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Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :

In researching the genetic characteristics of Amerindians, I was struck by the fact that ONLY mtDNA results were available. This seemed strange, in that NOT only female skeletons have been found, and as we all know, Mothers are only half of the story.

Additionally; The relatively short chronological range of mtDNA as compared with Y-dna, and it’s susceptibility to oxidative damage, makes it’s choice as the defacto method of analysis, all the more strange.


Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is the DNA located in organelles called mitochondria. Most other DNA present in eukaryotic organisms is found in the cell nucleus. Nuclear and mitochondrial DNA are thought to be of separate evolutionary origin, with the mtDNA being derived from the circular genomes of the bacteria that were engulfed by the early ancestors of today's eukaryotic cells.
Unlike nuclear DNA, which is inherited from both parents and in which genes are rearranged in the process of recombination, there is usually no change in mtDNA from parent to offspring. Although mtDNA also recombines, it does so with copies of itself within the same mitochondrion. Because of this and because the mutation rate of animal mtDNA is higher than that of nuclear DNA, mtDNA is a powerful tool for tracking ancestry through females (matrilineage) and has been used in this role to track the ancestry of many species back hundreds of generations.
mtDNA is particularly susceptible to reactive oxygen species generated by the respiratory chain due to its close proximity. Though mtDNA is packaged by proteins and harbors significant DNA repair capacity, these protective functions are less robust than those operating on nuclear DNA and therefore thought to contribute to enhanced susceptibility of mtDNA to oxidative damage.
Data from the comparisons is used to construct a network of relationships among the sequences, which provides an estimate of the relationships among the individuals or species from which the mtDNAs were taken. This approach has limits that are imposed by the rate of mtDNA sequence change. In animals, the rapid rate of change makes mtDNA most useful for comparisons of individuals within species and for comparisons of species that are closely or moderately-closely related, among which the number of sequence differences can be easily counted. As the species become more distantly related, the number of sequence differences becomes very large; changes begin to accumulate on changes until an accurate count becomes impossible. Compare this to the precision of Y-dna.

The basic science: The yDNA test is used for testing males only. The Y-DNA test uses information from the y-chromosome, which is passed from father to son, essentially unchanged.

My suspicion that something was afoot was confirmed by this revelation:

Unexpected Patterns of Mitochondrial DNA
Variation Among Native Americans From the
Southeastern United States
Deborah A. (Weiss) Bolnick1* and David Glenn Smith1,2

Recent admixture with other non-Muskogeanspeaking
populations has probably also occurred.
Today, Muskogean-speaking populations in Oklahoma
live near Osage (Siouan), Delaware (Algonquian),
and Shawnee (Algonquian) populations. Mitochondrial
DNA from these three populations has
not been well-studied, but the Delaware and Shawnee
sequences included in our analysis do not provide
any evidence of admixture with Muskogean
speakers. Such recent admixture is also likely to
have been acknowledged and is unlikely to have
occurred at sufficient levels to generate such dramatic
differences in haplogroup frequencies. Lastly,
European or African admixture cannot account for
the divergent Muskogean haplogroup frequencies
since no European or African haplogroups were
identified in the 66 Muskogeans we studied, and any
previously studied Muskoke or Seminole individuals
with European or African haplogroups were excluded from all analyses.

This revelation, of course makes it clear that there is an ongoing conspiracy to limit the scope of Amerindian research to people of Beringa/Asian origins – consciously and completely removing non-Asian populations from the discussion.

A common quote is: mtDNA Haplogroup (*) is believed to have arisen in Asia some 60,000 years before present.

But as we all know; or should know – Modern Man originated in Africa, and the ONLY way to trace his journey to Asia, and the descendants that he spawned IN Asia is with Y-DNA. We also know from “less racist scientist” that The FIRST Americans (the Palo-Americans) were Australians and Polynesians. Additionally we know that the second migration out of Africa 55,000 ya, populated China and all of Asia with Blacks. And as we all know, Modern Man existed in Africa and even Asia long before these Asians even began to think about entering the Americas. These people ALREADY had a genetic history: The use of mtDNA is of course meant to obscure this fact

However, even thought Blacks and their DNA has been completely frozen out of the discussion; surprise, surprise – some White DNA has been allowed to surface.

mtDNA Haplogroup X: An Ancient Link between Europe/Western Asia and North America?" The American Society of Human Genetics .
"On the basis of comprehensive RFLP analysis, it has been inferred that 97% of Native American mtDNAs belong to one of four major founding mtDNA lineages, designated haplogroups "A""D." It has been proposed that a fifth mtDNA haplogroup (haplogroup X) represents a minor founding lineage in Native Americans. Unlike haplogroups AD, haplogroup X is also found at low frequencies in modern European populations. To investigate the origins, diversity, and continental relationships of this haplogroup, we performed mtDNA high-resolution RFLP and complete control region (CR) sequence analysis on 22 putative Native American haplogroup X and 14 putative European haplogroup X mtDNAs. The results identified a consensus haplogroup X motif that characterizes our European and Native American samples. Among Native Americans, haplogroup X appears to be essentially restricted to northern Amerindian groups, including the Ojibwa, the Nuu-Chah-Nulth, the Sioux, and the Yakima, although we also observed this haplogroup in the Na-Denespeaking Navajo. Median network analysis indicated that European and Native American haplogroup X mtDNAs, although distinct, nevertheless are distantly related to each other. Time estimates for the arrival of X in North America are 12,000-36,000 years ago, depending on the number of assumed founders, thus supporting the conclusion that the peoples harboring haplogroup X were among the original founders of Native American populations. To date, haplogroup X has not been unambiguously identified in Asia, raising the possibility that some Native American founders were of Caucasian ancestry.

The above makes it clear and compelling, that the old insecurities of White people, and White “wanna-bees” still exists and are in full operation. Since our purpose here is to discover and discuss TRUTHFUL information. I respectfully request that anyone wishing to contribute to this discussion, refrain from using mtDNA data. As has been demonstrated, it is mostly used as a tool for the vile and insecure racist. Considering the wealth of artefactual and other data, the loss of suspect mtDNA data should pose no problem. Naturally - if non-racist DNA material becomes available, it of course should be used.

Response to Republicans in the U.S. – These are the REAL Americans.

Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Great post. It is clear that the Academe is actively engaged in spreading falsehood to deny the antiquity of African people in the Americas.

Posted by prmiddleeastern (Member # 14038) on :
Yes, they are related to africans, but they aren't africans.
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
^^^African is used euphemistically to say Black, just as European is euphemistically used to say White (incorrectly so; it should be west Asian). However, the old saying "Wherever you go, there you are" holds true. Black people who left Asia and went across the Bering straits to America, were still Black when they got there. Black people who left Australia and went to America, were still Black when they got there. Black people who left the Polynesian Islands and went to America, were still Black when they got there. Black people in Africa who were enslaved and taken to America by force, were still Black when they got there.

If the argument is that the Blacks in Beringa mixed with Mongols and Whites, then say that. If the argument is that the Blacks from Beringa mixed with Mongols and Whites in America, then say that: (both scenarios are perfectly plausible and supportable). The same cannot be said for the Blacks who came from Australia and Polynesia - there were no Mongols and Whites to mix with before they came to America.

However, what cannot be supported, is the vile racist contrivance denying Blacks their rightful place as the founders and progenitors of America. This is old racism with a new face. Even as America considers electing a Black (sort of) as President; Americas scientific and academic communities are still engaged in the same old racist practices that they were hundreds of years ago. Decent people should not defend them, they should condemn them - strongly.

Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
^^^Found any anthropological information yet, so I can use more of your own sources to debunk you?

Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
Originally posted by Mike111:
^^^So A-hole - you're saying that I need a White man to tell me what I see??? Are you sure you're a PR and not one of those programed Negroes - oh wait Black PRs are programed Negroes - sorry I forgot.

It really doesn't matter what you see or want to see, what you don't realize, or simply don't want to realize, is Asians have broad features just the same you're considering to be exclusively African. You're stereotyping Asians to where they have to look a certain way(Mongoloid), just like Euro-centrists stereotype Africans(Negroid). Plain and simple.

As we can see you're another Artful Dodger....

Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
Originally posted by Mike111:
^^^Since you understand it so well; then please summorize your position, so that I will know exactly what it is that I am to argue against. You are all over the place, which makes it hard to comprehend what your position is.

You're simply just to slow to understand my position(which is the position amongst modern mainstream scienctists), I get it. I'll help you out though.

Please tell me how the hell do you call OOA Oceanics, African when you find them in Europe, China and the Americas?

You do understand that the world was populated over 60kya by Africans walking OOA, in which their lineages became non African, and became the founder lineages for all non Africans. Of course everyone comes from Africa, original populations resembled OOA migrants for tens of thousands of years before they morphologically changed into their present day phenotype, which is why you don't find cold adapted skeletons in Europe until after the Mesolithic, this is pretty much what it is around the world. It was not multiple migrations OOA everytime they find Africans around the ancient world. Australians are still black but are not African, neither are the other populations found throughout the ancient world sorry. The population in which does possess post OOA lineages are Europeans, they admit this admixture into their own population, but yet as I said you think they're denying lineages into another population they(Europeans) have nothing to do with?

Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
^^^^There was no influence or borrowing of any kind, these people came from Asia, whatever they learned, comes from their journey from Africa through Asia into the Americas.

My source:
"The traditional path across the Bering Strait is still the most plausible explanation for the entry of this non-Mongoloid population into the New World, if we assume that it was present in Northern Asia at the end of the Pleistocene." And indeed, Japan's aborigines, of whom a few still live in Hokkaido and on the Kurile Islands, display some Australian traits, such as round eye sockets and abundant body hair.

From Mikes own source:
Lahr (1995) has reached a conclusion similar to ours when studying the cranial morphology of modern Fuegians. She realized that the morphology of modern Indians of Tierra del Fuego could not be described as typical Mongoloid as well. Since she detected a close association between historic ****Fuegians and Polynesians**** she opted to interpret the cranial morphology of the former as generalized Mongoloid, at best. In her opinion this generalized Mongoloid morphology could be explained as a retention of characteristics of the first inhabitants of the Americas.

Froms Mikes own source:
As to the similarities with Africans, the best way to explain it in terms of historical connections, is to assume that the Asian ancestral population that gave rise to the Australians and to the first Americans had its ultimate origins in the African continent, as it is in fact the case with all modern humans (Stringer and Andrews, 1988; Stringer and McKie, 1996; Lahr, 1994, 1996), ***but which retained a very generalized morphology.*** In accordance with Lahr (1996), the Australians are in fact the contemporary aboriginal population that retained the most primitive morphology when compared to the first modern humans. As she stressed "Groups like [...] Australo-Melanesians are all examples of relatively early diversifications without great amounts of gene flow from other groups..." (Lahr, 1996, p.335).

My source:
In this study, 74 human skulls dated between 11.0 and 3.0 kyr, recovered in seven different sites of Sabana de Bogotá, Colombia, were compared with the world cranial variation by different multivariate techniques: Principal Components Analysis, Multidimensional Scaling, and Cluster of Mahalanobis distance matrices. The Colombian skeletal remains were divided in two chronological subgroups: Paleocolombians (11.0-6.0 kyr) and Archaic Colombians (5.0-3.0 kyr). Both quantitative techniques generated convergent results: ****the Paleocolombians show remarkable similarities with Lagoa Santa and ****with modern Australo-Melanesians**** . Archaic Colombians exhibited the same morphological patterns and associations. ***These findings support our long-held proposition that the early American settlement may have involved ****two very distinct biological populations coming from Asia****. On the other hand, they suggest the possibility of late survivals of the Paleoamerican pattern not restricted to isolated or marginal areas, as previously thought. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2007. © 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

^^^^^As we can see from the above, what I have been saying, and my conclusions are supported by anthropology archaeology and genetics. Mikes theory is debunked by his own citations that he doesn't understand.

Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
^^^You are an idiot with an agenda - what could be worst - a double negative. You are not welcome here and will not be responded to.
Posted by HORUS of EDFU (Member # 11484) on :
^ LMAO [Big Grin] . Projection of the highest order.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
^^^You are an idiot with an agenda - what could be worst - a double negative. You are not welcome here and will not be responded to.
^^^Excuses excuses, I know what could be
**worse** which is you lying and acting like a coward shying away in the face of confrontation.

You might want to take your tail from between your legs.

Btw...only one with an agenda is you, Clyde, Marc etc....

Pray tell, what about my post fits an agenda? I used your own sources against your imbecilic phony ***. Don't be upset now. You asked me a question I answered, it doesn't seem as if you have a response now, do you? No surprise!!
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
Summary Continued:

Unlike Black, White, and Mongol, which are actual races. Amerindian is NOT a race; it is a subset which contains elements of all of the races. In the Americas, the ONLY evidence (so far found) of pure racial types, is of the Black race.

Logically then, everyone else is a mixture of something. Future posts to this thread will try to shed light on the mixtures that made up the ancient Amerindian populations of America.

Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Unlike Black, White, and Mongol, which are actual races.
Pray do tell, how is a color black, a color white, and an area in Asia, are races? Can you please explain this?


Amerindian is NOT a race; it is a subset which contains elements of all of the races.

Can you prove this? Where is your genetic data saying Native Americans are a mixture of all "races"? N.A.'s come from Asia.


In the Americas, the ONLY evidence (so far found) of pure racial types, is of the Black race.

First there are no "Races" if there are, how come you still haven't proven so?

Can you prove the validity of this statement? What black population in the Americas are pure? What constitutes pure?

Logically then, everyone else is a mixture of something.
Stop making assumptions, what would constitute your theory, is actual genetic data and anthropological data, not eyeball anthropology putting a pigeon hold on these Native Americans like racist white anthropologists say they have to look "Mongoloid", so you agree with said white scientists when they stereotype about Asians, but not Africans right?


Future posts to this thread will try to shed light on the mixtures that made up the ancient Amerindian populations of America.

You've been falsely trying to shed light on a situation you have no idea about. I suggest you stop. All of your information comes from Marc and Clyde, who are not the sharpest tools in the shed, actually very dull indeed.
Posted by prmiddleeastern (Member # 14038) on :
Originally posted by Mike111:
^^^[b]African is used euphemistically to say Black

Amerindian aren't Black.
Posted by prmiddleeastern (Member # 14038) on :
Originally posted by Mike111:
Unlike Black, White, and Mongol, which are actual races. Amerindian is NOT a race

Yes, they are a sub-race of the Mongolid race.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Originally posted by prmiddleeastern:
Originally posted by Mike111:
Unlike Black, White, and Mongol, which are actual races. Amerindian is NOT a race

Yes, they are a sub-race of the Mongolid race.
There is no "Mongoloid race". There is a place called Mongolia though. Native Americans don't come from Mongolia, neither do all the other Asians falsely classified under this category.

Native Americans do come from Asia though.
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
<<<<<<<<<<<<Blind leading the Blind>>>>>>>>>>>
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
Headlines from heads

Note: The Pericues and the California Indians are the same people.

At the British Association for the Advancement of Science's Festival of Science 2004, geoarcheologist Silvia Gonzalez presented evidence that the Pericues, an extinct Baja California tribe, are genetically "closer to the ancient populations of southern Asia, Australia, and the South Pacific Rim" than to the northern Asian populations that other Native Americans have been thought to have come from. Gonzalez also suggested that the two oldest known Americans (Kennewick Man and Peñon Woman) might have been from a similar background.

A Pericu skull.
Unlike the brachycephalic (short and broad) skulls of modern Amerind populations, the Pericu skulls were highly dolichocaphalic (long and thin), raising the possibility that they were a population not related to their Amerind neighbours.


Here's a press release from the Natural Environment Research Council, which sponsored the research, and a Discovery Channel report, which quotes Gonzalez as follows:

"... it is difficult to trace their point of origin as people 10,000 or 20,000 years ago did not look like their modern counterparts in many parts of the world, including Africa, Europe, and China.

"It is likely that southeast Asia 20,000 years ago was inhabited by people who more closely resembled present-day Polynesians or Australian aborigines so this could indeed be a source for the first Americans. They could have taken a coastal route to get there around the North Pacific Rim — it seems unlikely that they came directly across the Pacific."

For those who doubt the racist nature of White academia. Take note of how Whites depicted these Black people.


Discovery article, Claire Bowern:

DNA analysis of skulls found in Baja California that belonged to an extinct tribe called the Pericues reveal that the Pericues likely were not related to Native Americans and that they probably predated Native Americans in settling the Americas, according to an announcement Monday.

Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
Thoughts on the Pericu

Bill Poser

A few comments on the report that DNA evidence suggests that the Pericú, an extinct tribe of Baja California, are more closely related to "the ancient populations of southern Asia, Australia, and the South Pacific Rim" than to other Native Americans and peoples of the North Pacific Rim.

It is true that this proposal will likely provoke criticism from some Native Americans. Some groups believe that they were created where they are now and consider it offensive to suggest otherwise, and some are concerned that any suggestion that they are themselves immigrants will undermine their claim to their territory. Of course, such groups aren't keen on the Beringian theory either, since it denies that they originated in situ. The idea that there was an earlier migration is worse, though, since it makes them not only immigrants but latecomers. However, there is considerable diversity both of tradition and opinion. Many tribes have no tradition of being created where they are now or even have traditions of migration. And many recognize that prior possession is a perfectly adequate basis for their claims to their territory and that it doesn't matter whether they have been there since the creation.

There is actually another interpretation that should be acceptable to Native Americans who consider themselves autochthonous. They could say that whereas they have always been here, the Pericú were merely the earliest immigrants into the Americas. After all, the DNA evidence itself does not establish that the Pericú were in the Americas before them.

The argument by Johanna Nichols to which Mark referred is based on a survey of typological features of languages, that is, features like "the verb follows its object" or "distinguishes between first person inclusive and exclusive". Such features are not traditionally considered probative of genetic affiliation because there are only a few possibilities, so the probability of two languages sharing them is rather high. Nichols argues that by choosing the features one uses carefully and looking at complexes of features rather than isolated features one can obtain evidence for a historical relationship between languages. She concedes that it isn't possible by this method to distinguish between common descent and diffusion, but suggests that that isn't a fatal flaw, because it is interesting to know who has been in touch with whom, even if we can't tell what the nature of the relationship was. According to Nichols, languages along the Pacific Rim share a number of features that suggest a historical relationship among the languages. This is an interesting idea, but it isn't clear whether or not it really works. Questions have been raised both regarding the validity of the method in general and regarding particular features.

The idea that the Pericú represent an earlier, more southerly migration by boat and/or along the coast to the Americas is quite plausible. For one thing, all of the very early humans found in the Americas seem more closely to resemble Austronesians and Ainu than later American Indians; adistinct migration would explain this. Secondly, it is now I believe conclusively established that the Clovis culture was not the first in the Americas, but it is Clovis that most plausibly reflects the Beringian migration So the pre-Clovis peoples presumably reflect another migration. Thirdly, if everybody came via Beringia, we would expect to find a progression of sites from North to South. We don't. Indeed, there are very early sites, e.g. Monte Verde, in South America. This argument isn't as conclusive as it might be because we don't have an awful lot of early sites, and we can't date them with great precision, so if there were a progression but the movement were rapid we might not be able to resolve it. But if it is right that we don't see the progression we ought to, we have another fact that would be explained by one or ore arrivals on the Pacific coast. Fourth, there is tons of evidence that itis possible to travel by fairly primitive boats between Asia and the Pacific Coast. In addition to planned voyages, there could have been many cases of people being swept to the Americas by storms.

The lack of old sites along the Pacific Coast is not a counterargument to this hypothesis because most of what would have been the coast at the time was submerged at the end of the last ice age. Some archaeologists think that there may be a lot of sites underwater. These sites are presumably much more difficult to discover than, say, Bronze Age sites - it's hard to observe a lithic scatter on the ocean floor.
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
Pericu continued:

The piece on the Pericu above is very important in that it demonstrates two things.

1) That the Mississippi Indians were indeed Black, and that consequently, Amerindian tribes (such as the Seminoles) who are known to be descendants of the Mississippi, also have a Black linage.

2) How the pernicious racism of White people, invades and pollutes everyone that they come in contact with.

These “New” White Seminoles (the result of crossbreeding with White people) – together with other Whites, of course needed a NEW history. So they created the myth that the Black nature of post-Columbian Seminoles was the result of admixture between Seminoles and Maroons and Black slaves. Creating a “New” history to suit their needs, is of course NOT new to White people – the same was done in Europe and the Middle East and North Africa. To show their unmitigated Gall, they even tried it in Egypt - a country which had ancient artifacts which proved their lies - I guess they were saying: "Who you gonna believe, me or your own lying eyes. Oh yes - they have lots of gall!

Note how these modern “White” Seminoles, treat their ancestral fathers.

The "red-faced" White guy on the right is Seminole tribe Chief James Billie.


By Andrew Metz

Wewoka, Okla. -- Kenneth Chambers, chief of the Seminole Nation, is absolutely sure of the truth of the matter. "There is no black Seminole," he expostulated on a recent day, rising from his chair to drive the point home like a preacher warning of hell and damnation.

In this ink spot of an Indian town, however, not far from the tribe's headquarters on the Oklahoma prairie, the faces of Wewoka present a conflicting impression.

"My folks is Indian," said Roosevelt Davis, a man as dark as any of African descent. Walking through the long leaf pines he planted on land that has been his family's for almost 100 years, he put his hand on his chest and said simply, "I'm Seminole."

After two centuries of coexistence that has rarely made most history books, a chasm has opened between the descendants of the Seminole people, Indians and escaped slaves who banded together in Florida against the white onslaught and were eventually deposited here along what became known as the Trail of Tears.

Though history and intermingling made cousins of the two groups, time and money and the modern experiences of being black or Indian or both have chewed away at all they shared in common, leaving the ligaments of the Seminole Nation of Oklahoma exposed and aching.

The blacks, still known around here as Freedmen, have been excluded from millions of dollars awarded to the Seminole in the early 1990s for the seizure of their land in Florida a century earlier. And three years ago they were stripped of their Seminole status altogether through the imposition of an ancestral blood standard for membership that few could prove.

This is how the Seminole USED to look, before they became “White”

Posted by Doug M (Member # 7650) on :
Originally posted by Mike111:
Headlines from heads

Note: The Pericues and the California Indians are the same people.

At the British Association for the Advancement of Science's Festival of Science 2004, geoarcheologist Silvia Gonzalez presented evidence that the Pericues, an extinct Baja California tribe, are genetically "closer to the ancient populations of southern Asia, Australia, and the South Pacific Rim" than to the northern Asian populations that other Native Americans have been thought to have come from. Gonzalez also suggested that the two oldest known Americans (Kennewick Man and Peñon Woman) might have been from a similar background.

A Pericu skull.
Unlike the brachycephalic (short and broad) skulls of modern Amerind populations, the Pericu skulls were highly dolichocaphalic (long and thin), raising the possibility that they were a population not related to their Amerind neighbours.


Here's a press release from the Natural Environment Research Council, which sponsored the research, and a Discovery Channel report, which quotes Gonzalez as follows:

"... it is difficult to trace their point of origin as people 10,000 or 20,000 years ago did not look like their modern counterparts in many parts of the world, including Africa, Europe, and China.

"It is likely that southeast Asia 20,000 years ago was inhabited by people who more closely resembled present-day Polynesians or Australian aborigines so this could indeed be a source for the first Americans. They could have taken a coastal route to get there around the North Pacific Rim — it seems unlikely that they came directly across the Pacific."

For those who doubt the racist nature of White academia. Take note of how Whites depicted these Black people.


Discovery article, Claire Bowern:

DNA analysis of skulls found in Baja California that belonged to an extinct tribe called the Pericues reveal that the Pericues likely were not related to Native Americans and that they probably predated Native Americans in settling the Americas, according to an announcement Monday.

Read here: PPP3,M1

First off, the black Indians of Southern California and the South West and the rest of the Americas were not extinct PRIOR to the arrival of the Europeans. They became extinct AFTER and this is only going back about 150 years. Many photos of native Americans attest to the fact that there were MANY dark skinned native Americans who had NO mixture with African slaves. That is nonsense. The aboriginal native Americans were like the aboriginal populations everywhere else on the planet, BLACK. It is that simple. Later waves of migrations had lighter complexions but this is no different than what happened everywhere else as dark populations adapted to cold environments. The aboriginal populations of the Americas is no different than the Aboriginal populations of Asia. They were both more like the aboriginal people of New Guinea and Australia. That is all that is being confirmed by more recent research.

We have been over this many many times in many threads.
Posted by argyle104 (Member # 14634) on :
Knowledgeiskey718 wrote:

There is no "Mongoloid race". There is a place called Mongolia though. Native Americans don't come from Mongolia, neither do all the other Asians falsely classified under this category.

LOL! He's come out against the carlton coon style racial classification only after I called him out on it in a previous thread.

ha ha ha heeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
^^^Since I was reusing anothers article, I felt it improper to edit it. We have no argument.
Posted by prmiddleeastern (Member # 14038) on :
Originally posted by argyle104:
Knowledgeiskey718 wrote:

There is no "Mongoloid race". There is a place called Mongolia though. Native Americans don't come from Mongolia, neither do all the other Asians falsely classified under this category.

LOL! He's come out against the carlton coon style racial classification only after I called him out on it in a previous thread.

ha ha ha heeeeeeeeeeeeeee

They are Asian, i forgot about that, yes, they come from asia, so they are an asian people, not african.
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
Demise of the Pericu:

The Pericu's first known encounter with the advancing Spanish took place when Hernan Cortez visited and named the area around La Paz - today the capital of the Mexican state of Baja California Sur. Earlier encounters with explorers and traders are likely but have not been recorded. During the following centuries, mostly missionaries and perhaps a few traders took an interest in the primitive, materially poor and remote Pericu and the Guaycura.

As has happened so many times before and after, the attentions of outsiders (be they missionaries, bureaucrats or traders) proved lethal to the objects of their attention. By the end of the 18th century the Pericu had vanished, mostly despatched by the new diseases introduced by outsiders. The neighbouring Guyacura followed them into oblivion sometime during the 19th century.

Note: Because the "California Indians proper" are grouped with California Indians in general, I have not been able to find accurate information on when they became extinct.

The White guy on the right is a chief of the Osage, the White woman with him is a member of the tribe. THESE are the people denying rights to Black Indians. If it wasn't so sick, it would be funny!

Posted by prmiddleeastern (Member # 14038) on :
Originally posted by Mike111:
<<<<<<<<<<<<Blind leading the Blind>>>>>>>>>>>

Sorry, Amerindians aren't african, they are asian, sorry, your black movement won't take over the world.
Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Many members of this forum have been brainwashed by revisionist history which “whites out” the ancient original Black inhabitants in the Americas. A de Quatrefages in L ‘Etudes des Races Humaines (1889) noted how the Atlantic currents probably carried naby Africans to the Americas. He observed:


One should seek to explain it, how [b]Balboa
could have found an isolated Negro tribe in the midst of the indigenous population of the Darien Isthmus [Panama]; how the island of Saint Vincent had black Caribbeans before the importation of the first Negroes to the Antilles; how the Yamassis of Florida and the Charuas had the same colony; how black men coming from the east could have reached the Indies as it was reported in the Peruvian traditions. (pp.406-407)

These Indians came from Africa, not Asia.

Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Anthropology supports the presence of Blacks in America when Columbus arrived in the region.Quatrefages in The Human Species , include the Choco, Manabis, Yaruras, Guarani, Charruas, Othomi (Otomi), Yamassi, Tzendal/Chontal, the Mandinga(a member of the Cunan group of Mexico), the Blacks of Quareca and numerous tribes along the Orinoco river in Venezuela and the Isthmus of Darien; not to mention the Black tribes of the United States southwest including a tribe reported by Cabeza de Vaca called Mandicas (< Mandinka).

The Otomi and Caribe spoke a Manding language. The major center for
the Manding was Panama. The major Amerindian group in this area was the Cunan group.

Mike’s posting of the pictures below support the work of Quatrefages.

Central America:


South America:


It is interesting that in every area Quatrefages said Negores formerly existed we see artifacts dating hundreds of years support his report.

Posted by prmiddleeastern (Member # 14038) on :
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
Many members of this forum have been brainwashed by revisionist history which “whites out” the ancient original Black inhabitants in the Americas. A de Quatrefages in L ‘Etudes des Races Humaines (1889) noted how the Atlantic currents probably carried naby Africans to the Americas. He observed:


One should seek to explain it, how [b]Balboa
could have found an isolated Negro tribe in the midst of the indigenous population of the Darien Isthmus [Panama]; how the island of Saint Vincent had black Caribbeans before the importation of the first Negroes to the Antilles; how the Yamassis of Florida and the Charuas had the same colony; how black men coming from the east could have reached the Indies as it was reported in the Peruvian traditions. (pp.406-407)

These Indians came from Africa, not Asia.


Those are blacks, not indians.
Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Originally posted by prmiddleeastern:
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
Many members of this forum have been brainwashed by revisionist history which “whites out” the ancient original Black inhabitants in the Americas. A de Quatrefages in L ‘Etudes des Races Humaines (1889) noted how the Atlantic currents probably carried naby Africans to the Americas. He observed:


One should seek to explain it, how [b]Balboa
could have found an isolated Negro tribe in the midst of the indigenous population of the Darien Isthmus [Panama]; how the island of Saint Vincent had black Caribbeans before the importation of the first Negroes to the Antilles; how the Yamassis of Florida and the Charuas had the same colony; how black men coming from the east could have reached the Indies as it was reported in the Peruvian traditions. (pp.406-407)

These Indians came from Africa, not Asia.


Those are blacks, not indians.
They are Americans. They are both Black and Indian, because Indian is the name Europeans gave to the natives of America. They were probably descendants of the first Black who settled America 30kya.

Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
Originally posted by Mike111:
Pericu continued:

The piece on the Pericu above is very important in that it demonstrates two things.

1) That the Mississippi Indians were indeed Black, and that consequently, Amerindian tribes (such as the Seminoles) who are known to be descendants of the Mississippi, also have a Black linage.

2) How the pernicious racism of White people, invades and pollutes everyone that they come in contact with.

These “New” White Seminoles (the result of crossbreeding with White people) – together with other Whites, of course needed a NEW history. So they created the myth that the Black nature of post-Columbian Seminoles was the result of admixture between Seminoles and Maroons and Black slaves. Creating a “New” history to suit their needs, is of course NOT new to White people – the same was done in Europe and the Middle East and North Africa. To show their unmitigated Gall, they even tried it in Egypt - a country which had ancient artifacts which proved their lies - I guess they were saying: "Who you gonna believe, me or your own lying eyes. Oh yes - they have lots of gall!

Note how these modern “White” Seminoles, treat their ancestral fathers.

The "red-faced" White guy on the right is Seminole tribe Chief James Billie.


By Andrew Metz

Wewoka, Okla. -- Kenneth Chambers, chief of the Seminole Nation, is absolutely sure of the truth of the matter. "There is no black Seminole," he expostulated on a recent day, rising from his chair to drive the point home like a preacher warning of hell and damnation.

In this ink spot of an Indian town, however, not far from the tribe's headquarters on the Oklahoma prairie, the faces of Wewoka present a conflicting impression.

"My folks is Indian," said Roosevelt Davis, a man as dark as any of African descent. Walking through the long leaf pines he planted on land that has been his family's for almost 100 years, he put his hand on his chest and said simply, "I'm Seminole."

After two centuries of coexistence that has rarely made most history books, a chasm has opened between the descendants of the Seminole people, Indians and escaped slaves who banded together in Florida against the white onslaught and were eventually deposited here along what became known as the Trail of Tears.

Though history and intermingling made cousins of the two groups, time and money and the modern experiences of being black or Indian or both have chewed away at all they shared in common, leaving the ligaments of the Seminole Nation of Oklahoma exposed and aching.

The blacks, still known around here as Freedmen, have been excluded from millions of dollars awarded to the Seminole in the early 1990s for the seizure of their land in Florida a century earlier. And three years ago they were stripped of their Seminole status altogether through the imposition of an ancestral blood standard for membership that few could prove.

This is how the Seminole USED to look, before they became “White”


(Re-posted to get back picture!)
Posted by prmiddleeastern (Member # 14038) on :
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
They are Americans. They are both Black and Indian, because Indian is the name Europeans gave to the natives of America. They were probably descendants of the first Black who settled America 30kya

Therefore, they aren't native Americans, but Africans, now you are using european concepts because they suit you, isn't it?
Posted by prmiddleeastern (Member # 14038) on :
Originally posted by Mike111:
Originally posted by Mike111:
Pericu continued:

The piece on the Pericu above is very important in that it demonstrates two things.

1) That the Mississippi Indians were indeed Black, and that consequently, Amerindian tribes (such as the Seminoles) who are known to be descendants of the Mississippi, also have a Black linage.

2) How the pernicious racism of White people, invades and pollutes everyone that they come in contact with.

These “New” White Seminoles (the result of crossbreeding with White people) – together with other Whites, of course needed a NEW history. So they created the myth that the Black nature of post-Columbian Seminoles was the result of admixture between Seminoles and Maroons and Black slaves. Creating a “New” history to suit their needs, is of course NOT new to White people – the same was done in Europe and the Middle East and North Africa. To show their unmitigated Gall, they even tried it in Egypt - a country which had ancient artifacts which proved their lies - I guess they were saying: "Who you gonna believe, me or your own lying eyes. Oh yes - they have lots of gall!

Note how these modern “White” Seminoles, treat their ancestral fathers.

The "red-faced" White guy on the right is Seminole tribe Chief James Billie.


By Andrew Metz

Wewoka, Okla. -- Kenneth Chambers, chief of the Seminole Nation, is absolutely sure of the truth of the matter. "There is no black Seminole," he expostulated on a recent day, rising from his chair to drive the point home like a preacher warning of hell and damnation.

In this ink spot of an Indian town, however, not far from the tribe's headquarters on the Oklahoma prairie, the faces of Wewoka present a conflicting impression.

"My folks is Indian," said Roosevelt Davis, a man as dark as any of African descent. Walking through the long leaf pines he planted on land that has been his family's for almost 100 years, he put his hand on his chest and said simply, "I'm Seminole."

After two centuries of coexistence that has rarely made most history books, a chasm has opened between the descendants of the Seminole people, Indians and escaped slaves who banded together in Florida against the white onslaught and were eventually deposited here along what became known as the Trail of Tears.

Though history and intermingling made cousins of the two groups, time and money and the modern experiences of being black or Indian or both have chewed away at all they shared in common, leaving the ligaments of the Seminole Nation of Oklahoma exposed and aching.

The blacks, still known around here as Freedmen, have been excluded from millions of dollars awarded to the Seminole in the early 1990s for the seizure of their land in Florida a century earlier. And three years ago they were stripped of their Seminole status altogether through the imposition of an ancestral blood standard for membership that few could prove.

This is how the Seminole USED to look, before they became “White”


Irrelevant to the topic.
Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Originally posted by prmiddleeastern:
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
They are Americans. They are both Black and Indian, because Indian is the name Europeans gave to the natives of America. They were probably descendants of the first Black who settled America 30kya

Therefore, they aren't native Americans, but Africans, now you are using european concepts because they suit you, isn't it?
No I am using European terms used to describe the people of America. Remember originally these term was applied to the people of India. If you which I will call them African Americans. Since they are native Americans I must describe them as Indian.
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
Clyde - I would greatly appreciate it if you would NOT respond to the scurrilous elements on this thread. As you can see, it just results in the thread becoming cluttered with uneducated and ignorant rantings, typical of that sort.
Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Originally posted by prmiddleeastern:
Originally posted by Mike111:
Originally posted by Mike111:
Pericu continued:

The piece on the Pericu above is very important in that it demonstrates two things.

1) That the Mississippi Indians were indeed Black, and that consequently, Amerindian tribes (such as the Seminoles) who are known to be descendants of the Mississippi, also have a Black linage.

2) How the pernicious racism of White people, invades and pollutes everyone that they come in contact with.

These “New” White Seminoles (the result of crossbreeding with White people) – together with other Whites, of course needed a NEW history. So they created the myth that the Black nature of post-Columbian Seminoles was the result of admixture between Seminoles and Maroons and Black slaves. Creating a “New” history to suit their needs, is of course NOT new to White people – the same was done in Europe and the Middle East and North Africa. To show their unmitigated Gall, they even tried it in Egypt - a country which had ancient artifacts which proved their lies - I guess they were saying: "Who you gonna believe, me or your own lying eyes. Oh yes - they have lots of gall!

Note how these modern “White” Seminoles, treat their ancestral fathers.

The "red-faced" White guy on the right is Seminole tribe Chief James Billie.


By Andrew Metz

Wewoka, Okla. -- Kenneth Chambers, chief of the Seminole Nation, is absolutely sure of the truth of the matter. "There is no black Seminole," he expostulated on a recent day, rising from his chair to drive the point home like a preacher warning of hell and damnation.

In this ink spot of an Indian town, however, not far from the tribe's headquarters on the Oklahoma prairie, the faces of Wewoka present a conflicting impression.

"My folks is Indian," said Roosevelt Davis, a man as dark as any of African descent. Walking through the long leaf pines he planted on land that has been his family's for almost 100 years, he put his hand on his chest and said simply, "I'm Seminole."

After two centuries of coexistence that has rarely made most history books, a chasm has opened between the descendants of the Seminole people, Indians and escaped slaves who banded together in Florida against the white onslaught and were eventually deposited here along what became known as the Trail of Tears.

Though history and intermingling made cousins of the two groups, time and money and the modern experiences of being black or Indian or both have chewed away at all they shared in common, leaving the ligaments of the Seminole Nation of Oklahoma exposed and aching.

The blacks, still known around here as Freedmen, have been excluded from millions of dollars awarded to the Seminole in the early 1990s for the seizure of their land in Florida a century earlier. And three years ago they were stripped of their Seminole status altogether through the imposition of an ancestral blood standard for membership that few could prove.

This is how the Seminole USED to look, before they became “White”


Irrelevant to the topic.
This is important in relation to the topic. It shows how the paleo-Indians have been erased from history and confirmation of the unbiased history of America written by anthropologists like Quatrefages.

You are a hypocrite. On the one hand you acknowledge that the popular view of the Americans is that they were Asians. Now we present evidence there were also Black/African Indians you dispute this view even though it is supported by eyewitnesses and archaeology.

Why are you attempting to steal the history of the Black Indians, and give it to the Asian Indians?

You are sad indeed.

Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :

Due to the long history of Black/African Indians, many Asian Indians worshipped these Blacks as Gods. Two of the principal Black Gods was Quetzacoatl and Ekchuah.

Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
Clyde - Being a mid-westerner, you do not understand that you are dealing with Puerto Ricans - Perhaps the most racially confused people on the planet. They don't want to be Black, but they are not accepted as White, so many have taken to a "SUPPOSED" Taino Indian heritage. The nonsense that you are experiencing, is part of their search for an identity. It's best to leave them be.
Posted by prmiddleeastern (Member # 14038) on :
Originally posted by Mike111:
Clyde - Being a mid-westerner, you do not understand that you are dealing with Puerto Ricans - Perhaps the most racially confused people on the planet. They don't want to be Black, but they are not accepted as White, so many have taken to a "SUPPOSED" Taino Indian heritage. The nonsense that you are experiencing, is part of their search for an identity. It's best to leave them be.

Posted by prmiddleeastern (Member # 14038) on :
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
Originally posted by prmiddleeastern:
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
They are Americans. They are both Black and Indian, because Indian is the name Europeans gave to the natives of America. They were probably descendants of the first Black who settled America 30kya

Therefore, they aren't native Americans, but Africans, now you are using european concepts because they suit you, isn't it?
No I am using European terms used to describe the people of America. Remember originally these term was applied to the people of India. If you which I will call them African Americans. Since they are native Americans I must describe them as Indian.
Yes, as Native Americans,the first people who inhabited North America, before Africans came from the east.
Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
The African Indians founded writing among the Maya. We know that the Olmec introduced writing to the Americas but many people don't know that most epigraphers believe that it was the Chontal who invented Maya hieroglyphics.

The Chontal language is a member of the Cho’lan group. Many epigraphers consider the Mayan hieroglyphic writing to have been originally written in this language.


The Ch'olan sub-group of Mayan languages has three modern descendants: Ch'orti', Ch'ontal, and Ch'ol. Two extinct Mayan languages referred to above also belong to this sub-group: Ch'olti' and Acalan. There is some debate over how all these languages are to be classified internally. The traditional model (see for example Kaufman and Norman 1984: 81) has a two-branch classification with Acalan and its modern-day descendent Chontal comprising, along with Ch'ol, the 'Western Ch'olan' branch, and Ch'olti' and Ch'orti' as the two sub-branches of 'Eastern Ch'olan', as shown below.

From the late 1970s epigraphers and linguists began to work together to analyse the language(s) represented in the Maya hieroglyphs. One of the first of these collaborations was a 1979 conference held at the State University of New York in Albany (Justeson and Campbell, eds. 1984). During the conference both epigraphers and linguists suggested that the inscriptions recorded a form of Cholan (now spelled Ch'olan) and Yucatecan (now spelled Yukatekan) languages. Since the Albany conference researchers have unravelled many linguistic issues concerning the language(s) recorded in Maya hieroglyphic texts. Among these the most important (and hotly debated) concern the phonology (the sound system) and morphology (word formation) of the language(s), and which of the Ch'olan and Yukatekan languages were the language(s) involved in the inscriptions.

This explains the numerous Mayan images of African, as opposed to Asian Mayan Kings posted by Marc since as noted by Quatrefages the Chantal were Black/Negro


Missing as maximum 8 images can be sent in any post. From Palenque, Chiapas, Mexico is the 3rd King. His name K'inich Janaab' Pakal-II, 742-746 AD.





Missing as maximum 8 images can be sent in any post.


Missing as maximum 8 images can be sent in any post.


Posted by prmiddleeastern (Member # 14038) on :
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
The African Indians founded writing among the Maya. We know that the Olmec introduced writing to the Americas but many people don't know that most epigraphers believe that it was the Chontal who invented Maya hieroglyphics.

The Chontal language is a member of the Cho’lan group. Many epigraphers consider the Mayan hieroglyphic writing to have been originally written in this language.


The Ch'olan sub-group of Mayan languages has three modern descendants: Ch'orti', Ch'ontal, and Ch'ol. Two extinct Mayan languages referred to above also belong to this sub-group: Ch'olti' and Acalan. There is some debate over how all these languages are to be classified internally. The traditional model (see for example Kaufman and Norman 1984: 81) has a two-branch classification with Acalan and its modern-day descendent Chontal comprising, along with Ch'ol, the 'Western Ch'olan' branch, and Ch'olti' and Ch'orti' as the two sub-branches of 'Eastern Ch'olan', as shown below.

From the late 1970s epigraphers and linguists began to work together to analyse the language(s) represented in the Maya hieroglyphs. One of the first of these collaborations was a 1979 conference held at the State University of New York in Albany (Justeson and Campbell, eds. 1984). During the conference both epigraphers and linguists suggested that the inscriptions recorded a form of Cholan (now spelled Ch'olan) and Yucatecan (now spelled Yukatekan) languages. Since the Albany conference researchers have unravelled many linguistic issues concerning the language(s) recorded in Maya hieroglyphic texts. Among these the most important (and hotly debated) concern the phonology (the sound system) and morphology (word formation) of the language(s), and which of the Ch'olan and Yukatekan languages were the language(s) involved in the inscriptions.

This explains the numerous Mayan images of African, as opposed to Asian Mayan Kings posted by Marc since as noted by Quatrefages the Chantal were Black/Negro


Remeber that those are statues, people don't look like statues.
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :

<<<<<< About anything - not just history >>>>>>

Yahoo! News
Police: McCain volunteer made up robbery story
By JOE MANDAK, Associated Press Writer Joe Mandak, Associated Press Writer 9 mins ago

PITTSBURGH – A McCain campaign volunteer made up a story of being robbed, pinned to the ground and having the letter "B" scratched on her face in a politically inspired attack, police said Friday.

Ashley Todd, 20-year-old college student from College Station, Texas, admitted Friday that the story was false and was being charged with making a false report to police, said Maurita Bryant, the assistant chief of the police department's investigations division. Police doubted her story from the start, Bryant said.

Todd, who is white, told police she was attacked by a 6-foot-4 black man Wednesday night. She now can't explain why she invented the story, Bryant said.

Todd also told police she believes she cut the backward "B" onto her own cheek, but she didn't explain how or why, Bryant said.

Todd initially told investigators she was attempting to use a bank branch ATM when the man approached her from behind, put a knife with a 4- to 5-inch blade to her throat and demanded money. She told police she handed the assailant $60 and walked away.

Todd told investigators that she suspected the man then noticed a John McCain sticker on her car, became angry and punched her in the back of the head, knocking her to the ground and telling her "you are going to be a Barack supporter," police said.

She said he continued to punch and kick her while threatening "to teach her a lesson for being a McCain supporter," police said. She said he then sat on her chest, pinned her hands down with his knees and scratched a backward letter "B" into her face with a dull knife.

Todd told police she didn't seek medical attention, but instead went to a friend's apartment nearby and called police about 45 minutes later.

The Associated Press could not immediately locate Todd's family.

Bryant said somebody charged with making a false report would typically be cited and sent a summons. But because police have concerns about Todd's mental health, they are consulting with the Allegheny County District Attorney. She remained in custody and was awaiting arraignment.

Todd worked in New York for the College Republican National Committee before moving two weeks ago to Pennsylvania, where her duties included recruiting college students, the committee's executive director, Ethan Eilon, has said.

Eilon declined to comment on the investigation Friday or to help The Associated Press contact Todd.

Earlier Friday, police said they had found inconsistencies in Todd's story. They gave her a lie-detector test, but wouldn't release the polygraph results. Investigators also said bank surveillance photos did not back up the woman's initial story of being attacked at an ATM.

Police interviewed Todd after she contacted police Wednesday night and again on Thursday, Bryant said. They asked her to come back Friday, ostensibly to help police put together a sketch of the man. Instead, detectives began interviewing her.

"They just started talking to her and she just opened up and said she wanted to tell the truth," Bryant said.

Bryant said it doesn't appear that anyone else put the woman up to the false report.

Police suspected all along that Todd might not be telling the truth, starting with the fact that the "B" was backward, Bryant said.

"We have robbers here in Pittsburgh, but they don't generally mutilate someone's face like that," Bryant said. "They just take the money and run."
Posted by prmiddleeastern (Member # 14038) on :
^ [Roll Eyes]
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Originally posted by Mike111:
Originally posted by Mike111:
Pericu continued:

The piece on the Pericu above is very important in that it demonstrates two things.

1) That the Mississippi Indians were indeed Black, and that consequently, Amerindian tribes (such as the Seminoles) who are known to be descendants of the Mississippi, also have a Black linage.

2) How the pernicious racism of White people, invades and pollutes everyone that they come in contact with.

These “New” White Seminoles (the result of crossbreeding with White people) – together with other Whites, of course needed a NEW history. So they created the myth that the Black nature of post-Columbian Seminoles was the result of admixture between Seminoles and Maroons and Black slaves. Creating a “New” history to suit their needs, is of course NOT new to White people – the same was done in Europe and the Middle East and North Africa. To show their unmitigated Gall, they even tried it in Egypt - a country which had ancient artifacts which proved their lies - I guess they were saying: "Who you gonna believe, me or your own lying eyes. Oh yes - they have lots of gall!

Note how these modern “White” Seminoles, treat their ancestral fathers.

The "red-faced" White guy on the right is Seminole tribe Chief James Billie.


By Andrew Metz

Wewoka, Okla. -- Kenneth Chambers, chief of the Seminole Nation, is absolutely sure of the truth of the matter. "There is no black Seminole," he expostulated on a recent day, rising from his chair to drive the point home like a preacher warning of hell and damnation.

In this ink spot of an Indian town, however, not far from the tribe's headquarters on the Oklahoma prairie, the faces of Wewoka present a conflicting impression.

"My folks is Indian," said Roosevelt Davis, a man as dark as any of African descent. Walking through the long leaf pines he planted on land that has been his family's for almost 100 years, he put his hand on his chest and said simply, "I'm Seminole."

After two centuries of coexistence that has rarely made most history books, a chasm has opened between the descendants of the Seminole people, Indians and escaped slaves who banded together in Florida against the white onslaught and were eventually deposited here along what became known as the Trail of Tears.

Though history and intermingling made cousins of the two groups, time and money and the modern experiences of being black or Indian or both have chewed away at all they shared in common, leaving the ligaments of the Seminole Nation of Oklahoma exposed and aching.

The blacks, still known around here as Freedmen, have been excluded from millions of dollars awarded to the Seminole in the early 1990s for the seizure of their land in Florida a century earlier. And three years ago they were stripped of their Seminole status altogether through the imposition of an ancestral blood standard for membership that few could prove.

This is how the Seminole USED to look, before they became “White”


(Re-posted to get back picture!)
Meanwhile......... These African Native Americans wouldn't dare spew the nonsense these idiots are spewing here. As they know who they are and where they come from. As explained below.

"AFRICAN-NATIVE AMERICANS : WE ARE STILL HERE" is based on an exhibit, curated by Ms. Eve Winddancer and with photos by Mr. Louis B. Myers, at the William and Anita Newman Library, 3rd fl.


Many people believe racial and ethnic groups in North America have always lived as separately as they do now. However, segregation was neither practical nor preferable when people who were not native to this continent began arriving here. Europeans needed Indians as guides, trade partners and military allies. They needed Africans to tend their crops and to build an infrastructure.

Later, as the new American government began to thrive, laws were drafted to protect the land and property the colonists had acquired. These laws strengthened the powers of slave owners, limited the rights of free Africans and barred most Indian rights altogether. Today, black, white and red Americans still feel the aftershock of those laws.

In order to enforce the new laws, Indians and Africans had to be distinguished from Europeans. Government census takers began visiting Indian communities east of the Mississippi River in the late 1700s and continued their task of identifying, categorizing, and counting individuals and "tribes" well into the 20th century. In the earlier days of this process, Native American communities that were found to be ***harboring escaped African slaves*** were threatened with loss of their tribal status, thereby nullifying their treaties with the U.S. government and relinquishing all claims to their land.

Despite the restrictions imposed by the U.S. government, Indians and Africans still managed to form close bonds. Some Native American communities ignored the laws and continued to aid fleeing African slaves. Some free Africans aided displaced Indians. Sometimes the two groups came together in "prayer towns" -- European communities that welcomed and protected converts to Christianity, regardless of race. Sometimes, Indian women married African men when the number of men in their own communities was decimated by war or natural disaster. Some Native Americans listed themselves as "Negro" or "mixed" in order to retain ownership of their land.

At the time of Columbus, the subcontinent of India was referred to as Hindustan or the Deccan. The European term for indigenous peoples all over the world was "Indians" from the Spanish "In Dios" meaning "God's people".

Some Native Americans refused to sign the census rolls during the 18th and 19th centuries, some refused to register with the Bureau of Indian Affairs or to allow themselves to be "removed" to "Indian Territory" in Oklahoma during the 1800s. As a result, many of their descendants grew up in urban environments instead of on reservations. This isn't the image of Native American experience most people carry in their heads but, in this part of the country, it is quite prevalent.

There are no villages tucked away in Suffolk county -- or anywhere else, for that matter -- where people live in teepees, hunt with bows and arrows and cook over open fires. Our lives reflect the same diversity as any other cultural group in America. We are wealthy, middle class and impoverished. We are educated and ignorant. We are employed and unemployed. We are Americans.

What sets American Indian cultures apart from many others is our attitude toward life. Simply stated, we believe we were not born ON this Earth, we were born OF this Earth. In other words, the Earth is our mother and we would no sooner mistreat her than you would the woman who raised you. This is the primary ingredient in the cultural glue that holds us all together.

Hollywood has taught us to associate the facial features you see here with red skin and sweeping Southwestern vistas, yet these people have skin tones that range from coffee to cream and most live in the New York metropolitan area. They are of African descent but they are also Blackfoot, Canarsie, Caribe, Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek, Lenape, Matinecock, Mohawk, Munsee, Ramapo, Shinnecock, Seminole, Unkechaug, Taino. They have spiritual names in addition to the names that appear on their birth certificates; they dance at powwows wearing full regalia; they have naming ceremonies for their children. Some of them speak indigenous languages, some fast on the full moon in accordance with ancient religious beliefs, and all are extremely proud of their mixed heritage. They embody the intertwining of two of America's most stalwart and dynamic ethnic communities.

The first slaves in the "New World" were Indians. However, colonists found them difficult to contain -- they knew the surrounding countryside and those who had not been captured often organized successful rescue efforts. For a time, slave merchants continued to raid Native American communities along the central and southern shores of the Eastern Seaboard and to encourage local warriors to barter captives they would otherwise kill for European trade goods. The women and children the merchants acquired were sold alongside Africans to buyers in the north while the men were shipped to plantations in the Caribbean.
Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
^Correct many Black Indians were sold into slavery. This is why most African Indians disappeared in the America.

The only thing that saved many Asian Indians was that they were nomads.

Some my ancestors were Choctaw according to my mother. My wifes family on her father's side has direct Cherokee ancestry. My mother in-laws grand mother only "spoke Indian".

As you can see writing about the Paleo-Americans is just acknowledging part of my history--just like I write about continental African history.

Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
^Correct many Black Indians were sold into slavery. This is why most African Indians disappeared in the America.

The only thing that saved many Asian Indians was that they were nomads.

Some my ancestors were Choctaw according to my mother. My wifes family on her father's side has direct Cherokee ancestry. My mother in-laws grand mother only "spoke Indian".

As you can see writing about the Paleo-Americans is just acknowledging part of my history--just like I write about continental African history.


Wrong Clyde it doesn't say many black Indians were sold into slavery it says, African slaves brought from Africa, used to escape, and become part of the Native American community. The Native American tribes were threatened with the forfeiture of their tribal status if they were found harboring ***African slaves***

Your ancestry from Native Americans does not go past 500 years ago, sorry Clyde.

In order to enforce the new laws, Indians and Africans had to be distinguished from Europeans. Government census takers began visiting Indian communities east of the Mississippi River in the late 1700s and continued their task of identifying, categorizing, and counting individuals and "tribes" well into the 20th century. In the earlier days of this process, Native American communities that were found to be ***harboring escaped African slaves*** were threatened with loss of their tribal status, thereby nullifying their treaties with the U.S. government and relinquishing all claims to their land.

Despite the restrictions imposed by the U.S. government, Indians and Africans still managed to form close bonds. Some Native American communities ignored the laws and continued to aid fleeing African slaves. Some free Africans aided displaced Indians. Sometimes the two groups came together in "prayer towns" -- European communities that welcomed and protected converts to Christianity, regardless of race. Sometimes, Indian women married African men when the number of men in their own communities was decimated by war or natural disaster. Some Native Americans listed themselves as "Negro" or "mixed" in order to retain ownership of their land.

Posted by argyle104 (Member # 14634) on :
Clyde Winters wrote:
Some my ancestors were Choctaw according to my mother. My wifes family on her father's side has direct Cherokee ancestry. My mother in-laws grand mother only "spoke Indian".

As you can see writing about the Paleo-Americans is just acknowledging part of my history--just like I write about continental African history.

LOL now we see why these freaks are chasing after "black" hawaiians, welshmen, japanese, and latvians.

Po thang, everyone can see that you have low self-esteem.
Posted by Grumman (Member # 14051) on :
It's okay Prmiddleeastern, Knowledgeiskey, you two can hold hands with Djehuti and dance around the campfire until all that related black blood ceases to exist. This way when the 'white' boys come by you can tell them all about your inner thoughts and frustrations and how you're truly related to blacks but you ain't related to blacks no mo'.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
^^^^Was this supposed to be even remotely funny, or even make sense???
Posted by Doug M (Member # 7650) on :
The problem with all this black/native american/african/indian talk is that people confuse terms. First off, "Indian" is not an accurate term for the indigenous people of the Americas prior to European contact, as they had nothing to do with India the sub continent. It has nothing to do with their identity and/or history. Second, skin color, for ANYONE with an ounce of understanding, is something that varies among ALL populations on earth, especially those prior to European and North Asian contact. Therefore, native Americans had various complexions, from very dark to very light, as well as various features, from more Asian, to more Australian aborigine to more "african looking". That does not make them Africans, no more than Aborigines of Asia are Africans. Of course all of this is lost due to the hyper racialism of the whites who conquered the Americas and exterminated millions of native Americans. But that does not mean we need to persist in propagating such confusion.

PRIOR to the arrival of Europeans in America, there were and still are VERY dark elements of the native American population. SOME of them may have been the result of direct contact with African migrants, but MOST are descended from the ABORIGINAL populations who came to the Americas, most likely from Asia and were most likely black, like all other aborigines. Over time, succeeding waves of migrants of various complexions arrived and added to the diversity in the populations. When Europeans arrived, they too began to add their own mark to native American populations, as Europeans fathered many a child among the native women. Not only that but there were also native groups who had substantial interaction with African populations introduced to the Americas by the Europeans. However, NONE of this changes the fact that the native populations, PRIOR to their extinction were QUITE diverse and the arrival of Europeans put an end to these populations AND that diversity.
Posted by argyle104 (Member # 14634) on :
Clyde Winters wrote:
As you can see writing about the Paleo-Americans is just acknowledging part of my history--just like I write about continental African history.

You're lying. Everybody on this forum knows it. Damn near 99.9% of your posts are about "blacks" somewhere other than Africa.

You're a beatdown AA, Clyde your ashamed of Africa. You see people whites have told Clyde that "blacks" in Africa are primitive, hapless, dumb, worthless, wretched people who are nothing but slaves to the rest of the world.

Clyde believes the above and hates himself. He knows he can't escape his "blackness" so therefore he has to mythicize "blacks" out of Africa. Again this is because the whites have told him that Africans primitive, hapless, dumb, worthless, wretched people so therefore its "blacks" who are not African who are his focus. Because in his mind they are seen by whites as having more value than "blacks" in Africa.
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
Damn argyle104, how did you get there?
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Originally posted by Doug M:
The problem with all this black/native american/african/indian talk is that people confuse terms. First off, "Indian" is not an accurate term for the indigenous people of the Americas prior to European contact, as they had nothing to do with India the sub continent. It has nothing to do with their identity and/or history. Second, skin color, for ANYONE with an ounce of understanding, is something that varies among ALL populations on earth, especially those prior to European and North Asian contact. Therefore, native Americans had various complexions, from very dark to very light, as well as various features, from more Asian, to more Australian aborigine to more "african looking". That does not make them Africans, no more than Aborigines of Asia are Africans. Of course all of this is lost due to the hyper racialism of the whites who conquered the Americas and exterminated millions of native Americans. But that does not mean we need to persist in propagating such confusion.

PRIOR to the arrival of Europeans in America, there were and still are VERY dark elements of the native American population. SOME of them may have been the result of direct contact with African migrants, but MOST are descended from the ABORIGINAL populations who came to the Americas, most likely from Asia and were most likely black, like all other aborigines. Over time, succeeding waves of migrants of various complexions arrived and added to the diversity in the populations. When Europeans arrived, they too began to add their own mark to native American populations, as Europeans fathered many a child among the native women. Not only that but there were also native groups who had substantial interaction with African populations introduced to the Americas by the Europeans. However, NONE of this changes the fact that the native populations, PRIOR to their extinction were QUITE diverse and the arrival of Europeans put an end to these populations AND that diversity.

I agree with you Doug, this is exactly my position as well as modern mainstream academics, but some have a hard time accepting this.

My source:
"The traditional path across the Bering Strait is still the most plausible explanation for the entry of this non-Mongoloid population into the New World, if we assume that it was present in Northern Asia at the end of the Pleistocene." And indeed, Japan's aborigines, of whom a few still live in Hokkaido and on the Kurile Islands, display some Australian traits, such as round eye sockets and abundant body hair.

From Mikes own source:
Lahr (1995) has reached a conclusion similar to ours when studying the cranial morphology of modern Fuegians. She realized that the morphology of modern Indians of Tierra del Fuego could not be described as typical Mongoloid as well. Since she detected a close association between historic ****Fuegians and Polynesians**** she opted to interpret the cranial morphology of the former as generalized Mongoloid, at best. In her opinion this generalized Mongoloid morphology could be explained as a retention of characteristics of the first inhabitants of the Americas.

Froms Mikes own source:
As to the similarities with Africans, the best way to explain it in terms of historical connections, is to assume that the Asian ancestral population that gave rise to the Australians and to the first Americans had its ultimate origins in the African continent, as it is in fact the case with all modern humans (Stringer and Andrews, 1988; Stringer and McKie, 1996; Lahr, 1994, 1996), ***but which retained a very generalized morphology.*** In accordance with Lahr (1996), the Australians are in fact the contemporary aboriginal population that retained the most primitive morphology when compared to the first modern humans. As she stressed "Groups like [...] Australo-Melanesians are all examples of relatively early diversifications without great amounts of gene flow from other groups..." (Lahr, 1996, p.335).

My source:
In this study, 74 human skulls dated between 11.0 and 3.0 kyr, recovered in seven different sites of Sabana de Bogotá, Colombia, were compared with the world cranial variation by different multivariate techniques: Principal Components Analysis, Multidimensional Scaling, and Cluster of Mahalanobis distance matrices. The Colombian skeletal remains were divided in two chronological subgroups: Paleocolombians (11.0-6.0 kyr) and Archaic Colombians (5.0-3.0 kyr). Both quantitative techniques generated convergent results: ****the Paleocolombians show remarkable similarities with Lagoa Santa and ****with modern Australo-Melanesians**** . Archaic Colombians exhibited the same morphological patterns and associations. ***These findings support our long-held proposition that the early American settlement may have involved ****two very distinct biological populations coming from Asia****. On the other hand, they suggest the possibility of late survivals of the Paleoamerican pattern not restricted to isolated or marginal areas, as previously thought. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2007. © 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
^ Knowledge, again I ask why do you waste your time engagin folks with no scientific understanding not even of the very sources they cite??!
Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
The Mayan inscriptions from Palenque claim that the first ruler of this city was the Olmec leader U-Kix-chan. In addition, some Mayan kings were styled Kuk according to Mary Miller and Karl Taube,in "The Gods and symbols of ancient Mexico and Maya, said this term was also used in the Olmec inscriptions, like those from Tuxtla, to denote the local ruler of many Olmec sites. It was probably during this period of contact that the Maya began to copy Mande terms and incorporate them in their lexicon. It is time that we stop the name calling and work together to explain to the world the African presence in ancient America.



Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Originally posted by Doug M:
The problem with all this black/native american/african/indian talk is that people confuse terms. First off, "Indian" is not an accurate term for the indigenous people of the Americas prior to European contact, as they had nothing to do with India the sub continent. It has nothing to do with their identity and/or history. Second, skin color, for ANYONE with an ounce of understanding, is something that varies among ALL populations on earth, especially those prior to European and North Asian contact. Therefore, native Americans had various complexions, from very dark to very light, as well as various features, from more Asian, to more Australian aborigine to more "african looking". That does not make them Africans, no more than Aborigines of Asia are Africans. Of course all of this is lost due to the hyper racialism of the whites who conquered the Americas and exterminated millions of native Americans. But that does not mean we need to persist in propagating such confusion.

PRIOR to the arrival of Europeans in America, there were and still are VERY dark elements of the native American population. SOME of them may have been the result of direct contact with African migrants, but MOST are descended from the ABORIGINAL populations who came to the Americas, most likely from Asia and were most likely black, like all other aborigines. Over time, succeeding waves of migrants of various complexions arrived and added to the diversity in the populations. When Europeans arrived, they too began to add their own mark to native American populations, as Europeans fathered many a child among the native women. Not only that but there were also native groups who had substantial interaction with African populations introduced to the Americas by the Europeans. However, NONE of this changes the fact that the native populations, PRIOR to their extinction were QUITE diverse and the arrival of Europeans put an end to these populations AND that diversity.

Doug you keep mixing dark complexion with being a Negro. This is not what we are talking about.Here we are talking about the Negro/African race.

Quatrefages was one of the leading anthropologists of the 19th century. When he classified an indivual as a Negro he was refering to Africans not dark skinned native Americans. As a result, when he identified the Chantal, and other groups as Blacks/Negores he was saying that they were African Indians, not Asian Indians.

Moreover, the fact that he called these Native Americans Negroes is quite interesting and has been confirmed over the years that they were not of slave ancestry given the antiquity of the artifacts found in these regions dating to prehistoric times.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Originally posted by Djehuti:
^ Knowledge, again I ask why do you waste your time engagin folks with no scientific understanding not even of the very sources they cite??!

Because it pains me to see the illiteracy flowing around this board, and the feeble minds that accept it. Also these outrageous claims lower the standards of this site, as well as gives bigots the opportunity of a quick dismissal of our facts presented, in which they deem Afro-centric. Simply because we have people claiming everything to be African, from Marc to Clyde to Egmond Codfried. If these outrageous claims weren't addressed this site would go down the drain and be written off as a crazy Afro-centric site. I would love for this board to be moderated.
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
^ Pained me at first too, but then I got used to it! Sad but true. [Frown]

You are right though, that if it wasn't for these Afro-looneys the forum would be taken a lot more seriously by all laypeople regardless of color.
Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
You fail to recognize that there is a craniometric difference between Australoids /Australians representatives of the OOA population, Mongoloids and Melanoids; craniometric differences that indicate two migrations of the Black Variety into the Pacific and East Asia.

Tsuenehiko Hanihare discussed the phenotypic variations between these populations(1). Tsuenehiko classified these people into three major populations Southeast Asian Mongoloids (Polynesians), the Australians or Austroloid type and the Nicobar and Andaman (Melanoid) samples which he found lie between the predominately Southeast Asian and Australoid/Australian type (1).

The Australian aborigines and Melanesians show cranonical variates and represent two distinct Black populations(2). The Australoids or Australians live mainly in Australia and the highland regions of Oceania, the Melanoid people on the otherhand live in the coastal regions of Near Oceania and Fiji. D.J de Laubenfels discussed the variety of Blacks found in Asia. Laubenfiels explained that Negroids/Melanoids such as the Tasmanians are characterized by wooly black hair and sparse body hair (2). Australoids or Australians on the otherhand have curly, wavy or straight hair and abundant body hair. Other differences between these Black populations include Negroid / Melanoid brows being vertical and without eyebrow ridges, whereas Australoid brows are sloping and with prominent ridges (2).

This led M. Pietrusewky to recognize two separate colonizations of the Pacific by morphologically distinct populations one Polynesian and the other Melanesian (3). Pietrusewky’s research indicates a clear separation between the Australian-Melanesian crania and the Polynesian crania (3). The findings indicate an origin for the Polynesians in Southeast Asia (3-5), and an early Australo-Melanesian presence in East Asia as discussed in the earlier comment.

Laubenfels argues that the Australians are remnants of the original African migration to the region 60kya (2). This view is supported by David Bulbeck who found that the Australian craniometrics are different from the Mongoloid (Polynesian), and Melanoid crania metrics (4). This research indicates that whereas Australian aborigine crania agree with the archaic population of Asia and first group of Africans to exit Africa, they fail to correspond to the Sahulland crania which are distinctly of Southwest Pacific or Melanoid affinity (2,4). This suggests that by the rise of Sahulland there were two distinct Black populations in Asia one Austroloid and the other Melanoid (4).

The Melanesian type does not appear in East Asia (Siberia) until after 5000 BC. This is thousands of years after Luizia and Eva Neharon had existed in Brazil and Mexico respectively.

By the Neolithic the Melanoids or Papuans are associated with millet cultivation at Yangshao and Lougshan according to Pietrusewky’s work (5). Tsang argues that the probable homeland of the Austronesian speakers was the Pearl River delta, here the Melanoid people cultivated millet (6). Sagart believes that there is a Proto-Sino-Tibetan-Austronesian family of languages based on the millet culture the Melanoids introduced to China (7).

The craniometrics make it clear the ancient Americans are not related to the Melanesians.


1. Tsunehiko Hanihare, Interpretation of craniofacial variations and diversification of East and Southeast Asia. In Bioarchaeology of Southeast Asia. (Eds.) Marc Oxenhan and Nancy Tayles (pp.91-111). Cambridge, 2005.

2. D.J. Laubenfels, Australoids, Negroids and Negroes: A suggested explanation for their distinct distributions. Annals Association of Am. Geographers, 58(1), 1968: 42-50.

3. Michael Pietrusewky, A multivariate craniometric study of the prehistoric and modern inhabitants of Southeast Asia, East Asia and surrounding regions:A human kaleidoscope. Cambridge Studies in Biological and Evolutionary Anthropology, No. 43, 2006: 59-90.

4. David Bulbeck, Australian Aboriginal craniometrics as construed through FORDISC, 2005. Retrieved: 4/2/2008:

5. M. Pietrusewsky, The Physical anthropology of the Pacific, East Asia: A multivariate craniometric analysis. . In L. Sagart, R. Blench, A. Sanchez-Mazos (Eds), The peopling of East Asia Putting together Archaeology,Linguistics and Genetics (pp.201-229). RutledgeCurzon, 2005.

6. Tsang Cheng-Hwa, Recent discoveries at Tapenkeng culture sites in Taiwan;Implications for the problem of Austronesian origins. In The peopling of East Asia Putting together Archaeology, Linguistics and Genetics ,(Eds) L. Sagart, R. Blench, A. Sanchez-Mazos (pp.63-74). RutledgeCurzon, 2005.

7. L. Sagart, Sino-Tibetan-Austronesian an Updated and improved argument. In L. Sagart, R. Blench, A. Sanchez-Mazos (Eds), The peopling of East Asia Putting together Archaeology, Linguistics and Genetics (pp.161-176). RutledgeCurzon, 2005.

First of all the original migrants OOA population had different features than the contemporary Africans.

Here is an Australian


Here is a contemporary Africans


You can clearly see differences between the Australian and African type; while both individuals are described as Negroes you will note that the forehead of the Australian matches in many ways the cranium of earlier hominid forms dating back to the rise of homo sapiens sapiens in Africa.

Any physical anthropologists would note these changes. The coastal Melanesians usually show mixed Australian-African features or features commonly found among Africans--not Australians.\





A simple observation of Melanesians and Aborigines make it clear that they resemble Africans moreso than Aborigines--the original settlers of Asia.

The ancestors of the Melanesians and Polynesians probably lived in East Asia. The late appearance of Melanoid people from East Asia on the shore areas of Oceania would explain the differences between the genetic make up of Melanesians living in the highlands and Melanesians living along the shore [1-2].

The skeletal evidence from East Asia [3-7,12] suggests that the TMRCAs of the Polynesians and some of the coastal Melanesians may be mainland East Asia, not Taiwan. The ancestral population for the shoreline Melanesians was probably forced from East Asia by Proto-Polynesians as they were pushed into Southeast Asia by the Han or contemporary Chinese. This would explain the genetic diversity existing among shoreline Melanesians, in comparison to the genetic homogeneity among isolated inland Melanesian, like the Highland New Guineans.

There were two Shang Dynasties, one Melanoid (Qiang-Shang) and the other Proto-Polynesian (Yin-Shang). The first Shang Dynasty was founded by Proto-Melanesians or Melanoids belonging to the Yueh tribe called Qiang [7]. The Qiang lived in Qiangfeng, a country to the west of Yin-Shang, Shensi and Yunnan [7-11,13].

The archaeological evidence also indicates that the Polynesians probably originated in East Asia [4,6-7,12-13]. Consequently, the Polynesian migration probably began in East Asia, not Southeast Asia. Taiwan genetically probably belongs to the early Polynesians who settled Taiwan before they expanded into outer Oceania.

Given the archaeological record of intimate contact between Proto-Polynesians and Proto-Melanoids, neither a “slow boat” or “express train” explains the genetic relationship between the Melanesian and Polynesian populations. This record makes it clear that these populations lived in intimate contact for thousands of years and during this extended period of interactions both groups probably exchanged genes.

1. Manfred Kayser, Oscar Lao, Kathrin Saar, Silke Brauer, Xingyu Wang, Peter Nürnberg, Ronald J. Trent, Mark Stoneking Genome-wide Analysis Indicates More Asian than Melanesian Ancestry of Polynesians. The American Journal of Human Genetics - 10 January 2008, 82 (1); pp. 194-198.

2. J. S. Fredlaender, F.R. Friedlaender, J.A. Hodgson, M. Stoltz, G. Koki, G. Horvat,S. Zhadanov, T. G. Schurr and D.A. Merriwether, Melanesian mtDNA complexity, PLoS ONE, 2(2) 2007: e248.

3 F. Weidenreich F., Bull. Nat. Hist. Soc. Peiping 13, (1938-40): p. 163.

4. Kwang-chih Chang, Archaeology of ancient China (Yale University Press, 1986) p. 64.

5. G. H. R. von Koenigswald, A giant fossil hominoid from the pleistocene of Southern China, Anthropology Pap. Am Museum of Natural History, no.43, 1952, pp. 301-309).

6. K. C. Chang, The archaeology of ancient China, (Yale University Press: New Haven, 1977): p. 76

7. Winters, Clyde Ahmad, “The Far Eastern Origin of the Tamils”, Journal of Tamil Studies, no27 (June 1985), pp. 65-92.

8. K. C. Chang, Shang Civilization, (Yale University Press: New Haven, 1980) pp. 227-230.

9. C. A. Winters, The Dravido-Harappa Colonization of Central Asia, Central Asiatic Journal, (1990) 34 (1-2), pp. 120-144.

10. Y. Kan, The Bronze culture of western Yunnan, Bull. Of the Ancient Orient Museum (Tokyo), 7 (1985), pp. 47-91.

11. S. S. Ling, A study of the Raft, Outrigger, Double, and Deck canoes of ancient China, the Pacific, and the Indian Ocean. The Institute of Ethnology Academic Sinica. Nankang, Taipei Taiwan, 1970.

12. Kwang-chih Chang, “Prehistoric and early historic culture horizons and traditions in South China”, Current Anthropology, 5 (1964): pp. 359-375: 375).

13. Winters,Clyde Ahmad, “Dravidian Settlements in ancient Polynesia”, India Past and Present 3, no2 (1986): pp. 225-241.
Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
The oldest Native Americans are the Fuegians. The Fuegians are neither Austroloid or Asian in appearence.

]  -

Above is a picture of a native Fuegian taken in 1856. This shows the native African Americans of Tierra del Fuego.

Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Moreover, the fact that he called these Native Americans Negroes is quite interesting and has been confirmed over the years that they were not of slave ancestry given the antiquity of the artifacts found in these regions dating to prehistoric times.
Wow you base your claims on a 19th century anthropologist? No wonder you're always making outrageous bogus assumptions and or claims.

You conveniently dismiss this up to date information which explains where Native Americans come from(which is Asia), while also confirming the fact that all humans descend from an African source. Meaning-like I said- wen African populations are found throughout the world, they're not result of post OOA migrations of a new set of Africans everytime. What it does mean is Africans populated the world and every non African descends from an African source.

I asked you Clyde, why is it that everytime you find OOA populations around the world you call them African, but yet you don't call the people who actually still resemble OOA populations African? This makes no sense and is a form of pseudo science, at it's best.


My source:
"The traditional path across the Bering Strait is still the most plausible explanation for the entry of this non-Mongoloid population into the New World, if we assume that it was present in Northern Asia at the end of the Pleistocene." And indeed, Japan's aborigines, of whom a few still live in Hokkaido and on the Kurile Islands, display some Australian traits, such as round eye sockets and abundant body hair.

From Mikes own source:
Lahr (1995) has reached a conclusion similar to ours when studying the cranial morphology of modern Fuegians. She realized that the morphology of modern Indians of Tierra del Fuego could not be described as typical Mongoloid as well. Since she detected a close association between historic ****Fuegians and Polynesians**** she opted to interpret the cranial morphology of the former as generalized Mongoloid, at best. In her opinion this generalized Mongoloid morphology could be explained as a retention of characteristics of the first inhabitants of the Americas.

Froms Mikes own source:
As to the similarities with Africans, the best way to explain it in terms of historical connections, is to assume that the Asian ancestral population that gave rise to the Australians and to the first Americans had its ultimate origins in the African continent, as it is in fact the case with all modern humans (Stringer and Andrews, 1988; Stringer and McKie, 1996; Lahr, 1994, 1996), ***but which retained a very generalized morphology.*** In accordance with Lahr (1996), the Australians are in fact the contemporary aboriginal population that retained the most primitive morphology when compared to the first modern humans. As she stressed "Groups like [...] Australo-Melanesians are all examples of relatively early diversifications without great amounts of gene flow from other groups..." (Lahr, 1996, p.335).

My source:
In this study, 74 human skulls dated between 11.0 and 3.0 kyr, recovered in seven different sites of Sabana de Bogotá, Colombia, were compared with the world cranial variation by different multivariate techniques: Principal Components Analysis, Multidimensional Scaling, and Cluster of Mahalanobis distance matrices. The Colombian skeletal remains were divided in two chronological subgroups: Paleocolombians (11.0-6.0 kyr) and Archaic Colombians (5.0-3.0 kyr). Both quantitative techniques generated convergent results: ****the Paleocolombians show remarkable similarities with Lagoa Santa and ****with modern Australo-Melanesians**** . Archaic Colombians exhibited the same morphological patterns and associations. ***These findings support our long-held proposition that the early American settlement may have involved ****two very distinct biological populations coming from Asia****. On the other hand, they suggest the possibility of late survivals of the Paleoamerican pattern not restricted to isolated or marginal areas, as previously thought. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2007. © 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


"AFRICAN-NATIVE AMERICANS : WE ARE STILL HERE" is based on an exhibit, curated by Ms. Eve Winddancer and with photos by Mr. Louis B. Myers, at the William and Anita Newman Library, 3rd fl.


Many people believe racial and ethnic groups in North America have always lived as separately as they do now. However, segregation was neither practical nor preferable when people who were not native to this continent began arriving here. Europeans needed Indians as guides, trade partners and military allies. They needed Africans to tend their crops and to build an infrastructure.

Later, as the new American government began to thrive, laws were drafted to protect the land and property the colonists had acquired. These laws strengthened the powers of slave owners, limited the rights of free Africans and barred most Indian rights altogether. Today, black, white and red Americans still feel the aftershock of those laws.

In order to enforce the new laws, Indians and Africans had to be distinguished from Europeans. Government census takers began visiting Indian communities east of the Mississippi River in the late 1700s and continued their task of identifying, categorizing, and counting individuals and "tribes" well into the 20th century. In the earlier days of this process, Native American communities that were found to be ***harboring escaped African slaves*** were threatened with loss of their tribal status, thereby nullifying their treaties with the U.S. government and relinquishing all claims to their land.

Despite the restrictions imposed by the U.S. government, Indians and Africans still managed to form close bonds. Some Native American communities ignored the laws and continued to aid fleeing African slaves. Some free Africans aided displaced Indians. Sometimes the two groups came together in "prayer towns" -- European communities that welcomed and protected converts to Christianity, regardless of race. Sometimes, Indian women married African men when the number of men in their own communities was decimated by war or natural disaster. Some Native Americans listed themselves as "Negro" or "mixed" in order to retain ownership of their land.

At the time of Columbus, the subcontinent of India was referred to as Hindustan or the Deccan. The European term for indigenous peoples all over the world was "Indians" from the Spanish "In Dios" meaning "God's people".

Some Native Americans refused to sign the census rolls during the 18th and 19th centuries, some refused to register with the Bureau of Indian Affairs or to allow themselves to be "removed" to "Indian Territory" in Oklahoma during the 1800s. As a result, many of their descendants grew up in urban environments instead of on reservations. This isn't the image of Native American experience most people carry in their heads but, in this part of the country, it is quite prevalent.

There are no villages tucked away in Suffolk county -- or anywhere else, for that matter -- where people live in teepees, hunt with bows and arrows and cook over open fires. Our lives reflect the same diversity as any other cultural group in America. We are wealthy, middle class and impoverished. We are educated and ignorant. We are employed and unemployed. We are Americans.

What sets American Indian cultures apart from many others is our attitude toward life. Simply stated, we believe we were not born ON this Earth, we were born OF this Earth. In other words, the Earth is our mother and we would no sooner mistreat her than you would the woman who raised you. This is the primary ingredient in the cultural glue that holds us all together.

Hollywood has taught us to associate the facial features you see here with red skin and sweeping Southwestern vistas, yet these people have skin tones that range from coffee to cream and most live in the New York metropolitan area. They are of African descent but they are also Blackfoot, Canarsie, Caribe, Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek, Lenape, Matinecock, Mohawk, Munsee, Ramapo, Shinnecock, Seminole, Unkechaug, Taino. They have spiritual names in addition to the names that appear on their birth certificates; they dance at powwows wearing full regalia; they have naming ceremonies for their children. Some of them speak indigenous languages, some fast on the full moon in accordance with ancient religious beliefs, and all are extremely proud of their mixed heritage. They embody the intertwining of two of America's most stalwart and dynamic ethnic communities.

The first slaves in the "New World" were Indians. However, colonists found them difficult to contain -- they knew the surrounding countryside and those who had not been captured often organized successful rescue efforts. For a time, slave merchants continued to raid Native American communities along the central and southern shores of the Eastern Seaboard and to encourage local warriors to barter captives they would otherwise kill for European trade goods. The women and children the merchants acquired were sold alongside Africans to buyers in the north while the men were shipped to plantations in the Caribbean.
Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
No members of the OOA population made their way to the New World.

There is clear evidence that the OOA population settled Asia. But lets not forget that if the OOA population who took the eastern route out of Africa left the Continent around 60kya this would have been during the last Ice Age.

The Ice Age latsed from from 110kya to around 12kya. As a result the OOA populartion would have found it impossible to take a land route to the Americas across Beringa. As a result, your insistence that the OOA population made their way to the Americas does not correlate with the environmental and archaeological evidence.



The ancient Americans looked more like the Khoisan then Australians, because they came from Africa not Asia.

Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
^^^So now the Khoisan migrated to the Americas? Lmao

Tell me Clyde, how do you dismiss actual anthropological studies, that confirm an Oceanic population in the Americas. In which this actual reconstruction was made off? Where the study, also said resembled Australians etc...?

Tell me Clyde where does your eyeball anthropological speculation of a reconstruction supersede the actual anthropological information?

Tell me Clyde, why do you agree with this reconstruction but don't agree with King Tuts reconstruction?
Posted by Doug M (Member # 7650) on :
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
Originally posted by Doug M:
The problem with all this black/native american/african/indian talk is that people confuse terms. First off, "Indian" is not an accurate term for the indigenous people of the Americas prior to European contact, as they had nothing to do with India the sub continent. It has nothing to do with their identity and/or history. Second, skin color, for ANYONE with an ounce of understanding, is something that varies among ALL populations on earth, especially those prior to European and North Asian contact. Therefore, native Americans had various complexions, from very dark to very light, as well as various features, from more Asian, to more Australian aborigine to more "african looking". That does not make them Africans, no more than Aborigines of Asia are Africans. Of course all of this is lost due to the hyper racialism of the whites who conquered the Americas and exterminated millions of native Americans. But that does not mean we need to persist in propagating such confusion.

PRIOR to the arrival of Europeans in America, there were and still are VERY dark elements of the native American population. SOME of them may have been the result of direct contact with African migrants, but MOST are descended from the ABORIGINAL populations who came to the Americas, most likely from Asia and were most likely black, like all other aborigines. Over time, succeeding waves of migrants of various complexions arrived and added to the diversity in the populations. When Europeans arrived, they too began to add their own mark to native American populations, as Europeans fathered many a child among the native women. Not only that but there were also native groups who had substantial interaction with African populations introduced to the Americas by the Europeans. However, NONE of this changes the fact that the native populations, PRIOR to their extinction were QUITE diverse and the arrival of Europeans put an end to these populations AND that diversity.

Doug you keep mixing dark complexion with being a Negro. This is not what we are talking about.Here we are talking about the Negro/African race.

Quatrefages was one of the leading anthropologists of the 19th century. When he classified an indivual as a Negro he was refering to Africans not dark skinned native Americans. As a result, when he identified the Chantal, and other groups as Blacks/Negores he was saying that they were African Indians, not Asian Indians.

Moreover, the fact that he called these Native Americans Negroes is quite interesting and has been confirmed over the years that they were not of slave ancestry given the antiquity of the artifacts found in these regions dating to prehistoric times.

Clyde, please keep that tongue twisting inverted logic to yourself.

You are talking about your own convoluted logic not mine and YOUR OWN attempts to confuse those terms to suit YOUR OWN point of view.

The FIRST populations of Asia were BLACK aboriginal people. These are the SAME types of people who originally populated the America. Yes they came from Asia but YES they were also black. NO they were not Africans, just like the Aborigines of Australia and New Guinea are NOT Africans. So keep that dumbness that blacks aren't the first Asians and Americans nonsense to yourself.
Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :

We claim that due to the African origin of the first Americans, some Amerind groups mixed with the original African Americans and later Africans taken to America during the Atlantic Slave Trade. I have made it clear that I believe that the present Amerind population probably only entered Mexico and South America after 1000 BC.

Let's look at the facts:

1) the Australians represent the OOA population that settled Asia

2) during the OOA event much of Siberia and North America was under ice from 110,000 - 10,000BC. As a result there was no way Siberians could cross Beringa before the end of the ice age

3) Ice even separated much of South America east to west


4) the first Americans appear in Brazil, Chile and Argintina Latin America around 30,000 BC

5)using craniometric evidence it is clear that the first Americans look like Africans not modern Asian Native Americans

6) using craniometrics I have pointed out that Asia was dominated by the Australian population until the rise of Suhulland when the Melanesian people appear in the area, at this time the Beringa was still under Ice

7) I pointed out that the Melanesian type reach East Asian mainland by 5000 BC, long after Africans had settled Latin America

8) between 15,000-12,000 we see numerous African populations in Mexico and Brazil; and skeletons dating to this period have even been found off the Yucatan coast in the Caribbean

9) these first Americans did not look like the Australians or modern Amerinds

10) iconography of PreClassic people like the Cherla, Ocos and other groups is of Negroes not Amerinds like the Maya

11) Amerind groups not associated with African slaves carry African genes

12) Maya carried African y chromosome

13) Chontal Mayan speakers were classified as Negroes by Quatrefages. This may explain why the Maya carry African genes

14)Negrocostachicanos claim that they have never been slaves and are indigenous to Guererro and Oaxaca on the Pacific coast

15) The Dufuna boat makes it clear that Africans probably had the technology to travel to the Americas 15,000 years ago.

16) Fuegians 100-400 BP carried haplogroup A1. Hg A1 is an African haplogroup.

17) Amerinds carry haplogroup N, just like Africans.

18)The y chromosome STRs of the Fuegians include DYS434,DYS437,DYS 439, DYS 393, DYS391,DYS390,DYS19, DYS 389I, DYS389II and DYS 388 (see: Garcia-Bour et al above). Except for DYS390 and DYS388 they are characteristic of haplogroup A1 . A1 is recognized as an African haplogroup.

19)Quatrefages noted numerous African Native American tribes

20)The antiquity of these populations is supported by the ancient iconography found in these countries which are of African Native Americans.

Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
^^^^All speculation, as you present NO anthropological studies, or genetic information confirming your theory.

As we can see as follows

My source:
"The traditional path across the Bering Strait is still the most plausible explanation for the entry of this non-Mongoloid population into the New World, if we assume that it was present in Northern Asia at the end of the Pleistocene." And indeed, Japan's aborigines, of whom a few still live in Hokkaido and on the Kurile Islands, display some Australian traits, such as round eye sockets and abundant body hair.

From Mikes own source:
Lahr (1995) has reached a conclusion similar to ours when studying the cranial morphology of modern Fuegians. She realized that the morphology of modern Indians of Tierra del Fuego could not be described as typical Mongoloid as well. Since she detected a close association between historic ****Fuegians and Polynesians**** she opted to interpret the cranial morphology of the former as generalized Mongoloid, at best. In her opinion this generalized Mongoloid morphology could be explained as a retention of characteristics of the first inhabitants of the Americas.

Froms Mikes own source:
As to the similarities with Africans, the best way to explain it in terms of historical connections, is to assume that the Asian ancestral population that gave rise to the Australians and to the first Americans had its ultimate origins in the African continent, as it is in fact the case with all modern humans (Stringer and Andrews, 1988; Stringer and McKie, 1996; Lahr, 1994, 1996), ***but which retained a very generalized morphology.*** In accordance with Lahr (1996), the Australians are in fact the contemporary aboriginal population that retained the most primitive morphology when compared to the first modern humans. As she stressed "Groups like [...] Australo-Melanesians are all examples of relatively early diversifications without great amounts of gene flow from other groups..." (Lahr, 1996, p.335).

My source:
In this study, 74 human skulls dated between 11.0 and 3.0 kyr, recovered in seven different sites of Sabana de Bogotá, Colombia, were compared with the world cranial variation by different multivariate techniques: Principal Components Analysis, Multidimensional Scaling, and Cluster of Mahalanobis distance matrices. The Colombian skeletal remains were divided in two chronological subgroups: Paleocolombians (11.0-6.0 kyr) and Archaic Colombians (5.0-3.0 kyr). Both quantitative techniques generated convergent results: ****the Paleocolombians show remarkable similarities with Lagoa Santa and ****with modern Australo-Melanesians**** . Archaic Colombians exhibited the same morphological patterns and associations. ***These findings support our long-held proposition that the early American settlement may have involved ****two very distinct biological populations coming from Asia****. On the other hand, they suggest the possibility of late survivals of the Paleoamerican pattern not restricted to isolated or marginal areas, as previously thought. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2007. © 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


A Three-Stage Colonization Model for the Peopling of the Americas

Andrew Kitchen1, Michael M. Miyamoto2, Connie J. Mulligan1*

1 Department of Anthropology, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, United States of America, 2 Department of Zoology, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, United States of America


We evaluate the process by which the Americas were originally colonized and propose a three-stage model that integrates current genetic, archaeological, geological, and paleoecological data. ***Specifically, we analyze mitochondrial and nuclear genetic data*** by using complementary coalescent models of demographic history and incorporating non-genetic data to enhance the anthropological relevance of the analysis.


Bayesian skyline plots, ***which provide dynamic representations of population size changes over time***, indicate that Amerinds went through two stages of growth ≈40,000 and ≈15,000 years ago separated by a long period of population stability. Isolation-with-migration coalescent analyses, which utilize data from sister populations to estimate a divergence date and founder population sizes, ***suggest an Amerind population expansion starting ≈15,000 years ago.***


***These results support a model for the peopling of the New World in which Amerind ancestors diverged from the Asian gene pool prior to 40,000 years ago and experienced a gradual population expansion as they moved into Beringia.*** After a long period of little change in population size in greater Beringia, Amerinds rapidly expanded into the Americas ≈15,000 years ago either through an interior ice-free corridor or along the coast. This rapid colonization of the New World was achieved by a founder group with an effective population size of ≈1,000–5,400 individuals. Our model presents a detailed scenario for the timing and scale of the initial migration to the Americas, substantially refines the estimate of New World founders, and provides a unified theory for testing with future datasets and analytic methods.


Michael M. Miyamoto2

The result is a ***unified, interdisciplinary*** theory of the **"peopling" of the New World**, which **shows a gradual migration and expansion of people from Asia through Siberia and into Beringia starting about 40,000 years ago***; a ***long waiting period in Beringia*** where the population size remained relatively stable; and ***finally a rapid expansion into North America*** through Alaska or Canada about ***15,000 years ago.***

"***This was the raw material, the original genetic source for all of the Americas,"*** said Michael Miyamoto, Ph.D., a professor and associate chairman of zoology in UF's College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. "You can think of the people as a distinct group blocked by glaciers to the east. ***They had already been west, and had no reason to go back.*** They had entered this waiting stage and for ***20,000 years***, generations were passing and genetic differences were accumulating. By looking at the kinds and frequencies of these mutations in modern populations, we can get an idea of when the mutations arose and how many people were around to carry them."
Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
Many members of this forum have been brainwashed by revisionist history which “whites out” the ancient original Black inhabitants in the Americas. A de Quatrefages in L ‘Etudes des Races Humaines (1889) noted how the Atlantic currents probably carried naby Africans to the Americas. He observed:


One should seek to explain it, how [b]Balboa
could have found an isolated Negro tribe in the midst of the indigenous population of the Darien Isthmus [Panama]; how the island of Saint Vincent had black Caribbeans before the importation of the first Negroes to the Antilles; how the Yamassis of Florida and the Charuas had the same colony; how black men coming from the east could have reached the Indies as it was reported in the Peruvian traditions. (pp.406-407)

These Indians came from Africa, not Asia.


Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
Anthropology supports the presence of Blacks in America when Columbus arrived in the region.Quatrefages in The Human Species , include the Choco, Manabis, Yaruras, Guarani, Charruas, Othomi (Otomi), Yamassi, Tzendal/Chontal, the Mandinga(a member of the Cunan group of Mexico), the Blacks of Quareca and numerous tribes along the Orinoco river in Venezuela and the Isthmus of Darien; not to mention the Black tribes of the United States southwest including a tribe reported by Cabeza de Vaca called Mandicas (< Mandinka).

The Otomi and Caribe spoke a Manding language. The major center for
the Manding was Panama. The major Amerindian group in this area was the Cunan group.

Mike’s posting of the pictures below support the work of Quatrefages.

Central America:


South America:


It is interesting that in every area Quatrefages said Negores formerly existed we see artifacts dating hundreds of years support his report.


Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Let's discuss the fact that the Fuegians carry the same STRs as Africans based on the research literature as evidence I provide two citations.

Citation One (1)


Titre du document / Document title
Early population differentiation in extinct aborigines from Tierra del Fuego-Patagonia: Ancient mtDNA sequences and Y-chromosome STR characterization = Différentiation des populations anciennes chez les aborigènes éteints de la Patagonie-Terre de Feu : Séquences d'ADNmt et caractérisation STR du chromosome Y
Auteur(s) / Author(s)
GARCIA-BOUR Jaume (1) ; PEREZ-PEREZ Alejandro (1) ; ALVAREZ Sara (1) ; FERNANDEZ Eva (1) ; LOPEZ-PARRA Ana Maria (1 2) ; ARROYO-PARDO Eduardo (1 2) ; TURBON Daniel (1) ;
Affiliation(s) du ou des auteurs / Author(s) Affiliation(s)
(1) Secció d'Antropologia, Departament de Biologia Animal, Universitat de Barcelona, 08028 Barcelona, ESPAGNE
(2) Laboratorio de Biologia Forense, Departamento de Toxicología y Legislación Sanitaria, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Complutense, 28040 Madrid, ESPAGNE
Résumé / Abstract
Ancient mtDNA was succesfully recovered from 24 skeletal samples of a total of 60 ancient individuals from Patagonia-Tierra del Fuego, dated to 100-400 years BP, for which consistent amplifications and two-strand sequences were obtained. Y-chromosome STRs (DYS434, DYS437, DYS439, DYS393, DYS391, DYS390, DYS19, DYS389I, DYS389II, and DYS388) and the biallelic system DYS199 were also amplified, Y-STR alleles could be characterized in nine cases, with an average of 4.1 loci per sample correctly typed. In two samples of the same ethnic group (Aonikenk), an identical and complete eight-loci haplotype was recovered. The DYS199 biallelic system was used as a control of contamination by modern DNA and, along with DYS19, as a marker of American origin. The analysis of both mtDNA and Y-STRs revealed DNA from Amerindian ancestry. The observed polymorphisms are consistent with the hypothesis that the ancient Fuegians are close to populations from south-central Chile and Argentina, but their high nucleotide diversity and the frequency of single lineages strongly support early genetic differentiation of the Fuegians through combined processes of population bottleneck, isolation, and/or migration, followed by strong genetic drift. This suggests an early genetic diversification of the Fuegians right after their arrival at the southernmost extreme of South America.
Revue / Journal Title
American journal of physical anthropology ISSN 0002-9483
Source / Source
2004, vol. 123, no4, pp. 361-370 [10 page(s) (article)] (47 ref.)

Here Garcia Bour et al note that: Fuegian Y-chromosomes STRs include “Y-chromosome STRs (DYS434, DYS437, DYS439, DYS393, DYS391, DYS390, DYS19, DYS389I, DYS389II, and DYS388)

Citation Two (2)


Diversity of Y-STR haplotypes of chromosomes belonging to hgA1 and within the R surname. (a) Relationships of Y-STR haplotypes within hgA1. Weighted median joining network containing the 10-locus Y-STR haplotypes (DYS19, DYS390, DYS391, DYS392, DYS393, DYS437, DYS438, DYS439, DYS389I, DYS389II-I) of eleven hgA1 chromosomes. Circles represent haplotypes, with area proportional to frequency and colored according to population.

European Journal of Human Genetics (2007) 15, 288–293. doi:10.1038/sj.ejhg.5201771; published online 24 January 2007
Africans in Yorkshire? The deepest-rooting clade of the Y phylogeny within an English genealogy
Turi E King1


In this paper, King et al make it clear that the “Y-STR haplotypes (DYS19, DYS390, DYS391, DYS392, DYS393, DYS437, DYS438, DYS439, DYS389I, DYS389II-I) of eleven hgA1 chromosomes.[/b] “ belong to hg A1.

Note that Garcia Bour et al maintains Fuegians carry these STRs

DYS434, DYS437, DYS439, DYS393, DYS391, DYS390, DYS19, DYS389I, DYS389II, and DYS388

King et al observed that the principal STRs in haplogroup A1 are:


DYS19, DYS390, DYS391, DYS392, DYS393, DYS437, DYS438, DYS439, DYS389I, DYS389II-I

You don’t have to be brain scientist to recognize that concordance exist between the two sets of STRs.

It stands to reason that if the Fuegians carry Y-STRs associated with haplogroup A1 which is an African haplogroup, the Fuegians have direct African ancestry.

This led me to reach the following conclusion based on the evidence:

Researchers have been able to recover mtDNA samples from 24 out of 60 ancient skeletons from Tierra del Fuego dating to 100-400BP. The y chromosome STRs were DYS434,DYS437,DYS 439, DYS 393, DYS391,DYS390,DYS19, DYS 389I, DYS389II and DYS 388 (see: Garcia-Bour et al below). Except for DYS390 and DYS388 are characteristic of haplogroup A1 (see: King et al, below). A1 is recognized as an African haplogroup. This genetic data make it clear that Negro Fuegians were living in Fuego, 9000 years after Neves believed they had been replaced by mongoloid folk.

Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
The Fuegians and Khoisan share many cultural features. Note the house construction of these populations.


The signature six microsatellites in YAP and M174 are DYS19, DYS388,DYS390, DYS5391,DYS392 and DYS393, usually defined as M174, are also found among the Khoisan.

This indicates that the Fuegians carry genes introduced by the Khoisan who would have been the first people to colonize Americas.

Posted by prmiddleeastern (Member # 14038) on :
Originally posted by Grumman:
It's okay Prmiddleeastern, Knowledgeiskey, you two can hold hands with Djehuti and dance around the campfire until all that related black blood ceases to exist. This way when the 'white' boys come by you can tell them all about your inner thoughts and frustrations and how you're truly related to blacks but you ain't related to blacks no mo'.

Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
DNA from Pre-Clovis Human Coprolites in Oregon, North America

M. Thomas P. Gilbert,1* Dennis L. Jenkins,2* Anders Götherstrom,3 Nuria Naveran,4 Juan J. Sanchez,5 Michael Hofreiter,6 Philip Francis Thomsen,1 Jonas Binladen,1 Thomas F. G. Higham,7 Robert M. Yohe, II,8 Robert Parr,8 Linda Scott Cummings,9 Eske Willerslev1{dagger}

The timing of the first human migration into the Americas and its relation to the appearance of the Clovis technological complex in North America at about 11,000 to 10,800 radiocarbon years before the present (14C years B.P.) remains contentious. We establish that humans were present at Paisley 5 Mile Point Caves, in south-central Oregon, by 12,300 14C years B.P., through the recovery of human mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) from coprolites, directly dated by accelerator mass spectrometry. The mtDNA corresponds to Native American founding haplogroups A2 and B2. The dates of the coprolites are >1000 14C years earlier than currently accepted dates for the Clovis complex.

Y-chromosome STRs (DYS434, DYS437, DYS439, DYS393, DYS391, DYS390, DYS19, DYS389I, DYS389II, and DYS388) and the biallelic system DYS199 were also amplified, Y-STR alleles could be characterized in nine cases, with an average of 4.1 loci per sample correctly typed. In two samples of the same ethnic group (Aonikenk), an identical and complete eight-loci haplotype was recovered. The DYS199 biallelic system was used as a control of contamination by modern DNA and, along with DYS19, as a marker of American origin. The analysis of both mtDNA and Y-STRs revealed DNA from ***Amerindian*** ancestry. The observed polymorphisms are consistent with the hypothesis that the ancient Fuegians are close to populations from south-central Chile and Argentina, but their high nucleotide diversity and the frequency of single lineages strongly support early genetic differentiation of the Fuegians through combined processes of population bottleneck, isolation, and/or migration, followed by strong genetic drift. This suggests an early genetic diversification of the Fuegians right after their arrival at the southernmost extreme of South America.
Revue / Journal Title
American journal of physical anthropology ISSN 0002-9483
Source / Source
2004, vol. 123, no4, pp. 361-370 [10 page(s) (article)] (47 ref.)

Clyde, from the above, where do you draw your conclusions? What scientists agree with you? What exact correlations do these two Y-chromosome STRs share, that would admonish what scientists say, which is due to OOA populations, and not subsequent migrations OOA, being that Khoisan do carry the oldest lineages, and are said to be involved in OOA???

“Y-chromosome STRs (DYS434, DYS437, DYS439, DYS393, DYS391, DYS390, DYS19, DYS389I, DYS389II, and DYS388)

Y-STR haplotypes (DYS19, DYS390, DYS391, DYS392, DYS393, DYS437, DYS438, DYS439, DYS389I, DYS389II-I)
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
^ The morons don't realize that since *all* humans originated in Africa, all humans were black African. But then some humans left Africa over 60,000 years ago to populate the rest of the globe. How are these people still African if they were living outside of Africa for 50,000 years or more. If these paleo-Americans were 'African' then why not white Europeans, even though the latter is closer related to Africans via mixture?! LOL
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
^^^^^That's the whole point, they're a bunch of idiots who don't understand OOA, which is why we have thread such as whites are new to Europe from Medieval times, and a pansy claiming whites are African albinos who recently migrated into Europe to mix with native Europeans and African Europeans, to create whites. [Confused]
Posted by meninarmer (Member # 12654) on :
This report and population migration out of Africa simulation follows SMP OOA.
Nice movie showing migration patterns developed by tracing SNP data.
However, the authors attribute Bantu and Tuscan donors to Mayans due to post-Columbian admixture.

Inferring Human Colonization History Using a Copying Model

Would be nicer had they included time frames with each slide, but they are included in the report.
Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Originally posted by meninarmer:
This report and population migration out of Africa simulation follows SMP OOA.
Nice movie showing migration patterns developed by tracing SNP data.
However, the authors attribute Bantu and Tuscan donors to Mayans due to post-Columbian admixture.

Inferring Human Colonization History Using a Copying Model

Would be nicer had they included time frames with each slide, but they are included in the report.

Thanks for the post. As you note the movie does indicate the important role of the Khoisan in the expansion of many populations.

The big problem with the film is that it ignores anthropological evidence relating to the spread of Paleo-Americans and dating of this expansion.

I also didn't know about the Bantu influence on the Mexicans. The authors suggest a recent admixture, but Bantu slaves came to Mexico very late in history. As a result, I doubt that this admixture occurned after the Atlantic Slave Trade.


Posted by Doug M (Member # 7650) on :
Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
^^^^^That's the whole point, they're a bunch of idiots who don't understand OOA, which is why we have thread such as whites are new to Europe from Medieval times, and a pansy claiming whites are African albinos who recently migrated into Europe to mix with native Europeans and African Europeans, to create whites. [Confused]

Or that blacks in the Americas must be bantus and recent Africans as opposed to the descendants of the Aboriginal black Asians who first migrated there.

Of course, there were direct migrations from Africa to the Americas over the last 40,000 years of history. However, those direct migrations did not have the impact in terms of population that the migrations from Asia did and the FIRST migrations were still predominantly black to begin with. Trying to prove that there were SUBSTANTIAL DIRECT migrations from Africa to the Americas is a COMPLETELY separate idea from the FACT that the aboriginal stock of Asia AND America was BLACK to begin with. Therefore the presence of black Native Americans does not PROVE that there were DIRECT migrations from Africa to the Americas. That is the ONLY way you could call black native Americans Africans. Otherwise, they are simply Native Americans, not AFRICANS.
Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Originally posted by Doug M:
Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
^^^^^That's the whole point, they're a bunch of idiots who don't understand OOA, which is why we have thread such as whites are new to Europe from Medieval times, and a pansy claiming whites are African albinos who recently migrated into Europe to mix with native Europeans and African Europeans, to create whites. [Confused]

Or that blacks in the Americas must be bantus and recent Africans as opposed to the descendants of the Aboriginal black Asians who first migrated there.

Of course, there were direct migrations from Africa to the Americas over the last 40,000 years of history. However, those direct migrations did not have the impact in terms of population that the migrations from Asia did and the FIRST migrations were still predominantly black to begin with. Trying to prove that there were SUBSTANTIAL DIRECT migrations from Africa to the Americas is a COMPLETELY separate idea from the FACT that the aboriginal stock of Asia AND America was BLACK to begin with. Therefore the presence of black Native Americans does not PROVE that there were DIRECT migrations from Africa to the Americas. That is the ONLY way you could call black native Americans Africans. Otherwise, they are simply Native Americans, not AFRICANS.

This is a stupid answer. If you can call the contemporary Native Americans Asians since they probably originated in Siberia, calling the Black native Americans Africans would be the most appropriate designation of the original settlers of the Americas since they came from Africa and not Asia.

This results from the fact that the earliest Americans dating to 30,000 BC are found on the East Coast of the Americas. People did not begin crossing the Beringa until after 12kya. As a result these Americans can not be related to the Asian Blacks who would have entered the Americas 20,000 years after the first Blacks got here from Africa.

Posted by Doug M (Member # 7650) on :
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
Originally posted by Doug M:
Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
^^^^^That's the whole point, they're a bunch of idiots who don't understand OOA, which is why we have thread such as whites are new to Europe from Medieval times, and a pansy claiming whites are African albinos who recently migrated into Europe to mix with native Europeans and African Europeans, to create whites. [Confused]

Or that blacks in the Americas must be bantus and recent Africans as opposed to the descendants of the Aboriginal black Asians who first migrated there.

Of course, there were direct migrations from Africa to the Americas over the last 40,000 years of history. However, those direct migrations did not have the impact in terms of population that the migrations from Asia did and the FIRST migrations were still predominantly black to begin with. Trying to prove that there were SUBSTANTIAL DIRECT migrations from Africa to the Americas is a COMPLETELY separate idea from the FACT that the aboriginal stock of Asia AND America was BLACK to begin with. Therefore the presence of black Native Americans does not PROVE that there were DIRECT migrations from Africa to the Americas. That is the ONLY way you could call black native Americans Africans. Otherwise, they are simply Native Americans, not AFRICANS.

This is a stupid answer. If you can call the contemporary Native Americans Asians since they probably originated in Siberia, calling the Black native Americans Africans would be the most appropriate designation of the original settlers of the Americas since they came from Africa and not Asia.

This results from the fact that the earliest Americans dating to 30,000 BC are found on the East Coast of the Americas. People did not begin crossing the Beringa until after 12kya. As a result these Americans can not be related to the Asian Blacks who would have entered the Americas 20,000 years after the first Blacks got here from Africa.


What evidence of the earliest populations in the Americas are you referring to that go back to 30,000 BC? Please cite your sources and stop making up claims.

But even beyond that, by the time Europeans arrived in the Americas, the point was moot. America had already been populated by MULTIPLE waves of migrations MOSTLY FROM ASIA by that time and MANY of them were BLACK to begin with. And MOST of these people were the result of migrations from ASIA, including the first waves of aboriginal blacks, followed by later waves of other Asians, both black and non black, with the later waves being the lightest. Therefore, whether or not Africans sailed DIRECTLY to the Americas over the last 40,000 years does NOT mean that the populations of Native Americans were primarily AFRICAN migrants. THEY WERE NOT. Finding A FEW sites of possible African migrations to the Americas 30,000 years ago does not equate to native Americans being descended from African migrants, even if they were black. Black features were found ALL OVER ASIA into the Americas and they ALL ultimately came from Africa to begin with and MOST Native Americans were descended from ASIAN blacks not DIRECT migrations from Africa. No matter how you try and pretend to have PROOF otherwise. You have no HARD evidence and all you do is confuse things even more with conjecture. YES, I agree that Africans probably made it to the Americas long before most people recognize, but I DO NOT believe that they are the PRIMARY basis of Native American populations, black or otherwise.

The point is that small sites of possible African migrations to the Americas do not mean that all black native Americans descended from Africans. 30,000 years is a long time ago and there is no evidence that these migrations POPULATED the ENTIRE continent of North and South America. At least YOU have provided no evidence. There is NOTHING you have posted showing how 30,000 year old sites PROVE that black native Americans were descended directly from Africans. Like I said, you keep confusing terminology. ALL humans originally come from Africa, but black skin is not ISOLATED to Africa. It was found in MANY populations outside of Africa and therefore, black skin does not equal African migrant.
Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Several types of blacks entered the Americas including the San, Anu or negrito type and the Proto-Saharan variety of blacks.The Proto-Saharan Blacks probably entered the area after 4000BC.

Up until recently it was believed that the first humans crossed the Bering Strait 12,000 B.P., to enter the North American continent.(Begley 1991, p.15) This view was never accepted by physical anthropologists who have found skeletal remains far older than 12,000 B.P.

Today archaeologists have found sites from Canada to Chile that range between 20,000 and 40,000 years old. There are numerous sites in North and South America which are over 35,000 years old. These sites are the Old Crow Basin (c.38,000 B.C.) in Canada; Orogrande Cave (c.36,000 B.C.) in the United States; and Pedra Furada (c.45,000 B.C.) Given the fact that the earliest dates for habitation of the American continent occur below Canada in South America is highly suggestive of the fact that the earliest settlers on the American continents came from Africa before the Ice melted at the Bering Strait and moved northward as the ice melted.

The appearance of pebble tools at Monte verde in Chile (c.32,000 B.P), and rock paintings at Pedra Furada in Brazil (c.22,000 B.P.) and mastodont hunting in Venezuela and Colombia (c.13,000 B.P.), have led some researchers to believe that the Americas was first settled from South America. C. Vance Haynes noted that: "If people have been in South America for over 30,000 years, or even 20,000 years, why are there so few sites?....One possible answer is that they were so few in number; another is that South America was somehow initially populated from directions other than north until Clovis appeared".

P.S. Martin and R. G. Klein after discussing the evidence of mastodont hunting in Venezuela 13,000 years ago observed that : "The thought that the fossil record of South America is much richer in evidence of early archaeological associations than many believed is indeed provocative....”

The early presence of ice-age sites in South America suggest that these people probably came from Africa. This would explain the affinities between African languages and the Amerind family of languages.

In very ancient times the American continent was inhabited by Asian and African blacks. The oldest skeletal remains found in the Americas are of blacks. Marquez (1956,p.179) observed that "it is [good] to report that long ago the youthful America was also a Negro continent."

Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Let's see what the experts say about the end of the Ice Age:


The last glacial period is sometimes colloquially referred to as the "last ice age", though this use is incorrect because an ice age is a longer period of cold temperature in which ice sheets cover large parts of the Earth. Glacials, on the other hand, refer to colder phases within an ice age that separate interglacials. Thus, the end of the last glacial period is not the end of the last ice age. The end of the last glacial period was about 12,500 years ago, while the end of the last ice age may not yet have come: little evidence points to a stop of the glacial-interglacial cycle of the last million years.

The last glaciation centered on the huge ice sheets of North America and Eurasia. Considerable areas in the Alps, the Himalaya and the Andes were ice-covered, and Antarctica remained glaciated.

Canada was nearly completely covered by ice, as well as the northern part of the USA, both blanketed by the huge Laurentide ice sheet. Alaska remained mostly ice free due to arid climate conditions. Local glaciations existed in the Rocky Mountains, the Cordilleran ice sheet and as ice fields and ice caps in the Sierra Nevada in northern California.[1] In Britain, mainland Europe and northwestern Asia, the Scandinavian ice sheet once again reached the northern parts of the British Isles, Germany, Poland and Russia, extending as far east as the Taimyr Peninsula in western Siberia.[2] Maximum extent of western Siberian glaciation was approximately 18,000 to 17,000 BP and thus later than in Europe (22,000 - 18,000 BP).[3] Northeastern Siberia was not covered by a continental-scale ice sheet.[4] Instead, large, but restricted, icefield complexes covered mountain ranges within northeast Siberia, including the Kamchatka-Koryak Mountains.[5]
The Arctic Ocean between the huge ice sheets of America and Eurasia was not frozen throughout, but like today probably was only covered by relatively thin ice, subject to seasonal changes and riddled with icebergs calving from the surrounding ice sheets. According to the sediment composition retrieved from deep-sea cores there must even have been times of seasonally open waters.[6]

How did these Siberians migrate across the ice and settle North America.

As pointed out above Negroes had been in Mexico and South America since 26,000 BC. Moreover Luizia was already in Brazil as was Eva Neharon.

The latest research discussed above make it clear that neither Luizia , Eva Neharon and the ancient skeletons found off the Yucatan coast came across the Bering strait .

As illustrated above the most ancient civilizations of Mexico like the Ocos were Negroes like Luiza and Eva Neharon, not Amerind.


A cursory examination of the pattern of currents in the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans would make a voyage from Africa much easier than a voyage from Asia.

Moreover, any one attempting to make their way along a Pacific coastal sailing route would have been confronted by terrible weather 15,000 years ago.


Note the ice in the Beringa region and the end point for many currents in the Pacific.

Also note that ice sheets would have made it very difficult to make your way from the east coast of South America to the Atlantic side.

Travel across the Atlantic, on the otherhand would have been more easier and the weather would have been much better.
Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :

Oldest Skeleton in Americas Found in Underwater Cave?
Eliza Barclay
for National Geographic News

September 3, 2008

Deep inside an underwater cave in Mexico, archaeologists may have discovered the oldest human skeleton ever found in the Americas.

Dubbed Eva de Naharon, or Eve of Naharon, the female skeleton has been dated at 13,600 years old. If that age is accurate, the skeleton—along with three others found in underwater caves along the Caribbean coast of the Yucatán Peninsula—could provide new clues to how the Americas were first populated.

The remains have been excavated over the past four years near the town of Tulum, about 80 miles southwest of Cancún, by a team of scientists led by Arturo González, director of the Desert Museum in Saltillo, Mexico (see map of Mexico).

"We don't now how [the people whose remains were found in the caves] arrived and whether they came from the Atlantic, the jungle, or inside the continent," González said.

"But we believe these finds are the oldest yet to be found in the Americas and may influence our theories of how the first people arrived."

In addition to possibly altering the time line of human settlement in the Americas, the remains may cause experts to rethink where the first Americans came from, González added.

Clues from the skeletons' skulls hint that the people may not be of northern Asian descent, which would contradict the dominant theory of New World settlement. That theory holds that ancient humans first came to North America from northern Asia via a now submerged land bridge across the Bering Sea (see an interactive map of ancient human migration).

"The shape of the skulls has led us to believe that Eva and the others have more of an affinity with people from South Asia than North Asia," González explained.

Concepción Jiménez, director of physical anthropology at Mexico's National Institute of Anthropology and History, has viewed the finds and says they may be Mexico's oldest and most important human remains to date.

"Eva de Naharon has the Paleo-Indian characteristics that make the date seem very plausible," Jiménez said.

Ancient Floods, Giant Animals

The three other skeletons excavated in the caves have been given a date range of 11,000 to 14,000 years ago, based on radiocarbon dating.

Radiocarbon dating measures the age of organic materials based on their content of the radioactive isotope carbon 14.

According to archaeologist David Anderson of the University of Tennessee, however, minerals in seawater can sometimes alter the carbon 14 content of bones, resulting in inaccurate radiocarbon dating results.

The remains were found some 50 feet (15 meters) below sea level in the caves off Tulum. But at the time Eve of Naharon is believed to have lived there, sea levels were 200 feet (60 meters) lower, and the Yucatán Peninsula was a wide, dry prairie.

The polar ice caps melted dramatically 8,000 to 9,000 years ago, causing sea levels to rise hundreds of feet and submerging the burial grounds of the skeletons. Stalactites and stalagmites then grew around the remains, preventing them from being washed out to sea.

González has also found remains of elephants, giant sloths, and other ancient fauna in the caves.

(Learn more about how caves form.)

Human Migration Theories

If González's finds do stand up to scientific scrutiny, they will raise many interesting new questions about how the Americas were first peopled.

Many researchers once believed humans entered the New World from Asia as a single group crossing over the Bering Land Bridge no earlier than 13,500 years ago. But that theory is lately being debunked.

Remains found in Monte Verde, Chile, in 1997, for example, point to the presence of people in the Americas at least 12,500 years ago, long before migration would have been possible through the ice-covered Arctic reaches of North America.

(Related: "Clovis People Not First Americans, Study Shows" [February 23, 2007].)

Confirmation of Eve of Naharon's age could further revolutionize the thinking about the settlement of the Americas.

This September, González will begin excavating the fourth skeleton, known as Chan hol, which he says could be even older than Eve.

The Chan hol remains include more than ten teeth, which will allow researchers to date the specimen and gather information about Chan hol's diet.

"When we learn more about the [Mexican finds] we'll be able to better evaluate them," said Carlos Lorenzo, a researcher at the Universitat Rovira i Virgili in Tarragona, Spain, an expert on the subject who was not involved in the current study.

"But in any case, if it's confirmed that Eva de Naharon is 13,000 years old, it will be a fantastic and extraordinary finding for understanding the first settlers of America."

González said he and his team hope to publish the full results of their analysis after the excavation of the fourth skeleton.

"We're not yet in the phase of research of determining how they arrived," he said. "But when we have more evidence we may be able to determine that."


USA 28,000-25,000 14C y.a.
This vegetation map showing the eastern USA during the period 28,000-25,000 14C y.a. has been compiled by Paul & Hazel Delcourt. An ice sheet already covered most of Canada and extended south of the Great Lakes. Boreal conifer woodlands and forests predominated in what is now the cool temperate forest zone, and the cool and warm temperate forest belts were compressed southwards.

The last ice age in North America lasted between 110,000 and 17,000BP. The ice-free corridor on the eastern flank of the Rockies did not open before 13,000 years ago. Africans were in the Americas long before the end of the last Ice Age when the “Siberians”, who also were more than likely Africans began to cross the Bearing Straits. By 12,500 BC Africans were already living in Chile.

The first Americans did not cross the Bearing Straits to enter the Americas.The earliest sites for Negroes date between 20,000 and 40000 years ago Old Crow Basin Canada(38,000BC) Pedra Furada (45,000BC) Brazil. These people were pygmies and bushman types according to Dr. Dixon, & Dr. Marquez(p.179).

Chile: Monteverde (12,500 years), Tierra del Fuego, Cueva de Fell, Tres Arroyos and some other places.

There are older ones in the Argentinian Patagonia.


—Patagonia was the world's last place to be colonized by humans. In Arica there have been found remains of 9,000 years; the same in a place at the High Aconcagua and Huentelauquén. In Chile we have more than half of the continent's most ancient human skeletons, all well dated and documented.

In addition


Archaeologists believe they have discovered a 13,600-year-old human skeleton deep in a Caribbean underwater cave, making it the oldest ever found in the Americas. The discovery could have profound effects on theories of how humans first reached North America.

The female skeleton, called Eve of Naharon, was found with three other human skeletons in underwater caves along the coast of the Yucatan Peninsula. Excavation of a fourth skeleton – possibly even older than Eve – begins this month in a nearby cave.

The three other skeletons found with Eve have been radiocarbon-dated from 11,000 to 14,000 years ago.

All were found in underwater caves about 50 feet below the surface. At the time Eve and the others would have lived there, the sea level was about 200 feet lower, and the Yucatan Peninsula was a dry prairie. Melting of the polar ice caps 9,000 years ago submerged the burial ground and the subsequent growth of stalactites and stalagmites kept the skeletons from being washed out to sea.

In 1959 archaeologists found the Penon woman skeleton at Mexico City.

[/b] Penon Woman[/b]

Penon woman has been characterized as a Negro and is physically different from Native Americans. The Penon skeleton has been dated between 12,500-15,000BP. The skull of Penon woman is dolichocephalic like most Negroes, not brachysephalic (short and braod) like modern Native Americans. She is related to the Fuegians of Parana Argentina and the Luizia population of Brazil.

Here we have a comparison of ancient skulls found in the Americas.

[IMG] [/IMG]

In the picture above we have three ancient American skulls. They are a) Penon woman (12.755 Ka), b) Texcal Man (9.5ka) and c) Pericue Indian (18th Century). If you look notice Pericue man shows broad features characteristic of the mongoloid type, while both Penon and Texcul do not.

Some researchers claim that these skeletons are of Australian or Melanesian Blacks. This is highly unlikely given the fact that that have been found near the Atlantic Ocean and suggestive of a migration from Africa to Mexico, like the migration of the Olmec 11,000 years later. This view is supported by the discovery of the so-called Eva Neharon skeleton (c.13,600 ) dating to around the same period found in the Caribbean.

By 11,500 we see the appearence tall Negroes from Africa in Colombia, Venezuela and Brazil e.g.,Luiza. Negroes settled America both from the Bearing & South America. Cite an archaeological site where Amerind skeletons have been found prior to the Negro skeletons.

Stop trying to steal the heritage of the Black people like the Olmecs, who represent the Mother Culture of Mexico.

Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
Originally posted by Doug M:

What evidence of the earliest populations in the Americas are you referring to that go back to 30,000 BC? Please cite your sources and stop making up claims.

But even beyond that, by the time Europeans arrived in the Americas, the point was moot. America had already been populated by MULTIPLE waves of migrations MOSTLY FROM ASIA by that time and MANY of them were BLACK to begin with. And MOST of these people were the result of migrations from ASIA, including the first waves of aboriginal blacks, followed by later waves of other Asians, both black and non black, with the later waves being the lightest. Therefore, whether or not Africans sailed DIRECTLY to the Americas over the last 40,000 years does NOT mean that the populations of Native Americans were primarily AFRICAN migrants. THEY WERE NOT. Finding A FEW sites of possible African migrations to the Americas 30,000 years ago does not equate to native Americans being descended from African migrants, even if they were black. Black features were found ALL OVER ASIA into the Americas and they ALL ultimately came from Africa to begin with and MOST Native Americans were descended from ASIAN blacks not DIRECT migrations from Africa. No matter how you try and pretend to have PROOF otherwise. You have no HARD evidence and all you do is confuse things even more with conjecture. YES, I agree that Africans probably made it to the Americas long before most people recognize, but I DO NOT believe that they are the PRIMARY basis of Native American populations, black or otherwise.

The point is that small sites of possible African migrations to the Americas do not mean that all black native Americans descended from Africans. 30,000 years is a long time ago and there is no evidence that these migrations POPULATED the ENTIRE continent of North and South America. At least YOU have provided no evidence. There is NOTHING you have posted showing how 30,000 year old sites PROVE that black native Americans were descended directly from Africans. Like I said, you keep confusing terminology. ALL humans originally come from Africa, but black skin is not ISOLATED to Africa. It was found in MANY populations outside of Africa and therefore, black skin does not equal African migrant.


Pedra Furada - Brazil

Drs. Niède Guidon†, Anne-Marie Pessis†*, Fabio Parenti†,Claude Guérin**, Evelyne Peyre~, and Guaciara M. dos Santos‡

Pedra Furada in northeastern Brazil represents possibly the oldest known human site in the Americas. Since C-14 dates of 48-32,000 BP were reported in a Nature article (Guidon and Delibrias 1986), the site’s Paleoindian components have been highly controversial, challenged (though not refuted) by many North American researchers (e.g. Meltzer, Adovasio, and Dillehay 1994). Yet the site has solid evidence of non-Clovis, Paleoindian occupations including human remains, plus a unique rock painting tradition from at least 12,000-6,000 BP. In March, 2002, Athena Review (AR) asked archaeologist Niède Guidon and her colleagues to explain the current status of the findings, including both Paleoindian skeletal and subsistence remains, and the abundant rock paintings at Serra da Capivara National Park, which contains Pedra Furada.

Taima-taima - Venezuela

Dr. José R. Oliver

Taima-taima, a mastodon kill/butchering site, became one of the most significant finds of the mid twentieth century. It yielded archaeological evidence of humans in northern South America during the terminal Pleistocene—early Holocene periods (14,000-10,000 B.P.). Located near the coast of western Venezuela, the site of Taima-taima gained notoriety in the contentious debates among scholars and academics regarding the antiquity and character of the human diaspora into South America among New World archaeologists. It was, and remains, one of the sites with a clear archaeological association between human-made stone (lithic) artefacts and the remains of butchered bones from extinct megafauna.

El Jobo – falcon – Venezuela


Human habitation of Venezuela is estimated to have commenced at least 15,000 years ago from which period leaf-shaped flake tools, together with chopping and plano-convex scraping implements, have been found exposed on the high riverine terraces of the Rio Pedregal in western Venezuela.[9] Late Pleistocene hunting artifacts, including spear tips, have been found at a similar series of sites in northwestern Venezuela known as "El Jobo"; according to radiocarbon dating, these date from 13,000 to 7,000 BC.[10] In the 16th century, when the Spanish colonization of Venezuela began, indigenous peoples such as the Mariches, themselves descendants of the Caribs, were systematically killed.

Quebrada Peru

In Peru, Evidence of an Early Human Maritime Culture
The Discovery of Ancient Camps in Peru and Chile

About 12,000 years ago, people living in what is now southern Peru camped on the Pacific shore and feasted on fish, seabirds and shellfish. The remains of stone tools, hearths and butchered bird bones found at two Peruvian sites are the earliest known evidence of maritime-based cultures in the New World, scientists reported last week.
The findings, described in the current issue of the journal Science, also provide further proof that people were in America earlier than once thought. Of possibly even more importance, they support an emerging view of how the first Americans lived and how they migrated through the length of North and South America. This rethinking of the peopling of the New World is becoming one of the liveliest areas of research and controversy in American archeology.
In the new view, it appears that the earliest Americans were not all hunters spearing big game like mammoths and bison, as they have long been portrayed in prehistoric studies. The Peruvian discoveries, along with other recent research, show that many of the people who first inhabited the Americas relied on diverse resources for survival: big game and small, plants and fruits, marine life and just about anything at hand.
Dr. Daniel H. Sandweiss of the University of Maine at Orono, who directed research at one of the sites, said in a telephone interview: "This finally makes it abundantly clear that these people had a very diverse subsistence system and were prepared to exploit all different kinds of food sources almost as soon as they arrived in America. We had thought this before, but we can prove it now."
Research by Dr. Anna C. Roosevelt, an archeologist at the Field Museum and the University of Illinois in Chicago, had already found that people living 11,000 years ago in the Amazon basin had opportunistic subsistence economies that seldom included big game. Likewise, the oldest confirmed settlement site in the Americas, at Monte Verde in southern Chile, was occupied 12,500 years ago by people who ate mastodon meat when available but more usually dined on potatoes, mushrooms, grasses, nuts, berries and freshwater shellfish.

Monte Verde - Chile

Cabrillo College
Until a few years ago, most archaeologists believed that the Clovis people were the first humans to reach the Americas, spreading across North America shortly after 12,000 years ago. Such a belief no longer seems tenable in light of the Monte Verde site in Chile, which was occupied at least a thousand years before the oldest Clovis settlement (about 11,500 years ago). Furthermore, the Monte Verde site gives us a picture of Paleo-Indian lifestyles very different from that of the broad-spectrum big-game hunting Clovis people. Most Clovis sites are not habitation sites but kill sites, places where game was killed &butchered. Consequently, we know little about Clovis lifeways apart from their hunting and butchering abilities. But at Monte Verde, the situation is very different.
For reasons not yet clear, about 13,000 years ago the watertable at Monte Verde rose and flooded the campsite, forcing the people to leave. A peat bog then formed and smothered the site, protecting the site from bacterial attack (peat provides a water-logged, oxygen-free environment) and destructive changes in humidity. The peat also preserved amost everything the people left behind
Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
By 13,000 BC Beringa was still covered with Ice.Let's see what the experts say about the end of the Ice Age:


The last glacial period is sometimes colloquially referred to as the "last ice age", though this use is incorrect because an ice age is a longer period of cold temperature in which ice sheets cover large parts of the Earth. Glacials, on the other hand, refer to colder phases within an ice age that separate interglacials. Thus, the end of the last glacial period is not the end of the last ice age. The end of the last glacial period was about 12,500 years ago, while the end of the last ice age may not yet have come: little evidence points to a stop of the glacial-interglacial cycle of the last million years.

The last glaciation centered on the huge ice sheets of North America and Eurasia. Considerable areas in the Alps, the Himalaya and the Andes were ice-covered, and Antarctica remained glaciated.

Canada was nearly completely covered by ice, as well as the northern part of the USA, both blanketed by the huge Laurentide ice sheet. Alaska remained mostly ice free due to arid climate conditions. Local glaciations existed in the Rocky Mountains, the Cordilleran ice sheet and as ice fields and ice caps in the Sierra Nevada in northern California.[1] In Britain, mainland Europe and northwestern Asia, the Scandinavian ice sheet once again reached the northern parts of the British Isles, Germany, Poland and Russia, extending as far east as the Taimyr Peninsula in western Siberia.[2] Maximum extent of western Siberian glaciation was approximately 18,000 to 17,000 BP and thus later than in Europe (22,000 - 18,000 BP).[3] Northeastern Siberia was not covered by a continental-scale ice sheet.[4] Instead, large, but restricted, icefield complexes covered mountain ranges within northeast Siberia, including the Kamchatka-Koryak Mountains.[5]

The Arctic Ocean between the huge ice sheets of America and Eurasia was not frozen throughout, but like today probably was only covered by relatively thin ice, subject to seasonal changes and riddled with icebergs calving from the surrounding ice sheets. According to the sediment composition retrieved from deep-sea cores there must even have been times of seasonally open waters.[6]

How did the Siberians migrate across the ice and settle North America.

As pointed out above Negroes had been in Mexico and South America since 26,000 BC. Moreover Luizia was already in Brazil as was Eva Neharon.
Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :


1. Sub-Saharan Africa. The first population in the ordering are the San, who are hunter gatherers that live in Southern Africa. Before the Bantu expansion over the last 3,000 years, the ancestors of the San occupied most of Southern Africa, but they have been progressively displaced and currently are restricted to a few pockets [17]. The San contributed ancestry to the next four populations (the Biaka Pygmies, Bantu from South Africa and Kenya, and Mbuti Pygmies) but none subsequent to that. The Bantu are inferred to have contributed to each subsequent African population.

8. The Americas. The Colombians are the first Amerind population. 47% of their ancestry can be traced via the Hazara, which is marginally less than typical East Asian populations such as the Han (54%) or Xibo (59%) (Movie S2, Table S3). However, within the descendents of the putative EastAsia bottleneck, their donor pool is diverse, implying that none of the populations in the sample provides a good proxy for the original group or groups that crossed the Bering straight. The Colombians also have French donors, which may reflect post-Colombian admixture. The second American population, the Pima, represents the first North American population. As well as using all 7 Colombians as donors, it uses 8 Mongolians and 4 Oroquen. Neither of these populations acted as donors to the Colombians, suggesting distinct colonization events from different sources. Subsequent American populations did not have any non-Amerind donors, except for the Mayans who have Bantu and Tuscan donors, presumably due to post-Columbian admixture [18].

web page

This article suggest that the spread many populations in the world may have began with the San. The San do not represent the original OOA population.

The San carry the A haplogroup. The fact that many Americans carry this gene point the early expansion of this group or related populations into the New World.
Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
 -  -


There is no mention in this article of these people being Australians the representatives of the OOA population.

This population living in Beringa would have entered the region around 30kya.

This was 30k years after the OOA event. Some of these people may have been Australian, but I would imagine most were Bushman types.

You see, by this time the Australians were mainly being pushed on to the Islands as the Bushman advanced across Asia.


These people would have been Grimaldi/Cro-Magnon people who lived in Siberia at this time.


Venus of Willendorf, Museum of Natural History, Vienna, 30,000BC:

The Venus of Willendorf was found by the researcher Szombathy on the 7th of August, 1908. It is made out of limestone and still has some signs of red pigmentation; it fits in the palm of a hand. It is one of the most obese representations of the Paleolithic statuary. She represents the Earth and its fertility and continuation of life, the Mother Goddess, the universal female principle even if it is in its most primitive conception. Women were recognized as the life-givers and sustainers. They were revered as priestesses. Upper Paleolithic female figures, such as this one are found from the Pyrenees Mountains to Siberia, indicating that East and West were once united in honoring the Goddess. The vast majority (over 90%) of human images from 30,000 to 5,000 B.C. are female.


This is a bushman or San.




As I mentioned earlier the Bushman created much of the early civilization of Eurasia. They left us numerous figurines showing their type.They would represent the people living in Siberia, who entered Alaska 10kya.

Venus Figurines


Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
This expansion of the San people or Bushman into Europe as the Cro-Magnon/Grimaldi people match the maps outlining the peopling of
the world 40kya. See:web page
Posted by Doug M (Member # 7650) on :
Clyde you don't make absolutely any sense. The aboriginal populations of Asia are the various aboriginal people of South Asia and the Philippines, the Australian aborigines and the aborigines of New Guinea. NONE of whom are grimaldi or bushmen. You are simply making up stuff as usual.

The people who FIRST migrated to the Americas were made up of Asian aboriginal types, which INCLUDES BOTH Aborigine types from Australia, Aboriginal types from New Guinea and people in between. They weren't all one TYPE and they WERE NOT AFRICANS other than those who did migrate directly to Africa during the last 100,000 years. But most of the modern populations of the Americas are not derived from direct African migrations. The gibberish in your last four posts does nothing to clarify the history of how the America was populated and instead relies on nonsensical stereotypical "types" that have no meaning or bearing to reality. The diversity of blacks is so ancient and diverse that it is IMPOSSIBLE to try and make claims that based on physical features alone, these populations were DIRECT migrants from any specific part of Africa as opposed to various types of blacks from Asia. And BLACKS, whether you call them negroids or negroes, are the ORIGINAL population of Asia idiot. THAT is where you keep trying to make a distinction between black and "negroid" that DOES NOT MAKE SENSE.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
This expansion of the San people or Bushman into Europe as the Cro-Magnon/Grimaldi people match the maps outlining the peopling of
the world 40kya. See:web page

Clyde I've already explained the humans in Europe during the upper paleolithic, which most closely resemble Oceanic's than any other population, as for the San, well, you can read the below.....

The Hofmeyr Skull:

quote:Another member of the team, Katerina Harvati of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany, made a detailed examination of the shapes, sizes and contours of all parts of the (Hofmeyr) skull. She compared these three-dimensional measurements with those of early human skulls from Europe and with skulls of living humans in Eurasia and southern Africa, including the Khoe-San, commonly known as the Bushmen.

Because the Bushmen are well represented in the more recent archaeological record, Dr. Harvati said, they were expected to bear a close resemblance to the Hofmeyr skull. Instead, the skull was found to be quite distinct from all recent Africans, including the Bushmen, she said, and it has “a very close affinity” with fossil specimens of Europeans living in the Upper Paleolithic, the period best known for advanced stone tools and cave art.

European early modern humans and the fate
of the Neandertals
Erik Trinkaus*

"The skull is large and robust. The maximum estimated length and breadth of the neurocranium, as well as most measurements of the facial skeleton, lie at or exceed two standard deviations (SD) of the means for modern African males ,whereas they lie within these limits for Late Pleistocene crania from Eurasia and North Africa(table S3)."

"As a result of an ongoing cleansing of the fossil record through direct radiometric dating, a series of obviously modern, and in fact Late Upper Paleolithic or Holocene, human remains have been removed from consideration (7). This cleansing has helped to dilute the impression that the earliest modern humans in Europe were just like recent European populations.

Thus, Hofmeyr is seemingly primitive in
comparison to recent African crania in a number
of features, including a prominent glabella; moderately
thick, continuous supraorbital tori; a tall,
flat, and straight malar; a broad frontal process of
the maxilla; and comparatively large molar
Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :

The slides 6-7 outline the migration of the Niger-Congo people from Nubia to West Africa.

Instead of the Maya being related to the Bantu as assumbed by the authors of this study I believe the relationship comes from the Mande speaking Olmecs and the Chontal Maya. Since Quatrefages said this tribe was Negro, their relationship to the Mande would explain the Mande substratum in the Mayan languages.

The most interesting thing about the map is that it indicates that the Maya were influenced by West Africans.

Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :


1. Sub-Saharan Africa. The first population in the ordering are the San, who are hunter gatherers that live in Southern Africa. Before the Bantu expansion over the last 3,000 years, the ancestors of the San occupied most of Southern Africa, but they have been progressively displaced and currently are restricted to a few pockets [17]. The San contributed ancestry to the next four populations (the Biaka Pygmies, Bantu from South Africa and Kenya, and Mbuti Pygmies) but none subsequent to that. The Bantu are inferred to have contributed to each subsequent African population.

8. The Americas. The Colombians are the first Amerind population. 47% of their ancestry can be traced via the Hazara, which is marginally less than typical East Asian populations such as the Han (54%) or Xibo (59%) (Movie S2, Table S3). However, within the descendents of the putative EastAsia bottleneck, their donor pool is diverse, implying that none of the populations in the sample provides a good proxy for the original group or groups that crossed the Bering straight. The Colombians also have French donors, which may reflect post-Colombian admixture. The second American population, the Pima, represents the first North American population. As well as using all 7 Colombians as donors, it uses 8 Mongolians and 4 Oroquen. Neither of these populations acted as donors to the Colombians, suggesting distinct colonization events from different sources. Subsequent American populations did not have any non-Amerind donors, except for the Mayans who have Bantu and Tuscan donors, presumably due to post-Columbian admixture [18].

web page

This article suggest that the spread many populations in the world may have began with the San. The San do not represent the original OOA population.

The San carry the A haplogroup. The fact that many Americans carry this gene point the early expansion of this group or related populations into the New World.

Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
Knowledgeiskey718 - Would you care to explain to us how this article (which you referenced and linked) relates to what we are discussing. Please also show us where the San are mentioned. The Hofmeyr Skull has one completely irrelevant mention, which I hi-lighted

European early modern humans and the fate
of the Neandertals

Erik Trinkaus*

A consideration of the morphological aspects of the earliest modern
humans in Europe (more than _33,000 B.P.) and the subsequent
Gravettian human remains indicates that they possess an
anatomical pattern congruent with the autapomorphic (derived)
morphology of the earliest (Middle Paleolithic) African modern
humans. However, they exhibit a variable suite of features that are
either distinctive Neandertal traits and/or plesiomorphic (ancestral)
aspects that had been lost among the African Middle Paleolithic
modern humans. These features include aspects of neurocranial
shape, basicranial external morphology, mandibular ramal and
symphyseal form, dental morphology and size, and anteroposterior
dental proportions, as well as aspects of the clavicles, scapulae,
metacarpals, and appendicular proportions. The ubiquitous and
variable presence of these morphological features in the European
earlier modern human samples can only be parsimoniously explained
as a product of modest levels of assimilation of Neandertals
into early modern human populations as the latter dispersed
across Europe. This interpretation is in agreement with current
analyses of recent and past human molecular data.

The Relevant Fossils
To evaluate human reproductive patterns when indispersing
modern humans met indigenous Neandertal populations in
Europe, it is necessary to establish the currently known potential
ancestral populations. It is only from these lineages that the
European early modern humans (EEMHs) are likely to have
acquired their phylogenetically informative characteristics.
The first sample comprises the oxygen isotope stage 4 and 3
Neandertals, established as a regional lineage in western Eurasia
since the Middle Pleistocene. They occupied all of Mediterranean
Europe and much of Europe north of the Alps and Balkans
until at least 42–43 thousand calendar years before the present
(ka B.P.), possibly persisting later in pockets of central and
northwestern Europe but remaining throughout most of Iberia
until _35 ka B.P. (all dates in calendar years B.P.). They are also
known from southwestern Asia and eastward into central Asia.
Second are the east and northeast African earliest modern
humans, currently known principally from the sites of Aduma,
Bouri, Haua Fteah, Herto, and Omo-Kibish, and dating between
_75 to perhaps in excess of 160 ka B.P. They are joined by the
Qafzeh and Skhul samples, largely if not exclusively dating to
between 80 and 100 ka B.P. in extreme southwestern Asia.
Multiple lines of evidence (15, 16) indicate that the Qafzeh–
Skhul sample represents a temporary northward expansion of
these earliest modern humans into that region, after which they
were replaced by Neandertal populations dispersing southward.
This combined sample is referred to as the Middle Paleolithic
modern humans (MPMHs).
Two other samples of Late Pleistocene remains are sometimes
considered relevant; they are not. The northwest African Aterian
remains (principally from Dar-es-Soltane and Te´mara) are
regional late archaic humans, who present a complex mosaic of
archaic and possibly derived modern human characteristics and
may be too recent to be pertinent (7). The southern African
Middle Stone Age remains from Blombos, Die Kelders, Klasies
River Mouth, Mumbwa, Pinnacle Point, and Sea Harvest present
few distinctly modern human features (small teeth do not so
qualify), have a series of archaic aspects of the cranium, mandible,
dentition, and postcranium, and may represent the product
of admixture between regional late archaic humans and southward
dispersing modern humans after _100 ka B.P. (17–19).
Hofmeyr 1 (13) is younger than the earliest EEMHs and
therefore cannot be ancestral to them.

The only other directly relevant specimen is Nazlet Khater 2,
from _42 ka B.P. in Egypt (20). Approximately contemporaneous
with the earliest EEMHs (21), it may represent the
morphology of modern humans dispersing out of Africa after
_50 ka B.P. However, in some features it is more archaic than
the MPMHs, which raises questions as to the degree to which its
ancestry was purely from the MPMHs and therefore whether it
represents the ancestral modern human morphology.
The primary sample of analysis consists of the EEMHs, those
before _33 ka B.P. and therefore predating the Gravettian (or
Middle Upper Paleolithic) populations of Europe. As a result of
an ongoing cleansing of the fossil record through direct radiometric
dating, a series of obviously modern, and in fact Late
Upper Paleolithic or Holocene, human remains have been
removed from consideration (7). This cleansing has helped to
dilute the impression that the earliest modern humans in Europe
were just like recent European populations. The resultant sample,
temporally secured through direct dating and/or careful
excavation, consists of specimens from the sites of Brassempouy
(22), Cioclovina (23), Mladecˇ (24–27), Muierii (28), Oase (21,
29), Les Rois (30), and La Quina Aval (31).
Given the modest size of the EEMH sample and the potential
for evidence of diverse ancestry to persist in subsequent European
populations, the more abundant and complete human
remains from the European Gravettian are also considered.
Given their often elaborate burials, these remains are known
from sites spanning Europe (32).
Posted by Doug M (Member # 7650) on :
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:

The slides 6-7 outline the migration of the Niger-Congo people from Nubia to West Africa.

Instead of the Maya being related to the Bantu as assumbed by the authors of this study I believe the relationship comes from the Mande speaking Olmecs and the Chontal Maya. Since Quatrefages said this tribe was Negro, their relationship to the Mande would explain the Mande substratum in the Mayan languages.

The most interesting thing about the map is that it indicates that the Maya were influenced by West Africans.


Clyde those maps do not show any relationship between Africans and Native Americans.
Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :

You don’t know you’re talking about. There were no Melanesians until the rise of Sahulland.

You fails to recognize that there is a craniometric difference between Australoids /Australians, Mongoloids and Melanoids; craniometric differences that indicate two migrations of the Black Variety into the Pacific.

Map 36 makes it clear that the Melanesians are not members of the OOA event. The Melanesians are related to the San not the Australians.

Tsuenehiko Hanihare discussed the phenotypic variations between these populations(1). Tsuenehiko classified these people into three major populations Southeast Asian Mongoloids (Polynesians), the Australians or Austroloid type and the Nicobar and Andaman (Melanoid) samples which he found lie between the predominately Southeast Asian and Australoid/Australian type (1).

The Australian aborigines and Melanesians show cranonical variates and represent two distinct Black populations(2). The Australoids or Australians live mainly in Australia and the highland regions of Oceania, the Melanoid people on the otherhand live in the coastal regions of Near Oceania and Fiji. D.J de Laubenfels discussed the variety of Blacks found in Asia. Laubenfiels explained that Negroids/Melanoids such as the Tasmanians are characterized by wooly black hair and sparse body hair (2). Australoids or Australians on the otherhand have curly, wavy or straight hair and abundant body hair. Other differences between these Black populations include Negroid / Melanoid brows being vertical and without eyebrow ridges, whereas Australoid brows are sloping and with prominent ridges (2).

This led M. Pietrusewky to recognize two separate colonizations of the Pacific by morphologically distinct populations one Polynesian and the other Melanesian (3). Pietrusewky’s research indicates a clear separation between the Australian-Melanesian crania and the Polynesian crania (3). The findings indicate an origin for the Polynesians in Southeast Asia (3-5), and an early Australo-Melanesian presence in East Asia as discussed in the earlier comment.

Laubenfels argues that the Australians are remnants of the original African migration to the region 60kya (2). This view is supported by David Bulbeck who found that the Australian craniometrics are different from the Mongoloid (Polynesian), and Melanoid crania metrics (4). This research indicates that whereas Australian aborigine crania agree with the archaic population of Asia and first group of Africans to exit Africa, they fail to correspond to the Sahulland crania which are distinctly of Southwest Pacific or Melanoid affinity (2,4). This suggests that by the rise of Sahulland there were two distinct Black populations in Asia one Austroloid and the other Melanoid (4).

The Melanesian type does not appear in East Asia (Siberia) until after 5000 BC. This is thousands of years after Luizia and Eva Neharon had existed in Brazil and Mexico respectively.

By the Neolithic the Melanoids or Papuans are associated with millet cultivation at Yangshao and Lougshan according to Pietrusewky’s work (5). Tsang argues that the probable homeland of the Austronesian speakers was the Pearl River delta, here the Melanoid people cultivated millet (6). Sagart believes that there is a Proto-Sino-Tibetan-Austronesian family of languages based on the millet culture the Melanoids introduced to China (7).

The craniometrics make it clear the ancient Americans are not related to the Melanesians.

Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :

The slides 6-7 outline the migration of the Niger-Congo people from Nubia to West Africa.

Instead of the Maya being related to the Bantu as assumbed by the authors of this study I believe the relationship comes from the Mande speaking Olmecs and the Chontal Maya. Since Quatrefages said this tribe was Negro, their relationship to the Mande would explain the Mande substratum in the Mayan languages.

The most interesting thing about the map is that it indicates that the Maya were influenced by West Africans.

This model is confirmed by other genetic data.

Underhill, et al (1996) noted that:" One Mayan male, previously [has been] shown to have an African Y chromosome." This is very interesting because the Maya language illustrates a Mande substratum, in addition to African genetic markers. James l. Gutherie (2000) in a study of the HLAs in indigenous American populations, found that the Vantigen of the Rhesus system, considered to be an indication of African ancestry, among Indians in Belize and Mexico centers of Mayan civilization. Dr. Gutherie also noted that A*28 common among Africans has high frequencies among Eastern Maya. It is interesting to note that the Otomi, a Mexican group identified as being of African origin and six Mayan groups show the B Allele of the ABO system that is considered to be of African origin.

Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Posted By Clyde:
This expansion of the San people or Bushman into Europe as the Cro-Magnon/Grimaldi people match the maps outlining the peopling of
the world 40kya.

Posted by Knowledge:
Clyde I've already explained the humans in Europe during the upper paleolithic, which most closely resemble Oceanic's than any other population, as for the San, well, you can read the below.....

Posted by Mike:
Knowledgeiskey718 - Would you care to explain to us how this article (which you referenced and linked) relates to what we are discussing. Please also show us where the San are mentioned. The Hofmeyr Skull has one completely irrelevant mention, which I hi-lighted

In order to establish the affinities of the Hofmeyr fossil, team member Katerina Harvati of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany, used 3-dimensional measurements of the skull known to differentiate recent human populations according to their geographic distributions and genetic relationships. She compared the Hofmeyr skull with contemporaneous Upper Paleolithic skulls from Europe and with the skulls of living humans from Eurasia and sub-Saharan Africa, including the Khoe-San (Bushmen). Because the Khoe-San are represented in the recent archeological record of South Africa, they were expected to have close resemblances to the South African fossil. Instead, the Hofmeyr skull is quite distinct from recent sub-Saharan Africans, including the Khoe-San, and has a very close affinity with the European Upper Paleolithic specimens.

The field of paleoanthropology is known for its hotly contested debates, and one that has raged for years concerns the evolutionary origin of modern people. A number of genetic studies (especially those on the mitochondrial DNA) of living people indicate that modern humans evolved in sub-Saharan Africa and then left between 65,000 and 25,000 years ago to colonize the Old World. However, other genetic studies (generally on nuclear DNA) argue against this African origin and exodus model. Instead, they suggest that archaic non-African groups, such as the Neandertals, made significant contributions to the genomes of modern humans in Eurasia. Until now, the lack of human fossils of appropriate antiquity from sub-Saharan Africa has meant that these competing genetic models of human evolution could not be tested by paleontological evidence.

The skull from Hofmeyr has changed that. The surprising similarity between a fossil skull from the southernmost tip of Africa and similarly ancient skulls from Europe is in agreement with the genetics-based "Out of Africa" theory, which predicts that humans like those that inhabited Eurasia in the Upper Paleolithic should be found in sub-Saharan Africa around 36,000 years ago. The skull from South Africa provides the first fossil evidence in support of this prediction.




Late Pleistocene Human Skull
from Hofmeyr, South Africa, and
Modern Human Origins

Thus, Hofmeyr is seemingly primitive in
comparison to recent African crania in a number
of features, including a prominent glabella; moderately
thick, continuous supraorbital tori; a tall,
flat, and straight malar; a broad frontal process of
the maxilla; and comparatively large molar
crowns. Hofmeyr is contemporaneous with later
Eurasian Neandertals, but it clearly does not
evince the cranial and mandibular apomorphies
that define that clade (28). This is not surprising,
given its geographic location. Although Hofmeyr
is similar in size to Eurasian UP crania, it differs
from them in other respects (such as its broad nose
and continuous supraorbital tori).
In order to assess the phenetic affinities of
Hofmeyr to penecontemporaneous Eurasian UP
and recent humans, we conducted multivariate
morphometric analyses of 3D landmark coordinates
and linear measurements of crania
representing these populations. We digitized 19
3D coordinates of landmarks that represent as
fully as possible the currently preserved anatomy
of the Hofmeyr skull (table S4). These were
compared with homologous data for recent
human samples from five broad geographic areas
(North Africa, sub-Saharan Africa, Western
Eurasia, Oceania, and Eastern Asia/New World).
The sub-Saharan sample was divided into Bantuspeaking
(Mali and Kenya) and South African
Khoe-San samples. The latter are represented in
the Holocene archaeological record of the
subcontinent, and inasmuch as they are the oldest
historic indigenes of southern Africa, they might
be expected to have the closest affinity to
Hofmeyr (12). The North African sample consists
of Epipaleolithic (Mesolithic) individuals
that provide a temporal depth of approximately
10,000 years. The 3D data were also compared
for two Neandertal, four Eurasian UP, and one
Levantine early modern human fossils (table S5).
The landmark coordinate configurations for
each specimen were superimposed with the use
of generalized Procrustes analysis and analyzed
with a series of multivariate statistical techniques
Hofmeyr falls at the upper ends of the recent
sub-Saharan African sample ranges and within the
upper parts of all other recent human sample
ranges in terms of centroid size (fig. S6). In a
canonical variates analysis of these landmarks
(Fig. 2), axis 1 separates the sub-Saharan African
samples from the others, and axis 4 tends to
differentiate the UP specimens from recent
homologs. Hofmeyr clusters with the UP sample,
and although it falls within the recent human range
on both axes, it is outside the 95% confidence
ellipse for the Khoe-San sample and barely within
the limits of the other sub-Saharan African sample.
These canonical axes are weakly correlated with
centroid size, which emphasizes that the similarity
between Hofmeyr and the UP sample is due only
in small part to similarity in size.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
You don’t know you’re talking about. There were no Melanesians until the rise of Sahulland.
Clyde you're delusional.

*** In accordance with Lahr (1996), the Australians are in fact the contemporary aboriginal population that retained the most primitive morphology when compared to the first modern humans. As she stressed "Groups like [...] Australo-Melanesians are all examples of relatively early diversifications ****without**** great amounts of gene flow from other groups..." (Lahr, 1996, p.335).

Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
The Hofmeyr Skull

The Hofmeyr Skull is a 36 kya human skull specimen.
The skull was found in 1952 at the coordinates in a dry channel bed of the Vlekpoort River, near Hofmeyr, a small town in Eastern Cape, South Africa.

Frederick E. Grine, an anthropologist and anatomist at State University of New York at Stony Brook, led the study. Grine says that he first noticed the skull on a bookshelf in a colleague's office in Cape Town, South Africa, and was inspired to reexamine the skull after noticing its likeness to the skulls of the first modern humans found in Europe.

The Hofmeyr fossil was compared with skulls from Sub-Saharan Africa, including those of the Khoisan, who are geographically proximate to the find. Using 3-dimensional measurement and mapping techniques, team member Katerina Harvati of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany, found that the Hofmeyr Skull is actually quite distinct from those found in Sub-Saharan Africans such as the Khoisan. The skull's features were found however to have a very close affinity with Upper Paleolithic specimens from Eurasia.

The Upper Paleolithic (or Upper Palaeolithic) is the third and last subdivision of the Paleolithic or Old Stone Age as it is understood in Europe, Africa and Asia. Very broadly it dates to between 40,000 and 10,000 years ago.

So that instead of having this look; for the Khoisan Grimaldi (the first Humans to enter Europe):


You have this:


Or This:


As can be deduced from the fact that scientist had these busts of "original Europeans" made many years ago, Harvati offers nothing new. And I really don’t see how a slight change in appearance over 40,000 years makes a historical difference, but then again, your purpose was more likely just to keep things going in circles.

Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
^Mike you are right. I have already cited 5 sources showing that 1) craniometrics indicate that the Melanesians and Australians are not the same, 2) the Melanesians do not appear in archaeological context until 20kya in Shulland 8-10,000 years after homo sapien sapiens appear in South America, and 3) that the Melanesians are closely related to the San which settled Europe and Asia 40kya and would have been the first "Asians" to cross Beringa. Doug and KIK instead of presneting counter evidence to disconfirm this hypothesis, they continue to claim the original Americans were representatives of the OOA Australoids; and that dark skinned Asians and Africans look alike.

It is sad that these individuals are so brainwashed that they don't know how to think for themselves and just to make themselves right they ignore the evidence and attempt to decieve the members of this forum by citing erroneous material having nothing to do with this thread.

From the response of these guys it is clear they do not recognize normal science ( i.e., make propositions and support them with evidence) . These people have not contradicted any of our post so I am just posting more information in support of this theme rather than commenting on the misinformation spread by Doug and KIK.

Doug and KIK stop trying to steal the heritage of the first African Americans.

Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
Follow-up on The Hofmeyr:

For the ignorant, of which Knowledgeiskey718 and prmiddleeastern are the main transgressors.

The khoisan

The hunters of today have no collective name for themselves. They use their own group names, such as Ju/'hoansi (people who live on the border between northern Namibia and Botswana) or Hai//om (people who live around Etosha National Park).

San = Sanqua = Soaqua was a name given to hunters by the Khoekhoen of the Cape. The word means 'people different from ourselves' and became associated with those without livestock, or people who stole livestock.

The name 'Bushman' or 'Bossiesman' was given to low status people by the Dutch settlers in the 1600's, and referred to those who collected their food off the land and had no domestic animals.

Khoekhoen = Khoikhoi = Kwena is a general name which the herding people of the Cape used for themselves. The word can be translated to mean 'the real people' or 'men of men', meaning 'we people with domestic animals' as opposed to the Sonqua or Bushmen who had none.

Khoesaan = Khoisan is a general term which linguists use for the click language of southern Africa. Physical anthropologists use it as a biological term to distinguish the aboriginal people of southern Africa from their black African farming neighbours.

From Wiki (sorry, I was in a hurry)

Khoisan (increasingly commonly spelled Khoesan or Khoe-San) is the name for two major ethnic groups of Southern Africa. Historically, they have been referred to as the Capoid race because they can be visually distinguished from most other sub-Saharan Africans by way of their relatively lighter skin color and their epicanthic folds. From the beginning of the Upper Paleolithic period, hunting and gathering cultures known as the Sangoan occupied southern Africa in areas where annual rainfall is less than 40 inches (1016mm)—and today's San and Khoi people resemble the ancient Sangoan skeletal remains. The Khoisan people were the original inhabitants of much of southern Africa before the southward Bantu expansion — coming down the east and west coasts of Africa — and later European colonization. Both Khoi and San people share physical and linguistic characteristics, and it seems clear that the Khoi branched forth from the San by adopting the practice of herding cattle and goats from neighboring Bantu-speaking groups.

As you can see; it is known that the Sangoan were there BEFORE the Khoisan. But because there are no Sangoan left alive, the Khoisan are all that we have to work with - Why?? Because the Khoisan People, have by genetic analysis been determined to be the closest to the original Homo-sapien sapien in genetic makeup, and thus, the worlds Oldest Humans - that's why.
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
Khoisan Follow-up:

Question for the Forum;
The Australoids were the FIRST Modern humans to leave Africa. The people who ended-up in China (such as the Jomon) were the next to leave. The Khoisan who entered Europe were the LAST to leave Africa.

Yet, the closest affinity of modern humans to original humans is with the Khoisan. It would seem to me, that the closest connection should be with the Australians - they supposedly lived in isolation for thousands of years. Does anyone know where they picked-up their polluting admixture and when?
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
In pondering the above question:

One possibility is that they did NOT live in isolation. Consider the following:

Egyptians in Australia
A News Article - 1996

Egyptian hieroglyphs found in New South Wales:

The hieroglyphs tell the tale of early Egyptian explorers, injured and stranded, in ancient Australia. The discovery centers around a most unusual set of rock carvings found in the National Park forest of the Hunter Valley, 100 km north of Sydney.

The enigmatic carvings have been part of the local folklore of the area for nearly a century with reports of people who sighted them as far back as the early 1900's.

The site was secretly visited by families "in the know" in the 1950's and fell back into local mythology for a couple of decades until it was accidentally rediscovered by a man looking for his lost dog.

The carvings are in a rock cleft, a large block of split sandstone on a cliff-face that has created a small chasm or "chamber" of two flat stone walls facing each other that widens out from two to four meters and is covered in by a huge flat rock as a "roof" at the narrow end.

The cleft is most cave-like and only accessible by a small rock chute from above or below, well disguised from the average bush-walker.

When you first come up the rock chute and climb into the stone hallway you are immediately confronted by a number of worn carvings that are obviously ancient Egyptian symbols. These are certainly not your average Aboriginal animal carvings, but something clearly alien in the Australian bush setting.
There are at least 250 hieroglyphs.

At the end of the chamber, protected by the remaining section of stone roof, is a remarkable life sized carving of the ancient Egyptian god "Anubis", the Judge of the Dead !

The hieroglyphs were extremely ancient, in the archaic style of the early dynasties.

This archaic style is very little known and untranslatable by most Egyptologists who are all trained to read Middle Egyptian upward.

The classic Egyptian dictionaries only handle Middle Egyptian, and there are few people in the world who can read and translate the early formative style.

Because the old style contains early forms of glyphs that correlate with archaic Phoenician and Sumerian sources one can see how the university researchers who saw them could so easily have thought them to be bizarre and ill-conceived forgeries.

The aging Egyptologist Ray Johnson, who had translated extremely ancient texts for the Museum of Antiquities in Cairo eventually was successful in documenting and translating the two facing walls of Egyptian characters - which stemmed from the Third Dynasty.

The rock walls chronicle a tragic saga of ancient explorers shipwrecked in a strange and hostile land, and the untimely death of their royal leader, "Lord Djes-eb".

A group of three cartouches (framed clusters of glyphs) record the name of "RA-JEDEF" as reigning King of the Upper and Lower Nile, and son of "KHUFU" who, in turn, is son of the King "SNEFERU".

This dates the expedition just after the reign of King Khufu (known in the Greek as "Cheops" reputed builder of the Great Pyramid) somewhere between 1779 and 2748 BC.

Lord Djes-eb may have actually been one of the sons of the Pharaoh Ra Djedef, who reigned after Khufu.

The hieroglyphic text was apparently written under the instruction of a ship's captain or similar, with the corner glyph on the wall displaying the title of a high official or chief priest.

The scribe is "speaking for his Highness, the Prince, from this wretched place where we were carried by ship."

The expedition's leader, as mentioned before is described in the inscriptions as the King's son, "Lord Djes-eb", who came to grief a long way from home.

The hieroglyphics sketch his journey and his tragic demise: "For two seasons he made his way westward, weary, but strong to the end.

Always praying, joyful, and smiting insects. He, the servant of God, said God brought the insects.

Have gone around hills and deserts, in wind and rain, with no lakes at hand.

He was killed while carrying the Golden Falcon Standard up front in a foreign land, crossing mountains, desert and water along the way.

He, who died before, is here laid to rest.
May he have life everlasting. He is never again to stand beside the waters of the Sacred Mer. MER meaning "love".

There was a moat around the pyramid called the "waters of Mer".

The second facing wall, which was much more seriously eroded, details the tragedy further.

This wall begins with the badly eroded glyph of a snake (Heft), with a glyph of jaws (to bite) and the symbol for 'twice'. The snake bit twice.

Those followers of the diving Lord "KHUFU", mighty one of Lower Egypt, Lord of the Two Adzes, not all shall return. We must go forward and not look back.

All the creek and river beds are dry. Our boat is damaged and tied up with rope.

Death was caused by snake. We gave egg-yolk from the medicine-chest and prayed to AMEN, the Hidden One, for he was struck twice."

Burial rituals, prayers and preparations are described.

"We walled in the side entrance to the chamber with stones from all around. We aligned the chamber with the Western Heavens."

The three doors of eternity were connected to the rear end of the royal tomb and sealed in.

We placed beside it a vessel, the holy offering, should he awaken from the tomb.

Separated from home is the Royal body and all others.

Visual observation of the site makes it obvious that the very worn carvings exposed to the coastal weather would have to be several centuries to a thousand years old at least.

When first found the site was completely overgrown with thick vegetation and filled in with smashed rock and a much higher soil line.

A number of excavation attempts by interested parties have not turned up any artifacts or bodies but sophisticated and expensive laser scanning techniques have not been applied.

There is significant evidence that the ancients were well aware of the Great South land.

There were both Sumerian and Mayan traditions of a "lost motherland" in the Pacific.

Australia appears under the name of "Antoecie" on the famous spherical world map of Crates of Mallos, even appearing on the Greek map of Eratosthenese in 239 BC.

It seems fairly certain that the maritime civilizations of antiquity were quite capable of extensive ocean voyages.

Particularly the early Egyptians, as evidenced by Giza's remarkable "Tomb of the Boat".

In the 1950's, a streamlined 4,500 year old, hundred foot, ocean going vessel was excavated from right next to the Great Pyramid.

In 1991 an entire fleet of even older boats was found buried in the desert at Abydos in Upper Egypt.

According to Cairo Times, in 1982, archaeologists working at Fayum, near the Siwa Oasis uncovered fossils of kangaroos and other Australian marsupials.

And there's also the strange set of golden boomerangs discovered by Prof. Carter in the tomb of Tutankhamen in 1922.


Comment: They traveled westward for two seasons. Where were they coming from: India, China, the Americas?

Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Originally posted by Mike111:
The Hofmeyr Skull

The Hofmeyr Skull is a 36 kya human skull specimen.
The skull was found in 1952 at the coordinates in a dry channel bed of the Vlekpoort River, near Hofmeyr, a small town in Eastern Cape, South Africa.

Frederick E. Grine, an anthropologist and anatomist at State University of New York at Stony Brook, led the study. Grine says that he first noticed the skull on a bookshelf in a colleague's office in Cape Town, South Africa, and was inspired to reexamine the skull after noticing its likeness to the skulls of the first modern humans found in Europe.

The Hofmeyr fossil was compared with skulls from Sub-Saharan Africa, including those of the Khoisan, who are geographically proximate to the find. Using 3-dimensional measurement and mapping techniques, team member Katerina Harvati of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany, found that the Hofmeyr Skull is actually quite distinct from those found in Sub-Saharan Africans such as the Khoisan. The skull's features were found however to have a very close affinity with Upper Paleolithic specimens from Eurasia.

The Upper Paleolithic (or Upper Palaeolithic) is the third and last subdivision of the Paleolithic or Old Stone Age as it is understood in Europe, Africa and Asia. Very broadly it dates to between 40,000 and 10,000 years ago.

So that instead of having this look; for the Khoisan Grimaldi (the first Humans to enter Europe):


You have this:


Or This:


As can be deduced from the fact that scientist had these busts of "original Europeans" made many years ago, Harvati offers nothing new. And I really don’t see how a slight change in appearance over 40,000 years makes a historical difference, but then again, your purpose was more likely just to keep things going in circles.

They most closely resembled Oceanic populations and not Khoisan, sorry kid.




Late Pleistocene Human Skull
from Hofmeyr, South Africa, and
Modern Human Origins

Thus, Hofmeyr is seemingly primitive in
comparison to recent African crania in a number
of features, including a prominent glabella; moderately
thick, continuous supraorbital tori; a tall,
flat, and straight malar; a broad frontal process of
the maxilla; and comparatively large molar
crowns. Hofmeyr is contemporaneous with later
Eurasian Neandertals, but it clearly does not
evince the cranial and mandibular apomorphies
that define that clade (28). This is not surprising,
given its geographic location. Although Hofmeyr
is similar in size to Eurasian UP crania, it differs
from them in other respects (such as its broad nose
and continuous supraorbital tori).
In order to assess the phenetic affinities of
Hofmeyr to penecontemporaneous Eurasian UP
and recent humans, we conducted multivariate
morphometric analyses of 3D landmark coordinates
and linear measurements of crania
representing these populations. We digitized 19
3D coordinates of landmarks that represent as
fully as possible the currently preserved anatomy
of the Hofmeyr skull (table S4). These were
compared with homologous data for recent
human samples from five broad geographic areas
(North Africa, sub-Saharan Africa, Western
Eurasia, Oceania, and Eastern Asia/New World).
The sub-Saharan sample was divided into Bantuspeaking
(Mali and Kenya) and South African
Khoe-San samples. The latter are represented in
the Holocene archaeological record of the
subcontinent, and inasmuch as they are the oldest
historic indigenes of southern Africa, they might
be expected to have the closest affinity to
Hofmeyr (12). The North African sample consists
of Epipaleolithic (Mesolithic) individuals
that provide a temporal depth of approximately
10,000 years. The 3D data were also compared
for two Neandertal, four Eurasian UP, and one
Levantine early modern human fossils (table S5).
The landmark coordinate configurations for
each specimen were superimposed with the use
of generalized Procrustes analysis and analyzed
with a series of multivariate statistical techniques
Hofmeyr falls at the upper ends of the recent
sub-Saharan African sample ranges and within the
upper parts of all other recent human sample
ranges in terms of centroid size (fig. S6). In a
canonical variates analysis of these landmarks
(Fig. 2), axis 1 separates the sub-Saharan African
samples from the others, and axis 4 tends to
differentiate the UP specimens from recent
homologs. Hofmeyr clusters with the UP sample,
and although it falls within the recent human range
on both axes, it is outside the 95% confidence
ellipse for the Khoe-San sample and barely within
the limits of the other sub-Saharan African sample.
These canonical axes are weakly correlated with
centroid size, which emphasizes that the similarity
between Hofmeyr and the UP sample is due only
in small part to similarity in size.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
You don’t know you’re talking about. There were no Melanesians until the rise of Sahulland.
Clyde you're delusional.

*** In accordance with Lahr (1996), the Australians are in fact the contemporary aboriginal population that retained the most primitive morphology when compared to the first modern humans. As she stressed "Groups like [...] Australo-Melanesians are all examples of relatively early diversifications ****without**** great amounts of gene flow from other groups..." (Lahr, 1996, p.335).

Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
Knowledgeiskey718 - You stupid little A-hole. STOP cluttering this thread up with postings that you do not understand. YOU introduced this nonsense with Hofmeyr, but what does Hofmeyr have to do with anything or anyone. NO one said Hofmeyr is typical of ANY population. Yet you keep posting on Hofmeyr as if it was the missing link. Then to add to your stupidity you post data on Hofmeyr that you obviously don't understand. Find something else to do, damn.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
^^^^Ad hominem and non sequiturs are for suckers. European upper Paleolithic Europeans resembled Oceanic populations, and the Khoisan as Clyde and you insist, Grimaldi/Khoisan were quite distinct from Hofmeyr. Hofmeyr skull which resembles early modern humans found in Europe and the near east.

What the data I posted shows you, if you understood anything, instead of the nonsense, Clyde feeds you, then you would've noticed the population that resembles Early modern humans 30-40kya are Oceanic populations.

To add to the above.....

*** In accordance with Lahr (1996), the Australians are in fact the contemporary aboriginal population that retained the most primitive morphology when compared to the first modern humans. As she stressed "Groups like [...] Australo-Melanesians are all examples of relatively early diversifications ****without**** great amounts of gene flow from other groups..." (Lahr, 1996, p.335).

Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :


The San have lived in southern Africa for thousands of years. Genetic studies suggest that the San may represent the oldest group of humans surviving on Earth. Their culture may also be one of the most ancient in the world. In 2006 a group of archaeologists claimed they had discovered evidence of rituals practiced by the San around 70,000 years ago—the oldest indications of human rituals ever found. The ancient artwork and artifacts were discovered in the Kalahari Desert in Botswana in a cave that the San have traditionally used for rites associated with the python, an animal that plays a major role in their creation stories.

(Lahr, 1996, p.335). Australo-Melanesians

As to the similarities with Africans, the best way to explain it in terms of historical connections, is to assume that the Asian ancestral population that gave rise to the Australians and to the first Americans had its ultimate origins in the African continent, as it is in fact the case with all modern humans (Stringer and Andrews, 1988; Stringer and McKie, 1996; Lahr, 1994, 1996), but which retained a very generalized morphology. In accordance with Lahr (1996), the Australians are in fact the contemporary aboriginal population that retained the most primitive morphology when compared to the first modern humans. As she stressed "Groups like [...] Australo-Melanesians are all examples of relatively early diversifications without great amounts of gene flow from other groups..." (Lahr, 1996, p.335).


The research done on the Hofmeyr skull was done because the skull was UNIQUE – not typical of any other. Why the idiot decided to use it to make a case for other populations, when it is unique, can only be known by another idiot.

UP=Upper Paleolithic

Thus, Hofmeyr is seemingly primitive in
comparison to recent African crania in a number
of features, including a prominent glabella; moderately
thick, continuous supraorbital tori; a tall,
flat, and straight malar; a broad frontal process of
the maxilla; and comparatively large molar
crowns. Hofmeyr is contemporaneous with later
Eurasian Neandertals, but it clearly does not
evince the cranial and mandibular apomorphies
that define that clade (28). This is not surprising,
given its geographic location. Although Hofmeyr
is similar in size to Eurasian UP crania, it differs
from them in other respects (such as its broad nose
and continuous supraorbital tori).

We sought to further assess the relationship
between the Hofmeyr cranium and samples of
various recent sub-Saharan Africans (n = 263) and
Europeans (n = 24) and a small sample of UP
Eurasians (n = 5), using eight linear dimensions of
the face and cranial vault (table S7). The recent
sub-Saharan African samples consisted of several
Bantu-speaking groups that were combined because
no significant differentiation among them
was observed through analyses of variance.
The craniofacial variableswere size-adjusted by
transforming them into Z- and C-scores following
Howells (11) and were analyzed by factor analysis
with varimax rotation following Ribot (13).
Analyses of variance of the regression factor scores
indicate that factor 2 provided the greatest differentiation
among the comparative samples. Therefore,
this was used preferentially to identify the position
of Hofmeyr vis-à-vis the 95% confidence ellipses
of these samples. Hofmeyr is encompassed by the
variation exhibited by Late Pleistocene Eurasian
crania (Fig. 4). It is also encompassed by the 95%
confidence ellipse of the recent Khoe-San and sub-
Saharan Bantu-speaker samples, but falls just
beyond the 95% confidence ellipse of recent
Europeans. These observations are supported by
the proximity matrix of squared Euclidean distances
derived from the regression factor scores, which
reveal the UP Eurasian sample as closest to
Hofmeyr (table S8).

Hofmeyr and the UP Eurasian specimens tend
to have comparatively high loadings on factor 2,
which is indicative of a trend toward relatively
longer crania with relatively shorter orbits than those
in recent populations from these same geographic
areas. This perhaps attests to a common trend for
change in craniofacial shape over the past 36,000
years in both Eurasia and sub-Saharan Africa.
The results of the 3D geometric and linear
morphometric analyses suggest that Hofmeyr
shares close affinity with Eurasian UP specimens
but is more distant from recent sub-Saharan
African populations. These analyses emphasize
that neither large absolute size nor allometrically
related shape similarities are responsible for the
relationship seen between Hofmeyr and penecontemporaneous
Eurasian UP skulls.

The placement of Hofmeyr with Eurasian UP
crania rather than with recent, geographically
proximate humans is important given the specimen's
geochronological age and the ability of
craniometric data to differentiate recent human
populations in accord with their geographic and
genetic relationships. Our findings are consistent
with the hypothesis that UP Eurasians descended
from a population that emigrated from sub-
Saharan Africa in the Late Pleistocene. The
Hofmeyr cranium affords potential insights into
the morphology of such a population.

Please take special note: NOWHERE is it said that “European upper Paleolithic Europeans resembled Oceanic populations”

Clyde – I told you to ignore this fool.
Posted by Doug M (Member # 7650) on :
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
^Mike you are right. I have already cited 5 sources showing that 1) craniometrics indicate that the Melanesians and Australians are not the same, 2) the Melanesians do not appear in archaeological context until 20kya in Shulland 8-10,000 years after homo sapien sapiens appear in South America, and 3) that the Melanesians are closely related to the San which settled Europe and Asia 40kya and would have been the first "Asians" to cross Beringa. Doug and KIK instead of presneting counter evidence to disconfirm this hypothesis, they continue to claim the original Americans were representatives of the OOA Australoids; and that dark skinned Asians and Africans look alike.

It is sad that these individuals are so brainwashed that they don't know how to think for themselves and just to make themselves right they ignore the evidence and attempt to decieve the members of this forum by citing erroneous material having nothing to do with this thread.

From the response of these guys it is clear they do not recognize normal science ( i.e., make propositions and support them with evidence) . These people have not contradicted any of our post so I am just posting more information in support of this theme rather than commenting on the misinformation spread by Doug and KIK.

Doug and KIK stop trying to steal the heritage of the first African Americans.


Clyde I am convinced you are stupid. Just a few posts ago you YOURSELF claimed that the first populations out of Africa were the Australoid type, who have STRAIGHT TO WAVY HAIR. But that CONTRADICTS what you said about the FIRST ASIANS being NEGROID doesn't it? Don't you remember SAYING THAT? I said that the first native Americans were descended from Australoid types. YOU confirm this YOURSELF. Now you are flip flopping again because YOU want to make distinctions between different sets of black as to WHICH group is African and which group isn't THEY ALL DESCEND FROM AFRICANS STUPID. BOTH the straight to wavy haired Australians AND the curly haired New Guineans are the remnants of the first OOA migrations. YOU are the one trying to make distinctions THAT MAKE NO SENSE. The first populations of the Americas were closer to Australians and Africans. THERE IS NO DISTINCTION. DUMMY.
Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Doug this shows what a moron you are and how "white supremacy" has made you ill. Just like Europeans you believe all blacks look alike.

It makes no sense because you don't respect Black/African people. You have read so much written by Eurocentrists that Afrocentric writings are wrong you believe what ever they teach your ignorant and stupid ass. Fool, we are standing on the backs of scholars like W.E.B. DuBois, Carter G. Woodson and Anta Diop--all PhDs--which you reject due to your self hate. Sad boy--read the writings of your own scholars.

I formerly thought you had some intelligence but your failure to let the research guide your conclusions make it clear you are a fool and only repeat what your masters think you should believe.

It is clear that your reponses reflect your own prejudices against Black/African people because the research makes it clear that Australians and Melanesians do not look a like. Get off your knees and think for yourself. You are not alone.

Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
You fail to recognize that there is a craniometric difference between Australoids /Australians representatives of the OOA population, Mongoloids and Melanoids; craniometric differences that indicate two migrations of the Black Variety into the Pacific and East Asia.

Tsuenehiko Hanihare discussed the phenotypic variations between these populations(1). Tsuenehiko classified these people into three major populations Southeast Asian Mongoloids (Polynesians), the Australians or Austroloid type and the Nicobar and Andaman (Melanoid) samples which he found lie between the predominately Southeast Asian and Australoid/Australian type (1).

The Australian aborigines and Melanesians show cranonical variates and represent two distinct Black populations(2). The Australoids or Australians live mainly in Australia and the highland regions of Oceania, the Melanoid people on the otherhand live in the coastal regions of Near Oceania and Fiji. D.J de Laubenfels discussed the variety of Blacks found in Asia. Laubenfiels explained that Negroids/Melanoids such as the Tasmanians are characterized by wooly black hair and sparse body hair (2). Australoids or Australians on the otherhand have curly, wavy or straight hair and abundant body hair. Other differences between these Black populations include Negroid / Melanoid brows being vertical and without eyebrow ridges, whereas Australoid brows are sloping and with prominent ridges (2).

This led M. Pietrusewky to recognize two separate colonizations of the Pacific by morphologically distinct populations one Polynesian and the other Melanesian (3). Pietrusewky’s research indicates a clear separation between the Australian-Melanesian crania and the Polynesian crania (3). The findings indicate an origin for the Polynesians in Southeast Asia (3-5), and an early Australo-Melanesian presence in East Asia as discussed in the earlier comment.

Laubenfels argues that the Australians are remnants of the original African migration to the region 60kya (2). This view is supported by David Bulbeck who found that the Australian craniometrics are different from the Mongoloid (Polynesian), and Melanoid crania metrics (4). This research indicates that whereas Australian aborigine crania agree with the archaic population of Asia and first group of Africans to exit Africa, they fail to correspond to the Sahulland crania which are distinctly of Southwest Pacific or Melanoid affinity (2,4). This suggests that by the rise of Sahulland there were two distinct Black populations in Asia one Austroloid and the other Melanoid (4).

The Melanesian type does not appear in East Asia (Siberia) until after 5000 BC. This is thousands of years after Luizia and Eva Neharon had existed in Brazil and Mexico respectively.

By the Neolithic the Melanoids or Papuans are associated with millet cultivation at Yangshao and Lougshan according to Pietrusewky’s work (5). Tsang argues that the probable homeland of the Austronesian speakers was the Pearl River delta, here the Melanoid people cultivated millet (6). Sagart believes that there is a Proto-Sino-Tibetan-Austronesian family of languages based on the millet culture the Melanoids introduced to China (7).

The craniometrics make it clear the ancient Americans are not related to the Melanesians.


1. Tsunehiko Hanihare, Interpretation of craniofacial variations and diversification of East and Southeast Asia. In Bioarchaeology of Southeast Asia. (Eds.) Marc Oxenhan and Nancy Tayles (pp.91-111). Cambridge, 2005.

2. D.J. Laubenfels, Australoids, Negroids and Negroes: A suggested explanation for their distinct distributions. Annals Association of Am. Geographers, 58(1), 1968: 42-50.

3. Michael Pietrusewky, A multivariate craniometric study of the prehistoric and modern inhabitants of Southeast Asia, East Asia and surrounding regions:A human kaleidoscope. Cambridge Studies in Biological and Evolutionary Anthropology, No. 43, 2006: 59-90.

4. David Bulbeck, Australian Aboriginal craniometrics as construed through FORDISC, 2005. Retrieved: 4/2/2008:

5. M. Pietrusewsky, The Physical anthropology of the Pacific, East Asia: A multivariate craniometric analysis. . In L. Sagart, R. Blench, A. Sanchez-Mazos (Eds), The peopling of East Asia Putting together Archaeology,Linguistics and Genetics (pp.201-229). RutledgeCurzon, 2005.

6. Tsang Cheng-Hwa, Recent discoveries at Tapenkeng culture sites in Taiwan;Implications for the problem of Austronesian origins. In The peopling of East Asia Putting together Archaeology, Linguistics and Genetics ,(Eds) L. Sagart, R. Blench, A. Sanchez-Mazos (pp.63-74). RutledgeCurzon, 2005.

7. L. Sagart, Sino-Tibetan-Austronesian an Updated and improved argument. In L. Sagart, R. Blench, A. Sanchez-Mazos (Eds), The peopling of East Asia Putting together Archaeology, Linguistics and Genetics (pp.161-176). RutledgeCurzon, 2005.

First of all the original migrants OOA population had different features than the contemporary Africans.

Here is an Australian


Here is a contemporary Africans


You can clearly see differences between the Australian and African type; while both individuals are described as Negroes you will note that the forehead of the Australian matches in many ways the cranium of earlier hominid forms dating back to the rise of homo sapiens sapiens in Africa.

Any physical anthropologists would note these changes. The coastal Melanesians usually show mixed Australian-African features or features commonly found among Africans--not Australians.\







A simple observation of Melanesians and Aborigines make it clear that they resemble Africans moreso than Aborigines--the original settlers of Asia.

The ancestors of the Melanesians and Polynesians probably lived in East Asia. The late appearance of Melanoid people from East Asia on the shore areas of Oceania would explain the differences between the genetic make up of Melanesians living in the highlands and Melanesians living along the shore [1-2].

The skeletal evidence from East Asia [3-7,12] suggests that the TMRCAs of the Polynesians and some of the coastal Melanesians may be mainland East Asia, not Taiwan. The ancestral population for the shoreline Melanesians was probably forced from East Asia by Proto-Polynesians as they were pushed into Southeast Asia by the Han or contemporary Chinese. This would explain the genetic diversity existing among shoreline Melanesians, in comparison to the genetic homogeneity among isolated inland Melanesian, like the Highland New Guineans.

There were two Shang Dynasties, one Melanoid (Qiang-Shang) and the other Proto-Polynesian (Yin-Shang). The first Shang Dynasty was founded by Proto-Melanesians or Melanoids belonging to the Yueh tribe called Qiang [7]. The Qiang lived in Qiangfeng, a country to the west of Yin-Shang, Shensi and Yunnan [7-11,13].

The archaeological evidence also indicates that the Polynesians probably originated in East Asia [4,6-7,12-13]. Consequently, the Polynesian migration probably began in East Asia, not Southeast Asia. Taiwan genetically probably belongs to the early Polynesians who settled Taiwan before they expanded into outer Oceania.

Given the archaeological record of intimate contact between Proto-Polynesians and Proto-Melanoids, neither a “slow boat” or “express train” explains the genetic relationship between the Melanesian and Polynesian populations. This record makes it clear that these populations lived in intimate contact for thousands of years and during this extended period of interactions both groups probably exchanged genes.

1. Manfred Kayser, Oscar Lao, Kathrin Saar, Silke Brauer, Xingyu Wang, Peter Nürnberg, Ronald J. Trent, Mark Stoneking Genome-wide Analysis Indicates More Asian than Melanesian Ancestry of Polynesians. The American Journal of Human Genetics - 10 January 2008, 82 (1); pp. 194-198.

2. J. S. Fredlaender, F.R. Friedlaender, J.A. Hodgson, M. Stoltz, G. Koki, G. Horvat,S. Zhadanov, T. G. Schurr and D.A. Merriwether, Melanesian mtDNA complexity, PLoS ONE, 2(2) 2007: e248.

3 F. Weidenreich F., Bull. Nat. Hist. Soc. Peiping 13, (1938-40): p. 163.

4. Kwang-chih Chang, Archaeology of ancient China (Yale University Press, 1986) p. 64.

5. G. H. R. von Koenigswald, A giant fossil hominoid from the pleistocene of Southern China, Anthropology Pap. Am Museum of Natural History, no.43, 1952, pp. 301-309).

6. K. C. Chang, The archaeology of ancient China, (Yale University Press: New Haven, 1977): p. 76

7. Winters, Clyde Ahmad, “The Far Eastern Origin of the Tamils”, Journal of Tamil Studies, no27 (June 1985), pp. 65-92.

8. K. C. Chang, Shang Civilization, (Yale University Press: New Haven, 1980) pp. 227-230.

9. C. A. Winters, The Dravido-Harappa Colonization of Central Asia, Central Asiatic Journal, (1990) 34 (1-2), pp. 120-144.

10. Y. Kan, The Bronze culture of western Yunnan, Bull. Of the Ancient Orient Museum (Tokyo), 7 (1985), pp. 47-91.

11. S. S. Ling, A study of the Raft, Outrigger, Double, and Deck canoes of ancient China, the Pacific, and the Indian Ocean. The Institute of Ethnology Academic Sinica. Nankang, Taipei Taiwan, 1970.

12. Kwang-chih Chang, “Prehistoric and early historic culture horizons and traditions in South China”, Current Anthropology, 5 (1964): pp. 359-375: 375).

13. Winters,Clyde Ahmad, “Dravidian Settlements in ancient Polynesia”, India Past and Present 3, no2 (1986): pp. 225-241.

Posted by meninarmer (Member # 12654) on :
Clyde, I'm certain you remember the 1960s white HIPPY movement with young whites rubbing elbows with black activists.
At the time, they had their selfish reasons for doing so.
Today, those Hippies have come full circle and are the Republican CEOs of US corporations and adapted the father and grandfather's views.
Everyone is here for their own reasons.

The Australian and Fijians above do actually resemble the San versus the "contemporary" African.
Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :

We claim that due to the African origin of the first Americans, some Amerind groups mixed with the original African Americans and later Africans taken to America during the Atlantic Slave Trade. I have made it clear that I believe that the present Amerind population probably only entered Mexico and South America after 1000 BC.

Let's look at the facts:

1) the Australians represent the OOA population that settled Asia

2) during the OOA event much of Siberia and North America was under ice from 110,000 - 10,000BC. As a result there was no way Siberians could cross Beringa before the end of the ice age

3) Ice even separated much of South America east to west


4) the first Americans appear in Brazil, Chile and Argintina Latin America around 30,000 BC

5)using craniometric evidence it is clear that the first Americans look like Africans not modern Asian Native Americans

6) using craniometrics I have pointed out that Asia was dominated by the Australian population until the rise of Suhulland when the Melanesian people appear in the area, at this time the Beringa was still under Ice

7) I pointed out that the Melanesian type reach East Asian mainland by 5000 BC, long after Africans had settled Latin America

8) between 15,000-12,000 we see numerous African populations in Mexico and Brazil; and skeletons dating to this period have even been found off the Yucatan coast in the Caribbean

9) these first Americans did not look like the Australians or modern Amerinds

10) iconography of PreClassic people like the Cherla, Ocos and other groups is of Negroes not Amerinds like the Maya

11) Amerind groups not associated with African slaves carry African genes

12) Maya carried African y chromosome

13) Chontal Mayan speakers were classified as Negroes by Quatrefages. This may explain why the Maya carry African genes

14)Negrocostachicanos claim that they have never been slaves and are indigenous to Guererro and Oaxaca on the Pacific coast

15) The Dufuna boat makes it clear that Africans probably had the technology to travel to the Americas 15,000 years ago.

16) Fuegians 100-400 BP carried haplogroup A1. Hg A1 is an African haplogroup.

17) Amerinds carry haplogroup N, just like Africans.

18)The y chromosome STRs of the Fuegians include DYS434,DYS437,DYS 439, DYS 393, DYS391,DYS390,DYS19, DYS 389I, DYS389II and DYS 388 (see: Garcia-Bour et al above). Except for DYS390 and DYS388 they are characteristic of haplogroup A1 . A1 is recognized as an African haplogroup.

19)Quatrefages noted numerous African Native American tribes

20)The antiquity of these populations is supported by the ancient iconography found in these countries which are of African Native Americans.

21) Most contemporary populations are descendants of the San people.

Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Originally posted by meninarmer:
Clyde, I'm certain you remember the 1960s white HIPPY movement with young whites rubbing elbows with black activists.
At the time, they had their selfish reasons for doing so.
Today, those Hippies have come full circle and are the Republican CEOs of US corporations and adapted the father and grandfather's views.
Everyone is here for their own reasons.

The Australian and Fijians above do actually resemble the San versus the "contemporary" African.

It is not just the Hippies. I know you are well read in Black political science. If you remember even the Communists were against DuBois and other Blacks who supported Afrocentric history. People like Doug feel that if they avoid supporting Afrocentric views of history they will be safe and not attacked by Europeans. But as evident from the many post on this forum and continued debate on the racial origins Egyptians any time you give Blacks/Africans credit for having a history you are going to be attacked by Europeans, may they be liberal, conservative or whatever.

Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
No members of the OOA population made their way to the New World.

There is clear evidence that the OOA population settled Asia. But lets not forget that if the OOA population who took the eastern route out of Africa left the Continent around 60kya this would have been during the last Ice Age.

The Ice Age latsed from from 110kya to around 12kya. As a result the OOA populartion would have found it impossible to take a land route to the Americas across Beringa. As a result, your insistence that the OOA population made their way to the Americas does not correlate with the environmental and archaeological evidence.



The ancient Americans looked more like the Khoisan then Australians, because they came from Africa not Asia.


Posted by Doug M (Member # 7650) on :
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
Doug this shows what a moron you are and how "white supremacy" has made you ill. Just like Europeans you believe all blacks look alike.

It makes no sense because you don't respect Black/African people. You have read so much written by Eurocentrists that Afrocentric writings are wrong you believe what ever they teach your ignorant and stupid ass. Fool, we are standing on the backs of scholars like W.E.B. DuBois, Carter G. Woodson and Anta Diop--all PhDs--which you reject due to your self hate. Sad boy--read the writings of your own scholars.

I formerly thought you had some intelligence but your failure to let the research guide your conclusions make it clear you are a fool and only repeat what your masters think you should believe.

It is clear that your reponses reflect your own prejudices against Black/African people because the research makes it clear that Australians and Melanesians do not look a like. Get off your knees and think for yourself. You are not alone.


Clyde you are simply dumb. I said a few pages ago that the first Americans were like Australians and YOU denied it and claimed "NO THEY WERE NEGROID AFRICANS" and that the first migrants arrived in the Americas FROM AFRICA and that they were NOT like the Australians because the migrants from Asia CAME FAR LATER. Now you are simply contradicting yourself and spinning yourself silly. They ALL come from Africa Clyde that no matter what "differences" you claim they have. You are simply being dumb and using OUTDATED PSEUDOSCIENCE to support a typology that isn't reflected in REALITY. All Africans have differences in cranial types, so it doesn't DISTINGUISH who is and isn't Africans and certainly NEGROID has nothing to do with it.

The fundamental point you HAVE NOT addressed is how the cranio facial characteristics change the fact that the FIRST ASIANS were Australian Aborigines and New Guineans and that people LIKE THEM are the ones who FIRST POPULATED ASIA and eventually migrated INTO THE AMERICAS. That is a SIMPLE POINT.

It is YOU who keeps referencing OUTDATED racialist research not me so YOU are the one who has WHITE SUPREMACY on the brain.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Please take special note: NOWHERE is it said that “European upper Paleolithic Europeans resembled Oceanic populations”
Mike, from the below, what population is closest to Hofmeyr? If the closest population to Hofmeyr, are not Oceanics than what population is closest?



Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
You fail to recognize that there is a craniometric difference between Australoids /Australians representatives of the OOA population
^^^We know their are craniometric differences, but this again, is not due to another migration OOA, this what you say, but this is not facts.

The below is......

*** In accordance with Lahr (1996), the Australians are in fact the contemporary aboriginal population that retained the most primitive morphology when compared to the first modern humans. As she stressed "Groups like [...] Australo-Melanesians are all examples of relatively early diversifications ****without**** great amounts of gene flow from other groups..." (Lahr, 1996, p.335).

Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
2) during the OOA event much of Siberia and North America was under ice from 110,000 - 10,000BC. As a result there was no way Siberians could cross Beringa before the end of the ice age

As we can see as follows genetic and anthropological information confirms what me and Doug are saying.

My source:
"The traditional path across the Bering Strait is still the most plausible explanation for the entry of this non-Mongoloid population into the New World, if we assume that it was present in Northern Asia at the end of the Pleistocene." And indeed, Japan's aborigines, of whom a few still live in Hokkaido and on the Kurile Islands, display some Australian traits, such as round eye sockets and abundant body hair.

From Mikes own source:
Lahr (1995) has reached a conclusion similar to ours when studying the cranial morphology of modern Fuegians. She realized that the morphology of modern Indians of Tierra del Fuego could not be described as typical Mongoloid as well. Since she detected a close association between historic ****Fuegians and Polynesians**** she opted to interpret the cranial morphology of the former as generalized Mongoloid, at best. In her opinion this generalized Mongoloid morphology could be explained as a retention of characteristics of the first inhabitants of the Americas.

Froms Mikes own source:
As to the similarities with Africans, the best way to explain it in terms of historical connections, is to assume that the Asian ancestral population that gave rise to the Australians and to the first Americans had its ultimate origins in the African continent, as it is in fact the case with all modern humans (Stringer and Andrews, 1988; Stringer and McKie, 1996; Lahr, 1994, 1996), ***but which retained a very generalized morphology.*** In accordance with Lahr (1996), the Australians are in fact the contemporary aboriginal population that retained the most primitive morphology when compared to the first modern humans. As she stressed "Groups like [...] Australo-Melanesians are all examples of relatively early diversifications without great amounts of gene flow from other groups..." (Lahr, 1996, p.335).

My source:
In this study, 74 human skulls dated between 11.0 and 3.0 kyr, recovered in seven different sites of Sabana de Bogotá, Colombia, were compared with the world cranial variation by different multivariate techniques: Principal Components Analysis, Multidimensional Scaling, and Cluster of Mahalanobis distance matrices. The Colombian skeletal remains were divided in two chronological subgroups: Paleocolombians (11.0-6.0 kyr) and Archaic Colombians (5.0-3.0 kyr). Both quantitative techniques generated convergent results: ****the Paleocolombians show remarkable similarities with Lagoa Santa and ****with modern Australo-Melanesians**** . Archaic Colombians exhibited the same morphological patterns and associations. ***These findings support our long-held proposition that the early American settlement may have involved ****two very distinct biological populations coming from Asia****. On the other hand, they suggest the possibility of late survivals of the Paleoamerican pattern not restricted to isolated or marginal areas, as previously thought. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2007. © 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


A Three-Stage Colonization Model for the Peopling of the Americas

Andrew Kitchen1, Michael M. Miyamoto2, Connie J. Mulligan1*

1 Department of Anthropology, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, United States of America, 2 Department of Zoology, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, United States of America


We evaluate the process by which the Americas were originally colonized and propose a three-stage model that integrates current genetic, archaeological, geological, and paleoecological data. ***Specifically, we analyze mitochondrial and nuclear genetic data*** by using complementary coalescent models of demographic history and incorporating non-genetic data to enhance the anthropological relevance of the analysis.


Bayesian skyline plots, ***which provide dynamic representations of population size changes over time***, indicate that Amerinds went through two stages of growth ≈40,000 and ≈15,000 years ago separated by a long period of population stability. Isolation-with-migration coalescent analyses, which utilize data from sister populations to estimate a divergence date and founder population sizes, ***suggest an Amerind population expansion starting ≈15,000 years ago.***


***These results support a model for the peopling of the New World in which Amerind ancestors diverged from the Asian gene pool prior to 40,000 years ago and experienced a gradual population expansion as they moved into Beringia.*** After a long period of little change in population size in greater Beringia, Amerinds rapidly expanded into the Americas ≈15,000 years ago either through an interior ice-free corridor or along the coast. This rapid colonization of the New World was achieved by a founder group with an effective population size of ≈1,000–5,400 individuals. Our model presents a detailed scenario for the timing and scale of the initial migration to the Americas, substantially refines the estimate of New World founders, and provides a unified theory for testing with future datasets and analytic methods.


Michael M. Miyamoto2---- Author from above study.

The result is a ***unified, interdisciplinary*** theory of the **"peopling" of the New World**, which **shows a gradual migration and expansion of people from Asia through Siberia and into Beringia starting about 40,000 years ago***; a ***long waiting period in Beringia*** where the population size remained relatively stable; and ***finally a rapid expansion into North America*** through Alaska or Canada about ***15,000 years ago.***

"***This was the raw material, the original genetic source for all of the Americas,"*** said Michael Miyamoto, Ph.D., a professor and associate chairman of zoology in UF's College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. "You can think of the people as a distinct group blocked by glaciers to the east. ***They had already been west, and had no reason to go back.*** They had entered this waiting stage and for ***20,000 years***, generations were passing and genetic differences were accumulating. By looking at the kinds and frequencies of these mutations in modern populations, we can get an idea of when the mutations arose and how many people were around to carry them."
Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :


Bayesian skyline plots, ***which provide dynamic representations of population size changes over time***, indicate that Amerinds went through two stages of growth ≈40,000 and ≈15,000 years ago separated by a long period of population stability. Isolation-with-migration coalescent analyses, which utilize data from sister populations to estimate a divergence date and founder population sizes, ***suggest an Amerind population expansion starting ≈15,000 years ago.***

Stupid. This is still 17,000 to 21,000 years after the first African Americans were established in South America.

Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :

It is YOU who keeps referencing OUTDATED racialist research not me so YOU are the one who has WHITE SUPREMACY on the brain.

You pathetic fool you can't even read. In your usual ignorant fashion you are talking about outdated references when in fact the citations I made are mostly only a few years old, as illustrated by the re-post of the relevant references.

You moron, why do you make such a fool of yourself. A smart person would remain silent instead of making a big jack ass of themselves.

If you spent time reading what I wrote you wouldn't look so foolish and make wild statements lacking any foundation. The citations below are the latest in the field, you on the otherhand make statements only on what you believe white people would have you believe--but alas you don't even know the latest research--you only say things based on your warped Coconut ideas.

You are worst than the average troll You should know better. But here you are making statements just like them concerning information you don't have a clue about and then begin calling people names when they don't agree with your moronic statements.

Fool, your adoring fans can't help your stupid illiterate ass. We want to see data or remain seated like most little boys and learn something for once.


Stop trying to steal the heritage of the first African Americans.

Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
2) during the OOA event much of Siberia and North America was under ice from 110,000 - 10,000BC. As a result there was no way Siberians could cross Beringa before the end of the ice age

As we can see as follows genetic and anthropological information confirms what me and Doug are saying.

My source:
"The traditional path across the Bering Strait is still the most plausible explanation for the entry of this non-Mongoloid population into the New World, if we assume that it was present in Northern Asia at the end of the Pleistocene." And indeed, Japan's aborigines, of whom a few still live in Hokkaido and on the Kurile Islands, display some Australian traits, such as round eye sockets and abundant body hair.

From Mikes own source:
Lahr (1995) has reached a conclusion similar to ours when studying the cranial morphology of modern Fuegians. She realized that the morphology of modern Indians of Tierra del Fuego could not be described as typical Mongoloid as well. Since she detected a close association between historic ****Fuegians and Polynesians**** she opted to interpret the cranial morphology of the former as generalized Mongoloid, at best. In her opinion this generalized Mongoloid morphology could be explained as a retention of characteristics of the first inhabitants of the Americas.

Froms Mikes own source:
As to the similarities with Africans, the best way to explain it in terms of historical connections, is to assume that the Asian ancestral population that gave rise to the Australians and to the first Americans had its ultimate origins in the African continent, as it is in fact the case with all modern humans (Stringer and Andrews, 1988; Stringer and McKie, 1996; Lahr, 1994, 1996), ***but which retained a very generalized morphology.*** In accordance with Lahr (1996), the Australians are in fact the contemporary aboriginal population that retained the most primitive morphology when compared to the first modern humans. As she stressed "Groups like [...] Australo-Melanesians are all examples of relatively early diversifications without great amounts of gene flow from other groups..." (Lahr, 1996, p.335).

My source:
In this study, 74 human skulls dated between 11.0 and 3.0 kyr, recovered in seven different sites of Sabana de Bogotá, Colombia, were compared with the world cranial variation by different multivariate techniques: Principal Components Analysis, Multidimensional Scaling, and Cluster of Mahalanobis distance matrices. The Colombian skeletal remains were divided in two chronological subgroups: Paleocolombians (11.0-6.0 kyr) and Archaic Colombians (5.0-3.0 kyr). Both quantitative techniques generated convergent results: ****the Paleocolombians show remarkable similarities with Lagoa Santa and ****with modern Australo-Melanesians**** . Archaic Colombians exhibited the same morphological patterns and associations. ***These findings support our long-held proposition that the early American settlement may have involved ****two very distinct biological populations coming from Asia****. On the other hand, they suggest the possibility of late survivals of the Paleoamerican pattern not restricted to isolated or marginal areas, as previously thought. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2007. © 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


A Three-Stage Colonization Model for the Peopling of the Americas

Andrew Kitchen1, Michael M. Miyamoto2, Connie J. Mulligan1*

1 Department of Anthropology, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, United States of America, 2 Department of Zoology, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, United States of America


We evaluate the process by which the Americas were originally colonized and propose a three-stage model that integrates current genetic, archaeological, geological, and paleoecological data. ***Specifically, we analyze mitochondrial and nuclear genetic data*** by using complementary coalescent models of demographic history and incorporating non-genetic data to enhance the anthropological relevance of the analysis.


Bayesian skyline plots, ***which provide dynamic representations of population size changes over time***, indicate that Amerinds went through two stages of growth ≈40,000 and ≈15,000 years ago separated by a long period of population stability. Isolation-with-migration coalescent analyses, which utilize data from sister populations to estimate a divergence date and founder population sizes, ***suggest an Amerind population expansion starting ≈15,000 years ago.***


***These results support a model for the peopling of the New World in which Amerind ancestors diverged from the Asian gene pool prior to 40,000 years ago and experienced a gradual population expansion as they moved into Beringia.*** After a long period of little change in population size in greater Beringia, Amerinds rapidly expanded into the Americas ≈15,000 years ago either through an interior ice-free corridor or along the coast. This rapid colonization of the New World was achieved by a founder group with an effective population size of ≈1,000–5,400 individuals. Our model presents a detailed scenario for the timing and scale of the initial migration to the Americas, substantially refines the estimate of New World founders, and provides a unified theory for testing with future datasets and analytic methods.


Michael M. Miyamoto2---- Author from above study.

The result is a ***unified, interdisciplinary*** theory of the **"peopling" of the New World**, which **shows a gradual migration and expansion of people from Asia through Siberia and into Beringia starting about 40,000 years ago***; a ***long waiting period in Beringia*** where the population size remained relatively stable; and ***finally a rapid expansion into North America*** through Alaska or Canada about ***15,000 years ago.***

"***This was the raw material, the original genetic source for all of the Americas,"*** said Michael Miyamoto, Ph.D., a professor and associate chairman of zoology in UF's College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. "You can think of the people as a distinct group blocked by glaciers to the east. ***They had already been west, and had no reason to go back.*** They had entered this waiting stage and for ***20,000 years***, generations were passing and genetic differences were accumulating. By looking at the kinds and frequencies of these mutations in modern populations, we can get an idea of when the mutations arose and how many people were around to carry them."

Originally posted by Clyde Winters:


Bayesian skyline plots, ***which provide dynamic representations of population size changes over time***, indicate that Amerinds went through two stages of growth ≈40,000 and ≈15,000 years ago separated by a long period of population stability. Isolation-with-migration coalescent analyses, which utilize data from sister populations to estimate a divergence date and founder population sizes, ***suggest an Amerind population expansion starting ≈15,000 years ago.***

Stupid. This is still 17,000 to 21,000 years after the first African Americans were established in South America.


Where is this so called data of Africans migrating from West Africa 17-20ky before this presentation??
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Clyde how does your posting of craniometric differences between original OOA populations, explain away the facts below? Where does it refute it?

My source:
"The traditional path across the Bering Strait is still the most plausible explanation for the entry of this non-Mongoloid population into the New World, if we assume that it was present in Northern Asia at the end of the Pleistocene." And indeed, Japan's aborigines, of whom a few still live in Hokkaido and on the Kurile Islands, display some Australian traits, such as round eye sockets and abundant body hair.

From Mikes own source:
Lahr (1995) has reached a conclusion similar to ours when studying the cranial morphology of modern Fuegians. She realized that the morphology of modern Indians of Tierra del Fuego could not be described as typical Mongoloid as well. Since she detected a close association between historic ****Fuegians and Polynesians**** she opted to interpret the cranial morphology of the former as generalized Mongoloid, at best. In her opinion this generalized Mongoloid morphology could be explained as a retention of characteristics of the first inhabitants of the Americas.

Froms Mikes own source:
As to the similarities with Africans, the best way to explain it in terms of historical connections, is to assume that the Asian ancestral population that gave rise to the Australians and to the first Americans had its ultimate origins in the African continent, as it is in fact the case with all modern humans (Stringer and Andrews, 1988; Stringer and McKie, 1996; Lahr, 1994, 1996), ***but which retained a very generalized morphology.*** In accordance with Lahr (1996), the Australians are in fact the contemporary aboriginal population that retained the most primitive morphology when compared to the first modern humans. As she stressed "Groups like [...] Australo-Melanesians are all examples of relatively early diversifications without great amounts of gene flow from other groups..." (Lahr, 1996, p.335).

My source:
In this study, 74 human skulls dated between 11.0 and 3.0 kyr, recovered in seven different sites of Sabana de Bogotá, Colombia, were compared with the world cranial variation by different multivariate techniques: Principal Components Analysis, Multidimensional Scaling, and Cluster of Mahalanobis distance matrices. The Colombian skeletal remains were divided in two chronological subgroups: Paleocolombians (11.0-6.0 kyr) and Archaic Colombians (5.0-3.0 kyr). Both quantitative techniques generated convergent results: ****the Paleocolombians show remarkable similarities with Lagoa Santa and ****with modern Australo-Melanesians**** . Archaic Colombians exhibited the same morphological patterns and associations. ***These findings support our long-held proposition that the early American settlement may have involved ****two very distinct biological populations coming from Asia****. On the other hand, they suggest the possibility of late survivals of the Paleoamerican pattern not restricted to isolated or marginal areas, as previously thought. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2007. © 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

Posted by Doug M (Member # 7650) on :
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:


Bayesian skyline plots, ***which provide dynamic representations of population size changes over time***, indicate that Amerinds went through two stages of growth ≈40,000 and ≈15,000 years ago separated by a long period of population stability. Isolation-with-migration coalescent analyses, which utilize data from sister populations to estimate a divergence date and founder population sizes, ***suggest an Amerind population expansion starting ≈15,000 years ago.***

Stupid. This is still 17,000 to 21,000 years after the first African Americans were established in South America.


Didn't YOU just post the fact that the first OOA migrations into Asia were the Australian aboriginal and New Guinea aboriginal types? Are (or were they) Africans? NO CLYDE.

You are CONTRADICTING yourself and making fake distinctions.
Posted by Doug M (Member # 7650) on :
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:

It is YOU who keeps referencing OUTDATED racialist research not me so YOU are the one who has WHITE SUPREMACY on the brain.

You pathetic fool you can't even read. In your usual ignorant fashion you are talking about outdated references when in fact the citations I made are mostly only a few years old, as illustrated by the re-post of the relevant references.

You moron, why do you make such a fool of yourself. A smart person would remain silent instead of making a big jack ass of themselves.

If you spent time reading what I wrote you wouldn't look so foolish and make wild statements lacking any foundation. The citations below are the latest in the field, you on the otherhand make statements only on what you believe white people would have you believe--but alas you don't even know the latest research--you only say things based on your warped Coconut ideas.

You are worst than the average troll You should know better. But here you are making statements just like them concerning information you don't have a clue about and then begin calling people names when they don't agree with your moronic statements.

Fool, your adoring fans can't help your stupid illiterate ass. We want to see data or remain seated like most little boys and learn something for once.


Stop trying to steal the heritage of the first African Americans.

The only one being stupid is YOU. I said that the Australian aboriginal type were the first to migrate to the Americas and you blabber about African Americans. YOUR OWN citations point to AUSTRALIAN ABORIGINES being among the first populations in Asia.... SO? That actually SUPPORTS what I am saying STUPID. Not unless you have EVIDENCE in all that craniometric data that the first natives in the Americas came DIRECTLY from Africa and YOU DON'T. THEREFORE, if the Australian aborigines are among the FIRST ASIANS and represent the earliest OOA migrants to Asia then what are you BLABBERING about? YOU don't even know. You are stuck on using terms like African, Negroid and Mongoloid that have NO BEARING on the facts we are discussing. By the time the aboriginal types reached Australia and New Guinea, they were not AFRICANS anymore as AFRICAN refers to a geographic place. And by the time that they crossed into the Americas, this was even MORE true. So WHAT ON EARTH are you talking about? They WERE NOT AFRICANS.
Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
What makes you moron is that the OOA population never crossed the Beringa. Up until the expansion of the San, i.e. Grimaldi/Cro-Magnon population Eurasia was mainly occupied by Neanderthal people. It was the Grimaldi who replaced the Neanderthal stupid.

The OOA event took place around 60kya. The Grimaldi expansion was around 40kya. They can not be the same people stupid.Moreover as pointed out above the Australian people live in Highland New Guinea and Australia. Melanesians live in the coastal areas. Read the literature ignoramus.


1. Sub-Saharan Africa. The first population in the ordering are the San, who are hunter gatherers that live in Southern Africa. Before the Bantu expansion over the last 3,000 years, the ancestors of the San occupied most of Southern Africa, but they have been progressively displaced and currently are restricted to a few pockets [17]. The San contributed ancestry to the next four populations (the Biaka Pygmies, Bantu from South Africa and Kenya, and Mbuti Pygmies) but none subsequent to that. The Bantu are inferred to have contributed to each subsequent African population.

8. The Americas. The Colombians are the first Amerind population. 47% of their ancestry can be traced via the Hazara, which is marginally less than typical East Asian populations such as the Han (54%) or Xibo (59%) (Movie S2, Table S3). However, within the descendents of the putative EastAsia bottleneck, their donor pool is diverse, implying that none of the populations in the sample provides a good proxy for the original group or groups that crossed the Bering straight. The Colombians also have French donors, which may reflect post-Colombian admixture. The second American population, the Pima, represents the first North American population. As well as using all 7 Colombians as donors, it uses 8 Mongolians and 4 Oroquen. Neither of these populations acted as donors to the Colombians, suggesting distinct colonization events from different sources. Subsequent American populations did not have any non-Amerind donors, except for the Mayans who have Bantu and Tuscan donors, presumably due to post-Columbian admixture [18].

web page

This article suggest that the spread many populations in the world may have began with the San. The San do not represent the original OOA population.

The San carry the A haplogroup. The fact that many Americans carry this gene point the early expansion of this group or related populations into the New World.

The fact that populations like the Maya carry African genes, instead of Australian genes supports the view the first Americans were Africans--not Australians silly fool.

Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :


You are stuck on using terms like African, Negroid and Mongoloid that have NO BEARING on the facts we are discussing. By the time the aboriginal types reached Australia and New Guinea, they were not AFRICANS anymore as AFRICAN refers to a geographic place. And by the time that they crossed into the Americas, this was even MORE true. So WHAT ON EARTH are you talking about? They WERE NOT AFRICANS.

You live in a fantasy world of your own making. These are the terms used to refer to these people by modern anthropologists stupid. In your world these terms no longer exist but in the literature I cited above they remain.

Just because you prefer to loook at the world in rose colored glasses that is your right. But it does not change the way science is presented fool. The Amerinds come from Siberia, so we say they are Asians. The white Americans come from Europe so we call them Europeans. Stupid, if the original Blacks of Asia came from Africa we can call them African fool, just like we call Blacks in America :African American.

Get up off your knees. Read your own scholars instead of trying to protect white feelings teach the truth stupid boy.

Posted by Doug M (Member # 7650) on :
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:


You are stuck on using terms like African, Negroid and Mongoloid that have NO BEARING on the facts we are discussing. By the time the aboriginal types reached Australia and New Guinea, they were not AFRICANS anymore as AFRICAN refers to a geographic place. And by the time that they crossed into the Americas, this was even MORE true. So WHAT ON EARTH are you talking about? They WERE NOT AFRICANS.

You live in a fantasy world of your own making. These are the terms used to refer to these people by modern anthropologists stupid. In your world these terms no longer exist but in the literature I cited above they remain.

Just because you prefer to loook at the world in rose colored glasses that is your right. But it does not change the way science is presented fool. The Amerinds come from Siberia, so we say they are Asians. The white Americans come from Europe so we call them Europeans. Stupid, if the original Blacks of Asia came from Africa we can call them African fool, just like we call Blacks in America :African American.

Get up off your knees. Read your own scholars instead of trying to protect white feelings teach the truth stupid boy.


The only one stuck in a world of rose colored glasses is you Clyde. You claim to be an African scholar who is attempting to redress the deception of white supremacy but it is YOU who cling to that same deception. And YOU ACKNOWLEDGE IT YOURSELF.
Therefore, the only one stuck protecting WHITE SCHOLARSHIP IS YOU CLYDE.

You are a joke. The point is YOU don't understand the reason why mixing terms like black, negroid and African are MEANINGLESS and THAT is why I am calling you DUMB. It is isn't about the scholarship from WHITES. It is that YOU PERSONALLY are too dumb to see that ALL of these terms simply mean the same thing: BLACK FOLKS. YOU are caught up in trying to make DISTINCTIONS that do NOTHING that change the facts and OVERLY COMPLICATE something QUITE SIMPLE.

BLACK FOLKS are the oldest form of human on the planet. BLACK FOLKS are the most diverse population ON THE PLANET. BLACK FOLKS are the FIRST PEOPLE on every continent on earth. And ALL HUMANS originated in Africa as BLACK PEOPLE. The first NATIVE AMERICANS were BLACK PEOPLE of various types who MIGRATED to the Americas FROM ASIA and RETAINED many of the traits COMMON TO ALL EARLY HUMANS that migrated OOA. There is NOTHING EXTRA to ADD to it and YOUR ATTEMPTS to pretend to ADD VALUE to this by making up FAUX distinctions BETWEEN AND AMONG these BLACK FOLKS is retarded. And in all actuality you are only using WEASEL WORDS to try and make a CONCLUSION that has no merit. You want the first people of the Americas to be AFRICANS, but you HAVE NO PROOF that the first populations to populate the ENTIRE continent of the Americas came DIRECT from Africa. So instead of trying to provide proof, you resort to FAUX TYPOLOGIES to try and make your case. All so you can claim that these people were AFRICAN AMERICANS. How cute. Don't that just make everything swell..... BULLSH*T. HOW on earth were these AFRICANS if they came from ASIA Clyde? YOU posted maps CLAIMING to show the connections between Africans and the first Americans and NOT ONE of those maps actually showed this. And so of course, you instead rely on your usual bag of tricks involving HALF BAKED premises and contorted logic to make your case. Please stop clowning yourself and start making sense for a change.

I am not at all against the idea that Africans may have indeed been some of the first migrants to the Americas many thousands of years ago. However, I disagree with YOUR METHODOLOGY, which relies on TWISTED LOGIC as opposed to DIRECT EVIDENCE and convincing proof. All of which makes something that has merit into something of a laughable position, simply because YOUR METHODOLOGY is so questionable in many cases. It isn't that THE IDEA is bad in itself, it is that YOU don't follow through and make a convincing case for it.

And yes, black folks only means people with dark skin.

That is the point.
Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Originally posted by Doug M:
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:


You are stuck on using terms like African, Negroid and Mongoloid that have NO BEARING on the facts we are discussing. By the time the aboriginal types reached Australia and New Guinea, they were not AFRICANS anymore as AFRICAN refers to a geographic place. And by the time that they crossed into the Americas, this was even MORE true. So WHAT ON EARTH are you talking about? They WERE NOT AFRICANS.

You live in a fantasy world of your own making. These are the terms used to refer to these populations by modern anthropologists stupid. In your world these terms no longer exist but in the literature I cited above they remain.

Just because you prefer to look at the world in rose colored glasses that is your right. But it does not change the way science is presented fool. The Amerinds come from Siberia, so we say they are Asians. The white Americans come from Europe so we call them Europeans. Stupid, if the original Blacks of Asia came from Africa we can call them African fool, just like we call Blacks in America :African American.

Get up off your knees. Read your own scholars instead of trying to protect white feelings teach the truth stupid boy.


The only one stuck in a world of rose colored glasses is you Clyde. You claim to be an African scholar who is attempting to redress the deception of white supremacy but it is YOU who cling to that same deception. And YOU ACKNOWLEDGE IT YOURSELF.
Therefore, the only one stuck protecting WHITE SCHOLARSHIP IS YOU CLYDE.

You are a joke. The point is YOU don't understand the reason why mixing terms like black, negroid and African are MEANINGLESS and THAT is why I am calling you DUMB. It is isn't about the scholarship from WHITES. It is that YOU PERSONALLY are too dumb to see that ALL of these terms simply mean the same thing: BLACK FOLKS. YOU are caught up in trying to make DISTINCTIONS that do NOTHING that change the facts and OVERLY COMPLICATE something QUITE SIMPLE.

BLACK FOLKS are the oldest form of human on the planet. BLACK FOLKS are the most diverse population ON THE PLANET. BLACK FOLKS are the FIRST PEOPLE on every continent on earth. And ALL HUMANS originated in Africa as BLACK PEOPLE. The first NATIVE AMERICANS were BLACK PEOPLE of various types who MIGRATED to the Americas FROM ASIA and RETAINED many of the traits COMMON TO ALL EARLY HUMANS that migrated OOA. There is NOTHING EXTRA to ADD to it and YOUR ATTEMPTS to pretend to ADD VALUE to this by making up FAUX distinctions BETWEEN AND AMONG these BLACK FOLKS is retarded. And in all actuality you are only using WEASEL WORDS to try and make a CONCLUSION that has no merit. You want the first people of the Americas to be AFRICANS, but you HAVE NO PROOF that the first populations to populate the ENTIRE continent of the Americas came DIRECT from Africa. So instead of trying to provide proof, you resort to FAUX TYPOLOGIES to try and make your case. All so you can claim that these people were AFRICAN AMERICANS. How cute. Don't that just make everything swell..... BULLSH*T. HOW on earth were these AFRICANS if they came from ASIA Clyde? YOU posted maps CLAIMING to show the connections between Africans and the first Americans and NOT ONE of those maps actually showed this. And so of course, you instead rely on your usual bag of tricks involving HALF BAKED premises and contorted logic to make your case. Please stop clowning yourself and start making sense for a change.

I am not at all against the idea that Africans may have indeed been some of the first migrants to the Americas many thousands of years ago. However, I disagree with YOUR METHODOLOGY, which relies on TWISTED LOGIC as opposed to DIRECT EVIDENCE and convincing proof. All of which makes something that has merit into something of a laughable position, simply because YOUR METHODOLOGY is so questionable in many cases. It isn't that THE IDEA is bad in itself, it is that YOU don't follow through and make a convincing case for it.

And yes, black folks only means people with dark skin.

That is the point.

You wouldn't know methodology if you tripped over it.

There is only one methodology in science: you make a hypothesis and support it with evidence.
The aim of science is theory construction (F.N. Kirlinger, Foundations of behavior research, (1986) pp.6-10; R. Braithwaite, Scientific explanation, (1955) pp.1-10). A theory is a set of interrelated constructs, propositions and definitions, that provide a systematic understanding of phenomena by outlining relations among a group of variables that explain and predict phenomena.

There are four methods of knowing 1) Method of tenacity (one holds firmly to the truth, because "they know it" to be true); 2) method of authority (the method of established belief, i.e., the Bible or the "experts" says it, it is so); 3) method of intuition (the method where a proposition agrees with reason, but not necessarily with experience); and 4) the method of science (the method of attaining knowledge which calls for self-correction).

You use the method of authority. Because you have been beatdown by white supremacy anything an establishment Europeab writes must be correct especially when it appears in a referred journal as long as it agrees with your bias.

Since your research is based on the method of authority you don't know how to make hypotheses. What you do is simply repeat what you read without any analysis. Scientist, real reasearchers make hypotheses. Mike made a hypothesis and we supported it with data. You on the other otherhand, make statements absent supporting evidence.

Since you are a midget in the world of research and think like whites. Anybody dark skinned is Black to you, when the term Black refers to people of African origin.

As a result, when books recognize that the Australians and Melanesians are not alike you continue to advocate the idea they are one and the same eventhough Australians represent the OOA population, and the Melanesians do not appear in mainland Asia until 18kya, 12k after homo sapiens arrived in South America.

Next you claim that just because some one is dark skinned they much be labled Black. And eventhough whites in America are called Europeans; Blacks African Americans; and Amerinds Asians--you can not call the people who settled Asia and the Americas from Africa Africans, eventhough we call the former slaves of African origin: African Americans. Oh you confused ignorant fool.

Scientific inquiry involves issues of theory construction, control and experimentation. Scientific knowledge must rest on testing, rather than mere induction which can be defined as inferences of laws and generalizations, derived from observation. This falsity of logical possibility is evident in the rejection of the of the idea that Africans were not the first settlers of America, when we know that: 1) Africans had the naval technology to make a voyage to America; 2) no one could cross the Beringa between 110kya to 12kya , yet numerous skeletal remains dating back to 30kya have been found on the east coast of the Americas, coastline that could be easy reached by currents; and 3) the craniometrics make it clear the people were of the Melanesian/African type.

Your answer to this evidence is: The first Blacks to arrive in America were members of the OOA population that crossed Beringa. Yet you provide no data in support of this idea which disconfirms the evidence of a connection. Oh what a fool you are.

Stop claiming to be a careful researcher and supporter of science. You only support what you believe in--not what the science says.

Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
^^^Where is this so called data of Africans migrating from West Africa 17-20ky before the presentation??
Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Here is the evidence.

If you could not cross the Beringa until 14kya and all the skeletons of ancient inhabitants are found near the Atlantic coastline the people had to have come from Africa given the fact the carniometrics indicate that they were of the African variety, and ice blocked any possible movement of people from the Pacific to Argintina and Chile where some of the evidence of early man has been found.

The first Americans did not cross the Bearing Straits to enter the Americas.The earliest sites for Negroes date between 20,000 and 40000 years ago Old Crow Basin Canada(38,000BC) Pedra Furada (45,000BC) Brazil. These people were pygmies and bushman types according to Dr. Dixon, & Dr. Marquez(p.179).

Chile: Monteverde (12,500 years), Tierra del Fuego, Cueva de Fell, Tres Arroyos and some other places.

There are older ones in the Argentinian Patagonia.


—Patagonia was the world's last place to be colonized by humans. In Arica there have been found remains of 9,000 years; the same in a place at the High Aconcagua and Huentelauquén. In Chile we have more than half of the continent's most ancient human skeletons, all well dated and documented.

In addition


Archaeologists believe they have discovered a 13,600-year-old human skeleton deep in a Caribbean underwater cave, making it the oldest ever found in the Americas. The discovery could have profound effects on theories of how humans first reached North America.

The female skeleton, called Eve of Naharon, was found with three other human skeletons in underwater caves along the coast of the Yucatan Peninsula. Excavation of a fourth skeleton – possibly even older than Eve – begins this month in a nearby cave.

The three other skeletons found with Eve have been radiocarbon-dated from 11,000 to 14,000 years ago.

All were found in underwater caves about 50 feet below the surface. At the time Eve and the others would have lived there, the sea level was about 200 feet lower, and the Yucatan Peninsula was a dry prairie. Melting of the polar ice caps 9,000 years ago submerged the burial ground and the subsequent growth of stalactites and stalagmites kept the skeletons from being washed out to sea.

In 1959 archaeologists found the Penon woman skeleton at Mexico City.

[/b] Penon Woman[/b]

Penon woman has been characterized as a Negro and is physically different from Native Americans. The Penon skeleton has been dated between 12,500-15,000BP. The skull of Penon woman is dolichocephalic like most Negroes, not brachysephalic (short and braod) like modern Native Americans. She is related to the Fuegians of Parana Argentina and the Luizia population of Brazil.

Here we have a comparison of ancient skulls found in the Americas.

[IMG] [/IMG]

In the picture above we have three ancient American skulls. They are a) Penon woman (12.755 Ka), b) Texcal Man (9.5ka) and c) Pericue Indian (18th Century). If you look notice Pericue man shows broad features characteristic of the mongoloid type, while both Penon and Texcul do not.

Some researchers claim that these skeletons are of Australian or Melanesian Blacks. This is highly unlikely given the fact that that have been found near the Atlantic Ocean and suggestive of a migration from Africa to Mexico, like the migration of the Olmec 11,000 years later. This view is supported by the discovery of the so-called Eva Neharon skeleton (c.13,600 ) dating to around the same period found in the Caribbean.

By 11,500 we see the appearence tall Negroes from Africa in Colombia, Venezuela and Brazil e.g.,Luiza. Negroes settled America both from the Bearing & South America. Cite an archaeological site where Amerind skeletons have been found prior to the Negro skeletons.


Let's look at the facts:

1) the Australians represent the OOA population that settled Asia

2) during the OOA event much of Siberia and North America was under ice from 110,000 - 10,000BC. As a result there was no way Siberians could cross Beringa before the end of the ice age

3) Ice even separated much of South America east to west


4) the first Americans appear in Brazil, Chile and Argintina Latin America around 30,000 BC

5)using craniometric evidence it is clear that the first Americans look like Africans not modern Asian Native Americans

6) using craniometrics I have pointed out that Asia was dominated by the Australian population until the rise of Suhulland when the Melanesian people appear in the area, at this time the Beringa was still under Ice

7) I pointed out that the Melanesian type reach East Asian mainland by 5000 BC, long after Africans had settled Latin America

8) between 15,000-12,000 we see numerous African populations in Mexico and Brazil; and skeletons dating to this period have even been found off the Yucatan coast in the Caribbean

9) these first Americans did not look like the Australians or modern Amerinds

10) iconography of PreClassic people like the Cherla, Ocos and other groups is of Negroes not Amerinds like the Maya

11) Amerind groups not associated with African slaves carry African genes

12) Maya carried African y chromosome

13) Chontal Mayan speakers were classified as Negroes by Quatrefages. This may explain why the Maya carry African genes

14)Negrocostachicanos claim that they have never been slaves and are indigenous to Guererro and Oaxaca on the Pacific coast

15) The Dufuna boat makes it clear that Africans probably had the technology to travel to the Americas 15,000 years ago.

16) Fuegians 100-400 BP carried haplogroup A1. Hg A1 is an African haplogroup.

17) Amerinds carry haplogroup N, just like Africans.

18)The y chromosome STRs of the Fuegians include DYS434,DYS437,DYS 439, DYS 393, DYS391,DYS390,DYS19, DYS 389I, DYS389II and DYS 388 (see: Garcia-Bour et al above). Except for DYS390 and DYS388 they are characteristic of haplogroup A1 . A1 is recognized as an African haplogroup.

19)Quatrefages noted numerous African Native American tribes

20)The antiquity of these populations is supported by the ancient iconography found in these countries which are of African Native Americans.

21) Most contemporary populations are descendants of the San people.


Oldest Skeleton in Americas Found in Underwater Cave?
Eliza Barclay
for National Geographic News

September 3, 2008

Deep inside an underwater cave in Mexico, archaeologists may have discovered the oldest human skeleton ever found in the Americas.

Dubbed Eva de Naharon, or Eve of Naharon, the female skeleton has been dated at 13,600 years old. If that age is accurate, the skeleton—along with three others found in underwater caves along the Caribbean coast of the Yucatán Peninsula—could provide new clues to how the Americas were first populated.

The remains have been excavated over the past four years near the town of Tulum, about 80 miles southwest of Cancún, by a team of scientists led by Arturo González, director of the Desert Museum in Saltillo, Mexico (see map of Mexico).

"We don't now how [the people whose remains were found in the caves] arrived and whether they came from the Atlantic, the jungle, or inside the continent," González said.

"But we believe these finds are the oldest yet to be found in the Americas and may influence our theories of how the first people arrived."

In addition to possibly altering the time line of human settlement in the Americas, the remains may cause experts to rethink where the first Americans came from, González added.

Clues from the skeletons' skulls hint that the people may not be of northern Asian descent, which would contradict the dominant theory of New World settlement. That theory holds that ancient humans first came to North America from northern Asia via a now submerged land bridge across the Bering Sea (see an interactive map of ancient human migration).

"The shape of the skulls has led us to believe that Eva and the others have more of an affinity with people from South Asia than North Asia," González explained.

Concepción Jiménez, director of physical anthropology at Mexico's National Institute of Anthropology and History, has viewed the finds and says they may be Mexico's oldest and most important human remains to date.

"Eva de Naharon has the Paleo-Indian characteristics that make the date seem very plausible," Jiménez said.

Ancient Floods, Giant Animals

The three other skeletons excavated in the caves have been given a date range of 11,000 to 14,000 years ago, based on radiocarbon dating.

Radiocarbon dating measures the age of organic materials based on their content of the radioactive isotope carbon 14.

According to archaeologist David Anderson of the University of Tennessee, however, minerals in seawater can sometimes alter the carbon 14 content of bones, resulting in inaccurate radiocarbon dating results.

The remains were found some 50 feet (15 meters) below sea level in the caves off Tulum. But at the time Eve of Naharon is believed to have lived there, sea levels were 200 feet (60 meters) lower, and the Yucatán Peninsula was a wide, dry prairie.

The polar ice caps melted dramatically 8,000 to 9,000 years ago, causing sea levels to rise hundreds of feet and submerging the burial grounds of the skeletons. Stalactites and stalagmites then grew around the remains, preventing them from being washed out to sea.

González has also found remains of elephants, giant sloths, and other ancient fauna in the caves.

(Learn more about how caves form.)

Human Migration Theories

If González's finds do stand up to scientific scrutiny, they will raise many interesting new questions about how the Americas were first peopled.

Many researchers once believed humans entered the New World from Asia as a single group crossing over the Bering Land Bridge no earlier than 13,500 years ago. But that theory is lately being debunked.

Remains found in Monte Verde, Chile, in 1997, for example, point to the presence of people in the Americas at least 12,500 years ago, long before migration would have been possible through the ice-covered Arctic reaches of North America.

(Related: "Clovis People Not First Americans, Study Shows" [February 23, 2007].)

Confirmation of Eve of Naharon's age could further revolutionize the thinking about the settlement of the Americas.

This September, González will begin excavating the fourth skeleton, known as Chan hol, which he says could be even older than Eve.

The Chan hol remains include more than ten teeth, which will allow researchers to date the specimen and gather information about Chan hol's diet.

"When we learn more about the [Mexican finds] we'll be able to better evaluate them," said Carlos Lorenzo, a researcher at the Universitat Rovira i Virgili in Tarragona, Spain, an expert on the subject who was not involved in the current study.

"But in any case, if it's confirmed that Eva de Naharon is 13,000 years old, it will be a fantastic and extraordinary finding for understanding the first settlers of America."

González said he and his team hope to publish the full results of their analysis after the excavation of the fourth skeleton.

"We're not yet in the phase of research of determining how they arrived," he said. "But when we have more evidence we may be able to determine that."


USA 28,000-25,000 14C y.a.
This vegetation map showing the eastern USA during the period 28,000-25,000 14C y.a. has been compiled by Paul & Hazel Delcourt. An ice sheet already covered most of Canada and extended south of the Great Lakes. Boreal conifer woodlands and forests predominated in what is now the cool temperate forest zone, and the cool and warm temperate forest belts were compressed southwards.

The last ice age in North America lasted between 110,000 and 17,000BP. The ice-free corridor on the eastern flank of the Rockies did not open before 13,000 years ago. Africans were in the Americas long before the end of the last Ice Age when the “Siberians”, who also were more than likely Africans began to cross the Bearing Straits. By 12,500 BC Africans were already living in Chile.

Stop trying to steal the heritage of the Black people like the Olmecs, who represent the Mother Culture of Mexico.

Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Clyde sorry but this is all speculation, maybe this maybe that, not facts, you're basing this on your own opinion, you don't understand OOA and this is what destroys your theory.

Where is this 30kya anthropological evidence Clyde? The same way humans did not migrate directly into Europe from Africa, they did not migrate directly into the Americas, either. If you're not going to call Oceanics African, than you definitely have no right to call them Africans when found in Europe, Asia, and the Americas. Sorry but you're just wishful thinking.

Australo-Melanesians are representative of early diversification between Early humans OOA, without gene flow from other groups.

*** In accordance with Lahr (1996), the Australians are in fact the contemporary aboriginal population that retained the most primitive morphology when compared to the first modern humans. As she stressed "Groups like [...] Australo-Melanesians are all examples of relatively early diversifications ****without**** great amounts of gene flow from other groups..." (Lahr, 1996, p.335).

Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
Clyde sorry but this is all speculation, maybe this maybe that, not facts, you're basing this on your own opinion, you don't understand OOA and this is what destroys your theory.

Where is this 30kya anthropological evidence Clyde? The same way humans did not migrate directly into Europe from Africa, they did not migrate directly into the Americas, either. If you're not going to call Oceanics African, than you definitely have no right to call them Africans when found in Europe, Asia, and the Americas. Sorry but you're just wishful thinking.

The websites are are note in the previous post. If you bothered to read what is written you wouldn't ask such an ignorant question. I also posted the print media. Since you are an imbecile I will re-post the print material below to help inform your ignorant ass.

Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
Several types of blacks entered the Americas including the San, Anu or negrito type and the Proto-Saharan variety of blacks.The Proto-Saharan Blacks probably entered the area after 4000BC.

Up until recently it was believed that the first humans crossed the Bering Strait 12,000 B.P., to enter the North American continent.(Begley 1991, p.15) This view was never accepted by physical anthropologists who have found skeletal remains far older than 12,000 B.P.

Today archaeologists have found sites from Canada to Chile that range between 20,000 and 40,000 years old. There are numerous sites in North and South America which are over 35,000 years old. These sites are the Old Crow Basin (c.38,000 B.C.) in Canada; Orogrande Cave (c.36,000 B.C.) in the United States; and Pedra Furada (c.45,000 B.C.) Given the fact that the earliest dates for habitation of the American continent occur below Canada in South America is highly suggestive of the fact that the earliest settlers on the American continents came from Africa before the Ice melted at the Bering Strait and moved northward as the ice melted.

The appearance of pebble tools at Monte verde in Chile (c.32,000 B.P), and rock paintings at Pedra Furada in Brazil (c.22,000 B.P.) and mastodont hunting in Venezuela and Colombia (c.13,000 B.P.), have led some researchers to believe that the Americas was first settled from South America. C. Vance Haynes noted that: "If people have been in South America for over 30,000 years, or even 20,000 years, why are there so few sites?....One possible answer is that they were so few in number; another is that South America was somehow initially populated from directions other than north until Clovis appeared".

P.S. Martin and R. G. Klein after discussing the evidence of mastodont hunting in Venezuela 13,000 years ago observed that : "The thought that the fossil record of South America is much richer in evidence of early archaeological associations than many believed is indeed provocative....”

The early presence of ice-age sites in South America suggest that these people probably came from Africa. This would explain the affinities between African languages and the Amerind family of languages.

In very ancient times the American continent was inhabited by Asian and African blacks. The oldest skeletal remains found in the Americas are of blacks. Marquez (1956,p.179) observed that "it is [good] to report that long ago the youthful America was also a Negro continent."

Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
^^^^Wrong Clyde, these were OOA populations, who became non African, just like Australians etc...

Where is the actual anthropological evidence? Quotes don't cut it, simply because anthropological evidence confirms these African resembling populations to be Oceanics. Btw, upper paleolithic populations in Europe, also resembled Oceanics and not the San as you think.

My source:
"The traditional path across the Bering Strait is still the most plausible explanation for the entry of this non-Mongoloid population into the New World, if we assume that it was present in Northern Asia at the end of the Pleistocene." And indeed, Japan's aborigines, of whom a few still live in Hokkaido and on the Kurile Islands, display some Australian traits, such as round eye sockets and abundant body hair.

From Mikes own source:
Lahr (1995) has reached a conclusion similar to ours when studying the cranial morphology of modern Fuegians. She realized that the morphology of modern Indians of Tierra del Fuego could not be described as typical Mongoloid as well. Since she detected a close association between historic ****Fuegians and Polynesians**** she opted to interpret the cranial morphology of the former as generalized Mongoloid, at best. In her opinion this generalized Mongoloid morphology could be explained as a retention of characteristics of the first inhabitants of the Americas.

Froms Mikes own source:
As to the similarities with Africans, the best way to explain it in terms of historical connections, is to assume that the Asian ancestral population that gave rise to the Australians and to the first Americans had its ultimate origins in the African continent, as it is in fact the case with all modern humans (Stringer and Andrews, 1988; Stringer and McKie, 1996; Lahr, 1994, 1996), ***but which retained a very generalized morphology.*** In accordance with Lahr (1996), the Australians are in fact the contemporary aboriginal population that retained the most primitive morphology when compared to the first modern humans. As she stressed "Groups like [...] Australo-Melanesians are all examples of relatively early diversifications without great amounts of gene flow from other groups..." (Lahr, 1996, p.335).

My source:
In this study, 74 human skulls dated between 11.0 and 3.0 kyr, recovered in seven different sites of Sabana de Bogotá, Colombia, were compared with the world cranial variation by different multivariate techniques: Principal Components Analysis, Multidimensional Scaling, and Cluster of Mahalanobis distance matrices. The Colombian skeletal remains were divided in two chronological subgroups: Paleocolombians (11.0-6.0 kyr) and Archaic Colombians (5.0-3.0 kyr). Both quantitative techniques generated convergent results: ****the Paleocolombians show remarkable similarities with Lagoa Santa and ****with modern Australo-Melanesians**** . Archaic Colombians exhibited the same morphological patterns and associations. ***These findings support our long-held proposition that the early American settlement may have involved ****two very distinct biological populations coming from Asia****. On the other hand, they suggest the possibility of late survivals of the Paleoamerican pattern not restricted to isolated or marginal areas, as previously thought. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2007. © 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
DNA from Pre-Clovis Human Coprolites in Oregon, North America

M. Thomas P. Gilbert,1* Dennis L. Jenkins,2* Anders Götherstrom,3 Nuria Naveran,4 Juan J. Sanchez,5 Michael Hofreiter,6 Philip Francis Thomsen,1 Jonas Binladen,1 Thomas F. G. Higham,7 Robert M. Yohe, II,8 Robert Parr,8 Linda Scott Cummings,9 Eske Willerslev1{dagger}

The timing of the first human migration into the Americas and its relation to the appearance of the Clovis technological complex in North America at about 11,000 to 10,800 radiocarbon years before the present (14C years B.P.) remains contentious. We establish that humans were present at Paisley 5 Mile Point Caves, in south-central Oregon, by 12,300 14C years B.P., through the recovery of human mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) from coprolites, directly dated by accelerator mass spectrometry. The mtDNA corresponds to Native American founding haplogroups A2 and B2. The dates of the coprolites are >1000 14C years earlier than currently accepted dates for the Clovis complex.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Olmec masks








Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Olmec Masks







Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :





Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
Inferring Human Colonization History Using a Copying Model.

Garrett Hellenthal, Adam Auton, Falush.

Clyde - when I first say your link to this study, I was happy to find a new study, but puzzled as to why I had not heard of it before. Well after spending many hours reading and researching it, I found out why I had never heard of it.

The study represents something done by three "Nerdy" mathematicians with a grant, and a lot of time on their hands. It is the stupidest piece of trash, posing as a scientific study, that I have ever seen. And if the authors were near, they would get slapped in the face for wasting my time - what A-holes - they make Knowledgeiskey718 look smart!!
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
^^^Clyde - In cross-referencing that piece of crap, I did run across some things that you and Egmond might get a kick out of.

The Yi people (own name in the Liangshan dialect: Yízú; the older name "Lolo" or "Luoluo" is now considered derogatory in China, though used officially in Vietnam as Lô Lô and in Thailand as Lolo) are a modern ethnic group in China, Vietnam, and Thailand. Numbering 8 million, they are the seventh largest of the 55 minor ethnic groups officially recognized by the People's Republic of China. They live primarily in rural areas of Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou, and Guangxi, usually in mountainous regions. There are 3300 Lô Lô peoples (1999 statistics) living in Hà Giang, Cao Bằng and Lào Cai provinces in northeastern Vietnam.
The Yi speak Yi, a Tibeto-Burman language closely related to Burmese, which is written in the Yi script.

Legend has it that the Yi are descended from the ancient Qiang people of today's Western China, who are also said to be the ancestors of the Tibetan, Naxi and Qiang peoples. They migrated from Southeastern Tibet through Sichuan and into Yunnan Province, where their largest populations can be found today.
They practice a form of animism, led by a shaman priest known as the Bimaw. They still retain a few ancient religious texts written in their unique pictographic script. Their religion also contains many elements of Daoism and Buddhism.

Many of the Yi in northwestern Yunnan practiced a complicated form of slavery. People were split into the nuohuo or Black Yi (nobles) and qunuo or White Yi (commoners). White Yi and other ethnic groups were held as slaves, but the higher slaves were allowed to farm their own land, hold their own slaves and eventually buy their freedom.
Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
DNA from Pre-Clovis Human Coprolites in Oregon, North America

M. Thomas P. Gilbert,1* Dennis L. Jenkins,2* Anders Götherstrom,3 Nuria Naveran,4 Juan J. Sanchez,5 Michael Hofreiter,6 Philip Francis Thomsen,1 Jonas Binladen,1 Thomas F. G. Higham,7 Robert M. Yohe, II,8 Robert Parr,8 Linda Scott Cummings,9 Eske Willerslev1{dagger}

The timing of the first human migration into the Americas and its relation to the appearance of the Clovis technological complex in North America at about 11,000 to 10,800 radiocarbon years before the present (14C years B.P.) remains contentious. We establish that humans were present at Paisley 5 Mile Point Caves, in south-central Oregon, by 12,300 14C years B.P., through the recovery of human mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) from coprolites, directly dated by accelerator mass spectrometry. The mtDNA corresponds to Native American founding haplogroups A2 and B2. The dates of the coprolites are >1000 14C years earlier than currently accepted dates for the Clovis complex.

I don't see anything wrong with this data. The Khoisan carry hg A, and the Pgymies (Baka, Mbuti & Hadzabe) carry hg B. This just supports my view that the Pgymies and Khoisan were the first Africans to cross Beringa.

This still does not explain away the ancient Africans in South America, Mexico and etc.

Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Originally posted by Mike111:
Inferring Human Colonization History Using a Copying Model.

Garrett Hellenthal, Adam Auton, Falush.

Clyde - when I first say your link to this study, I was happy to find a new study, but puzzled as to why I had not heard of it before. Well after spending many hours reading and researching it, I found out why I had never heard of it.

The study represents something done by three "Nerdy" mathematicians with a grant, and a lot of time on their hands. It is the stupidest piece of trash, posing as a scientific study, that I have ever seen. And if the authors were near, they would get slapped in the face for wasting my time - what A-holes - they make Knowledgeiskey718 look smart!!

I found the piece interesting. It is important for you to understand that much of the dating of DNA, is based solely on statistics. Every date presented for the origin of each haplogroup is the result of statistical analysis.

Posted by prmiddleeastern (Member # 14038) on :
All of those Olmec Masks shown above have Asian features.
Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Originally posted by prmiddleeastern:
All of those Olmec Masks shown above have Asian features.

You are right about some of the mask. But all of them do not look Asia.

These mask date back to what is called the Colonial Olmec period (800-500BC). They were produced by people who had adopted the Olmec culture.

Olmec Centers include San Lorenzo, LaVenta, Tres Zapotes and etc., were located along the Gulf. These sites were founded beginning around 1200BC.

Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
^^^^Wrong Clyde, these were OOA populations, who became non African, just like Australians etc...

Where is the actual anthropological evidence? Quotes don't cut it, simply because anthropological evidence confirms these African resembling populations to be Oceanics. Btw, upper paleolithic populations in Europe, also resembled Oceanics and not the San as you think.

The skeleton can be a representative of the African type Negro.


Several specialists have reconstructed Luzia's face based on the detailed data supplied by Prof. Neves. When the results became available, even to a layperson it it had become obvious that Luzia was not an Amerind. Instead she had had features strongly suggesting an African or Australoid ancestry (also see the craniometric graphic below).Luzia was not an Amerind!
No trace of Luzia's hair has survived so the reconstructions all had to leave the top of her head bald or cover it discreetly with a towel. Nor, of course, is there any indication of what her skin colour might have been as such a superficial trait does not survive 12,500 years.

Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
DNA from Pre-Clovis Human Coprolites in Oregon, North America

M. Thomas P. Gilbert,1* Dennis L. Jenkins,2* Anders Götherstrom,3 Nuria Naveran,4 Juan J. Sanchez,5 Michael Hofreiter,6 Philip Francis Thomsen,1 Jonas Binladen,1 Thomas F. G. Higham,7 Robert M. Yohe, II,8 Robert Parr,8 Linda Scott Cummings,9 Eske Willerslev1{dagger}

The timing of the first human migration into the Americas and its relation to the appearance of the Clovis technological complex in North America at about 11,000 to 10,800 radiocarbon years before the present (14C years B.P.) remains contentious. We establish that humans were present at Paisley 5 Mile Point Caves, in south-central Oregon, by 12,300 14C years B.P., through the recovery of human mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) from coprolites, directly dated by accelerator mass spectrometry. The mtDNA corresponds to Native American founding haplogroups A2 and B2. The dates of the coprolites are >1000 14C years earlier than currently accepted dates for the Clovis complex.

I don't see anything wrong with this data. The Khoisan carry hg A, and the Pgymies (Baka, Mbuti & Hadzabe) carry hg B. This just supports my view that the Pgymies and Khoisan were the first Africans to cross Beringa.

This still does not explain away the ancient Africans in South America, Mexico and etc.


Clyde, I already explained the difference between Y-DNA and Mtdna. A2 and B2 found amongst Native Americans are Mtdna markers, whilst, the A and B found amongst Khoisan and Pygmies are Y-dna markers.

Clyde you do understand the difference right?

They were OOA populations, just the same as the ones who populated Asia and Europe etc... They were not direct African migrants Clyde.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
^^^^Wrong Clyde, these were OOA populations, who became non African, just like Australians etc...

Where is the actual anthropological evidence? Quotes don't cut it, simply because anthropological evidence confirms these African resembling populations to be Oceanics. Btw, upper paleolithic populations in Europe, also resembled Oceanics and not the San as you think.

The skeleton can be a representative of the African type Negro.


Several specialists have reconstructed Luzia's face based on the detailed data supplied by Prof. Neves. When the results became available, even to a layperson it it had become obvious that Luzia was not an Amerind. Instead she had had features strongly suggesting an African or Australoid ancestry (also see the craniometric graphic below).Luzia was not an Amerind!
No trace of Luzia's hair has survived so the reconstructions all had to leave the top of her head bald or cover it discreetly with a towel. Nor, of course, is there any indication of what her skin colour might have been as such a superficial trait does not survive 12,500 years.


Aha Clyde, more of that could be would be nonsense, while I have the anthropological evidence, which confirms what I am saying Read..........

Titre du document / Document title
Human skeletal remains from sabana de bogotá, colombia : A case of paleoamerican morphology late survival in South America?
Auteur(s) / Author(s)
NEVES Walter A. (1) ; HUBBE Mark (2) ; CORREAL Gonzalo (3) ;

Résumé / Abstract
Human skeletal remains of the first Americans are scarce, especially in North America. In South America the situation is less dramatic. Two important archaeological regions have generated important collections that allow the analysis of the cranial morphological variation of the Early Americans: Lagoa Santa, Brazil, and Sabana de Bogotá, Colombia. Human crania from the former region have been studied by one of us (WAN) and collaborators, showing that the cranial morphology of the first South Americans was very different from that prevailing today in East Asia and among Native Americans. These results have allowed for proposing that the New World may have been colonized by two different biological populations in the final Pleistocene/early Holocene. In this study, 74 human skulls dated between 11.0 and 3.0 kyr, recovered in seven different sites of Sabana de Bogotá, Colombia, were compared with the world cranial variation by different multivariate techniques: Principal Components Analysis, Multidimensional Scaling, and Cluster of Mahalanobis distance matrices. The Colombian skeletal remains were divided in two chronological subgroups: Paleocolombians (11.0-6.0 kyr) and Archaic Colombians (5.0-3.0 kyr). Both quantitative techniques generated convergent results: the **Paleocolombians** show remarkable similarities with **Lagoa Santa** and with modern **Australo-Melanesians**. Archaic Colombians exhibited the same morphological patterns and associations. These findings support our long-held proposition that the early American settlement may have involved two very distinct biological populations coming from Asia. On the other hand, they suggest the possibility of late survivals of the Paleoamerican pattern not restricted to isolated or marginal areas, as previously thought.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
My source:
"The traditional path across the Bering Strait is still the most plausible explanation for the entry of this non-Mongoloid population into the New World, if we assume that it was present in Northern Asia at the end of the Pleistocene." And indeed, Japan's aborigines, of whom a few still live in Hokkaido and on the Kurile Islands, display some Australian traits, such as round eye sockets and abundant body hair.

From Mikes own source:
Lahr (1995) has reached a conclusion similar to ours when studying the cranial morphology of modern Fuegians. She realized that the morphology of modern Indians of Tierra del Fuego could not be described as typical Mongoloid as well. Since she detected a close association between historic ****Fuegians and Polynesians**** she opted to interpret the cranial morphology of the former as generalized Mongoloid, at best. In her opinion this generalized Mongoloid morphology could be explained as a retention of characteristics of the first inhabitants of the Americas.

Froms Mikes own source:
As to the similarities with Africans, the best way to explain it in terms of historical connections, is to assume that the Asian ancestral population that gave rise to the Australians and to the first Americans had its ultimate origins in the African continent, as it is in fact the case with all modern humans (Stringer and Andrews, 1988; Stringer and McKie, 1996; Lahr, 1994, 1996), ***but which retained a very generalized morphology.*** In accordance with Lahr (1996), the Australians are in fact the contemporary aboriginal population that retained the most primitive morphology when compared to the first modern humans. As she stressed "Groups like [...] Australo-Melanesians are all examples of relatively early diversifications without great amounts of gene flow from other groups..." (Lahr, 1996, p.335).

Posted by Marc Washington (Member # 10979) on :

[On Oct. 24, Elmer writes]You are right though, that if it wasn't for these Afro-looneys the forum would be taken a lot more seriously by all laypeople regardless of color.

[Marc writes] ELMER. It is your ancestors and rASHOL’S who, in the wave of Europeans that came with Columbus encountered an African peoples


and murdered them taking their land and riches, killing those who resisted and enslaving as many of those yet left alive.

Yes, Elmer. You have bravura. And come from a race of murderers.

Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:

Clyde you're delusional.

LMAO You realize that with Clyde Winters, the above is an understatment??
Posted by Marc Washington (Member # 10979) on :

Elmer calls himself the Thrice Great Djehuti? From a lineage of murderers? He calls someone delusional?


Posted by Doug M (Member # 7650) on :
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
Originally posted by Doug M:
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:


You are stuck on using terms like African, Negroid and Mongoloid that have NO BEARING on the facts we are discussing. By the time the aboriginal types reached Australia and New Guinea, they were not AFRICANS anymore as AFRICAN refers to a geographic place. And by the time that they crossed into the Americas, this was even MORE true. So WHAT ON EARTH are you talking about? They WERE NOT AFRICANS.

You live in a fantasy world of your own making. These are the terms used to refer to these populations by modern anthropologists stupid. In your world these terms no longer exist but in the literature I cited above they remain.

Just because you prefer to look at the world in rose colored glasses that is your right. But it does not change the way science is presented fool. The Amerinds come from Siberia, so we say they are Asians. The white Americans come from Europe so we call them Europeans. Stupid, if the original Blacks of Asia came from Africa we can call them African fool, just like we call Blacks in America :African American.

Get up off your knees. Read your own scholars instead of trying to protect white feelings teach the truth stupid boy.


The only one stuck in a world of rose colored glasses is you Clyde. You claim to be an African scholar who is attempting to redress the deception of white supremacy but it is YOU who cling to that same deception. And YOU ACKNOWLEDGE IT YOURSELF.
Therefore, the only one stuck protecting WHITE SCHOLARSHIP IS YOU CLYDE.

You are a joke. The point is YOU don't understand the reason why mixing terms like black, negroid and African are MEANINGLESS and THAT is why I am calling you DUMB. It is isn't about the scholarship from WHITES. It is that YOU PERSONALLY are too dumb to see that ALL of these terms simply mean the same thing: BLACK FOLKS. YOU are caught up in trying to make DISTINCTIONS that do NOTHING that change the facts and OVERLY COMPLICATE something QUITE SIMPLE.

BLACK FOLKS are the oldest form of human on the planet. BLACK FOLKS are the most diverse population ON THE PLANET. BLACK FOLKS are the FIRST PEOPLE on every continent on earth. And ALL HUMANS originated in Africa as BLACK PEOPLE. The first NATIVE AMERICANS were BLACK PEOPLE of various types who MIGRATED to the Americas FROM ASIA and RETAINED many of the traits COMMON TO ALL EARLY HUMANS that migrated OOA. There is NOTHING EXTRA to ADD to it and YOUR ATTEMPTS to pretend to ADD VALUE to this by making up FAUX distinctions BETWEEN AND AMONG these BLACK FOLKS is retarded. And in all actuality you are only using WEASEL WORDS to try and make a CONCLUSION that has no merit. You want the first people of the Americas to be AFRICANS, but you HAVE NO PROOF that the first populations to populate the ENTIRE continent of the Americas came DIRECT from Africa. So instead of trying to provide proof, you resort to FAUX TYPOLOGIES to try and make your case. All so you can claim that these people were AFRICAN AMERICANS. How cute. Don't that just make everything swell..... BULLSH*T. HOW on earth were these AFRICANS if they came from ASIA Clyde? YOU posted maps CLAIMING to show the connections between Africans and the first Americans and NOT ONE of those maps actually showed this. And so of course, you instead rely on your usual bag of tricks involving HALF BAKED premises and contorted logic to make your case. Please stop clowning yourself and start making sense for a change.

I am not at all against the idea that Africans may have indeed been some of the first migrants to the Americas many thousands of years ago. However, I disagree with YOUR METHODOLOGY, which relies on TWISTED LOGIC as opposed to DIRECT EVIDENCE and convincing proof. All of which makes something that has merit into something of a laughable position, simply because YOUR METHODOLOGY is so questionable in many cases. It isn't that THE IDEA is bad in itself, it is that YOU don't follow through and make a convincing case for it.

And yes, black folks only means people with dark skin.

That is the point.

You wouldn't know methodology if you tripped over it.

There is only one methodology in science: you make a hypothesis and support it with evidence.
The aim of science is theory construction (F.N. Kirlinger, Foundations of behavior research, (1986) pp.6-10; R. Braithwaite, Scientific explanation, (1955) pp.1-10). A theory is a set of interrelated constructs, propositions and definitions, that provide a systematic understanding of phenomena by outlining relations among a group of variables that explain and predict phenomena.

There are four methods of knowing 1) Method of tenacity (one holds firmly to the truth, because "they know it" to be true); 2) method of authority (the method of established belief, i.e., the Bible or the "experts" says it, it is so); 3) method of intuition (the method where a proposition agrees with reason, but not necessarily with experience); and 4) the method of science (the method of attaining knowledge which calls for self-correction).

You use the method of authority. Because you have been beatdown by white supremacy anything an establishment Europeab writes must be correct especially when it appears in a referred journal as long as it agrees with your bias.

Since your research is based on the method of authority you don't know how to make hypotheses. What you do is simply repeat what you read without any analysis. Scientist, real reasearchers make hypotheses. Mike made a hypothesis and we supported it with data. You on the other otherhand, make statements absent supporting evidence.

Since you are a midget in the world of research and think like whites. Anybody dark skinned is Black to you, when the term Black refers to people of African origin.

As a result, when books recognize that the Australians and Melanesians are not alike you continue to advocate the idea they are one and the same eventhough Australians represent the OOA population, and the Melanesians do not appear in mainland Asia until 18kya, 12k after homo sapiens arrived in South America.

Next you claim that just because some one is dark skinned they much be labled Black. And eventhough whites in America are called Europeans; Blacks African Americans; and Amerinds Asians--you can not call the people who settled Asia and the Americas from Africa Africans, eventhough we call the former slaves of African origin: African Americans. Oh you confused ignorant fool.

Scientific inquiry involves issues of theory construction, control and experimentation. Scientific knowledge must rest on testing, rather than mere induction which can be defined as inferences of laws and generalizations, derived from observation. This falsity of logical possibility is evident in the rejection of the of the idea that Africans were not the first settlers of America, when we know that: 1) Africans had the naval technology to make a voyage to America; 2) no one could cross the Beringa between 110kya to 12kya , yet numerous skeletal remains dating back to 30kya have been found on the east coast of the Americas, coastline that could be easy reached by currents; and 3) the craniometrics make it clear the people were of the Melanesian/African type.

Your answer to this evidence is: The first Blacks to arrive in America were members of the OOA population that crossed Beringa. Yet you provide no data in support of this idea which disconfirms the evidence of a connection. Oh what a fool you are.

Stop claiming to be a careful researcher and supporter of science. You only support what you believe in--not what the science says.


Clyde, you can't read and are dumb. I said that the first populations of the Americas were like Australian aborigines. They were NOT Africans. So please go somewhere else with your nonsense. Only you are the one TRIPPING over words and insisting on using terms like AFRICAN to refer to populations that had not been in Africa for over 30,000 years by the time they reached Africa.

YOU are simply silly and here is YOUR OWN convoluted logic:


Let's look at the facts:

1) the Australians represent the OOA population that settled Asia

So that makes them AFRICANS does it not?

Nobody said that the first Americans were not black. The point is YOU have provided NO EVIDENCE of Africans colonizing the American continent 30,000 years ago. On top of that it has been shown over and over again that some of the earliest skulls found in south America were closer to AUSTRALIANS AND AFRICANS than modern native Americans.

You only present nonsense in the way of conjecture in terms of what "TYPES" of blacks were in Asia versus what TYPES of blacks were in Africa and how YOU can tell (with no evidence) that the features of the first Americans are the result of DIRECT migrations from Africa. Blacks don't have to be from Africa to be BLACKS Clyde. Most native American populations are descended from people like Australian Aborigines Clyde. And they are indeed black and those first migrations from Asia into the Americas were LIKE them and ALSO black Clyde.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Most native American populations are descended from people like Australian Aborigines Clyde.
Actually, like all modern humans, **ALL** Native Americans are descended from Australian like populations, this is the point Clyde doesn't understand. Clyde thinks all non Africans who don't look African are a result of space aliens, or some crazy deranged theory like Meninarmer or Marc.


As to the similarities with Africans, the best way to explain it in terms of historical connections, is to assume that the **Asian** ancestral population that gave rise to the **Australians** and to the **first Americans** had its ultimate origins in the **African continent**, as it is in fact the case with **ALL*** modern humans (Stringer and Andrews, 1988; Stringer and McKie, 1996; Lahr, 1994, 1996), ***but which retained a very generalized morphology.*** In accordance with Lahr (1996), the Australians are in fact the contemporary aboriginal population that retained the most primitive morphology when compared to the first modern humans. As she stressed "Groups like [...] Australo-Melanesians are all examples of relatively early diversifications without great amounts of gene flow from other groups..." (Lahr, 1996, p.335).

Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :

Let's look at the facts:

1) the Australians represent the OOA population that settled Asia

2) during the OOA event much of Siberia and North America was under ice from 110,000 - 10,000BC. As a result there was no way Siberians could cross Beringa before the end of the ice age

3) Ice even separated much of South America east to west


4) the first Americans appear in Brazil, Chile and Argintina Latin America around 30,000 BC

5)using craniometric evidence it is clear that the first Americans look like Africans not modern Asian Native Americans

6) using craniometrics I have pointed out that Asia was dominated by the Australian population until the rise of Suhulland when the Melanesian people appear in the area, at this time the Beringa was still under Ice

7) I pointed out that the Melanesian type reach East Asian mainland by 5000 BC, long after Africans had settled Latin America

8) between 15,000-12,000 we see numerous African populations in Mexico and Brazil; and skeletons dating to this period have even been found off the Yucatan coast in the Caribbean

9) these first Americans did not look like the Australians or modern Amerinds

10) iconography of PreClassic people like the Cherla, Ocos and other groups is of Negroes not Amerinds like the Maya

11) Amerind groups not associated with African slaves carry African genes

12) Maya carried African y chromosome

13) Chontal Mayan speakers were classified as Negroes by Quatrefages. This may explain why the Maya carry African genes

14)Negrocostachicanos claim that they have never been slaves and are indigenous to Guererro and Oaxaca on the Pacific coast

15) The Dufuna boat makes it clear that Africans probably had the technology to travel to the Americas 15,000 years ago.

16) Fuegians 100-400 BP carried haplogroup A1. Hg A1 is an African haplogroup.

17) Amerinds carry haplogroup N, just like Africans.

18)The y chromosome STRs of the Fuegians include DYS434,DYS437,DYS 439, DYS 393, DYS391,DYS390,DYS19, DYS 389I, DYS389II and DYS 388 (see: Garcia-Bour et al above). Except for DYS390 and DYS388 they are characteristic of haplogroup A1 . A1 is recognized as an African haplogroup.

19)Quatrefages noted numerous African Native American tribes

20)The antiquity of these populations is supported by the ancient iconography found in these countries which are of African Native Americans.

21) Most contemporary populations are descendants of the San people not Australians.


Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
Most native American populations are descended from people like Australian Aborigines Clyde.
Actually, like all modern humans, **ALL** Native Americans are descended from Australian like populations, this is the point Clyde doesn't understand. Clyde thinks all non Africans who don't look African are a result of space aliens, or some crazy deranged theory like Meninarmer or Marc.


As to the similarities with Africans, the best way to explain it in terms of historical connections, is to assume that the **Asian** ancestral population that gave rise to the **Australians** and to the **first Americans** had its ultimate origins in the **African continent**, as it is in fact the case with **ALL*** modern humans (Stringer and Andrews, 1988; Stringer and McKie, 1996; Lahr, 1994, 1996), ***but which retained a very generalized morphology.*** In accordance with Lahr (1996), the Australians are in fact the contemporary aboriginal population that retained the most primitive morphology when compared to the first modern humans. As she stressed "Groups like [...] Australo-Melanesians are all examples of relatively early diversifications without great amounts of gene flow from other groups..." (Lahr, 1996, p.335).

Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
Here is the evidence.

If you could not cross the Beringa until 14kya and all the skeletons of ancient inhabitants are found near the Atlantic coastline the people had to have come from Africa given the fact the carniometrics indicate that they were of the African variety, and ice blocked any possible movement of people from the Pacific to Argintina and Chile where some of the evidence of early man has been found.

The first Americans did not cross the Bearing Straits to enter the Americas.The earliest sites for Negroes date between 20,000 and 40000 years ago Old Crow Basin Canada(38,000BC) Pedra Furada (45,000BC) Brazil. These people were pygmies and bushman types according to Dr. Dixon, & Dr. Marquez(p.179).

Chile: Monteverde (12,500 years), Tierra del Fuego, Cueva de Fell, Tres Arroyos and some other places.

There are older ones in the Argentinian Patagonia.


—Patagonia was the world's last place to be colonized by humans. In Arica there have been found remains of 9,000 years; the same in a place at the High Aconcagua and Huentelauquén. In Chile we have more than half of the continent's most ancient human skeletons, all well dated and documented.

In addition


Archaeologists believe they have discovered a 13,600-year-old human skeleton deep in a Caribbean underwater cave, making it the oldest ever found in the Americas. The discovery could have profound effects on theories of how humans first reached North America.

The female skeleton, called Eve of Naharon, was found with three other human skeletons in underwater caves along the coast of the Yucatan Peninsula. Excavation of a fourth skeleton – possibly even older than Eve – begins this month in a nearby cave.

The three other skeletons found with Eve have been radiocarbon-dated from 11,000 to 14,000 years ago.

All were found in underwater caves about 50 feet below the surface. At the time Eve and the others would have lived there, the sea level was about 200 feet lower, and the Yucatan Peninsula was a dry prairie. Melting of the polar ice caps 9,000 years ago submerged the burial ground and the subsequent growth of stalactites and stalagmites kept the skeletons from being washed out to sea.

In 1959 archaeologists found the Penon woman skeleton at Mexico City.

[/b] Penon Woman[/b]

Penon woman has been characterized as a Negro and is physically different from Native Americans. The Penon skeleton has been dated between 12,500-15,000BP. The skull of Penon woman is dolichocephalic like most Negroes, not brachysephalic (short and braod) like modern Native Americans. She is related to the Fuegians of Parana Argentina and the Luizia population of Brazil.

Here we have a comparison of ancient skulls found in the Americas.

[IMG] [/IMG]

In the picture above we have three ancient American skulls. They are a) Penon woman (12.755 Ka), b) Texcal Man (9.5ka) and c) Pericue Indian (18th Century). If you look notice Pericue man shows broad features characteristic of the mongoloid type, while both Penon and Texcul do not.

Some researchers claim that these skeletons are of Australian or Melanesian Blacks. This is highly unlikely given the fact that that have been found near the Atlantic Ocean and suggestive of a migration from Africa to Mexico, like the migration of the Olmec 11,000 years later. This view is supported by the discovery of the so-called Eva Neharon skeleton (c.13,600 ) dating to around the same period found in the Caribbean.

By 11,500 we see the appearence tall Negroes from Africa in Colombia, Venezuela and Brazil e.g.,Luiza. Negroes settled America both from the Bearing & South America. Cite an archaeological site where Amerind skeletons have been found prior to the Negro skeletons.


Oldest Skeleton in Americas Found in Underwater Cave?
Eliza Barclay
for National Geographic News

September 3, 2008

Deep inside an underwater cave in Mexico, archaeologists may have discovered the oldest human skeleton ever found in the Americas.

Dubbed Eva de Naharon, or Eve of Naharon, the female skeleton has been dated at 13,600 years old. If that age is accurate, the skeleton—along with three others found in underwater caves along the Caribbean coast of the Yucatán Peninsula—could provide new clues to how the Americas were first populated.

The remains have been excavated over the past four years near the town of Tulum, about 80 miles southwest of Cancún, by a team of scientists led by Arturo González, director of the Desert Museum in Saltillo, Mexico (see map of Mexico).

"We don't now how [the people whose remains were found in the caves] arrived and whether they came from the Atlantic, the jungle, or inside the continent," González said.

"But we believe these finds are the oldest yet to be found in the Americas and may influence our theories of how the first people arrived."

In addition to possibly altering the time line of human settlement in the Americas, the remains may cause experts to rethink where the first Americans came from, González added.

Clues from the skeletons' skulls hint that the people may not be of northern Asian descent, which would contradict the dominant theory of New World settlement. That theory holds that ancient humans first came to North America from northern Asia via a now submerged land bridge across the Bering Sea (see an interactive map of ancient human migration).

"The shape of the skulls has led us to believe that Eva and the others have more of an affinity with people from South Asia than North Asia," González explained.

Concepción Jiménez, director of physical anthropology at Mexico's National Institute of Anthropology and History, has viewed the finds and says they may be Mexico's oldest and most important human remains to date.

"Eva de Naharon has the Paleo-Indian characteristics that make the date seem very plausible," Jiménez said.

Ancient Floods, Giant Animals

The three other skeletons excavated in the caves have been given a date range of 11,000 to 14,000 years ago, based on radiocarbon dating.

Radiocarbon dating measures the age of organic materials based on their content of the radioactive isotope carbon 14.

According to archaeologist David Anderson of the University of Tennessee, however, minerals in seawater can sometimes alter the carbon 14 content of bones, resulting in inaccurate radiocarbon dating results.

The remains were found some 50 feet (15 meters) below sea level in the caves off Tulum. But at the time Eve of Naharon is believed to have lived there, sea levels were 200 feet (60 meters) lower, and the Yucatán Peninsula was a wide, dry prairie.

The polar ice caps melted dramatically 8,000 to 9,000 years ago, causing sea levels to rise hundreds of feet and submerging the burial grounds of the skeletons. Stalactites and stalagmites then grew around the remains, preventing them from being washed out to sea.

González has also found remains of elephants, giant sloths, and other ancient fauna in the caves.

(Learn more about how caves form.)

Human Migration Theories

If González's finds do stand up to scientific scrutiny, they will raise many interesting new questions about how the Americas were first peopled.

Many researchers once believed humans entered the New World from Asia as a single group crossing over the Bering Land Bridge no earlier than 13,500 years ago. But that theory is lately being debunked.

Remains found in Monte Verde, Chile, in 1997, for example, point to the presence of people in the Americas at least 12,500 years ago, long before migration would have been possible through the ice-covered Arctic reaches of North America.

(Related: "Clovis People Not First Americans, Study Shows" [February 23, 2007].)

Confirmation of Eve of Naharon's age could further revolutionize the thinking about the settlement of the Americas.

This September, González will begin excavating the fourth skeleton, known as Chan hol, which he says could be even older than Eve.

The Chan hol remains include more than ten teeth, which will allow researchers to date the specimen and gather information about Chan hol's diet.

"When we learn more about the [Mexican finds] we'll be able to better evaluate them," said Carlos Lorenzo, a researcher at the Universitat Rovira i Virgili in Tarragona, Spain, an expert on the subject who was not involved in the current study.

"But in any case, if it's confirmed that Eva de Naharon is 13,000 years old, it will be a fantastic and extraordinary finding for understanding the first settlers of America."

González said he and his team hope to publish the full results of their analysis after the excavation of the fourth skeleton.

"We're not yet in the phase of research of determining how they arrived," he said. "But when we have more evidence we may be able to determine that."


USA 28,000-25,000 14C y.a.
This vegetation map showing the eastern USA during the period 28,000-25,000 14C y.a. has been compiled by Paul & Hazel Delcourt. An ice sheet already covered most of Canada and extended south of the Great Lakes. Boreal conifer woodlands and forests predominated in what is now the cool temperate forest zone, and the cool and warm temperate forest belts were compressed southwards.

The last ice age in North America lasted between 110,000 and 17,000BP. The ice-free corridor on the eastern flank of the Rockies did not open before 13,000 years ago. Africans were in the Americas long before the end of the last Ice Age when the “Siberians”, who also were more than likely Africans began to cross the Bearing Straits. By 12,500 BC Africans were already living in Chile.

Stop trying to steal the heritage of the Black people like the Olmecs, who represent the Mother Culture of Mexico.

Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Originally posted by Doug M:



You are stuck on using terms like African, Negroid and Mongoloid that have NO BEARING on the facts we are discussing. By the time the aboriginal types reached Australia and New Guinea, they were not AFRICANS anymore as AFRICAN refers to a geographic place. And by the time that they crossed into the Americas, this was even MORE true. So WHAT ON EARTH are you talking about? They WERE NOT AFRICANS.

You live in a fantasy world of your own making. These are the terms used to refer to these populations by modern anthropologists stupid. In your world these terms no longer exist but in the literature I cited above they remain.

Just because you prefer to look at the world in rose colored glasses that is your right. But it does not change the way science is presented fool. The Amerinds come from Siberia, so we say they are Asians. The white Americans come from Europe so we call them Europeans. Stupid, if the original Blacks of Asia came from Africa we can call them African fool, just like we call Blacks in America :African American.

Get up off your knees. Read your own scholars instead of trying to protect white feelings teach the truth stupid boy.

The only one stuck in a world of rose colored glasses is you Clyde. You claim to be an African scholar who is attempting to redress the deception of white supremacy but it is YOU who cling to that same deception. And YOU ACKNOWLEDGE IT YOURSELF.
Therefore, the only one stuck protecting WHITE SCHOLARSHIP IS YOU CLYDE.

You are a joke. The point is YOU don't understand the reason why mixing terms like black, negroid and African are MEANINGLESS and THAT is why I am calling you DUMB. It is isn't about the scholarship from WHITES. It is that YOU PERSONALLY are too dumb to see that ALL of these terms simply mean the same thing: BLACK FOLKS. YOU are caught up in trying to make DISTINCTIONS that do NOTHING that change the facts and OVERLY COMPLICATE something QUITE SIMPLE.

BLACK FOLKS are the oldest form of human on the planet. BLACK FOLKS are the most diverse population ON THE PLANET. BLACK FOLKS are the FIRST PEOPLE on every continent on earth. And ALL HUMANS originated in Africa as BLACK PEOPLE. The first NATIVE AMERICANS were BLACK PEOPLE of various types who MIGRATED to the Americas FROM ASIA and RETAINED many of the traits COMMON TO ALL EARLY HUMANS that migrated OOA. There is NOTHING EXTRA to ADD to it and YOUR ATTEMPTS to pretend to ADD VALUE to this by making up FAUX distinctions BETWEEN AND AMONG these BLACK FOLKS is retarded. And in all actuality you are only using WEASEL WORDS to try and make a CONCLUSION that has no merit. You want the first people of the Americas to be AFRICANS, but you HAVE NO PROOF that the first populations to populate the ENTIRE continent of the Americas came DIRECT from Africa. So instead of trying to provide proof, you resort to FAUX TYPOLOGIES to try and make your case. All so you can claim that these people were AFRICAN AMERICANS. How cute. Don't that just make everything swell..... BULLSH*T. HOW on earth were these AFRICANS if they came from ASIA Clyde? YOU posted maps CLAIMING to show the connections between Africans and the first Americans and NOT ONE of those maps actually showed this. And so of course, you instead rely on your usual bag of tricks involving HALF BAKED premises and contorted logic to make your case. Please stop clowning yourself and start making sense for a change.

I am not at all against the idea that Africans may have indeed been some of the first migrants to the Americas many thousands of years ago. However, I disagree with YOUR METHODOLOGY, which relies on TWISTED LOGIC as opposed to DIRECT EVIDENCE and convincing proof. All of which makes something that has merit into something of a laughable position, simply because YOUR METHODOLOGY is so questionable in many cases. It isn't that THE IDEA is bad in itself, it is that YOU don't follow through and make a convincing case for it.

And yes, black folks only means people with dark skin.

That is the point.

You wouldn't know methodology if you tripped over it.

There is only one methodology in science: you make a hypothesis and support it with evidence.
The aim of science is theory construction (F.N. Kirlinger, Foundations of behavior research, (1986) pp.6-10; R. Braithwaite, Scientific explanation, (1955) pp.1-10). A theory is a set of interrelated constructs, propositions and definitions, that provide a systematic understanding of phenomena by outlining relations among a group of variables that explain and predict phenomena.

There are four methods of knowing 1) Method of tenacity (one holds firmly to the truth, because "they know it" to be true); 2) method of authority (the method of established belief, i.e., the Bible or the "experts" says it, it is so); 3) method of intuition (the method where a proposition agrees with reason, but not necessarily with experience); and 4) the method of science (the method of attaining knowledge which calls for self-correction).

You use the method of authority. Because you have been beatdown by white supremacy anything an establishment European writes must be correct especially when it appears in a referred journal as long as it agrees with your bias.

Since your research is based on the method of authority you don't know how to make hypotheses. What you do is simply repeat what you read without any analysis. Scientist, real reasearchers make hypotheses. Mike made a hypothesis and we supported it with data. You on the other otherhand, make statements absent supporting evidence.

Since you are a midget in the world of research and think like whites. Anybody dark skinned is Black to you, when the term Black refers to people of African origin.

As a result, when books recognize that the Australians and Melanesians are not alike you continue to advocate the idea they are one and the same eventhough Australians represent the OOA population, and the Melanesians do not appear in mainland Asia until 18kya, 12k after homo sapiens arrived in South America.

Next you claim that just because some one is dark skinned they much be labled Black. And eventhough whites in America are called Europeans; Blacks African Americans; and Amerinds Asians--you can not call the people who settled Asia and the Americas from Africa Africans, eventhough we call the former slaves of African origin: African Americans. Oh you confused ignorant fool.

Scientific inquiry involves issues of theory construction, control and experimentation. Scientific knowledge must rest on testing, rather than mere induction which can be defined as inferences of laws and generalizations, derived from observation. This falsity of logical possibility is evident in the rejection of the of the idea that Africans were not the first settlers of America, when we know that: 1) Africans had the naval technology to make a voyage to America; 2) no one could cross the Beringa between 110kya to 12kya , yet numerous skeletal remains dating back to 30kya have been found on the east coast of the Americas, coastline that could be easy reached by currents; and 3) the craniometrics make it clear the people were of the Melanesian/African type.

Your answer to this evidence is: The first Blacks to arrive in America were members of the OOA population that crossed Beringa. Yet you provide no data in support of this idea which disconfirms the evidence of a connection. Oh what a fool you are.

Stop claiming to be a careful researcher and supporter of science. You only support what you believe in--not what the science says.

Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
No members of the OOA population made their way to the New World.

There is clear evidence that the OOA population settled Asia. But lets not forget that if the OOA population who took the eastern route out of Africa left the Continent around 60kya this would have been during the last Ice Age.

The Ice Age latsed from from 110kya to around 12kya. As a result the OOA populartion would have found it impossible to take a land route to the Americas across Beringa. As a result, your insistence that the OOA population made their way to the Americas does not correlate with the environmental and archaeological evidence.



The ancient Americans looked more like the Khoisan then Australians, because they came from Africa not Asia.


Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
You fail to recognize that there is a craniometric difference between Australoids /Australians representatives of the OOA population, Mongoloids and Melanoids; craniometric differences that indicate two migrations of the Black Variety into the Pacific and East Asia.

Tsuenehiko Hanihare discussed the phenotypic variations between these populations(1). Tsuenehiko classified these people into three major populations Southeast Asian Mongoloids (Polynesians), the Australians or Austroloid type and the Nicobar and Andaman (Melanoid) samples which he found lie between the predominately Southeast Asian and Australoid/Australian type (1).

The Australian aborigines and Melanesians show cranonical variates and represent two distinct Black populations(2). The Australoids or Australians live mainly in Australia and the highland regions of Oceania, the Melanoid people on the otherhand live in the coastal regions of Near Oceania and Fiji. D.J de Laubenfels discussed the variety of Blacks found in Asia. Laubenfiels explained that Negroids/Melanoids such as the Tasmanians are characterized by wooly black hair and sparse body hair (2). Australoids or Australians on the otherhand have curly, wavy or straight hair and abundant body hair. Other differences between these Black populations include Negroid / Melanoid brows being vertical and without eyebrow ridges, whereas Australoid brows are sloping and with prominent ridges (2).

This led M. Pietrusewky to recognize two separate colonizations of the Pacific by morphologically distinct populations one Polynesian and the other Melanesian (3). Pietrusewky’s research indicates a clear separation between the Australian-Melanesian crania and the Polynesian crania (3). The findings indicate an origin for the Polynesians in Southeast Asia (3-5), and an early Australo-Melanesian presence in East Asia as discussed in the earlier comment.

Laubenfels argues that the Australians are remnants of the original African migration to the region 60kya (2). This view is supported by David Bulbeck who found that the Australian craniometrics are different from the Mongoloid (Polynesian), and Melanoid crania metrics (4). This research indicates that whereas Australian aborigine crania agree with the archaic population of Asia and first group of Africans to exit Africa, they fail to correspond to the Sahulland crania which are distinctly of Southwest Pacific or Melanoid affinity (2,4). This suggests that by the rise of Sahulland there were two distinct Black populations in Asia one Austroloid and the other Melanoid (4).

The Melanesian type does not appear in East Asia (Siberia) until after 5000 BC. This is thousands of years after Luizia and Eva Neharon had existed in Brazil and Mexico respectively.

By the Neolithic the Melanoids or Papuans are associated with millet cultivation at Yangshao and Lougshan according to Pietrusewky’s work (5). Tsang argues that the probable homeland of the Austronesian speakers was the Pearl River delta, here the Melanoid people cultivated millet (6). Sagart believes that there is a Proto-Sino-Tibetan-Austronesian family of languages based on the millet culture the Melanoids introduced to China (7).

The craniometrics make it clear the ancient Americans are not related to the Melanesians.


1. Tsunehiko Hanihare, Interpretation of craniofacial variations and diversification of East and Southeast Asia. In Bioarchaeology of Southeast Asia. (Eds.) Marc Oxenhan and Nancy Tayles (pp.91-111). Cambridge, 2005.

2. D.J. Laubenfels, Australoids, Negroids and Negroes: A suggested explanation for their distinct distributions. Annals Association of Am. Geographers, 58(1), 1968: 42-50.

3. Michael Pietrusewky, A multivariate craniometric study of the prehistoric and modern inhabitants of Southeast Asia, East Asia and surrounding regions:A human kaleidoscope. Cambridge Studies in Biological and Evolutionary Anthropology, No. 43, 2006: 59-90.

4. David Bulbeck, Australian Aboriginal craniometrics as construed through FORDISC, 2005. Retrieved: 4/2/2008:

5. M. Pietrusewsky, The Physical anthropology of the Pacific, East Asia: A multivariate craniometric analysis. . In L. Sagart, R. Blench, A. Sanchez-Mazos (Eds), The peopling of East Asia Putting together Archaeology,Linguistics and Genetics (pp.201-229). RutledgeCurzon, 2005.

6. Tsang Cheng-Hwa, Recent discoveries at Tapenkeng culture sites in Taiwan;Implications for the problem of Austronesian origins. In The peopling of East Asia Putting together Archaeology, Linguistics and Genetics ,(Eds) L. Sagart, R. Blench, A. Sanchez-Mazos (pp.63-74). RutledgeCurzon, 2005.

7. L. Sagart, Sino-Tibetan-Austronesian an Updated and improved argument. In L. Sagart, R. Blench, A. Sanchez-Mazos (Eds), The peopling of East Asia Putting together Archaeology, Linguistics and Genetics (pp.161-176). RutledgeCurzon, 2005.

First of all the original migrants OOA population had different features than the contemporary Africans.

Here is an Australian


Here is a contemporary Africans


You can clearly see differences between the Australian and African type; while both individuals are described as Negroes you will note that the forehead of the Australian matches in many ways the cranium of earlier hominid forms dating back to the rise of homo sapiens sapiens in Africa.

Any physical anthropologists would note these changes. The coastal Melanesians usually show mixed Australian-African features or features commonly found among Africans--not Australians.\







A simple observation of Melanesians and Aborigines make it clear that they resemble Africans moreso than Aborigines--the original settlers of Asia.

The ancestors of the Melanesians and Polynesians probably lived in East Asia. The late appearance of Melanoid people from East Asia on the shore areas of Oceania would explain the differences between the genetic make up of Melanesians living in the highlands and Melanesians living along the shore [1-2].

The skeletal evidence from East Asia [3-7,12] suggests that the TMRCAs of the Polynesians and some of the coastal Melanesians may be mainland East Asia, not Taiwan. The ancestral population for the shoreline Melanesians was probably forced from East Asia by Proto-Polynesians as they were pushed into Southeast Asia by the Han or contemporary Chinese. This would explain the genetic diversity existing among shoreline Melanesians, in comparison to the genetic homogeneity among isolated inland Melanesian, like the Highland New Guineans.

There were two Shang Dynasties, one Melanoid (Qiang-Shang) and the other Proto-Polynesian (Yin-Shang). The first Shang Dynasty was founded by Proto-Melanesians or Melanoids belonging to the Yueh tribe called Qiang [7]. The Qiang lived in Qiangfeng, a country to the west of Yin-Shang, Shensi and Yunnan [7-11,13].

The archaeological evidence also indicates that the Polynesians probably originated in East Asia [4,6-7,12-13]. Consequently, the Polynesian migration probably began in East Asia, not Southeast Asia. Taiwan genetically probably belongs to the early Polynesians who settled Taiwan before they expanded into outer Oceania.

Given the archaeological record of intimate contact between Proto-Polynesians and Proto-Melanoids, neither a “slow boat” or “express train” explains the genetic relationship between the Melanesian and Polynesian populations. This record makes it clear that these populations lived in intimate contact for thousands of years and during this extended period of interactions both groups probably exchanged genes.

1. Manfred Kayser, Oscar Lao, Kathrin Saar, Silke Brauer, Xingyu Wang, Peter Nürnberg, Ronald J. Trent, Mark Stoneking Genome-wide Analysis Indicates More Asian than Melanesian Ancestry of Polynesians. The American Journal of Human Genetics - 10 January 2008, 82 (1); pp. 194-198.

2. J. S. Fredlaender, F.R. Friedlaender, J.A. Hodgson, M. Stoltz, G. Koki, G. Horvat,S. Zhadanov, T. G. Schurr and D.A. Merriwether, Melanesian mtDNA complexity, PLoS ONE, 2(2) 2007: e248.

3 F. Weidenreich F., Bull. Nat. Hist. Soc. Peiping 13, (1938-40): p. 163.

4. Kwang-chih Chang, Archaeology of ancient China (Yale University Press, 1986) p. 64.

5. G. H. R. von Koenigswald, A giant fossil hominoid from the pleistocene of Southern China, Anthropology Pap. Am Museum of Natural History, no.43, 1952, pp. 301-309).

6. K. C. Chang, The archaeology of ancient China, (Yale University Press: New Haven, 1977): p. 76

7. Winters, Clyde Ahmad, “The Far Eastern Origin of the Tamils”, Journal of Tamil Studies, no27 (June 1985), pp. 65-92.

8. K. C. Chang, Shang Civilization, (Yale University Press: New Haven, 1980) pp. 227-230.

9. C. A. Winters, The Dravido-Harappa Colonization of Central Asia, Central Asiatic Journal, (1990) 34 (1-2), pp. 120-144.

10. Y. Kan, The Bronze culture of western Yunnan, Bull. Of the Ancient Orient Museum (Tokyo), 7 (1985), pp. 47-91.

11. S. S. Ling, A study of the Raft, Outrigger, Double, and Deck canoes of ancient China, the Pacific, and the Indian Ocean. The Institute of Ethnology Academic Sinica. Nankang, Taipei Taiwan, 1970.

12. Kwang-chih Chang, “Prehistoric and early historic culture horizons and traditions in South China”, Current Anthropology, 5 (1964): pp. 359-375: 375).

13. Winters,Clyde Ahmad, “Dravidian Settlements in ancient Polynesia”, India Past and Present 3, no2 (1986): pp. 225-241.

Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
Originally posted by Doug M:

You are stuck on using terms like African, Negroid and Mongoloid that have NO BEARING on the facts we are discussing. By the time the aboriginal types reached Australia and New Guinea, they were not AFRICANS anymore as AFRICAN refers to a geographic place. And by the time that they crossed into the Americas, this was even MORE true. So WHAT ON EARTH are you talking about? They WERE NOT AFRICANS.

You live in a fantasy world of your own making.
Oh nonsense. He simply lives in the present where most scientists no longer regurgitate the race schematic.

You live in the past.

I will give you some credit though for at least 'trying' a little to be more than the old dog who can't learn new tricks.

So let's examine your thoughts in this thread and see how well you do. [Smile]
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
The Amerinds come from Siberia, so we say they are Asians.
^ Who is we?

Dr. Winters, your discourse may be suitable for confusing the likes of Marc Washington, but to any serious scholar, it consists of and utterly broken logic.

American Indians, whether Mexican, Eskimo or Navaho are considered NATIVE Americans, which is what they are.

To claim they are 'Asians' because presumably some of their ancestors crossed into America from Siberia, is completely illogical.

You could just as easily call Native Australian Aboriginals "Asians" because they entered Australia from Southern Asia.

But, oh, I forgot you ignore that, and call them "Africans" instead, because 50 thousand years ago...their ancestors migrated into south Asian from Africa.

But wait.... these ancestors would be -THE SAME- ancestors as the ancestors that would become the Native Americans.

The idea that Native Australians are 'really' AFricans, and Native Americans are really Asians is pure incoherence.

Here, you are as bad, as loony-Euro-tunes claiming everything is Europid, or caucazoid that -never- originated in, either Europe or the Caucasus. [Eek!]

Anthropology ends, where ethnocentrism begins, and that's where you are trapped.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
The white Americans come from Europe so we call them Europeans.
^ Interesting as it implies you admit they are descendant of the aboriginal populations of Europe.... but.... no, we already know you claim the original European population was... African.

So, again, the ethnocentrism that drives your ideology, also cripples it, and renders it incoherent, and self defeating.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:

Let's look at the facts:

1) the Australians represent the OOA population that settled Asia

2) during the OOA event much of Siberia and North America was under ice from 110,000 - 10,000BC. As a result there was no way Siberians could cross Beringa before the end of the ice age

3) Ice even separated much of South America east to west


4) the first Americans appear in Brazil, Chile and Argintina Latin America around 30,000 BC

5)using craniometric evidence it is clear that the first Americans look like Africans not modern Asian Native Americans

6) using craniometrics I have pointed out that Asia was dominated by the Australian population until the rise of Suhulland when the Melanesian people appear in the area, at this time the Beringa was still under Ice

7) I pointed out that the Melanesian type reach East Asian mainland by 5000 BC, long after Africans had settled Latin America

8) between 15,000-12,000 we see numerous African populations in Mexico and Brazil; and skeletons dating to this period have even been found off the Yucatan coast in the Caribbean

9) these first Americans did not look like the Australians or modern Amerinds

10) iconography of PreClassic people like the Cherla, Ocos and other groups is of Negroes not Amerinds like the Maya

11) Amerind groups not associated with African slaves carry African genes

12) Maya carried African y chromosome

13) Chontal Mayan speakers were classified as Negroes by Quatrefages. This may explain why the Maya carry African genes

14)Negrocostachicanos claim that they have never been slaves and are indigenous to Guererro and Oaxaca on the Pacific coast

15) The Dufuna boat makes it clear that Africans probably had the technology to travel to the Americas 15,000 years ago.

16) Fuegians 100-400 BP carried haplogroup A1. Hg A1 is an African haplogroup.

17) Amerinds carry haplogroup N, just like Africans.

18)The y chromosome STRs of the Fuegians include DYS434,DYS437,DYS 439, DYS 393, DYS391,DYS390,DYS19, DYS 389I, DYS389II and DYS 388 (see: Garcia-Bour et al above). Except for DYS390 and DYS388 they are characteristic of haplogroup A1 . A1 is recognized as an African haplogroup.

19)Quatrefages noted numerous African Native American tribes

20)The antiquity of these populations is supported by the ancient iconography found in these countries which are of African Native Americans.

21) Most contemporary populations are descendants of the San people not Australians.


Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
Most native American populations are descended from people like Australian Aborigines Clyde.
Actually, like all modern humans, **ALL** Native Americans are descended from Australian like populations, this is the point Clyde doesn't understand. Clyde thinks all non Africans who don't look African are a result of space aliens, or some crazy deranged theory like Meninarmer or Marc.


As to the similarities with Africans, the best way to explain it in terms of historical connections, is to assume that the **Asian** ancestral population that gave rise to the **Australians** and to the **first Americans** had its ultimate origins in the **African continent**, as it is in fact the case with **ALL*** modern humans (Stringer and Andrews, 1988; Stringer and McKie, 1996; Lahr, 1994, 1996), ***but which retained a very generalized morphology.*** In accordance with Lahr (1996), the Australians are in fact the contemporary aboriginal population that retained the most primitive morphology when compared to the first modern humans. As she stressed "Groups like [...] Australo-Melanesians are all examples of relatively early diversifications without great amounts of gene flow from other groups..." (Lahr, 1996, p.335).

Clyde you do understand that you didn't address the above, or discuss your claim of A2 and B2 being African in origin, carried by Khoisan and Pygmies respectively. Obviously you were confused -as always- about these genetic markers, which is why you made a delirious conclusion, based on your confusion of Mtdna and Y-dna. I hope you'll understand one day....
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ He makes this mistake over and over again, and what's bad is he never admits.

His worse offense was to claim that Senegalese E-M2 was equivelant to Indian M2.

E-M2 is E3a Y chromosome.

M2 is mtdna.

Even when this mistake was pointed out, he continued to spam it, which also shows he can be a propagandists out to deceive and not a scholar interested in learning.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :

You could just as easily call Native Australian Aboriginals "Asians" because they entered Australia from Southern Asia.

But, oh, I forgot you ignore that, and call them "Africans" instead, because 50 thousand years ago...their ancestors migrated into south Asian from Africa.

But wait.... these ancestors would be -THE SAME- ancestors as the ancestors that would become the Native Americans.

The idea that Native Australians are 'really' AFricans, and Native Americans are really Asians is pure incoherence.

Clyde actually doesn't ignore it. I actually called him on this one, and he admitted to calling Australians, non-Africans, which immediately prompted my question to him, of why he would then call same populations resembling Africans found in Europe during the UP, or East Asia, be considered African to him. Of course he has no direct responses, what he does it try to explain differences in craniometric characteristics amongst Oceanic populations, notwithstanding, against the fact that Oceanics possess no post OOA lineages, and early human diversification amongst Oceanic populations.

As to the similarities with Africans, the best way to explain it in terms of historical connections, is to assume that the **Asian** ancestral population that gave rise to the **Australians** and to the **first Americans** had its ultimate origins in the **African continent**, as it is in fact the case with **ALL*** modern humans (Stringer and Andrews, 1988; Stringer and McKie, 1996; Lahr, 1994, 1996), ***but which retained a very generalized morphology.*** In accordance with Lahr (1996), the Australians are in fact the contemporary aboriginal population that retained the most primitive morphology when compared to the first modern humans. As she stressed "Groups like [...] Australo-Melanesians are all examples of relatively early diversifications without great amounts of gene flow from other groups..." (Lahr, 1996, p.335).

Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ Indeed. Racialists run afowl of reality because they are glued to a fixed ideology.

But research and new facts are never ending, and long ago moved the the 'rug' out from under their feet.

They refer to those who keep up with current data as living in a 'dream', because they are more comfortable living in the past, where they can be safe from 'evil' genetics and all those terrible new findings that suggest things they don't like.
Posted by prmiddleeastern (Member # 14038) on :
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
Originally posted by prmiddleeastern:
All of those Olmec Masks shown above have Asian features.

You are right about some of the mask. But all of them do not look Asia.

All of them do look Asian.
Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Originally posted by rasol:
^ Indeed. Racialists run afowl of reality because they are glued to a fixed ideology.

But research and new facts are never ending, and long ago moved the the 'rug' out from under their feet.

They refer to those who keep up with current data as living in a 'dream', because they are more comfortable living in the past, where they can be safe from 'evil' genetics and all those terrible new findings that suggest things they don't like.

You know nothing about anthropology. Current physical anthropological research makes it clear there are craniometric difference between Australoids /Australians representatives of the OOA population, Mongoloids and Melanoids; craniometric differences that indicate two migrations of the Black Variety into the Pacific and East Asia.

Tsuenehiko Hanihare discussed the phenotypic variations between these populations(1). Tsuenehiko classified these people into three major populations Southeast Asian Mongoloids (Polynesians), the Australians or Austroloid type and the Nicobar and Andaman (Melanoid) samples which he found lie between the predominately Southeast Asian and Australoid/Australian type (1).

The Australian aborigines and Melanesians show cranonical variates and represent two distinct Black populations(2). The Australoids or Australians live mainly in Australia and the highland regions of Oceania, the Melanoid people on the otherhand live in the coastal regions of Near Oceania and Fiji. D.J de Laubenfels discussed the variety of Blacks found in Asia. Laubenfiels explained that Negroids/Melanoids such as the Tasmanians are characterized by wooly black hair and sparse body hair (2). Australoids or Australians on the otherhand have curly, wavy or straight hair and abundant body hair. Other differences between these Black populations include Negroid / Melanoid brows being vertical and without eyebrow ridges, whereas Australoid brows are sloping and with prominent ridges (2).

This led M. Pietrusewky to recognize two separate colonizations of the Pacific by morphologically distinct populations one Polynesian and the other Melanesian (3). Pietrusewky’s research indicates a clear separation between the Australian-Melanesian crania and the Polynesian crania (3). The findings indicate an origin for the Polynesians in Southeast Asia (3-5), and an early Australo-Melanesian presence in East Asia as discussed in the earlier comment.

Laubenfels argues that the Australians are remnants of the original African migration to the region 60kya (2). This view is supported by David Bulbeck who found that the Australian craniometrics are different from the Mongoloid (Polynesian), and Melanoid crania metrics (4). This research indicates that whereas Australian aborigine crania agree with the archaic population of Asia and first group of Africans to exit Africa, they fail to correspond to the Sahulland crania which are distinctly of Southwest Pacific or Melanoid affinity (2,4). This suggests that by the rise of Sahulland there were two distinct Black populations in Asia one Austroloid and the other Melanoid (4).

The Melanesian type does not appear in East Asia (Siberia) until after 5000 BC. This is thousands of years after Luizia and Eva Neharon had existed in Brazil and Mexico respectively.

By the Neolithic the Melanoids or Papuans are associated with millet cultivation at Yangshao and Lougshan according to Pietrusewky’s work (5). Tsang argues that the probable homeland of the Austronesian speakers was the Pearl River delta, here the Melanoid people cultivated millet (6). Sagart believes that there is a Proto-Sino-Tibetan-Austronesian family of languages based on the millet culture the Melanoids introduced to China (7).

The craniometrics make it clear the ancient Americans are not related to the Melanesians.


1. Tsunehiko Hanihare, Interpretation of craniofacial variations and diversification of East and Southeast Asia. In Bioarchaeology of Southeast Asia. (Eds.) Marc Oxenhan and Nancy Tayles (pp.91-111). Cambridge, 2005.

2. D.J. Laubenfels, Australoids, Negroids and Negroes: A suggested explanation for their distinct distributions. Annals Association of Am. Geographers, 58(1), 1968: 42-50.

3. Michael Pietrusewky, A multivariate craniometric study of the prehistoric and modern inhabitants of Southeast Asia, East Asia and surrounding regions:A human kaleidoscope. Cambridge Studies in Biological and Evolutionary Anthropology, No. 43, 2006: 59-90.

4. David Bulbeck, Australian Aboriginal craniometrics as construed through FORDISC, 2005. Retrieved: 4/2/2008:

5. M. Pietrusewsky, The Physical anthropology of the Pacific, East Asia: A multivariate craniometric analysis. . In L. Sagart, R. Blench, A. Sanchez-Mazos (Eds), The peopling of East Asia Putting together Archaeology,Linguistics and Genetics (pp.201-229). RutledgeCurzon, 2005.

6. Tsang Cheng-Hwa, Recent discoveries at Tapenkeng culture sites in Taiwan;Implications for the problem of Austronesian origins. In The peopling of East Asia Putting together Archaeology, Linguistics and Genetics ,(Eds) L. Sagart, R. Blench, A. Sanchez-Mazos (pp.63-74). RutledgeCurzon, 2005.

7. L. Sagart, Sino-Tibetan-Austronesian an Updated and improved argument. In L. Sagart, R. Blench, A. Sanchez-Mazos (Eds), The peopling of East Asia Putting together Archaeology, Linguistics and Genetics (pp.161-176). RutledgeCurzon, 2005.

These papers are all written within the past 2-3 years and highlight the fact you know nothing about contemporary anthropology and the peopling of Asia.

Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Originally posted by rasol:
The white Americans come from Europe so we call them Europeans.
^ Interesting as it implies you admit they are descendant of the aboriginal populations of Europe.... but.... no, we already know you claim the original European population was... African.

So, again, the ethnocentrism that drives your ideology, also cripples it, and renders it incoherent, and self defeating.

The Venus Figures represent the first Europeans. They are representative of the San people and are therefore Africans.

This is a bushman or San.




As I mentioned earlier the Bushman created much of the early civilization of Eurasia. They left us numerous figurines showing their type.

Venus Figurines


The Bushman continue to carry this ancient form.

 - [/QB][/QUOTE]

Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
[qb] [QUOTE] Most native American populations are descended from people like Australian Aborigines Clyde.

Actually, like all modern humans, **ALL** Native Americans are descended from Australian like populations, this is the point Clyde doesn't understand. Clyde thinks all non Africans who don't look African are a result of space aliens, or some crazy deranged theory like Meninarmer or Marc.


As to the similarities with Africans, the best way to explain it in terms of historical connections, is to assume that the **Asian** ancestral population that gave rise to the **Australians** and to the **first Americans** had its ultimate origins in the **African continent**, as it is in fact the case with **ALL*** modern humans (Stringer and Andrews, 1988; Stringer and McKie, 1996; Lahr, 1994, 1996), ***but which retained a very generalized morphology.*** In accordance with Lahr (1996), the Australians are in fact the contemporary aboriginal population that retained the most primitive morphology when compared to the first modern humans. As she stressed "Groups like [...] Australo-Melanesians are all examples of relatively early diversifications without great amounts of gene flow from other groups..." (Lahr, 1996, p.335).
Clyde you do understand that you didn't address the above, or discuss your claim of A2 and B2 being African in origin, carried by Khoisan and Pygmies respectively. Obviously you were confused -as always- about these genetic markers, which is why you made a delirious conclusion, based on your confusion of Mtdna and Y-dna. I hope you'll understand one day....

I understand this perfectly. You are the one who pretends to be blind to the facts.

In many cases you will find that Coconuts who have a psychosis brought on by white supremacy suffer from “knowledge blindness”. Knowledge bindness can be defined as the feeling that anything said by another AA is wrong because it was not said first by a European.

I will give you an example. Above I discuss the fact that the Fuegians carry the same STRs as Africans based on the research literature as evidence I provide two citations.

Citation One (1)


Titre du document / Document title
Early population differentiation in extinct aborigines from Tierra del Fuego-Patagonia: Ancient mtDNA sequences and Y-chromosome STR characterization = Différentiation des populations anciennes chez les aborigènes éteints de la Patagonie-Terre de Feu : Séquences d'ADNmt et caractérisation STR du chromosome Y
Auteur(s) / Author(s)
GARCIA-BOUR Jaume (1) ; PEREZ-PEREZ Alejandro (1) ; ALVAREZ Sara (1) ; FERNANDEZ Eva (1) ; LOPEZ-PARRA Ana Maria (1 2) ; ARROYO-PARDO Eduardo (1 2) ; TURBON Daniel (1) ;
Affiliation(s) du ou des auteurs / Author(s) Affiliation(s)
(1) Secció d'Antropologia, Departament de Biologia Animal, Universitat de Barcelona, 08028 Barcelona, ESPAGNE
(2) Laboratorio de Biologia Forense, Departamento de Toxicología y Legislación Sanitaria, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Complutense, 28040 Madrid, ESPAGNE
Résumé / Abstract
Ancient mtDNA was succesfully recovered from 24 skeletal samples of a total of 60 ancient individuals from Patagonia-Tierra del Fuego, dated to 100-400 years BP, for which consistent amplifications and two-strand sequences were obtained. Y-chromosome STRs (DYS434, DYS437, DYS439, DYS393, DYS391, DYS390, DYS19, DYS389I, DYS389II, and DYS388) and the biallelic system DYS199 were also amplified, Y-STR alleles could be characterized in nine cases, with an average of 4.1 loci per sample correctly typed. In two samples of the same ethnic group (Aonikenk), an identical and complete eight-loci haplotype was recovered. The DYS199 biallelic system was used as a control of contamination by modern DNA and, along with DYS19, as a marker of American origin. The analysis of both mtDNA and Y-STRs revealed DNA from Amerindian ancestry. The observed polymorphisms are consistent with the hypothesis that the ancient Fuegians are close to populations from south-central Chile and Argentina, but their high nucleotide diversity and the frequency of single lineages strongly support early genetic differentiation of the Fuegians through combined processes of population bottleneck, isolation, and/or migration, followed by strong genetic drift. This suggests an early genetic diversification of the Fuegians right after their arrival at the southernmost extreme of South America.
Revue / Journal Title
American journal of physical anthropology ISSN 0002-9483
Source / Source
2004, vol. 123, no4, pp. 361-370 [10 page(s) (article)] (47 ref.)

Here Garcia Bour et al note that: Fuegian Y-chromosomes STRs include “Y-chromosome STRs (DYS434, DYS437, DYS439, DYS393, DYS391, DYS390, DYS19, DYS389I, DYS389II, and DYS388)

Citation Two (2)


Diversity of Y-STR haplotypes of chromosomes belonging to hgA1 and within the R surname. (a) Relationships of Y-STR haplotypes within hgA1. Weighted median joining network containing the 10-locus Y-STR haplotypes (DYS19, DYS390, DYS391, DYS392, DYS393, DYS437, DYS438, DYS439, DYS389I, DYS389II-I) of eleven hgA1 chromosomes. Circles represent haplotypes, with area proportional to frequency and colored according to population.

European Journal of Human Genetics (2007) 15, 288–293. doi:10.1038/sj.ejhg.5201771; published online 24 January 2007
Africans in Yorkshire? The deepest-rooting clade of the Y phylogeny within an English genealogy
Turi E King1


In this paper, King et al make it clear that the “Y-STR haplotypes (DYS19, DYS390, DYS391, DYS392, DYS393, DYS437, DYS438, DYS439, DYS389I, DYS389II-I) of eleven hgA1 chromosomes.[/b] “ belong to hg A1.

Note that Garcia Bour et al maintains Fuegians carry these STRs

DYS434, DYS437, DYS439, DYS393, DYS391, DYS390, DYS19, DYS389I, DYS389II, and DYS388

King et al observed that the principal STRs in haplogroup A1 are:


DYS19, DYS390, DYS391, DYS392, DYS393, DYS437, DYS438, DYS439, DYS389I, DYS389II-I

You don’t have to be brain scientist to recognize that concordance exist between the two sets of STRs.

It stands to reason that if the Fuegians carry Y-STRs associated with haplogroup A1 which is an African haplogroup, the Fuegians have direct African ancestry.

This led me to reach the following conclusion based on the evidence:


Researchers have been able to recover mtDNA samples from 24 out of 60 ancient skeletons from Tierra del Fuego dating to 100-400BP. The y chromosome STRs were DYS434,DYS437,DYS 439, DYS 393, DYS391,DYS390,DYS19, DYS 389I, DYS389II and DYS 388 (see: Garcia-Bour et al below). Except for DYS390 and DYS388 are characteristic of haplogroup A1 (see: King et al, below). A1 is recognized as an African haplogroup. This genetic data make it clear that Negro Fuegians were living in Fuego, 9000 years after Neves believed they had been replaced by mongoloid folk.

The fact that KIK and rasol, individuals who we can assume have normal intelligence could not see the relationship between the Y-chromosomes in these populations makes it clear that they must be a victim of “Knowledge blindness”. A psychosis resulting from their acceptance of their own inferiority and white supremist ideas.

Coconuts. Stop trying to steal the heritage of the First African Americans.
Posted by Egmond Codfried (Member # 15683) on :

I'm not making light of this thread, but I have to say that by doing LOOKALIKES, these old artifacts and works of art speak louder to me. Do you notice the ridge above the Willendorff Beauty's breast? Now from the side I can see they are her arms. She doesn't show nipples, but lower 'lip reading' is possible. Why?

Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
Venus Figurines


The Bushman continue to carry this ancient form.


. [/QB][/QUOTE]
Posted by Marc Washington (Member # 10979) on :

[rASHOL writes] Dr. Winters, your discourse may be suitable for confusing the likes of Marc Washington, but to any serious scholar, it consists of and utterly broken logic.

[Marc writes] Dr. Winters, I don’t agree with all your points but think you’ve made many excellent points and feel your "forensic" evidence is outstanding.


Posted by Doug M (Member # 7650) on :
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
No members of the OOA population made their way to the New World.

There is clear evidence that the OOA population settled Asia. But lets not forget that if the OOA population who took the eastern route out of Africa left the Continent around 60kya this would have been during the last Ice Age.

The Ice Age latsed from from 110kya to around 12kya. As a result the OOA populartion would have found it impossible to take a land route to the Americas across Beringa. As a result, your insistence that the OOA population made their way to the Americas does not correlate with the environmental and archaeological evidence.



The ancient Americans looked more like the Khoisan then Australians, because they came from Africa not Asia.



Clyde, you still aren't making sense. The picture you posted is from a model of a skull in South America. It supports research that says the original native Americans came from AUSTRALIA among populations like Aborigines. It does not support what you are talking about. Australian aborigines along with the aborigines of ALL of Asia are black. Some have straight hair (Australia) and others look more like Africans (New Guinea). New Guinea and Australia are considered places with the OLDEST populations in Asia, outside South Asia. ALL of these people are black and ALL of them have features that are very much similar to Africans. Therefore, why on earth would Australian and African features found in the first Americans be a sign of DIRECT African migration, when THE SAME Australian/African features are found in the FIRST ASIAN populations as well. Why the disconnect Clyde? There is no distinction between these Australian/African features and the features of the FIRST people in Asia, because they are very much the same.

NONE of these people are MELANESIANS Clyde. So melanesian features have nothing to do with it.
Posted by Marc Washington (Member # 10979) on :



Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
Originally posted by rasol:
[qb] [QUOTE]The white Americans come from Europe so we call them Europeans.

^ Interesting as it implies you admit they are descendant of the aboriginal populations of Europe.... but.... no, we already know you claim the original European population was... African.

So, again, the ethnocentrism that drives your ideology, also cripples it, and renders it incoherent, and self defeating.

The Venus Figures represent the first Europeans. They are representative of the San people and are therefore Africans.
^ I'm sorry but this is more nonsense.

San is a language group of southern and Eastern AFrica.

What you are showing is a physical feature - steatopygia.

Not only san have steatopygia, it is also found in some Melanesians, who are

a) not san language speakers.
b) do not specifically resemble san in any other respect than steatopygia.
c) most importantly: THEY ARE PROVABLY UNRELATED TO SAN BY GENETICS - yes genetics, mortal enemy of all your wild minded claims.

^ Finally - steatopygia is no more signficant in terms of representing African origin of non African peoples than say - epicanthic folds [slanted eyes], which are found in some SAN and many East Asians.

Does that make East Asians "San", too?

Anthropology ends where ethnocentrism begins, and this is where you are 'stuck'.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
Originally posted by rasol:
^ Indeed. Racialists run afowl of reality because they are glued to a fixed ideology.

But research and new facts are never ending, and long ago moved the the 'rug' out from under their feet.

They refer to those who keep up with current data as living in a 'dream', because they are more comfortable living in the past, where they can be safe from 'evil' genetics and all those terrible new findings that suggest things they don't like.

You know nothing about anthropology. Current physical anthropological research makes it clear there are craniometric difference between Australoids /Australians representatives of the OOA population, Mongoloids and Melanoids; craniometric differences that indicate two migrations of the Black Variety into the Pacific and East Asia.
^ Name the current anthropologist who relates the above garbage.

Melanoid means 'black'. There is no such thing in anthropology as a 'melanoid' 'race' of certain blacks:

You just make up terms to make your dumb ideas sound [to you], less dumb.

And let me save you time, in terms of your usual big bags of wind repponses that address nothing:

I only asked for the name of a current anthropoloigst who supports your rubbish.

Don't make us wait, faker.

Names please....


Then your claim is a lie.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
Originally posted by Doug M:
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
No members of the OOA population made their way to the New World.

There is clear evidence that the OOA population settled Asia. But lets not forget that if the OOA population who took the eastern route out of Africa left the Continent around 60kya this would have been during the last Ice Age.

The Ice Age latsed from from 110kya to around 12kya. As a result the OOA populartion would have found it impossible to take a land route to the Americas across Beringa. As a result, your insistence that the OOA population made their way to the Americas does not correlate with the environmental and archaeological evidence.



The ancient Americans looked more like the Khoisan then Australians, because they came from Africa not Asia.



Clyde, you still aren't making sense. The picture you posted is from a model of a skull in South America. It supports research that says the original native Americans came from AUSTRALIA among populations like Aborigines. It does not support what you are talking about. Australian aborigines along with the aborigines of ALL of Asia are black. Some have straight hair (Australia) and others look more like Africans (New Guinea). New Guinea and Australia are considered places with the OLDEST populations in Asia, outside South Asia. ALL of these people are black and ALL of them have features that are very much similar to Africans. Therefore, why on earth would Australian and African features found in the first Americans be a sign of DIRECT African migration, when THE SAME Australian/African features are found in the FIRST ASIAN populations as well. Why the disconnect Clyde? There is no distinction between these Australian/African features and the features of the FIRST people in Asia, because they are very much the same.

NONE of these people are MELANESIANS Clyde. So melanesian features have nothing to do with it.

^ lol. Clyde knows you're right Doug. He simply enjoys making ridiculous claims. It's what he does.
Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Originally posted by Doug M:
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
No members of the OOA population made their way to the New World.

There is clear evidence that the OOA population settled Asia. But lets not forget that if the OOA population who took the eastern route out of Africa left the Continent around 60kya this would have been during the last Ice Age.

The Ice Age latsed from from 110kya to around 12kya. As a result the OOA populartion would have found it impossible to take a land route to the Americas across Beringa. As a result, your insistence that the OOA population made their way to the Americas does not correlate with the environmental and archaeological evidence.



The ancient Americans looked more like the Khoisan then Australians, because they came from Africa not Asia.



Clyde, you still aren't making sense. The picture you posted is from a model of a skull in South America. It supports research that says the original native Americans came from AUSTRALIA among populations like Aborigines. It does not support what you are talking about. Australian aborigines along with the aborigines of ALL of Asia are black. Some have straight hair (Australia) and others look more like Africans (New Guinea). New Guinea and Australia are considered places with the OLDEST populations in Asia, outside South Asia. ALL of these people are black and ALL of them have features that are very much similar to Africans. Therefore, why on earth would Australian and African features found in the first Americans be a sign of DIRECT African migration, when THE SAME Australian/African features are found in the FIRST ASIAN populations as well. Why the disconnect Clyde? There is no distinction between these Australian/African features and the features of the FIRST people in Asia, because they are very much the same.

NONE of these people are MELANESIANS Clyde. So melanesian features have nothing to do with it.

There you go showing your stupidity again. We were discussing the San and Australians--not Melanesians.


You attempt to make it appear that anthropologists claim the earliest skeletal remains found in the Americas such as Luzia are definitely Australian. This is not true Neves made it clear that the anatomy of her skull and teeth - including a narrow, oval cranium, projecting face and pronounced chin - likens Luzia to Africans and Australasians.

Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Originally posted by rasol:
Originally posted by rasol:
^ Indeed. Racialists run afowl of reality because they are glued to a fixed ideology.

But research and new facts are never ending, and long ago moved the the 'rug' out from under their feet.

They refer to those who keep up with current data as living in a 'dream', because they are more comfortable living in the past, where they can be safe from 'evil' genetics and all those terrible new findings that suggest things they don't like.

You know nothing about anthropology. Current physical anthropological research makes it clear there are craniometric difference between Australoids /Australians representatives of the OOA population, Mongoloids and Melanoids; craniometric differences that indicate two migrations of the Black Variety into the Pacific and East Asia.
^ Name the current anthropologist who relates the above garbage.

Melanoid means 'black'. There is no such thing in anthropology as a 'melanoid' 'race' of certain blacks:

You just make up terms to make your dumb ideas sound [to you], less dumb.

And let me save you time, in terms of your usual big bags of wind repponses that address nothing:

I only asked for the name of a current anthropoloigst who supports your rubbish.

Don't make us wait, faker.

Names please....


Then your claim is a lie.

Use of term: Melanoid

Melanoid-- Of or related to melanin; black-pigmented. 2. Of or affected with melanosis; melanin is a dark brown coloring found in the body, especially in the skin and hair. Produced by special skin cells that are sensitive to sunlight, melanin protects the body by absorbing ultraviolet radiation from the sun. Does NOT refer to a certain race of people!!

Australoid --Anthropology. a descriptive category including principally the Australian Aborigines and sometimes including Papuans, Melanesians, various small-statured peoples, as Negritos, of the Philippines, Malay Peninsula, and Andaman Islands, and some of the tribes of central and southern India. OR Of or being a human racial classification traditionally distinguished by physical characteristics such as dark skin and dark curly hair, and including the Aboriginal peoples of Australia along with various peoples of southeast Asia, especially Melanesia and the Malay Archipelago.


Re: Indigenous in Asia and Australia
Posted by: Yulu-burri-ba (IP Logged)
Date: November 10, 2004 01:30AM

when i used the term Negrito i should have used Melanoid. i didnt realise that negrito refered to pygmy people only. I meant that between here [Australia] and India was the land of Melanesian people not neccessarily pygmy people.

i reckon the Pygmy people have just adapted to jungle areas and the Pygmy people of Atherton tableland would have either evolved that way or possibly migrated from the jungles that would have linked Northern Australia to south east asia in their pygmy form. I guess most of the Melanesian people of southesat asia are Pygmy because it is almost all jungle.

so then did the saltwater Melanesian people who are usually quite big evolve from the jungle Pygmies or did the jungle Pygmies evolve from the strong, tall saltwater people?

Thomas Welsby was a white man who lived on Stradbroke Island in the early days of white incursion on Nunukul lands and he states in his writings that the average native man of Stradbroke Island was over 6 foot and the average white man of the time was under 6 foot. He said that no white man would be any match in any form of mortal combat, other than that of the gun, with any Stradbroke Islander.

I have now met at least ten Jupukai people [from Kuranda's jungle or rainforests] who have moved to Stradbroke Island and 90% of the women i have met from Kuranda have been very short. I haven't met many Jupukai men as the family that moved into our neighbourhood comprised only of duaghters [and one son who has a saltwater father from Stradbroke island who is quite tall]. Obviously the jungle people and the saltwater people are very different in appearance but i believe both are Melanesian and of the same 'sub group'.

sometimes i wonder if there is any point in talking about racial differences because of the piont i raised via an elder about 'race' as a new topic but i think that from a historical perspective these discusions about the origins of various 'races' are extremely important.

i reckon all the anthropologists out there should be very carefull about using the term 'Race' as if it distinguishes people, when the only thing that separates say Europeans from Africans or Melanesians is that they have developed different environmental adaptations. To me there is no such thing as race however for this discussion board i will engage in the 'race' notion to save confusion.,723

Posted by Marc Washington (Member # 10979) on :

Rasol. An astute man of honor and integrity.


Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
You know nothing about anthropology. Current physical anthropological research makes it clear there are craniometric difference between

- Australoids /Australians representatives of the OOA population,

- Mongoloids

- and Melanoids

-> rasol writes:

^ Name the current anthropologist who relates the above garbage.

Melanoid means 'black'. There is no such thing in anthropology as a 'melanoid' 'race' of certain blacks:

To which Winters responds:



Use of term: Melanoid

Melanoid-- Of or related to melanin; black-pigmented. 2. Of or affected with melanosis; melanin is a dark brown coloring found in the body, especially in the skin and hair. Produced by special skin cells that are sensitive to sunlight, melanin protects the body by absorbing ultraviolet radiation from the sun.

^ This is correct, and thus refers to darkly pigmented person.

Then Winters writes:

Does NOT refer to a certain race of people!!

^ This is exactly what I am trying to explain to you.

If you understand this, then you admit there is no basis for dividing....
-> Australoid, from
-> Melanoid.

Certainly you cannot do so based on crania, as 'melanoid' is *not* a reference to crania.

Doug is correct.

You aren't making any sense.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
rasol wrote:
You just make up terms to make your dumb ideas sound [to you], less dumb.

And let me save you time, in terms of your usual big bags of wind repponses that address nothing:

I only asked for the name of a current anthropoloigst who supports your rubbish.

Don't make us wait, faker.

Names please....


Then your claim is a lie.

^ And we are still waiting.

According to you - 3 populations advocated by anthropologists....

"Australoid" and...

^ Name of anthropologist source:

Winters replies: "'no name, no name, no name..blah blah blah, 'no name'"

What will you do now, post more bibilographic spam?

Again, name the anthropologist who advocates your garbage.

Just a name is all that is required, but you fail to provide one.

Why is that?
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
Winters responds to Doug: You attempt to make it appear that anthropologists claim the earliest skeletal remains found in the Americas such as Luzia are definitely Australian.
^ Actually the point that Neves is making is that the original populations of America look like Aboriginal populations of Southern Asia and Australia.

It's possible that they migrated up the coast of East Asia and down the coast of North America.

It's also possible that the made it by Sea from Oceania to South America.

Either way, it doesn't make them African, any more than Swedes or Chinese would be African.
Posted by Marc Washington (Member # 10979) on :


[rASHOL writes] Dr. Winters, your discourse may be suitable for confusing the likes of Marc Washington, but to any serious scholar, it
consists of and utterly broken logic.[/b]

[Marc writes] Utterly broken logic? Yeah. Right.



Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
This is not true Neves made it clear that the anatomy of her skull and teeth - including a narrow, oval cranium, projecting face and pronounced chin - likens Luzia to Africans and Australasians.
^ Another silly strawman argument.

Please specify the following.

- In what way does Neves -disagree- with Doug?

- And [and this will be the fun part, because you will _never_ answer], on what point does Neves *agree with you*??
Posted by Ta Setis revenge (Member # 15713) on :
Originally posted by prmiddleeastern:
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
They are Americans. They are both Black and Indian, because Indian is the name Europeans gave to the natives of America. They were probably descendants of the first Black who settled America 30kya

Therefore, they aren't native Americans, but Africans, now you are using european concepts because they suit you, isn't it?
It is very plausible that the Africans did settle in the so called Americas...
So what would be the problem to say that they were Africans?... If Mr. Winters was suggesting that it should be called AFRICA, then you would have a point... But you willing and ready to state CLEARLY ASIA aren't you?....,

So in other words... If it's not proper anymore to state that the indigenous were white, then why should we call them Black?... Is that your arguement?...,

You supposed geniuses were calling the people Amerindians....,

First off, America got it's name from Amerigo Vaspucci..., Is that not right?...
So how in the hell can you argue the name Amerasian to began with.... Your premise in reality is lost from there!...

And while we are at the subject that you brought up.. I am one of those who believe STRONGELY that a black rise is coming...,

Obama is just the beginning....,
Forget about what lineage he percieves....,
IMAGE is everything especially to a RACIST!...
If Obama was in Algeria...

Posted by Marc Washington (Member # 10979) on :

[rASHOL writes] Dr. Winters, your discourse may be suitable for confusing the likes of Marc Washington, but to any serious scholar, it
consists of and utterly broken logic.

[Marc writes] You are talking about someone’s logic when you stuggle even to spell properly?



Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
It is very plausible that the Africans did settle in the so called Americas...
So what would be the problem to say that they were Africans?... If Mr. Winters was suggesting that it should be called AFRICA, then you would have a point... But you willing and ready to state CLEARLY ASIA aren't you?....,

^ All human beings originate in Africa.

This means humans as a species are African.

Non Africans by definition are the descendants of the Out of Africa migrants who went on to settle Eurasia and Oceania, Australia and the Americas.

This is not a 'species' distinction, but only an ethnic one, defined in terms of geography.

These people are Natives of the above regions and by definition are therefore not Africans.

If you insist on calling Native Americans - Africans - then - by the same warped logic - you would have to call Europeans - Germans, Swedes, all of them... African too.

Winters knows this, he just specialises in targeting foolish people like Marc Washington with his distorted racist pseudo-theories.

I'm sorry, but Winters is a charleton.

This is why when asked for a single name of a scholar who supports his nonsense, he can't provide...even one.

Be his fool if you want....your choice.
Posted by Marc Washington (Member # 10979) on :

[rASHOL writes] Dr. Winters, your discourse may be suitable for confusing the likes of Marc Washington, but to any serious scholar, it consists of and utterly broken logic.

[Marc writes] You are talking about serious scholarship? Give me a break.



Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Originally posted by rasol:
It is very plausible that the Africans did settle in the so called Americas...
So what would be the problem to say that they were Africans?... If Mr. Winters was suggesting that it should be called AFRICA, then you would have a point... But you willing and ready to state CLEARLY ASIA aren't you?....,

^ All human beings originate in Africa.

This means humans as a species are African.

Non Africans by definition are the descendants of the Out of Africa migrants who went on to settle Eurasia and Oceania, Australia and the Americas.

This is not a 'species' distinction, but only an ethnic one, defined in terms of geography.

These people are Natives of the above regions and by definition are therefore not Africans.

If you insist on calling Native Americans - Africans - then - by the same warped logic - you would have to call Europeans - Germans, Swedes, all of them... African too.

Winters knows this, he just specialises in targeting foolish people like Marc Washington with his distorted racist pseudo-theories.

I'm sorry, but Winters is a charleton.

This is why when asked for a single name of a scholar who supports his nonsense, he can't provide...even one.

Be his fool if you want....your choice.

Oceania: A Journal Devoted to the Study of the Native Peoples of Australia ... - Page 69
by Alfred Reginald Radcliffe-Brown, Raymond William Firth, Adolphus Peter Elkin, University of Sydney, Australian National Research Council -
"Both Australoids and " Melanoids " are distinguished by their dark skin, the
difference being that the former have wavy hair, while that of the latter is ..."(p.69)

The Ethnic Studies Story: Politics and Social Movements in Hawaiʻi : Essays ... - Page 117
by Ibrahim G. Aoudé, Marion Kelly, University of Hawaii at Manoa Dept. of Sociology - Social Science - 1999 - 315 pages
"... while blacks (or as they put it "Melanoids") and other darker skinned peoples
excel in such areas as "humor, music, art, ability to live a communal life ..."(p.315)

Posted by meninarmer (Member # 12654) on :
OK, I see.
The paper is reviewing European racist theory where the classic authoring bigot suggests non-melanoids lack melanin, or possess insufficient levels to be of any significance and this somehow led them to reach higher evolutionary gains then those peoples with melanin?

Interesting that this author is basing his theory on Whites "evolving" to lose all melanin.
Sounds much like the recent paper Rasol and KIK posted, although this earlier paper seems to have come out of Nazi Germany. Also, at that point in time, the value of possessing melanin was still unclear and extremely underestimated.

To your point, the author does make it clear he categorizes all MELANINATED people as the same.
Posted by Marc Washington (Member # 10979) on :


Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
Oceania: A Journal Devoted to the Study of the Native Peoples of Australia ... - Page 69
by Alfred Reginald Radcliffe-Brown, Raymond William Firth, Adolphus Peter Elkin, University of Sydney, Australian National Research Council -
"Both Australoids and " Melanoids " are distinguished by their dark skin, the
difference being that the former have wavy hair, while that of the latter is ..."(p.69)

-> 1st: Thank you for providing a source, marginal and outdated [1955] as it may be, as that is more than you usually ever do.

Question: Are you claiming that Melanoid refers to a hair texture, that distinguishes "Melanoids" from Australoids?

Or are you claiming that Australoids are a form of "melanoid" with wavy hair?


Member # 12654

Rate Member posted 28 October, 2008 12:39 PM
OK, I see.
The paper is reviewing European racist theory where the classic authoring bigot suggests non-melanoids lack melanin, or possess insufficient levels to be of any significance and this somehow led them to reach higher evolutionary gains then those peoples with melanin?

^ This is exactly what Winters source is saying.
Posted by meninarmer (Member # 12654) on :
To be honest, this guy does look pretty futuristic.
Posted by Marc Washington (Member # 10979) on :

[rASHOL writes] Dr. Winters, your discourse may be suitable for confusing the likes of Marc Washington, but to any serious scholar, it consists of and utterly broken logic.

[Marc writes] You are talking about confusing discourse (well, you spelled the words correctly) and gloss over the multitudinous conundrums sprouting from your own convoluted mind? What a joke.



Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
^^^^Is Marc 40, or 14? Certainly post as if he is the latter.
Posted by Marc Washington (Member # 10979) on :

Dr. Winters. Great observations and comments you've made. Great pictures. I have a comment.

Your citation follows:

"Oceania: A Journal Devoted to the Study of the Native Peoples of Australia ... - Page 69
by Alfred Reginald Radcliffe-Brown, Raymond William Firth, Adolphus Peter Elkin, University of Sydney, Australian National Research Council -
"Both Australoids and " Melanoids " are distinguished by their dark skin, the
difference being that the former have wavy hair, while that of the latter is ..."(p.69)."

Reading the annals of Captain Cook and even those of the historical Mutiny on the Bounty, both record great floods of white men unloading their genes into the indigenous women of Australia, New Zealand, the South Pacific. This would, I believe, account for the straight hair of the Australoids.

I believe it was from the direction of New Guinea that Australia was populated and in New Guinea, the hair is more often than not woolly. But, New Guinea had less white influx than did Australia and New Zealand.

It would seem that the lesser influx of whites into New Guinea would result in the hair remaining woolly as their forebears in Africa; and that their descendents would have straight hair as the original woolly-haired population experienced so much gene-flow from the horny guys from Europe.

This would seem to account, too, for ancient accounts of the African and Indian races being the same save the African had woolly hair and the Indian more straight. But, it was in India during the time of the closing days of Mohen-jo Daro that (I believe) Aryans from the Steppes poured like a mighty flood into India mixing white genes with original African ones - the result being initially African woolly hair turning straight.

I don't know what all the fuss is about who is white, who is Asian, and who is what is.

Tony Blair and Arnold Schwarzenegger are ___.

Connie Chang of NBC and Bruce Lee are ___.

Nelson Mandela and Wesley Snipes are ___.

Everyone would give, respectively, the answers white, Mongul / Asian, black / African.

These being the three main races and those of Southeast Asia and North America being mixtures of the main races - so sub-races.

I don't know what all the fuss is about with people trying to say Africans aren't Africans. Tony Blair isn't and nor is Connie Chang. Africans have full features as the people of Australia, Africa, and much of New Guinea do. Geographically they are not all African but if we define African by phenotype, they are all African.

I don't know why people are running around having babies trying to say that Melanesians aren't African.

I've enjoyed the rigor of your analysis in this thread. I look forward to learning more.

Kind thanks,


Posted by Marc Washington (Member # 10979) on :

And, Key, what's your IQ?


Posted by Marc Washington (Member # 10979) on :


[On 10/12, Pmideast wrote] what I am getting from this thread is …
[On 10/12, Key replied] Apparently to the ignorant jackasses on this thread, yes this would be true.
[On 10/28, Key asked] Is Marc 40, or 14? Certainly post as if he is the latter.

[That is why above and here my question …] And what is your IQ?


Posted by prmiddleeastern (Member # 14038) on :
Originally posted by rasol:
It is very plausible that the Africans did settle in the so called Americas...
So what would be the problem to say that they were Africans?... If Mr. Winters was suggesting that it should be called AFRICA, then you would have a point... But you willing and ready to state CLEARLY ASIA aren't you?....,

^ All human beings originate in Africa.

This means humans as a species are African.

Non Africans by definition are the descendants of the Out of Africa migrants who went on to settle Eurasia and Oceania, Australia and the Americas.

This is not a 'species' distinction, but only an ethnic one, defined in terms of geography.

These people are Natives of the above regions and by definition are therefore not Africans.

If you insist on calling Native Americans - Africans - then - by the same warped logic - you would have to call Europeans - Germans, Swedes, all of them... African too.

Winters knows this, he just specialises in targeting foolish people like Marc Washington with his distorted racist pseudo-theories.

I'm sorry, but Winters is a charleton.

This is why when asked for a single name of a scholar who supports his nonsense, he can't provide...even one.

Be his fool if you want....your choice.

Well said.
Posted by Marc Washington (Member # 10979) on :

PMideast. You are wrong.

Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
Originally posted by rasol:
The white Americans come from Europe so we call them Europeans.
^ Interesting as it implies you admit they are descendant of the aboriginal populations of Europe.... but.... no, we already know you claim the original European population was... African.

So, again, the ethnocentrism that drives your ideology, also cripples it, and renders it incoherent, and self defeating.

The Venus Figures represent the first Europeans. They are representative of the San people and are therefore Africans.

This is a bushman or San.




As I mentioned earlier the Bushman created much of the early civilization of Eurasia. They left us numerous figurines showing their type.

Venus Figurines


The Bushman continue to carry this ancient form.


. [/QB][/QUOTE]

^^^Lmao, I just noticed the pics of the females pictured with Steatopygea, are actually Andaman Islanders, and are not Khoisan. Clyde That wasn't very smart.

Clyde, Steatopygea as you can see, is also found amongst the Andamans, Southeast Asians. See Clyde you propose all of this, but fail to realize original OOA populations represented by Australo-Melanesians, Andaman Islanders, New Guinea etc... Do not possess post OOA African lineages, in concordance with your theories. These groups carry pristine OOA non-African lineages Clyde.


Note above the genetic distance between Africans and populations carrying pristine OOA lineages, Oceanic populations.

I've already posted anthropological evidence which puts European UP humans, most closely resembling Oceanic's, and being quite distinct from Khoisan. Yet you don't address the anthropology, nor do you stop your nonsense of Africans migrating directly from Africa into Europe, which did not happen, Clyde.
Posted by prmiddleeastern (Member # 14038) on :
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
This is a bushman or San.




Venus Figurines



Yes, they look alike because they are both paleolithic individuals.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
You attempt to make it appear that anthropologists claim the earliest skeletal remains found in the Americas such as Luzia are definitely Australian. This is not true Neves made it clear that the anatomy of her skull and teeth - including a narrow, oval cranium, projecting face and pronounced chin - likens Luzia to Africans and Australasians.
Clyde, here is what Neves proposes, deal with it. Posted by me for the hundredth time.

The oldest Americans' Negroid traits are not very specialized, making a direct immigration from Africa or Australia unlikely. Therefore, **Neves**(the head proponent for Australia/African like populations reaching America) believes that the America's more than 12,000 years ago did not necessarily occur by sea: "The traditional path across the Bering Strait is still the most plausible explanation for the entry of this non-Mongoloid population into the New World, if we assume that it was present in Northern Asia at the end of the Pleistocene." And indeed, Japan's aborigines, of whom a few still live in Hokkaido and on the Kurile Islands, display some Australian traits, such as round eye sockets and abundant body hair. A genetic comparison might solve the mystery...

''We know that today's Amerindians have ***four main groups***,'' said Dr. Pena, who found a genetic marker common to 17 different widely dispersed Indian groups across the Americans in the course of an earlier project. ''What would constitute molecular proof of ***Walter's (NEVES)*** hypothesis is to find ***DNA sequences COMPLETELY **different** from those ***four groups***.''

Dr. Meltzer said: ''This is clearly the way to resolve the issue. The skull is intriguing morphological evidence, but in order to really nail down this issue of affinity, you need evidence, and ***DNA*** is the way to go.''

Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
[qb] [QUOTE] Most native American populations are descended from people like Australian Aborigines Clyde.

Actually, like all modern humans, **ALL** Native Americans are descended from Australian like populations, this is the point Clyde doesn't understand. Clyde thinks all non Africans who don't look African are a result of space aliens, or some crazy deranged theory like Meninarmer or Marc.


As to the similarities with Africans, the best way to explain it in terms of historical connections, is to assume that the **Asian** ancestral population that gave rise to the **Australians** and to the **first Americans** had its ultimate origins in the **African continent**, as it is in fact the case with **ALL*** modern humans (Stringer and Andrews, 1988; Stringer and McKie, 1996; Lahr, 1994, 1996), ***but which retained a very generalized morphology.*** In accordance with Lahr (1996), the Australians are in fact the contemporary aboriginal population that retained the most primitive morphology when compared to the first modern humans. As she stressed "Groups like [...] Australo-Melanesians are all examples of relatively early diversifications without great amounts of gene flow from other groups..." (Lahr, 1996, p.335).
Clyde you do understand that you didn't address the above, or discuss your claim of A2 and B2 being African in origin, carried by Khoisan and Pygmies respectively. Obviously you were confused -as always- about these genetic markers, which is why you made a delirious conclusion, based on your confusion of Mtdna and Y-dna. I hope you'll understand one day....

I understand this perfectly. You are the one who pretends to be blind to the facts.

Nope, not an answer to your claim of A2 and B2 being African in origin, carried by Khoisan and Pygmies respectively. Obviously you were confused -as always- about these genetic markers, which is why you made a delirious conclusion, based on your confusion of Mtdna and Y-dna. I hope you'll understand one day....
Posted by Marc Washington (Member # 10979) on :

Science shows proto-San as Europe’s earliest population and the East African population that travelled to Southeast Asia and Australia

Our ancestors (the australopithecines @ 3.4 mya), diverged from the chimpanzee but, the prehuman males remained close to the chimpanzee in one unique respect. The male chimpanzee has A (adenosine) at the M42 site.[a] Of 900 men tested worldwide, the only men who have A (adenosine) at the M42 site as chimpanzees do were 15% of the Khoisan and some few others.

Proto-san as Europe’s early population Science writes (see left page below map) that Europe’s early population was these toolmaking Australopithcines and the ancestors of these people from 90,000 years ago started migrating to Australia where they reached it by 60,000 years ago.

[a] Peter Underhill, et. al., Y chromosome sequence variation and the history of human populations, Nature Genetics, 26, issue of 26 November 2000; (2) Ann Gibbons, Y chromosome shows that Adam was an African, Science, 278:5339, pp. 804 – 805, Issue of 31 Oct 1997.

Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
^^^^Lol Marc, you make some of the most outrageous claims, your boy Clyde wouldn't even agree with you on.

As Clyde admits populations reached Australia, Southeast Asia and Oceanic islands alike. As there is also no evidence of modern humans in Europe until 40-45kya. When modern humans were to reach Europe, they still resembled these above mentioned populations, who are very well representative of OOA populations.
Posted by prmiddleeastern (Member # 14038) on :
Originally posted by Marc Washington:

Science shows proto-San as Europe’s earliest population and the East African population that travelled to Southeast Asia and Australia

Our ancestors (the australopithecines @ 3.4 mya), diverged from the chimpanzee but, the prehuman males remained close to the chimpanzee in one unique respect. The male chimpanzee has A (adenosine) at the M42 site.[a] Of 900 men tested worldwide, the only men who have A (adenosine) at the M42 site as chimpanzees do were 15% of the Khoisan and some few others.

Proto-san as Europe’s early population Science writes (see left page below map) that Europe’s early population was these toolmaking Australopithcines and the ancestors of these people from 90,000 years ago started migrating to Australia where they reached it by 60,000 years ago.

[a] Peter Underhill, et. al., Y chromosome sequence variation and the history of human populations, Nature Genetics, 26, issue of 26 November 2000; (2) Ann Gibbons, Y chromosome shows that Adam was an African, Science, 278:5339, pp. 804 – 805, Issue of 31 Oct 1997.


Early europeans were Paleolithic people as the Sanid, so it is not illogical that they share the same body form, becuase they were both paleolithic individuals, but that doesn't mean Cro-magnons were "Proto-San"that is erroneous,Humans began changing body shape on the neolithic.
Posted by Ta Setis revenge (Member # 15713) on :
Originally posted by rasol:
It is very plausible that the Africans did settle in the so called Americas...
So what would be the problem to say that they were Africans?... If Mr. Winters was suggesting that it should be called AFRICA, then you would have a point... But you willing and ready to state CLEARLY ASIA aren't you?....,

^ All human beings originate in Africa.

This means humans as a species are African.

Non Africans by definition are the descendants of the Out of Africa migrants who went on to settle Eurasia and Oceania, Australia and the Americas.

This is not a 'species' distinction, but only an ethnic one, defined in terms of geography.

These people are Natives of the above regions and by definition are therefore not Africans.

If you insist on calling Native Americans - Africans - then - by the same warped logic - you would have to call Europeans - Germans, Swedes, all of them... African too.

Winters knows this, he just specialises in targeting foolish people like Marc Washington with his distorted racist pseudo-theories.

I'm sorry, but Winters is a charleton.

This is why when asked for a single name of a scholar who supports his nonsense, he can't provide...even one.

Be his fool if you want....your choice.

Rasol, I have to admit that you have an extremely good point..., It is with no falseness by anyone including Mr. Winters and Washington that their premise was in Ethnicity!...

We would ALL have to start all over again...,
But to put things in real persceptive..
All this back and forth stems from Racist connotations of what ethnicity was in control in the past when regarding ALL civilizations of historical significants was made to appear European!

But I can see your point of view holding it's ground because where then does it end and truly bagin?...,

Eurocentrism did a job on the world!...
That's my view....
Other than that... I am learning from you guys...
Like I said before...
I feel as if I have been excepted in WASET University and the HEAD(SKULL) of Constantine is at the ENTERENCE door!...

But I do have one name for you and the others,

Posted by Marc Washington (Member # 10979) on :

PMeast. You wrote, "Early europeans were Paleolithic people as the Sanid..."

I've never heard of the "Sanid." Who or what were they?

Someone wrote, "Non Africans by definition are the descendants of the Out of Africa migrants who went on to settle Eurasia and Oceania, Australia and the Americas."

What race is Jay Leno?

What race is Mao Tse Tung?

What race is Michael Jordan?

We define these people by the way they look and the big nose, big lip people are African. Not geographically but morphologically so the person who wrote "Non Africans by definition are the descendants of the Out of Africa migrants who went on to settle Eurasia and Oceania, Australia and the Americas."

is wrong. Those people in Eurasia, Oceania, Australia, and the Americas who resemble Michael Jordan (more than they resemble Tony Blair or Mao Tse Tung) are African by phenotype.

Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
^^^^Lol Marc, you make some of the most outrageous claims, your boy Clyde wouldn't even agree with you on.

As Clyde admits populations reached Australia, Southeast Asia and Oceanic islands alike. As there is also no evidence of modern humans in Europe until 40-45kya. When modern humans were to reach Europe, they still resembled these above mentioned populations, who are very well representative of OOA populations.

You claim there was more than one OOA population. Please cite your sources for this conclusion.

Posted by Doug M (Member # 7650) on :
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
^^^^Lol Marc, you make some of the most outrageous claims, your boy Clyde wouldn't even agree with you on.

As Clyde admits populations reached Australia, Southeast Asia and Oceanic islands alike. As there is also no evidence of modern humans in Europe until 40-45kya. When modern humans were to reach Europe, they still resembled these above mentioned populations, who are very well representative of OOA populations.

You claim there was more than one OOA population. Please cite your sources for this conclusion.


Actually YOU posted that Clyde, with no citations and thus is the BASIS of your argument.
Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
Here is the evidence.

If you could not cross the Beringa until 14kya and all the skeletons of ancient inhabitants are found near the Atlantic coastline the people had to have come from Africa given the fact the carniometrics indicate that they were of the African variety, and ice blocked any possible movement of people from the Pacific to Argintina and Chile where some of the evidence of early man has been found.

The first Americans did not cross the Bearing Straits to enter the Americas.The earliest sites for Negroes date between 20,000 and 40000 years ago Old Crow Basin Canada(38,000BC) Pedra Furada (45,000BC) Brazil. These people were pygmies and bushman types according to Dr. Dixon, & Dr. Marquez(p.179).

Chile: Monteverde (12,500 years), Tierra del Fuego, Cueva de Fell, Tres Arroyos and some other places.

There are older ones in the Argentinian Patagonia.


—Patagonia was the world's last place to be colonized by humans. In Arica there have been found remains of 9,000 years; the same in a place at the High Aconcagua and Huentelauquén. In Chile we have more than half of the continent's most ancient human skeletons, all well dated and documented.

In addition


Archaeologists believe they have discovered a 13,600-year-old human skeleton deep in a Caribbean underwater cave, making it the oldest ever found in the Americas. The discovery could have profound effects on theories of how humans first reached North America.

The female skeleton, called Eve of Naharon, was found with three other human skeletons in underwater caves along the coast of the Yucatan Peninsula. Excavation of a fourth skeleton – possibly even older than Eve – begins this month in a nearby cave.

The three other skeletons found with Eve have been radiocarbon-dated from 11,000 to 14,000 years ago.

All were found in underwater caves about 50 feet below the surface. At the time Eve and the others would have lived there, the sea level was about 200 feet lower, and the Yucatan Peninsula was a dry prairie. Melting of the polar ice caps 9,000 years ago submerged the burial ground and the subsequent growth of stalactites and stalagmites kept the skeletons from being washed out to sea.

In 1959 archaeologists found the Penon woman skeleton at Mexico City.

[/b] Penon Woman[/b]

Penon woman has been characterized as a Negro and is physically different from Native Americans. The Penon skeleton has been dated between 12,500-15,000BP. The skull of Penon woman is dolichocephalic like most Negroes, not brachysephalic (short and braod) like modern Native Americans. She is related to the Fuegians of Parana Argentina and the Luizia population of Brazil.

Here we have a comparison of ancient skulls found in the Americas.

[IMG] [/IMG]

In the picture above we have three ancient American skulls. They are a) Penon woman (12.755 Ka), b) Texcal Man (9.5ka) and c) Pericue Indian (18th Century). If you look notice Pericue man shows broad features characteristic of the mongoloid type, while both Penon and Texcul do not.

Some researchers claim that these skeletons are of Australian or Melanesian Blacks. This is highly unlikely given the fact that that have been found near the Atlantic Ocean and suggestive of a migration from Africa to Mexico, like the migration of the Olmec 11,000 years later. This view is supported by the discovery of the so-called Eva Neharon skeleton (c.13,600 ) dating to around the same period found in the Caribbean.

By 11,500 we see the appearence tall Negroes from Africa in Colombia, Venezuela and Brazil e.g.,Luiza. Negroes settled America both from the Bearing & South America. Cite an archaeological site where Amerind skeletons have been found prior to the Negro skeletons.


Oldest Skeleton in Americas Found in Underwater Cave?
Eliza Barclay
for National Geographic News

September 3, 2008

Deep inside an underwater cave in Mexico, archaeologists may have discovered the oldest human skeleton ever found in the Americas.

Dubbed Eva de Naharon, or Eve of Naharon, the female skeleton has been dated at 13,600 years old. If that age is accurate, the skeleton—along with three others found in underwater caves along the Caribbean coast of the Yucatán Peninsula—could provide new clues to how the Americas were first populated.

The remains have been excavated over the past four years near the town of Tulum, about 80 miles southwest of Cancún, by a team of scientists led by Arturo González, director of the Desert Museum in Saltillo, Mexico (see map of Mexico).

"We don't now how [the people whose remains were found in the caves] arrived and whether they came from the Atlantic, the jungle, or inside the continent," González said.

"But we believe these finds are the oldest yet to be found in the Americas and may influence our theories of how the first people arrived."

In addition to possibly altering the time line of human settlement in the Americas, the remains may cause experts to rethink where the first Americans came from, González added.

Clues from the skeletons' skulls hint that the people may not be of northern Asian descent, which would contradict the dominant theory of New World settlement. That theory holds that ancient humans first came to North America from northern Asia via a now submerged land bridge across the Bering Sea (see an interactive map of ancient human migration).

"The shape of the skulls has led us to believe that Eva and the others have more of an affinity with people from South Asia than North Asia," González explained.

Concepción Jiménez, director of physical anthropology at Mexico's National Institute of Anthropology and History, has viewed the finds and says they may be Mexico's oldest and most important human remains to date.

"Eva de Naharon has the Paleo-Indian characteristics that make the date seem very plausible," Jiménez said.

Ancient Floods, Giant Animals

The three other skeletons excavated in the caves have been given a date range of 11,000 to 14,000 years ago, based on radiocarbon dating.

Radiocarbon dating measures the age of organic materials based on their content of the radioactive isotope carbon 14.

According to archaeologist David Anderson of the University of Tennessee, however, minerals in seawater can sometimes alter the carbon 14 content of bones, resulting in inaccurate radiocarbon dating results.

The remains were found some 50 feet (15 meters) below sea level in the caves off Tulum. But at the time Eve of Naharon is believed to have lived there, sea levels were 200 feet (60 meters) lower, and the Yucatán Peninsula was a wide, dry prairie.

The polar ice caps melted dramatically 8,000 to 9,000 years ago, causing sea levels to rise hundreds of feet and submerging the burial grounds of the skeletons. Stalactites and stalagmites then grew around the remains, preventing them from being washed out to sea.

González has also found remains of elephants, giant sloths, and other ancient fauna in the caves.

(Learn more about how caves form.)

Human Migration Theories

If González's finds do stand up to scientific scrutiny, they will raise many interesting new questions about how the Americas were first peopled.

Many researchers once believed humans entered the New World from Asia as a single group crossing over the Bering Land Bridge no earlier than 13,500 years ago. But that theory is lately being debunked.

Remains found in Monte Verde, Chile, in 1997, for example, point to the presence of people in the Americas at least 12,500 years ago, long before migration would have been possible through the ice-covered Arctic reaches of North America.

(Related: "Clovis People Not First Americans, Study Shows" [February 23, 2007].)

Confirmation of Eve of Naharon's age could further revolutionize the thinking about the settlement of the Americas.

This September, González will begin excavating the fourth skeleton, known as Chan hol, which he says could be even older than Eve.

The Chan hol remains include more than ten teeth, which will allow researchers to date the specimen and gather information about Chan hol's diet.

"When we learn more about the [Mexican finds] we'll be able to better evaluate them," said Carlos Lorenzo, a researcher at the Universitat Rovira i Virgili in Tarragona, Spain, an expert on the subject who was not involved in the current study.

"But in any case, if it's confirmed that Eva de Naharon is 13,000 years old, it will be a fantastic and extraordinary finding for understanding the first settlers of America."

González said he and his team hope to publish the full results of their analysis after the excavation of the fourth skeleton.

"We're not yet in the phase of research of determining how they arrived," he said. "But when we have more evidence we may be able to determine that."


USA 28,000-25,000 14C y.a.
This vegetation map showing the eastern USA during the period 28,000-25,000 14C y.a. has been compiled by Paul & Hazel Delcourt. An ice sheet already covered most of Canada and extended south of the Great Lakes. Boreal conifer woodlands and forests predominated in what is now the cool temperate forest zone, and the cool and warm temperate forest belts were compressed southwards.

The last ice age in North America lasted between 110,000 and 17,000BP. The ice-free corridor on the eastern flank of the Rockies did not open before 13,000 years ago. Africans were in the Americas long before the end of the last Ice Age when the “Siberians”, who also were more than likely Africans began to cross the Bearing Straits. By 12,500 BC Africans were already living in Chile.

Stop trying to steal the heritage of the Black people like the Olmecs, who represent the Mother Culture of Mexico.

Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
[qb] [QUOTE]Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
[qb] [QUOTE] Most native American populations are descended from people like Australian Aborigines Clyde.

Actually, like all modern humans, **ALL** Native Americans are descended from Australian like populations, this is the point Clyde doesn't understand. Clyde thinks all non Africans who don't look African are a result of space aliens, or some crazy deranged theory like Meninarmer or Marc.


As to the similarities with Africans, the best way to explain it in terms of historical connections, is to assume that the **Asian** ancestral population that gave rise to the **Australians** and to the **first Americans** had its ultimate origins in the **African continent**, as it is in fact the case with **ALL*** modern humans (Stringer and Andrews, 1988; Stringer and McKie, 1996; Lahr, 1994, 1996), ***but which retained a very generalized morphology.*** In accordance with Lahr (1996), the Australians are in fact the contemporary aboriginal population that retained the most primitive morphology when compared to the first modern humans. As she stressed "Groups like [...] Australo-Melanesians are all examples of relatively early diversifications without great amounts of gene flow from other groups..." (Lahr, 1996, p.335).
Clyde you do understand that you didn't address the above, or discuss your claim of A2 and B2 being African in origin, carried by Khoisan and Pygmies respectively. Obviously you were confused -as always- about these genetic markers, which is why you made a delirious conclusion, based on your confusion of Mtdna and Y-dna. I hope you'll understand one day....

I understand this perfectly. You are the one who pretends to be blind to the facts.

In many cases you will find that Coconuts who have a psychosis brought on by white supremacy suffer from “knowledge blindness”. Knowledge bindness can be defined as the feeling that anything said by another AA is wrong because it was not said first by a European.

I will give you an example. Above I discuss the fact that the Fuegians carry the same STRs as Africans based on the research literature as evidence I provide two citations.

Citation One (1)


Titre du document / Document title
Early population differentiation in extinct aborigines from Tierra del Fuego-Patagonia: Ancient mtDNA sequences and Y-chromosome STR characterization = Différentiation des populations anciennes chez les aborigènes éteints de la Patagonie-Terre de Feu : Séquences d'ADNmt et caractérisation STR du chromosome Y
Auteur(s) / Author(s)
GARCIA-BOUR Jaume (1) ; PEREZ-PEREZ Alejandro (1) ; ALVAREZ Sara (1) ; FERNANDEZ Eva (1) ; LOPEZ-PARRA Ana Maria (1 2) ; ARROYO-PARDO Eduardo (1 2) ; TURBON Daniel (1) ;
Affiliation(s) du ou des auteurs / Author(s) Affiliation(s)
(1) Secció d'Antropologia, Departament de Biologia Animal, Universitat de Barcelona, 08028 Barcelona, ESPAGNE
(2) Laboratorio de Biologia Forense, Departamento de Toxicología y Legislación Sanitaria, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Complutense, 28040 Madrid, ESPAGNE
Résumé / Abstract
Ancient mtDNA was succesfully recovered from 24 skeletal samples of a total of 60 ancient individuals from Patagonia-Tierra del Fuego, dated to 100-400 years BP, for which consistent amplifications and two-strand sequences were obtained. Y-chromosome STRs (DYS434, DYS437, DYS439, DYS393, DYS391, DYS390, DYS19, DYS389I, DYS389II, and DYS388) and the biallelic system DYS199 were also amplified, Y-STR alleles could be characterized in nine cases, with an average of 4.1 loci per sample correctly typed. In two samples of the same ethnic group (Aonikenk), an identical and complete eight-loci haplotype was recovered. The DYS199 biallelic system was used as a control of contamination by modern DNA and, along with DYS19, as a marker of American origin. The analysis of both mtDNA and Y-STRs revealed DNA from Amerindian ancestry. The observed polymorphisms are consistent with the hypothesis that the ancient Fuegians are close to populations from south-central Chile and Argentina, but their high nucleotide diversity and the frequency of single lineages strongly support early genetic differentiation of the Fuegians through combined processes of population bottleneck, isolation, and/or migration, followed by strong genetic drift. This suggests an early genetic diversification of the Fuegians right after their arrival at the southernmost extreme of South America.
Revue / Journal Title
American journal of physical anthropology ISSN 0002-9483
Source / Source
2004, vol. 123, no4, pp. 361-370 [10 page(s) (article)] (47 ref.)

Here Garcia Bour et al note that: Fuegian Y-chromosomes STRs include “Y-chromosome STRs (DYS434, DYS437, DYS439, DYS393, DYS391, DYS390, DYS19, DYS389I, DYS389II, and DYS388)

Citation Two (2)


Diversity of Y-STR haplotypes of chromosomes belonging to hgA1 and within the R surname. (a) Relationships of Y-STR haplotypes within hgA1. Weighted median joining network containing the 10-locus Y-STR haplotypes (DYS19, DYS390, DYS391, DYS392, DYS393, DYS437, DYS438, DYS439, DYS389I, DYS389II-I) of eleven hgA1 chromosomes. Circles represent haplotypes, with area proportional to frequency and colored according to population.

European Journal of Human Genetics (2007) 15, 288–293. doi:10.1038/sj.ejhg.5201771; published online 24 January 2007
Africans in Yorkshire? The deepest-rooting clade of the Y phylogeny within an English genealogy
Turi E King1


In this paper, King et al make it clear that the “Y-STR haplotypes (DYS19, DYS390, DYS391, DYS392, DYS393, DYS437, DYS438, DYS439, DYS389I, DYS389II-I) of eleven hgA1 chromosomes.[/b] “ belong to hg A1.

Note that Garcia Bour et al maintains Fuegians carry these STRs

DYS434, DYS437, DYS439, DYS393, DYS391, DYS390, DYS19, DYS389I, DYS389II, and DYS388

King et al observed that the principal STRs in haplogroup A1 are:


DYS19, DYS390, DYS391, DYS392, DYS393, DYS437, DYS438, DYS439, DYS389I, DYS389II-I

You don’t have to be brain scientist to recognize that concordance exist between the two sets of STRs.

It stands to reason that if the Fuegians carry Y-STRs associated with haplogroup A1 which is an African haplogroup, the Fuegians have direct African ancestry.

This led me to reach the following conclusion based on the evidence:


Researchers have been able to recover mtDNA samples from 24 out of 60 ancient skeletons from Tierra del Fuego dating to 100-400BP. The y chromosome STRs were DYS434,DYS437,DYS 439, DYS 393, DYS391,DYS390,DYS19, DYS 389I, DYS389II and DYS 388 (see: Garcia-Bour et al below). Except for DYS390 and DYS388 are characteristic of haplogroup A1 (see: King et al, below). A1 is recognized as an African haplogroup. This genetic data make it clear that Negro Fuegians were living in Fuego, 9000 years after Neves believed they had been replaced by mongoloid folk.

The fact that KIK and rasol, individuals who we can assume have normal intelligence could not see the relationship between the Y-chromosomes in these populations makes it clear that they must be a victim of “Knowledge blindness”. A psychosis resulting from their acceptance of their own inferiority and white supremist ideas.

Coconuts. Stop trying to steal the heritage of the First African Americans.

Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Originally posted by prmiddleeastern:
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
This is a bushman or San.




Venus Figurines



Yes, they look alike because they are both paleolithic individuals.
I Agree.

Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
No members of the OOA population made their way to the New World.

There is clear evidence that the OOA population settled Asia. But lets not forget that if the OOA population who took the eastern route out of Africa left the Continent around 60kya this would have been during the last Ice Age.

The Ice Age latsed from from 110kya to around 12kya. As a result the OOA populartion would have found it impossible to take a land route to the Americas across Beringa. As a result, your insistence that the OOA population made their way to the Americas does not correlate with the environmental and archaeological evidence.



The ancient Americans looked more like the Khoisan then Australians, because they came from Africa not Asia.



Stop attempting to make it appear that anthropologists claim the earliest skeletal remains found in the Americas such as Luzia are definitely Australian. This is not true Neves made it clear that the anatomy of her skull and teeth - including a narrow, oval cranium, projecting face and pronounced chin - likens Luzia to Africans and Australasians.

Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
You know nothing about anthropology. Current physical anthropological research makes it clear there are craniometric difference between Australoids /Australians representatives of the OOA population, Mongoloids and Melanoids; craniometric differences that indicate two migrations of the Black Variety into the Pacific and East Asia.

Tsuenehiko Hanihare discussed the phenotypic variations between these populations(1). Tsuenehiko classified these people into three major populations Southeast Asian Mongoloids (Polynesians), the Australians or Austroloid type and the Nicobar and Andaman (Melanoid) samples which he found lie between the predominately Southeast Asian and Australoid/Australian type (1).

The Australian aborigines and Melanesians show cranonical variates and represent two distinct Black populations(2). The Australoids or Australians live mainly in Australia and the highland regions of Oceania, the Melanoid people on the otherhand live in the coastal regions of Near Oceania and Fiji. D.J de Laubenfels discussed the variety of Blacks found in Asia. Laubenfiels explained that Negroids/Melanoids such as the Tasmanians are characterized by wooly black hair and sparse body hair (2). Australoids or Australians on the otherhand have curly, wavy or straight hair and abundant body hair. Other differences between these Black populations include Negroid / Melanoid brows being vertical and without eyebrow ridges, whereas Australoid brows are sloping and with prominent ridges (2).

This led M. Pietrusewky to recognize two separate colonizations of the Pacific by morphologically distinct populations one Polynesian and the other Melanesian (3). Pietrusewky’s research indicates a clear separation between the Australian-Melanesian crania and the Polynesian crania (3). The findings indicate an origin for the Polynesians in Southeast Asia (3-5), and an early Australo-Melanesian presence in East Asia as discussed in the earlier comment.

Laubenfels argues that the Australians are remnants of the original African migration to the region 60kya (2). This view is supported by David Bulbeck who found that the Australian craniometrics are different from the Mongoloid (Polynesian), and Melanoid crania metrics (4). This research indicates that whereas Australian aborigine crania agree with the archaic population of Asia and first group of Africans to exit Africa, they fail to correspond to the Sahulland crania which are distinctly of Southwest Pacific or Melanoid affinity (2,4). This suggests that by the rise of Sahulland there were two distinct Black populations in Asia one Austroloid and the other Melanoid (4).

The Melanesian type does not appear in East Asia (Siberia) until after 5000 BC. This is thousands of years after Luizia and Eva Neharon had existed in Brazil and Mexico respectively.

By the Neolithic the Melanoids or Papuans are associated with millet cultivation at Yangshao and Lougshan according to Pietrusewky’s work (5). Tsang argues that the probable homeland of the Austronesian speakers was the Pearl River delta, here the Melanoid people cultivated millet (6). Sagart believes that there is a Proto-Sino-Tibetan-Austronesian family of languages based on the millet culture the Melanoids introduced to China (7).

The craniometrics make it clear the ancient Americans are not related to the Melanesians.


1. Tsunehiko Hanihare, Interpretation of craniofacial variations and diversification of East and Southeast Asia. In Bioarchaeology of Southeast Asia. (Eds.) Marc Oxenhan and Nancy Tayles (pp.91-111). Cambridge, 2005.

2. D.J. Laubenfels, Australoids, Negroids and Negroes: A suggested explanation for their distinct distributions. Annals Association of Am. Geographers, 58(1), 1968: 42-50.

3. Michael Pietrusewky, A multivariate craniometric study of the prehistoric and modern inhabitants of Southeast Asia, East Asia and surrounding regions:A human kaleidoscope. Cambridge Studies in Biological and Evolutionary Anthropology, No. 43, 2006: 59-90.

4. David Bulbeck, Australian Aboriginal craniometrics as construed through FORDISC, 2005. Retrieved: 4/2/2008:

5. M. Pietrusewsky, The Physical anthropology of the Pacific, East Asia: A multivariate craniometric analysis. . In L. Sagart, R. Blench, A. Sanchez-Mazos (Eds), The peopling of East Asia Putting together Archaeology,Linguistics and Genetics (pp.201-229). RutledgeCurzon, 2005.

6. Tsang Cheng-Hwa, Recent discoveries at Tapenkeng culture sites in Taiwan;Implications for the problem of Austronesian origins. In The peopling of East Asia Putting together Archaeology, Linguistics and Genetics ,(Eds) L. Sagart, R. Blench, A. Sanchez-Mazos (pp.63-74). RutledgeCurzon, 2005.

7. L. Sagart, Sino-Tibetan-Austronesian an Updated and improved argument. In L. Sagart, R. Blench, A. Sanchez-Mazos (Eds), The peopling of East Asia Putting together Archaeology, Linguistics and Genetics (pp.161-176). RutledgeCurzon, 2005.

These papers are all written within the past 2-3 years and highlight the fact you know nothing about contemporary anthropology and the peopling of Asia.

Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :

Let's look at the facts:

1) the Australians represent the OOA population that settled Asia

2) during the OOA event much of Siberia and North America was under ice from 110,000 - 10,000BC. As a result there was no way Siberians could cross Beringa before the end of the ice age

3) Ice even separated much of South America east to west


4) the first Americans appear in Brazil, Chile and Argintina Latin America around 30,000 BC

5)using craniometric evidence it is clear that the first Americans look like Africans not modern Asian Native Americans

6) using craniometrics I have pointed out that Asia was dominated by the Australian population until the rise of Suhulland when the Melanesian people appear in the area, at this time the Beringa was still under Ice

7) I pointed out that the Melanesian type reach East Asian mainland by 5000 BC, long after Africans had settled Latin America

8) between 15,000-12,000 we see numerous African populations in Mexico and Brazil; and skeletons dating to this period have even been found off the Yucatan coast in the Caribbean

9) these first Americans did not look like the Australians or modern Amerinds

10) iconography of PreClassic people like the Cherla, Ocos and other groups is of Negroes not Amerinds like the Maya

11) Amerind groups not associated with African slaves carry African genes

12) Maya carried African y chromosome

13) Chontal Mayan speakers were classified as Negroes by Quatrefages. This may explain why the Maya carry African genes

14)Negrocostachicanos claim that they have never been slaves and are indigenous to Guererro and Oaxaca on the Pacific coast

15) The Dufuna boat makes it clear that Africans probably had the technology to travel to the Americas 15,000 years ago.

16) Fuegians 100-400 BP carried haplogroup A1. Hg A1 is an African haplogroup.

17) Amerinds carry haplogroup N, just like Africans.

18)The y chromosome STRs of the Fuegians include DYS434,DYS437,DYS 439, DYS 393, DYS391,DYS390,DYS19, DYS 389I, DYS389II and DYS 388 (see: Garcia-Bour et al above). Except for DYS390 and DYS388 they are characteristic of haplogroup A1 . A1 is recognized as an African haplogroup.

19)Quatrefages noted numerous African Native American tribes

20)The antiquity of these populations is supported by the ancient iconography found in these countries which are of African Native Americans.

21) Most contemporary populations are descendants of the San people not Australians.

Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
^^^^Lol Marc, you make some of the most outrageous claims, your boy Clyde wouldn't even agree with you on.

As Clyde admits populations reached Australia, Southeast Asia and Oceanic islands alike. As there is also no evidence of modern humans in Europe until 40-45kya. When modern humans were to reach Europe, they still resembled these above mentioned populations, who are very well representative of OOA populations.

You claim there was more than one OOA population. Please cite your sources for this conclusion.


Sorry Clyde, but my point is there was only one population who left Africa represented by OOA, Australians etc... This population became the founding lineages of all non African lineages which is what all people outside of Africa are, non African. Which is what we call OOA. All non Africans possess a sub-set of East African genes.

Your premise is there were multiple migrations OOA. Two specifically, one directly from Africa into Europe, and another from Africa into the Americas, which are both wrong. You're required to provide this evidence.

From Cavalli-Sforza: Genes, Culture, and Human Evolution. Pg 187.

..."In other words, all non-Africans carry M168. Of course, Africans carrying the M168 mutation today are the descendants of the African subpopulation from which the migrants originated.... Thus, the Australian/Eurasian Adam (the ancestor of all non-Africans) was an East African Man."

Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
[qb] [QUOTE] Most native American populations are descended from people like Australian Aborigines Clyde.

Actually, like all modern humans, **ALL** Native Americans are descended from Australian like populations, this is the point Clyde doesn't understand. Clyde thinks all non Africans who don't look African are a result of space aliens, or some crazy deranged theory like Meninarmer or Marc.


As to the similarities with Africans, the best way to explain it in terms of historical connections, is to assume that the **Asian** ancestral population that gave rise to the **Australians** and to the **first Americans** had its ultimate origins in the **African continent**, as it is in fact the case with **ALL*** modern humans (Stringer and Andrews, 1988; Stringer and McKie, 1996; Lahr, 1994, 1996), ***but which retained a very generalized morphology.*** In accordance with Lahr (1996), the Australians are in fact the contemporary aboriginal population that retained the most primitive morphology when compared to the first modern humans. As she stressed "Groups like [...] Australo-Melanesians are all examples of relatively early diversifications without great amounts of gene flow from other groups..." (Lahr, 1996, p.335).
Clyde you do understand that you didn't address the above, or discuss your claim of A2 and B2 being African in origin, carried by Khoisan and Pygmies respectively. Obviously you were confused -as always- about these genetic markers, which is why you made a delirious conclusion, based on your confusion of Mtdna and Y-dna. I hope you'll understand one day....

I understand this perfectly. You are the one who pretends to be blind to the facts.

Nope, not an answer to your claim of A2 and B2 being African in origin, carried by Khoisan and Pygmies respectively. Obviously you were confused -as always- about these genetic markers, which is why you made a delirious conclusion, based on your confusion of Mtdna and Y-dna. I hope you'll understand one day....
^^^^^I wonder when Clyde will address his Mtdna claim....???
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
Originally posted by rasol:
The white Americans come from Europe so we call them Europeans.
^ Interesting as it implies you admit they are descendant of the aboriginal populations of Europe.... but.... no, we already know you claim the original European population was... African.

So, again, the ethnocentrism that drives your ideology, also cripples it, and renders it incoherent, and self defeating.

The Venus Figures represent the first Europeans. They are representative of the San people and are therefore Africans.

This is a bushman or San.




As I mentioned earlier the Bushman created much of the early civilization of Eurasia. They left us numerous figurines showing their type.

Venus Figurines


The Bushman continue to carry this ancient form.


^^^Lmao, I just noticed the pics of the females pictured with Steatopygea, are actually Andaman Islanders, and are not Khoisan. Clyde That wasn't very smart.

Clyde, Steatopygea as you can see, is also found amongst the Andamans, Southeast Asians. See Clyde you propose all of this, but fail to realize original OOA populations represented by Australo-Melanesians, Andaman Islanders, New Guinea etc... Do not possess post OOA African lineages, in concordance with your theories. These groups carry pristine OOA non-African lineages Clyde.


Note above the genetic distance between Africans and populations carrying pristine OOA lineages, Oceanic populations.

I've already posted anthropological evidence which puts European UP humans, most closely resembling Oceanic's, and being quite distinct from Khoisan. Yet you don't address the anthropology, nor do you stop your nonsense of Africans migrating directly from Africa into Europe, which did not happen, Clyde. [/QB][/QUOTE]

^^^^^^I wonder if Clyde will ever address this post.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
You attempt to make it appear that anthropologists claim the earliest skeletal remains found in the Americas such as Luzia are definitely Australian. This is not true Neves made it clear that the anatomy of her skull and teeth - including a narrow, oval cranium, projecting face and pronounced chin - likens Luzia to Africans and Australasians.
Clyde, here is what Neves proposes, maybe you know something he doesn't know.

The oldest Americans' Negroid traits are not very specialized, making a direct immigration from Africa or Australia unlikely. Therefore, **Neves**(the head proponent for Australia/African like populations reaching America) believes that the America's more than 12,000 years ago did not necessarily occur by sea: "The traditional path across the Bering Strait is still the most plausible explanation for the entry of this non-Mongoloid population into the New World, if we assume that it was present in Northern Asia at the end of the Pleistocene." And indeed, Japan's aborigines, of whom a few still live in Hokkaido and on the Kurile Islands, display some Australian traits, such as round eye sockets and abundant body hair. A genetic comparison might solve the mystery...

''We know that today's Amerindians have ***four main groups***,'' said Dr. Pena, who found a genetic marker common to 17 different widely dispersed Indian groups across the Americans in the course of an earlier project. ''What would constitute molecular proof of ***Walter's (NEVES)*** hypothesis is to find ***DNA sequences COMPLETELY **different** from those ***four groups***.''

Dr. Meltzer said: ''This is clearly the way to resolve the issue. The skull is intriguing morphological evidence, but in order to really nail down this issue of affinity, you need evidence, and ***DNA*** is the way to go.''

Posted by Marc Washington (Member # 10979) on :

Kkey writes: "Lol Marc, you make some of the most outrageous claims."

Marc writes: For example?

Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
KIK Please post a Southeast Asian with Steatopygea .

Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
^ I'm not Knowledge, but here you go!

Andamanese woman of Southeast Asia

I hope this helps.
Posted by prmiddleeastern (Member # 14038) on :
Originally posted by Marc Washington:
PMeast. You wrote, "Early europeans were Paleolithic people as the Sanid..."

I've never heard of the "Sanid." Who or what were they?

I meant the Bushmen, that they also are paleolithic as the Cro-magnons and Paleo-Asians, so therefore they will have a similar body shape.
Posted by prmiddleeastern (Member # 14038) on :
Originally posted by Marc Washington:
We define these people by the way they look and the big nose, big lip people are African. Not geographically but morphologically

They are defined as Paleolithic individuals by anthropologists, we don't care what you Afrocentrists want to define them.
so the person who wrote "Non Africans by definition are the descendants of the Out of Africa migrants who went on to settle Eurasia and Oceania, Australia and the Americas."

is wrong.

No, that person is right.
Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:

Note above the genetic distance between Africans and populations carrying pristine OOA lineages, Oceanic populations.

I've already posted anthropological evidence which puts European UP humans, most closely resembling Oceanic's, and being quite distinct from Khoisan. Yet you don't address the anthropology, nor do you stop your nonsense of Africans migrating directly from Africa into Europe, which did not happen, Clyde.

^^^^^^I wonder if Clyde will ever address this post. [/QB]
I will address this issue now. As noted previously the anthropological literature make it clear the ancient Europeans are related to the San not Australians.

The Venus Figures represent the first Europeans. They are representative of the San people and are therefore Africans.

This is a bushman or San.




As I mentioned earlier the Bushman created much of the early civilization of Eurasia. They left us numerous figurines showing their type.

Venus Figurines


The Bushman continue to carry this ancient form.

Boule and Vallois, note that "We know now that the ethnography of South African tribes presents many striking similarities with the ethnography of our populations of the Reindeer Age. Not to speak of their stone implements which, as we shall see later , exhibit great similarities, Peringuey has told us that in certain burials on the South African coast 'associated with the Aurignacian or Solutrean type industry...."(p.318-319). They add, that in relation to Bushman art " This almost uninterrupted series leads us to regard the African continent as a centre of important migrations which at certain times may have played a great part in the stocking of Southern Europe. Finally, we must not forget that the Grimaldi Negroid skeletons sho many points of resemblance with the Bushman skeletons". They bear no less a resemblance to that of the fossil Man discovered at Asslar in mid-Sahara, whose characters led us to class him with the Hottentot-Bushman group.

. There have been numerous "Negroid skeletons" related to the San found in Europe. Marcellin Boule and Henri Vallois, in Fossil Man, provide an entire chapter on the Africans/Negroes of Europe Anta Diop also discussed the Negroes of Europe in Civilization or Barbarism, pp.25-68. Also W.E. B. DuBois, discussed these Negroes in the The World and Africa, pp.86-89. DuBois noted that "There was once a an "uninterrupted belt' of Negro culture from Central Europe to South Africa" (p.88).

Boule and Vallois, note that "To sum up, in the most ancient skeletons from the Grotte des Enfants we have a human type which is readily comparable to modern types and especially to the Negritic or Negroid type" (p.289). They continue, "Two Neolithic individuals from Chamblandes in Switzerland are Negroid not only as regards their skulls but also in the proportions of their limbs. Several Ligurian and Lombard tombs of the Metal Ages have also yielded evidences of a Negroid element. Since the publication of Verneau's memoir, discoveries of other Negroid skeletons in Neolithic levels in Illyria and the Balkans have been announced. The prehistoric statues, dating from the Copper Age, from Sultan Selo in Bulgaria are also thought to protray Negroids. In 1928 Rene Bailly found in one of the caverns of Moniat, near Dinant in Belgium, a human skeleton of whose age it is difficult to be certain, but seems definitely prehistoric. It is remarkable for its Negroid characters, which give it a reseblance to the skeletons from both Grimaldi and Asselar (p.291).

Boule and Vallois, note that "We know now that the ethnography of South African tribes presents many striking similarities with the ethnography of our populations of the Reindeer Age. Not to speak of their stone implements which, as we shall see later , exhibit great similarities, Peringuey has told us that in certain burials on the South African coast 'associated with the Aurignacian or Solutrean type industry...."(p.318-319). They add, that in relation to Bushman [San] art " This almost uninterrupted series leads us to regard the African continent as a centre of important migrations which at certain times may have played a great part in the stocking of Southern Europe. Finally, we must not forget that the Grimaldi Negroid skeletons sho many points of resemblance with the Bushman skeletons". They bear no less a resemblance to that of the fossil Man discovered at Asslar in mid-Sahara, whose characters led us to class him with the Hottentot-Bushman group.

As you can see there is more than one skeleton indicating a San presence in ancient Europe--not Oceanic.

The Fuegians carry the same STRs as Africans based on the research literature as evidence I provide two citations.

Citation One (1)


Titre du document / Document title
Early population differentiation in extinct aborigines from Tierra del Fuego-Patagonia: Ancient mtDNA sequences and Y-chromosome STR characterization = Différentiation des populations anciennes chez les aborigènes éteints de la Patagonie-Terre de Feu : Séquences d'ADNmt et caractérisation STR du chromosome Y
Auteur(s) / Author(s)
GARCIA-BOUR Jaume (1) ; PEREZ-PEREZ Alejandro (1) ; ALVAREZ Sara (1) ; FERNANDEZ Eva (1) ; LOPEZ-PARRA Ana Maria (1 2) ; ARROYO-PARDO Eduardo (1 2) ; TURBON Daniel (1) ;
Affiliation(s) du ou des auteurs / Author(s) Affiliation(s)
(1) Secció d'Antropologia, Departament de Biologia Animal, Universitat de Barcelona, 08028 Barcelona, ESPAGNE
(2) Laboratorio de Biologia Forense, Departamento de Toxicología y Legislación Sanitaria, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Complutense, 28040 Madrid, ESPAGNE
Résumé / Abstract
Ancient mtDNA was succesfully recovered from 24 skeletal samples of a total of 60 ancient individuals from Patagonia-Tierra del Fuego, dated to 100-400 years BP, for which consistent amplifications and two-strand sequences were obtained. Y-chromosome STRs (DYS434, DYS437, DYS439, DYS393, DYS391, DYS390, DYS19, DYS389I, DYS389II, and DYS388) and the biallelic system DYS199 were also amplified, Y-STR alleles could be characterized in nine cases, with an average of 4.1 loci per sample correctly typed. In two samples of the same ethnic group (Aonikenk), an identical and complete eight-loci haplotype was recovered. The DYS199 biallelic system was used as a control of contamination by modern DNA and, along with DYS19, as a marker of American origin. The analysis of both mtDNA and Y-STRs revealed DNA from Amerindian ancestry. The observed polymorphisms are consistent with the hypothesis that the ancient Fuegians are close to populations from south-central Chile and Argentina, but their high nucleotide diversity and the frequency of single lineages strongly support early genetic differentiation of the Fuegians through combined processes of population bottleneck, isolation, and/or migration, followed by strong genetic drift. This suggests an early genetic diversification of the Fuegians right after their arrival at the southernmost extreme of South America.
Revue / Journal Title
American journal of physical anthropology ISSN 0002-9483
Source / Source
2004, vol. 123, no4, pp. 361-370 [10 page(s) (article)] (47 ref.)

Here Garcia Bour et al note that: Fuegian Y-chromosomes STRs include “Y-chromosome STRs (DYS434, DYS437, DYS439, DYS393, DYS391, DYS390, DYS19, DYS389I, DYS389II, and DYS388)

Citation Two (2)


Diversity of Y-STR haplotypes of chromosomes belonging to hgA1 and within the R surname. (a) Relationships of Y-STR haplotypes within hgA1. Weighted median joining network containing the 10-locus Y-STR haplotypes (DYS19, DYS390, DYS391, DYS392, DYS393, DYS437, DYS438, DYS439, DYS389I, DYS389II-I) of eleven hgA1 chromosomes. Circles represent haplotypes, with area proportional to frequency and colored according to population.

European Journal of Human Genetics (2007) 15, 288–293. doi:10.1038/sj.ejhg.5201771; published online 24 January 2007
Africans in Yorkshire? The deepest-rooting clade of the Y phylogeny within an English genealogy
Turi E King1


In this paper, King et al make it clear that the “Y-STR haplotypes (DYS19, DYS390, DYS391, DYS392, DYS393, DYS437, DYS438, DYS439, DYS389I, DYS389II-I) of eleven hgA1 chromosomes.[/b] “ belong to hg A1.

Note that Garcia Bour et al maintains Fuegians carry these STRs

DYS434, DYS437, DYS439, DYS393, DYS391, DYS390, DYS19, DYS389I, DYS389II, and DYS388

King et al observed that the principal STRs in haplogroup A1 are:


DYS19, DYS390, DYS391, DYS392, DYS393, DYS437, DYS438, DYS439, DYS389I, DYS389II-I

You don’t have to be brain scientist to recognize that concordance exist between the two sets of STRs.

It stands to reason that if the Fuegians carry Y-STRs associated with haplogroup A1 which is an African haplogroup, the Fuegians have direct African ancestry.

This led me to reach the following conclusion based on the evidence:


Researchers have been able to recover mtDNA samples from 24 out of 60 ancient skeletons from Tierra del Fuego dating to 100-400BP. The y chromosome STRs were DYS434,DYS437,DYS 439, DYS 393, DYS391,DYS390,DYS19, DYS 389I, DYS389II and DYS 388 (see: Garcia-Bour et al below). Except for DYS390 and DYS388 are characteristic of haplogroup A1 (see: King et al, below). A1 is recognized as an African haplogroup. This genetic data make it clear that Negro Fuegians were living in Fuego, 9000 years after Neves believed they had been replaced by mongoloid folk.

The fact that KIK and rasol, individuals who we can assume have normal intelligence could not see the relationship between the Y-chromosomes in these populations makes it clear that they must be a victim of “Knowledge blindness”. A psychosis resulting from their acceptance of their own inferiority and white supremist ideas.

Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Originally posted by Djehuti:
^ I'm not Knowledge, but here you go!

Andamanese woman of Southeast Asia

I hope this helps.

The Andamanese and Munda people live in South Asia stupid, not Southeast Asia.

Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
The oldest Native Americans are the Fuegians. The Fuegians are neither Austroloid or Asian in appearence.

]  -

Above is a picture of a native Fuegian taken in 1856. This shows the native African Americans of Tierra del Fuego.


Posted by prmiddleeastern (Member # 14038) on :
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
The oldest Native Americans are the Fuegians. The Fuegians are neither Austroloid or Asian in appearence.

]  -

Above is a picture of a native Fuegian taken in 1856. This shows the native African Americans of Tierra del Fuego.


Do you have any history of these Fuegians?
Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
The Fuegians and Khoisan share many cultural features. Note the house construction of these populations.


The signature six microsatellites in YAP and M174 are DYS19, DYS388,DYS390, DYS5391,DYS392 and DYS393. These microsatellites that usually define M174, are also found among the Khoisan.

This indicates that the Fuegians carry genes introduced by the Khoisan who would have been the first people to colonize Americas.


Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
I will address this issue now. As noted previously the anthropological literature make it clear the ancient Europeans are related to the San not Australians.
Where is this anthropological data? Where are the post OOA genes found in Europeans?


They most closely resembled Oceanic populations and not Khoisan, sorry kid.




Late Pleistocene Human Skull
from Hofmeyr, South Africa, and
Modern Human Origins

Thus, Hofmeyr is seemingly primitive in
comparison to recent African crania in a number
of features, including a prominent glabella; moderately
thick, continuous supraorbital tori; a tall,
flat, and straight malar; a broad frontal process of
the maxilla; and comparatively large molar
crowns. Hofmeyr is contemporaneous with later
Eurasian Neandertals, but it clearly does not
evince the cranial and mandibular apomorphies
that define that clade (28). This is not surprising,
given its geographic location. Although Hofmeyr
is similar in size to Eurasian UP crania, it differs
from them in other respects (such as its broad nose
and continuous supraorbital tori).
In order to assess the phenetic affinities of
Hofmeyr to penecontemporaneous Eurasian UP
and recent humans, we conducted multivariate
morphometric analyses of 3D landmark coordinates
and linear measurements of crania
representing these populations. We digitized 19
3D coordinates of landmarks that represent as
fully as possible the currently preserved anatomy
of the Hofmeyr skull (table S4). These were
compared with homologous data for recent
human samples from five broad geographic areas
(North Africa, sub-Saharan Africa, Western
Eurasia, Oceania, and Eastern Asia/New World).
The sub-Saharan sample was divided into Bantuspeaking
(Mali and Kenya) and South African
Khoe-San samples. The latter are represented in
the Holocene archaeological record of the
subcontinent, and inasmuch as they are the oldest
historic indigenes of southern Africa, they might
be expected to have the closest affinity to
Hofmeyr (12). The North African sample consists
of Epipaleolithic (Mesolithic) individuals
that provide a temporal depth of approximately
10,000 years. The 3D data were also compared
for two Neandertal, four Eurasian UP, and one
Levantine early modern human fossils (table S5).
The landmark coordinate configurations for
each specimen were superimposed with the use
of generalized Procrustes analysis and analyzed
with a series of multivariate statistical techniques
Hofmeyr falls at the upper ends of the recent
sub-Saharan African sample ranges and within the
upper parts of all other recent human sample
ranges in terms of centroid size (fig. S6). In a
canonical variates analysis of these landmarks
(Fig. 2), axis 1 separates the sub-Saharan African
samples from the others, and axis 4 tends to
differentiate the UP specimens from recent
homologs. Hofmeyr clusters with the UP sample,
and although it falls within the recent human range
on both axes, it is outside the 95% confidence
ellipse for the Khoe-San sample and barely within
the limits of the other sub-Saharan African sample.
These canonical axes are weakly correlated with
centroid size, which emphasizes that the similarity
between Hofmeyr and the UP sample is due only
in small part to similarity in size.
Posted by prmiddleeastern (Member # 14038) on :



Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
[qb] [QUOTE] Most native American populations are descended from people like Australian Aborigines Clyde.

Actually, like all modern humans, **ALL** Native Americans are descended from Australian like populations, this is the point Clyde doesn't understand. Clyde thinks all non Africans who don't look African are a result of space aliens, or some crazy deranged theory like Meninarmer or Marc.


As to the similarities with Africans, the best way to explain it in terms of historical connections, is to assume that the **Asian** ancestral population that gave rise to the **Australians** and to the **first Americans** had its ultimate origins in the **African continent**, as it is in fact the case with **ALL*** modern humans (Stringer and Andrews, 1988; Stringer and McKie, 1996; Lahr, 1994, 1996), ***but which retained a very generalized morphology.*** In accordance with Lahr (1996), the Australians are in fact the contemporary aboriginal population that retained the most primitive morphology when compared to the first modern humans. As she stressed "Groups like [...] Australo-Melanesians are all examples of relatively early diversifications without great amounts of gene flow from other groups..." (Lahr, 1996, p.335).
Clyde you do understand that you didn't address the above, or discuss your claim of A2 and B2 being African in origin, carried by Khoisan and Pygmies respectively. Obviously you were confused -as always- about these genetic markers, which is why you made a delirious conclusion, based on your confusion of Mtdna and Y-dna. I hope you'll understand one day....

I understand this perfectly. You are the one who pretends to be blind to the facts.

Nope, not an answer to your claim of A2 and B2 being African in origin, carried by Khoisan and Pygmies respectively. Obviously you were confused -as always- about these genetic markers, which is why you made a delirious conclusion, based on your confusion of Mtdna and Y-dna. I hope you'll understand one day....
^^^^^I wonder when Clyde will address his Mtdna claim....???

Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Originally posted by prmiddleeastern:
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
The oldest Native Americans are the Fuegians. The Fuegians are neither Austroloid or Asian in appearence.

]  -

Above is a picture of a native Fuegian taken in 1856. This shows the native African Americans of Tierra del Fuego.


Do you have any history of these Fuegians?
I imagine you would have to do archivo research to really illuminate their history.


I have not seen any literature on this group.
Posted by meninarmer (Member # 12654) on :
^ From the US library of Congress

A cruise Among The Fuegians
Harper Monthly, January 1864
Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
There is nothing in the post below discussing genetics. Here is the anthropological literature.

As noted previously the anthropological literature make it clear the ancient Europeans are related to the San not Australians.

The Venus Figures represent the first Europeans. They are representative of the San people and are therefore Africans.

This is a bushman or San.




As I mentioned earlier the Bushman created much of the early civilization of Eurasia. They left us numerous figurines showing their type.

Venus Figurines


The Bushman continue to carry this ancient form.

Boule and Vallois, note that "We know now that the ethnography of South African tribes presents many striking similarities with the ethnography of our populations of the Reindeer Age. Not to speak of their stone implements which, as we shall see later , exhibit great similarities, Peringuey has told us that in certain burials on the South African coast 'associated with the Aurignacian or Solutrean type industry...."(p.318-319). They add, that in relation to Bushman art " This almost uninterrupted series leads us to regard the African continent as a centre of important migrations which at certain times may have played a great part in the stocking of Southern Europe. Finally, we must not forget that the Grimaldi Negroid skeletons sho many points of resemblance with the Bushman skeletons". They bear no less a resemblance to that of the fossil Man discovered at Asslar in mid-Sahara, whose characters led us to class him with the Hottentot-Bushman group.

. There have been numerous "Negroid skeletons" related to the San found in Europe. Marcellin Boule and Henri Vallois, in Fossil Man, provide an entire chapter on the Africans/Negroes of Europe Anta Diop also discussed the Negroes of Europe in Civilization or Barbarism, pp.25-68. Also W.E. B. DuBois, discussed these Negroes in the The World and Africa, pp.86-89. DuBois noted that "There was once a an "uninterrupted belt' of Negro culture from Central Europe to South Africa" (p.88).

Boule and Vallois, note that "To sum up, in the most ancient skeletons from the Grotte des Enfants we have a human type which is readily comparable to modern types and especially to the Negritic or Negroid type" (p.289). They continue, "Two Neolithic individuals from Chamblandes in Switzerland are Negroid not only as regards their skulls but also in the proportions of their limbs. Several Ligurian and Lombard tombs of the Metal Ages have also yielded evidences of a Negroid element. Since the publication of Verneau's memoir, discoveries of other Negroid skeletons in Neolithic levels in Illyria and the Balkans have been announced. The prehistoric statues, dating from the Copper Age, from Sultan Selo in Bulgaria are also thought to protray Negroids. In 1928 Rene Bailly found in one of the caverns of Moniat, near Dinant in Belgium, a human skeleton of whose age it is difficult to be certain, but seems definitely prehistoric. It is remarkable for its Negroid characters, which give it a reseblance to the skeletons from both Grimaldi and Asselar (p.291).

Boule and Vallois, note that "We know now that the ethnography of South African tribes presents many striking similarities with the ethnography of our populations of the Reindeer Age. Not to speak of their stone implements which, as we shall see later , exhibit great similarities, Peringuey has told us that in certain burials on the South African coast 'associated with the Aurignacian or Solutrean type industry...."(p.318-319). They add, that in relation to Bushman [San] art " This almost uninterrupted series leads us to regard the African continent as a centre of important migrations which at certain times may have played a great part in the stocking of Southern Europe. Finally, we must not forget that the Grimaldi Negroid skeletons sho many points of resemblance with the Bushman skeletons". They bear no less a resemblance to that of the fossil Man discovered at Asslar in mid-Sahara, whose characters led us to class him with the Hottentot-Bushman group.

Anthropologists study skeletons. As you can see there is more than one skeleton indicating a San presence in ancient Europe--not Oceanic. This is the physical anthropological research pointing to an African origin of European civilization.

Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
I will address this issue now. As noted previously the anthropological literature make it clear the ancient Europeans are related to the San not Australians.
Where is this anthropological data? Where are the post OOA genes found in Europeans?


They most closely resembled Oceanic populations and not Khoisan, sorry kid.




Late Pleistocene Human Skull
from Hofmeyr, South Africa, and
Modern Human Origins

Thus, Hofmeyr is seemingly primitive in
comparison to recent African crania in a number
of features, including a prominent glabella; moderately
thick, continuous supraorbital tori; a tall,
flat, and straight malar; a broad frontal process of
the maxilla; and comparatively large molar
crowns. Hofmeyr is contemporaneous with later
Eurasian Neandertals, but it clearly does not
evince the cranial and mandibular apomorphies
that define that clade (28). This is not surprising,
given its geographic location. Although Hofmeyr
is similar in size to Eurasian UP crania, it differs
from them in other respects (such as its broad nose
and continuous supraorbital tori).
In order to assess the phenetic affinities of
Hofmeyr to penecontemporaneous Eurasian UP
and recent humans, we conducted multivariate
morphometric analyses of 3D landmark coordinates
and linear measurements of crania
representing these populations. We digitized 19
3D coordinates of landmarks that represent as
fully as possible the currently preserved anatomy
of the Hofmeyr skull (table S4). These were
compared with homologous data for recent
human samples from five broad geographic areas
(North Africa, sub-Saharan Africa, Western
Eurasia, Oceania, and Eastern Asia/New World).
The sub-Saharan sample was divided into Bantuspeaking
(Mali and Kenya) and South African
Khoe-San samples. The latter are represented in
the Holocene archaeological record of the
subcontinent, and inasmuch as they are the oldest
historic indigenes of southern Africa, they might
be expected to have the closest affinity to
Hofmeyr (12). The North African sample consists
of Epipaleolithic (Mesolithic) individuals
that provide a temporal depth of approximately
10,000 years. The 3D data were also compared
for two Neandertal, four Eurasian UP, and one
Levantine early modern human fossils (table S5).
The landmark coordinate configurations for
each specimen were superimposed with the use
of generalized Procrustes analysis and analyzed
with a series of multivariate statistical techniques
Hofmeyr falls at the upper ends of the recent
sub-Saharan African sample ranges and within the
upper parts of all other recent human sample
ranges in terms of centroid size (fig. S6). In a
canonical variates analysis of these landmarks
(Fig. 2), axis 1 separates the sub-Saharan African
samples from the others, and axis 4 tends to
differentiate the UP specimens from recent
homologs. Hofmeyr clusters with the UP sample,
and although it falls within the recent human range
on both axes, it is outside the 95% confidence
ellipse for the Khoe-San sample and barely within
the limits of the other sub-Saharan African sample.
These canonical axes are weakly correlated with
centroid size, which emphasizes that the similarity
between Hofmeyr and the UP sample is due only
in small part to similarity in size.

Posted by meninarmer (Member # 12654) on :
One of the Jefferson Building's most striking exterior features are the thirty-three ethnological heads that surround it, serving as keystone ornaments of the first story windows. Otis T. Mason, curator of the Department of Ethnology in the National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, was the special advisor for this project. In Herbert Small's 1897 Handbook of the New Library of Congress, this undertaking is described as "the first instance of a comprehensive attempt to make ethnological science contribute to the architectural decoration of an important public building." The heads themselves, created by William Boyd and Henry Jackson Ellicott, were based on information provided by Professor Mason. The list of the races represented, as described by Small, and the location of the keystones follow.

Starting at the north end of the front entrance pavilion, the first head is that of a Russian Slav, located beneath the portico bust of Demosthenes. Continuing across the west front, the heads are: Blonde European; Brunette European; Modern Greek; Persian (Iranian);

On the south side: Circassian; Hindu; Hungarian (Magyar); Semite, or Jew; Arab (Bedouin); Turk

On the east side: Modern Egyptian (Hamite); Abyssinian; Malay; Polynesian; Australian; Negrito (Indian Archipeligo); Sudan Negro; Akka (Dwarf African Negro); Fuegian; Botocudo (South America); Pueblo Indian (Zunis of New Mexico);

On the north side: Esquimaux; Plains Indians (Sioux, Cheyenne, Comanche); Samoyede (Finn); Korean; Japanese; Ainu (northern Japan);

On the west front: Burman; Tibetan; Chinese
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :

Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Originally posted by meninarmer:
^ From the US library of Congress

A cruise Among The Fuegians
Harper Monthly, January 1864

Thanks for the article I wish the explorers would have asked them about their history.

Posted by meninarmer (Member # 12654) on :
One of the Jefferson Building's most striking exterior features are the thirty-three ethnological heads that surround it, serving as keystone ornaments of the first story windows. Otis T. Mason, curator of the Department of Ethnology in the National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, was the special advisor for this project. In Herbert Small's 1897 Handbook of the New Library of Congress, this undertaking is described as "the first instance of a comprehensive attempt to make ethnological science contribute to the architectural decoration of an important public building." The heads themselves, created by William Boyd and Henry Jackson Ellicott, were based on information provided by Professor Mason. The list of the races represented, as described by Small, and the location of the keystones follow.

Starting at the north end of the front entrance pavilion, the first head is that of a Russian Slav, located beneath the portico bust of Demosthenes. Continuing across the west front, the heads are: Blonde European; Brunette European; Modern Greek; Persian (Iranian);

On the south side: Circassian; Hindu; Hungarian (Magyar); Semite, or Jew; Arab (Bedouin); Turk

On the east side: Modern Egyptian (Hamite); Abyssinian; Malay; Polynesian; Australian; Negrito (Indian Archipeligo); Sudan Negro; Akka (Dwarf African Negro); Fuegian; Botocudo (South America); Pueblo Indian (Zunis of New Mexico);

On the north side: Esquimaux; Plains Indians (Sioux, Cheyenne, Comanche); Samoyede (Finn); Korean; Japanese; Ainu (northern Japan);

On the west front: Burman; Tibetan; Chinese
Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:


The Fuegians and Khoisan share many cultural features. Note the house construction of these populations.


The signature six microsatellites in YAP and M174 are DYS19, DYS388,DYS390, DYS5391,DYS392 and DYS393. These microsatellites that usually define M174, are also found among the Khoisan. Haplogroup D is M174.

This indicates that the Fuegians carry genes introduced by the Khoisan who would have been the first people to colonize Americas.
Posted by Marc Washington (Member # 10979) on :


Kkey writes: "Lol Marc, you make some of the most outrageous claims."

Marc writes: For example?


Posted by Doug M (Member # 7650) on :
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
Originally posted by prmiddleeastern:
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
The oldest Native Americans are the Fuegians. The Fuegians are neither Austroloid or Asian in appearence.

]  -

Above is a picture of a native Fuegian taken in 1856. This shows the native African Americans of Tierra del Fuego.


Do you have any history of these Fuegians?
I imagine you would have to do archivo research to really illuminate their history.


I have not seen any literature on this group.

Clyde, that is not a picture of a Fuegian.

Here is a picture of some Fuegians:

Yamana people:

People showing Amerind features:

People showing Amerind/Australian aborigine type features:

NONE of these people look like Khoisan Clyde.

And here is where it came from:

More images of Fuegians, this time from Chile:





From here:

Clyde, you simply are making up stuff and do not know what on earth you are talking about. So please spare us your fake images and made up nonsense about what these people looked like.
Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Originally posted by Doug M:
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
Originally posted by prmiddleeastern:
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
The oldest Native Americans are the Fuegians. The Fuegians are neither Austroloid or Asian in appearence.

]  -

Above is a picture of a native Fuegian taken in 1856. This shows the native African Americans of Tierra del Fuego.


Do you have any history of these Fuegians?
I imagine you would have to do archivo research to really illuminate their history.


I have not seen any literature on this group.

Clyde, that is not a picture of a Fuegian.

Here is a picture of some Fuegians:

Yamana people:

People showing Amerind features:

People showing Amerind/Australian aborigine type features:

NONE of these people look like Khoisan Clyde.

And here is where it came from:

More images of Fuegians, this time from Chile:





From here:

Clyde, you simply are making up stuff and do not know what on earth you are talking about. So please spare us your fake images and made up nonsense about what these people looked like.

Stupid fool. This picture was the first picture ever taken of the Fuegians by Darwin accoring to Natural History Museum.
Posted by Doug M (Member # 7650) on :
More stuff on the aborigines of Argentina and Chile:



Indios or Aborigines of Argentina:

Aborigines of the Gran Chaco in Northern Argentina:

Gran Chaco Chiefs 1900:


Family from Formosa Province Argentina:


All from:

All of them show the same combination of Australian Aborigine/African/Asian features that characterize the people of the Americas prior to European contact.

Children from Gran Chaco:


Gran Chaco Cowboy:


Interesting german page and video on the Gran Chaco (watch the video):

Nice image I just had to link of Melanesian ladies



Pilaga people Gran Chaco:




More about Chaco People:
Posted by Doug M (Member # 7650) on :
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
Originally posted by Doug M:
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
Originally posted by prmiddleeastern:
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
The oldest Native Americans are the Fuegians. The Fuegians are neither Austroloid or Asian in appearence.

]  -

Above is a picture of a native Fuegian taken in 1856. This shows the native African Americans of Tierra del Fuego.


Do you have any history of these Fuegians?
I imagine you would have to do archivo research to really illuminate their history.


I have not seen any literature on this group.

Clyde, that is not a picture of a Fuegian.

Here is a picture of some Fuegians:

Yamana people:

People showing Amerind features:

People showing Amerind/Australian aborigine type features:

NONE of these people look like Khoisan Clyde.

And here is where it came from:

More images of Fuegians, this time from Chile:





From here:

Clyde, you simply are making up stuff and do not know what on earth you are talking about. So please spare us your fake images and made up nonsense about what these people looked like.

Stupid fool. This picture was the first picture ever taken of the Fuegians by Darwin accoring to Natural History Museum.
I don't believe you Clyde. Please show me a citation from the Natural History Museum stating that the photo is of a Fuegian native. I think it is not.

Darwin sailed to Tierra Del Fuego in 1832, BEFORE photography became widespread and wrote about it in the following BOOK:

ALL the images are hand drawn from this time Clyde.

You are lying again Clyde.
Posted by Doug M (Member # 7650) on :
Ayoreo indians Bolivia, Paraguay, Argentina:






All of these are considered aboriginal populations in South America.

More Ayoreo:


Another image of the Pilaga:


Posted by Marc Washington (Member # 10979) on :

Doug wrote: Clyde, you simply are making up stuff and do not know what on earth you are talking about.

Marc writes: Doug. You are wrong. Concerning the straight hair you see, for instance. You don't impute in the fact that the diminuitive height of these people is similar to San nor the fact that San have woolly hair and the influx of horny white guys from Europe copulating with "San" woman in the Pacific would produce offspring with brown skin and straight/straighter hair.

Such as the pictures you've shown.

Posted by Doug M (Member # 7650) on :
Marc, black people have been evolving those features since they left Africa 60,000 years ago. It has nothing to do with white folks, as white folks didn't exist when straight hair and all the other features developed among blacks. You keep getting it backwards is the point. ALL FEATURES in humans (except white skin) originates among black people who originally left Africa and settled the entire planet. And these settlers had VARIOUS feature and VARIOUS sizes because the original black people of the earth have the GREATEST DIVERSITY of any population on the planet.

You simply are not making sense. Australian Aborigines have straight hair. Do you think that this is a result of them interbreeding with whites? How so when they have been there in Australia and relatively isolated for over 50,000 years? If they were interbreeding with whites they would be whites or mulattoes and they aren't, as it has been shown WORLDWIDE that this is what happens when whites mate with darker skinned populations. They don't simply leave straight hair genes and no white skin genes. Australian Aboriginal types from Africa are where ALL people get their straight hair from, INCLUDING the whites of Asia and Europe. Again, you are getting it backwards. And straight hair IS a feature found among North East African populations, even though not as much as those from elsewhere.
Posted by alTakruri (Member # 10195) on :
Thank you for posting the charcoals of Fuegians
exactly as published in

FitzRoy, R.
Narrative of the surveying voyages of His Majesty's Ships Adventure and Beagle between the years 1826 and 1836, describing their examination of the southern shores of South America, and the Beagle's circumnavigation of the globe. Proceedings of the second expedition, 1831-36, under the command of Captain Robert Fitz-Roy, R.N.

London: Henry Colburn, 1839.

Here's another

Though it was ignored when you posted it it remains
nevertheless nice research. Good work PR!  -
Originally posted by prmiddleeastern:



A quote from 190 of same book

The people of this tribe* are by no means
without ideas of a superior Being. They have
great faith in a good spirit, whom they call
Yerri Yuppon, and consider to be the author of
all good: him they invoke in time of distress or
danger. They also believe in an evil spirit,
called Yaccy-ma, who they think is able to do
all kinds of mischief, cause bad weather,
famine, illness, &c.: he is supposed to be like
an immense black man.

A note on language

In the following fragment of a Vocabulary the
vowels should be sounded as in the English
syllables, bah, bât, eel, bêt, I, bît, no, tôp,
rule, bût, hay; and the consonants as in
English, but giving to kh a very guttural sound.
One Fuegian expression, something like the cluck
of a hen, can scarcely be represented by our
letters; its meaning is "no."

Without overemphasizing "the cluck of a hen" to the
clicks in Khoi, a short vocabulary can be found here

for those wishing to apply linguistic methodologies
to Khoi and Fuegian words.
Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Originally posted by Doug M:
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
The oldest Native Americans are the Fuegians. The Fuegians are neither Austroloid or Asian in appearence.

]  -

Above is a picture of a native Fuegian taken in 1856. This shows the native African Americans of Tierra del Fuego.


Do you have any history of these Fuegians?
I imagine you would have to do archivo research to really illuminate their history.


I have not seen any literature on this group. Clyde, that is not a picture of a Fuegian.

Here is a picture of some Fuegians:

Yamana people:

People showing Amerind features:

People showing Amerind/Australian aborigine type features:

NONE of these people look like Khoisan Clyde.

And here is where it came from:

More images of Fuegians, this time from Chile:





From here:

Clyde, you simply are making up stuff and do not know what on earth you are talking about. So please spare us your fake images and made up nonsense about what these people looked like. Stupid fool. This picture was the first picture ever taken of the Fuegians by Darwin accoring to Natural History Museum.

I don't believe you Clyde. Please show me a citation from the Natural History Museum stating that the photo is of a Fuegian native. I think it is not.

Darwin sailed to Tierra Del Fuego in 1832, BEFORE photography became widespread and wrote about it in the following BOOK:

ALL the images are hand drawn from this time Clyde.

You are lying again Clyde.

I am citing what I found with the picture. I did not list the website so I will post the address when I run into it again.


Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Originally posted by Doug M:
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
The oldest Native Americans are the Fuegians. The Fuegians are neither Austroloid or Asian in appearence.

]  -

Above is a picture of a native Fuegian taken in 1856. This shows the native African Americans of Tierra del Fuego.


Do you have any history of these Fuegians? [/qb][/QUOTE]I imagine you would have to do archivo research to really illuminate their history.


I have not seen any literature on this group. [/qb][/QUOTE]Clyde, that is not a picture of a Fuegian.

Here is a picture of some Fuegians:

Yamana people:

People showing Amerind features:

People showing Amerind/Australian aborigine type features:

NONE of these people look like Khoisan Clyde.

And here is where it came from:

More images of Fuegians, this time from Chile:





From here:

Clyde, you simply are making up stuff and do not know what on earth you are talking about. So please spare us your fake images and made up nonsense about what these people looked like. [/qb][/QUOTE]Stupid fool. This picture was the first picture ever taken of the Fuegians by Darwin accoring to Natural History Museum. [/qb][/QUOTE]I don't believe you Clyde. Please show me a citation from the Natural History Museum stating that the photo is of a Fuegian native. I think it is not.

Darwin sailed to Tierra Del Fuego in 1832, BEFORE photography became widespread and wrote about it in the following BOOK:

ALL the images are hand drawn from this time Clyde.

You are lying again Clyde. [/qb][/QUOTE]There is no question that the original African Americans have mixed with Amerinds and now you rarely see the African type. But genetic research makes it clear that the original Fuegians were Black/African people.

the Fuegians carry the same STRs as Africans based on the research literature as evidence I provide two citations.

Citation One (1)


Titre du document / Document title
Early population differentiation in extinct aborigines from Tierra del Fuego-Patagonia: Ancient mtDNA sequences and Y-chromosome STR characterization = Différentiation des populations anciennes chez les aborigènes éteints de la Patagonie-Terre de Feu : Séquences d'ADNmt et caractérisation STR du chromosome Y
Auteur(s) / Author(s)
GARCIA-BOUR Jaume (1) ; PEREZ-PEREZ Alejandro (1) ; ALVAREZ Sara (1) ; FERNANDEZ Eva (1) ; LOPEZ-PARRA Ana Maria (1 2) ; ARROYO-PARDO Eduardo (1 2) ; TURBON Daniel (1) ;
Affiliation(s) du ou des auteurs / Author(s) Affiliation(s)
(1) Secció d'Antropologia, Departament de Biologia Animal, Universitat de Barcelona, 08028 Barcelona, ESPAGNE
(2) Laboratorio de Biologia Forense, Departamento de Toxicología y Legislación Sanitaria, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Complutense, 28040 Madrid, ESPAGNE
Résumé / Abstract
Ancient mtDNA was succesfully recovered from 24 skeletal samples of a total of 60 ancient individuals from Patagonia-Tierra del Fuego, dated to 100-400 years BP, for which consistent amplifications and two-strand sequences were obtained. Y-chromosome STRs (DYS434, DYS437, DYS439, DYS393, DYS391, DYS390, DYS19, DYS389I, DYS389II, and DYS388) and the biallelic system DYS199 were also amplified, Y-STR alleles could be characterized in nine cases, with an average of 4.1 loci per sample correctly typed. In two samples of the same ethnic group (Aonikenk), an identical and complete eight-loci haplotype was recovered. The DYS199 biallelic system was used as a control of contamination by modern DNA and, along with DYS19, as a marker of American origin. The analysis of both mtDNA and Y-STRs revealed DNA from Amerindian ancestry. The observed polymorphisms are consistent with the hypothesis that the ancient Fuegians are close to populations from south-central Chile and Argentina, but their high nucleotide diversity and the frequency of single lineages strongly support early genetic differentiation of the Fuegians through combined processes of population bottleneck, isolation, and/or migration, followed by strong genetic drift. This suggests an early genetic diversification of the Fuegians right after their arrival at the southernmost extreme of South America.
Revue / Journal Title
American journal of physical anthropology ISSN 0002-9483
Source / Source
2004, vol. 123, no4, pp. 361-370 [10 page(s) (article)] (47 ref.)

Here Garcia Bour et al note that: Fuegian Y-chromosomes STRs include “Y-chromosome STRs (DYS434, DYS437, DYS439, DYS393, DYS391, DYS390, DYS19, DYS389I, DYS389II, and DYS388)

Citation Two (2)


Diversity of Y-STR haplotypes of chromosomes belonging to hgA1 and within the R surname. (a) Relationships of Y-STR haplotypes within hgA1. Weighted median joining network containing the 10-locus Y-STR haplotypes (DYS19, DYS390, DYS391, DYS392, DYS393, DYS437, DYS438, DYS439, DYS389I, DYS389II-I) of eleven hgA1 chromosomes. Circles represent haplotypes, with area proportional to frequency and colored according to population.

European Journal of Human Genetics (2007) 15, 288–293. doi:10.1038/sj.ejhg.5201771; published online 24 January 2007
Africans in Yorkshire? The deepest-rooting clade of the Y phylogeny within an English genealogy
Turi E King1


In this paper, King et al make it clear that the “Y-STR haplotypes (DYS19, DYS390, DYS391, DYS392, DYS393, DYS437, DYS438, DYS439, DYS389I, DYS389II-I) of eleven hgA1 chromosomes.[/b] “ belong to hg A1.

Note that Garcia Bour et al maintains Fuegians carry these STRs

DYS434, DYS437, DYS439, DYS393, DYS391, DYS390, DYS19, DYS389I, DYS389II, and DYS388

King et al observed that the principal STRs in haplogroup A1 are:


DYS19, DYS390, DYS391, DYS392, DYS393, DYS437, DYS438, DYS439, DYS389I, DYS389II-I

You don’t have to be brain scientist to recognize that concordance exist between the two sets of STRs.

It stands to reason that if the Fuegians carry Y-STRs associated with haplogroup A1 which is an African haplogroup, the Fuegians have direct African ancestry.

Researchers have been able to recover mtDNA samples from 24 out of 60 ancient skeletons from Tierra del Fuego dating to 100-400BP. The y chromosome STRs were DYS434,DYS437,DYS 439, DYS 393, DYS391,DYS390,DYS19, DYS 389I, DYS389II and DYS 388 (see: Garcia-Bour et al below). Except for DYS390 and DYS388 are characteristic of haplogroup A1 (see: King et al, ).

Haplogroup A1 is recognized as an African haplogroup. This genetic data make it clear that Negro Fuegians were living in Fuego, 9000 years after Neves believed they had been replaced by mongoloid folk as illustrated by the pictures published above.

Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
The aboriginal peoples of Tierra del Fuego (the Onas, Alakalufs, and Yahgans)





Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :

Above we see a picture of many of the Fuegians who converted to Christianity. Although they practiced Christianity they creamated their dead. Above is a picture of Jemmy’s wife. Jemmy was the main Fuegian missionary.

It is interesting to note that many of the Fuegians practice cremation , not burial.


The body had been preserved until he could be present at his father's[Jemmy’s] cremation cremation, disposal of a corpse by fire. It is an ancient and widespread practice, second only to burial. It has been found among the chiefdoms of the Pacific Northwest, among Northern Athapascan bands in Alaska, and among Canadian cultural groups. . No prayers were said at the funeral pyre, and the Christian missionary refused to take part in what he regarded as a pagan ritual. egian+cremation&hl=en&ct=clnk&cd=3&gl=us

The practice of creamation among the Tierra Fuego Asian tribes make it clear that the excavated Fuegian skeletons may have not represented the contemporary people described as Fuegians.

The Fuegian skeletons carry the same STRs as Africans based on the research literature as evidence I provide two citations.

Citation One (1)


Titre du document / Document title
Early population differentiation in extinct aborigines from Tierra del Fuego-Patagonia: Ancient mtDNA sequences and Y-chromosome STR characterization = Différentiation des populations anciennes chez les aborigènes éteints de la Patagonie-Terre de Feu : Séquences d'ADNmt et caractérisation STR du chromosome Y
Auteur(s) / Author(s)
GARCIA-BOUR Jaume (1) ; PEREZ-PEREZ Alejandro (1) ; ALVAREZ Sara (1) ; FERNANDEZ Eva (1) ; LOPEZ-PARRA Ana Maria (1 2) ; ARROYO-PARDO Eduardo (1 2) ; TURBON Daniel (1) ;
Affiliation(s) du ou des auteurs / Author(s) Affiliation(s)
(1) Secció d'Antropologia, Departament de Biologia Animal, Universitat de Barcelona, 08028 Barcelona, ESPAGNE
(2) Laboratorio de Biologia Forense, Departamento de Toxicología y Legislación Sanitaria, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Complutense, 28040 Madrid, ESPAGNE
Résumé / Abstract
Ancient mtDNA was succesfully recovered from 24 skeletal samples of a total of 60 ancient individuals from Patagonia-Tierra del Fuego, dated to 100-400 years BP, for which consistent amplifications and two-strand sequences were obtained. Y-chromosome STRs (DYS434, DYS437, DYS439, DYS393, DYS391, DYS390, DYS19, DYS389I, DYS389II, and DYS388) and the biallelic system DYS199 were also amplified, Y-STR alleles could be characterized in nine cases, with an average of 4.1 loci per sample correctly typed. In two samples of the same ethnic group (Aonikenk), an identical and complete eight-loci haplotype was recovered. The DYS199 biallelic system was used as a control of contamination by modern DNA and, along with DYS19, as a marker of American origin. The analysis of both mtDNA and Y-STRs revealed DNA from Amerindian ancestry. The observed polymorphisms are consistent with the hypothesis that the ancient Fuegians are close to populations from south-central Chile and Argentina, but their high nucleotide diversity and the frequency of single lineages strongly support early genetic differentiation of the Fuegians through combined processes of population bottleneck, isolation, and/or migration, followed by strong genetic drift. This suggests an early genetic diversification of the Fuegians right after their arrival at the southernmost extreme of South America.
Revue / Journal Title
American journal of physical anthropology ISSN 0002-9483
Source / Source
2004, vol. 123, no4, pp. 361-370 [10 page(s) (article)] (47 ref.)

Here Garcia Bour et al note that: Fuegian Y-chromosomes STRs include “Y-chromosome STRs (DYS434, DYS437, DYS439, DYS393, DYS391, DYS390, DYS19, DYS389I, DYS389II, and DYS388)

Citation Two (2)


Diversity of Y-STR haplotypes of chromosomes belonging to hgA1 and within the R surname. (a) Relationships of Y-STR haplotypes within hgA1. Weighted median joining network containing the 10-locus Y-STR haplotypes (DYS19, DYS390, DYS391, DYS392, DYS393, DYS437, DYS438, DYS439, DYS389I, DYS389II-I) of eleven hgA1 chromosomes. Circles represent haplotypes, with area proportional to frequency and colored according to population.

European Journal of Human Genetics (2007) 15, 288–293. doi:10.1038/sj.ejhg.5201771; published online 24 January 2007
Africans in Yorkshire? The deepest-rooting clade of the Y phylogeny within an English genealogy
Turi E King1


In this paper, King et al make it clear that the “Y-STR haplotypes (DYS19, DYS390, DYS391, DYS392, DYS393, DYS437, DYS438, DYS439, DYS389I, DYS389II-I) of eleven hgA1 chromosomes.[/b] “ belong to hg A1.

Note that Garcia Bour et al maintains Fuegians carry these STRs

DYS434, DYS437, DYS439, DYS393, DYS391, DYS390, DYS19, DYS389I, DYS389II, and DYS388

King et al observed that the principal STRs in haplogroup A1 are:


DYS19, DYS390, DYS391, DYS392, DYS393, DYS437, DYS438, DYS439, DYS389I, DYS389II-I

You don’t have to be brain scientist to recognize that concordance exist between the two sets of STRs.

It stands to reason that if the Fuegians skeletons carry Y-STRs associated with haplogroup A1 which is an African haplogroup, these Fuegians had direct African ancestry.

Researchers have been able to recover mtDNA samples from 24 out of 60 ancient skeletons from Tierra del Fuego dating to 100-400BP. The y chromosome STRs were DYS434,DYS437,DYS 439, DYS 393, DYS391,DYS390,DYS19, DYS 389I, DYS389II and DYS 388 (see: Garcia-Bour et al below). Except for DYS390 and DYS388 are characteristic of haplogroup A1 (see: King et al, ).

Haplogroup A1 is recognized as an African haplogroup. This genetic data make it clear that Negro Fuegians were living in Fuego, 9000 years after Neves believed they had been replaced by mongoloid folk as illustrated by the pictures published above.

Posted by alTakruri (Member # 10195) on :


Image reference: 46439

Title: Fuegian man, Native of Tierra del Fuego

A photograph taken during the voyage of H.M.S. Challenger (1872-1876) funded by the British Government for scientific purposes. The expedition is believed to have been the first to carry an official photographer.

Anyone can go here and type in Fuegian in the
search box to see what comes up. If there's
any mistake it's been made by the Natural
History Museum's staff.

And their mistake on that webpage was to include pics
of Kru, a Liberian ethny, among their pics of Fuegians.

Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
I am citing what I found with the picture. I did not list the website so I will post the address when I run into it again.

Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :

Y-chromosome STRs (DYS434, DYS437, DYS439, DYS393, DYS391, DYS390, DYS19, DYS389I, DYS389II, and DYS388) and the biallelic system DYS199 were also amplified, Y-STR alleles could be characterized in nine cases, with an average of 4.1 loci per sample correctly typed. In two samples of the same ethnic group (Aonikenk), an identical and complete eight-loci haplotype was recovered. The DYS199 biallelic system was used as a control of contamination by modern DNA and, along with DYS19, as a marker of American origin. The analysis of both mtDNA and Y-STRs revealed DNA from ***Amerindian*** ancestry. The observed polymorphisms are consistent with the hypothesis that the ancient Fuegians are close to populations from south-central ***Chile and Argentina*** , but their high nucleotide diversity and the frequency of single lineages strongly support early genetic differentiation of the Fuegians through combined processes of population bottleneck, isolation, and/or migration, followed by strong genetic drift. This suggests an early genetic diversification of the Fuegians right after their arrival at the southernmost extreme of South America.
Revue / Journal Title
American journal of physical anthropology ISSN 0002-9483
Source / Source
2004, vol. 123, no4, pp. 361-370 [10 page(s) (article)] (47 ref.)

Clyde, from the above, where do you draw your conclusions? What scientists agree with you? What exact correlations do these two Y-chromosome STRs share, inparticularly, that would admonish what scientists say, which is due to OOA populations, Y cromosomal Adam, which is Haplogroup A, and not subsequent migrations OOA??? Fuegans don't carry Y-A1.

“Y-chromosome STRs (DYS434, DYS437, DYS439, DYS393, DYS391, DYS390, DYS19, DYS389I, DYS389II, and DYS388)

Y-STR haplotypes (DYS19, DYS390, DYS391, DYS392, DYS393, DYS437, DYS438, DYS439, DYS389I, DYS389II-I)

Mapuche (Chile)


Pehuenche (Argentina)

Aonikenk-Man (Argentina)

Mitochondrial DNA polymorphisms in Chilean aboriginal populations: implications for the peopling of the southern cone of the continent.

X Abstract

The mitochondrial DNAs (mtDNAs) from individuals belonging to three Chilean tribes, the Mapuche, the Pehuenche, and the Yaghan, were studied both by RFLP analysis and D-loop (control region) sequencing. RFLP analysis showed that 3 individuals (1.3%) belonged to haplogroup A, 19 (8%) to haplogroup B, 102 (43%) to haplogroup C, and 113 (47.7%) to haplogroup D. Among the 73 individuals analyzed by D-loop sequencing, we observed 37 different haplotypes defined by 52 polymorphic sites. Joint analysis of data obtained by RFLP and sequencing methods demonstrated that, regardless of the method of analysis, the mtDNA haplotypes of these three contemporary South American aborigine groups clustered into four main haplogroups, in a way similar to those previously described for other Amerindians. These results further revealed the absence of haplogroup A in both the Mapuche and Yaghan as well as the absence of haplogroup B in the Yaghan. These results suggest that the people of Tierra del Fuego are related to tribes from south-central South America.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Originally posted by alTakruri:

Image reference: 46439

Title: Fuegian man, Native of Tierra del Fuego

A photograph taken during the voyage of H.M.S. Challenger (1872-1876) funded by the British Government for scientific purposes. The expedition is believed to have been the first to carry an official photographer.

Anyone can go here and type in Fuegian in the
search box to see what comes up. If there's
any mistake it's been made by the Natural
History Museum's staff.

Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
I am citing what I found with the picture. I did not list the website so I will post the address when I run into it again.

Nice. All of the pics have the same descriptions. So obviously that pic is not an actual sole pic, but is part of a collection.

Funny Clyde tried to say 1856, when it's really (1872-1876), and funny how he tried to make that image a sole picture and give the description among all the pics, as solely for that pic only, as the same description is provided for every pic, go figure....

A photograph taken during the voyage of H.M.S. Challenger (1872-1876) funded by the British Government for scientific purposes. The expedition is believed to have been the first to carry an official photographer.




Posted by Marc Washington (Member # 10979) on :

Doug writes: Marc, black people have been evolving those features since they left Africa 60,000 years ago.

[/b] Doug. Horny whites came into the South Pacific and copulating with the women there produced straight-haired offspring.

I have pictures of Africans (by phenotype) on a number of South Pacific Islands. These are people with woolly hair.

The logical scenario is if woolly hair is so widespread, that it was once universal. Straight-haired whites came, fucked African women and produced offspring with straight hair.

You are not going to accept my scenario. I certainly don't accept yours as it's a conveniently feel-good approach to avoid the fact that your ancestors have committed unconscionable atrosities against (by phenotype) Africans.

The page below shows what happens when Africans (by phenotype) produce progeny with whites. The result is the Spanish/Arab look.


Just for your information, the San (have a Mongul look were the original Monguls) have woolly hair. When whites radiated from the Steppes producing progeny with San of the Steppes and Mongolia, the hair went from woolly to straight. That is the origin of today’s Monguls with straight hair.

[[ Consider: Yuehai Ke and Li Jin, et. al., African Origin of Modern Humans in East Asia: A Tale of 12,000 Y Chromosomes, Science, 292:5519, pp. 1151-1153, Issue of 11 May 2001.]]

Doug. You can go jump in a lake with your theory.

Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Marc ^^^everything you posted above is a perfect example of what I meant by your delusional outrageous claims.

One I will quickly address, you say offspring of Africans and Europeans tend to look Arab/Spanish.

But you first say the Oceanic's inherited their straighter and/or blond hair from these incoming invading whites. So how come these Oceanic's don't look Arab/Spanish?

Secondly where is the genetic evidence? I would love to review this.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
knowledge writes:

[Clyde] Your premise is there were multiple migrations OOA. Two specifically, one directly from Africa into Europe, and another from Africa into the Americas, which are both wrong. You're required to provide this evidence.

^ Of which Clyde knows there is none.

Clyde to me you only ever communicate disingenuous charletonism.
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
Clyde - the bogus sketches are from the book - Charles Darwin "The Man and his Warfare" Ward, Henshaw. 1927

Your picture is obviously correct, which begs the questions: Where are the REAL Fuegians today?

And is there any depths that the White man will not sink, in orders to steal the Black mans history. Their disgusting addiction to racist lying makes understanding history, a daunting proposition. Which is of course their goal; but we shall endeavor to persevere.

Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
But you first say the Oceanic's inherited their straighter and/or blond hair from these incoming invading whites.
^ I don't even read Marc's photochop.

It's just a bunch of tacky graphics and dumb ideas.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Originally posted by Mike111:
Clyde - the bogus sketches are from the book - Charles Darwin "The Man and his Warfare" Ward, Henshaw. 1927

Your picture is obviously correct, which begs the questions: Where are the REAL Fuegians today?

And is there any depths that the White man will not sink, in orders to steal the Black mans history. Their disgusting addiction to racist lying makes understanding history, a daunting proposition. Which is of course their goal; but we shall endeavor to persevere.

Insignificant Mike posts again. Meanwhile, typically he ignores all posts that debunk him.

All of the pics have the same descriptions. So obviously that pic is not an actual sole pic, but is part of a collection.

Funny Clyde tried to say 1856, when it's really (1872-1876), and funny how he tried to make that image a sole picture and give the description among all the pics, as solely for that pic only, as the same description is provided for every pic, go figure....

A photograph taken during the voyage of H.M.S. Challenger (1872-1876) funded by the British Government for scientific purposes. The expedition is believed to have been the first to carry an official photographer.





Poor Clyde, Marc, and Mike, each one gets destroyed in their own threads, lol.
Posted by Marc Washington (Member # 10979) on :

[rASHOL writes] Dr. Winters, your discourse may be suitable for confusing the likes of Marc Washington, but to any serious scholar, it consists of and utterly broken logic.

[Marc writes] You are talking about confusing discourse (well, you spelled the words correctly) and forget about the multitudinous conundrums sprouting from your own convoluted mind? What a joke.



Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:

Y-chromosome STRs (DYS434, DYS437, DYS439, DYS393, DYS391, DYS390, DYS19, DYS389I, DYS389II, and DYS388) and the biallelic system DYS199 were also amplified, Y-STR alleles could be characterized in nine cases, with an average of 4.1 loci per sample correctly typed. In two samples of the same ethnic group (Aonikenk), an identical and complete eight-loci haplotype was recovered. The DYS199 biallelic system was used as a control of contamination by modern DNA and, along with DYS19, as a marker of American origin. The analysis of both mtDNA and Y-STRs revealed DNA from ***Amerindian*** ancestry. The observed polymorphisms are consistent with the hypothesis that the ancient Fuegians are close to populations from south-central ***Chile and Argentina*** , but their high nucleotide diversity and the frequency of single lineages strongly support early genetic differentiation of the Fuegians through combined processes of population bottleneck, isolation, and/or migration, followed by strong genetic drift. This suggests an early genetic diversification of the Fuegians right after their arrival at the southernmost extreme of South America.
Revue / Journal Title
American journal of physical anthropology ISSN 0002-9483
Source / Source
2004, vol. 123, no4, pp. 361-370 [10 page(s) (article)] (47 ref.)

Clyde, from the above, where do you draw your conclusions? What scientists agree with you? What exact correlations do these two Y-chromosome STRs share, inparticularly, that would admonish what scientists say, which is due to OOA populations, Y cromosomal Adam, which is Haplogroup A, and not subsequent migrations OOA??? Fuegans don't carry Y-A1.

“Y-chromosome STRs (DYS434, DYS437, DYS439, DYS393, DYS391, DYS390, DYS19, DYS389I, DYS389II, and DYS388)

Y-STR haplotypes (DYS19, DYS390, DYS391, DYS392, DYS393, DYS437, DYS438, DYS439, DYS389I, DYS389II-I)

Mapuche (Chile)


Pehuenche (Argentina)

Aonikenk-Man (Argentina)

Mitochondrial DNA polymorphisms in Chilean aboriginal populations: implications for the peopling of the southern cone of the continent.

X Abstract

The mitochondrial DNAs (mtDNAs) from individuals belonging to three Chilean tribes, the Mapuche, the Pehuenche, and the Yaghan, were studied both by RFLP analysis and D-loop (control region) sequencing. RFLP analysis showed that 3 individuals (1.3%) belonged to haplogroup A, 19 (8%) to haplogroup B, 102 (43%) to haplogroup C, and 113 (47.7%) to haplogroup D. Among the 73 individuals analyzed by D-loop sequencing, we observed 37 different haplotypes defined by 52 polymorphic sites. Joint analysis of data obtained by RFLP and sequencing methods demonstrated that, regardless of the method of analysis, the mtDNA haplotypes of these three contemporary South American aborigine groups clustered into four main haplogroups, in a way similar to those previously described for other Amerindians. These results further revealed the absence of haplogroup A in both the Mapuche and Yaghan as well as the absence of haplogroup B in the Yaghan. These results suggest that the people of Tierra del Fuego are related to tribes from south-central South America.

I draw the conclusion based on the evidence. I am not like you waiting for Europeans to tell me what to think. I look at the evidence and reach my own conclusions based on that evidence.

This is how science operates . You make a theory hypothesis, collect the data and confirm or disconfirm the hypothesis.

Let me show you how this operates. First you make the research questions, and form your hypotheses.

Research Questions.

Q1. How did AMH reach America when the Beringa was covered with ice between 110kya and 13kya? This ice sheet made it impossible for AMH to cross into the American continent.

Q2.If people crossed the Beringa when the ice melted why are artifacts and skeletal remains relating to the colonization of America by AMH date back 32k BP?

Q3.Why are ancient skeletal remains found on the eastern side of the Americas near the Atlantic ocean currents, instead of the West coast which is nearest Asia?

Hypothesis 1 (H1) The first Anatomically modern humans (AMH) to settle the New World probably came from Africa.

H2. If the first AMH were from Africa, the skeletons of the ancient Americas would be similar to Africans.

H3. Since the earliest Americans date back 32kya they may have been related to the San who took civilization to Europe around this time.

H4. If the San were the first settlers of America they probably left genetic evidence of their former presence.

These hypothesis were confirmed.

H1 & H2. Neves et al make it clear the ancient skeletons resemble Melanesians and Africans. Since they could be either one, I choose African.

I chose Africans because they are the closest to the sites where AMH have been found plus they had the naval technology as indicated by the Dufuna canoe to make the voyage.

H3.The craniometrics indicate that the first inhabitants appear to resemble San, as does some of the reconstructions of faces based on the craniometrics.

H4. The identical STRs of Fuegians and San show a genetic relationship. There are reports of pygmies in various parts of South America especially Brazil. This suggest that the San and the pygmies introduced haplogroups A and B to the Americas. These genes are found in contemporary Amerind groups.

These findings confirm my hypothesis. I must accept that the first inhabitants of the Americas came from Africa, and that they were probably San, not Australians who represent the OOA population.

Now I hope you understand how researchers reach their own conclusions instead of waiting for someone to tell them how to think.

Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
Originally posted by Mike111:
Clyde - the bogus sketches are from the book - Charles Darwin "The Man and his Warfare" Ward, Henshaw. 1927

Your picture is obviously correct, which begs the questions: Where are the REAL Fuegians today?

And is there any depths that the White man will not sink, in orders to steal the Black mans history. Their disgusting addiction to racist lying makes understanding history, a daunting proposition. Which is of course their goal; but we shall endeavor to persevere.

Insignificant Mike posts again. Meanwhile, typically he ignores all posts that debunk him.

All of the pics have the same descriptions. So obviously that pic is not an actual sole pic, but is part of a collection.

Funny Clyde tried to say 1856, when it's really (1872-1876), and funny how he tried to make that image a sole picture and give the description among all the pics, as solely for that pic only, as the same description is provided for every pic, go figure....

A photograph taken during the voyage of H.M.S. Challenger (1872-1876) funded by the British Government for scientific purposes. The expedition is believed to have been the first to carry an official photographer.





Poor Clyde, Marc, and Mike, each one gets destroyed in their own threads, lol.

This is just a delusional thought based on your acceptance of white racism , self-hate and belief only Europeans are right--and what African people declare is wrong. You sad Coconut.


Let's look at the facts:

1) the Australians represent the OOA population that settled Asia

2) during the OOA event much of Siberia and North America was under ice from 110,000 - 10,000BC. As a result there was no way Siberians could cross Beringa before the end of the ice age

3) Ice even separated much of South America east to west


4) the first Americans appear in Brazil, Chile and Argintina Latin America around 30,000 BC

5)using craniometric evidence it is clear that the first Americans look like Africans not modern Asian Native Americans

6) using craniometrics I have pointed out that Asia was dominated by the Australian population until the rise of Suhulland when the Melanesian people appear in the area, at this time the Beringa was still under Ice

7) I pointed out that the Melanesian type reach East Asian mainland by 5000 BC, long after Africans had settled Latin America

8) between 15,000-12,000 we see numerous African populations in Mexico and Brazil; and skeletons dating to this period have even been found off the Yucatan coast in the Caribbean

9) these first Americans did not look like the Australians or modern Amerinds

10) iconography of PreClassic people like the Cherla, Ocos and other groups is of Negroes not Amerinds like the Maya

11) Amerind groups not associated with African slaves carry African genes

12) Maya carried African y chromosome

13) Chontal Mayan speakers were classified as Negroes by Quatrefages. This may explain why the Maya carry African genes

14)Negrocostachicanos claim that they have never been slaves and are indigenous to Guererro and Oaxaca on the Pacific coast

15) The Dufuna boat makes it clear that Africans probably had the technology to travel to the Americas 15,000 years ago.

16) Fuegians 100-400 BP carried haplogroup A1. Hg A1 is an African haplogroup.

17) Amerinds carry haplogroup N, just like Africans.

18)The y chromosome STRs of the Fuegians include DYS434,DYS437,DYS 439, DYS 393, DYS391,DYS390,DYS19, DYS 389I, DYS389II and DYS 388 (see: Garcia-Bour et al above). Except for DYS390 and DYS388 they are characteristic of haplogroup A1 . A1 is recognized as an African haplogroup.

19)Quatrefages noted numerous African Native American tribes

20)The antiquity of these populations is supported by the ancient iconography found in these countries which are of African Native Americans.

21) Most contemporary populations are descendants of the San people not Australians.

Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Originally posted by Doug M:
Clyde, you simply are making up stuff and do not know what on earth you are talking about. So please spare us your fake images and made up nonsense about what these people looked like.

I don't make things up. Here is the photo in question from the museum site.


Here is the picture along with the other Fuegian photographs


I don't need to lie about anything.

Posted by Marc Washington (Member # 10979) on :


Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
^^^^^^^I will tell you Key. You hate yourself and other Blacks. You pretend to really like Black history but only on the terms defined by your masters. As a result anything done be Europeans is considered Right by you; while anything done by Blacks must be wrong because you don't have any confidence in yourself and it is impossible to have confidence in anyone Black.

Poor fool. Love your self, then you can respect and love others.

Posted by alTakruri (Member # 10195) on :
But a the authentic Fuegian photos were recenty
shot by the MNH, they none of them are 19th c.
photo technology. Only the pencil/charcoal etches
date to the 19th century. So much for accuracy
from academia, humph.

Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
Originally posted by alTakruri:

Title: Fuegian man, Native of Tierra del Fuego

A photograph taken during the voyage of H.M.S. Challenger (1872-1876) funded by the British Government for scientific purposes. The expedition is believed to have been the first to carry an official photographer.

Nice. All of the pics have the same descriptions. So obviously that pic is not an actual sole pic, but is part of a collection.

... the same description is provided for every pic, go figure....

A photograph taken during the voyage of H.M.S. Challenger (1872-1876) funded by the British Government for scientific purposes. The expedition is believed to have been the first to carry an official photographer.

Posted by prmiddleeastern (Member # 14038) on :
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
Haplogroup A1 is recognized as an African haplogroup. This genetic data make it clear that Negro Fuegians were living in Fuego, 9000 years after Neves believed they had been replaced by mongoloid folk as illustrated by the pictures published above.

When you say Haplogroup A, do you mean the marker M91?
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
^^^^^^^I will tell you Key. You hate yourself and other Blacks. You pretend to really like Black history but only on the terms defined by your masters. As a result anything done be Europeans is considered Right by you; while anything done by Blacks must be wrong because you don't have any confidence in yourself and it is impossible to have confidence in anyone Black.

Poor fool. Love your self, then you can respect and love others.


Lmao, Clyde. I base my conclusions off of OOA. Anthropology and genetics.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :

Y-chromosome STRs (DYS434, DYS437, DYS439, DYS393, DYS391, DYS390, DYS19, DYS389I, DYS389II, and DYS388) and the biallelic system DYS199 were also amplified, Y-STR alleles could be characterized in nine cases, with an average of 4.1 loci per sample correctly typed. In two samples of the same ethnic group (Aonikenk), an identical and complete eight-loci haplotype was recovered. The DYS199 biallelic system was used as a control of contamination by modern DNA and, along with DYS19, as a marker of American origin. The analysis of both mtDNA and Y-STRs revealed DNA from ***Amerindian*** ancestry. The observed polymorphisms are consistent with the hypothesis that the ancient Fuegians are close to populations from south-central ***Chile and Argentina*** , but their high nucleotide diversity and the frequency of single lineages strongly support early genetic differentiation of the Fuegians through combined processes of population bottleneck, isolation, and/or migration, followed by strong genetic drift. This suggests an early genetic diversification of the Fuegians right after their arrival at the southernmost extreme of South America.
Revue / Journal Title
American journal of physical anthropology ISSN 0002-9483
Source / Source
2004, vol. 123, no4, pp. 361-370 [10 page(s) (article)] (47 ref.)

Mapuche (Chile)


Pehuenche (Argentina)

Aonikenk-Man (Argentina)

Mitochondrial DNA polymorphisms in Chilean aboriginal populations: implications for the peopling of the southern cone of the continent.

X Abstract

The mitochondrial DNAs (mtDNAs) from individuals belonging to three Chilean tribes, the Mapuche, the Pehuenche, and the Yaghan, were studied both by RFLP analysis and D-loop (control region) sequencing. RFLP analysis showed that 3 individuals (1.3%) belonged to haplogroup A, 19 (8%) to haplogroup B, 102 (43%) to haplogroup C, and 113 (47.7%) to haplogroup D. Among the 73 individuals analyzed by D-loop sequencing, we observed 37 different haplotypes defined by 52 polymorphic sites. Joint analysis of data obtained by RFLP and sequencing methods demonstrated that, regardless of the method of analysis, the mtDNA haplotypes of these three contemporary South American aborigine groups clustered into four main haplogroups, in a way similar to those previously described for other Amerindians. These results further revealed the absence of haplogroup A in both the Mapuche and Yaghan as well as the absence of haplogroup B in the Yaghan. These results suggest that the people of Tierra del Fuego are related to tribes from south-central South America.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Originally posted by alTakruri:
But a the authentic Fuegian photos were recenty
shot by the MNH, they none of them are 19th c.
photo technology. Only the pencil/charcoal etches
date to the 19th century. So much for accuracy
from academia, humph.

Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
Originally posted by alTakruri:

Title: Fuegian man, Native of Tierra del Fuego

A photograph taken during the voyage of H.M.S. Challenger (1872-1876) funded by the British Government for scientific purposes. The expedition is believed to have been the first to carry an official photographer.

Nice. All of the pics have the same descriptions. So obviously that pic is not an actual sole pic, but is part of a collection.

... the same description is provided for every pic, go figure....

A photograph taken during the voyage of H.M.S. Challenger (1872-1876) funded by the British Government for scientific purposes. The expedition is believed to have been the first to carry an official photographer.

Posted by prmiddleeastern (Member # 14038) on :
Originally posted by Marc Washington:

You an argyle are a good couple.
Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Originally posted by Mike111:
Clyde - the bogus sketches are from the book - Charles Darwin "The Man and his Warfare" Ward, Henshaw. 1927

Your picture is obviously correct, which begs the questions: Where are the REAL Fuegians today?

And is there any depths that the White man will not sink, in orders to steal the Black mans history. Their disgusting addiction to racist lying makes understanding history, a daunting proposition. Which is of course their goal; but we shall endeavor to persevere.

Here is the photo in question


Here is the picture along with the other Fuegian photographs


I don't need to lie about anything.

Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :

The signature six microsatellites in YAP and M174 are DYS19, DYS388,DYS390, DYS5391,DYS392 and DYS393. These microsatellites that usually define M174, are also found among the Khoisan.

This indicates that the Fuegians carry genes introduced by the Khoisan who would have been the first people to colonize Americas.

Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:

Y-chromosome STRs (DYS434, DYS437, DYS439, DYS393, DYS391, DYS390, DYS19, DYS389I, DYS389II, and DYS388) and the biallelic system DYS199 were also amplified, Y-STR alleles could be characterized in nine cases, with an average of 4.1 loci per sample correctly typed. In two samples of the same ethnic group (Aonikenk), an identical and complete eight-loci haplotype was recovered. The DYS199 biallelic system was used as a control of contamination by modern DNA and, along with DYS19, as a marker of American origin. The analysis of both mtDNA and Y-STRs revealed DNA from ***Amerindian*** ancestry. The observed polymorphisms are consistent with the hypothesis that the ancient Fuegians are close to populations from south-central ***Chile and Argentina*** , but their high nucleotide diversity and the frequency of single lineages strongly support early genetic differentiation of the Fuegians through combined processes of population bottleneck, isolation, and/or migration, followed by strong genetic drift. This suggests an early genetic diversification of the Fuegians right after their arrival at the southernmost extreme of South America.
Revue / Journal Title
American journal of physical anthropology ISSN 0002-9483
Source / Source
2004, vol. 123, no4, pp. 361-370 [10 page(s) (article)] (47 ref.)

Mapuche (Chile)


Pehuenche (Argentina)

Aonikenk-Man (Argentina)

Mitochondrial DNA polymorphisms in Chilean aboriginal populations: implications for the peopling of the southern cone of the continent.

X Abstract

The mitochondrial DNAs (mtDNAs) from individuals belonging to three Chilean tribes, the Mapuche, the Pehuenche, and the Yaghan, were studied both by RFLP analysis and D-loop (control region) sequencing. RFLP analysis showed that 3 individuals (1.3%) belonged to haplogroup A, 19 (8%) to haplogroup B, 102 (43%) to haplogroup C, and 113 (47.7%) to haplogroup D. Among the 73 individuals analyzed by D-loop sequencing, we observed 37 different haplotypes defined by 52 polymorphic sites. Joint analysis of data obtained by RFLP and sequencing methods demonstrated that, regardless of the method of analysis, the mtDNA haplotypes of these three contemporary South American aborigine groups clustered into four main haplogroups, in a way similar to those previously described for other Amerindians. These results further revealed the absence of haplogroup A in both the Mapuche and Yaghan as well as the absence of haplogroup B in the Yaghan. These results suggest that the people of Tierra del Fuego are related to tribes from south-central South America.

As I noted earlier these people practice cremation. There is a very good chance that the pictures you have posted may not relate to the population from which these skeletons came.

Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
The signature six microsatellites in YAP and M174 are DYS19, DYS388,DYS390, DYS5391,DYS392 and DYS393. These microsatellites that usually define M174, are also found among the Khoisan.

This indicates that the Fuegians carry genes introduced by the Khoisan who would have been the first people to colonize Americas.

Again Clyde hapologroup D, found amongst Native Americans is an Mtdna marker, whereas the Y-dna haplogroup D, defined by the M174 mutation, is not present in Native Americans. Khoisan carry Y-dna haplogroup A, the Native Americans carry Mtdna haplogroup A.
Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
The signature six microsatellites in YAP and M174 are DYS19, DYS388,DYS390, DYS5391,DYS392 and DYS393. These microsatellites that usually define M174, are also found among the Khoisan.

This indicates that the Fuegians carry genes introduced by the Khoisan who would have been the first people to colonize Americas.

Again Clyde hapologroup D, found amongst Native Americans is an Mtdna marker, whereas the Y-dna haplogroup D, defined by the M174 mutation, is not present in Native Americans. Khoisan carry Y-dna haplogroup A, the Native Americans carry Mtdna haplogroup A.
Are you saying that the researchers below did not find these STRs among Fuegians?



Y-chromosome STRs (DYS434, DYS437, DYS439, DYS393, DYS391, DYS390, DYS19, DYS389I, DYS389II, and DYS388) and the biallelic system DYS199 were also amplified, Y-STR alleles could be characterized in nine cases, with an average of 4.1 loci per sample correctly typed. In two samples of the same ethnic group (Aonikenk), an identical and complete eight-loci haplotype was recovered. The DYS199 biallelic system was used as a control of contamination by modern DNA and, along with DYS19, as a marker of American origin. The analysis of both mtDNA and Y-STRs revealed DNA from ***Amerindian*** ancestry. The observed polymorphisms are consistent with the hypothesis that the ancient Fuegians are close to populations from south-central ***Chile and Argentina*** , but their high nucleotide diversity and the frequency of single lineages strongly support early genetic differentiation of the Fuegians through combined processes of population bottleneck, isolation, and/or migration, followed by strong genetic drift. This suggests an early genetic diversification of the Fuegians right after their arrival at the southernmost extreme of South America.
Revue / Journal Title
American journal of physical anthropology ISSN 0002-9483
Source / Source
2004, vol. 123, no4, pp. 361-370 [10 page(s) (article)] (47 ref.)

Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Are you saying that the researchers below did not find these STRs among Fuegians?
This is what the researchers are saying Clyde.....

The analysis of both mtDNA and Y-STRs revealed DNA from ***Amerindian*** ancestry. The observed polymorphisms are consistent with the hypothesis that the ancient Fuegians are close to populations from south-central ***Chile and Argentina***

Mapuche (Chile)


Pehuenche (Argentina)

Aonikenk-Man (Argentina)

Again Clyde hapologroup D, found amongst Native Americans is an Mtdna marker, whereas the Y-dna haplogroup D, defined by the M174 mutation, is not present in Native Americans. Khoisan carry Y-dna haplogroup A, the Native Americans carry Mtdna haplogroup A.
Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
The signature six microsatellites in YAP and M174 are DYS19, DYS388,DYS390, DYS5391,DYS392 and DYS393. These microsatellites that usually define M174, are also found among the Khoisan.

This indicates that the Fuegians carry genes introduced by the Khoisan who would have been the first people to colonize Americas.

Again Clyde hapologroup D, found amongst Native Americans is an Mtdna marker, whereas the Y-dna haplogroup D, defined by the M174 mutation, is not present in Native Americans. Khoisan carry Y-dna haplogroup A, the Native Americans carry Mtdna haplogroup A.
Are you claiming that King et al, don't know the difference between a Y-chromosome and mtDNA?


Diversity of Y-STR haplotypes of chromosomes belonging to hgA1 and within the R surname. (a) Relationships of Y-STR haplotypes within hgA1. Weighted median joining network containing the 10-locus Y-STR haplotypes (DYS19, DYS390, DYS391, DYS392, DYS393, DYS437, DYS438, DYS439, DYS389I, DYS389II-I) of eleven hgA1 chromosomes. Circles represent haplotypes, with area proportional to frequency and colored according to population.

European Journal of Human Genetics (2007) 15, 288–293. doi:10.1038/sj.ejhg.5201771; published online 24 January 2007
Africans in Yorkshire? The deepest-rooting clade of the Y phylogeny within an English genealogy
Turi E King1

Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
Are you saying that the researchers below did not find these STRs among Fuegians?
This is what the researchers are saying Clyde.....

The analysis of both mtDNA and Y-STRs revealed DNA from ***Amerindian*** ancestry. The observed polymorphisms are consistent with the hypothesis that the ancient Fuegians are close to populations from south-central ***Chile and Argentina***

Mapuche (Chile)


Pehuenche (Argentina)

Aonikenk-Man (Argentina)

Again Clyde hapologroup D, found amongst Native Americans is an Mtdna marker, whereas the Y-dna haplogroup D, defined by the M174 mutation, is not present in Native Americans. Khoisan carry Y-dna haplogroup A, the Native Americans carry Mtdna haplogroup A.

You have not answered my question. I am talking about the specific data these authors published in the work which they describe as haplotypes, Y-STRs. Are they wrong, while you're right?

Please explain.

Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Are you claiming that King et al, don't know the difference between a Y-chromosome and mtDNA?
Of course he does. I am saying you don't lol. Therein lies the problem. Native Americans don't carry Y-haplogroup A or D.

You have not answered my question. I am talking about the specific data these authors published in the work which they describe as haplotypes, Y-STRs. Are they wrong, while you're right?
This is what the researchers are saying Clyde.....

The analysis of both mtDNA and Y-STRs **revealed** DNA from ***Amerindian*** ancestry. The observed polymorphisms are consistent with the hypothesis that the ancient Fuegians are close to populations from south-central ***Chile and Argentina***
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Mapuche (Chile)


Pehuenche (Argentina)

Aonikenk-Man (Argentina)

The Yaghan People

Mitochondrial DNA polymorphisms in Chilean aboriginal populations: implications for the peopling of the southern cone of the continent.

X Abstract

The mitochondrial DNAs (mtDNAs) from individuals belonging to three Chilean tribes, the Mapuche, the Pehuenche, and the Yaghan, were studied both by RFLP analysis and D-loop (control region) sequencing. RFLP analysis showed that 3 individuals (1.3%) belonged to haplogroup A, 19 (8%) to haplogroup B, 102 (43%) to haplogroup C, and 113 (47.7%) to haplogroup D. Among the 73 individuals analyzed by D-loop sequencing, we observed 37 different haplotypes defined by 52 polymorphic sites. Joint analysis of data obtained by RFLP and sequencing methods demonstrated that, regardless of the method of analysis, the mtDNA haplotypes of these three contemporary South American aborigine groups clustered into four main haplogroups, in a way similar to those previously described for other Amerindians. These results further revealed the absence of haplogroup A in both the Mapuche and Yaghan as well as the absence of haplogroup B in the Yaghan. These results suggest that the people of Tierra del Fuego are related to tribes from south-central South America.
Posted by Doug M (Member # 7650) on :
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
]There is no question that the original African Americans have mixed with Amerinds and now you rarely see the African type. But genetic research makes it clear that the original Fuegians were Black/African people.


There is no question they were black Clyde. Nobody is disagreeing with that. However, nobody agrees that they were from Africa and therefore Africans. YOU are the only one trying to call these people Africans. They are not Africans, no more than the aborigines of Asia are Africans.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Originally posted by Doug M:
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
]There is no question that the original African Americans have mixed with Amerinds and now you rarely see the African type. But genetic research makes it clear that the original Fuegians were Black/African people.


There is no question they were black Clyde. Nobody is disagreeing with that. However, nobody agrees that they were from Africa and therefore Africans. YOU are the only one trying to call these people Africans. They are not Africans, no more than the aborigines of Asia are Africans.
Again, this is the misunderstanding Clyde has with OOA, he doesn't understand that there is no genetic evidence of populations migrating post OOA, directly from Africa into Europe. Clyde fails to understand that anthropological and genetic evidence trumps his hypothesis's.

As we can see from anthropological remains, populations retained an OOA phenotype for tens of thousands of years, before morphologically adapting to their present phenotypes in Europe and Asia. Changes were gradual, of course, but recent European and East Asian pale phenotypes is an end Mesolithic-Neolithic adaptation, as is the post OOA lineages into Europeans. Due to Europeans recent post OOA Neolithic African admixture into their population.

Europeans appear 2/3rd Asian, 1/3rd African.

E3b, A, E3a[yes], L1, L2, L3, M1, U6, Benin Hbs autosome......

^ All found in West Eurasia....and not in East Eurasia, SouthEast Asia, Australia, New Guinnea, Melanesia etc...

^^Which confirms Cavalli's distance matrix, as follows.

Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Y-chromosome STRs (DYS434, DYS437, DYS439, DYS393, DYS391, DYS390, DYS19, DYS389I, DYS389II, and DYS388) and the biallelic system DYS199 were also amplified, Y-STR alleles could be characterized in nine cases, with an average of 4.1 loci per sample correctly typed.

The analysis of both mtDNA and Y-STRs **revealed** DNA from ***Amerindian*** ancestry. The observed polymorphisms are consistent with the hypothesis that the ancient Fuegians are close to populations from south-central ***Chile and Argentina***

Note Clyde, the Y STRs you're attributing to Fuegians, are actually STR's in which were amplified in the study, but the analysis clearly reveals Mtda and Y-STRs of Native American ancestry, not recent post OOA. Sorry Clyde, just more misinterpretations of genetics on your part.

Y Chromosome-Specific STRs
By Leonor Gusmão1 and Angel Carracedo2
1Instituto de Patologia e Imunologia, Molecular da Universidade do Porto, Porto,
Portugal and 2Institute of Legal Medicine, University of Santiago de Compostela,
Santiago de Compostela, Spain

Y-STRs are the most used Y chromosome markers in the forensic field due to their
typing simplicity and high level of diversity. STR typing involves simple and reliable
polymerase chain reaction (PCR)(a) techniques and is tolerant of very degraded
samples. Of all Y chromosome polymorphic STRs described to date, DYS19, DYS385,
DYS389I, DYS389II, DYS390, DYS391, DYS392, DYS393 and YCAII have more data
accumulated, being the most used in population and forensic genetics. Because of
collaborative efforts to construct large databases (see,
and, these markers are the best characterized for amplification
performance and specificity, multiplex amplification strategies, sequence structure
and nomenclature, as well as worldwide allele frequency distributions.

Posted by Marc Washington (Member # 10979) on :

Doug writes: They are not Africans, no more than the aborigines of Asia are Africans.

Marc writes: Nobody needs a white boy defining who is and who isn't African. And you use a geographic definition. That is not the only definition.

Using a morphological paradigm for African includes all who have full facial features given to woolly or wiry hair.

Take your definition and stuff it. Define white for yourself. I don't need you defining who my people are and aren't.

Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
^^^^So.... Africans without full facial features, wooly or wiry hair is not really African?
Posted by prmiddleeastern (Member # 14038) on :
Originally posted by Marc Washington:
Using a morphological paradigm for African includes all who have full facial features given to woolly or wiry hair.

That is your own delusional morphological paradigm for african, not the anthropologists' one who is that of paleolithic individuals.
Posted by prmiddleeastern (Member # 14038) on :
Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
^^^^So.... Africans without full facial features, wooly or wiry hair is not really African?

guaha, all inhabitants of Africa are africans, Africa is a continent
Posted by prmiddleeastern (Member # 14038) on :
He means this woman is not African because she has not wolly hair or full facial features. [Big Grin]
Posted by Marc Washington (Member # 10979) on :

Mike D. What race is Tony Blair? Mongolian, African, or white? He is white.

Here is how your logic works when looking at the uniform characteristics of people with full facial features given to woolly or wiry hair as Africans. You like the schizophrenic approach dividing them into an infinite number of identities. Let's see how this type of "logic" you invoke works.

Tony Blair is white and let's say he had sextuplets that all resembled him. One goes to Australia. Another to New Zealand. Another to China. Another to Japan. Another to Mexico. Another to France.

According to your backwards way of defining things, they wouldn't be called white. They'd be called Australian, New Zealander, Japanese, and so forth. On the level of nationality it would be legitimate.

Yet, anyone looking at them would call them white.

Same with African. A rose by any other name is still a rose.

Except you have babies when considering the fact that Africans have a unity as if the word itself gives you the heebeejeebees. You are a closet racist.

Chill out.

Posted by Marc Washington (Member # 10979) on :

I didn't say Africans "had woolly hair." I said they were "given to woolly hair." In other words, have a tendency to have woolly hair. Meaning not all do; some don't.

I see your picture of the African woman with straight hair. Earlier in this thread I already addressed such hair as my mother and sister have such hair. I wrote of Donna Rice having such hair:

Not all will agree, but some Africans will be found with wavy hair. Others have curly hair. Sometimes, Africans have straight hair as the Afro-American U.S. Secretary of State, Donna Rice (these cases the result of miscegenation from the days of slavery and after).


Posted by prmiddleeastern (Member # 14038) on :
Originally posted by Marc Washington:

I didn't say Africans "had woolly hair." I said they were "given to woolly hair." In other words, have a tendency to have woolly hair. Meaning not all do; some don't.

Paleolithic individual are related to Africans, but they aren't Africans per se.
Posted by Doug M (Member # 7650) on :
Originally posted by Marc Washington:

Mike D. What race is Tony Blair? Mongolian, African, or white? He is white.

Here is how your logic works when looking at the uniform characteristics of people with full facial features given to woolly or wiry hair as Africans. You like the schizophrenic approach dividing them into an infinite number of identities. Let's see how this type of "logic" you invoke works.

Tony Blair is white and let's say he had sextuplets that all resembled him. One goes to Australia. Another to New Zealand. Another to China. Another to Japan. Another to Mexico. Another to France.

According to your backwards way of defining things, they wouldn't be called white. They'd be called Australian, New Zealander, Japanese, and so forth. On the level of nationality it would be legitimate.

Yet, anyone looking at them would call them white.

Same with African. A rose by any other name is still a rose.

Except you have babies when considering the fact that Africans have a unity as if the word itself gives you the heebeejeebees. You are a closet racist.

Chill out.


Actually Marc it is you being inconsistent and backwards in your definitions. Are the aborigines of Australia and New Guinea Africans? Yes or no?

The point you fail to realize is that Africans as the BASIS of all humanity are also the MOST DIVERSE population on earth. They have more features as a group than any other group combined. You can find features in Africa that match almost any other group on the face of the planet. And if you take into account the aboriginal black populations who are DIRECTLY related to the OOA migrations that populated the earth, you will find EVEN MORE diversity. ALL of these populations are black, ALL of them are the most ancient form of mankind. ALL of them are the basis OF ALL features found in ALL humans.

Therefore, saying that they are Africans is not saying much since IT IS A GIVEN that ALL aboriginal people came from Africa and ALL aboriginal features therefore are DIRECTLY related to the first OOA populations that migrated worldwide. There is no need to call them Africans TWICE as the FACT that they are aboriginal IN ITSELF says that they are closest to the ORIGINAL OOA migrants in a particular area to begin with. But another reason that calling them African is erroneous is because many of these aborigines also have DIFFERENCES in features both between THEMSELVES and FROM AFRICANS that are the result of LOCAL changes due to adaptation. They are still black and still the CLOSEST to the OOA populations, but they are NOT AFRICANS.

You aren't EXPLAINING anything or CLARIFYING anything by calling them Africans, as everyone knows that ALL humans ultimately come from Africa. But that DOES NOT explain how these populations got to ALL PARTS of the planet. Saying that the first native Americans were AFRICANS is saying that they were DIRECT migrants from Africa. But there is no EVIDENCE for this. THERE IS evidence that the first ABORIGINAL populations of the Americas RETAINED many features found among OTHER ABORIGINAL populations, which is BLACK SKIN and FEATURES close to those people who migrated OOA. Other than that, it does not NEED to be said that they were Africans, because THEY DID NOT come directly from Africa to the Americas.

THAT is what you and Clyde keep harping on, WITH NO PROOF. While the OVERWHELMING evidence of the first people in the Americas BEING BLACK goes right over your head.
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
Originally posted by Djehuti:
^ I'm not Knowledge, but here you go!

Andamanese woman of Southeast Asia

I hope this helps.

The Andamanese and Munda people live in South Asia stupid, not Southeast Asia.
Uhh, the Andaman Islands while under political Indian hegemony is located in Southeast Asia, and technically part of the Sudanese continental shelf that the Malay peninsula is part of!!..



I suggest you do research first before writing. Then again, all you write is B.S. anyway!
Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Originally posted by Djehuti:
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
Originally posted by Djehuti:
^ I'm not Knowledge, but here you go!

Andamanese woman of Southeast Asia

I hope this helps.

The Andamanese and Munda people live in South Asia stupid, not Southeast Asia.
Uhh, the Andaman Islands while under political Indian hegemony is located in Southeast Asia, and technically part of the Sudanese continental shelf that the Malay peninsula is part of!!..



I suggest you do research first before writing. Then again, all you write is B.S. anyway!

Stupid Troll the Andaman Islands are not part of the Sudanese continental shelf.

Southeast Asian Woman


Above is a Southeast Asian woman. She does not in anyway resemble the San and Munda people of India and Andaman Island.

Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :

Posted by Marc Washington (Member # 10979) on :



Doug writes: Therefore, saying that they are Africans is not saying much since IT IS A GIVEN that ALL aboriginal people came from Africa and ALL aboriginal features therefore are DIRECTLY related to the first OOA populations that migrated worldwide. There is no need to call them Africans TWICE as the FACT that they are aboriginal IN ITSELF says that they are closest to the ORIGINAL OOA migrants in a particular area to begin with. But another reason that calling them African is erroneous is because many of these aborigines also have DIFFERENCES in features both between THEMSELVES and FROM AFRICANS that are the result of LOCAL changes due to adaptation.

Marc writes: Look. Like I said, I don’t need no white boy telling me who is and isn’t African. I am not using your damn geographical definition of “African” or your “not good to call them ‘twice’ African” bull.

Yes features vary. Again. Tony Blair is ___. Bruce Lee is ___. Wesley Snipes is ___. We know who they are because of a small group of features and Africans share a small group of features not found in whites and Asians. They have full facial features and are given to woolly or wiry hair.

Look. Chill out and get a life.

Posted by Doug M (Member # 7650) on :
The only question I got for you Marc, is what are these people:







What all your silly cartoons and photo shop skills fails to address is the above, along with your false concepts about the migrations of Africans throughout the planet that have NO BEARING on reality.
Posted by Marc Washington (Member # 10979) on :

Doug writes: The only question I got for you Marc, is what are these people:

Marc writes: My work has a specific focus and many of the people above would not appear on my pages. Of those pictures I'd only select this one:


The following, for the third time in this thread, is the population I focus on:

THE THREE GREAT RACES AND THEIR MERGERS: The three great races are the Mongul, the White, and African. Until near 2300 BC, they were completely isolated from each other but since have mixed creating new sub-races as in Southeast Asia and the Pacific. The present work focuses not on the sub-races or Mongul or White but African.

Some of the others I'd account for as being descendents of the Monguls, descendents of Ghengis Khan mixing with Africans.

What have you done? You have chosen diverse populations from Southeast Asia. Below are faces of Africans in Southeast Asia who have no Mongul or white blood.


My work draws attention to the fact that the "pure" Africans I show are evidence of the fact that at one time there were ONLY PURE AFRICANS before their lands were flooded with Monguls and whites who admixed with them producing peoples such as those you've shown.

Posted by Doug M (Member # 7650) on :
Originally posted by Marc Washington:

Doug writes: The only question I got for you Marc, is what are these people:

Marc writes: My work has a specific focus and many of the people above would not appear on my pages. Of those pictures I'd only select this one:


The following, for the third time in this thread, is the population I focus on:

THE THREE GREAT RACES AND THEIR MERGERS: The three great races are the Mongul, the White, and African. Until near 2300 BC, they were completely isolated from each other but since have mixed creating new sub-races as in Southeast Asia and the Pacific. The present work focuses not on the sub-races or Mongul or White but African.


Which means that you IGNORE THOSE FACTS that do not agree with your silly point of view. You are adhering to OUTDATED race typologies that have NO BEARING and NO RELATIONSHIP to the truth of human population migrations and therefore is the reason why you cannot HANDLE those pictures, because they are ABOVE YOUR UNDERSTANDING. And the worst part is YOU DONT WANT to understand how these photos are PRECISELY the sort of "pure" unmixed people who ORIGINALLY populated Asia and much of the planet, which is WHY they are called aboriginal and NONE of them are African.

But as you said you prefer to ignore the truth....

Which is precisely the point.
Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
I draw the conclusion that the first Americans were Africans based on the evidence. I am not like you waiting for Europeans to tell me what to think. I look at the evidence and reach my own conclusions based on that evidence.

This is how science operates . You make a theory hypothesis, collect the data and confirm or disconfirm the hypothesis.

Let me show you how this operates. First you make the research questions, and form your hypotheses.

Research Questions.

Q1. How did AMH reach America when the Beringa was covered with ice between 110kya and 13kya? This ice sheet made it impossible for AMH to cross into the American continent.

Q2.If people crossed the Beringa when the ice melted why are artifacts and skeletal remains relating to the colonization of America by AMH date back 32k BP?

Q3.Why are ancient skeletal remains found on the eastern side of the Americas near the Atlantic ocean currents, instead of the West coast which is nearest Asia?

Hypothesis 1 (H1) The first Anatomically modern humans (AMH) to settle the New World probably came from Africa.

H2. If the first AMH were from Africa, the skeletons of the ancient Americas would be similar to Africans.

H3. Since the earliest Americans date back 32kya they may have been related to the San who took civilization to Europe around this time.

H4. If the San were the first settlers of America they probably left genetic evidence of their former presence.

These hypothesis were confirmed.

H1 & H2. Neves et al make it clear the ancient skeletons resemble Melanesians and Africans. Since they could be either one, I choose African.

I chose Africans because they are the closest to the sites where AMH have been found plus they had the naval technology as indicated by the Dufuna canoe to make the voyage.

H3.The craniometrics indicate that the first inhabitants appear to resemble San, as does some of the reconstructions of faces based on the craniometrics.

H4. The identical STRs of Fuegians and San show a genetic relationship. There are reports of pygmies in various parts of South America especially Brazil. This suggest that the San and the pygmies introduced haplogroups A and B to the Americas. These genes are found in contemporary Amerind groups.

These findings confirm my hypothesis. I must accept that the first inhabitants of the Americas came from Africa, and that they were probably San, not Australians who represent the OOA population.

Now I hope you understand how researchers reach their own conclusions instead of waiting for someone to tell them how to think.

Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
Here is the evidence.

If you could not cross the Beringa until 14kya and all the skeletons of ancient inhabitants are found near the Atlantic coastline the people had to have come from Africa given the fact the carniometrics indicate that they were of the African variety, and ice blocked any possible movement of people from the Pacific to Argintina and Chile where some of the evidence of early man has been found.

The first Americans did not cross the Bearing Straits to enter the Americas.The earliest sites for Negroes date between 20,000 and 40000 years ago Old Crow Basin Canada(38,000BC) Pedra Furada (45,000BC) Brazil. These people were pygmies and bushman types according to Dr. Dixon, & Dr. Marquez(p.179).

Chile: Monteverde (12,500 years), Tierra del Fuego, Cueva de Fell, Tres Arroyos and some other places.

There are older ones in the Argentinian Patagonia.


—Patagonia was the world's last place to be colonized by humans. In Arica there have been found remains of 9,000 years; the same in a place at the High Aconcagua and Huentelauquén. In Chile we have more than half of the continent's most ancient human skeletons, all well dated and documented.

In addition


Archaeologists believe they have discovered a 13,600-year-old human skeleton deep in a Caribbean underwater cave, making it the oldest ever found in the Americas. The discovery could have profound effects on theories of how humans first reached North America.

The female skeleton, called Eve of Naharon, was found with three other human skeletons in underwater caves along the coast of the Yucatan Peninsula. Excavation of a fourth skeleton – possibly even older than Eve – begins this month in a nearby cave.

The three other skeletons found with Eve have been radiocarbon-dated from 11,000 to 14,000 years ago.

All were found in underwater caves about 50 feet below the surface. At the time Eve and the others would have lived there, the sea level was about 200 feet lower, and the Yucatan Peninsula was a dry prairie. Melting of the polar ice caps 9,000 years ago submerged the burial ground and the subsequent growth of stalactites and stalagmites kept the skeletons from being washed out to sea.

In 1959 archaeologists found the Penon woman skeleton at Mexico City.

[/b] Penon Woman[/b]

Penon woman has been characterized as a Negro and is physically different from Native Americans. The Penon skeleton has been dated between 12,500-15,000BP. The skull of Penon woman is dolichocephalic like most Negroes, not brachysephalic (short and braod) like modern Native Americans. She is related to the Fuegians of Parana Argentina and the Luizia population of Brazil.

Here we have a comparison of ancient skulls found in the Americas.

[IMG] [/IMG]

In the picture above we have three ancient American skulls. They are a) Penon woman (12.755 Ka), b) Texcal Man (9.5ka) and c) Pericue Indian (18th Century). If you look notice Pericue man shows broad features characteristic of the mongoloid type, while both Penon and Texcul do not.

Some researchers claim that these skeletons are of Australian or Melanesian Blacks. This is highly unlikely given the fact that that have been found near the Atlantic Ocean and suggestive of a migration from Africa to Mexico, like the migration of the Olmec 11,000 years later. This view is supported by the discovery of the so-called Eva Neharon skeleton (c.13,600 ) dating to around the same period found in the Caribbean.

By 11,500 we see the appearence tall Negroes from Africa in Colombia, Venezuela and Brazil e.g.,Luiza. Negroes settled America both from the Bearing & South America. Cite an archaeological site where Amerind skeletons have been found prior to the Negro skeletons.


Oldest Skeleton in Americas Found in Underwater Cave?
Eliza Barclay
for National Geographic News

September 3, 2008

Deep inside an underwater cave in Mexico, archaeologists may have discovered the oldest human skeleton ever found in the Americas.

Dubbed Eva de Naharon, or Eve of Naharon, the female skeleton has been dated at 13,600 years old. If that age is accurate, the skeleton—along with three others found in underwater caves along the Caribbean coast of the Yucatán Peninsula—could provide new clues to how the Americas were first populated.

The remains have been excavated over the past four years near the town of Tulum, about 80 miles southwest of Cancún, by a team of scientists led by Arturo González, director of the Desert Museum in Saltillo, Mexico (see map of Mexico).

"We don't now how [the people whose remains were found in the caves] arrived and whether they came from the Atlantic, the jungle, or inside the continent," González said.

"But we believe these finds are the oldest yet to be found in the Americas and may influence our theories of how the first people arrived."

In addition to possibly altering the time line of human settlement in the Americas, the remains may cause experts to rethink where the first Americans came from, González added.

Clues from the skeletons' skulls hint that the people may not be of northern Asian descent, which would contradict the dominant theory of New World settlement. That theory holds that ancient humans first came to North America from northern Asia via a now submerged land bridge across the Bering Sea (see an interactive map of ancient human migration).

"The shape of the skulls has led us to believe that Eva and the others have more of an affinity with people from South Asia than North Asia," González explained.

Concepción Jiménez, director of physical anthropology at Mexico's National Institute of Anthropology and History, has viewed the finds and says they may be Mexico's oldest and most important human remains to date.

"Eva de Naharon has the Paleo-Indian characteristics that make the date seem very plausible," Jiménez said.

Ancient Floods, Giant Animals

The three other skeletons excavated in the caves have been given a date range of 11,000 to 14,000 years ago, based on radiocarbon dating.

Radiocarbon dating measures the age of organic materials based on their content of the radioactive isotope carbon 14.

According to archaeologist David Anderson of the University of Tennessee, however, minerals in seawater can sometimes alter the carbon 14 content of bones, resulting in inaccurate radiocarbon dating results.

The remains were found some 50 feet (15 meters) below sea level in the caves off Tulum. But at the time Eve of Naharon is believed to have lived there, sea levels were 200 feet (60 meters) lower, and the Yucatán Peninsula was a wide, dry prairie.

The polar ice caps melted dramatically 8,000 to 9,000 years ago, causing sea levels to rise hundreds of feet and submerging the burial grounds of the skeletons. Stalactites and stalagmites then grew around the remains, preventing them from being washed out to sea.

González has also found remains of elephants, giant sloths, and other ancient fauna in the caves.

(Learn more about how caves form.)

Human Migration Theories

If González's finds do stand up to scientific scrutiny, they will raise many interesting new questions about how the Americas were first peopled.

Many researchers once believed humans entered the New World from Asia as a single group crossing over the Bering Land Bridge no earlier than 13,500 years ago. But that theory is lately being debunked.

Remains found in Monte Verde, Chile, in 1997, for example, point to the presence of people in the Americas at least 12,500 years ago, long before migration would have been possible through the ice-covered Arctic reaches of North America.

(Related: "Clovis People Not First Americans, Study Shows" [February 23, 2007].)

Confirmation of Eve of Naharon's age could further revolutionize the thinking about the settlement of the Americas.

This September, González will begin excavating the fourth skeleton, known as Chan hol, which he says could be even older than Eve.

The Chan hol remains include more than ten teeth, which will allow researchers to date the specimen and gather information about Chan hol's diet.

"When we learn more about the [Mexican finds] we'll be able to better evaluate them," said Carlos Lorenzo, a researcher at the Universitat Rovira i Virgili in Tarragona, Spain, an expert on the subject who was not involved in the current study.

"But in any case, if it's confirmed that Eva de Naharon is 13,000 years old, it will be a fantastic and extraordinary finding for understanding the first settlers of America."

González said he and his team hope to publish the full results of their analysis after the excavation of the fourth skeleton.

"We're not yet in the phase of research of determining how they arrived," he said. "But when we have more evidence we may be able to determine that."


USA 28,000-25,000 14C y.a.
This vegetation map showing the eastern USA during the period 28,000-25,000 14C y.a. has been compiled by Paul & Hazel Delcourt. An ice sheet already covered most of Canada and extended south of the Great Lakes. Boreal conifer woodlands and forests predominated in what is now the cool temperate forest zone, and the cool and warm temperate forest belts were compressed southwards.

The last ice age in North America lasted between 110,000 and 17,000BP. The ice-free corridor on the eastern flank of the Rockies did not open before 13,000 years ago. Africans were in the Americas long before the end of the last Ice Age when the “Siberians”, who also were more than likely Africans began to cross the Bearing Straits. By 12,500 BC Africans were already living in Chile.

Stop trying to steal the heritage of the Black people like the Olmecs, who represent the Mother Culture of Mexico.

Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
The Fuegians carry the same STRs as Africans based on the research literature as evidence I provide two citations.

Citation One (1)


Titre du document / Document title
Early population differentiation in extinct aborigines from Tierra del Fuego-Patagonia: Ancient mtDNA sequences and Y-chromosome STR characterization = Différentiation des populations anciennes chez les aborigènes éteints de la Patagonie-Terre de Feu : Séquences d'ADNmt et caractérisation STR du chromosome Y
Auteur(s) / Author(s)
GARCIA-BOUR Jaume (1) ; PEREZ-PEREZ Alejandro (1) ; ALVAREZ Sara (1) ; FERNANDEZ Eva (1) ; LOPEZ-PARRA Ana Maria (1 2) ; ARROYO-PARDO Eduardo (1 2) ; TURBON Daniel (1) ;
Affiliation(s) du ou des auteurs / Author(s) Affiliation(s)
(1) Secció d'Antropologia, Departament de Biologia Animal, Universitat de Barcelona, 08028 Barcelona, ESPAGNE
(2) Laboratorio de Biologia Forense, Departamento de Toxicología y Legislación Sanitaria, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Complutense, 28040 Madrid, ESPAGNE
Résumé / Abstract
Ancient mtDNA was succesfully recovered from 24 skeletal samples of a total of 60 ancient individuals from Patagonia-Tierra del Fuego, dated to 100-400 years BP, for which consistent amplifications and two-strand sequences were obtained. Y-chromosome STRs (DYS434, DYS437, DYS439, DYS393, DYS391, DYS390, DYS19, DYS389I, DYS389II, and DYS388) and the biallelic system DYS199 were also amplified, Y-STR alleles could be characterized in nine cases, with an average of 4.1 loci per sample correctly typed. In two samples of the same ethnic group (Aonikenk), an identical and complete eight-loci haplotype was recovered. The DYS199 biallelic system was used as a control of contamination by modern DNA and, along with DYS19, as a marker of American origin. The analysis of both mtDNA and Y-STRs revealed DNA from Amerindian ancestry. The observed polymorphisms are consistent with the hypothesis that the ancient Fuegians are close to populations from south-central Chile and Argentina, but their high nucleotide diversity and the frequency of single lineages strongly support early genetic differentiation of the Fuegians through combined processes of population bottleneck, isolation, and/or migration, followed by strong genetic drift. This suggests an early genetic diversification of the Fuegians right after their arrival at the southernmost extreme of South America.
Revue / Journal Title
American journal of physical anthropology ISSN 0002-9483
Source / Source
2004, vol. 123, no4, pp. 361-370 [10 page(s) (article)] (47 ref.)

Here Garcia Bour et al note that: Fuegian Y-chromosomes STRs include “Y-chromosome STRs (DYS434, DYS437, DYS439, DYS393, DYS391, DYS390, DYS19, DYS389I, DYS389II, and DYS388)

Citation Two (2)


Diversity of Y-STR haplotypes of chromosomes belonging to hgA1 and within the R surname. (a) Relationships of Y-STR haplotypes within hgA1. Weighted median joining network containing the 10-locus Y-STR haplotypes (DYS19, DYS390, DYS391, DYS392, DYS393, DYS437, DYS438, DYS439, DYS389I, DYS389II-I) of eleven hgA1 chromosomes. Circles represent haplotypes, with area proportional to frequency and colored according to population.

European Journal of Human Genetics (2007) 15, 288–293. doi:10.1038/sj.ejhg.5201771; published online 24 January 2007
Africans in Yorkshire? The deepest-rooting clade of the Y phylogeny within an English genealogy
Turi E King1


In this paper, King et al make it clear that the “Y-STR haplotypes (DYS19, DYS390, DYS391, DYS392, DYS393, DYS437, DYS438, DYS439, DYS389I, DYS389II-I) of eleven hgA1 chromosomes.[/b] “ belong to hg A1.

Note that Garcia Bour et al maintains Fuegians carry these STRs

DYS434, DYS437, DYS439, DYS393, DYS391, DYS390, DYS19, DYS389I, DYS389II, and DYS388

King et al observed that the principal STRs in haplogroup A1 are:


DYS19, DYS390, DYS391, DYS392, DYS393, DYS437, DYS438, DYS439, DYS389I, DYS389II-I

You don’t have to be brain scientist to recognize that concordance exist between the two sets of STRs.

It stands to reason that if the Fuegians carry Y-STRs associated with haplogroup A1 which is an African haplogroup, the Fuegians have direct African ancestry.

This led me to reach the following conclusion based on the evidence:


Researchers have been able to recover mtDNA samples from 24 out of 60 ancient skeletons from Tierra del Fuego dating to 100-400BP. The y chromosome STRs were DYS434,DYS437,DYS 439, DYS 393, DYS391,DYS390,DYS19, DYS 389I, DYS389II and DYS 388 (see: Garcia-Bour et al below). Except for DYS390 and DYS388 are characteristic of haplogroup A1 (see: King et al, below). A1 is recognized as an African haplogroup. This genetic data make it clear that Negro Fuegians were living in Fuego, 9000 years after Neves believed they had been replaced by mongoloid folk.

The fact that KIK and rasol, individuals who we can assume have normal intelligence could not see the relationship between the Y-chromosomes in these populations makes it clear that they must be a victim of “Knowledge blindness”. A psychosis resulting from their acceptance of their own inferiority and white supremist ideas.

Stop trying to steal the heritage of the First African Americans.

Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :

Let's look at the facts:

1) the Australians represent the OOA population that settled Asia

2) during the OOA event much of Siberia and North America was under ice from 110,000 - 10,000BC. As a result there was no way Siberians could cross Beringa before the end of the ice age

3) Ice even separated much of South America east to west


4) the first Americans appear in Brazil, Chile and Argintina Latin America around 30,000 BC

5)using craniometric evidence it is clear that the first Americans look like Africans not modern Asian Native Americans

6) using craniometrics I have pointed out that Asia was dominated by the Australian population until the rise of Suhulland when the Melanesian people appear in the area, at this time the Beringa was still under Ice

7) I pointed out that the Melanesian type reach East Asian mainland by 5000 BC, long after Africans had settled Latin America

8) between 15,000-12,000 we see numerous African populations in Mexico and Brazil; and skeletons dating to this period have even been found off the Yucatan coast in the Caribbean

9) these first Americans did not look like the Australians or modern Amerinds

10) iconography of PreClassic people like the Cherla, Ocos and other groups is of Negroes not Amerinds like the Maya

11) Amerind groups not associated with African slaves carry African genes

12) Maya carried African y chromosome

13) Chontal Mayan speakers were classified as Negroes by Quatrefages. This may explain why the Maya carry African genes

14)Negrocostachicanos claim that they have never been slaves and are indigenous to Guererro and Oaxaca on the Pacific coast

15) The Dufuna boat makes it clear that Africans probably had the technology to travel to the Americas 15,000 years ago.

16) Fuegians 100-400 BP carried haplogroup A1. Hg A1 is an African haplogroup.

17) Amerinds carry haplogroup N, just like Africans.

18)The y chromosome STRs of the Fuegians include DYS434,DYS437,DYS 439, DYS 393, DYS391,DYS390,DYS19, DYS 389I, DYS389II and DYS 388 (see: Garcia-Bour et al above). Except for DYS390 and DYS388 they are characteristic of haplogroup A1 . A1 is recognized as an African haplogroup.

19)Quatrefages noted numerous African Native American tribes

20)The antiquity of these populations is supported by the ancient iconography found in these countries which are of African Native Americans.

21) Most contemporary populations are descendants of the San people not Australians.

Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
The Fuegians and Khoisan share many cultural features. Note the house construction of these populations.


The signature six microsatellites in YAP and M174 are DYS19, DYS388,DYS390, DYS5391,DYS392 and DYS393. These microsatellites that usually define M174, are also found among the Khoisan.

This indicates that the Fuegians carry genes introduced by the Khoisan who would have been the first people to colonize Americas.

Posted by prmiddleeastern (Member # 14038) on :
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:

Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Originally posted by Doug M:
Clyde, you simply are making up stuff and do not know what on earth you are talking about. So please spare us your fake images and made up nonsense about what these people looked like.

I don't make things up. Here is the photo in question from the museum site.


Here is the picture along with the other Fuegian photographs


I don't need to lie about anything.

Posted by prmiddleeastern (Member # 14038) on :
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
Originally posted by Doug M:
Clyde, you simply are making up stuff and do not know what on earth you are talking about. So please spare us your fake images and made up nonsense about what these people looked like.

I don't make things up. Here is the photo in question from the museum site.


Here is the picture along with the other Fuegian photographs


I don't need to lie about anything.


Can you give me the site's url?
Posted by prmiddleeastern (Member # 14038) on :
I also found this pic of fuegians on that same site, why now they look different?


Found another one later on that same site, look they still look different!

Posted by prmiddleeastern (Member # 14038) on :

This man is an amerindian/black mix,meaning that Fuegians aren't African, but Asiatic.This man is mixed, he does not represent Fuegians.
Posted by prmiddleeastern (Member # 14038) on :
Fuegian women, still Asiatic looking.
Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Originally posted by prmiddleeastern:

This man is an amerindian/black mix,meaning that Fuegians aren't African, but Asiatic.This man is mixed, he does not represent Fuegians.

Are you talking about this guy?


Posted by prmiddleeastern (Member # 14038) on :


A pure, unmixed, Fuegian man, still asiatic looking.
Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Originally posted by prmiddleeastern:
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
Originally posted by Doug M:
Clyde, you simply are making up stuff and do not know what on earth you are talking about. So please spare us your fake images and made up nonsense about what these people looked like.

I don't make things up. Here is the photo in question from the museum site.


Here is the picture along with the other Fuegian photographs


I don't need to lie about anything.


Can you give me the site's url?
Here it is:

Posted by prmiddleeastern (Member # 14038) on :
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
Originally posted by prmiddleeastern:

This man is an amerindian/black mix,meaning that Fuegians aren't African, but Asiatic.This man is mixed, he does not represent Fuegians.

Are you talking about this guy?



Nope, this guy:

This man is a amerindian/black man, not an unmixed Fuegian.
Posted by prmiddleeastern (Member # 14038) on :


A pure, unmixed, Fuegian man, still asiatic looking.
Posted by Marc Washington (Member # 10979) on :


Pmeast writes: This man is an amerindian/black mix,meaning that Fuegians aren't African, but Asiatic.This man is mixed, he does not represent Fuegians.



Doug writes: Which means that you IGNORE THOSE FACTS that do not agree with your silly point of view. You are adhering to OUTDATED race typologies that have NO BEARING and NO RELATIONSHIP to the truth of human population migrations and therefore is the reason why you cannot HANDLE those pictures, because they are ABOVE YOUR UNDERSTANDING. And the worst part is YOU DONT WANT to understand how these photos are PRECISELY the sort of "pure" unmixed people who ORIGINALLY populated Asia and much of the planet, which is WHY they are called aboriginal and NONE of them are African.

But as you said you prefer to ignore the truth....

Which is precisely the point.

Marc writes: The full quote is the following which states that I don’t rehash what has been heavily researched (in your case, sub-races) but focus on the ignored, for want of a better word, pure(r) African.

THE THREE GREAT RACES AND THEIR MERGERS: The three great races are the Mongul, the White, and African. Until near 2300 BC, they were completely isolated from each other but since have mixed creating new sub-races as in Southeast Asia and the Pacific. The present work focuses not on the sub-races or Mongul or White but African. And, why? Much has been written about the others but the African is usually passed-over as being but a yawn; an insignificant footnote to history. Especially when contributions to civilization are concerned. There is, thus, an information vacuum or information gap. Here the attempt is made to bridge that gap.

Whites took African lands. Whites took African wealth. Whites took African bodies using them as slaves. Whites have taken African religion claiming it for themselves.

I am not going to stand by and have another white (YOU) dictate who and what an African is or isn’t.

Not a geographical definition but morphological - color aside, Africans are typically those with full facial features given to woolly or wiry hair. Does this include Tony Blair types? Does this include the likes of NBC's Connie Chung?

Get real. As I said before, go screw yourself.

Posted by prmiddleeastern (Member # 14038) on :
Originally posted by Marc Washington:


Pmeast writes: This man is an amerindian/black mix,meaning that Fuegians aren't African, but Asiatic.This man is mixed, he does not represent Fuegians.



Doug writes: Which means that you IGNORE THOSE FACTS that do not agree with your silly point of view. You are adhering to OUTDATED race typologies that have NO BEARING and NO RELATIONSHIP to the truth of human population migrations and therefore is the reason why you cannot HANDLE those pictures, because they are ABOVE YOUR UNDERSTANDING. And the worst part is YOU DONT WANT to understand how these photos are PRECISELY the sort of "pure" unmixed people who ORIGINALLY populated Asia and much of the planet, which is WHY they are called aboriginal and NONE of them are African.

But as you said you prefer to ignore the truth....

Which is precisely the point.

Marc writes: The full quote is the following which states that I don’t rehash what has been heavily researched (in your case, sub-races) but focus on the ignored, for want of a better word, pure(r) African.

THE THREE GREAT RACES AND THEIR MERGERS: The three great races are the Mongul, the White, and African. Until near 2300 BC, they were completely isolated from each other but since have mixed creating new sub-races as in Southeast Asia and the Pacific. The present work focuses not on the sub-races or Mongul or White but African. And, why? Much has been written about the others but the African is usually passed-over as being but a yawn; an insignificant footnote to history. Especially when contributions to civilization are concerned. There is, thus, an information vacuum or information gap. Here the attempt is made to bridge that gap.

Whites took African lands. Whites took African wealth. Whites took African bodies using them as slaves. Whites have taken African religion claiming it for themselves.

I am not going to stand by and have another white (YOU) dictate who and what an African is or isn’t.

Not a geographical definition but morphological - color aside, Africans are typically those with full facial features given to woolly or wiry hair. Does this include Tony Blair types? Does this include the likes of NBC's Connie Chung?

Get real. As I said before, go screw yourself.




Sorry, Fuegians aren't African.
Posted by Marc Washington (Member # 10979) on :

[rASHOL writes] Dr. Winters, your discourse may be suitable for confusing the likes of Marc Washington, but to any serious scholar, it consists of and utterly broken logic.

[Marc writes] Yeah. Right.



Posted by prmiddleeastern (Member # 14038) on :
Originally posted by Marc Washington:I am not going to stand by and have another white (YOU) dictate who and what an African is or isn’t.
I am mixed, not white. 4/16 black to be exact.

Not a geographical definition but morphological - color aside, Africans are typically those with full facial features given to woolly or wiry hair.
Wrong, there are many types of Africans, not all of them are the same.
Posted by prmiddleeastern (Member # 14038) on :
As I said, Paleolithic people will look like the Bushmen because the Bushmen are also Paleolithic,all Paleolithic individuals will share some similarities to each other despiting having also differences, but they aren't Black African,Fuegian are Paleolithic type Asians who logically share some resemblance to Khoisan and Bushmen because they are also Paleolithic people.
Posted by prmiddleeastern (Member # 14038) on :
Originally posted by Marc Washington:

Sorry, your black movement takeover over the world will not happen.
Posted by Marc Washington (Member # 10979) on :

PMeast writes: As I said, Paleolithic people will look like the Bushmen because the Bushmen are also Paleolithic.

Marc writes: These are the people you are talking about.


What is your point?

Posted by Marc Washington (Member # 10979) on :


Posted by Doug M (Member # 7650) on :
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
I draw the conclusion that the first Americans were Africans based on the evidence. I am not like you waiting for Europeans to tell me what to think. I look at the evidence and reach my own conclusions based on that evidence.

This is how science operates . You make a theory hypothesis, collect the data and confirm or disconfirm the hypothesis.

Let me show you how this operates. First you make the research questions, and form your hypotheses.

Research Questions.

Q1. How did AMH reach America when the Beringa was covered with ice between 110kya and 13kya? This ice sheet made it impossible for AMH to cross into the American continent.

Q2.If people crossed the Beringa when the ice melted why are artifacts and skeletal remains relating to the colonization of America by AMH date back 32k BP?

Q3.Why are ancient skeletal remains found on the eastern side of the Americas near the Atlantic ocean currents, instead of the West coast which is nearest Asia?

Hypothesis 1 (H1) The first Anatomically modern humans (AMH) to settle the New World probably came from Africa.

H2. If the first AMH were from Africa, the skeletons of the ancient Americas would be similar to Africans.

H3. Since the earliest Americans date back 32kya they may have been related to the San who took civilization to Europe around this time.

H4. If the San were the first settlers of America they probably left genetic evidence of their former presence.

These hypothesis were confirmed.

H1 & H2. Neves et al make it clear the ancient skeletons resemble Melanesians and Africans. Since they could be either one, I choose African.

I chose Africans because they are the closest to the sites where AMH have been found plus they had the naval technology as indicated by the Dufuna canoe to make the voyage.

H3.The craniometrics indicate that the first inhabitants appear to resemble San, as does some of the reconstructions of faces based on the craniometrics.

H4. The identical STRs of Fuegians and San show a genetic relationship. There are reports of pygmies in various parts of South America especially Brazil. This suggest that the San and the pygmies introduced haplogroups A and B to the Americas. These genes are found in contemporary Amerind groups.

These findings confirm my hypothesis. I must accept that the first inhabitants of the Americas came from Africa, and that they were probably San, not Australians who represent the OOA population.

Now I hope you understand how researchers reach their own conclusions instead of waiting for someone to tell them how to think.


Clyde, you miss your own point which is that ALL AMH came from Africa so ALL OOA AMH would have similarities to Africans, whether they be in Asia, America, Europe or anywhere else. How on earth can you be so obtuse and not catch the obvious. The first Asians resembled Africans. The first Europeans resembled Africans. The first Americans resembled Africans. Why is that? ALL humans originate in Africa so ALL OOA aboriginal populations have traits from Africa. These traits were maintained and passed down for THOUSANDS of years and therefore, the first Americans who CAME FROM ASIA, also had African traits. THAT is what the evidence shows. There IS NO evidence that the first Americans came directly from Africa.

The only thing you are doing is contradicting yourself, because you want to pretend that the first Asians and first Indians and first Arabians were somehow DIFFERENT from the first Americans. But ALL first populations world wide have the SAME features in common which are Aboriginal Australian/African. What you are doing is making up nonsense.
Posted by prmiddleeastern (Member # 14038) on :
Originally posted by Marc Washington:
These are the people you are talking about.


What is your point?


That Paleolithic people share the same similarities, they are Paleolithic, so they all have stocky bodies an broad faces, because that is how all humans looked on that period.
Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Originally posted by Doug M:
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
I draw the conclusion that the first Americans were Africans based on the evidence. I am not like you waiting for Europeans to tell me what to think. I look at the evidence and reach my own conclusions based on that evidence.

This is how science operates . You make a theory hypothesis, collect the data and confirm or disconfirm the hypothesis.

Let me show you how this operates. First you make the research questions, and form your hypotheses.

Research Questions.

Q1. How did AMH reach America when the Beringa was covered with ice between 110kya and 13kya? This ice sheet made it impossible for AMH to cross into the American continent.

Q2.If people crossed the Beringa when the ice melted why are artifacts and skeletal remains relating to the colonization of America by AMH date back 32k BP?

Q3.Why are ancient skeletal remains found on the eastern side of the Americas near the Atlantic ocean currents, instead of the West coast which is nearest Asia?

Hypothesis 1 (H1) The first Anatomically modern humans (AMH) to settle the New World probably came from Africa.

H2. If the first AMH were from Africa, the skeletons of the ancient Americas would be similar to Africans.

H3. Since the earliest Americans date back 32kya they may have been related to the San who took civilization to Europe around this time.

H4. If the San were the first settlers of America they probably left genetic evidence of their former presence.

These hypothesis were confirmed.

H1 & H2. Neves et al make it clear the ancient skeletons resemble Melanesians and Africans. Since they could be either one, I choose African.

I chose Africans because they are the closest to the sites where AMH have been found plus they had the naval technology as indicated by the Dufuna canoe to make the voyage.

H3.The craniometrics indicate that the first inhabitants appear to resemble San, as does some of the reconstructions of faces based on the craniometrics.

H4. The identical STRs of Fuegians and San show a genetic relationship. There are reports of pygmies in various parts of South America especially Brazil. This suggest that the San and the pygmies introduced haplogroups A and B to the Americas. These genes are found in contemporary Amerind groups.

These findings confirm my hypothesis. I must accept that the first inhabitants of the Americas came from Africa, and that they were probably San, not Australians who represent the OOA population.

Now I hope you understand how researchers reach their own conclusions instead of waiting for someone to tell them how to think.


Clyde, you miss your own point which is that ALL AMH came from Africa so ALL OOA AMH would have similarities to Africans, whether they be in Asia, America, Europe or anywhere else. How on earth can you be so obtuse and not catch the obvious. The first Asians resembled Africans. The first Europeans resembled Africans. The first Americans resembled Africans. Why is that? ALL humans originate in Africa so ALL OOA aboriginal populations have traits from Africa. These traits were maintained and passed down for THOUSANDS of years and therefore, the first Americans who CAME FROM ASIA, also had African traits. THAT is what the evidence shows. There IS NO evidence that the first Americans came directly from Africa.

The only thing you are doing is contradicting yourself, because you want to pretend that the first Asians and first Indians and first Arabians were somehow DIFFERENT from the first Americans. But ALL first populations world wide have the SAME features in common which are Aboriginal Australian/African. What you are doing is making up nonsense.

You foolish moron.

You can't understand stupid because you know nothing about research and you disrespect African researchers. Coconut you don't know anything about research so it dosen't matter what you think.

Reading some of your post I thought you were intelligent but after your behavior on this thread: calling me names and then calling me a liar shows that you are nothing more than a coconut trying to appear smart by saying what ever Europeans support, and attacking any Black/African who thinks for himself
Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
 -  -

These Fuegians do not look alike. The Fuegian on the left has classic African features. The Fugean on the right has the broad face characteristics of Asians. This person fits the type associated with the original--first Americans.


In the picture above we have three ancient American skulls. They are a) Penon woman (12.755 Ka), b) Texcal Man (9.5ka) and c) Pericue Indian (18th Century). If you look notice Pericue man shows broad features characteristic of the mongoloid type, while both Penon and Texcul do not.

The Fuegian on the left clearly resembles contemporary Africans and the first African Americans in Mexico and South America.

Here is a contemporary African


Posted by prmiddleeastern (Member # 14038) on :
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
 -  -

These Fuegians do not look alike. The Fuegian on the left has classic African features. The Fugean on the right has the broad face characteristics of Asians. This person fits the type associated with the original--first Americans.

The first one is an Amerindian/african mix and the second is a unmixed Amerindian.
Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Originally posted by prmiddleeastern:
Originally posted by Marc Washington:
These are the people you are talking about.


What is your point?


That Paleolithic people share the same similarities, they are Paleolithic, so they all have stocky bodies an broad faces, because that is how all humans looked on that period.
You are wrong. The first Americans did not have broad faces. Contemporary Amerinds on the otherhand do have broad faces.


In the picture above we have three ancient American skulls. They are a) Penon woman (12.755 Ka), b) Texcal Man (9.5ka) and c) Pericue Indian (18th Century). If you look notice Pericue man shows broad features characteristic of the mongoloid type, while both Penon and Texcul do not.

The first African Americans did not have braod faces as you contend.

Posted by prmiddleeastern (Member # 14038) on :
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:



As you see the first African look different to the second one, because the second one is an unmixed African man, meanwhile the first is mixed with Amerindian.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
The Fuegian on the left clearly resembles contemporary Africans and the first African Americans in Mexico and South America.


Yea, as a result of the slave trade. This guy sure doesn't look like a Khoisan to me either. Clyde you're deluding your own mind with pseudo nonsense.

Y-chromosome STRs (DYS434, DYS437, DYS439, DYS393, DYS391, DYS390, DYS19, DYS389I, DYS389II, and DYS388) and the biallelic system DYS199 were also amplified, Y-STR alleles could be characterized in nine cases, with an average of 4.1 loci per sample correctly typed.

The analysis of both mtDNA and Y-STRs **revealed** DNA from ***Amerindian*** ancestry. The observed polymorphisms are consistent with the hypothesis that the ancient Fuegians are close to populations from south-central ***Chile and Argentina***

Note Clyde, the Y STRs you're attributing to Fuegians, are actually STR's in which were amplified in the study, but the analysis clearly reveals Mtda and Y-STRs of Native American ancestry, not recent post OOA. Sorry Clyde, just more misinterpretations of genetics on your part.

Y Chromosome-Specific STRs
By Leonor Gusmão1 and Angel Carracedo2
1Instituto de Patologia e Imunologia, Molecular da Universidade do Porto, Porto,
Portugal and 2Institute of Legal Medicine, University of Santiago de Compostela,
Santiago de Compostela, Spain

Y-STRs are the most used Y chromosome markers in the forensic field due to their
typing simplicity and high level of diversity. STR typing involves simple and reliable
polymerase chain reaction (PCR)(a) techniques and is tolerant of very degraded
samples. Of all Y chromosome polymorphic STRs described to date, DYS19, DYS385,
DYS389I, DYS389II, DYS390, DYS391, DYS392, DYS393 and YCAII have more data
accumulated, being the most used in population and forensic genetics. Because of
collaborative efforts to construct large databases (see,
and, these markers are the best characterized for amplification
performance and specificity, multiplex amplification strategies, sequence structure
and nomenclature, as well as worldwide allele frequency distributions.

Posted by Marc Washington (Member # 10979) on :


Marc writes PMeast. You made a comment about Paleolithic people and Bushmen. I presented a page showing the people you were speaking of and asked what your point was.

You wrote: That Paleolithic people share the same similarities, they are Paleolithic, so they all have stocky bodies an broad faces, because that is how all humans looked on that period.

It is not true that they all had stocky bodies. Paleolithic women seem to be inclined to have stocky bodies but not the men. The earliest image of a man is 25,000 years ago from the Ukraine – a thin, black stick figure [#1].

This same thin body type is found from Paleolithic times down through the beginnings of the Egyptian hieroglyphics: From Paleolithic, through Mesolithic, through the Holocene, down through the Epipaleolithic, the Neolithic, and Bronze Age.

Thin also. Not stocky only:



Posted by alTakruri (Member # 10195) on :
What??? You guys need to shut up when you don't know what in hell you're
talking about thus making fools of yourselves and misleading others too
lazy or like yourselves inattentive of the details given on the webpage.

These men both are (or this man front and profile is a) Kru, an ethny in Liberia as I
 -  -
explained when I first posted the source of Dr. Winter's photo capture and exposed
the Natural History Museum's glaring error.;f=15;t=000697;p=6#000252

The above photos do NOT depict
  1. "an amerindian/black mix"
  2. "Fuegian"
  3. "a result of the slave trade"

I do not doubt the high probability of the above photos being taken in the 19th century
on the 1872 - 1876 voyage of the Challenger and being that of a Kru on board as one of
the shipmates though the photo technology seems more early to mid 20th century to my eye.

Originally posted by prmiddleeastern:

This man is an amerindian/black mix, meaning that Fuegians aren't African, but Asiatic.This man is mixed, he does not represent Fuegians.

Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
 -  -

These Fuegians do not look alike. The Fuegian on the left has classic African features. The Fugean on the right has the broad face characteristics of Asians. This person fits the type associated with the original--first Americans.

Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
The Fuegian on the left clearly resembles contemporary Africans and the first African Americans in Mexico and South America.


Yea, as a result of the slave trade.

Posted by Lord Sauron (Member # 6729) on :
Originally posted by alTakruri:
What??? You guys need to shut up when you don't know
what in hell you're talking about thus making fools
of yourselves and misleading others too lazy or like
yourselves inattentive of the details given on the webpage.

These men both (or this man front&profile) are Kru, an ethny in Liberia

I once read most of the Africans in Guyana are from the Kru (Liberia), do you have any info on this?
Posted by prmiddleeastern (Member # 14038) on :
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:

In the picture above we have three ancient American skulls. They are a) Penon woman (12.755 Ka), b) Texcal Man (9.5ka) and c) Pericue Indian (18th Century). If you look notice Pericue man shows broad features characteristic of the mongoloid type, while both Penon and Texcul do not.

The first African Americans did not have braod faces as you contend.

. [/QB]

Yes, some Indians were paleolithic, but others weren't,Amerindian people also have diversity, there are broad-faced Indians like the Souht Amrican Indians, and non-broad faced Indians as the ones in Central and South America, who are of a more modern morphology.
Posted by Ta Setis revenge (Member # 15713) on :
Originally posted by Marc Washington:

PMeast. You wrote, "Early europeans were Paleolithic people as the Sanid..."

I've never heard of the "Sanid." Who or what were they?

Someone wrote, "Non Africans by definition are the descendants of the Out of Africa migrants who went on to settle Eurasia and Oceania, Australia and the Americas."

What race is Jay Leno?

What race is Mao Tse Tung?

What race is Michael Jordan?

We define these people by the way they look and the big nose, big lip people are African. Not geographically but morphologically so the person who wrote "Non Africans by definition are the descendants of the Out of Africa migrants who went on to settle Eurasia and Oceania, Australia and the Americas."

is wrong. Those people in Eurasia, Oceania, Australia, and the Americas who resemble Michael Jordan (more than they resemble Tony Blair or Mao Tse Tung) are African by phenotype.


This is also a great point that you have made Marc!..., Before I make my own point about this very issue of what and who may or may not be of African descent.. That is the issue here isn't it?....

So Must read this entire forum of the Paleo American aspect!..

Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
You say he is a Kru. The museum list him as a Fuegian.

I am going to list him as Fuegian until the museum changes its designation in the image section of its catalogue.


Here is the picture along with the other Fuegian photographs



Originally posted by alTakruri:
What??? You guys need to shut up when you don't know what in hell you're
talking about thus making fools of yourselves and misleading others too
lazy or like yourselves inattentive of the details given on the webpage.

These men both are (or this man front and profile is a) Kru, an ethny in Liberia as I
 -  -
explained when I first posted the source of Dr. Winter's photo capture and exposed
the Natural History Museum's glaring error.;f=15;t=000697;p=6#000252

The above photos do NOT depict
  1. "an amerindian/black mix"
  2. "Fuegian"
  3. "a result of the slave trade"

I do not doubt the high probability of the above photos being taken in the 19th century
on the 1872 - 1876 voyage of the Challenger and being that of a Kru on board as one of
the shipmates though the photo technology seems more early to mid 20th century to my eye.

Originally posted by prmiddleeastern:

This man is an amerindian/black mix, meaning that Fuegians aren't African, but Asiatic.This man is mixed, he does not represent Fuegians.

Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
 -  -

These Fuegians do not look alike. The Fuegian on the left has classic African features. The Fugean on the right has the broad face characteristics of Asians. This person fits the type associated with the original--first Americans.

Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
The Fuegian on the left clearly resembles contemporary Africans and the first African Americans in Mexico and South America.


Yea, as a result of the slave trade.

Posted by Doug M (Member # 7650) on :
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
Originally posted by Doug M:
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
I draw the conclusion that the first Americans were Africans based on the evidence. I am not like you waiting for Europeans to tell me what to think. I look at the evidence and reach my own conclusions based on that evidence.

This is how science operates . You make a theory hypothesis, collect the data and confirm or disconfirm the hypothesis.

Let me show you how this operates. First you make the research questions, and form your hypotheses.

Research Questions.

Q1. How did AMH reach America when the Beringa was covered with ice between 110kya and 13kya? This ice sheet made it impossible for AMH to cross into the American continent.

Q2.If people crossed the Beringa when the ice melted why are artifacts and skeletal remains relating to the colonization of America by AMH date back 32k BP?

Q3.Why are ancient skeletal remains found on the eastern side of the Americas near the Atlantic ocean currents, instead of the West coast which is nearest Asia?

Hypothesis 1 (H1) The first Anatomically modern humans (AMH) to settle the New World probably came from Africa.

H2. If the first AMH were from Africa, the skeletons of the ancient Americas would be similar to Africans.

H3. Since the earliest Americans date back 32kya they may have been related to the San who took civilization to Europe around this time.

H4. If the San were the first settlers of America they probably left genetic evidence of their former presence.

These hypothesis were confirmed.

H1 & H2. Neves et al make it clear the ancient skeletons resemble Melanesians and Africans. Since they could be either one, I choose African.

I chose Africans because they are the closest to the sites where AMH have been found plus they had the naval technology as indicated by the Dufuna canoe to make the voyage.

H3.The craniometrics indicate that the first inhabitants appear to resemble San, as does some of the reconstructions of faces based on the craniometrics.

H4. The identical STRs of Fuegians and San show a genetic relationship. There are reports of pygmies in various parts of South America especially Brazil. This suggest that the San and the pygmies introduced haplogroups A and B to the Americas. These genes are found in contemporary Amerind groups.

These findings confirm my hypothesis. I must accept that the first inhabitants of the Americas came from Africa, and that they were probably San, not Australians who represent the OOA population.

Now I hope you understand how researchers reach their own conclusions instead of waiting for someone to tell them how to think.


Clyde, you miss your own point which is that ALL AMH came from Africa so ALL OOA AMH would have similarities to Africans, whether they be in Asia, America, Europe or anywhere else. How on earth can you be so obtuse and not catch the obvious. The first Asians resembled Africans. The first Europeans resembled Africans. The first Americans resembled Africans. Why is that? ALL humans originate in Africa so ALL OOA aboriginal populations have traits from Africa. These traits were maintained and passed down for THOUSANDS of years and therefore, the first Americans who CAME FROM ASIA, also had African traits. THAT is what the evidence shows. There IS NO evidence that the first Americans came directly from Africa.

The only thing you are doing is contradicting yourself, because you want to pretend that the first Asians and first Indians and first Arabians were somehow DIFFERENT from the first Americans. But ALL first populations world wide have the SAME features in common which are Aboriginal Australian/African. What you are doing is making up nonsense.

You foolish moron.

You can't understand stupid because you know nothing about research and you disrespect African researchers. Coconut you don't know anything about research so it dosen't matter what you think.

Reading some of your post I thought you were intelligent but after your behavior on this thread: calling me names and then calling me a liar shows that you are nothing more than a coconut trying to appear smart by saying what ever Europeans support, and attacking any Black/African who thinks for himself

Actually, if you had any sense you would understand what I am saying. But you aren't interested in being 100% correct. You only care about an agenda and a form of histrionics that is high on propaganda and low on facts. To call yourself a historian and yet be so fundamentally wrong means that you are worse than some Eurocentric racists, because you are deceiving those you claim to be trying to help with FALSEHOODS as opposed to the facts.

But notice how in that whole reply of yours you didn't address the issue raised.

I wonder why? Because you know yourself that you don't make sense. If ALL AMH came from Africa then that makes ALL OOA populations world wide a subset of African features doesn't it? But you simply don't have enough common sense to understand that simple point, because you are too busy harping on a "true negro" stereotype, which is basically invalid to begin with.
Posted by Marc Washington (Member # 10979) on :

TaSeti. Thanx.


PMeast writes: one Indians were paleolithic, but others weren't,Amerindian people also have diversity, there are broad-faced Indians like the South Amrican Indians, and non-broad faced Indians as the ones in Central and South America, who are of a more modern morphology.

Marc writes: What do you base your comments on?

Below are pages that contain images (see pics of the Americas) of the original and non-Mongoloid so-called Amerindians (calling them Indians we remind ourselves that the bright fellow Columbus thought he was in India):





Posted by Lord Sauron (Member # 6729) on :
Originally posted by Lord Sauron:
Originally posted by alTakruri:
What??? You guys need to shut up when you don't know
what in hell you're talking about thus making fools
of yourselves and misleading others too lazy or like
yourselves inattentive of the details given on the webpage.

These men both (or this man front&profile) are Kru, an ethny in Liberia

I once read most of the Africans in Guyana are from the Kru (Liberia), do you have any info on this?


Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Originally posted by Doug M:
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
Originally posted by Doug M:
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
I draw the conclusion that the first Americans were Africans based on the evidence. I am not like you waiting for Europeans to tell me what to think. I look at the evidence and reach my own conclusions based on that evidence.

This is how science operates . You make a theory hypothesis, collect the data and confirm or disconfirm the hypothesis.

Let me show you how this operates. First you make the research questions, and form your hypotheses.

Research Questions.

Q1. How did AMH reach America when the Beringa was covered with ice between 110kya and 13kya? This ice sheet made it impossible for AMH to cross into the American continent.

Q2.If people crossed the Beringa when the ice melted why are artifacts and skeletal remains relating to the colonization of America by AMH date back 32k BP?

Q3.Why are ancient skeletal remains found on the eastern side of the Americas near the Atlantic ocean currents, instead of the West coast which is nearest Asia?

Hypothesis 1 (H1) The first Anatomically modern humans (AMH) to settle the New World probably came from Africa.

H2. If the first AMH were from Africa, the skeletons of the ancient Americas would be similar to Africans.

H3. Since the earliest Americans date back 32kya they may have been related to the San who took civilization to Europe around this time.

H4. If the San were the first settlers of America they probably left genetic evidence of their former presence.

These hypothesis were confirmed.

H1 & H2. Neves et al make it clear the ancient skeletons resemble Melanesians and Africans. Since they could be either one, I choose African.

I chose Africans because they are the closest to the sites where AMH have been found plus they had the naval technology as indicated by the Dufuna canoe to make the voyage.

H3.The craniometrics indicate that the first inhabitants appear to resemble San, as does some of the reconstructions of faces based on the craniometrics.

H4. The identical STRs of Fuegians and San show a genetic relationship. There are reports of pygmies in various parts of South America especially Brazil. This suggest that the San and the pygmies introduced haplogroups A and B to the Americas. These genes are found in contemporary Amerind groups.

These findings confirm my hypothesis. I must accept that the first inhabitants of the Americas came from Africa, and that they were probably San, not Australians who represent the OOA population.

Now I hope you understand how researchers reach their own conclusions instead of waiting for someone to tell them how to think.


Clyde, you miss your own point which is that ALL AMH came from Africa so ALL OOA AMH would have similarities to Africans, whether they be in Asia, America, Europe or anywhere else. How on earth can you be so obtuse and not catch the obvious. The first Asians resembled Africans. The first Europeans resembled Africans. The first Americans resembled Africans. Why is that? ALL humans originate in Africa so ALL OOA aboriginal populations have traits from Africa. These traits were maintained and passed down for THOUSANDS of years and therefore, the first Americans who CAME FROM ASIA, also had African traits. THAT is what the evidence shows. There IS NO evidence that the first Americans came directly from Africa.

The only thing you are doing is contradicting yourself, because you want to pretend that the first Asians and first Indians and first Arabians were somehow DIFFERENT from the first Americans. But ALL first populations world wide have the SAME features in common which are Aboriginal Australian/African. What you are doing is making up nonsense.

You foolish moron.

You can't understand stupid because you know nothing about research and you disrespect African researchers. Coconut you don't know anything about research so it dosen't matter what you think.

Reading some of your post I thought you were intelligent but after your behavior on this thread: calling me names and then calling me a liar shows that you are nothing more than a coconut trying to appear smart by saying what ever Europeans support, and attacking any Black/African who thinks for himself

Actually, if you had any sense you would understand what I am saying. But you aren't interested in being 100% correct. You only care about an agenda and a form of histrionics that is high on propaganda and low on facts. To call yourself a historian and yet be so fundamentally wrong means that you are worse than some Eurocentric racists, because you are deceiving those you claim to be trying to help with FALSEHOODS as opposed to the facts.

But notice how in that whole reply of yours you didn't address the issue raised.

I wonder why? Because you know yourself that you don't make sense. If ALL AMH came from Africa then that makes ALL OOA populations world wide a subset of African features doesn't it? But you simply don't have enough common sense to understand that simple point, because you are too busy harping on a "true negro" stereotype, which is basically invalid to begin with.

What issue. You keep claiming that through evolution the populatiion of Asia changed over time and that the present population carry African genes.

This not my proposition. I am arguing that the first inhabitants of the Americas came from Africa and they were not the original OOA population which is represented by the Australians due to the fact that the Beringa was under ice 110k-13kya.

You sound stupid. If there is a variety of Blacks who originated in Africa since 60kya as indicated by the craniometrics, how can you say that "that makes ALL OOA populations world wide a subset of African features doesn't it? ", when there could be only one OOA population.

Since there was only one OOA population your proposition can not be supported by the evidence as illustrated by the discusiion of the Melanesians and Australians, although they all belong to the Black Variety.

This makes your continued argument that present populations are the remnants of the OOA event stupid given the fact that all Black people don't look a like and there are various populations possessing different colors, facial characteristics and etc.

Coconut stop acting like a European. All Black people do not look alike stupid.

Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Originally posted by Lord Sauron:
Originally posted by Lord Sauron:
Originally posted by alTakruri:
What??? You guys need to shut up when you don't know
what in hell you're talking about thus making fools
of yourselves and misleading others too lazy or like
yourselves inattentive of the details given on the webpage.

These men both (or this man front&profile) are Kru, an ethny in Liberia

I once read most of the Africans in Guyana are from the Kru (Liberia), do you have any info on this?



No. Most Kru served as workers for Europeans. Few came as slaves. result

Posted by Marc Washington (Member # 10979) on :

PMeast writes: Indians were paleolithic, but others weren't,Amerindian people also have diversity, there are broad-faced Indians like the South Amrican Indians, and non-broad faced Indians as the ones in Central and South America, who are of a more modern morphology.

Marc writes: What image do you have in mind of the Indians before Columbus? Those African in m
phenotype are in that population. I believe you will rarely find such an abundance of "pure{r}" Africans in those lands today.

Whites came (and Monguls, too) admixing with the original African population creating today's population; but causing a "disappearance" and "amnesia" of the original folks in the process:



Posted by Lord Sauron (Member # 6729) on :
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
Originally posted by Lord Sauron:
Originally posted by Lord Sauron:
Originally posted by alTakruri:
What??? You guys need to shut up when you don't know
what in hell you're talking about thus making fools
of yourselves and misleading others too lazy or like
yourselves inattentive of the details given on the webpage.

These men both (or this man front&profile) are Kru, an ethny in Liberia

I once read most of the Africans in Guyana are from the Kru (Liberia), do you have any info on this?



No. Most Kru served as workers for Europeans. Few came as slaves. result






Posted by Marc Washington (Member # 10979) on :

These Liberian discussions are interesting to me as I was born in Liberia when my parents were missionaries there. It feels like I am finding out about family.

Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Posted by Clyde fraud:
What issue. You keep claiming that through evolution the populatiion of Asia changed over time and that the present population carry African genes.

This not my proposition. I am arguing that the first inhabitants of the Americas came from Africa and they were not the original OOA population which is represented by the Australians due to the fact that the Beringa was under ice 110k-13kya.

You sound stupid. If there is a variety of Blacks who originated in Africa since 60kya as indicated by the craniometrics, how can you say that "that makes ALL OOA populations world wide a subset of African features doesn't it? ", when there could be only one OOA population.

Since there was only one OOA population your proposition can not be supported by the evidence as illustrated by the discusiion of the Melanesians and Australians, although they all belong to the Black Variety.

This makes your continued argument that present populations are the remnants of the OOA event stupid given the fact that all Black people don't look a like and there are various populations possessing different colors, facial characteristics and etc.

Coconut stop acting like a European. All Black people do not look alike stupid.

New Research Confirms 'Out Of Africa' Theory Of Human Evolution

(May 10, 2007) — Researchers have produced new DNA evidence that almost certainly confirms the theory that all modern humans have a common ancestry. The genetic survey, produced by a collaborative team led by scholars at Cambridge and Anglia Ruskin Universities, shows that Australia's aboriginal population sprang from the same tiny group of colonists, along with their New Guinean neighbours.
The research confirms the “Out Of Africa” hypothesis that all modern humans stem from a single group of Homo sapiens who emigrated from Africa 2,000 generations ago and spread throughout Eurasia over thousands of years. These settlers replaced other early humans (such as Neanderthals), rather than interbreeding with them.

Academics analysed the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and Y chromosome DNA of Aboriginal Australians and Melanesians from New Guinea. This data was compared with the various DNA patterns associated with early humans. The research was an international effort, with researchers from Tartu in Estonia, Oxford, and Stanford in California all contributing key data and expertise.

The results showed that both the Aborigines and Melanesians share the genetic features that have been linked to the exodus of modern humans from Africa 50,000 years ago.

Until now, one of the main reasons for doubting the “Out Of Africa” theory was the existence of inconsistent evidence in Australia. The skeletal and tool remains that have been found there are strikingly different from those elsewhere on the “coastal expressway” – the route through South Asia taken by the early settlers.

Some scholars argue that these discrepancies exist either because the early colonists interbred with the local Homo erectus population, or because there was a subsequent, secondary migration from Africa. Both explanations would undermine the theory of a single, common origin for modern-day humans.

But in the latest research there was no evidence of a genetic inheritance from Homo erectus, indicating that the settlers did not mix and that these people therefore share the same direct ancestry as the other Eurasian peoples.

Geneticist Dr Peter Forster, who led the research, said: “Although it has been speculated that the populations of Australia and New Guinea came from the same ancestors, the fossil record differs so significantly it has been difficult to prove. For the first time, this evidence gives us a genetic link showing that the Australian Aboriginal and New Guinean populations are descended directly from the same specific group of people who emerged from the African migration.”

At the time of the migration, 50,000 years ago, Australia and New Guinea were joined by a land bridge and the region was also only separated from the main Eurasian land mass by narrow straits such as Wallace's Line in Indonesia. The land bridge was submerged about 8,000 years ago.

The new study also explains why the fossil and archaeological record in Australia is so different to that found elsewhere even though the genetic record shows no evidence of interbreeding with Homo erectus, and indicates a single Palaeolithic colonisation event.

The DNA patterns of the Australian and Melanesian populations show that the population evolved in relative isolation. The two groups also share certain genetic characteristics that are not found beyond Melanesia. This would suggest that there was very little gene flow into Australia after the original migration.

Dr Toomas Kivisild, from the Cambridge University Department of Biological Anthropology, who co-authored the report, said: “The evidence points to relative isolation after the initial arrival, which would mean any significant developments in skeletal form and tool use were not influenced by outside sources.

“There was probably a minor secondary gene flow into Australia while the land bridge from New Guinea was still open, but once it was submerged the population was apparently isolated for thousands of years. The differences in the archaeological record are probably the result of this, rather than any secondary migration or interbreeding.”
Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
You may want to check out this book.


Diasporan West African communities: the Kru in freetown & liverpool
Author: Diane Frost a
Affiliation: a University of Liverpool,

DOI: 10.1080/03056240208704614
Publication Frequency: 4 issues per year
Published in: Review of African Political Economy, Volume 29, Issue 92 June 2002 , pages 285 - 300
Subjects: African & Third World Politics; African Studies; European Politics; International Political Economy; Political Economic Studies;
Formats available: PDF (English)
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This article will examine the experience of two transplanted communities of West African kru migrants. Originally from Liberia, these labour migrants became involved in both internal African migration as well as external migration to Europe. It will distinguish the cause and mechanism of migration within the broader development of British colonial activity in West Africa. Freetown and Liverpool will be examined in the context of these broader developments since they became two important centres in Kru diasporic settlement. Economic opportunities became the raison d'etre for Kru migration and this manifest itself in terms of short-term transient migration to the permanent establishment of thriving diasporic communities. Socio-political and historical conditions provided the broader parameters within which these peoples became 'scattered' across the globe over the last two hundred years or more. The historical and economic connections between the two ports of Liverpool and Freetown, and the role of the Kru in British maritime trade here influenced patterns of settlement and the nature of community organisation and development. The article will examine current theories to the study of diasporan communities and will draw on ethnographic research undertaken in Freetown and Liverpool.

Originally posted by Lord Sauron:
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
Originally posted by Lord Sauron:
Originally posted by Lord Sauron:
Originally posted by alTakruri:
What??? You guys need to shut up when you don't know
what in hell you're talking about thus making fools
of yourselves and misleading others too lazy or like
yourselves inattentive of the details given on the webpage.

These men both (or this man front&profile) are Kru, an ethny in Liberia

I once read most of the Africans in Guyana are from the Kru (Liberia), do you have any info on this?



No. Most Kru served as workers for Europeans. Few came as slaves. result






Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Posted by Clyde Fraud:
You know nothing about anthropology. Current physical anthropological research makes it clear there are craniometric difference between Australoids /Australians representatives of the OOA population, Mongoloids and Melanoids; craniometric differences that indicate two migrations of the Black Variety into the Pacific and East Asia.

^^^^^^^Clyde as has been explained to you time and time again. Australians, Melanesia's, New Guineans etc.. are all populations representative of OOA.


New Research Confirms 'Out Of Africa' Theory Of Human Evolution

(May 10, 2007) — Researchers have produced new DNA evidence that almost certainly confirms the theory that all modern humans have a common ancestry. The genetic survey, produced by a collaborative team led by scholars at Cambridge and Anglia Ruskin Universities, shows that Australia's aboriginal population sprang from the same tiny group of colonists, along with their New Guinean neighbours.
The research confirms the “Out Of Africa” hypothesis that all modern humans stem from a single group of Homo sapiens who emigrated from Africa 2,000 generations ago and spread throughout Eurasia over thousands of years. These settlers replaced other early humans (such as Neanderthals), rather than interbreeding with them.

Academics analysed the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and Y chromosome DNA of Aboriginal Australians and Melanesians from New Guinea. This data was compared with the various DNA patterns associated with early humans. The research was an international effort, with researchers from Tartu in Estonia, Oxford, and Stanford in California all contributing key data and expertise.

The results showed that both the Aborigines and Melanesians share the genetic features that have been linked to the exodus of modern humans from Africa 50,000 years ago.

Until now, one of the main reasons for doubting the “Out Of Africa” theory was the existence of inconsistent evidence in Australia. The skeletal and tool remains that have been found there are strikingly different from those elsewhere on the “coastal expressway” – the route through South Asia taken by the early settlers.

Some scholars argue that these discrepancies exist either because the early colonists interbred with the local Homo erectus population, or because there was a subsequent, secondary migration from Africa. Both explanations would undermine the theory of a single, common origin for modern-day humans.

But in the latest research there was no evidence of a genetic inheritance from Homo erectus, indicating that the settlers did not mix and that these people therefore share the same direct ancestry as the other Eurasian peoples.

Geneticist Dr Peter Forster, who led the research, said: “Although it has been speculated that the populations of Australia and New Guinea came from the same ancestors, the fossil record differs so significantly it has been difficult to prove. For the first time, this evidence gives us a genetic link showing that the Australian Aboriginal and New Guinean populations are descended directly from the same specific group of people who emerged from the African migration.”

At the time of the migration, 50,000 years ago, Australia and New Guinea were joined by a land bridge and the region was also only separated from the main Eurasian land mass by narrow straits such as Wallace's Line in Indonesia. The land bridge was submerged about 8,000 years ago.

The new study also explains why the fossil and archaeological record in Australia is so different to that found elsewhere even though the genetic record shows no evidence of interbreeding with Homo erectus, and indicates a single Palaeolithic colonisation event.

The DNA patterns of the Australian and Melanesian populations show that the population evolved in relative isolation. The two groups also share certain genetic characteristics that are not found beyond Melanesia. This would suggest that there was very little gene flow into Australia after the original migration.

Dr Toomas Kivisild, from the Cambridge University Department of Biological Anthropology, who co-authored the report, said: “The evidence points to relative isolation after the initial arrival, which would mean any significant developments in skeletal form and tool use were not influenced by outside sources.

“There was probably a minor secondary gene flow into Australia while the land bridge from New Guinea was still open, but once it was submerged the population was apparently isolated for thousands of years. The differences in the archaeological record are probably the result of this, rather than any secondary migration or interbreeding.”
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Posted by Clyde Fraud:
I will address this issue now. As noted previously the anthropological literature make it clear the ancient Europeans are related to the San not Australians.

Also as has been previously explained. UP Europeans most closely resembled Oceanic populations and not Khoisan, sorry kid.




Late Pleistocene Human Skull
from Hofmeyr, South Africa, and
Modern Human Origins

Thus, Hofmeyr is seemingly primitive in
comparison to recent African crania in a number
of features, including a prominent glabella; moderately
thick, continuous supraorbital tori; a tall,
flat, and straight malar; a broad frontal process of
the maxilla; and comparatively large molar
crowns. Hofmeyr is contemporaneous with later
Eurasian Neandertals, but it clearly does not
evince the cranial and mandibular apomorphies
that define that clade (28). This is not surprising,
given its geographic location. Although Hofmeyr
is similar in size to Eurasian UP crania, it differs
from them in other respects (such as its broad nose
and continuous supraorbital tori).In order to assess the phenetic affinities of Hofmeyr to penecontemporaneous Eurasian UP and recent humans, we conducted multivariate morphometric analyses of 3D landmark coordinates and linear measurements of crania representing these populations. We digitized 19 3D coordinates of landmarks that represent as fully as possible the currently preserved anatomy of the Hofmeyr skull (table S4). These were compared with homologous data for recent human samples from five broad geographic areas (North Africa, sub-Saharan Africa, Western Eurasia, Oceania, and Eastern Asia/New World). The sub-Saharan sample was divided into Bantuspeaking (Mali and Kenya) and South African Khoe-San samples. The latter are represented in the Holocene archaeological record of the subcontinent, and inasmuch as they are the oldest historic indigenes of southern Africa, they might be expected to have the closest affinity to Hofmeyr (12).
The North African sample consists
of Epipaleolithic (Mesolithic) individuals
that provide a temporal depth of approximately
10,000 years. The 3D data were also compared
for two Neandertal, four Eurasian UP, and one
Levantine early modern human fossils (table S5).
The landmark coordinate configurations for
each specimen were superimposed with the use
of generalized Procrustes analysis and analyzed
with a series of multivariate statistical techniques
Hofmeyr falls at the upper ends of the recent
sub-Saharan African sample ranges and within the
upper parts of all other recent human sample
ranges in terms of centroid size (fig. S6). In a
canonical variates analysis of these landmarks
(Fig. 2), axis 1 separates the sub-Saharan African
samples from the others, and axis 4 tends to
differentiate the UP specimens from recent
homologs. Hofmeyr clusters with the UP sample,
and although it falls within the recent human range
on both axes, it is outside the 95% confidence
ellipse for the Khoe-San sample and barely within
the limits of the other sub-Saharan African sample.
These canonical axes are weakly correlated with
centroid size, which emphasizes that the similarity
between Hofmeyr and the UP sample is due only
in small part to similarity in size.

Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
Posted by Clyde Fraud:
You attempt to make it appear that anthropologists claim the earliest skeletal remains found in the Americas such as Luzia are definitely Australian. This is not true Neves made it clear that the anatomy of her skull and teeth - including a narrow, oval cranium, projecting face and pronounced chin - likens Luzia to Africans and Australasians.

Clyde, here is what Neves proposes, maybe you know something he doesn't know.

The oldest Americans' Negroid traits are not very specialized, making a direct immigration from Africa or Australia unlikely. Therefore, **Neves**(the head proponent for Australia/African like populations reaching America) believes that the America's more than 12,000 years ago did not necessarily occur by sea: "The traditional path across the Bering Strait is still the most plausible explanation for the entry of this non-Mongoloid population into the New World, if we assume that it was present in Northern Asia at the end of the Pleistocene." And indeed, Japan's aborigines, of whom a few still live in Hokkaido and on the Kurile Islands, display some Australian traits, such as round eye sockets and abundant body hair. A genetic comparison might solve the mystery...

''We know that today's Amerindians have ***four main groups***,'' said Dr. Pena, who found a genetic marker common to 17 different widely dispersed Indian groups across the Americans in the course of an earlier project. ''What would constitute molecular proof of ***Walter's (NEVES)*** hypothesis is to find ***DNA sequences COMPLETELY **different** from those ***four groups***.''

Dr. Meltzer said: ''This is clearly the way to resolve the issue. The skull is intriguing morphological evidence, but in order to really nail down this issue of affinity, you need evidence, and ***DNA*** is the way to go.''

Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
[qb] [QUOTE] Most native American populations are descended from people like Australian Aborigines Clyde.

Actually, like all modern humans, **ALL** Native Americans are descended from Australian like populations, this is the point Clyde doesn't understand. Clyde thinks all non Africans who don't look African are a result of space aliens, or some crazy deranged theory like Meninarmer or Marc.


As to the similarities with Africans, the best way to explain it in terms of historical connections, is to assume that the **Asian** ancestral population that gave rise to the **Australians** and to the **first Americans** had its ultimate origins in the **African continent**, as it is in fact the case with **ALL*** modern humans (Stringer and Andrews, 1988; Stringer and McKie, 1996; Lahr, 1994, 1996), ***but which retained a very generalized morphology.*** In accordance with Lahr (1996), the Australians are in fact the contemporary aboriginal population that retained the most primitive morphology when compared to the first modern humans. As she stressed "Groups like [...] Australo-Melanesians are all examples of relatively early diversifications without great amounts of gene flow from other groups..." (Lahr, 1996, p.335).
Clyde you do understand that you didn't address the above, or discuss your claim of A2 and B2 being African in origin, carried by Khoisan and Pygmies respectively. Obviously you were confused -as always- about these genetic markers, which is why you made a delirious conclusion, based on your confusion of Mtdna and Y-dna. I hope you'll understand one day....

I understand this perfectly. You are the one who pretends to be blind to the facts.

Nope, not an answer to your claim of A2 and B2 being African in origin, carried by Khoisan and Pygmies respectively. Obviously you were confused -as always- about these genetic markers, which is why you made a delirious conclusion, based on your confusion of Mtdna and Y-dna. I hope you'll understand one day....
^^^^^I wonder when Clyde will address his Mtdna claim....???

Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :

**Y-chromosome STRs** (DYS434, DYS437, DYS439, DYS393, DYS391, DYS390, DYS19, DYS389I, DYS389II, and DYS388) and the **biallelic system** DYS199 ***were also AMPLIFIED***, Y-STR alleles could be characterized in nine cases, with an average of 4.1 loci per sample correctly typed. In two samples of the same ethnic group (Aonikenk), an identical and complete eight-loci haplotype was recovered. The DYS199 biallelic system was used as a control of contamination by modern DNA and, along with DYS19, as a marker of American origin. The analysis of both mtDNA and Y-STRs revealed DNA from ***Amerindian*** ancestry. The observed polymorphisms are consistent with the hypothesis that the ancient Fuegians are close to populations from south-central ***Chile and Argentina*** , but their high nucleotide diversity and the frequency of single lineages strongly support early genetic differentiation of the Fuegians through combined processes of population bottleneck, isolation, and/or migration, followed by strong genetic drift. This suggests an early genetic diversification of the Fuegians right after their arrival at the southernmost extreme of South America.
Revue / Journal Title
American journal of physical anthropology ISSN 0002-9483
Source / Source
2004, vol. 123, no4, pp. 361-370 [10 page(s) (article)] (47 ref.)

Mapuche (Chile)


Pehuenche (Argentina)

Aonikenk-Man (Argentina)

Mitochondrial DNA polymorphisms in Chilean aboriginal populations: implications for the peopling of the southern cone of the continent.

X Abstract

The mitochondrial DNAs (mtDNAs) from individuals belonging to three Chilean tribes, the Mapuche, the Pehuenche, and the Yaghan, were studied both by RFLP analysis and D-loop (control region) sequencing. RFLP analysis showed that 3 individuals (1.3%) belonged to haplogroup A, 19 (8%) to haplogroup B, 102 (43%) to haplogroup C, and 113 (47.7%) to haplogroup D. Among the 73 individuals analyzed by D-loop sequencing, we observed 37 different haplotypes defined by 52 polymorphic sites. Joint analysis of data obtained by RFLP and sequencing methods demonstrated that, regardless of the method of analysis, the mtDNA haplotypes of these three contemporary South American aborigine groups clustered into four main haplogroups, in a way similar to those previously described for other Amerindians. These results further revealed the absence of haplogroup A in both the Mapuche and Yaghan as well as the absence of haplogroup B in the Yaghan. These results suggest that the people of Tierra del Fuego are related to tribes from south-central South America.


Y-chromosome STRs (DYS434, DYS437, DYS439, DYS393, DYS391, DYS390, DYS19, DYS389I, DYS389II, and DYS388) and the biallelic system DYS199 were also amplified, Y-STR alleles could be characterized in nine cases, with an average of 4.1 loci per sample correctly typed.

The analysis of both mtDNA and Y-STRs **revealed** DNA from ***Amerindian*** ancestry. The observed polymorphisms are consistent with the hypothesis that the ancient Fuegians are close to populations from south-central ***Chile and Argentina***

Note Clyde, the Y STRs you're attributing to Fuegians, are actually STR's in which were amplified in the study, but the analysis clearly reveals Mtda and Y-STRs of Native American ancestry, not recent post OOA. Sorry Clyde, just more misinterpretations of genetics on your part.

Y Chromosome-Specific STRs
By Leonor Gusmão1 and Angel Carracedo2
1Instituto de Patologia e Imunologia, Molecular da Universidade do Porto, Porto,
Portugal and 2Institute of Legal Medicine, University of Santiago de Compostela,
Santiago de Compostela, Spain

Y-STRs are the most used Y chromosome markers in the forensic field due to their
typing simplicity and high level of diversity. STR typing involves simple and reliable
polymerase chain reaction (PCR)(a) techniques and is tolerant of very degraded
samples. Of all Y chromosome polymorphic STRs described to date, DYS19, DYS385,
DYS389I, DYS389II, DYS390, DYS391, DYS392, DYS393 and YCAII have more data
accumulated, being the most used in population and forensic genetics. Because of
collaborative efforts to construct large databases (see,
and, these markers are the best characterized for amplification
performance and specificity, multiplex amplification strategies, sequence structure
and nomenclature, as well as worldwide allele frequency distributions.

Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Posted by Clyde Fraud:
You know nothing about anthropology. Current physical anthropological research makes it clear there are craniometric difference between Australoids /Australians representatives of the OOA population, Mongoloids and Melanoids; craniometric differences that indicate two migrations of the Black Variety into the Pacific and East Asia.

New Research Confirms 'Out Of Africa' Theory Of Human Evolution

(May 10, 2007) — Researchers have produced new DNA evidence that almost certainly confirms the theory that all modern humans have a common ancestry. The genetic survey, produced by a collaborative team led by scholars at Cambridge and Anglia Ruskin Universities, shows that Australia's aboriginal population sprang from the same tiny group of colonists, along with their New Guinean neighbours.

The research confirms the “Out Of Africa” hypothesis that all modern humans stem from a single group of Homo sapiens who emigrated from Africa 2,000 generations ago and spread throughout Eurasia over thousands of years. These settlers replaced other early humans (such as Neanderthals), rather than interbreeding with them.

Academics analysed the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and Y chromosome DNA of Aboriginal Australians and Melanesians from New Guinea. This data was compared with the various DNA patterns associated with early humans. The research was an international effort, with researchers from Tartu in Estonia, Oxford, and Stanford in California all contributing key data and expertise.

The results showed that both the Aborigines and Melanesians share the genetic features that have been linked to the exodus of modern humans from Africa 50,000 years ago.

Until now, one of the main reasons for doubting the “Out Of Africa” theory was the existence of inconsistent evidence in Australia. The skeletal and tool remains that have been found there are strikingly different from those elsewhere on the “coastal expressway” – the route through South Asia taken by the early settlers.

Some scholars argue that these discrepancies exist either because the early colonists interbred with the local Homo erectus population, or because there was a subsequent, secondary migration from Africa. Both explanations would undermine the theory of a single, common origin for modern-day humans.

But in the latest research there was no evidence of a genetic inheritance from Homo erectus, indicating that the settlers did not mix and that these people therefore share the same direct ancestry as the other Eurasian peoples.

Geneticist Dr Peter Forster, who led the research, said: “Although it has been speculated that the populations of Australia and New Guinea came from the same ancestors, the fossil record differs so significantly it has been difficult to prove. For the first time, this evidence gives us a genetic link showing that the Australian Aboriginal and New Guinean populations are descended directly from the same specific group of people who emerged from the African migration.”

At the time of the migration, 50,000 years ago, Australia and New Guinea were joined by a land bridge and the region was also only separated from the main Eurasian land mass by narrow straits such as Wallace's Line in Indonesia. The land bridge was submerged about 8,000 years ago.

The new study also explains why the fossil and archaeological record in Australia is so different to that found elsewhere even though the genetic record shows no evidence of interbreeding with Homo erectus, and indicates a single Palaeolithic colonisation event.

The DNA patterns of the Australian and Melanesian populations show that the population evolved in relative isolation. The two groups also share certain genetic characteristics that are not found beyond Melanesia. This would suggest that there was very little gene flow into Australia after the original migration.

Dr Toomas Kivisild, from the Cambridge University Department of Biological Anthropology, who co-authored the report, said: “The evidence points to relative isolation after the initial arrival, which would mean any significant developments in skeletal form and tool use were not influenced by outside sources.

“There was probably a minor secondary gene flow into Australia while the land bridge from New Guinea was still open, but once it was submerged the population was apparently isolated for thousands of years. The differences in the archaeological record are probably the result of this, rather than any secondary migration or interbreeding.”
Posted by alTakruri (Member # 10195) on :
Dr. Winters you need not show me to the pages.
Yourself couldn't find it again until after I posted
the url for you. What you need to do is these two

1 - go back and reread all the information on this page about that pic

2 - check out the ports of call for the Challenger's 1872 - 1876 voyage.

Until you do that you live up to my previous assessment
of the 3 of you. And what's worse, to throw your own
words back at you, it's you now prefering
"the white man's word" instead of a black researcher.

Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
You say he is a Kru. The museum list him as a Fuegian.

I am going to list him as Fuegian until the museum changes its designation in the image section of its catalogue.


Here is the picture along with the other Fuegian photographs



Originally posted by alTakruri:
What??? You guys need to shut up when you don't know what in hell you're
talking about thus making fools of yourselves and misleading others too
lazy or like yourselves inattentive of the details given on the webpage

These men both are (or this man front and profile is a) Kru, an ethny in Liberia as I
 -  -
explained when I first posted the source of Dr. Winter's photo capture and exposed
the Natural History Museum's glaring error.;f=15;t=000697;p=6#000252

The above photos do NOT depict
  1. "an amerindian/black mix"
  2. "Fuegian"
  3. "a result of the slave trade"

I do not doubt the high probability of the above photos being taken in the 19th century
on the 1872 - 1876 voyage of the Challenger and being that of a Kru on board as one of
the shipmates though the photo technology seems more early to mid 20th century to my eye.

Originally posted by prmiddleeastern:

This man is an amerindian/black mix, meaning that Fuegians aren't African, but Asiatic.This man is mixed, he does not represent Fuegians.

Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
 -  -

These Fuegians do not look alike. The Fuegian on the left has classic African features. The Fugean on the right has the broad face characteristics of Asians. This person fits the type associated with the original--first Americans.

Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
The Fuegian on the left clearly resembles contemporary Africans and the first African Americans in Mexico and South America.


Yea, as a result of the slave trade.

Posted by prmiddleeastern (Member # 14038) on :
Originally posted by Marc Washington:
[QUOTE]What image do you have in mind of the Indians before Columbus?

Depends of what region of America you speak about, because Amerindians were diverse.
Those African in m
phenotype are in that population. I believe you will rarely find such an abundance of "pure{r}" Africans in those lands today.

Whites came (and Monguls, too) admixing with the original African population creating today's population; but causing a "disappearance" and "amnesia" of the original folks in the process

If what you siad were true, America would be of a predominantly mixed Amerindian/African population, which is not.Nobody cazres about your phenotype.
Posted by Marc Washington (Member # 10979) on :


PMeast writes: If what you siad were true, America would be of a predominantly mixed Amerindian/African population, which is not.Nobody cazres about your phenotype.


Posted by Obatala's Revenge (Member # 11484) on :
^ LOL. [Big Grin]
Posted by prmiddleeastern (Member # 14038) on :
Originally posted by Marc Washington:

Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
alTakruri - My own investigation reveals that not only is the picture of the Black Fuegian missing, but so are the other pictures - like below, missing from the Darwin site. As a matter of fact, the ONLY photos on the site are of a few birds, Darwin and Europeans. All else is sketches, which of course, could have been done anytime and by anyone - we learned that from Egyptian material.


It strikes me as strange, that after thinking to bring along a Camera, they return with only a few pictures of birds. The ONLY explanation, is that the site chose to cleanse itself of any controversial material. Meaning that as far as any scientific value relating to race - It is just as B.S. as most others.

You will recall that I started this thread warning of the racism inherent in using ONLY mtDNA results. An abject lesson is below: I guess they expect us to believe that the Iceman just dropped from the sky.

Iceman Mummy Leaves No Ancestors

Jeanna Bryner
Senior Writer jeanna Bryner
senior Writer – Thu Oct 30, 12:10 pm ET

The Neolithic mummy dubbed the Iceman likely has no relatives alive today on his mom's side of the family, finds a new study of the ancient guy's genes.

The remains of the Iceman (also called Ötzi, Frozen Fritz and Similaun Man) were discovered accidentally in 1991 by German tourists in the Eastern Alps. Since then, a suite of tests has opened a window into the guy's life and death. For instance, the Iceman was about 45 years old when he died; he was probably a hunter-gatherer while alive; he sustained a shoulder injury from an arrow and might have died from head trauma; and his last meal included unleavened bread and meat.

Now, researchers have fast-forwarded genetically from 5,300 years ago when Ötzi died to the present to look at whether his maternal lineage is alive and kicking. It's probably not.

Mom's genes

The research team, led by Franco Rollo of the University of Camerino and Luca Ermini working at Camerino and the University of Leeds, extracted DNA from Iceman's rectum. They analyzed the genome of the cells' energy-making structures, called mitochondria.

"You only get mitochondrial DNA from your mother, and she gets it from her mother and so on, so it forms an unbroken link all the way back to the common maternal ancestor of all of us," said researcher Martin Richards of the University of Leeds.

The results showed that Ötzi fits in genetically with a particular group of living individuals who share a common ancestral DNA sequence. Over time, different individuals and groups can branch off from the main group, genetically speaking. Ötzi's DNA belonged to a cluster of lineages whose members are still common throughout Europe today.

However, nearly all members of this cluster belong to one of three sub-lineages, or sub-clusters. And Ötzi didn't. His DNA placed him on a completely distinct, fourth sub-lineage, for which there are no other members alive today - at least none have been found so far. His lineage branched away from his nearest modern relatives about 20,000 years ago.

That means Ötzi's maternal lineage is either extremely rare or has died out.

The finding is detailed in this month's issue of the journal Current Biology.

Finding ancestors

The results run counter to past research by Richards and his colleagues, which suggested Ötzi's relatives still exist today in Europe. But the past studied relied on just a short segment of the mitochondrial DNA, unlike the recent study in which the entire mitochondrial genome was analyzed.

With less genetic material, as in the first study, fewer mutations show up. It's these mutations that scientists match up across the genomes of a group of individuals to say whether the group has a common maternal ancestor.

With more genetic material, as in the recent study, more mutations show up. And if scientists do find a match between different individuals based on those mutations, there is more certainty that the match-up is real and not some artifact of sampling or just due to chance, Richards said.

While the mitochondrial DNA findings suggest no modern-day Iceman relatives along his maternal line, the results say nothing about whether the Iceman had children, which would only have mitochondrial DNA from their mom.

In addition, the number of individuals with sequenced mitochondrial DNA is limited. That means there's a possibility individuals not in the database could hold mitochondrial DNA that matches up with that of the Iceman. Next, the researchers hope to continue their search for modern-day relatives of the Iceman.

"It would be nice to go and look in the areas where he might have grown up and see whether maybe there is some valley which has lots of related lineages to him," Richards told LiveScience. "That would be very interesting, because it would pin down where he or his family and his ancestors lived in much more detail than we can do at the moment."
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
^^^To clarify - In some texts they refer to all of the tribes - including those with horses, as Fuegians - note also the caption on the pictures. But in others, they clarify that those with horses and with clothing are "PATAGONIAN'S" who inhabit the area BETWEEN Rio Negro and Terra del fuego. Names for these Patagonians are: In the West; Molu-che (war people), In the East; Tehuel-het (horse people) and Puel-Che (east people). All else is totally confused and of little value - people wise. Which is another oddity about these archives: How could a scientific expedition of discovery, spend so little time investigating and describing the most important creature on the planet - MAN. Something STINKS here! But in any case, true Fuegians did NOT wear clothing. Which means that these people are disqualified.


Posted by prmiddleeastern (Member # 14038) on :
Pure Afrocentrist crap.
Posted by alTakruri (Member # 10195) on :
WHy would those pictures be on the Darwin site?
Was Darwin on the HMS Challenger?

There is no black Fuegian sketch or picture
because at the time Euros went to the place
there were no black Fuegians (if ever there

The black man on the Natural History Museum's
site is a Kru, which is an ethny from Liberia.

Once again, the reposted photos of authentic
Fuegians are from current times. They are not
from the 19th century.

I hope all get it this time.
Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
I don't understand why you are upset. The museum identified him as a Fuegian so why not accept him.

Kroomen were not unknown in England. In fact many of the crewmen (Kroomen) on British ships were members of the Kru nationality.


Originally posted by alTakruri:
Dr. Winters you need not show me to the pages.
Yourself couldn't find it again until after I posted
the url for you. What you need to do is these two

1 - go back and reread all the information on this page about that pic

2 - check out the ports of call for the Challenger's 1872 - 1876 voyage.

Until you do that you live up to my previous assessment
of the 3 of you. And what's worse, to throw your own
words back at you, it's you now prefering
"the white man's word" instead of a black researcher.

Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
You say he is a Kru. The museum list him as a Fuegian.

I am going to list him as Fuegian until the museum changes its designation in the image section of its catalogue.


Here is the picture along with the other Fuegian photographs



Originally posted by alTakruri:
What??? You guys need to shut up when you don't know what in hell you're
talking about thus making fools of yourselves and misleading others too
lazy or like yourselves inattentive of the details given on the webpage

These men both are (or this man front and profile is a) Kru, an ethny in Liberia as I
 -  -
explained when I first posted the source of Dr. Winter's photo capture and exposed
the Natural History Museum's glaring error.;f=15;t=000697;p=6#000252

The above photos do NOT depict
  1. "an amerindian/black mix"
  2. "Fuegian"
  3. "a result of the slave trade"

I do not doubt the high probability of the above photos being taken in the 19th century
on the 1872 - 1876 voyage of the Challenger and being that of a Kru on board as one of
the shipmates though the photo technology seems more early to mid 20th century to my eye.

Originally posted by prmiddleeastern:

This man is an amerindian/black mix, meaning that Fuegians aren't African, but Asiatic.This man is mixed, he does not represent Fuegians.

Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
 -  -

These Fuegians do not look alike. The Fuegian on the left has classic African features. The Fugean on the right has the broad face characteristics of Asians. This person fits the type associated with the original--first Americans.

Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
The Fuegian on the left clearly resembles contemporary Africans and the first African Americans in Mexico and South America.


Yea, as a result of the slave trade.

Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Great points. The fact that the contemporary Fuegians cremated their dead while the ancient Fuegians buried ther dead is also evidence for a difference between the former and present Fuegians.

Originally posted by Mike111:
^^^To clarify - In some texts they refer to all of the tribes - including those with horses, as Fuegians - note also the caption on the pictures. But in others, they clarify that those with horses and with clothing are "PATAGONIAN'S" who inhabit the area BETWEEN Rio Negro and Terra del fuego. Names for these Patagonians are: In the West; Molu-che (war people), In the East; Tehuel-het (horse people) and Puel-Che (east people). All else is totally confused and of little value - people wise. Which is another oddity about these archives: How could a scientific expedition of discovery, spend so little time investigating and describing the most important creature on the planet - MAN. Something STINKS here! But in any case, true Fuegians did NOT wear clothing. Which means that these people are disqualified.



Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
I draw the conclusion that the first Americans were Africans based on the evidence. I am not like you waiting for Europeans to tell me what to think. I look at the evidence and reach my own conclusions based on that evidence.

This is how science operates . You make a theory hypothesis, collect the data and confirm or disconfirm the hypothesis.

Let me show you how this operates. First you make the research questions, and form your hypotheses.

Research Questions.

Q1. How did AMH reach America when the Beringa was covered with ice between 110kya and 13kya? This ice sheet made it impossible for AMH to cross into the American continent.

Q2.If people crossed the Beringa when the ice melted why are artifacts and skeletal remains relating to the colonization of America by AMH date back 32k BP?

Q3.Why are ancient skeletal remains found on the eastern side of the Americas near the Atlantic ocean currents, instead of the West coast which is nearest Asia?

Hypothesis 1 (H1) The first Anatomically modern humans (AMH) to settle the New World probably came from Africa.

H2. If the first AMH were from Africa, the skeletons of the ancient Americas would be similar to Africans.

H3. Since the earliest Americans date back 32kya they may have been related to the San who took civilization to Europe around this time.

H4. If the San were the first settlers of America they probably left genetic evidence of their former presence.

These hypothesis were confirmed.

H1 & H2. Neves et al make it clear the ancient skeletons resemble Melanesians and Africans. Since they could be either one, I choose African.

I chose Africans because they are the closest to the sites where AMH have been found plus they had the naval technology as indicated by the Dufuna canoe to make the voyage.

H3.The craniometrics indicate that the first inhabitants appear to resemble San, as does some of the reconstructions of faces based on the craniometrics.

H4. The identical STRs of Fuegians and San show a genetic relationship. There are reports of pygmies in various parts of South America especially Brazil. This suggest that the San and the pygmies introduced haplogroups A and B to the Americas. These genes are found in contemporary Amerind groups.

These findings confirm my hypothesis. I must accept that the first inhabitants of the Americas came from Africa, and that they were probably San, not Australians who represent the OOA population.

Now I hope you understand how researchers reach their own conclusions instead of waiting for someone to tell them how to think.


Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:

Let's look at the facts:

1) the Australians represent the OOA population that settled Asia

2) during the OOA event much of Siberia and North America was under ice from 110,000 - 10,000BC. As a result there was no way Siberians could cross Beringa before the end of the ice age

3) Ice even separated much of South America east to west


4) the first Americans appear in Brazil, Chile and Argintina Latin America around 30,000 BC

5)using craniometric evidence it is clear that the first Americans look like Africans not modern Asian Native Americans

6) using craniometrics I have pointed out that Asia was dominated by the Australian population until the rise of Suhulland when the Melanesian people appear in the area, at this time the Beringa was still under Ice

7) I pointed out that the Melanesian type reach East Asian mainland by 5000 BC, long after Africans had settled Latin America

8) between 15,000-12,000 we see numerous African populations in Mexico and Brazil; and skeletons dating to this period have even been found off the Yucatan coast in the Caribbean

9) these first Americans did not look like the Australians or modern Amerinds

10) iconography of PreClassic people like the Cherla, Ocos and other groups is of Negroes not Amerinds like the Maya

11) Amerind groups not associated with African slaves carry African genes

12) Maya carried African y chromosome

13) Chontal Mayan speakers were classified as Negroes by Quatrefages. This may explain why the Maya carry African genes

14)Negrocostachicanos claim that they have never been slaves and are indigenous to Guererro and Oaxaca on the Pacific coast

15) The Dufuna boat makes it clear that Africans probably had the technology to travel to the Americas 15,000 years ago.

16) Fuegians 100-400 BP carried haplogroup A1. Hg A1 is an African haplogroup.

17) Amerinds carry haplogroup N, just like Africans.

18)The y chromosome STRs of the Fuegians include DYS434,DYS437,DYS 439, DYS 393, DYS391,DYS390,DYS19, DYS 389I, DYS389II and DYS 388 (see: Garcia-Bour et al above). Except for DYS390 and DYS388 they are characteristic of haplogroup A1 . A1 is recognized as an African haplogroup.

19)Quatrefages noted numerous African Native American tribes

20)The antiquity of these populations is supported by the ancient iconography found in these countries which are of African Native Americans.

21) Most contemporary populations are descendants of the San people not Australians.


Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Melanesians and Australians although living in the Pacific have different haplogroups. We find that in the unterior of the Islands the many people carry Australian haplogroups while along the coast the Melanesians have different genes.

The Genetic Structure of Pacific Islanders
Jonathan S. Friedlaender 1 *, Françoise R. Friedlaender 2 , Floyd A. Reed 3 , Kenneth K. Kidd 4 , Judith R. Kidd 4 , Geoffrey K. Chambers 5 , Rodney A. Lea 5 , Jun-Hun Loo 6 , George Koki 7 , Jason A. Hodgson 8 ¤, D. Andrew Merriwether 8 , James L. Weber 9
1 Anthropology Department, Temple University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States of America, 2 Independent Researcher, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States of America, 3 Department of Biology, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, United States of America, 4 Department of Genetics, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, United States of America, 5 School of Biological Sciences, Victoria University, Wellington, New Zealand, 6 Transfusion Medicine Laboratory, Mackay Memorial Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan, 7 Institute for Medical Research, Goroka, Eastern Highlands Province, Papua New Guinea, 8 Department of Anthropology, Binghamton University, Binghamton, New York, United States of America, 9 Marshfield Clinic Research Foundation, Marshfield, Wisconsin, United States of America
1Human genetic diversity in the Pacific has not been adequately sampled, particularly in Melanesia. As a result, population relationships there have been open to debate. A genome scan of autosomal markers (687 microsatellites and 203 insertions/deletions) on 952 individuals from 41 Pacific populations now provides the basis for understanding the remarkable nature of Melanesian variation, and for a more accurate comparison of these Pacific populations with previously studied groups from other regions. It also shows how textured human population variation can be in particular circumstances. Genetic diversity within individual Pacific populations is shown to be very low, while differentiation among Melanesian groups is high. Melanesian differentiation varies not only between islands, but also by island size and topographical complexity. The greatest distinctions are among the isolated groups in large island interiors, which are also the most internally homogeneous. The pattern loosely tracks language distinctions. Papuan-speaking groups are the most differentiated, and Austronesian or Oceanic-speaking groups, which tend to live along the coastlines, are more intermixed. A small “Austronesian” genetic signature (always <20%) was detected in less than half the Melanesian groups that speak Austronesian languages, and is entirely lacking in Papuan-speaking groups. Although the Polynesians are also distinctive, they tend to cluster with Micronesians, Taiwan Aborigines, and East Asians, and not Melanesians. These findings contribute to a resolution to the debates over Polynesian origins and their past interactions with Melanesians. With regard to genetics, the earlier studies had heavily relied on the evidence from single locus mitochondrial DNA or Y chromosome variation. Neither of these provided an unequivocal signal of phylogenetic relations or population intermixture proportions in the Pacific. Our analysis indicates the ancestors of Polynesians moved through Melanesia relatively rapidly and only intermixed to a very modest degree with the indigenous populations there.
Author Summary
The origins and current genetic relationships of Pacific Islanders have been the subjects of interest and controversy for many decades. By analyzing the variation of a large number (687) of genetic markers in almost 1,000 individuals from 41 Pacific populations, and comparing these with East Asians and others, we contribute to the clarification and resolution of many of these issues. To judge by the populations in our survey, we find that Polynesians and Micronesians have almost no genetic relation to Melanesians, but instead are strongly related to East Asians, and particularly Taiwan Aborigines. A minority of Island Melanesian populations have indications of a small shared genetic ancestry with Polynesians and Micronesians (the ones that have this tie all speak related Austronesian languages). Inland groups who speak Papuan languages are particularly divergent and internally homogeneous. The genetic divergence among Island Melanesian populations, which is neatly organized by island, island size/topography, as well as their coastal or inland locations, is remarkable for such a small region, and enlarges our understanding of the texture of contemporary human variation.



Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
Posted by Clyde Fraud:
You know nothing about anthropology. Current physical anthropological research makes it clear there are craniometric difference between Australoids /Australians representatives of the OOA population, Mongoloids and Melanoids; craniometric differences that indicate two migrations of the Black Variety into the Pacific and East Asia.

New Research Confirms 'Out Of Africa' Theory Of Human Evolution

(May 10, 2007) — Researchers have produced new DNA evidence that almost certainly confirms the theory that all modern humans have a common ancestry. The genetic survey, produced by a collaborative team led by scholars at Cambridge and Anglia Ruskin Universities, shows that Australia's aboriginal population sprang from the same tiny group of colonists, along with their New Guinean neighbours.

The research confirms the “Out Of Africa” hypothesis that all modern humans stem from a single group of Homo sapiens who emigrated from Africa 2,000 generations ago and spread throughout Eurasia over thousands of years. These settlers replaced other early humans (such as Neanderthals), rather than interbreeding with them.

Academics analysed the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and Y chromosome DNA of Aboriginal Australians and Melanesians from New Guinea. This data was compared with the various DNA patterns associated with early humans. The research was an international effort, with researchers from Tartu in Estonia, Oxford, and Stanford in California all contributing key data and expertise.

The results showed that both the Aborigines and Melanesians share the genetic features that have been linked to the exodus of modern humans from Africa 50,000 years ago.

Until now, one of the main reasons for doubting the “Out Of Africa” theory was the existence of inconsistent evidence in Australia. The skeletal and tool remains that have been found there are strikingly different from those elsewhere on the “coastal expressway” – the route through South Asia taken by the early settlers.

Some scholars argue that these discrepancies exist either because the early colonists interbred with the local Homo erectus population, or because there was a subsequent, secondary migration from Africa. Both explanations would undermine the theory of a single, common origin for modern-day humans.

But in the latest research there was no evidence of a genetic inheritance from Homo erectus, indicating that the settlers did not mix and that these people therefore share the same direct ancestry as the other Eurasian peoples.

Geneticist Dr Peter Forster, who led the research, said: “Although it has been speculated that the populations of Australia and New Guinea came from the same ancestors, the fossil record differs so significantly it has been difficult to prove. For the first time, this evidence gives us a genetic link showing that the Australian Aboriginal and New Guinean populations are descended directly from the same specific group of people who emerged from the African migration.”

At the time of the migration, 50,000 years ago, Australia and New Guinea were joined by a land bridge and the region was also only separated from the main Eurasian land mass by narrow straits such as Wallace's Line in Indonesia. The land bridge was submerged about 8,000 years ago.

The new study also explains why the fossil and archaeological record in Australia is so different to that found elsewhere even though the genetic record shows no evidence of interbreeding with Homo erectus, and indicates a single Palaeolithic colonisation event.

The DNA patterns of the Australian and Melanesian populations show that the population evolved in relative isolation. The two groups also share certain genetic characteristics that are not found beyond Melanesia. This would suggest that there was very little gene flow into Australia after the original migration.

Dr Toomas Kivisild, from the Cambridge University Department of Biological Anthropology, who co-authored the report, said: “The evidence points to relative isolation after the initial arrival, which would mean any significant developments in skeletal form and tool use were not influenced by outside sources.

“There was probably a minor secondary gene flow into Australia while the land bridge from New Guinea was still open, but once it was submerged the population was apparently isolated for thousands of years. The differences in the archaeological record are probably the result of this, rather than any secondary migration or interbreeding.”

Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :

You know nothing about anthropology. Current physical anthropological research makes it clear there are craniometric difference between Australoids /Australians representatives of the OOA population, Mongoloids and Melanoids; craniometric differences that indicate two migrations of the Black Variety into the Pacific and East Asia.

Tsuenehiko Hanihare discussed the phenotypic variations between these populations(1). Tsuenehiko classified these people into three major populations Southeast Asian Mongoloids (Polynesians), the Australians or Austroloid type and the Nicobar and Andaman (Melanoid) samples which he found lie between the predominately Southeast Asian and Australoid/Australian type (1).

The Australian aborigines and Melanesians show cranonical variates and represent two distinct Black populations(2). The Australoids or Australians live mainly in Australia and the highland regions of Oceania, the Melanoid people on the otherhand live in the coastal regions of Near Oceania and Fiji. D.J de Laubenfels discussed the variety of Blacks found in Asia. Laubenfiels explained that Negroids/Melanoids such as the Tasmanians are characterized by wooly black hair and sparse body hair (2). Australoids or Australians on the otherhand have curly, wavy or straight hair and abundant body hair. Other differences between these Black populations include Negroid / Melanoid brows being vertical and without eyebrow ridges, whereas Australoid brows are sloping and with prominent ridges (2).

This led M. Pietrusewky to recognize two separate colonizations of the Pacific by morphologically distinct populations one Polynesian and the other Melanesian (3). Pietrusewky’s research indicates a clear separation between the Australian-Melanesian crania and the Polynesian crania (3). The findings indicate an origin for the Polynesians in Southeast Asia (3-5), and an early Australo-Melanesian presence in East Asia as discussed in the earlier comment.

Laubenfels argues that the Australians are remnants of the original African migration to the region 60kya (2). This view is supported by David Bulbeck who found that the Australian craniometrics are different from the Mongoloid (Polynesian), and Melanoid crania metrics (4). This research indicates that whereas Australian aborigine crania agree with the archaic population of Asia and first group of Africans to exit Africa, they fail to correspond to the Sahulland crania which are distinctly of Southwest Pacific or Melanoid affinity (2,4). This suggests that by the rise of Sahulland there were two distinct Black populations in Asia one Austroloid and the other Melanoid (4).

The Melanesian type does not appear in East Asia (Siberia) until after 5000 BC. This is thousands of years after Luizia and Eva Neharon had existed in Brazil and Mexico respectively.

By the Neolithic the Melanoids or Papuans are associated with millet cultivation at Yangshao and Lougshan according to Pietrusewky’s work (5). Tsang argues that the probable homeland of the Austronesian speakers was the Pearl River delta, here the Melanoid people cultivated millet (6). Sagart believes that there is a Proto-Sino-Tibetan-Austronesian family of languages based on the millet culture the Melanoids introduced to China (7).

The craniometrics make it clear the ancient Americans are not related to the Melanesians.


1. Tsunehiko Hanihare, Interpretation of craniofacial variations and diversification of East and Southeast Asia. In Bioarchaeology of Southeast Asia. (Eds.) Marc Oxenhan and Nancy Tayles (pp.91-111). Cambridge, 2005.

2. D.J. Laubenfels, Australoids, Negroids and Negroes: A suggested explanation for their distinct distributions. Annals Association of Am. Geographers, 58(1), 1968: 42-50.

3. Michael Pietrusewky, A multivariate craniometric study of the prehistoric and modern inhabitants of Southeast Asia, East Asia and surrounding regions:A human kaleidoscope. Cambridge Studies in Biological and Evolutionary Anthropology, No. 43, 2006: 59-90.

4. David Bulbeck, Australian Aboriginal craniometrics as construed through FORDISC, 2005. Retrieved: 4/2/2008:

5. M. Pietrusewsky, The Physical anthropology of the Pacific, East Asia: A multivariate craniometric analysis. . In L. Sagart, R. Blench, A. Sanchez-Mazos (Eds), The peopling of East Asia Putting together Archaeology,Linguistics and Genetics (pp.201-229). RutledgeCurzon, 2005.

6. Tsang Cheng-Hwa, Recent discoveries at Tapenkeng culture sites in Taiwan;Implications for the problem of Austronesian origins. In The peopling of East Asia Putting together Archaeology, Linguistics and Genetics ,(Eds) L. Sagart, R. Blench, A. Sanchez-Mazos (pp.63-74). RutledgeCurzon, 2005.

7. L. Sagart, Sino-Tibetan-Austronesian an Updated and improved argument. In L. Sagart, R. Blench, A. Sanchez-Mazos (Eds), The peopling of East Asia Putting together Archaeology, Linguistics and Genetics (pp.161-176). RutledgeCurzon, 2005.

These papers are all written within the past 2-3 years and highlight the fact you know nothing about contemporary anthropology and the peopling of Asia.


Posted by prmiddleeastern (Member # 14038) on :
Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :

There is no clear link between the Melanesians and Australians as you claim. Redd and Stoneking (1999) observed that:


Peopling of Sahul: mtDNA variation in aboriginal Australian and Papua New Guinean populations.
A J Redd and M Stoneking
Department of Anthropology, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania, USA.
This article has been cited by other articles in PMC.
We examined genetic affinities of Aboriginal Australian and New Guinean populations by using nucleotide variation in the two hypervariable segments of the mtDNA control region (CR). A total of 318 individuals from highland Papua New Guinea (PNG), coastal PNG, and Aboriginal Australian populations were typed with a panel of 29 sequence-specific oligonucleotide (SSO) probes. The SSO-probe panel included five new probes that were used to type an additional 1,037 individuals from several Asian populations. The SSO-type data guided the selection of 78 individuals from Australia and east Indonesia for CR sequencing. A gene tree of these CR sequences, combined with published sequences from worldwide populations, contains two previously identified highland PNG clusters that do not include any Aboriginal Australians; the highland PNG clusters have coalescent time estimates of approximately 80,000 and 122,000 years ago, suggesting ancient isolation and genetic drift. SSO-type data indicate that 84% of the sample of PNG highlander mtDNA belong to these two clusters. In contrast, the Aboriginal Australian sequences are intermingled throughout the tree and cluster with sequences from multiple populations. Phylogenetic and multidimensional-scaling analyses of CR sequences and SSO types split PNG highland and Aboriginal Australian populations and link Aboriginal Australian populations with populations from the subcontinent of India. These mtDNA results do not support a close relationship between Aboriginal Australian and PNG populations but instead suggest multiple migrations in the peopling of Sahul.

Here is an Australian


Here is a contemporary Africans


You can clearly see differences between the Australian and African type; while both individuals are described as Negroes you will note that the forehead of the Australian matches in many ways the cranium of earlier hominid forms dating back to the rise of homo sapiens sapiens in Africa.

Any physical anthropologists would note these changes. The coastal Melanesians usually show mixed Australian-African features or features commonly found among Africans--not Australians.\







Commenting on the Melanesian and Australian connections Friedlaender et al noted that:


Melanesian mtDNA Complexity
Jonathan S. Friedlaender,1* Françoise R. Friedlaender,2 Jason A. Hodgson,3¤ Matthew Stoltz,3 George Koki,4 Gisele Horvat,2 Sergey Zhadanov,5 Theodore G. Schurr,5 and D. Andrew Merriwether3

Melanesian populations are known for their diversity, but it has been hard to grasp the pattern of the variation or its underlying dynamic. Using 1,223 mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequences from hypervariable regions 1 and 2 (HVR1 and HVR2) from 32 populations, we found the among-group variation is structured by island, island size, and also by language affiliation. The more isolated inland Papuan-speaking groups on the largest islands have the greatest distinctions, while shore dwelling populations are considerably less diverse (at the same time, within-group haplotype diversity is less in the most isolated groups). Persistent differences between shore and inland groups in effective population sizes and marital migration rates probably cause these differences. We also add 16 whole sequences to the Melanesian mtDNA phylogenies. We identify the likely origins of a number of the haplogroups and ancient branches in specific islands, point to some ancient mtDNA connections between Near Oceania and Australia, and show additional Holocene connections between Island Southeast Asia/Taiwan and Island Melanesia with branches of haplogroup E. Coalescence estimates based on synonymous transitions in the coding region suggest an initial settlement and expansion in the region at ~30–50,000 years before present (YBP), and a second important expansion from Island Southeast Asia/Taiwan during the interval ~3,500–8,000 YBP. However, there are some important variance components in molecular dating that have been overlooked, and the specific nature of ancestral (maternal) Austronesian influence in this region remains unresolved.

Friedlaender et al (2007) make it clear that the major Melanesian mtDNA belong to the M haplogroup.


Macrohaplogroup M. Many deep branches of M have been found throughout Asia,especially India [26]–[32]. Pierson et al. [33] showed that all known branches of M diverged separately from the base, with the possible exception of Melanesian M29 and Q which may be somewhat more closely related.
Figure 2 shows the main branches of macrohaplogroup M that occur in Near Oceania, including new branches of M28 and M29 identified in this study. To date, there are no established links between Aboriginal Australia and Near Oceania within any M haplogroup. As with P, the Near Oceanic branches of M apparently developed around the time of initial settlement beginning before ~30,000 years ago [current study, 17,19,34–37]. The TMRCAs in table 1 for these Near Oceanic M haplogroups and their branches suggest many are as old as those for P.

[quote ]

A number of mtDNA haplogroups common in Near Oceania have not been found west of New Guinea (i.e., macrohaplogroups M27 and M29, and with some rare exceptions, P, Q, and M28 [15], [16]). On the other hand, many haplogroups present in Southeast Asia are missing east of the Wallace Line (most branches of M, as well as B4c, B5, C, D, G, and U). This pattern reflects the long isolation of the populations that entered Near Oceania. Two younger mtDNA lineages do occur in appreciable frequencies in both regions, namely B4a1a1 and branches of E.


The Australians carry certain ancient clades, but they are primarially P.


Haplogroup P. Haplogroup P is the oldest branch of macrohaplogroup R in the region. Figure 1 shows the different known branches of P in Melanesia and their defining mutations (table S1 gives further details). Source references for the different branches, including the current study, are at the top of the figure. The branching of P1 is abbreviated since it has been detailed elsewhere [17]. The branching pattern at the base of P4 is ambiguous due to the apparent occurrence of back mutations at nucleotide sites (nts) 1719 and 5460. We have identified new branches of P2, P3 and P4. P3 and probably P4 retain old connections between Near Oceania and Australia, but branch P4a appears to be specific to Near Oceania, and branch P4b appears to be limited to Aboriginal Australia.

Haplogroup P in Oceania is primarially found in the Highland regions.


Table S2 gives the distribution of the major haplogroups in our series. P has its highest frequency in New Guinea and P1, its most common branch, has its highest concentration and greatest diversity in the highlands. P2 and P4 are also more common in New Guinea than elsewhere.

Posted by Doug M (Member # 7650) on :
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:

There is no clear link between the Melanesians and Australians as you claim. Redd and Stoneking (1999) observed that:


Peopling of Sahul: mtDNA variation in aboriginal Australian and Papua New Guinean populations.
A J Redd and M Stoneking
Department of Anthropology, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania, USA.
This article has been cited by other articles in PMC.
We examined genetic affinities of Aboriginal Australian and New Guinean populations by using nucleotide variation in the two hypervariable segments of the mtDNA control region (CR). A total of 318 individuals from highland Papua New Guinea (PNG), coastal PNG, and Aboriginal Australian populations were typed with a panel of 29 sequence-specific oligonucleotide (SSO) probes. The SSO-probe panel included five new probes that were used to type an additional 1,037 individuals from several Asian populations. The SSO-type data guided the selection of 78 individuals from Australia and east Indonesia for CR sequencing. A gene tree of these CR sequences, combined with published sequences from worldwide populations, contains two previously identified highland PNG clusters that do not include any Aboriginal Australians; the highland PNG clusters have coalescent time estimates of approximately 80,000 and 122,000 years ago, suggesting ancient isolation and genetic drift. SSO-type data indicate that 84% of the sample of PNG highlander mtDNA belong to these two clusters. In contrast, the Aboriginal Australian sequences are intermingled throughout the tree and cluster with sequences from multiple populations. Phylogenetic and multidimensional-scaling analyses of CR sequences and SSO types split PNG highland and Aboriginal Australian populations and link Aboriginal Australian populations with populations from the subcontinent of India. These mtDNA results do not support a close relationship between Aboriginal Australian and PNG populations but instead suggest multiple migrations in the peopling of Sahul.

Here is an Australian


Here is a contemporary Africans


You can clearly see differences between the Australian and African type; while both individuals are described as Negroes you will note that the forehead of the Australian matches in many ways the cranium of earlier hominid forms dating back to the rise of homo sapiens sapiens in Africa.

Any physical anthropologists would note these changes. The coastal Melanesians usually show mixed Australian-African features or features commonly found among Africans--not Australians.\







Commenting on the Melanesian and Australian connections Friedlaender et al noted that:


Melanesian mtDNA Complexity
Jonathan S. Friedlaender,1* Françoise R. Friedlaender,2 Jason A. Hodgson,3¤ Matthew Stoltz,3 George Koki,4 Gisele Horvat,2 Sergey Zhadanov,5 Theodore G. Schurr,5 and D. Andrew Merriwether3

Melanesian populations are known for their diversity, but it has been hard to grasp the pattern of the variation or its underlying dynamic. Using 1,223 mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequences from hypervariable regions 1 and 2 (HVR1 and HVR2) from 32 populations, we found the among-group variation is structured by island, island size, and also by language affiliation. The more isolated inland Papuan-speaking groups on the largest islands have the greatest distinctions, while shore dwelling populations are considerably less diverse (at the same time, within-group haplotype diversity is less in the most isolated groups). Persistent differences between shore and inland groups in effective population sizes and marital migration rates probably cause these differences. We also add 16 whole sequences to the Melanesian mtDNA phylogenies. We identify the likely origins of a number of the haplogroups and ancient branches in specific islands, point to some ancient mtDNA connections between Near Oceania and Australia, and show additional Holocene connections between Island Southeast Asia/Taiwan and Island Melanesia with branches of haplogroup E. Coalescence estimates based on synonymous transitions in the coding region suggest an initial settlement and expansion in the region at ~30–50,000 years before present (YBP), and a second important expansion from Island Southeast Asia/Taiwan during the interval ~3,500–8,000 YBP. However, there are some important variance components in molecular dating that have been overlooked, and the specific nature of ancestral (maternal) Austronesian influence in this region remains unresolved.

Friedlaender et al (2007) make it clear that the major Melanesian mtDNA belong to the M haplogroup.


Macrohaplogroup M. Many deep branches of M have been found throughout Asia,especially India [26]–[32]. Pierson et al. [33] showed that all known branches of M diverged separately from the base, with the possible exception of Melanesian M29 and Q which may be somewhat more closely related.
Figure 2 shows the main branches of macrohaplogroup M that occur in Near Oceania, including new branches of M28 and M29 identified in this study. To date, there are no established links between Aboriginal Australia and Near Oceania within any M haplogroup. As with P, the Near Oceanic branches of M apparently developed around the time of initial settlement beginning before ~30,000 years ago [current study, 17,19,34–37]. The TMRCAs in table 1 for these Near Oceanic M haplogroups and their branches suggest many are as old as those for P.

[quote ]

A number of mtDNA haplogroups common in Near Oceania have not been found west of New Guinea (i.e., macrohaplogroups M27 and M29, and with some rare exceptions, P, Q, and M28 [15], [16]). On the other hand, many haplogroups present in Southeast Asia are missing east of the Wallace Line (most branches of M, as well as B4c, B5, C, D, G, and U). This pattern reflects the long isolation of the populations that entered Near Oceania. Two younger mtDNA lineages do occur in appreciable frequencies in both regions, namely B4a1a1 and branches of E.

The Australians carry certain ancient clades, but they are primarially P.


Haplogroup P. Haplogroup P is the oldest branch of macrohaplogroup R in the region. Figure 1 shows the different known branches of P in Melanesia and their defining mutations (table S1 gives further details). Source references for the different branches, including the current study, are at the top of the figure. The branching of P1 is abbreviated since it has been detailed elsewhere [17]. The branching pattern at the base of P4 is ambiguous due to the apparent occurrence of back mutations at nucleotide sites (nts) 1719 and 5460. We have identified new branches of P2, P3 and P4. P3 and probably P4 retain old connections between Near Oceania and Australia, but branch P4a appears to be specific to Near Oceania, and branch P4b appears to be limited to Aboriginal Australia.

Haplogroup P in Oceania is primarially found in the Highland regions.


Table S2 gives the distribution of the major haplogroups in our series. P has its highest frequency in New Guinea and P1, its most common branch, has its highest concentration and greatest diversity in the highlands. P2 and P4 are also more common in New Guinea than elsewhere.


Clyde, you are so ridiculous it is funny. Did YOU not post the following:

Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
I draw the conclusion that the first Americans were Africans based on the evidence. I am not like you waiting for Europeans to tell me what to think. I look at the evidence and reach my own conclusions based on that evidence.

This is how science operates . You make a theory hypothesis, collect the data and confirm or disconfirm the hypothesis.

Let me show you how this operates. First you make the research questions, and form your hypotheses.

Research Questions.

Q1. How did AMH reach America when the Beringa was covered with ice between 110kya and 13kya? This ice sheet made it impossible for AMH to cross into the American continent.

Q2.If people crossed the Beringa when the ice melted why are artifacts and skeletal remains relating to the colonization of America by AMH date back 32k BP?

Q3.Why are ancient skeletal remains found on the eastern side of the Americas near the Atlantic ocean currents, instead of the West coast which is nearest Asia?

Hypothesis 1 (H1) The first Anatomically modern humans (AMH) to settle the New World probably came from Africa.

H2. If the first AMH were from Africa, the skeletons of the ancient Americas would be similar to Africans.

H3. Since the earliest Americans date back 32kya they may have been related to the San who took civilization to Europe around this time.

H4. If the San were the first settlers of America they probably left genetic evidence of their former presence.

These hypothesis were confirmed.

H1 & H2. Neves et al make it clear the ancient skeletons resemble Melanesians and Africans. Since they could be either one, I choose African.


YOU yourself post citations of research that says the first Americans were closer to Melanesians and Africans or Australians, but YOU turn around and DECIDE on your own to simply call them Africans. WHY? Sounds like to me you are jumping around and playing games with words. One one hand Melanesians aren't African enough for you or early enough, but on the other hand they are AFRICAN and old enough to represent the first OOA populations. You state that Melanesians are distinct from "Africans" and Australians, but yet turn around and say that they could be "one or the other" and therefore call them Africans as if there is no meaningful distinction. Which are they Clyde? Not to mention your flip flopping about which "features" represent most closely the OOA type, which YOU claim was like the san. But Australian Aborigines DON'T resemble the san AT ALL.

So like I said. You are simply confused and making up stuff to suit your whims, which are based on an absurd understanding of the facts.
Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Doug stop putting words in my mouth. I never said the San were part of the OOA event. The San were the CroMagnon/Grimaldi people who replaced the Neanderthals in much of Eurasia 40kya. This was 20k years after the Australians left Africa.

The Venus Figures represent the first Europeans. They are representative of the San people and are therefore Africans.

This is a bushman or San.




As I mentioned earlier the Bushman created much of the early civilization of Eurasia. They left us numerous figurines showing their type.

Venus Figurines


The Bushman continue to carry this ancient form.

Doug you are simply a weak fool. You have presented no evidence in support of your contention. You are a fraud and Coconut.

Above are genetic papers which demonstrate that the Melanesians are not members of the OOA event. Yet you continue to make moronic statements like a child that they are. I have consistently said that the Australians represent the OOA population 60kya.

I have never said that Melanesians and Africans are distinct. In fact I made it clear that the Melanesians are probably a recent migration of Africans to the Pacific. This would explain the West African placenames in Oceania and Japan.


Stop trying to steal the African heritage of the first Americans.

Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
Doug stop putting words in my mouth. I never said the San were part of the OOA event. The San were the CroMagnon/Grimaldi people who replaced the Neanderthals in much of Eurasia 40kya.

I see Winters is indulging himself again, with ridiculous claims.

San is properly a reference to Native South African peoples.

Even when distorted into a phenotype, SAN do not match cro-magnon - who were a tall people often 6 ft or more, and the earliest of whom had limb ratios more like Masai than Khoisan.

And when 'further' reduced to 'steatopygia' which Winters profers as 'evidence', then this charactersistic is found also amongst some tropically adapted people of South Asia, who are also not SAN.

Winters just waste his time with dumb nonsense, for brain dead losers like Marc Washington. He feeds them their idiot stew. [Razz]
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
YOU yourself post citations of research that says the first Americans were closer to Melanesians and Africans or Australians, but YOU turn around and DECIDE on your own to simply call them Africans. WHY?
^ Because he's a charleton and a bad liar of course.

Real question: Why would anyone take this intelligent man, who by choice, reduces himself to a parody of looney-Afrocentrism, seriously?
Posted by Doug M (Member # 7650) on :
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
Doug stop putting words in my mouth. I never said the San were part of the OOA event. The San were the CroMagnon/Grimaldi people who replaced the Neanderthals in much of Eurasia 40kya. This was 20k years after the Australians left Africa.

The Venus Figures represent the first Europeans. They are representative of the San people and are therefore Africans.

This is a bushman or San.




As I mentioned earlier the Bushman created much of the early civilization of Eurasia. They left us numerous figurines showing their type.

Venus Figurines


The Bushman continue to carry this ancient form.

Doug you are simply a weak fool. You have presented no evidence in support of your contention. You are a fraud and Coconut.

Above are genetic papers which demonstrate that the Melanesians are not members of the OOA event. Yet you continue to make moronic statements like a child that they are. I have consistently said that the Australians represent the OOA population 60kya.

I have never said that Melanesians and Africans are distinct. In fact I made it clear that the Melanesians are probably a recent migration of Africans to the Pacific. This would explain the West African placenames in Oceania and Japan.


Stop trying to steal the African heritage of the first Americans.


Stop backtracking Clyde.

You did post the following did you not?


H3. Since the earliest Americans date back 32kya they may have been related to the San who took civilization to Europe around this time.

H4. If the San were the first settlers of America they probably left genetic evidence of their former presence.

These hypothesis were confirmed.

H1 & H2. Neves et al make it clear the ancient skeletons resemble Melanesians and Africans. Since they could be either one, I choose African.

I chose Africans because they are the closest to the sites where AMH have been found plus they had the naval technology as indicated by the Dufuna canoe to make the voyage.

Clyde not only don't you make any sense, but you are a liar. Does the above not say that YOU think the first Americans were like the San?

Stick to the point. YOU keep claiming that the ancient Americans were DIRECT migrants from Africa, with no evidence and going so far as to take OTHER peoples research out of context in order to support YOUR OWN nonsense point of view. Which they don't.

Neves said that the ancient skeletons in the Americas represented Melanesians and Africans. NONE of the skeletons of the first Americans resemble the San. They resemble early aboriginal migrants to America from Asia who retained some of their original African features, like the Aborigines of Australia and the people of New Guinea. PERIOD. YOU are disagreeing with YOUR OWN cited references. No wonder you are confused.
You have provided NO evidence that the first migrants to the Americas were like the San or that they were direct migrants from Africa. All you do is talk yourself into circles, with lies and half truths that deceive those who don't know better, including YOURSELF.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
Melanesians and Australians although living in the Pacific have different haplogroups.
^ They also share haplotypes and are closer to each other than either is to ANY African population, so how does this help you?

This thread and your argument both = silly.
Posted by Marc Washington (Member # 10979) on :

[rASHOL writes] Dr. Winters, your discourse may be suitable for confusing the likes of Marc Washington, but to any serious scholar, it consists of and utterly broken logic.

[Marc writes] Confusing? Look who’s talking.



Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
Doug writes: [Clyde] YOU are disagreeing with YOUR OWN cited references. No wonder you are confused.
-> Yes, he does this all the time, he counts on people not bothering to check/verify his sources.

-> Meanwhile Marc W tries to run interference for Clyde, with his eyesore spam.

But, it doesn't work.

With those two, it's not good cop, bad cop.

It's con man and clown. [Smile]
Posted by Marc Washington (Member # 10979) on :

[rASHOL writes] Dr. Winters, your discourse may be suitable for confusing the likes of Marc Washington, but to any serious scholar, it consists of and utterly broken logic.

[Marc writes] Broken logic? Don’t make me laugh. You can’t even spell.




Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Originally posted by Doug M:
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
Doug stop putting words in my mouth. I never said the San were part of the OOA event. The San were the CroMagnon/Grimaldi people who replaced the Neanderthals in much of Eurasia 40kya. This was 20k years after the Australians left Africa.

The Venus Figures represent the first Europeans. They are representative of the San people and are therefore Africans.

This is a bushman or San.




As I mentioned earlier the Bushman created much of the early civilization of Eurasia. They left us numerous figurines showing their type.

Venus Figurines


The Bushman continue to carry this ancient form.

Doug you are simply a weak fool. You have presented no evidence in support of your contention. You are a fraud and Coconut.

Above are genetic papers which demonstrate that the Melanesians are not members of the OOA event. Yet you continue to make moronic statements like a child that they are. I have consistently said that the Australians represent the OOA population 60kya.

I have never said that Melanesians and Africans are distinct. In fact I made it clear that the Melanesians are probably a recent migration of Africans to the Pacific. This would explain the West African placenames in Oceania and Japan.


Stop trying to steal the African heritage of the first Americans.


Stop backtracking Clyde.

You did post the following did you not?


H3. Since the earliest Americans date back 32kya they may have been related to the San who took civilization to Europe around this time.

H4. If the San were the first settlers of America they probably left genetic evidence of their former presence.

These hypothesis were confirmed.

H1 & H2. Neves et al make it clear the ancient skeletons resemble Melanesians and Africans. Since they could be either one, I choose African.

I chose Africans because they are the closest to the sites where AMH have been found plus they had the naval technology as indicated by the Dufuna canoe to make the voyage.

Clyde not only don't you make any sense, but you are a liar. Does the above not say that YOU think the first Americans were like the San?

Stick to the point. YOU keep claiming that the ancient Americans were DIRECT migrants from Africa, with no evidence and going so far as to take OTHER peoples research out of context in order to support YOUR OWN nonsense point of view. Which they don't.

Neves said that the ancient skeletons in the Americas represented Melanesians and Africans. NONE of the skeletons of the first Americans resemble the San. They resemble early aboriginal migrants to America from Asia who retained some of their original African features, like the Aborigines of Australia and the people of New Guinea. PERIOD. YOU are disagreeing with YOUR OWN cited references. No wonder you are confused.
You have provided NO evidence that the first migrants to the Americas were like the San or that they were direct migrants from Africa. All you do is talk yourself into circles, with lies and half truths that deceive those who don't know better, including YOURSELF.

No members of the OOA population made their way to the New World.

There is clear evidence that the OOA population settled Asia. But lets not forget that if the OOA population who took the eastern route out of Africa left the Continent around 60kya this would have been during the last Ice Age.

The Ice Age latsed from from 110kya to around 12kya. As a result the OOA populartion would have found it impossible to take a land route to the Americas across Beringa. As a result, your insistence that the OOA population made their way to the Americas does not correlate with the environmental and archaeological evidence.



The ancient Americans looked more like the Khoisan then Australians, because they came from Africa not Asia.


Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Stop being Jealous. We all know who is the real Troll Clown on this form.

Originally posted by Marc Washington:




Posted by Marc Washington (Member # 10979) on :

The Upper Paleolithic populations of Europe left these representations of themselves as San.

Over the coming decamillenniums, their descendants would travel east entering China, Japan, Southeast Asia, the Pacific and eventually the Americas.

Traveling west, their descendants would cross the Bering Straight and inhabit Alaska, Canada, North, Central, and South America:


The San in South Africa are called the "Little Chinese," because of the oval eyes, high cheekbones, broad forehead.

Yet, the Chinese are nothing more than the San who when in Mongolia and I say with woolly hair were inundated with whites from the Steppes. This was likely from near 1200 BC (perhaps) up until the time of the Khans who lived during the European Middle Ages.

This influx of whites mixing with San changed the hair from straight to woolly and lightened the color of San skin. It is these people who would become the Koreans, Chinese, Japanese. And this population would enter the South Pacific and eventually the Americas changing the morphology of the original African peoples who'd get Mongul features from incoming Monguls and white features from incoming Europeans.


Oversimplified (as there were population movements all over the place, that, in a nutshell, is the history of the peopling of the world and why people look the way they do.


Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
^^^Marc this is the most original Historo-Illustration to date.

Great work.

Posted by Doug M (Member # 7650) on :
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
Originally posted by Doug M:
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
Doug stop putting words in my mouth. I never said the San were part of the OOA event. The San were the CroMagnon/Grimaldi people who replaced the Neanderthals in much of Eurasia 40kya. This was 20k years after the Australians left Africa.

The Venus Figures represent the first Europeans. They are representative of the San people and are therefore Africans.

This is a bushman or San.




As I mentioned earlier the Bushman created much of the early civilization of Eurasia. They left us numerous figurines showing their type.

Venus Figurines


The Bushman continue to carry this ancient form.

Doug you are simply a weak fool. You have presented no evidence in support of your contention. You are a fraud and Coconut.

Above are genetic papers which demonstrate that the Melanesians are not members of the OOA event. Yet you continue to make moronic statements like a child that they are. I have consistently said that the Australians represent the OOA population 60kya.

I have never said that Melanesians and Africans are distinct. In fact I made it clear that the Melanesians are probably a recent migration of Africans to the Pacific. This would explain the West African placenames in Oceania and Japan.


Stop trying to steal the African heritage of the first Americans.


Stop backtracking Clyde.

You did post the following did you not?


H3. Since the earliest Americans date back 32kya they may have been related to the San who took civilization to Europe around this time.

H4. If the San were the first settlers of America they probably left genetic evidence of their former presence.

These hypothesis were confirmed.

H1 & H2. Neves et al make it clear the ancient skeletons resemble Melanesians and Africans. Since they could be either one, I choose African.

I chose Africans because they are the closest to the sites where AMH have been found plus they had the naval technology as indicated by the Dufuna canoe to make the voyage.

Clyde not only don't you make any sense, but you are a liar. Does the above not say that YOU think the first Americans were like the San?

Stick to the point. YOU keep claiming that the ancient Americans were DIRECT migrants from Africa, with no evidence and going so far as to take OTHER peoples research out of context in order to support YOUR OWN nonsense point of view. Which they don't.

Neves said that the ancient skeletons in the Americas represented Melanesians and Africans. NONE of the skeletons of the first Americans resemble the San. They resemble early aboriginal migrants to America from Asia who retained some of their original African features, like the Aborigines of Australia and the people of New Guinea. PERIOD. YOU are disagreeing with YOUR OWN cited references. No wonder you are confused.
You have provided NO evidence that the first migrants to the Americas were like the San or that they were direct migrants from Africa. All you do is talk yourself into circles, with lies and half truths that deceive those who don't know better, including YOURSELF.

No members of the OOA population made their way to the New World.

There is clear evidence that the OOA population settled Asia. But lets not forget that if the OOA population who took the eastern route out of Africa left the Continent around 60kya this would have been during the last Ice Age.

The Ice Age latsed from from 110kya to around 12kya. As a result the OOA populartion would have found it impossible to take a land route to the Americas across Beringa. As a result, your insistence that the OOA population made their way to the Americas does not correlate with the environmental and archaeological evidence.



The ancient Americans looked more like the Khoisan then Australians, because they came from Africa not Asia.



Clyde, first and foremost, ALL first populations world wide are the result of OOA migrations. ALL of them. This includes the first Americans. The question is whether the first Americans came DIRECTLY OOA from Africa or indirectly through Asia. Furthermore, you don't know what the first Americans in Luzia looked like. That model is only an artistic and educational guess. Like I said, you have NO evidence that the first Americans looked like San. NONE. The one citation YOU referenced said they looked like Melanesians and Africans. Other published research said they looked like Australians and Africans. The photos of aboriginal populations in the Americas show clearly that many were indeed black and had features similar to Australian aborigines.

As usual, against this tide of facts, you still maintain something that is unproven and without evidence. Except now, instead of trying to distort published research to suit your agenda, you try and use a facial reconstruction. But the fact is that the man who made the reconstruction Dr. Neaves and the man who did the cranial analysis Dr. Neves (odd coincidence), BOTH say that this skull is closer to Australians and Melanesians than recent migrants to the Americas from Asia. So you are STILL making up claims and distorting research to suit your agenda.

Here is what Dr. Neves says about the earliest skulls:


Comparative morphological studies of the earliest human skeletons of the New World have shown that, whereas late prehistoric, recent, and present Native Americans tend to exhibit a cranial morphology similar to late and modern Northern Asians (short and wide neurocrania; high, orthognatic and broad faces; and relatively high and narrow orbits and noses), the earliest South Americans tend to be more similar to present Australians, Melanesians, and Sub-Saharan Africans (narrow and long neurocrania; prognatic, low faces; and relatively low and broad orbits and noses). However, most of the previous studies of early American human remains were based on small cranial samples. Herein we compare the largest sample of early American skulls ever studied (81 skulls of the Lagoa Santa region) with worldwide data sets representing global morphological variation in humans, through three different multivariate analyses. The results obtained from all multivariate analyses confirm a close morphological affinity between SouthAmerican Paleoindians and extant Australo-Melanesians groups, supporting the hypothesis that two distinct biological populations could have colonized the New World in the Pleistocene/Holocene transition.


They looked similar to Australians, Melanesians AND Africans.

The issue for me isn't whether there were migrations from Africa directly to America. I have almost no doubt that over the last 100,000 years that some Africans may have made the journey directly to the Americas from Africa. However, I don't believe that such migrations were enough to populate the entire continent and that most of the populations in the Americas came from Asia, either on foot or more likely by boat. I also personally do not believe that the sites in South America are the result of people walking to the Americas. I believe many of them came by boat from the South. But that is only my personal opinion.

Bottom line, the facts make it clear that the first Americans were closer to Africans, Melanesians and Australians than modern native Americans. How they got here initially and where is something that we may never know for sure. But ANY theory supporting some form of population in America from Africa has to be based on FACTS and the problem with Clyde is he provides no facts or even worse MAKES UP facts to suit his theories.
Posted by Marc Washington (Member # 10979) on :

Thanx, Dr. Winters.

Doug writes Clyde, you don't know what the first Americans in Luzia looked like. That model is only an artistic and educational guess.

Marc writes When anthropologists made an African King Tut look white, I heard of no outcrys that their reconstruction was wrong. But, you have an anthropologist trained in facial reconstruction portray an ancient skull as African and you scream out like a cat that had a whisker pulled from its face.

First of all, Morales is, I daresay, better qualified than you, Doug, to determine what an accurate reconstruction is or not.

Second, you are the only person on earth I’ve heard question the accuracy of the reconstruction. No one in the professional community did.

Third, take a look at these two links:

They show the same type of black and red stick figures found worldwide representing Africans as in the page below,


So, Morales IS correct to portray the young lady just as he did - by phenotype, African.

You really do annoy me trying to force your white perception of who is and isn’t “African.”

Go to hell.

Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
Clyde writes: Stop being Jealous.
^ Egomania.

You also accuse Dr. Obenga of being jealous of you remember (?) as he ignored your ludicrous claims of an Indo European origin of Meroitic script.

Is it the jealousy of others that prevents you from understanding the difference between X and Y chromosome, and so not confusing the two?
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
Doug you are simply a weak fool. You have presented no evidence in support of your contention. You are a fraud and Coconut.
^ tsk tsk, such anger and hate.

The reason you rage at Doug is that he is and unpretentious student of African history, who is out debating you.

You lose all of your debates because your understanding of the anthropology is either outdated or twisted.

Then you get angry at people like Doug, and start name calling, which just makes you, and not Doug, appear to be weak. lol.
Posted by Marc Washington (Member # 10979) on :

[rASHOL writes] Dr. Winters, your discourse may be suitable for confusing the likes of Marc Washington, but to any serious scholar, it consists of and utterly broken logic.

[Marc writes] Serious scholar? You? ROFLMAO.



Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
Doug lays down the facts, which puts the 'smack' down on Dr. Faker.....

Clyde, first and foremost, ALL first populations world wide are the result of OOA migrations. ALL of them. This includes the first Americans.
^ truth.

Like I said, you have NO evidence that the first Americans looked like San. NONE.
^ nor does 'any' anthropologist claim they did.

Winters is race-myth maker who uses race-noises to cover for his actual lack of scientific knowledge.

The feature he wants to assign to san, is called steatopygia.

This means retention of sub-cutaneous fat in the hips, as opposed to the limbs and torso.

Steatopygia is a form of tropical adaptation.

It does two things.

1) It allows the body to store fat accumulated in the tropical wet season, for use during the tropical dry season.

2)It prevents the body from overheating, by storing fat in one concentrated area, and not on the exposed limbs, which are then free to dissipate heat.

For example: Eskimo also store fat, for the actic winter - but they store it all over the body, including underneath their arms. This allows fat to also insulate their bodies against frostbite.

3) San are not the only people in Africa who sometimes have steatopygia.

4) There are non Africans who also have steatopygia, including some Melanesians who do not otherwise look like the San, and more importanly - ARE NOT ANYMORE RELATED TO THE SAN, than they are to any other people.

5) Most SAN do not have the extreme steatopygia, shown in Winters drawings. Even his paleolithic art examples, contrast, in this respect with some of his photos of actual modern Khoisan.

6) Some African, non SAN women and even some current European have this trait.

7) Some modern Khoisan do not have this trait at all.

Winters is indeed confused.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
[Marc writes] Serious scholar? You?
^ frustrated clown, on a troll tantrum..... you.
Posted by Marc Washington (Member # 10979) on :

[rASHOL writes] Dr. Winters, your discourse may be suitable for confusing the likes of Marc Washington, but to any serious scholar, it consists of and utterly broken logic.

[Marc writes] Serious scholar? You? ROFLMAO.



Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Originally posted by Doug M:

Here is what Dr. Neves says about the earliest skulls:


Comparative morphological studies of the earliest human skeletons of the New World have shown that, whereas late prehistoric, recent, and present Native Americans tend to exhibit a cranial morphology similar to late and modern Northern Asians (short and wide neurocrania; high, orthognatic and broad faces; and relatively high and narrow orbits and noses), the earliest South Americans tend to be more similar to present Australians, Melanesians, and Sub-Saharan Africans (narrow and long neurocrania; prognatic, low faces; and relatively low and broad orbits and noses). However, most of the previous studies of early American human remains were based on small cranial samples. Herein we compare the largest sample of early American skulls ever studied (81 skulls of the Lagoa Santa region) with worldwide data sets representing global morphological variation in humans, through three different multivariate analyses. The results obtained from all multivariate analyses confirm a close morphological affinity between SouthAmerican Paleoindians and extant Australo-Melanesians groups, supporting the hypothesis that two distinct biological populations could have colonized the New World in the Pleistocene/Holocene transition.


They looked similar to Australians, Melanesians AND Africans.

The issue for me isn't whether there were migrations from Africa directly to America. I have almost no doubt that over the last 100,000 years that some Africans may have made the journey directly to the Americas from Africa. However, I don't believe that such migrations were enough to populate the entire continent and that most of the populations in the Americas came from Asia, either on foot or more likely by boat. I also personally do not believe that the sites in South America are the result of people walking to the Americas. I believe many of them came by boat from the South. But that is only my personal opinion.

Bottom line, the facts make it clear that the first Americans were closer to Africans, Melanesians and Australians than modern native Americans. How they got here initially and where is something that we may never know for sure. But ANY theory supporting some form of population in America from Africa has to be based on FACTS and the problem with Clyde is he provides no facts or even worse MAKES UP facts to suit his theories.

Fool. Neves said exactly what I said he said that the people looked like Africans.

Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Originally posted by Doug M:
Bottom line, the facts make it clear that the first Americans were closer to Africans, Melanesians and Australians than modern native Americans. How they got here initially and where is something that we may never know for sure. But ANY theory supporting some form of population in America from Africa has to be based on FACTS and the problem with Clyde is he provides no facts or even worse MAKES UP facts to suit his theories.

Here's my facts Stupid where are yours?

Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:

Let's look at the facts:

1) the Australians represent the OOA population that settled Asia

2) during the OOA event much of Siberia and North America was under ice from 110,000 - 10,000BC. As a result there was no way Siberians could cross Beringa before the end of the ice age

3) Ice even separated much of South America east to west


4) the first Americans appear in Brazil, Chile and Argintina Latin America around 30,000 BC

5)using craniometric evidence it is clear that the first Americans look like Africans not modern Asian Native Americans

6) using craniometrics I have pointed out that Asia was dominated by the Australian population until the rise of Suhulland when the Melanesian people appear in the area, at this time the Beringa was still under Ice

7) I pointed out that the Melanesian type reach East Asian mainland by 5000 BC, long after Africans had settled Latin America

8) between 15,000-12,000 we see numerous African populations in Mexico and Brazil; and skeletons dating to this period have even been found off the Yucatan coast in the Caribbean

9) these first Americans did not look like the Australians or modern Amerinds

10) iconography of PreClassic people like the Cherla, Ocos and other groups is of Negroes not Amerinds like the Maya

11) Amerind groups not associated with African slaves carry African genes

12) Maya carried African y chromosome

13) Chontal Mayan speakers were classified as Negroes by Quatrefages. This may explain why the Maya carry African genes

14)Negrocostachicanos claim that they have never been slaves and are indigenous to Guererro and Oaxaca on the Pacific coast

15) The Dufuna boat makes it clear that Africans probably had the technology to travel to the Americas 15,000 years ago.

16) Fuegians 100-400 BP carried haplogroup A1. Hg A1 is an African haplogroup.

17) Amerinds carry haplogroup N, just like Africans.

18)The y chromosome STRs of the Fuegians include DYS434,DYS437,DYS 439, DYS 393, DYS391,DYS390,DYS19, DYS 389I, DYS389II and DYS 388 (see: Garcia-Bour et al above). Except for DYS390 and DYS388 they are characteristic of haplogroup A1 . A1 is recognized as an African haplogroup.

19)Quatrefages noted numerous African Native American tribes

20)The antiquity of these populations is supported by the ancient iconography found in these countries which are of African Native Americans.

21) Most contemporary populations are descendants of the San people not Australians.


Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :


1. Sub-Saharan Africa. The first population in the ordering are the San, who are hunter gatherers that live in Southern Africa. Before the Bantu expansion over the last 3,000 years, the ancestors of the San occupied most of Southern Africa, but they have been progressively displaced and currently are restricted to a few pockets [17]. The San contributed ancestry to the next four populations (the Biaka Pygmies, Bantu from South Africa and Kenya, and Mbuti Pygmies) but none subsequent to that. The Bantu are inferred to have contributed to each subsequent African population.

web page

This article suggest that the spread many populations in the world may have began with the San. The San do not represent the original OOA population.


The San carry the A haplogroup. The fact that many Americans carry this gene point the early expansion of this group or related populations into the New World.

Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
The San carry the A haplogroup. The fact that many Americans carry this gene point the early expansion of this group or related populations into the New World.
^ Name Native Americans who carry Y chromosome haplotype A, found mostly in East and South Africa?

How many times must we tell you to STOP confusing Y chromsome and mtdna???

What is the point of making such stupid remarks when you know you are going to get debunked?
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ Honestly Dr. Winters, sometimes I think you're just getting senile.

This is mtdna: [female]
In human genetics, Haplogroup A is a human mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplogroup.

Haplogroup A is believed to have arisen in Asia some 60,000 years before present. Its ancestral haplogroup was Haplogroup N.

This is Y chromosome: [male]
In human genetics, Haplogroup A (M91) is a Y-chromosome haplogroup.

Haplogroup A is common among Bushmen.Haplogroup A is localized mainly to Southern Africa with a small to notable presence among a few populations in East Africa.

Do not confuse these two again.
Posted by Marc Washington (Member # 10979) on :

[rASHOL writes] Dr. Winters, your discourse may be suitable for confusing the likes of Marc Washington, but to any serious scholar, it consists of and utterly broken logic.

[Marc writes] Serious scholar? You? ROFLMAO.



Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
Winters: Here's my facts Stupid where are yours?
rasol writes: [Winters] How many times must we tell you to STOP confusing Y chromsome and mtdna???

What is the point of making such stupid remarks when you know you are going to get debunked?

Originally posted by rasol:

This is mtdna: [female]
In human genetics, Haplogroup A is a human mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplogroup.

Haplogroup A is believed to have arisen in Asia some 60,000 years before present. Its ancestral haplogroup was Haplogroup N.

This is Y chromosome: [male]
In human genetics, Haplogroup A (M91) is a Y-chromosome haplogroup.

Haplogroup A is common among Bushmen.Haplogroup A is localized mainly to Southern Africa with a small to notable presence among a few populations in East Africa.

Do not confuse these two again.

Fact is, you're getting senile and appear to have difficulty retaining facts. [Frown]
Posted by Marc Washington (Member # 10979) on :

[rASHOL writes] Dr. Winters, your discourse may be suitable for confusing the likes of Marc Washington, but to any serious scholar, it consists of and utterly broken logic.

[Marc writes] Serious scholar? You? ROFLMAO.



Posted by Doug M (Member # 7650) on :
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
Originally posted by Doug M:

Here is what Dr. Neves says about the earliest skulls:


Comparative morphological studies of the earliest human skeletons of the New World have shown that, whereas late prehistoric, recent, and present Native Americans tend to exhibit a cranial morphology similar to late and modern Northern Asians (short and wide neurocrania; high, orthognatic and broad faces; and relatively high and narrow orbits and noses), the earliest South Americans tend to be more similar to present Australians, Melanesians, and Sub-Saharan Africans (narrow and long neurocrania; prognatic, low faces; and relatively low and broad orbits and noses). However, most of the previous studies of early American human remains were based on small cranial samples. Herein we compare the largest sample of early American skulls ever studied (81 skulls of the Lagoa Santa region) with worldwide data sets representing global morphological variation in humans, through three different multivariate analyses. The results obtained from all multivariate analyses confirm a close morphological affinity between SouthAmerican Paleoindians and extant Australo-Melanesians groups, supporting the hypothesis that two distinct biological populations could have colonized the New World in the Pleistocene/Holocene transition.


They looked similar to Australians, Melanesians AND Africans.

The issue for me isn't whether there were migrations from Africa directly to America. I have almost no doubt that over the last 100,000 years that some Africans may have made the journey directly to the Americas from Africa. However, I don't believe that such migrations were enough to populate the entire continent and that most of the populations in the Americas came from Asia, either on foot or more likely by boat. I also personally do not believe that the sites in South America are the result of people walking to the Americas. I believe many of them came by boat from the South. But that is only my personal opinion.

Bottom line, the facts make it clear that the first Americans were closer to Africans, Melanesians and Australians than modern native Americans. How they got here initially and where is something that we may never know for sure. But ANY theory supporting some form of population in America from Africa has to be based on FACTS and the problem with Clyde is he provides no facts or even worse MAKES UP facts to suit his theories.

Fool. Neves said exactly what I said he said that the people looked like Africans.


Yes he said Melanesians, Australians AND Africans, not JUST Africans. Meaning that the range of features were generally found among ALL these populations and therefore did not simply represent a population that looked like the San. It also links these populations to people who migrated from Australia and Asia. Again, YOU are citing research that does NOT support your bogus claims.

If, but, woulda, coulda and other sorts of exceptions does not change this study to be supportive of what YOU are claiming. The conclusion of the report is quite clear, these people came from Asia not Africa:


We believe the second hypothesis is more plausible for three reasons: first, it would be very unlikely that the same evolutionary event (directional morphological change) happened in the Americas and in East Asia in parallel at approximately the same time (the parsimony principle) (28); second, because in South America, at least, the transition between the two morphological patterns was, as far as we know, abrupt (29); and third, cranial morphology has recently been shown to respond adaptatively only to extreme environmental conditions, being therefore much less plastic than originally thought (30). No transoceanic migration is necessary to explain our findings, because Paleoamerican-like humans were also present in East Asia during the final Pleistocene (31–35) and could perfectly well have entered the New World across the Bering Strait. A final solution to this dilemma will depend of course on a better understanding of what was happening in North America at the same time.


Which directly GOES AGAINST everything you are saying. So stop pretending that this study supports what you are saying. It supports what we have been saying all along that OOA populations THROUGHOUT Asia and elsewhere retained African features and carried the African, Australo-Melanesian feature set with them to the Americas.
Posted by Marc Washington (Member # 10979) on :

Doug writes Yes he [Neves] said Melanesians, Australians AND Africans, not JUST Africans.

Marc writes Phenotypically, of those referred to (and there's been lots of whites after Cook, and Monguls flooding the Pacific in the last half-a-millennium. The reliefs and figurine of Southeast Asia prior to 1500 are largely African types without Mongul features - meaning African types with woolly hair.

If we use them as a standard, the population in the South Pacific resembled them and not today's population which is often closer to the Connie Chung look.



[rASHOL writes] Dr. Winters, your discourse may be suitable for confusing the likes of Marc Washington, but to any serious scholar, it consists of and utterly broken logic.

[Marc writes] Serious scholar? You? ROFLMAO. [Eek!]



Posted by Doug M (Member # 7650) on :
Originally posted by Marc Washington:

Doug writes Yes he [Neves] said Melanesians, Australians AND Africans, not JUST Africans.

Marc writes Phenotypically, of those referred to (and there's been lots of whites after Cook, and Monguls flooding the Pacific in the last half-a-millennium. The reliefs and figurine of Southeast Asia prior to 1500 are largely African types without Mongul features - meaning African types with woolly hair.

If we use them as a standard, the population in the South Pacific resembled them and not today's population which is often closer to the Connie Chung look.


And of course this is completely incorrect and incoherent. The features of Asia originates among the OOA populations of Asia, which includes ALL features found in Asia, except white skin. The only feature that whites can give to blacks is white skin. All other features are completely indigenous. That is the point of OOA, which means that MOST human biodiversity is among BLACK populations Marc. What does biodiversity mean Marc? It means that the features of humans are MOST diverse among black populations, whites are a SUB SET of that diversity.

This is where your Connie Chung look originates Marc:


And as you can see, they cannot have gotten their features from whites because THEY ARE NOT white and they are ABORIGINAL. What does that mean Marc? That means that they represent the OLDEST form of human in that area, from which other peoples derive. Obviously, if you knew what this meant, you would know this means that they could NOT have gotten their features from whites. By definition it means they are representative of the first populations in a given area who descend from OOA populations and represent the DIVERSITY in features that derive from OOA populations.

The Asians above are as old as the Asians below:

 - and this shows you the DIVERSITY in features found among black OOA populations that populated the entire planet. Just as you have DIVERSE populations IN AFRICA, from the San to the Masai to the Ethiopians to the West Africans and all in between. According to YOUR view, only a subset of all Africans are REALLY African because they have "true African" features. There is no such thing. And when dealing with OOA populations you are talking about EVEN MORE diversity in features.

And these are the types of peoples depicted in the statues you are harping about and they are STILL THERE. They are the BEST examples of the types of people portrayed in the ancient statues:



According to you, these people are the result of mixture with whites:


Which is absolutely ABSURD. They are ABORIGINAL meaning they PREDATE whites by thousands of years and CANNOT be the result of white admixture. That is why talking to you is like talking to a stone. You have NO CONCEPT of what is being talked about, but you insist on pretending that you do.
Posted by Marc Washington (Member # 10979) on :

You, Doug, once wrote that (I'm paraphrasing) today's South Pacific peoples are brown and if whites had fathered their progeny that they'd be white. You use that anecdotal evidence as a rationale for saying that the aborigine / indigenous people we see today are a snapshot of what they were in yesteryear.

You forget that they were not likely brown but black and whites fathering progeny did lighten them but that resulted in a brown race.

This page shows what happens when you mix African and white. Look at the child produced from picture # 1:


By the way. You are white. Why don't you stop being a pest and go use your marvelous intellect dissecting white people? Please.

Nobody needs another white expert on black people. Slavery and the rape of the African continent was enough. Nobody needs a white intellectual now to figure out who all those people are his ancestors took to bed.


[rASHOL writes] Dr. Winters, your discourse may be suitable for confusing the likes of Marc Washington, but to any serious scholar, it consists of and utterly broken logic.

[Marc writes] Serious scholar? You? ROFLMAO.



Posted by Doug M (Member # 7650) on :
Originally posted by Marc Washington:

You, Doug, once wrote that (I'm paraphrasing) today's South Pacific peoples are brown and if whites had fathered their progeny that they'd be white. You use that anecdotal evidence as a rationale for saying that the aborigine / indigenous people we see today are a snapshot of what they were in yesteryear.

You forget that they were not likely brown but black and whites fathering progeny did lighten them but that resulted in a brown race.

This page shows what happens when you mix African and white. Look at the child produced from picture # 1:


By the way. You are white. Why don't you stop being a pest and go use your marvelous intellect dissecting white people? Please.

Nobody needs another white expert on black people. Slavery and the rape of the African continent was enough. Nobody needs a white intellectual now to figure out who all those people are his ancestors took to bed.


[rASHOL writes] Dr. Winters, your discourse may be suitable for confusing the likes of Marc Washington, but to any serious scholar, it consists of and utterly broken logic.

[Marc writes] Serious scholar? You? ROFLMAO.




Marc, the people below are black and are the closest example to what the first populations of OOA populations of Asia looked like:






These people and their features are the result of LOCAL INDIGENOUS adaptation and diversity among the BLACK OOA populations who settled in Asia. They are called aboriginal because their genetic lineages are NOT like the predominant populations in the places they inhabit and they ARE NOT mixed with them. That is why they are called aboriginal Marc.

You have no understanding of human biology, genetics or diversity so your 4th grade cartoon crayola crayon sketches mean nothing. Almost all biologists and geneticists consider these people the MOST representative of the OOA populations and their diversity in Asia. All human populations have variations in features, including Africans. And that is why you make absolutely no sense. ALL Africans in Africa do not look alike and therefore some are short, some are tall, some have tight curly hair and some have relatively straight and wavy hair. It has nothing to do with mixture. If that is the case and according to your nut case theories, the San would be considered mixed with white Asians, which they aren't. In fact you are contradicting yourself. You and Clyde talk so much about the San as the epitome of the first OOA populations, yet when I show you a picture of such people from Asia, you claim they are mixed. Like I said, then that means that the San are mixed.

If not, care to explain why the San have features that are NOT like other Africans Mr. Biologist?
Posted by Marc Washington (Member # 10979) on :

[Doug writes] If not, care to explain why the San have features that are NOT like other Africans Mr. Biologist?

[Marc writes] The San have full facial features and woolly hair like other Africans.

Your people came to Africa, enslaved the people, raped the continent. Nobody needs your "enlightened" ideas about who Africans are or aren't.

Go take your inquisitiveness and unravel the mysteries of white people.


[rASHOL writes] Dr. Winters, your discourse may be suitable for confusing the likes of Marc Washington, but to any serious scholar, it consists of and utterly broken logic.

[Marc writes] Serious scholar? You? ROFLMAO.




Posted by Doug M (Member # 7650) on :
Originally posted by Marc Washington:

[Doug writes] If not, care to explain why the San have features that are NOT like other Africans Mr. Biologist?

[Marc writes] The San have full facial features and woolly hair like other Africans.


So the San look FULL FACED? What kind of biological or anthropological statement is that? Care to explain?

Like I said, your 4 year old attempts at biology don't work with people who know better. Why don't you actually go study some anthropology and biology instead of getting it out of a cracker jack box?

Like I said, you are given proof of the first blacks of Asia and what they look like and the only thing you can say is they aren't black enough to be African. Are YOU black enough to be African? That is about the DUMBEST thing I have heard in my whole life.

Definition of aboriginal:


being the first or earliest known of its kind present in a region <aboriginal forests> <aboriginal rocks>

Posted by Marc Washington (Member # 10979) on :

Okay Doug.

Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
New Evidence From Earliest Known Human Settlement In The Americas

ScienceDaily (May 9, 2008) — New evidence from the Monte Verde archaeological site in southern Chile confirms its status as the earliest known human settlement in the Americas and provides additional support for the theory that one early migration route followed the Pacific Coast more than 14,000 years ago.

The study was conducted by a team of anthropologists, geologists and botanists headed by Vanderbilt University's Distinguished Professor of Anthropology Tom Dillehay and was reported in the May 9 issue of the journal Science.

The paper, which includes the first new data reported from the site in 10 years, includes the identification of nine species of seaweed and marine algae recovered from hearths and other areas in the ancient settlement. The seaweed samples were directly dated between 14,220 to 13,980 years ago, confirming that the upper layer of the site, labeled Monte Verde II, was occupied more than 1,000 years earlier than any other reliably dated human settlements in the Americas.

The Monte Verde site was discovered in 1976. It is located in a peat bog about 500 miles south of Santiago and has revealed well-preserved ruins of a small settlement of 20 to 30 people living in a dozen huts along a small creek. A wide variety of food has been found at the site, including extinct species of llama and an elephant-like animal called a gomphothere, shellfish, vegetables and nuts.

In 1979, when Dillehay and his colleagues first reported that the radiocarbon dating of the bones and charcoal found at Monte Verde returned dates of more than 14,000 years before the present, it stirred up a major controversy because the early dates appeared to conflict with other archaeological evidence of the settlement of North America.

Since at least 1900, the prevailing theory had been that human colonization began at the end of the last Ice Age about 13,000 years ago, when groups of big game hunters, called the Clovis culture, followed herds from Siberia to Alaska over a land bridge across the Bering Strait and then gradually spread southward. None of the Clovis artifacts were dated earlier than 13,000 years ago. So having a substantially older human settlement in southern Chile was difficult to reconcile with this view.

It wasn't until 1997 that the controversy was resolved by a prominent group of archaeologists who reviewed the evidence, visited the Monte Verde site and unanimously approved the dating.

Most scholars now believe that people first entered the new world through the Bering land bridge more than 16,000 years ago. After entering Alaska, it is not known whether they colonized the hemisphere by moving down the Pacific coast, by inland routes or both. The general view is that the early immigrants would have spread down the coast much faster than they could move inland because they could exploit familiar coastal resources more readily and get much of their food from the sea. However, evidence to support the coastal migration theory has been particularly hard to find because sea levels at the time were about 200 feet lower than today: As the sea level rose, it would have covered most of the early coastal settlements.

According to Dillehay, the new Monte Verde findings provide additional support for the coastal migration theory but, at the same time, raise the possibility that the process may have been considerably slower than currently envisioned.

At the time it was inhabited, Monte Verde was situated on a small tributary of a large river. It was about 400 feet above sea level and located more than 50 miles from the coast and about 10 miles from a large marine bay. Despite its inland location, the researchers identified a total of nine different species of seaweed and algae in the material collected at the site -- material that the Monte Verdeans must have brought from the coast and the bay. The researchers have also found a variety of other beach or coastal resources, including flat beach pebbles, water plants from brackish estuaries and bitumen.

"Finding seaweed wasn't a surprise, but finding five new species in the abundance that we found them was a surprise," said Dillehay. "There are other coastal resources at the site. The Monte Verdeans were really like beachcombers: The number and frequency of these items suggests very frequent contact with the coast, as if they had a tradition of exploiting coastal resources."

In addition, the scientists have found a number of inland resources, such as the gomphothere meat, in the ancient village. This suggests that the group was moving back and forth between different ecological zones, a process called transhumance.

"It takes time to adapt to these inland resources and then come back out to the coast. The other coastal sites that we have found also show inland contacts. If all the early American groups were following a similar pattern of moving back and forth between inland and coastal areas, then the peopling of the Americas may not have been the blitzkrieg movement to the south that people have presumed, but a much slower and more deliberate process," Dillehay observed.

Members of the research team included Carlos Remirez, Mario Pino and Daniela Pino-Navarro from the Universidad Austral de Chile; Michael B. Collins from the University of Texas, Austin; and Jack Rossen from Ithaca College.

Monte Verde: Seaweed, Food, Medicine, and the Peopling of South America
Tom D. Dillehay,1* C. Ramírez,2 M. Pino,3 M. B. Collins,4 J. Rossen,5 J. D. Pino-Navarro6

The identification of human artifacts at the early archaeological site of Monte Verde in southern Chile has raised questions of when and how people reached the tip of South America without leaving much other evidence in the New World. Remains of nine species of marine algae were recovered from hearths and other features at Monte Verde II, an upper occupational layer, and were directly dated between 14,220 and 13,980 calendar years before the present (~12,310 and 12,290 carbon-14 years ago). These findings support the archaeological interpretation of the site and indicate that the site's inhabitants used seaweed from distant beaches and estuarine environments for food and medicine. These data are consistent with the ideas that an early settlement of South America was along the Pacific coast and that seaweeds were important to the diet and health of early humans in the Americas.

'Kelp Highway' May Have Helped Peopling Of The Americas

ScienceDaily (Feb. 21, 2006) — If humans migrated from Asia to the Americas along Pacific Rim coastlines near the end of the Pleistocene era, kelp forests may have aided their journey, according to research presented today at the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) annual meeting.

Until recently, the "coastal migration theory" was not accorded much importance by most scholars. However, new discoveries have moved it to the forefront of debate on the origins of the First Americans. It is now known that seafaring peoples living in the Ryuku Islands and Japan near the height of the last glacial period (about 35,000 to 15,000 years ago) adapted to cold waters comparable to those found today in the Gulf of Alaska. From Japan, they may have migrated northward through the Kurile Islands, to the southern coast of Beringia (ancient land bridge between what is now Siberia and Alaska), and into the Americas.

"The coastal migration theory has yet to be proven with hard evidence, but we have been finding earlier and more widespread evidence for coastal settlement around the Pacific Rim," said Jon Erlandson, professor of anthropology and director of the Museum of Natural and Cultural History at the University of Oregon and the study's lead researcher. "The fact that productive kelp forests are found adjacent to some of the earliest coastal archaeological sites in the Americas supports the idea that such forests may have facilitated human coastal migrations around the Pacific Rim near the end of the last glacial period. In essence, they may have acted as a sort of kelp highway."

Kelp forests are some of the world's richest ecosystems. They are found from Japan to Baja California and to South America's west coast. They would have provided a similar assortment of food resources--including shellfish, fish, sea mammals, and seabirds--along thousands of miles of the North Pacific coast, and also reduced wave energy for people in boats. These people also would have had access to a variety of land resources. In contrast, people migrating through the interior would have had fewer options and would have had to pass through much more varied landscapes, including tundra, boreal and tropical forests, and deserts.

"This study is a unique example of collaboration between coastal archaeologists and marine biologists" Erlandson said. "I've worked on many early sites near kelp forests from Alaska to California, but I never realized similar habitats were present around much of the Pacific Rim. Combining our very different perspectives provided an opportunity to reach insights that none of us would have attained alone."

The "kelp highway hypothesis" first crystallized among an interdisciplinary group working at the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis. The study's other researchers include: Michael Graham of Moss Landing Marine Laboratories; Bruce Bourque of Bates College; Debbie Corbett of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in Anchorage, Alaska; James Estes of the U.S. Geological Survey and the University of California-Santa Cruz; and, Robert Steneck of the University of Maine.

Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ Dr. Winters is such a laughable phony.

Notice he ran and hid rather than respound to.....

Originally posted by rasol:
Winters: Here's my facts Stupid where are yours?
rasol writes: [Winters] How many times must we tell you to STOP confusing Y chromsome and mtdna???

What is the point of making such stupid remarks when you know you are going to get debunked?

Originally posted by rasol:

This is mtdna: [female]
In human genetics, Haplogroup A is a human mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplogroup.

Haplogroup A is believed to have arisen in Asia some 60,000 years before present. Its ancestral haplogroup was Haplogroup N.

This is Y chromosome: [male]
In human genetics, Haplogroup A (M91) is a Y-chromosome haplogroup.

Haplogroup A is common among Bushmen.Haplogroup A is localized mainly to Southern Africa with a small to notable presence among a few populations in East Africa.

Do not confuse these two again.

Fact is, you're getting senile and appear to have difficulty retaining facts. [Frown]

Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
Originally posted by Marc Washington:

Okay Doug.


^ Maaaaynnnne shut up. Doug destroyed you and your mentor, but it's not like you'll learn anything from it.

Winters the faker, Marc the clown.

What can you do about it?

Spam some more frustration photochop

Heh heh. loser..... [Razz]
Posted by alTakruri (Member # 10195) on :
This is plain silly, that Kroomen (with a capital K)
is a misspelling of crewmen. But it does show you
did finally read the complete page and see that the
Natural History Museum in facts identifies that man
as a Kru, a Liberian ethny. Kroomen is no more than
the antiquated spelling of Kru men. You know this but
rather than admit to a mistake due to gullibility you
choose to mislead your students and readers and besmirch
Africana studies by introducing unsubstantiable claims
as fact. Even a child sees the error the NHM made so
when an adult checks it out and its false labeling
a Kru as a Fuegian they will surmise that saner claims
of actual Africana are also the stuff of smoke and mirrors.

We don't need to claim Fuegians as black or African
because they are neither black nor African. We have
real black and African matters to study and attend to
not this sideshow freakery presentation distracting
from what's truly ours.

Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
I don't understand why you are upset. The museum identified him as a Fuegian so why not accept him.

Kroomen were not unknown in England. In fact many of the crewmen (Kroomen) on British ships were members of the Kru nationality.


Originally posted by alTakruri:
Dr. Winters you need not show me to the pages.
Yourself couldn't find it again until after I posted
the url for you. What you need to do is these two

1 - go back and reread all the information on this page about that pic

2 - check out the ports of call for the Challenger's 1872 - 1876 voyage.

Until you do that you live up to my previous assessment
of the 3 of you. And what's worse, to throw your own
words back at you, it's you now prefering
"the white man's word" instead of a black researcher.

Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
You say he is a Kru. The museum list him as a Fuegian.

I am going to list him as Fuegian until the museum changes its designation in the image section of its catalogue.


Here is the picture along with the other Fuegian photographs



Originally posted by alTakruri:
What??? You guys need to shut up when you don't know what in hell you're
talking about thus making fools of yourselves and misleading others too
lazy or like yourselves inattentive of the details given on the webpage

These men both are (or this man front and profile is a) Kru, an ethny in Liberia as I
 -  -
explained when I first posted the source of Dr. Winter's photo capture and exposed
the Natural History Museum's glaring error.;f=15;t=000697;p=6#000252

The above photos do NOT depict
  1. "an amerindian/black mix"
  2. "Fuegian"
  3. "a result of the slave trade"

I do not doubt the high probability of the above photos being taken in the 19th century
on the 1872 - 1876 voyage of the Challenger and being that of a Kru on board as one of
the shipmates though the photo technology seems more early to mid 20th century to my eye.

Originally posted by prmiddleeastern:

This man is an amerindian/black mix, meaning that Fuegians aren't African, but Asiatic.This man is mixed, he does not represent Fuegians.

Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
 -  -

These Fuegians do not look alike. The Fuegian on the left has classic African features. The Fugean on the right has the broad face characteristics of Asians. This person fits the type associated with the original--first Americans.

Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
The Fuegian on the left clearly resembles contemporary Africans and the first African Americans in Mexico and South America.


Yea, as a result of the slave trade.

Posted by Marc Washington (Member # 10979) on :

As I said, Doug, San have the full nose, full mouth, and wiry hair like Africans do. They were the first Africans.



[rASHOL writes] Dr. Winters, your discourse may be suitable for confusing the likes of Marc Washington, but to any serious scholar, it consists of and utterly broken logic.

[Marc writes] Serious scholar? You? ROFLMAO.



Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Monte Verde is not a new site people have known about ancient inhabitants here for almost 40 years.

Here is the evidence.

If you could not cross the Beringa until 14kya and all the skeletons of ancient inhabitants are found near the Atlantic coastline the people had to have come from Africa given the fact the carniometrics indicate that they were of the African variety, and ice blocked any possible movement of people from the Pacific to Argintina and Chile where some of the evidence of early man has been found.

The first Americans did not cross the Bearing Straits to enter the Americas.The earliest sites for Negroes date between 20,000 and 40000 years ago Old Crow Basin Canada(38,000BC) Pedra Furada (45,000BC) Brazil. These people were pygmies and bushman types according to Dr. Dixon, & Dr. Marquez(p.179).

Chile: Monteverde (12,500 years), Tierra del Fuego, Cueva de Fell, Tres Arroyos and some other places.

There are older ones in the Argentinian Patagonia.


—Patagonia was the world's last place to be colonized by humans. In Arica there have been found remains of 9,000 years; the same in a place at the High Aconcagua and Huentelauquén. In Chile we have more than half of the continent's most ancient human skeletons, all well dated and documented.

In addition


Archaeologists believe they have discovered a 13,600-year-old human skeleton deep in a Caribbean underwater cave, making it the oldest ever found in the Americas. The discovery could have profound effects on theories of how humans first reached North America.

The female skeleton, called Eve of Naharon, was found with three other human skeletons in underwater caves along the coast of the Yucatan Peninsula. Excavation of a fourth skeleton – possibly even older than Eve – begins this month in a nearby cave.

The three other skeletons found with Eve have been radiocarbon-dated from 11,000 to 14,000 years ago.

All were found in underwater caves about 50 feet below the surface. At the time Eve and the others would have lived there, the sea level was about 200 feet lower, and the Yucatan Peninsula was a dry prairie. Melting of the polar ice caps 9,000 years ago submerged the burial ground and the subsequent growth of stalactites and stalagmites kept the skeletons from being washed out to sea.

In 1959 archaeologists found the Penon woman skeleton at Mexico City.

[/b] Penon Woman[/b]

Penon woman has been characterized as a Negro and is physically different from Native Americans. The Penon skeleton has been dated between 12,500-15,000BP. The skull of Penon woman is dolichocephalic like most Negroes, not brachysephalic (short and braod) like modern Native Americans. She is related to the Fuegians of Parana Argentina and the Luizia population of Brazil.

Here we have a comparison of ancient skulls found in the Americas.

[IMG] [/IMG]

In the picture above we have three ancient American skulls. They are a) Penon woman (12.755 Ka), b) Texcal Man (9.5ka) and c) Pericue Indian (18th Century). If you look notice Pericue man shows broad features characteristic of the mongoloid type, while both Penon and Texcul do not.

Some researchers claim that these skeletons are of Australian or Melanesian Blacks. This is highly unlikely given the fact that that have been found near the Atlantic Ocean and suggestive of a migration from Africa to Mexico, like the migration of the Olmec 11,000 years later. This view is supported by the discovery of the so-called Eva Neharon skeleton (c.13,600 ) dating to around the same period found in the Caribbean.

By 11,500 we see the appearence tall Negroes from Africa in Colombia, Venezuela and Brazil e.g.,Luiza. Negroes settled America both from the Bearing & South America. Cite an archaeological site where Amerind skeletons have been found prior to the Negro skeletons.


Oldest Skeleton in Americas Found in Underwater Cave?
Eliza Barclay
for National Geographic News

September 3, 2008

Deep inside an underwater cave in Mexico, archaeologists may have discovered the oldest human skeleton ever found in the Americas.

Dubbed Eva de Naharon, or Eve of Naharon, the female skeleton has been dated at 13,600 years old. If that age is accurate, the skeleton—along with three others found in underwater caves along the Caribbean coast of the Yucatán Peninsula—could provide new clues to how the Americas were first populated.

The remains have been excavated over the past four years near the town of Tulum, about 80 miles southwest of Cancún, by a team of scientists led by Arturo González, director of the Desert Museum in Saltillo, Mexico (see map of Mexico).

"We don't now how [the people whose remains were found in the caves] arrived and whether they came from the Atlantic, the jungle, or inside the continent," González said.

"But we believe these finds are the oldest yet to be found in the Americas and may influence our theories of how the first people arrived."

In addition to possibly altering the time line of human settlement in the Americas, the remains may cause experts to rethink where the first Americans came from, González added.

Clues from the skeletons' skulls hint that the people may not be of northern Asian descent, which would contradict the dominant theory of New World settlement. That theory holds that ancient humans first came to North America from northern Asia via a now submerged land bridge across the Bering Sea (see an interactive map of ancient human migration).

"The shape of the skulls has led us to believe that Eva and the others have more of an affinity with people from South Asia than North Asia," González explained.

Concepción Jiménez, director of physical anthropology at Mexico's National Institute of Anthropology and History, has viewed the finds and says they may be Mexico's oldest and most important human remains to date.

"Eva de Naharon has the Paleo-Indian characteristics that make the date seem very plausible," Jiménez said.

Ancient Floods, Giant Animals

The three other skeletons excavated in the caves have been given a date range of 11,000 to 14,000 years ago, based on radiocarbon dating.

Radiocarbon dating measures the age of organic materials based on their content of the radioactive isotope carbon 14.

According to archaeologist David Anderson of the University of Tennessee, however, minerals in seawater can sometimes alter the carbon 14 content of bones, resulting in inaccurate radiocarbon dating results.

The remains were found some 50 feet (15 meters) below sea level in the caves off Tulum. But at the time Eve of Naharon is believed to have lived there, sea levels were 200 feet (60 meters) lower, and the Yucatán Peninsula was a wide, dry prairie.

The polar ice caps melted dramatically 8,000 to 9,000 years ago, causing sea levels to rise hundreds of feet and submerging the burial grounds of the skeletons. Stalactites and stalagmites then grew around the remains, preventing them from being washed out to sea.

González has also found remains of elephants, giant sloths, and other ancient fauna in the caves.

(Learn more about how caves form.)

Human Migration Theories

If González's finds do stand up to scientific scrutiny, they will raise many interesting new questions about how the Americas were first peopled.

Many researchers once believed humans entered the New World from Asia as a single group crossing over the Bering Land Bridge no earlier than 13,500 years ago. But that theory is lately being debunked.

Remains found in Monte Verde, Chile, in 1997, for example, point to the presence of people in the Americas at least 12,500 years ago, long before migration would have been possible through the ice-covered Arctic reaches of North America.

(Related: "Clovis People Not First Americans, Study Shows" [February 23, 2007].)

Confirmation of Eve of Naharon's age could further revolutionize the thinking about the settlement of the Americas.

This September, González will begin excavating the fourth skeleton, known as Chan hol, which he says could be even older than Eve.

The Chan hol remains include more than ten teeth, which will allow researchers to date the specimen and gather information about Chan hol's diet.

"When we learn more about the [Mexican finds] we'll be able to better evaluate them," said Carlos Lorenzo, a researcher at the Universitat Rovira i Virgili in Tarragona, Spain, an expert on the subject who was not involved in the current study.

"But in any case, if it's confirmed that Eva de Naharon is 13,000 years old, it will be a fantastic and extraordinary finding for understanding the first settlers of America."

González said he and his team hope to publish the full results of their analysis after the excavation of the fourth skeleton.

"We're not yet in the phase of research of determining how they arrived," he said. "But when we have more evidence we may be able to determine that."


USA 28,000-25,000 14C y.a.
This vegetation map showing the eastern USA during the period 28,000-25,000 14C y.a. has been compiled by Paul & Hazel Delcourt. An ice sheet already covered most of Canada and extended south of the Great Lakes. Boreal conifer woodlands and forests predominated in what is now the cool temperate forest zone, and the cool and warm temperate forest belts were compressed southwards.

The last ice age in North America lasted between 110,000 and 17,000BP. The ice-free corridor on the eastern flank of the Rockies did not open before 13,000 years ago. Africans were in the Americas long before the end of the last Ice Age when the “Siberians”, who also were more than likely Africans began to cross the Bearing Straits. By 12,500 BC Africans were already living in Chile.

Coconut stop trying to steal the heritage of the Black people like the Olmecs, who represent the Mother Culture of Mexico.

Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
New Evidence From Earliest Known Human Settlement In The Americas

ScienceDaily (May 9, 2008) — New evidence from the Monte Verde archaeological site in southern Chile confirms its status as the earliest known human settlement in the Americas and provides additional support for the theory that one early migration route followed the Pacific Coast more than 14,000 years ago.

The study was conducted by a team of anthropologists, geologists and botanists headed by Vanderbilt University's Distinguished Professor of Anthropology Tom Dillehay and was reported in the May 9 issue of the journal Science.

The paper, which includes the first new data reported from the site in 10 years, includes the identification of nine species of seaweed and marine algae recovered from hearths and other areas in the ancient settlement. The seaweed samples were directly dated between 14,220 to 13,980 years ago, confirming that the upper layer of the site, labeled Monte Verde II, was occupied more than 1,000 years earlier than any other reliably dated human settlements in the Americas.

The Monte Verde site was discovered in 1976. It is located in a peat bog about 500 miles south of Santiago and has revealed well-preserved ruins of a small settlement of 20 to 30 people living in a dozen huts along a small creek. A wide variety of food has been found at the site, including extinct species of llama and an elephant-like animal called a gomphothere, shellfish, vegetables and nuts.

In 1979, when Dillehay and his colleagues first reported that the radiocarbon dating of the bones and charcoal found at Monte Verde returned dates of more than 14,000 years before the present, it stirred up a major controversy because the early dates appeared to conflict with other archaeological evidence of the settlement of North America.

Since at least 1900, the prevailing theory had been that human colonization began at the end of the last Ice Age about 13,000 years ago, when groups of big game hunters, called the Clovis culture, followed herds from Siberia to Alaska over a land bridge across the Bering Strait and then gradually spread southward. None of the Clovis artifacts were dated earlier than 13,000 years ago. So having a substantially older human settlement in southern Chile was difficult to reconcile with this view.

It wasn't until 1997 that the controversy was resolved by a prominent group of archaeologists who reviewed the evidence, visited the Monte Verde site and unanimously approved the dating.

Most scholars now believe that people first entered the new world through the Bering land bridge more than 16,000 years ago. After entering Alaska, it is not known whether they colonized the hemisphere by moving down the Pacific coast, by inland routes or both. The general view is that the early immigrants would have spread down the coast much faster than they could move inland because they could exploit familiar coastal resources more readily and get much of their food from the sea. However, evidence to support the coastal migration theory has been particularly hard to find because sea levels at the time were about 200 feet lower than today: As the sea level rose, it would have covered most of the early coastal settlements.

According to Dillehay, the new Monte Verde findings provide additional support for the coastal migration theory but, at the same time, raise the possibility that the process may have been considerably slower than currently envisioned.

At the time it was inhabited, Monte Verde was situated on a small tributary of a large river. It was about 400 feet above sea level and located more than 50 miles from the coast and about 10 miles from a large marine bay. Despite its inland location, the researchers identified a total of nine different species of seaweed and algae in the material collected at the site -- material that the Monte Verdeans must have brought from the coast and the bay. The researchers have also found a variety of other beach or coastal resources, including flat beach pebbles, water plants from brackish estuaries and bitumen.

"Finding seaweed wasn't a surprise, but finding five new species in the abundance that we found them was a surprise," said Dillehay. "There are other coastal resources at the site. The Monte Verdeans were really like beachcombers: The number and frequency of these items suggests very frequent contact with the coast, as if they had a tradition of exploiting coastal resources."

In addition, the scientists have found a number of inland resources, such as the gomphothere meat, in the ancient village. This suggests that the group was moving back and forth between different ecological zones, a process called transhumance.

"It takes time to adapt to these inland resources and then come back out to the coast. The other coastal sites that we have found also show inland contacts. If all the early American groups were following a similar pattern of moving back and forth between inland and coastal areas, then the peopling of the Americas may not have been the blitzkrieg movement to the south that people have presumed, but a much slower and more deliberate process," Dillehay observed.

Members of the research team included Carlos Remirez, Mario Pino and Daniela Pino-Navarro from the Universidad Austral de Chile; Michael B. Collins from the University of Texas, Austin; and Jack Rossen from Ithaca College.

Monte Verde: Seaweed, Food, Medicine, and the Peopling of South America
Tom D. Dillehay,1* C. Ramírez,2 M. Pino,3 M. B. Collins,4 J. Rossen,5 J. D. Pino-Navarro6

The identification of human artifacts at the early archaeological site of Monte Verde in southern Chile has raised questions of when and how people reached the tip of South America without leaving much other evidence in the New World. Remains of nine species of marine algae were recovered from hearths and other features at Monte Verde II, an upper occupational layer, and were directly dated between 14,220 and 13,980 calendar years before the present (~12,310 and 12,290 carbon-14 years ago). These findings support the archaeological interpretation of the site and indicate that the site's inhabitants used seaweed from distant beaches and estuarine environments for food and medicine. These data are consistent with the ideas that an early settlement of South America was along the Pacific coast and that seaweeds were important to the diet and health of early humans in the Americas.

'Kelp Highway' May Have Helped Peopling Of The Americas

ScienceDaily (Feb. 21, 2006) — If humans migrated from Asia to the Americas along Pacific Rim coastlines near the end of the Pleistocene era, kelp forests may have aided their journey, according to research presented today at the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) annual meeting.

Until recently, the "coastal migration theory" was not accorded much importance by most scholars. However, new discoveries have moved it to the forefront of debate on the origins of the First Americans. It is now known that seafaring peoples living in the Ryuku Islands and Japan near the height of the last glacial period (about 35,000 to 15,000 years ago) adapted to cold waters comparable to those found today in the Gulf of Alaska. From Japan, they may have migrated northward through the Kurile Islands, to the southern coast of Beringia (ancient land bridge between what is now Siberia and Alaska), and into the Americas.

"The coastal migration theory has yet to be proven with hard evidence, but we have been finding earlier and more widespread evidence for coastal settlement around the Pacific Rim," said Jon Erlandson, professor of anthropology and director of the Museum of Natural and Cultural History at the University of Oregon and the study's lead researcher. "The fact that productive kelp forests are found adjacent to some of the earliest coastal archaeological sites in the Americas supports the idea that such forests may have facilitated human coastal migrations around the Pacific Rim near the end of the last glacial period. In essence, they may have acted as a sort of kelp highway."

Kelp forests are some of the world's richest ecosystems. They are found from Japan to Baja California and to South America's west coast. They would have provided a similar assortment of food resources--including shellfish, fish, sea mammals, and seabirds--along thousands of miles of the North Pacific coast, and also reduced wave energy for people in boats. These people also would have had access to a variety of land resources. In contrast, people migrating through the interior would have had fewer options and would have had to pass through much more varied landscapes, including tundra, boreal and tropical forests, and deserts.

"This study is a unique example of collaboration between coastal archaeologists and marine biologists" Erlandson said. "I've worked on many early sites near kelp forests from Alaska to California, but I never realized similar habitats were present around much of the Pacific Rim. Combining our very different perspectives provided an opportunity to reach insights that none of us would have attained alone."

The "kelp highway hypothesis" first crystallized among an interdisciplinary group working at the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis. The study's other researchers include: Michael Graham of Moss Landing Marine Laboratories; Bruce Bourque of Bates College; Debbie Corbett of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in Anchorage, Alaska; James Estes of the U.S. Geological Survey and the University of California-Santa Cruz; and, Robert Steneck of the University of Maine.

Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
This is why Doug believes all Blacks look alike.


Stop trying to steal the heritage of the first African Americans.

Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Doug these are Fujians. They are not part of the OOA population credited with this event.


As I have pointed out before the Fijians claim an African origin.

Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
The Balson Holdings Family Trust holds a number of historically significant historical collections covering old maps, political memorabilia, old and rare books, and unusual numismatic items. The most famous, the money of the Griqua people, can be seen at this link.

The Balson Holdings Family Trust has a valuable representative collection of Fiji's bank notes and complete collection of Fiji's pre-decimal coins . The history of the bank notes is as fascinating as the country itself. The interest in these collections resulted directly from the development of the innovative niche travel market of Fijian Village Homestays established by Scott Balson after he fell in love with the people and their culture.

But first, a brief history of Fiji:

Fijians believe that they originated from the shores of Lake Tanganyika ("fish bag" in Fijian) situated on the western border of Tanganyika (East Africa). Fable records that Lutunasobasoba, a powerful chief and navigator, guided his people in their huge ocean going canoes to their final landing place at Vuda (our source) on Viti Levu's western coast near Ba. Interestingly, one of the largest coastal river systems in Tanganyika (now Tanzania) is the Rufiji - made famous by the German Cruiser, the SMS Konigsberg, and von Lettow Vorbeck, the German General who kept the British Allies on the run throughout World War One.Â

More on this fascinating historical overlap can be viewed at this link.
Science tells a different story with the island of Lakeba (in the Lau Island group) located between Viti Levu and Tonga being the first base of Polynesians and Melanesians who travelled south and settled here some 3,000 years ago. Ancient carbon-dated pottery found on Lakeba dates back to about 1500BC. Scientists believe they were the first Fijians.

During the centuries leading up to the arrival of the whiteman and following the arrival of the first Missionaries in 1835 horrific stories of massacres and brother killing brother were common. It was common practice in early Fijian villages to simply strangle men and women who were old and sick who could no longer play a useful role in their society. Cannibalism was rife with the brains of the victims being the delicacy most sought after. The two major powers in the decades leading up to the cession of Fiji to Great Britain were Bau, under Cakobau ("Tui Viti") the King of Fiji and the villages under Rewa. These two peoples fought wars that lasted decades and resulted in some horrific massacres and killings which included burying people alive. The Fijian spoken today by ethnic Fijians originates from the "Bau" dialect.

Over many generations the Fijian people scattered throughout the islands as they tried to escape stronger waring groups. Theses stragglers made their way across the main island of Viti Levu's Nadrau Plateau - then settled in little villages like Namatakula on the coral coast. You can follow their footseps by going on a trek from Nadrau. Just 150 years ago these villages were at war and cannibalism was common. It was at the village of Nabutautau, near Nadrau, that the British Missionary Thomas Baker was killed and eaten by cannibals in 1867. On the coastline between Namatakula and Navutulevu are the remains of a historic stone wall erected by the villagers of Namatakula preventing the neighbouring coastal villagers of Navutulevu from attacking them.

Image right: the remains of the stone wall on the beach at Namatakula

The Fijian's traditionally most prized possession is the golden tabua... more at this link

When the first missionaries arrived in the 1840s a remarkable transformation took place and today the Fijians are peace-loving and God-fearing people with churches dominating their villages. The Fijians stopped their killing and settled down into a hunter-gatherer lifestyle with villages side by side living in peace. It was at about this time the first bank notes appeared in Fiji. In 1874 Fiji became a British colony and the next year a severe measles epidemic killed about one third of the population.

A breakdown of important Chiefs and Rulers of Fiji from the 1700s to date is at this link

A more detailed history of Fiji politics up to date can be seen at this link.

Posted by Doug M (Member # 7650) on :
Clyde stop with the bull sh*t. Almost ALL the research I have posted puts blacks as the first native Americans. So what the hell are you talking about me stealing?

The point is simple, you have NO direct evidence that Africans set foot in the Americas as a result of DIRECT migration from Africa. NONE. All you are doing is guessing. And because you can't PROVE your own hypothesis with SOLID EVIDENCE, you go around and misrepresent other studies and research in order to suit your agenda. Instead of MAKING UP research to prove your point, just FIND SOME REAL EVIDENCE.

You put on a grand show for someone with a theory that has yet to be proven beyond a doubt and all you can do is shuck and jive as opposed to putting in the WORK to see whether that hypothesis holds water.

I can provide better evidence for the first populations of the Americas being from Africa than you can. That is the point.
Posted by Marc Washington (Member # 10979) on :


[Doug M writes] care to explain why the San have features that are NOT like other Africans Mr. Biologist?

[Marc writes] San have the full nose, full mouth, and woolly hair of the African. They were the first Africans.



[rASHOL writes] Dr. Winters, your discourse may be suitable for confusing the likes of Marc Washington, but to any serious scholar, it consists of and utterly broken logic.

[Marc writes] Serious scholar? You? ROFLMAO.



Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Originally posted by Doug M:
Clyde stop with the bull sh*t. Almost ALL the research I have posted puts blacks as the first native Americans. So what the hell are you talking about me stealing?

The point is simple, you have NO direct evidence that Africans set foot in the Americas as a result of DIRECT migration from Africa. NONE. All you are doing is guessing. And because you can't PROVE your own hypothesis with SOLID EVIDENCE, you go around and misrepresent other studies and research in order to suit your agenda. Instead of MAKING UP research to prove your point, just FIND SOME REAL EVIDENCE.

You put on a grand show for someone with a theory that has yet to be proven beyond a doubt and all you can do is shuck and jive as opposed to putting in the WORK to see whether that hypothesis holds water.

I can provide better evidence for the first populations of the Americas being from Africa than you can. That is the point.

This science fool. You make a hypothesis then you confirm it.


Let's look at the facts:

1) the Australians represent the OOA population that settled Asia

2) during the OOA event much of Siberia and North America was under ice from 110,000 - 10,000BC. As a result there was no way Siberians could cross Beringa before the end of the ice age

3) Ice even separated much of South America east to west


4) the first Americans appear in Brazil, Chile and Argintina Latin America around 30,000 BC

5)using craniometric evidence it is clear that the first Americans look like Africans not modern Asian Native Americans

6) using craniometrics I have pointed out that Asia was dominated by the Australian population until the rise of Suhulland when the Melanesian people appear in the area, at this time the Beringa was still under Ice

7) I pointed out that the Melanesian type reach East Asian mainland by 5000 BC, long after Africans had settled Latin America

8) between 15,000-12,000 we see numerous African populations in Mexico and Brazil; and skeletons dating to this period have even been found off the Yucatan coast in the Caribbean

9) these first Americans did not look like the Australians or modern Amerinds

10) iconography of PreClassic people like the Cherla, Ocos and other groups is of Negroes not Amerinds like the Maya

11) Amerind groups not associated with African slaves carry African genes

12) Maya carried African y chromosome

13) Chontal Mayan speakers were classified as Negroes by Quatrefages. This may explain why the Maya carry African genes

14)Negrocostachicanos claim that they have never been slaves and are indigenous to Guererro and Oaxaca on the Pacific coast

15) The Dufuna boat makes it clear that Africans probably had the technology to travel to the Americas 15,000 years ago.

16) Fuegians 100-400 BP carried haplogroup A1. Hg A1 is an African haplogroup.

17) Amerinds carry haplogroup N, just like Africans.

18)The y chromosome STRs of the Fuegians include DYS434,DYS437,DYS 439, DYS 393, DYS391,DYS390,DYS19, DYS 389I, DYS389II and DYS 388 (see: Garcia-Bour et al above). Except for DYS390 and DYS388 they are characteristic of haplogroup A1 . A1 is recognized as an African haplogroup.

19)Quatrefages noted numerous African Native American tribes

20)The antiquity of these populations is supported by the ancient iconography found in these countries which are of African Native Americans.

21) Most contemporary populations are descendants of the San people not Australians.

Up to now you have presented no evidence disconfirming any of this evidence all you say is that all Black people look alike and any dark people in Asia are also Blacks this is stupid. All Black people do not look alike.

Posted by Doug M (Member # 7650) on :
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
Doug these are Fujians. They are not part of the OOA population credited with this event.


As I have pointed out before the Fijians claim an African origin.


Clyde, you still have no proof of this. These claims are not substantiated. The first people of Asia were aboriginal blacks and they are still there. There needed to be no subsequent migrations of blacks from Africa to bring blacks to Asia. They were there from the BEGINNING.

But enough of this. You still have yet to prove or provide anything than your own misrepresentation and distortion of other peoples work as PROOF of something, when it isn't. Prove your own theories Clyde and stop clowning around about it.
Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Originally posted by Doug M:
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
Doug these are Fujians. They are not part of the OOA population credited with this event.


As I have pointed out before the Fijians claim an African origin.


Clyde, you still have no proof of this. These claims are not substantiated. The first people of Asia were aboriginal blacks and they are still there. There needed to be no subsequent migrations of blacks from Africa to bring blacks to Asia. They were there from the BEGINNING.

But enough of this. You still have yet to prove or provide anything than your own misrepresentation and distortion of other peoples work as PROOF of something, when it isn't. Prove your own theories Clyde and stop clowning around about it.

Doug you're a fool. Here is the only clown in this thread.


Posted by Doug M (Member # 7650) on :
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
Originally posted by Doug M:
Clyde stop with the bull sh*t. Almost ALL the research I have posted puts blacks as the first native Americans. So what the hell are you talking about me stealing?

The point is simple, you have NO direct evidence that Africans set foot in the Americas as a result of DIRECT migration from Africa. NONE. All you are doing is guessing. And because you can't PROVE your own hypothesis with SOLID EVIDENCE, you go around and misrepresent other studies and research in order to suit your agenda. Instead of MAKING UP research to prove your point, just FIND SOME REAL EVIDENCE.

You put on a grand show for someone with a theory that has yet to be proven beyond a doubt and all you can do is shuck and jive as opposed to putting in the WORK to see whether that hypothesis holds water.

I can provide better evidence for the first populations of the Americas being from Africa than you can. That is the point.

This science fool. You make a hypothesis then you confirm it.


Let's look at the facts:

1) the Australians represent the OOA population that settled Asia

2) during the OOA event much of Siberia and North America was under ice from 110,000 - 10,000BC. As a result there was no way Siberians could cross Beringa before the end of the ice age

3) Ice even separated much of South America east to west


4) the first Americans appear in Brazil, Chile and Argintina Latin America around 30,000 BC

5)using craniometric evidence it is clear that the first Americans look like Africans not modern Asian Native Americans

6) using craniometrics I have pointed out that Asia was dominated by the Australian population until the rise of Suhulland when the Melanesian people appear in the area, at this time the Beringa was still under Ice

7) I pointed out that the Melanesian type reach East Asian mainland by 5000 BC, long after Africans had settled Latin America

8) between 15,000-12,000 we see numerous African populations in Mexico and Brazil; and skeletons dating to this period have even been found off the Yucatan coast in the Caribbean

9) these first Americans did not look like the Australians or modern Amerinds

10) iconography of PreClassic people like the Cherla, Ocos and other groups is of Negroes not Amerinds like the Maya

11) Amerind groups not associated with African slaves carry African genes

12) Maya carried African y chromosome

13) Chontal Mayan speakers were classified as Negroes by Quatrefages. This may explain why the Maya carry African genes

14)Negrocostachicanos claim that they have never been slaves and are indigenous to Guererro and Oaxaca on the Pacific coast

15) The Dufuna boat makes it clear that Africans probably had the technology to travel to the Americas 15,000 years ago.

16) Fuegians 100-400 BP carried haplogroup A1. Hg A1 is an African haplogroup.

17) Amerinds carry haplogroup N, just like Africans.

18)The y chromosome STRs of the Fuegians include DYS434,DYS437,DYS 439, DYS 393, DYS391,DYS390,DYS19, DYS 389I, DYS389II and DYS 388 (see: Garcia-Bour et al above). Except for DYS390 and DYS388 they are characteristic of haplogroup A1 . A1 is recognized as an African haplogroup.

19)Quatrefages noted numerous African Native American tribes

20)The antiquity of these populations is supported by the ancient iconography found in these countries which are of African Native Americans.

21) Most contemporary populations are descendants of the San people not Australians.

Up to now you have presented no evidence disconfirming any of this evidence all you say is that all Black people look alike and and any dark people in Asia are also Blacks this is stupid. All Black people do not look alike.


Clyde stop spamming your theories. Those are all unsubstantiated theories in that brain of yours.

Provide FACTS and EVIDENCE for a 30,000 year old settlement of the Americas. Where is it Clyde, or is the fact you cannot CITE any evidence for this some CONSPIRACY? YOU claim it and therefore YOU must provide the evidence. Which you can't. THAT makes you a fraud. If you CAN'T provide the evidence and you KEEP claiming it, then that also makes you a LIAR. Don't depend on me to prove your theories, prove them yourself as you are the so-called scholar. NO?

Bottom line, you can make claims all you want but that doesn't mean anything with out proof. THAT is what makes you a clown, because you continually take your theories and promote them as fact with NO EVIDENCE and pretend that you have GOT something. All you GOT is hot air.

On top of that you claim that the FIRST remains found in America do not match Australians, which goes AGAINST all the published research. But of course, you are providing NOTHING but your own THEORIES support for this, no research and no EVIDENCE of your own. Again, you DISTORT other studies in order provide support for your theories, as those studies DO NOT support what you are saying. Again, this makes you a liar. That is not science, that is BULL SH*T Clyde.

Theories are not the problem here, it is your CLOWN ACT that you put as some sort of PROOF for these theories. I am not interested in CLOWN ACTS, I want proof.
Posted by Marc Washington (Member # 10979) on :

[Doug M writes] care to explain why the San have features that are NOT like other Africans Mr. Biologist?

[Marc writes] San have the full nose, full mouth, and woolly hair of the African. They were the first Africans.



[rASHOL writes] Dr. Winters, your discourse may be suitable for confusing the likes of Marc Washington, but to any serious scholar, it consists of and utterly broken logic.

[Marc writes] Serious scholar? You? ROFLMAO.



Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Originally posted by Doug M:
Clyde, you still have no proof of this. These claims are not substantiated. The first people of Asia were aboriginal blacks and they are still there. There needed to be no subsequent migrations of blacks from Africa to bring blacks to Asia. They were there from the BEGINNING.

But enough of this. You still have yet to prove or provide anything than your own misrepresentation and distortion of other peoples work as PROOF of something, when it isn't. Prove your own theories Clyde and stop clowning around about it.

Here is my evidence. Since you can prove me wrong disconfirm each of the 21 points below with evidence.


Let's look at the facts:

1) the Australians represent the OOA population that settled Asia

2) during the OOA event much of Siberia and North America was under ice from 110,000 - 10,000BC. As a result there was no way Siberians could cross Beringa before the end of the ice age

3) Ice even separated much of South America east to west


4) the first Americans appear in Brazil, Chile and Argintina Latin America around 30,000 BC

5)using craniometric evidence it is clear that the first Americans look like Africans not modern Asian Native Americans

6) using craniometrics I have pointed out that Asia was dominated by the Australian population until the rise of Suhulland when the Melanesian people appear in the area, at this time the Beringa was still under Ice

7) I pointed out that the Melanesian type reach East Asian mainland by 5000 BC, long after Africans had settled Latin America

8) between 15,000-12,000 we see numerous African populations in Mexico and Brazil; and skeletons dating to this period have even been found off the Yucatan coast in the Caribbean

9) these first Americans did not look like the Australians or modern Amerinds

10) iconography of PreClassic people like the Cherla, Ocos and other groups is of Negroes not Amerinds like the Maya

11) Amerind groups not associated with African slaves carry African genes

12) Maya carried African y chromosome

13) Chontal Mayan speakers were classified as Negroes by Quatrefages. This may explain why the Maya carry African genes

14)Negrocostachicanos claim that they have never been slaves and are indigenous to Guererro and Oaxaca on the Pacific coast

15) The Dufuna boat makes it clear that Africans probably had the technology to travel to the Americas 15,000 years ago.

16) Fuegians 100-400 BP carried haplogroup A1. Hg A1 is an African haplogroup.

17) Amerinds carry haplogroup N, just like Africans.

18)The y chromosome STRs of the Fuegians include DYS434,DYS437,DYS 439, DYS 393, DYS391,DYS390,DYS19, DYS 389I, DYS389II and DYS 388 (see: Garcia-Bour et al above). Except for DYS390 and DYS388 they are characteristic of haplogroup A1 . A1 is recognized as an African haplogroup.

19)Quatrefages noted numerous African Native American tribes

20)The antiquity of these populations is supported by the ancient iconography found in these countries which are of African Native Americans.

21) Most contemporary populations are descendants of the San people not Australians.

Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Originally posted by Doug M:
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
Originally posted by Doug M:
Clyde stop with the bull sh*t. Almost ALL the research I have posted puts blacks as the first native Americans. So what the hell are you talking about me stealing?

The point is simple, you have NO direct evidence that Africans set foot in the Americas as a result of DIRECT migration from Africa. NONE. All you are doing is guessing. And because you can't PROVE your own hypothesis with SOLID EVIDENCE, you go around and misrepresent other studies and research in order to suit your agenda. Instead of MAKING UP research to prove your point, just FIND SOME REAL EVIDENCE.

You put on a grand show for someone with a theory that has yet to be proven beyond a doubt and all you can do is shuck and jive as opposed to putting in the WORK to see whether that hypothesis holds water.

I can provide better evidence for the first populations of the Americas being from Africa than you can. That is the point.

This science fool. You make a hypothesis then you confirm it.


Let's look at the facts:

1) the Australians represent the OOA population that settled Asia

2) during the OOA event much of Siberia and North America was under ice from 110,000 - 10,000BC. As a result there was no way Siberians could cross Beringa before the end of the ice age

3) Ice even separated much of South America east to west


4) the first Americans appear in Brazil, Chile and Argintina Latin America around 30,000 BC

5)using craniometric evidence it is clear that the first Americans look like Africans not modern Asian Native Americans

6) using craniometrics I have pointed out that Asia was dominated by the Australian population until the rise of Suhulland when the Melanesian people appear in the area, at this time the Beringa was still under Ice

7) I pointed out that the Melanesian type reach East Asian mainland by 5000 BC, long after Africans had settled Latin America

8) between 15,000-12,000 we see numerous African populations in Mexico and Brazil; and skeletons dating to this period have even been found off the Yucatan coast in the Caribbean

9) these first Americans did not look like the Australians or modern Amerinds

10) iconography of PreClassic people like the Cherla, Ocos and other groups is of Negroes not Amerinds like the Maya

11) Amerind groups not associated with African slaves carry African genes

12) Maya carried African y chromosome

13) Chontal Mayan speakers were classified as Negroes by Quatrefages. This may explain why the Maya carry African genes

14)Negrocostachicanos claim that they have never been slaves and are indigenous to Guererro and Oaxaca on the Pacific coast

15) The Dufuna boat makes it clear that Africans probably had the technology to travel to the Americas 15,000 years ago.

16) Fuegians 100-400 BP carried haplogroup A1. Hg A1 is an African haplogroup.

17) Amerinds carry haplogroup N, just like Africans.

18)The y chromosome STRs of the Fuegians include DYS434,DYS437,DYS 439, DYS 393, DYS391,DYS390,DYS19, DYS 389I, DYS389II and DYS 388 (see: Garcia-Bour et al above). Except for DYS390 and DYS388 they are characteristic of haplogroup A1 . A1 is recognized as an African haplogroup.

19)Quatrefages noted numerous African Native American tribes

20)The antiquity of these populations is supported by the ancient iconography found in these countries which are of African Native Americans.

21) Most contemporary populations are descendants of the San people not Australians.

Up to now you have presented no evidence disconfirming any of this evidence all you say is that all Black people look alike and and any dark people in Asia are also Blacks this is stupid. All Black people do not look alike.


Clyde stop spamming your theories. Those are all unsubstantiated theories in that brain of yours.

Provide FACTS and EVIDENCE for a 30,000 year old settlement of the Americas. Where is it Clyde, or is the fact you cannot CITE any evidence for this some CONSPIRACY? YOU claim it and therefore YOU must provide the evidence. Which you can't. THAT makes you a fraud. If you CAN'T provide the evidence and you KEEP claiming it, then that also makes you a LIAR. Don't depend on me to prove your theories, prove them yourself as you are the so-called scholar. NO?

Bottom line, you can make claims all you want but that doesn't mean anything with out proof. THAT is what makes you a clown, because you continually take your theories and promote them as fact with NO EVIDENCE and pretend that you have GOT something. All you GOT is hot air.

On top of that you claim that the FIRST remains found in America do not match Australians, which goes AGAINST all the published research. But of course, you are providing NOTHING but your own THEORIES support for this, no research and no EVIDENCE of your own. Again, you DISTORT other studies in order provide support for your theories, as those studies DO NOT support what you are saying. Again, this makes you a liar.

No this makes you the liar. Neves said they could be African, Melanesian or Australian. Given this reality the skeletons can be and are of Africans since the Beringa was covered with ice and no one could cross the region until after 13kya.

Stop trying to steal the heritage of the first African Americans.

Posted by Doug M (Member # 7650) on :
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
Originally posted by Doug M:
Clyde, you still have no proof of this. These claims are not substantiated. The first people of Asia were aboriginal blacks and they are still there. There needed to be no subsequent migrations of blacks from Africa to bring blacks to Asia. They were there from the BEGINNING.

But enough of this. You still have yet to prove or provide anything than your own misrepresentation and distortion of other peoples work as PROOF of something, when it isn't. Prove your own theories Clyde and stop clowning around about it.

Here is my evidence. Since you can prove me wrong disconfirm each of the 21 points below with evidence.


Let's look at the facts:

1) the Australians represent the OOA population that settled Asia

2) during the OOA event much of Siberia and North America was under ice from 110,000 - 10,000BC. As a result there was no way Siberians could cross Beringa before the end of the ice age

3) Ice even separated much of South America east to west


4) the first Americans appear in Brazil, Chile and Argintina Latin America around 30,000 BC

5)using craniometric evidence it is clear that the first Americans look like Africans not modern Asian Native Americans

6) using craniometrics I have pointed out that Asia was dominated by the Australian population until the rise of Suhulland when the Melanesian people appear in the area, at this time the Beringa was still under Ice

7) I pointed out that the Melanesian type reach East Asian mainland by 5000 BC, long after Africans had settled Latin America

8) between 15,000-12,000 we see numerous African populations in Mexico and Brazil; and skeletons dating to this period have even been found off the Yucatan coast in the Caribbean

9) these first Americans did not look like the Australians or modern Amerinds

10) iconography of PreClassic people like the Cherla, Ocos and other groups is of Negroes not Amerinds like the Maya

11) Amerind groups not associated with African slaves carry African genes

12) Maya carried African y chromosome

13) Chontal Mayan speakers were classified as Negroes by Quatrefages. This may explain why the Maya carry African genes

14)Negrocostachicanos claim that they have never been slaves and are indigenous to Guererro and Oaxaca on the Pacific coast

15) The Dufuna boat makes it clear that Africans probably had the technology to travel to the Americas 15,000 years ago.

16) Fuegians 100-400 BP carried haplogroup A1. Hg A1 is an African haplogroup.

17) Amerinds carry haplogroup N, just like Africans.

18)The y chromosome STRs of the Fuegians include DYS434,DYS437,DYS 439, DYS 393, DYS391,DYS390,DYS19, DYS 389I, DYS389II and DYS 388 (see: Garcia-Bour et al above). Except for DYS390 and DYS388 they are characteristic of haplogroup A1 . A1 is recognized as an African haplogroup.

19)Quatrefages noted numerous African Native American tribes

20)The antiquity of these populations is supported by the ancient iconography found in these countries which are of African Native Americans.

21) Most contemporary populations are descendants of the San people not Australians.


Clyde stop spamming bull sh*t. You have no proof.

You are a liar Clyde. Here is the age of those Caribbean and South American skeletons that YOU purport to be your evidence:


Deep inside an underwater cave in Mexico, archaeologists may have discovered the oldest human skeleton ever found in the Americas.

Dubbed Eva de Naharon, or Eve of Naharon, the female skeleton has been dated at 13,600 years old. If that age is accurate, the skeleton—along with three others found in underwater caves along the Caribbean coast of the Yucatán Peninsula—could provide new clues to how the Americas were first populated.

The remains have been excavated over the past four years near the town of Tulum, about 80 miles southwest of Cancún, by a team of scientists led by Arturo González, director of the Desert Museum in Saltillo, Mexico (see map of Mexico).

"We don't now how [the people whose remains were found in the caves] arrived and whether they came from the Atlantic, the jungle, or inside the continent," González said.

"But we believe these finds are the oldest yet to be found in the Americas and may influence our theories of how the first people arrived."

In addition to possibly altering the time line of human settlement in the Americas, the remains may cause experts to rethink where the first Americans came from, González added.

Clues from the skeletons' skulls hint that the people may not be of northern Asian descent, which would contradict the dominant theory of New World settlement. That theory holds that ancient humans first came to North America from northern Asia via a now submerged land bridge across the Bering Sea (see an interactive map of ancient human migration).

"The shape of the skulls has led us to believe that Eva and the others have more of an affinity with people from South Asia than North Asia," González explained.

Concepción Jiménez, director


So WHERE are the 30,000 year old remains Clyde?

And WHY is it that all the research points to an ASIAN origin for these remains which are labelled as being more like black aboriginal Southern Asians than modern Northern Asians? WHERE is your proof Clyde.

As I said, you have nothing but hot air.
Posted by Marc Washington (Member # 10979) on :

[Doug M writes] care to explain why the San have features that are NOT like other Africans Mr. Biologist?

[Marc writes] San have the full nose, full mouth, and woolly hair of the African. They were the first Africans.



[rASHOL writes] Dr. Winters, your discourse may be suitable for confusing the likes of Marc Washington, but to any serious scholar, it consists of and utterly broken logic.

[Marc writes] Serious scholar? You? ROFLMAO.



Posted by Doug M (Member # 7650) on :
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
Originally posted by Doug M:
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
Originally posted by Doug M:
Clyde stop with the bull sh*t. Almost ALL the research I have posted puts blacks as the first native Americans. So what the hell are you talking about me stealing?

The point is simple, you have NO direct evidence that Africans set foot in the Americas as a result of DIRECT migration from Africa. NONE. All you are doing is guessing. And because you can't PROVE your own hypothesis with SOLID EVIDENCE, you go around and misrepresent other studies and research in order to suit your agenda. Instead of MAKING UP research to prove your point, just FIND SOME REAL EVIDENCE.

You put on a grand show for someone with a theory that has yet to be proven beyond a doubt and all you can do is shuck and jive as opposed to putting in the WORK to see whether that hypothesis holds water.

I can provide better evidence for the first populations of the Americas being from Africa than you can. That is the point.

This science fool. You make a hypothesis then you confirm it.


Let's look at the facts:

1) the Australians represent the OOA population that settled Asia

2) during the OOA event much of Siberia and North America was under ice from 110,000 - 10,000BC. As a result there was no way Siberians could cross Beringa before the end of the ice age

3) Ice even separated much of South America east to west


4) the first Americans appear in Brazil, Chile and Argintina Latin America around 30,000 BC

5)using craniometric evidence it is clear that the first Americans look like Africans not modern Asian Native Americans

6) using craniometrics I have pointed out that Asia was dominated by the Australian population until the rise of Suhulland when the Melanesian people appear in the area, at this time the Beringa was still under Ice

7) I pointed out that the Melanesian type reach East Asian mainland by 5000 BC, long after Africans had settled Latin America

8) between 15,000-12,000 we see numerous African populations in Mexico and Brazil; and skeletons dating to this period have even been found off the Yucatan coast in the Caribbean

9) these first Americans did not look like the Australians or modern Amerinds

10) iconography of PreClassic people like the Cherla, Ocos and other groups is of Negroes not Amerinds like the Maya

11) Amerind groups not associated with African slaves carry African genes

12) Maya carried African y chromosome

13) Chontal Mayan speakers were classified as Negroes by Quatrefages. This may explain why the Maya carry African genes

14)Negrocostachicanos claim that they have never been slaves and are indigenous to Guererro and Oaxaca on the Pacific coast

15) The Dufuna boat makes it clear that Africans probably had the technology to travel to the Americas 15,000 years ago.

16) Fuegians 100-400 BP carried haplogroup A1. Hg A1 is an African haplogroup.

17) Amerinds carry haplogroup N, just like Africans.

18)The y chromosome STRs of the Fuegians include DYS434,DYS437,DYS 439, DYS 393, DYS391,DYS390,DYS19, DYS 389I, DYS389II and DYS 388 (see: Garcia-Bour et al above). Except for DYS390 and DYS388 they are characteristic of haplogroup A1 . A1 is recognized as an African haplogroup.

19)Quatrefages noted numerous African Native American tribes

20)The antiquity of these populations is supported by the ancient iconography found in these countries which are of African Native Americans.

21) Most contemporary populations are descendants of the San people not Australians.

Up to now you have presented no evidence disconfirming any of this evidence all you say is that all Black people look alike and and any dark people in Asia are also Blacks this is stupid. All Black people do not look alike.


Clyde stop spamming your theories. Those are all unsubstantiated theories in that brain of yours.

Provide FACTS and EVIDENCE for a 30,000 year old settlement of the Americas. Where is it Clyde, or is the fact you cannot CITE any evidence for this some CONSPIRACY? YOU claim it and therefore YOU must provide the evidence. Which you can't. THAT makes you a fraud. If you CAN'T provide the evidence and you KEEP claiming it, then that also makes you a LIAR. Don't depend on me to prove your theories, prove them yourself as you are the so-called scholar. NO?

Bottom line, you can make claims all you want but that doesn't mean anything with out proof. THAT is what makes you a clown, because you continually take your theories and promote them as fact with NO EVIDENCE and pretend that you have GOT something. All you GOT is hot air.

On top of that you claim that the FIRST remains found in America do not match Australians, which goes AGAINST all the published research. But of course, you are providing NOTHING but your own THEORIES support for this, no research and no EVIDENCE of your own. Again, you DISTORT other studies in order provide support for your theories, as those studies DO NOT support what you are saying. Again, this makes you a liar.

No this makes you the liar. Neves said they could be African, Melanesian or Australian. Given this reality the skeletons can be and are of Africans since the Beringa was covered with ice and no one could cross the region until after 13kya.

Stop trying to steal the heritage of the first African Americans.


No Clyde, stop stealing the research of others and LYING about what it says. Neves says point blank that these people are the result of migrations from Asia by black aboriginal populations. Therefore, this research DOES NOT support what you are saying. So stop LYING about it.

This is what Neves says about his research:


The finds, along with recent discoveries in North America like those of the so-called Kennewick Man and Spirit Cave Man, are forcing a reassessment of long-established theories as to the settling of the Americas. Based on such evidence, Dr. Neves suggests that Luzia belonged to a nomadic people who began arriving in the New World as early as 15,000 years ago.

Luzia's Negroid features notwithstanding, Dr. Neves is not arguing that her ancestors came to Brazil from Africa in an early trans-Atlantic migration. Instead, he believes they originated in Southeast Asia, ''migrating from there in two directions, south to Australia, where today's aboriginal peoples may be their descendants, and navigating northward along the coast and across the Bering Straits until they reached the Americas.''


Again, more hot air and no facts.

The point is that YOU have to provide research and PROOF to support YOUR OWN theories and stop LYING about the research of others. Do YOUR OWN research. There may be a bias in science that will not be open to admitting that some of the first Americans came directly from Africa. If that is the case then YOU have to provide substantial EVIDENCE to go against this view. You do NONE of this. If you are RIGHT then you should be able to provide proof, but you have NONE. You have NOTHING to prove that the research of these other folks is incorrect, which is why you CLOWN yourself by pretending to use the SAME RESEARCH to support YOUR OWN theories, when the people that did the research say the EXACT OPPOSITE.
Posted by Marc Washington (Member # 10979) on :

[Doug M writes] care to explain why the San have features that are NOT like other Africans Mr. Biologist?

[Marc writes] San have the full nose, full mouth, and woolly hair of the African. They were the first Africans.



[rASHOL writes] Dr. Winters, your discourse may be suitable for confusing the likes of Marc Washington, but to any serious scholar, it consists of and utterly broken logic.

[Marc writes] Serious scholar? You? ROFLMAO.



Posted by Serpent Wizdom (Member # 7652) on :
clyde and marc, as a black woman searching for truth and knowledge i am ashamed of you two. most of what you have done here is spam dorn near the entire 9 pages of this thread.

also, you have proudly held on to 19 and 20th century racist european lingo such as "negro" and "3 races" of mankind that has been debunked time and time again on this forum. marc, you court and reference the same racism that you claim to denounce; clyde, you could not admit to your mistake of calling the liberian kru man a fuegian and when alTukruri called you out on it; you continuely misinterpreted the "proof" that you posted to prove your thesis.

sad indeed.

even an ignoramous as concerns biology and genetics, maps etc... like myself clearly saw through these two peoples misinterpretation of the facts and outdated, antiquated and debunked european lingo as concerns said sciences up above.

marc and clyde truly screwed it up for me here. if you do come to this forum with anything valid and peer reviewed supported, i now would be scared to give any serious attention to it.

you two really don't know what you are talking about and i see this now..

where would this forum be without rasol, doug and some of the others.. i would hate to see them leave and the rest of us be at the mercy of clyde winters and marc washington!!
Posted by Marc Washington (Member # 10979) on :

Dear Ms. Serpent. Truly sorry. These jokers began with the insults and the favor is being returned.

However, I will try to accommodate you and will soon put up a little better overall page.

Thanks for your concern.

Posted by Serpent Wizdom (Member # 7652) on :
Originally posted by Marc Washington:

Dear Ms. Serpent. Truly sorry. These jokers began with the insults and the favor is being returned.

However, I will try to accommodate you and will soon put up a little better overall page.

Thanks for your concern.


it's not about being "sorry" it is about denouncing ones ego and being willing to accept being wrong and making a mistake; correct those mistakes and continue on to evolving to be whatever it is you are trying to be or attain.

what kind of teacher refuses to learn from their mistakes and refuses to accept that they made one in the face of astronomical evidence?

you are truly gifted but unless you are humble i don't know how you can truly be a teacher...
Posted by Marc Washington (Member # 10979) on :



Posted by argyle104 (Member # 14634) on :
If you want to understand the 3 fruitcakes known as Clyde Winters, Marc Washington, and Egmund Codfried see below.

They are beatdown AAs. Clyde, Marc, and Egmond are ashamed of Africa. You see whites have told them that "blacks" in Africa are primitive, hapless, dumb, worthless, wretched people who are nothing but slaves to the rest of the world.

They believe the above and hate themselves. They know they can't escape their "blackness" so therefore they have to mythicize "blacks" out of Africa. Again this is because whites have told them that Africans are primitive, hapless, dumb, worthless, wretched people, so therefore it is "blacks" who are "NOT African" that are their focus. Because in their mind they are seen by whites as having more value than "blacks in Africa".
Posted by Marc Washington (Member # 10979) on :



Okay Argyle.

Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Originally posted by Serpent Wizdom:
clyde and marc, as a black woman searching for truth and knowledge i am ashamed of you two. most of what you have done here is spam dorn near the entire 9 pages of this thread.

also, you have proudly held on to 19 and 20th century racist european lingo such as "negro" and "3 races" of mankind that has been debunked time and time again on this forum. marc, you court and reference the same racism that you claim to denounce; clyde, you could not admit to your mistake of calling the liberian kru man a fuegian and when alTukruri called you out on it; you continuely misinterpreted the "proof" that you posted to prove your thesis.

sad indeed.

even an ignoramous as concerns biology and genetics, maps etc... like myself clearly saw through these two peoples misinterpretation of the facts and outdated, antiquated and debunked european lingo as concerns said sciences up above.

marc and clyde truly screwed it up for me here. if you do come to this forum with anything valid and peer reviewed supported, i now would be scared to give any serious attention to it.

you two really don't know what you are talking about and i see this now..

where would this forum be without rasol, doug and some of the others.. i would hate to see them leave and the rest of us be at the mercy of clyde winters and marc washington!!

You don't know what you are talking about. If you go to the site you will see that this Black man is labled Fuegian. If this is not true why would they publish the same thing three times.

I am ashamed of you. I am ashamed of you because you don't know your history and waiting for fools like rasol and doug to teach you.

If you did not hate your blackness, you would have read the work of Carter G. Woodson, W.E.B. DuBois,John Jackson and etc., who are saying the same things we are.


Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Originally posted by Marc Washington:

Dear Ms. Serpent. Truly sorry. These jokers began with the insults and the favor is being returned.

However, I will try to accommodate you and will soon put up a little better overall page.

Thanks for your concern.


Agreed. If they are rude they will be treated rudely.

Posted by Serpent Wizdom (Member # 7652) on :
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
Originally posted by Serpent Wizdom:
clyde and marc, as a black woman searching for truth and knowledge i am ashamed of you two. most of what you have done here is spam dorn near the entire 9 pages of this thread.

also, you have proudly held on to 19 and 20th century racist european lingo such as "negro" and "3 races" of mankind that has been debunked time and time again on this forum. marc, you court and reference the same racism that you claim to denounce; clyde, you could not admit to your mistake of calling the liberian kru man a fuegian and when alTukruri called you out on it; you continuely misinterpreted the "proof" that you posted to prove your thesis.

sad indeed.

even an ignoramous as concerns biology and genetics, maps etc... like myself clearly saw through these two peoples misinterpretation of the facts and outdated, antiquated and debunked european lingo as concerns said sciences up above.

marc and clyde truly screwed it up for me here. if you do come to this forum with anything valid and peer reviewed supported, i now would be scared to give any serious attention to it.

you two really don't know what you are talking about and i see this now..

where would this forum be without rasol, doug and some of the others.. i would hate to see them leave and the rest of us be at the mercy of clyde winters and marc washington!!

You don't know what you are talking about. If you go to the site you will see that this Black man is labled Fuegian. If this is not true why would they publish the same thing three times.

I am ashamed of you. I am ashamed of you because you don't know your history and waiting for fools like rasol and doug to teach you.

If you did not hate your blackness, you would have read the work of Carter G. Woodson, W.E.B. DuBois,John Jackson and etc., who are saying the same things we are.



I have read books by Carter G. Woodson, John Jackson, Diop, Dr. Ben and quite a few others. i don't recall them going intensely into genetics, biology or early human migrations.

i do remember Diop stating in one of his books that there were no cro-magnum in Africa at any time and then one of you (either you are marc) stating something quite different....

anyway, are any of the authors you mentioned above geneticists, biologist, archeologist, etc??

besides Dr. Ben...
Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Originally posted by Serpent Wizdom:
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
Originally posted by Serpent Wizdom:
clyde and marc, as a black woman searching for truth and knowledge i am ashamed of you two. most of what you have done here is spam dorn near the entire 9 pages of this thread.

also, you have proudly held on to 19 and 20th century racist european lingo such as "negro" and "3 races" of mankind that has been debunked time and time again on this forum. marc, you court and reference the same racism that you claim to denounce; clyde, you could not admit to your mistake of calling the liberian kru man a fuegian and when alTukruri called you out on it; you continuely misinterpreted the "proof" that you posted to prove your thesis.

sad indeed.

even an ignoramous as concerns biology and genetics, maps etc... like myself clearly saw through these two peoples misinterpretation of the facts and outdated, antiquated and debunked european lingo as concerns said sciences up above.

marc and clyde truly screwed it up for me here. if you do come to this forum with anything valid and peer reviewed supported, i now would be scared to give any serious attention to it.

you two really don't know what you are talking about and i see this now..

where would this forum be without rasol, doug and some of the others.. i would hate to see them leave and the rest of us be at the mercy of clyde winters and marc washington!!

You don't know what you are talking about. If you go to the site you will see that this Black man is labled Fuegian. If this is not true why would they publish the same thing three times.

I am ashamed of you. I am ashamed of you because you don't know your history and waiting for fools like rasol and doug to teach you.

If you did not hate your blackness, you would have read the work of Carter G. Woodson, W.E.B. DuBois,John Jackson and etc., who are saying the same things we are.



I have read books by Carter G. Woodson, John Jackson, Diop, Dr. Ben and quite a few others. i don't recall them going intensely into genetics, biology or early human migrations.

i do remember Diop stating in one of his books that there were no cro-magnum in Africa at any time and then one of you (either you are marc) stating something quite different....

anyway, are any of the authors you mentioned above geneticists, biologist, archeologist, etc??

besides Dr. Ben...

Granted these books were written before the revolution in genetics research but they do discuss the worldwide domination of African people and early man in Europe.



John Jackson, Man God and Civilization, discussed the raise of man in chapters 2-3, 10 and 17.

DuBois, The World and Africa, see chapters iv and ix.

Diop argues that the Cro-Magnon man was the first European.

Diop calls the Cro-Magnon remains in Africa Grimaldi.

He claims that they are derived from the Grimaldi people. Today they no longer use the term Grimaldi for this culture they call it Cro-Magnon so I use this term for the Grimaldi people. Diop discussed this issue in detail in Civilization or Barbarism, pp.9-68.

Posted by Serpent Wizdom (Member # 7652) on :
i need to brush up on my Diop books but i really thought it was he who said there were no cro-magnum ever in Africa.

could have been another of our writers who said this. anyway, i can't back it up or even remember the book it was supposedly in so it is just a mute subject now.
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
Having spent the last several days perusing the works of Darwin and Cook that relate to South America, in hopes of gleaning some understanding of the Palo-Americans – unsuccessfully. And for admittedly selfish reasons: Clyde believes that they came across in boats from Africa and landed at the easternmost point of Brazil, whereas I am of the opinion that they came from Australia/Polynesia, and Island hopped around Antarctica to South America.

But in the process of investigating the Fuegians, it occurred to me how ridiculous a place that I was looking. First, their population was very small – Darwin estimated less than 4,000. Secondly, they were the most wretched people in the Hemisphere, constantly on the verge of starvation. Logically, first inhabitants would have had a larger population, and would have secured the best land and hunting areas for their use – after all “that’s why they came to America”. Which is of course what they did – Blacks populated the best lands in the Americas, and were mostly absent in the worst parts – (areas west of the Andes). So in retrospect, it is apparent that the Fuegians could only be a pariah group, shunned and run-off by populations to the north, and of little anthropological value.

However, these sketches of what appears to be obvious hybrids does make me wonder.

But the fact remains that studies; such as the one below, do seem to circumstantially support Clyde’s point of view – drat.



Cranial morphology of early Americans from Lagoa Santa, Brazil:
Implications for the settlement
of the New World

Walter A. Neves* and Mark Hubbe
Laborato´ rio de Estudos Evolutivos Humanos, Departamento de Gene´ tica e Biologia Evolutiva, Instituto de Biocieˆ ncias, Universidade de Sa˜o Paulo,
05508-090 Sa˜o Paulo, Brazil
Edited by Richard G. Klein, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, and approved October 28, 2005 (received for review August 18, 2005)

Comparative morphological studies of the earliest human skeletons
of the New World have shown that, whereas late prehistoric,
recent, and present Native Americans tend to exhibit a cranial
morphology similar to late and modern Northern Asians (short and
wide neurocrania; high, orthognatic and broad faces; and relatively
high and narrow orbits and noses), the earliest South Americans
tend to be more similar to present Australians, Melanesians, and
Sub-Saharan Africans (narrow and long neurocrania; prognatic,
low faces; and relatively low and broad orbits and noses).

However, most of the previous studies of early American human
remains were based on small cranial samples. Herein we compare
the largest sample of early American skulls ever studied (81 skulls
of the Lagoa Santa region (brazil) with worldwide data sets representing
global morphological variation in humans, through three different
multivariate analyses.
The results obtained from all multivariate
analyses confirm a close morphological affinity between South-
American Paleoindians and extant Australo-Melanesians groups,
supporting the hypothesis that two distinct biological populations
could have colonized the New World in the Pleistocene_Holocene

Study Link
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
^^^Mike please tell me how these studies confirming that these populations resembled Australians and Melanesians helping Clyde? You Clyde and Marc, have the worst understanding of OOA, in fact you guys posit a multi-regional hypothesis as where when skulls from around the ancient world are found to you guys this is due to subsequent African migrations directly from Africa into said areas, and you guys think East Asians, Europeans etc, evolved from homo Erectus or Neanderthal in Europe and Asia. But in OOA we are taught and understand that all humans come from Africa, and all non Africans are descended from a migration of this original OOA population represented by Oceanic populations.

New Research Confirms 'Out Of Africa' Theory Of Human Evolution

(May 10, 2007) — Researchers have produced new DNA evidence that almost certainly confirms the theory that all modern humans have a common ancestry. The genetic survey, produced by a collaborative team led by scholars at Cambridge and Anglia Ruskin Universities, shows that Australia's aboriginal population sprang from the same tiny group of colonists, along with their New Guinean neighbours.

The research confirms the “Out Of Africa” hypothesis that all modern humans stem from a single group of Homo sapiens who emigrated from Africa 2,000 generations ago and spread throughout Eurasia over thousands of years. These settlers replaced other early humans (such as Neanderthals), rather than interbreeding with them.

Academics analysed the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and Y chromosome DNA of Aboriginal Australians and Melanesians from New Guinea. This data was compared with the various DNA patterns associated with early humans. The research was an international effort, with researchers from Tartu in Estonia, Oxford, and Stanford in California all contributing key data and expertise.

The results showed that both the Aborigines and Melanesians share the genetic features that have been linked to the exodus of modern humans from Africa 50,000 years ago.

Until now, one of the main reasons for doubting the “Out Of Africa” theory was the existence of inconsistent evidence in Australia. The skeletal and tool remains that have been found there are strikingly different from those elsewhere on the “coastal expressway” – the route through South Asia taken by the early settlers.

Some scholars argue that these discrepancies exist either because the early colonists interbred with the local Homo erectus population, or because there was a subsequent, secondary migration from Africa. Both explanations would undermine the theory of a single, common origin for modern-day humans.

But in the latest research there was no evidence of a genetic inheritance from Homo erectus, indicating that the settlers did not mix and that these people therefore share the same direct ancestry as the other Eurasian peoples.

Geneticist Dr Peter Forster, who led the research, said: “Although it has been speculated that the populations of Australia and New Guinea came from the same ancestors, the fossil record differs so significantly it has been difficult to prove. For the first time, this evidence gives us a genetic link showing that the Australian Aboriginal and New Guinean populations are descended directly from the same specific group of people who emerged from the African migration.”

At the time of the migration, 50,000 years ago, Australia and New Guinea were joined by a land bridge and the region was also only separated from the main Eurasian land mass by narrow straits such as Wallace's Line in Indonesia. The land bridge was submerged about 8,000 years ago.

The new study also explains why the fossil and archaeological record in Australia is so different to that found elsewhere even though the genetic record shows no evidence of interbreeding with Homo erectus, and indicates a single Palaeolithic colonisation event.

The DNA patterns of the Australian and Melanesian populations show that the population evolved in relative isolation. The two groups also share certain genetic characteristics that are not found beyond Melanesia. This would suggest that there was very little gene flow into Australia after the original migration.

Dr Toomas Kivisild, from the Cambridge University Department of Biological Anthropology, who co-authored the report, said: “The evidence points to relative isolation after the initial arrival, which would mean any significant developments in skeletal form and tool use were not influenced by outside sources.

“There was probably a minor secondary gene flow into Australia while the land bridge from New Guinea was still open, but once it was submerged the population was apparently isolated for thousands of years. The differences in the archaeological record are probably the result of this, rather than any secondary migration or interbreeding.”

Posted by Clyde Fraud:
If you did not hate your blackness, you would have read the work of Carter G. Woodson, W.E.B. DuBois,John Jackson and etc., who are saying the same things we are.

Clyde they didn't have the genetic evidence we have today Clyde. You're stuck in the past. Step into the future. We have an understanding of why there were so many African resembling populations throughout the ancient world, and this is called OOA. I implore you to READ.
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
Clyde Quote: He claims that they are derived from the Grimaldi people. Today they no longer use the term Grimaldi for this culture they call it Cro-Magnon so I use this term for the Grimaldi people. Diop discussed this issue in detail in Civilization or Barbarism, pp.9-68.

Clyde, when you use the term "Cro-magnon" you are falling into their trap. Cro-magnon evolved long after modern man, and entered Europe 15,000 years later. It also allows them to confuse the race of Cro-magnon - note their depictions of him. Whereas with the term Grimaldi - there can be no confusion - he was modern man, he was African, and he was Black - end of story; except of course for our resident idiots.
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
Note to Serpent Wizdom: Cro-magnon evolved in the Levant, they flourished during the Upper Paleolithic (old stone age, 40,000 - 4,000 years ago). There is no known evidence that they were found south of the Sahara. But they were found all over Europe, Asia and the Mediterranean.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Originally posted by Mike111:
Clyde Quote: He claims that they are derived from the Grimaldi people. Today they no longer use the term Grimaldi for this culture they call it Cro-Magnon so I use this term for the Grimaldi people. Diop discussed this issue in detail in Civilization or Barbarism, pp.9-68.

Clyde, when you use the term "Cro-magnon" you are falling into their trap. Cro-magnon evolved long after modern man, and entered Europe 15,000 years later. It also allows them to confuse the race of Cro-magnon - note their depictions of him. Whereas with the term Grimaldi - there can be no confusion - he was modern man, he was African, and he was Black - end of story; except of course for our resident idiots.

Mike as has been explained Ad Nauseum, Cro-Magnon was a cave that some of the earliest modern humans in Europe coming OOA, were found in. The cave was named Cro-Magnon, therefore the Early modern human, was dubbed Cro-Magnon man, and not because he was a separate species. The early human found in Cro-Magnon cave did not evolve after modern humans as he was a modern human himself. What you mean is modern humans did not reach Europe until 40kya.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Originally posted by Mike111:
Note to Serpent Wizdom: Cro-magnon evolved in the Levant, they flourished during the Upper Paleolithic (old stone age, 40,000 - 4,000 years ago). There is no known evidence that they were found south of the Sahara. But they were found all over Europe, Asia and the Mediterranean.

Note to serpent wisdom. There were early modern humans found all over Africa for over 100,000 years, when he reached Europe around 40kya, he resembled the same population e descends from in Africa that had been around for over 100kya. When he was found in modern times, he was found in a cave, this cave was named Cro-Magnon, therefore the modern human found in this cave was dubbed Cro-Magnon after the cave he was found in, get it. Of course the early modern human found in Cro-Magnon cave resembled Australians and Africans as did all original populations around the world.




Late Pleistocene Human Skull
from Hofmeyr, South Africa, and
Modern Human Origins

Thus, Hofmeyr is seemingly primitive in
comparison to recent African crania in a number
of features, including a prominent glabella; moderately
thick, continuous supraorbital tori; a tall,
flat, and straight malar; a broad frontal process of
the maxilla; and comparatively large molar
crowns. Hofmeyr is contemporaneous with later
Eurasian Neandertals, but it clearly does not
evince the cranial and mandibular apomorphies
that define that clade (28). This is not surprising,
given its geographic location. Although Hofmeyr
is similar in size to Eurasian UP crania, it differs
from them in other respects (such as its broad nose
and continuous supraorbital tori).In order to assess the phenetic affinities of Hofmeyr to penecontemporaneous Eurasian UP and recent humans, we conducted multivariate morphometric analyses of 3D landmark coordinates and linear measurements of crania representing these populations. We digitized 19 3D coordinates of landmarks that represent as fully as possible the currently preserved anatomy of the Hofmeyr skull (table S4). These were compared with homologous data for recent human samples from five broad geographic areas (North Africa, sub-Saharan Africa, Western Eurasia, Oceania, and Eastern Asia/New World). The sub-Saharan sample was divided into Bantuspeaking (Mali and Kenya) and South African Khoe-San samples. The latter are represented in the Holocene archaeological record of the subcontinent, and inasmuch as they are the oldest historic indigenes of southern Africa, they might be expected to have the closest affinity to Hofmeyr (12).
The North African sample consists
of Epipaleolithic (Mesolithic) individuals
that provide a temporal depth of approximately
10,000 years. The 3D data were also compared
for two Neandertal, four Eurasian UP, and one
Levantine early modern human fossils (table S5).
The landmark coordinate configurations for
each specimen were superimposed with the use
of generalized Procrustes analysis and analyzed
with a series of multivariate statistical techniques
Hofmeyr falls at the upper ends of the recent
sub-Saharan African sample ranges and within the
upper parts of all other recent human sample
ranges in terms of centroid size (fig. S6). In a
canonical variates analysis of these landmarks
(Fig. 2), axis 1 separates the sub-Saharan African
samples from the others, and axis 4 tends to
differentiate the UP specimens from recent
homologs. Hofmeyr clusters with the UP sample,
and although it falls within the recent human range
on both axes, it is outside the 95% confidence
ellipse for the Khoe-San sample and barely within
the limits of the other sub-Saharan African sample.
These canonical axes are weakly correlated with
centroid size, which emphasizes that the similarity
between Hofmeyr and the UP sample is due only
in small part to similarity in size.
Posted by Serpent Wizdom (Member # 7652) on :
thanks knowledge and mike111!!
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
^^^I'd advise you NOT to listen to Mike, unless you want to be misinformed. [Wink]
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
Note to Knowledgeiskey718: We are all well aware that the Black man spawned many bastards in his journeys around the world. But here, we are concerned with the Black man himself! BTW - why would you want to pollute another with your ignorance? Hopefully Serpent Wizdom will have the good sense to read a good book on anthropology - you are hopeless!
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Note to Knowledgeiskey718: We are all well aware that the Black man spawned many bastards in his journeys around the world.
Nope, the original man coming from Africa actually evolved into every single population you see around the world. There is only one species of modern homo sapiens.


But here, we are concerned with the Black man himself!

What about him Mike? You lack understanding of OOA, and I am here to inform you.

BTW - why would you want to pollute another with your ignorance?
I am informing Serpent on the facts of OOA, and not the propagated pseudo-science you put forth.


Hopefully Serpent Wizdom will have the good sense to read a good book on anthropology

I hope so as well, maybe you and Serpent might take the time out and read that study I posted.

Mike projecting his inner feelings: you are hopeless!

Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
Ignorant one - Please provide proof that the White man and the Mongol evolved from the Black man. This is not a religious school you know - proof is required. I say White people and Mongols are devils from outer space. How will you prove that a creature with white skin, straight hair, narrow nose, narrow lips, and an inhuman mind is descendant from the Black man who is the opposite of these things? he he.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Originally posted by Mike111:
Ignorant one - Please provide proof that the White man and the Mongol evolved from the Black man. This is not a religious school you know - proof is required. I say White people and Mongols are devils from outer space. How will you prove that a creature with white skin, straight hair, narrow nose, narrow lips, and an inhuman mind is descendant from the Black man who is the opposite of these things? he he.

Obviously as I mentioned, the poor kid Mike suffers from racism retardation, therefore not allowing his feeble mind to accept the FACTS of OOA, which proves all humans alive today can trace their lineages every single genetic lineage back to Africa. This is OOA Mike, you nitwit. This has been explained to you over and over and over again. But like a child who doesn't want to learn, you remain ignorant.
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
Knowledgeiskey718 Quote: Obviously as I mentioned, the poor kid Mike suffers from racism retardation, therefore not allowing his feeble mind to accept the FACTS of OOA, which proves all humans alive today can trace their lineages every single genetic lineage back to Africa. This is OOA Mike, you nitwit. This has been explained to you over and over and over again. But like a child who doesn't want to learn, you remain ignorant.

^^^So the White man says: But where and when exactly did the Black man STOP being Black, and began being White and Yellow? I mean exactly which haplogroup - or anything else for that matter, shows this transition - or was it an overnight thing - you know; one morning he woke up looked in a stream and discovered that he had changed color. He was White and his buddy down stream was yellow. BTW - How come one of them became White and the other Yellow? Why weren't they BOTH White or BOTH yellow. Come to think of it, why weren't they multi-colored like Birds and other creatures. After all, once the need for melanin is removed, any color would work.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Genetic Evidence for the Convergent Evolution of Light Skin in Europeans and East Asians

Heather L. Norton*,1, Rick A. Kittles{dagger}, Esteban Parra{ddagger}, Paul McKeigue§, Xianyun Mao*, Keith Cheng||,¶, Victor A. Canfield¶, Daniel G. Bradley#, Brian McEvoy# and Mark D. Shriver*

Human skin pigmentation shows a strong positive correlation with ultraviolet radiation intensity, suggesting that variation in skin color is, at least partially, due to adaptation via natural selection. We investigated the evolution of pigmentation variation by testing for the presence of ***positive directional selection in 6 pigmentation genes*** using an empirical FST approach, through an ***examination of global diversity patterns of these genes*** in the Centre d'Etude du Polymorphisme Humain (CEPH)-Diversity Panel, and by exploring signatures of selection in data from the International HapMap project. Additionally, we demonstrated a role for MATP in determining normal skin pigmentation variation using admixture mapping methods. Taken together (with the results of previous admixture mapping studies), these results point to the importance of several genes in shaping the pigmentation phenotype and a complex evolutionary history involving strong selection. Polymorphisms in 2 genes, ASIP and OCA2, may play a shared role in shaping light and dark pigmentation across the globe, whereas SLC24A5, MATP, and TYR have a predominant role in the evolution of light skin in Europeans but not in East Asians. These findings support a case for the recent convergent evolution of a lighter pigmentation phenotype in Europeans and East Asians.

^^^^This above study is discussed in this below article that has been explained to you a thousand times..



Still Evolving, Human Genes Tell New Story

Dr. Wells, of the National Geographic Society, said Dr. Pritchard's results were fascinating and would help anthropologists explain the immense diversity of human populations even though their genes are generally similar. The relative handful of selected genes that Dr. Pritchard's study has pinpointed may hold the answer, he said, adding, "Each gene has a story of some pressure we adapted to."

Dr. Wells is gathering DNA from across the globe to map in finer detail the genetic variation brought to light by the HapMap project.

Dr. Pritchard's list of selected genes also includes five that affect skin color. The selected versions of the genes occur solely in Europeans and are presumably responsible for pale skin. Anthropologists have generally assumed that the first modern humans to arrive in Europe some 45,000 years ago had the dark skin of their African origins, but soon acquired the paler skin needed to admit sunlight for vitamin D synthesis.

The finding of five skin genes selected 6,600 years ago could imply that Europeans acquired their pale skin much more recently. Or, the selected genes may have been a reinforcement of a process established earlier, Dr. Pritchard said. The five genes show no sign of selective pressure in East Asians.

Because Chinese and Japanese are also pale, Dr. Pritchard said, evolution must have accomplished the same goal in those populations by working through different genes or by changing the same genes — but many thousands of years before, so that the signal of selection is no longer visible to the new test.

Posted by Marc Washington (Member # 10979) on :

[Argyl writes] If you want to understand the 3 fruitcakes known as Clyde Winters, Marc Washington, and Egmund Codfried see below.

They are beatdown AAs. Clyde, Marc, and Egmond are ashamed of Africa. You see whites have told them that "blacks" in Africa are primitive, hapless, dumb, worthless, wretched people who are nothing but slaves to the rest of the world.

[Marc writes] Fruitcakes? Worthless? You can’t engage in polite, honest discourse as in saying, for instance, “Clyde, Marc, and Egmond have all said, a, b, c. I disagree with these opinions because of x, y, z.”

Then, being polite, inquire of Clyde, Egmond, or myself to explain these points.

This is the first time you have ever mentioned my name. You’ve never requested that I explain some point you disagree with.

Also, take care (if your desire is to engage in honest discourse) not to resort to name-calling after the second or third communication as is typically done with Elmer, Rasol, and Knowledge. Becoming rude only inflames animosities.

As your first introduction to me was one of crudity, then, I will return the favor:





Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
^^^Knowledgeiskey718; you poor ditz. The words: "strong positive correlation" - "is at least partially" - "point to" - "may play a role".

Are NOT used in studies that "prove" something. They are used in studies where the analyzer is guessing. That study is no more valuable than my own, which suggests that White people "May" have come from outer space.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
Are NOT used in studies that "prove" something. They are used in studies where the analyzer is guessing.
^ Incorrect, and frankly...quite dumb. All science is based on probability and theory. The language you are ridiculing is in fact the standard cautionary language of all real science.

Your problem is, you don't understand the basis of actual science, which makes you an easy 'sucker' for pseudos like Winters.

The antithesis of this appoach is Clyde Winters, who might say something like *It is clear that Abraham Lincoln was Black*.

In Winters case there is and inverse relationship between expressed confidence, and supporting evidence.

A perceptive individual can detect this - but, a sucker, like you cannot.

Winters thrives on your brand of naiveté.

When Winters claims something is true - there is a strong corellation with a *lack of actual evidence*.

Winter is also a faker and a coward. He made false claims about genetic evidence based upon confusing mtdna and y chromosome. When his error was pointed out, he didn't admit it, and he couldn't deny it.

He just hid, and waited for the subject to change in hopes that dupes like you would forget his mistakes.

He always does this.

He's a straight up charleton, and you're a huge fool for crediting him, when your intelligence should enable you to see thru his nonsense.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
So the White man says:
^ Ah yes, petty ethnocentric anti-intellectualism, the ultimate excuse for the stubborn ignorance of arrested adolescents.

Mighty Whitey


Genetic Evidence for the Convergent Evolution of Light Skin in Europeans and East Asians

- Dr. Rick A. Kittles
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Since you have reading comprehension problems, I will break it down for you. This following strong correlation is a scientific fact as skin color does correlate with ultraviolet radiation intensity. Which is why many lightskin A.A's and hispanics(or anyone human population with melanin, moving to northern latitudes) become darker in the summer, and lighter in the winter.

"Human skin pigmentation shows a strong positive correlation with ultraviolet radiation intensity, suggesting that variation in skin color is, at least partially, due to adaptation via natural selection. "

The scientist investigated the presence of 6 genes which are responsible in pigmentation, the genes studied were also tested in each population worldwide.

"We investigated the evolution of pigmentation variation by testing for the presence of ***positive directional selection in 6 pigmentation genes*** using an empirical FST approach, through an ***examination of global diversity patterns of these genes*** in the Centre d'Etude du Polymorphisme Humain (CEPH)-Diversity Panel, and by exploring signatures of selection in data from the International HapMap project."

This below discusses what is already known data and correlating it with new findings, this happens all the time in science Mike.

Additionally, we demonstrated a role for MATP in determining normal skin pigmentation variation using admixture mapping methods. Taken together (with the results of previous admixture mapping studies), these results point to the importance of several genes in shaping the pigmentation phenotype and a complex evolutionary history involving strong selection.

The below shows genes which are present in human populations worldwide and may play a shared role in pigmentation around the world. Wasn't direct towards Europeans, so stop the semantics.

Polymorphisms in 2 genes, ASIP and OCA2, may play a shared role in shaping light and dark pigmentation across the globe,

The below are the genes which have a predominant role in the evolution of pale skin in Europeans but not East Asians. With the other identified genes being responsible as well for Asians. Note: Europeans have the following genes which play a predominant role in pale skin in Euros

whereas SLC24A5, MATP, and TYR have a predominant role in the evolution of light skin in Europeans but not in East Asians. These findings support a case for the recent convergent evolution of a lighter pigmentation phenotype in Europeans and East Asians.
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:

Stupid Troll the Andaman Islands are not part of the Sudanese continental shelf.

Southeast Asian Woman


Above is a Southeast Asian woman. She does not in anyway resemble the San and Munda people of India and Andaman Island.

LMAO [Big Grin]

The only stupid trolls in here are YOU and your stupid servants, like Mike and Marc!

The Andaman Islands are part of Southeast Asia and geologically part of the Sundanese continental shelf which was formerly the Sundanese subcontinent!



Also, what does that picture of a modern light-skinned Southeast Asian woman have to do with the issue?! It's nothing but a stupid strawman as the aboriginal peoples of Southeast Asia are black peoples such as the so-called 'Negritos' like the Senoi and Andamanese!!

And what "San" people of India are you talking about?! There are no San of India! The Munda are natives of India, but these people are different from the Andamanese who again don't live in India but in Southeast Asia!!

As usual, you don't have a clue what you talk about and only propagate the lies that are your fantastic wishful thinking!

This is the reason why you are not taken seriously by any of your scholarly peers! And why even Rasol has given up hope for you! [Roll Eyes]
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
[Embarrassed] Rasol and Knowledge, I really don't understand you guys trying to logically converse with the likes of Clyde, Meni, or Mike who obviously have NO comprehension of the science they cite and instead distort science with their own prejudices just like white supremacists!

Perhaps the only reason is maybe to warn the laypeople out there of their shenanigans(?)
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
rasol quote: Incorrect, and frankly...quite dumb. All science is based on probability and theory. The language you are ridiculing is in fact the standard cautionary language of all real science.

rasol you a-hole; you make the stuff up as you go. Show me a study that proves a theory, which talks about the probability of it being correct. It's correct ONLY if it can be PROVEN correct you idiot! Anything else is conjecture. But it is in keeping with you as the original ditz (the BIG ditz) - Knowledgeiskey718 is "little" ditz.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Perhaps the only reason is maybe to warn the laypeople out there of their shenanigans(?)
Well, more or explained the poor scholarship - if can be called so - put forth by Clyde, Marc, Mike, Meni etc.. is pseudo-nonsense, and they prey on the misinformed, so to any newcomer entering into this site will be misinformed about OOA, believing crazy distortions that are fed by Clyde and Marc. So now they have a choice, and they can read the information for themselves. Newcomers can make their own correlation from actual facts, and not opinions and distortions from Clyde, Marc etc...
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Show me a study that proves a theory, which talks about the probability of it being correct. It's correct ONLY if it can be PROVEN correct
Already shown and proven to you. Why do you deny the science, with semantics? Why not discuss the study and analyze it? Is this too hard for you? Ask questions if you don't understand, you won't be shunned, trust me. [Wink]

Since you have reading comprehension problems, I will break it down for you. This following strong correlation is a scientific fact as skin color does correlate with ultraviolet radiation intensity. Which is why many lightskin A.A's and hispanics(or anyone human population with melanin, moving to northern latitudes) become darker in the summer, and lighter in the winter.

"Human skin pigmentation shows a strong positive correlation with ultraviolet radiation intensity, suggesting that variation in skin color is, at least partially, due to adaptation via natural selection. "

The scientist investigated the presence of 6 genes which are responsible in pigmentation, the genes studied were also tested in each population worldwide.

"We investigated the evolution of pigmentation variation by testing for the presence of ***positive directional selection in 6 pigmentation genes*** using an empirical FST approach, through an ***examination of global diversity patterns of these genes*** in the Centre d'Etude du Polymorphisme Humain (CEPH)-Diversity Panel, and by exploring signatures of selection in data from the International HapMap project."

This below discusses what is already known data and correlating it with new findings, this happens all the time in science Mike.

Additionally, we demonstrated a role for MATP in determining normal skin pigmentation variation using admixture mapping methods. Taken together (with the results of previous admixture mapping studies), these results point to the importance of several genes in shaping the pigmentation phenotype and a complex evolutionary history involving strong selection.

The below shows genes which are present in human populations worldwide and may play a shared role in pigmentation around the world. Wasn't direct towards Europeans, so stop the semantics.

Polymorphisms in 2 genes, ASIP and OCA2, may play a shared role in shaping light and dark pigmentation across the globe,

The below are the genes which have a predominant role in the evolution of pale skin in Europeans but not East Asians. With the other identified genes being responsible as well for Asians. Note: Europeans have the following genes which play a predominant role in pale skin in Euros

whereas SLC24A5, MATP, and TYR have a predominant role in the evolution of light skin in Europeans but not in East Asians. These findings support a case for the recent convergent evolution of a lighter pigmentation phenotype in Europeans and East Asians.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
Originally posted by Djehuti:
[Embarrassed] Rasol and Knowledge, I really don't understand you guys trying to logically converse with the likes of Clyde, Meni, or Mike who obviously have NO comprehension of the science they cite and instead distort science with their own prejudices just like white supremacists!

Perhaps the only reason is maybe to warn the laypeople out there of their shenanigans(?)

^ I treat all such ineducable idiots as irrelevant,,, useful only for and as an excuse to teach science to the educable.
Posted by meninarmer (Member # 12654) on :
Originally posted by Djehuti:
[Embarrassed] Rasol and Knowledge, I really don't understand !!!

Yes, we fully realize this fact Artificial Intelligence DJ. We'll eventually get around to completing your program.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
Show me a study that proves a theory, which talks about the probability of it being correct.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
It's correct ONLY if it can be PROVEN.
Wrong again, miseducated child. It is clear that you either skipped 'high school science class' in America, or if you ever attended, you certainly flunked.

Actually a theory may be regarded as valid if it is falsifiable, yet not falsified.

And all theory is science are always subject to future falsification.

Here is what is correct...

Falsifiability (or "refutability") is the logical possibility that an assertion can be shown false by an observation or a physical experiment. That something is "falsifiable" does not mean it is false; rather, that if it is false, then this can be shown by observation or experiment. Falsifiability is an important concept in science and the philosophy of science.
Posted by meninarmer (Member # 12654) on :
^ LOL, there is no comparison between the above and the absolute drivel you, KIK and American Patriot post, sans understanding.
Einstein presents ORIGINAL theory (actually, I think he stole it) backed by solid math which can easily be checked, while you merely cut and paste other researcher's theories.
Try again with something approaching apples to apples.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
Einstein presents ORIGINAL theory (actually, I think he stole it)
^ I have no idea of how to regard your jibberish other than as irrelevant contradiction. You capitilise original, then claim something was stolen, err....'you think' (?) [Eek!]

Care to rewrite and so render it coherent, and relevant to mike's claim that science is *not* rooted in probability theory?
Posted by Marc Washington (Member # 10979) on :

[rASHOL writes] Dr. Winters, your discourse may be suitable for confusing the likes of Marc Washington, but to any serious scholar, it consists of and utterly broken logic.

[Marc writes] Serious scholar? You? ROFLMAO.




Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
Einstein's theory of relativity is backed by solid math which can easily be checked
^ Really?

So there is and *easy* way to check the absolute nature of the speed of light, and the relativistic nature of time, which is the basis of the atomic clock..... and which is so qualitatively different than the molecular clock in genetics?

If so, then feel free to explain the difference?
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Originally posted by Pansy meninarmer:
^ LOL, there is no comparison between the above and the absolute drivel you, KIK and American Patriot post, sans understanding.
Einstein presents ORIGINAL theory (actually, I think he stole it) backed by solid math which can easily be checked, while you merely cut and paste other researcher's theories.
Try again with something approaching apples to apples.

Pansy's Meninarmer Translation: I hate science, and I hate you guys for understanding science while I'm stuck trying to get this square peg in this round hole.

Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Originally posted by Doug M:
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
Originally posted by Doug M:
Clyde stop with the bull sh*t. Almost ALL the research I have posted puts blacks as the first native Americans. So what the hell are you talking about me stealing?

The point is simple, you have NO direct evidence that Africans set foot in the Americas as a result of DIRECT migration from Africa. NONE. All you are doing is guessing. And because you can't PROVE your own hypothesis with SOLID EVIDENCE, you go around and misrepresent other studies and research in order to suit your agenda. Instead of MAKING UP research to prove your point, just FIND SOME REAL EVIDENCE.

You put on a grand show for someone with a theory that has yet to be proven beyond a doubt and all you can do is shuck and jive as opposed to putting in the WORK to see whether that hypothesis holds water.

I can provide better evidence for the first populations of the Americas being from Africa than you can. That is the point.

This science fool. You make a hypothesis then you confirm it.


Let's look at the facts:

1) the Australians represent the OOA population that settled Asia

2) during the OOA event much of Siberia and North America was under ice from 110,000 - 10,000BC. As a result there was no way Siberians could cross Beringa before the end of the ice age

3) Ice even separated much of South America east to west


4) the first Americans appear in Brazil, Chile and Argintina Latin America around 30,000 BC

5)using craniometric evidence it is clear that the first Americans look like Africans not modern Asian Native Americans

6) using craniometrics I have pointed out that Asia was dominated by the Australian population until the rise of Suhulland when the Melanesian people appear in the area, at this time the Beringa was still under Ice

7) I pointed out that the Melanesian type reach East Asian mainland by 5000 BC, long after Africans had settled Latin America

8) between 15,000-12,000 we see numerous African populations in Mexico and Brazil; and skeletons dating to this period have even been found off the Yucatan coast in the Caribbean

9) these first Americans did not look like the Australians or modern Amerinds

10) iconography of PreClassic people like the Cherla, Ocos and other groups is of Negroes not Amerinds like the Maya

11) Amerind groups not associated with African slaves carry African genes

12) Maya carried African y chromosome

13) Chontal Mayan speakers were classified as Negroes by Quatrefages. This may explain why the Maya carry African genes

14)Negrocostachicanos claim that they have never been slaves and are indigenous to Guererro and Oaxaca on the Pacific coast

15) The Dufuna boat makes it clear that Africans probably had the technology to travel to the Americas 15,000 years ago.

16) Fuegians 100-400 BP carried haplogroup A1. Hg A1 is an African haplogroup.

17) Amerinds carry haplogroup N, just like Africans.

18)The y chromosome STRs of the Fuegians include DYS434,DYS437,DYS 439, DYS 393, DYS391,DYS390,DYS19, DYS 389I, DYS389II and DYS 388 (see: Garcia-Bour et al above). Except for DYS390 and DYS388 they are characteristic of haplogroup A1 . A1 is recognized as an African haplogroup.

19)Quatrefages noted numerous African Native American tribes

20)The antiquity of these populations is supported by the ancient iconography found in these countries which are of African Native Americans.

21) Most contemporary populations are descendants of the San people not Australians.

Up to now you have presented no evidence disconfirming any of this evidence all you say is that all Black people look alike and and any dark people in Asia are also Blacks this is stupid. All Black people do not look alike.


Clyde stop spamming your theories. Those are all unsubstantiated theories in that brain of yours.

Provide FACTS and EVIDENCE for a 30,000 year old settlement of the Americas. Where is it Clyde, or is the fact you cannot CITE any evidence for this some CONSPIRACY? YOU claim it and therefore YOU must provide the evidence. Which you can't. THAT makes you a fraud. If you CAN'T provide the evidence and you KEEP claiming it, then that also makes you a LIAR. Don't depend on me to prove your theories, prove them yourself as you are the so-called scholar. NO?

Bottom line, you can make claims all you want but that doesn't mean anything with out proof. THAT is what makes you a clown, because you continually take your theories and promote them as fact with NO EVIDENCE and pretend that you have GOT something. All you GOT is hot air.

On top of that you claim that the FIRST remains found in America do not match Australians, which goes AGAINST all the published research. But of course, you are providing NOTHING but your own THEORIES support for this, no research and no EVIDENCE of your own. Again, you DISTORT other studies in order provide support for your theories, as those studies DO NOT support what you are saying. Again, this makes you a liar. That is not science, that is BULL SH*T Clyde.

Theories are not the problem here, it is your CLOWN ACT that you put as some sort of PROOF for these theories. I am not interested in CLOWN ACTS, I want proof.

Fool you don't know what you're talking about.

Several types of blacks entered the Americas including the San, Anu or negrito type and the Proto-Saharan variety of blacks. Up until recently it was believed that the first humans crossed the Bering Strait 12,000 B.P., to enter the North American continent.(Begley 1991, p.15) This view was never accepted by physical anthropologists who have found skeletal remains far older than 12,000 B.P.

Today archaeologists have found sites from Argintina to Chile that range between 20,000 and 40,000 years old. There are numerous sites in South America which are over 35,000 years old (1). These sites are Pedra Furada (c.45,000 B.C.) (2), and Serra Da Capivara 50,000 BP. Given the fact that the earliest dates for habitation of the American continent occur below Canada in South America is highly suggestive of the fact that the earliest settlers on the American continents came from Africa before the Ice melted at the Bering Strait and moved northward as the ice melted.

The early presence of ice-age sites in South America suggest that these people probably came from Africa. This would explain the affinities between African languages and the Amerind family of languages (3).

In very ancient times the American continent was inhabited by Asian and African blacks. The oldest skeletal remains found in the Americas are of blacks. Marquez (1956,p.179) observed that "it is [good] to report that long ago the youthful America was also a Negro continent."

Lanning (1963) noted that "there was a possible movement of negritos from Ecuador into the Piura Valley, north of Chicama and Viru" in early times.

The appearance of pebble tools at Monte verde in Chile (c.32,000 B.P), and rock paintings at Pedra Furada in Brazil (c.22,000 B.P.) and mastodont hunting in Venezuela and Colombia (c.13,000 B.P.), and Dr. Walter Neves’ discovery of a 12,000 year old skeleton of an African woman in Brazil, have led some researchers to believe that the Americas was first settled from South America (4).

C. Vance Haynes noted that:"If people have been in South America for over 30,000 years, or even 20,000 years, why are there so few sites?....One possible answer is that they were so few in number; another is that South America was somehow initially populated from directions other than north until Clovis appeared"(5).

P.S. Martin and R. G. Klein after discussing the evidence of mastodont hunting in Venezuela 13,000 years ago observed that :"The thought that the fossil record of South America is much richer in evidence of early archaeological associations than many believed is indeed provocative .Have the earliest hunters been overlooked in North America? Or did the hunters somehow reach South America first" (6)?

Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
[Marc writes] Serious scholar? You? ROFLMAO.
^ frustrated loser, you. rotfl.

Tell your hero Dr. Winters to learn the difference between male and female lineages before he puts his foot in his mouth again, and is forced [again] into hiding.

Until then, keep spamming your photochop for dummies, as such brainless pablum is all you'e good for. [Smile]
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Clyde??????? Care to address???

Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
[qb] [QUOTE] Most native American populations are descended from people like Australian Aborigines Clyde.

Actually, like all modern humans, **ALL** Native Americans are descended from Australian like populations, this is the point Clyde doesn't understand. Clyde thinks all non Africans who don't look African are a result of space aliens, or some crazy deranged theory like Meninarmer or Marc.


As to the similarities with Africans, the best way to explain it in terms of historical connections, is to assume that the **Asian** ancestral population that gave rise to the **Australians** and to the **first Americans** had its ultimate origins in the **African continent**, as it is in fact the case with **ALL*** modern humans (Stringer and Andrews, 1988; Stringer and McKie, 1996; Lahr, 1994, 1996), ***but which retained a very generalized morphology.*** In accordance with Lahr (1996), the Australians are in fact the contemporary aboriginal population that retained the most primitive morphology when compared to the first modern humans. As she stressed "Groups like [...] Australo-Melanesians are all examples of relatively early diversifications without great amounts of gene flow from other groups..." (Lahr, 1996, p.335).
Clyde you do understand that you didn't address the above, or discuss your claim of A2 and B2 being African in origin, carried by Khoisan and Pygmies respectively. Obviously you were confused -as always- about these genetic markers, which is why you made a delirious conclusion, based on your confusion of Mtdna and Y-dna. I hope you'll understand one day....

I understand this perfectly. You are the one who pretends to be blind to the facts.

Nope, not an answer to your claim of A2 and B2 being African in origin, carried by Khoisan and Pygmies respectively. Obviously you were confused -as always- about these genetic markers, which is why you made a delirious conclusion, based on your confusion of Mtdna and Y-dna. I hope you'll understand one day....
^^^^^I wonder when Clyde will address his Mtdna claim....???

Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
Winters writes: Fool you don't know what you're talking about.
^ Speaking of which...

Dr. Winters, please explain why you can't understand the difference between mtdna and Y chromosome.

Is science too hard for you?

Originally posted by rasol:
^ Dr. Winters is such a laughable phony.

Notice he ran and hid rather than respound to.....

Originally posted by rasol:
Winters: Here's my facts Stupid where are yours?
rasol writes: [Winters] How many times must we tell you to STOP confusing Y chromsome and mtdna???

What is the point of making such stupid remarks when you know you are going to get debunked?

Originally posted by rasol:

This is mtdna: [female]
In human genetics, Haplogroup A is a human mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplogroup.

Haplogroup A is believed to have arisen in Asia some 60,000 years before present. Its ancestral haplogroup was Haplogroup N.

This is Y chromosome: [male]
In human genetics, Haplogroup A (M91) is a Y-chromosome haplogroup.

Haplogroup A is common among Bushmen.Haplogroup A is localized mainly to Southern Africa with a small to notable presence among a few populations in East Africa.

Do not confuse these two again.

Fact is, you're getting senile and appear to have difficulty retaining facts. [Frown]

Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
I wonder when Clyde will address his Mtdna claim....???
^ Dont hold your breadth.

Hey Marc, hurry up and rescue Dr. Clyde with some more photo-chop spam.

He's in big trouble and needs your help.

Every faker, needs a clown, to create a distraction, eh Marc?

Must be nice having found your life-function. [Big Grin]
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Posted by Clyde Fraud:
and Dr. Walter Neves’ discovery of a 12,000 year old skeleton of an African woman in Brazil, have led some researchers to believe that the Americas was first settled from South America (4).

Clyde, here is what Neves proposes, maybe you know something he doesn't know. When will you address it?

The oldest Americans' Negroid traits are not very specialized, making a direct immigration from Africa or Australia unlikely. Therefore, **Neves**(the head proponent for Australia/African like populations reaching America) believes that the America's more than 12,000 years ago did not necessarily occur by sea: "The traditional path across the Bering Strait is still the most plausible explanation for the entry of this non-Mongoloid population into the New World, if we assume that it was present in Northern Asia at the end of the Pleistocene." And indeed, Japan's aborigines, of whom a few still live in Hokkaido and on the Kurile Islands, display some Australian traits, such as round eye sockets and abundant body hair. A genetic comparison might solve the mystery...

''We know that today's Amerindians have ***four main groups***,'' said Dr. Pena, who found a genetic marker common to 17 different widely dispersed Indian groups across the Americans in the course of an earlier project. ''What would constitute molecular proof of ***Walter's (NEVES)*** hypothesis is to find ***DNA sequences COMPLETELY **different** from those ***four groups***.''

Dr. Meltzer said: ''This is clearly the way to resolve the issue. The skull is intriguing morphological evidence, but in order to really nail down this issue of affinity, you need evidence, and ***DNA*** is the way to go.''

Posted by Marc Washington (Member # 10979) on :

[rASHOL writes] Dr. Winters, your discourse may be suitable for confusing the likes of Marc Washington, but to any serious scholar, it consists of and utterly broken logic.

[Marc writes] Serious scholar? You? ROFLMAO.



Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
What's taking so long?

Has Winters gone into hiding....again?

Originally posted by rasol:
Winters writes: Fool you don't know what you're talking about.
^ Speaking of which...

Dr. Winters, please explain why you can't understand the difference between mtdna and Y chromosome.

Is science too hard for you?

Originally posted by rasol:
^ Dr. Winters is such a laughable phony.

Notice he ran and hid rather than respound to.....

Originally posted by rasol:
Winters: Here's my facts Stupid where are yours?
rasol writes: [Winters] How many times must we tell you to STOP confusing Y chromsome and mtdna???

What is the point of making such stupid remarks when you know you are going to get debunked?

Originally posted by rasol:

This is mtdna: [female]
In human genetics, Haplogroup A is a human mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplogroup.

Haplogroup A is believed to have arisen in Asia some 60,000 years before present. Its ancestral haplogroup was Haplogroup N.

This is Y chromosome: [male]
In human genetics, Haplogroup A (M91) is a Y-chromosome haplogroup.

Haplogroup A is common among Bushmen.Haplogroup A is localized mainly to Southern Africa with a small to notable presence among a few populations in East Africa.

Do not confuse these two again.

Fact is, you're getting senile and appear to have difficulty retaining facts. [Frown]

Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Originally posted by rasol:
It's correct ONLY if it can be PROVEN.
Wrong again, miseducated child. It is clear that you either skipped 'high school science class' in America, or if you ever attended, you certainly flunked.

Actually a theory may be regarded as valid if it is falsifiable, yet not falsified.

And all theory is science are always subject to future falsification.

Here is what is correct...

Falsifiability (or "refutability") is the logical possibility that an assertion can be shown false by an observation or a physical experiment. That something is "falsifiable" does not mean it is false; rather, that if it is false, then this can be shown by observation or experiment. Falsifiability is an important concept in science and the philosophy of science.

Great. Since you understand what science is about falsify the 21 points I have confirmed in support of my hypotheses.


Let's look at the facts:

1) the Australians represent the OOA population that settled Asia

2) during the OOA event much of Siberia and North America was under ice from 110,000 - 10,000BC. As a result there was no way Siberians could cross Beringa before the end of the ice age

3) Ice even separated much of South America east to west


4) the first Americans appear in Brazil, Chile and Argintina Latin America around 30,000 BC

5)using craniometric evidence it is clear that the first Americans look like Africans not modern Asian Native Americans

6) using craniometrics I have pointed out that Asia was dominated by the Australian population until the rise of Suhulland when the Melanesian people appear in the area, at this time the Beringa was still under Ice

7) I pointed out that the Melanesian type reach East Asian mainland by 5000 BC, long after Africans had settled Latin America

8) between 15,000-12,000 we see numerous African populations in Mexico and Brazil; and skeletons dating to this period have even been found off the Yucatan coast in the Caribbean

9) these first Americans did not look like the Australians or modern Amerinds

10) iconography of PreClassic people like the Cherla, Ocos and other groups is of Negroes not Amerinds like the Maya

11) Amerind groups not associated with African slaves carry African genes

12) Maya carried African y chromosome

13) Chontal Mayan speakers were classified as Negroes by Quatrefages. This may explain why the Maya carry African genes

14)Negrocostachicanos claim that they have never been slaves and are indigenous to Guererro and Oaxaca on the Pacific coast

15) The Dufuna boat makes it clear that Africans probably had the technology to travel to the Americas 15,000 years ago.

16) Fuegians 100-400 BP carried haplogroup A1. Hg A1 is an African haplogroup.

17) Amerinds carry haplogroup N, just like Africans.

18)The y chromosome STRs of the Fuegians include DYS434,DYS437,DYS 439, DYS 393, DYS391,DYS390,DYS19, DYS 389I, DYS389II and DYS 388 (see: Garcia-Bour et al above). Except for DYS390 and DYS388 they are characteristic of haplogroup A1 . A1 is recognized as an African haplogroup.

19)Quatrefages noted numerous African Native American tribes

20)The antiquity of these populations is supported by the ancient iconography found in these countries which are of African Native Americans.

21) Most contemporary populations are descendants of the San people not Australians.

Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
Originally posted by rasol:
Show me a study that proves a theory, which talks about the probability of it being correct.
rasol you idiot - CAN YOU READ?? I will help you. T H E O R Y.


1: the analysis of a set of facts in their relation to one another2: abstract thought : speculation3: the general or abstract principles of a body of fact, a science, or an art <music theory>4 a: a belief, policy, or procedure proposed or followed as the basis of action <her method is based on the theory that all children want to learn> b: an ideal or hypothetical set of facts, principles, or circumstances —often used in the phrase in theory<in theory, we have always advocated freedom for all>5: a plausible or scientifically acceptable general principle or body of principles offered to explain phenomena <the wave theory of light>6 a: a hypothesis assumed for the sake of argument or investigation b: an unproved assumption : conjecture c: a body of theorems presenting a concise systematic view of a subject.


1archaic : to learn or find out by experience2 a: to test the truth, validity, or genuineness of <the exception proves the rule> <prove a will at probate> b: to test the worth or quality of ; specifically : to compare against a standard —sometimes used with up or out c: to check the correctness of (as an arithmetic result)3 a: to establish the existence, truth, or validity of (as by evidence or logic) <prove a theorem> <the charges were never proved in court> b: to demonstrate as having a particular quality or worth <the vaccine has been proven effective after years of tests> <proved herself a great actress>

BTW - This THEORY is NOT universally agreed with. Others have their own theories.
Posted by Marc Washington (Member # 10979) on :

[rASHOL writes] Dr. Winters, your discourse may be suitable for confusing the likes of Marc Washington, but to any serious scholar, it consists of and utterly broken logic.

[Marc writes] Serious scholar? You? ROFLMAO.



Posted by Marc Washington (Member # 10979) on :


Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Originally posted by rasol:
Winters writes: Fool you don't know what you're talking about.
^ Speaking of which...

Dr. Winters, please explain why you can't understand the difference between mtdna and Y chromosome.

Is science too hard for you?

Originally posted by rasol:
^ Dr. Winters is such a laughable phony.

Notice he ran and hid rather than respound to.....

Originally posted by rasol:
Winters: Here's my facts Stupid where are yours?
rasol writes: [Winters] How many times must we tell you to STOP confusing Y chromsome and mtdna???

What is the point of making such stupid remarks when you know you are going to get debunked?

Originally posted by rasol:

This is mtdna: [female]
In human genetics, Haplogroup A is a human mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplogroup.

Haplogroup A is believed to have arisen in Asia some 60,000 years before present. Its ancestral haplogroup was Haplogroup N.

This is Y chromosome: [male]
In human genetics, Haplogroup A (M91) is a Y-chromosome haplogroup.

Haplogroup A is common among Bushmen.Haplogroup A is localized mainly to Southern Africa with a small to notable presence among a few populations in East Africa.

Do not confuse these two again.

Fact is, you're getting senile and appear to have difficulty retaining facts. [Frown]

I am talking about Y-chromosomes.

The Fuegian skeletons carry the same STRs as Africans based on the research literature as evidence I provide two citations.

Citation One (1)


Titre du document / Document title
Early population differentiation in extinct aborigines from Tierra del Fuego-Patagonia: Ancient mtDNA sequences and Y-chromosome STR characterization = Différentiation des populations anciennes chez les aborigènes éteints de la Patagonie-Terre de Feu : Séquences d'ADNmt et caractérisation STR du chromosome Y
Auteur(s) / Author(s)
GARCIA-BOUR Jaume (1) ; PEREZ-PEREZ Alejandro (1) ; ALVAREZ Sara (1) ; FERNANDEZ Eva (1) ; LOPEZ-PARRA Ana Maria (1 2) ; ARROYO-PARDO Eduardo (1 2) ; TURBON Daniel (1) ;
Affiliation(s) du ou des auteurs / Author(s) Affiliation(s)
(1) Secció d'Antropologia, Departament de Biologia Animal, Universitat de Barcelona, 08028 Barcelona, ESPAGNE
(2) Laboratorio de Biologia Forense, Departamento de Toxicología y Legislación Sanitaria, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Complutense, 28040 Madrid, ESPAGNE
Résumé / Abstract
Ancient mtDNA was succesfully recovered from 24 skeletal samples of a total of 60 ancient individuals from Patagonia-Tierra del Fuego, dated to 100-400 years BP, for which consistent amplifications and two-strand sequences were obtained. Y-chromosome STRs (DYS434, DYS437, DYS439, DYS393, DYS391, DYS390, DYS19, DYS389I, DYS389II, and DYS388) and the biallelic system DYS199 were also amplified, Y-STR alleles could be characterized in nine cases, with an average of 4.1 loci per sample correctly typed. In two samples of the same ethnic group (Aonikenk), an identical and complete eight-loci haplotype was recovered. The DYS199 biallelic system was used as a control of contamination by modern DNA and, along with DYS19, as a marker of American origin. The analysis of both mtDNA and Y-STRs revealed DNA from Amerindian ancestry. The observed polymorphisms are consistent with the hypothesis that the ancient Fuegians are close to populations from south-central Chile and Argentina, but their high nucleotide diversity and the frequency of single lineages strongly support early genetic differentiation of the Fuegians through combined processes of population bottleneck, isolation, and/or migration, followed by strong genetic drift. This suggests an early genetic diversification of the Fuegians right after their arrival at the southernmost extreme of South America.
Revue / Journal Title
American journal of physical anthropology ISSN 0002-9483
Source / Source
2004, vol. 123, no4, pp. 361-370 [10 page(s) (article)] (47 ref.)

Here Garcia Bour et al note that: Fuegian Y-chromosomes STRs include “Y-chromosome STRs (DYS434, DYS437, DYS439, DYS393, DYS391, DYS390, DYS19, DYS389I, DYS389II, and DYS388)

Citation Two (2)


Diversity of Y-STR haplotypes of chromosomes belonging to hgA1 and within the R surname. (a) Relationships of Y-STR haplotypes within hgA1. Weighted median joining network containing the 10-locus Y-STR haplotypes (DYS19, DYS390, DYS391, DYS392, DYS393, DYS437, DYS438, DYS439, DYS389I, DYS389II-I) of eleven hgA1 chromosomes. Circles represent haplotypes, with area proportional to frequency and colored according to population.

European Journal of Human Genetics (2007) 15, 288–293. doi:10.1038/sj.ejhg.5201771; published online 24 January 2007
Africans in Yorkshire? The deepest-rooting clade of the Y phylogeny within an English genealogy
Turi E King1


In this paper, King et al make it clear that the “Y-STR haplotypes (DYS19, DYS390, DYS391, DYS392, DYS393, DYS437, DYS438, DYS439, DYS389I, DYS389II-I) of eleven hgA1 chromosomes.[/b] “ belong to hg A1.

Note that Garcia Bour et al maintains Fuegians carry these STRs

DYS434, DYS437, DYS439, DYS393, DYS391, DYS390, DYS19, DYS389I, DYS389II, and DYS388

King et al observed that the principal STRs in haplogroup A1 are:


DYS19, DYS390, DYS391, DYS392, DYS393, DYS437, DYS438, DYS439, DYS389I, DYS389II-I

You don’t have to be brain scientist to recognize that concordance exist between the two sets of STRs.

It stands to reason that if the Fuegians skeletons carry Y-STRs associated with haplogroup A1 which is an African haplogroup, these Fuegians had direct African ancestry.

Researchers have been able to recover samples from 24 out of 60 ancient skeletons from Tierra del Fuega y chromosome STRs were DYS434,DYS437,DYS 439, DYS 393, DYS391,DYS390,DYS19, DYS 389I, DYS389II and DYS 388 (see: Garcia-Bour et al below). Except for DYS390 and DYS388 are characteristic of haplogroup A1 (see: King et al, ).

Above we are looking at Y-chromosomes in both groups. This genetic data make it clear that Negro Fuegians were living in Fuego, 9000 years after Neves believed they had been replaced by mongoloid folk as illustrated by the pictures published above.

You are such a devious clown.



Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Clyde your Y chromosome-str was addressed.

**Y-chromosome STRs** (DYS434, DYS437, DYS439, DYS393, DYS391, DYS390, DYS19, DYS389I, DYS389II, and DYS388) and the **biallelic system** DYS199 ***were also AMPLIFIED***, Y-STR alleles could be characterized in nine cases, with an average of 4.1 loci per sample correctly typed. In two samples of the same ethnic group (Aonikenk), an identical and complete eight-loci haplotype was recovered. The DYS199 biallelic system was used as a control of contamination by modern DNA and, along with DYS19, as a marker of American origin. The analysis of both mtDNA and Y-STRs revealed DNA from ***Amerindian*** ancestry. The observed polymorphisms are consistent with the hypothesis that the ancient Fuegians are close to populations from south-central ***Chile and Argentina*** , but their high nucleotide diversity and the frequency of single lineages strongly support early genetic differentiation of the Fuegians through combined processes of population bottleneck, isolation, and/or migration, followed by strong genetic drift. This suggests an early genetic diversification of the Fuegians right after their arrival at the southernmost extreme of South America.
Revue / Journal Title
American journal of physical anthropology ISSN 0002-9483
Source / Source
2004, vol. 123, no4, pp. 361-370 [10 page(s) (article)] (47 ref.)

Mitochondrial DNA polymorphisms in Chilean aboriginal populations: implications for the peopling of the southern cone of the continent.

X Abstract

The mitochondrial DNAs (mtDNAs) from individuals belonging to three Chilean tribes, the Mapuche, the Pehuenche, and the Yaghan, were studied both by RFLP analysis and D-loop (control region) sequencing. RFLP analysis showed that 3 individuals (1.3%) belonged to haplogroup A, 19 (8%) to haplogroup B, 102 (43%) to haplogroup C, and 113 (47.7%) to haplogroup D. Among the 73 individuals analyzed by D-loop sequencing, we observed 37 different haplotypes defined by 52 polymorphic sites. Joint analysis of data obtained by RFLP and sequencing methods demonstrated that, regardless of the method of analysis, the mtDNA haplotypes of these three contemporary South American aborigine groups clustered into four main haplogroups, in a way similar to those previously described for other Amerindians. These results further revealed the absence of haplogroup A in both the Mapuche and Yaghan as well as the absence of haplogroup B in the Yaghan. These results suggest that the people of Tierra del Fuego are related to tribes from south-central South America.


Y-chromosome STRs (DYS434, DYS437, DYS439, DYS393, DYS391, DYS390, DYS19, DYS389I, DYS389II, and DYS388) and the biallelic system DYS199 were also amplified, Y-STR alleles could be characterized in nine cases, with an average of 4.1 loci per sample correctly typed.

The analysis of both mtDNA and Y-STRs **revealed** DNA from ***Amerindian*** ancestry. The observed polymorphisms are consistent with the hypothesis that the ancient Fuegians are close to populations from south-central ***Chile and Argentina***

Note Clyde, the Y STRs you're attributing to Fuegians, are actually STR's in which were amplified in the study, but the analysis clearly reveals Mtda and Y-STRs of Native American ancestry, not recent post OOA. Sorry Clyde, just more misinterpretations of genetics on your part.

Y Chromosome-Specific STRs
By Leonor Gusmão1 and Angel Carracedo2
1Instituto de Patologia e Imunologia, Molecular da Universidade do Porto, Porto,
Portugal and 2Institute of Legal Medicine, University of Santiago de Compostela,
Santiago de Compostela, Spain

Y-STRs are the most used Y chromosome markers in the forensic field due to their
typing simplicity and high level of diversity. STR typing involves simple and reliable
polymerase chain reaction (PCR)(a) techniques and is tolerant of very degraded
samples. Of all Y chromosome polymorphic STRs described to date, DYS19, DYS385,
DYS389I, DYS389II, DYS390, DYS391, DYS392, DYS393 and YCAII have more data
accumulated, being the most used in population and forensic genetics. Because of
collaborative efforts to construct large databases (see,
and, these markers are the best characterized for amplification
performance and specificity, multiplex amplification strategies, sequence structure
and nomenclature, as well as worldwide allele frequency distributions.

Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
rasol - This on the other hand is FACTUAL science. A wide variety of samples are tested and the results are given.

Cranial morphology of early Americans from Lagoa Santa, Brazil:
Implications for the settlement
of the New World

Walter A. Neves* and Mark Hubbe
Laborato´ rio de Estudos Evolutivos Humanos, Departamento de Gene´ tica e Biologia Evolutiva, Instituto de Biocieˆ ncias, Universidade de Sa˜o Paulo,
05508-090 Sa˜o Paulo, Brazil
Edited by Richard G. Klein, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, and approved October 28, 2005 (received for review August 18, 2005)

Comparative morphological studies of the earliest human skeletons
of the New World have shown that, whereas late prehistoric,
recent, and present Native Americans tend to exhibit a cranial
morphology similar to late and modern Northern Asians (short and
wide neurocrania; high, orthognatic and broad faces; and relatively
high and narrow orbits and noses), the earliest South Americans
tend to be more similar to present Australians, Melanesians, and
Sub-Saharan Africans (narrow and long neurocrania; prognatic,
low faces; and relatively low and broad orbits and noses).

However, most of the previous studies of early American human
remains were based on small cranial samples. Herein we compare
the largest sample of early American skulls ever studied (81 skulls
of the Lagoa Santa region (brazil) with worldwide data sets representing
global morphological variation in humans, through three different
multivariate analyses. The results obtained from all multivariate
analyses confirm a close morphological affinity between South-
American Paleoindians and extant Australo-Melanesians groups,
supporting the hypothesis that two distinct biological populations
could have colonized the New World in the Pleistocene_Holocene

Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Clyde??????? Care to address????

Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
[qb] [QUOTE] Most native American populations are descended from people like Australian Aborigines Clyde.

Actually, like all modern humans, **ALL** Native Americans are descended from Australian like populations, this is the point Clyde doesn't understand. Clyde thinks all non Africans who don't look African are a result of space aliens, or some crazy deranged theory like Meninarmer or Marc.


As to the similarities with Africans, the best way to explain it in terms of historical connections, is to assume that the **Asian** ancestral population that gave rise to the **Australians** and to the **first Americans** had its ultimate origins in the **African continent**, as it is in fact the case with **ALL*** modern humans (Stringer and Andrews, 1988; Stringer and McKie, 1996; Lahr, 1994, 1996), ***but which retained a very generalized morphology.*** In accordance with Lahr (1996), the Australians are in fact the contemporary aboriginal population that retained the most primitive morphology when compared to the first modern humans. As she stressed "Groups like [...] Australo-Melanesians are all examples of relatively early diversifications without great amounts of gene flow from other groups..." (Lahr, 1996, p.335).
Clyde you do understand that you didn't address the above, or discuss your claim of A2 and B2 being African in origin, carried by Khoisan and Pygmies respectively. Obviously you were confused -as always- about these genetic markers, which is why you made a delirious conclusion, based on your confusion of Mtdna and Y-dna. I hope you'll understand one day....

I understand this perfectly. You are the one who pretends to be blind to the facts.

Nope, not an answer to your claim of A2 and B2 being African in origin, carried by Khoisan and Pygmies respectively. Obviously you were confused -as always- about these genetic markers, which is why you made a delirious conclusion, based on your confusion of Mtdna and Y-dna. I hope you'll understand one day....
^^^^^I wonder when Clyde will address his Mtdna claim....???

Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Originally posted by Mike111:
rasol - This on the other hand is FACTUAL science. A wide variety of samples are tested and the results are given.

Cranial morphology of early Americans from Lagoa Santa, Brazil:
Implications for the settlement
of the New World

Walter A. Neves* and Mark Hubbe
Laborato´ rio de Estudos Evolutivos Humanos, Departamento de Gene´ tica e Biologia Evolutiva, Instituto de Biocieˆ ncias, Universidade de Sa˜o Paulo,
05508-090 Sa˜o Paulo, Brazil
Edited by Richard G. Klein, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, and approved October 28, 2005 (received for review August 18, 2005)

Comparative morphological studies of the earliest human skeletons
of the New World have shown that, whereas late prehistoric,
recent, and present Native Americans tend to exhibit a cranial
morphology similar to late and modern Northern Asians (short and
wide neurocrania; high, orthognatic and broad faces; and relatively
high and narrow orbits and noses), the earliest South Americans
tend to be more similar to present Australians, Melanesians, and
Sub-Saharan Africans (narrow and long neurocrania; prognatic,
low faces; and relatively low and broad orbits and noses).

However, most of the previous studies of early American human
remains were based on small cranial samples. Herein we compare
the largest sample of early American skulls ever studied (81 skulls
of the Lagoa Santa region (brazil) with worldwide data sets representing
global morphological variation in humans, through three different
multivariate analyses. The results obtained from all multivariate
analyses confirm a close morphological affinity between South-
American Paleoindians and extant Australo-Melanesians groups,
supporting the hypothesis that two distinct biological populations
could have colonized the New World in the Pleistocene_Holocene

Mike note the name of the head author in the study you posted, Walter Neves. Note that they say Australians, Melanesians, and Africans.

Now note the following which is Walter Neves' implication.........

The oldest Americans' Negroid traits are not very specialized, making a direct immigration from Africa or Australia unlikely. Therefore, **Neves**(the head proponent for Australia/African like populations reaching America) believes that the America's more than 12,000 years ago did not necessarily occur by sea: "The traditional path across the Bering Strait is still the most plausible explanation for the entry of this non-Mongoloid population into the New World, if we assume that it was present in Northern Asia at the end of the Pleistocene." And indeed, Japan's aborigines, of whom a few still live in Hokkaido and on the Kurile Islands, display some Australian traits, such as round eye sockets and abundant body hair. A genetic comparison might solve the mystery...

''We know that today's Amerindians have ***four main groups***,'' said Dr. Pena, who found a genetic marker common to 17 different widely dispersed Indian groups across the Americans in the course of an earlier project. ''What would constitute molecular proof of ***Walter's (NEVES)*** hypothesis is to find ***DNA sequences COMPLETELY **different** from those ***four groups***.''

Dr. Meltzer said: ''This is clearly the way to resolve the issue. The skull is intriguing morphological evidence, but in order to really nail down this issue of affinity, you need evidence, and ***DNA*** is the way to go.''

Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Now if you will notice Mike, you are infamous for posting studies and sources which don't agree with you, and actually debunk you.

My source:
"The traditional path across the Bering Strait is still the most plausible explanation for the entry of this non-Mongoloid population into the New World, if we assume that it was present in Northern Asia at the end of the Pleistocene." And indeed, Japan's aborigines, of whom a few still live in Hokkaido and on the Kurile Islands, display some Australian traits, such as round eye sockets and abundant body hair.

From Mikes own source:
Lahr (1995) has reached a conclusion similar to ours when studying the cranial morphology of modern Fuegians. She realized that the morphology of modern Indians of Tierra del Fuego could not be described as typical Mongoloid as well. Since she detected a close association between historic ****Fuegians and Polynesians**** she opted to interpret the cranial morphology of the former as generalized Mongoloid, at best. In her opinion this generalized Mongoloid morphology could be explained as a retention of characteristics of the first inhabitants of the Americas.

Froms Mikes own source:
As to the similarities with Africans, the best way to explain it in terms of historical connections, is to assume that the Asian ancestral population that gave rise to the Australians and to the first Americans had its ultimate origins in the African continent, as it is in fact the case with all modern humans (Stringer and Andrews, 1988; Stringer and McKie, 1996; Lahr, 1994, 1996), ***but which retained a very generalized morphology.*** In accordance with Lahr (1996), the Australians are in fact the contemporary aboriginal population that retained the most primitive morphology when compared to the first modern humans. As she stressed "Groups like [...] Australo-Melanesians are all examples of relatively early diversifications without great amounts of gene flow from other groups..." (Lahr, 1996, p.335).

My source:
In this study, 74 human skulls dated between 11.0 and 3.0 kyr, recovered in seven different sites of Sabana de Bogotá, Colombia, were compared with the world cranial variation by different multivariate techniques: Principal Components Analysis, Multidimensional Scaling, and Cluster of Mahalanobis distance matrices. The Colombian skeletal remains were divided in two chronological subgroups: Paleocolombians (11.0-6.0 kyr) and Archaic Colombians (5.0-3.0 kyr). Both quantitative techniques generated convergent results: ****the Paleocolombians show remarkable similarities with Lagoa Santa and ****with modern Australo-Melanesians**** . Archaic Colombians exhibited the same morphological patterns and associations. ***These findings support our long-held proposition that the early American settlement may have involved ****two very distinct biological populations coming from Asia****. On the other hand, they suggest the possibility of late survivals of the Paleoamerican pattern not restricted to isolated or marginal areas, as previously thought. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2007. © 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
Clyde your Y chromosome-str was addressed.

**Y-chromosome STRs** (DYS434, DYS437, DYS439, DYS393, DYS391, DYS390, DYS19, DYS389I, DYS389II, and DYS388) and the **biallelic system** DYS199 ***were also AMPLIFIED***, Y-STR alleles could be characterized in nine cases, with an average of 4.1 loci per sample correctly typed. In two samples of the same ethnic group (Aonikenk), an identical and complete eight-loci haplotype was recovered. The DYS199 biallelic system was used as a control of contamination by modern DNA and, along with DYS19, as a marker of American origin. The analysis of both mtDNA and Y-STRs revealed DNA from ***Amerindian*** ancestry. The observed polymorphisms are consistent with the hypothesis that the ancient Fuegians are close to populations from south-central ***Chile and Argentina*** , but their high nucleotide diversity and the frequency of single lineages strongly support early genetic differentiation of the Fuegians through combined processes of population bottleneck, isolation, and/or migration, followed by strong genetic drift. This suggests an early genetic diversification of the Fuegians right after their arrival at the southernmost extreme of South America.
Revue / Journal Title
American journal of physical anthropology ISSN 0002-9483
Source / Source
2004, vol. 123, no4, pp. 361-370 [10 page(s) (article)] (47 ref.)

Mitochondrial DNA polymorphisms in Chilean aboriginal populations: implications for the peopling of the southern cone of the continent.

X Abstract

The mitochondrial DNAs (mtDNAs) from individuals belonging to three Chilean tribes, the Mapuche, the Pehuenche, and the Yaghan, were studied both by RFLP analysis and D-loop (control region) sequencing. RFLP analysis showed that 3 individuals (1.3%) belonged to haplogroup A, 19 (8%) to haplogroup B, 102 (43%) to haplogroup C, and 113 (47.7%) to haplogroup D. Among the 73 individuals analyzed by D-loop sequencing, we observed 37 different haplotypes defined by 52 polymorphic sites. Joint analysis of data obtained by RFLP and sequencing methods demonstrated that, regardless of the method of analysis, the mtDNA haplotypes of these three contemporary South American aborigine groups clustered into four main haplogroups, in a way similar to those previously described for other Amerindians. These results further revealed the absence of haplogroup A in both the Mapuche and Yaghan as well as the absence of haplogroup B in the Yaghan. These results suggest that the people of Tierra del Fuego are related to tribes from south-central South America.


Y-chromosome STRs (DYS434, DYS437, DYS439, DYS393, DYS391, DYS390, DYS19, DYS389I, DYS389II, and DYS388) and the biallelic system DYS199 were also amplified, Y-STR alleles could be characterized in nine cases, with an average of 4.1 loci per sample correctly typed.

The analysis of both mtDNA and Y-STRs **revealed** DNA from ***Amerindian*** ancestry. The observed polymorphisms are consistent with the hypothesis that the ancient Fuegians are close to populations from south-central ***Chile and Argentina***

Note Clyde, the Y STRs you're attributing to Fuegians, are actually STR's in which were amplified in the study, but the analysis clearly reveals Mtda and Y-STRs of Native American ancestry, not recent post OOA. Sorry Clyde, just more misinterpretations of genetics on your part.

Y Chromosome-Specific STRs
By Leonor Gusmão1 and Angel Carracedo2
1Instituto de Patologia e Imunologia, Molecular da Universidade do Porto, Porto,
Portugal and 2Institute of Legal Medicine, University of Santiago de Compostela,
Santiago de Compostela, Spain

Y-STRs are the most used Y chromosome markers in the forensic field due to their
typing simplicity and high level of diversity. STR typing involves simple and reliable
polymerase chain reaction (PCR)(a) techniques and is tolerant of very degraded
samples. Of all Y chromosome polymorphic STRs described to date, DYS19, DYS385,
DYS389I, DYS389II, DYS390, DYS391, DYS392, DYS393 and YCAII have more data
accumulated, being the most used in population and forensic genetics. Because of
collaborative efforts to construct large databases (see,
and, these markers are the best characterized for amplification
performance and specificity, multiplex amplification strategies, sequence structure
and nomenclature, as well as worldwide allele frequency distributions.

This does not deny the fact that both San and and Fuegians have the same Y-chromosomes. My comparison of the STRs make it clear that they are related to the ancient Fuegians.

Posted by meninarmer (Member # 12654) on :
Originally posted by rasol:
Einstein's theory of relativity is backed by solid math which can easily be checked
^ Really?

So there is and *easy* way to check the absolute nature of the speed of light, and the relativistic nature of time, which is the basis of the atomic clock..... and which is so qualitatively different than the molecular clock in genetics?

If so, then feel free to explain the difference?

Of course it can be verified simple.
You merely need to understand quantum physics.

The atomic clock operates according to the vibrations of a particular atom. I built one at Johns Hopkins for the Naval academy.
If you want to know more, open another thread.
Posted by meninarmer (Member # 12654) on :
Originally posted by rasol:
So the White man says:
^ Ah yes, petty ethnocentric anti-intellectualism, the ultimate excuse for the stubborn ignorance of arrested adolescents.

Mighty Whitey


Genetic Evidence for the Convergent Evolution of Light Skin in Europeans and East Asians

- Dr. Rick A. Kittles

Why not post the names and photos of the other co-authors?
Posted by Marc Washington (Member # 10979) on :


Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
Originally posted by meninarmer:
Originally posted by rasol:
So the White man says:
^ Ah yes, petty ethnocentric anti-intellectualism, the ultimate excuse for the stubborn ignorance of arrested adolescents.

Mighty Whitey


Genetic Evidence for the Convergent Evolution of Light Skin in Europeans and East Asians

- Dr. Rick A. Kittles

Why not post the names and photos of the other co-authors?
^ Because I'm not a racist, because I understand science, and therefore unlike you, I don't need to attack other peoples ethnic background in order to justify scientific illiteracy.
Posted by meninarmer (Member # 12654) on :
Because you wanted to exclude the co-authoring whites and pretend Kittles released the report on his own. Proving, you are a racist.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
Clyde your Y chromosome-str was addressed.

**Y-chromosome STRs** (DYS434, DYS437, DYS439, DYS393, DYS391, DYS390, DYS19, DYS389I, DYS389II, and DYS388) and the **biallelic system** DYS199 ***were also AMPLIFIED***, Y-STR alleles could be characterized in nine cases, with an average of 4.1 loci per sample correctly typed. In two samples of the same ethnic group (Aonikenk), an identical and complete eight-loci haplotype was recovered. The DYS199 biallelic system was used as a control of contamination by modern DNA and, along with DYS19, as a marker of American origin. The analysis of both mtDNA and Y-STRs revealed DNA from ***Amerindian*** ancestry. The observed polymorphisms are consistent with the hypothesis that the ancient Fuegians are close to populations from south-central ***Chile and Argentina*** , but their high nucleotide diversity and the frequency of single lineages strongly support early genetic differentiation of the Fuegians through combined processes of population bottleneck, isolation, and/or migration, followed by strong genetic drift. This suggests an early genetic diversification of the Fuegians right after their arrival at the southernmost extreme of South America.
Revue / Journal Title
American journal of physical anthropology ISSN 0002-9483
Source / Source
2004, vol. 123, no4, pp. 361-370 [10 page(s) (article)] (47 ref.)

Mitochondrial DNA polymorphisms in Chilean aboriginal populations: implications for the peopling of the southern cone of the continent.

X Abstract

The mitochondrial DNAs (mtDNAs) from individuals belonging to three Chilean tribes, the Mapuche, the Pehuenche, and the Yaghan, were studied both by RFLP analysis and D-loop (control region) sequencing. RFLP analysis showed that 3 individuals (1.3%) belonged to haplogroup A, 19 (8%) to haplogroup B, 102 (43%) to haplogroup C, and 113 (47.7%) to haplogroup D. Among the 73 individuals analyzed by D-loop sequencing, we observed 37 different haplotypes defined by 52 polymorphic sites. Joint analysis of data obtained by RFLP and sequencing methods demonstrated that, regardless of the method of analysis, the mtDNA haplotypes of these three contemporary South American aborigine groups clustered into four main haplogroups, in a way similar to those previously described for other Amerindians. These results further revealed the absence of haplogroup A in both the Mapuche and Yaghan as well as the absence of haplogroup B in the Yaghan. These results suggest that the people of Tierra del Fuego are related to tribes from south-central South America.


Y-chromosome STRs (DYS434, DYS437, DYS439, DYS393, DYS391, DYS390, DYS19, DYS389I, DYS389II, and DYS388) and the biallelic system DYS199 were also amplified, Y-STR alleles could be characterized in nine cases, with an average of 4.1 loci per sample correctly typed.

The analysis of both mtDNA and Y-STRs **revealed** DNA from ***Amerindian*** ancestry. The observed polymorphisms are consistent with the hypothesis that the ancient Fuegians are close to populations from south-central ***Chile and Argentina***

Note Clyde, the Y STRs you're attributing to Fuegians, are actually STR's in which were amplified in the study, but the analysis clearly reveals Mtda and Y-STRs of Native American ancestry, not recent post OOA. Sorry Clyde, just more misinterpretations of genetics on your part.

Y Chromosome-Specific STRs
By Leonor Gusmão1 and Angel Carracedo2
1Instituto de Patologia e Imunologia, Molecular da Universidade do Porto, Porto,
Portugal and 2Institute of Legal Medicine, University of Santiago de Compostela,
Santiago de Compostela, Spain

Y-STRs are the most used Y chromosome markers in the forensic field due to their
typing simplicity and high level of diversity. STR typing involves simple and reliable
polymerase chain reaction (PCR)(a) techniques and is tolerant of very degraded
samples. Of all Y chromosome polymorphic STRs described to date, DYS19, DYS385,
DYS389I, DYS389II, DYS390, DYS391, DYS392, DYS393 and YCAII have more data
accumulated, being the most used in population and forensic genetics. Because of
collaborative efforts to construct large databases (see,
and, these markers are the best characterized for amplification
performance and specificity, multiplex amplification strategies, sequence structure
and nomenclature, as well as worldwide allele frequency distributions.

This does not deny the fact that both San and and Fuegians have the same Y-chromosomes. My comparison of the STRs make it clear that they are related to the ancient Fuegians.


Of course it does Clyde. No Fuegans carry Y-chromosome A.

The analysis of both mtDNA and Y-STRs **revealed** DNA from ***Amerindian*** ancestry. The observed polymorphisms are consistent with the hypothesis that the ancient Fuegians are close to populations from south-central ***Chile and Argentina***
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
Originally posted by meninarmer:
Originally posted by rasol:
[qb] [QUOTE]Einstein's theory of relativity is backed by solid math which can easily be checked

^ Really?

So there is and *easy* way to check the absolute nature of the speed of light, and the relativistic nature of time, which is the basis of the atomic clock..... and which is so qualitatively different than the molecular clock in genetics?

If so, then feel free to explain the difference?

MN: Of course it can be verified simple.
^ Not by you, it can't.


Then stop stalling and hop to it.

You don't understand science and so can't provide any verification of anything, period.

We're waiting......
Posted by meninarmer (Member # 12654) on :
Science is MY field.
Genetics is SUPPOSED to be yours, yet you have trouble disproving OCA2 albinism in whites.

This is not the thread for Physics/Atomic (Cesium/Radium) clock discussions. Open another thread, but I can already tell it's far over your head.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Posted by Pansy/Meninarmer:
Genetics is SUPPOSED to be yours, yet you have trouble disproving OCA2 albinism in whites.

First of all, how can you disprove something that hasn't been proven?

Posted by Pansy/Meninarmer ***In Caucasians*** with oculocutaneous albinism 2, the hair is usually blond, the skin white and the eyes blue at birth. The hair and eyes may darken. The skin usually develops freckles, moles or lentigines.

Of course the pansy doesn't understand the above, and thinks they are speaking about all whites when they say **"In Caucasians"**, which actually means certain cases.

Whereas I have medical facts saying ***only 5 out every 100,000 Europeans are albinos*** , you can use the excuse of they don't have enough medical detections, but point is scientists know what albinism is, and if Europeans were albinos they would have been all diagnosed a long time ago.

Nina Jablonski:


***Not all genes*** that cause clinically significant forms of hypopigmentation ***are members of the TYRP family***. The most common form of albinism worldwide, ***tyrosinase-positive oculocutaneous albinism***, is most often caused by mutations in a gene encoding a structural protein ***whose function remains poorly understood***. As this was the second albinism gene to be identified, the locus was designated OCA2. The OCA2 locus maps to chromosome 15q11.2–12,(51) and the gene is the human homologue, P, of the mouse pink-eyed dilution locus, p. The vast majority of 'whites' ***DON'T HAVE*** any of those mutations that cause albinism just like the ***majority of all human populations!***

Posted by Marc Washington (Member # 10979) on :

[rASHOL writes] Dr. Winters, your discourse may be suitable for confusing the likes of Marc Washington, but to any serious scholar, it consists of and utterly broken logic.

[Marc writes] Serious scholar? You? ROFLMAO.




Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
In this paper, King et al make it clear that the “Y-STR haplotypes (DYS19, DYS390, DYS391, DYS392, DYS393, DYS437, DYS438, DYS439, DYS389I, DYS389II-I) of eleven hgA1 chromosomes. “ belong to hg A1.


Ancient mtDNA was succesfully recovered from 24 skeletal samples of a total of 60 ancient individuals from Patagonia-Tierra del Fuego, dated to 100-400 years BP, for which consistent amplifications and two-strand sequences were obtained. Y-chromosome STRs (DYS434, DYS437, DYS439, DYS393, DYS391, DYS390, DYS19, DYS389I, DYS389II, and DYS388)
You genetically illiterate fool!

Most of those STR's are found in all male haplotypes, for the precise reason that all men share a common African ancestry:


Y-specific STR loci (DYS19, DYS389I/II, DYS390, DYS391, DYS392, DYS393, DYS385, DYS388, DYS434, DYS435, DYS436, DYS437, DYS438, DYS439, DYS446, DYS449, and DYS464) were analyzed in 301 unrelated Korean males by three multiplex PCR systems.

^ This does not define "SAN haplotype A", nor does your article ever make such a far fetched claim.

NO....for such phony claims are for you to *blatantly lie* about.

And for you idiot students [you hope] to believe.

lol lol lol at Dr. Faker.

However your citation does state:

The observed polymorphisms are consistent with the hypothesis that the ancient Fuegians are close to populations from south-central Chile and Argentina

^ Close to modern South American Indians to DR. Faker translates as....SAN. [Roll Eyes]

Again, please produce a citation for Haplotype A in Native Americans, and not a stupid mis-interpretation showing your genetic illiteracy.

thank you.
Posted by Marc Washington (Member # 10979) on :



Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
Originally posted by rasol:

In this paper, King et al make it clear that the “Y-STR haplotypes (DYS19, DYS390, DYS391, DYS392, DYS393, DYS437, DYS438, DYS439, DYS389I, DYS389II-I) of eleven hgA1 chromosomes. “ belong to hg A1.
^ You genetically illiterate fool!

Most of those STR's are found in all male haplotypes, for the precise reason that all men share a common African ancestry:


Y-specific STR loci (DYS19, DYS389I/II, DYS390, DYS391, DYS392, DYS393, DYS385, DYS388, DYS434, DYS435, DYS436, DYS437, DYS438, DYS439, DYS446, DYS449, and DYS464) were analyzed in 301 unrelated Korean males by three multiplex PCR systems.

^ This does not define "SAN haplotype A", nor does your article ever make such a far fetched claim.

However it does state:

The observed polymorphisms are consistent with the hypothesis that the ancient Fuegians are close to populations from south-central Chile and Argentina

^ Again, please produce a citation for Haplotype A in Native Americans, and not and interpretation showing your genetic illiteracy.

thank you.

^ Of course the idiot trolls have no answer for the above data. What do you expect from fools who don't even know their geography (eh Clyde who hasn't answered my post on the Andaman Islands)?!!

Yet these fools expect us or other intelligent folks out there to think they have a grasp on genetics, when they still promote the existence of 'race'! LMAO
Posted by Marc Washington (Member # 10979) on :



Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Clyde continuously distorts genetics and anthropology, it's pretty funny watching all of his theories go down in flames at once.

Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
Clyde your Y chromosome-str was addressed.

**Y-chromosome STRs** (DYS434, DYS437, DYS439, DYS393, DYS391, DYS390, DYS19, DYS389I, DYS389II, and DYS388) and the **biallelic system** DYS199 ***were also AMPLIFIED***, Y-STR alleles could be characterized in nine cases, with an average of 4.1 loci per sample correctly typed. In two samples of the same ethnic group (Aonikenk), an identical and complete eight-loci haplotype was recovered. The DYS199 biallelic system was used as a control of contamination by modern DNA and, along with DYS19, as a marker of American origin. The analysis of both mtDNA and Y-STRs revealed DNA from ***Amerindian*** ancestry. The observed polymorphisms are consistent with the hypothesis that the ancient Fuegians are close to populations from south-central ***Chile and Argentina*** , but their high nucleotide diversity and the frequency of single lineages strongly support early genetic differentiation of the Fuegians through combined processes of population bottleneck, isolation, and/or migration, followed by strong genetic drift. This suggests an early genetic diversification of the Fuegians right after their arrival at the southernmost extreme of South America.
Revue / Journal Title
American journal of physical anthropology ISSN 0002-9483
Source / Source
2004, vol. 123, no4, pp. 361-370 [10 page(s) (article)] (47 ref.)

Mitochondrial DNA polymorphisms in Chilean aboriginal populations: implications for the peopling of the southern cone of the continent.

X Abstract

The mitochondrial DNAs (mtDNAs) from individuals belonging to three Chilean tribes, the Mapuche, the Pehuenche, and the Yaghan, were studied both by RFLP analysis and D-loop (control region) sequencing. RFLP analysis showed that 3 individuals (1.3%) belonged to haplogroup A, 19 (8%) to haplogroup B, 102 (43%) to haplogroup C, and 113 (47.7%) to haplogroup D. Among the 73 individuals analyzed by D-loop sequencing, we observed 37 different haplotypes defined by 52 polymorphic sites. Joint analysis of data obtained by RFLP and sequencing methods demonstrated that, regardless of the method of analysis, the mtDNA haplotypes of these three contemporary South American aborigine groups clustered into four main haplogroups, in a way similar to those previously described for other Amerindians. These results further revealed the absence of haplogroup A in both the Mapuche and Yaghan as well as the absence of haplogroup B in the Yaghan. These results suggest that the people of Tierra del Fuego are related to tribes from south-central South America.


Y-chromosome STRs (DYS434, DYS437, DYS439, DYS393, DYS391, DYS390, DYS19, DYS389I, DYS389II, and DYS388) and the biallelic system DYS199 were also amplified, Y-STR alleles could be characterized in nine cases, with an average of 4.1 loci per sample correctly typed.

The analysis of both mtDNA and Y-STRs **revealed** DNA from ***Amerindian*** ancestry. The observed polymorphisms are consistent with the hypothesis that the ancient Fuegians are close to populations from south-central ***Chile and Argentina***

Note Clyde, the Y STRs you're attributing to Fuegians, are actually STR's in which were amplified in the study, but the analysis clearly reveals Mtda and Y-STRs of Native American ancestry, not recent post OOA. Sorry Clyde, just more misinterpretations of genetics on your part.

Y Chromosome-Specific STRs
By Leonor Gusmão1 and Angel Carracedo2
1Instituto de Patologia e Imunologia, Molecular da Universidade do Porto, Porto,
Portugal and 2Institute of Legal Medicine, University of Santiago de Compostela,
Santiago de Compostela, Spain

Y-STRs are the most used Y chromosome markers in the forensic field due to their
typing simplicity and high level of diversity. STR typing involves simple and reliable
polymerase chain reaction (PCR)(a) techniques and is tolerant of very degraded
samples. Of all Y chromosome polymorphic STRs described to date, DYS19, DYS385,
DYS389I, DYS389II, DYS390, DYS391, DYS392, DYS393 and YCAII have more data
accumulated, being the most used in population and forensic genetics. Because of
collaborative efforts to construct large databases (see,
and, these markers are the best characterized for amplification
performance and specificity, multiplex amplification strategies, sequence structure
and nomenclature, as well as worldwide allele frequency distributions.

This does not deny the fact that both San and and Fuegians have the same Y-chromosomes. My comparison of the STRs make it clear that they are related to the ancient Fuegians.


Of course it does Clyde. No Fuegans carry Y-chromosome A.

The analysis of both mtDNA and Y-STRs **revealed** DNA from ***Amerindian*** ancestry. The observed polymorphisms are consistent with the hypothesis that the ancient Fuegians are close to populations from south-central ***Chile and Argentina***

Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ lol lol lol.

Ci-ta-tion vs. Clyde-ta-tion.

citation: Amerindian ancestry, close to Chile and Argentina.

clyde-ta-tion: SAN [Confused] [Eek!] [Roll Eyes]
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
knowledgeless one - Please stop posting the same old guessing stuff, and your dumb-ass interpretations of same. The study that I posted, clearly said that the evidence from the largest study yet done, indicates that the FIRST Americans were Black people. If you have something that disproves this study, then present it, otherwise SHUTUP!
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
indicates that the FIRST Americans were Black people.
^ That's quite possible, since it is certain that the 1st Eurasians were Black - coming from Africa, as all people do what else would they be?

What does this have to do with Clydes claim that the 1st Americans were SAN (?), from Africa, and not Blacks from Asia or Oceania?

This is what the discussion is about.

I guess you need to support Clyde but don't really believe in his claims?

Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Mike.....Please address what you are supposed to, or shutup.

Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
Originally posted by Mike111:
rasol - This on the other hand is FACTUAL science. A wide variety of samples are tested and the results are given.

Cranial morphology of early Americans from Lagoa Santa, Brazil:
Implications for the settlement
of the New World

Walter A. Neves* and Mark Hubbe
Laborato´ rio de Estudos Evolutivos Humanos, Departamento de Gene´ tica e Biologia Evolutiva, Instituto de Biocieˆ ncias, Universidade de Sa˜o Paulo,
05508-090 Sa˜o Paulo, Brazil
Edited by Richard G. Klein, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, and approved October 28, 2005 (received for review August 18, 2005)

Comparative morphological studies of the earliest human skeletons
of the New World have shown that, whereas late prehistoric,
recent, and present Native Americans tend to exhibit a cranial
morphology similar to late and modern Northern Asians (short and
wide neurocrania; high, orthognatic and broad faces; and relatively
high and narrow orbits and noses), the earliest South Americans
tend to be more similar to present Australians, Melanesians, and
Sub-Saharan Africans (narrow and long neurocrania; prognatic,
low faces; and relatively low and broad orbits and noses).

However, most of the previous studies of early American human
remains were based on small cranial samples. Herein we compare
the largest sample of early American skulls ever studied (81 skulls
of the Lagoa Santa region (brazil) with worldwide data sets representing
global morphological variation in humans, through three different
multivariate analyses. The results obtained from all multivariate
analyses confirm a close morphological affinity between South-
American Paleoindians and extant Australo-Melanesians groups,
supporting the hypothesis that two distinct biological populations
could have colonized the New World in the Pleistocene_Holocene

Mike note the name of the head author in the study you posted, Walter Neves. Note that they say Australians, Melanesians, and Africans.

Now note the following which is Walter Neves' implication.........

The oldest Americans' Negroid traits are not very specialized, making a direct immigration from Africa or Australia unlikely. Therefore, **Neves**(the head proponent for Australia/African like populations reaching America) believes that the America's more than 12,000 years ago did not necessarily occur by sea: "The traditional path across the Bering Strait is still the most plausible explanation for the entry of this non-Mongoloid population into the New World, if we assume that it was present in Northern Asia at the end of the Pleistocene." And indeed, Japan's aborigines, of whom a few still live in Hokkaido and on the Kurile Islands, display some Australian traits, such as round eye sockets and abundant body hair. A genetic comparison might solve the mystery...

''We know that today's Amerindians have ***four main groups***,'' said Dr. Pena, who found a genetic marker common to 17 different widely dispersed Indian groups across the Americans in the course of an earlier project. ''What would constitute molecular proof of ***Walter's (NEVES)*** hypothesis is to find ***DNA sequences COMPLETELY **different** from those ***four groups***.''

Dr. Meltzer said: ''This is clearly the way to resolve the issue. The skull is intriguing morphological evidence, but in order to really nail down this issue of affinity, you need evidence, and ***DNA*** is the way to go.''

Now if you will notice Mike, you are infamous for posting studies and sources which don't agree with you, and actually debunk you.

My source:
"The traditional path across the Bering Strait is still the most plausible explanation for the entry of this non-Mongoloid population into the New World, if we assume that it was present in Northern Asia at the end of the Pleistocene." And indeed, Japan's aborigines, of whom a few still live in Hokkaido and on the Kurile Islands, display some Australian traits, such as round eye sockets and abundant body hair.

From Mikes own source:
Lahr (1995) has reached a conclusion similar to ours when studying the cranial morphology of modern Fuegians. She realized that the morphology of modern Indians of Tierra del Fuego could not be described as typical Mongoloid as well. Since she detected a close association between historic ****Fuegians and Polynesians**** she opted to interpret the cranial morphology of the former as generalized Mongoloid, at best. In her opinion this generalized Mongoloid morphology could be explained as a retention of characteristics of the first inhabitants of the Americas.

Froms Mikes own source:
As to the similarities with Africans, the best way to explain it in terms of historical connections, is to assume that the Asian ancestral population that gave rise to the Australians and to the first Americans had its ultimate origins in the African continent, as it is in fact the case with all modern humans (Stringer and Andrews, 1988; Stringer and McKie, 1996; Lahr, 1994, 1996), ***but which retained a very generalized morphology.*** In accordance with Lahr (1996), the Australians are in fact the contemporary aboriginal population that retained the most primitive morphology when compared to the first modern humans. As she stressed "Groups like [...] Australo-Melanesians are all examples of relatively early diversifications without great amounts of gene flow from other groups..." (Lahr, 1996, p.335).

My source:
In this study, 74 human skulls dated between 11.0 and 3.0 kyr, recovered in seven different sites of Sabana de Bogotá, Colombia, were compared with the world cranial variation by different multivariate techniques: Principal Components Analysis, Multidimensional Scaling, and Cluster of Mahalanobis distance matrices. The Colombian skeletal remains were divided in two chronological subgroups: Paleocolombians (11.0-6.0 kyr) and Archaic Colombians (5.0-3.0 kyr). Both quantitative techniques generated convergent results: ****the Paleocolombians show remarkable similarities with Lagoa Santa and ****with modern Australo-Melanesians**** . Archaic Colombians exhibited the same morphological patterns and associations. ***These findings support our long-held proposition that the early American settlement may have involved ****two very distinct biological populations coming from Asia****. On the other hand, they suggest the possibility of late survivals of the Paleoamerican pattern not restricted to isolated or marginal areas, as previously thought. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2007. © 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
Now if you will notice Mike, you are infamous for posting studies and sources which don't agree with you, and actually debunk you.
^ Dr. Winters says to Mike -> You have learned well, my young Padewan. [Smile]
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
^ Just like their deranged eurocentric counterparts, Clyde and his minions who are deranged afrocentrics will squirm and writhe but only distort the facts and spew their lies. What do yo uexpect? [Embarrassed]
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
Actual Y chromosome haplotype frequencies....
Posted by unfinished thought (Member # 15848) on :
Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
KIK and rASOL you still have not falsified any of my hypotheses.

Morons I am waiting for you to prove me wrong. Up to now I hear alot of opinions and nothing more


Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
Originally posted by rasol:
It's correct ONLY if it can be PROVEN.
Wrong again, miseducated child. It is clear that you either skipped 'high school science class' in America, or if you ever attended, you certainly flunked.

Actually a theory may be regarded as valid if it is falsifiable, yet not falsified.

And all theory is science are always subject to future falsification.

Here is what is correct...

Falsifiability (or "refutability") is the logical possibility that an assertion can be shown false by an observation or a physical experiment. That something is "falsifiable" does not mean it is false; rather, that if it is false, then this can be shown by observation or experiment. Falsifiability is an important concept in science and the philosophy of science.

Great. Since you understand what science is about falsify the 21 points I have confirmed in support of my hypotheses.


Let's look at the facts:

1) the Australians represent the OOA population that settled Asia

2) during the OOA event much of Siberia and North America was under ice from 110,000 - 10,000BC. As a result there was no way Siberians could cross Beringa before the end of the ice age

3) Ice even separated much of South America east to west


4) the first Americans appear in Brazil, Chile and Argintina Latin America around 30,000 BC

5)using craniometric evidence it is clear that the first Americans look like Africans not modern Asian Native Americans

6) using craniometrics I have pointed out that Asia was dominated by the Australian population until the rise of Suhulland when the Melanesian people appear in the area, at this time the Beringa was still under Ice

7) I pointed out that the Melanesian type reach East Asian mainland by 5000 BC, long after Africans had settled Latin America

8) between 15,000-12,000 we see numerous African populations in Mexico and Brazil; and skeletons dating to this period have even been found off the Yucatan coast in the Caribbean

9) these first Americans did not look like the Australians or modern Amerinds

10) iconography of PreClassic people like the Cherla, Ocos and other groups is of Negroes not Amerinds like the Maya

11) Amerind groups not associated with African slaves carry African genes

12) Maya carried African y chromosome

13) Chontal Mayan speakers were classified as Negroes by Quatrefages. This may explain why the Maya carry African genes

14)Negrocostachicanos claim that they have never been slaves and are indigenous to Guererro and Oaxaca on the Pacific coast

15) The Dufuna boat makes it clear that Africans probably had the technology to travel to the Americas 15,000 years ago.

16) Fuegians 100-400 BP carried haplogroup A1. Hg A1 is an African haplogroup.

17) Amerinds carry haplogroup N, just like Africans.

18)The y chromosome STRs of the Fuegians include DYS434,DYS437,DYS 439, DYS 393, DYS391,DYS390,DYS19, DYS 389I, DYS389II and DYS 388 (see: Garcia-Bour et al above). Except for DYS390 and DYS388 they are characteristic of haplogroup A1 . A1 is recognized as an African haplogroup.

19)Quatrefages noted numerous African Native American tribes

20)The antiquity of these populations is supported by the ancient iconography found in these countries which are of African Native Americans.

21) Most contemporary populations are descendants of the San people not Australians.


Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:

The signature six microsatellites in YAP and M174 are DYS19, DYS388,DYS390, DYS5391,DYS392 and DYS393. These microsatellites that usually define M174, are also found among the Khoisan.

This indicates that the Fuegians carry genes introduced by the Khoisan who would have been the first people to colonize Americas.

Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:

Y-chromosome STRs (DYS434, DYS437, DYS439, DYS393, DYS391, DYS390, DYS19, DYS389I, DYS389II, and DYS388) and the biallelic system DYS199 were also amplified, Y-STR alleles could be characterized in nine cases, with an average of 4.1 loci per sample correctly typed. In two samples of the same ethnic group (Aonikenk), an identical and complete eight-loci haplotype was recovered. The DYS199 biallelic system was used as a control of contamination by modern DNA and, along with DYS19, as a marker of American origin. The analysis of both mtDNA and Y-STRs revealed DNA from ***Amerindian*** ancestry. The observed polymorphisms are consistent with the hypothesis that the ancient Fuegians are close to populations from south-central ***Chile and Argentina*** , but their high nucleotide diversity and the frequency of single lineages strongly support early genetic differentiation of the Fuegians through combined processes of population bottleneck, isolation, and/or migration, followed by strong genetic drift. This suggests an early genetic diversification of the Fuegians right after their arrival at the southernmost extreme of South America.
Revue / Journal Title
American journal of physical anthropology ISSN 0002-9483
Source / Source
2004, vol. 123, no4, pp. 361-370 [10 page(s) (article)] (47 ref.)

Mapuche (Chile)


Pehuenche (Argentina)

Aonikenk-Man (Argentina)

Mitochondrial DNA polymorphisms in Chilean aboriginal populations: implications for the peopling of the southern cone of the continent.

X Abstract

The mitochondrial DNAs (mtDNAs) from individuals belonging to three Chilean tribes, the Mapuche, the Pehuenche, and the Yaghan, were studied both by RFLP analysis and D-loop (control region) sequencing. RFLP analysis showed that 3 individuals (1.3%) belonged to haplogroup A, 19 (8%) to haplogroup B, 102 (43%) to haplogroup C, and 113 (47.7%) to haplogroup D. Among the 73 individuals analyzed by D-loop sequencing, we observed 37 different haplotypes defined by 52 polymorphic sites. Joint analysis of data obtained by RFLP and sequencing methods demonstrated that, regardless of the method of analysis, the mtDNA haplotypes of these three contemporary South American aborigine groups clustered into four main haplogroups, in a way similar to those previously described for other Amerindians. These results further revealed the absence of haplogroup A in both the Mapuche and Yaghan as well as the absence of haplogroup B in the Yaghan. These results suggest that the people of Tierra del Fuego are related to tribes from south-central South America.

As I noted earlier these people practice cremation. There is a very good chance that the pictures you have posted may not relate to the population from which these skeletons came.


Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
Here is the evidence.

If you could not cross the Beringa until 14kya and all the skeletons of ancient inhabitants are found near the Atlantic coastline the people had to have come from Africa given the fact the carniometrics indicate that they were of the African variety, and ice blocked any possible movement of people from the Pacific to Argintina and Chile where some of the evidence of early man has been found.

The first Americans did not cross the Bearing Straits to enter the Americas.The earliest sites for Negroes date between 20,000 and 40000 years ago Old Crow Basin Canada(38,000BC) Pedra Furada (45,000BC) Brazil. These people were pygmies and bushman types according to Dr. Dixon, & Dr. Marquez(p.179).

Chile: Monteverde (12,500 years), Tierra del Fuego, Cueva de Fell, Tres Arroyos and some other places.

There are older ones in the Argentinian Patagonia.


—Patagonia was the world's last place to be colonized by humans. In Arica there have been found remains of 9,000 years; the same in a place at the High Aconcagua and Huentelauquén. In Chile we have more than half of the continent's most ancient human skeletons, all well dated and documented.

In addition


Archaeologists believe they have discovered a 13,600-year-old human skeleton deep in a Caribbean underwater cave, making it the oldest ever found in the Americas. The discovery could have profound effects on theories of how humans first reached North America.

The female skeleton, called Eve of Naharon, was found with three other human skeletons in underwater caves along the coast of the Yucatan Peninsula. Excavation of a fourth skeleton – possibly even older than Eve – begins this month in a nearby cave.

The three other skeletons found with Eve have been radiocarbon-dated from 11,000 to 14,000 years ago.

All were found in underwater caves about 50 feet below the surface. At the time Eve and the others would have lived there, the sea level was about 200 feet lower, and the Yucatan Peninsula was a dry prairie. Melting of the polar ice caps 9,000 years ago submerged the burial ground and the subsequent growth of stalactites and stalagmites kept the skeletons from being washed out to sea.

In 1959 archaeologists found the Penon woman skeleton at Mexico City.

[/b] Penon Woman[/b]

Penon woman has been characterized as a Negro and is physically different from Native Americans. The Penon skeleton has been dated between 12,500-15,000BP. The skull of Penon woman is dolichocephalic like most Negroes, not brachysephalic (short and braod) like modern Native Americans. She is related to the Fuegians of Parana Argentina and the Luizia population of Brazil.

Here we have a comparison of ancient skulls found in the Americas.

[IMG] [/IMG]

In the picture above we have three ancient American skulls. They are a) Penon woman (12.755 Ka), b) Texcal Man (9.5ka) and c) Pericue Indian (18th Century). If you look notice Pericue man shows broad features characteristic of the mongoloid type, while both Penon and Texcul do not.

Some researchers claim that these skeletons are of Australian or Melanesian Blacks. This is highly unlikely given the fact that that have been found near the Atlantic Ocean and suggestive of a migration from Africa to Mexico, like the migration of the Olmec 11,000 years later. This view is supported by the discovery of the so-called Eva Neharon skeleton (c.13,600 ) dating to around the same period found in the Caribbean.

By 11,500 we see the appearence tall Negroes from Africa in Colombia, Venezuela and Brazil e.g.,Luiza. Negroes settled America both from the Bearing & South America. Cite an archaeological site where Amerind skeletons have been found prior to the Negro skeletons.


Oldest Skeleton in Americas Found in Underwater Cave?
Eliza Barclay
for National Geographic News

September 3, 2008

Deep inside an underwater cave in Mexico, archaeologists may have discovered the oldest human skeleton ever found in the Americas.

Dubbed Eva de Naharon, or Eve of Naharon, the female skeleton has been dated at 13,600 years old. If that age is accurate, the skeleton—along with three others found in underwater caves along the Caribbean coast of the Yucatán Peninsula—could provide new clues to how the Americas were first populated.

The remains have been excavated over the past four years near the town of Tulum, about 80 miles southwest of Cancún, by a team of scientists led by Arturo González, director of the Desert Museum in Saltillo, Mexico (see map of Mexico).

"We don't now how [the people whose remains were found in the caves] arrived and whether they came from the Atlantic, the jungle, or inside the continent," González said.

"But we believe these finds are the oldest yet to be found in the Americas and may influence our theories of how the first people arrived."

In addition to possibly altering the time line of human settlement in the Americas, the remains may cause experts to rethink where the first Americans came from, González added.

Clues from the skeletons' skulls hint that the people may not be of northern Asian descent, which would contradict the dominant theory of New World settlement. That theory holds that ancient humans first came to North America from northern Asia via a now submerged land bridge across the Bering Sea (see an interactive map of ancient human migration).

"The shape of the skulls has led us to believe that Eva and the others have more of an affinity with people from South Asia than North Asia," González explained.

Concepción Jiménez, director of physical anthropology at Mexico's National Institute of Anthropology and History, has viewed the finds and says they may be Mexico's oldest and most important human remains to date.

"Eva de Naharon has the Paleo-Indian characteristics that make the date seem very plausible," Jiménez said.

Ancient Floods, Giant Animals

The three other skeletons excavated in the caves have been given a date range of 11,000 to 14,000 years ago, based on radiocarbon dating.

Radiocarbon dating measures the age of organic materials based on their content of the radioactive isotope carbon 14.

According to archaeologist David Anderson of the University of Tennessee, however, minerals in seawater can sometimes alter the carbon 14 content of bones, resulting in inaccurate radiocarbon dating results.

The remains were found some 50 feet (15 meters) below sea level in the caves off Tulum. But at the time Eve of Naharon is believed to have lived there, sea levels were 200 feet (60 meters) lower, and the Yucatán Peninsula was a wide, dry prairie.

The polar ice caps melted dramatically 8,000 to 9,000 years ago, causing sea levels to rise hundreds of feet and submerging the burial grounds of the skeletons. Stalactites and stalagmites then grew around the remains, preventing them from being washed out to sea.

González has also found remains of elephants, giant sloths, and other ancient fauna in the caves.

(Learn more about how caves form.)

Human Migration Theories

If González's finds do stand up to scientific scrutiny, they will raise many interesting new questions about how the Americas were first peopled.

Many researchers once believed humans entered the New World from Asia as a single group crossing over the Bering Land Bridge no earlier than 13,500 years ago. But that theory is lately being debunked.

Remains found in Monte Verde, Chile, in 1997, for example, point to the presence of people in the Americas at least 12,500 years ago, long before migration would have been possible through the ice-covered Arctic reaches of North America.

(Related: "Clovis People Not First Americans, Study Shows" [February 23, 2007].)

Confirmation of Eve of Naharon's age could further revolutionize the thinking about the settlement of the Americas.

This September, González will begin excavating the fourth skeleton, known as Chan hol, which he says could be even older than Eve.

The Chan hol remains include more than ten teeth, which will allow researchers to date the specimen and gather information about Chan hol's diet.

"When we learn more about the [Mexican finds] we'll be able to better evaluate them," said Carlos Lorenzo, a researcher at the Universitat Rovira i Virgili in Tarragona, Spain, an expert on the subject who was not involved in the current study.

"But in any case, if it's confirmed that Eva de Naharon is 13,000 years old, it will be a fantastic and extraordinary finding for understanding the first settlers of America."

González said he and his team hope to publish the full results of their analysis after the excavation of the fourth skeleton.

"We're not yet in the phase of research of determining how they arrived," he said. "But when we have more evidence we may be able to determine that."


USA 28,000-25,000 14C y.a.
This vegetation map showing the eastern USA during the period 28,000-25,000 14C y.a. has been compiled by Paul & Hazel Delcourt. An ice sheet already covered most of Canada and extended south of the Great Lakes. Boreal conifer woodlands and forests predominated in what is now the cool temperate forest zone, and the cool and warm temperate forest belts were compressed southwards.

The last ice age in North America lasted between 110,000 and 17,000BP. The ice-free corridor on the eastern flank of the Rockies did not open before 13,000 years ago. Africans were in the Americas long before the end of the last Ice Age when the “Siberians”, who also were more than likely Africans began to cross the Bearing Straits. By 12,500 BC Africans were already living in Chile.

Stop trying to steal the heritage of the Black people like the Olmecs, who represent the Mother Culture of Mexico.

Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Several types of blacks entered the Americas including the San, Anu or negrito type and the Proto-Saharan variety of blacks. Up until recently it was believed that the first humans crossed the Bering Strait 12,000 B.P., to enter the North American continent.(Begley 1991, p.15) This view was never accepted by physical anthropologists who have found skeletal remains far older than 12,000 B.P.

Today archaeologists have found sites from Argintina to Chile that range between 20,000 and 40,000 years old. There are numerous sites in South America which are over 35,000 years old (1). These sites are Pedra Furada (c.45,000 B.C.) (2), and Serra Da Capivara 50,000 BP. Given the fact that the earliest dates for habitation of the American continent occur below Canada in South America is highly suggestive of the fact that the earliest settlers on the American continents came from Africa before the Ice melted at the Bering Strait and moved northward as the ice melted.

The early presence of ice-age sites in South America suggest that these people probably came from Africa. This would explain the affinities between African languages and the Amerind family of languages (3).

In very ancient times the American continent was inhabited by Asian and African blacks. The oldest skeletal remains found in the Americas are of blacks. Marquez (1956,p.179) observed that "it is [good] to report that long ago the youthful America was also a Negro continent."

Lanning (1963) noted that "there was a possible movement of negritos from Ecuador into the Piura Valley, north of Chicama and Viru" in early times.

The appearance of pebble tools at Monte verde in Chile (c.32,000 B.P), and rock paintings at Pedra Furada in Brazil (c.22,000 B.P.) and mastodont hunting in Venezuela and Colombia (c.13,000 B.P.), and Dr. Walter Neves’ discovery of a 12,000 year old skeleton of an African woman in Brazil, have led some researchers to believe that the Americas was first settled from South America (4).

C. Vance Haynes noted that:"If people have been in South America for over 30,000 years, or even 20,000 years, why are there so few sites?....One possible answer is that they were so few in number; another is that South America was somehow initially populated from directions other than north until Clovis appeared"(5).

P.S. Martin and R. G. Klein after discussing the evidence of mastodont hunting in Venezuela 13,000 years ago observed that :"The thought that the fossil record of South America is much richer in evidence of early archaeological associations than many believed is indeed provocative .Have the earliest hunters been overlooked in North America? Or did the hunters somehow reach South America first" (6)?

Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
KIK and rASOL you still have not falsified any of my hypotheses.
Of course we have -> your statement that Native Americans have SAN Y chromosome is false.

It's also a lie and targeted to your students Mike and Marc who are, well....just dumb.

Of course you keep lying, and they keep 'trying' to believe you, but that's your problem. lol. [Razz]

Lol, at Dr. Clyde and his genetically illiterate "hypothesis":
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
The signature six microsatellites in YAP and M174 are DYS19, DYS388,DYS390, DYS5391,DYS392 and DYS393. These microsatellites that usually define M174, are also found among the Khoisan.
^ You continue to play the senile old fool

M174 is haplotype D grandpa.

Haplotype D is shown as yellow above.

Tibet, Japan, Sumatra are where it is most common.

It is not found among SAN.

You're a liar and an idiot. Nothing more.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
The mitochondrial DNAs (mtDNAs) from individuals belonging to three Chilean tribes, the Mapuche, the Pehuenche, and the Yaghan, were studied both by RFLP analysis and D-loop (control region) sequencing. RFLP analysis showed that 3 individuals (1.3%) belonged to haplogroup A, 19 (8%) to haplogroup B, 102 (43%) to haplogroup C, and 113 (47.7%) to haplogroup D.
^ None of which are common among Africans, all of which are related to East Asians.

X chromosome haplotype "A and B" [not African] have no relationship to Y chromosome "A and B" [African].

How many times a day, must we remind grandpa Clyde??

Haplogroup B is believed to have arisen in Asia some 50,000 years before present. Its ancestral haplogroup was Haplogroup R.

Haplogroup B is found more often in East Asia[1]. Its subgroup B2 is one of five haplogroups found in the indigenous peoples of the Americas, the others being A, C, D, and X.

Since the migration to the Americas by the ancestors of Native Americans is generally believed to have been from Siberia, it is especially surprising that Haplogroup B is the only haplogroup found in Native Americans which is not found in modern North Siberian populations. However, Haplogroup B has been found among Southern Siberians, such as Tuvans, Altays, and Buryats

citation: Southern Siberia.
clyde-ta-tion: SAN [Big Grin]
Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Originally posted by rasol:
The mitochondrial DNAs (mtDNAs) from individuals belonging to three Chilean tribes, the Mapuche, the Pehuenche, and the Yaghan, were studied both by RFLP analysis and D-loop (control region) sequencing. RFLP analysis showed that 3 individuals (1.3%) belonged to haplogroup A, 19 (8%) to haplogroup B, 102 (43%) to haplogroup C, and 113 (47.7%) to haplogroup D.
^ None of which are common among Africans, all of which are related to East Asians.

X chromosome haplotype "A and B" [not African] have no relationship to Y chromosome "A and B" [African].

How many times a day, must we remind grandpa Clyde??

Haplogroup B is believed to have arisen in Asia some 50,000 years before present. Its ancestral haplogroup was Haplogroup R.

Haplogroup B is found more often in East Asia[1]. Its subgroup B2 is one of five haplogroups found in the indigenous peoples of the Americas, the others being A, C, D, and X.

Since the migration to the Americas by the ancestors of Native Americans is generally believed to have been from Siberia, it is especially surprising that Haplogroup B is the only haplogroup found in Native Americans which is not found in modern North Siberian populations. However, Haplogroup B has been found among Southern Siberians, such as Tuvans, Altays, and Buryats

citation: Southern Siberia.
clyde-ta-tion: SAN [Big Grin]

KIK and rASOL you still have not falsified any of my hypotheses.I have shown through a comparison of the STRs that a relationship exist. Just because you say that this or that expert declares that Amerinds carry this or that haplogroup does not falsify the data. You have not proven that a relationship does not exist.

By just saying this or that person says something dissimilar does not dispute the evidence (the STRs) you are using the method of authority to support your way of understanding the data. The method of authority is not science.

The only way you can falsify this proposition is to prove that the related STRs in each group do not exist you admit they exist--so the proposition is not falsified, it remains confirmed.

Morons I am waiting for you to prove me wrong. Up to now I hear alot of opinions and nothing more. Let's get started trying to disconfirm the other 20 propositions.


Originally posted by rasol:
It's correct ONLY if it can be PROVEN.
Wrong again, miseducated child. It is clear that you either skipped 'high school science class' in America, or if you ever attended, you certainly flunked.

Actually a theory may be regarded as valid if it is falsifiable, yet not falsified.

And all theory is science are always subject to future falsification.

Here is what is correct...

Falsifiability (or "refutability") is the logical possibility that an assertion can be shown false by an observation or a physical experiment. That something is "falsifiable" does not mean it is false; rather, that if it is false, then this can be shown by observation or experiment. Falsifiability is an important concept in science and the philosophy of science.

Great Clown. Since you understand what science is about falsify the 21 propositions I have confirmed in support of my hypotheses.


Let's look at the facts:

1) the Australians represent the OOA population that settled Asia

2) during the OOA event much of Siberia and North America was under ice from 110,000 - 10,000BC. As a result there was no way Siberians could cross Beringa before the end of the ice age

3) Ice even separated much of South America east to west


4) the first Americans appear in Brazil, Chile and Argintina Latin America around 30,000 BC

5)using craniometric evidence it is clear that the first Americans look like Africans not modern Asian Native Americans

6) using craniometrics I have pointed out that Asia was dominated by the Australian population until the rise of Suhulland when the Melanesian people appear in the area, at this time the Beringa was still under Ice

7) I pointed out that the Melanesian type reach East Asian mainland by 5000 BC, long after Africans had settled Latin America

8) between 15,000-12,000 we see numerous African populations in Mexico and Brazil; and skeletons dating to this period have even been found off the Yucatan coast in the Caribbean

9) these first Americans did not look like the Australians or modern Amerinds

10) iconography of PreClassic people like the Cherla, Ocos and other groups is of Negroes not Amerinds like the Maya

11) Amerind groups not associated with African slaves carry African genes

12) Maya carried African y chromosome

13) Chontal Mayan speakers were classified as Negroes by Quatrefages. This may explain why the Maya carry African genes

14)Negrocostachicanos claim that they have never been slaves and are indigenous to Guererro and Oaxaca on the Pacific coast

15) The Dufuna boat makes it clear that Africans probably had the technology to travel to the Americas 15,000 years ago.

16) Fuegians 100-400 BP carried haplogroup A1. Hg A1 is an African haplogroup.

17) Amerinds carry haplogroup N, just like Africans.

18)The y chromosome STRs of the Fuegians include DYS434,DYS437,DYS 439, DYS 393, DYS391,DYS390,DYS19, DYS 389I, DYS389II and DYS 388 (see: Garcia-Bour et al above). Except for DYS390 and DYS388 they are characteristic of haplogroup A1 . A1 is recognized as an African haplogroup.

19)Quatrefages noted numerous African Native American tribes

20)The antiquity of these populations is supported by the ancient iconography found in these countries which are of African Native Americans.

21) Most contemporary populations are descendants of the San people not Australians.

Posted by Marc Washington (Member # 10979) on :

Elmer writes: Just like their deranged eurocentric counterparts, Clyde and his minions who are deranged afrocentrics...

Marc writes: Deranged? Yeah. Right. Don't make me laugh:


Posted by Marc Washington (Member # 10979) on :

Elmer writes: Yet these fools expect us or other intelligent folks...

Marc writes: You? Intelligent? Yeah. Right. ROFLMAO.


Posted by Marc Washington (Member # 10979) on :


Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Originally posted by rasol:
The signature six microsatellites in YAP and M174 are DYS19, DYS388,DYS390, DYS5391,DYS392 and DYS393. These microsatellites that usually define M174, are also found among the Khoisan.
^ You continue to play the senile old fool

M174 is haplotype D grandpa.

Haplotype D is shown as yellow above.

Tibet, Japan, Sumatra are where it is most common.

It is not found among SAN.

You're a liar and an idiot. Nothing more.

Posted by Marc Washington (Member # 10979) on :

Saying "all men share a common African ancestry: EXAMPLE: Y-specific STR loci (DYS19, DYS389I/II, DYS390, DYS391, DYS392."

Is the same as saying that all men share the San as the common ancestor as the San was the first man.

Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
No members of the OOA population made their way to the New World.

There is clear evidence that the OOA population settled Asia. But lets not forget that if the OOA population who took the eastern route out of Africa left the Continent around 60kya this would have been during the last Ice Age.

The Ice Age latsed from from 110kya to around 12kya. As a result the OOA populartion would have found it impossible to take a land route to the Americas across Beringa. As a result, your insistence that the OOA population made their way to the Americas does not correlate with the environmental and archaeological evidence.



The ancient Americans looked more like the Khoisan then Australians, because they came from Africa not Asia.



Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :

Originally posted by rasol:
KIK and rASOL you still have not falsified any of my hypotheses.
Of course we have -> your statement that Native Americans have SAN Y chromosome is false.

It's also a lie and targeted to your students Mike and Marc who are, well....just dumb.

Of course you keep lying, and they keep 'trying' to believe you, but that's your problem. lol. [Razz]

Lol, at Dr. Clyde and his genetically illiterate "hypothesis":

You continue to use the method of authority. Instead of posting this chart provide some original research that disputes what I have presented. If you don't have any stay in a child's place and shut up.
Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Originally posted by Marc Washington:

Saying "all men share a common African ancestry: EXAMPLE: Y-specific STR loci (DYS19, DYS389I/II, DYS390, DYS391, DYS392."

Is the same as saying that all men share the San as the common ancestor as the San was the first man.


You are so right Marc.

Here is an article that discusses the expansion of the San people.


1. Sub-Saharan Africa. The first population in the ordering are the San, who are hunter gatherers that live in Southern Africa. Before the Bantu expansion over the last 3,000 years, the ancestors of the San occupied most of Southern Africa, but they have been progressively displaced and currently are restricted to a few pockets [17]. The San contributed ancestry to the next four populations (the Biaka Pygmies, Bantu from South Africa and Kenya, and Mbuti Pygmies) but none subsequent to that. The Bantu are inferred to have contributed to each subsequent African population.

8. The Americas. The Colombians are the first Amerind population. 47% of their ancestry can be traced via the Hazara, which is marginally less than typical East Asian populations such as the Han (54%) or Xibo (59%) (Movie S2, Table S3). However, within the descendents of the putative EastAsia bottleneck, their donor pool is diverse, implying that none of the populations in the sample provides a good proxy for the original group or groups that crossed the Bering straight. The Colombians also have French donors, which may reflect post-Colombian admixture. The second American population, the Pima, represents the first North American population. As well as using all 7 Colombians as donors, it uses 8 Mongolians and 4 Oroquen. Neither of these populations acted as donors to the Colombians, suggesting distinct colonization events from different sources. Subsequent American populations did not have any non-Amerind donors, except for the Mayans who have Bantu and Tuscan donors, presumably due to post-Columbian admixture [18].

web page

This article suggest that the spread of many populations in the world may have began with the San. The San do not represent the original OOA population.
Posted by Marc Washington (Member # 10979) on :

Dr. Winters. I checked out that article that discusses the expansion of the San people.

Really fantastic. Powerful stuff.



Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
Posted by Marc Washington (Member # 10979) on :




Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
The Fuegians and Khoisan carry genes related to the D haplogroup.

The signature six microsatellites in YAP and M174 are DYS19, DYS388,DYS390, DYS5391,DYS392 and DYS393. These microsatellites that usually define M174, are also found among the Khoisan.

Clyde your continuous distortion of genetics is completely laughable at best. The Fuegians do not carry Y chromosome A, nor D, therefore the M174 you speak of is not present in Fuegians at all. The difference between Y-dna and Mtdna needs to be understood before you can distinguish haplogroups. Clyde you've failed so far. Native American carry A and D haplogroups but they're Mtdna haplogroups, not Y-dna. Fuegians do not carry Y-dna haplogroups A nor D.

Y-chromosome STRs (DYS434, DYS437, DYS439, DYS393, DYS391, DYS390, DYS19, DYS389I, DYS389II, and DYS388) and the biallelic system DYS199 were also amplified, Y-STR alleles could be characterized in nine cases, with an average of 4.1 loci per sample correctly typed.

The analysis of both mtDNA and Y-STRs **revealed** DNA from ***Amerindian*** ancestry. The observed polymorphisms are consistent with the hypothesis that the ancient Fuegians are close to populations from south-central ***Chile and Argentina***

Note Clyde, the Y STRs you're attributing to Fuegians, are actually STR's in which were amplified in the study(as in all studies), but the analysis clearly reveals Mtda and Y-STRs of Native American ancestry, not recent post OOA. Sorry Clyde, just more misinterpretations of genetics on your part. The same Y-strs are amplified/analyzed in many studies.

Y chromosome STR haplotype data for an Irish population.
[My paper] D J Ballard, C Phillips, C R Thacker, D Syndercombe Court
Y chromosome haplotype data was collected for 155 Irish males residing in the Republic of Ireland. Eleven short tandem repeat (STR) markers: DYS19, DYS385, DYS389I, DYS389II, DYS390, DYS391, DYS392, DYS393, DYS437, DYS438 and DYS439 were analysed and the allele and haplotype frequencies calculated. This Irish data is presented here and was found to be less diverse when compared with the neighbouring UK population.

Y Chromosome-Specific STRs
By Leonor Gusmão1 and Angel Carracedo2
1Instituto de Patologia e Imunologia, Molecular da Universidade do Porto, Porto,
Portugal and 2Institute of Legal Medicine, University of Santiago de Compostela,
Santiago de Compostela, Spain

Y-STRs are the most used Y chromosome markers in the forensic field due to their
typing simplicity and high level of diversity. STR typing involves simple and reliable
polymerase chain reaction (PCR)(a) techniques and is tolerant of very degraded
samples. Of all Y chromosome polymorphic STRs described to date, DYS19, DYS385, DYS389I, DYS389II, DYS390, DYS391, DYS392, DYS393 and YCAII have more data accumulated, being the most used in population and forensic genetics. Because of
collaborative efforts to construct large databases (see,
and, these markers are the best characterized for amplification
performance and specificity, multiplex amplification strategies, sequence structure
and nomenclature, as well as worldwide allele frequency distributions.


Int J Legal Med. 2005 Sep ;119 (5):303-5 15834734 (P,S,G,E,B)
Polish population study on Y chromosome haplotypes defined by 18 STR loci.

Polymorphism of 18 STR loci specific to the human Y chromosome (DYS19, DYS388, DYS389I, DYS389II, DYS390, DYS391, DYS392, DYS393, DYS426, DYS437, DYS438, DYS439, DYS460, GATA H4.1, DYS385 a/b, and YCAII a/b) was evaluated by means of a multiplex (octadecaplex) PCR reaction and capillary electrophoresis in a Polish population sample of 208 unrelated males. A total of 192 different haplotypes and 183 unique haplotypes were identified. The observed haplotype diversity was 0.998, while discrimination capacity was 92.3%. DYS389 was shown to be the most valuable in discrimination of similar haplotypes, whereas DYS388, DYS393, DYS426, and DYS438 did not affect the discrimination power of the multiplex.

X Abstract

The Y-STR DYS19 is firmly established in the repertoire of Y-chromosomal markers used in forensic analysis yet is poorly understood at the molecular level, lying in a complex genomic environment and exhibiting null alleles, as well as duplications and occasional triplications in population samples. Here, we analyse three null alleles and 51 duplications and show that DYS19 can also be involved in inversion events, so that even its location within the short arm of the Y chromosome is uncertain. Deletion mapping in the three chromosomes carrying null alleles shows that their deletions are less than approximately 300 kb in size. Haplotypic analysis with binary markers shows that they belong to three different haplogroups and so represent independent events. In contrast, a collection of 51 DYS19 duplication chromosomes belong to only four haplogroups: two are singletons and may represent somatic mutation in lymphoblastoid cell lines, but two, in haplogroups G and C3c, represent founder lineages that have spread widely in Central Europe/West Asia and East Asia, respectively. Consideration of candidate mechanisms underlying both deletions and duplications provides no evidence for the involvement of non-allelic homologous recombination, and they are likely to represent sporadic events with low mutation rates. Understanding the basis and population distribution of these DYS19 alleles will aid in the utilisation and interpretation of profiles that contain them.

Forensic Sci Int. 2007 Jul 12; : 17630233 (P,S,G,E,B,D)
Polymorphism of 17 Y-STR loci in Taiwan population.
[My paper] Tsun-Ying Huang, Yi-Tzu Hsu, Jui-Ming Li, Ju-Hui Chung, Chia-Tung Shun
Haplotypes and allele frequencies of 17 Y-STRs included in the AmpFlSTR((R)) Yfilertrade mark kit (DYS19, DYS385, DYS389 I, DYS389 II, DYS390, DYS391, DYS392, DYS393, DYS437, DYS438, DYS439, DYS448, DYS456, DYS458, DYS635, Y GATA H4) were examined in a population sample of 200 unrelated Taiwanese males living in Taiwan.

Y-chromosomal STR haplotypes in Kalmyk population samples .

Forensic Science International , Volume 173 , Issue 2 - 3 , Pages 204 - 209

L . Roewer , C . Krüger , S . Willuweit , M . Nagy , H . Rodig , L . Kokshunova , T . Rothämel , S . Kravchenko , M . Jobling , M . Stoneking

Seventeen Y-chromosomal short tandem repeats (STRs), DYS19, DYS389I, DYS389II, DYS390, DYS391, DYS392, DYS393, DYS385ab, DYS437, DYS438, DYS439, GATA-H4, DYS448, DYS456, DYS458, DYS635 were typed in DNA samples from the Kalmyk population (n=99). The population is characterized by a high proportion of duplicated DYS19 alleles and deletions of the locus DYS448 on the background of the Central Asian haplogroup C*. AMOVA analysis reveals a close vicinity to Mongolian and Kazakh populations and large genetic distance to geographical neighbours from Russia, Ukraine and the Caucasus.

Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :

Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
The Fuegians and Khoisan carry genes related to the D haplogroup.

The signature six microsatellites in YAP and M174 are DYS19, DYS388,DYS390, DYS5391,DYS392 and DYS393. These microsatellites that usually define M174, are also found among the Khoisan.

Clyde your continuous distortion of genetics is completely laughable at best. The Fuegians do not carry Y chromosome A, nor D, therefore the M174 you speak of is not present in Fuegians at all. The difference between Y-dna and Mtdna needs to be understood before you can distinguish haplogroups. Clyde you've failed so far. Native American carry A and D haplogroups but they're Mtdna haplogroups, not Y-dna. Fuegians do not carry Y-dna haplogroups A nor D.

Y-chromosome STRs (DYS434, DYS437, DYS439, DYS393, DYS391, DYS390, DYS19, DYS389I, DYS389II, and DYS388) and the biallelic system DYS199 were also amplified, Y-STR alleles could be characterized in nine cases, with an average of 4.1 loci per sample correctly typed.

The analysis of both mtDNA and Y-STRs **revealed** DNA from ***Amerindian*** ancestry. The observed polymorphisms are consistent with the hypothesis that the ancient Fuegians are close to populations from south-central ***Chile and Argentina***

Note Clyde, the Y STRs you're attributing to Fuegians, are actually STR's in which were amplified in the study(as in all studies), but the analysis clearly reveals Mtda and Y-STRs of Native American ancestry, not recent post OOA. Sorry Clyde, just more misinterpretations of genetics on your part. The same Y-strs are amplified/analyzed in many studies.

Y chromosome STR haplotype data for an Irish population.
[My paper] D J Ballard, C Phillips, C R Thacker, D Syndercombe Court
Y chromosome haplotype data was collected for 155 Irish males residing in the Republic of Ireland. Eleven short tandem repeat (STR) markers: DYS19, DYS385, DYS389I, DYS389II, DYS390, DYS391, DYS392, DYS393, DYS437, DYS438 and DYS439 were analysed and the allele and haplotype frequencies calculated. This Irish data is presented here and was found to be less diverse when compared with the neighbouring UK population.

Y Chromosome-Specific STRs
By Leonor Gusmão1 and Angel Carracedo2
1Instituto de Patologia e Imunologia, Molecular da Universidade do Porto, Porto,
Portugal and 2Institute of Legal Medicine, University of Santiago de Compostela,
Santiago de Compostela, Spain

Y-STRs are the most used Y chromosome markers in the forensic field due to their
typing simplicity and high level of diversity. STR typing involves simple and reliable
polymerase chain reaction (PCR)(a) techniques and is tolerant of very degraded
samples. Of all Y chromosome polymorphic STRs described to date, DYS19, DYS385, DYS389I, DYS389II, DYS390, DYS391, DYS392, DYS393 and YCAII have more data accumulated, being the most used in population and forensic genetics. Because of
collaborative efforts to construct large databases (see,
and, these markers are the best characterized for amplification
performance and specificity, multiplex amplification strategies, sequence structure
and nomenclature, as well as worldwide allele frequency distributions.


Int J Legal Med. 2005 Sep ;119 (5):303-5 15834734 (P,S,G,E,B)
Polish population study on Y chromosome haplotypes defined by 18 STR loci.

Polymorphism of 18 STR loci specific to the human Y chromosome (DYS19, DYS388, DYS389I, DYS389II, DYS390, DYS391, DYS392, DYS393, DYS426, DYS437, DYS438, DYS439, DYS460, GATA H4.1, DYS385 a/b, and YCAII a/b) was evaluated by means of a multiplex (octadecaplex) PCR reaction and capillary electrophoresis in a Polish population sample of 208 unrelated males. A total of 192 different haplotypes and 183 unique haplotypes were identified. The observed haplotype diversity was 0.998, while discrimination capacity was 92.3%. DYS389 was shown to be the most valuable in discrimination of similar haplotypes, whereas DYS388, DYS393, DYS426, and DYS438 did not affect the discrimination power of the multiplex.

X Abstract

The Y-STR DYS19 is firmly established in the repertoire of Y-chromosomal markers used in forensic analysis yet is poorly understood at the molecular level, lying in a complex genomic environment and exhibiting null alleles, as well as duplications and occasional triplications in population samples. Here, we analyse three null alleles and 51 duplications and show that DYS19 can also be involved in inversion events, so that even its location within the short arm of the Y chromosome is uncertain. Deletion mapping in the three chromosomes carrying null alleles shows that their deletions are less than approximately 300 kb in size. Haplotypic analysis with binary markers shows that they belong to three different haplogroups and so represent independent events. In contrast, a collection of 51 DYS19 duplication chromosomes belong to only four haplogroups: two are singletons and may represent somatic mutation in lymphoblastoid cell lines, but two, in haplogroups G and C3c, represent founder lineages that have spread widely in Central Europe/West Asia and East Asia, respectively. Consideration of candidate mechanisms underlying both deletions and duplications provides no evidence for the involvement of non-allelic homologous recombination, and they are likely to represent sporadic events with low mutation rates. Understanding the basis and population distribution of these DYS19 alleles will aid in the utilisation and interpretation of profiles that contain them.

Forensic Sci Int. 2007 Jul 12; : 17630233 (P,S,G,E,B,D)
Polymorphism of 17 Y-STR loci in Taiwan population.
[My paper] Tsun-Ying Huang, Yi-Tzu Hsu, Jui-Ming Li, Ju-Hui Chung, Chia-Tung Shun
Haplotypes and allele frequencies of 17 Y-STRs included in the AmpFlSTR((R)) Yfilertrade mark kit (DYS19, DYS385, DYS389 I, DYS389 II, DYS390, DYS391, DYS392, DYS393, DYS437, DYS438, DYS439, DYS448, DYS456, DYS458, DYS635, Y GATA H4) were examined in a population sample of 200 unrelated Taiwanese males living in Taiwan.

Y-chromosomal STR haplotypes in Kalmyk population samples .

Forensic Science International , Volume 173 , Issue 2 - 3 , Pages 204 - 209

L . Roewer , C . Krüger , S . Willuweit , M . Nagy , H . Rodig , L . Kokshunova , T . Rothämel , S . Kravchenko , M . Jobling , M . Stoneking

Seventeen Y-chromosomal short tandem repeats (STRs), DYS19, DYS389I, DYS389II, DYS390, DYS391, DYS392, DYS393, DYS385ab, DYS437, DYS438, DYS439, GATA-H4, DYS448, DYS456, DYS458, DYS635 were typed in DNA samples from the Kalmyk population (n=99). The population is characterized by a high proportion of duplicated DYS19 alleles and deletions of the locus DYS448 on the background of the Central Asian haplogroup C*. AMOVA analysis reveals a close vicinity to Mongolian and Kazakh populations and large genetic distance to geographical neighbours from Russia, Ukraine and the Caucasus.

Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Clyde the cowardly dimwitted lion says......


I am Clyde Winters, and I'm a lion, get it, I'm a lying? Chuckle chuckle, I guess my jokes are as bad as my comprehension of genetics. My focus is on the feeble minded, so I can distort genetics, get away with it, and not be confronted. I don't know the difference between Y-dna and Mtdna, it's confusing one's carried by the male the other female, is that it? Geez this is like rocket science, but as long as my followers (Marc, Mike) know less than I, I have no worries on being exposed as a fraud.
Posted by Doug M (Member # 7650) on :
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
Originally posted by Marc Washington:

Saying "all men share a common African ancestry: EXAMPLE: Y-specific STR loci (DYS19, DYS389I/II, DYS390, DYS391, DYS392."

Is the same as saying that all men share the San as the common ancestor as the San was the first man.


You are so right Marc.

Here is an article that discusses the expansion of the San people.


1. Sub-Saharan Africa. The first population in the ordering are the San, who are hunter gatherers that live in Southern Africa. Before the Bantu expansion over the last 3,000 years, the ancestors of the San occupied most of Southern Africa, but they have been progressively displaced and currently are restricted to a few pockets [17]. The San contributed ancestry to the next four populations (the Biaka Pygmies, Bantu from South Africa and Kenya, and Mbuti Pygmies) but none subsequent to that. The Bantu are inferred to have contributed to each subsequent African population.

8. The Americas. The Colombians are the first Amerind population. 47% of their ancestry can be traced via the Hazara, which is marginally less than typical East Asian populations such as the Han (54%) or Xibo (59%) (Movie S2, Table S3). However, within the descendents of the putative EastAsia bottleneck, their donor pool is diverse, implying that none of the populations in the sample provides a good proxy for the original group or groups that crossed the Bering straight. The Colombians also have French donors, which may reflect post-Colombian admixture. The second American population, the Pima, represents the first North American population. As well as using all 7 Colombians as donors, it uses 8 Mongolians and 4 Oroquen. Neither of these populations acted as donors to the Colombians, suggesting distinct colonization events from different sources. Subsequent American populations did not have any non-Amerind donors, except for the Mayans who have Bantu and Tuscan donors, presumably due to post-Columbian admixture [18].

web page

This article suggest that the spread of many populations in the world may have began with the San. The San do not represent the original OOA population.

Clyde, you are still lying. This report does NOT say that the San peopled the Americas. And on top of that IT DOES NOT say that they migrated DIRECTLY to America from Africa. The report says that populations from Asia populated the Americas in multiple waves OVER THE BERING STRAIT. This is NOT what you have been saying Clyde. It is saying that the early populations of Asians who populated the Americas were NOT like later Asian migrants.
And it DOES NOT say that these people migrated to the Americas 30,000 years ago.

Again Clyde, you show yourself to be a liar who can only distort and deceive as opposed to educate.
Posted by Doug M (Member # 7650) on :
Clyde is such a joke that he cannot even support his own arguments of a 30,000 year old presence of humans in the Americas without resorting to lying. When asked for evidence he just clams up and clings to his fairy tales.

Yet I can find such evidence quickly:


Pedra Furada in northeastern Brazil represents possibly the oldest known human site in the Americas. Since C-14 dates of 48-32,000 BP were reported in a Nature article (Guidon and Delibrias 1986), the site’s Paleoindian components have been highly controversial, challenged (though not refuted) by many North American researchers (e.g. Meltzer, Adovasio, and Dillehay 1994). Yet the site has solid evidence of non-Clovis, Paleoindian occupations including human remains, plus a unique rock painting tradition from at least 12,000-6,000 BP. In March, 2002, Athena Review (AR) asked archaeologist Niède Guidon and her colleagues to explain the current status of the findings, including both Paleoindian skeletal and subsistence remains, and the abundant rock paintings at Serra da Capivara National Park, which contains Pedra Furada (figs.1,2). Much of the interview is given here (for full text, see printed issue of AR, V3, no.2)

Fig.1: Sandstone outcrops at Capivara National Park in Brazil, containing the Pedra Furada Rock Shelter (photo: FUMDHAM).]

Dating of Pedra Furada:

AR: Based on your 1986 Nature article and several recent web reports, your sites have a wide range of dates, some as early as 48-30,000 years BP with two hearth samples dated at 32,000 BP, and evidence of cave painting (a fragment with two ochre-drawn lines) associated with a 17,000 year old C-14 dated hearth. How are these dates holding up as your work progresses?

Niède Guidon: These dates are holding well. Once we learned that the Department of Earth Sciences of the Australian National University had developed a new chemical technique to decontaminate small quantities of charcoal to be dated by AMS (accelerator mass spectrometry), we sent samples to Canberra from the same charcoal dated in 1988/91 by the Gif laboratory in France. The results are given here by Dr. Guaciara M. dos Santos.

Guaciara dos Santos: A comprehensive chronology of human activity at the Boqueirão da Pedra Furada (BPF) site, the oldest archaeological site found at the Capivara National Park (fig.3), has been established by reliable radiocarbon dates on charcoal excavated from different levels. The sub-phase BPF 1, the lowest layer with definite evidence of human activity in the Pedra Furada Rock Shelter, gave radiocarbon results ranging from 35,000 to greater than 48,000 BP (Guidon and Arnaud 1991; Parenti 1996). For the oldest samples, the 48,000 lower limit is imposed by the residuals remaining after conventional acid-wash or acid-base-acid chemical pre-treatments. These pre-treatments are intended to decontaminate samples with traces of extraneous, more modern carbon which may be present, as the result of exposure of charcoal in this layer to the environment.

A new ABOX-SC (acid-base-wet oxidation followed by stepped combustion) procedure, developed by Bird et al. (1999), which has been instrumental in establishing secure radiocarbon dates of greater than 40,000 for the human occupation of Australia (Turney et al. 2001), has now been applied by me to charcoal from the oldest occupation layer of the Pedra Furada site. This more rigorous chemical pre-treatment, which was followed by a stepped combustion (SC) procedure to remove any residual contamination, decontaminates samples from charcoal and wood (Bird et al. 1999; Santos et al. 2001), enabling credible radiocarbon dating to around 55,000 BP.

A total of seven charcoal samples from hearths at site BPF 1 were subjected to the full ABOX-SC procedure and their radiocarbon contents were determined by accelerator mass spectrometry at the Australian National University. Five of the samples proved to be even beyond the limit of this new technique, returning ages of greater than 56,000 BP. Finite ages of 53,000 and 55,000 BP were obtained for the remaining two (Santos et al., in manuscript).

These new results push back the time of human occupation at the Pedra Furada site by at least another 8,000 years relative to the previous results. Hence, it appears that humans were already at this site about 60,000 years ago, and possibly even earlier.

Fabio Parenti: The radiocarbon dates at the site of Pedra Furada, totaling 52 in my final report (Parenti, in press) are fully confirmed by new AMS techniques, especially for the oldest unit, Pedra Furada 1, which is now dated to at least 50,000 years BP.

[Fig.2: Paleoindian site locations in east Brazil including Serra da Capivara National Park and Lagoa Santa.]


And yes there are a few other such sites with controversial dates in South America. These sites do not get the attention they deserve by the larger scholarly community because they are STUCK on certain theories and ideologies that limits their acceptance of older finds.

What is the problem Clyde, why do you prove yourself of being UNABLE to support your own points of view without resorting to trickery and deception?
Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :

Originally posted by Doug M:
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
Originally posted by Marc Washington:

Saying "all men share a common African ancestry: EXAMPLE: Y-specific STR loci (DYS19, DYS389I/II, DYS390, DYS391, DYS392."

Is the same as saying that all men share the San as the common ancestor as the San was the first man.


You are so right Marc.

Here is an article that discusses the expansion of the San people.


1. Sub-Saharan Africa. The first population in the ordering are the San, who are hunter gatherers that live in Southern Africa. Before the Bantu expansion over the last 3,000 years, the ancestors of the San occupied most of Southern Africa, but they have been progressively displaced and currently are restricted to a few pockets [17]. The San contributed ancestry to the next four populations (the Biaka Pygmies, Bantu from South Africa and Kenya, and Mbuti Pygmies) but none subsequent to that. The Bantu are inferred to have contributed to each subsequent African population.

8. The Americas. The Colombians are the first Amerind population. 47% of their ancestry can be traced via the Hazara, which is marginally less than typical East Asian populations such as the Han (54%) or Xibo (59%) (Movie S2, Table S3). However, within the descendents of the putative EastAsia bottleneck, their donor pool is diverse, implying that none of the populations in the sample provides a good proxy for the original group or groups that crossed the Bering straight. The Colombians also have French donors, which may reflect post-Colombian admixture. The second American population, the Pima, represents the first North American population. As well as using all 7 Colombians as donors, it uses 8 Mongolians and 4 Oroquen. Neither of these populations acted as donors to the Colombians, suggesting distinct colonization events from different sources. Subsequent American populations did not have any non-Amerind donors, except for the Mayans who have Bantu and Tuscan donors, presumably due to post-Columbian admixture [18].

web page

This article suggest that the spread of many populations in the world may have began with the San. The San do not represent the original OOA population.

Clyde, you are still lying. This report does NOT say that the San peopled the Americas. And on top of that IT DOES NOT say that they migrated DIRECTLY to America from Africa. The report says that populations from Asia populated the Americas in multiple waves OVER THE BERING STRAIT. This is NOT what you have been saying Clyde. It is saying that the early populations of Asians who populated the Americas were NOT like later Asian migrants.
And it DOES NOT say that these people migrated to the Americas 30,000 years ago.

Again Clyde, you show yourself to be a liar who can only distort and deceive as opposed to educate.

You ignorant fool. I never said the article claimed that the San were in America. This is what I wrote:


This article suggest that the spread of many populations in the world may have began with the San. The San do not represent the original OOA population.

Oh what a liar you are. Now. When are you going to disprove my findings?
Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
Clyde the cowardly dimwitted lion says......


I am Clyde Winters, and I'm a lion, get it, I'm a lying? Chuckle chuckle, I guess my jokes are as bad as my comprehension of genetics. My focus is on the feeble minded, so I can distort genetics, get away with it, and not be confronted. I don't know the difference between Y-dna and Mtdna, it's confusing one's carried by the male the other female, is that it? Geez this is like rocket science, but as long as my followers (Marc, Mike) know less than I, I have no worries on being exposed as a fraud.


You're such a moron. Stop acting like you are brainless and disprove my findings.


Let's look at the facts:

1) the Australians represent the OOA population that settled Asia

2) during the OOA event much of Siberia and North America was under ice from 110,000 - 10,000BC. As a result there was no way Siberians could cross Beringa before the end of the ice age

3) Ice even separated much of South America east to west


4) the first Americans appear in Brazil, Chile and Argintina Latin America around 30,000 BC

5)using craniometric evidence it is clear that the first Americans look like Africans not modern Asian Native Americans

6) using craniometrics I have pointed out that Asia was dominated by the Australian population until the rise of Suhulland when the Melanesian people appear in the area, at this time the Beringa was still under Ice

7) I pointed out that the Melanesian type reach East Asian mainland by 5000 BC, long after Africans had settled Latin America

8) between 15,000-12,000 we see numerous African populations in Mexico and Brazil; and skeletons dating to this period have even been found off the Yucatan coast in the Caribbean

9) these first Americans did not look like the Australians or modern Amerinds

10) iconography of PreClassic people like the Cherla, Ocos and other groups is of Negroes not Amerinds like the Maya

11) Amerind groups not associated with African slaves carry African genes

12) Maya carried African y chromosome

13) Chontal Mayan speakers were classified as Negroes by Quatrefages. This may explain why the Maya carry African genes

14)Negrocostachicanos claim that they have never been slaves and are indigenous to Guererro and Oaxaca on the Pacific coast

15) The Dufuna boat makes it clear that Africans probably had the technology to travel to the Americas 15,000 years ago.

16) Fuegians 100-400 BP carried haplogroup A1. Hg A1 is an African haplogroup.

17) Amerinds carry haplogroup N, just like Africans.

18)The y chromosome STRs of the Fuegians include DYS434,DYS437,DYS 439, DYS 393, DYS391,DYS390,DYS19, DYS 389I, DYS389II and DYS 388 (see: Garcia-Bour et al above). Except for DYS390 and DYS388 they are characteristic of haplogroup A1 . A1 is recognized as an African haplogroup.

19)Quatrefages noted numerous African Native American tribes

20)The antiquity of these populations is supported by the ancient iconography found in these countries which are of African Native Americans.

21) Most contemporary populations are descendants of the San people not Australians.

Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Doug you can't read. If you read the article you would noticed that the dates for human occupation in this part of South America have been pushed back to 60kya. Below I have highlighted the important points in your post.

It is only in your sick demented mind that you have disconfirmed any of my finds.

Originally posted by Doug M:
Clyde is such a joke that he cannot even support his own arguments of a 30,000 year old presence of humans in the Americas without resorting to lying. When asked for evidence he just clams up and clings to his fairy tales.

Yet I can find such evidence quickly:


Pedra Furada in northeastern Brazil represents possibly the oldest known human site in the Americas. Since C-14 dates of 48-32,000 BP were reported in a Nature article (Guidon and Delibrias 1986), the site’s Paleoindian components have been highly controversial, challenged (though not refuted) by many North American researchers (e.g. Meltzer, Adovasio, and Dillehay 1994). Yet the site has solid evidence of non-Clovis, Paleoindian occupations including human remains, plus a unique rock painting tradition from at least 12,000-6,000 BP. In March, 2002, Athena Review (AR) asked archaeologist Niède Guidon and her colleagues to explain the current status of the findings, including both Paleoindian skeletal and subsistence remains, and the abundant rock paintings at Serra da Capivara National Park, which contains Pedra Furada (figs.1,2). Much of the interview is given here (for full text, see printed issue of AR, V3, no.2)

Fig.1: Sandstone outcrops at Capivara National Park in Brazil, containing the Pedra Furada Rock Shelter (photo: FUMDHAM).]

Dating of Pedra Furada:

AR: Based on your 1986 Nature article and several recent web reports, your sites have a wide range of dates, some as early as 48-30,000 years BP with two hearth samples dated at 32,000 BP, and evidence of cave painting (a fragment with two ochre-drawn lines) associated with a 17,000 year old C-14 dated hearth. How are these dates holding up as your work progresses?

Niède Guidon: These dates are holding well. Once we learned that the Department of Earth Sciences of the Australian National University had developed a new chemical technique to decontaminate small quantities of charcoal to be dated by AMS (accelerator mass spectrometry), we sent samples to Canberra from the same charcoal dated in 1988/91 by the Gif laboratory in France. The results are given here by Dr. Guaciara M. dos Santos.

Guaciara dos Santos: A comprehensive chronology of human activity at the Boqueirão da Pedra Furada (BPF) site, the oldest archaeological site found at the Capivara National Park (fig.3), has been established by reliable radiocarbon dates on charcoal excavated from different levels. The sub-phase BPF 1, the lowest layer with definite evidence of human activity in the Pedra Furada Rock Shelter, gave radiocarbon results ranging from 35,000 to greater than 48,000 BP (Guidon and Arnaud 1991; Parenti 1996). For the oldest samples, the 48,000 lower limit is imposed by the residuals remaining after conventional acid-wash or acid-base-acid chemical pre-treatments. These pre-treatments are intended to decontaminate samples with traces of extraneous, more modern carbon which may be present, as the result of exposure of charcoal in this layer to the environment.

b]A new ABOX-SC (acid-base-wet oxidation followed by stepped combustion) procedure, developed by Bird et al. (1999), which has been instrumental in establishing secure radiocarbon dates of greater than 40,000 for the human occupation of Australia (Turney et al. 2001),[/b] has now been applied by me to charcoal from the oldest occupation layer of the Pedra Furada site. This more rigorous chemical pre-treatment, which was followed by a stepped combustion (SC) procedure to remove any residual contamination, decontaminates samples from charcoal and wood (Bird et al. 1999; Santos et al. 2001), enabling credible radiocarbon dating to around 55,000 BP.

A total of seven charcoal samples from hearths at site BPF 1 were subjected to the full ABOX-SC procedure and their radiocarbon contents were determined by accelerator mass spectrometry at the Australian National University. Five of the samples proved to be even beyond the limit of this new technique, returning ages of greater than 56,000 BP. Finite ages of 53,000 and 55,000 BP were obtained for the remaining two (Santos et al., in manuscript).

These new results push back the time of human occupation at the Pedra Furada site by at least another 8,000 years relative to the previous results. Hence, it appears that humans were already at this site about 60,000 years ago, and possibly even earlier.

Fabio Parenti: The radiocarbon dates at the site of Pedra Furada, totaling 52 in my final report (Parenti, in press) are fully confirmed by new AMS techniques, especially for the oldest unit, Pedra Furada 1, which is now dated to at least 50,000 years BP.

[Fig.2: Paleoindian site locations in east Brazil including Serra da Capivara National Park and Lagoa Santa.]


And yes there are a few other such sites with controversial dates in South America. These sites do not get the attention they deserve by the larger scholarly community because they are STUCK on certain theories and ideologies that limits their acceptance of older finds.

What is the problem Clyde, why do you prove yourself of being UNABLE to support your own points of view without resorting to trickery and deception? [/QB]

You are such a liar and fool. You print articles that prove me right, but in your sick mind you read something else.


Below is my original post discussing the dates.

Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
Several types of blacks entered the Americas including the San, Anu or negrito type and the Proto-Saharan variety of blacks. Up until recently it was believed that the first humans crossed the Bering Strait 12,000 B.P., to enter the North American continent.(Begley 1991, p.15) This view was never accepted by physical anthropologists who have found skeletal remains far older than 12,000 B.P.

Today archaeologists have found sites from Argintina to Chile that range between 20,000 and 40,000 years old. There are numerous sites in South America which are over 35,000 years old (1). These sites are Pedra Furada (c.45,000 B.C.) (2), and Serra Da Capivara 50,000 BP. Given the fact that the earliest dates for habitation of the American continent occur below Canada in South America is highly suggestive of the fact that the earliest settlers on the American continents came from Africa before the Ice melted at the Bering Strait and moved northward as the ice melted.

The early presence of ice-age sites in South America suggest that these people probably came from Africa. This would explain the affinities between African languages and the Amerind family of languages (3).

In very ancient times the American continent was inhabited by Asian and African blacks. The oldest skeletal remains found in the Americas are of blacks. Marquez (1956,p.179) observed that "it is [good] to report that long ago the youthful America was also a Negro continent."

Lanning (1963) noted that "there was a possible movement of negritos from Ecuador into the Piura Valley, north of Chicama and Viru" in early times.

The appearance of pebble tools at Monte verde in Chile (c.32,000 B.P), and rock paintings at Pedra Furada in Brazil (c.22,000 B.P.) and mastodont hunting in Venezuela and Colombia (c.13,000 B.P.), and Dr. Walter Neves’ discovery of a 12,000 year old skeleton of an African woman in Brazil, have led some researchers to believe that the Americas was first settled from South America (4).

C. Vance Haynes noted that:"If people have been in South America for over 30,000 years, or even 20,000 years, why are there so few sites?....One possible answer is that they were so few in number; another is that South America was somehow initially populated from directions other than north until Clovis appeared"(5).

P.S. Martin and R. G. Klein after discussing the evidence of mastodont hunting in Venezuela 13,000 years ago observed that :"The thought that the fossil record of South America is much richer in evidence of early archaeological associations than many believed is indeed provocative .Have the earliest hunters been overlooked in North America? Or did the hunters somehow reach South America first" (6)?

Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
You ignorant fool. I never said the article claimed that the San were in America. This is what I wrote:

This article suggest that the spread of many populations in the world may have began with the San. The San do not represent the original OOA population.

^ ah yes, this is another of charlatan winters bad habits.

weasel wording - the attempt to make a lie difficult to refute by being as evasive [and twisted] as possible.

to the point:

1) the article in question suggests no such thing. [the SAN are not even mentioned]

what is true about the *the article*, is that "San", are utterly irrelevant to it. [Roll Eyes]

2) it is you who suggest such because you're a chronic silly-minded senile liar.

and there is nothing more to your claims, than that.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
Clyde, you are still lying. This report does NOT say that the San peopled the Americas.
Of course it doesn't.

Here's the real question..... is there anyone who can't descern that Winters is simply a bald faced liar?

Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
Clyde is such a joke that he cannot even support his own arguments of a 30,000 year old presence of humans in the Americas without resorting to lying. When asked for evidence he just clams up and clings to his fairy tales.
^ And spamming the thread to distract from his various debunkings.

Why does Clyde resort to deception?
Because he's a charlatan who's abandoned serious scholarship.

He's also a self-deluded fool, or else he might realise that this thread functions as case evidence against him.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
Since you understand what science is about falsify the 21 propositions I have confirmed in support of my hypotheses.
I did, right here...


^ You responded by whining that I argue from 'authority' instead of doing 'original research'..

This is juxtaposed to what you do:

Argue from 'senility' and confuse ridiculous claims, with 'research'. [Smile]
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Clyde??????? Care to address???

Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
[QUOTE] Most native American populations are descended from people like Australian Aborigines Clyde.

Actually, like all modern humans, **ALL** Native Americans are descended from Australian like populations, this is the point Clyde doesn't understand. Clyde thinks all non Africans who don't look African are a result of space aliens, or some crazy deranged theory like Meninarmer or Marc.


As to the similarities with Africans, the best way to explain it in terms of historical connections, is to assume that the **Asian** ancestral population that gave rise to the **Australians** and to the **first Americans** had its ultimate origins in the **African continent**, as it is in fact the case with **ALL*** modern humans (Stringer and Andrews, 1988; Stringer and McKie, 1996; Lahr, 1994, 1996), ***but which retained a very generalized morphology.*** In accordance with Lahr (1996), the Australians are in fact the contemporary aboriginal population that retained the most primitive morphology when compared to the first modern humans. As she stressed "Groups like [...] Australo-Melanesians are all examples of relatively early diversifications without great amounts of gene flow from other groups..." (Lahr, 1996, p.335).
Clyde you do understand that you didn't address the above, or discuss your claim of A2 and B2 being African in origin, carried by Khoisan and Pygmies respectively. Obviously you were confused -as always- about these genetic markers, which is why you made a delirious conclusion, based on your confusion of Mtdna and Y-dna. I hope you'll understand one day....

I understand this perfectly. You are the one who pretends to be blind to the facts.

Nope, not an answer to your claim of A2 and B2 being African in origin, carried by Khoisan and Pygmies respectively. Obviously you were confused -as always- about these genetic markers, which is why you made a delirious conclusion, based on your confusion of Mtdna and Y-dna. I hope you'll understand one day....
^^^^^I wonder when Clyde will address his Mtdna claim....???

Posted by Marc Washington (Member # 10979) on :

Posted by Marc Washington (Member # 10979) on :



Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Posted by Clyde Fraud:
In this paper, King et al make it clear that the “Y-STR haplotypes (DYS19, DYS390, DYS391, DYS392, DYS393, DYS437, DYS438, DYS439, DYS389I, DYS389II-I) of eleven hgA1 chromosomes. “ belong to hg A1.^ Ancient mtDNA was succesfully recovered from 24 skeletal samples of a total of 60 ancient individuals from Patagonia-Tierra del Fuego, dated to 100-400 years BP, for which consistent amplifications and two-strand sequences were obtained. Y-chromosome STRs (DYS434, DYS437, DYS439, DYS393, DYS391, DYS390, DYS19, DYS389I, DYS389II, and DYS388) 18)The y chromosome STRs of the Fuegians include DYS434,DYS437,DYS 439, DYS 393, DYS391,DYS390,DYS19, DYS 389I, DYS389II and DYS 388 (see: Garcia-Bour et al above). Except for DYS390 and DYS388 they are characteristic of haplogroup A1 . A1 is recognized as an African haplogroup.

Again, hopefully Clyde will understand sooner than later. Clyde your continuous distortion of genetics is completely laughable at best. The Fuegians do not carry Y chromosome A, nor D, therefore the M174 you speak of is not present in Fuegians at all. The difference between Y-dna and Mtdna needs to be understood before you can distinguish haplogroups. Clyde you've failed so far. Native American carry A and D haplogroups but they're Mtdna haplogroups, not Y-dna. Fuegians do not carry Y-dna haplogroups A nor D.

The same Y-strs are amplified/analyzed in many studies.

From Y Chromosome Haplotype Reference Database

Welcome to YHRD

An extremely informative Y-STR core set or minimal haplotype (minHt) amplifiable in a multiplex reaction has been recommended for court use : DYS19, DYS389I, DYS389II, DYS390, DYS391, DYS392, DYS393, DYS385ab (Kayser et al. 1997), (Pascali et al. 1999). This core haplotype can be extended by other hypervariable Y-STR loci (DYS438, DYS439, DYS437, DYS448, DYS456, DYS458, DYS635, YGATAH4) to further increase the power of discrimination (Ayub et al. 2000), (Redd et al. 2002), (Mulero et al. 2006).


Int J Legal Med. 2005 Sep ;119 (5):303-5 15834734 (P,S,G,E,B)
Polish population study on Y chromosome haplotypes defined by 18 STR loci.

Polymorphism of 18 STR loci specific to the human Y chromosome (DYS19, DYS388 , DYS389I, DYS389II, DYS390 , DYS391, DYS392, DYS393, DYS426, DYS437, DYS438, DYS439, DYS460, GATA H4.1, DYS385 a/b, and YCAII a/b) was evaluated by means of a multiplex (octadecaplex) PCR reaction and capillary electrophoresis in a Polish population sample of 208 unrelated males. A total of 192 different haplotypes and 183 unique haplotypes were identified. The observed haplotype diversity was 0.998, while discrimination capacity was 92.3%. DYS389 was shown to be the most valuable in discrimination of similar haplotypes, whereas DYS388, DYS393, DYS426, and DYS438 did not affect the discrimination power of the multiplex.

Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Originally posted by rasol:
Clyde, you are still lying. This report does NOT say that the San peopled the Americas.
Of course it doesn't.

Here's the real question..... is there anyone who can't descern that Winters is simply a bald faced liar?



You’re such a liar rASOL here is the article that discusses the expansion of the San people.


1. Sub-Saharan Africa. The first population in the ordering are the San, who are hunter gatherers that live in Southern Africa. Before the Bantu expansion over the last 3,000 years, the ancestors of the San occupied most of Southern Africa, but they have been progressively displaced and currently are restricted to a few pockets [17]. The San contributed ancestry to the next four populations (the Biaka Pygmies, Bantu from South Africa and Kenya, and Mbuti Pygmies) but none subsequent to that. The Bantu are inferred to have contributed to each subsequent African population.

8. The Americas. The Colombians are the first Amerind population. 47% of their ancestry can be traced via the Hazara, which is marginally less than typical East Asian populations such as the Han (54%) or Xibo (59%) (Movie S2, Table S3). However, within the descendents of the putative EastAsia bottleneck, their donor pool is diverse, implying that none of the populations in the sample provides a good proxy for the original group or groups that crossed the Bering straight. The Colombians also have French donors, which may reflect post-Colombian admixture. The second American population, the Pima, represents the first North American population. As well as using all 7 Colombians as donors, it uses 8 Mongolians and 4 Oroquen. Neither of these populations acted as donors to the Colombians, suggesting distinct colonization events from different sources. Subsequent American populations did not have any non-Amerind donors, except for the Mayans who have Bantu and Tuscan donors, presumably due to post-Columbian admixture [18].

web page

This behavior of lying is what make you the Forum clown.

Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Originally posted by rasol:
Since you understand what science is about falsify the 21 propositions I have confirmed in support of my hypotheses.
I did, right here...


^ You responded by whining that I argue from 'authority' instead of doing 'original research'..

This is juxtaposed to what you do:

Argue from 'senility' and confuse ridiculous claims, with 'research'. [Smile]

Silly child. You can use a chart to explain away a thesis. You have to present specific evidence to disconfirm my evidence this chart does nothing to dispute my findings. But you're just being yourself by being a clown.


This behavior of lying is what make you the Forum clown.
Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
]  -

You're such a moron. Stop acting like you are brainless and disprove my findings. This garbage has nothing to do with my propositions.


Let's look at the facts:

1) the Australians represent the OOA population that settled Asia

2) during the OOA event much of Siberia and North America was under ice from 110,000 - 10,000BC. As a result there was no way Siberians could cross Beringa before the end of the ice age

3) Ice even separated much of South America east to west


4) the first Americans appear in Brazil, Chile and Argintina Latin America around 30,000 BC

5)using craniometric evidence it is clear that the first Americans look like Africans not modern Asian Native Americans

6) using craniometrics I have pointed out that Asia was dominated by the Australian population until the rise of Suhulland when the Melanesian people appear in the area, at this time the Beringa was still under Ice

7) I pointed out that the Melanesian type reach East Asian mainland by 5000 BC, long after Africans had settled Latin America

8) between 15,000-12,000 we see numerous African populations in Mexico and Brazil; and skeletons dating to this period have even been found off the Yucatan coast in the Caribbean

9) these first Americans did not look like the Australians or modern Amerinds

10) iconography of PreClassic people like the Cherla, Ocos and other groups is of Negroes not Amerinds like the Maya

11) Amerind groups not associated with African slaves carry African genes

12) Maya carried African y chromosome

13) Chontal Mayan speakers were classified as Negroes by Quatrefages. This may explain why the Maya carry African genes

14)Negrocostachicanos claim that they have never been slaves and are indigenous to Guererro and Oaxaca on the Pacific coast

15) The Dufuna boat makes it clear that Africans probably had the technology to travel to the Americas 15,000 years ago.

16) Fuegians 100-400 BP carried haplogroup A1. Hg A1 is an African haplogroup.

17) Amerinds carry haplogroup N, just like Africans.

18)The y chromosome STRs of the Fuegians include DYS434,DYS437,DYS 439, DYS 393, DYS391,DYS390,DYS19, DYS 389I, DYS389II and DYS 388 (see: Garcia-Bour et al above). Except for DYS390 and DYS388 they are characteristic of haplogroup A1 . A1 is recognized as an African haplogroup.

19)Quatrefages noted numerous African Native American tribes

20)The antiquity of these populations is supported by the ancient iconography found in these countries which are of African Native Americans.

21) Most contemporary populations are descendants of the San people not Australians.

Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
Posted by Clyde Fraud:
In this paper, King et al make it clear that the “Y-STR haplotypes (DYS19, DYS390, DYS391, DYS392, DYS393, DYS437, DYS438, DYS439, DYS389I, DYS389II-I) of eleven hgA1 chromosomes. “ belong to hg A1.^ Ancient mtDNA was succesfully recovered from 24 skeletal samples of a total of 60 ancient individuals from Patagonia-Tierra del Fuego, dated to 100-400 years BP, for which consistent amplifications and two-strand sequences were obtained. Y-chromosome STRs (DYS434, DYS437, DYS439, DYS393, DYS391, DYS390, DYS19, DYS389I, DYS389II, and DYS388) 18)The y chromosome STRs of the Fuegians include DYS434,DYS437,DYS 439, DYS 393, DYS391,DYS390,DYS19, DYS 389I, DYS389II and DYS 388 (see: Garcia-Bour et al above). Except for DYS390 and DYS388 they are characteristic of haplogroup A1 . A1 is recognized as an African haplogroup.

Again, hopefully Clyde will understand sooner than later. Clyde your continuous distortion of genetics is completely laughable at best. The Fuegians do not carry Y chromosome A, nor D, therefore the M174 you speak of is not present in Fuegians at all. The difference between Y-dna and Mtdna needs to be understood before you can distinguish haplogroups. Clyde you've failed so far. Native American carry A and D haplogroups but they're Mtdna haplogroups, not Y-dna. Fuegians do not carry Y-dna haplogroups A nor D.

The same Y-strs are amplified/analyzed in many studies.

From Y Chromosome Haplotype Reference Database

Welcome to YHRD

An extremely informative Y-STR core set or minimal haplotype (minHt) amplifiable in a multiplex reaction has been recommended for court use : DYS19, DYS389I, DYS389II, DYS390, DYS391, DYS392, DYS393, DYS385ab (Kayser et al. 1997), (Pascali et al. 1999). This core haplotype can be extended by other hypervariable Y-STR loci (DYS438, DYS439, DYS437, DYS448, DYS456, DYS458, DYS635, YGATAH4) to further increase the power of discrimination (Ayub et al. 2000), (Redd et al. 2002), (Mulero et al. 2006).


Int J Legal Med. 2005 Sep ;119 (5):303-5 15834734 (P,S,G,E,B)
Polish population study on Y chromosome haplotypes defined by 18 STR loci.

Polymorphism of 18 STR loci specific to the human Y chromosome (DYS19, DYS388 , DYS389I, DYS389II, DYS390 , DYS391, DYS392, DYS393, DYS426, DYS437, DYS438, DYS439, DYS460, GATA H4.1, DYS385 a/b, and YCAII a/b) was evaluated by means of a multiplex (octadecaplex) PCR reaction and capillary electrophoresis in a Polish population sample of 208 unrelated males. A total of 192 different haplotypes and 183 unique haplotypes were identified. The observed haplotype diversity was 0.998, while discrimination capacity was 92.3%. DYS389 was shown to be the most valuable in discrimination of similar haplotypes, whereas DYS388, DYS393, DYS426, and DYS438 did not affect the discrimination power of the multiplex.

Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Here is the evidence.

If you could not cross the Beringa until 14kya and all the skeletons of ancient inhabitants are found near the Atlantic coastline the people had to have come from Africa given the fact the carniometrics indicate that they were of the African variety, and ice blocked any possible movement of people from the Pacific to Argintina and Chile where some of the evidence of early man has been found.

The first Americans did not cross the Bearing Straits to enter the Americas.The earliest sites for Negroes date between 20,000 and 40000 years ago Old Crow Basin Canada(38,000BC) Pedra Furada (45,000BC) Brazil. These people were pygmies and bushman types according to Dr. Dixon, & Dr. Marquez(p.179).

Chile: Monteverde (12,500 years), Tierra del Fuego, Cueva de Fell, Tres Arroyos and some other places.

There are older ones in the Argentinian Patagonia.


—Patagonia was the world's last place to be colonized by humans. In Arica there have been found remains of 9,000 years; the same in a place at the High Aconcagua and Huentelauquén. In Chile we have more than half of the continent's most ancient human skeletons, all well dated and documented.

In addition


Archaeologists believe they have discovered a 13,600-year-old human skeleton deep in a Caribbean underwater cave, making it the oldest ever found in the Americas. The discovery could have profound effects on theories of how humans first reached North America.

The female skeleton, called Eve of Naharon, was found with three other human skeletons in underwater caves along the coast of the Yucatan Peninsula. Excavation of a fourth skeleton – possibly even older than Eve – begins this month in a nearby cave.

The three other skeletons found with Eve have been radiocarbon-dated from 11,000 to 14,000 years ago.

All were found in underwater caves about 50 feet below the surface. At the time Eve and the others would have lived there, the sea level was about 200 feet lower, and the Yucatan Peninsula was a dry prairie. Melting of the polar ice caps 9,000 years ago submerged the burial ground and the subsequent growth of stalactites and stalagmites kept the skeletons from being washed out to sea.

In 1959 archaeologists found the Penon woman skeleton at Mexico City.

[/b] Penon Woman[/b]

Penon woman has been characterized as a Negro and is physically different from Native Americans. The Penon skeleton has been dated between 12,500-15,000BP. The skull of Penon woman is dolichocephalic like most Negroes, not brachysephalic (short and braod) like modern Native Americans. She is related to the Fuegians of Parana Argentina and the Luizia population of Brazil.

Here we have a comparison of ancient skulls found in the Americas.

[IMG] [/IMG]

In the picture above we have three ancient American skulls. They are a) Penon woman (12.755 Ka), b) Texcal Man (9.5ka) and c) Pericue Indian (18th Century). If you look notice Pericue man shows broad features characteristic of the mongoloid type, while both Penon and Texcul do not.

Some researchers claim that these skeletons are of Australian or Melanesian Blacks. This is highly unlikely given the fact that that have been found near the Atlantic Ocean and suggestive of a migration from Africa to Mexico, like the migration of the Olmec 11,000 years later. This view is supported by the discovery of the so-called Eva Neharon skeleton (c.13,600 ) dating to around the same period found in the Caribbean.

By 11,500 we see the appearence tall Negroes from Africa in Colombia, Venezuela and Brazil e.g.,Luiza. Negroes settled America both from the Bearing & South America. Cite an archaeological site where Amerind skeletons have been found prior to the Negro skeletons.


Oldest Skeleton in Americas Found in Underwater Cave?
Eliza Barclay
for National Geographic News

September 3, 2008

Deep inside an underwater cave in Mexico, archaeologists may have discovered the oldest human skeleton ever found in the Americas.

Dubbed Eva de Naharon, or Eve of Naharon, the female skeleton has been dated at 13,600 years old. If that age is accurate, the skeleton—along with three others found in underwater caves along the Caribbean coast of the Yucatán Peninsula—could provide new clues to how the Americas were first populated.

The remains have been excavated over the past four years near the town of Tulum, about 80 miles southwest of Cancún, by a team of scientists led by Arturo González, director of the Desert Museum in Saltillo, Mexico (see map of Mexico).

"We don't now how [the people whose remains were found in the caves] arrived and whether they came from the Atlantic, the jungle, or inside the continent," González said.

"But we believe these finds are the oldest yet to be found in the Americas and may influence our theories of how the first people arrived."

In addition to possibly altering the time line of human settlement in the Americas, the remains may cause experts to rethink where the first Americans came from, González added.

Clues from the skeletons' skulls hint that the people may not be of northern Asian descent, which would contradict the dominant theory of New World settlement. That theory holds that ancient humans first came to North America from northern Asia via a now submerged land bridge across the Bering Sea (see an interactive map of ancient human migration).

"The shape of the skulls has led us to believe that Eva and the others have more of an affinity with people from South Asia than North Asia," González explained.

Concepción Jiménez, director of physical anthropology at Mexico's National Institute of Anthropology and History, has viewed the finds and says they may be Mexico's oldest and most important human remains to date.

"Eva de Naharon has the Paleo-Indian characteristics that make the date seem very plausible," Jiménez said.

Ancient Floods, Giant Animals

The three other skeletons excavated in the caves have been given a date range of 11,000 to 14,000 years ago, based on radiocarbon dating.

Radiocarbon dating measures the age of organic materials based on their content of the radioactive isotope carbon 14.

According to archaeologist David Anderson of the University of Tennessee, however, minerals in seawater can sometimes alter the carbon 14 content of bones, resulting in inaccurate radiocarbon dating results.

The remains were found some 50 feet (15 meters) below sea level in the caves off Tulum. But at the time Eve of Naharon is believed to have lived there, sea levels were 200 feet (60 meters) lower, and the Yucatán Peninsula was a wide, dry prairie.

The polar ice caps melted dramatically 8,000 to 9,000 years ago, causing sea levels to rise hundreds of feet and submerging the burial grounds of the skeletons. Stalactites and stalagmites then grew around the remains, preventing them from being washed out to sea.

González has also found remains of elephants, giant sloths, and other ancient fauna in the caves.

(Learn more about how caves form.)

Human Migration Theories

If González's finds do stand up to scientific scrutiny, they will raise many interesting new questions about how the Americas were first peopled.

Many researchers once believed humans entered the New World from Asia as a single group crossing over the Bering Land Bridge no earlier than 13,500 years ago. But that theory is lately being debunked.

Remains found in Monte Verde, Chile, in 1997, for example, point to the presence of people in the Americas at least 12,500 years ago, long before migration would have been possible through the ice-covered Arctic reaches of North America.

(Related: "Clovis People Not First Americans, Study Shows" [February 23, 2007].)

Confirmation of Eve of Naharon's age could further revolutionize the thinking about the settlement of the Americas.

This September, González will begin excavating the fourth skeleton, known as Chan hol, which he says could be even older than Eve.

The Chan hol remains include more than ten teeth, which will allow researchers to date the specimen and gather information about Chan hol's diet.

"When we learn more about the [Mexican finds] we'll be able to better evaluate them," said Carlos Lorenzo, a researcher at the Universitat Rovira i Virgili in Tarragona, Spain, an expert on the subject who was not involved in the current study.

"But in any case, if it's confirmed that Eva de Naharon is 13,000 years old, it will be a fantastic and extraordinary finding for understanding the first settlers of America."

González said he and his team hope to publish the full results of their analysis after the excavation of the fourth skeleton.

"We're not yet in the phase of research of determining how they arrived," he said. "But when we have more evidence we may be able to determine that."


USA 28,000-25,000 14C y.a.
This vegetation map showing the eastern USA during the period 28,000-25,000 14C y.a. has been compiled by Paul & Hazel Delcourt. An ice sheet already covered most of Canada and extended south of the Great Lakes. Boreal conifer woodlands and forests predominated in what is now the cool temperate forest zone, and the cool and warm temperate forest belts were compressed southwards.

The last ice age in North America lasted between 110,000 and 17,000BP. The ice-free corridor on the eastern flank of the Rockies did not open before 13,000 years ago. Africans were in the Americas long before the end of the last Ice Age when the “Siberians”, who also were more than likely Africans began to cross the Bearing Straits. By 12,500 BC Africans were already living in Chile.

Stop trying to steal the heritage of the Black people like the Olmecs, who represent the Mother Culture of Mexico.

Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:


Posted by Marc Washington (Member # 10979) on :





Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Lol poor Clyde in his desperate confusion and stubbornness he'll never admit he is wrong. Keep spamming Clyde, but you've been refuted, so you should be a man, and admit it.

Clyde says:
The y chromosome STRs of the Fuegians include DYS434,DYS437,DYS 439, DYS 393, DYS391,DYS390,DYS19, DYS 389I, DYS389II and DYS 388 (see: Garcia-Bour et al above). Except for DYS390 and DYS388 they are characteristic of haplogroup A1 . A1 is recognized as an African haplogroup.

No it doesn't Clyde. The STRs mentioned were amplified in the study, and the study revealed Mtdna and Y-STRs of Native American ancestry, you dimwitted fool.

Fuegians do not carry Y-dna haplogroups A nor D.

The same Y-STRs are amplified/analyzed in many studies. They are not characterized by hga1, nor do any of the authors make such conclusions. Just your false understanding of genetics.

From Y Chromosome Haplotype Reference Database

Welcome to YHRD

An extremely informative Y-STR core set or minimal haplotype (minHt) amplifiable in a multiplex reaction has been recommended for court use : DYS19, DYS389I, DYS389II, DYS390, DYS391, DYS392, DYS393, DYS385ab (Kayser et al. 1997), (Pascali et al. 1999). This core haplotype can be extended by other hypervariable Y-STR loci (DYS438, DYS439, DYS437, DYS448, DYS456, DYS458, DYS635, YGATAH4) to further increase the power of discrimination (Ayub et al. 2000), (Redd et al. 2002), (Mulero et al. 2006).


Int J Legal Med. 2005 Sep ;119 (5):303-5 15834734 (P,S,G,E,B)
Polish population study on Y chromosome haplotypes defined by 18 STR loci.

Polymorphism of 18 STR loci specific to the human Y chromosome (DYS19, DYS388 , DYS389I, DYS389II, DYS390 , DYS391, DYS392, DYS393, DYS426, DYS437, DYS438, DYS439, DYS460, GATA H4.1, DYS385 a/b, and YCAII a/b) was evaluated by means of a multiplex (octadecaplex) PCR reaction and capillary electrophoresis in a Polish population sample of 208 unrelated males. A total of 192 different haplotypes and 183 unique haplotypes were identified. The observed haplotype diversity was 0.998, while discrimination capacity was 92.3%. DYS389 was shown to be the most valuable in discrimination of similar haplotypes, whereas DYS388, DYS393, DYS426, and DYS438 did not affect the discrimination power of the multiplex.

So basically Clyde from your distortion of genetics, the above amplified Polymorphism of ***18 STR loci specific to the human Y chromosome*** , in this study on a Polish population Y-chromosome, indicates that they carry hgA1?

 - <<<<<<-----  - HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
Winters whines: You can't use a chart to explain away a thesis.

You don't have a thesis. Only a lie.

You claim haplotype A in the America's and that D is common in San.

Lie, and Lie.

As shown.....


^ Silly charlatan, the haplotype you try to link to SAN, is more common in Japan and Korea.

You must show that this genetic data for Y chromosomes of the world, is wrong.

Seeing as you don't even know the difference between X and Y chromosome, how likely is this??

You're just a busted liar, and there is nothing you can say to hide that fact.

Btw: If there is anyone who credits you with anything more than lying, then they should slap themselves for being so utterly, gullible.

But really, you have no credibility anymore on ES or anywhere else.

You squandered all on one ridiculous claim after another.

Why don't you tell us more about the sunken continent of Lemuria. [Roll Eyes]

Tell us about the Indo European origins of Meriotic script. [Roll Eyes]

Tell us how Herodutus was really Black, but just forgot to mention it in his writings? [Roll Eyes]

Let's rehash *all* your stupid ideas, and get the full measure of what you're about.

lol, at your wild claims, egocentric fool....
 - [Razz]
Posted by Marc Washington (Member # 10979) on :


Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
 - <<<<<<-----
^thanks Marc, signed- Dr. Clyde. [Smile]

Marc, I pity you, a poor self hating Black man in Europe.

Trying to guilt other Blacks into patronising your brain-dead fantasies by using the N_word.

Posted by Marc Washington (Member # 10979) on :


Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :


 - <<<<<<-----

Marc, I pity you, a poor self hating Black man trapped in Europe and so..confused.

Trying to guilt other Blacks into patronising your brain-dead fantasies by using the N_word.


signed - Dr. Clyde.

Posted by Marc Washington (Member # 10979) on :


Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
Marc writes: check out this disconnect "all people share a common ancestry"
^Check out this idiot.

He can't tell the difference between the fact of African origin of all humans, and the claim that Native American descend from SAN.

Tell us Marc - do you claim that Germans descend from South African Zulu.

Was Afghanistan 1st settled by the Ashanti from Ghana.

It's all the same right? Just a matter of connecting .... facts-to-fake-claims.... eh? [Razz]
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :

 - <<<<<<-----

Marc, I pity you, a poor self hating Black man trapped in Europe and calling himself, an n-word.

how sad.

signed - Dr. Clyde.

Posted by Marc Washington (Member # 10979) on :


Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :

 - <<<<<<-----

Marc, I pity you, a poor self hating Black man trapped in Europe and calling himself, an n-word.

how sad.

signed, Dr. Clyde.

Posted by Marc Washington (Member # 10979) on :


Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
Originally posted by rasol:

 - <<<<<<-----

Marc, I pity you, a poor self hating Black man trapped in Europe and calling himself, an n-word.

how sad.

signed, Dr. Clyde.

Posted by Marc Washington (Member # 10979) on :



Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ Dr. Winters, Marc's tantrums don't get you off the hook......


^ Please show common haplotype A in the Americas.

Please show common haplotype D among the SAN.

What's taking so long?
Posted by Marc Washington (Member # 10979) on :



Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ clydes latest defeat plus marc's usual n-word tantrums = priceless. [Big Grin]
Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
Lol poor Clyde in his desperate confusion and stubbornness he'll never admit he is wrong. Keep spamming Clyde, but you've been refuted, so you should be a man, and admit it.

Clyde says:
The y chromosome STRs of the Fuegians include DYS434,DYS437,DYS 439, DYS 393, DYS391,DYS390,DYS19, DYS 389I, DYS389II and DYS 388 (see: Garcia-Bour et al above). Except for DYS390 and DYS388 they are characteristic of haplogroup A1 . A1 is recognized as an African haplogroup.

No it doesn't Clyde. The STRs mentioned were amplified in the study, and the study revealed Mtdna and Y-STRs of Native American ancestry, you dimwitted fool.

Fuegians do not carry Y-dna haplogroups A nor D.

The same Y-STRs are amplified/analyzed in many studies. They are not characterized by hga1, nor do any of the authors make such conclusions. Just your false understanding of genetics.

From Y Chromosome Haplotype Reference Database

Welcome to YHRD

An extremely informative Y-STR core set or minimal haplotype (minHt) amplifiable in a multiplex reaction has been recommended for court use : DYS19, DYS389I, DYS389II, DYS390, DYS391, DYS392, DYS393, DYS385ab (Kayser et al. 1997), (Pascali et al. 1999). This core haplotype can be extended by other hypervariable Y-STR loci (DYS438, DYS439, DYS437, DYS448, DYS456, DYS458, DYS635, YGATAH4) to further increase the power of discrimination (Ayub et al. 2000), (Redd et al. 2002), (Mulero et al. 2006).


Int J Legal Med. 2005 Sep ;119 (5):303-5 15834734 (P,S,G,E,B)
Polish population study on Y chromosome haplotypes defined by 18 STR loci.

Polymorphism of 18 STR loci specific to the human Y chromosome (DYS19, DYS388 , DYS389I, DYS389II, DYS390 , DYS391, DYS392, DYS393, DYS426, DYS437, DYS438, DYS439, DYS460, GATA H4.1, DYS385 a/b, and YCAII a/b) was evaluated by means of a multiplex (octadecaplex) PCR reaction and capillary electrophoresis in a Polish population sample of 208 unrelated males. A total of 192 different haplotypes and 183 unique haplotypes were identified. The observed haplotype diversity was 0.998, while discrimination capacity was 92.3%. DYS389 was shown to be the most valuable in discrimination of similar haplotypes, whereas DYS388, DYS393, DYS426, and DYS438 did not affect the discrimination power of the multiplex.

So basically Clyde from your distortion of genetics, the above amplified Polymorphism of ***18 STR loci specific to the human Y chromosome*** , in this study on a Polish population Y-chromosome, indicates that they carry hgA1?

 - <<<<<<-----  - HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!

Posted by Marc Washington (Member # 10979) on :



Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Originally posted by rasol:
Originally posted by rasol:

 - <<<<<<-----

Marc, I pity you, a poor self hating Black man trapped in Europe and calling himself, an n-word.

how sad.

signed, Dr. Clyde.

You're just jealous that Marc does original research and where as you are a clown he is a super HERO

Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
Lol poor Clyde in his desperate confusion and stubbornness he'll never admit he is wrong. Keep spamming Clyde, but you've been refuted, so you should be a man, and admit it.

Clyde says:
The y chromosome STRs of the Fuegians include DYS434,DYS437,DYS 439, DYS 393, DYS391,DYS390,DYS19, DYS 389I, DYS389II and DYS 388 (see: Garcia-Bour et al above). Except for DYS390 and DYS388 they are characteristic of haplogroup A1 . A1 is recognized as an African haplogroup.

No it doesn't Clyde. The STRs mentioned were amplified in the study, and the study revealed Mtdna and Y-STRs of Native American ancestry, you dimwitted fool.

Fuegians do not carry Y-dna haplogroups A nor D.

The same Y-STRs are amplified/analyzed in many studies. They are not characterized by hga1, nor do any of the authors make such conclusions. Just your false understanding of genetics.

From Y Chromosome Haplotype Reference Database

Welcome to YHRD

An extremely informative Y-STR core set or minimal haplotype (minHt) amplifiable in a multiplex reaction has been recommended for court use : DYS19, DYS389I, DYS389II, DYS390, DYS391, DYS392, DYS393, DYS385ab (Kayser et al. 1997), (Pascali et al. 1999). This core haplotype can be extended by other hypervariable Y-STR loci (DYS438, DYS439, DYS437, DYS448, DYS456, DYS458, DYS635, YGATAH4) to further increase the power of discrimination (Ayub et al. 2000), (Redd et al. 2002), (Mulero et al. 2006).


Int J Legal Med. 2005 Sep ;119 (5):303-5 15834734 (P,S,G,E,B)
Polish population study on Y chromosome haplotypes defined by 18 STR loci.

Polymorphism of 18 STR loci specific to the human Y chromosome (DYS19, DYS388 , DYS389I, DYS389II, DYS390 , DYS391, DYS392, DYS393, DYS426, DYS437, DYS438, DYS439, DYS460, GATA H4.1, DYS385 a/b, and YCAII a/b) was evaluated by means of a multiplex (octadecaplex) PCR reaction and capillary electrophoresis in a Polish population sample of 208 unrelated males. A total of 192 different haplotypes and 183 unique haplotypes were identified. The observed haplotype diversity was 0.998, while discrimination capacity was 92.3%. DYS389 was shown to be the most valuable in discrimination of similar haplotypes, whereas DYS388, DYS393, DYS426, and DYS438 did not affect the discrimination power of the multiplex.

So basically Clyde from your distortion of genetics, the above amplified Polymorphism of ***18 STR loci specific to the human Y chromosome*** , in this study on a Polish population Y-chromosome, indicates that they carry hgA1?

 - <<<<<<-----  - HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!


Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :

You're such a moron. Stop acting like you are brainless and disprove my findings. This garbage has nothing to do with my propositions.


Let's look at the facts:

1) the Australians represent the OOA population that settled Asia

2) during the OOA event much of Siberia and North America was under ice from 110,000 - 10,000BC. As a result there was no way Siberians could cross Beringa before the end of the ice age

3) Ice even separated much of South America east to west


4) the first Americans appear in Brazil, Chile and Argintina Latin America around 30,000 BC

5)using craniometric evidence it is clear that the first Americans look like Africans not modern Asian Native Americans

6) using craniometrics I have pointed out that Asia was dominated by the Australian population until the rise of Suhulland when the Melanesian people appear in the area, at this time the Beringa was still under Ice

7) I pointed out that the Melanesian type reach East Asian mainland by 5000 BC, long after Africans had settled Latin America

8) between 15,000-12,000 we see numerous African populations in Mexico and Brazil; and skeletons dating to this period have even been found off the Yucatan coast in the Caribbean

9) these first Americans did not look like the Australians or modern Amerinds

10) iconography of PreClassic people like the Cherla, Ocos and other groups is of Negroes not Amerinds like the Maya

11) Amerind groups not associated with African slaves carry African genes

12) Maya carried African y chromosome

13) Chontal Mayan speakers were classified as Negroes by Quatrefages. This may explain why the Maya carry African genes

14)Negrocostachicanos claim that they have never been slaves and are indigenous to Guererro and Oaxaca on the Pacific coast

15) The Dufuna boat makes it clear that Africans probably had the technology to travel to the Americas 15,000 years ago.

16) Fuegians 100-400 BP carried haplogroup A1. Hg A1 is an African haplogroup.

17) Amerinds carry haplogroup N, just like Africans.

18)The y chromosome STRs of the Fuegians include DYS434,DYS437,DYS 439, DYS 393, DYS391,DYS390,DYS19, DYS 389I, DYS389II and DYS 388 (see: Garcia-Bour et al above). Except for DYS390 and DYS388 they are characteristic of haplogroup A1 . A1 is recognized as an African haplogroup.

19)Quatrefages noted numerous African Native American tribes

20)The antiquity of these populations is supported by the ancient iconography found in these countries which are of African Native Americans.

21) Most contemporary populations are descendants of the San people not Australians.

You have not falsified the propositions above point by point. Post the counter evidence instead of making idle claims.

Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
Lol poor Clyde in his desperate confusion and stubbornness he'll never admit he is wrong. Keep spamming Clyde, but you've been refuted, so you should be a man, and admit it.

Clyde says:
The y chromosome STRs of the Fuegians include DYS434,DYS437,DYS 439, DYS 393, DYS391,DYS390,DYS19, DYS 389I, DYS389II and DYS 388 (see: Garcia-Bour et al above). Except for DYS390 and DYS388 they are characteristic of haplogroup A1 . A1 is recognized as an African haplogroup.

No it doesn't Clyde. The STRs mentioned were amplified in the study, and the study revealed Mtdna and Y-STRs of Native American ancestry, you dimwitted fool.

Fuegians do not carry Y-dna haplogroups A nor D.

The same Y-STRs are amplified/analyzed in many studies. They are not characterized by hga1, nor do any of the authors make such conclusions. Just your false understanding of genetics.

From Y Chromosome Haplotype Reference Database

Welcome to YHRD

An extremely informative Y-STR core set or minimal haplotype (minHt) amplifiable in a multiplex reaction has been recommended for court use : DYS19, DYS389I, DYS389II, DYS390, DYS391, DYS392, DYS393, DYS385ab (Kayser et al. 1997), (Pascali et al. 1999). This core haplotype can be extended by other hypervariable Y-STR loci (DYS438, DYS439, DYS437, DYS448, DYS456, DYS458, DYS635, YGATAH4) to further increase the power of discrimination (Ayub et al. 2000), (Redd et al. 2002), (Mulero et al. 2006).


Int J Legal Med. 2005 Sep ;119 (5):303-5 15834734 (P,S,G,E,B)
Polish population study on Y chromosome haplotypes defined by 18 STR loci.

Polymorphism of 18 STR loci specific to the human Y chromosome (DYS19, DYS388 , DYS389I, DYS389II, DYS390 , DYS391, DYS392, DYS393, DYS426, DYS437, DYS438, DYS439, DYS460, GATA H4.1, DYS385 a/b, and YCAII a/b) was evaluated by means of a multiplex (octadecaplex) PCR reaction and capillary electrophoresis in a Polish population sample of 208 unrelated males. A total of 192 different haplotypes and 183 unique haplotypes were identified. The observed haplotype diversity was 0.998, while discrimination capacity was 92.3%. DYS389 was shown to be the most valuable in discrimination of similar haplotypes, whereas DYS388, DYS393, DYS426, and DYS438 did not affect the discrimination power of the multiplex.

So basically Clyde from your distortion of genetics, the above amplified Polymorphism of ***18 STR loci specific to the human Y chromosome*** , in this study on a Polish population Y-chromosome, indicates that they carry hgA1?

 - <<<<<<-----  - HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!

Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
You're just jealous that Marc does original research
-> Well this I is indeed original...

^ Did Marc do this?
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ Meanwhile..... no answers.

Why is that, Dr. Clyde?
Originally posted by rasol:
^ Dr. Winters, Marc's tantrums don't get you off the hook......


^ Please show common haplotype A in the Americas.

Please show common haplotype D among the SAN.

What's taking so long?

Posted by Marc Washington (Member # 10979) on :

[rAsol writes:] Most of those STR's are found in all male haplotypes, for the precise reason that all men share a common African ancestry: EXAMPLE:
Y-specific STR loci (DYS19, DYS389I/II, DYS390.

[Marc writes:] Saying "all men share a common African ancestry: EXAMPLE: Y-specific STR loci (DYS19, DYS389I/II, DYS390, DYS391, DYS392."

Is the same as saying that all men share the San as the common ancestor as the San was the first man.


[Dr Winters writes:] You are right Marc.

Here is an article that discusses the expansion of the San people.




Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Originally posted by rasol:
You're just jealous that Marc does original research
-> Well this I is indeed original...

^ Did Marc do this?

No Salassin did it during a debate we had on Olmec sometime ago. I think Jaime did a good job.

I use it at my Blog on ancient African writings systems.

Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :

Let's look at the facts:

1) the Australians represent the OOA population that settled Asia

2) during the OOA event much of Siberia and North America was under ice from 110,000 - 10,000BC. As a result there was no way Siberians could cross Beringa before the end of the ice age

3) Ice even separated much of South America east to west


4) the first Americans appear in Brazil, Chile and Argintina Latin America around 30,000 BC

5)using craniometric evidence it is clear that the first Americans look like Africans not modern Asian Native Americans

6) using craniometrics I have pointed out that Asia was dominated by the Australian population until the rise of Suhulland when the Melanesian people appear in the area, at this time the Beringa was still under Ice

7) I pointed out that the Melanesian type reach East Asian mainland by 5000 BC, long after Africans had settled Latin America

8) between 15,000-12,000 we see numerous African populations in Mexico and Brazil; and skeletons dating to this period have even been found off the Yucatan coast in the Caribbean

9) these first Americans did not look like the Australians or modern Amerinds

10) iconography of PreClassic people like the Cherla, Ocos and other groups is of Negroes not Amerinds like the Maya

11) Amerind groups not associated with African slaves carry African genes

12) Maya carried African y chromosome

13) Chontal Mayan speakers were classified as Negroes by Quatrefages. This may explain why the Maya carry African genes

14)Negrocostachicanos claim that they have never been slaves and are indigenous to Guererro and Oaxaca on the Pacific coast

15) The Dufuna boat makes it clear that Africans probably had the technology to travel to the Americas 15,000 years ago.

16) Fuegians 100-400 BP carried haplogroup A1. Hg A1 is an African haplogroup.

17) Amerinds carry haplogroup N, just like Africans.

18)The y chromosome STRs of the Fuegians include DYS434,DYS437,DYS 439, DYS 393, DYS391,DYS390,DYS19, DYS 389I, DYS389II and DYS 388 (see: Garcia-Bour et al above). Except for DYS390 and DYS388 they are characteristic of haplogroup A1 . A1 is recognized as an African haplogroup.

19)Quatrefages noted numerous African Native American tribes

20)The antiquity of these populations is supported by the ancient iconography found in these countries which are of African Native Americans.

21) Most contemporary populations are descendants of the San people not Australians.

Here is my response. You have not falsified the propositions above point by point. Post the counter evidence instead of making idle claims.

Originally posted by rasol:
^ Meanwhile..... no answers.

Why is that, Dr. Clyde?
Originally posted by rasol:
^ Dr. Winters, Marc's tantrums don't get you off the hook......


^ Please show common haplotype A in the Americas.

Please show common haplotype D among the SAN.

What's taking so long?

Posted by Marc Washington (Member # 10979) on :


Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
So Clyde, you're telling me that you don't need to address your idiotic DNA claims?

Clyde says:
The y chromosome STRs of the Fuegians include DYS434,DYS437,DYS 439, DYS 393, DYS391,DYS390,DYS19, DYS 389I, DYS389II and DYS 388 (see: Garcia-Bour et al above). Except for DYS390 and DYS388 they are characteristic of haplogroup A1 . A1 is recognized as an African haplogroup.

No they aren't Clyde. The STRs mentioned were amplified in the study, and the study revealed Mtdna and Y-STRs of Native American ancestry, you dimwitted fool.

Fuegians do not carry Y-dna haplogroups A nor D.

The same Y-STRs are amplified/analyzed in many studies. They are not characterized by hga1, nor do any of the authors make such conclusions. Just your false understanding of genetics.

From Y Chromosome Haplotype Reference Database

Welcome to YHRD

An extremely informative Y-STR core set or minimal haplotype (minHt) amplifiable in a multiplex reaction has been recommended for court use : DYS19, DYS389I, DYS389II, DYS390, DYS391, DYS392, DYS393, DYS385ab (Kayser et al. 1997), (Pascali et al. 1999). This core haplotype can be extended by other hypervariable Y-STR loci (DYS438, DYS439, DYS437, DYS448, DYS456, DYS458, DYS635, YGATAH4) to further increase the power of discrimination (Ayub et al. 2000), (Redd et al. 2002), (Mulero et al. 2006).


Int J Legal Med. 2005 Sep ;119 (5):303-5 15834734 (P,S,G,E,B)
Polish population study on Y chromosome haplotypes defined by 18 STR loci.

Polymorphism of 18 STR loci specific to the human Y chromosome (DYS19, DYS388 , DYS389I, DYS389II, DYS390 , DYS391, DYS392, DYS393, DYS426, DYS437, DYS438, DYS439, DYS460, GATA H4.1, DYS385 a/b, and YCAII a/b) was evaluated by means of a multiplex (octadecaplex) PCR reaction and capillary electrophoresis in a Polish population sample of 208 unrelated males. A total of 192 different haplotypes and 183 unique haplotypes were identified. The observed haplotype diversity was 0.998, while discrimination capacity was 92.3%. DYS389 was shown to be the most valuable in discrimination of similar haplotypes, whereas DYS388, DYS393, DYS426, and DYS438 did not affect the discrimination power of the multiplex.

So basically Clyde from your distortion of genetics, the above amplified Polymorphism of ***18 STR loci specific to the human Y chromosome*** , in this study on a Polish population Y-chromosome, indicates that they carry hgA1?

Also you can address your claim that Native Americans carry A2 and B2 because of Khoisan and Pygmies?
Posted by Marc Washington (Member # 10979) on :



Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
So Clyde, you're telling me that you don't need to address your idiotic DNA claims?

Clyde says:
The y chromosome STRs of the Fuegians include DYS434,DYS437,DYS 439, DYS 393, DYS391,DYS390,DYS19, DYS 389I, DYS389II and DYS 388 (see: Garcia-Bour et al above). Except for DYS390 and DYS388 they are characteristic of haplogroup A1 . A1 is recognized as an African haplogroup.

No they aren't Clyde. The STRs mentioned were amplified in the study, and the study revealed Mtdna and Y-STRs of Native American ancestry, you dimwitted fool.

Fuegians do not carry Y-dna haplogroups A nor D.

The same Y-STRs are amplified/analyzed in many studies. They are not characterized by hga1, nor do any of the authors make such conclusions. Just your false understanding of genetics.

From Y Chromosome Haplotype Reference Database

Welcome to YHRD

An extremely informative Y-STR core set or minimal haplotype (minHt) amplifiable in a multiplex reaction has been recommended for court use : DYS19, DYS389I, DYS389II, DYS390, DYS391, DYS392, DYS393, DYS385ab (Kayser et al. 1997), (Pascali et al. 1999). This core haplotype can be extended by other hypervariable Y-STR loci (DYS438, DYS439, DYS437, DYS448, DYS456, DYS458, DYS635, YGATAH4) to further increase the power of discrimination (Ayub et al. 2000), (Redd et al. 2002), (Mulero et al. 2006).


Int J Legal Med. 2005 Sep ;119 (5):303-5 15834734 (P,S,G,E,B)
Polish population study on Y chromosome haplotypes defined by 18 STR loci.

Polymorphism of 18 STR loci specific to the human Y chromosome (DYS19, DYS388 , DYS389I, DYS389II, DYS390 , DYS391, DYS392, DYS393, DYS426, DYS437, DYS438, DYS439, DYS460, GATA H4.1, DYS385 a/b, and YCAII a/b) was evaluated by means of a multiplex (octadecaplex) PCR reaction and capillary electrophoresis in a Polish population sample of 208 unrelated males. A total of 192 different haplotypes and 183 unique haplotypes were identified. The observed haplotype diversity was 0.998, while discrimination capacity was 92.3%. DYS389 was shown to be the most valuable in discrimination of similar haplotypes, whereas DYS388, DYS393, DYS426, and DYS438 did not affect the discrimination power of the multiplex.

So basically Clyde from your distortion of genetics, the above amplified Polymorphism of ***18 STR loci specific to the human Y chromosome*** , in this study on a Polish population Y-chromosome, indicates that they carry hgA1?

Also you can address your claim that Native Americans carry A2 and B2 because of Khoisan and Pygmies?

That's right I did not bite my tongue the Amerinds carry genes they recieved from the Pygmies and San who originally settled this the Americas and even Bantu and Mande people who came here later. As noted by Marc all homosapien sapiens cary these STR's because they come from the original Black man. But differences for each group is made by the addition of other STRs.

You continue to post this material as if it is a victory. I made over 21 propositions and supported them with evidence you have not disconfirmed any of them. You are the fake and liar. Start using your brain and prove my 21 propositions wrong or shut up moron.

Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
So Clyde, you're telling me that you don't need to address your idiotic DNA claims?

Clyde says:
The y chromosome STRs of the Fuegians include DYS434,DYS437,DYS 439, DYS 393, DYS391,DYS390,DYS19, DYS 389I, DYS389II and DYS 388 (see: Garcia-Bour et al above). Except for DYS390 and DYS388 they are characteristic of haplogroup A1 . A1 is recognized as an African haplogroup.

No they aren't Clyde. The STRs mentioned were amplified in the study, and the study revealed Mtdna and Y-STRs of Native American ancestry, you dimwitted fool.

Fuegians do not carry Y-dna haplogroups A nor D.

The same Y-STRs are amplified/analyzed in many studies. They are not characterized by hga1, nor do any of the authors make such conclusions. Just your false understanding of genetics.

From Y Chromosome Haplotype Reference Database

Welcome to YHRD

An extremely informative Y-STR core set or minimal haplotype (minHt) amplifiable in a multiplex reaction has been recommended for court use : DYS19, DYS389I, DYS389II, DYS390, DYS391, DYS392, DYS393, DYS385ab (Kayser et al. 1997), (Pascali et al. 1999). This core haplotype can be extended by other hypervariable Y-STR loci (DYS438, DYS439, DYS437, DYS448, DYS456, DYS458, DYS635, YGATAH4) to further increase the power of discrimination (Ayub et al. 2000), (Redd et al. 2002), (Mulero et al. 2006).


Int J Legal Med. 2005 Sep ;119 (5):303-5 15834734 (P,S,G,E,B)
Polish population study on Y chromosome haplotypes defined by 18 STR loci.

Polymorphism of 18 STR loci specific to the human Y chromosome (DYS19, DYS388 , DYS389I, DYS389II, DYS390 , DYS391, DYS392, DYS393, DYS426, DYS437, DYS438, DYS439, DYS460, GATA H4.1, DYS385 a/b, and YCAII a/b) was evaluated by means of a multiplex (octadecaplex) PCR reaction and capillary electrophoresis in a Polish population sample of 208 unrelated males. A total of 192 different haplotypes and 183 unique haplotypes were identified. The observed haplotype diversity was 0.998, while discrimination capacity was 92.3%. DYS389 was shown to be the most valuable in discrimination of similar haplotypes, whereas DYS388, DYS393, DYS426, and DYS438 did not affect the discrimination power of the multiplex.

So basically Clyde from your distortion of genetics, the above amplified Polymorphism of ***18 STR loci specific to the human Y chromosome*** , in this study on a Polish population Y-chromosome, indicates that they carry hgA1?

Also you can address your claim that Native Americans carry A2 and B2 because of Khoisan and Pygmies?

That's right I did not bite my tongue the Amerinds carry genes they recieved from the Pygmies and San who originally settled this the Americas and even Bantu and Mande people who came here later. As noted by Marc all homosapien sapiens cary these STR's because they come from the original Black man. But differences for each group is made by the addition of other STRs.

You continue to post this material as if it is a victory. I made over 21 propositions and supported them with evidence you have not disconfirmed any of them. You are the fake and liar. Start using your brain and prove my 21 propositions wrong or shut up moron.

Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
1) the Australians represent the OOA population that settled Asia
Oceanics are representative of OOA populations.

Academics analysed the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and Y chromosome DNA of Aboriginal Australians and Melanesians from New Guinea. This data was compared with the various DNA patterns associated with early humans. The research was an international effort, with researchers from Tartu in Estonia, Oxford, and Stanford in California all contributing key data and expertise.

The results showed that both the Aborigines and Melanesians share the genetic features that have been linked to the exodus of modern humans from Africa 50,000 years ago.

2) during the OOA event much of Siberia and North America was under ice from 110,000 - 10,000BC. As a result there was no way Siberians could cross Beringa before the end of the ice age

3) Ice even separated much of South America east to west

Well, as we can see from the following DNA puts Native Americans in America before 10k B.C.E, so this is mooted.

DNA from Pre-Clovis Human Coprolites in Oregon, North America

M. Thomas P. Gilbert,1* Dennis L. Jenkins,2* Anders Götherstrom,3 Nuria Naveran,4 Juan J. Sanchez,5 Michael Hofreiter,6 Philip Francis Thomsen,1 Jonas Binladen,1 Thomas F. G. Higham,7 Robert M. Yohe, II,8 Robert Parr,8 Linda Scott Cummings,9 Eske Willerslev1{dagger}

The timing of the first human migration into the Americas and its relation to the appearance of the Clovis technological complex in North America at about 11,000 to 10,800 radiocarbon years before the present (14C years B.P.) remains contentious. We establish that humans were present at Paisley 5 Mile Point Caves, in south-central Oregon, by 12,300 14C years B.P., through the recovery of human mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) from coprolites, directly dated by accelerator mass spectrometry. The mtDNA corresponds to Native American founding haplogroups A2 and B2. The dates of the coprolites are >1000 14C years earlier than currently accepted dates for the Clovis complex.


A team led by two Texas A&M University anthropologists now believes the first Americans came to this country 1,000 to 2,000 years earlier than the 13,500 years ago previously thought, which could shift historic timelines.

The team's findings are outlined in a review article in the journal Science entitled "The Late Pleistocene Dispersal of Modern Humans in the Americas," which synthesizes new data suggesting the migration from Alaska started about 15,000 years ago.

This theory is supported by not only archaeological evidence, but also from genetic evidence from living and ancient populations, says Ted Goebel, an anthropology professor at Texas A&M.


A Three-Stage Colonization Model for the Peopling of the Americas

Andrew Kitchen1, Michael M. Miyamoto2, Connie J. Mulligan1*


We evaluate the process by which the Americas were originally colonized and propose a three-stage model that integrates current genetic, archaeological, geological, and paleoecological data. Specifically, we analyze mitochondrial and nuclear genetic data by using complementary coalescent models of demographic history and incorporating non-genetic data to enhance the anthropological relevance of the analysis.

Bayesian skyline plots, which provide dynamic representations of population size changes over time, indicate that Amerinds went through two stages of growth ≈40,000 and ≈15,000 years ago separated by a long period of population stability. Isolation-with-migration coalescent analyses, which utilize data from sister populations to estimate a divergence date and founder population sizes, suggest an Amerind population expansion starting ≈15,000 years ago.

These results support a model for the peopling of the New World in which Amerind ancestors diverged from the Asian gene pool prior to 40,000 years ago and experienced a gradual population expansion as they moved into Beringia. After a long period of little change in population size in greater Beringia, Amerinds rapidly expanded into the Americas ≈15,000 years ago either through an interior ice-free corridor or along the coast. This rapid colonization of the New World was achieved by a founder group with an effective population size of ≈1,000–5,400 individuals. Our model presents a detailed scenario for the timing and scale of the initial migration to the Americas, substantially refines the estimate of New World founders, and provides a unified theory for testing with future datasets and analytic methods.


4) the first Americans appear in Brazil, Chile and Argintina Latin America around 30,000 BC

Ok, do you have the anthropological assessment on craniometrics??


5)using craniometric evidence it is clear that the first Americans look like Africans not modern Asian Native Americans

Nope it's clear that they resemble Australo-Melanesians and Africans.

The oldest Americans' Negroid traits are not very specialized, making a direct immigration from Africa or Australia unlikely. Therefore, **Neves**(the head proponent for Australia/African like populations reaching America) believes that the America's more than 12,000 years ago did not necessarily occur by sea: "The traditional path across the Bering Strait is still the most plausible explanation for the entry of this non-Mongoloid population into the New World, if we assume that it was present in Northern Asia at the end of the Pleistocene." And indeed, Japan's aborigines, of whom a few still live in Hokkaido and on the Kurile Islands, display some Australian traits, such as round eye sockets and abundant body hair. A genetic comparison might solve the mystery...

''We know that today's Amerindians have ***four main groups***,'' said Dr. Pena, who found a genetic marker common to 17 different widely dispersed Indian groups across the Americans in the course of an earlier project. ''What would constitute molecular proof of ***Walter's (NEVES)*** hypothesis is to find ***DNA sequences COMPLETELY **different** from those ***four groups***.''

Dr. Meltzer said: ''This is clearly the way to resolve the issue. The skull is intriguing morphological evidence, but in order to really nail down this issue of affinity, you need evidence, and ***DNA*** is the way to go.''

From Mikes own source:
Lahr (1995) has reached a conclusion similar to ours when studying the cranial morphology of modern Fuegians. She realized that the morphology of modern Indians of Tierra del Fuego could not be described as typical Mongoloid as well. Since she detected a close association between historic ****Fuegians and Polynesians**** she opted to interpret the cranial morphology of the former as generalized Mongoloid, at best. In her opinion this generalized Mongoloid morphology could be explained as a retention of characteristics of the first inhabitants of the Americas.

Froms Mikes own source:
As to the similarities with Africans, the best way to explain it in terms of historical connections, is to assume that the Asian ancestral population that gave rise to the Australians and to the first Americans had its ultimate origins in the African continent, as it is in fact the case with all modern humans (Stringer and Andrews, 1988; Stringer and McKie, 1996; Lahr, 1994, 1996), ***but which retained a very generalized morphology.*** In accordance with Lahr (1996), the Australians are in fact the contemporary aboriginal population that retained the most primitive morphology when compared to the first modern humans. As she stressed "Groups like [...] Australo-Melanesians are all examples of relatively early diversifications without great amounts of gene flow from other groups..." (Lahr, 1996, p.335).

My source:
In this study, 74 human skulls dated between 11.0 and 3.0 kyr, recovered in seven different sites of Sabana de Bogotá, Colombia, were compared with the world cranial variation by different multivariate techniques: Principal Components Analysis, Multidimensional Scaling, and Cluster of Mahalanobis distance matrices. The Colombian skeletal remains were divided in two chronological subgroups: Paleocolombians (11.0-6.0 kyr) and Archaic Colombians (5.0-3.0 kyr). Both quantitative techniques generated convergent results: ****the Paleocolombians show remarkable similarities with Lagoa Santa and ****with modern Australo-Melanesians**** . Archaic Colombians exhibited the same morphological patterns and associations. ***These findings support our long-held proposition that the early American settlement may have involved ****two very distinct biological populations coming from Asia****. On the other hand, they suggest the possibility of late survivals of the Paleoamerican pattern not restricted to isolated or marginal areas, as previously thought. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2007. © 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

6) using craniometrics I have pointed out that Asia was dominated by the Australian population until the rise of Suhulland when the Melanesian people appear in the area, at this time the Beringa was still under Ice

Australians are in fact the contemporary aboriginal population that retained the most primitive morphology when compared to the first modern humans.
As she stressed "Groups like [...] Australo-Melanesians are all examples of relatively early diversifications without great amounts of gene flow from other groups..." (Lahr, 1996, p.335).

As noted by geneticists from from Tartu in Estonia, Oxford, and Stanford in California all contributing key data and expertise. The results showed that both the Aborigines and Melanesians share the genetic features that have been linked to the exodus of modern humans from Africa 50,000 years ago.

7) I pointed out that the Melanesian type reach East Asian mainland by 5000 BC, long after Africans had settled Latin America
Well according to Neves. "The traditional path across the Bering Strait is still the most plausible explanation for the entry of this non-Mongoloid population into the New World, if we assume that it was present in Northern Asia at the end of the Pleistocene." And indeed, Japan's aborigines, of whom a few still live in Hokkaido and on the Kurile Islands, display some Australian traits, such as round eye sockets and abundant body hair.

8) between 15,000-12,000 we see numerous African populations in Mexico and Brazil; and skeletons dating to this period have even been found off the Yucatan coast in the Caribbean

Nope tey've been found to resemble Australo-Melanesians as we can see....

My source:
In this study, 74 human skulls dated between 11.0 and 3.0 kyr, recovered in seven different sites of Sabana de Bogotá, Colombia, were compared with the world cranial variation by different multivariate techniques: Principal Components Analysis, Multidimensional Scaling, and Cluster of Mahalanobis distance matrices. The Colombian skeletal remains were divided in two chronological subgroups: Paleocolombians (11.0-6.0 kyr) and Archaic Colombians (5.0-3.0 kyr). Both quantitative techniques generated convergent results: ****the Paleocolombians show remarkable similarities with Lagoa Santa and ****with modern Australo-Melanesians**** . Archaic Colombians exhibited the same morphological patterns and associations. ***These findings support our long-held proposition that the early American settlement may have involved ****two very distinct biological populations coming from Asia****. On the other hand, they suggest the possibility of late survivals of the Paleoamerican pattern not restricted to isolated or marginal areas, as previously thought. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2007. © 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


9) these first Americans did not look like the Australians or modern Amerinds

Of course they resembled Australo-Melanesian populations, as shown from physical anthropology

74 human skulls dated between 11.0 and 3.0 kyr, recovered in seven different sites of Sabana de Bogotá, Colombia, were compared with the world cranial variation by different multivariate techniques: Principal Components Analysis, Multidimensional Scaling, and Cluster of Mahalanobis distance matrices.


10) iconography of PreClassic people like the Cherla, Ocos and other groups is of Negroes not Amerinds like the Maya

I am pretty sure you've said the Mayans were Africans as well, but anyway, this is pure speculation, eyeball anthropology, doesn't cut it.

11) Amerind groups not associated with African slaves carry African genes
Anyone can say anything, Muslims believe they can trace their ancestry back to Muhammad. Some Native Americans believe they were always in the Americas and never made any migrations.

But let's take a look at real African Native Americans and what they have to say......

Many people believe racial and ethnic groups in North America have always lived as separately as they do now. However, segregation was neither practical nor preferable when people who were not native to this continent began arriving here. Europeans needed Indians as guides, trade partners and military allies. They needed Africans to tend their crops and to build an infrastructure.

Later, as the new American government began to thrive, laws were drafted to protect the land and property the colonists had acquired. These laws strengthened the powers of slave owners, limited the rights of free Africans and barred most Indian rights altogether. Today, black, white and red Americans still feel the aftershock of those laws.

In order to enforce the new laws, Indians and Africans had to be distinguished from Europeans. Government census takers began visiting Indian communities east of the Mississippi River in the late 1700s and continued their task of identifying, categorizing, and counting individuals and "tribes" well into the 20th century. In the earlier days of this process, Native American communities that were found to be harboring escaped African slaves were threatened with loss of their tribal status, thereby nullifying their treaties with the U.S. government and relinquishing all claims to their land.

Despite the restrictions imposed by the U.S. government, Indians and Africans still managed to form close bonds. Some Native American communities ignored the laws and continued to aid fleeing African slaves. Some free Africans aided displaced Indians. Sometimes the two groups came together in "prayer towns" -- European communities that welcomed and protected converts to Christianity, regardless of race. Sometimes, Indian women married African men when the number of men in their own communities was decimated by war or natural disaster. Some Native Americans listed themselves as "Negro" or "mixed" in order to retain ownership of their land.

At the time of Columbus, the subcontinent of India was referred to as Hindustan or the Deccan. The European term for indigenous peoples all over the world was "Indians" from the Spanish "In Dios" meaning "God's people".

Some Native Americans refused to sign the census rolls during the 18th and 19th centuries, some refused to register with the Bureau of Indian Affairs or to allow themselves to be "removed" to "Indian Territory" in Oklahoma during the 1800s. As a result, many of their descendants grew up in urban environments instead of on reservations. This isn't the image of Native American experience most people carry in their heads but, in this part of the country, it is quite prevalent.

There are no villages tucked away in Suffolk county -- or anywhere else, for that matter -- where people live in teepees, hunt with bows and arrows and cook over open fires. Our lives reflect the same diversity as any other cultural group in America. We are wealthy, middle class and impoverished. We are educated and ignorant. We are employed and unemployed. We are Americans.

What sets American Indian cultures apart from many others is our attitude toward life. Simply stated, we believe we were not born ON this Earth, we were born OF this Earth. In other words, the Earth is our mother and we would no sooner mistreat her than you would the woman who raised you. This is the primary ingredient in the cultural glue that holds us all together.

Hollywood has taught us to associate the facial features you see here with red skin and sweeping Southwestern vistas, yet these people have skin tones that range from coffee to cream and most live in the New York metropolitan area. They are of African descent but they are also Blackfoot, Canarsie, Caribe, Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek, Lenape, Matinecock, Mohawk, Munsee, Ramapo, Shinnecock, Seminole, Unkechaug, Taino. They have spiritual names in addition to the names that appear on their birth certificates; they dance at powwows wearing full regalia; they have naming ceremonies for their children. Some of them speak indigenous languages, some fast on the full moon in accordance with ancient religious beliefs, and all are extremely proud of their mixed heritage. They embody the intertwining of two of America's most stalwart and dynamic ethnic communities.

The first slaves in the "New World" were Indians. However, colonists found them difficult to contain -- they knew the surrounding countryside and those who had not been captured often organized successful rescue efforts. For a time, slave merchants continued to raid Native American communities along the central and southern shores of the Eastern Seaboard and to encourage local warriors to barter captives they would otherwise kill for European trade goods. The women and children the merchants acquired were sold alongside Africans to buyers in the north while the men were shipped to plantations in the Caribbean.

12) Maya carried African y chromosome
No they don't!

13) Chontal Mayan speakers were classified as Negroes by Quatrefages. This may explain why the Maya carry African genes
More speculation.


14)Negrocostachicanos claim that they have never been slaves and are indigenous to Guererro and Oaxaca on the Pacific coast



15) The Dufuna boat makes it clear that Africans probably had the technology to travel to the Americas 15,000 years ago.

Clyde, this boat was dated to 8,000 B.C.E. in Nigeria what does this have to do with the San and 15,000 B.C.E?

8000 B.C. Nigeria. "Africa's oldest known boat" the Dufuna Canoe was discovered near the region of the River Yobe in Nigeria. The Canoe was discovered by a Fulani herdsman in May 1987, in Dufuna Village while digging a well. The canoe’s “almost black wood”, said to be African mahogany, as “entirely an organic material”. Various Radio-Carbon tests conducted in laboratories of reputable Universities in Europe and America indicate that the Canoe is over 8000 years old, thus making it the oldest in Africa and 3rd oldest in the World. Little is known of the period to which the boat belongs, in archaeological terms it is described as an early phase of the Later Stone Age, which began rather more than 12,000 years ago and ended with the appearance of pottery. The lab results redefined the pre-history of African water transport, ranking the Dufuna canoe as the world’s third oldest known dugout. Older than it are the dugouts from Pesse, Netherlands, and Noyen-sur-Seine, France. But evidence of an 8000-year-old tradition of boat building in Africa throws cold water on the assumption that maritime transport developed much later there in comparison with Europe.


16) Fuegians 100-400 BP carried haplogroup A1. Hg A1 is an African haplogroup.

No, ancient nor modern Fuegian carry Y-chromosome A1, sorry Clyde, Native Americans do carry Mtdna haplogroup A though.

17) Amerinds carry haplogroup N, just like Africans.

18)The y chromosome STRs of the Fuegians include DYS434,DYS437,DYS 439, DYS 393, DYS391,DYS390,DYS19, DYS 389I, DYS389II and DYS 388 (see: Garcia-Bour et al above). Except for DYS390 and DYS388 they are characteristic of haplogroup A1 . A1 is recognized as an African haplogroup.
The same Y-STRs are amplified/analyzed in many studies. They are not characterized by hga1, nor do any of the authors make such conclusions. Just your false understanding of genetics.

From Y Chromosome Haplotype Reference Database

Welcome to YHRD

An extremely informative Y-STR core set or minimal haplotype (minHt) amplifiable in a multiplex reaction has been recommended for court use : DYS19, DYS389I, DYS389II, DYS390, DYS391, DYS392, DYS393, DYS385ab (Kayser et al. 1997), (Pascali et al. 1999). This core haplotype can be extended by other hypervariable Y-STR loci (DYS438, DYS439, DYS437, DYS448, DYS456, DYS458, DYS635, YGATAH4) to further increase the power of discrimination (Ayub et al. 2000), (Redd et al. 2002), (Mulero et al. 2006).


Int J Legal Med. 2005 Sep ;119 (5):303-5 15834734 (P,S,G,E,B)
Polish population study on Y chromosome haplotypes defined by 18 STR loci.

Polymorphism of 18 STR loci specific to the human Y chromosome (DYS19, DYS388 , DYS389I, DYS389II, DYS390 , DYS391, DYS392, DYS393, DYS426, DYS437, DYS438, DYS439, DYS460, GATA H4.1, DYS385 a/b, and YCAII a/b) was evaluated by means of a multiplex (octadecaplex) PCR reaction and capillary electrophoresis in a Polish population sample of 208 unrelated males. A total of 192 different haplotypes and 183 unique haplotypes were identified. The observed haplotype diversity was 0.998, while discrimination capacity was 92.3%. DYS389 was shown to be the most valuable in discrimination of similar haplotypes, whereas DYS388, DYS393, DYS426, and DYS438 did not affect the discrimination power of the multiplex.

So basically Clyde from your distortion of genetics, the above amplified Polymorphism of ***18 STR loci specific to the human Y chromosome*** , in this study on a Polish population Y-chromosome, indicates that they carry hgA1?


19)Quatrefages noted numerous African Native American tribes

More claims....!!!

20)The antiquity of these populations is supported by the ancient iconography found in these countries which are of African Native Americans.
But simply not supported by archaeology, genetics nor anthropology, sorry.

21) Most contemporary populations are descendants of the San people not Australians.
Native Americans do not carry Y haplogroup A Clyde, the A they carry is an Mtdna marker.
Posted by osirion (Member # 7644) on :
The phenotype that is called "Black" by most people is found in all tropical zones of the World. Why - Adaptation.

What is the issue with this constant bickering about who is Black. Aren't you all really interested in what people in your own lineage did?

If your West African why not study the migration of E3a from East Africa through the Sahara and then expanding in West Africa back across most of the continent. This is exciting stuff.

Until someone finds E3a or even E3b1 in Olmecs why not shutup about it. They probably were Negritoes or Aboriginal Australians who have less in common with African American people than the Irish.

It is remotely possible that West Africans made it across the Atlantic but right now the evidence supports beach combing from East African around the World and across the Pacific by a pygmy Negrito people that are closer related to Asians than to Africans.
Posted by osirion (Member # 7644) on :
^ Burden of proof is on Clyde.

So far evidence supports the first Americans being Melanesian people.
Posted by prmiddleeastern (Member # 14038) on :
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Posted by osirion (Member # 7644) on :
^ Burden of proof is on Clyde.

So far evidence supports the first Americans being Melanesian people.
Posted by prmiddleeastern (Member # 14038) on :
Posted by osirion (Member # 7644) on :
^ Burden of proof is on Clyde.

So far evidence supports the first Americans being Melanesian people.
Posted by prmiddleeastern (Member # 14038) on :
Posted by osirion (Member # 7644) on :
^ Burden of proof is on Clyde.

So far evidence supports the first Americans being Melanesian people.
Posted by prmiddleeastern (Member # 14038) on :
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Posted by Clyde Fraud:
That's right I did not bite my tongue the Amerinds carry genes they recieved from the Pygmies and San who originally settled this the Americas

Nope, you didn't bite your tongue, but you did cut it off. The A2 and B2 carried by Native Americans is an Mtdna marker, and not a Y-chromosome as you think.

Posted by Clyde Fraud:
and even Bantu and Mande people who came here later.

Where are these lineages?

Posted by Clyde Fraud:
As noted by Marc all homosapien sapiens cary these STR's because they come from the original Black man. But differences for each group is made by the addition of other STRs.

Lmao, Marc didn't note that, he was repeating rasol. Marc is an idiot, who can't think for himself.


Int J Legal Med. 2005 Sep ;119 (5):303-5 15834734 (P,S,G,E,B)
Polish population study on Y chromosome haplotypes defined by 18 STR loci.

Polymorphism of 18 STR loci specific to the human Y chromosome (DYS19, DYS388 , DYS389I, DYS389II, DYS390 , DYS391, DYS392, DYS393, DYS426, DYS437, DYS438, DYS439, DYS460, GATA H4.1, DYS385 a/b, and YCAII a/b) was evaluated by means of a multiplex (octadecaplex) PCR reaction and capillary electrophoresis in a Polish population sample of 208 unrelated males. A total of 192 different haplotypes and 183 unique haplotypes were identified. The observed haplotype diversity was 0.998, while discrimination capacity was 92.3%. DYS389 was shown to be the most valuable in discrimination of similar haplotypes, whereas DYS388, DYS393, DYS426, and DYS438 did not affect the discrimination power of the multiplex.

So basically Clyde from your distortion of genetics, the above amplified Polymorphism of ***18 STR loci specific to the human Y chromosome*** , in this study on a Polish population Y-chromosome, indicates that they carry hgA1?

Posted by Clyde Fraud

You continue to post this material as if it is a victory. I made over 21 propositions and supported them with evidence you have not disconfirmed any of them. You are the fake and liar. Start using your brain and prove my 21 propositions wrong or shut up moron.

I addressed every single one of your questions above, you've been debunked.
Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
I am no longer going to address your post until you cite disconfirming evidence of my propositions. All you are posting is your own opinions.

Now let's discuss Haplogroup X

Amerindians carry the X hg. Amerindians and Europeans hg X are different (Person, 2004). Haplogroup X has also been found throughout Africa (Shimada et al,2006). Shimada et al (2006) believes that X(hX) is of African origin. Amerindian X is different from European hg X, skeletons from Brazil dating between 400-7000 BP have the transition np 16223 ( Martinez-Cruzado, 2001; Ribeiro-Dos-Santos,1996). Transition np 16223 is characteristic of African haplogroups. This suggest that Africans may have taken the X hg to the Americas in ancient times.


Martinez-Cruzado, J C, Toro-Labrador, G, Ho-Fung, V, Estevez-Montero, M A, Et al (2001). Mitochondrial DNA analysis reveals substanial Native American ancestry in Puerto Rico,Human Biology, Aug 2001

Brooke Persons Genetic Analysis and the Peopling of the New World
ANT 570, November 9, 2004.

Makoto K. Shimada*, , Karuna Panchapakesan , Sarah A. Tishkoff , Alejandro Q. Nato, Jr* and Jody HeY, Divergent Haplotypes and Human History as Revealed in a Worldwide Survey of X-Linked DNA Sequence Variation, Molecular Biology and Evolution 2007 24(3):687-698
Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :

Let's look at the facts:

1) the Australians represent the OOA population that settled Asia

2) during the OOA event much of Siberia and North America was under ice from 110,000 - 10,000BC. As a result there was no way Siberians could cross Beringa before the end of the ice age

3) Ice even separated much of South America east to west


4) the first Americans appear in Brazil, Chile and Argintina Latin America around 30,000 BC

5)using craniometric evidence it is clear that the first Americans look like Africans not modern Asian Native Americans

6) using craniometrics I have pointed out that Asia was dominated by the Australian population until the rise of Suhulland when the Melanesian people appear in the area, at this time the Beringa was still under Ice

7) I pointed out that the Melanesian type reach East Asian mainland by 5000 BC, long after Africans had settled Latin America

8) between 15,000-12,000 we see numerous African populations in Mexico and Brazil; and skeletons dating to this period have even been found off the Yucatan coast in the Caribbean

9) these first Americans did not look like the Australians or modern Amerinds

10) iconography of PreClassic people like the Cherla, Ocos and other groups is of Negroes not Amerinds like the Maya

11) Amerind groups not associated with African slaves carry African genes

12) Maya carried African y chromosome

13) Chontal Mayan speakers were classified as Negroes by Quatrefages. This may explain why the Maya carry African genes

14)Negrocostachicanos claim that they have never been slaves and are indigenous to Guererro and Oaxaca on the Pacific coast

15) The Dufuna boat makes it clear that Africans probably had the technology to travel to the Americas 15,000 years ago.

16) Fuegians 100-400 BP carried haplogroup A1. Hg A1 is an African haplogroup.

17) Amerinds carry haplogroup N, just like Africans.

18)The y chromosome STRs of the Fuegians include DYS434,DYS437,DYS 439, DYS 393, DYS391,DYS390,DYS19, DYS 389I, DYS389II and DYS 388 (see: Garcia-Bour et al above). Except for DYS390 and DYS388 they are characteristic of haplogroup A1 . A1 is recognized as an African haplogroup.

19)Quatrefages noted numerous African Native American tribes

20)The antiquity of these populations is supported by the ancient iconography found in these countries which are of African Native Americans.

21) Most contemporary populations are descendants of the San people not Australians.

22) Africans probably introduced haplogroup X to the Amerindians.

You have not falsified the propositions above point by point. Cite the counter evidence instead of making idle claims.

For example, you can't falsify 1)Quatrefages who was an established anthropologists by simply dismissing him without contemporary sources disputing his claim;and 2) you can just say the Dufuna boat was not possibly used by the Africans to arrive in America when the researchers claim the boat technology probably existed earlier in Africa and the culture it is associated with is dated to around 14kya and skeletons found in Mexico date to around 15kya.

You guys will do anything to win a debate.

Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
The 9-bp deletion marker is found in high frequencies among Africans. The 9-bp del is characteristic of mtDNA B. This is more evidence of the African introduction of hg B to America.

See: Wallace et al, American Indian prehistory as written in the mitochodrial DNA...

Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Many researchers fail to recognize that there is a craniometric difference between Australoids /Australians representatives of the OOA population, Mongoloids and Melanoids; craniometric differences that indicate two migrations of the Black Variety into the Pacific and East Asia.

Tsuenehiko Hanihare discussed the phenotypic variations between these populations(1). Tsuenehiko classified these people into three major populations Southeast Asian Mongoloids (Polynesians), the Australians or Austroloid type and the Nicobar and Andaman (Melanoid) samples which he found lie between the predominately Southeast Asian and Australoid/Australian type (1).

The Australian aborigines and Melanesians show cranonical variates and represent two distinct Black populations(2).[/] The Australoids or Australians live mainly in Australia and the highland regions of Oceania, the Melanoid people on the otherhand live in the coastal regions of Near Oceania and Fiji. D.J de Laubenfels discussed the variety of Blacks found in Asia.[b] Laubenfiels explained that Negroids/Melanoids such as the Tasmanians are characterized by wooly black hair and sparse body hair (2). Australoids or Australians on the otherhand have curly, wavy or straight hair and abundant body hair. Other differences between these Black populations include Negroid / Melanoid brows being vertical and without eyebrow ridges, whereas Australoid brows are sloping and with prominent ridges (2).

This led M. Pietrusewky to recognize two separate colonizations of the Pacific by morphologically distinct populations one Polynesian and the other Melanesian (3). Pietrusewky’s research indicates a clear separation between the Australian-Melanesian crania and the Polynesian crania (3). The findings indicate an origin for the Polynesians in Southeast Asia (3-5), and an early Australo-Melanesian presence in East Asia as discussed in the earlier comment.

Laubenfels argues that the Australians are remnants of the original African migration to the region 60kya (2). This view is supported by David Bulbeck who found that the Australian craniometrics are different from the Mongoloid (Polynesian), and Melanoid crania metrics (4). This research indicates that whereas Australian aborigine crania agree with the archaic population of Asia and first group of Africans to exit Africa, they fail to correspond to the Sahulland crania which are distinctly of Southwest Pacific or Melanoid affinity (2,4). This suggests that by the rise of Sahulland there were two distinct Black populations in Asia one Austroloid and the other Melanoid (4).

The Melanesian type does not appear in East Asia (Siberia) until after 5000 BC. This is thousands of years after Luizia and Eva Neharon had existed in Brazil and Mexico respectively.

By the Neolithic the Melanoids or Papuans are associated with millet cultivation at Yangshao and Lougshan according to Pietrusewky’s work (5). Tsang argues that the probable homeland of the Austronesian speakers was the Pearl River delta, here the Melanoid people cultivated millet (6). Sagart believes that there is a Proto-Sino-Tibetan-Austronesian family of languages based on the millet culture the Melanoids introduced to China (7).

The craniometrics make it clear the Australians are not related to the Melanesians.


1. Tsunehiko Hanihare, Interpretation of craniofacial variations and diversification of East and Southeast Asia. In Bioarchaeology of Southeast Asia. (Eds.) Marc Oxenhan and Nancy Tayles (pp.91-111). Cambridge, 2005.

2. D.J. Laubenfels, Australoids, Negroids and Negroes: A suggested explanation for their distinct distributions. Annals Association of Am. Geographers, 58(1), 1968: 42-50.

3. Michael Pietrusewky, A multivariate craniometric study of the prehistoric and modern inhabitants of Southeast Asia, East Asia and surrounding regions:A human kaleidoscope. Cambridge Studies in Biological and Evolutionary Anthropology, No. 43, 2006: 59-90.

4. David Bulbeck, Australian Aboriginal craniometrics as construed through FORDISC, 2005. Retrieved: 4/2/2008:

5. M. Pietrusewsky, The Physical anthropology of the Pacific, East Asia: A multivariate craniometric analysis. . In L. Sagart, R. Blench, A. Sanchez-Mazos (Eds), The peopling of East Asia Putting together Archaeology,Linguistics and Genetics (pp.201-229). RutledgeCurzon, 2005.

6. Tsang Cheng-Hwa, Recent discoveries at Tapenkeng culture sites in Taiwan;Implications for the problem of Austronesian origins. In The peopling of East Asia Putting together Archaeology, Linguistics and Genetics ,(Eds) L. Sagart, R. Blench, A. Sanchez-Mazos (pp.63-74). RutledgeCurzon, 2005.

7. L. Sagart, Sino-Tibetan-Austronesian an Updated and improved argument. In L. Sagart, R. Blench, A. Sanchez-Mazos (Eds), The peopling of East Asia Putting together Archaeology, Linguistics and Genetics (pp.161-176). RutledgeCurzon, 2005.

First of all the original migrants OOA population had different features than the contemporary Africans.

Here is an Australian


Here is a contemporary Africans


You can clearly see differences between the Australian and African type; while both individuals are described as Negroes you will note that the forehead of the Australian matches in many ways the cranium of earlier hominid forms dating back to the rise of homo sapiens sapiens in Africa.

Any physical anthropologists would note these changes. The coastal Melanesians usually show mixed Australian-African features or features commonly found among Africans--not Australians.\





A simple observation of Melanesians and Aborigines make it clear that the former population resemble Africans moreso than Aborigines--the original settlers of Asia.

The ancestors of the Melanesians and Polynesians probably lived in East Asia. The late appearance of Melanoid people from East Asia on the shore areas of Oceania would explain the differences between the genetic make up of Melanesians living in the highlands and Melanesians living along the shore [1-2].

The skeletal evidence from East Asia [3-7,12] suggests that the TMRCAs of the Polynesians and some of the coastal Melanesians may be mainland East Asia, not Taiwan. The ancestral population for the shoreline Melanesians was probably forced from East Asia by Proto-Polynesians as they were pushed into Southeast Asia by the Han or contemporary Chinese. This would explain the genetic diversity existing among shoreline Melanesians, in comparison to the genetic homogeneity among isolated inland Melanesian, like the Highland New Guineans.

There were two Shang Dynasties, one Melanoid (Qiang-Shang) and the other Proto-Polynesian (Yin-Shang). The first Shang Dynasty was founded by Proto-Melanesians or Melanoids belonging to the Yueh tribe called Qiang [7]. The Qiang lived in Qiangfeng, a country to the west of Yin-Shang, Shensi and Yunnan [7-11,13].

The archaeological evidence also indicates that the Polynesians probably originated in East Asia [4,6-7,12-13]. Consequently, the Polynesian migration probably began in East Asia, not Southeast Asia. Taiwan genetically probably belongs to the early Polynesians who settled Taiwan before they expanded into outer Oceania.

Given the archaeological record of intimate contact between Proto-Polynesians and Proto-Melanoids, neither a “slow boat” or “express train” explains the genetic relationship between the Melanesian and Polynesian populations. This record makes it clear that these populations lived in intimate contact for thousands of years and during this extended period of interactions both groups probably exchanged genes.

1. Manfred Kayser, Oscar Lao, Kathrin Saar, Silke Brauer, Xingyu Wang, Peter Nürnberg, Ronald J. Trent, Mark Stoneking Genome-wide Analysis Indicates More Asian than Melanesian Ancestry of Polynesians. The American Journal of Human Genetics - 10 January 2008, 82 (1); pp. 194-198.

2. J. S. Fredlaender, F.R. Friedlaender, J.A. Hodgson, M. Stoltz, G. Koki, G. Horvat,S. Zhadanov, T. G. Schurr and D.A. Merriwether, Melanesian mtDNA complexity, PLoS ONE, 2(2) 2007: e248.

3 F. Weidenreich F., Bull. Nat. Hist. Soc. Peiping 13, (1938-40): p. 163.

4. Kwang-chih Chang, Archaeology of ancient China (Yale University Press, 1986) p. 64.

5. G. H. R. von Koenigswald, A giant fossil hominoid from the pleistocene of Southern China, Anthropology Pap. Am Museum of Natural History, no.43, 1952, pp. 301-309).

6. K. C. Chang, The archaeology of ancient China, (Yale University Press: New Haven, 1977): p. 76

7. Winters, Clyde Ahmad, “The Far Eastern Origin of the Tamils”, Journal of Tamil Studies, no27 (June 1985), pp. 65-92.

8. K. C. Chang, Shang Civilization, (Yale University Press: New Haven, 1980) pp. 227-230.

9. C. A. Winters, The Dravido-Harappa Colonization of Central Asia, Central Asiatic Journal, (1990) 34 (1-2), pp. 120-144.

10. Y. Kan, The Bronze culture of western Yunnan, Bull. Of the Ancient Orient Museum (Tokyo), 7 (1985), pp. 47-91.

11. S. S. Ling, A study of the Raft, Outrigger, Double, and Deck canoes of ancient China, the Pacific, and the Indian Ocean. The Institute of Ethnology Academic Sinica. Nankang, Taipei Taiwan, 1970.

12. Kwang-chih Chang, “Prehistoric and early historic culture horizons and traditions in South China”, Current Anthropology, 5 (1964): pp. 359-375: 375).

13. Winters,Clyde Ahmad, “Dravidian Settlements in ancient Polynesia”, India Past and Present 3, no2 (1986): pp. 225-241. [/QB][/QUOTE]
Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
The Amerindian haplogroups (hg) are descendant from the L3(M,N, & X) macrohaplogroup: ABCDN and X.The L3 (M,N,X) marcrohaplogroup converge at np 16223.

Haplogroup N is also found in Africa and the Americas. N1 spread throughout Europe by the Grimaldi-San-Khoisan people.

The 9-bp deletion marker is found in high frequencies among Africans. The 9-bp del is characteristic of mtDNA B. This is more evidence of the African introduction of hg B to America.

See: Wallace et al, American Indian prehistory as written in the mitochondrial DNA...

Amerindians carry the X hg. Amerindians and Europeans hg X are different (Person, 2004). Haplogroup X has also been found throughout Africa (Shimada et al,2006). Shimada et al (2006) believes that X(hX) is of African origin. Amerindian X is different from European hg X, skeletons from Brazil dating between 400-7000 BP have the transition np 16223 ( Martinez-Cruzado, 2001; Ribeiro-Dos-Santos,1996). Transition np 16223 is characteristic of African haplogroups. This suggest that Africans may have taken the X hg to the Americas in ancient times.


Martinez-Cruzado, J C, Toro-Labrador, G, Ho-Fung, V, Estevez-Montero, M A, Et al (2001). Mitochondrial DNA analysis reveals substanial Native American ancestry in Puerto Rico,Human Biology, Aug 2001

Brooke Persons Genetic Analysis and the Peopling of the New World
ANT 570, November 9, 2004.

Makoto K. Shimada*, , Karuna Panchapakesan , Sarah A. Tishkoff , Alejandro Q. Nato, Jr* and Jody HeY, Divergent Haplotypes and Human History as Revealed in a Worldwide Survey of X-Linked DNA Sequence Variation, Molecular Biology and Evolution 2007 24(3):687-698

Posted by Doug M (Member # 7650) on :
Clyde, who on earth are you posting this to? All of it has been shown to be an utterly false and misleading bunch of distortion produced BY YOU.

Haplogroups A,B,C and X are all lineages that arose OUTSIDE Africa in Asia. Of course they derive from African DNA lineages because ALL human lineages derive from African lineages.


n human genetics, Haplogroup A is a human mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplogroup.

Haplogroup A is believed to have arisen in Asia some 60,000 years before present. Its ancestral haplogroup was Haplogroup N.

From: //


In mitochondrial genetics, Haplogroup B is a human mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplogroup.

Haplogroup B is believed to have arisen in Asia some 50,000 years before present. Its ancestral haplogroup was Haplogroup R.

From: //


In human mitochondrial genetics, Haplogroup C is a human mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplogroup.

Haplogroup C is believed to have arisen in Asia some 60,000 years before present. It is a descendant of the haplogroup M.

From: //


In human genetics, Haplogroup D is a human mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplogroup.

Haplogroup D is believed to have arisen in Asia some 60,000 years before present. It is a descendant haplogroup of haplogroup M.

From: //

And of course, haplogroup X is considered to have been introduced by WHITES either from Europe or Asia to the Americas.

Again, you keep clowning by trying to distort the data to support your claims. You HAVE no evidence of any DIRECT migrations to the Americas from Africa. All you have are lies and half truths. The facts are that the first people of the Americas were Australian aboriginal type people from Asia.
Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :

So you're claiming that Makoto K. Shimada*, , Karuna Panchapakesan , Sarah A. Tishkoff , Alejandro Q. Nato, Jr* and Jody HeY, Divergent Haplotypes and Human History as Revealed in a Worldwide Survey of X-Linked DNA Sequence Variation, Molecular Biology and Evolution 2007 24(3):687-698 , are wrong about the African origin of hg X; and Wallace et al, American Indian prehistory as written in the mitochondrial DNA... ,is wrong about the influence of 9bp del in reltion to hg B?

What evidence do you have disputing these findings?


Originally posted by Doug M:
Clyde, who on earth are you posting this to? All of it has been shown to be an utterly false and misleading bunch of distortion produced BY YOU.

Haplogroups A,B,C and X are all lineages that arose OUTSIDE Africa in Asia. Of course they derive from African DNA lineages because ALL human lineages derive from African lineages.


n human genetics, Haplogroup A is a human mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplogroup.

Haplogroup A is believed to have arisen in Asia some 60,000 years before present. Its ancestral haplogroup was Haplogroup N.

From: //


In mitochondrial genetics, Haplogroup B is a human mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplogroup.

Haplogroup B is believed to have arisen in Asia some 50,000 years before present. Its ancestral haplogroup was Haplogroup R.

From: //


In human mitochondrial genetics, Haplogroup C is a human mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplogroup.

Haplogroup C is believed to have arisen in Asia some 60,000 years before present. It is a descendant of the haplogroup M.

From: //


In human genetics, Haplogroup D is a human mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplogroup.

Haplogroup D is believed to have arisen in Asia some 60,000 years before present. It is a descendant haplogroup of haplogroup M.

From: //

And of course, haplogroup X is considered to have been introduced by WHITES either from Europe or Asia to the Americas.

Again, you keep clowning by trying to distort the data to support your claims. You HAVE no evidence of any DIRECT migrations to the Americas from Africa. All you have are lies and half truths. The facts are that the first people of the Americas were Australian aboriginal type people from Asia.

Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Skeletons from Brazil dating between 400-7kya carry hgX. This was 1000's of years before Europeans came to America.

Given these facts what evidence do you have that Europeans introduced hg X to the Americas?

.  -

Posted by Alive-(What Box) (Member # 10819) on :
Like the above image, I find this:


sad, 'ironic' (to say the least), and together, "funny".

Together they sum up their whole argument here. (And by 'their' I refer to those who chase any sign "negros" anywhere around the globe except for in Africa).
Posted by Alive-(What Box) (Member # 10819) on :
Go 'head Marc. It's predictable. We knnow what's going to happen "Marc, make one of your fantastic photoshops about Alive".
Posted by Doug M (Member # 7650) on :
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:

So you're claiming that Makoto K. Shimada*, , Karuna Panchapakesan , Sarah A. Tishkoff , Alejandro Q. Nato, Jr* and Jody HeY, Divergent Haplotypes and Human History as Revealed in a Worldwide Survey of X-Linked DNA Sequence Variation, Molecular Biology and Evolution 2007 24(3):687-698 , are wrong about the African origin of hg X; and Wallace et al, American Indian prehistory as written in the mitochondrial DNA... ,is wrong about the influence of 9bp del in reltion to hg B?

What evidence do you have disputing these findings?


Originally posted by Doug M:
Clyde, who on earth are you posting this to? All of it has been shown to be an utterly false and misleading bunch of distortion produced BY YOU.

Haplogroups A,B,C and X are all lineages that arose OUTSIDE Africa in Asia. Of course they derive from African DNA lineages because ALL human lineages derive from African lineages.


n human genetics, Haplogroup A is a human mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplogroup.

Haplogroup A is believed to have arisen in Asia some 60,000 years before present. Its ancestral haplogroup was Haplogroup N.

From: //


In mitochondrial genetics, Haplogroup B is a human mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplogroup.

Haplogroup B is believed to have arisen in Asia some 50,000 years before present. Its ancestral haplogroup was Haplogroup R.

From: //


In human mitochondrial genetics, Haplogroup C is a human mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplogroup.

Haplogroup C is believed to have arisen in Asia some 60,000 years before present. It is a descendant of the haplogroup M.

From: //


In human genetics, Haplogroup D is a human mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplogroup.

Haplogroup D is believed to have arisen in Asia some 60,000 years before present. It is a descendant haplogroup of haplogroup M.

From: //

And of course, haplogroup X is considered to have been introduced by WHITES either from Europe or Asia to the Americas.

Again, you keep clowning by trying to distort the data to support your claims. You HAVE no evidence of any DIRECT migrations to the Americas from Africa. All you have are lies and half truths. The facts are that the first people of the Americas were Australian aboriginal type people from Asia.

Where in their study does it say that the first Amerinds were AFRICANS Clyde. Please post that EXACT QUOTE will you? Because it does not say any such thing.

What it says:


American Indian mtDNAs were found to be directly descended from five founding Asian mtDNAs and to cluster into four lineages, each characterized by a different rare Asian mtDNA marker. Lineage A is defined by a HaeIII site gain at np 663, lineage B by a 9-bp deletion between the COII and tRNA(Lys) genes, lineage C by a HincII site loss at np 13259, and lineage D by an AluI site loss at np 5176. The North, Central, and South America Amerinds were found to harbor all four lineages, demonstrating that the Amerinds originated from a common ancestral genetic stock.


So again, you are exposed as a clown by making up stuff and posting citations for studies that DO NOT agree with your point of view.
Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
That's why you're a moron. They don't have to say that anyone is African you look at the evidence and make an interpretation. That's what scholars do. They let the evidence tell the story Fool. You silly boy. Stop trying to debate with men.


Originally posted by Doug M:
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:

So you're claiming that Makoto K. Shimada*, , Karuna Panchapakesan , Sarah A. Tishkoff , Alejandro Q. Nato, Jr* and Jody HeY, Divergent Haplotypes and Human History as Revealed in a Worldwide Survey of X-Linked DNA Sequence Variation, Molecular Biology and Evolution 2007 24(3):687-698 , are wrong about the African origin of hg X; and Wallace et al, American Indian prehistory as written in the mitochondrial DNA... ,is wrong about the influence of 9bp del in reltion to hg B?

What evidence do you have disputing these findings?


Originally posted by Doug M:
Clyde, who on earth are you posting this to? All of it has been shown to be an utterly false and misleading bunch of distortion produced BY YOU.

Haplogroups A,B,C and X are all lineages that arose OUTSIDE Africa in Asia. Of course they derive from African DNA lineages because ALL human lineages derive from African lineages.


n human genetics, Haplogroup A is a human mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplogroup.

Haplogroup A is believed to have arisen in Asia some 60,000 years before present. Its ancestral haplogroup was Haplogroup N.

From: //


In mitochondrial genetics, Haplogroup B is a human mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplogroup.

Haplogroup B is believed to have arisen in Asia some 50,000 years before present. Its ancestral haplogroup was Haplogroup R.

From: //


In human mitochondrial genetics, Haplogroup C is a human mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplogroup.

Haplogroup C is believed to have arisen in Asia some 60,000 years before present. It is a descendant of the haplogroup M.

From: //


In human genetics, Haplogroup D is a human mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplogroup.

Haplogroup D is believed to have arisen in Asia some 60,000 years before present. It is a descendant haplogroup of haplogroup M.

From: //

And of course, haplogroup X is considered to have been introduced by WHITES either from Europe or Asia to the Americas.

Again, you keep clowning by trying to distort the data to support your claims. You HAVE no evidence of any DIRECT migrations to the Americas from Africa. All you have are lies and half truths. The facts are that the first people of the Americas were Australian aboriginal type people from Asia.

Where in their study does it say that the first Amerinds were AFRICANS Clyde. Please post that EXACT QUOTE will you? Because it does not say any such thing.

What it says:


American Indian mtDNAs were found to be directly descended from five founding Asian mtDNAs and to cluster into four lineages, each characterized by a different rare Asian mtDNA marker. Lineage A is defined by a HaeIII site gain at np 663, lineage B by a 9-bp deletion between the COII and tRNA(Lys) genes, lineage C by a HincII site loss at np 13259, and lineage D by an AluI site loss at np 5176. The North, Central, and South America Amerinds were found to harbor all four lineages, demonstrating that the Amerinds originated from a common ancestral genetic stock.


So again, you are exposed as a clown by making up stuff and posting citations for studies that DO NOT agree with your point of view.

Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Glad you like the picture. You can find it at my blog on ancient African writing systems.

web page



Originally posted by Alive-(What Box):
Like the above image, I find this:


sad, 'ironic' (to say the least), and together, "funny".

Together they sum up their whole argument here. (And by 'their' I refer to those who chase any sign "negros" anywhere around the globe except for in Africa).

Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
ROTFLOL @ Clyde's absurd assertions and desperate distortions! The guy at least made more sense in identifying M1 with Indian M* and its derivatives, but here the fool can't even tell the difference between y-chromosomal A & B and mitochondrial A & B!! LOL

Hey Clyde, tell us again where the Andaman Islands are located geographically and what region they comprise geologically. Is it South Asia or Southeast Asia??


While your'e at it maybe you can explain to us what the Andamanese of the Andaman Islands have to do with the Munda of central India, or better yet what either of these people have to do with San of Southern Africa! LOL
Posted by Doug M (Member # 7650) on :
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
That's why you're a moron. They don't have to say that anyone is African you look at the evidence and make an interpretation. That's what scholars do. They let the evidence tell the story Fool. You silly boy. Stop trying to debate with men.


Originally posted by Doug M:
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:

So you're claiming that Makoto K. Shimada*, , Karuna Panchapakesan , Sarah A. Tishkoff , Alejandro Q. Nato, Jr* and Jody HeY, Divergent Haplotypes and Human History as Revealed in a Worldwide Survey of X-Linked DNA Sequence Variation, Molecular Biology and Evolution 2007 24(3):687-698 , are wrong about the African origin of hg X; and Wallace et al, American Indian prehistory as written in the mitochondrial DNA... ,is wrong about the influence of 9bp del in reltion to hg B?

What evidence do you have disputing these findings?


Originally posted by Doug M:
Clyde, who on earth are you posting this to? All of it has been shown to be an utterly false and misleading bunch of distortion produced BY YOU.

Haplogroups A,B,C and X are all lineages that arose OUTSIDE Africa in Asia. Of course they derive from African DNA lineages because ALL human lineages derive from African lineages.


n human genetics, Haplogroup A is a human mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplogroup.

Haplogroup A is believed to have arisen in Asia some 60,000 years before present. Its ancestral haplogroup was Haplogroup N.

From: //


In mitochondrial genetics, Haplogroup B is a human mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplogroup.

Haplogroup B is believed to have arisen in Asia some 50,000 years before present. Its ancestral haplogroup was Haplogroup R.

From: //


In human mitochondrial genetics, Haplogroup C is a human mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplogroup.

Haplogroup C is believed to have arisen in Asia some 60,000 years before present. It is a descendant of the haplogroup M.

From: //


In human genetics, Haplogroup D is a human mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplogroup.

Haplogroup D is believed to have arisen in Asia some 60,000 years before present. It is a descendant haplogroup of haplogroup M.

From: //

And of course, haplogroup X is considered to have been introduced by WHITES either from Europe or Asia to the Americas.

Again, you keep clowning by trying to distort the data to support your claims. You HAVE no evidence of any DIRECT migrations to the Americas from Africa. All you have are lies and half truths. The facts are that the first people of the Americas were Australian aboriginal type people from Asia.

Where in their study does it say that the first Amerinds were AFRICANS Clyde. Please post that EXACT QUOTE will you? Because it does not say any such thing.

What it says:


American Indian mtDNAs were found to be directly descended from five founding Asian mtDNAs and to cluster into four lineages, each characterized by a different rare Asian mtDNA marker. Lineage A is defined by a HaeIII site gain at np 663, lineage B by a 9-bp deletion between the COII and tRNA(Lys) genes, lineage C by a HincII site loss at np 13259, and lineage D by an AluI site loss at np 5176. The North, Central, and South America Amerinds were found to harbor all four lineages, demonstrating that the Amerinds originated from a common ancestral genetic stock.


So again, you are exposed as a clown by making up stuff and posting citations for studies that DO NOT agree with your point of view.

No Clyde, this isn't making and interperetation as a scholar it is LYING. These people DO NOT say that the early native Americans were Africans, they DO NOT say that the lineages of the first Americans came from Africa. They say QUITE CLEARLY that these lineages originate in Asia. Therefore, for you to say that their study supports your claim of an African identity for the first Americans COMPLETELY a lie. Not to mention that they do not claim a 30,000 kya date for the first Americans either.
Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :

Here is the evidence.

If you could not cross the Beringa until 14kya and all the skeletons of ancient inhabitants are found near the Atlantic coastline the people had to have come from Africa given the fact the carniometrics indicate that they were of the African variety, and ice blocked any possible movement of people from the Pacific to Argintina and Chile where some of the evidence of early man has been found.

The first Americans did not cross the Bearing Straits to enter the Americas.The earliest sites for Negroes date between 20,000 and 40000 years ago Old Crow Basin Canada(38,000BC) Pedra Furada (45,000BC) Brazil. These people were pygmies and bushman types according to Dr. Dixon, & Dr. Marquez(p.179).

Chile: Monteverde (12,500 years), Tierra del Fuego, Cueva de Fell, Tres Arroyos and some other places.

There are older ones in the Argentinian Patagonia.


—Patagonia was the world's last place to be colonized by humans. In Arica there have been found remains of 9,000 years; the same in a place at the High Aconcagua and Huentelauquén. In Chile we have more than half of the continent's most ancient human skeletons, all well dated and documented.

In addition


Archaeologists believe they have discovered a 13,600-year-old human skeleton deep in a Caribbean underwater cave, making it the oldest ever found in the Americas. The discovery could have profound effects on theories of how humans first reached North America.

The female skeleton, called Eve of Naharon, was found with three other human skeletons in underwater caves along the coast of the Yucatan Peninsula. Excavation of a fourth skeleton – possibly even older than Eve – begins this month in a nearby cave.

The three other skeletons found with Eve have been radiocarbon-dated from 11,000 to 14,000 years ago.

All were found in underwater caves about 50 feet below the surface. At the time Eve and the others would have lived there, the sea level was about 200 feet lower, and the Yucatan Peninsula was a dry prairie. Melting of the polar ice caps 9,000 years ago submerged the burial ground and the subsequent growth of stalactites and stalagmites kept the skeletons from being washed out to sea.

In 1959 archaeologists found the Penon woman skeleton at Mexico City.

[/b] Penon Woman[/b]

Penon woman has been characterized as a Negro and is physically different from Native Americans. The Penon skeleton has been dated between 12,500-15,000BP. The skull of Penon woman is dolichocephalic like most Negroes, not brachysephalic (short and braod) like modern Native Americans. She is related to the Fuegians of Parana Argentina and the Luizia population of Brazil.

Here we have a comparison of ancient skulls found in the Americas.

[IMG] [/IMG]

In the picture above we have three ancient American skulls. They are a) Penon woman (12.755 Ka), b) Texcal Man (9.5ka) and c) Pericue Indian (18th Century). If you look notice Pericue man shows broad features characteristic of the mongoloid type, while both Penon and Texcul do not.

Some researchers claim that these skeletons are of Australian or Melanesian Blacks. This is highly unlikely given the fact that that have been found near the Atlantic Ocean and suggestive of a migration from Africa to Mexico, like the migration of the Olmec 11,000 years later. This view is supported by the discovery of the so-called Eva Neharon skeleton (c.13,600 ) dating to around the same period found in the Caribbean.

By 11,500 we see the appearence tall Negroes from Africa in Colombia, Venezuela and Brazil e.g.,Luiza. Negroes settled America both from the Bearing & South America. Cite an archaeological site where Amerind skeletons have been found prior to the Negro skeletons.


Oldest Skeleton in Americas Found in Underwater Cave?
Eliza Barclay
for National Geographic News

September 3, 2008

Deep inside an underwater cave in Mexico, archaeologists may have discovered the oldest human skeleton ever found in the Americas.

Dubbed Eva de Naharon, or Eve of Naharon, the female skeleton has been dated at 13,600 years old. If that age is accurate, the skeleton—along with three others found in underwater caves along the Caribbean coast of the Yucatán Peninsula—could provide new clues to how the Americas were first populated.

The remains have been excavated over the past four years near the town of Tulum, about 80 miles southwest of Cancún, by a team of scientists led by Arturo González, director of the Desert Museum in Saltillo, Mexico (see map of Mexico).

"We don't now how [the people whose remains were found in the caves] arrived and whether they came from the Atlantic, the jungle, or inside the continent," González said.

"But we believe these finds are the oldest yet to be found in the Americas and may influence our theories of how the first people arrived."

In addition to possibly altering the time line of human settlement in the Americas, the remains may cause experts to rethink where the first Americans came from, González added.

Clues from the skeletons' skulls hint that the people may not be of northern Asian descent, which would contradict the dominant theory of New World settlement. That theory holds that ancient humans first came to North America from northern Asia via a now submerged land bridge across the Bering Sea (see an interactive map of ancient human migration).

"The shape of the skulls has led us to believe that Eva and the others have more of an affinity with people from South Asia than North Asia," González explained.

Concepción Jiménez, director of physical anthropology at Mexico's National Institute of Anthropology and History, has viewed the finds and says they may be Mexico's oldest and most important human remains to date.

"Eva de Naharon has the Paleo-Indian characteristics that make the date seem very plausible," Jiménez said.

Ancient Floods, Giant Animals

The three other skeletons excavated in the caves have been given a date range of 11,000 to 14,000 years ago, based on radiocarbon dating.

Radiocarbon dating measures the age of organic materials based on their content of the radioactive isotope carbon 14.

According to archaeologist David Anderson of the University of Tennessee, however, minerals in seawater can sometimes alter the carbon 14 content of bones, resulting in inaccurate radiocarbon dating results.

The remains were found some 50 feet (15 meters) below sea level in the caves off Tulum. But at the time Eve of Naharon is believed to have lived there, sea levels were 200 feet (60 meters) lower, and the Yucatán Peninsula was a wide, dry prairie.

The polar ice caps melted dramatically 8,000 to 9,000 years ago, causing sea levels to rise hundreds of feet and submerging the burial grounds of the skeletons. Stalactites and stalagmites then grew around the remains, preventing them from being washed out to sea.

González has also found remains of elephants, giant sloths, and other ancient fauna in the caves.

(Learn more about how caves form.)

Human Migration Theories

If González's finds do stand up to scientific scrutiny, they will raise many interesting new questions about how the Americas were first peopled.

Many researchers once believed humans entered the New World from Asia as a single group crossing over the Bering Land Bridge no earlier than 13,500 years ago. But that theory is lately being debunked.

Remains found in Monte Verde, Chile, in 1997, for example, point to the presence of people in the Americas at least 12,500 years ago, long before migration would have been possible through the ice-covered Arctic reaches of North America.

(Related: "Clovis People Not First Americans, Study Shows" [February 23, 2007].)

Confirmation of Eve of Naharon's age could further revolutionize the thinking about the settlement of the Americas.

This September, González will begin excavating the fourth skeleton, known as Chan hol, which he says could be even older than Eve.

The Chan hol remains include more than ten teeth, which will allow researchers to date the specimen and gather information about Chan hol's diet.

"When we learn more about the [Mexican finds] we'll be able to better evaluate them," said Carlos Lorenzo, a researcher at the Universitat Rovira i Virgili in Tarragona, Spain, an expert on the subject who was not involved in the current study.

"But in any case, if it's confirmed that Eva de Naharon is 13,000 years old, it will be a fantastic and extraordinary finding for understanding the first settlers of America."

González said he and his team hope to publish the full results of their analysis after the excavation of the fourth skeleton.

"We're not yet in the phase of research of determining how they arrived," he said. "But when we have more evidence we may be able to determine that."


USA 28,000-25,000 14C y.a.
This vegetation map showing the eastern USA during the period 28,000-25,000 14C y.a. has been compiled by Paul & Hazel Delcourt. An ice sheet already covered most of Canada and extended south of the Great Lakes. Boreal conifer woodlands and forests predominated in what is now the cool temperate forest zone, and the cool and warm temperate forest belts were compressed southwards.

The last ice age in North America lasted between 110,000 and 17,000BP. The ice-free corridor on the eastern flank of the Rockies did not open before 13,000 years ago. Africans were in the Americas long before the end of the last Ice Age when the “Siberians”, who also were more than likely Africans began to cross the Bearing Straits. By 12,500 BC Africans were already living in Chile.

Doug stop trying to steal the heritage of the Black people like the Olmecs, who represent the Mother Culture of Mexico.

Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
Originally posted by Doug M:

No Clyde, this isn't making and interperetation as a scholar it is LYING. These people DO NOT say that the early native Americans were Africans, they DO NOT say that the lineages of the first Americans came from Africa. They say QUITE CLEARLY that these lineages originate in Asia. Therefore, for you to say that their study supports your claim of an African identity for the first Americans COMPLETELY a lie. Not to mention that they do not claim a 30,000 kya date for the first Americans either.

Doug, why bother arguing with the likes of Winters. The guy is no different from Dienekes in that all he's interested in is propagating lies to the ignorant (and sadly black) masses. [Embarrassed]
Originally posted by Djehuti:

ROTFLOL @ Clyde's absurd assertions and desperate distortions! The guy at least made more sense in identifying M1 with Indian M* and its derivatives, but here the fool can't even tell the difference between y-chromosomal A & B and mitochondrial A & B!! LOL

Hey Clyde, tell us again where the Andaman Islands are located geographically and what region they comprise geologically. Is it South Asia or Southeast Asia??


While your'e at it maybe you can explain to us what the Andamanese of the Andaman Islands have to do with the Munda of central India, or better yet what either of these people have to do with San of Southern Africa! LOL

Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Marina Sardi et al, South American craniofacial morphology:Diversity and implications for Amerindian evolution, Am Jour of Physical Anthropology, 128:747-756 (2005)

To summarize the evidence about the peopling of the
Americas and the evolution of Amerindians, Amerindians
show the closest genetic affinities with Asian populations;
the peopling of Beringia occurred in the Late Pleistocene
after the Last Glacial Maximum about 14,000–13,400
years BP; and South American sites are older than North
American sites. If Beringia has to be considered the only
route of entry, regardless of coastal or terrestrial migration
route, there is an important gap between the genetic
and archaeological estimations for the arrival of Amerindian
ancestors. If the morphologic diversity originated
outside America, a direct correlate with the diversity of
Northeast Asia is absent, regardless of time of entry.

Microevolutionary mechanisms
If the double-migratory event (Paleoamerican and
Amerindian) is accepted, the possible representation of
Paleoamerican morphology among modern Amerindians
has to be considered. The morphologic divergence between
Paleoamericans and Amerindians leads us to think that
the first wave did not contribute genetically to the second
wave (Neves and Pucciarelli, 1989, 1991; Steele and
Powell, 1992, 1994; Jantz and Owsley, 2001). In contrast,
Powell and Neves (1999) proposed that the divergence can
be explained by one migratory event in which the founder
population (Paleoamericans) underwent an extreme
change by genetic drift, developing the Amerindian morphology.

However, Gonza´lez-Jose´ et al. (2003) showed that
the Amerindian Pericu´ es of Baja California (Mexico) display
a Paleoamerican-like morphology, and suggested that
they represent a survival group of Paleoamericans who
did not undergo gene flow with Amerindian groups.
There is a good archaeological record during the Terminal
Pleistocene of South America. The lithic technology
seems not to be derived from the North American Clovis
technology (Dillehay, 1999). Moreover, archaeological
assemblages in South America reflect high levels of diversity,
adapted to each particular environment. What factors
could trigger this geographic expansion and diversity? Dillehay
(1999), who assumed peopling by a rapid movement
along the Pacific coast between 14,000–12,000 BP and by
waterways inside America, proposed that environmental
change in the Pleistocene-Holocene transition must be
seen as the primary cause. The climate became cooler and
drier around 12,000 and 10,000 BP, and populations would
have limited their mobility and have become differentiated.

This proposition implies that the first Americans had
high mobility and also extremely good adaptability, which
means a high capacity to adapt culturally or biologically to
new environments when empty spaces were colonized.
To understand the colonization of empty regions, Surovell
(2000) proposed that one must deal with three
requirements: the path of the movement, the migration
rate, and the reproduction rate. Surovell (2000) arrived at
an important conclusion: it is possible that mobile huntergatherers
have high fertility rates, which may have been
the case of the first Americans. But this conclusion has
one condition: that diet is held constant within a homogeneous
environment, which seems not to have been the
case in the initial colonization of South America (Dillehay,

\The high morphologic diversity can also be interpreted
in a microevolutionary perspective by the following options:
a) greater effective population size, b) greater rate
of population growth, c) greater degree of temporal and
spatial isolation, as proposed by the genetics-neutral models,
and d) adaptative factors, giving importance to environment
in shaping cranial morphology.
Options a and b do not seem probable. Rogers et al.
(1992) suggested that hunter-gatherers very rarely increase
their population size in short periods of time, and
even less during an environmentally unstable period,
such as the Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene. Steele
et al. (1998) developed a model for Paleoamerican dispersion
in North America during the Pleistocene-Holocene
transition. Based on modern hunter-gatherer behavior,
they assumed a fast population movement and a complete
adaptation to resources in the new habitat. Even if many
of the assumptions made by this model are not probable,
the authors estimated that Paleoamerican dispersion was
not followed by a demographic increase.
Option c is partially linked to small population size. The
archaeological record shows evidence of occupation in
many parts of South America during the Terminal Pleisto-
cene where unstable environmental conditions would
inhibit mobility to some degree (Dillehay, 2000). It is probable
that a high dispersion in unstable and diverse environments
would contribute to morphologic variation
through genetic drift in geographically close groups. A
smaller population size and greater degree of isolation
was also proposed by Deka et al. (1995) to interpret the
great FST values for DNA among American Indians. The
genetic distances in America seem not to be correlated
with linguistic or geographic distances (O’Rourke et al.,
1992; Cavalli-Sforza et al., 1994; Smith et al., 2000; Keyeux
et al., 2002); this is more accentuated in South America.

Sardi et al, adds:

South American native populations show a higher degree
of craniometrical variation, even when compared to
geographically close groups. If we accept that this high
variation was due to microevolutionary processes within
America, a low population size with high levels of dispersion
and fragmentation of the geographic range can be
invoked. If the distinction of Paleoamericans is accepted,
according to the four-migrations or two-components models,
the diversity among Amerindians may have increased
due to the genetic contribution of ancient Paleoamericans
to the most modern Amerindian groups.
High variation can be also explained by a greater antiquity
of the peopling of the Americas or as a result of peopling
by two or more Amerindian ancestral waves displaying
high morphological diversity. However, one must deal
with the lack of conclusive evidence that the peopling
occurred earlier than 13,000 BP or that Amerindians have
more than one ancestor, i.e., a non-Asian one.
None of the alternatives mentioned above can explain
the high morphologic variation in South Amerindians
alone, making it possible that a combination of some or all
of the alternatives better explains the heterogeneity observed
among South Amerindian populations. The high
craniometrical variation found in this study does not solve
the problem of their evolution, but contributes to the discussion.
These results suggest that any theories which
attempt to explain the evolution of Amerindians need to
take into account the significant degree of biological variation
for this group.

Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
^^^For those requiring proof of the obvious.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ For those who require yet another example of Winters quoting from studies that do not support his view, and pretending otherwise.

Hey Mike, why don't you present a translation of the above article in which the words

- Africa


- Khoisan

....would actually be contained somewhere therein and so lend at least some credence to your delusion of support for your far fetched views?


Why is that?
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
And to debunk Clyde on his new claim/distortion of Haplogroup X. This will definitely be something better for Clyde to read, and his followers.....


 -  -  -

The Presence of Mitochondrial Haplogroup X in Altaians from South Siberia

Recently, the mtDNA studies have shown that both northern and southern Altaians exhibit all four Asian and American Indian–specific haplogroups (A–D) with frequencies of 57.2% (Sukernik et al. 1996) and 46.8% (Derenko et al. 2000a), respectively, exceeding those reported previously for Mongolians, Chinese, and Tibetans. Therefore, they may represent the populations which are most closely related to New World indigenous groups. Since the detection of all four haplogroups (A–D) in an Asian population is thought to be a first criterion in the identification of a possible New World founder, the candidate source population for American Indian mtDNA haplotypes therefore may include the populations originating in the regions to the southwest and southeast of Lake Baikal, including the Altai Mountain region (Derenko et al. 2000b). The presence of X mtDNAs in Altaians is generally consonant with the latter conclusion.

Because the location and identification of the population that was the source of the founding lineages for the New World is a question of considerable interest, several studies on Y-chromosomal DNA polymorphism were performed recently to investigate Pleistocene male migrations to the American continent (Underhill et al. 1996; Lell et al. 1997; Karafet et al. 1999; Santos et al. 1999). It has been shown that the major Y haplotype present in most American Indians could be traced back to recent ancestors they have in common with Siberians: namely, the Kets and Altaians, from the Yenisey River Basin and the Altai Mountains, respectively (Santos et al. 1999). Similarly, based on a comprehensive analysis of worldwide Y-chromosome variation, it has been proposed that populations occupying the general area including Lake Baikal (eastward to the Trans-Baikal and southward into Northern Mongolia), the Lena River headwaters, the Angara and Yenisey River basins, the Altai Mountain foothills, and the region south of the Sayan Mountains (including Tuva and western Mongolia) was the source for dispersals of New World Y-chromosome founders (Karafet et al. 1999). It is obvious that we have now the genetic evidence that will allow closer determination of which Siberian population was the source of the population expansion leading to modern American Indians and will allow relation of the studies of migrations from Siberia to the Americas that are based on paternally inherited genetic systems with those based on maternally inherited ones.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Posted by Clyde:
and Wallace et al, American Indian prehistory as written in the mitochondrial DNA... ,is wrong about the influence of 9bp del in reltion to hg B?

Clyde what correlation to Mtdna haplogroup B?

Clyde is this yet another one of your confusions between Mtdna and Y-dna?

In mitochondrial genetics, Haplogroup B is a human mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplogroup.

Haplogroup B is believed to have arisen in Asia some 50,000 years before present. Its ancestral haplogroup was Haplogroup R.

Haplogroup B is found more often in East Asia[1]. Its subgroup B2 is one of five haplogroups found in the indigenous peoples of the Americas, the others being A, C, D, and X.


In human genetics, Haplogroup B (M60) is a Y-chromosome haplogroup.
Haplogroup B (Y-DNA) was the ancestral haplogroup of modern Pygmies.

Haplogroup B is localized to sub-Saharan Africa, especially to tropical forests of West-Central Africa. After Y-haplogroup A, it is the second oldest and one of the most diverse human Y-haplogroups. It was the ancestral haplogroup of modern Pygmies like e.g. the Baka and Mbuti, but also Hadzabe from Tanzania, who are often mistakenly considered as a remnant of Khoisan people in East Africa.

American Indian prehistory as written in the mitochondrial DNA: a review.
Wallace DC, Torroni A.

Center for Genetics and Molecular Medicine, Emory University, Atlanta, GA 30322.

Native Americans have been divided into three linguistic groups: the reasonably well-defined Eskaleut and Nadene of northern North America and the highly heterogeneous Amerind of North, Central, and South America. The heterogeneity of the Amerinds has been proposed to be the result of either multiple independent migrations or a single ancient migration with extensive in situ radiation. To investigate the origin and interrelationship of the American Indians, we examined the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) variation in 87 Amerinds (Pima, Maya, and Ticuna of North, Central, and South America, respectively), 80 Nadene (Dogrib and Tlingit of northwest North America and Navajo of the southwest North America), and 153 Asians from 7 diverse populations. American Indian mtDNAs were found to be directly descended from five founding Asian mtDNAs and to cluster into four lineages, each characterized by a different rare Asian mtDNA marker. Lineage A is defined by a HaeIII site gain at np 663, lineage B by a 9-bp deletion between the COII and tRNA(Lys) genes, lineage C by a HincII site loss at np 13259, and lineage D by an AluI site loss at np 5176. The North, Central, and South America Amerinds were found to harbor all four lineages, demonstrating that the Amerinds originated from a common ancestral genetic stock. The genetic variation of three of the four Amerind lineages (A, C, and D) was similar with a mean value of 0.084%, whereas the sequence variation in the fourth lineage (B) was much lower, raising the possibility of an independent arrival. By contrast, the Nadene mtDNAs were predominantly from lineage A, with 27% of them having a Nadene-specific RsaI site loss at np 16329. The accumulated Nadene variation was only 0.021%. These results demonstrate that the Amerind mtDNAs arose from one or maybe two Asian migrations that were distinct from the migration of the Nadene and that the Amerind populations are about four times older than the Nadene.

Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
I stand by what I have written. I quoted my sources. If you disagree its with the experts--not me.


Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
Posted by Clyde:
and Wallace et al, American Indian prehistory as written in the mitochondrial DNA... ,is wrong about the influence of 9bp del in reltion to hg B?

Clyde what correlation to Mtdna haplogroup B?

Clyde is this yet another one of your confusions between Mtdna and Y-dna?

In mitochondrial genetics, Haplogroup B is a human mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplogroup.

Haplogroup B is believed to have arisen in Asia some 50,000 years before present. Its ancestral haplogroup was Haplogroup R.

Haplogroup B is found more often in East Asia[1]. Its subgroup B2 is one of five haplogroups found in the indigenous peoples of the Americas, the others being A, C, D, and X.


In human genetics, Haplogroup B (M60) is a Y-chromosome haplogroup.
Haplogroup B (Y-DNA) was the ancestral haplogroup of modern Pygmies.

Haplogroup B is localized to sub-Saharan Africa, especially to tropical forests of West-Central Africa. After Y-haplogroup A, it is the second oldest and one of the most diverse human Y-haplogroups. It was the ancestral haplogroup of modern Pygmies like e.g. the Baka and Mbuti, but also Hadzabe from Tanzania, who are often mistakenly considered as a remnant of Khoisan people in East Africa.

American Indian prehistory as written in the mitochondrial DNA: a review.
Wallace DC, Torroni A.

Center for Genetics and Molecular Medicine, Emory University, Atlanta, GA 30322.

Native Americans have been divided into three linguistic groups: the reasonably well-defined Eskaleut and Nadene of northern North America and the highly heterogeneous Amerind of North, Central, and South America. The heterogeneity of the Amerinds has been proposed to be the result of either multiple independent migrations or a single ancient migration with extensive in situ radiation. To investigate the origin and interrelationship of the American Indians, we examined the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) variation in 87 Amerinds (Pima, Maya, and Ticuna of North, Central, and South America, respectively), 80 Nadene (Dogrib and Tlingit of northwest North America and Navajo of the southwest North America), and 153 Asians from 7 diverse populations. American Indian mtDNAs were found to be directly descended from five founding Asian mtDNAs and to cluster into four lineages, each characterized by a different rare Asian mtDNA marker. Lineage A is defined by a HaeIII site gain at np 663, lineage B by a 9-bp deletion between the COII and tRNA(Lys) genes, lineage C by a HincII site loss at np 13259, and lineage D by an AluI site loss at np 5176. The North, Central, and South America Amerinds were found to harbor all four lineages, demonstrating that the Amerinds originated from a common ancestral genetic stock. The genetic variation of three of the four Amerind lineages (A, C, and D) was similar with a mean value of 0.084%, whereas the sequence variation in the fourth lineage (B) was much lower, raising the possibility of an independent arrival. By contrast, the Nadene mtDNAs were predominantly from lineage A, with 27% of them having a Nadene-specific RsaI site loss at np 16329. The accumulated Nadene variation was only 0.021%. These results demonstrate that the Amerind mtDNAs arose from one or maybe two Asian migrations that were distinct from the migration of the Nadene and that the Amerind populations are about four times older than the Nadene.

Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
I stand by what I have written. I quoted my sources. If you disagree its with the experts--not me.
See the thing is Clyde, the experts aren't saying what you're saying, therefore you're standing by false distortions, resulted from your long term confusion between Y-dna and Mtnda.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
Originally posted by rasol:
^ For those who require yet another example of Winters quoting from studies that do not support his view, and pretending otherwise.

Hey Mike, why don't you present a translation of the above article in which the words

- Africa


- Khoisan

....would actually be contained somewhere therein and so lend at least some credence to your delusion of support for your far fetched views?


Why is that?

Charlatan writes: I stand by what I have written. I quoted my sources. If you disagree its with the experts--not me.
^ Excellent exemplifier of Dr. Winters dishonesty.

No geneticist agrees with him, he knows this, but he thinks Mike101 is stupid, or will at least play along while Winters lies thru his teeth.

Fascinating stuff.
Posted by Doug M (Member # 7650) on :
And the funniest thing is that he doesn't understand that the first Americans were still blacks, but they didn't come from Africa they came from Asia. But even with that I don't doubt for a second that there have been ancient migrations from Africa to the Americas. However, those migrations were small compared to the migrations from Asia and if there was a substantial amount of direct African migration it was quickly absorbed into the predominant Asian derived aboriginal population. But all of that is pure speculation. I have no proof of it and this is the difference. Until you find REAL FACTS and REAL EVIDENCE to support an idea, it is nothing but pure speculation.
Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Originally posted by alTakruri:
Personally, it's hard to believe the earliest
Paleo-Americans walked up to strait, crossed
it, then walked all the way down to Patagonia.
I side with an across the Pacific voyage though
true to tell I don't know very much about the
matter other than my surface research posted
some time ago.

The land route makes us wonder how much tropical adaptation would
have remained after maybe 15-20ky in Central Asia, Siberia, and west
Beringia. The sea route makes us rethink what we have believed about
maritime skills 15-19kya. But, mtDNAs M & N as well as NRYs C-M130
& D-M174 most likely arrived in Australia by boat more than 50kya.


Of course the sea route would support the "blackness" of Luzia and her
type since the Koori, Papuans, and Melanesias are doubtlessly black, i.e.,
ulitrichous hair (mostly), brown skin, full facial features (often including
alveolar prognatism) which in most nations' racial constructs add up to
qualifying a persons' blackness on sight.;f=8;t=003182#000036

Sylvia Gonzalez seems to think they may have
travelled both routes if I read her statement right
"They appear more similar to southern Asians, Australians and populations of the South Pacific Rim than they do to northern Asians," Dr Gonzalez, of Liverpool John Moores University, told the British Association's annual meeting in Exeter.

"We think there were several migration waves into the Americas at different times by different human groups."

She said there was very strong evidence that the first migration came from Australia via Japan and Polynesia and down the Pacific coast of America.

But where are the Oceanic skulls along the proposed Beringia route?
What evidence is there for Oceanics making and wearing clothes that
resist subarctic cold?

This is my spoof of an AustralAsia to Beringia to North then South America route

Oh! I see in one generation droves of Oceanics
paddled north along the Asian coast invented coats and boots
continued paddling along the coast of Beringia and then south along the
coast of North America loosing cobbler schools to finally arrive in South
America; like as if they knew it were there right from the start.

Yeah, rrrright. Snap goes Occam's Razor. The simplest scenario is
Oceanics making the direct hop from Oceania to South America dribble
by dribble. Obsessive Beringia enthusiasm is the allowance for that consideration.

Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :

A searoute from Oceania is not the simplest scenario. First of all, up to 15kya there was an ice sheet which made it impossible to migrate from the Pacific side of much of South America to the Atlantic side.


Moreover, earliest skeletal remains of amh are found near the Atlantic shore. This suggest a possible migration to ancient America from Africa not Asia.

Posted by alTakruri (Member # 10195) on :
I don't see any ice in the Pacific or on SA's west coast.

Anyway, here's my entire previous post invoking your response

Personally, it's hard to believe the earliest
Paleo-Americans walked up to Beringia, crossed
it, then walked all the way down to Patagonia.
I side with an across the Pacific voyage though
true to tell I don't know very much about the
matter other than my surface research posted
some time ago.

The land route makes us wonder how much tropical adaptation would
have remained after maybe 15-20ky in Central Asia, Siberia, and west
Beringia. The sea route makes us rethink what we have believed about
maritime skills 15-19kya. But, mtDNAs M & N as well as NRYs C-M130
& D-M174 most likely arrived in Australia by boat more than 50kya.


Of course the sea route would support the "blackness" of Luzia and her
type since the Koori, Papuans, and Melanesias are doubtlessly black, i.e.,
ulitrichous hair (mostly), brown skin, full facial features (often including
alveolar prognatism) which in most nations' racial constructs add up to
qualifying a persons' blackness on sight.;f=8;t=003182#000036

Sylvia Gonzalez seems to think they may have
travelled both routes if I read her statement right
"They appear more similar to southern Asians, Australians and populations of the South Pacific Rim than they do to northern Asians," Dr Gonzalez, of Liverpool John Moores University, told the British Association's annual meeting in Exeter.

"We think there were several migration waves into the Americas at different times by different human groups."

She said there was very strong evidence that the first migration came from Australia via Japan and Polynesia and down the Pacific coast of America.

But where are the Oceanic skulls along the proposed Beringia route?
What evidence is there for Oceanics making and wearing clothes that
resist subarctic cold?

This is my spoof of an AustralAsia to Beringia to North then South America route

Oh! I see in one generation droves of Oceanics
paddled north along the Asian coast invented coats and boots
continued paddling along the coast of Beringia and then south along the
coast of North America loosing cobbler schools to finally arrive in South
America; like as if they knew it were there right from the start.

Yeah, rrrright. Snap goes Occam's Razor. The simplest scenario is
Oceanics making the direct hop from Oceania to South America dribble
by dribble. Obsessive Beringia enthusiasm is the allowance for that consideration.
Map perusal map makes devastating logic of direct
Oceania to South America voyaging all within tropical latitudes.

A=the "only via Beringia" model; ____ B=the "South Pacific Rim first" model


from:Tom D. Dillehay
Palaeoanthropology: Tracking the first Americans
Nature 425, 23-24 (4 September 2003)

The archaeological and skeletal data have led to a new model,
in which the Palaeoamericans — the proposed first arrivals in
the New World — were not northeast Asians. They came instead
from south Asia and the southern Pacific Rim
, and they probably
shared ancestry with ancient Australians and other southern
populations [3, 9]. A second group of humans then arrived from
northeast Asia or Mongolia, and it was this second population
that adapted to the warming climate after the Ice Age and gave
rise to the modern Amerindians (an ancient population of Americans
whose skeletal remains make up most of the human material found
in the New World) and the present-day Native Americans.

3 - Neves, W. A. & Pucciarelli, H. M. J. Hum. Evol. 21, 261−273 (1991).
9 - Neves, W. A. et al. Homo 50, 258−263 (1999)


from: [url=]a History News Network article (clickable link)

George Gill, a forensic anthropologist at the University of Wyoming
and one of the plaintiffs in the Kennewick Man case, said evidence
indicated that seafaring people from southeast Asia or Polynesia
could have reached the Americas by traveling along the Pacific Rim,
landing somewhere in what is now South America


from an article covering the October 1999, Clovis and Beyond Conference on early Americans

Various models on the continental scale attempt to explain, using
the evidence, ways the first people entered the American continent.
One theory has been proposed by CSFA director Rob Bonnichsen, another
by Ruth Gruhn and Alan Bryan of the University of Alberta.

Dr. Bryan
's Circum-Pacific model for the colonization of the Americas,
formulated in the '70s and for many years largely ignored by other
authorities, was the first theory that took into account archaeological
information from South America. Now his ideas, bolstered by new data
coming from South America in recent years, truly challenge the Clovis-First

Speaking for himself and absent coauthor Gentry Steele, Dr. Bonnichsen
discussed alternative routes and means that may have been used by people.
"Using small boats along the Pacific Rim of Asia," he argues, the first
people could have come to the Americas at the end of the last Ice Age.


Originally posted by rasol:

posted 09 March, 2006 03:32 PM

Altakruri writes: * doesn't use a map and so simply ignores the devastating logic of direct
Oceania to South America voyaging all within tropical latitudes;

The scene depicts groups of prehistoric, intrepid mariners moving, *not* out of Siberia as anthropologists have long assumed, but out of Southeast Asia across the Pacific into the Americas 6,000 to 12,000 years ago. If this picture is accurate, it makes many American Indians distant cousins of the Polynesians

Between A.D. 1000 and 1100 Polynesian voyagers sailing from Eastern
Polynesia probably reached the west cost of South America. To their surprise, however, the researchers found that native Siberians lack one peculiar mutation that appeared in the Amerinds 6,000 to 10,000 years ago. This raises the question of where, if not from Siberia, this mtDNA originated.

It turns out, Dr. Wallace says, that this particular mutation pattern is also found in aboriginal populations in Southeast Asia and in the islands of *Melanesia and Polynesia*. This hints at what may have been "one of the most astounding migrations in human experience," he says. A group of ancient peoples moved out of China into Malaysia where they became sailors and populated the islands of the South Pacific

Thus we have Austro-Melanesian phenotype
known mariners of tropical plant and seafood diet and minimal clothing island
hopping across the Pacific in the epipaleolithic holocene to South America
without highly hypothesized mastodon fur wearing, big game hunting pre or
proto Austro-Melanesian beachcombing convulsions where there are no osteo-
remains of Austro-Melanesian phenotypes past or present.
Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Originally posted by alTakruri:
I don't see any ice in the Pacific or on SA's west coast.


Look carefully at the map you will see the ice which divided much of South America.

Posted by Doug M (Member # 7650) on :
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:

A searoute from Oceania is not the simplest scenario. First of all, up to 15kya there was an ice sheet which made it impossible to migrate from the Pacific side of much of South America to the Atlantic side.


Moreover, earliest skeletal remains of amh are found near the Atlantic shore. This suggest a possible migration to ancient America from Africa not Asia.


Clyde, where is there any skeletal evidence of migrations to the Americas 30,000 years ago? The earliest evidence for people in the Americas is somewhere between 11,000 and 15,000 years ago.
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
Not a very good glacier map.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
The Amerindian haplogroups (hg) are descendant from the L3(M,N, & X) macrohaplogroup:
^ Winters again, with remarks that are both dishonest and dumb.

He knows all non Africans mtdna derive from L3.

Chinese - Germans, Eskimo, Russian.... ALL OF THEM.

Haplogroup N is also found in Africa and the Americas.
Underived haplotype N is FOUND NOWHERE in the Americas.

Derivities of N are found virtually everywhere. 90% plus of Europeans are N derived, Chinese and Native Americans are all either N or M derived, which traces back to the original OOA migration 70 thousand years ago.

N and M derivities link Native Americans most closely to modern Asians and Oceanics.... NOT TO Africans and especially not to West Africans.

This is why no geneticist agrees with you.

And this why when we ask you to name the geneticist who agrees with you - you have nothing to say.

You are just liar and a fraud.

Your target audience is Mike111 or someone you think is dumb enough to credit your claims in spite of your complete lack of sources, evidence or logic.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
The glaciers exist only in the high altitude of the Andies mountains, and never cutoff pacific and atlantic south america in entiriety.

I do agree [this may surprise you], that it is interesting that some of the early findings of skeletal remains are near the atlantic, and not the pacific coasts.

But none of the genetic evidence supports a link between paleolithic atlantic coast africa, and paleolithic atlantic coast south america.

This doesn't mean that -no- ancient migrations from west africa to the america's occurred, of course.

But if they did occur then much of the genetic evidence has been swamped by later migrations.

I think there is better evidence of possible voyages to the america's in the pre-columbus historic era, of Mali and Ghana.

Winters doesn't help us to explore this serious possibility with his confused, and poorly formulated pseudo-theories.
Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Originally posted by Mike111:
Not a very good glacier map.

True but its all I could find up to now. If you know of another map please post it.

Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
^^^Not a very good map.
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
Not a very good glacier map.
Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Originally posted by Mike111:
Not a very good glacier map.

True but its all I could find up to now. If you know of another map please post it.

Posted by alTakruri (Member # 10195) on :
Yes, after careful perusal I posted that there
is no ice on SA's west coast, and there isn't.

Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
Originally posted by alTakruri:
I don't see any ice in the Pacific or on SA's west coast.


Look carefully at the map you will see the ice which divided much of South America.


Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :

Several types of blacks entered the Americas including the San, Anu or negrito type and the Proto-Saharan variety of blacks. Up until recently it was believed that the first humans crossed the Bering Strait 12,000 B.P., to enter the North American continent.(Begley 1991, p.15) This view was never accepted by physical anthropologists who have found skeletal remains far older than 12,000 B.P.

Today archaeologists have found sites from Argintina to Chile that range between 20,000 and 40,000 years old. There are numerous sites in South America which are over 35,000 years old (1).

Pedra Furada Engravings and pebbles
 -  -

These sites are Pedra Furada (c.45,000 B.C.) (2,2a), and Serra Da Capivara 50,000 BP. The Pedra Furada site is quite old(2b).Archaeologist originally dated the site 48k-10kya (2d).


At Pedra Furada, Brazil archaeologists have found cave paintings, hearths and deliberately flaked pebbles (2b). All evidence of human occupation of the site. Charcoal samples from the campsite increased the age of the site to 65kya (2c,2d).

Given the fact that the earliest dates for habitation of the American continent occur below Canada in South America is highly suggestive of the fact that the earliest settlers on the American continents came from Africa before the Ice melted at the Bering Strait and moved northward as the ice melted.

The appearance of pebble tools at Monte verde in Chile (c.32,000 B.P), and rock paintings at Pedra Furada in Brazil (c.22,000 B.P.) and mastodont hunting in Venezuela and Colombia (c.13,000 B.P.), and Dr. Walter Neves’ discovery of a 12,000 year old skeleton of an African woman in Brazil, have led some researchers to believe that the Americas was first settled from South America (4).

C. Vance Haynes noted that:"If people have been in South America for over 30,000 years, or even 20,000 years, why are there so few sites?....One possible answer is that they were so few in number; another is that South America was somehow initially populated from directions other than north until Clovis appeared"(5).

P.S. Martin and R. G. Klein after discussing the evidence of mastodont hunting in Venezuela 13,000 years ago observed that :"The thought that the fossil record of South America is much richer in evidence of early archaeological associations than many believed is indeed provocative .Have the earliest hunters been overlooked in North America? Or did the hunters somehow reach South America first" (6)?

1. Warwick Bray,"The Paleoindian debate". Nature 332, (10 March) 1988, p.107.

2. Ibid, p.107; "Man's New World arrival Pushed back", Chicago Tribune, (9 May 1991) Sec.1A, p.40;and A.L. Bryan, "Points of Order". Natural History , (June 1987) pp.7-11.

2a.Meltzer, David J., James M. Adovasio, and Tom D. Dillehay 1994 On a Pleistocene human occupation at Pedra Furada, Brazil. Antiquity 68(261):695-714.

2b.Parenti, Fabio, Michel Fontugue, and Claude Guerin 1996 Pedra Furada in Brazil and its 'presumed' evidence: limitations and potential of the available data. Antiquity 70:416-421.

2c.Santos, G. M., et al. 2003 A revised chronology of the lowest occupation layer of Pedra Furada Rock Shelter, Piauí, Brazil: the Pleistocene peopling of the Americas. Quaternary Science Reviews 22 2303–2310.

2d.Valladas, H., et al. 2003 TL age-estimates of burnt quartz pebbles from the Toca do Boqueirão da Pedra Furada (Piaui, Northeastern Brazil). Quaternary Science Reviews 22(10-13):1257-1263.

3. Bryan, p.11.

4. C.V. Haynes,Jr.,"Geofacts and Fanny". Natural History ,(February 1988)pp.4-12:12.

5. P.S. Martin and R.G.Klein (eds.),Quarternary Extinctions:
A Prehistoric Revolution, (Tucson:University of Arizona Press,1989) p.111.

6. M.Ruhlen,"Voices from the Past". Natural History, (March 1987) pp.6-10:10; J.H. Greenberg,Language in the Americas. Stanford:Stanford University Press,1987.
Posted by alTakruri (Member # 10195) on :
The uncoverer, Arturo Gonzalez, says of Eva de Naharon
(Eve of Naharon), "The shape of the skulls has led us
to believe that Eva and the others have more of an
affinity with people from South Asia ..."

A 10.3kyo tooth from Alaska yielded mtDNA found mostly
in Native American populations from California to
But the tooth's mtDNA has mutations found in Japan and
northeast Asis.
Posted by alTakruri (Member # 10195) on :
The uncoverer, Arturo Gonzalez, says of Eva de Naharon
(Eve of Naharon), "The shape of the skulls has led us
to believe that Eva and the others have more of an
affinity with people from South Asia ..."

A 10.3kyo tooth from Alaska yielded mtDNA found mostly
in Native American populations from California to
But the tooth's mtDNA has mutations found in Japan and
northeast Asis.
Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Originally posted by alTakruri:
The uncoverer, Arturo Gonzalez, says of Eva de Naharon
(Eve of Naharon), "The shape of the skulls has led us
to believe that Eva and the others have more of an
affinity with people from South Asia ..."

A 10.3kyo tooth from Alaska yielded mtDNA found mostly
in Native American populations from California to
But the tooth's mtDNA has mutations found in Japan and
northeast Asis.

Thanks for the information I have to look up the tooth to find out more information.

Craniometrically most Indians are classified as ancient Mediterranean, i.e., Negro. Are you claiming that the Eve Nahon came from India (South Asia)?

Posted by alTakruri (Member # 10195) on :
My claims were just posted in this very thread. Is it so
hard to scroll up to the 30 November, 2008 06:06 AM entry;f=15;t=000697;p=13#000627
to see what I wrote?

Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
Originally posted by alTakruri:
The uncoverer, Arturo Gonzalez, says of Eva de Naharon
(Eve of Naharon), "The shape of the skulls has led us
to believe that Eva and the others have more of an
affinity with people from South Asia ..."

A 10.3kyo tooth from Alaska yielded mtDNA found mostly
in Native American populations from California to
But the tooth's mtDNA has mutations found in Japan and
northeast Asis.

Thanks for the information I have to look up the tooth to find out more information.

Craniometrically most Indians are classified as ancient Mediterranean, i.e., Negro. Are you claiming that the Eve Nahon came from India (South Asia)?


Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
The oldest Americans' Negroid traits are not very specialized, making a direct immigration from Africa or Australia unlikely. Therefore, **Neves**(the head proponent for Australia/African like populations reaching America) believes that the America's more than 12,000 years ago did not necessarily occur by sea: "The traditional path across the Bering Strait is still the most plausible explanation for the entry of this non-Mongoloid population into the New World, if we assume that it was present in Northern Asia at the end of the Pleistocene." And indeed, Japan's aborigines, of whom a few still live in Hokkaido and on the Kurile Islands, display some Australian traits, such as round eye sockets and abundant body hair. A genetic comparison might solve the mystery...

''We know that today's Amerindians have ***four main groups***,'' said Dr. Pena, who found a genetic marker common to 17 different widely dispersed Indian groups across the Americans in the course of an earlier project. ''What would constitute molecular proof of ***Walter's (NEVES)*** hypothesis is to find ***DNA sequences COMPLETELY **different** from those ***four groups***.''

Dr. Meltzer said: ''This is clearly the way to resolve the issue. The skull is intriguing morphological evidence, but in order to really nail down this issue of affinity, you need evidence, and ***DNA*** is the way to go.''


Lahr (1995) has reached a conclusion similar to ours when studying the cranial morphology of modern Fuegians. She realized that the morphology of modern Indians of Tierra del Fuego could not be described as typical Mongoloid as well. Since she detected a close association between historic ****Fuegians and Polynesians**** she opted to interpret the cranial morphology of the former as generalized Mongoloid, at best. In her opinion this generalized Mongoloid morphology could be explained as a retention of characteristics of the first inhabitants of the Americas.


As to the similarities with Africans, the best way to explain it in terms of historical connections, is to assume that the Asian ancestral population that gave rise to the Australians and to the first Americans had its ultimate origins in the African continent, as it is in fact the case with all modern humans (Stringer and Andrews, 1988; Stringer and McKie, 1996; Lahr, 1994, 1996), ***but which retained a very generalized morphology.*** In accordance with Lahr (1996), the Australians are in fact the contemporary aboriginal population that retained the most primitive morphology when compared to the first modern humans. As she stressed "Groups like [...] Australo-Melanesians are all examples of relatively early diversifications without great amounts of gene flow from other groups..." (Lahr, 1996, p.335).


In this study, 74 human skulls dated between 11.0 and 3.0 kyr, recovered in seven different sites of Sabana de Bogotá, Colombia, were compared with the world cranial variation by different multivariate techniques: Principal Components Analysis, Multidimensional Scaling, and Cluster of Mahalanobis distance matrices. The Colombian skeletal remains were divided in two chronological subgroups: Paleocolombians (11.0-6.0 kyr) and Archaic Colombians (5.0-3.0 kyr). Both quantitative techniques generated convergent results: ****the Paleocolombians show remarkable similarities with Lagoa Santa and ****with modern Australo-Melanesians**** . Archaic Colombians exhibited the same morphological patterns and associations. ***These findings support our long-held proposition that the early American settlement may have involved ****two very distinct biological populations coming from Asia****. On the other hand, they suggest the possibility of late survivals of the Paleoamerican pattern not restricted to isolated or marginal areas, as previously thought. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2007. © 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :

 -  -  -

The Presence of Mitochondrial Haplogroup X in Altaians from South Siberia

Recently, the mtDNA studies have shown that both northern and southern Altaians exhibit all four Asian and American Indian–specific haplogroups (A–D) with frequencies of 57.2% (Sukernik et al. 1996) and 46.8% (Derenko et al. 2000a), respectively, exceeding those reported previously for Mongolians, Chinese, and Tibetans. Therefore, they may represent the populations which are most closely related to New World indigenous groups. Since the detection of all four haplogroups (A–D) in an Asian population is thought to be a first criterion in the identification of a possible New World founder, the candidate source population for American Indian mtDNA haplotypes therefore may include the populations originating in the regions to the southwest and southeast of Lake Baikal, including the Altai Mountain region (Derenko et al. 2000b). The presence of X mtDNAs in Altaians is generally consonant with the latter conclusion.

Because the location and identification of the population that was the source of the founding lineages for the New World is a question of considerable interest, several studies on Y-chromosomal DNA polymorphism were performed recently to investigate Pleistocene male migrations to the American continent (Underhill et al. 1996; Lell et al. 1997; Karafet et al. 1999; Santos et al. 1999). It has been shown that the major Y haplotype present in most American Indians could be traced back to recent ancestors they have in common with Siberians: namely, the Kets and Altaians, from the Yenisey River Basin and the Altai Mountains, respectively (Santos et al. 1999). Similarly, based on a comprehensive analysis of worldwide Y-chromosome variation, it has been proposed that populations occupying the general area including Lake Baikal (eastward to the Trans-Baikal and southward into Northern Mongolia), the Lena River headwaters, the Angara and Yenisey River basins, the Altai Mountain foothills, and the region south of the Sayan Mountains (including Tuva and western Mongolia) was the source for dispersals of New World Y-chromosome founders (Karafet et al. 1999). It is obvious that we have now the genetic evidence that will allow closer determination of which Siberian population was the source of the population expansion leading to modern American Indians and will allow relation of the studies of migrations from Siberia to the Americas that are based on paternally inherited genetic systems with those based on maternally inherited ones.

Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :

These populations do not look alike

Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:

These populations do not look alike


Actually in some ways the Khoisan on the right looks like the non African on the bottom.

Those two photos and one recreation prove nothing in terms of who is related to whom.

Entertainment appears to be your goal here, not scholarship.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
Originally posted by alTakruri:
My claims were just posted in this very thread. Is it so
hard to scroll up to the 30 November, 2008 06:06 AM entry;f=15;t=000697;p=13#000627
to see what I wrote?

Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
Originally posted by alTakruri:
The uncoverer, Arturo Gonzalez, says of Eva de Naharon
(Eve of Naharon), "The shape of the skulls has led us
to believe that Eva and the others have more of an
affinity with people from South Asia ..."

A 10.3kyo tooth from Alaska yielded mtDNA found mostly
in Native American populations from California to
But the tooth's mtDNA has mutations found in Japan and
northeast Asis.

Thanks for the information I have to look up the tooth to find out more information.

Craniometrically most Indians are classified as ancient Mediterranean, i.e., Negro. Are you claiming that the Eve Nahon came from India (South Asia)?


^ Lol, at this Charleton trying to put words in peoples mouths and attribute claims to them they never made.

Such a shameless faker, yet he gets mad when people like Jamie use him to punk "Afrocentrism". [Embarrassed]
Posted by Marc Washington (Member # 10979) on :

Charleton? Faker? You are the one enamoured of Africans?


Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
^^^^Marc will you ever engage in an actual intellectual debate? I doubt it. It seems you love to post your junior high school photochop inventions. That's why I seriously question your age Marc.

Will you ever address the following?


Int J Legal Med. 2005 Sep ;119 (5):303-5 15834734 (P,S,G,E,B)
Polish population study on Y chromosome haplotypes defined by 18 STR loci.

Polymorphism of 18 STR loci specific to the human Y chromosome (DYS19, DYS388 , DYS389I, DYS389II, DYS390 , DYS391, DYS392, DYS393, DYS426, DYS437, DYS438, DYS439, DYS460, GATA H4.1, DYS385 a/b, and YCAII a/b) was evaluated by means of a multiplex (octadecaplex) PCR reaction and capillary electrophoresis in a Polish population sample of 208 unrelated males. A total of 192 different haplotypes and 183 unique haplotypes were identified. The observed haplotype diversity was 0.998, while discrimination capacity was 92.3%. DYS389 was shown to be the most valuable in discrimination of similar haplotypes, whereas DYS388, DYS393, DYS426, and DYS438 did not affect the discrimination power of the multiplex.

Marc, tell me, from your understanding of the above amplified polymorphisms of ***18 STR loci specific to the human Y chromosome*** , in this study on a Polish population Y-chromosome, does it indicate that they carry hgA1? Or that Polish are related to the Fuegians?
Posted by Marc Washington (Member # 10979) on :

[Marc writes] First you write:

[KKey178 writes] Marc ... maybe I'm you giving you too much credit.

[Marc writes] I hadn’t said a word to you and you trash me with a pjeroative comment: “maybe I’m giving you too much credit.”

It’s because you imitated Djehuti and Rasol by fabricating a self-image of yourself as some towering Goliath of supreme intellect looking down on the rest of us; the rest of us that you three have the gall to giddily look upon as detestible, putrid scum; it’s because it’s the way you three frame interactions with others and with me that I do everything in my power to show my disdain by copying your style and throwing it back in your face.

That’s why I said in this page, speaking of you, that your head has a hole in it.


As time went by, another time I’d not been speaking to you and in reply to someone you said (paraphrasing) I was a “babbling, incoherent fool.”

So, I added that to a bubble on my page trashing you.

Then, again when I was not addressing you, you wrote to someone that I was a “an idiotic, derelectic jackass.” So, I added that in a bubble on my page above trashing you as you addressing yourself.

Then, you write that I write “delusional, outrageous claims.” So, I added that in a bubble on my page above trashing you as you addressing yourself.

Now, most recently, you disparage me yet again saying maybe I'm you giving you too much credit.

And on Nov. 18, 2008 you continue with your arsenic-laced sarcasm even when I had not written to you – you initiate hostilities out of the blue dissing me, … so tell me, from your limited understanding ...

You three (you, Djehuti, and Rasol) are incredible racists. I don’t know why you belong to Egypt Search as you three hate the guts of the blacks at Egypt Search even as you fawn over and deify our African ancestors who are the parents of humanity. That is schizophrenic.

In your last comment to me you write, Marc will you even try to answer?

as if you are sincerely looking for my response and as if you are sincerely interested in my opinion on the matter.

However, there are those four diatribes above where you lash-out at me and in three out of the four cases, I’d not even addressed you.

Your behavior is schizophrenic and you have no goodwill in your heart. You and your friends Djehuti (who is sick to compare himself to the near godlike Djehuti of ancient Egypt), and Rasol have loathing towards blacks.

You three are capable of offering an olive branch speaking well of a person in one post and the next ten posts to that person are laced with name-calling, put-downs, and contempt.

You are duplicitous, ill-willed, insincere, and arrogant. You are poisonous snakes laying in the grass waiting to strike out at others and I want to have nothing to do with you.


Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
Marc writes: As time went by, another time I’d not been speaking to you and in reply to someone you said (paraphrasing) I was a “babbling, incoherent fool.”
^ Indeed, and your photoshop stinks too. [Big Grin]
Posted by Marc Washington (Member # 10979) on :




Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
Originally posted by Clyde Winters:

Several types of blacks entered the Americas including the San, Anu or negrito type and the Proto-Saharan variety of blacks. Up until recently it was believed that the first humans crossed the Bering Strait 12,000 B.P., to enter the North American continent.(Begley 1991, p.15) This view was never accepted by physical anthropologists who have found skeletal remains far older than 12,000 B.P.

Today archaeologists have found sites from Argintina to Chile that range between 20,000 and 40,000 years old. There are numerous sites in South America which are over 35,000 years old (1).

Pedra Furada Engravings and pebbles
 -  -

These sites are Pedra Furada (c.45,000 B.C.) (2,2a), and Serra Da Capivara 50,000 BP. The Pedra Furada site is quite old(2b).Archaeologist originally dated the site 48k-10kya (2d).


At Pedra Furada, Brazil archaeologists have found cave paintings, hearths and deliberately flaked pebbles (2b). All evidence of human occupation of the site. Charcoal samples from the campsite increased the age of the site to 65kya (2c,2d).

Given the fact that the earliest dates for habitation of the American continent occur below Canada in South America is highly suggestive of the fact that the earliest settlers on the American continents came from Africa before the Ice melted at the Bering Strait and moved northward as the ice melted.

The appearance of pebble tools at Monte verde in Chile (c.32,000 B.P), and rock paintings at Pedra Furada in Brazil (c.22,000 B.P.) and mastodont hunting in Venezuela and Colombia (c.13,000 B.P.), and Dr. Walter Neves’ discovery of a 12,000 year old skeleton of an African woman in Brazil, have led some researchers to believe that the Americas was first settled from South America (4).

C. Vance Haynes noted that:"If people have been in South America for over 30,000 years, or even 20,000 years, why are there so few sites?....One possible answer is that they were so few in number; another is that South America was somehow initially populated from directions other than north until Clovis appeared"(5).

P.S. Martin and R. G. Klein after discussing the evidence of mastodont hunting in Venezuela 13,000 years ago observed that :"The thought that the fossil record of South America is much richer in evidence of early archaeological associations than many believed is indeed provocative .Have the earliest hunters been overlooked in North America? Or did the hunters somehow reach South America first" (6)?

1. Warwick Bray,"The Paleoindian debate". Nature 332, (10 March) 1988, p.107.

2. Ibid, p.107; "Man's New World arrival Pushed back", Chicago Tribune, (9 May 1991) Sec.1A, p.40;and A.L. Bryan, "Points of Order". Natural History , (June 1987) pp.7-11.

2a.Meltzer, David J., James M. Adovasio, and Tom D. Dillehay 1994 On a Pleistocene human occupation at Pedra Furada, Brazil. Antiquity 68(261):695-714.

2b.Parenti, Fabio, Michel Fontugue, and Claude Guerin 1996 Pedra Furada in Brazil and its 'presumed' evidence: limitations and potential of the available data. Antiquity 70:416-421.

2c.Santos, G. M., et al. 2003 A revised chronology of the lowest occupation layer of Pedra Furada Rock Shelter, Piauí, Brazil: the Pleistocene peopling of the Americas. Quaternary Science Reviews 22 2303–2310.

2d.Valladas, H., et al. 2003 TL age-estimates of burnt quartz pebbles from the Toca do Boqueirão da Pedra Furada (Piaui, Northeastern Brazil). Quaternary Science Reviews 22(10-13):1257-1263.

3. Bryan, p.11.

4. C.V. Haynes,Jr.,"Geofacts and Fanny". Natural History ,(February 1988)pp.4-12:12.

5. P.S. Martin and R.G.Klein (eds.),Quarternary Extinctions:
A Prehistoric Revolution, (Tucson:University of Arizona Press,1989) p.111.

6. M.Ruhlen,"Voices from the Past". Natural History, (March 1987) pp.6-10:10; J.H. Greenberg,Language in the Americas. Stanford:Stanford University Press,1987.

Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
More genetics and anthropology which refutes Clyde, poor poor old Clyde.

Cranial morphology of early Americans from Lagoa Santa, Brazil: Implications for the settlement of the New World

1. Walter A. Neves* and
2. Mark Hubbe

+Author Affiliations

Laboratório de Estudos Evolutivos Humanos, Departamento de Genética e Biologia Evolutiva, Instituto de Biociências, Universidade de São Paulo, 05508-090 São Paulo, Brazil

Edited by Richard G. Klein, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, and approved October 28, 2005 (received for review August 18, 2005)

Comparative morphological studies of the earliest human skeletons of the New World have shown that, whereas late prehistoric, recent, and present Native Americans tend to exhibit a cranial morphology similar to late and modern Northern Asians (short and wide neurocrania; high, orthognatic and broad faces; and relatively high and narrow orbits and noses), the earliest South Americans tend to be more similar to present Australians, Melanesians, and Sub-Saharan Africans (narrow and long neurocrania; prognatic, low faces; and relatively low and broad orbits and noses). However, most of the previous studies of early American human remains were based on small cranial samples. Herein we compare the largest sample of early American skulls ever studied (81 skulls of the Lagoa Santa region) with worldwide data sets representing global morphological variation in humans, through three different multivariate analyses. The results obtained from all multivariate analyses confirm a close morphological affinity between SouthAmerican Paleoindians and extant Australo-Melanesians groups, supporting the hypothesis that two distinct biological populations could have colonized the New World in the Pleistocene/Holocene transition.

Haplotypes Point to a Single, Recent Entry of Native American Y Chromosomes into the Americas
Stephen L. Zegura 1, Tatiana M. Karafet 2, Lev A. Zhivotovsky 3, and Michael F. Hammer 4*

A total of 63 binary polymorphisms and 10 STRs were genotyped on a sample of 2,344 Y chromosomes from 18 Native American, 28 Asian, and 5 European populations to investigate the origin(s) of Native American paternal lineages. All three of Greenberg's major linguistic divisions (including 342 Amerind speakers, 186 Na-Dene speakers, and 60 Aleut-Eskimo speakers) were represented in our sample of 588 Native Americans. SNP analysis indicated that three major haplogroups, denoted as C, Q, and R, accounted for nearly 96% of Native American Y chromosomes. Haplogroups C and Q were deemed to represent early Native American founding Y-chromosome lineages; however, most haplogroup R lineages present in Native Americans most likely came from recent admixture with Europeans. Although different phylogeographic and STR diversity patterns for the two major founding haplogroups previously led to the inference that they were carried from Asia to the Americas separately, the hypothesis of a single migration of a polymorphic founding population better fits our expanded database. Phylogenetic analyses of STR variation within haplogroups C and Q traced both lineages to a probable ancestral homeland in the vicinity of the Altai Mountains in Southwest Siberia. Divergence dates between the Altai plus North Asians versus the Native American population system ranged from 10,100 to 17,200 years for all lineages, precluding a very early entry into the Americas.

Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
results obtained from all multivariate analyses confirm a close morphological affinity between SouthAmerican Paleoindians and extant Australo-Melanesians groups, supporting the hypothesis that two distinct biological populations could have colonized the New World in the Pleistocene/Holocene transition.
^ Same author he uses to claim San, by confusing x and y chromosome.

Thing about Winters and Marc is - anyone can bust them - an eventually will.

It's not even challenging.
Posted by Marc Washington (Member # 10979) on :

KKey and rAshol? The KKK "hang-a-nigger" bunch.


Posted by Marc Washington (Member # 10979) on :


Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
Originally posted by Pulp:
Marc you’re some sort of schizo. You’re the one who has white mans blood flowing through your veins plus you’re married to a European Hungarian woman

Posted by DevilNegrokiller_Wolofi (Member # 15898) on :
Originally posted by Marc Washington:



Say it aint so you are married to a Skunk bunny white woman Marc?!?!

Dude what is the deal with all these Afrocentrics marrying and dating out of their race? [Mad]

I have come to the conclusion that the reason Afrocentrics talk about everything but Africa is because they deep down have contempt for it and think that being on par with a European is to claim a non African lifestyle, look and culture. Why else would they date the very people that they say are their enemies?

SICK!!!! [Eek!]

That's like Mary Leftkowitz being married to a black NFL player.

Why do people of African descent hate themselves so much [Mad]
Posted by blackmanthinking (Member # 17520) on :

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