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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Member # 16906
 - posted
I keep hearing some veteran members of Kemet Search Forum, claiming East Africans built Kemet. What a joke. The ancient Egyptians, were of West African and South African descent(Nigerian, Malian and Ghanians). People who came from West African built Egypt, while Ethiopians were busy polluting their superior black DNA by mixing with Eurasians. Indeed, Ethiopians have between 10% to 15% Eurasian DNA.

This is the first Pharaoh of Kemet. Notice his broad nose and thick lips. Such features are non-existent in Ethiopians who have narrow noses.

East African ^

West Africans ^

Another clue that proves us West Africans built Kemet, is this structure located in Nigeria.

Notice how it resembles the Egyptian Step Pyramids.

It's obvious that created Step Pyramids is a Nigerian cultural practice and that Djoser was of West African descent. There was a great migration to West Africa to Egypt during Pre-Dynastic times.
Member # 16371
 - posted
Stop trolling and get loss..poser and again we ain't comming to ya stupid arguewithmorons site..Rushton.
Member # 16906
 - posted
While West Africans were busy building Kemet, our East African brothers and sisters were busy polluting their superior Black gene pool by mixing with Eurasians.

The typical skin color of an East African.


The typical skin color of a West African.


The typical skin color of an Egyptian.


The ancient Egyptians, were closer in skin color to West Africans.
dana marniche
Member # 13149
 - posted
Narmer reminds me of many Hausa or Hausa-Fulani in Nigeria including and especially Nigeria's current President,Umaru Yar'Adua - especially with the hats they where. Narmer however appears to have a wider and flatter nose.
dana marniche
Member # 13149
 - posted
[QUOTE]Originally posted by blacksupremacist123:
[QB] While West Africans were busy building Kemet, our East African brothers and sisters were busy polluting their superior Black gene pool by mixing with Eurasians.

The typical skin color of an East African.


Actually that is a stereotype from Stormfront and is not typical of most east Africans or even Horn of Africans. Only certain tribes in the Horn have this complexion, which is like many African Americans.
Member # 16906
 - posted
Here is something else to note.

Ancient Egyptian deities also wore ostrich plumes:




This is the same for West Africa. West Africans who migrated to ancient Kemet continued this tradition.

Modern West African depiction of a king in with ostrich feathers.
 - [/QUOTE]
dana marniche
Member # 13149
 - posted
The Afar- Danakil and many eastern African tribes also wear ostrich plumes.

The body or physical type of the earliest ancient Egyptians look a lot like certain South Africans groups and Southern Somalians (Bantu?) and Kikiyu rather than many elongated east Africans once called "hamitic", like Fulani. Certain Beja tribes however also appear to have retained the ancient Egyptian body type.

Africa is certainly a fascinating mixture of peoples and traits, however, and it is certain more than one early African population contributed to the uniquely African traits of ancient Egyptians.
Member # 16412
 - posted
The Goddess On-uket:


Ofala Festival in Onicha the City of On by the Niger(ia): The living Gods of On:

Member # 17069
 - posted
you guys are too much, you are giving bad name. yes most africans have some cultural similarities, but that doesn't mean egyptions were either west or east africans. AE were native egyptions initially and shared common ancestry with other afro-asiatin speaker in africa and the arabian peninsula. egypt eventullay became melting of different ethnicities and races.

you guys need to realise africans are not one entity
Member # 16742
 - posted
Ancient Kemet is a Northeast African country populated by Northeast Africans of the Sahel, Sahara, and the Horn. E3a and E3b are siblings the E clade originated in Africa and Ancient Egyptians are E3b so u get the picture
Member # 9422
 - posted

Good way of summing it up.

No more needs to be said.

Member # 16230
 - posted
[QUOTE]Originally posted by blacksupremacist123:
[QB] While West Africans were busy building Kemet, our East African brothers and sisters were busy polluting their superior Black gene pool by mixing with Eurasians.

The typical skin color of an East African.


whos that? she is a nice looking girl. [Big Grin]
i'm not racist i just want to know.
Member # 17069
 - posted
Originally posted by Derkyperky:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by blacksupremacist123:

The typical skin color of an East African.


whos that? she is a nice looking girl. [Big Grin]
i'm not racist i just want to know.

sara nure, she recently won Germen's next top model, born in Germany to ethiopian parents. very sexy girl



Member # 16371
 - posted
You show up here reeking of stormfront and arguewithdumbazz's lingo..yelling cracker,white devil.. inferior...this..superior that,that's not how most of us are trying to roll here poisoning the athmosphere with your fake black-supremacist rethoric..your aim is to degrade this forum further than it's already become.And pluzzse stop having pro/con conversations with your self in public.

I keep hearing some veteran members of Kemet Search Forum, claiming East Africans built Kemet. What a joke. The ancient Egyptians, were of West African and South African descent(Nigerian, Malian and Ghanians). People who came from West African built Egypt, while Ethiopians were busy polluting their superior black DNA by mixing with Eurasians. Indeed, Ethiopians have between 10% to 15% Eurasian DNA.
Not only that but you are trying to play the rest of us for dumbazz's

The typical skin color of an East African.
It's kinda easy to see through all your bull.. It's insulting that you don't try harder... you are trying to play us using Jerk and the other of your alies idiot's argument..to say East Africans are mixed,then throw a fake pass to what you think is Afrocentrist.. about West Africans as founders of Kemet- who do you really take us for? NOW SCAT!!
Beware the beast Troll, for he is the Devil's pawn. Alone among God's primates, he kills threads for sport or lust or greed. Yea, he will murder his brother to possess his brother's web-site. Let him not breed in great numbers, for he will make a desert of his web-site and yours. Shun him; drive him back into his cave lair, for he is the harbinger of EgyptSearch death
Member # 10819
 - posted
Originally posted by dana marniche:
Narmer reminds me of many Hausa or Hausa-Fulani in Nigeria including and especially Nigeria's current President,Umaru Yar'Adua - especially with the hats they where. Narmer however appears to have a wider and flatter nose.

I agree; the forebearers of those down-to-Geb folks who made up that precedent setting aforementioned black civilization had been of climatically similar environmental developments as have the modern inhabitants of the Sahel.

When ever Reds mention the nose, even in inquery, they a
Member # 16906
 - posted
Originally posted by Brada-Anansi:
You show up here reeking of stormfront and arguewithdumbazz's lingo..yelling cracker,white devil.. inferior...this..superior that,that's not how most of us are trying to roll here poisoning the athmosphere with your fake black-supremacist rethoric..your aim is to degrade this forum further than it's already become.And pluzzse stop having pro/con conversations with your self in public.

I keep hearing some veteran members of Kemet Search Forum, claiming East Africans built Kemet. What a joke. The ancient Egyptians, were of West African and South African descent(Nigerian, Malian and Ghanians). People who came from West African built Egypt, while Ethiopians were busy polluting their superior black DNA by mixing with Eurasians. Indeed, Ethiopians have between 10% to 15% Eurasian DNA.
Not only that but you are trying to play the rest of us for dumbazz's

The typical skin color of an East African.
It's kinda easy to see through all your bull.. It's insulting that you don't try harder... you are trying to play us using Jerk and the other of your alies idiot's argument..to say East Africans are mixed,then throw a fake pass to what you think is Afrocentrist.. about West Africans as founders of Kemet- who do you really take us for? NOW SCAT!!
Beware the beast Troll, for he is the Devil's pawn. Alone among God's primates, he kills threads for sport or lust or greed. Yea, he will murder his brother to possess his brother's web-site. Let him not breed in great numbers, for he will make a desert of his web-site and yours. Shun him; drive him back into his cave lair, for he is the harbinger of EgyptSearch death

Brada, geez please relax. I already admitted to creating a sock to get rebutals to the whites at argumentwitheveryone. I apologize, now would you please stop insulting me. Moreover, I do not agree with those dumbasses when they say Ethiopians are 60% Eurasians. Ethiopians have about 10 to 15% Eurasian admixture. O.K? Racists try to over exaggerate the amount of admixure in Ethiopians because our black history is filled with great accomplishments whites even dream of.. The Egyptians, Nubians, and Malians pioneered Mathematics, Architecture, Chemistry, Physics, Astronomy, Architecture, Engineering, Earth Science, Calculus, Literature, Computer science, Music, Psychology, astrophysics, biology, Atomic, molecular, and optical physics, Quantum physics, Mechanics, Fractal geometry, Aerospace engineering, Architectural engineering, Bioengineering, Biomechanical engineering, Journalism, Law, Sociology, Criminal justice and Medicine while whites were burning each other at the stake for offending the church.

Also, stop lying. I don't sit around debating myself. I created Rushton only to get rebutals to the dumbasses who were claiming Kemet was a white civilization. If you don't believe me I can log onto that account and verify it. I am not Dirk8 or Afronutslayer.

Check this out as well. It's just futher evidence that West Africans built Kemet.


The Dogon Code: Linking Egypt and West Africa Pt.1

The Dogon Code: Linking Egypt and West Africa Pt.2

The Dogon Code: Linking Egypt and West Africa Pt.3
The Dogon Code: Linking Egypt and West Africa Pt.4
The Dogon Code: Linking Egypt and West Africa Pt.5


More evidence West Africans built Kemet.


The ancient Egyptians had Afro combs. One writer tells us that the Egyptians “manufactured a very striking range of combs in ivory: the shape of these is distinctly African and is like the combs used even today by Africans and those of African descent.”

Source http://www.whenweruled.com/articles.php?lng=en&pg=37

East Africans don't need hair combs like us West Africans because their hair is extremely striaght. Look at that picture of that Ethiopian Model and then look at this picture. Notice how west Africans have nappier hair? Ethiopians have no use for such hair tools. They already have pretty straight hair unlike our west africans.

Member # 10819
 - posted
When ever most any Reds (and those whose minds they authoritate) interested in the subject of Kemetian blackness mention the nose - even in apparent inquery - the one doctrine that is practically always pushed and never often questioned posits the following
Member # 10819
 - posted
A) Outside of the modern inhabitants of the region named after Gebtis, only those inhabitants of nearby Asia are to be deemed liken unto the Kemetu.

B) Outside of these the next most kosher groups are North Africans, select groups in the Horn, and heaven forbid anyone in the region deemed "West Africa" in the Sahara or South -- and the less "appropriate" or "confortable" the group the more the resemblance should be pawned off to foreign influenced admixture despite the fact that bloodlines get more Africa-foreign and / or "mixed" as one goes North or East from West Africa as North Africa and Middle Easterners have one of the most unique genepools on Earth, nothing being like the one seen in North Africa.

C) The fact that any African resemblances are pawned off to Middle Eastern influences despite the fact that they themselves were influenced by the Pharaohs and many others should make it obvious that "middle eastern" progeny is slyly assumed authoritative and never debated despite the fact that it's a sortof ambiguous term denoting a - MIXED - region in Western Eurasia which is the only part of Asia that looks the way it does and one could actually explain its - rather than Africa's - phenetic traits to be irrelevant due to mixture and not any more - but if anything, less - authoritative on the matter than are Somali, Hausa, Fulani, Dogan or Darfurian phenetic diversities.

Therefore an extraordinary position is to confirm that if the Tuareg's admixture disqualifies them as a 'racial' candidate then so does the 'Mid-Easterners'. And even if it is agreed that "mixture" is okay according to Simon (-Sez aka duh Pink authoritah), this still would leave to question *which* portions of those diversities which cover an enormously broad range, none being discounted, existed in Keme-Nu.
Member # 16371
 - posted
What you posted above has been posted by myself and others a number of times..so thank you but not exactly new or news to us..I don't trust you based on your previous and present actions...you seems to want to start some kind of flame war between so-called East and West Africans by trying to cut them out of their history..if like you claim to care about where the ancient Kemites came from why not simply go to the source,ask them!! they left information you know..where was god's land and land of the ancestors,

Then this thing about hair,comb and features this man you posted is not an East African but a West African.
this man is a Woodabe,West Africans don't come with one set of features and East Africans another exclusive to each other.

East Africans don't need hair combs like us West Africans because their hair is extremely striaght. Look at that picture of that Ethiopian Model and then look at this picture. Notice how west Africans have nappier hair? Ethiopians have no use for such hair tools. They already have pretty straight hair unlike our west africans.
I guess nappy hair is not pretty??
 -  -
So I guess these East Africans have no use for this:
And while you don't have to like everyone, drop the angry-blackman sthick..unnecessary calling of names and 60ts style rethoric does notthing to improve knowladge..especially since a great deal of information and corrections about Kemet came from some "whites"..let me see you devorce your self from Storm-front and Arguewithdumdazzes talking points...only then will i even consider giving you a second look:
But right now you are just a troll.
Member # 10819
 - posted
pretty straight makes sense meaning relatively straight
Member # 12192
 - posted
Originally posted by blacksupremacist123:
I keep hearing some veteran members of Kemet Search Forum, claiming East Africans built Kemet.....People who came from West African built Egypt..

Evergreen Writes:

Actually early Holocene West and NE Africans descend from Late Stone Age East Africans.

Nigerians, Greeks, Sudanese, Congolese, Jews, Arabs, Senegalese, Malians, Somalians, Bantu, etc all have a common Sub-Saharan African ancestor that post-dates the out of Africa migration by non-Africans.
Member # 17069
 - posted
people forget the fact east africans come in different phenotypes. we dont need foriegn input to look more "negriod" or "caucasian".

all these people are native EA and all pure E3b1 haplogroup carriers






afars, notice the hair cut



south ethiopians

Member # 17069
 - posted
ethiopians cont








Member # 17069
 - posted




you guys need to realise that we are not west africans and whites mixiture. e3ba(w rica) E3b(e africans) are siblings, one is not subset of the other.
Member # 15718
 - posted
^^ Indeed- one unified Haplogroup E which is found primarily in Africa, and joined by the PN2 transition.
Member # 14524
 - posted
^ showing a display of women is not a good way to represent Y-Chromosomes. Also what of East Africans that carry Haplogroup A and B specifically Ethiopians and Sudanese. What about those East Africans that are E1b1c (M329)? And what about those that are E1b2 (P75) and or E2 (M75, P68) - Do we just toss those out? What about the NON Africans that are also E1b1b - Do we include them?

NONE of these markers have any type of coding for that way someone looks. And in most cases EGYPTIANS show ancestry to both WEST African AND Nilotic SOUTHERN Sudan:

Pay attention to Y-Chromosome B-M60
Member # 17069
 - posted
Originally posted by astenb:
^ showing a display of women is not a good way to represent Y-Chromosomes. Also what of East Africans that carry Haplogroup A and B specifically Ethiopians and Sudanese. What about those East Africans that are E1b1c (M329)? And what about those that are E1b2 (P75) and or E2 (M75, P68) - Do we just toss those out? What about the NON Africans that are also E1b1b - Do we include them?

NONE of these markers have any type of coding for that way someone looks. And in most cases EGYPTIANS show ancestry to both WEST African AND Nilotic SOUTHERN Sudan:

Pay attention to Y-Chromosome B-M60

the E Africans I posted are predominantly E3b about 60-80%. as you said this doesnt determine how one looks, infact the sudanesse and the somalis I posted have identical markers and yet the couln't be more differenct in appearence.

I was just trying to show the original poster that 100% "negriod" looking people do exist in E.Africa, we dont all look like iman(the poster girl of E.Africa to most people)
Member # 10819
 - posted
^Technically the Y-haplotype E1b1b is a patrilineal or male-lineage marker, although really, whether the pictures are of males or females is irrelevant as such uniparental markers of mutation only directly denote common lineage / ancestry and not necissarily phenotype.

Your point still stands: markers don't necissarily equal a particular phenotype.
Member # 15718
 - posted
^^ Indeed. Africans don't need any outside "race mix" to look the way they do.


Below is plain text for that keita page in case anyone wants it:


"The samples from Egypt are almost as diverse as those of the Horn. Some samples have high frequencies of the ancient M60 marker (haplotype B), but the plurality of studies show M35 lineages as predominating. Traces of M2 are found as they are in the Horn. In Egypt the M35 are also primarily M35/M78 with some M35/M81. Egyptian samples show varying frequencies of M89 derivatives and in one sample these actually are the majority; this is not surprising given its locale and the settlement of people from the Near East during the Islamic period..”

It is important to reiterate that the origin of M35 is in East Africa.. The overall pattern is consistent with a model of the first speakers of Afro-Asiatic having emerged in or near the Horn of Africa or in the Nile Valley. .

The evidence is also consistent with the biohistorical Africanity of the base populations of the Horn, Maghreb and Nile valley. These genetic data give population profiles that clearly indicate males of African origin, as opposed to being of Asian or European descent. It is important to say that being biogeographical African does not indicate any specific set of skin colors, hair type or facail features; the populations were constantly subject to the forces of microevolutionary mechanisms. The E haplogroup is clearly African in origin as are A and B..

The genetic data do not support a model of demic diffusion by farmers fro the Levant to explain the Neolithic in northern or eastern Africa, or the spread of Afro-Asiatic languages into Africa..

It is of interest that the M35 and M2 lineages are united by a mutation – the PN2 transition. This PN2 clade originated in East Africa, where various populations have a notable frequency of its underived state. This would suggest that an ancient population in east Africa, or more correctly its males, form the basis of the ancestors of all African upper Paleolithic populations, and subsequent descendants in the present day.”

-S. Keita, 2008, “Geography, selected Afro-Asiatic families, and Y chromosome lineage variation.” pg 3-16

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