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Posted by Nyasha (Member # 19234) on :
is this true?

did greeks not have any buildings or monuments before they studied in egypt?
Posted by rahotep101 (Member # 18764) on :
Mycaean, mainland Greeks were literate and builders of stone cities before they had any direct contact with Egypt, and long before the emergence of Classical Greece:


The maritime Minoan culture, based on Crete, was also a distinct culture unto itself, not derivative of Egypt.

There is little or no direct Egyptian influence on Classical Greece, nor on the older Greece of Homer. There are fundamental differences in the religions, most notably the fact that Greeks had an earth goddess (Gaia) whereas Egyptians had an Earth god (Geb).

Greek political systems or philosophy don't obviously owe anything to Egypt. Greek mythology is full of creatures that are not found in Egyptian mythology, such as satyrs and centaurs. Greek mythology also has spurious Egyptian figures, such as king Aegyptus, who does not relate to any real figure from Egyptian history or myth.

There are only superficial similarities bewtween Egyptian and early Greek artworks, such as the way statues are posed. Greeks soon abandoned the stiff striding stance for statues and made them more naturalistic, a development that owed nothing to Egypt.

So culturally, and politically Greece owed little to Egypt. Whether maths and science were transmitted from Egypt I don't know.
Posted by xyyman (Member # 13597) on :
If you are not on games. . . .

Don’t listen to fcuk face above he has no clue. He gets his info from these rabid neo-nazi forums writing from a prison cell while incarcerated.
Read the Mediterranean Race by S. Sergi. Also look up Sir Arthur Evans and Dr. Ben Jochanan(sp?).
Three world renown experts on the subject of History and Anthropology. They know what they are talking about.
Some of the objective and intelligent posters on this board can lead you in the right direction. See ALtk., Dana etc
Modern day genetic science is now confirming that these guys were right. Africans from the Sahara region created and dominated civilizations on ALL sides of the Medit Sea right up to the about 500BC.

BTW: Both Europeans and Africans agree on that

Originally posted by Nyasha:
is this true?

did greeks not have any buildings or monuments before they studied in egypt?

Posted by xyyman (Member # 13597) on :
Some Europeans think they can BS their way into African history by using the word Caucasians, Negro and Mongoloid. Most modern geneticist use the term “population” as these out dated terms no longer have any, any , any scientific basis. They are obsolete terms, created about 200yo by Europeans to described humans based upon how they looked. But now science has proven that humans groups may look similar but are the most distant biologically. What we look like is a product of the environment we spent thousands of years in.

If you are serious . . .read. Those clowns like, the one above and AfroCentric Liar are just here to jerk off.. . fcukers don’t know what time is it. Still caught in the 1900’s.

= = =
And yes Greece was influenced by Egypt. See Evans, Ben, Sergi and Johnny come lately Bernal. Showing pictures only work in Kiddygarten
Posted by the lioness (Member # 17353) on :
EGYPTIAN Luxor Temple founded in 1400 BCE



GREEK Parthenon founded in 447 BCE

Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
xyyman - My, my, what a defender of the truth you are turning out to be. Sounds like you have been researching - most excellent. But have you considered that Nyasha might be White, and does not want to know the truth?

Nyasha - Concerning Mycenae, there is a short-cut. One need to only read who the Greeks themselves credited the building of Mycenae.

Your answer is found in "The myth of Danaus" ("sleeper"): In Greek mythology he was the twin brother of Aegyptus and son of Achiroe and Belus, (mythical king and Queen of Egypt). The myth of Danaus is a foundation legend of Argos, one of the foremost Mycenaean cities of the Peloponnesus. (Mycenae had been earlier built at about 1,500 B.C, by Cretens and Egypt). Thus this myth serves as a good example of how the early White Greeks used myth to explain their current circumstance.

You will note that the ancient White Greeks; attributed no part of the building of the Mycenaean civilization to themselves; but rather, truthfully and correctly to Egyptians and Pelasgusians (the original Black Greeks). Cretans and Pelasgusians seem to have been fluid.

Whites also like to claim that White Greeks "Invented" Philosophy.

In the 2nd century CE, the Christian theologian Clement of Alexandria had this to say on the matter:

Philosophy, then, with all its blessed advantages to man, flourished long ages ago among the barbarians, diffusing its light among the gentiles, and eventually penetrated into Greece. Its hierophants (priests) were the prophets among the Egyptians, the Chaldeans among the Assyrians, the Druids among the Galatians, the Sramanas of the Bactrians, and the philosophers of the Celts, the Magi among the Persians who announced beforehand the birth of the Saviour, being led by a star till they arrived in the land of Judaea, and among the Indians the Gymnosophists, and other philosophers of barbarous nations.
—Clement of Alexandria, Stromata 1.15.71 (ed. Colon. 1688 p. 305, A, B).
Posted by xyyman (Member # 13597) on :
Mike , of course I considered that Nyasha is another rabid skin head hence my preface. These clowns are so . . . easy. It is like play fukcing a sixteen year old.

But it should not be about black or white. It is about the truth.

edit: truth ie facts and science
Posted by cassiterides (Member # 18409) on :
Some Europeans think they can BS their way into African history by using the word Caucasians, Negro and Mongoloid. Most modern geneticist use the term “population” as these out dated terms no longer have any, any , any scientific basis

PC (politically correct) garbage that has no basic in fact.

Caucasoid, Mongoloid and Negroid are not 'obsolete' terms. They are still used by anthropologists and forensic scientists.

Don't listen to retards like xyyman (who are anti-science and have a political agenda linked to race denialism).
Posted by cassiterides (Member # 18409) on :
Read the Mediterranean Race by S. Sergi. Also look up Sir Arthur Evans and Dr. Ben Jochanan(sp?).

what a lieing piece of crap.

Arthur Evans only wrote a colony of BLACK SLAVES where on Crete c. 1700 BC. They were bought from the egyptians who they traded with.

There are no 'black foundations' of the Minoans.

The only blacks in europe at that time were slaves.
Posted by cassiterides (Member # 18409) on :
You will note that the ancient White Greeks; attributed no part of the building of the Mycenaean civilization to themselves; but rather, truthfully and correctly to Egyptians and Pelasgusians (the original Black Greeks).

The Pelasgians were not black.

Blacks never layed the foundations in europe. Your ancestors were in mud huts in sub-sahara africa until brought to europe as slaves.
Posted by Nyasha (Member # 19234) on :
No, I am not white, I am black and was asking a legitimate question
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
Originally posted by cassiterides:
You will note that the ancient White Greeks; attributed no part of the building of the Mycenaean civilization to themselves; but rather, truthfully and correctly to Egyptians and Pelasgusians (the original Black Greeks).

The Pelasgians were not black.

Blacks never layed the foundations in europe. Your ancestors were in mud huts in sub-sahara africa until brought to europe as slaves.

From Wiki

Greeks did not always clearly distinguish the Minyans from the Pelasgian cultures that had preceded them. Greek mythographers gave the Minyans an eponymous founder, Minyas, perhaps as legendary as Pelasgus (the founding father of the Pelasgians), which was a broader category of pre-Greek Aegean peoples.

and of the Pelasgians who inhabited Placia and Scylace on the Hellespont, who came to live among the Athenians, and by other towns too which were once Pelasgian and afterwards took a different name: if, as I said, one may judge by these, the Pelasgians spoke a language which was not Greek.

In the Odyssey Odysseus, affecting to be Cretan himself, instances Pelasgians among the tribes in the ninety cities of Crete, "language mixing with language side by side."

Ignorant Albinos are just Sooo easy.
Posted by xyyman (Member # 13597) on :
nothing wrong with being white. If you interested in the truth. . .read. A lot of good knowledgeable poters here will point you in the right direction. Sage/Altk has bumped some threads already.
Posted by xyyman (Member # 13597) on :
The fukcer is here to BS. He has no fukcing clue.

@ Nyasha. Check ESReloaded. There is a few threads on the topic there.

[Ignorant Albinos are just Sooo easy. [/QB][/QUOTE]

Don't listen to retards like xyyman (who are *****anti-science **** LOL! Waste of my time!!!

quote: "Only a crank would believe a negro morphed into a white man or a white man into a negro. Yet there are afrocentrics on the forum who think this happened. Time to take their medication."

Mike how can you take someone says ignorant BS like this seriously. Save your energy for more meaningful and mentally challenging opponents.
Posted by -Just Call Me Jari- (Member # 14451) on :
The Greeks were influenced by Egypt as well as Mesopotamia..
Posted by cassiterides (Member # 18409) on :
Yes, mike i'm well aware who the Pelasgians were.

Where is your evidence they were black?
Posted by cassiterides (Member # 18409) on :
In a nutshell:

Pelasgians = pre-Aryan dark haired Mediterraneanoids.

Mycenaeans - Aryan blondes.

This is why when you look at Greek myth, the non-Indo-European (non-Aryan) Gods are dark haired, while virtually all the Indo-European Hellenic deities and figures are blonde (Apollo, Aphrodite, Hera, Leto, Demeter etc).
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
Originally posted by cassiterides:
Yes, mike i'm well aware who the Pelasgians were.

Where is your evidence they were black?

Where is YOUR evidence that they were NOT?

Specifically, where is YOUR evidence that ANY of them were White?

Please note the first European.

Please demonstrate how he became White!

Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Originally posted by rahotep101:
Mycaean, mainland Greeks were literate and builders of stone cities before they had any direct contact with Egypt, and long before the emergence of Classical Greece:

The maritime Minoan culture, based on Crete, was also a distinct culture unto itself, not derivative of Egypt.

There is little or no direct Egyptian influence on Classical Greece, nor on the older Greece of Homer. There are fundamental differences in the religions, most notably the fact that Greeks had an earth goddess (Gaia) whereas Egyptians had an Earth god (Geb).

Greek political systems or philosophy don't obviously owe anything to Egypt. Greek mythology is full of creatures that are not found in Egyptian mythology, such as satyrs and centaurs. Greek mythology also has spurious Egyptian figures, such as king Aegyptus, who does not relate to any real figure from Egyptian history or myth.

There are only superficial similarities bewtween Egyptian and early Greek artworks, such as the way statues are posed. Greeks soon abandoned the stiff striding stance for statues and made them more naturalistic, a development that owed nothing to Egypt.

So culturally, and politically Greece owed little to Egypt. Whether maths and science were transmitted from Egypt I don't know.

This mask is fake. See:

The Mycaeans were Blacks and many wore Afros


Posted by cassiterides (Member # 18409) on :
Where is YOUR evidence that they were NOT?

Logical fallacy and really shows you have no evidence. You make a claim and your only 'evidence' is asking for the evidence against your original view. The other people who use this logical fallacy are those in religious debates on the internet e.g.:

- Where is your proof Allah doesn't exist?
Posted by cassiterides (Member # 18409) on :
Please note the first European

Says who? you?

That photo has no basis in fact.

Bones are not found with skin on them, even that 'black european' the authors claimed was ''entirely hypothetical'' because it had to be 100% speculative because no skin tissue was found. The dark colour is a complete fantasy.

Also your claim the Mycenaeans were blacks with afros is retarded.

Ancient greek literature describes the Mycenaeans as blonde haired and white.

Amazing how you are the OPPOSITE to the truth.
Posted by cassiterides (Member # 18409) on :
The Homeric poems describe the gods and goddesses as blond and blue-eyed; the word for bright hair is generally xanthós, into whose definition we will enter later. The Iliad describes Demeter as blonde, Aphrodite as golden-haired; it describes Athena as blue-eyed, and in fact refers to her fifty-seven times as Zeus’ blue-eyed daughter Athena. The world is glaukopis, which may be deduced from glaukos, meaning “bright, sparkling.” Pindar later described Athena as glaukopis and xantha, thereby clearly referring to her blue eyes and golden hair-colour.

After Homer, the description glaukopis becomes more seldom; however, it appears in isolated instances in Sophocles (Oedipus at Colonus, 705) and with Aristophanes (Thesmophoriazusae, 317). A conversation between a Greek and a Roman in the “Attic Nights” of the Roman writer Aulus Gellius, which compares colour meanings in the two languages, gives information about the colour references of the word glaukopis. There (II, 26, 18), glaucum is explained as meaning “grey-blue” and (II, 26, 19), the description glaukopis of the goddess Athena is explained as caesia, “the heavenly blue-eyed.” The same tradition, going back to Homer, of the blue-eyedness of Athena, is found in the saga of Byssa and Meropis: there, according to Boios (in Antoninus Liberalis, Collection of Metamorphoses, 15) Agron mocks the bright eyes of the goddess and praises his own dark eyes, and even with the Roman poet Hyginus, in the first century AD, Hera and Aphrodite mock the goddess Athena on account of her bright eyes: quod caesia erat. The word glaukopis was synonymous with glaukómmatos, “bright-eyed,” in contrast to melanómmatos, “dark-eyed.” Thus, in a commentary to a passage in the Iliad (IV, 147), the Achaean hero Menelaus was described by the commentator Peisander as “blond-haired, tall in stature and bright-eyed,” and thereby he used the word glaukómmatos (xanthokómes, mégas en glaukómmatos).

The Odyssey describes the god Rhadamanthys as blond, Aphrodite as golden-haired, Athena again and again as blue-eyed. Also, a name like Phoebus Apollo, deduced from phoibos, meaning “bright, shining, radiating,” may not only describe the nature of a Sun-god, but also the bright colour of skin, hair and eyes. The sea-god Poseidon, on the other hand, is described by the Odyssey (III, 6), as dark-haired and dark-eyed — a god of the pre-Hellenic Mediterranean world, whose defeat in battle by Athena in Attica, was represented on the gable of the Parthenon, on the Acropolis.

The figures of the human world are featured by the Homeric poems as being light-skinned and bright-eyed; thus Achilles, Menelaus and Meleager of the Iliad are described as blond, likewise Briseis and Agamede among the feminine figures; Helen is (III, 121) called “glittering.” The Odyssey in many places describes (Wilhelm Sieglin has recorded all these places), Menelaus as blond, it describes Penelope as blonde, Hermione as blonde and Aphrodite as golden-haired. The Iliad and Odyssey mention lily-armed goddesses and princesses, white-armed and silver-footed goddesses and mortal women.

Karl Jax has observed that among Homeric references to mortal girls and women, as also with the goddesses of the Homeric poems, dark hair is completely lacking, and Georg Finsler has stressed that the blond hair-colour in Homer is held to be beautiful and striking to such an extent, that the poet, in a moment of carelessness, even calls Odysseus blond, although he was generally accepted as dark-haired.

The description of the physical features of Odysseus, “the rich in cunning,” needs extensive examination, however. Odysseus diverges from the picture of the other Homeric heroes. By the Iliad (III, 193/94, 210/11) he is described as a “sitting giant,” appearing when seated near Agamemnon to be as tall as the latter, but in standing, to be shorter, but also broader, more thick-set in shoulders and chest. Thus Odysseus is not, like the other heroes, of tall, slim type. The Odyssey describes him (VI, 231) as light-skinned, and in another place (XIII, 397, 431), his head-hair is called blond (xanthós); however, it calls his beard dark (XVI, 176). According to hair-colour, Odysseus is also described by the Odyssey (VI, 231; XVI, 175; XXIII, 157/58) as hyákinthos, which previously was mostly translated as “brownish.” This “hyacinth colour” is, however, as Wilhelm Sieglin has shown, to be described as “reddish,” because the hyacinth was cultivated in Hellas as a sub-type with reddish blooms.

The sturdy, thick-set and dark-bearded Odysseus is not of the same type as the other Achaean heroes, either in respect to bodily or mental features. The distinction of his being “rich in cunning,” as if of a mixed man, was probably not made consciously by the poet; rather, must Odysseus be regarded as a saga figure of the pre-Hellenic world, who is equilibrated by the poet as far as possible to the image of the Achaean heroes. That he is a relic of a strange race, closest to a residue of the Hither-Asiatic type, remains distinguishable, however. Odysseus is a figure like Palamedes, a hero of the the Achaean saga of Troy who, however, only appeared with post-Homeric poets; half-Achaean and half-Levantine, rich in cunning and bold, part Hither-Asiatic, part Nordic, in every way different from the open-hearted noblemen such as Achilles, Patrocles, Agamemnon and Menelaus. Count Gobineau has already observed this weft of a strange type with Odysseus. He called him a Greek with Phoenician ancestors. Odysseus could be courageous when necessary, but preferred cunning; his language is malleable and seductive; lies do not terrify him, treachery does not dismay him, wiliness causes him no trouble. Eloquent, cunning, treacherous, dangerous, he resembles rather a pirate trader from Sidon or a senator from Carthage, while with his richness of thought, his imperturbability, his capacity of bridling his passions, with the occasional moderation and modesty, which in his case always proceeds from rational calculation, he is rather of Nordic type. V. Bérard was of the opinion that the Odyssey was indeed written by a Greek, but that its hero, Odysseus, was a Phoenician. Thus the mental and physical nature of this hero has again and again called forth conjecture about a pre-Hellenic origin, of which the latest is asserted by Wolfgang Aly. Aly holds Odysseus to be a saga figure from the pre-Hellenic world of the Cretans.

In the figure of Odysseus, “rich in cunning,” we see the after-effect of the East Mediterranean lands on the pre-Indo-Germanic world, the weft of Hither-Asiatic race, which was peculiar to this world, this weft being in every case stronger than the weft of the Western (Mediterranean) race; but with this figure the later Hellas also makes its appearance, a Hellas in which through mixture with the immigrating Indo-Germans, together with the descendants of the original population, and through additional wanderings from Asia Minor, the weft of Hither-Asiatic race reached out more and more and penetrated into the upper strata. In the later course of Greek history, more and more Nordic/Hither-Asiatic men like Odysseus must have appeared in the leading strata, becoming more Hither-Asiatic than Nordic, and at length filled with ever more men of preponderantly Hither-Asiatic race. Dishonesty, treachery, crafty calculation, corruptibility, and betrayal, more and more sully the pages of Hellenic history, indeed the history of all Hellenic tribes and settlements. In these characteristics, the Greek appears at length very far estranged from his original Indo-Germanic nature, from the high-aiming purity of all the early ages of the Indo-Germanic peoples, more estranged indeed than the Persian and Iranian of the Achaemenid Age, which in its faith, Mazdaism, had increased this very Indo-Germanic purity, the abhorrence of lies, to a proud confession of its nature. Men of Hither-Asiatic race have always been regarded as more cunning by men of other types. The Phoenicians, a folk with strong Hither-Asiatic weft, Homer (Iliad, XIV, 288) described as “treacherous men,” and “arch swindlers.” What was sensed to be Hither-Asiatic in Odysseus, the gift of feeling his way into mental life strange to him, the art of calculating the mental features of other men and other human groups, appears in the later Hellenic age not only in many traders travelling from place to place, but also in merchants of Greek language, in the graeculi paid and despised by the Romans, but permeates also the mode of thinking of many sophists and the opinions they taught. In his speech for Flaccus (17), and in letters to his brother Quintus, Marcus Tullius Cicero (Letters, 30, I, 16, 28; 53, II, 4) has described the mental make-up of many Hellenes of his age, which appeared to him, as to Western Europeans of later ages, to be of the nature of the “Levantine.”

Racial science evidence about the type of the Achaean and the Greek of the Homeric age, is represented by an assertion of the Iliad (XXII, 401); there, Hector the Trojan is described as dark-haired, in fact as non-Achaean, as stranger and foe. This distinction signifies, from a racial historical aspect, an error or an injustice, for the Trojans were themselves indeed relations of the Greeks, one of the pre-Hellenic, Indo-Germanic tribes from the region of the lower Danubian lands. The Trojan woman Briseis is called blonde by the Iliad (XIX, 283); here the contrast is forgotten.

With Hector’s description, the poet has wished to stress a racial contrast. This struck Dio of Prusa, also called Dio Chrysostomos, a writer, who was born around 40 AD and lived until the beginning of the second century AD; he has (21, 16) drawn attention to the fact that the beauty of the Hellenes must have been other than that of the barbarians: the Hellenes were blond like Achilles or Patrocles, the barbarians dark, as the description of Hector shows.

The Boeotian peasant-poet Hesiod (around 700 BC), represents Homer’s gods, goddesses, heroes and heroines, as blond people. Athena he each time calls blue-eyed, thus in seven places, Dionysus he describes (Theogony, 947) as blond, likewise Ariadne and Ioleia (Fragment 110).

To the idea of beautiful and noble men belong, for the Hellenic outlook, not only features like light skin, bright hair and blue eyes, but also tall and slim stature. The frequent turn of phrase “beautiful and tall” (kalós kai mégas), which already appears many times with Homer, can be further traced in Hellenic literature from Herodotus to Lucian; it is used for men, women and children. In the description of Nausicaa by the Odyssey (VI, 151) it is shown that to beauty and noble birth, according to Hellenic views, belongs tall stature; the same idea is given by the description of Telemachus by Nestor in the Odyssey (IV, 38). Aristotle says, in his Nicomachean Ethics (IV, 7), that to beauty belongs a tall body; small bodies could admittedly be pretty and well-shaped, but not actually beautiful. The Western race is strikingly represented by these short-statured people of a pretty type. For Nordic sensitivity, the nature of the body and mind of the Western race does not suffice for actual “beauty,” because the idea of a beautiful person demands a certain gravity of soul, a greatness of soul, which was described as megalópsychía by the Hellenes, as magnanimitas by the Romans, or as the hôchgemüete of the German Middle Ages. The Western or Atlanto-Mediterranean racial soul is too light in gravity for Nordic feeling, too sparse in content, for the bodily features to be felt to be “beautiful.”

The Iliad not only allows it to be recognised by which bodily characteristics the Hellene of the early age was distinguished; it also shows in two examples, how the Greeks of the Homeric age viewed ugly men of the lower strata, just as later plastic art allows the recognition of what features the free Greek ascribed to the unfree, to the slaves of native or foreign origin. The Iliad calls two men curly-haired: Eurybates, the herald of Odysseus, a man with rounded shoulders, and Thersites, the “immeasurable gossip,” the “first demagogue in Hellas,” as he was also called. Both men belong to the lower strata, and thus are descendants of the pre-Hellenic population, of the Indo-Germanised tribes.

Thersites is bow-legged and limps; his head, which has begun to go bald, is of a pointed form: “pointed his head; sewn on the crown with thinnish wool” (Iliad, II, 219). It is striking that a form of head is mentioned here, which differs from that usual to the upper strata. With this “pointed” (phoxós) head, is meant either the sickly form of the so-called “tower-skull” (Turmschädel), or the head form of the Hither-Asiatic race, which with many men of this race may be described as “pointed.” Thersites was also conceived by plastic art as a man of Hither-Asiatic race, with pointed head and projecting nose. On a cup from Attica of the time around 450 BC, the fable poet Aesop (sixth century BC), who probably belonged to the slave caste, is also shown with Hither-Asiatic features.

In his Philoctetes (440 ff), Sophocles has interpreted Thersites completely according to Homeric tradition, in such a way that one would most of all think of the bodily and spiritual features of the Hither-Asiatic race.

This race seems often to have provided folk seducers and demagogues, for which its own capacity of feeling its way into foreign mental life served also the calculation of the human spirit, and the loquacious heightening in themselves of their own feelings and the wish-images of excited crowds. The description in the Iliad of the bodily and mental nature of Thersites the “immeasurable gossip,” corresponds to the repulsion felt by a Nordic ruling-caste to whom power belongs, towards a yelping under-man who dares to find fault with the noble power. Adolf Schulten has shown that Polybius (III, 33), has described the Tyrrhenians, originating from Asia Minor, as Thersitai. The name Thersites would thus have been applied to a man of Asian Minor origin, which Homer could still have perceived.

The evidence of Homeric poetry shows, at least, how in the age of the poets, one imagined gods and goddesses, heroes and heroines, to be. Thereby, it can be recognised from the Iliad and the Odyssey, that bodily features as well as mental characteristics were regarded as inherited and capable of being passed on, capable of cultivation in refined generations with careful choice of wife. These evidences from poetry show that human individuals and peoples see their divinities according to the image of their own bodily make-up, as Xenophanes (Fragment 14) and Aristotle (Politics, I, 2, 7) have remarked, and from the Iliad and Odyssey it can be seen, that at least the leading families of a people which saw its gods as light-skinned, blond and blue-eyed men of tall stature, must have corresponded completely to this facial image. Evidence from later centuries confirms that the Homeric poems have correctly distinguished the racial peculiarity of the Hellene of early history: this Greek was preponderantly of Nordic type.

Otto Reche has pointed out a Graecian word, which by itself alone represents an important assertion about the racial nature of the Greek: the word “iris” for the iris of the eyes. Iris means in fact a rainbow; a folk with dark, brown or black-brown eyes would never have compared the eye-colouring with a rainbow. Only bright eyes, the blue, blue-green or grey of the Nordic race, and greenish and brightly-mixed coloured eyes of people with Nordic weft, could explain a word like “iris.” This word could only have been chosen by a people of a preponderantly bright-eyed stock.


Hans F. K. Günther, Rassengeschichte des hellenischen und des römischen Volkes. Mit einem Anhang: Hellenische und römische Köpfe nordischer Rasse (Munich: J. F. Lehmanns Verlag, 1929) 18—22.

Hans F. K. Günther, Lebensgeschichte des hellenischen Volkes (Pähl: Verlag Hohe Warte, 1956) 98—104.

Hans F. K. Günther, “Like A Greek God.... Translated by Vivian Bird from Professor Hans F. K. Guenther’s Rassenkunde des Hellenischen Volkes.” Northern World VI, 1 (1961) 5—16.
Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Originally posted by cassiterides:
Please note the first European

Says who? you?

That photo has no basis in fact.

Bones are not found with skin on them, even that 'black european' the authors claimed was ''entirely hypothetical'' because it had to be 100% speculative because no skin tissue was found. The dark colour is a complete fantasy.

Also your claim the Mycenaeans were blacks with afros is retarded.

Ancient greek literature describes the Mycenaeans as blonde haired and white.

Amazing how you are the OPPOSITE to the truth.

You posted a fake artifact. Here is the real deal


This picture is worth a 1000 words. The people on this artifact are Black with Afros.

LOL. You just don't get it. Like Mike says all the time you have been taught a bunch of lies.
Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
These translations are all meant to rewrite history. As noted by Parker we can not trust the translators to tell the truth.


The translators have chnged the meanings of words to spread LIES.

Originally posted by cassiterides:
The Homeric poems describe the gods and goddesses as blond and blue-eyed; the word for bright hair is generally xanthós, into whose definition we will enter later. The Iliad describes Demeter as blonde, Aphrodite as golden-haired; it describes Athena as blue-eyed, and in fact refers to her fifty-seven times as Zeus’ blue-eyed daughter Athena. The world is glaukopis, which may be deduced from glaukos, meaning “bright, sparkling.” Pindar later described Athena as glaukopis and xantha, thereby clearly referring to her blue eyes and golden hair-colour.

After Homer, the description glaukopis becomes more seldom; however, it appears in isolated instances in Sophocles (Oedipus at Colonus, 705) and with Aristophanes (Thesmophoriazusae, 317). A conversation between a Greek and a Roman in the “Attic Nights” of the Roman writer Aulus Gellius, which compares colour meanings in the two languages, gives information about the colour references of the word glaukopis. There (II, 26, 18), glaucum is explained as meaning “grey-blue” and (II, 26, 19), the description glaukopis of the goddess Athena is explained as caesia, “the heavenly blue-eyed.” The same tradition, going back to Homer, of the blue-eyedness of Athena, is found in the saga of Byssa and Meropis: there, according to Boios (in Antoninus Liberalis, Collection of Metamorphoses, 15) Agron mocks the bright eyes of the goddess and praises his own dark eyes, and even with the Roman poet Hyginus, in the first century AD, Hera and Aphrodite mock the goddess Athena on account of her bright eyes: quod caesia erat. The word glaukopis was synonymous with glaukómmatos, “bright-eyed,” in contrast to melanómmatos, “dark-eyed.” Thus, in a commentary to a passage in the Iliad (IV, 147), the Achaean hero Menelaus was described by the commentator Peisander as “blond-haired, tall in stature and bright-eyed,” and thereby he used the word glaukómmatos (xanthokómes, mégas en glaukómmatos).

The Odyssey describes the god Rhadamanthys as blond, Aphrodite as golden-haired, Athena again and again as blue-eyed. Also, a name like Phoebus Apollo, deduced from phoibos, meaning “bright, shining, radiating,” may not only describe the nature of a Sun-god, but also the bright colour of skin, hair and eyes. The sea-god Poseidon, on the other hand, is described by the Odyssey (III, 6), as dark-haired and dark-eyed — a god of the pre-Hellenic Mediterranean world, whose defeat in battle by Athena in Attica, was represented on the gable of the Parthenon, on the Acropolis.

The figures of the human world are featured by the Homeric poems as being light-skinned and bright-eyed; thus Achilles, Menelaus and Meleager of the Iliad are described as blond, likewise Briseis and Agamede among the feminine figures; Helen is (III, 121) called “glittering.” The Odyssey in many places describes (Wilhelm Sieglin has recorded all these places), Menelaus as blond, it describes Penelope as blonde, Hermione as blonde and Aphrodite as golden-haired. The Iliad and Odyssey mention lily-armed goddesses and princesses, white-armed and silver-footed goddesses and mortal women.

Karl Jax has observed that among Homeric references to mortal girls and women, as also with the goddesses of the Homeric poems, dark hair is completely lacking, and Georg Finsler has stressed that the blond hair-colour in Homer is held to be beautiful and striking to such an extent, that the poet, in a moment of carelessness, even calls Odysseus blond, although he was generally accepted as dark-haired.

The description of the physical features of Odysseus, “the rich in cunning,” needs extensive examination, however. Odysseus diverges from the picture of the other Homeric heroes. By the Iliad (III, 193/94, 210/11) he is described as a “sitting giant,” appearing when seated near Agamemnon to be as tall as the latter, but in standing, to be shorter, but also broader, more thick-set in shoulders and chest. Thus Odysseus is not, like the other heroes, of tall, slim type. The Odyssey describes him (VI, 231) as light-skinned, and in another place (XIII, 397, 431), his head-hair is called blond (xanthós); however, it calls his beard dark (XVI, 176). According to hair-colour, Odysseus is also described by the Odyssey (VI, 231; XVI, 175; XXIII, 157/58) as hyákinthos, which previously was mostly translated as “brownish.” This “hyacinth colour” is, however, as Wilhelm Sieglin has shown, to be described as “reddish,” because the hyacinth was cultivated in Hellas as a sub-type with reddish blooms.

The sturdy, thick-set and dark-bearded Odysseus is not of the same type as the other Achaean heroes, either in respect to bodily or mental features. The distinction of his being “rich in cunning,” as if of a mixed man, was probably not made consciously by the poet; rather, must Odysseus be regarded as a saga figure of the pre-Hellenic world, who is equilibrated by the poet as far as possible to the image of the Achaean heroes. That he is a relic of a strange race, closest to a residue of the Hither-Asiatic type, remains distinguishable, however. Odysseus is a figure like Palamedes, a hero of the the Achaean saga of Troy who, however, only appeared with post-Homeric poets; half-Achaean and half-Levantine, rich in cunning and bold, part Hither-Asiatic, part Nordic, in every way different from the open-hearted noblemen such as Achilles, Patrocles, Agamemnon and Menelaus. Count Gobineau has already observed this weft of a strange type with Odysseus. He called him a Greek with Phoenician ancestors. Odysseus could be courageous when necessary, but preferred cunning; his language is malleable and seductive; lies do not terrify him, treachery does not dismay him, wiliness causes him no trouble. Eloquent, cunning, treacherous, dangerous, he resembles rather a pirate trader from Sidon or a senator from Carthage, while with his richness of thought, his imperturbability, his capacity of bridling his passions, with the occasional moderation and modesty, which in his case always proceeds from rational calculation, he is rather of Nordic type. V. Bérard was of the opinion that the Odyssey was indeed written by a Greek, but that its hero, Odysseus, was a Phoenician. Thus the mental and physical nature of this hero has again and again called forth conjecture about a pre-Hellenic origin, of which the latest is asserted by Wolfgang Aly. Aly holds Odysseus to be a saga figure from the pre-Hellenic world of the Cretans.

In the figure of Odysseus, “rich in cunning,” we see the after-effect of the East Mediterranean lands on the pre-Indo-Germanic world, the weft of Hither-Asiatic race, which was peculiar to this world, this weft being in every case stronger than the weft of the Western (Mediterranean) race; but with this figure the later Hellas also makes its appearance, a Hellas in which through mixture with the immigrating Indo-Germans, together with the descendants of the original population, and through additional wanderings from Asia Minor, the weft of Hither-Asiatic race reached out more and more and penetrated into the upper strata. In the later course of Greek history, more and more Nordic/Hither-Asiatic men like Odysseus must have appeared in the leading strata, becoming more Hither-Asiatic than Nordic, and at length filled with ever more men of preponderantly Hither-Asiatic race. Dishonesty, treachery, crafty calculation, corruptibility, and betrayal, more and more sully the pages of Hellenic history, indeed the history of all Hellenic tribes and settlements. In these characteristics, the Greek appears at length very far estranged from his original Indo-Germanic nature, from the high-aiming purity of all the early ages of the Indo-Germanic peoples, more estranged indeed than the Persian and Iranian of the Achaemenid Age, which in its faith, Mazdaism, had increased this very Indo-Germanic purity, the abhorrence of lies, to a proud confession of its nature. Men of Hither-Asiatic race have always been regarded as more cunning by men of other types. The Phoenicians, a folk with strong Hither-Asiatic weft, Homer (Iliad, XIV, 288) described as “treacherous men,” and “arch swindlers.” What was sensed to be Hither-Asiatic in Odysseus, the gift of feeling his way into mental life strange to him, the art of calculating the mental features of other men and other human groups, appears in the later Hellenic age not only in many traders travelling from place to place, but also in merchants of Greek language, in the graeculi paid and despised by the Romans, but permeates also the mode of thinking of many sophists and the opinions they taught. In his speech for Flaccus (17), and in letters to his brother Quintus, Marcus Tullius Cicero (Letters, 30, I, 16, 28; 53, II, 4) has described the mental make-up of many Hellenes of his age, which appeared to him, as to Western Europeans of later ages, to be of the nature of the “Levantine.”

Racial science evidence about the type of the Achaean and the Greek of the Homeric age, is represented by an assertion of the Iliad (XXII, 401); there, Hector the Trojan is described as dark-haired, in fact as non-Achaean, as stranger and foe. This distinction signifies, from a racial historical aspect, an error or an injustice, for the Trojans were themselves indeed relations of the Greeks, one of the pre-Hellenic, Indo-Germanic tribes from the region of the lower Danubian lands. The Trojan woman Briseis is called blonde by the Iliad (XIX, 283); here the contrast is forgotten.

With Hector’s description, the poet has wished to stress a racial contrast. This struck Dio of Prusa, also called Dio Chrysostomos, a writer, who was born around 40 AD and lived until the beginning of the second century AD; he has (21, 16) drawn attention to the fact that the beauty of the Hellenes must have been other than that of the barbarians: the Hellenes were blond like Achilles or Patrocles, the barbarians dark, as the description of Hector shows.

The Boeotian peasant-poet Hesiod (around 700 BC), represents Homer’s gods, goddesses, heroes and heroines, as blond people. Athena he each time calls blue-eyed, thus in seven places, Dionysus he describes (Theogony, 947) as blond, likewise Ariadne and Ioleia (Fragment 110).

To the idea of beautiful and noble men belong, for the Hellenic outlook, not only features like light skin, bright hair and blue eyes, but also tall and slim stature. The frequent turn of phrase “beautiful and tall” (kalós kai mégas), which already appears many times with Homer, can be further traced in Hellenic literature from Herodotus to Lucian; it is used for men, women and children. In the description of Nausicaa by the Odyssey (VI, 151) it is shown that to beauty and noble birth, according to Hellenic views, belongs tall stature; the same idea is given by the description of Telemachus by Nestor in the Odyssey (IV, 38). Aristotle says, in his Nicomachean Ethics (IV, 7), that to beauty belongs a tall body; small bodies could admittedly be pretty and well-shaped, but not actually beautiful. The Western race is strikingly represented by these short-statured people of a pretty type. For Nordic sensitivity, the nature of the body and mind of the Western race does not suffice for actual “beauty,” because the idea of a beautiful person demands a certain gravity of soul, a greatness of soul, which was described as megalópsychía by the Hellenes, as magnanimitas by the Romans, or as the hôchgemüete of the German Middle Ages. The Western or Atlanto-Mediterranean racial soul is too light in gravity for Nordic feeling, too sparse in content, for the bodily features to be felt to be “beautiful.”

The Iliad not only allows it to be recognised by which bodily characteristics the Hellene of the early age was distinguished; it also shows in two examples, how the Greeks of the Homeric age viewed ugly men of the lower strata, just as later plastic art allows the recognition of what features the free Greek ascribed to the unfree, to the slaves of native or foreign origin. The Iliad calls two men curly-haired: Eurybates, the herald of Odysseus, a man with rounded shoulders, and Thersites, the “immeasurable gossip,” the “first demagogue in Hellas,” as he was also called. Both men belong to the lower strata, and thus are descendants of the pre-Hellenic population, of the Indo-Germanised tribes.

Thersites is bow-legged and limps; his head, which has begun to go bald, is of a pointed form: “pointed his head; sewn on the crown with thinnish wool” (Iliad, II, 219). It is striking that a form of head is mentioned here, which differs from that usual to the upper strata. With this “pointed” (phoxós) head, is meant either the sickly form of the so-called “tower-skull” (Turmschädel), or the head form of the Hither-Asiatic race, which with many men of this race may be described as “pointed.” Thersites was also conceived by plastic art as a man of Hither-Asiatic race, with pointed head and projecting nose. On a cup from Attica of the time around 450 BC, the fable poet Aesop (sixth century BC), who probably belonged to the slave caste, is also shown with Hither-Asiatic features.

In his Philoctetes (440 ff), Sophocles has interpreted Thersites completely according to Homeric tradition, in such a way that one would most of all think of the bodily and spiritual features of the Hither-Asiatic race.

This race seems often to have provided folk seducers and demagogues, for which its own capacity of feeling its way into foreign mental life served also the calculation of the human spirit, and the loquacious heightening in themselves of their own feelings and the wish-images of excited crowds. The description in the Iliad of the bodily and mental nature of Thersites the “immeasurable gossip,” corresponds to the repulsion felt by a Nordic ruling-caste to whom power belongs, towards a yelping under-man who dares to find fault with the noble power. Adolf Schulten has shown that Polybius (III, 33), has described the Tyrrhenians, originating from Asia Minor, as Thersitai. The name Thersites would thus have been applied to a man of Asian Minor origin, which Homer could still have perceived.

The evidence of Homeric poetry shows, at least, how in the age of the poets, one imagined gods and goddesses, heroes and heroines, to be. Thereby, it can be recognised from the Iliad and the Odyssey, that bodily features as well as mental characteristics were regarded as inherited and capable of being passed on, capable of cultivation in refined generations with careful choice of wife. These evidences from poetry show that human individuals and peoples see their divinities according to the image of their own bodily make-up, as Xenophanes (Fragment 14) and Aristotle (Politics, I, 2, 7) have remarked, and from the Iliad and Odyssey it can be seen, that at least the leading families of a people which saw its gods as light-skinned, blond and blue-eyed men of tall stature, must have corresponded completely to this facial image. Evidence from later centuries confirms that the Homeric poems have correctly distinguished the racial peculiarity of the Hellene of early history: this Greek was preponderantly of Nordic type.

Otto Reche has pointed out a Graecian word, which by itself alone represents an important assertion about the racial nature of the Greek: the word “iris” for the iris of the eyes. Iris means in fact a rainbow; a folk with dark, brown or black-brown eyes would never have compared the eye-colouring with a rainbow. Only bright eyes, the blue, blue-green or grey of the Nordic race, and greenish and brightly-mixed coloured eyes of people with Nordic weft, could explain a word like “iris.” This word could only have been chosen by a people of a preponderantly bright-eyed stock.


Hans F. K. Günther, Rassengeschichte des hellenischen und des römischen Volkes. Mit einem Anhang: Hellenische und römische Köpfe nordischer Rasse (Munich: J. F. Lehmanns Verlag, 1929) 18—22.

Hans F. K. Günther, Lebensgeschichte des hellenischen Volkes (Pähl: Verlag Hohe Warte, 1956) 98—104.

Hans F. K. Günther, “Like A Greek God.... Translated by Vivian Bird from Professor Hans F. K. Guenther’s Rassenkunde des Hellenischen Volkes.” Northern World VI, 1 (1961) 5—16.

Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
The Afro-Greeks were not called Ethiopian. They were native to Greece when the Indo-Europeans came to Greece, Homer, who was an Afro-Greek refered to his people as xanthos (brown) in color.

The earliest inhabitants of Greece and the Aegean Islands were Blacks from ancient Libya, Palestine, and Asia Minor. These Blacks founded Athens, Thebes Thera and Attica. They occupied much of the mainland and all the Aegean Islands.


These Blacks are frequently depicted in the art associated with the so-called Dark Ages (1200-600 BC). There are also fine frescos from Thera (Sanorin) Island which illustrate one of the Agean cities occupied by these Blacks during the 16th and 15th centuries BC.

This is one of the Thera Frescos. Note the busy atmosphere Associated with the Pelasgian cities during the 16th Century BC

Although these people of the Heroic age came from diverse origins, the Aryan-Greeks called them Pelasgians. According to the Greeks, the first man was Pelasgus--ancestor of the Pelasgians. The Pelasgians were a combination of different Black tribes called Achaeans, Cadmeans, Leleges, Carians or Garamantes.
The term Pelasgian was applied to all these pre-Hellenic inhabitants of Greece. R.J. Hopper, in

The Early Greeks, noted that "indeed the classical Greeks believed in the separate existence of diverse ethnic elements side by side, and thought particularly of the Pelasgians in this connection".

According to tradition, the Pelasgians inhabited Arcadia and many Aegean Islands. These Blacks took their own writing to Greece which was later used by the Aryan-Greeks. According to Herodotus quadrigas or four-horse chariots were introduced to Greeks by the Libyans .

The Aryan-Greeks adopted the language of the Pelasgians and Egyptians. The linguistic evidence shows that there was a differentiation of Greece into East Greek and West Greek. The Black Greeks spoke East Greek (Achaioi or Achaean). West Greek was spoken by the Dorian or Aryan Greeks. The earliest Aryan tribe called Ionians spoke a dialect of East Greek called Aeolic.

Many classical scholars teach the world that the Greek language is entirely Indo-European. This view of Greek is wrong.

Dr. Anna Morpurgo Davies, has made it clear that "less than 40% of the words which have an Indo-European etymology". According to Dr. Davies, 52.2 % of the Greek terms in Chantraine's Dictionnaire Etymologique de la langue Grecque (1968) have an unknown etymology. The mixed nature of the Greek language results from the early settlement of the Aegean by Blacks from Africa.

Some of these words are of African origin. Robert K.G. Temple, in The Sirius Mystery, shows that many of the most common words of the Greek vocabulary are of Egyptian origin. Diop (1991) has also discussed the Egyptian origin for many Greek terms.

The Xanthos or Palasgians of Thera


The Greeks often called the first inhabitants of Greece Pelasgians. The Greek writers claimed that Pelasgus, the great ancestor of the Pelasgians was the first man. The Pelasgians were a combination of diverse Black tribes which included the Achaeans , Kadmeans, and Leleges.

The Garamantes were also often called Pelasgians by some classical writers. Strabo said "that the Pelasgi, as indeed the most ancient nation, were diffused through all Greece, and especially among the Aeolians".

The city of Argo was founded by Phoroneus, the father of Pelasgus, Iasus and Agenor. It was these folks who divided the Peloponnese between them.

Herodotus referred to the Pelasgians as "venerable ancestors". He said that the first Athenians "they were Pelasgi, the later possessing the country now designed Hellas". The Pelasgian founding of Athens is also noted by Plutarch in Theseus 12, and Ovid in Metamorphosis vii.402ff. According to Herodotus vii.91, the Pelasgians also founded Thebes in Europe. Pausanias, noted that "The Arcadians make mention of Pelasgus as the first person who existed in their country. From this king the whole region took the name Pilasgia". Hopper noted that the Pelasgians founded Attica.

The Black immigrants from Canaan were also settled in the Aegean at Argolis. They called themselves the "Sons of Abas". Many of the Melampodes later took part of Argolis away from the Canaanites.

The earliest Greek alphabet was made by the Pelasgians, it was lost and later reintroduced by Kadmus to Boeotia. Another Pelasgian, Evander of Arcadia introduced writing to the Italians. This script was used to make the first fifteen characters of the Latin script according to Pliny and Plutarch.

Pelasgians from Thera

Posted by cassiterides (Member # 18409) on :
These translations are all meant to rewrite history. As noted by Parker we can not trust the translators to tell the truth



You prefer cranks and charlatans who write in 'negro journals' rather than lexicons and classicists.

Xanthos means blonde, yellow or a shade of fair you retard not brown.

Xanthos is a reference to yellow hair. Virtually all the Greek Gods were blondes (Aphrodite, Apollo, Artemis, Demeter etc).

Henry Liddell - A Greek-English Lexicon (Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1940) on xanthos

''ξανθός , ή, όν (Xanthos): A yellow, of various shades, freq. with a tinge of red, brown, auburn, “λαμπρὸν ἐρυθρῷ λευκῷ τε μειγνύμενον''

Blacks don't have blonde or blonde shaded hair.
Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
We can not trust the translators to tell the truth.


The translators have chnged the meanings of words to spread LIES.

Originally posted by cassiterides:
These translations are all meant to rewrite history. As noted by Parker we can not trust the translators to tell the truth



You prefer cranks and charlatans who write in 'negro journals' rather than lexicons and classicists.

Xanthos means blonde, yellow or a shade of fair you retard not brown.

Xanthos is a reference to yellow hair. Virtually all the Greek Gods were blondes (Aphrodite, Apollo, Artemis, Demeter etc).

Henry Liddell - A Greek-English Lexicon (Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1940) on xanthos

''ξανθός , ή, όν (Xanthos): A yellow, of various shades, freq. with a tinge of red, brown, auburn, “λαμπρὸν ἐρυθρῷ λευκῷ τε μειγνύμενον''

Blacks don't have blonde or blonde shaded hair.

LOL. Greeks don't have blond hair either.LOL.

Posted by cassiterides (Member # 18409) on :
In Homer and Greek poetry, xanthos IS ONLY APPLIED TO THE HAIR, never skin.

Xanthos = fair hair
Kuanoxai = dark hair
Purros = red hair

If xanthos was dark then that contradicts kuanoxai.

You clearly have never studied classics before, as i said you are a retard pulling crap out of laughable 'negro journals'.
Posted by cassiterides (Member # 18409) on :
The translators have chnged the meanings of words to spread LIES.

Says who?

A bunch of black cranks who write in fantasy 'negro journals'.

Xanthos = blonde.

The reason you object to this is because it debunks your 'black = greece' crap since all the ancient greek gods were blonde haired.

Blacks don't have blonde hair.

How most greek gods appear - (xanthos, blonde).


Are you saying you think the above look 'negroid'? [Roll Eyes]
Posted by cassiterides (Member # 18409) on :
As for pigmentation, Coon (1939) tells us:

Greek literature and Greek art furnish an abundance of evidence as to the pigmentation and the characteristic facial features of the ancient inhabitants of Hellas. The Olympian gods, ancestors of the semi-heroes, were for the most part blond, with ivory shins and golden hair. Athene was gray eyed. Poseidon, however, was black haired [Note: Poseidon was derived from a pre-IE Mediterranean deity]. These gods were little different if we may believe Homer, from their descendants the heroes, most of whom were white limbed and golden haired.

Day (2002) finds that:

Useful information about real rather than fictional Greeks comes from Polemon, the second most important Greek writer on physiognomy, who wrote as late as the second century A.D. Polemon explains that "the pure Greek" of his time has fair skin and red hair, and resembles the man inclined to literature and philosophy, who has fair skin and fairish hair. Polemon may have drawn these ideas from Pseudo-Aristotle, the most important Greek physiognomist, who in his third century B.C. Physiognomica declares that the most perfect male type is the lion with its fair mane.
Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Originally posted by cassiterides:
The translators have chnged the meanings of words to spread LIES.

Says who?

A bunch of black cranks who write in fantasy 'negro journals'.

Xanthos = blonde.

The reason you object to this is because it debunks your 'black = greece' crap since all the ancient greek gods were blonde haired.

Blacks don't have blonde hair.

How most greek gods appear - (xanthos, blonde).


Are you saying you think the above look 'negroid'? [Roll Eyes]

THEY DON'T LOOK LIKE Blacks . They also fail to represent the Greeks of Homer's day. These pictures have bothing to do with the Black Greeks Homer wrote about.

The Xanthos or Palasgians of Thera


These people represent Homer's heroes.
Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Originally posted by cassiterides:
In Homer and Greek poetry, xanthos IS ONLY APPLIED TO THE HAIR, never skin.

Xanthos = fair hair
Kuanoxai = dark hair
Purros = red hair

If xanthos was dark then that contradicts kuanoxai.

You clearly have never studied classics before, as i said you are a retard pulling crap out of laughable 'negro journals'.

Xanthos means red-yellow which equals brown: a group of colors between red and yellow in hue that are medium to low in lightness and low to moderate in saturation. If Greeks are blond it is due to their admixture with northern Europeans,
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
^He,he, That's why I like to stick with "AUTHENTIC" artifacts.

cassiterides - There are no Albinos here - except the ones that Albinos fraudulently insert.




Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
cassiterides - Knowing what a degenerate little liar you are, I thought for sure that by now you would be claiming that the above was a White skeleton.

So I had this waiting for you.

Oh well, no sense in wasting it.

(White skull)

Posted by melchior7 (Member # 18960) on :
Originally posted by xyyman:
[QB] If you are not on games. . . .

Don’t listen to fcuk face above he has no clue. He gets his info from these rabid neo-nazi forums writing from a prison cell while incarcerated.
Read the Mediterranean Race by S. Sergi. Also look up Sir Arthur Evans and Dr. Ben Jochanan(sp?).
Three world renown experts on the subject of History and Anthropology. They know what they are talking about.
Some of the objective and intelligent posters on this board can lead you in the right direction. See ALtk., Dana etc
Modern day genetic science is now confirming that these guys were right. Africans from the Sahara region created and dominated civilizations on ALL sides of the Medit Sea right up to the about 500BC.

BTW: Both Europeans and Africans agree on that

"ALL sides of the Medit Sea right up to the about 500BC."

Dude what are you talking about? The beginings of civilization in the East Mediterranean come from the Neolithic culture in Anatolia which spawned some of the first cities Catal Hoyuk and Göbekli Tepe. We find evidence of this culture as far west as Malta. This doesn't mean that Egyptians didn't have an influence on Greece, because they did. But many of the rudimentary characteristcs of East Mediterranean culture have their origin in Anatolia and the Balkans (Vinca).






[img] [/img]
Posted by melchior7 (Member # 18960) on :


Anatolian Goddess

Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
Clyde - I always knew that the so-called "Death Mask of Agamemnon" was a fake created by the Albinos - one of zillions.

But I didn't know anyone had bothered to debunk it. Nice find.
Posted by cassiterides (Member # 18409) on :
-- Nothing but stupidity and lies posted above.

There are no descriptions of dark skinned figures in Homer's Iliad or Odyssey, all except for Eurybates in the Odyssey (xix. 246) who is described as 'melanochroes', meaning 'dark-skinned'. This is the only exception.

I'm a classics student, and i spent two weeks going through every verse of Homer looking for physical descriptions. I would link to my blog, but i don't want these black idiots anywhere near my research.

I will show you this though -

The skin or flesh of both the Achaean and Trojan warriors is also described in one passage of the Iliad as leukos meaning white (xv. 316):

''And the Argives in close throng abode their coming, and the war-cry rose shrill from either side, and the arrows leapt from the bow-string, and many spears, hurled by bold hands, were some of them lodged in the flesh of youths swift in battle, and many of them, or ever they reached the white flesh, stood fixed midway in the earth, fain to glut themselves with flesh''

-- Hector and Ajax are both also described as white (leukos) skinned.

Hera (i. 54; v. 775), Andromache, wife of Hector (xxiv.723) and Aphrodite (v. 315) are also described as λευκ-ώλενος ''white-armed'' because they were white skinned.

The only dark skinned figure is Eurybates.

So you have one dark skinned figure out of the majority who were blonde or red haired and white skinned.
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
cassiterides - The Iliad and Odyssey are NOT histories, they are entertainments. You are only demonstrating your desperation.

Problem is, in the future, Albinos like yourself will probably be using Superman comics to make the claim that ancient Albinos could fly.
Posted by rahotep101 (Member # 18764) on :
Originally posted by xyyman:
If you are not on games. . . .

Don’t listen to fcuk face above he has no clue. He gets his info from these rabid neo-nazi forums writing from a prison cell while incarcerated.
Read the Mediterranean Race by S. Sergi. Also look up Sir Arthur Evans and Dr. Ben Jochanan(sp?).
Three world renown experts on the subject of History and Anthropology. They know what they are talking about.
Some of the objective and intelligent posters on this board can lead you in the right direction. See ALtk., Dana etc
Modern day genetic science is now confirming that these guys were right. Africans from the Sahara region created and dominated civilizations on ALL sides of the Medit Sea right up to the about 500BC.

BTW: Both Europeans and Africans agree on that

Originally posted by Nyasha:
is this true?

did greeks not have any buildings or monuments before they studied in egypt?

Preposterous racist claptrap and cultural-appropriation courtesy of an afrocentric buffoon? Who could have anticipated that? Only the most deranged and deluded of afrocentrists could mistake the likes of Jochanan for respected scholars.
Posted by rahotep101 (Member # 18764) on :
Originally posted by the lioness:
EGYPTIAN Luxor Temple founded in 1400 BCE



GREEK Parthenon founded in 447 BCE


Columns go up, lintels go across, there's noting uniquely Egyptian about this.

Stonehenge, 2,500 BC.


Greek hall temples have very little in common, layout wise, to Egyptian temples. Greek architecture derives its motifs from native wooden constructions (hence triglyphs representing the ends of beams, for instance). Egyptian architecture derives its motifs from mud-brick construction (hence tapering walls etc).

If Greek temples had obelisks, pylons, avenues of sphinxes, & columned open courtyards leading to successions of inner sanctuaries, then you could argue for direct influence. They don't so you can't.
Posted by the lioness (Member # 17353) on :
Originally posted by rahotep101:
Columns go up, lintels go across, there's noting uniquely Egyptian about this.

Nobody added this caveat "uniquely" to the equation.
Mainstream architectural history shows a significant influence of Egyptian temple architect on Greek temple architecture. Only a fool would not acknowledge the significant structural similarities, though not exactly the same in detail. Refer to any mainstream book on architectural history. Do I need to look up quotes?

What's wrong with you? You go out of your way to say that there's no influence on Greeks by Egyptians,
at the same time saying the Egyptians were all Caucasians.
What happened to white unity?
Posted by rahotep101 (Member # 18764) on :
This mask is fake[/img][/img]

It probably isn't, see:

'Most scholars we queried thought it genuine'.

[quote]The Mycaeans were Blacks and many wore Afros


. [/QB]

Typical afrocentric-lunatic statement, attempting to claim other people's heritage.





Posted by rahotep101 (Member # 18764) on :
Originally posted by the lioness:
Originally posted by rahotep101:
Columns go up, lintels go across, there's noting uniquely Egyptian about this.

Nobody added this caveat "uniquely" to the equation.
Mainstream architectural history shows a significant influence of Egyptian temple architect on Greek temple architecture. Only a fool would not acknowledge the significant structural similarities, though not exactly the same in detail. Refer to any mainstream book on architectural history. Do I need to look up quotes?

What's wrong with you? You go out of your way to say that there's no influence on Greeks by Egyptians,
at the same time saying the Egyptians were all Caucasians.
What happened to white unity?

I've never made any claims about white unity, nor approved of artificial solidarity based on skin-colour. The Greeks couldn't manage Greek unity, let alone white unity, and they still seem to be at war with themselves.

Clearly I have no reason to play down Egyptian influence on Greece, yet I don't see why the superficial similarities should be exaggerated either. As I said, I've never seen an Egyptian temple with entablature with trigliphs and with triangular pediments, or Corintian or Ionic columns. I've never seen a Greek one with obelisks or an avenue of sphinxes, or pylon towers or a hipostile hall leading to a succession of sanctuaries.

There was an Egyptian column somewhat similar to the Ionic, but this is flimsy evidence for direct influence. Egptian influence on Greece seems to have been filtered through the Middle East, via Assyria, Persia and Phoenicia. There are very few examples of direct influence.
Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Originally posted by rahotep101:
This mask is fake[/img][/img]

It probably isn't, see:

'Most scholars we queried thought it genuine'.

[quote]The Mycaeans were Blacks and many wore Afros



Typical afrocentric-lunatic statement, attempting to claim other people's heritage.





 - [/QB]

These artifacts have nothing to do with Mycenae.

LOL. You are such a fake.

Posted by xyyman (Member # 13597) on :
Typical of some white people. They forgot we can read and write now. We don't fall for their BS anymore. Fukcers are deperate. Always contradicting themselves. Stupid fucks.

Instead of grasping for AE they will lose Ancient Greece. The playing field is almost level. Stupid white people like Cassit don't stand a chance. Your white skin won't save you.

Blond Greeks! GTFOH!!!

Who is the fraud? Cunt!
Posted by rahotep101 (Member # 18764) on :
Originally posted by xyyman:
...They forgot we can read and write now...

Now, yes, then, no.

Fukcers... Stupid fucks... Stupid white people... GTFOH!!!... Cunt!
Manners still need a bit of polish, as well.

By the way when the king of Axum in Ethiopia captured Meroe, he commemmorated his victory in an inscription in Greek. This shows the extent of Greek influence, which as also felt as far West as Spain, and as far East as India. Is there an inscrbed wall in all of Greece bearing Nubian, or Amharic characters? I think not. Did any literary cuvilization arise in parts of Africa that were not in close proximity to Europe or Arabia? Is there any ancient writing at all to be found in tropical Africa west of Kush or south of Axum? Apparently not. There is not a Bantu or Niger-Congo language written in an indigenous alphabet, yet you have the audacity to try to identify with the founders of western civilization?
Posted by cassiterides (Member # 18409) on :
Blond Greeks! GTFOH!!!

For some reason the afrocentric retards think greeks are all dark haired and dark skinned.

Eleni Menegaki


Nancy Alexiadi


Julia Alexandratou

Posted by Ish Gebor (Member # 18264) on :
Originally posted by Nyasha:
is this true?

did greeks not have any buildings or monuments before they studied in egypt?

Greeks 'borrowed Egyptian numbers'

By Paul Rincon

BBC Science

The astronomers, physicists and mathematicians of ancient Greece were true innovators.

But one thing it seems the ancient Greeks did not invent was the counting system on which many of their greatest thinkers based their pioneering calculations.

New research suggests the Greeks borrowed their system known as alphabetic numerals from the Egyptians, and did not develop it themselves as was long believed.

Greek alphabetic numerals were favoured by the mathematician and physicist Archimedes, the scientific philosopher Aristotle and the mathematician Euclid, amongst others.

Trade explosion

An analysis by Dr Stephen Chrisomalis of McGill University in Montreal, Canada, showed striking similarities between Greek alphabetic numerals and Egyptian demotic numerals, used in Egypt from the late 8th Century BC until around AD 450.

Both systems use nine signs in each "base" so that individual units are counted 1-9, tens are counted 10-90 and so on. Both systems also lack a symbol for zero.

Dr Chrisomalis proposes that an explosion in trade between Greece and Egypt after 600 BC led to the system being adopted by the Greeks.

Greek merchants may have seen the demotic system in use in Egypt and adapted it for their own purposes.

"We know there was an enormous amount of contact between the Greeks and Egyptians at this time," Dr Chrisomalis told BBC News Online.

'Plausible' theory

Professor David Joyce, a mathematician at Clark University in Worcester, US, said he had not examined Dr Chrisomalis' research, but thought the link was plausible.

"Egyptians used hieratic and, later, demotic script where the multiple symbols looked more like single symbols," said Professor Joyce.

"Instead of seven vertical strokes, a particular squiggle was used. That's the same scheme used in the Greek alphabetic numerals."

Traditionally, the system is thought to have been developed by Greeks in western Asia Minor, in modern day Turkey.

Between 475 BC and 325 BC, alphabetic numerals fell out of use in favour of a system of written numbers known as acrophonic numerals.

But from the late 4th Century BC onwards, alphabetic numerals became the preferred system throughout the Greek-speaking world.

They were used until the fall of the Byzantine Empire in the 15th Century.

The research is to be published in the journal Antiquity.

Ps. Some of these retarded eurocentrics think all over Europe had written scripture and high-end civilization. [Confused]

In many parts/ most part they learned how to read and write only recently. Like 1-thousand years ago. And I even exaggerate here.

These same retards don't understand Nile Valley culture. And why people from the South moved up, along the Nile upstream.
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
rahotep101 - White is a lack of color, but a lack of color, does not necessarily mean White.

BTW - You Albinos really need to be more creative. 3,000 year old drawings don't look like that.

Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
rahotep101, cassiterides, et al.

Psst - Pass the word on to your fellow Albino fraudsters and liars, we can tell where you "REPAINT".

Posted by cassiterides (Member # 18409) on :
^ from the same akrotiri frescoe(s):



These are also found on your own website.

You then claim they don't resemble whites. [Roll Eyes]

So according to you dark coloured painting are negro but white coloured suddenly have to be fakes


Also note the long hair of these females. The first has long straight hair reaching her buttocks.

How many blacks have straight long hair over a metre long? None do. Blacks can't grow long straight hair since their hair is ugly, deformed and wooly.
Posted by xyyman (Member # 13597) on :
Stupid fukc don't realize what he just posted. The dark section is the original the light sections was touched up ie artist impress ie fake. Learn how to analyze these paintings. Gag!! I am outta here.

As you can tell from Mike's post, it was probably not redone. Same color scheme throughout

Research the pics before you post.

Cunt! LOL!

Originally posted by cassiterides:
^ from the same akrotiri frescoe(s):



These are also found on your own website.


Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
^Actually the Albinos DO have a point, loss of color i.e. colorlessness DOES resemble them.
Posted by Brada-Anansi (Member # 16371) on :
Lesbos, Mytilene or Antissa. Circa 450 BC. Billon Diobol (0.78 gm, 8mm). Obv.: Head of Negro right. Rev.: Rough quadratum incusum. Cf. SNG Copenhagen 296. Rare. A bit rough, about very fine
Lesbos, Mytilene or Antissa. Circa 450 BC. Billon Diobol (0.91 gm, 8mm). Obv.: Head of Negro
Lesbos, Mytilene or Antissa. Circa 450 BC. Billon Diobol (0.94 gm, 8mm).
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
^The Albino is also correct about the hair length. I don't recall ever seeing a Black woman with that rather pathetic fixation for abnormally long hair. I mean what a simple-minded thing to be fixated on, thus I always attributed it to females with juvenile minds.

I have yet to figure out the rationalization for it. Hair that long is a bitch to care for, hair that long and old tends to deteriorate, it certainly doesn't look good - except to Albinos. But then again, they have also convinced themselves that milk colored skin is attractive.
Posted by Brada-Anansi (Member # 16371) on :
African Fractals In Minoan Civilization. Reply with quote
Ok all you mathematician and designer types check this further proof of the Africanity of Kemitic civilization as if further proofs are necessary,the Kemites made use of African Fractals in their buildings, and whats more they transmitted this concept to the Minoans in Crete. All this goes to show African influence in the Aegean genetic as well cultural from atleast the age of the Minoans if not earlier.

Read more:
 -  -
Minoans as they painted themselves and painted by the Kemites
Posted by the lioness (Member # 17353) on :



Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
Lets take a poll: is it Coppertone, or was there a Nigger in the Woodpile?

 -  -
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
Brada-Anansi - I had read about this painting, but have never seen it before. Any idea what it is called, and where it's housed?

Posted by Brada-Anansi (Member # 16371) on :
 -  -

HLA genes allele distribution has been studied in Mediterranean and sub-Saharan populations. Their relatedness has been tested by genetic distances, neighbour-joining dendrograms and correspondence analyses. The population genetic relationships have been compared with the history of the classical populations living in the area. A revision of the historic postulates would have to be undertaken, particularly in the cases when genetics and history are overtly discordant. HLA genomics shows that: 1) Greeks share an important part of their genetic pool with sub-Saharan Africans (Ethiopians and west Africans) also supported by Chr 7 Markers. The gene flow from Black Africa to Greece may have occurred in Pharaonic times or when Saharan people emigrated after the present hyperarid conditions were established (5000 years B.C.) 2) Turks (Anatolians) do not significantly differ from other Mediterraneans, indicating that while the Asians Turks carried out an invasion with cultural significance (language), it is not genetically detectable. 3) Kurds and Armenians are genetically very close to Turks and other Middle East populations. 4) There is no HLA genetic trace of the so called Aryan invasion, which has only been defined on doubtful linguistic bases. 5) Iberians, including Basques, are related to north-African Berbers. 6) Present-day Algerian and Moroccan urban and country people show an indistinguishable Berber HLA profile.
Posted by Brada-Anansi (Member # 16371) on :
I think it might connected to the Rekhmire tomb will check on that for you Mike.
Posted by Brada-Anansi (Member # 16371) on :
Yup Mike tomb of Rekhmire they are on top sequence.
Posted by the lioness (Member # 17353) on :
Originally posted by Mike111:
[QB] Lets take a poll: is it Coppertone, or was there a Nigger in the Woodpile?

Neither idiot, some people get darker in the summer or when they live in different latitudes
Posted by Brada-Anansi (Member # 16371) on :
Neither idiot, some people get darker in the summer or when they live in different latitudes
Or carries DNA from Nigeria as shown above with links.
Posted by rahotep101 (Member # 18764) on :
The issue is the transmission of culture.


Has little or nothing to do with:


Let alone:
Posted by cassiterides (Member # 18409) on :
I have yet to figure out the rationalization for it. Hair that long is a bitch to care for, hair that long and old tends to deteriorate, it certainly doesn't look good - except to Albinos. But then again, they have also convinced themselves that milk colored skin is attractive.

You really need mental help mike.
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
Originally posted by cassiterides:
I have yet to figure out the rationalization for it. Hair that long is a bitch to care for, hair that long and old tends to deteriorate, it certainly doesn't look good - except to Albinos. But then again, they have also convinced themselves that milk colored skin is attractive.

You really need mental help mike.

Sorry Pal, to "Normal" people, this is NOT attractive, much less sexy.

Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
Originally posted by rahotep101:
The issue is the transmission of culture.


rahotep101 - You Albinos make it just too easy for me. Come-on try harder, make me work for it!



THE "ORIGINAL" WAS BRONZE! And funny thing, the original is nowhere to be found.

Question: If they didn't have the original, how did they know what the copy should look like?

He,he, Anybody wanna bet the original was Black?

The Diadumenos is the winner of an athletic contest at a games, still nude after the contest and lifting his arms to knot the diadem, a ribbon-band that identifies the winner and which in the bronze original of about 420 BCE would have been represented by a ribbon of bronze.
Posted by rahotep101 (Member # 18764) on :
I'm not inclined to respond to Fake 111. I leave it to members of the race to whom he should be such an embarrasment to shut up his idiotic babble.

The above, however, is actually a first-century Roman copy of a Greek original, which obviously still existed at the time.
(A copy, by definition, looks the same as the thing of which it is a copy.) Anyone wanting to see authentic early Greek sculpture may be interested in the following examples, mostly from before 400 BC:

Charioteer of Delphi:

Riace warrior:


Kritios boy:


Artemision bronze, Zeus or Poseidon

Peplos Kore:

Euthydikos Kore:


Kouros of Tenea:

others here:
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
rahotep101 - Sorry Albino boy, you don't get away that easily.

I won't waste my time with all of them. But to make the point that NONE of them are necessarily authentic - that is, their provenance can be traced.

Venus de Milo

The Aphrodite of Milos was discovered by a peasant named Yorgos Kentrotas on April 8, 1820, inside a buried niche within the ancient city ruins of Milos, on the Aegean island of Milos (also Melos, or Milo). The statue was found in two main pieces (the upper torso and the lower draped legs) along with several herms (pillars topped with heads), fragments of the upper left arm and left hand holding an apple, and an inscribed plinth. Olivier Voutier, a French naval officer, was exploring the island. With the help of the young farmer, Voutier began to dig around what were clearly ancient ruins. Within a few hours Voutier had uncovered Venus de Milo. About ten days later, another French naval officer, Jules Dumont d'Urville, recognized its significance and arranged for a purchase by the French ambassador to Turkey, Charles-François de Riffardeau, marquis, later duc de Rivière.

Twelve days out of Touloun the ship was anchored off the island of Melos. Ashore, d'Urville and [fellow officer] Matterer met a Greek peasant, who a few days earlier while ploughing had uncovered blocks of marble and a statue in two pieces, which he offered cheaply to the two young men. It was of a naked woman with an apple in her raised left hand, the right hand holding a draped sash falling from hips to feet, both hands damaged and separated from the body. Even with a broken nose, the face was beautiful. D'Urville the classicist recognized the Venus of the Judgement of Paris. It was, of course, the Venus de Milo. He was eager to acquire it, but his practical captain, apparently uninterested in antiquities, said there was nowhere to store it on the ship, so the transaction lapsed. The tenacious d'Urville on arrival at Constantinople showed the sketches he had made to the French ambassador, the Marquis de Rivière, who sent his secretary in a French Navy vessel to buy it for France. Before he could take delivery, French sailors had to fight Greek brigands for possession. In the mêlée the statue was roughly dragged across rocks to the ship, breaking off both arms, and the sailors refused to go back to search for them.

This story however proved to be a fabrication - Voutier's drawings of the statue when it was first discovered show that its arms were already missing (Curtis, 2003).

So pray tell, how do they know that the statue was made Between 130 and 100 B.C.?

Answer, they DON'T

It's called White Bullsh1t!

Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
^BTW Albino boy, on the Greek Charioteer of Delphi:




Posted by cassiterides (Member # 18409) on :
I'm not inclined to respond to Fake 111

Not only does he reject art, he also rejects ancient literature as well.

According to mike the translations of greek texts into english are false because they were done by ''albino's''...

Yea its impossible to communicate with people that mentally deranged...

Mike reminds me of David Icke and his conspiracy freak fans who think Bush and Queen Elizabeth are reptilian humanoids.

The fact is though academia and scholars don't give a crap about such crackpottery.

Mike the crackpot is just left with creating his own 'revisionist' website of pseudo-history and lies which no one educated will ever believe.
Posted by Brada-Anansi (Member # 16371) on :
Yeah Rah101 it's a question of transmission culture but also a question of transmission DNA in this case, mind you I said it once and I'll say it again Greeks are Whites and their civ European despite having African genetic and cultural influence populations deemed White are in no way special in this regard.
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
rahotep101 - I enjoy wreaking your world so much that I'm doing one more.

Riace bronzes

It wasn't until published findings by German archaeologist Vinzenz Brinkmann in the late 20th century and early 21st century that painted Greek sculptures became an established undeniable fact. Using high intensity lamps, ultraviolet light, special cameras, plaster casts and certain powdered minerals, Brinkmann was able to scientifically prove that the entire Parthenon, including the actual structure as well as the statues, was in fact painted. He furthermore was able to reveal the pigments of the original paint and has created several painted replicas of Greek statues that are currently on tour throughout the world. Also in the collection, are replicas of works from other Greek and Roman sculptures showing that the practice of painting sculpture was widespread and in fact the normative practice rather than the exception in Greek and Roman culture. Museums to host the exhibit include the Glyptothek Museum in Munich, the Vatican Museum, and the National Archaeological Museum in Athens among others. The collection made its United States debut at Harvard University in the Fall of 2007.

Riace bronzes, examples of proto classic bronze sculpture.


Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
rahotep101 - When you have had enough, please indicate so by calling me "Uncle" Mike.

In the mean-time, let me educate Brada-Anansi.

Re: the article above, which states that REAL Greek statues were PAINTED!

Note the red paint residue.


Notice the obvious "Natural" aging on this one.


Brada-Anansi, stop messing with the slanty puying and pay attention to your studies.

Posted by TruthAndRights (Member # 17346) on :
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
^Shouldn't that be SMM?
Posted by Yahoo Boyz Inc. (Member # 15917) on :
Posted by TruthAndRights (Member # 17346) on :
Originally posted by Mike111:
^Shouldn't that be SMM?

Actually, it should be SMFH... [Roll Eyes]
Posted by rahotep101 (Member # 18764) on :
Bronze statues were not painted, only stone ones. Bronze, being non-porous, does not take paint. These are reconstructions of stone statues (the first two being archaic Kore) based on traces of original pigments.





Originally posted by UncleFake111:
rahotep101 - [IMG]
...Notice the obvious "Natural" aging on this one.



I notice his bound wrists! According to this...
the above is a figure of a black captive from Ptolemaic Egypt. In any event, it reflects the older Egyptian tradition:



Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
rahotep101 - Yes, I believe that the text accompanying the statue at the British Museum, I think it is, mentions something about a slave. Though the back side is never shown, which would demonstrate that the hands were bound. Which is odd, Because we have all seen our own children strike that same petulant pose.

Not to mention the fact, that no one is going to pay the huge sum of money that a Bronze statue cost, for a Slave.

But then of course, "Normal" people understand that those words are for the benefit of you desperate Albinos, who will cling to any foolishness, in hope of maintaining the lie of your trumped-up history and reality.



But rahotep101, though a feeble effort, it was still an effort, unlike Brada-Anansi, geez he believes any foolishness you Albinos put out.

So here is a consolation prize for you: a Black Greek with his hands visible!

Posted by rahotep101 (Member # 18764) on :
People have often made statues of slavs and prisoners, for reasons best known to themselves. Michelangelo carved slaves to adorn the tomb of Pope Julius II.

The Egyptians in particular couldn't get enough of images of humbled foreigners. Older Egyptian images are not ambiguous about showing captives and slaves...


By the way this figure of a black African musician, which Fake111 showed earlier, is Roman. It is presumed to be a copy of a Greek (or Ptolemaic Egyptian) original.


This fact negates the suggestion that later copies of Greek statues would give them a race transplant. Believe it or not, such a conspiracy to change the racial features of ancient statues exists only in the heads of paranoid afrocentric buffoons.
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
^From your link:

A Roman bronze copy of a Hellenistic original statue , 3rd century BC or later showing an African musician , the so-called "black Orpheus", Biblotheque Nationale, Paris Inv. 1009.

Since MY statue is NOT Bronze, one can safely assume that it is the Greek original.

BTW - BIG difference between CARVING a slave, and having a Bronze statue made ----- ASSHOLE!

Question: a Naked musician? Since when?

I keep trying to impress upon you, just how pathetic you and your people have become. But my cautions go unheeded.

So I will say it plainly, you are fuched UP!
Cure yourself, admit your lies. The truth will set you free! (It even works for Albinos).

Posted by the lioness (Member # 17353) on :

Mike111's website states the following:

By about 1000 B.C, the Hellenes had consolidated their power in Greece, to the point were they could start to expand; the Dorians, a Hellenic tribe, resettled Miletus.

There were no White people in Europe prior to the White invasions from Central Asia, circa 1,200 B.C, which began with the Hellenes invasion of Greece.

And the time when writing and art begin again, can be considered the time of successful completion of the invasions. The conventional dating of the Greek "Dark Ages" corresponds to from about 1,200 to 900 B.C. So we can safely use 1,200 B.C. as the approximate time of the White Invasion of Greece.

Posted by pineal gland (Member # 19327) on :
Originally posted by rahotep101:
Mycaean, mainland Greeks were literate and builders of stone cities before they had any direct contact with Egypt, and long before the emergence of Classical Greece:


The maritime Minoan culture, based on Crete, was also a distinct culture unto itself, not derivative of Egypt.

There is little or no direct Egyptian influence on Classical Greece, nor on the older Greece of Homer. There are fundamental differences in the religions, most notably the fact that Greeks had an earth goddess (Gaia) whereas Egyptians had an Earth god (Geb).

Greek political systems or philosophy don't obviously owe anything to Egypt. Greek mythology is full of creatures that are not found in Egyptian mythology, such as satyrs and centaurs. Greek mythology also has spurious Egyptian figures, such as king Aegyptus, who does not relate to any real figure from Egyptian history or myth.

There are only superficial similarities bewtween Egyptian and early Greek artworks, such as the way statues are posed. Greeks soon abandoned the stiff striding stance for statues and made them more naturalistic, a development that owed nothing to Egypt.

So culturally, and politically Greece owed little to Egypt. Whether maths and science were transmitted from Egypt I don't know.

The Lion's Gate from Agamemnon's city.
Who was Aga-memnon?



source: Latin Etymology Dictionary
Posted by Omo Baba (Member # 18816) on :
Originally posted by cassiterides:
Blond Greeks! GTFOH!!!

For some reason the afrocentric retards think greeks are all dark haired and dark skinned.

Eleni Menegaki


Nancy Alexiadi


Julia Alexandratou


Ca-****-erides caught lying again. That Greek woman, Eleni Menegaki is not a natural blonde.


And neither are others. I've been in Greece so I know.

Greek stars. Before and After
Posted by the lioness (Member # 17353) on :
Originally posted by Omo Baba:

And neither are others. I've been in Greece so I know.

Greek stars. Before and After [/QB]

others on the link you provided, BEFORE AND AFTER:









Posted by Omo Baba (Member # 18816) on :
^^^Foolish woman, none of those is naturally blond.

ΖΩΗ ΛΑΣΚΑΡΗ - Zoe Laskari

ΚΑΤΕΡΙΝΑ ΣΤΑΝΙΣΗ - Katerina Stanisi

ΜΑΡΙΝΕΛΛΑ - Marinella

ΑΝΤΖΕΛΑ ΔΗΜΗΤΡΙΟΥ - Angela Dimitriou

ΡΟΥΛΑ ΚΟΡΟΜΗΛΑ - Roula Koromila

And as for Jenny Hiloudaki. She used to be a MAN.

Posted by the lioness (Member # 17353) on :
^^^^you provided the link
Jenny Hiloudaki used to be a man, explain how that has any relevance to the topic, bimbo
What you posted is as suspect as what I posted and not proof of anything so you shouldn't have done it. For example a blond can also color their hair brunette.

I was of the opinion that blond hair in modern Greeks was rare until I went to the link YOU provided.

think before you link
Posted by Omo Baba (Member # 18816) on :
^^Foolish woman don't suck me into your usual idled idiocy.

My post was intended to expose ca-s-h-i-t-erides for a liar that he is. Which I did.

You go away.

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