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Posted by MelaninKing (Member # 17444) on :
Sentient world: war games on the grandest scale

By Mark Baard
Posted in Government, 23rd June 2007 09:02 GMT


Perhaps your real life is so rich you don't have time for another.

Even so, the US Department of Defense (DOD) may already be creating a copy of you in an alternate reality to see how long you can go without food or water, or how you will respond to televised propaganda.

The DOD is developing a parallel to Planet Earth, with billions of individual "nodes" to reflect every man, woman, and child this side of the dividing line between reality and AR.

Called the Sentient World Simulation (SWS), it will be a "synthetic mirror of the real world with automated continuous calibration with respect to current real-world information", according to a concept paper for the project.

"SWS provides an environment for testing Psychological Operations (PSYOP)," the paper reads, so that military leaders can "develop and test multiple courses of action to anticipate and shape behaviors of adversaries, neutrals, and partners".

SWS also replicates financial institutions, utilities, media outlets, and street corner shops. By applying theories of economics and human psychology, its developers believe they can predict how individuals and mobs will respond to various stressors.

SEAS can display regional results for public opinion polls, distribution of retail outlets in urban areas, and the level of unorganization of local economies, which may point to potential areas of civil unrest

Yank a country's water supply. Stage a military coup. SWS will tell you what happens next.

"The idea is to generate alternative futures with outcomes based on interactions between multiple sides," said Purdue University professor Alok Chaturvedi, co-author of the SWS concept paper.

Chaturvedi directs Purdue's laboratories for Synthetic Environment for Analysis and Simulations, or SEAS - the platform underlying SWS. Chaturvedi also makes a commercial version of SEAS available through his company, Simulex, Inc.

SEAS users can visualise the nodes and scenarios in text boxes and graphs, or as icons set against geographical maps.

Corporations can use SEAS to test the market for new products, said Chaturvedi. Simulex lists the pharmaceutical giant Eli Lilly and defense contractor Lockheed Martin among its private sector clients.

The US government appears to be Simulex's number one customer, however. And Chaturvedi has received millions of dollars in grants from the military and the National Science Foundation to develop SEAS.

Chaturvedi is now pitching SWS to DARPA and discussing it with officials at the US Department of Homeland Security, where he said the idea has been well received, despite the thorny privacy issues for US citizens.

In fact, Homeland Security and the Defense Department are already using SEAS to simulate crises on the US mainland.

The Joint Innovation and Experimentation Directorate of the US Joint Forces Command (JFCOM-J9) in April began working with Homeland Security and multinational forces over "Noble Resolve 07", a homeland defense experiment.

SEAS (as will SWS) provides figures for specific economic sectors, and helps military, intel and marketing people visualize their global connections. Users can vary export and import figures for manufactured goods, for example, to gauge the potential impacts on other sectors

In August, the agencies will shift their crises scenarios from the East Coast to the Pacific theatre.

JFCOM-J9 completed another test of SEAS last year. Called Urban Resolve, the experiment projected warfare scenarios for Baghdad in 2015, eight years from now.

JFCOM-9 is now capable of running real-time simulations for up to 62 nations, including Iraq, Afghanistan, and China. The simulations gobble up breaking news, census data, economic indicators, and climactic events in the real world, along with proprietary information such as military intelligence.

Military and intel officials can introduce fictitious agents into the simulations (such as a spike in unemployment, for example) to gauge their destabilising effects on a population.

Officials can also "inject an earthquake or a tsunami and observe their impacts (on a society)", Chaturvedi added.

Jim Blank, modelling and simulation division chief at JFCOM-J9, declined to discuss the specific routines military commanders are running in the Iraq and Afghanistan computer models. He did say SEAS might help officers determine where to position snipers in a city square, or to envision scenarios that might emerge from widespread civil unrest.

SEAS helps commanders consider the multitude of variables and outcomes possible in urban warfare, said Blank.

"Future wars will be asymetric in nature. They will be more non-kinetic, with the center of gravity being a population."

The Iraq and Afghanistan computer models are the most highly developed and complex of the 62 available to JFCOM-J9. Each has about five million individual nodes representing things such as hospitals, mosques, pipelines, and people.

The other SEAS models are far less detailed, encompassing only a few thousand nodes altogether, Blank said.

Feeding a whole-Earth simulation will be a colossal challenge.

"(SWS) is a hungry beast," Blank said. "A lot of data will be required to make this thing even credible."

Alok Chaturvedi wants SWS to match every person on the planet, one-to-one.

Right now, the 62 simulated nations in SEAS depict humans as composites, at a 100-to-1 ratio.

One organisation has achieved a one-to-one level of granularity for its simulations, according to Chaturvedi: the US Army, which is using SEAS to identify potential recruits.

Chaturvedi insists his goal for SWS is to have a depersonalised likeness for each individual, rather than an immediately identifiable duplicate. If your town census records your birthdate, job title, and whether you own a dog, SWS will generate what Chaturvedi calls a "like someone" with the same stats, but not the same name.

Of course, government agencies and corporations can add to SWS whatever personally-identifiable information they choose from their own databases, and for their own purposes.

And with consumers already giving up their personal information regularly to websites such as MySpace and Twitter, it is not a stretch to imagine SWS doing the same thing.
Posted by MelaninKing (Member # 17444) on :
This (ACC) Automated Continuous Calibration feature mentioned above is actually an active feedback algorithm used to update the virtual "YOU" with real-time data made available from various reality inputs acquired by almost complete real-time and non-real-time monitoring of the REAL you.

These real-time inputs include;

What you look like, Where you are in the real world right now, your physical features, your federal information (SSN, Birth registration, drivers license, medical records, political affiliation, gun registration(s), income bracket, IRS records, criminal records (even traffic), marriage license, vehicle registrations, property tax history, education level, etc.

FACEBOOK/MySpace/Social networks data such as,
# of times you log on, post, what you post, to whom you post, groups to which you belong, create, or publish, Your ISP, etc.

It has your home address, where you work, how many miles you travel to work, what route you take to get to work, what time you get to and leave work, when you get paid and how much, etc.

It has data of where you shop, what you purchase, how you pay (credit, debit, cash), etc.

It has your cell phone number, who your carrier is, who you call, who calls you, and using the phones built-in GPS, they can tell exactly where you are at any given moment.

It knows who your relatives and acquiescences are, where they are, how often you contact them, etc.

All these real-time data and more are fed into the Virtual World simulation model using a periodic scan to make the model almost an identical, virtual you. Using this, they can then predict what your response will be to external stimulus based on historic and real-time data.

For example, they can predict where the breaking point of revolt is for a particular group, or the nation when the unemployment rate ranges a specific threshold.
Posted by KING (Member # 9422) on :

This news is sickening. How anyone can allow this, is beyond me.

They are trying to put everyone on computers and make our lives a game to them.

Hopefully people speak up about this kind of garbage. This makes me so angry. The world is desperate to corrupt as much people as they can and this is another step in that direction. You hope with time people will learn to overcome it.

Since this is from 2007, probably already in play.

Posted by MelaninKing (Member # 17444) on :

I can tell you that the American simulation is complete and offers 1 to 1 mapping, with the capability to automated monitor and append newly created nodes, for example, new family births.

The problem with worldwide simulation has more to do with instabilities in developing nations, such as in Asia, Central America and Africa.

The system itself, and all of those entities and corporations who make use of the system are funded by Tax payer dollars.

The US system also has the capability of tying into real-time video surveillance found everywhere in the real world such as, corner store, Malls, gas stations, banks, traffic monitoring, Grocery stores, street monitors, etc.
These video systems may then be used to track an individual in conjunction with the GPS in their cell phones. Be aware, big brother just may be watching YOU, if they thought it was justified, and thanks to 9/11 and the Patriot Act, they won't require a warrant or court order approval to do so.
Posted by KING (Member # 9422) on :

Wow thats just SNEAKY. So our tax dollars are funding the government to track and follow us and take away our rights.

Thats serious, if this is the case, then is the news true(Regular news we see on TV)? I mean all the people that abuse others and do violence to people, how are they still getting away with this, if these things can be implemented to stop it?

This is VERY SCARY MK, and shows in these times, you just got to cling to God and try to block all the stress that gets FORCED on your shoulders by these people. We here all the time of suicide and people say they don't know why, I pray it's not because of the stress that is on the shoulders of others.

And then you see people who suffer from Mental Health issues, say people are "following" them and they feel people are out to get them. This gives new meaning to what these people suffer through.

Last Days.

Posted by MelaninKing (Member # 17444) on :
No KING, it is not the end of days. It's simply more of the same earthly suffering.
If you want to be a part of this world, you have to get used to being enveloped with greed, ignorance and suffering.

This is why Jesus stated he was not of this world. He refused to be a part of the world of suffering. In the end, he was unable to deny the world, and ended his last days under tremendous suffering.

As shown above, the global surveillance is not limited to the US, but prevalent in Canada, Mexico, The UK, Europe as well. The system above is just one of many such surveillance and control tools used. NSA technology is pervasive, intrusive, and ever expanding.
Posted by GBOLA KING (Member # 6729) on :
KING you're one sick puppy.
Posted by anguishofbeing (Member # 16736) on :
Originally posted by MelaninKing:
No KING, it is not the end of days. It's simply more of the same earthly suffering.
If you want to be a part of this world, you have to get used to being enveloped with greed, ignorance and suffering.

This is why Jesus stated he was not of this world. He refused to be a part of the world of suffering. In the end, he was unable to deny the world, and ended his last days under tremendous suffering.

King is not ready for a lesson in existentialism.
Posted by Brada-Anansi (Member # 16371) on :
That Big brother spy in the sky is already in use in England for a number of yrs now they said it is needed to fight crime and terrorism.
But MK that sh!t you posted is disturbing I have friends who refused to sign-up for any social networking sights I told them they were paranoid but like that old saying just because you are paranoid that doesn't mean they are not out to get you,I guess I have at least three I told you so's coming.
Posted by MelaninKing (Member # 17444) on :
^ Social networks like FACEBOOK and search engines like GOOGLE are successful, not so much for their quality or content, but because the system promotes their success due to their usefulness as political monitoring tools.
It has been estimated that 4 out of 10 users on Google are NSA/FBI/CIA employees.

Normal citizens have no idea of the level of surveillance they are being placed under, and what the possible repercussions are for simply violating one of the keyword parameters set by monitoring surveillance groups

As example, the Counter Intelligence Program against blacks being run for decades by FBI/CIA/SBI can now be tied into FACEBOOK and used to monitor any potential identified emerging black leader. Once identified via social network, other elements of the reactive components of the system (Employment Agencies, IRS, Local Traffic, etc. may be triggered to take adverse actions against this individual or group, such as; Denial of employment to create financial hardship, or interruption of supply chain to damage associated businesses.

Please take into account the extremely high black unemployment rate (~20-30%) in the US. It is not a random or unplanned event, but an orchestrated program to financially murder black households, steal and redistribute their wealth to incoming European and foreign immigrates (Canadian, English, Russian, India) who are far less likely to challenge status quo. These new passive groups include Africans at the top of the list.

Many of these black unemployed will eventually end up intimately involved with the Correctional Custody program (Prison) or turn to violating their own neighborhoods (Drugs, Alcohol, theft) due to ignorance of CIP triggered events (Unemployment, Denial Of Credit, Denial Of Housing, Foreclosure, ect.), social programming (B.E.T., Radio-One, Oprah, Tyler Perry, Black churches, ect.), and psychological frustration turned inward.

Brada, I have no Facebook account. I use my own search engine, located on my own server. My IP address is hidden, and I utilize 256 bit military encryption, and still I do not feel secure enough.

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