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» EgyptSearch Forums » Deshret » DNAtribes in general vs the Amarna profiles

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Author Topic: DNAtribes in general vs the Amarna profiles
multidisciplinary Black Scholar
Member # 19944

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The Amarna article is the only instance where
DNAtribes points to allele values and profiles
that can be independently verified. They merely
referenced Hawass (2010). Pusch is the geneticist
team leader of the study. Hawass just slapped his
name onto the report.

Now maybe somebody should have checked the Amarna
mummy profiles across nuclear DNA STR databases but
that innovation came out of DNAtribes. This is their one
accomplishment and it does paint an inner African ancient
Egypt conflicting with their "Levantine" modern Egypt.

Anybody can take the Pusch raw data and input
it into a profile finder. Anybody can verify the
accuracy of DNAtribes proprietary MLI list
assignments to DNAtribes' own privately defined
African regions. How? By means of open access
genetics/ forensics tools and a map of Africa
and with some knowledge of where ethnies live.

All of that is beside the point of DNAtribes as
itself a reliable issuer of science reports vs
a company writing articles for its customers.
Moral of the story: DNAtribes' articles are not
in the same room with the standard peer reviewed
published studies and reports shared by population
genetics community. Their articles are not cited in
any scientific literature. Why?
  • Other than the Amarna Pharaohs article DNAtribes
    has never revealed the allele values and loci
    profiles associated with either its privately
    defined geographies or the populations therein.
    And we only know about Amarna because of Pusch.
    DNAtribes did not reprint Pusch's mummy profiles.
  • DNAtribes offers no Materials & Methods section
    in their articles because they do no assays.
    They only run a statistician's algorithm against
    entries in their database and figures taken from
    other existing databanks or from the standard peer
    reviewed literature.
  • DNAtribes privately defined geographies at times
    veer from standard geography. Prime examples are
    - Egypt as the Levant
    - Ionian as Aegean
    - Mediterranean as exclusively Iberia, Alps, and Apenninies
  • DNAtribes phylogeny of North Africa and the Horn as
    Near Eastern branches of Caucasian (West Eurasian)
    hierarchical world region clustering -- their words
    not mine.

There are many other anomalies others may list,
i.e., DNAtribes' Portuguese, Italian, and Greek
[all the above underscores are links to go read]
articles among other Africana related articles,
if this thread takes off. The thing is DNAtribes
is as good as any proprietary genetic identity
enquiry for the general public company.

They should not be confused for and just are not in
the ranks of professional not-for-profit population
geneticists who tabulate and share sample numbers,
ethnicity, language group, geography, STR alleles
and profiles, SNP haplogroups, and other essential
raw data with the public.

None of that has anything to do with plugging
Pusch's mummy data into a profile finder and
attaining geographic and/or ethnic matches
to compile a list of most likely candidates.

Despite all their other failings I am glad
DNAtribes thought of doing that and writing
an article about it and Amarna in general.

Thanks to DNAtribes' innovation we will all
now start designing our own STR allele/profile
queries investigating any number of population
subsets of our Africana and other interests.

Posts: 8179 | From: the Tekrur straddling Senegal & Mauritania | Registered: Dec 2011  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Member # 13597

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Well put. Bravo!!

Quote: Thanks to DNAtribes' innovation we will all now start designing our own STR allele/profile queries investigating any number of population subsets of our Africana and other interests.

Without data you are just another person with an opinion - Deming

Posts: 12143 | From: When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable | Registered: Jun 2007  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
Smiley Coast
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Member # 19957

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So whose gonna do it, when and how? [Wink]
Posts: 26 | Registered: Dec 2011  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
the lioness,
Member # 17353

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This is an important and highly sophisticated thread.

(also in- a lioness intelligence report demostrated that Tukuler is an alTakruri alias for those who didn't know.)

Posts: 42940 | From: , | Registered: Jan 2010  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

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