While the Anglo-Saxon traces his ancestry to, well, the Anglo and Saxon, it is forgotten that the area was founded by Phoenicians near 1000 BC and Phoenicians descendents continued living in the land.
Logically thinking, these Phoenician descendents would become the first blue-blood of the European monarchy. Of the remains of Otto I and Edit of England (see images below)
Professor Mark Horton of Bristol University said that "this may prove to be the oldest complete remains of an English royal."
For all the talk of Saxony being the homeplace of the Saxons, it was an area they took by conquest over a 500 year period from 200 AD to 700 AD. Yet, its earliest rulers are shown to be black / African / Negro.
BELOW: Chronologically, we get a sampling with first Otto I and his queen Edit of England, then Frederick III Elector of Saxony, and Maurice III also Elector of Saxony (Egmond's find).
Let's talk about Otto I before looking at the pictures of these rulers.
Otto had the Magdeburg Cathedral built seen below. (Don't miss the obvious! It was blacks who created the first great castles, cathedrals, monasteries. Whites were still in the early stages of invading Europe and establishing themselves when blacks were building European monuments that exist and are worshipped to this very day).
and it is there that Otto I also had an abbey constructed for St. Maurice and there the famous statue of Maurice is found. A black saint, cathedral, and abbey commissioned/built by a black king:
And, here are the black rulers of Saxony itself (these are just a few of the many).
Otto I King of Holy Roman Empire and Edith of England, 912-973 AD
Frederick-III Elector of Saxony, 1463-1525
Maurice Elector of Saxony, 1521-1553 AD (FROM EGMOND)
If you would like to participate in finding black images of the dukes, electors, and kings of Saxony, look at this website:
check it out yourself. But, here you have it, a black king Otto I honors the black saint Maurice and his great grandson continues the tradition by honoring black by honoring Charlemagne (who looks black or half black).
Keep in mind the artists and designers keep everything white in the second link above here.
Everything is whitewashed. Dig and get the truth out there. Find images of the black monarchs, dukes, and electors in that Saxony link above.
To start with, why not look for Otto I’s and Edit clearly look black. Being black, their parents must have been and so too their grandparents. Look for black images their father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, children from that time. Look for statues, etchings, things done then not decades or centuries later.
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Posted by Marc Washington (Member # 10979) on :
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That last paragraph is impossible to read. It should read:
"Otto and Edit look pure black. As they are pure black, their parents and grandparents must have been. To help with this kind of presenting new images of black lineages, start with their father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, and children in images from their lifetime.
Look for statues, etchings, things done then not decades or centuries later.
The farther you go from the 10th and 11th century to the present, the more they will look white as the white Saxons come to power and want to portray their ancestral rulers as white like themselves.
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Posted by TruthAndRights (Member # 17346) on :
quote:St. Maurice, the Knight of the Holy Lance
As the story goes, Maximian was Emperor of the Roman Empire with Diocletian as his colleague. An uprising of the Gauls known as "Bagaude" forced Maximian to march against them with a massive army. One of the units of this army was the Thebian Legion composed of 6600 men. This unit had been recruited from upper (southern) Egypt and consisted entirely of Egyptian Coptic Christians.
After the revolt was quelled the Emperor Maximian issued an order that the army engage in the killing of prisoners and civilians, including Christian Gauls. St. Maurice and his Thebian Legion, Christians themselves, refused to comply with the orders.
A furious Maximian is said to have ordered the entire Thebian legion hunted down and killed for disobeying his orders. It was in this manner that Maurice and 6600 of his fellow soldiers are said to have died at the hands of the Emperor Maximian (285-305 AD) for their mercy towards early fellow Christians.
Worshipped as early as 460AD, St. Maurice has had numerous artworks, locations, structures - even a castle - dedicated to him. The existence of nearly 300 major images of the black St. Maurice have been catalogued, and even today his worship is seen within numerous cathedrals in eastern Germany.
St. Maurice's name itself translates to, "like a Moor".
According to Coptic Egyptian writings:
"Saint Maurice has always been one of the most popular saints in Western Europe, with over 650 foundations in his name in France alone. Five cathedrals, innumerable churches, chapels and altars are consecrated in his name all over Europe. Aguanum (Saint Maurice en Valais) has always remained the main focus of veneration of the Thebans and a significant pilgrimage resort. In the monastery that bears his name there, the monks perform a special devotion to the saints every day, and celebrate their feast on September 22 of each year. An all night vigil on the night before the feast is attended by nearly1000 people. On the feast day, they carry in procession the relics of the martyrs in the ancient silver caskets. Over seventy towns bear the name of Saint Maurice".
Holy Roman Emperor Otto I and Queen, Eadgyth (Edith) (note above curls in beard = black)
Independent, London Wednesday, 20 January 2010
Remains of one of the oldest members of the English royal family, Edith of England, have been located at the Magdeburger Dom in Germany. A lead coffin was discovered, bearing the name Eadgyth, the old spelling for Edith. Inside the coffin, a nearly complete female skeleton was found, wrapped in silk
remains wrapped in silk
Posted by malibudusul (Member # 19346) on :
Marc, You did not answer me what is the name of this kingdom is being invaded by the whites?
Posted by malibudusul (Member # 19346) on :
The image didn't appear as you have to delete the html and put jpg and add a backslash to the second [img] = [/img]
Format (but, with no spaces anywhere!!!):
[img]http:/www.xxxxxxxxxxx.jpg [/img]
So, this is what you wanted to display:
[Malibudsul writes]: what is the name of this kingdom is being invaded by the whites?
[Marc writes]: It tells us at the end of the caption. Basically Strasbourg.
At the time of invasion, Strasbourg was free. Then the French took it. Then the Germans. Then the French and Germans split it.
They really like the places we as Phoenicians founded. We founded the area of Saxony, too before it was known as Saxony.
We as Phoenicians and later called Celts or Moors founded lots of places in Switzerland, Sweden, the Netherlands, France, Germany, Spain.
We founded places all over Europe. They were really nice places for black people before they became really nice places for white people.
Let's go to the caption that has information you asked about: The caption says:
in the lower border are those of Zorn von Bulach or Zorn von Plobsheir and Blumel, or Blumlein, all which were powerful Strasborg families at the time."
Below are other amorials belong to the Moors of Germany before the Germans took over. Look at the number that even have black heads in them!:
The statues of edith and otto show LONG STRAIGHT FLOWING HAIR.
Negroids don't have straight hair.
Posted by cassiterides (Member # 18409) on :
Marc has to be the worst internet troll i have ever encountered.
He thinks the following are negroid:
Clearly its just a bit of RUST... their facial features are fully white.
Where the statue has not rusted, the hands are pale/white.
Do negroids have white hands now?
Posted by cassiterides (Member # 18409) on :
Otto II -
When will you stupid self-hating negroes stop trying to steal white history?
Posted by Marc Washington (Member # 10979) on :
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[Malisbudsul writes] who are these kings and Croatia?
[Marc writes] Malisbudsul. This is the picture below you tried to load is the second one below.
However, before considering it, we should be clear about how to interpret HAIR in history; i.e. straight hair as seen on coins, monuments, pictures.
Typically, people consider straight hair to represent white hair and like a coin toss, anything with straight hair is white and everything with an afro is black.
But, that does not consider the fact that almost every black woman in her life goes back-and-forth between straight hair and an afro as my own mother has done.
Black men also may vacillate between an afro and straight hair. I myself have worn straight hair. So, straight long hair seen on historical images could well be black:
So, when we see the image below of Charlemagne that was commissioned by Otto III, grandson of the black Otto I, as Charlemagne has a full lip and bigger than average nose for a white person, we'd say he's likely a black guy who straightened his hair:
[Malisbudsul writes] who are these kings and Croatia?
I do not have a name of the dazzling individuals you see who Elizabeth Taylor, with all her jewels would envy. There is no woman, no person I have seen in my life decked-out so lavishly as they. Black and bad as they are.
I can offer only the following as further information of them as Istrian-Dalmatian Moors:
The motif of the moretti (blackamoors) of Istrian-Dalmatian origin is frequently employed in both jewelry and furnishings in gold and polychrome enamels as in the necklace, or set with precious diamonds and rubies as in the two brooches.
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Posted by Marc Washington (Member # 10979) on :
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[ For three times in a row, Cassaterides writes]:
July 22nd: “black people cannot grow long hair.” [IN THREAD: Medievel European monarchs presented as African]
Aug. 2nd: “Negroids don't have straight hair. We already covered this.” [IN THREAD: King George III was black]
Aug. 3rd: “Negroids don't have straight hair.” [IN THREAD: Anglo-Saxon roots go back to a black Saxony]
Last time he said this,
[Marc wrote]: My mother has long hair. See green shaded comment below.
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Posted by cassiterides (Member # 18409) on :
Marc why are you so dumb?
The women you claim is your mother doesn't have NATURAL straight hair. As you have shown her natural hair is an afro.
Black women straighten their hair by artificial methods. In fact there is a 4 billion dollar industry in america where black women straighten their hair.
Black women hate their natural afro type hair and crave to look like white women, so they pay loads to have it artificially straightened.
Compare -
Natural straight hair (whites):
Fake straight hair (blacks):
Note: virtually every black woman straightens their hair so they can look more white. However their hair does not look natural. Since also they have fake hair, it is never longer than shoulder length.
Blacks have a huge identify crisis. They self-admit their afro hair is ugly and there is a 4 billion dollar american industry set up to straighten hair for black woman so they can look more like whites.
Posted by cassiterides (Member # 18409) on :
My mother has long hair ======
That's not long hair.
Long hair is this which black people cannot grow:
Good luck finding a black woman with natural hair like this.
Stop the self-hatred and just admit what your own races features are. Blacks don't have natural long straight hair. Its fucking retarded to claim they do, and this is getting boring. If you can't even admit what your race looks like then you need to be put in a mental asylum. You clearly hate your race so much you can't even come to turns with what you look like. Hence you post photos of white kings and queens and them claim they are black. Its retarded.
Posted by Marc Washington (Member # 10979) on :
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Posted by malibudusul (Member # 19346) on :
cassiterides, why are you so nervous? The truth hurts? kill yourself
Posted by malibudusul (Member # 19346) on :
Marc, I have one more question. King George III is the photo of another topic?
Posted by malibudusul (Member # 19346) on :
Marc, I do not speak English. I am reflecting on google.
I've seen pictures of black hair with natura smooth. The president of Somalia for example.
Posted by Marc Washington (Member # 10979) on :
, ,
[malibudusul writes] King George III is the photo of another topic?
[Marc writes] We can introduce him now. This is also a good opportunity to let it be known that (1) I recognize many kings of England and European countries as white - especially those after the 16th century; (2) I personally have a standard for determining for myself if they are white or black.
For instance, George III definately looks black with his blunted nose and full facial features and short wiry-looking afro.
On the other hand, George II definately looks white with his long hair and thin nose:
There is little chance I'd ever see George III in his coronation medallion as white; and no chance whatsoever I'd ever see George II as black.
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Posted by Marc Washington (Member # 10979) on :
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[Malibudusul writes] I've seen pictures of black hair with natura smooth. The president of Somalia for example.
[Marc writes] If we use the definition of Africans as being people with full facial features (i.e. full nose and mouth, rounded nose) then the four races you see below are members of the African race with straight hair.
Africans have long, straight or wavy hair, not only woolly.
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Posted by cassiterides (Member # 18409) on :
^ African is a GEOGRAPHIC term only.
There have been many different races who inhabited Africa.
Of course many Africans are straight haired.
However the Negroid (Black African) is not straight haired.
Blacks only have wooly/afro hair. Marc admits this which is why his pictures are of AINU...
The Ainu were not negroid.
Posted by Marc Washington (Member # 10979) on :
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[Cassiterides writes] Blacks only have wooly/afro hair. Marc admits this.
[Marc writes] That is completely untrue and 180 degrees different from what I said.
My comment is two replies above here in the web page there.
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Posted by Marc Washington (Member # 10979) on :