Diop states: “ It is a notable fact that even today Egyptians, particularly in Upper Egypt, belong to the same Group B as the populations of western Africa on the Atlantic seaboard and not the A2 Group characteristic of the white race prior to any crossbreeding” (“Egypt Revisited, Volume 10” 1989 Van Sertima)
“Blood group A is found in the highest concentrations among western Europeans…there are many varieties of group A… The largest subgroup A2 is found principally in Northern Caucasians. A2 is found in very high concentration in Iceland and Scandinavia, particulary among the Lapps, ancient settlers of the area… The A2 gene is almost entirely confined to Caucasian populations….European Caucasians...a relatively high incidence of group A2 with moderate frequencies of other blood group genes. Normal frequencies of the gene for blood group M.” (“Complete Blood Type Encyclopedia: The A-Z Reference Guide For The Blood Type” 2002 D’Adamo, Whitney)
“..when blood groupings were established by Dr. Connolly of Liverpool University, that the King [Tutankhamen] was of blood group A2 with the antigens M and N present… this was identical to the blood group of the body in Tomb 55…Harrison surmised that the body in Tomb 55 was in all probability Tutankhamen’s brother, Smenkhkare.” (“Tutankhamen: The Life and Death of the Boy-King”2001 El Mahdy)
“Furthermore, both Tutankhamun and the body in question were blood group A2, with the serum antigen MN, all suggesting close consanguinity” (“Ancient Egyptian Medicine” 2002 Nunn)
“An X-ray examination of the mummy of Tutankhamun in the Valley of the Kings revealed a striking resemblance to the mummy from Tomb 55, now believed to be that of Smenkhkare. Both have the same blood group, and may very well have been brothers. (“The Remains Of Tutankhamun” Antiquity 46, 1972 Harrison, Abdallah)
“A new serological micromethod has been used to show that the XVIIIth dynasty pharaohs Smenkhkare and Tutankhamen both belong to the same blood groups A2 and MN.” (“Kinship of Smenkhkare and Tutankhamen affirmed by Serological Micromethod: Microdetermination of Blood Group Substances in Ancient Human Tissue” October 1969; Nature )
“Kinship of Smenkhkare and Tutankhamen affirmed by serological micromethod. Nature 224: 325-6. R.C. Connolly and R.G. Harrison” (“Ancient Egypt Materials And Technology” 2000 Nicholson, Shaw)
“Tissues from the mummies of Yuya, Thuya and Amenhotep III were examined and it is argued that queen Tiy may have demonstrated the blood group A2B and Sitamun her daughter A2MN, the same as Tutankhamun and Smenkhkare.” (“Serological Evidence For the Parentage O Tutankhamun and Smenkhkare” 1976 Harrison, Connolly)
“The results of these investigates demonstrate that all three mummified remains are group A and by differential exclusion A2. Amenophis III, in addition was shown to be group M, whereas both Yuya and Thuya were group N.” (“Journal Of Egyptian Archaeology Volume 62” 1976 Egypt Exploration Fund)
“All three samples were blood group A – specifically A2– but in the MNS system Amenhotep III’s blood group was M, while Yuya’s and Thuya’s were both group N. As their daughter, Tiye’s combined blood group would have been A2N. Her children by Amenhotep III would have been A2MN – and this means that Amenhotep and Tiye could have been Tutankhamen’s parents, as this was his blood group… Their daughter Sitamun’s blood group would also have been A2MN – so Tutankhamen could have inherited his blood group from her. It’s equally likely statistically. Not being able to get a definitive answer was disappointing – but working out Queen Tiye’s and Sitamun’s blood groups may prove useful for identification purposes if more female bodies are discovered.” (“Kinship of Smenkhare and Tutankhamen demonstrated serologically” 1969 Harrison, Connolly & Abdalla)
According to Microbiologist Scott Woodward, analysis of mummies spanning an 8-generation period in the 18th Dynasty revealed a "very narrow gene pool," and that there was no intermarriage outside of the royal family. [He] has taken genetic samples from 27 high-profile royal mummies and 500 lesser-known mummies stored at Cairo's Egyptian Museum. (“A History Of DNA Testing On Egyptian New Kingdom Royals” 2002 Charles Pope)
“I [Robert Conolly] studied one of the mummies, the larger one, back in 1979 (and) determined the blood group data from this baby mummy and compared it with my 1969 blood grouping of Tutankhamun...The results confirmed that these larger foetuses could indeed be the daughter of Tutankhamen,” he added…. Since these two foetuses were found in the tomb of Tutankhamen, there is no reason to think that they were other than his offspring, a matter supported by my 1979 blood group studies.” (“” Thursday, August 21, 2008 DNA tests on foetus mummies)
Choke on it niggers! Diopshits is rolling over in his corrupted grave. You have been disqualified from any further discussion, eject yourselves - keep your word.
Posts: 58 | Registered: Oct 2009
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LMAO there is no end in site to what the racist Afrocentrics will do. Now they want to claim they are A2 m/n. LMAO I KNEW they would pull this stunt. If you cant beat YT, pretend to be YT.“Blood group A is found in the highest concentrations among western Europeans…there are many varieties of group A… The largest subgroup A2 is found principally in Northern Caucasians. A2 is found in very high concentration in Iceland and Scandinavia, particulary among the Lapps, ancient settlers of the area… The A2 gene is almost entirely confined to Caucasian populations….European Caucasians...a relatively high incidence of group A2 with moderate frequencies of other blood group genes. Normal frequencies of the gene for blood group M.” (“Complete Blood Type Encyclopedia: The A-Z Reference Guide For The Blood Type” 2002 D’Adamo, Whitney)[/color]SO now nigger wants to pretend niggers have high A2 of m/n antigen. Never mind they dont, and never mind Tut was classified as a Caucasian and not a nigger.1964, 1967 Now those are OLDER than MY sources nigger.Sickle cell is not an accurate indication of Negroid admixture. "African admixture in Sicily has been long suspected because of the presence of the sickle gene. Nevertheless, the degree of African admixture cannot be derived from the study of HbS frequency, since this gene was most likely expanded by the selective pressure of malaria, for a long time endemic to the region. We have examined 142 individuals from the Sicilian town of Butera (12% sickle trait) to search for other markers of the globin gene cluster less likely to be selected for by malaria. The TaqI polymorphism in the intervening sequences between the two gamma genes is informative. We have found only two instances of this African marker (TaqI(-)) among 267 normal chromosomes, demonstrating that the admixture occurred at a much lower level than previously thought."Ragusa et al (1992) Presence of an African Beta-globin Gene Cluster Haplotype in Normal Chromosomes in Sicily. Am J Hematol; 40:313-315and"The sickle-cell trait cannot be used for that purpose [a tracer of African ancestry]. Even the assumption that the occasional sickle-cell trait carrier found in Italy and Greece must have inherited the gene from an African forebear can no longer be maintained."H Lehmann (1953) Man, The Sickle-Cell Trait: Not an Essentially Negroid Feature. 53:9-101953 is old but the 1992 study confirms it. And if Whites were a thoroughly mongrelized race, then Whites would look like a thoroughly mongrelized race."Interestingly, Africa in general (independent of any racial categorization) has a higher incidence of group B than Europe or the Middle East. Whether this is the result of intermingling or the original B gene pool is unknown..."
Posts: 58 | Registered: Oct 2009
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The gentleman who began this thread identifies himself aristocratically as J. Philippe Rushton.
The J. Philippe Rushton persona starting to post (24 Oct 2009), and with just 47 posts began heavily contributing about the same time the honorable Dirk8 began tapering off.
I’d say the rivited attention they focus on trying to discredit blacks; the use of the same type of passionate denunciation; the same or similar word-choice makes them one-in-the-same.
They are great entertainment and I for one would like to see more from them. Their comments are not only educational but great fun.
. .
-------------------- The nature of homelife is the fate of the nation. Posts: 2334 | Registered: May 2006
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^^ Indeed, and they are easily debunked, using their own sources:
“Blood group A is found in the highest concentrations among western Europeans…there are many varieties of group A… The largest subgroup A2 is found principally in Northern Caucasians. A2 is found in very high concentration in Iceland and Scandinavia, particulary among the Lapps, ancient settlers of the area… The A2 gene is almost entirely confined to Caucasian populations….European Caucasians...a relatively high incidence of group A2 with moderate frequencies of other blood group genes. Normal frequencies of the gene for blood group M.” (“Complete Blood Type Encyclopedia: The A-Z Reference Guide For The Blood Type” 2002 D’Adamo, Whitney)
You dumb cluck. Do you just realize you shot yourself again with your own source? the vaunted A2 blood type makes up only a minor frequency of Type A, chiefly among outlier populations like Lapps, Blackfoot Indians or Australian Abos. Are we supposed to believe King Tut was a Lapp? or a white European? And the highest frequencies of A variants as a whole are found in Africa fool! Tut is no white European, but merely one of the many African variants of "A". lol
The highest frequencies of A2 are found in small, unrelated populations, especially the Blackfoot Indians of Montana (30-35%), the Australian Aborigines (many groups are 40-53%), and the Lapps, or Saami people, of Northern Scandinavia (50-90%). The A allele apparently was absent among Central and South American Indians. But still, THE HIGHEST VARIANT DISTRIBUTION OF A IS FOUND IN AFRICA. Even if it is in high levels in Caucasian populations it is still a trivial blood marker.. lol.. Your trivial A2 is of little significance in European populations..
QUOTE from your own source:
"There are over 20 recognized variants of group A- although about 95% of all As are A1. Most of the variants are found in Africa, and probably represent adaptations to local parasites. These include A2, Ax and A-Bantu." -- (Complete blood type encyclopedia: the A-Z reference guide for the blood type. By Peter J. D'Adamo, Catherine Whitney, 2002, pg 43).
Your own source undermines you!
And even your own conservative scholars undercut your claim. Below is the research of conservative scholar Boyd who used Blood groups to sort the races, and continued to do so in the 1960s along with Connoly:
RACES AND PEOPLE BY William C.Boyd, 1955 Abelard-Schumann, New York quote:
Now we can summarize our six genetic races: ~
1. Australian (Aboriginal): low B or none, low M, no A2
2. American (Indian): low B or none, low N, no A2
3. Asian: High B, high Rhz, no A2
4. African: High B, high Rho, some rh, high A2
5. European: moderately high rh, moderate B, moderate A2
6. Early European: very high rh, no B
~ The genes for O and A are so widespread among all groups of people that they are nearly useless in racial classification.
The six races (plus a seventh race which is less clear-cut) divide the world in an interesting manner. We can follow immigration waves that we could not follow if we used skin color or some other obvious physical characteristic. For instance, a group of immigrants high in A must have entered western Japan from Korea in the not distant past and spread eastward. That would account for the variation of frequency in the A gene in different parts of Japan.
As we learn more about the blood-group genes, and about other genes, too, and as we test more and more people all over the earth, we can expect to be able to trace man's evolution more exactly and to learn the stages by which he has populated the world. ------------------------------
Get it? when conservative writer Boyd did the analysis on blood groups in the 1950s, guess which group had the highest A2? Was it "wandering Caucasoids" flitting in an out of the Nile Valley to make Tut white? No. The groups with the highest A2 are Africans. Europeans only had moderate levels of A2 in Boyd's analysis.
Quote" "4. African: High B, high Rho, some rh, high A2
5. European: moderately high rh, moderate B, moderate A2"
Based on conservative Boyd's data then, Tut was closer to Africans... lol
And the much touted Blood Type Research shows whites to be a mongrel hybrid population..
And when recent data is looked at, A2 is of minor importance with the A type as a whole, and most variants of A are found in Africa, where A2 also occurs. (Adamo and Whitney 2002.) So no matter what you use- 1950s data or 2000 data- same result.. you still lose..
So much for the "white" King Tut based on blood type. looks like once again:
Posts: 5905 | From: The Hammer | Registered: Aug 2008
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quote:Originally posted by J. Philippe Rushton: Diop states: ...............
YO! That shiit was REALLY WEAK! Its not even funny. Is that really the "BEST" evidence you could find. You got owned big time. You should create a new name and start all over.
Posts: 2463 | From: New Jersey USA | Registered: Dec 2007
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^^lol.. according to them, the reference by Adamo (2002) "is more recent" than Boyd's data. But the Boyd chart below is itself produced in Adamo's book on page 24! When caught out for the idiots they are, they turn around and argue against their own references!
Yeah.. that Boyd chart is itself from Adamo's book.. pg 24
And the "more recent" Adam reference shows that A2 is trivial. quote:
"There are over 20 recognized variants of group A- although about 95% of all As are A1. Most of the variants are found in Africa, and probably represent adaptations to local parasites. These include A2, Ax and A-Bantu." -- (Complete blood type encyclopedia: the A-Z reference guide for the blood type. By Peter J. D'Adamo, Catherine Whitney, 2002, pg 43).
And their own conservative scholars undercut their claims. Below is the research of conservative scholar Boyd who was cited earlier in Adamo 2002. Boyd used Blood groups to sort the races, and continued to do so in the 1960s along with Connoly:
RACES AND PEOPLE BY William C.Boyd, 1955 Abelard-Schumann, New York quote:
Now we can summarize our six genetic races: ~
1. Australian (Aboriginal): low B or none, low M, no A2
2. American (Indian): low B or none, low N, no A2
3. Asian: High B, high Rhz, no A2
4. African: High B, high Rho, some rh, high A2
5. European: moderately high rh, moderate B, moderate A2
6. Early European: very high rh, no B
~ The genes for O and A are so widespread among all groups of people that they are nearly useless in racial classification.
The six races (plus a seventh race which is less clear-cut) divide the world in an interesting manner. We can follow immigration waves that we could not follow if we used skin color or some other obvious physical characteristic. For instance, a group of immigrants high in A must have entered western Japan from Korea in the not distant past and spread eastward. That would account for the variation of frequency in the A gene in different parts of Japan.
As we learn more about the blood-group genes, and about other genes, too, and as we test more and more people all over the earth, we can expect to be able to trace man's evolution more exactly and to learn the stages by which he has populated the world. ------------------------------
Get it? when conservative when Boyd did the analysis on blood groups in the 1950s, guess which group had the highest A2? Was it "wandering Caucasoids" flitting in an out of the Nile Valley to make Tut white? No. The groups with the highest A2 are Africans. Europeans only have moderate levels of A2 according to their own conservative blood race typing guy...
"4. African: High B, high Rho, some rh, high A2
5. European: moderately high rh, moderate B, moderate A2"
According to their own conservative author then, King Tut is closer to Africans than Europeans on A2...
When recent data is looked at, A2 is of minor importance and most variants of A are found in Africa, where A2 also occurs. Adamo and Whitney 2002. So no matter what you use- 1950s data or 2000 data- same result.. So much for your "white" King Tut..
And blood group research shows their own precious "white purity" is nothing of the sort. Cavalli-Sforza ran blood group data and found whites to be a mongrel, hybrid population.
Finally when all is said and done on Blood Groups- the advantages lies with Africans not idiotic "Aryan" "white Egyptians"..
Dumkopfs! Vaar is the 'death blow'?
Advantage African in Type B
Furthermore the Egyptians have substantial frequencies of "B". In Europe however (quote) "In Europe, B frequency varies from between 8% and 12%." (Daniels 2006) and quote: "Blood group B is a distinctly non-Indo-European blood type. (Adamo 2002).
In Egypt the frequency of B is much higher- 24% (Beckman 1959). Among Bantu groups B frequencies average 19% (Beckman 1959). In terms of type B then, the African percentages are much closer to the Egyptians than the Europeans.
Advantage African in Type O
As regards type "O" the greatest frequencies are found in the Americas, Australia and Africa, not Europe. Quote: "Populations with a group O phenotype frequency greater than 60% are found in native people of the Americas and in parts of Africa and Australia, but not in most of Europe or Asia." (Daniels 2006).
In Egypt the frequency of O is 33% (Beckman 1959) compared to the bantu average of 46%. (Beckman 1959), compared to smaller O frequencies for Europe. In terms of Type O then, the African percentages are much closer to Egyptians than Europeans.
Summary- overall advantage: African
Summary: In 2 out of 3 blood groups, the Africans and closer to the Egyptians (Africans 66% - Europeans 33%). Advantage: African. As for blood group A it is also found in Africa, though in lesser percentages than in Europe. However A1 makes up 95% of the A blood grouping. A2 is trivial in this group, being confined mostly to people like Lapps. Assorted "Aryan" claims to make King Tut white center around reputed findings of A2, but this rare marker is trivial to begin with. A2 is also found in Africa. Daniels 2006 shows A2 very much present in Africa. Hence white supremacist appropriation of King Tut based on blood type are idiotic.
Africa itself provides more than enough variation to accommodate A2. King Tut then had more than enough scope to pick up A2 within Africa without needing the presence of "wandering Caucasoids" in the Nile Valley. (Source: Daniels 2006, Essential Guide to Blood Groups).
So much for appropriating Egypt for "white Egyptians" based on blood type.
finally from their own Adamo reference is this statement that Africans are linked significantly with Egyptians. Their own reference again undermines them. So much for the fantasy "white Egypt" based on blood type.. quote: Interestingly, Africa in general (independent of any racial categorization) has a higher incidence of group B than Europe or the Middle East. Whether this is the result of intermingling or the original B gene pool is unknown, however it does imply that the links between ancient Egypt and sub-Saharan Africa are deeper and older than generally recognized. " -- Adamo (2002) "The Complete Blood Type Encyclopedia. pg 14
Once again idiots...
Still awaiting the touted "death blow"...
Posts: 5905 | From: The Hammer | Registered: Aug 2008
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quote: Interestingly, Africa in general (independent of any racial categorization) has a higher incidence of group B than Europe or the Middle East. Whether this is the result of intermingling or the original B gene pool is unknown, however it does imply that the links between ancient Egypt and sub-Saharan Africa are deeper and older than generally recognized. "
HA HA HA - J. Philippe Rushton u suck. Go ahead and parrot this back over at that race reality message board and see what they say about it. HA HA HA
Posts: 2463 | From: New Jersey USA | Registered: Dec 2007
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And its from their own source reputedly supporting a "white Egypt".... ...
-------------------- Note: I am not an "Egyptologist" as claimed by some still bitter, defeated, trolls creating fake profiles and posts elsewhere. Hapless losers, you still fail. My output of hard data debunking racist nonsense has actually INCREASED since you began.. Posts: 5905 | From: The Hammer | Registered: Aug 2008
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The gentleman who began this thread identifies himself aristocratically as J. Philippe Rushton.
The J. Philippe Rushton persona starting to post (24 Oct 2009), and with just 47 posts began heavily contributing about the same time the honorable Dirk8 began tapering off.
I’d say the rivited attention they focus on trying to discredit blacks; the use of the same type of passionate denunciation; the same or similar word-choice makes them one-in-the-same.
They are great entertainment and I for one would like to see more from them. Their comments are not only educational but great fun.
. .
I think the poster is MediterraneanPride from ArguewithEveryone.
Meth-head is a Rushton worshipper who has read alot of his research. He is trying his best to sound intellectual but he just can't help himself and reverts to the N-Word taunts like the typical racist lunatic that he is.
This is Meth-head's M.O. not Dirk8.
Posts: 647 | From: Atlanta | Registered: Jan 2009
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LOL it doesnt matter nigger he wasnt a Aborigine, "A Bantu", Lapp, or Saami but a White Caucasian. Whatever misunderstandings you have, Tut was classified by several anthropologists as CAUCASIAN. His blood type being A2 in the m/n antigen. Niggers do not have that. Yuya, which you niggers claim is an "outsider" has the exact same blood type and hes not a nigger. They all have CAUCASIAN hair, nigger. Not knappy hair like Maiherpri.
You lose again, nigger.
“Blood group A is found in the highest concentrations among western Europeans…there are many varieties of group A… The largest subgroup A2 is found principally in Northern Caucasians. A2 is found in very high concentration in Iceland and Scandinavia, particulary among the Lapps, ancient settlers of the area… The A2 gene is almost entirely confined to Caucasian populations….European Caucasians...a relatively high incidence of group A2 with moderate frequencies of other blood group genes. Normal frequencies of the gene for blood group M.” (“Complete Blood Type Encyclopedia: The A-Z Reference Guide For The Blood Type” 2002 D’Adamo, Whitney)
You will note the 2002 date is more recent than Boyds 1955 study.
Nigger, you will note the A stretches across North Africa and links directly to the Levant, not to sub-Sahara. It's heavy in the BLUE.
Too bad for you, nigger.
50-90% is not “trivial” nigger which is highest in Europe, so how does that make it “of little significance” nigger? Why don’t you cite your source, nigger! It doesn’t even mention niggers at all! The GREEN portion IS NOT to be found anywhere except for EATSHIT forum by your lying monkey lackey zarahan.
“Blood group A is FOUND IN THE HIGHEST CONCENTRATIONS AMONG WESTERN EUROPEANS. The major grouping A1, accounts for about 95% of all A blood. The LARGEST SUBGROUP A2 IS FOUND PRINCIPALLY IN NORTHERN CAUCASIANS… The A2 gene is almost ENTIRELY CONFIEND TO CAUCASIAN POPULATIONS. (Complete Blood Type Encyclopedia: The A-Z Reference guide for the blood type)
Now you be a good nigger and find a real source that says the same about niggers having “highest concentrations” or “principally among sub-Saharans”of A2 antigen M or N. zarahan the deceitful lying forging monkey doesn’t count, nigger and you are equally a stupid deceitful lying forging monkey for C&P his lies. He is not a scientific source.
"There are over 20 recognized variants of group A- although about 95% of all As are A1. Most of the variants are found in Africa, and probably represent adaptations to local parasites. These include A2, Ax and A-Bantu." -- (Complete blood type encyclopedia: the A-Z reference guide for the blood type. By Peter J. D'Adamo, Catherine Whitney, 2002, pg 43).
This is GENERALIZATION, there are many races in Africa, putz. The highest concentrations of A stretches across all of N. Africa into the Levant nigger. Look at the map! Tut is A2 which is Caucasian and was racially classified a Caucasian; he is NOT the rare “Ax” or “A-Bantu.” Those are your typical nigger "variations".
European (Caucasoid) groups: Possessing the next highest incidence of the Rh-negative gene and a relatively high incidence of group A2, with moderate frequencies of other blood group genes. Normal frequencies of the gene for blood group M.
S-s-. This phenotype occurs mainly in black people;… S-s- red cells lack “N” and M+N-S-s red cells are thus the only ones that are completely N negative… S-s is not found in White people.
Niggers do not have the M&N gene they are S-s.
Diop states: “ It is a notable fact that even today Egyptians, particularly in Upper Egypt, belong to the same Group B as the populations of western Africa on the Atlantic seaboard and not the A2 Group characteristic of the white race prior to any crossbreeding” (“Egypt Revisited, Volume 10” 1989 Van Sertima)
LMAO! The niggers are at a great paradox!
Posts: 58 | Registered: Oct 2009
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No illiterate nigger, stating that Boyds study is old does not dispute anything since D'Adamo cited it, STUPID. Where did I claim it debunks it? EH deceitful lying ape face.
BULLSHIT. Where does it say it is "trivial"? You resort to more lies.
"Of the minor forms of group A, only A2 is of any practical importance."
Youre not ANSWERING or REFUTING the questions you stupid illiterate monkey. Take a good look at that chart above, niggers. Boyd shows HIGH A2 for Europeans with frequencies of M. Niggers dont have that.
It says VARIANTS, it does not say niggers have HIGHEST CONCENTRATIONS of A2 - which D'Admo states is AMONG WESTERN EUROPEANS
Look @ the map, monkey. A is in high concentration across all of North Africa which stretches right into the Levant. There are NO connectors into sub sahara.
Yah, nig look at the "summary" European average (40) is still closer to Egyptian (36) than the Bantu average (30) is. LMAO!
Nigger, do YOU get it? You havent provided a single source showing that niggers have M & N blood genes.
“Blood group A is FOUND IN THE HIGHEST CONCENTRATIONS AMONG WESTERN EUROPEANS. The major grouping A1, accounts for about 95% of all A blood. The LARGEST SUBGROUP A2 IS FOUND PRINCIPALLY IN NORTHERN CAUCASIANS… The A2 gene is almost ENTIRELY CONFIEND TO CAUCASIAN POPULATIONS. (Complete Blood Type Encyclopedia: The A-Z Reference guide for the blood type)
"4. African: High B, high Rho, some rh, high A2 [THESE WERE VARIATIONS "Ax" and "A-BANTU"
5. European: moderately high rh, moderate B, moderate A2"
No nigger. According to Boyds chart YOU posted (above) shows:
European: High A2.
African: relatively high A2.
"Relatively" is not as high as HIGH is, dumbass and it doesnt link at all to sub-Sahara on the map, but the Levant does!
LMAO! The niggers are STUCK at a great paradox and are in PANIC MODE!
Diop states: “ It is a notable fact that even today Egyptians, particularly in Upper Egypt, belong to the same Group B as the populations of western Africa on the Atlantic seaboard and not the A2 Group characteristic of the white race prior to any crossbreeding” (“Egypt Revisited, Volume 10” 1989 Van Sertima)
Posts: 58 | Registered: Oct 2009
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You people are not only idiotic, but incompetent as well. Boyd's first chart doesnt say anything about A2. You created that bogus "point" to create a bogus strawman to "debate." You are now trying to backtrack by clouding your original claim, but no one is being fooled.
A2 is found primarily in Caucasians but it is trivial and significantly confined to isolated populations compared to the other 95% that makes up A1. By playing up A2 you stepped on a minefield of your own making. Whatsa matta? Can't stand the heat?
You claimed that A2 proved King Tut was white. As shown by credible sources, A2 is quite present in Africa, well within the range for Tut to acquire. In fact your own source Adamo says the most variants of A itself are in Africa. But A2 is only part of the picture. Egyptians also have type O and B, and Africans exceed Europeans in frequencies of these, coming closer to Egyptians. And finally your own source as to Type B states quite clearly that there is a clear link between Egyptians and Africans. Desperating hollering nigger every third word as if volume alone will erase your incompetence won't save you. You are defeated. Now run along..
Yeah.. that Boyd chart is itself from your own Adamo reference.. pg 24 Your own source debunks you..
And the "more recent" Adam reference shows that A2 is trivial. quote:
"There are over 20 recognized variants of group A- although about 95% of all As are A1. Most of the variants are found in Africa, and probably represent adaptations to local parasites. These include A2, Ax and A-Bantu." -- (Complete blood type encyclopedia: the A-Z reference guide for the blood type. By Peter J. D'Adamo, Catherine Whitney, 2002, pg 43).
And their own conservative scholars undercut their claims. Below is the research of conservative scholar Boyd who was cited earlier in Adamo 2002. Boyd used Blood groups to sort the races, and continued to do so in the 1960s along with Connoly:
RACES AND PEOPLE BY William C.Boyd, 1955 Abelard-Schumann, New York quote:
Now we can summarize our six genetic races: ~
1. Australian (Aboriginal): low B or none, low M, no A2
2. American (Indian): low B or none, low N, no A2
3. Asian: High B, high Rhz, no A2
4. African: High B, high Rho, some rh, high A2
5. European: moderately high rh, moderate B, moderate A2
6. Early European: very high rh, no B
~ The genes for O and A are so widespread among all groups of people that they are nearly useless in racial classification.
The six races (plus a seventh race which is less clear-cut) divide the world in an interesting manner. We can follow immigration waves that we could not follow if we used skin color or some other obvious physical characteristic. For instance, a group of immigrants high in A must have entered western Japan from Korea in the not distant past and spread eastward. That would account for the variation of frequency in the A gene in different parts of Japan.
As we learn more about the blood-group genes, and about other genes, too, and as we test more and more people all over the earth, we can expect to be able to trace man's evolution more exactly and to learn the stages by which he has populated the world. ------------------------------
Get it? when conservative when Boyd did the analysis on blood groups in the 1950s, guess which group had the highest A2? Was it "wandering Caucasoids" flitting in an out of the Nile Valley to make Tut white? No. The groups with the highest A2 are Africans. Europeans only have moderate levels of A2 according to their own conservative blood race typing guy...
"4. African: High B, high Rho, some rh, high A2
5. European: moderately high rh, moderate B, moderate A2"
According to their own conservative author then, King Tut is closer to Africans than Europeans on A2...
When recent data is looked at, A2 is of minor importance and most variants of A are found in Africa, where A2 also occurs. Adamo and Whitney 2002. So no matter what you use- 1950s data or 2000 data- same result.. So much for your "white" King Tut..
And blood group research shows their own precious "white purity" is nothing of the sort. Cavalli-Sforza ran blood group data and found whites to be a mongrel, hybrid population.
Finally when all is said and done on Blood Groups- the advantages lies with Africans not idiotic "Aryan" "white Egyptians"..
Dumkopfs! Vaar is the 'death blow'?
Advantage African in Type B
Furthermore the Egyptians have substantial frequencies of "B". In Europe however (quote) "In Europe, B frequency varies from between 8% and 12%." (Daniels 2006) and quote: "Blood group B is a distinctly non-Indo-European blood type. (Adamo 2002).
In Egypt the frequency of B is much higher- 24% (Beckman 1959). Among Bantu groups B frequencies average 19% (Beckman 1959). In terms of type B then, the African percentages are much closer to the Egyptians than the Europeans.
Advantage African in Type O
As regards type "O" the greatest frequencies are found in the Americas, Australia and Africa, not Europe. Quote: "Populations with a group O phenotype frequency greater than 60% are found in native people of the Americas and in parts of Africa and Australia, but not in most of Europe or Asia." (Daniels 2006).
In Egypt the frequency of O is 33% (Beckman 1959) compared to the bantu average of 46%. (Beckman 1959), compared to smaller O frequencies for Europe. In terms of Type O then, the African percentages are much closer to Egyptians than Europeans.
Summary- overall advantage: African
Summary: In 2 out of 3 blood groups, the Africans and closer to the Egyptians (Africans 66% - Europeans 33%). Advantage: African. As for blood group A it is also found in Africa, though in lesser percentages than in Europe. However A1 makes up 95% of the A blood grouping. A2 is trivial in this group, being confined mostly to people like Lapps. Assorted "Aryan" claims to make King Tut white center around reputed findings of A2, but this rare marker is trivial to begin with. A2 is also found in Africa. Daniels 2006 shows A2 very much present in Africa. Hence white supremacist appropriation of King Tut based on blood type are idiotic.
Africa itself provides more than enough variation to accommodate A2. King Tut then had more than enough scope to pick up A2 within Africa without needing the presence of "wandering Caucasoids" in the Nile Valley. (Source: Daniels 2006, Essential Guide to Blood Groups).
So much for appropriating Egypt for "white Egyptians" based on blood type.
finally from their own Adamo reference is this statement that Africans are linked significantly with Egyptians. Their own reference again undermines them. So much for the fantasy "white Egypt" based on blood type.. quote: Interestingly, Africa in general (independent of any racial categorization) has a higher incidence of group B than Europe or the Middle East. Whether this is the result of intermingling or the original B gene pool is unknown, however it does imply that the links between ancient Egypt and sub-Saharan Africa are deeper and older than generally recognized. " -- Adamo (2002) "The Complete Blood Type Encyclopedia. pg 14
Once again idiots...
Still awaiting the touted "death blow"...
-------------------- Note: I am not an "Egyptologist" as claimed by some still bitter, defeated, trolls creating fake profiles and posts elsewhere. Hapless losers, you still fail. My output of hard data debunking racist nonsense has actually INCREASED since you began.. Posts: 5905 | From: The Hammer | Registered: Aug 2008
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Strange - anyone using blood type to classify Egyptians should have run across the fact that the Black indigenous peoples of North Africa are the closest to the Ancient Egyptians in blood type.
Why would someone trying to propose a White Egypt (an odd thing today actually) by talking about Blood type?
So we digress to this retarded level or what when we have genetic evidence?
-------------------- Across the sea of time, there can only be one of you. Make you the best one you can be. Posts: 4028 | From: NW USA | Registered: May 2005
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“Blood group A is found in the highest concentrations among western Europeans…there are many varieties of group A… The largest subgroup A2 is found principally in Northern Caucasians. A2 is found in very high concentration in Iceland and Scandinavia, particulary among the Lapps, ancient settlers of the area… The A2 gene is almost entirely confined to Caucasian populations….European Caucasians...a relatively high incidence of group A2 with moderate frequencies of other blood group genes. Normal frequencies of the gene for blood group M.” (“Complete Blood Type Encyclopedia: The A-Z Reference Guide For The Blood Type” 2002 D’Adamo, Whitney)
You will note the 2002 date is more recent than Boyds 1955 study.
Nigger, you will note the A stretches across North Africa and links directly to the Levant, not to sub-Sahara. It's heavy in the BLUE.
Too bad for you, nigger.
Posts: 58 | Registered: Oct 2009
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quote: Interestingly, Africa in general (independent of any racial categorization) has a higher incidence of group B than Europe or the Middle East. Whether this is the result of intermingling or the original B gene pool is unknown, however it does imply that the links between ancient Egypt and sub-Saharan Africa are deeper and older than generally recognized. "
Damn nigger. Why cant you ever be honest?
Here is the part YOU LEFT OUT:
In the Middle-East it appears that tribes of Semitic group B nomads may have infiltrated into pre-existing Neolithic cultures, both passively and aggressively. Semitic peoples called the Hyksos were foreign rulers of Egypt during the Second Intermediate Period. Exactly who those foreign rulers were is not known, but it is assumed they were Asiatics. The Egyptian term for Hyksos merely means "rulers of foreign lands." It was once thought that foreign rule in Egypt would have necessarily entailed a violent overthrow, but instead there is the appearance of a peaceful takeover. More likely, the numbers of these foreigners slowly increased in the Delta region until they became a powerful political force. Under the rule of the Hyksos, the continuity of Egyptian culture and ritual was preserved, indicating that these foreign kings had become fully Egyptianized. Persian suzerainty may have also added large amount of B gene to the upper-class Egyptian gene pool, since a third century BC Egyptian mummy, 'Iset Iri Hetes' was recently typed and found to be group B.
So you deleted most of the paragraph to make it appear that Iri Hetes was a nigger when it never says the sort.
European (Caucasoid) groups: Possessing the next highest incidence of the Rh-negative gene and a relatively high incidence of group A2, with moderate frequencies of other blood group genes. Normal frequencies of the gene for blood group M.
S-s-. This phenotype occurs mainly in black people;… S-s- red cells lack “N” and M+N-S-s red cells are thus the only ones that are completely N negative… S-s is not found in White people.
Niggers do not have the M&N gene they are S-s.
Diop states: “ It is a notable fact that even today Egyptians, particularly in Upper Egypt, belong to the same Group B as the populations of western Africa on the Atlantic seaboard and not the A2 Group characteristic of the white race prior to any crossbreeding” (“Egypt Revisited, Volume 10” 1989 Van Sertima)
Posts: 58 | Registered: Oct 2009
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Personally I would expect that much of the New Kingdom would have Asiatic blood. That the Hyksos were absorbed into the population (especially the females).
Therefore, Caucasian blood type in King Tut would not surprise me at all.
Being of mixed ancestry is not equivalent to being White by any means.
Still, however, if going by Blood type we still have the issue of the Haratins to deal with.
Why is Mahilda using the 'N' word. How uneducated sounding that is. Repugnant!
-------------------- Across the sea of time, there can only be one of you. Make you the best one you can be. Posts: 4028 | From: NW USA | Registered: May 2005
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That is the funniest **** iv ever your one of those crazy human being's that think there's a such thing as a (Dark Skinned Caucasian Race).Really think with some common sense man really dark skinned Caucasian race really with no proof or information and the so called proof that you have is meant to undo.What ancient native african people.Have done for many many year's to be the first and the foundation for use all.
But because you yourself are clouded by lie's and you yourself are a sheep of a person that's been soup feed BS.By your forefather's or what have you ..that you must spread misinformation to your fellow human being and.Then call the Frist Human Being on the planet the dark skinned*Melanie skinned (African People).So that n word that you speak of is a misguided word for your own defeat and just show's .That you either need to become sane and found your own path to the truth or keep fishing in the wrong pond.
A till you go crazy which you probably all ready are.But keep hating us because that's the best you can do and that's what you and your type of people and your ancestor's.Have been doing for a long time now telling use bullshit story's (That we are nothing and we never created anything) which in itself is impossible.Breaking up family's and tribe's for your own purpose with more misinformation.But even that does not refute the overwhelming fact's that the ONLY PEOPLE ON THIS PLANET WE CALL EARTH THAT CAN CLAIM ANCIENT KEMET are the NATIVE INDIGENOUS ORIGINAL AFRICAN HUMANOID...PERIOD.
Also knowing that if your own scholar's are correct(Which is Fact) that the dark skinned african native people are .The first humans on this planet and if you refute that then go to those very .Indigenous people all over the world and see them for your self what they look like and who do you think there closest relative's are and.Think if they went to American or Any Race based country what would they be classified as ...
Im no Afrocentric person.. im a human being that his eye's..
-------------------- Were is the truth at.Why all the lies it's better not to lie and change others history because sooner or later you'll pay the price... Posts: 29 | From: Earth | Registered: Nov 2009
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bellows of desperation by Aryan incompetents debuked:
Strike 1: Tutankhamun, Smenkhkare, Yuya, Thuya and Amenhotep III all have A2 of the MN antigen. There is NOTHING you can do to change this..
You dumb fools. MN is a blood group of itself, it is not an antigen of Type A. lol.. Is this what you idiots call "Aryan science?" Here's a breakdown of the antigens in Type A.
as noted above, MN is not an antigen of A.. This must be Aryan "scholarship" at work....
The M and N genes are distributed across human populations- it is not a monopoly of "Caucasoids." How dumb can you people be? And Blood Type A does not have the "M/N antigen" fool. Blood type A has the 'A" antigen. Keep posting your "Aryan science." A good set up is coming..
Here's what your own author Adamo says about it.. Your own source debunks you" "When the MN system was first discovered it appeared rather uninteresting. It was of virtually no medical importance, and the frequencies of the M and N genes were closely similar, each near 50 per cent, in most populations available for testing. Only the American Indians, with much more M than N, relieved this uniformity." --P. Adamo 2000.
Strike 3: "Nigger, do YOU get it? You havent provided a single source showing that niggers have M & N blood genes.
lol.. up above you said MN was an antigen. Now you say it is a "blood gene?" Make up your mind idiot. EVERY HUMAN BEING HAS THE M AND N GENES.. quote:
"Most individuals are unaware of their MN type and it has little or no medical significance, but population studies have shown that the M and N genes are present in the population as approximately 50% each" --Genetics and DNA technology: legal aspects. By Wilson J. Wall (2002)
They quote Diop or Van Sertima's reputed statement: Nigger, Diop says: "It is a notable fact that even today Egyptians, particularly in Upper Egypt, belong to the same Group B as the populations of western Africa on the Atlantic seaboard and not the A2 Group characteristic of the white race prior to any crossbreeding” (“Egypt Revisited, Volume 10” 1989 Van Sertima)
lol.. you pathetic fools.. after talking up A2 as this great Caucasian marker you then quote DIop, but in doing so undermine your case again. Note that Diop says Egyptians are not merely A2 but also include type B as well. It turns out that Type B is itself an indicator of a link between Egyptians and other Africans. you fools shoot yourselves in the foot again.
Guess what? Your own Adamo source backs up Diop/Van Sertima.. (quote)
"Interestingly, Africa in general (independent of any racial categorization) has a higher incidence of group B than Europe or the Middle East. Whether this is the result of intermingling or the original B gene pool is unknown, however it does imply that the links between ancient Egypt and sub-Saharan Africa are deeper and older than generally recognized. " -- Adamo (2002) "The Complete Blood Type Encyclopedia. pg 14
Dumb incompetents! Your own sources confirm what Diop/Van Sertima is saying... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
That's three strikes for your idiotic "Aryan science"
one extra at bat, and you still strike out when your own source backs up Diop/vanSertima..
Where this touted "death blow"? Once again incompetents.... Posts: 5905 | From: The Hammer | Registered: Aug 2008
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Does it not say on Boyds chart that YOU posted:European: High A2.African: relatively high A2.I'm still waiting for you to produce evidence of negroids having A2 m/n.A2 is found primarily in Caucasians but it is trivial and significantly confined to isolated populations compared to the other 95% that makes up A1.OH YOU FINALLY SUCCUMBED TO THE TRUTH!!! It is only "trivial" to you because you dont want to hear it. No where did A'Damo ever claim it was "trivial", in fact just the opposite!"Of the minor forms of group A, only A2 is of any practical importance."“Blood group A is FOUND IN THE HIGHEST CONCENTRATIONS AMONG WESTERN EUROPEANS. The major grouping A1, accounts for about 95% of all A blood. The LARGEST SUBGROUP A2 IS FOUND PRINCIPALLY IN NORTHERN CAUCASIANS… The A2 gene is almost ENTIRELY CONFIEND TO CAUCASIAN POPULATIONS. (Complete Blood Type Encyclopedia: The A-Z Reference guide for the blood type). The map shows distribution of A which its highest concentration in Africa is in North Africa which extends into the Levant. It does not touch any of the remote pockets in sub-Sahara. Too bad. And you can stick your nose in that map!Nope. Not if A2 is only 5% of A (which is majority European), and you have to take into consideration there is also "Ax" and "Bantu-A" which eat into what little percentage you have left, and the bulk of that 5% is in Europe to boot. Never mind there is ZERO linking to any of the negroid groups.It's not just A2 that proves Tut is Caucasian, but that he was also classified as a Caucasian racially and that Yuya, a supposed "outsider" has the exact same blood type. Hard pill to swallow, huh.Those variants are mainly Ax and A-Bantu while A2 is in North Africa, of which Tut & family is proof of.O and B is not the issue here, A2 is, further, it does not state anything of the sort concerning blood group B as a link to sub-Saharans. It linked Iri Hetes to Persians! Here is the part YOU LEFT OUT:In the Middle-East it appears that tribes of Semitic group B nomads may have infiltrated into pre-existing Neolithic cultures, both passively and aggressively. Semitic peoples called the Hyksos were foreign rulers of Egypt during the Second Intermediate Period. Exactly who those foreign rulers were is not known, but it is assumed they were Asiatics. The Egyptian term for Hyksos merely means "rulers of foreign lands." It was once thought that foreign rule in Egypt would have necessarily entailed a violent overthrow, but instead there is the appearance of a peaceful takeover. More likely, the numbers of these foreigners slowly increased in the Delta region until they became a powerful political force. Under the rule of the Hyksos, the continuity of Egyptian culture and ritual was preserved, indicating that these foreign kings had become fully Egyptianized. Persian suzerainty may have also added large amount of B gene to the upper-class Egyptian gene pool, since a third century BC Egyptian mummy, 'Iset Iri Hetes' was recently typed and found to be group B.O and B are not race specific and third century BC was long after Egypts fall regardless.Desperating hollering nigger every third word as if volume alone will erase your incompetence won't save you.Who are you kidding? Not me. You cant even comprehend Boyds chart that you constantly refer to.Nope. I have asked you several times to provide where D'Adamo claims its trivial. You wont because you cant. In other words you are LYING and FORGING quotes.QUOTE FROM CONSERVATIVE BOYD:"4. African: High B, high Rho, some rh, high A25. European: moderately high rh, moderate B, moderate A2"According to their own conservative author then, King Tut is closer to Africans than Europeans on A2...This is an outright lie and you know it. Look at the chart YOU keep posting.According to Boyds chart PAGE 24 shows:European: High A2.African: relatively high A2."relativey" high is NOT the same as HIGH. You loose again, liar.When recent data is looked at, A2 is of minor importance and most variants of A are found in Africa, where A2 also occurs. Adamo and Whitney 2002. So no matter what you use- 1950s data or 2000 data- same result.. So much for your "white" King Tut..Another FORGED quote. It states on page 43:"Of the minor forms of group A, only A2 is of any practical importance."You better get your **** straight and stop copying from a mental patient, it really makes you look STUPID.Illiterate monkey, it says "most variants" it does not say "most of A2" BIG DIFFERENCE! Its most because it has three forms, while Europe has two in which A2 is [color="Red"]“FOUND IN THE HIGHEST CONCENTRATIONS AMONG WESTERN EUROPEANS. The major grouping A1, accounts for about 95% of all A blood. The LARGEST SUBGROUP A2 IS FOUND PRINCIPALLY IN NORTHERN CAUCASIANS… The A2 gene is almost ENTIRELY CONFIEND TO CAUCASIAN POPULATIONS.
Posts: 58 | Registered: Oct 2009
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Dumbass, A2 is found in heavily Europe in SMALL, ISOLATED populations. Its occurrence is trivial. It is also found in very high concentrations in people like Blackfoot Indians. It is also found in Africa. You got busted in another lie when you earlier made out A2 to be all Caucasian, both here and on your other dumb site. So there goes your "Cakazoid" Tut out the window.. Trying to obscure your failure won't work.
Note below how minor A2 is but it is also found in Africa. Note the greater percentages of B and O in Africa as well. Your idiotic 'Aryan Science' won't wash.
bellows of desperation by Aryan incompetents debunked:
Strike 1: Tutankhamun, Smenkhkare, Yuya, Thuya and Amenhotep III all have A2 of the MN antigen. There is NOTHING you can do to change this..
You dumb fools. MN is a blood group of itself, it is not an antigen of Type A. lol.. Is this what you idiots call "Aryan science?" Here's a breakdown of the antigens in Type A.
as noted above, MN is not an antigen of A.. This must be Aryan "scholarship" at work....
The M and N genes are distributed across human populations- it is not a monopoly of "Caucasoids." How dumb can you people be? And Blood Type A does not have the "M/N antigen" fool. Blood type A has the 'A" antigen. Keep posting your "Aryan science." A good set up is coming..
Here's what your own author Adamo says about it.. Your own source debunks you" "When the MN system was first discovered it appeared rather uninteresting. It was of virtually no medical importance, and the frequencies of the M and N genes were closely similar, each near 50 per cent, in most populations available for testing. Only the American Indians, with much more M than N, relieved this uniformity." --P. Adamo 2000.
Strike 3: "Nigger, do YOU get it? You havent provided a single source showing that niggers have M & N blood genes.
lol.. up above you said MN was an antigen. Now you say it is a "blood gene?" Make up your mind idiot. EVERY HUMAN BEING HAS THE M AND N GENES.. quote:
"Most individuals are unaware of their MN type and it has little or no medical significance, but population studies have shown that the M and N genes are present in the population as approximately 50% each" --Genetics and DNA technology: legal aspects. By Wilson J. Wall (2002)
They quote Diop or Van Sertima's reputed statement: Nigger, Diop says: "It is a notable fact that even today Egyptians, particularly in Upper Egypt, belong to the same Group B as the populations of western Africa on the Atlantic seaboard and not the A2 Group characteristic of the white race prior to any crossbreeding” (“Egypt Revisited, Volume 10” 1989 Van Sertima)
lol.. you pathetic fools.. after talking up A2 as this great Caucasian marker you then quote DIop, but in doing so undermine your case again. Note that Diop says Egyptians are not merely A2 but also include type B as well. It turns out that Type B is itself an indicator of a link between Egyptians and other Africans. you fools shoot yourselves in the foot again.
Guess what? Your own Adamo source backs up Diop/Van Sertima in terms of B links.. (quote)
"Interestingly, Africa in general (independent of any racial categorization) has a higher incidence of group B than Europe or the Middle East. Whether this is the result of intermingling or the original B gene pool is unknown, however it does imply that the links between ancient Egypt and sub-Saharan Africa are deeper and older than generally recognized. " -- Adamo (2002) "The Complete Blood Type Encyclopedia. pg 14
quote:Originally posted by zarahan: You people are not only idiotic, but incompetent as well. Boyd's first chart doesnt say anything about A2. You created that bogus "point" to create a bogus strawman to "debate." You are now trying to backtrack by clouding your original claim, but no one is being fooled.
A2 is found primarily in Caucasians but it is trivial and significantly confined to isolated populations compared to the other 95% that makes up A1. By playing up A2 you stepped on a minefield of your own making. Whatsa matta? Can't stand the heat?
You claimed that A2 proved King Tut was white. As shown by credible sources, A2 is quite present in Africa, well within the range for Tut to acquire. In fact your own source Adamo says the most variants of A itself are in Africa. But A2 is only part of the picture. Egyptians also have type O and B, and Africans exceed Europeans in frequencies of these, coming closer to Egyptians. And finally your own source as to Type B states quite clearly that there is a clear link between Egyptians and Africans. Desperating hollering nigger every third word as if volume alone will erase your incompetence won't save you. You are defeated. Now run along..
Yeah.. that Boyd chart is itself from your own Adamo reference.. pg 24 Your own source debunks you..
And the "more recent" Adam reference shows that A2 is trivial. quote:
"There are over 20 recognized variants of group A- although about 95% of all As are A1. Most of the variants are found in Africa, and probably represent adaptations to local parasites. These include A2, Ax and A-Bantu." -- (Complete blood type encyclopedia: the A-Z reference guide for the blood type. By Peter J. D'Adamo, Catherine Whitney, 2002, pg 43).
And their own conservative scholars undercut their claims. Below is the research of conservative scholar Boyd who was cited earlier in Adamo 2002. Boyd used Blood groups to sort the races, and continued to do so in the 1960s along with Connoly:
RACES AND PEOPLE BY William C.Boyd, 1955 Abelard-Schumann, New York quote:
Now we can summarize our six genetic races: ~
1. Australian (Aboriginal): low B or none, low M, no A2
2. American (Indian): low B or none, low N, no A2
3. Asian: High B, high Rhz, no A2
4. African: High B, high Rho, some rh, high A2
5. European: moderately high rh, moderate B, moderate A2
6. Early European: very high rh, no B
~ The genes for O and A are so widespread among all groups of people that they are nearly useless in racial classification.
The six races (plus a seventh race which is less clear-cut) divide the world in an interesting manner. We can follow immigration waves that we could not follow if we used skin color or some other obvious physical characteristic. For instance, a group of immigrants high in A must have entered western Japan from Korea in the not distant past and spread eastward. That would account for the variation of frequency in the A gene in different parts of Japan.
As we learn more about the blood-group genes, and about other genes, too, and as we test more and more people all over the earth, we can expect to be able to trace man's evolution more exactly and to learn the stages by which he has populated the world. ------------------------------
Get it? when conservative when Boyd did the analysis on blood groups in the 1950s, guess which group had the highest A2? Was it "wandering Caucasoids" flitting in an out of the Nile Valley to make Tut white? No. The groups with the highest A2 are Africans. Europeans only have moderate levels of A2 according to their own conservative blood race typing guy...
"4. African: High B, high Rho, some rh, high A2
5. European: moderately high rh, moderate B, moderate A2"
According to their own conservative author then, King Tut is closer to Africans than Europeans on A2...
When recent data is looked at, A2 is of minor importance and most variants of A are found in Africa, where A2 also occurs. Adamo and Whitney 2002. So no matter what you use- 1950s data or 2000 data- same result.. So much for your "white" King Tut..
And blood group research shows their own precious "white purity" is nothing of the sort. Cavalli-Sforza ran blood group data and found whites to be a mongrel, hybrid population.
Finally when all is said and done on Blood Groups- the advantages lies with Africans not idiotic "Aryan" "white Egyptians"..
Advantage African in Type B
Furthermore the Egyptians have substantial frequencies of "B". In Europe however (quote) "In Europe, B frequency varies from between 8% and 12%." (Daniels 2006) and quote: "Blood group B is a distinctly non-Indo-European blood type. (Adamo 2002).
In Egypt the frequency of B is much higher- 24% (Beckman 1959). Among Bantu groups B frequencies average 19% (Beckman 1959). In terms of type B then, the African percentages are much closer to the Egyptians than the Europeans.
Advantage African in Type O
As regards type "O" the greatest frequencies are found in the Americas, Australia and Africa, not Europe. Quote: "Populations with a group O phenotype frequency greater than 60% are found in native people of the Americas and in parts of Africa and Australia, but not in most of Europe or Asia." (Daniels 2006).
In Egypt the frequency of O is 33% (Beckman 1959) compared to the bantu average of 46%. (Beckman 1959), compared to smaller O frequencies for Europe. In terms of Type O then, the African percentages are much closer to Egyptians than Europeans.
Summary- overall advantage: African
Summary: In 2 out of 3 blood groups, the Africans and closer to the Egyptians (Africans 66% - Europeans 33%). Advantage: African. As for blood group A it is also found in Africa, though in lesser percentages than in Europe. However A1 makes up 95% of the A blood grouping. A2 is trivial in this group, being confined mostly to people like Lapps. Assorted "Aryan" claims to make King Tut white center around reputed findings of A2, but this rare marker is trivial to begin with. A2 is also found in Africa. Daniels 2006 shows A2 very much present in Africa. Hence white supremacist appropriation of King Tut based on blood type are idiotic.
Africa itself provides more than enough variation to accommodate A2. King Tut then had more than enough scope to pick up A2 within Africa without needing the presence of "wandering Caucasoids" in the Nile Valley. (Source: Daniels 2006, Essential Guide to Blood Groups).
So much for appropriating Egypt for "white Egyptians" based on blood type.
finally from their own Adamo reference is this statement that Africans are linked significantly with Egyptians. Their own reference again undermines them. So much for the fantasy "white Egypt" based on blood type.. quote: Interestingly, Africa in general (independent of any racial categorization) has a higher incidence of group B than Europe or the Middle East. Whether this is the result of intermingling or the original B gene pool is unknown, however it does imply that the links between ancient Egypt and sub-Saharan Africa are deeper and older than generally recognized. " -- Adamo (2002) "The Complete Blood Type Encyclopedia. pg 14
Posts: 5905 | From: The Hammer | Registered: Aug 2008
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The gentleman who began this thread identifies himself aristocratically as J. Philippe Rushton.
The J. Philippe Rushton persona starting to post (24 Oct 2009), and with just 47 posts began heavily contributing about the same time the honorable Dirk8 began tapering off.
I’d say the rivited attention they focus on trying to discredit blacks; the use of the same type of passionate denunciation; the same or similar word-choice makes them one-in-the-same.
They are great entertainment and I for one would like to see more from them. Their comments are not only educational but great fun.
. .
Is this allowed, to doublenick and use a real persons name?
Whites are albinos and descendents of albinos, coming out of blacks. Why the hell are people so intended on finding genetic differences?
Posts: 5454 | From: Holland | Registered: Aug 2008
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There are A, B, AB and O; and variations within those and M &N are a variation of A2, stupid. Most "VARIATIONS" are in Africa (it doesnt state which parts so LOOK AT THE MAP!) and it doesnt state that Africa has HIGH A2 like it does in Europe.
M&N are antigens within A2, nigger. You have misunderstood D'Adamo, again.
It's D'Adamo, illiterate nigger. You misunderstand the book (typical) just like you misunderstand his name. You have misspelled his name in every post of yours, stupid. But keep reading...
Yes nigger, MN is a blood gene within the blood group. GET IT?
“Furthermore, both Tutankhamun and the body in question were blood group A2, with the serum antigen MN, all suggesting close consanguinity” (“Ancient Egyptian Medicine” 2002 Nunn)
Smenkhkare and Tutankhamen both belong to the same blood groups A2 and MN.” (“Kinship of Smenkhkare and Tutankhamen affirmed by Serological Micromethod: Microdetermination of Blood Group Substances in Ancient Human Tissue”
Strike 3: "Nigger, do YOU get it? You havent provided a single source showing that niggers have M & N blood genes.
lol.. up above you said MN was an antigen. Now you say it is a "blood gene?" Make up your mind idiot. EVERY HUMAN BEING HAS THE M AND N GENES.. quote:
"Most individuals are unaware of their MN type and it has little or no medical significance, but population studies have shown that the M and N genes are present in the population as approximately 50% each" --Genetics and DNA technology: legal aspects. By Wilson J. Wall (2002)
I really have no idea what youre trying to postulate here nigger. MN is an antigen/type/blood gene within a blood group and those groups are A, B, AB or O.
“All three samples were blood group A – specifically A2– but in the MNS system Amenhotep III’s blood group was M, while Yuya’s and Thuya’s were both group N. As their daughter, Tiye’s combined blood group would have been A2N. Her children by Amenhotep III would have been A2MN – and this means that Amenhotep and Tiye could have been Tutankhamen’s parents, as this was his blood group… Their daughter Sitamun’s blood group would also have been A2MN – so Tutankhamen could have inherited his blood group from her. It’s equally likely statistically. Not being able to get a definitive answer was disappointing – but working out Queen Tiye’s and Sitamun’s blood groups may prove useful for identification purposes if more female bodies are discovered.” (“Kinship of Smenkhare and Tutankhamen demonstrated serologically” 1969 Harrison, Connolly & Abdalla)
It turns out that Type B is itself an indicator of a link between Egyptians and other Africans.
No, its not. From the book which you completely left the entire paragraph out states:
“In the Middle-East it appears that tribes of Semitic group B nomads may have infiltrated into pre-existing Neolithic cultures, both passively and aggressively. Semitic peoples called the Hyksos were foreign rulers of Egypt during the Second Intermediate Period. Exactly who those foreign rulers were is not known, but it is assumed they were Asiatics. The Egyptian term for Hyksos merely means "rulers of foreign lands." It was once thought that foreign rule in Egypt would have necessarily entailed a violent overthrow, but instead there is the appearance of a peaceful takeover. More likely, the numbers of these foreigners slowly increased in the Delta region until they became a powerful political force. Under the rule of the Hyksos, the continuity of Egyptian culture and ritual was preserved, indicating that these foreign kings had become fully Egyptianized. Persian suzerainty may have also added large amount of B gene to the upper-class Egyptian gene pool, since a third century BC Egyptian mummy, 'Iset Iri Hetes' was recently typed and found to be group B.” (“Blood groups and the history of peoples” excerpted from “The Complete Blood Type Encyclopedia” by Peter D'Adamo, published by Penguin Putnam Inc 2002)
No WORD concerning B being negroid or even strictly negroid. In this, it says that B is Persian. which is moot anyway since this is the 3rd century B.C. Your link is NOT an ORIGIN and flows perfectly with the 2008 study:"since Roman times, gene flow from the Sub-Saharan region has affected gene frequencies of individuals from the oasis.” (“Research on ancient DNA in the Near East” Mateusz Baca, Martyna Molak 2008)
You've received the death blow, nigger, right over your brillopad head, and if there was any honor in your word, you would have ejected yourself by now.
"Tutankhamun was not black" Zahi Hawass
“determined from the skull that the person had been male, 18 to 20 years old, with Caucasoid features” anthropologist Jean-Noel Vignal ScienceDaily (May 11, 2005)
“A2 Group characteristic of the white race prior to any crossbreeding” Diopshits (“Egypt Revisited, Volume 10” 1989 Van Sertima)
“subgroup A2 is found principally in Northern Caucasians.” (“Complete Blood Type Encyclopedia: The A-Z Reference Guide For The Blood Type” 2002 D’Adamo, Whitney)
The A2 gene is almost entirely confined to Caucasian populations.” (“Complete Blood Type Encyclopedia: The A-Z Reference Guide For The Blood Type” 2002 D’Adamo, Whitney)
“European Caucasians: a relatively high incidence of group A2 with moderate frequencies of other blood group genes. Normal frequencies of the gene for blood group M.” (“Complete Blood Type Encyclopedia: The A-Z Reference Guide For The Blood Type” 2002 D’Adamo, Whitney)
"King [Tutankhamen] was of blood group A2 with the antigens M and N present." (“Tutankhamen: The Life and Death of the Boy-King”2001 El Mahdy)
Posts: 58 | Registered: Oct 2009
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^^ lol.. earlier our 'Aryan scientists' claimed that there were no blacks with the MN gene.. Now their own source, the conservative Boyd above, contradicts them. Incompetents..
Aryan 'gene transfusion' at work... lmao..
Posts: 5905 | From: The Hammer | Registered: Aug 2008
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You have done a great job in showing once again how the most venerated Niggers in the Eurocentric world were unquestionably related to us other Niggers.
-------------------- D. Reynolds-Marniche Posts: 4226 | From: New Jersey, USA | Registered: Mar 2007
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So now King Tut is a nigerian? There is no evidence of that nigger.It doesnt say A2m or A2n or A2mn, try again apeface.
“Blood group A is found in the highest concentrations among western Europeans…there are many varieties of group A… The largest subgroup A2 is found principally in Northern Caucasians. A2 is found in very high concentration in Iceland and Scandinavia, particulary among the Lapps, ancient settlers of the area… The A2 gene is almost entirely confined to Caucasian populations….European Caucasians...a relatively high incidence of group A2 with moderate frequencies of other blood group genes. Normal frequencies of the gene for blood group M.” (“Complete Blood Type Encyclopedia: The A-Z Reference Guide For The Blood Type” 2002 D’Adamo, Whitney)
Caucasians: group O, 44%; A1, 33%; A2, 10%; B, 9%; A1B, 3%; A2B, 1%
Blacks: group O, 49%; A1, 19%; A2, 8%; B, 20%; A1B, 3%; A2B, 1%
Asians: group O, 43%; A1, 27%; A2, rare; B, 25%; A1B, 5%; A2B, rare
Lookie there nigger^ your own source debunks you. Now how many niggers have A2m, A2n or A2mn? Hardly any! Niggers have Ax and A Bantu. The North African A of which Tut is part of extends completely across N.Africa straight into the Levant without any broken links. There are NO links into any other areas of Africa or sub-Sahara.
Frequency of ABO blood group antigens A: 43% Caucasians, 27% Blacks, 28% Asians
A1: 34% Caucasians, 19% Blacks, 27% Asians
“..when blood groupings were established by Dr. Connolly of Liverpool University, that the King [Tutankhamen] was of blood group A2 with the antigens M and N present… this was identical to the blood group of the body in Tomb 55…Harrison surmised that the body in Tomb 55 was in all probability Tutankhamen’s brother, Smenkhkare.” (“Tutankhamen: The Life and Death of the Boy-King”2001 El Mahdy)
...and you said M and N arent antigens, stupid ****.
You and your nigger crack pot beliefs have been trashed. Over and over and over.
Now you be a good chimp and find an accredited anthropologist or Egyptologist that unequivocally states Tut was a nigger. LMAO! You wont, because you cant.
Here is the head Egyptologist with a PhD:
"Tutankhamun was not black, and the portrayal of ancient Egyptian civilization as black has no element of truth to it."
There is NOTHING you can do, nigger.
Posts: 58 | Registered: Oct 2009
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So now King Tut is a nigerian? There is no evidence of that nigger.It doesnt say A2m or A2n or A2mn, try again apeface.
“Blood group A is found in the highest concentrations among western Europeans…there are many varieties of group A… The largest subgroup A2 is found principally in Northern Caucasians. A2 is found in very high concentration in Iceland and Scandinavia, particulary among the Lapps, ancient settlers of the area… The A2 gene is almost entirely confined to Caucasian populations….European Caucasians...a relatively high incidence of group A2 with moderate frequencies of other blood group genes. Normal frequencies of the gene for blood group M.” (“Complete Blood Type Encyclopedia: The A-Z Reference Guide For The Blood Type” 2002 D’Adamo, Whitney)
Caucasians: group O, 44%; A1, 33%; A2, 10%; B, 9%; A1B, 3%; A2B, 1%
Blacks: group O, 49%; A1, 19%; A2, 8%; B, 20%; A1B, 3%; A2B, 1%
Asians: group O, 43%; A1, 27%; A2, rare; B, 25%; A1B, 5%; A2B, rare
Lookie there nigger^ your own source debunks you. Now how many niggers have A2m, A2n or A2mn? Hardly any! Niggers have Ax and A Bantu. The North African A of which Tut is part of extends completely across N.Africa straight into the Levant without any broken links. There are NO links into any other areas of Africa or sub-Sahara.
Frequency of ABO blood group antigens A: 43% Caucasians, 27% Blacks, 28% Asians
A1: 34% Caucasians, 19% Blacks, 27% Asians
“..when blood groupings were established by Dr. Connolly of Liverpool University, that the King [Tutankhamen] was of blood group A2 with the antigens M and N present… this was identical to the blood group of the body in Tomb 55…Harrison surmised that the body in Tomb 55 was in all probability Tutankhamen’s brother, Smenkhkare.” (“Tutankhamen: The Life and Death of the Boy-King”2001 El Mahdy)
...and you said M and N arent antigens, stupid ****.
You and your nigger crack pot beliefs have been trashed. Over and over and over.
Now you be a good chimp and find an accredited anthropologist or Egyptologist that unequivocally states Tut was a nigger. LMAO! You wont, because you cant.
Here is the head Egyptologist with a PhD:
"Tutankhamun was not black, and the portrayal of ancient Egyptian civilization as black has no element of truth to it."
There is NOTHING you can do, nigger.
Posts: 58 | Registered: Oct 2009
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No response? I have officially won this debate. Zaharan has absolutely no rebuttal to the overwhelming factual information, that supports White Egypt. ey nigger, why don't you act like a human being for once and try to take your defeat like a "man", if it is at all possible? There's no need to throw a temper tantrum about it. Just accept the fact that your race of shitskins never invented or accomplished anything nor developed any civilization and just move on... you fucking worthless nigger.
Posts: 58 | Registered: Oct 2009
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Cite one source showing the so call made up combination and where is has any racial implications! You stupid worthless lying idiot!
This is the reality you need to deal with:
Caucasians: group O, 44%; A1, 33%; A2, 10%; B, 9%; A1B, 3%; A2B, 1%
Blacks: group O, 49%; A1, 19%; A2, 8%; B, 20%; A1B, 3%; A2B, 1%
Asians: group O, 43%; A1, 27%; A2, rare; B, 25%; A1B, 5%; A2B, rare
G. Paoli, in "ABO Typing of Ancient Egyptians" IN _Population biology of ancient Egyptians_, edited by D.R. Brothwell and B.A. Chiarelli, London, New York, 1973, showed that the Dynastic Egyptians were most closely matched with the Haratin of the northern Sahara. Paoli mentions the theory of Cabot-Briggs (Cabot-Briggs, L. (1958), _The Living Races of the Sahara Desert, Massachussets) that this resemblance might indicate the origin of the Haratin. Here are the figures given for the two groups from Paoli (p. 464):
Modern Northern Haratin and Dynastic Egyptian ------------------------------------------------------------------------ No. O A B AB p q r ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Egyptians 160 34 64 34 28 34.35 21.45 44.20 (Paoli) Haratin 202 40 80 57 25 30.99 23.14 48.87 (Mourant) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Black North Africans are closer to Ancient Egyptians than modern day Egyptians.
END of Line you punk as bitch!
Posts: 4028 | From: NW USA | Registered: May 2005
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No Osirion you are wrong, Egyptians were Northern "Caucasians", Lapps, Icelanders, Scandinavians and what not. lol
Posts: 4254 | From: dasein | Registered: Jun 2009
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^ Hey Bogus - shut up or put up some evidence.
Deal with this:
G. Paoli, in "ABO Typing of Ancient Egyptians" IN _Population biology of ancient Egyptians_, edited by D.R. Brothwell and B.A. Chiarelli, London, New York, 1973, showed that the Dynastic Egyptians were most closely matched with the Haratin of the northern Sahara. Paoli mentions the theory of Cabot-Briggs (Cabot-Briggs, L. (1958), _The Living Races of the Sahara Desert, Massachussets) that this resemblance might indicate the origin of the Haratin. Here are the figures given for the two groups from Paoli (p. 464):
Modern Northern Haratin and Dynastic Egyptian ------------------------------------------------------------------------ No. O A B AB p q r ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Egyptians 160 34 64 34 28 34.35 21.45 44.20 (Paoli) Haratin 202 40 80 57 25 30.99 23.14 48.87 (Mourant) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Posts: 4028 | From: NW USA | Registered: May 2005
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J. Philippe Rushton You have not had a victory on this board since the time of the Gods..You like playing the part of stay getting getting your azz whipped.
Posts: 6546 | From: japan | Registered: Feb 2009
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He was embarrassed a few months back under the name "fawal" and here again under "J. Philippe Rushton". The guy is a masochist indeed!
Posts: 4254 | From: dasein | Registered: Jun 2009
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Bogle ^he can't be Fawal..Fawal got some kinda brains on him although he is dead wrong and a racist to boot this guy is a total dumb azz.. Posts: 6546 | From: japan | Registered: Feb 2009
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I still think our J. Philippe Rushton is Dirk8. Keep in mind that (1) they don't come to one another's aid and (2) when one dominates to board for some days, the other is absent.
Why? Because Mr. aristocratically-sounding J. Philippe Rushton is likely a Dirk8 alias.
. .
-------------------- The nature of homelife is the fate of the nation. Posts: 2334 | Registered: May 2006
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"Mad" is about right. "J. Phillepe" over here on ES is a guy user-named blacksupremacist on who keeps getting into these debates with rancid racists. He copies and pastes their posts from Arguewith over here to ES, then copies and pastes replies people make here on ES back to Arguewith, rather than do his own research.
He also keeps playing the racists game over there. Their only hope is loudness, yelling 'nigger' every line as if that will cover their stupidity. Much better he lets them debate by themselves while copying massive chunks of 'Mein Kampf' or other such filler to their threads.
Much better he comes on ES and summarizes their idiotic points/arguments, or provide just brief excerpts, then ask for comment, rather than trolling here and copying and pasting all their racist garbage over here on ES. He is only playing into their hands. The racist dogs want attention and he is providing it. Why give an enemy what he most wants? It is also laziness on his part. If he is going to keep feeding them, he needs to do his own research, and if he wants help he should not be dumping all their racist crud over here.
He should know better. Copying and pasting arguments is one thing- the other garbage is another. The fact that Blacksuprema is not even cleaning up the garbage before he brings it over here, but trolls along with straight copy and paste shows how lazy he is.
Blacksupremacist your best bet is to let them "debate" themselves, comforting themselves with erroneous "facts". Clean up and post brief pieces here where they can be quickly destroyed with real facts. There is no need to copy and paste over replies to the rabid dogs, who will not be convinced anyway. Leave them in isolation while they keep reinforcing their errors. They will not be convinced by any of your counterarguments. Why pay attention to or attempt to convince people whose main activity is hollering 'nigger'? Why get into the gutter and play their game?
Tactically your approach is all wrong.
Posts: 124 | From: Zurich | Registered: May 2009
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lzkh - There are few serious posters left, amusing ourselves with the White rabble is about all that's left.
Posts: 22721 | Registered: Oct 2005
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Brothers and sisters, I'm debating some devils on arguewitheveryone and need sources proving Ancient Kemet was Black and that their blood type was not Caucasoid. Could you all help me out?
Posts: 248 | Registered: Aug 2009
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quote: Brothers and sisters, I'm debating some devils on arguewitheveryone and need sources proving Ancient Kemet was Black and that their blood type was not Caucasoid. Could you all help me out?
HELL NO!!!Posts: 6546 | From: japan | Registered: Feb 2009
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quote:Originally posted by Brada-Anansi: blacksupremacist123
quote: Brothers and sisters, I'm debating some devils on arguewitheveryone and need sources proving Ancient Kemet was Black and that their blood type was not Caucasoid. Could you all help me out?
Brada-Anansi why won't you aid me in proving the Kemetians were Black? You all told me, if I would stop using a sock account and stop cutting and pasting back and forth between arguewitheveryone and Egypt Search Forum, you all would help me out. You must be one of those uncle toms, that consistently attacks and ridicules the 100% factual, credible, and respectable research of the extremely intelligent scholars known as Marc Washington and Clyde Winters.
The blood of our ancestors who built the Pyramids, does not run through you.
The spirit of the Zulus, who defeated the British does not emanate from you.
The blood of the Nubians, who defeated the Arabs does not run through you.
The blood of our ancestors who built the world's first civilization does not run through you.
The courage of our ancestors who survived 500 years of slavery, suffering and death does not run through you.
Posts: 248 | Registered: Aug 2009
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