Description: SUMMARY OF DOCTORAL THESIS The origins of European populations have been addressed from different disciplines, highlighting the contribution of population genetics studies. Shuffle two moments in prehistory in which it has been possible to model the gene pool of populations in Europe: the spread of Neolithic and Palaeolithic period expansions. The ability to recover from bygone population genetics provides a unique opportunity to test the assumptions made in situ from other disciplines. We studied 197 samples from 115 dental and bone individuals 17 archaeological sites Sumerian Neolithic and Middle East, when Meroitic Nubia and Paleolithic era, post-Neolithic and Neolithic of the Iberian Peninsula. We obtained complete sequences of mitochondrial DNA of 244 bp of 35 different individuals, were compared with sequences from the same region of present individuals from 38 populations in Europe, Africa and Middle East. In phylogenetic reconstructions based on Reynolds distance groups of ancient samples are grouped together, separated from the rest of current populations. However, phylogenetic reconstructions made from the haplotypes of ancient and modern samples denote that although the majority of ancient mitochondrial variants are not present in current populations sampled, may relate more or less closely with them. The composition of haplotypes and haplogroups of ancient samples from the Near East and the Iberian Peninsula differs markedly from that found in the current populations of these geographical regions. In the ancient Middle East show highlights in particular the absence of mitochondrial haplogroup J, U3, W and X, associated with the Neolithic expansion into Europe. This may be due either to the sample obtained is not old chronologically or geographically-representative populations of the Middle East that spread during the Neolithic well that these variants were not introduced in Europe during the Neolithic. In the ancient sample of the Iberian Peninsula highlights the presence of 50% of sub-Saharan lines.
I have the entire study in Spanish
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
I don't see how it's worth-while to post this, if the study is not available in English.
Posted by xyyman (Member # 13597) on :
The other question to ask is "which/what is the male equivalent lineage"? Is it . . . . . drum roll. . . . R1*/R1b*. Which virtually disappeared just as the female L sub-clades.
Posted by xyyman (Member # 13597) on :
quote:Originally posted by Mike111: I don't see how it's worth-while to post this, if the study is not available in English.
Huh?! Insert "Scratch head". Mike!!!!??
I hope that was a knee-jerk reaction and you did not think this through.
As I said genetic testing of ancient remains is going to blow this thing wide open. Hearts will be hurt. Someone may have to out a lid on it. . . quick!!
In case you missed my point. English is not the only language in the world. There is a lot of work being done in French, Spanish, Indian and Russian.
It is out there. . .use the tools!!!
Posted by xyyman (Member # 13597) on :
Remember it is the Russian geneticist(Myculark(?) who proclaimed that there is an European L-subclade. L2a1a. I first got it in Russian. Later came across an English version.
Posted by xyyman (Member # 13597) on :
Here is an English version of a paper first published in Italian. Ever asked yourself why the Etruscans(supposedly coming from the NE) settled on the “Western Side” of the Italians Peninsular? Remember that paper that stated the people that currently inhabit the area are NOT the descendents of the Etruscans. Well Sergi was right, they did not come the NE.
Sardinian Population (Italy): a Genetic Review C.M. Caḷ , A. Melis , Guiseppe Vona , I.S. Piras Giuseppe Vona was born the 14/09/1938 in Frosinone (Italy). He is Full Professor of Anthropology at Cagliari University. He teaches also Biology of Human Populations, Population Genetics for the Course of Applied Bioecology. He has overseen groups engaged in research in projects financed by the University of Cagliari, MIUR, CNR, Autonomous Region of Sardinia and the E.U. He is the tutor and teacher for the PhD research in molecular and human biology. He has collaborated with several Italian and foreign Universities. He has written and co-written more than 190 articles. Dept. Experimental Biology, Sec. Anthropological Sciences. University of Cagliari. SS 554, km 4.500 – 09042 Monserrato (Ca). Italy ; E.mail: Abstract - For years the population of Sardinia has been object of numerous studies in the fields of anthropology and population genetics. Researches on genetic structure of Sardinian population, performed with of both classical and DNA markers, revealed an extremely complex picture of the relationships between Sardinian and other Italian and Mediterranean populations, that can be explained by Sardinian’s historical and demographic past. A high degree of internal heterogeneity was also found and it can be attributed first to strict isolation and consequent high levels of endogamy and consanguinity, secondly, to selective factor linked to endemic malaria that influenced the distribution of some gene frequencies. Finally an influence on Sardinian’s biological history could be attributed to the demographic events such as low population density and scant matrimonial movement, which triggered off phenomena of genetic drift.
Another interesting hypothesis emerges from the study of ancient mtDNA obtained by skeletal finds of Bronze age from different areas of the island and dated back between 1400 and 700 B.C. (Caramelli et al., 2007). Analysis revealed a strong internal homogeneity and a reduced variability of the sequences. The research shows the existence of a genetic continuity between Nuragic people that inhabited Sardinia during Bronze Age and the present day Sardinian population. But despite this continuity, there are differences between ancient and modern Sardinians,
The research estimates that the time of coalescence of other Italian populations, such as the Etruscans, falls around 36,900 years ago.
Tobias (2002) proposed another hypothesis for the peopling of Sardinia. From some geographic, genetic and linguistic observations, as well as analysis of the distribution of fossil fauna he suggests that a possible path for the settlement of the island by Homo sapiens started from northern Africa. Sardinia would have been therefore a gateway between Africa and Europe, and small groups would have moved bidirectionally through the island. Posted by malibudusul (Member # 19346) on :
LOVE Posted by Evergreen (Member # 12192) on :
Evergreen Posts:
I recently compared these dimensions in a series of Copper Age crania from of these Copper Age crania which displayed several negroid features.