quote:Originally posted by Pure_Egyptian: If you mean they would call me the N word, Here are some pics of my son to prove that we ARE egyptians, and not arabs or turkish, the greek def would not of called us the "N" word. I would post pics of my self but i do not feel like uploading them from the camera.
Looks pretty Egyptian to me..
Pure Egyptian first off I have not denied you are Egyptian. Hell I belive there were lighter Egyptians but my problem is your claim that black Egyptians were slaves and that Nubians have nothing to do with Egypt.
First off the Nubians come in different shades not just pitch black and third the Nubians are the closest both Culturally and Genetically as well as physically to Egyptians.
Posted by Gigantic (Member # 17311) on :
Jari, that is a blatant disrespect for you to try and tell a genuine Egyptian their history. I don't get it with you afrocentrists. Who are you to dictate to other people their heritage?
Posted by Just call me Jari (Member # 14451) on :
Gigantic Im not denying he is Egyptian bro. I already said I believe Egyptians were lighter in the North Darker in the south to skeptic which is what most folks believe. My only disagreement is his claim that Black Egyptians were slaves, the Black Egyptians are his blood brothers wether he likes it or not and many black Egyptians were Royalty and came from the South.
Im not telling him his history...HIS ANCESTOR are telling him his history...PERIOD!!
I have no problem with light Egyptians in A. Egypt I have a problem when folks say the Black Egyptians were slaves, that is cruel and mean to say to people who were an important part of Pharonic Egypt.
Posted by Pure_Egyptian (Member # 17995) on :
Where did i say they we're slaves, i never said that, Egypt once had a nubian only sect of their army, I just disagree with Nubians being the only ethnicity in Egypt as everyone claims, as you can tell, My son doesnt look arab or turkish, so where else am i to be from? China?
Posted by Just call me Jari (Member # 14451) on :
quote:Originally posted by Pure_Egyptian: Where did i say they we're slaves, i never said that, Egypt once had a nubian only sect of their army, I just disagree with Nubians being the only ethnicity in Egypt as everyone claims, as you can tell, My son doesnt look arab or turkish, so where else am i to be from? China?
First off lets make it clear you have me mistaken for folks like Mike111, I never said you nor modern Lower Egyptians were "Turks" or "Arabs" nor that you should not claim Egypt as your heritage.
Second I never said "Nubians" were the only type found in Egypt?? Come on dude that's crazy talk.
Here is where you made that comment..
quote:Originally posted by Pure_Egyptian: Why do AA try to take away the Egyptians history, by saying there arabs or turks. That is not true at all, i myself am an Egyptian and laugh at the AA desperate attempts to try and connect themselves with AE, I am from the Fellaheen, 4 all u uneducated ppl, fellaheen means farmer, n those farmers have farmed the niles since thetimes of the pharoahs. i am tan, and have curly black hair, not white, n i dont ever get mistaken for black but usually as a mediteranean type. DNA tests shows there are no other people more related to the AE as the Modern Egyptians, whether they are mixed or not. It's also pretty obv that Egyptians are Africans, but being Africans doesnt mean your categorized as "black" but just African. North Africans are of the cacausion race, and noone is saying there we're never blacks in Egypt bc there were but they we're slaves.
Now maybe you were just fighting Fire with Fire, but to say all the black Egyptians were slaves??
Again I understand where you feel angry that folks like Mike111 say you are a Turk, but don't bash your blood brothers in Upper Egypt and Nubia because of folks like Mike111.
Posted by Pure_Egyptian (Member # 17995) on :
and btw i am very aware that i have some african ancestry it would be inevitable for me not to, but as a race i do not think Egyptians were Black African
Posted by Pure_Egyptian (Member # 17995) on :
i'm not bashing anyone, i DO have upper egyptian in me as does most of Egypt, and i accept there were all kinds of ethnicities in Egypt but i get upset when everyone tells me i am a fake, when in truth i have more ancestry to AE then they probably do
Posted by Pure_Egyptian (Member # 17995) on :
Btw would it be cool if we could take those photos off of my son, just wanted to prove a point, i dont feel comfortable with my son photos on the internet, thanks
Posted by Just call me Jari (Member # 14451) on :
Cool man I took them off, like I said I don't think you look like a Turk, or that you are not Egyptian.
In my opinion I think it would be best to say Egypt was Tropically adapted as opposed to Mixed, Mediteranain or Black. Mixed means that the Egyptians were not Native to the Nile Valley, Mediterannain ignores the Upper Egyptians(If any thing Lower Egypt was Med, and Upper Egypt was Black) and Black Ignores Lower Egyptian like you who are dark but not black.
I think tropically adapted fits better.
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
quote:Originally posted by Pure_Egyptian: and btw i am very aware that i have some african ancestry it would be inevitable for me not to, but as a race i do not think Egyptians were Black African
Please show something that would indicate that Egyptians were NOT Black Africans. But be careful and authenticate what you post. Because as demonstrated, I don't have much use for you lying Turks and Turk Mutts. So if it's wrong, I will jump on it.
Posted by Pure_Egyptian (Member # 17995) on :
First off, mike. I am EGYPTIAN not you... ok so if anyones ancestors are to be the AE it would be mine and not yours, so i really have no reason to prove to you anything but i will just to try and get you on the right path. First off North Africa has always been inhabited by caucasians, i.e the Berbers. Secondly there is proof that people from a few millenia moved from the caucus area into what is now North Africa, if anything the AEgyptians were of Mixed decent and not full blooded ancestry, and the Nubians are considered racially different here in Egypt, and they know that too. And how are you to call my a Turk when you dont even know my ancestry if anything your the mutt, and your not even DECENDED tothe AE in anyway, especially since your (British origin) great grandfather probably raped your slave grandmother on his plantation...
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
quote:Originally posted by Pure_Egyptian: First off, mike. I am EGYPTIAN not you... ok so if anyones ancestors are to be the AE it would be mine and not yours, so i really have no reason to prove to you anything but i will just to try and get you on the right path. First off North Africa has always been inhabited by caucasians, i.e the Berbers. Secondly there is proof that people from a few millenia moved from the caucus area into what is now North Africa, if anything the AEgyptians were of Mixed decent and not full blooded ancestry, and the Nubians are considered racially different here in Egypt, and they know that too. And how are you to call my a Turk when you dont even know my ancestry if anything your the mutt, and your not even DECENDED tothe AE in anyway, especially since your (British origin) great grandfather probably raped your slave grandmother on his plantation...
Pure_Egyptian - Like most ragheaded Turks you are ignorant, so I thank you for this opportunity to educate you. And I would hope that you would share the knowledge that you gain from me, with your fellow ragheads.
First lets establish what everybody looked like in ancient times.
Please indicate which, if any, of these people that you look like.
This is an Egyptian (Amenhotep III)
This is a Nubian
This is a Libyan (Berber)
This is a southern Arab from 715 B.C.
This is a northern Arab from 645 B.C. From a Assyrian relief
Your education will continue in the next frame.
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
Now lets see if you look like any North Africans of the current era.
These are the REAL, NATIVE people, please indicate which, if any, that YOU look like.
Your education will continue in the next frame.
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
Pure_Egyptian - I will pause for a while, so that you can indicate which of the above people YOU look like.
Posted by 9th Element (Member # 17629) on :
quote:Originally posted by Pure_Egyptian: Where did i say they we're slaves, i never said that, Egypt once had a nubian only sect of their army, I just disagree with Nubians being the only ethnicity in Egypt as everyone claims, as you can tell, My son doesnt look arab or turkish, so where else am i to be from? China?
From where do your ancestors originate?
Posted by 9th Element (Member # 17629) on :
quote:Originally posted by Pure_Egyptian: First off, mike. I am EGYPTIAN not you... ok so if anyones ancestors are to be the AE it would be mine and not yours, so i really have no reason to prove to you anything but i will just to try and get you on the right path. First off North Africa has always been inhabited by caucasians, i.e the Berbers. Secondly there is proof that people from a few millenia moved from the caucus area into what is now North Africa, if anything the AEgyptians were of Mixed decent and not full blooded ancestry, and the Nubians are considered racially different here in Egypt, and they know that too. And how are you to call my a Turk when you dont even know my ancestry if anything your the mutt, and your not even DECENDED tothe AE in anyway, especially since your (British origin) great grandfather probably raped your slave grandmother on his plantation...
Such crazy rantings!
Posted by 9th Element (Member # 17629) on :
quote:Originally posted by Pure_Egyptian: and btw i am very aware that i have some african ancestry it would be inevitable for me not to, but as a race i do not think Egyptians were Black African
Then a king will come from the South, Ameny, the justified, my name, Son of a woman of Ta-Seti, child of Upper Egypt, He will take the white crown, he willjoin the Two Mighty Ones (the two crowns)
Asiatics will fall to his sword, Libyans will fall to his flame, Rebels to his wrath, traitors to his might, As the serpent on his brow subdues the rebels for him,
One will build the Walls-of-the-Ruler, To bar Asiatics from entering Egypt...
Do you understand what this means? Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
Pure_Egyptian - I know that you must be thinking: What, didn't anyone take pictures of people who look like me in Egypt? I know that I exist, and I know that I live in Egypt!
Quite right you are Pure_Egyptian, but don't forget; the conversation is about YOU being an Egyptian. Not whether or not you live in Egypt.
There are lots of pictures of people who look like you in Egypt.
Egypt - Grain Merchant, Cairo
Egypt - Arab water-carrier girls
Egypt - Egyptian Girls, Old Cairo.
Egypt - Bedouins, Alexandria
Egypt - Natives on Donkeys, Kasr-en-Nil.
Like I said above: There are lots of pictures of people who look like you in Egypt. And the KEY to how they (and you) got there, is the soldiers in RED uniforms above. Posted by 9th Element (Member # 17629) on :
quote:Originally posted by Just call me Jari: Cool man I took them off, like I said I don't think you look like a Turk, or that you are not Egyptian.
In my opinion I think it would be best to say Egypt was Tropically adapted as opposed to Mixed, Mediteranain or Black. Mixed means that the Egyptians were not Native to the Nile Valley, Mediterannain ignores the Upper Egyptians(If any thing Lower Egypt was Med, and Upper Egypt was Black) and Black Ignores Lower Egyptian like you who are dark but not black.
I think tropically adapted fits better.
Ancient humans 'followed rains'
The Eastern Sahara covers an area the size of Western Europe
Prehistoric humans roamed the world's largest desert for some 5,000 years, archaeologists have revealed.
The Eastern Sahara of Egypt, Sudan, Libya and Chad was home to nomadic people who followed rains that turned the desert into grassland.
When the landscape dried up about 7,000 years ago, there was a mass exodus to the Nile and other parts of Africa.
The close link between human settlement and climate has lessons for today, researchers report in Science.
"Even modern day conflicts such as Dafur are caused by environmental degradation as it has been in the past," Dr Stefan Kropelin of the University of Cologne, Germany, told the BBC News website.
"The basic struggle for food, water and pasture is still a big problem in the Sahara zone. This process started thousands of years ago and has a long tradition.
Jigsaw puzzle
The Eastern Sahara, which covers more than 2 million sq km, an area the size of Western Europe, is now almost uninhabited by people or animals, providing a unique window into the past.
Rock art from the "swimmers cave" in remote southwest Egypt.
The settlers left their mark with art
Dr Kropelin and colleague Dr Rudolph Kuper pieced together the 10,000-year jigsaw of human migration and settlement; studying more than 100 archaeological sites over the course of 30 years.
In the largest study of its kind, they built up a detailed picture of human evolution in the world's largest desert. They found that far from the inhospitable climate of today, the area was once semi-humid.
Between about 14,000 and 13,000 years ago, the area was very dry. But a drastic switch in environmental conditions some 10,500 years ago brought rain and monsoon-like conditions.
Nomadic human settlers moved in from the south, taking up residence beside rivers and lakes. They were hunter-gatherers at first, living off plants and wild game.
Eventually they became more settled, domesticating cattle for the first time, and making intricate pottery.
Neolithic farmers Humid conditions prevailed until about 6,000 years ago, when the Sahara abruptly dried out. There was then a gradual exodus of people to the Nile Valley and other parts of the African continent.
"The Nile Valley was almost devoid of settlement until about exactly the time that the Egyptian Sahara was so dry people could not live there anymore," Dr Kropelin told the BBC News website.
The domestication of cattle was invented in the Sahara in the humid phase and was then slowly pushed over the rest of Africa Dr Stefan Kropelin of the University of Cologne
"People preferred to live on savannah land. Only when this wasn't possible they migrated towards southern Sudan and the Nile.
"They brought all their know-how to the rest of the continent - the domestication of cattle was invented in the Sahara in the humid phase and was then slowly pushed over the rest of Africa.
"This Neolithic way of life, which still is a way of life in a sense; preservation of food for the dry season and many other such cultural elements, was introduced to central and southern Africa from the Sahara."
Motor of evolution' Dr Kuper said the distribution of people and languages, which is so politically important today, has its roots in the desiccation of the Sahara. The switch in environmental conditions acted as a "motor of Africa's evolution," he said. "It happened during these 5,000 years of the savannah that people changed from hunter-gathers to cattle keepers," he said. "This important step in human history has been made for the first time in the African Sahara."
web page Posted by 9th Element (Member # 17629) on :
quote:Originally posted by Just call me Jari: Cool man I took them off, like I said I don't think you look like a Turk, or that you are not Egyptian.
In my opinion I think it would be best to say Egypt was Tropically adapted as opposed to Mixed, Mediteranain or Black. Mixed means that the Egyptians were not Native to the Nile Valley, Mediterannain ignores the Upper Egyptians(If any thing Lower Egypt was Med, and Upper Egypt was Black) and Black Ignores Lower Egyptian like you who are dark but not black.
I think tropically adapted fits better.
What most usually don't know", is that:
The Sahara Desert covers over 3.5 million square miles and has only 2.5 million inhabitants - roughly 1 person per square mile (0.4 sq km)- which is one of the lowest population densities on earth. Wherever abundant food and water sources occur, one will find relatively large masses of people and wildlife. On the whole, the Sahara is one of the harshest environments known to man.
Many researchers have gone into the Sahara looking for clues as to how long ago humans began inhabiting the desert. According to archaeologists, the Sahara was much more densely populated thousands of years ago when the desert's climate was not as harsh as it is today. Fossils, rock art, stone artifacts, bone harpoons, shells and many other items have been found in areas which today are considered too hot and dry to inhabit. This suggests that these areas were quite habitable thousands of years ago, but that the climate of the Sahara has since changed drastically. The artifacts found were located near remains of giraffe, elephant, buffalo, antelopes, rhinoceros, and warthog, as well as the remains of fish, crocodiles, hippopotamuses and other aquatic animals which suggests that thousands of years ago water was quite abundant in the Sahara.
The Sahara itself is at least as large as the whole of Europe, if not bigger.
The Sahara's topographical features include shallow basins, large oasis depressions, serirs or regs (gravel-covered plains), plateaus, mountains, sand sheets, dunes and sand seas (ergs). The highest part of the desert is at the summit of Mount Koussi, which is 11,204 feet (3,415 m) high. However, the lowest point of the Sahara is 436 feet (133 m) below sea level: in the Qattera Depression in Egypt.
Over 25 percent of the Sahara's surface is covered by sand sheets and dunes. The most common types of dunes include tied dunes, blowout dunes, barchan and transverse dunes, longitudinal seirfs, and complex sand seas. Within the Sahara are several pyramidal dunes that reach over 500 feet in height while the draa, a mountainous sand ridge, reaches over 1,000 feet. Researchers have for many years tried to figure out how these dunes were formed, but the case remains unsolved.
Posted by 9th Element (Member # 17629) on :
quote:Originally posted by Pure_Egyptian: i'm not bashing anyone, i DO have upper egyptian in me as does most of Egypt, and i accept there were all kinds of ethnicities in Egypt but i get upset when everyone tells me i am a fake, when in truth i have more ancestry to AE then they probably do
An Examination of Nubian and Egyptian biological distances: Support for biological diffusion or in situ development?
Homo. 2009;60(5):389-404. Epub 2009 Sep 19.
Godde K. Department of Anthropology, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, 250 South Stadium Hall, Knoxville, TN 37996, USA. kgodde@utk.edu
"The clustering of the Nubian and Egyptian samples together supports this paper's hypothesis and demonstrates that there may be a close relationship between the two populations. This relationship is consistent with Berry and Berry (1972), among others, who noted a similarity between Nubians and Egyptians. If Nubians and Egyptians were not biologically similar, one would expect the scores to separately cluster by population (e.g. Nubians compared to Nubians would have small biological distances, and Nubians compared to Egyptians would have high biological distances). However, this was not the case in the current analysis and the Results suggest homogeneity between the two populations."
web page Posted by 9th Element (Member # 17629) on :
quote:Originally posted by Pure_Egyptian: and btw i am very aware that i have some african ancestry it would be inevitable for me not to, but as a race i do not think Egyptians were Black African
"Nubian culture is one of the oldest and richest in Africa and dates back before Egyptian civilisation although this later overtook it."
"The original environment of the Nubian is to be on the shore of the Nile. It is the source of life itself - but also our myths and traditions."
"Tens of thousands of Nubians were moved from their ancestral homeland along the Nile - in southern Egypt and northern Sudan - because of the dam."
"In the desert, Nubians are kept away from all their intangible heritage connected to the Nile. The living culture will disappear soon if they do not go back home."
"Evidence of the oldest recognizable monarchy in human history, preceding the rise of the earliest Egyptian kings by several generations, has been discovered in artifacts from ancient Nubia in Africa."
“The new findings suggest that the ancient Nubians may have reached this stage of political development as long ago as 3300 B.C., several generations before the earliest documented Egyptian king.”
“Dr. Williams said there were accounts in later Egyptian writings of the Egyptians attacking Ta-Seti some time around 3000 B.C. This is just about the time, according to the archaeological record, when a major cultural transformation began in that part of Nubia. Little is known of what was happening in this region between 3000 B.C. and 2300 B.C. when inhabitants were unquestionably governed by separate chiefdoms.”
Comprende!? Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
Pure_Egyptian - At this point I will pause again, so that you may have an opportunity to prove to the world, that you are not just another lying ragheaded Turk or Turk mutt.
In the last post, I mentioned the Soldiers in RED uniforms above.
Please, save your Albino Mongrel Soul: TELL the World, who those Soldiers are, and what is their relationship to YOU!!!! Posted by 9th Element (Member # 17629) on :
quote:Originally posted by Just call me Jari: Cool man I took them off, like I said I don't think you look like a Turk, or that you are not Egyptian.
In my opinion I think it would be best to say Egypt was Tropically adapted as opposed to Mixed, Mediteranain or Black. Mixed means that the Egyptians were not Native to the Nile Valley, Mediterannain ignores the Upper Egyptians(If any thing Lower Egypt was Med, and Upper Egypt was Black) and Black Ignores Lower Egyptian like you who are dark but not black.
I think tropically adapted fits better.
Are you the real jari, or some impostor jari?
Wadi Kubbaniya (ca. 17,000–15,000 B.C.)
In Egypt, the earliest evidence of humans can be recognized only from tools found scattered over an ancient surface, sometimes with hearths nearby. In Wadi Kubbaniya, a dried-up streambed cutting through the Western Desert to the floodplain northwest of Aswan in Upper Egypt, some interesting sites of the kind described above have been recorded. A cluster of Late Paleolithic camps was located in two different topographic zones: on the tops of dunes and the floor of the wadi (streambed) where it enters the valley. Although no signs of houses were found, diverse and sophisticated stone implements for hunting, fishing, and collecting and processing plants were discovered around hearths. Most tools were bladelets made from a local stone called chert that is widely used in tool fabrication. The bones of wild cattle, hartebeest, many types of fish and birds, as well as the occasional hippopotamus have been identified in the occupation layers. Charred remains of plants that the inhabitants consumed, especially tubers, have also been found.
It appears from the zoological and botanical remains at the various sites in this wadi that the two environmental zones were exploited at different times. We know that the dune sites were occupied when the Nile River flooded the wadi because large numbers of fish and migratory bird bones were found at this location. When the water receded, people then moved down onto the silt left behind on the wadi floor and the floodplain, probably following large animals that looked for water there in the dry season. Paleolithic peoples lived at Wadi Kubbaniya for about 2,000 years, exploiting the different environments as the seasons changed. Other ancient camps have been discovered along the Nile from Sudan to the Mediterranean, yielding similar tools and food remains. These sites demonstrate that the early inhabitants of the Nile valley and its nearby deserts had learned how to exploit local environments, developing economic strategies that were maintained in later cultural traditions of pharaonic Egypt.
web page Posted by 9th Element (Member # 17629) on :
quote:Originally posted by Pure_Egyptian: and btw i am very aware that i have some african ancestry it would be inevitable for me not to, but as a race i do not think Egyptians were Black African
Origins of dental crowding and malocclusions: an anthropological perspective.
Rose JC, Roblee RD.
Compend Contin Educ Dent. 2009 Jun;30(5):292-300.
The study of ancient Egyptian skeletons from Amarna, Egypt reveals extensive tooth wear but very little dental crowding, unlike in modern Americans. In the early 20th century, Percy Raymond Begg focused his research on extreme tooth wear coincident with traditional diets to justify teeth removal during orthodontic treatment. Anthropologists studying skeletons that were excavated along the Nile Valley in Egypt and the Sudan have demonstrated reductions in tooth size and changes in the face, including decreased robustness associated with the development of agriculture, but without any increase in the frequency of dental crowding and malocclusion. For thousands of years, facial and dental reduction stayed in step, more or less. These analyses suggest it was not the reduction in tooth wear that increased crowding and malocclusion, but rather the tremendous reduction in the forces of mastication, which produced this extreme tooth wear and the subsequent reduced jaw involvement. Thus, as modern food preparation techniques spread throughout the world during the 19th century, so did dental crowding. This research provides support for the development of orthodontic therapies that increase jaw dimensions rather than the use of tooth removal to relieve crowding.
Posted by 9th Element (Member # 17629) on :
quote:Originally posted by Just call me Jari: Gigantic Im not denying he is Egyptian bro. I already said I believe Egyptians were lighter in the North Darker in the south to skeptic which is what most folks believe. My only disagreement is his claim that Black Egyptians were slaves, the Black Egyptians are his blood brothers wether he likes it or not and many black Egyptians were Royalty and came from the South.
Im not telling him his history...HIS ANCESTOR are telling him his history...PERIOD!!
I have no problem with light Egyptians in A. Egypt I have a problem when folks say the Black Egyptians were slaves, that is cruel and mean to say to people who were an important part of Pharonic Egypt.
This is the root of ancient Egypt. Not somewhere in "lala land"! LOL
Nubia's Oldest House?
Some of the most important evidence of early man in Nubia was discovered recently by an expedition of the Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto, under the direction of Dr. Kryzstof Grzymski, on the east bank of the Nile, about 70 miles (116 km) south of Dongola, Sudan. During the early 1990's, this team discovered several sites containing hundreds of Paleolithic hand axes. At one site, however, the team identified an apparent stone tool workshop, where thousands of sandstone hand axes and flakes lay on the ground around a row of large stones set in a line, suggesting the remains of a shelter. This seems to be the earliest "habitation" site yet discovered in the Nile Valley and may be up to 70,000 years old.
What the Nubian environment was like throughout these distant times, we cannot know with certainty, but it must have changed many times. For many thousands of years it was probably far different than what it is today. Between about 50,000 to 25,000 years ago, the hand axe gradually disappeared and was replaced with numerous distinctive chipped stone industries that varied from region to region, suggesting the presence in Nubia of many different peoples or tribal groups dwelling in close proximity to each other. When we first encounter skeletal remains in Nubia, they are those of modern man: homo sapiens.
Nubia's Oldest Battle?
From about 25,000 to 8,000 years ago, the environment gradually evolved to its present state. From this phase several very early settlement sites have been identified at the Second Cataract, near the Egypt-Sudan border. These appear to have been used seasonally by people leading a semi-nomadic existence. The people hunted, fished, and ground wild grain. The first cemeteries also appear, suggesting that people may have been living at least partly sedentary lives. One cemetery site at Jebel Sahaba, near Wadi Halfa, Sudan, contained a number of bodies that had suffered violent deaths and were buried in a mass grave. This suggests that people, even 10,000 years ago, had begun to compete with each other for resources and were willing to kill each other to control them.
Three scale models—of the Mesolithic hut of el-Barga (7500 B.C.), the proto-urban agglomeration of the Pre-Kerma (3000 B.C.) and the ancient city of Kerma (2500-1500 B.C.)—give a glimpse of the world of the living. They show the evolution of settlements for each of the key periods in Nubian history. Huts indicate the birth of a sedentary way of life, the agglomeration confirms the settling of populations on a territory and the capital of the Kingdom of Kerma marks the culmination of the complexification of Nubian architecture with its ever more monumental constructions. The three models were created in Switzerland by Hugo Lienhard and were installed in the museum in January 2009.
quote:Originally posted by Gigantic: Jari, that is a blatant disrespect for you to try and tell a genuine Egyptian their history. I don't get it with you afrocentrists. Who are you to dictate to other people their heritage?
This crazy clown forgets that it's usually whites who are trying to tell anyone else on the planet what their history is like. ETC....
Eurocentric rubbish at it's best, I can give you that!
Afrocentrism is to reconstruct black history. Which was twisted by biased whites.
While Eurocentrisms was/ is to manifest and boost their I am better than others (superiority).
Posted by Pure_Egyptian (Member # 17995) on :
Mike, call me as you like, i'm not going to waste my time with your slurs, I don't care about Nubia which you seem to focus your claims on. Nubia was just another follower of the greatest country on Earth... Egypt. By the way i am not albino... i've got tan skin like most Egyptians (Ancient and Modern), So mike you seem to know more about my family then i do myself, please elaborate how my family ended up from being Fellaheen (the true descendants of AE) to turks? Especially since the turks had a ranking system from Pasha to Fellaheen (the indigeonous people of Egypt)
Posted by Pure_Egyptian (Member # 17995) on :
And please stop giving me articles made by African American culture cause i honestly could not give a ****, i want an educated PHD Egyptologist article, that is Egyptian himself. They already proved in DNA that Egyptians on the street are the protege of the Egyptians who built the pyramids.. and Mike you posted pics of the people who have been in the Land of Egypt for millenia so what..
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
Pure_Egyptian - You just admitted that you are NOT Egyptian.
Pure_Egyptian Quote: please elaborate how my family ended up from being Fellaheen (the true descendants of AE) to turks?
Fellah is a peasant, farmer or agricultural laborer in the Middle East. The word derives from the Arabic word for ploughman or tiller. During the time of the spread of Islam, it was used to distinguish between Arab settlers who were usually nomadic (i.e., bedouin), and the indigenous rural population (i.e., fellahin) of the conquered territories, such as the Egyptians, the Syriacs of the Levant and the Cypriots.
Fellahin was the term used throughout the Middle East in the Ottoman period and later to refer to villagers and farmers. Nur Masalha translates it as "peasants". They were distinguished from the effendi, or, landowning class, although the fellahin in this region might be tenant farmers, smallholders, or live in a village that owned the land communally. Others applied the term fellahin only to landless workers. The term fellahin applied to Christian, Druze and Muslim villagers. The term fellah was applied to people from several regions in the Middle East, including those of Egypt and Cyprus.
"Fille Fellahin." A Victorian-era postcard of a young Fellahin girl of Egypt.
Comprising 60% of the Egyptian population, the fellahin lead humble lives and continue to live in mud-brick houses like their ancient ancestors. Their percentage was much higher in the early 20th century, before the large influx of Egyptian fellahin into urban towns and cities. In 1927, anthropologist Winifred Blackman, author of The Fellahin of Upper Egypt, conducted ethnographic research on the life of Upper Egyptian farmers and concluded that there were observable continuities between the cultural and religious beliefs and practices of the fellahin and those of ancient Egyptians
Pure_Egyptian - Do you look like the girl above?
Posted by ausar (Member # 1797) on :
Although a bulk of the fellaheen have ancient Egyptian ancestry, many of them have intermingled with other groups that have come into Egypt from foreign invasion and immigration. During the Islamic era tracts of land were given to bedouin tribes in the Delta to Arabize the Egyptians. Since the 1700's there has been a population explousion in the Delta so Egyptians from the Delta are overepresented in modern Egypt.
I am skeptical that our poster is either fellaheen or Egyptian but I will give them the benefit of the doubt.
My sources are the following:
Egypt Before the Pharoahs by Alan K Bowman(in this book Bowman shows that much of modern Egyptian population stayed relatively low. The modern Egyptian population started growing expodentially in the 1700. The population growth was conetrated in the Delta where historically foreign populations have settled.)
The Cambridge History of Egypt, Vol. 1: Islamic Egypt, 640-1517 (Volume 1) [Hardcover] Carl F. Petry (Editor) ( documents the settlement of Bedouin tribes in the Delta regions)
Sons of Ishmael by G. W. Murray (Hardcover - Jun 1935)( documents that Berber tribes,Bedouins and others settled amongst the Fellaheen)
The following casts doubt upon the claim that modern Egyptians are pure desendants of the ancient Egyptians. No doubt the blood of the ancients flows through the modern Egyptians but its doubtful that modern Egyptians perserve the pristine phenotype of the ancient Egyptians. The true represenatives of the ancient Egyptians are the populations from Luxor into Aswan. The populations of Aswan and Luxor have been subject to very little foreign influx. The incursions of foreign populations in extreme southern Egypt has fewer in number than the northern Delta.
Posted by Pure_Egyptian (Member # 17995) on :
Mike , please give me some realistic reasons for the pictures or should i say murals im about to show you...
Which one is the Egyptian, which one is the nubian? in these two photos... seems the TAN people are the True Egyptians, the rest Egypts enemy...
Tell me about this photo too, why are the Nubians the sopposedly race of the Egyptians, being tied down and under Egyptian control.. looks like Black Africans were made for being slaves only.
And these are your people, they dont look very egyptian to me, looks as if they traded in building pyramids for Dancing, and mud huts
Posted by Pure_Egyptian (Member # 17995) on :
"I am skeptical that our poster is either fellaheen or Egyptian but I will give them the benefit of the doubt."
I have already proved to jari i am egyptian, ask him he's already seen photos of my family..
Posted by ausar (Member # 1797) on :
Posting pictures means very little. Pictures can be fabricated and photoshopped. Even if you are Egyptian it does not prove that the ancient Egyptians shared your phenotype. I already refuted your notion of pure Delta fellaheen. I included academic sources on the influx of foreigners into the Delta from pharoanic to post pharoanic eras.
Posted by Pure_Egyptian (Member # 17995) on :
Here are the villages my family are from, Manoufia - a governate i know but i dont feel like finding the exact area. Beheira - Mahmudiya Sohag, from my grandmother.
Posted by Pure_Egyptian (Member # 17995) on :
Ok, even then im upper egypt , and AE blood is in me thats all i want to prove, i just want to prove im not a turk/ or arab, and if i was arab i would know what tribe i came from
Posted by Pure_Egyptian (Member # 17995) on :
Egyptians(Modern and Ancient) with the exception of the Black Nubians/people of Kemit(southern lower 1/4 of Egypt and the Sudan) conquered by the Arabs(Middle Eastern), are Semitic White like the closely related Jews(Middle Eastern), as proven by both DNA tests(haplo groups) on mummies and modern Egyptians(Semitic White) and Nubian Egyptians(Black) as well as skeletal points and measurements(mainly the skull).
The Black Nubians made pacts with the Arabs to be Pharoahs to avoid total annhilation.For about a hundred years, there were Black Nubian Egyptian Dynasties.The Arabs gave Egypt(Arabic-since 5,000 B.C.) its name.
The different skin colors of the Egyptians on walls demonstrates the differences in the two ethinicities. King TUT has many facial features of an ethnic mix(half Arab Semitic White/half Nubian Black),often represented anywhere from a golden brown color to a Black color, like Anwar Sadat(father- Egyptian Arab Semitic White-mother-Black Sudanese) denied this until shortly before his death.
Many of the people on wall art are, in fact, Black Nubian Egyptian slaves(also some free) as well as peoples of other ethnic backgrounds(small sampling of the Arabs(Semitic Whites) and other peoples(Blacks and other ethinicities and admixtures):
Posted by ausar (Member # 1797) on :
Pure Egyptian,I don't believe you are a Turk but its possible you have some foreign ancestry. Your anger towards African Americans is misguided because it was the Europeans who wrote that modern Egyptians were inferior people compaired to their ancestors. The Europeans really control the information on ancient Egypt not African Americans.
Posted by ausar (Member # 1797) on :
Pure Egyptian, could you properly cite your information? Ancient Egyptians were neither white nor semitic. Arabs did not come to Egypt untill around 640 AD under Amr Ibn Alas. All genetic sampling has been done on modern Egyptians and not the ancient remains. No mummies have ever been tests for their racial or geographic origin. If you have evidenceto the contrary then please present it.
Posted by Pure_Egyptian (Member # 17995) on :
Someone also please answer for me.... How is it that All of North Africa is Caucasian (Berber - semetic white) but egypt is claimed not to be.. doesnt make sense... seems ironic considering egypt is closer to the middle east and even has a landbridge connecting it to the middle east
Posted by ausar (Member # 1797) on :
Berbers are not Semitic speakers either nor are all Berbers caucasoid. Some like the Tuareg are dark skinned. You do realize the ancient Egyptians distinguished themselves from ''white'' Libyans which probably represent the modern white skinned Berber groups.
Pure Egyptian, can you prove the modern populations of the so-called Middle east existed in antiquity? Do you believe the modern Middle Eastern population has remained homogenous and pristine?
Can you prove that white skinned populations in northern Africa are indigenous?
Posted by Pure_Egyptian (Member # 17995) on :
So if mummies have never been tested how is it known they are what we would call black? Its already known Egyptians have more african blood nowadays then back then do to the arabs bringing slaves through the land bridge... meaning Egyptians nowadays are essentially darker then those of the past
Posted by Pure_Egyptian (Member # 17995) on :
I believe for the most part the people of the middle east are the people of the past, the palestinians being related to Canaan and phillistines, Syrians/Iraq to Assyria, and lebanon to the Phonecions, and so forth.
Posted by Pure_Egyptian (Member # 17995) on :
stop calling me Pure egyptian, i only used the name to bother the Afro centrists, please call me Youssef. And Ausar, the Egyptians ALSO drew themselves differently from the Nubians. Egyptians are Egyptians. i think its possible that Egyptians are there own people, you can tell most Egyptians from the rest of the world, so could it be possible that Egyptians are their own race? Thats how it is thats how itll end
Posted by ausar (Member # 1797) on :
Where is your evidence that Arabs brought slaves in Egypt? Where is your evidence that these slave populations darkened the modern population? Wasn't your intial statement that modern Egyptians retain the phenotype of the ancients? This sounds a little suspect a modern Egypt would attribute the dark skin of modern Egyptians to slaves. I could easily argue that the majority of slaves imported into Egypt were white and therefore lightened the modern Egyptian population.
The studies on mummies are sparce. The one study is a dental and cranimetric study. The study was of the 18th dyansty.
Posted by ausar (Member # 1797) on :
Youssef, the burden of proof is upon you to prove the modern Egyptians are pure examples of the ancient Egyptians. I am all for discourse but it has to have some archaeological or anthropological validity.
I find it interesting that your view of ancient Egypt has a racialist and western tinge.
Posted by Pure_Egyptian (Member # 17995) on :
and Ausar your incorrect, the arabs have been in contact with AE waaaay b4 the 600's. Do to trading, and Egypt was conquered by "People of the desert" seems like another name for Arabs. And Some pharoahs have come from that time period
Posted by Pure_Egyptian (Member # 17995) on :
Ausar, if Modern Egyptians are not the closest people related to the AE who else are? I'm not all about race, i know that there are all types of ethnicities in AE and Modern Egypt.
Posted by Pure_Egyptian (Member # 17995) on :
I am Tan and have wavy/curly black hair, hmm matter a fact who else in that area is depicted as tan and black hair... seems the AE. I have family that are from caramel to almost nubian skin tone, doesnt mean jack. I just want to prove to these afrocentrists that Modern Egyptians are the closest to AEgyptians, and that a majority are not turks or arabs atleast not pure turks or arabs.
Posted by ausar (Member # 1797) on :
Youssef,the closest desendants of the ancient Egyptians has not been established. However, we can piece together the origins of ancient Egyptian civlization based upon archaeological remains. Definite cultural ties exist between the lower socioeconomic and rural groups in modern Egypt. The traditions of the rural Egyptians show patterns which may be traced back to the ancient Egyptians. However, we cannot say definately that every modern Egyptian are desendants of the modern Egyptians.
Again,Youssef, the burden of proof is on you.
The ancient Egyptians may have have contact with the ancestors of modern Arabic populations but there is little evidence they settled in Egypt in large numbers untill 640 AD.
Posted by Pure_Egyptian (Member # 17995) on :
And ausar the arabs brought slaves into egypt is a known fact, arabs were the first to enslave and help the europeans enslave the Black africans, seems odd huh that if egyptians we're so "black" they werent enslaved.. arabs have used black african slaves for millenia..
Posted by ausar (Member # 1797) on :
It's not contested that the Arabs has black slaves. What is contested is if these populations were large enough to alter the skin tone of modern Egyptians to make them darker than their ancestors. Much of the slaves brought into Egypt were mainly male military slaves. The other half were gilded eunchs that left very little desendants. The female black slaves brought into Arab lands had very low fertility rates and were often infertile.
Where is your proof that black African slaves made the modern Egyptian populations darker? Youssef, I am starting to believe that you cannot support your arguments with facts. You simply make up statments. I have yet to see you cite a source of your information.
Actually, some Egyptians were enslaved and sold in Iraqi slave markets.
Posted by Pure_Egyptian (Member # 17995) on :
Ausar, there we're estimated 10 million egyptians in Egypt at the time, and only one million arabs, egypt has always allowed for a larger population due to the resources and the nile, please do not tell me that Modern day egyptians are of Arab ancestry..
Posted by ausar (Member # 1797) on :
My claim was never population displacement. My contention was of a steady influx of foreigners starting from the late New Kingdom to the Islamic era. The foreign ancestry in modern Egypt is mostly pre-Islamic but Arab influx into the Delta should not be minimalized. The other problem is you ignored the Syrian and Armenian influx that occured in Alexandria and parts of Egypt during the Late period. I have a thread posted documenting the influx of foreigners into Egypt from the pharoanic to modern era.
Where did you get your estimate of 10 million from. Up untill Napoleon's invasion Egypt's population number stayed consistent around 6 million.
Posted by Pure_Egyptian (Member # 17995) on :
Also Ausar, The christian population we're in egypt b4 the Arabs, and DNA tests from what ive read shows common ancestry between copts and muslims. It is known that Egypt was once a christian country but over a course of a couple centuries the Christians began converting to Islam. The copts are the modern descendents from AE (but then again so are the fellaheen and Saidi) the urban ones im not to sure of
Posted by ausar (Member # 1797) on :
Youssef, I notice you like to make claims without any citation. Do you actually read my posts or pick bits and pieces out without adressing my points? To my knowledge there has never been a conclusive genetic study done comparing the modern Muslim and Christian populations in Egypt. If you have the details to this study or support for any of your claims then please post it.
The point is modern Egyptians have lots of foreign ancestry from pharoanic and post pharoanic times. The foreign admixture has effected the phenotype of most modern Egyptians.
Posted by Pure_Egyptian (Member # 17995) on :
i'll dig for the dna tests, and ausar you seem to be forgetting about the black plague which killed 40% of Egypts population so what would 40& of 10 million be... 6 million
Posted by ausar (Member # 1797) on :
The black plague occured mainly in Al qahira which was a hub of foreign populations. The rural countryside was not effected. I notice you also like to pull random statistics without much of a citation. Again, where are you getting the figure of 10 million? Most of the foreign incursions into Egypt happened in the pre-Islamic period.
Posted by MindoverMatter718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Originally posted by ausar: I notice you also like to pull random statistics without much of a citation .
You can say that again...and again. Don't be surprised when he gives you the wiki source. LOL
Posted by ausar (Member # 1797) on :
Okay,Youssef, I guess you are located in Egypt. You are in Alexandria. You should go to American University of Cairo and gather some reserch material.
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
quote:Originally posted by Pure_Egyptian: stop calling me Pure egyptian, i only used the name to bother the Afro centrists, please call me Youssef. And Ausar, the Egyptians ALSO drew themselves differently from the Nubians. Egyptians are Egyptians. i think its possible that Egyptians are there own people, you can tell most Egyptians from the rest of the world, so could it be possible that Egyptians are their own race? Thats how it is thats how itll end
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
Posted by Just call me Jari (Member # 14451) on :
Yussef the fact of the matter is you are miguided. First off as Ausar says, Europeans have been disrespecting modern Egyptians for time memorial, yet no peep from Modern Egyptians on that. Your attacks on African Americans is pretty pathetic, Hell if you compare the conditions of Modern Egyptians, esp the Rual populations where you claim to be from, Most Modern Rual Egyptians live in Mud Brick poverty stricken conditions.
Posted by Just call me Jari (Member # 14451) on :
Ausar Yussef already established he hails from Lower Egypt and is a Lower Egyptian Fellahin..
As you know Ausar from reloaded I showed him the Fellahin in Upper Egypt are quite dark. His opinion is that they are his people but I think he considers them a minority is all I can gather.
quote:Originally posted by Pure_Egyptian: And ausar the arabs brought slaves into egypt is a known fact, arabs were the first to enslave and help the europeans enslave the Black africans, seems odd huh that if egyptians we're so "black" they werent enslaved.. arabs have used black african slaves for millenia..
This comment is pure ignorant. First off you are no different than Mike111 to claim such a remark, Also you seem to forget that WHITE SLAVES were present..so called Mamluks, so if anything the Population of Egypt was LIGHTENED rather than vice versa. If you can make such a claim then Mike has leway on calling you a Turk.
Posted by Pure_Egyptian (Member # 17995) on :
Ausar how'd you know i was in Iskanderiya, i know life in rural egypt isn't the best but it is far better then that of most of africa, im only attacking AA because mike is attacking us, IDC he can put stupid pictures that dont even look like anyone in my family but at the end im more related to AE then he will ever be, and i know who Egyptians are and looks like u can spot one from miles away trust me i see egyptian people everyday... btw i may not be posting that much after this due to the fact im going to be going to sohag to visit my grandmother
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
Suleiman the Magnificent
Muhammad Ali
quote: MUTT
A mixed-breed dog whose ancestry is generally unknown and that has characteristics of two or more types of breeds, or is a descendant of feral or pariah dog populations. "Random-breed" is a genetic term meaning an animal, population, or breed that was bred or developed without planned intervention of humans; and whose ancestry and genetic makeup is generally not known.
Posted by ausar (Member # 1797) on :
Living in Alexandria he is probably eye witness to the blight of the baladi neighboorhoods. Alexandria and Cairo is rampant with over population and poverty. Drugs and desparity is a way of life for many rural to urban Egyptians.
African Americans have no stock in Egyptology nor control much of academia. I think people like Youssef have a double standard and deep down they want to be European. However, they realize no matter how much bleaching creme or westernization they will never be accepted as full Europeans.
Jari, its a sad fact that many modern Egyptians view sub-Saharan Africans as inferior. I suspect alot of modern Egyptians displace alot of their own feelings of inferiority upon sub-Saharan populations.
Posted by Pure_Egyptian (Member # 17995) on :
I dont have a problem with africans at all, in fact my child hood friend who we call Bondo (meaning Peanut) was Nubian, I just want everyone to know that i have egyptian blood in me, and the nubians and egyptians are totally different, and a lot of people are focusing on the Upper Egypt but lower egypt is a part of egypt, and a lot of AE resided in lower egypt/
Posted by Just call me Jari (Member # 14451) on :
Yussef I understand the Fight Fire with Fire but in all honesty Mike111 is a joke in scholastic circles and is a non presence. He belives that the Modern Japanese are Half Albino, he belives that the Modern Arabs are Turks, he belives that the Greeks were originally black but somehow became white with Alexander the Great...etc
My point is that the people in Rual Egypt live in the same type of poverty and housing(Mud Brick) as a West African where my people come from. You realize my ancestors had Timbuctou, Ghana, Mali, Asante..etc. Kingdoms. You realize that at one point my ancestors were prized Professors in Egypt.
Fact is even today you are still culturally similar to Africans over other folks even Mediteranians you seem to worship. Physically and honestly if you were in America where I am from and assimilated you would not be considered white, Your son would be looked at as Hispanic or Mixed Race, so please quit with the Black African=Slavery because you are about 2 shades lighter than the Nubians of Aswan.
You talking about Spear Chuckers but was not YOUR ANCESTORS KNOWN for their "Chucking Spears"...
You keep insulting Africans but when it all boils down you keep insulting yourself!!
Posted by Pure_Egyptian (Member # 17995) on :
And ausar you are completely wrong , i LOVE BEING Egyptian, MASR EL OM DONIA, i would never trade being Egyptian for any other kind of people even European people so please do not put that kind of burden on me...
Posted by ausar (Member # 1797) on :
Upper Egypt is the primary focus because that is where the founders of ancient Egyptian society was. Your racism is apparent because you view them as nothing more than slaves or spear chuckers.
The term Nubian was never used by the ancient Egyptians. The term originates in Greco-Roman time and reffered to populations south of Aswan. Nubians are and have always been apart of Egypt. There is archaeological evidence to substaniate the culture of Ta-seti and Egypt shared a similiar pharoanic culture.
Posted by Pure_Egyptian (Member # 17995) on :
jari i am not rascist at all, and i know there are a lot of great civilizations from west africa, i just don't find it amusing when people tell me that i am turkish, jari i noticed one thing wrong with what you said... Egyptians are classified as arabs because of their culture which is arab and the language we speak..
Posted by Just call me Jari (Member # 14451) on :
quote:Originally posted by ausar: Living in Alexandria he is probably eye witness to the blight of the baladi neighboorhoods. Alexandria and Cairo is rampant with over population and poverty. Drugs and desparity is a way of life for many rural to urban Egyptians.
African Americans have no stock in Egyptology nor control much of academia. I think people like Youssef have a double standard and deep down they want to be European. However, they realize no matter how much bleaching creme or westernization they will never be accepted as full Europeans.
Jari, its a sad fact that many modern Egyptians view sub-Saharan Africans as inferior. I suspect alot of modern Egyptians displace alot of their own feelings of inferiority upon sub-Saharan populations.
Ausar you are preaching to the crowd. To me I can understand where Yussef is coming from, he looks on the Net and on Youtube, MAthildas blog..etc and thinks WOW the Europeans are DEFENDING ME(Acceptance) and so he wants to join in the Fight, but the fact is he does not realize that the so called African Americans have been fighting for Egyptians back when Europeans upheld the Dynastic Race.
No one is saying Modern Egyptians can not claim Egypt, it just a fact that Egypt has had foreign influcences.
If the Egyptians like him really understood how much more they have in common with Africans even in West Africa that they hate so much over Europe esp. with people in Europe who HATE non Whites, esp. with Whites in America who Brag about killing "Arabs" and "Sand Niggers" like I have encountered(Even I don't hate Arabs that much, hell I don't really hate Arabs) The Egyptians would understand that cooperation with other Africans would bring a solution to the problem in Africa even in Egypt..
But this seems to be the problem with Africans...a Fixation on Europe and White people.
Posted by Pure_Egyptian (Member # 17995) on :
In school however the limited AE history they taught us, was the Nubia was mock culture they tried to do every the same as Egypt, including the pyramids and the gods which they never perfected.. Sudan was Egypt until it was annexed by the turks
Posted by Kalonji (Member # 17303) on :
Youssef I have posed a question to you in the other thread I'd like to know your opinion on it
Posted by Just call me Jari (Member # 14451) on :
quote:Originally posted by Pure_Egyptian: jari i am not rascist at all, and i know there are a lot of great civilizations from west africa, i just don't find it amusing when people tell me that i am turkish, jari i noticed one thing wrong with what you said... Egyptians are classified as arabs because of their culture which is arab and the language we speak..
I dont think you are a racist, I have fought Fire with Fire but the thing about that is YOU WILL get Burned as well. As Ausar says the so called Nubian people were a part of Egypt going back even prior to the Badari phase, wich is Thousands of years. If there was a such thing as a Sister Civilization Egypt would be Nubia's Sister. The So called Nubians were a Vital Part of Egypt.
even during the Hyksos occupation so called Nubians were used to aid the Egyptians rid the Hyksos and Kerman occupation.
Posted by Pure_Egyptian (Member # 17995) on :
I am Egyptian, but i was raised for a quarter of my life in America, and i was always told that i look more black then white, and i hated that, but after high school, i moved back to Egypt to be with my people, here in egypt we have a saying " Egypt is our mother, and the Nile is OUR blood."
Posted by ausar (Member # 1797) on :
Youssef, look up an Egyptian named Ossama Alsaadawi. I suggest you also reserch a little about ancient Sudan. Ancient Sudan was not a inferior copy of ancient Egyptian culture. Look up a book called Ancient Nubia: Egypt's Rival in Africa by David O'Connor.
Posted by ausar (Member # 1797) on :
Youssef, take your experiance in the west as a lesson. This should motivate you not to spread western ideaology to Egyptians. The skin bleaching and racism is rampant in Egypt. Most of this is due to cultural poisining. Attacking marginalized populations like African Americans is not going to remedy the problems which persist in modern Egypt.
We should also not romanticize ancinet Egypt or place it above. Arrogance in one's past can blind us of the future.
Youssef, we should have a dialogue. This dialogue should be civil and scholary.
Posted by Pure_Egyptian (Member # 17995) on :
EGYPT is not AMERICA though in Egypt no one cares about skin color, only in the case that your Egyptian, and i love being egyptian but when the bbc has a documentary about ancient egypt and they use egyptians to portray AE, and i have ppl tell me how dare bbc put those Arab sand niggers on over the real black population of ancient egypt , makes me upset. I had the choice to stay in America but i left because Egypt is my land , its the only place i feel comfortable. Anyways Salam to everyone, its almost 6 in the morning and i havent slept a wink and my bus leaves to cairo at 10:00
Posted by Truthcentric (Member # 3735) on :
I wonder if part of the reason you have so many people insisting that modern Egyptians = ancient Egyptians is because we Westerners use "Egypt" to describe both the ancient civilization of Kemet and the modern country of Misr, therefore making it seem as if the two countries are one and the same. By contrast, we don't call the Aztec Empire the same name as they do modern Mexico, so it's easier for laypeople to distinguish Aztecs from today's Mexicans.
Posted by KING (Member # 9422) on :
I take what people say about themselves as the TRUTH, until proven otherwise. I respect your Heritage as an Egyptian.
All I will say is that Upper Egypt is where the main Egyptian popualtion live in Ancient Times and it's also where we see Egypt being united by these Upper Egyptians.
As can be told by Ausar, Upper Egyptians and Nubians are linked close together and you can only really tell them apart by the way they dress.
What you should take from the studies I posted is that the Closest people to AE is Upper Egyptians and Nubians. Also Ethiopians and Somalis, What must be said is that Ethiopians are not 50% "Caucasian" This is nonsense and has been refuted by people on this forum for some time now. Modern Egyptians are NOT more African then Ethiopians. Really the only main Ethiopians that have close to 30% Hap J is the Amhara. The largest Ethnic Group in Ethiopia the Oromo, have less then 3% foreign genes. So be careful when you make claims about Africans because the TRUTH is that Europeans have tried to coverup the TRUTH about Africans to serve there own agenda(Slave trade etc). Anyways I hope to hear from you on this forum because it is always good to have Egyptians that enjoy talking about there History and people on the forum.
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
Jari quote: You realize that at one point my ancestors were prized Professors in Egypt.
Wow, I never knew that, where can I find that information?
Posted by ausar (Member # 1797) on :
Mike, any book by Basil Davidson. Particulary, Western Africa to the Colonial Era,A History to 1850.
Posted by Just call me Jari (Member # 14451) on :
quote:Originally posted by Mike111: Jari quote: You realize that at one point my ancestors were prized Professors in Egypt.
Wow, I never knew that, where can I find that information?
Read about West Africans being sought after as professors in Egypt during the golden age of Timbuctou.
Mike this info is just now being revealed so I cant offer you any books, but a good search of our old files would be usefull...Unless you are being sarcastic.
Posted by 9th Element (Member # 17629) on :
quote:Originally posted by Pure_Egyptian: And ausar the arabs brought slaves into egypt is a known fact, arabs were the first to enslave and help the europeans enslave the Black africans, seems odd huh that if egyptians we're so "black" they werent enslaved.. arabs have used black african slaves for millenia..
Have white Europeans enslaved other white Europeans?
Posted by 9th Element (Member # 17629) on :
quote:Originally posted by Pure_Egyptian: I dont have a problem with africans at all, in fact my child hood friend who we call Bondo (meaning Peanut) was Nubian, I just want everyone to know that i have egyptian blood in me, and the nubians and egyptians are totally different, and a lot of people are focusing on the Upper Egypt but lower egypt is a part of egypt, and a lot of AE resided in lower egypt/
Weird, because I have seen a doc special when some elderly tribe leader stated that the ancient Nubians and Egyptians were one and the same people, he said that the only difference was in the skin tone. Also modern day science confirms this as a fact! (As I have shown in my previous posts)
Another failing epic from you, on here.
Tell, where is Ta-Seti?
Posted by 9th Element (Member # 17629) on :
quote:Originally posted by Just call me Jari:
quote:Originally posted by Mike111: Jari quote: You realize that at one point my ancestors were prized Professors in Egypt.
Wow, I never knew that, where can I find that information?
Read about West Africans being sought after as professors in Egypt during the golden age of Timbuctou.
Mike this info is just now being revealed so I cant offer you any books, but a good search of our old files would be usefull...Unless you are being sarcastic.
It's no surprise here, once you know and nderstand the history of islam. And the importance of Timbuktu and the West African scholars.
I think a second flow is coming up now. Just look at the many Nigerians with college and University degrees.
Also, it not strange when you look at Musa Musa and the amount of gold he spend at KMT. There was a reason, I am sure. The story goes that he was sooooo proud to see those statues.
But Jari share them books man. Don't be greedy
Dinner is ready, so I am off this.
Posted by 9th Element (Member # 17629) on :
quote:Originally posted by Pure_Egyptian: I am Egyptian, but i was raised for a quarter of my life in America, and i was always told that i look more black then white, and i hated that, but after high school, i moved back to Egypt to be with my people, here in egypt we have a saying " Egypt is our mother, and the Nile is OUR blood."
I have a few questions for you, if you don't mind:
-Where does the Nile begin during ancient times?
-What did this river mean for the Nile valley populations?
-Why are you calling the land Egypt? What was it called before, and before that, and why?
-And lastly, what did the ancient Greeks say about the ancient "Egyptians"?
Posted by 9th Element (Member # 17629) on :
quote:Originally posted by Pure_Egyptian: Mike , please give me some realistic reasons for the pictures or should i say murals im about to show you...
Which one is the Egyptian, which one is the nubian? in these two photos... seems the TAN people are the True Egyptians, the rest Egypts enemy...
Tell me about this photo too, why are the Nubians the sopposedly race of the Egyptians, being tied down and under Egyptian control.. looks like Black Africans were made for being slaves only.
And these are your people, they dont look very egyptian to me, looks as if they traded in building pyramids for Dancing, and mud huts
"We also compare Egyptian body proportions to those of modern American Blacks and Whites... Long bone stature regression equations were then derived for each sex. Our results confirm that, although ancient Egyptians are closer in body proportion to modern American Blacks than they are to American Whites, proportions in Blacks and Egyptians are not identical... Intralimb indices are not significantly different between Egyptians and American Blacks...brachial indices are definitely more ‘African’... There is no evidence for significant variation in proportions among temporal or social groupings; thus, the new formula may be broadly applicable to ancient Egyptian remains." ("Stature estimation in ancient Egyptians: A new technique based on anatomical reconstruction of stature." Michelle H. Raxter, Christopher B. Ruff, Ayman Azab, Moushira Erfan, Muhammad Soliman, Aly El-Sawaf,(Am J Phys Anthropol. 2008, Jun;136(2):147-5
quote:Originally posted by Pure_Egyptian: Mike , please give me some realistic reasons for the pictures or should i say murals im about to show you...
Which one is the Egyptian, which one is the nubian? in these two photos... seems the TAN people are the True Egyptians, the rest Egypts enemy...
Pure lying piece of racist devils ****, READ!!!!!
Wanna talk about Atum? Hmm,...tarnos.
Determination of optimal rehydration, fixation and staining methods for histological and immunohistochemical analysis of mummified soft tissues
A-M Mekota1, M Vermehren2
Biotechnic & Histochemistry 2005, 80(1): 7_/13
"Materials and methods In 1997, the German Institute for Archaeology headed an excavation of the tombs of the nobles in Thebes-West, Upper Egypt. At this time, three types of tissues were sampled from different mummies: meniscus (fibrocartilage), skin, and placenta. Archaeological findings suggest that the mummies dated from the New Kingdom (approximately 1550_/1080 BC)...... The basal epithelial cells were packed with melanin as expected for specimens of neriod origin."
History in the Interpretation of the Pattern of p49a,f TaqI RFLP Y-Chromosome Variation in Egypt: A Consideration of Multiple Lines of Evidence,
The possible factors involved in the generation of p49a,f TaqI Y-chromosome spatial diversity in Egypt were explored. The object was to consider explanations beyond those that emphasize gene flow mediated via military campaigns within the Nile corridor during the dynastic period. Current patterns of the most common variants (V, XI, and IV) have been suggested to be primarily related to Middle Kingdom and New Kingdom political actions in Nubia, including occasional settler colonization, and the conquest of Egypt by Kush (in upper Nubia, northern Sudan), thus initiating the Twenty-Fifth Dynasty. However, a synthesis of evidence from archaeology, historical linguistics, texts, distribution of haplotypes outside Egypt, and some demographic considerations lends greater support to the establishment, before the Middle Kingdom, of the observed distributions of the most prevalent haplotypes V, XI, and IV. It is suggested that the pattern of diversity for these variants in the Egyptian Nile Valley was largely the product of population events that occurred in the late Pleistocene to mid-Holocene through the First Dynasty, and was sustained by continuous smaller-scale bidirectional migrations/interactions.
The higher frequency of V in Ethiopia than in Nubia or upper (southern) Egypt has to be taken into account in any discussion of variation in the Nile Valley. Am. J. Hum. Biol. 17:"
Haplotypes and percentages
Region (n) IV V XI VII VIII XI XV Lower Egypt (162) 1.2 51.9 11.7 8.6 10.5 3.7 6.8 Upper Egypt (66) 27.3 24.2 28.8 4.6 3.0 0.0 6.1 Lower Nubia (46) 39.1 17.4 30.4 2.2 2.2 0.0 0.0 1From Lucotte and Mercier (2002).
Tell me about this photo too, why are the Nubians the sopposedly race of the Egyptians, being tied down and under Egyptian control.. looks like Black Africans were made for being slaves only.
And these are your people, they dont look very egyptian to me, looks as if they traded in building pyramids for Dancing, and mud huts
Posted by 9th Element (Member # 17629) on :
quote:Originally posted by Pure_Egyptian: Someone also please answer for me.... How is it that All of North Africa is Caucasian (Berber - semetic white) but egypt is claimed not to be.. doesnt make sense... seems ironic considering egypt is closer to the middle east and even has a landbridge connecting it to the middle east
Are you familiar with the word Aswahadi? Posted by 9th Element (Member # 17629) on :
quote:Originally posted by Pure_Egyptian: Mike , please give me some realistic reasons for the pictures or should i say murals im about to show you...
Which one is the Egyptian, which one is the nubian? in these two photos... seems the TAN people are the True Egyptians, the rest Egypts enemy...
Tell me about this photo too, why are the Nubians the sopposedly race of the Egyptians, being tied down and under Egyptian control.. looks like Black Africans were made for being slaves only.
And these are your people, they dont look very egyptian to me, looks as if they traded in building pyramids for Dancing, and mud huts
Karnak in Thebes
The outer walls of the Hypostyle Hall are covered with scenes of battle. Again, Seti I is to the north and Ramesses II is to the south. The scenes have long since lost their color that was painted and the outlines of the scenes have been blurred by the centuries of wind and sun
It is unsure whether the scenes of battle are based on historical fact or of ritual significance. It is thought that when the battle details are very precise, real events are most likely involved. Seti's battles take place in Lebanon, southern Palestine and Syria.
The Nomes (Provinces) of Ancient Egypt
Jea-0124 Title: Great Temple of Ramses II, Abu Simbel Date: ca. 1254 BCE Description: relief detail at entrance: a row of Syrian prisoners Vendor: Saskia, Ltd.
"Relief depicting captives of war, Temple of Amun, Karnak,
A king shall come belonging to the South, Ameny by name, the son of a woman of Ta-Sti, a child of Khen-nekhen. He shall receive the White Crown, he shall wear the Red Crown....The people of his time shall rejoice, the son of Someone shall make his name for ever and ever.
Here the non-royal descent of Ammenemes I is clearly enough indicated, for the phrase 'son of Someone' was a common way of designating a man of good, though not princely, birth. Ta-Sti is the name of the first nome of Upper Egypt, that of which Elephantine was the capital, and where the population was no doubt partly of Nubian race.
[B]The nubian mesolithic: A consideration of the Wadi Halfa remains
References and further reading may be available for this article. To view references and further reading you must purchase this article.
Meredith F. Small*
Department of anthropology, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado 80302, U.S.A.
Received 4 June 1980; accepted 30 October 1980. Available online 5 April 2006.
Morphological variation of the skeletal remains of ancient Nubia has been traditionally explained as a product of multiple migrations into the Nile Valley. In contrast, various researchers have noted a continuity in craniofacial variation from Mesolithic through Neolithic times. This apparent continuity could be explained by in situ cultural evolution producing shifts in selective pressures which may act on teeth, the facial complex, and the cranial vault.
A series of 13 Mesolithic skulls from Wadi Halfa, Sudan, are compared to Nubian Neolithic remains by means of extended canonical analysis. Results support recent research which suggests consistent trends of facial reduction and cranial vault expansion from Mesolithic through Neolithic times.
"Egypt" is just a daughter! Did you know that? Guess not!
Posted by 9th Element (Member # 17629) on :
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada and the University of Alberta
Nubia served in antiquity as an important north-south corridor for trade and military contacts with civilizations of Egypt and the Ethiopian highlands, and as a route east to the Red Sea and west through the Chad depression to West Africa. Much of our knowledge of ancient Nubia comes from a series of archaeological surveys and salvage excavations that began in 1907, prior to the raising of the first Aswan dam. The last salvage campaign was directed by UNESCO and involved 27 countries in excavation and preservation work during the 1960s and 1970s along a stretch of the Nile River that was to be flooded by the construction of the Aswan High Dam, south of Aswan.
The skeletal remains examined in this study of biological affinities and palaeopathology were excavated by the Scandinavian Joint Expedition in 1963-1964 and are now curated at the Laboratory of Biological Anthropology at the University of Copenhagen. The A-Group sample is from Site 277 and dates to the Classic/Terminal A-Group, corresponding to the Egyptian protodynastic or Archaic periods, the time of Egyptian unification.
The C-Group remains are from Site 179, which is most likely contemporaneous with the First Intermediate Period or early Middle Kingdom of dynastic Egyptian civilization
quote:Originally posted by Pure_Egyptian: Mike , please give me some realistic reasons for the pictures or should i say murals im about to show you...
Which one is the Egyptian, which one is the nubian? in these two photos... seems the TAN people are the True Egyptians, the rest Egypts enemy...
Tell me about this photo too, why are the Nubians the sopposedly race of the Egyptians, being tied down and under Egyptian control.. looks like Black Africans were made for being slaves only.
And these are your people, they dont look very egyptian to me, looks as if they traded in building pyramids for Dancing, and mud huts
The Battle of Kadesh is one of the most well known military campaigns of history because it is the earliest battle that can be reliably reconstructed in detail from various records on both sides of the conflict. Fought between Ramesses II, one of Egypt's best known pharaohs, and the Hittites under Muwatallish (along with a number of allies), this battle over control of Syrian territory has received considerable attention by many analysts over the years.
"Despite the difference, Gebel Ramlah [the Western Desert- Saharan region] is closest to predynastic and early dynastic samples from Abydos, Hierakonpolis, and Badari.."
the Badarians were a "good representative of what the common ancestor to all later predynastic and dynastic Egyptian peoples would be like"
"A comparison of Badari to the Naqada and Hierakonpolis samples .. contradicts the idea of a foreign origin for the Naqada (Petrie, 1939; Baumgartel, 1970)"
Evidence in favor of continuity is also demonstrated by comparison of individual samples. "Naqada and especially Hierakonpolis share close affinities with First-Second Dynasty Abydos.. These findings do not support the concept of a foreign dynastic ''race''"
"Thus, despite increasing foreign influence after the Second Intermediate Period, not only did Egyptian culture remain intact (Lloyd, 2000a), but the people themselves, as represented by the dental samples, appear biologically constant as well."
(Joel D. Irish (2006). Who Were the Ancient Egyptians? Dental Affinities Among Neolithic Through Postdynastic Peoples. Am J Phys Anthropol. 2006 Apr;129(4):529-43.)
Africans have the highest dental diversity "Previous research by the first author revealed that, relative to other modern peoples, sub-Saharan Africans exhibit the highest frequencies of ancestral (or plesiomorphic) dental traits... The fact that sub-Saharan Africans express these apparently plesiomorphic characters, along with additional information on their affinity to other modern populations, evident intra-population heterogeneity, and a world-wide dental cline emanating from the sub-continent, provides further evidence that is consistent with an African origin model." (Irish JD, Guatelli-Steinberg D.(2003) Ancient teeth and modern human origins: an expanded comparison of African Plio-Pleistocene and recent world dental samples. Hum Evol. 2003 Aug;45(2):113-44.)
Posted by 9th Element (Member # 17629) on :
Such idiotic nonsense!
quote:Originally posted by Pure_Egyptian: Egyptians(Modern and Ancient) with the exception of the Black Nubians/people of Kemit(southern lower 1/4 of Egypt and the Sudan) conquered by the Arabs(Middle Eastern), are Semitic White like the closely related Jews(Middle Eastern), as proven by both DNA tests(haplo groups) on mummies and modern Egyptians(Semitic White) and Nubian Egyptians(Black) as well as skeletal points and measurements(mainly the skull).
The Black Nubians made pacts with the Arabs to be Pharoahs to avoid total annhilation.For about a hundred years, there were Black Nubian Egyptian Dynasties.The Arabs gave Egypt(Arabic-since 5,000 B.C.) its name.
The different skin colors of the Egyptians on walls demonstrates the differences in the two ethinicities. King TUT has many facial features of an ethnic mix(half Arab Semitic White/half Nubian Black),often represented anywhere from a golden brown color to a Black color, like Anwar Sadat(father- Egyptian Arab Semitic White-mother-Black Sudanese) denied this until shortly before his death.
Many of the people on wall art are, in fact, Black Nubian Egyptian slaves(also some free) as well as peoples of other ethnic backgrounds(small sampling of the Arabs(Semitic Whites) and other peoples(Blacks and other ethinicities and admixtures):
NUBIA AND EGYPT- Nubians and Egyptians were so close in various eras that they were virtually indistinguishable
“The ancient Egyptians referred to a region, located south of the third cataract the Nile River, in which Nubians dwelt as Kush.. Within such context, this phrase is not a racial slur. Throughout the history of ancient Egypt there were numerous, well documented instances that celebrate Nubian-Egyptian marriages. A study of these documents, particularly those dated to both the Egyptian New Kingdom (after 1550 B.C.E.) and to Dynasty XXV and early Dynasty XXVI (about 720-640 BCE), reveals that neither spouse nor any of the children of such unions suffered discrimination at the hands of the ancient Egyptians. Indeed such marriages were never an obstacle to social, economic, or political status, provided the individuals concerned conformed to generally accepted Egyptian social standards. Furthermore, at times, certain Nubian practices, such as tattooing for women, and the unisex fashion of wearing earrings, were wholeheartedly embraced by the ancient Egyptians." (Bianchi, 2004: p. 4)
'It is an extremely difficult task to attempt to describe the Nubians during the course of Egypt's New Kingdom, because their presence appears to have virtually evaporated from the archaeological record.. The result has been described as a wholesale Nubian assimilation into Egyptian society. This assimilation was so complete that it masked all Nubian ethnic identities insofar as archaeological remains are concerned beneath the impenetrable veneer of Egypt's material; culture.. In the Kushite Period, when Nubians ruled as Pharaohs in their own right, the material culture of Dynasty XXV (about 750-655 B.C.E.) was decidedly Egyptian in character.. Nubia's entire landscape up to the region of the Third Cataract was dotted with temples indistinguishable in style and decoration from contemporary temples erected in Egypt. The same observation obtains for the smaller number of typically Egyptian tombs in which these elite Nubian princes were interred.(Bianchi, 2004, p. 99-100)
Robert Bianchi ( 2004). Daily Life of the Nubians. Greenwood Publishing Group
Posted by 9th Element (Member # 17629) on :
A foreign people who ruled Egypt from Avaris in the Delta during the Second Intermediate Period. The period of Hyksos rule was synonymous with anarchy and destruction.
quote:Originally posted by Pure_Egyptian: Mike , please give me some realistic reasons for the pictures or should i say murals im about to show you...
Which one is the Egyptian, which one is the nubian? in these two photos... seems the TAN people are the True Egyptians, the rest Egypts enemy...
Tell me about this photo too, why are the Nubians the sopposedly race of the Egyptians, being tied down and under Egyptian control.. looks like Black Africans were made for being slaves only.
And these are your people, they dont look very egyptian to me, looks as if they traded in building pyramids for Dancing, and mud huts
He was Ahmose I, during who's reign Egypt was finally and completely liberated from the Hyksos.
Ahmose I's Battle AxApparently, while Ahmose I was in Nubia, former Hyksos allies again attempted a few uprising in the north lead by an arch enemy of Kamose named Teti-en.
Ahmose I married his sister, Ahmose-Nefertiri, who became Egypt's first great God's Wife of Amun,
See peeps there is a reason why this modern day hyksos came on this forum. He is just like his ancestors of thousands of years ago. Causing hate disturbance and wreck!
I am done here for today.
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
9th Element - TourEgypt is a Turkish site, it is best to take what they say with a grain of salt.
Though Egypt was divided, the Hyksos period was actually relatively peaceful.
It was Kamoses determination to re-unite Egypt which made it unpeaceful.
BTW - this is the only known statue of a Hyksos.
As you can see, she is a Black Woman.
Most scholars agree that the Hyksos were the Hebrews.
Most reference the Egyptian historian Manetho (300 B.C.) from his book "Aegyptiaca"
To 'Pure_Egyptian', I am curious. What do you make of all these black Egyptians below?
Would you call the above persons 'slaves'? Because all these people above are Egyptian royals.
Are you even aware that Ausar is a native Fellah from Egypt and acknowledges that he and his people are black? We've had a couple of other Egyptian posters in here who also had no problem with their black identity or that of their ancient African peoples.
Posted by dana marniche (Member # 13149) on :
quote:Originally posted by Pure_Egyptian: and btw i am very aware that i have some african ancestry it would be inevitable for me not to, but as a race i do not think Egyptians were Black African
Why don't people in northern Egypt like to claim all of their heritage. Why don't you learn your own history and leave the Pharaonic history to the Africans that lived there. Just stay what you are - an African hating United Middle Eastern Republican with some African blood who chucked spears.
Posted by dana marniche (Member # 13149) on :
quote:Originally posted by Pure_Egyptian: And ausar the arabs brought slaves into egypt is a known fact, arabs were the first to enslave and help the europeans enslave the Black africans, seems odd huh that if egyptians we're so "black" they werent enslaved.. arabs have used black african slaves for millenia..
Exactly - people like you were brought into Egypt for thousands of years. Middle Easterners enslaved black Africans for the last 400 and now they think they are the Pharoahs. LOL. Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
quote:Originally posted by Pure_Egyptian:
I am Egyptian, but i was raised for a quarter of my life in America, and i was always told that i look more black then white, and i hated that, but after high school, i moved back to Egypt to be with my people, here in egypt we have a saying " Egypt is our mother, and the Nile is OUR blood."
^ And there you have it! The very crux of the matter! The issue is not African Americans claiming Egypt as their own but about YOUR own self hatred and self loathing for your own black African ancestry!
Posted by dana marniche (Member # 13149) on :
quote:Originally posted by Djehuti:
quote:Originally posted by Pure_Egyptian:
I am Egyptian, but i was raised for a quarter of my life in America, and i was always told that i look more black then white, and i hated that, but after high school, i moved back to Egypt to be with my people, here in egypt we have a saying " Egypt is our mother, and the Nile is OUR blood."
^ And there you have it! The very crux of the matter! The issue is not African Americans claiming Egypt as their own but about YOUR own self hatred and self loathing for your own black African ancestry!
Boo YAH!
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
^ Sticks and stones may break my bones but your ad hominem remarks about my ancestry can never hurt me!
quote:Originally posted by Fraud_Busted: The Tranny is at work again! Spreading Black Pilipino Lies:
Ausar has never said that he considered himself or his people black.
He is actually ONLY 50% EGYPTIAN, with an Algerian Mother.
LOL Actually he HAS said he considers himself and his people black in this forum many years ago! This was before your dumb Afrangi-ass showed up. Why else would Ausar always support what us "Afrocentrics" have to say while never defending your Afrangi-idiot concocted lies! By the way, his Algerian mother is Tuareg who are also black. Let's see an indigenous (black) North African Sa'idi Egyptian father with an indigenous(black) North African Tuareg mother makes the child 100% indigenous (black) North African. Unlike your Abaza-ass family who immigrated to Egypt during Ottoman Turkish rule.
quote:I don't understand how a little Tranny with a Black Boyfriend can be so Afrocentric, unless the Vaseline is working OT.
Please don't project your own personal life (issues) on to me. Posted by Pure_Egyptian (Member # 17995) on :
wow, ausar , is algerian, what a betrayer... and saidis (atleast muslim ones) are mainly of arab decent bc the arab tribes settled mainly in upper egypt the only ones whoare the direct descendents are the fellaheen, not all upper egyptians are of pharoanic heritage and its common that muslims ar darker there because of the muslims willingness to marry people outside their race.
Posted by dana marniche (Member # 13149) on :
quote:Originally posted by Pure_Egyptian: wow, ausar , is algerian, what a betrayer... and saidis (atleast muslim ones) are mainly of arab decent bc the arab tribes settled mainly in upper egypt the only ones whoare the direct descendents are the fellaheen, not all upper egyptians are of pharoanic heritage and its common that muslims ar darker there because of the muslims willingness to marry people outside their race.
Djehuti - just said Ausar is half Tuareg. That has nothing to do with being Saidi. In any case his views are apparently like many lesser modified Egyptians who thankfully want to make sure people like you know what the Egyptians were in the days of the Pharaohs.
quote:Originally posted by Fraud_Buster: I don't understand how a little Tranny with a Black Boyfriend can be so Afrocentric, unless the Vaseline is working OT.
he he he
this is actually funny
Posted by astenb (Member # 14524) on :
quote:Originally posted by Pure_Egyptian: I am Egyptian, but i was raised for a quarter of my life in America, and i was always told that i look more black then white, and i hated that, but after high school, i moved back to Egypt to be with my people, here in egypt we have a saying " Egypt is our mother, and the Nile is OUR blood."
LOL. Why do you think this is? Dont you think Americans of African descent know other people of African descent when they are looking at them?
If they think you look "more black than white" what portion do you think is your native Egyptian Ancestry? The Black portion, the White portion, or both? Whichever portion is native Egyptian where does the other part come from?
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
^ Interesting query. No doubt such a question will make him feel frustrated. Then again, I believe he said in the previous page that the ancient Egyptians were more "caucasian" than modern ones.
quote:Originally posted by Pure_Egyptian: wow, ausar , is algerian, what a betrayer... and saidis (atleast muslim ones) are mainly of arab decent bc the arab tribes settled mainly in upper egypt the only ones whoare the direct descendents are the fellaheen, not all upper egyptians are of pharoanic heritage and its common that muslims ar darker there because of the muslims willingness to marry people outside their race.
Last time I checked, Sa'idi simply meant 'southerner'. Yes, while many Sa'idi are of Arab descent not all are. In fact as you say the Fellahin are indeed the 'purest' which is exactly what Ausar's father is. You are right that it is rare for rural Egyptians to marry outsiders but that doesn't mean it doesn't happen. The point is Ausar is 100% North African regardless how you cut it. That you are obviously of lighter complexion and mixed ancestry means you have ancestry from somewhere else other than Africa.
Posted by ausar (Member # 1797) on :
Actually, both my parents are Egyptian. The person claiming I am half Algerian is a white Scottish social worker living in Glasgow Scotland.
Pure Egyptian, most of the Arab tribes in Upper Egypt segregated themselves from indigenous fellahin. You can disern them by the galabiya they wear. People who desend from Arabs tend to have lower cut galabiyas for riding horses as opposed to galabiyas which go to the ground.
In rural parts of Upper Egypt there is a defacto caste system which goes as follow:Ashraf,Arab,Copt,and Fellahin.
Pure Egyptian, the color of Muslims and Christians in Luxor and Aswan are not much different from each other. Both are medium to dark brown. Plus the Christians have mixed with lighter groups like Greeks,Syrians,Maronite Christians and Armenians. Historically, all these groups lived alongside Christians in monestaries.
Also pure Egyptian, ya masri meya meya!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by The Gaul (Member # 16198) on :
quote:Originally posted by Pure_Egyptian: I am Egyptian, but i was raised for a quarter of my life in America, and i was always told that i look more black then white,and i hated that...
This is quite telling of this posters frame of mind. It's a shame.
Posted by Brada-Anansi (Member # 16371) on :
If one is not strong in mind growing or living in America can mess you up The Gaul.
Posted by KING (Member # 9422) on :
Well Brada, Let me just say that is for Canada Also.
Dealing with issues in NA ain't easy.
What else needs to be said is that people like Pure_Egyptian just want to run away from what they are. It's really sad because we should be embracing Who we are and not hating being Black OR White. To run back to Egypt.....to escape.....being called Black......Is sad.
Posted by Pure_Egyptian (Member # 17995) on :
The reason i said that the AE we're probably more caucasian is because i saw the mummies personally at the Cairo Museum when i was going down to Sohag to meet my family which i recently found arent even from sohag, but from Farshout, Qena. Here i will detail my families history which is a little more cosmopolitian then i expected. 400 years ago a bedoin man settled the area of Damanhour (fellaheen), which is my great x 9 grandfather, he married a women from the fellaheen, and their kids married women from the area and so forth you get the point, so that makes me of slight arab ancestry but i've still got egyptian ancestry. my grandmother is pure fellaheen from El-beheira an area called Mahmudiyya where my family still lives on a farm, Here is where my mothers family is from mainly middle and upper egypt, my grandfother was born in Manoufia (fellaheen) which is slightly north of cairo about an hour and a half away. my grandmother was born in sohag but comes from Qena, and was fellaheen herself, her brother married an arab Sa3eedy from a tribe of saudi arabia. The family from Qena has coptic ancestry and the family name is Al-Abanoudi which is the Arabized form of the coptic word Noud which i believe means God.
Posted by KING (Member # 9422) on :
All I can say is that what you said is probably true. No one can refute your own ancestry and you seem like a Smart Guy So I will take your ancestry as valid.
All I can say is that you really disapointed me with your caucasian Egyptian comments. Really I did not expect that from you.
Let me also say that no person can take away your heritage. All I ask is think before you post.
Also there is a Village in Egypt called Da_man_hour?? Are you just joking or is this true?
Posted by Pure_Egyptian (Member # 17995) on :
Yes i would not lie, I believe it is the arabized version of Di-mini-hr which meant "village of horus" i probably misspelled it because my native tounge is arabic, but i learned to write and read arab when i lived in America during the 80's
sorry for the wiki link but this should explain the village
i mean English not arabic of course, but it would be safe to say that i am of indiginous egyptian ancestry, and even in egypt dna proves upper egyptians have up to 20% Arab ancestry. I know i am of egyptian origin because arabs wanted to spread islam not destroy the people
Posted by KING (Member # 9422) on :
No need to apologize.
All I can say is that I was a little shocked with the spelling but it seems to be correct in that it was about horus.
Moving on....
I like to read from every Egyptian on these forums even Fraud_Buster because they give perspectives that only they can Know being from Egypt. I also understand where some Egyptians are coming from when they say that sometimes it seems like people are trying to steal their Heritage. All I can say is that Linking Egypt with Africa is not a theft, What is a theft is when people try and take egypt out of Africa and link it with Europe etc. I will never deny ANY Egyptian there proper due when it comes to Egypt, I just take offence when they try to squeeze Africans away from Egypt as if there really was an barrier that stoped at the border of Egypt.
Keep on posting because your input is much appreciated.
Posted by Pure_Egyptian (Member # 17995) on :
Listen i never said egypt was not an African civilization, you'll just never hear me say it was a pure Black African nation like most people claim, like you said what stopped people coming into egypt because there was no barrier, egypt is connect to africa and the middle east, what makes egyptians not middle eastern? I think Egyptians we're of Middle eastern/Semitic stock, with African ancestry, even the nubians, somalians, and ethiopians show ancestry from OUTSIDE of africa up to 50-60% non african in some populations, also your forgeting the berbers who are indiginous to north africa, who range from pale-to very black depending on the area. I'm not saying they we're european but rather Middle eastern or from the caucus. I dont mean to offend anyone its just how i was taught. Egypt had a variety of people from white to black, putting a racial category on all them would be impossible. I honestly think the Egyptians today are much darker then their ancestors do to Nubians moving in to the cities (recently), allowing for egyptians to interbreed with them as they have done with people from all over, thats what makes Egyptians special is that they had no problem mixing with different people.
Posted by KING (Member # 9422) on :
What you said is your perogative to believe. But it's not true though.
First where did you hear that Nubians, Somalians, and Ethiopians are upto 50%-60% non African?? That is just wrong thinking. If you go to google and click on Advanced Search : Type Ethiopian Genetics. and then go to Search within a site or domain : type www.egyptsearch.com You will get all the studies and refutetation that was with these bogus studies.
After reading them, come back and tell me what you have learned.
Posted by Brada-Anansi (Member # 16371) on :
The problem with those like "Pure Egyptian" is that they are proudly ignorant about the rest of Africa, especially what they would deem "black Africa". They woukd post a pic like this:
and proclaim that has nothing to do with "Egypt" and everything to do with AAs. But when looking at their hairstlye and dress, are probably in East Africa (maybe Ethiopia or Kenya), and possibly esoterically has more in common with AE, especially esoterically, than "Pure Egyptian" does.
Posted by anguishofbeing (Member # 16736) on :
I doubt "pure Egyptian" is Egyptian.
Posted by Pure_Egyptian (Member # 17995) on :
First off , i am Egyptian, and i have no need to waste my time and argue if you think i am not Egyptian. Those silly africans i posted have nothing, racially or culturally, many scholors and educated already have agreed that the modern descendents of the Egyptians, are the Egyptians themselves. Egypt is on the African continent but it is not "black african" just because some one has skin color on that continent does not make them black, as i stated before Egyptians laugh at the thought of Nubians/black africans being the descendents of my great nation. Egyptians believe that the AE are their ancesestors
Posted by KING (Member # 9422) on :
I see you return without reading the websites that Me and Brada urged you to read.
You made the bogus claim that Ethiopians, Nubians, and Somalians were 50-60% non African. This is horribly wrong. You were guided to threads that will show your error. I ask you again to read them and learn something.
Egypt is an African Nation, Ancient Egypt is a "Black" African civilization. There is differences. In AE Black was considered sacred and they painted there main Gods Black and also statues that were about regeneration.
Your self hatred is shown in how you dispise being called Black, yet thats what they called you in America. You really have to realize that Blacks played the most important part in AE. They were the Majority and it was in Upper Egypt home to the Saidi, Nubians that always reunited Egypt.
This is all I can say for now but I really think you need to read Bradas threads to you.
Posted by The Gaul (Member # 16198) on :
quote:Originally posted by Pure_Egyptian: First off , i am Egyptian, and i have no need to waste my time and argue if you think i am not Egyptian. Those silly africans i posted have nothing, racially or culturally, many scholors and educated already have agreed that the modern descendents of the Egyptians, are the Egyptians themselves. Egypt is on the African continent but it is not "black african" just because some one has skin color on that continent does not make them black, as i stated before Egyptians laugh at the thought of Nubians/black africans being the descendents of my great nation. Egyptians believe that the AE are their ancesestors
What do you know about those "silly Africans" you posted? Where are they from? What language do they speak? What is their history? What are they doing in that particular picture? If you don't know these things, how can you make statements in pure ignorance? Is that wise?
You also sound like your true knowledge of Ancient Egypt (outside of racialism) is lacking as well.
I also don't understand this high and mighty attitude of yours either. Perhaps you try to attach yourself to Ancient Egypt while trying to spit on others for this reason:
"In a dream I once saw a monster-like man who cried out in seventy-two tongues, 'I am the son of the chief, I am the son of a saint, I am the son of a wise man, I am rich and powerful.'
"All people of good judgement should pronounce such words in a low voice, even if they are speaking the truth. Do not dig too much around the roots of the illustrious trunk of your origins because beyond several layers of earth you risk discovering that the roots originate in a mass of refuse. Be less proud, because if you search well, from every royal palace you will find an alleyway that leads to the thatched cottage of a poor person."
Tierno Bokar Salif Taal -- a silly "black" African Posted by KING (Member # 9422) on :
Since it seems you really don't want to do the work and read up on how Ethiopians, Somalians etc are not 50-60% Non African, I will do the work for you courtesy of Zarahan Read and Learn:
Debunking Wilson
debunking claims based on Tishkoff
debunking claims based on Lovell
debunking claims about Ethiopians
debunking claims about Ethiopians
Tropical Limb ratio
Now Pure_Egyptian you have no excuse to spout off nonsense like Ethiopians, Nubians and Somalians are 50-60% non African. I hope you read these studies and learn a little about why Ancient Egyptians are linked with other Africans.
Posted by Brada-Anansi (Member # 16371) on :
King he is Busted_Fraud so off-course he won't read it,when was the last time a troll actually read any study or links posted to them his purpose is to troll,try and save the good stuff for folks who actually want to learn,he is a clown.
Posted by Brada-Anansi (Member # 16371) on :
Posted by KING (Member # 9422) on :
Sadly Man it seems like your right. Pure_Egyptian just seems to come on to make claims that are plain wrong about Egypt and Africa in General. I gave him the benefit of Doubt because He IS from Egypt, but he is not hear to learn at all. I hope he proves us wrong and admits that he was wrong about Egypt and Other Africans but I won't wait for him to make that confession. Stay Up Brada.
Posted by Brada-Anansi (Member # 16371) on :
King you know he won't because he is Fraud_Buster aka Pure_Egyptian and Abaza he has been here for yrs doing the same thing never changing so why should start now bro??
Posted by The Gaul (Member # 16198) on :
Obviously, as has been posted before, all "Egyptians" do not share the same view.
Pure_Egyptian, is probably an Egyptian because his ip adress traces to somewhere in Alexandria. Its possible that he might be a foreigner in Egypt but its seems he is an indigeous Egyptian. I can assure you Fraud_Buster is not an Egyptian. Despite aping a few Arabic phrases, Fraud is a white female/male using this website to lash out at African-Americans and blacks.
Trust me most Egyptians living in Egypt or within western countries could care less about African Americans or Afrocentrism.
Posted by AswaniAswad (Member # 16742) on :
ahahhahahhah ialready know who is egyptian on egyptsearch and who is not i can tell who is coptic muslim or just a ferenji its funny how once any egyptian hears the word Asmar or Aswad they all claiming i am Nubian. What i hate is that most of those in masri claim we are One Qiyama
Posted by anguishofbeing (Member # 16736) on :
quote:Originally posted by Fraud_Buster: If you're a Copt or a Muslim, remember the Egyptian saying:
Neharak Abyad!
Wa La Ta7adh 3ala Ta3am Elmeskeen
Ramadan Kareem & Hope to see you at the Masjed Insha Allah!
Yeh, cuz Neharak Abyad wa la allah blah blah blah and shyt is "Egyptian" language. lol
Posted by Pure_Egyptian (Member # 17995) on :
Fraud_buster is extremely correct,
i as an egyptian, am never going to bow down to these silly people like mike111 who basically shows no evidence and just insults. EGYPT IS MY PEOPLES WHETHER THEY ARE CHRISTIAN OR MUSLIM MASR YA OMY MASRY YA GAMED MASR YA OMY. Even the nubians i've talked to claim themselves to be different from the AE except the ones from the north who arent nearly as black and ugly. Even the people who live in Aswan are foreigners, Egypt conquered Nuba many times only for the areas high gold and trade routes. Egyptians both Modern and Ancient are a caucasoid/Middle Eastern people. And ausar how could you be half egyptian from your father if he's christian, he would not be able to marry a presumably muslim women from Algeria, I can imagine a christian women from Egypt marrying a muslim man, because it happens all the time, but in order for a christian man from egypt to marry a muslim women he would have to convert.
Posted by KING (Member # 9422) on :
Talking about Insults. You come on this thread and say Nubians are Ugly?? You claim that they said they were different from AE with no proof but your opinion. I posted studies for you to read ITs right there on this page. Read and understand.
Egyptians were Black Africans of Saharan and East Africa lineage. I refuted what you said about Nubians, Ethiopians, and Somalians. You also failed to understand that Ta Seti a region in socalled Nubia was the first nome of Egypt.
Why do you ignore posts directed to you only to come on this forum and repeat your opinion which has already been refuted. Read and Understand.
Posted by Brada-Anansi (Member # 16371) on :
Ausar I'll take your word for it that Pure_Egyptian my well live in Egypt,with that said Pure_Egyptian what do you make of the ancient Kemetian practice of Zar./Voodoo http://www.egyptsearch.com/forums/Forum8/HTML/001425.html Two African Voodoo figures the Kemitian the second from the Ba-Kongo people.
The Gaul
quote:What do you know about those "silly Africans" you posted? Where are they from? What language do they speak? What is their history? What are they doing in that particular picture? If you don't know these things, how can you make statements in pure ignorance? Is that wise? You also sound like your true knowledge of Ancient Egypt (outside of racialism) is lacking as well.
SOoo Pure_Egyptian do you have an answer?
Posted by Pure_Egyptian (Member # 17995) on :
Im not going to care about those silly africans i posted they have nothing to do with my people and culture, and their language is oh so devolped with various clicks and clacks, please. I dont need 'knowledge" about ancient egyptians because me and my people are from those people i know my history and people very well. Maybe before egypt was colonized by the Ancient egyptians there we're african but i assure you that me and my people are no black africans. The nubians are racially different from the rest of the groups of africa, i would describe them even as more arab/middle eastern then black. The only true nubians are the ones from the north near aswan. please show me a picture or statue that AE didnt diffrenciate themselves from the nubians. I really would like to see.
Posted by The Gaul (Member # 16198) on :
quote:Originally posted by Pure_Egyptian: Fraud_buster is extremely correct,
i as an egyptian, am never going to bow down to these silly people like mike111 who basically shows no evidence and just insults. EGYPT IS MY PEOPLES WHETHER THEY ARE CHRISTIAN OR MUSLIM MASR YA OMY MASRY YA GAMED MASR YA OMY. Even the nubians i've talked to claim themselves to be different from the AE except the ones from the north who arent nearly as black and ugly. Even the people who live in Aswan are foreigners, Egypt conquered Nuba many times only for the areas high gold and trade routes. Egyptians both Modern and Ancient are a caucasoid/Middle Eastern people. And ausar how could you be half egyptian from your father if he's christian, he would not be able to marry a presumably muslim women from Algeria, I can imagine a christian women from Egypt marrying a muslim man, because it happens all the time, but in order for a christian man from egypt to marry a muslim women he would have to convert.
Your warped opinion does not represent all. Whether its the majority or not.
quote:and their language is oh so devolped with various clicks and clacks
I thought you might be somewhat educated. Sorry for thinking that and wasting your time.
Posted by Pure_Egyptian (Member # 17995) on :
and until they have dna results of the ancient egyptian mummies and ancient nubians. then i shall believe you but as far as calling them nubian because they're legs and arms are the same lengths is totally unlegit. Yes those southern sudanese are horrendesly black and ugly and resemble most of the people of sub sahara
Posted by Pure_Egyptian (Member # 17995) on :
The gaul,
please stop showing me that stupid sudanese man of course hes going to say Egyptians we're black so that he can relate him self to the Mother of the World, his basis were the people of lower egypt are a mix or different races, i'm pretty sure egyptians inhabited lower egypt much before the conquerors of rome, greece, arabs and such, because the pyramids (located in lower egypt) we're created well before these people came, this man is an idiot. Look at his name Muhammad Arabi if arabs ignored his people why is he speaking arabic today and not his silly click and clack language that you would see on the national geograpic, this man is not even egyptians hes from nuba, once again i refuted this retarded sambo aswad mutakhalaf, where is his degree what university did he graduate from,it looks they found a random idiot and asked him questions
Posted by Pure_Egyptian (Member # 17995) on :
Idk why you African Americans, won't accept the fact that egyptians and sudanese are two different people, Nubia is the closest sub-saharan people have to egypt, so why cant they just accept the fact, please show me a west african culture lets says about 3000-5000 years ago, that is similar to the greatness egypt has had even conquering the nubia you say they come from, i am not being ignorant or rascist i am stating the facts, and defending my people, i saw the pharoahs themselves in the musuem, have you ever even been to egypt? the pharoahs we're definately not nubian
Posted by The Gaul (Member # 16198) on :
quote:Originally posted by Pure_Egyptian: The gaul,
please stop showing me that stupid sudanese man of course hes going to say Egyptians we're black so that he can relate him self to the Mother of the World, his basis were the people of lower egypt are a mix or different races, i'm pretty sure egyptians inhabited lower egypt much before the conquerors of rome, greece, arabs and such, because the pyramids (located in lower egypt) we're created well before these people came, this man is an idiot. Look at his name Muhammad Arabi if arabs ignored his people why is he speaking arabic today and not his silly click and clack language that you would see on the national geograpic, this man is not even egyptians hes from nuba, once again i refuted this retarded sambo aswad mutakhalaf, where is his degree what university did he graduate from,it looks they found a random idiot and asked him questions
We all engage in asking random idiots questions on this side of the forum (and the other side now too from the looks of it). His opinion may not be of any more consequence than yours. The point is that your opinion is not the only one of people from that area. All the ignorance and name calling in the world cannot change that.
Also, you seem to not be able to grasp that we ar not talking about present day populations. Going back in history, Ireland and it's relations with England would be markedly different than what you see today.
Have a nice life person in Egypt. H-t-p.
Posted by KING (Member # 9422) on :
I use to think you had some sense, but as can be seen from you, you don't have anything of the sort.
Your ignorance of Africa shows you as an Bigot. Sudanese are NOT ugly, Whats ugly is your ignorance and self Hate.
I wonder if you even know that AE held Black as an sacred color? It was in Upper Egypt where the unification of Egypt took place. It was also in Ta seti where we learn about a Egyptian king who was FROM Ta Seti in socalled Nubia who saved the Egyptians. Ask yourself why it's always in the south of Egypt where Unification over all of egypt took place. There is nothing "Unlegit" of the tropical body plans. They are accurate and show people from Africa who are all from Tropical Areas.
Posted by Pure_Egyptian (Member # 17995) on :
He is not from my area, he is from sudan, i am from egypt to different countries my opinion on egypt counts more then his because i am the one who is most related to the AE, the only dna tests have been on Modern egyptians not the ancient ones, and just because modern egyptians have a little sub saharan does not mean their ancestors did. No one alive today will ever be as pure as the egyptians back then even the ones today, but the Modern atleast have roots in egypt.
Posted by Pure_Egyptian (Member # 17995) on :
i know these men are sudanese by the way they look and talk they look like black arabs , they never said i was black but rather i looked more black then white
Posted by Brada-Anansi (Member # 16371) on :
quote:please show me a west african culture lets says about 3000-5000 years ago
Mentuhotep II and his Queen 11th dyn. Posted by Brada-Anansi (Member # 16371) on :
GOD BES What more can I say Black is Black! live with it or die in mental anguish. Posted by KING (Member # 9422) on :
So I am to take your word about these 2 men simply because they "Looked" Sudanese?
What kind of knowledge are you trying to pass off to us? This kind of talk is worth nothing because it does not tell us anything except that you "WISH" these guys were sudanese because of what they say about Egypt.
Also I will give you credit when credit is due, you seemed to of read the studies I posted since you are no longer saying Ethiopians and Nubians are 50-60% mixed. Good for you. There maybe hope for you yet.
Posted by Brada-Anansi (Member # 16371) on :
King So I am to take your word about these 2 men simply because they "Looked" Sudanese?
While Mike would say he "Pure_Egyptian" is descendant of a slave Turk.
Posted by Pure_Egyptian (Member # 17995) on :
Well those men are def not egyptian, so they are sudanese, i was raised around Egyptians and Nubians my whole life i know what a sudanese looks like when i see one, and i know what an egyptian looks like when i see an Egyptian, and brada - i do not care if there was a black king, i know there were kings of black ancestry, i do not care about that, i care about the majority of the people -the egyptians- they were not black
Posted by KING (Member # 9422) on :
Well PE, Sadly you are mistaken. We Know most of the Dynastys of AE were filled with "Black" Kings. We also know that most of the Egyptian mass were also Black. Here is some paintings of AE what color is the skin in the Pics?:
Now We see that these people are Dark Brown to reddish Brown. What Ethnicty lays closest to these Egyptians, Africans or Middle easterners?
Posted by Brada-Anansi (Member # 16371) on :
Every day Kemitians at work Every day Kemitians at play
quote:i do not care if there was a black king, i know there were kings of black ancestry, i do not care about that, i care about the majority of the people -the egyptians- they were not black
They were mostly always Black kings in whatever variant you want.. like I said accept the African in you, you can't hate the Africans with-out hating yourself..you will die in anguish.
Posted by KING (Member # 9422) on :
Yes Fraud we know very well about the few faded painted statues you like to promote. Nothing New I see.
Does this not tell you that your ideas about Egypt is Wrong?? I mean really just the share magnitude of Egyptian paintings and you always show the EXACT same old ones over and over again, when me and Brada just posted a Few simple Pics that have been rarely seen on these forums.
How ignorant can you be? The FACTS are with us truthseekers and not with you racists.
Posted by KING (Member # 9422) on :
No one will take you serious until you start posting Art and statues that are not faded and are linked with Egyptians Notice we can post countless pics of AE with Dark Brown and reddish Brown skin, yet you can only post the same old pics you have posted for years. Think about that while you gaze on these pics that have been posted rarely on Egyptsearch:
I could go on with the pic show too Fraud. Don't you see you are fighting a losing war. AE was an African Civilization. Hating Africans like Brada said is Hating yourself.
Posted by Brada-Anansi (Member # 16371) on :
Two East Africans neither is more African than the other. NON is more African than the other sharing the same georgaphical area.
Posted by KING (Member # 9422) on :
You really have issues. You post the EXACT same faded statues and you claim this somehow proves your point? NONE of the pics you posted are new they are all the same Pics you post countless times before. There is no ryme or reason to what you do. You just go from one thread and repost the same statues from before.
You also seem not to know ANYTHING about Ancient Egyptians. You claimed that Black means death in Egypt when that was blatantly wrong. Why should anyone take you serisouly. Oh look Fraud even more pics of Egyptians people have rarely seen:
Face the FACTS Fraud you will always lose when it comes to posting pics of AE.
Posted by Brada-Anansi (Member # 16371) on :
At this point I am out as this will turn into pic spam. Remember don't hate appraicate Posted by KING (Member # 9422) on :
Fraud Buster
Why do you post a pic of Nefertari that has it's paint faded? Reddish Pink?? Are you serious???
You see the color of Egyptians as Reddish Pink? Bahahahahahahah Really now, now I know you don't take yourself serious. Only a nut would look at the pics of Egypt and claim them as reddish pink.
Movin on here is some pic of Nefertari WITHOUT faded paint:
You really reach when you think Egyptians painted themselves reddish pink. Thats just shameful.
Posted by the lioness (Member # 17353) on :
Posted by KING (Member # 9422) on :
You cherry pick one of my photos and then claim that it's reddish Pink?? What kind of drugs are you smoking?
Face the Facts there is no way you will win this debate, All you can do is post the same tired pics of Statues and pics that have been faded and claim this is the True color when anyone with sense can see thats wrong.
Growup man.
Posted by anguishofbeing (Member # 16736) on :
quote:Originally posted by Brada-Anansi: At this point I am out as this will turn into pic spam. Remember don't hate appraicate
It was a picture spam from the start. Don't follow the idiot King in his attempt at reasoning with the trolls.
Posted by Just call me Jari (Member # 14451) on :
quote:Originally posted by anguishofbeing:
quote:Originally posted by Brada-Anansi: At this point I am out as this will turn into pic spam. Remember don't hate appraicate
It was a picture spam from the start. Don't follow the idiot King in his attempt at reasoning with the trolls.
LOL, Notice this troll has been up nearly all night for the sole purpose of smearing Africans...LOL a Whole new level of desperation.
Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Stephen Howe is a major Euronut.
Stephen Howe’s Afrocentrism:Mythical Pasts and Imagined Homes , purportedly explain the research traditions of the Afrocentric scholars via the demerits of Martin Bernal’s Black Athena. As a result, they fail to realistically discuss the contentious discourses surrounding the ancient Afrocentric historical memory and detail the methods and paradigms associated with this pedagogy.
Howe fail to fulfill the anxious expectations of many readers of the books who had hoped his work would be balanced and situated on the evidence. Howe sees the study of ancient Afrocentric historical themes as a tradition of dissent rather than a field of study with its own tradition of normal science. Like D'Souza and Leftkowitz this author without supporting evidence devalue ancient Afrocentric historical education. Moreover, the most exasperating aspect of Howe's writing is that he uses Bernal's Black Athena , as an Afrocentric history text, and then proceeds to use criticism of this work to "disconfirm" the Afrocentric ancient history discipline. This book is not an Afrocentric primer.
In the africalogical social sciences, researchers look at the history and society of African people from an African centered or Afrocentric perspective. The Afrocentrist connects Africans in America and elsewhere to thousands of years of history and civilization.
There are three problems with this book of Howe . These problems include :
1) Howe fails to discuss the research of Afrocentric scholars critically;
2) Howe presents the Afrocentric study of ancient history as a recent development ; and
3) the major reason proffered for his attacks on Afrocentrism is that the “academy” rejects the discipline.
Howe fails to proffer and outline the major Afrocentric ancient history text. Afrocentric scholars make hundreds of detailed archaeological, historical and linguistic claims, which have not been systematically refuted or discussed by the author Howe . The fact that Howe ignores the historical research of Afrocentric scholars makes his works narrow and unrepresentative of the ancient Afrocentric history discipline. In general, we have to dismiss Howe’s work, due to alledged external factors such as “race thinking”, “personal prejudices”, “social and political pressures” and “ideology” rather than disconfirmation of Afrocentric hypotheses.
Howe never presents any historical evidence to refute the paradigms of ancient Afrocentric history. Moreover, he fails to explain how scholars like W.E.B. DuBois and George Wells Parker made it clear in their writings that Blacks probably founded civilization in Greece and China in addition to Egypt is based on the latest historical and anthropological evidence available to these authors during this time. This is important, because if the researches of these scholars was fraudulent Howe and his cohorts should be able to present opposing evidence which disconfirms the researches of DuBois, Parker and the other Afrocentric scholars? But alas, there is no evidence presented to disconfirm the research of these Afrocentrists.
Howe acknowledges the long history of Afrocentric research and provides his readers with a series of negative comments made by critics of Chiek Anta Diop without any concern with checking their accuracy. Then in the next breathe Howe explains that much of the work of Afrocentric scholars like Chiek Anta Diop, cross so many disciplines that he is unable to expertly assess the Afrocentric initiatives/propositions of ancient Afrocentric history. And as a result, he cannot grasp the impressive synthesis of scholarship found in the work of Afrocentric scholars.
This admission negates Howe’s basic premise that Afrocentric research is “untrustworthy”, his lack of expertise in the cross-disciplinary procedures of the Afrocentric scholars make it clear that he is unable to expertly assess and evaluate the initiatives/propositions of ancient Afrocentric history. Consequently, he cannot grasp the impressive synthesis of scholarship found in the works of Afrocentric scholars.
Howe claims that Afrocentric history is reverse-racism because Afrocentric researchers have used the classical, historical ,anthropological and linguistic literature to illustrate the African/Black origin of many of the River Valley and Grecian civilizations (p.48). Yet Howe fails to provide crucial examples of the falsification of the sources used by Afrocentric scholars. This makes the claims of Howe that Afro-American contributions to ancient history are either non-existent or irrelevant, groundless.
Howe’s interpretations of Afrocentric researchers are contradictory and confusing. For example, on the one hand he claims that Dubois’ book the The Negro , “overall, his account avoided the sensationalism and special pleading, being a solid reflection of the state of knowledge at that time” (p.52), and therefore acceptable to the “academy”, yet in general DuBois’ work is romantic. How can a work be both factual and “romantic”. Clearly, Howe’s opinion about DuBois’ work is based more on his personal bias rather than evidence.
Howe asks us to reject Afrocentric research based on “authority”. He makes a number of claims about the inadequacy of the ancient Afrocentric historical memory, but he does not provide critical analysis of the historical claims he disputes. For example, Howe claims that Diop failed to prove his connections between West Africa and Egypt eventhough, he provides a 200-page lexicon of hundreds of cognate Wolof-Egyptian terms. He said that:
quote: The basic flaw [ of Parente genetique ]is that in order to trace the history of languages, to identify shared roots, patterns of evolution and divergence, it is entirely inadequate simply to list similar-sounding or possibly related terms in different languages (p.178).
This comment by Howe, on Diop’s work, would seem to be a reasonable analysis of one of Diop’s major works. But anyone who has actually read Parente genetique de l’egyptien pharanique et des langues negro-africaines, knows that Diop spent the first 200 plus pages of this book discussing in detail the grammatical and structural affinities of Egyptian and African languages. The failure of Howe to discuss this fact leads one to assume that he purposely avoids mentioning this fact so as to imply that Diop was an incompetent scholar.
At the base of Eurocentrism is the doctrine of white supremacy. This ideological foundation aims to thwart the Afro-Americans' search for manhood and self-assertion, when ever they encounter intensified prejudice by white Americans.
This major component of Eurocentrism is the notion of African-American intellectual inferiority. As a result, European scholars can write and research the history of any people on earth. But, African Americans on the otherhand, are believed to lack the intellectual capacity to research, let alone write ancient history.
Fighting C.A.I.D.S.
Due to the alleged intellectual inferiority of Africans it is believed that they are unsuited to write ancient history, international affairs, or archaeology. This may result from several factors especially racial bias and social position. These factors are important ,because of the fact that formerly persons writing ancient history themes usually came from well-to-do or middle-class families that could provide them with the capital to undertake research activities abroad. This belief has ghettoized many African American scholars and authors , to writing only about slavery, the slave trade and/or the cycle of poverty typified by life in the urban centers of the United States.
Little has changed in the past 100 years, Howe asserts that Afro-Americans should reframe from writing about ancient history because “their ideas, like cultural nationalism in general, quite simply have nothing at all to say about the most central problem facing Afro-Americans: the conditions of economic marginality, insecurity and underprivileged under which most of them exist” (p.14). It is obvious from this statement that establishment historians wish to constrain the intellectual inquiry of Afro-American scholars.
Howe’s major contribution to the study of ancient Afrocentrism is criticism of Diop’s use of dated references in many of his works. But this criticism is nebulas because nowhere in Afrocentrism does Howe disconfirm the sources used by Chiek Anta Diop. The failure to disconfirm the research of Chiek Anta Diop and the other Afrocentric scholars mentioned in his book makes Howe's Afrocentrism deeply flawed.
This book by Howe does not refute research conducted by Afrocentric scholars. It is a feel good book for Europeans who want to ignore the long history of African people.
It is shame Euronuts are so jealous of the history of African and Black people.
Posted by KING (Member # 9422) on :
Why call people Idiots? There is no need for insults.
If you don't have anything good to say why speak?
Very rarely do you have anything to say except you are above trying to reason with people. To gain respect you must show respect.
Posted by NonProphet (Member # 17745) on :
quote:Originally posted by Pure_Egyptian: i know these men are sudanese by the way they look and talk they look like black arabs , they never said i was black but rather i looked more black then white
You can't reason with these Afro and Nazi Bigots. They are two sides of the same coins.
"There are tens of thousands of Sudanese refugees in Egypt, most of them seeking refuge from ongoing military conflicts in their home country of Sudan. Their official status as refugees is highly disputed, and they have been subject to racial discrimination and police violence. They live among a much larger population of Sudanese migrants in Egypt, more than two million people of Sudanese nationality (by most estimates; a full range is 750,000 to 4 million (FMRS 2006:5) who live in Egypt. The U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants believes many more of these migrants are in fact refugees, but see little benefit in seeking recognition."
Posted by NonProphet (Member # 17745) on :
quote:Originally posted by KING: Pure_Egyptian
How do you know the people in the Video are from Sudan? What evidence do you know to back up your claims?
All that can be said is that more and more African Egyptians are claiming themselves as Black and Proud. Unlike YOU who was called Black and hated it. Selfhate runs through your veins and is one of the reasons why people can't take you serious.
Free your mind from Mental slavery.
"Black Days"
"On January 27, 28 and 29, 2003, Egyptian police conducted raids of Sudanese, Liberian and sub-Saharan African residences in the Maadi area. Detainees, including those with refugee cards, reported ill treatment, beatings and abuse. One detainee reported
I was taken into a police wagon on the street. They drove around to collect other black people. They would ask Egyptians on the street, "Where are the buildings where blacks live?" It was about one hour driving around like this. By the end there were ten or twelve Africans in the car.
Other detainees alleged that police referred to the raids as "Black Day" and that police intake sheets were labeled, "Operation Track Down Blacks."
What does any of what you posted have to do with the men in the Video??
Now If you have proof that those men were from Sudan then please post it.
Posted by NonProphet (Member # 17745) on :
quote:Originally posted by KING: NonProphet
What does any of what you posted have to do with the men in the Video??
Now If you have proof that those men were from Sudan then please post it.
I don't have proof but you need to show evidence that Mo Arabi has native ethnic Egyptian or Fellah origin. The video takes place in a Sudanese or Nubian village, just look in the background.
Posted by anguishofbeing (Member # 16736) on :
quote:Originally posted by KING: anguishofbeing
Why call people Idiots? There is no need for insults.
If you don't have anything good to say why speak?
Very rarely do you have anything to say except you are above trying to reason with people. To gain respect you must show respect.
When you stop falling for silly baits I will stop calling you a focking idiot.
Posted by KING (Member # 9422) on :
I respect everyone that posts on these forums, so I give them the benefit of doubt. I truly believe people come here to learn but when they see how progressive we are in these forums they get guarded because they come with preconceived notions. Pure_Egyptian seemed like someone that fits that mold hence the reason why I post to him. Fraud I think is not searching for truth but just latches on to any and all things that he thinks argues for his ideas. Sadly that is not the case most of the times. One of the main reasons why he attacks Africans and then claims the very same Africans as Eurasian derived. He really is clueless and just looks to pick fights. As for what you say about falling for baits, well I will make sure to keep my posts only for people who honestly look to learn and not to just spam the forum with nonsense.
Posted by dana marniche (Member # 13149) on :
quote:Originally posted by Fraud_Buster:
quote:Originally posted by ausar: Pure_Egyptian, is probably an Egyptian because his ip adress traces to somewhere in Alexandria. Its possible that he might be a foreigner in Egypt but its seems he is an indigeous Egyptian. I can assure you Fraud_Buster is not an Egyptian. Despite aping a few Arabic phrases, Fraud is a white female/male using this website to lash out at African-Americans and blacks.
Trust me most Egyptians living in Egypt or within western countries could care less about African Americans or Afrocentrism.
Ausar, I doubt it if you're even 1/2 Egyptian!
Even if you were Aswani, you would not be so gutless. Egyptians like myself and the few others that have posted here in the past, have only one main objective, which is to educate the mainstream community about the lies being espoused by the Afrocentric Movement.
If you claim to be an Egyptian or even half-Egyptian, you should then at least try to be objective and not cower to the Afronuts' every lies, deceits, and wishful dreams.
If you're a Copt or a Muslim, remember the Egyptian saying:
Neharak Abyad!
Wa La Ta7adh 3ala Ta3am Elmeskeen
Ramadan Kareem & Hope to see you at the Masjed Insha Allah!
This guy has obviously been living in America too long. Wonder what he is going to do when all of crazy Euronuts over here begin or I should say continue to lash-out with their stabbing and hanging sprees against people who look Middle-Eastern. All I have to say is -don't coming running to real African Americans.
Posted by dana marniche (Member # 13149) on :
quote:Originally posted by NonProphet:
quote:Originally posted by Pure_Egyptian: i know these men are sudanese by the way they look and talk they look like black arabs , they never said i was black but rather i looked more black then white
You can't reason with these Afro and Nazi Bigots. They are two sides of the same coins.
"There are tens of thousands of Sudanese refugees in Egypt, most of them seeking refuge from ongoing military conflicts in their home country of Sudan. Their official status as refugees is highly disputed, and they have been subject to racial discrimination and police violence. They live among a much larger population of Sudanese migrants in Egypt, more than two million people of Sudanese nationality (by most estimates; a full range is 750,000 to 4 million (FMRS 2006:5) who live in Egypt. The U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants believes many more of these migrants are in fact refugees, but see little benefit in seeking recognition."