Do you have anything to share with us about white people? Anything goes.
Personally I do not consider Brada Khadafy as white. He is Blacker then Obama, for sure.
Then there are poor whites, bless 'm, somehow their supposedly superior Germanic DNA, March of nations, not asserting itself, and they have to eat out of garbage cans, fellow whites having no money to help their fellow whites with an anti-drug campagne or something, to elevate them.
The white elite indoctrinates poor whites to frighten them away from others, so as not to make a fist against the exploitive elite. But poor whites are equally oppressed by the ruling elite.
didn't age that well?
Posted by Egmond Codfried (Member # 15683) on :
Sister Jane Austen would call his type 'sallow,' light brown, and in need of more colour for beauty.
Not all of us age well, not all of us have good health.
Khadafy is blacker then Obama, for sure. People who understand, understand, the rest can go to hell.
Posted by Egmond Codfried (Member # 15683) on :
[QUOTE=Egmond Codfried;5706387]
[David Oweyola stars as the baddy]
What to make of Rise of the Planet of The Apes? Movie review by Egmond Codfried
Saw this new version of Apes acting as humans yesterday, and its not easy to analyse. Bottom-line for me is that we today have to go to a lot of trouble and contortions to be able to tell a simple story about class struggle. The storyline about the seeking of a medicine for Alzheimer is way to long, as it represents a whole other movie story. All we need to understand is that the eyes of the oppressed masses are opened to their oppression, and by what methods and means they are oppressed. Its like Eve eating from the apple, and becoming aware of her human state, next to the godhead. Or me telling Blacks that the European royal elite was Black, to explain the hatred of whites toward Blacks, today. A Dutch reviewer simply stated that the Apes represent Blacks. I looked for conformation. American movies are always about race, even or especially when they manage to show a modern, urban story without one person of colour somewhere in the background. If they show people of colour they always make damn sure they are in a secondary position. Or they are stripped from any Black identity, which is a harsh commentary on the Black identity. The essence of whiteness is after all the hatred of Blacks. So he might be partially right, as Black Americans are in general perceived and presented as the underdog, another method of demeaning and keeping Blacks down: as we seldom see or hear about poor whites in America. So in this movie the brains and good morals have to belong to a white professor. He has an Indian wife, so we are made to understand he is not a racist. The baddy is a Black Man. Could he have been white? If he were white the audience would believe the Apes were Blacks. But only, or at least only their leader Caesar represents a white man. Although his intelligence is artificially derived, its still given to an Ape who represents the whites; as we know intelligence only belongs to the white master race. His first rival in the Ape prison for leadership, who he humbles, seems to be a Black. Because of his colouring and body language; that we can recognise from movies which deal with American prison life. In this the film follows the other versions of this Apes theme which clearly maintain white supremacy, even among the apelike creatures. But in the final analysis the movie does not convince, as it ends in a kind of separatism: the poor classes have to remove themselves from society. This is not possible, where would all the poor go, what will they live off, who would do the menial jobs? It made me think of stories of Libyans trying to prevent their guest workers, who do the dirty and menial jobs, from leaving. And the much praised technical improvement does not make this movie any better than the previous incarnations. The Apes are much too agile, and they do not have genitals which are so conspicuous with real Chimpanchees, anyway. There were no female Apes, but I might have seen ape breast flashing by. It used to be that the audiences were called upon to use their fantasy and cowboy movies showed people being shot to dead without bullet wounds, blood or gore. Today we are shown the flesh exploding and blood squirting otherwise, they assume, we would not believe the persons to be dead. This obsession with realism is a burden, and hurts the role of the human brain to sustain a fictitious universe and still grasp the meaning of a story. The technical part calls too much attention to itself, and deflects from the story, the acting and meaning. It creates unevenness because form and contents do not seem to conform, and become separate entities. So the digesting of this movie was somehow less satisfying.[/QUOTE]
Posted by Egmond Codfried (Member # 15683) on :
[In her latest incarnation Jane Eyre is correctly played by a white actress, but much too pretty. Brontė wrote both Edward Rochester and his 'childbride' Jane Eyre as quite ugly or plain]
Is there a good definition of white, who or what is white?
I have read Jane Eyre (1847), a visionary novel by Charlotte Brontė, a dark skinned woman, who uses 'scientific' imagery to describe her black, brown and white personages.
Off course I'm talking here to people who do not read Jane Austen or Charlotte Brontė, but I wish they did, because these ladies were Blacks and they wrote from the perspective of Blacks about the change in views about Black and white. Jane Eyre is a white person, in love with a Black European noble. Brontė is discussing the big change after 1848 in 'race relations' and asks whites for forgiveness.
The latest Mr. Rochester is too handsome, and white, which is wrong: he was Brown, with huge black eyes and black raven hair.
Jamie Bell is Mr. St. John Rivers. The epitome of whiteness, a perfect example of the white race, in Jane Eyre. Yet this actor has protruding ears, and is not blond in real life. Brontė again is quite historical and scientific in her description of his whiteness, his head shape; like a Greek statue. Still she alludes to the fact that British whites do not look like this in general, stating how artificial and fake the Greek based definition of whites is.
St John resemblance to the Apollo of Belvedere is mentioned at least twice in Jane Eyre. When these people defined the white race, to give whites human status,(1760) they measured not real people's heads, but Greek statues!
Sally Hawkins as Mrs Reed. Brontė desribes her as very dark of complexion, with a strongly built underjaw, meaning subnasal prognathism, meaning Mrs. Reed had classical African facial traits as well as very dark skin. She is like the image of the Moor, and symbolises the blackness and noble superiority of this family, which tortures white Jane Eyre.
Posted by the lioness (Member # 17353) on :
Egmond is there any connection between black queens and kings in Africa and black queens and kings and of Europe? Do some of the traditions carry over? Also did the black queens and kings of Europe communicate with the black queens and kings of Africa?