Thanks to the words of Dr. Ray Hagins, once I ruminated over the fact that you only know what you know based upon what you know -- it struck me that I must always be about the business of expanding my own horizons as long as I live.
Wisdom, indeed--exists in references other than the biblical text -- especially since this work is a non-authentic makeup of Ancient Egypt literature (e.g. The Book of Coming Forth Into The Light.). Although the imposter's known today by the names------ Romans(Theodosius, Constantine, Julius Caesar), Jews(Levites), Greeks and Moslems (Caliph Omar of Damascus) did their level best to erase the very source/origin of their own existence --their methods were not thorough.
Recently I came across "The Secret Source" by Maja D'Aous and Adam Parfrey. Pages 117-118 of this text goes into great detail about the destruction of the Great Ancient Egyptian who brought theosophy to the world. In addition, this work confirms what Dr. Darkwah said previously of the destruction of the Great Ancient Egyptians in "The Africans Who Wrote The Bible" and "Destruction of Black Civilization" by Dr. Chancellor Williams. "The Secret Source" --however-- speaks of Thoth and how this mythical/mystical GOD brought the language of the Metu Neter (e.g. the Greeks called these words hieroglyph) to these Great people who called themselves KMT or Ta-Meri (e.g. Land of The Blacks).
It is obvious to anyone who thinks outside the box that a collusion took place by several cultures in order to usurp and demean this Great People and fool the world at the same time. Further, when I understand that the Roman word "pagan" was used incessantly to demean the people who personified the DIVINITY OF THE GOD/GODDESS, in the first place my thoughts become clear on the Roman plan to put Christianity on a pedestal while destroying the origin --Egyptian Theosophy. Of course, the Romans persecuted these "'pagans" under the rule of Theodosius before embracing their hermetic beliefs and turning them into a weak form of spirituality known as Roman Catholism (e.g. Christianity) under Constantine. Hmmm. Now there's a twist! It is a fact that more people have been persecuted ---men, women and children under this Christian rule in the name of GOD/GODDESS than any other movement at any other time in history.
I definitely need to re-evaluate my use of the word "pagan". And to think, I've been using the term to describe the people that I love---when I describe holidays. Hence forth the word "heathen" will suffice. It is The Great Ancient Egyptians --who brought knowledge, understanding and wisdom to this Planet; for were it not so we all would still be in the dayum dark.
I digress...
It seems this Theodosius person put forth an edict in 384AD to strike the Metu Neter from the tongues of men -- since at that time the whole world embraced Egyptian thought and spirituality. As a result of his actions this ancient language passed into obscurity. It would not be until 1822 when Frances Champolian (e.g. I knew this already) decoded the slab known as the Rosetta Stone -----that the meaning of these sacred words would resurface. We have Napoleon Bonaparte to thank for his savage plundering of these precious artifacts out of Egypt.
It seems that under Theodosius' reign his henchmen, the so-called religious monks---ran a muck throughout Egypt destroying meeting spots, synagogues and temples. Their genocidal melee' was exact and thorough --right down to the children.
So after all this time I am supposed to believe that Christianity is precious and sacred when actually it is a watered down version of a much older and more ancient system that actually thrived for thousands of years -- I think not!
Caduceus - symbolic staff carried by Thoth and later usurped by the medical profession
Frances Champolian - decoded the Rosetta Stone
Constantine -- An Emperor of Rome
Hieroglyph - greek word for Metu Neter
Hermetic Mysteries - 7 Laws/Principles:
Mental--The ALL IS mental Correspondence--So above, As Below -- So Below, As Above Vibration--Everything Moves & Vibrates Polarity--Like & unlike are extremes of various degrees Rhythm--Eve rything flows in and out; rises and falls Cause/Effect--Everything happens as a result of this law rather than just by chance Gender--The Male/Female aspect exists in everything on every plane (e.g. this is not the only plane)
Metu Neter - ancient, sacred language of the Egyptians brought to them by the one so ancient that he became a myth, Thoth (e.g "thought" comes from this word)
Pagan - civilian, rustic villager -- a word used by Romans to describe the Egyptians who were "NOT" Christians at that time
Rosetta Stone - a slab that Napoleon Bonaparte plundered from Egypt that was later decoded
Theosophy - any of various forms of philosophical and spiritual thought created and based upon the mystical insight of the Great Ancient Egyptians on the DIVINE nature of The GOD/GODDESS
Theodosius - Roman Emperor
Thoth - mythical GOD who carried the caduceus (e.g. same as Hermes to the Greeks and Mercury to the Romans)
"...But when the pendulum swings once more towards the side of synthesis, as it must do in the coming epoch--for we are but repeating today in greater detail what happened in the early centuries--then scholarship will once more recognize the unity of religion under the diversity of creeds and return to the original doctrine of the Hermetic Mysteries..." -- GRS Mead, Commentary on the Pymander