

Fig 2. Reworked KV11 condensation - after Lepsius/Sethe 1913

Fig 3. "Tjmhhw," Rt, "A3mw" - rearranged photo Hornung 1990 (Rt misidentified by Hornung as Nhhsw

Fig 4. Rt, "Tjmhhw," "A3mw" - photo Yurco 1996 after Hornung (Rt misidentified by Yurco as Nhhsw

Fig 5. Rt Rmtw - photo 1994 Ampim

Fig 6. Rt - photo Dzikowski (misidentified by Theban Mapping Project as a Nhhsy

Fig 7. Rt & Nhhsy - photos Ampim 1994

Fig 8. Nhhsw - photo Ampim 1994

Labeling of peoples follows that inscribed on the tomb wall.
Misidentifications are by those credited for their photos.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
Great thread.

It's important to understand the tactics used by Yurco et. al in mis-identifying.

They are quite intentional, they have to be, because they are very clever...and possibly could be catagorised as 'art fraud'.

It's important to grasp that the Yurco photos 'skip around' what is clearly photographed in figure 5 - the dark skinned peoples labeled Rm.t.

Photo 6 is purposefully too far to the left, so you can't see the label.

Photo 7 is too far to the right.

The others are pasted together to confuse the issue as much as possible.

And ES discussant recently observed:

Europeans are masters at destroying other peoples histories.
Posted by alTakruri (Member # 10195) on :
This is why familiarity with the actual hieroglyphic
text of BG 4:5 vg30 is so vital. Because the text
is a sacred document it never varies but is written
the same on every tomb wall or every sarcophagus
it appears.

The unitiated can easily be intimidated by "professionals'"
deliberate obfuscations empowered by their preset ethnic
notions re Egyptian vs Black African.

However in examining figure 6, for instance, we note the
wind catcher glyph above and to the far right of the man's

Being familiar with the text we know its part of the
sentence where the dead are reanimated. We can
now use any tomb wall painting, look for that glyph,
and see it always has Rt Rmt yw under it.

It always appears between the shoulders of the first
two Rt Rmt yw. And how do we know they indeed are
Rt Rmt yw? Because
  1. the glyphs for R and T are in between the first two men;
  2. the stylized glyph for RMT is in between the second and third man;
  3. the determinative glyph for a ntjr or exalted human is in between the third and fourth man;
  4. three upright strokes denoting plurality follows the fourth man.

If a simple layman like me can ascertain this then
surely highly trained professionals can too. So why
do they say otherwise? Look at the images below from
KV17 and KV11 where I invite anyone from anywhere,
professional or layman, to verify or disprove my
assessment as to why photo 6 is Rt Rmt yw and
not Nhhsw as the Theban Mapping Project interprets
quite contrary to what the AE's themselves wrote and drew.

Those "professionals" that are operating out of their
bias and prejudice are essentially saying "The ancient
Egyptians erred in depicting themselves in Ramesses
III's tomb as Black Africans indistinct from the Sudanis
to their south." Nonetheless that's exactly what the
ancient Egyptians did in this instance.


The Theban Mapping Project, in presenting that last
image out of its context and labelling it a Nubian or
a Kushite, is intentionally hiding the fact that in truth
the ancient Egyptians labelled him one of their own.

Why, oh why, did the Theban Mapping Project do that?
Really? Don't we all know? And don't some of us even agree?
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
We also learn something about the differnce between the transgressive mindset of modern Eurocentric scholarship, and the submissive mindedness of too many Blacks.

The submissive Black man agonizes in confusion over whether Blacks as and ethnonym even exists in ancient times, or were rather essentially 'recently invented' by their white mind-masters.

The transgressive minded Eurocentrist brazenly implies that the Ancient Egyptians erred in self definition! So the Eurocentrists takes it upon himself to cut and paste and chop the photos so as to correct their mistake!

You got a problem with that? [Big Grin]
Posted by Technical Anomaly (What Box) (Member # 10819) on :
Originally posted by rasol:
We also learn something about the differnce between the transgressive mindset of modern Eurocentric scholarship, and the submissive mindedness of too many Blacks.

The submissive Black man agonizes in confusion over whether Blacks as and ethnonym even exists in ancient times, or were rather essentially 'recently invented' by their white mind-masters.

The transgressive minded Eurocentrist brazenly implies that the Ancient Egyptians erred in self definition! So the Eurocentrists takes it upon himself to cut and paste and chop the photos so as to correct their mistake!

You got a problem with that? [Big Grin]

[Big Grin]
Posted by Wally (Member # 2936) on :
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
Posted by King_Scorpion (Member # 4818) on :
Originally posted by alTakruri:BTW - No one ever questioned the integrity of Lepsius' Denkmaeler art team
until blacks started referencing them. The Lepsius detractors are motivated
by racial bias.

That's what the root cause of all of this is...racial bias.
Posted by vidadavida (Member # 12945) on :

^^^Wally can you tell me which people these 7 and a half people are I know you can read glyphs but I can't [Frown]
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ AlTakruri just explained, or tried to explain they are two different scenes:

Condensations of KV8 & KV11

The simplist point to understand is that the figure(s) on the far left is labled as Ancient Egyptian, that Yurco [and his associates] knew this, and photographed it so as to hide the label.

All the other figures are also labeled as Aamu, Tamahou, and Nehesu.

And that you should know this is so, because the whole point of this religious text is to tell of the Ancient Egyptians and the 3 other peoples they knew who could acheive resurrection in the 'afterlife'.

Simpler still: Even if there was *no* label [and there is], the Egyptians in KV11 can only be the Black skinned man on the left.... and if you know the meaning of the text, there *must be* Egyptians in it, otherwise the scene makes no sense at all.

One of the subtler points made by AlTakruri is that there are some people the KM.t rm.t did not include in these scenes, apparently because they were 'souless' and so not even qualified for resurrection.... namely the Europeans [Greeks,etc.]
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
Originally posted by rasol:

The submissive Black man agonizes in confusion over whether Blacks as and ethnonym even exists in ancient times, or were rather essentially 'recently invented' by their white mind-masters.

The transgressive minded Eurocentrist brazenly implies that the Ancient Egyptians erred in self definition! So the Eurocentrists takes it upon himself to cut and paste and chop the photos so as to correct their mistake!...

[Embarrassed] Case in point of a mind totally twisted by this falsehood-- Mustafo.
Posted by vidadavida (Member # 12945) on :
Originally posted by rasol:
^ AlTakruri just explained, or tried to explain they are two different scenes:

Condensations of KV8 & KV11

The simplist point to understand is that the figure(s) on the far left is labled as Ancient Egyptian, that Yurco [and his associates] knew this, and photographed it so as to hide the label.

All the other figures are also labeled as Aamu, Tamahou, and Nehesu.

And that you should know this is so, because the whole point of this religious text is to tell of the Ancient Egyptians and the 3 other peoples they knew who could acheive resurrection in the 'afterlife'.

Simpler still: Even if there was *no* label [and there is], the Egyptians in KV11 can only be the Black skinned man on the left.... and if you know the meaning of the text, there *must be* Egyptians in it, otherwise the scene makes no sense at all.

One of the subtler points made by AlTakruri is that there are some people the KM.t rm.t did not include in these scenes, apparently because they were 'souless' and so not even qualified for resurrection.... namely the Europeans [Greeks,etc.]

Yes Alktruri has explained very well that the one of the left on the bottom is indeed an Egyptian and I agree.

I just wanted wally or someone to go from top left to right to bottom left to bottom right to tell me what the glyphs mean and what each image represents for each people even though you and he are saying they are two condensed pictures.

I am just curious to what each is that his all.
Posted by vidadavida (Member # 12945) on :
Whoa on the top Egyptian I blew it up and someone scribbled out the top glyph and the bottom glyph on the nubian on the top!!!

I want to know why the second from the left on the top is the same as second from left on the bottom when both images look so different?
Posted by Yom (Member # 11256) on :
I'm guessing because Aamu simply means an "Asiatic." It doesn't refer to a particualr ethnic group, but any foreigner from the east, basically.
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
^Ironically the Egyptians began using the term aamu to mean servant or slaves, since most of the said types of people came from Asia. Yet, for decades Eurocentrics have painted the portrait that blacks ("Nubians") were the slaves.
Posted by Technical Anomaly (What Box) (Member # 10819) on :
Originally posted by vidadavida:
Whoa on the top Egyptian I blew it up and someone scribbled out the top glyph and the bottom glyph on the nubian on the top!!!

I want to know why the second from the left on the top is the same as second from left on the bottom when

[Smile] Because they say it is.

Really, each group looks different from top to bottom.
both images look so different?
 -  -  -

Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
^Very light brown Africans. But still 'black' to the rest of the world except Musthavnobraino. [Wink]
Posted by alTakruri (Member # 10195) on :
The textual order of the "Herd of RA" in BG4:5 s30 is:
  1. RT RMT yw
  2. AAMW
  3. NHHSW
  4. TMHHW
This order can never change because the AE viewed
themselves as first among all humanity and because

The Ramses III painting is controversial in that
  1. the RT RMT yw and NHHSW do not differ
  2. by visuals, the AAMW and TMHHW have exchanged places.

Of the four tombs which I've seen the vignette,
only Ramses III's has these anomallies. This is
why many would discount its accuracy depicting
AEs and ASs without any significant distinction
because the men labeled AAMW look like the TMHHW
and the men labeled TMHHW resemble the AAMW in
Merneptah's, Seti I's, and Seti II's tombs.

I have seen no convincing explaining away of the
AAMW TMHHW switcheroo. But I do not think the one
mistake (intentional or not, and not corrected by
the AE painter's AE supervisor) has much if any
bearing on the nearly identical RT RMT yw and NHHSW.

By way of note this vignette was painted in twice
in Seti I's tomb. The version in KV17j has a hybrid
AAMW/TMHHW representative and the text mistakenly
jumps from the middle to the end of the passage in
the register where the four AAMW normally appear.

All in all, this may be a way of saying a black is
a black (whether from up Nile or down Nile) and a
red is a red (whether from the Levant or the Amenti).
Posted by Supercar (Member # 6477) on :
There are occasions when the southerners ["Nubians" to Eurocentric appellation] are depicted in the same tones as the Egyptians themselves, save for clothing styles of the loincloths; this was particularly frequent from the Old kingdom through to the Middle Kingdom, thence by the New Kingdom, they begin to appear in varying skin hue and more clothing styles. The interesting thing about the relief in question, in KV 11 of the Ramses III tomb, is the almost identical clothing styles along with identical physical appearance, but there can be no mistake about the appellations applied to each group, with each one having their own distinct ethnic terms. The rm.t km.t follow Heru as usual, which isn't the case with the Nehesu.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ up
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ Time for a refresher course for Amr1, courtesy alTakruri. [Smile]
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
^ But according to AMR, the picture is a fake. LOL [Big Grin]
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ A mark of a liar, is that they run away from the truth.

Amr1 doesn't dare show his face in this thread.
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
^ Rasol, you have NO idea!!! LOL [Big Grin]

I notice you don't have private messaging. Is there some way I can contact you because there is something hilarious I want to share with you.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
For humour's sake you can pm me.
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
Okay! [Big Grin]
Posted by astenb (Member # 14524) on :
Posted by the lion (Member # 17353) on :
Originally posted by alTakruri:
This condensed repainting of Lepsius' Denkmaeler Supplement plate 48 is an accurate
reproduction of what's in Ramses III tomb (KV 11). Many inaccurate claims have been
made about it. Below, in its entirety, is the original Denkmaeler Supplement plate.

_____________________1______2_____3________  -

alTakruri, you are saying the above is accurate. I want to understand what you are saying about it.
Speaking of the bottom picture there are seven large standing full head to toe figures. Let's discuss it like this.

1 2 3

4 5 6 7

Figures 3 , 4 and 6 all have a wide sash which goes across the chest diagonally. You seem to be saying that 4 and 6 are Egyptians not foreigner

Who is figure 1 ?

Posted by the lioness (Member # 17353) on :
Originally posted by alTakruri:

See the ES AE&E thread Yurco & Hornung vs. Ampim & Lepsius (Again?? Yes, again!)
and the TNV thread BG 4:5 vg30 as in KV11 tomb of Rameses III

While Hornung's arrangement of them is a distortion the photos themselves are authentic.

[QUOTE]Originally posted by dana marniche:  -
... why is [this] photo labeled "hornungdistortiongz4"? [Frown]

Originally posted by alTakruri:

Now here's the Denkmaeler plate 136ab as in KV17 tomb of Seti I
chamber F Book of Gates Gate of Teka Hra vignette 30 full repro

my descriptions added:

-2)Syrians(Asiatic)_____3)Nehesey (Kusites)________4)Libyans

The Denkmaeler plate above illustratirates the conventional arrangement for the Herd of Ra,
this version in the tomb of Seti I .

The sequence in proper orginal arragement clarifies issues in the photo excerpts of the similar scene depicted in Rameses III

KV17 tomb of Seti I, Book of Gates

Presenting all 4 "divisions" of the Herd of Ra
as follows
>> beginning with the bottom panel,
0) Horus leading the procession,

four of each
1) Egyptians
2) Syrians (Asiatcs)
-continuing to the top panel, two more Syrians to complete the four
3) Nehesey (Kushites, or if you prefer foreign blacks)
4) Libyans (feather on the head)

^^^^^ This establishes the proper sequence

Now we go to the Rameses photo below which uses only two figures of each type. Yet still it is in the same sequence as the Seti.
Egyptians are not shown but the rest of the seuence in both Seti I and Ramesses III are the same:

2) Syrians (Asiatcs)
3) Nehesey (Kushites)
4) Libyans

_____________SYRIANS_____________________NEHESEY (Kushites)____________________LIBYANS

Look at the illustration, note how each type is depicted.
Then look at the photo from Rameses III. Which type is missing?
Clearly it's the Egyptians. The four Egyptians in Seti 1 are dark brown.
The four "Nubians" (Kusihites if you prefer) are jet black and they have the typical leather belt/sash that ties around the waist and goes across the chest.

The two scenes correspond right? It's the traditional arragement right? Yes right.

The only problem is that thick headed literalists with an agenda have a problem with common sense. They have noiticed that the glyph in the photo next to the Nehesey (Kushite) is RMT a glyph usually reserved for Egyptians.
Well where are the Egyptians in the photo so we can compare?
They aren't in the photo. We only have a photo of three sets of two of the herd.

So how could this be? We had a full illustration of the Herd of Ra
that showed what the traditional order is supposed to be and the way Egyptian differentiated themselves from the Kushites
-yet the glyph in the photo seems to contradict this.
Well Hornung was no idiot. The figures in question are Kushites as llustated by their clothing, earrings and skin relatively darker in these types of scenes to Egyptians.
So why is this Ramesses III scene not conforming? What happened? The craftsmen made a mistake that's what happened. There are two different craftsman one who paints the figures, the other a scribe for the gylphs.
The scribe made a mistake.
Impossible! In a royal tomb ???
Yes it is possible and various errors in tomb paintings have been recorded, mistakes between the glyph and it's associated picture.
Before you say no, go and research what I'm saying - "mistakes in tomb paintings" "ancient Egypt"
Sometimes the scribe corrected a mistake by the painter and sometimes a painter corrected a mistake by the scribe.
And sometimes the error never got corrected as is the case here.
Keep in mind that tombs were sealed and there was no public around to notice any error.
This is the strongest theory in my opinion as to why labeling of these figures in this painting don't correspond to standard depictions of Egyptians yet do correspond to standard depictions of Kushites.
Perhaps if Hornung didn't mention the descrepancy with the glyph he should have. Did he? I don't know.
But by the same token people who know Egyptian art and proceedure should be honest enough to consider that the glyph may have been a mistake.
Why is this most likely possibility not mentioned? Because not to do so fits a racial agenda.
If I were writing a book about it I would explain the complete situation and say that the matter is uncertain. That is the only honest thing to do.

More confirmation?
This is also from Rameses III


Official caption:

Foreign prisoners of Ramesses III:
Libyan, Nubian, Syrian, Shasu Bedouin, and Hittite.

Notice the second figure "Nubian" (Kushite) if you prefer.
There is no controversy about this item. Everyone agrees that this second figure is not an Egyptian. Yet this figure matches
the type from photo ALSO from Rameses III mentioned earlier.
This is a foriegn prisoner. Yet the garb matches very closely in detail to the figure marked with a glyph thought to be attributed to Egyptians. Clearly on both sitautions we are dealing with Kushite clothing not Egyptian. The picture in this case speaking louder than word
Posted by alTakruri (Member # 10195) on :
Reposting from 05 April, 2007 01:07 AM

Originally posted by alTakruri:
The textual order of the "Herd of RA" in BG4:5 s30 is:
  1. RT RMT yw
  2. AAMW
  3. NHHSW
  4. TMHHW
This order can never change because the AE viewed
themselves as first among all humanity and because

The Ramses III painting is controversial in that
  1. the RT RMT yw and NHHSW do not differ
  2. by visuals, the AAMW and TMHHW have exchanged places.

Of the four tombs which I've seen the vignette,
only Ramses III's has these anomallies. This is
why many would discount its accuracy depicting
AEs and ASs without any significant distinction
because the men labeled AAMW look like the TMHHW
and the men labeled TMHHW resemble the AAMW in
Merneptah's, Seti I's, and Seti II's tombs.

I have seen no convincing explaining away of the
AAMW TMHHW switcheroo. But I do not think the one
mistake (intentional or not, and not corrected by
the AE painter's AE supervisor) has much if any
bearing on the nearly identical RT RMT yw and NHHSW.

By way of note this vignette was painted in twice
in Seti I's tomb. The version in KV17j has a hybrid
AAMW/TMHHW representative and the text mistakenly
jumps from the middle to the end of the passage in
the register where the four AAMW normally appear.

All in all, this may be a way of saying a black is
a black (whether from up Nile or down Nile) and a
red is a red (whether from the Levant or the Amenti).

Posted by alTakruri (Member # 10195) on :
Hornung's figure


remains a distortion for the reasons cited
1 - presenting only 3 of the 4 "divisions" of the Herd of Ra
2 - completely jumbling the order such that none are in their original position
3 - calling the middle two "Nubians" whereas the hieroglyphs read "Egyptian"
4 - not presenting any two men in the original art identified in hieroglyphic as "Nubian"

He should've presented all four divisions and left
them arranged as the AEs intended them to be shown
with all their discrepencies noted in my previous post.


As can be seen he could've picked men actually labeled
as NHHSW instead of using men labeled as RT RMT as Kushites.

As amateurish as it is, fortunately, Ampim published
honestly labeled photos of both the RT RMT and the NHHSW.


Posted by anguishofbeing (Member # 16736) on :
And Lioness' mulatto civilization is further jeopardized.
Posted by alTakruri (Member # 10195) on :
A Seti I's tomb painting and even the text of the
Herd of Ra scene present us with anomalies that
leave us wondering why they went uncorrected.

I know of no professional work explaining why the
RT RMT appear nearly identical to the NHHSW or why
the A3MW and TMHHW are apparently swapped out in
Ramses III or why the text and the hybrid A3MW-TMMHW


were never corrected in this Seti I rendition.

As I wrote before here all workers/craftsmen
occasionally make mistakes and sometimes their
supervisors, or quality control, overlook or don't
uncover them. The AEs, being human, can be no
different. Reading ensuing posts in the linked
thread shows there are those who believe the
AE artists and scribes were incapable of error

But before devolving my thread I please ask that
parties who just want to be provocative to start
their own thread to further discuss their views
as to why, thank you.
Posted by the lioness (Member # 17353) on :
if we look to the previous Rameses, Rameses II we get a picture of the relationship between Egyptians and Kushites at the time

Artists Illustration (Rosellini) of a scene in which
Ramesses II strikes a Nubian chief


Beit (Beyt) el-Wali, today, is located just south of the Aswan High Dam, very close to the Kalabsha Temple, making it easily a part of any tour that explores Nubia's monuments.
Beit el-Wali represents another of Ramesses II's Nubian monuments dedicated principally to Amun, together with other gods, that was carved from the sandstone hillside and is probably unique as the smallest of its gender.
Though the temple was altered during the Christian era, the brightly painted reliefs in the inner part of the temple are well preserved.
Originally, a pathway along both inside walls of the deep hall was roofed over with a vault, while the central portion of the this hall was left open to the sky. Here, the low reliefs are of considerable historic value because they provide depictions of the Syrian, Libyan (right wall), and Ramesses II's triumph over the Nubians (left wall). The scenes of the Nubian campaigns also depict several sons of Ramesses II engaged in battle, including Amunhershepeshef, the original crown prince, and Khaemwese, later famous as a High Priest of Ptah in Memphis near modern Cairo. However, at this time the older could not have been much older than eight, while Khaemwese was probably only about five, so in reality, while they may have accompanied their father on the Nubian campaigns, they could not have actually been evolved as warriors in the battles.

Ramesses II grasps the hair of a kneeling Syrian captive


Other illustrations by Ippolito Rosselino


Notice above the Nubian (Kushite)(Nehesy) figure bottom right, the glyph:

^^^^Nehesy indicated

To his left an Egyptian
Posted by alTakruri (Member # 10195) on :
You have nothing to add to this thread's subject
which is Ampim, Yurco, Hornung, and Lepsius and
their accuracy or inaccuracy in reproducing and
objectively writing details about BG 4:5 s30 in

It was noted four years ago that the KV workers
made errors with KV11f being one of them and I
am stating quite bluntly Diop's claim about s30
in KV11f is weak.

You have presented material about AE and AS and
their phenotypes and clothes before. I guess you
do it here instead of making your own thread is
because nobody gives a **** what you have to say.

Had you any confidence in yourself you'd make a
thread of your own and see who'd bother to follow
you. What's a matter you? Ain't got balls enough
to fend for yourself? Yeah, that's it. It's hard
out here for a pussy puss.
Posted by anguishofbeing (Member # 16736) on :
Lioness tries another diversion but fails to distract great jew. No way around this one Lioness.
Posted by the lioness (Member # 17353) on :
Come on alTack

I did have a thread on this and you know it, you should you posted in it !

Topic: "MURAL OF THE RACES" CORRECTED June;f=8;t=006797;p=2

You chimed in on that one.
Now I'm chiming on you.

I improved my argument since then.

I believe that Hornung had the order correct as per the last three of the four

2) Syrians (Asiatcs)
3) Nehesey (Kushites)
4) Libyans

when you apply this to the appearance of the figures with knowledge of Egyptian and Kushite clothing styles etc.
they are both constant with one another, The Rameses III matches the Seti I order.
The anomaly is one of the glyphs.
You brought this up again to dana as a "distortion"
I believe it is a correction rather of an obvious mistake by the Egyptians. Yes it may be sloppy that the book didn't record the situtation thoroughly.

An alternative explanation is that Egyptians who had recently subjugated the Nubians under Ramess II regarded them as RMT "Men above men" in some special class equal to themselves and above others of the herd.
The implication by accusing Hornung and co. of distortion gives the impression that this is the side you are taking even though you may claim that you point to what you see as sloppy scholarship rather than necessarily endorsing a Manu Ampim point of view.

Manu Ampim:
With the evidence of photographs #2-3, which undeniably show the Egyptians as black skinned and dressed identical to the other black Africans, now Yurco and company will have to think of more creative ways to mislead the public. Maybe they will now make other unsubstantiated claims and state that the well-trained ancient Egyptian royal artists had a lapse in memory, forgot their "real" racial identity, and thus made a major mistake in the Ramses III tomb!

^^^^ why would Egyptians be dressed identically to other Africans, in the context of so many other non-controversial depictions of this garb in detail clearly indicated as belonging to people indicated as Kushites ("Nubians")

Is there no clearer case of common sense over literalism ?

What I've contributed is that the Denkmaeler plate 136ab of Seti I, rather than showing an error by Yurco/Hornug shows the error of the Egyptian craftsman in Rameses III. As does the faince tile a connection I hadn't noticed before, the garb so closely matching.
I didn't think it was possible until I read that they did sometimes make errors.
The painting and caligraphy itself are not the finest examples, They are somewhat crude and more diagramtic than artistc.
The Pharoahs were probably more concerned with how much bling and portaits of themsleves were in the tombs.
For example look at how the orangeish background that the hieroglyphics are on, how they are inconsitent and awkward as to how they meet the tops of the figure's heads, this was not the best crew
Posted by alTakruri (Member # 10195) on :
^ Further evidence why no one takes your twisted
lies and half truths seriously. I leave it for the
more astute to unravel your loosely assembled
assorted distorted pastiche for themselves.

But perhaps you'd serve yourself best by
building up your referenced thread where
no one is following up on your "hypothesis."

Lord knows you've addled but not added to
anything researched and referenced here
and one has to wonder if even you have
the foggiest what you mean where you're
not plagiarizing me.
Posted by the lioness (Member # 17353) on :
alTakruri, despite what you think of me I think the following question is very relevant to this issue and it would benefit the readers for you to attempt to answer it. I don't know if you know the answer or not. Perhaps it has already been answered somewhere but I'm not sure about this.

Excerpt photo set from KV11, tomb of Ramesses III, Hornung


("A" "B" and C" not necessarily reflecting tomb sequence just random labeling of 3 divisions)

In the first of four problems you mentioned you said:

"Hornung's figure remains a distortion for the reasons cited
1 - presenting only 3 of the 4 "divisions" of the Herd of Ra"


QUESTION on the appearance of the missing set:

On the actual wall of KV11, Herd of Ra, is the missing set a set different looking in clothing from any of the 3 in the above photo, a clothing type not shown in the above photo at all?...
or is the missing set an additional set of 4 figures, all looking exactly the same of the type marked as "B" above ?
yet labeled differently ? I assume the later

thank you

Posted by alTakruri (Member # 10195) on :
It's a non-question undeserving of
answer since images of all four in
opening post 4 years ago at top, a
minute analysis of their very exact
similarities and few distinctions
also posted 4ya in the 3rd post of
this thread, and just yesterday the
juxtaposition of RT RMT and NHHSW
from Ampim's photos.

I cannot be responsible for anyones
failure to read and comprehend what
has gone on before or reply to inane
rhetorical questioning from attention

You really think so much of yourself?
Why not build up your own old thread

Please quit pestering me and go build
up your supposed "argument" in your
neglected thread where anyone who is
interested can entertain your "thoughts".

Not to be distracted by dissembling here is
again my recap prompted by Dana's question


Originally posted by dana marniche:
... why is [the below] photo labeled "hornungdistortiongz4"? [Frown]

Hornung's figure


remains a distortion for the reasons cited
1 - presenting only 3 of the 4 "divisions" of the Herd of Ra
2 - completely jumbling the order such that none are in their original position
3 - calling the middle two "Nubians" whereas the hieroglyphs read "Egyptian"
4 - not presenting any two men in the original art identified in hieroglyphic as "Nubian"

He should've presented all four divisions and left
them arranged as the AEs intended them to be shown
with all their discrepencies noted in my previous post.


As can be seen he could've picked men actually labeled
as NHHSW instead of using men labeled as RT RMT as Kushites.

As amateurish as it is, fortunately, Ampim published
honestly labeled photos of both the RT RMT and the NHHSW.

 -  -
Posted by Byron Bumper (Member # 19992) on :
Posted by africurious (Member # 19611) on :
Has this depiction of the lybians by lepsius been verified? I ask about the verification because
1.the black-skinned egyptians were questioned by many scholars but have been verified
2. most images of tomb paintings i've seen depict lybians as dark brown with black hair and i've seen some with what looks like very light brown (maybe yellowish?) skin.
3.I'm presuming it's this lepsius repro that led to scholars (maybe recent ones don't) saying the lybians were "indo-europeans" and white-skinned with fair hair.

Posted by the lioness (Member # 17353) on :
Originally posted by africurious:
Has this depiction of the lybians by lepsius been verified? I ask about the verification because
1.the black-skinned egyptians were questioned by many scholars but have been verified
2. most images of tomb paintings i've seen depict lybians as dark brown with black hair and i've seen some with what looks like very light brown (maybe yellowish?) skin.
3.I'm presuming it's this lepsius repro that led to scholars (maybe recent ones don't) saying the lybians were "indo-europeans" and white-skinned with fair hair.


Excerpt photo set from KV11, tomb of Ramesses III, Hornung



Inventory number JE 36457 A,B,D + 36597
Archaeological Site EL-`AMARNA/AKHETATEN
Category TILE
Material FAIENCE
Technique INLAY
Posted by africurious (Member # 19611) on :
^^How is that answering my question? None of what you posted is the same scene from the Lepsius repro. You like to post just for the sake of posting or just to troll.
Posted by -Just Call Me Jari- (Member # 14451) on :
The fact of the matter is it HAS NOT been varified, and is in fact the only Image of the Lybians depicted in such a way. Yet you will never hear or see Eurocentrics say a damn thing about this because the Lybians in that Image are white not black. Yet they flipped out over Ampim when he depicted a real verified work or art by the Egyptians.

As I said the Lybians were never depicted with fair skin and fair hair, all Eurocentrics have is some unverified cartoon.
Posted by alTakruri (Member # 10195) on :
Originally posted by africurious:

Has this depiction of the lybians by lepsius been verified? I ask about the verification because
1.the black-skinned egyptians were questioned by many scholars but have been verified
2. most images of tomb paintings i've seen depict lybians as dark brown with black hair and i've seen some with what looks like very light brown (maybe yellowish?) skin.
3.I'm presuming it's this lepsius repro that led to scholars (maybe recent ones don't) saying the lybians were "indo-europeans" and white-skinned with fair hair.


 -  -

The lightest Tjemehu were painted creamy colored
(peaches and creme / cafe au lait) and I have seen
no pink white skinned with blonde hair Tjemehu in
any ancient Egyptian art. The lightest their hair
ever gets painted is chestnut brown.

This is about all that's left today of the source.
As with many archaeology sites, Seti I's tomb has
deteriorated since first re-opened in the late 19th c.
and as with W African artifacts looting has occured.


Also, be aware that Lepsius published the black skinned Egyptians of Ramses III's BG 4.5.scene30

From Lepsius' Denkmaler Erganzungsband XLVIII. See the first post on page 1 of this thread for the full plate.

A precision to the opening post. The Ergzungsband is part of the original Denkmaler. It is not in that 1913
edition which has a poorer copy of pl.48c with less color detail used in Van Sertima and elsewhere.

Posted by the lioness (Member # 17353) on :
Originally posted by africurious:
^^How is that answering my question? None of what you posted is the same scene from the Lepsius repro. You like to post just for the sake of posting or just to troll.

I posted a tomb painting and a faience tile depicting Libyans. Looking at these depictions of Libyans what is your comment?
It would be resonable to assume Lepsius were looking at a similar item.(tawny beige/yellowish ) If somebody sees Libyans elsewhere that are light reddish brown it just means that not all Libyans looked the same (as today)
Posted by the lioness (Member # 17353) on :
"caucasian" arm ___________________"negro" arm

The Libyans were are breed called "split mulatto"
One side of their body was "Caucasoid" the other side "Negroid"

"the lioness"
Posted by africurious (Member # 19611) on :
Jari, your post is in line with my suspicions but I was looking for some specifics and more detail.
Thanks for providing those, takruri, especially the pics of the actual tomb painting from the repro.
Posted by the lioness (Member # 17353) on :
Originally posted by the lioness:
Originally posted by africurious:
[qb] ^^How is that answering my question? None of what you posted is the same scene from the Lepsius repro. You like to post just for the sake of posting or just to troll.

I posted a tomb painting and a faience tile (with link to global egyptian musem to verify) depicting Libyans. Looking at these depictions of Libyans what is your comment?

Posted by the lioness (Member # 17353) on :
 -  -

__________________________________________________________________^^^ top section of text
__________________________________________________________________scribbled out for some reason (appears this way in book)

probably damaged on wall
-what it was, assumed
also 2nd character 2nd figure, uncertain
Posted by Tukuler (Member # 19944) on :
BG 4:5 scene 30 as in KV8 tomb of Merneptah
BG 4:5 s30 as in KV11 tomb of Rameses III

Notice the first figure, the Egyptian, from both tombs
has the same Wesley Snipes looking face in profile.

Images posted in the TNV thread

BG 4:5 vg30 as in KV11 tomb of Rameses III

Not to be lured away by Lyin' Ass Phuckuptions from the one and only point,
Ampin & Lepsius = true
Egyptian and Nehesi almost exactly alike in Ramses III's tomb
Yurco & Hornung = lie from Sethe not from Lepsius, Egyptian and Kushite depicted distinctly

Posted by Tukuler (Member # 19944) on :
Originally posted by dana marniche:

BTW - a Charles Finch contacted me on the Africa resource forum and said he went to see the authentic portrayal of Libyan depicted in Lepsius canon. He said it was nothing like the original.

So what you have been trying to spread around the web is lies Lyin_ss. [Big Grin]

Dr. Finch wrote -
"Lepsius falsified the color of the Tamehou figure. I only know this because I actually went into the tomb of Rames III in 1995 – one of the few times it was open to the public – specifically to look at that Panel of Races. As is known, there are 4 racial types as depicted by Lepsius, but what is not known is that the Panel is reproduced 4 times with the same figures. I don’t know why. But that is not the issue; what is the issue is that the figure of the Tamehou in the tomb of Rameses III is NOT white, but a deep reddish brown, looking FOR ALL THE WORLD LIKE MASAI IN COLORING. One would ONLY know this by looking at the Panel ‘face-to-face’ inside the tomb. Again, Lepsius (c. 1844) – it must have been deliberate – depicted the Tamehou in the wrong color! To my disappointment, it was impossible to take a picture of this remarkable Panel. Cheikh Anta Diop obviously had never actually been inside the tomb of Rameses III, as so many have not, so took Lepsius’s depiction as authentic. I might add the Aamu, representing the Asiatics were ALSO depicted as a deep, reddish brown rather than the beige color represented by Lepsius. Lepsius’s version of the Panel is printed in color as a frontispiece to Van Sertima’s EGYPT REVISTED (1989/1991)." UNQUOTE!

Why am I astonished but not surprised?! Because I keep trying to give early European intelligensia the benefit of the doubt.

BUT ITS NOT WORKING! And I've been as brainwashed as everyone else because I can still hardly believe it!

Some confusion over Book of Gates scene 30 in Ramesses III
tomb may be due to confusion between its representation in
two separate chambers, one in chamber F and one in chamber
J if I'm not mistaken.

It may be true that in some cases Lepsius' artists
veered from the exact colors on the wall though off
hand I can't recall an instance now. In Plate 48 the
2nd and 4th groups are light, the 2nd slightly lighter
than the 4th. Photos seem to vouch for Lepsius' accuracy,
but then again on close inspection there does appear to be
some touchup in the photo or wash done on the tomb wall.

Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Move it up.
Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Move it up.
Posted by the lioness (Member # 17353) on :
Noticing some differences between the merenpath second glyph (?) and the Rameses second glyph (T rope). Not sure what this means:

 - __________________  -

 - __________  -
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
Originally posted by Tukuler:

Some confusion over Book of Gates scene 30 in Ramesses III
tomb may be due to confusion between its representation in
two separate chambers, one in chamber F and one in chamber
J if I'm not mistaken.

It may be true that in some cases Lepsius' artists
veered from the exact colors on the wall though off
hand I can't recall an instance now. In Plate 48 the
2nd and 4th groups are light, the 2nd slightly lighter
than the 4th. Photos seem to vouch for Lepsius' accuracy,
but then again on close inspection there does appear to be
some touchup in the photo or wash done on the tomb wall.


No surprise there.
Posted by Tukuler (Member # 19944) on :
Originally posted by the lioness:

Noticing some differences between the merenpath second glyph (?) and the Rameses second glyph (T rope). Not sure what this means:

As usual it means you have no idea what you're
talking about. You can't read the hieroglyphics
so please stop fronting your ignoramus' fraud.

What it means is quite obvious to the "wise."

 - ______  -

Both the mouth (r) and the tow rope (t) are
missing in Merenptah which also uses a less
stylized man/person (RMT) glyph than Ramesses.
Posted by Swenet (Member # 17303) on :
Originally posted by the lioness:
Noticing some differences between the merenpath second glyph (?) and the Rameses second glyph (T rope). Not sure what this means:

Its astonishing, that this b!tch just can't cope with the idea that Egyptians were depicted in this manner. It's mind boggling, how someone can be so terrified by the possibility, that the Egyptians actually did this, that they will desperately latch onto every oppertunity to descredit and falsify anything that hints at the Egyptians thinking of themselves as alligned with fellow black Africans.

Yes, if there is one thing one can say that has been consistent about Lioness, it is that she has always been uncomfortable with Ancient Egyptians saying they're unapologetically African. Her anxieties have also reared their ugly heads when the texts accompanying the images discussed here, were brought to her attention, and those who have seen her angsts come out when I included that text in my Youtube video, know this.

I can honestly and gladly say that I'm done going back and forth on this forum with those wackjobs. Should've made this decision a long time ago.
Posted by Tukuler (Member # 19944) on :
Originally posted by Djehuti:

Originally posted by Tukuler:

Some confusion over Book of Gates scene 30 in Ramesses III
tomb may be due to confusion between its representation in
two separate chambers, one in chamber F and one in chamber
J if I'm not mistaken.

It may be true that in some cases Lepsius' artists
veered from the exact colors on the wall
though off
hand I can't recall an instance now. In Plate 48 the
2nd and 4th groups are light, the 2nd slightly lighter
than the 4th. Photos seem to vouch for Lepsius' accuracy,
but then again on close inspection there does appear to be
some touchup in the photo or wash done on the tomb wall

No surprise there.
Photos Dr. Ben published in his 1981 revised and
enlarged edition of Black Man of the Nile and His
confirm light skinned A3mw and Tjemehhu
on Ramesses III's tomb wall.

Ampim who photographed at least the Egyptians and
a couple of Nehhesu from the same wall never said
anything about deep brown coloured Tjemehhu and

I don't know how to reconcile Finch's observation
other than what I proposed about another painting
elsewhere in the tomb.

Comparing photos by Dr. Ben (1981) Hornung (1990)
and GlowingImages (no date but as posted above)
shows patina(?) covering the wall and some of the
light coloured flesh of the Tjemehhu and A3mw
which seemingly negates wash.

Finch's comments presents a conundrum I can't resolve.

BTW - Lepsius' artists did lighten the colour of
sheikh Abisha in the famous painting of some A3mw
entering KM.t to merchandise eye makeup and what
have you.
Posted by the lioness (Member # 17353) on :
Originally posted by Tukuler:
Originally posted by the lioness:

Noticing some differences between the merenpath second glyph (?) and the Rameses second glyph (T rope). Not sure what this means:

As usual it means you have no idea what you're
talking about. You can't read the hieroglyphics
so please stop fronting your ignoramus' fraud.

What it means is quite obvious to the "wise."

 - ______  -

Both the mouth (r) and the tow rope (t) are
missing in Merenptah which also uses a less
stylized man/person (RMT) glyph than Ramesses.

you are well known for your snobby brow beating. A reasonable question should be respected. What is scribbled out in the Merenptah ( unintelligable probably due to decay on the original wall art) is probably where the mouth glyph was.
But I was wondering about this second glyph in particular

_________________second glyph  -



I know I'm not supposed to ask
1) what it means

and I realize these details are very upsetting and all, but I think we can handle it,
I was wondering why the rope wasn't used there and

2) what is the convention in similar scenes?

I need to be educated in this matter and I think only one or two people on this site that can answer these details.

__________________second glyph  -

Originally posted by Swenet:
hints at the Egyptians thinking of themselves as alligned with fellow black Africans.

The man above has Kushite clothing in particular. He should be looked at in the context of Kushite "Nubians" mentioned in Ramesses texts

some of these dictionaries show the two together meaning mankind, humanity


Seems to mean basically the same as the bottom figure alone ( on the actually tomb wall each glyph is separated however)
(answering me own question #1)

. Why the tow rope is used in one case and not the other I don't know
Posted by the lioness (Member # 17353) on :

what # is this in Gardiner?

It doesn't appear in this Seti illustration:

I was reading back and it seems that Tukuler thinks this:

is a more stylized man symbol, another version of this, the same thing as this:

I don't think it's the same thing at this point. I could be wrong. I'll call Wally on the cell
Posted by Tukuler (Member # 19944) on :
The Lyin' Ass Phuckuptions continue to no end.

It knows absolutely nothing about hieroglyphics
yet refuses to learn when being taught. Swenet
has posted the true motivation behind this latest
Lyin' Ass Phuckup. Snaky is indeed the proper nick
name or adjective for this snake in the grass M.O.
caring nothing about reading and understanding
hieroglyphics just looking to twist anything into
a denial of KM.t's Africanity and blackness, even
a point so weak as trying to make a Late Egyptic
glyph mean other than its Middle Egyptic predecessor.

No one cares what Lyin' Ass think it means. Folk
wants the facts about literate Egyptic ideographs
and they have been given the facts about RMT.

Lord help the unknowing but truly inquisitive
knowledge seekers who have to trod through
the mine field of Lyin' Ass Phuckuptions kitty litter
drivings to distraction and utter lunacy under the
guise of honest innocent questioning when after years
of its posts we know it's dishonest opinionated rhetoric.
Posted by Tukuler (Member # 19944) on :
Originally posted by the lioness:

Originally posted by the lioness:

Noticing some differences between the merenpath second glyph (?) and the Rameses second glyph (T rope). Not sure what this means:

A reasonable question should be respected.

I need to be educated in this matter and I think only one or two people on this site that can answer these details.

Education was given to all and rejected by Snaky.

There is no reasoning with a Lyin' Ass reptile
for whom questions are nothing but a pretense.

Let all who would enter into dialog be ware all your effort will eventually be met with inanity!

On her way to work one morning
Down the path along side the lake
A tender hearted woman saw
a poor half frozen snake
His pretty colored skin
had been all frosted with the dew
"Poor thing," she cried, "I'll take you in
and I'll take care of you"

"Take me in tender woman
Take me in, for heaven's sake
Take me in, tender woman," sighed the snake

She wrapped him all cozy
in a comforter of silk
And laid him by her fireside
with some honey and some milk
She hurried home from work that night
and soon as she arrived
She found that pretty snake
she'd taken to had revived

"Take me in, tender woman
Take me in, for heaven's sake
Take me in, tender woman," sighed the snake

She clutched him to her bosom,
"You're so beautiful," she cried
"But if I hadn't brought you in
by now you might have died"
She stroked his pretty skin again
and kissed and held him tight
Instead of saying thanks,
the snake gave her a vicious bite

"Take me in, tender woman
Take me in, for heaven's sake
Take me in, tender woman," sighed the snake

"I saved you," cried the woman
"And you've bitten me, but why?
You know your bite is poisonous
and now I'm going to die"
"Oh shut up, silly woman,"
said the reptile with a grin
"You knew damn well I was a snake
before you took me in

"Take me in, tender woman
Take me in, for heaven's sake
Take me in, tender woman," sighed the snake

Posted by the lioness (Member # 17353) on :
^^^^^^ fancy dance steps
Posted by the lioness (Member # 17353) on :
If anyone wants to look at what I'm talking about, see th link at the bottom of this post


1) scribble (wall decay-unreadable)

2) man ("kneeling man"-A1 Gardiner)

3) sitting deity figure

4) "a group of, many"
(three little upward strokes)



1) mouth (pointy almond shape)
2) tow rope (makes a narrow "c" shape with balls at the ends

3)  - what's this ???

4) sitting deity figure

5) "a group of, many" (three strokes)


Look at this


compare it to the various Gardiner translated glyphs for man:

^^^ every one of the man variations has a round head shape.
It doesn't look convincing to me as being A1 or one the varients.
It was either damaged on the wall or is some other glyph, perhaps one that is not even known.
Also look at the bent knee in these figures,
it projects on an angle outward from the figure.
The line in Ramesses 3) that is in a similar location leans inward

Before any one gets mad at me, just revisit what alTak said on the first page looking at the original:

Originally posted by alTakruri:
[QB] Here are all 4 of the men not just the rightmost 2 in the previous post.


In the above photo of the Valley of the Kings KV11
tomb of Rameses III (the controversial one), note
the mdw ntjr between the leftmost figures are the
alphabetic glyphs for
* R (a mouth) and
* T (a tow rope).

Between the two center figures is the triliteral
stylized glyph for
* RMT (man on one knee).....

Find me any Hieroglyphic dictionary that calls this RMT:


this is a man bent down?
the link again to the wiki page using Gardiner, one of the best:

Again, this time above the figures:


________  - .
Posted by Troll Patrol (Member # 18264) on :
The AE wrote in acronyms. [Embarrassed] [Wink] [Big Grin]
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
Originally posted by Tukuler:

The Lyin' Ass Phuckuptions continue to no end.

It knows absolutely nothing about hieroglyphics
yet refuses to learn when being taught. Swenet
has posted the true motivation behind this latest
Lyin' Ass Phuckup. Snaky is indeed the proper nick
name or adjective for this snake in the grass M.O.
caring nothing about reading and understanding
hieroglyphics just looking to twist anything into
a denial of KM.t's Africanity and blackness, even
a point so weak as trying to make a Late Egyptic
glyph mean other than its Middle Egyptic predecessor.

No one cares what Lyin' Ass think it means. Folk
wants the facts about literate Egyptic ideographs
and they have been given the facts about RMT.

Lord help the unknowing but truly inquisitive
knowledge seekers who have to trod through
the mine field of Lyin' Ass Phuckuptions kitty litter
drivings to distraction and utter lunacy under the
guise of honest innocent questioning when after years
of its posts we know it's dishonest opinionated rhetoric.

This pretty much sums it up. [Embarrassed]
Posted by the lioness (Member # 17353) on :
I have noticed another discrepancy

read this:

Originally posted by alTakruri:

I found the texts never varied from the strict order:

Rt Rmt - "center of it all;"
A3mw - peoples at the Rt Rmtyw's sunrise;
Nhhsw - peoples where the sun is at midday, i.e., south of the Rt Rmtyw;
Tmhhw - peoples toward the Rt Rmtyw's sunset.

The above rephrased:

The Herd of Ra, "table of nations" order :

0) Horus +

4 figures of each type, the following:

1) Egyptians

2) Syrio-Palestinians "Asiatics"

3) Kushites/Nubians

4) Libyans

now let's apply this order which Tukuler says in several posts always stays the same:

Denkmaeler plate 136ab as in KV17 tomb of Seti I
chamber F Book of Gates Gate of Teka Hra vignette 30 full repro

Horus, 4 Egyptians, 2 Syrians

2 more Syrians to complete the 4, 4 Kushites, 4 Libyans

Yes this is the same order.

Now we go to

BG 4:5 scene 30 as in KV8 tomb of Merneptah

Egyptian, Syrian, Kushite, Libyan

^^^this checks out also, again not problem with the order.

Now we come to the Ramesses III:

BG 4:5 s30 as in KV11 tomb of Rameses III

Look at this the order is off in more than one way:
Let's say the first figure you think is an Egyptian because of the gylph. O.K. fine, what is an Egyptian followed by in the order of the Herd of Ra which alTak says never varies? An Egyptian would be followed by a Syrian. But here the first figure is followed by a Libyan. Ok that's the first problem. How about a Libyan in the traditional order? In the traditional order what comes before a Libyan? -A Kushite comes before a Libyan and this first figure does dress like a Kushite, yet the glyph does not match.
Now we move ahead to the third figure, it's marked as Nhhsw aka Kushite/Nubian. What follows a Kushite? A Libyan does. Yet here he is followed by a Syrian. What comes before a Syrian in the traditional order? An Egyptian !
So of the two Kushite dressed figure that some people think is RMT is not even the one before the Syrian, the Kushite is the one before the Syrian.
So we see that on the same page in the book
where we have both the Merneptah and the Ramesses III the Mereneptah is in the correct order but the Ramesses is violating what alTakruri said was an unvarying strict order of the Herd of Ra aka "table of Nations" .

Either this order does vary
The illustration is correct for the Merneptah but incorrect for the Ramesses even though it's on the same page in the book
This illustration is a correct depiction of the order on the tomb wall but the original Egyptian artwork is in error (it happens)

And let's consider something else. The Herd of Ra is supposed to show four types the first being Egyptian. In this lower illustration from Ramesses III there is no figured dressed like an Egyptian.
Where is a figure dressed like an Egyptian?
You think the Egyptians were trying to show here that Kushites "Nubians" were like them? If so then why is there this third figure
with a glyph not representing Egyptians? Is there a pitch black figure here dressed like an Egyptian? No.
Posted by the lioness (Member # 17353) on :

According to world expert on heoroglyphics I consulted with AlTakruri is right, the above is the "stylized", cursive rather, version of A1 Gardiner "seated man".
Lioness productions was wrong on this one. Time to party


Gardiner A1 cursive version "seated" or "kneeling man"
Papyrus Ani


so here  - oddly
the cursive is used for man but the cursive version of Ptah (seated deity, god) is not used:


lioness self-debunk #3
Posted by Swenet (Member # 17303) on :
So we see that on the same page in the book
where we have both the Merneptah and the Ramesses III the Mereneptah is in the correct order but the Ramesses is violating what alTakruri said was an unvarying strict order of the Herd of Ra aka "table of Nations".

Posted by the lioness (Member # 17353) on :
Originally posted by Swenet:
So we see that on the same page in the book
where we have both the Merneptah and the Ramesses III the Mereneptah is in the correct order but the Ramesses is violating what alTakruri said was an unvarying strict order of the Herd of Ra aka "table of Nations".

you have mearly restated what I pointed out is a problem in the order of the herd on the condenstaion of the Ramesses III but not a problem in the Mereneptah which appears on the same page of the book.
The order is supposed to be
Kushite ,

The second figure for exmaple is unmistakeably Libyan but Libyans are supposed to be in the fourth position.

Why it isn't in this order I don't know
Posted by anguishofbeing (Member # 16736) on :
Originally posted by Swenet:
So we see that on the same page in the book
where we have both the Merneptah and the Ramesses III the Mereneptah is in the correct order but the Ramesses is violating what alTakruri said was an unvarying strict order of the Herd of Ra aka "table of Nations".

hehehehe funny.
Posted by Swenet (Member # 17303) on :
^Thats the only way I knew how to reply to someone who's systematically dumb enough to fail to understand that a reproduction that is meant to summerize, and give the gist of the otherwise repeated figures on the actual wall, cannot be treated as the wall decoration itself.

Originally posted by Tukuler:
just looking to twist anything into
a denial of KM.t's Africanity and blackness, even
a point so weak as trying to make a Late Egyptic
glyph mean other than its Middle Egyptic predecessor.

When we all thought it couldn't get any sillier, than attempting to use an abstract version of a glyph as ammunition against the widely accepted reading of 'ret na romé', she has outdone herself; she's now blundering horribly by failing to understand that one cannot treat a loose reproduction as the real thing.

That is like telling people there is something wrong with the world, because a map that was made in its likeness, isn't entirely identical.

Posted by Tukuler (Member # 19944) on :
Yeah, tell us about it. This slithering sidewinder
snake of a Lyin'Ass can only poison minds fool
hardy enough to breathe in its flatulence.

Now it's this warmed over "order" kitty litter, after
skin sloughing the epic fail inanity of "no such thing
as a stylized seated/kneeling man glyph."

The obtuseness is so thick it can't see my same order
observation pertains to text even though the word text
is right there in its out of context cut & paste of me.

Knowledge Seekers of course have read the first page
of this thread and know two things. One - the textual
order never varies. Two - the Ramesses III illustration
is a one off unrepeated in any other tomb. And if I may
add a Three - Seti I's tomb has a version with text
and illustration both seemingly in error.

Reposting from 05 April 2007:
This order can never change because the AE viewed
themselves as first among all humanity and because

The Ramses III painting is controversial in that
  1. the RT RMT yw and NHHSW do not differ
  2. by visuals, the AAMW and TMHHW have exchanged places.

Of the four tombs which I've seen the vignette,
only Ramses III's has these anomallies. This is
why many would discount its accuracy depicting
AEs and ASs without any significant distinction
because the men labeled AAMW look like the TMHHW
and the men labeled TMHHW resemble the AAMW in
Merneptah's, Seti I's, and Seti II's tombs.

I have seen no convincing explaining away of the
AAMW TMHHW switcheroo. But I do not think the one
mistake (intentional or not, and not corrected by
the AE painter's AE supervisor) has much if any
bearing on the nearly identical RT RMT yw and NHHSW.

By way of note this vignette was painted in twice
in Seti I's tomb. The version in KV17j has a hybrid
AAMW/TMHHW representative and the text mistakenly
jumps from the middle to the end of the passage in
the register where the four AAMW normally appear.

All in all, this may be a way of saying a black is
a black (whether from up Nile or down Nile) and a
red is a red (whether from the Levant or the Amenti).
Posted by Tukuler (Member # 19944) on :
Attitudes as to why everyone from the initial draughtsmen to the site
foreman may have let the nearly identical RT RMT yw -NHHSW slide by.

Chief Scribe Ramose an administrator at the village of the Valley of
the Kings workmen and his wife Mutemwia composed this prayer:

Pure speculation on my part and doesn't account for the Reds.
Posted by the lioness (Member # 17353) on :
Originally posted by Tukuler:

Knowledge Seekers of course have read the first page
of this thread and know two things. One - the textual
order never varies. Two - the Ramesses III illustration
is a one off unrepeated in any other tomb. And if I
may add a Three - Seti I's tomb has a version with
text and illustration both seemingly in error.

Reposting from 05 April 2007:
This order can never change because the AE viewed
themselves as first among all humanity and because

The Ramses III painting is controversial in that
  1. the RT RMT yw and NHHSW do not differ
  2. by visuals, the AAMW and TMHHW have exchanged places.

Of the four tombs which I've seen the vignette,
only Ramses III's has these anomallies. This is
why many would discount its accuracy depicting
AEs and ASs without any significant distinction
because the men labeled AAMW look like the TMHHW
and the men labeled TMHHW resemble the AAMW in
Merneptah's, Seti I's, and Seti II's tombs.

I have seen no convincing explaining away of the
AAMW TMHHW switcheroo. But I do not think the one
mistake (intentional or not, and not corrected by
the AE painter's AE supervisor) has much if any
bearing on the nearly identical RT RMT yw and NHHSW.

By way of note this vignette was painted in twice
in Seti I's tomb. The version in KV17j has a hybrid
AAMW/TMHHW representative and the text mistakenly
jumps from the middle to the end of the passage in
the register where the four AAMW normally appear.

^^^reasonable and honest account of the facts

Originally posted by Tukuler:

All in all, this may be a way of saying a black is
a black (whether from up Nile or down Nile) and a
red is a red (whether from the Levant or the Amenti).

This opinion assumes that the "Egyptians had a concept of race and held "blacks" as one race and "reds" as another race.
(So much for Libyans)
If, ignoring the military campaigns, the Egyptians wanted to make a show of racial unity between themselves and the Kushites they would have portrayed a jet black Egyptian in Egyptian clothes and show, as they already did, the Kushite as jet black in Kushite clothes.

I tell you what happened. They hired some Kushite contractors to do the painting and they had a little "fun" with it. They did it at the last minute before the tomb was sealed and got a little bit of revenge against Egyptian domination of Nubia.


the funny thing is

this is supposedly as per the Egyptians, a man of the red race:

and this is supposedly, as per the Egyptians, a man of the black race:
Posted by Swenet (Member # 17303) on :
Thanks, good to know.

1) Do the Egyptians appear similar to the Sudanese, in the kv17j chamber as well?
2) As you've suggested the 'mistakes' are unlikely to have been unintentional, as they always happen in the compatible manner; Egyptians grouped with Sudanese and Asiatics with Libyans. We don't see Book of gates versions with Sudanese wearing Asiatic tunics, or Egyptians in Libyan morphology.

And if I may
add a Three - Seti I's tomb has a version with text and illustration both seemingly in error.

Of course, the Lioness would never harp on other mixed up reproductions or actual tomb paintings that appear 'out of order', and we all know why. In her mind, there is nothing wrong, unless the Egyptian figures don't conform to her notion of the Egyptians being 'mulattoes', relative to the Sudanese representatives:

Posted by Tukuler (Member # 19944) on :
For those who may be new to this and missed the
development of this issue since November 2004
when I first began presenting it here.

Originally posted by alTakruri on October 04, 2006:

Transliteration and translation of the 1st 5 columns
of the Book of Gates the Gate of Teka Hra vignette 30

CAPS = multi-literal phonogram; 
: = determinative;
[] = unvoiced phonetic compliment;
. = suffix

Col1: ĺ-n                HRW   n    nn.[n-n]
Says(interogative) Heru to these:
Col2: [HHQ3].`a-w-t.plural RA
"Herds (of) Ra
Col3: ĺ-m.w:plural DWA.t:pr
Dwellers (in) netherworld.
Col4: KM[m].t:nwt d-sh-r.t:nwt AKH
Black community. Red community.
Col5: [kh]:scroll n th-n:plural HQA.w:plural RA
Beatification to ye subjects (of) Ra!



The "four types" -- or better, the "subjects of Ra" -- scene depicts the sun in
the 5th night hour with Heru addressing the dead. He verbally divides them
into the blacks (Nile Valley folk, i.e., Egyptians and Nehesis) under his protection,
and the reds (folk dwelling east or west of the Nile) under Sekhet's protection.

Heru is addressing all four types, first with a general intro
to the entire party of the afterlife dead (who died that day) still
in their shrouds. He "beatifies" them, reanimates them with
"spirit" (breath/wind), and releases them from their shrouds.
Then after all that he addresses each group in turn speaking
of the origins of their creation and assigning their "patron" deity.
First the RT RMTW and then in from sunrise to sunset order the

The NWT ideogram means neither people nor land. This has
been explained a few times already and there's a post in the
archive with the subject header "KMT NWT" detailing this. The
glyph depicts a crossroads indicating a village or city, i.e. a
settlement or habitation. thus the use of it to mean community
in its broad application for the corpus of the dead. It always
appears as the determinative following the name of a city.
There are other ideograms for land terms (KM.T + N18 and
DSHR.T + N25) for instance. That's why I reject NWT's use
in this text as "land."

Now if one wants to take black as meaning literal black skin, then
go ahead. I recognize a range of skin tones among blacks and
also recognize the difference as used in Africa between blacks
and reds, both of whom may be African, and blacks and reds
where reds means coloureds and whites. As an example, in
medieval Arab writings they class themselves as reds in
distinction to black Africans of Biled es Sudan but as blacks
in distinction to red/white Eurasians like Persians, Slavs, etc.

So, in this sacred text is another example of dshr.t
not being applied to any desert or even any outland.

In scene 30 Horus establishes the blacks and the
reds as two communities not races, a concept not
introduced until the birth of anthropology in the
18th century in expansionist Europe.

Inscene 30 Heru states that the blacks are the
creations of his or Re's tears/semen and under
his patronage whereas the reds have Sekhmet as
their patron.

The blacks are the RT RMT yw and the NHHSW Nile dwellers.
The reds are the A3MW and TMHHW of the adjoining deserts.

But all this is offtopic as it has nothing to do
with Yurco & Hornung vs. Ampim & Lepsius. The
poisonous reptile is hijacking my thread because
no one took interest in Lyin' Ass's own thread on
Ramesses III's scene 30.

Snaky can't build its own thread so seeks to infect
mine with phuckup after phuckup because no moderator.

Whoever wants to can discern between Snaky's venomous
phuckups and facts by GOOGLING
altakruri teka hra
altakruri BG 4:5 30
for factual matter on the scene itself in distinction
to the lies Yurco, Hornung, and Weeks' Theban Mapping
Project spread about the veracity of what's on the
walls of Ramesses III's tomb.
Posted by the lioness (Member # 17353) on :
^^^actually this is in order, somebody just reversed it, in the exact proper sequence but backwards. It is a condensation from the Seti I already mentioned


Posted by the lioness (Member # 17353) on :
Originally posted by alTakruri:
Praise God I did manage to transfer it.
Here it is sans the transliteration.


My apologies to Arara Sabalu who asked
for this in The Herd of Ra thread on ESR
where there's a novel alternate translation
by one Etile (hyperlink)

This translation supercedes my previous
, is tentative, not literal, rather
designed for 21st century understandings.

come on my G's this thread was dead until Clyde moved it up
Posted by the lioness (Member # 17353) on :
Originally posted by Tukuler:
For those who may be new to this and missed the
development of this issue since November 2004
when I first began presenting it here.

In scene 30 Horus establishes the blacks and the
reds as two communities not races, a concept not
introduced until the birth of anthropology in the
18th century in expansionist Europe.

Inscene 30 Heru states that the blacks are the
creations of his or Re's tears/semen and under
his patronage whereas the reds have Sekhmet as
their patron.

The blacks are the RT RMT yw and the NHHSW Nile dwellers.
The reds are the A3MW and TMHHW of the adjoining deserts.

essential question:

what are the colors black and red describing specifically?

Originally posted by Tukuler:

Whoever wants to can discern between Snaky's venomous
phuckups and facts by GOOGLING
altakruri teka hra
altakruri BG 4:5 30
for factual matter on the scene itself in distinction
to the lies Yurco, Hornung, and Weeks' Theban Mapping
Project spread about the veracity of what's on the
walls of Ramesses III's tomb.

What these men apparently did was notice the anomoly and choose not to show it. They took it upon themselves to "correct" the presentation by omission. That was wrong, they should have presented the whole of what is in this tomb and then comment. They did not, they just concealed things
Posted by Tukuler (Member # 19944) on :
Essentially complete does not equal dead.

No thread runs on and on forever.

Idle rambling is not reviving.

Going off topic added no value to thread

Was best left where it was.

Bump ups are fine.

Added value on-topic posts are finer.

Only those truly capable can add value.

Originally posted by the lioness:
come on my G's this thread was dead until Clyde moved it up

Lyin' Ass has no one to talk to and so disrupts threads with the malevolence of a snake, phucking
up just to phuck up.

Please revive your own damn inactive thread will ya please? I mean if YOU even know where it is [Razz]
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
^ The only thing 'dead' about this thread is the lyinass's brain. [Embarrassed]
Posted by anguishofbeing (Member # 16736) on :
And your one-time love affair with Yurco. lol
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
^ What makes you think I had a "love affair" with Yurco just because I cited him in the past and will continue to do so in regards to his accurate writings on the Egyptians?? Yurco is not the only one by the way, as there are other Egyptologists like Redford for example which I and others on this board cited in regards to the accurate aspects of their work despite whatever flaws or biases they have expressed in other works.

You see unlike YOU, it's not the actual person I look to but rather his WORK or SCHOLARSHIP. People including scholars are not perfect. They have their flaws and definitely they have their biases. Whatever accuracies they have in their work, I support. Whatever inaccuracies they have I point out just like others in this board do.

But of course YOU don't understand since you always have take things personally especially when it comes to j-e-w-s. [Wink]
Posted by anguishofbeing (Member # 16736) on :
Yeh, I know Yurco isn't the only racist you fools like to cite, recall your other fav. Sforza who's into "Forest Negros" and claims Khoisan are "Caucasian" mixed and what not. lol
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
^ And obviously again my post about throwing out the baby with the bath water went straight over your imbecilic mind. Despite whatever racism the scholars are guilty of, that in no way negates some of their work. Sforza for example may have been wrong about many things, but his findings that Europeans are 1/3 African is well substantiated and supported by many others including black scholar Keita.

We all know you're just upset that a third of your Euro people have black ancestry. [Embarrassed]
Posted by anguishofbeing (Member # 16736) on :
Keita never agreed with Sforza that Europeans are 1/3 pygmies. Don't be a fool. [Roll Eyes]
Posted by dana marniche (Member # 13149) on :
Originally posted by Swenet:
Thanks, good to know.

1) Do the Egyptians appear similar to the Sudanese, in the kv17j chamber as well?
2) As you've suggested the 'mistakes' are unlikely to have been unintentional, as they always happen in the compatible manner; Egyptians grouped with Sudanese and Asiatics with Libyans. We don't see Book of gates versions with Sudanese wearing Asiatic tunics, or Egyptians in Libyan morphology.

And if I may
add a Three - Seti I's tomb has a version with text and illustration both seemingly in error.

Of course, the Lioness would never harp on other mixed up reproductions or actual tomb paintings that appear 'out of order', and we all know why. In her mind, there is nothing wrong, unless the Egyptian figures don't conform to her notion of the Egyptians being 'mulattoes', relative to the Sudanese representatives:


Again -Why would Charles Finch state that he saw the real portrayals and that the Libyans were not depicted creamy, but dark African brown.

He wrote -
"... I cannot agree now with Wayne Chandler’s disavowal of your characterization of the Tamehou. Much of his refutation seems based on the illustration Panel of Races published by Lepsius in the Denkmaler and reproduced by Cheikh Anta Diop. In that illustration, the Tamehou are painted white – really a kind of beige color – which would seem to be the end of the discussion. Except for one thing: Lepsius FALSIFIED the color of the Tamehou figure. I only know this because I actually went into the tomb of Rames III in 1995 – one of the few times it was open to the public – specifically to look at that Panel of Races. As is known, there are 4 racial types as depicted by Lepsius, but what is not known is that the Panel is reproduced 4 times with the same figures. I don’t know why. But that is not the issue; what is the issue is that the figure of the Tamehou in the tomb of Rameses III is NOT white, but a deep reddish brown, LOOKING FOR ALL THE WORLD LIKE A MASAI IN COLORING. One would ONLY know this by looking at the Panel ‘face-to-face’ inside the tomb. Again, Lepsius (c. 1844) – it must have been deliberate – depicted the Tamehou in the wrong color! "

Apparently this creamy depiction of ancient Libyan Tamehou from that tomb by Richard Lepsius does not exist in the real world.

This argument is thus null- and- void, is it not!
Posted by the lioness (Member # 17353) on :
Originally posted by dana marniche:

Apparently this creamy depiction of ancient Libyan Tamehou from that tomb by Richard Lepsius does not exist in the real world.

This argument is thus null- and- void, is it not! [/QB]

dana, why are you still focusing on Lepsius when there is an actual photo of both Libyans and Syrians on the tomb wall posted by alTak near to the top of this page?

detail (one figure):

got any other hearsay?
Posted by anguishofbeing (Member # 16736) on :
i heard six million jews died in nazi gas chambers during ww2.
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
^ Yes and what you heard is based on actual evidence which you don't like because you have an irrational fear and hatred of Jews...
Originally posted by anguishofbeingjewfrightened:

Keita never agreed with Sforza that Europeans are 1/3 pygmies. Don't be a fool. [Roll Eyes]

LOL Your attempt at distortion is a joke. Actually Keita agrees that the percentage of AFRICAN (not Pygmy) lineages in Europe reach about a third. I know this pains your European ass but I don't care.
Posted by anguishofbeing (Member # 16736) on :
LOL! Unsubstantiated rubbish. Look, stop polluting this thread with your nonsense. This is my final reply to you troll.
Posted by dana marniche (Member # 13149) on :
Originally posted by Tukuler:
Originally posted by dana marniche:

BTW - a Charles Finch contacted me on the Africa resource forum and said he went to see the authentic portrayal of Libyan depicted in Lepsius canon. He said it was nothing like the original.

So what you have been trying to spread around the web is lies Lyin_ss. [Big Grin]

Dr. Finch wrote -
"Lepsius falsified the color of the Tamehou figure. I only know this because I actually went into the tomb of Rames III in 1995 – one of the few times it was open to the public – specifically to look at that Panel of Races. As is known, there are 4 racial types as depicted by Lepsius, but what is not known is that the Panel is reproduced 4 times with the same figures. I don’t know why. But that is not the issue; what is the issue is that the figure of the Tamehou in the tomb of Rameses III is NOT white, but a deep reddish brown, looking FOR ALL THE WORLD LIKE MASAI IN COLORING. One would ONLY know this by looking at the Panel ‘face-to-face’ inside the tomb. Again, Lepsius (c. 1844) – it must have been deliberate – depicted the Tamehou in the wrong color! To my disappointment, it was impossible to take a picture of this remarkable Panel. Cheikh Anta Diop obviously had never actually been inside the tomb of Rameses III, as so many have not, so took Lepsius’s depiction as authentic. I might add the Aamu, representing the Asiatics were ALSO depicted as a deep, reddish brown rather than the beige color represented by Lepsius. Lepsius’s version of the Panel is printed in color as a frontispiece to Van Sertima’s EGYPT REVISTED (1989/1991)." UNQUOTE!

Why am I astonished but not surprised?! Because I keep trying to give early European intelligensia the benefit of the doubt.

BUT ITS NOT WORKING! And I've been as brainwashed as everyone else because I can still hardly believe it!

Some confusion over Book of Gates scene 30 in Ramesses III
tomb may be due to confusion between its representation in
two separate chambers, one in chamber F and one in chamber
J if I'm not mistaken.

It may be true that in some cases Lepsius' artists
veered from the exact colors on the wall though off
hand I can't recall an instance now.


Yes - so now i or rather the public needs to be made aware which of the Libyans are dark Maasai colored since it is obviously not clear from any of the renditions presented here. [Confused]

The Aamu also do not look reddish brown.

I know one thing when and if this tomb is ever opened they better not have repainted them.
Posted by dana marniche (Member # 13149) on :
Originally posted by the lioness:
Originally posted by dana marniche:

Apparently this creamy depiction of ancient Libyan Tamehou from that tomb by Richard Lepsius does not exist in the real world.

This argument is thus null- and- void, is it not!

dana, why are you still focusing on Lepsius when there is an actual photo of both Libyans and Syrians on the tomb wall posted by alTak near to the top of this page?

detail (one figure):

got any other hearsay? [/QB]

You are true hearsay, two-headed SNAKE. I for one will never forget that when I first looked at your profile it said Sweden at the bottom Your Lyin_ss.

Please stop using a black woman from your avatar. I must admit u could teach Broomhagatha's website a thing or two about diabolicality.

You've done the most to harm the straightening out of history of Africa's early Berbers and Egyptians by making African and other people think your 70 different colored renditions you've posted of Libyans from Lepsius' canon are real. i don't see the Maasai colored Libyans that Dr. Finch saw in the tomb and until I have an appropriate explanation for why I do not, I will have to assume there is some deliberate misrepresentation. if that means somebody has to find a way to take pictures of Libyans and Aamu in the tomb or tombs than so be it.

Boy, was I a pushover. [Frown]

But I need to thank u because, now everyone can know about the likelihood such paintings were never in existence. [Wink] [Big Grin]
Posted by the lioness (Member # 17353) on :
Originally posted by dana marniche:
I for one will never forget that when I first looked at your profile it said Sweden at the bottom Your Lyin_ss.

My profile never listed location. Now either you are outright lying or you are imagining things again. I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt that once again you are hallucinating what you want to see. (paranoia setting in)
I have never been to Sweden missy. However I hate to inform you there are brothas and sistahs in Sweden:

^^^these are my Stockholmies

Originally posted by dana marniche:

You've done the most to harm the straightening out of history of Africa's early Berbers and Egyptians by making African and other people think your 70 different colored renditions you've posted of Libyans from Lepsius' canon are real.


stop the nonsense the above is not the Lepsius'.
The Lepsius are illustrations. The above is a photo of the tomb wall. It is a detail of a photo originally posted by alTakruri.
He has also posted the Lepsius illustrations in numerous other threads. Also keep in mind the title of this thread Yurco & Hornung vs. Ampim & Lepsius
Yurco and Hornung are the bad guys and Lepsius and Manu Ampim are the good guys according to this thread's topic. In fact it was Diop in Civilization or Barbarism who made the Lepsius illustrations so popular -and he was trying to say they were pointing to the truth.
In fact have a look at the numerous references to Libyans in The African Origin of Civilization by Diop and get back to me.

Originally posted by alTakruri:
Lepsius' condensation (Denkmaeler Supplement plate 48) is indeed accurate
and authentic. I'm posting that whole plate where all can see it and also
another condensation of the same scene but from a different tomb in the
upper right half of the plate. That condensation is from KV8 (Merenptah's tomb).

Originally posted by dana marniche:

i don't see the Maasai colored Libyans that Dr. Finch saw in the tomb and until I have an appropriate explanation for why I do not, I will have to assume there is some deliberate misrepresentation. if that means somebody has to find a way to take pictures of Libyans and Aamu in the tomb or tombs than so be it.

Boy, was I a pushover. [Frown]

But I need to thank u because, now everyone can know about the likelihood such paintings were never in existence. [Wink] [Big Grin]

dana, relax for a moment.
Ancient Libya in the time of Dynastic Egypt was comprised of several different tribes.

For example we notcie two differnt types of Libyans depicted in the Egyptian art:

1) the two first images are Libyans with the two crossing bands across the bare chest.
They have long hair and no sidelock. They are sometimes depicted with reddish brown brick-like skin tones

1) Libyans type 1

__________________________  -


2) below are Libyans with the distinctive side lock (some Egyptians also wore a wider varient of the side lock)
These Libyans have a long gown type garment and do not have the two crossing bands acoss a bare chest as in type 1.
The also tend to be depicted with lighter skin sometimes yellowish or tawny. Two feathers are often worn at the top of the head. In the tomb of Ramesess III these are left out in order to to display text.
These are also the type of Libyans often seen in battle scenes with the Egyptians, the feather heads with side lock

Libyans type 2

Originally posted by Tukuler aka alTakruri (detail from larger version)


 - [/QB]

Posted by Troll Patrol (Member # 18264) on :

Posted by the lioness (Member # 17353) on :
Originally posted by Troll Patty:

^^^ Here's another variation. Sidelock hair Libyan with reddish brown skin tone

Posted by zarahan- aka Enrique Cardova (Member # 15718) on :
Originally posted by dana marniche:
Originally posted by the lioness:
[QUOTE]dana, why are you still focusing on Lepsius when there is an actual photo of both Libyans and Syrians on the tomb wall posted by alTak near to the top of this page?

got any other hearsay?

You are true hearsay, two-headed SNAKE. I for one will never forget that when I first looked at your profile it said Sweden at the bottom Your Lyin_ss.

Please stop using a black woman from your avatar. I must admit u could teach Broomhagatha's website a thing or two about diabolicality.

You've done the most to harm the straightening out of history of Africa's early Berbers and Egyptians by making African and other people think your 70 different colored renditions you've posted of Libyans from Lepsius' canon are real. i don't see the Maasai colored Libyans that Dr. Finch saw in the tomb and until I have an appropriate explanation for why I do not, I will have to assume there is some deliberate misrepresentation. if that means somebody has to find a way to take pictures of Libyans and Aamu in the tomb or tombs than so be it.

Boy, was I a pushover. [Frown]

But I need to thank u because, now everyone can know about the likelihood such paintings were never in existence. [Wink] [Big Grin]

lol, good job Dana exposing the bogus "black woman"..

Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
^ Dana has the right idea. These trolls lyinass and anguished are psychopaths to no end. So what's the use of arguing with them.
Originally posted by anguishofbeingjewfrightened:

LOL! Unsubstantiated rubbish. Look, stop polluting this thread with your nonsense. This is my final reply to you troll.

First of all, you're the one who brought up the topic of Jews being murdered in gas chambers, so YOU are the one polluting this thread!

Second, of all it is all substantiated by the records both documentation and videos of the perpetrators themselves which is an inconvenience to your lie.

So let's see, someone who pollutes a thread with his off topic neuroses which are outright lies. Yeah, that's very trollish of YOU. [Roll Eyes]
Posted by Troll Patrol (Member # 18264) on :
Originally posted by the l'ss who has never traveled outside of his trailer park camper :
Originally posted by Troll Patty:

^^^ Here's another variation. Sidelock hair Libyan with reddish brown skin tone



What Happened to the Ancient Libyans? Chasing Sources across the Sahara from Herodotus to Ibn Khaldun
Richard. Smith

Source Journal of World History
Volume 14, Number 4, December 2003
pp. 459-500 | 10.1353/jwh.2003.0060


Determining group identity in the ancient world, especially when peoples were lumped under the constructs of tribe and ethnicity, was based on point of view, and labeling was a haphazard process.

A case in point is the fate of those North African ancient writers called Libyans.

Did their descendants become the people Arab writers referred to as Sanhaja and Zanata?

Despite a significant degree of cultural discontinuity, the answer seems to be yes. A principal issue is the reliability of sources, which are markedly better for the era of Arab domination than for the ancient period.



Posted by Troll Patrol (Member # 18264) on :
Cont. ^ South Libya



Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
Originally posted by Troll Patrol:



The top picture is of a Tuareg girl but the bottom picture is that of a Rashaida (Arab) girl. Where does the Rashaida girl fit in?
Posted by Tukuler (Member # 19944) on :
Alright everybody, troll time over and troll time out.

The idea of this thread is not to out-troll the
trolls and take the thread further and further

The idea is to shed light on the controversial
Ramesses III Book of Gates scene 30 as to the
lies broadcast about it to counter the veracity
of facsimiles and photos of what's actually on
the tomb walls.

All this other tripe on Libyan identity, where
not at very least peripheral to the subject
needs a thread of its own.

Both sides of you trolls, you got that? Take
your **** outside. I'm not interested in hits
to the thread or keeping it at the top of the

Both sets of trolls go start a Libyan identity
thread and troll each other out to your hearts'
Posted by Tukuler (Member # 19944) on :
Alright everybody, troll time over and troll time out.

The idea of this thread is not to out-troll the
trolls and take the thread further and further

The idea is to shed light on the controversial
Ramesses III Book of Gates scene 30 as to the
lies broadcast about it to counter the veracity
of facsimiles and photos of what's actually on
the tomb walls.

All this other tripe on Libyan identity, where
not at very least peripheral to the subject
needs a thread of its own.

Both sides of you trolls, you got that? Take
your **** outside. I'm not interested in hits
to the thread or keeping it at the top of the

Both sets of trolls go start a Libyan identity
thread and troll each other out to your hearts'
Posted by Tukuler (Member # 19944) on :
Originally posted by dana marniche:

Originally posted by the lioness:

Originally posted by dana marniche:

Apparently this creamy depiction of ancient Libyan Tamehou from that tomb by Richard Lepsius does not exist in the real world.

This argument is thus null- and- void, is it not!

dana, why are you still focusing on Lepsius when there is an actual photo of both Libyans and Syrians on the tomb wall posted by alTak near to the top of this page?

detail (one figure):

got any other hearsay?

You are true hearsay, two-headed SNAKE. I for one will never forget that when I first looked at your profile it said Sweden at the bottom Your Lyin_ss.

Please stop using a black woman from your avatar. I must admit u could teach Broomhagatha's website a thing or two about diabolicality.

You've done the most to harm the straightening out of history of Africa's early Berbers and Egyptians by making African and other people think your 70 different colored renditions you've posted of Libyans from Lepsius' canon are real. i don't see the Maasai colored Libyans that Dr. Finch saw in the tomb and until I have an appropriate explanation for why I do not, I will have to assume there is some deliberate misrepresentation. if that means somebody has to find a way to take pictures of Libyans and Aamu in the tomb or tombs than so be it.

Boy, was I a pushover. [Frown]

But I need to thank u because, now everyone can know about the likelihood such paintings were never in existence. [Wink] [Big Grin]

Some fact finding team or individual persuing
their masters or a doctorate could petition
the antiquities ministry for all tomb photos
and facsimiles of The Gate of Teka Hra and
their verification by limited academic access
to the various tombs where it appears.

It was only done a relatively short timespan
of ~200 years from Horemhab to the Ramessides
and all these 19th dynasty pharaohs may not
have had scene 30 painted in any detail and
in fact may not have it at all on a wall but
rather on a sarcophagous.

And the idea should be to objectively see or
record what's actually there not to bolster
anybody's prejudiced one sided preferred view.
Posted by the lioness (Member # 17353) on :

Tukuler, in your opinion is this an honest depiction of some type of Libyan in terms of the color of the Libyan?

I forget if this is an original or illustrated reproduction.
If someone one were to put forward that this is a "whitened" depiction of Libyans I don't see the motive.
Little is known about the ancient Libyans and I don't see why someone would want to be like them. They didn't leave big monuments and architecture or a lor of writing. Also in these scenes they are getting trampled by the Egyptians, not very flattering
Furthermore, their light skin depiction here on adds contrast to the darker Egyptians, the ones everyone wants to be.
In fact this picture also implies that many Egyptians were naturally dark and not simply tanned because otherwise they would be looking light like these Libyans, both living at the same latitude. The depiction here is also echoed by Diop
Posted by claus3600 (Member # 19584) on :

I for one will never forget that when I first looked at your profile it said Sweden at the bottom


Maybe it's my imagination, but I think I was briefly surprised that you were able to post at the same time as me in the morning (London), when Americans on the East coast would still be asleep/just getting up.

A European location would make sense.
Posted by the lioness (Member # 17353) on :
Originally posted by claus3600:

I for one will never forget that when I first looked at your profile it said Sweden at the bottom


Maybe it's my imagination, but I think I was briefly surprised that you were able to post at the same time as me in the morning (London), when Americans on the East coast would still be asleep/just getting up.

A European location would make sense.

It's a garbage lie. Djehootie and dana lie.

I typically often go to bed at 5:30 AM sometimes later, wake up at 11am-1pm.
Also there is an ignorant assumption that there are no Black people in Sweden, James Brown was born there

Guess what, I can make up something like "I noticed Claus said in his profile, 'Black Bisexual' but two days later he deleted it"

If you say this every once in a while the gullible will start to believe it
It might be true it might not be true.

For example I heard dana has a large boil on her ass she asked me if I wan't to see a photo of it. I "declined" so I can't be certain if she actually had one. Some people might be into that, I'm not. I don't think it's attractive and I don't want to see pictures of it.
Posted by Tukuler (Member # 19944) on :



Posted by anguishofbeing (Member # 16736) on :

the jew-firster is losing it.
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
^ And you the Jew fearful has lost it long time ago! I know Tukuler's frustration since I too have had threads polluted with filth from trolls and YOU are one of them! All he needs to do is get the moderators (if any are left) to delete the garbage posts. That's all.

Back to the topic...
Originally posted by Tukuler:

Some fact finding team or individual persuing
their masters or a doctorate could petition
the antiquities ministry for all tomb photos
and facsimiles of The Gate of Teka Hra and
their verification by limited academic access
to the various tombs where it appears.

It was only done a relatively short timespan
of ~200 years from Horemhab to the Ramessides
and all these 19th dynasty pharaohs may not
have had scene 30 painted in any detail and
in fact may not have it at all on a wall but
rather on a sarcophagous.

And the idea should be to objectively see or
record what's actually there not to bolster
anybody's prejudiced one sided preferred view.

Finding Egyptological works on the web is difficult enough by finding actual tomb murals which haven't been seen in its entirety or sections which aren't shown at all is even harder. I agree, this part of scholarship needs serious contacts. I could email Dr. Weeks who specializes in tomb and temple complexes though I hope he isn't too busy to respond. I've tried emailing another Egyptologist recently on something and haven't had much luck.
Posted by anguishofbeing (Member # 16736) on :
"Will Smith doesn't look much a Kushite to me";f=15;t=000712

"Hebrew concepts are rooted in the Levant right there with their immediate Canaanite neighbors."

"pretty much ALL old Hebrew stories are Asian"


"Semitic language and culture is also African";f=15;t=000490

"the [Hebrew] mythological traditions and spiritual beliefs are still in situ derived and not Nile Valley"

"obviously they were still Asian."


"I also know that the Arabian peninsula and Levant all the way of to the Zagros is geologically part of the African plate"

"obviously they were still Asian."

Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
^ And the point of you citing all those old quotes of mine is what again? I mean other than the fact that you're obsessed with me. [Big Grin]

Tukulur, I will join in your demands to delete idiotic troll posts.
Posted by Tukuler (Member # 19944) on :
Originally posted by Djehuti:

Originally posted by Tukuler:

Some fact finding team [of professionals] or individual persuing
their masters or a doctorate could petition
the antiquities ministry for all tomb photos
and facsimiles of The Gate of Teka Hra and
their verification by limited academic access
to the various tombs where it appears.
And the idea should be to objectively see or
record what's actually there not to bolster
anybody's prejudiced one sided preferred view.

Finding Egyptological works on the web is difficult enough by finding actual tomb murals which haven't been seen in its entirety or sections which aren't shown at all is even harder. I agree, this part of scholarship needs serious contacts. I could email Dr. Weeks who specializes in tomb and temple complexes though I hope he isn't too busy to respond. I've tried emailing another Egyptologist recently on something and haven't had much luck.
Good looking, thanks.

Dana worked with Hawass in Egypt years ago. She may
know someone or mentor masters candidates who can go
directly to Egypt at the source and parley with the
antiquities ministry.

BTW there is no moderators and haven't been any
for years afaik but you can help by resisting the
very tempting urge to have fun and respond to troll
bait in this particular thread.
Posted by anguishofbeing (Member # 16736) on :

jew-firster edited his post! HAHHAHA

"this part of scholarship needs serious contacts. I could email Dr. Weeks"

"Keep in mind Weeks is one of the falsifiers"


Its the same thing with his favorite falsifier Yurco. Mary loves falsifiers.
Posted by dana marniche (Member # 13149) on :
Originally posted by the lioness:
Originally posted by dana marniche:

Apparently this creamy depiction of ancient Libyan Tamehou from that tomb by Richard Lepsius does not exist in the real world.

This argument is thus null- and- void, is it not!

dana, why are you still focusing on Lepsius when there is an actual photo of both Libyans and Syrians on the tomb wall posted by alTak near to the top of this page?

detail (one figure):

got any other hearsay? [/QB]

detail (same one figure):
If that's the Libyan photo - what is this?

Posted by dana marniche (Member # 13149) on :
Originally posted by Tukuler:
Originally posted by Djehuti:

Originally posted by Tukuler:

Some fact finding team [of professionals] or individual persuing
their masters or a doctorate could petition
the antiquities ministry for all tomb photos
and facsimiles of The Gate of Teka Hra and
their verification by limited academic access
to the various tombs where it appears.
And the idea should be to objectively see or
record what's actually there not to bolster
anybody's prejudiced one sided preferred view.

Finding Egyptological works on the web is difficult enough by finding actual tomb murals which haven't been seen in its entirety or sections which aren't shown at all is even harder. I agree, this part of scholarship needs serious contacts. I could email Dr. Weeks who specializes in tomb and temple complexes though I hope he isn't too busy to respond. I've tried emailing another Egyptologist recently on something and haven't had much luck.
Good looking, thanks.

Dana worked with Hawass in Egypt years ago. She may
know someone or mentor masters candidates who can go
directly to Egypt at the source and parley with the
antiquities ministry.

BTW there is no moderators and haven't been any
for years afaik but you can help by resisting the
very tempting urge to have fun and respond to troll
bait in this particular thread.

I think a more serious issue is why someone (perhaps Zahi) made it impermissible to take photographs of these paintings in the tombs - especially of those rendered in the Lepsius canon.

That is what Dr. Finch said in his letter.
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
^ I know certain flash photography is forbidden because it causes a certain chemical reaction in the air to accelerate decay; however with the advanced imaging technology that we have today, I'm sure there are safer ways of scanning the tomb murals without damaging them. Also, there are plenty of works with full color photographs of many murals from the Valley of the Kings. I don't see why they can't do the same for the Lepsius Cannon or other Teka Hra images.
Posted by Tukuler (Member # 19944) on :
Again, both Doc Ben and Manu Ampim photographed
and published the controversial Book of Gates scene 30 A3MW, NHHSW, and TMHHW in Ramesses III tomb.
Posted by anguishofbeing (Member # 16736) on :
oh how we like to forget.
Posted by dana marniche (Member # 13149) on :
Newsflash from me - a response from Dr. Finch


I think I have been into two chambers in the tomb of Rameses III but only one of them had the profile portraits I have talked about. There are actually 16 total portraits, four of each of the four ethnic types represented. The one you show below is still not as deeply, darkly reddish-brown as what I saw in the tomb. Again, I was sorely tempted to take a flash picture but I observed the rules and didn't. And yes the (4) Aamu shown were of the same dark reddish-brown coloration as the Temehou."

Dr. Finch wrote the above back this evening. To contact him please visit his site

He is a medical doctor and Egyptologist.

I am also wondering where are the 'Maasai colored" Aamu in the tomb photos.

This is the Libyan picture I sent Dr. Finch that he is talking about.
Posted by dana marniche (Member # 13149) on :
Originally posted by the lioness:
Originally posted by claus3600:

I for one will never forget that when I first looked at your profile it said Sweden at the bottom


Maybe it's my imagination, but I think I was briefly surprised that you were able to post at the same time as me in the morning (London), when Americans on the East coast would still be asleep/just getting up.

A European location would make sense.

It's a garbage lie. Djehootie and dana lie.

I typically often go to bed at 5:30 AM sometimes later, wake up at 11am-1pm.
Also there is an ignorant assumption that there are no Black people in Sweden, James Brown was born there

Guess what, I can make up something like "I noticed Claus said in his profile, 'Black Bisexual' but two days later he deleted it"

If you say this every once in a while the gullible will start to believe it
It might be true it might not be true.

For example I heard dana has a large boil on her ass she asked me if I wan't to see a photo of it. I "declined" so I can't be certain if she actually had one. Some people might be into that, I'm not. I don't think it's attractive and I don't want to see pictures of it.

Thanks Claus. Boy oh boy, LYING - I would have thought from this email you have a photocam in my house.

Sweden it is then huh? [Wink]
Posted by zarahan- aka Enrique Cardova (Member # 15718) on :
Originally posted by rasol:
We also learn something about the differnce between the transgressive mindset of modern Eurocentric scholarship, and the submissive mindedness of too many Blacks.

The submissive Black man agonizes in confusion over whether Blacks as and ethnonym even exists in ancient times, or were rather essentially 'recently invented' by their white mind-masters.

The transgressive minded Eurocentrist brazenly implies that the Ancient Egyptians erred in self definition! So the Eurocentrists takes it upon himself to cut and paste and chop the photos so as to correct their mistake!

[Big Grin]

Posted by Troll Patrol (Member # 18264) on :
Originally posted by dana marniche:
Originally posted by the lioness:
Originally posted by claus3600:

I for one will never forget that when I first looked at your profile it said Sweden at the bottom


Maybe it's my imagination, but I think I was briefly surprised that you were able to post at the same time as me in the morning (London), when Americans on the East coast would still be asleep/just getting up.

A European location would make sense.

It's a garbage lie. Djehootie and dana lie.

I typically often go to bed at 5:30 AM sometimes later, wake up at 11am-1pm.
Also there is an ignorant assumption that there are no Black people in Sweden, James Brown was born there

Guess what, I can make up something like "I noticed Claus said in his profile, 'Black Bisexual' but two days later he deleted it"

If you say this every once in a while the gullible will start to believe it
It might be true it might not be true.

For example I heard dana has a large boil on her ass she asked me if I wan't to see a photo of it. I "declined" so I can't be certain if she actually had one. Some people might be into that, I'm not. I don't think it's attractive and I don't want to see pictures of it.

Thanks Claus. Boy oh boy, LYING - I would have thought from this email you have a photocam in my house.

Sweden it is then huh? [Wink]

Whaaaat, James Brown born in Sweden?

Is there some alter ego?

The guard father of soul I know was:

Born May 3, 1933
Barnwell, South Carolina, U.S.
Posted by dana marniche (Member # 13149) on :
Originally posted by Troll Patrol:
Originally posted by dana marniche:
Originally posted by the lioness:
Originally posted by claus3600:

I for one will never forget that when I first looked at your profile it said Sweden at the bottom


Maybe it's my imagination, but I think I was briefly surprised that you were able to post at the same time as me in the morning (London), when Americans on the East coast would still be asleep/just getting up.

A European location would make sense.

It's a garbage lie. Djehootie and dana lie.

I typically often go to bed at 5:30 AM sometimes later, wake up at 11am-1pm.
Also there is an ignorant assumption that there are no Black people in Sweden, James Brown was born there

Guess what, I can make up something like "I noticed Claus said in his profile, 'Black Bisexual' but two days later he deleted it"

If you say this every once in a while the gullible will start to believe it
It might be true it might not be true.

For example I heard dana has a large boil on her ass she asked me if I wan't to see a photo of it. I "declined" so I can't be certain if she actually had one. Some people might be into that, I'm not. I don't think it's attractive and I don't want to see pictures of it.

Thanks Claus. Boy oh boy, LYING - I would have thought from this email you have a photocam in my house.

Sweden it is then huh? [Wink]

Whaaaat, James Brown born in Sweden?

Is there some alter ego?

The guard father of soul I know was:

Born May 3, 1933
Barnwell, South Carolina, U.S.

I could never look at LYING _SS as James. Too ditsy.
Posted by alTakruri (Member # 10195) on :
Yurco et all exposed
re Gate of Teka Hra
mural erroneously
known as Table
of Nations. Take
It from page one.
Posted by tropicals redacted (Member # 21621) on :
Quite incredible.

Didn't he ever think that someone might check? Is the truth so unpalatable that he would risk his academic integrity?

Dear Paul,
Those figures in the Lepsius Erganzungsband, pl. 48 are actually not Lepsius' work, but a re-edition done in 1913, as I showed in my article in Egypt in Africa (Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 1997). To make matters worse, the hieroglyph texts between these figures were garbled. The original scenes both in Sety I's tomb and in Ramesses III's
tomb showed the Egyptians and the Kushites as distinctly different. Also, the hieroglyphs on the real walls are distributed between each
of the four figures depicting each type. You can now view the real photographs of both the Sety I and Ramesses III walls in Hornung's volumes on the Valley of the Kings. I have been inside both tombs myself and have seen these scenes and their texts, and on the basis of this, the depiction in the Erganzungsband is not a real depiction of what is on the walls but rather a pastische, arranged from Lepsius' notes and garbled in the process. It is unfortunate that so many people have depended on this depiction as reality, when a look at the walls in both tombs shows that
patently it is not reality.

Most sincerely,

Frank J. Yurco
University of Chicago

Posted by tropicals redacted (Member # 21621) on :
Then there's this...


Dr. [Charles] Finch wrote -
"Lepsius falsified the color of the Tamehou figure. I only know this because I actually went into the tomb of Rames III in 1995 – one of the few times it was open to the public – specifically to look at that Panel of Races. As is known, there are 4 racial types as depicted by Lepsius, but what is not known is that the Panel is reproduced 4 times with the same figures. I don’t know why. But that is not the issue; what is the issue is that the figure of the Tamehou in the tomb of Rameses III is NOT white, but a deep reddish brown, looking FOR ALL THE WORLD LIKE MASAI IN COLORING. One would ONLY know this by looking at the Panel ‘face-to-face’ inside the tomb. Again, Lepsius (c. 1844) – it must have been deliberate – depicted the Tamehou in the wrong color! To my disappointment, it was impossible to take a picture of this remarkable Panel. Cheikh Anta Diop obviously had never actually been inside the tomb of Rameses III, as so many have not, so took Lepsius’s depiction as authentic. I might add the Aamu, representing the Asiatics were ALSO depicted as a deep, reddish brown rather than the beige color represented by Lepsius. Lepsius’s version of the Panel is printed in color as a frontispiece to Van Sertima’s EGYPT REVISTED (1989/1991)." UNQUOTE!

Why am I astonished but not surprised?! Because I keep trying to give early European intelligensia the benefit of the doubt.

BUT ITS NOT WORKING! And I've been as brainwashed as everyone else because I can still hardly believe it!

Posted by alTakruri (Member # 10195) on :
Originally posted by alTakruri:
Dear Paul,

Those figures in the Lepsius Erganzungsband, pl. 48 are actually not
Lepsius' work, but a re-edition done in 1913, as I showed in my article
in Egypt in Africa (Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 1997).
To make matters worse, the hieroglyph texts between these figures were
garbled. The original scenes both in Sety I's tomb and in Ramesses III's
tomb showed the Egyptians and the Kushites as distinctly different.
Also, the hieroglyphs on the real walls are distributed between each
of the four figures depicting each type. You can now view the real
photographs of both the Sety I and Ramesses III walls in Hornung's volumes
on the Valley of the Kings. I have been inside both tombs myself and have
seen these scenes and their texts, and on the basis of this, the depiction
in the Erganzungsband is not a real depiction of what is on the walls but
rather a pastische, arranged from Lepsius' notes and garbled in the
process. It is unfortunate that so many people have depended on this
depiction as reality, when a look at the walls in both tombs shows that
patently it is not reality.

Most sincerely,

Frank J. Yurco
University of Chicago

Posted by alTakruri (Member # 10195) on :
Originally posted by alTakruri:
I'm not sure what the late Mr. Yurco was trying to pull off here.
Erganzungsband only means supplement and it contains artwork from
the very artists Lepsius commissioned in his lifetime. The pieces
are ones Lepsius himself didn't get to publish before his death.

There's no hieroglyphic "garbling" nor are the "Egyptians and
Kushites" on Ramesses III's tomb wall distinct in any way less
than a trained detailist would notice.

To that effect, I submit that the Book of Gates 4:5 scene 30 as
depicted in Rameses III tomb (KV11f), besides displaying not one
phenotypical distinguishing feature, has RT RMT and NHHSW dressed
precisely the same down to the minutest detail.

They only differ in that the RT RMT sport earrings and their fabric
kilt is form fitting. The NHHSW have nothing attached to their ears
and their fabric kilt is loose, hanging to the same level as the
skin kilt.

Yurco makes pretend he doesn't know Lepsius' artist was rendering
a condensation. He goes on about real walls real photos as if fake
walls and fake photos are all that were available before Hornung.

Yurco's poor recall of the KV11f scene, if indeed he ever entered
KV11f instead of KV11j, is no excuse for a professional to claim
Lepsius' artist's deliberate condensation amounts to no more than
"a pastische, arranged from Lepsius' notes and garbled in the process."

His statement "It is unfortunate that so many people have depended
on this depiction as reality, when a look at the walls in both tombs
shows that patently it is not reality."
is only applicable to himself
and what he's just written in his letter to Paul.

Forthcoming are further images to support every word of my assessment.

Posted by alTakruri (Member # 10195) on :
Sorry, but Finch didn't know what
he was talking about since photos
prove Lepsius didn't alter colors
in this instance.

 -  -

The lightest Tjemehu were painted creamy colored
(peaches and creme / cafe au lait) and I have seen
no pink white skinned with blonde hair Tjemehu in
any ancient Egyptian art. The lightest their hair
ever gets painted is chestnut brown.

This is about all that's left today of the source.
As with many archaeology sites, Seti I's tomb has
deteriorated since first re-opened in the late 19th c.
and as with W African artifacts looting has occured.


Also, be aware that Lepsius published the black skinned Egyptians of Ramses III's BG 4.5.scene30

Posted by Ish Gebor (Member # 18264) on :
Thx for the above. ^
Posted by alTakruri (Member # 10195) on :
Pg 2 has important commentary on the black skinned Nehesi coiffed and clothed Egyptians.

Will extract and repost in a current thread as time allows. Or don't wait, do it for me. Heehee.

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