Thu Feb 4, 12:00 pm ET SYDNEY (AFP) – The father of evolution Charles Darwin was a direct descendant of the Cro-Magnon people, whose entry into Europe 30,000 years ago heralded the demise of Neanderthals, scientists revealed in Australia Thursday.
Darwin, who hypothesised that all humans evolved from common ancestors in his seminal 1859 work "On the Origin of Species", came from Haplogroup R1b, one of the most common European male lineages, said genealogist Spencer Wells.
"Men belonging to Haplogroup R1b are direct descendants of the Cro-Magnon people who, beginning 30,000 years ago, dominated the human expansion into Europe and heralded the demise of the Neanderthal species," Wells said.
Director of the Genographic Project, an international study mapping the migratory history of the human species, Wells said they took a DNA sample from Darwin's great-great grandson Chris Darwin, 48, who lives on the outskirts of Sydney.
A trace of Darwin's "deep ancestry" showed his forefathers left Africa around 45,000 years ago, splitting into a new lineage 5,000 years later in Iran or southern Central Asia, Wells said.
"Before heading west towards Europe, the next mutation, which defined a new lineage, appeared in a man around 35,000 years ago,' he said.
"Approximately 70 percent of men in southern England belong to Haplogroup R1b, and in parts of Ireland and Spain that number exceeds 90 percent", he added.
Chris Darwin, whose great-grandfather was Darwin's astronomer son George, is a tour guide and adventurer in the Blue Mountains west of Sydney.
He migrated to Australia in 1986 and tests of his maternal DNA showed he was likely directly descended from the women who crossed the rugged Caucasus Mountains in southern Russia to reach the steppes of the Black Sea.
"The Genographic Project is incredibly important," Darwin said.
"The project is one way to show us the true story of humanity, of how we migrated across the world and that we are all related, tracing back to a small group of men and women who lived in Africa".
Wells was presenting the findings ahead of the project's annual scientific conference, bringing together representatives from 11 regional teams to discuss their work in Sydney.
There are currently 265,000 members of the public taking part in the project, which is an initiative of National Geographic, IBM and the California-based Waitt Family Foundation charity.
Participation kits can be bought online for 100 US dollars, and proceeds go towards the research and to indigenous language and cultural projects.
Posted by Bob_01 (Member # 15687) on :
This is why journalists are getting fired. Believe me, my partner worked in the Age Australia, completed one of the best programs, and I doubt she'll deny that idiot journalists seem to be the norm.
That lineage they're referring to, is not the underived clade, but derived clade called R1b1b2, which developed in the Iberian peninsula. Western European samples do not include its most commom ancestor (paraphyletic), unlike African samples that dealt with R1b-V88.
Charles Dawrin's physical traits developed when these Africans migrated into NORTHERN EUROPE and developed COLD ADAPTATION? Why? Because the fucking region is cold. I swear, children, even understand that concept well. However, in regions where cold adaptation isn't needed, like umm, warm climates, such as the Iberian peninsula or Southwest Asia, change won't occur. That's why people
It is - let's keep that in mind - ASSUMED that that Asian corridor is the origin of R1b1. However, there is virtually no skeletal data that these peoples were "Caucasoid", never mind pale-skinned European. How could it be? The populations, even when receiving East African gene flow, produced an offspring that is MORE "Bantu" than the EA parent. There is no respectable literature, that'd claim that pale skin developed outside of low-UV region as well, because suggesting that doesn't run in line with evolutionary history.
I guess it would be parsimonious to assume that, due to a larger population base (greatest diversity), East Africans saw greater physical variations and mutations, than the less genetically-diverse West Asians. Point being, even if the parental R1b source was "West Asian", we were certainly not dealing with "Caucasoid", and, especially, if the parental source (highly possible) is within "West Africa". That has to do with those population samples in that region featuring the more foundational clades, and the most common ancestors as well.
Since Bettyboo et al continues this nonsense, we need evidence that:
1. R1b developed in Europe.
2. R1b developed amongst cold adapted people, which approximated towards Asians, whether the parental source is within Europe, or Southwest Asia.
3. R1b arose during the development of pale skin.
Posted by osirion (Member # 7644) on :
^ Turks, Syrians and other West Asian people.
Not Bantu people or even Ethiopians. Non-African and thus infiltration into an great African culture.
Outsiders that somehow got into the royal lineage? Maybe.
Posted by Azeri (Member # 17509) on :
Dr. Zahi Hawass seem have to published his results in y-search see user 6RBET.
Posted by MindoverMatter718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Originally posted by Azeri: Dr. Zahi Hawass seem have to published his results in y-search see user 6RBET.
Why would Zahi publish results on yahoo-search? You're clearly mislead from what I can tell, if not, please post the data you speak of, as it is not accessible in the way you implied.
Posted by Azeri (Member # 17509) on :
While the world waits breathlessly for Tuts DNA results.
Hawass the liar (Not Hawass the idiot) publishes the results on yahoo search.
BTW people, you do understand that this is a Recovering Afro-holic thread???
osirion - grow up!
Posted by Azeri (Member # 17509) on :
y-search not yahoo search
Posted by xyyman (Member # 13597) on :
@ Azeri. Three post to send us on a wild goose chase.
Are you guys that simple??
Posted by GlobalAfrikanSupremacy (Member # 16906) on :
You stupid,retarded, inbred white devils keep lying about King tut being R1b. That nonsense on Y does not prove a damn thing. The official report has yet to be released.
Dumb ****, that is an open source site like wikpedia that picks a certain select group of people to edit that. The person who edited that came from Human biodiverisity forum a racist neo-nazi eugneic LYING site. He is not the real Zahi hawass a lying white arab.
Even if it is the real Zahi hawass he is still a lying Arab. ON that page it has a link were we can email him.
I reccomend we all email him and give him a piece of our mind.
Posted by MindoverMatter718 (Member # 15400) on :
Thu Feb 4, 12:00 pm ET SYDNEY (AFP) – The father of evolution Charles Darwin was a direct descendant of the Cro-Magnon people, whose entry into Europe 30,000 years ago heralded the demise of Neanderthals, scientists revealed in Australia Thursday.
Darwin, who hypothesised that all humans evolved from common ancestors in his seminal 1859 work "On the Origin of Species", came from Haplogroup R1b, one of the most common European male lineages, said genealogist Spencer Wells.
"Men belonging to Haplogroup R1b are direct descendants of the Cro-Magnon people who, beginning 30,000 years ago, dominated the human expansion into Europe and heralded the demise of the Neanderthal species," Wells said.
Director of the Genographic Project, an international study mapping the migratory history of the human species, Wells said they took a DNA sample from Darwin's great-great grandson Chris Darwin, 48, who lives on the outskirts of Sydney.
A trace of Darwin's "deep ancestry" showed his forefathers left Africa around 45,000 years ago, splitting into a new lineage 5,000 years later in Iran or southern Central Asia, Wells said.
"Before heading west towards Europe, the next mutation, which defined a new lineage, appeared in a man around 35,000 years ago,' he said.
"Approximately 70 percent of men in southern England belong to Haplogroup R1b, and in parts of Ireland and Spain that number exceeds 90 percent", he added.
Chris Darwin, whose great-grandfather was Darwin's astronomer son George, is a tour guide and adventurer in the Blue Mountains west of Sydney.
He migrated to Australia in 1986 and tests of his maternal DNA showed he was likely directly descended from the women who crossed the rugged Caucasus Mountains in southern Russia to reach the steppes of the Black Sea.
"The Genographic Project is incredibly important," Darwin said.
"The project is one way to show us the true story of humanity, of how we migrated across the world and that we are all related, tracing back to a small group of men and women who lived in Africa".
Wells was presenting the findings ahead of the project's annual scientific conference, bringing together representatives from 11 regional teams to discuss their work in Sydney.
There are currently 265,000 members of the public taking part in the project, which is an initiative of National Geographic, IBM and the California-based Waitt Family Foundation charity.
Participation kits can be bought online for 100 US dollars, and proceeds go towards the research and to indigenous language and cultural projects.
You are about the craziest, most uneducated f*cker I've ever encountered in E/S. I don't think that I've every dealt with that idiot Evil Euro at anytime, but I probably will someday...
But until then, you've earned that distinction..
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
King Tut is NOT and I repeat NOT R1b! That screen capture of a computer screen and haplogroup percentiles were based on a few STRs alone! A few STRs CANNOT give you haplogroup!! It's funny, because a couple of those charts show over 80% chance of him carrying E3a, yet notice no Afrocentrics are running around the net like wild proclaiming Tut actually had E3a!
Damn, some folks are just too stupid! Posted by alTakruri (Member # 10195) on :
Of course not. He doesn't give his email in "his" JAMA published article. Why would he do it for Ysearch? Ditto for the haplotype. It's not from Hawass either.
LOL, that's not really Zahi Hawass's account. Nice try!
Posted by alTakruri (Member # 10195) on :
The screen at 1:09 into the segment does have all 16 STRs forensic databases use for their haplotypes. So yes there are enough STRs to establish a haplotype but there's nothing official to establish the values on that screen as definitely Tut's, even though two of them are the same as given in Hawass(2010).
We do not know what haplogroup Tut belongs to, and consequently which haplogroups Tut doesn't belong to.
quote:Originally posted by Djehuti: King Tut is NOT and I repeat NOT R1b! That screen capture of a computer screen and haplogroup percentiles were based on a few STRs alone! A few STRs CANNOT give you haplogroup!! It's funny, because a couple of those charts show over 80% chance of him carrying E3a, yet notice no Afrocentrics are running around the net like wild proclaiming Tut actually had E3a!
Damn, some folks are just too stupid!
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
quote:Originally posted by alTakruri: The screen at 1:09 into the segment does have all 16 STRs forensic databases use for their haplotypes. So yes there are enough STRs to establish a haplotype but there's nothing official to establish the values on that screen as definitely Tut's, even though two of them are the same as given in Hawass(2010).
We do not know what haplogroup Tut belongs to, and consequently which haplogroups Tut doesn't belong to.
So they have tested the STRs for haplogroup, but they just haven't released the results, right?
If that's the case, then where do these wackjobs come out saying Tut is R1b???!
Posted by Jari-Ankhamun (Member # 14451) on :
quote:Originally posted by Djehuti:
quote:Originally posted by alTakruri: The screen at 1:09 into the segment does have all 16 STRs forensic databases use for their haplotypes. So yes there are enough STRs to establish a haplotype but there's nothing official to establish the values on that screen as definitely Tut's, even though two of them are the same as given in Hawass(2010).
We do not know what haplogroup Tut belongs to, and consequently which haplogroups Tut doesn't belong to.
So they have tested the STRs for haplogroup, but they just haven't released the results, right?
If that's the case, then where do these wackjobs come out saying Tut is R1b???!
Its desperation. The idea of a European Dynastic origin of Egypt has been debunked, defeated, and done away with so many times the only place to take such assertions serious is on Stormfront and even some of them Don't take a European Egypt serious. There is no evidence to support such an idea so the Euronuts see the r1b Rumor as the ultimate leg to base their debunked ideas on. This is why Afrocentrics are not going over the net shouting about a E3a lineage of Tut, becuase in all truth WE HAVE the Upper Hand, we have the Photos, the Lingustics, the Limb and cranio studies etc, as well as the art on our side. Look at MAthilda's blog. All she can use is Cranio studies and about 20 Random doctored images. all of her Images are poor quality. Our Images are High quality and we have Hundreds and they come straight from Flickr sites No Doctoring at all and we have currently 8-9 pages filled in ONE THREAD. The Funny part is she has the Nerve to say Afrocentric Doctor our Images but only has one or two Images..LMAO.
The Eurocetrist just don't WANT Tuts DNA to be r1b THEY NEED IT to be R1b. If it came out to be an African Derived lineage their stance would further sink into insignifigance..LMAO.
Posted by DwightGuy (Member # 17517) on :
Dont none of you people know what the hell u are talking about. None of you were living back then. So leave this topic alone
Posted by alTakruri (Member # 10195) on :
that Applied Biosystems AmpF\STR Minifiler kit handles. Those are the 16 STRs commonly used in forensics and in YHRD's rather extensive database with its detailed reports.
It's not a matter of testing STRs for haplogroups.
Once determined, a haplotype is matched against other haplotypes.
1 - The number of repeats in a STR is its allele.
2 - A haplotype is a given series of STRs with their allele values.
3 - One matches a given haplotype against a database of haplotypes.
Haplogroups have certain haplotypes in association.
Anybody can hazard a haplogroup matching a given haplotype against a haplotype database that lists the haplogroups that the resident haplotypes have appeared in.
Of course Hawass ran a check of the haplotypes of the tested mummies and knows what haplogroup those haplotypes have shown up in.
The question at hand is whether the haplotype on the screen at 1:09/2:18 is that of either Amenhotep III, KV55, or TutAnkhAmun. That is the core of the ongoing net arguments over a R1b Tut. Because the haplotype on that screen, when using just 10 of the 12 STRs Family Tree DNA uses to guess haplotype, is indeed associated with R1b and apparently an R1b1b subclade.
Only Hawass et al know if the haplotype on the DSC screen is from a mummy or not and they're not saying.
quote:Originally posted by Djehuti:
quote:Originally posted by alTakruri: The screen at 1:09 into the segment does have all 16 STRs forensic databases use for their haplotypes. So yes there are enough STRs to establish a haplotype but there's nothing official to establish the values on that screen as definitely Tut's, even though two of them are the same as given in Hawass(2010).
We do not know what haplogroup Tut belongs to, and consequently which haplogroups Tut doesn't belong to.
So they have tested the STRs for haplogroup, but they just haven't released the results, right?
If that's the case, then where do these wackjobs come out saying Tut is R1b???!
Posted by Robertek (Member # 17949) on :
The real question is why isn't that bastard releasing the damn information.
Is it so he can get attention?
Is he into accurate history or playing sides?
Sick and tired of people playing games with facts. Hiding them, erasing them, changing them, etc. It gets old.
From that data it's without question that whomever that DNA belongs to they are R1b. Is it King Tuts, His Fathers, or a mixture of both shot over a period of time showing samples of both? Don't know, but it is R1b.
Posted by alTakruri (Member # 10195) on :
It is neither Tut, his father, nor an admixture. It is some unknown recent citizen in the West.
Thomas Krahn, an industry professional, says the data most likely is just a calibrating sample that comes with the kit. When I ran the haplotype through a very extensive database there were 3 hits all of them in the Americas none of them in the Old World.
Two of the three hits were from a Columbian island off the coast of Nicaragua (one Afro-Caribbean and one mestizo) and the other hit was from the USA.
Takruri why would they flash an unknown citizen's DNA??
Posted by The Gaul (Member # 16198) on :
^^ Are you not familiar with scientific method and the use of a "control"? The reason as to why someone would leak that is up for debate and is really a non-entity.
Posted by Just call me Jari (Member # 14451) on :
Yes I am, I did'nt think of that...
So all this hoop-la of an R1b King Tut is actually samples from an American who was used as a control sample.
Posted by alTakruri (Member # 10195) on :
The real question is why would they be as stupid as to flash data Hawass owns and hasn't released thus violating their contracts with him and all that entails. You do know that Hawass has legal contracts binding all foreign interests to his direct control. Nobody does any Egyptology work in Egypt without Hawass' explicit permission, reporting to him, and under his dictated terms. We may think of him as a joke but he is unquestionably a real power broker.
quote:Originally posted by Just call me Jari: Takruri why would they flash an unknown citizen's DNA??
Posted by anguishofbeing (Member # 16736) on :
quote:Originally posted by Just call me Jari: So all this hoop-la of an R1b King Tut is actually samples from an American who was used as a control sample.
This seems to be the case.
Posted by xyyman (Member # 13597) on :
Boy! some people are slow. You sure got patience Altk!
Posted by the lioness (Member # 17353) on :
wishful thinking,
it was an intentional leak
so they can put out th information but not have to talk about it
Posted by Just call me Jari (Member # 14451) on :
quote:Originally posted by anguishofbeing:
quote:Originally posted by Just call me Jari: So all this hoop-la of an R1b King Tut is actually samples from an American who was used as a control sample.
This seems to be the case.
Sorry about the Q&A but its funny that a program which thousands are spent on every second of the footage allowed a"Control" DNA sequence to be leaked. Considering the channel its smells funny too me. Like they did not know people trained in DNA codes would be watching waiting to see Tut's Lineage.
Im sorry buy I can't but that it was just an accident someone obviously released a Caucasian American's DNA for a reason.
Michelle is right it was intentional...
Posted by KING (Member # 9422) on :
Man people if this is true, then we can see that their is still people obsessed to claim Egypt as a Euro created civilization.
So what can be said is that people hoped that this would silence people who believe Tut to be African.
Posted by xyyman (Member # 13597) on :
Boy! some people are slow. You sure got patience Altk!
The industry insider SAID it was a control sample. You know. Like the crap radio that comes with your car when you buy it.