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Posted by Derkyperky (Member # 16230) on : [Eek!]

I guess Nefertiti was a Mediterranean Caucasiod after all [Big Grin]
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
Ya, it must be.

After all, what reason would a lying Turk claiming to be an Egyptian, and living fat on tourist revenue generated by ignorant Whites who just love the thought that White people actually built all of that - have for lying?

Damn - you White boys keep getting stupider and stupider.
Posted by osirion (Member # 7644) on :
Originally posted by Derkyperky: [Eek!]

I guess Nefertiti was a Mediterranean Caucasiod after all [Big Grin]

The features on the bust are similar to common Egyptian facial features. Looking Caucasian or Caucasoid is a matter of opinion and not a matter of science.

I would imagine she probably looked more like this in real life but with darker skin:

Posted by Hammer (Member # 17003) on :
they do not care what you guys think.
Posted by JMT2 (Member # 16951) on :
Originally posted by Hammer:
they do not care what you guys think.

Nor do they care about the truth. Now STFU.
Posted by Hammer (Member # 17003) on :
That is why they have PHD's and you have a Box Top. They know the truth.
Posted by JMT2 (Member # 16951) on :
Originally posted by Hammer:
That is why they have PHD's and you have a Box Top. They know the truth.

Yeah, they do know the truth. That's the point. But even an educated fool with a PHD can be an ignoramus who will lie, deceive, and distort the truth when the evidence is overwhelming - something you're familiar with.

And speaking of fools, when are you ever going to substantiate your bogus theories? From what I've seen you get abused and beat down from intelligent members on this forum more so than a drunken whore in a trailer park on a Saturday night.
Posted by osirion (Member # 7644) on :
Originally posted by Hammer:
That is why they have PHD's and you have a Box Top. They know the truth.

I have a Bachelor of Science degree. Working on my Masters. Not sure who you are referring to though?
Posted by Yonis2 (Member # 11348) on :
Originally posted by osirion:
Originally posted by Derkyperky: [Eek!]

I guess Nefertiti was a Mediterranean Caucasiod after all [Big Grin]

The features on the bust are similar to common Egyptian facial features. Looking Caucasian or Caucasoid is a matter of opinion and not a matter of science.

I would imagine she probably looked more like this in real life but with darker skin:



I would say she looked more like the Amharic woman to the right below.

Posted by xyyman (Member # 13597) on :
Niiiice... . . the one to the right that is. LOL.
Posted by Bogle (Member # 16736) on :
Like Yonis these Horners seem destined to run from their race! lol

Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
White people created Nefertiti


Real Egyptians depiction of Nefertiti.


Posted by Yonis2 (Member # 11348) on :
Bogle wrote:
Like Yonis these Horners seem destined to run from their race! lol

Atleast "horners" (unlike you) don't have an Indo-european language as their mother tounge, BOY. [Wink]
Posted by xyyman (Member # 13597) on :
Not sure about the root cause but out here in the burbs of philly. . .sh11t*. . . .it is jungle fever running rampant. Sometimes "me thinks" it is the "in thing" to date outside ones "race".
I thought the continental brothers were the prime culprits now even the brothas are caught up.

Is Obama the cause? And where is this heading?

Originally posted by Bogle:
Like Yonis these Horners seem destined to run from their race! lol


Posted by Bogle (Member # 16736) on :
Originally posted by Yonis2:
Bogle wrote:
Like Yonis these Horners seem destined to run from their race! lol

Atleast "horners" (unlike you) don't have an Indo-european language as their mother tounge, BOY. [Wink]
^ I guess they have their own tongue, they (like you) just prefer living in European countries. LOL
Posted by dana marniche (Member # 13149) on :
Originally posted by osirion:
Originally posted by Derkyperky: [Eek!]

I guess Nefertiti was a Mediterranean Caucasiod after all [Big Grin]

The features on the bust are similar to common Egyptian facial features. Looking Caucasian or Caucasoid is a matter of opinion and not a matter of science.

I would imagine she probably looked more like this in real life but with darker skin:


Is this woman half-Japanese or just Central Asian in ancestry. She's beautiful but obviously one of the two fits her type.
Posted by dana marniche (Member # 13149) on :
Originally posted by JMT2:
Originally posted by Hammer:
That is why they have PHD's and you have a Box Top. They know the truth.

Yeah, they do know the truth. That's the point. But even an educated fool with a PHD can be an ignoramus who will lie, deceive, and distort the truth when the evidence is overwhelming - something you're familiar with.

And speaking of fools, when are you ever going to substantiate your bogus theories? From what I've seen you get abused and beat down from intelligent members on this forum more so than a drunken whore in a trailer park on a Saturday night.

Tell me - what does a Ph.D. combined with a "Negroid" combined make Hammer since you are obviously obsessed with both. [Confused]
Posted by osirion (Member # 7644) on :
Originally posted by dana marniche:
Originally posted by osirion:
Originally posted by Derkyperky: [Eek!]

I guess Nefertiti was a Mediterranean Caucasiod after all [Big Grin]

The features on the bust are similar to common Egyptian facial features. Looking Caucasian or Caucasoid is a matter of opinion and not a matter of science.

I would imagine she probably looked more like this in real life but with darker skin:


Is this woman half-Japanese or just Central Asian in ancestry. She's beautiful but obviously one of the two fits her type.
Her name is Ruby - she is Egyptian.

Does anyone here actually like modern day Egyptians? Very interesting stuff you know.

Posted by Bettyboo (Member # 12987) on :
Originally posted by Mike111:
White people created Nefertiti


Real Egyptians depiction of Nefertiti.



The first sculpture of Nefertiti is a fake. That one was made by white people.
Posted by xyyman (Member # 13597) on :
Bettyboo agreeing wth an afrocentric. . . what is EgyptSearch coming to?
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
^I almost fell out of my chair.....Perhaps there is hope.
Posted by osirion (Member # 7644) on :
Originally posted by Yonis2:
Originally posted by osirion:
Originally posted by Derkyperky: [Eek!]

I guess Nefertiti was a Mediterranean Caucasiod after all [Big Grin]

The features on the bust are similar to common Egyptian facial features. Looking Caucasian or Caucasoid is a matter of opinion and not a matter of science.

I would imagine she probably looked more like this in real life but with darker skin:



I would say she looked more like the Amharic woman to the right below.


Yeah probably though she actually looks a bit like Ruby.
Posted by Bettyboo (Member # 12987) on :
Originally posted by osirion:
Originally posted by Yonis2:
Originally posted by osirion:
Originally posted by Derkyperky: [Eek!]

I guess Nefertiti was a Mediterranean Caucasiod after all [Big Grin]

The features on the bust are similar to common Egyptian facial features. Looking Caucasian or Caucasoid is a matter of opinion and not a matter of science.

I would imagine she probably looked more like this in real life but with darker skin:



I would say she looked more like the Amharic woman to the right below.


Yeah probably though she actually looks a bit like Ruby.
DAMN! That white lady looks like she's from Slavic or Russian origin. Why that bytch is so large. She looks like Goliath next to that Ethiopian woman.
Posted by horn-afrik (Member # 17069) on :
Originally posted by Mike111:
White people created Nefertiti


Real Egyptians depiction of Nefertiti.



to me first two pictures look strikingly similar with clear northeast african features, that is hardly ever seen on "white" people, ie elongated neck, the shape of the eyes, rather thick lips, small yet refined chin and jawline and nose. like these women, not suggesting she was horn africans but just pointing out similarities.




and young iman

Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
Originally posted by Derkyperky: [Eek!]

I guess Nefertiti was a Mediterranean Caucasiod after all [Big Grin]

Frankly I don't see how Hawass was able to refute the claim that the bust (at least its outer appearance is a fake) or prove that it is completely authentic. But we must remember that the word of Hawass doesn't really mean much, which again must remind us that just because one has a PhD does NOT mean he is always right. This is definitely the case with Hawass whose constant flip-flopping and self-contradictions hardly make him a reliable source.

Again, what does Hawass offer to disprove the findings of a CT scan??!

Posted by horn-afrik (Member # 17069) on :
Originally posted by Djehuti:
Originally posted by Derkyperky: [Eek!]

I guess Nefertiti was a Mediterranean Caucasiod after all [Big Grin]

Frankly I don't see how Hawass was able to refute the claim that the bust (at least its outer appearance is a fake) or prove that it is completely authentic. But we must remember that the word of Hawass doesn't really mean much, which again must remind us that just because one has a PhD does NOT mean he is always right. This is definitely the case with Hawass whose constant flip-flopping and self-contradictions hardly make him a reliable source.

Again, what does Hawass offer to disprove the findings of a CT scan??!


interesting finding I've always thought the berling bust was more "Somali" looking than egyption( too sharp featured even modorn egyptions have broader features), whether it is real or not, it is still very african looking.

Posted by The Explorer (Member # 14778) on :
^Frankly, I've never thought that the questioning of the bust's features alone offered unequivocal proof of inauthenticity, but the lack of label on the bust and the CT scan reporting on the item on the other hand, well, that's another story -- evidence here, is damning!

Originally posted by Djehuti:

Again, what does Hawass offer to disprove the findings of a CT scan??!

Good question. Nothing posted here, has shown that he has done just that.
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
^ My point exactly! Hawass offers no substance to his claims that the bust is completely authentic or that the CT scan is wrong. If you ask me, all this fuss he's making is just a futile attempt to cover up the shame and embarassment of not only him but his entire people being fooled for almost a century by this fraud. Think about it..

As Wally himself stated: "Her image is literally everywhere. It can even be found on stamps and paper money in the Arab world. One would have to believe, from all this exposure, this fame, that she was the quintessential Ancient Egyptian queen..."

So the Arabs, specifically the Arab Egyptians have paraded the bust as representative of their beautiful queenly heritage. Now it turns out to fake. So what to do but in the way of Hawass argue against the evidence! LOL

As for the features of the bust, I for one have always acknowledged that such features are not uncommon for Africans especially those of northeast Africa, but my doubts mainly stem from the very light complexion. This is not say that such complexions are atypical for Africans even in that region but it is 'unique' when compared to other Egyptian busts which have much darker colors. There's one argument that perhaps the light coloring was part of the artistic convention for females, however such a convention was usually applied to wall paintings and even some statuettes, but never whent it came to personal busts. The only two other busts to have their colors fully intact are those of Tut and Tiye and we all know how those look. Nefertiti herself is the stepmother of Tut and the daughter-in-law of Tiye. Even all the other busts that have their paint faded, one can still see traces of the paint which was dark. What's funny is that the peers of Ludwig Borchardt (the archaeologist who discovered the bust) even thought Borchardt did some of the paint work himself! Considering the evidence we have now, who knows?
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :

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