Some of the old vets might recall how Dienekes and Evil Euro were saying that pre-historic East Africans were Caucasoids and by virtue of their morphological features were "non-African" and unrelated to other Africans[anyone remember the that quote from Howells they both spammed?] Here's new research that virtually slams the door shut on that nonsense and lends genetic support to Rughtmire's 1975 study on these same pre-historic East African crania and belonging to those of "Nilotic Negroes":
PNAS August 5, 2008 vol. 105 no. 31 10693–10698
Y-chromosomal evidence of a pastoralist migration through Tanzania to southern Africa
Brenna M. Henn et al.
Although geneticists have extensively debated the mode by which agriculture diffused from the Near East to Europe, they have not directly examined similar agropastoral diffusions in Africa. It is unclear, for example, whether early instances of sheep, cows, pottery, and other traits of the pastoralist package were transmitted to southern Africa by demic or cultural diffusion. Here, we report a newly discovered Y-chromosome-specific polymorphism that defines haplogroup E3b1f-M293. This polymorphism reveals the monophyletic relationship of the majority of haplotypes of a previously paraphyletic clade, E3b1-M35*, that is widespread in Africa and southern Europe. To elucidate the history of the E3b1f haplogroup, we analyzed this haplogroup in 13 populations from southern and eastern Africa. The geographic distribution of the E3b1f haplogroup, in association with the microsatellite diversity estimates for populations, is consistent with an expansion through Tanzania to southern-central Africa. The data suggest this dispersal was independent of the migration of Bantu-speaking peoples along a similar route. Instead, the phylogeography and microsatellite diversity of the E3b1f lineage correlate with the arrival of the pastoralist economy in southern Africa. Our Y-chromosomal evidence supports a demic diffusion model of pastoralism from eastern to southern Africa ≈2,000 years ago.
From the fulltext:
"A second model is based primarily on linguistic evidence, with some archaeological correlates. Ehret (33) proposed that elements of the Khwe language, specifically words associated with pastoralism, had been borrowed from an East Sahelian language. Intriguingly, the Bambata-ware pottery found at early pastoralist sites in northern Namibia, northern Botswana and Zambia has stylistic similarities to spouted pottery found at Ngamuriak on the border of Kenya/Tanzania (29, 34). Ngamuriak is a pastoralist site considered part of the Elmenteitan culture. Southern Nilotic languages (a subset of East Sahelian) correlate with the Elmenteitan archaeological culture from 2,500 ya (33, 35).
Anyone recall Dienekes and by extension Evil Euro spamming this nonsense:
To sum it up, since Howells found no correlation between modern East African Bantu speaking Teita, Pontikos and Evil Euro argued that pre-historic East Africans were not "Negroid", while ignoring Rightmire's suggestion that these peoples were Nilotes, whom Howells did *NOT* include among his samples. This study proves that they are wrong as we already knew back in 2005, lol!
Posted by Charlie Bass (Member # 10328) on :
paper is in my yahoo group titled as "tanzaniapaper"
Posted by Charlie Bass (Member # 10328) on :
Posted by xyyman (Member # 13597) on :
Help me out here Bass. The paper is saying that was a "recent" migration. ie ~2000ya. I thougt E3b is somewhere close to 10kyo. which would mean that If E3b was European then it would take a longer time to reach Southern Africa, via East Africa, which would fit in with Evil Euro theory.
---------------- Instead, the phylogeography and microsatellite diversity of the E3b1f lineage correlate with the arrival of the pastoralist economy in southern Africa. Our Y-chromosomal evidence supports a demic diffusion model of pastoralism from eastern to southern Africa ≈2,000 years ago.
Ngamuriak is a pastoralist site considered part of the Elmenteitan culture. Southern Nilotic languages (a subset of East Sahelian) correlate with the Elmenteitan archaeological culture from 2,500 ya (33, 35).
Posted by Red,White, and Blue + Christian (Member # 10893) on :
Charlie Bass,
There is no E3b anymore. You guys on EgyptSearch have been arguing so much so that you haven't checked up on the change of Y Chromosome Haplotype labels.
E1b1a = former E3a E1b1b = former E3b
T = former K2
Posted by Red,White, and Blue + Christian (Member # 10893) on :
You need to check here and check the correspoing Wikipedia page. I tried to post this yesterday, but couldn't get through.
Good looking RW&B+C. These constant alphanumeric changes are why it's a good idea to identify the lineages by their defining mutation along with the alphanumeric instead of by the alphanumeric alone.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:To sum it up, since Howells found no correlation between modern East African Bantu speaking Teita, Pontikos and Evil Euro argued that pre-historic East Africans were not "Negroid", while ignoring Rightmire's suggestion that these peoples were Nilotes, whom Howells did *NOT* include among his samples. This study proves that they are wrong as we already knew back in 2005, lol!
^ The Howells nefarious claim that the original population of East Africa was not African, has to be one of the most mind-bending propaganda statements in the history of anthropological scholarship.
The method by which he reached this irrational conclusion, was clearly contrived, for he knew that Masai, Oromo, Somali, were descedant from early East Africans, yet he ignored them in order to reach his false conclusion.
He was taken to task by the anthropological community for doing so, specifically with reference to Rightmire.
Howells excuse was that he did not have "Nilotics and Cushitics" in his database, and that "contra Rightmire there was no clear continuity".....
This is contradictory. You can't contra the data based on having no data. And then offer the fact that you have no data as and excuse for your conclusions.
Posted by Evergreen (Member # 12192) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:To sum it up, since Howells found no correlation between modern East African Bantu speaking Teita, Pontikos and Evil Euro argued that pre-historic East Africans were not "Negroid", while ignoring Rightmire's suggestion that these peoples were Nilotes, whom Howells did *NOT* include among his samples. This study proves that they are wrong as we already knew back in 2005, lol!
^ The Howells nefarious claim that the original population of East Africa was not African, has to be one of the most mind-bending propaganda statements in the history of anthropological scholarship.
Evergreen Writes:
The claim is especially nefarious given the fact that West African specific haplogroup E1b1 is now seen as originating in East Africa.
Evergreen Posts:
Phylogeography of the human Y chromosome haplogroup E3a F. Cruciani1, B. Trombetta1, D. Sellitto2, C. Nodale1, R. Scozzari1; 1Sapienza Università di Roma, Rome, Italy, 2Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Rome, Italy. Presentation Number: P07.134 The Y chromosome specific biallelic marker DYS271 defines the most common haplogroup (E3a) currently found in sub-Saharan Africa. A sister clade, E3b (E-M215), is rare in sub-Saharan Africa, but very common in northern and eastern Africa. On the whole, these two clades represent more than 70% of the Y chromosomes of the African continent. A third clade belonging to E3 (E3c or E-M329) has been recently reported to be present only in eastern Africa, at low frequencies. In this study we analyzed more than 1,600 Y chromosomes from 55 African populations, using both new and previously described biallelic markers, in order to refine the phylogeny and the geographic distribution of the E3a haplogroup. The most common E-DYS271 sub-clades (E-DYS271*, E-M191, E-U209) showed a non uniform distribution across sub-Saharan Africa. Most of the E-DYS271 chromosomes found in northern and western Africa belong to the paragroup E-DYS271*, which is rare in central and southern Africa. In these latter regions, haplogroups E-M191 and E-U209 show similar frequency distributions and coalescence ages (13 and 11 kyr, respectively), suggesting their involvement in the same migratory event/s. By the use of two new phylogenetically equivalent markers (V38 and V89), the earlier tripartite structure of E3 haplogroup was resolved in favor of a common ancestor for haplogroups E-DYS271 (formerly E3a) and E-M329 (formerly E3c). The new topology of the E3 haplogroup is suggestive of a relatively recent eastern African origin for the majority of the chromosomes presently found in sub-Saharan Africa.
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
All I gotta say is LMAO @ the notion of "prehistoric East African Caucasoids"!
This shows exactly how desperate and insane the eurocentrics and white racists are!
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by xyyman: Help me out here Bass. The paper is saying that was a "recent" migration. ie ~2000ya. I thougt E3b is somewhere close to 10kyo.
It's not the age of E3b that is at issue, but of the emergence of cattle culture in Southern Africa.
One thesis has said that cattle is a product of the Bantu expansion, and prior to that southern Africa would have had hunter-gatherer culture only.
This study shows the expansion of E3b* into southern Africa prior to the Bantu expansion.
quote:If E3b was European
No geneticist argues that E3b is European, or "middle eastern". All agree that it originates in Africa.
The African origin of E3b is only disputed by non geneticists, whose view is rooted in the frustration of realising that Europeans, and Arabs, and Jews, all have Black African ancestry.
These pseudo-scholars simply exploit ignorance, and attempt to confuse the issue.
Since genetics is non trivial sometimes they succeed in sowing confusion.
And for all the anti-Kemetic haters - Black is just as valid as and ethnic reference as European or Arab or Jew, and Arabs, and Jews, and Europeans, and Africans have historically agreed....since they all have used the color reference/term "black", and it is has, if anything *greater* historical relevance than Arab, or Jew, or European, or African for that matter.
Dissenters feel free to speak up.
Posted by osirion (Member # 7644) on :
^ Black is valid if you mean it in a social sense such as how it is used in America and Europe. Many latin American people will have a different definition for Black in comparison to mainstream America.
Nevertheless this is no longer considered Black but is called multi-racial in modern American society.
AE was primarily Black according to the American social definition.
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
^ A strawman with silly semantics. What Rasol refers to is the original meaning of 'black' which is a reference to very dark skin such as populations indigenous to Africa like the ancient Egyptians. 'Mixed-race' categories are out of the question.
Also the description of Egypt being 'primarily' black is like that of Greece being 'primarily' white or even more so since ancient Egypt likely had less non-African lineages than Greece had non-European lineages. Unless you still insist on some major Asiatic ('Hebrew') population invovled in the founding of Egyptian civilization. LOL Posted by Boofer (Member # 15638) on :
What I have yet to understand is how East Africa has so many different phenotypes if it is not in part due to contact with west Asians. Why is it that the only Africans with more caucasian looking features are nearer to the coast, if very little of there heritage is non-african? When people mention East Africa, they are mostly talking about Ethiopians and Somalis...Why is it that these are the only two groups with such features if they are of very little West Asian influence?
Note differences between the Nilotic speakers and the Cushtic speakers. Though both tend to have narrowish features, Nilotic peoples look more (and I hate this term) well negroid. The mursi of Western ethiopia have a very different look from those to the east.
Now, i'm not trying to prove anything...just using my eyes.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Black is valid if you mean it in a social sense such as how it is used in America and Europe.
Black as and ethnic reference to dark skinned people is by definition a social term.
Therefore Black is valid.
Black is valid when the AE refer to themselves as Blacks, or refer to Osirus as "The Great Black One".
Black is valid when in the Coptic Bible - it is written "I am Black and comely".
Black is valid when 'the Blacks' are made the topic of Al Jahiz "The Glory of the Blacks".
America or Europe are completely irrelevant to all of the above.
America and Europe are merely the source of your Kemo-phobic [fear of Blackness].
As for Race - meaning the sub division of species homo sapiens into sub-species - *not* recognised by any school of biology, it is therefore *not* valid, no matter what terminology/words you use to describe -non existent- races.
Jews, for example, are not a race, because race is invalid.
This says nothing whatsover about the validity of "Jew", as and ethnic reference.
One day, when you grow a bit more emotionally and will understand every word of the above.
Until then....
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by Boofer: What I have yet to understand is how East Africa has so many different phenotypes if it is not in part due to contact with west Asians.
This is a strawman argument, not a query.
It is a strawman because no one denies that Africa has contact with West Asia.
Also West Asia has phenotypical diversity as well, and also has contact with Africa.
Also West Africa has physical diversity as well.
East AFrica is the origion of all humans, and as a matter of logic, is the region of the world where it makes the -least- sence to invoke non indigenous admixture as the primary cause of diversity.
So if we can't explain native diversity in East Africa, we certainly can't explain it anywhere else.
Cavelli Sforza [european-geneticist] gave the game away decades ago when he stated with puzzlement that -EUROPEANS APPEAR AS A GENETIC MIXTURE - 1/3 African, 2/3 ASIAN.
Europeans are provably recipients of genetic admixtures to a greater extent than they are sources of mixture.
That's why most Eurocentric references disguise and obscure - with references to west asian, caucasian, and eurasian, all designed to conflate the literally limited European paternity.
Question: What male lineage is specifically European?
Answer - R1b.
Question: Which groups of East Africans have significant R1b.
Answer - none.
Question: What is the primary East African male lineage.
Answer - E3b.
Question: What groups of Europeans have signficant African E3b?
Answer: Greeks, Italian, Spaniard, Portugese.
Question: What groups of Arabs have signficant African male ancestry.
Answer: All of them.
And you wonder why Eurocentrists fight so desparately to have E3b mis-interpreted as a non African lineage?
E3b, when accurately comprehended - is the death blow to "Euro-centric-pseudo-biology-anthropology-history." That's why.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Why is it that the only Africans with more caucasian looking features are nearer to the coast,
This is a typical race tautology.
Do you know what a tautology is?
It's when you assume a conclusion, and then ask
a question intended to encourage someone [stupid] to mistake your assumption for proof of
Myself, I respond by demanding that you prove your own assumptions, otherwise your question is disregarded as empty rhetoric.
- Please present a map of caucasia.
- Now present a list of 'features' which you claim 'originate' in 'caucasia, and provide the evidence for your claims.
^ It's simple: Don't repeat the claim, if you can't provide the above evidense.
Otherwise you only reinforce the following...
quote:The African origin of E3b is only disputed by non geneticists, whose view is rooted in the frustration of realising that Europeans, and Arabs, and Jews, all have Black African ancestry
Posted by Ebony Allen (Member # 12771) on :
Here we go again with this Caucasian mess again.
Posted by xyyman (Member # 13597) on :
bump^^^ You raise some key points. There shouldnt be any debate. The argument is irrational. R1b(Europeans) never entered Africa. Their genetic lineage are NOT there. . .period. So the hamitic/admixed east Africans is all nonsense there is no proof of that. R1b(10kyo) is NOT in East Africa. So their phenotype is NOT due to admixture from Europe because Europe NEVER got there.
As you said their only hope is an European E3b.
BTW NG attributes E3b to the near east "implying" Levant.
quote:Originally posted by rasol: Europeans are provably recipients of genetic admixtures to a greater extent than they are sources of mixture.
Question: What male lineage is specifically European?
Answer - R1b.
Question: Which groups of East Africans have significant R1b.
Answer - none.
Question: What is the primary East African male lineage.
Answer - E3b.
Question: What groups of Europeans have signficant African E3b?
Answer: Greeks, Italian, Spaniard, Portugese.
Question: What groups of Arabs have signficant African male ancestry.
Answer: All of them.
And you wonder why Eurocentrists fight so desparately to have E3b mis-interpreted as a non African lineage?
E3b, when accurately comprehended - is the death blow to "Euro-centric-pseudo-biology-anthropology-history." That's why.
Posted by xyyman (Member # 13597) on :
Correction: just re-checked NG they have E3b as "middle east" not near east origin. They said the E3b brought Agriculture to Europe. Guest they are trying to avoid saying Africans brought Agriculture to Europe. Heck the neolithics E3b brought them civilization.
What is interesting is they now have E3a as "uncertain" origin. This was recently updated, initially they had it as East Africa. That's was about a year ago when I did my HaploGroup test with them.
Posted by argyle104 (Member # 14634) on :
xyyman wrote:
----------------------- -----------------------
Aren't they correct? I mean according to the faux keyboard scholars these geneticists never lie and they are never wrong.
So of course we should believe what the scientists say. In much the same way as the non-degreed keyboard scholars who are not even on the sidelines when the scientists are supposedly performing their tests. That is if they really are performing their tests and not just printing out a report on their word processor. LOOOOL!
Posted by osirion (Member # 7644) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:Black is valid if you mean it in a social sense such as how it is used in America and Europe.
Black as and ethnic reference to dark skinned people is by definition a social term.
Therefore Black is valid.
Black is valid when the AE refer to themselves as Blacks, or refer to Osirus as "The Great Black One".
Black is valid when in the Coptic Bible - it is written "I am Black and comely".
Black is valid when 'the Blacks' are made the topic of Al Jahiz "The Glory of the Blacks".
America or Europe are completely irrelevant to all of the above.
America and Europe are merely the source of your Kemo-phobic [fear of Blackness].
As for Race - meaning the sub division of species homo sapiens into sub-species - *not* recognised by any school of biology, it is therefore *not* valid, no matter what terminology/words you use to describe -non existent- races.
Jews, for example, are not a race, because race is invalid.
This says nothing whatsover about the validity of "Jew", as and ethnic reference.
One day, when you grow a bit more emotionally and will understand every word of the above.
Until then....
You are just repeating what I said so - I'll ignore the personal attack.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Here are some articles that confirm what is already known, (Albeit, at the same time repeating the misnomer of farming originating in the middle east) which is E3b (E-M35) was one of the Y haplogroups that was common among the Neolithic farmers from the Middle East(Natufians) who first brought agriculture into Europe about 9000 years ago. Cruciani et al give an estimate of 24-27 thousand years ago for the date of the most recent common ancestor of all E3b's and named eastern Africa as the place of origin.
It is seen most frequently along the Mediterranean coast - especially at the eastern end. Semino et al saw E3b at frequencies of 20-24% in Greece, 10-27% in Italy, and 2-11% in Spain.
But also of note, is the mtdna lineage N1a that left little genetic bearing on European populations, confirming, Europeans DID NOT invent agriculture.
Earliest European Farmers Left Little Genetic Mark On Modern Europe
ScienceDaily (Nov. 13, 2005) — The farmers who brought agriculture to central Europe about 7,500 years ago did not contribute heavily to the genetic makeup of modern Europeans, according to the first detailed analysis of ancient DNA extracted from skeletons of early European farmers.
The passionate debate over the origins of modern Europeans has a long history, and this work strengthens the argument that people of central European ancestry are largely the descendants of "Old Stone Age," Paleolithic hunter-gatherers who arrived in Europe around 40,000 years ago rather than the first farmers who arrived tens of thousands of years later during the Neolithic Age.
This paper appears in the 11 November 2005 issue of the journal Science published by AAAS the nonprofit science society.
The researchers from Germany, the United Kingdom and Estonia extracted and analyzed DNA from the mitochondria of 24 skeletons of early farmers from 16 locations in Germany, Austria and Hungary. Six of these 24 skeletons contain genetic signatures that are extremely rare in modern European populations. Based on this discovery, the researchers conclude that early farmers did not leave much of a genetic mark on modern European populations.
"This was a surprise. I expected the distribution of mitochondrial DNA in these early farmers to be more similar to the distribution we have today in Europe," said Science author Joachim Burger from Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz in Mainz, Germany.
"Our paper suggests that there is a good possibility that the contribution of early farmers could be close to zero," said Science author Peter Forster from the University of Cambridge in Cambridge, UK.
To get at questions surrounding the ancestry of modern Europeans, the researchers studied mitochondrial DNA from early farmers in Central Europe. Mothers pass mitochondrial DNA to their offspring primarily "as is," without mixing or recombination with mitochondrial DNA from fathers. Mitochondrial DNA, therefore, provides a way for researchers to piece together how closely members of a species are related, using maternal lineages as a guide, explained Burger.
In the new study, the researchers attempted to extract mitochondrial DNA from the skeletons of 56 humans who lived in various parts of Central Europe about 7500 years ago. These ancient humans all belonged to well known cultures that can be identified by the decorations on their pottery -- the Linearbandkeramik (LBK) and the Alföldi Vonaldiszes Kerámia (AVK). The presence of these cultures in Central Europe marks the onset of farming in the region. These farming practices originated in the "Fertile Crescent" of the Near East about 12,000 years ago.
From bones and teeth of these 56 skeletons, the researchers extracted mitochondrial DNA sufficient for analysis from 24 of the skeletons. Six of the 24 early farmers belonged to the "N1a" human lineage, according to genetic signatures or "haplotypes" in their mitochondrial DNA that the researchers studied. These six skeletons are from archeological sites all across central Europe. Few modern Europeans belong to this N1a lineage, and those that do are spread across much of Europe.
The other 18 early farmers belonged to lineages not useful for investigating the genetic origins of modern Europeans because their genetic signatures from the scrutinized region of mitochondrial DNA are widespread in living humans, according to the authors.
Using the tools of population genetics and a worldwide database of 35,000 modern DNA samples, the researchers investigated the genetic legacy of early European farmers based on the fact that six of the 24 early European farmers are from a lineage that is now extremely rare in Europe and around the world.
At least 8 percent of the early farmers belonged to the N1a lineage, according to the researchers who estimate the range was between 8 and 42 percent.
Even this conservative estimate of 8 percent stands in stark contrast to the current percentage of central Europeans who belong to the N1a lineage -- 0.2 percent. This discrepancy suggests that these early farmers did not leave much of a genetic mark on modern Central Europeans, the authors say.
"It's interesting that a potentially minor migration of people into Central Europe had such a huge cultural impact," said Forster.
Small pioneer groups may have carried farming into new areas of Europe, the authors suggest. Once farming had taken hold, the surrounding hunter-gatherers could have adapted the new culture and then outnumbered the original farmers, diluting their N1a frequency to the low modern level. A range of archeological research supports different aspects of this hypothesis, the authors say.
Alternatively, a different population may have replaced the early farmers in Central Europe, eliminating most of the N1a types, but archaeological evidence for this scenario is scant, according to the authors.
Wolfgang Haak, Barbara Bramanti, Guido Brandt, Marc Tänzer, Kurt Werner Alt and Joachim Burger at Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz in Mainz, Germany; Peter Forster, Shuichi Matsumura and Colin Renfrew at University of Cambridge in Cambridge, UK; Richard Villems at Tartu University in Tartu, Estonia; Detlef Gronenborn at Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum in Mainz, Germany. This study was supported by the Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF)
ScienceDaily (Mar. 1, 2007) — The first direct evidence that early Europeans were unable to digest milk has been found by scientists at UCL (University College London) and Mainz University.
In a study, published in the journal 'PNAS', the team shows that the gene that controls our ability to digest milk was missing from Neolithic skeletons dating to between 5840 and 5000 BC. However, through exposure to milk, lactose tolerance evolved extremely rapidly, in evolutionary terms. Today, it is present in over ninety per cent of the population of northern Europe and is also found in some African and Middle Eastern populations but is missing from the majority of the adult population globally.
Dr Mark Thomas, UCL Biology, said: "The ability to drink milk is the most advantageous trait that's evolved in Europeans in the recent past. Without the enzyme lactase, drinking milk in adulthood causes bloating and diarrhoea. Although the benefits of milk tolerance are not fully understood yet, they probably include: the continuous supply of milk compared to the boom and bust of seasonal crops; its nourishing qualities; and the fact that it's uncontaminated by parasites, unlike stream water, making it a safer drink. All in all, the ability to drink milk gave some early Europeans a big survival advantage."
The team carried out DNA tests on Neolithic skeletons from some of the earliest organised farming communities in Europe. Their aim was to find out whether these early Europeans from various sites in central, northeast and southeast Europe, carried a version of the lactase gene that controls our ability to produce the essential enzyme lactase into adulthood. The team found that it was absent from their ancient bone DNA. This led the researchers to conclude that the consumption and tolerance of milk would have been very rare or absent at the time.
Scientists have known for decades that at some point in the past all humans were lactose intolerant. What was not known was just how recently lactose tolerance evolved.
Dr Thomas said: "To go from lactose tolerance being rare or absent seven to eight thousand years ago to the commonality we see today in central and northern Europeans just cannot be explained by anything except strong natural selection. Our study confirms that the variant of the lactase gene appeared very recently in evolutionary terms and that it became common because it gave its carriers a massive survival advantage. Scientists have inferred this already through analysis of genes in today's population but we've confirmed it by going back and looking at ancient DNA."
This study challenges the theory that certain groups of Europeans were lactose tolerant and that this inborn ability led the community to pursue dairy farming. Instead, they actually evolved their tolerance of milk within the last 8000 years due to exposure to milk.
Dr Thomas said: "There were two theories out there: one that lactose tolerance led to dairy farming and another that exposure to milk led to the evolution of lactose tolerance. This is a simple chicken or egg question but one that is very important to archaeologists, anthropologists and evolutionary biologists. We found that the lactose tolerance variant of the lactase gene only became common after dairy farming, which started around 9 thousand years ago in Europe.
"This is just one part of the picture researchers are gathering about lactose tolerance and the origins of Europeans. Next on the list is why there is such disparity in lactose tolerance between populations. It's striking, for example, that today around eighty per cent of southern Europeans cannot tolerate lactose even though the first dairy farmers in Europe probably lived in those areas. Through computer simulations and DNA testing we are beginning to get glimpses of the bigger early European picture."
Ancient Pig DNA Study Sheds New Light On Colonization Of Europe By Early Farmers
ScienceDaily (Sep. 4, 2007) — The earliest domesticated pigs in Europe, which many archaeologists believed to be descended from European wild boar, were actually introduced from the Middle East by Stone Age farmers, new research suggests.
The research by an international team led by archaeologists at Durham University, which is published recently in the journal Proceedings of the National Academies of Sciences, analysed mitochondrial DNA from ancient and modern pig remains. Its findings also suggest that the migration of an expanding Middle Eastern population, who brought their 'farming package' of domesticated plants, animals and distinctive pottery styles with them, actually 'kickstarted' the local domestication of the European wild boar.
While archaeologists already know that agriculture began about 12,000 years ago in the central and western parts of the Middle East, spreading rapidly across Europe between 6,800 -- 4000BC, many outstanding questions remain about the mechanisms of just how it spread. This research sheds new and important light on the actual process of the establishment of farming in Europe.
Durham University's Dr Keith Dobney explained: "Many archaeologists believe that farming spread through the diffusion of ideas and cultural exchange, not with the direct migration of people. However, the discovery and analysis of ancient Middle Eastern pig remains across Europe reveals that although cultural exchange did happen, Europe was definitely colonised by Middle Eastern farmers.
"A combination of rising population and possible climate change in the 'fertile crescent', which put pressure on land and resources, made them look for new places to settle, plant their crops and breed their animals and so they rapidly spread west into Europe."
The research, funded by the Wellcome Trust, the Leverhulme Trust, the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) and the Smithsonian Institution also showed that within 500 years after the local domestication of the European wild boar, the new domestics completely replaced the Middle Eastern pigs that had arrived in Europe as part of the 'farming package'.
Dr Greger Larson, who performed the genetic analysis said: "The domestic pigs that were derived from the European wild boar must have been considered vastly superior to those originally from Middle East, though at this point we have no idea why. In fact, the European domestic pigs were so successful that over the next several thousand years they spread across the continent and even back into the Middle East where they overtook the indigenous domestic pigs. For whatever reason, European pigs were the must have farm animal."
The research is part of an ongoing research project based at Durham University which explores the role of animals in reconstructing early farming, ancient human migration and past trade and exchange networks around the world.
Posted by Boofer (Member # 15638) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasol: [QB]
quote:Originally posted by Boofer: What I have yet to understand is how East Africa has so many different phenotypes if it is not in part due to contact with west Asians.
This is a strawman argument, not a query.
It is a strawman because no one denies that Africa has contact with West Asia.
Sorry, for that...You're right. I assumed that people here were arguing that none of the diversity is a result of West Asian influence. That is what i disagree with, though I can't be sure how much. And as I've said, it's based partly on eyeballing. So I admit, I can't really back it up, or rather not with anything on hand. I've seen an abstract that called East Africa the "crossroads" bewteen Sub Saharan Africa and the middle east [genetically].
quote:Also West Asia has phenotypical diversity as well, and also has contact with Africa.
Yeah, i know. And imo, it is apparent in some west Asian phenotypes, especially those in the Arabian penninsula. Of course, I have no proof, just using my eyes.
quote:Also West Africa has physical diversity as well.
Most definitely, but there is common look.
quote:East AFrica is the origion of all humans, and as a matter of logic, is the region of the world where it makes the -least- sence to invoke non indigenous admixture as the primary cause of diversity.
Never said it was the primary source of diversity, but i DO think that it is an additional source of diversity. Being the origin of modern humans does not mean it's a region that is automatically excluded from having outside contact.
quote:So if we can't explain native diversity in East Africa, we certainly can't explain it anywhere else.
I'm going to be completely honest with you. It has much to do with the small area that indiginous east africans (those that look like Somalis and Oromos) populate. Perhaps I'd expect that look to be more common and be spread over a greater area if it was completely indigenous. Africans with a similar look are mostly found Somalia, Ethiopia and that little strip up towards the Nile. go to west Sudan or even Western Ethiopia and there is a very noticable difference in general phenotypes.
Again, I'm just using my eyes, and i have no proof. I understand that it is possible that these folks have just been isolated for so long that vastly different looks popped up (specifically between mursi and the oromo). It's just a little hard to believe considering the close proximity. It leads one to believe that some elements of one group came from elsewhere that is not Ethiopia; that there was some migration.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by Boofer: Sorry, for that...You're right. I assumed that people here were arguing that none of the diversity is a result of West Asian influence.
This is just a passive aggressive *repetition* of the strawman argument and burdan of proof fallacy that you are supposedly apologising for.
Tell us what diversity can exist in West Asia to begin with that can be proven to be the result of *no influence* FROM Africa?
Of course you can't, because the above question demands proof of a negative [no influence].
Now suppose I say, "I assume" that's what you're arguing?
Pray tell, why would I assume that....
Is it because it assists me in engaging in and elementary burdan of proof fallacy?
That appears to be what you're up to.
Let's us know when you're ready to stop playing games and start being honest.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote: So I admit, I can't really back it up
Bottom line. Given this, further engaging you would be argument for argument sake.
let's move on then.
Posted by Boofer (Member # 15638) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:Why is it that the only Africans with more caucasian looking features are nearer to the coast,
This is a typical race tautology.
Do you know what a tautology is?
It's when you assume a conclusion, and then ask
a question intended to encourage someone [stupid] to mistake your assumption for proof of
Myself, I respond by demanding that you prove your own assumptions, otherwise your question is disregarded as empty rhetoric.
- Please present a map of caucasia.
- Now present a list of 'features' which you claim 'originate' in 'caucasia, and provide the evidence for your claims.
^ It's simple: Don't repeat the claim, if you can't provide the above evidense.
Otherwise you only reinforce the following...
quote:The African origin of E3b is only disputed by non geneticists, whose view is rooted in the frustration of realising that Europeans, and Arabs, and Jews, all have Black African ancestry
Well, my usage of the term "caucasian" is to describe features that are most common in populations of Europe and Western Asia. So, instead of Caucasian, lets use the term "European looking." Such features imo are usually include pointy, narrow noses, thin lips, and what I'd like to call a "long faced" skull. Not sure if there is a name for it. Also, hair that is less kinky and more straight. In this case (many east africans), the hair is not exactly straight, but more of an intermediate, similar to many "bi racial" people that I've seen in the U.S.; curly or frizzy.
I'm aware that not every European descended person has all of the above features, and that many of the features can be found in non-european descended populations, but I'd say that such features are most common in Europe.
Please don't take this as my trying to squash the notion of the Ethiopians being indigenous. I'd bet money that those people are pretty much indigenous, but with some west Asian admixture.
Posted by Debunker (Member # 15669) on :
Boofer, don't listen to these fools. They're Afrocentrists. They spend their lives at this forum spouting lies, patting each other on the back, and insulting anyone who tries to bring some sense to the discussion. You won't get anything resembling truth from them.
In answer to your question, the reason East Africans look partly Caucasoid is, quite simply, because they are. This is due both to West Asian influences as you surmised, but also to the fact that prehistoric East Africans (E3b-carriers) were already evolving a Levantine Caucasoid appearance prior to Out-of-Africa migrations.
"Populations that exist at the boundaries of these continental divisions are sometimes the most difficult to categorize simply. For example, east African groups, such as Ethiopians and Somalis, have great genetic resemblance to Caucasians and are clearly intermediate between sub-Saharan Africans and Caucasians [5].
"The one population in their analysis that was seemingly not clearly classified on continental grounds was the Ethiopians, who clustered more into the Caucasian group. But it is known that African populations with close contact with Middle East populations, including Ethiopians and North Africans, have had significant admixture from Middle Eastern (Caucasian) groups, and are thus more closely related to Caucasians [14]."
^ This persistent troll has registered again under another user because he has been debunked again and again.
How ironic that he will call himself Debunker this time. He clearly has serious mental problems.
Observe how he will get Debunked once again for talking rubbish.
Posted by Charlie Bass (Member # 10328) on :
quote:Originally posted by Debunker: Afrocentrists[/URL]. They spend their lives at this forum spouting lies, patting each other on the back, and insulting anyone who tries to bring some sense to the discussion. You won't get anything resembling truth from them.
Just so what is the truth?
quote:In answer to your question, the reason East Africans look partly Caucasoid is, quite simply, because they are.
The source you quoted doesn't even say that, idiot.
quote: This is due both to West Asian influences as you surmised, but also to the fact that prehistoric East Africans (E3b-carriers) were already evolving a Levantine Caucasoid appearance prior to Out-of-Africa migrations.
The pre-historic east African remains *POST-DATE* OOA you numbskull.
The Bass has that same book and nowhere does Howells say pre-historic EAs are part "Caucasoid", in fact the source says its backwards, which would mean that your Levantines are part Elongated African.
quote:"Populations that exist at the boundaries of these continental divisions are sometimes the most difficult to categorize simply. For example, east African groups, such as Ethiopians and Somalis, have great genetic resemblance to Caucasians and are clearly intermediate between sub-Saharan Africans and Caucasians [5].
And populations that border East Africa have great genetic resemblance to East Africans.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Originally posted by Debunker: Boofer, don't listen to these fools. They're Afrocentrists. They spend their lives at this forum spouting lies, patting each other on the back, and insulting anyone who tries to bring some sense to the discussion. You won't get anything resembling truth from them.
In answer to your question, the reason East Africans look partly Caucasoid is, quite simply, because they are. This is due both to West Asian influences as you surmised, but also to the fact that prehistoric East Africans (E3b-carriers) were already evolving a Levantine Caucasoid appearance prior to Out-of-Africa migrations.
"Populations that exist at the boundaries of these continental divisions are sometimes the most difficult to categorize simply. For example, east African groups, such as Ethiopians and Somalis, have great genetic resemblance to Caucasians and are clearly intermediate between sub-Saharan Africans and Caucasians [5].
"The one population in their analysis that was seemingly not clearly classified on continental grounds was the Ethiopians, who clustered more into the Caucasian group. But it is known that African populations with close contact with Middle East populations, including Ethiopians and North Africans, have had significant admixture from Middle Eastern (Caucasian) groups, and are thus more closely related to Caucasians [14]."
Before we move further, into the land of Euro-turd fantasies. Please elaborate to me why South African Lembas show no features from the Middle East, though they have 50% J haplogroup admixture, so called 'caucasian'?
R1 is present at frequencies of 20% in North Cameroon. So hmm, if 'Caucasoid' genes exist where are they in these populations, who have more admixture than East Africans?
Tutsis have no West Asian admixture, yet exhibit so called 'Caucasoid' traits. Why? Can you explain this?
Posted by xyyman (Member # 13597) on :
Great postings? refreshing to have someone with some knowledge of genetics and cite their references.. . .without getting emotional.
Great points - Looking at the World y-HG map I also noticed there are no R1a and R1b in East Africa the so called Euro y-HG. So Euros never "admixed with Africans to resultant . . .East Africans".
Furthermore, looking at the same map, E3b seems to be predominantly in east Africa and North Africa. With some in the Levant, Iberia and southern Europe. Which implies Southern Europe, East African and North Africa were essential of the same people.. . . but we have another thread dedicated that already. 26 pages.
Posted by xyyman (Member # 13597) on :
@ Knowledge
info need on 50% J for Lembas.
Posted by Hori (Member # 11484) on :
^ Good to see you're now making a positive effort.
Posted by xyyman (Member # 13597) on :
WTF you talking about!! you seen my posts? Get the FOH!!
Posted by Hori (Member # 11484) on :
^ Hey Tony, get your Java "annotations" right. There should be no space between the @ and the K in your penultimate post .
I taught you better than that Tony .
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
Oh God, please tell me 'Debunker' is not Stupid-Euro! LOL Because if he is, he is more of a masochist for humiliation than I thought! And if he isn't and is a newbie, he obviously has no clue what he's getting himself into! Charlie Bass already completely yet politely debunked him using his own source. I hope he is smart enough to stop at that.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Well, my usage of the term "caucasian" is to describe features that are most common in populations of Europe and Western Asia. So, instead of Caucasian, lets use the term "European looking."
I see.
So, since dark hair and eyes, are most common in non europeans, then we can safely call them 'non european features' correct?
Therefore Europeans who have dark hair and dark eyes, must aquire these features as a produce of 'non european' admixture correct?
Dark haired Europeans would then best be regarded as mixed or mongrel, as opposed to caucasian, correct?
^ Your arguments are a reflection of broken logic, torn apart by bias.
Any bright 11 year old, even a European one, would detect the bias, and destroy you.
This is why I ignore posters like you. You are not a challenge, and you bore me.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Debunker: Afrocentrists. They spend their lives at this forum spouting lies, patting each other on the back, and insulting anyone who tries to bring some sense to the discussion.
^ The above is a splended example of a frustrated troll lashing out, in anger.
When a post starts this way, it either ends with no actual argument, or and extremely weak one, which requires the opening rant to bolster it.
quote:Debunker quotes Howells: Perhaps these scholars have it backwards
^ You must be the only one who can quote this, oblivious to the irony that it is your 'ideology' that is being referred to as backwards. What is backwards is precisely the inanity of referring to Native East Africans as "caucasian." This is a contradiction in terms, nothing more, no matter how desparately the attempts at spin.
That you quote from someone who derides you as backwards thinking, while pretending the quote agrees with you, rules out any possibility of your engaging a serious discussion.
quote:Charle Bass writes: The Bass has that same book and nowhere does Howells say pre-historic EAs are part "Caucasoid", in fact the source says its backwards, which would mean that your Levantines are part Elongated African.
Precisely so. These are two opposed views.
And the fact that Europeans get the features from Africans, is unremarkable, so do Chinese, Melanesians and ultimately everyone else.
Eurocentric racialism attempts as ever to compensate for Europes limitations by making claims on something Europe has nothing to do with - such as Paleolithic East Africa, or say...Ancient Egypt.
Caucasian is the nonsense term debunker wishes to rescue and so render such rheotoric as something more than unintelligible - as such, the "Caucazoid Cause" is lost and he knows it, and that's why 'Debunked, is such and angry troll.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:And populations that border East Africa have great genetic resemblance to East Africans.
^ And southern Europeans have a greater resemblence to Africans as well. And, Neolithic southern Europeans even moreso.
Advocates of 'hybrid' have as ever - no comment on this curious fact.
They appear to hope that the rantign 'caucaZoid' can make all those African genes in Europe go away.
Posted by Charlie Bass (Member # 10328) on :
quote:Originally posted by Djehuti: Oh God, please tell me 'Debunker' is not Stupid-Euro! LOL Because if he is, he is more of a masochist for humiliation than I thought! And if he isn't and is a newbie, he obviously has no clue what he's getting himself into! Charlie Bass already completely yet politely debunked him using his own source. I hope he is smart enough to stop at that.
Unfortunately that *IS* Evil Euro, he has returned, oh well, I mind as well stay and clobber him to death again.
Posted by Charlie Bass (Member # 10328) on :
Lets set Evil Euro turd up for a trap about his E3b is K-Zoid mania:
Damn, look at all those areas where E3b appears in high frequencies in SSA, by Evil Euroturd's logic SSA should be overwhelmingly Levantine K-Zoid looking
According to this study, Datog, who are Nilotic speaking people have 43% E3b1-M293, but since E3b is Caucasoid, why don't they look like so-called "mulattoes" and instead look like this:
Almost forgot those darfur people too, damn another study said this about Darfur males:
"Haplogroup E-M78, however, is more widely distributed and is thought to have an origin in eastern African. More recently, this haplogroup has been carefully dissected and was found to depict several well-established subclades with defined geographical clustering (Cruciani et al., 2006, 2007). Although this haplogroup is common to most Sudanese populations, it has exceptionally high frequency among populations like those of western Sudan (particularly Darfur) and the Beja in eastern Sudan."
And those Masalit
"The Masalit possesses by far the highest frequency of the E-M78 and of the E-V32 haplogroup, suggesting either a recent bottleneck in the population or a proximity to the origin of the haplogroup. Both E-V13, which is believed to originate in western Asia with its low frequency in North Africa, and E-V65 of North African origin (Cruciani et al., 2007), were not found among Sudanese."
Posted by Debunker (Member # 15669) on :
For the illiterate: What Howells is saying is that the evolution of "peoples less like Africans" who were "almost-modern Levantines" with a "Hamitic" appearance actually took place in East Africa, and not North Africa as the older scholars believed. What they had backwards was the source and migratory direction of Caucasoid-like peoples.
This idea of a split within prehistoric Africa between a population that was evolving to look "African" and one that was evolving to look "non-African" is strongly supported by genetics:
"We propose that African chromosomes descend from at least two lineages that have been evolving separately for a period of time. One of them underwent range expansion colonizing different continents, including Africa, where it mixed with another, local lineage represented today by a large fraction of African-specific haplotypes.
"A remarkable separation of the African-specific haplotypes from the rest of the sample was seen using both total and the reduced number of sites. Fig 2 showing the results for 21 sites illustrates well this effect, which obviously was even more dramatic with 35 polymorphisms (not shown). On the PC plot in Fig 2A geographically related groups of populations cluster together.
"To examine the relatedness of the common and specific haplotypes, the groups of common and specific chromosomes in the populations were considered separately (specific chromosomes in non-African populations were pooled continentally because of small per population numbers). This stratification led to a rearrangement of the PC plot (Fig 2B). African-specific chromosomes are clearly separated from the cluster of common African haplotypes found in the center of an even greater cluster including all other non-African groups, both common and specific. This analysis confirms conclusions from structural comparisons above (Fig 1 and previous section), indicating that the African-specific haplotypes represent lineages distinct from those of the common haplotypes and the closely related non-African-specific haplotypes."
quote:Originally posted by Debunked: For the illiterate: What Howells is saying is that the evolution of "peoples less like Africans" who were "almost-modern Levantines" with a "Hamitic" appearance actually took place in East Africa, and not North Africa as the older scholars believed. What they had backwards was the source and migratory direction of Caucasoid-like peoples.
Dumb guy can't even read his own source correctly so I'll post the entire page for you to see stupid, and in no place in the book does Howells say "almost-modern Levantine" looking prehistoric East Africans. Do you even know what "almost modern" means?
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:For the illiterate: What Howells is saying is...
....the illiterate, and ineducable would have to be your target audience.
Unfortunately there are no such fools here, other than yourself.
As usual Charlie Bass destroys you by referencing the very materials you hope to destort.
There is one reference to Hamite and Caucasoid in the above -> It is referenced as BACKWORDS thinking. On this matter you are debunked whether you admit it or not. Case closed.
Posted by xyyman (Member # 13597) on :
Seems like an interesting book. Need to get my hands on it. here I come . . .again
The last sentence/statement throws a new twist on my views. Seems like he is saying that the so called "bantu" phenotype is recent(ie approx: 2000yo). And that most indigenous Africans - East, North, Central had similar phenotype. The so called East African features but with varying skin tones.
Question is - what led to the evolutionary change. Seems like E3a may have originated in East Africa migrated North then South and Central.
Does the encounter with Y-Hg-B or earlier y-Hg have anything to do with it?? As they moved further South/Central their body adapted to environment? Also it seems like y-hg-B existed in "central" Africa prior to E3a.
Posted by Charlie Bass (Member # 10328) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:For the illiterate: What Howells is saying is...
....the illiterate, and ineducable would have to be your target audience.
Unfortunately there are no such fools here, other than yourself.
As usual Charlie Bass destroys you by referencing the very materials you hope to destort.
There is one reference to Hamite and Caucasoid in the above -> It is referenced as BACKWORDS thinking. On this matter you are debunked whether you admit it or not. Case closed.
On top of that Howells even states that the East African crania in question are of no great age being reckoned at about 7,000 years old. Unless OOA happened *AFTER* this period Euro-Disney has no argument. His own source say earlier talk of a Hamite Caucasoid strain due to mixture is backwards, now watch Euro-Disney pretend we are the ones who don't understand.
Posted by Charlie Bass (Member # 10328) on :
quote:Originally posted by xyyman: Seems like an interesting book. Need to get my hands on it. here I come . . .again
The last sentence/statement throws a new twist on my views. Seems like he is saying that the so called "bantu" phenotype is recent(ie approx: 2000yo). And that most indigenous Africans - East, North, Central had similar phenotype. The so called East African features but with varying skin tones.
Question is - what led to the evolutionary change. Seems like E3a may have originated in East Africa migrated North then South and Central.
Does the encounter with Y-Hg-B or earlier y-Hg have anything to do with it?? As they moved further South/Central their body adapted to environment? Also it seems like y-hg-B existed in "central" Africa prior to E3a.
Understand this, when Howells studied these early east Africa crania he made no comparisons to modern day Nilotic, Afro-Asiatic speaking peoples like Datog, Maasai, Somali, etc, he made his conclusion based on the him comparing the early East African crania to modern day Teita who now inhabit the area, as if Bantus are the onl modern day inhabitant of East Africa. Debunked/Evil Euro ignores the data from other bioanthropologists who made the opposite conclusion when they compared these same crania to Nilotic and Afro-Asiatics speaking people.
Posted by Charlie Bass (Member # 10328) on :
xyyman, this thread here explains everything that Debunked/Evil Euro ignores.
Posted by Charlie Bass (Member # 10328) on :
A History of African Archaeology By Peter Robertshaw
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ Hilarity insued when Debunked proceded with one of his bizarro world "re-interpreations", in which every thing means the opposite.
For example - when his thinking is referred to by scholars as BACKWORDS - DeBunked beleives that means the scholar agrees with him.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote: "We propose that African chromosomes descend from at least two lineages that have been evolving separately for a period of time.
This is in reference to a segment of the X chromosome. Y chromosome, the counterpart of the X chromosome, shows a complex structure of branches, not just two lineages, or more appropriately, "sub-lineages". The same holds true for mtDNA, which is generally maternally transmitted. Based on what you are purportedly using this study for, can you demonstrate to us, how this is concordant with Y chromosomes and mtDNA distribution. I mean, granted that it reiterates the well known point about more African diversity vis-a-vis "non-African" gene pool, which is just a subset of the African overall gene pool, but that is pretty much a given at this stage of molecular genetics science.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:granted that it reiterates the well known point about more African diversity vis-a-vis "non-African" gene pool
Indeed so.
L1, L2 and L3 are all African specific lineages, where L2 and L3 are the daughters of L1.
Africans comprise all 3 lineages.
Non Africans, who descend from the OOA migrants of 50+ thousand years ago comprise only L3 derived lineages.
Of course southern Europeans are subsequently mixed with Africans, long after the OOA migrations...from the Neolithic "Natufian" era, from the classical Greek era, from the Moorish conquest era, and from modern times.
For this reason the people of New Guinea are less related by mtdna to the people of Africa than the people of Portugal.
Portugese consist of L3, L2 and L1 derived lineages.
New Guinea purely of OOA L3 derived lineages.
Needless to say there is nothing in the L3 lineage that can salvage the intellectually bankrupt ideology of caucasoid race.
During the L3 derived out migration 50 + thousand years ago.....
- the only hominids living in Caucasia were NEANDERTHAL man
There were no Europeans.
There were no New Guinean or Chinese either.
There were no white people either, as the genes for white skin - the primary distinctive physical trait of [some] Europeans did not exist yet either.
There were only Black Africans.
White people of Europe, have *no* distinct anthropological history from this time period.
Zero, zip nada none.
This is why Eurocentrists are glued to the false premise of Caucazoid - to create a fake history [teleologically] - from before they were borne.
Howells is often wrong, but he is correct when he refers to this premise as BACKWORDS.
Posted by xyyman (Member # 13597) on :
So um oh scholarly one with many scientific journals to his credit (LOL, LOL, LOL), if there were only Black Africans, why not just call them Africans? Since you are prefacing them with the black label, are you saying that they are not normal to Africa but more like an anominal occurence to Africa?
What other kind of African was/is there?
Are Africans who are yellow, black Africans?
Are Africans who are beige, black Africans?
Are Africans who are red, black Africans?
Are Africans who are brown, black Africans?
Are Moroccans, Libyans, Somalis, Mauritanians, Malians, Tunisians, Nigeriens, Chadians, Sudanese, Algerians, Ethiopians, Eritreans, Egyptians, Djiboutians, black Africans?
Are Fulanis, Kabyles, San, Khoi, Beja, Iraqw, Somalis, Hausa, Tuareg, black Africans?
If a Zulu has a red skin color, is he a black African?
Why and why not to any of the above.
The white folks in your country really have you beatdown and thrashed don't they? : )
Folks watch him "attempt" to weasel around his stupidity.
Posted by Charlie Bass (Member # 10328) on :
quote:Originally posted by argyle104: rasol aka "The One Who Caterwauls" wrote:
quote: There were only Black Africans
So um oh scholarly one with many scientific journals to his credit (LOL, LOL, LOL), if there were only Black Africans, why not call them Africans? Since you are prefacing them with the black label, are you saying that they are not normal to Africa but more like an anominal occurence to Africa?
Ignoramus, don't troll this thread, this is precisely the kind of dialogue this forum needs to be rid of.
Posted by argyle104 (Member # 14634) on :
Posted by Charlie Bass (Member # 10328) on :
What Euro-Disney fails to realize is that east Africa is the source area genetically for all Africans and non-Africans. Europe and the Middle east were all full of Neaderthals when the first Africans migrated out and those that migrated out first weren't Caucasoids.
Posted by argyle104 (Member # 14634) on :
The sharecropper aka Charlie Bass is incredibly obsessed with "East Africans".
Why? : )
Posted by xyyman (Member # 13597) on :
HA! HA! HA! sorry bro Rasol but Argie has a point. It is all about winning *and* argument with you. But you have good intentions. You hate to be wrong.
In Marc's thread they are NOT Black Africans they are . . . . what? I am not sure what they are. Still don't get your point.
quote:Originally posted by argyle104: rasol aka "The One Who Caterwauls" wrote:
quote: There were only Black Africans
So um oh scholarly one with many scientific journals to his credit (LOL, LOL, LOL), if there were only Black Africans, why not just call them Africans? Since you are prefacing them with the black label, are you saying that they are not normal to Africa but more like an anominal occurence to Africa?
What other kind of African was/is there?
Are Africans who are yellow, black Africans?
Are Africans who are beige, black Africans?
Are Africans who are red, black Africans?
Are Africans who are brown, black Africans?
Are Moroccans, Libyans, Somalis, Mauritanians, Malians, Tunisians, Nigeriens, Chadians, Sudanese, Algerians, Ethiopians, Eritreans, Egyptians, Djiboutians, black Africans?
Are Fulanis, Kabyles, San, Khoi, Beja, Iraqw, Somalis, Hausa, Tuareg, black Africans?
If a Zulu has a red skin color is he a black African?
Why and why not to any of the above.
The white folks in your country really have you beatdown and thrashed don't they? : )
Folks watch him "attempt" to weasel around his stupidity.
Posted by argyle104 (Member # 14634) on :
Charlie Bass aka The Sharecropper wrote:
-------------------------- Ignoramus, don't troll this thread, this is precisely the kind of dialogue this forum needs to be rid of. --------------------------
What exactly is wrong with the questions that I posed oh Vicksburg "boy"? ehehehehehehe
Is it that you are upset that someone dared ask your master a pertinent question on the content that he posted? Are you upset that he might become angry and make you sleep outside and not inside the house, if my on point questions peeve him?
Posted by xyyman (Member # 13597) on :
Hey Bass, aside from the annoying bhahahahahah etc the man do has a point. Why not call them Blacks or Africans? What are you the censorship police. That's why you cannot be a moderator. You can't tolerate opposing views.
quote:Originally posted by Charlie Bass:
quote:Originally posted by argyle104: rasol aka "The One Who Caterwauls" wrote:
quote: There were only Black Africans
So um oh scholarly one with many scientific journals to his credit (LOL, LOL, LOL), if there were only Black Africans, why not call them Africans? Since you are prefacing them with the black label, are you saying that they are not normal to Africa but more like an anominal occurence to Africa?
Ignoramus, don't troll this thread, this is precisely the kind of dialogue this forum needs to be rid of.
Posted by Hori (Member # 11484) on :
^ Is it your 'role' to do the impossible of supporting the trolls (however subtle) while not technically trolling yourself?
You're not too bright.
Posted by Debunker (Member # 15669) on :
Reading comprehension is not a strong point of Afrocentrists. Of course, Howells is using "backwards" in a literal not figurative sense, referring to the proposed direction of influence and not to the idea of a Caucasoid-like population. Indeed, in the extended passage, he reiterates the presence in East Africa of an "earlier, less 'African' population" that has in recent times become "increasingly Africanized" by the expansion of Bantus.
Posted by xyyman (Member # 13597) on :
That's the problem with you teenagers. Can't see beyond your nose. . .and with Bantu's it's worst . What's your point of view on his comment about the term Black African's vs African's?????
quote:Originally posted by Hori: ^ Is it your 'role' to do the impossible of supporting the trolls (however subtle) while not technically trolling yourself?
You're not too bright.
Posted by Charlie Bass (Member # 10328) on :
quote:Originally posted by Debunker: Reading comprehension is not a strong point of Afrocentrists.
No, you're the one that lacks reading comprehension skills here, the East African crania studied by Howells has nothing to do with OOA and even he says the evidence is wispy.
quote:Indeed, in the extended passage, he reiterates the presence in East Africa of an "earlier, less 'African' population" that has in recent times become "increasingly Africanized" by the expansion of Bantus.
The early and later crania are indeed "African" there was nothing less African about them since the said crania are Native to Africa.
Posted by Debunker (Member # 15669) on :
quote:Originally posted by Ausàrian:
quote: "We propose that African chromosomes descend from at least two lineages that have been evolving separately for a period of time.
This is in reference to a segment of the X chromosome. Y chromosome, the counterpart of the X chromosome, shows a complex structure of branches, not just two lineages, or more appropriately, "sub-lineages". The same holds true for mtDNA, which is generally maternally transmitted. Based on what you are purportedly using this study for, can you demonstrate to us, how this is concordant with Y chromosomes and mtDNA distribution. I mean, granted that it reiterates the well known point about more African diversity vis-a-vis "non-African" gene pool, which is just a subset of the African overall gene pool, but that is pretty much a given at this stage of molecular genetics science.
Since your post contains no insults, distortions or stupidity, I'll respond.
If we were to interpret Labuda et al's results in terms of mtDNA and Y-chromosomes, the "African" lineages would be L1, L2, A and B, while the "non-African" lineages would be L3 and M168. Apart from minor historical admixture due to various slave trades, all non-Africans descend solely from L3 and M168, whereas Africans are descended from those lineages (L3, E, J, R etc.) as well as the archaic lineages (L1, L2, A, B).
That's consistent with the rest of the passage you quoted:
"We propose that African chromosomes descend from at least two lineages that have been evolving separately for a period of time. One of them underwent range expansion colonizing different continents, including Africa, where it mixed with another, local lineage represented today by a large fraction of African- specific haplotypes."
It's also consistent with Howells' observation of populations more and less like Africans diverging prior to OOA.
The notion of a homogenous "Black African" race in prehistoric Africa giving birth to all mankind is nothing more than an Afrocentric fantasy. The evidence simply doesn't support it.
Posted by Charlie Bass (Member # 10328) on :
quote:Originally posted by xyyman: Hey Bass, aside from the annoying bhahahahahah etc the man do has a point. Why not call them Blacks or Africans? What are you the censorship police. That's why you cannot be a moderator. You can't tolerate opposing views.
quote:Originally posted by Charlie Bass:
quote:Originally posted by argyle104: rasol aka "The One Who Caterwauls" wrote:
quote: There were only Black Africans
So um oh scholarly one with many scientific journals to his credit (LOL, LOL, LOL), if there were only Black Africans, why not call them Africans? Since you are prefacing them with the black label, are you saying that they are not normal to Africa but more like an anominal occurence to Africa?
Ignoramus, don't troll this thread, this is precisely the kind of dialogue this forum needs to be rid of.
Argyle simply trolls people, nobody is against her views, just the manner in which they're delivered.
Posted by xyyman (Member # 13597) on :
This Debunker guy is a real Jackass. Still misses the point that what he IS calling K-zoids IS Afri-Noid. It is simply as that family. Apparently Howell is saying these features were in existence in East, North, and NW Africa prior to European leaving the caves.
So the phenotype is NOT European/K-zoids. Further proof is there isn't ANY R1b in East Africa. K-Zoids are part African and part Asian. In other words Europeans/K-zoids got their features from Africans and Asians NOT the other way around.
quote:Originally posted by Debunker: Reading comprehension is not a strong point of Afrocentrists. Of course, Howells is using "backwards" in a literal not figurative sense, referring to the proposed direction of influence and not to the idea of a Caucasoid-like population. Indeed, in the extended passage, he reiterates the presence in East Africa of an "earlier, less 'African' population" that has in recent times become "increasingly Africanized" by the expansion of Bantus.
Posted by xyyman (Member # 13597) on :
Agreed. Looking beyond the delivery he has a point.
quote:Originally posted by Charlie Bass:
quote:Originally posted by xyyman: Hey Bass, aside from the annoying bhahahahahah etc the man do has a point. Why not call them Blacks or Africans? What are you the censorship police. That's why you cannot be a moderator. You can't tolerate opposing views.
quote:Originally posted by Charlie Bass:
quote:Originally posted by argyle104: rasol aka "The One Who Caterwauls" wrote:
quote: There were only Black Africans
So um oh scholarly one with many scientific journals to his credit (LOL, LOL, LOL), if there were only Black Africans, why not call them Africans? Since you are prefacing them with the black label, are you saying that they are not normal to Africa but more like an anominal occurence to Africa?
Ignoramus, don't troll this thread, this is precisely the kind of dialogue this forum needs to be rid of.
Argyle simply trolls people, nobody is against her views, just the manner in which they're delivered.
Posted by Charlie Bass (Member # 10328) on :
quote:Originally posted by Debunker:
quote:Originally posted by Ausàrian:
quote: "We propose that African chromosomes descend from at least two lineages that have been evolving separately for a period of time.
This is in reference to a segment of the X chromosome. Y chromosome, the counterpart of the X chromosome, shows a complex structure of branches, not just two lineages, or more appropriately, "sub-lineages". The same holds true for mtDNA, which is generally maternally transmitted. Based on what you are purportedly using this study for, can you demonstrate to us, how this is concordant with Y chromosomes and mtDNA distribution. I mean, granted that it reiterates the well known point about more African diversity vis-a-vis "non-African" gene pool, which is just a subset of the African overall gene pool, but that is pretty much a given at this stage of molecular genetics science.
Since your post contains no insults, distortions or stupidity, I'll respond.
If we were to interpret Labuda et al's results in terms of mtDNA and Y-chromosomes, the "African" lineages would be L1, L2, A and B, while the "non-African" lineages would be L3 and M168. Apart from minor historical admixture due to various slave trades, all non-Africans descend solely from L3 and M168, whereas Africans are descended from those lineages (L3, E, J, R etc.) as well as the archaic lineages (L1, L2, A, B).
That's consistent with the rest of the passage you quoted:
"We propose that African chromosomes descend from at least two lineages that have been evolving separately for a period of time. One of them underwent range expansion colonizing different continents, including Africa, where it mixed with another, local lineage represented today by a large fraction of African- specific haplotypes."
It's also consistent with Howells' observation of populations more and less like Africans diverging prior to OOA.
The notion of a homogenous "Black African" race in prehistoric Africa giving birth to all mankind is nothing more than an Afrocentric fantasy. The evidence simply doesn't support it.
Debunked doesn't like reading up to date info, anestral M168 is "African", not "non-African", though it is the parental haplogroup of all non-African variation.:
With the exception of African-specific haplogroups A and B, all other Y chromosome haplogroups descend from one ancestral node of the tree termed CDeF, which is defined by mutations M168 and M294 (Figure 8). This previously unresolved trifurcation of this node into haplogroups C, DE, and F comprises the majority of African- and all non- African-affiliated chromosomes (Figure 8a). There are three possible solutions to this tripartite structure as presented in Figure 8b– d. Using the principle of phylogeographic parsimony, which minimizes the number of inferred migrations and the fact that the deepest clades (A and B) occur solely in Africans, an African origin of haplogroup CDEF-M168, M294 node was proposed (39, 116) and supported in a survey of over 12,000 Asian men (50).....These results hold up the phylogenetic scenario shown in Figure 8d, which is consistent with two independent founder types, D and CF, evolving outside Africa, and thus weakens the other two possible interpretations discussed above. However, the common ancestry of C and F founder types is supported by a short branch, defined by a single mutation, implying the diversification of CF from DE was shortly followed by the split of C from F. Although extinction events within Africa offset by haplogroup survival of descendents in Asia cannot be empirically demonstrated, both the refutation of the option shown in Figure 8b and the apparent absence of deep-rooted haplogroups for either CF or D chromosomes in Africa bolsters the model that haplogroup CF and DE molecular ancestors first evolved inside Africa and subsequently contributed as Y chromosome founders to pioneering migrations that successfully colonized Asia. While not proof, the DE and CF bifurcation (Figure 8d ) is consistent with independent colonization impulses possibly occurring in a short time interval."
Use of Y Chromosome and Mitochondrial DNA Population Structure in Tracing Human Migrations Peter A. Underhill1 and Toomas Kivisild
Annu. Rev. Genet. 2007. 41:539–64
Posted by Charlie Bass (Member # 10328) on :
The proof is on Debunked to show that L3 and CR-M168 are non-African and to provide a source that says so. Just because both lineages are the founder haplogroups to all non-Africans doesn't mean that both are "non-African" haplogroups since they comprise a great deal of African Y-chromosone and mtDNA variation also. Neither lineages entered Africa from outside of Africa so they're both African in origin. using Debunked' logic E3a and E3b bearing Africans are non-African. As a matter of fact his sole purpose is to make E3b non-African to avoid and deny the fact that an African lineages flows in the bodies of Southern Europeans.
Posted by Alive-(What Box) (Member # 10819) on :
xxy"man", you're an idiot.
arrgh104 writes
quote: ,
You lack a mind. No one is literally black, it's a social reference to shade, which is relative, so I ask you why you arbitrarily divide between red, brown, yellow, black, etc?
Stop PMSing all over the board and get help.
Posted by argyle104 (Member # 14634) on :
So are if there are Africans who don't call themselves black, are they black Africans?
Oh yeah, Oh yeah Jeeves, some guests have said that the soda crackers, cocktail wieners, and perrier is running low.
You better hurry and restock.
ha ha ha heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee : )
Posted by argyle104 (Member # 14634) on :
Alive-(What Box) aka Jeeves wrote:
------------------------------------- No one is literally black, it's a social reference to shade, which is relative -------------------------------------
Then why not just use African? Why use a color, any color at all? Especially given the your rational quoted above.
Is it because your white owners came up with that name and gave it to you?
Posted by xyyman (Member # 13597) on :
PMSing?? Never came across a woman with that type of sense of humor. Are you guys sure???
Posted by Charlie Bass (Member # 10328) on :
You guys should PM each other insults instead on here on the open forum.
Posted by argyle104 (Member # 14634) on :
Alive-(What Box) aka Jeeves wrote:
------------------------- You lack a mind. No one is literally black, it's a social reference to shade, which is relative, so I ask you why you arbitrarily divide between red, brown, yellow, black, etc?
Stop PMSing all over the board and get help. -------------------------
Non-seqtuire, ad hominems, and red herrings are ignored. Pertinent questions I have raised have not been answered.
Posted by Charlie Bass (Member # 10328) on :
quote:Originally posted by argyle104: Alive-(What Box) aka Jeeves wrote:
------------------------- You lack a mind. No one is literally black, it's a social reference to shade, which is relative, so I ask you why you arbitrarily divide between red, brown, yellow, black, etc?
Stop PMSing all over the board and get help. -------------------------
Non-seqtuire, ad hominems, and red herrings are ignored. Pertinent questions I have raised have not been answered.
Take it to another thread and quit trolling woman. Keep this thread clean.
Posted by argyle104 (Member # 14634) on :
Oh oh. The sharecropper is back.
Posted by Alive-(What Box) (Member # 10819) on :
quote:Originally posted by xyyman: PMSing?? Never came across a woman with that type of sense of humor. Are you guys sure???
Hopefully this wasn't intended to be seen as insulting.[?]
I'm a dude.
I have only come across a female who had the ability to take such remarks lightly or in a comedic light. To any female lurkers and to xxyman I/we (my generation) don't always mean PMSing in the mysoginist/sexist way.
What I'd be concerned about if I were you (xxy) though is those childlike / immature (/ Greek? ) variety remarks, such as referring to self-proclaimed male posters as female?
(Nothing wrong with children or the inner child, but you know what they say - for everything there is a place and time: unless I was interested in one o y'all ... lol)
quote:You guys should PM each other insults instead on here on the open forum.
You're right.
quote:Originally posted by argyle104: So are if there are Africans who don't call themselves black, are they black Africans?
quote:Then why not just use African? Why use a color, any color at all? Especially given the your rational quoted above.
Good question, maybe. . I pretty much use it because I like it, because I like to: it's because I choose to.
I guess "whitey" just isn't so big on my radar in that regard (how I see myself). So I could care less if they called me Man Dadday Dingo.
quote:Non-seqtuire ... red herrings
quote:Originally posted by What Box/Alive: No one is literally black, it's a social reference to shade, which is relative, so I ask you why you arbitrarily divide between red, brown, yellow, black, etc ...
... when the "yellow", "black", "red", and "brown" Africans don't even necissarily call themselves that?
You did the same thing rasol did in your very reply denouncing calling Africans anything.
Stop trolling.
On blackness:
How is black any less relevant than "African"?
Do alot of black Americans concider themselves African?
Anti-black posters need answer THAT before waisting further wasting their time.
If you truly belived in not using color you would not have responded to rasol's use of *black* with colors, using them in precisely the same way and context that rasol just used black.
Chew on that.
Posted by argyle104 (Member # 14634) on :
Alive-(What Box) aka Jeeves --------------------------------- If you truly belived in not using color you would not have responded to rasol's use of *black* with colors, using them in precisely the same way and context that rasol just used black.
If referring to a specific group today I may not call them anything (Asians don't usually call themselves yellow) but this doesn't take away from a person being "yellow" [or "black"] skinned. -----------------------------------
LOL! This post doesn't even make sense. You should've stayed in school Jeeves. LOL
Posted by xyyman (Member # 13597) on :
sorry!! See it is attracting some crazies.
quote:Originally posted by Charlie Bass: You guys should PM each other insults instead on here on the open forum.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Originally posted by Debunker: Reading comprehension is not a strong point of Afrocentrists. Of course, Howells is using "backwards" in a literal not figurative sense, referring to the proposed direction of influence and not to the idea of a Caucasoid-like population. Indeed, in the extended passage, he reiterates the presence in East Africa of an "earlier, less 'African' population" that has in recent times become "increasingly Africanized" by the expansion of Bantus.
What's wrong with you? Howells is actually using 'backwards' in the literal sense, because he knows these these orthogonal so called 'Carcusfraud' traits, were around in Africa, before the pale 'white' skin of Europe even evolved, so they're not some exclusive monopolized traits of an imaginary 'white race of Carcusfrauds'. Europeans still exhibited signs of tropical adaptation up until about the end of the Mesolithic, and maybe even later. So by Howells proposing the scholars as having it backwards (if one has a reading comprehension level of at least a 5th grader),would notice he is saying the influence was from Africa, to the Near East then Europe, and not the other way around.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by xyyman: In Marc's thread they are NOT Black Africans they are . . . . what? I am not sure what they are. Still don't get your point.
Not the same topic, the same population, the same historical event or the same issue.
I agree that you two don't undestand, and I respect you [not arGoyle] for being honest enough to admit it.
However, I have tried to teach you basic anthropology for 25 pages in the other thread with no success.
So someone else will have to try to teach you.
Feel free to blame me for being a bad teacher, if it helps.
Posted by Alive-(What Box) (Member # 10819) on :
quote:Originally posted by argyle104: LOL! This post doesn't even make sense.
I edited: was gonna go off on a tangent talkin about who called themselves what and how relevant it is.
I looked and indeed it made little sense to keep that last paragraph as the rest of the post is sufficient (for anyone with a brain following this).
You're dismissed.
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
So I was right! Stupid-Euro is back after all!!
Welcome back, Disney-Euro! I see after how many years of your absence you return for satisfy your masochist white (or in your case off-white) slave urge for domination via more whippings and beatings by black masters!
Speaking of which, everybody can ignore the male prostitute Argyle.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:(if one has a reading comprehension level of at least a 5th grader),would notice he is saying the influence was from Africa, to the Near East then Europe, and not the other way around.
Which is our position, which is the opposite of Debunkeds position.
Of course.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:If we were to interpret Labuda et al's results
This is where you go wrong.
With your ideology driven attempts to 'interpret' passages from scholars as being the opposite of what is actually written.
You would think that with so many persons correcting you on this behavior..... it would sink in.
Of course, ideology overrides reason in your case and so it does not.
quote: in terms of mtDNA and Y-chromosomes, the "African" lineages would be L1, L2, A and B, while the "non-African" lineages would be L3 and M168.
This is simply insane. L3 lineage originates in Africa and cannot be non African.
There is not a single geneticist who will claim that L3 is non African.
It does not matter at all if people of New Guinea and Greece are descendant from L3 - as is the case, or if Greeks are descendant from L1 and new Guineans from L3.
It's completely irrelevant to the African origin of both haplotypes.
Your need to make claims about genetics that no geneticist will support makes it easy to dismiss your rhetorics.
quote:Since your post contains no insults, distortions or stupidity, I'll respond.
^ Your post contains all of the above [since your snide remark was and attempt at insult], but we still responded, and still debunked you, so now what?
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
^ Rasol, as a rational person I just gotta ask why the fool ('debunked' AKA Stupid-Euro) does it?? Why is he back arguing the same refuted nonsense?? Any sane person would have given up long time ago!
Posted by akoben08 (Member # 15244) on :
LOL Nothing is "totally destroyed" with the Eurocentrist, as it's a hard nose ideology like Zionism. They will just try to spin from a different angle. Little Charlie Brown is simply naive.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by Djehuti: ^ Rasol, as a rational person I just gotta ask why the fool ('debunked' AKA Stupid-Euro) does it?? Why is he back arguing the same refuted nonsense?? Any sane person would have given up long time ago!
You have to expect Eurocentrists to lie.
They have no choice.
It's lie or die.
Only need to speak the truth to defeat them, however the contest of truth vs. lie is like good vs. evil.... it is eternal.
If you fight the good fight, you need to enjoy the battle.
Otherwise you tire of it, and evil begins to prevail by dumb persistence.
This is the strategy the aptly [not ironically] named *evil* euro pursues.
Personally I look forward to listen to more desparate dissemblings about the various things that like L3 originate in Africa - the very definition of African , and yet, are somehow....'not' African, per wishful thinking.
To surrender reason and objectivity is to surrender credibility, and this is what debunk-ed, has been reduced to.
Posted by Ausàrian (Member # 14778) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:If we were to interpret Labuda et al's results
This is where you go wrong.
With your ideology driven attempts to 'interpret' passages from scholars as being the opposite of what is actually written.
You would think that with so many persons correcting you on this behavior..... it would sink in.
Of course, ideology overrides reason in your case and so it does not.
quote: in terms of mtDNA and Y-chromosomes, the "African" lineages would be L1, L2, A and B, while the "non-African" lineages would be L3 and M168.
This is simply insane. L3 lineage originates in Africa and cannot be non African.
There is not a single geneticist who will claim that L3 is non African.
It does not matter at all if people of New Guinea and Greece are descendant from L3 - as is the case, or if Greeks are descendant from L1 and new Guineans from L3.
It's completely irrelevant to the African origin of both haplotypes.
Your need to make claims about genetics that no geneticist will support makes it easy to dismiss your rhetorics.
quote:Since your post contains no insults, distortions or stupidity, I'll respond.
^ Your post contains all of the above [since your snide remark was and attempt at insult], but we still responded, and still debunked you, so now what?
You've beaten me to it, vis-a-vis "Debunker's" false claim about "L3" being "Non-African". Another claim of "Debunker" that needs to be straightened out, is the notion that any non-L3 lineages found outside of Africa, are relics of the slave trade.
Posted by Ausàrian (Member # 14778) on :
quote:It's also consistent with Howells' observation of populations more and less like Africans diverging prior to OOA.
Even if one were to give this any currency, the contradictions in it are too obvious. If this occurred in Africa "prior" to OOA, is that not by definition, "African"?
And what specific skeletal samples "prior to OOA" attest to such a seemingly "bimodal" divergence?
quote: The notion of a homogenous "Black African" race in prehistoric Africa giving birth to all mankind is nothing more than an Afrocentric fantasy. The evidence simply doesn't support it.
Genealogy does point to the ultimate tracing back of the whole array of contemporary human NRY gene pool to a singular NRY African common ancestor. The same has been demonstrated for contemporary human mtDNA gene pool. In this sense, genetics does lend support to singular African male and female ancestors giving birth to all humankind. Now of course, those two common ancestors represent a single "race", the human race.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ Correct.
There is only 1 human "race", which actually means 1 species with no sub-species or races proper.
All members of this single species originate in Africa.
All members of this African species were melanoderm/blacks.
These people.....
At the time of the origin of this species homo sapiens sapien, there were no Europeans, no whites, and no caucasians.
Europeans do not at this time exist.
White people do not at this time exist.
Caucasians do not at this time exist.
What is a fantasy is the wishful thinking that can conjure natives of Africa who aren't African, dark skinned peoples who aren't Blacks, and "caucasoids" who originate in Black Africa, - but are instead members of a nonexistent 'race' of Euro-poids, at a time when there are no people in Europe, and therefore no one of European descent.
De-bunked, please continue to argue your position. The more you argue, the less your credibility.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote: At the time of the origin of this species homo sapiens sapien, there were no Europeans, no whites, and no caucasians.
hey rasol, I've read when you posted, similar to this "people fall victim to Euro-turd terms such as whites, Caucasians, Negroids, race, etc..
But yet you still advertise it?
I know it gets you angry, but we, as you said, we can't fall victim to such bogus terms.(albeit their bogus terms can be used against them, because science does NOT fit with their terms) I know you don't believe none of it, I have read many previous postings, and I consider you a very knowledegable individual. But you can't fall victim to the same things you're trying to teach. I suggest, if you use said terms "caucasoid" etc.. You should use quotation marks to confirm they are not your terms, and you're quoting debunked scientists.
By all means no offense, because I agree with pretty much all mainstream science, and it seems you do to.
Many times when we use such terms, it opens doors for EUro-centrists to argue the same outdated debunked fallacy.
Posted by Charlie Bass (Member # 10328) on :
Hiernaux said ts best when dealing with what is a 'true' African:
"Confronted with such a wide variation in biological characters in the native populations of sub-Saharan Africa(and, to be frank, with the stereotyped idea that most of us have about what a 'true' African looks like), one is inclined to ask whether all this diverity originated in sub-Saharan Africa"
The People of Africa Jean Hiernaux p.54
The evidence no doubt that all of the biological diversity present in sub-Saharan Africa, which includes the Horn of Africa, originated in SSA, whih the makes the notion of Howells' statement that a "less African" population at one time existed in East Africa dubious.
Posted by Debunker (Member # 15669) on :
You're using "African" in a purely geographical sense, whereas Howells and Labuda are using it in a morphological/genetic sense. Of course the phenotypes in question both arose in Africa, but one population resembles Africans and the other does not. Likewise with the genes. The African-specific haplotypes (corresponding to L1, L2, A and B) are found to be separate from the common African haplotypes (corresponding to L3 and M168), indicating two very distinct populations.
Genotypic/phenotypic "Africans" and genotypic/phenotypic "non-Africans". The Afrocentric fantasy crumbles.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:You're using "African" in a purely geographical sense
No, actually he is using it in the *proper* sense of the word meaning - NATIVE TO AFRICA.
It may therefor be Geo-historical, Geo-biological, etc..
You on the other hand, use all terms in a purely nonsensical context.
And that is why you are so easily debunked.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718: [QB] [QUOTE] At the time of the origin of this species homo sapiens sapien, there were no Europeans, no whites, and no caucasians.
quote:hey rasol, I've read when you posted, similar to this "people fall victim to Euro-turd terms such as whites, Caucasians, Negroids, race, etc..
But yet you still advertise it?
I didn't write the above and don't use such language as euro-t*d.
However - you need to understand that caucasian is a perfectly valid term, when it is not misused.
It means native to caucasia.
It is also a language group of *non* germanic languages of the peoples of this region.
As such it is actually a misnomer to refer to any germanic people as caucasian.
Morever germanics never referred to themselves by this term either.
It is only in the 17th century that Johanne Blumenbach invented the myth of the existence of a caucasian race, based on the story of noah's ark, in which supposedly the ark settled in caucasia.
Therefore: ] All references to caucasian race are essentially rooted in myth and pseudoscience.
Posted by Grumman (Member # 14051) on :
Knowledgeiskey718 posted this quote from Rasol:
''At the time of the origin of this species homo sapiens sapien, there were no Europeans, no whites, and no caucasians.''
...and responded with:
hey rasol, I've read when you posted, similar to this "people fall victim to Euro-turd terms such as whites, Caucasians, Negroids, race, etc..
But yet you still advertise it?
Knowledgeiskey718 will be aware of no further need to downplay those terms by quotation marks. Once it is understood what the author stated and has stated on a continual basis there is no further need to ''draw attention to''. Context has already been established. I invite Knowledgeiskey718 to re-read the first paragraph then the second to see what has been firmly established.
Posted by xyyman (Member # 13597) on :
"It is also a language group of *non* germanic languages of the peoples of this region."
"As such it is actually a misnomer to refer to any germanic people as caucasian." ----
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:However - you need to understand that caucasian is a perfectly valid term, when it is not misused.
It means native to caucasia.
Oh of course I agree, like I also stated, their own erroneous terms can be used against them, but these imbeciles still promote 'Caucasian' preposterously as a race.
Oh and yea I added that Euro-turd lol, I know you didn't write it.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Knowledgeiskey718 will be aware of no further need to downplay those terms by quotation marks. Once it is understood what the author stated and has stated on a continual basis there is no further need to ''draw attention to''. Context has already been established. I invite Knowledgeiskey718 to re-read the first paragraph then the second to see what has been firmly established.
I've read many many many many previous threads, I know whos who, who uses what terms etc.. I know all about the erroneous EvilEuro, hore etc.. all of the trolls. I know about the pre-historic East African 'Caucasoids' he erroneously tried to promote. And if this kid 'debunker' is actually Evil E, then yes he is still trying, sadly.
Posted by xyyman (Member # 13597) on :
Father of Racism changed his mind??? Africans are more diverse?
Blumenbach argued that physical characteristics like skin color, cranial profile, etc., were correlated with group character and aptitude. He interpreted craniometry and phrenology to make physical appearance correspond with racial categories. The fairness and relatively high brows of Caucasians were held to be apt physical expressions of a loftier mentality and a more generous spirit. The epicanthic folds around the eyes of Mongolians and their slightly sallow outer epidermal layer bespoke their supposedly crafty, literal-minded nature. The dark skin and relatively sloping craniums were taken as wholesale proof of a closer genetic proximity to the monkeys, despite the fact that the skin of chimpanzees and gorillas beneath the hair is whiter than the average Caucasian skin, and that orangutans and some monkey species have foreheads fully as vertical as the typical Englishman or German.
Later in life, Blumenbach encountered in Switzerland "eine zum Verlieben schönen Négresse" ('a negro woman so beautiful to fall in love with'). Further "anatomical study" led him to the conclusion that 'individual Africans differ as much, or even more, from other individual Africans as Europeans differ from Europeans'. Furthermore he concluded that Africans were not inferior to the rest of mankind 'concerning healthy faculties of understanding, excellent natural talents and mental capacities'
Posted by Hori (Member # 11484) on :
^ oh dear
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718: However - you need to understand that caucasian is a perfectly valid term, when it is not misused.
It means native to caucasia.
quote:Oh of course I agree, like I also stated, their own erroneous terms can be used against them, but these imbeciles still promote 'Caucasian' preposterously as a race.
Jew and Hispanic and Arab and Black are also promoted erroneously as races.
What is erroneous- is race.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasol
Jew and Hispanic and Arab and Black are also promoted erroneously as races.
What is erroneous- is race.
Yes I know. I guess what I should have stated was, he erroneously postulates 'race' which has absolutely no meaning biologically, per Spencer Wells, Cavalli Sforza and a growing number of molecular biologists.
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
quote:Originally posted by xyyman: Father of Racism changed his mind??? Africans are more diverse?
Blumenbach argued that physical characteristics like skin color, cranial profile, etc., were correlated with group character and aptitude. He interpreted craniometry and phrenology to make physical appearance correspond with racial categories. The fairness and relatively high brows of Caucasians were held to be apt physical expressions of a loftier mentality and a more generous spirit. The epicanthic folds around the eyes of Mongolians and their slightly sallow outer epidermal layer bespoke their supposedly crafty, literal-minded nature. The dark skin and relatively sloping craniums were taken as wholesale proof of a closer genetic proximity to the monkeys, despite the fact that the skin of chimpanzees and gorillas beneath the hair is whiter than the average Caucasian skin, and that orangutans and some monkey species have foreheads fully as vertical as the typical Englishman or German.
Later in life, Blumenbach encountered in Switzerland "eine zum Verlieben schönen Négresse" ('a negro woman so beautiful to fall in love with'). Further "anatomical study" led him to the conclusion that 'individual Africans differ as much, or even more, from other individual Africans as Europeans differ from Europeans'. Furthermore he concluded that Africans were not inferior to the rest of mankind 'concerning healthy faculties of understanding, excellent natural talents and mental capacities'
If Blumenbach changed his mentality, then what are the chances of Euro-disney doing the same??
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Dr. Richard G. Klein, a paleoanthropologist at Stanford, said that it was hard to correlate the specific gene changes in the three populations with events in the archaeological record, but that the timing and nature of the changes in the East Asians and Europeans seemed compatible with the shift to agriculture. Rice farming became widespread in China 6,000 to 7,000 years ago, and agriculture reached Europe from the Near East around the same time.
Skeletons similar in form to modern Chinese are hard to find before that period, Dr. Klein said, and there are few European skeletons older than 10,000 years that look like modern Europeans.
That suggests that a change in bone structure occurred in the two populations, perhaps in connection with the shift to agriculture. Dr. Pritchard's team found that several genes associated with embryonic development of the bones had been under selection in East Asians and Europeans, and these could be another sign of the forager-to-farmer transition, Dr. Klein said.
Correct me if I am wrong but isn't Oldoway man dated to 20,000 B.C.E something like that? Well, if so, then the above statement from Dr. Klein about European skeletons not matching modern populations no more than 10kya (8,000 B.C.E) Which would definitely blow the whole East African 'Caucasoid' notion away, being that, European phenotype didn't even exist how it does today, and Oldoway 20,000kya was already Elongated. Which is actually a confirmation of Howells when he states the scientists had it backwards, and the real truth is that the features you see today come from Africans.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ One of the constant shell games that race-mongers play, is the attempt to determine when "phenotype races" evolved.
This produces disagreement amongst them, since they are essentially chasing the unicorn.
Human skulls never divided into race-templates to begin with, and moreover skeletal features constantly change amongst all peoples.
After many thousands of years, any search for highly exacting skeletal continuities it likely to come up false.
Or, if such is claimed, it is likely to be debunked.
We know that the original human population was African.
We know they were tropically adapted in terms of pigmentation, or melanoderm - blacks, as Africans are today.
We know that they were tropically adapted in terms of distal limb ratios, as is the case today.
We know that their skull shapes varied widely, as they do today. [the attempt to create a stereotype of african skull is invariably based on FAILURE to consider data that confounds the stereotype - of course all stereotypes work this way]
At this time we know that there are no white people, no europeans and no caucasians. They simply don't exist.
Eurocentrists such as Debunked know this.
One parameter for comedy is...the tension produced by knowing, yet not being able to admit.
Let the comedy continue then.....
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ Humans did not evolve in Europe, and white people don't exist in ancient history.
One of the functions of caucazoid ideology is to create a rhetorical basis for the existence of a European *race* of whites who need neither be European nor white.
Here then, is the *problem* [reality], that Eurocentrism is trying to *solve* [deny]......
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
^ A shame, all this talk of "caucasoid" and "caucasians" used to promote racism and racial supremacist propaganda all while the true and real Caucasians of the Caucasus mountains were a considered all but a 'minor' people in Western history and for a long time victims in world affairs even today with the Georgians.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
"Either way, the implication is that our European ancestors were brown-skinned for tens of thousands of years"
Point blank case closed.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Correct me if I am wrong but isn't Oldoway man dated to 20,000 B.C.E something like that? Well, if so, then the above statement from Dr. Klein about European skeletons not matching modern populations no more than 10kya (8,000 B.C.E) Which would definitely blow the whole East African 'Caucasoid' notion away, being that, European phenotype didn't even exist how it does today, and Oldoway 20,000kya was already Elongated. Which is actually a confirmation of Howells when he states the scientists had it backwards, and the real truth is that the features you see today come from Africans.
^^^^ Am I correct?
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ It's not that complicated.
There is no piltdown man, no loch ness monster, no big foot, no green martians, and no East Africa caucaZoid.
The backwards notion you speak of exists amongst internet trolling racist losers, like Debunked.
No serious mind entertains such nonsense.
Posted by Ausàrian (Member # 14778) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:You're using "African" in a purely geographical sense
No, actually he is using it in the *proper* sense of the word meaning - NATIVE TO AFRICA.
It may therefor be Geo-historical, Geo-biological, etc..
You on the other hand, use all terms in a purely nonsensical context.
And that is why you are so easily debunked.
quote: Of course the phenotypes in question both arose in Africa
Precisely, which makes supposed camps of phenotype "native to Africa", and hence, cannot be "non-African".
quote: , but one population resembles Africans and the other does not.
This makes no sense. See above.
quote: The African-specific haplotypes (corresponding to L1, L2, A and B) are found to be separate from the common African haplotypes (corresponding to L3 and M168), indicating two very distinct populations.
L1 is no less a 'separate' clade from L2 [and Y chromosome clades A and B] than it is a separate clade from L3. Likewise, L2 is no less a separate clade from L1, than it is vis-a-vis L3 and vice versa. But all L1, L2, and L3 are *native African clades*, and all ultimately coalesce to a common ancestor, which too, arose in Africa. You cannot proclaim that four *distinct* lineages/super-clades represent a single population, while other two lineages represent another single population; it makes no sense. Yes, non-L3 maternal markers are largely restricted to Africans, save for some spots of genetic flow [both prehistoric and historic] in non-African territories.Again, this is nothing more than a reflection of the fact that much of non-African populations stem from a subset of Africans, and in tandem, that African gene pool sport the deepest clades of human genome - that's it; it means nothing more or less. It doesn't make L3 or M168 suddenly non-African. In fact, ancestral L3 clades are as restricted to Africa as L1 and L2. It is L3 *derivatives* that mainly dominate the non-African landscape. But I'm sure you knew that, right?
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ He hopes for some audience that will forget that M168 includes all of E, E3a and E3b alike. Both of which emerge from a common ancester, E3, which is also found only in Africa.
E3a and E3b are as African as the Nile and Congo river.
Of course the Nile overflows into the Mediteranean Sea... just like Black Africans bearing E3b did, which destroys his delusions of white racial purity, for which he can never forgive them.
The only non M168 male lineages are A and B.
They originate in East Africa, are ancestral to M168, and are rare...and even non existent in many West Africans, all facts which further contradict the wishful thinkings of debunked.
quote:You cannot proclaim that four *distinct* lineages/super-clades represent a single population, while other two lineages represent another single population; it makes no sense
Indeed, this sillyness would have it that E3 PN2 is a -non african- lineage in spite of the fact that it originates in Africa, and is found only in Africa.
Eurocentric claims are a sour exercise in embittered denial - sore loser thinking at its finest.
Posted by Debunker (Member # 15669) on :
Playing semantics games is not a substitute for argument and evidence.
What I've posted in this thread remains unchallenged.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Debunked plays semantical games: You're using "African" in a purely geographical sense.
But then...
quote:Debunked whines about playing semantical games: Playing semantics games is not a substitute for argument and evidence.
^ Agreed. And the reason *you* are playing semantical games is because you have no argument, of course.
Debunked, know this: You will -never- be a good debator as long as you lack objectivity due to fanatical bias, which leads to elementary mistakes and self contradictory claims as shown above.
It's clear that you've made no progress with your broken discourse in the years since you last publicly humiliated yourself on this forum.
quote:Debunked writes: What I've posted in this thread remains unchallenged.
^ That is empty rhetoric and no substitute for and argument.
The evidence you've presented is that your position is backwards and illogical, as stated by your own source.
That you refuse to admit that, is your problem.
Obstinence is not evidence.
You lose again.
Posted by Charlie Bass (Member # 10328) on :
Evil Euro is following the logic of those who have it backwards as his own source stated, which he tried to take out of context and distort. The question still remains Evil Euro, if CR-M168 is "non-African" and haplogroup E is a descendant of CR-M168 are E3a carrying West Africans and Bantu speakers "non-African" paternally? using Howells' logic combined with your distorted view of genetics, E3a bantu speakers would have made East Africa "less-African", since they didn't carry haplogroups A and B with them predominately during Bantu migrations[since using your distorted logic, only haplogroups A and B are the only "true African" paternal lineages]. Don't try to mix genetics and bioanthropology together, you always fail like you did when you posted a female as proof of a E3b carrying African, rememeber?
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Originally posted by Debunked
quote:Of course the phenotypes in question both arose in Africa,
^^^^ This folks is an incident in which the said "debunker" actually debunks himself. Ad Nauseum!
Originally posted by Charlie Bass
quote:if CR-M168 is "non-African" and haplogroup E is a descendant of CR-M168 are E3a carrying West Africans and Bantu speakers "non-African" paternally? using Howells' logic combined with your distorted view of genetics, E3a bantu speakers would have made East Africa "less-African", since they didn't carry haplogroups A and B with them predominately during Bantu migrations[since using your distorted logic, only haplogroups A and B are the only "true African" paternal lineages].
^^^^^ And this folks is a question he(debunked) will never answer.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ Since Debunked's claims that Africans are not really Africans is dismissed we can also take it to the next level.
Recalling that his ultimate aim is to promote the race-mythology of 'caucasoid'.
It's important to understand that the oldest/earliest non-african lineages are actually found among Melanesians and Australians.
The first people to enter the Pacific came from Southeast Asia, along the stepping-stone island chain -- now Indonesia -- to ancient Australia and New Guinea, and to the nearby islands just to the east and southeast, the Bismarcks and the Solomons,"
"They got there between 50,000 and 30,000 years ago, when Neanderthals were still roaming Europe -- very, very early in modern human prehistory," added Friedlaender, who is professor emeritus of anthropology at Temple University. The first people to enter the Pacific came from Southeast Asia, along the stepping-stone island chain -- now Indonesia -- to ancient Australia and New Guinea, and to the nearby islands just to the east and southeast, the Bismarcks and the Solomons," lead author Jonathan Friedlaender told Discovery News.
Melanesia was also settled around this time, probably by individuals from East Asia. Although Melanesians today resemble certain African groups, they turn out to be genetically far removed from Africa. "
^ Even thousands of years after these peoples migrated from East Africa to Asia, and Asia to Melanesia.....
there were still no Europeans,
no caucasians,
and no white people.
And this is why Debunked has no answers. Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
A research team co-directed by Erik Trinkaus, professor of anthropology at Washington University in St. Louis, has dated a human jawbone from a Romanian bear hibernation cave to between 34,000 and 36,000 years ago That makes it the earliest known modern human fossil in Europe. "The jawbone is the oldest directly dated modern human fossil," said Trinkaus, the Mary Tileston Hemenway Professor of Anthropology. "Taken together, the material is the first that SECURELY documents what modern humans looked like when they spread into Europe. Although we call them 'modern humans,' they were not fully modern in the sense that we think of living people."
To determine the fossils' implications for human evolution, Trinkaus and colleagues performed radiocarbon dating of the jawbone (dating of the other remains is in progress) and a comparative anatomical analysis of the sample. The jawbone dates from between 34,000 and 36,000 years ago, placing the specimens in the period during which early modern humans overlapped with late surviving Neandertals in Europe.
Most of their anatomical characteristics are similar to those of other early modern humans found at sites in Africa, in the Middle East and later in Europe , but certain features, such as the unusual molar size and proportions, indicate their archaic human origins and a possible Neandertal connection
'Out Of Africa' Theory Boost: Skull Dating Suggests Modern Humans Evolved In Africa
Reliably dated fossils are critical to understanding the course of human evolution. A human skull discovered over fifty years ago near the town of Hofmeyr, in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa, is one such fossil. A study by an international team of scientists led by Frederick Grine of the Departments of Anthropology and Anatomical Sciences at Stony Brook University in New York published in Science magazine has dated the skull to 36,000 years ago. This skull provides critical corroboration of genetic evidence indicating that modern humans originated in sub-Saharan Africa and migrated about this time to colonize the Old World.
"The Hofmeyr skull gives us the first insights into the morphology of such a sub-Saharan African population, which means the most recent common ancestor of all of us - wherever we come from," said Grine.
The field of paleoanthropology is known for its hotly contested debates, and one that has raged for years concerns the evolutionary origin of modern people. A number of genetic studies (especially those on the mitochondrial DNA) of living people indicate that modern humans evolved in sub-Saharan Africa and then left between 65,000 and 25,000 years ago to colonize the Old World. However, other genetic studies (generally on nuclear DNA) argue against this African origin and exodus model. Instead, they suggest that archaic non-African groups, such as the Neandertals, made significant contributions to the genomes of modern humans in Eurasia. Until now, the lack of human fossils of appropriate antiquity from sub-Saharan Africa has meant that these competing genetic models of human evolution could not be tested by paleontological evidence.
The skull from Hofmeyr has changed that. The surprising similarity between a fossil skull from the southernmost tip of Africa and similarly ancient skulls from Europe is in agreement with the genetics-based "Out of Africa" theory, which predicts that humans like those that inhabited Eurasia in the Upper Paleolithic should be found in sub-Saharan Africa around 36,000 years ago. The skull from South Africa provides the first fossil evidence in support of this prediction.
Body proportions in Late Pleistocene Europe and modern human origins*1
Body proportions covary with climate, apparently as the result of climatic selection. Ontogenetic research and migrant studies have demonstrated that body proportions are largely genetically controlled and are under low selective rates; thus studies of body form can provide evidence for evolutionarily short-term dispersals and/or gene flow. Following these observations, competing models of modern human origins yield different predictions concerning body proportion shifts in Late Pleistocene Europe. Replacement predicts that the earliest modern Europeans will possess “tropical” body proportions (assuming Africa is the center of origin), while Regional Continuity permits only minor shifts in body shape, due to climatic change and/or improved cultural buffering. This study tests these predictions via analyses of osteometric data reflective of trunk height and breadth, limb proportions and relative body mass for samples of Early Upper Paleolithic (EUP), Late Upper Paleolithic (LUP) and Mesolithic (MES) humans and 13 recent African and European populations. Results reveal a clear tendency for the EUP sample to cluster with recent Africans, while LUP and MES samples cluster with recent Europeans. These results refute the hypothesis of local continuity in Europe, and are consistent with an interpretation of elevated gene flow (and population dispersal?) from Africa, followed by subsequent climatic adaptation to colder conditions. These data do not, however, preclude the possibility of some (albeit small) contribution of genes from Neandertals to succeeding populations, as is postulated in Bräuer’s “Afro-European Sapiens” model.
Brachial and crural indices of European Late Upper Paleolithic and Mesolithic humans
Trenton W. Holliday
Among recent humans brachial and crural indices are positively correlated with mean annual temperature, such that high indices are found in tropical groups. However, despite inhabiting glacial Europe, the Upper Paleolithic Europeans possessed high indices, prompting Trinkaus (1981) to argue for gene flow from warmer regions associated with modern human emergence in Europe. In contrast, Frayeret al. (1993) point out that Late Upper Paleolithic and Mesolithic Europeans shouldnotexhibit tropically-adapted limb proportions, since, even assuming replacement, their ancestors had experienced cold stress in glacial Europe for at least 12 millennia.
This study investigates three questions tied to the brachial and crural indices among Late Pleistocene and recent humans. First, which limb segments (either proximal or distal) are primarily responsible for variation in brachial and crural indices? Second, are these indices reflective ofoveralllimb elongation? And finally, do the Late Upper Paleolithic and Mesolithic Europeans retain relatively and/or absolutely long limbs? Results indicate that in the lower limb, the distal limb segment contributes most of the variability to intralimb proportions, while in the upper limb the proximal and distal limb segments appear to be equally variable. Additionally, brachial and crural indices do not appear to be a good measure of overall limb length, and thus, while the Late Upper Paleolithic and Mesolithic humans have significantly higher (i.e., tropically-adapted) brachial and crural indices than do recent Europeans, they also have shorter (i.e., cold-adapted) limbs. The somewhat paradoxical retention of “tropical” indices in the context of more “cold-adapted” limb length is best explained as evidence for Replacement in the European Late Pleistocene, followed by gradual cold adaptation in glacial Europe.
Gough's Cave 1 (Somerset, England): an assessment of body size and shape TRENTON W. HOLLIDAY a1 and STEVEN E. CHURCHILL a2 a1
Stature, body mass, and body proportions are evaluated for the Cheddar Man (Gough's Cave 1) skeleton. Like many of his Mesolithic contemporaries, Gough's Cave 1 evinces relatively short estimated stature (ca. 166.2 cm [5′ 5′]) and low body mass (ca. 66 kg [146 lbs]). In body shape, he is similar to recent Europeans for most proportional indices. He differs, however, from most recent Europeans in his high crural index and tibial length/trunk height indices. Thus, while Gough's Cave 1 is characterized by a total morphological pattern considered ‘cold-adapted’, these latter two traits may be interpreted as evidence of a large African role in the origins of anatomically modern Europeans.
Dr. Richard G. Klein, a paleoanthropologist at Stanford, said that it was hard to correlate the specific gene changes in the three populations with events in the archaeological record, but that the timing and nature of the changes in the East Asians and Europeans seemed compatible with the shift to agriculture. Rice farming became widespread in China 6,000 to 7,000 years ago, and agriculture reached Europe from the Near East around the same time.
Skeletons similar in form to modern Chinese are hard to find before that period, Dr. Klein said, and there are few European skeletons older than 10,000 years that look like modern Europeans.
Dr. Wells, of the National Geographic Society, said Dr. Pritchard's results were fascinating and would help anthropologists explain the immense diversity of human populations even though their genes are generally similar. The relative handful of selected genes that Dr. Pritchard's study has pinpointed may hold the answer, he said, adding, "Each gene has a story of some pressure we adapted to."
Dr. Wells is gathering DNA from across the globe to map in finer detail the genetic variation brought to light by the HapMap project.
Dr. Pritchard's list of selected genes also includes five that affect skin color. The selected versions of the genes occur solely in Europeans and are presumably responsible for pale skin. Anthropologists have generally assumed that the first modern humans to arrive in Europe some 45,000 years ago had the dark skin of their African origins, but soon acquired the paler skin needed to admit sunlight for vitamin D synthesis.
The finding of five skin genes selected 6,600 years ago could imply that Europeans acquired their pale skin much more recently. Or, the selected genes may have been a reinforcement of a process established earlier, Dr. Pritchard said.
The five genes show no sign of selective pressure in East Asians.
Because Chinese and Japanese are also pale, Dr. Pritchard said, evolution must have accomplished the same goal in those populations by working through different genes or by changing the same genes — but many thousands of years before, so that the signal of selection is no longer visible to the new test.
So in actuality "Debunked" doesn't have any credibility for Europeans even being 'white', before 6,600ya, let alone his pathetic attempt of them being in Africa.
Posted by Charlie Bass (Member # 10328) on :
Perhaps Debunked is running from his own possible African ancestry:
^ LOL Just like old times-- Euro-disney humiliation never ends!
By the way, that paper about European origins is equally devastating to the likes of moronic Marc Washington.-- that white people evolved in Europe from darker ancestors.
Posted by xyyman (Member # 13597) on :
Funny YOU should say that DJ.
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
^ How so, when YOU are the one who is just as dishonest and pathetic as Stupid-Euro???
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
These results refute the hypothesis of local continuity in Europe, and are consistent with an interpretation of elevated gene flow (and population dispersal?) from Africa, followed by subsequent climatic adaptation to colder conditions
^Good post. It is this subsequent adaptation that gives spawn to Europeans. Before this there is nothing to say of them, or about them, that is not faked up fantasy and race-myth.
Quite devastating to Debunked.
Debunked will do what he usually does when faced with unpleasant truth.
- pretend to ignore it [though in fact he will read it and it *will* upset him greatly]
- counter by making more incredulous claims based on reading miscomprehension and desparate delusion.
- offer unto himself the faux self congratulation that his far fetched fantasies have not been adequetely refuted.
^ The kid needs to learn the grown-up art of debating.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by Charlie Bass: Perhaps Debunked is running from his own possible African ancestry:
it is certainly the case that the agenda of Dienekes et. al, is to deflect and deny the reality denoted above.
and it is also certain that this doesn't work.
one of the best platforms for destroying eurocentricm unfolds...any time, the eurocentrist show up to lament the death of the their ideology.
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
^ Indeed, the idiotic M.O. is tiring-- that old double-standard of whenever prehistoric skulls with so-called "caucasoid" features are discovered in Africa, they are automatically 'caucasoid' and therefore non-African, yet when skulls are found in Europe with "negroid" features, they are then classed as 'primitive' proto-human or pre-caucasian peoples! LOL Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:In fact, ancestral L3 clades are as restricted to Africa as L1 and L2.
Indeed as is Pn2 [or E3, aka father of E3a and E3b].
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ Geneticists agree....
The majority of the polymorphisms found in our species are found uniquely in Africans.
Europeans, Asians and Native Americans carry only a small amount of the diversity that can be found in any African village. - Geneticist Spencer Wells.
Debunked wishes for and opposite reality in which the AFrican genepool would be mostly non-African.
Again geneticists debunk his backwards thinking.
^ unfortunately for debunked...thinking backwards, does not actually cause the world to start spinning backwards.
Does Debunked have any "new" backwards thoughts for us today....?
Maybe you're too dizzy to respound?
Posted by Debunker (Member # 15669) on :
What nonsense have the Afrocentrists posted today? Let's see...
- A number of studies showing that humans originated in Africa (no sh*t) and that they were not adapted to a cold climate (double no sh*t), neither of which has anything to do with the subject of racial and genetic affinities.
- And a good paper on the Hofmeyr skull whose findings the Afrocentrists have grossly misinterpreted:
"Because the Bushmen are well represented in the more recent archaeological record, Dr. Harvati said, they were expected to bear a close resemblance to the Hofmeyr skull. Instead, the skull was found to be quite distinct from all recent Africans, including the Bushmen, she said, and it has 'a very close affinity' with fossil specimens of Europeans living in the Upper Paleolithic, the period best known for advanced stone tools and cave art.
" 'Much to my amazement,' Dr. Grine said in an interview, 'the skull linked very closely with those from Europe at the time and not with South African remains 15,000 years on.'
"Dr. Grine said these modern humans probably originated in East Africa, which is rich in fossils of ancestors of the species, and had then moved into Eurasia and also south to the tip of Africa."
Oops. Looks like further support for Howells and Labuda. And my posts in this thread still remain unchallenged.
Posted by Evergreen (Member # 12192) on :
quote:Originally posted by Debunker: - A number of studies showing that humans originated in Africa (no sh*t) and that they were not adapted to a cold climate (double no sh*t), neither of which has anything to do with the subject of racial and genetic affinities.
Evergreen Writes:
What is racial affinity?
Posted by Evergreen (Member # 12192) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:In fact, ancestral L3 clades are as restricted to Africa as L1 and L2.
Indeed as is Pn2 [or E3, aka father of E3a and E3b].
Evergreen Writes:
Rasol, this makes sense. It seems the "Bantu" and the Greeks have genetic affinity based upon the PN2 clade. But why don't we hear much about this close affinity in the media?
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote: "Because the Bushmen are well represented in the more recent archaeological record, Dr. Harvati said, they were expected to bear a close resemblance to the Hofmeyr skull. Instead, the skull was found to be quite distinct from all recent Africans, including the Bushmen, she said, and it has 'a very close affinity' with fossil specimens of Europeans living in the Upper Paleolithic, the period best known for advanced stone tools and cave art.
'Out Of Africa' Theory Boost: Skull Dating Suggests Modern Humans Evolved In Africa
"In order to establish the affinities of the Hofmeyr fossil, team member Katerina Harvati of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany, used 3-dimensional measurements of the skull known to differentiate recent human populations according to their geographic distributions and genetic relationships. She compared the Hofmeyr skull with contemporaneous Upper Paleolithic skulls from Europe and with the skulls of living humans from Eurasia and sub-Saharan Africa, including the Khoe-San (Bushmen). Because the Khoe-San are represented in the recent archeological record of South Africa, they were expected to have close resemblances to the South African fossil. Instead, the Hofmeyr skull is quite distinct from recent sub-Saharan Africans, including the Khoe-San, and has a very close affinity with the European Upper Paleolithic specimens.
No surprise at all, since we already know, they really did NOT test "ALL" recent Africans.Of course as we clearly can see from Chris Stringer himself, admitting these findings.
Early Europeans still resembled modern tropical peoples - some resemble modern Australian and Africans, more than modern Europeans [C. Stringer, R. McKie 1996]
"Nor does the picture get any clearer when we move on to the Cro-Magnons, the presumed ancestors of modern Europeans. Some were more like present-day Australians or Africans, judged by objective anatomical observations..." - African Exodus Christopher Stringer and Robin McKie 1996
Dr. Richard G. Klein, a paleoanthropologist.
"The timing and nature of the changes in the East Asians and Europeans seemed compatible with the shift to agriculture. Rice farming became widespread in China 6,000 to 7,000 years ago, and agriculture reached Europe from the Near East around the same time.
Skeletons similar in form to modern Chinese are hard to find before that period, Dr. Klein said, and there are few European skeletons older than 10,000 years that look like modern Europeans. " Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Earliest European Modern Humans Found
(Sep. 24, 2003) — A research team co-directed by Erik Trinkaus, professor of anthropology at Washington University in St. Louis, has dated a human jawbone from a Romanian bear hibernation cave to between 34,000 and 36,000 years ago. That makes it the earliest known modern human fossil in Europe.
The results on the jawbone will be published the week of Sept. 22 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science (PNAS; Online Early Edition. A report on the other bones will appear in an upcoming issue of the Journal of Human Evolution ( The finds should shed much-needed light on early modern human biology.
"The jawbone is the oldest directly dated modern human fossil," said Trinkaus, the Mary Tileston Hemenway Professor of Anthropology. "Taken together, the material is the first that securely documents what modern humans looked like when they spread into Europe.
To determine the fossils' implications for human evolution, Trinkaus and colleagues performed radiocarbon dating of the jawbone (dating of the other remains is in progress) and a comparative anatomical analysis of the sample. The jawbone dates from between 34,000 and 36,000 years ago, placing the specimens in the period during which early modern humans overlapped with late surviving Neandertals in Europe.
Most of their anatomical characteristics are SIMILAR to those of other early modern humans found at sites in AFRICA, in the MIDDLE EAST and later in EUROPE, but certain features, such as the unusual molar size and proportions, indicate their archaic human origins and a possible Neandertal connection.
The researchers document that these early modern humans retained some archaic characteristics, possibly through interbreeding with Neandertals. Nevertheless, because few well-dated remains from this period have been found, the fossil remains help to fill in an important phase in modern human emergence.
^^^^Study from 2003, funny the study of The Hofmeyr Skull, states its the earliest evidence, and was published in 2007, meanwhile, these other studies have already identified skulls from these regions in question
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote: "Dr. Grine said these modern humans probably originated in East Africa, which is rich in fossils of ancestors of the species, and had then moved into Eurasia and also south to the tip of Africa."
^^^^ Do you need anymore of a confirmation, that the first people to inhabit Europe, came from Africa? Nice confirmation from Grines, in stating East Africa as the origin for Modern Europeans, and all over the world alike.
"East Africa is rich in fossils of the ancestors of the species" Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
"Older analysts of "race" constantly noted a less "African" appearance, however dark, reaching from the Horn of Africa northward and were given talk of a "Hamitic strain," that is, admixture of 'Caucasoids' from the north. PERHAPS THESE SCHOLARS HAD IT BACKWARDS."
^^^^ Your own source debunked you a long time ago, and as we know, the talk of a "Hamitic strain," is also DEBUNKED. Case closed.
Posted by Charlie Bass (Member # 10328) on :
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718: [QB] [QUOTE] "Because the Bushmen are well represented in the more recent archaeological record, Dr. Harvati said, they were expected to bear a close resemblance to the Hofmeyr skull. Instead, the skull was found to be quite distinct from all recent Africans, including the Bushmen, she said, and it has 'a very close affinity' with fossil specimens of Europeans living in the Upper Paleolithic, the period best known for advanced stone tools and cave art. 'Out Of Africa' Theory Boost: Skull Dating Suggests Modern Humans Evolved In Africa
You were right, their African samples consisted of Dogon from Mali, Khoisan and Teita from Kenya, so its wuit inaccurate to say that that skull is quite distinct from *ALL* recent Africans. If that represents all recent Africans 98% of the people in Africa today are non-African.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:"Dr. Grine said these modern humans probably originated in East Africa, which is rich in fossils of ancestors of the species, and had then moved into Eurasia and also south to the tip of Africa."
Wouldn't this also be in agreement with Europe, not being inhabited by the original OOA population 65kya+, but rather a later dispersal of OOA directly from Africa? Possibly around 40kya and 36kya?
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Originally posted by Charlie Bass
quote: You were right, their African samples consisted of Dogon from Mali, Khoisan and Teita from Kenya, so its wuit inaccurate to say that that skull is quite distinct from *ALL* recent Africans. If that represents all recent Africans 98% of the people in Africa today are non-African.
Thanks. I knew there was a method to their madness, I knew they could not have tested all of Africa, with its WIDE phenotypical variation, spread out ALL over Africa. As we can see anthropologists are still CONSTANTLY trying to separate modern Africans from everything. It's a Damned shame.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Originally posted by debunked
quote:she said, and it has 'a very close affinity' with fossil specimens of Europeans living in the Upper Paleolithic, the period best known for advanced stone tools and cave art.
This lecture was delivered by Dr. Ian Tattersall at The Metropolitan Museum of Art on the occasion of the symposium "Genesis: Exploration of Origins" on March 7, 2003. This symposium was held in conjunction with the special exhibition, "Genesis: Ideas of Origin in African Sculpture," and was made possible through the support of The Ford Foundation.
"The most remarkable early evidence of symbolic activity in Africa comes in the form of the recent find of engraved ochre plaques, such as this one, from Blombos Cave on the southern coast of Africa (Fig. 10). This is an unequivocally symbolic object, even if we cannot directly discern the significance of the geometric design that the plaque bears; and it is dated to around 70,000 years ago, over 30,000 years before anything equivalent is found in Europe.
To evidence such as this can be added suggestions of a symbolic organization of space at the site of Klasies River Mouth (Fig. 11), also near the southern tip of Africa, at over 100,000 years ago. Pierced shells, with the strong implication of stringing for body ornamentation, are known from Porc-Epic Cave in Ethiopia at around 70,000 years ago. Bone tools of the kind introduced much later to Europe by the Cro-Magnons, are found at the Congolese site of Katanda, dated to perhaps 80,000 years ago. Blade tool industries, again formerly associated principally with the Cro-Magnons, are found at least sporadically at sites in Africa that date to as much as a quarter of a million years ago. Also in the economic/technological realm, such activities as flint-mining, pigment-processing and long-distance trade in useful materials are documented in Africa up to about 100,000 years ago. These and other early African innovations are reviewed by McBrearty and Brooks (2000)." -----
World's Oldest Ritual Discovered -- Worshipped The Python 70,000 Years Ago
(Nov. 30, 2006)--A startling archaeological discovery this summer changes our understanding of human history. While, up until now, scholars have largely held that man's first rituals were carried out over 40, 000 years ago in Europe, it now appears that they were wrong about both the time and place.
Associate Professor Sheila Coulson, from the University of Oslo, can now show that modern humans, Homo sapiens, have performed advanced rituals in Africa for 70,000 years. She has, in other words, discovered mankind's oldest known ritual.
The archaeologist made the surprising discovery while she was studying the origin of the Sanpeople. A group of the San live in the sparsely inhabited area of north-western Botswana known as Ngamiland.
Coulson made the discovery while searching for artifacts from the Middle Stone Age in the only hills present for hundreds of kilometers in any direction. This group of small peaks within the Kalahari Desert is known as the Tsodilo Hills and is famous for having the largest concentration of rock paintings in the world.
The Tsodilo Hills are still a sacred place for the San, who call them the "Mountains of the Gods" and the "Rock that Whispers".
The python is one of the San's most important animals. According to their creation myth, mankind descended from the python and the ancient, arid streambeds around the hills are said to have been created by the python as it circled the hills in its ceaseless search for water.
Sheila Coulson's find shows that people from the area had a specific ritual location associated with the python. The ritual was held in a little cave on the northern side of the Tsodilo Hills. The cave itself is so secluded and access to it is so difficult that it was not even discovered by archaeologists until the 1990s.
When Coulson entered the cave this summer with her three master's students, it struck them that the mysterious rock resembled the head of a huge python. On the six meter long by two meter tall rock, they found three-to-four hundred indentations that could only have been man-made.
"You could see the mouth and eyes of the snake. It looked like a real python. The play of sunlight over the indentations gave them the appearance of snake skin. At night, the firelight gave one the feeling that the snake was actually moving".
They found no evidence that work had recently been done on the rock. In fact, much of the rock's surface was extensively eroded.
When they saw the many indentations in the rock, the archaeologists wondered about more than when the work had been done. They also began thinking about what the cave had been used for and how long people had been going there. With these questions in mind, they decided to dig a test pit directly in front of the python stone.
At the bottom of the pit, they found many stones that had been used to make the indentations. Together with these tools, some of which were more than 70,000 years old, they found a piece of the wall that had fallen off during the work.
In the course of their excavation, they found more than 13,000 artifacts. All of the objects were spearheads and articles that could be connected with ritual use, as well as tools used in carving the stone. They found nothing else.
As if that were not enough, the stones that the spearheads were made from are not from the Tsodilo region but must have been brought from hundreds of kilometers away.
The spearheads are better crafted and more colourful than other spearheads from the same time and area. Surprisingly enough, it was only the red spearheads that had been burned.
"Stone age people took these colourful spearheads, brought them to the cave, and finished carving them there. Only the red spearheads were burned. It was a ritual destruction of artifacts. There was no sign of normal habitation. No ordinary tools were found at the site. Our find means that humans were more organised and had the capacity for abstract thinking at a much earlier point in history than we have previously assumed. All of the indications suggest that Tsodilo has been known to mankind for almost 100,000 years as a very special place in the pre-historic landscape." says Sheila Coulson.
Sheila Coulson also noticed a secret chamber behind the python stone. Some areas of the entrance to this small chamber were worn smooth, indicating that many people had passed through it over the years.
"The shaman, who is still a very important person in San culture, could have kept himself hidden in that secret chamber. He would have had a good view of the inside of the cave while remaining hidden himself. When he spoke from his hiding place, it could have seemed as if the voice came from the snake itself. The shaman would have been able to control everything. It was perfect." The shaman could also have "disappeared" from the chamber by crawling out onto the hillside through a small shaft.
While large cave and wall paintings are numerous throughout the Tsodilo Hills, there are only two small paintings in this cave: an elephant and a giraffe. These images were rendered, surprisingly, exactly where water runs down the wall.
Sheila Coulson thinks that an explanation for this might come from San mythology.
In one San story, the python falls into a body of water and cannot get out by itself. The python is pulled from the water by a giraffe. The elephant, with its long trunk, is often used as a metaphor for the python.
"In the cave, we find only the San people's three most important animals: the python, the elephant, and the giraffe. That is unusual. This would appear to be a very special place. They did not burn the spearheads by chance. They brought them from hundreds of kilometers away and intentionally burned them. So many pieces of the puzzle fit together here. It has to represent a ritual." concludes Sheila Coulson.
It was a major archaeological find five years ago that made it possible for Sheila Coulson to date the finds in this little cave in Botswana. Up until the turn of the century, archaeologists believed that human civilisation developed in Europe after our ancestors migrated from Africa. This theory was crushed by Archaeologist Christopher Henshilwood when he published his find of traces from a Middle Stone Age dwelling in the Blombos Cave in Southern Cape, South Africa.
'Modern' Behavior Began 40,000 Years Ago In Africa, Evidence Suggests
ScienceDaily (July 7, 1998) — CHAMPAIGN, Ill. -- Excavations from the Enkapune Ya Muto (EYM) rock shelter in the central Rift Valley of Kenya offer the best evidence yet that modern human behavior originated in Africa more than 40,000 years ago. They also suggest that by that time our earlier selves sealed social alliances and prevailed over others by giving token gifts, in this case, beads. So says archaeologist Stanley Ambrose, a professor at the University of Illinois.
Ambrose, an expert on stone tools, paleoecology and stable isotope biogeochemistry, has found that his EYM site "contains perhaps the earliest example of what we think of as an Upper Paleolithic stone-tool technology, and then later in time, ostrich eggshell-bead technology -- the earliest evidence for ornamentation, which may imply a new kind of adaptive social system."
In one of the oldest layers, Ambrose found the stone tools -- "possibly the oldest example of Later Stone Age or European equivalent Upper Paleolithic stone-tool technology. The blade-based tools are at least 46,000 years old, but may be as much as 50,000 years old -- older than the oldest previously known industry of its kind, from Israel."
Above the earliest Later Stone Age stone tools, he found the beads. Dated by radiocarbon to about 40,000 years ago, the beads "are the oldest directly dated ornaments in the world," Ambrose said. Ornaments are widely considered an important class of evidence for modern human behavior. Moreover, among modern hunter-gatherers, the beads are not only used as ornaments, but are the most common kind of gift in a formal system of delayed reciprocity, which has further implications for the evolution of a social safety-net system."
It has been argued, Ambrose said, that human adaptability to risky environments involves "being able to have relationships with people that you can rely on when resources in your area fail."
"The ancient beads may thus symbolize a mechanism for increased social solidarity and adaptations to risky environments. They may be a symbolic currency for exchange and obligations that can be saved for times of need -- like money in the bank. People who have this social security system would compete better with others -- the Neanderthals, for example -- who didn't. So, this improved system of regional networks of social solidarity may have allowed modern humans, when they left Africa, to outcompete and replace the Neanderthals."
The evidence of exchange networks is the long-distance movement of materials over distances greater than a band of hunter-gatherers might move over the course of a year, Ambrose said, "So, you find shells in Upper Paleolithic Europe moving as much as 600 kilometers."
"This site seems to provide dating evidence that the transition to modern human behavior and technology occurred earliest in East or Equatorial Africa and spread from there."
Ambrose's findings appeared in the April issue of the Journal of Archaeological Science.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by Debunker: - A number of studies showing that humans originated in Africa (no sh*t) and that they were not adapted to a cold climate (double no sh*t),
^ Swearing only shows your frustation at being so easily debunked.
Of course the studies do not merely show that the original human population were not 'cold adapted', but rather that they were tropically adapted, like modern Africans, and -unlike- modern Europeans.
Tropically adaptation is highly informative.
Stringer and other anthropologist use this fact to prove the African origin of all humans, and the recent adaptations to cold climate which give birth to white people in Europe.
Your response fails to engage these relevant material points, from noted scholars like Chris Stringer.
You continue to use poor debate strategy.
By not engaging the evidence that refutes your claims, you show any neutral observer that you can only run scared.
Of course, that's why you have nothing to say with regards to the genetic evidence that whites do not exist in ancient times, because the mutations that caused them to lose their tropical adaptations and become white, did not yet exist..........
^ Translating DeBunked: "Given the above, there are no white people in ancient times, there are no Europeans in ancient times, there are no caucasians in ancient times. The original population of Africa was of course, Black, and by definition African. I can niether deny nor dispute this evidense. Best I can do is pretend to ignore it." ----> no s**t.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
& Chris Stinger on early Cro-Magnon of Eurasia: "Some resembled modern Africans and Australians more than modern Europeans"
Debunked can only wail bitterly: "No s**t".
Actually there is 'feces', a heaping pile of it.
It's what you've been reduced to.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by Evergreen:
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:In fact, ancestral L3 clades are as restricted to Africa as L1 and L2.
Indeed as is Pn2 [or E3, aka father of E3a and E3b].
Evergreen Writes:
Rasol, this makes sense. It seems the "Bantu" and the Greeks have genetic affinity based upon the PN2 clade. But why don't we hear much about this close affinity in the media?
Genetic distances are closer between Greeks and African groups than to any other Mediterranean group and finally Greeks cluster with Africans in both neighbour joining dendrograms and correspondence analyses.
The time period when these relationships might have occurred was ancient but uncertain and might be related to the displace-ment of Egyptian-Ethiopian people living in pharaonic Egypt. - Arnaiz-Villena et al
^ Perhaps the goal is to silence this truth.
If so, it's not working.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
quote:"Dr. Grine said these modern humans probably originated in East Africa, which is rich in fossils of ancestors of the species, and had then moved into Eurasia and also south to the tip of Africa."
Wouldn't this also be in agreement with Europe, not being inhabited by the original OOA population 65kya+, but rather a later dispersal of OOA directly from Africa? Possibly around 40kya and 36kya?
No, based on genetics, the case is that the primary populations spread from Africa along the southern route to south Asia and Australia 60+kya~, and later from south Asia to central asia. 40+kya ~
Europeans spread to Europe from central asia. 30+ yya ~
Most early ooa models assumed and northern passage thru the levantine.... but this model is hampered by the fact that is region is extreme desert during this time.
Remember this is the UP, and humans do not have any domesticated beasts of burden, or pottery [to carry food and water].
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
quote:"Dr. Grine said these modern humans probably originated in East Africa, which is rich in fossils of ancestors of the species, and had then moved into Eurasia and also south to the tip of Africa."
Wouldn't this also be in agreement with Europe, not being inhabited by the original OOA population 65kya+, but rather a later dispersal of OOA directly from Africa? Possibly around 40kya and 36kya?
No, based on genetics, the case is that the primary populations spread from Africa along the southern route to south Asia and Australia 60+kya~, and later from south Asia to central asia. 40+kya ~
Europeans spread to Europe from central asia. 30+ yya ~
Most early ooa models assumed and northern passage thru the levantine.... but this model is hampered by the fact that is region is extreme desert during this time.
Remember this is the UP, and humans do not have any domesticated beasts of burden, or pottery [to carry food and water].
True indeed, I've saw Journey of man. I figured genetics would discredit it. I guess then it just confirms what we already know, humans still resembled populations in Africa, despite being OOA for about 25-30,000 years, entered Europe and stood this way, although through time Early Europeans, were beginning to become somewhat cold adapted, but not fully. Although retaining their original brown skin, by eating a lot of vitamin D rich meats, they were gradually adapting shorter I.e cold adapted limbs by the Mesolithic, and became fully pale in the Neolithic, due to the spread of agriculture.
The Genetic Map of Europe
By NICHOLAS WADE Published: August 13, 2008
Biologists have constructed a genetic map of Europe showing the degree of relatedness between its various populations.
All the populations are quite similar, but the differences are sufficient that it should be possible to devise a forensic test to tell which country in Europe an individual probably comes from, said Manfred Kayser, a geneticist at the Erasmus University Medical Center in the Netherlands.
The map shows, at right, the location in Europe where each of the sampled populations live and, at left, the genetic relationship between these 23 populations. The map was constructed by Dr. Kayser, Dr. Oscar Lao and others, and appears in an article in Current Biology published on line on August 7.
The genetic map of Europe bears a clear structural similarity to the geographic map. The major genetic differences are between populations of the north and south (the vertical axis of the map shows north-south differences, the horizontal axis those of east-west). The area assigned to each population reflects the amount of genetic variation in it.
"Europe has been colonized three times in the distant past, always from the south. Some 45,000 years ago the first modern humans entered Europe from the south. The glaciers returned around 20,000 years ago and the second colonization occurred about 17,000 years ago by people returning from southern refuges. The third invasion was that of farmers bringing the new agricultural technology from the Near East around 10,000 years ago. "
The pattern of genetic differences among present day Europeans probably reflects the impact of these three ancient migrations, Dr. Kayser said.
The map also identifies the existence of two genetic barriers within Europe. One is between the Finns (light blue, upper right) and other Europeans. It arose because the Finnish population was at one time very small and then expanded, bearing the atypical genetics of its few founders.
The other is between Italians (yellow, bottom center) and the rest. This may reflect the role of the Alps in impeding free flow of people between Italy and the rest of Europe.
Data for the map were generated by gene chips programmed to test and analyze 500,000 sites of common variation on the human genome, although only the 300,000 most reliable sites were used for the map. Dr. Kayser's team tested almost 2,500 people and analyzed the data by correlating the genetic variations in all the subjects. The genetic map is based on the two strongest of these sets of correlations.
The gene chips require large amounts of DNA, more than is available in most forensic samples. Dr. Kayser hopes to identify the sites on the human genome which are most diagnostic for European origin. These sites, if reasonably few in number, could be tested for in hair and blood samples, Dr. Kayser said.
Genomic sites that carry the strongest signal of variation among populations may be those influenced by evolutionary change, Dr. Kayser said. Of the 100 strongest sites, 17 are found in the region of the genome that confers lactose tolerance, an adaptation that arose among a cattle herding culture in northern Europe some 5,000 years ago. Most people switch off the lactose digesting gene after weaning, but the cattle herders evidently gained a great survival advantage by keeping the gene switched on through adulthood.
I figured since in the above it states "Europe has been colonized three times in the distant past, always from the south"
And then the Skull found from South Africa matching Early Europeans. I would've thought it was a migration directly from Africa.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:I figured since in the above it states "Europe has been colonized three times in the distant past, always from the south"
^ You're leaping to wrong conclusions about what the article is saying by not reading quite carefully enough.
If this was a claim that Europe was populated *directly* from Africa, it would be wrong.
But the article does not claim this, so it is the assumptions you're making about it which are inaccurate.
[note: that one of the 3 invasions they refer to is one from what they call 'the middle east', which is still referred to as 'from the south', another is from southern europe, and refers to the repopulating of northern europe after the glaciers retreated. the reference to south here, does *not* = Africa.]
quote:And then the Skull found from South Africa matching Early Europeans.
Careful. You make the same mistake twice, which I'm sure makes Debunked happy, since sowing confusion is one of his goals.
Here is what the article actually states...
"Out of Africa" theory, which predicts that humans like those that inhabited Eurasia in the Upper Paleolithic should be found in sub-Saharan Africa around 36,000 years ago. The skull from South Africa provides the first fossil evidence in support of this prediction.
^ Upper Paleolithic humans from Europe, China, Australia and even South America all resemble Upper Paleolithic Africans....because that is where they come from.
Nowhere is it implied from this, nor can it be logically inferred that the migration pattern is directly from Africa to Europe, or Africa to South America, or Africa to China, or Africa to China to Europe to South America.....
Logically Out of Africa implies that all Paleolithic humans should resemble Paleolithic Africans, regardless of what path their outmigration entailed. Posted by Ausàrian (Member # 14778) on :
quote: "Because the Bushmen are well represented in the more recent archaeological record, Dr. Harvati said, they were expected to bear a close resemblance to the Hofmeyr skull. Instead, the skull was found to be quite distinct from all recent Africans, including the Bushmen, she said, and it has 'a very close affinity' with fossil specimens of Europeans living in the Upper Paleolithic, the period best known for advanced stone tools and cave art.
Someone already alluded to point with regards to the *actual* set of "recent" Africans used for comparison, not to mention whether the application "Africans" here extends to coastal north Africans, but question is, do these "Upper Paleolithic" fossil specimens resemble "recent Europeans"? -- for we were told that living Europeans of northern Europe less resemble their Neolithic counterpart than their southern colleaques are to their Neolithic counterparts; knowing that we are dealing with distinct time frames, so how about Upper Paleolithic patterns vis-a-vis those observed in recent Europeans [which I take it, is not homogenous]?
Posted by Ausàrian (Member # 14778) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
^ Upper Paleolithic humans from Europe, China, Australia and even South America all resemble Upper Paleolithic Africans....because that is where they come from.
Naturally, this ties in with the question just posed, and in some way linked to an earlier one, which "Debunker" left unanswered, as per his/her own claim:
If this occurred in Africa "prior" to OOA, is that not by definition, "African"? And what specific skeletal samples "prior to OOA" attest to such a seemingly "bimodal" divergence? Posted by phenelzine (Member # 15694) on :
I found this at Human Biodiversity forum. Those posting on this thread might find the article useful.
Excerpts from NY Times article by Nicholas Wade March 16, 1999.
Study Alters Time Line for the Splitting of Human Populations
he ancestors of Africans and non-Africans split apart almost 200,000 years ago, much earlier than previously thought, a study of DNA in living populations has found. The estimate is so early that it precedes by some 70,000 years the first known fossils of modern humans.
The authors of the study say they cannot tell in which branch of the split population the genes that shape modern humans first developed, but they believe the genes spread quickly throughout the other branch because of the advantage they conferred.
The study, published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, also reports the first fixed DNA difference between African and non-African populations. The difference, which may be rendered less absolute when more people are tested, is in a single chemical unit of DNA that has no functional significance.
The new finding, if sustained, is surprising in the light of two widely held assumptions about human origins. One is the view that modern humans evolved in sub-Saharan Africa and, in a later split, a small band then emigrated to populate the rest of the world.
The other is the expectation that only a handful of minor genes underlying superficial characteristics like hair and skin color would show sharp differences between major population groups. The gene under study is part of an enzyme, known as pyruvate dehydrogenase, which controls an important step in glucose metabolism.
The report, by Dr. Eugene E. Harris and Dr. Jody Hey of Rutgers University in New Jersey, suggests that the archaic human population split first, probably in Africa, and that the modernity typical of people today developed later.
Dr. Hey said that he and Dr. Harris selected the pyruvate gene purely for reasons of convenience: it lies on the X chromosome, and by studying the gene in men, who have only one copy of the X chromosome, they had to determine the sequence of DNA units only once in each individual.
They sequenced a 4,200-unit-long segment of DNA from the pyruvate gene in 16 Africans, 19 non-Africans and 2 male chimpanzees. The forebears of chimps and of humans are believed to have split into separate species some five million years ago, which yielded a time scale for measuring the rate of mutation in the DNA segment. Though the number of DNA samples was small, the researchers said their statistical analysis produced a meaningful result.
The Rutgers biologists noted 25 positions in the DNA segment at which their human subjects tended to have different chemical letters from the chimp sequence. The differences are caused by successive changes or mutations in units of DNA, allowing a family tree of the changes to be constructed.
Assuming the mutations occur at regular intervals, like a steadily ticking molecular clock, the Rutgers biologists concluded that the ancestral hominid sequence is 1.86 million years old. This is about the time of an archaic human species known as Homo habilis, and confirms the idea that much of the genetic variation in living populations is very old.
Much later, at about 189,000 years ago, the researchers said, the gene tree split into African and non-African branches, a point marked by a new mutation found only in the non-African subjects. At a place in the gene where Africans have the chemical sequence GCG, non-Africans have GCA, the letters standing for different units in DNA. In the genetic code, both GCG and GCA specify the same amino acid unit of a protein, so the difference has no practical effect.
However, the date it implies for an African/non-African split is substantially earlier than estimates so far derived from other parts of the human genome, which range from 100,000 to 156,000 years ago.
Dr. Hey said these estimates did not take into account, as his does, the subsequent flow of genes between the separate branches, an omission which lowers the apparent splitting date.
The Rutgers biologists cannot say from their study where the split took place, though presumably it was somewhere in Africa.
But from the amount of variability seen in their DNA sequences, they can estimate the effective size of the ancestral human population, which they put at a mere 18,000 people. Estimates from other genes range from 11,000 to 18,000, numbers thought not to have been greatly exceeded until a population expansion began some 50,000 years ago.
Dr. Hey said that 18,000 people, even hunter-gatherers, did not take up a lot of room, and that the African/non-African population split could still have left the two groups close to each other, even if geographically separated.
When the gene changes that led to modernity evolved, they would have reached and quickly spread through the other because of the powerful selective advantage they conferred.
Dr. Hey believes that Africans and non-Africans may have distinctly different versions of the gene because of a "genetic sweep" that erased much of the variability in the non-African version of the gene. A genetic sweep occurs when some gene or element of a gene confers so large a survival advantage that a wide region of DNA on either side of it becomes embedded in the whole population.
Since none of the mutations found by the Rutgers group make any practical difference, Dr. Hey believes the point of selective advantage may lie in another part of the gene or even in a neighboring gene.
The selective advantage, whatever it was, may have conferred an edge against some threat -- perhaps a disease or climatic change -- confronted only by non-Africans. "It was some kind of environmental difference but I don't have a clue as to what," Dr. Hey said.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Originally posted by Ausarian
quote:Someone already alluded to point with regards to the *actual* set of "recent" Africans used for comparison, not to mention whether the application "Africans" here extends to coastal north Africans, but question is, do these "Upper Paleolithic" fossil specimens resemble "recent Europeans"? -- for we were told that living Europeans of northern Europe less resemble their Neolithic counterpart than their southern colleaques are to their Neolithic counterparts; knowing that we are dealing with distinct time frames, so how about Upper Paleolithic patterns vis-a-vis those observed in recent Europeans [which I take it, is not homogenous]?
Dr. Richard G. Klein, a paleoanthropologist at Stanford, said that it was hard to correlate the specific gene changes in the three populations with events in the archaeological record, but that the timing and nature of the changes in the East Asians and Europeans seemed compatible with the shift to agriculture. Rice farming became widespread in China 6,000 to 7,000 years ago, and agriculture reached Europe from the Near East around the same time.
Skeletons similar in form to modern Chinese are hard to find before that period, Dr. Klein said, and there are few European skeletons older than 10,000 years that look like modern Europeans.
Anthropologists have generally assumed that the first modern humans to arrive in Europe some 45,000 years ago had the dark skin of their African origins, but soon acquired the paler skin needed to admit sunlight for vitamin D synthesis.
The finding of five skin genes selected 6,600 years ago could imply that Europeans acquired their pale skin much more recently. Or, the selected genes may have been a reinforcement of a process established earlier, Dr. Pritchard said.
The five genes show no sign of selective pressure in East Asians.
Because Chinese and Japanese are also pale, Dr. Pritchard said, evolution must have accomplished the same goal in those populations by working through different genes or by changing the same genes — but many thousands of years before, so that the signal of selection is no longer visible to the new test.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by phenelzine: Those posting on this thread might find the article useful.
Excerpts from NY Times article by Nicholas Wade March 16, 1999.
Those who know anything about the topic might find the article outdated, and reference more current and accurate information instead:
quote:True indeed, I've saw Journey of man. I figured genetics would discredit it. I guess then it just confirms what we already know, humans still resembled populations in Africa, despite being OOA for about 25-30,000 years, entered Europe and stood this way, although through time Early Europeans, were beginning to become somewhat cold adapted, but not fully. Although retaining their original brown skin, by eating a lot of vitamin D rich meats, they were gradually adapting shorter I.e cold adapted limbs by the Mesolithic, and became fully pale in the Neolithic, due to the spread of agriculture.
Originally posted by Knowledge
quote: I figured since in the above it states "Europe has been colonized three times in the distant past, always from the south"
And then the Skull found from South Africa matching Early Europeans. I would've thought it was a migration directly from Africa.
Originally posted by rasol
quote: You're leaping to wrong conclusions about what the article is saying by not reading quite carefully enough.
I wasn't really making a conclusion, just a silly question. Since I already know research knocks down any arguments for any other origin. New findings show that a loss in genetic diversity the further a population is from Africa is mirrored by a loss in variation in physical attributes. Since I already knew of European Origins from this first article following article. Which pretty much says the same thing.
The Origin of the Europeans; Combining Genetics and Archaeology, Scientists Rough Out Continent's 50,000-Year-Old Story
In one of the most detailed genetic reconstructions of population history so far, Dr. Martin Richards of the University of Huddersfield in England and many colleagues have traced the remarkably ancient ancestry of the present-day population of Europe.
Some 6 percent of Europeans are descended from the continent's first founders, who entered Europe from the Near East in the Upper Paleolithic era 45,000 years ago, Dr. Richards calculates. The descendants of these earliest arrivals are still more numerous in certain regions of Europe that may have provided them with refuge from subsequent waves of immigration. One is the mountainous Basque country, where people still speak a language completely different from all other European languages. Another is in the European extreme of Scandinavia. Another 80 percent arrived 30,000 to 20,000 years ago, before the peak of the last glaciation, and 10 percent came in the Neolithic 10,000 years ago, when the ice age ended and agriculture was first introduced to Europe from the Near East. It used to be thought that the most important human dispersals occurred in the Neolithic, prompted by the population increases made possible by the invention of agriculture. But it now seems that the world filled up early and the first inhabitants were quite resistant to displacement by later arrivals.
And then this article.
New Research Confirms 'Out Of Africa' Theory Of Human Evolution
(May 10, 2007) — Researchers have produced new DNA evidence that almost certainly confirms the theory that all modern humans have a common ancestry. The genetic survey, produced by a collaborative team led by scholars at Cambridge and Anglia Ruskin Universities, shows that Australia's aboriginal population sprang from the same tiny group of colonists, along with their New Guinean neighbours.
The research confirms the “Out Of Africa” hypothesis that all modern humans stem from a single group of Homo sapiens who emigrated from Africa 2,000 generations ago and spread throughout Eurasia over thousands of years. These settlers replaced other early humans (such as Neanderthals), rather than interbreeding with them.
Academics analysed the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and Y chromosome DNA of Aboriginal Australians and Melanesians from New Guinea. This data was compared with the various DNA patterns associated with early humans. The research was an international effort, with researchers from Tartu in Estonia, Oxford, and Stanford in California all contributing key data and expertise.
The results showed that both the Aborigines and Melanesians share the genetic features that have been linked to the exodus of modern humans from Africa 50,000 years ago.
Until now, one of the main reasons for doubting the “Out Of Africa” theory was the existence of inconsistent evidence in Australia. The skeletal and tool remains that have been found there are strikingly different from those elsewhere on the “coastal expressway” – the route through South Asia taken by the early settlers.
Some scholars argue that these discrepancies exist either because the early colonists interbred with the local Homo erectus population, or because there was a subsequent, secondary migration from Africa. Both explanations would undermine the theory of a single, common origin for modern-day humans.
But in the latest research there was no evidence of a genetic inheritance from Homo erectus, indicating that the settlers did not mix and that these people therefore share the same direct ancestry as the other Eurasian peoples.
Geneticist Dr Peter Forster, who led the research, said: “Although it has been speculated that the populations of Australia and New Guinea came from the same ancestors, the fossil record differs so significantly it has been difficult to prove. For the first time, this evidence gives us a genetic link showing that the Australian Aboriginal and New Guinean populations are descended directly from the same specific group of people who emerged from the African migration.”
At the time of the migration, 50,000 years ago, Australia and New Guinea were joined by a land bridge and the region was also only separated from the main Eurasian land mass by narrow straits such as Wallace's Line in Indonesia. The land bridge was submerged about 8,000 years ago.
The new study also explains why the fossil and archaeological record in Australia is so different to that found elsewhere even though the genetic record shows no evidence of interbreeding with Homo erectus, and indicates a single Palaeolithic colonisation event.
The DNA patterns of the Australian and Melanesian populations show that the population evolved in relative isolation. The two groups also share certain genetic characteristics that are not found beyond Melanesia. This would suggest that there was very little gene flow into Australia after the original migration.
Dr Toomas Kivisild, from the Cambridge University Department of Biological Anthropology, who co-authored the report, said: “The evidence points to relative isolation after the initial arrival, which would mean any significant developments in skeletal form and tool use were not influenced by outside sources.
“There was probably a minor secondary gene flow into Australia while the land bridge from New Guinea was still open, but once it was submerged the population was apparently isolated for thousands of years. The differences in the archaeological record are probably the result of this, rather than any secondary migration or interbreeding.” Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:Originally posted by phenelzine: Those posting on this thread might find the article useful.
Excerpts from NY Times article by Nicholas Wade March 16, 1999.
Those who know anything about the topic might find the article outdated, and reference more current and accurate information instead:
^^^ Great site
Posted by Ausàrian (Member # 14778) on :
From above...
* Though the number of DNA samples was small, the researchers said their statistical analysis produced a meaningful result.
Larger sample-sizes draw better conclusions.
*Assuming the mutations occur at regular intervals, like a steadily ticking molecular clock,
This may be a problem, if as argued elsewhere in the article, the possibility that some element of the gene or another in tandem to it underwent a genetic sweep due to some selective advantage. Genes undergone selective pressure are generally not good indicators of assessing regularity in intervals between mutational events, not to mention...
Dr. Hey said these estimates did not take into account, as his does, the subsequent flow of genes between the separate branches, an omission which lowers the apparent splitting date.
Other relevant notes...
Since none of the mutations found by the Rutgers group make any practical difference, Dr. Hey believes the point of selective advantage may lie in another part of the gene or even in a neighboring gene.
The selective advantage, whatever it was, may have conferred an edge against some threat -- perhaps a disease or climatic change -- confronted only by non-Africans. "It was some kind of environmental difference but I don't have a clue as to what," Dr. Hey said.
As noted earlier regarding the lack of continuity in the skulls of ancient and modern Europeans.
quote:Originally posted by rasol: ^ One of the constant shell games that race-mongers play, is the attempt to determine when "phenotype races" evolved.
This produces disagreement amongst them, since they are essentially chasing the unicorn.
Human skulls never divided into race-templates to begin with, and moreover skeletal features constantly change amongst all peoples.
After many thousands of years, any search for highly exacting skeletal continuities it likely to come up false.
Or, if such is claimed, it is likely to be debunked.
We know that the original human population was African.
We know they were tropically adapted in terms of pigmentation, or melanoderm - blacks, as Africans are today.
We know that they were tropically adapted in terms of distal limb ratios, as is the case today.
We know that their skull shapes varied widely, as they do today. [the attempt to create a stereotype of african skull is invariably based on FAILURE to consider data that confounds the stereotype - of course all stereotypes work this way]
At this time we know that there are no white people, no europeans and no caucasians. They simply don't exist.
Eurocentrists such as Debunked know this.
One parameter for comedy is...the tension produced by knowing, yet not being able to admit.
Let the comedy continue then.....
^ Of course Debunked had no answer, as he is too busy trying to justify his backwards thinking.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasol: As noted earlier regarding the lack of continuity in the skulls of ancient and modern Europeans.
quote:Originally posted by rasol: ^ One of the constant shell games that race-mongers play, is the attempt to determine when "phenotype races" evolved.
This produces disagreement amongst them, since they are essentially chasing the unicorn.
Human skulls never divided into race-templates to begin with, and moreover skeletal features constantly change amongst all peoples.
After many thousands of years, any search for highly exacting skeletal continuities it likely to come up false.
Or, if such is claimed, it is likely to be debunked.
We know that the original human population was African.
We know they were tropically adapted in terms of pigmentation, or melanoderm - blacks, as Africans are today.
We know that they were tropically adapted in terms of distal limb ratios, as is the case today.
We know that their skull shapes varied widely, as they do today. [the attempt to create a stereotype of african skull is invariably based on FAILURE to consider data that confounds the stereotype - of course all stereotypes work this way]
At this time we know that there are no white people, no europeans and no caucasians. They simply don't exist.
Eurocentrists such as Debunked know this.
One parameter for comedy is...the tension produced by knowing, yet not being able to admit.
Let the comedy continue then.....
^ Of course Debunked had no answer, as he is too busy trying to justify his backwards thinking.
It could also just be implying that there are very few European Skeletons who are fully cold adapted as todays modern European is, before 10kya(8,000 B.C.E.) Which is in agreement with the spread of agriculture around those times. Since it doesn't really state cranio-facial morphology, but rather just skeleton.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:It could also just be implying...
^ Clarify what "it" you are referring to.
Posted by phenelzine (Member # 15694) on :
^ Dead link, that seems to reference Daniel Garrigan, one of the few remaining multi-regionalists who thinks that Europeans are hybridised with Neanderthal.
Most geneticists reject this view.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:It could also just be implying...
^ Clarify what "it" you are referring to.
"Skeletons similar in form to modern Chinese are hard to find before that period, Dr. Klein said, and there are few European skeletons older than 10,000 years that look like modern Europeans. "
Instead of implying cranio-facial characteristics, perhaps he's implying skeletal adaptation of there being only few Europeans skeletons being cold adapted before 8,000 B.C.E. Instead of trying to insinuate when phenotypes and a fake constitution of 'race' came into play.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Originally posted by phenelzine: Here's a more recent study:
Do you even understand that you're implying Modern Eurasians are descended from Neanderthal?
Posted by phenelzine (Member # 15694) on :
1) Where did you get the idea that Garrigan was a multi-regionalist?
2) This study has nothing to do with Neanderthals; it's about population structure within Africa before anyone left.
3) Did you two guys even read the study? You couldn't have. You answered almost immediately-- the study is 29 pages long.
Posted by phenelzine (Member # 15694) on :
Here's another study. Just excerpts though. I can't get access to it fully. Can anybody here get access? It looks pretty interesting.
Several studies of nucleotide and haplotype variation have indicated that ancestral African populations were geographically structured prior to the migration of modern humans out of Africa (70, 71, 79, 157, 197, 237). Additionally, a recent study of 800 short tandem repeat polymorphisms (STRPs) and 400 INDELs genotyped in more than 3000 geographically and ethnically diverse Africans indicates the presence of at least 13 genetically distinct ancestral populations in Africa and high levels of population admixture in many regions (F.A. Reed & S.A Tishkoff, unpublished data). Population clusters are correlated with selfdescribed ethnicity and shared cultural and/or linguistic properties (e.g., Pygmies, Khoisanspeaking hunter-gatherers, Bantu speakers, Cushitic speakers). This study reveals extensive admixture between inferred ancestral populations in most African populations. One exception is amongWest African Niger-Kordofanian (i.e., Bantu) speakers who are more genetically homogeneous compared with other African populations, likely reflecting the recent and rapid spread of Bantu speakers from a common origin in Cameroon/Nigeria (although fine-scale genetic structure can be detected amongst these populations). Thus, the pattern of genetic diversity in Africa indicates that African populations have maintained a large and subdivided population structure throughout much of their evolutionary history (Figure 2).
Annual Review of Genomics and Human Genetics Vol. 9 (Volume publication date September 2008) (doi:10.1146/annurev.genom.9.081307.164258) African Genetic Diversity: Implications for Human Demographic History, Modern Human Origins, and Complex Disease Mapping Michael C. Campbell, Sarah A. Tishkoff Comparative studies of ethnically diverse human populations, particularly in Africa, are important for reconstructing human evolutionary history and for understanding the genetic basis of phenotypic adaptation and complex disease. African populations are characterized by greater levels of genetic diversity, extensive population substructure, and less linkage disequilibrium (LD) among loci compared to non-African populations. Africans also possess a number of genetic adaptations that have evolved in response to diverse climates and diets, as well as exposure to infectious disease. This review summarizes patterns and the evolutionary origins of genetic diversity present in African populations, as well as their implications for the mapping of complex traits, including disease susceptibility.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Originally posted by phenelzine: 1) Where did you get the idea that Garrigan was a multi-regionalist?
2) This study has nothing to do with Neanderthals; it's about population structure within Africa before anyone left.
3) Did you two guys even read the study? You couldn't have. You answered almost immediately-- the study is 29 pages long.
So post relevant data from the study, and the point you're trying to prove, Thanks!!
While you're at it, read this
New Research Confirms 'Out Of Africa' Theory Of Human Evolution
(May 10, 2007) — Researchers have produced new DNA evidence that almost certainly confirms the theory that all modern humans have a common ancestry. The genetic survey, produced by a collaborative team led by scholars at Cambridge and Anglia Ruskin Universities, shows that Australia's aboriginal population sprang from the same tiny group of colonists, along with their New Guinean neighbours.
The research confirms the “Out Of Africa” hypothesis that all modern humans stem from a single group of Homo sapiens who emigrated from Africa 2,000 generations ago and spread throughout Eurasia over thousands of years. These settlers replaced other early humans (such as Neanderthals), rather than interbreeding with them.
Academics analysed the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and Y chromosome DNA of Aboriginal Australians and Melanesians from New Guinea. This data was compared with the various DNA patterns associated with early humans. The research was an international effort, with researchers from Tartu in Estonia, Oxford, and Stanford in California all contributing key data and expertise.
The results showed that both the Aborigines and Melanesians share the genetic features that have been linked to the exodus of modern humans from Africa 50,000 years ago.
Until now, one of the main reasons for doubting the “Out Of Africa” theory was the existence of inconsistent evidence in Australia. The skeletal and tool remains that have been found there are strikingly different from those elsewhere on the “coastal expressway” – the route through South Asia taken by the early settlers.
Some scholars argue that these discrepancies exist either because the early colonists interbred with the local Homo erectus population, or because there was a subsequent, secondary migration from Africa. Both explanations would undermine the theory of a single, common origin for modern-day humans.
But in the latest research there was no evidence of a genetic inheritance from Homo erectus, indicating that the settlers did not mix and that these people therefore share the same direct ancestry as the other Eurasian peoples.
Geneticist Dr Peter Forster, who led the research, said: “Although it has been speculated that the populations of Australia and New Guinea came from the same ancestors, the fossil record differs so significantly it has been difficult to prove. For the first time, this evidence gives us a genetic link showing that the Australian Aboriginal and New Guinean populations are descended directly from the same specific group of people who emerged from the African migration.”
At the time of the migration, 50,000 years ago, Australia and New Guinea were joined by a land bridge and the region was also only separated from the main Eurasian land mass by narrow straits such as Wallace's Line in Indonesia. The land bridge was submerged about 8,000 years ago.
The new study also explains why the fossil and archaeological record in Australia is so different to that found elsewhere even though the genetic record shows no evidence of interbreeding with Homo erectus, and indicates a single Palaeolithic colonisation event.
The DNA patterns of the Australian and Melanesian populations show that the population evolved in relative isolation. The two groups also share certain genetic characteristics that are not found beyond Melanesia. This would suggest that there was very little gene flow into Australia after the original migration.
Dr Toomas Kivisild, from the Cambridge University Department of Biological Anthropology, who co-authored the report, said: “The evidence points to relative isolation after the initial arrival, which would mean any significant developments in skeletal form and tool use were not influenced by outside sources.
“There was probably a minor secondary gene flow into Australia while the land bridge from New Guinea was still open, but once it was submerged the population was apparently isolated for thousands of years. The differences in the archaeological record are probably the result of this, rather than any secondary migration or interbreeding.”
New Research Proves Single Origin Of Humans In Africa
(July 19, 2007) — New research published in the journal Nature (19 July) has proved the single origin of humans theory by combining studies of global genetic variations in humans with skull measurements across the world. The research, at the University of Cambridge and funded by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC), represents a final blow for supporters of a multiple origins of humans theory.
Competing theories on the origins of anatomically modern humans claim that either humans originated from a single point in Africa and migrated across the world, or different populations independently evolved from homo erectus to home sapiens in different areas.
The Cambridge researchers studied genetic diversity of human populations around the world and measurements of over 6,000 skulls from across the globe in academic collections. Their research knocks down one of the last arguments in favour of multiple origins. The new findings show that a loss in genetic diversity the further a population is from Africa is mirrored by a loss in variation in physical attributes.
Lead researcher, Dr Andrea Manica from the University's Department of Zoology, explained: "The origin of anatomically modern humans has been the focus of much heated debate. Our genetic research shows the further modern humans have migrated from Africa the more genetic diversity has been lost within a population.
"However, some have used skull data to argue that modern humans originated in multiple spots around the world. We have combined our genetic data with new measurements of a large sample of skulls to show definitively that modern humans originated from a single area in Sub-saharan Africa."
The research team found that genetic diversity decreased in populations the further away from Africa they were - a result of 'bottlenecks' or events that temporarily reduced populations during human migration. They then studied an exceptionally large sample of human skulls. Taking a set of measurements across all the skulls the team showed that not only was variation highest amongst the sample from south eastern Africa but that it did decrease at the same rate as the genetic data the further the skull was away from Africa.
To ensure the validity of their single origin evidence the researchers attempted to use their data to find non-African origins for modern humans. Research Dr Francois Balloux explains: "To test the alternative theory for the origin of modern humans we tried to find an additional, non-African origin. We found this just did not work. Our findings show that humans originated in a single area in Sub-Saharan Africa."
Posted by phenelzine (Member # 15694) on :
These studies have nothing to do with OOA. They're about population structure within Africa before OOA! I don't have access to Tishkoff; read Garrigan and make your own interpretations--- I'm not asserting anything here. It's for you guys to make your own interpretations.
On second thought, I will assert one thing: These studies are not taking the multiregionalist position. I'd guess that they follow the "weak" Garden of Eden theory, like that guy Oppenheimer at Bradshaw. Anyway, I thought this stuff was interesting. With that, I'll take my leave. We don't seem to talking about the same issue. Good luck.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Originally posted by phenelzine: These studies have nothing to do with OOA. They're about population structure within Africa before OOA! I don't have access to Tishkoff; read Garrigan and make your own interpretations--- I'm not asserting anything here. It's for you guys to make your own interpretations.
On second thought, I will assert one thing: These studies are not taking the multiregionalist position. I'd guess that they follow the "weak" Garden of Eden theory, like that guy Oppenheimer at Bradshaw. Anyway, I thought this stuff was interesting. With that, I'll take my leave. We don't seem to talking about the same issue. Good luck.
Abstract Fossil evidence links human ancestry with populations that evolved modern gracile morphology in Africa 130,000 – 160,000 years ago. Yet fossils alone do not provide clear answers to the question of whether the ancestors of all modern Homo sapiens comprised a single African population or an amalgamation of distinct archaic populations. DNA sequence data have consistently supported a single origin model in which anatomically modern Africans expanded and completely replaced all other archaic hominin populations. Aided by a novelexperimental design, we present the first genetic evidence that statistically rejects the nullhypothesis that our species descends from a single, historically panmictic population. In a global sample of 42 X chromosomes, two African individuals carry a lineage of non-coding 17.5 kilobase sequence that has survived for over one million years without any clear traces of ongoing recombination with other lineages at this locus. These patterns of deep haplotype divergence and long-range linkage disequilibrium are best explained by a prolonged period of ancestral population subdivision followed by relatively recent interbreeding. This inference supports human evolution models that incorporate admixture between divergent African branches of the genus Homo.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by phenelzine: 1) Where did you get the idea that Garrigan was a multi-regionalist?
From Garrigan: Evidence for Archaic Asian Ancestry on the Human X Chromosome Daniel Garrigan
quote:2) This study has nothing to do with Neanderthals; it's about population structure within Africa before anyone left.
You posted a link which did not work.
quote:3) Did you two guys even read the study? You couldn't have. You answered almost immediately-- the study is 29 pages long.
See above.
1) Do you know what the null hypothesis is?
2) Do you understand why the "novel experimental" mathamatical modeling by which Garrigan rejects the null hypothesis, is itself rejected by most geneticists as "proof" of 'archaic' ancestry in humans?
3) If yes, can you explain the above?
quote:I don't have access to Tishkoff
You should, as she has access to far more African DNA than Garrigan.
quote:Make your own interpretation
Ok. My interpretation is that this is not relevant to the topic: New E3b paper totally destroys East African "Caucasoid" myth Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:It could also just be implying...
^ Clarify what "it" you are referring to.
"Skeletons similar in form to modern Chinese are hard to find before that period, Dr. Klein said, and there are few European skeletons older than 10,000 years that look like modern Europeans. "
Instead of implying cranio-facial characteristics, perhaps he's implying skeletal adaptation of there being only few Europeans skeletons being cold adapted before 8,000 B.C.E. Instead of trying to insinuate when phenotypes and a fake constitution of 'race' came into play.
He is probably referring to crania.
The problem remains - the general traits that stereo-typify skull [and some soft] traits of European, Asian and Oceanian are already present in Africa - prior to the existence of any of the above.
Traits specific enough to -prove- continuity between modern ethnic groups and ancient populations however, are rare to non-existent.
Of the three groups mentioned - it is certainly Oceanians [Melanesians and Australians] whose typical skull traits are most well represented in the Eurasian and American Upper Paleolithic.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote: Annual Review of Genomics and Human Genetics Vol. 9 (Volume publication date September 2008) (doi:10.1146/annurev.genom.9.081307.164258) African Genetic Diversity: Implications for Human Demographic History, Modern Human Origins, and Complex Disease Mapping Michael C. Campbell, Sarah A. Tishkoff Comparative studies of ethnically diverse human populations, particularly in Africa, are important for reconstructing human evolutionary history and for understanding the genetic basis of phenotypic adaptation and complex disease. African populations are characterized by greater levels of genetic diversity, extensive population substructure, and less linkage disequilibrium (LD) among loci compared to non-African populations
^ Europeans, Asians and Americans carry only a small amount of the extrodinary diversity that can be found in any African village. - Dr. Spencer Wells.
It is not *only* that lineages such as clade PN2 [E3 daddy of E3a and E3b] - see topic- are African because they originate in Africa.
It is not *merely* that this lineage is essentially found only in Africa.
It is also important to note that this African origin is symptomatic of the larger phenomenon that geneticists observe.
The entire human genome is *mostly* African.
The reason for this isn't mysterious, since Africa is where the species has originated and lived solely for most of it's history.
This is why it's impossible no matter how desparate one is to believe otherwise, to redefine African lineages as rhetorically "non African."
There simply isn't enough common *non African* genetic material even in "non Africans" to render such rhetoric anything more than wishful thinking.
This is because Non Africans, whether Melanesians or Nordes, descend from the same small pool of African Outmigrants.
The two populations have a limited sub-set of African genes.
Making matters worse for the Eurocentrists, it is Melanesians who have by far the older non-African lineages, and whose skeletal tendencies are better represented in the anthropological record as well.
Europeans just don't exist in ancient history.
White people don't exist in ancient history.
Caucasians don't exist in ancient history.
It's frustrating to Eurocentrists, [see Piltdown Man] and they have a hard time admitting this, though they know it to be true.
Posted by phenelzine (Member # 15694) on :
Do you have a cite for the other Garrigan paper? BTW, Hawkes and Trinkaus believe there might have been a few archaic lineages that "introgressed" into hss (see Hawkes on introgression, and also Razib at Gene Expression). This does not negate OOA. It only means that an "excluded middle" possibility exists---- something between pure replacement and multiregionalism. But Garrigan offers up another twist--- a sort of multiregionalism within Africa itself, before OOA, that rejects the "null hypothesis that our species descends from a single, historically panmictic population" (abstract---seen above in K's post).
From the text (Garrigan): "An interesting feature of our inference is that the putative isolation and admixture event likely occurred between ancient African subpopulations."
Can't understand why you can't access the paper. Both K and I can.
I'm sure no one here understands G's math modeling. Leave it to peer review. I seriously doubt if "most" geneticists reject the possibility of some introgession from archaics. Most do reject multiregionalism a la Wolporf.
I meant I dont have access to Tishkoff's latest study, not T generally (?) And why should T have "access to far more African DNA" than G? What are you talking about?
My cites are relevant to the existence of population structure in pre-OOA Africa (do you know what population structure is?-- if so, explain) at a deeper time depth than uniparentals. And that issue is of prime importance in this thread.
Posted by phenelzine (Member # 15694) on :
What does "Eurocentrism" have to do with what we're talking about? LOL! You're on a different page, man!
Posted by Debunker (Member # 15669) on :
quote:Originally posted by phenelzine: "Much later, at about 189,000 years ago, the researchers said, the gene tree split into African and non-African branches, a point marked by a new mutation found only in the non-African subjects."
"These patterns of deep haplotype divergence and long-range linkage disequilibrium are best explained by a prolonged period of ancestral population subdivision followed by relatively recent interbreeding."
Excellent finds. Devastating to the Afrocentric fantasy. Of course, these studies are not "outdated" or "rejected" as many desperately wish. Their results have been duplicated in numerous other studies right up to the present:
"Models of this type, which suppose the presence of old population structure among African populations, have been suggested based on evidence from other regions of the genome (Tishkoff et al. 1996; Harding et al. 1997; Labuda et al. 2000; Tishkoff et al. 2000; Zietkiewicz et al. 2003; Garrigan, Mobesher, Kingan, et al. 2005)."
Of course, Upper Paleolithic Europeans were Caucasoid, and they looked as much like recent Europeans as prehistoric peoples can be expected to look like modern peoples. At times their skulls have been misclassified because they're in such poor condition.
"Some of the discordance Van Vark et al. see between genetic and morphometric results may be attributable to their methodological choices. It is clear that the affiliation expressed by a given skull is not independent of the number of measurements taken from it. From their Table 3, it is evident that those skulls expressing Norse affinity are the most complete and have the highest number of measurements ( = 50.8), while those expressing affinity to African populations (Bushman or Zulu) are the most incomplete, averaging just 16.8 measurements per skull. Use of highly incomplete or reconstructed crania may not yield a good estimate of their morphometric affinities. When one considers only those crania with 40 or more measurements, a majority express European affinity.
"To examine this idea further, we use the eight Upper Paleolithic crania available from the test series of Howells ([1995]), all of which are complete. Our analysis of these eight, based on 55 measurements, is presented in Table 1. Using raw measurements, 6 of 8 express an affinity to Norse, and with the shape variables of Darroch and Mosimann ([1985]), 5 of 8 express a similarity to Norse. Using shape variables reduces the Mahalanobis distance, substantially in some cases. Typicality probabilities (Wilson, [1981]), particularly for the shape variables, show the crania to be fairly typical of recent populations. The results presented in Table 1 are consistent with the idea that Upper Paleolithic crania are, for the most part, larger and more generalized versions of recent Europeans. Howells ([1995]) reached a similar conclusion with respect to European Mesolithic crania."
Do you have a cite for the other Garrigan paper? BTW, Hawkes and Trinkaus believe there might have been a few archaic lineages that "introgressed" into hss (see Hawkes on introgression, and also Razib at Gene Expression).
Well, given that a.m.hs, as I've noted in a link posted above, are supposed to have ultimately evolved from an ancestral hominid, there is no reason to assume that every element of the genome has been replaced or heavily modified. However, it is clear from NRY and mtDNA markers -- the markers that are uniparentally transmitted, non-recombinant and carry genetic info virtually intact generations through to generations -- that contemporary populations derive from single male and female common ancestors; this ancestry is fairly recent, as indicated by TMRCA ages for these ultimate traceable common ancestors and by the very low overall genetic variability between contemporary human populations. These biohistory-friendly markers say nothing of miscegenation between ancestral hominids and a.m.hs; in the event there were any such activity, they would have obviously proven to have been dead-end coupling, at a level rendered irrelevant to the make up of contemporary human gene pool.
quote: This does not negate OOA.
If by 'introgression' of ' a few archaic lineages" in modern humans, one implies miscegenation between transitional archaic homomids and modern humans, then this would negate OOA, which points to singular male and female recent common ancestry, with the latter ancestry being the deeper of the two, of course. Fossil records indicate that a.m.hs were well around by the TMRCA ages of these singular ancestors.
quote: It only means that an "excluded middle" possibility exists---- something between pure replacement and multiregionalism. But Garrigan offers up another twist--- a sort of multiregionalism within Africa itself, before OOA, that rejects the "null hypothesis that our species descends from a single, historically panmictic population" (abstract---seen above in K's post).
Indeed, sounds like the sort of thing Harris and Hey were espousing in both the discussion-link I posted and the article you cited a few posts ago, wherein I responded accordingly:
*Assuming the mutations occur at regular intervals, like a steadily ticking molecular clock,
This may be a problem, if as argued elsewhere in the article, the possibility that some element of the gene or another in tandem to it underwent a genetic sweep due to some selective advantage. Genes undergone selective pressure are generally not good indicators of assessing regularity in intervals between mutational events, not to mention...
Dr. Hey said these estimates did not take into account, as his does, the subsequent flow of genes between the separate branches, an omission which lowers the apparent splitting date.
In case one hasn't read between the lines here, it is be noted that both the proposed exertion of natural selection and "subsequent gene flow" between "separate branches" have unpredictable effects on intervals between mutational events, thereby having the tendency of throwing off any proposed coalescent age(s) from actual mutational event(s) by unpredictable margins. So while, Dr. Hey points to lack of consideration for "subsequent gene flow between different branches" as accountable for inconsistencies between proposed ages of "splits", as a reflection of different portions of the genome, it is that very thing [by which I take it, the ultimate complication arises from unpredictable effects of recombination events] -- coupled with the proposal for selective pressure -- that undermine the credibility of their findings.
quote: I'm sure no one here understands G's math modeling.
What makes you *sure* about that? See above, and explain away please.
Posted by Ausàrian (Member # 14778) on :
quote:Originally posted by Debunker:
The results presented in Table 1 are consistent with the idea that Upper Paleolithic crania are, for the most part, larger and more generalized versions of recent Europeans.
What is meant by "larger" and "more generalized" here? Also, the authors wouldn't happen to have used the likes of "Cro-Magnon" or "Grimaldi" specimen as test "Upper Paleolithic" subjects, would they; what are the specific "Upper Paleolithic" test specimens, and from where?
Posted by phenelzine (Member # 15694) on :
Ausarian: Your critique of Harris seems plausible, except I dont see how a little introgression negates OOA.
Understanding G's "mathematical modeling": I'd assume you'd need a PhD in statistics. Anybody here with one?
Posted by Ausàrian (Member # 14778) on :
quote:Originally posted by phenelzine:
Understanding G's "mathematical modeling": I'd assume you'd need a PhD in statistics. Anybody here with one?
What is being measured - mutational events, the make up of nucleotide motifs, both, or what? Didn't you learn statistics in high school or junior level college?
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Debunked writes: Of course, Upper Paleolithic Europeans were caucasoid
Of course, this is the point where you pretend to ignore facts and assert fantasy.
quote:African Exodus The Origins of Modern Humanity By Christopher Stringer and Robin McKie Owl Books Page 162 "Nor does the picture get any clearer when we move on to the Cro-Magnons, the presumed ancestors of Modern Europeans. Some were more like present-day Australians or Africans, judged by objective anatomical categorizations, as is the case with some early modern skulls from the Upper Cave at Zhoukoudian in China
But of course pretending to ignore reality doesn't make it go away.
Speaking of which, you'ved failed to address....
Of course, you never will, as you have no answers. Posted by Ausàrian (Member # 14778) on :
quote:Originally posted by phenelzine:
Ausarian: Your critique of Harris seems plausible, except I dont see how a little introgression negates OOA.
Well, like I said; any "little introgression" in the sense of miscegenation between archaic hominids and a.m.hs appears to have been irrelevant in the make up of contemporary human gene pool. But I'm willing to reconsider, if you can point out 'archaic' hominid uniparental paternal and maternal markers in contemporary human gene pool, as opposed to the well known markers that all ultimately trace back to a single male and female common ancestor in the African continent.
Posted by phenelzine (Member # 15694) on :
Well, I for one dont know enough to justify the use of "Monte Carlo simulations" and the assumptions of the Wright-Fisher model.
Posted by Ausàrian (Member # 14778) on :
quote:Originally posted by phenelzine:
Well, I for one dont know enough to justify the use of "Monte Carlo simulations" and the assumptions of the Wright-Fisher model.
The reason I asked what is being measured, like say [which you'd have to have some idea of, if you had read the study], mutation patterns, is that then, it would have been taken into consideration in the comment I had already posted above.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:rasol writes: 1) Do you know what the null hypothesis is?
2) Do you understand why the "novel experimental" mathamatical modeling by which Garrigan rejects the null hypothesis, is itself rejected by most geneticists as "proof" of 'archaic' ancestry in humans?
3) If yes, can you explain the above?
quote:PhenelzineL My cites are relevant to the existence of population structure in pre-OOA Africa at a deeper time depth than uniparentals.
This statement neither answers my questions, nor makes any sense, as uniparental lineages [ie - sexual reproduction] would always exist, and cannot be "preceded" by any particular modeling of population structure.
quote:Phenelzine: And that issue is of prime importance in this thread.
quote:Ausarian writes: But I'm willing to reconsider, if you can point out 'archaic' hominid uniparental paternal and maternal markers in contemporary human gene pool.
^ The complete absense of which to date, is one of the main reasons why geneticists are skeptical of Garrigan's "novel experimental approach".
If Phenelzine is going to assert prima facie' that this approach is valid, and that most geneticists are wrong in disregarding it, he should be able to explain it.
Posted by Ausàrian (Member # 14778) on :
quote:Originally posted by Ausàrian:
What is meant by "larger" and "more generalized" here?
It is worth understanding the specifics relayed about these terms, because the last time I read about "generalized" in cranial pattern, it was said to be akin to tropical populations like Melanesians, Australians, and tropical Africans. This would be consistent with the Chris Stringer citation just posted above.
Posted by phenelzine (Member # 15694) on :
Apparenly uniparentals wouldn't show it--- the genetic systems studied have greater time depth. Once again, however, these studies focus on Africa before OOA. John Hawkes has a blog; he focuses a lot on introgession and how it works. But the main issue here-- Labuda, Harris, Garrigan, Tishkoff--- is the nature of population structure within Africa vs a panmictic ancestral human population, whether it includes archaics or not. The new Tishkoff paper looks like it addresses this. The problem is getting access to the study. Just have to wait and see if it supports the previous papers, though the excerpt appears to do so--- "thirteen distinct ancestral populations". For now, I ll bide my time until I read it.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by Ausàrian:
quote:Originally posted by Ausàrian:
What is meant by "larger" and "more generalized" here?
It is worth understanding the specifics relayed about these terms, because the last time I read about "generalized" in cranial pattern, it was said to be akin to tropical populations like Melanesians, Australians, and tropical Africans. This would be consistent with the Chris Stringer citation just posted above.
Hence we would like and answer to the question regarding the claimed 'relevance' to the topic - Caucasoid Myth Posted by Ausàrian (Member # 14778) on :
quote:Originally posted by phenelzine:
Apparenly uniparentals wouldn't show it
Why not; do all male off-springs not inherit a Y chromosome from a single parent, and do all off-springs of any gender not inherit mtDNA mainly from a single parent? Do you see a scenario in reproduction, where this natural pattern doesn't take place?
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
Phenelzine, Melanesians and Europeans are both descendant from OutOfAfrica migrants.
Given this, can you explain how population structure within Africa, and prior to OOA would lend credence to the Caucasoid myth?
Melanesians {Oceania}....
Europeans, show as intermediates
between Oceania and Africans.....
In terms of lineages... Melanesians are close to 100% descendant of Out of Africa immigrants, whereas Europeans have significant post OOA ancestry from Black Africa, including E3b, and in Southern Europe, L2 L3, and even some E3a.
So again, how does this digression re: population structures in Pre_OOA Africa, inform on the topic at hand?
quote:You're on a different page!
We're on topic certainly. Care to answer the questions, and so join us?
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by phenelzine: What does "Eurocentrism" have to do with what we're talking about?
It informs on the inability of some to engage topical facts which are in opposition to ideology.
quote:Europeans just don't exist in ancient history.
White people don't exist in ancient history.
Caucasians don't exist in ancient history.
In your case, you asked a rhetorical question....and so evaded the stated facts.
Is this due to Eurocentric bias?
If not, then please properly address the above.
Thank you.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by Ausàrian:
quote:Originally posted by phenelzine:
Apparenly uniparentals wouldn't show it
Why not; do all male off-springs not inherit a Y chromosome from a single parent, and do all off-springs of any gender not inherit mtDNA mainly from a single parent? Do you see a scenario in reproduction, where this natural pattern doesn't take place?
^ This is and excellent question, which cuts to the core of the limitations of the mathamatical model in questoin.
I will comment on it, after phenalzine is given fair opportunity to answer.
Posted by phenelzine (Member # 15694) on :
Rasol: Do you understand why the "novel experimental" mathamatical modeling by which Garrigan rejects the null hypothesis, is itself rejected by most geneticists as "proof" of 'archaic' ancestry in humans?
You name the geneticists who reject G. Show something specific about this specific study, not some general bullshit
Rasol: If yes, can you explain the above?
Invalid question. You explain why the model is incorrect-- the burdens on you to challenge, not on me to justify the evidence which Labuda, Harris, Garrigan, and Tishkoff present.
My cites are relevant to the existence of population structure in pre-OOA Africa at a deeper time depth than uniparentals. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Rasol: This statement neither answers my questions, nor makes any sense, as both as uniparental lineages [ie - sexual reproduction] would always exist, and cannot be "preceded" by any particular modeling of population structure.
You're wrong. Most uniparentals have gone extinct. You're only "question" is this: Prove those studies are not incorrect. It's you who have evaded the issue: 1) Labuda--- no response 2) Harris -- too "old"; no argument at all; we're not talking about commercial advertisments 3)Garrigan--- wrong because other geneticists dont agree; well, it's up to you show this. 4)Tishkoff--- some nonsense about "Eurocentrism".
quote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- And that issue is of prime importance in this thread. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Rasol :Why?
If you dont know by now, you might as well go to bed. Dont play dumb.
Rasol:If Phenelzine is going to assert prima facie' that this approach is valid, and that most geneticists are wrong in disregarding it, he should be able to explain it.
Prima facie? What bullshit! I didnt offer a prima facie case, I offerred evidence, and you have as yet offerred none. Get real.
I'm waiting for you to name all those geneticists who dismiss Labuda, Harris, G&T, and to show me their explanations
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Prima facie? What bullshit! I didnt offer a prima facie case
You haven't made -any- case, at all.
You merely *failed* to answer questions about the material that you cite, and apparently want to agree with, but don't actually understand.
Indeed if one were to read your posts in this thread: AND ONLY YOUR POSTS, they would have no idea of how it is relevant to the subject. [Caucasoid Myth] That's a measure of how little of a 'case' you've made.
And, I don't know why you're cursing at us, unless you're upset by not being able to answer questions about your own material.
Posted by phenelzine (Member # 15694) on :
Rasol: You're so transparent. The nightmare you think you see in others is only a reflection of your own. Stop your facile projections. At least Ausarian confronts these geneticists with some real thought and is therefore worthy of respect, even though I disagree with him. You, on the other hand, throw fecal matter.
Posted by phenelzine (Member # 15694) on :
Once again, you offer nothing. You're pathetic. And, notice that I've only cursed at you, nobody else. I have a weakness: I often get exasperated when dealing with people who have no integrity. That means you. Now, you may continue throwing poopoo.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Rasol: If yes, can you explain the [mathamatical model] above?
quote:Invalid question. You explain why the model is incorrect.
Actually the question is valid, and your excuse for not answering it is invalid and a burden of proof fallacy.
Since you obviously don't understand burden of proof, allow me to explain.
If the model in qustion were to read as follows:
^ Then you are obliged to explain it.
If you can't explain it, then you have no basis for asserting it.
Those who do not assert it, are under no obligation of proof or explanation whatsover.
They would be free to claim that the above model is irrelevant jibberish.
The burden is on *you* to explain.
If you can't meet this requirement, then all you've provided us with, is a view that you want to believe in, but do not actually understand and so cannot explain.
That's a fair assessment, no?
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by phenelzine: Once again, you offer nothing. You're pathetic. And, notice that I've only cursed at you, nobody else. I have a weakness: I often get exasperated when dealing with people who have no integrity. That means you. Now, you may continue throwing poopoo.
Actually your entire discourse is unraveling before our eyes and it's amusing.
All we've done is present evidence and ask you questions.
You fail to address the evidence, fail to answer the questions, and are now engaged in typical third act of a flame out troll..
I will simply present the evidence again, ask the questions *again*.
Feel free to ignore evidence and questions and respound with cuss words and histrionics.
It just means - - you've lost your argument.
quote:Originally posted by rasol: Phenelzine, Melanesians and Europeans are both descendant from OutOfAfrica migrants.
Gibrm his, can you explain how population structure within Africa, and prior to OOA would lend credence to the Caucasoid myth?
Melanesians {Oceania}....
Europeans, show as intermediates
between Oceania and Africans.....
In terms of lineages... Melanesians are close to 100% descendant of Out of Africa immigrants, whereas Europeans have significant post OOA ancestry from Black Africa, including E3b, and in Southern Europe, L2 L3, and even some E3a.
^ Apparently you're exasperated because you have no answers, and have also failed to impress anyone by citing materials you don't understand?
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
You are discussing ancient history - the upper paleolithic, or time of outmigration from Africa.
Europeans just don't exist in ancient history.
White people don't exist in ancient history.
Caucasians don't exist in ancient history.
This being so, the delusion of 'east africa caucasoid' remains as rightmire notes 'a myth'.
Do you agree or not?
Thank you.
quote:Originally posted by phenelzine The nightmare you think you see in others is only a reflection of your own.
^ I'm not sure what that means, but I do know two things can happen.
1) You will answer the questions, and so our debate can continue.
2) You will not answer the questions in which case the debate is over and you've lost.
Your non answers = *your* nightmare.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ No answers huh.
Very well then, since you admit to being defeated per the topic at hand, I will deal with the rest of your "argument":
quote:Rasol: This statement neither answers my questions, nor makes any sense, as both as uniparental lineages [ie - sexual reproduction - material biology] would always exist, and cannot be "preceded" by any particular modeling [reification] of population structure.
quote:You're wrong. Most uniparentals have gone extinct.
^ Nope. You're not listening. Most genes and species eventually go extinct. The point is, that all populatoins have lineages - which is a near universal biological reality of genetics.
Population 'structure' in contrast, is actually a reified abstraction, which does not precede the biological reality of lineage.
That supposed structures are mathamatical abstractions is directly related to the manner in which they are modeled and correctly or incorrectly inferred. And this is what you fail to explain.
This is important and the basis of one of my questions which you refuse to [cannot?] answer?
As you would "model" homo-sapiens, are Melanesian and European a part of the same population structure?
Yes or no?
If yes, then what does "population structure" tell us aboutr "caucasian".
If no, then what *is* the basis of a genetic structure that contrasts "Africans" and Non Africans...which you propose?
To make it is picture and genetic data which relates my question.
Melanesians {Oceania}....
Europeans, show as intermediates
between Oceania and Africans.....
Let me know if you still don't understand and I'll further simplify for you.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ and finally...
quote: And that issue is of prime importance in this thread.
quote: Rasol :Why?
quote: If you dont know by now, you might as well go to bed.
^ This bit of snideness suggests that *you* don't know, and can't answer a simple one word question [why?] about the relevance your own writings. This is in keeping with your general inability to speak with any substance on your own citations.
I thought for a second, you were going to be a better debator than Debunked.
But that second has passed.
For the record, let me ask you. Do you have anything else to present to us......?
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
quote:Originally posted by phenelzine: These studies have nothing to do with OOA. They're about population structure within Africa before OOA! I don't have access to Tishkoff; read Garrigan and make your own interpretations--- I'm not asserting anything here. It's for you guys to make your own interpretations.
On second thought, I will assert one thing: These studies are not taking the multiregionalist position. I'd guess that they follow the "weak" Garden of Eden theory, like that guy Oppenheimer at Bradshaw. Anyway, I thought this stuff was interesting. With that, I'll take my leave. We don't seem to talking about the same issue. Good luck.
Abstract Fossil evidence links human ancestry with populations that evolved modern gracile morphology in Africa 130,000 – 160,000 years ago. Yet fossils alone do not provide clear answers to the question of whether the ancestors of all modern Homo sapiens comprised a single African population or an amalgamation of distinct archaic populations. DNA sequence data have consistently supported a single origin model in which anatomically modern Africans expanded and completely replaced all other archaic hominin populations. Aided by a novelexperimental design, we present the first genetic evidence that statistically rejects the nullhypothesis that our species descends from a single, historically panmictic population. In a global sample of 42 X chromosomes, two African individuals carry a lineage of non-coding 17.5 kilobase sequence that has survived for over one million years without any clear traces of ongoing recombination with other lineages at this locus. These patterns of deep haplotype divergence and long-range linkage disequilibrium are best explained by a prolonged period of ancestral population subdivision followed by relatively recent interbreeding. This inference supports human evolution models that incorporate admixture between divergent African branches of the genus Homo.
phenelzine as I asked you from the beginning, do you even understand what you're posting and what is your proposal from postulating this theory? Is this too much to ask? Obviously your posted article, is in DISAGREEMENT, with a single origin for modern humans in Africa, instead is postulating a hybridization within Africa, with different species of homo, guy don't you understand what you post?
(July 19, 2007) — New research published in the journal Nature (19 July) has proved the single origin of humans theory by combining studies of global genetic variations in humans with skull measurements across the world. The research, at the University of Cambridge and funded by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC), represents a final blow for supporters of a multiple origins of humans theory.
Competing theories on the origins of anatomically modern humans claim that either humans originated from a single point in Africa and migrated across the world, or different populations independently evolved from homo erectus to home sapiens in different areas.
The Cambridge researchers studied genetic diversity of human populations around the world and measurements of over 6,000 skulls from across the globe in academic collections. Their research KNOCKS DOWN ONE OF THE LAST ARGUMENTS IN FAVOUR OF MULTIPLE ORIGINS. THE NEW FINDINGS SHOW THAT A LOSS IN GENETIC DIVERSITY THE FURTHER A POPULATION IS FROM AFRICA IS MIRRORED BY A LOSS IN VARIATION IN PHYSICAL ATTRIBUTES.
Lead researcher, Dr Andrea Manica from the University's Department of Zoology, explained: "The origin of anatomically modern humans has been the focus of much heated debate. OUR GENETIC RESEARCH SHOWS THE FURTHER MODERN HUMANS HAVE MIGRATED FROM AFRICA THE MORE GENETIC DIVERSITY HAS BEEN LOST WITHIN A POPULATION.
"However, some have used skull data to argue that modern humans originated in multiple spots around the world. We have combined our genetic data with new measurements of a large sample of skulls to show definitively that modern humans originated from a single area in Sub-saharan Africa."
The research team found that genetic diversity decreased in populations the further away from Africa they were - a result of 'bottlenecks' or events that temporarily reduced populations during human migration. They then studied an exceptionally large sample of human skulls. Taking a set of measurements across all the skulls the team showed that not only was variation highest amongst the sample from south eastern Africa but that it did decrease at the same rate as the genetic data the further the skull was away from Africa.
To ensure the validity of their single origin evidence the researchers attempted to use their data to find non-African origins for modern humans. Research Dr Francois Balloux explains: "To test the alternative theory for the origin of modern humans we tried to find an additional, non-African origin. We found this just did not work. Our findings show that humans originated in a single area in Sub-Saharan Africa." Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by Ausàrian:
quote:Originally posted by phenelzine:
Apparenly uniparentals wouldn't show it
Why not; do all male off-springs not inherit a Y chromosome from a single parent, and do all off-springs of any gender not inherit mtDNA mainly from a single parent? Do you see a scenario in reproduction, where this natural pattern doesn't take place?
Pehnelzines goal is simply to change the subject away from lineages, which are relevant to the topic,, to mathamatical models of African population structures....which are not, and which he does not understand and cannot explain at any rate.
In a way he reinforces the conclusions in the topic, which is about how genetic lineages destroy the caucasoid myth.
He can only attempt to counter this topic, by deflecting the discussion away from it.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Originally posted by Ausàrian:
quote:Originally posted by phenelzine:
Apparenly uniparentals wouldn't show it
Why not; do all male off-springs not inherit a Y chromosome from a single parent, and do all off-springs of any gender not inherit mtDNA mainly from a single parent? Do you see a scenario in reproduction, where this natural pattern doesn't take place?
Yea he does, but soon after, the sun rises, and he awakes from the dream.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Reply to Garrigan and Hammer: Ancient lineages and assimilation
1. Nelson J. R. Fagundes*,†,‡, 2. Nicolas Ray‡, 3. Mark Beaumont§, 4. Samuel Neuenschwander‡,¶, 5. Francisco M. Salzano†,‖, 6. Sandro L. Bonatto*,‖, and 7. Laurent Excoffier‡
+Author Affiliations
1. *Laboratório de Biologia Genômica e Molecular, Faculdade de Biociências, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS), 90619-900 Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil; 2. †Departamento de Genética, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, 91501-970 Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil; 3. ‡Computational and Molecular Population Genetics (CMPG), Zoological Institute, University of Bern, CH-3012 Bern, Switzerland; 4. §School of Animal and Microbial Sciences, University of Reading, Reading RG6 6AJ, United Kingdom; and 5. ¶Department of Ecology and Evolution, University of Lausanne, Biophore, CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland
It is true that the occurrence of partially isolated subdivisions within the ancestral population, as postulated by Garrigan and Hammer (1, 2) and others (e.g., ref. 3), could explain the persistence of old lineages and elevated LD at some loci (4). Nonetheless, this is perfectly compatible with our favored African replacement model (5), where the effective size of the inferred ancestral African population is relatively large, which could be due to ancestral internal subdivisions within Africa.
However, Garrigan and Hammer favored a model including recent admixture since they concluded (p. 678) that “the persistence of highly divergent haplotypes with elevated LD, both inside and outside Africa, suggests that replacement of archaic Homo by the AMH (Anatomically Modern Human) population might have been accompanied by some degree of genetic assimilation.” We understood this sentence as implying that admixture occurred between archaic Eurasians and migrants out of Africa, as implicitly modelled in their figure 4d, which is why we mentioned that these authors were supporting the view that old lineages would result from admixture events.
We must repeat that our results do not exclude the occurrence of some admixture events between modern and archaic humans, but they strongly support the view that these events have been extremely rare. Had this not been the case, modern human populations expanding out of Africa should have had their genome massively introgressed by archaic genes, due to repeated admixture events having occurred at the expansion wave front (6). Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Originally posted by phenelzine
quote:Hawkes and Trinkaus believe there might have been a few archaic lineages that "introgressed"
Here phenelzine, this is for you, since you mentioned Trinkaus, if you want to believe any modern humans intermixed with archaic humans, this will be perfect in fitting into your theory. But then again, genetics will still disprove it anyway.
More Human-Neandertal Mixing Evidence Uncovered
(Nov. 6, 2006) — A reexamination of ancient human bones from Romania reveals more evidence that humans and Neandertals interbred.
Erik Trinkaus, Ph.D., Washington University Mary Tileston Hemenway Professor in Arts & Sciences, and colleagues radiocarbon-dated and analyzed the shapes of human bones from Romania's Petera Muierii (Cave of the Old Woman). The fossils, discovered in 1952, add to the small number of early modern human remains from Europe known to be more than 28,000 years old.
Results were published in the current issue of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science.
The team found that the fossils were 30,000 years old and principally have the diagnostic skeletal features of modern humans. They also found that the remains had other features known, among potential ancestors, primarily among the preceding Neandertals, providing more evidence there was mixing of humans and Neandertals as modern humans dispersed across Europe about 35,000 years ago. Their analysis of one skeleton's shoulder blade also shows that these humans did not have the full set of anatomical adaptations for throwing projectiles, like spears, during hunting.
The team says that the mixture of human and Neandertal features indicates that there was a complicated reproductive scenario as humans and Neandertals mixed, and that the hypothesis that the Neandertals were simply replaced should be abandoned. Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
We must repeat that our results do not exclude the occurrence of some admixture events between modern and archaic humans, but they strongly support the view that these events have been extremely rare. Had this not been the case, modern human populations expanding out of Africa should have had their genome massively introgressed by archaic genes, due to repeated admixture events having occurred at the expansion wave front (6).
^ Very good, this answers the question of why the mathamatical modeling for archaic introgression is held in some skepticism by most geneticists.
And we are still left with 'no answer' as to the question of what this has to do with the fact that Europeans do not exist during the time of the African outmigration.
Isn't it true that this 'argument' is meant as a distraction from the dread 'uniparental' lineages which can directly demonstrate African admixtures in European popluations?
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasol: Pehnelzines goal is simply to change the subject away from lineages, which are relevant to the topic,, to mathamatical models of African population structures....which are not, and which he does not understand and cannot explain at any rate.
In a way he reinforces the conclusions in the topic, which is about how genetic lineages destroy the caucasoid myth.
He can only attempt to counter this topic, by deflecting the discussion away from it.
I thought as much since I don't know the first thing about population structuring. Genetics and specifically genetic lineages are much more clear. Single point of origin for the species is Africa. Cranio-skeletal morphological traits are plastic and prone to change so don't give any clue about lineage the way genetic signatures do.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
We must repeat that our results do not exclude the occurrence of some admixture events between modern and archaic humans, but they strongly support the view that these events have been extremely rare. Had this not been the case, modern human populations expanding out of Africa should have had their genome massively introgressed by archaic genes, due to repeated admixture events having occurred at the expansion wave front (6).
^ Very good, this answers the question of why the mathamatical modeling for archaic introgression is held in some skepticism by most geneticists.
And we are still left with 'no answer' as to the question of what this has to do with the fact that Europeans do not exist during the time of the African outmigration.
Isn't it true that this 'argument' is meant as a distraction from the dread 'uniparental' lineages which can directly demonstrate African admixtures in European popluations?
Indeed, also the fact that Europeans appear to be 2/3rd Asian, 1/3rd African, if the reason for this is not recent admixture, than what is it? If there were NO recent admixture into Europeans, they wouldn't be as close as they are to Africans genetically, they would be one of the furthest. With only a little application of simple logic, one can come to this conclusion. With this being said, if one still persists to argue simple logic, it shows their lack of perception, and inability to apply said SIMPLE logic. Poor Debunked and the Euro-camp fails again.
Posted by Ausàrian (Member # 14778) on :
quote:Originally posted by phenelzine:
You're wrong. Most uniparentals have gone extinct.
In which case, if one were to entertain the thought remotely, would be testament to the point about such parent(s) being insignificant in contemporary human gene pool, where associated uniparental lineage of said parent(s) is *absent*. By extension, the burden would be on the proponent to produce uniparental [genetic] evidence of such a parent(s) and the descent thereof of modern humans from such parent(s). Human genome is such that, if you are a biological parent of the two required, then you *must* -- there's no way around it-- transmit the uniparental [paternal or maternal] marker onto the off-spring; if a male parent, you *must* transmit Y chromosome onto the male off-spring -- otherwise you don't get a male off-spring; if a female parent, you *must* successfully transmit mtDNA onto an offspring of *any* gender. So, if there was an archaic transitional hominid male coupling with a modern human female, and there was successful reproduction, then that archaic male *must* transmit his Y DNA onto his son...unless you are suggesting such males only churn out female offsprings. Such an outcome [which would no doubt need to be verified genetically like the total lack of linkage disequillibrium with the well known monophyletic X markers that trace back to a single common ancestor(s) in Africa] would yet still be testament to the insignificance of contribution of any such male in the contemporary human gene pool. The same scenario can be envisioned for a maternal parent, vis-a-vis a maternally transmitted marker.
Posted by Ausàrian (Member # 14778) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
Pehnelzines goal is simply to change the subject away from lineages, which are relevant to the topic,, to mathamatical models of African population structures....which are not, and which he does not understand and cannot explain at any rate.
In a way he reinforces the conclusions in the topic, which is about how genetic lineages destroy the caucasoid myth.
He can only attempt to counter this topic, by deflecting the discussion away from it.
Don't know, but it seems that phenelzine's post somewhat stems from "Debunker's" contradictory notion of two camps of African lineages [since they all obviously originate in Africa] - the "African" camp [aka "African-specific" lineages] and "non-African" camp [aka the African lineages "common outside of the continent"]. It is with this approach, that "Debunker" proceeds to speak of what appears to be a bimodal evolution of phenotype [*without* specifics on scientific premise], wherein *both* types *originate in Africa, but one is deemed "non-African" simply because it is presumed to be commonly distributed outside of Africa. If one were to link this to phenelzine's citations, then the point may have been one, whereby the supposed pre-OOA population "structuring" in Africa fell into two divergent camps -- again, one presumably a lineage(s) parental to the "African-specific" lineages and the other, presumably of the lineage(s) parental to subsequent OOA "non-Africans, and so, persistently referenced as "non-African" [though still supposed to have actually been Africans, given that the presumed premise is that no OOA had occurred then]. I know, none of this makes sense, unless one really expends much effort in grasping the mentality behind it. Now of course, actual population structuring in Africa would have been much more complex than the bimodal systems proposed, as there were and still are numerous lineages that all ultimately share common single uniparental maternal and paternal ancestors respectively. And yes, of course there had to have been population structuring in Africa prior to the successful OOA of a.m.hs, but this feature of population is hardly unique to Africa, granted that the overall human biological diversity therein, is greater than that elsewhere; there are population structurings everywhere.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:and "non-African" camp [aka the African lineages "common outside of the continent"].
Hence the relevance of the unanswered question:
quote:As you would "model" homo-sapiens, are Melanesian and European a part of the same population structure?
Yes or no?
If yes, then what does "population structure" tell us about "caucasian".
If no, then what *is* the basis of a genetic structure that contrasts "Africans" and Non Africans...which you propose?
To make it is picture and genetic data which relates my question.
Melanesians {Oceania}....
Europeans, show as intermediates
between Oceania and Africans.....
Oceanians and Africans would represent the "opposite ends" of the proposed "structure".
^ Too bad they have no answers.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
What are the other African lineages in southern Europe? I know about E3b1 and Benin hbs, but I saw you post other lineages as well, not too sure where, can't seem to find where you posted it. Can you further elaborate the other lineages? I am sure It's not just these two lineages which puts Europeans as intermediate right?
Of course, the burden is on the Afrocentrists to disprove the evidence piled up against them. Responding to it with questions is a stall tactic designed to distract from their inability to do so, and it's not going to work.
Posted by AllixDarcy (Member # 15670) on :
^ I just cannot stand people like you with not one modicum of Integrity.
You have been debunked over 100 times in the past couple of days, yet you are relentless in spreading your lies.
You should change your alias to Debunkee.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Of course, the burden is on the Afrocentrists
Could be. I don't care about 'afrocentrism or eurocentrism' personally.
One thing is clear.
There's no longer any burden of proof on you.
Do you know why?
Because your case is dismissed.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718: Rasol,
What are the other African lineages in southern Europe? I know about E3b1 and Benin hbs, but I saw you post other lineages as well, not too sure where, can't seem to find where you posted it. Can you further elaborate the other lineages? I am sure It's not just these two lineages which puts Europeans as intermediate right?
Department of Anatomy, Tohoku University School of Medicine, Sendai, Japan.
Distance analysis and factor analysis, based on Q-mode correlation coefficients, were applied to 23 craniofacial measurements in 1,802 recent and prehistoric crania from major geographical areas of the Old World. The major findings are as follows: 1) Australians show closer similarities to African populations than to Melanesians. 2) Recent Europeans align with East Asians, and early West Asians resemble Africans. 3) The Asian population complex with regional difference between northern and southern members is manifest. 4) Clinal variations of craniofacial features can be detected in the Afro-European region on the one hand, and Australasian and East Asian region on the other hand. 5) The craniofacial variations of major geographical groups are not necessarily consistent with their geographical distribution pattern. This may be a sign that the evolutionary divergence in craniofacial shape among recent populations of different geographical areas is of a highly limited degree. Taking all of these into account, a single origin for anatomically modern humans is the most parsimonious interpretation of the craniofacial variations presented in this study.
Posted by Alive-(What Box) (Member # 10819) on :
quote:As you would "model" homo-sapiens, are Melanesian and European a part of the same population structure?
Yes or no?
If yes, then what does "population structure" tell us about "caucasian".
If no, then what *is* the basis of a genetic structure that contrasts "Africans" and Non Africans...which you propose?
To make it is picture and genetic data which relates my question.
Melanesians {Oceania}....
Europeans, show as intermediates
between Oceania and Africans.....
Oceanians and Africans would represent the "opposite ends" of the proposed "structure".
Absolutely devastating.
I don't think it would be possible for Evil E. to fully answer the question without revealing how hollow his arguments are.
quote:Originally posted by rasol: ^ Too bad they have no answers.
Yes .. too bad.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Originally posted by Alive
quote:Basically, These ten posts (the posts in order starting at the liked-to post) are all you need to know about our friend Debunked Euro and his arguements.
You mean like this? lol. I may be new to commenting on Egyptsearch, but definitely not new to any arguments and reading of treads..
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718: Rasol,
What are the other African lineages in southern Europe? I know about E3b1 and Benin hbs, but I saw you post other lineages as well, not too sure where, can't seem to find where you posted it. Can you further elaborate the other lineages? I am sure It's not just these two lineages which puts Europeans as intermediate right?
Southern Europe has L1, and L2 lineages as well. And some A lineages.
Cluster analysis of these lineages suggest that they are of Neolithic derivation.
I will post links to studies later.
Thanks, now I remember.
Posted by Ausàrian (Member # 14778) on :
quote:Originally posted by Debunker:
Of course, the burden is on the Afrocentrists to disprove the evidence piled up against them. Responding to it with questions is a stall tactic designed to distract from their inability to do so, and it's not going to work.
Piled up evidence for what; to support the notion that there is biological diversity in Africa [more so than that encountered in non-African populations], or that subset of lineages and physical variations that make up these variations and *originate* in Africa are appropriately "non-African"? If so, the former is a given, and the latter, well; the burden would be on you -- it is not something that makes sense to begin with, so as to warrant refuting. If not, explain.
Posted by Ausàrian (Member # 14778) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
Southern Europe has L1, and L2 lineages as well. And some A lineages.
Cluster analysis of these lineages suggest that they are of Neolithic derivation.
I will post links to studies later.
And you can include U6 and M1 in this — more prevalent in the Mediterranean hugging European regions...and apparently, E1 markers [per Goncalves et al. 2005].
Posted by Debunker (Member # 15669) on :
Haplogroups U6 and M1 are Middle Eastern:
"Sequencing of 81 entire human mitochondrial DNAs (mtDNAs) belonging to haplogroups M1 and U6 reveals that these predominantly North African clades arose in southwestern Asia and moved together to Africa about 40,000 to 45,000 years ago. Their arrival temporally overlaps with the event(s) that led to the peopling of Europe by modern humans and was most likely the result of the same change in climate conditions that allowed humans to enter the Levant, opening the way to the colonization of both Europe and North Africa. Thus, the early Upper Palaeolithic population(s) carrying M1 and U6 did not return to Africa along the southern coastal route of the "out of Africa" exit, but from the Mediterranean area; and the North African Dabban and European Aurignacian industries derived from a common Levantine source."
- The Hofmeyr skull, which derives from the ancestral OOA population of East Africa, is unlike modern Africans, including the Khoisan, and instead resembles Upper Paleolithic Europeans.
- Upper Paleolithic Europeans in turn show affinities with recent Europeans when their skulls are well preserved and enough measurements are taken. What color their skin was is a red herring employed by losers, since "skin coloration is of no value in determining phylogenetic relationships" (Jablonski/Chaplin, 2000).
- In accordance with these morphological differences between OOA and archaic Africans, there's genetic evidence of population divergence within Africa predating the transformation to modern humans, where a single reproductively isolated population went on to colonize the world, including the rest of Africa.
- This is consistent with evidence from uniparental markers whereby all non-Africans issue solely from L3 and M168, while Africans are a mixture of these lineages and the archaic African lineages L(xL3), A and B. They're the one's who are "mixed", not the non-Africans.
- Hence, the Afrocentric fantasy of a panmictic "black African" population prior to OOA is not supported and crumbles into dust.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by Alive-(What Box):
quote:As you would "model" homo-sapiens, are Melanesian and European a part of the same population structure?
Yes or no?
If yes, then what does "population structure" tell us about "caucasian".
If no, then what *is* the basis of a genetic structure that contrasts "Africans" and Non Africans...which you propose?
To make it is picture and genetic data which relates my question.
Melanesians {Oceania}....
Europeans, show as intermediates
between Oceania and Africans.....
Oceanians and Africans would represent the "opposite ends" of the proposed "structure".
quote:Absolutely devastating.
I don't think it would be possible for Evil E. to answer the question without revealing how hollow his arguments are.
Yes, you're obviously right.
quote:Originally posted by rasol: Too bad they have no answers.
Yes .. too bad.
Typical sore loser debate antics. Same old Debunked Euro.
As long as there are no answers to the above, the caucasoid race myths remain, debunked.
Since Debunked can't answer. Open challenge to anyone who claims otherwise.
Or are all caucasoid-race-mythologizers cowards? Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Debunked writes: - This is consistent with evidence from uniparental markers whereby all non-Africans issue solely from L3 and M168
Wrong as usual and as easy to debunk as ever.
1) Unlike the mixed Europeans, the Blacks of New Guinea actually do consist soley of *derived* L3 and M168 lineages who migrated from East Africa.
Since they are original and pure "out of africa" migrants, and not European, not white and not causasian then obviously you have no point.
Obviously you know this, which is why you are unable to address it?
But who...reading your nonsense, is not supposed to notice that you are running away while "pretending" to fight?
2) The people of Europe, unlike Melanesians are *NOT* of "pure" M168/L3 extraction.
Because they are MIXED with Africans from the Neolithic, Moorish era, and later....much to your everlasting dispair.
This also explains why Greeks have Benin Hbs [sickle cell] but New Guineans do not.
This explains why underived L lineages [l1 l2 and l3] make up to 11% percent of the mtdna of parts of mixed Southern Europe, but are not found among Blacks of the South Pacific, Australia and elsewhere.
Of course we know you will have no answers for this either.
So tomorrow you can post another non-responsive reply which will also fail to address the topic.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Originally posted by Debunker: Haplogroups U6 and M1 are Middle Eastern:
"Sequencing of 81 entire human mitochondrial DNAs (mtDNAs) belonging to haplogroups M1 and U6 reveals that these predominantly North African clades arose in southwestern Asia and moved together to Africa about 40,000 to 45,000 years ago. Their arrival temporally overlaps with the event(s) that led to the peopling of Europe by modern humans and was most likely the result of the same change in climate conditions that allowed humans to enter the Levant, opening the way to the colonization of both Europe and North Africa. Thus, the early Upper Palaeolithic population(s) carrying M1 and U6 did not return to Africa along the southern coastal route of the "out of Africa" exit, but from the Mediterranean area; and the North African Dabban and European Aurignacian industries derived from a common Levantine source."
The Levant versus the Horn of Africa: Evidence for Bidirectional Corridors of Human Migrations J. R. Luis,1,2,* D. J. Rowold,1,* M. Regueiro,2 B. Caeiro,2 C. Cinnioğlu,3 C. Roseman,3 P. A. Underhill,3 L. L. Cavalli-Sforza,3 and R. J. Herrera1
A more recent dispersal out of Africa, represented by the E3b-M35 chromosomes, expanded northward during the Mesolithic (Underhill et al. 2001b). The East African origin of this lineage is supported by the much larger variance of the E3b-M35 males in Egypt versus Oman (0.5 versus 0.14; table 3). Consistent with the NRY data is the mtDNA expansion estimate of 10–20 ky ago for the East African M1 clade. Local expansions of this clade and subsequent demic movements may have resulted in the irregular presence of the M1 haplogroup in the Mediterranean area (Quintana-Murci et al. 1999).
U6, if it's a back migration at 45kya, like everyone here has been telling you repetitively, for like 4 years now, at the time populations would have still resembled the OOA population, so what's your point? If they migrated back into Africa, they still resembled Africans, NOT EUROPEANS. They wouldn't have went through any morphology to become pale either, because they were in AFRICA, PALE SKIN, only happened in Europe and Asia, and quite recently. 10,s of thousands of years after modern humans even reached Europe, is when Europeans acquired pale skin, PALE SKIN, is NOT indigenous to AFRICA!! You still lose, terribly.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Originally posted by Debunker: Recap for illiterate Afrocentrists:
- The Hofmeyr skull, which derives from the ancestral OOA population of East Africa, is unlike modern Africans, including the Khoisan, and instead resembles Upper Paleolithic Europeans.
- Upper Paleolithic Europeans in turn show affinities with recent Europeans when their skulls are well preserved and enough measurements are taken. What color their skin was is a red herring employed by losers, since "skin coloration is of no value in determining phylogenetic relationships" (Jablonski/Chaplin, 2000).
- In accordance with these morphological differences between OOA and archaic Africans, there's genetic evidence of population divergence within Africa predating the transformation to modern humans, where a single reproductively isolated population went on to colonize the world, including the rest of Africa.
- This is consistent with evidence from uniparental markers whereby all non-Africans issue solely from L3 and M168, while Africans are a mixture of these lineages and the archaic African lineages L(xL3), A and B. They're the one's who are "mixed", not the non-Africans.
- Hence, the Afrocentric fantasy of a panmictic "black African" population prior to OOA is not supported and crumbles into dust.
Lmao WOW^^^^^ Can you read? Are you serious? The above nonsense, is pathetic!! How come you have no answers for rasols questions????
Posted by Charlie Bass (Member # 10328) on :
quote:Originally posted by Debunker: Recap for illiterate Afrocentrists:
- The Hofmeyr skull, which derives from the ancestral OOA population of East Africa, is unlike modern Africans, including the Khoisan, and instead resembles Upper Paleolithic Europeans.
Recap for illiterate Debunker
- The Hofmeyr skull, which derives from the ancestral OOA population of Southern African, is unlike Dogon and Teita from Mali and Kenya and unlike modern Khoisan, but equally unlike modern Europeans also.
quote:- Upper Paleolithic Europeans in turn show affinities with recent Europeans when their skulls are well preserved and enough measurements are taken.
The primary sample of analysis consists of the EEMHs, those before ≈33 ka B.P. and therefore predating the Gravettian (or Middle Upper Paleolithic) populations of Europe. As a result of an ongoing cleansing of the fossil record through direct radiometric dating, a series of obviously modern, and in fact Late Upper Paleolithic or Holocene, human remains have been removed from consideration (7). This cleansing has helped to dilute the impression that the earliest modern humans in Europe were just like recent European populations.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2007 May 1; 104(18): 7367–7372
Posted by gunit (Member # 14754) on :
quote:Originally posted by Charlie Bass:
quote:Originally posted by Debunker: Recap for illiterate Afrocentrists:
- The Hofmeyr skull, which derives from the ancestral OOA population of East Africa, is unlike modern Africans, including the Khoisan, and instead resembles Upper Paleolithic Europeans.
Recap for illiterate Debunker
- The Hofmeyr skull, which derives from the ancestral OOA population of Southern African, is unlike Dogon and Teita from Mali and Kenya and unlike modern Khoisan, but equally unlike modern Europeans also.
quote:- Upper Paleolithic Europeans in turn show affinities with recent Europeans when their skulls are well preserved and enough measurements are taken.
The primary sample of analysis consists of the EEMHs, those before ≈33 ka B.P. and therefore predating the Gravettian (or Middle Upper Paleolithic) populations of Europe. As a result of an ongoing cleansing of the fossil record through direct radiometric dating, a series of obviously modern, and in fact Late Upper Paleolithic or Holocene, human remains have been removed from consideration (7). This cleansing has helped to dilute the impression that the earliest modern humans in Europe were just like recent European populations.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2007 May 1; 104(18): 7367–7372
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
While you're lost scrambling for evidence to make East Africans un-pure or somehow erroneously and fallaciously 'caucasoid'. Debunked I wonder how you feel about this publication, does it upset you? Lmao ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
New Research Refutes Myth Of Pure Scandinavian Race
(June 10, 2008) — A team of forensic scientists at the University of Copenhagen has studied human remains found in two ancient Danish burial grounds dating back to the iron age, and discovered a man who appears to be of Arabian origin. The findings suggest that human beings were as genetically diverse 2000 years ago as they are today and indicate greater mobility among iron age populations than was previously thought. The findings also suggest that people in the Danish iron age did not live and die in small, isolated villages but, on the contrary, were in constant contact with the wider world.
On the southern part of the island of Zealand in Denmark, lie two burial grounds known as Bøgebjerggård and Skovgaarde, which date back to the Danish iron age (c. 0-400 BC). Linea Melchior and forensic scientists from the University of Copenhagen analysed the mitocondrial DNA of 18 individuals buried on the sites and found that there was as much genetic variation in their remains as one would expect to find in individuals of the present day. The research team also found DNA from a man, whose genetic characteristics indicate a man of Arabian origin.
The ancestors of the Danes were in contact with the wider world
Archeologists and anthropologists know today that the concept of a single scandinavian genetic type, a scandinavian race that wandered to Denmark, settled there, and otherwise lived in complete isolation from the rest of the world, is a fallacy.
"If you look at the geographic position of Denmark, then it becomes clear that the Danes must have been in contact with other peoples," says scientist, Linea Melchior. "We know from other archeological excavations that there was a good deal of trade and exchange of goods between Denmark and other parts of Scandinavia and Europe. These lines of communication must have extended further south as one of the Danish burial grounds, which dates back to the iron age also contained the remains of a man, who appears to have been of arabian origin.
People from distant lands were absorbed in Danish iron age communities
At the beginning of the Danish iron age, the roman legions were based as far north as the river Elbe (on the border of northern Germany) and it is thought that the man of arabian descent found in the burial grounds in Southern Zealand would have either been a slave or a soldier in the roman army. It is probable that he possessed skills or special knowledge, which the people in Bøgebjerggård or Skovgaard settlements could make use of, or he could have been the descendant of a female of arabian origin, who for reasons unknown, had crossed the river Elbe and settled down with the inhabitants of Zealand.
"This discovery is comparable to the findings of a colleague of mine, who found a person of siberian origin on the Kongemarke site," continues scientist, Linea Melchior. He was buried on consecrated ground, just as the circumstances of the arab man's burial was identical to that of the locals. The discovery of the arab man indicates that people from distant parts of the world could be and were absorbed in Danish communities.
The iron age peoples moved away from their place of birth
"All of our ancestors, no matter when they arrived have contributed to our history and the development of our lifestyle," explains Linea Melchior. "Indeed, Danish identity is more a definition of where one is physically located and lives today than a question of our past history - since we're all originally african in origin. That we ended up in Europe was accidental, which is in itself remarkable".
"Another interesting feature of the approximately 50 graves assessed so far on the two sites and also from other burial sites and time periods in Danish history is that none of the individuals seem to be maternally related to one another", explains Linea Melchior. "We couldn't see any large families buried in the same location. This suggests that in the Danish iron age, people didn't live and die in the villages of their birth, as we had previously imagined".
The findings have been published in the American Journal of Physical Anthropology 135:206-215 (2008) and PLoS One 3(5): e2214.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Originally posted by Debunker: Recap for illiterate Afrocentrists:
- The Hofmeyr skull, which derives from the ancestral OOA population of East Africa, is unlike modern Africans, including the Khoisan, and instead resembles Upper Paleolithic Europeans.
- Upper Paleolithic Europeans in turn show affinities with recent Europeans when their skulls are well preserved and enough measurements are taken. What color their skin was is a red herring employed by losers, since "skin coloration is of no value in determining phylogenetic relationships" (Jablonski/Chaplin, 2000).
- In accordance with these morphological differences between OOA and archaic Africans, there's genetic evidence of population divergence within Africa predating the transformation to modern humans, where a single reproductively isolated population went on to colonize the world, including the rest of Africa.
- This is consistent with evidence from uniparental markers whereby all non-Africans issue solely from L3 and M168, while Africans are a mixture of these lineages and the archaic African lineages L(xL3), A and B. They're the one's who are "mixed", not the non-Africans.
- Hence, the Afrocentric fantasy of a panmictic "black African" population prior to OOA is not supported and crumbles into dust.
^^^Topic: Negroid affinities in ancient Greece???
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:"panmictic Black African" population prior to OOA crumbles into dust
- African is admitted by your statement "prior to Out of Africa", and is so, undisputed and indisputable.
- Black [melanoderm] is a fact of genetics, as dark skin is the product of the original underived genes for skin color. See.....
"dark skin is the original state of the species homo sapiens" - Nina Gablonski.
African ENTAILS BLACK, though Black does not entail African. - CL Brace.
- This leaves us with your 'cute' use of "panmixes"- [random mating] - which is completely irrelevant to either African or Black, and is introduced as a strawman argument.
Your rant is thus essentially worthless.
Anything else?
Posted by Ausàrian (Member # 14778) on :
quote:Originally posted by Debunker:
Haplogroups U6 and M1 are Middle Eastern
This is gibberish. U6 [autochthonous Northwest African marker] and M1 [East African] markers in Africa 1) are ancestral to those found elsewhere [whether Europe or so-called "Near East"], wherein both markers were at some point radiated into the "Near East" from east African sources, and 2) have more diversity in Africa and are more frequent there.
Don't confuse U6 with a "proto-U6 ancestor", whose origins is still out on the jury. Some geneticists merely "guess" that the proto-U6 may have come from the "Near East" -- not on any firm grounds that a proto-U6 has actually been uncovered therein, but on the mere account that U6 ultimately splits from Hg R, which in turn derives from N; Hg N is generally deemed to have more diversity outside of the Africa. Case in point:
Another point is to decide whether the proto-U6 ancestor was also of African origin. Although it cannot be completely excluded, this hypothesis seems highly improbable even invoking strong bottlenecks in African populations. It is clear that the whole haplogroup U is an offshoot of macrohaplogroup N. This lineage, together with macrohaplogroup M, were the only ones that, belonging to the star radiation of L3 in Africa, left this continent to colonize Eurasia. Five mutations separate N from the root of the African L3 [8], and there are only late evolved N lineages in Africa, whereas representatives of the full N radiation are present in Eurasia. Thus, this continent would be the logical homeland of the proto-U6 that came back to Africa and spread in its northwest area around 30,000 ya (Table 4). Its most probable route had to be through East Africa. So, the loss of variability in this area is puzzling, although posterior demic expansions affecting East Africa might be the cause. - Maca-Meyer et al. 2003
Notes on U6:
In looking at the following diagram... is apparent that at the least, U5 and U6 diverge into respective branches independent from that of the rest of U macro-haplogroup. Similar observation has been made about U1, which too, seems to have an independent branch from the rest of the U haplogroup. In other words, these three—either U1, U5 or U6—don't appear to have an ancestral clade within the main haplogroup U branch which is defined by the nucleotide transition at 1811 or vice versa. This is how it goes, courtesy of Maca-Meyer et al. 2003:
U6 is defined by two motifs represented by positions in the coding and HVR respectively: 3348 and 16172.
U5 is defined by the transitions at: 3197, 9477, 13617 and 16270.
And the rest of the U haplgroup [sans U1], defined by the mutation designated by position: 1811.
Maca-Meyer et al. add that:
U presents the following mutations with respect to rCRS: 73, 263, 311i, 750, 1438, 2706, 4769, 7028, 8860, 11467, 11719, 12308, 12372, 14766 and 15326. - Maca-Meyer et al. 2003
N macrohaplogroup is removed from the root of L3 by about 5 mutations, we are told. This is relevant, in that U haplogroup is often posited as having split from R, which derives from Haplogroup N. Speaking of haplogroup U splitting from R, we are told that this is the case via three mutations represented by: 11467, 12308 and 12372
Hence, the family association has been made between U6 [as is for U1 & U5] and the rest of the U haplogroup, primarily thanks to sharing of the above mentioned transition trio; if it weren't for these basic transitions, U6 would have likely just been considered as just another separate sub-branch of haplogroup R. Perhaps, if a clade was located—sharing the same transition trio but devoid of any known downstream coding or HVR mutations in either U6, U1 or U5 and the rest of haplogroup U, it could provide us with a possible candidate as the proto-U ancestor that gave rise to the divergent U branches in question. However, to date, no such lineage has come to light.
Thus, the re-examination point:
— U6 with respect to U5 , or U6 with respect to U1, and U6 with respect to the rest of haplogroup U, doesn't share defining motifs, outside of the basic transitions, particularly at the aforementioned position trio.
— In relation to the above, U6 doesn't have a common recent ancestor that is a U5 sub-lineage or vice versa, U6 doesn't have a common recent ancestor that is a U1 sub-lineage or vice versa, nor does U6 have a common recent ancestor that is a U*(xU1, U5) sub-lineage or vice versa.
Time will tell, as to whether much more improved resolution of mtDNA will bear out the possible candidate of the elusive proto-U6 ancestor, but until then, it would appear that the proto-U6 bearing population was quite small in size, such that proto-U6 itself would eventually be overwhelmed and essentially be erased by expansion of descendant U6 carriers and possibly, incursions from other populations. It is uncertain whether a proto-U6 ancestor would have been the very same ancestor that begot U1, U5 and U*(xU6,U1,U5) respectively elsewhere, or whether it would have been a single step or a few steps genetic-neighbor to those which begot the latter U groups, but it appears that the latter respective ancestors too were modestly represented 'population-wise', such that they too would have been overwhelmed by subsequent demographic expansions that gave rise to descendant populations and incoming groups from elsewhere. Whatever may be said about a proto-U6 ancestor's origin, one thing is clear: U6 itself is an autochthonous African marker, which would eventually spill over to parts of Europe, particularly those hugging the Mediterranean sea, and parts of "southwest Asia". It too, like M1 (clickable), has been implicated in the expansion of proto-Afrasan (aka proto-Afro-Asiatic) and/or Afrasan speakers outside of mainland Africa.
Ana M. Gonzalez et al. published a paper on M1 expansions, 9 July 2007, and a few things about it immediately jumped at me; I lay these out shortly following the abstract below, which is there to put potential viewers of this page on "the same page" so to speak, as far as the synopsis of the paper is concerned:
Mitochondrial lineage M1 traces an early human backflow to Africa
Ana M Gonzalez , Jose M Larruga , Khaled K Abu-Amero , Yufei Shi , Jose Pestano and Vicente M Cabrera
The complete article is available as a provisional PDF. The fully formatted PDF and HTML versions are in production.
Background The out of Africa hypothesis has gained generalized consensus. However, many specific questions remain unsettled. To know whether the two M and N macrohaplogroups that colonized Eurasia were already present in Africa before the exit is puzzling. It has been proposed that the east African clade M1 supports a single origin of haplogroup M in Africa. To test the validity of that hypothesis, the phylogeographic analysis of 13 complete mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequences and 261 partial sequences belonging to haplogroup M1 was carried out.
Results The coalescence age of the African haplogroup M1 is younger than those for other M Asiatic clades. In contradiction to the hypothesis of an eastern Africa origin for modern human expansions out of Africa, the most ancestral M1 lineages have been found in Northwest Africa and in the Near East, instead of in East Africa. The M1 geographic distribution and the relative ages of its different subclades clearly correlate with those of haplogroup U6, for which an Eurasian ancestor has been demonstrated.
Conclusions This study provides evidence that M1, or its ancestor, had an Asiatic origin. The earliest M1 expansion into Africa occurred in northwestern instead of eastern areas; this early spread reached the Iberian Peninsula even affecting the Basques. The majority of the M1a lineages found outside and inside Africa had a more recent eastern Africa origin. Both western and eastern M1 lineages participated in the Neolithic colonization of the Sahara. The striking parallelism between subclade ages and geographic distribution of M1 and its North African U6 counterpart strongly reinforces this scenario. Finally, a relevant fraction of M1a lineages present today in the European Continent and nearby islands possibly had a Jewish instead of the commonly proposed Arab/Berber maternal ascendance.
-Abstract ends-
MY Response To Ana M. Gonzalez et al.
*First, a quick synopsis of the samplings, with regards to where the n=261 M1 bearing samples come from, aside from the 588 participants mentioned in one of the tables [table 2] in the study:
From my assessment of the table, it comes from the following numbers:
A total of 50 Europeans detected for M1. A total of 154 for Africans. A total of 28 Asians, barring 8 unknown Arabian haplotypes. And a total of 29 Jews, who were lumped together from the various continents. The sum of the above totals, amount to 261 "known" M1 lineages.
*With regards to the authors claim about M1 or its ancestor, having “had an Asiatic origin”, the following comes to mind:
The authors of the study at hand, themselves admit that they haven't come across M1 ancestor in either south Asia or southwest Asia. They also take note of its highest diversity in Ethiopia and east Africa. Yet through the shaky premise of their M1c expansion time frame estimations, they build a conclusion around it, by tying it to a dispersal(s) "parallel" to that of U6 - another African marker whose immediate common recent ancestor, namely proto-U6, appears to be elusive thus far.
Well, they wouldn’t be the only ones who have failed to come across any proto-M1 ancestor in southwest and south Asia [Indian Subcontinent mainly]:
Based on the high frequency and diversity of haplogroup M in India and elsewhere in Asia, some authors have suggested (versus [3]) that M may have arisen in Southwest Asia [16,17,31]. Finding M1 or a lineage ancestral to M1 in India, could help to explain the presence of M1 in Africa as a result of a back migration from India. Yet, to date this has not been achieved [15], this study). Therefore, one cannot rule out the still most parsimonious scenario that haplogroup M arose in East Africa [3]. Furthermore, the lack of L3 lineages other than M and N (indeed, L3M and L3N) in India is more consistent with the African launch of haplogroup M. On the other hand, one also observes that: i) M1 is the only variant of haplogroup M found in Africa; ii) M1 has a fairly restricted phylogeography in Africa, barely penetrating into sub-Saharan populations, being found predominantly in association with the Afro-Asiatic linguistic phylum – a finding that appears to be inconsistent with the distribution of sub-clades of haplogroups L3 and L2 that have similar time depths. — Mait Metspalu et al.
So, while they acknowledge the highest "frequencies and diversities" of M1 particularly in Ethiopia, and generally in East Africa., the authors base their claims about ’origins’ on their expansion estimations of M1c derivatives, presumably predominant in northwest Africa rather than east Africa, and its relative sporadic distribution in 'Europe' and 'Southwest' Asia. They attempt to buttress this, by invoking an initial parallel expansion of M1 and U6 "ancestor" lineages into north Africa via the Nile Valley [from "southwest Asia"], then an expansion from northwest Africa this time around, of U6 and M1 derivatives northward into Europe and then eastward into "southwest" Asia via the Nile Valley corridor in the Sinai peninsula, presumably with a few derivatives making their way into sub-Saharan east Africa, where they then underwent some expansion, to give rise to yet another, but later, dispersal from there into "southwest Asia" and hence, accounting for the 'majority' of M1 lineages in "southwest Asia" being east African derivatives than the north African [M1c] counterparts.
The authors gather that their observations correlate with that of other researchers, namely Olivieri et al. To this extent, they put forth that Olivieri et al.’s M1b corresponds to their M1c, the former’s M1a2 corresponds to their M1b, and the former’s M1a1 corresponds to their M1a. They go onto to add that the coalescence ages arrived by the two research group [that of Olivieri et al. and that of the present authors] also correlate. The present authors note that their coalescence time for M1c (25.7 +/- 6.6 ky) overlaps with Olivieri et al.’s coalescence time for M1b (23.4 +/- 5.6). Similarly, they note that their coalescence age for M1a (22.6 +/- 8.1ky) falls within that of Olivieri et al.’s age for M1a1 at 20.6 +/- 3.4ky. However, this makes way for great discrepancy between the said authors and Olivieri et al., whereby their coalescence age for M1b at 13.7 +/- 4.8ky falls quite short of the latter’s age for M1a2 at 24 +/- 5.7ky. Not only are the subgroup nomenclatures distinct, but this latter discrepancy makes an unsubtle difference, so as to no longer render M1c to be older than M1b, but rather, either place M1c at an age a bit younger or on par with the latter, which should be otherwise according to the present study. Though, by their own admission, the present authors favor Olivieri et al.’s methods over their own:
As our calculations are based only on three lineages and that of Olivieri et al on six, we think that their coalescence time estimation should be more accurate than ours. In fact, when time estimation is based on the eight different lineages (AFR-K143 is common to both sets) a coalescence age of 20.6 +/- ky is obtained.
*But if there is any indication about the tenuous nature of the above thesis, without going into other known details about M1, it would be this alternative viewpoint they came up with:
The alternative idea entertained by the authors, is one where M1 could actually be an autochthonous northwest African lineage, which spread northward into Europe and eastward to "Southwest Asia" and east Africa. Again, to be followed by a yet later dispersal from east Africa, likely sub-Saharan east Africa, particularly the Ethiopian populations.
*The limitations inherent in solely relying on hypervariable segment motifs:
The status quo hasn't changed, not withstanding the hype about the supposed older expansion timeframes from M1c derivatives, predominant in Northwest Africa, according to their study. The authors rely heavily on the hypervariable region of the mtDNA, which even they themselves don't seem to put much faith on, as demonstrated by their noting of the need to proceed cautiously, given that random parallel mutations are known to occur across distinct macro-haplogroups and sub-clades. They also note how hypervariable nature of the control region, can lead to misleading calculations from erratic mutations, as demonstrated by the M1a2 they put forth, leading them to omit them in their lineage coalescence analysis.
*Another thing that hasn't been relayed through this study, is this:
The coding regions transitions are likely to change relatively slower than those of hypervariable segments, and hence, likely to remain intact within a clade. To assist in determining which clade to place a monophyletic unit, key coding region transitions have to be identified. In the case of M1, we were told:
We found 489C (Table 3) in all Indian and eastern-African haplogroup M mtDNAs analysed, but not in the non-M haplogroup controls, including 20 Africans representing all African main lineages (6 L1, 4 L2, 10 L3) and 11 Asians.
These findings, and the lack of positive evidence (given the RFLP status) that the 10400 C->T transition defining M has happened more than once, suggest that it has a single common origin, but do not resolve its geographic origin. Analysis of position 10873 (the MnlI RFLP) revealed that all the M molecules (eastern African, Asian and those sporadically found in our population surveys) were 10873C (Table 3). As for the non-M mtDNAs, the ancient L1 and the L2 African-specific lineages5, as well as most L3 African mtDNAs, also carry 10873C.
Conversely, all non-M mtDNAs of non-African origin analysed so far carry 10873T. These data indicate that the **transition 10400 C-->T, which defines haplogroup M**, arose on an African background characterized by the ancestral state 10873C, which is also present in four primate (common and pygmy chimps, gorilla and orangutan) mtDNA sequences. — Semino et al.
...which is significant, as other M lineages are devoid of M1 coding region motifs, not to mention the M1 HVS-I package. The above does demonstrate, how M lineages likely arose on an African 'background' by single-event substitutions in the designated African ancestral counterparts. The ancestral transition of 10873C is substituted by 10873T in non-African non-M haplogroups, while the 10400C transition was substituted in M lineages by 10400T.
The 489C transition, as noted above and can be seen from the diagram, is peculiar to the M macrohaplogroup, again suggestive of unique event mutations characterizing the family:
The phylogenetic location of the mutations at nt 489 and 10,873 (arrow) was predicted by our analysis. The seemingly shared mutation at nt 16,129 (by G, Z and M1) is very likely an accidental parallelism. The ancestral states 10400C, 10810C and 10873C are fixed in L1 (as analysed so far) and are present in the ape sequences.
The 16129 sharing across the M1 haplogroups, seems to be one of those instances of random parallel mutation, recalling Chang Sun et al.'s observations of random parallel mutations of certain transitions across the M macrohaplogroup.
We also know that "southwest Asian" and "European" M1 lineages are derivatives of African counterparts, and the same is true for southwest Asian non-M1 affiliated M lineages from south Asia:
Compared to India, haplogroup M frequency in Iran is marginally low (5.3%) and there are no distinguished Iranian-specific sub-clades of haplogroup M. All Iranian haplogroup M lineages can be seen as derived from other regional variants of the haplogroup: eleven show affiliation to haplogroup M lineages found in India, twelve in East and Central Asia (D, G, and M8 ) and one in northeast Africa (M1)…
Indian-specific (R5 and Indian-specific M and U2 variants) and East Asian-specific (A, B and East Asian-specific M subgroups) mtDNAs, both, make up less than 4% of the Iranian mtDNA pool. We used Turkey (88.8 ± 4.0%) as the third parental population for evaluating the relative proportions of admixture from India (2.2 ± 1.7%) and China (9.1 ± 4.1%) into Iran. Therefore we can conclude that historic gene flow from India to Iran has been very limited.
With that said, Semino et al.'s older study still remains strong, the way I see it:
haplogroup M originated in eastern Africa approximately 60,000 years ago and was carried toward Asia. This agrees with the proposed date of an out-of-Africa expansion approximately 65,000 years ago10. After its arrival in Asia, the haplogroup M founder group went through a demographic and geographic expansion. The remaining M haplogroup in eastern Africa did not spread, but remained localized up to approximately 10,000-20,000 years ago, after which it started to expand. — Semino et al.
Elsewhere, I've also talked about some 'basal' M-like lineages in Africa; for instance, at least one of such was identified in the Senegalese sample.
Am. J. Hum. Genet., 66:1362-1383, 2000
mtDNA Variation in the South African Kung and Khwe and Their Genetic Relationships to Other African Populations
"The Asian mtDNA phylogeny is subdivided into two macrohaplogroups, one of which is M. M is delineated by a DdeI site at np 10394 and an AluI site of np 10397. The only African mtDNA found to have both of these sites is the Senegalese haplotype AF24. This haplotype branches off African subhaplogroup L3a (figs.2 and3), suggesting that haplogroup M mtDNAs might have been derived from this African mtDNA lineage..."
The relevant representation in this recap diagram:
^The 10397 transition is shown in the L3-M linkage, while 10394, which should show up as positive [as exemplified in the above extract] in the M macrohaplogroup, shows up negative in the linkage between L3 and non-M affiliated lineages.
**^To put the above compilation into perspective, and keep it simple, the point is this:
Semino et al.'s demonstration of certain characteristic basic coding transitions of the M super-haplogroup [not including the key coding region motifs unique to the M1 family], springing directly from African ancestral motifs, don't require that M1 has to have a proto "non-African" M1, whereas an Asian origin of M1 would necessitate an Asian proto-M1 lineage that would explain the relatively young expansion ages of M1 and lack of descendancy from pre-existing Asian M lineages. This hasn't been achieved either by the present study or ones prior to it.
Getting to the gist:
Basal M mtDNA ~ between c. 60 - 80 ky ago
And then, M1 ~ between ~ c. 10 - 30 ky ago
The studies I posted, suggest that the basal motifs characteristic of the M macrohaplogroup arose in Africa, anywhere between 60 - 80 ky ago [since they would have likely been in the continent by the time of the 60 ky ago or so OOA migrations] . Sometime between 60 ky and 50 ky ago [some sources place it between 75 - 60 ky ago], these L3 offshoots were carried outside of Africa, amongst early successful a.m.h migrations, which resulted in the populations now living in the Indian-subcontinent, Melanesia and Australia who have these lineages. Not all the basal African L3M lineages, as Semino et al. convincingly put it, left the continent, as indicated by the basal L3a-M motif detected in Senegal, M1 diversity in Africa, particularly East Africa, both M1 and other M lineages detected in Ugandan samples, and lack of descendancy of M1 from older-coalescent Asian macrohaplogroup. Rather, it appears that the basal L3M lineages which remained in Africa, underwent a relatively limited demographic intra-African expansion until relatively recently, i.e. between 10 - 30 ky ago, compared to the Asian L3M derivatives, which underwent major expansions, naturally within the quantitatively smaller founder immigrant groups, i.e. the founder effect.
M1 is likely the culmination of relatively more recent demographic expansions of basal L3M lineages in the African continent, with M1 derivative being a successful candidate, in what could have possibly involved other derivatives which might not have expanded to the same level intra-continentally, and subsequently, extra-continentally as well.
M1 has strongly been correlated with the upper Paleolithic expansion of proto-Afrasan groups across the Sahara to coastal north Africa, and further eastward via the Sinai peninsula.
Extracted from: Link Posted by Ausàrian (Member # 14778) on :
quote:Originally posted by Debunker:
- The Hofmeyr skull, which derives from the ancestral OOA population of East Africa, is unlike modern Africans, including the Khoisan, and instead resembles Upper Paleolithic Europeans.
Charlie has already addressed this, but what jumps at me about this, is this:
You earlier painted a picture of the supposed bi-modal evolutionary divergence of two physical types...
It's also consistent with Howells' observation of populations more and less like Africans diverging prior to OOA. - "Debunker"
The African-specific haplotypes (corresponding to L1, L2, A and B) are found to be separate from the common African haplotypes (corresponding to L3 and M168), indicating two very distinct populations. - "Debunker"
^To which you were confronted with...
Even if one were to give this any currency, the contradictions in it are too obvious. If this occurred in Africa "prior" to OOA, is that not by definition, "African"?
And what specific skeletal samples "prior to OOA" attest to such a seemingly "bimodal" divergence?
...but you never came through with an answer as requested.
So, are you now saying that the other group that supposedly looked "less African" even though they were pre-OOA 100% Africans, had become extinct, such that no such type exists in modern Africa? Does this now mean that only one type exists in Africa? If so, precisely when did this happen? By extension, why bother calling E3b "Caucasoid", or are you saying that this non-scientific term doesn't apply to "pre-OOA" Africans?
You now say that "Hofmeyr skull" is unlike modern Africans, but "Upper Paleolithic Europeans"; ah, but you were confronted with this earlier, still pending an answer:
The results presented in Table 1 are consistent with the idea that Upper Paleolithic crania are, for the most part, larger and more generalized versions of recent Europeans. - Originally posted by Debunker
...which was followed up with this:
What is meant by "larger" and "more generalized" here? Also, the authors wouldn't happen to have used the likes of "Cro-Magnon" or "Grimaldi" specimen as test "Upper Paleolithic" subjects, would they; what are the specific "Upper Paleolithic" test specimens, and from where?
...while noting that:
It is worth understanding the specifics relayed about these terms, because the last time I read about "generalized" in cranial pattern, it was said to be akin to tropical populations like Melanesians, Australians, and tropical Africans. This would be consistent with the Chris Stringer citation just posted above…which was:
African Exodus The Origins of Modern Humanity By Christopher Stringer and Robin McKie Owl Books Page 162
"Nor does the picture get any clearer when we move on to the Cro-Magnons, the presumed ancestors of Modern Europeans. Some were more like present-day Australians or Africans, judged by objective anatomical categorizations, as is the case with some early modern skulls from the Upper Cave at Zhoukoudian in China Posted by Ausàrian (Member # 14778) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:Debunked writes: - This is consistent with evidence from uniparental markers whereby all non-Africans issue solely from L3 and M168
Wrong as usual and as easy to debunk as ever.
1) Unlike the mixed Europeans, the Blacks of New Guinea actually do consist soley of *derived* L3 and M168 lineages who migrated from East Africa.
Since they are original and pure "out of africa" migrants, and not European, not white and not causasian then obviously you have no point.
Obviously you know this, which is why you are unable to address it?
But who...reading your nonsense, is not supposed to notice that you are running away while "pretending" to fight?
2) The people of Europe, unlike Melanesians are *NOT* of "pure" M168/L3 extraction.
Because they are MIXED with Africans from the Neolithic, Moorish era, and later....much to your everlasting dispair.
This also explains why Greeks have Benin Hbs [sickle cell] but New Guineans do not.
This explains why underived L lineages [l1 l2 and l3] make up to 11% percent of the mtdna of parts of mixed Southern Europe, but are not found among Blacks of the South Pacific, Australia and elsewhere.
Of course we know you will have no answers for this either.
So tomorrow you can post another non-responsive reply which will also fail to address the topic.
Not only that, E1b1a (E3a) carriers too are *solely* from M168; What does this make them; among the "less African" camp? Lol.
L3 is essentially a Pan-African marker; what does this tell us about carriers of this marker, including in the regions of west, central and southern Africa...that they too belong to the "less African" camp?
Posted by Charlie Bass (Member # 10328) on :
quote:Originally posted by Debunker: Recap for illiterate Afrocentrists:
- The Hofmeyr skull, which derives from the ancestral OOA population of East Africa, is unlike modern Africans, including the Khoisan, and instead resembles Upper Paleolithic Europeans.
- Upper Paleolithic Europeans in turn show affinities with recent Europeans when their skulls are well preserved and enough measurements are taken. What color their skin was is a red herring employed by losers, since "skin coloration is of no value in determining phylogenetic relationships" (Jablonski/Chaplin, 2000).
- In accordance with these morphological differences between OOA and archaic Africans, there's genetic evidence of population divergence within Africa predating the transformation to modern humans, where a single reproductively isolated population went on to colonize the world, including the rest of Africa.
- This is consistent with evidence from uniparental markers whereby all non-Africans issue solely from L3 and M168, while Africans are a mixture of these lineages and the archaic African lineages L(xL3), A and B. They're the one's who are "mixed", not the non-Africans.
- Hence, the Afrocentric fantasy of a panmictic "black African" population prior to OOA is not supported and crumbles into dust.
Debunked, explain this:
If the Hofmeyr skull is "caucasoid" because by your logic UP Europeans are "Caucasoid", please explain why the Hofmeyr skull is closer to Recent Africans and Khoisan and farthest from Recent Europeans? Please explain why UP Eurasians are closer to Recent Africans and Khoisan and farthest from Recent Europeans? This supplemental data fro the same Hofmeyr Skull study.
Posted by Debunker (Member # 15669) on :
That's based on Euclidean distances. You conveniently ignored the table based on Mahalanobis D2 distances, which shows different results and is the more important:
"Mahalanobis D2, adjusted for unequal sample sizes (S24), is used to estimate the morphological distances among samples. This method is appropriate for the goal of this analysis because it represents the morphological variation among groups scaled by the pooled within- group variation, and accounts for covariation among landmark coordinates, which is pervasive among biological datasets (S25, S26)."
Those figures produce these trees. You can see that Hofmeyr is closer to both UP and recent Eurasians than it is to either Africans or San, and that the UP Eurasians are nowhere near the Africans.
Posted by Debunker (Member # 15669) on :
The Afrocentrists have serious problems with reading comprehension, or else they just feel the need to stall with irrelevant questions and Afro-opinions. Because the evidence really couldn't be any clearer.
Pay close attention, Afrocentrists:
"M1 and U6...arose in southwestern Asia" -- Olivieri et al., 2006
"Upper Paleolithic crania are, for the most part, larger and more generalized versions of recent Europeans." -- Jantz and Owsley, 2003
"When one considers only those crania with 40 or more measurements, a majority express European affinity." -- Ibid.
"the [Hofmeyr] skull was found to be quite distinct from all recent Africans, including the Bushmen, she said, and it has 'a very close affinity' with fossil specimens of Europeans living in the Upper Paleolithic" -- Harvati/Grine
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by Ausàrian:
quote:Originally posted by Debunker:
Haplogroups U6 and M1 are Middle Eastern
This is gibberish. U6 [autochthonous Northwest African marker] and M1 [East African] markers in Africa 1) are ancestral to those found elsewhere [whether Europe or so-called "Near East"], wherein both markers were at some point radiated into the "Near East" from east African sources, and 2) have more diversity in Africa and are more frequent there.
Don't confuse U6 with a "proto-U6 ancestor", whose origins is still out on the jury. Some geneticists merely "guess" that the proto-U6 may have come from the "Near East" -- not on any firm grounds that a proto-U6 has actually been uncovered therein, but on the mere account that U6 ultimately splits from Hg R, which in turn derives from N; Hg N is generally deemed to have more diversity outside of the Africa. Case in point:
Another point is to decide whether the proto-U6 ancestor was also of African origin. Although it cannot be completely excluded, this hypothesis seems highly improbable even invoking strong bottlenecks in African populations. It is clear that the whole haplogroup U is an offshoot of macrohaplogroup N. This lineage, together with macrohaplogroup M, were the only ones that, belonging to the star radiation of L3 in Africa, left this continent to colonize Eurasia. Five mutations separate N from the root of the African L3 [8], and there are only late evolved N lineages in Africa, whereas representatives of the full N radiation are present in Eurasia. Thus, this continent would be the logical homeland of the proto-U6 that came back to Africa and spread in its northwest area around 30,000 ya (Table 4). Its most probable route had to be through East Africa. So, the loss of variability in this area is puzzling, although posterior demic expansions affecting East Africa might be the cause. - Maca-Meyer et al. 2003
Notes on U6:
In looking at the following diagram... is apparent that at the least, U5 and U6 diverge into respective branches independent from that of the rest of U macro-haplogroup. Similar observation has been made about U1, which too, seems to have an independent branch from the rest of the U haplogroup. In other words, these three—either U1, U5 or U6—don't appear to have an ancestral clade within the main haplogroup U branch which is defined by the nucleotide transition at 1811 or vice versa. This is how it goes, courtesy of Maca-Meyer et al. 2003:
U6 is defined by two motifs represented by positions in the coding and HVR respectively: 3348 and 16172.
U5 is defined by the transitions at: 3197, 9477, 13617 and 16270.
And the rest of the U haplgroup [sans U1], defined by the mutation designated by position: 1811.
Maca-Meyer et al. add that:
U presents the following mutations with respect to rCRS: 73, 263, 311i, 750, 1438, 2706, 4769, 7028, 8860, 11467, 11719, 12308, 12372, 14766 and 15326. - Maca-Meyer et al. 2003
N macrohaplogroup is removed from the root of L3 by about 5 mutations, we are told. This is relevant, in that U haplogroup is often posited as having split from R, which derives from Haplogroup N. Speaking of haplogroup U splitting from R, we are told that this is the case via three mutations represented by: 11467, 12308 and 12372
Hence, the family association has been made between U6 [as is for U1 & U5] and the rest of the U haplogroup, primarily thanks to sharing of the above mentioned transition trio; if it weren't for these basic transitions, U6 would have likely just been considered as just another separate sub-branch of haplogroup R. Perhaps, if a clade was located—sharing the same transition trio but devoid of any known downstream coding or HVR mutations in either U6, U1 or U5 and the rest of haplogroup U, it could provide us with a possible candidate as the proto-U ancestor that gave rise to the divergent U branches in question. However, to date, no such lineage has come to light.
Thus, the re-examination point:
— U6 with respect to U5 , or U6 with respect to U1, and U6 with respect to the rest of haplogroup U, doesn't share defining motifs, outside of the basic transitions, particularly at the aforementioned position trio.
— In relation to the above, U6 doesn't have a common recent ancestor that is a U5 sub-lineage or vice versa, U6 doesn't have a common recent ancestor that is a U1 sub-lineage or vice versa, nor does U6 have a common recent ancestor that is a U*(xU1, U5) sub-lineage or vice versa.
Time will tell, as to whether much more improved resolution of mtDNA will bear out the possible candidate of the elusive proto-U6 ancestor, but until then, it would appear that the proto-U6 bearing population was quite small in size, such that proto-U6 itself would eventually be overwhelmed and essentially be erased by expansion of descendant U6 carriers and possibly, incursions from other populations. It is uncertain whether a proto-U6 ancestor would have been the very same ancestor that begot U1, U5 and U*(xU6,U1,U5) respectively elsewhere, or whether it would have been a single step or a few steps genetic-neighbor to those which begot the latter U groups, but it appears that the latter respective ancestors too were modestly represented 'population-wise', such that they too would have been overwhelmed by subsequent demographic expansions that gave rise to descendant populations and incoming groups from elsewhere. Whatever may be said about a proto-U6 ancestor's origin, one thing is clear: U6 itself is an autochthonous African marker, which would eventually spill over to parts of Europe, particularly those hugging the Mediterranean sea, and parts of "southwest Asia". It too, like M1 (clickable), has been implicated in the expansion of proto-Afrasan (aka proto-Afro-Asiatic) and/or Afrasan speakers outside of mainland Africa.
Ana M. Gonzalez et al. published a paper on M1 expansions, 9 July 2007, and a few things about it immediately jumped at me; I lay these out shortly following the abstract below, which is there to put potential viewers of this page on "the same page" so to speak, as far as the synopsis of the paper is concerned:
Mitochondrial lineage M1 traces an early human backflow to Africa
Ana M Gonzalez , Jose M Larruga , Khaled K Abu-Amero , Yufei Shi , Jose Pestano and Vicente M Cabrera
The complete article is available as a provisional PDF. The fully formatted PDF and HTML versions are in production.
Background The out of Africa hypothesis has gained generalized consensus. However, many specific questions remain unsettled. To know whether the two M and N macrohaplogroups that colonized Eurasia were already present in Africa before the exit is puzzling. It has been proposed that the east African clade M1 supports a single origin of haplogroup M in Africa. To test the validity of that hypothesis, the phylogeographic analysis of 13 complete mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequences and 261 partial sequences belonging to haplogroup M1 was carried out.
Results The coalescence age of the African haplogroup M1 is younger than those for other M Asiatic clades. In contradiction to the hypothesis of an eastern Africa origin for modern human expansions out of Africa, the most ancestral M1 lineages have been found in Northwest Africa and in the Near East, instead of in East Africa. The M1 geographic distribution and the relative ages of its different subclades clearly correlate with those of haplogroup U6, for which an Eurasian ancestor has been demonstrated.
Conclusions This study provides evidence that M1, or its ancestor, had an Asiatic origin. The earliest M1 expansion into Africa occurred in northwestern instead of eastern areas; this early spread reached the Iberian Peninsula even affecting the Basques. The majority of the M1a lineages found outside and inside Africa had a more recent eastern Africa origin. Both western and eastern M1 lineages participated in the Neolithic colonization of the Sahara. The striking parallelism between subclade ages and geographic distribution of M1 and its North African U6 counterpart strongly reinforces this scenario. Finally, a relevant fraction of M1a lineages present today in the European Continent and nearby islands possibly had a Jewish instead of the commonly proposed Arab/Berber maternal ascendance.
-Abstract ends-
MY Response To Ana M. Gonzalez et al.
*First, a quick synopsis of the samplings, with regards to where the n=261 M1 bearing samples come from, aside from the 588 participants mentioned in one of the tables [table 2] in the study:
From my assessment of the table, it comes from the following numbers:
A total of 50 Europeans detected for M1. A total of 154 for Africans. A total of 28 Asians, barring 8 unknown Arabian haplotypes. And a total of 29 Jews, who were lumped together from the various continents. The sum of the above totals, amount to 261 "known" M1 lineages.
*With regards to the authors claim about M1 or its ancestor, having “had an Asiatic origin”, the following comes to mind:
The authors of the study at hand, themselves admit that they haven't come across M1 ancestor in either south Asia or southwest Asia. They also take note of its highest diversity in Ethiopia and east Africa. Yet through the shaky premise of their M1c expansion time frame estimations, they build a conclusion around it, by tying it to a dispersal(s) "parallel" to that of U6 - another African marker whose immediate common recent ancestor, namely proto-U6, appears to be elusive thus far.
Well, they wouldn’t be the only ones who have failed to come across any proto-M1 ancestor in southwest and south Asia [Indian Subcontinent mainly]:
Based on the high frequency and diversity of haplogroup M in India and elsewhere in Asia, some authors have suggested (versus [3]) that M may have arisen in Southwest Asia [16,17,31]. Finding M1 or a lineage ancestral to M1 in India, could help to explain the presence of M1 in Africa as a result of a back migration from India. Yet, to date this has not been achieved [15], this study). Therefore, one cannot rule out the still most parsimonious scenario that haplogroup M arose in East Africa [3]. Furthermore, the lack of L3 lineages other than M and N (indeed, L3M and L3N) in India is more consistent with the African launch of haplogroup M. On the other hand, one also observes that: i) M1 is the only variant of haplogroup M found in Africa; ii) M1 has a fairly restricted phylogeography in Africa, barely penetrating into sub-Saharan populations, being found predominantly in association with the Afro-Asiatic linguistic phylum – a finding that appears to be inconsistent with the distribution of sub-clades of haplogroups L3 and L2 that have similar time depths. — Mait Metspalu et al.
So, while they acknowledge the highest "frequencies and diversities" of M1 particularly in Ethiopia, and generally in East Africa., the authors base their claims about ’origins’ on their expansion estimations of M1c derivatives, presumably predominant in northwest Africa rather than east Africa, and its relative sporadic distribution in 'Europe' and 'Southwest' Asia. They attempt to buttress this, by invoking an initial parallel expansion of M1 and U6 "ancestor" lineages into north Africa via the Nile Valley [from "southwest Asia"], then an expansion from northwest Africa this time around, of U6 and M1 derivatives northward into Europe and then eastward into "southwest" Asia via the Nile Valley corridor in the Sinai peninsula, presumably with a few derivatives making their way into sub-Saharan east Africa, where they then underwent some expansion, to give rise to yet another, but later, dispersal from there into "southwest Asia" and hence, accounting for the 'majority' of M1 lineages in "southwest Asia" being east African derivatives than the north African [M1c] counterparts.
The authors gather that their observations correlate with that of other researchers, namely Olivieri et al. To this extent, they put forth that Olivieri et al.’s M1b corresponds to their M1c, the former’s M1a2 corresponds to their M1b, and the former’s M1a1 corresponds to their M1a. They go onto to add that the coalescence ages arrived by the two research group [that of Olivieri et al. and that of the present authors] also correlate. The present authors note that their coalescence time for M1c (25.7 +/- 6.6 ky) overlaps with Olivieri et al.’s coalescence time for M1b (23.4 +/- 5.6). Similarly, they note that their coalescence age for M1a (22.6 +/- 8.1ky) falls within that of Olivieri et al.’s age for M1a1 at 20.6 +/- 3.4ky. However, this makes way for great discrepancy between the said authors and Olivieri et al., whereby their coalescence age for M1b at 13.7 +/- 4.8ky falls quite short of the latter’s age for M1a2 at 24 +/- 5.7ky. Not only are the subgroup nomenclatures distinct, but this latter discrepancy makes an unsubtle difference, so as to no longer render M1c to be older than M1b, but rather, either place M1c at an age a bit younger or on par with the latter, which should be otherwise according to the present study. Though, by their own admission, the present authors favor Olivieri et al.’s methods over their own:
As our calculations are based only on three lineages and that of Olivieri et al on six, we think that their coalescence time estimation should be more accurate than ours. In fact, when time estimation is based on the eight different lineages (AFR-K143 is common to both sets) a coalescence age of 20.6 +/- ky is obtained.
*But if there is any indication about the tenuous nature of the above thesis, without going into other known details about M1, it would be this alternative viewpoint they came up with:
The alternative idea entertained by the authors, is one where M1 could actually be an autochthonous northwest African lineage, which spread northward into Europe and eastward to "Southwest Asia" and east Africa. Again, to be followed by a yet later dispersal from east Africa, likely sub-Saharan east Africa, particularly the Ethiopian populations.
*The limitations inherent in solely relying on hypervariable segment motifs:
The status quo hasn't changed, not withstanding the hype about the supposed older expansion timeframes from M1c derivatives, predominant in Northwest Africa, according to their study. The authors rely heavily on the hypervariable region of the mtDNA, which even they themselves don't seem to put much faith on, as demonstrated by their noting of the need to proceed cautiously, given that random parallel mutations are known to occur across distinct macro-haplogroups and sub-clades. They also note how hypervariable nature of the control region, can lead to misleading calculations from erratic mutations, as demonstrated by the M1a2 they put forth, leading them to omit them in their lineage coalescence analysis.
*Another thing that hasn't been relayed through this study, is this:
The coding regions transitions are likely to change relatively slower than those of hypervariable segments, and hence, likely to remain intact within a clade. To assist in determining which clade to place a monophyletic unit, key coding region transitions have to be identified. In the case of M1, we were told:
We found 489C (Table 3) in all Indian and eastern-African haplogroup M mtDNAs analysed, but not in the non-M haplogroup controls, including 20 Africans representing all African main lineages (6 L1, 4 L2, 10 L3) and 11 Asians.
These findings, and the lack of positive evidence (given the RFLP status) that the 10400 C->T transition defining M has happened more than once, suggest that it has a single common origin, but do not resolve its geographic origin. Analysis of position 10873 (the MnlI RFLP) revealed that all the M molecules (eastern African, Asian and those sporadically found in our population surveys) were 10873C (Table 3). As for the non-M mtDNAs, the ancient L1 and the L2 African-specific lineages5, as well as most L3 African mtDNAs, also carry 10873C.
Conversely, all non-M mtDNAs of non-African origin analysed so far carry 10873T. These data indicate that the **transition 10400 C-->T, which defines haplogroup M**, arose on an African background characterized by the ancestral state 10873C, which is also present in four primate (common and pygmy chimps, gorilla and orangutan) mtDNA sequences. — Semino et al.
...which is significant, as other M lineages are devoid of M1 coding region motifs, not to mention the M1 HVS-I package. The above does demonstrate, how M lineages likely arose on an African 'background' by single-event substitutions in the designated African ancestral counterparts. The ancestral transition of 10873C is substituted by 10873T in non-African non-M haplogroups, while the 10400C transition was substituted in M lineages by 10400T.
The 489C transition, as noted above and can be seen from the diagram, is peculiar to the M macrohaplogroup, again suggestive of unique event mutations characterizing the family:
The phylogenetic location of the mutations at nt 489 and 10,873 (arrow) was predicted by our analysis. The seemingly shared mutation at nt 16,129 (by G, Z and M1) is very likely an accidental parallelism. The ancestral states 10400C, 10810C and 10873C are fixed in L1 (as analysed so far) and are present in the ape sequences.
The 16129 sharing across the M1 haplogroups, seems to be one of those instances of random parallel mutation, recalling Chang Sun et al.'s observations of random parallel mutations of certain transitions across the M macrohaplogroup.
We also know that "southwest Asian" and "European" M1 lineages are derivatives of African counterparts, and the same is true for southwest Asian non-M1 affiliated M lineages from south Asia:
Compared to India, haplogroup M frequency in Iran is marginally low (5.3%) and there are no distinguished Iranian-specific sub-clades of haplogroup M. All Iranian haplogroup M lineages can be seen as derived from other regional variants of the haplogroup: eleven show affiliation to haplogroup M lineages found in India, twelve in East and Central Asia (D, G, and M8 ) and one in northeast Africa (M1)…
Indian-specific (R5 and Indian-specific M and U2 variants) and East Asian-specific (A, B and East Asian-specific M subgroups) mtDNAs, both, make up less than 4% of the Iranian mtDNA pool. We used Turkey (88.8 ± 4.0%) as the third parental population for evaluating the relative proportions of admixture from India (2.2 ± 1.7%) and China (9.1 ± 4.1%) into Iran. Therefore we can conclude that historic gene flow from India to Iran has been very limited.
With that said, Semino et al.'s older study still remains strong, the way I see it:
haplogroup M originated in eastern Africa approximately 60,000 years ago and was carried toward Asia. This agrees with the proposed date of an out-of-Africa expansion approximately 65,000 years ago10. After its arrival in Asia, the haplogroup M founder group went through a demographic and geographic expansion. The remaining M haplogroup in eastern Africa did not spread, but remained localized up to approximately 10,000-20,000 years ago, after which it started to expand. — Semino et al.
Elsewhere, I've also talked about some 'basal' M-like lineages in Africa; for instance, at least one of such was identified in the Senegalese sample.
Am. J. Hum. Genet., 66:1362-1383, 2000
mtDNA Variation in the South African Kung and Khwe and Their Genetic Relationships to Other African Populations
"The Asian mtDNA phylogeny is subdivided into two macrohaplogroups, one of which is M. M is delineated by a DdeI site at np 10394 and an AluI site of np 10397. The only African mtDNA found to have both of these sites is the Senegalese haplotype AF24. This haplotype branches off African subhaplogroup L3a (figs.2 and3), suggesting that haplogroup M mtDNAs might have been derived from this African mtDNA lineage..."
The relevant representation in this recap diagram:
^The 10397 transition is shown in the L3-M linkage, while 10394, which should show up as positive [as exemplified in the above extract] in the M macrohaplogroup, shows up negative in the linkage between L3 and non-M affiliated lineages.
**^To put the above compilation into perspective, and keep it simple, the point is this:
Semino et al.'s demonstration of certain characteristic basic coding transitions of the M super-haplogroup [not including the key coding region motifs unique to the M1 family], springing directly from African ancestral motifs, don't require that M1 has to have a proto "non-African" M1, whereas an Asian origin of M1 would necessitate an Asian proto-M1 lineage that would explain the relatively young expansion ages of M1 and lack of descendancy from pre-existing Asian M lineages. This hasn't been achieved either by the present study or ones prior to it.
Getting to the gist:
Basal M mtDNA ~ between c. 60 - 80 ky ago
And then, M1 ~ between ~ c. 10 - 30 ky ago
The studies I posted, suggest that the basal motifs characteristic of the M macrohaplogroup arose in Africa, anywhere between 60 - 80 ky ago [since they would have likely been in the continent by the time of the 60 ky ago or so OOA migrations] . Sometime between 60 ky and 50 ky ago [some sources place it between 75 - 60 ky ago], these L3 offshoots were carried outside of Africa, amongst early successful a.m.h migrations, which resulted in the populations now living in the Indian-subcontinent, Melanesia and Australia who have these lineages. Not all the basal African L3M lineages, as Semino et al. convincingly put it, left the continent, as indicated by the basal L3a-M motif detected in Senegal, M1 diversity in Africa, particularly East Africa, both M1 and other M lineages detected in Ugandan samples, and lack of descendancy of M1 from older-coalescent Asian macrohaplogroup. Rather, it appears that the basal L3M lineages which remained in Africa, underwent a relatively limited demographic intra-African expansion until relatively recently, i.e. between 10 - 30 ky ago, compared to the Asian L3M derivatives, which underwent major expansions, naturally within the quantitatively smaller founder immigrant groups, i.e. the founder effect.
M1 is likely the culmination of relatively more recent demographic expansions of basal L3M lineages in the African continent, with M1 derivative being a successful candidate, in what could have possibly involved other derivatives which might not have expanded to the same level intra-continentally, and subsequently, extra-continentally as well.
M1 has strongly been correlated with the upper Paleolithic expansion of proto-Afrasan groups across the Sahara to coastal north Africa, and further eastward via the Sinai peninsula.
I agree that there is no proof that U6 or M1 originate outside of Africa.
This is also a destraction from the topic of the original population of East Africa, and the E3b lineage.
Debunked fails to dispute the African origin of E3b.
Debunked fails to provide any intelligible basis for his backwards claims of and original 'caucasian' population of East Africa - a claim that has been rightly debunked by modern anthropologists, whether he wants to continue making it, or not.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
Other Debunked claims:
quote:"Upper Paleolithic crania are, for the most part, larger and more generalized versions of recent Europeans."
^ This claim is based on wishful thinking.
This observation is based on objective anatomical measurements....
Some "Cro Magnon" resemble current Africans and Australians more than Europeans[ - Chris Stringer, African exodus.
quote:"the [Hofmeyr] skull was found to be quite distinct from all recent Africans, including the Bushmen"
^ I doubt Debunked believes this hyperbole, but if he does, he can tell us exactly how this skull differs from "all africans".
And in what way does Debunked claim it is specific to *current* Europeans....
What current "European" feature does it have?
This leave us with Upper Paleolithic Europeans, who of course *were not white* since the mutations for white skin had not yet developed, where still skeletally 'tropical' *unlike* modern Europeans, and do not particularly resemble modern Europeans 'cranially either'.
See the following....please note the specifics in boldface, and tell us how it relates "european skull".
The 35,000-year-old cranium discovered in Pestera cu Oase in the west of the country shows an interesting mix of features, say scientists.
Dr Helene Rougier, from Washington University in St Louis, US, and colleagues say the fossil suggests the first modern humans to enter Europe continued to change after they had settled.
H. sapiens is thought to have emerged in Africa more than 150,000 years ago before spreading out of the continent and arriving in Europe less than 50,000 years ago.
The reconstructed cranium - known as Oase 2 and found in a Late Pleistocene bone bed containing the remains of cave bears - comes from the earliest stages of the occupation.
In addition to its large face and retreating forehead, the specimen has the largest cheek teeth so far known for an otherwise anatomically modern human, the team reports.
^ Can Debunked tell us about large faces, sloping forheads, and large teeth, as distinguishing traits of Europeans?
If not, then what are the distinguishing traits found in UP crania?
Of course you can simply "claim" whateve skull is of European affinity, while offering no specifics.....
Of course Eurocentrists are notorious for that.
Posted by Charlie Bass (Member # 10328) on :
quote:Originally posted by Debunker: That's based on Euclidean distances. You conveniently ignored the table based on Mahalanobis D2 distances, which shows different results and is the more important:
"Mahalanobis D2, adjusted for unequal sample sizes (S24), is used to estimate the morphological distances among samples. This method is appropriate for the goal of this analysis because it represents the morphological variation among groups scaled by the pooled within- group variation, and accounts for covariation among landmark coordinates, which is pervasive among biological datasets (S25, S26)."
Those figures produce these trees. You can see that Hofmeyr is closer to both UP and recent Eurasians than it is to either Africans or San, and that the UP Eurasians are nowhere near the Africans.
No, the Bass didn't ignore this info nor leave it out, it was the Bass setting you up to make a fool of yourself. The Hofmeyr skulls is closest to Oceania which are in turn closest to ASfricans, cased closed.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Its great when we can actually read the anthropological findings, to find out, even though hofmeyr, didn't match up to most recent Africans, he did possess African features.
Late Pleistocene Human Skull from Hofmeyr, South Africa, and Modern Human Origins F. E. Grine,1* R. M. Bailey,2 K. Harvati,3 R. P. Nathan,4 A. G. Morris,5 G. M. Henderson,6 I. Ribot,7 A. W. G. Pike8
The Hofmeyr skull is fully adult; the coronal suture is obliterated and the third molars are heavily worn. It suffered antemortem trauma to the lateral margin of the right orbit, which exhibits a healed or partially healed depressed fracture. This crushing, together with associated bony exostoses along its posterior margin, exaggerate the thickness of the frontal process of the zygomatic. The anterior surface of the right supraorbital torus appears to have been cut away. Hofmeyr presents an overall picture of morphological modernity in its steeply rising frontal and high rounded vault, the maximum breadth of which is situated high on the parietals. Weak frontal eminences recede laterally from a broad low midline keel that rises vertically from the glabella. The skull is large and robust. The maximum estimated length and breadth of the neurocranium, as well as most measurements of the facial skeleton, lie at or exceed two standard deviations (SD) of the means for modern African males, whereas they lie within these limits for Late Pleistocene crania from Eurasia and North Africa (table S3). Narrow nasal bones are bounded by very broad (~15.0 mm), relatively flat frontal processes of the maxillae. The pyriform aperture is broad in comparison to that ofmost EurasianUP crania. The infraorbital plate is tall and flat and lacks an inframalar curve. As such, it differs from the condition that characterizes recent southern African crania (12, 25). Frontal and parietal thickness (6 to 7mm) is comparable to that of recent humans. The glabella projects to a greater degree thanin modern Africans but is comparable to that ofUP crania.Thesupraorbital tori of Hofmeyr are moderately well developed and continuous, lacking the separation of the medial supraorbital eminence and lateral superciliary arch that is characteristic of recent humans. Although the supraorbital torus is comparable in thickness to that in UP crania, its continuous nature represents a more archaic morphology (26). In this regard, Hofmeyr is more primitive than later sub-Saharan LSA and North African UP specimens (such as Lukenya Hill andWadi Kubbaniya), even though they may have a somewhat thicker medial supraorbital eminence. Despite its glabellar prominence and capacious maxillary sinuses, Hofmeyr exhibits only incipient frontal sinus development, a condition that is uncommon among European UP crania (27). The mandibular ramus has a well-developed gonial angle, and the slender coronoid process is equivalent in height to the condyle. The mandibular (sigmoid) notch is deep and symmetrical, and its crest intersects the lateral third of the condyle. The anterior margin of the ramus is damaged, but it is clear that there was no retromolar gap. The Hofmeyr molars are large. The buccolingual diameter ofM2 exceeds recentAfrican and Eurasian UP sample means by more than 2 SD (table S3). Radiographs reveal cynodont molars, although pulp chamber height is likely to have been affected by the deposition of secondary dentine in these heavily worn teeth. Thus, Hofmeyr is seemingly primitive in comparison to recent African crania in a number of features, including a prominent glabella; moderately thick, continuous supraorbital tori; a tall, flat, and straight malar; a broad frontal process of the maxilla; and comparatively large molar crowns. Hofmeyr is contemporaneous with later Eurasian Neandertals, but it clearly does not evince the cranial and mandibular apomorphies that define that clade (28). This is notsurprising, given its geographic location.Although Hofmeyris similar in size to Eurasian UP crania, it differsfrom them in other respects (such as its broad noseand continuous supraorbital tori). In order to assess the phenetic affinities of Hofmeyr to penecontemporaneous Eurasian UP and recent humans, we conducted multivariate morphometric analyses of 3D landmark coordinates and linear measurements of crania representing these populations. We digitized 19 3D coordinates of landmarks that represent as fully as possible the currently preserved anatomy of the Hofmeyr skull (table S4). These were compared with homologous data for recent human samples from five broad geographic areas (North Africa, sub-Saharan Africa, Western Eurasia, Oceania, and Eastern Asia/New World). The sub-Saharan sample was divided into Bantuspeaking (Mali and Kenya) and South African Khoe-San samples. The latter are represented in the Holocene archaeological record of the subcontinent, and inasmuch as they are the oldest historic indigenes of southern Africa, they might be expected to have the closest affinity to Hofmeyr (12). The North African sample consists of Epipaleolithic (Mesolithic) individuals that provide a temporal depth of approximately 10,000 years. The 3D data were also compared for two Neandertal, four Eurasian UP, and one Levantine early modern human fossils (table S5). The landmark coordinate configurations for each specimen were superimposed with the use of generalized Procrustes analysis and analyzed with a series of multivariate statistical techniques (29). Hofmeyr falls at the upper ends of the recent sub-Saharan African sample ranges and within the upper parts of all other recent human sample ranges in terms of centroid size (fig. S6). In a canonical variates analysis of these landmarks (Fig. 2), axis 1 separates the sub-Saharan African samples from the others, and axis 4 tends to differentiate the UP specimens from recent homologs. Hofmeyr clusters with the UP sample, and although it falls within the recent human range on both axes, it is outside the 95% confidence ellipse for the Khoe-San sample and barely within the limits of the other sub-Saharan African sample. These canonical axes are weakly correlated with centroid size, which emphasizes that the similarity between Hofmeyr and the UP sample is due only in small part to similarity in size.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Its great when we can actually read the anthropological findings, to find out, even though hofmeyr, didn't match up to most recent Africans,
Paleolithic skulls do not generally 'match up' to modern skulls.
"Thus, Hofmeyr is seemingly primitive in comparison to recent African crania in a number of features, including a prominent glabella; moderately thick, continuous supraorbital tori; a tall, flat, and straight malar; a broad frontal process of the maxilla; and comparatively large molar crowns."
^ Debunked of course is simply a dishonest troll, he does not really think 'seemingly primative' looking is equivalent to looking like modern Europeans.
As usual, his responses bait after irrelevancies, and pretend to ignore the facts which completely debunk him.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by Charlie Bass: No, the Bass didn't ignore this info nor leave it out, it was the Bass setting you up to make a fool of yourself. The Hofmeyr skulls is closest to Oceania which are in turn closest to ASfricans, cased closed.
Correct, and actually based on that chart you "could" form a skull cluster, albeit somewhat arbitrary of Hofmeyr, Oceania [Australia/New Guinea] and their African samples.
Current Europeans are somewhat outlier from this grouping.
Since it is New Guinea/Australia that is closest amongst modern skull-appearances to Hofmeyr, we are led back to the question that Debunked just runs, and runs, and runs away from.
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:and "non-African" camp [aka the African lineages "common outside of the continent"].
Hence the relevance of the unanswered question:
quote:As you would "model" homo-sapiens, are Melanesian and European a part of the same population structure?
Yes or no?
If yes, then what does "population structure" tell us about "caucasian".
If no, then what *is* the basis of a genetic structure that contrasts "Africans" and Non Africans...which you propose?
To make it is picture and genetic data which relates my question.
Melanesians {Oceania}....
Europeans, show as intermediates
between Oceania and Africans.....
Oceanians and Africans would represent the "opposite ends" of the proposed "structure".
^ Too bad they have no answers.
Again we ask - how can Melanesian looking skulls, genes or reified population structures, help to foster the mythology of Eurocentrists?
So afraid is Debunked of the above that he refuses to even try to come up with and answer.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by Charlie Bass:
No, the Bass didn't ignore this info nor leave it out, it was the Bass setting you up to make a fool of yourself. The Hofmeyr skulls is closest to Oceania which are in turn closest to ASfricans, cased closed.
^ And West Eurasians are second most outlier, or distant from *all other populations*.
Only Neanderthal is more unlike - all other groups - on this phenetic affinities of skull map.
Even if this were not the case it wouldn't much help Debunker, but as it stands, he continues to debunk himself with his backwards thinking.
Posted by Tyrann0saurus (Member # 3735) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:"panmictic Black African" population prior to OOA crumbles into dust
- African is admitted by your statement "prior to Out of Africa", and is so, undisputed and indisputable.
- Black [melanoderm] is a fact of genetics, as dark skin is the product of the original underived genes for skin color. See.....
"dark skin is the original state of the species homo sapiens" - Nina Gablonski.
African ENTAILS BLACK, though Black does not entail African. - CL Brace.
- This leaves us with your 'cute' use of "panmixes"- [random mating] - which is completely irrelevant to either African or Black, and is introduced as a strawman argument.
Your rant is thus essentially worthless.
Anything else?
The problem is, Debunker (who I seriously doubt is Exasperating Euro; at least this new guy doesn't throw racial slurs every other post) seems to be working with the "true Negroid" definition of "blackness" (the one defined by a specific set of facial features), and is projecting it onto us. He doesn't understand that some people have a more flexible concept of blackness for that, that a Somali with fine features can be every bit as black and tropically adapted as the Bantu and pygmies his cited studies usually choose as samples.
Posted by Tyrann0saurus (Member # 3735) on :
The dendrogram, which Debunker claims proves these prehistoric Europeans were just like modern Europeans, actually shows modern Europeans to be closer to Oceanians and East Asians than to prehistoric Europeans like the Hofmeyr skull. Odd way to shoot yourself in the foot, isn't it?
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ Correct, Modern Europeans are labeld WEU and at the upper right of that chart.
The fact is - - per this chart [rightly or wrongly] they are far away from EVERYTHING ELSE, including paleolithic Euro's.
Only Neanderthal is more of and outlier than European whites, per that chart.
Only Neanderthal is literally less close to -anything- else.
As usual, Debunker debunks himself.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
^^^^^^More rehashed nonsense from Debunked. Desperately trying to defend the Greeks 'whiteness' again.
Posted by Charlie Bass (Member # 10328) on :
Debunked will now magically try to present the argument that East Asians and Oceanians are somehow "Caucasoids" or some other dumb argument. It was perfect how the Bass set himup to make a fool of himself. The funny thing is that from the data based on distances, Oceanians are closer to Africans than to West Eurasians
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
For Marc Washington - everything, is and African. [Celtics, Charlemagne, Eskimo, etc..].
For Debunked, even Africans are not African.... if it detracts from his desparate delusion of racial 'purity' in Europe.
Both of them are a little bit crazy and can never admit to being wrong.
So this thread, like Marc Washington's "Europeans aren't native to Europe" thread, is destined to go on, while Debunked makes a fool of himself.
Sometimes, you just have to sit back, and enjoy the show.
Posted by Debunker (Member # 15669) on :
Afrocentrists are also blind in addition to being stupid and dishonest.
Of course, Oceania is closest to East Asia, not Africa.
And Hofmeyr is still closer to recent Europeans than it is to any Africans.
Excluding Neanderthals, the only "groupings" that can be made from that data are Africans vs. non-Africans, and Hofmeyr is smack in the middle of the non-Africans, confirming all of the evidence regarding pre-OOA population structure.
Case closed.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by Debunker: Afrocentrists are also blind in addition to being stupid and dishonest.
^ Certainly you are Erroneous Euro under new alias 'Debunked', as you are predictably resorting to insults in the face of defeat just as you did last round.
Your big blue circle is quite silly and also debunks you.
Take the same circle and turn it 45 degrees counter clockwise.
Now it includes everything *but* Europeans and Neanderthal.
Question - what population on the bottom chart are modern Europeans [WEU on the upper right] actually close to?
ANSWER: NONE. They are distant from 'everything else' on that chart.
You can't debate.
You can't read.
You can't even draw.
You're only good for laughs.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:re: smack in the middle of non africans
This is also incorrect.
Debunked attempts to divide the chart, via photoshop into Africans and non Africans.
This is also a joke, no matter how he marks up the chart with is crayons...
In the chart shown...
1) Paleolithic North Africans are closer to the the modern African cluster than the to modern European.
2) Non Africans for him includes Blacks of Oceana, [which is New Guinea and Australia] and East Asians..... who are neither European nor white nor 'caucasians', therefore so how does grouping them together help him prove the antiquity of caucasian?
We still want to know how grouping Europeans and New Guinea together proves the original African population was 'caucasian'?
Debunked.....keep running away. It's all you can do....
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:and "non-African" camp [aka the African lineages "common outside of the continent"].
Hence the relevance of the unanswered question:
quote:As you would "model" homo-sapiens, are Melanesian and European a part of the same population structure?
Yes or no?
If yes, then what does "population structure" tell us about "caucasian".
If no, then what *is* the basis of a genetic structure that contrasts "Africans" and Non Africans...which you propose?
To make it is picture and genetic data which relates my question.
Melanesians {Oceania}....
Europeans, show as intermediates
between Oceania and Africans.....
Oceanians and Africans would represent the "opposite ends" of the proposed "structure".
^ Too bad they have no answers.
Posted by Evergreen (Member # 12192) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasol: [QUOTE]We still want to know how grouping Europeans and New Guinea together proves the original African population was 'caucasian'
Evergreen Writes:
How ironic given the fact that this land was named NEW Guinea because the Spanish thought the inhabitants looked like the people of OLD Guinea.
Posted by Charlie Bass (Member # 10328) on :
quote:Originally posted by Debunker: Afrocentrists are also blind in addition to being stupid and dishonest.
Spewing insults out of frustration? LMAO! Personal attacks are not evidence.
quote:Of course, Oceania is closest to East Asia, not Africa.
Oceanians are closer to Africans than to Europeans as well as closer to Hofmeyr than Europeans.
quote:And Hofmeyr is still closer to recent Europeans than it is to any Africans.
Hofmeyr nor EUP are Caucasoids, Eurocentric wet dream is now a nightmare.
[quote]Excluding Neanderthals, the only "groupings" that can be made from that data are Africans vs. non-Africans, and Hofmeyr is smack in the middle of the non-Africans,[7quote]
Actually recent Europeans are the intermediates, confirming all genetic evidence that Europeans are a mix of Asians and Africans, cased closed.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:And Hofmeyr is still closer to recent Europeans than it is to any Africans.
Wrong again.
Not only is Hofmeyr closer, in your chart to Oceanians, but also to Paleolithic North Africans.
Paleolithic North Africa is turn closer to the Bantu samples that dubiously make up the entire "Africa" catagory in this study.
And recent West Eurasians are *not* close to anything.
^ Hofmeyr is similar in size to Eurasian UP crania, it differs from them in other respects (such as its broad nose and continuous supraorbital tori).
lol. In fact, this skull has no characteristics whatsoever, that is specific to current Europeans.
Posted by Tyrann0saurus (Member # 3735) on :
I notice that Debunker did a shitty job of addressing how, if Hofmyer and other European Paleolithic skulls were so similar to modern Europeans, modern Europeans show greater similarity to Oceanians and East Asians than to those prehistoric skulls.
Hell, for that matter, if you actually pay attention to the dendrogram, it shows modern Europeans as being closer to Africans than prehistoric Europeans. Prehistoric Europeans seem to be distinct from all currently existing human populations:
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
^ LOL What the heck do you expect from Stupid-Euro. He like Marc Washington are only good at putting together photoshop stuff but NEVER at properly displaying accurate data.
As Rasol says, keep the laughs coming!
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
Right you are Djehuti. The Hofmeyr skull is a 35 thousand year old skull from Southern Africa.
The actual significance of the skull - which requires ignoring Debunkeds utterly idiotic prattle to understand - is as follows.
- The skull affirms the recent African origin of all humans.
- The reason for this is that the skull is similar to other skulls found in Eurasia at the time when Eurasia was 1st inhabited.
- That's why there are some similarities between Hofmyer and other Upper Paleolithic skulls.
- A dwindling minority of anthropologists have disputed the African origin of all humans based on the idea that Europeans, or say, Chinese actually resemble local Eurasian hominids such as Neanderthal and Nanjing man.
- And example of this belief was expressed some time ago by CL Brace, with regards to Herto skull - the oldest agreed upon homo sapiens from 130 thousand years ago in Ethiopia.....
The Beginning of Modern Humans" (editorial, June 15) states that a newly discovered Ethiopian skull more than 150,000 years old is "recognizably modern to paleoanthropologists but not to most of the rest of us." It does not look recognizably modern to _this_ paleoanthropologist, and it is a much less probable candidate for being the ancestor of the modern European human than the European Neanderthal is.
I have superimposed the outlines of the crania being compared. Statistical analysis of a battery of measurements shows that the European Neanderthal is more closely related to modern Europeans than to anyone else in the world. This can only be because there is an actual genetic relationship.
That splendid Ethiopian specimen is a good candidate for being an ancestor of Ethiopians, but not Europeans.
- C. Loring Brace
Herto Man:
Here is and intelligent discussion on video from Chris Stringer on Herto Man.
I'd advise viewing it, as it frames the debate nicely:
^ The Hofmyer skull simply adds more evidence to Stringer's point, and further moots Brace...**assuming Brace still holds the Neanderthal hybrid hypothesis**...which I doubt, as evidence piles up against it.
- Lastly it should be understood, that there have already been 30 thousand plus year old skeletans from Africa - that resemble different specific *modern* African ethnic groups [like Herto/Brace's so called ancestor of Ethiopians].... but are at the same time different enough from paleolithic Eurasians that cause some to claim a distinct origin.
- The oldest human found in Egypt, is called Nazlet Khater and is as old as Hofmyer:
The morphometric affinities of the 33,000 year old skeleton from Nazlet Khater, Upper Egypt are examined using multivariate statistical procedures.
In the first part, principal components analysis is performed on a dataset of mandible dimensions of 220 fossils, sub-fossils and modem specimens, ranging in time from the Late Pleistocene to recent and restricted in space to the African continent and Southern Levant.
In the second part, mean measurements for various prehistoric and modem African and Levantine populations are incorporated in the statistical analysis. Subsequently, differences between male and female means are examined for some of the modern and prehistoric populations.
The results indicate a strong association between some of the sub-Saharan Middle Stone Age (MSA) specimens, and the Nazlet Khater mandible.
Furthermore, the results suggest that variability between African populations during the Neolithic and Protohistoric periods was more pronounced than the range of variability observed among recent African and Levantine populations.
- This shows how Africa is the home of rhe variability in skull shape for all humans.
- It is ironic, that the most recognizably 'ethnically african' looking skull is found in Egypt, at the same time as the Hofymer skull.
- Frankly, there are skulls from holocene East Africa which might be more similar [superfically] to *modern* Europeans than Hofmyer.
- Hofmyer has low nasal height and and extremely broad nose, there's nothing about this skull which lends it a specifically European appearance at all.
- The skull draws it's affinity to paleolithic skulls in Eurasia largely by it's so called 'primative' features ....shared by many 30 thousand year old skulls, but not found in moderns.
- All skull affinity studies need to be taken with a grain of salt.
- This one is based on the notorious Howells fordisc system which in my opinion is scandalous in the way it reduces African to Bantu and Khoisan only samples, and so tries to isolate the skull affinities of Africans.
- Even so, there is nothing in the study that is profoundly objectionable.
- Noone thinks Hofmyer skull is a member of a imaginary K-zoid race. Or that it looks like a European. In some ways, it is even more different from typical modern Europeans than Herto man, [which has a relatively narrow nose opening] and which is 100 thousand years older.
- It is a measure of the sheer desparation of Debunked, that his answer to the evidence of the reality of Black African admixture in southern Europe [from E3b to Benin west african originating sickle cell haplotype], is to claim that the original Africans, are not African.
He provides the desparate comedy relief, while we use him to educate on the otherwise dry topic of anthropology.
Posted by Tyrann0saurus (Member # 3735) on :
You mean the Hofmeyr skull was south African all this time? I had thought it was European, what with all of Debunker's prattling about it being similar to Europeans. I feel embarassed about my error.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ You shouldn't be embarrassed, but Debunked should.
HOfmeyr is a town in Eastern Cape province in South Africa.
The finding hurts Eurocentrism, because it shows again that human skull variability originates in Africa, and cannot be attributed to migrations from Asia and Europe.
This is what Chris Stringer has been saying all along.
This is what he meant with his observation that some Cro Magnon look more like modern Africans and Australians than current Europeans.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
Why humans left their African homeland 80,000 years ago to colonize the world
* By Guy Gugliotta * Smithsonian magazine, July 2008
Seventy-seven thousand years ago, a craftsman sat in a cave in a limestone cliff overlooking the rocky coast of what is now the Indian Ocean. It was a beautiful spot, a workshop with a glorious natural picture window, cooled by a sea breeze in summer, warmed by a small fire in winter. The sandy cliff top above was covered with a white- flowering shrub that one distant day would be known as blombos and give this place the name Blombos Cave.
The man picked up a piece of reddish brown stone about three inches long that he—or she, no one knows—had polished. With a stone point, he etched a geometric design in the flat surface—simple crosshatchings framed by two parallel lines with a third line down the middle.
Today the stone offers no clue to its original purpose. It could have been a religious object, an ornament or just an ancient doodle. But to see it is to immediately recognize it as something only a person could have made. Carving the stone was a very human thing to do.
The scratchings on this piece of red ocher mudstone are the oldest known example of an intricate design made by a human being. The ability to create and communicate using such symbols, says Christopher Henshilwood, leader of the team that discovered the stone, is "an unambiguous marker" of modern humans, one of the characteristics that separate us from any other species, living or extinct.
Henshilwood, an archaeologist at Norway's University of Bergen and the University of the Witwatersrand, in South Africa, found the carving on land owned by his grandfather, near the southern tip of the African continent. Over the years, he had identified and excavated nine sites on the property, none more than 6,500 years old, and was not at first interested in this cliffside cave a few miles from the South African town of Still Bay. What he would find there, however, would change the way scientists think about the evolution of modern humans and the factors that triggered perhaps the most important event in human prehistory, when Homo sapiens left their African homeland to colonize the world.
This great migration brought our species to a position of world dominance that it has never relinquished and signaled the extinction of whatever competitors remained—Neanderthals in Europe and Asia, some scattered pockets of Homo erectus in the Far East and, if scholars ultimately decide they are in fact a separate species, some diminutive people from the Indonesian island of Flores (see "Were 'Hobbits' Human?"). When the migration was complete, Homo sapiens was the last— and only—man standing.
Even today researchers argue about what separates modern humans from other, extinct hominids. Generally speaking, moderns tend to be a slimmer, taller breed: "gracile," in scientific parlance, rather than "robust," like the heavy-boned Neanderthals, their contemporaries for perhaps 15,000 years in ice age Eurasia. The modern and Neanderthal brains were about the same size, but their skulls were shaped differently: the newcomers' skulls were flatter in back than the Neanderthals', and they had prominent jaws and a straight forehead without heavy brow ridges. Lighter bodies may have meant that modern humans needed less food, giving them a competitive advantage during hard times.
The moderns' behaviors were also different. Neanderthals made tools, but they worked with chunky flakes struck from large stones. Modern humans' stone tools and weapons usually featured elongated, standardized, finely crafted blades. Both species hunted and killed the same large mammals, including deer, horses, bison and wild cattle. But moderns' sophisticated weaponry, such as throwing spears with a variety of carefully wrought stone, bone and antler tips, made them more successful. And the tools may have kept them relatively safe; fossil evidence shows Neanderthals suffered grievous injuries, such as gorings and bone breaks, probably from hunting at close quarters with short, stone-tipped pikes and stabbing spears. Both species had rituals —Neanderthals buried their dead—and both made ornaments and jewelry. But the moderns produced their artifacts with a frequency and expertise that Neanderthals never matched. And Neanderthals, as far as we know, had nothing like the etching at Blombos Cave, let alone the bone carvings, ivory flutes and, ultimately, the mesmerizing cave paintings and rock art that modern humans left as snapshots of their world.
When the study of human origins intensified in the 20th century, two main theories emerged to explain the archaeological and fossil record: one, known as the multi-regional hypothesis, suggested that a species of human ancestor dispersed throughout the globe, and modern humans evolved from this predecessor in several different locations. The other, out-of-Africa theory, held that modern humans evolved in Africa for many thousands of years before they spread throughout the rest of the world.
In the 1980s, new tools completely changed the kinds of questions that scientists could answer about the past. By analyzing DNA in living human populations, geneticists could trace lineages backward in time. These analyses have provided key support for the out-of-Africa theory. Homo sapiens, this new evidence has repeatedly shown, evolved in Africa, probably around 200,000 years ago.
The first DNA studies of human evolution didn't use the DNA in a cell's nucleus—chromosomes inherited from both father and mother—but a shorter strand of DNA contained in the mitochondria, which are energy- producing structures inside most cells. Mitochondrial DNA is inherited only from the mother. Conveniently for scientists, mitochondrial DNA has a relatively high mutation rate, and mutations are carried along in subsequent generations. By comparing mutations in mitochondrial DNA among today's populations, and making assumptions about how frequently they occurred, scientists can walk the genetic code backward through generations, combining lineages in ever larger, earlier branches until they reach the evolutionary trunk.
At that point in human history, which scientists have calculated to be about 200,000 years ago, a woman existed whose mitochondrial DNA was the source of the mitochondrial DNA in every person alive today. That is, all of us are her descendants. Scientists call her "Eve." This is something of a misnomer, for Eve was neither the first modern human nor the only woman alive 200,000 years ago. But she did live at a time when the modern human population was small—about 10,000 people, according to one estimate. She is the only woman from that time to have an unbroken lineage of daughters, though she is neither our only ancestor nor our oldest ancestor. She is, instead, simply our "most recent common ancestor," at least when it comes to mitochondria. And Eve, mitochondrial DNA backtracking showed, lived in Africa.
Subsequent, more sophisticated analyses using DNA from the nucleus of cells have confirmed these findings, most recently in a study this year comparing nuclear DNA from 938 people from 51 parts of the world. This research, the most comprehensive to date, traced our common ancestor to Africa and clarified the ancestries of several populations in Europe and the Middle East.
While DNA studies have revolutionized the field of paleoanthropology, the story "is not as straightforward as people think," says University of Pennsylvania geneticist Sarah A. Tishkoff. If the rates of mutation, which are largely inferred, are not accurate, the migration timetable could be off by thousands of years.
To piece together humankind's great migration, scientists blend DNA analysis with archaeological and fossil evidence to try to create a coherent whole—no easy task. A disproportionate number of artifacts and fossils are from Europe—where researchers have been finding sites for well over 100 years—but there are huge gaps elsewhere. "Outside the Near East there is almost nothing from Asia, maybe ten dots you could put on a map," says Texas A&M University anthropologist Ted Goebel.
As the gaps are filled, the story is likely to change, but in broad outline, today's scientists believe that from their beginnings in Africa, the modern humans went first to Asia between 80,000 and 60,000 years ago. By 45,000 years ago, or possibly earlier, they had settled Indonesia, Papua New Guinea and Australia. The moderns entered Europe around 40,000 years ago, probably via two routes: from Turkey along the Danube corridor into eastern Europe, and along the Mediterranean coast. By 35,000 years ago, they were firmly established in most of the Old World. The Neanderthals, forced into mountain strongholds in Croatia, the Iberian Peninsula, the Crimea and elsewhere, would become extinct 25,000 years ago. Finally, around 15,000 years ago, humans crossed from Asia to North America and from there to South America.
Africa is relatively rich in the fossils of human ancestors who lived millions of years ago (see timeline, opposite). Lush, tropical lake country at the dawn of human evolution provided one congenial living habitat for such hominids as Australopithecus afarensis. Many such places are dry today, which makes for a congenial exploration habitat for paleontologists. Wind erosion exposes old bones that were covered in muck millions of years ago. Remains of early Homo sapiens, by contrast, are rare, not only in Africa, but also in Europe. One suspicion is that the early moderns on both continents did not—in contrast to Neanderthals—bury their dead, but either cremated them or left them to decompose in the open.
In 2003, a team of anthropologists reported the discovery of three unusual skulls—two adults and a child—at Herto, near the site of an ancient freshwater lake in northeast Ethiopia. The skulls were between 154,000 and 160,000 years old and had modern characteristics, but with some archaic features. "Even now I'm a little hesitant to call them anatomically modern," says team leader Tim White, from the University of California at Berkeley. "These are big, robust people, who haven't quite evolved into modern humans. Yet they are so close you wouldn't want to give them a different species name."
The Herto skulls fit with the DNA analysis suggesting that modern humans evolved some 200,000 years ago. But they also raised questions. There were no other skeletal remains at the site (although there was evidence of butchered hippopotamuses), and all three skulls, which were nearly complete except for jawbones, showed cut marks—signs of scraping with stone tools. It appeared that the skulls had been deliberately detached from their skeletons and defleshed. In fact, part of the child's skull was highly polished. "It is hard to argue that this is not some kind of mortuary ritual," White says.
Even more provocative were discoveries reported last year. In a cave at Pinnacle Point in South Africa, a team led by Arizona State University paleoanthropologist Curtis Marean found evidence that humans 164,000 years ago were eating shellfish, making complex tools and using red ocher pigment—all modern human behaviors. The shellfish remains—of mussels, periwinkles, barnacles and other mollusks— indicated that humans were exploiting the sea as a food source at least 40,000 years earlier than previously thought.
The first archaeological evidence of a human migration out of Africa was found in the caves of Qafzeh and Skhul, in present-day Israel. These sites, initially discovered in the 1930s, contained the remains of at least 11 modern humans. Most appeared to have been ritually buried. Artifacts at the site, however, were simple: hand axes and other Neanderthal-style tools.
At first, the skeletons were thought to be 50,000 years old—modern humans who had settled in the Levant on their way to Europe. But in 1989, new dating techniques showed them to be 90,000 to 100,000 years old, the oldest modern human remains ever found outside Africa. But this excursion appears to be a dead end: there is no evidence that these moderns survived for long, much less went on to colonize any other parts of the globe. They are therefore not considered to be a part of the migration that followed 10,000 or 20,000 years later.
Intriguingly, 70,000-year-old Neanderthal remains have been found in the same region. The moderns, it would appear, arrived first, only to move on, die off because of disease or natural catastrophe or—possibly— get wiped out. If they shared territory with Neanderthals, the more "robust" species may have outcompeted them here. "You may be anatomically modern and display modern behaviors," says paleoanthropologist Nicholas J. Conard of Germany's University of Tübingen, "but apparently it wasn't enough. At that point the two species are on pretty equal footing." It was also at this point in history, scientists concluded, that the Africans ceded Asia to the Neanderthals.
Then, about 80,000 years ago, says Blombos archaeologist Henshilwood, modern humans entered a "dynamic period" of innovation. The evidence comes from such South African cave sites as Blombos, Klasies River, Diepkloof and Sibudu. In addition to the ocher carving, the Blombos Cave yielded perforated ornamental shell beads—among the world's first known jewelry. Pieces of inscribed ostrich eggshell turned up at Diepkloof. Hafted points at Sibudu and elsewhere hint that the moderns of southern Africa used throwing spears and arrows. Fine-grained stone needed for careful workmanship had been transported from up to 18 miles away, which suggests they had some sort of trade. Bones at several South African sites showed that humans were killing eland, springbok and even seals. At Klasies River, traces of burned vegetation suggest that the ancient hunter-gatherers may have figured out that by clearing land, they could encourage quicker growth of edible roots and tubers. The sophisticated bone tool and stoneworking technologies at these sites were all from roughly the same time period— between 75,000 and 55,000 years ago.
Virtually all of these sites had piles of seashells. Together with the much older evidence from the cave at Pinnacle Point, the shells suggest that seafood may have served as a nutritional trigger at a crucial point in human history, providing the fatty acids that modern humans needed to fuel their outsize brains: "This is the evolutionary driving force," says University of Cape Town archaeologist John Parkington. "It is sucking people into being more cognitively aware, faster-wired, faster-brained, smarter." Stanford University paleoanthropologist Richard Klein has long argued that a genetic mutation at roughly this point in human history provoked a sudden increase in brainpower, perhaps linked to the onset of speech.
Did new technology, improved nutrition or some genetic mutation allow modern humans to explore the world? Possibly, but other scholars point to more mundane factors that may have contributed to the exodus from Africa. A recent DNA study suggests that massive droughts before the great migration split Africa's modern human population into small, isolated groups and may have even threatened their extinction. Only after the weather improved were the survivors able to reunite, multiply and, in the end, emigrate. Improvements in technology may have helped some of them set out for new territory. Or cold snaps may have lowered sea level and opened new land bridges.
Whatever the reason, the ancient Africans reached a watershed. They were ready to leave, and they did.
DNA evidence suggests the original exodus involved anywhere from 1,000 to 50,000 people. Scientists do not agree on the time of the departure— sometime more recently than 80,000 years ago—or the departure point, but most now appear to be leaning away from the Sinai, once the favored location, and toward a land bridge crossing what today is the Bab el Mandeb Strait separating Djibouti from the Arabian Peninsula at the southern end of the Red Sea. From there, the thinking goes, migrants could have followed a southern route eastward along the coast of the Indian Ocean. "It could have been almost accidental," Henshilwood says, a path of least resistance that did not require adaptations to different climates, topographies or diet. The migrants' path never veered far from the sea, departed from warm weather or failed to provide familiar food, such as shellfish and tropical fruit.
Tools found at Jwalapuram, a 74,000-year-old site in southern India, match those used in Africa from the same period. Anthropologist Michael Petraglia of the University of Cambridge, who led the dig, says that although no human fossils have been found to confirm the presence of modern humans at Jwalapuram, the tools suggest it is the earliest known settlement of modern humans outside of Africa except for the dead enders at Israel's Qafzeh and Skhul sites.
And that's about all the physical evidence there is for tracking the migrants' early progress across Asia. To the south, the fossil and archaeological record is clearer and shows that modern humans reached Australia and Papua New Guinea—then part of the same landmass—at least 45,000 years ago, and maybe much earlier.
But curiously, the early down under colonists apparently did not make sophisticated tools, relying instead on simple Neanderthal-style flaked stones and scrapers. They had few ornaments and little long- distance trade, and left scant evidence that they hunted large marsupial mammals in their new homeland. Of course, they may have used sophisticated wood or bamboo tools that have decayed. But University of Utah anthropologist James F. O'Connell offers another explanation: the early settlers did not bother with sophisticated technologies because they did not need them. That these people were "modern" and innovative is clear: getting to New Guinea-Australia from the mainland required at least one sea voyage of more than 45 miles, an astounding achievement. But once in place, the colonists faced few pressures to innovate or adapt new technologies. In particular, O'Connell notes, there were few people, no shortage of food and no need to compete with an indigenous population like Europe's Neanderthals.
Modern humans eventually made their first forays into Europe only about 40,000 years ago, presumably delayed by relatively cold and inhospitable weather and a less than welcoming Neanderthal population. The conquest of the continent—if that is what it was—is thought to have lasted about 15,000 years, as the last pockets of Neanderthals dwindled to extinction. The European penetration is widely regarded as the decisive event of the great migration, eliminating as it did our last rivals and enabling the moderns to survive there uncontested.
Did modern humans wipe out the competition, absorb them through interbreeding, outthink them or simply stand by while climate, dwindling resources, an epidemic or some other natural phenomenon did the job? Perhaps all of the above. Archaeologists have found little direct evidence of confrontation between the two peoples. Skeletal evidence of possible interbreeding is sparse, contentious and inconclusive. And while interbreeding may well have taken place, recent DNA studies have failed to show any consistent genetic relationship between modern humans and Neanderthals.
"You are always looking for a neat answer, but my feeling is that you should use your imagination," says Harvard University archaeologist Ofer Bar-Yosef. "There may have been positive interaction with the diffusion of technology from one group to the other. Or the modern humans could have killed off the Neanderthals. Or the Neanderthals could have just died out. Instead of subscribing to one hypothesis or two, I see a composite."
Modern humans' next conquest was the New World, which they reached by the Bering Land Bridge—or possibly by boat—at least 15,000 years ago. Some of the oldest unambiguous evidence of humans in the New World is human DNA extracted from coprolites—fossilized feces—found in Oregon and recently carbon dated to 14,300 years ago.
For many years paleontologists still had one gap in their story of how humans conquered the world. They had no human fossils from sub-Saharan Africa from between 15,000 and 70,000 years ago. Because the epoch of the great migration was a blank slate, they could not say for sure that the modern humans who invaded Europe were functionally identical to those who stayed behind in Africa. But one day in 1999, anthropologist Alan Morris of South Africa's University of Cape Town showed Frederick Grine, a visiting colleague from Stony Brook University, an unusual-looking skull on his bookcase. Morris told Grine that the skull had been discovered in the 1950s at Hofmeyr, in South Africa. No other bones had been found near it, and its original resting place had been befouled by river sediment. Any archaeological evidence from the site had been destroyed—the skull was a seemingly useless artifact.
But Grine noticed that the braincase was filled with a carbonate sand matrix. Using a technique unavailable in the 1950s, Grine, Morris and an Oxford University-led team of analysts measured radioactive particles in the matrix. The skull, they learned, was 36,000 years old. Comparing it with skulls from Neanderthals, early modern Europeans and contemporary humans, they discovered it had nothing in common with Neanderthal skulls and only peripheral similarities with any of today's populations. But it matched the early Europeans elegantly. The evidence was clear. Thirty-six thousand years ago, says Morris, before the world's human population differentiated into the ethnicities that exist today, "We were all Africans."
Looking foward to tomorrows fake arguments from Debunked, who will have no response to bolded passages from Smithsonian, for the same reason that he has had no answers to any of my questions.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
European early modern humans and the fate of the Neandertals Erik Trinkaus* Department of Anthropology, Campus Box 1114, Washington University, St. Louis, MO 653130 Contributed by Erik Trinkaus, March 9, 2007
Hofmeyr 1(13) is younger than the earliest EEMHs and therefore cannot be ancestral to them. The only other directly relevant specimen is Nazlet Khater 2, from 42 ka B.P. in Egypt (20). Approximately contemporaneous with the earliest EEMHs (21), it may represent the morphology of modern humans dispersing out of Africa after 50 ka B.P. However, in some features it is more archaic than the MPMHs, which raises questions as to the degree to which its ancestry was purely from the MPMHs and therefore whether it represents the ancestral modern human morphology. The primary sample of analysis consists of the EEMHs, those before 33 ka B.P. and therefore predating the Gravettian (or Middle Upper Paleolithic) populations of Europe. As a result of an ongoing cleansing of the fossil record through direct radiometric dating, a series of obviously modern, and in fact Late Upper Paleolithic or Holocene, human remains have been removed from consideration (7). This cleansing hashelped to dilute the impression that the earliest modernhumans in Europe were just like recent European populations.
The human paleontological record of EEMHs is the ultimate test of the phylogenetic fate of the Neandertals. Its indications are clear. Early modern Europeans reflect both their predominant African early modern human ancestry and asubstantial degree of admixture between those early modern humans andthe indigenous Neandertals. Given the tens of millennia since then and the limitations inherent in ancient DNA, this process is largely invisible in the molecular record. It is readily apparent in the paleontological record. Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Hofmeyr 1 (13) is younger than the earliest EEMHs and therefore cannot be ancestral to them.
^ Right, but lets get one thing clear. Even if the Hofmeyr skull was literally the grandmother of every non African, it would only affirm "Out of Africa" theory of anthropology and debunk Eurocentrism.
Out of Africa theorists expect to be able to show that the 1st non Africans, Oceanic, Asian, Eurasian.... should show craniometric affinity with their African contemporaries, as they are quite literally off shoots of same.
What OOA theory expects is such diversity in Africa that it is plausible that Australians, Chinese, Nordics, so called pygmy of South Asia, etc..... could all stem from a single African population [as genetics implies]. And this is what is increasingly evidenced.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Originally posted by rasol
quote: ^ Right, but lets get one thing clear. Even if the Hofmeyr skull was literally the grandmother of every non African, it would only affirm "Out of Africa" theory of anthropology and debunk Eurocentrism.
But of course, and such is the case, even though the fossil is younger than EEMH, he is still an affirmation, of similar skulls found in South Africa, to ones found in EUP in Europe, and still not 'Caucasoid'.
Originally posted by rasol
quote:Out of Africa theorists expect to be able to show that the 1st non Africans, Oceanic, Asian, Eurasian.... should show craniometric affinity with their African contemporaries, as they are quite literally off shoots of same.
Which is also proven, through homfeyr, and I believe Nazlet Khater 2 was used for comparison, and the EUP also showed affinities to Nazlet 2, despite displaying admixed Neanderthal features.
Originally posted by rasol
quote: What OOA theory expects is such diversity in Africa that it is plausible that Australians, Chinese, Nordics, so called pygmy of South Asia, etc..... could all stem from a single African population [as genetics implies]. And this is what is increasingly evidenced.
This is what happens when you speak the truth, there will always be evidence upon evidence to back you up. Isn't it grand?
Posted by Socio Africa (Member # 15692) on :
Yes, "blowing the whistle" on pervasive Eurocentric lies is filled with endless joy, mainly due to the endless stream of evidence. It is addictive.
Posted by Debunker (Member # 15669) on :
- Herto is morphologically "non-African":
"There are implications for the origins of modern races, too. Herto (and Jebel Irhoud) are H. sapiens, but with primitive features. They are not, racially speaking, Africans. The later Omo and Klasies remains are more modern, but they too are archaic, and certainly show no traces of the features that characterise any modern races. Only Qafzeh and Skhul seem to lack these primitive features, and rate as "generalised modern humans". Our species seems to have existed as an entity long, long before it began to spread outside Africa or the Middle East, let alone split into geographic races."
"The role of the Nazlet Khater 2 skeleton is also debatable; it has two plesiomorphic mandible features absent in the MPMHs, suggesting that its post-MPMH ancestors may have experienced admixture with regional late archaic humans.
"However, in some features it is more archaic than the MPMHs, which raises questions as to the degree to which its ancestry was purely from the MPMHs and therefore whether it represents the ancestral modern human morphology."
And of course, the actual cluster corresponds to the genetic cluster from Labuda:
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Herto is morphologically "non-African":
^ Not according to anthropologist CL Brace, or anyone with a pair of eyes...
quote:Originally posted by rasol: That splendid Ethiopian specimen is a good candidate for being an ancestor of Ethiopians.
- C. Loring Brace
Herto Man:
^ Keep trying....
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by Debunker:
^ Not according to the Smithsonian Instutue:
Comparing it with skulls from Neanderthals, early modern Europeans and contemporary humans, they discovered it had nothing in common with Neanderthal skulls and only peripheral similarities with any of today's populations.
Your edited graph is also geometrically "challenged" as it draws across the vertices that denote clusters in order to create and fake cluster corresponding to *no* vertex.
^ I'm saying you're and idiot and can't read graphs or interpret data.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
Educating Debunked.
In your distorted graph [above] there are 7 vertices, reading top to bottom and left to right.
Vertex 1: combines Bantu and San [African is only Bantu in this sample]
Vertex 2: combines Bantu, San, North Africa, New mGuinea/Australia [Oceania], East Asia and Europe. [you blind yourself to this one i guess]
Vertex 3: East Asia, and Oceania, only
Vertex 4: East Asia, Oceania and Europe
Vertex 5: East Asia, Oceania, Europe and North Africa.
Vertex 6: Paleolithic crania only [this is because they share so called arhaic features like brow ridges which few modern populations have, it's clear that you also don't 'get' this, lol]
Vertex 7: All homo sapiens.
Your blue rectangle corresponds to *none* of the 7 vertexes, rather it combines 3 - 7 while excluding 1, and 2.
- There is no common vertex linking Upper Paleolithic populations to everyone accept Africans.
The accurate way to 'edit' the graph is to divide on vertex, as Tyr0 did...
^ Here is a more accurate, edited graph:
In Tyr0's graph red is vertex 3, and blue is vertex 8 - it's easy when you actually follow the vertices.
Debunked: do you notice how he draws *at* the vertices, and not across them?
That's why I give Tyr0 a B plus for elemenary geometry.
Debunked gets and F.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Originally posted by debunked
quote:- Herto is morphologically "non-African":
This is false. Herto would've looked just like the picture below, per Chris stringer. He said Herto was more robust, but his face would've looked as it does in this picture, i.e., a broad wide flat face, and prognathous. The thing Chris stated for the reason Herto is unlike modern humans, is because he does possess some archaic features, and is more robust, but don't be an idiot, and think for a second, that a modern human, no matter how old, wouldn't look like us today in some way, why else would it be called a modern human, if it didn't have features as modern humans today? Exactly, the skulls obviously do have modern features, and that's the way anthropologists are able to keep track of the OOA migration, you nincompoop!!
While this may be true, you have to understand, the EEMH, did, in fact, show affinities to Nazlet, and Skhul, and were tropically adapted, everything, hinting recent African origin. Just because the Nazlet had shown archaic features, this didn't stop Nazlet, from showing affinities with EEMH, because it did show affiniTIES. Sorry.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:While this may be true, you have to understand, the EEMH, did, in fact, show affinities to Nazlet, and Skhul, and were tropically adapted, everything, hinting recent African origin. Just because the Nazlet had shown archaic features
Hofmeyr also has so called archaic features. As did Upper Paleolithic Eurasians, so I'm not sure what your point is here.
One of the most common 'so called' archaic feature is 'brow ridges'.
Of modern populations only some Oceanians typically have this feature.
As I explained earlier this is why of all modern humans Oceanians are most likely to show superfluous 'skull affinity' with Hofmeyr.
Hofmeyr is similar in size to Eurasian UP crania, it differs from them in other respects (such as its broad nose and continuous supraorbital tori).
^ supraorbital tori = brow ridges.
This is why Hofmyer skull is significant, because it has some of these features.
Nazlet Khater is equally significant because it has and affinity with later skeletans found in Sudan and Nubia.
Nazlet Khater is every bit as representative as any other skeletan.
Be careful before you co-sign any little bit of Debunked nonsense.
Your best bit is to assume every word out of his mouth is garbage. You will be right 98% of the time.
Nazlet Khater: The results indicate a strong association between some of the sub-Saharan Middle Stone Age (MSA) specimens, and the Nazlet Khater mandible.
^ This is earliest known skeletan from Egypt, and it does specifically resemble later skeletan from Nile Valley Africa.
The South African Hofmyer - does not resemble *current* all.
To Debunked: It does not matter that you run away from all facts presented in our posts and fail to answer our questions, while attempting to bait and deceive others, with sheer nonsense.
We will continue to expose you for the fool you are regardless.
Let's continue then....
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Originally posted by rasol
quote:Hofmeyr also has so called archaic features. As did Upper Paleolithic Eurasians, so I'm not sure what your point is here.
Yes.....I know, and is the case with Nazlet 2. EEMH showed affinities to Nazlet 2, as well as it does hofmeyr, so both are "representatives" of similar populations in Africa, at the time of EEMH entering, and being in Europe, regardless of archaic features, since EEMH also possessed many Neanderthal features as well. That was my point, since "debunked" mentioned Nazlets archaic features. I was informing him, regardless EEMH, still showed ties to Nazlet, so it doesn't matter.
------- This is what really matters anyway.
As a result of an ongoing cleansing of the fossil record through direct radiometric dating, a series of obviously modern, and in fact Late Upper Paleolithic or Holocene, human remains have been removed from consideration (7). This cleansing hashelped to dilute the impression that the earliest modern humans in Europe were just like recent European populations.
The human paleontological record of EEMHs is the ultimate test of the phylogenetic fate of the Neandertals. Itsindications are clear.Early modern Europeans reflect both theirpredominant African early modern human ancestry and a substantial degree of admixture between those early modern humans and the indigenous Neandertals. Given the tens of millennia since then and the limitations inherent in ancient DNA, this process is largely invisible in the molecular record. It is readily apparent in the paleontological record.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ I understand now, and you are correct.
It's also important to challenge the coded language behind 'archaic' features.
Some anthropologists have argued that features like 'brow ridges' in Australia/New Guinea prove that these populations must be descendant from ancient local homo erectus - like Java Man - and not recent African homo sapiens.
This argument is predicated on the idea that Paleolithic Africans do not evidence these features - and so cannot be the source of them.
That's why, when these features are found in Paleolithic Africa it lends further credence to Out of Africa.
Another example of this is 'sinodonty' - shovel shaped incisors common in Chinese, and also found in some early Chinese homo erectus.
However sinodonty [so called] has also been found in Kenyan homo
Notice also the use of the term 'archaic' to references features found in modern Chinese or Australians, but seldom is this term used to reference things like - 'extensive body hair' or 'fur', which some Europeans have and which is common trait of apes, that most modern humans no longer have.
Body hair is just as "archaic" as brow ridges... or neither are "archaic".
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:and a substantial degree of admixture between those early modern humans and the indigenous Neandertals.
^ There is no evidence that Europeans are mixed with neanderthal. Genetics argues against it, skeletal evidence is circumstantial, subjective and speculative.
It is easy to distinguish homo sapien skeletal material from Neanderthal.
However it is not clear, that Neanderthal, is any more likened to European skeletally than any other population.
It depends upon what you measure and how you value what is measured.
For example, Neanderthal had very high levels of prognathism, which current Europeans generally don't have.
Brace, and others who once claimed Neanderthal ancestry for Europeans, either de-emphasise, or completely disregard this descrepency in their "batteries of tests".
In science-theory, this error is known as 'confirmation bias'.
It means you only look for evidence that would confirm your theory, and ignore evidence that would contradict it.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote: Some anthropologists have argued that features like 'brow ridges' in Australia/New Guinea prove that these populations must be descendant from ancient local homo erectus - like Java Man - and not recent African homo sapiens.
This argument is predicated on the idea that Paleolithic Africans do not evidence these features - and so cannot be the source of them.
That's why, when these features are found in Paleolithic Africa it lends further credence to Out of Africa.
Exactly. All the evidence is falling into place. Also, Australians exhibiting archaic brow-ridges, and the findings of hofmeyr, being similar to EEMH, and in turn similarities to Nazlet 2, only confirms, the morphology and the features of the EMH, OOA, as well as EEMH when reaching Europe, resembled, as Chris Stringer has been saying all along Australians and Africans.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:^ There is no evidence that Europeans are mixed with neanderthal. Genetics argues against it, skeletal evidence is circumstantial, subjective and speculative.
Lol I know, but it's funny. Not genetically, but Trinkaus is skeptical and does see similarities in Early moderns in Europe. Doesn't matter really, since we know, there is no genetic evidence.
" Given the tens of millennia since then and the limitations inherent in ancient DNA, this process is largely invisible in the molecular record. It is readily apparent in the paleontological record." Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Not genetically, but Trinkaus is skeptical and does see similarities in Early moderns in Europe.
^ Which are subjective.
Based on subjective observation 'hairy-backed' whites of Europe are more similar, in this respect, to monkeys and apes.'
Which traits to emphasize, which one's to demphasize, and why?
This is the problem that has always dogged anthroprometry.
Posted by Alive-(What Box) (Member # 10819) on :
Thanx u guys, nice job: was wondering why The Euro boxed everyone in down to the HOF and Upper Paleolithic Eurasians - without connecting the San and African [bantu only] twigs - although according to vertices he would have done better to and might as well have boxed in the entire shebbang (albeit to no point even). Also nice article rasol btw.
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
quote:^ There is no evidence that Europeans are mixed with neanderthal. Genetics argues against it, skeletal evidence is circumstantial, subjective and speculative.
Lol I know, but it's funny.
LOL - I know!
Early on after I first noticed Mathilda (see the "Counter ES AE&E sites" thread) on Yaho! Answers I noticed a strong desire to connect their origins/ancestors to Neanderthal - in *a certain* community.
Kinda strange, but whatever's whatever.
Citing evidence for environmental aptitude of Neanderthal and scavenging and sharing small tidbits about "Neanderthal may have been 'smarter' than 'we' thought" and whatnot.
I didn't touch it.
It's funny - didn't give it 2 seconds of thought but I now come to know racist (at least in persona) afrocentrists claim the same thing. (o: It is whatever it's gon' be.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Citing evidence for environmental aptitude of Neanderthal and scavenging and sharing small tidbits about Neanderthal may have been "smarter" than 'we' thought.
Eurocentric anthropology has never recovered from the shattering blow that OutOfAfrica delt it.
- Multi-regionalism.
- Neanderthal as caucasian progenitor.
- East African k-zoids.
all = Eurocentric death scream.
Posted by Ausàrian (Member # 14778) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:Herto is morphologically "non-African":
^ Not according to anthropologist CL Brace, or anyone with a pair of eyes...
Better yet, not according to anyone who does not defy logic.
Simple common sense: Herto — a pre-OOA specimen — did not come from outside of Africa, and so cannot morphologically be "non-African". The guy puts the term in quotation marks, precisely because he/she is well aware of its lack of logical premise. He/she is essentially acknowledging that such a thing doesn't exist, but would welcome others to entertain the thought.
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
Originally posted by debunked
quote:- Herto is morphologically "non-African":
This is false.
Saying that it is false, assumes that what was said makes sense in the first place [albeit just not true].
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ Of course you are right.
Homo Sapiens at the time of Herto is morphologically African.
There are no non African homo sapiens and therefore there are no non African morphologies.
Neanderthal - is a morphologically European hominid.
Tracing the spread of and identifiably African morphology into Eurasia is the basis of OutOfAfrica to begin with. Remember 'hominids' are native to Asia, Europe and Oceania from many 100's of thousands of years - and perhaps over a million.
If there were 'no such thing' as distinct African morphology there could then be no physical evidence of the Out of Africa theory.
Of course the 1st non Africans therefore had to have and African morphology per the theory of Out of Africa.
This is also reiterrated by genetics, as shown...
^ This is why we challenge Phenozine, and Debunked to explain how dividing humanity into Africans and non Africans [such as Andaman Islander], can show the antiquity of European whites, who simply *do not exist*, at the time of OOA.
European morphologies begin evolving when CroMagnon [who still appeared to be more African than European] entered Europe 35 thousand years ago.
The trademark component of European morphology [leucoderma], afterwhich they namesake themselves whites, is, at best 10 to 15 thousand years old. No more.
quote:Precisely because [Debunked] is well aware of its lack of logical premise.
^ Yes. And this is why Debunked keeps running away from the reality of the non existence of Europeans, of whites, of caucasians, in ancient history.
To understand why Debunked makes such doomed and humiliating arguments, you have to 'feel his pain', anguish and desparation in the face of....
Posted by Debunker (Member # 15669) on :
^^^ red herrings are for losers.
"Skin color is one of the most conspicuous ways in which humans vary and has been widely used to define human races. Here we present new evidence indicating that variations in skin color are adaptive, and are related to the regulation of ultraviolet (UV) radiation penetration.... Skin coloration in humans is adaptive and labile. Skin pigmentation levels have changed more than once in human evolution. Because of this, skin coloration is of no value in determining phylogenetic relationships among modern human groups." -- Jablonski/Chaplin, 2000
Now to get back on topic...
Posted by Debunker (Member # 15669) on :
Recap for the dense and dumb:
- Herto is "not, racially speaking, African". Crystal clear statement by Dr. Groves. Nothing more to say on the subject, as neither Brace nor Stringer address the issue of race.
- Nazlet Khater is not representative of modern humans from East Africa because it's admixed with archaic forms, giving it "sub-Saharan" affinities that are not shared by MPMHs.
- Hofmeyr is not admixed in this way, so it is representative of modern humans from East Africa, just as Grine says:
"Dr. Grine said these modern humans probably originated in East Africa, which is rich in fossils of ancestors of the species, and had then moved into Eurasia and also south to the tip of Africa."
Posted by Debunker (Member # 15669) on :
Of course, my cluster corresponds to the data better than the Afrocentric fantasy cluster proposed earlier in this thread, which was nonsensical and contradicted the main conclusion of the study.
The salient findings are:
- Hofmeyr shows strong affinities with Upper Paleolithic Eurasians and is unlike recent Africans and Khoisan.
- Upper Paleolithic Eurasians are closer to their recent descendents than they are to the Africans or the Khoisan.
- Hofmeyr is closer to recent Western Eurasians than it is to the Africans or the Khoisan.
- Oceanians and Epipaleolithic North Africans group with fellow "non-Africans" from Eurasia.
These findings effectively demolish the Afrocentrists' claims that all of the above peoples (save for the Western and Eastern Eurasians) were/are essentially "black Africans". That's simply false.
Posted by Charlie Bass (Member # 10328) on :
Three threads later and still no answer from Debunker to this:
quote:-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Evil Euro is following the logic of those who have it backwards as his own source stated, which he tried to take out of context and distort. The question still remains Evil Euro, if CR-M168 is "non-African" and haplogroup E is a descendant of CR-M168 are E3a carrying West Africans and Bantu speakers "non-African" paternally? using Howells' logic combined with your distorted view of genetics, E3a bantu speakers would have made East Africa "less-African", since they didn't carry haplogroups A and B with them predominately during Bantu migrations[since using your distorted logic, only haplogroups A and B are the only "true African" paternal lineages]. Don't try to mix genetics and bioanthropology together, you always fail like you did when you posted a female as proof of a E3b carrying African, rememeber?
The notion of Hofmeyr being "Caucasoid" has been refuted.
The notion that all carriers of downstream lineages descending from M168 are all "non-African" is refuted. Debunker could not answer the question in quotes above.
East Africans along with Pygmies and some South African Khoisan carry the highest frequencies of haplogroups A and B paternally, especially EAs but according the Debunker EAs are less African than E3a carrying West and Central Africans who would be less African by Debunker's logic. His analysis of the data doesn't add up to what the data is actually saying.
Posted by Charlie Bass (Member # 10328) on :
quote:Originally posted by Debunker: Of course, my cluster corresponds to the data better than the Afrocentric fantasy cluster proposed earlier in this thread, which was nonsensical and contradicted the main conclusion of the study.
Yours is a distortion.
The salient findings are:
quote:- Hofmeyr shows strong affinities with Upper Paleolithic Eurasians and is unlike recent Africans and Khoisan.
True, half way, they only tested Khoisan and Dogon and Teita, not all recent Africans
quote:- Upper Paleolithic Eurasians are closer to their recent descendents than they are to the Africans or the Khoisan.
quote:- Hofmeyr is closer to recent Western Eurasians than it is to the Africans or the Khoisan.
Hofmeyr is closest to Oceanians who are in turn closest to recent Africans. Oceanians are not "caucasoids".
quote:- Oceanians and Epipaleolithic North Africans group with fellow "non-Africans" from Eurasia.
Epipaleolithic North Africans are Africans, not non-African and Oceanians are very close to recent Africans used in this study.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Debunked: red herrings are for losers.
No red herrings here.
For which, you have no answers, as usual.
You lose.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:neither Brace nor Stringer address the issue of race.
Stringer state that the original human population appears as African and not European.
Brace states that African entails black.
Both are correct.
As for your raceist assertions. Race is the illogical crutch you hide behind, in order to run away from the facts denoted by Brace and Stringer.
At the time of Out of Africa:
- there are no Europeans.
- there are no whites.
- there are no caucasians.
^ And you know this.
Race is the signifier of your cowardice, by which you foolishly believe you can evade reality and argue for fantasy.
Keep hiding then.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Debunked writes: Of course, my cluster denotes....
^ ....that you're retarded???
Yes, of course.
And here's proof that you're retarded.
Debunked's retarded claims.
^ The above is illiterate and innumerate, almost unfathomably stupid in fact, as you ignore the vertices that would denote actual clusters, and draw lines right across them, essentially trying to force a round peg into a square hole.
This can only indicate that you do not understand this all.
Are you not capable of elementary geometry?
You -must- bound *at* the vertex, [on the right], capture everything to the left [and within them]. Idiot.
Like this....
^Tyr0's correct graph.
Do not ignore vertices and draw across them, once you do that, you contradict the data, and your drawing [defacement actually] is wrong, and so pointless.
Or, just keep trying to force the round peg into the square hole like some retarded monkey.
It's your choice.
lol. Your stupidity is hilarious.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:The results indicate a strong association between some of the sub-Saharan Middle Stone Age (MSA) specimens, and the Nazlet Khater mandible.
quote:Debunked claims: Nazlet Khater is not representative of modern humans from East Africa because it's admixed with archaic forms.
^It seems Eurocentrists can only make lame excuses when encountering data that destroys their ideology.
Hybridisation with non homo-sapiens [which would be what pray tell at 33 thousand years ago... a waundering Neanderthal?] would make Nazlet Khater appear less like homo-sapiens, and would not account for the strong affinity with later Nile Valley Africans.
Your position on archaic features is also contradictory, since Homefry also has archaic features:
ie - Thus, Hofmeyr is seemingly primitive in comparison to recent African crania .
Not to mention how easy it is to produce a dozen similarly flawed claims by anthropologists that current Europeans themselves are non representative of Homo-sapiens and -HYBRID- between Homo Sapien and Neanderthal.
Excuses are not answers, you fail to address the fact that Nazlet Khater crania resemble Africans, particularly later Africans of Egypt and Sudan and, do not resemble Europeans - at all.
quote:Originally posted by Evergreen: A description of the Omo I postcranial skeleton, including newly discovered fossils
Osbjorn M. Pearson
Journal of Human Evolution
August 2008
"While it once may have been reasonable to interpret the presence of these ‘‘Neandertal-like’’ features in Eurasian early modern humans as potential evidence of gene flow from neighboring and contemporaneous Neandertal populations, the presence of these features in Omo I raises the distinct possibility that Eurasian early modern humans inherited these features from an African ancestor rather than Neandertals."
^ Anything else, loser?
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:- Herto is "not, racially speaking, African". Crystal clear statement by Dr. Groves. Nothing more to say on the subject, as neither Brace nor Stringer address the issue of race.
Actually Race is Moot! Chris Stringer did in fact say that the reconstruction is exactly how Herto would have looked, and thats the bottom line. Herto was from Africa, looked like an African, but you say he wasn't African? Lmao.
quote: - Nazlet Khater is not representative of modern humans from East Africa because it's admixed with archaic forms, giving it "sub-Saharan" affinities that are not shared by MPMHs.
Actually, Nazlet 2 showed affinities to EEMH and Africans in the test. You're delusional
quote: - Hofmeyr is not admixed in this way, so it is representative of modern humans from East Africa, just as Grine says:
Actually Hofmeyr did show archaic features as well, so what's your point?
This is what really matters anyway.
As a result of an ongoing cleansing of the fossil record through direct radiometric dating, a series of obviously modern, and in fact Late Upper Paleolithic or Holocene, human remains have been removed from consideration (7). This cleansing hashelped to dilute the impression that the earliest modern humans in Europe were just like recent European populations.
The human paleontological record of EEMHs is the ultimate test of the phylogenetic fate of the Neandertals. Itsindications are clear.Early modern Europeans reflect both theirpredominant African early modern human ancestry and a substantial degree of admixture between those early modern humans and the indigenous Neandertals. Given the tens of millennia since then and the limitations inherent in ancient DNA, this process is largely invisible in the molecular record. It is readily apparent in the paleontological record. [/QB][/QUOTE]
All of this has been addressed, so why are you rehashing it?
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by Debunker: Crystal clear statement by Dr. Groves. Nothing more to say on the subject.
^ lol. Well of course, that's up to you, since you were debunked on this subject years ago, remember?
quote: Thought Writes:
What you have presented from Groves is simply an assumption, not a peer-reviewed scientific analysis. Peer review is the accepted method within the scientific community to evaluate any given hypothesis.
Groves assumption is either ill-informed or inconsistent. For example, he claims that "Generalized Moderns" and Sub-Saharan Africans share "no traces of the features that characterise any modern races", yet in a more RECENT, **peer-reviewed** study Joel Irish finds shared phenotypic traits when comparing "Generalized Moderns" and modern Sub-Saharan Africans.
Thought Posts:
Ancient teeth and modern human origins: an expanded comparison of African Plio-Pleistocene and recent world dental samples.
J Hum Evol. 2003 Aug;45(2):113-44.
Irish et al.
"...sub-Saharan Africans again exhibit the closest phenetic similarity to various African Plio-Pleistocene hominins-through their shared prevalence of morphologically complex crown and root traits. The fact that sub-Saharan Africans express these apparently plesiomorphic characters, along with additional information on their affinity to other modern populations, evident intra-population heterogeneity, and a world-wide dental cline emanating from the sub-continent, provides further evidence that is consistent with an African origin model."
Thought Writes:
In another RECENT, **peer-reviewed** study Neves et al. note affinity between the same **generalized** morphology and modern Sub-Saharans, Melaneseans and Australian Blacks.
Thought Posts:
J Hum Evol. 2005 Apr;48(4):403-14. Related Articles, Links
A new early Holocene human skeleton from Brazil: implications for the settlement of the New World.
Neves et al.
"The Paleoamerican morphological pattern is more **generalized** and can be seen today among Africans, Australians, and Melanesians."
Thought Writes:
Groves claims out of one side of his mouth that "...each race is VERY heterogenous", yet just because SOME **generalized moderns** have prominent brow ridges he disassociates them from Modern Sub-Saharan Africans even though they have all the other phenotypic traits. If each race is very heretogenous, then prominent brow ridges does not disassociate **generalized moderns** from the Black "race".
^ Say no more then, and *stay* debunked.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
Skin coloration is of no value in determining phylogenetic relationships among modern human groups." -- Jablonski/Chaplin, 2000
^ Indeed.
Dark skin evolved with the loss of 'fur' in hominids and is the original state of all homo sapiens. - Jablonski. [2000]
The original human population would have been very dark, similar to, today's equatorial Africans. - Jablonski [2006]
By 1.2 million years ago, all people having descendants today had exactly the receptor protein of today's Africans; their skin was Black, and the intense sun *killed off the progeny with any whiter skin* that resulted from mutational variation in the receptor protein- - (Rogers 2004:107).
quote:Debunked writes: I have nothing more to say.
Again, then say no more, and stay debunked.
Stand mute against the following facts.
- The original population was Black African.
- The 1st non African migrants into Eurasia were Black.
At the time of outmigration from Africa.
- there are no whites. - there are no europeans. - there are no caucasians. - this means by definition, there can be no phylogenetic indicators of any such non-existent peoples.
quote:Debunked writes: Back on topic
^ topic = caucasoid myth. This post is precisely on topic. Too bad you can't address it.
If you have no answers to the above, then you have no basis for asserting your myth.
You are effectively debunked.
Isn't that so?
Now, go back to school and learn how to graph.
Posted by Tyrann0saurus (Member # 3735) on :
quote:Of course, my cluster corresponds to the data better than the Afrocentric fantasy cluster proposed earlier in this thread, which was nonsensical and contradicted the main conclusion of the study.
The salient findings are:
- Hofmeyr shows strong affinities with Upper Paleolithic Eurasians and is unlike recent Africans and Khoisan.
- Upper Paleolithic Eurasians are closer to their recent descendents than they are to the Africans or the Khoisan.
- Hofmeyr is closer to recent Western Eurasians than it is to the Africans or the Khoisan.
No, if you actually attempt to look at that graph, you'll see that both Hofmeyr and the EUP are less closely related to Europeans than are <i>modern</i> Africans. Why don't you see it?
BTW, how old are you? You sound like a grown man. How does it feel like to be bested in dendrogram interpretation by a kid who is only going to start college in two days?
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Why don't you see it?
Racial Reality, aka Evil Euro, aka Erroneous E, aka Debunked, is a rabid racist, whose vocabulary is reduced to occasional screechings of 'caucasoid'....and that's it.
He isn't capable of any better.
As such, he will never be able to understand deondrograms.
Everything in accordance to its nature.
Debunked cannot correct errors. He can only repeat them.
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
^ ROTFL @ Debunked's irrational rants as he gets his torn and whipped ass handed over to him (for the thousandth time)!
Posted by Charlie Bass (Member # 10328) on :
quote:Originally posted by Debunker: - Nazlet Khater is not representative of modern humans from East Africa because it's admixed with archaic forms, giving it "sub-Saharan" affinities that are not shared by MPMHs.
Speaking of not being admixed and sharing features, what the about the presence of "Negroid" traits in the circum-Mediterranean and in Natufians and in some Greek crania?
Example of retardation, illiteracy and unfathomable stupidity (not to mention wishful thinking):
"Correct, and actually based on that chart you 'could' form a skull cluster, albeit somewhat arbitrary of Hofmeyr, Oceania [Australia/New Guinea] and their African samples. Current Europeans are somewhat outlier from this grouping."
When the study's conclusion is:
"Instead, the [Hofmeyr] skull was found to be quite distinct from all recent Africans, including the Bushmen, she said, and it has 'a very close affinity' with fossil specimens of Europeans living in the Upper Paleolithic."
Posted by Debunker (Member # 15669) on :
And before our ancestors' skin turned dark, it was light:
"Before questions about changes in integumentary pigmentation in modern human evolution can be addressed, consideration must be given to the probable primitive condition of the integument in the earliest members of the human lineage. It is likely that the integument of the earliest protohominids was similar to that of our closest living relative, the chimpanzee, being white or lightly pigmented and covered with dark hair (Post et al., 1975b). In the chimpanzee, exposed areas of skin vary considerably in their coloration depending on the species and subspecies under consideration, but in all groups facial pigmentation increases with age and exposure to UV radiation (Post et al., 1975b). Except for the face, eyelids, lips, pinnae, friction surfaces, and anogenital areas, the epidermis of most nonhuman primates is unpigmented due to an absence of active melanocytes (Montagna & Machida, 1966; Montagna et al., 1966a,b), suggesting that this is the primitive condition for primates in general. The hairless areas listed above are pigmented to greater or lesser extents in all primate species (Montagna & Machida, 1966; Montagna et al., 1966a,b), suggesting that the potential for induction of melanogenesis (Erickson & Montagna, 1975) in exposed skin is also primitive for the group." -- Jablonski/Chaplin
None of this has anything to do with the non-adaptive traits in question.
It's a red herring employed by a loser.
Posted by Debunker (Member # 15669) on :
Of course, Neves et al. provides further evidence that Oceanians are NOT "black Africans":
"The first 13 principal components explain 76.6% of the original variation. Table 4 shows the scores obtained for each sample and the percentage of the total variance explained by each of the 13 principal components used here individually. Their scores were used to build the dendrogram of Fig. 3. The individual from Capelinha shows a close association with the four Paleoindian samples represented in the analysis. These samples form a major cluster with Australians, Tasmanians, and Tolais. The other American samples appear to be associated with some Polynesians (Buriat and Moriori) and the European samples on a first level, and with the remaining Asians, which cluster together, on a second level. All African samples appear clustered together, and distant to the Asian, European, and recent Amerindian samples. The cluster formed by Capelinha Burial II, Paleoindians, and Australians appears as the most distant cluster from all others."
Posted by Debunker (Member # 15669) on :
Of course, Angel wasn't referring to Negro ancestry when he wrote of "negroid traits":
"The female of forty-plus years of age from Grave 2 was examined by J. L. Angel who noted what he interpreted as "a number of 'negroid' (not full negro) traits in the face." The skull is fairly complete, but not enough so for discriminant function analysis. There is marked maxillary prognathism and the orbits may be described as rectangular, traits frequently used in forensic diagnosis of Negro crania. Despite the presence of these traits, we must recall that we are quite ignorant of the range of variation in cranial morphology among the Late Roman Corinthians. Consequently, attempts to identify the race of a single skull (one of only three preserved from the Lerna Hollow collection) are on unsure grounds. The features of this skull may, after all, be within the range of variation for the (presumably) Caucasoid population of Corinth at this time."
SOURCE: Al B. Wesolowsky. "The Skeletons of Lerna Hollow". Hesperia, 1973.
Posted by Charlie Bass (Member # 10328) on :
quote:Originally posted by Debunker: Of course, Angel wasn't referring to Negro ancestry when he wrote of "negroid traits":
"The female of forty-plus years of age from Grave 2 was examined by J. L. Angel who noted what he interpreted as "a number of 'negroid' (not full negro) traits in the face." The skull is fairly complete, but not enough so for discriminant function analysis. There is marked maxillary prognathism and the orbits may be described as rectangular, traits frequently used in forensic diagnosis of Negro crania. Despite the presence of these traits, we must recall that we are quite ignorant of the range of variation in cranial morphology among the Late Roman Corinthians. Consequently, attempts to identify the race of a single skull (one of only three preserved from the Lerna Hollow collection) are on unsure grounds. The features of this skull may, after all, be within the range of variation for the (presumably) Caucasoid population of Corinth at this time."
SOURCE: Al B. Wesolowsky. "The Skeletons of Lerna Hollow". Hesperia, 1973.
The Bass has that paper and that paper wasn't written by Angel Mr Debunked, it was another author summarizing Angels's finding in his own words, but Shormarka Keita, who was Angel's student and knew Angels well said this:
Response to bernal and Snowden SOY Keita Arethusa 26 (1993) pg 329
"I was a student of Larry Angel and am in some postion to comment on his views, which I know from conversation, the literature and personal correspondnce."
"Angel also found evidence for a "black" (if such exists) genetic influence in neolithic and later Aegean populations. Racialists models, which imply non-overlapping gene pools, are clearly negated by Angel's work."
Posted by Charlie Bass (Member # 10328) on :
quote:Originally posted by Debunker: Of course, Neves et al. provides further evidence that Oceanians are NOT "black Africans":
Strawman, who said they were black Africans? Racial Retardology using strawmen to no avail to help his argument.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
It's hilarious that Debunked is so stupid as to post a Mahalanobis distance chart, while removing the distance scale on the bottom of chart, and topping off the monkey antics by drawing rectangles that *cut across the vertex that denote the distances*, thus totally destroying the chart....
^ Translated Debunked: "Gawd that was stupid of me."
^ And of course you don't really understand how stupid what you just did, is. But everyone else does, and can see how stupid you are, simply by viewing the actual chart....
- All the modern Humans on this chart are at least a distance of 25 from Homfry.
- No modern humans are that far away from each other.
- Bantu Africans are only a distance of 9 away from Oceanians.
- Europeans are not that close to *any* modern group.
This is because the chart is only measuring selective skull features not genetic relationships, and even when misinterpreted as genetic, it completely contradicts everything you are trying to assert.
But since you're a screeching racist monkey who can't even recognize -where the data in the chart is- then how can we possibly discuss it with you? lol.
^ I'll break it down then, to your infantile level.
You're debunked again.
Posted by Charlie Bass (Member # 10328) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasol: Now you're getting it!
It's hilarious that Debunked is so stupid as to post a Mahalanobis distance chart, while removing the distance scale on the bottom of chart, and topping off the monkey antics by drawing rectangles that *cut across the vertex that denote the distances*, thus totally destroying the chart....
^ Translated Debunked: "Gawd that was stupid of me."
^ And of course you don't really understand how stupid what you just did, is.
But everyone else does. That's what makes if funny.
Oh look, and actual dendrogram with actual distance data, and highlights which denote ther data, thus correcting your stupidity......
^ You're debunked again.
Debunked/Evil Euro/Racial Retardology doesn't know how to read a dendogram and once again embarrasses himself. He's too dumb to notice that dendograms are read by the length of the twigs laterally and not vertically. Whats even funnier is that he's laughing as if everyone else is stupid when its him thats the stupid one.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by Charlie Bass:
quote:Originally posted by Debunker: Of course, Neves et al. provides further evidence that Oceanians are NOT "black Africans":
Strawman, who said they were black Africans?
Indeed, the point is that the earliest non-Africans were Black.
Via strawman argument he hopes to avoid addressing it.
It won't work.
Ironically in the very chart that he defaces the distances [in skull affinity] which are listed in the study between Oceanic and African is only 9.
The distance beween modern Europeans and Hofmyer is 300% greaater than that at 28.
All current humans show at a great distance in this chart from Hofmyer, which has archaic features that modern Humans don't have.
This is why the study states that Hofmyer is not close to *any* modern population, though of course Debunked chooses to ignore this reality.
Current Europeans are not close to Upper Paleolithic Europeans either.
White people, Europeans - caucasians, don't exist in ancient history.
Debunked knows this, and it pains him.
But maybe faux laughter will make his pain go away.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
re: One can identify Negroid traits appearing in Natufian latest hunters and in Anatolian and Macedonian first farmers, FROM NUBIA.
quote:Originally posted by Debunked: Of course, Angel wasn't referring to Negro ancestry when he wrote of "negroid traits":
Posted by Charlie Bass (Member # 10328) on :
quote:Originally posted by Debunker: Of course, Angel wasn't referring to Negro ancestry when he wrote of "negroid traits":
"The female of forty-plus years of age from Grave 2 was examined by J. L. Angel who noted what he interpreted as "a number of 'negroid' (not full negro) traits in the face." The skull is fairly complete, but not enough so for discriminant function analysis. There is marked maxillary prognathism and the orbits may be described as rectangular, traits frequently used in forensic diagnosis of Negro crania. Despite the presence of these traits, we must recall that we are quite ignorant of the range of variation in cranial morphology among the Late Roman Corinthians. Consequently, attempts to identify the race of a single skull (one of only three preserved from the Lerna Hollow collection) are on unsure grounds. The features of this skull may, after all, be within the range of variation for the (presumably) Caucasoid population of Corinth at this time."
SOURCE: Al B. Wesolowsky. "The Skeletons of Lerna Hollow". Hesperia, 1973.
Diop said it best:
[i]"They have invented the ingenious, convenient, fictional notion of the 'true Negro' which allows them to consider all all the real negroes on this earth as fake Negroes".
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
Yes, but note: It's only and effective ruse, if we continue to play along with the idea that skulls can be divided into racial templates.
It's impossible to make and intelligent argument from a false premise, or to debunk a false argument by accepting it's root premises.
You have to destroy the root premises, to stop the poison that eshews from it.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
Unrefuted facts - the Black African origin of homo-sapiens...
quote:The original human population would have been very dark, similar to, today's equatorial Africans. - Jablonski [2006]
By 1.2 million years ago, all people having descendants today had exactly the receptor protein of today's Africans; their skin was Black, and the intense sun *killed off the progeny with any whiter skin* that resulted from mutational variation in the receptor protein- - (Rogers 2004:107).
quote:Debunked's latest weak retort: And before our ancestors' skin turned dark, it was light:
^ rotfl!
I know you are desparate and retarded so the following is meant for the benefit of more intelligent readers:
- Some apes have pink skin because they have fur that covers them and protects them from the sun.
No humans *ever* had pink skin.
- Dark skin in hominids developed 1.2 million years ago in Africa and is according to Nina Jablonski - "para parsu" - with the development of the species homo sapiens.
This means dark skin goes 'hand in hand' with the species homo-sapiens.
- The African spcecies Homo sapiens moves out of the forest and onto the hot equatorial plains of Africa.
Stands up-right.
Drops the fur which retains heat, in favor of sweat glans which dissipate heat.
And turns Black - to project the now exposed skin from UV radiation.
- The gene for Blackness - is a homogeneous genetic trait, that can be denoted whenever it has been altered or damaged via mutation - as is the case with whites of Europe.
- It is the maintenance of this homogeneous genetic trait over 100s of thousands of years, that causes tropical Africans, and Oceanians *retain* in unmodified form the original skin color range of homo sapiens. - a dark skinned species of AFrican origin.
- With this understood [requires a brain so Debunked is dismissed at this point] then - skin color - is a *homogeneous inherited genetic trait* - FOR TROPICAL AFRICANS, AND OCEANIANS.
But this is simply *not so* for Europeans.
These peoples have very recently mutated from the original forms, to acheive their sole SELF CLAIMED physical distinction which they have labled - white.
Therefore Europeans do not have light skin because they inherit it from furry apes.
Europeans descend from Black Africans - who began losing their skin color when they migrated into Northern Eurasia - a process which for Europeans reached extreme levels during and after the Ice age.
Many Europeans, especially the LESS MIXED ones in the North, have now almost *completely depigmented*, to a near albino state.
Thus the origin of white people of Europe occurs only within the last 15 thousand years.
Bottom line:
Before this they do not exist.
Their earlier Eurasian ancestors were darker in color.
Their African ancestors were Black, and undifferentiated from any other Black Africans, and so not white, not European and not causasian.
This is why some early Cro-Magnon resemble modern Africans more than modern Europeans - per Chris Stringer - and this what "OutOfAfrica" anthropology is all about.
With this bit of education, everyone [accept Debunked] can now grasp the relevance.....
ANCIENT BLACKS = ancient genes for skin color:
RECENT WHITES = recent mutations which cause them to lose their black pigmentation and changed them - ie into Whites
^ For which, you admit to having no answers, and nothing to say.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ Now back to the skull charts....
Distance between modern Africa and ancient "Eurasia" -> 9.8.
Distance betwen modern *Europe* and ancient Eurasia -> 11.4.
quote:Originally posted by Charlie Bass: Debunked, explain this:
Debunked: Please explain why UP Eurasians are closer to Recent Africans and Khoisan..... .....and furthest from Recent Europeans?
^ No answers.
It is clear to all, that Debunked cannot explain anything, because he does not understand these graphs to begin with.
Posted by Alive-(What Box) (Member # 10819) on :
Hmm.. weighing in on the debate of the past 2 pages alone..
Weren't only San abd bantu speaking Africans sampled to begin with?
Do you know how many Africans (even Southern and Western Africans) fall outside of this category?
Look up Dogon and Hausa - they do not speak Bantu. The so-called 'African' group is really a Bantu one -- and per the aforemetioned study late-paleolithic 'Eurasians more closely resemble MODERN Bantu Africans than do they modern white Europeans.
And if we could draw across vertices on the dendogram, we could get Neanderthal (Europe evolved) in with any of the homosapien groups listed. ( wtf? )
Lastly, no one has posted an Afrocentrist fantasy map (or any other map drawing connections across vertices) aside from Debunke himself, so it would appear to one that his red-harring fabrication of an 'Afrocentrist fantasy map' is reaally to no point.
Wow 'Debuker' (the past-banned long-time n-bomb dropping, incompetent, disgruntled racialist who posted under the alias 'Evil/Stupid Euro')really is a little *helpless* type after all.. when compared with black African and teenage members of this board.
Posted by Alive-(What Box) (Member # 10819) on :
Debunker's sub-conscious and speechlessless translated: "holy **** - Not only do Paleolithic Eurasians resemble Hof. more than do modern Europeans, but:
both San AND Bantu Africans resemble Hofmeyr more than do Europeans !!" Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ All laughing at Debunked's willfull idiocy aside.
It needs to be understood that Hofmeyer is not as close 'per this study' of skull affinity to any modern population as all modern populations are to each other.
This is because many of the traits that define it - such as brow ridges are rare or absent in modern populations.
But these traits were more common in Upper Paleolithics, including non Homo Sapiens.
The reason that Hofmier lends support to out of Africa is because it demonstrates that UP humans could have inherited these traits from Africans, as out of AFrica model suggests, and not necessarily through hybridisation with non Homo Sapiens as the multi regionalist model suggests.
Anyone reading this thread should also read Evergreen's thread:
quote:Originally posted by Evergreen:
quote:Originally posted by Evergreen: "Taken together, the remains show that these early modern humans were...much like the people in southern Ethiopia and the southern Sudan today," Pearson said.
quote: A description of the Omo I postcranial skeleton, including newly discovered fossils
Osbjorn M. Pearson
Journal of Human Evolution
August 2008
"While it once may have been reasonable to interpret the presence of these ‘‘Neandertal-like’’ features in Eurasian early modern humans as potential evidence of gene flow from neighboring and contemporaneous Neandertal populations, the presence of these features in Omo I raises the distinct possibility that Eurasian early modern humans inherited these features from an African ancestor rather than Neandertals."
^ If this thread has a challenge, the challenge is to prevent the idiot Debunked from sowing the slightest seed of confusion and thereby moving the topic away from the destruction of caucasoid mythology.
All humans descend from Black Africans. Prior to this, there are no whites, there are no Europeans, and there are no caucasians.
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
Now. Either Debunked will remain silent or even leave again, OR he'll come back with some insanely ridiculous and idiotic retort. Let's see.
Posted by Tyrann0saurus (Member # 3735) on :
Prior to this, there are no whites, there are no Europeans, and there are no caucasians.
Of course there were no white people in the modern sense of depigmented Homo sapiens, but given how cold-adapted Neanderthals supposedly were, isn't it possible that they had white skin?
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ Yes certainly. But Neanderthal is a different species than homo sapiens [sapiens]. Europeans are not Neanderthal, and don't inherit genes for skin color from Neanderthal.
This is a very important point to understand, and why I have reposted the article on genetic data for skin color.
In contrast, most of the cranial similarities or dissimilarities referenced have no proven genetic basis, nor do they necessarily have much influence on physical appearance. [some traits on skulls may be covered entirely by the skin]
It is interesting to note though that Neanderthal did indeed live in 'caucasia' at the time that homo sapiens was evoling in Africa.
So Neanderthal could be considered a European or Caucasian species - now extinct.
Whereas homo sapien is and African species, in the same sense that the Kangaroo is Australian.
Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
quote:Originally posted by Tyrann0saurus: Prior to this, there are no whites, there are no Europeans, and there are no caucasians.
Of course there were no white people in the modern sense of depigmented Homo sapiens, but given how cold-adapted Neanderthals supposedly were, isn't it possible that they had white skin?
No. The Eskimos live in a cold climate and they have not lost their pigmentation.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
quote:Originally posted by Tyrann0saurus: Prior to this, there are no whites, there are no Europeans, and there are no caucasians.
Of course there were no white people in the modern sense of depigmented Homo sapiens, but given how cold-adapted Neanderthals supposedly were, isn't it possible that they had white skin?
No. The Eskimos live in a cold climate and they have not lost their pigmentation.
What keeps Eskimos dark is their vitamin D enriched diets, that have never changed. If you've actually read the articles posted about de-pigmentations, you would've realized, that the gene that caused pale skin in Euros, didn't affect East Asians at the same time. Otherwise, it would have still been detectable, meaning, East Asians, lost their dark skin earlier than Euros.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ Yes, and distinctly. East Asians do not have the same genes for depigmentation as whites.
East Asians are not mixtures of ancient 'blacks' and 'whites' producing 'yellows'.
This fact shatters yet another of the pernicious caucasoid myths all of which are ultimately rooted in ethnocentric grandstanding.
Myths die hard. And embittered racists attempt to cling to them, for hates sake, like pathetic comic-book villians, spewing their last bits of bile as they die their horrible and much deserved deaths.
Yes, Debunked....this is your cue...
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Originally posted by Djehuti: ^ ROTFLMAO
Now. Either Debunked will remain silent or even leave again, OR he'll come back with some insanely ridiculous and idiotic retort. Let's see.
Most certainly his reply will be of the latter, in an attempt to aggrandize his erroneous fallacy, but what can you expect from such a doltish character?
Debunks level of comprehension, is feeble, and perception is a quality, he might want compose on. The kid vigors in an illusion, that he fails to comprehend, therefore, his illogical state of mind, exposes himself. When will the kid learn? I wonder.
Posted by Debunker (Member # 15669) on :
LOL @ citing Diop and Keita as sources. Might as well cite Marc Washington and Clyde Winters.
Needless to say, Wesolowsky's authoritative clarification of Angel stands unrefuted.
Posted by Debunker (Member # 15669) on :
- Proto-hominids had light skin and dark fur.
- Their descendants lost their fur and became dark-skinned.
- Then they moved into higher latitudes and became light-skinned again.
- Those who remained in the tropics became even darker skinned.
That's why "skin coloration is of NO VALUE in determining phylogenetic relationships".
It's just a red herring employed by desperate losers with no evidence.
Posted by Debunker (Member # 15669) on :
One more time for the retarded:
My loose cluster grouping HOF/EUP with WEU fits the data better than the Afrocentrists' loose cluster grouping HOF/EUP with AFR and SAN (and thereby contradicting the study ).
More meaningful Mahalanobis squared distances:
- HOF -> SAN = 32.8022
- HOF -> AFR = 33.6817
- HOF -> WEU = 27.9074
- EUP -> SAN = 29.9511
- EUP -> AFR = 25.6581
- EUP -> WEU = 18.9859
HOF/EUP is clearly closer to modern Western Eurasia than it is to modern sub-Saharan Africa.
And Afrocentrism crumbles.
Posted by Tyrann0saurus (Member # 3735) on :
quote:Originally posted by Debunker: One more time for the retarded:
My loose cluster grouping HOF/EUP with WEU fits the data better than the Afrocentrists' loose cluster grouping HOF/EUP with AFR and SAN (and thereby contradicting the study ).
More meaningful Mahalanobis squared distances:
- HOF -> SAN = 32.8022
- HOF -> AFR = 33.6817
- HOF -> WEU = 27.9074
- EUP -> SAN = 29.9511
- EUP -> AFR = 25.6581
- EUP -> WEU = 18.9859
HOF/EUP is clearly closer to modern Western Eurasia than it is to modern sub-Saharan Africa.
And Afrocentrism crumbles.
If Mahalanobis > Euclidean so much more, the study wouldn't have used Euclidean to begin with. Think about that.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ After slapping Debunked repeatedly for drawing over the graph and obscuring the data, finally he is forced to address data.
Unfortunately he still has no idea of what he is looking at and what it means...
The physical difference in this chart between all modern humans and Hofmeyr is at least 25.
The difference between Hofmeyr and modern Europeans is 28.
The difference between CURRENT Europeans and current Bantu is only 13.
While all the modern skull are different from Hofmeyr, the *least dissimiliar* moderns are those of NEW GUINEA and Australia [Oceania] at 25., an NOT Europeans.
This is the fact that you keep attempting to ignore.
Of course you are a pathetic self deluding liar so you fail to mention this, and hope that others won't see it.
Modern Europeans are neither close to Hofmeyr, nor Paleolithic Eurasians, nor are closer to Hofmeyr than other moderns.
The distance between Bantu and Oceana in the chart is only 9.
This is closer than modern Europeans are to 'anyone else' in the chart....modern or ancient.
So where is Debunked's evidence for ancient Europeans.... it's not at distance of 28 from Hofmyer, that's for sure.
Bottom line, there is no evidence for and ancient European phenotype in the chart and you remain Debunked.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by Debunker: My loose cluster ....
...proves that you have a screw loose in you head, and are as innumerate as you are illiterate.
You leave out the fact that Hofmyer skull is closer in the chart to modern New Guinea [25] than it is to modern Europe [28].
And modern New Guinea VASTLY closer to modern Bantu [9], than any moderns are to Hofmyer, and than Europeans are to -ANYTHING- in that chart, modern or ancient.
This is why the study states tht Hofmyer does not closely resemble ANY modern group, and why your attempts to manufacture a particular relationship between 35 thousand year old south African skull and current Europeans is quite looney.
1st you tried to hide the data by drawing over it.
Now you try to leave out data that you don't like.
Keep bringing the laughs Debunked....
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by Debunker: - Proto-hominids had light skin and dark fur.
Completely irrelevant to homo sapiens who had neither. You might as well note that Zebra have stripes, and monkeys have tails, which are equally irrelevant remarks, meant to distract from the fact that all homo sapiens were originally Black.
quote:Their descendants lost their fur and became dark-skinned.
This defines homo sapiens - thus all humans were originally black.
quote:Then they moved into higher latitudes and became light-skinned again.
Wrong. Dark skinned Homo sapiens evolved in Africa, and lived in Africa and only Africa for most of their existence as a species.
These Black Africans migrated out of Africa 1st to Southern Asia, then to rise to the 1st Non Africans, who were also Black.
....this is why all these populations retain the dark skin of original homo sapiens.
Australia and tropical Asia were populated 1000's of years before there were any northern Eurasians.
The earliest Northern Eurasians also retained tropical adapations that were lost only gradually thousands of years later.
Therefore original Europeans were not white.
Hence the title of the study on European skin color -> European 'lightened' only recently.
You have *failed* to address this...
quote:- Those who remained in the tropics became even darker skinned.
^ Nope. No proof that the populations of the south pacific, many of whom have been separated from one another since their original outmigration - have turned any darker.
They have ancient underived genes for skin color, whereas whites have recent mutations on their skin color genes.
These people have the same skin color as their ancestors...
^ They are Black because *ALL original NON AFRICANS* were.
As usual, you just make stuff up when you can't face facts.
That's why you remain debunked.
Posted by Sundjata (Member # 13096) on :
quote:Proto-hominids had light skin and dark fur.
It's hilariously to me how some Eurocentric loons are so hell-bent on distinguishing themselves from their Black forbearers that they'd rather be associated with Monkeys and Neanderthals (which I actually have absolutely no problem with)...
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ lol. you're quite right. Europeans do not inherit 'white skin' from pink primates.
European ancestors were Black.
All human beings were Black.
I guess it's one of those -painful- truths that must be repeated....often.
European genes for Blackness have very recent mutations on them, which disable skin color production.
That is what caused Europeans to change, and lose most of their skin color.
Any comments about the skin color of species other than homo-sapiens is and irrelevant dodge.
White people do not exist in ancient history.
Nor are there any Europeans nor caucasians.
The history of human beings as related to 'blacks' and 'whites' and 'africans' and 'europeans' is very clear and very easy to understand.
130 to 80 thousand kya: Black Africans only.
80 kya to 40 kya: Black Africans, Blacks of Southern Asia, Blacks of Australia and New Guinea [whose skull shapes in the dendrogram are the least distant from Homefry, and are on the same dendrogram more similar by far to Bantu than to Current European].
35 thousand years ago - the 1st Northern Eurasians - who are still dark skinned and tropically adapted.
13 - 9 thousand years ago: mutations in Europe's population that cause leucoderma [depigmentation]
^ Prior to this event, there are no white people.
The idea of searching back thru time 35 thousand years for a south african proginator specific to white peoples of Europe - is even more ludicrous than 'blaming' Neanderthal for Europe's white people.
But hey, Eurocentrists have entered into the phase of hanging on to their mythology by bleeding fingernails...and it's fun to watch.
Posted by Hori (Member # 11484) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
European genes for Blackness have very recent mutations on them, which disable skin color production.
Albinos lol
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Indeed these New Guineans are the representative of "debunked" imaginary 'caucasoid' population
The oldest Out of Africa expansion occurred 65,000 +- 23000 years ago and is witnessed by mitochondrial descendants preserved in Papua New Guinea; the Papuan node is derived from a Eurasian founder, we tentatively propose the following scenario to account for the obvious phenotypic differences between Papuans and [Northern] Eurasians despite their sharing a common mtDNA ancestry:
They derive from a single African migration, but split at an early stage before reaching Europe. Meanwhile, proto-Eurasians spent 20 or more millennia genetically drifting to their present distinct phenotypes. - Peter Forster, Antonio Torroni, Colin Renfrew and Arne Röhl
This New Guinean looks a lot like a Native American.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by Debunker: LOL @ citing Diop and Keita as sources Might as well cite Marc Washington and Clyde Winters.
Diop = genius. Keita = Brilliant. Winters = smart but misguided. Washingon = just plain misguided. Debunked = retarded clown.
^ And this is fair, since you post defaced dendograms, removing the cluster data boundaries, draw lines right over the boundaries, while claiming them to be loose clusters [so evidencing loose marbles in your head].....
Debunked the above is something only a retarded clown would do.
quote:Needless to say, Wesolowsky's authoritative clarification of Angel
^ Needless to say, Wesolowsky was not trying to clarify Angel, but rather contradict him.
Angel states that Greeks have Neolithic Ancestry from Nubia.
Wesolowsky is trying to suggest that the Black African traits observed do not indicate Black African ancestry.
Needless to say, these two views are in conflict with one another.
Of course, we know now that Greeks have E3b and Benin Hbs which come straight from Black Africa.
E3b delt a death blow, to every ridiculous excuse you ever have or ever will come up with.
Needless to say Angel is correct when HE SAYS -> the neolithic Greeks get these features, "FROM NUBIA", and you and Wesolowsky can only make feeble excuses to the contrary.
Needless to say, no one believes your excuses...that includes you.
quote:Originally posted by Debunked: Of course, Angel wasn't referring to Negro ancestry when he wrote of "negroid traits":
Posted by KING (Member # 9422) on :
Great to see you putting the smackdown on another racist and putting him in his place/
Thanks to E3b and the Benin Hbs we know for a fact that Greeks have ancestry from Africa. I am waiting for a scientist to come out and just admit this truth, instead of hiding these facts or trying to deny the obvious.
To be more clear Greek civilization is Greek with a slice of Asian and African contributions. We should be glad that the ancients were not as racist as some people are today. Remember it was not that long ago that people were calling Africans 3 5th of a human being. We have come a long way from these pathetic studies and blatant racist nonsense.
Debunker is desperate to prove his foolish ideas and he is failing. As long as others are hear to correct him I see this forum slowly regaining it's strength. Truthseekers must not let a little bump in the road stop them from contributing to threads. Remember people One Love, One people.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Further confirming the African origin of Modern Europeans. Note the autapomorphic traits shared between MPMH and EEMH. Also debunking, the already debunked, notion of admixture of Neanderthal in EEMH.
European early modern humans and the fate of the Neandertals Erik Trinkaus*
The Relevant Fossils
To evaluate human reproductive patterns when indispersing modern humans met indigenous Neandertal populations in Europe, it is necessary to establish the currently known potential ancestral populations. It is only from these lineages that the European early modern humans (EEMHs) are likely to have acquired their phylogenetically informative characteristics. The first sample comprises the oxygen isotope stage 4 and 3 Neandertals, established as a regional lineage in western Eurasia since the Middle Pleistocene. They occupied all of Mediterranean Europe and much of Europe north of the Alps and Balkans until at least 42–43 thousand calendar years before the present (ka B.P.), possibly persisting later in pockets of central and northwestern Europe but remaining throughout most of Iberia until 35 ka B.P. (all dates in calendar years B.P.). They are also known from southwestern Asia and eastward into central Asia. Second are the east and northeast African earliestmodern humans, currently known principally from the sitesof Aduma, Bouri, Haua Fteah, Herto, and Omo-Kibish, anddating between 75 to perhaps in excess of 160 ka B.P. They are joined by the Qafzeh and Skhul samples, largely if notexclusively dating to between 80 and 100 ka B.P. in extreme southwesternAsia. Multiple lines of evidence (15, 16) indicate that the Qafzeh– Skhul sample represents a temporary northward expansion of these earliest modern humans into that region,after which they were replaced by Neandertal populations dispersingsouthward. This combined sample is referred to as the MiddlePaleolithic modern humans (MPMHs).
The Relevant Framework
It is assumed that the EEMHs were derived principally from the MPMHs, expanding and dispersing through southwestern Asia and then westward across Europe subsequent to at least 41 ka B.P. (the date of the oldest EEMH, Oase 1). Thishypothesis is supported by the first appearance of a long listof autapomorphic modern human character states in the MPMH sample(33) and their persistence in the EEMH sample. Among others, these EEMH autapomorphic traits include absence of a supraorbital torus, distinct canine fossae, narrow nasalapertures, chiselshaped maxillary incisors, expanded parietal arcs, prominent parietal bosses, laterally bulbous mastoid processes, projecting mentum osseum, narrow mandibular corpus, marked gluteal buttress, pilastric femoral diaphysis, and angulartibial and fibular diaphyses. In addition, their nasal aperture inferior margins and the body proportions inferred biomechanically from femoral diaphyseal proportions (15, 27–29)indicate evolutionarily recent tropical ancestry, similar to that seen in the Qafzeh– Skhul sample (15, 16). The abundant autapomorphic modern humancharacteristics in the EEMH sample are therefore inferred to havecome from that MPMH lineage. The question is the extent to which they had productive reproductive interactions with theNeandertal populations. Evidence for such encounters should consistprincipally of autapomorphic Neandertal characteristics in theEEMH or subsequent Gravettian samples.
Neandertals and Modern Humans in Western Asia By Takeru Akazawa, Kenichi Aoki, Ofer Bar-Yosef
"It is our opinion that the emergence of Neanderthal features in the course of Human evolution may well reflect a genetically inherent Human variability. This variability is clearly expressed in the wide range of morphological diversity among the early AMHS specimens from the Near East. Indeed as previously noted, Neanderthal autapomorphic traits occur among the Skhul and Qafzeh Homo Sapiens, while modern Human traits can be found among the alleged Near Eastern Neanderthal."
----- Earliest Known Human Had Neanderthal Qualities Jennifer Viegas, Discovery News
"Omo I," as the researchers refer to the find, would probably have been considered healthy-looking and handsome by today's standards, despite the touch of Neanderthal.
"From the size of the preserved bones, we estimated that Omo I was tall and slender, most likely around 5'10" tall and about 155 pounds," University of New Mexico anthropologist Osbjorn Pearson, who co-authored at least two of the new papers, told Discovery News.
Pearson said another, later fossil was also recently found. It too belonged to a "moderately tall -- around 5'9" -- and slender individual."
"Taken together, the remains show that these early modern humans were...much like the people in southern Ethiopia and the southern Sudan today," Pearson said.
----- Originally posted by Evergreen:
A description of the Omo I postcranial skeleton, including newly discovered fossils
Osbjorn M. Pearson
Journal of Human Evolution
August 2008
"While it once may have been reasonable to interpret the presence of these ‘‘Neandertal-like’’ features in Eurasian early modern humans as potential evidence of gene flow from neighboring and contemporaneous Neandertal populations, the presence of these features in Omo I raises the distinct possibility that Eurasian early modern humans inherited these features from an African ancestor rather than Neandertals."
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Testing the Hypothesis of an African Cattle Contribution in Southern European Breeds (H2).
Our extensive sampling across North Africa reveals that the T1 haplogroup is almost fixed across this region (Fig. 2). Nevertheless, 63 different sequences with the T1 motif are observed, producing a total nucleotide diversity in North Africa (1.76%, SD 0.15) slightly higher than observed in the Middle East (1.65%, SD 0.14) or in Anatolia (1.48%, SD 0.13), where all four major haplogroups are found.These observations, together with the fact that T1haplotypes are very rare in the Middle East and Anatolia, appearconsistent with the previously suggested hypothesis (7, 11) that African cattle were independently domesticated. This hypothesis, however, also would imply that Northern African and Near Eastern aurochsen were genetically differentiated even without major barriers limiting their dispersion (with the former being mainly T1-like and the latter being non-T1-like) or that the African and Near Eastern domestication processes were very different (with the former producing a much more intense bottleneck than the latter). As far as genetic data are concerned, the simpler hypothesis of an introduction in Africa of few T1-like cattle domesticated in the Near East, and their subsequent demographic expansion and genetic diversification appears more parsimonious. Regardless of the origin of the African breeds, T1 mtDNA sequences are clearly a distinctive feature of their genetic composition. The distribution of the T1 haplogroup outside Africa thus can be used to understand the relationships between cattle breeds across the Mediterranean, and an interesting pattern seems to emerge in Europe (Fig. 2): T1sequences are relatively common (with frequencies ranging from 5% to 30%) in different breeds from Portugal, Spain, Italy, and Greece. The presence of T1 mainly along the Mediterranean shores of Europe (near Africa), but not in central and northern Europe, is suggestive of the occasional introduction of cattle by boat from North Africa into southern Europe and is difficult to reconcile with any gene flow process unrelated with the sea. But when did this process occur? The presence of T1 haplotypes previously observed in Portugal was attributed to historical migration due to North African, possibly Moorish, conquerors (19). However, even if 63 and 11 different T1 haplotypes are observed in Africa and Europe, respectively, only two of them are present in both regions. In addition, (i) T1 haplotypes can be found well beyond the area of maximum Moorish expansion, (ii) recent introductions of exotic cattle are usually male mediated (not affecting mtDNA) (34), and (iii) one T1 haplotype has been recently observed in a sample of 16 Bronze Age cattle remains from Spain. So, the hypothesis of a recent and geographically restricted introduction of African cattle does not seem sufficient to explain the T1 distribution in Europe. On the contrary, DNA data are compatible with earlier gene flow into several Mediterranean regions. There is evidence of early diffusion of cattle pastoralism by people crossing arms of sea (21–23), and, hence, the same process may have led to the dispersal in Europe of breeds carrying the T1 haplotype.
Conclusions The modern and ancient mtDNA sequences we present here do not support the currently accepted hypothesis of a single Neolithic origin in the Near East. The processes of livestock domestication and diffusion were certainly more complex than previously suggested, and our data provide some evidence in favor of the hypothesis that the origin of European cattle is multiple. Breeds domesticated in the Near East and introduced in Europe during the Neolithic diffusion probably intermixed, at least in some regions, with local wild animals and with African cattle introduced by maritime routes. As a consequence, European breeds should represent a more diverse and important genetic resource than previously recognized, especially in the Southern regions.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ Good citation. In fact Europeans invented neither agriculture, nor cattle domestication nor writing. They inherit all of the above from Africans and Levatines.
K-zoid mythology is a debunked ideology - by Europeans tried and failed to claim the histories of non Europeans.
Debunked is here to eulogise the death of Eurocentrism....
Posted by Debunker (Member # 15669) on :
The Grine study makes clear that the Mahalanobis D2 table is the more important:
"Mahalanobis D2, adjusted for unequal sample sizes (S24), is used to estimate the morphological distances among samples. This method is appropriate for the goal of this analysis because it represents the morphological variation among groups scaled by the pooled within-group variation, and accounts for covariation among landmark coordinates, which is pervasive among biological datasets (S25, S26)."
And according to that data, HOF/EUP is closer to WEU than it is to AFR/SAN. Period.
The fact that the two are not identical is a straw man. No one is claiming Swedish-looking prehistoric people. But the Afrocentrists are claiming Negroid-looking prehistoric people in East Africa and Europe. The data disproves this absurd notion because HOF/EUP is more distinct from modern sub-Saharan Africans than it is from modern Europeans.
The fact that HOF/EUP is also close to Oceania is a red herring. Oceanians owe their external appearance to a prolonged period of adaptation to a hot, humid climate. Morphometrically, however, they're closer to East Asians in some respects (Grine) and very distant from Africans in others (Neves). They are NOT transplanted Negroids. They're heat-adapted Eurasians.
Skin color is the other big Afrocentric red herring. It has absolutely no bearing on anything because it's a highly adaptive trait. That's why scientists look at non-adaptive traits and neutral genetic markers to determine ancestral affinities. They don't recognize any "black African" race based solely on pigmentation. That's pure Afrocentric pseudoscience.
Posted by Debunker (Member # 15669) on :
Science has moved beyond E3b and Benin HbS.
Greeks have no "ancestry from Africa" that isn't Caucasoid:
Get with the times, Afrocentrists.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by Debunker: Science has moved beyond E3b and Benin HbS.
Apparently not:
Benin Hbs, from tropical Africa to Southern Europe:
E3b, from tropical Africa to southern Europe:
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
What Debunked says....
quote:Greeks have no "ancestry from Africa" that isn't Caucasoid:
What anthropologist Larry Angel says...
quote:Neolithic Greek have "negroid traits" FROM "Nubia":
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote: Grine study makes clear that the Mahalanobis D2 table is the more important:
^ That isn't clear at all, but it is clear that you do not understand either the Mahalanobis or Euclidean distances. You don't even understand where the data lies, much less what it means.
Nor do you understand the 1st principals of clustering.
quote:And according to that data, HOF/EUP is closer to WEU than it is to AFR/SAN. Period.
^ From the same dataset - It's closer to New Guinea than it is to either.
And modern Bantu [Africans] are closer to New Guinea than modern Europeans.
Clustering and the meaning of these charts, for everyone with brain:
The 1st principal of clustering is that all components within the cluster should be closer to each other than they are to -any- component outside the cluster. This defines cluster.
As Tyr0 correctly presented, the actual clusters in the chart include
- a cluster for modern humans - a cluster for paleolithics
There is no cluster that includes current Europeans and paleolithic Homefry.
No such cluster can exist, because all moderns are vastly more different from Homefry than they are from one another.
For example between Bantu and Europe the difference is 13, between Euro and Homefry it is 28. Therefore there can be no Euro-Homefry cluster.
Likewise there can be no cluster of Europeans and other moderns such as Oceania [New Guinea], since the distance between New Guinea and Bantu is only 9.
This distance of 9 is not only less than the distance between Europeans and New Guinea - it is less than the distance between Europe and *ANY* other population on the chart...modern or ancient.
This means it is mathamatically *IMPOSSIBLE* to place modern Europeans in any -unique- cluster, accept the one that clusters them with all other modern humans in contrast to ancient ones.
^ Debunked, you understand neither dendograms nor clustering.
But now everyone else what have accomplished other than to publicly humiliate yourself? Again?
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:No one is claiming Swedish-looking prehistoric people.
^ Actually, that's exactly what you tried to claim.
We simply debunked your claim.
But feel free to back off of this claim, now that we have exposed it as essentially silly.
quote:But the Afrocentrists are claiming Negroid-looking prehistoric people in East Africa and Europe.
What's funny is, the primary claim made for 'negroid looking people' [FROM AFRICA] in this thread was made by reknowned anthropologist Larry Angel, in reference to Neolithic Greeks.
If you want to call Larry Angel and Afrocentrist go ahead.
Add to the ever growing list of things you say, but don't really believe.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:The fact that HOF/EUP is also close to Oceania is a red herring.
^ No modern is close to Hofmyer, but Oceania is not as far away from them as Europeans are, and Oceania is closer to Bantu, than to Europeans .
This is not a red herring.
It's a central fact, that exposes as FAKE your attempt to create a cluster in which Oceanians and Europeans would somehow be in one cluster, and Bantu would be in another.
That Oceanian are closer to Bantu than European falsifies your attempt at a Oceanian Euro cluster.
That Oceanian are less distant from Homefry than Europeans falsifies your attempt at a Euro Homefry cluster.
In face there is no specific relationship between European and Homefry what-so-ever.
Oceania is not red herring.
Oceania is better likened to a brick wall standing between you and your ability to assert your nonsense.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote: Oceanians owe their external appearance to a prolonged period of adaptation to a hot, humid climate.
^ All humans originate in Equatorial Africa, and all were tropically adapted LONG BEFORE any outmigration. New Guinea populations, and Melanesians, and Australians and other south Asians have simply retained their tropical adaptations.
This is specifically verified via the genetics of skin color - which show that they have -original- genes for skin color production, and not the recent disabling mutations which some North Eurasians have.
Europeans have recently lost these adaptations.
Tropical phenotype is ancient.
European leucoderm phenotype is recent.
This is why no "European" looking people exist in ancient history.
quote:Morphometrically, however, they're closer to East Asians in some respects (Grine) and very distant from Africans in others (Neves).
^ Some East Asians and Africans are closer to each other in some respects than either are to Europeans.... [high cheek bones, epicathnic folds, sloping foreheads, little body hair, dark scalp hair, dark eyes].
This proves that phenotypical 'races' are merely a delusion, however none of this [actually none of your posts period] aids the cacusoid myth which is the topic at hand, so you are clearly just grasping at straws and stalling for time now.
quote: They are NOT transplanted Negroids.
Who said anything about tranplanted Negroids?
More grasping at strawmen from you = admission of debate defeat.
quote:Skin color is the other big Afrocentric red herring. It has absolutely no bearing on anything because it's a highly adaptive trait.
^ This statement is self-contradictory and unintelligible as a trait cannot be both highly adaptive, while having 'no bearing on anything'. A highly adaptive trait is important by definition.
quote: That's why scientists look at non-adaptive traits and neutral genetic markers to determine ancestral affinities.
This is false - scientists look at both adaptive traits like Benin Hbs, and prongnathism, and non adaptive traits, like E3b and brow ridges.
Non adaptive traits do not 'necessarily' reflect ancestry either. If it did brow ridges would 'prove' Neanderthal ancestry.
quote: They don't recognize any "black African" race
^ Science does not recognize 'race' at all, so this is another of your weak, phony strawman arguments.
quote:That's pure Afrocentric pseudoscience.
Nah, it's just plain *good science* from Rogers and Jablonski....
The original human population would have been very dark, similar to, today's equatorial Africans. - Jablonski [2006]
By 1.2 million years ago, all people having descendants today had exactly the receptor protein of today's Africans; their skin was Black, and the intense sun *killed off the progeny with any whiter skin* that resulted from mutational variation in the receptor protein- - (Rogers 2004:107).
Science which debunks you, and which you fail to address...
ANCIENT BLACKS = ancient genes for skin color:
RECENT WHITES = recent mutations which cause them to lose their black pigmentation and changed them - ie into Whites
Posted by Alive-(What Box) (Member # 10819) on :
Almost forgot:
quote:Originally posted by rasol: Hofmeyr also has so called archaic features. As did Upper Paleolithic Eurasians, so I'm not sure what your point is here.
One of the most common 'so called' archaic feature is 'brow ridges'.
Of modern populations only some Oceanians typically have this feature.
As I explained earlier this is why of all modern humans Oceanians are most likely to show superfluous 'skull affinity' with Hofmeyr.
Could Oceanians be a phenotypically preserved population, to where they are good representatives of the original Out Of Africa migrants?
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Could Oceanians be a phenotypically preserved population, to where they are good representatives of the original Out Of Africa migrants?
Exactly. Just like these Andaman islanders.
India's Andaman and Nicobar islands are believed to be direct descendants of the first modern humans who migrated from East Africa at least 50,000 years ago, according to a study by Indian biologists.
The above migrated out of East Africa, are homogeneous, have changed little physically for 10's of thousands of years.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Originally posted by Debunker: The Grine study makes clear that the Mahalanobis D2 table is the more important:
"Mahalanobis D2, adjusted for unequal sample sizes (S24), is used to estimate the morphological distances among samples. This method is appropriate for the goal of this analysis because it represents the morphological variation among groups scaled by the pooled within-group variation, and accounts for covariation among landmark coordinates, which is pervasive among biological datasets (S25, S26)."
And according to that data, HOF/EUP is closer to WEU than it is to AFR/SAN. Period.
The fact that the two are not identical is a straw man. No one is claiming Swedish-looking prehistoric people. But the Afrocentrists are claiming Negroid-looking prehistoric people in East Africa and Europe. The data disproves this absurd notion because HOF/EUP is more distinct from modern sub-Saharan Africans than it is from modern Europeans.
The fact that HOF/EUP is also close to Oceania is a red herring. Oceanians owe their external appearance to a prolonged period of adaptation to a hot, humid climate. Morphometrically, however, they're closer to East Asians in some respects (Grine) and very distant from Africans in others (Neves). They are NOT transplanted Negroids. They're heat-adapted Eurasians.
Skin color is the other big Afrocentric red herring. It has absolutely no bearing on anything because it's a highly adaptive trait. That's why scientists look at non-adaptive traits and neutral genetic markers to determine ancestral affinities. They don't recognize any "black African" race based solely on pigmentation. That's pure Afrocentric pseudoscience.
Ok, Forget about your distortion of the graphs,(you've been debunked) doesn't seem like you are able to accept the facts through there. I would love to see how you distort this below. The actual physical traits shared between MPMH and EEMH.
Also of note, is that Qafzeh and Skhul were also said to have imaginary Neanderthal features, just like EEMH.
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718: [QB] Further confirming the African origin of Modern Europeans. Note the autapomorphic traits shared between MPMH and EEMH. Also debunking, the already debunked, notion of admixture of Neanderthal in EEMH.
European early modern humans and the fate of the Neandertals Erik Trinkaus*
The Relevant Fossils
To evaluate human reproductive patterns when indispersing modern humans met indigenous Neandertal populations in Europe, it is necessary to establish the currently known potential ancestral populations. It is only from these lineages that the European early modern humans (EEMHs) are likely to have acquired their phylogenetically informative characteristics. The first sample comprises the oxygen isotope stage 4 and 3 Neandertals, established as a regional lineage in western Eurasia since the Middle Pleistocene. They occupied all of Mediterranean Europe and much of Europe north of the Alps and Balkans until at least 42–43 thousand calendar years before the present (ka B.P.), possibly persisting later in pockets of central and northwestern Europe but remaining throughout most of Iberia until 35 ka B.P. (all dates in calendar years B.P.). They are also known from southwestern Asia and eastward into central Asia. Second are the east and northeast African earliestmodern humans, currently known principally from the sitesof Aduma, Bouri, Haua Fteah, Herto, and Omo-Kibish, anddating between 75 to perhaps in excess of 160 ka B.P. They are joined by the Qafzeh and Skhul samples, largely if notexclusively dating to between 80 and 100 ka B.P. in extreme southwesternAsia. Multiple lines of evidence (15, 16) indicate that the Qafzeh– Skhul sample represents a temporary northward expansion of these earliest modern humans into that region,after which they were replaced by Neandertal populations dispersingsouthward. This combined sample is referred to as the MiddlePaleolithic modern humans (MPMHs).
The Relevant Framework
It is assumed that the EEMHs were derived principally from the MPMHs, expanding and dispersing through southwestern Asia and then westward across Europe subsequent to at least 41 ka B.P. (the date of the oldest EEMH, Oase 1). Thishypothesis is supported by the first appearance of a long listof autapomorphic modern human character states in the MPMH sample(33) and their persistence in the EEMH sample. Among others, these EEMH autapomorphic traits include absence of a supraorbital torus, distinct canine fossae, narrow nasalapertures, chiselshaped maxillary incisors, expanded parietal arcs, prominent parietal bosses, laterally bulbous mastoid processes, projecting mentum osseum, narrow mandibular corpus, marked gluteal buttress, pilastric femoral diaphysis, and angulartibial and fibular diaphyses. In addition, their nasal aperture inferior margins and the body proportions inferred biomechanically from femoral diaphyseal proportions (15, 27–29)indicate evolutionarily recent tropical ancestry, similar to that seen in the Qafzeh– Skhul sample (15, 16). The abundant autapomorphic modern humancharacteristics in the EEMH sample are therefore inferred to havecome from that MPMH lineage. The question is the extent to which they had productive reproductive interactions with theNeandertal populations. Evidence for such encounters should consistprincipally of autapomorphic Neandertal characteristics in theEEMH or subsequent Gravettian samples.
[QUOTE] "The abundant autapomorphic modern human characteristics in the EEMH sample are therefore inferred to have come from that MPMH lineage."
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by Alive-(What Box): Almost forgot:
quote:Originally posted by rasol: Hofmeyr also has so called archaic features. As did Upper Paleolithic Eurasians, so I'm not sure what your point is here.
One of the most common 'so called' archaic feature is 'brow ridges'.
Of modern populations only some Oceanians typically have this feature.
As I explained earlier this is why of all modern humans Oceanians are most likely to show superfluous 'skull affinity' with Hofmeyr.
Could Oceanians be a phenotypically preserved population, to where they are good representatives of the original Out Of Africa migrants?
Not really. If you look at the data - none of the modern populations are close to the upper paleolithics.
Every modern population is closer to every other modern population than any of them are to the paleolithics.
This makes sense when you understand what is - and is not - being measured.
This is only a study of selected skull traits.
In skull traits a person from New Guinea and Nigeria may be very similar or very different, depending on what you measure.
Skull traits neither measure physical appearance nor ancestral relationships very well.
I've repeated quite a few times what the actual significance of this study is -
All paleolithic non Africans resemble paleolithic Africans - * because they ALL come from peoleolithic Africa. *
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Another Early European Modern Human(EEMH), Oase 2, matching up in affinities to Middle Paleolithic Modern Humans(MPMH). Nazlet 2 and Skhul 5.
Pes¸tera cu Oase 2 and the cranial morphology of early modern Europeans He´ le`ne Rougier*†‡, S¸ tefan Milota§, Ricardo Rodrigo¶, Mircea Gherase§, Laurent¸iu Sarcinaˇ §, Oana Moldovan, Joa˜o Zilha˜ o**, Silviu Constantin††, Robert G. Franciscus‡‡, Christoph P. E. Zollikofer§§, Marcia Ponce de Leo´ n§§, and Erik Trinkaus*‡
Modern Human Characteristics of Oase 2. The Oase2 cranium exhibits a suite of derived features of modernhumans that contrast with those of the Neandertals and alignit with preceding Middle Paleolithic modern humans (MPMH) and/orsubsequent European Upper Paleolithic modern humans. Oase 2 has the overall proportions of modern human crania with a moderate maximum length, a large height,and a moderate breadth (Figs. 1–3). The last two measurementsshow two tendencies between the Neandertals and the three modern human samples (MPMH, EUP, and MUP), with the former having wide and lower neurocrania (Fig. 4).Oase 2 and the penecontemporaneous Nazlet Khater 2 (22) fallwith the modern samples. Oase 2 and Nazlet Khater 2 are also close with respect to the relative lengths and breadths of their occipital planes (lambda–inion chord vs. bi-asterionic breadth;Fig. 4) and exhibit fully modern human proportions. In the facial skeleton, the superciliary archesare modest, separated from the lateral trigones and the orbital margins, and associated with angled superior orbital margins (Fig. 2). The orbits are subrectangular with straight inferior margins. The infraorbital regions have pronounced caninefossae, which form ovoid depressions distinct from the adjacent anterior maxillae. The superior nasal aperture margins are damaged,but the inferior margin has separate lateral crests withjoined turbinal and spinal crests [category 3 (23)] and is level with the nasal cavity floor. The zygomatic bones are sharply angled, such that the zygomaxillary suture faces anteriorly. The nasal aperture is narrow [nasal breadth (M-54) 25.5 mm; Fig. 2],similar to the apertures of Nazlet Khater 2 (28.4 mm) and morerecent human crania (EUP 26.5 2.4 mm, n 4; MUP 25.9 2.1 mm, n 21) and contrasting with Neandertals (31.9 3.3 mm, n 14) and MPMH (31.2 1.6 mm, n 4).
Among the early modern humans, Oase 2 is most closely approachedby Cioclovina 1 (frontal arc/chord residual: 5.6) and secondarily by Nazlet Khater 2 (4.3) and Skhul 5 (4.3,although it has a supraorbital torus).
0ase 2 Cranium.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasol: What Debunked says....
quote:Greeks have no "ancestry from Africa" that isn't Caucasoid:
What anthropologist Larry Angel says...
quote:Neolithic Greek have "negroid traits" FROM "Nubia":
Posted by Debunker (Member # 15669) on :
Science has definitely moved beyond HbS and E3b (both single loci). It's desperate Afro-idiots who've "apparently not".
Greeks = As Caucasoid as fellow Europeans
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Based on ~10,000 loci ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Posted by Debunker (Member # 15669) on :
Earth to delusional Afrocentrists:
There's no "Black" race that encompasses all dark-skinned people. There never has been.
Race is not in pigmentation. It's in the skeleton and the genome.
Population affinities are determined from non-adaptive traits and neutral autosomal markers.
- Oceanians are not "Black Africans"
- UP Europeans were not "Black Africans"
- Hofmeyr is not "Black African"
The prehistoric ancestors of Africans and non-Africans were genetically and morphometrically distinct from one another, and they've been so possibly since before the emergence of modern humans, and definitely since before the formation of modern races.
This is what the evidence shows, and what all of the Afro straw men and red herrings are meant to distract from.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Science has definitely moved beyond HbS and E3b (both single loci).
^ Wrong again. E3b is not a loci, it is a paternal lineage. It identifies the ENTIRE Y CHROMOSOME and *all* the genes within it.
It directly denotes ancestry.
And the African ancestry in Greeks is clear whether dealing with lineages [E3b], or phenotype, per Larry Angel's neolithic Greeks who possessed a phenotype which he attributed to admixture from Black Africa, and which E3b and Benin Hbs subsequently confirmed.
It doesn't matter that you can't deal with this reality.
Reality doesn't go away just because you can't cope with it.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Debunked on E3b: It's the Afrocentrists....
Ah, yes, the evil Afrocentrists who keep producing genetic study after study after study confirming the African origin of E3b, and the spread of this paternal lineage from Africa thru Southern Europe.
And then they publish their studies for peer review in the worlds leading anthropology and genetics journals.
quote:PNAS August 5, 2008 vol. 105 no. 31 10693–10698
Y-chromosomal evidence of a pastoralist migration through Tanzania to southern Africa
Brenna M. Henn et al.
Abstract Here, we report a newly discovered Y-chromosome-specific polymorphism that defines haplogroup E3b1f-M293. This polymorphism reveals the monophyletic relationship of the majority of haplotypes of a previously paraphyletic clade, E3b1-M35*, that is widespread in Africa and southern Europe.
Haplogroup E-M78 is more widely distributed and is thought to have an origin in eastern Africans.
Although this haplogroup is common to most Sudanese populations, it has exceptionally high frequency among populations like those of western Sudan, particularly Darfur and the Beja in eastern Sudan."
To elucidate the history of the E3b1f haplogroup, we analyzed this haplogroup in 13 populations from southern and eastern Africa.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:There's no "Black" race that encompasses all dark-skinned people.
^ Strawman argument. There are no "races" period, nor does anyone here advocate for races except you.
This thread is about your claims of a mythical "caucasoid race."
But of course, you've failed to produce any evidence for your mythology, as there is none, so we don't blame you for trying to change the subject.
Prior to out of Africa:
- there are no Europeans. - there are no whites. - there are no caucasians.
^ This three facts directly Debunk your claims.
Since you have nothing to say about it.... then I guess you better keep trying change the subject.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:The prehistoric ancestors of Africans and non-Africans were genetically and morphometrically distinct from one another
^ No proof of such, which would require *skeletan* of "two physically distinct" populations in Africa 80 thousand years ago.
No such evidence has been provided as no such morphometric polarity exists.
And even if we entertain your vacuous claims, it just leads you Blacks of Melanesia and Oceania, who are direct descendant from the 1st non Africans, and for which you again have no answers....
^ Debunked:
Where are the Europeans in the above?
Where are the whites?
Where are the causasians?
Still no answers? Fine: Checkmate Posted by Alive-(What Box) (Member # 10819) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:Originally posted by Debunked:
^ Translated Debunked: "Gawd that was stupid of me."
Sadly, I don't think much has changed since the days dude was obsessing over E3b.. and claiming E3b to belong to the same 'race' as Europeans:
PN2 Clade E1b1 sons, Western African E1b1a [E3a] and sub-Saharan African E1b1b [E3b]:
R1 --- SRV10831.1, M42, M94, M139, M168, P9, P14, M89, M213, M9, M45, M74, P27, 92R7, M207, UTY-1, M173. Posted by Charlie Bass (Member # 10328) on :
Debunked keeps talking about "non-adaptive traits" yet he cannot even name one non-adaptive trait, not one.
Posted by Apocalypse (Member # 8587) on :
Rasol wrote:
quote:Sadly, I don't think much has changed since the days dude was obsessing over E3b.. and claiming E3b to belong to the same 'race' as Europeans:
Ah yes, I remember those days well. The halcyon days when Evil Euro presented Y chromosome carrying Australian lesbians into evidence to support the notion of a caucasoid Somali race.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by Charlie Bass: Debunked keeps talking about "non-adaptive traits" yet he cannot even name one non-adaptive trait, not one.
^ Yes, another question he fails to answer.
Certainly there are no traits specific to pre OOA Africans and current Europeans.
Debunked prefers non-existent traits, which provide non-existent proof for his non-existent race.
Posted by Alive-(What Box) (Member # 10819) on :
quote:Originally posted by Apocalypse:
quote:Sadly, I don't think much has changed since the days dude was obsessing over E3b.. and claiming E3b to belong to the same 'race' as Europeans:
Ah yes, I remember those days well. The halcyon days when Evil Euro presented Y chromosome carrying Australian lesbians into evidence to support the notion of a caucasoid Somali race.
I knew someone was going to bring that up!
How conveniant that the course now chosen is downplay the importance of the haplogroup..
Posted by Apocalypse (Member # 8587) on :
What Box wrote:
quote:How conveniant that the course now chosen is downplay the importance of the haplogroup.
^ Very convenient. He now claims that science has moved on from E3b.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Originally posted by Apocalypse: What Box wrote:
quote:How conveniant that the course now chosen is downplay the importance of the haplogroup.
^ Very convenient. He now claims that science has moved on from E3b.
Yea, if by that he means science has moved beyond the labels of the haplogroups E3a and E3b, and instead labeled them E1b1a and E1b1b. Regardless they're still of the same relevance, and are found in Southern Europe, confirming African gene flow.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Originally posted by Debunker: Science has definitely moved beyond HbS and E3b (both single loci). It's desperate Afro-idiots who've "apparently not".
Greeks = As Caucasoid as fellow Europeans
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Based on ~10,000 loci ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Even in this post, in which you copied from Dienekes Pontikos. He even admits the admixture of E3b1 in Greeks, as a way to prove modern Greeks are the same as ancient Greeks. Lol. Take a look inside everyone.
In a different study, (Pericic et al. 2005), the Y chromosomes of Slavs from the Balkans were examined. The authors mention that contemporary Slavic paternal gene pool “is mostly characterized by the predominance of R1a and I1b* (xM26) and scarcity of E3b1 lineages”. By contrast, among Greeks, the combined frequency of haplogroups R1a and I is only around 25% (Pontikos, 2007b) whereas haplogroup E3b1 reaches almost 20%. Indeed, in the Peloponnese (known as Morea in medieval times), which was the centerpiece of Fallmerayer's thesis, haplogroup E3b1 reaches a frequency of around 47% (Semino et al. 2004). It is also interesting that the presence of haplogroup E3b1 among the ancient Greeks has been indirectly suggested by a close match of Pathan Y chromosomes belonging to these lineage with Greek ones, perhaps remnants of Alexander's soldiers in distant Pakistan (Firasat et al. 2007).
Are you disagreeing with your own mentor as he admits to the existence of 20% E3b1 in Greeks?
E3b originated in sub-Saharan Africa and expanded into the Near East and northern Africa at the end of the Pleistocene (Underhill et al. 2001) E3b lineages would have then been introduced from the Near East into southern Europe by immigrant farmers, during the Neolithic expansion (Hammer et al. 1998; Semino et al. 2000; Underhill et al., 2001). [Cruciani et al., 2004, pp. 1014-1015]
E3b's expansion into the Southern Levant may be connected to the appearance of the Natufian Culture. [D'Agostino, 2006, p. 2]
...the clinal frequency distribution of E-M78α within Europe testifies to important dispersal(s), most likely Neolithic or post- Neolithic. These took place from the Balkans, where the highest frequencies are observed, in all directions, as far as Iberia to the west and, most likely, also to Turkey to the southeast. [Cruciani et al., 2004, p. 1018]
E3b1-M78 is the most common haplogroup E lineage in Europe (Cruciani et al. 2004; Semino et al. 2004). The spatial pattern...depicts a nonuniform E3b1 geographic distribution with a frequency peak centered in south Europe and SEE [South East Europe] (13%-16% in southern Italians and 17%-27% in the Balkans) Declining frequencies are evident toward western (10% in northern and central Italians), central and eastern Europe (from 4% to 10% in Polish, Russians, mainland Croatians, Ukrainians, Hungarians, Herzegovinians, and Bosnians). Noteworthy is a low E3b1 frequency (5%) in Turkey. Apart from its presence in Europe and the Middle East, E3b1 is also found in eastern and northern Africa. Cruciani et al. (2004) estimated that E3b-M78 might have originated in eastern Africa about 23.2 KYA (95% confidence interval [CI] 21.1-25.4)...Almost 93% of SEE E3b1 chromosomes are clasified into α cluster. In Europe, the highest E3b1α variance is among Apulians, Greeks, and Macedonians, and the highest frequency of the cluster is among Albanians, Macedonians, and Greeks...Furthermore, it may be envisioned that the observed E3b1α frequency distribution in Anatolia might stem from a back migration originating in south Europe and SEE. Our estimated range expansion of 7.3 ± 2.8 KYA (95% CI 6.3-9.2 KYA) estimate for expansions of cluster α chromosomes in Europe reported by Cruciani et al. (2004) and the 6.4 KYA estimate for E3b1-M78 STR variance in Anatolia dated by Cinnioğlu et al. (2004). The frequency and variance decline of E3b1 in SEE is rather continuous..., with a frequency peak extending from the southeastern edge of the region and a variance peak in the southwest. Observed high E3b1 frequency in Kosovar Albanians (46%) and Macedonian Romani (30%) represent a focal rather than a clinal phenomenon resulting most likely from genetic drift. E3b1 frequency and variance are significantly correlated with latitude, showing higher values toward the south...A lower frequency of E3b1 significantly distinguishes populations of the Adriatic- Dinaric complex, i.e., mainland Croatians, Bosnians, and Herzegovinians (7.9%; 95% CI 0.054-0.114), from their neighboring populations of the Vardar-Morava-Danube river system, i.e., Serbians and Macedonians (21.9%; 95% CI 0.166-0.283). These observations hint a mosaic of different E3b1 dispersal modes over a short geographic distance and point to the Vardar-Morava-Danube river system as one of major routes for E3b1, in fact E3b1α, expansion from south and southeastern to continental Europe. In fact, dispersals of farmers throughout the Vardar-Morava-Danube catchments basin are also evidenced in the archaeological record (Tringham 2000). [Peričic et al., 2005]
Posted by Debunker (Member # 15669) on :
Of course, the Y-chromosome is a single locus, and therefore not an effective means through which to trace ancestry:
"Use of the Y chromosome to investigate human population histories is increasing as convenient polymorphic markers become available. However, the effective population size of this chromosome is one-quarter that of any autosome, and this means that it is particularly influenced by drift. Effective population size may be further reduced through the variance in the number of sons that a father has and perhaps by selective sweeps . Conclusions about populations on the basis of this single locus must therefore be made with caution."
" 'Genes on the mitochondrial genome or the Y chromosome don't unambiguously allow you to infer population history,' notes Andrew G. Clark, a biology professor at Pennsylvania State University. 'That's because there's a lot of stochasticity, a lot of chance, that goes on in sampling of those genomes from generation to generation. What the autosomal genes get us is many more realizations of genes passing through history. If we look at enough of them we'll be able to get a good call on the true population history.' "
"Earlier we emphasized the importance of using a large number of loci in the study of human evolution. This is because (a) the interpopulational genetic variation is very small compared with intrapopulational variation and (b) the evolution of a single gene (or mtDNA) is subject to large stochastic errors."
This is the most accurate and reliable population genetic data that's ever been produced:
Red = Sub-Saharan African Yellow = Western Eurasian Blue = Eastern Eurasian
[click to enlarge] Orange = Sub-Saharan African Blue = Western Eurasian Pink = Eastern Eurasian Green = Austro-Melanesian Purple = Native American
"Notably, 62% of the Ethiopians fall in the first cluster, which encompasses the majority of the Jews, Norwegians and Armenians, indicating that placement of these individuals in a 'Black' cluster would be an inaccurate reflection of the genetic structure. Only 24% of the Ethiopians are placed in the cluster with the Bantu and most of the Afro-Caribbeans."
A (blue) = Western Eurasian B (red) = Austro-Melanesian C (green) = Sub-Saharan African D (yellow) = Eastern Eurasian Posted by Debunker (Member # 15669) on :
Of course, modern science affirms the existence of race, and emphatically states that it has nothing to do with skin color:
"Effectively, these population genetic studies have recapitulated the classical definition of races based on continental ancestry - namely African, Caucasian (Europe and Middle East), Asian, Pacific Islander (for example, Australian, New Guinean and Melanesian), and Native American."
"Populations that exist at the boundaries of these continental divisions are sometimes the most difficult to categorize simply. For example, east African groups, such as Ethiopians and Somalis, have great genetic resemblance to Caucasians and are clearly intermediate between sub- Saharan Africans and Caucasians [5]. The existence of such intermediate groups should not, however, overshadow the fact that the greatest genetic structure that exists in the human population occurs at the racial level."
Are racial differences merely cosmetic?
"Two arguments against racial categorization as defined above are firstly that race has no biological basis [1,3], and secondly that there are racial differences but they are merely cosmetic, reflecting superficial characteristics such as skin color and facial features that involve a very small number of genetic loci that were selected historically; these superficial differences do not reflect any additional genetic distinctiveness [2]. A response to the first of these points depends on the definition of 'biological'. If biological is defined as genetic then, as detailed above, a decade or more of population genetics research has documented genetic, and therefore biological, differentiation among the races. This conclusion was most recently reinforced by the analysis of Wilson et al. [2]. If biological is defined by susceptibility to, and natural history of, a chronic disease, then again numerous studies over past decades have documented biological differences among the races. In this context, it is difficult to imagine that such differences are not meaningful. Indeed, it is difficult to conceive of a definition of 'biological' that does not lead to racial differentiation, except perhaps one as extreme as speciation.
"A forceful presentation of the second point—that racial differences are merely cosmetic—was given recently in an editorial in the New England Journal of Medicine: 'Such research mistakenly assumes an inherent biological difference between black-skinned and white-skinned people. It falls into error by attributing a complex physiological or clinical phenomenon to arbitrary aspects of external appearance. It is implausible that the few genes that account for such outward characteristics could be meaningfully linked to multigenic diseases such as diabetes mellitus or to the intricacies of the therapeutic effect of a drug.' The logical flaw in this argument is the assumption that the blacks and whites in the referenced study differ only in skin pigment. Racial categorizations have never been based on skin pigment, but on indigenous continent of origin. For example, none of the population genetic studies cited above, including the study of Wilson et al., used skin pigment of the study subjects, or genetic loci related to skin pigment, as predictive variables. Yet the various racial groups were easily distinguishable on the basis of even a modest number of random genetic markers; furthermore, categorization is extremely resistant to variation according to the type of markers used (for example, RFLPs, microsatellites or SNPs).
"Genetic differentiation among the races has also led to some variation in pigmentation across races, but considerable variation within races remains, and there is substantial overlap for this feature. For example, it would be difficult to distinguish most Caucasians and Asians on the basis of skin pigment alone, yet they are easily distinguished by genetic markers. The author of the above statement is in error to assume that the only genetic differences between races, which may differ on average in pigmentation, are for the genes that determine pigmentation."
quote:Even in this post, in which you copied from Dienekes Pontikos. He even admits the admixture of E3b1 in Greeks, as a way to prove modern Greeks are the same as ancient Greeks. Lol. Take a look inside everyone.
Dienekes also used to blame E3b for the way the 'medits' look.
This goes back to the day when he used to argue that E3b originated in the 'middle east'.
Of course now he and his minions would rather change the subject.
Can't blame them, really.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Of course, the Y-chromosome is a single locus
^ Of course you always begin your idiotic statements with the tell-tale "of course".
Of course this effectively signals that you are about to say something stupid.
Of course, you're and idiot who has no idea of what a locus or chromosome is.
Of course, a chromosome is NOT a single locus. A locus is a position or location within a chromosome, a chromosome contains 1000's of 'positions', which are per se, not even genetic data.
Of course a lineage marker such as E3b or L3 identifies the origin and history of THE ENTIRE CHROMOSOME, every location within it and all of the genes within it.
Lineage markers are like genetic finger prints in this respect.
Of course, the loci studies - that you would like to change the subject to - neither identify chromosomes, nor lineages, which is, of course, why they don't replace sex chromosome studies, and never will.
So, keep trying to change the subject, Debunked.
Of course, it won't work.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
On topic:
PNAS August 5, 2008 vol. 105 no. 31 10693–10698
Y-chromosomal evidence of a pastoralist migration through Tanzania to southern Africa
Brenna M. Henn et al.
Abstract Here, we report a newly discovered Y-chromosome-specific polymorphism that defines haplogroup E3b1f-M293. This polymorphism reveals the monophyletic relationship of the majority of haplotypes of a previously paraphyletic clade, E3b1-M35*, that is widespread in Africa and southern Europe.
Haplogroup E-M78 is more widely distributed and is thought to have an origin in eastern Africans.
Although this haplogroup is common to most Sudanese populations, it has exceptionally high frequency among populations like those of western Sudan, particularly Darfur and the Beja in eastern Sudan."
To elucidate the history of the E3b1f haplogroup, we analyzed this haplogroup in 13 populations from southern and eastern Africa Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Of course, modern science affirms the existence of race, and emphatically states that it has nothing to do with skin color:
So what "race" do all of the millions upon millions of mixed ancestry people fall into? Especially your Southern Europeans? Being that they carry AFRICAN lineages?
Cavalli Sforza states, from a genetic standpoint, "it appears that Europeans are about two-thirds Asians and one-third African." Moreover, "Black Americans have... an average of 30 percent of White admixture" in their genes, he reports. From the vantage point of DNA, according to Cavalli-Sforza, the idea of separate races is unscientific and fallacious, as different ethnic groups display superficial variations in body surface, mere outward adaptations to different climates--an opinion shared by a growing number of molecular biologists.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Of course, modern science affirms the existence of race
^ Of course, this is another of your intetionally silly "of course" statements.
Europeans are a mixture of paleolithic Eurasians, and Neolithic Africans and Asians.
This mixture explains why Europeans appear as genetic intermediates, in between Asians [and Oceanians], and Africans.....
Posted by argyle104 (Member # 14634) on :
Knowledgeiskey718 wrote:
quote: Cavalli Sforza states, from a genetic standpoint, "it appears that Europeans are about two-thirds Asians and one-third African." Moreover, "Black Americans have... an average of 30 percent of White admixture" in their genes, he reports. From the vantage point of DNA, according to Cavalli-Sforza, the idea of separate races is unscientific and fallacious, as different ethnic groups display superficial variations in body surface, mere outward adaptations to different climates--an opinion shared by a growing number of molecular biologists.
Would this be the same Sforza character that has been accused of racism by members of this forum? You actually think that using him and his fiction actually makes you look like you know what you're talking about?
Its interesting how these scientists go from being racists to heroes to you guys depending on whether or not the poster agrees with whatever fiction the scientist says at the moment. Interesting that you think that you can win a debate using the opinions of the very people that many of you have claimed to have a racist point of view.
Knowledgeiskey718 what degrees do you hold? And why are your debates centered around argument by authority?
: )
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:argyle104: Would this be the same Sforza character that has been accused of racism by members of this forum?
^ and if so?
one of the reasons you don't make intelligent contributions to Egyptsearch is that you lack any subtlety of intellect.
to you - if one quotes, say, the Bible, then you have to take every word of it literally, there is no longer any room for context, interpretation, or even rejection of specific passages.
Sforza is a brilliant geneticist. He is also defensive about Southern Europeans being picked on by his attempt to 'defend' their shared European heritage he sometimes employs biased methodology.
Yes brilliant, and yes biased.
He cannot be dismissed - as you would -as a writer of 'fiction'.
He cannot be deified as beyound criticism.
His work, is no different than anyone elses, it must be critically assessed - - as is the purpose of peer review.
Sforza's work, for example has been criticised by Keita, but also referenced by Keita in other contexts.
Nothing special or confusing about this.... this is how 'thinking' works.
What you are looking for - is a substitute for thinking.
quote:Its interesting how these scientists go from being racists to heroes
^ All that is evidenced by your post, is your need to put people into neat little boxes:
1) hero,
2) villian.
^ This is and immature process is usually indulged in because it is SO MUCH EASIER, than actually having to think about all the particulars in a complicated subject.
In one sentense: "Knowledge" is thinking on a higher level than you, which is why you are confused and can't relate.
quote:why are your debates centered around argument by authority?
^ Your remarks are usually centered around insults, and borish attempts at comedy, that attempt to disguise your ignorance, and that typically explode in your face.
Given this, why do you keep doing it?
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Originally posted by argyle104 the TROLL: Knowledgeiskey718 wrote:
quote: Cavalli Sforza states, from a genetic standpoint, "it appears that Europeans are about two-thirds Asians and one-third African." Moreover, "Black Americans have... an average of 30 percent of White admixture" in their genes, he reports. From the vantage point of DNA, according to Cavalli-Sforza, the idea of separate races is unscientific and fallacious, as different ethnic groups display superficial variations in body surface, mere outward adaptations to different climates--an opinion shared by a growing number of molecular biologists.
Would this be the same Sforza character that has been accused of racism by members of this forum? You actually think that using him and his fiction actually makes you look like you know what you're talking about?
Its interesting how these scientists go from being racists to heroes to you guys depending on whether or not the poster agrees with whatever fiction the scientist says at the moment. Interesting that you think that you can win a debate using the opinions of the very people that many of you have claimed to have a racist point of view.
Knowledgeiskey718 what degrees do you hold? And why are your debates centered around argument by authority?
: )
Interesting that the first time you said this to me, I shut you down and you still haven't replied, is this something you've forgot? Interesting that you would even have the audacity to comment towards me again. Lmao Argyle, this is the second time you've commented towards me, and for what? More illogical trolling insults? What happened on the Kabyle Berber thread? Didn't have a reply huh? Figures you would have absolutely nothing of any relevance, to any topic that is discussed here at ES.
You asked me why are my arguments based around authority? Lol translation, why are my arguments based on truths, that upsets you, and therefore your only reply would be the elementary one you just gave huh? I mean come on anything that you can provide instead of just being a TROLL? I really think not, poor guy, don't think your trolling will stop me from exposing "your" people(Europeans) either. I guess Hori is right about you, with this below pic huh?
[QB] [QUOTE]Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718: [qb]
^^^^^Although I wouldn't debate this guys possible Neanderthal mix. Despite genetics showing otherwise
Let me know if you have any objections about the following, or if you feel this is a fantasy and why? Is this something you might be capable of doing? Let me know....
One reasonable hypothesis is that the genetic distance between Asia and Africa is shorter than that between Africa and the other continents in Table 1 because both Africans and Asians contributed to the settlement of Europe, which began about 40,000 years ago. It seems very reasonable to assume that both continents nearest to Europe contributed to its settlement, even if perhaps at different times and maybe repeatedly. It is reassuring that the analysis of other markers also consistently gives the same results in this case. Moreover, a specific evolutionary model tested, i.e., that Europe is formed by contributions from Asia and Africa, fits the distance matrix perfectly (6). In this simplified model, the migrations postulated to have populated Europe are estimated to have occurred at an early date (30,000 years ago), but it is impossible to distinguish, on the basis of these data, this model from that of several migrations at different times. The overall contributions from Asia and Africa were estimated to be around two-thirds and one-third, respectively. Simulations have shown (7) that this hypothesis explains quite well the discrepancy between trees obtained by maximum likelihood and neighbor joining. Posted by Tyrann0saurus (Member # 3735) on :
^ My problem with this graph, or rather how Mr. Debunker wants us to interpret it, is that almost all its "sub-Saharan" samples are either West African, or Bantu (and therefore by extension West African) heritage; therefore, what the graph calls "sub-Saharan" is really "West African". No one sane here is claiming it was West Africans who mixed with the Greeks. Northeast Africans (e.g. Egyptians or Nubians) are more likely. Those people are quite genetically distinct from West African or Bantu people, but they are still what we would call "black".
Posted by Sundjata (Member # 13096) on :
quote:Originally posted by Tyrann0saurus: Northeast Africans (e.g. Egyptians or Nubians) are more likely. Those people are quite genetically distinct from West African or Bantu people, but they are still what we would call "black".
My goodness, all of your time spent on Egyptsearch and you still make some of the most absurd and mentally bankrupt assertions. Where is your evidence for such a huge "distinction" and who is this distinction relative to? Who are Bantu and West Africans most closely related to if not East Africans? How far apart in terms of divergence times are e3b and e3a? How does this statement make any sense?
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Originally posted by Tyrann0saurus:
^ My problem with this graph, or rather how Mr. Debunker wants us to interpret it, is that almost all its "sub-Saharan" samples are either West African, or Bantu (and therefore by extension West African) heritage; therefore, what the graph calls "sub-Saharan" is really "West African". No one sane here is claiming it was West Africans who mixed with the Greeks. Northeast Africans (e.g. Egyptians or Nubians) are more likely. Those people are quite genetically distinct from West African or Bantu people, but they are still what we would call "black".
Just how genetically distinct could they be, if East and West Africans are united by the Pn2 clade?
Africans are descendant of AB and E [40kya~] lineages with the Pn2 clade denoting the common ancestor of all E3A and E3b Africans with E3b splitting about 25kya~.
quote:No one sane here is claiming it was West Africans who mixed with the Greeks.
Where does their Benin hbs derive from?
Posted by osirion (Member # 7644) on :
You all are LOSERS! Because you are all SAYING the SAME DAMN THING!
Afrocentrist point: East African features are indigenous to Africa.
Enlightened Eurocentric point: East African features appear more European.
The only position that has changed is that the Eurocentric position is more Afrocentric. This has been the consistent pattern of change for the last 30 years. Eurocentrics are constantly having to change their arguments but obviously are sounding more and more nonsensical. They are saying basically the same thing as the Afrocentrics but continue to use illogical language.
How can 2 African populations split in Africa and 1 become less African though never leaving Africa? The only way Africans can become less African is if they LEAVE AFRICA! They cannot look less Africa either unless again they have admixture with non-African or leave Africa. It is simply absurd and rather infuriating but the pattern is still consistent. Eurocentrics have moved closer to the Afrocentric position but have adopted language to obscure this reality. What is important is that the non-African "Dynastic Race" theory is forever dead. May it rest in peace.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Originally posted by osirion: You all are LOSERS! Because you are all SAYING the SAME DAMN THING!
Afrocentrist point: East African features are indigenous to Africa.
Enlightened Eurocentric point: East African features appear more European.
The only position that has changed is that the Eurocentric position is more Afrocentric. This has been the consistent pattern of change for the last 30 years. Eurocentrics are constantly having to change their arguments but obviously are sounding more and more nonsensical. They are saying basically the same thing as the Afrocentrics but continue to use illogical language.
How can 2 African populations split in Africa and 1 become less African though never leaving Africa? The only way Africans can become less African is if they LEAVE AFRICA! They cannot look less Africa either unless again they have admixture with non-African or leave Africa. It is simply absurd and rather infuriating but the pattern is still consistent. Eurocentrics have moved closer to the Afrocentric position but have adopted language to obscure this reality. What is important is that the non-African "Dynastic Race" theory is forever dead. May it rest in peace.
Now......What exactly was the point of your post? I'd say absolutely nothing. For the simple fact you're calling people losers, for "saying the same damn thing", but now I will ask you, what exactly in your post was new, or offered any suggestion for a correction? Who here is even mentioning the Dynastic Race theory? Or East African features NOT being Indigenous to Africa? If you would have read the last couple of pages of this thread(perhaps you should), you would realize we are talking about a South African Skull (Hofmeyr). Which "debunked" is claiming to be an Ancient 'Caucasoid'. I would also like to know how the Euro-centric theory is more like the Afro-centric theory now?
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Eurocentrics have moved closer to the Afrocentric position but have adopted language to obscure this reality.
^ Here is what you call the Afrocentrist position:
quote:Afrocentrist point: East African features are indigenous to Africa.
^ This is the position of most anthropologists, not "Afrocentrists", so your post makes no sense.
Eurocentrists move closer to admitting it, only because they have no choice.
They can be likened to 'creationists' who move closer to accepting the theory of evolution, while desparately search for new ways to dispute it.
quote:Originally posted by osirion: You all are LOSERS! Because you are all SAYING the SAME DAMN THING!
No everyone else isn't saying the same thing.
As for your 'loser rhetoric', it marks you as and attention whore because you have nothing of value to add, yet post flame bait anyway.
You are literally the equivalent of a girl lifting her skirt before strangers because it is only way she knows how to get attention.
Sure you succeed in getting attention, but at the cost of your dignity and self respect.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:One reasonable hypothesis is that the genetic distance between Asia and Africa is shorter than that between Africa and the other continents in Table 1 because both Africans and Asians contributed to the settlement of Europe, which began about 40,000 years ago.
^ This relates a 'problem' presented on page 2 of this thread, and which is only ever dodged by Phenozine, and Debunked:
- If you model a population structure in which there would be two distinct populations -
1) African
2) Non African
Then this model requires that non Africans - in pure form - be equi-distant from Africans.
But Europeans are not equi-distant from Africa with respect to say.... Chinese, or Australians, or Melanesians.
Europeans are 1/3 closer to Africans [actually West Africans] than are any of the other groups.
In a [dubious] model of human population structure as African and non African, Europeans can only be seen as and admixed population.
The question then remans: How does attempting to attach Europeans to the population of New Guinea [ie - the non African cluster] provide a life-line for the dying ideology of caucasian?
The answer [since the debunked and phenozine only ever run away facts they don't like], is that it - it can't.
As the people of New Guinea are not European, or white, or 'caucasians'. Nor did any such creature exist at the time that the ancestors of 'non Africans' migrated out of Africa.
Ever since the famous "pilt down man" fraud, saught to overturn OutOfAfrica, with "out of england", ethnocentric Europeans have saught to create a fake anthropology history for themselves, in the face of ever more devastating evidence that no such history can exist, nor be fabricated for very long without being debunked.... because Europeans themselves, -did not exist- at this time.
Posted by osirion (Member # 7644) on :
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
quote:Originally posted by osirion: You all are LOSERS! Because you are all SAYING the SAME DAMN THING!
Afrocentrist point: East African features are indigenous to Africa.
Enlightened Eurocentric point: East African features appear more European.
The only position that has changed is that the Eurocentric position is more Afrocentric. This has been the consistent pattern of change for the last 30 years. Eurocentrics are constantly having to change their arguments but obviously are sounding more and more nonsensical. They are saying basically the same thing as the Afrocentrics but continue to use illogical language.
How can 2 African populations split in Africa and 1 become less African though never leaving Africa? The only way Africans can become less African is if they LEAVE AFRICA! They cannot look less Africa either unless again they have admixture with non-African or leave Africa. It is simply absurd and rather infuriating but the pattern is still consistent. Eurocentrics have moved closer to the Afrocentric position but have adopted language to obscure this reality. What is important is that the non-African "Dynastic Race" theory is forever dead. May it rest in peace.
Now......What exactly was the point of your post? I'd say absolutely nothing. For the simple fact you're calling people losers, for "saying the same damn thing", but now I will ask you, what exactly in your post was new, or offered any suggestion for a correction? Who here is even mentioning the Dynastic Race theory? Or East African features NOT being Indigenous to Africa? If you would have read the last couple of pages of this thread(perhaps you should), you would realize we are talking about a South African Skull (Hofmeyr). Which "debunked" is claiming to be an Ancient 'Caucasoid'. I would also like to know how the Euro-centric theory is more like the Afro-centric theory now?
SIMPLE - twit - Eurocentrics assumed that European like features in East Africans was due to migration of Caucasians into East Africa. Now they are forced to admit that so called "European features" were already a part of Africa. What they haven't admitted is that the features are African because that is their ORIGIN. Other than that, you both are now saying the same damn thing.
Posted by osirion (Member # 7644) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:Eurocentrics have moved closer to the Afrocentric position but have adopted language to obscure this reality.
^ Here is what you call the Afrocentrist position:
quote:Afrocentrist point: East African features are indigenous to Africa.
^ This is the position of most anthropologists, not "Afrocentrists", so your post makes no sense.
Eurocentrists move closer to admitting it, only because they have no choice.
They can be likened to 'creationists' who move closer to accepting the theory of evolution, while desparately search for new ways to dispute it.
quote:Originally posted by osirion: You all are LOSERS! Because you are all SAYING the SAME DAMN THING!
No everyone else isn't saying the same thing.
As for your 'loser rhetoric', it marks you as and attention whore because you have nothing of value to add, yet post flame bait anyway.
You are literally the equivalent of a girl lifting her skirt before strangers because it is only way she knows how to get attention.
Sure you succeed in getting attention, but at the cost of your dignity and self respect.
Go ahead and waste your time on EvilEuro if you want but with all that fancy talk you both do I hear exactly the same thing. What is the difference? Afrocentrics readily admit that not all Africans are Negroid. They include the non-Negroid types in the classification of Black anyways. EvilEuro simply tries to classify them as Caucasoid-like or proto-caucasoid. The term Caucasian offends our intelligence but we know this simply is a handle for their features rather than their origins.
Dynastic race theory simply infers that non-African features is due to non-African migrants into Africa. Eurocentrics are now admitting that this doesn't explain it.
End of story.
Indigenous diversity due to climatic differentials - so what.
What is the issue here with the land of the Red and Black anyways? We are talking about two different races of Black people. So what.
SAN are not Pygmies which are not Bantu which are not Berbers. But they are all originally Black people of Africa. White people are Trans-Caucasian people that would have very light skin. The talk about skin color of the original man is silly since we know this is the SAN people. We are all Bushmen. Thats the original type of all of us.....genetics clearly attests to this.
Posted by Explorateur (Member # 14778) on :
quote:Originally posted by osirion:
The talk about skin color of the original man is silly since we know this is the SAN people. We are all Bushmen. Thats the original type of all of us.....genetics clearly attests to this.
Can you share the specifics of this genetics!
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Originally posted by osirion:
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
quote:Originally posted by osirion: You all are LOSERS! Because you are all SAYING the SAME DAMN THING!
Afrocentrist point: East African features are indigenous to Africa.
Enlightened Eurocentric point: East African features appear more European.
The only position that has changed is that the Eurocentric position is more Afrocentric. This has been the consistent pattern of change for the last 30 years. Eurocentrics are constantly having to change their arguments but obviously are sounding more and more nonsensical. They are saying basically the same thing as the Afrocentrics but continue to use illogical language.
How can 2 African populations split in Africa and 1 become less African though never leaving Africa? The only way Africans can become less African is if they LEAVE AFRICA! They cannot look less Africa either unless again they have admixture with non-African or leave Africa. It is simply absurd and rather infuriating but the pattern is still consistent. Eurocentrics have moved closer to the Afrocentric position but have adopted language to obscure this reality. What is important is that the non-African "Dynastic Race" theory is forever dead. May it rest in peace.
Now......What exactly was the point of your post? I'd say absolutely nothing. For the simple fact you're calling people losers, for "saying the same damn thing", but now I will ask you, what exactly in your post was new, or offered any suggestion for a correction? Who here is even mentioning the Dynastic Race theory? Or East African features NOT being Indigenous to Africa? If you would have read the last couple of pages of this thread(perhaps you should), you would realize we are talking about a South African Skull (Hofmeyr). Which "debunked" is claiming to be an Ancient 'Caucasoid'. I would also like to know how the Euro-centric theory is more like the Afro-centric theory now?
SIMPLE - twit - Eurocentrics assumed that European like features in East Africans was due to migration of Caucasians into East Africa. Now they are forced to admit that so called "European features" were already a part of Africa. What they haven't admitted is that the features are African because that is their ORIGIN. Other than that, you both are now saying the same damn thing.
Lmao, first you say
"they are forced to admit that so called "European features" were already a part of Africa"
then you go on to say,
"What they haven't admitted is that the features are African because that is their ORIGIN."
So in actuality, "they" didn't admit anything. Do you know what contradiction means Osirion? Now again, what was the point of your post? Oh yea that's right, absolutely nothing.
Posted by argyle104 (Member # 14634) on :
rasol wrote:
quote: ^ and if so? Yes brilliant, and yes biased.
So no normal intelligent person is going to listen to someone that has racist views. Its just like listening to someone at a race loon forum.
Again its funny how you guys scream and cry "liar", "liar", "liar" and then hero worship with "he's telling the truth, he's brilliant" in a blink of an eye.
quote: Sforza is a brilliant geneticist.
How do you know? LOL LOL Double LOL
Are you a geneticist?
Are you a scientist of any sort?
Are you in the lab with him?
Or are you simply a keyboard scholar living out a fantasy that you are some authoritarian on who is and who isn't "brilliant" .
rasol, do you have a degree? : )
"IF" so, what is it in?
Mind you a certificate from one of Oprah's schools doesn't count.
broooohohohohohhohoho : )
Posted by argyle104 (Member # 14634) on :
Why should anyone take the opinions of what you two non-degreed armchair messageboard writers who have never done any scientific work outside of quoting what someone else has to say over the scientists that you disagree with?
Say, Hawass. He is repeatedly attacked by you and your ilk on this forum.
He is the one that is Egyptian. Not you.
He is the one that is degreed in his field of science. Not you.
He is the one that actually works in science. Not you.
He does his own work scientifically and doesn't rely on "argument by authority". Not you.
How can any sane person take you two armchair scholars seriously over REAL scientists who are working in their field of expertise and are degreed?
Posted by argyle104 (Member # 14634) on :
Sundjata wrote:
quote: quote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Originally posted by Tyrann0saurus: Northeast Africans (e.g. Egyptians or Nubians) are more likely. Those people are quite genetically distinct from West African or Bantu people, but they are still what we would call "black". --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
My goodness, all of your time spent on Egyptsearch and you still make some of the most absurd and mentally bankrupt assertions. Where is your evidence for such a huge "distinction" and who is this distinction relative to? Who are Bantu and West Africans most closely related to if not East Africans? How far apart in terms of divergence times are e3b and e3a? How does this statement make any sense?
This Tyrannosaurus character along with the King character are liberal racists. What did you expect?
They believe in a racial hierarchy where Africans are last. Then they place the Africans themselves into a racial hierarchy.
They're sick Period.
Posted by argyle104 (Member # 14634) on :
------------------------------ Interesting that the first time you said this to me, I shut you down and you still haven't replied ------------------------------
I don't have time. I'm busy. I'm not a faux keyboard scholar like you Knowledgeiskey718 or should I say "another one of MA DICK's sockpuppets". LOL
But you can rest assured, I will deal with you later. heheheheheheheheheheh
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Say, Hawass. He is repeatedly attacked by you and your ilk on this forum.
He is the one that is Egyptian.
^ This typically nonsensical remark shows that you don't know the difference between 'argument from authority' and argument from authority *fallacy.*
To you it all sounds the same.
Prove to us that you are not as clueless as you appear to be, -explain the difference- between the two.
Won't happen, and here's why:
You are only good for the the intellectual equivalent of 'farting in public' and laughing at your own stupid 'jokes'.
^ Asked to go beyound clown antics.... and you are tapped out.
quote:re: hahahahahahaha
^ He farts. He laughs. Case closed.
I refuse to educate you, because you are such and obnoxious idiot.
Bottom line: Your posts are garbage as always, and have nothing to do with the topic, which you know nothing about, and have nothing to say about.
You can rest assured that we will continue to ignore you, and your attention seeking antics.
Posted by Debunker (Member # 15669) on :
quote:Of course, a chromosome is NOT a single locus.
"Use of the Y chromosome to investigate.... [...] Conclusions about populations on the basis of this single locus must therefore be made with caution."
quote:Haplogroup E-M78 is more widely distributed and is thought to have an origin in eastern Africans.
Yeah, northeastern Africans, who then back-migrated to eastern Africa:
"The geographic and quantitative analysis of haplogroup and microsatellite diversity is strongly suggestive of a north-eastern African origin of E-M78, with a corridor for bidirectional migrations between north-eastern and eastern Africa"
quote:So what "race" do all of the millions upon millions of mixed ancestry people fall into? Especially your Southern Europeans? Being that they carry AFRICAN lineages?
People with mixed ancestry have membership in two or more clusters, as you can see in the color-coded charts. Southern Europeans, like other Europeans, always have >98% membership in the Western Eurasian cluster, which indicates that they're not mixed, regardless of the geographical origins of their lineages in prehistory.
quote:From the vantage point of DNA, according to Cavalli-Sforza, the idea of separate races is unscientific and fallacious
What Cavalli-Sforza says to avoid controversy and what he demonstrates in his work are two entirely different things.
quote:both Africans and Asians contributed to the settlement of Europe, which began about 40,000 years ago
Where else would Europeans come from? The ocean? Outer space? The problem is that you're imagining people who looked liked Wesley Snipes and Jackie Chan settling Europe. Of course, Europe was settled from West Asia and Northeast Africa.
quote:^ My problem with this graph, or rather how Mr. Debunker wants us to interpret it, is that almost all its "sub-Saharan" samples are either West African, or Bantu (and therefore by extension West African) heritage; therefore, what the graph calls "sub-Saharan" is really "West African". No one sane here is claiming it was West Africans who mixed with the Greeks. Northeast Africans (e.g. Egyptians or Nubians) are more likely. Those people are quite genetically distinct from West African or Bantu people, but they are still what we would call "black".
The Burunge of Tanzania are neither West African nor Bantu. Same goes for the Ethiopians in the other chart. These two East African groups are distinct from West Africans in that they show significant membership in the Western Eurasian cluster (~25% and 62% respectively). Nubians and Egyptians haven't been sampled yet, but it's safe to assume that Western Eurasian membership would increase steadily as you move north, until you get to Greece where it nears 100%.
quote:Just how genetically distinct could they be, if East and West Africans are united by the Pn2 clade?
Northern Europeans and Native Americans are "united" by haplogroup P, yet they're quite distinct from each other (genetically, morphometrically, racially etc.). That's precisely why single locus analyses can't tell you much about population relationships.
quote:How can 2 African populations split in Africa and 1 become less African though never leaving Africa? The only way Africans can become less African is if they LEAVE AFRICA! They cannot look less Africa either unless again they have admixture with non-African or leave Africa. It is simply absurd and rather infuriating but the pattern is still consistent. Eurocentrics have moved closer to the Afrocentric position but have adopted language to obscure this reality.
You're the one playing with language to obscure reality. That's the same semantics red herring that the Afrocentrists have been using all along to distract from the evidence. The shorthand terms "Africans" and "non-Africans" stand for "Africans who were evolving to be more like today's Africans" and "Africans who were evolving to be more like today's non-Africans". All of the data indicates that this process of differentiation began long before OOA, and possibly even before the transition to modern humans.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Y chromsome is not a single locus
quote:"Use of the Y chromosome to investigate.... [...] Conclusions about populations on the basis of this single locus must therefore be made with caution."
Again, Y chromosome is *not* a single is dozens of genes and loci.
Remember your previous stupid assertions about Y chromosome carrying women, and Australian "Somali" ?'re doing it again.
Making a fool of yourself, that is.
Y chromosome - The Y chromosome spans about 58 million base pairs (the building blocks of DNA), with as many as 200 genes.
Locus - the chromosomal position of a gene as determined by its linear order relative to the other genes on that chromosome.
^ Chromsome's contain many genes....loci are relative positions on a single gene.
Y chromsome marker's identify the entire chromosome and with it all it's locations and all of it's genes which are passed on in entiriety from father to son.
This is exactly why it is and will continue to be the focus of so many gene studies.
Keep running...
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Where else would Europeans come from? The ocean? Outer space?
The point is, before Europeans settled Europe - there is nothing to identify them by - whether genes culture or appearance.
Even the 1st Europeans do not much resemble current ones, and they certainly were not white... some cro-magnon resemble current Africans and Australians, more than they resemble current Europeans - Chris Stringer.
^ So Charlie Bass topic is correct, and the K-zoid myth is totally destroyed.
You yourself have in effect, testified to this.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Originally posted by debunked: Northern Europeans and Native Americans are "united" by haplogroup P, yet they're quite distinct from each other (genetically, morphometrically, racially etc.). That's precisely why single locus analyses can't tell you much about population relationships.
Nonsense....Isn't the Genographic project based on the Y chromosome? Differentiations between Native Americans and N.Europeans, is because they have morphologically changed since OOA, so of course there would be a difference. But East and West Africans have not changed , because East and West Africans never left Africa. Europeans and Native Americans, come from the same group of people who separated more than 40kya. Africans carrying E3a and E3b, only split about 25kya. So the comparison is preposterous. Europeans should be furthest away genetically from Africans, but they're not. This is due to recent gene flow from Africa. If not, then what is it?
Can you name the differences between the above people?
quote: Originally posted by debunked: People with mixed ancestry have membership in two or more clusters, as you can see in the color-coded charts. Southern Europeans, like other Europeans, always have >98% membership in the Western Eurasian cluster, which indicates that they're not mixed, regardless of the geographical origins of their lineages in prehistory.
Yea, so which clusters would that be? Greeks Y chromosome is almost 50% Non European. E3b1 and J. Greeks fall into that category of mixed, along with many other Southern Europeans.
^^ What category would this guy fall into?
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Nonsense....this is because Native Americans and N.Europeans have morphologically changed since OOA, so of course there would be a difference.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:People with mixed ancestry have membership in two or more clusters, as you can see in the color-coded charts
^ Simple minded fool, with his coloring book approach to population genetics.
In terms of paternity, Greeks do not cluster with Europeans.
In terms of hair and eye color, they do not cluster with Northern Europeans.
In terms of osteology -neolithic- Greeks do not cluster with modern Greeks or modern Europeans.
Posted by Alive-(What Box) (Member # 10819) on :
Quick notes
quote:Originally posted by osirion: You all are LOSERS! Because you are all SAYING the SAME DAMN THING!
Afrocentrist point: East African features are indigenous to Africa.
Enlightened Eurocentric point: East African features appear more European.
Europeans are genetically intermediate between Africans and Australians, yet don't look like Afro-Australian hybrids (skin color).
Phenetic traits are not the same thing as ancestry, and can be evolved/developed locally.
The burden is on scientists to proove that to be the case (that 'East African features' are not indigenous), and they have come to the opposite conclusion, as has been shown time and again.
It's not rocket science.
Tyro via male ancestry East and West Africans share the PN2 Clade which post dates modern Eurasian's ancestors' Out of Africa.
Do the math.
Posted by Alive-(What Box) (Member # 10819) on :
quote:Originally posted by argyle104: rasol
Why should anyone take the opinions of what you two non-degreed armchair messageboard writers who have never done any scientific work outside of quoting what someone else has to say over the scientists that you disagree with?
How? When they know what the heck they're talking about.
If they know what they are talking about, they can put KnowledgeWhiskey, rasol, and the professionals they cite under scrutiny.
You clearly do not.
Posted by Charlie Bass (Member # 10328) on :
quote:Originally posted by Debunker:
quote:Haplogroup E-M78 is more widely distributed and is thought to have an origin in eastern Africans.
Yeah, northeastern Africans, who then back-migrated to eastern Africa:
"The geographic and quantitative analysis of haplogroup and microsatellite diversity is strongly suggestive of a north-eastern African origin of E-M78, with a corridor for bidirectional migrations between north-eastern and eastern Africa"
And so what of these northeast Africans? They were *NOT* Caucasoids, all of the skeletal data from Jebel Sahaba, Tushka, Wadi Halfa, etc all exhibit affinity to SSAs morphologically, not Europeans.
quote:What Cavalli-Sforza says to avoid controversy and what he demonstrates in his work are two entirely different things.
From The History and Geography of Human Genes
He also says this, btw:
........Did *YOU read this from the same book you're quoting to support Cavalli-Sforza believing in race:
quote:Where else would Europeans come from? The ocean? Outer space? The problem is that you're imagining people who looked liked Wesley Snipes and Jackie Chan settling Europe. Of course, Europe was settled from West Asia and Northeast Africa.
Northeast African people in the Late Pleistocene through the Holocene have strong affinities with SSAs, this isn't helping your argument.
quote:^The Burunge of Tanzania are neither West African nor Bantu. Same goes for the Ethiopians in the other chart. These two East African groups are distinct from West Africans in that they show significant membership in the Western Eurasian cluster (~25% and 62% respectively). Nubians and Egyptians haven't been sampled yet, but it's safe to assume that Western Eurasian membership would increase steadily as you move north, until you get to Greece where it nears 100%.
Burunge have no West Eurasian mixture according to analysis of both the Y-chromosone and mtDNA so how are they "mixed"?
quote:Northern Europeans and Native Americans are "united" by haplogroup P, yet they're quite distinct from each other (genetically, morphometrically, racially etc.). That's precisely why single locus analyses can't tell you much about population relationships.
Looking at your earlier threads and defeated attempts at making E3b "Caucasoid" you seem to be contradicting what you said in the past. At any rate, what you just said was only half true, Native Americans and Europeans descend from haplogroup via haplogroups Q and R descending from P, but Europeans and Native Americans don't share the same haplogroup, they're just downstream desendants from a common ancestry paternally. East and West Africans do share ancestry within the same haplogroup and sub-haplogroup.
Posted by osirion (Member # 7644) on :
quote:Originally posted by Alive-(What Box): Quick notes
quote:Originally posted by osirion: You all are LOSERS! Because you are all SAYING the SAME DAMN THING!
Afrocentrist point: East African features are indigenous to Africa.
Enlightened Eurocentric point: East African features appear more European.
Europeans are genetically intermediate between Africans and Australians, yet don't look like Afro-Australian hybrids (skin color).
Phenetic traits are not the same thing as ancestry, and can be evolved/developed locally.
The burden is on scientists to proove that to be the case (that 'East African features' are not indigenous), and they have come to the opposite conclusion, as has been shown time and again.
It's not rocket science.
Tyro via male ancestry East and West Africans share the PN2 Clade which post dates modern Eurasian's ancestors' Out of Africa.
Do the math.
What is the difference between what you just said and what Debunker says besides semantics.
Posted by Charlie Bass (Member # 10328) on :
quote:Originally posted by Debunker: Recap for illiterate Afrocentrists:
- The Hofmeyr skull, which derives from the ancestral OOA population of East Africa, is unlike modern Africans, including the Khoisan, and instead resembles Upper Paleolithic Europeans.
- Upper Paleolithic Europeans in turn show affinities with recent Europeans when their skulls are well preserved and enough measurements are taken. What color their skin was is a red herring employed by losers, since "skin coloration is of no value in determining phylogenetic relationships" (Jablonski/Chaplin, 2000).
- In accordance with these morphological differences between OOA and archaic Africans, there's genetic evidence of population divergence within Africa predating the transformation to modern humans, where a single reproductively isolated population went on to colonize the world, including the rest of Africa.
- This is consistent with evidence from uniparental markers whereby all non-Africans issue solely from L3 and M168, while Africans are a mixture of these lineages and the archaic African lineages L(xL3), A and B. They're the one's who are "mixed", not the non-Africans.
- Hence, the Afrocentric fantasy of a panmictic "black African" population prior to OOA is not supported and crumbles into dust.
Debunked's distortions of genetic studies is very telling. Haplogroups A and B paternally and L1, L2 are *NOT* archaic by any stretch of his twisted imagination. "Archaic" lineages are those lineages which come from archaic species of Homo, like Homo erectus, habilis, Neanderthal, etc.:
"The contribution of archaic lineages to the genetic makeup of present-day populations has been previously debated in the context of early Eurasian populations, descendants of H. erectus, facing the recent out-of-Africa expansion, or in the context of the putative hybridization between Neanderthals and Upper Paleolithic populations in Europe (BRAUER 1989 ; THORNE and WOLPOFF 1992 ; KLEIN 1995 ; KRINGS et al. 1997 ; DUARTE et al. 1999 ; TATTERSAL and SCHWARTZ 1999 )."
Archaic Lineages in the History of Modern Humans
Posted by osirion (Member # 7644) on :
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
quote:Originally posted by osirion:
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
quote:Originally posted by osirion: You all are LOSERS! Because you are all SAYING the SAME DAMN THING!
Afrocentrist point: East African features are indigenous to Africa.
Enlightened Eurocentric point: East African features appear more European.
The only position that has changed is that the Eurocentric position is more Afrocentric. This has been the consistent pattern of change for the last 30 years. Eurocentrics are constantly having to change their arguments but obviously are sounding more and more nonsensical. They are saying basically the same thing as the Afrocentrics but continue to use illogical language.
How can 2 African populations split in Africa and 1 become less African though never leaving Africa? The only way Africans can become less African is if they LEAVE AFRICA! They cannot look less Africa either unless again they have admixture with non-African or leave Africa. It is simply absurd and rather infuriating but the pattern is still consistent. Eurocentrics have moved closer to the Afrocentric position but have adopted language to obscure this reality. What is important is that the non-African "Dynastic Race" theory is forever dead. May it rest in peace.
Now......What exactly was the point of your post? I'd say absolutely nothing. For the simple fact you're calling people losers, for "saying the same damn thing", but now I will ask you, what exactly in your post was new, or offered any suggestion for a correction? Who here is even mentioning the Dynastic Race theory? Or East African features NOT being Indigenous to Africa? If you would have read the last couple of pages of this thread(perhaps you should), you would realize we are talking about a South African Skull (Hofmeyr). Which "debunked" is claiming to be an Ancient 'Caucasoid'. I would also like to know how the Euro-centric theory is more like the Afro-centric theory now?
SIMPLE - twit - Eurocentrics assumed that European like features in East Africans was due to migration of Caucasians into East Africa. Now they are forced to admit that so called "European features" were already a part of Africa. What they haven't admitted is that the features are African because that is their ORIGIN. Other than that, you both are now saying the same damn thing.
Lmao, first you say
"they are forced to admit that so called "European features" were already a part of Africa"
then you go on to say,
"What they haven't admitted is that the features are African because that is their ORIGIN."
So in actuality, "they" didn't admit anything. Do you know what contradiction means Osirion? Now again, what was the point of your post? Oh yea that's right, absolutely nothing.
Goodnight! They admit that the features originate in Africa. Nevertheless they do the inane by calling it less African - which is downright silly. The features are all simply African.
Posted by osirion (Member # 7644) on :
[quote from the debunked]
quote: You're the one playing with language to obscure reality. That's the same semantics red herring that the Afrocentrists have been using all along to distract from the evidence. The shorthand terms "Africans" and "non-Africans" stand for "Africans who were evolving to be more like today's Africans" and "Africans who were evolving to be more like today's non-Africans". All of the data indicates that this process of differentiation began long before OOA, and possibly even before the transition to modern humans.
You are wasting these peoples time with your racist agenda. Simply use a different term than Caucasian and you could fit right in here just fine. Caucasus are a geographical location and thus implies origins. So the term you need for these differentiated AFRICANS should be related to their point of origin.
BTW - the differentiation is controversial on its own so you don't need to muddy the water more with trying to put silly outdate labels on it.
Lastly - the term Afrocentric implies African focused which is what you are admiting yourself to be. You are focusing on African history and African people. You are in denial about that but you too are a Afrocentrist. You just are using language that allows you to still pretend to be Eurocentric but I haven't heard you talk about Europeans at all. So where you think you are so different you are not.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Originally posted by Osirion
quote:They admit that the features originate in Africa. Nevertheless they do the inane by calling it less African
Ok, now this actually is more admissible, your post is no longer inane. This is exactly what "Debunked" bases his altercation on. You're correct, it's absolutely absurd, and delusional.
Posted by Alive-(What Box) (Member # 10819) on :
quote:Originally posted by Alive-(What Box):
Europeans are genetically intermediate between Africans and Australians, yet don't look like Afro-Australian hybrids (skin color).
Phenetic traits are not the same thing as ancestry, and can be evolved/developed locally.
Unless one thinks Africans' can't change/develope their phenotypes locally (as have non-Africans), there is really no dispute.
It's occaim's razor.
Think about it - say an African population moves right next to non-African population . Said African population Z is much more genetically diverse and than their counterpart non African (Q) neighbors - Q is just a subset of Z genetically.
Say they both move to a desert environment: is there ANY reason to assume that the Africans can't evolve traits locally while non-Africans can? NO.
Such an assumption is backwards as it treats todays Africans as if they are supposed to be an unchanged mass of archaic ancestors - unless admixed.
In Africa, narrow nasal morphology correlates with drier environment.
But both in and out of Africa you have people in the tropics with narrow facial morphologies, and in Africa you have Saharan people with wider facial characteristics.
If ancestor populations of both populations Q and Z were to have moved into desert environments, there is NO reason whatsoever to assume that phenetic traits of come from Q.
There, I broke it down.
Posted by osirion (Member # 7644) on :
quote:Originally posted by Alive-(What Box):
quote:Originally posted by Alive-(What Box):
Europeans are genetically intermediate between Africans and Australians, yet don't look like Afro-Australian hybrids (skin color).
Phenetic traits are not the same thing as ancestry, and can be evolved/developed locally.
Unless one thinks Africans' can't change/develope their phenotypes locally (as have non-Africans), there is really no dispute.
It's occaim's razor.
Think about it - say an African population moves right next to non-African population . Said African population Z is much more genetically diverse and than their counterpart non African (Q) neighbors - Q is just a subset of Z genetically.
Say they both move to a desert environment: is there ANY reason to assume that the Africans can't evolve traits locally while non-Africans can? NO.
Such an assumption is backwards as it treats todays Africans as if they are supposed to be an unchanged mass of archaic ancestors - unless admixed.
In Africa, narrow nasal morphology correlates with drier environment.
But both in and out of Africa you have people in the tropics with narrow facial morphologies, and in Africa you have Saharan people with wider facial characteristics.
If ancestor populations of both populations Q and Z were to have moved into desert environments, there is NO reason whatsoever to assume that phenetic traits of come from Q.
There, I broke it down.
That is my point - you are not saying anything different.
Debunker simply uses a description that is offensive and dishonest but saying exactly what you just said.
Basically this is an argument over semantics but it is all Afrocentric. To make it more Afrocentric we need a description for the Ancient East African Nilotic people.
Nilotisian perhaps.
That would give us 3 groupings for Black Africans.
Nilotisian, Khosian and Bantisian.
I am serious. The terms above would be proper Afro-Centric (African oriented) descriptions and since we are dealing with a PURELY African people it is appropriate to use Afro-Centric descriptions.
Just like we should stop using the term Indians to describe Native Americans. Europeans are rather stubborn with their confused naming of people. Even though the so called "American Indians" have nothing to do with India, they keep using that label up until present day without any shame. The same is sadly true of calling ancient East Africans - Caucasoid. I suppose Native Americans are also Indianoid as well. It is silly and it only makes them look silly. But you don't need to waste so much time trying to debunk them - they know East Africans are not Caucasian just like they know American Indians are not Indians. They just don't like to admit that they are wrong. Really a type of honest mistake but now it is dishonest to keep it up!
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Debunked's distortions of genetic studies is very telling. Haplogroups A and B paternally and L1, L2 are *NOT* archaic
^ Correct, seldom has anyone gotten so much so badly wrong as Debunked does.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Debunker simply uses a description that is offensive and dishonest but saying exactly what you just said.
No they are not saying the same thing.
You just don't listen very well.
quote:Goodnight! They admit that the features originate in Africa.
^ This is also wrong.
Features that actually distinguish Europeans -
'leucoderma' and semi cold adapted osteology, do not originate in Africa.
It's very telling that the phenetic and genetic features that can be proven to be of European provinence, are the ones they want to change the subject from.
European traits....
Posted by Explorateur (Member # 14778) on :
quote:Originally posted by Explorateur:
quote:Originally posted by osirion:
The talk about skin color of the original man is silly since we know this is the SAN people. We are all Bushmen. Thats the original type of all of us.....genetics clearly attests to this.
Can you share the specifics of this genetics!
Settles it then; apparent failure to follow up says that the following statements have no genetic basis:
1) We are all Bushmen. Thats the original type of all of us - by osirion
2) Thats the original type of all of us.....genetics clearly attests to this - by osirion
Posted by Tyrann0saurus (Member # 3735) on :
quote:Originally posted by Debunker:
quote:Of course, a chromosome is NOT a single locus.
"Use of the Y chromosome to investigate.... [...] Conclusions about populations on the basis of this single locus must therefore be made with caution."
It's called a typo. Everyone does it occasionally. As rasol pointed out, the Y-chromosome is not a locus. A locus is something on a chromosome.
quote:You're the one playing with language to obscure reality. That's the same semantics red herring that the Afrocentrists have been using all along to distract from the evidence. The shorthand terms "Africans" and "non-Africans" stand for "Africans who were evolving to be more like today's Africans"
Way to be vague.
Jean Hiernaux "The People of Africa" 1975 p.53, 54
"In sub-Saharan Africa, many anthropological characters show a wide range of population means or frequencies. In some of them, the whole world range is covered in the sub-continent. Here live the shortest and the tallest human populations, the one with the [b]highest and the one with the lowest nose, the one with the thickest and the one with the thinnest lips in the world. In this area, the range of the average nose widths covers 92 per cent of the world range: only a narrow range of extremely low means are absent from the African record. Means for head diameters cover about 80 per cent of the world range; 60 per cent is the corresponding value for a variable once cherished by physical anthropologists, the cephalic index, or ratio of the head width to head length expressed as a percentage....."
Posted by Explorateur (Member # 14778) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
Again, Y chromosome is *not* a single locus...
Which puts to question why anyone would continue to expend time and energy debating one who thinks otherwise. The question extends to the point made earlier about engaging one who speaks of pre-Out of Africa test subjects being "non-Africans". Should it not be apparent by now, that such an individual is too underqualified to be debating said topics?
Posted by Tyrann0saurus (Member # 3735) on :
quote:All of the data indicates that this process of differentiation began long before OOA, and possibly even before the transition to modern humans.
If so...
Why are recent Africans so much closer to recent Eurasians than either is to Paleolithic Eurasians, if the African/non-African divide is as ancient as you claim? If you were correct, the positions of the recent Africans and the Paleolithic skulls would be switched.
BTW, while we are discussing the Greeks, let me remind you that modern Greeks are not necessarily genetically identical to ancient Greeks. Remember that in the last three millennia, the Balkan region has received significant intrusions from more northerly peoples such as Turks, Albanians, Slavs, Vlachs, and Bulgars; mixing between all these groups and Greeks would have been inevitable. That doesn't mean modern Greeks are not descended from ancient Greeks, they almost certainly are, but it does mean that we cannot infer from modern Greeks what the exact biological affinities of ancient Greeks. There is the possibility the "African" genetic component of ancient Greeks could have been much larger than that of modern Greeks.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:BTW, while we are discussing the Greeks, let me remind you that modern Greeks are not necessarily genetically identical to ancient Greeks. Remember that in the last three millennia, the Balkan region has received significant intrusions from more northerly peoples such as Turks, Albanians, Slavs, Vlachs, and Bulgars; mixing between all these groups and Greeks would have been inevitable. That doesn't mean modern Greeks are not descended from ancient Greeks, they almost certainly are, but it does mean that we cannot infer from modern Greeks what the exact biological affinities of ancient Greeks. There is the possibility the "African" genetic component of ancient Greeks could have been much larger than that of modern Greeks.
Just check out the page Debunked is getting his information from.
Knowledgeiskey - good posts too, but please don't post links to Dienekes.
The tactic of these distortion junkies is to promote themselves with any publicity....good or bad.
And sadly, naive peoples will go right to this site and start quoting from it.
One of dienekes forms of mischief is to rewrite abstracts, and distort graphics - so as to make it appear that his rhetorics are a part of some study, when it really isn't.
If you think his methods are so obviously phony that anyone with a brain would see right thru it, well.....that 'should' be the case, but alas....
Most of Debunked's stupidity comes from Dienekes, including the fake charts, and misquotes.
Posted by Tyrann0saurus (Member # 3735) on :
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
quote:BTW, while we are discussing the Greeks, let me remind you that modern Greeks are not necessarily genetically identical to ancient Greeks. Remember that in the last three millennia, the Balkan region has received significant intrusions from more northerly peoples such as Turks, Albanians, Slavs, Vlachs, and Bulgars; mixing between all these groups and Greeks would have been inevitable. That doesn't mean modern Greeks are not descended from ancient Greeks, they almost certainly are, but it does mean that we cannot infer from modern Greeks what the exact biological affinities of ancient Greeks. There is the possibility the "African" genetic component of ancient Greeks could have been much larger than that of modern Greeks.
Just check out the page Debunked is getting his information from.
What's the point of this post?
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by Explorateur:
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
Again, Y chromosome is *not* a single locus...
Which puts to question why anyone would continue to expend time and energy debating one who thinks otherwise. The question extends to the point made earlier about engaging one who speaks of pre-Out of Africa test subjects being "non-Africans". Should it not be apparent by now, that such an individual is too underqualified to be debating said topics?
^ Is was apparent long before this.
We intend to make sure it *stays* apparent.
In the meantime, it provides other people with and opportunity to understand the elementary principals of population genetics, and also understand the importance of mastering [as opposed to miscomprehending] this powerful tool.
Eurocentrists are quite vexed by the fact that while NorthWest Europeans have paternal ancestry primary originating in paleolithic Europe, Greeks and some other South Europeans have lineages that originate in Neolithic Africa and SouthWest Asia.
E3b and J are the main Greek paternal lineages and they are NOT European.
Dienekes the Greek, distortion junkie websites exist primarily to 'wage war' against this bitter fact.
His war is surely lost, but only because he is freshly 'debunked with each new day.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Originally posted by Tyrann0saurus:
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
quote:BTW, while we are discussing the Greeks, let me remind you that modern Greeks are not necessarily genetically identical to ancient Greeks. Remember that in the last three millennia, the Balkan region has received significant intrusions from more northerly peoples such as Turks, Albanians, Slavs, Vlachs, and Bulgars; mixing between all these groups and Greeks would have been inevitable. That doesn't mean modern Greeks are not descended from ancient Greeks, they almost certainly are, but it does mean that we cannot infer from modern Greeks what the exact biological affinities of ancient Greeks. There is the possibility the "African" genetic component of ancient Greeks could have been much larger than that of modern Greeks.
Just check out the page Debunked is getting his information from.
Lol, that was a quick change, you first wrote, "guess I was wrong, Southern Europeans have kept their lineages", now you retract, and ask what's my point? Anyway, point of this post was to show you where Debunked was getting his information from.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:"Africans who were evolving to be more like today's Africans"
^ Well, according to CL Brace:
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
That splendid Ethiopian specimen is a good candidate for being an ancestor of Ethiopians, but not Europeans.
- C. Loring Brace
Herto Man:
^ Brace is trying to come to grips with the fact that early Homo Sapien don't look very much like Europeans. They just don't.
Dienekes and his dunce-flunkies can keep disco-dancing their disinformations.... but it does not distract from the facts, of the distruction of the caucasoid myth.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Originally posted by Debunked
quote:"Use of the Y chromosome to investigate.... [...] Conclusions about populations on the basis of this single locus must therefore be made with caution."
Here is the definition of a locus, from quite a few references, hope you understand.
Genetic locus
(Science: genetics) The position of a gene in a linkage map or on a chromosome.
Britannica online Encyclopedia
# reflection in blood groups ( in blood group: Blood groups and genetic linkage )
...groups act as markers (inherited characteristics) for genes present on chromosomes, which are responsible for their expression. The site of a particular genetic system on a chromosome is called a locus. Each locus may be the site of several alleles (alternative genes). In an ordinary cell of the human body, there are 46 chromosomes arranged in 23 pairs, 22 pairs of which are autosomes...
Merriam-Webster medical dictionary
the position in a chromosome of a particular gene or allele
Genetics. the chromosomal position of a gene as determined by its linear order relative to the other genes on that chromosome.
Wiki "In the fields of genetics and evolutionary computation, a locus (plural loci) is a fixed position on a chromosome such as the position of a biomarker that may be occupied by one or more genes. A variant of the DNA sequence at a given locus is called an allele. The ordered list of loci known for a particular genome is called a genetic map. Gene mapping is the process of determining the locus for a particular biological trait."
Debunked's world now crumbles.....And his absurd distortion of a chromosome being a single locus gives him a big slap in the face.
Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
quote:Originally posted by Tyrann0saurus:
quote:All of the data indicates that this process of differentiation began long before OOA, and possibly even before the transition to modern humans.
If so...
Why are recent Africans so much closer to recent Eurasians than either is to Paleolithic Eurasians, if the African/non-African divide is as ancient as you claim? If you were correct, the positions of the recent Africans and the Paleolithic skulls would be switched.
BTW, while we are discussing the Greeks, let me remind you that modern Greeks are not necessarily genetically identical to ancient Greeks. Remember that in the last three millennia, the Balkan region has received significant intrusions from more northerly peoples such as Turks, Albanians, Slavs, Vlachs, and Bulgars; mixing between all these groups and Greeks would have been inevitable. That doesn't mean modern Greeks are not descended from ancient Greeks, they almost certainly are, but it does mean that we cannot infer from modern Greeks what the exact biological affinities of ancient Greeks. There is the possibility the "African" genetic component of ancient Greeks could have been much larger than that of modern Greeks.
I don't believe you thought about what you wrote. All genetic research is depended on testing populations insitu and comparing them to other populations. If you can not infer population movements based on contemporary examples the research is invalid and unreliable.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ Dr. Winters. The map above is NOT genetic. It's a skull map.
As for genetic methods - if you measure sex chromosome lineages then you *are* measuring the history - the lineage- of modern populations.
This is what lineages are by definition. You carry your biological history in your blood.
It's provably your biology history in a way that no ancient skull can ever be.
Moreover, if you sample the lineages of current populations you can make logical inferences about where they lived relative to one another.
NOTE: All means of understanding the past rely on inference and or deducation.
You can't 'literally' know the past without a time machine. Even history books - are not 'literal', and can't absolutely 'prove' the past.
Compared to genetics - skeletal morphology is a weaker method of determining where populations lived.
Actually the graph above shows you exactly why.
Look at the red and blue skull clusters.
Red is modern, blue is ancient.
The skulls do not even cluster by where - - but rather by 'when'.
Wild minded digression aside - the study only shows that it's possible that the original Upper Paleolithic Eurasians, and implicitly all other non Africans could indeed have been descendant entirely from Africans.
They need not be to be part Neanderhtal, or Homo erectus, in order to explain their current morphology.
The study is great confirmation for the works of scholars like Chris Stringer.
quote:Nonsense....Isn't the Genographic project based on the Y chromosome? Differentiations between Native Americans and N.Europeans, is because they have morphologically changed since OOA, so of course there would be a difference. But East and West Africans have not changed , because East and West Africans never left Africa. Europeans and Native Americans, come from the same group of people who separated more than 40kya. Africans carrying E3a and E3b, only split about 25kya. So the comparison is preposterous. Europeans should be furthest away genetically from Africans, but they're not. This is due to recent gene flow from Africa. If not, then what is it?
It's a perfectly valid comparison. Haplogroups R and E3b are both dated at ~26,000 YBP, they both originated outside of Europe, and they both split from other haplogroups that are now typical of entirely different continental populations. That's why single markers can't tell you much about population relationships.
Your comments about morphological change make no sense. Of course Africans have changed since OOA. The L3/M168 bearing population recolonized the continent and blended with the L(xL3), A and B bearing populations.
quote:Yea, so which clusters would that be? Greeks Y chromosome is almost 50% Non European. E3b1 and J. Greeks fall into that category of mixed, along with many other Southern Europeans.
Northern European haplogroups R and I are also non-European in origin (R comes from Central Asia and I is related to J). That's why single markers can't tell you much about population relationships.
quote:In terms of paternity, Greeks do not cluster with Europeans.
Two Y-chromosome plots:
quote:........Did *YOU read this from the same book you're quoting to support Cavalli-Sforza believing in race:
What Cavalli-Sforza "believes" (or claims to believe) is irrelevant. All that counts is what his results demonstrate empirically.
quote:Burunge have no West Eurasian mixture according to analysis of both the Y-chromosone and mtDNA so how are they "mixed"?
According to structure analysis, ~25% of their genome is shared with Western Eurasians and not with sub-Saharan Africans. That's why single markers can't tell you much about population relationships.
quote:The question extends to the point made earlier about engaging one who speaks of pre-Out of Africa test subjects being "non-Africans".
Take it up with the authors of all the materials I've cited. I'm just using their terminology.
quote:Why are recent Africans so much closer to recent Eurasians than either is to Paleolithic Eurasians, if the African/non-African divide is as ancient as you claim? If you were correct, the positions of the recent Africans and the Paleolithic skulls would be switched.
Modern populations are still closer to one another than any is to prehistoric populations. But it's significant that HOF/EUP is closer to Eurasians than it is to Africans. If you were correct, it would be the other way around.
quote:There is the possibility the "African" genetic component of ancient Greeks could have been much larger than that of modern Greeks.
Well, you're free to fantasize about that possibility all you want, just as you fantasize about being related to ancient Egyptians, but understand that the "African" genetic component in modern Greeks is virtually nil. Their genome is entirely Western Eurasian.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Debunked claims, from a different study:
"Nor did they address the relationship of the information from the Y chromosome, a single genetic locus in a classical sense"
^ This is false, as it is not "from a study", rather it is and ad lib comment by a non geneticist, who is trying and FAILING to dispute the results of genetic studies.
His comments are technically wrong, which is why the author appends a disclaimer to it.
Moreover, the context of this comment is that the author is trying to deny genetic evidence of Out of Africa, by questioning whether paternal and maternal lineages are sufficient proof of and African origin for all humans.
But his problem remains that NOT A SINGLE HUMAN on earth modern or ancient has ever been found, who did not have maternal and paternal lineages of recent African origin.
So trying to pretend that lineage chromosomes with their 100's of genes are but a single locus, doesn't help him obsure the reality of the African origin of humans, any more than it helps you obscure the reality of the mixed heritage of Neolithic Europe.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:It's a perfectly valid comparison. Haplogroups R and E3b are both dated at ~26,000 they both originated outside of Europe
^ This claim is also false. R is older than 26kya and Europeans don't have any R. Europeans have only downstream lineages such as R1b - which does apparently originate in Europe, but is *NOT* a fraternal haplotype to P.
In complete contrast:
The PN2 clade, defined by E3, is father to fraternal haplotypes E3a and E3b.
All of which are African, and of which, E3a is only 14to19 kya~.
Therefore, Pn2 clade can define African. But P, cannot define European, nor white, nor cacuasian.
Your 'comparison' is so invalidated.
As usual you have no point.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:What Cavalli-Sforza "believes" (or claims to believe) is irrelevant. All that counts is what his results demonstrate empirically.
^ Europeans appear as a genetic mixture.... 2/3 Asian, 1/3 European. - Cavalli-Sforza
^ Ok?
Europeans based on Sforza's work can't even represent for *non Africans*.
They are just a mixture of Africans and non Afriacns.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:But it's significant that HOF is closer to European than it is to Africans.
Apparently not:
Hofmyer is closer in the above to *modern Bantu* [labled recent Africa at a distance of 4] than it is to modern Europeans.[distance of 4.4]
South African Hofmyr skull is closer to modern New Guinea than it is to modern Europeans, ON ALL CHARTS.
New Guinea/Oceana and Bantu are closer to each other on all the study charts than Europeans are to any of the other populations sampled.
Modern Europeans are *not close to anything* in EITHER chart.
Keep dreaming...
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Tyr0 writes: There is the possibility the "African" genetic component of ancient Greeks could have been much larger than that of modern Greeks.
quote:Debunked writes: Well, you're free to fantasize about that possibility all you want
---> As is Professor Larry Angel, apparently... re: One can identify Negroid traits appearing in Natufian latest hunters and in Anatolian and Macedonian first farmers, FROM NUBIA.
Posted by argyle104 (Member # 14634) on :
rasol wrote:
----------------------------- I refuse to educate you, because you are such and obnoxious idiot. -----------------------------
Now tell me this boy doesn't suffer from delusions heeeeeyyyyyyyyyhehhehhehhehhehhehheh
A no degree faux keyboard scholar, who hasn't written one peer reviewed scientific journal is claiming to be a figure who can educate someone.
Posted by argyle104 (Member # 14634) on :
Alive-(What Box) aka Jeeves the forums's butler wrote:
Man I've told you before not to post to me.
Now go to the cellar and get more Chardonay the party is running low.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
ES discussants: Excellent job of ignoring gArgoyales retarded babblings, which seeks as alway to drag the discussion down to his level of moronic irrelevancy.
Everyone please continue to stay on topic.
quote:Originally posted by rasol: ^ Dr. Winters. The map above is NOT genetic. It's a skull map.
As for genetic methods - if you measure sex chromosome lineages then you *are* measuring the history - the lineage- of modern populations.
This is what lineages are by definition. You carry your biological history in your blood.
It's provably your biology history in a way that no ancient skull can ever be.
Moreover, if you sample the lineages of current populations you can make logical inferences about where they lived relative to one another.
NOTE: All means of understanding the past rely on inference and or deducation.
You can't 'literally' know the past without a time machine. Even history books - are not 'literal', and can't absolutely 'prove' the past.
Compared to genetics - skeletal morphology is a weaker method of determining where populations lived.
Actually the graph above shows you exactly why.
Look at the red and blue skull clusters.
Red is modern, blue is ancient.
The skulls do not even cluster by where - - but rather by 'when'.
Wild minded digression aside - the study only shows that it's possible that the original Upper Paleolithic Eurasians, and implicitly all other non Africans could indeed have been descendant entirely from Africans.
They need not be to be part Neanderhtal, or Homo erectus, in order to explain their current morphology.
The study is great confirmation for the works of scholars like Chris Stringer.
You're much much smarter than Debunked, so I'm not going to insult you by further explaining this.
I'm sure you see the point.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote: It's a perfectly valid comparison. Haplogroups R and E3b are both dated at ~26,000 YBP, they both originated outside of Europe, and they both split from other haplogroups that are now typical of entirely different continental populations. That's why single markers can't tell you much about population relationships.
Ok, you're an idiot, here read Charlie B's post.
Originally posted by Charlie Bass
quote: Looking at your earlier threads and defeated attempts at making E3b "Caucasoid" you seem to be contradicting what you said in the past. At any rate, what you just said was only half true, Native Americans and Europeans descend from haplogroup via haplogroups Q and R descending from P, but Europeans and Native Americans don't share the same haplogroup, they're just downstream desendants from a common ancestry paternally. East and West Africans do share ancestry within the same haplogroup and sub-haplogroup.
Originally posted by Debunked
quote: Northern European haplogroups R and I are also non-European in origin (R comes from Central Asia and I is related to J). That's why single markers can't tell you much about population relationships.
Lol yea it does, which is why Europeans appear as 2/3rd Asian and 1/3rd African, thanks again for debunking yourself. R, I, and J come from Asia and E3b1, L1 and L2 is from Africa.
Which fits Cavallis Sforzas distance matrix perfectly.
The overall contributions from Asia and Africa were estimated to be around two-thirds and one-third, respectively.
Originally posted by Debunked
quote: Modern populations are still closer to one another than any is to prehistoric populations. But it's significant that HOF/EUP is closer to Eurasians than it is to Africans. If you were correct, it would be the other way around.
So you're saying modern Europeans are primitive Africans? Do modern Europeans have projecting glabellas which exceeds modern Africans? Do modern Europeans have broad noses? Larger molars than recent Africans etc.... List can go on, just let me know?
The skull is large and robust. The maximum estimated length and breadth of the neurocranium, as well as most measurements of the facial skeleton, lie at or exceed two standard deviations (SD) of the means for modern African males, whereas they lie within these limits for Late Pleistocene crania from Eurasia and North Africa (table S3). Narrow nasal bones are bounded by very broad (~15.0 mm), relatively flat frontal processes of the maxillae. The pyriform aperture is broad in comparison to that ofmost EurasianUP crania. The infraorbital plate is tall and flat and lacks an inframalar curve. As such, it differs from the condition that characterizes recent southern African crania (12, 25). Frontal and parietal thickness (6 to 7mm) is comparable to that of recent humans. The glabella projects to a greater degree thanin modern Africans but is comparable to that ofUP crania.Thesupraorbital tori of Hofmeyr are moderately well developed and continuous, lacking the separation of the medial supraorbital eminence and lateral superciliary arch that is characteristic of recent humans. Although the supraorbital torus is comparable in thickness to that in UP crania, its continuous nature represents a more archaic morphology (26). In this regard, Hofmeyr is more primitive than later sub-Saharan LSA and North African UP specimens (such as Lukenya Hill andWadi Kubbaniya), even though they may have a somewhat thicker medial supraorbital eminence. Despite its glabellar prominence and capacious maxillary sinuses, Hofmeyr exhibits only incipient frontal sinus development, a condition that is uncommon among European UP crania (27). The mandibular ramus has a well-developed gonial angle, and the slender coronoid process is equivalent in height to the condyle. The mandibular (sigmoid) notch is deep and symmetrical, and its crest intersects the lateral third of the condyle. The anterior margin of the ramus is damaged, but it is clear that there was no retromolar gap. The Hofmeyr molars are large. The buccolingual diameter ofM2 exceeds recentAfrican and Eurasian UP sample means by more than 2 SD (table S3). Radiographs reveal cynodont molars, although pulp chamber height is likely to have been affected by the deposition of secondary dentine in these heavily worn teeth. Thus, Hofmeyr is seemingly primitive in comparison to recent African crania in a number of features, including a prominent glabella; moderately thick, continuous supraorbital tori; a tall, flat, and straight malar; a broad frontal process of the maxilla; and comparatively large molar crowns. Hofmeyr is contemporaneous with later Eurasian Neandertals, but it clearly does not evince the cranial and mandibular apomorphies that define that clade (28). This is notsurprising, given its geographic location.Although Hofmeyris similar in size to Eurasian UP crania, it differsfrom them in other respects (such as its broad noseand continuous supraorbital tori). Posted by Apocalypse (Member # 8587) on :
Archie Bunker wrote:
quote:Northern European haplogroups R and I are also non-European in origin (R comes from Central Asia and I is related to J). That's why single markers can't tell you much about population relationships.
Surely you must see how logically contorted the above statement is!
If, from the presence of these genes, we can't infer population relations, ie, ancestry, then how did these genes get into Europeans? One would have to imagine that Europeans inherited them through immaculate conception; or did they just blow in on a wind?
Posted by Tyrann0saurus (Member # 3735) on :
quote:Modern populations are still closer to one another than any is to prehistoric populations. But it's significant that HOF/EUP is closer to Eurasians than it is to Africans. If you were correct, it would be the other way around.
I personally don't care about whether Hofmeyr or EUP is closer to Europeans or Africans. For me, it's more important that I am closer to Africans than either of us is to prehistoric people. At least you're no longer misreading the dendrogram to claim that prehistoric people are of the same cluster as Europeans but not Africans.
quote:There is the possibility the "African" genetic component of ancient Greeks could have been much larger than that of modern Greeks.
Well, you're free to fantasize about that possibility all you want, just as you fantasize about being related to ancient Egyptians
I do not claim to be related to AEs. When they ruled, my ancestors were all the way in northern Europe. Please don't assume everyone who acknowledges that the Ancient Egyptians were Saharo-tropical Africans that many would call "black" today is a black Afrocentrist.
Posted by Tyrann0saurus (Member # 3735) on :
Having said that:
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:But it's significant that HOF is closer to European than it is to Africans.
Apparently not:
Hofmyer is closer in the above to *modern Bantu* [labled recent Africa at a distance of 4] than it is to modern Europeans.[distance of 4.4]
South African Hofmyr skull is closer to modern New Guinea than it is to modern Europeans, ON ALL CHARTS.
New Guinea/Oceana and Bantu are closer to each other on all the study charts than Europeans are to any of the other populations sampled.
Modern Europeans are *not close to anything* in EITHER chart.
Keep dreaming...
Sir, you do realize that he refuses to pay attention to the Euclidean chart? He much favors the Malanabois (sp?) one. Now why these two charts show different conclusions I am not sure.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by Tyrann0saurus: [QUOTE]Modern populations are still closer to one another than any is to prehistoric populations. But it's significant that HOF/EUP is closer to Eurasians than it is to Africans. If you were correct, it would be the other way around.
quote:I personally don't care about whether Hofmeyr or EUP is closer to Europeans or Africans. For me, it's more important that I am closer to Africans than either of us is to prehistoric people. At least you're no longer misreading the dendrogram to claim that prehistoric people are of the same cluster as Europeans but not Africans.
Don't underestimate Debunked's dishonesty.... he isn't claiming such a fake cluster 'right now', because you just corrected him on this point and made him look foolish.
But in this thread, before this discussion is over - he *will* repeat his far fetched claims.
His learning disabled approach to propaganda is - if a claim is ludicrous, just keep repeating it.
His goal is to make you chase his ridiculous claims, and so forget the subject which is African origin of all peoples, and the recent African ancestry in Europeans and with it, the destruction of Eurocentric racist mythology.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasol: Apparently not:
Hofmyer is closer in the above to *modern Bantu* [labled recent Africa at a distance of 4] than it is to modern Europeans.[distance of 4.4]
South African Hofmyr skull is closer to modern New Guinea than it is to modern Europeans, ON ALL CHARTS.
New Guinea/Oceana and Bantu are closer to each other on all the study charts than Europeans are to any of the other populations sampled.
Modern Europeans are *not close to anything* in EITHER chart.
Keep dreaming...
quote:Sir, you do realize that he refuses to pay attention to the Euclidean chart?
^ You are naive young man.
Like any propagandist, Debunked distorts data, and what he cannot distort he rejects.
What do you expect him to do?
Admit the obvious [?], that there is no such thing as and ancient 'caucasian' of East Africa - and oxymoron if ever there was one.
You seem to believe you are debating the data.
You are not. You are actually debunking Debunked's propaganda.
quote: Now why these two charts show different conclusions I am not sure.
^ The two charts do not show different conclusions.
Both charts show that there is a close enough similarity between Paleolithic Africans and Paleolithic Eurasians so that the later could descend from the former, and need not be the product of hybridisation with archaic hominids as the multi-regionalist model suggests.
They are not close in any study to -any- modern skulls.
This is what the study actually concludes.
What you are debating with Debunked is the strawman argument, that the skulls resemble current Eurpeans.
This is actually a phony argument, and Charlie Bass should have exposed this clearly enough for you, by simply demanding that Debunked tell us specifically what supposed specific 'non adaptive traits' are unique to current Europeans and ancient South Africans.
Debunked approach is to avoid Bass's to the point, question, and focus on trying to tease you instead.
Bottom line: Hold the study accountable to it's own conclusions, not Debunkeds distortions.
What is actually concluded...
From a new analysis of a human skull discovered in South Africa more than 50 years ago, scientists say they have obtained the first fossil evidence establishing the relatively recent time for the dispersal of modern Homo sapiens out of Africa.
The migrants appeared to have arrived at their new homes in Asia and Europe with the distinct and unmodified heads of Africans.
^ The similarity is between Paleolithic Africans and the Paleolithic European and Asian descendants.... *not* between modern Eurasians and ancient Africans.
And this is what both chart show, and what the study concludes.
An international team of researchers reported yesterday that the age of the South African skull, which they dated at about 36,000 years old, coincided with the age of the skulls of humans then living in Europe and the far eastern parts of Asia, even Australia.
In a report in today’s issue of the journal Science, a research team led by Frederick E. Grine of the State University of New York at Stony Brook concluded that the South African skull provided critical corroboration of the archaeological and genetic evidence indicating that humans in fully modern form originated in sub-Saharan Africa and migrated, almost unchanged, to populate Europe and Asia.
^ Debunked, above is the skull in question....feel free to answer Charlie Bass question, and list the imagined 'European specific 'non adaptive traits', of Hofmeyr. (???)
What's wrong Debunked?
Don't you have and answer..... (?)
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:In a report in today’s issue of the journal Science, a research team led by Frederick E. Grine of the State University of New York at Stony Brook concluded that the South African skull provided critical corroboration of the archaeological and genetic evidence indicating that humans in fully modern form originated in sub-Saharan Africa and migrated, almost unchanged, to populate Europe and Asia.
^^^ Exactly, as I mentioned, how can these early humans be called modern, without actually possessing MODERN human characteristics? Since man walked Out of Africa, first MODERN human traits arose in Africa, who in their right mind would call the OOA phenotype non-African? It just makes no sense. The differences between Early humans from 30kya, and us now, is Early modern humans were more robust, other than that, they could walk amongst us and not be noticed. Obviously because they are FULLY MODERN HUMANS
Posted by Tyrann0saurus (Member # 3735) on :
@ rasol
I understand.
BTW, this claim from Debunker, alluding to the 10,000 loci studies he claims trump Y-chromosome research, confuses me:
quote:According to structure analysis, ~25% of their genome is shared with Western Eurasians and not with sub-Saharan Africans. That's why single markers can't tell you much about population relationships.
How does he expect us to believe Burunge are 25% admixed with Western Eurasians if Eurasian paternal and maternal markers are so rare among them? You think if their genetic heritage was that diverse it would show in their ancestry markers. What do these loci studies actually mean?
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by Apocalypse: Archie Bunker wrote:
quote:Northern European haplogroups R and I are also non-European in origin (R comes from Central Asia and I is related to J). That's why single markers can't tell you much about population relationships.
Surely you must see how logically contorted the above statement is!
If, from the presence of these genes, we can't infer population relations, ie, ancestry, then how did these genes get into Europeans? One would have to imagine that Europeans inherited them through immaculate conception; or did they just blow in on a wind?
The advantage of studying sex chromsome lineages is precisely in that you don't have to make hypothetical inferences.
Sex chromomsome lineages denote as the name implies - the identity of your ancestors.
Actually - autosomal data - based on non coding junk genes, by definition, cannot directly relate your ancestry [because the autosomes are typically not lineages - are not lines of descent - and have no particular pont of origin], nor can they directly relate morphology.
Non coding genes by definition - do nothing -.
They are still useful for inferring genetic distances however Cavelli Sforza himself warns about the potential inaccuracy *inherent* in this this method:
"minor changes in the genes [studied] or methods uses *shift some populations from one cluster to another*
^ Studying genetic distance via non coding autosomes is valuable, but is not now and never will be a replacement for studying actual clades [sex chromsome lineages].
Clades are by definition, far more specific, and less subject to the cluster-fallacies Sforza warns of:
clade - a group of organisms descendant from a common ancester.
^ E3b is and African lineage.
This reality is more difficult to distort.
It can't be "shifted" out of Africa.
This is the reason Dienekes and his flunkies now want to change the subject to other topics, more ameanable to their habitual lying.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:this claim from Debunker, alluding to the 10,000 loci studies he claims trump Y-chromosome research
This actually drowns debunked. The kid persists on insisting a chromosome, is a single genetic locus. If this is true, this means the study cited, is testing 10,000 chromosomes? Lmao, so simple is debunked's mind, it's actually amusing to watch him squabble, and distort the information to fit his agenda.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:The kid persists on insisting a chromosome, is a single genetic locus.
^ It's simply a sign of debate defeat for Eurocentrists.
They have gone from claming E3b to running away from it.
Let them keep running. It's their ancestry they are running from, after all.
quote:How does he expect us to believe Burunge are 25% admixed with Western Eurasians if Eurasian paternal and maternal markers are so rare among them?
^ See above. Non-coding autosomal studies have the 'advantage' [for distortion junkies] of charting genes that have no KNOWN origin, and literally no function.
This enables distortion junkies to mangle data, and otherwise imply that which makes no sense.
The rule of thumb for debunking this form of Eurocentrists is straightforward:
For that which they claim for Europe - show that it 'actually originates in Europe.'
Good luck with that.
The dead-giveaway is the limited range of European haplotype R1b, when compared to African haplotype E3b, which is dominent in Greece, and has by now penetrated to lesser degree to Northern Europe as well.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Originally posted by rasol
quote: This Eurocentric fantasy is debunked if we simply ask for a list of specific genes that originate in Europe, that corresponds to yellow in this graph, and proof that Europeans have *no genetic* materials that originate elsewhere.
The idiot already admitted to it right here, below. R, I, and J, are not European in origin, neither is E3b1, Benin hbs, L1, L2 etc... Basically Cavalli's distance matrix fits perfectly.
Originally posted by Distorter
quote: Northern European haplogroups R and I are also non-European in origin (R comes from Central Asia and I is related to J).
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
From the distorted mind of debunked's mentor
quote:In a different study, (Pericic et al. 2005), the Y chromosomes of Slavs from the Balkans were examined. The authors mention that contemporary Slavic paternal gene pool “is mostly characterized by the predominance of R1a and I1b* (xM26) and scarcity of E3b1 lineages”. By contrast, among Greeks, the combined frequency of haplogroups R1a and I is only around 25% (Pontikos, 2007b) whereas haplogroup E3b1 reaches almost 20%.
This also hurts debunked's feelings. Just one Y chromosome(from Africa), equals the amount of the two main Y chromosomes, found in "supposed" pure Europeans. In reality, there is no such thing as a European or Caucasian. Just a bunch of non-descripts with no history, unless they accept their AFRICAN fathers.
Posted by phenelzine (Member # 15694) on :
"The genome is divided into segments that have separate genealogical histories: while the ancestry of a single segment of the genome converges on a single common ancestor, each segment has a separate common ancestor. About MtDNA and NRC-Y: these particular segments do not represent an individual's ancestry any more completely than any other single segment."
From Jobling, Hurles, and Tyler-Smith,p 9, HUMAN EVOLUTIONARY GENETICS, Garland (2004). These guys teach genetics at Cambridge and Oxford, and what they're telling you is that Y phylogenies, like any other segment of the genome, show lineages of a piece of DNA, not lineages of populations. I ask you EgyptSeachers--- do you just make things up as you go along? Anyone with even a primitive knowledge of genetics should know this, and yet, it appears that none of you do. What a bunch of dunces!
Posted by Explorateur (Member # 14778) on :
Back to the basics no-brainer points:
If you inherit DNA, whether it is the popular uniparental markers of Y DNA or mtDNA, or even "informative markers" of atDNA, it denotes ancestry.
Yes, Y DNA is one component of the overall human genome - that goes without saying.
No, Y DNA does not comprise of a single locus.
Likewise, mtDNA is one component of the human genome.
No, mtDNA too, does not comprise of only a single locus.
Similarly, atDNA markers are individual components of the human genome; atDNA too, are not made up of only a single locus.
A locus is simply a position on the chromosome, that is under study - nothing more or less. It may or may not bear a gene, whose function is determined, or else, simply bear so-called "silent" buffer markers, whose true function is yet to be fully discerned.
However, unlike that can be discerned from atDNA markers, Y DNA and mtDNA are *uniparentally* inherited.
Unlike atDNA, the said uniparental markers are good at tracing information, virtually *intact*, due to considerable possession of *non-recombinant loci*, over *excessively* long periods of time, while accumulating new UEPs, that allows one to calculate the age of the lineage; while atDNA can be instructive of more recent ancestry, it falls flat of being insightful for specific line of ancestry to a single common ancestor over excessively long period of time.
The uniparental aspect of Y DNA and mtDNA inheritence, is precisely an important trait that makes them more formidable markers in following lineages to single common recent ancestors over excessive amounts of time.
Since every individual *must* have a uniparental marker, these uniparental markers do give one an insight into ancestry of every living individual. And by extension, since populations are the product of individuals, it is ludicrous to say that these uniparental markers are not representative of lineages of populations.
Reading studies is not enough apparently; understanding them, is a must.
Posted by Charlie Bass (Member # 10328) on :
quote:Originally posted by phenelzine: "The genome is divided into segments that have separate genealogical histories: while the ancestry of a single segment of the genome converges on a single common ancestor, each segment has a separate common ancestor. About MtDNA and NRC-Y: these particular segments do not represent an individual's ancestry any more completely than any other single segment."
From Jobling, Hurles, and Tyler-Smith,p 9, HUMAN EVOLUTIONARY GENETICS, Garland (2004). These guys teach genetics at Cambridge and Oxford, and what they're telling you is that Y phylogenies, like any other segment of the genome, show lineages of a piece of DNA, not lineages of populations. I ask you EgyptSeachers--- do you just make things up as you go along? Anyone with even a primitive knowledge of genetics should know this, and yet, it appears that none of you do. What a bunch of dunces!
Y-chromosones and mtDNA are inherited and to totally dismiss these two as irrelevant is to have a mind that borerlines on stupidity and insanity. No, neither tells the *ENTIRE* story about anything but they are useful.
@ Debunker on the Burunge, as the Bass has stated above, Burunge have nil admixture from West Eurasians when Y-chromosones and mtDNA were analyzed, and if there were such mixture it would be detected in either of the parental markers. When people mix, Y-DNA and mtDNA are passed, name one case where aDNA was passed and no mtDNA and Y-DNA were passed.
Posted by phenelzine (Member # 15694) on :
What an enlightening response!
Frankly, this is typical. I haven't followed this whole thread, but from what I've seen, you guys are some of the dumbest science posters I've ever run across. But, lots of people walk, they talk, they eat and sleep, but they have no idea they're stupid. I don't find it very edifying to discuss these matters with the left half of the Bell Curve, who in addition have never read an elementary genetics text (actually, given the average level of reading comp here, it wouldn't matter). What I've seen here is a radical new way of thinking: I'll call it the Proudly Protruding Buttocks school of black epistemology. Whatever inflates the PPB's is true, whatever deflates them is a Eurocentric ruse. I congratulate you on your revolutionary new epistemology. As far as science goes, however, were I you people I'd leave it alone. It's a three-digit IQ thing, you wouldn't understand. For actual students of genetics, your forum is only of zoological interest. Perhaps some of my colleagues will wish to visit you for a few laughs. See ya Negroes.
Posted by Charlie Bass (Member # 10328) on :
quote:Originally posted by phenelzine: What an enlightening response!
Frankly, this is typical. I haven't followed this whole thread, but from what I've seen, you guys are some of the dumbest science posters I've ever run across. But, lots of people walk, they talk, they eat and sleep, but they have no idea they're stupid. I don't find it very edifying to discuss these matters with the left half of the Bell Curve, who in addition have never read an elementary genetics text (actually, given the average level of reading comp here, it wouldn't matter). What I've seen here is a radical new way of thinking: I'll call it the Proudly Protruding Buttocks school of black epistemology. Whatever inflates the PPB's is true, whatever deflates them is a Eurocentric ruse. I congratulate you on your revolutionary new epistemology. As far as science goes, however, were I you people I'd leave it alone. It's a three-digit IQ thing, you wouldn't understand. For actual students of genetics, your forum is only of zoological interest. Perhaps some of my colleagues will wish to visit you for a few laughs. See ya Negroes.
Personal attacks and insults don't do anything. YDNA and mtDNA track migrations, aDNA do not. aDNA can detect admixture but don't detect the direction of the mixture, thus Burunge may share 25% aDNA with West Eurasians accordingto what debunked posted but as we all know, East African populations are the source population for all non-African populations, so that 25% can simply reflect OOA and descent of a common recent share ancestry, not back migration mixture into the Burunge, who have no West Eurasian mixture thats detectable from Y-DNA and mtDNA.
Posted by Debunker (Member # 15669) on :
quote:R is older than 26kya
Haplogroup R was dated to 26,800 years BP in a 2008 study.
quote:Europeans don't have any R. Europeans have only downstream lineages such as R1b - which does apparently originate in Europe
They don't have any "African E3b" either. They have mostly E-V13, a unique event polymorphism that originated in West Asia and is not found in Africa.
quote:All of which are African, and of which, E3a is only 14to19 kya~.
P, R and Q are all Central Asian, and Q is also only 15-20 kya.
quote:At least you're no longer misreading the dendrogram to claim that prehistoric people are of the same cluster as Europeans but not Africans.
I didn't "misread" anything. I created that loose cluster to counter this loose cluster that contradicts the study's conclusion (and is therefore based on an actual misreading):
rasol: "Correct, and actually based on that chart you 'could' form a skull cluster, albeit somewhat arbitrary of Hofmeyr, Oceania [Australia/New Guinea] and their African samples. Current Europeans are somewhat outlier from this grouping."
quote:Sir, you do realize that he refuses to pay attention to the Euclidean chart? He much favors the Malanabois (sp?) one. Now why these two charts show different conclusions I am not sure.
I'm not sure either, but I "pay attention" to the one that the authors recommend paying attention to.
"Mahalanobis D2, adjusted for unequal sample sizes (S24), is used to estimate the morphological distances among samples. This method is appropriate for the goal of this analysis because it represents the morphological variation among groups scaled by the pooled within-group variation, and accounts for covariation among landmark coordinates, which is pervasive among biological datasets (S25, S26)."
quote:How does he expect us to believe Burunge are 25% admixed with Western Eurasians if Eurasian paternal and maternal markers are so rare among them? You think if their genetic heritage was that diverse it would show in their ancestry markers. What do these loci studies actually mean?
Don't ask rasol. To him the evidence looks like a "coloring book", which is what he should stick to. No reference has yet been provided for the Burunge's uniparental markers, but assuming all are of African origin, they're a good example of why one has to look at the entire genome and not just a couple of markers to find out about ancestral affinities.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Originally posted by phenelzine: What an enlightening response!
Frankly, this is typical. I haven't followed this whole thread, but from what I've seen, you guys are some of the dumbest science posters I've ever run across. But, lots of people walk, they talk, they eat and sleep, but they have no idea they're stupid. I don't find it very edifying to discuss these matters with the left half of the Bell Curve, who in addition have never read an elementary genetics text (actually, given the average level of reading comp here, it wouldn't matter). What I've seen here is a radical new way of thinking: I'll call it the Proudly Protruding Buttocks school of black epistemology. Whatever inflates the PPB's is true, whatever deflates them is a Eurocentric ruse. I congratulate you on your revolutionary new epistemology. As far as science goes, however, were I you people I'd leave it alone. It's a three-digit IQ thing, you wouldn't understand. For actual students of genetics, your forum is only of zoological interest. Perhaps some of my colleagues will wish to visit you for a few laughs. See ya Negroes.
^^^Lmao, and this is coming from someone who can't even grasp the concept of OOA? Someone who postulates archaic humans mixing with modern humans? You're so idiotic, that the study you first posted, on the same page of your fantasy study, it had another study, which totally debunked it. I posted that study, and what happened? You never proposed your doltishness again. Is anyone supposed to take you seriously?
I would love to see something come from your post that actually makes sense, and isn't regarded as delusional. Once you insinuated that OOA is false, should have been a clear indication that there are some serious screws loose in that fairy brain of yours.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Originally posted by distorter
quote:They don't have any "African E3b" either. They have mostly E-V13, a unique event polymorphism that originated in West Asia and is not found in Africa.
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718: From the distorted mind of debunked's mentor
quote:In a different study, (Pericic et al. 2005), the Y chromosomes of Slavs from the Balkans were examined. The authors mention that contemporary Slavic paternal gene pool “is mostly characterized by the predominance of R1a and I1b* (xM26) and scarcity of E3b1 lineages”. By contrast, among Greeks, the combined frequency of haplogroups R1a and I is only around 25% (Pontikos, 2007b) whereas haplogroup E3b1 reaches almost 20%.
This also hurts debunked's feelings. Just one Y chromosome(from Africa), equals the amount of the two main Y chromosomes, found in "supposed" pure Europeans. In reality, there is no such thing as a European or Caucasian. Just a bunch of non-descripts with no history, unless they accept their AFRICAN fathers.
Distorter, so you're saying modern Europeans are primitive Africans? Do modern Europeans have projecting glabellas which exceeds modern Africans? Do modern Europeans have broader noses? Larger molars than recent Africans etc.... List can go on, just let me know?
The skull is large and robust. The maximum estimated length and breadth of the neurocranium, as well as most measurements of the facial skeleton, lie at or exceed two standard deviations (SD) of the means for modern African males, whereas they lie within these limits for Late Pleistocene crania from Eurasia and North Africa (table S3). Narrow nasal bones are bounded by very broad (~15.0 mm), relatively flat frontal processes of the maxillae. The pyriform aperture is broad in comparison to that ofmost EurasianUP crania. The infraorbital plate is tall and flat and lacks an inframalar curve. As such, it differs from the condition that characterizes recent southern African crania (12, 25). Frontal and parietal thickness (6 to 7mm) is comparable to that of recent humans. The glabella projects to a greater degree thanin modern Africans but is comparable to that ofUP crania.Thesupraorbital tori of Hofmeyr are moderately well developed and continuous, lacking the separation of the medial supraorbital eminence and lateral superciliary arch that is characteristic of recent humans. Although the supraorbital torus is comparable in thickness to that in UP crania, its continuous nature represents a more archaic morphology (26). In this regard, Hofmeyr is more primitive than later sub-Saharan LSA and North African UP specimens (such as Lukenya Hill andWadi Kubbaniya), even though they may have a somewhat thicker medial supraorbital eminence. Despite its glabellar prominence and capacious maxillary sinuses, Hofmeyr exhibits only incipient frontal sinus development, a condition that is uncommon among European UP crania (27). The mandibular ramus has a well-developed gonial angle, and the slender coronoid process is equivalent in height to the condyle. The mandibular (sigmoid) notch is deep and symmetrical, and its crest intersects the lateral third of the condyle. The anterior margin of the ramus is damaged, but it is clear that there was no retromolar gap. The Hofmeyr molars are large. The buccolingual diameter ofM2 exceeds recentAfrican and Eurasian UP sample means by more than 2 SD (table S3). Radiographs reveal cynodont molars, although pulp chamber height is likely to have been affected by the deposition of secondary dentine in these heavily worn teeth. Thus, Hofmeyr is seemingly primitive in comparison to recent African crania in a number of features, including a prominent glabella; moderately thick, continuous supraorbital tori; a tall, flat, and straight malar; a broad frontal process of the maxilla; and comparatively large molar crowns. Hofmeyr is contemporaneous with later Eurasian Neandertals, but it clearly does not evince the cranial and mandibular apomorphies that define that clade (28). This is notsurprising, given its geographic location.Although Hofmeyris similar in size to Eurasian UP crania, it differsfrom them in other respects (such as its broad noseand continuous supraorbital tori). [/QB][/QUOTE]
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
"The skull is large and robust. The maximum estimated length and breadth of the neurocranium, as well as most measurements of the facial skeleton, lie at or exceed two standard deviations (SD) of the means for modern African males , whereas they lie within these limits for Late Pleistocene crania from Eurasia and North Africa (table S3)."
From the above we can actually see Hofmeyr's neurocraniam and facial skeleton, LIE AT OR EXCEEDS TWO STANDARD DEVIATIONS FOR MODERN AFRICANS.
"As a result of an ongoing cleansing of the fossil record through direct radiometric dating, a series of obviously modern, and in fact Late Upper Paleolithic or Holocene, human remains have been removed from consideration (7). This cleansing has helped to dilute the impression that the earliest modernhumans in Europe were just like recent European populations. "
As we can see from this above statement, the cleansing of the fossil records has helped to confirm that EEMH were not like recent Europeans today at all.
Posted by Doug M (Member # 7650) on :
Some examples of the "Caucasoid" traits of the early North and North East Africans that are ANCESTRAL to the features of actual caucasians:
Note the features which get confused with later "arab" features because Arabs GOT their features from East Africans to begin with.
Posted by argyle104 (Member # 14634) on :
Doug wrote:
But according to you oh caterwauling one, Ethiopians look like whites. So why are you contradicting yourself in this thread?
^^^^^^Get out of here already. Do us all a favor.
Posted by argyle104 (Member # 14634) on :
Knowledgeiskey718 wrote:
---------------------------- Get out of here already. Do us all a favor. ----------------------------
You see, this response is considered intellectual surrender. He has no refutation, so now he results to screaming for one to leave the thread so that he no longer has to suffer from the intellectual thrashing that I am administering to him.
Well what do you expect from someone who would actually use crackpot rantings from someone like Sforza in his arguments? : )
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by phenelzine: About MtDNA and NRC-Y: these particular segments do not represent an individual's ancestry any more completely than any other single segment."
^ Strawman argument, since no one claims that any method of studying DNA is complete.
Nor does this address the fact that lineage markers such as E3b can denote entire choromsomes, whereas autosomal non-coders, which are inherited at random [non-linear], studies cannot. In fact, because this, you often cannot even determine the origin of these 'markers'.
A good example of and exception that proves the rule - is with Benin Hbs autosome.
Benin Hbs is and autosomal gene, not a sex chromsome gene, however because it is actually coded for - it effects morphology.
This means it's precense and history in a population can be studied thru a variety of means, and this fact was of critical import for tracing it's origin back to West Africa.
If we were to ignore the origin of this autosome, we would notice that it is present in West Africans, in Greeks, Spaniards, Italians, and Arabs..... but not in Bantu or East Africans.
Benin Hbs, from tropical Africa to Southern Europe:
At this point a pseudo like Dienekes, would be able to claim that Benin Hbs originates with 'caucasoids', and exists in West Africans only thru 'mixture with caucasoids'.
Taking his method [which is to talk down to the level to his retarded audience], he would then claims Benin Hbs as a 'caucasiod' marker, showing 'mixture' in West Africans.
Of course he can't distort Benin Hbs in this manner because we know too much about it.
For pseudos like Deinekes, the less that is known about a genes origin, and dispersal, the better, because it frees them up to tell 'just so' stories.
And *caucasoid* is the biggest, phoniest just so story in the history of genetics.
to be contd.....
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Originally posted by argtroll
quote:You see, this response is considered intellectual surrender. He has no refutation,
Refute what? What have you provided that needs refutation? Other than constant trolling?
Kabyle Berbers^^^^^^Remember this thread? You said the same EXACT thing, that you just said here, and after I gave you an intellectual virtual SLAP, you stood quiet. Why was that?
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ Of course, no need to waste time with gArgoyle.
Again he is only trying to disrupt the thread flow.
He is like a retarded boy who finds himself in calculus class.
He starts clowning because he doesn't understand the topic.
Have to ignore him, instead of giving him the undue attention he seeks.
on topic:
There are two ideologically motivated camps that make up the main opposition to paternal and maternal chromosome studies.
1) Multi-regionalists - because sex chromosome markers can trace any and every individuals ancestry back to Africa, and recently, so mooting multi-regional hypothesis.
2) Eurocentrists - because sex chromsome lineages can show that Europeans are historically herterogeneous - with mixtures of paleolithic European, and Neolithic ancestry from Black Africa and SouthWest Asia.
The two ideologies are both debunked by continued study of lineages such as E3b.
There desire to change the subject is just a form of fleeing facts that are destroying their ideology.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Since every individual *must* have a uniparental marker, these uniparental markers do give one an insight into ancestry of every living individual. And by extension, since populations are the product of individuals, it is ludicrous to say that these uniparental markers are not representative of lineages of populations.
^ Correct. And they are the only markers that can so represent lineages.
Autosomal junk-markers cannot... as you know they are inherited somehow, but not where they came from or how they got there, which often moots them as markers of ancestry.
This is why geneticist focus so much on sex chromosome lineages.
It's not a mistake or something geneticists are overlooking. Obviously.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by Charlie Bass:
quote:Originally posted by phenelzine: What an enlightening response!
Frankly, this is typical. I haven't followed this whole thread, but from what I've seen, you guys are some of the dumbest science posters I've ever run across. See ya Negroes.
Personal attacks and insults don't do anything. YDNA and mtDNA track migrations, aDNA do not. aDNA can detect admixture but don't detect the direction of the mixture, thus Burunge may share 25% aDNA with West Eurasians accordingto what debunked posted but as we all know, East African populations are the source population for all non-African populations, so that 25% can simply reflect OOA and descent of a common recent share ancestry, not back migration mixture into the Burunge, who have no West Eurasian mixture thats detectable from Y-DNA and mtDNA.
^ Informative response Charlie.
Phenelzine is just upset because, he can't address it. The trolls are getting desparate.
Keep pounding them....
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote: There are two ideologically motivated camps that make up the main opposition to paternal and maternal chromosome studies.
1) Multi-regionalists - because sex chromosome markers can trace any and every individuals ancestry back to Africa, and recently, so mooting multi-regional hypothesis.
2) Eurocentrists - because sex chromsome lineages can show that Europeans are historically herterogeneous - with mixtures of paleolithic European, and Neolithic ancestry from Black Africa and SouthWest Asia.
Yes, and we unfortunately have the presence of both
Phenelzine the multi-regionalist.
Debunked the Euro-centrist.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:debunked: Haplogroup R was dated to 26,800 years BP in a 2008 study.
^ From 19, to 34 kya granted, but Europeans do not have haplogroup R.
Also from the study: “The major lineages within the most common African haplogroup, E, are now all sorted out, with the topology providing new interpretations on the geographical origin of ancient sub-clades,” describes Hammer.
^ Which takes us back to your far fetched claim that E as and M168 lineage is therefore somehow "non" African.
quote:Europeans don't have any R. Europeans have only downstream lineages such as R1b - which does apparently originate in Europe
quote:debunked: They don't have any "African E3b" either.
False statment: E3b IS African, see above.
quote:They have mostly E-V13, which is not found in Africa.
From Cruciani: "the upper limit of the expansion time for E-V13 at 5.3 kya".
^ E-V13 post dates migration of E3b Africans into Eurasia.....that's *why* it's not found in Africa, because the migration is FROM Neolithic Africa TO Eurasia, E-V13 comes about long after this.
How does this fact help you deny African ancestry in Europeans?
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:P, R and Q are all Central Asian
^ Again R1b is European. So stop playing alphabet soup and address it.
NorthWest Europeans have up to 90% percent paleolithic European paternity. But Greeks have mostly Neolithic African paternity via E3b and SouthWest Asian Paternity via J.
Who's your dadday?
This is what you need to address.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by Tyrann0saurus:. At least you're no longer misreading the dendrogram to claim that prehistoric people are of the same cluster as Europeans but not Africans.
quote:rasol warns: Don't underestimate Debunked's dishonesty.... he isn't claiming such a fake cluster 'right now', because you just corrected him on this point and made him look foolish.
But in this thread, before this discussion is over - he *will* repeat his far fetched claims.
On cue......
quote:Debunked writes: I didn't "misread" anything. I created that loose cluster to counter this loose cluster that contradicts the study's conclusion (and is therefore based on an actual misreading):
quote:Debunked writes: I "pay attention" to the one that the authors recommend paying attention to.
translation: You run away from the data the authors recommend paying attention to, whenever it contradicts your far fetched claims.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ Speaking of running away....
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
^ From a new analysis of a human skull discovered in South Africa more than 50 years ago, scientists say they have obtained the first fossil evidence establishing the relatively recent time for the dispersal of modern Homo sapiens out of Africa.
The migrants appeared to have arrived at their new homes in Asia and Europe with the distinct and unmodified heads of Africans.
Debunked, above is the skull in question....feel free to answer Charlie Bass question, and
'European specific,
'non adaptive traits',
of Hofmeyr. (???)
What's wrong Debunked?
Don't you have and answer..... (?)
What's taking so long?
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:What do these loci studies actually mean?
quote:Don't ask rasol.
He asked, I answered. The only one who can't answer a straight question [see above] is you.
Why is that?
Posted by Doug M (Member # 7650) on :
A comparison:
Posted by Explorateur (Member # 14778) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:Since every individual *must* have a uniparental marker, these uniparental markers do give one an insight into ancestry of every living individual. And by extension, since populations are the product of individuals, it is ludicrous to say that these uniparental markers are not representative of lineages of populations.
^ Correct. And they are the only markers that can so represent lineages.
Autosomal junk-markers cannot... as you know they are inherited somehow, but not where they came from or how they got there, which often moots them as markers of ancestry.
This is why geneticist focus so much on sex chromosome lineages.
It's not a mistake or something geneticists are overlooking. Obviously.
Phenelzine could learn something from this...even if he/she doesn't necessarily want to admit it.
Posted by Debunker (Member # 15669) on :
quote:a pseudo like Dienekes ... talk down to the level to his retarded audience
Dienekes' audience includes a number of actual scientists like Peter Frost, John Hawks and Tony Frudakis who regularly read and greatly respect his observations.
Anyone important read and respect you? Of course not, because you're an idiot.
quote:Autosomal junk-markers cannot... as you know they are inherited somehow, but not where they came from or how they got there, which often moots them as markers of ancestry.
Why don't you send that little nugget of wisdom (or of something) to a population geneticist and see what he has to say about it -- that is if he can stop laughing long enough to type out a response.
quote:^ Which takes us back to your far fetched claim that E as and M168 lineage is therefore somehow "non" African.
What's far-fetched is your fantasy that E could somehow be the only lineage descended from M168 that's not "non-African".
quote:^ E-V13 post dates migration of E3b Africans into Eurasia.....that's *why* it's not found in Africa, because the migration is FROM Neolithic Africa TO Eurasia, E-V13 comes about long after this.
How does this fact help you deny African ancestry in Europeans?
It helps quite a bit actually. A UEP that originated in West Asia and is not found anywhere in Africa can hardly be taken as evidence of "African ancestry", except in the broad sense that all haplogroups ultimately descend from an African predecessor.
quote:^ Again R1b is European.
No, R1b also originated in Central Asia.
quote:Who's your dadday?
Whoever he was, and wherever he came from, we know from structure's admixture analysis that his ancestry was >99% Caucasoid.
quote:- HOF-> OCE = 25. - OCE -> Bantu = 9.
- OCE -> SAN = 18.8863 - OCE -> AFR = 9.5105 - OCE -> EAS = 7.3484
That doesn't help you much, nor does it change this:
- EUP -> SAN = 29.9511 - EUP -> AFR = 25.6581 - EUP -> WEU = 18.9859 Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Originally posted by Debunked
quote: Whoever he was, and wherever he came from, we know from structure's admixture analysis that his ancestry was >99% Caucasoid.
What is a 'Caucasoid'? So you're saying 'Caucasoid' is a genetic entity? Can you give a chronology of when 'Caucasoid' genes arose? If 'Caucasoid is a skeletal entity, then can you inform us when and where 'Caucasoid' traits arose?
Can you explain to me why Lembas show no features from the Middle East though they have 50% J haplogroup so-called "Caucasoid" mixture.
R1 is present at frequencies of 20% in North Cameroon. So hmm, if 'Caucasoid' genes exist where are they in these populations, who have more admixture than East Africans?
Tutsis have no admixture yet exhibit said 'Caucasoid' traits. Why?
Originally posted by debunked
quote: Actually...
- OCE -> SAN = 18.8863 - OCE -> AFR = 9.5105 - OCE -> EAS = 7.3484
That doesn't help you much, nor does it change this:
This doesn't help you much at all, because no matter how much you distort the graphs, you can never ever change the actual physical traits of Hofmeyr.
Distorter, so you're saying modern Europeans are primitive Africans? Do modern Europeans have projecting glabellas which exceeds modern Africans? Do modern Europeans have broader noses? Larger molars than recent Africans etc.... List can go on, just let me know?
"The skull is large and robust. The maximum estimated length and breadth of the neurocranium, as well as most measurements of the facial skeleton, lie at or exceed two standard deviations (SD) of the means for modern African males , whereas they lie within these limits for Late Pleistocene crania from Eurasia and North Africa (table S3)."
From the above we can actually see Hofmeyr's neurocraniam and facial skeleton, LIE AT OR EXCEEDS TWO STANDARD DEVIATIONS FOR MODERN AFRICANS.
"As a result of an ongoing cleansing of the fossil record through direct radiometric dating, a series of obviously modern, and in fact Late Upper Paleolithic or Holocene, human remains have been removed from consideration (7). This cleansing has helped to dilute the impression that the earliest modernhumans in Europe were just like recent European populations. "
As we can see from this above statement, the cleansing of the fossil records has helped to confirm that EEMH were not like recent Europeans today at all. Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
- OCE -> SAN = 18.8863 - OCE -> AFR = 9.5105 - OCE -> EAS = 7.3484
That doesn't help you much
^ Actually it debunks you.
It means that since OCE [New Guinea] and [Bantu] AFR, are closer to each other than -either- are to Europe, then you *can't* cluster Oceania and Europe together and remove Bantu.
^ Keep trying to pretend not to understand this.
It only marks you as a sore loser, but then, we already know this about you.
And again, you leave out the data that debunks you
HOF- OCE [New Guinia] = 25.
It means that since current New Guinea is not as far from Hofmeyr as current Europeans, then there can be no Europe Hofmeyr cluster either.
So both of your claims are debunked, and you know it.
^ But then, i'm talking to someone who once argued that woman carried Y chromosome, and then refused to admit that he was obviously wrong, no matter how patiently it was explained to him, so.....
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:rasol: Autosomal junk-markers cannot... as you know they are inherited somehow, but not where they came from or how they got there, which often moots them as markers of ancestry.
quote:debunked: Why don't you send that little nugget of wisdom (or of something) to a population geneticist and see what he has to say about it
Why? This comes from population geneticists to begin with. They already *KNOW*, which is why they continue to study paternal and maternal lineages.
You are the one who doesn't understand, and complains about it, as if geneticists don't know what they're doing.
It's not geneticists who need the education.... it's you:
There are many ways to test and analyze DNA, but there are two particular kinds of DNA testing that are especially useful in genealogy: Y-chromosome DNA (Y-DNA) testing and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) testing. The genealogical usefulness of these two DNA tests is based on some special aspects of human inheritance:
1) that the Y chromosome is passed on only by the father, 2) that mitochondria are passed on only by the mother, and 3) that neither Y-DNA nor mtDNA engages in "recombination."
But then, you've proven in the past to be ineducable, so.....
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:rasol: Which takes us back to your far fetched claim that E as and M168 lineage is therefore somehow "non" African.
quote:debunked: What's far-fetched is that E could somehow be the only lineage descended from M168 that's not "non-African".
^ That's a strawman argument, since YOUR GENETICS SOURCE says:
The major lineages within the most common African haplogroup, E, are now all sorted out, with the topology providing new interpretations on the geographical origin of ancient sub-clades,”
^ And while we're debunking you, might as well add....though there is agreement in the genetics community that M168 and E are AFrican, there is no agreement that E is the *only* African subclade of African M168:
The DE haplogroup appeared approximately 50,000 years bp in North East Africa.
^ Wait, it gets worse, for you....
M89 First appeared in north-eastern Africa or the Middle East,
quote:rasol: E-V13 post dates migration of E3b Africans into Eurasia.....that's *why* it's not found in Africa, because the migration is FROM Neolithic Africa TO Eurasia, E-V13 comes about long after this. It's E3b that is at issue.
How does this fact help you deny African ancestry in Europeans?
quote:debunked: It helps quite a bit actually. A UEP that originated in West Asia and is not found anywhere in Africa can hardly be taken as evidence of "African ancestry"
^ Since we are discussing E3b as evidence of African ancestry, and *not* e-v13, a distinct post-E3b mutation, then your comment can certainly be taken as another strawman argument.
It has no bearing on the fact that Africans migrated into Eurasia in the Neolithic and modern Greeks continue to carry their paternal chromosome at a rate of 25%.
But then, I dont' blame you for 'trying' to change the subject.
But you're not going to be allowed to do it, so, no...this doesn't help you actually.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:rasol: Who's your daddy?
quote:rasol: Whoever he was, and wherever he came from, we know from structure's admixture analysis that his ancestry was >99% Caucasoid.
^ Actually no.
The study you are trying SOOO hard, to misrepresent, is not a measure of admixture in Europeans, but of population statification *within Europe.*
So, let's dispatch your nonsense once and for all:
In fact, it shows distinct north-south and east-west clusters *within Europe*, with Greeks and Jews in the leftmost cluster, and Fins and Germanics in the rightmost.
Almost all the samples are European - which is appropriate to the study, but not your distortions of it.
The yellow component in the graph -you keep posting and misrepresenting - is essentially all the allelles in this study found in Europeans...regardless of where they originate - which is unknown.
In other graphs in the same study, like the one above, Europeans show in *various different clusters*, because you are now actually measuring -stratification- in Europe [the actual topic of the study].
But again, no attempt is made to determine the *origin of the allelles that make up the clusters.*
Bottom line: This study proves no point at issue, and is just and attempt to distract from the topic.
Keep running....
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ All of which leads us back to the topic, and Charlie Bass question which Debunked continues to run from:
quote:Originally posted by rasol: ^ Speaking of running away....
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
^ From a new analysis of a human skull discovered in South Africa more than 50 years ago, scientists say they have obtained the first fossil evidence establishing the relatively recent time for the dispersal of modern Homo sapiens out of Africa.
The migrants appeared to have arrived at their new homes in Asia and Europe with the distinct and unmodified heads of Africans.
Debunked, above is the skull in question....feel free to answer Charlie Bass question, and
'European specific,
'non adaptive traits',
of Hofmeyr. (???)
What's wrong Debunked?
Don't you have and answer..... (?)
What's taking so long?
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Knowledge718: Distorter, so you're saying modern Europeans are primitive Africans? Do modern Europeans have projecting glabellas which exceeds modern Africans? Do modern Europeans have broader noses? Larger molars than recent Africans etc.... List can go on, just let me know?
^ LOL. Here is Debunkeds list of shared 'race-traits' between current Europeans and ancient Africans...
{..... ..... ..... }
^ Gosh, it's and empty set.
Why is that?
Why does Debunked try to argue over the imaginary contents of what he admits to be and 'empty set'?
How odd.
Posted by Apocalypse (Member # 8587) on :
Archie Bunker wrote:
quote:A UEP that originated in West Asia and is not found anywhere in Africa can hardly be taken as evidence of "African ancestry", except in the broad sense that all haplogroups ultimately descend from an African predecessor.
Classic distortion from Evil Euro trying to confound the presence of E lineages in non Africans, with OOA which occured some 50ky earlier than the neolithic spread of E from East Africa. Who is he trying to sell this?
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:Knowledge718: Distorter, so you're saying modern Europeans are primitive Africans? Do modern Europeans have projecting glabellas which exceeds modern Africans? Do modern Europeans have broader noses? Larger molars than recent Africans etc.... List can go on, just let me know?
^ LOL. Here is Debunkeds list of shared 'race-traits' between current Europeans and ancient Africans...
{..... ..... ..... }
^ Gosh, it's and empty set.
Why is that?
Why does Debunked try to argue over the imaginary contents of what he admits to be and 'empty set'?
How odd.
Exactly, we can now add this to the long list of unanswered questions proposed to debunked in which he ducks and dodges purposely.
Posted by Charlie Bass (Member # 10328) on :
Debunked, please explain this:
Hi Mr Rigaud,
We used the term cluster simply to indicate a group of chromosomes that share similar microsatellite haplotypes. In our mind a cluster is a monophyletic unit, but this cannot be proved based on the microsatellites alone. A paper on this argument will be published by Human Mutation shortly,I will send you a copy. I think that the term cluster has not been defined in a genetic sense in any textbook.
We believe that cluster alfa chromosomes come from the Near East, but, in turn, M78 chromosomes are of african origin, so you can imagine a two steps migration: from Africa to the Middle east and from the Middle east to the Europe. We are still working on this argument, I hope to publish something about that in the next months
I hope this can help
There's no way of getting around E3b's African origin. Conversely you contradict yourself, you believe that all mtDNA M1 is "Eurasian, despite the fact that there are African specific clades of M1[notwithstanding no molecular ancestor was found of M1 outside of Africa, but anyways] yet you believe E3b1 M78 V13 has nothing to do with Africa though its molecular ancestor has been detected in Africa. Your brain is twisted.
Posted by Evergreen (Member # 12192) on :
Paleoanthropology society meeting Abstracts Philadelphia, PA, 27-28 March 2007
Multivariate Analysis of the Postcranium of Markina Gora (Kostenki XIV), A 30,000-Year-Old Skeleton from Russia
O. Pearson et al.
The Markina Gora skeleton was excavated in 1954. Debets (1955, Sovetskaia Etnografiia 1: 43–53) described it as “negroid” based on its marked alveolar prognathism and high brachial and crural indices. The skeleton has received little subsequent attention, but recent AMS dates of 30,000 BP for its stratum make it one of the earliest modern humans in Europe. To evaluate the morphological affinities of Markina Gora, we performed a discriminant analysis to clarify its similarity to Gravettian, Skhul-Qafzeh, and four other fossil populations in addition to ten samples of recent humans who differ in climatic adaptations and subsistence practices (n=327 skeletons). Only males (the fossil’s sex) were included in the comparisons. Data on Markina Gora’s long bone lengths and mid-shaft and articular dimensions were taken from Debets (1955). We also examined the crural, brachial, pilastric, and cnemic indices, and femoral head diameter divided by maximum femoral length. The Mahalanobis distances from the discriminant analysis place Markina Gora closer to Gravettian males and to Skhul IV than to any other sample. Mesolithic, Gravettian, Epigravettian, and Zulu males have the smallest D^2 distances to Markina Gora. It is similar in some respects to warm adapted populations, but differs dramatically in others. It has a high brachial index (80.7), most like Skhul IV and Zulu males, but a less distinctive crural index (80.8), which would be remarkable only in Artic populations. The pilastric index (112.5) is unremarkable, but the specimen has a low cnemic index (61.1), similar to Gravettian and other presumably mobile populations. Markina Gora has an elevated index of femoral head diameter to maximum length, resembling Mesolithic Europeans, Inuit, and Saami males, likely indicating a high body mass for stature. Despite earlier descriptions of Markina Gora as morphologically distinct, these results underscore its broad resemblance to other early modern human samples.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:The Markina Gora skeleton was excavated in 1954. Debets (1955, Sovetskaia Etnografiia 1: 43–53) described it as “negroid” based on its marked alveolar prognathism and high brachial and crural indices
Let's play with Debunked and run thru his list of stock excuses, in advance:
* "negroid" features but not "negroid" ancestry.
* "negroid" with a small n as opposed to Negroid with a capital N.
* "atavistic" features in early pre-proto-Kzoids.
* "hybrid" with archaic forms.
^ Debunked, let us say in advance....."boooooooooo!" on all your baloney that no one believes including you.
The more excuses you make, the more it becomes clear to all that your excuses are phony, and explain nothing other than your inability to come to grips with reality.
K-zoid anthropology is dead debunked.
You are not making and are delivering a euology.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:The Markina Gora skeleton was excavated in 1954. Debets (1955, Sovetskaia Etnografiia 1: 43–53) described it as “negroid” based on its marked alveolar prognathism and high brachial and crural indices
Guaranteed debunked will ignore the above, and revert back to his already DEBUNKED hofmeyr skull graphs, which subsequently matches up with the above contemporary crania as well.
Posted by Debunker (Member # 15669) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:The Markina Gora skeleton was excavated in 1954. Debets (1955, Sovetskaia Etnografiia 1: 43–53) described it as “negroid” based on its marked alveolar prognathism and high brachial and crural indices
Let's play with Debunked and run thru his list of stock excuses, in advance:
* "negroid" features but not "negroid" ancestry.
* "negroid" with a small n as opposed to Negroid with a capital N.
* "atavistic" features in early pre-proto-Kzoids.
* "hybrid" with archaic forms.
"Stock excuses" = Facts that destroy you
"The Upper Paleolithic fossil man finds and, also, less markedly, those of the Neolithic, include individuals of the so-called primitive sapient type, displaying archaic morphological characteristics, again to various degrees and in various frequencies."
"Prognathism, too, is in no way characteristic only of negroids. Markina Gora, Grimaldi, and Predmosti IV display certain primitive characteristics and considerable mutual morphological difference."
Phenelzine was right. This stuff is way beyond you people. Either that, or you just don't want to understand.
M168 is the "Eurasian Adam". Haplogroup E descends from M168. Therefore, E is just as "Eurasian" as F, K, I, J, R and all the others. The movement of E3b from Northeast Africa to West Asia, and then from there to Europe and North Africa as E-V13 and E-M81, respectively, is therefore nothing more than an OOA migration pattern like the rest. Attempting to invest it with some kind of imaginary "Black" significance is Afrocentric nonsense that no genetic study supports.
MtDNA and Y-chromosomes continue to be used because they were the dominant method for a long time, and old habits die hard. But the limitations of using single markers as opposed genome-wide analyses have been made perfectly clear by several geneticists, and STRUCTURE, which was only developed in 2000, is gradually becoming the new method of choice. Anyone who doesn't know all this hasn't been paying attention to developments in the field.
The study "Measuring European Population Stratification" does indeed begin with an admixture analysis of global populations. Here's the description of the chart I've been posting:
"A complementary Bayesian approach that uses the program STRUCTURE supports the PCoA findings (fig. 1C). This method generates admixture components from individual genotype data without consideration of previous population labels, essentially with the use of departures from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. When the number of putative populations (K) is set at four, the groups largely correspond to the same four regional divides apparent from the PCoA."
In this analysis, as in others, there's clear differentiation between Sub-Saharan Africans, Western Eurasians and Eastern Eurasians, with Southern Europeans having >99% of the Western Eurasian component, and East Africans like Burunge and Ethiopians having ~25-62%. And geneticists like Neil Risch, Esteban Burchard, Elad Ziv and Hua Tang, who have surveyed all the data, state emphatically that these components are racially meaningful:
"Effectively, these population genetic studies have recapitulated the classical definition of races based on continental ancestry - namely African, Caucasian (Europe and Middle East), Asian, Pacific Islander (for example, Australian, New Guinean and Melanesian), and Native American."
"Populations that exist at the boundaries of these continental divisions are sometimes the most difficult to categorize simply. For example, east African groups, such as Ethiopians and Somalis, have great genetic resemblance to Caucasians and are clearly intermediate between sub-Saharan Africans and Caucasians [5]. The existence of such intermediate groups should not, however, overshadow the fact that the greatest genetic structure that exists in the human population occurs at the racial level."
Uniparental markers can't provide this kind of information. The geographical origins and migration routes of individual lineages tell us nothing about population (i.e. racial) structure, which is obviously what you Afros are interested in -- that is, until it comes around and bites you in the ass.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:The Markina Gora skeleton was excavated in 1954. Debets (1955, Sovetskaia Etnografiia 1: 43–53) described it as “negroid” based on its marked alveolar prognathism and high brachial and crural indices
quote:rasol: Let's play with Debunked and run thru his list of stock excuses, in advance:
* "negroid" features but not "negroid" ancestry.
* "negroid" with a small n as opposed to Negroid with a capital N.
* "atavistic" features in early pre-proto-Kzoids.
* "hybrid" with archaic forms.
on cue....
quote:Debunked writes: "Stock excuses" = Facts that destroy you.
Let's examine your excuses and find out....
quote:"The Upper Paleolithic fossil man finds and, also, less markedly, those of the Neolithic, include individuals of the so-called primitive sapient type, displaying archaic morphological characteristics, again to various degrees and in various frequencies."
Prognathism, too, is in no way characteristic only of negroids.
^ This shows that the concept of race based on phenotype is spurious.
However it has no bearing on the fact that the physical appearance of ancient Eurasians is *unlike* modern Europeans, and in some ways more like Africans. This is the point at issue, and is not addressed by making excuses about why ancient Eurasians look the way they do.
We already know these African looking Eurasians are -your- ancestors. That's the point. And since making excuses for their appearance, does not *change* their appearance, then you have no point.
quote:Markina Gora, Grimaldi, and Predmosti IV display certain primitive characteristics and considerable mutual morphological difference.
-> See above, and explain how this helps you.
Then see below, and explain how this can save you from....
In this regard, Hofmeyr is *more primitive than later sub-Saharan LSA and North African UP specimens*.
The Hofmeyr cranium is consistent with the hypothesis that UP Eurasians descended from a population that emigrated from sub-Saharan Africa in the Late Pleistocene.
^ Are you claiming that current Eurasians are *unreleated* to *primative Paleolithics of caucasia.... and are instead related to "primative" South African Hofmeyr, whose skull appearance is closest to New Guinea?
None of these skulls look anything like modern Europeans in any particular which is why you can't name any particular when asked.
You're not making any sense.
The only thing you destroy is yourself.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ No answer? Fine. Then stay Debunked....
quote:Originally posted by rasol: ^ All of which leads us back to the topic, and Charlie Bass question which Debunked continues to run from:
quote:Originally posted by rasol: ^ Speaking of running away....
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
^ From a new analysis of a human skull discovered in South Africa more than 50 years ago, scientists say they have obtained the first fossil evidence establishing the relatively recent time for the dispersal of modern Homo sapiens out of Africa.
The migrants appeared to have arrived at their new homes in Asia and Europe with the distinct and unmodified heads of Africans.
Debunked, above is the skull in question....feel free to answer Charlie Bass question, and
'European specific,
'non adaptive traits',
of Hofmeyr. (???)
What's wrong Debunked?
Don't you have and answer..... (?)
What's taking so long?
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by Debunker: M168 is the "Eurasian Adam". Haplogroup E descends from M168. Therefore, E is just as "Eurasian"
^ boooooooo@ your daily disingenuous drivel.
A you know "Eurasian Adam" is a catch phrase, not a genetic classification.
M168 is African.
It describes and African Haplotype which is shared by all non Africans, and thus the basis of OutOfAfrica, and whose earliest derivitives are found among Melanesians and Australians, not Europeans or whites....who do not exist at this time, as they have not yet derivived from the Melanesians and Australians who most closely rememble your so named "primative" UP Eurasians because -> THAT'S WHAT YOUR ANCESTORS LOOKED LIKE.
keep running....
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
Haplotype E is also African
Haplotype E3b is also African
^ Europeans have this paternal lineage due to mixture with Black Africa from the Neolithic, but melanesians, oceanics, east Asians and other relatively *pristine* Non Africans, [above] do not.
Europeans are a mixture of Africans and Non Africans.
This is why Europeans show in autosomal study as intermediate between Non Africans and Africans.
It's due to mixture....
^ Europeans appear as a genetic mixture.... 2/3 Asian, 1/3 European. - Cavalli-Sforza
^ Europeans are mixed....excuses are meaningless.
Posted by Apocalypse (Member # 8587) on :
Archie Bunker bloviates:
quote:M168 is the "Eurasian Adam". Haplogroup E descends from M168. Therefore, E is just as "Eurasian" as F, K, I, J, R and all the others. The movement of E3b from Northeast Africa to West Asia, and then from there to Europe and North Africa as E-V13 and E-M81, respectively, is therefore nothing more than an OOA migration pattern like the rest. Attempting to invest it with some kind of imaginary "Black" significance is Afrocentric nonsense that no genetic study supports.
From Cavalli-Sforza: Genes, Culture, and Human Evolution. Pg 187.
quote:..."In other words, all non-Africans carry M168. Of course, Africans carrying the M168 mutation today are the descendants of the African subpopulation from which the migrants originated....Thus, the Australian/Eurasian Adam (the ancestor of all non-Africans) was an East African Man."
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:"Stock excuses" = Facts that destroy you
"The Upper Paleolithic fossil man finds and, also, less markedly, those of the Neolithic, include individuals of the so-called primitive sapient type, displaying archaic morphological characteristics, again to various degrees and in various frequencies."
^^^^Ok, but what's your point? We already know many EEMH, MPMH, ETC.. Display archaic primitive traits like Hofmeyr, so really what's your point?
quote:"Prognathism, too, is in no way characteristic only of negroids.
Ok? Again, what's your point? Aren't Australians and Melanesians non "Negroid" in your agenda? Well that's exactly what the EEMH resembled clearly. Call them non-African, non-Negroid whatever makes you feel better(Negroid is a moot term anyway, if used to describe a 'race') but the fact still remains, this is what these Early humans in Europe looked like.
quote: Markina Gora, Grimaldi, and Predmosti IV display certain primitive characteristics and considerable mutual morphological difference."
Jelinek, Curr. Anthropol. 10(5)
Did you ignore this and all the other posts about Hofmeyr being primitive?
Thus, Hofmeyr is seemingly primitive in comparison to recent African crania in a number of features, including a prominent glabella; moderately thick, continuous supraorbital tori; a tall, flat, and straight malar; a broad frontal process of the maxilla; and comparatively large molar crowns.
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718: "The skull is large and robust. The maximum estimated length and breadth of the [b]neurocranium, as well as most measurements of the facial skeleton, lie at or exceed two standard deviations (SD) of the means for modern African males , whereas they lie within these limits for Late Pleistocene crania from Eurasia and North Africa (table S3)."
From the above we can actually see Hofmeyr's neurocraniam and facial skeleton, LIE AT OR EXCEEDS TWO STANDARD DEVIATIONS FOR MODERN AFRICANS.
"As a result of an ongoing cleansing of the fossil record through direct radiometric dating, a series of obviously modern, and in fact Late Upper Paleolithic or Holocene, human remains have been removed from consideration (7). This cleansing has helped to dilute the impression that the earliest modernhumans in Europe were just like recent European populations. "
As we can see from this above statement, the cleansing of the fossil records has helped to confirm that EEMH were not like recent Europeans today at all.
^^^Hofmeyr is just a primitive African exhibiting features that LIE AT OR EXCEEDS the means for Modern Africans. Plain and simple.
Posted by Explorateur (Member # 14778) on :
quote:Originally posted by Apocalypse:
Archie Bunker bloviates:
quote:M168 is the "Eurasian Adam". Haplogroup E descends from M168. Therefore, E is just as "Eurasian" as F, K, I, J, R and all the others. The movement of E3b from Northeast Africa to West Asia, and then from there to Europe and North Africa as E-V13 and E-M81, respectively, is therefore nothing more than an OOA migration pattern like the rest. Attempting to invest it with some kind of imaginary "Black" significance is Afrocentric nonsense that no genetic study supports.
From Cavalli-Sforza: Genes, Culture, and Human Evolution. Pg 187.
quote:..."In other words, all non-Africans carry M168. Of course, Africans carrying the M168 mutation today are the descendants of the African subpopulation from which the migrants originated....Thus, the Australian/Eurasian Adam (the ancestor of all non-Africans) was an East African Man."
Funny stuff; apparently, "Debunker" misread "Eurasian Adam" — which is simply meant to be symbolic of the *oldest common recent ancestor* of the Eurasian male gene pool — to mean an ancestor who was "Eurasian" or of "Eurasian origin", not realizing that the male in question was African. In other words, he/she reads the term as an "Adam" who is "Eurasian", rather than an African who is an "Adam" to 'Eurasians'. It is on this basis, that he/she fallaciously deems M168-derived clades — like E1b1b — to be "Eurasian" as well.
Posted by Explorateur (Member # 14778) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
It describes and African Haplotype which is shared by all non Africans, and thus the basis of OutOfAfrica, and whose earliest derivitives are found among Melanesians and Australians, not Europeans or whites....who do not exist at this time, as they have not yet derivived from the Melanesians and Australians who most closely rememble your so named "primative" UP Eurasians because -> THAT'S WHAT YOUR ANCESTORS LOOKED LIKE.
Undoubtedly, and this is essentially what is being relayed, when one hears bio-anthropologists' references to "generalized" cranial morphology, or as Neves et al. put it alternatively — "Australo-Melanesian-like".
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ In my encounters with pseudo's like Dienekes, I am most struck by how clearly they understand the above, and how hard they have to work to generate semi-serviceable "arguments" whose true goal is to confound the understandings of others.
It is never the objective to convince a propagandist like Dienekes of the truth: THEY ALREADY KNOW.
Distortors know truth as mice know the cat.
They seek to evade, distract, stall, bluff, transpose and posture - knowing well the power of the truth that stalks them, and knowing too, the rat-holes, they must cower in, if they wish to survive another day.
It is never the objective to force them to *admit* the truth, by their very nature, they cannot.
The objective is to learn, and then share the truth, and in doing so.... you confound, the confounders.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ and so a new day dawned, and debunked hid in his rat-hole.....
outside truth lay, crouched and poised, with the patience of the hunter:
quote:Originally posted by rasol: ^ All of which leads us back to the topic, and Charlie Bass question which Debunked continues to run from:
quote:Originally posted by rasol: ^ Speaking of running away....
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
^ From a new analysis of a human skull discovered in South Africa more than 50 years ago, scientists say they have obtained the first fossil evidence establishing the relatively recent time for the dispersal of modern Homo sapiens out of Africa.
The migrants appeared to have arrived at their new homes in Asia and Europe with the distinct and unmodified heads of Africans.
Debunked, above is the skull in question....feel free to answer Charlie Bass question, and
'European specific,
'non adaptive traits',
of Hofmeyr. (???)
What's wrong Debunked?
Don't you have and answer..... (?)
What's taking so long?
Posted by Apocalypse (Member # 8587) on :
Explorateur wrote:
quote:Funny stuff; apparently, "Debunker" misread "Eurasian Adam" — which is simply meant to be symbolic of the *oldest common recent ancestor* of the Eurasian male gene pool — to mean an ancestor who was "Eurasian" or of "Eurasian origin", not realizing that the male in question was African. In other words, he/she reads the term as an "Adam" who is "Eurasian", rather than an African who is an "Adam" to 'Eurasians'. It is on this basis, that he/she fallaciously deems M168-derived clades — like E1b1b — to be "Eurasian" as well.
Debunker is one of the last kings of comedy. Not only did he take the term "Eurasian" too literally but by Debunker's reasoning the Bantus he so dreads are now Eurasian.
Debunker's claim also beautifully illustrates the hegemonic nature of "caucasionism" which arrogates to itself anything necessary to protect its own existence: black skin, cranial features such as prognathism, entire haplogroups first E3b and now the entire PN2 clade. The facts on the ground have forced Debunker and his ilk to adopt this type of syncretism.
Posted by Debunker (Member # 15669) on :
Where M168 (and E) originated is still being debated. The difference is that your argument necessitates an African origin because it's entirely geography-based, whereas mine is indifferent to place of origin because it's based on population structure at a much deeper time depth.
"We propose that African chromosomes descend from at least two lineages that have been evolving separately for a period of time. One of them underwent range expansion colonizing different continents, including Africa, where it mixed with another, local lineage represented today by a large fraction of African- specific haplotypes."
"Models of this type, which suppose the presence of old population structure among African populations, have been suggested based on evidence from other regions of the genome (Tishkoff et al. 1996; Harding et al. 1997; Labuda et al. 2000; Tishkoff et al. 2000; Zietkiewicz et al. 2003; Garrigan, Mobesher, Kingan, et al. 2005)."
As with everyone on earth, my ancestors were primitive versions of me. If you want to dwell on the fact that modern Africans and Oceanians still have a lot of their primitive traits, then go right ahead. But that's not something I would brag about.
"Typicality probabilities (Wilson, [1981]), particularly for the shape variables, show the crania to be fairly typical of recent populations. The results presented in Table 1 are consistent with the idea that Upper Paleolithic crania are, for the most part, larger and more generalized versions of recent Europeans. Howells ([1995]) reached a similar conclusion with respect to European Mesolithic crania."
I'm in the 21st century dealing with cutting-edge 21st century genetic research, and you Afros are still debating from the 1990s, using the same feeble arguments that were already outdated when you tried them three years ago.
This says it all right here:
"Effectively, these population genetic studies have recapitulated the classical definition of races based on continental ancestry - namely African, Caucasian (Europe and Middle East), Asian, Pacific Islander (for example, Australian, New Guinean and Melanesian), and Native American.
"Populations that exist at the boundaries of these continental divisions are sometimes the most difficult to categorize simply. For example, east African groups, such as Ethiopians and Somalis, have great genetic resemblance to Caucasians and are clearly intermediate between sub-Saharan Africans and Caucasians [5]. The existence of such intermediate groups should not, however, overshadow the fact that the greatest genetic structure that exists in the human population occurs at the racial level."
You have no answers for any of it, and you never will. You've been completely debunked.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Debunked, you're a clown, and there is no reason to even keep providing you with new information, everything you post, has already been addressed and debunked, just a bunch of rehashed nonsensical drivel.
Originally posted by debunked
quote: Where M168 (and E) originated is still being debated. The difference is that your argument necessitates an African origin because it's entirely geography-based, whereas mine is indifferent to place of origin because it's based on population structure at a much deeper time depth.
"We propose that African chromosomes descend from at least two lineages that have been evolving separately for a period of time. One of them underwent range expansion colonizing different continents, including Africa, where it mixed with another, local lineage represented today by a large fraction of African- specific haplotypes."
"Models of this type, which suppose the presence of old population structure among African populations, have been suggested based on evidence from other regions of the genome (Tishkoff et al. 1996; Harding et al. 1997; Labuda et al. 2000; Tishkoff et al. 2000; Zietkiewicz et al. 2003; Garrigan, Mobesher, Kingan, et al. 2005)."
Already addressesed.
quote:Originally posted by Apocalypse
From Cavalli-Sforza: Genes, Culture, and Human Evolution. Pg 187.
quote:..."In other words, all non-Africans carry M168. Of course, Africans carrying the M168 mutation today are the descendants of the African subpopulation from which the migrants originated....Thus, the Australian/Eurasian Adam (the ancestor of all non-Africans) was an East African Man."
Originally posted by debunked
quote: As with everyone on earth, my ancestors were primitive versions of me. If you want to dwell on the fact that modern Africans and Oceanians still have a lot of their primitive traits, then go right ahead. But that's not something I would brag about.
"Typicality probabilities (Wilson, [1981]), particularly for the shape variables, show the crania to be fairly typical of recent populations. The results presented in Table 1 are consistent with the idea that Upper Paleolithic crania are, for the most part, larger and more generalized versions of recent Europeans. Howells ([1995]) reached a similar conclusion with respect to European Mesolithic crania."
Already addressed, ad Nauseum. Anything new? Geez.
Did you ignore this and all the other posts about Hofmeyr being primitive?
Thus, Hofmeyr is seemingly primitive in comparison to recent African crania in a number of features, including a prominent glabella; moderately thick, continuous supraorbital tori; a tall, flat, and straight malar; a broad frontal process of the maxilla; and comparatively large molar crowns.
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718: "The skull is large and robust. The maximum estimated length and breadth of the [b]neurocranium, as well as most measurements of the facial skeleton, lie at or exceed two standard deviations (SD) of the means for modern African males , whereas they lie within these limits for Late Pleistocene crania from Eurasia and North Africa (table S3)."
From the above we can actually see Hofmeyr's neurocraniam and facial skeleton, LIE AT OR EXCEEDS TWO STANDARD DEVIATIONS FOR MODERN AFRICANS.
"As a result of an ongoing cleansing of the fossil record through direct radiometric dating, a series of obviously modern, and in fact Late Upper Paleolithic or Holocene, human remains have been removed from consideration (7). This cleansing has helped to dilute the impression that the earliest modernhumans in Europe were just like recent European populations. "
As we can see from this above statement, the cleansing of the fossil records has helped to confirm that EEMH were not like recent Europeans today at all.
^^^Hofmeyr is just a primitive African exhibiting features that LIE AT OR EXCEEDS the means for Modern Africans. Plain and simple.
Posted by Tyrann0saurus (Member # 3735) on :
quote:"Effectively, these population genetic studies have recapitulated the classical definition of races based on continental ancestry - namely African, Caucasian (Europe and Middle East), Asian, Pacific Islander (for example, Australian, New Guinean and Melanesian), and Native American.
"Populations that exist at the boundaries of these continental divisions are sometimes the most difficult to categorize simply. For example, east African groups, such as Ethiopians and Somalis, have great genetic resemblance to Caucasians and are clearly intermediate between sub-Saharan Africans and Caucasians [5]. The existence of such intermediate groups should not, however, overshadow the fact that the greatest genetic structure that exists in the human population occurs at the racial level."
Yes, they should, because they demonstrate that human variation is clinal. If you were to sample populations vastly separated geographically, of course you'll find several distinct clusters. But if you were to include all the intermediate populations, you would probably find clinal blending instead of such distinct groups.
Posted by Charlie Bass (Member # 10328) on :
quote:Originally posted by Debunker: Where M168 (and E) originated is still being debated.
No, debunked, it isn't being debated and the origin of haplogroup E was never debated, only the origin of YAP+ was debated and according to the most recent paper on it, haplogroup E as well as DE* evolved in Africa
Annu. Rev. Genet. 2007. 41:539–64 Use of Y Chromosome and Mitochondrial DNA Population Structure in Tracing Human Migrations
Try reading that paper, you buddy Dienekes has. Just admit, you screwed up bigtime is that you were dead wrong in your bogus interpretation of what "Eurasian Adam" means.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:As with everyone on earth, my ancestors were primitive versions of me.
Lol, delirious huh? I think C.L Brace said it best for fools like you, "The oft-repeated European feeling that the Cro-magnon are us is a product of anthropological FOLKLORE" Your fairytale keeps you in a state of bliss huh debunked?
When the Basques are run with the other samples used in Fig. 1, they link with Germany and more remotely with the Canary Islands. They are clearly European although the length of their twig indicates that they have a distinction all their own. It is clear, however, that they do not represent a survival of the kind of craniofacial form indicated by Cro-Magnon any more than do the Canary Islanders, nor doeseither sample tie in with the Berbers of North Africa as has previously been claimed (37, 44-45). …
To test the analysis shown in Fig. 3, Cro-Magnon, represented by the x in Fig. 4, was removed from the European Upper Palaeolithic sample and run as a single individual. Interestingly enough, Cro-Magnon is not close to any more recent sample.
Clearly Cro-Magnon is not the same as the Basque or Canary Island samples. Fig. 4 plots the first and second canonical variates against each other, but that conclusion is even more strongly supported when canonical variate 3 (not shown here) is plotted with variate 1. If this analysis shows nothing else, it demonstrates that the oft-repeatedEuropean feeling that the Cro-Magnons are “us” (46) is more a product of anthropological folklore than the result of the metric data available from the skeletal remains... Posted by Explorateur (Member # 14778) on :
quote:Originally posted by Debunker:
As with everyone on earth, my ancestors were primitive versions of me. If you want to dwell on the fact that modern Africans and Oceanians still have a lot of their primitive traits, then go right ahead. But that's not something I would brag about.
"Typicality probabilities (Wilson, [1981]), particularly for the shape variables, show the crania to be fairly typical of recent populations. The results presented in Table 1 are consistent with the idea that Upper Paleolithic crania are, for the most part, larger and more generalized versions of recent Europeans. Howells ([1995]) reached a similar conclusion with respect to European Mesolithic crania."
I realize Knowledgeiskey has just appropriately addressed you on this, as far as Upper Paleolithic European specimens are concerned, but exactly what is a "primitive version of yourself"?
In relation to the so-called "generalized" form of the various Upper Paleolithic specimens, I am not sure how characterizing their relative approximations to those found among contemporary Africans and 'Oceanians' as being tantamount to "still have a lot of their primitive traits" is either objective and/or helps you seek refuge in detracting yourself from its logical conclusion: humanity's descent from tropical African ancestry.
You do have a "human body plan" [including teeth, eyes, limbs, etc] don't you? Using your rationale, should that too not be a "primitive trait" passed along for generations now?
Anyhow, just to rehash stuff I've pointed out in the past and elsewhere, let's take a quick look at what even a defunct-racialist ideologue mentor of some Eurocentric or Medicentrist dogmatists like say, Colin Groves, says is NOTgeneralized modern:
1) — primitive features
“Herto (and Jebel Irhoud) are H. sapiens, but with primitive features.”
The later Omo and Klasies remains are more modern, but they too are archaic, and certainly show no traces of the features that characterize any modern races.
Only Qafzeh and Skhul seem to lack these primitive features, and rate as “generalised modern humans”.
2)— Mongoloid features
Like Qafzeh and Skhul, Liujiang is a “generalized modern”; it has no Mongoloid features.
3) — Caucasoid features
And we know this, because Groves tells us that: H. sapiens began to enter Europe about 40,000 BP, but it is only at 28,000 BP that we get a fossil that shows any Caucasoid features - the Old Man from Cro-Magnon, in France.
Mind you, this would be the same "Caucasoid" Cro-Magnons that Chris Stringer tells us: more like present-day Australians or Africans, judged by objective anatomical categorizations, as is the case with some early modern skulls from the Upper Cave at Zhoukoudian in China
And with regards to which, Brace says: oft-repeated European feeling that the Cro-Magnons are “us” (46) is more a product of anthropological folklore than the result of the metric data available from the skeletal remains
4)— modern racial features
But being that there is no such thing as "human races" to begin with, this makes no objective sense.
And so, in the final analysis, what one can do, is to speak of 'affinity'...
Notwithstanding his defunct ‘racialist’ appeals, in the end, Groves acknowledges — essentially falling into line with other researchers mentioned [e.g. recalling “Australo-Melanesian-like”] — that the so-called generalized morphology more closely approximated that of the contemporary likes of aboriginal Australians:
Of all “major races”, Australoids have evidently changed least from the generalized modern human pattern
quote:Originally posted by Debunker:
Where M168 (and E) originated is still being debated. The difference is that your argument necessitates an African origin because it's entirely geography-based, whereas mine is indifferent to place of origin because it's based on population structure at a much deeper time depth.
There is population-structuring literally everywhere there is human population; how many and what specific population-structures did you have in mind?
Posted by Alive-(What Box) (Member # 10819) on :
Nice post on M168:
quote:Originally posted by Apocalypse:
quote:..."In other words, all non-Africans carry M168. Of course, Africans carrying the M168 mutation today are the descendants of the African subpopulation from which the migrants originated....Thus, the Australian/Eurasian Adam (the ancestor of all non-Africans) was an East African Man."
In other words ..
quote:Who's your dadday?
Apocalypse, very verynice citation.
quote:Originally posted by rasol: K-zoid anthropology is dead debunked.
You are not making and are delivering a euology.
Posted by Apocalypse (Member # 8587) on :
Thanks man! Bunker and his ilk are at a loss. Every corner they turn there's some other inconvenient truth.
Posted by Debunker (Member # 15669) on :
quote:If you were to sample populations vastly separated geographically, of course you'll find several distinct clusters. But if you were to include all the intermediate populations, you would probably find clinal blending instead of such distinct groups.
No, you would find clinal blending in addition to distinct groups. The populations that are vastly separated geographically would remain separate clusters, and populations residing in-between these would have mixed cluster membership. In fact, we don't need to speculate about it because the studies I've posted already show discrete Western Eurasian, Eastern Eurasian and Sub-Saharan African clusters, with intermediate populations from East Africa and Central Asia divided among them to varying degrees.
quote:the origin of haplogroup E was never debated
"Y-DNA haplogroup E would appear to have arisen in Northeast Africa based on the concentration and variety of E subclades in that area today. But the fact that Haplogroup E is closely linked with Haplogroup D, which is not found in Africa, leaves open the possibility that E first arose in the Near or Middle East and was subsequently carried into Africa by a back migration."
If E or M168 or L3 are ever discovered to have originated outside of Africa, your whole case will fall apart because it's based entirely on geography and minimally informative uniparentals. But according to the population structure scenario, which is gaining more and more support, it doesn't matter where along the OOA route those markers originated because the population that gave rise to them was already distinct from other Africans and evolving (genetically and morphologically) in a "Eurasian" direction.
quote:Lol, delirious huh? I think C.L Brace said it best for fools like you, "The oft-repeated European feeling that the Cro-magnon are us is a product of anthropological FOLKLORE" Your fairytale keeps you in a state of bliss huh debunked?
Maybe Brace was delirious when he wrote that because his own data shows Cro-Magnon to be much closer to modern Europeans than to sub-Saharan Africans. In fact, all Europeans/Eurasians, both prehistoric and modern, group together reasonably well on the side of the plot opposite Niger-Congos and Natufians.
quote:Mind you, this would be the same "Caucasoid" Cro-Magnons that Chris Stringer tells us: more like present-day Australians or Africans, judged by objective anatomical categorizations, as is the case with some early modern skulls from the Upper Cave at Zhoukoudian in China
That's wrong. We've been over this before. When UP crania show "African affinities", it's because they're not in good enough condition to be properly measured.
"Some of the discordance Van Vark et al. see between genetic and morphometric results may be attributable to their methodological choices. It is clear that the affiliation expressed by a given skull is not independent of the number of measurements taken from it. From their Table 3, it is evident that those skulls expressing Norse affinity are the most complete and have the highest number of measurements ( = 50.8), while those expressing affinity to African populations (Bushman or Zulu) are the most incomplete, averaging just 16.8 measurements per skull. Use of highly incomplete or reconstructed crania may not yield a good estimate of their morphometric affinities. When one considers only those crania with 40 or more measurements, a majority express European affinity."
quote:When UP crania show "African affinities", it's because they're not in good enough condition to be properly measured.
^^ Keep slinging it.
The only 'damaged' crania in yours, meanwhile...
That splendid Ethiopian specimen is a good candidate for being an ancestor of Ethiopians, but not Europeans.
- C. Loring Brace
Herto Man:
^ Actually African affinities are most often revealed when the ENTIRE SKELETON is intact.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Originally posted by distorter
quote:That's wrong. We've been over this before. When UP crania show "African affinities", it's because they're not in good enough condition to be properly measured.
^^^^Please please tell me this is a joke, and you actually don't believe this nonsense?
Debunked as you have been asked many many times, again and again, can you name the imaginary traits modern Europeans share with Early Europeans? Please don't tell me these skulls show African affinities because there wasn't enough measurements taken. Lmfaoooooooooooooooooooooooooo
"The skull is large and robust. The maximum estimated length and breadth of the neurocranium, as well as most measurements of the facial skeleton, lie at or exceed two standard deviations (SD) of the means for modern African males ,whereas they lie within these limits for Late Pleistocene crania from Eurasia and North Africa(table S3)."
Pes¸tera cu Oase 2 and the cranial morphology of early modern Europeans
Oase 2 and the penecontemporaneous Nazlet Khater 2 (22) fall with the modern samples. Oase 2 and Nazlet Khater 2 are also close with respect to the relative lengths and breadths of their occipital planes (lambda--inion chord vs. bi-asterionic breadth; Fig. 4) and exhibit fully modern human proportions. In the facial skeleton, the superciliary arches are modest, separated from the lateral trigones and the orbital margins, and associated with angled superior orbital margins (Fig. 2). The orbits are subrectangular with straight inferior margins. The infraorbital regions have pronounced canine fossae, which form ovoid depressions distinct from the adjacent anterior maxillae. The superior nasal aperture margins are damaged, but the inferior margin has separate lateral crests with joined turbinal and spinal crests [category 3 (23)] and is level with the nasal cavity floor. The zygomatic bones are sharply angled, such that the zygomaxillary suture faces anteriorly. The nasal aperture is narrow [nasal breadth (M-54) 25.5 mm; Fig. 2], similar to the apertures of Nazlet Khater 2 (28.4 mm) and more recent human crania (EUP 26.5 2.4 mm, n 4; MUP 25.9, 2.1 mm, n 21) and contrasting with Neandertals (31.9 3.3 mm, n 14) and MPMH (31.2 1.6 mm, n 4).
Among the early modern humans, Oase 2 is most closely approached by Cioclovina1(frontal arc/chord residual:5.6) and secondarily by Nazlet Khater 2 (4.3) and Skhul 5 (4.3,
Multivariate Analysis of the Postcranium of Markina Gora (Kostenki XIV), A 30,000-Year-Old Skeleton from Russia
"The Markina Gora skeleton was excavated in 1954. Debets (1955, Sovetskaia Etnografiia 1: 43--53) described it as "negroid" based on its marked alveolar prognathism and high brachial and crural indices" Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ He doesn't. When a beaten troll has lost the debate, they seek instead to exasperatate with stupidity.
Patient persistent rebuttal is what they dread.
which leads us back to....
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
^ From a new analysis of a human skull discovered in South Africa more than 50 years ago, scientists say they have obtained the first fossil evidence establishing the relatively recent time for the dispersal of modern Homo sapiens out of Africa.
The migrants appeared to have arrived at their new homes in Asia and Europe with the distinct and unmodified heads of Africans.
Debunked, above is the skull in question....feel free to answer Charlie Bass question, and
'European specific,
'non adaptive traits',
of Hofmeyr. (???)
What's wrong Debunked?
Don't you have and answer..... (?)
^ Excuses? No answers? Fine. Stay Debunked.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:those skulls expressing "Norse affinity"
^ Then you should have no problem listing the "nordic traits" of south African Hofmeyr skull. Yet you've been asked this question 7 times, and failed to answer.
Why is that?
Posted by osirion (Member # 7644) on :
quote:Originally posted by Debunker: [[i]"Effectively, these population genetic studies have recapitulated the classical definition of races based on continental ancestry - namely African, Caucasian (Europe and Middle East), Asian, Pacific Islander (for example, Australian, New Guinean and Melanesian), and Native American."
Good. So we should drop the term Negroid and just say Afican or Africanoid.
Good post. Unless you are going back to that nonsense about E3b being non-African.
Posted by Tyrann0saurus (Member # 3735) on :
How did a thread about E3b and its relationship to the biological affinities of native Africans get derailed into something about prehistoric Europeans? Truthfully, I do not give a damn how much Cro-Magnons looked like Africans or how much Hofmeyr looked like Europeans; the truth is, both look very different in the craniofacial sense from any modern population living today (though they probably would have had an "African" shade of skintone). Furthermore, Cro-Magnons still eventually evolved into modern Europeans, and Hofymeyrians still evolved into modern Africans, no matter how initially "Africoid" or "Europoid" they may have originally looked (and what is the margin of error on that thing anyway?).
Can we please go back to the discussion of the new E3b paper and the destruction of the East African "Caucasoid" myth?
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
quote:Originally posted by Tyrann0saurus: Furthermore, Cro-Magnons still eventually evolved into modern Europeans, and Hofymeyrians still evolved into modern Africans, no matter how initially "Africoid" or "Europoid" they may have originally looked (and what is the margin of error on that thing anyway?).
Tyrann0saurus: I don't see where anyone posted anything remotely proving this, could you please explain how you reached those conclusions.
Posted by Apocalypse (Member # 8587) on :
Archie Bunker wrote:
quote:If E or M168 or L3 are ever discovered to have originated outside of Africa, your whole case will fall apart because it's based entirely on geography and minimally informative uniparentals. But according to the population structure scenario, which is gaining more and more support, it doesn't matter where along the OOA route those markers originated because the population that gave rise to them was already distinct from other Africans and evolving (genetically and morphologically) in a "Eurasian" direction.
Can you define 1)A Eurasian genetically? 2) A Eurasian morphologically?
Posted by Evergreen (Member # 12192) on :
quote:Originally posted by Tyrann0saurus: How did a thread about E3b and its relationship to the biological affinities of native Africans get derailed into something about prehistoric Europeans?
Evergreen Writes:
It's a concept called "context".
Posted by Explorateur (Member # 14778) on :
quote:Originally posted by Debunker:
That's wrong. We've been over this before. When UP crania show "African affinities", it's because they're not in good enough condition to be properly measured.
Sorry, but having gone through something before, doesn't automatically render scientific consensus invalid.
No expert in his/her right mind has demonstrated Norse to be morphologically closer to Upper Paleolithic African and 'Eurasian' specimens than case is for Australo-Melanesians and perhaps to a relatively lesser degree, tropical Africans, with respect to Upper Paleolithic subjects. Neolithic Eurasian cranial patterns show little resemblance to contemporary morphological tendencies in northern Europeans, let alone Upper Paleolithic, Lol. You need to get up to speed with scientific developments.
Posted by Explorateur (Member # 14778) on :
quote:Originally posted by Debunker:
"Y-DNA haplogroup E would appear to have arisen in Northeast Africa based on the concentration and variety of E subclades in that area today.
Undifferentiated PN2 paragroup is rare to non-existent in "Northeast Africa"; its overwhelming concentration is in sub-Saharan East Africa.
quote: But the fact that Haplogroup E is closely linked with Haplogroup D, which is not found in Africa, leaves open the possibility that E first arose in the Near or Middle East and was subsequently carried into Africa by a back migration."[/i]
I can only assume that the person who wrote this, has not been keeping up with developments in molecular genetics. Yes, hg D is a YAP+ descendent, but it is the only example that is specific to some Eurasian groups — contrast this with the diversity of Africa YAP+ markers; PN2 which descends from this, is virtually *non-existent* in Eurasia, save for the examples recently brought there by Africans.
And so, cutting to the chase: it is only in Africa, do we come across YAP+ (aka DE) that lacks downstream clusters and UEPs found in other YAP+ markers based in both Africa and Asia. It is also in Africa, that we come across a transitory DE marker that lies in between the more ancestral upstream DE marker and other YAP+ markers. Naturally, all this must be news to you, given what you've just cited.
And, even if one where to purposely stay ignorant of the above mentioned about YAP+, still one has to ask what sane person would propose a marker PN2 [sans downstream markers], which is essentially non-existent in 'Eurasia', to have come from that region?
Posted by Explorateur (Member # 14778) on :
quote:Originally posted by Tyrann0saurus:
Truthfully, I do not give a damn how much Cro-Magnons looked like Africans or how much Hofmeyr looked like Europeans; the truth is, both look very different in the craniofacial sense from any modern population living today (though they probably would have had an "African" shade of skintone).
That would not be the truth; here is the truth:
Nor does the picture get any clearer when we move on to the Cro-Magnons, the presumed ancestors of Modern Europeans. Some were more like present-day Australians or Africans, judged by objective anatomical categorizations - Chris Stringer and Robin McKie
Of all “major races”, Australoids have evidently changed least from the generalized modern human pattern - C. Groves
^Come on, if a cooky-racialist dogmatist like Groves has the sense to recognize this, why can't you?
Posted by Evergreen (Member # 12192) on :
quote:Originally posted by Explorateur: [QUOTE]
^Come on, if a cooky-racialist dogmatist like Groves has the sense to recognize this, why can't you?
Evergreen Writes:
They do recognize the logic of the truth you speak. They **purposefully** mislead to keep our ignorant people deaf, dumb and blind. By keeping us in this state of darkness they continue to effectively rob resource-rich Africa (both natural and human capital) and enrich resource limited Europe. This is what it has allways been about!
Posted by Explorateur (Member # 14778) on :
quote:Originally posted by Debunker:
Maybe Brace was delirious when he wrote that because his own data shows Cro-Magnon to be much closer to modern Europeans than to sub-Saharan Africans. In fact, all Europeans/Eurasians, both prehistoric and modern, group together reasonably well on the side of the plot opposite Niger-Congos and Natufians.
Or rather, you just don't understand what the man is saying...
— When the Basques are run with the other samples used in Fig. 1, they link with Germany and more remotely with the Canary Islands. They are clearly European although the length of their twig indicates that they have a distinction all their own. It is clear, however, that they do not represent a survival of the kind of craniofacial form indicated by Cro-Magnon any more than do the Canary Islanders, nor does either sample tie in with the Berbers of North Africa as has previously been claimed (37, 44-45). This is particularly well-documented when the 18 variables are used to generate a plot of the first two canonical variates as shown in Fig. 4.
— To test the analysis shown in Fig. 3, Cro-Magnon, represented by the x in Fig. 4, was removed from the European Upper Palaeolithic sample and run as a single individual. Interestingly enough, Cro-Magnon is not close to any more recent sample.
— Clearly Cro-Magnon is not the same as the Basque or Canary Island samples. Fig. 4 plots the first and second canonical variates against each other, but that conclusion is even more strongly supported when canonical variate 3 (not shown here) is plotted with variate 1. If this analysis shows nothing else, it demonstrates that the oft-repeated European feeling that the Cro-Magnons are "us" (46) is more a product of anthropological folklore than the result of the metric data available from the skeletal remains.
Tell us what is particularly delirious about the above mentioned, and why?
^that aside, let's guess what is missing here, that Chris Stringer et al. at the least seems to have taken into consideration, when they concluded that:
"Nor does the picture get any clearer when we move on to the Cro-Magnons, the presumed ancestors of Modern Europeans. Some were more like present-day Australians or Africans, judged by objective anatomical categorizations, as is the case with some early modern skulls from the Upper Cave at Zhoukoudian in China
The key feature about the above conclusion, is that it underlies actual comparison between Cro-Magnons and Australiansas well. This certainly was the case for Neves et al. analysis of Paleolithic American specimens, who too examined Australian, Melanesian and African examples...apparently with much a broader variable index than that used in Brace et al. 2005.
I can't help but notice that you seem to be focused on Brace's Niger-Congo twig for some odd reason, which is essentially only three geographically distant although related specimens from Benin, Gabon and Tanzania. These three do not limit sub-Saharan African diversity. This odd fetish however, for the small range Niger-Congo twig clearly does not detract from the points above, about Cro-Magnon tying in more closely with Upper Paleolithic and Epipaleolithic specimens, which was the logical conclusion to be gleaned from Brace's points above.
More to reflect on from Stringer & McKie:
Similar distinctions in face shape were also revealed by Chris Stringer’s studies. As we saw earlier, multiregionalists claim there is a fundamental similarity between Neanderthals and modern Europeans in their large, prominent noses. So Chris Stringer decided to compare this feature in Neanderthals, the earliest Cro-Magnons, and recent Europeans. Given that the nose (which is made of flesh and gristle) is an anatomical feature that conspicuously does not survive the passage of time, that might seem tricky. There are ways around the problem, however. One can get a reasonable indication of nose size from a fossil by measuring the distance between the base of a skull’s nasal opening, and the nasion, the point between the eyes. You can also measure the width of the nasal cavity, and how much it protrudes from the side of the face. When this information was run through a computer, it was found that while Neanderthals and modern Europeans are, indeed, somewhat similar, Cro-Magnons — the supposed descendants of Neanderthals, according to the multi-regional hypothesis — again stood out as different. They had relatively smaller, flatter noses than either the Neanderthals or modern Europeans. It seems they came into Europe looking different, and then evolved a nose that ended up looking more like a Neanderthal one. Given time, the European environment was apparently shaping an intrusive warm-adapted people (the early Cro-Magnons) into a population which in some ways become more like the Neanderthals in face and body shape — a process called parallel evolution.
This is also in line with the “African body proportions” of Cro-Magnons in Spencer Wells made-for-TV Journey of Man.
Posted by Charlie Bass (Member # 10328) on :
This is like talking to a brick wall headed moron, but for the last time Debunked, the origin of haplogroup E is not being debated and has been resolved. Whats being debated/hasn't been resolved is whether the descendants of haplogroups C and F evolved in Africa and went extinct or whether haplogroups C and F evolved outside of Africa. Read the text at the bottom of the graph. Scenario 8b has been refuted.
Some text:
Although the initial proposal (38) of an Asian origin of haplogroup DE was first neutralized by the recognition of the haplogroup D-M174 (115) and further eroded by the detection of DE∗ chromosomes in Nigeria (120), the previous inability to resolve the earlier tripartite structure left an element of uncertainty because the Asian origin of haplogroup DE could be resurrected using the same principle of parsimony [e.g., consider the parallel example of catarrhine evolution (99)] if the trifurcation were resolved in favor of a common ancestor of haplogroups DE and F (Figure 8b). Such an ancestral node would imply that DE is a subset of Eurasian variation and therefore the African YAP (Y chromosome Alu polymorphism) chromosomes could be considered as due to a backmigration from Asia. Second, if haplogroups C and F were to share a common recent ancestor apart from the DE clade (Figure 8d), the distribution of Y chromosome haplogroup D in Asia could be explained by an evolutionary history separate from that of the other two clades......We resolved this discrepancy by using improved phylogenetic resolution in the Y chromosome phylogeny. This was achieved by leveraging knowledge contained in some of the phylogenetically consistent Y chromosome SNPs reported by Hinds et al. (42)....The results of these haplogrouping experiments indicated that one (Table 1) of the 18 SNPs evaluated shared derived alleles in haplogroups C and F while being at an ancestral state in haplogroup F chromosomes. These results hold up the phylogenetic scenario shown in Figure 8d, which is consistent with two independent founder types, D and CF, evolving outside Africa, and thus weakens the other two possible interpretations discussed above. However, the common ancestry of C and F founder types is supported by a short branch, defined by a single mutation, implying the diversification of CF from DE was shortly followed by the split of C from F. Although extinction events within Africa offset by haplogroup survival of descendents in Asia cannot be empirically demonstrated, both the refutation of the option shown in Figure 8b and the apparent absence of deep-rooted haplogroups for either CF or D chromosomes in Africa bolsters the model that haplogroup CF and DE molecular ancestors first evolved inside Africa and subsequently contributed as Y chromosome founders to pioneering migrations that successfully colonized Asia. While not proof, the DE and CF bifurcation (Figure 8d ) is consistent with independent colonization impulses possibly occurring in a short time interval.
Use of Y Chromosome and Mitochondrial DNA Population Structure in Tracing Human Migrations
Annu. Rev. Genet. 2007. 41:539–64
There you have it Debunked, haplogroups DE and F don't share a common ancestor but C and F do which means that haplogroup E could not have evolved outside of Africa and back migrated. The bass knows thats way over your head to even understand because you couldn't even properly grasp the concept of what "Eurasian Adam" meant.
Posted by Charlie Bass (Member # 10328) on :
Another nugget of info that Debunked will not like:
"Y chromosome data show a signal for a separate late-Pleistocene migration from Africa to Europe over Sinai as evidenced through the distribution of haplogroup E3b lineages (20, 63), which is not manifested in mtDNA haplogroup distributions."
Use of Y Chromosome and Mitochondrial DNA Population Structure in Tracing Human Migrations
Annu. Rev. Genet. 2007. 41:539–64
rasol, Evergreen, Explorateur, Apocalypse, Knowledgeiskey718 and the Bass have all been saying the same thing that Peter Underhill has stated above and its shameful that you're using bogus herrings about population structure to weasel out of the fact that has been stated above.
Posted by Debunker (Member # 15669) on :
quote:Good. So we should drop the term Negroid and just say Afican or Africanoid.
No, because Africans don't all belong to the same genetic/racial cluster. Some have Sub-Saharan African (Negroid) cluster membership, others have Western Eurasian (Caucasoid) cluster membership, and still others -- like East Africans and Saharans -- are split between the two. Made-up terms like "Africanoid" are meant to gloss over these differences.
quote:Truthfully, I do not give a damn how much Cro-Magnons looked like Africans or how much Hofmeyr looked like Europeans; the truth is, both look very different in the craniofacial sense from any modern population living today
Agreed. But these Afro-idiots are trying to claim that all prehistoric populations looked like modern sub-Saharan Africans, when in fact most are more distinct from blacks than from any other modern group.
quote:No expert in his/her right mind has demonstrated Norse to be morphologically closer to Upper Paleolithic African and 'Eurasian' specimens than case is for Australo-Melanesians and perhaps to a relatively lesser degree, tropical Africans, with respect to Upper Paleolithic subjects.
Well, at least two experts have, in the study I quoted, and they explain clearly why others have obtained misclassifications. But they're only talking about UP Europeans, not Africans or all Eurasians. I don't see why it's so surprising that the ancestors of Europeans would look like primitive versions of their descendents. What would really be surprising is if they looked like modern Africans or Australians.
quote:I can only assume that the person who wrote this, has not been keeping up with developments in molecular genetics. Yes, hg D is a YAP+ descendent, but it is the only example that is specific to some Eurasian groups — contrast this with the diversity of Africa YAP+ markers; PN2 which descends from this, is virtually *non-existent* in Eurasia, save for the examples recently brought there by Africans.
I'm just pointing out that there's debate about it. Like I said, the geographical origins of E/M168/L3 have no bearing on my argument, which is based on a population division within Africa that predates all three markers. They all originated after this ancestral split in the population that would become Eurasians, not in the archaic African populations.
Posted by Charlie Bass (Member # 10328) on :
There are no racial clusters, Negroid and Caucasoid are just as made up and artificial.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Originally posted by debunked
quote:Well, at least two experts have, in the study I quoted, and they explain clearly why others have obtained misclassifications.
^^^ Blah blah blah, what are the affinities of recent Europeans that are shared with Early Europeans? Please elaborate, or just admit your faults. I see you love to ignore questions that would have you debunk yourself.
"The skull is large and robust. The maximum estimated length and breadth of the [b]neurocranium, as well as most measurements of the facial skeleton, lie at or exceed two standard deviations (SD) of the means for modern African males , whereas they lie within these limits for Late Pleistocene crania from Eurasia and North Africa (table S3)."
"Thus, Hofmeyr is seemingly primitive in comparison to recent African crania in a number of features, including a prominent glabella; moderately thick, continuous supraorbital tori; a tall, flat, and straight malar; a broad frontal process of the maxilla; and comparatively large molar crowns."
quote:Originally posted by debunked But they're only talking about UP Europeans, not Africans or all Eurasians.
What's your point? All Early humans resembled Africans and Australians, from Eurasia to Africa, what do you think hofmeyr is all about?
"Until now, the lack of human fossils of appropriate antiquity from sub-Saharan Africa has meant that these competing genetic models of human evolution could not be tested by paleontological evidence.
The skull from Hofmeyr has changed that. The surprising similarity between a fossil skull from the southernmost tip of Africa and similarly ancient skulls from Europe is in agreement with the genetics-based "Out of Africa" theory, which predicts that humans like those that inhabited Eurasia in the Upper Paleolithic should be found in sub-Saharan Africa around 36,000 years ago. The skull from South Africa provides the first fossil evidence in support of this prediction."
Originally posted by debunked
quote: I don't see why it's so surprising that the ancestors of Europeans would look like primitive versions of their descendents.
It wouldn't be surprising, but the whole point is, Early Europeans DID NOT look like recent Europeans, facts remain unrefuted.
Originally posted by debunked
quote: What would really be surprising is if they looked like modern Africans or Australians.
Well surprise surprise they actually did.
"Early Europeans still resembled modern tropical peoples -> some resemble modern Australian and Africans, more than modern Europeans "
"Nor does the picture get any clearer when we move on to the Cro-Magnons, the presumed ancestors of modern Europeans. Some were more like present-day Australians or Africans, judged by objective anatomical observations..." - African Exodus Christopher Stringer and Robin McKie 1996
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by Charlie Bass: There are no racial clusters, Negroid and Caucasoid are just as made up and artificial.
^ As effectively admited by debunked every time he claims a skull described as having specific "negroid" features is really not negroid.
Of course he bases his misunderstanding on the descredited ideology-cum-pseudo anthropology of the likes of Carelton Coon.
When Coon found too much 'negroid' in ancient southern Europe - he argued that those traits were still present in the modern south of Europe but too a lesser degree.
Well.... duh.
Of course he would prefer that the pure white race would have most any other feature from any other non pure race, notwithstanding it's 'purity'.
This form of argument is known as 'special pleading'.
Special pleading occurs when you make up rules, apply them to others, and then excuse yourself from them - ie - 'pardon my negroid features, that do not indicate negroid ancestry'.
^ If *race features* don't indicate race ancestry, then phenotypical race is nonsensical.
You can't have it both ways.
This illogical hypocrisy is but example of why Coon was completely descredited in his lifetime.
Coon spirit lives on in the minds of pseudos like Dienekes of course, but then Hitler lives in the mind of Arthur Kemp. That they both marginalize themselves with antiquated descredited sources is their problem, and no one elses.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Knowledge718 writes: Please elaborate, or just admit your faults.
^ This will never happen.
He will pretend to ignore the contradictions in his own arguments, and attempt to make you chase red herrings.
Remember distorters vs. truth = the mouse vs. the cat.
You don't ask the cat to come out in the open and fight fair. That would be suicide for the mouse.
It's like asking Debunked for and honest answer to a fair question.
You know he won't answer because he can't.
That's the point.
No answer? Then stay debunked....
quote:Originally posted by rasol: ^ He doesn't. When a beaten troll has lost the debate, they seek instead to exasperatate with stupidity.
Patient persistent rebuttal is what they dread.
which leads us back to....
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
^ From a new analysis of a human skull discovered in South Africa more than 50 years ago, scientists say they have obtained the first fossil evidence establishing the relatively recent time for the dispersal of modern Homo sapiens out of Africa.
The migrants appeared to have arrived at their new homes in Asia and Europe with the distinct and unmodified heads of Africans.
Debunked, above is the skull in question....feel free to answer Charlie Bass question, and
'European specific,
'non adaptive traits',
of Hofmeyr. (???)
What's wrong Debunked?
Don't you have and answer..... (?)
^ Excuses? No answers? Fine. Stay Debunked.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:This is also in line with the “African body proportions” of Cro-Magnons in Spencer Wells made-for-TV Journey of Man.
^ in this documentary Jablonski also notes that the early Europeans would not have been white, based upon observation of the skeletal differences between early Europeans and moderns.
Of course we know from genetics that the mutations for leucoderm did not exist at this time.
So Jablonski was right.
Given that Europes current white population lacks the adaptive traits of their non white ancestors.... we await debunks list of 'non adaptive traits' which he claims can 'prove race'.
No answer is supplied because no such list exists.
The very idea that you can use non adaptive cranial 'traits' - which is a pretentious term for - SKULL LUMPS - to denote specific 'race' relationships in disjunct populations is precisely the error that led Brace down the path of claiming that Europeans 'must be related to Neanderthal, based on his *battery* of cranial tests.'
The problem with skull bump analysis is that is impossible to show or know what might be similarity by homology vs. analogy [inherited, vs. coincidence].
It is also a good example of the dangers of confirmation bias in anthropology theory.
Consider: So different is Neanderthal from Homo-Sapien that the entire skeleton can easily be distinguised from *any* human skeleton.
Given this - does it make sense to imagine that 'skull bumps' which have no adaptive value are transferred 'in tact'?
By what biological process? Signified by what genes? Wishful thinking appears to be involved.
More likely it is the sheer arbitraryness of non adaptive - read worthless - "traits", that makes it possible to claim far fetched relationships to begin with.
As for our boy Debunked....he's is only required to answer Charlie's question and start listing these supposed traits.
But he can't do it.
This moots his entire argument.
He's free then to keep running, in hopes of gettin someone to chase him, while he fails to answer the question that matters.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
Outstanding Charlie......
quote:Originally posted by Charlie Bass: This is like talking to a brick wall headed moron, but for the last time Debunked, the origin of haplogroup E is not being debated and has been resolved. Whats being debated/hasn't been resolved is whether the descendants of haplogroups C and F evolved in Africa and went extinct or whether haplogroups C and F evolved outside of Africa. Read the text at the bottom of the graph. Scenario 8b has been refuted.
Some text:
Although the initial proposal (38) of an Asian origin of haplogroup DE was first neutralized by the recognition of the haplogroup D-M174 (115) and further eroded by the detection of DE∗ chromosomes in Nigeria (120), the previous inability to resolve the earlier tripartite structure left an element of uncertainty because the Asian origin of haplogroup DE could be resurrected using the same principle of parsimony [e.g., consider the parallel example of catarrhine evolution (99)] if the trifurcation were resolved in favor of a common ancestor of haplogroups DE and F (Figure 8b). Such an ancestral node would imply that DE is a subset of Eurasian variation and therefore the African YAP (Y chromosome Alu polymorphism) chromosomes could be considered as due to a backmigration from Asia. Second, if haplogroups C and F were to share a common recent ancestor apart from the DE clade (Figure 8d), the distribution of Y chromosome haplogroup D in Asia could be explained by an evolutionary history separate from that of the other two clades......We resolved this discrepancy by using improved phylogenetic resolution in the Y chromosome phylogeny. This was achieved by leveraging knowledge contained in some of the phylogenetically consistent Y chromosome SNPs reported by Hinds et al. (42)....The results of these haplogrouping experiments indicated that one (Table 1) of the 18 SNPs evaluated shared derived alleles in haplogroups C and F while being at an ancestral state in haplogroup F chromosomes. These results hold up the phylogenetic scenario shown in Figure 8d, which is consistent with two independent founder types, D and CF, evolving outside Africa, and thus weakens the other two possible interpretations discussed above. However, the common ancestry of C and F founder types is supported by a short branch, defined by a single mutation, implying the diversification of CF from DE was shortly followed by the split of C from F. Although extinction events within Africa offset by haplogroup survival of descendents in Asia cannot be empirically demonstrated, both the refutation of the option shown in Figure 8b and the apparent absence of deep-rooted haplogroups for either CF or D chromosomes in Africa bolsters the model that haplogroup CF and DE molecular ancestors first evolved inside Africa and subsequently contributed as Y chromosome founders to pioneering migrations that successfully colonized Asia. While not proof, the DE and CF bifurcation (Figure 8d ) is consistent with independent colonization impulses possibly occurring in a short time interval.
Use of Y Chromosome and Mitochondrial DNA Population Structure in Tracing Human Migrations
Annu. Rev. Genet. 2007. 41:539–64
There you have it Debunked, haplogroups DE and F don't share a common ancestor but C and F do which means that haplogroup E could not have evolved outside of Africa and back migrated. The bass knows thats way over your head to even understand because you couldn't even properly grasp the concept of what "Eurasian Adam" meant.
Posted by Sundjata (Member # 13096) on :
quote:Originally posted by Debunker: No, because Africans don't all belong to the same genetic/racial cluster. Some have Sub-Saharan African (Negroid) cluster membership, others have Western Eurasian (Caucasoid) cluster membership, and still others -- like East Africans and Saharans -- are split between the two. Made-up terms like "Africanoid" are meant to gloss over these differences.
Actually, none of these "racial" terms are particularly useful, though of course "African", within its indigenous biogeographical context certainly describes something practically understood. Your numerous contradictions notwithstanding, but even under your own models of isolated population structures based on continental origin, I see not how the presence of supposedly "mixed" Saharans and East Africans (apparently of various "Caucasoid" and "Negroid" stocks) plays into your argument against such a definition ("Africoid") which would basically describe "non-mixed" Africans of biohistorical background. Albeit that East Africans aren't anymore mixed than are modern Europeans.
"Europe shows a shorter distance from Africa than do all the other continents......The overall contributions from Asia and Africa were estimated to be around two-thirds and one-third, respectively. Simulations have shown (7) that this hypothesis explains quite well the discrepancy between trees obtained by maximum likelihood and neighbor joining. " - L. Luca Cavalli-Sforza
quote:Ann Bowcock and her colleagues' interpretation (Bowcock et al, 1991; Bowcock et al, 1994) of analyses of restrictive-site-polymorphisms and microsatellite polymorphisms (STRPs) suggests that Europeans, the defining "Caucasians", are descendants of a population that arose as a consequence of admixture between already differentiated populations ancestral to (some) Africans and Asians
quote:Originally posted by Debunker: Agreed. But these Afro-idiots are trying to claim that all prehistoric populations looked like modern sub-Saharan Africans, when in fact most are more distinct from blacks than from any other modern group
Huh? How would that make sense when the original prehistoric populations and their descendants in Afica were, and STILL are Black skinned and tropically adapted?
quote:By 1.2 million years ago, all people having descendants today had exactly the receptor protein of today's Africans; their skin was Black, and the intense sun killed off the progeny with any whiter skin that resulted from mutational variation in the receptor protein- (Rogers 2004:107)[i]
Subsequent to the OOA migrations, Europeans retained their tropical adaptations and didn't become cold adapted until "the end of the mesolithic" (Jacobs, 1993), or develop their uniquely melanin deficient skin color traits by many accounts, until the end of the last glacial period (as recent as 6,000 - 12,000 years ago).
Interesting quote from Brace that gives the above some context:
"[i]The elongation of the distal segments of the limbs is also clearly related to the dissipation of metabolically generated heat. Because heat stress and latitude are clearly related, one would expect to find a correlation between the two sets of traits that are associated with adaptation to survival in areas of great ambient temperature, namely, skin color and limb proportions. This is clearly the case in such areas as Equatorial Africa, the tropical portions of South Asia, and northern Australia, although there is little covariation with other sets of inherited traits. In this regard it is interesting to note that the limb proportions of the Predynastic Naqada in Upper Egypt are reported to be "super-Negroid", meaning that the distal segments are elongated in the fashion of tropical Africans. It would be just as accurate to call them "super-Veddoid" or "super-Carpentarian" because skin color intensification and distal limb elongation are apparent wherever people have been long-term residents of the tropics." - Brace, 1993
quote:Originally posted by Debunker: I'm just pointing out that there's debate about it. Like I said, the geographical origins of E/M168/L3 have no bearing on my argument, which is based on a population division within Africa that predates all three markers. They all originated after this ancestral split in the population that would become Eurasians, not in the archaic African populations.
"Population" division" does not equate "racial division", especially considering the thousands of populations that exist through out the world today. Your point is moot and your grasp of genetics/African biohistory is appalling. Your argument seems based on a notion that a descent population 50,000 years removed from its parent population in Africa, has more in common with the sister populations in Africa whom shared contiguous space during the same time period (50,000 years ago)? Continued interaction between African populations being sustained notwithstanding, modern Europeans, in the context of all biohistorical African populations, are outliners and the majority of any recent similarity is as a consequence of African input to the European gene pool rather than vice versa, which goes back to Cavalli-Sforza and Bowcock above.
PN2 descent has nothing to do with European descent and everything to do with African descent groups of recent related ancestry. PN2 descent in Europeans is as a consequence of African input to the European gene pool.
"A review of the recent literature indicates that there are male lineage ties between African peoples who have been traditionally labeled as being "racially" different, with "racially" implying an ontologically deep divide. The PN2 transition, a Y chromosome marker, defines a lineage (within the YAPþ derived haplogroup E or III) that emerged in Africa probably before the last glacial maximum, but after the migration of modern humans from Africa (see Semino et al., 2004) This mutation forms a clade that has two daughter subclades (defined by the biallelic markers M35/215 (or 215/M35) and M2) that unites numerous phenotypically variant African populations from the supra-Saharan, Saharan, and sub-Saharan regions based on current data (Underhill, 2001)"... - American Journal of Human Biology (2004)
Posted by Sundjata (Member # 13096) on :
oops.. double post..
Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
quote:As with everyone on earth, my ancestors were primitive versions of me.
Lol, delirious huh? I think C.L Brace said it best for fools like you, "The oft-repeated European feeling that the Cro-magnon are us is a product of anthropological FOLKLORE" Your fairytale keeps you in a state of bliss huh debunked?
When the Basques are run with the other samples used in Fig. 1, they link with Germany and more remotely with the Canary Islands. They are clearly European although the length of their twig indicates that they have a distinction all their own. It is clear, however, that they do not represent a survival of the kind of craniofacial form indicated by Cro-Magnon any more than do the Canary Islanders, nor doeseither sample tie in with the Berbers of North Africa as has previously been claimed (37, 44-45). …
To test the analysis shown in Fig. 3, Cro-Magnon, represented by the x in Fig. 4, was removed from the European Upper Palaeolithic sample and run as a single individual. Interestingly enough, Cro-Magnon is not close to any more recent sample.
Clearly Cro-Magnon is not the same as the Basque or Canary Island samples. Fig. 4 plots the first and second canonical variates against each other, but that conclusion is even more strongly supported when canonical variate 3 (not shown here) is plotted with variate 1. If this analysis shows nothing else, it demonstrates that the oft-repeatedEuropean feeling that the Cro-Magnons are “us” (46) is more a product of anthropological folklore than the result of the metric data available from the skeletal remains...
What is the source of this quote??
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Originally posted by Clyde Winters:
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
quote:As with everyone on earth, my ancestors were primitive versions of me.
Lol, delirious huh? I think C.L Brace said it best for fools like you, "The oft-repeated European feeling that the Cro-magnon are us is a product of anthropological FOLKLORE" Your fairytale keeps you in a state of bliss huh debunked?
When the Basques are run with the other samples used in Fig. 1, they link with Germany and more remotely with the Canary Islands. They are clearly European although the length of their twig indicates that they have a distinction all their own. It is clear, however, that they do not represent a survival of the kind of craniofacial form indicated by Cro-Magnon any more than do the Canary Islanders, nor doeseither sample tie in with the Berbers of North Africa as has previously been claimed (37, 44-45). …
To test the analysis shown in Fig. 3, Cro-Magnon, represented by the x in Fig. 4, was removed from the European Upper Palaeolithic sample and run as a single individual. Interestingly enough, Cro-Magnon is not close to any more recent sample.
Clearly Cro-Magnon is not the same as the Basque or Canary Island samples. Fig. 4 plots the first and second canonical variates against each other, but that conclusion is even more strongly supported when canonical variate 3 (not shown here) is plotted with variate 1. If this analysis shows nothing else, it demonstrates that the oft-repeatedEuropean feeling that the Cro-Magnons are “us” (46) is more a product of anthropological folklore than the result of the metric data available from the skeletal remains...
What is the source of this quote??
The questionable contribution of the Neolithic and the Bronze Age to European craniofacial form.
quote:Debunked hisses: these Afro-idiots are trying to claim that all prehistoric populations looked like modern sub-Saharan Africans
^ You poor frustrated fool: All populations on earth originate in sub-saharan Africa.
The physical appearance differences between modern and ancient Africans are superficial - because they are morphologically adapted to the same environment.
The physical differences between ancient Africans and current Europeans are of proven adaptive significance, and are so specific.
We can list them.
We can denote the genes that are responsible for them.
They reflect the fact that European appearance is result of recent -changes- that are specific consequences of their new environment.
This is why no population resembling current Europeans exists in ancient times.
Evidently this beffuddles you - as you devote distortion, duplicity, and laughably stupid vandalisations of dendograms - to attempting to contra this reality.
Destroying you is as easy as it is fun.
Here is a picture of what anthropologists think our African ancestors looked like....
^ This is also our position.
And now, here is your "position",
And here is your list of non adaptive traits that inform your position:
{ } = empty set.
^ Debunked there is only 1 idiot in this conversation.
That would be you.
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
quote:Originally posted by argyle104: Now tell me this boy doesn't suffer from delusions heeeeeyyyyyyyyyhehhehhehhehhehhehheh
A no degree faux keyboard scholar, who hasn't written one peer reviewed scientific journal is claiming to be a figure who can educate someone.
And exactly how do you know that, gargoyle? You keep making these baseless assumptions about Rasol. You say that he is not a scholar and has no degree yet you don't know the man. Rasol has made it known long ago that he prefers to keep his career or profession to himself, yet whatever it is whether it has to do with the subjects of genetics or bio-anthropology or not, it is very clear the guy knows what he speaks of. He proves it all the time here, and NOBODY has ever been able to successfully refute anything he says on the said topics.
Yet you attack him with again baseless claims. Why is that? Is it because you're mad that everything he is says is accurate but you don't like it, OR are you just jealous that the guy makes good contributions to this thread whereas you have made uh NON since you first began infesting this forum? Is it both? You tell us.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Originally posted by Djehuti:
quote:Originally posted by argyle104: Now tell me this boy doesn't suffer from delusions heeeeeyyyyyyyyyhehhehhehhehhehhehheh
A no degree faux keyboard scholar, who hasn't written one peer reviewed scientific journal is claiming to be a figure who can educate someone.
And exactly how do you know that, gargoyle? You keep making these baseless assumptions about Rasol. You say that he is not a scholar and has no degree yet you don't know the man. Rasol has made it known long ago that he prefers to keep his career or profession to himself, yet whatever it is whether it has to do with the subjects of genetics or bio-anthropology or not, it is very clear the guy knows what he speaks of. He proves it all the time here, and NOBODY has ever been able to successfully refute anything he says on the said topics.
Yet you attack him with again baseless claims. Why is that? Is it because you're mad that everything he is says is accurate but you don't like it, OR are you just jealous that the guy makes good contributions to this thread whereas you have made uh NON since you first began infesting this forum? Is it both? You tell us.
^^^^^Co-sign, but argtroll is an irrelevant issue anyway.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by Charlie Bass:
^ As noted earlier: The real question is whether haplotype F M-89 will also turn out to be African.
re: "Tree is not informative on whether C & F evolved in Africa." Posted by Debunker (Member # 15669) on :
I don't have to "elaborate" on anything or provide a "list of traits". I didn't author those studies nor did I take the measurements or compile the data. If you have questions, address them to the authors. But of course, you don't really have any questions. What you have is a problem with the conclusions -- conclusions that you can neither refute nor face. So you stall in the hope of distracting from the fact that prehistoric East Africans and their OOA counterparts were more distinct from modern sub-Saharan Africans than from modern Eurasians.
The fact that the only "evidence" for OOA "Black Africans" you can muster up is based on skin color and limb ratios demonstrates just how bankrupt your case really is. We've already established that pigmentation is an unreliable measure of race and population relationships because it's so dependent on environment. Now let's dispatch limb ratios in a similar fashion:
"Living human populations from high altitudes in the Andes exhibit relatively short limbs compared with neighboring groups from lower elevations as adaptations to cold climates characteristic of high-altitude environments. [...] Intralimb proportions do not statistically differ between coastal groups and those from the Atacama Desert, whereas intralimb proportions are significantly shorter in the Peruvian highland sample. Overall body size and limb lengths relative to body size vary along an altitudinal gradient, with larger individuals from coastal environments and smaller individuals with relatively longer limbs for their size from higher elevations."
And you're doing even worse on the genetic front. The evidence supporting an early population split within Africa and the mixed ancestry of modern East Africans (but not Southern Europeans) is overwhelming and has not even been seriously challenged let alone refuted. Meanwhile, I've yet to see a single shred of evidence to support the "Black African" hypothesis for either prehistoric or modern East Africa. All you have is your "uniparental geography argument", which amounts to no argument at all.
Instead of asking questions, you would do better to get some answers.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Debunked: don't have to "elaborate" on anything or provide a "list of traits".
^ translation: You don't have any evidence for your phony claims.
Yes, we already know this.
Everyone knows.
You lose then.
Stay 'debunked'.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Now let's dispatch limb ratios in a similar fashion:
You mean by providing no proof that has any bearing on the topic, and thus dispatching any illusion that you know what you're talking about, or can offer any evidence for your claims?
Like this....
quote:"Living human populations from high altitudes in the Andes exhibit relatively short limbs compared with neighboring groups from lower elevations as adaptations to cold climates characteristic of high-altitude environments. [...]
^ Ok, but of no relevance.
quote: Intralimb proportions do not statistically differ between coastal groups and those from the Atacama Desert, whereas intralimb proportions are significantly shorter in the Peruvian highland sample.
^ Ok, but of no relevance.
quote: Overall body size and limb lengths relative to body size vary along an altitudinal gradient,
^ Ok but of no relevance.
quote: with larger individuals from coastal environments and smaller individuals with relatively longer limbs for their size from higher elevations."
^ Ok, but of no relevance.
What is interesting about your irrelevant citation is that you do not even follow it by making any kind of relevant "argument".
Maybe someone else will chase you. I won't.
Results reveal a clear tendency for the Early UP sample to cluster with recent Africans, while meolithic samples cluster with recent Europeans.
These results refute the hypothesis of local continuity in Europe, and are consistent with an interpretation of elevated gene flow (and population dispersal?) from Africa, followed by subsequent climatic adaptation to colder conditions. - Trenton W. Holliday
Department of Anthropology, The College of William and Mary, P.O. Box 8795, Williamsburg, Virginia 23187-8795, U.S.A.
^ This is our position.
And now, here is your "position",
No answers?
Then stay debunked.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Debunked: And you're doing even worse on the genetic front.
^ Does writing the above reduce the pain of knowing that you've once again *completeled failed* to address the genetic evidence posted by Charlie Bass?
He's beating you silly, btw, but then you already know that, don't you?
quote:Originally posted by Charlie Bass:
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:The evidence supporting an early population split within Africa
^ Every lineage provides evidence of a split within a population, that's what lineages are:
European population stratification
Marc Bauchet et al.
The results reveal the presence of several significant axes of stratification, within [European] populations, most prominently in a North-Southeastern trend, but also along an East-West axis.
^ Your problem is that you've *failed* to show us how this can save you...............
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Debunked resorts to lying: I've yet to see a single shred of evidence to support the "Black African" hypothesis
^ Then you must be blind:
And illiterate:
All people having descendants today had exactly the receptor protein of today's Africans; thus their skin was black - Harding.
This is due to modern humanity's common origin in equatorial Africa ~200,000 years ago. - (Tishkoff, 1996).
Geneticists estimate that a relatively small group of humans left Africa ~60,000 years ago, and that the descendants of this group went on to populate the entire world.
Those migrants that settled in non-African equatorial regions [SEE ABOVE] retained most of the ancestral sequence at the MC1R locus (Harding 2000 p 1355), a gene strongly associated with determining skin color. -
Harding found that the haplotype sequences for South Asians and New Guineans are virtually identical to those of continental sub-Saharan Africans.
The retention of the ancestral trait is due to natural selection for melanin pigment production which serves to protect the body from harmful UV rays (Jablonski 2006).
^ This is our evidence and position, which *shreds" you.
You are reduced to making excuses for having no evidence of relevance.
Therefore here is your "position",
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Debunked: Instead of asking questions, you would do better to get some answers.
^ I have plenty of answers, see above, although amusingly - your whiny post *did not actually ask* any questions.
We know you are afraid of the answers, which is why you don't ask questions.
However everyone else should feel free to ask relevant questions.
We like answering questions, and skewering debunked in the process.
This is fun.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:The fact that the only "evidence" for OOA "Black Africans" you can muster up is based on skin color and limb ratios demonstrates just how bankrupt your case really is. We've already established that pigmentation is an unreliable measure of race and population relationships because it's so dependent on environment. Now let's dispatch limb ratios in a similar fashion:
Yes skin color, limb ratios and of course....Skeletal remains.
"The surprising similarity between a fossil skull (Hofmeyr) from the southernmost tip of Africa and similarly ancient skulls from Europe is in agreement with the genetics-based "Out of Africa" theory, which predicts that humans like those that inhabited Eurasia in the Upper Paleolithic should be found in sub-Saharan Africa around 36,000 years ago. The skull from South Africa provides the first fossil evidence in support of this prediction."
Thus, Hofmeyr is seemingly primitive in comparison to recent African crania in a number of features, including a prominent glabella; moderately thick, continuous supraorbital tori; a tall, flat, and straight malar; a broad frontal process of the maxilla; and comparatively large molar crowns.
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718: "The skull is large and robust. The maximum estimated length and breadth of the [b]neurocranium, as well as most measurements of the facial skeleton, lie at or exceed two standard deviations (SD) of the means for modern African males , whereas they lie within these limits for Late Pleistocene crania from Eurasia and North Africa (table S3)."
From the above we can actually see Hofmeyr's neurocraniam and facial skeleton, LIE AT OR EXCEEDS TWO STANDARD DEVIATIONS FOR MODERN AFRICANS.
"As a result of an ongoing cleansing of the fossil record through direct radiometric dating, a series of obviously modern, and in fact Late Upper Paleolithic or Holocene, human remains have been removed from consideration (7). This cleansing has helped to dilute the impression that the earliest modernhumans in Europe were just like recent European populations. "
As we can see from this above statement, the cleansing of the fossil records has helped to confirm that EEMH were not like recent Europeans today at all.
As opposed to Debunkeds { } empty list of imaginary "race" traits, with which he hopes to conjure up some fake caucasians.
Debunked and Dienekes are two no evidence having phonies.
quote:Debunked writes: I don't have to provide any list
Yes, you *must* provide your list of particulars, to back your phony claim of what precisely you feel Europeans have morphologically in common with ancient Africans.
If you have no list, then your argument amounts to and empty bluff.
You [and Dienekes] appear to have no argument, and are therefore.....publicly humiliated.
Since you have no evidence, perhaps you can -both- retreat into your *intellectual caves*, and continue to wallow in the never-ending *ice age* of learning disabled den-i-al.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Originally posted by debunked: I don't have to "elaborate" on anything or provide a "list of traits".
Sure you do, the whole point is, you're claiming the cranio-facial morphology of Ancient Africans (Hofmeyr) is closer to modern Europeans than they are to recent Africans. Well here are the cranial characteristics of Hofmeyr, can you name the shared traits between EEMH and recent Europeans? Shouldn't be too hard.
"The skull is large and robust. The maximum estimated length and breadth of the [b]neurocranium, as well as most measurements of the facial skeleton, lie at or exceed two standard deviations (SD) of the means for modern African males , whereas they lie within these limits for Late Pleistocene crania from Eurasia and North Africa (table S3)."
"Thus, Hofmeyr is seemingly primitive in comparison to recent African crania in a number of features, including a prominent glabella; moderately thick, continuous supraorbital tori; a tall, flat, and straight malar; a broad frontal process of the maxilla; and comparatively large molar crowns."
quote: originally posted by debunked: I didn't author those studies nor did I take the measurements or compile the data.
We know you didn't author the studies, and this is your excuse for not understanding the said data right?
quote: Originally posted by debunked: If you have questions, address them to the authors.
Why would we do that? When the authors specifically state:
"The maximum estimated length and breadth of the [b]neurocranium, as well as most measurements of the facial skeleton, lie at or exceed two standard deviations (SD) of the means for modern African males "
"This cleansing has helped to dilute the impression that the earliest modern humans in Europe were just like recent European populations. "
The authors aren't the ones coming to this erroneous conclusion, that Early modern humans in Europe resembled recent Europeans, it's actually you that claims this, while the authors specifically state the opposite. So the burden of proof is on you to refute the authors of this study. Which would be for you to name the shared traits between EEMH and recent Europeans? Shouldn't be too hard right?
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:The authors aren't the ones coming to this erroneous conclusion, that Early modern humans in Europe resembled recent Europeans, it's actually you that claims this, while the authors specifically state the opposite. So the burden of proof is on you to refute the authors of this study.
^ The problem with chasing distorters is the original issue gets lost, as they lead you away from it.
Always remember, their only goal is to confuse and confound others, as they already know their ideology has been falsified.
They merely seek to prevent this knowledge from becoming widespread, or at least cast some doubt pertaining to truths they find unpleasant.
A good example of how this propaganda approach works was when Tyr0 began referring to the Hofmyer skull as a paleolithic Eurasian.
He thinks he is debating debunked, but he had already begun repeating after one of debunkeds fallacies.
Actually, Hofmyer is a 30 thousand year old South African skull, named after a town in South Africa.
The issue at hand is "East Africa caucasoid myth".
East Africa caucasoid is what Dienekes and dunce flunky Debunked must provide evidence of via a list of specific shared ethnic traits between Ancient Africans and modern Europeans.
^ Any comment by debunked that does not provide the above - is intended as distraction.
Force trolls to address the issue at hand.
Never let them lead you away from it, while you chase after them.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:^ The problem with chasing distorters is the original issue gets lost, as they lead you away from it.
Actually ever since I posted the study, all I have been asking debunked is to name the shared traits, between ancient Africans and recent Europeans. Which he totally and effectively eludes and doesn't address, instead, he loves to post fallacious genetic data. Which is why in all of my posts, I have the cranio-facial characteristics of hofmeyr, with the request to debunked to name the shared traits.
quote:East Africa caucasoid is what Dienekes and dunce flunky Debunked must provide evidence of via a list of specific shared ethnic traits between Ancient Africans and modern Europeans.
^ Any comment by debunked that does not provide the above - is intended as distraction.
Indeed and I agree, and is basically what I have been saying all along.
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
quote:Originally posted by Debunker: [qb] The Grine study makes clear that the Mahalanobis D2 table is the more important:
"Mahalanobis D2, adjusted for unequal sample sizes (S24), is used to estimate the morphological distances among samples. This method is appropriate for the goal of this analysis because it represents the morphological variation among groups scaled by the pooled within-group variation, and accounts for covariation among landmark coordinates, which is pervasive among biological datasets (S25, S26)."
And according to that data, HOF/EUP is closer to WEU than it is to AFR/SAN. Period.
The fact that the two are not identical is a straw man. No one is claiming Swedish-looking prehistoric people. But the Afrocentrists are claiming Negroid-looking prehistoric people in East Africa and Europe. The data disproves this absurd notion because HOF/EUP is more distinct from modern sub-Saharan Africans than it is from modern Europeans.
The fact that HOF/EUP is also close to Oceania is a red herring. Oceanians owe their external appearance to a prolonged period of adaptation to a hot, humid climate. Morphometrically, however, they're closer to East Asians in some respects (Grine) and very distant from Africans in others (Neves). They are NOT transplanted Negroids. They're heat-adapted Eurasians.
Skin color is the other big Afrocentric red herring. It has absolutely no bearing on anything because it's a highly adaptive trait. That's why scientists look at non-adaptive traits and neutral genetic markers to determine ancestral affinities. They don't recognize any "black African" race based solely on pigmentation. That's pure Afrocentric pseudoscience.
Ok, Forget about your distortion of the graphs,(you've been debunked) doesn't seem like you are able to accept the facts through there. I would love to see how you distort this below. The actual physical traits shared between MPMH and EEMH.
Also of note, is that Qafzeh and Skhul were also said to have imaginary Neanderthal features, just like EEMH.
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718: Further confirming the African origin of Modern Europeans. Note the autapomorphic traits shared between MPMH and EEMH. Also debunking, the already debunked, notion of admixture of Neanderthal in EEMH.
European early modern humans and the fate of the Neandertals Erik Trinkaus*
The Relevant Fossils
To evaluate human reproductive patterns when indispersing modern humans met indigenous Neandertal populations in Europe, it is necessary to establish the currently known potential ancestral populations. It is only from these lineages that the European early modern humans (EEMHs) are likely to have acquired their phylogenetically informative characteristics. The first sample comprises the oxygen isotope stage 4 and 3 Neandertals, established as a regional lineage in western Eurasia since the Middle Pleistocene. They occupied all of Mediterranean Europe and much of Europe north of the Alps and Balkans until at least 42–43 thousand calendar years before the present (ka B.P.), possibly persisting later in pockets of central and northwestern Europe but remaining throughout most of Iberia until 35 ka B.P. (all dates in calendar years B.P.). They are also known from southwestern Asia and eastward into central Asia. Second are the east and northeast African earliestmodern humans, currently known principally from the sitesof Aduma, Bouri, Haua Fteah, Herto, and Omo-Kibish, anddating between 75 to perhaps in excess of 160 ka B.P. They are joined by the Qafzeh and Skhul samples, largely if notexclusively dating to between 80 and 100 ka B.P. in extreme southwesternAsia. Multiple lines of evidence (15, 16) indicate that the Qafzeh– Skhul sample represents a temporary northward expansion of these earliest modern humans into that region,after which they were replaced by Neandertal populations dispersingsouthward. This combined sample is referred to as the MiddlePaleolithic modern humans (MPMHs).
The Relevant Framework
It is assumed that the EEMHs were derived principally from the MPMHs, expanding and dispersing through southwestern Asia and then westward across Europe subsequent to at least 41 ka B.P. (the date of the oldest EEMH, Oase 1). Thishypothesis is supported by the first appearance of a long listof autapomorphic modern human character states in the MPMH sample(33) and their persistence in the EEMH sample. Among others, these EEMH autapomorphic traits include absence of a supraorbital torus, distinct canine fossae, narrow nasalapertures, chiselshaped maxillary incisors, expanded parietal arcs, prominent parietal bosses, laterally bulbous mastoid processes, projecting mentum osseum, narrow mandibular corpus, marked gluteal buttress, pilastric femoral diaphysis, and angulartibial and fibular diaphyses. In addition, their nasal aperture inferior margins and the body proportions inferred biomechanically from femoral diaphyseal proportions (15, 27–29)indicate evolutionarily recent tropical ancestry, similar to that seen in the Qafzeh– Skhul sample (15, 16). The abundant autapomorphic modern humancharacteristics in the EEMH sample are therefore inferred to havecome from that MPMH lineage. The question is the extent to which they had productive reproductive interactions with theNeandertal populations. Evidence for such encounters should consistprincipally of autapomorphic Neandertal characteristics in theEEMH or subsequent Gravettian samples.
[QUOTE] "The abundant autapomorphic modern human characteristics in the EEMH sample are therefore inferred to have come from that MPMH lineage."
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718: The problem with chasing distorters is the original issue gets lost, as they lead you away from it.
quote:Actually ever since I posted the study, all I have been asking debunked is to name the shared traits, between ancient Africans and recent Europeans. Which he totally and effectively eludes and doesn't address.
^ He can 'effectively' elude it, only if you let him lead you off topic.
Truth must have patience - like the hunter.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
European early modern humans and the fate of the Neandertals Erik Trinkaus*
quote: In addition, their nasal aperture inferior margins and the body proportions inferred biomechanically from femoral diaphyseal proportions (15, 27–29) indicate evolutionarily recent tropical ancestry, similar to that seen in the Qafzeh– Skhul sample (15, 16).
Nasal aperture Inferior margin
body proportions inferred biomechanically from femoral diaphyseal proportions indicate evolutionarily recent tropical ancestry
= Just as "Negroid"as beingprognathous .
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ To wit debunked will try to get you to chase the phantasm that 'prognathous', or tropical adaptation can prove 'negroid race'.
I will save debunked the wasted post and remind him thhat no one is arguing for the existence of 'race traits', except him.
While Debunked proclaims to believe in 'race' traits that can somehow link ancient Blacks Africans to whites of Europe, he is hard pressed to actually name them...... thus he provides and { } empty set argument, for which he is credited for precisely.....nothing.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Originally posted by rasol
quote: I will save debunked the wasted post and remind him thhat no one is arguing for the existence of 'race traits', except him.
Indeed, and as you pointed out his own idiocy when he posted this below.
Originally posted by debunked
quote: "Prognathism, too, is in no way characteristic only of negroids.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Originally posted by rasol
quote: Therefore here is your "position", [/QB]
^^Lol , Indeed. Debunked's position.
Posted by Apocalypse (Member # 8587) on :
The craniofacial variables were size-adjusted by transforming them into Z- and C-scores following Howells (11) and were analyzed by factor analysis with varimax rotation following Ribot (13). Analyses of variance of the regression factor scores indicate that factor 2 provided the greatest differentiation among the comparative samples. Therefore, this was used preferentially to identify the position of Hofmeyr vis-à-vis the 95% confidence ellipses of these samples. Hofmeyr is encompassed by the variation exhibited by Late Pleistocene Eurasian crania (Fig. 4). It is also encompassed by the 95% confidence ellipse of the recent Khoe-San and sub-Saharan Bantu-speaker samples, but falls just beyond the 95% confidence ellipse of recent Europeans. These observations are supported by the proximity matrix of squared Euclidean distances derived from the regression factor scores, which reveal the UP Eurasian sample as closest to Hofmeyr (table S8).
Posted by Apocalypse (Member # 8587) on :
Debunked wrote:
quote:Afrocentrists are also blind in addition to being stupid and dishonest.
Of course, Oceania is closest to East Asia, not Africa.
And Hofmeyr is still closer to recent Europeans than it is to any Africans.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote: It is also encompassed by the 95% confidence ellipse of the recent Khoe-San and sub-Saharan Bantu-speaker samples, but falls just beyond the 95% confidence ellipse of recent Europeans. These observations are supported by the proximity matrix of squared Euclidean distances derived from the regression factor scores, which reveal the UP Eurasian sample as closest to Hofmeyr (table S8).
This comes straight from the Grine study. Good post, indeed, I meant to post this, you beat me to it. lol
quote:This comes straight from the Grine study. Good post, indeed, I meant to post this, you beat me to it. lol
Your contributions are exemplary and always on point. I just stumbled across this tonight whilst searching for some completely unrelated information.
Posted by Apocalypse (Member # 8587) on :
By the way, just for reference, here is Debunked's, in his previous incarnation as Evil Euro, chart of racial classification. Notice the broad latitude given to his caucasoids.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
^^^^Lol. Indeed I have read that thread, how about this one....
quote:It is also encompassed by the 95% confidence ellipse of the recent Khoe-San and sub-Saharan Bantu-speaker samples, but falls just beyond the 95% confidence ellipse of recent Europeans.
These observations are supported by the proximity matrix of squared Euclidean distances derived from the regression factor scores,
^ Debunked writes [tomorrow]: Euclidean geometry should be ignored.
Instead we should use Mahalanobis distances.
Mahalanobis distances should also be ignored.
So we should use Mahalanobis charts to create our own "loose clusters" instead.
We can call them 'actual scientific clusters'.
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:Originally posted by Debunker:
^ Not according to the Smithsonian Instutue:
Comparing it with skulls from Neanderthals, early modern Europeans and contemporary humans, they discovered it had nothing in common with Neanderthal skulls and only peripheral similarities with any of today's populations.
Your edited graph is also Mahalanobis-tically "ignorant" as it draws across the vertices that denote clusters in order to create fake "clusters" corresponding to *no* vertex.
^ I'm saying you're and idiot and can't read graphs or interpret data.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:Debunked writes: Of course, my cluster denotes....
^ ....that you're retarded???
You -must- bound *at* the vertex, [on the right], capture everything to the left [and within them]. Idiot.
Like this....
^Tyr0's correct graph.
Do not ignore vertices and draw across them, once you do that, you contradict the data, and your drawing [defacement actually] is wrong, and so pointless.
Or, just keep trying to force the round peg into the square hole like some retarded monkey.
It's your choice.
lol. Your stupidity is hilarious.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Or, just keep trying to force the round peg into the square hole like some retarded monkey.
Ha Ha, Rotflmfao.............. That was too hilarious.
Debunked says: "So what if the hole is square, it looks the same to me, the circle peg might fit if I distort and modify it."
Posted by Charlie Bass (Member # 10328) on :
quote:Originally posted by Debunker:
quote:Originally posted by phenelzine: "Much later, at about 189,000 years ago, the researchers said, the gene tree split into African and non-African branches, a point marked by a new mutation found only in the non-African subjects."
"These patterns of deep haplotype divergence and long-range linkage disequilibrium are best explained by a prolonged period of ancestral population subdivision followed by relatively recent interbreeding."
Excellent finds. Devastating to the Afrocentric fantasy. Of course, these studies are not "outdated" or "rejected" as many desperately wish. Their results have been duplicated in numerous other studies right up to the present:
"Models of this type, which suppose the presence of old population structure among African populations, have been suggested based on evidence from other regions of the genome (Tishkoff et al. 1996; Harding et al. 1997; Labuda et al. 2000; Tishkoff et al. 2000; Zietkiewicz et al. 2003; Garrigan, Mobesher, Kingan, et al. 2005)."
You're stupid for saying "great finds" to studies you obviously haven't read. For example, from the first link the author says:
"The second surprise in the Rutgers report relates to the well-established finding that humans as a species show very little genetic difference between their various subpopulations. All people have exactly the same set of genes, as far as is known, but the genes come in slightly different flavors, embodied by minor variations in the DNA sequence. Over all, there is much more variation among people within a subpopulation than between populations.
The gene fragment studied by Dr. Hey and Dr. Harris is unusual in that the versions of the gene found in Africans and non-Africans are quite different. Dr. Hey said he viewed the gene as an anomaly and that ''our data cannot be interpreted as supporting the idea of very distinct races or populations."
This doesn't support your distorted interpretation of what Howells said, doe it?
Posted by Debunker (Member # 15669) on :
quote:What is interesting about your irrelevant citation is that you do not even follow it by making any kind of relevant "argument".
My fault for overestimating Negro reading comprehension.
The study observed short limbs and long limbs in Andean Indians living, respectively, at high and low altitudes: The exact same people with vastly different limb ratios because of environment. That means that limb ratios tell us nothing about race or population relationships. Just like skin color.
As Brace says:
" color and limb elongation, are adaptations to the intensity of solar radiation--the first directly so and the second indirectly. Since this is so clearly the case, we should expect those two traits to covary, as indeed they tend to do, throughout the world. Evidently, traits that are distributed in conjunction with the graded intensity of their controlling selective forces will be poor indicators of population relationships. [...] The use of a characterization of a single trait that is under selective force control to generalize about any particular human population can only create confusion. This then will be the inevitable consequence of the use of a description of skin color to say anything about the general nature of human biological variation."
And what he says should be used instead:
"The measurements were principally of adaptively trivial traits that display patterns of regional similarities based solely on genetic relationships."
quote:Sure you do, the whole point is, you're claiming the cranio-facial morphology of Ancient Africans (Hofmeyr) is closer to modern Europeans than they are to recent Africans.
I'm not "claiming" anything. The greater distance of Hofmeyr from recent sub-Saharan Africans than from recent Europeans is evident in the Mahalanobis squared distances. In the case of UP Europeans, their greater closeness to recent Europeans is evident in those distances, in Brace's canonical variate plot, and in the findings of the Jantz/Owsley study I quoted. These are simply empirical facts, not "claims".
quote:We know you are afraid of the answers, which is why you don't ask questions.
Here's a two-part question on the topic of this thread that I've been waiting years for an answer to:
1) If genes are "Black African" simply by virtue of originating in Africa, then why do Ethiopians have predominant (62%) membership in the Western Eurasian genetic cluster when the majority of their genes originate in Africa?
2) And why do Southern Europeans (and all non-Africans for that matter) lack Sub-Saharan African cluster membership even though (you claim) they have "Black African" genes?
Posted by Evergreen (Member # 12192) on :
Evergreen Writes:
Debunker's point is not to win a debate, it is to cast doubt (among Blacks) about "Afrocentrism". 12 pages to this're spinning you wheels.
Posted by Charlie Bass (Member # 10328) on :
quote:Originally posted by Debunker:
quote:What is interesting about your irrelevant citation is that you do not even follow it by making any kind of relevant "argument".
My fault for overestimating Negro reading comprehension.
The study observed short limbs and long limbs in Andean Indians living, respectively, at high and low altitudes: The exact same people with vastly different limb ratios because of environment. That means that limb ratios tell us nothing about race or population relationships. Just like skin color.
As Brace says:
" color and limb elongation, are adaptations to the intensity of solar radiation--the first directly so and the second indirectly. Since this is so clearly the case, we should expect those two traits to covary, as indeed they tend to do, throughout the world. Evidently, traits that are distributed in conjunction with the graded intensity of their controlling selective forces will be poor indicators of population relationships. [...] The use of a characterization of a single trait that is under selective force control to generalize about any particular human population can only create confusion. This then will be the inevitable consequence of the use of a description of skin color to say anything about the general nature of human biological variation."
And what he says should be used instead:
"The measurements were principally of adaptively trivial traits that display patterns of regional similarities based solely on genetic relationships."
quote:Sure you do, the whole point is, you're claiming the cranio-facial morphology of Ancient Africans (Hofmeyr) is closer to modern Europeans than they are to recent Africans.
I'm not "claiming" anything. The greater distance of Hofmeyr from recent sub-Saharan Africans than from recent Europeans is evident in the Mahalanobis squared distances. In the case of UP Europeans, their greater closeness to recent Europeans is evident in those distances, in Brace's canonical variate plot, and in the findings of the Jantz/Owsley study I quoted. These are simply empirical facts, not "claims".
quote:We know you are afraid of the answers, which is why you don't ask questions.
Here's a two-part question on the topic of this thread that I've been waiting years for an answer to:
1) If genes are "Black African" simply by virtue of originating in Africa, then why do Ethiopians have predominant (62%) membership in the Western Eurasian genetic cluster when the majority of their genes originate in Africa?
2) And why do Southern Europeans (and all non-Africans for that matter) lack Sub-Saharan African cluster membership even though (you claim) they have "Black African" genes?
Limb ratios and body proportions are *NOT* irrelevant and Brace#s attempt to dismiss them was addressed:
Early Modern Humans Erik Trinkaus. Annual Review of Anthropology. Palo Alto: 2005. Vol. 34 pg. 207, 24 pgs
"The European early modern humans at least 28,000 years old exhibit parietal expansion, clear parietal bosses, absence of nuchal tori with variable development of an external occipital protuberance, large and laterally bulbous mastoid processes, superiorly positioned and horizontal temporal zygomatic processes, reduced nasal breadths, some facial shortening, angled zygomatic bones with clear canine fossae, a projecting tuber symphyseos, reduced upper limb muscularity, and formation of a femoral pilaster (Szombathy 1925; Rainer & Simionescu 1942; Vallois 1958; Nicolaescu-Plopsor 1968; Frayer 1986; Garralda et al. 1992; Trinkaus et al. 2003a,b, 2005a,b; E. Trinkaus, personal observations). Although most of these crania (N = 6) lack a supraorbital torus, one is present on Cioclovina 1. In addition, the preserved nasal apertures appear tropical in their lack of a clear angulation of the inferior sill (Franciscus 2003, Trinkaus et al. 2003a), and biomechanical scaling of the Mladec limb remains indicates linear bodies (Trinkaus et al. 2005b); both features support substantial and relatively recent tropical (probably African) ancestry.
Yet, these specimens exhibit a variably present suite of archaic human features, including low temporal squamous profiles, prominent juxtamastoid eminences, broad interorbital breadths, large dental arcades, exceptionally large third molars, broad mandibular rami, mandibular corpus robusticity, and variable maxillary incisor shoveling. These morphological attributes are generally present among late archaic humans, but they are largely absent from the sample that best characterizes the modern human ancestors of the European early modern humans: the Qafzeh and Skhul remains. Only one feature appears to be distinctly Neandertal, the unilateral bridging of the mandibular foramen on Oase 1, although it is possible to find most of these other archaic aspects among the Neandertals. The broad mandibular ramus of Oase 1 is found among contemporaneous north African remains, especially Nazlet Khater 2, and not among the Neandertals.
The subsequent post-28,000-B.P. Gravettian human sample of Europe includes numerous associated skeletons (Table 2) (Zilhão & Trinkaus 2002). Most of these specimens are fully modern in their morphology, and there is a persistence in them of both linear (equatorial) limb proportions and more "African" nasal morphology (Trinkaus 1981, Holliday 1997, Franciscus 2003). However, one Iberian specimen (Lagar Velho 1) exhibits Neandertal limb segment proportions and a series of relatively archaic cranial and postcranial features (Trinkaus & Zilhão 2002). In addition, central incisor shoveling, ubiquitous among the Neandertals, absent in the Qafzeh-Skhul sample, and variably present in the earlier European sample, persists at modest frequencies. And scapular axillary border dorsal sulci, an apparently Neandertal feature also absent in the Qafzeh-Skhul sample, is present (Trinkaus 2005)."
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:As Brace says:
" color and limb elongation, are adaptations to the intensity of solar radiation
^ Correct, but does not help you.
quote: we should expect those two traits to covary,as indeed they tend to do, throughout the world.
^ Correct, but also does not help you. Humans don't originate 'throughout the world'. They originate in Black Africa.
Quoting Brace.... "Africa entails Black".
quote:This then will be the inevitable consequence of the use of a description of skin color to say anything about the general nature of human biological variation.
^ Nonetheless Brace himself uses the term Black [see above] to describe skin color, and equatorial to describe tropical esteology.
From this he concludes that East Africans "must have been equatorial for 10's of thousands of years".
Brace concludes this because he believes they are so strongly adapted to tropical climates, that this could not have come about in a short period of time.
So Brace does use skin color and tropical adaptation to draw anthropological conclusions about population origins.
Meanwhile: "Terms like caucasoid are worse than useless". - CL Brace.
^ It's the concept of caucasoid that Brace rejects. You know this, but try to hide from it.
But then you always have tried to hide all evidence that you don't like.
That's why you're so *easy* to debunk.
Let's continue then...
quote:Debunked writes: Here is what Brace uses instead: "The measurements were principally of adaptively trivial traits that display patterns of regional similarities based solely on genetic relationships."
^ Indeed, so Brace says, and from this dubious methodology here is what he strongly concludes about Europeans:
Statistical analysis of a battery of measurements shows that the European Neanderthal is more closely related to modern Europeans than to anyone else in the world. This can only be because there is an actual genetic relationship. - CL Brace
^ His extensive battery of multi-variate skull-bump analysis proves a Neanderthal origin of Europeans. So he says, anyway.
Debunked: If you want to believe that Europeans are genetically related to Neanderthal, and not Paleolithic Black Africans.....go right ahead, but this also does not help you.
Now here is what anyone with a brain can learn from the above.
- You can only determine genetic relationships directly - - by gene study, not chasing skull bumps, which are both subjective and non-linear, and so might be analogous or homolugous, with no intrinsic means of proving which is the case.
- Unlike skull-lumps, skin color is a specific genetic trait, you can also determine skin color by gene study.
- Unlike skull-lumps, skin color is a tropical adaptive trait, so you can infer it based on osteology, and geography - just like BRACE does.
- From the above we know the original African homo-sapiens population was Black. Brace himself says so.
What Brace disputes is whether *European entails African.*
For Brace, European entailed NEANDERTHAL.
^ Here Brace is certainly wrong, but this is also not your position, so how does it help you?
And if you reject Brace's conclusions derived from skull analaysis, then it logically follows that you are rejecting his methodology as well.
So your quotes from Brace were a waste of time.
Back on topic:
You must produce your list of traits specific to white Europeans and ancient Black Africans.
But of course, you don't have one, since no such list exists, which makes your entire argument phony.
Debunked: You've failed again.
Posted by Tyrann0saurus (Member # 3735) on :
The problem I think we have with Debunker is one of miscommunication. He seems to think black = true Negroid (that is, looking like a certain modern African population), while you guys are defining it by dark skin and tropical adaptation. Is my assessment of this debate correct?
Posted by Charlie Bass (Member # 10328) on :
quote:Originally posted by Tyrann0saurus: The problem I think we have with Debunker is one of miscommunication. He seems to think black = true Negroid (that is, looking like a certain modern African population), while you guys are defining it by dark skin and tropical adaptation. Is my assessment of this debate correct?
Yes, that is what Debunked considers as black, True Negroid. Notice his inability to define what constitutes a "true caucasoid". Its not bad at all for him considering that the same anthropologists and geneticists who subtly and outright believe in the concept of "True Negroes" simultaneously have never defined or refuse to define what a true caucasoid is.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
Two questions from Debunked:
quote:1) If genes are "Black African"
Genes are African that originate in Africa, such as E3b.
Genes for blackness are those that cause dark skin, such as M1CR-underived.
Black Africans are the dark skinned natives of Africa, which is why your source, CL Brace states that "Africa entails Black".
Black African genes are those lineages that originate among Black Africans.
Not my fault that you can't debate and so try to 'play dumb' by asking stupid questions, which I have patiently answered at any rate.
quote:then why do Ethiopians have predominant (62%) membership in the Western Eurasian genetic cluster when the majority of their genes originate in Africa?
Answer: This is not a question, but a false claim, rooted in a non-sequitur.
You can claim that Ethiopians 'cluster' with Mars, it would have no bearing on the meaning of Black or African, even if you understood 'clustering', which you don't.
Nor could such a claim show Martian origin, or Martian ancestry.
The vast majority of Ethiopian genes are AFrican.
It's the non Africans - who have a small subset of *African genes*...not the other way around, was you would like to pretend.
And it's the Europeans, who cluster in between Africans and Asians - from this it follows that you should be asking what is the meaning of "european"? What is the meaning of "white"?
Lol. You're such a weak debater. Your only "technique" is to show persistence in your hapless stupidity.
Your question on the meaning of Black and African is answered. But ask it again, if you like. Being stupid, what else can you do?
quote:2) And why do Southern Europeans (and all non-Africans for that matter) lack Sub-Saharan African cluster membership
Southern Europeans do cluster with Africans, in terms of Y chromosome, Benin Hbs autosome, HLA gene frequency, and other genetic traits.
The question -for you- is why Europeans have these genes....when so many other non Africans don't???
"Europe shows a shorter genetic distance from Africa than do all the other continents......The overall contributions from Asia and Africa were estimated to be around two-thirds and one-third, respectively. Simulations have shown (7) that this hypothesis explains quite well the discrepancy between trees obtained by maximum likelihood and neighbor joining. " - L. Luca Cavalli-Sforza
quote:even though (you claim) they have "Black African" genes?
^ They have Benin hbs sickle cell.
They have African paternal lineages.
They generally have darker hair, eyes and curlier hair, than Nordic Europeans - who don't have nearly as much African ancestry.
They live in and area that that was 'civilised' from Africa and SouthWest Asia -and who introduced the Neolithic - and whose skeletal remains suggests they were descendant of -> "negroids from Nubia" - according to esteemed anthropologist Larry Angel.
Southern Europe was invaded from Africa by the Moors, who were African, and whose name means 'black'.'
Most southern European scholars and scientists admit to and African component to their ancestry.
The evidence is overwhelming, denying it only suggests shame of one's own ancestry.
And the only one in denial is you.
^ If you feel that your two questions has not been satsifactorily answered.....just say so, and I'll try to further simplify for you.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:I'm not "claiming" anything. The greater distance of Hofmeyr from recent sub-Saharan Africans than from recent Europeans is evident in the Mahalanobis squared distances. In the case of UP Europeans, their greater closeness to recent Europeans is evident in those distances, in Brace's canonical variate plot, and in the findings of the Jantz/Owsley study I quoted. These are simply empirical facts, not "claims".
Indeed they are claims, your claims to be exact, and they will remain your claims, as you purposely duck and dodge the real questions for dear life. Which is to name the traits between Ancient Africans(Hofmeyr) and recent Europeans?
This is what you run and run for dear life from.
Originally posted by Knowledge
quote: "The maximum estimated length and breadth of the neurocranium, as well as most measurements of the facial skeleton, lie at or exceed two standard deviations (SD) of the means for modern African males "
"This cleansing has helped to dilute the impression that the earliest modern humans in Europe were just like recent European populations. "
The authors aren't the ones coming to this erroneous conclusion, that Early modern humans in Europe resembled recent Europeans, it's actually you that claims this, while the authors specifically state the opposite. So the burden of proof is on you to refute the authors of this study. Which would be for you to name the shared traits between EEMH and recent Europeans? Shouldn't be too hard right?
When the authors say specific things like
[B]"This cleansing has helped to dilute the impression that the earliest modern humans in Europe were just like recent European populations. "
"The maximum estimated length and breadth of the neurocranium, as well as most measurements of the facial skeleton, lie at or exceed two standard deviations (SD) of the means for modern African males "
It is evident that EEMH clearly DO NOT , resemble recent Europeans, but just because Hofmeyr is not identical to recent Africans, doesn't mean that Hofmeyr, is a non-African or totally different from recent Africans. As we can see from statements like this
"Thus, Hofmeyr is seemingly primitive in comparison to recent African crania in a number of features, including a prominent glabella; moderately thick, continuous supraorbital tori; a tall, flat, and straight malar; a broad frontal process of the maxilla; and comparatively large molar crowns."
and this
"The maximum estimated length and breadth of the [b]neurocranium, as well as most measurements of the facial skeleton, lie at or exceed two standard deviations (SD) of the means for modern African males "
Therefore your whole fantasy of Hofmeyr somehow being, as you said "primitive version of yourself" or "skulls possessed Norse affinities" is indeed an erroneous bogus claim, in which you've been called out on, time and time again, but you still fail to name these said Norse affinities or primitive affinities of yourself, why? When in fact this is what the Author says.
"Thus, Hofmeyr is seemingly primitive in comparison to recent African crania in a number of features , including a prominent glabella; moderately thick, continuous supraorbital tori; a tall, flat, and straight malar; a broad frontal process of the maxilla; and comparatively large molar crowns."
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by Tyrann0saurus: The problem I think we have with Debunker is one of miscommunication.
^ lol. Nonsense. Frankly he understands this material better than you.
He simply chooses to lie about it.
By now, you know this, so why pretend otherwise?
He is the liar.
You play the naive, who 'just can't understand' why the liar keeps lying.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ while liars and naives spin their wheels.....
unaddressed evidence piles up...
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:Debunked: And you're doing even worse on the genetic front.
^ Does writing the above reduce the pain of knowing that you've once again *completeled failed* to address the genetic evidence posted by Charlie Bass?
He's beating you silly, btw, but then you already know that, don't you?
quote:Originally posted by Charlie Bass:
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by Charlie Bass: Its not bad at all for him considering that the same anthropologists and geneticists who subtly and outright believe in the concept of "True Negroes" simultaneously have never defined or refuse to define what a true caucasoid is.
^ Which is why only a fool would keep chasing these non-existent race archtypes, whose purpose is precisely to obscure, and which are rendered irrelevant the moment we stop chasing after them.
Even Brace has figured that out.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:The problem I think we have with Debunker is one of miscommunication.
Not at all, the problem is his elusive erroneous propagated persona/posts, which tends to stray away from things that will refute him to begin with, while everyone on this board addresses absolutely EVERYTHING he posts. Nothing is left unanswered. As for debunked, he leaves the questions, like I said, which are obviously going to debunk him, unanswered, and instead continues in hopes of confusing someone like you, into thinking it's a miscommunication.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
In contrast, terms such as "Negroid," "Caucasoid," and "Mongoloid" create more problems than they solve. Those very terms reflect a mix of narrow regional, specific ethnic, and descriptive physical components with an assumption that such separate dimensions have some kind of common tie. Biologically, such terms are worse than useless. Their continued use, then, is in social situations where people think they have some meaning.---Brace
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
quote:The problem I think we have with Debunker is one of miscommunication.
Not at all, the problem is his elusive erroneous propagated persona/posts, which tends to stray away from things that will refute him to begin with, while everyone on this board addresses absolutely EVERYTHING he posts. Nothing is left unanswered. As for debunked, he leaves the questions, like I said, which are obviously going to debunk him, unanswered, and instead continues in hopes of confusing someone like you, into thinking it's a miscommunication.
^ Lol. This is exactly the case.
Posted by Charlie Bass (Member # 10328) on :
Too badd Debunked spun this thread out of control with his inane lack of ability to properly read information, so lets recap. This thread was originally about a recent study that further reinforces what the Egyptsearch vets and new intelligent breed have been stating all along, that E3b was not and never was "caucasoid" as Debunked has tried arguing before. Debunked, using a distorted of population structure falsely tried to give the impression that haplogroup E3b carriers are genetically "Eurasian" by virtue of that fact that E3b carriers share ancestry in the CR-M168 clade, which encompasses all non-African variation and the majority of African Y chromosone variation. The only drawback to that is that no geneticists has ever said that CR-M168 is non-African. Then Debunked tries introducing the red herring argument about Hofmeyr, which has nil significance in the debate about E3b, he's merely tapdancing with all these other side arguments, Debunked cannot get over the reality of this:
"Y chromosome data show a signal for a separate late-Pleistocene migration from Africa to Europe over Sinai as evidenced through the distribution of haplogroup E3b lineages (20, 63), which is not manifested in mtDNA haplogroup distributions."
Use of Y Chromosome and Mitochondrial DNA Population Structure in Tracing Human Migrations
Annu. Rev. Genet. 2007. 41:539–64
Still waiting for debunked to present his evidence that E3b is Caucasoid. Thats the bottom line, let us hold Debunkeds' feet to the fire and respond to this.
Posted by Evergreen (Member # 12192) on :
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
quote:The problem I think we have with Debunker is one of miscommunication.
Not at all, the problem is his elusive erroneous propagated persona/posts, which tends to stray away from things that will refute him to begin with, while everyone on this board addresses absolutely EVERYTHING he posts. Nothing is left unanswered. As for debunked, he leaves the questions, like I said, which are obviously going to debunk him, unanswered, and instead continues in hopes of confusing someone like you, into thinking it's a miscommunication.
Evergreen Writes:
The focus should be on teaching the black babies not trying to persuade the grafted-man. "Negroes" spend too much time trying in vain to speak to their (recessive ones) “higher consciousness”. With the brain-trust and level of human capital present here on this forum we should be doing more to reach the masses. There are some young geniuses on this forum who should be taking this knowledge to the masses. We should have tools that can be downloading via I-Pod and other technologies in Portuguese, Arabic, Spanish and French to teach the original people the truth. We spend too much time trying to persuade one grafted-man when we can yield a higher return on our time investment by teaching the receptive Black youth.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Still waiting for debunked to present his evidence that E3b is Caucasoid. Thats the bottom line, let us hold Debunkeds' feet to the fire and respond to this.
Also, Which is for debunked to name the traits between Ancient Africans(Hofmeyr) and recent Europeans.
^^^This request is straight to the point, absolutely no miscommunication. Either he names them or he doesn't, since he doesn't, therefore staying debunked by physical anthropology, no more should be discussed with "debunked"
Therefore here is debunked's "position", for the rest of his life.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by Evergreen: We spend too much time trying to persuade one grafted-man when we can yield a higher return on our time investment by teaching the receptive Black youth.
This is why I never entertain any desire to pursuade Eurocentrists to 'admit' that they are bogus.
Likewise I never chase them around their forums, or link to or advertise any of their nonsenses.
If you keep speaking truth, and exposing the fallacies of Eurocentrism, they have no choice but to come out of their ratholes and defend their dying ideology - and then you can destory them, and teach students of African history, at the same time.
It's ironic, but it's more productive to correct their errors of Dr. Winters school of "afrocentrism", by upbraiding Dienekes and his dunce flunkies, than it is to directly engage the mis-educated students of Dr. Winters.
In this way, they begin to understand that not only are they wrong about a great many things... but the ways in which they are wrong are primarily of benefit to Eurocentrism, and stem ultimately from passive acceptance of Eurocentrisms root assumptions:
see SOY Keita and the myth of racial divergence.
The point is, the students and potential students of Winters and Dienekes are lurking, listening - and learning.
As Dienekes is debunked....they become -our- students now. Posted by Evergreen (Member # 12192) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasol: [QUOTE]It's ironic, but it's more productive to correct their errors of Dr. Winters school of "afrocentrism", by upbraiding Dienekes and his dunce flunkies, than it is to directly engage the mis-educated students of Dr. Winters.
In this way, they begin to understand that not only are they wrong about a great many things... but the ways in which they are wrong are primarily of benefit to Eurocentrism
^^ Co-sign.
Posted by Explorateur (Member # 14778) on :
quote:Originally posted by Debunker:
quote:No expert in his/her right mind has demonstrated Norse to be morphologically closer to Upper Paleolithic African and 'Eurasian' specimens than case is for Australo-Melanesians and perhaps to a relatively lesser degree, tropical Africans, with respect to Upper Paleolithic subjects.
Well, at least two experts have, in the study I quoted,
Hmmm. What was their sample sizes for Australian, Melanesians and Africans respectively; and what specific traits in UP African and UP Eurasian specimens, did they say rendered Norse more closer to the said UP specimens than contemporary Australians, Melanesians and Africans?
quote: I don't see why it's so surprising that the ancestors of Europeans would look like primitive versions of their descendents.
What do you mean by "primitive versions" of modern Europeans? They either share morphological patterns with contemporary Europeans or they don't; consensus scientific reports all agree on one point: UP African and UP European specimens are quite distant from contemporary Europeans, and although they are distinct from contemporary darkskin groups of Australo-Melanesia and Africa, they tie in relatively more closely to those groups than they do to contemporary Europeans. This means one thing: that UP European and African specimens were variants of tropical African physiognomy -- i.e the so-called "generalized modern" pattern. All this however, is a mere distraction to the topic of this thread...because it says nothing of why E3b [E1b1b] would be "Caucasoid".
quote: What would really be surprising is if they looked like modern Africans or Australians.
quote:I can only assume that the person who wrote this, has not been keeping up with developments in molecular genetics. Yes, hg D is a YAP+ descendent, but it is the only example that is specific to some Eurasian groups — contrast this with the diversity of Africa YAP+ markers; PN2 which descends from this, is virtually *non-existent* in Eurasia, save for the examples recently brought there by Africans.
I'm just pointing out that there's debate about it.
If there was a debate, then you would tell us how the other side accounts for:
— 1) the virtual non-existence of P2* outside of Africa, which would be more than necessary to give rise to either E1b1a (E3a) or E1b1b (E3b).
— 2) the virtual non-existence of YAP+* paragroup outside of Africa, which would be necessary to give rise to P2*, the parent of E1b1a and E1b1b.
quote: Like I said, the geographical origins of E/M168/L3 have no bearing on my argument,
Then your argument has no bearing on the topic of this thread. Still, you brought up M168 in your argument, precisely because it is relevant: it is the common recent ancestor to virtually all "non-African" males today. You also brought it up, because you misconstrued its biblically-tinged symbolic name as "Eurasian Adam" to mean that it is "Eurasian", and so, making P2 clades "Eurasian" as well...when in fact M168 was an African, which should read as — if we were to use biblical symbology — the "Adam" to Eurasians, but not Africans.
quote:which is based on a population division within Africa that predates all three markers.
What "divided" populations were there in Africa that predates all three markers; indicated by what uniparental markers?
It is a no-brainer that there would have been various lineage splits in Africa prior to divergence of OOA ancestors of contemporary 'non-Africans'. Does this really translate into how populations were divided? To this day, populations with different lineages live in close proximity to one another. And yes, there is populations structuring virtually anywhere human populations exist. What of it?
quote: They all originated after this ancestral split in the population that would become Eurasians, not in the archaic African populations.
If this split occurred prior to M168, which you profess above, and knowing fully well that M168 is the common ancestor to all non-African groups, not to mention a common ancestor to both E3a and E3b bearers, then how does this help your cause about a "caucasoid" E3b? Likewise, how does such a split prior to the divergence of L3, give gas to your "argument", given that it would have occurred in an ancestor that is not the common recent ancestor to all non-Africans, but to African groups only?
Also, what do we know about the uniparental markers of this so-called two "divided" populations of Africa, prior to the markers that are ancestral to all "non-Africans"?
Posted by Explorateur (Member # 14778) on :
quote:Originally posted by Evergreen:
Evergreen Writes:
Debunker's point is not to win a debate, it is to cast doubt (among Blacks) about "Afrocentrism". 12 pages to this're spinning you wheels.
From what I gather from "Debunker's" strategy, it boils down to the idea of "convince me or I'll not accept", the timeless M.O. of all distractors, which is an unwinnable undertaking to any level-headed person. He/she is driven by non-objective dogma, on which objective facts have no bearing.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:They either share morphological patterns with contemporary Europeans or they don't.
^ Debunked agrees that they don't.
He has spent the last several days looking for a way to answer the question - if said features exist - then what are they?
But he has been unable to find and answer, or even fake one.
He can come to Egyptsearch begging for a hearing every day.
But as long as he has no answer to this question he will remain the debunked, caretaker, of a dead ideology.
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
Okay, okay! I've finally caught up reading all the posts made since my absence...
And I must say, other than the usual utter humiliation of 'Debunked' I don't see the purpose continuing this thread, and especially engaging the idiot himself!
I mean, the moron's thesis was so ridiculous and contradicting from the start, it hardly requires any wordy debate or rebuttal since the claim is inconsistent and refutes itself!
Claim 1: The earliest modern humans (of Africa where they originate) are somehow "non-African" in appearance. LMAO I mean WTF is that?!!
And then..
Claim 2: Hofmeyer (a prehistoric South African) is somehow closer in affinity to modern Europeans than to modern Africans of the continent he was found. LOL
I mean is this guy serious?!!
Even those of the multi-regional origins belief are not dumb or crazy enough to believe in such notions which obviously even contradicts their thesis!
Speaking of which, I'm sure you guys know that the poster 'phenelzine' is non other than Mathilda who is just as much a racist as she is a multiregionalist. Either that or one of her flunkies.
And at any rate T-rex, that excuse for Debunked's mentality of the "true-negro" concept is just as ridiculous. There is no need for someone as intelligent as you to perpetuate the ridiculously racist concept of "true negro". Notice how you hardly hear anything about there being a "true mongoloid" or as Charles pointed out NEVER ever hear about there being any "true caucasoid"!
Posted by Debunker (Member # 15669) on :
A single, rambling non-answer to my question by the forum's resident windbag. What a surprise.
I want you Negroes to explain why, according to the latest genome-wide data, "black" Ethiopians have 62% membership in the genetic cluster that encompasses 96% of Norwegians, and "mixed" Southern Europeans have virtually no membership in the Sub-Saharan African cluster.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ Notice the frustrated babbling Eurocentric idiot again fails to answer any of our questions.
Instead he predictably *repeats his own stupid question* which was already answered. Nor does he address the answer, he just repeats the question - like a retarded child who refuses to accept any truth he doesn't like.
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:They either share morphological patterns with contemporary Europeans or they don't.
^ Debunked agrees that they don't.
He has spent the last several days looking for a way to answer the question - if said features exist - then what are they?
But he has been unable to find and answer, or even fake one.
He can come to Egyptsearch begging for a hearing every day.
But as long as he has no answer to this question he will remain the debunked, caretaker, of a dead ideology.
^ Since Debunked has abandoned his DOOMED argument that the original African homo sapiens resemble current Europeans.
Let's move on to his latest silly claims....
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Debunked Eurocentrist writes: Southern Europeans have virtually no membership in the Sub-Saharan African cluster.
In fact, Greeks do cluster with Black Africans.......
South Tunisian HLA gene profile has studied for the first time. HLA-A, -B, -DRB1 and -DQB1 allele frequencies of Ghannouch have been compared with those of neighboring populations, other Mediterraneans and Sub-Saharans. Their relatedness has been tested by genetic distances, Neighbor-Joining dendrograms and correspondence analyses. Our HLA data show that both southern from Ghannouch and northern Tunisians are of a Berber substratum in spite of the successive incursions (particularly, the 7th-8th century A.D. Arab invasion) occurred in Tunisia. It is also the case of other North Africans and Iberians. This present study confirms the relatedness of Greeks to Sub-Saharan populations. This suggests that there was an admixture between the Greeks and Sub-Saharans probably during Pharaonic period or after natural catastrophes (dryness) occurred in Sahara. - 2006 Jan-Feb;49(1):43-56. Epub 2005 Feb 10.Related Articles, HLA genes in Southern Tunisians (Ghannouch area) and their relationship with other Mediterraneans.
Southern Europe has West African Benin Hbs....
^ Note, Bantu have no Benin Hbs either, so again using Bantu as a proxy for all of "Africa" proves nothing. To show that Europeans have few African genes - you must compare to -ALL- of Africa, not just 'some' Bantu.
^ Most importantly, Southern Europeans have Y chromosome paternal ancestry from Black Africa, which is what this thread is about, and which you've utterly failed to address......
Here's another question for Debunked to fail to answer.
If these genes found in Europe don't come from tropical Africa...... then where do -you think- they come from? Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Originally posted by debunked
quote: "mixed" Southern Europeans have virtually no membership in the Sub-Saharan African cluster.
There is a fraudulent claim, promulgated by Racial Reality and Dienekes Pontikos, that the Arnaiz-Villena study HLA genes in Macedonians and the sub-Saharan origin of the Greeks (abstract and link to full study below) has been retracted or scientifically refuted. Rest assured, the study is perfectly valid. It would be helpful here to discuss the study that was retracted, and the reason why. It is The origin of Palestinians and their genetic relatedness with other Mediterranean populations (which contained some cross-referenced Greek data in a neighbor-joining dendogram and a correspondence analysis), and it was retracted solely and strictly for political reasons, as this Observer article makes crystal clear:
(Keep in mind we are dealing with the study on the relatedness of Jews and Palestinians at the moment, which was retracted, and not the one on the Greek-sub-Saharan relatedness, which was not retracted. The two must not be confused.)
Observer wrote: Journal axes gene research on Jews and Palestinians Robin McKie, science editor Observer
Sunday November 25, 2001
A keynote research paper showing that Middle Eastern Jews and Palestinians are genetically almost identical has been pulled from a leading journal.
Academics who have already received copies of Human Immunology have been urged to rip out the offending pages and throw them away.
Such a drastic act of self-censorship is unprecedented in research publishing and has created widespread disquiet, generating fears that it may involve the suppression of scientific work that questions Biblical dogma.
'I have authored several hundred scientific papers, some for Nature and Science, and this has never happened to me before,' said the article's lead author, Spanish geneticist Professor Antonio Arnaiz-Villena, of Complutense University in Madrid. 'I am stunned.'
British geneticist Sir Walter Bodmer added: 'If the journal didn't like the paper, they shouldn't have published it in the first place. Why wait until it has appeared before acting like this?'
The journal's editor, Nicole Sucio-Foca, of Columbia University, New York, claims the article provoked such a welter of complaints over its extreme political writing that she was forced to repudiate it. The article has been removed from Human Immunology's website, while letters have been written to libraries and universities throughout the world asking them to ignore or 'preferably to physically remove the relevant pages'. Arnaiz-Villena has been sacked from the journal's editorial board.
Dolly Tyan, president of the American Society of Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics, which runs the journal, told subscribers that the society is 'offended and embarrassed'.
The paper, 'The Origin of Palestinians and their Genetic Relatedness with other Mediterranean Populations', involved studying genetic variations in immune system genes among people in the Middle East.
In common with earlier studies, the team found no data to support the idea that Jewish people were genetically distinct from other people in the region. In doing so, the team's research challenges claims that Jews are a special, chosen people and that Judaism can only be inherited.
Jews and Palestinians in the Middle East share a very similar gene pool and must be considered closely related and not genetically separate, the authors state. Rivalry between the two races is therefore based 'in cultural and religious, but not in genetic differences', they conclude.
But the journal, having accepted the paper earlier this year, now claims the article was politically biased and was written using 'inappropriate' remarks about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Its editor told the journal Nature last week that she was threatened by mass resignations from members if she did not retract the article.
Arnaiz-Villena says he has not seen a single one of the accusations made against him, despite being promised the opportunity to look at the letters sent to the journal.
He accepts he used terms in the article that laid him open to criticism. There is one reference to Jewish 'colonists' living in the Gaza strip, and another that refers to Palestinian people living in 'concentration' camps.
'Perhaps I should have used the words settlers instead of colonists, but really, what is the difference?' he said.
'And clearly, I should have said refugee, not concentration, camps, but given that I was referring to settlements outside of Israel - in Syria and Lebanon - that scarcely makes me anti-Jewish. References to the history of the region, the ones that are supposed to be politically offensive, were taken from the Encyclopaedia Britannica, and other text books.'
In the wake of the journal's actions, and claims of mass protests about the article, several scientists have now written to the society to support Arnaiz-Villena and to protest about their heavy-handedness.
One of them said: 'If Arnaiz-Villena had found evidence that Jewish people were genetically very special, instead of ordinary, you can be sure no one would have objected to the phrases he used in his article. This is a very sad business.'
It is worth exploring a few quotes from the above article, as they are very revealing:
Observer wrote: Such a drastic act of self-censorship is unprecedented in research publishing and has created widespread disquiet, generating fears that it may involve the suppression of scientific work that questions Biblical dogma.
This shows the politics at work in certain circles of genetic research.
Sir Walter Bodmer wrote: British geneticist Sir Walter Bodmer added: 'If the journal didn't like the paper, they shouldn't have published it in the first place. Why wait until it has appeared before acting like this?'
The fact that the journal initially published the paper shows the journal found nothing wrong with it scientifically. Indeed, all papers must pass peer review to be published. It also, apparently, saw nothing politically objectionable, until it received all those letters from people objecting to the supposedly politically incorrect wording.
Apparently, later on, in an attempt to discredit the study "scientifically," three scientists wrote in to Nature Magazine. Racial Reality and Pontikos claim it somehow "challenges" that the study was pulled for political reasons. This is utter nonsense, as the Observer article makes the political reasons for the withdrawal very plain. The three scientists are expressing their own opinions only, and their "lack of scientific merit" idea, which falls very weakly and definitely untrue, was not the reason for the retraction. This can be seen when viewing their own comment at the end of the article: "We believe that the paper should have been refused for publication on the simple grounds that it lacked scientific merit." In actuality, this "scientific refutation" is a thinly veiled and weak attempt, containing nonsensical and straw-man arguments, to discredit the study solely and strictly because of its politically controversial remarks.
Here is the article. Note that what Dienekes Pontikos quotes on his site is only a portion of the article, and this is done to make it seem, to the unsuspecting reader, as though it pertains to the Greek study, or to Arnaiz-Villena's methodology in general, which it most certainly does not; if the scientists truly had a problem with the Greek study, they would have written specifically about it, and if they truly had a problem with Arnaiz-Villena's methodology in all his studies, they would have written about that. They didn't, and to reiterate, their comments about the Palestinian/Jewish study are invalid, and this will be explained below. This deception is also found on Racial Reality's own site, and he has added it to Wikipedia's article on admixture in Europe, calling it the "Arnaiz-Villena Controversy." Note also that there is no controversy in the scientific community over the study on Greeks at all; such controversy exists only in the minds of the two aforementioned southern European White Nationalists. I have made requests to have the misinformation removed from Wiki, but it hasn't happened yet. Racial Reality dodges the bullet by rewording it slightly, while still saying essentially the same thing. So, I have given up. Dear Reader, please take what you find on Wiki with several grains of salt; it is notorious for falsification, and I frankly don't think this problem will ever be resolved:
Quote: Nature 415, 115 (10 January 2002); doi:10.1038/415115b
Dropped genetics paper lacked scientific merit
Sir – Even though the controversial withdrawal of a paper on the genetic relatedness of Palestinians and Jews by the journal Human Immunology (see Nature 414, 382; 2001) is a minor episode compared with the tragedies caused by ethnic/religious conflicts over past decades, the issues involved are worth revisiting.
The stated purpose of the paper by Antonio Arnaiz-Villena et al. was to "examine the genetic relationships between the Palestinians and their neighbours (particularly the Jews) in order to: (1) discover the Palestinian origins, and (2) explain the historic basis of the present ... conflict between Palestinians and other Muslim countries with Israelite Jews".
They conclude: "Jews and Palestinians share a very similar HLA genetic pool that supports a common ancient Canaanite origin. Therefore, the origin of the long-lasting Jewish–Palestinian hostility is the fight for land in ancient times."
It is difficult to believe that knowledge of genes may help to explain the present conflict. Although population genetics can address issues of relatedness of populations, mating patterns, migrations and so on, obviously it cannot provide evidence about reasons for conflicts between people.
Our primary concern, however, is that the authors might be perceived to have been discriminated against for political, as opposed to legitimate scientific, reasons.
Even a cursory look at the paper's diagrams and trees immediately indicates that the authors make some extraordinary claims. They used a single genetic marker, HLA DRB1, for their analysis to construct a genealogical tree and map of 28 populations from Europe, the Middle East, Africa and Japan. Using results from the analysis of a single marker, particularly one likely to have undergone selection, for the purpose of reconstructing genealogies is unreliable and unacceptable practice in population genetics.
The limitations are made evident by the authors' extraordinary observations that Greeks are very similar to Ethiopians and east Africans but very distant from other south Europeans; and that the Japanese are nearly identical to west and south Africans. It is surprising that the authors were not puzzled by these anomalous results, which contradict history, geography, anthropology and all prior population-genetic studies of these groups. Surely the ordinary process of refereeing would have saved the field from this dispute.
We believe that the paper should have been refused for publication on the simple grounds that it lacked scientific merit.
Neil Risch Department of Genetics, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, California 94305, USA
Alberto Piazza Department of Genetics, Biology and Biochemistry, University of Torino, Via Santena 19, 10126 Torino, Italy
L. Luca Cavalli-Sforza Department of Genetics, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, California 94305, USA
It is clear that the three above scientists are catering to popular political sentiments, and that is a damned shame. Let's examine what they say:
Three Scientists wrote: Even a cursory look at the paper's diagrams and trees immediately indicates that the authors make some extraordinary claims. They used a single genetic marker, HLA DRB1, for their analysis to construct a genealogical tree and map of 28 populations from Europe, the Middle East, Africa and Japan. Using results from the analysis of a single marker, particularly one likely to have undergone selection, for the purpose of reconstructing genealogies is unreliable and unacceptable practice in population genetics.
The DRB1 locus is apparently a good one to research, since it is used quite often by different researchers. It may only be one locus, but a relationship between populations at even one locus is still a relationship. Arnaiz-Villena, et al., say data obtained by using this locus is informative and discriminating, indeed more discriminating than data from mtDNA and Y-chromosomes. However, Arnaiz-Villena et al. always use other loci in addition to DRB1, and draw conclusions from all the data. So, the claim that conclusions are drawn from testing one locus (even though it is a good one) is false and a straw-man argument.
The claim the locus is under selection is vague and indefinite. Which alleles are under selection at this locus? There is no information stating that any of the ones tested are. Are all alleles found at this locus under selection? There isn't enough information to regard this seriously.
At any rate, selection plays no role in the Arnaiz-Villena studies, since the frequency of the alleles are not being used to estimate level of admixture. For example, no one is saying that allele from Population B exists in Population A at a rate of 4%, therefore there is admixture of Population B into Population A at a rate of 4%. This is the only case selection can have an adverse effect, because if an allele is expanded due to its being beneficial, its rate in a population will likely exceed the true admixture rate. If one is calculating admixture rate, one is likely to get inflated results.
However, the mere presence of any allele specific to one population in another cannot occur by any other means than admixture. Selection can never cause the presence of such an allele.
The study we are dealing with here, the one on Palestinian / Jewish relatedness, apparently included calculations of genetic distances at the DRB1 locus. Genetic distances are calculated by comparing the frequencies of alleles in various populations. The aim of calculating genetic distances is to determine relatedness of populations. Again, alleles under selection would have no effect on calculating relatedness, only on calculating level of admixture. If a certain foreign allele is introduced into a given population and becomes very beneficial in it, it causes those with the allele to survive, at the expense of those who don't have it. Eventually, many people will have this allele, even though it may have been introduced via a very small admixing population. However, as people without the allele die off, and those with it increase in number, it follows that the relatedness of the population to the population from which the beneficial allele came increases, of course, without the admixture increasing. Therefore, a calculation of genetic relatedness would reflect this elevated relatedness, without revealing true admixture. But if one is only calculating relatedness, it is not a problem and is quite accurate. This is precisely what Arnaiz-Villena, et al. are doing in this and their other studies.
The "DRB1 locus is under selection" attempt to discredit the study goes out the window.
Interestingly, Y-chromosome and mtDNA analysis is essentially the same as using a single HLA locus with its respective alleles, as mentioned to me by Dr. Arnaiz-Villena in private correspondence. Even more interestingly, Y Chromosomes and mtDNA are also subject to selection, since they are linked to diseases. Yet these are frequently used to calculate admixture estimates, and no one seems to complain:
Arnaiz-Villena, et al., in 'Population genetic relationships between Mediterranean populations determined by HLA allele distribution and a historic perspective' (abstract below) wrote: Other molecular markers, like mtDNA and Y Chr. are widely used for this type of research. They are also subject to selection since they are linked to diseases [...].
At any rate, the role selection plays is not necessarily significant in all cases, according a geneticist I recently spoke to. He explained that the four west African strains of HbS, which are definite indicators of sub-Saharan admixture when found elsewhere, are beneficial to those with malaria, and so selection would increase the frequency of the gene in malarial areas without the admixture increasing. However, in places like Sicily and southern Italy, the frequency of the HbS gene is still quite low, and generally not significantly different from estimates of African admixture using mtDNA, Y-chromosomes, or autosomal genes.
Let's face it: genetecists aren't going to use a marker or locus that isn't reliable. Period. To reiterate, Dr. Arnaiz-Villena has pointed out (in private correspondence) that HLA DRB1 is more discriminating than mtDNA or Y-chromosomes are.
Continuing with the dissection of the three scientists' article:
Three Scentists wrote: The limitations are made evident by the authors' extraordinary observations that Greeks are very similar to Ethiopians and east Africans but very distant from other south Europeans;
Indeed, as shown by the neighbor-joining dendogram and correspondence analysis at the DRB1 locus shown in this Palestinian/Israeli study, Greeks are closely related to sub-Saharans. This is beyond question or challenge. This does not necessarily mean that overall, Greeks and sub-Saharans are similar. But a close relationship at even only one locus (already shown so far by two distinct methods of analyzing that locus) shows that admixture occurred. However, apparently the three scientists decided to ignore the actual study on Greeks (abstract & link below), because that study shows a relatedness in the samples between Greeks and sub-Saharans using several methods (including two ways of analyzing another locus entirely -- DQ), not just the neighbor-joining dendogram and correspondence analysis of DRB1 shown in the study on Palestinians and Jews, although those would certainly be sufficient; indeed, either one at the DRB1 locus alone would be sufficient. (This deliberate negligence on the part of the three scientists isn't surprising, because, as mentioned above, they criticized the basing of the main conclusions in the Israeli/Palestinian study -- that Palestinians and Israelis are related -- on only the DRB1 locus; this was most certainly not the case, since other loci were tested, and the conclusions were based on the similarities of all results.) Most convincingly, in the actual Greek study, several sub-Saharan-specific alleles were clearly found in the Greek population at the DRB1 locus when a direct search for alleles was undertaken. There is absolutely no getting around this. Sub-Saharan alleles could not be present in the Greek population without admixture having occurred. Anyone with the slightest knowledge of genetics and an ounce of common sense can see this. Alleles specific to one population do not appear in another by magic; only by admixture (as stated above).
Three Scientists wrote: and that the Japanese are nearly identical to west and south Africans.
Firstly, according to another study, HLA Genes in Arabic-speaking Morrocans, the scientists (including Arnaiz-Villena) create what is definitely a similar tree to the one in the retracted study, and never mention that Japanese are related to sub-Saharan Africans, only that they are outliers together (along with Greeks, who really do have a relationship with sub-Saharans):
Quote: Greeks are almost outliers together with Japanese and San (Bushmen).. . In fact, a gradient from Western (both African and European) to Middle Eastern Mediterraneans is observed, placing distinctly Greeks, Japanese and San (Bushmen) as outliers.
Three Scientists wrote: It is surprising that the authors were not puzzled by these anomalous results, which contradict history, geography, anthropology and all prior population-genetic studies of these groups.
Often, genetics will reveal something we didn't previously know about a population. This isn't so puzzling. In fact, it happens all the time, on both individual and populational levels. But in the case of the Greeks having sub-Saharan admixture and Jews / Palestinians being related, the studies are in concord with others. There will be more on the Greek study itself below. It is only being mentioned here because of the cross-referenced data in the study on Palestinians and Jews.
Three Scientists wrote: Surely the ordinary process of refereeing would have saved the field from this dispute.
This is a very silly and ignorant thing to say, since, as mentioned above, all studies must pass peer review before being published in scientific journals. As mentioned, the study on Palestinians and Jews passed peer review, proving it contained no glaring scientific errors, contrary to what the three scientists who wrote to Nature want us to believe.
An e-mail reply to my query to one of the three claiming a scientific weakness for the study is as follows:
One of the three scientists, in an e-mail reply wrote: Thanks for writing. I was rather surprised by the following statement in the article you recommend that I read : 'If Arnaiz-Villena had found evidence that Jewish people were genetically very special, instead of ordinary, you can be sure no one would have objected to the phrases he used in his article”. I am not a Jew, but I have great respect for them, and I don’t think they are so ordinary, but I am one of those few geneticists that look at culture rather than genes. I am also scared by the amount of antisemitism I see around. Is the sentence above another bit of it? If so, it is better to not spread it around. The Arnaiz article was refused on the basis of a mistake made by Arnaiz Villena or his colleagues that introduced into a scientific article politics about a very sad conflict that has been going on for decades now, and that we would all like to come to a reasonable end as soon as possible, ideally one dignified for both sides. Arnaiz apologized, and so I suppose he has been forgiven for it and I am not sure the issue deserves continuing comment.
Quite surprising and revealing, isn't it? The scientist, who confirms the retraction of the study was political, actually thinks culture should be included in genetic investigations. Doing this can certainly prevent one from learning the truth about a population's genetic structure, since given genes do not necessarily correspond to a given culture. I must confess I am quite disappointed in this well-respected scientist, and will henceforth be somewhat wary of his work.
As mentioned above, that the study passed peer review shows nothing was wrong with it. This, together with the facts that: the study was indeed not pulled for scientific reasons; that no other scientists complained about the study scientifically; that no other scientists complained about other similar studies employing the DRB1 locus; and that the three scientists themselves complained about no other similar studies using the DRB1 locus, helps to show the study is scientifically sound. The fact that other scientists had written in to support Arnaiz-Villena after the retraction, further proves the study's validity:
Observer wrote: In the wake of the journal's actions, and claims of mass protests about the article, several scientists have now written to the society to support Arnaiz-Villena and to protest about their heavy-handedness.
One of them said: 'If Arnaiz-Villena had found evidence that Jewish people were genetically very special, instead of ordinary, you can be sure no one would have objected to the phrases he used in his article. This is a very sad business.'
Sad business, indeed. Interestingly, the scientist who wrote the e-mail reply above thinks the above quote is Anti-Semitic, and should not be spread around. It is not, and is simply factual. This would equally apply to any other group (or individual) else with an ideological interest in the outcome of a genetics study.
So, to summarize, the study on the relatedness of Jews and Palestinians is perfectly valid from a scientific standpoint. The retraction was for political reasons, and the supposedly scientific objections by a few scientists are easily taken apart, and indeed are merely disguised attempts to show their dislike of the study for political reasons only.
Now, it is time to move on to the study on the Greeks, which is called HLA genes in Macedonians and the sub-Saharan origin of the Greeks. Again, keep in mind that this study has not been retracted or challenged.
Quote: Tissue Antigens. 2001 Feb;57(2):118-27. Related Articles, Links
HLA genes in Macedonians and the sub-Saharan origin of the Greeks.
Arnaiz-Villena A, Dimitroski K, Pacho A, Moscoso J, Gomez-Casado E, Silvera-Redondo C, Varela P, Blagoevska M, Zdravkovska V, Martinez-Laso J.
Department of Immunology and Molecular Biology, H. 12 de Octubre, Universidad Complutense, Madrid, Spain.
HLA alleles have been determined in individuals from the Republic of Macedonia by DNA typing and sequencing. HLA-A, -B, -DR, -DQ allele frequencies and extended haplotypes have been for the first time determined and the results compared to those of other Mediterraneans, particularly with their neighbouring Greeks. Genetic distances, neighbor-joining dendrograms and correspondence analysis have been performed. The following conclusions have been reached: 1) Macedonians belong to the "older" Mediterranean substratum, like Iberians (including Basques), North Africans, Italians, French, Cretans, Jews, Lebanese, Turks (Anatolians), Armenians and Iranians, 2) Macedonians are not related with geographically close Greeks, who do not belong to the "older" Mediterranenan substratum, 3) Greeks are found to have a substantial relatedness to sub-Saharan (Ethiopian) people, which separate them from other Mediterranean groups. Both Greeks and Ethiopians share quasi-specific DRB1 alleles, such as *0305, *0307, *0411, *0413, *0416, *0417, *0420, *1110, *1112, *1304 and *1310. Genetic distances are closer between Greeks and Ethiopian/sub-Saharan groups than to any other Mediterranean group and finally Greeks cluster with Ethiopians/sub-Saharans in both neighbour joining dendrograms and correspondence analyses. The time period when these relationships might have occurred was ancient but uncertain and might be related to the displacement of Egyptian-Ethiopian people living in pharaonic Egypt.
PMID: 11260506 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Here is the link to the full article of the above abstract:
The study found a clear relationship between Greeks and sub-Saharan populations. A neighbor-joining dendogram at the DRB1 locus shows this. Correspondence analyses using HLA-DRB1 allele frequencies data and low resolution HLA-DR and DQ (DQ, incidentally, is another locus) allele frequencies data support this. Genetic distances with HLA-DR and DQ generic typings support this. HLA-DRB1 genetic distance calculations support this. And finally, eleven DRB1 alleles were found to be shared by Greeks and sub-Saharans when a direct allele search was undertaken. These alleles, when not found in any real quantities in other populations geographically close to Greece, were searched for in other locations, and were found to exist mainly in Ethiopian and West African populations. Some are only found in Greeks and sub-Saharans, while a few are sporadically found in other populations, mainly around the Mediterranean (the Croatian island of Hvar and Lebanon) and Hungary. African ancestry in any of these populations should not be surprising. (Incidentally, two are found in Amerindians, who have been shown by other methods to have sub-Saharan admixture. One is found in Pacific peoples, who have also been shown to have low levels of sub-Saharan admixture by other methods.) This shows an introgression of sub-Saharan alleles into the Greek population. Again, the only way for alleles from one population to enter another one is by admixture. Selection cannot cause this. The DRB1 locus' being subject to selection has no bearing on these results (see above).
(It should also be noted that the idea put forth by one individual that the HLA alleles in question are Greek alleles and the sub-Saharan populations carrying them do so because of Greek admixture doesn't hold even a drop of water. This is because Greece's neighbours were tested for the alleles and were found not to have them to any significant degree. Since Greek colonists settled in many parts of the Mediterranean, if the alleles had been Greek in origin, they would be present in Greece's neighbours, like Italians, Turks, etc., at appreciable rates. Also, there is no historical evidence of significant Greek settlement in these sub-Saharan areas, particularly the West African ones. But there is indeed evidence of significant presence and settlement of sub-Saharans in Greece.)
Other tests that show other results should not surprise. There is another study, called High-resolution typing of HLA-DRB1 locus in the Macedonian population, by Petlichkovski, et al., 2004, which tests the same DRB1 locus and apparently doesn't report sub-Saharan material (see below on this), and finds Greeks to be similar to Macedonians and other southern Europeans (using genetic distance calculations). In the study itself (not in the abstract) the Arnaiz-Villena study is addressed, and it is mentioned that their results are not in agreement with those of Arnaiz-Villena, and the reasoning used is that the sampled populations were different. This makes perfect sense. The authors didn't try to discredit the Arnaiz-Villena study, which they couldn't do, anyway, because results are results. But isn't it strange that those with ideological investments in the purity of Greeks or other Mediterraneans who claim to object to the use of the DRB1 locus don't object to this study, and freely quote it, conveniently ignoring, of course, what is stated in boldface above? If that doesn't make things clear, nothing will! Incidentally, Racial Reality, who frequently berates those who don't look beyond abstracts into the studies themselves, should have taken his own advice in this case, as he is one of those who fraudulently quotes this study as "proof" of a lack of African ancestry in Greeks.
Petlichkovski, et al. wrote: The observed closest standard genetic distance between the studied Macedonian population and the Greek population (SGD = 2.777, GD = 6.35) is not in concord with that published by Arnaiz-Villena et al. (21), who point out the close genetic relatedness of the Macedonian population to that of the Cretans and to the great genetic distance between the Macedonians and the Greeks coming from Attica, Cyprus, and northern Greece. Papassavas et al. (22) reveal a significant decrease of both DRB1*1104 and *1601 allele frequencies in the Cretan population used for the genetic distance analysis by Arnaiz-Villena et al., compared to their results. Bearing in mind the differences in the allele frequencies in the Macedonians in our study and those in the study of Arnaiz-Villena et al., we believe that the discordance of the observations in both the studies investigating the HLA polymorphism is probably due to the selection of different subject populations.
Specifically, this sentence from the abstract is used by Greek white nationalists in an attempt to fraudulently "prove" there is no sub-Saharan admixture in Greeks (as if this could really be done, since the Arnaiz-Villena Greek study, amongst others, has shown conclusively the opposite) is as follows:
Petlichkovski, et al. wrote: The included African populations grouped on the opposite side of the tree.
The key word here is included, since the included African populations were not the sub-Saharan ones Arnaiz-Villena mentioned had a relationship with Greeks (Oromo, Amhara, Nuba, Fulani, Rimaibe, Mossi), but instead, were Egyptians, Moroccans, Algerians (all North Africans), and Mandenka (sub-Saharan, but from Senegal) -- populations which Arnaiz-Villena also found to be distant from Greeks. Quoting from inside the actual Petlichkovski study:
Petlichkovski, et al. wrote: As expected, the included African populations (Moroccans, Egyptians, Mandenka, and Algerians) were grouped on the opposite side of the tree.
As we can see, Pontikos and Racial Reality are distorting things once again!
Now it is time to address additional claims made by some that the words of M.A. Jobling, M.E. Hurles, and C. Tyler-Smith, from their book Human Evolutionary Genetics, Garland Publishing: New York, 2004 (as quoted by Greek Nationalist Dienekes Pontikos) somehow refute the Greek study (which they don't). Once again, we are being misled, since the study being referred to is the one on Palestinians and Jews, even though they specifically refer to the Greek correspondence analysis reproduced in it from the original Greek study. I have this textbook, and the only mentioning of Arnaiz-Villena in the references is with regard to the Palesinians/Jews study. I am keeping this discussion in the Greek section of this article, incidentally, since it deals with Greek data, despite its coming from the other study.
Jobling, et al. [according to Dienekes] write:
Quote: As an example, Figure 1.5 illustrates the arbitrariness of different possible population groupings based upon DNA sequence diversity at an HLA locus. Often an objective way to choose between different interpretations is not obvious (though objective methods are discussed later in this book), and in its absence, simple assertion often fills the vacuum.
Figure 1.5: Grouping populations – take your pick. Relationships between populations based on DNA sequence diversity data at the HLA-DRB1 locus, displayed as a correspondence analysis plot (similar to principal components analysis; see Chapter 6) in which clustered populations are genetically similar. (a) Populations, with names indicated; (b, c, d) Three alternative groupings of the populations (there are others). The grouping chosen by Arnaiz-Villena et al. (2001) is (d) (adduced as support for a sub-Saharan origin for the Greeks) but is essentially arbitrary. Why is it preferred to alternative groupings shown in (b) and (c)? If the population origins were unknown when the groupings were made, would it affect the outcome? Note that this locus is generally regarded as being under strong selection. Adapted from Arnaiz-Villena et al. (2001).[Q1]
Click here for larger version.
In actuality, Dienekes leaves out much of the text (surprise, surprise) so that the true reason of the inclusion of the correspondence analysis is not revealed, which is to show how different interpretations are often (not just with this diagram or this study) possible when it comes to results, with opposing camps going at it, as it were. Here is the full quote from that particular section, from pages 11-12:
In many fields, as time passes, opinion upon how data should be interpreted changes. Indeed, there are often differences in opinion about data interpretation at any one time. This is particularly true of genetic data on human diversity. Debates described in Chapters 8 and 10, on the origins of modern humans and the genetic impact of the spread of agriculture in Europe, illustrate this. Particular methods of analysis, with different underlying paradigms, can be adopted by opposing "camps" within a particular field, and reconciliation becomes difficult. Some methods for analyzing diversity data seem particularly open to different interpretations. As an example, Figure 1.5 illustrates the arbitrariness of different possible population groupings based upon DNA sequence diversity at an HLA locus. Often an objective way to choose between different interpretations is not obvious (though objective methods are discussed later in this book), and in its absence, simple assertion often fills the vacuum.
[the following is the caption under the correspondence analysis]
Figure 1.5: Grouping populations – take your pick. Relationships between populations based on DNA sequence diversity data at the HLA-DRB1 locus, displayed as a correspondence analysis plot (similar to principal components analysis; see Chapter 6) in which clustered populations are genetically similar. (a) Populations, with names indicated; (b, c, d) Three alternative groupings of the populations (there are others). The grouping chosen by Arnaiz-Villena et al. (2001) is (d) (adduced as support for a sub-Saharan origin for the Greeks) but is essentially arbitrary. Why is it preferred to alternative groupings shown in (b) and (c)? If the population origins were unknown when the groupings were made, would it affect the outcome? Note that this locus is generally regarded as being under strong selection. Adapted from Arnaiz-Villena et al. (2001).[Q1]
Let me reiterate that the correspondence analysis being questioned is the one that contains Greek data in the retracted (for political reasons) study on Palestinians on Jews, not anything from the actual Greek study, even though the correspondence analysis is identical. Jobling, et al. do not (and cannot) take issue with Arnaiz-Villena's findings of sub-Saharan alleles in the Greek population, as shown in the Greek study itself. The alleles don't lie. Also, they don't (and can't) question the fact that the population distances were closest between Greeks and sub-Saharans at that and another locus, as shown in the Greek study itself. This, too, does not lie. The issue of the DRB1 locus being under selection has been addressed above, and is a non-issue, since Arnaiz-Villena was not attempting to actually quantify sub-Saharan admixture in Greeks or influx of sub-Saharans to Greece; he merely points out that admixture occurred, and that it is more than just an infinitessimal amount, since in the Greek study itself genetic distances show closeness at a few loci, and since quite a few (eleven) sub-Saharan alleles at the DRB1 locus were reported in Greeks in that study.
Jobling, et al. are only using the Greek correspondence analysis in the Palestinians/Jews study to illustrate how groups are chosen in diagrams, and they mention that choosing them objectively is not always done. They use Arnaiz-Villena, et al. as an example because they feel that since A-V knew the population origins, it may have skewed their objectivity with regard to a single diagram based on the DRB1 locus (this is their opinion only, and by no means are they stating this is the only time elements of studies have been called into question by those who happen to have different opinions). As stated above, this correspondence analysis is but one of many methods A-V use to determine sub-Saharan admixture in Greeks in the actual Greek study itself. But Jobling, et al. themselves admit that the population origins were known beforehand, which proves they aren't questioning the Greek-sub-Saharan relatedness at all. They are only questioning the supposed non-objectivity of the population groupings of one correspondence analysis. (In the Greek study itself, as stated above, there is another correspondence analysis, using HLA-DR and DQ [another locus] allele frequencies data, that isn't mentioned at all by Jobling, et al., since they aren't addressing that study at all, yet it comes up with essentially the same results.) Jobling, et al. actually aren't specifically questioning the grouping of Greeks with sub-Saharans in the correspondence analysis under scrutiny, either, since one of the alternative groupings they show, (b), also does this. Furthermore, since Greeks and sub-Saharans cluster together in the charts, it makes sense to group them together. This part really isn't arbitrary, and there is nothing wrong with Arnaiz-Villena's grouping them together. This aside, the Jobling, et al. book, incidentally, is an excellent book, and I highly recommend it.
No one is saying Greeks are primarily sub-Saharan in their overall genetic makeup. They are Europeans, after all. But that sub-Saharan admixture has been shown to exist genetically in Greeks (here at the HLA level) should not arouse skepticism. In fact, owing to Greece's former empire and contact with Egypt and other parts of Africa during this time; the mingling of various peoples in Roman-era Greece; the same mingling of peoples of different ethnicities (including sub-Saharans) in Greece during the Turkish period; and Greece's geographical location near Africa, the finding of a relatedness between Greeks and sub-Saharans due to the former's absorption of the latter does not by any stretch of the imagination contradict geography and history.
Other studies using markers other than HLA have also found sub-Saharan genetic material in Greeks. This flatly contradicts the claim by Racial Reality and Pontikos that sub-Saharan admixture in Greeks is unsupported by other studies.
The study Clinal patterns of human Y chromosomal diversity in continental Italy and Greece are dominated by drift and founder effects finds sub-Saharan Y-haplogroup A in a sample of 27 Greeks from the island of Lesvos (Mitilini) (data in full study, not in abstract).
Also, the Benin-originating strain of the HbS (sickle-cell) marker (#19) is found in Greeks. It could only have gotten there through admixture, whether indirect (through North Africans, for example, as the authors of the study suggest) or direct (through the influx of sub-Saharans at various times in Greek history). Either way, the end result is irrefutable post-Diasporic sub-Saharan ancestry:
Quote: Hemoglobin. 1991;15(6):459-67. Related Articles, Links
The origin of the sickle mutation in Greece; evidence from beta S globin gene cluster polymorphisms.
Boussiou M, Loukopoulos D, Christakis J, Fessas P.
Unit for Prenatal Diagnosis, Laikon Hospital, Athens, Greece.
Study of the Hpa I polymorphism 3' to the beta-globin gene in the Greek population revealed absence of the site in 238 beta S chromosomes, in contrast to a much larger sample of chromosomes carrying the beta A gene, where this site was consistently positive. Subsequent haplotype analysis of the beta-globin gene cluster in 82 beta S chromosomes demonstrated that 79 (96%) belonged to haplotype #19, while the three exceptions (all Hpa I negative) could be explained by a delta-beta recombination event. Haplotype #19 was never encountered in a parallel study of the 83 beta A chromosomes. Comparison of the above results with similar surveys in other parts of the world and consideration of various historical events suggest that the beta S mutation was introduced into Greece over the last few centuries by the Saracen raids and/or by settlements of North African slaves brought in by the Arabs, Franks, Venetians, or Ottoman Turks, who have occupied the country over the last millennium.
PMID: 1687685 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Here is yet another study that finds a beta-thalassaemia allele specific to Africans in Greeks:
DNA haplotype heterogeneity of beta-thalassaemia in Greece: feasibility of prenatal diagnosis.
Athanassiadou A, Zarkadis I, Papahadjopoulou A, Maniatis GM.
We have carried out DNA haplotype analysis of 69 beta-thalassaemia patients in Greece and 42 of the parents using seven standard polymorphic sites. Our data show a high degree of heterogeneity of the chromosomal background in which beta-thalassaemia occurs in Greece, suggesting a high degree of heterogeneity in the beta-thalassaemia mutations involved. Haplotype I is found here to represent 45% of total beta-thalassaemia mutations detected, a proportion well below the 67% reported in earlier studies with Greek-American patients. Nine different haplotypes are detected and the ones carrying beta(+) mutations are the majority, including those which are linked to beta(+) mutations associated with a thalassaemia intermedia phenotype, and which constitute 11% of all haplotypes. One of these haplotypes (---- ) has never before been reported to occur in non-Africans, whether in beta thal or beta A chromosomes, and it is found here to be of African origin rather than the product of recombination. In 21 families haplotype analysis showed that prenatal diagnosis for a second child was feasible in 81% of the cases. Use of the AvaII-psi beta polymorphic site as well as the seven standard ones brought this proportion up to 90%.
PMID: 3620356 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
In addition, sub-Saharan Chromosome 7 markers have been found in Greeks. These Chromosome 7 markers are cystic fibrosis mutations that are specific to sub-Saharans; Greeks are the only Europeans in which these sub-Saharan mutations are found:
Quote: Tissue Antigens. 2002 Aug;60(2):111-21. Related Articles, Links
Population genetic relationships between Mediterranean populations determined by HLA allele distribution and a historic perspective.
Arnaiz-Villena A, Gomez-Casado E, Martinez-Laso J.
Department of Immunology and Molecular Biology, Universidad Complutense, Madrid, Spain.
HLA genes allele distribution has been studied in Mediterranean and sub-Saharan populations. Their relatedness has been tested by genetic distances, neighbour-joining dendrograms and correspondence analyses. The population genetic relationships have been compared with the history of the classical populations living in the area. A revision of the historic postulates would have to be undertaken, particularly in the cases when genetics and history are overtly discordant. HLA genomics shows that: 1) Greeks share an important part of their genetic pool with sub-Saharan Africans (Ethiopians and west Africans) also supported by Chr 7 Markers. The gene flow from Black Africa to Greece may have occurred in Pharaonic times or when Saharan people emigrated after the present hyperarid conditions were established (5000 years B.C.). 2) Turks (Anatolians) do not significantly differ from other Mediterraneans, indicating that while the Asians Turks carried out an invasion with cultural significance (language), it is not genetically detectable. 3) Kurds and Armenians are genetically very close to Turks and other Middle East populations. 4) There is no HLA genetic trace of the so called Aryan invasion, which has only been defined on doubtful linguistic bases. 5) Iberians, including Basques, are related to north-African Berbers. 6) Present-day Algerian and Moroccan urban and country people show an indistinguishable Berber HLA profile.
Publication Types: Historical Article
PMID: 12392505 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE
The above study is another by Arnaiz-Villena, using the data from his main study on Greeks. The information on the Chromosome 7 markers comes from Dork, et al., 1998. Here is the quote from inside the above Arnaiz-Villena study:
Quote: Other Negroid genes have also been found in Greeks. They are the only Caucasoid population who bears cystic fibrosis mutations typical of Black Africans (Chromosome 7). See Dork, et al. In Am. J. Hum. Genet., 1998: 63: 656-682.
Anthropologists, studying old remains of Greeks, sometimes found sub-Saharan-like individuals:
J. Lawrence Angel, in American Anthropologist, New Series, Vol. 74, No. 1/2 (Feb. - Apr., 1972) [review of Frank Snowden's "Blacks in Antiquity" book] reports:
Quote: In my own skeletal samples from Greece I note apparent negroid nose and mouth traits in two of fourteen Early Neolithic (sixth millenium B.C.), only two or three more among 364 from fifth to second millenium B.C., one among 113 Early Iron Age, one or two among 233 Classic and Hellenistic skeletons, but four clear Negroids (all from one area of Early Christian Corinth) among ninety-five Roman period, two among eighty-five Medieval, and of course ten among fifty-two Turkish period Greeks, yet none among 202 of Romantic (nineteenth century) date.
An interesting quote from Biological Relations of Egyptians and Eastern Mediterranean Populations during pre-dynastic and Dynastic Times, Journal of Human Evolution, 1972 (1) pp. 307-313:
Quote: Against this background of disease, movement and pedomorphic reduction off body size one can identify Negroid (Ethiopic or Bushmanoid?) traits of nose and prognathism appearing in Natufian latest hunters (McCown, 1939) and in Anatolian and Macedonian first farmers (Angel, 1972), probably from Nubia via the predecesors of the Badarians and Tasians [. . .]
Frank Snowden, who passed away in 2007 at age 96, had researched the presence of blacks in the ancient Greece from the standpoint of art and literature. His findings include:
Quote: Both the literary and archaeological evidence points to a not infrequent crossing between blacks and whites. Nothing in the observations on such unions, whether marriage or concubinage, resembles certain modern strictures on racial mixture.
Of course one reason for the color bar which recently existed in the West was the belief that it was race mixing which led to the collapse of Greek, Roman, and other civilizations. . . .
No laws in the Greco-Roman world prohibited unions of blacks and whites. Ethiopian blood was interfused with that of Greeks and Romans. No Greek or Roman author condemned such racial mixture. . . . The scientists Aristotle and Pliny, like Plutarch, commented as scientists on the physical appearance of those born of black-white racial mixture but included nothing resembling certain modern strictures on miscegenation. . . . It is safe to assume, therefore, that in course of time many Ethiopians were assimilated into a predominantly white population. (Blacks in Antiquity, 193-195)
With respect to the number of blacks in ancient Greece, Snowden states:
Quote: Even though we cannot state, in the manner of modern sociologists and historians,the ratio of Blacks to Whites in either Greece or Italy, we can say that Ethiopians were by no means few or rare sights and that their presence, whatever their numbers, constituted no color problem. (Blacks in Antiquity, 186)
Snowden also mentions:
Quote: Black-white sexual relations were never the cause of great emotional crises and many blacks were physically assimilated into the predominantly white populations of the Mediterranean world.
...the number of references to Ethiopians in Greek literature of the fifth century BC, on the appearance of mulatto children following the presence of blacks in Greece in the army of Xerxes, and on the many artistic representations of the mid- and late-fifth century BC reflecting this anthropological evolution.
It is worth clicking on his name above and reading the article. His two books, Blacks in Antiquity and Before Color Prejudice, are excellent works and are highly recommended. They do not contain Afrocentric drivel, and Snowden cites all his sources and makes logical conclusions. In fact, the Arnaiz-Villena study's results of Ethiopian alleles in the Greek population correlate to Snowden's research, since most of the sub-Saharans Snowden speaks of originated in the Ethiopian region. So, history is corroborated by genetics, and vice-versa. Even most of the specific geographical regions match up, e.g., the Athens area, Cyprus, Aegean Islands, etc.
Snowden has been studying this field since the 1940's, and wrote a few articles at that time. One is called The Negro in Ancient Greece and is available online in PDF form. (I have the original article, as well as The Negro in Classical Italy, and will soon scan them both in.)
Here is another Arnaiz-Villena study mentioning the Greek-sub-Saharan relatedness:
Quote: Hum Immunol. 2001 Sep;62(9):1051-61. Related Articles, Links
The correlation between languages and genes: the Usko-Mediterranean peoples.
Arnaiz-Villena A, Martinez-Laso J, Alonso-Garcia J.
Department of Immunology and Molecular Biology, H. 12 de Octubre, Universidad Complutense, 28041, Madrid, Spain.
The usko-Mediterraneans peoples are defined as ancient and present day populations that have lived in the Mediterranean/Middle-East/Caucasus area and have spoken a Basque related language. The present day existing populations show an HLA genetic relatedness which is more or less close according to geographical distance. The Greek sample is an outlying in all genetic analyses, because Greeks have a significant genetic input from sub-Saharan Ethiopians and Blacks. This probably occurred in Pharaonic times. Present day comparisons between genes and languages show a lack of correlation: Macedonian, Palestinians, Kurds, part of Berbers, Armenians, and Turks belong to the old Mediterranean substratum, but they do not speak a language included in the old Mediterranean Dene-Caucasian group. This is due to an "elite"-imposed culture and language. Other ethnic groups speak an "old Mediterranean language" or "usko-Mediterranean language" modified by Roman Latin (i.e., Spanish, Italians), or by other not fully explained processes (Jews). Therefore, the correlation between genes and languages may exist at a macrogeographical level, but not when more precise microgeographical studies are done, as shown in the present "usko-Mediterranean" peoples model.
PMID: 11543906 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
The following study was done by other scientists and confirms the relatedness of the Greeks to sub-Saharans by calculating genetic distances at the DRB1 locus (this study, incidentally, and the Petlichkovski (2004) study above, show that the Greek study is indeed cited by other scientists, and not merely northern European White Nationalists and Afrocentrists, contrary to what Racial Reality and Pontikos would have us believe; the fact that we site it here on our respectable site also disproves those claims, since we are a group who seek the truth and demand all sources):
Quote: Eur J Med Genet. 2006 January - February;49(1):43-56. Epub 2005 Feb 10. Related Articles, Links
HLA genes in Southern Tunisians (Ghannouch area) and their Relationship with other Mediterraneans.
Hajjej A, Hmida S, Kaabi H, Dridi A, Jridi A, El Gaa1ed A, Boukef K.
National Blood Transfusion Centre, Tunis, Tunisia.
South Tunisian HLA gene profile has studied for the first time. HLA-A, -B, -DRB1 and -DQB1 allele frequencies of Ghannouch have been compared with those of neighboring populations, other Mediterraneans and Sub-Saharans. Their relatedness has been tested by genetic distances, Neighbor-Joining dendrograms and correspondence analyses. Our HLA data show that both southern from Ghannouch and northern Tunisians are of a Berber substratum in spite of the successive incursions (particularly, the 7th-8th century A.D. Arab invasion) occurred in Tunisia. It is also the case of other North Africans and Iberians. This present study confirms the relatedness of Greeks to Sub-Saharan populations. This suggests that there was an admixture between the Greeks and Sub-Saharans probably during Pharaonic period or after natural catastrophes (dryness) occurred in Sahara.
PMID: 16473309 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
There is more. AncestryByDNA, using autosomal markers, mentions that the average Greek and Italian type with approximately 5% sub-Saharan genetic material. Even though in some cases with respect to certain population groups, for an individual, a low reading such as this may be negated by the confidence interval, in Greeks and Italians low levels of sub-Saharan admixture are consistenly found, making them signature results for these populations. This means they are not stastical "noise," but true results.
That Greeks have some sub-Saharan admixture isn't open to question. The HLA alleles and genetic distance calculations (and neighbor-joining dendograms and correspondence analyses) speak for themselves, as do the other sub-Saharan markers described above, along with the cranial and skeletal, as well as historic, data.
But there is even more.
Sub-Saharan-originating Y-group E-M78 (a derivative of sub-Saharan-originating E3b) is found at relatively high levels in Greeks (and some other Mediterraneans), which suggests, in addition to the more recent admixture, a very ancient sub-Saharan contribution to the Greek genepool (Semino, 2004 and Cruciani, 2004). The fact that the most prevalent form of E-M78 found in Greeks is a later, mainly local (Mediterranean) variation is irrelevant, since the parental E-M78 originated in eastern Africa, as did all of its ancestral markers. Various descendants of E3b, E-M78's ancestor, are shown to exist in many Mediterraneans in this study (though all are simply marked "E3b"), which also shows sub-Saharan Y-group A in Cypriots (although it isn't specified whether these are Greek or Turkish, so, perhaps it is a cross-section; Greek-identified Cypriots are far more numerous). East-African-Specific M1 has also been reported in Greeks (Richards, 2000 and supplementary data).
We rest our case. It must be remembered, this posting is not about "proving" Greeks are "really Black" because of a minor amount of sub-Saharan ancestry. This is about showing sub-Saharan admixture occurred in Greece, and this is evidenced by different kinds of genetic research and supported by history and anthropology. More importantly, it is about refuting fraudulent claims (by those with ideological investments in Greece's "Whiteness") that Arnaiz-Villena's Greek information is invalid or unsound, or that the study on Greeks has been refuted or retracted. Arnaiz-Villena's study on Greeks is perfectly sound scientifically, as are all of his others. And, despite that there are some geneticists (usually those who specialize in mtDNA or Y Chr.) who don't have much faith in HLA studies, there are a great deal of geneticists who find HLA to be a very reliable and discriminating tool for studying population relationships, and the number of studies employing HLA for this purpose are legion. Indeed, some of those who specialize in HLA find mtDNA and Y Chr. to be less reliable.
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
^ Unfortuantely Knowledge, your long winded post is all in vain.
Watch, the idiot will just say that E3b originated in Africa but among "caucasoids"! LOL It never fails.
quote:Originally posted by Djehuti: Okay, okay! I've finally caught up reading all the posts made since my absence...
And I must say, other than the usual utter humiliation of 'Debunked' I don't see the purpose continuing this thread, and especially engaging the idiot himself!
I mean, the moron's thesis was so ridiculous and contradicting from the start, it hardly requires any wordy debate or rebuttal since the claim is inconsistent and refutes itself!
Claim 1: The earliest modern humans (of Africa where they originate) are somehow "non-African" in appearance. LMAO I mean WTF is that?!!
And then..
Claim 2: Hofmeyer (a prehistoric South African) is somehow closer in affinity to modern Europeans than to modern Africans of the continent he was found. LOL
I mean is this guy serious?!!
Why or why??
Posted by Apocalypse (Member # 8587) on :
I found Knowledge's post to be very informative. Debunker is another question, but I didn't know myself that so many different studies found a relationship between Greeks and Africans.
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
^ Yes, and it just drives Dienekes and his lap dog 'Debunked' crazy, literally!! LOL
So they lie and make up all the dumbest excuses and reasons such as the Africans who carried E3b and other African genetic material were "cacasoid"! And other caca so-called theories like that.
Posted by Tyrann0saurus (Member # 3735) on :
Forgive me if this has already been addressed before, but what does that study Debunker is brandishing about as proof that Ethiopians are "62% non-black" really mean? What was its Ethiopian sample?
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by Apocalypse: I found Knowledge's post to be very informative. Debunker is another question, but I didn't know myself that so many different studies found a relationship between Greeks and Africans.
Yes there are at least 3 different sources of genetic information affirming Black African ancestry in Greeks, via autosomes, lineage chromosomes and HLA frequencies.
Equally important are the studies from physcial anthropology:
Journal of Human Evolution (1972) 1, 307 - 313 " can identify NEGROID traits of nose and prognathism appearing in natufian hunters (McCown, 1939) and in Anatolian and MACEDONIAN first farmers (Angel, 1972 - The People of Lerna: Analysis of a Prehistoric Aegean Population), probably FROM NUBIA.
^ Through cross disciplinary means we can clearly denote migrations of Africans into Europe, at the time when Europes native white population of hunter and gatherers - began to receive genetic and cultural inputs from non white peoples from Africa [Haplotype E] and Southwest Asia [Haplotype J].
It is this transition that is labeled the 'neolithic', literally new stone age.
This transition is at the very root of so called Western civilisation.
Understanding this, you can appreciate the near frantic desparation of Dienekes and dunce flunky Debunked.
This information is related in detail in this thread:
quote:but I didn't know myself that so many different studies found a relationship between Greeks and Africans.
Indeed, which makes these facts undeniable, no question about it, this gene flow happened.
Originally posted by Djehuti
quote:Yes, and it just drives Dienekes and his lap dog 'Debunked' crazy, literally!! LOL
So they lie and make up all the dumbest excuses and reasons such as the Africans who carried E3b and other African genetic material were "cacasoid"! And other caca so-called theories like that. [Big Grin]
Indeed, and which is why Debunked is trying to give Ethiopians some imaginary 62% membership in the genetic "Caucasoid" club. Lmao @ membership.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Tyr0 writes: Forgive me if this has already been addressed before, but what does that study Debunked is brandishing about really mean?
^ It means he has no answers and is trying to change the subject.
It means he's desparate for a sucker like you, who will follow him off topic.
quote:Originally posted by rasol: ^ Notice the frustrated babbling Eurocentric idiot again fails to answer any of our questions.
Instead he predictably *repeats his own stupid question* which was already answered. Nor does he address the answer, he just repeats the question - like a retarded child who refuses to accept any truth he doesn't like.
quote:They either share morphological patterns with contemporary Europeans or they don't.
^ Debunked agrees that they don't.
He has spent the last several days looking for a way to answer the question - if said features exist - then what are they?
But he has been unable to find and answer, or even fake one.
He can come to Egyptsearch begging for a hearing every day.
But as long as he has no answer to this question he will remain the debunked, caretaker, of a dead ideology.
Posted by Apocalypse (Member # 8587) on :
Rasol wrote:
quote:Yes there are at least 3 different sources of genetic information affirming Black African ancestry in Greeks, via autosomes, lineage chromosomes and HLA frequencies.
Equally important are the studies from physcial anthropology:
Journal of Human Evolution (1972) 1, 307 - 313 " can identify NEGROID traits of nose and prognathism appearing in natufian hunters (McCown, 1939) and in Anatolian and MACEDONIAN first farmers (Angel, 1972 - The People of Lerna: Analysis of a Prehistoric Aegean Population), probably FROM NUBIA.
Thanks for the info Rasol. This thread has been particularly useful as a pedagogic tool.
Posted by Debunker (Member # 15669) on :
========================================== REMEDIAL POPULATION GENETICS FOR AFRO-TARDS ==========================================
On the HLA DRB1 locus:
"Using results from the analysis of a single marker, particularly one likely to have undergone selection, for the purpose of reconstructing genealogies is unreliable and unacceptable practice in population genetics." -- Cavalli-Sforza et al. 2002
On HbS (sickle cell):
"Nevertheless, the degree of African admixture cannot be derived from the study of HbS frequency, since this gene was most likely expanded by the selective pressure of malaria, for a long time endemic to the region." -- Ragusa et al. 1992
On Y-chromosomes:
"Since the Y chromosome is a single locus it is possible that Y chromosome ancestry may not always reflect the ancestry of the rest of the genome." -- Peter A. Underhill
On AncestryByDNA:
"It is therefore important to consider whether these markers measure ancestry alone, or whether they also reflect shared environmental exposures (and thus are not always indicative of shared ancestry)." -- Bolnick et al. 2007
"Yet more autosomal studies are crucial for advancing the field of molecular anthropology: The 22 autosomes, after all, harbor the lion's share of polymorphisms. [...] What the autosomal genes get us is many more realizations of genes passing through history. If we look at enough of them we'll be able to get a good call on the true population history." -- Douglas Steinberg, 2000
On population STRUCTURE analysis:
"We describe a model-based clustering method for using multi-locus genotype data to infer population structure.... Individuals in the sample are assigned (probabilistically) to populations, or jointly to two or more populations if their genotypes indicate that they are admixed. [...] Applications of our method include demonstrating the presence of population structure, assigning individuals to populations, studying hybrid zones, and identifying migrants and admixed individuals. We show that the method can produce highly accurate assignments using modest numbers of loci." -- Pritchard et al. 2000
Posted by Debunker (Member # 15669) on :
I'm still waiting for an explanation of how the "Black E3b" hypothesis is compatible with this:
"For example, east African groups, such as Ethiopians and Somalis, have great genetic resemblance to Caucasians and are clearly intermediate between sub-Saharan Africans and Caucasians." -- Risch et al. 2002
"Notably, 62% of the Ethiopians fall in the first cluster, which encompasses the majority of the Jews, Norwegians and Armenians, indicating that placement of these individuals in a 'Black' cluster would be an inaccurate reflection of the genetic structure." -- Wilson et al. 2001
"In line with previous studies, there is low apparent diversity in Europe, with the entire continentwide sample only more marginally dispersed than single population samples from elsewhere in the world." -- Bauchet et al. 2007
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Debunked asks: Still waiting for and explanation of how the "Black E3b" hypothesis is compatible with "Ethiopians and Somalis"
^ This has already been answered: Because they *are* Black Africans.
If you admit that East Africans spread E3b to Greeks, and that East Africans are Black..... then what are you arguing over?
Apparently this.....
This present study confirms the relatedness of Greeks to Sub-Saharan populations. This suggests that there was an admixture between the Greeks and Sub-Saharan - 2006 Jan-Feb;49(1):43-56. Epub 2005 Feb 10.Related Articles, HLA genes in Southern Tunisians (Ghannouch area) and their relationship with other Mediterraneans.
^^^ And this:
E3b signifies migration from Africa to Eurasia - Cruciani/Underhill.
Debunked, please answer our question: Tell us where the Greeks get these genes - IF NOT BLACK AFRICA? Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Using results from the analysis of a single marker,is unreliable and unacceptable practice in population genetics. - Sforza
^ Really? Then why does Sforza do it?
^ Y-chromosome variation among Sudanese: by: Hisham Y Y Hassan, Peter A A Underhill, and Luca L L Cavalli-Sforza, Restricted gene flow, concordance with language, geography, and history.
^ As we see, Sforza *does indeed* study 'Y chromosome markers', and he uses them to reach conclusions about population history and gene flow in "concordance" with langauge, geography and history.
He just doesn't admit to study of Y chromosome -of Greeks, which appears to cause his underpants to bunch up.
Debunked: Why is that? Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
"Nevertheless, the degree of African admixture cannot be derived from the study of HbS frequency" ->
The above is irrelevant, as it does not address Benin haplotype, nor deny the fact that it's precense in Europe signifies the precense of admixture in Europe that -must- have originatesd from Africa - unlike your cluster charts, which only signify that you don't understand clustering.
I ask again:
Where does Europe's Benin autosome comes from - if not Africa. (??)
^ Try again.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:in line with previous studies, there is low apparent diversity in Europe
^ ...because Europes population is the product of recent and multiple bottlenecks.
This has no bearing on.....
"Europe shows a shorter distance from Africa than do all the other continents......The overall contributions from Asia and Africa were estimated to be around two-thirds and one-third, respectively. - L. Luca Cavalli-Sforza
^ If a Black African male from Tanzania carrying E3b, impregates a white European women from Greece bearing h1 mtdna, and she then has identical twins boys.....the following will be the result:
1) ....the genetic distance *between* the twins is ZERO. [definition of identical twin].
2) The paternal chromosome and all of it's genes, will be African.
3) The autosomes will show a random unpredictable mixture, the origin of most of which will be impossible to descern.
If you wish to deny their African admixture, you -might- attempt to show that Tanzanians- share a cluster - with the 1/2 African, 1/2 European twins, which they do not necessary share with South African Bantu.
This in no way implies that Tanzanians have ancestry from "mixed" twins [who have no progeny at all, and are not source of anyone elses genes] - obviously.
It's the other way around.
^ It's the twins that are mixed, and neither intra-twin genetic distance data nor pseudo-clustering can change that.
This is the case with mixed Europeans, and this is why you fail to find European genes widespread among Africans, but you can find African lineages widespread among Europeans.
Of course, you already know all of the above to be true.
Greeks are mixed, as their primary paternal lineage is African, *not* European.
You've tried and failed to confound this reality.
Now what?
Posted by Explorateur (Member # 14778) on :
Wonder if Debunker considers Buba Clan Lemba class carriers of Hg J uniparental marker as compliant to this nonsensical rationale: placement of these individuals in
a 'Black' cluster would be an inaccurate reflection of the genetic structure." -- Wilson et al. 2001
Are Buba Clan Priestly class carrying Hg J really "black"?
I've always thought that skin pigmentation dictates this trait; whatever happened to that concept?
Posted by Heru-(London's Finest) (Member # 11484) on :
Posted by Heru-(London's Finest) (Member # 11484) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasol: Greeks are mixed, as their primary paternal lineage is African, *not* European.
OF COURSE THEY ARE. Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
Still waiting for Debunked's evidence of prehistoric cacazoids of Ethiopia.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Originally posted by Djehuti: Still waiting for Debunked's evidence of prehistoric cacazoids of Ethiopia.
Still waiting for Debunked to provide any up to date evidence about ANYTHING, for that matter, and not just the pseudo non-academic outdated drivel he continues to present. Debunked still has failed to list the traits between Ancient Africans (Hofmeyr) and recent Europeans. I guess he's given up on that fantasy.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:Originally posted by Djehuti: Still waiting for Debunked's evidence of prehistoric cacazoids of Ethiopia.
you got some nerve bragging on debunked when you yourself got "debunked" on your anti-Egyptian pro-Jew BS! LOL
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
^ Uh, no I didn't. LOL I fail to see how refuting your nonsense that Israelite religion was somehow "stolen" from Egypt, as being "anti-Egyptian" or "pro-Israel". It just is. Unlike you I am not bias. So I am not anti anything except ignorance and stupidity such as yourself, and I am only pro knowledge and education.
Which is why, if you refuse to be educated in this forum, leave.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by Explorateur: Wonder if Debunked considers Buba Clan Lemba class carriers of Hg J uniparental marker as compliant to this nonsensical rationale
^ But, of course, you already know he does.....
Quoting Debunked: "accompanying maps group Lemba with or near "Caucasoid" populations, away from "Negroids."
Just like in high schools across America, the Negroes have flunked. They must repeat the course until they learn the material. A 'Course Summary' has been appended to help them.
========================================== REMEDIAL POPULATION GENETICS FOR AFRO-TARDS ==========================================
On the HLA DRB1 locus:
"Using results from the analysis of a single marker, particularly one likely to have undergone selection, for the purpose of reconstructing genealogies is unreliable and unacceptable practice in population genetics." -- Cavalli-Sforza et al. 2002
On HbS (sickle cell):
"Nevertheless, the degree of African admixture cannot be derived from the study of HbS frequency, since this gene was most likely expanded by the selective pressure of malaria, for a long time endemic to the region." -- Ragusa et al. 1992
On Y-chromosomes:
"Since the Y chromosome is a single locus it is possible that Y chromosome ancestry may not always reflect the ancestry of the rest of the genome." -- Peter A. Underhill
On AncestryByDNA:
"It is therefore important to consider whether these markers measure ancestry alone, or whether they also reflect shared environmental exposures (and thus are not always indicative of shared ancestry)." -- Bolnick et al. 2007
"Yet more autosomal studies are crucial for advancing the field of molecular anthropology: The 22 autosomes, after all, harbor the lion's share of polymorphisms. [...] What the autosomal genes get us is many more realizations of genes passing through history. If we look at enough of them we'll be able to get a good call on the true population history." -- Douglas Steinberg, 2000
On population STRUCTURE analysis:
"We describe a model-based clustering method for using multi-locus genotype data to infer population structure.... Individuals in the sample are assigned (probabilistically) to populations, or jointly to two or more populations if their genotypes indicate that they are admixed. [...] Applications of our method include demonstrating the presence of population structure, assigning individuals to populations, studying hybrid zones, and identifying migrants and admixed individuals. We show that the method can produce highly accurate assignments using modest numbers of loci." -- Pritchard et al. 2000
=============== COURSE SUMMARY ===============
1. Single-locus analyses and commercial DNA tests, which often utilize markers under strong selection, are antiquated and unreliable.
2. Genome-wide multi-locus analyses that use selectively neutral markers and get published in peer-reviewed journals are cutting edge and highly accurate.
3. Of all genetic testing methods, only STRUCTURE analysis is designed specifically to detect ancestry and quantify racial admixture.
Posted by Debunker (Member # 15669) on :
I'm still waiting for an explanation of how the "Black E3b" hypothesis is compatible with this:
"For example, east African groups, such as Ethiopians and Somalis, have great genetic resemblance to Caucasians and are clearly intermediate between sub-Saharan Africans and Caucasians." -- Risch et al. 2002
"Notably, 62% of the Ethiopians fall in the first cluster, which encompasses the majority of the Jews, Norwegians and Armenians, indicating that placement of these individuals in a 'Black' cluster would be an inaccurate reflection of the genetic structure." -- Wilson et al. 2001
"In line with previous studies, there is low apparent diversity in Europe, with the entire continentwide sample only more marginally dispersed than single population samples from elsewhere in the world." -- Bauchet et al. 2007
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ None of which answers the questions.
1) If the Greeks don't get these genes from Africa, then where do they get them from?
2) Can you name -ANY- features you believe ancient Africans like Hofmyer have in common with modern Europeans?
As usual you have no answers, and resort to troll-retard antics.
Stay Debunked. Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:In line with previous studies, there is low apparent diversity in Europe
^ Unfortunately this is *not* in-line with studies of paternal ancestry.
Greeks 24% African HAPLOTYPE E, 23% SouthWest Asian HAPLOTYPE J, less than 50% European R1b and I.
NorthWest Europe -> Over 90% European R1b and I, less than 2% African E.
Y Chromosome diversity of Greeks is high, they are less than 50% paternally European.
This diversity reflects all genes on the Y chromosome, both coding and 'neutral'....not just a single loci, so your excuses are a genetically illiterate joke.
Being afraid [or unable] to address African ancestry in Greeks, doesn't make it go away.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
" it is possible that Y chromosome ancestry may not always reflect the ancestry of the rest of the genome." "
" it is possible that Y chromosome ancestry may not always reflect the ancestry of the rest of the genome."
Has no bearing on....
Africans in Yorkshire? The deepest-rooting clade of the Y phylogeny within an English genealogy "We describe the presence of an hgA1 chromosome in an indigenous British male; comparison with African examples suggests a Western African origin. Seven out of 18 men carrying the same rare east-Yorkshire surname as the original male also carry Haplogroup A1" Posted by astenb (Member # 14524) on :
quote:Originally posted by Debunker: I'm still waiting for an explanation of how the "Black E3b" hypothesis is compatible with this:
"For example, east African groups, such as Ethiopians and Somalis, have great genetic resemblance to Caucasians and are clearly intermediate between sub-Saharan Africans and Caucasians." -- Risch et al. 2002
"Notably, 62% of the Ethiopians fall in the first cluster, which encompasses the majority of the Jews, Norwegians and Armenians, indicating that placement of these individuals in a 'Black' cluster would be an inaccurate reflection of the genetic structure." -- Wilson et al. 2001
"In line with previous studies, there is low apparent diversity in Europe, with the entire continentwide sample only more marginally dispersed than single population samples from elsewhere in the world." -- Bauchet et al. 2007
Debunked here is a question? Who would you be closest to genetically Your brother or your son.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Ahhhh come on, absolutely nothing new, debunked is just copy and pasting the same nonsense, without proving anything with it, just leaving it here to be debunked, only to return tomorrow and post the same exact nonsense again. It's complete repetitive drivel.
As Evergreen wrote
quote: Evergreen Writes:
Debunker's point is not to win a debate, it is to cast doubt (among Blacks) about "Afrocentrism". 12 pages to this're spinning you wheels.
^^^Debunked's main objective.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
Debunked simply can't answer the questions.
Anyone who credits any part of his stupidity is free to answer.
It's and open challenge....
quote:Originally posted by rasol: ^ None of which answers the questions.
1) If the Greeks don't get these genes from Africa, then where do they get them from?
2) Can you name -ANY- features you believe ancient Africans like Hofmyer have in common with modern Europeans?
As usual you have no answers, and resort to troll-retard antics.
Stay Debunked.
Posted by Debunker (Member # 15669) on :
Y-chromosomes are the past.
STRUCTURE analysis is the future.
You can't run away from it any longer . . .
"Applications of our method include demonstrating the presence of population structure, assigning individuals to populations, studying hybrid zones, and identifying migrants and admixed individuals. We show that the method can produce highly accurate assignments"
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Y -chromosomes are the past.
^ Tell that to your daddy whose y chromosome genes you inherit.... all of them.
It's a pretty lame excuse for your failure to address *CURRENT* studies->
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Structure analysis is the future
^ Hey dumb dumb.
Structure analaysis is a mode of analysis; the chromosomes you choose to study provide a means.
In other words - Y chromosome is also used in structure analysis.
Therefore "structure analysis" is also studied via Y chromosome.
I'm saying your comment above makes no sense.
You never make any sense.
You're a joke.
Use of Y Chromosome and Mitochondrial DNA Population Structure in Tracing Human Migrations
Annu. Rev. Genet. 2007. 41:539–64 "Y chromosome data show a signal for a separate late-Pleistocene migration from Africa to Europe over Sinai as evidenced through the distribution of haplogroup E3b lineages"
^ Try again.
Posted by Charlie Bass (Member # 10328) on :
quote:Originally posted by Debunker: I'm still waiting for an explanation of how the "Black E3b" hypothesis is compatible with this:
"For example, east African groups, such as Ethiopians and Somalis, have great genetic resemblance to Caucasians and are clearly intermediate between sub-Saharan Africans and Caucasians." -- Risch et al. 2002
Risch's study was *NOT* a genetic study and he quoted cavalli-Sforza out of context, for in his HGHG book, Cavalli-Sforza never made any such quote about "Ethiopians and Somalis".
quote:"Notably, 62% of the Ethiopians fall in the first cluster, which encompasses the majority of the Jews, Norwegians and Armenians, indicating that placement of these individuals in a 'Black' cluster would be an inaccurate reflection of the genetic structure." -- Wilson et al. 2001
Debunked, the bass has only let you continuously spam the same graphs and out of text quotes from Wilson et al's 2001 study for too damn long, this was already addressed by the Bass in 2005 when you spammed the same nonsense via copy and paste from Dienekes blog, so let the Bass once again post his[Wilson et al's] interpretation of *HIS OWN* study minus your distortions and lack of ability to properly read and understand studies you distortion, spam junkie:
quote:Dear Mr. Rigaud,
Thank you for your email. I am interested to know more about your project. What are its aims? Where are you reading Anthropology? Who is supervising you?
The link you provided is broken, but I presume it related to Table 2 of my paper where the proportion of Ethiopian ancestry lying in cluster A is given as 62%.
I am sure that the origin of non-Africans in East Africa is part of the reason for this finding, but it is also likely that more recent (within the last 20,000 years) gene flow across the Bab el Mandeb will contribute to this situation. The degree to which the 'mixed' ancestry is due to recent vs ancient mixing/separation could be estimated with series of genealogical genetic systems such as the Y chromosome, but not with lots of unlinked loci each of which gives very little gene genealogical information. Unfortunately we are not at that stage yet and there are still a large number of unsolved multifurcations even in the Y tree which pertain directly to this question. And the Y is only one genetic locus. There are also hints from mtDNA of course. It should eventually be able to take the lineages that we see in E Africa and dissect out those that are due to what I am calling recent (back-)migration (as they would descend from lineages originating outside Africa), we could probably identify those that provide evidence that E Africa is the homeland of non-Africans (those which are the closest in the gene tree to the non-African lineages, closer than all the other African lineages, and perhaps not found outside E Africa, or at least with much lower diversity) and finally the aboriginal African lineages which are found across Africa. As E Africa may also be the place where our species arose, there may also be a fourth type of lineage which would also be more diverse in East Africa, the deepest lineages of all, the first branches in the gene tree. This is an idealised situation and not all gene trees would show it but given enough of them we should begin to pick out whether this scenario or another represents our history.
It is a great shame that the human genome diversity panel does not include any samples from the horn of Africa, as we would probably then have seen the same pattern in Noah Rosenberg's Science paper using Structure. There are a number of areas around the world in which admixture has occurred in pre-Colombian times between indigenous populations, eg Island South East Asia and Central Asia, the Malagasy etc. Then of course the colonial legacy has left millions of much more recently admixed populations in the Americas and all over. But the horn of Africa and around is unique in that non-Africans descend from populations in this area. This is what makes this particular case of admixture very interesting.
I certainly did not intend to give anyone the impression that Ethipians were 62% "Caucasian" or somehow 'not black'. The entire point of the paper is to show that labels such as Caucasian and black do not reflect the underlying genetics very well and it is the underlying genetic structure that matters for things like drug response and disease susceptibility.
I hope this clarifies things for you. Don't hesitate to get in touch if I can be of further assistance. All best wishes, Jim
Charles Rigaud wrote:
> Hello Dr. Wilson, my name is Charles Rigaud and I'm an > anthropology student. I have some questions pertaining > to one of your genetic studies, "Population genetic > structure of variable drug response"(Nature Genetics > 29, 265 - 269 (2001). Based on this chart published in > your study > http/ , > were you giving readers the impression that Ethiopians > were 62% "Caucasian" or cluster with Caucasians[hence > not black]? Its well known from published studies that > non-Africans descend genetically from a subset of > Northeast Africans, could this be a reason for > Ethiopians having 62% of the cluster? I ask your > assistance and clarification on this issue. Thanks in > advance. > > > Best regards, > > > Charles Rigaud > > >
Debunked, your time is up, stop using genetic studies out of context to support your ill-conceived half baked agendas.
Posted by Charlie Bass (Member # 10328) on :
quote:Originally posted by Debunker: Y-chromosomes are the past.[7quote]
When Y-chromosones studies don't suit my agenda I'll try to slyly dismiss them by saying they're a thing of the past, eventhough I can quote no geneticists that makes this claim.
[QUOTE]STRUCTURE analysis is the future.
Structure is a computer program you idiot, not a genetic locus for study and the Structure program can be and has been employed for Y-chromosone and mtDNA studies. Don't believe it? Look here:
"The Y chromosome contains the largest nonrecombining block in the human genome and can be considered one of the most informative haplotyping systems, with applications in evolutionary population studies, forensics, medical genetics, and genealogical reconstruction."
Use of Y Chromosome and Mitochondrial DNA Population Structure in Tracing Human Migrations Peter A. Underhill1 and Toomas Kivisild2 Annu. Rev. Genet. 2007.41:539-564.
Now lets see your evidence from a geneticist that Y chromosones are a thing of the past and no more useful, times is ticking debunked, tick, tick.......
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
Charlie your on target destructions of debunked, almost make his stupid postings worthwhile.
This citation from the study he spams is priceless, as it says the EXACT OPPOSITE of what Debunked claims, and relates exactly as we have informed - throughout this thread:
The degree to which 'mixed' ancestry is due to recent vs ancient mixing/separation could be estimated with series of genealogical genetic systems such as the Y chromosome, but *not* with lots of unlinked loci each of which gives very little gene genealogical information.
^ Since this comes from the study debunked mis-cited, it adds further -if needed- evidence of both his stupidity, and blatant dishonesty.
Nice work Bass.
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
^ Ahh, and Stupid-Euro a.k.a. Debunked's humiliation continues. Just like the good ol' days.
Posted by Tyrann0saurus (Member # 3735) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasol: The degree to which 'mixed' ancestry is due to recent vs ancient mixing/separation could be estimated with series of genealogical genetic systems such as the Y chromosome, but *not* with lots of unlinked loci each of which gives very little gene genealogical information.
Flawless victory.
Posted by Tyrann0saurus (Member # 3735) on :
quote:Originally posted by Djehuti: Speaking of which, I'm sure you guys know that the poster 'phenelzine' is non other than Mathilda who is just as much a racist as she is a multiregionalist. Either that or one of her flunkies.
phenelzine is a flunkie; she talked to mathilda on one of her entries concenring Egyptsearch. I was originally going to link to the entry itself but I decided against it; you can find it by googling "mathilda anthropology egyptsearch".
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Originally posted by Tyrann0saurus: P.S.
quote:Originally posted by Djehuti: Speaking of which, I'm sure you guys know that the poster 'phenelzine' is non other than Mathilda who is just as much a racist as she is a multiregionalist. Either that or one of her flunkies.
phenelzine is a flunkie; she talked to mathilda on one of her entries concenring Egyptsearch. I was originally going to link to the entry itself but I decided against it; you can find it by googling "mathilda anthropology egyptsearch".
Lmao her title is, "So, I headed over to Egyptsearch"
But she forgot to complete her title.
Transation: So, I headed over to Egyptsearch...and I got debunked"
I left a comment on her blog recommending the change lol and the reason she was debunked, it's appending approval, hopefully she won't cower away from debate, hope she let's my post show.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ She's clearly a little intimidated. Her posts were passive aggressive trolls, as opposed to Debunked wild-minded trolling.
She will insinuate falsehood, but never say anything that can be thrown back into her face,.
Debunked will just say or do anything, he counts on repeating false claims with racist insults so he hopes you get tired of correcting them, or too offended by him to bother replying.
But we're patient, thick skinned, and clever enough to use him for or own purposes, so his antics don't work here.
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
^ I guess it's true then-- that this little ol' forum is stirring up alot people. LMAO
First Dienekes, then Nat Geo, now Mathilda, whose next??...
In the meantime, what are we going to do about our resident brood of trolls??
Posted by Debunker (Member # 15669) on :
quote:[Wilson et al's] interpretation of *HIS OWN* study
"I am sure that the origin of non-Africans in East Africa is part of the reason for this finding, but it is also likely that more recent (within the last 20,000 years) gene flow across the Bab el Mandeb will contribute to this situation. The degree to which the 'mixed' ancestry is due to recent vs ancient mixing/separation could be estimated with series of genealogical genetic systems such as the Y chromosome, but not with lots of unlinked loci each of which gives very little gene genealogical information."
Now I'll explain what he's saying, since it's obvious no one here has a clue:
First of all, he's confirming that Ethiopians are of mixed ancestry. That much is clear. He then goes on to point out that it's not possible to know from the data how much of the 62% Western Eurasian component is ancient (i.e. from OOA East Africans) and how much is recent (i.e. from Middle Easterners). Here, he suggests, is where looking at uniparentals might shed some light. When we do that, we see that Ethiopians have low frequencies of haplogroups with Eurasian origins, making substantial recent gene flow from the Near East unlikely. That leaves the first option, which is very bad news for you because it lends support to the theory of indigenous East African Caucasoids.
quote:"The Y chromosome contains the largest nonrecombining block in the human genome and can be considered one of the most informative haplotyping systems, with applications in evolutionary population studies, forensics, medical genetics, and genealogical reconstruction."
You're quoting out of context. That study is talking about using the genealogical information of uniparental markers as a tool to help interpret autosomal population structure -- like Wilson suggested in his email reply. The authors make clear that by itself this information is inadequate, and that the entire genome needs to be looked at when studying human genetic evolution:
"Well-resolved molecular gene trees illustrate the concept of descent with modification and exhibit the opposing processes of drift and migration, both of which influence population structure. Phylogenies of the maternally inherited mtDNA genome and the paternally inherited portion of the nonrecombining Y chromosome retain sequential records of the accumulation of genetic diversity. Although knowledge regarding the diversity of the entire human genome will be needed to completely characterize human genetic evolution, these uniparentally inherited loci are unique indicators of gender in modulating the extant population structure."
quote:Now lets see your evidence from a geneticist that Y chromosones are a thing of the past and no more useful
I've already posted plenty of evidence that uniparental markers are subject to drift and stochastic errors, accompanied by warnings that conclusions based on them need to be drawn with caution. Haplogroups are good if you're interested in geography and migratory routes, but if you're interested in race and admixture (as you obviously are), then you need to take a genome-wide, multi-locus approach, which is what STRUCTURE's admixture analysis does.
This brings us back to my question: Ethiopians' ancestry is largely Western Eurasian, and seemingly of indigenous origin. Sub-Saharan African admixture in Southern Europeans is close to zero. So how is all of this compatible with your "Black E3b" hypothesis?
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:I am sure that the origin of non-Africans in East Africa is part of the reason for this finding, but it is also likely that more recent (within the last 20,000 years) gene flow across the Bab el Mandeb will contribute to this situation. The degree to which the 'mixed' ancestry is due to recent vs ancient mixing/separation could be estimated with series of genealogical genetic systems such as the Y chromosome, but not with lots of unlinked loci each of which gives very little gene genealogical information." --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
quote:Now I'll explain what he's saying
^ Booooo, don't bother trying to destort any attempt to do so is easily refuted by directly quoting the author from above.
quote: He then goes on to point out that it's not possible to know from the data how much of the 62% Western Eurasian component is ancient (i.e. from OOA East Africans) and how much is recent (i.e. from Middle Easterners).
^ nope. He says: "I am sure that the origin of non-Africans in East Africa is part of the reason for this finding."
^ This pertains East African ancestry of non Africans...... not non African ancestry of East Africans, about which he makes no claims.
quote: Here, he suggests, is where looking at uniparentals might shed some light.
^ Nope.
He actually states that his study sheds very little light on the subject of ancestry: " lots of unlinked loci each of which gives very little gene genealogical information"
He states that Y chromosomes are more informative, this is completely contrary to your stupid claims....
"could be estimated with series of genealogical genetic systems such as the Y chromosome".
^ You're debunked again, and now making the usual fool of yourself, since you never can admit to being wrong.
Keep squirming.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Now I'll explain what he's saying, since it's obvious no one here has a clue:
First of all, he's confirming that Ethiopians are of mixed ancestry. That much is clear. He then goes on to point out that it's not possible to know from the data how much of the 62% Western Eurasian component is ancient (i.e. from OOA East Africans) and how much is recent (i.e. from Middle Easterners). Here, he suggests, is where looking at uniparentals might shed some light. When we do that, we see that Ethiopians have low frequencies of haplogroups with Eurasian origins, making substantial recent gene flow from the Near East unlikely. That leaves the first option, which is very bad news for you because it lends support to the theory of indigenous East African Caucasoids.
Let's dissect debunked poor misinterpretation.
quote: Question from Bass to Wilson: Its well known from published studies that > non-Africans descend genetically from a subset of > Northeast Africans, could this be a reason for > Ethiopians having 62% of the cluster?
quote: Answer from Wilson to Bass confirming his assumption/question: "I am sure that the origin of non-Africans in East Africa is part of the reason for this finding"
What is being said here by Wilson is he agrees to the fact that the origin of Non-Africans, is in East Africa, is part of the reason for the finding, and not that East Africans have non African origins, you nincompoop.
Sorry kid but this following quote stands strong and knocks you back down a few pegs from where you began and will always remain.
quote:Wilson et al.
The degree to which the 'mixed' ancestry is due to recent vs ancient mixing/separation could be estimated with series of genealogical genetic systems such as the Y chromosome, but not with lots of unlinked loci each of which gives very little gene genealogical information."
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ Which takes us back to the topic of the thread.
African Y chromosomes in Greeks....
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:In line with previous studies, there is low apparent diversity in Europe
^ Unfortunately this is *not* in-line with studies of paternal ancestry.
Greeks 24% African HAPLOTYPE E, 23% SouthWest Asian HAPLOTYPE J, less than 50% European R1b and I.
NorthWest Europe -> Over 90% European R1b and I, less than 2% African E.
Y Chromosome diversity of Greeks is high, they are less than 50% paternally European.
This diversity reflects all genes on the Y chromosome, both coding and 'neutral'....not just a single loci, so your excuses are a genetically illiterate joke.
Being afraid [or unable] to address African ancestry in Greeks, doesn't make it go away.
^ What's taking so long, debunked?
Posted by Charlie Bass (Member # 10328) on :
quote:Originally posted by Debunker: Now I'll explain what he's saying, since it's obvious no one here has a clue:8/quote]
No one here needs your interpretation, you don't even know what "Eurasian Adam" entails.
[quote]First of all, he's confirming that Ethiopians are of mixed ancestry. That much is clear. He then goes on to point out that it's not possible to know from the data how much of the 62% Western Eurasian component is ancient (i.e. from OOA East Africans) and how much is recent (i.e. from Middle Easterners).
Wrong, he makes no such claims, you lack reading comprehension or either you take everyone here to be a fool. He stated that he is sure that the origin of non-Afrricans in East Africa is part of the reason for this finding, he makes no statement about ancient and recent "Eurasian" ancestry. Actually what he said was well in accordance with what Sara Tishkoff said years ago:
These studies suggest a recent and primary subdivision between African and non-African populations, high levels of divergence among African populations, and a recent shared common ancestry of non-African populations, from a population originating in Africa. The intermediate position, between African and non-African populations, that the Ethiopian Jews and Somalis occupy in the PCA plot also has been observed in other genetic studies (Ritte et al. 1993; Passarino et al. 1998) and could be due either to shared common ancestry or to recent gene flow. The fact that the Ethiopians and Somalis have a subset of the sub-Saharan African haplotype diversity and that the non-African populations have a subset of the diversity present in Ethiopians and Somalis makes simple-admixture models less likely; rather, these observations support the hypothesis proposed by other nuclear-genetic studies (Tishkoff et al. 1996a, 1998a, 1998b; Kidd et al. 1998) that populations in northeastern Africa may have diverged from those in the rest of sub-Saharan Africa early in the history of modern African populations and that a subset of this northeastern-African population migrated out of Africa and populated the rest of the globe. These conclusions are supported by recent mtDNA analysis (Quintana-Murci et al. 1999).
[Tishkoff et al. (2000) Short Tandem-Repeat Polymorphism/Alu Haplotype Variation at the PLAT Locus: Implications for Modern Human Origins. Am J Hum Genet; 67:901-925]
There has been some backflow to East Africa during the Neolithic but from Wilson et al's study using non-sex linked loci no one can tell how much is due to recent share common ancestry from East Africa and or how much is due to recent back migration, thats why your stating that Ethiopians are 62% "Caucasian" is unsupported agenda babble.
quote: Here, he suggests, is where looking at uniparentals might shed some light. When we do that, we see that Ethiopians have low frequencies of haplogroups with Eurasian origins, making substantial recent gene flow from the Near East unlikely.
Which is what we at egyptseach have been saying but your brain is still in blackout drive to the obvious so below we see that you are further twisting and tapdancing.
quote: That leaves the first option, which is very bad news for you because it lends support to the theory of indigenous East African Caucasoids.
LMAO, really? Explain this:
quote:Tanzania, Ethiopia origin for humans By Paul Rincon New DNA evidence suggests "African Eve", the 150,000-year-old female ancestor of every person on Earth, may have lived in Tanzania or Ethiopia.
A genetic study has shown that the oldest known human DNA lineages are those of East Africans. The most ancient populations include the Sandawe, Burunge, Gorowaa and Datog people who live in Tanzania.
Researchers found a very high amount of genetic variation, or diversity, between the mitochondrial DNA of different individuals in these populations.
Mitochondrial DNA is passed down exclusively through the maternal line. The longer a population has existed, the more variation accumulates in its DNA lineages.
"They are showing really deep, old lineages with lots of diversity. They appear to be the oldest lineages identified in Africa to date," said Dr Sarah Tishkoff, of the University of Maryland, US, who led the research.
Great resource
The so-called African Eve represents the ancestral mitochondrial genome that gave rise to all the different types seen in people today.
Several of the ethnic groups sampled in the study also live in countries surrounding Tanzania.
"It's entirely consistent with what we expected," said Dr Spencer Wells, a geneticist and author. "All the evidence is pointing to East Africa as the cradle of humanity."
Dr Wells added that the data ties in well with archaeological evidence of a long occupation of East Africa by modern humans and hominids.
But Professor Ulf Gyllensten, a molecular biologist at the University of Uppsala, Sweden, was cautious about claims that the oldest DNA lineages were confined to East Africa.
"I wouldn't be surprised if Dr Tishkoff has found old lineages there, but I think we're just skimming the surface," he said.
"Too little research has been done in Africa to get a clear picture. I don't know why, because it's clear there is a great resource of genetic diversity there," added Professor Gyllensten.
'Click' language
Dr Tishkoff's team have collected mitochondrial DNA samples from 1,000 Tanzanians since they began their research in 2001.
Although the data comes from groups living in Tanzania, the Burunge and Gorowaa migrated to Tanzania from Ethiopia within the last 5,000 years.
SEARCH FOR HUMAN ORIGINS " The handaxe, which was discovered at an archaeological site in northern Spain, may represent the first funeral rite by human beings "
Dr Tishkoff said Ethiopia was also a good candidate for the region where modern humans evolved.
One of the populations sampled in the study, the Sandawe, speak a "click" language like that of Khoisan people from southern Africa.
The Khoisan were previously thought to possess the oldest DNA lineages, but those of the Sandawe are older. This suggests southern Khoisan originated in East Africa, according to Dr Tishkoff.
"That is surprising, because it has been presumed that the oldest populations were in the south," said Professor Gyllensten. Some of the oldest modern human archaeological sites in Africa are in the south of the continent.
quote:This brings us back to my question: Ethiopians' ancestry is largely Western Eurasian, and seemingly of indigenous origin.
No it isn't dummy, you even admitted this yourself above and their ancestry isn't "indigenous West Eurasian", LMAO, you're outdoing yourself in the stupidity department. The truth is eating you alive and when faced with the best you can do is further distort it and take it out of context?
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote: Wilson et al: "I am sure that the origin of non-Africans in East Africa is part of the reason for this finding,"
From the above quote debunked came to the below conclusion, which he called the "first option". Lmaooooo
quote:That leaves the first option, which is very bad news for you because it lends support to the theory of indigenous East African Caucasoids
^^^^^ ha ha ha this kid is crazy. I'm dying to know how he came to this conclusion, then has the audacity to mention reading and comprehension. Debunked is going to start another erroneous E3b East African Caucasoid thread, due to the idiotic misinterpretation.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
Debunkeds 'conclusions' only consist of the best lie he can tell to get him from one post to the next.
again...never think you are debating propagandists.
never try to 'convince' them.
just expose them - and so make them resort to ever more baldfaced lying.
Hey Debunked....scroll up the thread, and answer my questions please.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:The Bass writes:, [Debunked] The truth is eating you alive and when faced with the best you can do is further distort it and take it out of context?
^ Exact and to the point.
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
^ LMAO @ Debunked's incessant desperate distortions and lies!
Only his crazy ass would distort Rincon's study as proofe of "Indigenous Caucasoids of Africa"! LOL Posted by KING (Member # 9422) on :
I'm reading this thread, but I don't believe it. how can someone get so throughly schooled on a subject continue to post even when we have the words of one of the scholars who did the study in question. For some reason this is not good enough. Debunked will instead give his interpretation as if his words trump all.
I am beginning to see that this person debunked is not hear to win an arguement but to just try and confuse the issue. Why work so hard to post lies that you know is going to get hammerd and refuted faster than he can repost. It is almost embarassingly sad. So desperate to keep Europe "pure".
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
^ Indeed. King, my dear boy, you apparently don't understand that trolls like Debunked suffer from serious neuroses. As such, they are totally irrational and illogical. You're basically dealing with a lunatic here, so of course we don't take him seriously at all. As Rasol says, we merely use him for our own purposes of education in this forum.
Posted by Debunker (Member # 15669) on :
quote:[Wilson] stated that he is sure that the origin of non-Afrricans in East Africa is part of the reason for this finding
And what's the finding, dumb dumb? It's that Ethiopians share 62% of their genome with Norwegians. So either Ethiopians are significantly Caucasoid, or Norwegians are entirely Black African? Are Norwegians part of your 'black family' now too?
Wilson, in his peer-reviewed, published interpretation, leaves no doubt as to which position he holds:
"...placement of [Ethiopians] in a 'Black' cluster would be an inaccurate reflection of the genetic structure"
And Neil Risch, Esteban Burchard, Elad Ziv and Hua Tang are in complete agreement:
"The one population in [Wilson's] analysis that was seemingly not clearly classified on continental grounds was the Ethiopians, who clustered more into the Caucasian group."
quote:TISHKOFF: "The intermediate position, between African and non-African populations, that the Ethiopian Jews and Somalis occupy in the PCA plot also has been observed in other genetic studies and could be due either to shared common ancestry or to recent gene flow."
Yes, ancestry that's shared with Norwegians but *NOT* with other sub-Saharan Africans. That means that indigenous Ethiopians were more related to modern Europeans than to modern Africans.
Which brings us back to my question: Ethiopians' ancestry is largely Caucasoid, and seemingly of indigenous origin. Sub-Saharan African admixture in Southern Europeans is close to zero. So how is all of this compatible with your "Black E3b" hypothesis?
Posted by Charlie Bass (Member # 10328) on :
quote:Originally posted by Debunker:
quote:[Wilson] stated that he is sure that the origin of non-Afrricans in East Africa is part of the reason for this finding
And what's the finding, dumb dumb? It's that Ethiopians share 62% of their genome with Norwegians. So either Ethiopians are significantly Caucasoid, or Norwegians are entirely Black African? Are Norwegians part of your 'black family' now too?
Gross misunderstanding from a nitwit, all "non-Africans" are a subset genetically speaking of Africans, East Africans specifically. Are you saying that Ethiopians share 62% of their ancestry with Norwegians? If so, please cite which lineages paternally and maternally that Ethiopians share with Norwegians. What Wilson et al said was that East Africans being the source population for all non-Africans is part of the reason for this finding, the other being that more recent back-migration within the last 20,000 years. Don't try to twist his finding with your stupidity.
quote:Wilson, in his peer-reviewed, published interpretation, leaves no doubt as to which position he holds:
"...placement of [Ethiopians] in a 'Black' cluster would be an inaccurate reflection of the genetic structure"
Wilson et al's email reply detailing further interpretation of what he was saying in his study trumps your distortions and misinterpretations of his study. He said he was not giving the impresson that Ethiopians were 62% "Caucasian", "Caucasoid", not black or whatever your distortions.
quote:Yes, ancestry that's shared with Norwegians but *NOT* with other sub-Saharan Africans. That means that indigenous Ethiopians were more related to modern Europeans than to modern Africans.
Not with other sub-Saharans? Are you severely reading impaired or do you just take people to be fools? Tishkoff's words again:
"The fact that the Ethiopians and Somalis have a subset of the sub-Saharan African haplotype diversity and that the non-African populations have a subset of the diversity present in Ethiopians and Somalis makes simple-admixture models less likely"
Please post evidence from parental markers that show Ethiopians share ancestry with Norwegians idiot. Tishkoff non-Africans are a subset of Northeast Africans, not just Norwegians, but *ALL* non-Africans.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:King writes: Why work so hard to post lies that you know are going to get hammered and refuted faster than he can repost. It is almost embarassingly sad. So desperate to keep Europe "pure".
^ yes, it's like witnessing the death of and [ugly] religion.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Are you saying that Ethiopians share 62% of their ancestry with Norwegians? If so, please cite *which* lineages paternally and maternally...
....and of course, he's already admitted that there are no European lineages in East Africa because there never were any Europeans in East Africa in historical or pre-historical times.
But there are mulitiple African lineages in Europe, and this is what we should use to study admixture and geneology - per Wilson.
Of course we explained exactly this to him on the 1st page of this he doesn't need Wilson to tell him the same thing.
Hey Debunked - good luck convincing -anyone- that you haven't been utterly debunked.
You really screwed up this time.
And where is this Mathilda character I keep hearing about? She needs to 'come get some'.
Is there anyone else who wants to deny the following?
- there are no leucoderms in ancient history because European skin color *changed* recently.
- there is no ancient caucasoid race, and this is true no matter how twisted and evasive you attempt to be with a definition, or non definition of caucasoid.
- all non Africans descend from a small group of Africans, who were the common ancestors of Melanesians, Chinese, Australians...and Europeans.
- there is no ancient European/Europid phenotype. early Africans and Non Africans were tropically adapted, they have many specific morphological features common to tropical Africans - because that's where they came from.
- they have NONE that are specific to Europeans.
- at the time when only African homo sapiens existed, the only hominids in Europe were Neanderthal.
- so desparate are some Eurocentrists to create a special, apartheid "reality" for Europeans, that some have resorted to claim that Europeans descend from Neanderthal, and not Africans....but genetics and skeletal anthropology continue to moot this claim.
- while Europeans descend from the same non Africans as Chinese and Melanesians, Europeans are genetically much closer to Africans, than Chinese and Melanesians are to Africans.
- this can only be because Europeans have -post out of Africa- African genes. Europeans have male ancestries such as haplotypes E, and even some A. they have female lineages such as L which which over 10% in parts of southern Europe. these ancestries generally signify African migrations to Western Eurasia.
^ for anyone who wants to defend any of Eurocentisms tenants, the above lays out the basis upon which you have been falsified.
We're waiting for you to 'pipe-up'.
What's taking so long?
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ Then we all agree.
It's up to debunked then, to continue his lonely futile fight against the reality of African ancestry in Europeans.
"Europe shows a shorter genetic distance from Africa than do all the other continents......The overall contributions from Asia and Africa were estimated to be around two-thirds and one-third, respectively. Simulations have shown (7) that this hypothesis explains quite well the discrepancy between trees obtained by maximum likelihood and neighbor joining. " Posted by Charlie Bass (Member # 10328) on :
Still waiting on Debunked to show which lineages Ethiopians share with Norwegians.
Posted by Debunker (Member # 15669) on :
quote:Wilson et al's email reply detailing further interpretation of what he was saying in his study trumps your distortions and misinterpretations of his study.
Wilson's actual study, and the published comments of Risch et al., trump all Afro-tard personal correspondence.
quote:Please post evidence from parental markers that show Ethiopians share ancestry with Norwegians
You've flunked again. It's time to go back to school:
"Since the Y chromosome is a single locus it is possible that Y chromosome ancestry may not always reflect the ancestry of the rest of the genome." -- Peter A. Underhill
quote:non-Africans are a subset of Northeast Africans, not just Norwegians, but *ALL* non-Africans
Ethiopians don't share 62% of their genome with "ALL non-Africans" -- only with Caucasoid non-Africans. The reason? Well, because they're significantly Caucasoid.
Posted by Charlie Bass (Member # 10328) on :
quote:Originally posted by Debunker: Wilson's actual study, and the published comments of Risch et al., trump all Afro-tard personal correspondence.
So Wilson et al's correspondence about his own study is "Afro-Tard" personal communication? LOL, funny how Risch says "Caucasian cluster" while Wilson in neither his study nor correspondence mentions any such thing.
quote:]You've flunked again. It's time to go back to school:
"Since the Y chromosome is a single locus it is possible that Y chromosome ancestry may not always reflect the ancestry of the rest of the genome." -- Peter A. Underhill
No, it is *YOU* that has flunked, thats why you were asked from parental markers, both male and female, Ethiopians share none with Norwegians. So we are still waiting, where is your proof that Ethiopians share 62% of their ancestry with Norwegians? Are you going to hide behind your no sequitir quote from Underhill?
quote:Ethiopians don't share 62% of their genome with "ALL non-Africans" -- only with Caucasoid non-Africans. The reason? Well, because they're significantly Caucasoid. [/QB]
Dummy, Wilson et al stated that part of reason that 62% shows up is because of OOA. Ethiopians don't have 24% of their ancestry from Bantus and African Americans and they don't have 8% of their ancestry from Papua New Guinea and they don't have 6% mixture from China. However, Europeans and Middle Easterners, both called "Caucasoids" erroneously by you, do have significant ancestry from Africa, through OOA and a recent expansion of E3b lineages and mtDNA, so once again you have failed unless you think Ethiopians are 6% Chinese and 8% Papua New Guinean.
Posted by Charlie Bass (Member # 10328) on :
Furthermore, Wilson et al's study wasn't about human population structure in regards to the Ethiopian genome, it was based on the use of DMEs drug-metabolizing enzymes. Since when do these account for the entire genome of a population?
Posted by Tyrann0saurus (Member # 3735) on :
quote:Originally posted by Charlie Bass: Furthermore, Wilson et al's study wasn't about human population structure in regards to the Ethiopian genome, it was based on the use of DMEs drug-metabolizing enzymes. Since when do these account for the entire genome of a population?
The ownage of the so-called Debunker in this statement is blinding.
@ Debunker, if you're so determined to refute so-called Afro-Tards, why don't you read the studies you brandish around as refutations of our Afro-Tardiness?
But you're not really interested in facts, are you? You just have a "racial purity complex", as many southern Europeans on these types of forums do. You want to lie to yourself and the world that you are on the pure part of a race, not another piece of the gradient.
Whether you like it or not, you and your southern Europeans stand on the edge of a peninsular subcontinent (it is not a true continent), and as such stand on a genetic blending zone between clines, at least one of which, I am sorry to say, is not indigenous European. In other words, no amount of selection and distorting studies will change the fact that you are not a pure white European.
But that is not an insult! Being mixed between continents is a purely cosmetic property! It does not determine who you are as a moral, thinking person! It does not matter in the larger scheme of things, so please do not let it trouble you so much!
Besides, all people in the world are of mixed heritage. I myself am a blend of various Germanic and Celtic ethnicities, and while I doubt I have as much African heritage as you do, I wouldn't preclude some ancestry from non-"Caucasians" such as Mongols or Huns a few centuries back.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Dummy, Wilson et al stated that part of reason that 62% shows up is because of OOA. Ethiopians don't have 24% of their ancestry from Bantus and African Americans and they don't have 8% of their ancestry from Papua New Guinea and they don't have 6% mixture from China.
^ Correct. And this is why Wilson says that such clusters can -not- show geneology, but X and Y chromosomes do.
Note, via Debunked's laughable intentional misreading of Wilson's enzyme study...Ethiopians would somehow have no East African ancestry, but rather only mixtures for West Eurasia, China and New Guinea, Bantu and African Americans - - which would then account for 100%.
Also no one else would have any East African ancestry.
Yet we know from actual studies of geneology that the reverse is true....and it is non Africans who have subset of East African genes.
Misused in the way that Dienekes attempts to destort it, the study would make no sense whatsover.
Dienekes and Debunked certainly know their misinterpretations make no sense, and now everyone else does too.
So what did they accomplish besides exposing themselves to be really bad liars?
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Debunked writes: Ethiopians don't share 62% of their genome with "ALL non-Africans" --
^ Just to make sure you stay debunked with respect to every single one of your lies.
1) The study is not a measure of the entire genome, and actually has *no value* as geneology according to the person who conducted the study.
2) What Europeans share with Ethiopians is AFRICAN ANCESTRY. Europeans specifically have genes that originate admixture FROM Black Africa INTO Europes population, which are therefore, not found in China and New Guinea.
E3b signifies migration FROM Africa TO Western Eurasia - Cruciani/Underhill.
The challenge for you, is to show European ancestry in Africans. You've completely failed in this regard, notwithstanding your expected squirmings.
Stay debunked then.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Debunked doesn't want to get down to the specifics instead he just posts quotes and makes vague arguments from them, without actually getting down to or actually naming the specific evidences.
I.e #'s 1-10
1) Failed to name traits shared between Ancient Africans (Hofmeyr) and recent Europeans.
2) Fails to answer why or how Greeks inherited genes such as E3b, Benin hbs, L1 L2 if not from Africans?
3) Fails to address the fact that Europeans are closest genetically to Africans whereas the original OOA populations. I.e Oceanians appear furthest away genetically from Africa, if Oceanians and Europeans are part of the same non-African OOA population structure, then Europeans should be as distant genetically from Africans, as Oceanians are. If this is not due to post OOA Neolithic migrations into Europe from Africa, then what is it debunked?
4) Fails to name the paternally and maternally haplotypes that Ethiopians share with Norwegians.
5) Fails to address the quote below from Wilson et al., after he erroneously tried to claim that "Y chromosomes are a thing of the past"
quote:The degree to which 'mixed' ancestry is due to recent vs ancient mixing/separation could be estimated with series of genealogical genetic systems such as the Y chromosome, but *not* with lots of unlinked loci each of which gives very little gene genealogical information.--Wilson et al
6) Fails to address the fact that almost half of Greece's Y chromosome is NON-European in origin E3b and J, but yet debunked is still unbelievably and ignorantly persistent on claiming Greece to be "pure" or 100 % Imaginary "Caucasoid".
7) Fails to address how or why E3a carrying Africans exhibit so called "Carcusoid" traits
8) Fails to address the Buba Clan Priestly class carrying Hg J, shouldn't this had turned these people "Caucasoid", as you're erroneously proposing imaginary lineages(failed to name) in East Africans, debunked??
9) Fails to address the fact that Europeans turned pale only recently.
10) Failed to address his erroneous Eurasian Adam claim, when approached with the below quote from Cavalli Sfroza.
From Cavalli-Sforza: Genes, Culture, and Human Evolution. Pg 187.
quote: ..."In other words, all non-Africans carry M168. Of course, Africans carrying the M168 mutation today are the descendants of the African subpopulation from which the migrants originated.... Thus, the Australian/Eurasian Adam (the ancestor of all non-Africans) was an East African Man."
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ Very nicely summarised Knowledge.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasol: ^ Very nicely summarised Knowledge.
Indeed, Thanks. Which brings us back to when Evergreen posted
quote: Evergreen Writes:
Debunker's point is not to win a debate, it is to cast doubt (among Blacks) about "Afrocentrism". 12 pages to this're spinning you wheels.
14 pages now, and debunked is still "spinning his wheels" It's great comedy though, also good for people reading the thread, to become informed and a good way to see the erroneous nonsensical points debunked is corrected/debunked on repeatedly/daily.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ and thus furthering the destruction of the Eurocentric discourse.
I keep calling for the Eurocentrists who believe in the 'cacuasoid-race' to step up to the table.
Methinks they are afraid.
Posted by Doug M (Member # 7650) on :
As rasol most excellently pointed out, Eurocentrics are not driven by facts they are driven by dogma. In fact it is more like MOB RULE, where the try and FORCE everyone to agree to their position and accept it as fact and not CHALLENGE it by doing their OWN research. Their whole purpose is to push their point of view from a position of authority, whether or not it is supported by facts and then DEFEND that point of view come hell or high water. It isn't about facts, it is about WHITES desire to control the way Africans and NON WHITES are portrayed in such a way that it BENEFITS the aims and goals of WHITES. This has never been about facts or evidence it has been SOLELY about whites being in control of the media, education, history and archeology and USING that control to put themselves in a position of power and authority to PUSH their agenda to the masses. And this is to produce the affect of having people support white causes and agendas even if it IS NOT in their own interests, but the people BELIEVE IT because those in power KEEP SAYING that it is going to get better and that their agenda is the "right" agenda and will bring progress and help people and provide promise and blah blah blah. All of which NEVER comes true (especially for blacks) because it never was intended to in the first place. So it is a con game based on lies and deception, where lies must constantly be told in order to sway the dupes into supporting the "cause" and as someone once said, a new sucker is born every minute.
Posted by Charlie Bass (Member # 10328) on :
Lest Debunked for get, he must:
* Show that Ethiopians have Norwegian, New Guinean, Bantu, Afro-Caribbean, and Chinese ancestry.
*Show that the distribution of disease metabolizing enzymes are indicative of genetic ancestry.
Posted by Debunker (Member # 15669) on :
quote:So we are still waiting, where is your proof that Ethiopians share 62% of their ancestry with Norwegians?
Wilson says Ethiopians are not fully black because they share 62% cluster membership with Norwegians, Armenians and Jews. Risch agrees, saying that they cluster more with Caucasoids. Cavalli-Sforza determined them to be part Caucasoid years ago. Lovell found them to contain elements of the European/Middle Eastern gene pool based on the X chromosome. And since you're so hung up on uniparentals, even Passarino arrived at the same conclusion based on mtDNA and Y-chromosomes. In fact, several Y-chromosome plots group them closer to Caucasoids than to sub-Saharan Africans. How much more proof do you need? ETHIOPIANS ARE MIXED. Deal with it.
quote:Ethiopians don't have 24% of their ancestry from Bantus and African Americans and they don't have 8% of their ancestry from Papua New Guinea and they don't have 6% mixture from China.
Ethiopians have recent ancestry from other parts of Africa (represented by L1, L2, A and B, which were not involved in any OOA migrations). This accounts for the 24% membership in the Sub-Saharan African cluster. As for the 8% Oceanian and 6% East Asian ancestry, it stands to reason that if Ethiopia is the source of all non-Africans, it would carry traces of the different populations it gave rise to. And the biggest "trace" it carries is of Western Eurasian (i.e. Caucasoid) populations, which makes sense given Ethiopia's close proximity to Western Eurasia and the isolation of the OOA populations from other Africans until relatively recently.
quote:Furthermore, Wilson et al's study wasn't about human population structure in regards to the Ethiopian genome, it was based on the use of DMEs drug-metabolizing enzymes. Since when do these account for the entire genome of a population?
You clearly haven't read Wilson et al.'s study. There are two parts to it. Scroll down to 'Methods' at the bottom. The STRUCTURE part involves autosomal microsatellites, not DMEs.
quote:Whether you like it or not, you and your southern Europeans stand on the edge of a peninsular subcontinent (it is not a true continent), and as such stand on a genetic blending zone between clines, at least one of which, I am sorry to say, is not indigenous European. In other words, no amount of selection and distorting studies will change the fact that you are not a pure white European.
Incorrect. The "genetic blending zones" between Caucasoids and non-Caucasoids are not located in Europe, but in North Africa and Central Asia. Southern Europeans are fully Caucasoid.
Cavalli-Sforza's gene map:
quote:Eurocentrics are not driven by facts they are driven by dogma. In fact it is more like MOB RULE, where the try and FORCE everyone to agree to their position and accept it as fact and not CHALLENGE it by doing their OWN research.
What you're describing is AFROcentrics:
"It is not an accident that the students of Afrocentrism and catastrophism act more like disciples of a guru than students of a scientific teacher. They are on a mission, not a quest. And, as with many before them with noble goals, they believe the end justifies the means. Hence, it is nearly futile to engage them in debate. Scholars have difficulty debating opponents such as Afrocentrists, catastrophists, creationists or even anti-abortionists, because they expect their opponents to be civil and play by the rules of scholarly evidence. They mistakenly believe they have entered an arena where all sides are in quest of the same truth. What they are actually getting into is a street fight, where the goal is to defeat and humiliate your enemy. Their opponents don't follow traditional standards of evidence in their printed arguments and diatribes, so why expect them to be any different in a public debate? If you challenge their accuracy, they will question your integrity. If you ask for evidence, they will insult you. If you challenge their sources, you will be asked to prove the absolute certainty of your sources. You think the arena is an intellectual one where the combatants use wit and intelligence to score points, but while you are looking above your opponent's shoulders, he will kick you in the groin. You may have the evidence and the arguments on your side but your opponent doesn't care about the evidence and is not interested in your arguments. He already knows the truth."
quote:Originally posted by Charlie Bass: Lest Debunked for get, he must:
* Show that Ethiopians have Norwegian, New Guinean, Bantu, Afro-Caribbean, and Chinese ancestry.
*Show that the distribution of disease metabolizing enzymes are indicative of genetic ancestry.
He didn't forget. He just can't do it.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote: In fact, several Y-chromosome plots group them closer to Caucasoids than to sub-Saharan Africans. How much more proof do you need? ETHIOPIANS ARE MIXED. Deal with it.
Idiot, we're not asking for you to quote people SAYING Ethiopians are mixed, we want the exact and specific lineages, just like we give you about Southern Europe, you're saying several Y chromosome studies, but where are they? What are the Y chromosomes you're talking about? Can you name them? understand? Clown.
Ten questions we've been waiting a long time for you to answer debunked. As rasol says "what's taking so long???"
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718: Debunked doesn't want to get down to the specifics instead he just posts quotes and makes vague arguments from them, without actually getting down to or actually naming the specific evidences.
I.e #'s 1-10
1) Failed to name traits shared between Ancient Africans (Hofmeyr) and recent Europeans.
2) Fails to answer why or how Greeks inherited genes such as E3b, Benin hbs, L1 L2 if not from Africans?
3) Fails to address the fact that Europeans are closest genetically to Africans whereas the original OOA populations. I.e Oceanians appear furthest away genetically from Africa, if Oceanians and Europeans are part of the same non-African OOA population structure, then Europeans should be as distant genetically from Africans, as Oceanians are. If this is not due to post OOA Neolithic migrations into Europe from Africa, then what is it debunked?
4) Fails to name the paternally and maternally haplotypes that Ethiopians share with Norwegians.
5) Fails to address the quote below from Wilson et al., after he erroneously tried to claim that "Y chromosomes are a thing of the past"
quote:The degree to which 'mixed' ancestry is due to recent vs ancient mixing/separation could be estimated with series of genealogical genetic systems such as the Y chromosome, but *not* with lots of unlinked loci each of which gives very little gene genealogical information.--Wilson et al
6) Fails to address the fact that almost half of Greece's Y chromosome is NON-European in origin E3b and J, but yet debunked is still unbelievably and ignorantly persistent on claiming Greece to be "pure" or 100 % Imaginary "Caucasoid".
7) Fails to address how or why E3a carrying Africans exhibit so called "Carcusoid" traits
8) Fails to address the Buba Clan Priestly class carrying Hg J, shouldn't this had turned these people "Caucasoid", as you're erroneously proposing imaginary lineages(failed to name) in East Africans, debunked??
9) Fails to address the fact that Europeans turned pale only recently.
10) Failed to address his erroneous Eurasian Adam claim, when approached with the below quote from Cavalli Sfroza.
From Cavalli-Sforza: Genes, Culture, and Human Evolution. Pg 187.
quote: ..."In other words, all non-Africans carry M168. Of course, Africans carrying the M168 mutation today are the descendants of the African subpopulation from which the migrants originated.... Thus, the Australian/Eurasian Adam (the ancestor of all non-Africans) was an East African Man."
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by Debunker: Wilson says Ethiopians are not fully black
^ Booo @ your usual bald faced lying, in the face of debate defeat, as he never says any such thing.
His point was that Blacks, such as Ethiopians and New Guineans can show as completly different enzyme clusters - which is relevant for medical diagnosis. He newer claims that such enzymes determine 'degree' of Blackness.
The same is true for whites - who *DO NOT* all cluster together medically:
BENIN HBS which per the Hematology Division of Catania, Sicily is
a) endemic to Sicily. b) the most frequent blood-pathology in Italy. c) has a history of great antiquity reflecting trans saharan migrations. d) is merely one of multiple African genes present in Southern European populations.
Medically these southern Europeans cluster WITH West Africans and AWAY from Northern Europeans in terms of sickle cell:
^ Of course in this case, we know Italians and Greeks get their sickle cell haplotype from West Africa, which you fail to address.
You also fail to show us any "Norway genes" in Africans, so in fact, you've made no point whatsoever.
Your goal is to *distract attention* from the fact of African Ancestry in Europeans via dumb destortions.
It won't work.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Ethiopians have recent ancestry from other parts of Africa (represented by L1, L2, A and B,
^ This is both incorrect and irrelevant.
- L1, L2, A, AND B all originate in East Africa.
- Haplotype M168 is derived from haplotype B dumb dumb -> Haplogroup B split off from haplogroup A 55,000 years bp, probably originating in North East Africa. It contains all living human Y-DNA haplogroups except for A.
- The earliest non African derived M168 populations are the Melanesians, who unlike Europeans have no African haplotypes such as A and E both of which are found in Europe, because Europeans are mixed with Africans.
Melanesians physically best represent the original *Non* AFrican population, and therefore best represent the original Black ancestors of white people.
This means all your attempts to distract with nonsensical distortion, are for nothing.
You lose again...
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Posted by debunked
quote:Wilson says Ethiopians are not fully black
Where in this paragraph below do you read Wilson state that Ethiopians were not fully "black"???
quote: I certainly did not intend to give anyone the impression that Ethipians were 62% "Caucasian" or somehow 'not black'. The entire point of the paper is to show that labels such as Caucasian and black do not reflect the underlying genetics very well and it is the underlying genetic structure that matters for things like drug response and disease susceptibility.---Wilson
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
The entire point of the paper is to show that labels such as Caucasian and black do not reflect the underlying genetics very well and it is the underlying genetic structure that matters for things like drug response and disease susceptibility.---Wilson
Example: Sicilians are not black, but in terms of genetics relevant to medicene, they cluster with West African Blacks in terms of Benin Hbs, which is one of the causes of sickle cell morphology....
BENIN HBS which per the Hematology Division of Catania, Sicily is
a) endemic to Sicily. b) the most frequent blood-pathology in Italy. c) has a history of great antiquity reflecting trans saharan migrations. d) is merely one of multiple African genes present in Southern European populations.
These southern Europeans cluster WITH West Africans and AWAY from Northern Europeans in terms of sickle cell, as shown:
Posted by Explorateur (Member # 14778) on :
quote:Originally posted by Debunker:
quote:So we are still waiting, where is your proof that Ethiopians share 62% of their ancestry with Norwegians?
Wilson says Ethiopians are not fully black because they share 62% cluster membership with Norwegians, Armenians and Jews. Risch agrees, saying that they cluster more with Caucasoids. Cavalli-Sforza determined them to be part Caucasoid years ago. Lovell found them to contain elements of the European/Middle Eastern gene pool based on the X chromosome. And since you're so hung up on uniparentals, even Passarino arrived at the same conclusion based on mtDNA and Y-chromosomes. In fact, several Y-chromosome plots group them closer to Caucasoids than to sub-Saharan Africans. How much more proof do you need? ETHIOPIANS ARE MIXED. Deal with it.
Ah, but the question was what are the specificY and mtDNA uniparental markers that **Ethiopians share with Norwegians**, since you proclaimed such a close genetic connection between the two, if not implying that there is closer relationship there than there is between Ethiopians and other Africans; a fair question, no?
Posted by Debunker (Member # 15669) on :
The STRUCTURE analysis in Wilson's study is not based on drug metabolizing enzymes, and it's not related to medicine. That's another part of the study.
This is how the population structure part is described:
"We genotyped 16 chromosome 1 microsatellites from the ABI prism panel 1 (an average of 17 cM apart) and 23 X-linked microsatellites (≥2 cM apart) in each of eight populations.... We used a model-based clustering method implemented by the program STRUCTURE to assign individuals to subclusters on the basis of these genetic data.... Briefly, the model implemented in STRUCTURE assumes K clusters, each characterized by a set of allele frequencies at each locus; the admixture model then estimates the proportion of each individual's genome having ancestry in each cluster."
And this is the conclusion drawn based on that admixture analysis:
"Notably, 62% of the Ethiopians fall in the first cluster, which encompasses the majority of the Jews, Norwegians and Armenians, indicating that placement of these individuals in a 'Black' cluster would be an inaccurate reflection of the genetic structure."
This is Risch et al. explaining said conclusion for numbskull negroes:
"The one population in [Wilson's] analysis that was seemingly not clearly classified on continental grounds was the Ethiopians, who clustered more into the Caucasian group."
And if it's mtDNA and Y-chromosome evidence you want, here it is:
"Caucasoid gene flow into the Ethiopian gene pool occurred predominantly through males (B). Conversely, the Niger-Congo contribution to the Ethiopian population occurred mainly through females (A)."
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:This is how the population structure part is described
^ It's not a study of ancestry or geneology to begin with, and so it doesn't help you, per Wilson himself
The entire point of the paper is to show that labels such as Caucasian and black do not reflect the underlying genetics very well and it is the underlying genetic structure that matters for things like drug response and disease susceptibility.---Wilson
quote:All evidence shows that ethiopians are mixed.
^ Actually, you've provided no evidence whatsoever of European ancestry in Ethiopians.
Meanwhile we have shown that Europeans have African ancestry.
A fact which you are unable to address.....
Example: Sicilians are not black, but in terms of genetics relevant to medicene, they cluster with West African Blacks in terms of Benin Hbs, which is one of the causes of sickle cell morphology....
BENIN HBS which per the Hematology Division of Catania, Sicily is
a) endemic to Sicily. b) the most frequent blood-pathology in Italy. c) has a history of great antiquity reflecting trans saharan migrations. d) is merely one of multiple African genes present in Southern European populations.
These southern Europeans cluster WITH West Africans and AWAY from Northern Europeans in terms of sickle cell, as shown: [/QB][/QUOTE]
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Conversely, the Niger-Congo contribution to the Ethiopian population occurred mainly through females
^ This quote is both outdated and debunked, as we know know that there are no Niger-Congo speakers or West African lineages in Ethiopia, at all, which is why the above was falsified,
per Tishkoff:
The fact that the Ethiopians and Somalis have a subset of the sub-Saharan African haplotype diversity—and that the non-African populations have a subset of the diversity present in Ethiopians and Somalis—makes simple-admixture models [aka Passerino] less likely.
Conversely Europeans cluster with Africans because Europeans have recent African ancestry,
per Sforza:
"Europe shows a shorter genetic distance from Africa than do all the other continents......The overall contributions from Asia and Africa were estimated to be around two-thirds and one-third, respectively. Simulations have shown (7) that this hypothesis explains quite well the discrepancy between trees obtained by maximum likelihood and neighbor joining. " - L. Luca Cavalli-Sforza
^ This is consistent with Wilson's cluster data, and why New Guinea and China also share "clusters" of otherwise *unknown origin* with Ethiopia, when there is certainly no Chinese or New Guinea ancestry in Ethiopians.
Likewise there is no European ancestry in Ethiopians and - you know this, which is why you *fail* as you always do, to answer our questions.
So, let us help you....
Europeans cluster -even more- with Ethiopians because Europeans have more and more recent ancestry from East Africa - which is what this thread topic [E3b] is about.
Have you addressed this fact? No.
Therefore you lose again.
Posted by Charlie Bass (Member # 10328) on :
quote:Originally posted by Debunker: [QB] The STRUCTURE analysis in Wilson's study is not based on drug metabolizing enzymes, and it's not related to medicine. That's another part of the study.
Do you even know what X-linked microstaellites are? The paper is related to medicine you dummy, you only read what you want:
"Analysis of population structure in biomedical research
Our implementation of STRUCTURE is primarily meant to show that familiar ethnic labels are not accurate guides to genetic structure. We have not attempted to provide a definitive description of human population structure."
Population genetic structure of variable drug response James F. Wilson1, 2, Michael E. Weale3, 4, Alice C. Smith1, Fiona Gratrix1, Benjamin Fletcher3, Mark G. Thomas3, Neil Bradman3 & David B. Goldstein1
Geographic patterns of genetic variation, including variation at drug metabolizing enzyme (DME) loci and drug targets, indicate that geographic structuring of inter-individual variation in drug response may occur frequently. This raises two questions: how to represent human population genetic structure in the evaluation of drug safety and efficacy, and how to relate this structure to drug response. We address these by (i) inferring the genetic structure present in a heterogeneous sample and (ii) comparing the distribution of DME variants across the inferred genetic clusters of individuals. We find that commonly used ethnic labels are both insufficient and inaccurate representations of the inferred genetic clusters, and that drug-metabolizing profiles, defined by the distribution of DME variants, differ significantly among the clusters. We note, however, that the complexity of human demographic history means that there is no obvious natural clustering scheme, nor an obvious appropriate degree of resolution. Our comparison of drug-metabolizing profiles across the inferred clusters establishes a framework for assessing the appropriate level of resolution in relating genetic structure to drug response.
No, his study isn't about medicine you idiot,
quote:This is Risch et al. explaining said conclusion for numbskull negroes:
"The one population in [Wilson's] analysis that was seemingly not clearly classified on continental grounds was the Ethiopians, who clustered more into the Caucasian group."
Wilson et al' own breakdown of his own study:
Dear Mr. Rigaud,
Thank you for your email. I am interested to know more about your project. What are its aims? Where are you reading Anthropology? Who is supervising you?
The link you provided is broken, but I presume it related to Table 2 of my paper where the proportion of Ethiopian ancestry lying in cluster A is given as 62%.
I am sure that the origin of non-Africans in East Africa is part of the reason for this finding, but it is also likely that more recent (within the last 20,000 years) gene flow across the Bab el Mandeb will contribute to this situation. The degree to which the 'mixed' ancestry is due to recent vs ancient mixing/separation could be estimated with series of genealogical genetic systems such as the Y chromosome, but not with lots of unlinked loci each of which gives very little gene genealogical information. Unfortunately we are not at that stage yet and there are still a large number of unsolved multifurcations even in the Y tree which pertain directly to this question. And the Y is only one genetic locus. There are also hints from mtDNA of course. It should eventually be able to take the lineages that we see in E Africa and dissect out those that are due to what I am calling recent (back-)migration (as they would descend from lineages originating outside Africa), we could probably identify those that provide evidence that E Africa is the homeland of non-Africans (those which are the closest in the gene tree to the non-African lineages, closer than all the other African lineages, and perhaps not found outside E Africa, or at least with much lower diversity) and finally the aboriginal African lineages which are found across Africa. As E Africa may also be the place where our species arose, there may also be a fourth type of lineage which would also be more diverse in East Africa, the deepest lineages of all, the first branches in the gene tree. This is an idealised situation and not all gene trees would show it but given enough of them we should begin to pick out whether this scenario or another represents our history.
It is a great shame that the human genome diversity panel does not include any samples from the horn of Africa, as we would probably then have seen the same pattern in Noah Rosenberg's Science paper using Structure. There are a number of areas around the world in which admixture has occurred in pre-Colombian times between indigenous populations, eg Island South East Asia and Central Asia, the Malagasy etc. Then of course the colonial legacy has left millions of much more recently admixed populations in the Americas and all over. But the horn of Africa and around is unique in that non-Africans descend from populations in this area. This is what makes this particular case of admixture very interesting.
I certainly did not intend to give anyone the impression that Ethipians were 62% "Caucasian" or somehow 'not black'. The entire point of the paper is to show that labels such as Caucasian and black do not reflect the underlying genetics very well and it is the underlying genetic structure that matters for things like drug response and disease susceptibility.
I hope this clarifies things for you. Don't hesitate to get in touch if I can be of further assistance. All best wishes, Jim
quote:And if it's mtDNA and Y-chromosome evidence you want, here it is:
Ethiopians have no admixture from bantus and West Africans maternally you stupid distorter and quoting 10 year old studies doesn't help you:
"Phylogenetic analysis reveals that the origin of sub-Saharan African mtDNA variants in Yemenis is a mosaic of different episodes of gene flow. Three different passages can be outlined. The first is gene flow, likely mediated by the Arab slave trade from southeastern Africa, as evidenced by exact mtDNA haplotype matches. Such matches account for 23% of the total variation in Yemenis and occur in lineages and lineage groups that cannot be found in Ethiopia and northeastern Africa. Many of these can be traced to the Bantu dispersal; they have their origin in West Africa and supply thereby the upper time limit of 3,000–4,000 years for their departure from southeastern Africa toward Arabia. The sub-Saharan African component of Ethiopians has remained untouched by such influences and may therefore be considered most representative of the indigenous gene pool of sub-Saharan East Africa."
Am J Hum Genet. 2004 November; 75(5): 752–770. Ethiopian Mitochondrial DNA Heritage: Tracking Gene Flow Across and Around the Gate of Tears Toomas Kivisild,1 Maere Reidla,1 Ene Metspalu,1 Alexandra Rosa,1 Antonio Brehm,2 Erwan Pennarun,1 Jüri Parik,1 Tarekegn Geberhiwot,3 Esien Usanga,4 and Richard Villems1
And Ethiopians don't cluster with Europeans on the Y-chromosone either:
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
How long will you stay down?
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Such matches account for 23% of the total variation in Yemenis and occur in lineages and lineage groups that cannot be found in Ethiopia and northeastern Africa.
^So in addition to East African ancestry in Europeans, we have documented West African ancestry in Arabs.
quote:The sub-Saharan African component of Ethiopians has remained untouched by such influences and may therefore be considered most representative of the indigenous gene pool of sub-Saharan East Africa."
^ And hence best represents the origin of "sub-saharan" ancestry in Greeks and other Europeans.
Debunked, don't you ever get tired of being beaten silly, debate after debate...point after point?
I guess not....
Posted by Tyrann0saurus (Member # 3735) on :
Does anyone know the Y-chromosome or mtDNA landscape of Sicilians or Italians in general? I know there is African ancestry in that population, judging by the Benin HBs, I am just curious as to how extensive it is.
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
^ You can look here for that info as well as more records of Debunked's previous defeats.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Originally posted by Tyrann0saurus: Does anyone know the Y-chromosome or mtDNA landscape of Sicilians or Italians in general? I know there is African ancestry in that population, judging by the Benin HBs, I am just curious as to how extensive it is.
Courtesy of
Refuting racial reality re: Italians and Sicilians
Mainland Italians (particularly southern Italians), Sardinians, and Sicilians all have sub-Saharan admixture. There is a veritable closet-full of information on this. The Hbs found in Sicilians is predominantly the Benin strain, known as #19. This strain originated in Benin or nearby regions of Central West Africa. Most of the following are studies that can be found in our Admixture Index.
Incidentally, "Racial Reality" has a habit of pooling information from various parts of Italy together into a single Italian sample. While there is nothing intrinsically wrong with this, as it creats an average, it utterly confounds the large local differences. That is precisely his reason for doing it. For example, in most samples from northern Italy, sub-Saharan mtDNA markers tend to be found at very low levels (but the samples have been small, and future studies will likely show higher sub-Saharan mtDNA and other DNA levels due to Venice and Genoa being involved in the slave trade, etc.). In the Rome province, such DNA is higher (roughy 4%) in the samples taken. In Apulia, it is similar. In another sample of southern Italy, it reaches over 8%. Of course, different samples will yield different results, and "Racial Reality" tends to ignore those which have a higher sub-Saharan content. Even Sicily varies, with no sub-Saharan mtDNA found in one sample of 49 from a single Sicilian village (which shouldn't surprise); to other one or few village samples which show around 1-2%; to an island-wide sample which shows about 10% in Sciacca, about 4% in Castelammare, and about 2% in Ragusa; to another island-wide sample which shows 4.4% overall. In another Sciacca sample, sub-Saharan mtDNA reaches over 13%. So, the Italian mtDNA results are comparable to the Iberian mtDNA results. Some studies show lower percentages, and others show higher ones. Another important point is that most studies don't test for all markers, as evidenced below. Some rely only on mtDNA, others on Y-chromosomes, others on autosomal DNA, etc. Some only test for certain mtDNA markers (like L1 and L2, but not equally-African L3 and M1) or Y markers, etc.
Blood proteins (HbS, etc.) (there are a few more on HbS in the post below)
* Blood group phenotypes and the origin of sickle cell hemoglobin in Sicilians
Quote: Acta Haematol. 1978;60(6):350-7. Related Articles, Links
Blood group phenotypes and the origin of sickle cell hemoglobin in Sicilians.
Sandler SG, Schiliro G, Russo A, Musumeci S, Rachmilewitz EA.
As an approach to investigating the origin of sickle cell hemoglobin (hemoglobin S) in white persons of Sicilian ancestry, two groups of native Sicilians were tested for blood group evidence of African admixture. Among 100 unrelated Sicilians, the phenotypes cDe(Rho) and Fy(a-b-), and the antigens V(hrv) and Jsa, which are considered to be African genetic markers, were detected in 12 individuals. Among 64 individuals from 21 families with at least one known hemoglobin S carrier, African blood group markers were detected in 7 (11%). These findings indicate that hemoglobin S is only one of multiple African genes present in contemporary Sicilian populations. The occurrence of hemoglobin S in white persons of Sicilian ancestry is considered to be a manifestation of the continuing dissemination of the original African mutation.
PMID: 103355 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
* Clinical, hematological, and molecular features in Sicilians with sickle cell disease
Quote: Hemoglobin. 1992;16(6):469-80. Related Articles, Links
Clinical, hematological, and molecular features in Sicilians with sickle cell disease.
Schiliro G, Samperi P, Consalvo C, Gangarossa S, Testa R, Miraglia V, Lo Nigro L.
Department of Pediatric Hematology, University of Catania, Sicily, Italy.
We report the clinical, hematological, and molecular findings observed in 32 Sicilian patients with sickle cell disease. None of our patients received regular blood transfusions and careful infectious disease prophylaxis was carried out for all. Haplotyping of beta S chromosomes was performed in all patients; all were homozygous for haplotype #19 (Benin). Gene mapping excluded the presence of an alpha-thalassemia in 13 of our patients; none of the relatives showed any evidence of the presence of alpha-thalassemia. Hb F levels were 11.8 +/- 5.9% with G gamma representing 39.6 +/- 3.6% of total gamma chain. Hb F levels were higher in females than in males (12.5 +/- 5.9% versus 9.7 +/- 6.5%) but the difference was not statistically significant. All patients, regardless of age and sex, were anemic with normal mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration, high mean corpuscular volume and mean corpuscular hemoglobin, and mild reticulocytosis. Analysis of clinical manifestations suggests that our patients have a disease of moderate severity.
Quote: : J Med Genet. 1980 Feb;17(1):34-8. Related Articles, Links
Sickle cell disease in Sicily.
Roth EF Jr, Schiliro G, Russo A, Musumeci S, Rachmilewitz E, Neske V, Nagel R.
The chemical and physical properties of haemoglobin S derived from homozygotes for this haemoglobin in Sicily were examined, as well as some erythrocytic characteristics. Sicilian Hb S was identical to that found in USA black patients in electrophoretic mobility on both starch and citrate agar media, solubility, mechanical precipitation rate of oxyhaemoglobins, and minimum gelling concentration, as well as by peptide mapping and amino-acid analysis of all beta-chain peptides. Taken together with the presence in Sicily of African blood group markers and certain historical considerations, it seems clear that the source of Hb S in Sicily is Africa. While the clinical severity in nine Sicilian children did not seem remarkably different from the disease in the USA, the most severe and fatal complications were not seen. Mean Hb F Was 10.5% and 2,3-diphosphoglycerate (2,3-DPG) values were higher in Sicilian homozygotes than in black USA counterparts (21.79 mumol/g Hb vs 15.16). Red cell AT values were also slightly higher in Sicilian patients. The presence of concomitant thalassaemia was excluded by both family studies and globin chain synthetic ratios. In conclusion, haemoglobin S in Sicilian homozygotes is identical to Hb S found in USA blacks. Although the severity of the disease seems quite similar in both groups of patients, other erythrocytic properties were found to be different. Whether these factors influence severity remains to be elucidated.
PMID: 7365760 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
* Beta S gene in Sicily is in linkage disequilibrium with the Benin haplotype: implications for gene flow
Quote: Am J Hematol. 1988 Feb;27(2):139-41. Related Articles, Links
Beta S gene in Sicily is in linkage disequilibrium with the Benin haplotype: implications for gene flow.
Ragusa A, Lombardo M, Sortino G, Lombardo T, Nagel RL, Labie D.
INSERM Unite 15, Paris, France.
Hemoglobin beta-like gene cluster haplotypes defined by restriction enzyme polymorphic sites are useful in determining the origin of the beta S gene found in several human populations. We present here evidence that the beta S gene found among Sicilians is associated with the same haplotype observed among sickle cell anemia patients from Central West Africa. In addition, this haplotype is either nonexistent or very rare among normal Sicilian individuals. We conclude that the beta S gene was introduced to Sicily from North Africa and that the gene flow originated in Central West Africa and traveled north through historically well-defined trans-Saharan commercial routes.
PMID: 2893541 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
* Molecular characterization of hemoglobin C in Sicily
Quote: Am J Hematol. 1992 Jan;39(1):5-8. Related Articles, Links
Molecular characterization of hemoglobin C in Sicily.
Travi M, Cremonesi L, Primignani P, Di Benedetto S, Testa R, Schiliro G, Ferrari M.
Istituti Clinici di Perfezionamento, Laboratorio di Ricerche Cliniche, Milan, Italy.
Analysis of polymorphisms of the beta-globin gene cluster was performed on 12 families and on one unrelated individual of Sicilian origin who carried hemoglobin C (Hb C). Two different haplotypes were found in association with beta c Sicilian alleles, corresponding to haplotypes I and II previously described in American blacks. In our population, the more frequent one (haplotype I) was linked to the lack of a polymorphic HpaI site 3' to the beta gene (13.0-kb fragment), similarly to haplotype I in blacks, while the less frequent one was linked to a 7.0-kb HpaI fragment attributable to a site that had never been previously described in linkage with beta c alleles. In Italy, these two haplotypes have been found in rare cases in association with beta A alleles. These findings provide new insights into the origin of Hb C present in Sicily, suggesting that (1) the beta c mutation detected in Sicily derived from African black chromosomes and does not represent a new mutation; and (2) Hb C may have originated either by multiple mutational events on separate chromosomes or by mutation in the HpaI site 3' to the beta gene in a pre-existing beta c chromosome.
PMID: 1346948 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
* Presence of an African beta-globin gene cluster haplotype in normal chromosomes in Sicily
Quote: Am J Hematol. 1992 Aug;40(4):313-5. Related Articles, Links
Presence of an African beta-globin gene cluster haplotype in normal chromosomes in Sicily.
Ragusa A, Frontini V, Lombardo M, Amata S, Lombardo T, Labie D, Krishnamoorthy R, Nagel RL.
I.R.C.C.S., OASI, Troina, Italy.
African admixture in Sicily has been long suspected because of the presence of the sickle gene. Nevertheless, the degree of African admixture cannot be derived from the study of HbS frequency, since this gene was most likely expanded by the selective pressure of malaria, for a long time endemic to the region. We have examined 142 individuals from the Sicilian town of Butera (12% sickle trait) to search for other markers of the globin gene cluster less likely to be selected for by malaria. The TaqI polymorphism in the intervening sequences between the two gamma genes is informative. We have found only two instances of this African marker (TaqI(-)) among 267 normal chromosomes, demonstrating that the admixture occurred at a much lower level than previously thought.
PMID: 1503087 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
* Alpha I/65 hereditary elliptocytosis in southern Italy: evidence for an African origin
Quote: Hum Genet. 1992 Jul;89(5):553-6. Related Articles, Links
Alpha I/65 hereditary elliptocytosis in southern Italy: evidence for an African origin.
del Giudice EM, Ducluzeau MT, Alloisio N, Wilmotte R, Delaunay J, Perrotta S, Cutillo S, Iolascon A.
Department of Pediatrics, University of Naples, Italy.
alpha I/65 Hereditary elliptocytosis (HE) is due to the duplication of TTG codon 154 (leucine) of alpha-spectrin and is associated with a constant haplotype. It was encountered exclusively in African and American Blacks, and in North Africans. We assumed that it diffused from the Benin-Togo area to Northern Africa. We now report two South Italian families with alpha I/65 HE. The phenotype fully conformed to previous descriptions. The mode of transmission was dominant; however, the manifestations were more pronounced when the common, low expression level alpha V/41 allele occurred in trans to the alpha I/65 allele, also conforming to previous records. The mutation underlying alpha I/65 HE turned out to be, again, the duplication of TTG codon 154 and the associated haplotype was the same as that encountered previously (+-+; XbaI, PvuII, MspI). Thus, the alpha I/65 allele found in Italy must have been introduced from North Africa across the Sicilian channel and would ultimately have originated from the Benin-Togo area. It would witness the same migratory stream as that followed by the Benin type haemoglobin S allele, which is also present in Southern Italy.
Publication Types: Case Reports
PMID: 1353056 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
* Gm and Km immunoglobulin allotypes in Sicily
Quote: Immunogenetics. 2004 Jan;55(10):674-81. Epub 2003 Dec 2. Related Articles, Links
Cerutti N, Dugoujon JM, Guitard E, Rabino Massa E.
Department of Animal and Human Biology, University of Turin, Via Accademia Albertina 17, 10123, Turin, Italy.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the intra- and inter-population variability of the Gm/Km system in the Madonie Mountains, one of the main geographical barriers in north-central Sicily. We analysed 392 samples: 145 from Alia, 128 from Valledolmo, 25 from Cerda and 94 from Palermo. Serum samples were tested for G1m (1,2,3,17), G2m (23), G3m (5,6,10,11,13,14,15,16,21,24,28 ) and Km (1) allotypes by the standard agglutination-inhibition method. We found the typical genetic patterns of populations in peripheral areas of the Mediterranean basin, with a high frequency of haplotypes Gm5*;3;23 and Gm5*;3;. The frequency of Gm21,28;1,17;. (about 16%) is rather high compared with other southern areas. Of great importance is the presence of the common African haplotype Gm 5*;1,17;., ranging in frequency from 1.56% at Valledolmo to 5.5% at Alia. The presence of this haplotype suggests past contacts with peoples from North Africa. The introduction of African markers could be due to the Phoenician colonization at the end of the 2nd millennium b.c. or to the more recent Arab conquest (8th-9th centuries a.d.).
Publication Types: Historical Article
PMID: 14652700 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Note: Although the reader might suppose that the Gm 5*;1,17;... morph is specific to North Africa, due to the mentioning in the study that the haplotype could suggest contact with North Africans, it appears to indeed be sub-Saharan. This is supported by usage of the phrases "common African haplotype" and (below) "typical African marker". If it were a specifically North African marker, that would have been mentioned. Sub-Saharan haplotypes were certainly introduced into Sicily by both sub-Saharans themselves and North Africans, who often carry sub-Saharan markers. In fact, North Africa is mentioned only in the abstract, and this is because it is through North Africans the authors feel the sub-Saharan marker became established in Sicily.
Inside the study itself, the following is stated:
Quote: The presence of a typical African marker (haplotype Gm 5*;1,17;...), especially in the genetic structure of Alia and Palermo, highlights the possibility of past contacts with peoples from Africa. [...] Therefore, the introduction of an African polymorphism could have been due to the Phoenician colonization or to the more recent Arab conquest of the territory (9th century A.D.). A study (Semino et al. 1989) carried out with restriction enzymes on mtDNA indicated the presence of African haplotypes (4.4%) in a sample of Sicilians. The authors hypothesized an input of genes from Africa to Sicily (estimated at about 10%) brought by Phoenician migrations.
The mentioning of Semino's study solidifies the Gm marker's being sub-Saharan, since Semino's African findings at a rate of 4.4% were sub-Saharan L1/L2 markers.
* Genetic heterogeneity at the glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase locus in southern Italy: a study on a population from the Matera district.
Quote: Hum Genet. 1990 Nov;86(1):49-53. Links Genetic heterogeneity at the glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase locus in southern Italy: a study on a population from the Matera district.Calabro V, Giacobbe A, Vallone D, Montanaro V, Cascone A, Filosa S, Battistuzzi G. Dipartimento di Genetica, Biologia Generale e Molecolare, Naples, Italy.
Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) has been analyzed by gel electrophoresis and by quantitative assay in an unselected sample of 1524 schoolboys from the province of Matera (Lucania) in southern Italy. We have identified 43 subjects with a G6PD variant. Of these, 31 had severe G6PD deficiency, nine had mild to moderate deficiency, and three had a non-deficient electrophoretic variant. The overall rate of G6PD deficiency was 2.6%. The frequency of G6PD deficiency, ranging from 7.2% on the Ionian Coast to zero on the eastern side of the Lucanian Apennines, appears to be inversely related to the distance of each town examined from the Ionian Coast, suggesting that this geographic distribution may reflect, at least in part, gene flow from Greek settlers. Biochemical characterization has shown that most of the G6PD deficiency in this population is accounted for by G6PD Mediterranean. In addition, we have found several examples of two other known polymorphic variants (G6PD Cagliari and G6PD A-); three new polymorphic variants, G6PD Metaponto (class III), G6PD Montalbano (class III), and G6PD Pisticci (class IV); and two sporadic variants, G6PD Tursi (class III) and G6PD Ferrandina (class II). These data provide further evidence for the marked genetic heterogeneity of G6PD deficiency within a relatively narrow geographic area and they prove the presence in the Italian peninsula of a gene (GdA-) regarded as characteristically African.
PMID: 2253938 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
The following 3 studies don't have abstracts available, but by their very titles, they tell us what we need to know:
* Evidence of Negro origin of HbC in Sicily (1987).
* 'African' genetic markers in Sicilians (1980).
* Evidence of the African origin of sickle cell hemoglobin in western Sicily (1988).
mtDNA, Y, and other
* Mitochondrial DNA polymorphisms in Italy. III. Population data from Sicily: a possible quantitation of maternal African ancestry (1989)
Note: The claim on Internet message boards (by those with idealogical investments in the non-existent "purity" of Sicilians, started by Racial Reality, of course) that this 1989 study has been "refuted" by a quote from another study (Vona, 2001) is fraudulent and utterly ridiculous, and clearly illustrates what one may find on message boards and sites with a political or idealogical slant. This 1989 study definitely found 4 sub-Saharan lineages in the 90 Sicilians (from all over the island) tested. There is no way this can be "refuted" by anything. It is perfectly valid. The 2001 Vona study (which finds no sub-Saharan L lineages because it tests just 49 people from only one Sicilian village) cites this 1989 study in that misrepresented quote for comparison purposes, only, and doesn't attempt to, and, more importantly, can't, "refute" anything regarding the 1989 Semino study. For detailed explanation, see our admixture index. It should be noted that the Black African HpaI-3/AvaII-3 complex described in the 1989 study (abstract below) is equivalent to sub-Saharan haplogroups L1 or L2, as learned by corresponding directly with Dr. Semino. The HpaI-3 is equivalent to +3592HpaI coding region mutation that defines haplogroups L1/L2.
[Incidentally, the use of restriction enzymes is just as valid as sequencing the section of DNA in question; it is not "outdated" or "invalid" or "unreliable" or any such drivel, and is still frequently used because it is relatively inexpensive and accurate. (Even the Vona study cited above recommends this method for further studying the relationship between Sicilians and other peoples.) Indels (insertion/deletion polymorphisms) are easy to spot using this method, and the method saves the cost of sequencing the section in question. In fact, when sequencing the HVR does not give satisfactory results, or if the two HVR's don't match, often restriction enzymes will be applied to the coding region to determine the mutation, and then haplotype can be ascertained.]
Quote: Ann Hum Genet. 1989 May;53 ( Pt 2):193-202. Related Articles, Links
Mitochondrial DNA polymorphisms in Italy. III. Population data from Sicily: a possible quantitation of maternal African ancestry.
Semino O, Torroni A, Scozzari R, Brega A, De Benedictis G, Santachiara Benerecetti AS.
Dipartimento di Genetica e Microbiologia 'A. Buzzati-Traverso', Universita di Pavia, Italy.
mtDNA polymorphisms were studied in a sample of 90 individuals of the Sicilian population using six restriction enzymes: HpaI, BamHI, HaeII, MspI, AvaII and HincII. (1) Three new patterns, for MspI, AvaII and HincII, have been detected. (2) At least two different mutations were found to account for both the AvaII morph 3 and the AvaII morph 9 as in many other Caucasian groups so far examined. (3) Seventeen types were found; of these six are new. The frequency (54.5%) of type 1-2 ( is lower than in the rest of Italy whereas those of type 6-2 ( (10.0%) and type 18-2 (*.2) (12.2%) lie at the upper level of the Italian range. The 18-derivative, type 57-2 (*.2), which is consistently found in all Italian samples, is present also among Sicilians with an incidence of 2.2%. (4) Of particular interest is that the HpaI-3/AvaII-3 complex, which is unique to groups of African ancestry, was found in Sicily at a frequency of 4.4%. For the first time an estimate of the amount of gene flow from Blacks to the Sicilian gene pool could be obtained.
PMID: 2480742 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
* Restriction fragment length polymorphism of human mitochondrial DNA in a sample population from Apulia (southern Italy) (1989)
Data not available in abstract, and study not available online, but according to Dr. Ornella Semino, with whom I corresponded, sub-Saharan haplogroup L1/L2 (HpaI-3/AvaII-3 complex, see comments to above study) was found in the 87 subjects studied at a rate of 3.4% (3 out of 87).
* Autosomal Microsatellite and mtDNA Genetic Analysis in Sicily (Italy) (2003) (full study, with quote below)
Quote: Two haplogroups not common in Europe are present: haplogroup M, separated from Eastern Africa to Western Asia and Eurasia about 50,000 years ago (Quintana-Murci et al. 1999) has been found in Sciacca (8%), Castellammare (3%) and Ragusa (2%); and haplogroup L1/L2 originating from Africa (Watson et al. 1997) has been found in Sciacca (2%) and Castellammare (less than 1%).
It should be noted that the M haplotypes found in Sicily are nearly always M1, which is concentrated in eastern Africa, and radiates out from there, appearing sporadically in Mediterraneans. It is not found in India, or indeed east of the Caucasus (where it appears at very low levels). Therefore, it simply must be a reliable marker of sub-Saharan eastern African ancestry, despite claims to the contrary. More on this below.
It should also be noted that this study (and Semino, 1989 above) did not test for any L3 markers, which Sicilians have more of than L1 and L2. This brings us to another point. Racial Reality likes to claim L3 may not be sub-Saharan. This is flatly incorrect. All L's, including all L3's, are indeed sub-Saharan in origin. The confusion on his part, if it is not an outright lie, is due to one (or both) of two points:
Firstly, all non-African mtDNA haplogroups and paragroups branch off of African L3. In fact, it is possible those Africans who left to colonize the world all carried L3. But this would have morphed into what we now call M and N, which are not African originating, and hence, not African specific (except for M1, which, in this scenario, would have evolved independently from L3 in Africa; see above and at the end of post. Some claim M* -- the ancestor of all M's -- originated in East Africa before the Diaspora, and that those Africans who colonized the planet carried this marker, with the Asian-specific M's developing from this in Asia. The M* remaining in East Africa subsequently morphed into M1.) At any rate, no L3's survived outside of Africa, and the presence of L3 markers in non-African populations is due to admixture/gene flow.
The other source for the confusion is due to this Pereira, et al. study. In this study, it is mentioned that some L3*'s (with an asterisk, which means the aboriginal form of L3 that didn't form clades) may not have an African origin. However, Pereira admitted the category they labeled "L3*" was a default category. What actually occurred here is that L3* was not properly distinguished from non-African M and N. According to this study, sub-Saharan L3* is distinguished from M and N at nucleotide positions 10400 and 10873, respectively. (Incidentally, Plaza, 2003 used the Pereira sample; they re-examined the motifs, and made some adjustments. Some of the Portuguese motifs assigned to L3* that may not have actually been so were not listed as L3's in the Plaza study.) So, true L3* is indeed sub-Saharan African, and, as mentioned above, so are all other L3's. In other studies where researchers were not able to differentiate L3* from M and N, the default group is labeled as "L3/M/N," which is a little less confusing.
* MtDNA control region and RFLP data for Sicily and France (2001)
Finds one sub-Saharan haplogroup L (L2a) in a sample of 106 Sicilians from Castellammare (data not in abstract, only in full study, available for fee).
* Sequence diversity of the control region of mitochondrial DNA in Tuscany and its implications for the peopling of Europe (1996)
Full study shows one definite sub-Saharan L3b sequence in 49 individuals from Tuscany. Haplogroups are not given in study, but the motifs have been examined by a geneticist acquaintance for haplogroup assignment. Plaza, 2003 also examined the motifs and found that one falls into L3. There is an additional ambiguous sequence that may or may not be an L3; it has been classified variously as L3b and L3* (with uncertainty) with regard to one of the HVR's, while the other HVR doesn't match and probably falls into W. Therefore it may be best to leave it unclassified. So, to summarize, the study definitely found one L3b sequence, and possibly there is another L3.
* Continental and subcontinental distributions of mtDNA control region types (2002)
Full study (not available through Pubmed) shows that out of 80 Sicilians from Sciacca, three have L2a, one has L3*, two have L3e, and five have M1 (13.8% maternal sub-Saharan contribution). Haplogroups are not given in this forensics study, but the motifs have been examined by a geneticist acquaintance for haplogroup assignment. The other published samples from Agrigento Province (Sicily) and Greece are being examined presently.
* Tracing European Founder Lineages in the Near Eastern mtDNA Pool (2000); supplementary data here.
An examination by a geneticist acquaintance (who is familiar with all these studies) reveals sub-Saharan (East African) M1 in Greeks. Also found are one sub-Saharan L3e and one sub-Saharan M1 in a sample of 90 Sicilians from Troina (n.=42) and Trapani (n.=48 ). In 48 Romans there are one L2a and one L3b sequences. In 69 Sardinians, there are one L1a and one L2a (from Di Rienzo & Wilson, 1991).
* The population history of the Croatian linguistic minority of Molise (southern Italy): a maternal view.
Study examines, in addition to Croation minority in Molise, Croatians from Croatia and ethnic Italians in Molise, Abruzzo, Campania, Lazio, and Puglia. Finds one L1b in a sample of 26 Puglians (Apulians) and one M1 in 52 individuals from Lazio (both of these samples were of ethnic Italians). (Also, incidentally, finds one L1c in 98 Croatians from Korcula and one M1 in 41 Croatian-Italians.) A slightly earlier, unpublished/unused set of 88 sequences from this study labeled as "Molise/Abruzzo, Campania, Puglia" has one L1b and one L2a.
* Joining the Pillars of Hercules: mtDNA Sequences Show Multidirectional Gene Flow in the Western Mediterranean (2003) (full study, with quotes and data from tables below)
Quote: L haplogroups are relatively infrequent in Italians (with a maximum of 8.1% in South Italians) and Iberians (with a maximum of 6.1% in Central Portuguese). On the contrary, L haplogroups are distributed in all North African populations at high frequencies (from 26% in South Berbers to 43.5% in Mauritanians) with the exception of Mozabites (12.9%) and Moroccan Berbers (3.2%). In fact, the frequency of the L haplogroups in Moroccan Berbers is similar to that found in Iberians and Italians. The frequency of the L haplogroups might represent the sub-Saharan genetic flow into the populations analysed, which has shown to be substantial in NW Africa but very limited in European populations.
[. . .]
This may be even clearer in Italy, where the frequency of U6 is much lower than in Iberia (one out of 411 individuals), and where none of the eight L sequences has been found in NW Africa. Three Italian L sequences have been described throughout Africa, and the remaining five are not found in >1,000 sub-Saharan individuals. Thus, the presence of L sequences cannot be attributed to migration from NW Africa, and may instead represent gene flow from other sources, such as the Neolithic expansion or the Roman slave trade.
Data from tables show L sequences as follows in Italy:
Central Italy: 1.2 (From Tagliabracci, 2001) (L3*) Sardinia: 2.8 (From DiRienzo & Wilson, 1991, and unpublished Rickards data) (L1a & L2a) Sicily: 0.6 (From Cali, 2001, with additional sample from unpublished Rickards data and Rickards, 2000 added) (L2a) South Italy: 8.1 (From unpublished Rickards and Rickards, 2000 data, not available online) (L1 and L3 haplogroups) Tuscany: 2.0 (Tuscan data from Francalacci, 1996, listed above.) (L3b) As stated above, there may or may not be an additional sequence that falls into L3 (not counted here).
And M1:
Sardinia: 1.4 Sicily: 1.8
* Branching pattern in the evolutionary tree for human mitochondrial DNA (1991)
This is the Di Rienzo & Wilson study mentioned above, which finds one L1a, one L2a, and one M1 in 69 Sardinians. Haplogroups (determined by examining motifs) supplied by a geneticist acquaintance.
* Polymorphism of the mitochondrial DNA control region in Italians (2001)
Tagliabracci study mentioned above, which finds one sub-Saharan L3* out of 83 Central Italians. Also found is one Asiatic M*. Full list of haplogroups supplied privately by a geneticist acquaintance.
* Y-Chromosomal Diversity in Europe Is Clinal and Influenced Primarily by Geography, Rather than by Language (2000)
This study's data table shows one sub-Saharan Y-haplogroup 8 (HG8) in a sample of 10 Sardinians (and one HG8 in a sample of 40 Frenchmen).
* Population Structure in the Mediterranean Basin: A Y Chromosome Perspective (2006)
Full study (available for fee) shows one sub-Saharan Y-haplogroup A in a sample of 81 Sardinians (as well as sub-Saharan markers in Maltese and Cypriots). Also shows various forms of E3b, which ultimately traces its way back to eastern sub-Saharan Africa (since it originated there) in various Mediterraneans, including Sicilians, Sardinians, and mainland Italians.
* Phylogeography of mitochondrial DNA in western Europe (1998) (abstract only, but full study {from where quote below was taken} available for free by following links)
Quote: Two sequences, from Sardinia and Portugal, are members of RFLP haplogroup L2 (confirmed by testing for the HpaI site at position 3592 characterizing L1 and L2 in Africans: Chen et al. 1995). One, from Iberia, is a one-step derivative of the most frequent and widespread member of L3b. An individual from North Germany, one from Britain and one from Sardinia are members of L1, and the 6209±16223±16311 sequence is a member of an African subcluster of L3a, and ndeed is found in a Portuguese subject with Angolan ancestry.
* Origin, Diffusion, and Differentiation of Y-Chromosome Haplogroups E and J: Inferences on the Neolithization of Europe and Later Migratory Events in the Mediterranean Area (2004)
Study's data table shows sub-Saharan E-M35* as follows in Italians:
Sardinians (1.1%)
And sub-saharan E(xE3b):
Sardinians (1.6%)
Note on E-M35*: The last 2 studies above show E-M35*, the ancestral form of E-M35 that didn't form clades, to be present at high frequencies only in Ethiopians and southern Africans. It is only found sporadically at low rates in Europeans (and North Africans). This shows it is a useful marker of sub-Saharan admixture. E-M78, versions of which are found in Greeks and other Mediterraneans, arrived there many thousands of years ago from sub-Saharan eastern Africa, and a distinct "trail" can be seen leading from eastern Africa to the Mediterranean. E-M35* doesn't have such a trail into Europe, and, as mentioned above, its presence in Europe (Iberia, Sicily, Italy, Sardinia) is sporadic and sparse. This would suggest it arrived there more recently, perhaps during the Saracen/Moorish era with sub-Saharan slaves.
Note on M1: Haplogroup M as found in the Mediterranean is mostly the East African version (M1), as shown by Quintana-Murci (1999), and not the eastern/southern Asian versions, except in a few cases. The origin of M1 (indeed M in general) is hotly debated. Some believe M1 must have originated in southern or eastern Asia, because all the other branches of haplogroup M are restricted to South Asia, East Asia, and Australasia, and because the diversity of M is greater in Asia than in Africa. They explain that M1's absense there now is because it died out. This scenario doesn't make much sense.
Others say M1 must have originated in East Africa because it is not present in any southern or eastern Asian samples, it reaches its highest frequency by far in East Africa, and it is found at considerably lesser rates in nearby North African and Middle Eastern populations. Support for the second theory is obtained by the calculation of RFLP data, which shows the age of East African M1 to be compatible with Asian M, suggesting aboriginal M* arose just prior to our species' expansion out of Africa, with Asian-specific M's developing in Asia, and haplogroup M remaining in East Africa then becoming M1. The lack of diversity in East Africa is explained by the fact that a small localized population cannot develop the diversity in a marker that can develop when it exists in a population that spreads throughout a much larger area. Again, see Quintana-Murci. (Alternatively, one could suggest that L3 carriers left Africa, with M* and its descendants, except M1, developing in Asia. Some L3's remaining in East Africa then morphed into M1 independently. But M1 would still be African-originating.) The scenario of M1 originating in East Africa is the only one that makes any sense.
At any rate, since M1 isn't found further east than western Asia, and it reaches its highest frequency in East Africa, we can conclude that less frequent occurrences of this marker in neighboring regions of North Africa and the Middle East, and the sporadic occurrences in the northern Mediterranean area, are due to expansion from East Africa. Richards (2003) aren't sure of its origin, but mention its concentration in East Africa. They don't seem to dispute that the presence of the marker in the Near East is due to expansion from East Africa, but claim that they can't be certain that any given M1 there was from recent immigration. (For that matter, it isn't 100% certain that L markers here, which are clearly sub-Saharan, are from recent immigration, either; they could have been introduced much earlier. But this isn't too likely for L's or M1's there -- except in a few cases -- because of a lack of a "trail"; see below). Richards (2000) definitely take M1 to be an indicator of sub-Saharan introgression (along with haplogroup L) in the Near East. There are a few studies on Iberians where M1 is definitely taken to be a marker of sub-saharan ancestry (links will be provided soon).
So, it is virtually certain that M1 found sporadically in Mediterranean Europe (Iberia, Sicily, Greece, etc.) is due to sub-Saharan admixture/gene flow. Furthermore, this is indeed likely from the time of the trans-Saharan slave trade, and not from a very ancient movement, (except for a few sub-clades that aren't found in Africa, suggesting their ancestors arrived in Europe from sub-Saharan East Africa much earlier, with the mutations developing in Europe). This is because its presence there is sparse, and because there is no "trail" suggesting an ancient movement out of East Africa, as with Y-marker E-M78. Also, Quintana-Murci (1999) say it is virtually absent in the Levant, where it would certainly be present had it been carried into Europe in a mass movement, say with E-M78. Also possible is that M1 was carried into Mediterranean Europe by relatively recent M1-carrying North African or western Asian immigrants or slaves. But even here, it ultimately traces its way back to eastern sub-Saharan Africa, since this is where it is concentrated. There doesn't seem to be any way to avoid this conclusion.
Here is an additional study, on Parkinson's Disease in Mediterraneans, that mentions Sardinians have some Negroid features:
Quote: Neurology. 1980 Mar;30(3):250-5. Related Articles, Links
The risk of Parkinson disease in Mediterranean people.
Rosati G, Granieri E, Pinna L, Aiello I, Tola R, De Bastiani P, Pirisi A, Devoto MC.
On the basis of previous epidemiologic studies, Parkinson disease was thought to be evenly distributed throughout the world. These studies, however, were conducted only on North European populations. The position with regard to the Mediterranean peoples was still unknown, and we therefore studied the frequency of Parkinson disease on the island of Sardinia, where some ethnic groups of the Mediterranean stock are represented. Based on 967 accepted cases, the prevalence 100,000 population on January 1, 1972, was 65.6; the average annual incidence for the period 1961 through 1971 was 4.9. These figures are one-half of the figures established for North Europeans. Our findings suggest racial differences in predisposition to Parkinson disease. Some Negroid features are present in Sardinians. If, as seems likely, Africans prove to be relatively unsusceptible to the disease, the risk for Sardinians and other Mediterranean ethnic groups might be intermediate between North Europeans and Africans.
Restriction fragment length polymorphism of human mitochondrial DNA in a sample population from Apulia (Southern Italy)
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Incidentally, "Racial Reality" has a habit of pooling information from various parts of Italy together into a single Italian sample. While there is nothing intrinsically wrong with this, as it creats an average, it utterly confounds the large local differences. That is precisely his reason for doing it.
^ Desparate times, desparate debunked.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:As for the 8% Oceanian and 6% East Asian ancestry, it stands to reason that if Ethiopia is the source of all non-Africans, it would carry traces of the different populations it gave rise to
^ Still getting things backwards debunked?
Backwards thinking is supposed to save you and your fading delusions of race purity in Europe?
Not a chance.
Let us straighten you out:
Sources don't leave traces of the destination.
Destinations leaves traces of their original source.
Ancestors don't have ancestry from their descendants.
Descendants have ancestry from their ancestors.
And...Ethiopians don't have ancestry from Norway
But Europeans do....have recent ancestry from Africa, as you well know, since we have specified the genes, and you only respound by running and hiding.
And that's why Europeans show as being genetically closer to Africans than New Guineans and Chinese are.
"Europe shows a shorter genetic distance from Africa than do all the other continents......The overall contributions from Asia and Africa were estimated to be around two-thirds and one-third, respectively. Simulations have shown (7) that this hypothesis explains quite well the discrepancy between trees obtained by maximum likelihood and neighbor joining. " - L. Luca Cavalli-Sforza
^ There's nothing Debunked can say that can change the above, and no data he can distort that is not explained by the above.
You lose again debunked.
Posted by Explorateur (Member # 14778) on :
quote:Originally posted by Explorateur:
quote:Originally posted by Debunker:
quote:So we are still waiting, where is your proof that Ethiopians share 62% of their ancestry with Norwegians?
Wilson says Ethiopians are not fully black because they share 62% cluster membership with Norwegians, Armenians and Jews. Risch agrees, saying that they cluster more with Caucasoids. Cavalli-Sforza determined them to be part Caucasoid years ago. Lovell found them to contain elements of the European/Middle Eastern gene pool based on the X chromosome. And since you're so hung up on uniparentals, even Passarino arrived at the same conclusion based on mtDNA and Y-chromosomes. In fact, several Y-chromosome plots group them closer to Caucasoids than to sub-Saharan Africans. How much more proof do you need? ETHIOPIANS ARE MIXED. Deal with it.
Ah, but the question was what are the specificY and mtDNA uniparental markers that **Ethiopians share with Norwegians**, since you proclaimed such a close genetic connection between the two, if not implying that there is closer relationship there than there is between Ethiopians and other Africans; a fair question, no?
Predictably, "Debunker" stayed clear of this obligation, because he/she knew that after a few trials of holding his/her feet to the fire on the matter, that his/her opponents would finally let it go; and from what I can tell, that is how it seems to have played out.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ Then, don't let it go.
Your job is to keep roasting him, then.
Posted by Explorateur (Member # 14778) on :
Well, I do whatever I can if time permits it, but to be honest, "Debunker" strikes me as person not on caliber to discuss genealogical and bio-anthropological issues; he/she has 1)little grasp of the sciences at hand, and 2)is too dogmatist to be open to being tutored!
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ tutor him?
you don't tutor psychotic racists.
nor do you -debate- them with and actual expectation that questions will be answered, or facts 'acknowledged'
you simply DESTROY THEM.
the benefit is to others that learn from it.
debunked's only hope is that intelligent persons like you, eventually weary of his lies, and stop calling him on them.
that's -why- he does it.
quote:again...never think you are debating propagandists.
never try to 'convince' them.
just expose them - and so make them resort to ever more baldfaced lying
Posted by Explorateur (Member # 14778) on :
Yeah, but a propagandist is one who presumably knows the subject matter that he/she is attempting to distort at a sufficient level, but "Debunker" doesn't strike me as that type of a person.
Posted by Explorateur (Member # 14778) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasol: ^ tutor him?
you don't tutor psychotic racists.
nor do you -debate- them with and actual expectation that questions will be answered, or facts 'acknowledged'
you simply DESTROY THEM.
his only hope is that intelligent persons like you, eventually weary of his lies, and stop calling him on them.
that's -why- he does it.
I don't recall professing any intent on tutoring the fellow; just stated my perception of his/her state of mind, as I can discern from his/her postings. And again, as much as I would love to entertain the guy, it all boils down to having the time to burn, if you get my drift.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Yeah, but a propagandist is one who presumably knows the subject matter
^ Propagandists prey on ignorance. They don't need to know anything....they just need to make sure that others don't know.
Posted by Explorateur (Member # 14778) on :
quote:Originally posted by Explorateur: Yeah, but a propagandist is one who presumably knows the subject matter that he/she is attempting to distort at a sufficient level, but "Debunker" doesn't strike me as that type of a person.
Take for instance, one little sign of this, when he/she literally took the mention of Y chromosome as a single locus in the overall human genome to mean that it actually has a single locus...virtually, all chromosomes and mtDNA are individual loci that are part of the overall human genome in that context, and so, not something that negates the value of Y DNA.
Posted by Explorateur (Member # 14778) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:Yeah, but a propagandist is one who presumably knows the subject matter
^ Propagandists prey on ignorance. They don't need to know anything....they just need to make sure that others don't know.
The way I see it, how do you have intent on making others *not* know what you don't know yourself? You must at least have an idea of the contrasting reality to that which you are trying to distort to begin with, no?
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:when he/she literally took the mention of Y chromosome as a single locus in the overall human genome to mean that it actually has a single locus.
- thus it was great fun to explain [to anyone who does not know] that y chromosome markers identify the entire chromsome, not just a single non coding location on it.
i don't care 'about' people like debunked.
they are just pawns of dienekes, whom i make into my pawns instead, and so use them against their masters.
Dienekes never looks so foolish as he does when his most infamous pupil gets caught with his pants down time and time again.
Posted by Explorateur (Member # 14778) on :
Just a thought: does the mere mention of the Dienekes fellow every now and then, not actually give him undeserved attention that makes him infamous? I highly doubt the guy mentions anyone from here.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:The way I see it, how do you have intent on making others *not* know what you don't know yourself?
Defines Dienekes.
quote:You must at least have an idea of the contrasting reality to that which you are trying to distort to begin with, no?
no. i mean, if you don't know and they don't would they know?
all you need to do to 'succeed' as a twisted liar who can convince other people is be and aggressor.
Wally had and excellent expression to describe this process: 'the will to define'.
It's not based on knowledge at all.
You simply tell other people what to think,,, regardless of how little you actually know.
After all, the entire Wst. construct of 'race' is based on making up self serving myths and passing it off as self evident truth.
And look at how many people parrot the ws.t propaganda construct of race.
Propaganda is about will, not knowledge, and to defeat propaganda you must also have will as well as knowledge.
You can never tire of speaking the truth, and in so doing, destroying their lies.
And the battle doesn't 'end'. You shouldn't expect it to. [do people ever stop lying?]
That's the way it works.
quote:Just a thought: does the mere mention of the Dienekes fellow every now and then, not actually give him undeserved attention that makes him infamous?
^ probably, but he provides the source material for debunked, so, mention him or no, it's his garbage you're refuting.
quote: I highly doubt the guy mentions anyone from here.
i'm certain i don't care.
Posted by Explorateur (Member # 14778) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:The way I see it, how do you have intent on making others *not* know what you don't know yourself?
Defines Dienekes.
quote:You must at least have an idea of the contrasting reality to that which you are trying to distort to begin with, no?
no. i mean, if you don't know and they don't would they know. would they know "what"? i.e. if you don't know the "what" that is involved?
I mean trolling is one thing, another form of distraction, by stalling, not answering, and throwing in irrelevant garb, but that quite the same thing?
quote: After all, the entire Wst. construct of 'race' is based on making up self serving myths and passing it off as self evident truth.
But presumably on the backdrop, that they really know deep down the realities to the contrary.
quote: Propaganda is about will, not knowledge, and to defeat propaganda you must also have will as well as knowledge. be a *successful* propagandist, having a mere will is not going to cut it, because you'll fail; you have to have *minimal* idea of what you are trying to distort.
Posted by Explorateur (Member # 14778) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
probably, but he provides the source material for debunked, so, mention him or no, it's his garbage you're refuting.
quote: I highly doubt the guy mentions anyone from here.
i'm certain i don't care.
Does that not mean then, at least subconsciously, that you actually care about him, as opposed to vice versa.
Take for instance, notorious trolls who make mere mention of me thread after thread, when by the same token, they are never addressed vice versa.
Posted by Debunker (Member # 15669) on :
quote:The paper is related to medicine you dummy, you only read what you want
No, you only read what you want. The paper is divided into two parts. This is made clear in the Abstract:
"We address these by (i) inferring the genetic structure present in a heterogeneous sample and (ii) comparing the distribution of DME variants across the inferred genetic clusters of individuals."
The first part has nothing to do with medicine. It's an admixture analysis measuring genome-wide continental ancestry:
"Briefly, the model implemented in STRUCTURE assumes K clusters, each characterized by a set of allele frequencies at each locus; the admixture model then estimates the proportion of each individual's genome having ancestry in each cluster."
quote:Wilson et al' own breakdown of his own study:
The only reason you wrote to Wilson was because you knew what his results indicated and you didn't like it. So you posed as an anthropology student and asked him a loaded question to trick him into providing you with an "apology" for showing that Ethiopians cluster more with Caucasoids, which you could then spam all over the internet. His coerced reply is not peer-reviewed, it's not published, and parts of it contradict the study itself as well as Risch et al.'s later interpretation of the study, both of which are peer-reviewed and published. Keep your tainted personal correspondence to yourself.
quote:Ethiopians have no admixture from bantus and West Africans
Ethiopians have recent Negroid and Khoisan admixture from other parts of Africa. If they didn't, all haplogroups in Ethiopia would descend from L3/M168 like the OOA populations that originated there. But this is not the case. Ethiopians have ~50% L1/L2 and ~25% A/B.
quote:And Ethiopians don't cluster with Europeans on the Y-chromosone either:
Ethiopians cluster in-between Caucasoids and other sub-Saharan Africans, because they're mixed:
quote:Ah, but the question was what are the specificY and mtDNA uniparental markers that **Ethiopians share with Norwegians**, since you proclaimed such a close genetic connection between the two, if not implying that there is closer relationship there than there is between Ethiopians and other Africans; a fair question, no?
No, it's not a "fair question". It's a stupid question. Uniparental markers tell you nothing about the rest of the genome. The Ouldeme of Cameroon share >90% haplogroup R with the Irish, yet the two groups are not at all related. In a genome-wide analysis, they would occupy entirely different genetic/racial clusters. On the flip side, you can have groups who don't share uniparentals but are closely related based on the entire genome and therefore share cluster membership, like Ethiopians and Norwegians.
quote:Europeans cluster -even more- with Ethiopians because Europeans have more and more recent ancestry from East Africa - which is what this thread topic [E3b] is about.
Two problems with that Afro-interpretation:
1) The Europeans in Wilson's study (Norwegians) have virtually no E3b or other "African" genes.
2) They have 96% membership in a cluster that Ethiopians have 62% membership in. So what you're in fact suggesting is that Norwegians are more African than Ethiopians.
CONCLUSION: You're a buffoon with absolutely no grasp of population genetics.
quote:Does that not mean then, at least subconsciously, that you actually care about him, as opposed to vice versa.
Take for instance, notorious trolls who make mere mention of me thread after thread, when by the same token, they are never addressed vice versa.
Of course he cares. In this scenario, rasol is the notorious troll that nobody cares about, mentions, listens to or has even heard of, and Dienekes is the respected individual with a popular anthropology blog that's read by actual scientists like John Hawks and Peter Frost.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Blah blah blah, same old nonsense that's already been addressed and debunked. Still running huh debunked? All you deserve is the copy and paste of questions you fail to answer.
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718: Debunked doesn't want to get down to the specifics instead he just posts quotes and makes vague arguments from them, without actually getting down to or actually naming the specific evidences.
I.e #'s 1-10
1) Failed to name traits shared between Ancient Africans (Hofmeyr) and recent Europeans.
2) Fails to answer why or how Greeks inherited genes such as E3b, Benin hbs, L1 L2 if not from Africans?
3) Fails to address the fact that Europeans are closest genetically to Africans whereas the original OOA populations. I.e Oceanians appear furthest away genetically from Africa, if Oceanians and Europeans are part of the same non-African OOA population structure, then Europeans should be as distant genetically from Africans, as Oceanians are. If this is not due to post OOA Neolithic migrations into Europe from Africa, then what is it debunked?
4) Fails to name the paternally and maternally haplotypes that Ethiopians share with Norwegians.
5) Fails to address the quote below from Wilson et al., after he erroneously tried to claim that "Y chromosomes are a thing of the past"
quote:The degree to which 'mixed' ancestry is due to recent vs ancient mixing/separation could be estimated with series of genealogical genetic systems such as the Y chromosome, but *not* with lots of unlinked loci each of which gives very little gene genealogical information.--Wilson et al
6) Fails to address the fact that almost half of Greece's Y chromosome is NON-European in origin E3b and J, but yet debunked is still unbelievably and ignorantly persistent on claiming Greece to be "pure" or 100 % Imaginary "Caucasoid".
7) Fails to address how or why E3a carrying Africans exhibit so called "Carcusoid" traits
8) Fails to address the Buba Clan Priestly class carrying Hg J, shouldn't this had turned these people "Caucasoid", as you're erroneously proposing imaginary lineages(failed to name) in East Africans, debunked??
9) Fails to address the fact that Europeans turned pale only recently.
10) Failed to address his erroneous Eurasian Adam claim, when approached with the below quote from Cavalli Sfroza.
From Cavalli-Sforza: Genes, Culture, and Human Evolution. Pg 187.
quote: ..."In other words, all non-Africans carry M168. Of course, Africans carrying the M168 mutation today are the descendants of the African subpopulation from which the migrants originated.... Thus, the Australian/Eurasian Adam (the ancestor of all non-Africans) was an East African Man."
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by Explorateur:
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
probably, but he provides the source material for debunked, so, mention him or no, it's his garbage you're refuting.
quote: I highly doubt the guy mentions anyone from here.
i'm certain i don't care.
Does that not mean then, at least subconsciously, that you actually care about him, as opposed to vice versa.
Take for instance, notorious trolls who make mere mention of me thread after thread, when by the same token, they are never addressed vice versa.
No. It means I'm more concerned with the issues at hand, rather than personalities, so i'm not concerned about the 'personal' consequences of mentioning someones name, or not - hence I don't care. It's actually your posts which express concern in this regard. Remember you started this particular conversion to express -your- frustations at troll behavior. If you want to examine something sub-consciously, then why not start there?
As for me, I think we are digressing and should get back on topic.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:debunked writes: The only reason you wrote to Wilson
^ It doesn't matter why Charles wrote to Wilson. It only matters what Wilson has to say, which is that parental markers are most informative in tracing geneology, and not studies of loci of unkown origin.
He is very clear and makes perfect sense.
Your problem is that he debunks you, as usual.
You won't write the sources you miscite precisely because you know they will either debunk you, or they take you for a lunatic and refuse to acknowledge your pathetic existence.
And this is another reason why Bass always destroys you in debates.
Stay debunked.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasol: No. It means I'm more concerned with the issues at hand, rather than personalities, so i'm not concerned about the 'personal' consequences of mentioning someones name, or not - hence I don't care. It's actually your posts which express concern in this regard. Remember you started this particular conversion to express -your- frustations at troll behavior. If you want to examine something sub-consciously, then why not start there?
LOL Seems Ausarianstein has something on his mind thats bugging him...
Hey Ausarianstein, I care about you! Really, I would love for us to pick up back where we left off on your holocaust beat down. You have failed to show white Jews are Semitics and now you are down to defending Dawidowitz et al. Im getting bored with Great sage, Alive, Whiskey and Mary. What do you say? For ole time sakes? I miss your foul mouth rants when you get beaten down. LOL
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Two problems with that interpretation:
1) The Europeans in Wilson's study have virtually no E3b or other "African" genes.
"We describe the presence of an hgA1 chromosome in an indigenous British male; comparison with African examples suggests a Western African origin. Seven out of 18 men carrying the same rare east-Yorkshire surname as the original male also carry Haplogroup A1"
quote: 2) They have 96% membership in a cluster that Ethiopians have 62% membership in. So what you're in fact suggesting is that Norwegians are more African than Ethiopians
No, nothing I said suggested that. That you think that was suggested is only because you're dumb and your brain doesn't work very well.
So let me explain it to you again.
I know its difficult for you but try to follow along.
I will number the logical steps so you don't get lost.
1) Chinese, New Guinean and European all come from East Africa.
-> which you admit.
2) East Africans do not come from China, New Guinea and Europe.
-> you tacitly admit this by failing to provide European lineages in East Africa.
3) Therefore, when there are clusters in common between -
East Africa and China.
East Africa and New Guinea
East Africa and Europe.....
it is primarily due to the African ancestry of
all of these peoples.
-> as denoted by geneticist Tishkoff: ALL Non-Africans have a subset of East African genes
DEBUNKED: If you ever find a study showing that East Africans, Chinese and New Guineans have a -sub-set of European genes...... let us know.
4) The reason that Europeans cluster more with
East Africans is not a matter of speculation.
It can and has been stated -precisely- by geneticist Cavelli Sforza.
"Europe shows a shorter genetic distance from Africa than do all the other continents......The overall contributions from Asia and Africa were estimated to be around two-thirds and one-third, respectively. Simulations have shown (7) that this hypothesis explains quite well the discrepancy between trees obtained by maximum likelihood and neighbor joining. " - L. Luca Cavalli-Sforza
-> you tacitly admit this is true as well, by failing to address this reality, which is eating you alive. In fact, that's why you're here.
And that's your real "problem".
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
You suffer from the typical liberal schizophrenia. You keep talking about the "Eurocentric propaganda" re the construct of "race" yet you keep citing Cavalli-Sforza who, apart from his "Caucasian mixed Ethiopians", is known too for his racial classifications, even if disguised.
In the final analysis then, is the "race" construct really that debunked?
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ You suffer from a need to gain attention by flame trolling, in spite of the fact that you never have anything of relevance to say.
I'm saying: You're a mindless attention whore.
That's why I ignore you, and advise others to do likewise.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Akoben, Argyle, xxyman etc... Seem to be Euro-centrists undercover, probably were members here or on another site where they were demolished and critiqued for using studies from said scientists which were outdated, flawed or just misinterpreted. So every time they see the same scientists being used that they were virtually smacked for misinterpreting they become upset and try to push the same thing onto every study from said scientists. Their plan is to discredit all scientists, all studies, especially ones they used in their failed attempt at positing their Euro-centric beliefs, to cast doubt among people seeking truth and unbiased science and history.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasol: ^ You suffer from a need to gain attention by flame trolling, in spite of the fact that you never have anything of relevance to say.
I'm saying: You're a mindless attention whore.
That's why I ignore you, and advise others to do likewise.
^ You try to ignore because you can't face your own contradictions and BS. Pathetic straw targets like Debunked and Evil Euro gives you the comfort level needed for your low self-esteem.
But when it comes to explaining your contradictions (alleged refutation of the concept of "race" and Eurocentrism, while gleefully posting those who support the two) you get personal and turn foul. What happened to your interest in issues, not the person? Hypocrite? Can't run from yourself rasolowitz.
quote:Akoben, Argyle, xxyman etc... Seem to be Euro-centrists undercover, probably were members here or on another site where they were demolished and critiqued for using studies from said scientists which were outdated, flawed or just misinterpreted. So every time they see the same scientists being used that they were virtually smacked for misinterpreting they become upset and try to push the same thing onto every study from said scientists. Their plan is to discredit all scientists, all studies, especially ones they used in their failed attempt at positing their Euro-centric beliefs, to cast doubt among people seeking truth and unbiased science and history.
What are you doing out of your corner? Shouldn't you be busy supporing your claims, instead of constructing more lies from your little dream world? LOL
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:What are you doing out of your corner? Shouldn't you be busy supporing your claims, instead of constructing more lies from your little dream world? LOL
Are you delusional? Why don't you try being yourself, stop trying to be like me, I sent YOU and your boys to the dunce corner, now you're going to use my line forever? Who uses the exact same insult back to the one insulting them? Yes Ako, that's correct, a DUNCE like you. Not too original are we FAko?
Btw.... What claims do I need to support? Can you be more specific, instead of just being vague and insignificant in all of your posts?
Or perhaps you have something of great relevance to contribute to this E3b thread? Seeing as you have the audacity to comment on this board.
Anyway, this stands as a clear description of you and your crew.
quote:Akoben, Argyle, xxyman etc... Seem to be Euro-centrists undercover, probably were members here or on another site where they were demolished and critiqued for using studies from said scientists which were outdated, flawed or just misinterpreted. So every time they see the same scientists being used that they were virtually smacked for misinterpreting they become upset and try to push the same thing onto every study from said scientists. Their plan is to discredit all scientists, all studies, especially ones they used in their failed attempt at positing their Euro-centric beliefs, to cast doubt among people seeking truth and unbiased science and history.
Posted by xyyman (Member # 13597) on :
Hey Knowldeg you are starting to sound like YH. Lay off whatever you are doing. Stay away from the keyboard for a few days. It's getting to you.
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718: Akoben, Argyle, xxyman etc... Seem to be Euro-centrists undercover, probably were members here or on another site where they were demolished and critiqued for using studies from said scientists which were outdated, flawed or just misinterpreted. So every time they see the same scientists being used that they were virtually smacked for misinterpreting they become upset and try to push the same thing onto every study from said scientists. Their plan is to discredit all scientists, all studies, especially ones they used in their failed attempt at positing their Euro-centric beliefs, to cast doubt among people seeking truth and unbiased science and history.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:Who uses the exact same insult back to the one insulting them?
Oh no whiskey, no insult. I really mean it. Don't move from your corner until you support your claims of my "true negro" proposition, "I am actually debunking your proposition of a "true-negro". Quotes please, or remain a dunce! LOL
quote: Or perhaps you have something of great relevance to contribute to this E3b thread? Seeing as you have the audacity to comment on this board.
Uhmm, I did in fact throw in my two cents re the subject of east Africans, Caucasians and Eurocentric myths involved. But as you can see rasolowitz is not ready to face is contradictions as yet. LOL
quote:Anyway, this stands as a clear description of you and your crew.
Rather it stands as evidence of your inability to deal with what is, rather than what you would like it to be. You can't deal with what people acually say/argue i.e. you're a p**y.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
^^Go back under your bridge in the troll thread, I already addressed you there
^ LOL More like he can go back to his little 'den of sin' along with his boyfriends
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718: Akoben, Argyle, xxyman etc... Seem to be Euro-centrists undercover, probably were members here or on another site where they were demolished and critiqued for using studies from said scientists which were outdated, flawed or just misinterpreted. So every time they see the same scientists being used that they were virtually smacked for misinterpreting they become upset and try to push the same thing onto every study from said scientists. Their plan is to discredit all scientists, all studies, especially ones they used in their failed attempt at positing their Euro-centric beliefs, to cast doubt among people seeking truth and unbiased science and history.
This could maybe be true considering how they are so quick to attack Rasol when he's on a roll destroying Debunked... OR they could just be neurotic and psychotic losers who vie for attention. Either way they are pathetic.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:The remarkable Y chromosome present in the R surname provides the first genetic evidence of a long-lived African presence within Britain.
Good study. I just scanned through most of it. Some british have African genes going back to the 18th century. It seems like this would be a bit strange but it is *truth* so people should just take the time to accept it. This by no means, mean that white British are not indeginous or did not create there own society. Much of the African genes come from the era of slavery. Still good information.
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
^ My, could this be reason why Eva Braun (Akobago), gargoyle, and the other nasty brit-boys have been stirring things up more than usual lately?!
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
Thanks. Actually the implication is 'prior' to the 18th century. Quite likely African ancestry in Europeans is much much older. And 'prior' to the 'era of slavery', to which it cannot be constricted and which does not provide and 'excuse' for it, at any rate:
African Female Heritage in Iberia: A Reassessment of mtDNA Lineage Distribution in Present Times
Iberian peninsula is a peripheral region of Europe in close proximity to Africa. Its inhabitants have an overall mtDNA genetic landscape typical of European background, although with signs of some African influence, whose features we deemed to disclose by analyzing available mtDNA HVRI distributions and new data. Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ There is no doubt that all Europeans have 'slave' ancestry. Since slavery - a word whose very name is based on a European ethnic group that was massively enslaved - "the slavs", is a fundamental component of historical European culture, most ancient Greeks were slaves:
There may have been as many, if not more, slaves than free people in ancient Greece
Europeans have diverse African, SouthWest Asian, and native European ancestry.
European culture - more than most - is rooted in slavery. Slavery is a European word for a European social practise applied to European people who were made into 'slaves' primarily [though not exclusively], by other Europeans.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
And still the contradictions remain! With all the constant inveighs against Eurocentism and race, we are still without an answer as to why the Mandela-loving "non racialist" rasolowitz uses said Eurocentricts and their back door racialism. LOL
Posted by Tyrann0saurus (Member # 3735) on :
quote:Originally posted by akoben: And still the contradictions remain! With all the constant inveighs against Eurocentism and race, we are still without an answer as to why the Mandela-loving "non racialist" rasolowitz uses said Eurocentricts and their back door racialism. LOL
Can you please just leave this thread? We already have our asshole, we don't need another one.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasol: Thanks. Actually the implication is 'prior' to the 18th century. Quite likely African ancestry in Europeans is much much older. And 'prior' to the 'era of slavery', to which it cannot be constricted and which does not provide and 'excuse' for it, at any rate:
African Female Heritage in Iberia: A Reassessment of mtDNA Lineage Distribution in Present Times
Iberian peninsula is a peripheral region of Europe in close proximity to Africa. Its inhabitants have an overall mtDNA genetic landscape typical of European background, although with signs of some African influence, whose features we deemed to disclose by analyzing available mtDNA HVRI distributions and new data.
One mtDNA molecule displayed an L2 haplotype, that is typically African, but is also sporadically found in Southern Europe.
There is also a surprisingly high frequency of haplogroup J, considering its Mid East origin. - Different genetic components in the Norwegian population revealed by the analysis of mtDNA and Y chromosome polymorphisms
^ Even Norway has 'middle eastern' and 'african' components in it's genome.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Posted by debunked
quote: Ethiopians have recent Negroid and Khoisan admixture from other parts of Africa. If they didn't, all haplogroups in Ethiopia would descend from L3/M168 like the OOA populations that originated there. But this is not the case. Ethiopians have ~50% L1/L2 and ~25% A/B.
Pretty funny, how debunked is so quick to try and name erroneous "negroid" lineage admixtures into Ethiopians, but the questions that we actually ask, which is...
What are the genes shared between Norwegians and Ethiopians?
What admixture from outside non-African populations, if any, Ethiopians possess, he deliberately fails to answer.
Why debunked? Obviously because he CAN'T and he's just blowing smoke in desperation of a last attempt at making Ethiopians "Caucasoid" or non-African with imaginary admixture, to keep the admixture from Africa into Southern Europe as a so-called "Caucasoid" club component.
It's just like the erroneous "Mediterranean skull". A completely desperate attempt at denying the African influence in Southern Europe and South West Asia.
Posted by Explorateur (Member # 14778) on :
quote:Originally posted by Debunker:
quote:Ah, but the question was what are the specificY and mtDNA uniparental markers that **Ethiopians share with Norwegians**, since you proclaimed such a close genetic connection between the two, if not implying that there is closer relationship there than there is between Ethiopians and other Africans; a fair question, no?
No, it's not a "fair question". It's a stupid question.
Now why would it be a stupid question, considering that you are saying that Ethiopians and Norwegians are more closely related than say, Ethiopians are to other Africans. Should it not be stupid to expect this relationship, as you apparently do, with no expression of such a "close relationship" in the uniparental markers that every single living soul ought to have? And if you don't realize that every living soul has to have uniparental markers, does that not then go back to the point about you not knowing head or tails about genealogical or bio-anthropological matters?
quote: Uniparental markers tell you nothing about the rest of the genome.
But *no* single line of marker, whether uniparental or otherwise, tells you about the rest of the human genome. This goes to provide another example of the fact that you are unschooled on the basics of genetics, doesn't it?!
quote: The Ouldeme of Cameroon share >90% haplogroup R with the Irish, yet the two groups are not at all related.
Of course they are, duh; they share a common recent ancestor that places them outside of that of other clades. Apply the concept of "learning to crawl before you walk" to genetics; you are not ready to debate on anything genetics.
quote: In a genome-wide analysis, they would occupy entirely different genetic/racial clusters.
What is the overall human genome; identify the specifics of its contents.
quote: On the flip side, you can have groups who don't share uniparentals but are closely related based on the entire genome and therefore share cluster membership, like Ethiopians and Norwegians.
Are you trying to say that the ancestry represented by an individual's uniparental markers is not expressed in the rest of the person's genome; that is, a person only inherits a single marker from his/her father and mother? Explain.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ Good reply.
quote:Debunked writes: Uniparental markers tell you nothing about the rest of the genome.
^ This is false. When you inherit your fathers Y chromosome, and all it's attendant genes, then you must inherit autosomes from him as well, and this inheritance would occur -throughout- the entire genome.
The distinction involving lineage markers is that their origin can be readily identified, unlike 'most' autosomes whose origins are unidentified.
This is very much unlike the cluster graph that debunked tries to mis-use, and which "contain little geneological information" -> according to the author of the study.
This is obvious when you consider a graph that shows -common loci- in China and Ethiopia, but has no clear way of determining either when or where it comes from - china, ethiopia or elsewhere.
Of course, Debunked wants to argue with the author about the nature and meaning of his own study.... so as to keep misciting it...which is ludicrous, but hey that's what makes for good comedy, right Debunked?
Posted by Explorateur (Member # 14778) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:Originally posted by Explorateur:
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
probably, but he provides the source material for debunked, so, mention him or no, it's his garbage you're refuting.
quote: I highly doubt the guy mentions anyone from here.
i'm certain i don't care.
Does that not mean then, at least subconsciously, that you actually care about him, as opposed to vice versa.
Take for instance, notorious trolls who make mere mention of me thread after thread, when by the same token, they are never addressed vice versa.
No. It means I'm more concerned with the issues at hand, rather than personalities
That is funny, considering you are mentioning a person you are not actually debating with, don't you think?! Is it not possible to refute something propagated by dienekes' stooge without mentioning dienekes himself?
quote: , so i'm not concerned about the 'personal' consequences of mentioning someones name, or not - hence I don't care.
I'm not sure what you mean by "personal" consequences; this is a matter of you actually caring about the person that you purport to not care about what that person thinks. You obviously care about what the guy thinks, because you mention him when attributing an idea ultimately to him.
quote: It's actually your posts which express concern in this regard.
Was it not you who mentioned Dienekes, or are you now laying that initiative at my feet?
quote: Remember you started this particular conversion to express -your- frustations at troll behavior.
What particular "conversation"; I simply noted the fact that a certain aspect of "Debunker's" tactics appears to be playing out just as he/she might have well planned it; it was you who followed that up with talk of 'propaganda' about his intent on making myself and others "tired and eventually give up addressing his/her baseless outpourings", when in fact the point I was making seems to be expressing precisely the very opposite.
quote: If you want to examine something sub-consciously, then why not start there?
What is there to subconsciously contemplate about; I made an observation about a simple fact -- that is, how Debunker got off easy on at least one incident, given that he/she is relentlessly being debated on almost everything else he/she is spewing. Is there anything more there I need to contemplate about?
quote: As for me, I think we are digressing and should get back on topic.
On that point, I agree.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote: As for me, I think we are digressing and should get back on topic.
quote:On that point, I agree.
Good, since this is what I suggested from the start.
quote:Originally posted by rasol: Your job is to keep roasting him, then.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:As Brace says:
" color and limb elongation, are adaptations to the intensity of solar radiation
^ Correct, but does not help you.
quote: we should expect those two traits to covary,as indeed they tend to do, throughout the world.
^ Correct, but also does not help you. Humans don't originate 'throughout the world'. They originate in Black Africa.
Quoting Brace.... "Africa entails Black".
^ Of relevance and for clarity:
This quote from Brace actually deals with correlation [covary = correlate] between skin color and limb ratio - and so implies that the super-tropical or equatorial limb ratios of Ancient Egyptians further confirms - by Brace own logic - that they were Black.
Kemophobes are invited to weigh in with their objections, if they can think of any.....
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Posted by rasol
quote:This quote from Brace actually deals with correlation [covary = correlate] between skin color and limb ratio - and so implies that the super-tropical or equatorial limb ratios of Ancient Egyptians further confirms - by Brace own logic - that they were Black.
Kemophobes are invited to weigh in with their objections, if they can think of any.....
^^^Yes Exactly. Which is why, debunkeds only, and last resort is to try to keep Europe somehow "racially pure", which is what he is trying to aggrandize now, but it's repetitively being chopped down.
Debunked doesn't dare step foot in the actual Ancient Egypt realm, he knows better. Well, come to think about it, he should know better than to keep on with his imbecilic posts on this thread too.
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
^ Of course Debunked will just come back with something stupid like such traits being "irrelevant of race" and that despite the dark (black) skin color and elongated limbs they were still 'cacasoid' and not 'nigroid'. LOL
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:As Brace says:
" color and limb elongation, are adaptations to the intensity of solar radiation
^ Correct, but does not help you.
quote: we should expect those two traits to covary,as indeed they tend to do, throughout the world.
^ Correct, but also does not help you. Humans don't originate 'throughout the world'. They originate in Black Africa.
Quoting Brace.... "Africa entails Black".
Yes, the observed phenomenon of endothermic animals having longer limbs in warmer mor tropical climes and shorter ones in cooler climes is known in biology as Allen's rule. The observed phenomenon of endotherms having heavier pigmentation (darker coloration) in warmer climes and lighter pigmentation in cooler climes is known as Gloger's rule. These are different biological rules, but they do converge on the basis of climate.
quote:This quote from Brace actually deals with correlation [covary = correlate] between skin color and limb ratio - and so implies that the super-tropical or equatorial limb ratios of Ancient Egyptians further confirms - by Brace own logic - that they were Black.
Of course there is a correlation because the two traits have the same basis.
quote:Kemophobes are invited to weigh in with their objections, if they can think of any.....
I doubt that.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote: ^ Of course Debunked will just come back with something stupid like such traits being "irrelevant of race" and that despite the dark (black) skin color and elongated limbs they were still 'cacasoid' and not 'nigroid'. LOL
See the problem with him doing this, is he would have to be proposing that tropical adaptations in Africans 5kya was a general morphology. This is his erroneous explanation for tropical adaptation in Early modern Europeans, but definitely can't pass for an explanation(albeit it doesn't explain tropical adaptations for Early Europeans, these are facts and confirmations of OOA)) for Egyptians 5kya. Therefore he doesn't bother.
As we can see below, first modern humans in African looked like Africans do today
Earliest Known Human Had Neanderthal Qualities Jennifer Viegas, Discovery News
Aug. 22, 2008--"Taken together, the remains show that these early modern humans were...much like the people in southern Ethiopia and the southern Sudan today," Pearson said.--- University of New Mexico anthropologist Osbjorn Pearson
^^ I wonder how Debunked would explain this. Earliest modern humans looked like recent Ethiopians, Somalians. I know he doesn't plan on postulating European admixture over 100kya. Europeans didn't even exist. Poor debunked is refuted at every corner he turns.
Posted by Explorateur (Member # 14778) on :
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
As we can see below, first modern humans in African looked like Africans do today
Earliest Known Human Had Neanderthal Qualities Jennifer Viegas, Discovery News
Aug. 22, 2008--"Taken together, the remains show that these early modern humans were...much like the people in southern Ethiopia and the southern Sudan today," Pearson said.--- University of New Mexico anthropologist Osbjorn Pearson
^^ I wonder how Debunked would explain this. Earliest modern humans looked like recent Ethiopians, Somalians.
Haven't read the full work for the extract you are citing, but it would appear that the authors might be hinting on Nilotic speaking groups in southern Sudan and southern Ethiopia. Does the paper mention anything about "Somalis"? And what's it referencing about the remains; craniometry or overall body plans?
Posted by Debunker (Member # 15669) on :
As usual, the Negroes are completely lost. They don't understand the difference between 'genealogy' and 'ancestry' in the context of population genetics. To put it simply:
- Genealogy is about where you're from
- Ancestry is about what you are
The former can be studied with the aid of uniparental markers, but the latter requires a genome-wide analysis using a method designed specifically for detecting ancestry and quantifying admixture. That method is STRUCTURE:
"Briefly, the model implemented in STRUCTURE assumes K clusters, each characterized by a set of allele frequencies at each locus; the admixture model then estimates the proportion of each individual's genome having ancestry in each cluster."
The topic of this thread -- i.e. whether certain populations are Caucasoid or Black -- can only be addressed by looking at genome-wide ancestry, because only that approach assesses racial affinities:
"Effectively, these population genetic studies have recapitulated the classical definition of races based on continental ancestry - namely African, Caucasian (Europe and Middle East), Asian, Pacific Islander (for example, Australian, New Guinean and Melanesian), and Native American."
Hence, Ethiopians have 62% Caucasoid ancestry. That's an indisputable fact. The only thing that's open to debate is where this ancestry comes from. Anyone is free to speculate, but that's off the topic of this particular discussion.
Back on topic, Southern Europeans have >99% Caucasoid ancestry, with <1% Sub-Saharan African admixture. That's also an indisputable fact.
Any further debate has to start from these two points. Because they're not going away, no matter how desperately some wish they would.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:Hence, Ethiopians have 62% Caucasoid ancestry.
Rasolowitz's favorite source, the back door racialist, Cavalli-Sforza says something similar. Yet he claims to be against Eurocentric propaganda and race construct.
Whiskey and Mary pretends to be against Eurocentric myths yet they think Will Smith, because of his brown skin, is not appropriate for a Kushite.
And Ausarianstein jives Rasolowitz for being obsessed with Dienekes for mere mentioning of him in posts when he himself mentions Dienekes in threads when it's not necassary! LOL
Ah the paradox of life...
Posted by Alive-(What Box) (Member # 10819) on :
^The problem with your posts is that instead of attempting to solve the problems, only attempt to exponentiate them, always, spreading them throughout the forum. And it all always goes back to how you got your feelings hurt when you were new and labeled (rightly) a *puppy poster*.
* Thread After thread after dozens of threads posting just to post snide remarks at rasol, Supercar, or whoeva, while no one is doing the same. No one mentioning akoben out of the blue for the first two months of Ako Codfried posting.
quote:Originally posted by akoben: Rasolowitz's favorite source, the back door racialist, Cavalli-Sforza says something similar. Yet he claims to be against Eurocentric propaganda and race construct.
Simple logic: does rasol agree with or endorse Sforza's "Eurocentric
quote:Whiskey and Mary pretends to be against Eurocentric myths yet they think Will Smith, because of his brown skin, is not appropriate for a Kushite.
How about, instead of polluting the forum, you go to that thread, and suggest as I did, that: Eurocentric myth often over-emphasizes certain ethnic conventions of Ancient Nile Valley iconography in Apartheid like fashion, and so Willy Will could be just fine playing either an Egyptian or a Kushite?
Thought about that?
quote:And Ausarianstein jives Rasolowitz for being obsessed with Dienekes for mere mentioning of him in posts when he himself mentions Dienekes in threads when it's not necassary! LOL
While links are not given, why not PM them and address thread issues there?
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
Damn boy, you really do like me! Didn't you say that once? LOL
But seriously, your interest in me is kinna creepy. I said to you then, and still think now
quote:^ You should worry about your obsession with my posting. I mean all that long winded BS above was about you observing my every move! LOL wow, alivebox, i didn't know you cared so much. LMAO! but sorry to disappoint you, I'm not like that..
But again you show your double standard: you don't refer to Dj black-Arabs-are-psychopaths posts as "hate"
quote:Simple logic: does rasol agree with or endorse Sforza's "Eurocentric
Not his Caucasian Ethiopian claim, his racialism. If you weren't so busy deep throating rasolowitz et al you would've noticed that his nonracialist claim is contradicted by his constant reliance on Cavalli-Sforza.
quote:While links are not given,
You should know the link, you follow my every move remember? LOL
quote:why not PM them and address thread issuesthere?
PM sounds gay enough for you. Why didn't you PM me and address your BS there? LOL
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Originally posted by Explorateur:
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
As we can see below, first modern humans in African looked like Africans do today
Earliest Known Human Had Neanderthal Qualities Jennifer Viegas, Discovery News
Aug. 22, 2008--"Taken together, the remains show that these early modern humans were...much like the people in southern Ethiopia and the southern Sudan today," Pearson said.--- University of New Mexico anthropologist Osbjorn Pearson
^^ I wonder how Debunked would explain this. Earliest modern humans looked like recent Ethiopians, Somalians.
Haven't read the full work for the extract you are citing, but it would appear that the authors might be hinting on Nilotic speaking groups in southern Sudan and southern Ethiopia. Does the paper mention anything about "Somalis"? And what's it referencing about the remains; craniometry or overall body plans?
Earliest Known Human Had Neanderthal Qualities Jennifer Viegas, Discovery News
Aug. 22, 2008 -- The world's first known modern human was a tall, thin individual -- probably male -- who lived around 200,000 years ago and resembled present-day Ethiopians , save for one important difference: He retained a few primitive characteristics associated with Neanderthals, according to a series of forthcoming studies conducted by multiple international research teams.
The extraordinary findings, which will soon be outlined in a special issue of the Journal of Human Evolution devoted to the first known Homo sapiens, also reveal information about the material culture of the first known people, their surroundings, possible lifestyle and, perhaps most startling, their probable neighbors -- Homo erectus.
"Omo I," as the researchers refer to the find, would probably have been considered healthy-looking and handsome by today's standards, despite the touch of Neanderthal.
"From the size of the preserved bones, we estimated that Omo I was tall and slender, most likely around 5'10" tall and about 155 pounds," University of New Mexico anthropologist Osbjorn Pearson, who co-authored at least two of the new papers, told Discovery News.
Pearson said another, later fossil was also recently found. It too belonged to a "moderately tall -- around 5'9" -- and slender individual." "Taken together, the remains show that these early modern humans were...much like the people in southern Ethiopia and the southern Sudan today," Pearson said.
Building On Leakey's Work
Parts of the Omo I skeleton were first excavated in 1967 by a team from the Kenya National Museums under the direction of Richard Leakey, who wrote a forward that will appear in the upcoming journal.
Leakey and his colleagues unearthed two other skeletons, one of which has received little attention. Two of the three skeletons found at the site have been a literal bone of contention among scientists over the past four decades. Reliable dating techniques for such early periods did not exist in the late 60's, and the researchers could not agree upon the identity of the two skeletons.
From 1999 to the present, at least two other major expeditions to the southern Ethiopian site -- called the Kibish Formation -- have taken place, with the goal of solving the mysteries and learning more about what the area was like 200,000 years ago.
As evidenced by photographs showing the researchers followed by armed guards, work at this location proved challenging.
"It took us five plus days to get there from Addis," paleobiologist Josh Trapani of the Smithsonian Institution and the University of Michigan told Discovery News. "Once there, we had intense heat, hyenas outside camp, crocodiles in the river, many insects and two remarkable and very different groups of people, the Mursi and the Nyangatom on opposite sides of the river who were our partners in some of this work."
Primitive, Yet Still Like Us
The ordeals proved successful, as the scientists have recovered new bones for Omo I, some of which perfectly fit into place with the remains Leakey unearthed over 40 years ago.
Several scientists analyzed the bones, including a very detailed, comparative look at the shoulder bone by French paleontologist Jean-Luc Voisin. They concluded that, without a doubt, Omo I represents an anatomically modern human, with bones in the arms, hands and ankles somewhat resembling those of other, earlier human-like species.
"Most of the anatomical features of Omo are like modern humans. Only a few features are similar to more primitive hominids, including Neanderthals and Homo erectus," explained John Fleagle, distinguished professor in the Department of Anatomical Sciences at Stony Brook University in New York.
"Omo II is more primitive in its cranial anatomy," he added, "and shares more features with Homo erectus and fewer with modern humans."
Unlikely Neighbors
New dating of the finds determined that Omo II lived at around the same time and location as Omo I, indicating that Homo sapiens may have coexisted with Homo erectus, a.k.a. "Upright Man," who is believed to have been the first hominid to leave Africa.
Fleagle explained the detailed nature of the latest dating techniques that place both skeletons at around the 200,000-year-old period.
He said both skeletons were recovered from rocky geological layers, with "Adam" unearthed just above a layer of volcanic rock. Precise dates can then be calculated because "when volcanic rocks form, they start a radiometric clock that ticks at a regular rate."
Fleagle added, "By looking at the ratio of parent minerals and daughter minerals you can calculate when the rocks were initially formed."
Material Culture In A Different Environment
Anthropologist John Shea sifted through the Kibish dirt and rocks hoping to find evidence for early material culture.
He found it.
"The assemblages are dominated by relatively high-quality raw materials procured as pebbles from local gravels," Shea determined, adding that he unearthed stone tools flaked on both sides, hand axes, picks and spear-shaped objects. It appears that most were not retouched. So, once the early modern humans crafted their tools, they likely left them as is.
Trapani, who conducted a study on fossil fish at the site, said later-dated barbed bone points recovered from the site look remarkably like catfish spines, which "may be purely coincidental." Or, "alternatively, perhaps the spines impressed early hunters with their potential utility as flesh-piercing hunting implements."
Trapani added, "This may have come about through simple visual inspection or, perhaps -- more likely -- through painful lesson."
Living High on the Hog
Supporting Trapani's findings that large catfish, as well as Nile perch and other fish, were in abundance, studies on the site's geology indicate that conditions were wetter 200,000 years ago.
Yet another study, on the large mammal fauna at Kibish, found the humans were surrounded by big game.
Smithsonian Institution archaeobiologist Zelalem Assefa identified hippos, giraffes, elephants, horses, rhinos, numerous other hoofed mammals and more.
"In terms of settlement strategy, the early modern humans at Kibish might have practiced some type of seasonal based settlement strategy -- possibly following the movement of big game," Assefa told Discovery News.
Perhaps his two most unusual finds were that very few remains for non-human primates and carnivores were found, which puzzles the researchers, but may suggest that the first known humans didn't have many, if any, animal predators.
Secondly, Assefa was surprised to find duiker (a small, shy antelope that usually prefers forest cover) and giant forest hog remains. The giant forest hog is the largest wild pig on Earth, weighing as much as 600 pounds. Since other parts of the site were probable grasslands, the presence of these two animals suggests a riparian forest must have also been nearby.
An Unfinished Story
Although Omo I may be the world's "Adam" for now, it's possible that modern humans emerged even earlier at some other place in Africa.
"We only have evidence for what we have found," Fleagle said, adding that there "almost certainly were modern individuals before Omo I."
He explained that Ethiopia's geology has deposits suitable to bone preservation and discovery, which is perhaps why so many fossil hominids have been excavated there over the years.
"Paleontology is a very opportunistic science," he concluded. "When we have a record of fossils in one place, we can reconstruct what happened there, but it is impossible to say what was going on in places from which there is no fossil record."
A description of the Omo I postcranial skeleton, including newly discovered fossils
Osbjorn M. Pearson
Journal of Human Evolution
August 2008
"While it once may have been reasonable to interpret the presence of these ‘‘Neandertal-like’’ features in Eurasian early modern humans as potential evidence of gene flow from neighboring and contemporaneous Neandertal populations, the presence of these features in Omo I raises the distinct possibility that Eurasian early modern humans inherited these features from an African ancestor rather than Neandertals." Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote: Hence, Ethiopians have 62% Caucasoid ancestry. That's an indisputable fact. The only thing that's open to debate is where this ancestry comes from. Anyone is free to speculate, but that's off the topic of this particular discussion.
That's funny, because there is really no record or evidence of any outside admixture and you continuously fail to provide the specific lineages in Ethiopians that you call "caucasoid". So we can take it as you're just blowing smoke in an attempt at keeping Southern Europe pure, because YOU KNOW Arnaiz Villena's studies which groups Greeks with Sub Saharan Africans both East and West, in all studies published, is a devastatingly crucial blow to your erroneous pure "caucasoid" ideology. I am surprised you're not trying to claim people from Benin Senegal to be "Caucasoid"?
Population genetic relationships between Mediterranean populations determined by HLA allele distribution and a historic perspective.
Arnaiz-Villena A, Gomez-Casado E, Martinez-Laso J.
1) Greeks share an important part of their genetic pool with sub-Saharan Africans (Ethiopians and west Africans) also supported by Chr 7 Markers. The gene flow from Black Africa to Greece may have occurred in Pharaonic times or when Saharan people emigrated after the present hyperarid conditions were established (5000 years B.C.).
As we can see below, first modern humans in Africa looked like Africans do today
Earliest Known Human Had Neanderthal Qualities Jennifer Viegas, Discovery News
Aug. 22, 2008-- "Taken together, the remains show that these early modern humans were...much like the people in southern Ethiopia and the southern Sudan today," Pearson said.--- University of New Mexico anthropologist Osbjorn Pearson
Debunked you have this problem with NOT being specific and instead being completely vague.
Questions include, whether you consider "Caucasoid" to be a genetic or skeletal entity?
If it's a genetic entity. You need to explain the Buba Clan Priestly class carrying Hg J, shouldn't this had turned these people "Caucasoid", as you're erroneously proposing imaginary lineages(failed to name) in East Africans, debunked??
On the other hand if it's a skeletal entity you have to explain such Africans as the Tutsis of Rawanda who don't carry E3b but rather carry E3a, and address how or why E3a carrying Africans exhibit so called "Caucasoid" traits?
Then you have to name the specific haplotype from outside of Africa, which is closer to E3b than E3a, if you can do this, it would be great?
But we all know you can't which is why you keep stalling and ignoring the posts and questions that will automatically DEBUNK YOU!!.
Now let's get some answers???
quote:Back on topic, Southern Europeans have >99% Caucasoid ancestry, with <1% Sub-Saharan African admixture. That's also an indisputable fact.
This is even funnier, because there is a whole bunch of evidence proving otherwise, which includes genetics archaeology and anthropology.
Christopher Ehret:
These are people who have been called Afro-Asiatic and also Afrasian. I'm saying "Afrasan" because I'm trying to get "Asia" out. There is still this idea that the Afro-Asiatic family had to come out of Asia. Once you realize that it's an African family with one little Asian offshoot, well, that itself is a very important lesson for world historians.
We actually have DNA evidence which fits very well with an intrusion of people from northwestern African into southwestern Asia. The Y-chromosome markers, associated with the male, fade out as you go deeper into the Middle East.
J. Lawrence Angel "Against this background of disease, movement and pedomorphic reduction of body size one can identify Negroid traits of nose and prognathism appearing in Natufian latest hunters (McCown, 1939) and **in Anatolian** and Macedonian first farmers, probably from Nubia via the unknown predecesors of the Badarians and Tasians....". -
E3b originated in sub-Saharan Africa and expanded into the Near East and northern Africa at the end of the Pleistocene (Underhill et al. 2001) E3b lineages would have then been introduced from the Near East into southern Europe by immigrant farmers, during the Neolithic expansion (Hammer et al. 1998; Semino et al. 2000; Underhill et al., 2001). [Cruciani et al., 2004, pp. 1014-1015]
E3b's expansion into the Southern Levant may be connected to the appearance of the Natufian Culture. [D'Agostino, 2006, p. 2]
...the clinal frequency distribution of E-M78α within Europe testifies to important dispersal(s), most likely Neolithic or post- Neolithic. These took place from the Balkans, where the highest frequencies are observed, in all directions, as far as Iberia to the west and, most likely, also to Turkey to the southeast. [Cruciani et al., 2004, p. 1018]
"a Mesolithic population carrying Group III lineages with M35/M215 mutation [E3b] expanded northwards from sub-Saharan to north Africa and the Levant" (Underhill et al., 2001, p. 55; see also Bosch et al., 2001; Bar-Yosef, 1987) [Keita, 2005, p. 562]
The Levantine Corridor versus the Horn of Africa
A more recent dispersal out of Africa, represented by the E3b-M35 chromosomes, expanded northward during the Mesolithic (Underhill et al. 2001b). The East African origin of this lineage is supported by the much larger variance of the E3b-M35 males in Egypt versus Oman (0.5 versus 0.14; table 3). Consistent with the NRY data is the mtDNA expansion estimate of 10–20 ky ago for the East African M1 clade. Local expansions of this clade and subsequent demic movements may have resulted in the irregular presence of the M1 haplogroup in the Mediterranean area (Quintana-Murci et al. 1999).
The present-day Egyptian E3b-M35 distribution most likely results from a juxtaposition of various demic episodes. Since the E3b*-M35 lineages appear to be confined mostly to the sub-Saharan populations, it is conceivable that the initial migrations toward North Africa from the south primarily involved derivative E3b-M35 lineages. These include E3b1-M78, a haplogroup especially common in Ethiopia (23%), and, perhaps, E3b2-M123 (2%), which is present as well (Underhill et al. 2000; Cruciani et al. 2002; Semino et al. 2002). The data suggest that two later expansions may have followed: one eastward along the Levantine corridor into the Near East and the other toward northwestern Africa.
quote: Any further debate has to start from these two points. Because they're not going away, no matter how desperately some wish they would.
Yea now , you can start getting down to specifics, as I just did, no more vague insignificant posts from you. Agreed?
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Debunked writes- Genealogy is about where you're from
- Ancestry is about what you are
^ One of dumbest things you've said so far, and you've set some pretty high standards in this regard.
Geneology - record or account of the ancestry and descent of a person, family, group, etc.
^ The term combines 'gene' and 'ology' which means science. It is the science of ancestry.
It has nothing to do with 'where'.
That would be 'geography', ie - where on earth.
Maybe Supercar is right about you.
You're too stupid to even be a decent propagandist.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Debunkeds non sequitur: these population genetic studies have recapitulated the classical definition of races based on continental ancestry
^ Unfortunately that's not a quote from the person who conducted the study, and is so completely irrelevant to it.
However this is....
The entire point of the paper is to show that Labels such as Caucasian do not reflect the underlying genetics very well and it is the underlying genetic structure that matters for things like drug response and disease susceptibility.
Here is and example of what Wilson is saying.
1) Sicilians may be white Europeans, whom racialist call 'caucasians' [which is wrong since Latin's are actually not caucasian], however, medically they are more similar to West Africans, and UNLIKE Nordic Europeans in terms of the -most common blood pathogin- found in Sicily.
BENIN HBS which per the Hematology Division of Catania, Sicily is
a) endemic to Sicily. b) the most frequent blood-pathology in Italy. c) has a history of great antiquity reflecting trans saharan migrations. d) is merely one of multiple African genes present in Southern European populations.
Medically these southern Europeans cluster WITH West Africans and AWAY from Northern Europeans in terms of sickle cell:
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
Meanwhile, Debunked has completely failed to address the 4 specific facts denoted in my reply.
This is because he knows the following is true and cannot refute it.
Debunked is so defeated.
Open challenge to Eurocentrists in Denial......
quote: 1) Chinese, New Guinean and European all come from East Africa.
-> which you admit.
2) East Africans do not come from China, New Guinea and Europe.
-> you tacitly admit this by failing to provide European lineages in East Africa.
3) Therefore, when there are clusters in common between -
East Africa and China.
East Africa and New Guinea
East Africa and Europe.....
it is primarily due to the African ancestry of
all of these peoples.
-> as denoted by geneticist Tishkoff: ALL Non-Africans have a subset of East African genes
DEBUNKED: If you ever find a study showing that East Africans, Chinese and New Guineans have a -sub-set of European genes...... let us know.
4) The reason that Europeans cluster more with East Africans than Chinese and New Guineans is not a matter of speculation. It's because they have more African ancestry.
It can and has been stated -precisely- by geneticist Cavelli Sforza.
"Europe shows a shorter genetic distance from Africa than do all the other continents......The overall contributions from Asia and Africa were estimated to be around two-thirds and one-third, respectively. Simulations have shown (7) that this hypothesis explains quite well the discrepancy between trees obtained by maximum likelihood and neighbor joining. " - L. Luca Cavalli-Sforza
-> you tacitly admit this is true as well, by failing to address this reality, which is eating you alive. In fact, that's why you're here.
And that's your real "problem".
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Whatbox writes:The problem with your posts [arGoyle] is that instead of attempting to solve the problems, only attempt to exponentiate them, always, spreading them throughout the forum.
That's his agenda, childish though it may be.
To defeat Debunked - you correct his lies and ignorance with factal information. Thus you put his lies and ignorance to the service of truth and education.
However, to defeat akGoyle/akoben - you have to ignore him.
It's as simple as understanding that the one has a specific agenda of spreading lies, and the other only wants to disrupt.
There is never a need to debate him as he has nothing to say.
It is not useful to 'counterpoint' arGoyole because he has no point to begin with.
Too he has no brain which means he can't even 'say nothing' very well.
Generally 'any response' to akoben helps him to disrupt threads, by reducing conversation to pointless babblement.
Ignore him.
Posted by Alive-(What Box) (Member # 10819) on :
Post edited out: akoho Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
My asking you to explain your contradictions only disrupts your ego rasolowitz.
You're fooling none. You only reply to Debunked et al. because they are easy targets. It doesn't take much to "defeat" someone when all you have to do is search past threads and simply cut and paste. LMAO! My god, I mean it's the same arguments, same replies over and over as if coordinated! And you have the nerve to talk about "pointless babblement"?! LOL
Even great sage was amazed by the length of replies to simple sentences reflecting long debunked notions. This is why I am convinced its all a show.
You're very careful not to expose yourself too much. Like the time you tried to rescue your friend Ausarianstein in his holocaust debate beatdown! You don't reply because you can't. You're a fraud. But again, you can't escape
quote:You suffer from the typical liberal schizophrenia. You keep talking about the "Eurocentric propaganda" re the construct of "race" yet you keep citing Cavalli-Sforza who, apart from his "Caucasian mixed Ethiopians", is known too for his racial classifications, even if disguised.
In the final analysis then, is the "race" construct really that debunked?
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Originally posted by akoben: My asking you to explain your contradictions only disrupts your ego rasolowitz.
You're fooling none. You only reply to Debunked et al. because they are easy targets. It doesn't take much to "defeat" someone when all you have to do is search past threads and simply cut and paste. LMAO! My god, I mean it's the same arguments, same replies over and over as if coordinated! And you have the nerve to talk about "pointless babblement"?! LOL
Even great sage was amazed by the length of replies to simple sentences reflecting long debunked notions. This is why I am convinced its all a show.
You're very careful not to expose yourself too much. Like the time you tried to rescue your friend Ausarianstein in his holocaust debate beatdown! You don't reply because you can't. You're a fraud. But again, you can't escape
quote:You suffer from the typical liberal schizophrenia. You keep talking about the "Eurocentric propaganda" re the construct of "race" yet you keep citing Cavalli-Sforza who, apart from his "Caucasian mixed Ethiopians", is known too for his racial classifications, even if disguised.
In the final analysis then, is the "race" construct really that debunked?
Why don't you make your own thread with ALL of your concerns and disagreements, and see if anyone is willing to reply to your idiocy. Instead of disrupting every single thread you post on, with the same exact nonsense.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
^ nonsense like your stereotyping of Nubians and Egyptians?
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Originally posted by akoben: ^ nonsense like your stereotyping of Nubians and Egyptians?
All of the nonsense you keep posting here, and other places, like I said post in your own thread.
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
^ But he's a troll, so he doesn't care where he posts his nonsense and of course he would not listen.
He also incessently fails to explain how saying Will Smith does not look like a Kushite is somehow stereotyping 'Nubians' or Egyptians!
Pray tell us! Is saying Don Cheedle does not look Somali somehow stereotyping Somalis? Perhaps saying Omar Epps does not look British is somehow stereotyping Brits (even though there are black Brits!).
LMAO What a dumb wanker he is!
Posted by Explorateur (Member # 14778) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:Debunked writes- Genealogy is about where you're from
- Ancestry is about what you are
^ One of dumbest things you've said so far, and you've set some pretty high standards in this regard.
Geneology - record or account of the ancestry and descent of a person, family, group, etc.
^ The term combines 'gene' and 'ology' which means science. It is the science of ancestry.
It has nothing to do with 'where'.
That would be 'geography', ie - where on earth.
Maybe Supercar is right about you.
You're too stupid to even be a decent propagandist.
Oh, I wholeheartedly agree with the general theme of this observation. Though that part re: "maybe", might be a tad too generous. "maybe" would be an understatement, imo; this latest sign of stupidity should serve as yet another example that *confirms* his/her total lack of basic intuition into the subject matter being discussed.
In fact, by not addressing these obligations below, "Debunker" is essentially saying that the *basics* being thrown at him/her are too difficult to tackle...
quote:Originally posted by Explorateur:
quote:Originally posted by Debunker:
quote:Ah, but the question was what are the specificY and mtDNA uniparental markers that **Ethiopians share with Norwegians**, since you proclaimed such a close genetic connection between the two, if not implying that there is closer relationship there than there is between Ethiopians and other Africans; a fair question, no?
No, it's not a "fair question". It's a stupid question.
Now why would it be a stupid question, considering that you are saying that Ethiopians and Norwegians are more closely related than say, Ethiopians are to other Africans. Should it not be stupid to expect this relationship, as you apparently do, with no expression of such a "close relationship" in the uniparental markers that every single living soul ought to have? And if you don't realize that every living soul has to have uniparental markers, does that not then go back to the point about you not knowing head or tails about genealogical or bio-anthropological matters?
quote: Uniparental markers tell you nothing about the rest of the genome.
But *no* single line of marker, whether uniparental or otherwise, tells you about the rest of the human genome. This goes to provide another example of the fact that you are unschooled on the basics of genetics, doesn't it?!
quote: The Ouldeme of Cameroon share >90% haplogroup R with the Irish, yet the two groups are not at all related.
Of course they are, duh; they share a common recent ancestor that places them outside of that of other clades. Apply the concept of "learning to crawl before you walk" to genetics; you are not ready to debate on anything genetics.
quote: In a genome-wide analysis, they would occupy entirely different genetic/racial clusters.
What is the overall human genome; identify the specifics of its contents.
quote: On the flip side, you can have groups who don't share uniparentals but are closely related based on the entire genome and therefore share cluster membership, like Ethiopians and Norwegians.
Are you trying to say that the ancestry represented by an individual's uniparental markers is not expressed in the rest of the person's genome; that is, a person only inherits a single marker from his/her father and mother? Explain.
Posted by Explorateur (Member # 14778) on :
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
quote:Originally posted by Explorateur:
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
As we can see below, first modern humans in African looked like Africans do today
Earliest Known Human Had Neanderthal Qualities Jennifer Viegas, Discovery News
Aug. 22, 2008--"Taken together, the remains show that these early modern humans were...much like the people in southern Ethiopia and the southern Sudan today," Pearson said.--- University of New Mexico anthropologist Osbjorn Pearson
^^ I wonder how Debunked would explain this. Earliest modern humans looked like recent Ethiopians, Somalians.
Haven't read the full work for the extract you are citing, but it would appear that the authors might be hinting on Nilotic speaking groups in southern Sudan and southern Ethiopia. Does the paper mention anything about "Somalis"? And what's it referencing about the remains; craniometry or overall body plans?
Earliest Known Human Had Neanderthal Qualities Jennifer Viegas, Discovery News
Aug. 22, 2008 -- The world's first known modern human was a tall, thin individual -- probably male -- who lived around 200,000 years ago and resembled present-day Ethiopians , save for one important difference: He retained a few primitive characteristics associated with Neanderthals, according to a series of forthcoming studies conducted by multiple international research teams.
The extraordinary findings, which will soon be outlined in a special issue of the Journal of Human Evolution devoted to the first known Homo sapiens, also reveal information about the material culture of the first known people, their surroundings, possible lifestyle and, perhaps most startling, their probable neighbors -- Homo erectus.
"Omo I," as the researchers refer to the find, would probably have been considered healthy-looking and handsome by today's standards, despite the touch of Neanderthal.
"From the size of the preserved bones, we estimated that Omo I was tall and slender, most likely around 5'10" tall and about 155 pounds," University of New Mexico anthropologist Osbjorn Pearson, who co-authored at least two of the new papers, told Discovery News.
Pearson said another, later fossil was also recently found. It too belonged to a "moderately tall -- around 5'9" -- and slender individual." "Taken together, the remains show that these early modern humans were...much like the people in southern Ethiopia and the southern Sudan today," Pearson said.
Yeah, as I suspected - the remains were reference to essentially the body manifestations from the crania to the rest of the body build; I eventually got a hold of the full paper after having reacted to your post. Though, I don't see how it suggests anything different from what I've gathered about the groups that the author was hinting on, or how it answers that curiousity re: Somalis.
Posted by Explorateur (Member # 14778) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:Debunkeds non sequitur: these population genetic studies have recapitulated the classical definition of races based on continental ancestry
^ Unfortunately that's not a quote from the person who conducted the study, and is so completely irrelevant to it.
However this is....
The entire point of the paper is to show that Labels such as Caucasian do not reflect the underlying genetics very well and it is the underlying genetic structure that matters for things like drug response and disease susceptibility.
Here is and example of what Wilson is saying.
Do not reflect the underlying genetics..."very well"? How about "not at all"; in relation to this, what can one say about that which one says is "caucasian-like" or "caucasian-characteristic" about a gene, and what gene? One either has a "Caucasian" ancestor, or one doesn't; and by "Caucasian", I mean an ancestor *literally* from Caucasia/Caucasus!
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote: I eventually got a hold of the full paper after having reacted to your post.
Cool. Can you post the link or perhaps the relevant paragraphs from the study pertaining to the analysis on the cranio-facial characteristics?
quote: Though, I don't see how it suggests anything different from what I've gathered about the groups that the author was hinting on, or how it answers that curiousity re: Somalis.
Indeed, it was my mistake, it was actually in reference to Ethiopians and Southern Sudanese and not Somali.
Posted by Explorateur (Member # 14778) on :
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
quote: I eventually got a hold of the full paper after having reacted to your post.
Cool. Can you post the link or perhaps the relevant paragraphs from the study pertaining to the analysis on the cranio-facial characteristics?
I thought that was pretty obvious from the article you yourself cited...
He retained a few primitive characteristics associated with Neanderthals, according to a series of forthcoming studies conducted by multiple international research teams...
"Omo I," as the researchers refer to the find, would probably have been considered healthy-looking and handsome by today's standards, despite the touch of Neanderthal..."
Unless of course, you are under the impression that they share a similar body build as Neanderthals, or that by "handsome", that the author is referring to body build sans cranium?
And oh, I thought this was a dead give away...
"Most of the anatomical features of Omo are like modern humans. Only a few features are similar to more primitive hominids, including Neanderthals and Homo erectus," explained John Fleagle, distinguished professor in the Department of Anatomical Sciences at Stony Brook University in New York.
"Omo II is more primitive in its cranial anatomy," he added, "and shares more features with Homo erectus and fewer with modern humans."
...Something that they would say, only if they were comparing the cranium of both Omo I and Omo II in relation to contemporary examples.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Do not reflect the underlying genetics..."very well"? How about "not at all"; in relation to this, what can one say about that which one says is "caucasian-like" or "caucasian-characteristic" about a gene, and what gene? One either has a "Caucasian" ancestor, or one doesn't; and by "Caucasian", I mean an ancestor *literally* from Caucasia/Caucasus!
Exactly, this point can never ever be over emphasized, because there are no "Caucasians" except in the Caucasus itself. This fact requires questions which are never answered by Euro-centrists. When you ask them to be specific about what they mean by "Caucasian" ancestry, you receive a rebuttal of insignificant drivel posted to astray from the actual questions which debunked them from the beginning.
Which are......
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718
quote:Debunked you have this problem with NOT being specific and instead being completely vague.
Questions include, whether you consider "Caucasoid" to be a genetic or skeletal entity?
If it's a genetic entity. You need to explain the Buba Clan Priestly class carrying Hg J, shouldn't this had turned these people "Caucasoid", as you're erroneously proposing imaginary lineages(failed to name) in East Africans, debunked??
On the other hand if it's a skeletal entity you have to explain such Africans as the Tutsis of Rawanda who don't carry E3b but rather carry E3a, and address how or why E3a carrying Africans exhibit so called "Caucasoid" traits?
Then you have to name the specific haplotype from outside of Africa, which is closer to E3b than E3a, if you can do this, it would be great?
But we all know you can't which is why you keep stalling and ignoring the posts and questions that will automatically DEBUNK YOU!!.
Now let's get some answers???
Posted by Explorateur (Member # 14778) on :
Eurocentric drivel seeks refuge in what they call "Caucasoid", which would of course mean "caucasian-like" but not actually "caucasian"; this sums up the argument. This they think, allows them to claim close family association with things that would normally not be remotely seen "Caucasian" or "European" about them. That is the bankrupt reasoning behind the sham.
Posted by T. Rex Master (Member # 3735) on :
Just bumping this over Average Thick's drivel.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:I thought that was pretty obvious from the article you yourself cited...
Well of course if you just want a brief description. But I wanted to know the actual characteristics rather than a comment just saying they look like modern Ethiopians and Sudanese. This would be better in debunking "debunked" since he postulates Ethiopians appearance to be that of outside "Caucasian" ancestry. Albeit the anthropologist mentioning that they resemble modern populations already debunks him. There were no modern humans in Europe at this time and when they were to arrive, they sure didn't look like the modern inhabitants anyway.
Take for example Chris Stringer, when he says "Early Europeans looked like modern African and Australians more than modern inhabitants".
This quote is informative, but the actual anthropological assessment to go along with it, is the nail in the coffin. When we actually see the traits shared between the populations. Something We've been asking debunked to name, which is the traits shared between Ancient Africans and recent Europeans. Since the hofmeyr Skull was said to be "different" from most recent Africans, Debunked tried to run with that quote, but when we actually look at the study and cranio-facial characteristics it refuted him on the spot.
quote: Unless of course, you are under the impression that they share a similar body build as Neanderthals, or that by "handsome", that the author is referring to body build sans cranium?
No, lol. I don't know what gave you that idea. As I've been asking debunked, how can these early modern humans even be recognizably modern if they didn't resemble actual modern humans today in Africa. The erroneously proposed Neanderthal features are simply archaic throwback primitive traits of humans and nothing more, and not a sign of Neanderthal introgression. As Euro-centrists would love.
quote: And oh, I thought this was a dead give away...
"Most of the anatomical features of Omo are like modern humans. Only a few features are similar to more primitive hominids, including Neanderthals and Homo erectus," explained John Fleagle, distinguished professor in the Department of Anatomical Sciences at Stony Brook University in New York.
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718: ^^Adding to the above is the mention of most of their anatomical traits being similar to modern humans,(of course they mean modern Africans) of course the archaic features, are probably just that, archaic, and not Neanderthal. Although, few anthropologists even believe when Modern humans entered Europe, they began to intermix with Neanderthal. Chris Stringer and C.L. Brace are two, anthropologists who postulate this notion.
quote: "Most of the anatomical features of Omo are like modern humans. Only a few features are similar to more primitive hominids, including Neanderthals and Homo erectus," explained John Fleagle, distinguished professor in the Department of Anatomical Sciences at Stony Brook University in New York."
quote:Although Omo I may be the world's "Adam" for now, it's possible that modern humans emerged even earlier at some other place in Africa.
Well of course, Omo I, didn't just pop up out of nowhere, no doubt he had ancestors. Just like Egypt, people think it just popped out of nowhere. It's funny when they ACT surprised by new finds.
Posted by Explorateur (Member # 14778) on :
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
quote:I thought that was pretty obvious from the article you yourself cited...
Well of course if you just want a brief description. But I wanted to know the actual characteristics rather than a comment just saying they look like modern Ethiopians and Sudanese. This would be better in debunking "debunked" since he postulates Ethiopians appearance to be that of outside "Caucasian" ancestry. Albeit the anthropologist mentioning that they resemble modern populations already debunks him. There were no modern humans in Europe at this time and when they were to arrive, they sure didn't look like the modern inhabitants anyway.
Take for example Chris Stringer, when he says "Early Europeans looked like modern African and Australians more than modern inhabitants".
This quote is informative, but the actual anthropological assessment to go along with it, is the nail in the coffin. When we actually see the traits shared between the populations. Something We've been asking debunked to name, which is the traits shared between Ancient Africans and recent Europeans. Since the hofmeyr Skull was said to be "different" from most recent Africans, Debunked tried to run with that quote, but when we actually look at the study and cranio-facial characteristics it refuted him on the spot.
Well Knowledgeiskey718, I was just commenting on that one piece you cited; I cannot comment on anything extensive about craniometry or body build that the authors themselves have not provided therein. I suspect, from the body of the article cited, that the author(s) sees much of the resemblance with said modern groups on the basis of the general body build, which they describe more clearly. But as far as getting an idea of the sharing of traits with Neanderthal, I think your citation from another work seems to give a more clearer sense of what that means. I would need a detailed study, like the one you're yearning yourself, to make a clear comparison between what the specimen *specifically* shares with Neantherthals.
quote:Posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
quote: Unless of course, you are under the impression that they share a similar body build as Neanderthals, or that by "handsome", that the author is referring to body build sans cranium?
No, lol. I don't know what gave you that idea.
Your line of questioning, in response to what I wrote you.
quote: As I've been asking debunked, how can these early modern humans even be recognizably modern if they didn't resemble actual modern humans today in Africa. The erroneously proposed Neanderthal features are simply archaic throwback primitive traits of humans and nothing more, and not a sign of Neanderthal introgression. As Euro-centrists would love.
Fair enough.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote: I cannot comment on anything extensive about craniometry or body build that the authors themselves have not provided therein.
I would need a detailed study, like the one you're yearning yourself, to make a clear comparison between what the specimen *specifically* shares with Neanderthals.
Oh, well I thought when you said you found the full paper, you meant the full study, like the actual full peer reviewed study by Pearson. That's why I asked.
Btw Pearson also mentions....
quote: A description of the Omo I postcranial skeleton, including newly discovered fossils
Osbjorn M. Pearson
Journal of Human Evolution
August 2008
"While it once may have been reasonable to interpret the presence of these ‘‘Neandertal-like’’ features in Eurasian early modern humans as potential evidence of gene flow from neighboring and contemporaneous Neandertal populations, the presence of these features in Omo I raises the distinct possibility that Eurasian early modern humans inherited these features from an African ancestor rather than Neandertals."
^^^^Clearly refuting any notion of Neanderthal ancestry, in any modern human.
Posted by Explorateur (Member # 14778) on :
quote:Posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
As I've been asking debunked, how can these early modern humans even be recognizably modern if they didn't resemble actual modern humans today in Africa. The erroneously proposed Neanderthal features are simply archaic throwback primitive traits of humans and nothing more, and not a sign of Neanderthal introgression. As Euro-centrists would love.
Btw, "modernity" is assessed from the prevalence of traits pretty *widely distributed* in contemporary populations; the pattern of a combination of traits on one specimen alone may not be the same as that of another, but certain morphological manifestation of certain elements of *the pool* of traits that characterize a crania might be seen more in certain populations than they are in another. So, a "modern" early human crania may not necessarily sport a *pool of traits* in the same combination as instantly recognized as a trend in one contemporary population or another. To this end, it has been observed that the said modern crania have traits that are recognized in modern populations, though not necessarily in the same combinations, and thus far, the indicators suggest that the *combination of traits* of the so-called generalized moderns more closely approximates that of modern Australian aborigines, followed by certain morphological trends commonly observed in contemporary African populations, though obviously not all, as Africans sport a great degree of diversity.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Originally posted by Explorateur:
quote:Originally posted by Explorateur:
[QUOTE]Posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
As I've been asking debunked, how can these early modern humans even be recognizably modern if they didn't resemble actual modern humans today in Africa. The erroneously proposed Neanderthal features are simply archaic throwback primitive traits of humans and nothing more, and not a sign of Neanderthal introgression. As Euro-centrists would love.
Btw, "modernity" is assessed from the prevalence of traits pretty *widely distributed* in contemporary populations; the pattern of a combination of traits on one specimen alone may not be the same as that of another, but certain morphological manifestation of certain elements of *the pool* of traits that characterize a crania might be seen more in certain populations than they are in another. So, a "modern" early human crania may not necessarily sport a *pool of traits* in the same combination as instantly recognized as a trend in one contemporary population or another. To this end, it has been observed that the said modern crania have traits that are recognized in modern populations, though not necessarily in the same combinations, and thus far, the indicators suggest that the *combination of traits* of the so-called generalized moderns more closely approximates that of modern Australian aborigines, followed by certain morphological trends commonly observed in contemporary African populations, though obviously not all, as Africans sport a great degree of diversity.
Indeed, great points, and very well said.
Posted by Charlie Bass (Member # 10328) on :
quote:Originally posted by Debunker:
The first part has nothing to do with medicine. It's an admixture analysis measuring genome-wide continental ancestry:
Again, Wilson et al made no such type o study of the entire genome stupid, unless you think X-linked micro-satellites comprise the entire genome:
"Our implementation of STRUCTURE is primarily meant to show that familiar ethnic labels are not accurate guides to genetic structure. We have not attempted to provide a definitive description of human population structure."
quote:]The only reason you wrote to Wilson was because you knew what his results indicated and you didn't like it. So you posed as an anthropology student and asked him a loaded question to trick him into providing you with an "apology" for showing that Ethiopians cluster more with Caucasoids, which you could then spam all over the internet. His coerced reply is not peer-reviewed, it's not published, and parts of it contradict the study itself as well as Risch et al.'s later interpretation of the study, both of which are peer-reviewed and published. Keep your tainted personal correspondence to yourself.
You don't like Wilson et al's email reply because he states firmly that Ethiopians are *NOT* 62% "Caucasian" like your distorted interpretation states. Wilkson et al's not Risch's intepretation is what matters.
quote:Ethiopians have recent Negroid and Khoisan admixture from other parts of Africa.
No, Ethiopians and Khoisan share ancestry in haplogroups A and B but they do not share any specific subclades within haplogroups A and B which is indicative of an ancient population divergence between the two, not admixture from Khoisan you retarded moron:
Am. J. Hum. Genet. 70:265–268, 2002 Ethiopians and Khoisan Share the Deepest Clades of the Human Y-Chromosome Phylogeny
In conclusion, the present study underscores the complexity and substructure of the Ethiopian Y-chromosome gene pool. First, the presence of different Y-chromosome haplotypes belonging to African-specific Group I in all groups of Ethiopians and in the Khoisan (at frequencies of ∼13% and 44%, respectively) confirms that these populations share an ancestral paternity, as was previously suggested by the 49a,f data (Passarino et al. 1998), and it indicates that Group I was part of the proto- African Y-chromosome gene pool. The virtual absence of this clade in the other African ethnic groups suggests that they could derive from a more recent ancestral population that went through a long period of differentiation before expansion. In addition, Group II, the next closest to the NRY genealogy root and typically an African group, is shared by Ethiopians and the Khoisan but to a lesser degree. In the case of Group II, the split responsible for the differences observed between Ethiopian and Khoisan haplotypes is also old.
quote:If they didn't, all haplogroups in Ethiopia would descend from L3/M168 like the OOA populations that originated there. But this is not the case. Ethiopians have ~50% L1/L2 and ~25% A/B.
You're still wrong, Ethiopian L1-L2 did not come from mixture with bantus and West Africans you have yet to prove this:
"Sub-Saharan African Genetic Component in Yemenis Phylogenetic analysis reveals that the origin of sub-Saharan African mtDNA variants in Yemenis is a mosaic of different episodes of gene flow. Three different passages can be outlined. The first is gene flow, likely mediated by the Arab slave trade from southeastern Africa, as evidenced by exact mtDNA haplotype matches. Such matches account for 23% of the total variation in Yemenis and occur in lineages and lineage groups that cannot be found in Ethiopia and northeastern Africa. Many of these can be traced to the Bantu dispersal; they have their origin in West Africa and supply thereby the upper time limit of 3,000–4,000 years for their departure from southeastern Africa toward Arabia. The sub-Saharan African component of Ethiopians has remained untouched by such influences and may therefore be considered most representative of the indigenous gene pool of sub-Saharan East Africa"
L1 and L2 are *NOT* West and central specific lineages only and Ethiopians have plenty of L4-L6 lineages too in addition to L3.
quote:Ethiopians cluster in-between Caucasoids and other sub-Saharan Africans, because they're mixed:
My point reststed, Ethiopians don't cluster with Europeans on neither the Y-chromosone nor mtDNA plots so Ethiopians cannot be 62% Caucasian".
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:Debunked writes- Genealogy is about where you're from
- Ancestry is about what you are
^ One of dumbest things you've said so far, and you've set some pretty high standards in this regard.
Geneology - record or account of the ancestry and descent of a person, family, group, etc.
^ The term combines 'gene' and 'ology' which means science. It is the science of ancestry.
It has nothing to do with 'where'.
That would be 'geography', ie - where on earth.
Maybe Supercar is right about you.
You're too stupid to even be a decent propagandist. [/QB]
Sorry, I just had to cite that post again! Such is as clear as a glass of air that Debunked is just too damn stupid to take seriously!
Posted by Debunker (Member # 15669) on :
quote:^ The term combines 'gene' and 'ology' which means science. It is the science of ancestry.
It has nothing to do with 'where'.
Genealogy *in the context of population genetics* has everything to do with where (and also when) lineages come from. That's why Wilson advocates using "genealogical genetic systems such as the Y chromosome" to estimate how much of the admixture in Ethiopians is recent from West Asia, and how much is ancient and indigenous to East Africa (i.e. where/when it's from). The admixture itself (i.e. what Ethiopians are racially) can only be quantified by a genome-wide approach that recapitulates anthropological races.
quote:Again, Wilson et al made no such type o study of the entire genome stupid, unless you think X-linked micro-satellites comprise the entire genome:
"Our implementation of STRUCTURE is primarily meant to show that familiar ethnic labels are not accurate guides to genetic structure. We have not attempted to provide a definitive description of human population structure."
Of course 'familiar ethnic labels' (like Black) are not accurate to describe heavily mixed populations (like Ethiopians). And of course the study is not definitive, as it only samples eight populations. But it is a genome-wide admixture analysis:
"Briefly, the model implemented in STRUCTURE assumes K clusters, each characterized by a set of allele frequencies at each locus; the admixture model then estimates the proportion of each individual's genome having ancestry in each cluster."
quote:Ethiopians and Khoisan share ancestry in haplogroups A and B ... Ethiopian L1-L2 did not come from mixture
None of those haplogroups were present in Ethiopia at the time of OOA, otherwise they would have been part of the L3/M168 out-migrations. That means their presence in Ethiopia today is due to recent gene flow from elsewhere in Africa.
quote:Ethiopians don't cluster with Europeans on neither the Y-chromosone nor mtDNA plots so Ethiopians cannot be 62% Caucasian"
Really? You'd better get yourself some glasses:
quote:In fact, by not addressing these obligations below
I have no "obligation" to "address" any of your nonsense. All of the evidence is on my side. You know this very well, which is why you try to distract from it by asking pointless questions and requesting "explanations" of things you already understand and realize prove you wrong.
I would say, rather, that it's you who have an obligation to address all of the peer-reviewed, published evidence sitting before you.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:how saying Will Smith does not look like a Kushite is somehow stereotyping 'Nubians' or Egyptians!
Because Mary, as your pal whiskey in one of his schizophrenic moments said, "the notion of distinguishing between Nubians and Egyptians is illogical being that they're both Africans/Egyptians and share genetic lineages as well as phenotypes"
These and other Freudian slips from you, like your Lefkowitzian arguments here, convinces me you're indeed a fraud.
I must admit though the current cut and paste routine from our resident "Africanists" debating long debunked Eurocentric arguments from posters with highly dubious names such as "Evil Euro" and "Debunked" is quite entertaining. But sooner or later you clowns do slip up. LOL
quote:heavily mixed populations (like Ethiopians)
^ from Cavalli-Sforza again. Rasolowitz's favorite source...
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
See what I mean about debunked, he never answers the real questions, only ones he can beat around the bush with. Instead posts the same exact drivel, with no specifics.
Questions remain unanswered, and you remain debunked as usual......
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
quote:Do not reflect the underlying genetics..."very well"? How about "not at all"; in relation to this, what can one say about that which one says is "caucasian-like" or "caucasian-characteristic" about a gene, and what gene? One either has a "Caucasian" ancestor, or one doesn't; and by "Caucasian", I mean an ancestor *literally* from Caucasia/Caucasus!
Exactly, this point can never ever be over emphasized, because there are no "Caucasians" except in the Caucasus itself. This fact requires questions which are never answered by Euro-centrists. When you ask them to be specific about what they mean by "Caucasian" ancestry, you receive a rebuttal of insignificant drivel posted to astray from the actual questions which debunked them from the beginning.
Which are......
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718
quote:Debunked you have this problem with NOT being specific and instead being completely vague.
Questions include, whether you consider "Caucasoid" to be a genetic or skeletal entity?
If it's a genetic entity. You need to explain the Buba Clan Priestly class carrying Hg J, shouldn't this had turned these people "Caucasoid", as you're erroneously proposing imaginary lineages(failed to name) in East Africans, debunked??
On the other hand if it's a skeletal entity you have to explain such Africans as the Tutsis of Rawanda who don't carry E3b but rather carry E3a, and address how or why E3a carrying Africans exhibit so called "Caucasoid" traits?
Then you have to name the specific haplotype from outside of Africa, which is closer to E3b than E3a, if you can do this, it would be great?
But we all know you can't which is why you keep stalling and ignoring the posts and questions that will automatically DEBUNK YOU!!.
It's funny, because this is the same guy who believes in negroids. Just search out some of his earlier postings.
Don't be fooled he like most of the other keyboard scholars believe in the eurocentric's racial hierarchy. That is why they are so passionate about ancient egypt since the white man values it above all other aspect of africa.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote: "the notion of distinguishing between Nubians and Egyptians is illogical being that they're both Africans/Egyptians and share genetic lineages as well as phenotypes"
You will never ever catch me in a fraudulent slip, as you erroneously claim. Just won't happen. The point in me speaking on the notion of distinguishing between Nubians and Egyptians(which was meant for Euro-centrists) is because Euro-centrists propose Egyptians to be non-African and Nubians to be Africans, so when Euro-centrists are distinguishing it's to make Ancient Egyptians non-African.
But in the actual African circle, anyone with common sense will know the genetic and phenotypical diversity, so when I say Ancient Egyptians were on average lighter than Sudanese, this is in no way saying(as Euro-centrists do) that Nubians are Africans and Ancient Egyptians are not.
quote: It's funny, because this is the same guy who believes in negroids.
Lmao, where did I ever say anything about a "Negroid"? Btw, what is a Negroid? Can you explain?
quote:That is why they are so passionate about ancient egypt since the white man values it above all other aspect of africa.
Lmaooooo.......Yea I bet you know all about the "white man values" huh... White man?
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:Originally posted by argyle104: Knowledgeiskey718 wrote:
It's funny, because this is the same guy who believes in negroids. Just review search out some of his earlier postings.
Don't be fooled he like most of the other keyboard scholars believe in the eurocentric's racial hierarchy. That is why they are so passionate about ancient egypt since the white man values it above all other aspect of africa.
^ and passionate about said white scholars.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
quote: "the notion of distinguishing between Nubians and Egyptians is illogical being that they're both Africans/Egyptians and share genetic lineages as well as phenotypes"
You will never ever catch me in a fraudulent slip, as you erroneously claim. Just won't happen. The point in me speaking on the notion of distinguishing between Nubians and Egyptians(which was meant for Euro-centrists) is because Euro-centrists propose Egyptians to be non-African and Nubians to be Africans, so when Euro-centrists are distinguishing it's to make Ancient Egyptians non-African.
But in the actual African circle, anyone with common sense will know the genetic and phenotypical diversity, so when I say Ancient Egyptians were on average lighter than Sudanese, this is in no way saying(as Euro-centrists do) that Nubians are Africans and Ancient Egyptians are not.
More babbled reasoning to cover for your f**k up! First you agree with Mary that Will does not look like a Kushite, then later admit when you were exposed that, "the notion of distinguishing between Nubians and Egyptians is illogical being that they're both Africans/Egyptians and share genetic lineages as well as phenotypes"
Now to explain your f**k up further here you are now saying they are "on average" different. No evidence for this of course, save your running to post familiar pics of different armies we see in those Eurocentric books! that seek to maintain the stereotypical difference! LOL
Give it up whiskey, you're digging deeper your own grave
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Originally posted by akoben:
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
quote: "the notion of distinguishing between Nubians and Egyptians is illogical being that they're both Africans/Egyptians and share genetic lineages as well as phenotypes"
You will never ever catch me in a fraudulent slip, as you erroneously claim. Just won't happen. The point in me speaking on the notion of distinguishing between Nubians and Egyptians(which was meant for Euro-centrists) is because Euro-centrists propose Egyptians to be non-African and Nubians to be Africans, so when Euro-centrists are distinguishing it's to make Ancient Egyptians non-African.
But in the actual African circle, anyone with common sense will know the genetic and phenotypical diversity, so when I say Ancient Egyptians were on average lighter than Sudanese, this is in no way saying(as Euro-centrists do) that Nubians are Africans and Ancient Egyptians are not.
More babbled reasoning to cover for your f**k up! First you agree with Mary that Will does not look like a Kushite, then later admit when you were exposed that, "the notion of distinguishing between Nubians and Egyptians is illogical being that they're both Africans/Egyptians and share genetic lineages as well as phenotypes"
Now to explain your f**k up further here you are now saying they are "on average" different. No evidence for this of course, save your running to post familiar pics of different armies we see in those Eurocentric books! that seek to maintain the stereotypical difference! LOL
Give it up whiskey, you're digging deeper your own grave
Didn't I tell you to create your own thread, and not to ruin this one with your nonsense ?
You can post all the irrelevant drivel, like how you believe Will Smith is descended from Khoisan slaves in America. Lmaooooo
Or the reason for why you believe all Africans look alike?
Since by me saying Will Smith is lighter than a Sudanese, and this to you is stereotyping, which would only mean that you believe all Africans look the same.
Because how can acknowledging the immense genetic and phenotypic diversity in Africa, be considered stereotyping???
I am still waiting for an answer to this question ever since your retarded accusation of me and a "true negro".
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
Try as you might but you will not escape your own writing. Why not just admit you f**ked up?
If distinguishing between Egyptians and Nubians is illogical, why did you agree with this statement from Mary, "Will Smith doesn't look much a Kushite to me" That's a distinction there, text book Eurocentric stereotyping of Nubians and Egyptians, not any acknowledgment of phenotypic diversity.
Will doesn't look Kushite because of his brown skin, yet you admit this/your argument is illogical!
Now to get out of your mess you're now saying on average they look different, no evidence save familiar pics. How is it, in all the cut and paste frenzy you seemed to have missed this (findings, not in Nubia, but Upper Egypt), "The basal epithelial cells were packed with melanin as expected for specimens of Negroid origin."
LOL This is what happens when you don't take time to read, but merely coat tail other peoples research to win debates, you don't know s**t what it really says.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
^^^^^^^Didn't I tell you to create your own thread, and not to ruin this one with your nonsense ?
You can post all the irrelevant drivel, like how you believe Will Smith is descended from Khoisan slaves in America. Lmaooooo
Or the reason for why you believe all Africans look alike?
Since by me saying Will Smith is lighter than a Sudanese, and this to you is stereotyping, which would only mean that you believe all Africans look the same.
Because how can acknowledging the immense genetic and phenotypic diversity in Africa, be considered stereotyping???
I am still waiting for an answer to this question ever since your retarded accusation of me and a "true negro".
Posted by argyle104 (Member # 14634) on :
On one hand Knowledgeiskey718 needs ancient egypt because the white man wants to claim it so he has to argue passionately on its behalf because he wants what the white man wants. This is why there is such a disparity on his feeling on ancient egypt and the rest of Africa.
On the other hand he believes in the white mans eurocentrism where Africans are at the bottom, therefore he mistakenly leaves clues about his hatred for Africans, just search out some of his earlier postings on this forum for evidences.
Posted by argyle104 (Member # 14634) on :
Notice also that he never does refute the facts, because he can't.
He simply admits intellectual defeat much like debunker does by trying to distract.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Originally posted by argyle104: On one hand Knowledgeiskey718 needs ancient egypt because the white man wants to claim it so he has to argue passionately on its behalf because he wants what the white man wants. This is why there is such a disparity on his feeling on ancient egypt and the rest of Africa.
On the other hand he believes in the white mans eurocentrism where Africans are at the bottom, therefore he mistakenly leaves clues about his hatred for Africans, just search out some of his earlier postings on this forum for evidences.
Lol, you have some whacked out observations. I implore you to "search out" my posts and create your own thread all about your idol(me). Ok, my son??
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718: ^^^^^^^Didn't I tell you to create your own thread, and not to ruin this one with your nonsense ?
You can post all the irrelevant drivel, like how you believe Will Smith is descended from Khoisan slaves in America. Lmaooooo
Or the reason for why you believe all Africans look alike?
Since by me saying Will Smith is lighter than a Sudanese, and this to you is stereotyping, which would only mean that you believe all Africans look the same.
Because how can acknowledging the immense genetic and phenotypic diversity in Africa, be considered stereotyping???
I am still waiting for an answer to this question ever since your retarded accusation of me and a "true negro".
LOL I've reduced you to a stuck record.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
^^^^Obviously you can't answer the questions, so just run along and play my child, and stop embarrassing yourself.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
^ LOL I did, you just can't admit it because you knew you f**ked up.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
^^^^An answer in your dreams doesn't count, now back to reality, where you haven't answered any questions, but still continue trolling. What a nagging shame you are, must be a miserable and pitiful life you live.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
your flip floppig is the only real shame here! LOL
Illogical argument, completely logical argument, illogical argument, completely logical argument... LOL
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
^^^^^ Ok you're done. Ill take that as a sign of defeat, you keep running--as always--from the questions (like debunked) that will refute you. You accused me of something, I called you out to prove your accusation, you cant, hence I refuted you, you can't answer the questions I ask you, case closed, point blank, bottom line, end of story, it's a wrap.
Thats just the way the cookie crumbles.......
Posted by argyle104 (Member # 14634) on :
Guys like Knowledgeiskey718 aren't really scholars. Notice the only ones that they can match wits with are the likes of low intellect posters like debunker.
They run from everyone else in a match of intellect.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718: ^^^^^ Ok you're done. Ill take that as a sign of defeat, you keep running--as always--from the questions (like debunked) that will refute you. You accused me of something, I called you out to prove your accusation, you cant, hence I refuted you, you can't answer the questions I ask you, case closed, point blank, bottom line, end of story, it's a wrap.
^ wow! And you talk about being childish? LOLOLOL
You can take my posts as a constant reminder of your schizophrenia, re distinguishing between Nubians and Egyptians, and your inability to address your condition.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote: Guys like Knowledgeiskey718 aren't really scholars. Notice the only ones that they can match wits with are the likes of low intellect posters like debunker.
They run from everyone else in a match of intellect.
^^^Lmao, don't tell me you consider yourself an intellectual? What a complete shame you are, and an utterly preposterous and delusional psychotic mind you possess, you show your lack of intellect with each second that passes, as usual from all of your posts, it's evident you're a child and nothing more.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ Knowledge please stop replying to arGoyle.
He is a petty attention whore, who is delighting in pushing your buttons.
All your responses to him only egg him on.
What frustrates him is when you ignore him.
Back on topic:
quote:Originally posted by Debunker: ^ The term combines 'gene' and 'ology' which means science. It is the science of ancestry.
It has nothing to do with 'where'.
quote:Genealogy *in the context of population genetics* has everything to do with where (and also when) lineages come from.
^ This is less ridiculous than your previous remark but it's still; wrong.
Geneaology is indeed the study of lineages, which means -> ancestry or line of descent, however 'where' lineages are born is only indirectly inferred from 'who' has them.
So even by using the word lineages you acknowedge the truth that genealogy is the study of ancestry.
On this issue you relate 1 point:
It seems like you don't know what any of the words in any of the sentenses you use actually mean.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
^ come on whiskey, you're only making your condition worse by running from the subject. Confront your f**k ups...
what is illogical and what is'nt? who's the real you?
quote:Will Smith doesn't look much a Kushite to me
or this
quote:the notion of distinguishing between Nubians and Egyptians is illogical being that they're both Africans/Egyptians and share genetic lineages as well as phenotypes
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasol: ^ Knowledge please stop replying to arGoyle.
He is a petty attention whore, who is delighting in pushing your buttons.
All your responses to him only egg him on.
What frustrates him is when you ignore him.
Whiskey, I suggest you take rasolowitz's advice and get back to your routine cut and paste "debates" of "ridiculous points" long since debated. LOL
Don't expose your ignorance too much like Rasolowitz did in the Black skin defined thread. LOL
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Debunked writes: Of course 'familiar ethnic labels' (like Black) are not accurate to describe heavily mixed populations.
^ Black is accurate as a description of skin color, which is why it is a familiar ethnic label to begin with.
Black is not a race, or sub-species, there are no races, and the notion of 'pure' or 'mixed' races is thereby irrelevant.
"African of course, entails Black, though Black does not entail African" - CL Brace.
Ethiopians and New Guineans are of course both Blacks, and are direct descendants of the original Black African populations.
Whites are also descendants of Black Africans, but whites have recently -lost- their color due to genetic mutations....
^ Africans have little to no ancestry from these peoples, which is of course, why you fail to identify any such ancestry.
Caucasian is accurate as reference to "people from the Caucasia", it is not accurate as a reference to either the heavily admixed Latin populations of southern Europe, or the somewhat less heavily mixed Nordics of Northern Europe.
That's why there are no historical references of these peoples as caucasians.
The notion of caucasian race was fabricated in the 18th century by Johanne Blumenbach based on bible mythology.
It has no scientific bases.
terms like caucasian are worse than meaningless - CL Brace states.
By failing to produce any specifics that can show distinct European features in ancient African crania, or European lineages in African people.... you confirm Braces position and further debunk you own.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:^ Black is accurate as a description of skin color, which is why it is a familiar ethnic label to begin with.
This is as stupid a defense of the term as is "debunk's" dismissal of it. In reality there is no "black" skin. And if Black is accurate as a description of skin color are you then saying blacks like Khoisan aren’t black like Jamie does?
quote:terms like caucasian are worse than meaningless - CL Brace states.
This is what happens when you use these whites as much as you do to validate your points. Does Brace see the term "black" as useful?
There's that f**k again.
Posted by argyle104 (Member # 14634) on :
Knowledgeiskey718 wrote:
------------------------------- You can post all the irrelevant drivel, like how you believe Will Smith is descended from Khoisan slaves in America. Lmaooooo -------------------------------
Nobody even brought that up. Yet its on your mind. Damn man. You've absolutely saturated yourself with this sickness.
Isn't it funny how this guy gets infuriated with the facts that people outside of those he deems as true negroes were brought to america.
You need to step away from all of that Eurocentric material such as Coon, Blumenbach, Howell and the rest who you like to quote and learn real history.
Posted by argyle104 (Member # 14634) on :
akoben wrote:
----------------------------- This is as stupid a defense of the term as is "debunk's" dismissal of it. In reality there is no "black" skin. And if Black is accurate as a description of skin color are you then saying blacks like Khoisan aren’t black like Jamie does? -----------------------------
Well apparently Knowledgeiskey718 does see my previous post.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Debunked writes: Of course 'familiar ethnic labels' (like Black)
^ And of course, Black is not only familiar as and ethnic label, it is also ancient, as and ethnic reference:
Kem, kame, kmi, kmem, kmom = to be black
Kememu = Black people (Ancient Egyptians) in both Ancient and modern Egyptian (Kmemou).
Kem [khet][wood] = extremely black, jet-black
Kemet = any black thing. Note: "t" is silent - pronounced Kemé
Kemet [nu][community, settlement, nation] = Black nation = Ancient Egypt.
Kemet [Romé][people] = Black people. Ancient Egyptians.
Kemit [Shoit][books] = Black books, Ancient Egyptian literature.
It is also specific, and attestible based upon melanin levels...
The basal epithelial cells [of Egyptian mummies] were packed with melanin. - Biotechnic & Histochemistry 2005, 80(1): 7_/13
^ As it is now, so it was then:
Melanin (eumelanin), the chemical body responsible for skin pigmentation, is, broadly speaking, insoluble and is preserved for millions of years in the skins of fossil animals.20 There is thus all the more reason for it to be readily recoverable in the skins of Egyptian mummies, despite a tenacious legend that the skin of mummies, tainted by the embalming material, is no longer susceptible of any analysis.21 Although the epidermis is the main site of the melanin, the melanocytes penetrating the derm at the boundary between it and the epidermis, even where the latter has mostly been destroyed by the embalming materials, show that [Ancieng Egyptians have] a melanin level which is non-existent in leucoderms. - Diop.
So you see Debunked, as much you -hate- reference to Blacks, the term, as and ethnic label, and as a morphology, based on genetics, is not going to go away.
On the hand, the pseudo-science of 'caucasoid' is essentially already dead.
It died when it was proven that Europeans have ancestry from Black Africa.
All of them do.
And, you know this....
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:Black is not a race, there are no races, and the notion of 'pure' or 'mixed' races is thereby irrelevant.
This is not as "black and white" as you would have it as even your own Cavalli-Sforza can't help from distinguishing the races of mankind. The fact that races mix and we can tell an "African gene" in those early Geeks mean that the eulogy for the "race" construct might be premature. Check even his writings on "genetic distances". The notion of caucasian race was fabricated in the 18th century by Johanne Blumenbach based on bible mythology. The notion of their superiority is fabricated, yes, but idea of a "race", maybe not, even as your favorite source:
BTW the KMT = black arguement, though correct, in no way supports the idiocy of it as an "accurate description of skin color". There is no "black skin".
Posted by TheAmericanPatriot (Member # 15824) on :
What we find here is that the very people who say there is no such thing as "race" speak of nothing but race.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:BTW the KMT = black argument, though correct
Yes it is correct, as you admit.
The 'argument' part, which you then follow with, is so by definition your effort to argue against that which you know to be true.
This is why you are generally too stupid, to reply to...and why I mostly ignore you.
Even though you are trying really hard to not be as much of and OFF TOPIC IDIOT as you usually are......and so at least get me to reply.
Very well....
quote:attention whore writes: in no way supports the idiocy of it as an "accurate description of skin color".
Actually this is a common falacy of scientifically illiterate persons such as yourself.
All -labels- for color, not just black, are illusory and relative. This is true no matter how you attempt to define descrete colors, which do not actually exist in nature.
Color only exists in physics as frequencies of light in the electromagnetic spectrum, there are no distinct frequences that can literally separate light into descrete colors.
Different cultures do not even have the same number of colors. In some cultures brown and red do not exist as distinct colors but only as one color.
This is not wrong, nor right, it is not any more or less accurate.
Color itself is intrinsically subjective, not objective.
There is literally no 'blue' eyes, no 'green grass', and no 'blonde' [yellow] hair either.
But the fact that color is not 'literal' does not invalidate the use of the terms such as MELANODERM - "black skinned", as either scientific parameters or Km.t = "Blacks" as social ethnenes.
Black will remain a common ethnic appletive [actually one of the -MOST- common in all human cultures] and a valid anthropological parameter. [melanoderm literally means BLACK SKINNED.]
So go back to crying about it.... changes nothing.
Black is a powerful concept.
It makes some people happy, and others, like you, cry.
arGoyle - white baby, with blonde -sucker- and green pajamas, crying over black skin.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:rasol: The notion of caucasian race was fabricated in the 18th century by Johanne Blumenbach based on bible mythology.
quote:desparate attention whore writes: The notion of their superiority is fabricated
^ It's the same issue. Let me repeat since you are prone to argue with facts you know to be true but can't stomach:
Before blumenbach there is NO CAUCASIAN RACE.
He invented this pseudoscience based upon the notion of white supremacy, so the ideology of caucasoid and white racism are one and the same.
Blumenbach believed that men - ALL MEN - originated in caucasia, and that whites were the most authentic represenatives of them, with non whites being deginerate.
This idea is false, and with it, so is caucasian race.
But feel free to keep searching for a way to argue, and let us know when you find it.....
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ History of caucasoid pseudoscience, and thus: BACK ON TOPIC:
The Caucasian race, sometimes the Caucasoid race, is a term of racial classification, coined around 1800 by Johann Friedrich Blumenbach for the "white" race of man.
^ Prior to this, you can scour European history and literatue high and low looking for "caucasoids" and find none.
Ironically, when you find the term caucasian in Euro-history and referenced by Germanic and Latin Europeans, it is primarily contemptuous with regards to slavic peoples, who they enslaved. Non slavic Europeans do not historically consider themselves to be caucasian. Heaven forefend!
Caucasoid is a short lived and ill conceived term, and that's why it died so soon after Blumenbach fabricated it.
Posted by Alive-(What Box) (Member # 10819) on :
So the deed is done.
It is settled then :
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:Debunked writes: Of course 'familiar ethnic labels' (like Black)
^ And of course, Black is not only familiar as and ethnic label, it is also ancient, as and ethnic reference:
Kem, kame, kmi, kmem, kmom = to be black
Kememu = Black people (Ancient Egyptians) in both Ancient and modern Egyptian (Kmemou).
Kem [khet][wood] = extremely black, jet-black
Kemet = any black thing. Note: "t" is silent - pronounced Kemé
Kemet [nu][community, settlement, nation] = Black nation = Ancient Egypt.
Kemet [Romé][people] = Black people. Ancient Egyptians.
Kemit [Shoit][books] = Black books, Ancient Egyptian literature.
It is also specific, and attestible based upon melanin levels...
The basal epithelial cells [of Egyptian mummies] were packed with melanin. - Biotechnic & Histochemistry 2005, 80(1): 7_/13
^ As it is now, so it was then:
Melanin (eumelanin), the chemical body responsible for skin pigmentation, is, broadly speaking, insoluble and is preserved for millions of years in the skins of fossil animals.20 There is thus all the more reason for it to be readily recoverable in the skins of Egyptian mummies, despite a tenacious legend that the skin of mummies, tainted by the embalming material, is no longer susceptible of any analysis.21 Although the epidermis is the main site of the melanin, the melanocytes penetrating the derm at the boundary between it and the epidermis, even where the latter has mostly been destroyed by the embalming materials, show that [Ancieng Egyptians have] a melanin level which is non-existent in leucoderms. - Diop.
So you see Debunked, as much you -hate- reference to Blacks, the term, as and ethnic label, and as a morphology, based on genetics, is not going to go away.
On the hand, the pseudo-science of 'caucasoid' is essentially already dead.
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
^ Indeed.
quote:Originally posted by TheAmericanPatriot: What we find here is that the very people who say there is no such thing as "race" speak of nothing but race.
Incorrect. What constantly speak is that 'race' does NOT exist as science has proven; however, getting back to the subject of this forum that still does not change the simple FACT that the ancient Egyptians were black Africans. Black African is not a race but a simple descriptive phrase of reality. They were black natives of the African continent period.
quote:Originally posted by rasol: History of caucasoid pseudoscience, and thus: BACK ON TOPIC:
The Caucasian race, sometimes the Caucasoid race, is a term of racial classification, coined around 1800 by Johann Friedrich Blumenbach for the "white" race of man.
^ Prior to this, you can scour European history and literatue high and low looking for "caucasoids" and find none.
Ironically, when you find the term caucasian in Euro-history and referenced by Germanic and Latin Europeans, it is primarily contemptuous with regards to slavic peoples, who they enslaved. Non slavic Europeans do not historically consider themselves to be caucasian. Heaven forefend!
Caucasoid is a short lived and ill conceived term, and that's why it died so soon after Blumenbach fabricated it.
Thus what is false is all this talk of "caucasians" and "caucasoids" especially those said to be native to any part of Africa like "North African caucasians" or "prehistoric East African caucasoids"! LMAO
Oh and to Knowledge: Never mind Gaygoyle and his nazi boyfriend, Eva! They are likely just upset over the finding below that Rasol cited...
Notice how ever since Rasol cited this, the biggoted boy-georges have been trolling this thread big time even though they weren't interested in it before!
Posted by TheAmericanPatriot (Member # 15824) on :
Djehuti, You are tap dancing a bit. The subject of both boards is race, no rational person would disagree with that. To say that there is no such thing as race is a semantic distraction. Everyone who reads these posts understands that. If there were truly no such thing as race the boards would have no purpose. It would not matter if the egyptians were black Africans or not. People do not argue over subjects that do not matter.
Posted by Sundjata (Member # 13096) on :
quote:Originally posted by TheAmericanPatriot: Djehuti, You are tap dancing a bit. The subject of both boards is race, no rational person would disagree with that. To say that there is no such thing as race is a semantic distraction. Everyone who reads these posts understands that. If there were truly no such thing as race the boards would have no purpose. It would not matter if the egyptians were black Africans or not. People do not argue over subjects that do not matter.
Please define "race" and provide evidence that human races are legitimate biological units. Also explain to the audience how a color [Black] somehow equates "race" to you. If you can't do that, then obviously YOU are the one playing the game of semantics.
You are the one that needs to explain the issue. If you really believe there is no such thing as race why are you here involved in this conversation. IF that were the case it would not matter if Egyptians were black Africans or Danish would all be the same.
When I read these boards every post is about race.
Posted by Charlie Bass (Member # 10328) on :
An email reply that refutes Debunked idioti and unsupported assertion that West and Central Africans contributed to the mtDNA pool of Ethiopians:
Furthermore, Bantu migrations mostly affected the paternal genepool of the people they came in contact with, not the maternal genepool. Debunked still has provided no evidence that L1-L2 lineages in Ethiopia came from West Africans and central Africans, not to mention the fact that Ethiopians carry L3 and L4-L6 lineages which are also not found in West and Central Africans, nor can he escape the reality of this: also courtesy of Toomas:
"Phylogenetic analysis reveals that the origin of sub-Saharan African mtDNA variants in Yemenis is a mosaic of different episodes of gene flow. Three different passages can be outlined. The first is gene flow, likely mediated by the Arab slave trade from southeastern Africa, as evidenced by exact mtDNA haplotype matches. Such matches account for 23% of the total variation in Yemenis and occur in lineages and lineage groups that cannot be found in Ethiopia and northeastern Africa. Many of these can be traced to the Bantu dispersal; they have their origin in West Africa and supply thereby the upper time limit of 3,000–4,000 years for their departure from southeastern Africa toward Arabia. The sub-Saharan African component of Ethiopians has remained untouched by such influences and may therefore be considered most representative of the indigenous gene pool of sub-Saharan East Africa."
I don't know why this idiot just ignores this information.
As for haplogroups A and B:
"Groups I and II are essentially restricted to Africans and appear to be the most divergent clades within the tree. They show a patchy distribution, with high frequencies among isolated hunter-gatherer groups and in some peoples of Ethiopia and Sudan. Such a distribution was interpreted as the survival of some ancient lineages through more recent population events (Underhill et al. 2001). In particular, Group I, observed in 43.6% of the Khoisan (usually considered to be descendants of an early African population), is present in all of the Ethiopian samples: its frequency is 10.3% in the Oromo sample and 14.6% in the Amhara sample of the present study, and is 13.6% in the ethnically undefined sample reported by Underhill et al. (2000). In contrast, it was not found in the Senegalese. It is worth noting that the Ethiopian YAP−/49a,f haplotype 26 lineage, which is common within the Khoisan (Spurdle and Jenkins 1992; Passarino et al. 1998), corresponds to Group I and possibly reflects the signal seen in the third PC of classical polymorphisms (Cavalli-Sforza et al. 1993, 1994). However, figure 1 shows that the Ethiopian and Khoisan samples within Group I fall into different haplotypes (haplotypes 1, 2, and 5 in Ethiopians vs. haplotypes 4, 6, and 7 in the Khoisan), in agreement with an ancient divergence from the same ancestral population, as has been suggested by microsatellite data
Debunked has provided no evidence of Ethiopians mixing with Khoisan and or West and Central Africans.
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
quote:Originally posted by TheAmericanPatriot: Djehuti, You are tap dancing a bit. The subject of both boards is race, no rational person would disagree with that. To say that there is no such thing as race is a semantic distraction. Everyone who reads these posts understands that.
There is nothing semantical about it. There is no such thing as race yet people like Debunked keep coming here all the time ranting and raving about it, which is why we are here to dispatch them! And as I recall did YOU not mention a while back that the Egyptians were "North African caucasians"??!
quote:If there were truly no such thing as race the boards would have no purpose. It would not matter if the egyptians were black Africans or not. People do not argue over subjects that do not matter.
LOL They obviously matter to people like YOU
quote:Originally posted by TheAmericanPatriot: Nubians are black Africans, Egyptians North African caucasians...
quote: You are the one that needs to explain the issue. If you really believe there is no such thing as race why are you here involved in this conversation. IF that were the case it would not matter if Egyptians were black Africans or Danish would all be the same.
Again apparently matters to YOU and people like YOU.
quote:When I read these boards every post is about race.
And again, it's because people like YOU keep coming here to bring the issue up!
Posted by TheAmericanPatriot (Member # 15824) on :
I think there is such a thing as race and so do you. If not there would be no conversation on these boards. When you use the term 'black African' you are making a racial argument. Race is nothing more than a distinction between groups of people.
Posted by argyle104 (Member # 14634) on :
Knowledgeiskey718 has suffered yet another intellectual thrashing. : )
He has been reduced to either ignoring all but the most intellectually inept like debunker or doing ad hominem attacks on posters whom he can't refute.
Posted by Charlie Bass (Member # 10328) on :
quote:Originally posted by TheAmericanPatriot: I think there is such a thing as race and so do you. If not there would be no conversation on these boards. When you use the term 'black African' you are making a racial argument. Race is nothing more than a distinction between groups of people.
Please stop trolling this topic with your dribble.
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
quote:Originally posted by TheAmericanPatriot: I think there is such a thing as race and so do you. If not there would be no conversation on these boards. When you use the term 'black African' you are making a racial argument. Race is nothing more than a distinction between groups of people.
Scientifically speaking there is no such thing as 'race', that is there is no such thing as biologically defined races. Of course race as we know it only exist as socially defined groups. 'Black African' is NOT a race or at least we the intelligent posters of this forum do not use it as such. 'Black' is a description of skin color and 'African' is description geographic origin. Thus Black African merely describes a very dark native of Africa and all populations indigenous to Africa are 'black'. In the same way that all populations indigenous to Europe are pale or 'white'. Thus there are white Europeans, but boiologically speaking there is no such thing as a white European 'race' no more than there is a 'yellow' race of Asia etc. etc. You have various populations all related to one another and non distinct enough to qualify as biologically distinct 'races'.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Originally posted by TheAmericanPatriot: I think there is such a thing as race and so do you. If not there would be no conversation on these boards. When you use the term 'black African' you are making a racial argument. Race is nothing more than a distinction between groups of people.
A few questions. If there is such a thing as biological "races", what "race" then do you propose for those heavily mixed Southern Europeans to be a part of?
Southern Europeans who carry E3b, Benin hbs, L1 and L2 and J. Can you explain this?
Or perhaps you can explain how or why Europeans appear to be 2/3rd Asian and 1/3rd African? In actuality there are no Europeans just some mixed Asian and Africans.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ Good questions knowledge, but you are talking to old professor H..... well known to this forum as a doddering old american dunce, who can't answer any of your questions.
quote:Originally posted by Charlie Bass: An email reply that refutes Debunked idioti and unsupported assertion that West and Central Africans contributed to the mtDNA pool of Ethiopians:
Furthermore, Bantu migrations mostly affected the paternal genepool of the people they came in contact with, not the maternal genepool. Debunked still has provided no evidence that L1-L2 lineages in Ethiopia came from West Africans and central Africans, not to mention the fact that Ethiopians carry L3 and L4-L6 lineages which are also not found in West and Central Africans, nor can he escape the reality of this: also courtesy of Toomas:
"Phylogenetic analysis reveals that the origin of sub-Saharan African mtDNA variants in Yemenis is a mosaic of different episodes of gene flow. Three different passages can be outlined. The first is gene flow, likely mediated by the Arab slave trade from southeastern Africa, as evidenced by exact mtDNA haplotype matches. Such matches account for 23% of the total variation in Yemenis and occur in lineages and lineage groups that cannot be found in Ethiopia and northeastern Africa. Many of these can be traced to the Bantu dispersal; they have their origin in West Africa and supply thereby the upper time limit of 3,000–4,000 years for their departure from southeastern Africa toward Arabia. The sub-Saharan African component of Ethiopians has remained untouched by such influences and may therefore be considered most representative of the indigenous gene pool of sub-Saharan East Africa."
I don't know why this idiot just ignores this information.
As for haplogroups A and B:
"Groups I and II are essentially restricted to Africans and appear to be the most divergent clades within the tree. They show a patchy distribution, with high frequencies among isolated hunter-gatherer groups and in some peoples of Ethiopia and Sudan. Such a distribution was interpreted as the survival of some ancient lineages through more recent population events (Underhill et al. 2001). In particular, Group I, observed in 43.6% of the Khoisan (usually considered to be descendants of an early African population), is present in all of the Ethiopian samples: its frequency is 10.3% in the Oromo sample and 14.6% in the Amhara sample of the present study, and is 13.6% in the ethnically undefined sample reported by Underhill et al. (2000). In contrast, it was not found in the Senegalese. It is worth noting that the Ethiopian YAP−/49a,f haplotype 26 lineage, which is common within the Khoisan (Spurdle and Jenkins 1992; Passarino et al. 1998), corresponds to Group I and possibly reflects the signal seen in the third PC of classical polymorphisms (Cavalli-Sforza et al. 1993, 1994). However, figure 1 shows that the Ethiopian and Khoisan samples within Group I fall into different haplotypes (haplotypes 1, 2, and 5 in Ethiopians vs. haplotypes 4, 6, and 7 in the Khoisan), in agreement with an ancient divergence from the same ancestral population, as has been suggested by microsatellite data
Debunked has provided no evidence of Ethiopians mixing with Khoisan and or West and Central Africans.
As I noted before, and as Debunked failed to rebuttal - both A and B originate in East Africa anyway.
And all M168 lineages derive from B.
The history of East African paternal lineages logically reads as:
1) A only.
2) then A and B where B derives from A
3) then A and B and M168 which derives from B
4) M168 then derives to C, D, E, F, where C D and F are out of Africa lineages, which either developed in Africa and migrated out....or diverge from M168 soon after migrating out.
There is no possible scenerio of and East Africa with only M168 but no A or B, as before M168 East Africa is 100% A and B - as that's all there is.
Lastly it is clear that it is East Africa that has the oldest A/B lineages to this day, the derived A and B lineages found in West Africa, are generally not found in the East.
So Debunked is left as always to spin his wheels and talk about everything -except- what he wants to believe in...East Africa k-zoids which do not exist. Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:^ Good questions knowledge, but you are talking to old professor H..... well known to this forum as a doddering old american dunce, who can't answer any of your questions.
Lol oh it's that old troll hore, ha ha ha ha. I've read many threads with his nonsensical drivel, where he posts his criticizing opinion instead of actual science and facts to refute or correct the opposing scientific facts that are presented at this forum. Sort of like argyle/akoben come to think about it.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote: Black is a powerful concept.It makes some people happy, and others, like you, cry.
Projecting again my child, as I never argued against black as an all encompassing racial or ethno-political term. I'm only exposing your silly definition of the term.
quote:Color itself is intrinsically subjective, not objective
Irrelevant. The subjectivity argument is now introduced to get away from your previous statement about the color "black" being an accurate description of skin color in response to claim of Ethiopians being not black. You forgot you were suppose to know that black Africans are not all uniformly dark skinned...oh wait, not unless you believe in the "true negro" stereotype!
But if this is your argument now rasolowitz (that "black" is subjective), prey tell then, why are you in here, post after post, thread after thread, day after day, trying to convince "Evil Euros and Debunkers" that the ancient Egyptians etc were black?!
Are you saying they all looked alike i.e. dark skinnked, your "black"?
Because let's face it, this new subjectivety line/diversion aside, you did give us your definition of "black": after saying Black is accurate as a description of skin color you then proceed to define what you mean by it (person belonging to any of various population groups having dark pigmentation of the skin) then you show us pictorially what it is you are talking about by posting that famous pic from Ramses tomb.
LOL Oh no rasolowitz you f**ked up again!
So based on your narrow definition of the label "black", some of these Nubians are then not black? Based on your narrow definition of black, Khoisan aren't black, hell, Dubois wasn't black?
From the race concept to the black concept: "a powerful concept" - rasolowitz
quote:Before blumenbach there is NO CAUCASIAN RACE blah blah blah
Please try to refute what I actually say little rasolowitz, this is not your sock puppet debunked. Never argued for the usefulness of the term Caucasian or what Blumenbach said, so that Wiki source (LOL) was a waste of time. I am arguing for the race concept (as defined as different identifiable groups based on certain characteristics) as still being useful. Even your own Wiki source says,
quote:The term race or racial group usually refers to the concept of dividing humans into populations or groups on the basis of various sets of characteristics. The most widely used human racial categories are based on visible traits (especially skin color, cranial or facial features and hair texture), and self-identification.
Cast your mind back to that Ramses tomb pic. How did you tell a black (African) different from the white (foreigner)?
And even as I showed you, your own favorite source Cavalli-Sforza, despit the rhetoric outside, can't escape the classifications based on differences either. For your apart, you simply substitute the word "race" for "social ethnenes"[sic] and play the typical liberal double game. But all your posts are about identifying genetic differences between the races...opps "social ethnenes"! LOL
If, as some in here seem to be saying, there are no identifiable biological units how then can you identify "African genes" versus non-African ones in those early Greeks? How do we come to our various human pie charts, "Europeans appear to be 2/3rd Asian and 1/3rd African?" if not by certain identifiable characteristics? How do we know who is "white" (whether or not they are new to Europe) if not by genetic differences? --- that thing called "race".
For some to argue that because there is diversity among Africans, means the race concept is dead is also a fallacy. With all the diversity, how can we still identify and still categorize them as "black African" if not by certain commonalities and hence observable differences from the "other"?
This is why I say you (in fact you all) are the typical liberal hypocrites. Rasolowitz, the Mandela-loving non-racialist who loves to post studies detailing observable differences among humans in ES forums. Yes, Eeeegypt was black, science proves it, but it also says black does not exist, hence what is black is subjective! LOL ah the paradox of life...
Posted by TheAmericanPatriot (Member # 15824) on :
Djehuti, The fact that race is not biological does not make it invalid. All dog breeds have the same biology however different they may appear. That does not mean that race does not exist. In the field of Anthropology race does exist, and in fact is essential to the discpline. Again, we are talking about distinctions.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
^^^A few questions. Don't duck and dodge em either. If there is such a thing as biological "races", what "race" then do you propose for those heavily mixed Southern Europeans to be a part of?
Southern Europeans who carry E3b, Benin hbs, L1 and L2 and J. Can you explain this?
Or perhaps you can explain how or why Europeans appear to be 2/3rd Asian and 1/3rd African? In actuality there are no Europeans just some mixed Asian and Africans.
"Europe shows a shorter genetic distance from Africa than do all the other continents......The overall contributions from Asia and Africa were estimated to be around two-thirds and one-third, respectively. Simulations have shown (7) that this hypothesis explains quite well the discrepancy between trees obtained by maximum likelihood and neighbor joining. " - L. Luca Cavalli-Sforza
Or perhaps you can address if "Caucasoid" is a skeletal entity how do you to explain such Africans as the Tutsis of Rawanda who don't carry E3b but rather carry E3a, and address how or why E3a carrying Africans exhibit so called "Caucasoid" traits?
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:I'm only exposing your silly definition of the term.
Actually the definition is from Merriam-Webster:
Blacksa person belonging to any of various population groups having dark pigmentation
melanoderm - a person with dark pigmentation of the skin
Merriam-Webster is not silly.
But you sure are.
What's silly is your attempt to argue over definition of Blacks because it upsets you so much....
Posted by TheAmericanPatriot (Member # 15824) on :
We can agree that from a biological standpoint race is not workable BUT that race in fact does exist as a distinction. As for the E3b, I cannot explain it fully, nor can you. Even so, even if you could by your own thesis it have no VALUE since race does not exist.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:We can agree that from a biological standpoint race is not workable
^ That is essentially our position, which it appears that for all your whining and years of trolling that you've finally come around to.
quote:BUT that race in fact does exist as a distinction.
^ As a social distinction in America yes. In NAZI Germany the critical social race distinction is between Aryan and Jew.
This distinction was based on NAZI pseudo science, put to the service of a morally retarded social theory.
It was a social reality yes, but a violently savage and perverse one.
Here is the next thing then that you need to learn - it may take you another two years, but keep repeating it, it may sink in yet...
"race draws it's [ideological] power from it's natural science root" - Dr. Shomarka Keita.
It means: Once we understand that the concept has no validity in biology, it loses most of it's internal reason for being.
So the fact that race is biologically invalid directly undermines its 'social' significance.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote: We can agree that from a biological standpoint race is not workable
^^^Lmao a couple of posts ago you were saying YOU KNOW race exists, now you're retracting?
quote: BUT that race in fact does exist as a distinction.
Yea in a social setting by uneducated people who think it has meaning.
quote:As for the E3b, I cannot explain it fully, nor can you.
Sure I can with two simple quotes.
Population genetic relationships between Mediterranean populations determined by HLA allele distribution and a historic perspective.
Arnaiz-Villena A, Gomez-Casado E, Martinez-Laso J.
1) Greeks share an important part of their genetic pool with sub-Saharan Africans (Ethiopians and west Africans) also supported by Chr 7 Markers. The gene flow from Black Africa to Greece may have occurred in Pharaonic times or when Saharan people emigrated after the present hyperarid conditions were established (5000 years B.C.).
"Europe shows a shorter genetic distance from Africa than do all the other continents......The overall contributions from Asia and Africa were estimated to be around two-thirds and one-third, respectively. Simulations have shown (7) that this hypothesis explains quite well the discrepancy between trees obtained by maximum likelihood and neighbor joining. " - L. Luca Cavalli-Sforza
quote:Even so, even if you could by your own thesis it have no VALUE since race does not exist.
Yea sure likely story, how convenient, when we prove Southern Europeans are mixed, automatically you now agree there are NO "races"
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Yea sure likely story, how convenient, when we prove Southern Europeans are mixed, automatically you now agree there are NO "races"
^ Eurocentrism continues to crumble before our very eyes.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:LOL ah the paradox of life
There is no paradox, or contradiction, only your confusion which is due to the followng.
1) You are grown man.
2) You have the mind of a child.
This is not paradox or contradiction. It is duality.
^ This is why you respond to all posters [alTakruri, Knowledge, Dejhuti, and myself] in the same state of sour confusion over what you imagine to be some form of contradiction.
Any adult thinking is beyound your limited perspective....your stock response is to 'wail and simper' against 'contradiction'.
Your duality of being a grown man with a child's mind also explains why you still live in your mom's basement and steal your wireless internet connection from you next-door neighbors, but that's another issue.....
quote:Originally posted by Alive-(What Box): So the deed is done.
It is settled then :
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:Debunked writes: Of course 'familiar ethnic labels' (like Black)
^ And of course, Black is not only familiar as and ethnic label, it is also ancient, as and ethnic reference:
Kem, kame, kmi, kmem, kmom = to be black
Kememu = Black people (Ancient Egyptians) in both Ancient and modern Egyptian (Kmemou).
Kem [khet][wood] = extremely black, jet-black
Kemet = any black thing. Note: "t" is silent - pronounced Kemé
Kemet [nu][community, settlement, nation] = Black nation = Ancient Egypt.
Kemet [Romé][people] = Black people. Ancient Egyptians.
Kemit [Shoit][books] = Black books, Ancient Egyptian literature.
It is also specific, and attestible based upon melanin levels...
The basal epithelial cells [of Egyptian mummies] were packed with melanin. - Biotechnic & Histochemistry 2005, 80(1): 7_/13
^ As it is now, so it was then:
Melanin (eumelanin), the chemical body responsible for skin pigmentation, is, broadly speaking, insoluble and is preserved for millions of years in the skins of fossil animals.20 There is thus all the more reason for it to be readily recoverable in the skins of Egyptian mummies, despite a tenacious legend that the skin of mummies, tainted by the embalming material, is no longer susceptible of any analysis.21 Although the epidermis is the main site of the melanin, the melanocytes penetrating the derm at the boundary between it and the epidermis, even where the latter has mostly been destroyed by the embalming materials, show that [Ancieng Egyptians have] a melanin level which is non-existent in leucoderms. - Diop.
So you see Debunked, as much you -hate- reference to Blacks, the term, as and ethnic label, and as a morphology, based on genetics, is not going to go away.
On the hand, the pseudo-science of 'caucasoid' is essentially already dead.
quote:Cast your mind back to that Ramses tomb pic. How did you tell a black (African) different from the white (foreigner)?
Because the Kemetian, ancient Egyptians tell us who is who with there writings, and show us with their drawings!
In the Tera Heka scrolls the Kemetians -ie - ancient Egyptians identify themselves, and Kushites as Blacks.
They identify Levatines and Libyans as Reds.
There are no 'whites' in Kemetic color discourse, and none of the peoples above are Europeans either.
I am Black and Beautiful - Coptic Bible.
"I am white and ugly, and it makes me want to cry." - argoyle.
Posted by TheAmericanPatriot (Member # 15824) on :
Reading comprehension is a good thing. I agreed with you that biological race constructions do not have value. I went on to dsay that racial distinctions do in fact exist. You proved my point by asking questions that directly impact racial distinctions. rasol then puts up a post that deals only with race. The fact is it's all about race.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
I agreed with you that biological race constructions do not have value.
^ Yes.
I went on to say that racial distinctions do in fact exist.
^ Of course they do. Racism itself is based on making such false distinctions, so the existence of social distinction based on race, is a given, and is not a point in contention.
You proved my point by asking questions that directly impact racial distinctions.
^ No he didn't, as you never made a point.
In order to make a point you need to show that the notion of biological race has value.
Not only have you failed to demonstrate this, but you just admitted to the opposite.
So you are left to babble away having made no point, and having conceded the point at issue.
You may have learned that race has no biological value Professor H, but you still don't know how to debate.
Posted by TheAmericanPatriot (Member # 15824) on :
There was a point, you chose to ignore it. I accused you, personally, of talking out of both sides of your mouth. Of saying on the one hand that race has no value while posting data that is nothing but racial.
Racial distinctions can have value but you are not trying base your arguments on that foundation. You are somehow trying to make points based on a concept you disagree with.
What we end up with is incoherent thinking from rasol and a few others here.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:There was a point, you chose to ignore it. I accused you, personally,
^ Personal attacks bore me, and won't save you.
quote:Of saying on the one hand that race has no value
^ I have always stated that race has no biological value. After several years of arguing with me, you come back to this forum and agree.
I'm saying the same thing.
It is you who have changed.
Seems like i've *broken* you of your racism, at least on one level.
Dont' be bitter. Be thankfull!
quote:while posting data that is nothing but racial.
^ Please point to any data that i've posted that affirms a biological basis of race.
I'm waiting.....
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote: Reading comprehension is a good thing.
Sure is.
quote: I agreed with you that biological race constructions do not have value.
Ok great, we know this, and you can't retract now or prove otherwise.
quote: I went on to dsay that racial distinctions do in fact exist.
Yes and I acknowledged this by agreeing and saying it exists in a social setting where uneducated people apply said terms and think they have scientific value, which they don't.
quote: You proved my point by asking questions that directly impact racial distinctions.
And what questions were these? Please be more specific, elaborate.
quote:rasol then puts up a post that deals only with race. The fact is it's all about race.
I don't see anything coming from rasol's posts which implies in any way that "races" exist.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ Niether does he. It's funny watching old Professor H try to argue, logically.
He doesn't succeed, but nonetheless the effort at logic coming from 'him' is amusing.
quote:Racial distinctions can have value
^ Then show us the value of race.
This is what you are required to do in order to make sense of your position.
When you respond, but fail to show us this, then you lose.
You never could debate.
Seems like old times Professor.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Seems like old times Professor.
Seems like all the old time trolls are returning.
Obviously still in pain from their previous visits and intellectual virtual ass whoopings. lol
Posted by TheAmericanPatriot (Member # 15824) on :
You guys are doing all of the ducking and dodging here. The fact is you quote genetics out of one side of your mouth and deny biological race out of the other. Call me all the names you wish or anyone you wish but the fact is you are ducking and dodging.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote: You guys are doing all of the ducking and dodging here.
Yea, ducking and dodging your erroneous propositions and then returning with knockout blows, as you can see from your face below.
quote: The fact is you quote genetics out of one side of your mouth and deny biological race out of the other.
The geneticists and anthropologists we quote don't believe in the biological concept of race. anyone else doesn't this Patriot/hore character sound like argyle/akoben?
Or if you do wish to propose a biological sense of race then you have to explain the following.....
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718: ^^^A few questions. Don't duck and dodge em either. If there is such a thing as biological "races", what "race" then do you propose for those heavily mixed Southern Europeans to be a part of?
Southern Europeans who carry E3b, Benin hbs, L1 and L2 and J. Can you explain this?
Or perhaps you can explain how or why Europeans appear to be 2/3rd Asian and 1/3rd African? In actuality there are no Europeans just some mixed Asian and Africans.
"Europe shows a shorter genetic distance from Africa than do all the other continents......The overall contributions from Asia and Africa were estimated to be around two-thirds and one-third, respectively. Simulations have shown (7) that this hypothesis explains quite well the discrepancy between trees obtained by maximum likelihood and neighbor joining. " - L. Luca Cavalli-Sforza
Or perhaps you can address if "Caucasoid" is a skeletal entity how do you to explain such Africans as the Tutsis of Rawanda who don't carry E3b but rather carry E3a, and address how or why E3a carrying Africans exhibit so called "Caucasoid" traits?
quote: Call me all the names you wish or anyone you wish but the fact is you are ducking and dodging.
Ducking and dodging what? Why can't you be SPECIFIC?
Posted by TheAmericanPatriot (Member # 15824) on :
Genetics is in the field of biology.
When you use genetics to make your points you are framing your arguments on race/biology. At the same time you say race does not exist.
Now lets stop the childish name calling and attempt to answer the obvuous contradictions in your arguments.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Originally posted by TheAmericanPatriot: Genetics is in the field of biology.
When you use genetics to make your points you are framing your arguments on race/biology. At the same time you say race does not exist.
Now lets stop the childish name calling and attempt to answer the obvuous contradictions in your arguments.
No one is being childish but yourself.
Sure.... I will gladly address any of your concerns after and only after you address this below....
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718: ^^^A few questions. Don't duck and dodge em either. If there is such a thing as biological "races", what "race" then do you propose for those heavily mixed Southern Europeans to be a part of?
Southern Europeans who carry E3b, Benin hbs, L1 and L2 and J. Can you explain this?
Or perhaps you can explain how or why Europeans appear to be 2/3rd Asian and 1/3rd African? In actuality there are no Europeans just some mixed Asian and Africans.
"Europe shows a shorter genetic distance from Africa than do all the other continents......The overall contributions from Asia and Africa were estimated to be around two-thirds and one-third, respectively. Simulations have shown (7) that this hypothesis explains quite well the discrepancy between trees obtained by maximum likelihood and neighbor joining. " - L. Luca Cavalli-Sforza
Or perhaps you can address if "Caucasoid" is a skeletal entity how do you to explain such Africans as the Tutsis of Rawanda who don't carry E3b but rather carry E3a, and address how or why E3a carrying Africans exhibit so called "Caucasoid" traits?
^^^After you address this you might be taken seriously.
Posted by TheAmericanPatriot (Member # 15824) on :
What's the point here? If there is no such thing as biological race what IS THE POINT of the question you are asking me? The first thing we have to do is determine what the goal of the conversation is. Even if I agreed with everything you asked the result would what. Races do no exist.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Originally posted by TheAmericanPatriot: What's the point here? If there is no such thing as biological race what IS THE POINT of the question you are asking me? The first thing we have to do is determine what the goal of the conversation is. Even if I agreed with everything you asked the result would what. Races do no exist.
Point is, if genetics equals "race", as you say. Then how come I just disproved "race" with genetics?
Posted by TheAmericanPatriot (Member # 15824) on :
I did not say that, I agree with you....race is not a biological construct. That being the case it does not matter who had E3b, nor does it matter where Egyptians came from or whether they were black Africans or Moonbeams.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Originally posted by TheAmericanPatriot: I did not say that, I agree with you....race is not a biological construct. That being the case it does not matter who had E3b, nor does it matter where Egyptians came from or whether they were black Africans or Moonbeams.
Only to "race" loons it's important. Our point is truth seeking. The point we want to get across is that Ancient Egyptians were in fact what race loons would call "black" African. No way around it. It's funny the extent some people will go to try and make east Africans non -African, so that they can say Africans never did anything. Which contradicts all history and science in general. Any real truth seeker would take offense to this, and correct it, as we are doing here.
The significance of the e3b admixture, is to point out the influence which came from Africa into near east and ten into Europe.
Posted by TheAmericanPatriot (Member # 15824) on :
IF they are really "race loons" you will not convince them. Frankly you run the risk of becoming "race loons" yourself. If there is no race from a bilogical standpoint then you CANNOT argue the Egyptians were black Africans because it would have no meaning. Sounds racist to me.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Originally posted by TheAmericanPatriot: IF they are really "race loons" you will not convince them. Frankly you run the risk of becoming "race loons" yourself. If there is no race from a bilogical standpoint then you CANNOT argue the Egyptians were black Africans because it would have no meaning. Sounds racist to me.
As you can see, I said Ancient Egyptians were to what race loons would call "black African", which basically is an nonsensical oxymoron in itself.
Posted by TheAmericanPatriot (Member # 15824) on :
Sounds like a waste of time.
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
^ It is only a waste of time for the ineducable. I hope this does not include you. Again, 'black African' is a valid and logical description of both skin color and geographic origin. It is NOT a 'racial' label unless one makes it so. Notice no one in here said anything about a black African 'race'. That is YOUR strawman presumption.
quote:Originally posted by TheAmericanPatriot: Genetics is in the field of biology.
When you use genetics to make your points you are framing your arguments on race/biology. At the same time you say race does not exist.
Incorrect. The points we make based on genetics is about ANCESTRY. Ancestry does NOT equate to biologically distinct races.
quote:Now lets stop the childish name calling and attempt to answer the obvuous contradictions in your arguments.
There are no contradictions because we use genetics and physical anthropology to VALIDATE our point about ancestry and why 'race' does not exist.
Posted by Explorateur (Member # 14778) on :
quote:Originally posted by Debunker:
quote:In fact, by not addressing these obligations below
I have no "obligation" to "address" any of your nonsense.
Of course that 'nonsense' is your own claims that are being followed up with requests for clarity; why do you think you don't have an obligation to back up your nonsense?
quote: All of the evidence is on my side.
Evidence for "what"; the problem is that you don't know what that "what" is either, let alone understand what "evidence" constitutes...another clear sign of your absolute lack of intuition on the subject matter.
quote: You know this very well, which is why you try to distract from it by asking pointless questions and requesting "explanations" of things
What is "it"? Your claims; if the request for clarity of your flimsy propagations is considered pointless, then my friend, does it not follow that those propagations that it is seeking to clarify -- from *material* and logic standpoint -- was pointless to begin with?
quote: you already understand and realize prove you wrong.
Well, if I were really wrong as you so-claim, does it not make sense that my simple followup clarification requests about your flimsy propagations would have immediately been attended to without difficulty, and put to rest once and for all?...but instead, you clearly appear to have difficulty in confronting them. Man, you could have saved energy from writing this flimsy whining of a response, and instead, loaded your reply to me with *material-laden answers*, but you chose to waste your time with this flimsy reply sporting neither specifics nor a head or tail to make out of it.
quote: I would say, rather, that it's you who have an obligation to address all of the peer-reviewed, published evidence sitting before you.
Oh I would, but remember, you haven't produced one that addresses your obligation waiting below...
quote:Originally posted by Explorateur:
quote:Originally posted by Debunker:
quote:Ah, but the question was what are the specificY and mtDNA uniparental markers that **Ethiopians share with Norwegians**, since you proclaimed such a close genetic connection between the two, if not implying that there is closer relationship there than there is between Ethiopians and other Africans; a fair question, no?
No, it's not a "fair question". It's a stupid question.
Now why would it be a stupid question, considering that you are saying that Ethiopians and Norwegians are more closely related than say, Ethiopians are to other Africans. Should it not be stupid to expect this relationship, as you apparently do, with no expression of such a "close relationship" in the uniparental markers that every single living soul ought to have? And if you don't realize that every living soul has to have uniparental markers, does that not then go back to the point about you not knowing head or tails about genealogical or bio-anthropological matters?
quote: Uniparental markers tell you nothing about the rest of the genome.
But *no* single line of marker, whether uniparental or otherwise, tells you about the rest of the human genome. This goes to provide another example of the fact that you are unschooled on the basics of genetics, doesn't it?!
quote: The Ouldeme of Cameroon share >90% haplogroup R with the Irish, yet the two groups are not at all related.
Of course they are, duh; they share a common recent ancestor that places them outside of that of other clades. Apply the concept of "learning to crawl before you walk" to genetics; you are not ready to debate on anything genetics.
quote: In a genome-wide analysis, they would occupy entirely different genetic/racial clusters.
What is the overall human genome; identify the specifics of its contents.
quote: On the flip side, you can have groups who don't share uniparentals but are closely related based on the entire genome and therefore share cluster membership, like Ethiopians and Norwegians.
Are you trying to say that the ancestry represented by an individual's uniparental markers is not expressed in the rest of the person's genome; that is, a person only inherits a single marker from his/her father and mother? Explain.
^This can't all be that difficult for you, can it? Don't let me down, you've done enough of that.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
I know this might be a bit difficult for you as you're use to straw man arguments, but again please try to stick to what I actually say little rasolowitz. I'm not arguing against "ancient Egyptians identify themselves, and Kushites as Blacks", only your narrow Webster definition of what "black" is.
Rasolowitz: "black" is dark skinned pigmented people, like African Americans. Does this mean then that blacks such as Dubois, Malcolm X and Angela Davis aren't black? Does this mean too, as your Webster definition implies, that the Egyptians and Nubians aren't black since they do not uniformly possess "dark pigmentation of the skin"?
You see, it doesn't matter what white source and their updated definition of "negro" you come with, your stereotypically narrow definition does not appropriately describe the diversity in tone among the Egyptians and Nubians. Not unless you believe in the "true negro"...
quote:They identify Levatines and Libyans as Reds.There are no 'whites' in Kemetic color discourse, and none of the peoples above are Europeans either.
One is in fact identified as an "Indo–European" according to Van Setima's book. There is another "races of man" depiction in a different tomb (name escapes me) where one is also identified as "Indo-European". You can find it in Diop's book African Origin where he quotes Champollion's letters observing the different "races of man". But in any event your point is useless as 1) you already said color is subjective, so those skin tones are "white" to me, especially number two and 2) the context of my quote was re race as distinctions between various peoples based on observable (phenotypical) differences (as your own Wiki source says) hence "How did you tell a black (African) different from the white (foreigner)?" was in reference to said distinctions, never said anything about Egyptians having a word for "white".
So again, little rasolowitz, please try to refute what I say, not straw men.
And as for the color "red" as a descriptive term, are you saying it too is an "accurate description of skin color" for Libyans and Levantines/Hebrews? This would be news to Dena Reynolds! LOL As I said, you clowns will eventually f**k up!
quote:BUT that race in fact does exist as a distinction
quote:As a social distinction in America yes. In NAZI Germany the critical social race distinction is between Aryan and Jew
And in here the distinction is made re biological differences between black African and non-Africans. All you do is post geneticists identifying those differences! So what's your point here? You can throw in the usual predictable liberal anti-race arguments about Hitler's ideology blah blah blah, but whatever era we are referring to, it all boils down to categories/labels based on observable differences. Some labels (black) though subjctive are more "accurate" than others(negro), but the differences remain, and scholars point thm out.
E.g. Europeans appear to be 2/3rd Asian and 1/3rd African
Is this pointing to social categories or biology? In other words, how do you identify the "African" percentage in said "European" anyway? What do you use to separate, classify, categorize these different "types" to gt your %?if not observable differences? LOL You fools were right to ignore these contradictions. LOL
quote: The geneticists and anthropologists we quote don't believe in the biological concept of race.
Oh really now? As I showed, this is not as "black and white" as you would like.
quote:The point we want to get across is that Ancient Egyptians were in fact what race loons would call "black" African
Wow! division in the camp! And to top it all off here comes Mary to assure whiskey that he is indeed one of those "race loons"
quote:Again, 'black African' is a valid and logical description of both skin color and geographic origin.
Compounded by the fact that other so-called "Africanists", whiskeys team members, posters do agree with Mary's statement! they can't even agree on their BS
quote:Personal attacks bore me, and won't save you
This can be easily be said of you.
quote: There is no paradox, or contradiction, only your confusion which is due to the followng.1) You are grown man.2) You have the mind of a child.This is not paradox or contradiction. It is duality.^ This is why you respond to all posters [alTakruri, Knowledge, Dejhuti, and myself] in the same state of sour confusion over what you imagine to be some form of contradiction.Any adult thinking is beyound your limited perspective....your stock response is to 'wail and simper' against 'contradiction'.Your duality of being a grown man with a child's mind also explains why you still live in your mom's basement and steal your wireless internet connection from you next-door neighbors, but that's another issue.....
All slander and no issue.
Posted by Explorateur (Member # 14778) on :
quote:Originally posted by Debunker:
Genealogy *in the context of population genetics* has everything to do with where (and also when) lineages come from...
The subject of genealogy -- as your own post *unwittingly* makes clear [highlighted] -- is "lineage", which is essentially the "index of ancestry". I *strongly* suggest you brush up on the basic definition of the term.
quote:Debunker writes:
quote:Ethiopians and Khoisan share ancestry in haplogroups A and B ... Ethiopian L1-L2 did not come from mixture
None of those haplogroups were present in Ethiopia at the time of OOA, otherwise they would have been part of the L3/M168 out-migrations. That means their presence in Ethiopia today is due to recent gene flow from elsewhere in Africa.
From where *else* in Africa? Those deep-root lineages are primarily *predominant* in Eastern Africa [largely in Sudan and Ethiopia, but noticeable in other sub-Saharan Eastern African countries] and southern Africa [in KhoiSan groups]; we know where they don't come from -- the KhoiSans, as you've proclaimed. As noted, the KhoiSan and Ethiopian share deep-root markers, but at the same time *polarized* by distinct subclades; this means that there was a **long period of separation* between the two population complexes, wherein subsequent *localization* of markers would result in different subtypes belonging to a single lineage.
You speak of the need for deepest-root clades having to be present in OOA migrants, who are largely characterized by M168 markers; is it safe to say that you've never heard of the notion of 'founder effect'? doubt another sign that you have a lot, and I mean "a lot", to learn about the science at hand.
It is generally known that a *subset* of a parent population is considerably stripped off the diversity that characterizes the parent population, and so, a constellation of only a fairly limited index of traits of the parent population are contained within the subset group, with the result being that, only a certain trait or a few -- which would otherwise have been *relatively* obscured in the parent population index [of diversity] -- will be *extraordinarily* magnified once the subset group undergoes considerable expansion in a new locale. This is a feature of what is called a "founder effect". It would appear that such a founder effect occurred in Africa, shortly after which, OOA will lead to a new founder effect in Asia. Add the effect of neutral random genetic drift to this, and it doesn't perplex a perceptive mind to see how OOA populations have become largely characterized by M168 markers, and lack more deep-root markers like Hg A and B.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:akboben/arGoyle whines: "All slander and no issue"
^ lol. Boo hooo, you and your hurt feelings. Keep crying.
Meanwhile: there is no answer to facts you don't like and cannot refute.
You have no data, no information....NOTHNG.
All you can do is tell bad jokes and then laugh at them yourself since no one else will.
How sad.
No wonder you're so upset.
Guess what, baby [g]arGoyal?
No one cares:
The evolution of dark skin is intrinsically linked to the loss of body hair in humans.
By 1.2 million years ago, all people having descendants today had the same receptor protein of today's Africans; their skin was black, and the intense sun killed off the progeny with any whiter skin that resulted from mutational variation in the receptor protein.
- Genetic Variation at the MC1R Locus and the Time since Loss of Human Body Hair1 Alan R. Rogers, David Iltis, and Stephen Wooding
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:Debunked writes: Of course 'familiar ethnic labels' (like Black)
^ And of course, Black is not only familiar as and ethnic label, it is also ancient, as and ethnic reference:
Kem, kame, kmi, kmem, kmom = to be black
Kememu = Black people (Ancient Egyptians) in both Ancient and modern Egyptian (Kmemou).
Kem [khet][wood] = extremely black, jet-black
Kemet = any black thing. Note: "t" is silent - pronounced Kemé
Kemet [nu][community, settlement, nation] = Black nation = Ancient Egypt.
Kemet [Romé][people] = Black people. Ancient Egyptians.
Kemit [Shoit][books] = Black books, Ancient Egyptian literature.
It is also specific, and attestible based upon melanin levels...
The basal epithelial cells [of Egyptian mummies] were packed with melanin. - Biotechnic & Histochemistry 2005, 80(1): 7_/13
^ As it is now, so it was then:
Melanin (eumelanin), the chemical body responsible for skin pigmentation, is, broadly speaking, insoluble and is preserved for millions of years in the skins of fossil animals.20 There is thus all the more reason for it to be readily recoverable in the skins of Egyptian mummies, despite a tenacious legend that the skin of mummies, tainted by the embalming material, is no longer susceptible of any analysis.21 Although the epidermis is the main site of the melanin, the melanocytes penetrating the derm at the boundary between it and the epidermis, even where the latter has mostly been destroyed by the embalming materials, show that [Ancieng Egyptians have] a melanin level which is non-existent in leucoderms. - Diop.
So you see Debunked, as much you -hate- reference to Blacks, the term, as and ethnic label, and as a morphology, based on genetics, is not going to go away.
On the other hand, the pseudo-science of 'caucasoid' is essentially already dead.
quote:akoben whintes: Cast your mind back to that Ramses tomb pic. How did you tell a black (African) different from the white (foreigner)?
Because the Kemetian, ancient Egyptians tell us who is who with their writings, and show us with their drawings.
In the Tera Heka scrolls the Kemetians -ie - ancient Egyptians identify themselves, and Kushites as Blacks.
They identify Levatines and Libyans as Reds.
There are no 'whites' in Kemetic color discourse, and none of the peoples above are Europeans either.
I am Black and Beautiful - Coptic Bible.
^ Akoben - entertain no delusions about yourself.
With each post, you expose yourself as being every bit as stupid as Debunked, and doing just as 'good' a job of publicly humiliating yourself.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by Explorateur:
quote:Originally posted by Debunker:
Genealogy *in the context of population genetics* has everything to do with where (and also when) lineages come from...
The subject of genealogy -- as your own post *unwittingly* makes clear [highlighted] -- is "lineage", which is essentially the "index of ancestry". I *strongly* suggest you brush up on the basic definition of the term.
^ Debunked seems to be joining in on our fun by 'debunking himself'. He makes lineage the core of his own definition of genealogy, then denies that genealogy is about ancestry.
By the way, in case some have forgotten what debunker is trying to run away from.
Debunked posted a chart from a study by Wilson.
Debunked made claims about 'ancestry' ie - genealogy - based on this chart.
Charlie Bass wrote to the author.
Who replied by stated that his study contained "little genealogical information."
Adding insult to injury, Wilson stated that one would be better off studying X and Y chromosomes for that.
Which is of course, precisely the opposite of Debunked's [anti Y chromosome] genetically illiterate spewage.
Now Debunked wants to pretend that Wilson *didn't mean what he said.*
Hence his hilarious attempt to redefine genealogy, which naturally -blows up in face-.
Such is the devastated state of Eurocentrism which gasps from one debate disaster to the next.
Of course, that the study contained little information about ancestry - IS EXACTLY - what Wilson was trying ram thru Debunkeds thick [neanderthal] skull.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote: Sounds like a waste of time.
The only waste of time, would be to argue against Ancient Egyptians being what YOU would consider a black African.
Posted by KING (Member # 9422) on :
What is with some posters who seem to get humiliated and yet still come back for more. I just don't get it. It's as if these new posters don't seem to see that this is a forum filled with truthseekers. You can't just come on this forum with half-truths and lies and expect not to get beatdown. The sad thing is that they keep coming back with the same tired arguements and make fools of themselves over and over again. Wakeup Debunker you have been beatdown and hung out to dry. Stop posting the same refuted nonsense and try to wake up to the truth. Free your mind.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote: What is with some posters who seem to get humiliated and yet still come back for more.
Its called denial, and we all know de-Nile is not just a river in Egypt........
Posted by Explorateur (Member # 14778) on :
quote:Originally posted by TheAmericanPatriot:
I did not say that, I agree with you....race is not a biological construct. That being the case it does not matter who had E3b, nor does it matter where Egyptians came from or whether they were black Africans or Moonbeams.
Well, it only matters to the extent that it discredits the sham of 'racialist' concepts that you and your ideological friends politically use to disparage or psychologically repress certain groups of people while promoting a false sense of biological superiority; what better way to stamp out the sham, than using the very thing that it fallaciously appeals to: biology?!
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Posted by Patriot: I think there is such a thing as race and so do you. Genetics is in the field of biology.
When you use genetics to make your points you are framing your arguments on race/biology.
quote: Knowledgeiskey718 says: Point is, if genetics equals "race", as you say. Then how come I just disproved "race" with genetics?
And then he says.
quote:Patriot replies: I did not say that, I agree with you....race is not a biological construct.
^^^^The contradictions never end--as you can see--with erroneous Euro-turds.
Posted by Charlie Bass (Member # 10328) on :
quote:Originally posted by Charlie Bass: An email reply that refutes Debunked idioti and unsupported assertion that West and Central Africans contributed to the mtDNA pool of Ethiopians:
Furthermore, Bantu migrations mostly affected the paternal genepool of the people they came in contact with, not the maternal genepool. Debunked still has provided no evidence that L1-L2 lineages in Ethiopia came from West Africans and central Africans, not to mention the fact that Ethiopians carry L3 and L4-L6 lineages which are also not found in West and Central Africans, nor can he escape the reality of this: also courtesy of Toomas:
"Phylogenetic analysis reveals that the origin of sub-Saharan African mtDNA variants in Yemenis is a mosaic of different episodes of gene flow. Three different passages can be outlined. The first is gene flow, likely mediated by the Arab slave trade from southeastern Africa, as evidenced by exact mtDNA haplotype matches. Such matches account for 23% of the total variation in Yemenis and occur in lineages and lineage groups that cannot be found in Ethiopia and northeastern Africa. Many of these can be traced to the Bantu dispersal; they have their origin in West Africa and supply thereby the upper time limit of 3,000–4,000 years for their departure from southeastern Africa toward Arabia. The sub-Saharan African component of Ethiopians has remained untouched by such influences and may therefore be considered most representative of the indigenous gene pool of sub-Saharan East Africa."
I don't know why this idiot just ignores this information.
As for haplogroups A and B:
"Groups I and II are essentially restricted to Africans and appear to be the most divergent clades within the tree. They show a patchy distribution, with high frequencies among isolated hunter-gatherer groups and in some peoples of Ethiopia and Sudan. Such a distribution was interpreted as the survival of some ancient lineages through more recent population events (Underhill et al. 2001). In particular, Group I, observed in 43.6% of the Khoisan (usually considered to be descendants of an early African population), is present in all of the Ethiopian samples: its frequency is 10.3% in the Oromo sample and 14.6% in the Amhara sample of the present study, and is 13.6% in the ethnically undefined sample reported by Underhill et al. (2000). In contrast, it was not found in the Senegalese. It is worth noting that the Ethiopian YAP−/49a,f haplotype 26 lineage, which is common within the Khoisan (Spurdle and Jenkins 1992; Passarino et al. 1998), corresponds to Group I and possibly reflects the signal seen in the third PC of classical polymorphisms (Cavalli-Sforza et al. 1993, 1994). However, figure 1 shows that the Ethiopian and Khoisan samples within Group I fall into different haplotypes (haplotypes 1, 2, and 5 in Ethiopians vs. haplotypes 4, 6, and 7 in the Khoisan), in agreement with an ancient divergence from the same ancestral population, as has been suggested by microsatellite data
Debunked has provided no evidence of Ethiopians mixing with Khoisan and or West and Central Africans.
bump for debunked
Posted by Debunker (Member # 15669) on :
quote:provide evidence that human races are legitimate biological units.
Here you go:
"Effectively, these population genetic studies have recapitulated the classical definition of races based on continental ancestry - namely African, Caucasian (Europe and Middle East), Asian, Pacific Islander (for example, Australian, New Guinean and Melanesian), and Native American."
"...the greatest genetic structure that exists in the human population occurs at the racial level."
"...numerous studies over past decades have documented biological differences among the races. In this context, it is difficult to imagine that such differences are not meaningful. Indeed, it is difficult to conceive of a definition of 'biological' that does not lead to racial differentiation...."
quote:Debunked has provided no evidence of Ethiopians mixing with Khoisan and or West and Central Africans.
I don't care where the mixture came from. My point is that Ethiopians have substantial African ancestry (L1/L2/A/B) that non-Africans don't have, which makes them unrepresentative of OOA migrants (who were entirely L3/M168). This ancestry accounts for their 24% membership in the Sub-Saharan African cluster.
quote:Or perhaps you can explain how or why Europeans appear to be 2/3rd Asian and 1/3rd African? In actuality there are no Europeans just some mixed Asian and Africans.
You are so f*cking stupid. That Cavalli-Sforza quote you and rasol keep spamming -- from a study that neither of you has read -- is simply saying that Europe was populated from Asia and Africa in prehistoric times. It's *NOT* saying that Europeans are 1/3 "Black" and 2/3 "Mongol". Here's what Cavalli-Sforza *ACTUALLY* says about the race of Europeans:
"The color map of the world shows very distinctly the differences that we know exist among the continents: Africans (yellow), Caucasoids (green), Mongoloids, including American Indians (purple), and Australian Aborigines (red). The map does not show well the strong Caucasoid component in northern Africa, but it does show the unity of the other Caucasoids from Europe, and in West, South, and much of Central Asia. The differences between North and South Africans are more visible in the Africa map."
quote:Of course that 'nonsense' is your own claims that are being followed up with requests for clarity; why do you think you don't have an obligation to back up your nonsense?
I don't make "claims". I post evidence. You should try it some time.
quote:Who replied by stated that his study contained "little genealogical information."
Adding insult to injury, Wilson stated that one would be better off studying X and Y chromosomes for that.
Of course, that the study contained little information about ancestry - IS EXACTLY - what Wilson was trying ram thru Debunkeds thick [neanderthal] skull.
Incorrect. Wilson's reply to Bass *CONFIRMS* that his admixture analysis demonstrates that Ethiopians are of mixed ancestry. He then adds that uniparental markers could help identify *WHERE AND WHEN* that mixed ancestry came from.
Read very carefully:
"I am sure that the origin of non-Africans in East Africa is part of the reason for this finding, but it is also likely that more recent (within the last 20,000 years) gene flow across the Bab el Mandeb will contribute to this situation. The degree to which the 'mixed' ancestry is due to recent vs ancient mixing/separation could be estimated with series of genealogical genetic systems such as the Y chromosome, but not with lots of unlinked loci each of which gives very little gene genealogical information."
The "little gene genealogical information" he's talking about is the 'where and when'. He's right that admixture analysis can't answer those questions, but he *DOES NOT* deny that it shows that Ethiopians are mixed, nor does he claim that ancestry could be better quantified with Y-chromosomes. That's absurd.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
Your challenge little rasolowitz was to justify your Websters definition of "black" in relation to the diverse skin tone among Nile Valley populations (or even Khoisan etc), not the evolutionary process 1.2 million years ago!
My god rasolowitz you're such a low self-esteem egocentric you only seem to be able to argue with yourself! This is what I mean by your sock puppets: posters coming back with predictable info requiring cut and paste answers. Any unrehearsed challenges and you go into flip mode! LOL
Personal attacks bore me too. So get busy and address your contradictions:
- "black" is illusory, relative, subjective. (even though your very existence in here is to convince Euros etc that Egyptians, Nubians, Ethiopians, Khoisan etc are in fact black)
- "black" does indeed have a definition after all: and it's from Webster, dark skin, (which in fact is nothing more than an updated version of Negro race - a dark-skinned race)
- This/my definition is then applicable to Egyptians and Nubians (even though they were diverse in terms of skin tone)
- Black is not a race, there are no races only a "black concept" and "social ethnenes"[sic]. (when in fact both concepts are based on observable differences based on genetics, and threads in here are filled with geneticists commenting on just that! )
Posted by Explorateur (Member # 14778) on :
quote:Originally posted by Debunker:
quote:Of course that 'nonsense' is your own claims that are being followed up with requests for clarity; why do you think you don't have an obligation to back up your nonsense?
I don't make "claims".
Ok, you don't make sense; what is the news here?
quote: I post evidence.
You post evidence for "what"? Clearly not for your "claims"/nonsense that you've been pressed on -- you know, the ones you've let me down on again. I keep getting these house wife whinings, instead of answers to those obligations still awaiting you.
quote: You should try it some time.
This is where the problem lies; molecular genetics and bio-anthropology are clearly gibberish to you -- tell me, how would you know what constitutes evidence, even if it kicked you right in between the groin?
Posted by Charlie Bass (Member # 10328) on :
quote:Originally posted by Debunker:
I don't care where the mixture came from.
They don't have any but you stated that they did and there is so the yburden of proof is on *YOU* to prove it. Just admit your defeat.
quote: My point is that Ethiopians have substantial African ancestry (L1/L2/A/B) that non-Africans don't have, which makes them unrepresentative of OOA migrants (who were entirely L3/M168). This ancestry accounts for their 24% membership in the Sub-Saharan African cluster.
Wilso et al didn't study Y-chromosones and mtDNA in his study, only X-linked micro-satellites, so how do you know what accounts for the 24%? Bantus and Afro-Carribbeans don't have high frequencies of Y haplogroups A and B either, but they do have high frequencies of haplogroup E, which is an African haplogroup that reached Europe recently independent of OOA. Ethiopians also have E3b lineages which were *NOT* involved in the initial OOA migration, but represent a more recent migration out of Africa to the Middle East and Europe
quote:Incorrect. Wilson's reply to Bass *CONFIRMS* that his admixture analysis demonstrates that Ethiopians are of mixed ancestry. He then adds that uniparental markers could help identify *WHERE AND WHEN* that mixed ancestry came from.
Which is why you are a retard for saying that Ethiopians are 62% "Caucasian" because the ancestry shared could be African ancestry in Europeans. Technically, all non-Africans are downstream L3 carriers maternally along with some E3b lineages which also left Africa and spread into Europe and the Middle East.
Posted by Charlie Bass (Member # 10328) on :
quote:Originally posted by akoben: Your challenge little rasolowitz was to justify your Websters definition of "black" in relation to the diverse skin tone among Nile Valley populations (or even Khoisan etc), not the evolutionary process 1.2 million years ago!
My god rasolowitz you're such a low self-esteem egocentric you only seem to be able to argue with yourself! This is what I mean by your sock puppets: posters coming back with predictable info requiring cut and paste answers. Any unrehearsed challenges and you go into flip mode! LOL
Personal attacks bore me too. So get busy and address your contradictions:
- "black" is illusory, relative, subjective. (even though your very existence in here is to convince Euros etc that Egyptians, Nubians, Ethiopians, Khoisan etc are in fact black)
- "black" does indeed have a definition after all: and it's from Webster, dark skin, (which in fact is nothing more than an updated version of Negro race - a dark-skinned race)
- This/my definition is then applicable to Egyptians and Nubians (even though they were diverse in terms of skin tone)
- Black is not a race, there are no races only a "black concept" and "social ethnenes"[sic]. (when in fact both concepts are based on observable differences based on genetics, and threads in here are filled with geneticists commenting on just that! )
Shut your trap, what the hell are you even talking for? the information being discussed here is even more over your head than debunked's head. Ritalin is available for ADHD people like yourself.
Posted by Explorateur (Member # 14778) on :
quote:Originally posted by Debunker:
quote:provide evidence that human races are legitimate biological units.
Here you go:
"Effectively, these population genetic studies have recapitulated the classical definition of races based on continental ancestry - namely African, Caucasian (Europe and Middle East), Asian, Pacific Islander (for example, Australian, New Guinean and Melanesian), and Native American."
Those are geographical ethnonyms for populations, not "biological races"...another sign of stupidity. Is a European with Hg I the same race as a European with Hg R, or yet Hg E?
quote: "...the greatest genetic structure that exists in the human population occurs at the racial level.
What do you understand by "racial" level; skin melanin content, hair pigmentation, or what?
quote:Debunked has provided no evidence of Ethiopians mixing with Khoisan and or West and Central Africans.
I don't care where the mixture came from. My point is that Ethiopians have substantial African ancestry (L1/L2/A/B) that non-Africans don't have, which makes them unrepresentative of OOA migrants (who were entirely L3/M168). This ancestry accounts for their 24% membership in the Sub-Saharan African cluster.
What ancestry makes up for the rest that isn't the so-called "24% membership", as per uniparental markers?
quote:Or perhaps you can explain how or why Europeans appear to be 2/3rd Asian and 1/3rd African? In actuality there are no Europeans just some mixed Asian and Africans.
You are so f*cking stupid. That Cavalli-Sforza quote you and rasol keep spamming -- from a study that neither of you has read -- is simply saying that Europe was populated from Asia and Africa in prehistoric times. It's *NOT* saying that Europeans are 1/3 "Black" and 2/3 "Mongol".
The genealogical map has got you confused. What does "populated from Asia and Africa" mean to you anyway? That populations migrate without lineages?
quote:Incorrect. Wilson's reply to Bass *CONFIRMS* that his admixture analysis demonstrates that Ethiopians are of mixed ancestry. He then adds that uniparental markers could help identify *WHERE AND WHEN* that mixed ancestry came from.
Read very carefully:
"I am sure that the origin of non-Africans in East Africa is part of the reason for this finding, but it is also likely that more recent (within the last 20,000 years) gene flow across the Bab el Mandeb will contribute to this situation. The degree to which the 'mixed' ancestry is due to recent vs ancient mixing/separation could be estimated with series of genealogical genetic systems such as the Y chromosome, but not with lots of unlinked loci each of which gives very little gene genealogical information."
The "little gene genealogical information" he's talking about is the 'where and when'. He's right that admixture analysis can't answer those questions, but he *DOES NOT* deny that it shows that Ethiopians are mixed, nor does he claim that ancestry could be better quantified with Y-chromosomes. That's absurd.
Apparently, you didn't "very carefully" read this:
1) "lots of unlinked loci each of which gives very little gene **genealogical** information."
And this:
2) The degree to which the 'mixed' ancestry is due to recent vs ancient mixing/separation could be estimated with series of genealogical genetic systems such as the Y chromosome"
Of course, bidirectional gene flow has occurred between populations in the African Horn and their neighbours across the Red Sea; the matter at hand, is that there is virtually no European ancestry therein, to which you can claim your European family association. What uniparental markers do Ethiopians share with Norwegians, as you've professed?
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote: You are so f*cking stupid. That Cavalli-Sforza quote you and rasol keep spamming -- from a study that neither of you has read -- is simply saying that Europe was populated from Asia and Africa in prehistoric times. It's *NOT* saying that Europeans are 1/3 "Black" and 2/3 "Mongol". Here's what Cavalli-Sforza *ACTUALLY* says about the race of Europeans:
Actually we all know you're the idiot. Europeans possess R, I, and J from Asia and E3b1, Benin hbs L1 and L2 is from Africa.
Europeans are closest genetically to Africans whereas the original OOA populations. I.e Oceanians appear furthest away genetically from Africa, if Oceanians and Europeans are part of the same non-African OOA population structure, then Europeans should be as distant genetically from Africans, as Oceanians are. If this closeness between African and Europe is not due to post OOA Neolithic migrations into Europe from Africa, then what is it debunked?
quote: My point is that Ethiopians have substantial African ancestry (L1/L2/A/B) that non-Africans don't have
Southern Europeans possess these African lineages which is why Europeans are genetically closer to Africans than all other continents. Where are these outside lineages you're proposing for Ethiopians, how come you still haven't named them?
quote: which makes them unrepresentative of OOA migrants (who were entirely L3/M168).
Of course Ethiopians looked the same ever since first modern humans arose over 100kya.
As we can see below, first modern humans in Africa looked like Africans do today
Earliest Known Human Had Neanderthal Qualities Jennifer Viegas, Discovery News
Aug. 22, 2008--"Taken together, the remains show that these early modern humans were...much like the people in southern Ethiopia and the southern Sudan today," Pearson said.--- University of New Mexico anthropologist Osbjorn Pearson
So distort all you want. Oceanians are also representative of OOA. I don't see how this helps you.
quote:This ancestry accounts for their 24% membership in the Sub-Saharan African cluster.
Lmao, Ethiopians are sub-Saharan you idiot, and what lineages/ancestry puts them in "Caucasoid" Why haven't you answered this important question. We're still waiting.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718
quote:Debunked you have this problem with NOT being specific and instead being completely vague.
Questions include, whether you consider "Caucasoid" to be a genetic or skeletal entity?
If it's a genetic entity. You need to explain the Buba Clan Priestly class carrying Hg J, shouldn't this had turned these people "Caucasoid", as you're erroneously proposing imaginary lineages(failed to name) in East Africans, debunked??
On the other hand if it's a skeletal entity you have to explain such Africans as the Tutsis of Rawanda who don't carry E3b but rather carry E3a, and address how or why E3a carrying Africans exhibit so called "Caucasoid" traits?
Then you have to name the specific haplotype from outside of Africa, which is closer to E3b than E3a, if you can do this, it would be great?
But we all know you can't which is why you keep stalling and ignoring the posts and questions that will automatically DEBUNK YOU!!.
Now let's get some answers???
Posted by Explorateur (Member # 14778) on :
quote:Originally posted by Charlie Bass:
Wilso et al didn't study Y-chromosones and mtDNA in his study, only X-linked micro-satellites, so how do you know what accounts for the 24%?
X chromosome is subject to high degree of recombination along its length, unlike Y chromosome [or mtDNA], and so, it is no wonder Wilson could not figure out to which degree the professed factors were at play:
"I am sure that the origin of non-Africans in East Africa is part of the reason for this finding, but it is also likely that more recent (within the last 20,000 years) gene flow across the Bab el Mandeb will contribute to this situation.'
The latter could imply migration from the African Horn to the other side of the Red Sea, or it could mean migration from the other side of the Red Sea, or yet, both; Wilson has no clue on this point, which is why the Y marker or another uniparental marker is needed. And in fact, since X chromosome is the one being analyzed, unless the sampling candidates happen to be females, the safest bet then, would be to analyze the mtDNA component.
Posted by Explorateur (Member # 14778) on :
quote: which makes them unrepresentative of OOA migrants (who were entirely L3/M168).
Almost overlooked this one; what do you mean by "representative of"? in Africans being "representative of" E3a and E3b bearing Euroepeans? That is just straight up mangled up language which makes no sense. Africans would not be "representative" of populations with African ancestry, but those markers would be "representative" of African ancestry. So yeah, in that coherent sense, M168 and L3 would be "representative of" African ancestry.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
^^ I think he's saying Ethiopians don't look like the original OOA population since he's proposing Ethiopians were affected by migrations from inside Africa.
Which is preposterous anyway........
Earliest Known Human Had Neanderthal Qualities Jennifer Viegas, Discovery News
Aug. 22, 2008--"Taken together, the remains show that these early modern humans were...much like the people in southern Ethiopia and the southern Sudan today," Pearson said.--- University of New Mexico anthropologist Osbjorn Pearson
^^^Since modern humans over 100kya looked like Ethiopians do today. I guess he's proposing these migration within Africa, over 100kya, and also I guess his "Caucasoid" lineages too, since Ethiopians looked the way they did from over 100kya, his "Caucasoid" admixture must have happened before this. Lmaooooo, but there were no modern humans in Europe to even implement this admixture, besides when modern humans were to arrive tens of thousands of years later, Europeans still resembled Africans themselves. Debunked has NO case whatsoever. Never did really.
Posted by Sundjata (Member # 13096) on :
quote:You are so f*cking stupid. That Cavalli-Sforza quote you and rasol keep spamming -- from a study that neither of you has read -- is simply saying that Europe was populated from Asia and Africa in prehistoric times. It's *NOT* saying that Europeans are 1/3 "Black" and 2/3 "Mongol". Here's what Cavalli-Sforza *ACTUALLY* says about the race of Europeans
You probably would be able to distort the observations above if you actually made sense and could explain away the fact that the findings of these data were replicated by other scientists.
"Nuclear DNA studies also contribute to the deconstruction of received racial entities. Ann Bowcock and her colleague's interpretation (Bowcock et al. 1991; Bowcock et al. 1994) of analyses of restriction-site polymorphisms and microsatellite polymorphisms (STRPs) suggests that Europeans, the defining Caucasians, are descendants of a population that arose as a consequence of admixture between already differentiated populations ancestral to (some) Africans and Asians. Therefore, Caucasians would be a secondary type of race due to its hybrid origin and not a primary race". - American Anthropologist (1997)
^Such explains why according to Sforza, Europeans are intermediate between African and Asian populations.
Posted by Explorateur (Member # 14778) on :
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
^^ I think he's saying Ethiopians don't look like the original OOA population since he's proposing Ethiopians were affected by migrations from inside Africa.
Which is preposterous anyway........
Yes, which is preposterous, because he/she was buttressing that with the idea of OOA having just M168 and L3 ancestry, which East Africans [and virtually much of Africa] carries to *this day*.
The precursors of those lineages were around naturally before, and by the time M168 and L3 came about. So why they would wait to mix with M168 and L3 populations only after M168 and L3 bearing OOA migrants had left, is beyond logic. The alternative would be an even more ludicrous idea of M168 bearers having evolved into "black populations", since the bulk of contemporary Africans today are descendants of this lineage, like E3, E3a and E3b, who are noticeably [naturally] black populations. Besides, whom did the Melanesians and Australians, whose lineages are near the base of all the OOA gene pool mix with to become 'black'? Perhaps with pale-skin M168 bearers? Lol.
Posted by Ebony Allen (Member # 12771) on :
These damn trolls just keep popping up out of nowhere everyday.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote: Besides, whom did the Melanesians and Australians, whose lineages are near the base of all the OOA gene pool mix with to become 'black'?
Precisely, this is yet another one of the long line of questions proposed to debunked, that he simply fails to answer or just avoids for dear life.
Posted by Explorateur (Member # 14778) on :
quote:Originally posted by Explorateur:
The precursors of those lineages were around naturally before, and by the time M168 and L3 came about. So why they would wait to mix with M168 and L3 populations only after M168 and L3 bearing OOA migrants had left, is beyond logic.
What's funny, is that Debunker is stupid enough to harbor the notion that the precursors [Hg A, B, L1 and L2] of M168 and L3 are 'blacks' or what he deems "Africans" but somehow M168 and L3 turned out to be not so? In otherwords, amongst the 'black' populations in which M168 and L3 arose or derived from, M168 and L3 would have essentially been the 'white sheeps' of their family.
Posted by Alive-(What Box) (Member # 10819) on :
^Nice one
Posted by Explorateur (Member # 14778) on :
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
Neat; handsome "Caucasoid" people.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:akoben whines: Your challenge was to justify webster's definition, in the context of...
^....your stupidity?
The dictionary definition, requires no further justification.
It only requires reading comprehension.
Not our fault you're stupid and can't read.
Your challange is to justify your lack of reading comprehension.
Judging by the response, it appears that you've failed to justify anything, except our ignoring you.
quote:Originally posted by Charlie Bass: Shut your trap, akoben, what the hell are you even talking for? the information being discussed here is even more over your head than debunked's head. Ritalin is available for ADHD people like yourself.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by Charlie Bass:
quote:debunked whimpers: I don't care where the mixture came from.
quote:They don't have any but you stated that they did and there is so the burden of proof is on *YOU* to prove it. Just admit your defeat.
Correct, "I don't care where it came from" = I don't know what it is = I don't know what I'm talking about = case closed.
Posted by Charlie Bass (Member # 10328) on :
Funny that Debunked keeps citing Risch et al as proof that "race exists genetically" when neil risch et al himself doesn't even know how to define what "race" is: Gitschier: Let's talk about the former, the genetic basis of race. As you know, I went to a session for the press at the ASHG [American Society for Human Genetics] meeting in Toronto, and the first words out of the mouth of the first speaker were “Genome variation research does not support the existence of human races.”
Risch: What is your definition of races? If you define it a certain way, maybe that's a valid statement. There is obviously still disagreement.
Gitschier: But how can there still be disagreement?
Risch: Scientists always disagree! A lot of the problem is terminology. I'm not even sure what race means, people use it in many different ways.
quote:Debunkeds non sequitur: i don't know where it [mixture] came from.
^ Then you have no argument.
In contrast, Europeans have *mixture from africa*.
Here is where it comes from:
Africans in Yorkshire? The deepest-rooting clade of the Y phylogeny within an English genealogy "We describe the presence of an hgA1 chromosome in an indigenous British male; comparison with African examples suggests a Western African origin. Seven out of 18 men carrying the same rare east-Yorkshire surname as the original male also carry Haplogroup A1"
BENIN HBS which per the Hematology Division of Catania, Sicily is
a) endemic to Sicily. b) the most frequent blood-pathology in Italy. c) has a history of great antiquity reflecting trans saharan migrations. d) is merely one of multiple African genes present in Southern European populations.
Medically these southern Europeans cluster WITH West Africans and AWAY from Northern Europeans in terms of sickle cell:
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Risch: I'm not even sure what race means
^ In biology which Risch is dicussing race is subspecies.
But there are no subspecies of homo-sapiens so there are no biological races.
So his statement translates to...
"I'm not even sure how to justify races, given that modern biology has refuted the exisence of race in humans."
Posted by Charlie Bass (Member # 10328) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:Risch: I'm not even sure what race means
^ In biology which Risch is dicussing race is subspecies.
But there are no subspecies of homo-sapiens so there are no biological races.
So risk statement translates to...
"I'm not even sure how to justify races, given that modern biology has refuted the exisence of race in humans."
Risch built up a a clever strawman to make people think race exists but how can someone be so sure that something exists when they don't how to define what that something is or what *IS* that something? Thus Risch et al built up the strawman about age and sex:
"You'll like this. In a recent study, when we looked at the correlation between genetic structure [based on microsatellite markers] versus self-description, we found 99.9% concordance between the two. We actually had a higher discordance rate between self-reported sex and markers on the X chromosome! So you could argue that sex is also a problematic category. And there are differences between sex and gender; self-identification may not be correlated with biology perfectly. And there is sexism. And you can talk about age the same way. A person's chronological age does not correspond perfectly with his biological age for a variety of reasons, both inherited and non-inherited. Perhaps just using someone's actual birth year is not a very good way of measuring age. Does that mean we should throw it out? No. Also, there is ageism—prejudice related to age in our society. A lot of these arguments, which have a political or social aspect to them, can be made about all categories, not just the race/ethnicity one."
LMAO!!! What a ridiculous straw argument to justify something he cannot even define himself.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ Agreed, this guy Risch is a dim bulb. No wonder he attracts people like Debunked.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:That Cavalli-Sforza quote you and rasol keep spamming -- from a study that neither of you has read
^ Actually I have read both "History/Geography of human genome", and "Genes, Peoples and Languages".
The only one who hasn't read it is you.
The volumes are from the early 90's and so somewhat outdated, and some of Sforza's ideologies have been mooted by later study.
But he is -right- about Europeans being mixed, in a way that other non-Africans are not.
quote: is simply saying that Europe was populated from Asia and Africa in prehistoric times.
^ No he is not. He is saying more than that. But you don't like what he is saying so you pretend not to hear.
He is saying the following, and again I will number the steps so your weak brain can more easily follow.
1) all humans originate in AFrica.
2) all non AFricans descend from a small group of Africans.
3) the ancestors of Asians split from the ancestors of Oceanians after migrating out of africa.
4) the ancestors of Europeans split from the ancestors of Asians. - THIS MAKES FOR THE 2/3 ASIAN.
5) the ancestors of Euoropeans mix with Africans - AFTER THE ABOVE 4 EVENTS. This makes for the 1/3 African, and this event, is the definition of *admixture* in Europeans.
Hence the descrepency referenced below....
"Europe shows a shorter genetic distance from Africa than do all the other continents......The overall contributions from Asia and Africa were estimated to be around two-thirds and one-third, respectively. Simulations have shown (7) that this hypothesis explains quite well the discrepancy between trees obtained by maximum likelihood and neighbor joining. " - L. Luca Cavalli-Sforza
^ On this particular Sforza is correct, and he is cited by Keita, Templeton and other scienticists in this regard. NOTE for those who traffic in strawmen: They disagree with him, on -other- specifics, which have no bearing on the above.
Too, it's important to understand the admixed position of Europeans is with respect to ALL Africans - Nigeria, doesn't matter, same result.
They agree with him on the above, because we can affirm that Europeans have a long and -GROWING- list of African genes, that are not found in Asia, Australia or New Guinea.
^ All found in West Eurasia....and not in East Eurasia, SouthEast Asia, Australia, New Guinnea, Melanesia...etc..
The evidence is overwhelming, and all attempts to distort it or distract from it, are a joke....
Posted by Evergreen (Member # 12192) on :
quote:Originally posted by TheAmericanPatriot: If there is no race from a bilogical standpoint then you CANNOT argue the Egyptians were black Africans because it would have no meaning.
Evergreen Writes:
There is no such thing as various races from a biological standpoint. However, there are various degrees of Blackness - Western Eurasians being the most recessive and weak in this regard. The science of Blackness had great meaning to the ancient egyptians as their primary culture was based upon correlating their own individual Black selves with the universe. They understood and drew broad distinctions between themselves and their Eurasian neighbors who were symbolized as the energy matrix - Set, which became the Satan of modern Christianity.
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
quote:Originally posted by Ebony Allen: These damn trolls just keep popping up out of nowhere everyday.
If you mean, Debunked, well he is actually a very old troll who resided here years ago. Speaking of which his stupidity seems to be unending.
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
quote:Debunked: This ancestry accounts for their 24% membership in the Sub-Saharan African cluster.
Lmao, Ethiopians are sub-Saharan you idiot,...
LOL Woo! that was funny.
As for the other trolls like Eva Braun (Ako-wacko) they are no smarter.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:Those are geographical ethnonyms for populations, not "biological races"...another sign of stupidity. Is a European with Hg I the same race as a European with Hg R, or yet Hg E?
Terms such as negro, Caucasian etc can cease to be useful to science; terms change with new (revised/revisionism) information; even rasolowitz is aware of this, "The volumes are from the early 90's and so somewhat outdated, and some of Sforza's ideologies have been mooted by later study.", but the essence of the concept (categories based on observable differences) remains. In both cases, despite their admixture, you refer to them as "European" why? White Brits have black admixture, but why are they still refered to as "white" despite what's inside? No matter how hard you lefties try you can't escape:
quote:...the concept of dividing humans into populations or groups on the basis of various sets of characteristics. The most widely used human racial categories are based on visible traits (especially skin color, cranial or facial features and hair texture), and self-identification. [rasolowitz source]
Simply replacing "race" with "black", "white", "European", "clusters", "African lineages", haplogroups, "populations" etc is simply updating the concept without the word.
quote:Which is why you are a retard for saying that Ethiopians are 62% "Caucasian"
Actually, you should be blaming rasolowitz favorite source Cavali Sforza too as the retard for saying it.
quote:The dictionary definition, requires no further justification
Sorry child, but your Websters definition of "black", Negro (dark skin), is the old Eurocentric stereotyping. African skin tones are diverse. With this narrow def. you sound like Jamie... Recap:
- your definition of "black" is same as Negro
- you post studies on observable differences (biological and surface) between humans and categorize them (African, black, white, European) daily in here yet swear you don't believe in race
- only source Wiki for your strawman (Blumenbach and his Caucasian definition) but their definition for race (essentially same as what you do everyday: categorizing humans on observable differences) you shy away from
- didn't even know the description of pics you post,
- can't follow through your own line of reasoning (Egyptians referred to certain peoples as "red", is that then an "accurate" i.e. literal description for skin tone?)
quote:Funny that Debunked keeps citing Risch et al as proof that "race exists genetically" when neil risch et al himself doesn't even know how to define what "race" is:.Risch built up a a clever strawman to make people think race exists but how can someone be so sure that something exists when they don't how to define what that something is or what *IS* that something?
LOL you young people have lots to learn. Ambiguity of a term does not make it any less meaningful. It's apart of life. This ambiguity can be seen in the "black concept" also. There are many different views as to what "black" is. Even Evergreen says, there are various degrees of Blackness" Does that mean the concept of blackness is then not useful? It could well be argued that there are varying degrees of race: its called mixture. Just simply substituting "race" for "black" will not end ambiguity. Where's the agreement among even the judeophiles: Rasolowtiz has a definition for black and if you don't agree he's upset (even though he says it's subjective LOL) and Ausaranstein, like the typical lefty, often puts the word black in "quotes".
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:akboben/arGoyle/Eva Braun whines: ... "Websters definition of "black", Negro (dark skin), is the old Eurocentric stereotyping"
^ BZZT wrong as usual, and even dumber than your last post.
Go take your ritalin, then come back and try again:
quote: Blacksa person belonging to any of various population groups having dark pigmentation
melanoderm - a person with dark pigmentation of the skin
Negroid - Anthropology. a racial classification, no longer in technical use.
These terms are all distinct.
Dictionaries are not silly.
You're just stupid.
Your chances of grasping [ANYTHING] with that *infantile* mind of yours, are slim to none.
What do you want us to do about that?
quote:Charlie Bass writes: Shut your trap akoben, what the hell are you even talking for? the information being discussed here is even more over your head than debunked's head. Ritalin is available for ADHD people like yourself.
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
^ I really believe Eva Braun is not only a gay neo-nazi but one confused kid that was raped both physically and psychologically, thus his current mentality and behavior.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ Clearly you are correct DJ. akoben/Eva/arGoyle shows signs of gender confusion, neurosis and general retardation.
Who but a retard would write something like...
quote:Eva Bruan/akoben whines... ... Ambiguity of a term does not make it any less meaningful.
^ Uhm, yes, it does....Ambiguity -doubtfulness of meaning.
Look, akoben/arGoyle nazi-boy, or nazi-bitch, or nazi-she-male.....
You're just making a fool of yourself.
Go take your ritalin, and then go to bed.
Posted by Lord Sauron (Member # 6729) on :
^ LMAO Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:Negroid - Anthropology. a racial classification, no longer in technical use. These terms are all distinct.
Come on rasolowitz that defeat was too easy, you're teasing me! LOL
But while I wait patiently for you to one day address the other issues I raised, a few observations and options on this race concept.
The fact that we are all African inside does not negate the obvious phenotypical differences today, based on genetics, and classifying humans as such. E.g. "Europeans have a long and -GROWING- list of African genes" yes but we can still make distinctions between whites like him and blacks, despite them having those said "growing African genes". Hence th use of subjective terms such as "white" and "black"! Obviously then, even with what we know of the early evolutionary process and clinal variation, there are sufficient genetic distinctions to affect phenotype in such a way so as to determine who's who, and that's essentially the race concept updated though it may be.
Human classifications then and now. A Comparison
Nineteenth century Eurocentric anthropologist Samuel George Morton "By studying these skulls he decided at what point Caucasians stopped being Caucasians, and at what point Negroes began"
Compare with rasolowitz's favorite Luca Cavalli-Sforza article that claims to know when "modern Europeans" turned white: again, it involves a process by which it is identifid at what point "browns" stop being "browns" and at what point the whites race began...oops "white populations" or "modern Europeans" began.
Old Egyptology
"Morton had many skulls from ancient Egypt, and concluded that the ancient Egyptians were not African, but were white."
New Egyptology
Keita et al. today use genetics, as well as crainiology, to reach the inverted conclusion. But again, all based on "dividing humans into populations or groups on the basis of various sets of characteristics."
One might be more scientific than the other, but they both involve the same process: "dividing humans into populations or groups on the basis of various sets of characteristics"
The typical lefty argument against the race concept centers more around the fact that it leads to hierarchies, notions of superiority and "extreme nationalist" ideology. Hence the Hitler boogy man to kill any further discussion on the topic. But this is not really an argument against the science of human classification itself, only what it can lead to. The fact that whites have distorted, and still do, said classifications (e.g. True Negro, Sub Sahara, even "black African" and Caucasians) and placed values on them does not change the concept itself or the process involved: "...the concept of dividing humans into populations or groups on the basis of various sets of characteristics. The most widely used human racial categories are based on visible traits (especially skin color, cranial or facial features and hair texture), and self-identification."[rasolowitz source]
The only thing has changed is the greater acceptance of human variation and interpretation of such, and the politically correct conversion of terms: "Black race" now "Black populations", "white race" now white/European populations, "Modern Europeans", and so on. Rasolowitz's source again, "Population geneticists have debated as to whether the concept of population can provide a basis for a new conception of race. In order to do this a working definition of population must be found. Surprisingly there is no generally accepted concept of population that biologists use."
There's that ambiguity again Charlie brown.
As for supremacist ideologies connected to the race concept; even today with the word being dropped from polite discourse and liberal universities distinctions and claims of white/western superiority are still being made subtly: (e.g. The Bell Curve, the spreading of "democratic values", and western style development etc). So the language and science around the original race concept might have changed but the process itself of classifying humans and notions that go with it are still with us.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Eva Bruan/akoben whines... ...
Then why did YOU still find it usefull as late as in 2007?
"One can identify Negroid traits of nose and prognathism appearing in Natufian latest hunters (McCown, 1939) and in Anatolian and Macedonian first farmers, probably from Nubia" - Larry Angel"
^ All of your laughably stupid posts, repeat the same mistake, and indicate severe learning disability on your part.
The quote is from Larry Angel in the 1970's.
My citing Angel in no way condones the idea of race.
Keita cites Angel in the same way as I do, for the same reason, and to the same effect....
Response to bernal and Snowden SOY Keita Arethusa 26 (1993) pg 329
I was a student of Larry Angel and am in some postion to comment on his views, which I know from conversation, the literature and personal correspondnce."
"Angel also found evidence for a "black" (if such exists) genetic influence in neolithic and later Aegean populations. Racialists models, which imply non-overlapping gene pools, are clearly negated by Angel's work."
^ Of course, *to you*, Keita quoting Angel while not advocating race is a paradox.
But, *everything* is a paradox to you, because you're are a grown man with the mind of a child, *confused* by the world around him.
Now....what can you say, in response (?), except more whining about having failed to understand Keita or Angel or me, or *anything else* of intelligence in this universe, and so cry about imaginary 'paradoxes' and 'contadictions'.
Paradox is not the cause of your confusion loser.
You're confused because you're STUPID.
As for the rest of your rant, it only relates your incoherence and *mounting desparation* as busted racist she/male troll outed and on the run, and is so rightly dismissed.
Now, go take your ritalin Eva.
Posted by Explorateur (Member # 14778) on :
quote:Originally posted by Explorateur:
quote:Originally posted by Debunker:
quote:provide evidence that human races are legitimate biological units.
Here you go:
"Effectively, these population genetic studies have recapitulated the classical definition of races based on continental ancestry - namely African, Caucasian (Europe and Middle East), Asian, Pacific Islander (for example, Australian, New Guinean and Melanesian), and Native American."
Those are geographical ethnonyms for populations, not "biological races"...another sign of stupidity. Is a European with Hg I the same race as a European with Hg R, or yet Hg E?
I know that Debunker isn't exactly bright, but I sure hope he/she isn't as nearly exceedingly dumb as to treat that above as an answer rather than the question it is, as already happened once here, and so, provide the answer accordingly.
Meanwhile, Debunker:
Do you know the biological definition of 'race'; if so, what makes you think from a scientific standpoint, that the variations seen in humans satisfy this definition -- that is, "human races" instead of the "human race"?
And oh, lest you *also* fall victim to being intellectually ill-equipped to crack it, "European" is being applied in the question as a geographic ethnonym, as precisely stated in the statement preceding the question.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by Sundjata:
quote:You are so f*cking stupid. That Cavalli-Sforza quote you and rasol keep spamming -- from a study that neither of you has read -- is simply saying that Europe was populated from Asia and Africa in prehistoric times. It's *NOT* saying that Europeans are 1/3 "Black" and 2/3 "Mongol". Here's what Cavalli-Sforza *ACTUALLY* says about the race of Europeans
You probably would be able to distort the observations above if you actually made sense and could explain away the fact that the findings of these data were replicated by other scientists.
"Nuclear DNA studies also contribute to the deconstruction of received racial entities. Ann Bowcock and her colleague's interpretation (Bowcock et al. 1991; Bowcock et al. 1994) of analyses of restriction-site polymorphisms and microsatellite polymorphisms (STRPs) suggests that Europeans, the defining Caucasians, are descendants of a population that arose as a consequence of admixture between already differentiated populations ancestral to (some) Africans and Asians. Therefore, Caucasians would be a secondary type of race due to its hybrid origin and not a primary race". - American Anthropologist (1997)
^Such explains why according to Sforza, Europeans are intermediate between African and Asian populations.
^ Sundjata: This excellent post is worthy of a follow up....
^ Bowcock is correct that Europeans, and not Africans, are the hybrid population.
When Eurocentrists such as Debunked/Erroneous Euro, and Akoben/Eva Braun are rage tantruming against this fact, they seek shelter behind the fact that Europeans show as having low genetic distances - from one another.
However, not only does having low internal genetic diversities *not* indicate racial divergence/distinction for Europeans...but this fact actually *negates* the notion of Europeans belonging to and *ancient race*.
And here is why....
Graph a) shows the pattern and order of African origin, and sub-sequent outmigration, with population splits at each vertex.
Graph b) shows the genetic relatedness and distinctiveness of each population, denoted with each vector.
Note the relative *length* of the vectors.
Not only are Europeans intermidiates between Asia and Africa at the roughly 2/3 and 1/3 ratios denoted by Sforza, but Europeans also show as a decidely *short* vector.
Why is this?
Imagine identical twin offspring of a Norwegian and a Nigerian.
Where would they plot on the above graph?
Answer.....they will not have a vector at all, rather they will show as a point on the line aproximately 1/2 way between Europe and Africa.
This is because all the markers you find in these twins will either be autosomes that show up in Nigerians, Norewegians, or both.
However there will be little-or-no markers found *unique to* the 1/2 Nigerian 1/2 Norwegian twins.
Marker/mutations accumulate over generations, and in these case there has been 1 generation = not enough time.
That's what the vectors in graph b represent - divergence or distinctiveness of said group.
What happens if we plot the two hypothetical twins on the graph individually?
Of course they will plot at the same exact point [not a vector]....they are identical, so the genetic distance between them is zero.
They have low internal genetic distance, and low distinctiveness.
These two characteristics...define recent hybrid.
And this is precisely how Europeans show.
Not as and ancient pure "race" as they might prefer to mythologize themselves, but as a recently admixed population with little genetic distinction.
If you plot back in time, using our hypothetical twins....beyound 1 generation, they disappear as a point on the graph, and nothing may be said about them.
The same is true for Europeans.
Before Europeans split from East Asians and subsequently admix with Africans...there short vector effectively disappears on the graph, leaving Africa, Asia and Oceania, and there is nothing that can be said about non-existent Europeans.
Based upon genetics, there can be no ancient caucasoid race. Go back too far, and Europeans simply cease to exist...and in every possible anthropological way..., genetically, morphologically.
And this explains why *all our challenges to Eurocentrists go unanswered*.
Question: Name the ancient Euro-specific physical traits.
Answer: silence
Question: Name the ancient Euro-specific-genes.
Answer: silence
Caucasoids are a myth.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Negroid - Anthropology. a racial classification, no longer in technical use. These terms are all distinct.
quote: LOL No longer in use eh? Then why did YOU still find it usefull as late as in 2007?
Sure..... they're traits which actually describe a skull. No one denies this, BUT , they aren't in use per say in actual physical anthropology to describe a "race", the features they represent are valid. Albeit, the names of said traits are false classifications.
Meaning, the term labeled "Caucasian" is erroneous, since it implies said Caucasian features derive from the Caucasus mountains. The simple problem with this, is how do the Euros intend on explaining Africans who exhibit keen features attributed to a falsified "Caucasian" "race" especially Africans that carry E3a, and not the E3b that is erroneously propagated to fit into a preposterous "Caucasoid" club?
Ex. Tutsis
No answers =R.I.P Euro-centrism
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Sure..... they're traits which actually describe a skull, not a race.
^ Yes, what is invalid in anthropology is 'race' itself, the notion that phenotype isolate faithfully relates lineages.
That the traits used to assign race are arbitrary, *because* the premise that phenotype isolate can denote ancestry is false, is one reason why biological race has been invalidated.
Now, here is a current quote from a geneticist.
[I delight in the prospect of Eva Braun railing about paradox as his/her already confused she/male brain likely fries over this one].
^ But wait, we are assured by the likes of Groves that these features are only -generalised modern- a phrase with which he hopes to confound the reality that early humans looked more like modern Australians and Afrcans than like current Europeans.... of course.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Even the Australian Aborigines share the so called ‘Negroid’ features .
Exactly. The traits are valid,(classifications are false) if, and only if, described as just that, "traits".
But when they(traits) start to be inverted into a false class, to signify one specific group of peoples, this in itself, is an erroneous proposition. Not withstanding, which is why modern molecular biologists and psychical anthropologists are beginning to state this truth.
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize this. Which is why, I know, whoever opposes these scientific facts, are simply imbecilic peons, who have no idea of which they speak.
quote: ^ But wait, we are assured by the likes of Groves that these features are only -generalised modern- a phrase with which he hopes to confound the reality that early humans looked more like modern Australians and Afrcans than like current Europeans.... of course.
Lol, this of course is something "debunked" implicates, when he says "tropical adaptations mean nothing"<<<< This is simply the idiotic and imbecilic persona of an individual who has a hard time accepting and dealing with facts/reality. Especially reality which ruins his/her fantasy.
Especially when we have anthropologists who let us now.....
"Taken together, the remains show that these early modern humans were...much like the people in southern Ethiopia and the southern Sudan today," University of New Mexico anthropologist Osbjorn Pearson
^^^^This is why, it's hilarious when the notion is presented that Ancient Africans didn't look like recent Africans.
But it severely burns the hearts of Euro-centrists when we can ACTUALLY say recent Europeans LOOKED nothing like Early Europeans. Early Europeans, who actually resembled Africans/ Australians .
quote: Akoben, Argyle, xxyman etc... Seem to be Euro-centrists undercover, probably were members here, or on another site where they were demolished, and critiqued for using studies from said scientists which were outdated, flawed or just misinterpreted. So every time they see the same scientists being used, that they were virtually smacked for misinterpreting they become upset and try to push the same thing onto every study from said scientists. Their plan is to discredit all scientists, all studies, especially ones they used in their failed attempt at positing their Euro-centric beliefs, to cast doubt among people seeking truth and unbiased science and history.
^^^This still perfectly describes the culprits. Albeit I have a feeling this AmericanPatriot/hore has some role in this Apres scree gang. Ako-arg-hore. Extremely similar. Observation.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ Whoever they are, they're taking a real beating.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasol: ^ Whoever they are, they're taking a real beating.
Indeed, and they will continue to take one(beating), as long as they provide us with their insignificant drivel. Just gives us more opportunities to strike with the truth, as you said, "the hunter is patient" <<Indeed we are.
Believe it, there are people reading this, and being informed at the same time. Since we are explaining this to debunked like as if he was a schoolchild.
^^Debunked says
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:I know that Debunker isn't exactly bright, but I sure hope he/she isn't as nearly exceedingly dumb
Debunked lies just inbetween bright and dim, he seems like he has potential for understanding, except for the fact--of course--if he accepts facts, he knows it crushes his dreams.
That thing called ignorance and denial......
Posted by Debunker (Member # 15669) on :
You Negroes can keep stalling with your pointless questions, distortions and rationalizations, distracting with your straw men and red herrings, deluding yourselves with your bogus "refutations" of peer-reviewed sources, and generally wallowing in your deep denial. Those are the tactics of people who are backed into a corner with no evidence. I don't need to play those games, because the evidence is all on my side...
==================================== UNIPARENTALS ARE OF LIMITED USEFULNESS ====================================
"Since the Y chromosome is a single locus it is possible that Y chromosome ancestry may not always reflect the ancestry of the rest of the genome." -- Peter A. Underhill
"The genome is divided into segments that have separate genealogical histories: while the ancestry of a single segment of the genome converges on a single common ancestor, each segment has a separate common ancestor. About MtDNA and NRC-Y: these particular segments do not represent an individual's ancestry any more completely than any other single segment." -- Jobling et al. 2004
"Use of the Y chromosome to investigate human population histories is increasing as convenient polymorphic markers become available. However, the effective population size of this chromosome is one-quarter that of any autosome, and this means that it is particularly influenced by drift. Effective population size may be further reduced through the variance in the number of sons that a father has and perhaps by selective sweeps. Conclusions about populations on the basis of this single locus must therefore be made with caution." -- Rosser et al. 2000
" 'Genes on the mitochondrial genome or the Y chromosome don't unambiguously allow you to infer population history,' notes Andrew G. Clark, a biology professor at Pennsylvania State University. 'That's because there's a lot of stochasticity, a lot of chance, that goes on in sampling of those genomes from generation to generation..' " -- Douglas Steinberg, 2000
"Earlier we emphasized the importance of using a large number of loci in the study of human evolution. This is because (a) the interpopulational genetic variation is very small compared with intrapopulational variation and (b) the evolution of a single gene (or mtDNA) is subject to large stochastic errors." -- Nei and Roychoudhury, 1993
"Yet more autosomal studies are crucial for advancing the field of molecular anthropology: The 22 autosomes, after all, harbor the lion's share of polymorphisms. [...] What the autosomal genes get us is many more realizations of genes passing through history. If we look at enough of them we'll be able to get a good call on the true population history." -- Douglas Steinberg, 2000
"We describe a model-based clustering method for using multi-locus genotype data to infer population structure and assign individuals to populations. We assume a model in which there are K populations(where K may be unknown), each of which is characterized by a set of allele frequencies at each locus. Individuals in the sample are assigned (probabilistically) to populations, or jointly to two or more populations if their genotypes indicate that they are admixed. Our model does not assume a particular mutation process, and it can be applied to most of the commonly used genetic markers, provided that they are not closely linked. Applications of our method include demonstrating the presence of population structure, assigning individuals to populations, studying hybrid zones, and identifying migrants and admixed individuals. We show that the method can produce highly accurate assignments using modest numbers of loci." -- Pritchard et al. 2000
"Effectively, these population genetic studies have recapitulated the classical definition of races based on continental ancestry - namely African, Caucasian (Europe and Middle East), Asian, Pacific Islander (for example, Australian, New Guinean and Melanesian), and Native American."
"...the greatest genetic structure that exists in the human population occurs at the racial level."
"...numerous studies over past decades have documented biological differences among the races. In this context, it is difficult to imagine that such differences are not meaningful. Indeed, it is difficult to conceive of a definition of 'biological' that does not lead to racial differentiation...." -- Risch et al. 2002
==================== SKIN COLOR IS NOT RACE ====================
" color and limb elongation, are adaptations to the intensity of solar radiation--the first directly so and the second indirectly. Since this is so clearly the case, we should expect those two traits to covary, as indeed they tend to do, throughout the world. Evidently, traits that are distributed in conjunction with the graded intensity of their controlling selective forces will be poor indicators of population relationships. [...] The use of a characterization of a single trait that is under selective force control to generalize about any particular human population can only create confusion. This then will be the inevitable consequence of the use of a description of skin color to say anything about the general nature of human biological variation." -- Brace et al. 1993
"The logical flaw in this argument is the assumption that the blacks and whites in the referenced study differ only in skin pigment. Racial categorizations have never been based on skin pigment, but on indigenous continent of origin. For example, none of the population genetic studies cited above, including the study of Wilson et al., used skin pigment of the study subjects, or genetic loci related to skin pigment, as predictive variables. Yet the various racial groups were easily distinguishable on the basis of even a modest number of random genetic markers; furthermore, categorization is extremely resistant to variation according to the type of markers used (for example, RFLPs, microsatellites or SNPs).
"Genetic differentiation among the races has also led to some variation in pigmentation across races, but considerable variation within races remains, and there is substantial overlap for this feature. For example, it would be difficult to distinguish most Caucasians and Asians on the basis of skin pigment alone, yet they are easily distinguished by genetic markers. The author of the above statement is in error to assume that the only genetic differences between races, which may differ on average in pigmentation, are for the genes that determine pigmentation." -- Risch et al. 2002
============================ ETHIOPIANS ARE RACIALLY MIXED ============================
"For example, east African groups, such as Ethiopians and Somalis, have great genetic resemblance to Caucasians and are clearly intermediate between sub-Saharan Africans and Caucasians."
"The one population in [Wilson's] analysis that was seemingly not clearly classified on continental grounds was the Ethiopians, who clustered more into the Caucasian group." -- Risch et al. 2002
"Notably, 62% of the Ethiopians fall in the first cluster, which encompasses the majority of the Jews, Norwegians and Armenians, indicating that placement of these individuals in a 'Black' cluster would be an inaccurate reflection of the genetic structure." -- Wilson et al. 2001
======================================= EUROPEANS ARE CAUCASOID AND HOMOGENOUS =======================================
"The color map of the world shows very distinctly the differences that we know exist among the continents: Africans (yellow), Caucasoids (green), Mongoloids, including American Indians (purple), and Australian Aborigines (red). The map does not show well the strong Caucasoid component in northern Africa, but it does show the unity of the other Caucasoids from Europe, and in West, South, and much of Central Asia. The differences between North and South Africans are more visible in the Africa map." -- Cavalli-Sforza et al. 1994
"Overall, our study showed that the autosomal gene pool in Europe is comparatively homogeneous but at the same time revealed that the small genetic differentiation that is present between subpopulations is characterized by a significant correlation between genetic and geographic distance." -- Lao et al. 2008
"In line with previous studies, there is low apparent diversity in Europe, with the entire continentwide sample only more marginally dispersed than single population samples from elsewhere in the world." -- Bauchet et al. 2007
Posted by Ebony Allen (Member # 12771) on :
Not everyone here is a negro.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
Oh come now little rasolowitz don't try to divert from another one of your obvious f**k ups by telling me s**t I already know re Keita and Angel.
Doesn't matter if it was from the 70s or seventeenth century, dufus, point is you said they were distinct, when clearly based on the defintions they aren't, and you found it useful in making your point after saying such terms, along with race, are no longer useful. Trying now to correct yourself with the today's accepted replacement "black" (with that Keita quote) won't help your case either since 1) Keita thinks "black" is problematic, 2) this further exposes your little southern negro friend Charlie brown's argument re ambiguity around concepts rendering them useless. Little Brown doesn't seem to understand that old terms and concepts can be given new meaning. Even "anti-racialist" Diop used "negro" and "black" interchangeably, even though his definition was broader than your (and debunker ^ it seems LOL) silly old stereotypical definition of "black": dark skin possessing stereotypical features – hence posting that famous Ramses tomb pic.
As I said you fools have lot to learn. But it must be painful for your ego little rasolowitz that even your favorite Africanist scholar Keita rejects your grandstanding about black being a "powerful concept", he doubts it even exists. So according to your childish reasoning, his rejection of your definition of black as a powerful concept means cry baby
^ or is this really YOU little rasolowitz, as a result of not being able to justify your Webster definitions and accompanying reasoning against the race concept.
quote:"European" is being applied in the question as a geographic ethnonym, as precisely stated in the statement preceding the question.
Ill equipped to handle the reality that race still exist. Your underhand reply coward jewboy is irrelevant to the point I was making: whites today in the geographical location called Europe are still an identifiable group, despite them being a "hybrid population". Yes we all are similar inside, but the differences ("little genetic distinction" - rasolowitz) are important enough to show distinct physical differences. If this wasn't the case then, despite the evolutionary past, blacks today could produce this. This is what really eat you negro commies who use these liberal "no race" arguments as an excuse to couple with white women. LOL
quote:Bowcock is correct that Europeans, and not Africans, are the hybrid population.When Eurocentrists such as Debunked/Erroneous Euro, and Akoben/Eva Braun are rage tantruming against this fact
First, never accuse others of silence when face with tough challenges rasolowitz Second, if you can't deal with what I actually say, why mention me in your posts? You obviously have no desire to take me on what I say, and when you do you contradict yourself even more. So why the obsession...
quote:they're traits which actually describe a skull. No one denies this, BUT , they aren't in use per say in actual physical anthropology to describe a "race", the features they represent are valid. Albeit, the names of said traits are false classifications
Per say. LOL Typical liberal, try to reduce the anti-race concept to a simple black and white dismissal and always end up coming back to the grey areas.
Yes, it's not used anymore to describe a distinct biological unit or as separate from other African types. But it is useful enough for rasolowitz to post it so as to bring across a point re discussion on distinctions between humans based on identifiable traits (race concept). Even his "correction" (use of the black replacement from Kieta) still is problematic. But as I said to your dumby southern negro friend Ambiguity of a term does not make it any less meaningful
And re "Caucasian race", mountains and E3a – don't tell me what I already know, boy, deal with what I actually argue.
quote:Yes, what is invalid in anthropology is 'race' itself, the notion that phenotype isolate faithfully relates lineages. That the traits used to assign race are arbitrary, *because* the premise that phenotype isolate can denote ancestry is false, is one reason why biological race has been invalidated.
quote:Exactly. The traits are valid,(classifications are false) if, and only if, described as just that, "traits".But when they(traits) start to be inverted into a false class, to signify one specific group of peoples
Hold up, so are you two numnuts saying Mr Kagame, and those Africans that posses his traits, aren't black? LOL Remember now you fools live to convince Evil Euros et al. that the AE were indeed black and we can find those same traits among ancient Nile Valley blacks. Therefore with him being called black isn't that assigning him to a race (groups/class) based on visible traits (especially skin color, cranial or facial features and hair texture?
It doesn't take a rock scientist to know why you clowns stick to easy targets like "ancient Caucasians" and debunked.
quote:Spencer Wells: Even the Australian Aborigines share the so called "Negroid" features....
Hold up again! Are you saying also that the "aboriginal Australians" aren't black?! LOL What of your negro definition ("black = dark skin") rasolowitz? And if they aren’t black to you fools, isn't this similar to the ambiguity of what exactly "race" is, and hence fallacy Charlie brown and his rubbish reasoning?
Jesus Christ, y'all twists and turns to escape race is truly a sight to behold! LOL
quote:we are assured by the likes of Groves that these features are only -generalised modern- a phrase with which he hopes to confound the reality that early humans looked more like modern Australians and Afrcans than like current Europeans.... of course
Yes we are assured once again that anthropology still engages in dividing humans into populations or groups on the basis of various sets of characteristics. The most widely used human racial categories are based on visible traits Posted by KING (Member # 9422) on :
As truthseekers we must be aware that setting the record straight is opening the eyes of people who come across our forum. Trust me when I say people are being educated off of how Rasol and Knowledge dismantle Debunker. Never give up the fight.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ You're quite perceptive king. These idiots have their uses.
Their lack of answers makes clear their debate bankruptcy.
quote:Debunked writes: You can keep stalling with your pointless questions.
And you can keep squirming with your non-answers.
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:Originally posted by Sundjata:
quote:You are so f*cking stupid. That Cavalli-Sforza quote you and rasol keep spamming -- from a study that neither of you has read -- is simply saying that Europe was populated from Asia and Africa in prehistoric times. It's *NOT* saying that Europeans are 1/3 "Black" and 2/3 "Mongol". Here's what Cavalli-Sforza *ACTUALLY* says about the race of Europeans
You probably would be able to distort the observations above if you actually made sense and could explain away the fact that the findings of these data were replicated by other scientists.
"Nuclear DNA studies also contribute to the deconstruction of received racial entities. Ann Bowcock and her colleague's interpretation (Bowcock et al. 1991; Bowcock et al. 1994) of analyses of restriction-site polymorphisms and microsatellite polymorphisms (STRPs) suggests that Europeans, the defining Caucasians, are descendants of a population that arose as a consequence of admixture between already differentiated populations ancestral to (some) Africans and Asians. Therefore, Caucasians would be a secondary type of race due to its hybrid origin and not a primary race". - American Anthropologist (1997)
^Such explains why according to Sforza, Europeans are intermediate between African and Asian populations.
^ Sundjata: This excellent post is worthy of a follow up....
^ Bowcock is correct that Europeans, and not Africans, are the hybrid population.
When Eurocentrists such as Debunked/Erroneous Euro, and Akoben/Eva Braun are rage tantruming against this fact, they seek shelter behind the fact that Europeans show as having low genetic distances - from one another.
However, not only does having low internal genetic diversities *not* indicate racial divergence/distinction for Europeans...but this fact actually *negates* the notion of Europeans belonging to and *ancient race*.
And here is why....
Graph a) shows the pattern and order of African origin, and sub-sequent outmigration, with population splits at each vertex.
Graph b) shows the genetic relatedness and distinctiveness of each population, denoted with each vector.
Note the relative *length* of the vectors.
Not only are Europeans intermidiates between Asia and Africa at the roughly 2/3 and 1/3 ratios denoted by Sforza, but Europeans also show as a decidely *short* vector.
Why is this?
Imagine identical twin offspring of a Norwegian and a Nigerian.
Where would they plot on the above graph?
Answer.....they will not have a vector at all, rather they will show as a point on the line aproximately 1/2 way between Europe and Africa.
This is because all the markers you find in these twins will either be autosomes that show up in Nigerians, Norewegians, or both.
However there will be little-or-no markers found *unique to* the 1/2 Nigerian 1/2 Norwegian twins.
Marker/mutations accumulate over generations, and in these case there has been 1 generation = not enough time.
That's what the vectors in graph b represent - divergence or distinctiveness of said group.
What happens if we plot the two hypothetical twins on the graph individually?
Of course they will plot at the same exact point [not a vector]....they are identical, so the genetic distance between them is zero.
They have low internal genetic distance, and low distinctiveness.
These two characteristics...define recent hybrid.
And this is precisely how Europeans show.
Not as and ancient pure "race" as they might prefer to mythologize themselves, but as a recently admixed population with little genetic distinction.
If you plot back in time, using our hypothetical twins....beyound 1 generation, they disappear as a point on the graph, and nothing may be said about them.
The same is true for Europeans.
Before Europeans split from East Asians and subsequently admix with Africans...there short vector effectively disappears on the graph, leaving Africa, Asia and Oceania, and there is nothing that can be said about non-existent Europeans.
Based upon genetics, there can be no ancient caucasoid race. Go back too far, and Europeans simply cease to exist...and in every possible anthropological way..., genetically, morphologically.
And this explains why *all our challenges to Eurocentrists go unanswered*.
Question: Name the ancient Euro-specific physical traits.
Answer: silence
Question: Name the ancient Euro-specific-genes.
Answer: silence
Caucasoids are a myth.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ This is a strawman argument, as no one claims that -any- markers are of *unlimited* use.
The point is, according you -your sources-, both Underhill and Wilson the parental markers are the -most informative- of ancestry.
Your non-sequitur quote, below, does not address this fact, and certainly does not disprove it...
quote: "I is possible that Y chromosome ancestry may not always reflect the ancestry of the rest of the genome." -- Peter A. Underhill
^ This is also a strawman argument, since no one claimed that paternal "Y" chromosome reflects maternal "mdtna" for example.
Your argument was that the Y chromosome was not informative and so obsolete.
Your caveat from Peter Underhill says no such thing.
Here is what Underhill actually says about this:
The Y is somewhat unique. "It has this unique storytelling component to it. That's why the Y chromosome was very revealing about the history of Thomas Jefferson and his descendants.
What we've done, instead of looking at one family of 8 generations, is to look back over three or four thousand generations at the history of our species.
Only men carry a Y chromosome. Females have two X chromosomes, whereas males have one X and one Y. And, unlike the 22 pairs of non-sex chromosomes each human has, there is almost no opportunity for the Y chromosome to swap or share its DNA with another chromosome. So all the information in a man's Y chromosome is passed to his son -- and every man's Y chromosome carries a virtual pedigree of his male family history. "
^ What we don't know is why you quote Underhill, since he obviously can't help you.
But since you like Underhill, here's more quotes from him:
E3b, is sub-saharan. E3b1 represents a migration from Africa to Eurasia.
^ Which takes us back to...
quote: Then where do the Europeans get these genes?
Answer: They get them from Africa.
^ The sooner you admit it, the sooner the pain will stop.
Posted by Evergreen (Member # 12192) on :
quote:Originally posted by akoben: Hold up again! Are you saying also that the "aboriginal Australians" aren't black?! LOL What of your negro definition ("black = dark skin") rasolowitz? And if they aren’t black to you fools, isn't this similar to the ambiguity of what exactly "race" is, and hence fallacy Charlie brown and his rubbish reasoning?
Evergreen Writes:
Comparing the concept of Black people to the concept of "Race” is not an apples to apples comparison. There are actual Black people and Black people are the original people of the planet earth. I agree that there is a range to Blackness, just as there is a range of energy but this does not negate the fact that Blackness is a tangible fact.
The concept of “Race” is a lie created to conceal the fact that the Black people were the first people and that the White Man devolved from the Black Man. The propagators of this lie would have us believe that the variations of man (Man-kind) each evolve from separate pre-human sub-species such as Neanderthals.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
And education in Y chromosome for no answer having losers liked Debunked and his nazi she/male slave.... Eva Bruan/akoben:
*All the information* in a man's Y chromosome is passed to his son. - Peter Underhill:
Thousands of 'loci'. Dozens of coded for - morphology - altering genes.
Hope this helps.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by Evergreen: Comparing the concept of Black people to the concept of "Race” is not an apples to apples comparison. There are actual Black people and Black people are the original people of the planet earth. I agree that there is a range to Blackness, just as there is a range of energy but this does not negate the fact that Blackness is a tangible fact.
The concept of “Race” is a lie created to conceal the fact that the Black people were the first people and that the White Man devolved from the Black Man. The propagators of this lie would have us believe that the variations of man (Man-kind) each evolve from separate pre-human sub-species such as Neanderthals.
quote:EvaBruan/arGoyle whines: "are you saying australian aboriginenes aren't black?
^ Ah, put your panties back on Eva, no one wants any of your straw-she/male 'nasty'.
What we actually are saying....
We all say that you're stupid. Even dumber than debunked, your latest knuckleheaded prattle provides more [if needed] evidence of this.
So, why don't you address what we're actually saying - 'that you're stupid', rather than making more strawmen arguments that *only show just how stupid you are?*
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
Nuclear DNA studies also contribute to the deconstruction of received racial entities. Ann Bowcock and her colleague's interpretation (Bowcock et al. 1991; Bowcock et al. 1994) of analyses of restriction-site polymorphisms and microsatellite polymorphisms (STRPs) suggests that Europeans, are descendants of a population that arose as a consequence of admixture between already differentiated populations ancestral to Africans and Asians.
Therefore, Europeans have a hybrid origin and are *not* a primary race". - American Anthropologist (1997)
^ But how does agreeing that Europeans are recently admixed hybrids help you?
Posted by TheAmericanPatriot (Member # 15824) on :
and this is important why?
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
Not according to geneticists - Race has no meaning biologically, certainly not genetically.
As for somewhat inept and rather unintelligent sounding Neil Risch, when questioned :
"Genome variation research does not support the existence of human races.”
Risch answers honestly: If you define it a certain way, maybe that's a valid statement.
^ This is correct.
Risch then askes: What is your definition of races?
My answer is *sub-species*, of which there exists only 1 in homo-sapiens thus the valid statement he admits.
Then Risch states: I'm not even sure what race means.
^ But if has no alternate definition, then he has no point contrary to what he admits is the correct statement that Genome research does not validate race.
So Risch's confused polemics, mooted by his own waffling, and unlike Wells clear and logical statement..... cannot help you.
^ No one says otherwise....except your she/male-pal Eva Bruan [akoben/arGyle], so maybe you're arguing with him/her.
*We already know*
- all humans were originally Black,
- whites only lost their skin color recently,
- ancient Egyptians were Blacks,
- that the above is proven by genealogy, dermatology and osteology.
- and that none of the above in any way denotes non-existent 'races'.
^ So perhaps you should correct Akoben/Eva Braun, on the subject.
He/she is the only person in this thread dumber than you, and so possibly you can educate him/her.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Originally posted by TheAmericanPatriot: and this is important why?
Be specific, what's "this" you speak of?
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ Wishful thinking in all-caps is still wishful thinking.
Europeans are autosomally hybrid, and paternally heterogeneous.
The facts are as follows:
1) Europeans are recently admixed hybrids, and not a primary race. - Bowcock
2) Europeans split from East Asians in Central Asia, then migrated to Western Eurasia. - Wells
3) Africans migrated INTO Western Eurasia, and penetrated/admixed into Europeans - Cruciani, Underhill.
4) Europeans carry specific African ancestries, that less *admixed* non Africans do not have. - Underhill
5) Terms like cacuasoid and 'worse than useless' because they exist primarily as and attempt to -hide- items 1 thru 4. - Brace
Anything else?
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:==================================== UNIPARENTALS ARE OF LIMITED USEFULNESS ====================================
Nobody argues that they're(like rasol said) unlimited. But this doesn't mean the uniparentals (Y and Mtdna) are useless. Uniparentals show degrees of admixture, which in turn equates to ancestry. Because.....
*All the information* in a man's Y chromosome is passed to his son. - Peter Underhill:
But as you said, and we agree it doesn't express the whole entire genome, and that's not what we ever said, and this really doesn't matter since Europeans still inherited uniparentals from Africans. Our implication is African genes appear in Europeans. Simple questions require simple answers.
Why or how did Europeans get these African lineages if not from Africa?
Or explain how and why Europeans appear to be closest genetically to Africa, whereas the original OOA populations. I.e Oceanians, appear furthest away genetically from Africa. If Oceanians and Europeans are part of the same non-African OOA population structure, then Europeans should be as distant genetically from Africans, as Oceanians are.
If this is not due to post OOA Neolithic migrations into Europe from Africa, then what is it debunked?
quote:Debunked says: For example, east African groups, such as Ethiopians and Somalis, have great genetic resemblance to Caucasians and are clearly intermediate between sub-Saharan Africans and Caucasians."
"The one population in [Wilson's] analysis that was seemingly not clearly classified on continental grounds was the Ethiopians, who clustered more into the Caucasian group." -- Risch et al. 2002
"Notably, 62% of the Ethiopians fall in the first cluster, which encompasses the majority of the Jews, Norwegians and Armenians, indicating that placement of these individuals in a 'Black' cluster would be an inaccurate reflection of the genetic structure." -- Wilson et al. 2001
Well well, here we go again round and round in a circle. All I see from the above is a few quotes stating Ethiopians and Somalis are mixed populations, with no evidence of said lineages specifically. This is what we're asking you, and this is simply something you can't do.
On the other hand we can and do name the exact and specific lineages Southern Europeans as a whole possess, while you just reply with simple insignificant quotes.
^ All found in West Eurasia....and not in East Eurasia, SouthEast Asia, Australia, New Guinnea, Melanesia...etc..
The evidence is overwhelming, and all attempts to distort it or distract from it, are a joke....
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Evergreen: The propagators of this lie would have us believe that the variations of man (Man-kind) each evolve from separate pre-human sub-species such as Neanderthals.
Here is what the late Stephen Gould said about multi-regionalism. He was spot on...
How could a new species evolve in lockstep parallelism from three ancestral populations spread over more than half the globe? Three groups, each moving in the same direction, and all still able to interbreed and constitute a single species after more than a million years of change? (I know that multiregionalists posit limited gene flow to circumvent this problem, but can such a claim represent more than necessary special pleading in the face of a disabling theoretical difficulty?) Do we advocate such a scenario for the evolution of any other global species? Do we ever suspect that rats evolved on several continents, with each subgroup moving in the same manner towards greater ratitude? Do pigeons trend globally towards increased pigeonosity? When we restate the thesis in terms of non-human species, the absurdity becomes apparent. When, then, did our media not grasp the singular oddity of multiregionalism and recognize out-of-Africa - especially given the cascade of supporting evidence in its favor - as the most ordinary of evolutionary propositions? Posted by TheAmericanPatriot (Member # 15824) on :
/Knowledge, You are using faulty logic.
"Why or how did Europeans get these African lineages if not from Africa"
You seem to be saying that since we do not know where they came from it must be from Africa.
In a college logic class that would be a faulty argument.
Example, one study out of the U of Toronto wants to say that non humans left Africa and returned as humans during the evolutionary process. The point is we have much to discover looking at these issues.
Even so, you do understand that regardless of the sequence of events they have little if any application to the historical era.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:You seem to be saying that since we do not know where they came from it must be from Africa.
No, I and others on this board know exactly where they come from, which is Africa. It's a question, that when asked, simply debunks nitwits like you. Simple questions require simple answers. Obviously you're too simple to even answer a simple question, or perhaps you're just ignorant and in denial.
quote:Example one study out of the U of Toronto wants to say that non humans left Africa and returned as humans during the evolutionary process. The point is we have much to discover looking at these issues.
Point is, it's hard for bigoted people like you to accept that you came from Africans. So you look all over the world, and posit multi-regionalism. Which is bankrupt. This simply burns deep down in your prejudiced mind.
quote: Even so, you do understand that regardless of the sequence of events they have little if any application to the historical era.
Explain please, why would it be insignificant? I think history and science, stumps your feeble brain, and you simply can't grasp elementary logic.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Example one study out of the U of Toronto wants to say that non humans left Africa and returned as humans during the evolutionary process.
^ No such study exists in current peer review anthropology.
Of course I know you very well Professor H, and so know that all I have to do is ask you to produce a reference for supposed study.
It won't happen because you don't have one.
Rather you will try to bait Knowledge718 into a ridiculous 'argument' based on a fake reference to a non-existent *study*.
Now, go back to teaching your spot-welding class, in Lubback Texas.
Posted by phenelzine (Member # 15694) on :
Rasol says:
"And education in Y chromosome for no answer having losers liked Debunked and his nazi she/male slave.... Eva Bruan/akoben:
*All the information* in a man's Y chromosome is passed to his son. - Peter Underhill:
Thousands of 'loci'. Dozens of coded for - morphology - altering genes.
Hope this helps."
No, Rasol, this doesn't help, because you're an illiterate buffoon and you know nothing about the Y-chromosome, and everything you think you know about it is wrong: The Y is extremely gene poor, with only 27 genes along its 23 Mb. The other 22 chromosomes account for the vast majority of an individual's ancestry--- tens of thousands of genes. Also, the Y comprises a single segment of DNA--- that's why geneticist's call it "one locus". You haven't even learned this after almost 14,000 posts?
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:you do understand that regardless of the sequence of events they have little if any application to the historical era.
^ What historian says this?
Again all we have to do is ask for the slightest 'substance' from you, and you fall apart.
Being able to bolt oversized wheels on a chevy pickup does not a scholar make, Professor.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by phenelzine: Rasol says:
"And education in Y chromosome for no answer having losers liked Debunked and his nazi she/male slave.... Eva Bruan/akoben:
*All the information* in a man's Y chromosome is passed to his son. - Peter Underhill:
Thousands of 'loci'. Dozens of coded for - morphology - altering genes.
Hope this helps."
quote:No, Rasol, this doesn't help everything you think you know about it is wrong:
Then, instead of your usual *empty bluster*, you will actually produce a reputable source for some information that can correct whatever is wrong?
quote:The Y is extremely gene poor, with only 27 genes along its 23 Mb.
The Y chromosome likely contains between 70 and 200 genes
Locus the position of and allelle within a chromosome.
Hence chromosomes have dozens of genes and thousands of loci.
But where is *your source* for your silly statement to the contrary?
Welcome back phenelzine, it didn't take you long to embarrass yourself did it.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:because you're an illiterate buffoon and you know nothing about the Y-chromosome,
^ Apparently you are.
We're still waiting for that source.....
I already know what mistake you are making and why. [confusing the number genes, with the number of proteins they are known to code for], but I want you to name the source - for yout stupidity anyway.
But what's taking so long?
Posted by phenelzine (Member # 15694) on :
There are 27 coded genes. Why did you lie: "thousands of loci"? Why don't you ask your prison warden for an elementary genetics text? Or, if you're now out of jail, go buy one and learn something instead of blathering your invariable nonsense.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:phenelzine: The Y chromosome has only 27 genes
False, followed by...
quote:Originally posted by phenelzine: There are 27 coded genes.
This is called backtracking, as it is not the same as your 1st false statement, and it is STILL WRONG. lol.
quote: Why did you lie:
^ See above. The one caught in a lie, and backtracking because of you.
We're still waiting for your source. I already know what you are misreading, I just want to either fess up, or show the entire forum that you're TOO SCARED to expose the source of your ignorance.
Still waiting...
Posted by phenelzine (Member # 15694) on :
The Jobling text is the source, thug. It was cited before. This appears p 257. Reputable sources? You're hilarious. You can't even understand what you read. Furthermore, your style of argumentation shows you to be a repulsive sociopath.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by phenelzine: Why- "thousands of loci"?
Because silly, I actually understand what a loci is, clearly you do not.
Tandem arrays of moderately repetitive (5-50 repeats) short (10-60 bases) DNA sequences found dispersed throughout the genome and clustered near telomeres. Their degree of repetition is two to several hundred at each locus. Loci number in the thousands
^ You seem 'excited' Mathilda, and not thinking clearly as a result.
Let me know if you need any more links to basic genetic info to further your education.
And don't worry, the forum realises it's -that time of the month- for you. We don't take it personally.
We're here to help....
Posted by phenelzine (Member # 15694) on :
"Still waiting".... Scared of you? You're ridiculous. It's you who's scared. I mean, who's written hundreds of posts on this one thread?
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by phenelzine: The Jobling text is the source, thug. It was cited before. This appears p 257. Reputable sources? You're hilarious. You can't even understand what you read. Furthermore, your style of argumentation shows you to be a repulsive sociopath.
^ Your frantic response suggests that you are a 'desparate housewife', - ie - easily excited....but how does that help you?
Jobling text?
I'm sorry but you'll have to do better than that.
Whoever your source is, it's either wrong, or more likely, you're misciting it.
In fact, we know the later is the case, since you've changed your citation from relating the number of genes on the y chromsome, to the number of 'coded genes'.
And again, even this is wrong, as genes code for proteins, and one gene can code actually code for more than one protein.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Originally posted by phenelzine: "Still waiting".... Scared of you? You're ridiculous. It's you who's scared. I mean, who's written hundreds of posts on this one thread?
"Still waiting" implies we're still waiting for your source with which you propose your fallacious attempt at distorting genetics.
You are definitely scared, you can't deny this. Your simple and elusive technique is very telling of your frightened state of mind.
As many posts, regardless if it's 10 or 10,000. If they're informative posts, and not just insignificant rants(like you do). They're considered useful, which is what you seem to be confused about, you're thinking, "how come these guys know so much, and how come I can't refute them" feeble minded can best describe you.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by phenelzine: "Still waiting".... Scared of you?
^ Actually it was stated that you're scared to expose your own ignorance, but perhaps translating that to 'scared of me', is a freudian slip.
And yes, we are still waiting for you to justify your claim that the Y chromosome has only 27 genes...
Oh, but wait, you changed this claim to 27 coding genes, but this is also wrong.
Do you know why this is wrong Mathilda?
Do you have any idea of what you're talking about - AT ALL?
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
Mathilda, you pea-brained sex-starved racist slut.
You just ran out of time:
Thus far, 156 transcription units, *78 protein-coding genes* and 27 distinct proteins of the Y chromosome have been identified.
But that's ok, we know you like it rough.
Posted by phenelzine (Member # 15694) on :
Oh, Jesus! Can you come up with something other than copying the well-deserved insults I directed at you? You know nothing about genetics, you have no abstract thinking skills-- you couldn't pass a basic science course at a good college---- and you argue like some thug on a street corner holding his dick. Scientific discourse is not a rap contest, Rasol. I said "scientific discourse" to you? How futile. That exercise in cognition leaves you scratching your head in ape-like bewilderment. Come on, nig-nog, fess up. You're in jail aren't you? Either that or you're a complete loser, with no life other than this forum--- a forum comprised of posters, like you, of astonishing stupidity. And you don't have the guts to venture into a real genetics forum, say like Gene Expression, because they wouldn't believe you were a member of the same species. Oh yes, almost forgot: You're also an inveterate liar, a bully, and a mean and despicable low-life whose pretensions make a reasonable man want to vomit. If I have anything else to add, I'll return. In the meantime, keep recing to yourself "thousands of loci"!
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
quote:Originally posted by phenelzine: "Still waiting".... Scared of you? You're ridiculous. It's you who's scared. I mean, who's written hundreds of posts on this one thread?
"Still waiting" implies we're still waiting for your source with which you propose your fallacious attempt at distorting genetics.
You are definitely scared, you can't deny this. Your simple and elusive technique is very telling of your frightened state of mind.
As many posts, regardless if it's 10 or 10,000. If they're informative posts, and not just insignificant rants(like you do). They're considered useful, which is what you seem to be confused about, you're thinking, "how come these guys know so much, and how come I can't refute them" feeble minded can best describe you.
Patience of the hunter.
What anger and rage mathilda exibits.
Her entire racist belief system has crumbled in this thread - of which she has read every single post - in utter frustration at the helplessness of Debunked, Akoben and herself in the face of facts she can't refute.
No wonder she's all hot and bothered.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:mathilda writes: Oh Jesus!
I bet you say that to all the guys.
quote: You know nothing about genetics
What I know:
quote:Thus far, 156 transcription units, *78 protein-coding genes* and 27 distinct proteins of the Y chromosome have been identified. A lesson in genetics for Phenolzine
^ But what do you know, except misdirected frustation as response to the dead battery in your dildo.
We're still waiting for you to produce a source for any of your amazing stupid statements, or explain why you can't grasp "78" is equivelant to 'dozens'.
What's taking so long...
Posted by phenelzine (Member # 15694) on :
See Jobling moron. You gave a blank cite. Doesn't matter. Didn't you already learn you don't understand what you read? I said 27, you say 78. Proteins aren't loci. And let's get back to those "thousands of loci"? Let's not forget! As for your sexual insults--- obviously, if you could get laid you wouldn't be spending your time on this cargo-cult forum. Perhaps that's why you're so angry: you can't get any white.
Posted by phenelzine (Member # 15694) on :
More BigNig Bravado, Rasol? As for my racist beliefs: Since my discussions with you I have become extremely racist! Thank you for asking! What about those thousands of loci? Will I only hear empty yokel laughter instead of an answer? Where did you you come up with that number? Will you need to bring out your shrieking baboon troop for help? It doesn't matter, since none of you know what you're talking about. Instead, let's talk about getting rough. It makes me wet.
Posted by T. Rex Master (Member # 3735) on :
quote:You know nothing about genetics, you have no abstract thinking skills
You're right, as evidenced of his correction of Debunker's misidentification of the entire Y-chromosome as a locus and well as his correction of your assertion that the Y-chromosome had only 27 genes.
quote:you argue like some thug on a street corner holding his dick. Scientific discourse is not a rap contest, Rasol. I said "scientific discourse" to you? How futile. That exercise in cognition leaves you scratching your head in ape-like bewilderment. Come on, nig-nog, fess up. You're in jail aren't you?
First you accuse rasol of arguing like a thug, than you call him a nig-nog. What a master of scientific discourse you are.
For the record, rasol does not necessarily talk like a thug when he is unprovoked. If you act like an asshole or an intentional ignoramus, however, than you should expect him to get frustrated and respond in kind.
BTW, humans are apes (Hominidae), so all human activity is "ape-like".
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:See Jobling.
^ Jobling is a last name, not a scientific study from a reputable source. Evidently you don't have one and 'see Jobling' is your penis substitute.
quote:Didn't you already learn you don't understand what you read? I said 27, you say 78
^ This is also wrong. Geneticist say 78. No geneticist claims the Y chromosome has only 27 genes. This is the result of something you misread, which is why you cannot produce a proper citation.
Either that or you're just lying out of rage frustration. Either way, you're busted, so now what.... [tampon?]
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by T. Rex Master:
quote:You know nothing about genetics, you have no abstract thinking skills
You're right, as evidenced of his correction of Debunker's misidentification of the entire Y-chromosome as a locus and well as his correction of your assertion that the Y-chromosome had only 27 genes.
quote:you argue like some thug on a street corner holding his dick. Scientific discourse is not a rap contest, Rasol. I said "scientific discourse" to you? How futile. That exercise in cognition leaves you scratching your head in ape-like bewilderment. Come on, nig-nog, fess up. You're in jail aren't you?
First you accuse rasol of arguing like a thug, than you call him a nig-nog. What a master of scientific discourse you are.
For the record, rasol does not necessarily talk like a thug when he is unprovoked. If you act like an asshole or an intentional ignoramus, however, than you should expect him to get frustrated and respond in kind.
BTW, humans are apes (Hominidae), so all human activity is "ape-like".
Her tactic is the same as Evil Euro's, when debunked, rely on racist rhetoric to hopefully flame the topic and distract attention.
This doesn't work at ES.
It merely amuses us to see how Eurocentrism responds so sourly to defeat.
She said the Y chromosome had only 27 genes.
This is wrong.
The rest is her shrill ranting, in hopes of changing the subject from the fact that she is wrong.
Posted by phenelzine (Member # 15694) on :
BTW: I'm not Matilda, and I couldn't possibly bear reading through this whole thread. You revealed yourself way at the beginning when I brought up African population structure--- which you found unbearable because you already know everything you need to know. Your stupidity and dishonesty dazzled me. Sometimes I'm too shaken to continue, so impressive are your posts. Tell me, Rasol, when did you first perceive yourself to be intelligent? How about that Y with thousands of loci? What brilliant insight enabled you to come up with this?
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:mathlida writes: getting it rough, makes me wet.
^ that's the 1st honest thing you've written ma'am.
might i add, this admitted promiscuity and penchant of miscgenation amongst European females, can only further explain *why* Europeans have such *admixed* male ancestry.
apparently you reveal in this, so why all the anger.
evidenty you simply seek the attentions of Black men, through whatever desparate means is available to you.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by phenelzine: I couldn't possibly bear reading through this whole thread.
If so, then why not simply admit that your rant about the Y chromsome containing only 27 genes is wrong?
You've already made a complete fool of yourself ma'am. Don't be a stubborn fool, and so make it worse. [if possible].
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:You revealed yourself way at the beginning when I brought up African population structure--- which you found unbearable because you already know everything you need to know.
You mean the African population structure, introgression between archaic hominids and modern humans? Well, that was dealt with accordingly, and you still have the audacity to recite it as evidence of you presenting some prolific argument against rasol or the thread?
Lmao you're just as erroneous as all of the other idiots who are in denial about history and science.
phenelzine says: "Man, how comes these guys know so much, and how come I can't refute them?"
Reply to Garrigan and Hammer: Ancient lineages and assimilation
1. Nelson J. R. Fagundes*,†,‡, 2. Nicolas Ray‡, 3. Mark Beaumont§, 4. Samuel Neuenschwander‡,¶, 5. Francisco M. Salzano†,‖, 6. Sandro L. Bonatto*,‖, and 7. Laurent Excoffier‡
+Author Affiliations
1. *Laboratório de Biologia Genômica e Molecular, Faculdade de Biociências, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS), 90619-900 Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil; 2. †Departamento de Genética, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, 91501-970 Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil; 3. ‡Computational and Molecular Population Genetics (CMPG), Zoological Institute, University of Bern, CH-3012 Bern, Switzerland; 4. §School of Animal and Microbial Sciences, University of Reading, Reading RG6 6AJ, United Kingdom; and 5. ¶Department of Ecology and Evolution, University of Lausanne, Biophore, CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland
It is true that the occurrence of partially isolated subdivisions within the ancestral population, as postulated by Garrigan and Hammer (1, 2) and others (e.g., ref. 3), could explain the persistence of old lineages and elevated LD at some loci (4). Nonetheless, this is perfectly compatible with our favored African replacement model (5), where the effective size of the inferred ancestral African population is relatively large, which could be due to ancestral internal subdivisions within Africa.
However, Garrigan and Hammer favored a model including recent admixture since they concluded (p. 678) that “the persistence of highly divergent haplotypes with elevated LD, both inside and outside Africa, suggests that replacement of archaic Homo by the AMH (Anatomically Modern Human) population might have been accompanied by some degree of genetic assimilation.” We understood this sentence as implying that admixture occurred between archaic Eurasians and migrants out of Africa, as implicitly modelled in their figure 4d, which is why we mentioned that these authors were supporting the view that old lineages would result from admixture events.
We must repeat that our results do not exclude the occurrence of some admixture events between modern and archaic humans, but they strongly support the view that these events have been extremely rare. Had this not been the case, modern human populations expanding out of Africa should have had their genome massively introgressed by archaic genes, due to repeated admixture events having occurred at the expansion wave front (6). Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Rasol, when did you first perceive yourself to be intelligent?
^ I think it was when I read posts from you and debunked and akoben.
I felt like a relative genius.
But then I read posts from Tyr0 and Supercar, and Thought, and Charlie Bass, and Djehuti, and Knoweldge, and WhatBox, and Heru, and Sundjata, and AlTakruri, and Wally, and Ausar and realised that there are plenty of smart people out there.
But that doesn't explain why you're so dumb, does it?
Is it a hormone imbalance thing? Are you less stupid at the -beginning- of the month?
I mean, most people would actually read up on genetics before making absurd claims about the number of genes on a chromosome.
But not you, rather you simply expose your ignorance in public for everyone to laugh at.
How stupid is that?
Anyway, you can pull your panties up now....we're done with you.
Posted by phenelzine (Member # 15694) on :
Are we arguing about 27. 78 or thousands? I have a source-- It's there for you to read. What is your source for thousands, Rasol? Don't weasel out of this now by claiming 78.
Oh, DE EUROCENTRISM! OH, DE WAY THEY ALWAYS BE DEFEATED, YET ALWAYS COME BACK TO KEEP THE BLACK MAN DOWN! Here at the Round Table of Black Genius,led by Storm Trooper Rasol. I'm sorry Rasol. Unlike you, I have a life. I can't be here all the time to sigh in disbelief at your every idiotic utterance, which occurs each time you open your mouth. I'll be with dildo soon; think of me tonight, in your jail cell, while being pounded with dick up your ass.
Bye for now, but I'll be back. Don't think I won't be watching you!
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Are we arguing about 27. 78 or thousands?
*We* aren't arguing about anything.
You're just being stupid, given that your "argument" was exposed as estrogen-induced hysterical rantings and nothing more.
quote: I have a source
Where? You mean this "Goober papers" that you fail to produce?
quote:Don't weasel out of this now by claiming 78.
^ A fact of genetics [well known actually] and not my claim. The only one claiming otherwise is you....but you produce no source.
Why is that?
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:Originally posted by phenelzine: I couldn't possibly bear reading through this whole thread.
If so, then why not simply admit that your rant about the Y chromsome containing only 27 genes is wrong?
You've already made a complete fool of yourself ma'am. Don't be a stubborn fool, and so make it worse. [if possible].
Posted by meninarmer (Member # 12654) on :
LOL! This place is a st8 up mess!
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ a bloody mess, yes, but nothing a tampon can't take care of.
quote:Originally posted by phenelzine: Don't think I won't be watching you,
^ no doubt ->
quote:rasol writes: evidenty you simply seek the attentions of Black men, through whatever desparate means is available to you.
Bye now.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Originally posted by meninarmer: LOL! This place is a st8 up mess!
Lol, and you're a ?????. What is "a st8 up mess"? What does this mean?
Posted by phenelzine (Member # 15694) on :
Quick to KW. Sigh. Do you know what population structure is? Whether with introgression by archaics or not, it existed in pre-OOA Africa. I wonder what SAT reading comprehension scores by Negroes here? Don't have to wonder really.
Posted by phenelzine (Member # 15694) on :
One last to Rasol:
I love to be fucked by black men! I love big cock! But I mean black MEN, Rasol. That leaves you out.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote: The concept of “Race” is a lie created to conceal the fact that the Black people were the first people and that the White Man
Look stop reacting emotionally and read what I actually say. Race as a group of separate biological units is dead, however at its essence it involves categorizing and distinguishing humans into groups based on physical traits, based in part by genetics, which is exactly what you are doing even as you claim it is a lie! On what basis do you distinguish between tha' "Y-man" and "black people"?
quote:Not according to geneticists - Race has no meaning biologically, certainly not genetically Then Risch states: I'm not even sure what race means..
If you're going to keep using ambiguity as an argument against the concept please remember according to some geneticists, like your favorite Africanist Keita, "black" too is problematic. In fact he goes further, doubts it doesn't even exists! Sorry its not powerful to him...
Not surprised though that youre taken up with your latest diversion mathilda so as to avoid explaining any of the rest your BS. They always seem to come at the "right" time. LOL
Posted by T. Rex Master (Member # 3735) on :
quote:I wonder what SAT reading comprehension scores by Negroes here? Don't have to wonder really.
We're not all your "Negroes" here. In fact, I bet I have less Saharo-tropical African ancestry than you, mathilda, and certainly Debunker.
quote:One last to Rasol:
I love to be fucked by black men! I love big cock! But I mean black MEN, Rasol. That leaves you out.
There's a lot of porno movie studios looking for women just like you. Have fun and leave the genetic discussions to the grownups.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:A p.m from AmericanPatriot: if you were an educated man your posts would not be full of meaningless insults.
^^^Lol poor guy feels insulted, he had to p.m me.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Originally posted by phenelzine: Quick to KW. Sigh. Do you know what population structure is? Whether with introgression by archaics or not, it existed in pre-OOA Africa. I wonder what SAT reading comprehension scores by Negroes here? Don't have to wonder really.
Of course I understand what population structure and introgression means. Both are simply irrelevant, and the real question should be do YOU understand what they are and what they impose?
Reply to Garrigan and Hammer: Ancient lineages and assimilation
We must repeat that our results do not exclude the occurrence of some admixture events between modern and archaic humans, but they strongly support the view that these events have been extremely rare. Had this not been the case, modern human populations expanding out of Africa should have had their genome massively introgressed by archaic genes, due to repeated admixture events having occurred at the expansion wave front (6).
Europeans are closest genetically to Africans whereas the original OOA populations. I.e Oceanians appear furthest away genetically from Africa, if Oceanians and Europeans are part of the same non-African OOA population structure , then Europeans should be as distant genetically from Africans, as Oceanians are. If this is not due to post OOA Neolithic migrations into Europe from Africa, then what is it?
"Europe shows a shorter genetic distance from Africa than do all the other continents......The overall contributions from Asia and Africa were estimated to be around two-thirds and one-third, respectively. Simulations have shown (7) that this hypothesis explains quite well the discrepancy between trees obtained by maximum likelihood and neighbor joining. " - L. Luca Cavalli-Sforza
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
Black=dark skin, sorry Khoisan etc – rasolowitz
Insists his definition is not the same as "negro"
Negroid - Anthropology. a racial classification, no longer in technical use. – rasolowitz
Yet he still finds the term useful to bring across his points in his posts...
These terms are all distinct – rasolowitz
quote:Black: a person belonging to any of various population groups having dark pigmentation
Negro: member of a race of humankind native to Africa and classified according to physical features (as dark skin pigmentation)[both from his own source Merriam-Webster]
Black is a powerful concept – rasolowitz
His favorite Africanist Keita is not sure it even exists...
charlie brown's world is thrown in further turmoil, "how can someone be so sure that something exists when they don't how to define what that something is or what *IS* that something?"
Race has no meaning biologically, certainly not genetically – rasolowitz
Yet he posts studies in here every day on observable differences based on distinct characteristic traits, "African" gene contributions to Europe, and Angel's "negroid" skulls etc etc
"Caucasians would be a secondary type of race due to its hybrid origin and not a primary race" - American Anthropologist
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:akboben writes: Black is a powerful concept
quote:Originally posted by phenelzine: One last to Rasol:
I love to be fucked by black men!
^ Yes, I believe you. Perhaps your white maternal ancestors felt the same way.
Mabye that's why so many Europeans continue to carry paternal lineages, from Black Africa?
So we agree. But it must be getting late in your part of the world.
So don't let us keep you from your street-corner post.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ From Syphilis, the eurocentric whore who loves to get balled, akoben/aka/Eva Bruan, the eurocentric she/male who loves to 'bawl'
quote:Black=dark skin, sorry Khoisan etc
^ translating akoben's babby-talk: akoben is incoherent when upset.
quote: "Europeans, the defining "caucasians" would be a secondary type of race due to its hybrid origin and not a primary race" - American Anthropologist
^ Yes, hence.....
"Nuclear DNA studies also contribute to the deconstruction of received racial entities." - American Anthropologist
^ Therefore....
"Racialists models, which imply non-overlapping gene pools, are clearly negated by Angel's work." -Keita
^ But then you're and idiot and cannot understand even a single sentence written by any intelligent person, with your babby-brain, so how can you hope to actually connect ideas together and so formulate a coherent thesis?
lol. Keep trying. Babby akoben is so cute.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote: The bawling she/male writes.... Don't try to divert from another one of your obvious f**k ups by telling me s**t I already know re Keita and Angel.
^ As you already know, you're stupid. [and vulgar too]
Don't try to understand what Keita and Angel are saying.
They're way over you head, and you'll just hurt yourself, and then cry even more.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
quote:A p.m from AmericanPatriot: if you were an educated man your posts would not be full of meaningless insults.
^^^Lol poor guy feels insulted, he had to p.m me.
^ He disappeared when called out and asked for sources is what happened.
It's happened before. It's what he does. He's good like that.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
Drift, admixture, and selection in human evolution: A study with DNA polymorphisms
(population genetics/simulation/neutral theory) ANNE M. BOWCOCK*t
One can show that a branch to a population resulting from admixture tends to be shorter than other branches.
^ As explained earlier, this is *why* the European branch in graph b) is so short.
Europeans do not model as and ancient divergent race, but rather as a recent/admixed population, which by definition has no ancient genotype or phenotype history.
short internal genetic distance does not prove that europeans are a homogeneous race.
it only proves that they are the product of 'recent' admixture and bottleneck events.
morever this fact debunks -any attempt- to model non european populations as if they were 'admixtures' of a non-existent "european" race, as europeans are not the source origin for various 'loci' to begin with.
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
"Nuclear DNA studies also contribute to the deconstruction of received racial entities. Ann Bowcock and her colleague's interpretation (Bowcock et al. 1991; Bowcock et al. 1994) of analyses of restriction-site polymorphisms and microsatellite polymorphisms (STRPs) suggests that Europeans, the defining Caucasians, are descendants of a population that arose as a consequence of admixture between already differentiated populations ancestral to (some) Africans and Asians. Therefore, Caucasians would be a secondary type of race due to its hybrid origin and not a primary race".
From maximum likelihood estimates the European admixture consisted of 65% Asian and 35% African.
Graph a) shows the pattern and order of African origin, and sub-sequent outmigration, with population splits at each vertex.
Graph b) shows the genetic relatedness and distinctiveness of each population, denoted with each vector.
Note the relative *length* of the vectors.
Not only are Europeans intermidiates between Asia and Africa at the roughly 2/3 and 1/3 ratios denoted by Sforza, but Europeans also show as a decidely *short* vector. This means they are a recent population without and ancient history, and therefore non of the other, more ancient populations shown, can be conceived in terms of admixtures -with- Europeans.
hybrid - the entity described cannot be understood in terms of it's own originating characteristics as well as by reference to 2 or more descrete elements from which it is *derived.*
Europeans are hybrid.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
Poor you. Yes, even after the deconstruction of received racial entities they still couldn't help falling back on said terminology, as it concludes Europeans are a secondary type of race because of their evolutionary history.
So despite what we know genetically/biologically humans still understand phenomena based on categorizing, grouping peoples based on phenotypes - what's on the outside. With all your studies showing hybridism and genetic commonality, you constantly talk of "whites" versus "blacks" in here; who are you refering to and on what basis you reach these conclusions?
You're a south African peasant, live on Boer farm am I right? Does your European boer employer look anything like you despite his ancient (even recent) European evolutionary history?
Like I said despite what we know of early evolutionary process we can still make distinctions between whites and blacks, despite them having those said "growing African genes".
"dividing humans into populations or groups on the basis of various sets of characteristics" [Wiki, "Race (classification of human beings)"] you can't escape it. Much like your Keita/Angel quote that challenges Racialists models, which imply non-overlapping gene pools yet even he still has to find a term ("black", Angel -negro) to describe the "group"/"race"/"people" with a set of common distinguishing characteristics to bring across his point re genetic influence in neolithic and later Aegean populations.
BTW black is a powerful concept, I just don't see it as simply "dark skin" (stereotypical true negro) as you claim. LOL
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Incoherent Baby Eva whines....
.....even after the deconstruction of received racial entities they still couldn't help falling back on said terminology, as it concludes Europeans are a secondary type of race.
^ Hey dumb dumb.
Who do you think 'they' is? American anthropologist?
You have *no idea* of whom it is you are quoting do you?
[it's not *from* the magazine, but from Keita's article within it]
^ And it's not a fall back, but a subtle point that the notion of race is not valid.
Keita's deconstruction of race goes right over your head, because understanding requires and adult mind, when all you have is your little babby brain.
Here's how the quote continues idiot..... "..this compromises the racial schema, and invalidates its underpinnings".
That is Keita's *conclusion*, not, as you mistate that Euros are literally a "secondary race."
But then, you don't ever read or learn anything, you just shoot off at the mouth and the less you know, the more inclined you are to make a complete fool of yourself, isn't that so?
So actually go read the article you're talking about, and come back and accidentally quote Keita some more, you self defeating we can *force you* to read him.
Normal persons will learn... retarded akoben will come back with she/male baby brain smoking from -overload.
Then we can smack you around and otherwise *use you* some more.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:black is a powerful concept
^ indeed, it clearly has you shook.
quote:I just don't see it as simply "dark skin" (stereotypical true negro)
^ total non-sequitur.
come back and argue when you've learned what non-sequitur means,learned how to write coherently and learned how to think logically.
at the rate you're going, you will have to re-incarnate and try again in the next life.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ the good news for akoben is that in the contest between him and debunked as to which eurocentrist is the most daft....akoben has now taken the lead.
it's a bit like the handicapped olympics, without the 'feel good' elements.
Posted by Explorateur (Member # 14778) on :
quote:Originally posted by akoben:
quote:"European" is being applied in the question as a geographic ethnonym, as precisely stated in the statement preceding the question.
Ill equipped to handle the reality that race still exist. Your underhand reply coward jewboy is irrelevant to the point I was making: whites today in the geographical location called Europe are still an identifiable group
"Ezie-Cunt" or whatever other alias you go by; of course the reply is relevant, because you make an exceedingly dumb claim, pertaining to whether "European" is supposed be a racial designator in my wording, when the preceding statement just informed you of it being a "geographic" ethnonym; never heard of a geographic ethnonym before? Is an "American" a distinct "race" or sub-species? Fool. Every group that anyone can see with their eyes is "identifiable", dummy.
Posted by Explorateur (Member # 14778) on :
Thus far, 156 transcription units, *78 protein-coding genes* and 27 distinct proteins of the Y chromosome have been identified.
True that Y DNA has more than 27 genes, but hypothetically, even if that were not the case [which would be false], how does that in any way invalidate its signature usefulness as a monophyletic unit of ancestry, spanning thousands and thousands of years? The markers that experts rely on are largely non-recombinant "Junk" ("silent") DNA, which has nothing to do with those identified as "coding DNA". Loci can be as many as experts want to make them; there doesn't necessarily have to be a fix set, which may or may not contain an entire gene.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
Correct and obvious. But will nontheless cause frantic hysteria from Phenolzine, once she returns from her 'nightly business' on the street.
Syphilis effects the brain you know.
Still want to know about this "Jobling" papers she keeps referring to.
It's probably a beginners manual for felatio.
Posted by Explorateur (Member # 14778) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
Correct and obvious.
Well yeah, it is supposed to be obvious; but as this thread shows, people are known to get what's generally obvious 'wrong'. Debunker is case in point of that, aside from the person you mentioned.
E.g. "European" is *obviously* not a designator of a "sub-species" of human, and it is *obviously* a geographic contruct that can be *obviously* applied as geographic ethnonym; yet, somebody managed to get that mangled up.
Posted by Explorateur (Member # 14778) on :
Another example of what may be obvious to you, me and others, about 'genetic clusters" not being equal to "biological races", but apparently to Debunker...
"Effectively, these population genetic studies have recapitulated the classical definition of races based on continental ancestry - namely African, Caucasian (Europe and Middle East), Asian, Pacific Islander (for example, Australian, New Guinean and Melanesian), and Native American."
"...the greatest genetic structure that exists in the human population occurs at the racial level."
"...numerous studies over past decades have documented biological differences among the races. In this context, it is difficult to imagine that such differences are not meaningful. Indeed, it is difficult to conceive of a definition of 'biological' that does not lead to racial differentiation...." -- Risch et al. 2002
It is *obviously* a relative issue, but does this mean that, per Debunker, that Europeans [*obviously* as in persons "native to Europe"] who carry Hg R form the **same** cluster with Europeans carrying Hg I; do Europeans carrying Hg E form the same cluster as those carrying Hg J, or Hg G, and do either of those lineages form the same cluster with those carrying Hg R? If so, then please demonstrate how the said groups form single clusters with respect to the other. If not, does this not then mean that these Europeans are of distinct races?
Not sure the answer to these questions are *obvious* to Debunker.
Posted by meninarmer (Member # 12654) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasol: It's probably a beginners manual for F*-^DT.
*Censored by The Jesus Patrol* Posted by Alive-(What Box) (Member # 10819) on :
quote:nazi-bitch wrotes: Race as [biologically seperate units of homo sapiens sapiens] is dead,
quote: however at its essence it involves categorizing and distinguishing humans into groups based on physical traits .. based in .. genetics
quote:which is exactly what you are doing even as you claim it is a lie!
So you take it that the only way in which one could "distinguish humans into groups" based in [anything] is to do so in a racial fashion?
The idiocy in this statement is that one could "distinguish" between nearly *anything*.
One could "distinguish" between one's self and one's brother who are of the same paternal and maternal lineage -- how would this mean they are advocating 'race'? Would this then mean that they by default imply they and their bro are different 'races'?
arrgh write:
quote:based on physical traits .. based in .. genetics
^First off, human groups can be distinguished by many things, which include language, geography, lineage, and physical appearance. Customs, diets, politics, identity and religion.
We admit there are tall and short, black and white, people and groups, (though these traits like many even very in single families lol),
but unlike others, we haven't claimed or espoused belief in tall and short, black and white, European or other, 'races'.
*Belief* in races "based on physical traits" entails that one believes that "phenotype isolate faithfully relates lineages" or even ancestry.
Posted by Debunker (Member # 15669) on :
From the Risch interview that the Negroes try to distort:
GITSCHIER: I have heard you say, "Don't politicize the human genome."
RISCH: I have a strong problem with the way politicians use this information. [Former President] Clinton, for example, when the first draft of the human genome sequence came out, made a statement about how all people in the world, in terms of their genetic makeup, are 99.9% the same. His intent—to reduce conflict among peoples—is noble. People on the left, anthropologists and sociologists, do the same thing. They use the 99.9% figure as an argument for social equality. But the truth is that people do differ by that remaining 0.1% and that people do cluster according to their ancestry. The problem is that others could use that information to create division.
Which brings us right back to...
"The one population in [Wilson's] analysis that was seemingly not clearly classified on continental grounds was the Ethiopians, who clustered more into the Caucasian group." -- Risch et al. 2002
"Notably, 62% of the Ethiopians fall in the first cluster, which encompasses the majority of the Jews, Norwegians and Armenians, indicating that placement of these individuals in a 'Black' cluster would be an inaccurate reflection of the genetic structure." -- Wilson et al. 2001
"In line with previous studies, there is low apparent diversity in Europe, with the entire continentwide sample only more marginally dispersed than single population samples from elsewhere in the world." -- Bauchet et al. 2007
Posted by Debunker (Member # 15669) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasol: Because silly, I actually understand what a loci is, clearly you do not.
Yet you don't understand that 'loci' is the plural, and that a single one is called a locus.
Posted by Alive-(What Box) (Member # 10819) on :
^Good try, but I'm afraid it's back to the dunce chair for you, and for this one
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:"Use of the Y chromosome to investigate.... [...] Conclusions about populations on the basis of this single locus must therefore be made with caution."
Again, Y chromosome is *not* a single is dozens of genes and loci.
Remember your previous stupid assertions about Y chromosome carrying women, and Australian "Somali" ?'re doing it again.
Making a fool of yourself, that is.
Y chromosome - The Y chromosome spans about 58 million base pairs (the building blocks of DNA), with as many as 200 genes.
Locus - the chromosomal position of a gene as determined by its linear order relative to the other genes on that chromosome.
^ Chromsome's contain many genes....loci are relative positions on a single gene.
Y chromsome marker's identify the entire chromosome and with it all it's locations and all of it's genes which are passed on in entiriety from father to son.
This is exactly why it is and will continue to be the focus of so many gene studies.[/QB]
quote:Originally posted by phenelzine: Why- "thousands of loci"?
Because silly, I actually understand what a loci is, clearly you do not.
Tandem arrays of moderately repetitive (5-50 repeats) short (10-60 bases) DNA sequences found dispersed throughout the genome and clustered near telomeres. Their degree of repetition is two to several hundred at each locus. Loci number in the thousands
^ You seem 'excited' Mathilda, and not thinking clearly as a result.
Good post.
Posted by Alive-(What Box) (Member # 10819) on :
And before Evan Braun returns to ask: "Then WHY do you advocate BLACK?"
or something similar, I'll say:
Actually, admittedly, every human alive got their melanin genes from the same source population.
So this does not make two black populations related (with respect to the white ones), nor the vice-versa.
None of this revokes black as a descriptive term.
However, I NOW know why 'black' is so powerful, and I now 'SEE' why black, makes so many opponents out of individuals like-minded as you.
These anti 'black' people are often the same who are opposed to African American unity, African unity, black unity (Indians identifying with AAs as a number of individual Indians have), and other. Yet Caucasian, Mediterranean, and Nordic unity usually evades their radar (for obvious reasons).
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Yet you don't understand that 'loci' is the plural
Apparently you don't understand that the sentense "there are thousands of loci on a chromosome", is *plural*. And that this is exactly the reality you relate when you discuss multi-locus data of x-linked loci.
You falsely suggest that this is quantatively different from discussion of a single SNP on the Y chromosome, such as E3b.
It is not, since you inherit *all the loci* and *all the genes* on the Y, and not just a single locus.
Thus the importance of the Y chromosome as related by Underhill.
Now, you and Phenolzine have both tried desparately to obscure this reality, and failed.
So, now what?
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:GITSCHIER: I have heard you say, "Don't politicize the human genome."
quote:RISCH: I have a strong problem with the way politicians use this information.
^ Actually I laughed when I 1st read this, but didn't bother to note Risch transparent hypocrisy, since by insisting that the science of genetics is a racial issue, politicising is precisely what he does.
He also uses controversial politics to gain attention for his otherwise stunted career.
Many racists have caught on to this game, and most people see thru it.
Anyway, he states he doesn't know what race is, and that can't help you.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Which brings us right back to...
....the topic of the thread, which is that K-zoids are a myth.
Europeans are a recently admixed population, who show as 2/3 Asian and 1/3 African.
They have little current genetic distinction.
They have no ancient genetic or phenetic identity.
This explains why you can't answer critical questions -> What are the specific European originating morphologies in ancient African remains?
What are the European originating genes in African peoples?
You don't know.
You can't answer.
Therefore you are debunked.
Fact: Europeans cannot constitute a race, nor be posited as a primary 'source' of admixture in other populations.
Rather Europeans are the 'hybrid' recipients of admixtures.
You have no answer, so try to run to run, or change the subject, but you can't......
quote:Originally posted by rasol: Drift, admixture, and selection in human evolution: A study with DNA polymorphisms
(population genetics/simulation/neutral theory) ANNE M. BOWCOCK*t
One can show that a branch to a population resulting from admixture tends to be shorter than other branches.
^ As explained earlier, this is *why* the European branch in graph b) is so short.
Europeans do not model as and ancient divergent race, but rather as a recent/admixed population, which by definition has no ancient genotype or phenotype history.
short internal genetic distance does not prove that europeans are a homogeneous race.
it only proves that they are the product of 'recent' admixture and bottleneck events.
morever this fact debunks -any attempt- to model non european populations as if they were 'admixtures' of a non-existent "european" race, as europeans are not the source origin for various 'loci' to begin with.
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
"Nuclear DNA studies also contribute to the deconstruction of received racial entities. Ann Bowcock and her colleague's interpretation (Bowcock et al. 1991; Bowcock et al. 1994) of analyses of restriction-site polymorphisms and microsatellite polymorphisms (STRPs) suggests that Europeans, the defining Caucasians, are descendants of a population that arose as a consequence of admixture between already differentiated populations ancestral to (some) Africans and Asians. Therefore, Caucasians would be a secondary type of race due to its hybrid origin and not a primary race".
From maximum likelihood estimates the European admixture consisted of 65% Asian and 35% African.
Graph a) shows the pattern and order of African origin, and sub-sequent outmigration, with population splits at each vertex.
Graph b) shows the genetic relatedness and distinctiveness of each population, denoted with each vector.
Note the relative *length* of the vectors.
Not only are Europeans intermidiates between Asia and Africa at the roughly 2/3 and 1/3 ratios denoted by Sforza, but Europeans also show as a decidely *short* vector. This means they are a recent population without and ancient history, and therefore non of the other, more ancient populations shown, can be conceived in terms of admixtures -with- Europeans.
hybrid - the entity described cannot be understood in terms of it's own originating characteristics as well as by reference to 2 or more descrete elements from which it is *derived.*
Europeans are hybrid.
Posted by Alive-(What Box) (Member # 10819) on :
So the lentgh of each vector denotes the distinctfulness of the group/population?!
If so: arguement done.
Posted by xyyman (Member # 13597) on :
And you are a brotha???!! I am white and I know this. . .just kidding. . .about being white. Hoping you are playing. And you are from the Bronx. This is a dead give away.
BTW - Help a white guy out. What is Apre-Scee?
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
quote:Originally posted by meninarmer: LOL! This place is a st8 up mess!
Lol, and you're a ?????. What is "a st8 up mess"? What does this mean?
Posted by Alive-(What Box) (Member # 10819) on :
I use to despise Eurocentric distorters (and to an extent still do) but now moreso and in all honesty am starting to feel pretty sorry for them.
Posted by xyyman (Member # 13597) on :
What are you ON now Alive.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by Alive-(What Box): So the lentgh of each vector denotes the distinctfulness of the group/population?!
If so: arguement done.
^ Yes. The position of Europeans on this graph, and admixture with Africans as the cause of their short vector is exactly what is being denoted by Bowcock....
Drift, admixture, and selection in human evolution: A study with DNA polymorphisms
(population genetics/simulation/neutral theory) ANNE M. BOWCOCK*t
One can show that a branch to a population resulting from admixture tends to be shorter than other branches.
^ This is also what Keita is relating in terms of why Europeans cannot be modeled as a primary race, and source of admixture, when they lack genetic distinction to begin with, being 'hybridized' and admixed as they are.
We can have as many rounds of angry denial as Eurocentrists would care to engage.
We are more than happy to break this down into bites small enough for even the most -toothless- of Eurocentrists to be able to digest.
Posted by osirion (Member # 7644) on :
quote:Originally posted by Debunker: From the Risch interview that the Negroes try to distort:
GITSCHIER: I have heard you say, "Don't politicize the human genome."
RISCH: I have a strong problem with the way politicians use this information. [Former President] Clinton, for example, when the first draft of the human genome sequence came out, made a statement about how all people in the world, in terms of their genetic makeup, are 99.9% the same. His intent—to reduce conflict among peoples—is noble. People on the left, anthropologists and sociologists, do the same thing. They use the 99.9% figure as an argument for social equality. But the truth is that people do differ by that remaining 0.1% and that people do cluster according to their ancestry. The problem is that others could use that information to create division.
Which brings us right back to...
"The one population in [Wilson's] analysis that was seemingly not clearly classified on continental grounds was the Ethiopians, who clustered more into the Caucasian group." -- Risch et al. 2002
"Notably, 62% of the Ethiopians fall in the first cluster, which encompasses the majority of the Jews, Norwegians and Armenians, indicating that placement of these individuals in a 'Black' cluster would be an inaccurate reflection of the genetic structure." -- Wilson et al. 2001
"In line with previous studies, there is low apparent diversity in Europe, with the entire continentwide sample only more marginally dispersed than single population samples from elsewhere in the world." -- Bauchet et al. 2007
LOL! Yeah, I'm really a white guy. LOL!!!
What a joke. Genetics used for evil rather than good. What a joke.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
I've never read that particular Keita article, or claim to read everything he ever wrote, so what? It says nothing different from what I know to be his position and it contradicts nothing I have been saying. Learn boy to reply to what others argue not what you want them to say. Never said the quote was a "fall back" on the classical definition of race as separate sub species etc.
"Racial thinking rests on the belief that visible human variation connotes fundamental deep differences within the species, which can be packed into units of near uniform individuals", how is that different from what I've been saying over and over, "Race as [biologically seperate units of homo sapiens sapiens] is dead", my god even loverboy was honest enough to see that! LOL
Your problem stems from your need of straw men arguments and not being able to deal with what I actually argue. Also, your need to obfuscate the fact that that the construct "race" is equally as subjective as the construct "black", "population" or your "social ethnenes"[sic].
Let me go over again.
My point was that human beings need terms to adequately group/categorise things. "Therefore, Caucasians would be a secondary type of race due to its hybrid origin" Wether you say "race" or "a type of race" it's still grouping people with common traits - in this case hybridism, geographical location. And as I said, whether you substitute "Black race" for "Black populations", "white race" for "white populations" or "Modern Europeans" it's simply updating the concept without the word. It still entails "group designations", to borrow Keita's term, hence the persistence of racial thinking (albeit without the old assumptions associated with "race").
To further underscore the need for appropriate terminologies even Keita laments that the "no-race" school (like you idiots) have failed to adequately come up with suitable substitutes. And of course, your heart break, he doesn't accept your "black" or "social ethnenes"[sic] as adequate substitutes either. LMAO! So to pretend as if your terms are any more "scientific" or adequate or it is backed up by your favorite Africanist scholar, exposes YOU as the fraud.
In the final analysis, it's how you define the terms. E.g. is Obama "black" or "white", and at what point does a person stop being "black" and start being "white"? Same with "race": should it be based on geography, phenotype or genotype/clustering, or a mixture of all; such would be the case in this forum, as who is identified as a memember of the "black" race...oops "population" based on certain phenotypes backed up by genetic studies e.g. on the ancient Egyptians etc.
quote:you make an exceedingly dumb claim, pertaining to whether "European" is supposed be a racial designator in my wording, when the preceding statement just informed you of it being a "geographic" ethnonym; never heard of a geographic ethnonym before? Is an "American" a distinct "race" or sub-species?
Of course the exceedingly dumb claim would be for you say that my definition of "race" is sub-species. LOL my word you have not changed jewboy. And of course "American" in this context is irrelevant since it is a nation today of many peoples.
However, when we speak of a "European" (persons "native to Europe") and an "African" in these forums are we speaking of mere geographic ethnonym? Are speaking of the same people phenotypically? If so, what would be the point of posting studies identifying "admixture" and African lineages in said "European", wether Sicilian or Brit, if both looked alike? Pictorially jewboy, what did you mean by a "European" with Hg I? A black person with said linage? LOL
quote:So you take it that the only way in which one could "distinguish humans into groups" based in [anything] is to do so in a racial fashion?
Never said or implies this.
quote:The idiocy in this statement is that one could "distinguish" between nearly *anything*. One could "distinguish" between one's self and one's brother who are of the same paternal and maternal lineage -- how would this mean they are advocating 'race'? Would this then mean that they by default imply they and their bro are different 'races'?
The idiocy is to assume that making distinctions between siblings is the same as making distinctions based on phenotypes.
quote:*Belief* in races "based on physical traits" entails that one believes that "phenotype isolate faithfully relates lineages" or even ancestry.
Amazing twist, first you correctly identify my rejection of the classical definition of race yet you fall back on it to "refute" what you think I am arguing. They call this straw man arguing.
quote: However, I NOW know why 'black' is so powerful, and I now 'SEE' why black, makes so many opponents out of individuals like-minded as you. These anti 'black' people are often the same who are opposed to African American unity, African unity, black unity (Indians identifying with AAs as a number of individual Indians have), and other. Yet Caucasian, Mediterranean, and Nordic unity usually evades their radar (for obvious reasons).
Don't you think it quite a stretch, even for an idiot such as yourself, to conclude that I am anti-black unity based on my rejection of Rasolowitz's Webster definition of "black" as simply "dark skin"? come on boy, try again. LOL
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
All I gotta say after reading these last posts from the last page is...
What we have here are trolls who share one single neurosis in common and that is DENIAL
We know Debunked is in denial of not only the non-existence of 'race' but that Europeans are mixed.
Phenelzine is also in denial that race doesn't exist as well as her obvious racist bias as evidenced by some of her comments. And she is obviously in denial of her own scientific ignorance which I assume is the source of her biases. (by the way Rasol, that what you said about her is so WRONG, yet hilarious as hell! )
Ako-Wako a.k.a. Eva Braun is in denial of his own bigotry as an anti-Jew as well as his anti-black bias which he tries to hide behind his absurd accusations of others. And perhaps he is likely in denial of his sexual identity as well.
Last but not least AmericanPatriot (Hore) is obviously in denial of his Eurocentric, white-supremacist, anti-black bias. But what's new??
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
^ They sure seem quite dark to me, especially in comparison to the whites who were the ones who coined the term of 'black' as a description of such indigenous populations, you nitwit!
Tell me how you can be so stupid, and let's please not blame it on the Jews again! LOL Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
quote:Originally posted by TheAmericanPatriot: Knowledge, You are using faulty logic.
"Why or how did Europeans get these African lineages if not from Africa"
You seem to be saying that since we do not know where they came from it must be from Africa.
Actually professor, we KNOW they came from Africa as cited by many peer-reviewed geneticists! Rasol and others have been pointing that fact here on this forum for years now, but apparently you haven't been paying attention or rather you didn't understand it.
quote:In a college logic class that would be a faulty argument.
Example, one study out of the U of Toronto wants to say that non humans left Africa and returned as humans during the evolutionary process. The point is we have much to discover looking at these issues.
Please cite this study. Last time I checked nothing has supported the multi-regionalist hypothesis yet everything supports the single African origin theory per physical anthropological remains, paleo-archaeological remains, and backed up by genetics.
quote:Even so, you do understand that regardless of the sequence of events they have little if any application to the historical era.
Hardly. We are talking about Europeans, specifically southern Europeans having mixed African ancestry due to an influx of African immigrants during the Neolithic period. As I recall professor, every world history class attributes the beginnings of civilization and thus history with the 'Neolithic revolution', also the Semitic languages and cultures of Southwest Asia to which you attribute the Judeo-Christian "pillar" of 'Western' Civilization is also the result of Africans expansions of the Mesolithic.
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
Hey Phenelzine, what an interesting screen-name you have. Is that the anti-depressant you take in real life? Perhaps your irrational behavior in this forum is a result of the side-effects. Maybe you'll have better luck with prozac (?)
Anyway, how many genes did you say the Y-chromosome had? Rasol is correct when he said it had dozens.
The male-specific region of the Y chromosome, the MSY, differentiates the sexes and comprises 95% of the chromosome's length. Here, we report that the MSY is a mosaic of heterochromatic sequences and three classes of euchromatic sequences: X-transposed, X-degenerate and ampliconic. These classes contain all 156 known transcription units, which include 78 protein-coding genes that collectively encode 27 distinct proteins. The X-transposed sequences exhibit 99% identity to the X chromosome. The X-degenerate sequences are remnants of ancient autosomes from which the modern X and Y chromosomes evolved. The ampliconic class includes large regions (about 30% of the MSY euchromatin) where sequence pairs show greater than 99.9% identity, which is maintained by frequent gene conversion (non-reciprocal transfer). The most prominent features here are eight massive palindromes, at least six of which contain testis genes.
It's obvious you confused the number of genes for the number of proteins it encodes. LOL Perhaps we can attribute your mistake to the side-effects of your medication, yes?
Maybe you can go back to Mathilda's site and start another thread. Perhaps you can title it: "So I went by Egyptsearch again, and those mean negroes sexually assaulted me!" LOL
We know that you are a lackey of Mathilda the same way Debunked is a lackey of Dienekes! You two obviously share alot in common! Maybe you guys should get together or something.
Then again...
quote:phenelzine wrote: I love to be fucked by black men! I love big cock! But I mean black MEN,...
Perhaps not. Oh well. Maybe you should stick to what you love doing as indicated above and leave science to the rational (and unmedicated) people.
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
As for Debunked a.k.a. Stupid-Euro a.k.a. Dienekes' lap dog, what else is there to say after 20 pages of utter humiliation??...
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
I never denied I am anti-white Jew/people...
And how does a disguised Eurocentric philipoo get off calling me anti-black?! LOL
quote:So Khoisan don't have dark skin?? They sure seem quite dark to me, especially in comparison to whites who were the ones who coined the term 'black' in description of indigenous tropical peoples!
Compared to some other Africans some of them are lighter yes. And really, are you kidding me Mary? LMAO! I mean, based on your BS Eurocentric stereotyping of Kushits you're in no position to lecture me on African phenotypic variations. Also, it was not whites who first coined the term "black". You can add this to your denial of a stolen legacy and the rest of your Eurocentric f**k ups. LOL
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
quote:Originally posted by akoben: Compared to some other Africans some of them are lighter yes...
And in the definition of 'black' that Rasol gave you, where does it state any comparison to "other Africans", idiot??! LMAO
Here is a more concise definition:
black 3. (sometimes initial capital letter) a. pertaining or belonging to any of the various populations characterized by dark skin pigmentation, specifically the dark-skinned peoples of Africa, Oceania, and Australia.
That's your problem-- you seem to see or percieve things that aren't there. Thus all you do is make false accusations based on lies and false assumption which is why I won't even bother with the other B.S. you wrote in response.
Hitler is dead, but apparently he still has a strangle-hold on your pathetic mind, Eva or is that a dick-choke.
Posted by Explorateur (Member # 14778) on :
quote:you make an exceedingly dumb claim, pertaining to whether "European" is supposed be a racial designator in my wording, when the preceding statement just informed you of it being a "geographic" ethnonym; never heard of a geographic ethnonym before? Is an "American" a distinct "race" or sub-species?
Of course the exceedingly dumb claim would be for you say that my definition of "race" is sub-species.
Not only are you exceedingly dumb, you are handicapped further by your inability to read.
What you are citing says nothing of "your supposed definition of the term"; it is asking you a question, which no doubt you don't have the intellectual power to simply answer...when you can't read your simple ABCs from left to right, this is what happens. Naturally, you don't know what a sub-species is, and the question was trying to relate to folks like you, whom things are never as *obvious* as they ought to be, that "race" in biological lexicon is the equivalent of sub-species.
quote: And of course "American" in this context is irrelevant since it is a nation today of many peoples.
And so, it goes to say that you naturally assumed that Europe, a continent -- which in your usual profusely simple-minded way, translates as a "racialist" term, instead of its *obvious* meaning as a "native to Europe" via its "-an" suffix, is a geography today of only "one" people. Your stupidity is well beyond laughter; it should be seen as a medical emergency!
quote: However, when we speak of a "European" (persons "native to Europe") and an "African" in these forums are we speaking of mere geographic ethnonym?
Your "we" is irrelevant to what I've said; how *you* and some other "faceless/nameless" persons might contort the *obvious* meanings of the terms is something that you and those "faceless/nameless" persons have to answer to.
quote: Are speaking of the same people phenotypically?
Dumb "jamaican"; what part of "geographic", do you find exceedingly difficult to understand?
quote: If so, what would be the point of posting studies identifying "admixture" and African lineages in said "European", wether Sicilian or Brit, if both looked alike?
This would be a question that the intellectually dead can answer; that is, your kin. Since, your "if so" premise is your own imagination, do the honours of providing the answer.
quote: Pictorially jewboy, what did you mean by a "European" with Hg I? A black person with said linage? LOL
"Pictorially", what does a genetic marker mean to you, terrorist-fucking chick?
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
I thought you read the threads? Didn't you see the context in which it was raised? And why are you posting the very same standard literal defintion of "black"? LOL Jesus have mercy!!! Do I need to remind your dumba** also that it' is no different from "negro"?
BTW "false assumptions"? did you not deny a stolen legacy, wether Greek or Hebrew? Do you deny type casting Kushites as not having Will's compelxion?
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:that "race" in biological lexicon is the equivalent of sub-species
Yes but the only problem is, dufus, I wasn't taking about race in that now refuted biological sense, but as a social construct based on phenotypes just as "black" is. I'm talking phenotypes. I ask pictorially, what was meant by your "European" with Hg I? A personal resembling what we would call "white" or a person resembling what we would call "black"? And if it was the latter why would that be necessary to show African "admixture" in an African?
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:akoben, a NAZI she/male with ADD writes: I've never read that particular Keita article, or...
...anything else of intelligence.
Yet you quoted it, out of context, because you didn't know who wrote it.
lol. You're just and idiot.
quote:Yes but the only problem is,'re stupid, yet continue to try to 'debate' persons more intelligent than you, which is basically everyone in this thread.
Charlie Bass is right about you being even dumber than Debunked.
Go take your ritalin.
Posted by Explorateur (Member # 14778) on :
quote:that "race" in biological lexicon is the equivalent of sub-species
Yes but the only problem is, dufus, I wasn't taking about race in that now refuted biological sense, but as a social construct based on phenotypes just as "black" is.
Well, jamaican dufus, you were wrongly reading what you cited to begin with. What you were saying has *no connection* to what you were citing.
quote: I'm talking phenotypes.
Who gives a shyt what *you* are talking about; it has nothing to do with what I was talking about, which is the soul purpose of even replying to your ignorant unread "jamaican" ass.
quote: I ask pictorially, what was meant by your "European" with Hg I? A personal resembling what we would call "white" or a person resembling what we would call "black"? And if it was the latter why would that be necessary to show African "admixture" in an African?
I redirect you to unanswered question put to you: Pictorially", what does a genetic marker mean to you, terrorist-fucking chick?
Posted by Grumman (Member # 14051) on :
Two quick things for/from Djehuti.
Is that your brown ass or black ass? How do I know, how do I know.
On the black and white picture: Just like I said at another time, a black guy slapping himself.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:akoben, a NAZI she/male with ADD writes: I've never read that particular Keita article, or...
...anything else of intelligence.
Yet you quoted it, out of context, because you didn't know who wrote it.
lol. You're just and idiot.
quote:Yes but the only problem is,'re stupid, yet continue to try to 'debate' persons more intelligent than you, which is basically everyone in this thread.
Charlie Bass is right about you being even dumber than Debunked.
Go take your ritalin.
quote:Exploreteur writes: akoben you were wrongly reading what you cited to begin with. What you were saying has *no connection* to what you were citing.
Clear symptoms of retardation characterise *every post* by akoben.
Yet, (s)he continues to 'try' and 'argue' and refuses to take his(her) ritalin.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote: Yet you quoted it, out of context, because you didn't know who wrote it
If this was the case little rasolowitz quote me defining race as separate distinct biological units and saying that was what was meant by the quote. Simple.
quote: What you were saying has *no connection* to what you were citing
What was "I" citing?
quote:it has nothing to do with what I was talking about,
Again, when you say "European" are you referring to a phenotypic non entity? Or "whites" with different set of genetic markers?
quote: "Pictorially", what does a genetic marker mean to you
Irrelevant since "whites" (ashkenazim jews) can have different markers but still have similar phenotypes.
Posted by Explorateur (Member # 14778) on :
quote: What was "I" citing?
Yes, jamaican dufus, what "you" were citing.
quote:it has nothing to do with what I was talking about,
Again, when you say "European" are you referring to a phenotypic non entity? Or "whites" with different set of genetic markers?
Is it the policy of the intellectually dead like yourself, to first utterly screw up what others say, and then ask questions? Lol.
Then so is your ignorant question.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
Oh jesus are we going to play this silly game again with you not answering the questions?
What was "I" citing?
quote:Yes, jamaican dufus, what "you" were citing
Again what was I citing? Precisely what are you referring to here?
quote:Is it the policy of the intellectually dead like yourself, to first utterly screw up what others say, and then ask questions
Again, when you said "a European" are you referring to a phenotypic non entity? Or "whites" with different set of genetic markers? If you say "a European" in the context in which you did, is it not like saying "a Norwegian" meaning a person who looks like what we would call "white"?
Posted by Explorateur (Member # 14778) on :
jamaican dufus, you are dismissed!
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:The bawling she/male writes....
Oh jesus are we going to play this silly game!
You appealing to Jesus now?
Jeez-o-witz you mean?
Jesus was a jew.
You see Jews where there are none, then appeal to the King of the Jews, when you are upset at your own stupidity.
You're a mess. A bawling whining basket case of anti-semitic racism stemming from personal gender confusion.
Jew-sus can't help you.
Ritalin can.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
Ausarianstein, you surprised me here, I thought we were going to be treated with your usual cunt, dick pussy all night. LOL Anyway, we all know why you can't answer the question, and it's not entirely due to your deranged mental state that come and goes every now and then. But for the record: Again, when you said "a European with Hg I" and "a European with Hg R" are you referring to a phenotypic non entity? Or "whites" with different set of genetic markers? If you say "a European" in the context in which you did, is it not like saying "a Norwegian" meaning a person who looks like what we would call "white"?
Put another way, when we say ancient Egypt was an "African" civilization are we referring to a phenotypic non entity, or it was the product of what we would call "blacks" today?
In other words are "Europe" and "African" simply geographical ethnonyms?
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Again, when you said "a European with Hg I" and "a European with Hg R" are you referring to a phenotypic non entity?
Since you persist and asking what explourateur rightly dimisses as and unintelligible question,
....please tell us what part of what you quote references phenotype?
Most of think you are suffering from brain damage akobin.
You should take your ritalin, and then go to bed.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote: Originally posted by rasolowitz: Yet you quoted it, out of context, because you didn't know who wrote it
quote: If this was the case little rasolowitz quote me defining race as separate distinct biological units and saying that was what was meant by the quote. Simple.
rasolowitz's reply
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ Ah, let's deal one instance of your attention deficit disordered stupidity at a time.
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:Again, when you said "a European with Hg I" and "a European with Hg R" are you referring to a phenotypic non entity?
Since you persist and asking what explourateur rightly dimisses as and unintelligible question,
....please tell us what part of what you quote references phenotype?
Most of think you are suffering from brain damage akobin.
You should take your ritalin, and then go to bed.
^ this is your rant, idiot, least you could do is address it.
we're just clowning you, but lets get on with it.
what's taking so long?
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:quote me defining race
^ Why would I do that? The only reason anyone quotes you, is for laughs.
And the only thing you define, whenever you open your idiot.
^ The "jews" are every-where, and they are laughing at you Akoben, oh Jeezus, Holy Moses, by Freud and Marx [Karl and Groucho too!] what's a burnt out ritalin addicted ol' tranny like you to do!
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote: ....please tell us what part of what you quote references phenotype?
It doesn't, neither does "a Norwegian", yet we have an idea who is being referred to here "a white" person. Same as "a Ghanaian" black, "an Ethiopian" black, "a Sicilian" white. That's why I'm asking him what he meant, pictorially, by "a European" having such an such a marker?
quote:let's deal one instance of your attention deficit disordered stupidity at a time.
I thought you would've wasted no time in backing up your post. "you quoted it, out of context" Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by akoben: Again, when you said "a European" are you referring to a phenotypic non entity?
quote:rasol writes: Please tell us what part of what you quoted references *phenotype?*
quote:akoben writes: It doesn't.
Then the question is stupid, and you're stupid for repeating it.
All your posts are utterly daft, and lately rather boring.
quote:thought you would've wasted no time
^ Actually, i'm only clowning you. Taking you seriously would be the waste of time.
Speaking of which...
When you are going to start tantruming against imaginary Jews?
You're most fun when in full 'jewfright' mode.
You're not as much fun when you're trying so hard to prove to us that you're not as stupid as we think you are.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
Are you saying then, that "Europeans" don't have distinguishing phenotypes that would distinguish them phenotypically from "Africans"? What would be the point of arguing then about "Norwegians" versus "Ethiopians"?
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by akoben: Again, when you said "a European" are you referring to a phenotypic non entity?
quote:rasol writes: Please tell us what part of what you quoted references *phenotype?*
quote:akoben writes: It doesn't.
Then the question is stupid, and you're stupid for repeating it.
quote:akoben again suffering from add writes: are you saying then, that "Europeans" don't have distinguishing phenotypes?
^ Where did you read that?
Try to understand akoben - I find you to be the most apalling idiot.
Hence - I would never allow you to put your words in my mouth, as you so desparately try to do with everyone you reply to.
Here is what I'm saying, feel free to quote me -You're a total idiot who never understand anything that was actually said, and so ends up asking stupid questions, about things no one said to begin with.... like you just did. ^ unquote.
So prove me right again, by asking another stupid question.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
^ just answer the question.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ Ok. The answer is yes. You're incredibly stupid. And the harder you try to not sound stupid, the more stupid you sound.
Now what will you do?
Let me guess, repeat the a frustrated loser....
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
^ stop editing your post you little slime bag, and just answer the question
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ ANSWER: Yes, you're stupid, and neurotic too, going by present behavior.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:^ Did I say that?
No you picked up ausarianstein's post, so i assume you picked up his responsibility.
Are you saying then, that "Europeans" don't have distinguishing phenotypes that would distinguish them phenotypically from "Africans"? What would be the point of arguing then about "Norwegians" versus "Ethiopians"? Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:a whimpering she/male writes: You picked up ausarianstein's post
^ You mean picked up on beating you senseless.
Ok, guilty as charged.
quote:Originally posted by akoben: Again, when you said "a European" are you referring to a phenotypic non entity?
quote:rasol writes: Please tell us what part of what you quoted references *phenotype?*
quote:akoben writes: It doesn't.
Then the question is stupid, and you're stupid for repeating it.
^ So why are you still doing it.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
Oh, BTW, don't think I forgot in all your girly round robin posts; you still haven't backed up your s**t
quote:Originally posted by akoben:
quote: Originally posted by rasolowitz: Yet you quoted it, out of context, because you didn't know who wrote it
quote: If this was the case little rasolowitz quote me defining race as separate distinct biological units and saying that was what was meant by the quote. Simple.
rasolowitz's reply
Come on little rasolowitz we see that familiar mode you go into when pressed, reminds me of Asarianstein when he went deranged as a result of his holocaust debate beatdown.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:OH btw, don't think I forgot in all your round robin posts
^ Oh, btw, I take it you finally *accept* the answer to your question:
quote:Originally posted by rasol: ^ Ok. The answer is yes. You're incredibly stupid. And the harder you try to not sound stupid, the more stupid you sound.
Now what will you do?
Let me guess, repeat the a frustrated loser....
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by akoben: Asarianstein when he went deranged as a result of his holocaust debate beatdown.
^ "Jesus", you don't say? The you mean you actually won a debate? You proved the holocaust never happened? Holy Moses! You da she/male!
And here we thought you were dense and delusional.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
Black=dark skin – rasolowitz
Insists his definition is not the same as "negro"
These terms are all distinct – rasolowitz
Negroid - Anthropology. a racial classification, no longer in technical use. – rasolowitz
Yet he still finds the term useful to bring across his points in his posts...
quote:Black: a person belonging to any of various population groups having dark pigmentation
Negro: member of a race of humankind native to Africa and classified according to physical features (as dark skin pigmentation)[both from his own source Merriam-Webster]
Black a powerful concept! – rasolowitz
His favorite Africanist Keita is not sure it even exists...
quote:Originally posted by rasolowitz: Yet you quoted it, out of context, because you didn't know who wrote it
quote: If this was the case little rasolowitz quote me defining race as separate distinct biological units and saying that was what was meant by the quote. Simple.
rasolowitz's reply
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by akoben:
1) Blacks- any of number of populations having dark skin - true
2 Negroid - Anthropology. a racial classification, no longer in technical use. - true.
3) these terms are not the same -
^ Obviously not, and all you did just now was to show you know how does this help you?
quote:Yet he still finds....
.....that you respond to facts you don't like, and can't refute with total non-sequiturs having nothing to do with the facts related?
Yes, also true.
Anything else?
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
facts? please elaborate...
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ why, you did the elaborating for me, no doubt not what you intended, but hey, that's your problem.
Not our fault you are desparate to debate, but don't know how.
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:Originally posted by akoben:
1) Blacks= any of number of populations having dark skin - true
2 is not the same as "negroid" - Negroid - Anthropology. a racial classification, no longer in technical use. - true.
3) these terms are not the same -
obviously not, as you've shown us, in spite of yourself.
quote:Yet he still finds....
.....that you respond to facts you don't like, and can't refute with total non-sequiturs having nothing to do with the facts related?
Yes, also true.
Anything else?
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
Back on topic:
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:Originally posted by Alive-(What Box): So the lentgh of each vector denotes the distinctfulness of the group/population?!
If so: arguement done.
^ Yes. The position of Europeans on this graph, and admixture with Africans as the cause of their short vector is exactly what is being denoted by Bowcock....
Drift, admixture, and selection in human evolution: A study with DNA polymorphisms
(population genetics/simulation/neutral theory) ANNE M. BOWCOCK*t
One can show that a branch to a population resulting from admixture tends to be shorter than other branches.
^ This is also what Keita is relating in terms of why Europeans cannot be modeled as a primary race, and source of admixture, when they lack genetic distinction to begin with, being 'hybridized' and admixed as they are.
We can have as many rounds of angry denial as Eurocentrists would care to engage.
We are more than happy to break this down into bites small enough for even the most -toothless- of Eurocentrists to be able to digest.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:Blacks=dark skin – true
quote:Not only is all of above true, but you failed to dispute it
How can I "dispute" your subjective definition of the term you imbecile? LOL I can merely laugh at the cheer idiocy of that familiar narrow definition, as well your silly little efforts to make a "distinction" between your definition and "Negro". LOL
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasolowitz: Back on topic:
Yes, I agree, you have some unfinished business...
quote: Originally posted by rasolowitz: Yet you quoted it, out of context, because you didn't know who wrote it
quote: If this was the case little rasolowitz quote me defining race as separate distinct biological units and saying that was what was meant by the quote. Simple.
rasolowitz's reply
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Merriam Websters: Black: a person belonging to any of various population groups having dark pigmentation
quote:akoben whines Waah, waaah How can I dispute your definition????
From the dictionary you mean?
Gosh, I don't know akoben.
It seems like you *can't.*
How frustrated you must be.
Posted by Explorateur (Member # 14778) on :
Is thread going to rival "European nations established only from Medieval times - whites are very new to Europe" thread, with some 45 pages now, and beat it? Lol.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
Depends on how fast we can get our [she]boy some ritalin.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote: The definition is Websters. Obviously you can't dispute it.
LOLOLOL you JACKA**! Do I detect some effort at distancing? Again, it's yours, little rasolowitz, you cited it, many times, but I couldnt give a s**t what definition of Black/Negro your white master tells you; its old and useless as hell! African skin tones don't all fit neatly into your silly little definition! LOL
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:Merriam Websters: Black: a person belonging to any of various population groups having dark pigmentation
quote:akoben whines Waah, waaah How can I dispute your definition????
From the dictionary you mean?
Gosh, I don't know akoben.
It seems like you *can't.*
How frustrated you must be.
quote: bawling she/male writes: Do I detect some effort at distancing?
Well, you *do* smell bad, but that's another issue.
^ I'm just correcting your mistakes, as fast you make them.
Keep 'em coming then....
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:Originally posted by Explorateur: Is thread going to rival "European nations established only from Medieval times - whites are very new to Europe" thread, with some 45 pages now, and beat it? Lol.
Hey jewboy, I thought you were gone? LOL
Again, when you said "a European with Hg I" and "a European with Hg R" are you referring to a phenotypic non entity? Or "whites" with different set of genetic markers? If you say "a European" in the context in which you did, is it not like saying "a Norwegian" meaning a person who looks like what we would call "white"?
Put another way, when we say ancient Egypt was an "African" civilization are we referring to a phenotypic non entity, or it was the product of what we would call "blacks" today?
In other words are "Europe" and "African" simply geographical ethnonyms? Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote: African skin tones don't all fit neatly into your silly little definition!
Take your ritalin and calm down. Your constant "flaming" hystrionics gives she/males a bad rap.
Merriam Websters definition was for Blacks, this is distinct from the issue of African skin tones.
Not all Blacks are Africans after all.
Speaking of which, something else to make you cry:
Africa of course entails Black, though black does not entail African - CL Brace.
Not "my" definition, but it's certainly your problem, as it apparently enrages you.
But what can you -do- about it.
They "torment" you.
And you cry.
Does being a sexually ambiguous pseudo NAZI really make you so suicidally depressed?
Keep crying.....
Posted by Explorateur (Member # 14778) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote: bawling she/male writes: Do I detect some effort at distancing?
Well, you *do* smell bad, but that's another issue.
...what's that issue...diaper load? Lol.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:I never said anything about African skin tones.
! LOLOLOL Oh my f**king god!!!! What other context was it being discussed you deceptive back-tracking MF! Jesus rasolowitz you're such a little p***y! Are you finally trying to distance yourself from your initial f** up?
And of course what you left out of that Brace quote was his putting "black" in quotes, same as Keita, which should be obvious to even a jacka** such as yourself that he's highlighting the subjective nature of the term; not buying into your rigid definition.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:What other context was it being discussed?
The problem is you have a baby brain and can't place information into context.
It's no joke or flame, but just the truth to say that you're even dumber than Debunked, in that respect
The context of Merriam-Websters is clear:
Black: a person belonging to any of various population groups having dark pigmentation
The context of CL Brace is clear:
Africa of course entails black, though black does not entail African.
The context of Dr. Keita is clear:
Angel found evidence for a black [if-exists] genetic influence in ancient Greece, racialist models - which imply non overlapping genepools are thus negated by Angels work
^ All of the above are concordant, to social references of dark skinned peoples, the qualifiers distinquish the notion of socially 'black' from the construct of 'race'. This is the proper context, and the *point* of both Keita [and Brace] thesis.
The context of *your unmitigated stupidity* is also clear - to us.
quote:they are not buying into your rigid definition.
^ Actually they are the -sellers-, all I had to do was quote them.
That's when you start crying...
And since you admit you cannot refute Websters, or Brace, or Keita, then you -are- buying into it, in spite of yourself.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote: Oh my f**king god!!!!
Would that be Jesus or Abrahams God?
Your tantrums sure are cute.
You fear Jews like the old testiment Bible Hebrews feared god.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
Never said anything about African skin tones - rasolowitz
quote:by Brace own logic - that they [Egyptians] were Black.
quote: ^ Black is accurate as a description of skin color
quote:I never said anything about African skin tones.
quote: ^ Black is accurate as a description of skin color
quote:they [Egyptians] were Black
quote:Black = dark skin pigmentation
quote:this is distinct from negro
quote:Negro = dark skin pigmentation
Does this mean then that blacks such as Dubois, Malcolm X and Angela Davis aren't black? Does this mean too, as your Webster definition implies, that the Egyptians and Nubians aren't black since they do not uniformly possess "dark pigmentation of the skin"?
quote:Black is also a reference to genetic trait
quote:a "black" (if such exists) genetic influence
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Does this mean then that blacks such as Dubois, Malcolm X and Angela Davis aren't black?
^ Did I say the above?
Did Brace say the above?
Did Keita say the above?
Did Websters say above?
If no, then why are you making strawman arguments?
By making strawman arguments, aren't you effectively admitting defeat?
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Never said anything about [only] African skin tones.
^ This is at least a correct quote for a change, but taken out of context.
It was in reference to Merriam Webster's....
Black: a person belonging to any of various population groups having dark pigmentation.
^ The meaning is: This is not only in reference to Africans, who are not the only Blacks.
Bear in mind that although i'm *using* you, I write for more intelligent discussants who don't need the obvious explained to them.
As for you... Read this 5 times, so your brain can grasp before embarrassing yourself by repeating a question that was clearly answered.
any more stupid questions.... ->
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote: ^ All of the above are concordant, to social references of dark skinned peoples, the qualifiers distinquish the notion of socially 'black' from the construct of 'race'. This is the proper context, and the *point* of both Keita [and Brace] thesis.
Keita contribution is in deconstructing the "true Negro" stereotype particularly in Nile Valley types. Ancient Egyptians and Nubians, like AA and east African types today, were not uniformly "dark skinned" and nowhere does Keita imply that. By his own admission he doesn't even feel comfortable with the term itself. You are imposing your definition of what "black" is onto Keita.
quote: Does this mean then that blacks such as Dubois, Malcolm X and Angela Davis aren't black?
quote: ^ Did I say the above?
When will you grow a d**k boy and answer the questions I ask.
quote: Did Brace the above? Did Keita say the above?
Wasn't directed at them. you
quote:This is not only in reference to Africans, who are not the only Blacks
Are dark skinned Asians "blacks" to you?
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:confused she/male akoben writes: When will you grow a d**k
^ Like all normal males, I was born with one.
Natch, you being a she/male, are made a bit angry by any normal man or woman, and so need to vent.
Go ahead then, have a good cry...
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasol: ^ akoben, do you have any more stupid questions?
are you satisfied that they have all been answered?
have you taken your ritalin?
LOL so soon little rasolowitz
btw your usual flip flopping and sneaky editing was good comic relief though...
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ translation: you wish to make and excuse for being stupid and unable to understand anything. yes, comedy ensues whenever you post eva.
quote:Ancient Egyptians and Nubians were not uniformly "dark skinned"
^ And this is also a strawman argument as nowhere does the definition of Black entail *uniformity*.
Ancient Egyptians were dark skinned Africans who referred to themselves as Blacks, which you admit.
So there is no point, in even a depressed tranny like yourself trying to pretend otherwise now.
That Greeks have ancestry from Black Africans is PRECISELY what Keita meant by a "black" genetic influence in Greece.
Keita was actually talking about Black Athena, by Martin Bernal.
But again, you don't read Keita, and you can't put information into context, because your brain isn't normal and doesn't work any better than the rest of your she/he internals.......
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:When will you grow a d**k
Originally posted by Rasolowitz: Like most shemales, I was born without one. This explains my inability to answer questions and my excessive compulsive flip flopping and editing. LOL
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:Which brings us right back to...
....the topic of the thread, which is that K-zoids are a myth.
Europeans are a recently admixed population, who show as 2/3 Asian and 1/3 African.
They have little current genetic distinction.
They have no ancient genetic or phenetic identity.
This explains why you can't answer critical questions -> What are the specific European originating morphologies in ancient African remains?
What are the European originating genes in African peoples?
You don't know.
You can't answer.
Therefore you are debunked.
Fact: Europeans cannot constitute a race, nor be posited as a primary 'source' of admixture in other populations.
Rather Europeans are the 'hybrid' recipients of admixtures.
You have no answer, so try to run to run, or change the subject, but you can't......
quote:Originally posted by rasol: Drift, admixture, and selection in human evolution: A study with DNA polymorphisms
(population genetics/simulation/neutral theory) ANNE M. BOWCOCK*t
One can show that a branch to a population resulting from admixture tends to be shorter than other branches.
^ As explained earlier, this is *why* the European branch in graph b) is so short.
Europeans do not model as and ancient divergent race, but rather as a recent/admixed population, which by definition has no ancient genotype or phenotype history.
short internal genetic distance does not prove that europeans are a homogeneous race.
it only proves that they are the product of 'recent' admixture and bottleneck events.
morever this fact debunks -any attempt- to model non european populations as if they were 'admixtures' of a non-existent "european" race, as europeans are not the source origin for various 'loci' to begin with.
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
"Nuclear DNA studies also contribute to the deconstruction of received racial entities. Ann Bowcock and her colleague's interpretation (Bowcock et al. 1991; Bowcock et al. 1994) of analyses of restriction-site polymorphisms and microsatellite polymorphisms (STRPs) suggests that Europeans, the defining Caucasians, are descendants of a population that arose as a consequence of admixture between already differentiated populations ancestral to (some) Africans and Asians. Therefore, Caucasians would be a secondary type of race due to its hybrid origin and not a primary race".
From maximum likelihood estimates the European admixture consisted of 65% Asian and 35% African.
Graph a) shows the pattern and order of African origin, and sub-sequent outmigration, with population splits at each vertex.
Graph b) shows the genetic relatedness and distinctiveness of each population, denoted with each vector.
Note the relative *length* of the vectors.
Not only are Europeans intermidiates between Asia and Africa at the roughly 2/3 and 1/3 ratios denoted by Sforza, but Europeans also show as a decidely *short* vector. This means they are a recent population without and ancient history, and therefore non of the other, more ancient populations shown, can be conceived in terms of admixtures -with- Europeans.
hybrid - the entity described cannot be understood in terms of it's own originating characteristics as well as by reference to 2 or more descrete elements from which it is *derived.*
Europeans are hybrid.
Why is Debunked crying?
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:Originally posted by rasolowitz: Which brings us right back to
Oh yes, how could I forget your obligations:
quote: Originally posted by rasolowitz: Yet you quoted it, out of context, because you didn't know who wrote it
quote: If this was the case little rasolowitz quote me defining race as separate distinct biological units and saying that was what was meant by the quote. Simple.
rasolowitz's reply
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote: If this was the case quote me defining race as separate distinct biological units and saying that was what was meant by the quote
^ coherence please.
who knows *what* your illiterate babbling meant?
that you clearly don't, is the point.
now you're asking us to tell .you. what .you. mean?
go take your ritalin.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:by Brace own logic - that they [Egyptians] were Black
quote:Black = dark skin pigmentation
quote:this is distinct from negro
quote:Negro = dark skin pigmentation
quote:And this is also a strawman argument as nowhere does the definition of Black entail *uniform*. - rasolowitz
quote:Greeks have ancestry from Black Africans is PRECISELY what Keita meant by stating that black genetic influence exists in ancient Greece - rasolowitz
You are imposing your definition of what "black" is onto Keita. Africans are diverse in facial characteristics, stature, skin color ["The Diversity of Indigenous Africans", Keita]
quote:Ancient Egyptians were dark skinned Africans who referred to themselves as Blacks, which you admit.
^ Damn boy, you edit quicker than I can caught up with your f**k ups! LOL
I conceded that KMT = black. Never have I argued for your /Webster's narrow definition of "black" as simply dark skinned to describe the Nile Valley populations.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:^ coherence please.
Oh, after all your stalling NOW you decided to have a go at it eh? LOL
Ok, simple rasolowitz, back up your BS thats what it means!
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ yet still no coherence from the she/male.
quote: akoben's babby talk: Your obligation if this was the case quote me defining race as separate distinct biological units and saying that was what was meant by the quote
^ You are asking us to explain your babblement.
This is your obligation, not ours.
quote:desparate akoben tries misquoting Keita: Africans are diverse in facial characteristics, stature, skin color.
The actual quote from Keita reads: The living peoples of the African continent are diverse in facial characteristics, stature, skin color, hair form, genetics, and other characteristics.
Which of course is true, and cannot help you any more than.....
quote:Angel found evidence of a "black" [if exists] genetic influence in Ancient Greece, racialist models are clearly negated by Angels work - Keita
I understand and agree with both statements by Keita.
Do you?
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:I conceded that KMT = black.
Yes you did.
quote:Never have I argued for your /Webster's definition of "black" as dark skinned to describe the Nile Valley populations.
That is exactly what it means in *both* ancient Egyptians texts and Websters dictionary.
So whether you argue for it, or whine against it... moot.
Bottom line:
You fail to refute Websters definition of Blacks.
You fail to refute Ancient Egyptian primary text definition of Blacks.
Anything else Eva?
Posted by Debunker (Member # 15669) on :
The topic of the thread is The Death of the Afrocentric "Black E3b" Fantasy...
==================================== UNIPARENTALS ARE OF LIMITED USEFULNESS ====================================
"Since the Y chromosome is a single locus it is possible that Y chromosome ancestry may not always reflect the ancestry of the rest of the genome." -- Peter A. Underhill
"The genome is divided into segments that have separate genealogical histories: while the ancestry of a single segment of the genome converges on a single common ancestor, each segment has a separate common ancestor. About MtDNA and NRC-Y: these particular segments do not represent an individual's ancestry any more completely than any other single segment." -- Jobling et al. 2004
"Use of the Y chromosome to investigate human population histories is increasing as convenient polymorphic markers become available. However, the effective population size of this chromosome is one-quarter that of any autosome, and this means that it is particularly influenced by drift. Effective population size may be further reduced through the variance in the number of sons that a father has and perhaps by selective sweeps. Conclusions about populations on the basis of this single locus must therefore be made with caution." -- Rosser et al. 2000
" 'Genes on the mitochondrial genome or the Y chromosome don't unambiguously allow you to infer population history,' notes Andrew G. Clark, a biology professor at Pennsylvania State University. 'That's because there's a lot of stochasticity, a lot of chance, that goes on in sampling of those genomes from generation to generation..' " -- Douglas Steinberg, 2000
"Earlier we emphasized the importance of using a large number of loci in the study of human evolution. This is because (a) the interpopulational genetic variation is very small compared with intrapopulational variation and (b) the evolution of a single gene (or mtDNA) is subject to large stochastic errors." -- Nei and Roychoudhury, 1993
"Yet more autosomal studies are crucial for advancing the field of molecular anthropology: The 22 autosomes, after all, harbor the lion's share of polymorphisms. [...] What the autosomal genes get us is many more realizations of genes passing through history. If we look at enough of them we'll be able to get a good call on the true population history." -- Douglas Steinberg, 2000
"We describe a model-based clustering method for using multi-locus genotype data to infer population structure and assign individuals to populations. We assume a model in which there are K populations(where K may be unknown), each of which is characterized by a set of allele frequencies at each locus. Individuals in the sample are assigned (probabilistically) to populations, or jointly to two or more populations if their genotypes indicate that they are admixed. Our model does not assume a particular mutation process, and it can be applied to most of the commonly used genetic markers, provided that they are not closely linked. Applications of our method include demonstrating the presence of population structure, assigning individuals to populations, studying hybrid zones, and identifying migrants and admixed individuals. We show that the method can produce highly accurate assignments using modest numbers of loci." -- Pritchard et al. 2000
"Effectively, these population genetic studies have recapitulated the classical definition of races based on continental ancestry - namely African, Caucasian (Europe and Middle East), Asian, Pacific Islander (for example, Australian, New Guinean and Melanesian), and Native American."
"...the greatest genetic structure that exists in the human population occurs at the racial level."
"...numerous studies over past decades have documented biological differences among the races. In this context, it is difficult to imagine that such differences are not meaningful. Indeed, it is difficult to conceive of a definition of 'biological' that does not lead to racial differentiation...." -- Risch et al. 2002
==================== SKIN COLOR IS NOT RACE ====================
" color and limb elongation, are adaptations to the intensity of solar radiation--the first directly so and the second indirectly. Since this is so clearly the case, we should expect those two traits to covary, as indeed they tend to do, throughout the world. Evidently, traits that are distributed in conjunction with the graded intensity of their controlling selective forces will be poor indicators of population relationships. [...] The use of a characterization of a single trait that is under selective force control to generalize about any particular human population can only create confusion. This then will be the inevitable consequence of the use of a description of skin color to say anything about the general nature of human biological variation." -- Brace et al. 1993
"The logical flaw in this argument is the assumption that the blacks and whites in the referenced study differ only in skin pigment. Racial categorizations have never been based on skin pigment, but on indigenous continent of origin. For example, none of the population genetic studies cited above, including the study of Wilson et al., used skin pigment of the study subjects, or genetic loci related to skin pigment, as predictive variables. Yet the various racial groups were easily distinguishable on the basis of even a modest number of random genetic markers; furthermore, categorization is extremely resistant to variation according to the type of markers used (for example, RFLPs, microsatellites or SNPs).
"Genetic differentiation among the races has also led to some variation in pigmentation across races, but considerable variation within races remains, and there is substantial overlap for this feature. For example, it would be difficult to distinguish most Caucasians and Asians on the basis of skin pigment alone, yet they are easily distinguished by genetic markers. The author of the above statement is in error to assume that the only genetic differences between races, which may differ on average in pigmentation, are for the genes that determine pigmentation." -- Risch et al. 2002
============================ ETHIOPIANS ARE RACIALLY MIXED ============================
"For example, east African groups, such as Ethiopians and Somalis, have great genetic resemblance to Caucasians and are clearly intermediate between sub-Saharan Africans and Caucasians."
"The one population in [Wilson's] analysis that was seemingly not clearly classified on continental grounds was the Ethiopians, who clustered more into the Caucasian group." -- Risch et al. 2002
"Notably, 62% of the Ethiopians fall in the first cluster, which encompasses the majority of the Jews, Norwegians and Armenians, indicating that placement of these individuals in a 'Black' cluster would be an inaccurate reflection of the genetic structure." -- Wilson et al. 2001
======================================= EUROPEANS ARE CAUCASOID AND HOMOGENOUS =======================================
"The color map of the world shows very distinctly the differences that we know exist among the continents: Africans (yellow), Caucasoids (green), Mongoloids, including American Indians (purple), and Australian Aborigines (red). The map does not show well the strong Caucasoid component in northern Africa, but it does show the unity of the other Caucasoids from Europe, and in West, South, and much of Central Asia. The differences between North and South Africans are more visible in the Africa map." -- Cavalli-Sforza et al. 1994
"Overall, our study showed that the autosomal gene pool in Europe is comparatively homogeneous but at the same time revealed that the small genetic differentiation that is present between subpopulations is characterized by a significant correlation between genetic and geographic distance." -- Lao et al. 2008
"In line with previous studies, there is low apparent diversity in Europe, with the entire continentwide sample only more marginally dispersed than single population samples from elsewhere in the world." -- Bauchet et al. 2007
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
"Nuclear DNA studies also contribute to the deconstruction of received racial entities. Ann Bowcock and her colleague's interpretation (Bowcock et al. 1991; Bowcock et al. 1994) of analyses of restriction-site polymorphisms and microsatellite polymorphisms (STRPs) suggests that Europeans, the defining Caucasians, are descendants of a population that arose as a consequence of admixture between already differentiated populations ancestral to (some) Africans and Asians. Therefore, Caucasians would be a secondary type of race due to its hybrid origin and not a primary race. This compromises the racial schema, and invalidates its underpinnings".
From maximum likelihood estimates the European admixture consisted of 65% Asian and 35% African.
Graph a) shows the pattern and order of African origin, and sub-sequent outmigration, with population splits at each vertex.
Graph b) shows the genetic relatedness and distinctiveness of each population, denoted with each vector.
Note the relative *length* of the vectors.
Not only are Europeans intermidiates between Asia and Africa at the roughly 2/3 and 1/3 ratios denoted by Sforza, but Europeans also show as a decidely *short* vector. This means they are a recent population without and ancient history, and therefore non of the other, more ancient populations shown, can be conceived in terms of admixtures -with- Europeans.
hybrid - the entity described cannot be understood in terms of it's own originating characteristics as well as by reference to 2 or more descrete elements from which it is *derived.* Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:Debunkeds non sequitur: i don't know where it [mixture] came from.
^ Then you have no argument.
In contrast, Europeans have *mixture from africa*.
Here is where it comes from:
Africans in Yorkshire? The deepest-rooting clade of the Y phylogeny within an English genealogy "We describe the presence of an hgA1 chromosome in an indigenous British male; comparison with African examples suggests a Western African origin. Seven out of 18 men carrying the same rare east-Yorkshire surname as the original male also carry Haplogroup A1"
BENIN HBS which per the Hematology Division of Catania, Sicily is
a) endemic to Sicily. b) the most frequent blood-pathology in Italy. c) has a history of great antiquity reflecting trans saharan migrations. d) is merely one of multiple African genes present in Southern European populations.
Medically these southern Europeans cluster WITH West Africans and AWAY from Northern Europeans in terms of sickle cell:
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
Y: Chromosome reveals path of ancestral humans Only men carry a Y chromosome. Females have two X chromosomes, whereas males have one X and one Y. And, unlike the 22 pairs of non-sex chromosomes each human has, there is almost no opportunity for the Y chromosome to swap or share its DNA with another chromosome. So all the information in a man's Y chromosome is passed to his son -- and every man's Y chromosome carries a virtual pedigree of his male family history. " Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by Charlie Bass: Lets set Evil Euro turd up for a trap about his E3b is K-Zoid mania:
Damn, look at all those areas where E3b appears in high frequencies in SSA, by Evil Euroturd's logic SSA should be overwhelmingly Levantine K-Zoid looking
According to this study, Datog, who are Nilotic speaking people have 43% E3b1-M293, but since E3b is Caucasoid, why don't they look like so-called "mulattoes" and instead look like this:
Almost forgot those darfur people too, damn another study said this about Darfur males:
"Haplogroup E-M78, however, is more widely distributed and is thought to have an origin in eastern African. More recently, this haplogroup has been carefully dissected and was found to depict several well-established subclades with defined geographical clustering (Cruciani et al., 2006, 2007). Although this haplogroup is common to most Sudanese populations, it has exceptionally high frequency among populations like those of western Sudan (particularly Darfur) and the Beja in eastern Sudan."
And those Masalit
"The Masalit possesses by far the highest frequency of the E-M78 and of the E-V32 haplogroup, suggesting either a recent bottleneck in the population or a proximity to the origin of the haplogroup. Both E-V13, which is believed to originate in western Asia with its low frequency in North Africa, and E-V65 of North African origin (Cruciani et al., 2007), were not found among Sudanese."
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote: ^ You are asking us to explain your babblement.
Still cant back up your accusations eh? No surprise there. Also I see your deceptive editing skills at work. You sure are a pretty devious and dishonest clown. LOL
quote:The actual quote from Keita reads
Yeh so what? He doesn't support your narrow definition for "black". It does not help you, devious clown.
quote:I understand and agree with both statements by Keita.
No you don't. Or please show where he gives your narrow definition for the subjective term he finds problematic.
quote:Yes you did. That is exactly what it means in *both* ancient Egyptians texts and Websters dictionary.
Yes ,"black", but whose definition? Egyptians were using Webster's? prove it. LOL "black" is itself subjective: There is little interest in this review in "social race", since this varies from place to place. "Black" and "White" are differently defined in America than Panama or Brazil. The interest is in "real" affinities.
quote:You fail to refute Ancient Egyptian primary text definition of Blacks
which is?
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:akoben writes: black is itself subjective
^ all ethnic terms are social and subjective.
How does this help you?
it doesn't change the fact that Greeks have ancestry from Blacks of Africa. [per Keita]
Nor does it change the fact that Ancient Egyptians were Blacks.
Biotechnic & Histochemistry 2005, 80(1): 7_/13
"Materials and methods In 1997, the German Institute for Archaeology headed an excavation of the tombs of the nobles in Thebes-West, Upper Egypt. At this time, three types of tissues were sampled from different mummies: meniscus (fibrocartilage), skin, and placenta. Archaeological findings suggest that the mummies dated from the New Kingdom (approximately 1550_/1080 BC)..... The basal epithelial cells were packed with melanin.
quote:akoben: Egyptians were using Webster's?
^ That Websters repeats after "ancient egyptian" is closer to the truth....
quote:rasol wrote: You fail to refute Ancient Egyptian primary text definition of Blacks
quote:akboen: which is?
dark skinned.
quote:akoben: Still cant back up your accusations eh?
I didn't even know I was replied to as no one quoted using my name
quote:Originally posted by akoben:
quote:So you take it that the only way in which one could "distinguish humans into groups" based in [anything] is to do so in a racial fashion?
Never said or implies this.
Good, now there's clarity as to what you said and I can go back and address your original post.
quote:Races [as a biological entity in homo sapiens sapiens] is dead
Correct, human 'race' divisions are biologically invalid.
quote: however at its essence it involves categorizing and distinguishing humans into groups based on physical traits
What the biological notion of 'race' *involved*, is all the notion of 'race' has been reduced to: the social categorization and dichotomization of people based on phenetic traits.
quote:physical traits .. based in .. genetics
Yes, physical traits are based in genetics.
quote:which is exactly what you are doing even as you claim it is a lie!
Might have been more interesting if you had produced citations.
Yes, everyone has categorized people before, and race 'involves' categorization. And? 'We' (AN you know who 'WE' is ), for the most part, still don't subscribe to the notion of biological 'races'.
To anyone with a mind and that knows what they are talking about, categorizing people based on phenotypic traits doesn't mean they enorse or are adhering to the concept of race unless one claims (or espouses a belief)[b] that those phenes represent and give merit to a taxonomically meaningful intra-species dichotomy of our species.
Their are black, tall, blonde, hairy, white, short, big, and small people.
For environmental reasons some are present to a greater degree in whatever population, but this isn't nearly enough to validate the concept of race.
Populations will vary in terms of physical appearance - this does not mean racially - they vary clinally and not racially; there will be a gradient of change in terms of phenes.
To anyone who struggles to comprehend this - I'd strongly suggest **not** following biological anthropology or not commenting on it until you do.
quote:Originally posted by Alive:
*Belief* in races "based on physical traits" entails that one believes that "phenotype isolate faithfully relates lineages" or even ancestry.
or that one espouses a belief that such is the case.
Citations? None?
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:I understand and agree with both statements by Keita.
quote:baby akoben hisses...... No you don't.
Ok, then answer our question and tell us, child, what you think this means....
quote:Angel found evidence of a black [if exists] genetic influence in Ancient Greece, racialist models are clearly negated by Angels work. - Keita
^ I agree with it, but you fail to address it.
Why is that?
Posted by Alive-(What Box) (Member # 10819) on :
Harsh, but true.
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:akoben, a NAZI she/male with ADD writes: I've never read that particular Keita article, or...
...anything else of intelligence.
Yet you quoted it, out of context, because you didn't know who wrote it.
lol. You're just and idiot.
quote:Yes but the only problem is,'re stupid, yet continue to try to 'debate' persons more intelligent than you, which is basically everyone in this thread.
Charlie Bass is right about you being even dumber than Debunked.
Go take your ritalin.
quote:Exploreteur writes: akoben you were wrongly reading what you cited to begin with. What you were saying has *no connection* to what you were citing.
Clear symptoms of retardation characterise *every post* by akoben.
Yet, (s)he continues to 'try' and 'argue' and refuses to take his(her) ritalin.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:doesn't change the fact that Greeks have ancestry from Black Africa.Nor does it change the fact that Ancient Egyptians were Blacks.
Never denied the two, only your Websters definition for skin color and application to Nile Valley peoples.
quote:Ancient Egyptian primary text definition of Blacks
quote: which is?
quote:dark skinned
Oh really? I thought the glyph was symbolized by chark coal, and not "skin"? If latter please show where...? I thought too that Diop (who also used the terminology "race") said that "these (like "red" for foreigner) are only adjectives of nationality" as opposed to literal skin tone references, since as Keita says African skin tone vary.
quote:Still dumbstruk, eh? The Persistence of Racial thinking and the myth of Racial divergence
No, just amazed at your clever attempt at stalling. LOL Please be specific little rasolowitz. How exactly did I take the quote out of context.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by akoben: This doesn't change the fact that Greeks have ancestry from Blacks of Africa. Nor does it change the fact that Ancient Egyptians were Blacks
quote:aboben: Never denied the two
^ Because you can't.
In which case you are not debating any material point.
quote: only Websters definition
^ What of it? Niether are you 'debating' the dictionary, idiot.
Sorry but your inocherent whining, is not debating.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:Angel found evidence of a black [if exists] genetic influence in Ancient Greece, racialist models are clearly negated by Angels work. – Keita^ I agree with it, but you fail to address it.
Fail to address? WTF?!! Keita is a very cautious scholar, hence he wont fall for your rigid definitions and silly grandstanding about "black as a powerful" concept. "Black" here, (in quotation marks to signify subjectivity - which you keep leaving off) meaning the social construct we use to describe a people with set of distinguishing characteristic, not all "dark skin". What's your point? that Keita's "black" means simply "dark skin pigmentation" (negro?) LOL Prove it.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:I thought the glyph was symbolized by chark coal
You thought wrong. Coal symbolises *blackness*, for reasons obvious to even your sub-intelligence.
quote:and not "skin"
Skin isn't symbolised, but literally shown. ie - Black skin, or Blacks, which is what the "Ancient Egyptians" actually called themselves, which is what they were, which you admit, but still want to argue over, anyway. You're not making any sense.
quote:akoben: I thought (like "red" for foreigner)
^ Wrong again.
Reds refrenced foreign asiatics and maghrebi most of whom were not Black. When so used, like Blacks, it's and ethnic reference, based on color, as defined by the ancient Egyptians and repeated ver batim by Websters, neither of which can you refute.
akoben: What have you demonstrated in this thread, except boundless ignorance?
Time for your ritalin, again.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Angel found evidence of a black [if exists] genetic influence in Ancient Greece, racialist models are clearly negated by Angels work. – Keita^ I agree with it, but you fail to address it.
quote:akoben: Fail to address? WTF?!!
You were asked to address, ie explain what the above means.
Swearing in frustration is not addressing.
quote:akoben: Keita is a very cautious scholar
No doubt, but what does he mean to suggest that the Ancient Greeks have black genetic influence?
^ Remember you just *agreed that this was true*, so you should be able to speak to what it means.
So, again....What does it mean? You've still failed to address this.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:Skin isn't symbolised, but literally shown. ie - Black skin, or Blacks, which is what the "Ancient Egyptians" actually calld themselves.
Again, it was a national adjective not simply this, since Nile Valley skin tones vary.
quote:which you admit, but still want to argue over, anyway.
Yes, I admit it's a national designation. Never admit it was, along with "red", meant to describe a monolithic entity of literal skin tones looking like that famous Rameses pic. Never admit to your narrow Webster's definition of "black" as simply dark skin pigmentation (negro).
quote:No doubt, but what does he mean to suggest that the Ancient Greeks have black genetic influence?
First, why don't make up your mind what diversion....sorry question you want to ask me instead of constantly editing your s**t? What is he suggesting? Black admixture. So what? Is this another clever diversion from this "Please be specific little rasolowitz. How exactly did I take the quote out of context." Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Lmao this Akoben is too transparent, on the low Euro-centrist. Believe it.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ A low rent Eurocentrist is exactly what he is.
But he's like all the others. He can't debate and has no idea of what he is talking about...
quote:Again, it was a national adjective
^ No.
Black was not only a national adjective but rather and ethnic appellation.
You're just a very silly loser, droning on incoherently long after you've lost your 'debate'.
A comprehensive list of the structure and usages of perhaps the most significant word in the Ancient Egyptian language. All of these words can be found in "An Egyptian Hieroglyphic Dictionary" by E. A. Wallis Budge, Dover, NY
Used as an adjective
kem;kemem;kemom - black kemu - black (m) keme.t - black (f) hime.t keme.t - "black woman" himu.t keme.t - "black women"
Used as a noun
keme.t - any black person, place, or thing
A determinative is then used to be more specific:
keme.t (woman) - "the Black woman"; ie, 'divine woman' keme.t (cow) - "a Black cow" - ie, a 'sacred cow' Keme.t (nation) - "the Black nation"
kem - a black one (m) keme.t - a black one (f) kemu - black ones (m) kemu.t - black ones (f) kemeti - two black ones
Used for Nationality
Sa Kemet - a man of Black (an Egyptian male) Sa.t Kemet - a woman of Black (an Egyptian female) Rome.t Kemet - the people of Black (Egyptians) Kemetou - Blacks (ie, 'citizens') Kememou - Black people (of the Black nation)
Other usages
Sa Kem - "Black man", a god, and son of Sa.t Kem.t - "Black woman", a goddess (page 589b) kem (papyrus) - to end, complete kem.t (papyrus) - the end, completion kemi - finished products kem khet (stick) - jet black ... kemwer - any Egyptian person, place or thing ('to be black' + 'to be great')
Kemwer - "The Great Black" - a title of Osiris - the Ancestor of the race
Kemwer (body of water) - "the Great Black sea" - the Red sea Kemwer (body of water + river bank) - a lake in the Duat (the OtherWorld) Kemwer Nteri - "the sacred great Black bulls" kemwer (fortress) - a fort or town Kemwer (water) - the god of the great Black lake
Kem Amut - a black animal goddess Kemi.t-Weri.t - "the great Black woman", a goddess Kem-Neb-Mesen.t - a lion god Kem ho - "black face", a title of the crocodile Rerek kem; kemu (shield) - buckler, shield kem (wood) - black wood kem.t (stone) - black stone or powder (plant) - a plant kemu (seed) - seeds or fruit of the kem plant kemti - "black image", sacred image or statue
Using the causative "S"
S_kemi - white haired, grey-headed man (ie, to have lost blackness) S_kemkem - to destroy, overthrow, annihilate S_kemem - to blacken, to defile
S_desher - to redden, make ruddy S_desheru - red things, bloody wounds
Some interesting Homonyms (pages 770 > )
qem - to behave in a seemly manner Qemi - the south, Upper Egypt qem.t - reed, papyrus qemaa - to throw a boomerang qem_au - to overthrow qemam.t - mother, parent qemamu - workers (in metal, wood) qemqem - tambourines qemd - to weep qemati - statue, image - same as kemti qema - to create qemaiu - created beings Qemau;Qemamu - The Creator
Deshret - the opposite of Kemet
deshr.t - any red (ie, non-Black) person, place, or thing ... deshr.t (woman) - "the Red woman"; ie, 'evil woman' deshr.t (cow) - "a Red cow" - ie, the 'devil's cow' deshr - a red one (m) deshr.t - a red one (f) deshru - red ones (m) deshru.t - red ones (f) -- White or light-skinned people; devils deshreti - two red ones
^ The morons keep squirming and writhing in agony.
quote:Originally posted by Grumman: ROFLMBAO Is that your brown ass or black ass? How do I know, how do I know.
Uh, brown. How do you know? Cuz everybody knows I'm not black. And you're point is??
Is this the only thing you can address, while avoiding the topic which you know little or nothing about since it involves science?
quote:Hitler's mistress wrote: I thought you read the threads? Didn't you see the context in which it was raised? And why are you posting the very same standard literal defintion of "black"? LOL Jesus have mercy!!! Do I need to remind your dumba** also that it' is no different from "negro"?
Nobody sees the stupid context of what you write except YOU. There you go again calling out "Jesus" again! LOL Yet you like to bring up my Catholic background as if that is relevant to this forum. Note that I have never called out the name of Jesus or Mary yet YOU have on many occasions! LOL Btw, Rasol is correct that both figures were original Jews. As for the definition of 'black' being no different from "negro". That depends which term do you mean? Do you mean the original word "negro" which is the Latin word for black or do you mean the "negroid race". Because of course the definition of 'black' differs from "negroid race", idiot!
Of course a moron like you continously fails to realize that many issues including color are not a matter of two simple sides i.e. you are either black or white. Human color comes in a broad range and descriptions like "dark" or "light" come in degrees. Thus people 'brown' people are people lighter than black but still darker than white. 'Dark' itself is vague which is why even a tanned 'white' person can be called "dark". But you know this and you try to hide behind semantics so that Rasol and others can chase your gay tail around.
It's not gonna work with me and you can forget citing that thread that was created in the first place off a misunderstanding and overall false accusation-- like YOU.
quote:BTW "false assumptions"? did you not deny a stolen legacy, wether Greek or Hebrew? Do you deny type casting Kushites as not having Will's compelxion?
There is nothing to deny. Greeks and Hebrews did not "steal" anything and ancient Kushites are NOT modern African Americans, nitwit.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
Why did you cut and paste info already to be found in Diop's book, the one that concludes the black (same as "red") is a national adjective, rather than literal appellation to skin. That color on the Rameses pic is symbolic as the Egyptians did not only represent themselves in that shade. African skin tones vary. (Keita) Van Sertima's book Egypt Revisited also discusses the significance of "black" (as well as other colors) as an ancestor color, title of Osiris. So KMT referenced their southern beginnings yes, but not literal definition or skin color for the people of the Nile Valley. Nile Valley then was as diverse as "blacks" are today.
The phrase "black nation" today signified by a black color fist would be symbolic of a "nation" with a people possessing a wide range of skin tones, not all dark skin pigmented, and hence not a literal skin tone application.
quote:Reds refrenced foreign asiatics and maghrebi most of whom were not Black. When so used, like Blacks, it's and ethnic reference, based on color,
Is the Tamhu (you said before no Europeans were represented remember? LOL) "red" in that picture? And if it too is a literal definition of skin tone please show me a nation of "red" peoples. LOL
While you're at it please remember:"Please be specific little rasolowitz. How exactly did I take the quote out of context."
quote: Of course a moron like you continously fails to realize that many issues including color are not a matter of two simple sides i.e. you are either black or white. Human color comes in a broad range and descriptions like "dark" or "light" come in degrees. Thus people 'brown' people are people lighter than black but still darker than white. 'Dark' itself is vague which is why even a tanned 'white' person can be called "dark". But you know this and you try to hide behind semantics so that Rasol and others can chase your gay tail around.
The Webster's definition of "black" dark skin pigmented (Negro) is not same as a "tan white" or a light skinned African you silly philipooo.
quote:There is nothing to deny. Greeks and Hebrews did not "steal" anything and ancient Kushites are NOT modern African Americans, nitwit.
Yes theres no denying your BS, never said Kushites were "modern AA" and Great sage is still waiting for you to back up your s**t. Or is that "bait"? LOL
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote: Why did you cut and paste info already to be found in Diop's book
^ It's not from Diop's book, idiot. Why don't you learn how to read?
It says in the post where the information is from.
You're pathetic - a grown man with a baby's brain.
quote:All of these words can be found in "An Egyptian Hieroglyphic Dictionary" by E. A. Wallis Budge, Dover, NY
Used as an adjective
kem;kemem;kemom - black kemu - black (m) keme.t - black (f) hime.t keme.t - "black woman" himu.t keme.t - "black women"
Used as a noun
keme.t - any black person, place, or thing
A determinative is then used to be more specific:
keme.t (woman) - "the Black woman"; ie, 'divine woman' keme.t (cow) - "a Black cow" - ie, a 'sacred cow' Keme.t (nation) - "the Black nation"
kem - a black one (m) keme.t - a black one (f) kemu - black ones (m) kemu.t - black ones (f) kemeti - two black ones
Used for Nationality
Sa Kemet - a man of Black (an Egyptian male) Sa.t Kemet - a woman of Black (an Egyptian female) Rome.t Kemet - the people of Black (Egyptians) Kemetou - Blacks (ie, 'citizens') Kememou - Black people (of the Black nation)
Other usages
Sa Kem - "Black man", a god, and son of Sa.t Kem.t - "Black woman", a goddess (page 589b) kem (papyrus) - to end, complete kem.t (papyrus) - the end, completion kemi - finished products kem khet (stick) - jet black ... kemwer - any Egyptian person, place or thing ('to be black' + 'to be great')
Kemwer - "The Great Black" - a title of Osiris - the Ancestor of the race
Kemwer (body of water) - "the Great Black sea" - the Red sea Kemwer (body of water + river bank) - a lake in the Duat (the OtherWorld) Kemwer Nteri - "the sacred great Black bulls" kemwer (fortress) - a fort or town Kemwer (water) - the god of the great Black lake
Kem Amut - a black animal goddess Kemi.t-Weri.t - "the great Black woman", a goddess Kem-Neb-Mesen.t - a lion god Kem ho - "black face", a title of the crocodile Rerek kem; kemu (shield) - buckler, shield kem (wood) - black wood kem.t (stone) - black stone or powder (plant) - a plant kemu (seed) - seeds or fruit of the kem plant kemti - "black image", sacred image or statue
Using the causative "S"
S_kemi - white haired, grey-headed man (ie, to have lost blackness) S_kemkem - to destroy, overthrow, annihilate S_kemem - to blacken, to defile
S_desher - to redden, make ruddy S_desheru - red things, bloody wounds
Some interesting Homonyms (pages 770 > )
qem - to behave in a seemly manner Qemi - the south, Upper Egypt qem.t - reed, papyrus qemaa - to throw a boomerang qem_au - to overthrow qemam.t - mother, parent qemamu - workers (in metal, wood) qemqem - tambourines qemd - to weep qemati - statue, image - same as kemti qema - to create qemaiu - created beings Qemau;Qemamu - The Creator
Deshret - the opposite of Kemet
deshr.t - any red (ie, non-Black) person, place, or thing ... deshr.t (woman) - "the Red woman"; ie, 'evil woman' deshr.t (cow) - "a Red cow" - ie, the 'devil's cow' deshr - a red one (m) deshr.t - a red one (f) deshru - red ones (m) deshru.t - red ones (f) -- White or light-skinned people; devils deshreti - two red ones
quote:akoben: It's a national adective
^ Only to and illiterate whiny baby such as yourself.
Normal people who can read would perceive that many of the terms above are -ethnic-, not national.
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
^ Eva will write: "Oh Jesus, hail Mary, God have mercy!.. and then some stupid sh*t about the semantics of 'dark' skin and true-negroid race etc."
LOL Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ the she/male doesn't have a fully functioning brain, so that's the best that it can do.
quote:Is the Tamhu "red" in that picture?
quote:if it is too literal
Yes it is, and since you ask, it means you know this, which makes your question both disingenuous and are you.
quote:please show me a nation of "red" peoples.
That request is no less literal and therefore no less obtuse.
All three of your stupid questions, actually the same stupid question repeated 3 times... are answered in the post above, which contains no less than 9 different references to red peoples.
It was meant especially for losers like you, who waste their time trying to deny the obvious.
I don't mind your asking repeatedly, as it just gives me and excuse to repost facts that enrage you, and that you cannot refute.
So, ask again...
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasol: What does the Dr. Keita mean, by suggesting that the Ancient Greeks have black genetic influence?
^ Still no answer. What's taking so long?
Here, I'll help you figure it out...
Africans in Yorkshire? The deepest-rooting clade of the Y phylogeny within an English genealogy "We describe the presence of an hgA1 chromosome in an indigenous British male; comparison with African examples suggests a Western African origin. Seven out of 18 men carrying the same rare east-Yorkshire surname as the original male also carry Haplogroup A1"
BENIN HBS which per the Hematology Division of Catania, Sicily is
a) endemic to Sicily. b) the most frequent blood-pathology in Italy. c) has a history of great antiquity reflecting trans saharan migrations. d) is merely one of multiple African genes present in Southern European populations.
Medically these southern Europeans cluster WITH West Africans and AWAY from Northern Europeans in terms of sickle cell:
quote:It's not from Diop's book, idiot. Why don't you learn how to read
Never said it was from his book, I said info "already to be found", you lack basic comprehension skills.
quote:many of the terms above are -ethnic-, not national
Yes KMT/Black as an ethnic and national (ethno-national) appellation, not "an accurate as a description of skin color" as you tried to show here since,
quote:"Scientifically speaking, there really is no dark red race...There is no really black man in the exact sense of the word. The Negro's color in actual fact verges on brown; but it is impossible to apply an exact descriptive term to it, the more so because it varies from region to region." – [Diop, African Origin, pg. 48]
quote:What does the Dr. Keita mean, by suggesting that the Ancient Greeks have black genetic influence?
quote:Still no answer. What's taking so long?
And straight up BLIND imbecile! [post 5:23pm] LMAO!
Look, quit with your clever diversions, boy, and back up your earlier accusations:"Please be specific little rasolowitz. How exactly did I take the quote out of context." Posted by Grumman (Member # 14051) on :
Djehuti, this ROFLMBAO is reserved for those who consider themselves black, and know what it means. So in the near future stop plagiarizing and say ''rolling on floor laughing my brown ass off. This way your dichotomizing will remain intact.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
^ LMAO @ Mary!
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Wally wrote: White or light-skinned people
quote:baby akoben wrties: Yet you said earlier,There are no 'whites' in Kemetic color discourse
^ There aren't. What Wally is relating is that Kemetic ethnenes are Blacks and Reds... as opposed to blacks and whites.
This is also clearly explained in the text cited.
I'm sorry akoben but the only thing any of your posts relate is your own stupidity and inability to comprehend.
This is why you are always chasing imaginary 'contradictions'.
You're like some ritalin addicted monkey trying to understand relativistic physics and ranting about physicists "contradicting themselves."
What's obviously really bothering you is that you're stupid and can't understand anything.
I'm sorry she/he, but it's true.
No one can "explain" anything to you, as your brain is defective.
So we use you, for comedy as a retarded smack-toy, and teach others instead.
You should be happy to at least be useful, in spite of your limitations.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Dizzy Akoben gives spinning a whirl...
I never said it was from his book, I said info "already to be found *in Diop's book"*, you lack basic comprehension skills.
What was cited is not from Diop, and not -found- in his books, which you've never read, and wouldn't know in any case, you lying loon.
Your resultant squirmings are dumb, desparate and dishonest.
You're just spinning in circles after yourself as neurotic retards and diseased animals are prone to.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Yes KMT/Black as an ethnic and national (ethno-national)
^ It's good that you are agreeing with me, and Websters, since you are less likely to get smacked that way.
It's just too bad that you're so stupid that you don't understand -what- you are agreeing to.
So, I have to smack you anyway. lol.
Osirus - also known as "He of the Black face".
If Osiris was a Nubian origin, although born at Thebes, it would be easy to understand why the stuggle between Set and Horus took place in Nubia. In any case, it is striking that the goddess Isis, according to the legend, has precisely the same skin color that Nubians always have, and that the god Osiris has what seems to me an ethnic epithet indicating his Nubian origin. Apparently this observation has never before been made".--Amélineau, Prolégomènes,
^ [queue music from jeopardy,
we wait....
as akoben tries to get his baby brain to grasp the above.].
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:baby akodin screams: Color blind!
^ No wonder, you're red faced, with rage.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
...But still no answers.
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:Originally posted by rasol: What does the Dr. Keita mean, by suggesting that the Ancient Greeks have black genetic influence?
^ Still no answer. What's taking so long?
Here, I'll help you figure it out...
Africans in Yorkshire? The deepest-rooting clade of the Y phylogeny within an English genealogy "We describe the presence of an hgA1 chromosome in an indigenous British male; comparison with African examples suggests a Western African origin. Seven out of 18 men carrying the same rare east-Yorkshire surname as the original male also carry Haplogroup A1"
BENIN HBS which per the Hematology Division of Catania, Sicily is
a) endemic to Sicily. b) the most frequent blood-pathology in Italy. c) has a history of great antiquity reflecting trans saharan migrations. d) is merely one of multiple African genes present in Southern European populations.
Medically these southern Europeans cluster WITH West Africans and AWAY from Northern Europeans in terms of sickle cell:
Posted by Explorateur (Member # 14778) on :
Debunker seems to be out of gas; he/she is now essentially a broken record. He/she isn't even trying *a little* anymore, to address what others throw at him/her.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Originally posted by Explorateur: Debunker seems to be out of gas; he/she is now essentially a broken record. He/she isn't even trying *a little* anymore, to address what others throw at him/her.
The kid has actually been a broken record since he was DEBUNKED on the Hofmeyr skull, from South Africa, about 20 pages ago. He knows this and is why he doesn't stay to actually debate his nonsense(all the excuses won't help him either). So he just copies and pastes repetitively. Also, this informs us of the last and desperate argument Euro-turds have to offer, which is actually nothing but vague copy and pastes.
The way I see it now, he's actually giving an opportunity to brush up on old nonsense, and in the process teach others who are still coming to this site confused.
Posted by Explorateur (Member # 14778) on :
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
The kid has actually been a broken record since he was DEBUNKED on the Hofmeyr skull, from South Africa
Yes, but a few pages back, he/she would at least attempt to fudge up his/her previous posts -- even if just a little bit, and actually went out of his/her way to cite what others threw at him/her, simply as a pretense to be addressing them. *Now * however, he/she doesn't even attempt to do that; rather, he/she simply copies & pastes his/her previous posting as is -- *without* the slightest modification!
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Originally posted by Explorateur:
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
The kid has actually been a broken record since he was DEBUNKED on the Hofmeyr skull, from South Africa
Yes, but a few pages back, he/she would at least attempt to fudge up his/her previous posts -- even if just a little bit, and actually went out of his/her way to cite what others threw at him/her, simply as a pretense to be addressing them. *Now * however, he/she doesn't even attempt to do that; rather, he/she simply copies & pastes his/her previous posting as is -- *without* the slightest modification!
This is definitely true, he seems to actually have given up completely, by not even challenging or responding to any further questions, that we put forth. We all know why though. Lol. No confusion there. explain, this is because there is only so many ways you can twist and distort an article, and DEBUNKED has run out of ways of delusional misinterpretations. Now his last resort is just redundantly distorted vague posts without any actual satisfactory answers toward the questions we repetitively propose to his numbskull (because they absolutely debunk him) , whereas, WE ALWAYS address his nonsense.
The poor kid doesn't understand what being specific is.
free from ambiguity : accurate <a specific statement of faith>
We want EXACT LINEAGES, Debunked/Erroneous E. Not just vague "quotes" saying Ethiopians and Somalians are mixed.
Posted by Alive-(What Box) (Member # 10819) on :
"Ethiopian and SOMalis ARE NOT MIXed!" - Somali_Warlord
There. According to his logic, thaT settles things.
Posted by Debunker (Member # 15669) on :
I'm not out of gas. I'm on cruise control. Why shouldn't I be? All of the evidence is on my side, and none of you have answers for any of it. You don't even pose a challenge, so there's nothing left for me to do but keep drilling it into your empty little heads:
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ You can't run away from it any longer ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
Sorry, but your link is not the only place to find Egyptian hieroglyphic references for KMT etc, its can be found in Diops book. Argument done.
And I take great offense when a devious dishonest clown such as yourself say I'm being dishonest, please clarify.
quote:It's good that you are agreeing with me, and Websters
No I don't. LOL Again, Nile Valley Africans vary in skin color; that old narrow definition from your Lilly White source is of no value based on what we know scientifically. (The Diversity of Indigenous Africans, Keita)
The scientific argument is irrelevant for you since you weren't speaking in approximations but literally, black is a literal definition of skin Blacks, it's and ethnic reference, based on color, when your own source says "red" describes White or light-skinned people! Which is why you still fail to bring pictures of these "red peoples" I ask, only references to "red" peoples!
quote:Scientifically speaking, there really is no dark red race...There is no really black man in the exact sense of the word. The Negro's color in actual fact verges on brown; but it is impossible to apply an exact descriptive term to it, the more so because it varies from region to region." – [Diop, African Origin, pg. 48]
so quoting early Egyptologist Amelineau applying the "black" (Nubian)/"brown"(Egyptian) dichotomy won't help you either since 1) it reveals you as a back sliding Eurocentric for stereotyping 2) Nubians like Egyptians are diverse in skin color, 3) see the Diop quote.
And again, I already answered your post, Keita is speaking of African/black admixture among southern Europeans (whites) so what? Are you going to say that Keita's "black"[if such exists] is speaking of only dark skinned pigmented peoples because of it's West Africa origin? LOL Please tell me what's your point, I'm at the edge of my seat.
And don't forget to back up your earlier accusations:"Please be specific little rasolowitz. How exactly did I take the quote out of context." Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Nile Valley Africans vary in skin color
^ All Blacks vary in skin color, Niger Valley and Nile alike. Congo Valley, Limpopo, Zambezi, etc. lol.
Admit defeat.
You have no point and are just babbling.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Debunked writes: All of the evidence is on my side
Then why no answers?
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:Originally posted by rasol: What does the Dr. Keita mean, by suggesting that the Ancient Greeks have black genetic influence?
^ Still no answer. What's taking so long?
Here, I'll help you figure it out...
Africans in Yorkshire? The deepest-rooting clade of the Y phylogeny within an English genealogy "We describe the presence of an hgA1 chromosome in an indigenous British male; comparison with African examples suggests a Western African origin. Seven out of 18 men carrying the same rare east-Yorkshire surname as the original male also carry Haplogroup A1"
BENIN HBS which per the Hematology Division of Catania, Sicily is
a) endemic to Sicily. b) the most frequent blood-pathology in Italy. c) has a history of great antiquity reflecting trans saharan migrations. d) is merely one of multiple African genes present in Southern European populations.
Medically these southern Europeans cluster WITH West Africans and AWAY from Northern Europeans in terms of sickle cell:
ps - linking to your prior threads in which you were humiliated [even according to your 'friends'] provides "evidence" of your insanity.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Quoting Egyptologist Amelineau applying the "black" (Nubian)/"brown"(Egyptian) dichotomy
^ lol @ your childish strawmen arguments. You try to assert fake "dicohotomy", and hoping someone will chase after them?
Amelineau's correct observation is that black is and ethnic reference to Egyptian skin color and ancestry.
Your attempt at strawman distraction merely shows that you have no answer to this.
You really are a one trick pony, as far as debators go.
What's sad is that *you're not any good* at your 1 trick.
Here I'll even give you another chance to prove that you're not *the incompetent liar* that you have shown yourself to be, thus far......
Please highlight the reference to, -brown- below.
If you can't, then
- don't make excuses,
- dont' try to distact with more fake strawfires.
Just admit defeat.
Osirus - also known as "He of the Black face". If Osiris was a Nubian origin, although born at Thebes, it would be easy to understand why the stuggle between Set and Horus took place in Nubia. In any case, it is striking that the goddess Isis, according to the legend, has precisely the same skin color that Nubians always have, and that the god Osiris has what seems to me an ethnic epithet indicating his Nubian origin. Apparently this observation has never before been made".--Amélineau, Prolégomènes,
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:I'm not out of gas.
You're a gas bag.
quote:I'm on cruise control.
Going nowhere fast.
^ Keep spinning.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Posted by debunked: I'm not out of gas.
Sure you are, which is why you are pretty much predictable now, and we called out, exactly what you were going to do and you did it. Lol.
quote:posted by debunked: I'm on cruise control. Why shouldn't I be?
Because you can't keep running away from the truth forever. Now stop your Winnebago and answer OUR questions.
quote:posted by debunked: All of the evidence is on my side, and none of you have answers for any of it.
Lol, this is a delusional state of mind. You actually mean, you post quotes, we break them down, you post said quote again, we analyze it again, while also asking you questions, what do you do? You post said quotes again. Lol
We know you're an idiot who can not for the life of you come up with anyway to prove your case specifically, like we do.
quote:posted by debunked: You don't even pose a challenge, so there's nothing left for me to do but keep drilling it into your empty little heads:
Keep telling yourself that, make sure to look at yourself in the mirror, so you can know exactly what a liar looks like at the same time, but with your ignorance, maybe one day you'll actually believe it, since you're nothing but a fool anyway.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:your link is not the only place to find Egyptian hieroglyphic references for KMT etc, its can be found in Diops book. Argument done.
translation: You mistakenly presumed the following was from Diop's book, which you haven't read at any rate.
But it's not, so you not only are you wrong, but you are caught lying...pretending that you have read books, that you in fact have never read, and in wouldn't understand even if you had.
Produce the citations from Diop for the following mdw ntr terms....
quote:All of these words can be found in "An Egyptian Hieroglyphic Dictionary" by E. A. Wallis Budge, Dover, NY
Used as an adjective
kem;kemem;kemom - black kemu - black (m) keme.t - black (f) hime.t keme.t - "black woman" himu.t keme.t - "black women"
Used as a noun
keme.t - any black person, place, or thing
A determinative is then used to be more specific:
keme.t (woman) - "the Black woman"; ie, 'divine woman' keme.t (cow) - "a Black cow" - ie, a 'sacred cow' Keme.t (nation) - "the Black nation"
kem - a black one (m) keme.t - a black one (f) kemu - black ones (m) kemu.t - black ones (f) kemeti - two black ones
Used for Nationality
Sa Kemet - a man of Black (an Egyptian male) Sa.t Kemet - a woman of Black (an Egyptian female) Rome.t Kemet - the people of Black (Egyptians) Kemetou - Blacks (ie, 'citizens') Kememou - Black people (of the Black nation)
Other usages
Sa Kem - "Black man", a god, and son of Sa.t Kem.t - "Black woman", a goddess (page 589b) kem (papyrus) - to end, complete kem.t (papyrus) - the end, completion kemi - finished products kem khet (stick) - jet black ... kemwer - any Egyptian person, place or thing ('to be black' + 'to be great')
Kemwer - "The Great Black" - a title of Osiris - the Ancestor of the race
Kemwer (body of water) - "the Great Black sea" - the Red sea Kemwer (body of water + river bank) - a lake in the Duat (the OtherWorld) Kemwer Nteri - "the sacred great Black bulls" kemwer (fortress) - a fort or town Kemwer (water) - the god of the great Black lake
Kem Amut - a black animal goddess Kemi.t-Weri.t - "the great Black woman", a goddess Kem-Neb-Mesen.t - a lion god Kem ho - "black face", a title of the crocodile Rerek kem; kemu (shield) - buckler, shield kem (wood) - black wood kem.t (stone) - black stone or powder (plant) - a plant kemu (seed) - seeds or fruit of the kem plant kemti - "black image", sacred image or statue
Using the causative "S"
S_kemi - white haired, grey-headed man (ie, to have lost blackness) S_kemkem - to destroy, overthrow, annihilate S_kemem - to blacken, to defile
S_desher - to redden, make ruddy S_desheru - red things, bloody wounds
Some interesting Homonyms (pages 770 > )
qem - to behave in a seemly manner Qemi - the south, Upper Egypt qem.t - reed, papyrus qemaa - to throw a boomerang qem_au - to overthrow qemam.t - mother, parent qemamu - workers (in metal, wood) qemqem - tambourines qemd - to weep qemati - statue, image - same as kemti qema - to create qemaiu - created beings Qemau;Qemamu - The Creator
Deshret - the opposite of Kemet
deshr.t - any red (ie, non-Black) person, place, or thing ... deshr.t (woman) - "the Red woman"; ie, 'evil woman' deshr.t (cow) - "a Red cow" - ie, the 'devil's cow' deshr - a red one (m) deshr.t - a red one (f) deshru - red ones (m) deshru.t - red ones (f) -- White or light-skinned people; devils deshreti - two red ones
quote:akoben: It's a national adective
^ Only to and illiterate whiny baby such as yourself.
Normal people who can read would perceive that many of the terms above are -ethnic-, not national. [/QB][/QUOTE]
Bottom line:
^ Black - and ethnic reference to dark skinned peoples - in Ancient Egyptian and in Merriam Websters dictionary.
Baby akoben, can't address this, he can't deny it, he can only 'protest' against it.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:All Blacks vary in skin color
Oh really?! Yet you still present Webster's Negro definition: dark skin pigmented peoples, and to pictorially represent what your "black" is, you post that famous Ramses pic with literal (though obviously symbolic) black skin and stereotypical "black/negro" features to neatly fit into your white masters Webster's definition for "black" (Negro). LOL
All your subsequent posts as been to defend this/your masters narrow definition of "black".
Now you're finally admitting blacks vary in skin tone? You're so full of s**t rasolowitz.
quote:Amelineau's correct observation is that black is and ethnic reference to Egyptian skin color and ancestry.
Nice try a**hole, but in this particular context he was referring to the Nubian origins of Osiris, the "the old race" based on skin color, not reference to Egyptian skin color.
And of course its reinforcing the dichotomy. "Black" as an ethnic epithet "indicating his Nubian origin", but how can we tell the origins of a Nile Valley black, based on color, when as you admit they all varied in skin color? You f**king idiot! LOL
Repeat: KMT/"black" is an ethno-national adjective for the diverse range of African skin tones, not as a literal definition of skin color. Neither is "red":
quote:like Blacks, it's and ethnic reference, based on color,
You color blind a**hole. LOL
quote:Produce the citations from Diop for the following mdw ntr terms....
Never sai the whole list, devious clown, I said for Egyptian hieroglyphic references for KMT etc and for this see his essay in "Great African Thinkers" (pg. 46) For that Ramses pic and the description see Civilization and Barbarism (p.g66)
So come on now, you dishonest prick, like debunked, don't keep me waiting, "Please be specific little rasolowitz. How exactly did I take the quote out of context." Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:All Blacks vary in skin color
quote:Oh really?!
Yes really.
quote:You still present Webster's Negro definition
Which debunks you.
Blacks - any of a number of populations having dark skin.
^ Nothing about negro or lack of variation. Strawman distractions can't save you, sorry.
Oh I almost forgot, your 'debate tactic' is to be as stupidly illiterate as possible, and feign inability to understand anything.
You're just a desparate defeated dunce, playing dumb because you have no other recourse.
"Oh really" you ask....
ANSWER: Yes, really. Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
Akoben, still looking for answers to the following after 3 days and dozens of illiterate posts.
You're pathetic loser.
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:Originally posted by rasol: What does the Dr. Keita mean, by suggesting that the Ancient Greeks have black genetic influence?
^ Still no answer. What's taking so long?
Here, I'll help you figure it out...
Africans in Yorkshire? The deepest-rooting clade of the Y phylogeny within an English genealogy "We describe the presence of an hgA1 chromosome in an indigenous British male; comparison with African examples suggests a Western African origin. Seven out of 18 men carrying the same rare east-Yorkshire surname as the original male also carry Haplogroup A1"
BENIN HBS which per the Hematology Division of Catania, Sicily is
a) endemic to Sicily. b) the most frequent blood-pathology in Italy. c) has a history of great antiquity reflecting trans saharan migrations. d) is merely one of multiple African genes present in Southern European populations.
Medically these southern Europeans cluster WITH West Africans and AWAY from Northern Europeans in terms of sickle cell:
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:Blacks - any of a number of populations having dark skin (pigmentation)...Nothing about negro
What about those black populations having light skin tone, like the Tamhu "red" man in the Rameses pic? Or are you going to deny Africans/blacks have that skin tone. btw where are the "red" people I asked for? LOL
Since I already answered your question, even showed you where, I am so convinced now that this, "Akoben, still looking for answers to the following after 3 days and dozens of illiterate posts." is an obvious distraction for your failure to produce this "Please be specific little rasolowitz. How exactly did I take the quote out of context." Posted by xyyman (Member # 13597) on :
@ Rasol. Looking for a fight huh. GET AWAY FROM THE KEYBOARD BROTHA. Get a girl friend or something.
But seriously - keep up the good work.
quote:Originally posted by rasol: Akoben, still looking for answers to the following after 3 days and dozens of illiterate posts.
You're pathetic loser.
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:Originally posted by rasol: What does the Dr. Keita mean, by suggesting that the Ancient Greeks have black genetic influence?
^ Still no answer. What's taking so long?
Here, I'll help you figure it out...
Africans in Yorkshire? The deepest-rooting clade of the Y phylogeny within an English genealogy "We describe the presence of an hgA1 chromosome in an indigenous British male; comparison with African examples suggests a Western African origin. Seven out of 18 men carrying the same rare east-Yorkshire surname as the original male also carry Haplogroup A1"
BENIN HBS which per the Hematology Division of Catania, Sicily is
a) endemic to Sicily. b) the most frequent blood-pathology in Italy. c) has a history of great antiquity reflecting trans saharan migrations. d) is merely one of multiple African genes present in Southern European populations.
Medically these southern Europeans cluster WITH West Africans and AWAY from Northern Europeans in terms of sickle cell:
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Never said the whole list
^ Then your claim that this information is found in "Diop's book" is false, your claim to have read Diop is a lie, and your reference to Diop is another irrelevant strawman argument.
Meanwhile you've completely failed to address thre following.....
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:your link is not the only place to find Egyptian hieroglyphic references for KMT etc, its can be found in Diops book. Argument done.
translation: You mistakenly presumed the following was from Diop's book, which you haven't read at any rate.
But it's not, so you not only are you wrong, but you are caught lying...pretending that you have read books, that you in fact have never read, and in wouldn't understand even if you had.
Produce the citations from Diop for the following mdw ntr terms....
quote:All of these words can be found in "An Egyptian Hieroglyphic Dictionary" by E. A. Wallis Budge, Dover, NY
Used as an adjective
kem;kemem;kemom - black kemu - black (m) keme.t - black (f) hime.t keme.t - "black woman" himu.t keme.t - "black women"
Used as a noun
keme.t - any black person, place, or thing
A determinative is then used to be more specific:
keme.t (woman) - "the Black woman"; ie, 'divine woman' keme.t (cow) - "a Black cow" - ie, a 'sacred cow' Keme.t (nation) - "the Black nation"
kem - a black one (m) keme.t - a black one (f) kemu - black ones (m) kemu.t - black ones (f) kemeti - two black ones
Used for Nationality
Sa Kemet - a man of Black (an Egyptian male) Sa.t Kemet - a woman of Black (an Egyptian female) Rome.t Kemet - the people of Black (Egyptians) Kemetou - Blacks (ie, 'citizens') Kememou - Black people (of the Black nation)
Other usages
Sa Kem - "Black man", a god, and son of Sa.t Kem.t - "Black woman", a goddess (page 589b) kem (papyrus) - to end, complete kem.t (papyrus) - the end, completion kemi - finished products kem khet (stick) - jet black ... kemwer - any Egyptian person, place or thing ('to be black' + 'to be great')
Kemwer - "The Great Black" - a title of Osiris - the Ancestor of the race
Kemwer (body of water) - "the Great Black sea" - the Red sea Kemwer (body of water + river bank) - a lake in the Duat (the OtherWorld) Kemwer Nteri - "the sacred great Black bulls" kemwer (fortress) - a fort or town Kemwer (water) - the god of the great Black lake
Kem Amut - a black animal goddess Kemi.t-Weri.t - "the great Black woman", a goddess Kem-Neb-Mesen.t - a lion god Kem ho - "black face", a title of the crocodile Rerek kem; kemu (shield) - buckler, shield kem (wood) - black wood kem.t (stone) - black stone or powder (plant) - a plant kemu (seed) - seeds or fruit of the kem plant kemti - "black image", sacred image or statue
Using the causative "S"
S_kemi - white haired, grey-headed man (ie, to have lost blackness) S_kemkem - to destroy, overthrow, annihilate S_kemem - to blacken, to defile
S_desher - to redden, make ruddy S_desheru - red things, bloody wounds
Some interesting Homonyms (pages 770 > )
qem - to behave in a seemly manner Qemi - the south, Upper Egypt qem.t - reed, papyrus qemaa - to throw a boomerang qem_au - to overthrow qemam.t - mother, parent qemamu - workers (in metal, wood) qemqem - tambourines qemd - to weep qemati - statue, image - same as kemti qema - to create qemaiu - created beings Qemau;Qemamu - The Creator
Deshret - the opposite of Kemet
deshr.t - any red (ie, non-Black) person, place, or thing ... deshr.t (woman) - "the Red woman"; ie, 'evil woman' deshr.t (cow) - "a Red cow" - ie, the 'devil's cow' deshr - a red one (m) deshr.t - a red one (f) deshru - red ones (m) deshru.t - red ones (f) -- White or light-skinned people; devils deshreti - two red ones
quote:akoben: It's a national adective
^ Only to and illiterate whiny baby such as yourself.
Normal people who can read would perceive that many of the terms above are -ethnic-, not national.
Bottom line:
^ Black - and ethnic reference to dark skinned peoples - in Ancient Egyptian and in Merriam Websters dictionary.
Baby akoben, can't address this, he can't deny it, he can only 'protest' against it. [/QB][/QUOTE]
^ Akoben you're even dumber than Debunked.
Did you ever take your ritalin?
It's not much fun 'debating' you because your brain is broken.
It's like slapping a retarded child.
What a loser you are.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Please be specific, jow exactly did I take the quote out of context?
Which one? You've screwed up, miscited and generally failed to comprehend the following amongst other things.....
- Merrium/Webster. - Amélineau - EW Budge - CA Diop - SOY Keita
^ Actually you are required to be specific, which one of your screw-ups are you referencing?
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:Please be specific, jow exactly did I take the quote out of context?
Which one? You've screwed up, miscited and generally failed to comprehend the following amongst other things.....
- Merrium/Webster. - Amélineau - EW Budge - CA Diop - SOY Keita
^ Actually you are required to be specific, which one of your screw-ups are you referencing?
HHAHAH another stalling tactic.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ You mean you can't be specific regarding which one of your many failures you are referencing?
Sorry, akoben, we're not psychic.
One thing is clear though, whatever it is, you're feeling mighty guilty about it.
You seem to be eager to tell some lie that will make the mistake go away.
But you're afraid to specify, probably because doing so, amounts to admitting the error.
Lol, what a joke you are.
Any answers yet, loser?
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasolowitz: Then your claim that this information is found in "Diop's book" is false, your claim to have read Diop is a lie, and your reference to Diop is another irrelevant strawman argument.
Sorry again, but repeat, your link is not the only place to find Egyptian hieroglyphic references for KMT etc. (see the Diop reference)
And again, these references aren't to the color "black" any more than "red". I know the Diop reference hurt your particularly childish interpretation, just as the Keita "black" [if such exists] hurt your "black powerful concept" speech, but here let me annoy you again:
quote:"Scientifically speaking, there really is no dark red race...There is no really black man in the exact sense of the word. The Negro's color in actual fact verges on brown; but it is impossible to apply an exact descriptive term to it, the more so because it varies from region to region." – [Diop, African Origin, pg. 48]
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:repeat, your link is not the only place to find Egyptian hieroglyphic references for KMT
^ never said it was, you claimed it was from Diop, when it says *right in the text that it is from Budge*, this is actually the answer to another of your stupid posts, regarding your habit of misciting, misquoting, miscomprehending, and generally "messing up".
You're stupid and can't read, or understand, Diop Budge or anything else.
quote:All of these words can be found in "An Egyptian Hieroglyphic Dictionary" by E. A. Wallis Budge, Dover, NY
Used as an adjective
kem;kemem;kemom - black kemu - black (m) keme.t - black (f) hime.t keme.t - "black woman" himu.t keme.t - "black women"
Used as a noun
keme.t - any black person, place, or thing
A determinative is then used to be more specific:
keme.t (woman) - "the Black woman"; ie, 'divine woman' keme.t (cow) - "a Black cow" - ie, a 'sacred cow' Keme.t (nation) - "the Black nation"
kem - a black one (m) keme.t - a black one (f) kemu - black ones (m) kemu.t - black ones (f) kemeti - two black ones
Used for Nationality
Sa Kemet - a man of Black (an Egyptian male) Sa.t Kemet - a woman of Black (an Egyptian female) Rome.t Kemet - the people of Black (Egyptians) Kemetou - Blacks (ie, 'citizens') Kememou - Black people (of the Black nation)
Other usages
Sa Kem - "Black man", a god, and son of Sa.t Kem.t - "Black woman", a goddess (page 589b) kem (papyrus) - to end, complete kem.t (papyrus) - the end, completion kemi - finished products kem khet (stick) - jet black ... kemwer - any Egyptian person, place or thing ('to be black' + 'to be great')
Kemwer - "The Great Black" - a title of Osiris - the Ancestor of the race
Kemwer (body of water) - "the Great Black sea" - the Red sea Kemwer (body of water + river bank) - a lake in the Duat (the OtherWorld) Kemwer Nteri - "the sacred great Black bulls" kemwer (fortress) - a fort or town Kemwer (water) - the god of the great Black lake
Kem Amut - a black animal goddess Kemi.t-Weri.t - "the great Black woman", a goddess Kem-Neb-Mesen.t - a lion god Kem ho - "black face", a title of the crocodile Rerek kem; kemu (shield) - buckler, shield kem (wood) - black wood kem.t (stone) - black stone or powder (plant) - a plant kemu (seed) - seeds or fruit of the kem plant kemti - "black image", sacred image or statue
Using the causative "S"
S_kemi - white haired, grey-headed man (ie, to have lost blackness) S_kemkem - to destroy, overthrow, annihilate S_kemem - to blacken, to defile
S_desher - to redden, make ruddy S_desheru - red things, bloody wounds
Some interesting Homonyms (pages 770 > )
qem - to behave in a seemly manner Qemi - the south, Upper Egypt qem.t - reed, papyrus qemaa - to throw a boomerang qem_au - to overthrow qemam.t - mother, parent qemamu - workers (in metal, wood) qemqem - tambourines qemd - to weep qemati - statue, image - same as kemti qema - to create qemaiu - created beings Qemau;Qemamu - The Creator
Deshret - the opposite of Kemet
deshr.t - any red (ie, non-Black) person, place, or thing ... deshr.t (woman) - "the Red woman"; ie, 'evil woman' deshr.t (cow) - "a Red cow" - ie, the 'devil's cow' deshr - a red one (m) deshr.t - a red one (f) deshru - red ones (m) deshru.t - red ones (f) -- White or light-skinned people; devils deshreti - two red ones
quote:akoben: It's a national adective
^ Only to and illiterate whiny baby such as yourself.
Normal people who can read would perceive that many of the terms above are -ethnic-, not national. [/QB][/QUOTE]
Bottom line:
^ Black - and ethnic reference to dark skinned peoples - in Ancient Egyptian and in Merriam Websters dictionary.
Baby akoben, can't address this, he can't deny it, he can only 'protest' against it. [/QUOTE]
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by xyyman: @ Rasol. Looking for a fight But seriously - keep up the good work.
You can either ignore and idiot like Akoben, or *use* them.......
quote:Originally posted by rasol: Akoben, still looking for answers to the following after 3 days and dozens of illiterate posts.
You're pathetic loser.
quote:Originally posted by rasol: [qb] [QUOTE]Originally posted by rasol: What does the Dr. Keita mean, by suggesting that the Ancient Greeks have black genetic influence?
^ Still no answer. What's taking so long?
Here, I'll help you figure it out...
Africans in Yorkshire? The deepest-rooting clade of the Y phylogeny within an English genealogy "We describe the presence of an hgA1 chromosome in an indigenous British male; comparison with African examples suggests a Western African origin. Seven out of 18 men carrying the same rare east-Yorkshire surname as the original male also carry Haplogroup A1"
BENIN HBS which per the Hematology Division of Catania, Sicily is
a) endemic to Sicily. b) the most frequent blood-pathology in Italy. c) has a history of great antiquity reflecting trans saharan migrations. d) is merely one of multiple African genes present in Southern European populations.
Medically these southern Europeans cluster WITH West Africans and AWAY from Northern Europeans in terms of sickle cell:
^ If I was looking for a fight, akoben's clearly unable to oblige. lol.
I simply disdain idiots, like akoben, but it's like a beating a dead horse after awhile, since he can't fight back.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasol: you claimed it was from Diop,
Budge's trans. can be found in Diop...duh! LOL
But:I know the Diop reference hurt your particularly childish interpretation, just as the Keita "black" [if such exists] hurt your "black powerful concept" speech, but here let me annoy you again:
quote:"Scientifically speaking, there really is no dark red race...There is no really black man in the exact sense of the word. The Negro's color in actual fact verges on brown; but it is impossible to apply an exact descriptive term to it, the more so because it varies from region to region." – [Diop, African Origin, pg. 48]
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Budge's translations. can be found in Diop.
^ This is a lie.
And you have not read either Budge or Diop [beyound your limited google references], so that is a 2nd lie.
You were asked to list Diop's "book" and cite the following definitions.
What's taking so long?
quote: kem;kemem;kemom - black kemu - black (m) keme.t - black (f) hime.t keme.t - "black woman" himu.t keme.t - "black women"
Used as a noun
keme.t - any black person, place, or thing
A determinative is then used to be more specific:
keme.t (woman) - "the Black woman"; ie, 'divine woman' keme.t (cow) - "a Black cow" - ie, a 'sacred cow' Keme.t (nation) - "the Black nation"
kem - a black one (m) keme.t - a black one (f) kemu - black ones (m) kemu.t - black ones (f) kemeti - two black ones
Used for Nationality
Sa Kemet - a man of Black (an Egyptian male) Sa.t Kemet - a woman of Black (an Egyptian female) Rome.t Kemet - the people of Black (Egyptians) Kemetou - Blacks (ie, 'citizens') Kememou - Black people (of the Black nation)
Other usages
Sa Kem - "Black man", a god, and son of Sa.t Kem.t - "Black woman", a goddess (page 589b) kem (papyrus) - to end, complete kem.t (papyrus) - the end, completion kemi - finished products kem khet (stick) - jet black ... kemwer - any Egyptian person, place or thing ('to be black' + 'to be great')
Kemwer - "The Great Black" - a title of Osiris - the Ancestor of the race
Kemwer (body of water) - "the Great Black sea" - the Red sea Kemwer (body of water + river bank) - a lake in the Duat (the OtherWorld) Kemwer Nteri - "the sacred great Black bulls" kemwer (fortress) - a fort or town Kemwer (water) - the god of the great Black lake
Kem Amut - a black animal goddess Kemi.t-Weri.t - "the great Black woman", a goddess Kem-Neb-Mesen.t - a lion god Kem ho - "black face", a title of the crocodile Rerek kem; kemu (shield) - buckler, shield kem (wood) - black wood kem.t (stone) - black stone or powder (plant) - a plant kemu (seed) - seeds or fruit of the kem plant kemti - "black image", sacred image or statue
Using the causative "S"
S_kemi - white haired, grey-headed man (ie, to have lost blackness) S_kemkem - to destroy, overthrow, annihilate S_kemem - to blacken, to defile
S_desher - to redden, make ruddy S_desheru - red things, bloody wounds
Some interesting Homonyms (pages 770 > )
qem - to behave in a seemly manner Qemi - the south, Upper Egypt qem.t - reed, papyrus qemaa - to throw a boomerang qem_au - to overthrow qemam.t - mother, parent qemamu - workers (in metal, wood) qemqem - tambourines qemd - to weep qemati - statue, image - same as kemti qema - to create qemaiu - created beings Qemau;Qemamu - The Creator
Deshret - the opposite of Kemet
deshr.t - any red (ie, non-Black) person, place, or thing ... deshr.t (woman) - "the Red woman"; ie, 'evil woman' deshr.t (cow) - "a Red cow" - ie, the 'devil's cow' deshr - a red one (m) deshr.t - a red one (f) deshru - red ones (m) deshru.t - red ones (f) -- White or light-skinned people; devils deshreti - two red ones
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
Akoben cites Diop:
quote:Scientifically speaking, there really is no dark red race...
^ Scientifically speaking there are no races, nor does color relate race.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote: Budge's translations. can be found in Diop.
quote:^ This is a lie. And you have not read either Budge or Diop [beyound your limited google references]List Diop's reference to the following...
- never said the whole list was from Diop or it was his translations - gave you references for KMT in Diop's writings, - as for some of Budge's trans. to be found in African Origins, pg. 199.
quote: ^ Scientifically speaking there are no races, nor does color relate race.
And...There is no really black man in the exact sense of the word. The Negro's color in actual fact verges on brown; but it is impossible to apply an exact descriptive term to it, the more so because it varies from region to region.
No "red" man either! LOLOLOL
"race" subjective
"black" subjective
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:There is no really black man in the exact sense of the word. The Negro's color in actual fact verges on brown; but it is impossible to apply an exact descriptive term to it, the more so because it varies from region to region.
^ You must be suffering from ritalin withdrawal because your attention deficit disorder is afflicting you again.
At the top of this page the following was written, by me....
quote:All Blacks vary in color.
Now, here was your angry, dumbstruck reply:
quote:Oh really?!
Yes really
Then you post Diop stating the same....."it varies from region to region."
And, you think "Diop" can help you....
- to deny that Ancient Egyptians were Black? - to deny that Black is and ethnic reference to skin color? - to deny that the ancient Egyptians referenced themselved as Blacks, where Black is reference to skin color. - to deny that Diop viewed the Egyptians as Blacks. - to deny that Diop viewed the Egyptians as having black skin.
Whatever the desparate delusion, one quote from Diop dispatches it with a quickness:
Ramses II is Black. Let’s let him sleep in his *black skin*, for eternity. - CA Diop.
Blacks - any of a number of populations having dark skin. - Websters
^ Sorry akboen, Diop agrees here with Websters, and can't "help" you, only ritalin can.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:But you're afraid to specify.
Ah, ok, the Keita quote in the American anthropologist...
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ You mean the one you didn't know was by Keita?
Are you claiming now that you knew the quote was from Keita?
Are you claiming that you understood Keita's meaning when you 'miscited' him?
When given the source of the quote - you admitted to never having read the article
So what was the basis of your citing it, if you hadn't read it, and didn't know what it meant?
^ I'm being facetious of course, as you never show any sign of having read or understood anything you comment on.
You're just a stubborn idiot who has no evidence for anything, and so attempts to distort the views of others, to generate -make believe- support.
Isn't that a fair assessment of you akoben?
Did I miss anything?
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasol: ^ You mean the one you didn't know was by Keita?
Yes, that one... ... exactly how did I take it out of context?
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ By commenting on it without having read it, since the meaning of the article is *completely* the contrary of all of your nonsense.
But you couldn't know, could you, not having read it to begin with.
If you want to *play games* and pretend that you didn't take the Keita quote out of context in part because you didn't know it was from Keita to begin with, then -> go right ahead.
If you insist on making a fool of yourself again, I'll not stop you.
1) You are required to repost the article from Keita.
2) Repost your ridiculous comments on it.
3) Show your grasp of it.
^ Don't respond with more whining if you can't do these three things.
We're waiting.......
quote:Originally posted by rasol: ^ You mean the one you didn't know was by Keita?
Are you claiming now that you knew the quote was from Keita?
Are you claiming that you understood Keita's meaning when you 'miscited' him?
When given the source of the quote - you admitted to never having read the article?
So what was the basis of your citing it, if you hadn't read it, and didn't know what it meant?
^ I'm being facetious of course, as you never show any sign of having read or understood anything you comment on.
You're just a stubborn idiot who has no evidence for anything, and so attempts to distort the views of others, to generate -make believe- support.
Isn't that a fair assessment of you akoben?
Did I miss anything?
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:never said the whole list was from Diop
^ You falsely attributed Budge's work to Diop [neither of whose work you know anything about] because you thought you could avoid addressing it that way.
But it didn't work, so now what...
kem;kemem;kemom - black kemu - black (m) keme.t - black (f) hime.t keme.t - "black woman" himu.t keme.t - "black women"
Used as a noun
keme.t - any black person, place, or thing
A determinative is then used to be more specific:
keme.t (woman) - "the Black woman"; ie, 'divine woman' keme.t (cow) - "a Black cow" - ie, a 'sacred cow' Keme.t (nation) - "the Black nation"
kem - a black one (m) keme.t - a black one (f) kemu - black ones (m) kemu.t - black ones (f) kemeti - two black ones
Used for Nationality
Sa Kemet - a man of Black (an Egyptian male) Sa.t Kemet - a woman of Black (an Egyptian female) Rome.t Kemet - the people of Black (Egyptians) Kemetou - Blacks (ie, 'citizens') Kememou - Black people (of the Black nation)
Other usages
Sa Kem - "Black man", a god, and son of Sa.t Kem.t - "Black woman", a goddess (page 589b) kem (papyrus) - to end, complete kem.t (papyrus) - the end, completion kemi - finished products kem khet (stick) - jet black ... kemwer - any Egyptian person, place or thing ('to be black' + 'to be great')
Kemwer - "The Great Black" - a title of Osiris - the Ancestor of the race
Kemwer (body of water) - "the Great Black sea" - the Red sea Kemwer (body of water + river bank) - a lake in the Duat (the OtherWorld) Kemwer Nteri - "the sacred great Black bulls" kemwer (fortress) - a fort or town Kemwer (water) - the god of the great Black lake
Kem Amut - a black animal goddess Kemi.t-Weri.t - "the great Black woman", a goddess Kem-Neb-Mesen.t - a lion god Kem ho - "black face", a title of the crocodile Rerek kem; kemu (shield) - buckler, shield kem (wood) - black wood kem.t (stone) - black stone or powder (plant) - a plant kemu (seed) - seeds or fruit of the kem plant kemti - "black image", sacred image or statue
Using the causative "S"
S_kemi - white haired, grey-headed man (ie, to have lost blackness) S_kemkem - to destroy, overthrow, annihilate S_kemem - to blacken, to defile
S_desher - to redden, make ruddy S_desheru - red things, bloody wounds
Some interesting Homonyms (pages 770 > )
qem - to behave in a seemly manner Qemi - the south, Upper Egypt qem.t - reed, papyrus qemaa - to throw a boomerang qem_au - to overthrow qemam.t - mother, parent qemamu - workers (in metal, wood) qemqem - tambourines qemd - to weep qemati - statue, image - same as kemti qema - to create qemaiu - created beings Qemau;Qemamu - The Creator
Deshret - the opposite of Kemet
deshr.t - any red (ie, non-Black) person, place, or thing ... deshr.t (woman) - "the Red woman"; ie, 'evil woman' deshr.t (cow) - "a Red cow" - ie, the 'devil's cow' deshr - a red one (m) deshr.t - a red one (f) deshru - red ones (m) deshru.t - red ones (f) -- White or light-skinned people; devils deshreti - two red ones
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote: ^ If you want to pretend that you didn't take the Keita quote out of context in part because you didn't know it was from Keita to begin with, go right ahead.
If you insist on making a fool of yourself again, I'll not stop you.
1) You are required to repost the article from Keita.
2) Repost your ridiculous comments on it.
3) Show your grasp of it.
^ Don't respond with more whining if you can't do these three things.
We're waiting.......
Oh jesus, you cowardly deceitful piece of s**t! The onus is on YOU, the one making the charge, you fake a** internet scholar, to support it!!! YOU are suppose to show how I took it out of context! I have asked you over and over and this is why you keep stalling dips**t, because you can't show how I took it out of context!
and while you're trying to come up with more s**t to avoid your responsibilities, address this one you've been avoiding too:
quote:What does the Dr. Keita mean, by suggesting that the Ancient Greeks have black genetic influence?
Ah, ok, what does he mean....
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote: Oh jesus, you cowardly deceitful piece of s**t!
^ on cue....
quote:If you insist on making a fool of yourself again, I'll not stop you.
1) You are required to repost the article from Keita.
2) Repost your ridiculous comments on it.
3) Show your grasp of it.
^ Don't respond with more whining if you can't do these three things.
We're waiting.......
What's taking so long?
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote: Oh jesus, you cowardly deceitful piece of s**t!
^ on cue....
quote:If you insist on making a fool of yourself again, I'll not stop you.
1) You are required to repost the article from Keita.
2) Repost your ridiculous comments on it.
3) Show your grasp of it.
^ Don't respond with more whining if you can't do these three things.
We're waiting.......
What's taking so long?
Can't do it. Ok I understand. LOL Next obligation:
quote:What does the Dr. Keita mean, by suggesting that the Ancient Greeks have black genetic influence?
Ah, ok, what does he mean....
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:If you insist on making a fool of yourself again, I'll not stop you.
1) You are required to repost the article from Keita.
2) Repost your ridiculous comments on it.
3) Show your grasp of it.
^ Don't respond with more whining if you can't do these three things.
We're waiting.......What's taking so long?
quote:akoben admits: Can't do it.
Then you admit to taking out of context and article which you had, in fact not even read, and the issue is settled.
What's worse, even when given a chance to redeem yourself, by reading the article and commenting intelligently on it, you are afraid to even try.
Since you can't provide the above 3 items then you can't redeem yourself and the discussion is over.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:Then you admit to taking out of context and article which you had, in fact not even read
No "can't do it" as in YOU can't do it. And the issue is only settled when:
The onus is on YOU, the one making the charge, you fake a** internet scholar, to support it!!! YOU are suppose to show how I took it out of context! I have asked you over and over and this is why you keep stalling dips**t, because you can't show how I took it out of context!
and hurry up dips**t I want to go to your
Next obligation:
quote:What does the Dr. Keita mean, by suggesting that the Ancient Greeks have black genetic influence?
Ah, ok, what does he mean....
one at a time your a** will be held to the fire
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:The onus is on YOU, the one making the charge
Incorrect our "obligation" was met, the moment you admitted to not having read the article that you cited "out of context."
To cite -in context- requires having read what you cite.
That proven: the onus is entirely on you.
Prove that you can actually read the article [can you read at all?] and show that you grasp it and so defend *your comments* with regards to it..
^ That's what onus is fool. It's "ownership" of your [foolish] comments, on articles you never read, for which you bear the sole resonsiblity.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ Don't bother whining, akoben, unless you're ready to take ownership of your own remarks.
Remember the 'onus' is on you....
quote:Since you admit you commented on the article without having read it, the following 'onus' is upon you:
1) Post the article from Keita.
2) Repost your out of context comments.
3) Show your grasp of the article and reconsile the two.
^ Don't respond with more whining if you can't do these three things.
We're waiting.......What's taking so long?
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote: Incorrect our obligation was met, the moment you admitted to not having read the article that you cited out of context.
The only way you can demonstrate that I "cited it out of context", silly boy, is if you can 1) show what was "my context" 2) and how was it contradicted by the article itself, the proper context. Now stop with your silly games and get to work. Support your accusations. I want to move on to the next issue "What does the Dr. Keita mean, by suggesting that the Ancient Greeks have black genetic influence?".
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:The only way you can demonstrate that I cited it out of context by showing that you had not even read it, which we did.
Which you admit.
How can you claim that you cited and article -in context- if you haven't read it, dummy?
The 'onus' is on you, to read the article and show that you can cite it - in context, which of course, you can't, so now what?
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:I want to move on to the next issue
^ I'm sure "you" do.
The rest of us want to know why you don't answer my three questions regardin *this issue?*
As for...
quote: "What does the Dr. Keita mean, by suggesting that the Ancient Greeks have black genetic influence?".
You can bet I will elaborate on Keita's comments on "black" genetic influence, but not to bail you out of the jam you're in.
In my time on my terms.
Patience of the hunter.
In the meantime, you can live in fear and frustration.
quote:Originally posted by rasol: Akoben, still looking for answers to the following after 3 days and dozens of illiterate posts.
You're pathetic loser.
quote:Originally posted by rasol: [QUOTE]Originally posted by rasol: What does the Dr. Keita mean, by suggesting that the Ancient Greeks have black genetic influence?
^ Still no answer. What's taking so long?
Here, I'll help you figure it out...
Africans in Yorkshire? The deepest-rooting clade of the Y phylogeny within an English genealogy "We describe the presence of an hgA1 chromosome in an indigenous British male; comparison with African examples suggests a Western African origin. Seven out of 18 men carrying the same rare east-Yorkshire surname as the original male also carry Haplogroup A1"
BENIN HBS which per the Hematology Division of Catania, Sicily is
a) endemic to Sicily. b) the most frequent blood-pathology in Italy. c) has a history of great antiquity reflecting trans saharan migrations. d) is merely one of multiple African genes present in Southern European populations.
Medically these southern Europeans cluster WITH West Africans and AWAY from Northern Europeans in terms of sickle cell:
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
come little rasolowitz, get to work, I want to move on to the next issue...
quote:Originally posted by akoben:
quote: Incorrect our obligation was met, the moment you admitted to not having read the article that you cited out of context.
The only way you can demonstrate that I "cited it out of context", silly boy, is if you can 1) show what was "my context" 2) and how was it contradicted by the article itself, the proper context. Now stop with your silly games and get to work. Support your accusations.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
akoben begs:
quote: I wanna move on, I wanna move on, I know i'm stupid....stop picking on me.!
^ on cue....
quote:Since you admit you commented on the article without having read it, the following 'onus' is upon you:
1) Post the article from Keita.
2) Repost your out of context comments.
3) Show your grasp of the article and reconsile the two.
^ Don't respond with more whining if you can't do these three things.
We're waiting.......What's taking so long?
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote: How can you claim that you cited and article -in context- if you haven't read it, dummy?
I said [in reference to the quote] they still couldn't help falling back on said terminology – "race". Now to show how I "took it out of context" child, you have to show how the article contradicted the point I was making: that even "they" had to fall back on the terminology – "race".
come boy, your wiggle room is getting smaller with each stalling tactic on your part. LOL
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:A whimpering she/male wrote: I said [in reference to the quote] they still couldn't help falling back on said terminology – "race".
^ I'm glad I finally forced you to repost the offending remarks, after days of your stalling and dissembling.
This comment actually comes from Dr. Keita.
Keita writes:
Nuclear DNA study contributes to the deconstruction of received racial entities.
Europeans, the defining caucasians arose as a consequence of admixtures of already differentiated populations, and would therefore be a secondary type, or race due to its hybrid origins and not a primary race
This compromises the racial schema and also invalidates the underpinnings of the race construct.
^ Keita is not falling back on the terminology of race, he is debunking it. To claim that he is 'falling back' on 'racial' terminology is to completely misrepresent his comments.
You don't understand this, because you didn't read the article, or have the full quote.
But also because you're stupid, and don't really understand Keita, or Diop, or even Webster's dictionary.
The article is titled: The Persistence of racial thinking and the myth of racial divergence.
It's about everything that's wrong with the way idiots like you think.
And that you think you can cite to your favor..and without even bothering to read it, makes Keita's point about just how idiotic your ideology is.
He's deconstructing the notion of race as "visible human variation connotes fundamental deep differences within the species". The quote in question is based on Bowcock's interpretation of Europeans as being be descendants of "a population" that arose as a consequence of admixture African and Asians. "Therefore, Caucasian would be a secondary type or race due to its hybrid origin and not a primary race. This compromises the racial schema and also invalidates the metaphysical underpinnings of the persisting race construct."
Yes it does, so what? Never said he's falling back on the racial schema or the notion of race as deep and fundamental deep differences within the species; and nowhere can you show me saying this you devious clown.
My point is, people need terms to adequately group/categorise things because as Keita said, "categorical thinking is entrenched". Hence his caution even with your "powerful concept" black [if such exists]. That categorical thinking is entrench can be seen in even Diop's use of the term "race" e.g. "Egyptian race" or "black race" he doesn't believe in deep fundamental differences in humans.
To further underscore the need for appropriate terminologies even Keita laments that the "no-race" school (like you idiots) have failed to adequately come up with suitable substitutes. And of course, your heart break, he doesn't accept your "black" or "social ethnenes"[sic] as adequate substitutes either. LMAO! So to pretend as if your terms are any more "scientific" or adequate or it is backed up by your favorite Africanist scholar, exposes YOU as the fraud. Posted by Alive-(What Box) (Member # 10819) on :
quote:Originally posted by akoben: Nile Valley Africans vary in skin color
quote:Originally posted by rasol: ^ All Blacks vary in skin color, Niger Valley and Nile alike. Congo Valley, Limpopo, Zambezi, etc. lol.
Admit defeat.
You have no point and are just babbling.
You know rasol [arggho, Knowledge, lurkers, and others], the funny thing about 'black', is that it's so powerful, and it really shows in how much ire it draws from [covertly politically driven] people.
They purport that black is invalid because no hue cleanly demarcates genetic affinities in humans.
In other words, they say that: because there is no *black race* ("blacks" can often be genetically closer to "whites" than to other blacks) there is no *black skin*.
This is preposterous, as there is no *tall race* and yet there are *tall people*.
Black is as Swedish, English, Turkish, and Greek are. Or [allegedly] Jamaican.
These are all social terms that have lesser meaning - when looked at from a biological perspective - than has black when such is the case.
What makes black special is that there is a singular biological basis for black skin. (Melanin)
Furthermore, black has power. Terms like African, American, European, and Nile Valley are all helpful geographic terms that may or may not and do and do not help us determine related ancestry, political boundaries, and etc.
In ancient times, the Ancient Kemetians did not have a word for 'Africa', and I doubt they had a word for Nile Valley, but they had a word for black. These words that ako claimed were "national" were applied across national boundaries, ie, the 'dsr' Asiatics and 'Libyans'/Tamehou, verses the 'Kem' Nahesu people [to the South of Kemet] and Tehannu people [in Western 'Africa'].
quote:Originally posted by akoben08: To further underscore the need for appropriate terminologies even Keita laments that the "no-race" school (like you idiots) have failed to adequately come up with suitable substitutes.
"Suitable" substitutes for what? [political] Races? There need be none. Expand on that abit more, would you?
quote:And of course, your heart break, he doesn't accept your "black" or "social ethnenes"[sic] as adequate substitutes either. LMAO!
I agree, that neither 'black', or any other social term like 'Greek' for that matter, needs to be a substitute for biological 'human races'.
Posted by Alive-(What Box) (Member # 10819) on :
More important than whether ako 'accepts' black or not is what the ancients thought.
quote:Scientifically speaking, there really is no dark red race...There is no really black man in the exact sense of the word. The Negro's color in actual fact verges on brown; but it is impossible to apply an exact descriptive term to it, the more so because it varies from region to region." – [Diop, African Origin, pg. 48]
In ancient Kemet they had no color for 'brown' (which in our color dialect varies itsself). They did have a word for red.
They applied it to people, too. African Americans (particularly in the South) say 'redbone' to describe a lighter skinned black person. Some linguist even speculate that the Wolof word honq is the origin for the epithet honky.
"Dsr" [masculine] is 'red'
+ +
"Dsr.t" [feminine] is also 'red'
+ + +
Note too that a flamingo was used in substituting for these three signs [dsr].
Note the color of that Mediterranean Flamingo.
If your CP doesn't like Flickr, then note this:
So, when people rolling eyes or asking us to "show an example of red people" [we can just tell them to look at that flamingo] or tell them that the AE didn't call things "pink". :-)
Also of note, I guess <<rolling eyes>>, is that in pouting over these terms of color, many have laughably attempted to fully infuse them with certain objects/substances - results have been quite curious.
Want examples?
As many of you are probably aware, there was an effort to attach the word Kmt indefinitely with 'land' and soil.
The word Dsr was actually claimed to have meant desert! lol (: (We know linguists like that don't we? (; )
Never mind, I guess, the fact that no where in these terms is any thing referencing land of some sort seen. Nevermind also the fact that (as has been stated here many many times) there would need to be a determinative connoting sand, soil, or whathaveyou:
A.) soil; the absent A.Egyptian words for *land* were 'ta' and 'ateb'.
B.) They actually had a word for desert: smy.t.
For instance, *'red' people* would be "deshrou" or dsr.tyw for example[/QUOTE]
Posted by Alive-(What Box) (Member # 10819) on :
quote:Originally posted by Wally: From the Worterbuch volume 5 page 127 - we have primary textual evidence -> Km.t translated as 'the nories', the blacks, literally the negroes.
rasol, this is an excellent example of one of the self-descriptive words used by the Ancient Egyptians; so let us look at it in detail...
a) The first letter is "Charcoal" and is the strongest biliteral word in the language for "Black"; the 'Owl' is the letter "M" and is used to 'complete' the word - the first word is then, simply, "Black"
b) The second word is "Rom -ou" or simply, "people"; this is often translated in it's "shorthand" version as "Ret -ou" but the entire word is "Kem_Rom_ou" and was probably pronounced "Kemou (Kemw)." This word is explicit in its meaning: "The Negroes, the Blacks, Le Noires, etc. And there will be no rebuttle to this reading, as there is none.
^Black people.
The words: black + people + [determinative for people] = black people.
people + [determinative glyph for people]
is Rm + ou and is like putting special emphasis on *people*.
Posted by Debunker (Member # 15669) on :
*Yawn* - I'm gonna take a nap now. You Negroes wake me up when you find some recent, peer-reviewed, published evidence that refutes all of this...
^ You better wake up, and start finding some answers, because the evidence shows that Europeans are a recent admixed population, and not the "ancient race" you fantasize about, but produce no evidence for.....
quote: population genetics/simulation/neutral theory) ANNE M. BOWCOCK*t
One can show that a branch to a population resulting from admixture tends to be shorter than other branches.
"Nuclear DNA studies also contribute to the deconstruction of received racial entities. Ann Bowcock and her colleague's interpretation (Bowcock et al. 1991; Bowcock et al. 1994) of analyses of restriction-site polymorphisms and microsatellite polymorphisms (STRPs) suggests that Europeans, the defining Caucasians, are descendants of a population that arose as a consequence of admixture between already differentiated populations ancestral to (some) Africans and Asians. Therefore, Caucasians would be a secondary type of race due to its hybrid origin and not a primary race".
From maximum likelihood estimates the European admixture consisted of 65% Asian and 35% African.
Graph a) shows the pattern and order of African origin, and sub-sequent outmigration, with population splits at each vertex.
Graph b) shows the genetic relatedness and distinctiveness of each population, denoted with each vector.
Note the relative *length* of the vectors.
Not only are Europeans intermidiates between Asia and Africa at the roughly 2/3 and 1/3 ratios denoted by Sforza, but Europeans also show as a decidely *short* vector. This means they are a recent population without and ancient history, and therefore non of the other, more ancient populations shown, can be conceived in terms of admixtures -with- Europeans.
hybrid - the entity described cannot be understood in terms of it's own originating characteristics as well as by reference to 2 or more descrete elements from which it is *derived.*
Europeans are short-vector, recently admixed hybrids.
* Please produce evidence of ancient European phenotype.
* Please produce evidence of ancient European genotype.
Ancient K-zoids are nowhere in sight.
Keep dreaming.......
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by Alive-(What Box):
quote:Originally posted by Wally: From the Worterbuch volume 5 page 127 - we have primary textual evidence -> Km.t translated as 'the nories', the blacks, literally the negroes.
rasol, this is an excellent example of one of the self-descriptive words used by the Ancient Egyptians; so let us look at it in detail...
a) The first letter is "Charcoal" and is the strongest biliteral word in the language for "Black"; the 'Owl' is the letter "M" and is used to 'complete' the word - the first word is then, simply, "Black"
b) The second word is "Rom -ou" or simply, "people"; this is often translated in it's "shorthand" version as "Ret -ou" but the entire word is "Kem_Rom_ou" and was probably pronounced "Kemou (Kemw)." This word is explicit in its meaning: "The Negroes, the Blacks, Le Noires, etc. And there will be no rebuttle to this reading, as there is none.
^Black people.
The words: black + people + [determinative for people] = black people.
people + [determinative glyph for people]
is Rm + ou and is like putting special emphasis on *people*.
quote: the funny thing about 'black', is that it's so powerful, and it really shows in how much ire it draws from [covertly politically driven] people.
^ This is exactly the case. And this is why I toy with them. Black should and will remain the focus of these kinds of threads. We should force Eurocentrists to deny it. We should show that they have no choice but to do so. We should force them to laughable extremes - such as denying even the dictionary so much does the truth *hurt* them.
And then, we should remind them of just why.....
^ White is recent, and derived from Black, which is ancient....
Posted by Alive-(What Box) (Member # 10819) on :
Knowledge, where's that list of questions?
Btw I must have skipped over that post EE linked to..
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote: All Blacks vary in color.
[Repeat from post 2:53] Oh really?! Yet you still present Webster's Negro definition: dark skin pigmented peoples, and to pictorially represent what your "black" is, you post that famous Ramses pic with literal (though obviously symbolic) black skin and stereotypical "black/negro" features to neatly fit into your white masters Webster's definition for "black" (Negro). LOL
quote:Then you post Diop stating the same....."it varies from region to region." And, you think "Diop" can help you
Yes he does, just as Keita's "The Diversity of Indigenous Africans", it demolished your narrow Webster's def. a long time ago.
quote:to deny that Ancient Egyptians were not Black?
Again, the Egyptians were/are black, just not your Webster's negro definition "black". LOL
quote:to deny that Black is and [sic] ethnic reference to skin color?
quote:to deny that the ancient Egyptians referenced themselved [sic] as Blacks
No I don't, but just as "red" (even loverboy observes contemparary color symbolism among black populations, "African Americans (particularly in the South) say 'redbone' to describe a lighter skinned black person.") it's symbolic not literally. The Negro's color in actual fact verges on brown
quote:and not the "ancient race" you fantasize about
Yes, not primary but a secondary type or race So despite their evolutionary history, people that look like this guy are still placed in a category called "white", despite the product of African and Asian.
Hey, Loverboy [post 25 September, 2008 01:16 PM], Look stop being a nuisance, misrepresenting my positions an all; I have no problem debating freaks, but if you can't take me on what I actually say/argue why sniff around my a**? Do you want to give me a blow? I might think about it if you stop bugging me.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
^^^Poor Akoben
quote:Since you admit you commented on the article without having read it, the following 'onus' is upon you, akoben:
1) Post the article from Keita.
2) Repost your out of context comments.
3) Show your grasp of the article and reconcile the two.
^ Don't respond with more whining if you can't do these three things.
We're waiting.......What's taking so long?
SOY Keita: Europeans, the defining caucasians arose as a consequence of admixtures of already differentiated populations, and would therefore be a secondary type, or race due to its hybrid origins and not a primary race
This compromises the racial schema and also invalidates the underpinnings of the race construct. Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Originally posted by Alive-(What Box): Knowledge, where's that list of questions?
Btw I must have skipped over that post EE linked to..
What list of questions?
Posted by Alive-(What Box) (Member # 10819) on :
The ten questions 4 Debunked
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote: Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718: [QB] Debunked doesn't want to get down to the specifics instead he just posts quotes and makes vague arguments from them, without actually getting down to or actually naming the specific evidences.
I.e #'s 1-10
1) Failed to name traits shared between Ancient Africans (Hofmeyr) and recent Europeans.
2) Fails to answer why or how Greeks inherited genes such as E3b, Benin hbs, L1 L2 if not from Africans?
3) Fails to address the fact that Europeans are closest genetically to Africans whereas the original OOA populations. I.e Oceanians appear furthest away genetically from Africa, if Oceanians and Europeans are part of the same non-African OOA population structure, then Europeans should be as distant genetically from Africans, as Oceanians are. If this is not due to post OOA Neolithic migrations into Europe from Africa, then what is it, debunked?
4) Fails to name the paternally and maternally haplotypes that Ethiopians share with Norwegians.
5) Fails to address the quote below from Wilson et al., after he erroneously tried to claim that "Y chromosomes are a thing of the past"
quote:The degree to which 'mixed' ancestry is due to recent vs ancient mixing/separation could be estimated with series of genealogical genetic systems such as the Y chromosome, but *not* with lots of unlinked loci each of which gives very little gene genealogical information.--Wilson et al
6) Fails to address the fact that almost half of Greece's Y chromosome is NON-European in origin E3b and J, but yet debunked is still unbelievably and ignorantly persistent on claiming Greece to be "pure" or 100 % Imaginary "Caucasoid".
7) Fails to address how or why E3a carrying Africans exhibit so called "Carcusoid" traits
8) Fails to address the Buba Clan Priestly class carrying Hg J, shouldn't this had turned these people "Caucasoid", as you're erroneously proposing imaginary lineages(failed to name) in East Africans, debunked??
9) Fails to address the fact that Europeans turned pale only recently.
10) Failed to address his erroneous Eurasian Adam claim, when approached with the below quote from Cavalli Sfroza.
From Cavalli-Sforza: Genes, Culture, and Human Evolution. Pg 187.
quote: ..."In other words, all non-Africans carry M168. Of course, Africans carrying the M168 mutation today are the descendants of the African subpopulation from which the migrants originated.... Thus, the Australian/Eurasian Adam (the ancestor of all non-Africans) was an East African Man."
Posted by Alive-(What Box) (Member # 10819) on :
^Good work.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
As rasolwitz has finally come to his end, failing to show how I took Keita's quote "out of context", and he will never explain Keita's comments on "black" genetic influence ("In my time on my terms", i.e. never LOL), a final word for those other color obsessed weirdoes.
No matter how many times you fill this thread with Wallis Budge spam, "black" will forever be a subjective term used to describe a people who's skin color ranges from dark skin to light skin, it is not an "accurate description of skin color". The Negro's color in actual fact verges on brown (Diop) There are no "black" or "red" people in reality.
Also, both constructs "black" and "race" are equally subjective terms. As I said before, their meanings change with time and new information. Those who use "race" arent any less scientific or correct than those who dont use it. Some Africanist scholars such as Cheikh Ana Diop used both. Some such as SOY Keita sees BOTH as problematic but even he still falls back on them occasionally, "Black" [if such exists]..."Europeans, the defining Caucasians...would therefore be a secondary type, or race due to its hybrid origins".
Yes This [bowcock's interpretation] compromises the racial schema [of biologically separate units of homo sapiens sapiens] and also invalidates the underpinnings of the race construct [of human groups being separate fundamental units], but he still fell back on the term "race" to describe the "secondary type" European hybrid "group" because as he said "categorical thinking is entrenched".
"blacks", "whites" etc = categorical thinking. But it's all subjective in the end. Black can be "powerful" to some, especially those like rasolowitz et al. who suffer from low self-esteem and need to shout slogans and cut and paste genetic studies to "debunk" "Evil Euros" to feel self worth. LOL But others not suffering from complexes, like Keita, they doubt it even exist!
Now that said carry on, I'm sure Evil Euro will come back for y'all to cut and paste some more old threads from ES . LOL
Posted by Alive-(What Box) (Member # 10819) on :
quote:Originally posted by Alive-(What Box):
quote:Originally posted by Wally: From the Worterbuch volume 5 page 127 - we have primary textual evidence -> Km.t translated as 'the nories', the blacks, literally the negroes.
rasol, this is an excellent example of one of the self-descriptive words used by the Ancient Egyptians; so let us look at it in detail...
a) The first letter is "Charcoal" and is the strongest biliteral word in the language for "Black"; the 'Owl' is the letter "M" and is used to 'complete' the word - the first word is then, simply, "Black"
b) The second word is "Rom -ou" or simply, "people"; this is often translated in it's "shorthand" version as "Ret -ou" but the entire word is "Kem_Rom_ou" and was probably pronounced "Kemou (Kemw)." This word is explicit in its meaning: "The Negroes, the Blacks, Le Noires, etc. And there will be no rebuttle to this reading, as there is none.
^Black people.
The words: black + people + [determinative for people] = black people.
people + [determinative glyph for people]
is Rm + ou and is like putting special emphasis on *people*.
^Forgot to add that Budge just translates the above to Egyptians.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:akoben cries: Stop misrepresenting my position!
See the following for and accurate rendering of your "position".....
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
^^^Poor Akoben
Akoben's redundant garbage posts....
quote:You still present Webster's Negro definition
Websters: Blacks - any of a number of populations having dark skin.
^ The above does not contain the word Negro, nor does it have the same meaning, and you know this, so what is the point of repeating your stupidity?
You read like a monkey and lie like a coward. - strike one.
quote:Tamhu "red", it's symbolic not literally.
^ No one claimed that ethnic references to color, whether black, blonde, white or red were 'literal'.
So this is a strawman argument, which all sore losers of all debates resort to, because they cannot evidence any of their own far fetched claims, nor refute facts presented by others. Strawman arguments don't work. - strike two.
quote:Yes, not primary but a secondary type or race
This is taken out of context, as Keita is not saying Europearns *are* a secondary race. He is showing how their admixed position refutes the notion of 'caucasian' as primary race.
He states that this is one of -many- facts that undermines the entire foundation of the race-schematic because said schematic is -centered- on caucasian as primary race to begin with.
In order to be consistent with the fact of Europe's *admixed* position, caucasian would have to be declared a secondary, diverged form of -NEGRO- race.
But Keita is not advocating secondary 'races', or any other kind of 'race'.
He is pointing out how the failure of Europeans to chart genetically as a primary race, undermines the concept of race.
Keita is so saying the opposite of what you claim.
Question: Why did baby-akoben mis-cite Keita?
Answer: Because she/he's a braying ass, whose brain is clogged with fecal material. - strike three.
Keep braying....
Posted by Explorateur (Member # 14778) on :
I see that your Faggot-Cancer spreading Coon-clitness is getting quite a thrashing.
Posted by Explorateur (Member # 14778) on :
quote:Originally posted by Coon-descended Faggot Cancer spreader:
quote: All Blacks vary in color.
[Repeat from post 2:53] Oh really?! Yet you still present Webster's Negro definition: dark skin pigmented peoples, and to pictorially represent what your "black" is, you post that famous Ramses pic with literal (though obviously symbolic) black skin and stereotypical "black/negro" features to neatly fit into your white masters Webster's definition for "black" (Negro). LOL
Your Faggot-Cancer spreading Coon-clitness, if you didn't get all that Arab dick in that numb head, you'd instantly realize that "dark skin" doesn't pin skin pigmentation down to only one specific setting. What does dark mean to you, your Arab jacked Coon-clitness?
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
Websters: Blacks - any of a number of populations having dark skin. (pigmentation) ALSO! 6 a: thoroughly sinister or evil : wicked
quote:The above does not contain the word Negro (no one said it did) , nor does it have the same meaning (oh yes it does), See Malcolm X movie where Denzel Washington reads out the classical (rasolowitz's)defintion for "black" by whites)
quote:No one claimed that ethnic references to color, whether black, blonde, white or red were 'literal'.
quote:Is the Tamhu "red" in that picture?
quote:Skin isn't symbolised, but literally shown ie - Black skin[/b]
quote:["red"] like Blacks, it's and [sic] ethnic reference, based on color
In literal/actual fact there is no "Black man" negros color verges on brown. (Diop)
quote:In order to be consistent with the fact of Europe's *admixed* position, caucasian would have to be declared a secondary, diverged form of -NEGRO- race.
^ after he claims "Negro" (distinct from his "black" definition) is no longer in use.
"Europeans, the defining Caucasians...would therefore be a secondary...race due to its hybrid origins". This [Euros being a secondary race due to admixture] compromises the racial schema [of them being primary race; them as pure "ancient race"] and also invalidates the underpinnings of the race construct [of human groups being separate fundamental units].
"By microscopic examination is a laboratory method which enables us to classify the ancient Egyptians unquestionably among the black races."
"Blacks, in history, subjugated the white race for three thousand years. (Great African Thinkers, pg. 217)
Are these two Africanist scholars using "race" in the classical context? No. But no-race fundamentalists dumbies wont know his. LOL
Still waiting on you to explain Keita's comments on "black" [if such exists] genetic influence in Greece.
quote:"dark skin" doesn't pin skin pigmentation down to only one specific setting.
Oh really? So neither does "light skin" Your Cuntess? LOL
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:In literal/actual fact there is no "Black man" negros color verges on brown. (Diop)
^ how does this help you deny that black is a reference to dark skin? According to...the source you just cited?
Ramses II was black. May he rest eternally in his black skin - Diop
quote: Websters: Blacks - any of a number of populations having dark skin. This definition does not contain the word 'negro'.
quote:akoben: (no one said it did)
If the definition does not claim to be synonomous with 'negro', then you cannot claim that it is. Learn how to read, jackass.
quote:nor does it have the same meaning
quote:akoben oh yes it does.
^ No donkey-brain, it doesn't.
Negro is a defunct "race classification", based on a number of physical features, plural, and not any single feature, such as skin color.
Race, in humans is the idea that phenotype equates to lineage, which is false.
The anthropology race classifications of K-zoid, N-groid, and Mongoloid were invented by J. Blumenbach in the 18 century, and most anthropologists reject them as pseudoscience.
The definition of "Blacks" provided, is a color discriptor, *not* a race classification, and does not equate to negro.
The term Blacks as reference to dark skinned peoples has and ancient history.
Its earliest attestation is Km.t[rm.t], ie - Black people, from the "ancient egyptians"
Based on 'racist' anthropology definitions, one might have dark skin, but not be 'negro'. One might have dark skin but be Mongoloid, or Caucasoid, or....Martian.
That the definition of 'n-groid/m-gloid and k-zoid' all contain internal contradictions is precisely why the terms are *no longer in scientific use*.
Finally this is distinct from both the social definition of Blacks, and the scientific definition of 'melanoderm' - ie dark skin.
Thus everyone with a brain can now clearly understand the important differences between all these terms.
Only a jackass like akoben is incapable of comprehending.
quote:Explorateur writes: dark skin" doesn't pin skin pigmentation down to only one specific setting.
quote:akoben: Oh really?
Yes really.
quote:akoben So neither does "light skin"
Donkey-boy: If you admit the above, then your entire argument is pointless.
Evidently they either don't have schools in Jamaica or you've been smoking too much crank, and it's messed up your brain.
quote:akoben: Still waiting on you to explain Keita's comments on "black" genetic influence in ancient Greeks.
^ It's already been 'explained' to everyone else satisfaction.
Can you 'explain' to us your inability to grasp what everyone else understands?
How can -anything- be explained to a jackass whose brain isn't working?
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:[my Webster] link points to and [sic] "offensive" race classification anthropology based on physical features [dark skin pigmentation].
quote: This is [...] the same- as the definition of Black as having dark skin [I'm just too much of a devious dishonest clown to admit it so I leave out the dark skin pigmentation part].
quote: The two definitions are [not] fundamentally different, ... only a retard like [me] is encapable [sic!!!] of reading a dictionary and comprehending the [similarities] between two ... words.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote: [My] link to Negro points to and [sic] "race classification", based on physical featuress, [sic!!!] plural. The definition of "Blacks" [...] is [...] based on features [dark skin pigmentation, same as Negro. I'm splitting hairs of course, but hey, I'm losing so I have to!].
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:The race classifications of K-zoid, N-groid, and Mongoloid were invented by J. Blumenbach in the 18 century, this has nothing do with the definition of 'blacks' as dark skinned people whose earliest attestation is Km.t[rm.t], ie - Black people, from the "ancient egyptians"Based on 'racist' anthropology definitions, one might have dark skin, but not be 'negro'. One might have dark skin but be Mongoloid, or Caucasoid.That the definition of 'n-groid/m-gloid and k-zoid' all contain internal contradictions is precisely why the terms are *no longer in scientific use*.[never mind the fact that none of these last minute distinctions, hurriedly conjured up by me to explain away the same meaning for Webster's "Negro" and "black", can be found in my masters link. But, hey, I'm losing here so I have to give this appendix!
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:same meaning for Webster's "Negro" and "black"
^ Nope.
Blacks - any of a number of populations having dark skin.
^ Negro - race classification based on a number of physical features, not in scientific use.
Two fundamentally different meanings.
Of course, you're and illiterate jackass so to you it's all just a complicated 'paradox' of confusing words, which gives you a headache and makes you start 'braying'.
Want to see and example of two terms which are entirely synomomous?
Here you go.....
Jackass - a fool, a slow witted or stupid person, a stubborn person, a stubbornly stupid person.
Akoben - a fool, a slow witted or stupid person, a stubborn person, a stubbornly stupid person.
^ Now, that's the same.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:It's already been 'explained' to everyone else. As you're clearly and ineducable jackass, there is little chance of explaining anything *to you*. [I was going to explain the meaning of Keita's "black" (if such exists) genetic influence on Greece and its relevance to this debate, but since realized it won't do my case any good so I decided against it.]
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ Keep braying jackass.
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
^^^Poor Akoben
quote:Jackass - a fool, a slow witted or stupid person, a stubborn person, a stubbornly stupid person.
Akoben - a fool, a slow witted or stupid person, a stubborn person, a stubbornly stupid person.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:Nope. [what I menat to say was the same as I'v been saying all along] [that] ^ Blacks - any of a number of populations having dark skin [pigmentation].
^ Negro - race classification based on a number of physical features [dark skin pigmentation], not in scientific use [but I still find it useful – the Angel quote].
[according to my master, Webster, they're both] the same. [I'm such a] Jackass - a fool, a slow witted or stupid person, a stubborn person, a stubbornly stupid person. [a clown]
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:akoben: according to Webster, they're both the same.
No, they are fundamentally different according to webster and anyone with a brain, but you're a brainless jackass, which is why you are having a hard time understanding.
quote:akoben: [I'm such a] Jackass - a fool, a slow witted or stupid person, a stubborn person, a stubbornly stupid person.
^ Indeed, you are, admitting it is the 1st step towards learning.
Now, if only you would take your ritalin.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:[look at me I'm chasing a distinction between two words that doesn't exist in my masters link! Weeeeeeeeeeeeee] they are different, they are different, they are different, they are different, they are different, two different definitions two different definitions two different definitions two different definitions . Weeeeeeeeee
this is because my name is
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ Yes, look at you, you sure look silly trying to deny that two different words, with two different definitions have two different meanings. Good luck with that.
Keep spinning, brainless jackass
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
Looks like Debunked has admitted defeat.
Nice job Knowledge.
Phenolzine where are you (?)
Come get some.....
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
quote: Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718: [QB] Debunked doesn't want to get down to the specifics instead he just posts quotes and makes vague arguments from them, without actually getting down to or actually naming the specific evidences.
I.e #'s 1-10
1) Failed to name traits shared between Ancient Africans (Hofmeyr) and recent Europeans.
2) Fails to answer why or how Greeks inherited genes such as E3b, Benin hbs, L1 L2 if not from Africans?
3) Fails to address the fact that Europeans are closest genetically to Africans whereas the original OOA populations. I.e Oceanians appear furthest away genetically from Africa, if Oceanians and Europeans are part of the same non-African OOA population structure, then Europeans should be as distant genetically from Africans, as Oceanians are. If this is not due to post OOA Neolithic migrations into Europe from Africa, then what is it, debunked?
4) Fails to name the paternally and maternally haplotypes that Ethiopians share with Norwegians.
5) Fails to address the quote below from Wilson et al., after he erroneously tried to claim that "Y chromosomes are a thing of the past"
quote:The degree to which 'mixed' ancestry is due to recent vs ancient mixing/separation could be estimated with series of genealogical genetic systems such as the Y chromosome, but *not* with lots of unlinked loci each of which gives very little gene genealogical information.--Wilson et al
6) Fails to address the fact that almost half of Greece's Y chromosome is NON-European in origin E3b and J, but yet debunked is still unbelievably and ignorantly persistent on claiming Greece to be "pure" or 100 % Imaginary "Caucasoid".
7) Fails to address how or why E3a carrying Africans exhibit so called "Carcusoid" traits
8) Fails to address the Buba Clan Priestly class carrying Hg J, shouldn't this had turned these people "Caucasoid", as you're erroneously proposing imaginary lineages(failed to name) in East Africans, debunked??
9) Fails to address the fact that Europeans turned pale only recently.
10) Failed to address his erroneous Eurasian Adam claim, when approached with the below quote from Cavalli Sfroza.
From Cavalli-Sforza: Genes, Culture, and Human Evolution. Pg 187.
quote: ..."In other words, all non-Africans carry M168. Of course, Africans carrying the M168 mutation today are the descendants of the African subpopulation from which the migrants originated.... Thus, the Australian/Eurasian Adam (the ancestor of all non-Africans) was an East African Man."
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasol: Looks like Debunked has admitted defeat. [that Euros are a seconday race due to their admixture. Any one else want to debate the same stuff with me over and over so we can go round and round? I love going round and round! weeeeeeee look at meeeeeeee! Webster's Negro is not same as black weeeeee
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:akoben cries: Stop calling me a jackass, just because I can't tell the difference between two word in the dictionary!!
Blacks - any of number of populations having dark pigmentation of the skin.
Negro - Anthropology, a race classification based on a number of physical features, no longer in scientific use.
quote: Akoben spins: "The two definitions are the same."
Of course they aren't, only a brainless jackass would claim the two are the same.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote: rasolowitz cries: Stop calling me an uneducated jackass [because I don't know the difference between singular and plural. I can't tell the difference between one word and two word[s] [sic] !!
Blacks - any of number of populations having dark pigmentation of the skin.
Negro - Anthropology, a race classification based on a number of physical features, no longer in scientific use [though I still find it useful in my posts and I keep leaving off dark skin pigmentation WAAAHHHHHHHHH
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:akoben writes: Negro - Anthropology, a race classification based on a number of physical features, no longer in scientific use
^ Correct. which is cleary distinct from:
Blacks - any of a number of populations having dark skin.
^ Only a jackass like akoben would keep arguing even after he admits he is wrong.
This definition in question, makes no claims about race, or attempt to qualify dark skin peoples into a race.
It is a distinct from race-typologies, which themselves also -do not- qualify into race soley on having dark skin - which per race classifications might a characteristic of any race.
quote:aboben: keep leaving off dark skin pigmentation
^ Because that's not equivalent to Negro in faux anthropology - in such, someone might have 'jet black' skin, but still not be 'negro'. They are *not* one and the same.
I know this enrages you because it makes the rest of your argument -fall apart-, but what can you do about it? Nothing.
That's what makes toying with you so much fun.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
"Europeans, the defining Caucasians...would therefore be a secondary...race due to its hybrid origins".
This [Euros being a secondary race due to admixture] compromises the racial schema [of them being primary race; them as pure "ancient race"] and also invalidates the underpinnings of the race construct [of human groups being separate fundamental units].
"By microscopic examination is a laboratory method which enables us to classify the ancient Egyptians unquestionably among the black races."
"Blacks, in history, subjugated the white race for three thousand years. (Great African Thinkers, pg. 217)
Are these two Africanist scholars using "race" in the classical context? No.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote: rasolowitz cries:
Blacks - any of number of populations having dark pigmentation of the skin.
Negro - Anthropology, a race classification based on a number of physical features: dark skin pigmentation
^ Correct. which is cleary distinct from my dishoenst editing of the two meanings. Only a jackass like [me] would keep editing dark skin pigmentation in an effort to draw imagined distinctions! [I] admit[I'm] wrong.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Euros being a secondary race due to admixture
^ No, Keita is not saying that Europeans are a secondary race. This is not his position. Anytime you suggest this, you are misrepresenting his views. [not that anyone would listen to you, as you would be immediately out-ed as a total jackass]
He is saying that genetics shows Euros are and admixed population and as such cannot be conceived as a primary race, and that this fact compromises the entire schematic of 'n-groid, k-zoid, and m-glod which is the bases of race to begin with.
Of course you don't understand what I just said, but then, you're a jackass with no brain, so.....
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:akoben writes;
you keep editing dark skin pigmentation in an effort to draw imagined distinctions!
^ In faux-anthropology having dark skin is *not* equivalent to the defunct race catagory - negro.
This is why the definition speaks of features, plural, and not simply 'dark skin'.
^ And this is the fact, that you keep trying [but failing] to obscure.
The distinction between reference to dark skin, and race classificationof 'negro' is thus clear, and not imagined.
You can't perceive it for the same reason that you can't understand Keita, or Angel, or anyone else.
You're just a jackass without a brain.
I feel sorry for you, really....
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasolowitz: In faux-anthropology having dark skin is *not* equivalent to the defunct race catagory - negro. This is why the definition speaks of features, plural, and not simply 'dark skin'.[Of course Whites, faux anthropologists, have also argued too that you can have dark skin (Hamites – dark skinned whites) and not be "black". Hence ancient Egypt wasn't a "black" civilization. This is same as "Negro" in such, someone might have 'jet black' skin, but still not be 'negro'. but again I'm splitting hairs because I'm losing [I'm] a jackass without a brain.
That much is also clear.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:Euros being a secondary race due to admixture
^ [Yes], Keita is [...] saying that Europeans are a secondary race. This is [in fact what he is saying/said ].
He is saying that genetics shows that that [there] are admixed population [thus Euros are a secondary type OR race] and as such cannot be conceived as a primary race, and that this fact compromises the entire schematic of 'n-groid, k-zoid, and m-glod which is the bases of [classial definition] race to begin with.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Of course Whites, faux anthropologists, have also argued too that you can have dark skin (Hamites – dark skinned whites) and not be "black".
^ Yes, which is a contradiction, hense 'faux' anthropology.
But how does this help you?
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote: Of course Whites, faux anthropologists, have also argued too that you can have dark skin (Hamites – dark skinned whites) and not be "black".
^ Yes, which is a contradiction, hense 'faux' anthropology.
But [by admitting this, I'm saying that my imagined anthropology distinctions between Websters "negro" and "black" both mean dark skinned pigmented peoples are just that, imagined] how does this help [me]? [I don't know, I just stupid and contradict myself all the time]
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote: This is same as "Negro" in such, someone might have 'jet black' skin, but still not be 'negro'.
^ Yes, because the race construct of negro is distinct from skin color.
The definition given for Blacks is a social reference to dark skin people, not and anthropology classification into race.
Amazing that you can write the above, and yet still not understand, what you just wrote.
You're and even bigger jackass than I thought.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:akboen writes: I'm saying that my imagined anthropology distinctions between Websters "negro" and "black" both mean dark skinned pigmented
No they do not. And they are not both anthropology definitions to begin with jackass.
The definition given for negro is and anthropology classification for race, no longer in scienfitic use.
It is based on a number of physical features..and *not* just skin color.
The core of the theory of race is that physical features shows ancestral sub-species...which is wrong.
The definition given for 'Blacks' is *not* anthropological, and not racial.
It far pre-dates racial pseudo-threory.
It is a social reference to dark skin peoples.
The distinction is as fundamental as the difference between a round peg and square hole, and you are likened to retarded child, trying to jam the one into the other.
In all of these conversations you've failed to make any point other than that you are and idiot, who can't read, or grasp as well as the average 9 year old child.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
^ Because the [faux anthropology] race construct of negro [and "black"] is distinct from skin color. Amazing that [I] can write the above, and yet still [argue for a difference between "black" and "Negro" in faux anthropology and Webster. I do] not understand...even [my] own writing.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ Actually it's because you're a jackass, who can't understand the obvious, no matter how simply it is broken down for you.
Normal people learn. All you do is spin in circles. Too bad. Keep spinning...
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:I'm saying that my imagined anthropology distinctions between Websters "negro" and "black" both mean dark skinned pigmented
No they are not, and the two definitions are not anthropological, you illiterate jackass.
The definition given for negro is and anthropology classification for race, no longer in scienfitic use.
It is based on a number of physical features..and *not* just skin color. Of course its racial conception is internally inconsistent and flawed, as is caucasoid and mongoloid, which is why they are no longer in scientific use.
The definition given for 'Blacks' is a social reference to dark skin peoples.
It is not and anthropology classification into race.
The distinction is as fundamental as the difference between a round peg and square hole, and you are likened to retarded child, trying to jam the one into the other.
In all of these conversations you've failed to make any point other than that you are and idiot, who can't read, or grasp as well as the average 9 year old child.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
Actually it's because [I'm] a jackass, who can't understand the obvious, no matter how simply it is broken down for [me].
Normal people learn. All [I] do is spin in circles.
I'm saying that my imagined anthropology distinctions between Websters "negro" and "black" both mean dark skinned pigmented, are imagined.
This [Websters definition for "negro" and "black"] is [...]correct because the definition given for negro (like "black") is and [sic] anthropology [sic] classification for race based on a number of physical features...and *not* just skin color] The definition given for 'Blacks' is a social reference [up dated "race"] to dark skin peoples [and an example is given African Americans, once called NEGROES.
This is of course why both "black" and "negro" are used interchangeably by Webster and said faux anthropologists which is why there are the same definitions dark skin pigmentation given. The distinctions are my desperate straw diversions].
Too bad. [I'll] Keep spinning...
Weeeeeeeeeeeeee look at meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee there's a distinction between "Negro" and "black" and I'm going to find it Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
The (Webster's) definition given for 'Blacks' is [...] anthropological, and [...] racial.
It (Webster's!) [does not] pre-dates racial pseudo-threory [sic]
It (Webster's) is a social reference to dark skin peoples [and an example is given African Americans, once called NEGROES].
So does this mean [the white created] "Negros" pre-dates [white] racial pseudo-threory [sic] which is said Negroes?! I'm not making sense because I'm rasolowitz!
Weeeeeeeeeeeeee look at meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee there's a distinction between "Negro" and "black" and I'm going to find it Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Posted by Alive-(What Box) (Member # 10819) on :
quote:Originally posted by akoben: As rasolwitz has finally come to his end, failing to show how I took Keita's quote "out of context", and he will never explain Keita's comments on "black" genetic influence ("In my time on my terms", i.e. never LOL), a final word for those other color obsessed weirdoes.
No matter how many times you fill this thread with Wallis Budge spam, "black" will forever be a subjective term used to describe a people who's skin color ranges from dark skin to light skin, it is not an "accurate description of skin color". The Negro's color in actual fact verges on brown (Diop) There are no "black" or "red" people in reality.
Also, both constructs "black" and "race" are equally subjective terms. As I said before, their meanings change with time and new information. Those who use "race" arent any less scientific or correct than those who dont use it. Some Africanist scholars such as Cheikh Ana Diop used both. Some such as SOY Keita sees BOTH as problematic but even he still falls back on them occasionally, "Black" [if such exists]..."Europeans, the defining Caucasians...would therefore be a secondary type, or race due to its hybrid origins".
Yes This [bowcock's interpretation] compromises the racial schema [of biologically separate units of homo sapiens sapiens] and also invalidates the underpinnings of the race construct [of human groups being separate fundamental units], but he still fell back on the term "race" to describe the "secondary type" European hybrid "group" because as he said "categorical thinking is entrenched".
"blacks", "whites" etc = categorical thinking. But it's all subjective in the end. Black can be "powerful" to some, especially those like rasolowitz et al. who suffer from low self-esteem and need to shout slogans and cut and paste genetic studies to "debunk" "Evil Euros" to feel self worth. LOL But others not suffering from complexes, like Keita, they doubt it even exist!
Now that said carry on, I'm sure Evil Euro will come back for y'all to cut and paste some more old threads from ES . LOL
Folks, I wanted to apologize for editing out a two-line summation of this post (he would have deleted his post after seeing my edit so I wanted to edit it back in after it was too late for him to edit out this lame ass post - forgot. Had better things to do.
Anywho, making ako look stupid isn't the point, or necissary as:
Basically, anyone following who sees that post can tell that he didn't contest anything said and attempted to confound the everyone's arguement by saying that word meanings change with time [therefore the terms are subjective - which no one contested or debated]. By the way, we defined both 'race' and 'black' and laid out in which ways they don't and do exist.
Read the prior page or 2 and you'll know he can't read.
Posted by Explorateur (Member # 14778) on :
Faggot-Cancer spreading Diaper head FuckStick ranger,
Why are you too intellectually challenged to answer this...
Your Faggot-Cancer spreading Coon-clitness, if you didn't get all that Arab dick in that numb head, you'd instantly realize that "dark skin" doesn't pin skin pigmentation down to only one specific setting. What does "dark" mean to you, your Arab jacked Coon-clitness?
Posted by Explorateur (Member # 14778) on :
What does it take to get you to answer no-brainer questions, a bucket of male cock-cum? Lol. Isn't that why you keep speaking of me so much?
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote: No matter how many times you fill this thread with Wallis Budge spam, "black" will forever be a subjective term used to describe a people who's skin color ranges from dark skin to light skin,
Well..... In the United States of America, where this racial classification became a norm, regardless lightskin or darkskinned, if you come from Africa, look African, YOU'RE BLACK. Let's not play games as if this means anything biologically, because it doesn't.
Black was/is a social designation and an accepted definition of oneself, by African Americans in a whole, who are/were proud of what they are and always will be!! Regardless of light or dark, you're from Africa, then you're BLACK!!
Separatism is the idea, but it can't last much longer in the face of adveristy.
Point blank, if the Ancient Egyptians would've been around in the 40's, 50's in the U.S.A they would've had to sit at the back of the bus.
^^Let it be known
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:CA Diop: Ramses II was Black, let him sleep for eternity in his black skin.
quote:Jackass akoben's response: "Black" will forever be a subjective matter what the Ancient Egyptians say.
^ Ancient Egypt will 'forever' be Black.
Your jackass braying protests make no sense.
All terms describing ethnicity are 'subjective'.
Are you saying that there are -no Blacks- anywhere, and ever.... because the term is subjective?
You provide a cautionary tale of what happens when jackasses keep braying instead of taking their ritalin.
Your desparate braying only furthers your humiliation.
Meanwhile, here again are the material facts, which enrage you precisely because you cannot find any way to refute them
So, read them again.
Read them, and weep....
quote:All of these words can be found in "An Egyptian Hieroglyphic Dictionary" by E. A. Wallis Budge, Dover, NY
Used as an adjective
kem;kemem;kemom - black kemu - black (m) keme.t - black (f) hime.t keme.t - "black woman" himu.t keme.t - "black women"
Used as a noun
keme.t - any black person, place, or thing
A determinative is then used to be more specific:
keme.t (woman) - "the Black woman"; ie, 'divine woman' keme.t (cow) - "a Black cow" - ie, a 'sacred cow' Keme.t (nation) - "the Black nation"
kem - a black one (m) keme.t - a black one (f) kemu - black ones (m) kemu.t - black ones (f) kemeti - two black ones
Used for Nationality
Sa Kemet - a man of Black (an Egyptian male) Sa.t Kemet - a woman of Black (an Egyptian female) Rome.t Kemet - the people of Black (Egyptians) Kemetou - Blacks (ie, 'citizens') Kememou - Black people (of the Black nation)
Other usages
Sa Kem - "Black man", a god, and son of Sa.t Kem.t - "Black woman", a goddess (page 589b) kem (papyrus) - to end, complete kem.t (papyrus) - the end, completion kemi - finished products kem khet (stick) - jet black ... kemwer - any Egyptian person, place or thing ('to be black' + 'to be great')
Kemwer - "The Great Black" - a title of Osiris - the Ancestor of the race
Kemwer (body of water) - "the Great Black sea" - the Red sea Kemwer (body of water + river bank) - a lake in the Duat (the OtherWorld) Kemwer Nteri - "the sacred great Black bulls" kemwer (fortress) - a fort or town Kemwer (water) - the god of the great Black lake
Kem Amut - a black animal goddess Kemi.t-Weri.t - "the great Black woman", a goddess Kem-Neb-Mesen.t - a lion god Kem ho - "black face", a title of the crocodile Rerek kem; kemu (shield) - buckler, shield kem (wood) - black wood kem.t (stone) - black stone or powder (plant) - a plant kemu (seed) - seeds or fruit of the kem plant kemti - "black image", sacred image or statue
Using the causative "S"
S_kemi - white haired, grey-headed man (ie, to have lost blackness) S_kemkem - to destroy, overthrow, annihilate S_kemem - to blacken, to defile
S_desher - to redden, make ruddy S_desheru - red things, bloody wounds
Some interesting Homonyms (pages 770 > )
qem - to behave in a seemly manner Qemi - the south, Upper Egypt qem.t - reed, papyrus qemaa - to throw a boomerang qem_au - to overthrow qemam.t - mother, parent qemamu - workers (in metal, wood) qemqem - tambourines qemd - to weep qemati - statue, image - same as kemti qema - to create qemaiu - created beings Qemau;Qemamu - The Creator
Deshret - the opposite of Kemet
deshr.t - any red (ie, non-Black) person, place, or thing ... deshr.t (woman) - "the Red woman"; ie, 'evil woman' deshr.t (cow) - "a Red cow" - ie, the 'devil's cow' deshr - a red one (m) deshr.t - a red one (f) deshru - red ones (m) deshru.t - red ones (f) -- White or light-skinned people; devils deshreti - two red ones
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:akoben writes: "Black is powerful term" and... "But others not suffering from complexes."
You mean like Jewfright and Kemophobia?
Good point, so when are you going to seek help?
Have you taken your ritalin?
Posted by argyle104 (Member # 14634) on :
Oh, Oh, it looks like its the end of the month and "MA DICK'S" meds have run out. LOOOOOOOOOL!!!
PS. How many times is this fool going to change characters? : )
Posted by argyle104 (Member # 14634) on :
Anyone want to take bets on when the loon will start ranting and raving....
chi chi buay!!! chi chi buay!!! chi chi buay!!! chi chi buay!!! chi chi buay!!!
Sounds like something a readmit says while he's in a straightjacket being dragged to Ward D of the funny farm.
Posted by argyle104 (Member # 14634) on :
This boy is really sick. This is his code word for "true negro".
Why doesn't the boy just give it up and come into the 21st century. Again this is what happens when you are an armchair scholar who's only accomplishment is repeating after racist white scientists who's only goal is to steal African culture and history.
Folks, isn't this just one more evidentiary fact that this boy has been mentally sodomized by the white man. This is why he has and continously quotes Carton Coon and the rest of those racist so called scientists.
The man believes in the racial division of human beings. That is why his posts from day one wreak with the stinch of racism.
You're a sick person Knowledgeiskey718.
Posted by argyle104 (Member # 14634) on :
Isn't it funny how Knowledgeiskey718 is only against racism against Africans is when its about the white man trying to steal Ancient Egypt?
Any other time he is in full approval of the racism directed at Africans from whites.
What a psychotic mess Knowledgeiskey718's mind is.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
quote: Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718: Debunked doesn't want to get down to the specifics instead he just posts quotes and makes vague arguments from them, without actually getting down to or actually naming the specific evidences.
I.e #'s 1-10
1) Failed to name traits shared between Ancient Africans (Hofmeyr) and recent Europeans.
2) Fails to answer why or how Greeks inherited genes such as E3b, Benin hbs, L1 L2 if not from Africans?
3) Fails to address the fact that Europeans are closest genetically to Africans whereas the original OOA populations. I.e Oceanians appear furthest away genetically from Africa, if Oceanians and Europeans are part of the same non-African OOA population structure, then Europeans should be as distant genetically from Africans, as Oceanians are. If this is not due to post OOA Neolithic migrations into Europe from Africa, then what is it, debunked?
4) Fails to name the paternally and maternally haplotypes that Ethiopians share with Norwegians.
5) Fails to address the quote below from Wilson et al., after he erroneously tried to claim that "Y chromosomes are a thing of the past"
quote:The degree to which 'mixed' ancestry is due to recent vs ancient mixing/separation could be estimated with series of genealogical genetic systems such as the Y chromosome, but *not* with lots of unlinked loci each of which gives very little gene genealogical information.--Wilson et al
6) Fails to address the fact that almost half of Greece's Y chromosome is NON-European in origin E3b and J, but yet debunked is still unbelievably and ignorantly persistent on claiming Greece to be "pure" or 100 % Imaginary "Caucasoid".
7) Fails to address how or why E3a carrying Africans exhibit so called "Carcusoid" traits
8) Fails to address the Buba Clan Priestly class carrying Hg J, shouldn't this had turned these people "Caucasoid", as you're erroneously proposing imaginary lineages(failed to name) in East Africans, debunked??
9) Fails to address the fact that Europeans turned pale only recently.
10) Failed to address his erroneous Eurasian Adam claim, when approached with the below quote from Cavalli Sfroza.
From Cavalli-Sforza: Genes, Culture, and Human Evolution. Pg 187.
quote: ..."In other words, all non-Africans carry M168. Of course, Africans carrying the M168 mutation today are the descendants of the African subpopulation from which the migrants originated.... Thus, the Australian/Eurasian Adam (the ancestor of all non-Africans) was an East African Man."
Posted by Explorateur (Member # 14778) on :
quote:Originally posted by argyle104: HAHAHAHAHAHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!
Oh, Oh, it looks like its the end of the month and "MA DICK'S" meds have run out. LOOOOOOOOOL!!!
PS. How many times is this fool going to change characters? : )
Ah it is CrackaCoon buckwheat - the Cracka masta’s all-time cock-pirate. Another "keyboard" faggot-cancer spreading hoodlum who has exceeding thirst for my Dick, his masta. Can't resist mentioning me, even when not addressed.
Now, bow down to your masta - my Dick, and don't forget to kneel before my Dick, for prayers before you go to bed
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:Are you saying that there are -no Blacks- anywhere, and ever.... because the term is subjective?
Are you this stupid? Show where I said this? LOL
quote:CA Diop: Ramses II was Black, let him sleep for eternity in his black skin.
Yes he was a member of the black race. "By microscopic examination is a laboratory method which enables us to classify the ancient Egyptians unquestionably among the black races."
And whites are a race also:
"Blacks, in history, subjugated the white race for three thousand years. (Great African Thinkers, pg. 217)
"Europeans, the defining Caucasians...would therefore be a secondary...race due to its hybrid origins". – SOY Keita
quote:Originally posted by rasolowitz:
Actually it's because [I'm] a jackass, who can't understand the obvious, no matter how simply it is broken down for [me].
Normal people learn. All [I] do is spin in circles.
I'm saying that my imagined anthropology distinctions between Websters "negro" and "black" both mean dark skinned pigmented, are imagined.
This [Websters definition for "negro" and "black"] is [...]correct because the definition given for negro (like "black") is and [sic] anthropology [sic] classification for race based on a number of physical features...and *not* just skin color] The definition given for 'Blacks' is a social reference [up dated "race"] to dark skin peoples [and an example is given African Americans, once called NEGROES.
This is of course why both "black" and "negro" are used interchangeably by Webster and said faux anthropologists which is why there are the same definitions dark skin pigmentation given. The distinctions are my desperate straw diversions].
Too bad. [I'll] Keep spinning...
Weeeeeeeeeeeeee look at meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee there's a distinction between "Negro" and "black" and I'm going to find it Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:Originally posted by Explorateur: F*** pussy cunt dick f*** pussy arab shagging nazi cunt dick what does dark mean f*** f*** pussy pussy cunt **** dick
f**k you jewboy! what do you understand by dismissed!!!! LOL
Posted by Explorateur (Member # 14778) on :
Fack you too.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:Originally posted by frustrated jewboy: Fack my six million dead Jews I fantasize about. Fack my dead "primary sourced backed" Jewess Daidowitz! Fack my dead commie heroes! Fack them too!
Posted by Explorateur (Member # 14778) on :
Petrified bitch, what killed six million Jews whom you fear? Your faggot-cancer?!
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
^ dufus, no six million jews died! now stay dismissed! LOL
Posted by Explorateur (Member # 14778) on :
Why are you trying to cover up your crime -- mass murder through your faggot-cancer, petrified bitch?
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:Originally posted by Explorateur: Why do i fear historical truths? wwwwaaaaaaaa why why why. Why do I love commie criminals instead wwwaaaaaa -- why do I see commie mass murder as social justice? wwwaaaaaaaaaaa!
Posted by Explorateur (Member # 14778) on :
Isn't that what you do day in and out, when you hear the word "jew", petrified bitch > Waaaaa waaaaa....
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:Originally posted by Explorateur: Waaaaa waaaaa this is what I do everytime I hear uncomfortable historical truths wwaaaaaa, and sometimes when i get really upset I go cunt cunt cunt fack fack fack dick pussy p**ssy
Posted by Explorateur (Member # 14778) on :
Is that not what you do, when you are called your rightful name "a pussy and a cunt", petrified bitch > waaaaa waaaa waaa...
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:Originally posted by Explorateur: yeh yeh yeh! a pussy and a cunt, yeh yeh I'm so maaaddd fack pussy cunt fack pussy cunt yeh yeh this is what I do when I ca'tn counter with facts I become a petrified bitch that says fack fack fack I'm sush a WEAK JEW that's why my family died in commie gugals, not strong enough and I have their genes thats why I go fack fack fack pussy pussy pussy when I have nothing else to say waaaawaaaaa waaaa waaa...fack fack fackpussy pussy pussy eyeh yeh yeh!
Posted by Explorateur (Member # 14778) on :
You mass murdered six million innocent folks through your faggot-cancer, for nothing other than your fear of Jews. If that ain't weak, petrified bitch, then nothing else is.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:rasol: Are you saying that there are -no Blacks- anywhere, and ever.... because the term is subjective?
quote:akboen writes: Are you stupid.
No but your argument sure is.
Your attempt to dispute the dictionary by arguing that terms are subjective [irrelevant] is what is stupid.
quote:akoben: Show where I said this?
* Show where the dictionary claims that it's definitions are *not* subjective.
* If you can't do this, show how stating that terms are subjective is not a strawman argument, that in no way refutes the dictionary.
* Show that you understand what was just related.
* Show that you're not a jackass.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:CA Diop: Ramses II was Black, let him sleep for eternity in his black skin.
quote:jackass/akoben: Yes he was a member of the black race.
"By microscopic examination is a laboratory method which enables us to classify the ancient Egyptians unquestionably among the black races."
^ Actually Diop says black races, plural....not race, so your inability to read citations properly once more makes a jackass of you.
Diops belief in non-existent races is not the point at issue.
The issue....
* You have failed to dispute the fact that Diop regarded "dark skin as black skin", which so concords with Merriam-Websters definition.... and which you mis-cited Diop in a desparate effort to oppose.
But Diop and Websters *concur* on this point - and both refute you.
Blacks - any of a number of populations having dark skin. - Websters.
^ So you're one lonely jackass with no reference and no support from Diop Websters or anyone else.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:jackass akoben writes: "Whites are a race also. "Europeans, the defining Caucasians...would therefore be a secondary...race due to its hybrid origins". – SOY Keita
Again, This is quoted out of context. But you're a jackass who lacks the reading comprehension of a 9 year old, so context goes over your head.
Keita essay is is titled "The Myth of racial divergence".
Keita notes that the failure of Europeans to model as a primary race contradicts the entire schematic of race. Thus racial divergence is a myth.
It's equivalent to a thesis stating that there is no proof that UFO citings are Martians, by denoting that there is no evidence of intelligent life on Mars, and therefore any space visitors would have to be from somewhere else.
jackass/akoben then quotes this as evidence that Keita believes in space invaders...they're just "not from mars."
^ only a jackass would misread something so badly.
But that's the opposite of what was said, and keita is not advocating races/primary/secondary or any other kind.
jackass/akoben has failed to prove the existence of races.
He has only proved that he cannot read.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:jackass akoben writes: there's a distinction between "Negro" and "black" and i'm going to find it.
^ The distinction between the given definitions is quite clear, and you've yet to address it.
All you've done is miscite, misquote and misunderstand, which any desparate and defeated donkey can do.
Blacks - any of a number of populations having dark skin.
translating jackass akoben - "the distinction is clear, but i don't like it, so i will just pretend it's not there."
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by Explorateur: Petrified bitch, what killed six million Jews whom you fear? Your faggot-cancer?!
Jackass/Akoben writes: "What jews? What blacks? I can't see a thing"
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:* You have failed to dispute the fact that Diop regarded "dark skin as black skin", which so concords with Merriam-Websters definition.... and which you mis-cited Diop in a desparate effort to oppose.
I never denied dark skin is black skin too, I'm saying its not the totality of "black".
I understood you didnt know Keita, like Diop, fell back on the terminology "race" to describe Europeans, despite being against the classical definition. I understand too why you keep coming back to save face.
quote:Keita notes that the failure of Europeans to model as a primary race contradicts the entire schematic of race. Thus racial divergence is a myth.
Hence reference to them as a "secondary race" due their hybrid origins. Your such an arrogant jacka**, you keep projecting what you want your sources (like denying Webster's black and negro both = dark skin pigmentation) to say.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Hence reference to them as a "secondary race" due their hybrid origins
^ Incorrect, illiterate jackass, Keita *never* claims in his essay "the myth of racial divergence" that Europeans are a "secondary" race.
Actually the term "secondary race" is not even found in the article. All you ever do is miscite, misquote and misunderstand.
Learn to read more carefully and completely jackass.
Nuclear DNA study contributes to the deconstruction of received racial entities.
Europeans, the defining caucasians arose as a consequence of admixtures of already differentiated populations, and would therefore be a secondary type, or race due to its hybrid origins and not a primary race.
This compromises the racial schema and also invalidates the underpinnings of the race construct.
So you are now doubly distorting not only the meaning of his words, but the words themselves.
This is the level of desparation you've sunk to.
Read this, and maybe you will better grasp what both Keita and I are saying....
- due to fact # 1 hypothesis A is false, at best only hypothesis B remains.
^ The above nowhere validates hypothesis B, which may also be false, due to fact 2, 3, 4... and so forth.
To imply that hypothesis B has been validated by the above is incorrect, and shows sloppy thinking, sloppy reading and a general failure of logic.
Keita invalidates the notion of the caucasian race. [hypothesis A]
Nowhere does he assert any other conception of race. Indeed he makes this *crystal clear* by stating that the entire schematic of race [sum set of all race hypothesis] is invalid.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Originally posted by argyle104: Knowledgeiskey718 wrote:
^^^We don't run and cower, get it right, we say it proudly "I'm Black".
You dumb insignificant prick!!
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:I never denied dark skin is black skin
Actually you did, and are now backtracking, but that's the usual method of recovery from a bad argument. Backtracking eventually leads to being cornered.
So let's just say that you now admit: THAT DARK SKIN IS BLACK SKIN. So we agree.
Moving on.....
quote:I'm saying its not the totality of "black".
What does "to-tal-i-ty of blackness" mean?
This is, of course, a new distraction in the face of the failure of the previous argument.
But that's ok, I'm enjoying making you squirm.
Remember: as this is your term, the onus is on -you- to define such.
Don't keep us waiting then....
Hop to it. [make stuff up, if you have to, you're good at that].
Posted by Sundjata (Member # 13096) on :
I'm sorry, but since I posted the afro-mentioned quote under dispute, I feel that I should interject. Akoben, you seem really confused man. Keita did NOT refer to Europeans as a secondary race. I actually DID quote him right, obviously out of context but within context of this discussion. What he wrote (co-authored by Kittles) immediately thereafter was:
"This compromises the racial schema and also invalidates the metaphysical underpinnings of the persistent race construct, which implies deep and fundamental differences between its units".
This is a general theme through out the entire essay as he disassembles the race concept point by point. In this case, he disassembles the myth of the "Caucasoid race". He qualifies his statement with a "would in that scenario", as in, under the general racial assumption held by many in the past and by some of his contemporaries, that (and I'm quoting) "Caucasian would be a secondary type or race due to its hybrid origin", IF race were relevant. He and Kittles demonstrates through out their paper that it is not. Please read more than what I've hand fed you Ako..
I posted that under the assumption (now obviously an ASSumption) that most would have the common sense and understanding to know what Keita was trying to convey.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ lol, well said.
truth is, akoben didn't know the quote was from keita to begin with, nor had he read the article, which is why he took it out of context.
the rest is just him being a jackass and refusing to admit his obvious mistake... in spite of the fact that everyone else can see it.
when akoben fouls his own pants, his *solution* is to 'dive into his own feces and try to swim in it.'
just watch, and laugh.....
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote: Europeans, the defining caucasians arose as a consequence of admixtures of already differentiated populations, and would therefore be a secondary type, or race due to its hybrid origins and not a primary race.
I never said the quote was a "fall back" on the classical definition of race as separate biological units. Yes , Kieta himself is not endorsing the "race" discourse but based on Bowcocks work, if race was relevant, they would be a "secondary type or race" with the persistence of racial thinking. Rasolowitz denies out right it says "secondary race". According to him it says they are a "secondary type". What is the difference, in the Keita quote, between "secondary type" and "secondary race"?
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by akoben: What does "to-tal-i-ty of blackness" mean?
quote:Diop by contrast in his 'African Origin of Civilization,' argues against the European stereotypical conception, holding that therange of peoples and phenotypesunder the designation "negre" included those with a wide range of physical variability- from light brown skin and aquiline noses to jet black skin and frizzy hair
^ Given that this is from wikipedia and not a quote from Diop..... I still don't see how it helps you refute:
Websters: Blacks- any of a number of populations having dark skin.
Please state what specific features other than skin tone, relate *totality* of blackness.
Dark skin tone is the only bounding element in your citation:
- not hair texture, which might be anything
- not nose shape, which might be anything
- not any other feature.....
- only dark skin which varies from light brown to jet black and which Diop so defines as black skin.
Your totality of black then consists of 'dark skinned' plus....... [what?]
Please list the common attributes of black -from your above wiki citation- ....other than dark skin. Because I must of have missed that part.
Here's a blank form, for your list, so get busy and fill it in.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:I never said the quote was a "fall back" on the classical definition of race as separate biological units.
^ Yes you did. "Fall back" on race is exactly the expression you used.
But again, I expect you to continue backtracking at this point, since your argument is becoming weaker with each post.
Suggestion, from this point mabye you should start *every post* with: "I never said.." or.. even better, "I can explain".
Keep backtracking....
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:According to him it says they are a "secondary type". What is the difference, in the Keita quote, between "secondary type" and "secondary race"?
^ It means that Europeans can be shown to be the result of admixtures between non-africans and africans, and thefore cannot be posited as primary race. Keita states that this undermines the entire concept of race.
Now look carefully and pretend for a moment that you're not a jackass but are actually capable of processing information like a normal human being, because i'm going to show you why......
^ The most highly divergered populations are Blacks of Africa, and Blacks of Oceania. [this destroys the dialect of the so called Negro race]
White Europeans are the least distinct population, modeling as recent, short vector genetic hybrids between Africans and non Africans, with little internal distinction.
They are genetically closer to both Blacks of Oceania and Blacks of Africa than either of these two Black populations are to each other.
[this destroys the dialect of caucasian race, which pre-supposes caucasoid as 'the' primary subspecies of homo sapiens, and so in turn, undermines the entire schematic of race]
^ I'm sure you don't understand, jackass/akoben, so ask question, or just keep arguing.
Dumb as you are, I can still *use* you.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
is "secondary type" not another way of saying secondary "race"?
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ no. it's not.
and if you had read the article before putting your foot in your mouth, you would know this.
note- i continue to answer your questions, though you decline to answer mine.
this does not go unnoticed - it is and admission of defeat on your part, for all to see.
continue then...
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
what is the meaning of "type" here?
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ in genetics, a type, or geno-type, is a marker or markers, that distinguishes one population from another.
any other questions?
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
so in genetics races aren't types? one is more scientific than the other?
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ here is what a geneticist says:
Genetically, race, has no meaning -Spencer Wells.
Race is the theory that phenotype isolate reveals genotype/ancestry and so relates the divergence of humans into sub-species.
This is a myth.
Hence the title, of the Keita essay:
The *Myth* of Racial Divergence Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:in genetics, a type, or geno-type, is a marker or markers, that distinguishes one population from another.
what do "populations" mean here? "black population" "white population"?
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ neither. the meaning is contained within the sentense you quoted. so the question makes no sense.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
so you never made any mention of "black population" in your posts?
what is "black" to you, a group, a popultion, a type?
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:rasol wrote: neither. the meaning is contained within the sentense you quoted. so the question makes no sense.
quote:Originally posted by akoben: so you never made any mention of "black population" in your posts?
^is that what is stated in my reply? no. then why are you making strawman arguments, like a jackass...(?)
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
^^^Poor Akoben
quote:what is "black" to you, a group, a population, a type?
already answered,
quote:Blacks - any of a number of populations having dark skin.
When akoben can't refute the answer, he just repeats the question...
Isn't the case that you lost this argument, long ago, and are now behaving like a typical sore loser, who can't let it go?
This argument is over, you lost. Actually you made a fool of yourself. And now you are repeating your mistake.
Let it go.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
^is that what is stated in my reply? no.
what is a "black population" then.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote: ^ Actually Diop says black races, plural....not race, so your inability to read citations properly once more makes a jackass of you.
I said Ramses was a member of the black race singular. So what? Diop's "races" are in reference to two variants of the black race. (same book on the same page pg. 41).
quote:is "secondary type" not another way of saying secondary "race"?
quote: ^ no. it's not.
quote:in genetics, a type, or geno-type, is a marker or markers, that distinguishes one population from another.
According to Keita "types" are also problematic, "Races are types, defined by complexes of anatomical traits; clear boundaries exist by definition, and definitions are tautologies. (Breed-ing populations are mating systems.) The boundaries implied by the specificity of type definitions are shattered when other data are considered. For the biological construct of race to be valid, with the connotation of a foundational and maintained biological uni-formity and coherence of its members, there should be the finding of concordant group-ings of individuals by lineage markers, other DNA, and morphology."
Hence "Europeans" cannot be a "secondary type" (as you imply in your posts) anymore than a "secondary race" since both according to Keita imply boundaries that are nonexistent when other variables are considered.
Even distinguishing between "populations" one from the other (like your "black populations" = Webster's: any of a number of populations having "dark skin" (a uniformed look). This is also seen as evidence of persistence of racial thinking as, "The strict racial approach constructs human diversity as being reducible to a fixed number of foundational, natural, and indivisible units (types), which consist of near uniform individuals."
e.g. Blacks - any of a number of populations having “dark skin”.
"The racial approach clearly does not contribute to an understanding of biohistorical processes, especially in Africa, which cannot be defined by any one trait or cluster of traits on any level: serogenetic, MtDNA, form, or skin color.)
As for your "genetics, a type, or geno-type, is a marker or markers, that distinguishes one population from another", Furthermore, the advances of mo-lecular biology and a better understanding of evolutionary processes have made it clear that the concept of "affinity" has many di-mensions, especially for humans. A given individual or population may have multiple "relationships." Gene, genealogical, andpopulation histories and affinities are notthe same....The received racial taxa do not reach the level of differ-entiation used by population geneticists to designate functional subspecies (races) and coherent genealogical lineages(Templeton1999).Near worldwide research on lineage markers (mtDNA and Y-chromosome vari-ants) shows that the (individual) bearers of specific haplotypes do not form into clusters of individuals with uniform morphologies and geographical origin (i.e. classical "races" as commonly accepted)(Penny et al.1995)—a stereotypical Swede may pair with an Mbuti.
So much for your "black populations = mere dark skin peoples" and your distinguishing between "populations" based on genotype. Even the term "population" is also problematic, "it must also be recognized that there is a problem with the fluidity of the term population. Sometimes samples in studies are closer to breeding units and sometimes not". And so is "ethnic groups", or "black" as "social ethnenes" [sic], and so on. These are all evidence of the persistence of racial thinking according to Keita. (Persistence of Racial Thinking pg. 9 Conclusions).
Goes on to say that even terms such as "African" and Asian" are also problematic:
Nuclear DNA studies suggest to some that Blumenbach's "Caucasian" entity (or some of it) is at foundation an "inter-mixed" group composed of earlier differentiated non-European specifically Asian and central African) elements (e.g. Bowcock etal. 1991)—this may be a problem given that the contributing groups seem to conform to received raciotypological schema—but should be acceptable to those who believe in the existence of races.
So much for your 1/3 "African" and 2/3 "Asian", or is it vise versa?
Diop's and Webster's "black"
Webster's "black" excludes N.African peoples, Diop does not. Webster's "black" is replay of the "true negro", it is not just based on dark skin but upon certain features i.e. African Americans, the stereotypical West African once called Negros; it says nothing about black including N.Africa which as I showed you, they see as home of the Caucasian.
Hence according to Webster, "black" = dark skin = African American type (stereotypical West African), not N. African peoples like the Egyptians. And according to Webster "dark complexion" = Caucasian race, those recognizable Dark skinned whites (Hamites) of old responsible for ancient Egypt.
Thus the similarities of "black" with "negro" in faux anthropology and Webster and dissimilarities with Diop's "black" couldnt be any plainer.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:The Jackass continues his braying: I said Ramses was a member of the black race singular. So what?
You miscited Diop, that's what. And you failed to address Diop citation below:
quote:CA Diop: Ramses II was Black, let him sleep for eternity in his black skin.
^ Diop's reference to Ramses 'black skin', which to Diop makes Ramses Black.
This is consistent with the Websters definition you hate: Blacks any of a number of dark skinned populations.
quote:Webster's "black" excludes N.African peoples, Diop does not.
^ Lie. The definition says nothing about Africa at all.
Because you lost your argument, you continue to make things up, misread, distract. rotfl!
You will find yourself in the dictionary under the heading of sore loser.
What are you going to do now, substitute another definition, and argue over that? That would be strawman argument. You must address the definition given, since you asked me for 'mine' to begin with.
Learn how to argue properly idiot.
You should worry less about 'black' and more about the state of your mind, which is absolute garbage.
Furthermore, while Diop was wrong in believing that black skin is "racial" - and no current biologist believes this. But his refernence to multiple black races plural further rebukes you, as it shows that Diops conception is rooted in skin color.
Diop speaks of Blacks of Asia and Blacks of Africa.
He speaks of Blacks with STRAIGHT hair.
Nothing unites these populations [including ancestry or so called race] other than dark skin which Diop defines as Black skin.
This is why I asked you what is 'totality' of black, other than - any of a number of populations having dark skin.
The only point you prove is that you're a neurotic kemophobic jackass, trapped by his own dead end rhetorics and unable to escape, and unable to end his pointless arguing....
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ jackass aboben will again write a pointless reply that fails to answer...
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:Originally posted by akoben: What does "to-tal-i-ty of blackness" mean?
quote:Diop by contrast in his 'African Origin of Civilization,' argues against the European stereotypical conception, holding that therange of peoples and phenotypesunder the designation "negre" included those with a wide range of physical variability- from light brown skin and aquiline noses to jet black skin and frizzy hair
^ Given that this is from wikipedia and not a quote from Diop..... I still don't see how it helps you refute:
Websters: Blacks- any of a number of populations having dark skin.
Please state what specific features other than skin tone, relate *totality* of blackness.
Dark skin tone is the only bounding element in your citation:
- not hair texture, which might be anything
- not nose shape, which might be anything
- not any other feature.....
- only dark skin which varies from light brown to jet black and which Diop so defines as black skin.
Your totality of black then consists of 'dark skinned' plus....... [what?]
Please list the common attributes of black -from your above wiki citation- ....other than dark skin. Because I must of have missed that part.
Here's a blank form, for your list, so get busy and fill it in.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:According to Keita "types" are also problematic, "Races are types, defined by complexes of anatomical traits; clear boundaries exist by definition, and definitions are tautologies."
^ Another example of your jackass lack of reading comprehension, and your inability to think logically.
That sentense does not say that 'types' are problematic, it says that races are problematic.
Do you even know what a tautology is - idiot?
No, you don't. Then why the jackass prattle, misciting what you don't understand?
As for the rest of your post - it goes off the deep end based on your inability to comprehend the sentence you AGAIN miscite.
YOUR problem is You can't read.
You need to take 'adult' education or something.
quote: Akoben's guide to jackass logic:
* races are types. * races are tautologies. * therefore all types are tautologies.
* bees are insects. * bees can fly * therefore all insects can fly
Posted by argyle104 (Member # 14634) on :
akoben wrote: ------------------------------------ Webster's "black" excludes N.African peoples, Diop does not. Webster's "black" is replay of the "true negro", it is not just based on dark skin but upon certain features i.e. African Americans, the stereotypical West African once called Negros; ------------------------------------
What "certain features" did Webster's specify?
Does Webster's actually phrase it like you have just written? Or did you just pull the above out of the sky?
In other words does Webster's specifically mention African Americans and a stereotypical look? Did they mention "west" Africans and a stereotypical look? If so, then provide a link so that we can see it for ourselves.
If they did not do so, then why did you do so?
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
a person belonging to any of various population groups having dark pigmentation of the skin
This was provided at the beginning of this discussion.
All jackasses like akoben, ignore information they don't like, in order to sustain ridiculous arguments over something that was never said to begin with.
akoben also pretends he was not given information and asks for the same information over and over again.
That's what makes him a jackass.
Of course, it's also clear that he cannot read [anything] properly, so....
Posted by argyle104 (Member # 14634) on :
I don't see anything stereotypical about dark pigmentation. So I'm wondering why the word "stereotypical" is being attached to black by some in here.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ fake arguments are based on strawmen.
ignore what was said, make stuff up, argue that instead.
being wrong, what else can he do?
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:^ Diop's reference to Ramses 'black skin', which to Diop makes Ramses Black.
Which I never denied.
quote:Diop was wrong in believing that black skin is "racial"
And you for believing population groupings ("black") can be done based on a uniform: "dark skin", as according to Keita both "races" and "population groupings" are not scientific.
quote:only dark skin which varies from light brown to jet black and which Diop so defines as black skin
Apart from the fact that Webster's "black" is the same old "true negro" (i.e. African American, not including N.Africans which they see as home of "Caucasian"), Diop does not say "dark skin varies from light brown to jet black". You are using "dark skin" to reference a range of skin tones all of which are not "dark". But as Keita points out dark skin is not the only complexion for Africans, he says "yellow skin" and "lighter skin" among Africans were wrongly attributed to European admixture or the "Hamite". Hence in actual fact "Black populations" (Africans) are diverse: dark skin to "lighter skin". Even whiskey sees the range, "Regardless of light or dark, you're from Africa, then you're BLACK!!"
"Dark skin" and "light skin" are not the same.
Hence "Africa....cannot be defined by any one trait or cluster of traits on any level: serogenetic, MtDNA, form, or skin color."
Do you know what this means for your Webster's uniform of "dark skin" for "black populations"?
quote:That sentense does not say that 'types' are problematic, it says that races are problematic.
I was expecting this, especially since you misinterpreted Keita as saying they are a "secondary type". Suggestion, from this point mabye you should start *every post* with: "I never said.." or.. even better, "I can explain". LOL
In that sentence Keita clearly says races are types, and sees both as problematic, "The boundaries implied by the specificity of type definitions are shattered when other data are considered...The strict racial approach constructs human diversity as being reducible to a fixed number of foundational, natural, and indivisible units (types), which consist of near uniform individuals."
near uniformed individuals like your "dark skin" for Black. LOL
So he's NOT saying they are a "secondary type" like you interpreted in your posts. He's saying IF race were relevant "Caucasian would be a secondary type or race due to its hybrid origin".
And of course:
- He also debunks your uniting "populations" based on dark skin - Your distinguishing between "populations" using genetics or skin tone: e.g. dark skin versus the "other"
Even your contributing groups of "65% Asian and 35% African" is evidene of racial thinking, "Nuclear DNA studies suggest to some that Blumenbach's "Caucasian" entity (or some of it) is at foundation an "inter-mixed" group composed of earlier differentiated non-European specifically Asian and central African) elements (e.g. Bowcock etal. 1991)— this may be a problem given that the contributing groups seem to conform to received raciotypological schema—but should be acceptable to those who believe in the existence of races." Posted by SEEKING (Member # 10105) on :
^ Nice video by Keita, though not surprising that some fools misunderstood what he said. For example, note that a person's last reply made to the video states that the diversity in modern Egypt was the same as ancient Egypt. LOL Of course that is ridiculous since not only does Keita explicity mention, but it is a historical fact that Egypt recieved many invasions and immigrations since the fall of dynastic Egypt. Many fools try to spin or distort Keita's claims of indigenous African diversity to say that those populations of North Africa were distinct or rather 'not black' like those of Sub-Sahara. Of course this is not Keita says at all. On the contrary, his premise is that there is no divide between North Africa and "Sub-Sahara" and that the populations of Africa as diverse as they are have continuity. Thus all indigenous Africas are black, but they come in a variety of features and complexions and not just the stereotypical "true negro/black sambo" look.
Speaking of which...
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
ROTFLOL @ wako-ako and his idiotic nonsense! Rasol sure had a fun time roasting that nazi-loser. LOL
And is it true wako-ako is really Jamaican?? LMAO If he is, it's obvious he's got something else than weed in his ganja pipe. LOL Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Diop wrote: may RamsesII rest for eternity in his black skin.
quote:Jackass akoben writes:
"Dark skin" and "light skin" are not the same.
^ Same problems for you though.
1) You can't read.
2) And you resort to lying out of desparation.
Diop never said anything about light skin, which you falsely attributed to him.
You are misciting a wikipedia article and then wrongly attributing that to Diop.
What do you have to offer this forum other than being stupid and a bad liar?
You can't even read a simple sentense from the dictionary without screwing it up.
You just made a fool of yourself, again....
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by Djehuti: ROTFLOL @ wako-ako and his idiotic nonsense! Rasol sure had a fun time roasting that nazi-loser. LOL
And is it true wako-ako is really Jamaican?? LMAO If he is, it's obvious he's got something else than weed in his ganja pipe. LOL
^ Indeed his holocaust denial, and black denial [jewfright and kemophobia] are what is really being lampooned here.
That he continues his argument in desparation reveals the depths of his neurotic dispair.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
Someone asked: "Do you know what population structure is"?
Consider, the model shown below, the issue isn't just the Europeans show as genetically intermediate between say New Guinea and Ethiopia, or China and Somalia..... actually in Sforza' dna samples below, he uses non East African populations including central African 'pygmy'.
Understand then, that white Europeans show as intermediate between non Africans and *all* Native Black Africans.
For this to be so.... Europeans must inherit particular genes that are common to *all* Africans, but not found in other non Africans.
In terms of population structure this implies:
- pan african structure. - non african structure. - europeans as hybrid between these two structures.
Population structure cannot confound the reality that Europeans have Black African ancestry.
quote:Originally posted by rasol: ^ You better wake up, and start finding some answers, because the evidence shows that Europeans are a recent admixed population, and not the "ancient race" you fantasize about, but produce no evidence for.....
quote: population genetics/simulation/neutral theory) ANNE M. BOWCOCK*t
One can show that a branch to a population resulting from admixture tends to be shorter than other branches.
"Nuclear DNA studies also contribute to the deconstruction of received racial entities. Ann Bowcock and her colleague's interpretation (Bowcock et al. 1991; Bowcock et al. 1994) of analyses of restriction-site polymorphisms and microsatellite polymorphisms (STRPs) suggests that Europeans, the defining Caucasians, are descendants of a population that arose as a consequence of admixture between already differentiated populations ancestral to (some) Africans and Asians. Therefore, Caucasians would be a secondary type of race due to its hybrid origin and not a primary race".
From maximum likelihood estimates the European admixture consisted of 65% Asian and 35% African.
Graph a) shows the pattern and order of African origin, and sub-sequent outmigration, with population splits at each vertex.
Graph b) shows the genetic relatedness and distinctiveness of each population, denoted with each vector.
Note the relative *length* of the vectors.
Not only are Europeans intermidiates between Asia and Africa at the roughly 2/3 and 1/3 ratios denoted by Sforza, but Europeans also show as a decidely *short* vector. This means they are a recent population without and ancient history, and therefore non of the other, more ancient populations shown, can be conceived in terms of admixtures -with- Europeans.
hybrid - the entity described cannot be understood in terms of it's own originating characteristics as well as by reference to 2 or more descrete elements from which it is *derived.*
Europeans are short-vector, recently admixed hybrids.
* Please produce evidence of ancient European phenotype.
* Please produce evidence of ancient European genotype.
Ancient K-zoids are nowhere in sight.
Keep dreaming, of caucazzzzoids.......
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:Diop never said anything about light skin, which you falsely attributed to him.
Show where I attributed the words "light skin" to Diop.
quote:You can't even read a simple sentense from the dictionary without screwing it up.
Sentence like black skin pigmentation for Negro and Black? The link King provided is noteworthy because it underscores my point re persistence of your racial thinking and constant denials. As Keita says in the link, the race concept involved grouping people based on their external anatomical characteristics.
E.g. Webster's "Negro": a race of humankind native to Africa and classified according to physical features (as dark skin pigmentation). No different from it's "Black": of various population groups having dark pigmentation of the skin.
Both words according to Webster are the same, both imply homogeneity based on complexions, both involve grouping people based on external anatomical characteristic (i.e. dark skin pigmentation), and no amount of extra textual explanations about what faux anthologists say will change this.
quote: Indeed his holocaust denial, and black denial
Holocaust denial like your failure to support Ausarianstein in the debate? Black denials like "black [if such exists]"? Denials such as the absence of "black" in Keita's essays whether the theme is the persistence of racial thinking or the diversity of indigenous Africans. Even in the youtube link he stays away from the word. Whenever he does he always qualifies it with quotation, like in the one quote you keep posting.
Speaking of the persistence of racial thinking, your "Europeans are a secondary type" and accompanying reasoning, even your tree branch (dendrograms) post you keep repeating to "distinguish" populations is seen as problematic. According to him few human populations, even authentic breeding ones, are so well differentiated and independent from each other as to support the distinctness implied by tree branches. "The ubiquity and complexity of human migration patterns guarantee that branching points in tree will always be suspect." Which is why, despite our dishonest referencing of him, he does not agree with your tree branch or your geographical differentiating "65% Asian and 35% African",
quote:Near worldwide research on lineage markers (mtDNA and Y-chromosome vari-ants) shows that the (individual) bearers of specific haplotypes do not form into clusters of individuals with uniform morphologiesand geographical origin (i.e. classical “races” as commonly accepted) (Penny et al.1995)... Nuclear DNA studies suggest to some that Blumenbach’s “Caucasian” entity (or some of it) is at foundation an “inter-mixed” group composed of earlier differentiated non-European (specifically Asian and central African) elements (e.g. Bowcock etal. 1991)—this may be a problem given that the contributing groups seem to conform to received raciotypological schema... The coalescence times of various genetic systems sampled broadly from across the world, when considered with fossil data (and their geography) suggest that the initial molecular microdifferentiation of Homo sapiens sapiens (by no-menclature a proper race) took place in Africa (see Keita and Kittles 1997); this problematizes the conceptual ontological universe of race and its terms which imply a fixed persisting diachronic relationship between geography, external anatomic phenotype (“racial type”), and a molecular “profile.”
In other words he is not in agreement with Bowcock as you imply. Which is why he's arguing that IF race were relevant, based on Bowcock's analysis, "Caucasian would be a secondary type or race due to its hybrid origin".
He does not believe in types or races. Races are types, defined by complexes of anatomical traits; clear boundaries exist by definition, and definitions are tautologies. Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Show where I attributed the words "light skin" to Diop.
^ lol all day at your jackass antics.
You miscited Diop lying loser, via hoc wiki remark which you tried to pass off as coming from -Diop.
The fact that it didn't not, rendered the citation non sequitur as a rejoinder to Diop's reference to RamsesII's *black skin*.
This isn't even a debate because you have never read Diop or Keita or anyone else, and even if you could read them, you frankly lack the brainpower needed to comprehend them.
Just listening to you trying to understand what you read results in automatic comedy.
Your replies are just worthless jackass brayings.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Holocaust denial like your failure to support Ausarianstein in the debate?
^ There is no debate. There was only warped frustrated jackass/akoben trying to deny the holocaust ever happened, and so making a fool of himself.
What's surprising [to me] is to learn that it isn't just jews you fear, but blacks as well.
You're a mess.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Holocaust denial like your failure to support Ausarianstein in the debate?
^ There is no debate. There was only warped frustrated jackass/akoben trying to deny the holocaust ever happened, out of self-loathing which is fronts off as Jew-hate.
No one 'debated' you because you were so far off the deep end and as a result so beneath contempt, as to not be worth debating.
What's surprising [to me] is to learn that it isn't just jews you fear, but blacks as well.
You're a mess.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:In other words he is not in agreement with Bowcock as you imply. Which is why he's arguing that IF race were relevant, based on Bowcock's analysis, Europeans would be a secondary type or race due to its hybrid origin".
^ From which Keita derives, [and you keep leaving out]: Keita writes:
quote:This compromises the racial schema and also invalidates the underpinnings of the race construct.
^ Keita is not falling back on the terminology of race, he is debunking it. To claim that he is 'falling back' on 'racial' terminology is to completely misrepresent his comments.
But you're a desparate defeated jackass, so naturally you keep trying...
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:He does not believe in types or races.
^ Wrong, i've already explained to you why this is wrong, but you are extremely stupid and don't get it.
Keita studies physical anthropology and he does classify into types. Of course.
But he doesn't classify into races.
In your jackass mind ->
Races are types. Races are invalid. Therefore types are invalid.
^ Wrong. The above conclusion is illogical.
You need to read this....
Akoben, your jackass brain is letting you down.....again.
What have you conveyed in this thread, except for how stupid you are?
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Europeans are a secondary type" and accompanying reasoning, even your tree branch (dendrograms) post you keep repeating to "distinguish" populations is seen as problematic.
^ To you, yes. But then for you the simple fact that 2x2x2 = 8 and not 6, as you would have it, with your jackass logic -> is problematic, and a parodox and a contradiction and a hypocrisy.
This lack of ability to think is also why you keep claiming that two fundamentally different definitions are somehow the same, because you can't "distinguish" between one thing and another.
Your problem is you're very dumb, and I can't help you that, i'm sorry.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
The Wiki quote was a reference to a book on Diop by Walker, not related to the specific charge you leveled.
So I'll just repeat the question and wait until I get an answer, "Show where I attributed the words "light skin" to Diop."
And repeating yourself like a stuck record reflecting your inability to back up the [mis]information on Lippstadt's website, because you are not familiar with it, won't help you either. Dachau long dropped as an extermination camp by even holocaust historians and other "facts" long refuted. If you want to try now fine go ahead and retrev the "black skin defined thread". But like Ausarianstein, you didn't know the issues and what you were posting. Same with Keita.
He is against everything you advance! From "black as powerful concept", tree branches and types. Even Sundiata posted the context of the quote,"He qualifies his statement with a "would in that scenario", as in, under the general racial assumption held by many in the past and by some of his contemporaries, that (and I'm quoting) "Caucasian would be a secondary type or race due to its hybrid origin", IF race were relevant."
The amazing thing about your recent denials is that you did agree with this post! ^^^ Now you scream NO! LOL Yes Euros, as a "hybrid", invalidates the idea of deep fundamental divisions within the units i.e. Europeans as a primary race, but he does not see them as a secondary type or race either as it still comprises (do you know what the word "compromise" mean? LOL) the racial schema since as he said "races are types" and I already showed you what he thinks about "types" and tree branches as a reflection of the persistence of racial thinking among his contemporaries, "The ubiquity and complexity of human migration patterns guarantee that branching points in tree will always be suspect."
quote:Keita studies physical anthropology and he does classify into types
Bear in mind we are talking about the context of a specific quote about Euros as secondary "types", not "types" in general, which by the way like "black" he puts in quotes as a qualifier, "Individuals from different geographical regions frequently plotted near each other, revealing aspects of variation at the level of individuals that is obscured by concentrating on the most distinctive facial traits once used to construct "types." ["Exploring northeast African metric craniofacial variation at the individual level: a comparative study using principal components analysis."]
"Races are types, defined by complexes of anatomical traits; clear boundaries exist by definition, and definitions are tautologies." - Keita
"In this paradigm deep genetic differences are assumed to exist between so-called racial groups or types, which are viewed as being composed of nearly uniform individuals and are taken as "natural" fundamental taxonomic units of Homo sapiens. These types were oringinally based on spesific aspects of external morphology" [Interpreting African Genetic Diversity]
Like "black" it seems he doubts they exist. I told you he is a very cautious scholar, not one to take to emotional screams of "black as powerful concept"!!! LOL
What he said re types is clear, what he said re tree branches is also clear. The problem is you don't get it and hence all you insults are nothing more than projecting, child. LOL
Posted by RU2religious (Member # 4547) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasol: Someone asked: "Do you know what population structure is"?
Consider, the model shown below, the issue isn't just the Europeans show as genetically intermediate between say New Guinea and Ethiopia, or China and Somalia..... actually in Sforza' dna samples below, he uses non East African populations including central African 'pygmy'.
Understand then, that white Europeans show as intermediate between non Africans and *all* Native Black Africans.
For this to be so.... Europeans must inherit particular genes that are common to *all* Africans, but not found in other non Africans.
In terms of population structure this implies:
- pan african structure. - non african structure. - europeans as hybrid between these two structures.
Population structure cannot confound the reality that Europeans have Black African ancestry.
quote:Originally posted by rasol: ^ You better wake up, and start finding some answers, because the evidence shows that Europeans are a recent admixed population, and not the "ancient race" you fantasize about, but produce no evidence for.....
quote: population genetics/simulation/neutral theory) ANNE M. BOWCOCK*t
One can show that a branch to a population resulting from admixture tends to be shorter than other branches.
"Nuclear DNA studies also contribute to the deconstruction of received racial entities. Ann Bowcock and her colleague's interpretation (Bowcock et al. 1991; Bowcock et al. 1994) of analyses of restriction-site polymorphisms and microsatellite polymorphisms (STRPs) suggests that Europeans, the defining Caucasians, are descendants of a population that arose as a consequence of admixture between already differentiated populations ancestral to (some) Africans and Asians. Therefore, Caucasians would be a secondary type of race due to its hybrid origin and not a primary race".
From maximum likelihood estimates the European admixture consisted of 65% Asian and 35% African.
Graph a) shows the pattern and order of African origin, and sub-sequent outmigration, with population splits at each vertex.
Graph b) shows the genetic relatedness and distinctiveness of each population, denoted with each vector.
Note the relative *length* of the vectors.
Not only are Europeans intermidiates between Asia and Africa at the roughly 2/3 and 1/3 ratios denoted by Sforza, but Europeans also show as a decidely *short* vector. This means they are a recent population without and ancient history, and therefore non of the other, more ancient populations shown, can be conceived in terms of admixtures -with- Europeans.
hybrid - the entity described cannot be understood in terms of it's own originating characteristics as well as by reference to 2 or more descrete elements from which it is *derived.*
Europeans are short-vector, recently admixed hybrids.
* Please produce evidence of ancient European phenotype.
* Please produce evidence of ancient European genotype.
Ancient K-zoids are nowhere in sight.
Keep dreaming, of caucazzzzoids.......
Do what you do rasol...
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ Thanks R2.
And open challenge remains since the 1st page of this thread, to *any* Eurocentists who wishes to refute the above.
If not, then acquiesce thru silence.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by akoben: The Wiki quote was a reference to a book on Diop by Walker,
Actually it was miscitation from you, falsely attributed to the author of a book you haven't read.
It was meant to help you counter and actual quote -FROM- Diop regarded the Egyptians as having *black skin* defined as dark skin: "may Ramsesis rest for eternity in his black skin.
You just got caught akoben. No one is buying excuses from a humiliated jackass such as yourself. You're wasting your time.
Instead of arguing with Blacks, you should go find a Jew..... and then run away from him.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Dachau long dropped as an extermination camp by even holocaust historians
^ Please do continue your holocaust never happened braying.
Your jewfright and kemophobia go hand in hand.
By encouraging you to expose yourself as the bigoted idiot you are, it keeps you exposed as a laughing stock.
It's our version of 'pin the tail on the donkey'....
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Bear in mind we are talking about the context of a specific quote
^ Actually we're talking about how you're and illiterate jackass, who never gets the contexts of anything right.
Again - type does not equte to race.
Keita correctly states that race is erroneous.
^ you don't like this, so was usual you choose to miscite him....
Keita does not state that types are erroneous.
Type and race is not the same.
^ the fact that you're embarrassingly stupid i suppose helps you here, because you can never figure out how two words have subtle yet important distinctions. the concept itself confounds you.
Likewise you are confounded by Blacks = any population with dark skin, as distinct from Negro - defunct race classification.
And the more distinctions you fail to make, the more you make your own failed intellect the issue.
Most people can tell the round peg from the square hole.
But to jackass/akoben they are all just shapes, and one shape is the same as another.
As for Keita...
If you had read Keita, which you haven't... and if your brained worked, which - it certainly doesn't - you would know that Keita places skeletal remains into what 'he calls types' to begin with, so would hardly *oppose* types.
^ the more blatant your miscitings [keita, diop, dictionary even] the more obvious you make it to everyone that you are just and idiot, good for, frankly, mocking, but not for debating.
Posted by prmiddleeastern (Member # 14038) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasol: Someone asked: "Do you know what population structure is"?
Consider, the model shown below, the issue isn't just the Europeans show as genetically intermediate between say New Guinea and Ethiopia, or China and Somalia..... actually in Sforza' dna samples below, he uses non East African populations including central African 'pygmy'.
Understand then, that white Europeans show as intermediate between non Africans and *all* Native Black Africans.
For this to be so.... Europeans must inherit particular genes that are common to *all* Africans, but not found in other non Africans.
In terms of population structure this implies:
- pan african structure. - non african structure. - europeans as hybrid between these two structures.
Population structure cannot confound the reality that Europeans have Black African ancestry.
quote:Originally posted by rasol: ^ You better wake up, and start finding some answers, because the evidence shows that Europeans are a recent admixed population, and not the "ancient race" you fantasize about, but produce no evidence for.....
quote: population genetics/simulation/neutral theory) ANNE M. BOWCOCK*t
One can show that a branch to a population resulting from admixture tends to be shorter than other branches.
"Nuclear DNA studies also contribute to the deconstruction of received racial entities. Ann Bowcock and her colleague's interpretation (Bowcock et al. 1991; Bowcock et al. 1994) of analyses of restriction-site polymorphisms and microsatellite polymorphisms (STRPs) suggests that Europeans, the defining Caucasians, are descendants of a population that arose as a consequence of admixture between already differentiated populations ancestral to (some) Africans and Asians. Therefore, Caucasians would be a secondary type of race due to its hybrid origin and not a primary race".
From maximum likelihood estimates the European admixture consisted of 65% Asian and 35% African.
Graph a) shows the pattern and order of African origin, and sub-sequent outmigration, with population splits at each vertex.
Graph b) shows the genetic relatedness and distinctiveness of each population, denoted with each vector.
Note the relative *length* of the vectors.
Not only are Europeans intermidiates between Asia and Africa at the roughly 2/3 and 1/3 ratios denoted by Sforza, but Europeans also show as a decidely *short* vector. This means they are a recent population without and ancient history, and therefore non of the other, more ancient populations shown, can be conceived in terms of admixtures -with- Europeans.
hybrid - the entity described cannot be understood in terms of it's own originating characteristics as well as by reference to 2 or more descrete elements from which it is *derived.*
Europeans are short-vector, recently admixed hybrids.
* Please produce evidence of ancient European phenotype.
* Please produce evidence of ancient European genotype.
Ancient K-zoids are nowhere in sight.
Keep dreaming, of caucazzzzoids.......
Interesting, continue with the good job. Also I remember making a thread about the African ancestry of the "Proto-Euripid"people by MTDNA.
Haplogroup CT (Y-DNA) From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search Haplogroup CT Time of origin 70,000 years BP[1] Place of origin Northeast Africa[2] Ancestor BT Descendants CF, DE Defining mutations P9.1, M168 and M294
In human genetics, Haplogroup CT (P9.1, M168, M294) is a Y-chromosome haplogroup.
Haplogroup CT contains the M168 change, which is present in all Y-chromosome haplogroups except A and B and is therefore the common ancestral type of all early migration out of Africa according to the Single origin hypothesis. The mutation is believed to have occurred 70,000 years before present[1] in North East Africa.[2]
[edit] Origins
The defining mutations separating CT (all haplogroups excepting A and B) are P9.1, M168 and M294. These mutations pre-date the "Out of Africa" migration. The defining mutations of DE probably occurred in Northeastern Africa some 65,000 years ago.[1] The M130 and M216 mutations that distinguish Haplogroup C from all other descendants of CR may have occurred somewhat later, perhaps even as early as 48,500 years ago, after the first Out of Africa migration brought Homo sapiens to the southern coast of Southwest Asia.[3
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:Instead of arguing with Blacks, you should go find a Jew
I'll just repeat the question and wait until I get an answer, "Show where I attributed the words "light skin" to Diop."
quote:^ Please do continue your holocaust never happened braying.
You should read your sources carefully for what they don't say: "It is almost certain that the fumigation or disinfestation chambers were used for their designed purpose[i.e. delousing not gassing humans]....the administrative authorities at Dachau, some famous prisoners and many historians are quick to point out that the large gas chamber at the camp was never used for homicidal [alleged Nazi letter] implies that he had probably experimented with putting men to death in the Dachau gas chamber...Neither the reports by the U.S. Army, Father Hess nor Sack prove conclusively that the homicidal chamber was used to kill people."
No proof of human gassings.
Rasolowitz logic:"I have no proof that X occurred, yet I will still maintain that X did in fact occur because I hope to find proof later." LOL
Dr. Martin Broszat Die Zeit:"Neither in Dachau nor in Bergen-Belsen nor in Buchenwald were Jews or other prisoners gassed."
Do you know who Dr. Broszat is?
"there were no extermination camps on German soil." - Simon Wiesenthal
Do you know what an "extermination camp" is?
Do you know who Simon Wiesenthal is?
quote:Keita does not state that types are erroneous.
As was explained, dufus, that the essay was in the context of identifying the persistence of racial thinking among the works his contemporaries not that he himself agreed with what they were saying, "He qualifies his statement with a "would in that scenario", as in, under the general racial assumption held by many in the past and by some of his contemporaries, that (and I'm quoting) "Caucasian would be a secondary type or race due to its hybrid origin", IF race were relevant." - sundiata <---- yet you agreed with this post!
He doesn't classify into races, types or trees:
"few human populations, even authentic breeding ones, are so well differentiated and independent from each other as to support the distinctness implied by tree branches. "The ubiquity and complexity of human migration patterns guarantee that branching points in tree will always be suspect."
"Near worldwide research on lineage markers (mtDNA and Y-chromosome vari-ants) shows that the (individual) bearers of specific haplotypes do not form into clusters of individuals with uniform morphologiesand geographical origin (i.e. classical “races” as commonly accepted) (Penny et al.1995)... Nuclear DNA studies suggest to some that Blumenbach’s “Caucasian” entity (or some of it) is at foundation an “inter-mixed” group composed of earlier differentiated non-European (specifically Asian and central African) elements (e.g. Bowcock etal. 1991)—this may be a problem given that the contributing groups seem to conform to received raciotypological schema... The coalescence times of various genetic systems sampled broadly from across the world, when considered with fossil data (and their geography) suggest that the initial molecular microdifferentiation of Homo sapiens sapiens (by no-menclature a proper race) took place in Africa (see Keita and Kittles 1997); this problematizes the conceptual ontological universe of race and its terms which imply a fixed persisting diachronic relationship between geography, external anatomic phenotype (“racial type”), and a molecular “profile.”
No races, no types, no trees.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasol: History of caucasoid pseudoscience, and thus: BACK ON TOPIC:
The Caucasian race, sometimes the Caucasoid race, is a term of racial classification, coined around 1800 by Johann Friedrich Blumenbach for the "white" race of man.
^ Prior to this, you can scour European history and literatue high and low looking for "caucasoids" and find none.
Ironically, when you find the term caucasian in Euro-history and referenced by Germanic and Latin Europeans, it is primarily contemptuous with regards to slavic peoples, who they enslaved. Non slavic Europeans do not historically consider themselves to be caucasian. Heaven forefend!
Caucasoid is a short lived and ill conceived term, and that's why it died so soon after Blumenbach fabricated it.
posted by Djehuti: Oh and to Knowledge: Never mind Gaygoyle and his nazi boyfriend, Eva! They are likely just upset over the finding below that Rasol cited...
Notice how ever since Rasol cited this, the biggoted boy-georges have been trolling this thread big time even though they weren't interested in it before! [/QB]
Of note, phenelzine loves to refer to Jobling...Also of note is Joblings confirmation of the Y chromosome as a sure indicator of African ancestry.
First Genetic Evidence Of Long-lived African Presence Within Britain
ScienceDaily (Jan. 24, 2007) — New research has identified the first genetic evidence of Africans having lived amongst "indigenous" British people for centuries. Their descendants, living across the UK today, were unaware of their black ancestry.
The University of Leicester study, funded by the Wellcome Trust and published today in the journal European Journal of Human Genetics, found that one third of men with a rare Yorkshire surname carry a rare Y chromosome type previously found only amongst people of West African origin.
The researchers, led by Professor Mark Jobling, of the Department of Genetics at the University of Leicester, first spotted the rare Y chromosome type, known as hgA1, in one individual, Mr. X. This happened whilst PhD student Ms. Turi King was sampling a larger group in a study to explore the association between surnames and the Y chromosome, both inherited from father to son. Mr. X, a white Caucasian living in Leicester, was unaware of having any African ancestors.
"As you can imagine, we were pretty amazed to find this result in someone unaware of having any African roots," explains Professor Jobling, a Wellcome Trust Senior Research Fellow. "The Y chromosome is passed down from father to son, so this suggested that Mr. X must have had African ancestry somewhere down the line. Our study suggests that this must have happened some time ago."
Although most of Britain's one million people who define themselves as "Black or Black British" owe their origins to immigration from the Caribbean and Africa from the mid-twentieth century onwards, in reality, there has been a long history of contact with Africa. Africans were first recorded in the north 1800 years ago, as Roman soldiers defending Hadrian's Wall.
To investigate the origins of hgA1 in Britain, the team recruited and studied a further eighteen males with the same surname as Mr. X. All but one were from the UK, with paternal parents and grandparents also born in Britain. Six, including one male in the US whose ancestors had migrated from England in 1894, were found to have the hgA1 chromosome.
Further genealogical research to identify a common ancestor for all seven X-surnamed males suggests that the hgA1 Y chromosome must have entered their lineage over 250 years ago. However, it is unclear whether the male ancestor was a first generation African immigrant or a European man carrying an African Y chromosome introduced into Britain some time earlier, or even whether the hgA1 Y chromosome goes back as far as the Roman occupation.
"This study shows that what it means to be British is complicated and always has been," says Professor Jobling. "Human migration history is clearly very complex, particularly for an island nation such as ours, and this study further debunks the idea that there are simple and distinct populations or 'races'."
In addition, Professor Jobling believes that the research may have implications for DNA profiling in criminal investigations.
"Forensic scientists use DNA analysis to predict a person's ethnic origins, for example from hair or blood samples found at a crime scene. Whilst they are very likely to predict the correct ethnicity by using wider analysis of DNA other than the Y chromosome, finding this remarkable African chromosome would certainly have them scratching their heads for a while."
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
quote:Originally posted by rasol: History of caucasoid pseudoscience, and thus: BACK ON TOPIC:
The Caucasian race, sometimes the Caucasoid race, is a term of racial classification, coined around 1800 by Johann Friedrich Blumenbach for the "white" race of man.
^ Prior to this, you can scour European history and literatue high and low looking for "caucasoids" and find none.
Ironically, when you find the term caucasian in Euro-history and referenced by Germanic and Latin Europeans, it is primarily contemptuous with regards to slavic peoples, who they enslaved. Non slavic Europeans do not historically consider themselves to be caucasian. Heaven forefend!
Caucasoid is a short lived and ill conceived term, and that's why it died so soon after Blumenbach fabricated it.
posted by Djehuti: Oh and to Knowledge: Never mind Gaygoyle and his nazi boyfriend, Eva! They are likely just upset over the finding below that Rasol cited...
Notice how ever since Rasol cited this, the biggoted boy-georges have been trolling this thread big time even though they weren't interested in it before!
Of note, phenelzine loves to refer to Jobling...Also of note is Joblings confirmation of the Y chromosome as a sure indicator of African ancestry.
First Genetic Evidence Of Long-lived African Presence Within Britain
ScienceDaily (Jan. 24, 2007) — New research has identified the first genetic evidence of Africans having lived amongst "indigenous" British people for centuries. Their descendants, living across the UK today, were unaware of their black ancestry.
The University of Leicester study, funded by the Wellcome Trust and published today in the journal European Journal of Human Genetics, found that one third of men with a rare Yorkshire surname carry a rare Y chromosome type previously found only amongst people of West African origin.
The researchers, led by Professor Mark Jobling, of the Department of Genetics at the University of Leicester, first spotted the rare Y chromosome type, known as hgA1, in one individual, Mr. X. This happened whilst PhD student Ms. Turi King was sampling a larger group in a study to explore the association between surnames and the Y chromosome, both inherited from father to son. Mr. X, a white Caucasian living in Leicester, was unaware of having any African ancestors.
"As you can imagine, we were pretty amazed to find this result in someone unaware of having any African roots," explains Professor Jobling, a Wellcome Trust Senior Research Fellow. "The Y chromosome is passed down from father to son, so this suggested that Mr. X must have had African ancestry somewhere down the line. Our study suggests that this must have happened some time ago."
Although most of Britain's one million people who define themselves as "Black or Black British" owe their origins to immigration from the Caribbean and Africa from the mid-twentieth century onwards, in reality, there has been a long history of contact with Africa. Africans were first recorded in the north 1800 years ago, as Roman soldiers defending Hadrian's Wall.
To investigate the origins of hgA1 in Britain, the team recruited and studied a further eighteen males with the same surname as Mr. X. All but one were from the UK, with paternal parents and grandparents also born in Britain. Six, including one male in the US whose ancestors had migrated from England in 1894, were found to have the hgA1 chromosome.
Further genealogical research to identify a common ancestor for all seven X-surnamed males suggests that the hgA1 Y chromosome must have entered their lineage over 250 years ago. However, it is unclear whether the male ancestor was a first generation African immigrant or a European man carrying an African Y chromosome introduced into Britain some time earlier, or even whether the hgA1 Y chromosome goes back as far as the Roman occupation.
"This study shows that what it means to be British is complicated and always has been," says Professor Jobling. "Human migration history is clearly very complex, particularly for an island nation such as ours, and this study further debunks the idea that there are simple and distinct populations or 'races'."
In addition, Professor Jobling believes that the research may have implications for DNA profiling in criminal investigations.
"Forensic scientists use DNA analysis to predict a person's ethnic origins, for example from hair or blood samples found at a crime scene. Whilst they are very likely to predict the correct ethnicity by using wider analysis of DNA other than the Y chromosome, finding this remarkable African chromosome would certainly have them scratching their heads for a while." [/QB]
^ Excellent post knowledge.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Keita does not state that types are erroneous.
quote:the essay was in the context of identifying the persistence of racial thinking among the works his contemporaries not that he himself agreed with what they were saying, "He qualifies his statement with a "would in that scenario", as in, under the general racial assumption held by many in the past and by some of his contemporaries, that (and I'm quoting) "Caucasian would be a secondary type or race due to its hybrid origin", IF race were relevant." - sundiata
[quote]<---- yet you agreed with this post!
Of course, I do. Which has nothing to do with "Keita does not state that types are erroneous".
Your problem remains the same, you get all confounded, because your reading comprehension is utterly retarded. Perhaps the worst ever seen on Egyptsarch.
Keita does classify into types both skeletal - broad/gracile/tropical/elongated/coastal and genetic.
Haplotypes are TYPES you laughable auto-confouned jackass.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasol: [QB] [QUOTE]akoben cries: Stop misrepresenting my position!
See the following for and accurate rendering of your "position".....
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
^^^Poor Akoben
Akoben's redundant garbage posts.... [QUOTE]
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Diop wrote: "Ramses II was a Black. May he rest in peace in his black skin for eternity"
Jackass/akoben wrote: "I will simply wait..." the dunce corner.
^ Very good.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:"there were no extermination camps on German soil." - Simon Wiesenthal
Do you know what an "extermination camp" is?
^ Yes we do. We also know what a pathetically obsessed NAZI apologist is. ->
Didn't Simon Wiesenthal himself state that there were no extermination camps in Germany?
The Nazis classified their many hundreds of concentration camps on their basis of their primary function. In a very real sense, all were death camps because the death of the inmates, whether through overwork, starvation/disease, or outright murder, was ultimately expected.
Those sites, however, which functioned as extermination centers (Auschwitz-Birkenau, Treblinka, Majdanek, Sobibor, Belzec, and Chelmno), were specially equipped for the gassing of hundreds of thousands of victims each (millions altogether). All of these camps were located in Poland, and for good reason. Poland had far more Jews than Germany and the rest of Western Europe combined. The Nazis also felt that the relative remoteness of Poland's rural areas would also minimize reports of mass murder taking place there.
Also, see the article on the Nizkor site about this "quote"
^ lastly, we know that jackass/akoben is a perfect recruit for racists, since they prey on persons with low intelligence and low self esteem, such as yourself.
Posted by xyyman (Member # 13597) on :
No hate for Jews here. But recently started having doubts about the Holocaust. Listening to my boy Smerconish on 121am0 talk radio Philly I started that doubt. He visited the so-called gas chambers in Germany recently. (Also wondered what that Iranian nut was talking about). And to his surprise he found out that only few hundred thousand Jews were killed by the Nazi’s in the gas chambers.
Having myself visited one, can’t remember the name now, but it is between Olm and Munich, it impossible to perform the mass killing in THIS chamber as is the perception. The chambers are too small.
Of course growing up looking at the documentaries the spine was 6 Million died in the gas chambers when in reality that is NOT the case. Infact 20 Mil Russians and 20 Mil Chinese by the hands of the Japanese is of more significance. Although I am not belittling what the Nazi’s did to the Jews. But internment of a suspect group is not unheard of. Ask the Japanese-Americans.. . . .or Italian-Americans.
quote:Originally posted by rasol: [QUOTE]Holocaust denial like your failure to support Ausarianstein in the debate.
Posted by xyyman (Member # 13597) on :
No hate for Jews here. But recently started having doubts about the Holocaust. Listening to my boy Smerconish on 1210am talk radio Philly I started that doubt. He visited the so-called gas chambers in Germany recently. (Also wondered what that Iranian nut was talking about). And to his surprise he found out that only a few hundred thousand Jews were killed by the Nazi’s in the gas chambers.
Having myself visited one, can’t remember the name now, but it is between Olm and Munich, it impossible to perform the mass killing in THIS chamber as is the perception. The chambers are too small.
Of course growing up looking at the documentaries the spine was 6 Million died in the gas chambers when in reality that is NOT the case. Infact 20 Mil Russians and 20 Mil Chinese by the hands of the Japanese is of more significance. Although I am not belittling what the Nazi’s did to the Jews. But internment of a suspect group is not unheard of. Ask the Japanese-Americans.. . . .or Italian-Americans.
quote:Originally posted by rasol: [QUOTE]Holocaust denial like your failure to support Ausarianstein in the debate.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:As was explained, dufus, that the essay was in the context of identifying the persistence of racial thinking among the works his contemporaries not that he himself agreed with what they were saying, "He qualifies his statement with a "would in that scenario", as in, under the general racial assumption held by many in the past and by some of his contemporaries, that (and I'm quoting) "Caucasian would be a secondary type or race due to its hybrid origin", IF race were relevant." - sundiata <---- yet you agreed with this post! Of course, I do.
And since we are talking about this particular quote and races as types, if you agree with the above, sillboy, how can you then argue he is saying Europeans are a "secondary type"? LOL
Posting Wiesenthal cite will not help your earlier f**k up as he made it quite clear that there were no extermination camps in Germany. This is why I asked you if you knew what an "extermination camp" is, because obviously you don't! JACKA**!!!
Now, unable to back up Lippstadt and your new article that admits there are no proof for gassing (you unbelievable jacka**!!!! LOL) you now move onto Poland and Nizkor! Big mistake! LOLOLOLOL
that too is a dead end [no pun intended LOL] as:
1) Gitta Sereny says Auschwitz was not a "death camp". I know I taught your dumba** what an extermination camp is, but do you now know who Sereny is? LOLOLOLOL
2) even with your Nikor desperate attempt at making Dachau a "death camp", despite what Wiesenthal says, by that definition there still was no planned mass killings of inmates though starvation or murder etc:
quote:"Regarding mortality at Dachau, Berben [Dachau's official historian cited by your fist, now dropped, source LOL] informs us that before 1943 any prisoner who died in the hospital or as a result of a "medical experiment" had an autopsy performed. After 1943, "post-mortems were carried out on all prisoners who died at the sick block or elsewhere in the camp." When the typhus epidemic raged through the camp "they had to be statisfied with a few bodies picked at random." (p. 109) Yet Berben tells us that "More than ten thousand autopsies were carried out under Dr. Blaha's direction." (p. 109). Where are these autopsy reports today? And, if the Nazis were following a program of planned extermination, why would they bother to perform an autopsy? These questions are not even addressed in this official history.
All in all Berben's Dachau, 1933-1945: The Official History is fascinating. The book tells us that the prisoners had a brothel, a canteen, Sundays off, church services, plays, lectures, a library, newspapers, concerts, and movies. It tells us that they were given regular meals, some even receiving a second breakfast, that food came in from the Red Cross, that food parcels were sent in by relatives and that prisoners could purchase food at the canteen. It tells us they had a modern hospital with doctors and nurses who made every effort to help the prisoners, until they were finally overwhelmed by disease near the end of the war. It tells us that disease was the primary cause of death at Dachau, and that even the American liberators lost thousands of prisoners to disease. While speaking of "the tens of thousand of deportees who were exterminated in the death camp," Dachau: The Official History establishes that no such extermination took place. In the face of continuing propaganda efforts to represent Dachau and other German concentration camps to the public at large as centers of annihilation, Berben's official history if anything gives authoritative support to the revisionist position."
Hence "there were no extermination camps on German soil." - Simon Wiesenthal
Oh and as for Nizkor silly claim, "The Nazis also felt that the relative remoteness of Poland's rural areas would also minimize reports of mass murder taking place there."
"The claim that ". . . it was easier to conceal from the German people" what was going on in Auschwitz. . . " only shows up Nizkor's ignorance of European demographics. Hundreds of thousands of natives to Eastern territories such as Silesia lived in what is now Poland. The language spoken there was German. The entire social, financial and military system was coordinated with the Reich in a wartime occupation measure. Much of Poland, a Protectorate at that time, was treated as part of Germany. It made no difference where these camps were located because there were hundreds of thousands of Altreich-Germans in Poland, including the military." -
I warned you boy don't push this any further or you will go mad as Ausarianstein did! LOLOLOLOL
Posted by Lord Sauron (Member # 6729) on :
quote:Originally posted by xyyman: And to his surprise he found out that only a few hundred thousand Jews were killed by the Nazi’s in the gas chambers.
And these types of words flow out of your mouth with zero emotion attached. The way karma works you may be destined for the very same experience sooner than you think.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:Originally posted by Lord Sauron:
quote:Originally posted by xyyman: And to his surprise he found out that only a few hundred thousand Jews were killed by the Nazi’s in the gas chambers.
And these types of words flow out of your mouth with zero emotion attached. The way karma works you may be destined for the very same experience sooner than you think.
No one died in any gas chambers during WW2, not one person. Go back to Delhi with your superstitious beliefs about "Karma", used to justify continued oppression of the "untouchables".
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:And since we are talking about this particular quote and races as types.... how can you then argue he is saying Europeans are a "secondary type"? LOL
^ There is no argument. There is only you being stupid.
To you -> races are types, therefore types must be races.
A normal person can see there error in your logic.
But you have sub-normal intelligence.
So you are *doomed* to a hellish existence in which understandig remains forever out of your grasp.
You should ask yourself - how come you are the only one who cannot grasp logic?
But of course you're a jackass, and can't think ask yourself even the most obvious question.
Here's something to further vex jackass akoben.
akoben is a jackass.
akoben is a person.
however the above does not imply that *all* people are jackasses.... it' just you.
Think about it....
^ Read this, jackass akoben.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by xyyman: Listening to my boy Smerconish on 1210am talk radio Philly I started that doubt
^ There's your problem right there.
You need a girlfriend.... to help ease your "doubts".
Your sources of wisdom are 'talk radio' and Marc Washington..... not good.
Posted by xyyman (Member # 13597) on :
Read the entire facking post . . . .Jackass. What the do you mean no emotion.
^^ Dachau. That's it!!! Will have to check my pics to confirm.
quote:Originally posted by Lord Sauron:
quote:Originally posted by xyyman: And to his surprise he found out that only a few hundred thousand Jews were killed by the Nazi’s in the gas chambers.
And these types of words flow out of your mouth with zero emotion attached. The way karma works you may be destined for the very same experience sooner than you think.
Posted by xyyman (Member # 13597) on :
That's not original Rasol You can do better than that. 2 and 3 yo and some other side. . .just kidding.
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:Originally posted by xyyman: Listening to my boy Smerconish on 1210am talk radio Philly I started that doubt
^ There's your problem right there.
You need a girlfriend.... to help ease your "doubts".
Your sources of wisdom are 'talk radio' and Marc Washington..... not good.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasolowitz: There is no argument. There is only [me] being stupid. I thought Keita was saying Europeans are a "secondary type". I didn't know he rejected races, types and trees.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasol: There's [my] problem right there. None. I posted all of four websites in an effort to escape explaining my position on the Jewish holocaust but as usual I couldn't back up any of them. I need to get a life. [My] sources of wisdom are propaganda websites I don't even read or understand, which is why I never try to back up what they say, I just drop websites and run. not good.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:jackass akoben writes; I thought Keita was saying Europeans are a "secondary type". I didn't know he rejected races, types and trees.
^ Braying like a jackass is not "thinking." Sorry.
Keita rejects race-theory as invalid.
He does not reject 'types'.
He does not reject 'trees'.
They are only general models to which any theory may be tested, accepted or rejected, not specific theories in and off themselves.
But I know you don't understand that sentense, being extremely stupid as you are.
But I can still *use* you to relay information to normal people with functioning brains.
quote:jackass akoben writes; There's [my] problem right there.
^ Yes your problem is that you're a jackass who thinks races, types, trees...round pegs, and square holes...are all the same.
^ A normal intellect can distinguish between different words and ideas. But you cannot.
Your subnormal intelligence also explains why you think the holocaust never happened.
Very good.
Do have any further example of your mental deficiencies to share?
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ So let's continue to use Jackass akoben to relate the estimable works of SOY Keita:
The Badarian series clusters with the tropical African groups no matter which algorithm is employed (see Figures 3 and 4).
An additional 20 dendrogramswere generated using the minimum evolution algorithm providedby MEGA. In none of them did the Badarian sam-ple affiliate with the European series
quote:Originally posted by rasol: ^ A normal intellect can distinguish between different words and ideas. But you cannot.
Your subnormal intelligence also explains why you think the holocaust never happened.
And who apparently does not understand the difference between would be and are ...
"Europeans, the defining Caucasians...would therefore be a secondary...race due to its hybrid origins". – SOY Keita
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ then he concludes that "would be" is because Keita hates types... and trees? rotfl!
The irony of NAZI apologist - jackass/akoben is that he so obviously feeble minded, that were the NAZI-Germans in power in Europe - he would be one of the 1st ones exterminated. Posted by Obama Boy (Member # 11484) on :
^ roflmbao.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
Ok Keita refers to affinities and clusters in an essay on the identities of the early farmers in the Nile Valley. So what? No "black", no "types" and tree reference is not to your European "hybrid" tree you keep posting.
Back to issue at hand: the persistence of racial thinking among the works and analysis of his contemporaries and wether or not he sees Europeans as "a secondary type ...".
quote:"Races are types, defined by complexes of anatomical traits; clear boundaries exist by definition, and definitions are tautologies."
"Individuals from different geographical regions frequently plotted near each other, revealing aspects of variation at the level of individuals that is obscured by concentrating on the most distinctive facial traits once used to construct "types." ["Exploring northeast African metric craniofacial variation at the individual level: a comparative study using principal components analysis."]
"In this paradigm deep genetic differences are assumed to exist between so-called racial groups or types, which are viewed as being composed of nearly uniform individuals and are taken as "natural" fundamental taxonomic units of Homo sapiens. These types were oringinally based on spesific aspects of external morphology" [Interpreting African Genetic Diversity]
"few human populations, even authentic breeding ones, are so well differentiated and independent from each other as to support the distinctness implied by tree branches. "The ubiquity and complexity of human migration patterns guarantee that branching points in tree will always be suspect."
"Near worldwide research on lineage markers (mtDNA and Y-chromosome vari-ants) shows that the (individual) bearers of specific haplotypes do not form into clusters of individuals with uniform morphologiesand geographical origin (i.e. classical “races” as commonly accepted) (Penny et al.1995)... Nuclear DNA studies suggest to some that Blumenbach’s “Caucasian” entity (or some of it) is at foundation an “inter-mixed” group composed of earlier differentiated non-European (specifically Asian and central African) elements (e.g. Bowcock etal. 1991)—this may be a problem given that the contributing groups seem to conform to received raciotypological schema... The coalescence times of various genetic systems sampled broadly from across the world, when considered with fossil data (and their geography) suggest that the initial molecular microdifferentiation of Homo sapiens sapiens (by no-menclature a proper race) took place in Africa (see Keita and Kittles 1997); this problematizes the conceptual ontological universe of race and its terms which imply a fixed persisting diachronic relationship between geography, external anatomic phenotype (“racial type”), and a molecular “profile.”
He does not see Europeans as a "secondary type or race", period. The context of the quote was explained and you agreed with it. So end of story, stop saving face and building straw man: I never said anything about him "hating" types. I quoted him saying races are types and in the context we are discussing: no races, no types no trees. Even loverboy with his usual d**k sucking cannot save you.
But I'm soooooo disappointed you dropped your holocaust campaign, my god rasolowitz just two exchanges and already you threw in the towel!! LOLOLOLOL
I was so waiting for you to come back with more BS from Nizkor, or whatever cite you decided to hide behind this time, so I could beat you down like he fake a** "scholar" you are. HAHHAHAH
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
^ LMAO @ Eva's stupidity!
quote:Originally posted by rasol: then he concludes that "would be" is because Keita hates types... and trees? rotfl!
The irony of NAZI apologist - jackass/akoben is that he so obviously feeble minded, that were the NAZI-Germans in power in Europe - he would be one of the 1st ones exterminated.
In case your dumb a*s didn't know, Jews weren't the only people the Nazis tried to exterminate, they also tried to kill off Gypsies, blacks, and the hadicapped both physical and mental. Thus mentally invalid persons such as yourself would also be put in the death camps.
Then again if you were a Hilter worshipping female, they might let you live as a pet.
Not much is known about Eva Braun. This is due primarily to the fact that her life was fairly uneventful even though she was so close to Hitler and in association with many top Nazi officials. Each time important political guests came to visit, Hitler banished Eva to her room. He was heard to say "that a highly intelligent man should always choose a primitive and stupid woman," and this said in front of Eva! Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Ok Keita refers to affinities and clusters
^ He also generated 20 tree-branch denodrograms jackass.
So much for your desparate dissembling that Keita "opposed" *trees.*
Keep reading Keita helpless NAZI pawn.
Do what *we* tell you like the weakminded sheep you are.
We will eventually deprogram you from all the idiocy you originally learned at
It is of some interest that the patterns observed in the Nile valley across ethno-national boundaries for both types of lineage DNA do not apparently conform to those found in idealized strictly patrilineal/patriarchal societies that admit diverse women to their ranks as mates, but exclude foreign males (Salem et al. 1996, al-Zahery 2003, Richards et al. 2003). The diversity in male and female lineages by regions is striking. This also justifies a more complex model of interpretation for the observed genetic variation beyond one that only considers linear migration in the Nile corridor, and exchange between formerly "pure" ethnopopulations.
It is important to consider more complex models of population genesis, which allow for historically visible "groups" to be heterogeneous at origin, due to evolutionary (or social) processes, instead of interpreting heterogeneity as a necessary sign of admixture between distinct historically-known groups with different haplotypes or gene frequencies. Also models can be explored that postulate populations to be a blend of different historically known (or reported) ethno-ancestral groups, yet be genetically relatively "homogeneous," as well as those that have a known (or reported) single ethnic origin, but yet are genetically "heterogeneous." More medicene from DR. Keita Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by Djehuti: ^ LMAO @ Eva's stupidity!
quote:Originally posted by rasol: then he concludes that "would be" is because Keita hates types... and trees? rotfl!
The irony of NAZI apologist - jackass/akoben is that he so obviously feeble minded, that were the NAZI-Germans in power in Europe - he would be one of the 1st ones exterminated.
In case your dumb a*s didn't know, Jews weren't the only people the Nazis tried to exterminate, they also tried to kill off Gypsies, blacks, and the hadicapped both physical and mental. Thus mentally invalid persons such as yourself would also be put in the death camps.
Then again if you were a Hilter worshipping female, they might let you live as a pet.
Not much is known about Eva Braun. This is due primarily to the fact that her life was fairly uneventful even though she was so close to Hitler and in association with many top Nazi officials. Each time important political guests came to visit, Hitler banished Eva to her room. He was heard to say "that a highly intelligent man should always choose a primitive and stupid woman," and this said in front of Eva!
^ rotfl. The NAZI's were the penultimate fruit born of k-zoid racist ideology - Europe eating it's own.
As the NAZI's lost their war their racism [hatred of the other] turned more and more to misanthropy [hatred of all mankind], and finally blatant self-hatred.
Before he killed himself, hitler said that the germans deserved to be bombed by the allies.... because they were 'weak' and 'failed him'.
Racist losers like jackass/akoben, have always been driven by the same neurotic impulses.
Posted by Obama Boy (Member # 11484) on :
^ Indeed. I worry though about things that might go down around November/December. There are many twisted people out there sick to death about Obama's possibilities.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
LOL You provide good comic relief when you scamper from study to study all in an effort to run from the context of your f**k up:the persistence of racial thinking among the works and analysis of his contemporaries and wether or not he sees Europeans as "a secondary type or race"
So no matter how many stuides you bring to cloud the issue rasolowitz, "He does not see Europeans as a "secondary type or race", period. The context of the quote was explained and you agreed with it. So end of story, stop saving face."
re Bowcock's analysis and your European "hybrid" tree in this context no races, no types no trees...and still no "black as a powerful concept"!
quote:"Races are types, defined by complexes of anatomical traits; clear boundaries exist by definition, and definitions are tautologies."
"Individuals from different geographical regions frequently plotted near each other, revealing aspects of variation at the level of individuals that is obscured by concentrating on the most distinctive facial traits once used to construct "types." ["Exploring northeast African metric craniofacial variation at the individual level: a comparative study using principal components analysis."]
"In this paradigm deep genetic differences are assumed to exist between so-called racial groups or types, which are viewed as being composed of nearly uniform individuals and are taken as "natural" fundamental taxonomic units of Homo sapiens. These types were oringinally based on spesific aspects of external morphology" [Interpreting African Genetic Diversity]
"few human populations, even authentic breeding ones, are so well differentiated and independent from each other as to support the distinctness implied by tree branches. "The ubiquity and complexity of human migration patterns guarantee that branching points in tree will always be suspect."
"Near worldwide research on lineage markers (mtDNA and Y-chromosome vari-ants) shows that the (individual) bearers of specific haplotypes do not form into clusters of individuals with uniform morphologiesand geographical origin (i.e. classical “races” as commonly accepted) (Penny et al.1995)... Nuclear DNA studies suggest to some that Blumenbach’s “Caucasian” entity (or some of it) is at foundation an “inter-mixed” group composed of earlier differentiated non-European (specifically Asian and central African) elements (e.g. Bowcock etal. 1991)—this may be a problem given that the contributing groups seem to conform to received raciotypological schema... The coalescence times of various genetic systems sampled broadly from across the world, when considered with fossil data (and their geography) suggest that the initial molecular microdifferentiation of Homo sapiens sapiens (by no-menclature a proper race) took place in Africa (see Keita and Kittles 1997); this problematizes the conceptual ontological universe of race and its terms which imply a fixed persisting diachronic relationship between geography, external anatomic phenotype (“racial type”), and a molecular “profile.”
Now run along and bring more BS from the Nizkor and "holocaust-history" websites you f**king judeophile loser. I can't believe you went down at the second round! HAHAHHAHA Even Ausarianstein lasted longer, though it didn't do him any good! LOL
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:akoben cries: you f**king judeophile loser.
^ Mess with're bound to lose.
Now now, don't hate.
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
^ROTFL @ the mentally defficient dunce's dillusions that he somehow refuted Rasol (or anyone in this forum for that matter)!!
He claims he took Rasol 'down' on the second round! LOL but I think self-lie of winning any debate is betrayed by his frustration via his cursing.
If not, he definetly suffers from delusion.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasolowitz: I didn't know what an extermination camp was, or Simon Weisenthal and what he said about them in Germany; WWWAAAA
didn't know anything about German demographics or who Gitta Sereny was; didn't know anyting on the topic only what was spoon fed to me from Zionists, that's why I got suckered into posting outdated crap from Nizkor and long debunked theories re gas chambers at Dachau from "holocaust history" websites. WAAAAAAAA
LOL Nizkor and their denial of reality. LOL
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by Djehuti: [QB] ^ROTFL @ the mentally defficient dunce's dillusions that he somehow refuted Rasol (or anyone in this forum for that matter)!!
He claims he took Rasol 'down' on the second round! LOL but I think self-lie of winning any debate is betrayed by his frustration via his cursing.
of course.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
..... which brings us back to.....
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
quote: Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718: Debunked doesn't want to get down to the specifics instead he just posts quotes and makes vague arguments from them, without actually getting down to or actually naming the specific evidences.
I.e #'s 1-10
1) Failed to name traits shared between Ancient Africans (Hofmeyr) and recent Europeans.
2) Fails to answer why or how Greeks inherited genes such as E3b, Benin hbs, L1 L2 if not from Africans?
3) Fails to address the fact that Europeans are closest genetically to Africans whereas the original OOA populations. I.e Oceanians appear furthest away genetically from Africa, if Oceanians and Europeans are part of the same non-African OOA population structure, then Europeans should be as distant genetically from Africans, as Oceanians are. If this is not due to post OOA Neolithic migrations into Europe from Africa, then what is it, debunked?
4) Fails to name the paternally and maternally haplotypes that Ethiopians share with Norwegians.
5) Fails to address the quote below from Wilson et al., after he erroneously tried to claim that "Y chromosomes are a thing of the past"
quote:The degree to which 'mixed' ancestry is due to recent vs ancient mixing/separation could be estimated with series of genealogical genetic systems such as the Y chromosome, but *not* with lots of unlinked loci each of which gives very little gene genealogical information.--Wilson et al
6) Fails to address the fact that almost half of Greece's Y chromosome is NON-European in origin E3b and J, but yet debunked is still unbelievably and ignorantly persistent on claiming Greece to be "pure" or 100 % Imaginary "Caucasoid".
7) Fails to address how or why E3a carrying Africans exhibit so called "Carcusoid" traits
8) Fails to address the Buba Clan Priestly class carrying Hg J, shouldn't this had turned these people "Caucasoid", as you're erroneously proposing imaginary lineages(failed to name) in East Africans, debunked??
9) Fails to address the fact that Europeans turned pale only recently.
10) Failed to address his erroneous Eurasian Adam claim, when approached with the below quote from Cavalli Sfroza.
From Cavalli-Sforza: Genes, Culture, and Human Evolution. Pg 187.
quote: ..."In other words, all non-Africans carry M168. Of course, Africans carrying the M168 mutation today are the descendants of the African subpopulation from which the migrants originated.... Thus, the Australian/Eurasian Adam (the ancestor of all non-Africans) was an East African Man."
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
Hey little rasolowitz what else does Nizkor say? Come on, you can tell me, I know you want to continue but you didn't realise how ignorant you were on the subject. LOL
I'm thinking you only take solace in Mary's post because you know you can't get up from your second round beat down; but I'll be waiting for you to prove your "X" that you said happened while your still waiting on proof: "implies", "probably", "prove conclusively"...oh and this one I love "The Nazis also felt that the relative remoteness of Poland's rural areas would also minimize reports of mass murder taking place there"
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasol: akoben cries: I'm afraid of Jews. Why won't anyone listen.
^ No one cares about your Jew-fright akoben.
Get busy now...
quote:Originally posted by rasol: ^ So let's continue to use Jackass akoben to relate the estimable works of SOY Keita:
The Badarian series clusters with the tropical African groups no matter which algorithm is employed (see Figures 3 and 4).
An additional 20 dendrogramswere generated using the minimum evolution algorithm providedby MEGA. In none of them did the Badarian sam-ple affiliate with the European series
There are different dendrograms for different studies; but due to their ambiguous nature they are ultimately problematic. [Persistence of Racial thinking pg. 8]
"strictly speaking, [dendrogram] studies can only inform about the groups used in the analysis. Therefore a study using Mbuti, a clan of Saame speakers, a Swedish village, and Vedda can only tell us about each of them. These groups should not be reified into other entities."
So it proves nothing little rasolowitz (other than your desperate attempt at changing the subject of your f**k up) when you scamper for a study by Keita with dendagrams on specific groups i.e. Norse, bushman, Zulu etc for specific aims, (i.e. to ascertain the identities of early Nile Valley farmers and refute the notion of pioneering Nostratic farmers in said region) as this is in a different context from his critique of works using dendagrams representing human populations, since
quote:"few human populations, even authentic breeding ones, are so well differentiated and independent from each other as to support the distinctness implied by tree branches. "The ubiquity and complexity of human migration patterns guarantee that branching points in tree will always be suspect."
"Near worldwide research on lineage markers (mtDNA and Y-chromosome vari-ants) shows that the (individual) bearers of specific haplotypes do not form into clusters of individuals with uniform morphologies and geographical origin (i.e. classical “races” as commonly accepted) (Penny et al.1995)... Nuclear DNA studies suggest to some that Blumenbach’s “Caucasian” entity (or some of it) is at foundation an “inter-mixed” group composed of earlier differentiated non-European (specifically Asian and central African) elements (e.g. Bowcock etal. 1991)—this may be a problem given that the contributing groups seem to conform to received raciotypological schema...
Key words "Suggest to some", as he's clearly not convinced. So again, he does not argue in favor of Europeans as "a secondary type or race" (the issue at hand) stop saving face. LOL
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:jackass akoben writes: Key words "Suggest to some", as he's clearly not convinced.
Clearly you're a jackass who can't read.
quote: So again, he does not argue in favor of Europeans as "a secondary type or race" (the issue at hand)
^ The only one even claimed Keita advocated secondary races was you, Jackass.
Now you argue 'against' your own claim.
This is what happens when Jackasses fail to take their ritalin.
Meanwhile, because you're so stupid, you still completely fail to comprehend *any* of what Keita or Bowcock are saying.
Even though we explained to you.
You *are* a jackass...
quote:Originally posted by rasol: Consider, the model shown below, the issue isn't just the Europeans show as genetically intermediate between say New Guinea and Ethiopia, or China and Somalia..... actually in Sforza' dna samples below, he uses non East African populations including central African 'pygmy'.
Understand then, that white Europeans show as intermediate between non Africans and *all* Native Black Africans.
For this to be so.... Europeans must inherit particular genes that are common to *all* Africans, but not found in other non Africans.
In terms of population structure this implies:
- pan african structure. - non african structure. - europeans as hybrid between these two structures.
Population structure cannot confound the reality that Europeans have Black African ancestry.
quote:Originally posted by rasol: ^ You better wake up, and start finding some answers, because the evidence shows that Europeans are a recent admixed population, and not the "ancient race" you fantasize about, but produce no evidence for.....
quote: population genetics/simulation/neutral theory) ANNE M. BOWCOCK*t
One can show that a branch to a population resulting from admixture tends to be shorter than other branches.
"Nuclear DNA studies also contribute to the deconstruction of received racial entities. Ann Bowcock and her colleague's interpretation (Bowcock et al. 1991; Bowcock et al. 1994) of analyses of restriction-site polymorphisms and microsatellite polymorphisms (STRPs) suggests that Europeans, the defining Caucasians, are descendants of a population that arose as a consequence of admixture between already differentiated populations ancestral to (some) Africans and Asians. Therefore, Caucasians would be a secondary type of race due to its hybrid origin and not a primary race".
From maximum likelihood estimates the European admixture consisted of 65% Asian and 35% African.
Graph a) shows the pattern and order of African origin, and sub-sequent outmigration, with population splits at each vertex.
Graph b) shows the genetic relatedness and distinctiveness of each population, denoted with each vector.
Note the relative *length* of the vectors.
Not only are Europeans intermidiates between Asia and Africa at the roughly 2/3 and 1/3 ratios denoted by Sforza, but Europeans also show as a decidely *short* vector. This means they are a recent population without and ancient history, and therefore non of the other, more ancient populations shown, can be conceived in terms of admixtures -with- Europeans.
hybrid - the entity described cannot be understood in terms of it's own originating characteristics as well as by reference to 2 or more descrete elements from which it is *derived.*
Europeans are short-vector, recently admixed hybrids.
* Please produce evidence of ancient European phenotype.
* Please produce evidence of ancient European genotype.
Ancient K-zoids are nowhere in sight.
Keep dreaming, of caucazzzzoids.......
quote:Jackass akoben writes: stop saving face.
We *can't stop* laughing at you, and how stupid you are....
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
^ LOL @ how Eva contradicts herself!
I guess it must be true that biggotry rots the brains because it is evident that Eva is close to brain-dead as example of his so-called arguments.
Show us again how you "beat" Rasol down, when you just agreed with what he's been pummeling into your confounded head for the past couple of pages! LOL Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
Based on his own words it is clear to all, except you, how he views Bowcock's quote, dendrograms, types and races. No matter how many times little rasoloitz you post that quote, even with the context being explained to your dumb**, Keita does not say Europeans are "a secondary type" as you try to claim.
quote:"strictly speaking, [dendrogram] studies can only inform about the groups used in the analysis. Therefore a study using Mbuti, a clan of Saame speakers, a Swedish village, and Vedda can only tell us about each of them. These groups should not be reified into other entities."
"few human populations, even authentic breeding ones, are so well differentiated and independent from each other as to support the distinctness implied by tree branches. "The ubiquity and complexity of human migration patterns guarantee that branching points in tree will always be suspect."
"Near worldwide research on lineage markers (mtDNA and Y-chromosome vari-ants) shows that the (individual) bearers of specific haplotypes do not form into clusters of individuals with uniform morphologies and geographical origin (i.e. classical “races” as commonly accepted) (Penny et al.1995)... Nuclear DNA studies suggest to some that Blumenbach’s “Caucasian” entity (or some of it) is at foundation an “inter-mixed” group composed of earlier differentiated non-European (specifically Asian and central African) elements (e.g. Bowcock etal. 1991)—this may be a problem given that the contributing groups seem to conform to received raciotypological schema...
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
Hey Mary, show us again how you refuted James' book on Greek philosophy as a stolen legacy? LOL
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Based on his own words it is clear to all, except you, how he views Bowcock's quote, dendrograms, types and races
^ Actually it's clear to all, including you, since Keita himself creates dendrograms, and classes skeletypes, but does not advocate race.
It could not be any more clear in fact.
You're just a sore loser who can't read, and can't admit defeat.
All neo NAZI are like that. We expect this of you.
And, no one cares Eva. We'd advise you to blow your brains out, like your idol, Hitler.... but, you don't have any.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:Keita himself creates dendrograms
On specific groups, not your population tree you keep posting and trying to pass off as his views. He is clear on dendrograms, "strictly speaking, [dendrogram] studies can only inform about the groups used in the analysis. Therefore a study using Mbuti, a clan of Saame speakers, a Swedish village, and Vedda can only tell us about each of them. [i.e. the Norse, the Zulu, the Badarian, the Berg] These groups should not be reified into other entities."[/i]
"few human populations, even authentic breeding ones, are so well differentiated and independent from each other as to support the distinctness implied by tree branches. "The ubiquity and complexity of human migration patterns guarantee that branching points in tree will always be suspect."
""Near worldwide research on lineage markers (mtDNA and Y-chromosome vari-ants) shows that the (individual) bearers of specific haplotypes do not form into clusters of individuals with uniform morphologies and geographical origin (i.e. classical “races” as commonly accepted) (Penny et al.1995)... Nuclear DNA studies suggest to some that Blumenbach’s “Caucasian” entity (or some of it) is at foundation an “inter-mixed” group composed of earlier differentiated non-European (specifically Asian and central African) elements (e.g. Bowcock etal. 1991)—this may be a problem given that the contributing groups seem to conform to received raciotypological schema..."
quote:and classes skeletypes
Nice try. This too is not the same as seeing a population group as a "secondary type or race", which he sees as evidence of the persistence of racial thinking:
"Races are types, defined by complexes of anatomical traits; clear boundaries exist by definition, and definitions are tautologies."
"Individuals from different geographical regions frequently plotted near each other, revealing aspects of variation at the level of individuals that is obscured by concentrating on the most distinctive facial traits once used to construct "types." ["Exploring northeast African metric craniofacial variation at the individual level: a comparative study using principal components analysis."]
"In this paradigm deep genetic differences are assumed to exist between so-called racial groups or types, which are viewed as being composed of nearly uniform individuals and are taken as "natural" fundamental taxonomic units of Homo sapiens. These types were oringinally based on spesific aspects of external morphology" [Interpreting African Genetic Diversity]
Again Keita does not say Europeans are "a secondary type" as you try to claim.
It was obvious too that you f**ked up on recycling the debunked rubbish from the Nizkor site, after you f**ked up on the "holocaust-history" site. LOL
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Keita himself creates dendrograms
quote: Jackass akoben protests: On specific groups, not your population tree you keep posting and trying to pass offas his views
Ah, I see it's once more time to introduce the jackass to a dictionary ->
dendrogram ->
–noun Biology. a treelike diagram depicting evolutionary changes from ancestral to descendant forms, based on shared characteristics.
^ You stated that Keita opposed 'trees', which was clearly wrong.
That you refuse to admit to being wrong, just makes you look like a sore loser as well as idiot.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Jackass akoben writes: "not your population tree"
^ Sorry it's not my tree. It's the dendogram Keita is referencing with regards to why the causasoid race is s myth.
I know your brain is broken but try to keep up.
Keita is not saying that 'dendrograms' are a myth.
Keita is not saying that 'skeletypes' are a myth.
Keita is not saying that 'haplotypes' are a myth.
He is saying that race is a myth.
That's the title of his thesis, that the ideology of race is falsified by quote -> the implications of modem genetic studies.
As shown....
From maximum likelihood estimates the European admixture consisted of 65% Asian and 35% African.
Graph a) shows the pattern and order of African origin, and sub-sequent outmigration, with population splits at each vertex.
Graph b) shows the genetic relatedness and distinctiveness of each population, denoted with each vector.
Note the relative *length* of the vectors.
Not only are Europeans intermidiates between Asia and Africa at the roughly 2/3 and 1/3 ratios denoted by Sforza, but Europeans also show as a decidely *short* vector. This means they are a recent population without and ancient history, and therefore non of the other, more ancient populations shown, can be conceived in terms of admixtures -with- Europeans.[/QUOTE]hybrid - the entity described cannot be understood in terms of it's own originating characteristics as well as by reference to 2 or more descrete elements from which it is *derived.*
Europeans are short-vector, recently admixed hybrids.
Jackass akoben:
* Please produce evidence of ancient European phenotype.
* Please produce evidence of ancient European genotype.
Ancient K-zoids are nowhere in sight.
Akoben keeps crying, but fails to answer the questions.
What's taking so long?
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by Djehuti: ^ LOL @ how Eva contradicts herself!
I guess it must be true that biggotry rots the brains because it is evident that Eva is close to brain-dead as example of his so-called arguments.
Show us again how you "beat" Rasol down, when you just agreed with what he's been pummeling into your confounded head for the past couple of pages! LOL
And Jackass akoben is still auto-confounded.
"Eva" is possibly the dumbest person to ever post on ES....
quote:Nice try. [Classing skeletypes] is not the same as seeing a population group as a "secondary type or race", which he sees as evidence of the persistence of racial thinking
^ This is what happens when jackasses stop taking their ritalin.
Jackass/akoben has forgotten that his/her argument was that types/races are the same, and no distinction can exist.
We've spent the last two pages explaining to this retarded jackass that they are not the same.
Now, the jackass switches views, agrees with us, and pretends to be arguing anyway.
I guess that's what happens when jackasses lose arguments...they abandon their original position, and argue the opposite, and hope that no one will notice.
But only a ritalin deprived jackass fails to notice.
What Jackass/akoben should do:
Stop trying to debate, you just make a fool of yourself.
Take your ritalin.
Enroll in special education courses for the retarded, before you get too old for them to accept you.
I can see that you enjoy being publicly humiliated if only because it gives you attention.
Lots of retarded persons are like that.
So, i'm not going to indulge your stupidity any further, until you've enrolled in and successfully completed the recommended special education courses.
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
So the question is between Eva and her boyfriends, who pisses and sh*ts on whom??
But it's obvious here in this forum that it is Eva that got sh*t on big time for typing his bullsh*t. LOL Posted by meninarmer (Member # 12654) on :
Attempt to keep it clean in here, or KING will have no choice but to alert and snitch to the appropriate authorities.
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
^ LOL Look who's talking with your cussing white Jesus!
Anyway, it's a little too late for that since all the nastiness polluting not only this thread but this whole board came from the trolls that continue to infest it.
Posted by KING (Member # 9422) on :
In no way did I snitch on anybody. Your attack is baseless.
Why would you bring up my name in a thread I am not in. I have no beef with you only your posting of disgusting pics.
Posted by Obama Boy (Member # 11484) on :
Hi peoples,
A friend wants to find out what Hg clade his Y chromosome belongs to, where can he go get a test done?
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:Keita is not saying that 'dendrograms' are a myth.
Never said he did. No matter how many times you try to divert attention from your position, he does not agree with your population tree you keep posting, "strictly speaking, [dendrogram] studies can only inform about the groups used in the analysis. Therefore a study using Mbuti, a clan of Saame speakers, a Swedish village, and Vedda can only tell us about each of them. [i.e. the Keita study you posted as a diversion can only tell us about the Norse, the Zulu, the Badarian, the Berg etc] These groups should not be reified into other entities."
"few human populations, even authentic breeding ones, are so well differentiated and independent from each other as to support the distinctness implied by tree branches. "The ubiquity and complexity of human migration patterns guarantee that branching points in tree will always be suspect."
Yes, he was referencing your human population tree and the Euros as a "secondary type" argument, but not in agreement, only as evidence of the persistence of racial thinking.
"Near worldwide research on lineage markers (mtDNA and Y-chromosome vari-ants) shows that the (individual) bearers of specific haplotypes do not form into clusters of individuals with uniform morphologies and geographical origin (i.e. classical “races” as commonly accepted) (Penny et al.1995)... Nuclear DNA studies suggest to some that Blumenbach’s “Caucasian” entity (or some of it) is at foundation an “inter-mixed” group composed of earlier differentiated non-European (specifically Asian and central African) elements (e.g. Bowcock etal. 1991)—this may be a problem given that the contributing groups seem to conform to received raciotypological schema..."
It is in this context that he opposes your population trees. So "Again Keita does not say Europeans are "a secondary type" as you try to claim."
^ no matter how any diversions you throw in little rasolowitz, you can't escape this.
quote:Keita is not saying that 'skeletypes' are a myth
Never said he did. This is different from grouping human populations into "types" e.g. Euros as "a secondary type" which he does not agree with.
quote:Keita is not saying that 'haplotypes' are a myth.
Never said he did. This is different from grouping human populations into "types" e.g. Euros as "a secondary type" which he does not agree with.
quote:He is saying that race is a myth.
And races are types, and Europeans as "a secondary type", according to him, is evidence of the persistence of racial thinking. You can't escape this.
quote:* Please produce evidence of ancient European phenotype.* Please produce evidence of ancient European genotype.Ancient K-zoids are nowhere in sight.
Never argued for Europeans as an ancient pure primary race. This is another of your straws meant to divert attention from the fact that [i]"in the context of the tree you keep posting he opposes your population trees. he does not say Europeans are "a secondary type" as you try to claim.
quote:"Eva" is possibly the dumbest person to ever post on ES
Yet with all the Hitler references you still can't escape that fact that you knew s**t about what real historians and even Jewish activists (not outdated propaganda sites) say about Dachau not being an "extermination camp". LOL
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
^ Poor Eva repeating the same nonsense over and over again. Rasol told you before that 'type' does not equal 'race' but you won't listen.
I think Rasol forgot that every jackass needs a good kick...
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
It was Keita who said races are types you philipino jacka**. "Races are types, defined by complexes of anatomical traits; clear boundaries exist by definition, and definitions are tautologies."
Here he is not referring to genotype or haplotype but to "racial types". You yourself commented on the distinction, "DNA haplogroups and 'racial types' are two very different things with the latter being a subjective non-scientific notion."
So when he says based on the interpretation of Bowcock, Europeans would be "a secondary type", he is not saying they are (as rasolowitz agues) but arguing that IF race were relevant, based on Bowcock's analysis, "Caucasian would be a secondary type or race due to its hybrid origin".
Your a** must be sore from the constant kicking it receives from your denial of a stolen legacy (Greek and Hebrew) and failure to produce evidence of the time frame when the Hebrews finally became monotheistic unlike Egyptians as you claim.
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
quote:Originally posted by akoben: It was Keita who said races are types you philipino jacka**. "Races are types, defined by complexes of anatomical traits; clear boundaries exist by definition, and definitions are tautologies."
Yes 'races' are types, but Keita disproves its existence! Does that mean all 'types' are disproven idiot??
quote:Here he is not referring to genotype or haplotype but to "racial types". You yourself commented on the distinction, "DNA haplogroups and 'racial types' are two very different things with the latter being a subjective non-scientific notion."
Yes, I know that and so do all other intelligent posters.
quote:So when he says based on the interpretation of Bowcock, Europeans would be "a secondary type", he is not saying they are (as rasolowitz agues) but arguing that IF race were relevant, based on Bowcock's analysis, "Caucasian would be a secondary type or race due to its hybrid origin".
LMAO You fool! That was what Rasol was saying all along, but you acted as if you disagreed with that for the past two pages!
quote:Your a** must be sore from the constant kicking it receives from your denial of a stolen legacy (Greek and Hebrew) and failure to produce evidence of the time frame when the Hebrews finally became monotheistic unlike Egyptians as you claim.
Greece did not "steal" anything from Egypt as explained here. And Hebrews certainly did not take monotheism from Egyptians as the Egyptians weren't monotheists, nitwit! LOL
There goes another kick to your jackass.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:Yes 'races' are types, but Keita disproves its existence! Does that mean all 'types' are disproven idiot??
Never said "all types are races" Mary. The "all types" straw man was thrown in by rasolowitz as a diversion from the fact that he thought Keita was arguing for Europeans as a "secondary type", when in fact he is not.
quote:That was what Rasol was saying all along
Wrong philipino jacka**! LOL
Rasolowitz argues that Keita sees Europeans as "a secondary type" based on their hybrid origins. Which is why he keeps posting the human population tree Keita critiques as evidence of the persistence of racial thinking. Rasolowitz argued that when Keita said "secondary type" he meant "genotype", when in fact Keita used it as a "racial type", i.e. Europeans as a "secondary type or race" is evidence of the persistence of racial thinking.
quote:Greece did not "steal" anything from Egypt as explained here.
Wrong again Mary. What was being drilled into your thick f**king skull there was the validity of the phrase "stolen legacy","Is it clear yet that there is a STOLEN LEGACY and it is perfectly valid, legal, moral and dutiful to declare"
The conclusions drawn from your anti-James gibberish was that you are an incredible ignoramus, as we all expected:
"I doubt you've studied James. Until you start citing him in your refutations I'm not bothering to respond after this post."
There goes another kick for the philipino jackass! LOL
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
LOL I'm not the jackass here; YOU are!
Rasol, I, and all other intelligent posters in this forum are correct but you aren't. Why? because you are a Judeophobic and kemophobic bigot!
Your ass has been kicked around this forum plenty of times enough but you are too stupid to know it!
And stop using my image of YOU that I first posted. What is that the best you can do you pathetic nazi loser?? LMAO Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
^ Oh and since I can't edit:
You call me a 'filippino' jackass, when I'm the intelligent one and YOU are the stupid one. Not only that, but the native beast of burden in the Philippines and all of Southeast Asia is the carabao which is an animal that is much stronger as well as smarter than your kind.
So after the Jews were done kicking your ass around in real life you come to this forum for some virtual ass kicking from us intelligent posters..
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by Djehuti: ^ Poor Eva repeating the same nonsense over and over again. Rasol told you before that 'type' does not equal 'race' but you won't listen.
I think Rasol forgot that every jackass needs a good kick...
Eva will be the last to comprehend that no one is 'debating' her jackass self, as her post are good for nothing except convincing anyone who reads them that's she's somewhat retarded.
We only use her to communicate the fallacies of racism, and the foolishness of it's simpleton practitioners.
I'm sorry Eva, but i'm ignoring you, because you're all used up for now.
But don't get lonely, i'll abuse you some more in the future, when it serves some purpose beyound the redundancy of again pointing out facts, which you never did address......
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ ahem.......
quote:Originally posted by rasol: Someone asked: "Do you know what population structure is"?
Consider, the model shown below, the issue isn't just the Europeans show as genetically intermediate between say New Guinea and Ethiopia, or China and Somalia..... actually in Sforza' dna samples below, he uses non East African populations including central African 'pygmy'.
Understand then, that white Europeans show as intermediate between non Africans and *all* Native Black Africans.
For this to be so.... Europeans must inherit particular genes that are common to *all* Africans, but not found in other non Africans.
In terms of population structure this implies:
- pan african structure. - non african structure. - europeans as hybrid between these two structures.
Population structure cannot confound the reality that Europeans have Black African ancestry.
quote:Originally posted by rasol: ^ You better wake up, and start finding some answers, because the evidence shows that Europeans are a recent admixed population, and not the "ancient race" you fantasize about, but produce no evidence for.....
quote: population genetics/simulation/neutral theory) ANNE M. BOWCOCK*t
One can show that a branch to a population resulting from admixture tends to be shorter than other branches.
"Nuclear DNA studies also contribute to the deconstruction of received racial entities. Ann Bowcock and her colleague's interpretation (Bowcock et al. 1991; Bowcock et al. 1994) of analyses of restriction-site polymorphisms and microsatellite polymorphisms (STRPs) suggests that Europeans, the defining Caucasians, are descendants of a population that arose as a consequence of admixture between already differentiated populations ancestral to (some) Africans and Asians. Therefore, Caucasians would be a secondary type of race due to its hybrid origin and not a primary race".
From maximum likelihood estimates the European admixture consisted of 65% Asian and 35% African.
Graph a) shows the pattern and order of African origin, and sub-sequent outmigration, with population splits at each vertex.
Graph b) shows the genetic relatedness and distinctiveness of each population, denoted with each vector.
Note the relative *length* of the vectors.
Not only are Europeans intermidiates between Asia and Africa at the roughly 2/3 and 1/3 ratios denoted by Sforza, but Europeans also show as a decidely *short* vector. This means they are a recent population without and ancient history, and therefore non of the other, more ancient populations shown, can be conceived in terms of admixtures -with- Europeans.
hybrid - the entity described cannot be understood in terms of it's own originating characteristics as well as by reference to 2 or more descrete elements from which it is *derived.*
Europeans are short-vector, recently admixed hybrids.
* Please produce evidence of ancient European phenotype.
* Please produce evidence of ancient European genotype.
Ancient K-zoids are nowhere in sight.
Keep dreaming, of caucazzzzoids.......
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
Wow. So Mary I see that, based on your last two posts filled with insane hollow rants due to your inability to refute James book or rescue your friend rasolowitz, my work here is finished.
As if to further underscore the fact of your utter stupidity and inability to follow posts, rasolowitz is STILL arguing in favor of Europeans as "a secondary type" even though you thought he wasn't! LOL
He's still posting his human population tree, along with the Keita quote, as if Keita is in agreement with it!
"few human populations, even authentic breeding ones, are so well differentiated and independent from each other as to support the distinctness implied by tree branches. "The ubiquity and complexity of human migration patterns guarantee that branching points in tree will always be suspect." - Keita
Oh Mary, rasolowitz had you fooled didn't he?! LOLOL
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
"It is almost certain that the fumigation or disinfestation chambers were used for their designed purpose [i.e. delousing not gassing humans]....the administrative authorities at Dachau, some famous prisoners and [b]many historians are quick to point out that the large gas chamber at the camp was never used for homicidal [alleged Nazi letter] implies that he had probably experimented with putting men to death in the Dachau gas chamber...Neither the reports by the U.S. Army, Father Hess nor Sack prove conclusively that the homicidal chamber was used to kill people." [from rasolowitz's abandoned source]
No proof of human gassings.
Rasolowitz logic:"I have no proof that X occurred, yet I will still maintain that X did in fact occur because I hope to find proof later." LOL
Dr. Martin Broszat Die Zeit:"Neither in Dachau nor in Bergen-Belsen nor in Buchenwald were Jews or other prisoners gassed."
Do you know who Dr. Broszat is?
"there were no extermination camps on German soil." - Simon Wiesenthal
Do you know what an "extermination camp" is?
Do you know who Simon Wiesenthal is?
quote:[i]"Regarding mortality at Dachau, Berben [Dachau's official historian cited by your first, now dropped, source LOL] informs us that before 1943 any prisoner who died in the hospital or as a result of a "medical experiment" had an autopsy performed. After 1943, "post-mortems were carried out on all prisoners who died at the sick block or elsewhere in the camp." When the typhus epidemic raged through the camp "they had to be statisfied with a few bodies picked at random." (p. 109) Yet Berben tells us that "More than ten thousand autopsies were carried out under Dr. Blaha's direction." (p. 109). Where are these autopsy reports today? And, if the Nazis were following a program of planned extermination, why would they bother to perform an autopsy? These questions are not even addressed in this official history.
All in all Berben's Dachau, 1933-1945: The Official History is fascinating. The book tells us that the prisoners had a brothel, a canteen, Sundays off, church services, plays, lectures, a library, newspapers, concerts, and movies. It tells us that they were given regular meals, some even receiving a second breakfast, that food came in from the Red Cross, that food parcels were sent in by relatives and that prisoners could purchase food at the canteen. It tells us they had a modern hospital with doctors and nurses who made every effort to help the prisoners, until they were finally overwhelmed by disease near the end of the war. It tells us that disease was the primary cause of death at Dachau, and that even the American liberators lost thousands of prisoners to disease. While speaking of "the tens of thousand of deportees who were exterminated in the death camp," Dachau: The Official History establishes that no such extermination took place. In the face of continuing propaganda efforts to represent Dachau and other German concentration camps to the public at large as centers of annihilation, Berben's official history if anything gives authoritative support to the revisionist position."
Hence "there were no extermination camps on German soil." - Simon Wiesenthal
Oh and as for Nizkor silly claim, "The Nazis also felt that the relative remoteness of Poland's rural areas would also minimize reports of mass murder taking place there."
"The claim that ". . . it was easier to conceal from the German people" what was going on in Auschwitz. . . " only shows up Nizkor's ignorance of European demographics. Hundreds of thousands of natives to Eastern territories such as Silesia lived in what is now Poland. The language spoken there was German. The entire social, financial and military system was coordinated with the Reich in a wartime occupation measure. Much of Poland, a Protectorate at that time, was treated as part of Germany. It made no difference where these camps were located because there were hundreds of thousands of Altreich-Germans in Poland, including the military." -
Posted by Afrosaxon (Member # 15871) on :
most of europe is R1b [which I call the siberian/crog mag gene] it was e3b that nordicised them up.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by Afrosaxon: most of europe is R1b [which I call the siberian/crog mag gene] it was e3b that nordicised them up.
Not a lot of R1b in siberia.
And not as much E3b in Norway as in Greece and Sicily.
All we know is for sure is that R1b is of Western Eurasian paleolithic provenance in Europe and expanded to the North with Europes native popuplice when the glaciers retreated.
E3b is of East African origin and expands into Western Eurasia in the meolithic and reaches Europe by the Neolithic.
Before the incursion of Neolithic African E and Levatine J lineages - Europeans are hunter-gatherer folk.
Africans and Levantines brought plant and animal domestication, reading and writing to Europe.
Europeans did not domesticate cattle.... their cattle are descendant from Levantine and African domesticated cattle - which are no closely related to Europes native 'wild' cattle.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:retarded jackass writes: it was Keita who said races are types
^ It's everyone who reads your posts who says that the problem is that you are retarded, and don't know the difference between saying that races are types, and "all types are races."
A jackass refers to a person - "akoben", but not all people are jackasses.
It's just you....
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
And everyone who reads your post knew it was you who threw in the "all types are not races" strawman to hide the fact that you thought Keita was saying Europeans are "a secondary type", which of course he is not.
Ouch! LOL
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
Bray as you may, bray as you might, but like the Jews in real life, we'll give your sorry ass a flight...
quote:Eva wrote:
Ouch! LOL
^ Indeed, your own pain even humors you doesn't it.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
^ Nice pic. But I always pictured you as a female and rasolowitz as the donkey. Oh well. LOL
Posted by ArabianArab (Member # 15626) on :
rasol is Anti-Semite ass likcing Khazarian schvartze
Posted by Mmmkay (Member # 10013) on :
Djehuti, why are you still arguing with this retard?
Send him on his way. He's not worth yours or rasols time.
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
^ I know, but don't you love seeing how they keep exposing themselves for the degenerate dimwits they are??
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by Djehuti: ^ I know, but don't you love seeing how they keep exposing themselves for the degenerate dimwits they are??
Keita speaks clearly and intelligently. This both confounds and infuriates dimitted racists such as jackass-akoben...
Caucasian would be a secondary type, or race, *due to its hybrid origin* -> and not a primary race.
This compromises the racial schema, and invalidates it's underpinnings[/b].
And now the next quote [for babies who can't read entire articles]:
If this is correct, then *one of the units [caucasian], is not fundamental, as its genesis is qualitative different from the other "units" can even connects them.[/i]
one of the "units" [caucasian], is not fundamental, as its genesis is qualitative different from the other "units" and even connects them - SOY Keita.
One can show that a branch to a population resulting from admixture tends to be shorter than other branches.
"Nuclear DNA studies also contribute to the deconstruction of received racial entities. Ann Bowcock and her colleague's interpretation (Bowcock et al. 1991; Bowcock et al. 1994) of analyses of restriction-site polymorphisms and microsatellite polymorphisms (STRPs) suggests that Europeans, the defining Caucasians, are descendants of a population that arose as a consequence of admixture between already differentiated populations ancestral to (some) Africans and Asians. Therefore, Caucasians would be a secondary type of race due to its hybrid origin and not a primary race".
From maximum likelihood estimates the European admixture consisted of 65% Asian and 35% African. - Sforza
Graph a) shows the pattern and order of African origin, and sub-sequent outmigration, with population splits at each vertex.
Graph b) shows the genetic relatedness and distinctiveness of each population, denoted with each vector.
Note the relative *length* of the vectors.
Not only are Europeans intermidiates between Asia and Africa at the roughly 2/3 and 1/3 ratios denoted by Sforza, but Europeans also show as a decidely *short* vector. This means they are a recent population without and ancient history, and therefore non of the other, more ancient populations shown, can be conceived in terms of admixtures -with- Europeans.
hybrid - the entity described cannot be understood in terms of it's own originating characteristics as well as by reference to 2 or more descrete elements from which it is *derived.*
Europeans are short-vector, recently admixed hybrids.
jackass akoben:
* Please produce evidence of ancient European phenotype.
* Please produce evidence of ancient European genotype.
Ancient K-zoids are nowhere in sight.
Keep dreaming, of caucazzzzoids....... [/QUOTE]
^ Hmm., so many retarded replies, but no *answers* from jackass/akoben.
Why is that?
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:"all types are not races" strawman to hide the fact that you thought Keita was saying Europeans are "a secondary type",
^ Just because you are as obnoxious as you are retarded, i'm going to mess with your mind even more.
Europeans are a type, and can by typed according to Keita.
They just aren't a race, sorry? They are are just a secondary population of out of Africa migrants who are sub-sequently admixed with Africans and so genetically intermediate between All Africans and All non Africans.
This moots the whole idea of race.
As for types....
Ancient Egyptians = tropical african type -> Badarian series clusters with the tropical African.
Distinct from European type -> [i]In none of them did the Badarian sample affiliate with the European series.[/b]
^ Sorry jackass, i've now given you lots more to read and fail to understand.
..Europeans are a type, and can by typed according to Keita.
They just aren't a race, sorry? They are are just a secondary population of out of Africa migrants who are sub-sequently admixed with Africans and so genetically intermediate between All Africans and All non Africans.
This moots the whole idea of race.
As for types....
Ancient Egyptians = tropical african type -> Badarian series clusters with the tropical African.
Distinct from European type -> In none of them did the Badarian sample affiliate with the European series.
Cannot compute! Cannot compute! Cannot compute! Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
Oh my god no matter how many times you try to save face rasolowitz Keita does not argue for Europeans as "a secondary type or race". You can't even quote the god damn text properly, you keep posting "secondary type of race" which is BS! LOL
The context of the quote was explained, the persistence of racial thinking among the works of his contemporaries such as Bowcock: that IF race were relevant, under the racial schema, Europeans would be a secondary type or race. But he does not see them as such since, "Races are types, defined by complexes of anatomical traits; clear boundaries exist by definition, and definitions are tautologies. (Breeding populations are mating systems.) The boundaries implied by the specificity of type definitions are shattered when other data are considered."
He does not say the are a pure, primary, or a "secondary type". He is more complex than your narrow type defintions.
My god even Loverboy Alive explained the difference between someone saying would be and are "a secondary type"; Mary thought you were arguing in favor of him saying they aren't! LOLOLOL
I'm glad you keep coming back arguing in favor of "type definitions" for Europeans like the f**king loser you are!
Yes, according to Keita, Europeans as secondary type or race compromises the racial schema; do you know what the word "compromise" mean you clueless jacka**?! No you don't, this is why you think he is in agreement with casting them as a "secondary type", and why you keep posting your human geographical population tree when he is clear on how he views such dendrograms.
You're so f**king desperate and dishonest you go for another study, since the one in question cannot save you, and try to insert "type" into said article when there is no such word or inference! That study deals with specific groups, from Europe and Africa in a spesific context of refuting the notion of immigrant farmers from Europe, it does not consist of human geographical popualtion grouping and accompanying type defintions,
"strictly speaking, [dendrogram] studies can only inform about the groups used in the analysis. Therefore a study using Mbuti, a clan of Saame speakers, a Swedish village, and Vedda can only tell us about each of them. These groups should not be reified into other entities."
As a geneticist, the only "types" he is concerned with are haplotypes not racial types which consist of grouping whole populations to a geographical area and designating them a "secondary type",
"(individual) bearers of specific haplotypes do not form into clusters of individuals with uniform morphologies and geographical origin (i.e. classical "races" as commonly accepted.)"
So yes, as a geneticist he does cluster, group, classify and construct specific dendrograms, but he does not argue for Europeans as "a secondary type or race"! Period. Nowhere in the essay. Zero. You lose. You interpreted him wrong. keep coming back LOSER! LOL
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Keita does not argue for Europeans as "a secondary type or race".
^ No matter how many times you try to reverse your jackass argument you remain a jackass.
AGAIN: The only one who argued that Keita classified Europeans into a *race*, is you.
10 times posted and 10 times unaddressed by your jackass noisemaking....
quote:Originally posted by rasol: one of the "units" [caucasian], is not fundamental, as its genesis is qualitative different from the other "units" and even connects them - SOY Keita.
One can show that a branch to a population resulting from admixture tends to be shorter than other branches.
"Nuclear DNA studies also contribute to the deconstruction of received racial entities. Ann Bowcock and her colleague's interpretation (Bowcock et al. 1991; Bowcock et al. 1994) of analyses of restriction-site polymorphisms and microsatellite polymorphisms (STRPs) suggests that Europeans, the defining Caucasians, are descendants of a population that arose as a consequence of admixture between already differentiated populations ancestral to (some) Africans and Asians. Therefore, Caucasians would be a secondary type of race due to its hybrid origin and not a primary race".
From maximum likelihood estimates the European admixture consisted of 65% Asian and 35% African. - Sforza
Graph a) shows the pattern and order of African origin, and sub-sequent outmigration, with population splits at each vertex.
Graph b) shows the genetic relatedness and distinctiveness of each population, denoted with each vector.
Note the relative *length* of the vectors.
Not only are Europeans intermidiates between Asia and Africa at the roughly 2/3 and 1/3 ratios denoted by Sforza, but Europeans also show as a decidely *short* vector. This means they are a recent population without and ancient history, and therefore non of the other, more ancient populations shown, can be conceived in terms of admixtures -with- Europeans.
hybrid - the entity described cannot be understood in terms of it's own originating characteristics as well as by reference to 2 or more descrete elements from which it is *derived.*
Europeans are short-vector, recently admixed hybrids.
jackass akoben:
* Please produce evidence of ancient European phenotype.
* Please produce evidence of ancient European genotype.
Ancient K-zoids are nowhere in sight.
Keep dreaming, of caucazzzzoids.......
^ Hmm., so many retarded replies, but no *answers* from jackass/akoben.
Why is that? [/QUOTE]
Posted by Alive-(What Box) (Member # 10819) on :
quote:Originally posted by akoben: Keita does not argue for Europeans as "a secondary type or race".
Citation? I'd like to know where this was stated or how this was implied.
Why are your posts more oriented with [_______/rasol/Djehuti/Sage] compared to the facts?
As you are learning, people will (and have) treated you, as you have come at them.
quote:Originally posted by Obama Boy: Hi peoples,
A friend wants to find out what Hg clade his Y chromosome belongs to, where can he go get a test done?
if peopple want to know their real ancestry they should get a dnatribes test.
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
quote:Originally posted by Alive-(What Box): Citation? I'd like to know where this was stated or how this was implied.
Why are your posts more oriented with [_______/rasol/Djehuti/Sage] compared to the facts?
As you are learning, people will (and have) treated you, as you have come at them.
I'm sure deep down, Ass-Eva knows that everyone in this forum with intelligence knows that Rasol, I, and well everyone in this forum with intelligence is correct about Keita and everything else discussed here. It is just Ass-Eva and her boyfriends who are wrong and contribute nothing of value to this forum.
Which is why they get kicked around every time...
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
- Keita says races are types (i.e. racial types)
- Keita does not classify Europeans into "types", secondary or otherwise
- such a classification (Europeans as "a secondary type") compromises the racial schema (go look up the word "compromise")
- Keita does not agree with your geographical human population tress
- You can't even quote him properly
- The article on early Nile Valley farmers does not say "types"; you're a lying sack of s**t
- It only shows how stupid and desperate you can get when you're waist deep in your own BS
quote:Citation? I'd like to know where this was stated or how this was implied.
You obviously forgot to take your meds, or failed to inform the other side of your double personality that you yourself commented on the said quote! LOL
Or are you just sorry you commented on the quote before you knew what your boyfriend rasolowitz's position was: Europeans are a secondary type. Too late, you contradicted him and so did Mary; she too didn't know what his position was until I pointed it out to his dumba**.
You're such an a$$ kisser Alive, you would probably agree with Mary too that Greek philosophy was "home grown" only to have him be your friend.... uuuuhhhhh....
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by Djehuti:
quote:Originally posted by Alive-(What Box): Citation? I'd like to know where this was stated or how this was implied.
Why are your posts more oriented with [_______/rasol/Djehuti/Sage] compared to the facts?
As you are learning, people will (and have) treated you, as you have come at them.
I'm sure deep down, Ass-Eva knows that everyone in this forum with intelligence knows that Rasol, I, and well everyone in this forum with intelligence is correct about Keita and everything else discussed here. It is just Ass-Eva and her boyfriends who are wrong and contribute nothing of value to this forum.
Which is why they get kicked around every time...
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ open challenge, now in it's third week, uncontested......
quote:Originally posted by rasol: one of the "units" [caucasian], is not fundamental, as its genesis is qualitative different from the other "units" and even connects them - SOY Keita.
One can show that a branch to a population resulting from admixture tends to be shorter than other branches.
"Nuclear DNA studies also contribute to the deconstruction of received racial entities. Ann Bowcock and her colleague's interpretation (Bowcock et al. 1991; Bowcock et al. 1994) of analyses of restriction-site polymorphisms and microsatellite polymorphisms (STRPs) suggests that Europeans, the defining Caucasians, are descendants of a population that arose as a consequence of admixture between already differentiated populations ancestral to (some) Africans and Asians. Therefore, Caucasians would be a secondary type of race due to its hybrid origin and not a primary race".
From maximum likelihood estimates the European admixture consisted of 65% Asian and 35% African. - Sforza
Graph a) shows the pattern and order of African origin, and sub-sequent outmigration, with population splits at each vertex.
Graph b) shows the genetic relatedness and distinctiveness of each population, denoted with each vector.
Note the relative *length* of the vectors.
Not only are Europeans intermidiates between Asia and Africa at the roughly 2/3 and 1/3 ratios denoted by Sforza, but Europeans also show as a decidely *short* vector. This means they are a recent population without and ancient history, and therefore non of the other, more ancient populations shown, can be conceived in terms of admixtures -with- Europeans.
hybrid - the entity described cannot be understood in terms of it's own originating characteristics as well as by reference to 2 or more descrete elements from which it is *derived.*
Europeans are short-vector, recently admixed hybrids.
jackass akoben:
* Please produce evidence of ancient European phenotype.
* Please produce evidence of ancient European genotype.
Ancient K-zoids are nowhere in sight.
Keep dreaming, of caucazzzzoids.......
^ Hmm., so many retarded replies, but no *answers* from jackass/akoben.
Why is that?
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
^ Because like all asses, Eva is dumb (both definitions)...
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
Yep, reduced to a stuck record status, posting your long debunked misquotes of Keita and accompanying human population trees. LOL
The myth of a "pure" European race or whatever Sforza says is not the issue here - only your misinterpretation of Keita.
- Keita does not agree with your or Sforza (known for his "Caucasian" Ethiopians LOL) geographical human population tress
quote:Racial thinking is not usually found today in is "pure" form. Nevertheless, this form of categorical thinking influences research design and data interpretation…The persistence of the racial paradigm (and not just names) is further illustrated by investigators who use dendrograms (trees) to assess to group similarities or dissimilarities, usually in quest of intraspecific phylogenies. The groups utilized usually conform to the old racial schema. Dendrograms are also used to illustrate the divergence of entities called human races or of populations used as their surrogates. This is problematic since few human populations, even authentic breeding ones, are so well differentiated (and independent) from each other as to support the distinctness implied by tree branches. The degree of drift has not been necessarily equal across space and time. The ubiquity and complexity of human migration patterns guarantee that branching points in trees will always be suspect. (Jorde 1985) Also, strictly speaking, studies can only inform about the groups used in the analysis. Therefore a study using Mbuti, a clan of Saame speakers, a Swedish village, and Vedda can only tell us about each of them. These groups should not be reified into other entities."
- Keita does not classify Europeans into "types", secondary or otherwise
quote:"Near worldwide research on lineage markers (mtDNA and Y-chromosome vari-ants) shows that the (individual) bearers of specific haplotypes do not form into clusters of individuals with uniform morphologies and geographical origin (i.e. classical "races" as commonly accepted)(Penny et al.1995)—a stereotypical Swede may pair with an Mbuti. Nuclear DNA studies suggest to some that Blumenbach’s “Caucasian” entity (or some of it) is at foundation an “inter-mixed” group composed of earlier differentiated non-European (specifically Asian and central African) elements (e.g. Bowcock etal. 1991)—this may be a problem given that the contributing groups seem to conform to received raciotypological schema..."
quote:Originally posted by loverboy Alive: [rasolowitz] apparently does not understand the difference between would be and are ... "Europeans, the defining Caucasians...would therefore be a secondary type or race due to its hybrid origins". – SOY Keita
quote:So when he [Keita] says based on the interpretation of Bowcock, Europeans would be "a secondary type", he is not saying they are but arguing that IF race were relevant, based on Bowcock's analysis, "Caucasian would be a secondary type or race due to its hybrid origin".
Originally posted by Mary: ^^ Yes that's right, I agree!!! Isn't that what my buddy rasolowitz was saying all along????!
- Keita on races and types (i.e. racial types)
quote:"Races are types, defined by complexes of anatomical traits; clear boundaries exist by definition, and definitions are tautologies. (Breed-ing populations are mating systems.) The boundaries implied by the specificity of type definitions are shattered when other data are considered.
- You can't even quote him properly
- The article on early Nile Valley farmers does not say "types"; you're a lying sack of s**t
- It only shows how stupid and desperate you can get when you're waist deep in your own BS
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasolowitz: Must try to show that Keita sees Europeans as "a secondary type"
Must show that Keita agrees somehow with Sforza's human population tress
I'm getting desparate now, must try to insert the word "type" where is it absent....
Poor you, can't catch that tail sorry. LOL
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote: quote:"Races are types, defined by complexes of anatomical traits; clear boundaries exist by definition, and definitions are tautologies. (Breed-ing populations are mating systems.) The boundaries implied by the specificity of type definitions are shattered when other data are considered.
Now, Akoben can you tell me what the other data that shatters the boundaries implied by the specificity of type definitions would mean?? Could it be the data that rasol is posting?
....Ahem Jackass????
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
(individual) bearers of specific haplotypes do not form into clusters of individuals with uniform morphologies and geographical origin (i.e. classical "races" as commonly accepted)(Penny et al.1995)—a stereotypical Swede may pair with an Mbuti. Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Originally posted by akoben: (individual) bearers of specific haplotypes do not form into clusters of individuals with uniform morphologies and geographical origin (i.e. classical "races" as commonly accepted)(Penny et al.1995)—a stereotypical Swede may pair with an Mbuti.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
given type defintions are problematic, where does Keita say Europeans are "a secondary type"
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Originally posted by akoben: given type defintions are problematic, where does Keita say Europeans are "a secondary type"
If races were relevant and actually had meaning biologically then Europeans would be a secondary type due to their obvious hybrid origins.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:Originally posted by Whiskey: If races were relevant and actually had meaning biologically then Europeans would be a secondary type due to their obvious hybrid origins.
Praise the lord you are healed from ignorance Whiskey!
Yes, IF race were relevant then Europeans would be "a secondary type", but Keita shows throughout his article that race is NOT relevant, and type defintions along with the trees of Sforza and rasolowitz are evidence of the persistence of racial thinking!
He does not see Europeans as "a secondary type"
He does not agree with rasolowitz human population trees
Oh no rasolowitz,....another on disagrees with you!
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ Of course, Knolwedge and I agree.
We also agree that you're laughably stupid, and enjoy using you as a dunk tank clown, which is all you're good for.
But hey, maybe you can find away to misread that too, and take it as a compliment.
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
quote:Originally posted by akoben: given type defintions are problematic, where does Keita say Europeans are "a secondary type"
If races were relevant and actually had meaning biologically then Europeans would be a secondary type due to their obvious hybrid origins.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
No you don't. Whisky admits that IF race were relevant Europeans would be a secondary type. While according to you Keita is says Europeans are "a secondary type".
Suggestion, from this point mabye you should start every post with: "I never said.." or.. even better, "I can explain". LOL
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
quote:Originally posted by akoben: (individual) bearers of specific haplotypes do not form into clusters of individuals with uniform morphologies and geographical origin (i.e. classical "races" as commonly accepted)(Penny et al.1995)—a stereotypical Swede may pair with an Mbuti.
Jackass Akoben, who has the worst reading comprehension...well, ever, is just too stupid to comprehend that what it just read translates to -> types - such as specific haplotypes do not form races.
Actually most people who 'believe' in race, although they are not as hilariously stupid as jackass akoben, share a common fallacy of 'beleving' in something that they don't understand. [ie - superstition].
Race in biology is a specific and Keita correctly denotes - falsified - hypothesis that phenotype isolate reveals ancestry.
^ Now a jackass like akoben, cannot, and will not *ever* understand that sentense, or even gain a fuzzy conception that it involves the notion of types [phenotype, genotype] that does not conform to race.
Huh, what? Akoben scratches his head, and prepares to write another pointless stupid reply.
It's funny to note that Akoben is a Holocaust denying wannabe NAZI, who is afraid of Jews, because jackass akoben is evidently the kind *mental cripple* the Ayran "ubermen" have been reduced to recuiting.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
Nice try at another devious spin, much like your inserting the word "types" into his essays where there is none. Nothing you say can help you get away from the fact that Keita is not arguing in favor of Europeans as "a secondary type".
"He qualifies his statement with a "would in that scenario", as in, under the general racial assumption held by many in the past and by some of his contemporaries, that (and I'm quoting) "Caucasian would be a secondary type or race due to its hybrid origin", IF race were relevant. He and Kittles demonstrates through out their paper that it is not." - sundiata
"If races were relevant and actually had meaning biologically then Europeans would be a secondary type due to their obvious hybrid origins." - Whisky
Europeans are not "a secondary type", only IF race were relevant, and he argues it is NOT.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Knowledge admits that IF race were relevant Europeans would be a secondary type.
^Why stop quoting him then:
due to their obvious hybrid origins
Now quote Keita:
One of the "units" [caucasian], is *not fundamental*, as its genesis is qualitatively different from the other "units" and even connects them - SOY Keita.
Now quote Bowkock:
One can show that a branch to a population resulting from admixture tends to be shorter than other branches.
quote:jackass akoben writes: rasol must try to show that Keita sees Europeans as "a secondary type"
why? they could be 3rdinary as far as Keita, and i am concerned:
One of the "units" [caucasian], is *not fundamental*
^ Keita's point is that they are not a race.
This fact must really annoy you based on your desparate need to change the subject, and of course your owngoing abysmal failure with regards to....
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:a frustrated jackass wrote: Nice try at another devious spin
^ poor effort as always, and no answers as usual....
quote:Originally posted by rasol: one of the "units" [caucasian], is not fundamental, as its genesis is qualitative different from the other "units" and even connects them - SOY Keita.
One can show that a branch to a population resulting from admixture tends to be shorter than other branches.
"Nuclear DNA studies also contribute to the deconstruction of received racial entities. Ann Bowcock and her colleague's interpretation (Bowcock et al. 1991; Bowcock et al. 1994) of analyses of restriction-site polymorphisms and microsatellite polymorphisms (STRPs) suggests that Europeans, the defining Caucasians, are descendants of a population that arose as a consequence of admixture between already differentiated populations ancestral to (some) Africans and Asians. Therefore, Caucasians would be a secondary type of race due to its hybrid origin and not a primary race".
From maximum likelihood estimates the European admixture consisted of 65% Asian and 35% African. - Sforza
Graph a) shows the pattern and order of African origin, and sub-sequent outmigration, with population splits at each vertex.
Graph b) shows the genetic relatedness and distinctiveness of each population, denoted with each vector.
Note the relative *length* of the vectors.
Not only are Europeans intermidiates between Asia and Africa at the roughly 2/3 and 1/3 ratios denoted by Sforza, but Europeans also show as a decidely *short* vector. This means they are a recent population without and ancient history, and therefore non of the other, more ancient populations shown, can be conceived in terms of admixtures -with- Europeans.
hybrid - the entity described cannot be understood in terms of it's own originating characteristics as well as by reference to 2 or more descrete elements from which it is *derived.*
Europeans are short-vector, recently admixed hybrids.
jackass akoben:
* Please produce evidence of ancient European phenotype.
* Please produce evidence of ancient European genotype.
Ancient K-zoids are nowhere in sight.
Keep dreaming, of caucazzzzoids.......
^ Hmm., so many retarded replies, but no *answers* from jackass/akoben.
Why is that? [/QUOTE]
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ What's taking so long jackass.
Common think of something stupid to say, so we can laugh at you some more.
You're boring us.
quote:Originally posted by Djehuti: ^ Poor Eva repeating the same nonsense over and over again. Rasol told you before that 'type' does not equal 'race' but you won't listen.
I think Rasol forgot that every jackass needs a good kick...
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:Why stop quoting him then:due to their obvious hybrid origins
Nice straw man, you seem to have a stock pile. Since I never claimed they were a pure or primary type or race, why is that relevant to that fact that Keita is not arguing in favor of Europeans as "a secondary type"?
quote:Now quote Bowkock:One can show that a branch to a population resulting from admixture tends to be shorter than other branches.
Whatever Bowcock and Sforza argues is not the issue, Keita does not agree with their human populations tress. That's the issue. Deal with that. The more starws you come with, I'll simply blow them down until you deal with the fact that:
Keita does not see Europeans as "a secondary type"
Keita does not agree with your human population trees
quote:^ Keita's point is that they are not a race.
And they are not "a secondary type" either.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Keita does not agree with there human populations trees.
^ He has his own trees, his point is that *their* trees undermine the concept of race, by exposing the mixed heritage of Europeans.
quote:Keita does not see Europeans as "a secondary type"
Again his point is that they are provably *not* a primary type, and therefore cannot be modeled as a race.
quote:Nice straw man, you seem to have a stock pile.
Non answer, you seem to have nothing....
One can show that a branch to a population resulting from admixture tends to be shorter than other branches.
"Nuclear DNA studies also contribute to the deconstruction of received racial entities. Ann Bowcock and her colleague's interpretation (Bowcock et al. 1991; Bowcock et al. 1994) of analyses of restriction-site polymorphisms and microsatellite polymorphisms (STRPs) suggests that Europeans, the defining Caucasians, are descendants of a population that arose as a consequence of admixture between already differentiated populations ancestral to (some) Africans and Asians. Therefore, Caucasians would be a secondary type of race due to its hybrid origin and not a primary race".
From maximum likelihood estimates the European admixture consisted of 65% Asian and 35% African. - Sforza
Graph a) shows the pattern and order of African origin, and sub-sequent outmigration, with population splits at each vertex.
Graph b) shows the genetic relatedness and distinctiveness of each population, denoted with each vector.
Note the relative *length* of the vectors.
Not only are Europeans intermidiates between Asia and Africa at the roughly 2/3 and 1/3 ratios denoted by Sforza, but Europeans also show as a decidely *short* vector. This means they are a recent population without and ancient history, and therefore non of the other, more ancient populations shown, can be conceived in terms of admixtures -with- Europeans.
hybrid - the entity described cannot be understood in terms of it's own originating characteristics as well as by reference to 2 or more descrete elements from which it is *derived.*
Europeans are short-vector, recently admixed hybrids.
jackass akoben:
* Please produce evidence of ancient European phenotype.
* Please produce evidence of ancient European genotype.
Ancient K-zoids are nowhere in sight.
Keep dreaming, of caucazzzzoids....... [/QUOTE]^ Hmm., so many retarded replies, but no *answers* from jackass/akoben.
Why is that? [/qb][/QUOTE] [/QB][/QUOTE]
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ we've now made this jackass admit that europeans are not a race.
this is the very point he meant to refute when he miscited Keita about 10 pages back.
one of definition of insanity is redoubling your effort while losing site of your goal.
jackasses do this, when they lose arguments - they switch their position, in order to 'go on' arguing.
the funny thing is, no matter what position akoben takes, he's still too stupid to formulate a coherent argument, and so still ends up getting everything wrong.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:why? they could be 3rdinary as far as Keita, and i am concerned:
Ah yes, now that your misinterpretation of him saying that they are "a secondary type" has met its end, you at last conveniently abandon it. LOL
quote:his point is that *their* trees undermine the concept of race, by exposing the mixed heritage of Europeans.
Nowhere in the article does he agree with any human geographical population trees,
"The persistence of the racial paradigm (and not just names) is further illustrated by investigators who use dendrograms (trees) to assess to group similarities or dissimilarities, usually in quest of intraspecific phylogenies. The groups utilized usually conform to the old racial schema. Dendrograms are also used to illustrate the divergence of entities called human races or of populations used as their surrogates. This is problematic since few human populations, even authentic breeding ones, are so well differentiated (and independent) from each other as to support the distinctness implied by tree branches. The degree of drift has not been necessarily equal across space and time. The ubiquity and complexity of human migration patterns guarantee that branching points in trees will always be suspect. (Jorde 1985) Also, strictly speaking, studies can only inform about the groups used in the analysis. Therefore a study using Mbuti, a clan of Saame speakers, a Swedish village, and Vedda can only tell us about each of them. These groups should not be reified into other entities."
Yes, seeing Europeans as a "hybrid" undermines the race concept of deep fundamental differences among the units, but seeing Europeans as a secondary type due to hybrid origin also compromises the racial schema, go look up the word "comprise".
quote:Again his point is that they are provably *not* a primary type, and therefore cannot be modeled as a race.
Again, I see you are slowly letting go of your Europeans are "a secondary type" position. LOL
His point is that there is still the persistence of racial thinking among the works of his contemporaries and,
[i]"Nuclear DNA studies suggest to some that Blumenbach’s “Caucasian” entity (or some of it) is at foundation an “inter-mixed” composed of earlier differentiated non-European (specifically Asian and central African) elements (e.g. Bowcock etal. 1991)—this may be a problem given that the contributing groups seem to conform to received raciotypological schema..."
again, problematic
But it maybe ok for those who believe in races. I wonder why?
Now please continue with your photo spamming of misinterpreted Keita quotes and human population tress he sees as problematic. LOL
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
^^^Fakoben, obviously you're the only one misinterpreting Keita. You use a reverse Euro-centrism technique, in desperate attempts to keep Europe pure or un-hybridized, similar to Debunked. But your argument involves attacking from the inside and trying to use Keita as a scapegoat against Cavalli's, and numerous other geneticists confirmation of the Asian and African contribution to the modern European gene pool. This factual genetic evidence warrants the notion of Europeans being a secondary type, **If race had any meaning biologically** by Keita, but since race is irrelevant for reasons mentioned, Keita and other geneticists disregard races, but they don't disregard the actual genetics, jackass!! The actual genetics is what destroys the concept of race, and the actual genetics is what rasol is posting. No wonder you keep on running.
I will submit this question, for answering yet again. Just this time hopefully you won't dodge it.
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
quote: quote:"Races are types, defined by complexes of anatomical traits; clear boundaries exist by definition, and definitions are tautologies. (Breed-ing populations are mating systems.) The boundaries implied by the specificity of type definitions are shattered when other data are considered.
Now, Akoben can you tell me what the other data that shatters the boundaries implied by the specificity of type definitions would mean?? Could it be the data that rasol is posting?
....Ahem Jackass????
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Ah yes, now that your misinterpretation of him saying that they are "a secondary type" has met its end
^ 1) Keita never claimed that Europeans are a secondary type or race.
2) You are the one who claimed he stated that.
3) You misinterpreted Keita.
4) Your claim that I stated Keita believes Europeans to be a "secondary type or race" are a misinterpretation of me.
5) Your claims that Keita regards type and race as the same is also a misinterpretation of Keita.
6) Your claim that Websters definition of Black as a reference to any of a number of populations having dark skin - is the "same thing" as true negro", is a misinterpretation of Websters.
^ All of the above misinterpretations lend evidence to the fact that you can't read.
7) Your original position was that Keita was advocating 'secondary races' because - you stupidly - claimed - types were races. You have now reversed this position, by claiming that Keita is *opposed* to both types and races - because - types are races. This is a logical fallacy. Races are types, but not all types are races. This is why Keita distinguishes between phenotypes, haplotypes, which for him, and me, do not model into races.
It's clear that the above is waaaaaayyy over your limited intellectual level.
We impart this information only for normal people whose brains work.
That you can't grasp it, because you're so your jackass delimma.
8) In summation, you are now admitting what Keita, and I and Knowledge and Dejuhti and WhatBox and Explourateur have been relating to you: that Europeans are not a race, that the notion of caucasoid 'race' is a sham, and that race is a failed model for typing human diversity.
This debate is over because you concede the the material issue which originated the debate.
You only continue by doing what all sore losers do...... try to change the subject or destort the positions of others, to hide the fact that you lost the debate.
For you to succeed at this, you would need to be talking so someone even more stupid than you are, who can't see thru the charade.
Too bad for you, that no one here is that dumb.
Even *you* are not dumb enough to fall for your silly argument, and that's why your still frustrated.
Isn't that so, jackass?
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
Whiskey, you are really lactose intolerant. LOL Show where I advanced any notion of Europeans as "pure".
quote:Keita never claimed that Europeans are a secondary type or race.
I was waiting for this! LOL Your claim was that he was advancing the notion of "a secondary type" for Europeans! Don't lie rasolowitz.
First you quote him wrongly saying Europeans are a secondary type OF race. All in an effort to show Debunked that Keita supports the notion of Europeans as "a secondary TYPE" and agrees with the trees of Bowcock et al.
I asked you – in that quote – is "type" not another word for "race"? And you said NO because you were advancing (at the time) the argument (now dropped) that Keita saw Europeans as a secondary type. LOL
quote:Your claims that Keita regards type and race as the same is also a misinterpretation of Keita.
Another lie. Never said this. I made the distinction between the different types. You are a liar who uses straws when his own argument fail, tries desperately to insert words into articles to back up your BS arguments; and a simpleton who can't even quote scholars properly and follow their line of arguments to understand what they support from what they see as problematic.
quote:Your claim that Websters definition of Black as a reference to any of a number of populations having dark skin - is the "same thing" as true negro", is a misinterpretation of Websters.
Go fetch both definitions of "Black" and "Negro", post them side by side. I'm tired of kicking your a** here.
quote:You have now reversed this position, by claiming that Keita is *opposed* to both types and races - because - types are races.
Still hanging on to this lie because you have to hide the fact that you thought he was saying Europeans are a secondary type and agreed with your human geographical population tress. LOL
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Knowledge718,Show where I advanced any notion of Europeans as "pure".
^ the only notion you've *ever* advanced is that you're a jackass.....
quote:jackass akoben writes: Your claim was that he was advancing the notion of "a secondary type" for Europeans
^ incorrect, but also funny given that i repost "my claims" in full every day, and never do you even try to refute them, because you can't.
actually you seem to afraid of what i'm saying, preferring to address 'anything else', in a failed hope of changing the subject.
this is clearly your chronic fear-response, because you do this with 'dread-imaginary-jews'.
this is why i'm sure you've never confronted a real jew in your life, and you never will, in spite of all your cowardly-hatred.
you're too scared jews, blacks, truth, and life, to ever do anything but run away.
so here are 'my claims' reposted again.
Get to running then, coward, just like you've done your whole wasted life......
quote:Originally posted by rasol: ^ open challenge, now in it's third week, uncontested......
quote:Originally posted by rasol: one of the "units" [caucasian], is not fundamental, as its genesis is qualitative different from the other "units" and even connects them - SOY Keita.
One can show that a branch to a population resulting from admixture tends to be shorter than other branches.
"Nuclear DNA studies also contribute to the deconstruction of received racial entities. Ann Bowcock and her colleague's interpretation (Bowcock et al. 1991; Bowcock et al. 1994) of analyses of restriction-site polymorphisms and microsatellite polymorphisms (STRPs) suggests that Europeans, the defining Caucasians, are descendants of a population that arose as a consequence of admixture between already differentiated populations ancestral to (some) Africans and Asians. Therefore, Caucasians would be a secondary type of race due to its hybrid origin and not a primary race".
From maximum likelihood estimates the European admixture consisted of 65% Asian and 35% African. - Sforza
Graph a) shows the pattern and order of African origin, and sub-sequent outmigration, with population splits at each vertex.
Graph b) shows the genetic relatedness and distinctiveness of each population, denoted with each vector.
Note the relative *length* of the vectors.
Not only are Europeans intermidiates between Asia and Africa at the roughly 2/3 and 1/3 ratios denoted by Sforza, but Europeans also show as a decidely *short* vector. This means they are a recent population without and ancient history, and therefore non of the other, more ancient populations shown, can be conceived in terms of admixtures -with- Europeans.
hybrid - the entity described cannot be understood in terms of it's own originating characteristics as well as by reference to 2 or more descrete elements from which it is *derived.*
Europeans are short-vector, recently admixed hybrids.
jackass akoben:
* Please produce evidence of ancient European phenotype.
* Please produce evidence of ancient European genotype.
Ancient K-zoids are nowhere in sight.
Keep dreaming, of caucazzzzoids.......
^ Hmm., so many retarded replies, but no *answers* from jackass/akoben.
Why is that?
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote: LOL Show where I advanced any notion of Europeans as "pure".
See that's the point, your argument is an indirect one, I already explained in my last post your exact M.O.
Now do me a favor... Read exactly what I post and address specifically what I post(If possible), since it seems you're obviously too afraid to answer rasol's question.
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718: ^^^Fakoben, obviously you're the only one misinterpreting Keita. You use a reverse Euro-centrism technique, in desperate attempts to keep Europe pure or un-hybridized, similar to Debunked. But your argument involves attacking from the inside and trying to use Keita as a scapegoat against Cavalli's, and numerous other geneticists confirmation of the Asian and African contribution to the modern European gene pool. This factual genetic evidence warrants the notion of Europeans being a secondary type, **If race had any meaning biologically** by Keita, but since race is irrelevant for reasons mentioned, Keita and other geneticists disregard races, but they don't disregard the actual genetics, jackass!! The actual genetics is what destroys the concept of race, and the actual genetics is what rasol is posting. No wonder you keep on running.
I will submit this question, for answering yet again. Just this time hopefully you won't dodge it.
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
quote: quote:"Races are types, defined by complexes of anatomical traits; clear boundaries exist by definition, and definitions are tautologies. (Breed-ing populations are mating systems.) The boundaries implied by the specificity of type definitions are shattered when other data are considered.
Now, Akoben can you tell me what the other data that shatters the boundaries implied by the specificity of type definitions would mean?? Could it be the data that rasol is posting?
....Ahem Jackass????
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Another lie. I always made the distinction between the different types.
^ rotfl.
This is going to be fun.
Let’s retrace the history of akoben's jackass prattle.
quote: posted 27 September, 2008 07:17 PM by jackass akoben:
Hence reference to them as a "secondary race".
^ rasol replies: Incorrect, illiterate jackass, Keita *never* claims in his essay "the myth of racial divergence" that Europeans are a "secondary" race.
This is when jackass akoben claimed race and type were the same.
quote: posted 27 September, 2008 09:05 PM by jackass akoben: What is the difference between "secondary type" and "secondary race"?
^ The confounded jackass continues...
quote: posted 28 September, 2008 12:31 AM by jackass akoben: is "secondary type" not another way of saying secondary "race"?
quote: posted 28 September, 2008 12:54 AM what is the meaning of "type" here?
But still the jackass isn’t finished making a fool of himself…..
quote:jackass akoben writes: so in genetics races aren't types?
So, we take mercy on the hapless she/male, who’s possibly is suffering from syphilis attained from his/her NAZI boyfriends. [syphilis causes brain rot.]
quote:rasol writes: for your jackass education.....
YOUR problem is You can't read.
You need to take 'adult' education or something.
[QUOTE] Akoben's guide to jackass logic:
* races are types. * races are tautologies. * therefore all types are tautologies.
* bees are insects. * bees can fly * therefore all insects can fly
^ So what does the forums resident jackass claim …… now???
quote:Another lie. I always made the distinction between the different types.
^ confounded she/male, you need
- ritalin for you A/D/D.
- penicillin for your brain rotting stds,
- and a good *jewish* psychiatrist for your neurosis, ethnocentrism, and obvious low self esteem.
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:the wacky world of akoben:
types and races are the same.
no they aren't
yes they are
no they aren't
i never said they were same.
prove i sad they were the same.
i alway new they weren't.
prove i didn't know.
yes they are the same...keita say so.
no they aren't, its you guys who claimed that keita said so.
i'm not a jackass.
i'm not confused.
i'm not and idiot.
yes i am.
where's my ritalin!!!!
stop telling lies on me!!!
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ akoben's jackass brain freeze...
quote:Originally posted by rasol: one of the "units" [caucasian], is not fundamental, as its genesis is qualitative different from the other "units" and even connects them - SOY Keita.
One can show that a branch to a population resulting from admixture tends to be shorter than other branches.
"Nuclear DNA studies also contribute to the deconstruction of received racial entities. Ann Bowcock and her colleague's interpretation (Bowcock et al. 1991; Bowcock et al. 1994) of analyses of restriction-site polymorphisms and microsatellite polymorphisms (STRPs) suggests that Europeans, the defining Caucasians, are descendants of a population that arose as a consequence of admixture between already differentiated populations ancestral to (some) Africans and Asians. Therefore, Caucasians would be a secondary type or race due to its hybrid origin and not a primary race".
From maximum likelihood estimates the European admixture consisted of 65% Asian and 35% African. - Sforza
Graph a) shows the pattern and order of African origin, and sub-sequent outmigration, with population splits at each vertex.
Graph b) shows the genetic relatedness and distinctiveness of each population, denoted with each vector.
Note the relative *length* of the vectors.
Not only are Europeans intermidiates between Asia and Africa at the roughly 2/3 and 1/3 ratios denoted by Sforza, but Europeans also show as a decidely *short* vector. This means they are a recent population without and ancient history, and therefore non of the other, more ancient populations shown, can be conceived in terms of admixtures -with- Europeans.
hybrid - the entity described cannot be understood in terms of it's own originating characteristics as well as by reference to 2 or more descrete elements from which it is *derived.*
Europeans are short-vector, recently admixed hybrids.
jackass akoben:
* Please produce evidence of ancient European phenotype.
* Please produce evidence of ancient European genotype.
Ancient K-zoids are nowhere in sight.
Keep dreaming, of caucazzzzoids.......
^ Hmm., so many retarded replies, but no *answers* from jackass/akoben.
Why is that? [/QUOTE] [/QB][/QUOTE]
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
Ok whiskey, show where I "indirectly" stated or implied that Europeans are a "pure" race. Be careful, your answer will show wether or not you understand what Keita is actually saying in the article in question.
But then again, your question re other data shows you didn't understand the significance in the first place. The other data in this case would be the fact that there were no "earlier differentiated elements" to contribute to the European hybridism (secondary type) as "Asians" (one of the contributing groups) isn't a "primary type" to begin with, as it is also a "hybrid" as the initial molecular micro differentiation of homo sapiens took place in Africa.
So Europeans cannot be a "secondary type" as rasolowitz claims, since one of the contributing groups, Asians, isn't a "primary type". These type defintions are all evidence of the persistence of racial thining according to Keita:
"Races are types (E.g. Europeans as a "secondary type"), defined by complexes of anatomical traits; clear boundaries exist by definition, and definitions are tautologies. (Breed-ing populations are mating systems.) The boundaries implied by the specificity of type definitions are shattered when other data are considered. (other data such as the fact that Asians are not a primary contributing "type" for the secondary European "type") For the biological construct of race to be valid, with the connotation of a foundational and maintained biological uni-formity and coherence of its members, there should be the finding of concordant group-ings of individuals by lineage markers, other DNA, and morphology."
quote: * races are types. * races are tautologies. * therefore all types are tautologies.
You forgot to say that my questions to you were in the context of the quote,
quote:"What is the difference, in the Keita quote, between "secondary type" and "secondary race"? ... what is the meaning of "type" here?"
In the context of the Keita quote, then, "secondary type" is not a reference to "secondary haplotypes" or genotypes (as you claimed: posted 28 September, 2008 01:17 AM) but to the interpretation of Europeans as a secondary "racial type" IF race were relevent, under the general racial assumption held by many in the past and by some of his contemporaries, "Caucasian would be a secondary type or race due to its hybrid origin
quote:Your claim was that he was advancing the notion of "a secondary type" for Europeans
quote:rasolowitz’s reply: incorrect
Oh please rasolowitz, you kept highlighting "secondary type" in your posts in an effort to show that Keita was advancing the notion that Europeans do not model as a primary race but as "a secondary type" due to admixture. You kept posting that Keita quote in your exchanges with debunked over and over to show that he supports the view of Europeans as "a secondary type" because of admixture not a ancient primary race.
You never once qualified your posts by pointing out that he didn't support the notion of Europeans as a secondary type, not once in all your exchanges with debunked, ONLY NOW that the context of the quote has been explained to your dumba** that you admit, "Keita never claimed that Europeans are a secondary type" LOLOLOL
Well why were you posting, and still do, THAT QUOTE all this time?
Suggestion, from this point maybe you should start *every post* with: "I never said.." or.. even better, "I can explain".
The Trees
Along with the notion of Europeans as "a secondary type", you also intended to show that he agrees with their dendrograms and accompanying analysis. This too is false:
"The persistence of the racial paradigm (and not just names) is further illustrated by investigators who use dendrograms (trees) to assess to group similarities or dissimilarities, usually in quest of intraspecific phylogenies. The groups utilized usually conform to the old racial schema. Dendrograms are also used to illustrate the divergence of entities called human races or of populations used as their surrogates. This is problematic since few human populations, even authentic breeding ones, are so well differentiated (and independent) from each other as to support the distinctness implied by tree branches. The degree of drift has not been necessarily equal across space and time. The ubiquity and complexity of human migration patterns guarantee that branching points in trees will always be suspect."
"bearers of specific haplotypes do not form into clusters of individuals with uniform morphologies and geographical origin... Nuclear DNA studies suggest to some that Blumenbach’s “Caucasian” entity (or some of it) is at foundation an “inter-mixed” group...this may be a problem given that the contributing groups seem to conform to received raciotypological schema but should be acceptable to those who believe in the existence of races"
In other words, Bowcock's conclusions should be acceptable to back door racialists like you who go for a compromise with the racial schema, but it is not acceptable to someone like Keita trying to rid academia of the persistence of racial thinking.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Oh please rasol.....
^ Yes, it does please me to watch you publicly humiliate yourself time and time again...
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:Another lie. I always made the distinction between the different types.
^ rotfl.
This is going to be fun.
Let’s retrace the history of akoben's jackass prattle.
quote: posted 27 September, 2008 07:17 PM by jackass akoben:
Hence reference to them as a "secondary race".
^ rasol replies: Incorrect, illiterate jackass, Keita *never* claims in his essay "the myth of racial divergence" that Europeans are a "secondary" race.
This is when jackass akoben claimed race and type were the same.
quote: posted 27 September, 2008 09:05 PM by jackass akoben: What is the difference between "secondary type" and "secondary race"?
^ The confounded jackass continues...
quote: posted 28 September, 2008 12:31 AM by jackass akoben: is "secondary type" not another way of saying secondary "race"?
quote: posted 28 September, 2008 12:54 AM what is the meaning of "type" here?
But still the jackass isn’t finished making a fool of himself…..
quote:jackass akoben writes: so in genetics races aren't types?
So, we take mercy on the hapless she/male, who’s possibly is suffering from syphilis attained from his/her NAZI boyfriends. [syphilis causes brain rot.]
quote:rasol writes: for your jackass education.....
YOUR problem is You can't read.
You need to take 'adult' education or something.
[QUOTE] Akoben's guide to jackass logic:
* races are types. * races are tautologies. * therefore all types are tautologies.
* bees are insects. * bees can fly * therefore all insects can fly
^ So what does the forums resident jackass claim …… now???
quote:Another lie. I always made the distinction between the different types.
^ confounded she/male, you need
- ritalin for you A/D/D.
- penicillin for your brain rotting stds,
- and a good *jewish* psychiatrist for your neurosis, ethnocentrism, and obvious low self esteem.
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:You forgot to say that my questions to you were in the context of the quote
^ Because they aren't in the context of anything other than your own stupidity anbd confusion.....
jackass akoben writes: so in genetics races aren't types?
^ This question isn't in reference to what Keita is saying, it's in reference to your own confusion.
If you "always knew the difference", then why ask the question?
Sorry Jackass, no one's buying your excuses.
Try again.
It's fun watching you squirm.
^ This doesn't reference Keita at all, it references my telling you
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:The other data in this case would be the fact that there were no "earlier differentiated elements" to contribute to the European hybridism
^ But of course there are.... You're saying that before Europeans there is *no differentiation* between Africans and non Africans?
name a geneticist who can support this bizzare claim????
One can show that a branch to a population resulting from admixture tends to be shorter than other branches.
"Nuclear DNA studies also contribute to the deconstruction of received racial entities. Ann Bowcock and her colleague's interpretation (Bowcock et al. 1991; Bowcock et al. 1994) of analyses of restriction-site polymorphisms and microsatellite polymorphisms (STRPs) suggests that Europeans, the defining Caucasians, are descendants of a population that arose as a consequence of admixture between already differentiated populations ancestral to (some) Africans and Asians. Therefore, Caucasians would be a secondary type or race due to its hybrid origin and not a primary race".
From maximum likelihood estimates the European admixture consisted of 65% Asian and 35% African. - Sforza
Graph a) shows the pattern and order of African origin, and sub-sequent outmigration, with population splits at each vertex.
Graph b) shows the genetic relatedness and distinctiveness of each population, denoted with each vector.
Note the relative *length* of the vectors.
Not only are Europeans intermidiates between Asia and Africa at the roughly 2/3 and 1/3 ratios denoted by Sforza, but Europeans also show as a decidely *short* vector. This means they are a recent population without and ancient history, and therefore non of the other, more ancient populations shown, can be conceived in terms of admixtures -with- Europeans.
hybrid - the entity described cannot be understood in terms of it's own originating characteristics as well as by reference to 2 or more descrete elements from which it is *derived.*
Europeans are short-vector, recently admixed hybrids.
jackass akoben:
* Please produce evidence of ancient European phenotype.
* Please produce evidence of ancient European genotype.
Ancient K-zoids are nowhere in sight.
Keep dreaming, of caucazzzzoids....... [/QUOTE]^ Hmm., so many retarded replies, but no *answers* from jackass/akoben.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:But then again, your question re other data shows you didn't understand the significance in the first place. The other data in this case would be the fact that there were no "earlier differentiated elements" to contribute to the European hybridism
Indeed there were no differentiated or hybridized types as modern Europeans are today. The Original OOA migrants are/were not hybridized. So the other data in this case is the modern genetic hybridization of modern Europeans as the source of their gene pool measures out to be 2/3rd Asian and 1/3rd African.
No other original OOA population possess the recent admixture of post OOA migrants from Africa, as modern Europeans do, which warrants them as a hybridized type, is race were relevant.
Genetic data being presented here on this board is what deems racial classifications as inaccurate and a failure.
quote: (secondary type) as "Asians" (one of the contributing groups) isn't a "primary type" to begin with, as it is also a "hybrid" as the initial molecular micro differentiation of homo sapiens took place in Africa.
Err.. Wrong. Tell me how Asians are/were hybrids? All non Africans are part of the same population structure. This structure of original OOA migrants who inhabited Europe was not hybridized and is the source of most of the Asian element into the modern European gene pool. Upper Paleolithic Eurasians still resembled African and Australians more than recent Eurasians, and were not hybridized as are their modern day descendants.
I'll ask you, like I ask debunked. The fact that Europeans are closest genetically to Africans whereas the original OOA populations. I.e Oceanians appear furthest away genetically from Africa, if Oceanians and Europeans are part of the same non-African OOA population structure, then Europeans should be as distant genetically from Africans, as Oceanians are. If this is not due to post OOA Neolithic migrations into Europe from Africa, then what is it?
Posted by prmiddleeastern (Member # 14038) on :
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718: [QUOTE] If this is not due to post OOA Neolithic migrations into Europe from Africa, then what is it?
Also due to OOA migrations into Europe also.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ Explain.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Originally posted by prmiddleeastern:
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718: [QUOTE] If this is not due to post OOA Neolithic migrations into Europe from Africa, then what is it?
Also due to OOA migrations into Europe also.
Well as I've said, this original OOA migration into Europe 40kya, in which the original population inhabited South East Asia and the Oceanic islands first more than 60kya, before migrating into Europe. Since the same non African OOA population are also the founders of Europe, they obviously share similar non African lineages, but, being that modern Europeans inherited post OOA admixture from Africans, into Europe. Recent Europeans are now genetically hybridized between non African OOA lineages, and post OOA African lineages which arose in Africa after the initial OOA migration, and spread into Europe recently. Which coincides with Cavalli Sforza's distance matrix.
Posted by prmiddleeastern (Member # 14038) on :
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
quote:Originally posted by prmiddleeastern:
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718: [QUOTE] If this is not due to post OOA Neolithic migrations into Europe from Africa, then what is it?
Also due to OOA migrations into Europe also.
Well as I've said, this original OOA migration into Europe 40kya, in which the original population inhabited South East Asia and the Oceanic islands first more than 60kya, before migrating into Europe. Since the same non African OOA population are also the founders of Europe, they obviously share similar non African lineages, but, being that modern Europeans inherited post OOA admixture from Africans, into Europe. Recent Europeans are now genetically hybridized between non African OOA lineages, and post OOA African lineages which arose in Africa after the initial OOA migration, and spread into Europe recently. Which coincides with Cavalli Sforza's distance matrix.
And what about the bearers of the Gravettian Culture who migrated directly from the Levant in to Europe, who beared Y Haplogroup I and MTDNA N, yes, they do have direct African lineage because I is descendant from F( an direct Out of Africa group)the Gravettians are descendats of the Middle east clan who moved from africa to the Middle East then up to Euope, they didn't go to Oceania or Asia.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:And what about the bearers of the Gravettian Culture who migrated directly from the Levant in to Europe, who beared Y Haplogroup I and MTDNA yes, they do have direct African lineage because I is descendant from F
^ I don't see your point.
N and F are out of Africa haplotypes shared by most Non Africans. N is the most common mtdna haplotype of China and New Guinea.
Just as Europeans have I derived from F, Chinese have O derived from F.
This does not explain why Europeans are closer to Africans than Chinese or New Guineans.
Only African haplotypes such as E and L 1 thru L3 and M1 can explain this, because they constitute African admixtures found in Europeans but not found in... China, or New Guinea.
Let me know if you have questions about this.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:This question isn't in reference to what Keita is saying
No this is, "what is the meaning of "type" here?" to which you replied it was a reference to genotypes not racial types.
quote:If you "always knew the difference", then why ask the question?
To bait you into explaining your misinterpretation (which you did!) of Keita's use of the word "type" in that quote. It was NOT a reference to genotype as you thought but to a racial type.
- Keita does not believe in your human population trees
- Keita does not believe in human population "distinctiveness" (rasolowitz's "graph b")
- Keita does not believe in Europeans as a secondary "type"
- "type" here is NOT a reference to genotype
- Keita does not believe that these "secondary types" or "units" are at their foundation "admixed"
According to Keita, it is within the racial model or schema that there are different "units", and the notion of a "unit" [in this case Europeans] as being "a secondary type or race" is explained by it's "admixture":
quote:"The strict racial approach constructs human diversity as being reducible to a fixed number of foundational, natural, and indivisible units (types), which consist of near uniform individuals. Variation from these units in this model is primarily explained by admixture. Thus there were primary and secondary races."
Hence "secondary type" in the Keita quote rasolowitz keeps posting is not a reference to "secondary haplotypes" or genotypes as he claimed but to secondary "racial types".
...back to "units"
We can see that such an interpretation of "units" at their foundation being "admixed" (e.g. Europeans as a secondary type) is exactly what you are advancing in your posts.
You now conveniently drop the notion of "secondary types" but keep your human population trees and the theory of foundationally "hybrid" units (Europeans).
But Keita does not agree with the Platonic notion of different "units" (types) or the interpretation that they can be, at their foundation, an "intermixed" group. He qualifies his statements by saying that the DNA studies suggest to some and that they "should be acceptable to those who believe in the existence of races":
quote:"Nuclear DNA studies suggest to some that Blumenbach's "Caucasian" entity (or some of it) is at foundation an "inter-mixed" group composed of earlier differentiated non-European specifically Asian and central African) elements (e.g. Bowcock etal. 1991)— this may be a problem given that the contributing groups seem to conform to received raciotypological schema—but should be acceptable to those who believe in the existence of races."
Therefore he is not in agreement with Bowock as you try to pass off and when he says "one of the units is not fundamental, because its genesis is qualitative different from the other unit and even connects them" he is not advancing the notion of "units" as you would like to believe, he is simply commenting on the interpretation of Bowcock's work in an essay on the persistence of racial thinking.
He qualifies it just as he does the "Europeans as a secondary type" interpretation by saying "In this case" and "if the interpretation" of Bowcock is correct...
So again, he does not believe in any units (types), primary or otherwise, or geographical human population trees and the "distinctiveness" of human populations. All of theses notions, according to him, are evidence of the persistence of racial thinking.
And evidence of your lack of comprehension skills. LOL
quote:which warrants them as a hybridized type, is race were relevant.
Exactly, IF race were relevant. Keita shows throughout the article that it is not. If Europeans are a "secondary type" then the contributing groups must be "primary", and the Asian is not.
quote:Tell me how Asians are/were hybrids?
You're right "hybrid" is not a useful word here.
It is more useful to point out that the "Asian" does not constitute an earlier differentiated element from the African, such an anlayis i evidence of the eristecne of racial thinking, ["Nuclear DNA studies suggest to some that Blumenbach’s “Caucasian” entity (or some of it) is at foundation an “inter-mixed” group composed of earlier differentiated non-European (specifically Asian and central African) elements (e.g. Bowcock etal. 1991)"]
since "few human populations, even authentic breeding ones, are so well differentiated (and independent) from each other as to support the distinctness implied by tree branches."
So you can't speak in terms of this and that "percentage" from Asia as opposed to Africa when "bearers of specific haplotypes do not form into clusters of individuals with uniform morphologies and geographical origin"
So there are no well differentiated "units" contributing to the European "unit" making them a "secondary type".
quote: I'll ask you, like I ask debunked. The fact that Europeans are closest genetically to Africans whereas the original OOA populations. I.e Oceanians appear furthest away genetically from Africa, if Oceanians and Europeans are part of the same non-African OOA population structure, then Europeans should be as distant genetically from Africans, as Oceanians are. If this is not due to post OOA Neolithic migrations into Europe from Africa, then what is it?
Again, whatever Bowcock and Sforza chart on their human geographical population trees is irrelevant. The issue here is what Kieta says about these types of analysis and their accompanying trees and notions of secondary types and "units".
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:And what about the bearers of the Gravettian Culture who migrated directly from the Levant in to Europe, who beared Y Haplogroup I and MTDNA N, yes, they do have direct African lineage because I is descendant from F( an direct Out of Africa group)the Gravettians are descendats of the Middle east clan who moved from africa to the Middle East then up to Euope, they didn't go to Oceania or Asia.
You're not understanding what I said. The lineages you are mentioning are OOA lineages(all lineages can be traced back to Africa).
The lineages that bring Europeans closer to their original place of origin(which is Africa), are post OOA lineages which arose in Africa, after the original African migrants OOA left.
The Africans who never left Africa, carried lineages into Europe well after the original OOA population(which was the source population of the whole non African population structure)left Africa.
Pristine/underived OOA lineages can be found amongst Oceanic and Southeast Asians. Oceanians are the furthest non-African population genetically from Africans, whereas Europeans are also part of this OOA population, but since Africans from post/after the original OOA population( which can be seen amongst Oceanians etc..) left, migrated into Europe and intermixed with this original OOA population, which inhabited Europe since about 40-45kya.
Now recent Europeans appear closer to Africans, whereas if there were no post OOA Neolithic migrations, of post OOA African lineages into Europe, then Europeans would also appear as far away genetically from Africans as do Oceanians etc...
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Exactly, IF race were relevant. Keita shows throughout the article that it is not. If Europeans are a "secondary type" then the contributing groups must be "primary", and the Asian is not.
Exactly, the whole point is IF. But since we already know on this board that racr doesn't exist, and exactly why it doesn't exist, which is because of all of the overlapping genetic diversity which caused by the recent contributions which make up the modern European genepool 2/3rd Asian and 1/3rd African. We, as well as most geneticists, disregard it, for this very reason, Keita, Sforza etc.. disregards it.
If you want to know why race doesn't exist then pay attention to what's being posted. If one wants to persist on a racial classification, then they will have to deal with the relevant data and numerous archaeological, genetic and anthropological evidence which proves Europeans to be a hybridized population without using Sforza or Bowcock.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
^ Again you're being dishonest. Don't lump Keita with Sforza, Bowcock. The point Keita is making is that some geneticists, like them, claim to disregard race YET persist in racial thinking.
This can be seen in their dendrograms claiming to map population "distinctness" through branches; and the notion of Europeans being a secondary type (genotype according to rasolowitz) due to their "hybrid" origins or the notion that Europeans are a "unit" which is at its foundation[b] a "hybrid", that is, the product of [b]earlier differentiated elements, your "2/3rd Asian and 1/3rd African".
^^^ These to him are evidence of the persistence of racial thinking. He doesn't agree with any of it!
Whatever Cavalli Sforza's "matrix" says is not the issue here. He cannot shake his racial thinking (like his "Caucasian" Ethiopians LOL) so it is understandable that Keita (who debunked him on that) would be debunking his a** on his human population tress and related points about "distinctiveness" of their branches and human geographical "percentages" contributing to "a secondary type or race". Problem for you and rasolowitz is that in the process of debunking them, Keita is debunking you also!!! LOL
"Many investigators still use dendrograms to represent the philogenetic history of human “races”. These representations imply bifurcations or splitting of ancestral populations. They suggest an absolute distinctness or discreetness that is not a flaw of ordinate methods. This problematic. Dendrograms cannot accurately depict evolutionary gradients of differentiation or distinguish similarity due to gene flow. They can also be unreliable in their depictions of population relationships when demographic factors such as population size are not constant or equal between populations ... In a word, dendrograms are ambiguous in their apparent depiction of certainty." Posted by prmiddleeastern (Member # 14038) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:And what about the bearers of the Gravettian Culture who migrated directly from the Levant in to Europe, who beared Y Haplogroup I and MTDNA yes, they do have direct African lineage because I is descendant from F
^ I don't see your point.
N and F are out of Africa haplotypes shared by most Non Africans. N is the most common mtdna haplotype of China and New Guinea.
Just as Europeans have I derived from F, Chinese have O derived from F.
This does not explain why Europeans are closer to Africans than Chinese or New Guineans.
Only African haplotypes such as E and L 1 thru L3 and M1 can explain this, because they constitute African admixtures found in Europeans but not found in... China, or New Guinea.
Let me know if you have questions about this.
You nailed it,F were the second migration out of Africa, they were the first inhabitants of the Middle east coming from Africa,they are very related to Africans also by marker 168, O is not so related to F as I, because I is a direct descendant of F, O is a descendant of K, who is borther to I, as you see, there is more distance on the ancestry from O to F, than from I to F,only the C and D individuals share a more common african ancestry than O, Because C, F and D, are brothers of E.
Posted by prmiddleeastern (Member # 14038) on :
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718: [QUOTE]Now recent Europeans appear closer to Africans, whereas if there were no post OOA Neolithic migrations, of post OOA African lineages into Europe, then Europeans would also appear as far away genetically from Africans as do Oceanians etc...
If you mean the E3b marker Europeans, they aren't europeans, they are Native africans who migrated to Europe, but there was the Gravettian culture and bearers who came from the Middle east to Europe and that have a close African ancestry. So if what you are saying is that European shows afinnity to africans because of African mifration or intermarryinfg with them, you are dead wrong.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Originally posted by akoben: ^ Again you're being dishonest. Don't lump Keita with Sforza, Bowcock. The point Keita is making is that some geneticists, like them, claim to disregard race YET persist in racial thinking.
This can be seen in their dendrograms claiming to map population "distinctness" through branches; and the notion of Europeans being a secondary type (genotype according to rasolowitz) due to their "hybrid" origins or the notion that Europeans are a "unit" which is at its foundation[b] a "hybrid", that is, the product of [b]earlier differentiated elements, your "2/3rd Asian and 1/3rd African".
^^^ These to him are evidence of the persistence of racial thinking. He doesn't agree with any of it!
Whatever Cavalli Sforza's "matrix" says is not the issue here. He cannot shake his racial thinking (like his "Caucasian" Ethiopians LOL) so it is understandable that Keita (who debunked him on that) would be debunking his a** on his human population tress and related points about "distinctiveness" of their branches and human geographical "percentages" contributing to "a secondary type or race". Problem for you and rasolowitz is that in the process of debunking them, Keita is debunking you also!!! LOL
"Many investigators still use dendrograms to represent the philogenetic history of human “races”. These representations imply bifurcations or splitting of ancestral populations. They suggest an absolute distinctness or discreetness that is not a flaw of ordinate methods. This problematic. Dendrograms cannot accurately depict evolutionary gradients of differentiation or distinguish similarity due to gene flow. They can also be unreliable in their depictions of population relationships when demographic factors such as population size are not constant or equal between populations ... In a word, dendrograms are ambiguous in their apparent depiction of certainty."
^ All found in West Eurasia....and not in East Eurasia, SouthEast Asia, Australia, New Guinnea, Melanesia...etc..
The evidence is overwhelming, and all attempts to distort it or distract from it, are a joke....
^^^This is what makes Cavallis findings valid, and upsets your considerably.
Any refutations of the post OOA lineages found in Europeans?
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:If you mean the E3b marker Europeans, they aren't europeans, they are Native africans who migrated to Europe,
Ummm.. this is what's meant by post OOA migrations into Europe from Africa.
quote:but there was the Gravettian culture and bearers who came from the Middle east to Europe and that have a close African ancestry.
These are humans from the original OOA populations, all humans have African ancestry, so what do you mean by close?
quote:So if what you are saying is that European shows afinnity to africans because of African mifration or intermarryinfg with them, you are dead wrong.
No, and you're not understanding. I've explained this a few times already, and so has rasol etc... The reason for Europeans being closer genetically towards African than the original OOA migrants I.e, Oceanians, is because of post OOA lineages that migrated into Europe during the Neolithic.
^ All found in West Eurasia....and not in East Eurasia, SouthEast Asia, Australia, New Guinnea, Melanesia...etc..
Posted by prmiddleeastern (Member # 14038) on :
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718: [QUOTE] The reason for Europeans being closer genetically towards African than the original OOA migrants I.e, Oceanians, is because of post OOA lineages that migrated into Europe during the Neolithic.
^ All found in West Eurasia....and not in East Eurasia, SouthEast Asia, Australia, New Guinnea, Melanesia...etc..
But when Gravettians were Oceanians?!They were from the Middle East aka West Eurasia,R, they are related to O by K, and they are even more distant than O, because R is son to P which is son to K, so if there were neither e3b bearer or Gravettian,an only aurignacid, then they would be like the Asians.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:But when Gravettians were Oceanians?!
No one said they were.
Here is a question.
Can you read this dendrogram?
What does it say to you.....
^ What is the relationship above between Europeans and Oceanians?
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:But when Gravettians were Oceanians?!They were from the Middle East aka West Eurasia,R, they are related to O by K, and they are even more distant than O, because R is son to P which is son to K, so if there were neither e3b bearer or Gravettian,an only aurignacid, then they would be like the Asians.
This is what needs to be understood
From Cavalli-Sforza: Genes, Culture, and Human Evolution. Pg 187.
quote: quote: ..."In other words, all non-Africans carry M168 . Of course, Africans carrying the M168 mutation today are the descendants of the African subpopulation from which the migrants originated.... Thus, the Australian/Eurasian Adam (the ancestor of all non-Africans) was an East African Man."
This admixture as follows in Europeans, occurred during Neolithic times
^ All found in West Eurasia....and not in East Eurasia, SouthEast Asia, Australia, New Guinnea, Melanesia...etc..
Which coincides with Cavalli
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
^^ What should upset you whiskey is the fact that rasolwotz suckered you into thinking Keita was in agreement with your white scholars and their dendrograms and "secondary type" defintion - secondary "genotype" according to rasolowitz LOLOLOLOL
Keita is actually debunking every last one of them. Problem for you and rasolowitz is that in the process of debunking them, Keita is debunking you also!!! LOL
quote:"Many investigators still use dendrograms to represent the philogenetic history of human “races”. These representations imply bifurcations or splitting of ancestral populations. They suggest an absolute distinctness or discreetness that is not a flaw of ordinate methods. This problematic. Dendrograms cannot accurately depict evolutionary gradients of differentiation or distinguish similarity due to gene flow. They can also be unreliable in their depictions of population relationships when demographic factors such as population size are not constant or equal between populations ... In a word, dendrograms are ambiguous in their apparent depiction of certainty."
quote:"The persistence of the racial paradigm (and not just names) is further illustrated by investigators who use dendrograms (trees) to assess to group similarities or dissimilarities, usually in quest of intraspecific phylogenies. The groups utilized usually conform to the old racial schema. Dendrograms are also used to illustrate the divergence of entities called human races or of populations used as their surrogates. This is problematic since few human populations, even authentic breeding ones, are so well differentiated (and independent) from each other as to support the distinctness implied by tree branches. The degree of drift has not been necessarily equal across space and time. The ubiquity and complexity of human migration patterns guarantee that branching points in trees will always be suspect. (Jorde 1985) Also, strictly speaking, studies can only inform about the groups used in the analysis. Therefore a study using Mbuti, a clan of Saame speakers, a Swedish village, and Vedda can only tell us about each of them. These groups should not be reified into other entities."
"Therefore, Caucasians would be a secondary type or race due to its hybrid origin and not a primary race".
quote:"Races are types, defined by complexes of anatomical traits; clear boundaries exist by definition, and definitions are tautologies. (Breed-ing populations are mating systems.) The boundaries implied by the specificity of type definitions are shattered when other data are considered.
quote:"The strict racial approach constructs human diversity as being reducible to a fixed number of foundational, natural, and indivisible units (types), which consist of near uniform individuals. Variation from these units in this model is primarily explained by admixture. Thus there were primary and secondary races."
quote:"Nuclear DNA studies suggest to some that Blumenbach’s “Caucasian” entity (or some of it) is at foundation an “inter-mixed” group composed of earlier differentiated non-European (specifically Asian and central African) elements (e.g. Bowcock etal. 1991)—this may be a problem given that the contributing groups seem to conform to received raciotypological schema- but should be acceptable to those who believe in the existence of races."..."
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Keita is actually debunking every last one of them. Problem for you and rasolowitz is that in the process of debunking them, Keita is debunking you also!!! LOL
See Akoidiot that's your problem you don't understand the point. Keita is debunking geneticists on their racial persistence, yes, as we do ever so often on this site as well. What you fail to realize is Keita is not debunking the lineages found in Europeans.
See Cavalli can be easily debunked when he proposes Caucasoid Ethiopians, since many lineages proposed are not even Caucasian, but are actually African.
The lineages that are found in Europeans are actually there, and are actually European lineages which actually validates Cavallis distance matrix perfectly. Without the use of Cavalli or Bowcock Europeans still appear as a genetically mixed population(if you understand genetics, obviously you don't), between Asians and Africans. You can't deny or refute it. If so we're waiting.
^^^Address these lineages found in West Eurasia....and not in East Eurasia, SouthEast Asia, Australia, New Guinnea, Melanesia...etc..
Are you denying these post OOA Neolithic African lineages that were brought into Europe?
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
^^^Since I can't edit...
The lineages that are found in Europeans are actually there, and are actually **African** lineages which actually validates Cavallis distance matrix perfectly.
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
After reading the last page, all I gotta say is...
Rasol roasted the hell out of that Nazi jackass!
Eva, the
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718: [QB] [QUOTE]Keita is actually debunking every last one of them. Problem for you and rasolowitz is that in the process of debunking them, Keita is debunking you also!!! LOL
[quotpe]See Akoidiot that's your problem you don't understand the point. Keita is debunking geneticists on their racial persistence, yes, as we do ever so often on this site as well. What you fail to realize is Keita is not debunking the lineages found in Europeans.
^ by now, the wannabe nazi understands all too well.
he just doesn't like admitting that europeans are mixed.
one of the "units" [caucasian], is not fundamental, as its genesis is qualitatively different from the other "units" and even connects them - SOY Keita.
^ European *not a primary type* - and therefore *not* a race.
^ Qualitatively -> less distinct, than African and non AFrican.
^ And even *connecting* African and non African, via admixture.
Keita is saying, caucasoid race is a complete sham.
^ This drives akoben to such dispair that he has spent two weeks squirming, destorting, lying and running away.
But he can't run away.
He's the dunce corner.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:^ by now, the wannabe nazi understands all too well.
he just doesn't like admitting that europeans are mixed.
Indeed, and this is his Euro-centric technique, trying to use Keita into debunking Cavalli, but he didn't realize at first, that this doesn't debunk actual genetic lineages found in Europeans (genetic lineages found in Europeans, which actually debunks race, and can't be erased). This is what he fails to address and what still stands.
Still no answers from Akoidiot...?
This admixture as follows in Europeans, occurred during Neolithic times
^ All found in West Eurasia....and not in East Eurasia, SouthEast Asia, Australia, New Guinnea, Melanesia...etc..
Which coincides with Cavalli
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote: jackass akoben asks: in genetics, what is the difference between type and race?
quote:rasol writes: This question isn't in reference to what Keita is saying
quote:jackass akoben writes: No this is,.....
...... don't try and change the subject jackass.
If you knew the difference between type and race, you would not have asked this question.
this conversation exists only becaue you fail to make the distinction.
in fact, you *still* don't know the difference, so your claims that you 'always knew' are all the more ludicrous.
hey jackass, if you know the difference between race and type then - just state it.
what's taking so long?
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by Djehuti: After reading the last page, all I gotta say is...
Rasol roasted the hell out of that Nazi jackass!
Eva, the
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:the wacky world of akoben:
types and races are the same.
no they aren't
yes they are
no they aren't
i never said they were same.
prove i sad they were the same.
i alway new they weren't.
prove i didn't know.
yes they are the same...keita say so.
no they aren't, its you guys who claimed that keita said so.
i'm not a jackass.
i'm not confused.
i'm not and idiot.
yes i am.
where's my ritalin!!!!
stop telling lies on me!!!
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote]What you fail to realize is Keita is not debunking the lineages found in Europeans.[/quote] The issue here is not the myth of a pure primary European race. That's only your straw man. The issue is rasolowitz's misrepresentation of the Keita quote and positions.
Keita is not in agreement with Sforza human population trees, "perfect matrix", and the notion of Europeans as a hybridized "secondary type" or unit connected by earlier differentiated African and Asian. Show where he is in agreement with any of this!
Rasolowitz kept posting his quote and the dendrograms to make it seem as if that was his position. But this is due to his lack of comprehension skills on his part.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:If you knew the difference between type and race, you would not have asked this question.
Are you still denying your f**k up concerning the difference between "racial types" and "genotypes" in the Keita quote?
quote:This question isn't in reference to what Keita is saying
No this is, "what is the meaning of "type" here?" to which you replied it was a reference to genotypes not racial types.
quote:If you "always knew the difference", then why ask the question?
To bait you into explaining your misinterpretation (which you did!) of Keita's use of the word "type" in that quote. It was NOT a reference to genotype as you thought but to a racial type.
- Keita does not believe in your human population trees
- Keita does not believe in human population "distinctiveness" (rasolowitz's "graph b")
- Keita does not believe in Europeans as a secondary "type"
- "type" here is NOT a reference to genotype
- Keita does not believe that these "secondary types" or "units" are at their foundation "admixed"
According to Keita, it is within the racial model or schema that there are different "units", and the notion of a "unit" [in this case Europeans] as being "a secondary type or race" is explained by it's "admixture":
quote:"The strict racial approach constructs human diversity as being reducible to a fixed number of foundational, natural, and indivisible units (types), which consist of near uniform individuals. Variation from these units in this model is primarily explained by admixture. Thus there were primary and secondary races."
Hence "secondary type" in the Keita quote rasolowitz keeps posting is not a reference to "secondary haplotypes" or genotypes as he claimed but to secondary "racial types".
...back to "units"
We can see that such an interpretation of "units" at their foundation being "admixed" (e.g. Europeans as a secondary type) is exactly what you are advancing in your posts.
You now conveniently drop the notion of "secondary types" but keep your human population trees and the theory of foundationally "hybrid" units (Europeans).
But Keita does not agree with the Platonic notion of different "units" (types) or the interpretation that they can be, at their foundation, an "intermixed" group. He qualifies his statements by saying that the DNA studies suggest to some and that they "should be acceptable to those who believe in the existence of races":
quote:"Nuclear DNA studies suggest to some that Blumenbach's "Caucasian" entity (or some of it) is at foundation an "inter-mixed" group composed of earlier differentiated non-European specifically Asian and central African) elements (e.g. Bowcock etal. 1991)— this may be a problem given that the contributing groups seem to conform to received raciotypological schema—but should be acceptable to those who believe in the existence of races."
Therefore he is not in agreement with Bowock as you try to pass off and when he says "one of the units is not fundamental, because its genesis is qualitative different from the other unit and even connects them" he is not advancing the notion of "units" as you would like to believe, he is simply commenting on the interpretation of Bowcock's work in an essay on the persistence of racial thinking.
He qualifies it just as he does the "Europeans as a secondary type" interpretation by saying "In this case" and "if the interpretation" of Bowcock is correct...
So again, he does not believe in any units (types), primary or otherwise, or geographical human population trees and the "distinctiveness" of human populations. All of theses notions, according to him, are evidence of the persistence of racial thinking.
And evidence of your lack of comprehension skills. LOL
quote:which warrants them as a hybridized type, is race were relevant.
Exactly, IF race were relevant. Keita shows throughout the article that it is not. If Europeans are a "secondary type" then the contributing groups must be "primary", and the Asian is not.
quote:Tell me how Asians are/were hybrids?
You're right "hybrid" is not a useful word here.
It is more useful to point out that the "Asian" does not constitute an earlier differentiated element from the African, such an anlayis i evidence of the eristecne of racial thinking, ["Nuclear DNA studies suggest to some that Blumenbach’s “Caucasian” entity (or some of it) is at foundation an “inter-mixed” group composed of earlier differentiated non-European (specifically Asian and central African) elements (e.g. Bowcock etal. 1991)"]
since "few human populations, even authentic breeding ones, are so well differentiated (and independent) from each other as to support the distinctness implied by tree branches."
So you can't speak in terms of this and that "percentage" from Asia as opposed to Africa when "bearers of specific haplotypes do not form into clusters of individuals with uniform morphologies and geographical origin"
So there are no well differentiated "units" contributing to the European "unit" making them a "secondary type".
quote: I'll ask you, like I ask debunked. The fact that Europeans are closest genetically to Africans whereas the original OOA populations. I.e Oceanians appear furthest away genetically from Africa, if Oceanians and Europeans are part of the same non-African OOA population structure, then Europeans should be as distant genetically from Africans, as Oceanians are. If this is not due to post OOA Neolithic migrations into Europe from Africa, then what is it?
Again, whatever Bowcock and Sforza chart on their human geographical population trees is irrelevant. The issue here is what Kieta says about these types of analysis and their accompanying trees and notions of secondary types and "units".
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
^^^^Still no answers from Akoidiot...?
This admixture as follows in Europeans, occurred during Neolithic times
^ All found in West Eurasia....and not in East Eurasia, SouthEast Asia, Australia, New Guinnea, Melanesia...etc..
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
Actually no answers from you, "Show where he is in agreement with any of this!" Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Any of what? What is "this"? That Europeans possess..
^ All found in West Eurasia....and not in East Eurasia, SouthEast Asia, Australia, New Guinnea, Melanesia...etc..
This is what you have to address this is what it all boils down to. Show me where Keita disagrees with the mentioned lineages in Europeans.....????
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
LOL you stalling imbecile! You are clueless about rules of debate. If you are saying he is agreement with the "perfect matrix" of Sforza, his dendrograms and percentages of earlier differentiated populations, the onus is on you to show this!
The issue is not whether or not Europeans are a "pure" primary race, no one said they were! But whether Keita agrees with Sforza/Bowcock's trees and accompanying analysis. Get to work!
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ tsk tsk jackass, all that ranting, but you forgot to answer.
Why is that.....
quote:hey jackass, if you know the difference between race and type then - just state it.
what's taking so long?
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote: LOL you stalling imbecile! You are clueless about rules of debate. If you are saying he is agreement with the "perfect matrix" of Sforza, his dendrograms and percentages of earlier differentiated populations, the onus is on you to show this!
I never said Keita was in agreement with Cavallis distance matrix you nitwit, what I did say was that genetics being presented, is in concordance with Cavalli Sforza's Matrix, and matches it perfectly.
^ All found in West Eurasia....and not in East Eurasia, SouthEast Asia, Australia, New Guinnea, Melanesia...etc..
This is what you have to address this is what it all boils down to. Show me where Keita disagrees with the mentioned lineages in Europeans.....????
Can you refute this? If not, then obviously you can't refute Cavalli's dendrogram.
quote: The issue is not whether or not Europeans are a "pure" primary race, no one said they were! But whether Keita agrees with Sforza/Bowcock's trees and accompanying analysis. Get to work!
Keita doesn't agree with race at all, nor do the intelligent people on this board. What I do know is that.....
^ All found in West Eurasia....and not in East Eurasia, SouthEast Asia, Australia, New Guinnea, Melanesia.
^^Which validates Cavalli's distance matrix...Now can you debunk or address the recent African admixture in Europeans
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:rasol writes: if you know, why ask.
quote:jackass writes: To bait you into explaining
^ nah, it's because you were clueless and are unable to distinguish 'round peg' from 'square hole'.
you still are clueless, which is why you're reduced rage ranting, and fail to answer the question.
isn't that so?
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:The issue is not whether or not Europeans are a "pure" primary race, no one said they were!
^ This would a another example of you're runnin away from what Keita is actually saying.
He is saying that Europeans ARE NOT A RACE, AT ALL.
This fact, you have failed to refute, distort or evade, and that is why you are so angry.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:I never said Keita was in agreement with Cavallis distance matrix you nitwit
Then what the f**k are you arguing about? The issue is whether or not Kieta agrees with Sforza's "distance matrix". If you say he is in agreement with the mentioned lineages in Europeans and how they match perfectly Sforza's dendrograms then show me this!
I maintain that Keita does not agree with any of your "perfect matrix", and I quote him showing why dendrograms are problematic. Does Keita agree with Sforza/Bowcock's trees and accompanying analysis? Get to work!
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Akobens sits in confusion, trying to figure out how to fit the square peg into the round hole.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:rasol writes: if you know, why ask.
quote:jackass writes: To bait you into explaining
^ nah, it's because you were clueless and are unable to distinguish 'round peg' from 'square hole'.
you still are clueless, which is why you're reduced rage ranting, and fail to answer the question.
isn't that so?
Look, I can understand you feeling cheated into exposing your ignorance unknowingly. Thinking you were "educating" me. Arrogant fool. LOL But you clearly did not know that Keita's reference to "secondary type" in that quote was NOT a reference to "genotype" like you thought (you idiot) but a reference to a racial type, Europeans as a secondary racial type. You got suckered into demonstrating how completely clueless you were. You were WRONG, you're erroneous interpretation falls from then on. Your constant posting of that quote is useless now because you finally realized what was meant by "secondary type" in that quote and it contradicts what you were trying to convey: that Kieta supports the view of Europeans as a "secondary genotype" due to their hybrid origins. This of course is a lie and you therefore lack basic comprehension skills. LOL
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Originally posted by akoben:
quote:I never said Keita was in agreement with Cavallis distance matrix you nitwit
Then what the f**k are you arguing about? The issue is whether or not Kieta agrees with Sforza's "distance matrix". If you say he is in agreement with the mentioned lineages in Europeans and how they match perfectly Sforza's dendrograms then show me this!
I maintain that Keita does not agree with any of your "perfect matrix", and I quote him showing why dendrograms are problematic. Does Keita agree with Sforza/Bowcock's trees and accompanying analysis? Get to work!
I maintain that you're purposefully dodging this following genetic information.
^ All found in West Eurasia....and not in East Eurasia, SouthEast Asia, Australia, New Guinnea, Melanesia.
^^Which validates Cavalli's distance matrix...Now can you debunk or address the recent African admixture in Europeans???
Something you might plan on answering? [/QUOTE]
Are you for f**king real? Who cares what a white racialist such as Sforza says, where does Keita say "E3b, A, E3a[yes], L1, L2, L3, M1, U6, Benin Hbs autosome......^ All found in West Eurasia....and not in East Eurasia, SouthEast Asia, Australia, New Guinnea, Melanesia. and this therefore validates Cavalli's distance matrix...?
That's the issue! Rasolowitz's use of Keita as if he is in agreement with Sforza dendrograms! Get to work!
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Are you for f**king real? Who cares what a white racialist such as Sforza says,
Please show me where Cavalli states the following...
^ All found in West Eurasia....and not in East Eurasia, SouthEast Asia, Australia, New Guinnea, Melanesia.
I am saying this, the board is saying this, because genetics back this up. Now can you debunk or address the recent African admixture in Europeans???
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ meanwhile...
quote:jackass writes: what is the difference between race and type.?
quote:jackass then claims: i always knew the difference?
^ So, tell what the difference is jackass.
why would you not answer, unless of course, you don't know?
what's taking so long.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:Please show me where Cavalli states the following...
Don't pretend as if you didn't connect all of that to his "perfect matrix", according to you. Or are you dropping him now? LOL
quote:I am saying this, the board is saying this, because genetics back this up.
Yes, yes, yes, but where does Keita back you up (and more importantly) in relation to Sforza's dendrograms and accompanying percentages and analysis? That's the issue you f**king dufus, not the fact of African lineages in Europe. Yes you can find African lineages in Europe but in the context of Sforza dendrograms, (individual) bearers of specific haplotypes do not form into clusters of individuals with uniform morphologies and geographical origin hence the fallacy of Sforza's dendrograms and accompanying percentages and analysis. That's the issue.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
Akobens Tail: the story of a curious Jackass.
once upon a time there lived a jackass named akoben.
the jackass asked what is the diference between two words.
later the jackass claimed he already knew the difference.
so the jackass was asked to *tell us* what the difference is, if he already knows.
days went by, the jackass began cursing and ranting in frustration.
but the jackass never did answer the question.
he just sat there in his dunce corner, fuming.
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:rasol writes: if you know, why ask.
quote:jackass writes: To bait you into explaining
^ nah, it's because you were clueless and are unable to distinguish 'round peg' from 'square hole'.
you still are clueless, which is why you're reduced rage ranting, and fail to answer the question.
isn't that so?
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasol: ^ meanwhile...
quote:jackass writes: what is the difference between race and type.?
quote:jackass then claims: i always knew the difference?
^ So, tell what the difference is jackass.
why would you not answer, unless of course, you don't know?
what's taking so long.
[posted 09 October, 2008 11:43 PM]
I know you have to keep coming back to save face rasolowitz. why you have to hide the fact that you got caught. Didn't know that "secondary type" in the Keita quote was not a reference to "secondary haplotypes" or genotypes as you thought but to secondary "racial types".
So keep asking and I will keep reminding you of your f**k up [posted 09 October, 2008 11:43 PM]
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Yes, yes, yes, but where does Keita back you up
^ maybe it's like when he asks us the difference between two words.
in two weeks on page 39, after we've explained it to him 10 times, he will start claiming he *already* knew.
but then when we ask him to explain, he will fail to answer.
curious, curious jackass/akoben...indeed.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:Yes, yes, yes, but where does Keita back you up
^ maybe it's like when he asks us the difference between two words.
in two weeks on page 39, after we've explained it to him 10 times, he will start claiming he *already* knew.
but then when we ask him to explain, he will fail to answer.
curious, curious jackass/akoben...indeed.
When Keita says Europeans would be "a secondary type or race", what is the meaning of the word "type" here?
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Didn't know that "secondary type" in the Keita quote was not a reference to "secondary haplotypes"
^ since it's clear that you don't answer the question what is the difference between type and race, because you don't know the answer, in spite of your pretense to the contrary, then,
let's roll on to your latest bit of jackass braying.
this expression 'secondary haplotype'.
you put in quotes and attribue it - to me.
i've never heard this expression before.
please tell us exactly where this quote 'secondary haplotype' comes from?
if you can't produce this as a quote, then aren't you just misciting me, the same way you miscite Keita and Websters and everyone else?
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:When Keita says Europeans would be "a secondary type or race", what is the meaning of the word "type" here?
--> see the following question and answer it.
quote:Originally posted by rasol: ^ meanwhile...
quote:jackass writes: what is the difference between race and type.?
quote:jackass then claims: i always knew the difference?
^ So, tell what the difference is jackass.
why would you not answer, unless of course, you don't know?
what's taking so long.
-> if you can't answer, then ADMIT THAT YOU DON'T KNOW.
And then we will answer your question.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote: Don't pretend as if you didn't connect all of that to his "perfect matrix", according to you. Or are you dropping him now? LOL
Exactly **I** did, now how come you cant refute or address the recent African genetic lineages found in Europeans?
quote: Yes, yes, yes, but where does Keita back you up (and more importantly) in relation to Sforza's dendrograms and accompanying percentages and analysis? That's the issue you f**king dufus, not the fact of African lineages in Europe. Yes you can find African lineages in Europe but in the context of Sforza dendrograms, (individual) bearers of specific haplotypes do not form into clusters of individuals with uniform morphologies and geographical origin hence the fallacy of Sforza's dendrograms and accompanying percentages and analysis. That's the issue.
Stop with the nonsense, this is what you have to address......This is what confirms Sforzas dendrogram
Population genetic relationships between Mediterranean populations determined by HLA allele distribution and a historic perspective.
Arnaiz-Villena A, Gomez-Casado E, Martinez-Laso J.
Department of Immunology and Molecular Biology, Universidad Complutense, Madrid, Spain.
HLA genes allele distribution has been studied in Mediterranean and sub-Saharan populations. Their relatedness has been tested by genetic distances, neighbour-joining dendrograms and correspondence analyses. The population genetic relationships have been compared with the history of the classical populations living in the area. A revision of the historic postulates would have to be undertaken, particularly in the cases when genetics and history are overtly discordant. HLA genomics shows that: 1) Greeks share an important part of their genetic pool with sub-Saharan Africans (Ethiopians and west Africans) also supported by Chr 7 Markers. The gene flow from Black Africa to Greece may have occurred in Pharaonic times or when Saharan people emigrated after the present hyperarid conditions were established (5000 years B.C.). 2) Turks (Anatolians) do not significantly differ from other Mediterraneans, indicating that while the Asians Turks carried out an invasion with cultural significance (language), it is not genetically detectable. 3) Kurds and Armenians are genetically very close to Turks and other Middle East populations. 4) There is no HLA genetic trace of the so called Aryan invasion, which has only been defined on doubtful linguistic bases. 5) Iberians, including Basques, are related to north-African Berbers. 6) Present-day Algerian and Moroccan urban and country people show an indistinguishable Berber HLA profile.
HLA genes in Macedonians and the sub-Saharan origin of the Greeks. Arnaiz-Villena A, Dimitroski K, Pacho A, Moscoso J, Gómez-Casado E, Silvera-Redondo C, Varela P, Blagoevska M, Zdravkovska V, Martínez-Laso J.
Department of Immunology and Molecular Biology, H. 12 de Octubre, Universidad Complutense, Madrid, Spain.
HLA alleles have been determined in individuals from the Republic of Macedonia by DNA typing and sequencing. HLA-A, -B, -DR, -DQ allele frequencies and extended haplotypes have been for the first time determined and the results compared to those of other Mediterraneans, particularly with their neighbouring Greeks. Genetic distances, neighbor-joining dendrograms and correspondence analysis have been performed. The following conclusions have been reached: 1) Macedonians belong to the "older" Mediterranean substratum, like Iberians (including Basques), North Africans, Italians, French, Cretans, Jews, Lebanese, Turks (Anatolians), Armenians and Iranians, 2) Macedonians are not related with geographically close Greeks, who do not belong to the "older" Mediterranenan substratum, 3) Greeks are found to have a substantial relatedness to sub-Saharan (Ethiopian) people, which separate them from other Mediterranean groups. Both Greeks and Ethiopians share quasi-specific DRB1 alleles, such as *0305, *0307, *0411, *0413, *0416, *0417, *0420, *1110, *1112, *1304 and *1310. Genetic distances are closer between Greeks and Ethiopian/sub-Saharan groups than to any other Mediterranean group and finally Greeks cluster with Ethiopians/sub-Saharans in both neighbour joining dendrograms and correspondence analyses. The time period when these relationships might have occurred was ancient but uncertain and might be related to the displacement of Egyptian-Ethiopian people living in pharaonic Egypt.
First Genetic Evidence Of Long-lived African Presence Within Britain
ScienceDaily (Jan. 24, 2007) — New research has identified the first genetic evidence of Africans having lived amongst "indigenous" British people for centuries. Their descendants, living across the UK today, were unaware of their black ancestry.
The University of Leicester study, funded by the Wellcome Trust and published today in the journal European Journal of Human Genetics, found that one third of men with a rare Yorkshire surname carry a rare Y chromosome type previously found only amongst people of West African origin.
The researchers, led by Professor Mark Jobling, of the Department of Genetics at the University of Leicester, first spotted the rare Y chromosome type, known as hgA1, in one individual, Mr. X. This happened whilst PhD student Ms. Turi King was sampling a larger group in a study to explore the association between surnames and the Y chromosome, both inherited from father to son. Mr. X, a white Caucasian living in Leicester, was unaware of having any African ancestors.
"As you can imagine, we were pretty amazed to find this result in someone unaware of having any African roots," explains Professor Jobling, a Wellcome Trust Senior Research Fellow. "The Y chromosome is passed down from father to son, so this suggested that Mr. X must have had African ancestry somewhere down the line. Our study suggests that this must have happened some time ago."
Although most of Britain's one million people who define themselves as "Black or Black British" owe their origins to immigration from the Caribbean and Africa from the mid-twentieth century onwards, in reality, there has been a long history of contact with Africa. Africans were first recorded in the north 1800 years ago, as Roman soldiers defending Hadrian's Wall.
To investigate the origins of hgA1 in Britain, the team recruited and studied a further eighteen males with the same surname as Mr. X. All but one were from the UK, with paternal parents and grandparents also born in Britain. Six, including one male in the US whose ancestors had migrated from England in 1894, were found to have the hgA1 chromosome.
Further genealogical research to identify a common ancestor for all seven X-surnamed males suggests that the hgA1 Y chromosome must have entered their lineage over 250 years ago. However, it is unclear whether the male ancestor was a first generation African immigrant or a European man carrying an African Y chromosome introduced into Britain some time earlier, or even whether the hgA1 Y chromosome goes back as far as the Roman occupation.
"This study shows that what it means to be British is complicated and always has been," says Professor Jobling. "Human migration history is clearly very complex, particularly for an island nation such as ours, and this study further debunks the idea that there are simple and distinct populations or 'races'."
In addition, Professor Jobling believes that the research may have implications for DNA profiling in criminal investigations.
"Forensic scientists use DNA analysis to predict a person's ethnic origins, for example from hair or blood samples found at a crime scene. Whilst they are very likely to predict the correct ethnicity by using wider analysis of DNA other than the Y chromosome, finding this remarkable African chromosome would certainly have them scratching their heads for a while."
^ All found in West Eurasia....and not in East Eurasia, SouthEast Asia, Australia, New Guinnea, Melanesia.
I am saying this, the board is saying this, because genetics back this up. Now can you debunk or address the recent African admixture in Europeans???
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ common jackass, you're boring us. we already know you don't know the answer, but google up something and fake it, like you always do, so you can have 'roast jackass' for breakfast again.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Exactly **I** did, now how come you cant refute or address the recent African genetic lineages found in Europeans?
^ the interesting thing about Sforza's early genetic study is that it precedes the defining of most of the lineage haplotypes that we know today.
he, and other geneticists were quite baffled by both the lack of genetic distinction of europeans, and the relative proximity to africans when compared to East Asians, Australians, Indians, Melanesians, etc..
at this time, genes for sickle cell were thought to be purely convergent, and none homogeneous.
well we now know that Europeans inherit numerous specific lineages from africans including E3b, and autosomes such as Benin HBS which causes sickle cell morphology.
for Keita and most other biologists these overlapping African lineages intrinsic in Europeans, along with the recent African origin of all peoples, undermines the ideology of caucasian race, and the notion of race itself, in biology.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:Didn't know that "secondary type" in the Keita quote was not a reference to "secondary haplotypes"
^ since it's clear that you don't answer the question what is the difference between type and race, because you don't know the answer, in spite of your pretense to the contrary, then,
let's roll on to your latest bit of jackass braying.
this expression 'secondary haplotype'.
you put in quotes and attribue it - to me.
i've never heard this expression before.
please tell us exactly where this quote 'secondary haplotype' comes from?
if you can't produce this as a quote, then aren't you just misciting me, the same way you miscite Keita and Websters and everyone else?
Nice try. Going though my posts to find a straw so you can cover up your misinterpretation of secondary type! Which is why you can't answer now even when I ask again "When Keita says Europeans would be "a secondary type or race", what is the meaning of the word "type" here?" <----- no answer, don't want to contradict yourself now that you know what "secondary type" means! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
I didn't "misrepresent" what you said silly. Your idiocy is clear for all to see, I associated you with "genotypes" because that's what you said dumba**, "Didn't know that "secondary type" in the Keita quote was not a reference to "secondary haplotypes" or genotypes as you thought but to secondary "racial types".
"(genotype according to rasolowitz)" [posted 09 October, 2008 10:46 PM]. LOL
I know you don't want to talk about your misinterpretation of Keita's "secondary types" but it's good comic relief to see you avoid dealing with it! LOL
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Look, I can understand you feeling cheated into exposing your ignorance unknowingly. Thinking you were "educating" me. Arrogant fool.
^ it would indeed be arrogance to attempt to educate a plodding jackass like you.
but you are again mistaken.
we are only *using you*, while educating others.
Now, go back and read Keita, again, and again, and again....for however long I *make* you serve me.
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
Akobens sits in confusion, trying to figure out how to fit the square peg into the round hole.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Nice try. Going though my post to find a straw.
^ thanks but really i just recalled one of your many stupid remarks and rammed it back down your throat.
no big deal, any 12 year old could destroy a jackass like you in a 'faux' debate.
but, again, thanks anyway.
as for
'secondary haplotypes', that's what you said
^ then you should have no problem producing -> secondary haplotypes from me in a citation, as requested.
Yet you didn't, why is that? Is it because no such quote exists and you're just misciting?
You've failed again jackass.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ the post referencing that date and by YOU, not me, jackass.
I know ritalin is expensive, but i'm willing to pitch in, just to help make for a less one sided 'debate'.
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
Akobens sits in confusion, trying to figure out how to fit the square peg into the round hole.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ jackass/akoben.
while you're looking for that non-existent citation which is in fact, is *you quoting yourself* while possibly smoking crack....
please don't forget to answer the question.....
quote:Originally posted by rasol: ^ meanwhile...
quote:jackass writes: what is the difference between race and type.?
quote:jackass then claims: i always knew the difference?
^ So, tell what the difference is jackass.
why would you not answer, unless of course, you don't know?
what's taking so long.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
Oh for crying out..
What you are posting is evidence of African ancestry among Europeans which no one denies! No one denies too the fact that "Forensic scientists use DNA analysis to predict a person's ethnic origins"
However, your task is to show how does Kieta backs you up in relation to Sforza's dendrograms and accompanying percentages and analysis
You have yet to do this!
Posting "neighbor-joining dendrograms" from a Spanish team is irrelevant! Kieta already said there are different tree building methods and they can reveal conflicting results. (The Persistence of Racial Thinking p.8) What you have posted is but ONE, not the one in question.
How does your post "confirm" Sforza's dendrograms: the earlier differentiated populations (African and Asian) coming together in perfect "percentages" to form the "secondary European type". That's the issue at and not African admixture among whites!
Still standing:
(individual) bearers of specific haplotypes do not form into clusters of individuals with uniform morphologies and geographical origin
My god even your own source agrees with Kieta "this study further debunks the idea that there are simple and distinct populations or 'races'." If so how can there be branches on a tree denoting "distictictness" between populations?
You do not understand Keita or your own studies you willy nilly cut and past from the net, you simpleton! LOLOLOL
So posting a study about "Mediterranean populations" (there is such uniformed group) is not answering my question re the specific dendrograms of Sforzas and his percentages and accompanying analysis of human population differentiation that even your Professor Jobling says cannot be done!
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:You nailed it,F were the second migration out of Africa
^ F derived makes up 90% of all non African lineages, everything but 'c and d'.
The Chinese for example are virtually 'all F' derived.
But the Chinese are much more distant from Africans than Europeans.
Since F derived is shared between Chinese and Europeans, then F derived, can't account for this, but E M1, L1 to L3 and A can.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasol: 'secondary haplotypes', that's what you said
^ then you should have no problem producing -> secondary haplotypes from me in a citation, as requested.
or genotypes as you thought
No escaping rasolowitz. You f**ed up big time. You thought Keita was refering to secondary genotypes. LOL
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:jackass akoben writes: Oh for crying out..
...which can't help you, since 'crying out loud' is not the answer to the difference between types and races, which *YOU CLAIM* you already knew, but clearly still don't.
keep crying then....
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:jackass akoben writes: Oh for crying out..
...which can't help you, since 'crying out loud' is not the answer to the difference between types and races, which *YOU CLAIM* you already knew, but clearly still don't.
keep crying then....
quote:Which is why you can't answer now even when I ask again "When Keita says Europeans would be "a secondary type or race", what is the meaning of the word "type" here?" <----- no answer, don't want to contradict yourself now that you know what "secondary type" means! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
I didn't "misrepresent" what you said silly. Your idiocy is clear for all to see, I associated you with "genotypes" because that's what you said dumba**, "Didn't know that "secondary type" in the Keita quote was not a reference to "secondary haplotypes" or genotypes as you thought but to secondary "racial types".
"(genotype according to rasolowitz)" [posted 09 October, 2008 10:46 PM]. LOL
I know you don't want to talk about your misinterpretation of Keita's "secondary types" but it's good comic relief to see you avoid dealing with it! LOL
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
^ then you should have no problem producing -> secondary haplotypes from me in a citation, as requested.
[quopte]the busted jackass brays: You thought....[/quote]
... i think you don't have the citation because it does not exist.
....i think you've been busted again for misciting.
that's what i think.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:akoben writes: Which is why you can't answer now even wwhen I ask again "When Keita says Europeans would be "a secondary type or race", what is the meaning of the word "type" here?
-> more than happy to answer again, all you have to do is answer our prior and related question,
seems like a fair trade, sincc you claim to know the answer.
yet you *fail* to answer.
What's taking so long?????
quote:Originally posted by rasol: ^ meanwhile...
quote:jackass writes: what is the difference between race and type.?
quote:jackass then claims: i always knew the difference?
^ So, tell what the difference is jackass.
why would you not answer, unless of course, you don't know?
what's taking so long.
-> if you can't answer, then ADMIT THAT YOU DON'T KNOW.
And then we will answer your question. [/QB][/QUOTE]
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
[i]"I associated you with "genotypes" because that's what you said dumba**, "Didn't know that "secondary type" in the Keita quote was not a reference to "secondary haplotypes" or genotypes as you thought but to secondary "racial types".
I know you don't want to talk about your misinterpretation of Keita's "secondary types" but it's good comic relief to see you avoid dealing with it! LOL
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:akoben writes: Which is why you can't answer now even wwhen I ask again "When Keita says Europeans would be "a secondary type or race", what is the meaning of the word "type" here?
-> more than happy to answer again, all you have to do is answer our prior and related question,
seems like a fair trade, sincc you claim to know the answer.
That the whole point of me asking you again is not because I dont know YOU f**ked up, but for you to repeat your f**k up or admit you f**ed up! No "trade" needed here jacka**! LOL
You already said what you thought he meant: genotype. Which is BS! He was refering to secondary racial types.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote: That the whole point of me asking you again
^ you never have made any point, ever, in your whole life.
want to make a point?
quote:what's the difference between type and race - you say you know, so answer
^ if you can't answer, then ADMIT THAT YOU DON'T KNOW.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
You already said what you thought he meant: genotype. Which is BS! He was refering to secondary racial types.
Let me remind you once again of your f**k up.
quote:^^ What should upset you whiskey is the fact that rasolwotz suckered you into thinking Keita was in agreement with your white scholars and their dendrograms and "secondary type" defintion - secondary "genotype" according to rasolowitz LOLOLOLOL
Keita is actually debunking every last one of them. Problem for you and rasolowitz is that in the process of debunking them, Keita is debunking you also!!! LOL
quote:"Many investigators still use dendrograms to represent the philogenetic history of human “races”. These representations imply bifurcations or splitting of ancestral populations. They suggest an absolute distinctness or discreetness that is not a flaw of ordinate methods. This problematic. Dendrograms cannot accurately depict evolutionary gradients of differentiation or distinguish similarity due to gene flow. They can also be unreliable in their depictions of population relationships when demographic factors such as population size are not constant or equal between populations ... In a word, dendrograms are ambiguous in their apparent depiction of certainty."
quote:"The persistence of the racial paradigm (and not just names) is further illustrated by investigators who use dendrograms (trees) to assess to group similarities or dissimilarities, usually in quest of intraspecific phylogenies. The groups utilized usually conform to the old racial schema. Dendrograms are also used to illustrate the divergence of entities called human races or of populations used as their surrogates. This is problematic since few human populations, even authentic breeding ones, are so well differentiated (and independent) from each other as to support the distinctness implied by tree branches. The degree of drift has not been necessarily equal across space and time. The ubiquity and complexity of human migration patterns guarantee that branching points in trees will always be suspect. (Jorde 1985) Also, strictly speaking, studies can only inform about the groups used in the analysis. Therefore a study using Mbuti, a clan of Saame speakers, a Swedish village, and Vedda can only tell us about each of them. These groups should not be reified into other entities."
"Therefore, Caucasians would be a secondary type or race due to its hybrid origin and not a primary race".
quote:"Races are types, defined by complexes of anatomical traits; clear boundaries exist by definition, and definitions are tautologies. (Breed-ing populations are mating systems.) The boundaries implied by the specificity of type definitions are shattered when other data are considered.
quote:"The strict racial approach constructs human diversity as being reducible to a fixed number of foundational, natural, and indivisible units (types), which consist of near uniform individuals. Variation from these units in this model is primarily explained by admixture. Thus there were primary and secondary races."
quote:"Nuclear DNA studies suggest to some that Blumenbach’s “Caucasian” entity (or some of it) is at foundation an “inter-mixed” group composed of earlier differentiated non-European (specifically Asian and central African) elements (e.g. Bowcock etal. 1991)—this may be a problem given that the contributing groups seem to conform to received raciotypological schema- but should be acceptable to those who believe in the existence of races."..."
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:fake-o-ben writes: You already said what you thought he meant
^ if so then you have but to quote my answer, and there is no need to 're-ask'.
odd then, that you choose instead to fabricate distortions.
when asked to produce the citation,,,, you have nothing, as usual...
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
^ then you should have no problem producing -> secondary haplotypes from me in a citation, as requested.
quote:the busted jackass brays: You thought....
... i think you don't have the citation because it does not exist.
....i think you've been busted again for misciting.
that's what i think. [/QUOTE]
^ so, you ask questions you admit have been answered, and fake citations you admit do not exist....
how does this help you beyound furthering your reputation as a jackass?
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:Which brings us right back to...
....the topic of the thread, which is that K-zoids are a myth.
Europeans are a recently admixed population, who show as 2/3 Asian and 1/3 African.
They have little current genetic distinction.
They have no ancient genetic or phenetic identity.
This explains why you can't answer critical questions -> What are the specific European originating morphologies in ancient African remains?
What are the European originating genes in African peoples?
You don't know.
You can't answer.
Therefore you are debunked.
Fact: Europeans cannot constitute a race, nor be posited as a primary 'source' of admixture in other populations.
Rather Europeans are the 'hybrid' recipients of admixtures.
You have no answer, so try to run to run, or change the subject, but you can't......
quote:Originally posted by rasol: Drift, admixture, and selection in human evolution: A study with DNA polymorphisms
(population genetics/simulation/neutral theory) ANNE M. BOWCOCK*t
One can show that a branch to a population resulting from admixture tends to be shorter than other branches.
^ As explained earlier, this is *why* the European branch in graph b) is so short.
Europeans do not model as and ancient divergent race, but rather as a recent/admixed population, which by definition has no ancient genotype or phenotype history.
short internal genetic distance does not prove that europeans are a homogeneous race.
it only proves that they are the product of 'recent' admixture and bottleneck events.
morever this fact debunks -any attempt- to model non european populations as if they were 'admixtures' of a non-existent "european" race, as europeans are not the source origin for various 'loci' to begin with.
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
"Nuclear DNA studies also contribute to the deconstruction of received racial entities. Ann Bowcock and her colleague's interpretation (Bowcock et al. 1991; Bowcock et al. 1994) of analyses of restriction-site polymorphisms and microsatellite polymorphisms (STRPs) suggests that Europeans, the defining Caucasians, are descendants of a population that arose as a consequence of admixture between already differentiated populations ancestral to (some) Africans and Asians. Therefore, Caucasians would be a secondary type or race due to its hybrid origin and not a primary race".
From maximum likelihood estimates the European admixture consisted of 65% Asian and 35% African.
Graph a) shows the pattern and order of African origin, and sub-sequent outmigration, with population splits at each vertex.
Graph b) shows the genetic relatedness and distinctiveness of each population, denoted with each vector.
Note the relative *length* of the vectors.
Not only are Europeans intermidiates between Asia and Africa at the roughly 2/3 and 1/3 ratios denoted by Sforza, but Europeans also show as a decidely *short* vector. This means they are a recent population without and ancient history, and therefore non of the other, more ancient populations shown, can be conceived in terms of admixtures -with- Europeans.
hybrid - the entity described cannot be understood in terms of it's own originating characteristics as well as by reference to 2 or more descrete elements from which it is *derived.*
Europeans are hybrid.
Why is Debunked crying?
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:jackass akoben writes: Oh for crying out..
...which can't help you, since 'crying out loud' is not the answer to the difference between types and races, which *YOU CLAIM* you already knew, but clearly still don't.
keep crying then....
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Nuclear DNA studies suggest to some that Blumenbach’s “Caucasian” entity (or some of it) is at foundation an “inter-mixed” group composed of earlier differentiated non-European (specifically Asian and central African) elements (e.g. Bowcock etal. 1991)—this may be a problem given that the contributing groups seem to conform to received raciotypological schema- but should be acceptable to those who believe in the existence of races."..."
^ Yes keep reading Keita, jackass, but, don't stop, when it starts to *hurt*, keep going.....
Therefore, Caucasian would be a secondary type, or race due to it’s *hybrid origin* and *not* a primary race.
ay close attention jackass....this is the part you try to ignore......
This compromises the racial schema and also invalidates the metaphysical underpinnings of the race construct, which implies deep and fundamental differences between it’s units.
In this case……then one of the units [Caucasian] is *not fundamental*, because its genesis is qualitatively different from the other units and even connects them. Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
^^ Oh my lord! Talk about sucker for punishment! After being forced to concede that "Keita never claimed that Europeans are a secondary type", forced to look up the word "compromise", forced some more to watch in horror how he dismisses your tree branching and so-called "population distinctiveness" of Sforza or debunks the notion of "units" (types) - you are now reduced to re-posting your BS to start another round of beating! LOL
You are dismissed BOY. Go HOME! You've been DEBUNKED! Next read Keita carefully you fake a** wanna be "scholar". LOL
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by akoben: [ After being forced to concede that "Keita never claimed that Europeans are a secondary type",
^ translation: jackass akoben is again forced to put his own remarks in quotes "....." to aid his pathetic self delusion that he is actually debating something said by someone else.
how sad.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Jackass rationalises: forced some more to watch in horror how he tree branching and so-called "population distinctiveness"
^ What Keita dismisses is the idea that Europeans are a distinct race, as evidenced *by* DNA studies.
Of course, you know this, which is why you refuse to address.....
Race presupposes fundamental distinctiveness.
In this case……then one of the units [Caucasian] is *not fundamental*, because its genesis is qualitatively different from the other units and even connects them. - SOY KEITA.
^ As denoted by....
^ But then, you are no longer even trying to prove Europeans are a race, as you originally claimed.
Nor are you any longer trying to prove that Keita "falls back on race", as you originally claimed.
Apparently you are trying to prove that you're a jackass who continues making strawman arguments that contest no material point, after he has *lost* his argument in favor of 'race'.
Keeping making those strawmen then jackass.
Keep reading Keita, and keep running....
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ Week 4 -> Caukazoid race is a myth.
quote:Originally posted by rasol: one of the "units" [caucasian], is not fundamental, as its genesis is qualitative different from the other "units" and even connects them - SOY Keita.
One can show that a branch to a population resulting from admixture tends to be shorter than other branches.
"Nuclear DNA studies also contribute to the deconstruction of received racial entities. Ann Bowcock and her colleague's interpretation (Bowcock et al. 1991; Bowcock et al. 1994) of analyses of restriction-site polymorphisms and microsatellite polymorphisms (STRPs) suggests that Europeans, the defining Caucasians, are descendants of a population that arose as a consequence of admixture between already differentiated populations ancestral to (some) Africans and Asians. Therefore, Caucasians would be a secondary type of race due to its hybrid origin and not a primary race".
From maximum likelihood estimates the European admixture consisted of 65% Asian and 35% African. - Sforza
Graph a) shows the pattern and order of African origin, and sub-sequent outmigration, with population splits at each vertex.
Graph b) shows the genetic relatedness and distinctiveness of each population, denoted with each vector.
Note the relative *length* of the vectors.
Not only are Europeans intermidiates between Asia and Africa at the roughly 2/3 and 1/3 ratios denoted by Sforza, but Europeans also show as a decidely *short* vector. This means they are a recent population without and ancient history, and therefore non of the other, more ancient populations shown, can be conceived in terms of admixtures -with- Europeans.
hybrid - the entity described cannot be understood in terms of it's own originating characteristics as well as by reference to 2 or more descrete elements from which it is *derived.*
Europeans are short-vector, recently admixed hybrids.
jackass akoben:
* Please produce evidence of ancient European phenotype.
* Please produce evidence of ancient European genotype.
Ancient K-zoids are nowhere in sight.
Keep dreaming, of caucazzzzoids.......
^ Hmm., so many retarded replies, but no *answers* from jackass/akoben.
Why is that? [/QUOTE] [/QB][/QUOTE]
Posted by prmiddleeastern (Member # 14038) on :
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
quote:But when Gravettians were Oceanians?!They were from the Middle East aka West Eurasia,R, they are related to O by K, and they are even more distant than O, because R is son to P which is son to K, so if there were neither e3b bearer or Gravettian,an only aurignacid, then they would be like the Asians.
This is what needs to be understood
From Cavalli-Sforza: Genes, Culture, and Human Evolution. Pg 187.
quote: quote: ..."In other words, all non-Africans carry M168 . Of course, Africans carrying the M168 mutation today are the descendants of the African subpopulation from which the migrants originated.... Thus, the Australian/Eurasian Adam (the ancestor of all non-Africans) was an East African Man."
This admixture as follows in Europeans, occurred during Neolithic times
^ All found in West Eurasia....and not in East Eurasia, SouthEast Asia, Australia, New Guinnea, Melanesia...etc..
Which coincides with Cavalli
And what about I and N and it derived I and W of OOA Europeans?
Posted by prmiddleeastern (Member # 14038) on :
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
quote:but there was the Gravettian culture and bearers who came from the Middle east to Europe and that have a close African ancestry.
These are humans from the original OOA populations, all humans have African ancestry, so what do you mean by close?
That they have a closer ancestry to Africans than Oceanians,all of them have African ancestry, but Gravettians are the ones who are the more close.
quote:So if what you are saying is that European shows afinnity to africans because of African mifration or intermarryinfg with them, you are dead wrong.
No, and you're not understanding. I've explained this a few times already, and so has rasol etc... The reason for Europeans being closer genetically towards African than the original OOA migrants I.e, Oceanians, is because of post OOA lineages that migrated into Europe during the Neolithic.
^ All found in West Eurasia....and not in East Eurasia, SouthEast Asia, Australia, New Guinnea, Melanesia...etc..
No, you are repeating me the same crap about "pure and un corrupted" Euros having Afro relations because of "nigerids" migrating to Europe, thus saying that these Euros are mulattos, and thus saying that is the only reason, that if "nigerid" never migrated, Europeans would be still a "pure" "unnigerid" race.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ PR-ME, that's like some nonsense jackass akoben would write.
he gets upset when he can't refute data or facts, and responds by making up stuff no one ever said and attacking that.
this is known as strawman argument, and it's a common as dirt.
why not address specific statements made by knowledge, rather than attacking strawmen.
if you continue on the phony path, you're going to end up making a fool of yourself, just like akoben did.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ PR, also you never answered my question.
concentrate on substance, and not smoke and noise-making.
answer the followin...
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:But when Gravettians were Oceanians?!
No one said they were.
Here is a question.
Can you read this dendrogram?
What does it say to you.....
^ What is the relationship above between Europeans and Oceanians?
Posted by prmiddleeastern (Member # 14038) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasol: ^ PR, also you never answered my question.
concentrate on substance, and not smoke and noise-making.
answer the followin...
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:But when Gravettians were Oceanians?!
No one said they were.
Here is a question.
Can you read this dendrogram?
What does it say to you.....
^ What is the relationship above between Europeans and Oceanians?
Nearer and farhter depending of the individuals, the R* bearers are more near to Oceanians than Africans, and I bearers are more near to Africans than Oceanians, why there are some Europeans who look more asians and other who look more africans?Because of what I have said.the OOA I bearers and Asian R bares mixed themselves and formwd the modern European.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
Keita continues to education, jackass akoben:
Molecular data suggest that the early modern human population began to divide between 150,000 to 115,000 years ago. This fissioning would have taken place in Africa. Modern human fossils dated to about 90,000 years ago are found outside Africa, but the next genetic fissioning is believed to have occurred after this, perhaps about 70,000 years ago (Bowcock et al. 1991). Modern human remains in Asia, including Australia, are dated after this period, and in Europe, to around 35,000 year ago. Why are these data important?
Because they indicate that the background genetic variation of Europeans, Oceanians, and Asians originated in Africa and precedes in time the presence of modern humans in these areas. Europeans and Asian-Australians did develop more unique genetic profiles over time, but had a common background before their average "uniqueness" emerged. This background is African in a bio-historical sense
quote:Originally posted by rasol: ^ PR, also you never answered my question.
concentrate on substance, and not smoke and noise-making.
answer the followin...
quote:Originally posted by rasol: [qb]
quote:But when Gravettians were Oceanians?!
No one said they were.
Here is a question.
Can you read this dendrogram?
What does it say to you.....
^ What is the relationship above between Europeans and Oceanians?
[quopte]Nearer and farhter depending of theindividual
^ really, nearer and further depending on individuals?
where do you see this above, if not from the above - what is your source for this *very odd* comment.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:the R* bearers are more near to Oceanians than Africans
^ no.
there are no R* bearers above.
it's not a Y chromosome study.
you really aren't addressing the data provided, but rather are trying to talk around it.
either that your completely fail to understand what the above graph is showing.
Posted by prmiddleeastern (Member # 14038) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:the R* bearers are more near to Oceanians than Africans
^ no.
there are no R* bearers above.
it's not a Y chromosome study.
you really aren't addressing the data provided, but rather are trying to talk around it.
either that your completely fail to understand what the above graph is showing.
Why is it, because as another study said, Euros are 65%asian and 35% Africasn, that is why.Asian people have not a big percentage of African genes as the Euros.
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
LMAO at Eva still the desperate...
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718: Indeed, and this is his Euro-centric technique, trying to use Keita into debunking Cavalli,...
Actually his tactic since his first wretched appearance on this forum is to pretend to be an Africanist, yet all the while hide his own biggoted anti-jewish agenda. He cites Afrocentric books and sources he thinks can back up agenda by discrediting Jews both ancient and modern. Hence, his constant troll-crazed advocations of George James' book Stolen Legacy! I merely pointed out James' book is wrong due to basic historical errors on his part, as well as the fact that the Greeks never denied their Egyptian heritage, and what does he do?! He resorts to ad-hominem attacks, claiming I'm an advocate of Mary Lefkowitz! LOL It's more than likely he cited James' book in the first place solely to discredit Lefkowitz herself more than actually refuting her work Not Out of Africa. Yet apparently the derranged nazi forgot that Lefkowitz's work is a rebuttal to Martin Bernal's book Black Athena and that Bernal himself if also Jewish!! LOL
I bet Eva has never read James' work (unlike I) or any other Africanist scholar like Mostafa Gadalla, Molefi Asante, or Diop!! He is a pathetic liar as well as a biggot, and now the foolish nazi jackass only exposes his anti-African bias in this thread! LMAO Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ Correct.
But also understand that East Asian and Europeans model as a part of a common population, that split somewhere in central asia.
^ At this time, there genetic proximity to Africans would be the same.
Europeans must gain their African genes -after- this split with the forebearers of East Asians.
The result is that in autosomal study, Europeans tend to show as having either
a) common markers with East Asians, or
b) common markers with Africans.
with, very few unique markers not found in Africans or East Asians.
^ And this is why SOY Keita states that European is not a *fundamental* or primary type.
In turn, because race is rooted in 'fundamental' types - or sub-speciess, where phenotype relates genotype, and Europeans are so modeled as being *the* primary race, from which others are derived or admixed.
The fact that they are *not*, causes a breakdown in the entire model of race.
You end up with Europeans being intermediate between Blacks of Africa and Blacks of New Guinea, which means that none of the three populations can model as per the hypothesis that is race.
Thus the hypothesis of race is refuted.
Hope this helps.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by Djehuti: LMAO at Eva still the desperate...
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718: Indeed, and this is his Euro-centric technique, trying to use Keita into debunking Cavalli,...
Actually his tactic since his first wretched appearance on this forum is to pretend to be an Africanist, yet all the while hide his own biggoted anti-jewish agenda. He cites Afrocentric books and sources he thinks can back up agenda by discrediting Jews both ancient and modern. Hence, his constant troll-crazed advocations of George James' book Stolen Legacy! I merely pointed out James' book is wrong due to basic historical errors on his part, as well as the fact that the Greeks never denied their Egyptian heritage, and what does he do?! He resorts to ad-hominem attacks, claiming I'm an advocate of Mary Lefkowitz! LOL It's more than likely he cited James' book in the first place solely to discredit Lefkowitz herself more than actually refuting her work Not Out of Africa. Yet apparently the derranged nazi forgot that Lefkowitz's work is a rebuttal to Martin Bernal's book Black Athena and that Bernal himself if also Jewish!! LOL
I bet Eva has never read James' work (unlike I) or any other Africanist scholar like Mostafa Gadalla, Molefi Asante, or Diop!! He is a pathetic liar as well as a biggot, and now the foolish nazi jackass only exposes his anti-African bias in this thread! LMAO
lol. true. it's very clear that he never read any of this stuff until i yanked is nazi-slave-chains and made him read keita.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Europeans must gain their African genes -after- this split with the forebearers of East Asians.
The result is that in autosomal study, Europeans tend to show as having either
a) common markers with East Asians, or
b) common markers with Africans.
with, very few unique markers not found in Africans or East Asians.
^ bear this in mind when debunked or deinekes attempt to claim k-zoid "influence" via some misrepresented study or another.
Relatively little of genetic distinction originates in Europe.
Europeans have what they got from their asian forebearers, plus what they receive from subsequent african admixture.
Eurocentrists try to reverse this reality by claiming European mixture into Asia or Africa, which is not primarily the case.
quote:(population genetics/simulation/neutral theory) ANNE M. BOWCOCK*t
One can show that a branch to a population resulting from admixture tends to be shorter than other branches.
^ the shorter the vector the more and intermediate population can be modeled as *receving* admixture rather providing it.
Caucasoid race = debunked.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:No, you are repeating me the same crap about "pure and un corrupted"
Pure and uncorrupted? This goes back to the question Explorateur asked you. Do you know what underived/undifferentiated lineages are? What are the original underived OOA lineages? Where can they be found? In what populations?
quote: Euros having Afro relations because of "nigerids" migrating to Europe, thus saying that these Euros are mulattos, and thus saying that is the only reason, that if "nigerid" never migrated, Europeans would be still a "pure" "unnigerid" race.
What Nigerids migrating into Europe?
When did this occur?
What haplogroup did they bring into Europe?
Pure unnigerid? What are you talking about?
Is this in reference to Nigeria?
Do you know the difference between African and non-African lineages?
^^^Can you tell me where from the above did you read that these post OOA African lineages that made its way into Europeans during the Neolithic, had to do with Nigeria?
Posted by prmiddleeastern (Member # 14038) on :
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
quote:No, you are repeating me the same crap about "pure and un corrupted"
Pure and uncorrupted? This goes back to the question Explorateur asked you. Do you know what underived/undifferentiated lineages are? What are the original underived OOA lineages? Where can they be found? In what populations?
quote: Euros having Afro relations because of "nigerids" migrating to Europe, thus saying that these Euros are mulattos, and thus saying that is the only reason, that if "nigerid" never migrated, Europeans would be still a "pure" "unnigerid" race.
What Nigerids migrating into Europe?
When did this occur?
What haplogroup did they bring into Europe?
Pure unnigerid? What are you talking about?
Is this in reference to Nigeria?
Do you know the difference between African and non-African lineages?
^^^Can you tell me where from the above did you read that these post OOA African lineages that made its way into Europeans during the Neolithic, had to do with Nigeria?
E3b, A, E3a,L1 to L3 and U6 are African, M1 is Asian.I referred Negrid to Black Africans.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:E3b, A, E3a,L1 to L3 and U6 are African, M1 is Asian.
M1 is not Asian.
I believe this is from Explorateur.....
Ana M. Gonzalez et al. published a paper on M1 expansions, 9 July 2007, and a few things about it immediately jumped at me; I lay these out shortly following the abstract below, which is there for you, as far as the synopsis of the paper is concerned:
Mitochondrial lineage M1 traces an early human backflow to Africa
Ana M Gonzalez , Jose M Larruga , Khaled K Abu-Amero , Yufei Shi , Jose Pestano and Vicente M Cabrera
The complete article is available as a provisional PDF. The fully formatted PDF and HTML versions are in production.
Background The out of Africa hypothesis has gained generalized consensus. However, many specific questions remain unsettled. To know whether the two M and N macrohaplogroups that colonized Eurasia were already present in Africa before the exit is puzzling. It has been proposed that the east African clade M1 supports a single origin of haplogroup M in Africa. To test the validity of that hypothesis, the phylogeographic analysis of 13 complete mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequences and 261 partial sequences belonging to haplogroup M1 was carried out.
Results The coalescence age of the African haplogroup M1 is younger than those for other M Asiatic clades. In contradiction to the hypothesis of an eastern Africa origin for modern human expansions out of Africa, the most ancestral M1 lineages have been found in Northwest Africa and in the Near East, instead of in East Africa. The M1 geographic distribution and the relative ages of its different subclades clearly correlate with those of haplogroup U6, for which an Eurasian ancestor has been demonstrated.
Conclusions This study provides evidence that M1, or its ancestor, had an Asiatic origin. The earliest M1 expansion into Africa occurred in northwestern instead of eastern areas; this early spread reached the Iberian Peninsula even affecting the Basques. The majority of the M1a lineages found outside and inside Africa had a more recent eastern Africa origin. Both western and eastern M1 lineages participated in the Neolithic colonization of the Sahara. The striking parallelism between subclade ages and geographic distribution of M1 and its North African U6 counterpart strongly reinforces this scenario. Finally, a relevant fraction of M1a lineages present today in the European Continent and nearby islands possibly had a Jewish instead of the commonly proposed Arab/Berber maternal ascendance.
-Abstract ends-
MY Response To Ana M. Gonzalez et al.
*First, a quick synopsis of the samplings, with regards to where the n=261 M1 bearing samples come from, aside from the 588 participants mentioned in one of the tables [table 2] in the study:
From my assessment of the table, it comes from the following numbers:
A total of 50 Europeans detected for M1. A total of 154 for Africans. A total of 28 Asians, barring 8 unknown Arabian haplotypes. And a total of 29 Jews, who were lumped together from the various continents. The sum of the above totals, amount to 261 "known" M1 lineages.
*With regards to the authors claim about M1 or its ancestor, having “had an Asiatic origin”, the following comes to mind:
The authors of the study at hand, themselves admit that they haven't come across M1 ancestor in either south Asia or southwest Asia. They also take note of its highest diversity in Ethiopia and east Africa. Yet through the shaky premise of their M1c expansion time frame estimations, they build a conclusion around it, by tying it to a dispersal(s) "parallel" to that of U6 - another African marker whose immediate common recent ancestor, namely proto-U6, appears to be elusive thus far.
Well, they wouldn’t be the only ones who have failed to come across any proto-M1 ancestor in southwest and south Asia [Indian Subcontinent mainly]:
Based on the high frequency and diversity of haplogroup M in India and elsewhere in Asia, some authors have suggested (versus [3]) that M may have arisen in Southwest Asia [16,17,31]. Finding M1 or a lineage ancestral to M1 in India, could help to explain the presence of M1 in Africa as a result of a back migration from India. Yet, to date this has not been achieved [15], this study). Therefore, one cannot rule out the still most parsimonious scenario that haplogroup M arose in East Africa [3]. Furthermore, the lack of L3 lineages other than M and N (indeed, L3M and L3N) in India is more consistent with the African launch of haplogroup M. On the other hand, one also observes that: i) M1 is the only variant of haplogroup M found in Africa; ii) M1 has a fairly restricted phylogeography in Africa, barely penetrating into sub-Saharan populations, being found predominantly in association with the Afro-Asiatic linguistic phylum – a finding that appears to be inconsistent with the distribution of sub-clades of haplogroups L3 and L2 that have similar time depths. — Mait Metspalu et al.
So, while they acknowledge the highest "frequencies and diversities" of M1 particularly in Ethiopia, and generally in East Africa., the authors base their claims about ’origins’ on their expansion estimations of M1c derivatives, presumably predominant in northwest Africa rather than east Africa, and its relative sporadic distribution in 'Europe' and 'Southwest' Asia. They attempt to buttress this, by invoking an initial parallel expansion of M1 and U6 "ancestor" lineages into north Africa via the Nile Valley [from "southwest Asia"], then an expansion from northwest Africa this time around, of U6 and M1 derivatives northward into Europe and then eastward into "southwest" Asia via the Nile Valley corridor in the Sinai peninsula, presumably with a few derivatives making their way into sub-Saharan east Africa, where they then underwent some expansion, to give rise to yet another, but later, dispersal from there into "southwest Asia" and hence, accounting for the 'majority' of M1 lineages in "southwest Asia" being east African derivatives than the north African [M1c] counterparts.
The authors gather that their observations correlate with that of other researchers, namely Olivieri et al. To this extent, they put forth that Olivieri et al.’s M1b corresponds to their M1c, the former’s M1a2 corresponds to their M1b, and the former’s M1a1 corresponds to their M1a. They go onto to add that the coalescence ages arrived by the two research group [that of Olivieri et al. and that of the present authors] also correlate. The present authors note that their coalescence time for M1c (25.7 +/- 6.6 ky) overlaps with Olivieri et al.’s coalescence time for M1b (23.4 +/- 5.6). Similarly, they note that their coalescence age for M1a (22.6 +/- 8.1ky) falls within that of Olivieri et al.’s age for M1a1 at 20.6 +/- 3.4ky. However, this makes way for great discrepancy between the said authors and Olivieri et al., whereby their coalescence age for M1b at 13.7 +/- 4.8ky falls quite short of the latter’s age for M1a2 at 24 +/- 5.7ky. Not only are the subgroup nomenclatures distinct, but this latter discrepancy makes an unsubtle difference, so as to no longer render M1c to be older than M1b, but rather, either place M1c at an age a bit younger or on par with the latter, which should be otherwise according to the present study. Though, by their own admission, the present authors favor Olivieri et al.’s methods over their own:
As our calculations are based only on three lineages and that of Olivieri et al on six, we think that their coalescence time estimation should be more accurate than ours. In fact, when time estimation is based on the eight different lineages (AFR-K143 is common to both sets) a coalescence age of 20.6 +/- ky is obtained.
*But if there is any indication about the tenuous nature of the above thesis, without going into other known details about M1, it would be this alternative viewpoint they came up with:
The alternative idea entertained by the authors, is one where M1 could actually be an autochthonous northwest African lineage, which spread northward into Europe and eastward to "Southwest Asia" and east Africa. Again, to be followed by a yet later dispersal from east Africa, likely sub-Saharan east Africa, particularly the Ethiopian populations.
*The limitations inherent in solely relying on hypervariable segment motifs:
The status quo hasn't changed, not withstanding the hype about the supposed older expansion timeframes from M1c derivatives, predominant in Northwest Africa, according to their study. The authors rely heavily on the hypervariable region of the mtDNA, which even they themselves don't seem to put much faith on, as demonstrated by their noting of the need to proceed cautiously, given that random parallel mutations are known to occur across distinct macro-haplogroups and sub-clades. They also note how hypervariable nature of the control region, can lead to misleading calculations from erratic mutations, as demonstrated by the M1a2 they put forth, leading them to omit them in their lineage coalescence analysis.
*Another thing that hasn't been relayed through this study, is this:
The coding regions transitions are likely to change relatively slower than those of hypervariable segments, and hence, likely to remain intact within a clade. To assist in determining which clade to place a monophyletic unit, key coding region transitions have to be identified. In the case of M1, we were told:
We found 489C (Table 3) in all Indian and eastern-African haplogroup M mtDNAs analysed, but not in the non-M haplogroup controls, including 20 Africans representing all African main lineages (6 L1, 4 L2, 10 L3) and 11 Asians.
These findings, and the lack of positive evidence (given the RFLP status) that the 10400 C->T transition defining M has happened more than once, suggest that it has a single common origin, but do not resolve its geographic origin. Analysis of position 10873 (the MnlI RFLP) revealed that all the M molecules (eastern African, Asian and those sporadically found in our population surveys) were 10873C (Table 3). As for the non-M mtDNAs, the ancient L1 and the L2 African-specific lineages5, as well as most L3 African mtDNAs, also carry 10873C.
Conversely, all non-M mtDNAs of non-African origin analysed so far carry 10873T. These data indicate that the **transition 10400 C-->T, which defines haplogroup M**, arose on an African background characterized by the ancestral state 10873C, which is also present in four primate (common and pygmy chimps, gorilla and orangutan) mtDNA sequences. — Semino et al.
...which is significant, as other M lineages are devoid of M1 coding region motifs, not to mention the M1 HVS-I package. The above does demonstrate, how M lineages likely arose on an African 'background' by single-event substitutions in the designated African ancestral counterparts. The ancestral transition of 10873C is substituted by 10873T in non-African non-M haplogroups, while the 10400C transition was substituted in M lineages by 10400T.
The 489C transition, as noted above and can be seen from the diagram, is peculiar to the M macrohaplogroup, again suggestive of unique event mutations characterizing the family:
The phylogenetic location of the mutations at nt 489 and 10,873 (arrow) was predicted by our analysis. The seemingly shared mutation at nt 16,129 (by G, Z and M1) is very likely an accidental parallelism. The ancestral states 10400C, 10810C and 10873C are fixed in L1 (as analysed so far) and are present in the ape sequences.
The 16129 sharing across the M1 haplogroups, seems to be one of those instances of random parallel mutation, recalling Chang Sun et al.'s observations of random parallel mutations of certain transitions across the M macrohaplogroup.
We also know that "southwest Asian" and "European" M1 lineages are derivatives of African counterparts, and the same is true for southwest Asian non-M1 affiliated M lineages from south Asia:
Compared to India, haplogroup M frequency in Iran is marginally low (5.3%) and there are no distinguished Iranian-specific sub-clades of haplogroup M. All Iranian haplogroup M lineages can be seen as derived from other regional variants of the haplogroup: eleven show affiliation to haplogroup M lineages found in India, twelve in East and Central Asia (D, G, and M8 ) and one in northeast Africa (M1)…
Indian-specific (R5 and Indian-specific M and U2 variants) and East Asian-specific (A, B and East Asian-specific M subgroups) mtDNAs, both, make up less than 4% of the Iranian mtDNA pool. We used Turkey (88.8 ± 4.0%) as the third parental population for evaluating the relative proportions of admixture from India (2.2 ± 1.7%) and China (9.1 ± 4.1%) into Iran. Therefore we can conclude that historic gene flow from India to Iran has been very limited.
With that said, Semino et al.'s older study still remains strong, the way I see it:
haplogroup M originated in eastern Africa approximately 60,000 years ago and was carried toward Asia. This agrees with the proposed date of an out-of-Africa expansion approximately 65,000 years ago10. After its arrival in Asia, the haplogroup M founder group went through a demographic and geographic expansion. The remaining M haplogroup in eastern Africa did not spread, but remained localized up to approximately 10,000-20,000 years ago, after which it started to expand. — Semino et al.
Elsewhere, I've also talked about some 'basal' M-like lineages in Africa; for instance, at least one of such was identified in the Senegalese sample.
Am. J. Hum. Genet., 66:1362-1383, 2000
mtDNA Variation in the South African Kung and Khwe and Their Genetic Relationships to Other African Populations
"The Asian mtDNA phylogeny is subdivided into two macrohaplogroups, one of which is M. M is delineated by a DdeI site at np 10394 and an AluI site of np 10397. The only African mtDNA found to have both of these sites is the Senegalese haplotype AF24. This haplotype branches off African subhaplogroup L3a (figs.2 and3), suggesting that haplogroup M mtDNAs might have been derived from this African mtDNA lineage..."
The relevant representation in this recap diagram:
^The 10397 transition is shown in the L3-M linkage, while 10394, which should show up as positive [as exemplified in the above extract] in the M macrohaplogroup, shows up negative in the linkage between L3 and non-M affiliated lineages.
**^To put the above compilation into perspective, and keep it simple, the point is this:
Semino et al.'s demonstration of certain characteristic basic coding transitions of the M super-haplogroup [not including the key coding region motifs unique to the M1 family], springing directly from African ancestral motifs, don't require that M1 has to have a proto "non-African" M1, whereas an Asian origin of M1 would necessitate an Asian proto-M1 lineage that would explain the relatively young expansion ages of M1 and lack of descendancy from pre-existing Asian M lineages. This hasn't been achieved either by the present study or ones prior to it.
Getting to the gist:
Basal M mtDNA ~ between c. 60 - 80 ky ago
And then, M1 ~ between ~ c. 10 - 30 ky ago
The studies I posted, suggest that the basal motifs characteristic of the M macrohaplogroup arose in Africa, anywhere between 60 - 80 ky ago [since they would have likely been in the continent by the time of the 60 ky ago or so OOA migrations] . Sometime between 60 ky and 50 ky ago [some sources place it between 75 - 60 ky ago], these L3 offshoots were carried outside of Africa, amongst early successful a.m.h migrations, which resulted in the populations now living in the Indian-subcontinent, Melanesia and Australia who have these lineages. Not all the basal African L3M lineages, as Semino et al. convincingly put it, left the continent, as indicated by the basal L3a-M motif detected in Senegal, M1 diversity in Africa, particularly East Africa, both M1 and other M lineages detected in Ugandan samples, and lack of descendancy of M1 from older-coalescent Asian macrohaplogroup. Rather, it appears that the basal L3M lineages which remained in Africa, underwent a relatively limited demographic intra-African expansion until relatively recently, i.e. between 10 - 30 ky ago, compared to the Asian L3M derivatives, which underwent major expansions, naturally within the quantitatively smaller founder immigrant groups, i.e. the founder effect.
M1 is likely the culmination of relatively more recent demographic expansions of basal L3M lineages in the African continent, with M1 derivative being a successful candidate, in what could have possibly involved other derivatives which might not have expanded to the same level intra-continentally, and subsequently, extra-continentally as well.
M1 has strongly been correlated with the upper Paleolithic expansion of proto-Afrasan groups across the Sahara to coastal north Africa, and further eastward via the Sinai peninsula.
quote: I referred Negrid to Black Africans.
This is a false term. Who and what is a "black African"
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
If you guys want to discuss the haplotype M1, you can do so here: M1: African or Asian? Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
^^Nothing really to discuss
quote:Based on the high frequency and diversity of haplogroup M in India and elsewhere in Asia, some authors have suggested (versus [3]) that M may have arisen in Southwest Asia [16,17,31]. Finding M1 or a lineage ancestral to M1 in India, could help to explain the presence of M1 in Africa as a result of a back migration from India. Yet, to date this has not been achieved [15], this study). Therefore, one cannot rule out the still most parsimonious scenario that haplogroup M arose in East Africa [3]. Furthermore, the lack of L3 lineages other than M and N (indeed, L3M and L3N) in India is more consistent with the African launch of haplogroup M. On the other hand, one also observes that: i) M1 is the only variant of haplogroup M found in Africa; ii) M1 has a fairly restricted phylogeography in Africa, barely penetrating into sub-Saharan populations, being found predominantly in association with the Afro-Asiatic linguistic phylum – a finding that appears to be inconsistent with the distribution of sub-clades of haplogroups L3 and L2 that have similar time depths. — Mait Metspalu et al.
quote: We found 489C (Table 3) in all Indian and eastern-African haplogroup M mtDNAs analysed, but not in the non-M haplogroup controls, including 20 Africans representing all African main lineages (6 L1, 4 L2, 10 L3) and 11 Asians.
These findings, and the lack of positive evidence (given the RFLP status) that the 10400 C->T transition defining M has happened more than once, suggest that it has a single common origin, but do not resolve its geographic origin. Analysis of position 10873 (the MnlI RFLP) revealed that all the M molecules (eastern African, Asian and those sporadically found in our population surveys) were 10873C (Table 3). As for the non-M mtDNAs, the ancient L1 and the L2 African-specific lineages5, as well as most L3 African mtDNAs, also carry 10873C.
Conversely, all non-M mtDNAs of non-African origin analysed so far carry 10873T. These data indicate that the **transition 10400 C-->T, which defines haplogroup M**, arose on an African background characterized by the ancestral state 10873C, which is also present in four primate (common and pygmy chimps, gorilla and orangutan) mtDNA sequences. — Semino et al.
Posted by prmiddleeastern (Member # 14038) on :
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
quote:E3b, A, E3a,L1 to L3 and U6 are African, M1 is Asian.
M1 is not Asian.
I believe this is from Explorateur.....
Ana M. Gonzalez et al. published a paper on M1 expansions, 9 July 2007, and a few things about it immediately jumped at me; I lay these out shortly following the abstract below, which is there for you, as far as the synopsis of the paper is concerned:
Mitochondrial lineage M1 traces an early human backflow to Africa
Ana M Gonzalez , Jose M Larruga , Khaled K Abu-Amero , Yufei Shi , Jose Pestano and Vicente M Cabrera
The complete article is available as a provisional PDF. The fully formatted PDF and HTML versions are in production.
Background The out of Africa hypothesis has gained generalized consensus. However, many specific questions remain unsettled. To know whether the two M and N macrohaplogroups that colonized Eurasia were already present in Africa before the exit is puzzling. It has been proposed that the east African clade M1 supports a single origin of haplogroup M in Africa. To test the validity of that hypothesis, the phylogeographic analysis of 13 complete mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequences and 261 partial sequences belonging to haplogroup M1 was carried out.
Results The coalescence age of the African haplogroup M1 is younger than those for other M Asiatic clades. In contradiction to the hypothesis of an eastern Africa origin for modern human expansions out of Africa, the most ancestral M1 lineages have been found in Northwest Africa and in the Near East, instead of in East Africa. The M1 geographic distribution and the relative ages of its different subclades clearly correlate with those of haplogroup U6, for which an Eurasian ancestor has been demonstrated.
Conclusions This study provides evidence that M1, or its ancestor, had an Asiatic origin. The earliest M1 expansion into Africa occurred in northwestern instead of eastern areas; this early spread reached the Iberian Peninsula even affecting the Basques. The majority of the M1a lineages found outside and inside Africa had a more recent eastern Africa origin. Both western and eastern M1 lineages participated in the Neolithic colonization of the Sahara. The striking parallelism between subclade ages and geographic distribution of M1 and its North African U6 counterpart strongly reinforces this scenario. Finally, a relevant fraction of M1a lineages present today in the European Continent and nearby islands possibly had a Jewish instead of the commonly proposed Arab/Berber maternal ascendance.
-Abstract ends-
MY Response To Ana M. Gonzalez et al.
*First, a quick synopsis of the samplings, with regards to where the n=261 M1 bearing samples come from, aside from the 588 participants mentioned in one of the tables [table 2] in the study:
From my assessment of the table, it comes from the following numbers:
A total of 50 Europeans detected for M1. A total of 154 for Africans. A total of 28 Asians, barring 8 unknown Arabian haplotypes. And a total of 29 Jews, who were lumped together from the various continents. The sum of the above totals, amount to 261 "known" M1 lineages.
*With regards to the authors claim about M1 or its ancestor, having “had an Asiatic origin”, the following comes to mind:
The authors of the study at hand, themselves admit that they haven't come across M1 ancestor in either south Asia or southwest Asia. They also take note of its highest diversity in Ethiopia and east Africa. Yet through the shaky premise of their M1c expansion time frame estimations, they build a conclusion around it, by tying it to a dispersal(s) "parallel" to that of U6 - another African marker whose immediate common recent ancestor, namely proto-U6, appears to be elusive thus far.
Well, they wouldn’t be the only ones who have failed to come across any proto-M1 ancestor in southwest and south Asia [Indian Subcontinent mainly]:
Based on the high frequency and diversity of haplogroup M in India and elsewhere in Asia, some authors have suggested (versus [3]) that M may have arisen in Southwest Asia [16,17,31]. Finding M1 or a lineage ancestral to M1 in India, could help to explain the presence of M1 in Africa as a result of a back migration from India. Yet, to date this has not been achieved [15], this study). Therefore, one cannot rule out the still most parsimonious scenario that haplogroup M arose in East Africa [3]. Furthermore, the lack of L3 lineages other than M and N (indeed, L3M and L3N) in India is more consistent with the African launch of haplogroup M. On the other hand, one also observes that: i) M1 is the only variant of haplogroup M found in Africa; ii) M1 has a fairly restricted phylogeography in Africa, barely penetrating into sub-Saharan populations, being found predominantly in association with the Afro-Asiatic linguistic phylum – a finding that appears to be inconsistent with the distribution of sub-clades of haplogroups L3 and L2 that have similar time depths. — Mait Metspalu et al.
So, while they acknowledge the highest "frequencies and diversities" of M1 particularly in Ethiopia, and generally in East Africa., the authors base their claims about ’origins’ on their expansion estimations of M1c derivatives, presumably predominant in northwest Africa rather than east Africa, and its relative sporadic distribution in 'Europe' and 'Southwest' Asia. They attempt to buttress this, by invoking an initial parallel expansion of M1 and U6 "ancestor" lineages into north Africa via the Nile Valley [from "southwest Asia"], then an expansion from northwest Africa this time around, of U6 and M1 derivatives northward into Europe and then eastward into "southwest" Asia via the Nile Valley corridor in the Sinai peninsula, presumably with a few derivatives making their way into sub-Saharan east Africa, where they then underwent some expansion, to give rise to yet another, but later, dispersal from there into "southwest Asia" and hence, accounting for the 'majority' of M1 lineages in "southwest Asia" being east African derivatives than the north African [M1c] counterparts.
The authors gather that their observations correlate with that of other researchers, namely Olivieri et al. To this extent, they put forth that Olivieri et al.’s M1b corresponds to their M1c, the former’s M1a2 corresponds to their M1b, and the former’s M1a1 corresponds to their M1a. They go onto to add that the coalescence ages arrived by the two research group [that of Olivieri et al. and that of the present authors] also correlate. The present authors note that their coalescence time for M1c (25.7 +/- 6.6 ky) overlaps with Olivieri et al.’s coalescence time for M1b (23.4 +/- 5.6). Similarly, they note that their coalescence age for M1a (22.6 +/- 8.1ky) falls within that of Olivieri et al.’s age for M1a1 at 20.6 +/- 3.4ky. However, this makes way for great discrepancy between the said authors and Olivieri et al., whereby their coalescence age for M1b at 13.7 +/- 4.8ky falls quite short of the latter’s age for M1a2 at 24 +/- 5.7ky. Not only are the subgroup nomenclatures distinct, but this latter discrepancy makes an unsubtle difference, so as to no longer render M1c to be older than M1b, but rather, either place M1c at an age a bit younger or on par with the latter, which should be otherwise according to the present study. Though, by their own admission, the present authors favor Olivieri et al.’s methods over their own:
As our calculations are based only on three lineages and that of Olivieri et al on six, we think that their coalescence time estimation should be more accurate than ours. In fact, when time estimation is based on the eight different lineages (AFR-K143 is common to both sets) a coalescence age of 20.6 +/- ky is obtained.
*But if there is any indication about the tenuous nature of the above thesis, without going into other known details about M1, it would be this alternative viewpoint they came up with:
The alternative idea entertained by the authors, is one where M1 could actually be an autochthonous northwest African lineage, which spread northward into Europe and eastward to "Southwest Asia" and east Africa. Again, to be followed by a yet later dispersal from east Africa, likely sub-Saharan east Africa, particularly the Ethiopian populations.
*The limitations inherent in solely relying on hypervariable segment motifs:
The status quo hasn't changed, not withstanding the hype about the supposed older expansion timeframes from M1c derivatives, predominant in Northwest Africa, according to their study. The authors rely heavily on the hypervariable region of the mtDNA, which even they themselves don't seem to put much faith on, as demonstrated by their noting of the need to proceed cautiously, given that random parallel mutations are known to occur across distinct macro-haplogroups and sub-clades. They also note how hypervariable nature of the control region, can lead to misleading calculations from erratic mutations, as demonstrated by the M1a2 they put forth, leading them to omit them in their lineage coalescence analysis.
*Another thing that hasn't been relayed through this study, is this:
The coding regions transitions are likely to change relatively slower than those of hypervariable segments, and hence, likely to remain intact within a clade. To assist in determining which clade to place a monophyletic unit, key coding region transitions have to be identified. In the case of M1, we were told:
We found 489C (Table 3) in all Indian and eastern-African haplogroup M mtDNAs analysed, but not in the non-M haplogroup controls, including 20 Africans representing all African main lineages (6 L1, 4 L2, 10 L3) and 11 Asians.
These findings, and the lack of positive evidence (given the RFLP status) that the 10400 C->T transition defining M has happened more than once, suggest that it has a single common origin, but do not resolve its geographic origin. Analysis of position 10873 (the MnlI RFLP) revealed that all the M molecules (eastern African, Asian and those sporadically found in our population surveys) were 10873C (Table 3). As for the non-M mtDNAs, the ancient L1 and the L2 African-specific lineages5, as well as most L3 African mtDNAs, also carry 10873C.
Conversely, all non-M mtDNAs of non-African origin analysed so far carry 10873T. These data indicate that the **transition 10400 C-->T, which defines haplogroup M**, arose on an African background characterized by the ancestral state 10873C, which is also present in four primate (common and pygmy chimps, gorilla and orangutan) mtDNA sequences. — Semino et al.
...which is significant, as other M lineages are devoid of M1 coding region motifs, not to mention the M1 HVS-I package. The above does demonstrate, how M lineages likely arose on an African 'background' by single-event substitutions in the designated African ancestral counterparts. The ancestral transition of 10873C is substituted by 10873T in non-African non-M haplogroups, while the 10400C transition was substituted in M lineages by 10400T.
The 489C transition, as noted above and can be seen from the diagram, is peculiar to the M macrohaplogroup, again suggestive of unique event mutations characterizing the family:
The phylogenetic location of the mutations at nt 489 and 10,873 (arrow) was predicted by our analysis. The seemingly shared mutation at nt 16,129 (by G, Z and M1) is very likely an accidental parallelism. The ancestral states 10400C, 10810C and 10873C are fixed in L1 (as analysed so far) and are present in the ape sequences.
The 16129 sharing across the M1 haplogroups, seems to be one of those instances of random parallel mutation, recalling Chang Sun et al.'s observations of random parallel mutations of certain transitions across the M macrohaplogroup.
We also know that "southwest Asian" and "European" M1 lineages are derivatives of African counterparts, and the same is true for southwest Asian non-M1 affiliated M lineages from south Asia:
Compared to India, haplogroup M frequency in Iran is marginally low (5.3%) and there are no distinguished Iranian-specific sub-clades of haplogroup M. All Iranian haplogroup M lineages can be seen as derived from other regional variants of the haplogroup: eleven show affiliation to haplogroup M lineages found in India, twelve in East and Central Asia (D, G, and M8 ) and one in northeast Africa (M1)…
Indian-specific (R5 and Indian-specific M and U2 variants) and East Asian-specific (A, B and East Asian-specific M subgroups) mtDNAs, both, make up less than 4% of the Iranian mtDNA pool. We used Turkey (88.8 ± 4.0%) as the third parental population for evaluating the relative proportions of admixture from India (2.2 ± 1.7%) and China (9.1 ± 4.1%) into Iran. Therefore we can conclude that historic gene flow from India to Iran has been very limited.
With that said, Semino et al.'s older study still remains strong, the way I see it:
haplogroup M originated in eastern Africa approximately 60,000 years ago and was carried toward Asia. This agrees with the proposed date of an out-of-Africa expansion approximately 65,000 years ago10. After its arrival in Asia, the haplogroup M founder group went through a demographic and geographic expansion. The remaining M haplogroup in eastern Africa did not spread, but remained localized up to approximately 10,000-20,000 years ago, after which it started to expand. — Semino et al.
Elsewhere, I've also talked about some 'basal' M-like lineages in Africa; for instance, at least one of such was identified in the Senegalese sample.
Am. J. Hum. Genet., 66:1362-1383, 2000
mtDNA Variation in the South African Kung and Khwe and Their Genetic Relationships to Other African Populations
"The Asian mtDNA phylogeny is subdivided into two macrohaplogroups, one of which is M. M is delineated by a DdeI site at np 10394 and an AluI site of np 10397. The only African mtDNA found to have both of these sites is the Senegalese haplotype AF24. This haplotype branches off African subhaplogroup L3a (figs.2 and3), suggesting that haplogroup M mtDNAs might have been derived from this African mtDNA lineage..."
The relevant representation in this recap diagram:
^The 10397 transition is shown in the L3-M linkage, while 10394, which should show up as positive [as exemplified in the above extract] in the M macrohaplogroup, shows up negative in the linkage between L3 and non-M affiliated lineages.
**^To put the above compilation into perspective, and keep it simple, the point is this:
Semino et al.'s demonstration of certain characteristic basic coding transitions of the M super-haplogroup [not including the key coding region motifs unique to the M1 family], springing directly from African ancestral motifs, don't require that M1 has to have a proto "non-African" M1, whereas an Asian origin of M1 would necessitate an Asian proto-M1 lineage that would explain the relatively young expansion ages of M1 and lack of descendancy from pre-existing Asian M lineages. This hasn't been achieved either by the present study or ones prior to it.
Getting to the gist:
Basal M mtDNA ~ between c. 60 - 80 ky ago
And then, M1 ~ between ~ c. 10 - 30 ky ago
The studies I posted, suggest that the basal motifs characteristic of the M macrohaplogroup arose in Africa, anywhere between 60 - 80 ky ago [since they would have likely been in the continent by the time of the 60 ky ago or so OOA migrations] . Sometime between 60 ky and 50 ky ago [some sources place it between 75 - 60 ky ago], these L3 offshoots were carried outside of Africa, amongst early successful a.m.h migrations, which resulted in the populations now living in the Indian-subcontinent, Melanesia and Australia who have these lineages. Not all the basal African L3M lineages, as Semino et al. convincingly put it, left the continent, as indicated by the basal L3a-M motif detected in Senegal, M1 diversity in Africa, particularly East Africa, both M1 and other M lineages detected in Ugandan samples, and lack of descendancy of M1 from older-coalescent Asian macrohaplogroup. Rather, it appears that the basal L3M lineages which remained in Africa, underwent a relatively limited demographic intra-African expansion until relatively recently, i.e. between 10 - 30 ky ago, compared to the Asian L3M derivatives, which underwent major expansions, naturally within the quantitatively smaller founder immigrant groups, i.e. the founder effect.
M1 is likely the culmination of relatively more recent demographic expansions of basal L3M lineages in the African continent, with M1 derivative being a successful candidate, in what could have possibly involved other derivatives which might not have expanded to the same level intra-continentally, and subsequently, extra-continentally as well.
M1 has strongly been correlated with the upper Paleolithic expansion of proto-Afrasan groups across the Sahara to coastal north Africa, and further eastward via the Sinai peninsula.
quote: I referred Negrid to Black Africans.
This is a false term. Who and what is a "black African"
M1 originated in asia and migrated back to africa, and black africnas are the black people in Africa.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:M1 originated in asia and migrated back to africa,
Sorry kid, M1 is not Asian, are there any ancestral lineages to M1 in India or anywhere else in Asia? No!!!
This prompts the question again, if you actually understood what underived/pristine lineages were???
quote:Based on the high frequency and diversity of haplogroup M in India and elsewhere in Asia, some authors have suggested (versus [3]) that M may have arisen in Southwest Asia [16,17,31]. Finding M1 or a lineage ancestral to M1 in India, could help to explain the presence of M1 in Africa as a result of a back migration from India. Yet, to date this has not been achieved [15], this study). Therefore, one cannot rule out the still most parsimonious scenario that haplogroup M arose in East Africa [3]. Furthermore, the lack of L3 lineages other than M and N (indeed, L3M and L3N) in India is more consistent with the African launch of haplogroup M. On the other hand, one also observes that: i) M1 is the only variant of haplogroup M found in Africa; ii) M1 has a fairly restricted phylogeography in Africa, barely penetrating into sub-Saharan populations, being found predominantly in association with the Afro-Asiatic linguistic phylum – a finding that appears to be inconsistent with the distribution of sub-clades of haplogroups L3 and L2 that have similar time depths. — Mait Metspalu et al.
quote: We found 489C (Table 3) in all Indian and eastern-African haplogroup M mtDNAs analysed, but not in the non-M haplogroup controls, including 20 Africans representing all African main lineages (6 L1, 4 L2, 10 L3) and 11 Asians.
These findings, and the lack of positive evidence (given the RFLP status) that the 10400 C->T transition defining M has happened more than once, suggest that it has a single common origin, but do not resolve its geographic origin. Analysis of position 10873 (the MnlI RFLP) revealed that all the M molecules (eastern African, Asian and those sporadically found in our population surveys) were 10873C (Table 3). As for the non-M mtDNAs, the ancient L1 and the L2 African-specific lineages5, as well as most L3 African mtDNAs, also carry 10873C.
Conversely, all non-M mtDNAs of non-African origin analysed so far carry 10873T. These data indicate that the **transition 10400 C-->T, which defines haplogroup M**, arose on an African background characterized by the ancestral state 10873C, which is also present in four primate (common and pygmy chimps, gorilla and orangutan) mtDNA sequences. — Semino et al.
[QUOTE] and black africnas are the black people in Africa.
Errr....Wrong!!! The original population of Africa was and is black. Majority of Africa is black. The Africans who are phenotypically pale I.e. Maghrebians and Egyptians are due to outside non African admixture. The lineages which tie them to the land are indigenous African lineages which were originally carried by black Africans.
Now I will ask you what constitutes someone as a black African?
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718: Nothing really to discuss...
quote:M1 originated in asia and migrated back to africa,
[qb]Sorry kid, M1 is not Asian, are there any ancestral lineages to M1 in India or anywhere else in Asia? No!!!
This prompts the question again, if you actually understood what underived/pristine lineages were???
As I explained in the M1 thread here, we do have an older thread on M1 in which was alot more concice and descriptive citing actual difference in signature.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
^^^Well then obviously it wouldn't hurt to brush up on this.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ What happened to jackass-oben - the cowardly NAZI?
Did he finally kill himself in dispair?
Granted - his last round of self-abasement was pretty bad, but still...
Hey jackass FAKE-oben, why don't you make some more fake "quotes", and then attribute them to Keita, or me?
When we ask you to source your citations, you can again link back to -YOUR OWN POSTS-, and not the [non-existent] citation you are supposed to be quoting from.
When you ask jackassoben for his source - he duly responds by documenting the source of his own dishonsty and stupidity.
Good times......
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:jackassoben wrote: 'secondary haplotypes', that's what you said
^ Really? then you should have no problem producing -> secondary haplotypes from me in a citation, as requested.
Yet you didn't, why is that?
Is it because no such quote exists and you're just misciting?
Isn't it true that you systematically make up fake quotes, and argue over them, because you're unable to address what actually *was said*?
Don't all losers of all debates resort to such childish antics?
But I can understand you wanting to deny it now though, but just like your genotype f**k up, you said them
But I see you're still desperately trying to make Sforza's dendrograms along with your Europeans as a secondary type (genotype according to you LOL) rubbish posting relevant.
Posting that quote from Keita's The Diversity of Indigenous Africans won't save you either sorry. Sadly, it yet again, underscores your total and complete lack of comprehension skills.
First off, I already pointed out to your dumba** the fallacy of your Europeans as a secondary type interpretation by quoting Keita saying the initial microdifferentiation of Homo sapiens took place in Africa in the context of his critique of the interpretation of Bowcock's work, "Nuclear DNA studies suggest to some...this may be a problem...but should be acceptable to those who believe in the existence of races."
So you post nothing new.
In The Diversity of Indigenous Africans he merely elaborates on this point: that the background genetic variation of Europeans, Oceanians, and Asians originated in Africa. Despite their later "uniqueness" (and he qualifies this word by putting it in quotes) we all have a common background and this background is African. This undermines "unit" and "type" definitions and "the distinctness implied by tree branches" all evidence of the persistence of racial thinking. (Keita, 1997)
No primary or secondary type or units for anybody. No Europeans being at its foundation an "inter-mixed" group composed of earlier differentiated non-European (specifically Asian and central African) elements contributing to it being a "secondary type" of hybrid.
The Bowcock reference is in relation to the next genetic fissioning after the initial one in Africa. This does not equate to him supporting the "distinctiveness" (your graph B) implied by your human geographical tree branches as, "(individual) bearers of specific haplotypes do not form into clusters of individuals with uniform morphologies and geographical origin".
Hence no earlier differentiated "Asian" and "African" percentages making up a secondary "European" hybrid.
Therefore, he is not constructing or validating any human population dendrograms as he is clear what is views are on such unscientific constructions, "few human populations, even authentic breeding ones, are so well differentiated (and independent) from each other as to support the distinctness implied by tree branches."
Still no evidence Keita supports:
- Europeans as a secondary type (genotype according to your imbecilic reasoning)
- your dendrograms to explain fissioning
- or different units (types), whether fundamental or secondary; he was commenting on the interpretation of Bowcock's work in an essay entitled the persistence of racial thinking which consist of type and unit definitions. Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:jackassoben writes, sorry this are your words.
[posted 08 October, 2008 07:02 PM].
^ Yes, they are, so lets post them, and then examine both your lack of reading comprehension and you penchant for bald facing lying.....
quote:Originally posted by rasol: posted 08 October, 2008 07:02 PM
1) Keita never claimed that Europeans are a secondary type or race.
2) You are the one who claimed he stated that.
3) You misinterpreted Keita.
4) Your claim that I stated Keita believes Europeans to be a "secondary type or race" are a misinterpretation of me.
5) Your claims that Keita regards type and race as the same is also a misinterpretation of Keita.
6) Your claim that Websters definition of Black as a reference to any of a number of populations having dark skin - is the "same thing" as true negro", is a misinterpretation of Websters.
^ All of the above misinterpretations lend evidence to the fact that you can't read.
7) Your original position was that Keita was advocating 'secondary races' because - you stupidly - claimed - types were races. You have now reversed this position, by claiming that Keita is *opposed* to both types and races - because - types are races. This is a logical fallacy. Races are types, but not all types are races. This is why Keita distinguishes between phenotypes, haplotypes, which for him, and me, do not model into races.
It's clear that the above is waaaaaayyy over your limited intellectual level.
We impart this information only for normal people whose brains work.
That you can't grasp it, because you're so your jackass delimma.
8) In summation, you are now admitting what Keita, and I and Knowledge and Dejuhti and WhatBox and Explourateur have been relating to you: that Europeans are not a race, that the notion of caucasoid 'race' is a sham, and that race is a failed model for typing human diversity.
This debate is over because you concede the the material issue which originated the debate.
You only continue by doing what all sore losers do...... try to change the subject or destort the positions of others, to hide the fact that you lost the debate.
For you to succeed at this, you would need to be talking so someone even more stupid than you are, who can't see thru the charade.
Too bad for you, that no one here is that dumb.
Even *you* are not dumb enough to fall for your silly argument, and that's why your still frustrated.
Isn't that so, jackass? [/QB]
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:Originally posted by Djehuti: Actually his tactic since his first wretched appearance on this forum is to pretend to be an Africanist, yet all the while hide his own biggoted anti-jewish agenda. He cites Afrocentric books and sources he thinks can back up agenda by discrediting Jews both ancient and modern. Hence, his constant troll-crazed advocations of George James' book Stolen Legacy! I merely pointed out James' book is wrong due to basic historical errors on his part, as well as the fact that the Greeks never denied their Egyptian heritage, and what does he do?! He resorts to ad-hominem attacks, claiming I'm an advocate of Mary Lefkowitz! LOL It's more than likely he cited James' book in the first place solely to discredit Lefkowitz herself more than actually refuting her work Not Out of Africa. Yet apparently the derranged nazi forgot that Lefkowitz's work is a rebuttal to Martin Bernal's book Black Athena and that Bernal himself if also Jewish!! LOL
I bet Eva has never read James' work (unlike I) or any other Africanist scholar like Mostafa Gadalla, Molefi Asante, or Diop!! He is a pathetic liar as well as a biggot, and now the foolish nazi jackass only exposes his anti-African bias in this thread! LMAO [/QB]
I have seen you post this particular diversion tactic before. But it didn't save you then and won't save you now as everyone can see that you are a philiphoo ignoramous who cannot back up his bigoted dismissal of George GM James book Stolen Legacy. Your only supporter here is the other forum dufus rasolowitz. Which says alot...
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasol: posted 08 October, 2008 07:02 PM
1) Keita never claimed that Europeans are a secondary type or race.
^ why does jackass akoben keep pretending that i claimed that keita states europeans are a secondary type or race, when i am the one the TOLD HIM that Keita is not saying that?
Is this because Jackass Akoben can't read?
Is this because Jackass Akoben is a [bad] liar?
Or can it be that Jackasss Akoben thinks he can run away from Keita's thesis = caucasian is *not* a race, by destracting us with phony strawmen arguments, which cite nothing other than his own jackass reading imcomprehensions?
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:Keita never claimed that Europeans are a secondary type
You did advance this interpretation. Which is why you thought "secondary type" meant genotype, when in fact it was a reference to a racial type i.e. based on such an interpretation Europeans would be a secondary racial type.
You only now admit the above after you thought he was advancing "secondary type" defintions for Europeans. Which is why you kept posting that quote along with dendrograms which, contrary to what you believe, he does not support either.
And you still have not posted the Webster's defitnions for "black" and "negro" side by side as I have told you to do.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasol: [QB] [QUOTE]jackassoben wrote: 'secondary haplotypes', that's what you said
^ Really? then you should have no problem producing -> secondary haplotypes from me in a citation, as requested.
Yet you didn't, why is that?
Is it because no such quote exists and you're just misciting?
quote: ^ why does jackass akoben keep pretending that i claimed that keita states europeans are a secondary type
Because this is exactly the impression you wanted to give, along with him supporting your dendrograms. Your argument was that Europeans are a secondary type due to hybrid origins. Which is why you kept posing that quote. And when asked what does "type" mean there you said genotype, and it is used to distinguish one population from another.
So according to your silly interpretation of what Keita was advancing: Europeans are a "secondary genotype" distinguishable from the other contributing populations namely the Asian and African. You can't escape it, you thought "secondary type" here was a reference to genotype. This is why you have to throw in the "haplotype" diversion because you know you said genotypes and it is BS.
No secondary types (you thought genotypes) No human geo. population dendrograms No unit or type definitions fundamental or secondary
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Why does akboen lie and make up things no one said?
Is that because jackass akoben thinks he can run away from what actually *is being said* by Keita?
[QUOTE] Therefore, Caucasian would be a secondary type, or race due to it’s hybrid origin and *not* a primary race.
This compromises the racial schema and also invalidates the metaphysical underpinnings of the race construct, which implies deep and fundamental differences between it’s units.
In this case……then one of the units [Caucasian] is *not fundamental*, because its genesis is qualitatively different from the other units and even connects them.
^ Keita's bottom line, and uncontested:
Caucasian - not primary - not fundamental - and so *not* a race.
^ let this torture poor jackass akoben to death, while he tries in vain to run away with fake citations, strawmen distractions and anything that he hopes will somehow change the subject.
RIP caucaZoid myth, and RIP braindead jackass akoben.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Because this is exactly the impression you wanted to give,
^ ah, so this faked-up "impression" in your mind, is supposed to justify the last 10 + pages of your lying, miscitation and general stupidity.
All I had to do to -UTTERLY DESTORY YOU- is challenge you to actually produce your claimed [faked] citations, and having none, being the liar that you are, you quickly fold and start making lame excuses instead.
rotfl! What a pathetic jackass loser you are.
you lie so foul, your breadth stank from right across the internet.
find some better excuses, jackass....
Akoben, the lying jackass says.....
"citations, citations, what citations?
i don't have any.
see, i just make stuff up, and pretend someone said it.
this way i can make a big fool of myself, by showing everyone i make jackass braying noises about nothing".
"what a jackass i am...heee haaww hee hawww" Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
Bottom line I never argued for Europeans as a pure or primary race or unit.
You have to throw this straw in to divert from the fact that:
- you thought he was advancing the notion of Europeans as a secondary type (genotype)
- you thought he supported your unscientific tree branching and population "distinctiveness"
- you don't know the meaning of the word "compromise" here in relation to the racial schema and the view that Europeans are a "secondary type"
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by akoben: Bottom line I never argued for Europeans as a pure or primary race or unit.
^ of course this too is a lie, since defense of k-zoid race myth is your only interest, and the real reason for your frantic jackass denials.
however, if you want to go into NAZI-retreat mode, and back off of your claims for the causasian race...... FINE.
- If you admit that the notion of caucazoid race is false, then you concede our and Keita's point.
And the discussion should end there, as there is nothing for us to debate.
^ But of course, it won't end here, since you *can't bear to admit this*.
So, start another round of jackass braying in protest.
You know how it's done jackass, make up some fake citations and then pretend to 'battle' them.
Create imaginary enemies who aren't there, in order to run away from the real issues, isn't that what retarded cowardly NAZI clowns always do?
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:rasol wrote: Keita never claimed that Europeans are a secondary type
quote:jackass clown wrote:
You did advance this interpretation.
^ No. We "advanced" the impression that you're stupid and can't read.
And you further advance this 'impression' every time you post.
Jackass clown, you would not know what anyone ever says about anything. Nor would you ever be able to interpet anything correctly, which requires a functioning brain, which you clearly do not have.
quote:jackass akoben writes: you thought he was advancing the notion of Europeans as a secondary type (genotype)
^ Gee, i guess that explains why my post said the opposite.
Here's what the whole forum wants to know.
What exactly - is wrong - with you?
Is your jackass brain wired in reverse?
Perhaps your 'thinking' comes from the wrong end of the jackass?
^ Want to know what we really think?
We think you're a jack-ass-clown who can't read.
So maybe you can interpret that as a compliment, given your affliction of 'infinite illiteracy'.
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
Assoben the desperate
.. is trapped by his lies and distortions. But what do you expect from a nazi loser?
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
^^^^^Akoben stands in disbelief and at a loss for words. Oh how will he ever recover....
Perhaps that picture is of his father or father figure who sexually abused him as a child, thus his own confused sexuality.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:I never argued for Europeans as a pure or primary race or unit.
quote:of course this too is a lie, since defense of k-zoid race myth is your only interest
Where did I say they are a pure or primary race?
quote:then you concede our and Keita's point.
LOL Don't delude yourself, child, you and Keita are not making the same points. Keita point was not that Europeans are a secondary type (genotype) due to its "hybrid" origins, as you thought, but that IF race were relevant they would be such. Big difference there.
quote:you thought he was advancing the notion of Europeans as a secondary type (genotype)
quote:^ Gee, i guess that explains why my post said the opposite.
No it didn't...
quote:what is the meaning of "type" here?
quote: ^ in genetics, a type, or geno-type, is a marker or markers, that distinguishes one population from another.
And you then proceeded to post your infamous dendrogram showing those "population distinctions" that he does not agree with!
Go home rasolowitz:
- Keita does not argue for Europeans as a secondary type (genotype) due to "hybrid" origins
- Or support your accompanying dendrograms
- Or support unit or type definitions
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
^ LOL @ your same idiotic drivel!!
Rasol's premise IS what Keita argues that Europeans as a population ARE a secondary type due to admixture unlike other Eurasian populations like East Asians! His findings support the dendograms and everythings else.
But as usual you are too stupid to realize that.
Another blow to your dumb ass!
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
quote:Originally posted by assoben: ...Or support unit or type definitions
Ketia is an anthropologist! As such, his job is to work with units or types as do ALL scientists, you depraved dummy!!
The specific kind of types he refutes is 'race'! But the units he uses such as population and the types he uses such as genetic haplotypes are very real!
If Rasol is wrong about one thing, it's this-- it will take more than ritalin to help YOU! LOL Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
^ Since no edit:
I meant if Rasol is wrong about one thing it's this-- ritalin will help.
Of course it will take alot more than ritalin to help you.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
^^The edit function is back in use
quote:Keita point was not that Europeans are a secondary type (genotype) due to its "hybrid" origins, as you thought, but that IF race were relevant they would be such. Big difference there.
Jackassoben, can you please explain why Europeans would be a secondary type if race were relevant?
Explain the difference between the two points you're saying that there is a big difference between. Thanks in advance.
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
^ LOL I think what you're asking is too much of the fool!
Let's start of small, where did Keita say anything about secondary "genotype"???
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:Rasol's premise IS what Keita argues that Europeans as a population ARE a secondary type due to admixture
LOLOLOL as usual, Mary, due to your lack of comprehension skills coupled with your child like innocence you keep letting the cat outta the bag even while rasolowitz is now busy denying what you just attributed to him! LOLOLOL
You are right: rasolowitz was arguing that Europeans are a secondary type due to hybrid origins.
You are wrong: Keita is not arguing this at all!
Please keep butting in some more so you can inadvertently embarrass poor little rasolowitz with your utter stupidity! LOL
quote:Jackassoben, can you please explain why Europeans would be a secondary type if race were relevant?
I CAN'T as Europeans aren't a secondary type or unit because there are no racial types or units! That the whole god damn point Keita was making in that essay!
Keep asking stupid questions so I can kick you around some more like I did with your Spanish team dendrograms that you thought proved that Keita's in agreement with Cavalli or Bowcock dendrograms and accompanying reasoning.
Come again! LOL
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ ako-jackass has given up making claims about what others actually said...since, those lies resulted in disastrous expose' of his total illiteracy.
so now he makes his claims about what others "beleive."
try asking for a citation for that!
the jackass can't read, but who needs literacy when he can read -> "minds."
hee haaw heee hawww.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:akboen: there are no racial types
^ then we agree.
if you weren't such a fool, the argeement would mean something.
instead your comments only reflect your own jackass desparation, which means it's only a matter of time before you start contradicting yourself...again.
my my, but the confused jackass has come a long way from the his original claim that "Keita falls back on race".
What happend ako-jackass?
Did you get kicked so hard that you've forgotten that your purpose of misciting the Keita quote [before you know it was from Keita] was to claim that it -supported- the notion of race.
this is what happens when a jackass like you refuses to take their meds.
you've actually completely switched positions, and you're too stupid to even remember your previous jackass remarks.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:rasol wrote: Keita never claimed that Europeans are a secondary type
quote:jackassoben writes: Keita point was not that Europeans are a secondary type
well, congratulations on your word for word parrotings of 'me'.
in spite of your jackass brayings, it's only another way for you to admit defeat while humiliating yourself further [if possible].
or maybe you can keep trying to argue with me, by repeating 'after me'.
lol all day at your jackass antics.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ As for Dr Keita.
His point is as clear, as the desparation on the humiliated face of jackass-clown akoben.
CaucaZoid race does not exist......
Therefore, Caucasian would be a secondary type, or race due to it’s *hybrid origin* and *not* a primary race.
This compromises the racial schema and also invalidates the metaphysical underpinnings of the race construct, which implies deep and fundamental differences between it’s units.
In this case……then one of the units [Caucasian] is *not fundamental*, because its genesis is qualitatively different from the other units and even connects them.
^ akoben pretends to agree with Keita, but what Keita is saying drives him batty, and that's why he just - - can't --- stop ---- braying...
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:SOY KEITA: In this case……then one of the units [Caucasian] is *not fundamental*, because its genesis is qualitatively different from the other units and even connects them.
^ Common jackass, how many times do we have to site this passage from Keita, before we pound it into your donkey brain?
Stop running away out of kemophobia and jewfright, and be a man, or at least and adult she/male.
Tell us what you think this means.
* How is caucasian 'qualitatively' different?
* When compared to what?
* Why is race referred to by Keita as a theory of deep 'fundamental' differences?
* Why is caucasian thence referred to by Keita as non fundamental?
* What does this imply for the delusion of 'causasian' race?
* In turn what does this imply for entire schematic that is - race?
Common jackass....
Go back and read Keita, and come back for more remedial education and 'jack'-ass-whoopings because that's all you'll get here.
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
This is a good one here...
quote:Originally posted by assoben: Keita does not support...
..Or support unit or type definitions
So Keita does not support the existence of units or types in general?? LOL Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
You were required to show where I advanced a pure primary Caucasoid race position. Your subsequent failure to do so simply means that the lively debate you're having with yourself re Caucasian race purity will just provide comic relief.
Speaking of which, your constant flip flopping on the "Europeans as a secondary type" question has led to you confusing your own buddies! Mary thinks you are arguing IN FAVOR OF Keita saying Europeans are a secondary type.
He is correct mind you, as your WERE arguing such a position before the context of the quote was explained to you.
It's just that Mary seems unaware of your latest flip flop: you're now arguing that you did not say Europeans are a secondary type – when in fact that is exactly wat you were doing, along with the dendrograms he does not agree with. LOLOLOL
quote: ^ then we agree.
No we don't; you argued that Europeans are a secondary type (genotype) due to its "hybrid" origins, when Keita was actually referring to racial types (not genotypes) and what Europeans would be under the racial schema.
He also disagrees with:
your human geographical population trees
unit and type definitions, fundamental or secondary
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:* How is caucasian 'qualitatively' different?
Meaning under the racial schema (which he does not support) the interpretation would be that it is made up of two earlier differentiated units. He does not support this particular interpretation. He sees it as evidence of the persistence of racial thinking.
quote:* When compared to what?
The two earlier differentiated units.
quote:* Why is race referred to by Keita as a theory of deep 'fundamental' differences
Because traditionally that is how it is defined, to maintain the myth of white race purity.
quote:* Why is caucasian thence referred to by Keita as non fundamental?
Meaning under the racial schema (which he does not support) the interpretation would be that it is made up of two earlier differentiated units. He does not support this particular interpretation. He sees it as evidence of the persistence of racial thinking.
quote:* What does this imply for the delusion of 'causasian' race?
That under the racial schema, type and unit definitions, along with dendrograms are as useless as a "Caucasoid race".
quote:* In turn what does this imply for entire schematic that is - race?
That it is as useless as type and unit definitions and also dendrograms.
It means therefore that contrary to what you were advancing in your "debate" with debunked
- Keita does not argue for Europeans as a secondary type (genotype according to you) due to hybrid origins
- Does not support your dendrograms
- Does not support the notion of Europeans being a "unit" which is at its foundation made up of two earlier differentiated units.
It means you lack basic comprehension skills
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote: Keita point was not that Europeans are a secondary type (genotype) due to its "hybrid" origins, as you thought, but that IF race were relevant they would be such.
quote:Knowledge asks: Jackassoben, can you please explain why Europeans would be a secondary type if race were relevant?
quote: IdiotAko replies: I CAN'T as Europeans aren't a secondary type or unit because there are no racial types or units! That the whole god damn point Keita was making in that essay!
Do you understand what contradiction and denial means? Again I will ask your dumbass, why are races irrelevant, and why would Europeans be a secondary type if race existed?
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
quote:Akoben really says: Hey! Just because I hate Jews, I try to discredit them anyway I can. So to discredit Lefkowitz I cite James' book 'Stolen Legacy' even though I never read it and say the Greeks stole their classical philosophy even though that obviously was not the case at all! My stupid self even forgot that Lefkowitz's work is a rebuttal to another Jewish scholar but I don't want to attack him because I know it will discredit myself! I merely harass Djehuti all day long because I lack intellectual ability and originality and I'm a spineless, nutless biggot who feels the need to project my feelings of biggotry on to him. (I chose Djehuti, cuz I really have a cursh on him and since he's Filipino, I thought he'd reciprocate my homosexual feelings, but like everything else I was wrong!! )
And now I make empty arguments in this thread so I can sound smart, but it keeps backfiring! So I'll lie and spin my arguments around to look like I'm winning!
Please Djehuti, Rasol, Knowledge, somebody!! Screw my ass or kick it!!
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:How is caucasian 'qualitatively' different?
quote:akoben writes -Meaning under the racial schema (which he does not support)-
^ Of course you originally claimed this quote was *in support* of race, but hey you've come over to our side on this central point, point in further humiliating you over this.
Understand then, that Keita does not support the racial schema, in part - because - caucasians do not 'model' under genetics as a race.
The point he is making is stated at the beginning of the paragraph you are so desparately trying to destort:
DNA study contributes to the deconstruction of receieved racial entities
^ This does not read as - Keita simply disagrees with all genetics, or dendrograms or types or trees - as you are trying to twist it.
It reads as genetics deconstructs race, because the primary unit of the theory of fundamental divisions in homo-sapien - ie - caucasian race - does not model as primary or fundamental, but rather merely as and intermediate derivitive of insignificant distinction.
It's Keita's thesis that race itself is false.
It's not anyone elses thesis.
And the thesis is not in opposition to anything else - but race, itself.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:rasol: When compared to what?
quote:jackass: The two earlier differentiated units.
^ Which would be?
common jackass, spit it out. Are you constipated or just terrified?
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
^ Neither. He stands in delight with his posterior raised for another blow...
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:rasol: In turn what does this imply for entire schematic that is - race?
quote:akojackass: That it is as useless as type and unit definitions and also dendrograms.
^ Wrong.
Keita's thesis is that race is useless in biology, period.
You just don't like it, and try to play it off with strawmen arguments about trees, and units, [when you're not making up fake quotes and generally misciting everyone, that is].
Keita, measures skulls, with metric units,, and uses it to graph dendrogram/trees, and divide the resultant units into types....ALL THE TIME.
That's not the issue.
It's race that Keita has falsified, and not anything else, no matter how hard you try to run away from it, or change the subject, to trees, grass, flowers, or anything else.
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
Why does this fool keep insisting that Keita claimed units, types, and dendograms to be useless when as an anthropologist he uses them all the time! All scientists do!
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
^^Because he's trying to use Keita as a scapegoat to refute the hybridization of Europeans, but he's failing miserably.
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
Akoben sits in confusion, trying to figure out how to fit the square peg into the round hole.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Because he's trying to use Keita as a scapegoat to refute the hybridization of Europeans, but he's failing miserably.
Sforza's graph shown below. Bowcock's work referenced.
But, It's Keita who says that Europeans are not a race, because they are not a fundamental division in homo-sapiens.....based on genetics, which deconstructs race, as shown.....
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
Rasol, you know very well that the next logical and actually final step to end this ridiculous banter once and for all would be to go straight to the source, or rather its author.
Remember what happened to Jaimie a.k.a. the mixed-up nut with a hundred aliases? Remember how he distorted and obfuscated Jablonski's work until I actually emailed Jablonlki and showed what she actually said and meant? The imbecile was finally silenced!
Perhaps we can do the same with Eva. By going straight to the horse's mouth, we can obliterate Eva's dumb donkey ass once and for all.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718: IdiotAkosays
quote: Keita point was not that Europeans are a secondary type (genotype) due to its "hybrid" origins, as you thought, but that IF race were relevant they would be such.
quote:Knowledge asks: Jackassoben, can you please explain why Europeans would be a secondary type if race were relevant?
quote: IdiotAko replies: I CAN'T as Europeans aren't a secondary type or unit because there are no racial types or units! That the whole god damn point Keita was making in that essay!
Do you understand what contradiction and denial means? Again I will ask your dumbass, why are races irrelevant, and why would Europeans be a secondary type if race existed?
akboen writes: I CANNOT and will not answer.
^ then you *can't explain* why Keita said this, and your arguing over it makes no sense.
Effectively, this is Akoben's "answer".
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ jackass akoben can hide from the answers.... but he can't run from them.
Below are the answers, he doesn't have.
Question, why is race not relevant?
quote:ANSWERS FROM KEITA: race is based on the hypothesis of *fundamental* divisions.
one of the racial "units" [caucasian], is not fundamental, as its genesis is qualitatively different from the other "units" and even connects them - SOY Keita.
Question, why is the genesis of 'caucasian' qualitatively different?
Answers from Bowcock:
One can show that a branch to a population resulting from admixture tends to be shorter than other branches.
^ What can we conclude from this?
"Nuclear DNA studies also contribute to the deconstruction of received racial entities.
Question "How so"?
Keita answers:
Ann Bowcock and her colleague's interpretation (Bowcock et al. 1991; Bowcock et al. 1994) of analyses of restriction-site polymorphisms and microsatellite polymorphisms (STRPs) suggests that Europeans, the defining Caucasians, are descendants of a population that arose as a consequence of admixture between already differentiated populations ancestral to (some) Africans and Asians. Therefore, Caucasians would be a secondary type of race due to its hybrid origin and not a primary race".
^ The above is Dr. Keita's specific assessment, and not a general agreement or disagreement with or about anyone or anything else.
OPEN CHALLENGE to those who don't like the answers:
* Please produce evidence of ancient European phenotype.
* Please produce evidence of ancient European genotype.
Ancient K-zoids are nowhere in sight.
Keep dreaming, of caucazzzzoids.......
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
^ Gee, I wonder why Eva became silent so suddenly??
Was it my post on what his true mindset was?? Or was it my post suggesting we actually contact Keita?? Perhaps both!
...This was not the first time, nor the last, that Eva would be driven to speak of suicide when concerned about Hitler. In 1932 she tried to shoot herself and then three years later she took an overdose of sleeping pills ( )...
...This deep devotion that Eva had for Hitler would lead her to an early death; one that Hitler tried to spare her of though she refused to leave his side. On April 30, 1945 , a few short hours after their hurried marriage, Eva and Hitler took vials of poison (cyanide) in order to commit suicide and avoid a worse than death experience at the hands of their enemies. While Eva found the poison a sufficient means to end her life, Hitler had himself shot in the head in addition to hurry the process along..
^^ A fitting end to wako-ako since obviously any medication let alone 'ritalin' is not enough to help him.
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
^^ I guess the ass took one too many blows to the rear...
May you NOT R.I.P. you nazi b**ch.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
You were required to show where I advanced a pure primary Caucasoid race position.
^ What's taking so long?
Your subsequent failure to do so simply means that the lively debate you're having with yourself re Caucasian race purity will just provide comic relief.
quote:The above is Dr. Keita's specific assessment, and not a general agreement or disagreement with or about anyone or anything else.
BS. He is assessing her within the context of the persistence of racial thinking among works of his contemporaries.
This is but the lastest of your flip flopping!
1) you thought he said they are a secondary type
2) you say (after the context was explained to you) "Keita never claimed that Europeans are a secondary type"
3) now to have your cake and eat it you say he is not saying they are and they aren't!!!
You face-saving JACKA**!!! No wonder poor Mary is sill stuck on your positon # 1 "Rasol's premise IS what Keita argues that Europeans as a population ARE a secondary type due to admixture"
Look, stop your spamming and chopping up of your worthless comical posts into a million sections. What you say anyway is the same debunked crap over and over, so you can say it in ONE post. Just like I am going to debunk you again in ONE post.
- Keita does not say Europeans are a secondary type (genotype) as you thought/and still think
- Keita does not agree with your dendrograms
- Keita does not classify human populations into "units" or types, whether fundamental/primary or secondary
^ Tell me when you numskulls can refute the above
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Notice how Ako always ducks and dodges the specific questions of which would cause him to basically debunk himself
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718: IdiotAkosays
quote: Keita point was not that Europeans are a secondary type (genotype) due to its "hybrid" origins, as you thought, but that IF race were relevant they would be such.
quote:Knowledge asks: Jackassoben, can you please explain why Europeans would be a secondary type if race were relevant? Notice how Ako always ducks and dodges the specific questions of which would make him debunk himself
quote: IdiotAko replies: I CAN'T as Europeans aren't a secondary type or unit because there are no racial types or units! That the whole god damn point Keita was making in that essay!
Do you understand what contradiction and denial means? Again I will ask your dumbass, why are races irrelevant, and why would Europeans be a secondary type if race existed?
Do you understand that if you can't/don't answer the above questions you are basically debunked?
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ debunked and punked.
Let's listen to the latest incoherent rantings fronm the resident jackass
quote:BS. He is assessing her within the context of the persistence of racial thinking among works of his contemporaries.
^ No. He is assessing "race", within the context of genetics:
Nuclear DNA studies also contribute to the deconstruction of received racial entities. - Keita.
quote:jackassakoben writes: This is but the lastest of your flip flopping!
^ The only one flip flopping is you.
You begin this argument in support of the notion of race - but once Keita annihiliated the myth of caucaZoid you were forced to abandon race itself.
Of course you're stupid, and can't put 2 and 2 together, natch, you don't see how your flip flopping is perfect of example of Keita's point, that the failure of caucasian to model as a race, causes the entire race dogma to collapse.
Basically you've been punked.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:1) you thought he said they are a secondary type
I think you're a liar who intentionally miscites and attempts to distort.
When called on your lies, you try to switch - as liars do - from claims about what others "said" - which would be based on material evidence, and so leads directly to your being caught in a claims about what others "thought.", which are by definition baseless claims.
Having failed at *reading*, jackass akboen tries "mind reading" instead.
You've been punked again, jackass.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:3) now to have your cake and eat it you say he is not saying they are and they aren't!!!
^ Try re-writing the above incoherent babbling, and maybe I'll address it...for laughs if nothing else.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:2) you say (after the context was explained to you) "Keita never claimed that Europeans are a secondary type"
^ Another lie, of course, and i'm sure from this point, any sentense that comes out of your mouth will be a bald face lie, since a discredited jackass like you has nothing left to lose.
The record, as denote below stands.
Lies, miscitations and strawment arguments won't save you.....
quote: posted 27 September, 2008 07:17 PM by jackass akoben:
Hence reference to them as a "secondary race".
^ rasol replies: Incorrect, illiterate jackass, Keita *never* claims in his essay "the myth of racial divergence" that Europeans are a "secondary" race.
This is when jackass akoben claimed race and type were the same.
quote: posted 27 September, 2008 09:05 PM by jackass akoben: What is the difference between "secondary type" and "secondary race"?
^ The confounded jackass continues...
quote: posted 28 September, 2008 12:31 AM by jackass akoben: is "secondary type" not another way of saying secondary "race"?
quote: posted 28 September, 2008 12:54 AM what is the meaning of "type" here?
But still the jackass isn’t finished making a fool of himself…..
quote:jackass akoben writes: so in genetics races aren't types?
So, we take mercy on the hapless she/male, who’s possibly is suffering from syphilis attained from his/her NAZI boyfriends. [syphilis causes brain rot.]
quote:rasol writes: for your jackass education.....
YOUR problem is You can't read.
You need to take 'adult' education or something.
quote: Akoben's guide to jackass logic:
* races are types. * races are tautologies. * therefore all types are tautologies.
* bees are insects. * bees can fly * therefore all insects can fly
^ So what does the forums resident jackass claim …… now???
quote:Another lie. I always made the distinction between the different types.
^ confounded she/male, you need
- ritalin for you A/D/D.
- penicillin for your brain rotting stds,
- and a good *jewish* psychiatrist for your neurosis, ethnocentrism, and obvious low self esteem.
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
Posted by argyle104 (Member # 14634) on :
Knowledgeiskey718 wrote: ---------------------------------- Notice how Ako always ducks and dodges the specific questions of which would cause him to basically debunk himself ----------------------------------
That sounds exactly like you to a T.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ you can back that up by starting another thread, and debating knowledge718 over 'whatever' it is that's bunching your panties.
i think you won't, because you're scared of him, and he's a lot smarter than you, and you know it.
hence your 'debates' are never carried beyound the sophomoric snipings.
usually at this point, you respond by telling a corny joke, and then laughing at it, yourself, which makes me feel sorry for, well, your parents, if not for you.
the best response to your jokes was from AlTakruri. He said...
I would pay to laugh *at* you.
Now, that was comedy. A better one-liner than you've ever managed.
and the funniest part about it, was knowing that it would go right over your head.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
What's taking so long?
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718: IdiotAkosays
quote: Keita point was not that Europeans are a secondary type (genotype) due to its "hybrid" origins, as you thought, but that IF race were relevant they would be such.
quote:Knowledge asks: Jackassoben, can you please explain why Europeans would be a secondary type if race were relevant?
quote: IdiotAko replies: I CAN'T as Europeans aren't a secondary type or unit because there are no racial types or units! That the whole god damn point Keita was making in that essay!
Do you understand what contradiction and denial means? Again I will ask your dumbass, why are races irrelevant, and why would Europeans be a secondary type if race existed?
akboen writes: I CANNOT and will not answer.
^ then you *can't explain* why Keita said this, and your arguing over it makes no sense.
Effectively, this is Akoben's "answer".
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:once Keita annihiliated the myth of caucaZoid you were forced to abandon race itself.
Again rasolowitz, You were required to show where I advanced a pure primary Caucasoid race position. ^ What's taking so long?
quote: Nope.I think you're a liar who intentionally miscites and attempts to distort.
LOL And I think you have no choice but to deny your f**k ups! Your position was that Europeans are a secondary type. You thought he was referring to genotype. [posted 28 September, 2008 01:17 AM]. And that "type" in the quote "It means that Europeans can be shown to be the result of admixtures between non-africans and Africans";
Hence, when you were asked to clarify your position, "what is the meaning of "type" here?" You replied, "genotype", used to distinguish one population from another.
This is why too Mary thinks your position IS that Europeans ARE a secondary type due to hybrid origins - because YOU WERE saying this!!!
quote:you say (after the context was explained to you) "Keita never claimed that Europeans are a secondary type"
quote: ^ Another lie, of course,
No its not. You DID SAY that, but you can't help yourself it seems, "Keita never claimed that Europeans are a secondary type"[posted 08 October, 2008 07:02 PM]
quote: Incorrect, illiterate jackass, Keita *never* claims in his essay "the myth of racial divergence" that Europeans are a "secondary" race.
What you were denying in that post was him saying they are a secondary race, but you maintained they are a secondary type due to hybrid origins not a primary race, which is why you highlighted "secondary type" and "not a primary race", [posted 27 September, 2008 07:29 PM] because your point was they are a secondary type (genotype) "It means that Europeans can be shown to be the result of admixtures between non-africans and Africans"; and when asked what is the meaning of "type" here? You replied, genotype, used to distinguish one population from another.
Your position was that Europeans are a secondary type (genotype). Which was why you kept posting that quote along with the dendrograms he disapproves of! You completely misrepresented his position!
Keita is not saying Europeans as a population are a secondary genotype distinguishable from other populations, but that they would be under the racial schema, a secondary type or race due to hybrid origins.
- Keita does not say Europeans are a secondary type (genotype) as you thought/and still think
- Keita does not agree with your dendrograms
- Keita does not classify human populations into "units" or types, whether fundamental/primary or secondary
^ Tell me when you numskulls can refute the above
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by akoben: You were required to show where I advanced a pure primary Caucasoid race position.
Why would we be required to produce evidence for *your* incoherent prattle? Your one jackass trick remains to try and put your words in other peoples mouths. This trick is fitting for you, since you always say dumb things, so if only you could get people to defend the dumb things *you* say, as if they were the ones who said it, i'm sure that would help you.
You only ever advanced the notion that you're and illiterate jackass, and you prove this every time you post.
Destractions dismissed, we are back on topic, and you still have no answers...
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ another day, another round of Jackass akoben failing to answer.
akoben is one vexed jackass...
quote:Originally posted by rasol: ^ jackass akoben can hide from the answers.... but he can't run from them.
Below are the answers, he doesn't have.
Question, why is race not relevant?
quote:ANSWERS FROM KEITA: race is based on the hypothesis of *fundamental* divisions.
one of the racial "units" [caucasian], is not fundamental, as its genesis is qualitatively different from the other "units" and even connects them - SOY Keita.
Question, why is the genesis of 'caucasian' qualitatively different?
Answers from Bowcock:
One can show that a branch to a population resulting from admixture tends to be shorter than other branches.
^ What can we conclude from this?
"Nuclear DNA studies also contribute to the deconstruction of received racial entities.
Question "How so"?
Keita answers:
Ann Bowcock and her colleague's interpretation (Bowcock et al. 1991; Bowcock et al. 1994) of analyses of restriction-site polymorphisms and microsatellite polymorphisms (STRPs) suggests that Europeans, the defining Caucasians, are descendants of a population that arose as a consequence of admixture between already differentiated populations ancestral to (some) Africans and Asians. Therefore, Caucasians would be a secondary type of race due to its hybrid origin and not a primary race".
^ The above is Dr. Keita's specific assessment, and not a general agreement or disagreement with or about anyone or anything else.
OPEN CHALLENGE to those who don't like the answers:
* Please produce evidence of ancient European phenotype.
* Please produce evidence of ancient European genotype.
Ancient K-zoids are nowhere in sight.
Keep dreaming, of caucazzzzoids.......
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:akoben: And I think you have no choice but to deny your f**k ups
^ swearing won't help you. it simpy advances the evidence that you are frustrated at being publicly humiliated and uniformly dismissed as and idiot by *everyone* who reads your babblement.
keep swearing confused idiot., let us know if it ever makes you feel any better.
i doubt it will...
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:2) you say (after the context was explained to you) "Keita never claimed that Europeans are a secondary type"
^ Another lie, of course, and i'm sure from this point, any sentense that comes out of your mouth will be a bald face lie, since a discredited jackass like you has nothing left to lose.
The record, as denote below stands.
Lies, miscitations and strawment arguments won't save you.....
quote: posted 27 September, 2008 07:17 PM by jackass akoben:
Hence reference to them as a "secondary race".
^ rasol replies: Incorrect, illiterate jackass, Keita *never* claims in his essay "the myth of racial divergence" that Europeans are a "secondary" race.
This is when jackass akoben claimed race and type were the same.
quote: posted 27 September, 2008 09:05 PM by jackass akoben: What is the difference between "secondary type" and "secondary race"?
^ The confounded jackass continues...
quote: posted 28 September, 2008 12:31 AM by jackass akoben: is "secondary type" not another way of saying secondary "race"?
quote: posted 28 September, 2008 12:54 AM what is the meaning of "type" here?
But still the jackass isn’t finished making a fool of himself…..
quote:jackass akoben writes: so in genetics races aren't types?
So, we take mercy on the hapless she/male, who’s possibly is suffering from syphilis attained from his/her NAZI boyfriends. [syphilis causes brain rot.]
quote:rasol writes: for your jackass education.....
YOUR problem is You can't read.
You need to take 'adult' education or something.
quote: Akoben's guide to jackass logic:
* races are types. * races are tautologies. * therefore all types are tautologies.
* bees are insects. * bees can fly * therefore all insects can fly
^ So what does the forums resident jackass claim …… now???
quote:Another lie. I always made the distinction between the different types.
^ confounded she/male, you need
- ritalin for you A/D/D.
- penicillin for your brain rotting stds,
- and a good *jewish* psychiatrist for your neurosis, ethnocentrism, and obvious low self esteem.
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:rasol: ^ Another lie, of course
quote:jackassakboen protests: No its not.
It's a lie and will remain a lie until you can produce a quote actually from me but containing *your* illiterate miscitations.
To date, you respond like a little-kid caught in a lie:
a) produce [incoherent] quotes -FROM YOU- but not from me.
b) produce quotes from me, stating the OPPOSITE of what you claim, and so evidencing not only your dishonesty but also your illiteracy.
^ What can you do in the future akoben, that is not either a, or b?
Keep dissembling then jackass, it will only lead to further humiliations...
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote: because your point was they are a secondary type (genotype)
^ then why can't you produce a citation from me regarding "secondary genotype"?
why do you need to make up phrases [actually nonsense phases] and then try to attribute them to others.
isn't this because you are afraid to address, and unable to refute what Keita, and we, actually *are* saying?
until you produce this fake citation you falsely attribute to me, you stand revealed as and illiterate liar, a coward, and a jackass.
We're waiting.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:rasol wrote: It means that Europeans can be shown to be the result of admixtures between non-africans and Africans"
^ Yes, this is correct, and now, with akbobens jackass distractions out of the way - we get to the real issue that caused your jackass-panties to bunch up in the 1st place.
That Europeans are a derivitive of Non Africans and Africans is exactly the case.
Since this is truth that angers you, you should be prepared to address it, directly.
Yet, you never do.
Why is that?
quote:Consider, the model shown below, the issue isn't just the Europeans show as genetically intermediate between say New Guinea and Ethiopia, or China and Somalia..... actually in Sforza' dna samples below, he uses non East African populations including central African 'pygmy'.
Understand then, that white Europeans show as intermediate between non Africans and *all* Native Black Africans.
For this to be so.... Europeans must inherit particular genes that are common to *all* Africans, but not found in other non Africans.
In terms of population structure this implies:
- pan african structure. - non african structure. - europeans as hybrid between these two structures.
Population structure cannot confound the reality that Europeans have Black African ancestry.
quote:Originally posted by rasol: ^ You better wake up, and start finding some answers, because the evidence shows that Europeans are a recent admixed population, and not the "ancient race" you fantasize about, but produce no evidence for.....
quote: population genetics/simulation/neutral theory) ANNE M. BOWCOCK*t
One can show that a branch to a population resulting from admixture tends to be shorter than other branches.
"Nuclear DNA studies also contribute to the deconstruction of received racial entities. Ann Bowcock and her colleague's interpretation (Bowcock et al. 1991; Bowcock et al. 1994) of analyses of restriction-site polymorphisms and microsatellite polymorphisms (STRPs) suggests that Europeans, the defining Caucasians, are descendants of a population that arose as a consequence of admixture between already differentiated populations ancestral to (some) Africans and Asians. Therefore, Caucasians would be a secondary type of race due to its hybrid origin and not a primary race".
From maximum likelihood estimates the European admixture consisted of 65% Asian and 35% African.
Graph a) shows the pattern and order of African origin, and sub-sequent outmigration, with population splits at each vertex.
Graph b) shows the genetic relatedness and distinctiveness of each population, denoted with each vector.
Note the relative *length* of the vectors.
Not only are Europeans intermidiates between Asia and Africa at the roughly 2/3 and 1/3 ratios denoted by Sforza, but Europeans also show as a decidely *short* vector. This means they are a recent population without and ancient history, and therefore non of the other, more ancient populations shown, can be conceived in terms of admixtures -with- Europeans.
hybrid - the entity described cannot be understood in terms of it's own originating characteristics as well as by reference to 2 or more descrete elements from which it is *derived.*
Europeans are short-vector, recently admixed hybrids.
* Please produce evidence of ancient European phenotype.
* Please produce evidence of ancient European genotype.
Ancient K-zoids are nowhere in sight.
Keep dreaming, of caucazzzzoids.......
^ Akoben, you're just a racist coward, who tries to run away or distract from the truths you don't like, and can't refute.
But the truth is relentless, and will hound your jack-ass forever....
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
At issue....
quote:ANSWERS FROM KEITA: race is based on the hypothesis of *fundamental* divisions.
one of the racial "units" [caucasian], is not fundamental, as its genesis is qualitatively different from the other "units" and even connects them - SOY Keita.
Answers from Bowcock:
One can show that a branch to a population resulting from admixture tends to be shorter than other branches.
^ akoben has now admited that Europeans are not a race, but he his unhappy about "why" they aren't.
So lets state it directly and challenge him -or anyone else- to prove the above is wrong.
- Europeans are not a fundamental division or sub-species, and therefore not a race.
They are a non-fundamental, recently admixed group with qualitatively less genetic distinction than the Africans and non Africans from which they derive.
And this fact in turn undermines the entire schematic of race.
And akoben is a perfect example of why?
He begin his argument trying to defend 'race'.
When made to confront admixture in Europeans, he then changed his mind:
In his twisted mind, it's even *worse* for Europeans to be admixed, than to not be a race at all.
But the painful bitter truth for racists like akoben is that Europeans are admixed, and are not a race.
And the manner in which they are admixed is *why* they are not a race.
It's the worst of all worlds for people like akboen.
Eurocentrists, feel free to disagree, and rescue jackass akoben from his 'racial dispair'.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:Why would we be required to produce evidence for *your* incoherent prattle?
Because, dufus, this is what your whole straw edifice is built on: my alleged claim of a fundamental Caucasoid race.
Therefore, sillyboy, in order to make this point,
quote:"Europeans are not a fundamental division or sub-species, and therefore not a race"
valid in this context, you need to show proof that I in fact said that Europeans are a fundamental division, unit, type or sub species.
What's taking so long?
What I deny is Keita's support of your, Bowcock and Sforza's theory of Europeans being a secondary type (genotype according to you) consisting of two earlier differentiated population groups (African and Asian) as well as their accompanying tree and percentage analysis. He is NOT in support of any of this! So you have to divert from this fact and hence your constant spamming of the thread as a diversion from:
- the fact that you thought (and so did Mary: posted 11 October, 2008 03:20 PM) Keita supported the notion of Europeans as a secondary type due to hybrid origins
- and he supported your accompanying dendrograms, analysis of tree branching and "population distinctiveness" etc
^ You did advance the above positions rasolowitz but as each of them got debunked one by one, you flip flopped. This is why you have to lie through your teeth and deny that you thought he was referring to "genotype" in the quote: "what is the meaning of "type" here?" rasolowitz replies: "in genetics, a type, or geno-type, is a marker or markers, that distinguishes one population from another." [posted 28 September, 2008 01:17 AM]
Hence you thought he was referring to "genotype" in the quote. He wasn't! It was a reference to racial type: in the racial schema (e.g. Bowcock's work) Europeans would be a "secondary type OR race" due to hybrid origins.
You also have to lie through your teeth and deny too that you flip flopped after the context of the quote was explained and said "Keita never claimed that Europeans are a secondary type"[posted 08 October, 2008 07:02 PM]
It means you're a dishonest pathetic loser.
Again Keita does not support your, Bowcock and Sforza's theory of Europeans being a secondary type (genotype according to you) consisting of two earlier differentiated population groups (African and Asian) as well as their accompanying tree and percentage analysis.
Count down to the Bowcock/Sforza spam. LOL
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
Problem for you and rasolowitz is that in the process of debunking them, Keita is debunking you also!!! LOL
Does not agree with Sforza's trees
quote:"Many investigators still use dendrograms to represent the philogenetic history of human “races”. These representations imply bifurcations or splitting of ancestral populations. They suggest an absolute distinctness or discreetness that is not a flaw of ordinate methods. This problematic. Dendrograms cannot accurately depict evolutionary gradients of differentiation or distinguish similarity due to gene flow. They can also be unreliable in their depictions of population relationships when demographic factors such as population size are not constant or equal between populations ... In a word, dendrograms are ambiguous in their apparent depiction of certainty."
quote:"The persistence of the racial paradigm (and not just names) is further illustrated by investigators who use dendrograms (trees) to assess to group similarities or dissimilarities, usually in quest of intraspecific phylogenies. The groups utilized usually conform to the old racial schema. Dendrograms are also used to illustrate the divergence of entities called human races or of populations used as their surrogates. This is problematic since few human populations, even authentic breeding ones, are so well differentiated (and independent) from each other as to support the distinctness implied by tree branches. The degree of drift has not been necessarily equal across space and time. The ubiquity and complexity of human migration patterns guarantee that branching points in trees will always be suspect. (Jorde 1985) Also, strictly speaking, studies can only inform about the groups used in the analysis. Therefore a study using Mbuti, a clan of Saame speakers, a Swedish village, and Vedda can only tell us about each of them. These groups should not be reified into other entities."
Does not argue for Europeans as a secondary type or race due to its hybrid origins.
quote:"Races are types, defined by complexes of anatomical traits; clear boundaries exist by definition, and definitions are tautologies. (Breed-ing populations are mating systems.) The boundaries implied by the specificity of type definitions are shattered when other data are considered.
quote:"The strict racial approach constructs human diversity as being reducible to a fixed number of foundational, natural, and indivisible units (types), which consist of near uniform individuals. Variation from these units in this model is primarily explained by admixture. Thus there were primary and secondary races."
Does not agree with Bowcock analysis
quote:"Nuclear DNA studies suggest to some that Blumenbach’s “Caucasian” entity (or some of it) is at foundation an “inter-mixed” group composed of earlier differentiated non-European (specifically Asian and central African) elements (e.g. Bowcock etal. 1991)—this may be a problem given that the contributing groups seem to conform to received raciotypological schema- but should be acceptable to those who believe in the existence of races."..."
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
akoben tries to console himself with his feeble lies...
quote: Keita is debunking you also
I agree with Keita. The only one who disagreed with him was you, as you advocated race, which Keita debunks, and in doing so debunks you.
alas, you are a coward, and reduced to denying that you ever believed in race, and pretending there is some debate between Keita and me.
your evidence of this debate is fake citations which are actually from *you*, and not Keita or me.
You're pathetic....
quote:Originally posted by rasol: At issue....
quote:ANSWERS FROM KEITA: race is based on the hypothesis of *fundamental* divisions.
one of the racial "units" [caucasian], is not fundamental, as its genesis is qualitatively different from the other "units" and even connects them - SOY Keita.
Answers from Bowcock:
One can show that a branch to a population resulting from admixture tends to be shorter than other branches.
^ akoben has now admited that Europeans are not a race, but he his unhappy about "why" they aren't.
So lets state it directly and challenge him -or anyone else- to prove the above is wrong.
- Europeans are not a fundamental division or sub-species, and therefore not a race.
They are a non-fundamental, recently admixed group with qualitatively less genetic distinction than the Africans and non Africans from which they derive.
And this fact in turn undermines the entire schematic of race.
And akoben is a perfect example of why?
He begin his argument trying to defend 'race'.
When made to confront admixture in Europeans, he then changed his mind:
In his twisted mind, it's even *worse* for Europeans to be admixed, than to not be a race at all.
But the painful bitter truth for racists like akoben is that Europeans are admixed, and are not a race.
And the manner in which they are admixed is *why* they are not a race.
It's the worst of all worlds for people like akboen.
Eurocentrists, feel free to disagree, and rescue jackass akoben from his 'racial dispair'.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by akoben: Does not agree with Sforza's trees
quote:"Many investigators still use dendrograms to represent the philogenetic history of human “races”. - Keita.
This is true, and you inability to understand this furthre evidences your lliteracy.
Statement reads that many investigators use dendrograms to represent races.
Does not read as ->
- Keita opposes dendrograms. Keita does not oppose dendrograms, and said no choice thing.
Such a reading would make no sense, as Keita makes his own dendrograms and also interpretes the dendrograms of others.
Keita both creates and interprets dendrograms as debunking the concept of race.
So it is blatantly stupid to claim that Keita is merely "opposed to dendrograms".
^ This claim only proves that you're and illiterate jackass.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:akoben writes:Does not agree with Bowcock analysis
^ it's Keita's analysis, not anyone elses....
Keep running from it......
quote:Keita writes:Nuclear DNA studies suggest to some that Blumenbach’s “Caucasian” entity (or some of it) is at foundation an “inter-mixed” group composed of earlier differentiated non-European (specifically Asian and central African) elements (e.g. Bowcock etal. 1991)—this may be a problem given that the contributing groups seem to conform to received raciotypological schema- but should be acceptable to those who believe in the existence of races."..."
^ Again your illiteracy betrays you.
Keita is saying that the notion that *Blumenbach’s “Caucasian” entity (or some of it) is at foundation is flawed.
And here is why, per Keita.....
In this case……then one of the units [Caucasian] is *not fundamental*, because its genesis is qualitatively different from the other units and even connects them.
Therefore, Caucasian would be a secondary type, or race due to it’s *hybrid origin* and *not* a primary race.
This compromises the racial schema and also invalidates the metaphysical underpinnings of the race construct, which implies deep and fundamental differences between it’s units.
Nowhere does the above say anything about 'disagreeing' with 'Ann Bowcock', on Europeans being and admixture of African and Non African elements.
^ The part you hate.
Of course, they are, and this is precisely why Keita [not bowcock] calls caucasian *non fundamental* and concludes that causasian fails to model as a race.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Therefore, Caucasian would be a secondary type, or race due to it’s *hybrid origin* and *not* a primary race.
In this case……then one of the units [Caucasian] is *not fundamental*, because its genesis is qualitatively different from the other units and even connects them.
This compromises the racial schema and also invalidates the metaphysical underpinnings of the race construct, which implies deep and fundamental differences between it’s units.
^ Akoben, beyound denial, and pretending that DR Kieta didn't say this, or didn't mean it. [lol, what a loser thing to do]
Do you have any evidence to cite that can refute the above?
I thought not.
Then, I guess your strategy of running-away from the truth is probably best.
keep running, coward......
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:rasol: Why would we be required to produce evidence for *your* incoherent prattle?
quote:wakoako writes: Because,this is what your whole straw edifice is built on
^ The only case built upon your incoherent prattle is the case for your being a jackass.
quote:akojackass writes: my alleged claims of a fundamental caucasian race
^ Your alleged claims? Fundamental race? As opposed to what? Non fundamental race? It's funny watching a beaten jackasss like you backpeddle.
Won't save you though....
What KEITA says about the inherent relationship between 'race', and 'fundamentalism'.
1) - the concept of race is biology is built on fundamental differences - ie, no fundamental difference = no race
2) but cacuasians are are derivitive and not fundamental. - ie - because caucasian is not fundamental, then caucasian is not a race.
^ Feel free, to agree with Keita [and us] regarding the above.
You can even pretend you always agreed if that makes you feel better.
Either way you are defeated.
- And advocator of race, who can no longer openly advocate it, but can only sit in the corner and squirm, mumbling against alleged denials, of alleged beliefs, which you were allegedly accused of advancing.
Meanwhile - caucaZoids are as dead as a doornail, and it's clear that you can't revive them.
That's the bottom line.
akboben: let us know when caucasoid race isn't dead anymore, and then you will actually have something to argue for.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:akojack writes: You did advance the above positions
still waiting for the non existent citations. it's been a week. what's taking so long?
quote:rasol wrote in genetics, a type, or geno-type, is a marker or markers, that distinguishes one population from another."
^ that is the definition of genotype from the dictionary jackass.
it is not a claim from me regarding 'secondary genotype' or 'secondary haplotype' which are non-existent terms and non-existent FAKE quotes which you pull out of the wrong end of your jackass.
we are still waiting for the claimed citation lying jackass.
learn how to read.
you've failed again.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
Right on cue as expected! The Bowcock/Sforza spam fills the air once more! LOL
quote: my alleged claims of a fundamental caucasian race
quote:Your alleged claims? I guess...
Yes my alleged claims I didn't s-t-t-t-u-t-t-er boy! LOL
Where are they?
No guesses [even though now youve edited the words "I guess" LOLOLOLOLOLOL], but still can't show where I claimed that Europeans ARE a pure fundamental Caucasian race. What's taking so long?
Stop f**king editting you slimey loser, show where I say they are a pure fundamental race!
quote:your evidence of this debate is fake citations which are actually from *you*, and not Keita or me.
How about this one? "in genetics, a type, or geno-type, is a marker or markers, that distinguishes one population from another." [posted 28 September, 2008 01:17 AM]
quote: ^ that is the definition of genotype from the dictionary jackass.
Yes, and it was in response to a specific question, regarding a specific quote. This you cant escape liar!
"what is the meaning of "type" here?" to which rasolowitz replies: "in genetics, a type, or geno-type, is a marker or markers, that distinguishes one population from another."[/i]
quote:Statement reads that many investigators use dendrograms to represent races.
Or of populations used as their surrogates:
quote:These representations imply bifurcations or splitting of ancestral populations..unreliable in their depictions of population relationships when demographic factors such as population size are not constant or equal between populations...Dendrograms are also used to illustrate the divergence of entities called human races or of populations used as their surrogates
It reads as I have said Keita does not support your/Sforza's human geographical population dendrograms. Nowhere can you show he does! The dendrograms in the Badrian article (where you LIED it said "types") you thought would help you are NOT the same as Sforza's trees.
quote:Keita is saying that the notion that *Blumenbach’s “Caucasian” entity (or some of it) is at foundation is flawed.
LOL No, dufus, you obviously cant read (which means this is like debating a child! LOL) he's saying the notion that a population or group (in this case Europeans) can be, at its foundation, an "intermixed" group composed of two earlier differentiated populations (Asian and African) is flawed.
quote:Nuclear DNA studies suggest to some that ”Blumenbach’s “Caucasian” entity (or some of it) is at foundation an “inter-mixed” group composed of earlier differentiated non-European (specifically Asian and central African) elements...this may be a problem given that the contributing groups seem to conform to received raciotypological schema- but should be acceptable to those who believe in the existence of races...."
According to him this is what is flawed/problematic as he does not believe in population distinctiveness and branching on trees, in short, he does not agree with your/Bowcock/Sforza analysis and interpretations.
quote:Nowhere does the above say anything about 'disagreeing' with 'Ann Bowcock', on Europeans being and admixture of African and Non African elements.
Sillyboy, he is analyzing her work within the context of the persistence of racial thinking among the works of his contemporaries hence he is NOT saying Europeans ARE a secondary type or race composed of two earlier differentiated populations. How many times must the context of the quote be explained to your childlike brain?!?!?
No primary or secondary types or races since,
quote:"Races are types, defined by complexes of anatomical traits; clear boundaries exist by definition, and definitions are tautologies”... "The strict racial approach constructs human diversity as being reducible to a fixed number of foundational, natural, and indivisible units (types), which consist of near uniform individuals. Variation from these units in this model is primarily explained by admixture. Thus there were primary and secondary races."
quote:"Therefore, Caucasian would be a secondary type, or race due to it’s *hybrid origin* and *not* a primary race.
^ Akoben, beyound denial, and pretending that DR Kieta didn't say this, or didn't mean it
Again, he is NOT saying they ARE a secondary type or race. How many times must this be explained to your childlike brain?!?!?
You were even forced to admit that he is not saying this, "Keita never claimed that Europeans are a secondary type"[posted 08 October, 2008 07:02 PM]
Forced to understand the difference between someone saying would be and are:
quote:Aliveboy posts: apparently [rasolowitz] does not understand the difference between would be and are ..."Europeans, the defining Caucasians...would therefore be a secondary type or race due to its hybrid origins". – SOY Keita
The context of the quote was explained:
quote:He qualifies his statement with a "would in that scenario", as in, under the general racial assumption held by many in the past and by some of his contemporaries, that (and I'm quoting) "Caucasian would be a secondary type or race due to its hybrid origin", IF race were relevant. He and Kittles demonstrates through out their paper that it is not.
Why in gods name then are you still going BACK in time to your previous position: that he MEANT to say that Europeans ARE a secondary type? Especially AFTER you admitted "Keita never claimed that Europeans are a secondary type"[posted 08 October, 2008 07:02 PM]
It is because you have been caught red handed in your f**k ups; entangled in your web of BS; reduced to double, triple and fipple flip flopping and lies.
- Keita does not say Europeans are a secondary type (genotype) as you thought/and still think
- Keita does not agree with your dendrograms
- Keita does not classify human populations into "units" or types, whether fundamental/primary or secondary
^ Tell me when you numskulls can refute the above
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by akoben: But still can't show where I claimed that Europeans ARE a pure fundamental Caucasian race.
^ Can you provide a citation where anyone stated you claimed "pure fundamental caucasian race"(?)
Then explain to us what this nonsense phrase you made up, and want -us- to argue about is supposed to mean?
^ Can't or won't answer?
Fine, then this is simply added to your list of miscitations and lies.
Granted it's all you've got, still won't save you.
quote:What's taking so long?
^ Waiting for you to produce the citation, see above.
Seems like you can't do it.
Why is that?
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:akoben miscites: you claimed Kieta stated that Europeans were a secondary type or race
quote:rasol: and your "evidence" of this is fake citations which are actually from *you*, and not Keita or me.
quote:akoben: You mean like this one?
"Keita never claimed that Europeans are a secondary type or race" - rasol
^ Illiterate jackass, this quote is the exact -opposite- of your claim, which is therefore a misquote, and a lie. rotfl!
Whose fault is it that you can't read?
quote:akoben writes: You're a god damn liar, admit it.
You're a vulgar jackass who swears out of frustration that all his efforts to cover up his stupidity, with miscitations have failed.
Admit it.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
Not finished editing your lies it seems? LOL OK I'll just wait until you make up your mind which denial, dishonest claim or straw man arguments you decide to reply with this time. LOL
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ well, if you are 'bored' with waiting, why not scroll up the thread and answer the questions from Dr. Keita's work, which you keep hiding from??? lol.
Here I'll cut and paste them again, so you can stick your head back in the sand and hide from them......
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:Therefore, Caucasian would be a secondary type, or race due to it’s *hybrid origin* and *not* a primary race.
In this case……then one of the units [Caucasian] is *not fundamental*, because its genesis is qualitatively different from the other units and even connects them.
This compromises the racial schema and also invalidates the metaphysical underpinnings of the race construct, which implies deep and fundamental differences between it’s units.
^ Akoben, beyound denial, and pretending that DR Kieta didn't say this, or didn't mean it. [lol, what a loser thing to do]
Do you have any evidence to cite that can refute the above?
I thought not.
Then, I guess your strategy of running-away from the truth is probably best.
keep running, coward......
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:SOY Keita "Therefore, Caucasian would be a secondary type, or race due to it’s *hybrid origin* and *not* a primary race.
quote:akoben: Again, he is NOT saying they ARE a secondary type or race.
You should know this by now, since i'm the one who explained it to you:
"Keita never claimed that Europeans are a secondary type or race" - rasol
^ apparently your idea of debating is to repeat what i told you, in hopes that i will argue with, myself (??) lol.
quote:akoben writes: How many times must this be explained??
^ Well jackass, i've explained it to you dozens of times.
You even cut and paste my writings and then copy my explanation word for word, yet you still refuse to understand, apparently because Keita's commments so infuriates you.
So again, here is another citation from me, for you to repeat, deny and not understand... all at the same time, as only a jackass like you can do.
Kieta is not saying that Europeans are a secondary race, he is saying *they are not a race at all*. -
^ Pray tell: How long will it take your jackass brain to process this one?
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
desparate jackassoben miscites Alive What box....
quote: Alive What box: apparently [rasolowitz] does not understand the difference between would be and are ..."Europeans, the defining Caucasians...would therefore be a secondary type or race due to its hybrid origins". – SOY Keita
^ tsk, tsk, another fake quote from jackass akoben.
akoben: your constant lying neither fools anyone else, nor angers me.
It simply *makes a fool* of you, and leaves you more frustrated than ever.
of course Alive-(What Box) was referring *to you* and your holocaust denial and general illiteracy.
I understand that you're desparate for someone to agree with you, and need to make stuff up, at this point.
But you'd be well advised to find *someone* who doesn't regard you as a total jackass.
If possible...
The actual post from Alive......
quote:Originally posted by Alive-(What Box):
quote:Originally posted by rasol: ^ A normal intellect can distinguish between different words and ideas. But Akoben cannot.
akoben's subnormal intelligence also explains why he thinks the holocaust never happened.
And who apparently does not understand the difference between would be and are ...
"Europeans, the defining Caucasians...would therefore be a secondary...race due to its hybrid origins". – SOY Keita
^ that's ok, akoben, just pretend that what-box remarks weren't directed at you, and your stupidity.
you're good at pretending.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:- Keita does not say Europeans are a secondary type (genotype)
yes, we know, as we [whatbox and i] explained this to you. feel free to parrot this explanation back to us, and pretend that you are 'debating'.
quote: as you thought/and still think
no but we do still think you can't read...
quote:- Keita does not agree with your dendrograms
non sequitur - i don't have any dendrograms. Keita has his own dendrograms and assessments, based upon which he concludes that Europeans are not a race., which i agree with.
as for you, you are trapped and can neither agree nor disagree, you just hide.
i don't mind. as and easily punked, cornered cowering neo nazi is and amusing site.
quote:- Keita does not classify human populations into "units" or types
False. Keita classifies into types such as 'tropical african', which he further distinguishes from 'european type', and he measures said skeletypes in metric units, so you aren't making any sense.
Bottom line....
Keita states that Europeans are not a race, and that they are a genetically admixed population with recent African ancestry.
He draws this conclusion based on genotypes and phenotypes, and metric units, from his own dendrograms and those of others.
You don't like this but can't refute it, so you try to run away.
But we won't let you.
You can hide, but you can't run.
quote: One can show that a branch to a population resulting from admixture tends to be shorter than other branches.
^ Europeans are short vector hybrids, and not a race. Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:[before you know it was from Keita] was to claim that it -supported- the notion of race…
Race in the context of a social construct is still valid. Show where I said otherwise.
And the Bowcock/Sforza analysis does support the notion of race. That's why under the racial schema they would be secondary type or race, intermediates between two earlier differentiated population groups African and Asian. That's why he says it would be acceptable to those who believe in races. (Keita, 2001)
quote: ^ Can you provide a citation where anyone stated you claimed "pure fundamental caucasian race"(?) Then explain to us what this nonsense phrase you made up, and want -us- to argue about is supposed to mean?
Your whole straw argument has been that I claim purity for Europeans/Caucasians. A pure, fundamental, Caucasian race.
quote:"Europeans are not a fundamental division or sub-species", "since defense of k-zoid race myth is your only interest", "CaucaZoid race does not exist", "In his twisted mind, it's even *worse* for Europeans to be admixed, than to not be a race at all", "But the painful bitter truth for racists like akoben is that Europeans are admixed, and are not a race", "one of the units [Caucasian] is not fundamental"
Those accusations in your posts must be based on something. What's taking so long? Where did I ever advance the notion that Europeans are a pure race?
quote:^ Illiterate jackass, this quote is the exact -opposite- of your claim, which is therefore a misquote, and a lie. rotfl!
You poor confused soul, first you say Keita is not agreeing or disagreeing with the analysis of Europeans as a secondary type etc etc [posted 12 October, 2008 02:12 PM]
Now you say he is not agreeing with the analysis of Europeans as a secondary type etc etc. "Keita never claimed that Europeans are a secondary type"
^ This is because you have to try and reconcile your initial misinterpretation of Keita's position on types, dendrograms and units, with what you know now.
Why post a quote that's actually saying under the racial schema Europeans would be a secondary type, intermediates between two earlier differentiated population groups African and Asian if you are in fact debunking the said racial schema? It wouldn't be relevant in a debate about the irrelevance of the racial schema!
But you gleefully posted it over and over precisely because at first you did not know the context of the Keita quote. You thought he was validating Bowcock's work and Cavalli-Sforza's trees and the accompanying arguments: "Europeans, show as intermediates" between two earlier differentiated population groups African and Asian "contributions from Asia and Africa were estimated to be around two-thirds and one-third".
In fact it was Sundiata who introduced the now infamous Keita quote presenting it as a sort of "validation" of the (your) Cavalli-Sforza trees and accompanying arguments, "^Such [the Keita quote] explains why according to Sforza, Europeans are intermediate between African and Asian populations." [posted 20 September, 2008 06:36 PM]
The truth is, "such" [the Keita quote] in fact does not "explain" or validate Sforza or Bowcock! Keita was actually critiquing such analysis as evidence of the persistence of racial thinking! He wasn't supporting any analysis of Europeans being a secondary type due to admixture, an intermediate between two earlier differentiated population groups African and Asian contributions from Asia and Africa estimated to be around two-thirds and one-third.
Keita point was that such analysis is problematic, as evidence of the persistence of racial thinking, "this may be a problem given that the contributing groups seem to conform to received raciotypological schema but should be acceptable to those who believe in the existence of races."
You in turn, clueless as to the context of the quote, merely coat tailed this misrepresentation of Keita's position from then on, (even with the misquote! "secondary type of race" LOL) and tagged it, in your subsequent posts to make it appear as if Keita was in agreement with it all: "On this [the human population trees and accompanying analysis and percentages] particular Sforza is correct, and he is cited by Keita"[posted 20 September, 2008 08:28 PM]
So before Sundita admitted that Keita was in fact not supporting such an analysis - which of course makes posting that particular quote irrelevant in this context, unless you idnt know the context – you DID advance such an interpretation.
This is why too Mary thinks your position IS that Europeans ARE a secondary type due to hybrid origins - because YOU WERE saying this!!!
which is why you highlighted thus:
Europeans, the defining caucasians arose as a consequence of admixtures of already differentiated populations, and would therefore be a secondary type, or race due to its hybrid origins and not a primary race.[ posted 27 September, 2008 07:29 PM]
And thought "secondary type" in the Keita quote was a reference to genotyp:
What is the difference, in the Keita quote, between "secondary type" and "secondary race"?
"^ It means[/b] that Europeans can be shown to be the result of admixtures between non-africans and africans, and thefore cannot be posited as primary race." - rasolowitz
"what is the meaning of "type" here?",
"in genetics, a type, or geno-type, is a marker or markers, that distinguishes one population from another." - rasolowitz
Hence you thought secondary type was a reference to genotype.
And you STILL argue that Europeans are a secondary type:
quote:Therefore, Caucasian would be a secondary type, or race due to it’s *hybrid origin* and *not* a primary race...Do you have any evidence to cite that can refute the above?
Prey tell, rasolowitz, why would I need to "refute" the above when Keita is not actually saying this and to top it off you admit this, "Keita never claimed that Europeans are a secondary type" – rasolowitz
Rasol's premise IS what Keita argues that Europeans as a population ARE a secondary type due to admixture – Mary
Then when the context was explained:
"Keita never claimed that Europeans are a secondary type" – rasolwitz
Rasol's premise IS what Keita argues that Europeans as a population ARE a secondary type due to admixture – Mary
After: "Keita never claimed that Europeans are a secondary type" – rasolwitz
quote: non sequitur - i don't have any dendrograms.
LOLOL The whole point of your lies and tricks was to show that Keita was in agreement with you and your white scientists on this particular issue! Now that you cannot show this you sequel "non sequitur". LOLOLOL
quote:Keita has his own dendrograms and assessments, based upon which he concludes that Europeans are not a race..
^^ That is a non sequitur! Your task/predicament is to show where he agrees with your/Sforza type human population trees (dendrograms) showing "population distinctiveness" to conclude that Europeans are a secondary type due to admixture from two earlier differentiated populations, as you keep posting!
quote:Keita classifies into types such as 'tropical african', which he further distinguishes from 'european type', and he measures said skeletypes in metric units, so you aren't making any sense.
Show where he classifies, then groups, your 'european type' and 'tropical african' type into human geographical populations and puts them on trees showing "distinctiveness of each population", branching and what not.
Plus, 'tropical african' type cannot even define a geographical region or "branch" akin to say "Europe" or "Asia" since it is but ONE variant out of the many African variants it does not constitute a broad geographical population type.
- Keita does not say Europeans are a secondary type (genotype) as you thought/and still think
- Keita does not agree with your dendrograms
- Keita does not classify human populations into "units" or types, whether fundamental/primary or secondary
^ Tell me when you numskulls can refute the above
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:rasol wrote: [before you knew the quote was from Keita] you claimed that it -supported- the notion of race…
quote:akoben: Race in the context of a social construct is still valid.
^ ROTFL! That is a total strawmen as Keita is discussing biology. And it is and illiterate remark, as Kieta's quote was not about social constructs.
Keita's study the MYTH OF RACIAL DIVERGENCE, is bioanthropolical, not a social commentary, so you attempt to paint your replay as pertaining to socio-politics is bogus.
Truth is, you tried to distort Keita's conclusions as being in favor of race.
Then you changed your position when you realised this was hopeless.
But you still lack the intelligence needed to understand what Keita is saying, so reversing your posture can't save you.
What a jackass loser you are.
You can never address anything or understand anything.
That's why Nazi's pick low self esteem, uneducated idiots like you, and molest their minds leaving them with shattered intellects.
You're just sad akoben.
The socially retarded racial views of a wannabe neo-nazi Jackass is completely irrelevant, and best taken up with your Jewish Psychiatrist.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:akoben: first you say Keita is not agreeing or disagreeing with the analysis of Europeans as a secondary type etc etc [posted 12 October, 2008 02:12 PM]
^ More evidence of:
1) you can't read. 2) you are reduced to arguing by miscitation and lies. 3) you are so -utterly defeated-.
It's clear that you've been completely reduced to arguing via illiterate miscitation and bald faced lie.
This is why you're a failure.
And it is clear that you are intentionally lying.
If you really wanted to quote others, you would cut and paste what they actually stated.
But you never do. You just make stuff up and attribute it to others.
And, because you are such a dumb-jackass, you often don't understand the difference between your faked miscitations, and the original source you are distorting.
^ You deny this?
Prove us wrong, actually address by -quoting only what is written- no comments by you, attributed falsely to others.
I don't expect you to comply.
Low esteem losers are helpless, when *not allowed* to lie....
quote:Originally posted by rasol: ^ jackass akoben can hide from the answers.... but he can't run from them.
Below are the answers, he doesn't have.
Question, why is race not relevant?
quote:ANSWERS FROM KEITA: race is based on the hypothesis of *fundamental* divisions.
one of the racial "units" [caucasian], is not fundamental, as its genesis is qualitatively different from the other "units" and even connects them - SOY Keita.
Question, why is the genesis of 'caucasian' qualitatively different?
Answers from Bowcock:
One can show that a branch to a population resulting from admixture tends to be shorter than other branches.
^ What can we conclude from this?
"Nuclear DNA studies also contribute to the deconstruction of received racial entities.
Question "How so"?
Keita answers:
Ann Bowcock and her colleague's interpretation (Bowcock et al. 1991; Bowcock et al. 1994) of analyses of restriction-site polymorphisms and microsatellite polymorphisms (STRPs) suggests that Europeans, the defining Caucasians, are descendants of a population that arose as a consequence of admixture between already differentiated populations ancestral to (some) Africans and Asians. Therefore, Caucasians would be a secondary type of race due to its hybrid origin and not a primary race".
^ The above is Dr. Keita's specific assessment, and not a general agreement or disagreement with or about anyone or anything else.
OPEN CHALLENGE to those who don't like the answers:
* Please produce evidence of ancient European phenotype.
* Please produce evidence of ancient European genotype.
Ancient K-zoids are nowhere in sight.
Keep dreaming, of caucazzzzoids.......
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
---> The above is Dr. Keita's specific assessment, and not a general agreement or disagreement with or about anyone or anything else. <-----
nazi-jackass akoben can hide, but he can't run.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:non sequitur - i don't have any dendrograms.
quote:baby akoben whines: The whole point of your lies and tricks
^ the only 'trick' we play on you is to present facts which you can't refute.
"your [cheap] 'trick' is to blatantly misquote, and hope someone will chase your misquotes, and lose sight of what was actually stated.
the difference is that your trick is corny and stupid. that's why it doesn't work, and never will no matter that you repeat your one and only trick with each reply.
in stark constrast, our -->trick<....., ie the old *truth trick*, is quite devastating to an intellectually challenged neo nazi jackass like you.
your trick bombs out with crash and reboot. you then repeat it like a retard.
with the truth trick, we don't reboot....
quote:whiny baby ako, continued: ...that keita agrees with your white scientists.
^ you're quite desparate.
Keita was educated by a white scientist, Professor Larry Angel, and in fact *they do agree*, that Europeans are and admixed population, and are so not a race.
Keita: SOY Keita Arethusa 26 (1993) pg 329
"I was a student of Larry Angel and am in some postion to comment on his views, which I know from conversation, the literature and personal correspondnce."
"Angel also found evidence for a "black" (if such exists) genetic influence in neolithic and later Aegean populations.
Racialists models, which imply non-overlapping gene pools, are clearly negated by Angel's work."
^ Bitter jackass repeate after Keita...
- Europeans admixed. [black genetic influence]
- Europeans *not a race. [racial models, clearly negated]
^ Now, please do, argue against Keita and his 'white professor's' pertaining this fact.
Try to distort it.
Claim Keita is only 'disagreeing' with Angel.
Try claiming that "if such exists", means Keita is doubting his own claims of admixture in Neolithic Greece, when he is really only qualifying 'black' as a genetic singularity [which is it of course not].
Or just ignore it and change the subject, since none of the above dissemblings can save you.
It's fun tormenting nazi losers like you with the truth and so destroying their racial myths.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
Picture spamming once more! All in a desparate effort to drown out the fact that Keita does not agree with Bowcock's analysis or Sforza type human population trees (dendrograms) and accompanying arguments.
quote: Race in the context of a social construct is still valid.
quote:That is a total strawmen as Keita is discussing biology.
That had nothing to do with Keita or his article but my own opinion on the validity, as I see it, of race as a social construct.
This was in reference to Keita:
the Bowcock/Sforza analysis does support the notion of race. That's why under the racial schema they would be secondary type or race, intermediates between two earlier differentiated population groups African and Asian. That's why he says it would be acceptable to those who believe in races. (Keita, 2001)
^ Which is why you avoided it.
quote:akoben: first you say Keita is not agreeing or disagreeing with the analysis of Europeans as a secondary type etc etc [posted 12 October, 2008 02:12 PM]
quote:rasolowitz squeals: illiterate miscitation and bald faced lie... intentionally lying... If you really wanted to quote others, you would cut and paste what they actually stated.
LOOLOLL Just as your other claims of alleged miscitation, after all your hysteria you end up showing that you in fact did say what I posted: that he neither agreed nor disagreed with Bowcock's analyses, ^ The above is Dr. Keita's specific assessment, and not a general agreement or disagreement with or about anyone or anything else.
^Of course this is BS. He was analyzing her work within the context of the persistence of racial thinking. He does not support the view that Europeans are a secondary type etc etc, the context of the quote was explained: that under the racial schema Europeans would be secondary type etc etc and you agreed with it!
If Keita does not believe in the racial schema how can he agree with the analysis that he sees as within said schema?! That you STILL harbor desires for Keita to see Europeans as a secondary type etc (because you initially thought he did) is evidenced by the fact that you want me to "refute" it, as according to you Keita meant it! [posted 13 October, 2008 09:20 PM]
But I ask again, oh confused one, how can I "refute" the notion of Europeans as a secondary type when they ARE NOT, only IF race were relevant and it is NOT. And how could Keita "mean it" when you admit he advanced no such theory?!?!
You poor confused self defeating imbecile, you obviously cannot make up your mind:
Rasol's premise IS what Keita argues that Europeans as a population ARE a secondary type due to admixture – Mary
"Keita never claimed that Europeans are a secondary type" – rasolwitz
Rasol's premise IS what Keita argues that Europeans as a population ARE a secondary type due to admixture – Mary
quote:Keita was educated by a white scientist, Professor Larry Angel, and in fact *they do agree*, that Europeans are and admixed population, and are so not a race.
LOL So f**king what? Who denied he was educated by whites, and again for umpteenth time, show where I advance the notion of a pure Caucasian race?
This is nothing more than you latest straw to hide the real issue:
Keita not agreeing with Bowcock's analysis and Cavalli-Sforza's trees and the accompanying arguments: "Europeans, show as intermediates" between two earlier differentiated population groups African and Asian "contributions from Asia and Africa were estimated to be around two-thirds and one-third".
You tried to make it seem as if Keita was in agreement, "On this [the human population trees and accompanying analysis and percentages] particular Sforza is correct, and he is cited by Keita"[posted 20 September, 2008 08:28 PM]
The truth is Keita does not agree with it and you have yet to prove this!
Re Bowcock's analysis:
quote:"this may be a problem given that the contributing groups seem to conform to received raciotypological schema but should be acceptable to those who believe in the existence of races."
Why should it be acceptable to those who believe in races rasolowitz?
Re human geographical population trees:
quote: "The persistence of the racial paradigm (and not just names) is further illustrated by investigators who use dendrograms (trees) to assess to group similarities or dissimilarities, usually in quest of intraspecific phylogenies. The groups utilized usually conform to the old racial schema. Dendrograms are also used to illustrate the divergence of entities called human races or of populations used as their surrogates. This is problematic since few human populations, even authentic breeding ones, are so well differentiated (and independent) from each other as to support the distinctness implied by tree branches. The degree of drift has not been necessarily equal across space and time. The ubiquity and complexity of human migration patterns guarantee that branching points in trees will always be suspect. (Jorde 1985) Also, strictly speaking, studies can only inform about the groups used in the analysis. Therefore a study using Mbuti, a clan of Saame speakers, a Swedish village, and Vedda can only tell us about each of them. These groups should not be reified into other entities."
If as he says few human populations, even authentic breeding ones, are so well differentiated (and independent) from each other as to support the distinctness implied by tree branches how can he agree with an analysis that says a population arose as a consequence of admixture between already differentiated populations or you trees that purport to show "population distinctiveness"?
He does not agree, and you STILL failed to show this.
quote:Try claiming that "if such exists", means Keita is doubting his own claims of admixture in Neolithic Greece
Digging up old straws from the past won't help you as you will still be required to show where I denied African admixture in Greece.
What I said was that he doesn't seem to agree with your childish grandstanding: "black as a powerful concept" and my definition from Webster is THE definition.(symptomatic of individuals suffering from low self esteem). Keita doubts the term's usefulness in biology.
Can't escape and still standing after all your obfuscations:
- Keita does not say Europeans are a secondary type (genotype) as you thought/and still think, and now want me to "refute"
- Keita does not agree with your dendrograms
- Keita does not classify human populations into "units" or types, whether fundamental/primary or secondary and puts them on trees
Now run along for another round of your Cavalli-Sforza and Bowcock picture spammg, that you have yet to show Keita is in agreement with.
Posted by Alive-(What Box) (Member # 10819) on :
Just reading down this page: how embarassing this must be for akoben. But then perhaps he doesn't understand.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:This was in reference to Keita:
the Bowcock/Sforza analysis does support the notion of race.
Of course it doesn't, because it actually debunks race, which is what we've been saying all along Jackass, heehawwwwww
quote:That's why under the racial schema they would be secondary type or race, intermediates between two earlier differentiated population groups African and Asian.
Why Jackassoben? I must have asked you this questions more than 10 times.
Why would Europeans be a secondary type or race if race actually existed biologically?
Is it because of their intermediate genetic position due to being populated by Asian and African population/lineages?
quote: That's why he says it would be acceptable to those who believe in races. (Keita, 2001)
Why? If Sforza and Bowcock both debunk racial existence in their work? Both analysis's from Bowcock and Sforza debunk race. This is what you fail to understand, this is also what you hate to admit.
If not, then how does Sforzas or Bowcocks dendrograms promote race, as you're saying?
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
Poor you. Keita cites Bowcock and Sforza's work (trees and all) within the racial schema.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
^^^^Tell me how Sforzas or Bowcocks dendrograms promote race, as you're saying?
Why would Europeans be a secondary type or race if race actually existed biologically?
Is it because of their intermediate genetic position due to being populated by Asian and African population/lineages?
^^Questions that will be left unanswered by Jackassoben, since he knows what happens if he does answer, which is the end of his idiotic argument.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718: ^^^^Tell me how Sforzas or Bowcocks dendrograms promote race, as you're saying?
Why would Europeans be a secondary type or race if race actually existed biologically?
Is it because of their intermediate genetic position due to being populated by Asian and African population/lineages?
^^Questions that will be left unanswered by Jackassoben, since he knows what happens if he does answer, which is the end of his idiotic argument.
You poor child. Go read what Keita says about dendrograms, units, types and population "distinctions" on tree branches. And while you're at it, show where he endorses the interpretation of Europeans being "intermediate" between two earlier differentiated populations: Asian and African, two-thirds and one-third respectively?
And prey tell, what is my "argument". Be careful how you answer this one coz it will really expose you. LOL
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
the Bowcock/Sforza analysis does support the notion of race. That's why under the racial schema they would be secondary type or race, intermediates between two earlier differentiated population groups African and Asian. That's why he says it would be acceptable to those who believe in races. (Keita, 2001)
^^^This is what I was/am referring towards. As I said, of course Jackassoben will purposely not answer the questions as it will simply force him to debunk his own idiocy..
I am waiting......
Tell me how Sforzas or Bowcocks dendrograms promote race?
Why would Europeans be a secondary type or race if race actually existed biologically?
Is it because of their intermediate genetic position due to being populated by Asian and African population/lineages?
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote: the Bowcock/Sforza analysis does support the notion of race. That's why under the racial schema they would be secondary type or race, intermediates between two earlier differentiated population groups African and Asian. That's why he says it would be acceptable to those who believe in races. (Keita, 2001)
quote:^^^This is what I was/am referring towards.
You fail to mention the punch line: races don't exist hence Europeans cannot be "intermediate" between two earlier differentiated populations: Asian and African, two-thirds and one-third respectively. That's the point he was making, you imbecile! He is not supporting that interpretation but highlighting it as evidence of the persistence of racial thinking!
I asked you to show where he supports Bowcock/Sforza analysis and you cant; only show how he sees it as being under the racial schema! Yes, that's right! Under the racial schema. But race doesn't exist so your analysis is flawed. End of story.
Not only do you have no credible academic support for your pathetic coat tailing of rasolowitz, who in turn is merely coat tailing the two white racialists in question, but you flipped on me, admitting that "Bowcock/Sforza analysis does support the notion of race", after saying the opposite "Of course it doesn't [support the notion of race], because it actually debunks race" Oh my...
Your confusion steams from your refusal to actually read Keita and the context of the essay where the quote was glibly lifted out of context to support a position that he himself does not support. It was misleading to say the least.
quote:Go read what Keita says about dendrograms, units, types and population "distinctions" on tree branches.
quote:Tell me how Sforzas or Bowcocks dendrograms promote race?
Go read what Keita says about dendrograms.
quote: As I said, of course Jackassoben will purposely not answer the questions as it will simply force him to debunk his own idiocy..
I asked you to lay out in detail what my supposed "arguments" are, my "own idiocy", and still you cant do it? Whats taking so long? If you are "refuting" an argument then surely you can identify said argument? But you cant!
This is of course due to the fact that my alleged "arguments" are really your straws, which is why you cannot quote me saying Europeans/Caucasians are a pure or primary race or type. Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote: only show how he sees it as being under the racial schema! Yes, that's right! Under the racial schema. But race doesn't exist so your analysis is flawed. End of story.
This is exactly what you're eluding, jackass, for the hundredth time...... Yes Keita sees it under a racial schema blah blah, but why Ako?
Why would Europeans be a hybrid under a racial schema?
Why doesn't race exist?
Or simply since someone says it doesn't you just believe whatever you'd like without knowing why?
Other than this your posts are redundant. Also, stop your lies about rasol or I, proposing that race exists, because we actually debunked race ourselves as well, with the genetic data which you see as promoting race, which it doesn't.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:Yes Keita sees it under a racial schema blah blah, but why Ako? Why would Europeans be a hybrid under a racial schema? Why doesn't race exist?
Good that you admit that he sees Bowcock et al. analysis as being under the racial schema and we all know he does not agree with such schema. Rasolowitz thought he took no stance on the matter: "The above is Dr. Keita's specific assessment, and not a general agreement or disagreement with or about anyone or anything else."
But back to your confusion. Race does not exist because racial units and types, secondary or primary, do not exist. This is because 'few human populations, even authentic breeding ones, are so well differentiated (and independent) from each other"
So dumbo, "type definitions", whether primary or secondary, population differentiation and tree branching are all evidence of the persistence of racial thinking.
Type definitions, whether hybrid or primary:
quote:"The strict racial approach constructs human diversity as being reducible to a fixed number of foundational, natural, and indivisible units (types), which consist of near uniform individuals. Variation from these units in this model is primarily explained by admixture. Thus there were primary and secondary races."
Hence Europeans are not a secondary type or race "intermediate" between two earlier differentiated populations: Asian and African, two-thirds and one-third respectively.
hence Bowcock/Sforza (and their followers, you fools): fall under the racial schema.
The Sforza Dendrograms:
quote:"The persistence of the racial paradigm (and not just names) is further illustrated by investigators who use dendrograms (trees) to assess to group similarities or dissimilarities, usually in quest of intraspecific phylogenies. The groups utilized usually conform to the old racial schema. Dendrograms are also used to illustrate the divergence of entities called human races or of populations used as their surrogates. This is problematic since few human populations, even authentic breeding ones, are so well differentiated (and independent) from each other as to support the distinctness implied by tree branches. The degree of drift has not been necessarily equal across space and time. The ubiquity and complexity of human migration patterns guarantee that branching points in trees will always be suspect. (Jorde 1985) Also, strictly speaking, studies can only inform about the groups used in the analysis. Therefore a study using Mbuti, a clan of Saame speakers, a Swedish village, and Vedda can only tell us about each of them. These groups should not be reified into other entities."
I ask you again what is my alleged idiotic argument you think you are refuting? why no answer? Dunce...
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Again you ignore my questions and post long winded redundant crackpot posts to make yourself seem intelligent, but the fact of the matter is until you directly answer these questions, you are, as always, debunked.......
Why would Europeans be a hybrid under a racial schema?
Tell me how Sforzas or Bowcocks dendrograms promote race?
This is what you're falsely attributing to myself and other posters, that we believe in race, when in fact, when using Cavallis dendrogram we're debunking race, so actually no one on here promotes racial classifications.
Sforzas dendrogram debunks the myth of a European "race" you illiterate jackass. If not, then like I said tell me how it does promote race????
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
^ All found in West Eurasia....and not in East Eurasia, SouthEast Asia, Australia, New Guinnea, Melanesia.
^^Which confirms Cavalli's distance matrix...Now can you debunk or address the recent African admixture in Europeans that would make Europeans appear intermediate between Africans and Oceanic(non African) populations????
Something you might plan on answering?
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
LOL You mean crackpot posts you cannot refute:
- Your human population dendrograms fall within the racial schema, Keita explains why
- Keita does not agree with Sforza and Bowcock's analysis
^ Deal with that!
The only redundant piece of contradictory crap is that fact that you admit that Bowcock and Sforza analysis falls under the racial schema YET you want me refute it! This is because like Bowcock et al. you do believe in the racial schema!
quote:Sforzas dendrogram debunks the myth of a European "race" you illiterate jackass.
"The persistence of the racial paradigm (and not just names) is further illustrated by investigators who use dendrograms (trees) to assess to group similarities or dissimilarities" - Keita
What Sforzas/Bowcocks debunks, silly boy, is the notion of Europeans as a pure race. But the methods and conclusions drawn (Europeans are a secondary type intermediate between blah blah blah) still falls with the said schema! This is over your head of course because you refuse to read Keita's essay and understand the context. Racialist thinking is no longer in its pure form but it still persist today, hence the persistence of racial thinking!
The point being, if you use a method that is connected with the racial paradigm how can you debunk the said paradigm? Who is the illiterate one? LOLOL
See what you don't seem to realize, silly boy, is that even the notion of a population at its foundation being an "admixture" between two differentiated groups is itself apart of the racialist thinking, according to Keita. Go read Keita and stop making a fool out of yourself.
The fact that Sforza has to show his "fact" re Europeans by using a method from the racial paradigm is further proof that he falls within the said schema and his not really debunking race. That's the whole point Keita is making. dunce...
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:Why would Europeans be a hybrid under a racial schema?
Because Sforzas and Bowcocks show they are not pure race. According to them Europeans are an intermediate population, a secondary type between two earlier differentiated population groups blah blah blah. But as Keita says, this itself is another play on the racial schema. Hence race only appears to be debunked as that 'debunking" falls within the said schema.
quote:Tell me how Sforzas or Bowcocks dendrograms promote race?
I posted the Keita quote over and over. Go read him you lazy mut. LOL
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:The only redundant piece of contradictory crap is that fact that you admit that Bowcock and Sforza analysis falls under the racial schema YET you want me refute it!
More redundancy and lies as usual.
Never did I say Sforza or Bowcocks analysis supported race you nitwit. I said they actually debunk race you imbecilic troll. Please show me where I said Sforza promotes race? You lying fool.
^ All found in West Eurasia....and not in East Eurasia, SouthEast Asia, Australia, New Guinnea, Melanesia.
^^Which confirms Cavalli's distance matrix...Now can you debunk or address the recent African admixture in Europeans that would make Europeans appear intermediate between Africans and Oceanic(non African) populations????
Something you might plan on answering?
Please show me where I support race?
Tell me how Sforzas or Bowcocks dendrograms promote race?
This is what you're falsely attributing to myself and other posters, that we believe in race, when in fact, when using Cavallis dendrogram we're debunking race, so actually no one on here promotes racial classifications.
Sforzas dendrogram debunks the myth of a European "race" you illiterate jackass. If not, then like I said tell me how it does promote race????
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
^ LMAO @ the desperate, demented donkey still kicking around in denial and despair!
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:posted by knowledge:Why would Europeans be a hybrid under a racial schema?
quote:posted by jackassokoben: Because Sforzas and Bowcocks show they are not pure race.
Nope, this is a dodge and not and answer, as it's KEITA who is saying that Europeans are not a race.
It is Keita who is saying that because Europeans are not actually a race, the entire racial schema collapses.
This is his position.
The title of his thesis *The Myth of Race* is so indicated.
The title is not - * I don't agree with Bowcock*.
The title is not - * I don't like dendrograms*.
These arguments are the produce of your jackass troll whose title effectively is:
"I don't like what Keita is saying, and so I try to avoid it, or change the subject"
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Why would Europeans be a secondary type or race if race actually existed biologically?
Is it because of their intermediate genetic position due to being populated by Asian and African population/lineages?
precisely. as short vector hybrids, Europeans fail to model as a race. because of this, the race model itself fails.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:desparate jackass akoben writes: Go read what Keita says about dendrograms
^ Save it for argoyle desparate jackass.
Any intelligent person knows that Keita creates dendrograms himself.
Yet you still try to pretend that Keita 'opposes' dendrograms, to evade the fact, that he uses them to debunk race.
Keep trying to delude yourself jackass, and let us know if you ever succeed....
An additional 20 dendrograms were generated using the minimum evolution algorithm. In none of them did the Badarian sample affiliate with the European series. - SOY Kieta.
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
^ Eva/Assoben is beside himself:
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Posted by rasol: An additional 20 dendrograms were generated using the minimum evolution algorithm. In none of them did the Badarian sample affiliate with the European series. - SOY Kieta.
I doubt Jackassoben will ever show up around here again, after this. The jackass madmans ongoing nonsensical remarks of Keita debunking dendrograms, while using them himself, is only one stab in the heart for him, hes been thoroughly tortured and beaten.
The kid will never understand Keita's actual usage of Bowcock, which was actually to debunk the persistence of race, simply because Bowcock points out that Europeans are genetically hybrids, populated/founded upon original OOA/Asian lineages and recent African lineages, which debunks Europeans notion of racial persistence of a "Caucasian race", separate from Africans and the rest of world.
I'm pretty sure this upsets your(Jackassoben) on the low Euro ego, but it is what it is and facts stand strong.
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
^ Maybe he will show up. You know how stubborn jackasses are.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
Mary, come on, stop posting pics of yourself and try to back up your anti-African position here. Its been two months and still you run liek a bitch. Everyone is eagerly waiting to see how you are going to do it:
"Is it clear yet that there is a STOLEN LEGACY and it is perfectly valid" - great sage
"Greece *did not stop* getting cultural input from the Nile Valley into the classical period, and that was another tacit point which was to be gleaned from the example provided by the aforementioned BBC Science citation; it was not referring to archaic Greece, but as a matter of fact, it was referring to classical Greece." - ausarianstein
quote: An additional 20 dendrograms were generated using the minimum evolution algorithm. In none of them did the Badarian sample affiliate with the European series. - SOY Kieta.
Again, Keita does not agree with Bowcock analysis of Europeans being a "secondary type"(genotype as you thought), intermediate between already differentiated populations as,
quote:"few human populations, even authentic breeding ones, are so well differentiated and independent from each other as to support the distinctness implied by tree branches. "The ubiquity and complexity of human migration patterns guarantee that branching points in tree will always be suspect."
But Bowcock's supporters can take some comfort as her analysis "should be acceptable to those who believe in the existence of races"
Still standing:
- Keita does not say Europeans are a secondary type (genotype) as you thought/and still think, and now want me to "refute"
- Keita does not agree with your dendrograms
- Keita does not classify human populations into "units" or types, whether fundamental/primary or secondary and puts them on trees
Now run along for another round of your Cavalli-Sforza and Bowcock picture spammg, that you have yet to show Keita is in agreement with.
quote:you admit that Bowcock and Sforza analysis falls under the racial schema YET you want me refute it!
quote:Please show me where I said Sforza promotes race? You lying fool.
Didn't you say, "Yes Keita sees it [Bowcock and Sforza analysis] under a racial schema"
Or are you changing your position now like rasolowitz:
"Rasol's premise IS what Keita argues that Europeans as a population ARE a secondary type due to admixture" – Mary
"Keita never claimed that Europeans are a secondary type" – rasolwitz
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote: The kid will never understand Keita's actual usage of Bowcock, which was actually to debunk the persistence of race simply because Bowcock points out that Europeans are genetically hybrids
LOL No silly, Keita's use of Bowcock was to highlight the persistence of racial thinking among his contemporaries. E.g.
1) The notion that populations can be at their foundation made up of earlier differentiated groups/populations.
2) The use of dendrograms that purport to show "population distinctness".
A simple reading of the article in question would reveal this to you dumbasses. He was not agreeing with her analysis or trying to debunk the old Caucasian race myth, a myth that no credible geneticists advances today. Only "Evil Euros" and "debunker" who provide easy targets for play "scholars" like you fools.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
^^Of course Keita is debunking racial persistence but he doesn't debunk genetics. Which you fail to address.
quote:you admit that Bowcock and Sforza analysis falls under the racial schema YET you want me refute it!
quote:Please show me where I said Sforza promotes race? You lying fool.
Didn't you say, "Yes Keita sees it [Bowcock and Sforza analysis] under a racial schema"
Nope, quote me on it, show me were I said Sforza promotes race. What I said and have been saying is, if race exists then Europeans would be a genetically intermediate population between Oceanics and Africans.
Due to their recent post OOA Neolithic African admixture into their population.
^ All found in West Eurasia....and not in East Eurasia, SouthEast Asia, Australia, New Guinnea, Melanesia.
^^Which confirms Cavalli's distance matrix...Now can you debunk or address the recent African admixture in Europeans that would make Europeans appear intermediate between Africans and Oceanic(non African) populations????
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:jackass writes: Or are you changing your position now, like rasol: "Keita never claimed that Europeans are a secondary type" – rasol
^ Of course this has always been my position.
quote:jackass quotes: "mary"
Sorry, jackass, you can't quote other people as 'evidence' of changes in my position.
You would have to quote me - and *only* me, to validate your claim.
But of course, your claims are bogus, so it's impossible for you to validate them.
Isn't that so, desparate jackass?
FACT:The quote: "Keita never claimed that Europeans are a secondary type or race" – rasol
^ Is written by me, correcting you.
FACT: You are the one who claimed that Keita was advocating 'secondary races', before you even understood that the quote was from Keita.
FACT: We had to explain to you both who the quote was from, and what it meant. You were, and still are, clueless.
FACT: You are the one, who was forced to reverse your position.
But it doesn't matter, because you're a jackass who ends up looking stupid no matter what 'position' he takes.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Which confirms Cavalli's distance matrix...Now can you debunk or address the recent African admixture in Europeans that would make Europeans appear intermediate between Africans and Oceanic(non African) populations????
^ Not just Sforza, not just Bowcock. All genetics distance studies affirm the intermediacy of Europeans due to post OOA African admixture.
Which is why jackass akoben doesn't try to dispute this fact of genetics.
He does the only thing he can do, when confronted with indisputable fact.
Stall, delay, distract, misquote.
But, it doesn't help him....
quote:* Please produce evidence of ancient European phenotype.
* Please produce evidence of ancient European genotype.
Ancient K-zoids are nowhere in sight.
Keep dreaming, of caucazzzzoids.......
Posted by T. Rex (Member # 3735) on :
Why is it that we have all these threads in which the more intelligent members of the forum repeatedly try to school the same immature, self-deluding jackass over and over again? These people are like religious fundamentalists; nothing will persuade them, because they are not interested in the facts. They only want to cling to their delusions. Debating them is an exercise in futility.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ there is no debate.
only facts which jackass/akoben does not like, but can't refute.
Europeans show as a genetic mixture, 2/3 Asian, 1/3 African - Sforza
^ Debate will begin as soon as someone can site genetic evidence to the contrary.
Don't hold your breadth waiting for it though.
Posted by HORUS of EDFU (Member # 11484) on :
quote:Originally posted by T. Rex: Why is it that we have all these threads in which the more intelligent members of the forum repeatedly try to school the same immature, self-deluding jackass over and over again? These people are like religious fundamentalists; nothing will persuade them, because they are not interested in the facts. They only want to cling to their delusions. Debating them is an exercise in futility.
They're a bunch of Socialists! Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
quote:Therefore, Caucasian would be a secondary type, or race due to it’s *hybrid origin* and *not* a primary race.
In this case……then one of the units [Caucasian] is *not fundamental*, because its genesis is qualitatively different from the other units and even connects them.
This compromises the racial schema and also invalidates the metaphysical underpinnings of the race construct, which implies deep and -fundamental- differences between it’s units.
- SOY Keita.
Caucasian = not fundamental, and not a race.... according to Dr. Keita.
Truth must hurt jackassoben pretty badly, to force him into one month of hopeless/hapless futile denials....
Europeans, just depigmented non Africans, with post OOA AFrican admixture, resulting in a short stem hybrid position in *all* measurements of worldwide gene frequencies....
Posted by T. Rex (Member # 3735) on :
Was reviewing this thread, and I wasn't sure about this:
quote:Originally posted by rasol: See above. Non-coding autosomal studies have the 'advantage' [for distortion junkies] of charting genes that have no KNOWN origin, and literally no function.
Are you saying autosomes (meaning the non-sex chromosomes) don't code for anything? I thought they did.
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
^ Of course many autosomes code for things, the problem is that autosomes coding or not are highly recombinative, meaning during meiosis or chromosomal crossing over many genes or chromosome segments are shifted and combined with other segments. Thus there is NO WAY to trace any actual lineage using autosomes!
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
So does his silence mean Assoben is defeated or dead yet??
Posted by Explorateur (Member # 14778) on :
I'd let the sleeping dog lie; after all, wouldn't ASSoben's silence be something that you'd readily welcome?
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by T. Rex: Was reviewing this thread, and I wasn't sure about this:
quote:Originally posted by rasol: See above. Non-coding autosomal studies have the 'advantage' [for distortion junkies] of charting genes that have no KNOWN origin, and literally no function.
Are you saying autosomes (meaning the non-sex chromosomes) don't code for anything? I thought they did.
^ Of course, many autosomal genes are coded for - as are sex chromosome genes.
But many of the autosomal 'markers' studied in population genetics are not coded for. Thus they are genes of uncertain origin and of no known function.
The reason debunked eurocentrists are attracted to non coding non linear genes - is that they make it easier to distort.
IE - the graph with the the 'yellow' cluster that debunked wanted to attribute to 'caucasians', and which makes up 1/2 half of the sample by volume.
This claim is nonsensical, if you understand the meaning of the dendrogram shown above, this fallacy is very clearly destroyed:
Europeans are not primarily a source of admixture into other populations - but rather recipients of admixtures from non Europeans.
Keeping it simple:
Africans and Asians don't come from Europe, it's the other way around.
And this is why the Euro-faux-race scheme is a sham.
This is what Keita is saying.
Imagine 1/2 Nigerian 1/2 Japanese, claiming to represent the worlds fundamental racial clasification, with whom Nigerians and Japanese would supposedly be 'mixed.'
This delusion would be disproven in precisely the way 'caucasoid race' is debunked by the above dendrogram.
The population with the shortest stem is the -least- distinct and least suitable for phylo-genetic classification.
There is nothing to k-zoid race, but racialist mythology, and ethnocentric grandstandin.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ -> pained eurocentric trolls can hide, but they can't run...
quote:ANSWERS FROM KEITA: race is based on the hypothesis of *fundamental* divisions.
one of the racial "units" [caucasian], is not fundamental, as its genesis is qualitatively different from the other "units" and even connects them - SOY Keita.
quote:Answers from Bowcock:
One can show that a branch to a population resulting from admixture tends to be shorter than other branches.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ saving jackass trolls the trouble of desparate illiterate distortion.
no, Keita is not saying that k-zoid is a non fundamental racial unit.
he is saying that it is not a race, period.
better think of something else, eurocentrists.
distortion can't save you.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote: if race exists then Europeans would be a genetically intermediate population between Oceanics and Africans.
And since race is a social construct has no biological basis Europeans are not genetically intermediate population, at foundation an "inter-mixed" group composed of earlier differentiated non-European (specifically Asian and central African) elements.
^ This is what you fail to address. Not the purity of "ancient Cacasiods", which I never claimed, but what you and rasolowitz thought Keita was endorsing, "On this [the human population trees and accompanying analysis and percentages] particular Sforza is correct, and he is cited by Keita" - rasolowitz
In order to validate Cavalli's dendrograms (tree) you will have to show that his "African" and "Asian" populations are so well differentiated (and independent) from each other as to support the distinctness implied by tree branches. Debate will begin when you do this.
quote:^ Of course this has always been my position.
LOL Rasolowitz, you have at least three positions on this:
1) Keita says European are a secondary type (genotype).
quote:"what is the meaning of "type" here?"
"in genetics, a type, or geno-type, is a marker or markers, that distinguishes one population from another." – rasolowitz
quote: Therefore, Caucasian would be a secondary type
"^ Akoben, beyound [sic] denial, and pretending that DR Kieta didn't say this, or didn't mean it." - rasolowitz
2) Keita never claimed that Europeans are a secondary type
3) Keita is not agreeing or disagreeing with the analysis of Europeans as a secondary type etc etc [posted 12 October, 2008 02:12 PM]
He agrees... he does not... he neither agrees nor disagrees. LOLOLOL
quote:You would have to quote me - and *only* me, to validate your claim.
I did. And now I quote your fellow numskulls who saw what you were arguing, "Rasol's premise IS what Keita argues that Europeans as a population ARE a secondary type due to admixture" – Mary Mary spilt your beans.
quote:^ Not just Sforza, not just Bowcock. All genetics distance studies affirm the intermediacy of Europeans due to post OOA African admixture.
And I ask again show where Keita is in agreement with Bowcock and Sforza on the tree and this particular analysis.
^ Debate will begin as soon as you do this.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote: race is based on the hypothesis of *fundamental* divisions.
Racial thinking is also based on the hypothesis of "admixture or intermediary populations" i.e. secondary types.
quote:"The strict racial approach constructs human diversity as being reducible to a fixed number of foundational, natural, and indivisible units (types), which consist of near uniform individuals. Variation from these units in this model is primarily explained by admixture. Thus there were primary and secondary races."
Hence the persistence of racial thinking in your human population dendrograms and accompanying hypothesis: "Europeans, show as intermediates" between two earlier differentiated population groups African and Asian "contributions from Asia and Africa were estimated to be around two-thirds and one-third" <--- but how can this be when"few human populations, even authentic breeding ones, are so well differentiated (and independent) from each other as to support the distinctness implied by tree branches. The degree of drift has not been necessarily equal across space and time. The ubiquity and complexity of human migration patterns guarantee that branching points in trees will always be suspect."
quote: I'd let the sleeping dog lie; after all, wouldn't ASSoben's silence be something that you'd readily welcome?
You mean like your silence on your inability to prove your Jew holocaust? LOL
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote: And since race is a social construct has no biological basis Europeans are not genetically intermediate population,
Race has no biological basis because Europeans are an intermediate population, among other things Jackass!!
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
quote: And since race is a social construct has no biological basis Europeans are not genetically intermediate population,
Race has no biological basis because Europeans are an intermediate population, among other things Jackass!!
Talk of secondary types or races ("intermediary populations") is also evidence of the persistence of racial thinking:
quote:"The strict racial approach constructs human diversity as being reducible to a fixed number of foundational, natural, and indivisible units (types), which consist of near uniform individuals. Variation from these units in this model is primarily explained by admixture. Thus there were primary and secondary races."
Still outstanding:
In order to validate Cavalli's dendrograms (tree) you will have to show that his "African" and "Asian" populations are so well differentiated (and independent) from each other as to support the distinctness implied by tree branches. Debate will begin when you do this. Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote: Talk of secondary types or races ("intermediary populations") is also evidence of the persistence of racial thinking:
No one speaks upon races, since races don't exist biologically, since Europeans are an intermediate group populated by OOA Asian lineages, and recent post OOA African Neolithic lineages. This amongst other things debunks race. Tell me how showing Europeans to be genetically intermediate population by above said groups promoting race?
What racial classifications is it promoting?
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
quote: Talk of secondary types or races ("intermediary populations") is also evidence of the persistence of racial thinking:
No one speaks upon races, since races don't exist biologically, since Europeans are an intermediate group populated by OOA Asian lineages, and recent post OOA African Neolithic lineages. This amongst other things debunks race. Tell me how showing Europeans to be genetically intermediate population by above said groups promoting race?
What racial classifications is it promoting?
Not so fast dumbo, first you have to show how "Europeans" are an intermediate population ("secondary type") at its foundation composed of earlier differentiated non-European (specifically Asian and central African) elements.
Which leads back to what you are avoiding:
In order to validate Cavalli's dendrograms (tree) you will have to show that his "African" and "Asian" populations are so well differentiated (and independent) from each other as to support the distinctness implied by tree branches. Debate will begin when you do this. Posted by prmiddleeastern (Member # 14038) on :
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
quote: Talk of secondary types or races ("intermediary populations") is also evidence of the persistence of racial thinking:
No one speaks upon races, since races don't exist biologically, since Europeans are an intermediate group populated by OOA Asian lineages, and recent post OOA African Neolithic lineages.
But what about the OOA African lineages?(Gravettian culture of the Y-DNA I bearers)
This is the map of the Gravettian distribution in Europe, as you see they came from Africa through the Middle east to Europe.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote: In order to validate Cavalli's dendrograms (tree) you will have to show that his "African" and "Asian" populations are so well differentiated (and independent) from each other as to support the distinctness implied by tree branches. Debate will begin when you do this.
Of course you're an idiot and don't understand OOA. Of course the OOA lineages became the founding lineages for F, K, I, J, R and all the others.
From Cavalli-Sforza: Genes, Culture, and Human Evolution. Pg 187.
quote:..."In other words, all non-Africans carry M168. Of course, Africans carrying the M168 mutation today are the descendants of the African subpopulation from which the migrants originated....Thus, the Australian/Eurasian Adam (the ancestor of all non-Africans) was an East African Man."
Europeans carry lineages which first arose in Asia post OOA, and lineages that arose in African post OOA. If Europeans wouldn't have received post OOA Neolithic admixture from Africans, than Europeans would be totally consisted of lineages which first arose in Asia.
^ All found in West Eurasia....and not in East Eurasia, SouthEast Asia, Australia, New Guinnea, Melanesia.
^^Which confirms Cavalli's distance matrix...Now can you debunk or address the recent African admixture in Europeans that would make Europeans appear intermediate between Africans and Oceanic(non African) populations????
Posted by prmiddleeastern (Member # 14038) on :
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718: Europeans carry lineages which first arose in Asia post OOA, and lineages that arose in African post OOA. If Europeans wouldn't have received post OOA Neolithic admixture from Africans, than Europeans would be totally consisted of lineages which first arose in Asia. ^^Which confirms Cavalli's distance matrix...Now can you debunk or address the recent African admixture in Europeans that would make Europeans appear intermediate between Africans and Oceanic(non African) populations????
But what about the OOA African lineages?(Gravettian culture of the Y-DNA I bearers)
This is the map of the Gravettian distribution in Europe, as you see they came from Africa through the Middle east to Europe.
Posted by prmiddleeastern (Member # 14038) on :
M168 is not the Eurasian Adam anymore, this one is the True Eurasian Adam:
quote:In human genetics, Haplogroup BT, also known as Haplogroup YxA (SRY10831.1 (SRY1532), M42, M94, M139, M299) is a Y-chromosome haplogroup.
Haplogroup BT split off from haplogroup A 70,000 years bp (Karafet et al. 2008), probably originating in North East Africa. It contains all living human Y-DNA haplogroups except for A.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:But what about the OOA African lineages?(Gravettian culture of the Y-DNA I bearers)
What about them? All humans can trace their genes back to Africa. I believe Haplogroup I is a non African lineage.
Posted by prmiddleeastern (Member # 14038) on :
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
quote:But what about the OOA African lineages?(Gravettian culture of the Y-DNA I bearers)
What about them? All humans can trace their genes back to Africa. I believe Haplogroup I is a non African lineage.
But it is derived from OOA individuals directly from Africa and not Asian.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Originally posted by prmiddleeastern: M168 is not the Eurasian Adam anymore, this one is the True Eurasian Adam:
quote:In human genetics, Haplogroup BT, also known as Haplogroup YxA (SRY10831.1 (SRY1532), M42, M94, M139, M299) is a Y-chromosome haplogroup.
Haplogroup BT split off from haplogroup A 70,000 years bp (Karafet et al. 2008), probably originating in North East Africa. It contains all living human Y-DNA haplogroups except for A.
Still an East African man.
Posted by prmiddleeastern (Member # 14038) on :
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
quote:Originally posted by prmiddleeastern: M168 is not the Eurasian Adam anymore, this one is the True Eurasian Adam:
quote:In human genetics, Haplogroup BT, also known as Haplogroup YxA (SRY10831.1 (SRY1532), M42, M94, M139, M299) is a Y-chromosome haplogroup.
Haplogroup BT split off from haplogroup A 70,000 years bp (Karafet et al. 2008), probably originating in North East Africa. It contains all living human Y-DNA haplogroups except for A.
Still an East African man.
That wasn't my piont, my point is that M168 is not the Eurasian Adam and yes the more old M94.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Originally posted by prmiddleeastern:
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
quote:But what about the OOA African lineages?(Gravettian culture of the Y-DNA I bearers)
What about them? All humans can trace their genes back to Africa. I believe Haplogroup I is a non African lineage.
But it is derived from OOA individuals directly from Africaand not Asian.
Where in Africa is Haplogroup I found? Pristine I lineages?
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Originally posted by prmiddleeastern:
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
quote:Originally posted by prmiddleeastern: M168 is not the Eurasian Adam anymore, this one is the True Eurasian Adam:
quote:In human genetics, Haplogroup BT, also known as Haplogroup YxA (SRY10831.1 (SRY1532), M42, M94, M139, M299) is a Y-chromosome haplogroup.
Haplogroup BT split off from haplogroup A 70,000 years bp (Karafet et al. 2008), probably originating in North East Africa. It contains all living human Y-DNA haplogroups except for A.
Still an East African man.
That wasn't my piont, my point is that M168 is not the Eurasian Adam and yes the more old M94.
Never said it was. My point is all non Africans carry a sub-set of East African genes. OOA lineages became founder lineages for all non-Africans. Europeans possess lineages which first arose Outside of Africa. Plus Neolithic derived lineages of haplogroups which arose inside Africa after OOA.
Posted by prmiddleeastern (Member # 14038) on :
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
quote:Originally posted by prmiddleeastern:
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
quote:But what about the OOA African lineages?(Gravettian culture of the Y-DNA I bearers)
What about them? All humans can trace their genes back to Africa. I believe Haplogroup I is a non African lineage.
But it is derived from OOA individuals directly from Africaand not Asian.
Where in Africa is Haplogroup I found? Pristine I lineages?
They are an OOA group!!!meaning Out of Africa, but they still carry some African genes and similarities because they came from Africa more recntly than the Asian OOA, so that means that wihtout the recent Neolithic African migration they would be related to Africans because of the genes of the Gravettians who are more related to Africans genetically than to Asians, because they are the grandsons of M168, an African man, so they still have an considerable African genetic percentage.
Posted by prmiddleeastern (Member # 14038) on :
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718: Never said it was. My point is [B]all non Africans carry a sub-set of East African genes. OOA lineages became founder lineages for all non-Africans. Europeans possess lineages which first arose Outside of Africa. Plus Neolithic derived lineages of haplogroups which arose inside Africa after OOA.
So are you saying that Europeans have nothing to do with Africans, that they do not have African genes or aren't related to them somehow, I disagre and say Euros are more related to Africans than Asians genetically, and is not because of the " Post Neolithic Africans"
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Originally posted by prmiddleeastern:
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
quote:Originally posted by prmiddleeastern:
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
quote:But what about the OOA African lineages?(Gravettian culture of the Y-DNA I bearers)
What about them? All humans can trace their genes back to Africa. I believe Haplogroup I is a non African lineage.
But it is derived from OOA individuals directly from Africaand not Asian.
Where in Africa is Haplogroup I found? Pristine I lineages?
They are an OOA group!!!meaning Out of Africa, but they still carry some African genes and similarities because they came from Africa more recntly than the Asian OOA, so that means that wihtout the recent Neolithic African migration they would be related to Africans because of the genes of the Gravettians who are more related to Africans genetically than to Asians, because they are the grandsons of M168, an African man, so they still have an considerable African genetic percentage.
Nope, not an answer to my question. Where in Africa is Haplogroup I found? Pristine I lineages? All non-Africans carry M168.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:I disagre and say Euros are more related to Africans than Asians genetically, and is not because of the " Post Neolithic Africans"
Actually it is due to Neolithic admixture. Majority of Europeans lineages arose Outside of Africa, like all non Africans, but can ultimately trace back to Africa.
Posted by prmiddleeastern (Member # 14038) on :
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
quote:Originally posted by prmiddleeastern:
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
quote:Originally posted by prmiddleeastern:
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
quote:But what about the OOA African lineages?(Gravettian culture of the Y-DNA I bearers)
What about them? All humans can trace their genes back to Africa. I believe Haplogroup I is a non African lineage.
But it is derived from OOA individuals directly from Africaand not Asian.
Where in Africa is Haplogroup I found? Pristine I lineages?
They are an OOA group!!!meaning Out of Africa, but they still carry some African genes and similarities because they came from Africa more recntly than the Asian OOA, so that means that wihtout the recent Neolithic African migration they would be related to Africans because of the genes of the Gravettians who are more related to Africans genetically than to Asians, because they are the grandsons of M168, an African man, so they still have an considerable African genetic percentage.
Nope, not an answer to my question. Where in Africa is Haplogroup I found? Pristine I lineages? All non-Africans carry M168.
Nope, they aren't found in Africa, but we are speaking about genetics on here, not geography.Sorry, Euros still are related to Africans without the African neolithic migration.As you see, gnetically Gravettians are very related to Africans genetically, you can see the short gap between them and the M168 African man
Posted by prmiddleeastern (Member # 14038) on :
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
quote:I disagre and say Euros are more related to Africans than Asians genetically, and is not because of the " Post Neolithic Africans"
Actually it is due to Neolithic admixture.
Actually it is not, it is due to Paleolithic Gravetian admixture with the Asiatic paleolithic migrants.
This map debunks your hypothesis
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
^^^It's actually not a hypothesis, but fact.
quote:Nope, they aren't found in Africa,
So why do you propose an African origin?
quote:but we are speaking about genetics on here, not geography.
Indeed, as genetic lineages arise outside of Africa they are no longer African. Lineages which arose in Asia are now Asian, etc...
quote: Sorry, Euros still are related to Africans without the African neolithic migration.
Explain? What lineages put them closer?
quote:As you see, gnetically Gravettians are very related to Africans genetically, you can see the short gap between them and the M168 African man
Gravettians carried haplogroup I into Europe, not from Africa though.
quote:Actually it is not, it is due to Paleolithic Gravetian admixture with the Asiatic paleolithic migrants.
What lineages did these paleolithic Asians who Gravettians mixed with carry?
Posted by prmiddleeastern (Member # 14038) on :
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718: [QUOTE]Nope, they aren't found in Africa,
quote:So why do you propose an African origin?
I was proposing a genetic relationship, not origins.
quote:but we are speaking about genetics on here, not geography.
quote:Indeed, as genetic lineages arise outside of Africa they are no longer African. Lineages which arose in Asia are now Asian, etc...
But some are genetically closer to Africans while others aren't so related.
quote: Sorry, Euros still are related to Africans without the African neolithic migration.
quote:Explain? What lineages put them closer?
The M170 lineage put them closer, as is the son of the M89 lineage, who is the son of the African M168, meaning they have a close relationship with Africans genetically speaking.
quote:As you see, gnetically Gravettians are very related to Africans genetically, you can see the short gap between them and the M168 African man
quote:Gravettians carried haplogroup I into Europe, not from Africa though.
Also carrying very close genetic relationship to Europe from Africa through the Middle East.Sorry, Europeans aren't related to Africans just by mulattos.
As you see, Gravettians' lineage is close to Africans.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Let me give you can example:
R1 underived, is not the same as R1b found in NorthWest Europe.
R1 is mostly found in Central Africa, NorthEast Africa and to a lesser to degree the Levantine.
It could have likely arose in any of these three areas.
There is no R1 in Northern Europe.
European have only later derived R1b and R1a.... not R1*.
R1a may have originated in India, so only R1b and I are markers of European male ancestry. Not African.
There is little to no R1b or I anywhere in tropical Africa, because there is no European genetic influence in tropical Africa.
quote: Sorry, Europeans aren't related to Africans just by mulattos.
Who said they were?
Posted by prmiddleeastern (Member # 14038) on :
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718: R1a may have originated in India, so only R1b and I are markers of European male ancestry. Not African.
No, R people are Asian in origin and they are more distant from Africans than I individuals, I individuals are more realted to Africans by they more close lineage.I African Gravettians mixed iwth tha Asian R individuals creating the modern Europeans.Again, we aren't speaking about origins, but genetic relationship.
Posted by prmiddleeastern (Member # 14038) on :
Also MTDNA African related N and Asian related HV* are examples of mixed Afro-Asian genetic lineages.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Originally posted by prmiddleeastern:
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718: R1a may have originated in India, so only R1b and I are markers of European male ancestry. Not African.
No, R people are Asian in origin and they are more distant from Africans than I individuals, I individuals are more realted to Africans by they more close lineage.I African Gravettians mixed iwth tha Asian R individuals creating the modern Europeans.Again, we aren't speaking about origins, but genetic relationship.
R1* is found predominently in Africa, R1a most likely arose in India(Asia), and Europeans have only downstream lineages such as R1b - which does apparently originate in Europe, but is *NOT* a fraternal haplotype to P.
Posted by prmiddleeastern (Member # 14038) on :
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
quote:Originally posted by prmiddleeastern:
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718: R1a may have originated in India, so only R1b and I are markers of European male ancestry. Not African.
No, R people are Asian in origin and they are more distant from Africans than I individuals, I individuals are more realted to Africans by they more close lineage.I African Gravettians mixed iwth tha Asian R individuals creating the modern Europeans.Again, we aren't speaking about origins, but genetic relationship.
R1* is found predominently in Africa, R1a most likely arose in India(Asia), and Europeans have only downstream lineages such as R1b - which does apparently originate in Europe, but is *NOT* a fraternal haplotype to P.
No, it descends of P, R is the son of P,R1b and R1a descend from R1, which is a brother to Indian R2, and both are sons of R*, who is Asian in origin and most genetically distant from Africans than I*,Again, we aren't speaking about origins, but genetic relationship,origin is irrelevant to genetics.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Originally posted by Explorateur: Two possibilities to deduce from R1*-M173 distribution pattern...
Possibility #1
— Originated in central Sahara or northeast Africa amongst a nomadic lifestyle oriented group and spread thereof to the Levant through the Sinai corridor, during the Upper Paleolithic.
— The remnants in Africa trekked down to Cameroonian region and the lower vestiges of West Africa as a place of refuge, with the coming of the Ogolian aridity [ca. between 23 ky ago and 18ky ago]. Sometime between 19ky ago and 15ky ago, some E-M35 bearing nomads would move into the Levant via northeast Africa, perhaps due to growing pressures of progressive Saharan aridity. This may explain R1*-M173 carriers in tandem with E-M34 carriers in places like the Dead Sea, whereas R1*-M173 is absent in sub-Saharan East Africa [but not in northeastern Africa] - the African Horn region - where E-M34 chromosomes are prevalent. It may also explain why the Dead Sea R1*-M173 bearing population also happens to standout from their high-frequency J1 carrying Levantine Bedouin brethren in sporting high prevalence of the African-specific G6PD-A locus on the X chromosome. The presence of both E-M34 and E-M78 derivatives in the so-called Near East make it clear that E-M35 chromosomes did not spill outside of the continent in single demographic event or even time frame. On the other hand, E-M34 is absent in West and Central Africa where R1*-M173 chromosomes are most prevalent.
— Upon finding a refuge to escape intense aridified condition of the Sahara, sections [meaning not all] of the previously largely nomadic R1*-M173 carriers began to settle in their new found refugia. The small communities of R1*-M173 would eventually expand, but they would have been overwhelmed by the faster expanding newly arrived PN2 carriers, especially with the receding of the Ogolian aridity. Those who retained their nomadic lifestyle, trekked back and forth the western[mainly] Sahel and the lower geographical vestiges of West Africa, where some of the settled brethren located themselves. These nomad traditionalists would adopt a pastoralist lifestyle [see: the theme centered on the *divergent* C-13.9kbT allele patterns in R1*-M173 carriers], which would modify their diet.
Sticking point(s) for possibility #1:
The only or main one so-offered for this possibility from those publications which propose otherwise, is the relative greater diversity of the overall K-M9 family outside of Africa, as opposed to that located within continent, even though the presence of Hg K itself [particularly in East Africa] in the continent have been noted; however, even if one were to look at it from that angle, it doesn't necessarily negate a possible African origin for R1*-M173, as its supposed predecessor P-M45 — in particular the elusive undifferentiated P-M45 — is just as rare in Asia.
Possibility #2
- Originated in the Sinai or the Levantine or northern regions of the Arabian desert, amongst a very small community nomads of that region. Those that trekked between North Africa and the so-called Near East through the Sinai corridor, when give rise to a subset that decided to stay put in North Africa and lead their nomadic lifestyle there. Others went even further north; they went as far as Europe, wherein they'd become ancestors of R1b bearers. While the demograhic shifts brought upon later by greater expanding groups, like say Hg J carriers, probably urged some remnants of R1*-M173 to spread eastward, central Asia, wherein they'd give rise to R1a carriers, sometime after the LGM. The small group of R1*-M173 bearers who moved into Europe would likely have met relatively modest competition, due to smaller isolated groups in the region, as compared to elsewhere in Asia and in Africa.
- With the coming of the LGM, the R1 carriers in Europe would find refugia in southwestern Europe and certain regions in the so-called Near East. This would have coincided with the aridification of the Sahara, wherein R1* bearers there, as I have noted above, would have migrated southward, out of the region of the intense aridification of the Sahara. However, when the LGM came to a conclusion, the R1 carriers in Europe, who sought refuge in southern Europe and parts of the so-called Near East, would start repopulating the more northerly regions of Europe, and the subsequent expansion, especially with the advent of farming from the so-called Near East, out of which R1b would overwhelm any remaining original R1b-predecessor R1* group. In otherwords, negative genetic drift essentially drifted out the original R1 carriers. Although R1b itself seems to have come to being before the LGM, its numbers likely became much greater after the LGM. As noted above, small group of R1 carriers who populated Europe, were likely fortunate enough to have not met the same competition from non-R1 bearing groups, as they might have been exposed to in Africa and the so-called Near East.
Sticking point(s) for possibility #2:
Naturally with possibility #2, one would have to explain away why the only one of the two places outside of Africa where the rare unidifferentiated R1*-M173 marker is present, and where it has been the most substantial [after Africa], that this marker appears to be in a population that stands out in its low Hg J [ 9% J1 in the Dead Sea compared with 63% J1 (Semino et al. 2004) of their Bedouin neighbors , per reference by Flores et al. 2005], while it bears 31% E-M34 compared to the only 7% of Bedouin (Cruciani et al. 2004)[See: Flores et al.2005], and last but not least — it has a lower number of different G6PD locus variants and a higher incidence of the African G6PD-A allele (Karadsheh, personal communication) than the Bedouin, when the molecular heterogeneity of the G6PD locus was compared between the Amman and the Dead Sea samples [Flores et al. 2005]. And even Oman, wherein R1*-M173 markers had been located in low frequency, cannot be ruled out as a recipient of these chromosomes through gene flow from Africa, because it isn't too far from northeast Africa, wherein these R1* chromosomes appear, not to mention the fact that other African ancestry therein [like variant E-M35 lineages and E3a chromosomes] make it clear that Oman has definitely been a recipient of genetic introgression from Africa via multiple and distinct demographic events.
In either cases of possibility #1 and possibility #2, downstream R1 derivatives are relatively less to absent in the regions that harbor R1* undifferentiated chromosomes. Yet, the regions that do have the downstream R1 chromosomes, R1* undifferentiated chromosomes are virtually absent. This is simply testament to the possibility that in regions wherein the original R1 carriers [who were likely small to begin with, in terms of effective population size] appear to have expanded the most, the original R1* chromosomes were eventually drifted out by the more downstream R1 carriers.
One thing both possibility #1 and possibility #2 converge on, is this: R1*-M173 in Cameroon are very ancient, and did not come from populations characterizing downstream mutations, like say Europe.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
quote: Posted by Jackassoben: In order to validate Cavalli's dendrograms (tree) you will have to show that his "African" and "Asian" populations are so well differentiated (and independent) from each other as to support the distinctness implied by tree branches. Debate will begin when you do this.
Of course you're an idiot and don't understand OOA. Of course the OOA lineages became the founding lineages for F, K, I, J, R and all the others.
From Cavalli-Sforza: Genes, Culture, and Human Evolution. Pg 187.
quote:..."In other words, all non-Africans carry M168. Of course, Africans carrying the M168 mutation today are the descendants of the African subpopulation from which the migrants originated....Thus, the Australian/Eurasian Adam (the ancestor of all non-Africans) was an East African Man."
Europeans carry lineages which first arose in Asia post OOA, and lineages that arose in African post OOA. If Europeans wouldn't have received post OOA Neolithic admixture from Africans, than Europeans would be totally consisted of lineages which first arose in Asia.
^ All found in West Eurasia....and not in East Eurasia, SouthEast Asia, Australia, New Guinnea, Melanesia.
^^Which confirms Cavalli's distance matrix...Now can you debunk or address the recent African admixture in Europeans that would make Europeans appear intermediate between Africans and Oceanic(non African) populations????
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
^ Well at least prmiddleeastern is intelligent enough to be educated unlike Assoben.
Hey Assoben, Keita makes it clear that Europeans' genetic intermediate position (as a result of admixture) IS the reason why 'race' does not exist, you a*s pirating nitwit!!
Posted by Explorateur (Member # 14778) on :
quote:Originally posted by prmiddleeastern:
M168 is not the Eurasian Adam anymore, this one is the True Eurasian Adam:
quote:In human genetics, Haplogroup BT, also known as Haplogroup YxA (SRY10831.1 (SRY1532), M42, M94, M139, M299) is a Y-chromosome haplogroup.
Haplogroup BT split off from haplogroup A 70,000 years bp (Karafet et al. 2008), probably originating in North East Africa. It contains all living human Y-DNA haplogroups except for A.
BT is also ancestral to Hg B, which is essentially not found outside of African gene pool. So, technically, M168 -- which is the oldest most common recent ancestor of "Eurasian" male gene pool -- remains the "Eurasian Adam", if one is to insist on invoking the biblical eponym. Apparently, that this biblical eponym is even used in science, underscores Eurocentric tendency to deal with only things that they perceive to be more immediately related to their heritage, as opposed to general human bio-history/history; the biblical eponym is to genetics like what water is to oil -- they just don't mix!
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Originally posted by Explorateur:
quote:Originally posted by prmiddleeastern:
M168 is not the Eurasian Adam anymore, this one is the True Eurasian Adam:
quote:In human genetics, Haplogroup BT, also known as Haplogroup YxA (SRY10831.1 (SRY1532), M42, M94, M139, M299) is a Y-chromosome haplogroup.
Haplogroup BT split off from haplogroup A 70,000 years bp (Karafet et al. 2008), probably originating in North East Africa. It contains all living human Y-DNA haplogroups except for A.
BT is also ancestral to Hg B, which is essentially not found outside of African gene pool. So, technically, M168 -- which is the oldest most common recent ancestor of "Eurasian" male gene pool -- remains the "Eurasian Adam", if one is to insist on invoking the biblical eponym. Apparently, that this biblical eponym is even used in science, underscores Eurocentric tendency to deal with only things that they perceive to be more immediately related to their heritage, as opposed to general human bio-history/history; the biblical eponym is to genetics like what water is to oil -- they just don't mix!
Indeed, this is what I figured as genes can not be erased, all non Africans carry M168 as defined by many authors. This can not be superseded, as M168 is not found in Y-dna haplogroup A nor b, and is therefore still stands as the common ancestral type of all non-Africans according to out of Africa (OOA.)
Posted by prmiddleeastern (Member # 14038) on :
quote:Originally posted by Explorateur: BT is also ancestral to Hg B, which is essentially not found outside of African gene pool. So, technically, M168 -- which is the oldest most common recent ancestor of "Eurasian" male gene pool -- remains the "Eurasian Adam",
You are right, thanks for the correction, i must say BT is the "Eurafrican Adam"
Posted by prmiddleeastern (Member # 14038) on :
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718: [QB] ^^^^Where is R1* found in Asia?
But his ancestral Haplogroup R* is found in Asia, again, speaking about genetic relationship, not origins.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
quote: In order to validate Cavalli's dendrograms (tree) you will have to show that his "African" and "Asian" populations are so well differentiated (and independent) from each other as to support the distinctness implied by tree branches. Debate will begin when you do this.
Of course you're an idiot and don't understand OOA. Of course the OOA lineages became the founding lineages for F, K, I, J, R and all the others.
From Cavalli-Sforza: Genes, Culture, and Human Evolution. Pg 187.
quote:..."In other words, all non-Africans carry M168. Of course, Africans carrying the M168 mutation today are the descendants of the African subpopulation from which the migrants originated....Thus, the Australian/Eurasian Adam (the ancestor of all non-Africans) was an East African Man."
Europeans carry lineages which first arose in Asia post OOA, and lineages that arose in African post OOA. If Europeans wouldn't have received post OOA Neolithic admixture from Africans, than Europeans would be totally consisted of lineages which first arose in Asia.
^ All found in West Eurasia....and not in East Eurasia, SouthEast Asia, Australia, New Guinnea, Melanesia.
^^Which confirms Cavalli's distance matrix...Now can you debunk or address the recent African admixture in Europeans that would make Europeans appear intermediate between Africans and Oceanic(non African) populations????
Are you saying this proves that the "African" and "Asian" populations are so well differentiated (and independent) of each other?
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:Originally posted by Djehuti: ^ Well at least prmiddleeastern is intelligent enough to be educated unlike Assoben.
Hey Assoben, Keita makes it clear that Europeans' genetic intermediate position (as a result of admixture) IS the reason why 'race' does not exist, you a*s pirating nitwit!!
Where does Keita endorse Bowcock's analyis of the "intermediate" position of the "European population"?
Posted by Explorateur (Member # 14778) on :
quote:Originally posted by prmiddleeastern:
quote:Originally posted by Explorateur:
BT is also ancestral to Hg B, which is essentially not found outside of African gene pool. So, technically, M168 -- which is the oldest most common recent ancestor of "Eurasian" male gene pool -- remains the "Eurasian Adam",
You are right, thanks for the correction, i must say BT is the "Eurafrican Adam"
That would still be misleading, because BT is not an "Adam" to Africans at all!
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:That would still be misleading, because BT is not an "Adam" to Africans at all!
^ Indeed. I'm glad to see the wariness of the false attempts to assert Eurasia and Adam in the same sentense, and under various nonsensical guise.
Let it be understood -> there is no Eurasian Adam. There is no Eurasian Eve.
The pathetic attempt to fabricate Eurasian Adam is and attempt to skirt the facts on the ground -> African origin of all mankind.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:jackass akboen writes: Where does Keita endorse Bowcock's analyis of the "intermediate" position of the "European population
^ booo, all jackass losers repeat questions already answered because they don't like the answer.
-> Keita states his own position. He does not endorse anyone elses.
quote:SOY Keita: One of the units [Caucasian] is *not fundamental*, because its genesis is qualitatively different from the other units and even connects them.
This compromises the racial schema and also invalidates the metaphysical underpinnings of the race construct, which implies deep and -fundamental- differences between it’s units.
- SOY Keita.
quote:jackass akoben writes: race is a social construct
^ Not according to Keita:
The idea of race draws its power from it's natural science root.
But then akoben is an offensive idiot, and to feed you Keita is to throw pearls at swine.
But then, we can always use you to educate others.
NAZI slave-akboen, go find the above quote from Keita, read and and re-read it, and when you don't understand it, come back and whine, and we'll make you go read some more.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
No matter how many times you try to spin it Keita does not agree with your dumbass.
Again, he is analyzing Bowcock's work within the context of the persistence of racial thinking among his contemporaries. He is EXPOSING, not agreeing.
Nor is he endorsing "unit" definitions since it, like "type definitions", are evidence of the persistence of racial thinking, "The strict racial approach constructs human diversity as being reducible to a fixed number of foundational, natural, and indivisible units (types), which consist of near uniform individuals"
quote:One of the units [Caucasian] is *not fundamental*, because its genesis is qualitatively different from the other units and even connects them.
What he is actually saying here is that based on Bowcock's interpretation then *under the racial schema* one of the units is not fundamental and that this undermines the race construct of deep and fundamental differences between it's units. He is not endorsing unit defintions but comenting on what would be the case under the racial schema.
However, variation from the strict approach (secondary types, units or races) are also evidence of the persistence of racial thinking, "Variation from these units in this model is primarily explained by admixture. Thus there were primary and secondary races"
So even though Bowcock's "intermediary Europeans" (secondary type Europeans) undermines the race construct of deep and -fundamental- differences between the units it still compromises the racial schema, "Nuclear DNA studies suggest to some that Blumenbach’s “Caucasian” entity (or some of it) is at foundation an “inter-mixed” group composed of earlier differentiated non-European (specifically Asian and central African) elements (e.g. Bowcock etal. 1991)—this may be a problem given that the contributing groups seem to conform to received raciotypological schema- but should be acceptable to those who believe in the existence of races."
Hence her analysis is flawed and so is Cavalli's tree since, "few human populations, even authentic breeding ones, are so well differentiated (and independent) from each other as to support the distinctness implied by tree branches"
Hence, in order to validate Cavalli's dendrograms (tree) you will have to show that his "African" and "Asian" populations are so well differentiated (and independent) from each other as to support the distinctness implied by tree branches.
No matter how many times you try to spin it Keita does not agree with your dumbass.
quote: race is a social construct
quote: ^ Not according to Keita: The idea of race draws its power from it's natural science root.
How does that contradict what I said? LOL The fact that race is an "idea", you fucking idiot, means it is a social construct. It is not natural, man created it, even if he tries to give it "scientific" meaning.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by akoben: No matter how many times you try to spin it Keita does not agree
^ The issue in question of course, is that you advocate caucasian race and Keita debunks you.
No matter how much you try to 'spin it', you remain debunked.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote: race is a social construct
quote: ^ Not according to Keita: The idea of race draws its power from it's natural science root.
quote:How does that contradict what I said?
^ I almost forgot, you're extremely stupid, dishonest and steeped in denial.
Keita's essay is titled, the "myth of race".
Race is a myth, because it is rooted in science, and yet the 'science' that informs it it fake - or pseudo.
Thus race, can be scientifically falsified.
Trying to salvage race by calling it 'social' is irrelevant.
All myths are social.
That does not validate them.
For example: When you claim that the Holocaust never happened - that's a social myth of racist neo-NAZI losers like you.
Same with your claims about K-zoids. Another myth advocated by racist losers like yourself.
Hope this helps.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Keita: One of the units [Caucasian] is *not fundamental*, because its genesis is qualitatively different from the other units and even connects them.
quote:What he is actually saying here is that under the racial schema, advocated by Bowcock.
Incorrect, you are making a circular argument here. And Bowcock is simply a strawmen distraction.
Keita's point, the point of his essay, is that the heterogeneous genetic origins of Europeans [fact] invalidates the racial schema. [theory]
One cannot intelligibly say, as you atttempt to - "only under the racial schema, has race been invalidated, therefore race has not really been invalidated, but rather only Bowcock or Sforza"..... as this makes no sense.
Either the facts invalidate the theory, or they do not.
And no matter how pleadingly desparate to destort you become, the theory being debunked is *race*, not "Bowcock"
You are simply trying to run away from what Keita is actually saying - which is that race is a myth.
You don't like Keita's conclusion, but can't refute it, so you attempt to hide from it.
You can hide, but you can't run...
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote: So even though Bowcock's "intermediary Europeans" (secondary type Europeans)
^ Nope, this incoherent prattle is neither from Keita nor Bowcock.
Again you are reduced to fake quotes.
Now Akoben, you know what happens when you resort to jackass behaviors don't you ?
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ and so on we go.
page 34, still no evidence of the social-myth that is k-zoid race.
Why is that?
quote:Originally posted by rasol: And of course, they have no answers....
quote:Therefore, Caucasian would be a secondary type, or race due to it’s *hybrid origin* and *not* a primary race.
In this case……then one of the units [Caucasian] is *not fundamental*, because its genesis is qualitatively different from the other units and even connects them.
This compromises the racial schema and also invalidates the metaphysical underpinnings of the race construct, which implies deep and -fundamental- differences between it’s units.
- SOY Keita.
Caucasian = not fundamental, and not a race.... according to Dr. Keita.
Truth must hurt jackassoben pretty badly, to force him into one month of hopeless/hapless futile denials....
Europeans, just depigmented non Africans, with post OOA AFrican admixture, resulting in a short stem hybrid position in *all* measurements of worldwide gene frequencies....
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:is that you advocate caucasian race and Keita debunks 34, still no evidence of the social-myth that is k-zoid race.
It's page 34 and still you can't quote me advancing this. Why?
quote:Race is a myth, because it is rooted in science, and yet the 'science' that informs it it fake - or pseudo.
Idiot all myths, whether religious or racial, are constructs. The fact that science is used to validate them does not mean they are not social constructs. Simpelton.
quote:Incorrect, you are making a circular argument here. And Bowcock is simply a strawmen distraction.
A distraction? LOL Bowcock and Sforza are central to your beat down as it was you who tried to make it seem as if Dr. Keita was agreeing with their analysis and trees when clearly he is not.
quote:Keita's point, the point of his essay, is that the heterogeneous genetic origins of Europeans [fact] invalidates the racial schema. [theory]
The title is not "the heterogeneous genetic origins of Europeans" you silly boy. The title, as well as the "point" of his essay, is the persistence of racial thinking. The fact that although today racial thinking is not in its "pure" form [e.g. the scientific community no longer advocates a pure Caucasian race] it still persists in the works of his contemporaries e.g. secondary or "intermediary" populations, units, types, human population dendrograms.
This has been his "point" in his various essays dealing with these themes:
quote:"Many investigators still use dendrograms to represent the philogenetic history of human “races”. These representations imply bifurcations or splitting of ancestral populations. They suggest an absolute distinctness or discreetness that is not a flaw of ordinate methods. This problematic. Dendrograms cannot accurately depict evolutionary gradients of differentiation or distinguish similarity due to gene flow. They can also be unreliable in their depictions of population relationships when demographic factors such as population size are not constant or equal between populations ... In a word, dendrograms are ambiguous in their apparent depiction of certainty."
quote:"The persistence of the racial paradigm (and not just names) is further illustrated by investigators who use dendrograms (trees) to assess to group similarities or dissimilarities, usually in quest of intraspecific phylogenies. The groups utilized usually conform to the old racial schema. Dendrograms are also used to illustrate the divergence of entities called human races or of populations used as their surrogates. This is problematic since few human populations, even authentic breeding ones, are so well differentiated (and independent) from each other as to support the distinctness implied by tree branches. The degree of drift has not been necessarily equal across space and time. The ubiquity and complexity of human migration patterns guarantee that branching points in trees will always be suspect. (Jorde 1985) Also, strictly speaking, studies can only inform about the groups used in the analysis. Therefore a study using Mbuti, a clan of Saame speakers, a Swedish village, and Vedda can only tell us about each of them. These groups should not be reified into other entities."
quote:"Races are types, defined by complexes of anatomical traits; clear boundaries exist by definition, and definitions are tautologies. (Breed-ing populations are mating systems.) The boundaries implied by the specificity of type definitions are shattered when other data are considered.
quote:"The strict racial approach constructs human diversity as being reducible to a fixed number of foundational, natural, and indivisible units (types), which consist of near uniform individuals. Variation from these units in this model is primarily explained by admixture. Thus there were primary and secondary races."
quote:"Nuclear DNA studies suggest to some that Blumenbach’s “Caucasian” entity (or some of it) is at foundation an “inter-mixed” group composed of earlier differentiated non-European (specifically Asian and central African) elements (e.g. Bowcock etal. 1991)—this may be a problem given that the contributing groups seem to conform to received raciotypological schema- but should be acceptable to those who believe in the existence of races."..."
No matter how many times you try to spin it Keita does not agree with your dumbass.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:rasol, the position you advocate is *caucasian race* and Keita debunks 34, still no evidence of the social-myth that is k-zoid race.
quote:It's page 34 and still you can't quote me advancing this. Why?
Your idiot claims only "advance" the notion that you're stupid.
Quoting jackass akoben [Keita:] "still falls back on race".
^ This was your stupid remark that set off this 'discussion'.
^ Of course you didn't know the citation was from Keita, at the time.
When this was explained to you, several times, you then confessed to never having read Keita. rotfl!
What a jackass you are.
It follows that if you now admit that race is scientifically invalid, then your original claim has been falsified, which of course it has been.
This discussion drags on, because your stubborn jackass who will reverse his own position just for the sake of continuing his stupid argument.
That's fine with me, since your unwillingness to defend your own claims only exposes how utterly bankrupt they are.....
If you admit the notion of caucasian race is a myth, then you agree with the topic of thread, and your 34 pages of jackass trolling have been a complete waste.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:rasol wrote: Race is a myth, because it is rooted in science, and yet the 'science' that informs race is fake - or pseudo.
quote:jackass akoben writes:Idiot all myths, whether religious or racial, are constructs.
^ This is another example of your desparate need to debate via incoherence.
Does the quote from me, state that some myths are not constructs? No it dosn't. Then your reply is non-sequitur - that means it has no bearing on what Keita is actually saying - that race is falsified by science.
^ This is Keita's position.
Your problem is, you don't know how to think, yet you want to argue.
Once again, you're being a jackass...
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:rasol: Incorrect, you are making a circular argument here. And Bowcock is simply a strawmen distraction.
quote:jackass akoben: A distraction? LOL Bowcock and Sforza are central to your beat down
Again -> Illiteracy as debate tactic from you.
Keita's thesis is that race is a myth.
This is central to your beatdown, since you advocate race, though you have been reduced to passive aggressive whining as a form of race advocacy. [which is quite hilarious by the way. ]
Ann Bowcock is only central to your efforts to run away from Keita's thesis that race is a pseudo-scientific myth.
But, it's not working, which is why you're still here.
You can hide, but you can't run...
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:akoben: the scientific community no longer advocates a pure Caucasian race
^ sorry loser, but Keita is saying *more* than that.
He says caucasian is not a race at all, period.
No point trying to spin it any other way, because you're no good at it.
1st you try to pretend that Keita is only debunking Sforza.
Now you pretend that Keita is only debunking 'purity' of races.
In fact he is debunking the very idea of 'race' itselt, in science and biology.
quote:No matter how many times you try to spin it Keita does not agree
^ I agree with Keita that race is a myth.
That's the whole point.
The only one trying to dispute this fact is you.
And since you can't dispute it, the only one who needs to 'spin' the you.
quote:rasol wrote: Keita's point, the point of his essay, is that the heterogeneous genetic origins of Europeans [fact] invalidates the racial schema. [theory]
quote:akoben writes: The title is not "the heterogeneous genetic origins of Europeans"
NO, the title and topic is that "race is a myth".. This is what you are trying to run from.
That Europeans are not a race because they consist of little more than a mixture of non European lineages, with little genetic distinction, is the *fact*, that undermines the theory of race, and exposes it as a myth.
Your non responsive reply to this fact - is little more than and attempt to run away from it.
You can hide, but you can't run....
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
poor baby akoben, still crying, still searching for k-zzzzoids...
quote:Originally posted by rasol: ^ jackass akoben can hide from the answers.... but he can't run from them.
Below are the answers, he doesn't have.
Question, why is race not relevant?
quote:ANSWERS FROM KEITA: race is based on the hypothesis of *fundamental* divisions.
one of the racial "units" [caucasian], is not fundamental, as its genesis is qualitatively different from the other "units" and even connects them - SOY Keita.
Question, why is the genesis of 'caucasian' qualitatively different?
Answers from Bowcock:
One can show that a branch to a population resulting from admixture tends to be shorter than other branches.
^ What can we conclude from this?
"Nuclear DNA studies also contribute to the deconstruction of received racial entities.
Question "How so"?
Keita answers:
Ann Bowcock and her colleague's interpretation (Bowcock et al. 1991; Bowcock et al. 1994) of analyses of restriction-site polymorphisms and microsatellite polymorphisms (STRPs) suggests that Europeans, the defining Caucasians, are descendants of a population that arose as a consequence of admixture between already differentiated populations ancestral to (some) Africans and Asians. Therefore, Caucasians would be a secondary type of race due to its hybrid origin and not a primary race".
^ The above is Dr. Keita's specific assessment, and not a general agreement or disagreement with or about anyone or anything else.
OPEN CHALLENGE to those who don't like the answers:
* Please produce evidence of ancient European phenotype.
* Please produce evidence of ancient European genotype.
Ancient K-zoids are nowhere in sight.
Keep dreaming, of caucazzzzoids.......
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
How does this quote relate to what you have posted above?
quote:"The persistence of the racial paradigm (and not just names) is further illustrated by investigators who use dendrograms (trees) to assess to group similarities or dissimilarities, usually in quest of intraspecific phylogenies. The groups utilized usually conform to the old racial schema. Dendrograms are also used to illustrate the divergence of entities called human races or of populations used as their surrogates. This is problematic since few human populations, even authentic breeding ones, are so well differentiated (and independent) from each other as to support the distinctness implied by tree branches. The degree of drift has not been necessarily equal across space and time. The ubiquity and complexity of human migration patterns guarantee that branching points in trees will always be suspect. (Jorde 1985) Also, strictly speaking, studies can only inform about the groups used in the analysis. Therefore a study using Mbuti, a clan of Saame speakers, a Swedish village, and Vedda can only tell us about each of them. These groups should not be reified into other entities."
Posted by Alive-(What Box) (Member # 10819) on :
quote:Originally posted by akoben: How does this quote relate to what you have posted above?
quote:"The persistence of the racial paradigm (and not just names) is further illustrated by investigators who use dendrograms (trees) to assess to group similarities or dissimilarities, usually in quest of intraspecific phylogenies. The groups utilized usually conform to the old racial schema. Dendrograms are also used to illustrate the divergence of entities called human races or of populations used as their surrogates.
It helps provide understanding.
Although non-African populations are a subset of Africans (populations like East Asians for example), Europeans fall in between them and all Africans.
So this implies the opposite of Caucasians as being one of a number of defining races. It implies them to be (ironically) a result of the merging of authentic, already-differentiated,breeding populations. Rather than being a "race", Caucasians are more like a sign of "admixture", or a mark of multiple ancestries.
Caucasians are mixed (relative to authentic breeding populations), but in reality the whole notion of 'mixed' is suspect. This however does not stop this fact (eg, that Europeans are the result of already differentiated Asian and African populations) from being relavant to destroying the racial ideologies that were somewhat persistant even in scientific studies.
quote:This is problematic since few human populations, even authentic breeding ones, are so well differentiated (and independent) from each other as to support the distinctness implied by tree branches.
The above just means that rather than thinking of Africans vs Oceaneans like Australian Aboriginees (or any non-African population for that matter) as races, people should think of all human populations as being of a common descent.
quote:The degree of drift has not been necessarily equal across space and time. The ubiquity and complexity of human migration patterns guarantee that branching points in trees will always be suspect. (Jorde 1985)
If anything, we should assume that all populations share the majority/vast majority of their attributes with other populations rather than assume the opposite - that this or that trait implies descent or mixture from this or that particular 'race' - and hence we have the need for studies on such matters.
This is the best I could break it down for you, argyle.
quote:Also, strictly speaking, studies can only inform about the groups used in the analysis. Therefore a study using Mbuti, a clan of Saame speakers, a Swedish village, and Vedda can only tell us about each of them. These groups should not be reified into other entities."
and the dendrogram posted above really tells us why. Some Europeans had actually thought that a pre-Out Of Africa skull found in South Africa exibited 'Caucasian' features, but the dendrogram tells us that "Europeans" themselves are really a result of merging populations, so "who's features" are they anyway?
... keep dreaming of caucazzzzzoids ... ?
"The ubiquity and complexity of human migration patterns guarantee that branching points in trees will always be suspect. (Jorde 1985)" - SOY Keita
If this still confuses you, it's ok, just slow down, and re-read again it until you do understand. I do not think it can possibly be broken down to you any further.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
Actually the confusion is clearly your side. Your answer validates Keita's point of the persistence of racial thinking even when on tries to avoid it; that although (paraphrase) some do not use racial terminology but usually use the same groups as the underlying thinking is the same
You talk of "Caucasians" being "mixed" as if there is such an entity in science. If you want to use social terms fine, but you can't go ahead and then use science to validate social constructs.
Where do we find this uniformed entity/population known as "Caucasian" that we can measure and quantify especially given the fact that "bearers of specific haplotypes do not form into clusters of individuals with uniform morphologies and geographical origin" - Keita
Then to confirm your doublespeak you go on to say that Asian and African populations are well differentiated then in another breath admit that all populations share the majority/vast majority of their attributes with other populations which is correct and why Keita said few human populations, even authentic breeding ones, are so well differentiated (and independent) from each other as to support the distinctness implied by tree branches
But you are confused so you talk from two sides of your mouth. So which is it Aliveboy? Either human populations are well differentiated (e.g. Cavalli-Sforza's "core populations" (discrete, less admixed groupings, i.e. "races") or they all share a commonality that makes it difficult as Keita says to support the distinctness implied by tree branches?
Cant have both.
And after Keita said explicitly that studies about specific groups [like a clan, ethnic group or a village] can only tell us about each of them and that these groups should not be reified into other entities [like broader human geographical populations] you go right ahead and use the very same human population dendrograms Keita said was in line with the racial schema to validate what Keita was saying!?!?! Amazing!
This is either rank dishonesty or pain stupidity on your part.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by Alive-(What Box):
quote:Originally posted by akoben: How does this quote relate to what you have posted above?
quote:"The persistence of the racial paradigm (and not just names) is further illustrated by investigators who use dendrograms (trees) to assess to group similarities or dissimilarities, usually in quest of intraspecific phylogenies. The groups utilized usually conform to the old racial schema. Dendrograms are also used to illustrate the divergence of entities called human races or of populations used as their surrogates.
It helps provide understanding.
Although non-African populations are a subset of Africans (populations like East Asians for example), Europeans fall in between them and all Africans.
So this implies the opposite of Caucasians as being one of a number of defining races. It implies them to be (ironically) a result of the merging of authentic, already-differentiated,breeding populations.
^ correct, of course.
and akojackass knows this, but doesn't like it because it invalidates k-zoid, which is what his futile argument is really all about.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:actually the confusion is clearly your side.
Nope, the confusion and DISHONESTY are *all yours*,
and here is why......
- You originally claimed that Keita's article 'the myth of racial divergence' supported the notion of race.
- You made this claim because you had not read the article, and because you did not know it was written by Keita.
- Once this error was pointed out, you -REVERSED- your argument.
- You admitted that Keita was not promoting the idea of race - but then claimed that his article was only a refutation of
a) trees and dendrograms, or b) sforza and bowcock.
- This dishonest claim by you [all losers are finally liars], is a desparate and pathetic attempt to avoid the true topic of Keita's thesis, which is that *race is a myth*, as stated in the topic.
- You must/needs evade this subject, because you support the notion of caucasian race, and your need to support the baseless ideology of race, is the *only reason this conversation drags on*.
- As long as the above is understood by anyone reading your jackass spew, then... you're defeated.
We can go on forever this way, will stay defeated.
Posted by Alive-(What Box) (Member # 10819) on :
quote:ako writes: If you want to use social terms fine,
Yes, I was indeed using the term socially.
quote: but you can't go ahead and then use science to validate social constructs.
Actually understanding does the opposite - it invalidates racial ideological constructs in which Caucasians are a defining race.
quote: "Caucasians" being "mixed"
"Caucasians" -> Europeans. And I've already said (and have said a while ago) that 'mixed' is more of an ideological term that doesn't entail much in reality. This fact doesn't negate this:
"Ann Bowcock and her colleague's interpretation of analyses of restriction-site polymorphisms and microsatellite polymorphisms (STRPs) suggests that Europeans, the defining Caucasians, are descendants of a population that arose as a consequence of admixture between **already differentiated** populations ancestral to (some) Africans and Asians." - SOY Keita
"race is based on the hypothesis of *fundamental* divisions. of the racial "units" [caucasian], is not fundamental, as its genesis is qualitatively different from the other "units" and even connects them" - SOY Keita.
quote:akoben writes:
you ... say that Asian and African populations are well differentiated
Actually, I quoted Keita:
"Europeans, the defining Caucasians, are descendants of a population that arose as a consequence of admixture between **already differentiated** populations ancestral to (some) Africans and Asians." - SOY Keita
who says no such thing.
Honestly, the next brain dead post that comes this way over the Keita's quotes on Europeans is getting ignored, and instead will be replied to with a break down of the above. lol.
quote:"bearers of specific haplotypes do not form into clusters of individuals with uniform morphologies and geographical origin"
Yes, they give us line of descent. Not sure where I suggested otherwise... this certainly isn't the case with and wasn't suggested about Europeans.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:ako writes:If you want to use social terms fine, but you can't go ahead and then use science to validate social constructs.
quote:Alive writes: Actually understanding does the opposite - it invalidates racial ideological constructs in which Caucasians are a defining race.
Right again. Any idea -rooted in- natural science can by definition be affirmed or disconfirmed -by- natural science:
"Race draws its power from its natural science root." - Keita.
^ When will jackass akoben's reading comprehension improve?
Alive, love your posts, because they reflect grasping of precisely that which jackass akoben is so desparate to avoid, evade and deny.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:alive writes: Europeans, the defining Caucasians, are descendants of a population that arose as a consequence of admixture between **already differentiated**
^ Keita has re-iterated this in other essays btw.
no use blaming others, and so running away.
sorry jackass....
Posted by Alive-(What Box) (Member # 10819) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:alive writes: Europeans, the defining Caucasians, are descendants of a population that arose as a consequence of admixture between **already differentiated**
^ Keita has re-iterated this in other essays btw.
no use blaming others, and so running away.
sorry jackass....
And it's a point worth reiterating, as biased (Eurocentric) individuals would be easily inclined to say something along the lines of "aren't we all descended from the same ancestors?".
quote:Originally posted by rasol: "Race draws its power from it's natural science root." - Keita.
^ When will jackass akoben's reading comprehension improve?
LOL - yes ako has things backwards yet again ..
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:Actually, I quoted Keita:"Europeans, the defining Caucasians, are descendants of a population that arose as a consequence of admixture between **already differentiated** populations ancestral to (some) Africans and Asians." - SOY Keita who says no such thing.
Yes already differentiated. Are you saying that Keita is himself advancing the notion that they are already differentiated?
quote:Yes, they give us line of descent. Not sure where I suggested otherwise... this certainly isn't the case with and wasn't suggested about Europeans.
How do you then agree on a what is a "European population" being intermediary between already differentiated populations "Asian" and "African" and put them on trees?
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
"race draws it's [ideological] power from it's natural science root" - Dr. Shomarka Keita
^ where is this quote found btw?
quote:For example: When you claim that the Holocaust never happened - that's a social myth
Dufus, a myth is something people believe in but cannot be supported by science or facts. Therefore you believe Jews were gassed at Dachau, however, you cannot prove it. Hence you believe in the Jewish holocaust myth.
quote:the position you advocate is *caucasian [sic] race* and Keita debunks 34, still no evidence of the social-myth that is k-zoid race. Quoting jackass akoben [Keita:] "still falls back on race". ^ This was your stupid remark that set off this 'discussion'....You originally claimed that Keita's article 'the myth of racial divergence' supported the notion of race.
Desperation is indeed taking you over. I asked you for a quote of me advancing this Caucasian race notion or even "Ancient K-zoids" and you post a fake quote that doesn't even have the word "Caucasian" in it. LOL In the actual post I said it was a fall back on the term race which was used to describe hybrid Europeans [posted 22 September, 2008 05:29 AM, posted 27 September, 2008 07:17 PM] nowhere in it did I advance any "Caucasian race", "Ancient K-zoids" or even denied OOA, that Europeans are essentially Africans inside [posted 21 September, 2008 06:16 AM].
In all my posts I use "race" in the social context of grouping, categorizing and making distinctions. Yes race as distinct biological units is false, it is a social construct this is why in society it does exist as a distinction and you even agreed with this in your reply to debunker,
quote:race in fact does exist as a distinction.
^ As a social distinction in America yes.
quote:I went on to say that racial distinctions do in fact exist
^ Of course they do. Racism itself is based on making such false distinctions, so the existence of social distinction based on race, is a given[ posted 20 September, 2008 01:42 AM ]
So again, page 34 and you still cant quote me advancing any Caucasian race. In fact this is simply your old straw man I already blew away from page 17, "never argued for the usefulness of the term Caucasian or what Blumenbach said" But page 34 and your still using this "Ancient K-zoids" straw man because you need it to hide from the fact that:
You thought Keita was in agreement with Bowcock and Sforza ["On this particular Sforza is correct, and he is cited by Keita", posted 20 September, 2008 08:28 PM] and that he was in fact saying they are a secondary type, genotype according to you[posted 27 September, 2008 10:08 PM]. This is why Mary said "Rasol's premise IS what Keita argues that Europeans as a population ARE a secondary type due to admixture"
You thought he agreed with their notion of Europeans as "intermidiates" [sic] composed of earlier differentiated non-European specifically Asian and central African) elements when in fact he was not.
quote: ^ Keita has re-iterated this in other essays btw.
You are right because I already showed you. He sees such analysis as being within the racial schema. Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
"race draws it's [ideological] power from it's natural science root" - Dr. Shomarka Keita
quote:akoben: where is this quote found btw?
Translation: "Jackass akoben is dumbstruck, btw."
Of course you don't know, because you've never read Keita, which you've made quite clear via your debate incompetence.
It's from Conceptualising Human Diversity, by SOY Keita:
What choice do you have? You can't distort Keita's work....when you haven't even read it.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:myth is something people believe in but cannot be supported by science or facts. Therefore you believe Jews were gassed at Dachau,
^ Yes feel free to continue to associate your rant with holocaust denial.
Just in case there might be a single person reading you, who does not immediately dismiss you as a total loon, here to provide comedic relief while we educate 'sane' folks with the sublime works of Dr. Keita.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Alive writes: Actually, I quoted Keita:"Europeans, the defining Caucasians, are descendants of a population that arose as a consequence of admixture between **already differentiated** populations ancestral to (some) Africans and Asians." - SOY Keita
quote:Dead Jackass writes: Are you saying that Keita is himself advancing the notion that they are already differentiated?
Of course, Keita recognizes population differentiation prior to the existence of Europeans. If you'd read Keita, if you knew how to read, you would know this.
Europeans are irrelevant to population differentiation, except for the feature of leucoderma or depigmentation which is a recent phenomenon, as you know, and fail to refute.
Europeans are Northern Eurasians subsequently mixed with Africans, and Levatines [JEWS] - who are also highly admixed with Africans.
Prior to African and SouthWest Asian genetic and cultural introgression into Europe, Europeans were simple hunter gatherers.
Agriculture, animal domestication, reading and writing are all imported into Europe from Africa and the Levant.
Civilisation was brought to Europe by your two favorite peoples akoben: The Blacks, and the Jews.
See: Black Athena, Martin Bernal.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:you then confessed to never having read Keita
Having failed to show where I "support the notion of caucasian race" now show where I said I "never read Keita"?
quote:race is a social construct
quote:^ Not according to Keita
Where did I say according to Keita race is a social construct? According to Keita race in its original and correct use was taxonomic, "the correct use of the term 'race' is the most current taxonomic one...'natural' distinctions and connotes differences not susceptible to change...'Race' is a legitimate taxonomic concept that works for chimpanzees but does not apply to humans (at this time)."
But I say it still can be seen as a social construct as
1) it was a term (even if false term) created by the scientific community (which is apart of the society) to connote distinctions and classifications and
2) it is used (even if falsely) in society to group and classify today. You agreed with this "As a social distinction in America yes...the existence of social distinction based on race, is a given"
Which brings us to your double speak.
You engage in grouping populations based on similar external phenotype which Keita sees as evidence of racial thinking (e.g. your Webster definition of black/negro = dark skin pigmentation) "Africa contains populations whose members have a range of external phenotypes...African peoples with a range of skin colors" Hence we have dark skin and light skin Africans, not black=dark skin.
Now if we are talking in the context of "according to Keita", scientifically speaking, both "race" and "black" are without merit [black (if such exists) remember?].
"...'Race' is not being defined or used consistently" The same can be said of what is black. Who defines its boundries? "These groups share a broadly similar external phenotype; this classification illustrates 'race' as type....Races are types, defined by complexes of anatomical traits; clear boundaries exist by definition"
In a ironic twist, according to you it is WHITES (Webster) who define your boundries!!! LOL
quote:^ Yes feel free to continue to associate your rant with holocaust denial. Just in case there might be a single person reading you, who does not immediately dismiss you as a total loon, here to provide comedic relief while we educate 'sane' folks with the sublime works of Dr. Keita.
What folks reading you will realize is your inability to prove that a single Jew was gassed at Dachau even though you believe it.
quote:Of course, Keita recognizes population differentiation prior to the existence of Europeans. If you'd read Keita, if you knew how to read, you would know this.
LOL Of course? I thought you said it was not an agreement or disagreement?
Another flip flop, no surprise there. But now you have to show where he says the African and the Asian were differentiated populations? Which brings us back to your still outstanding obligation: to validate Cavalli's dendrograms
In order to validate Cavalli's dendrograms (tree) you will have to show that his "African" and "Asian" populations are so well differentiated (and independent) from each other as to support the distinctness implied by tree branches. Debate will begin when you do this. Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote: Show where i "support the notion of caucasian race"
The myth of the K-zoid race is the topic of the thread.
That the k-zoid race is a myth is clear.
That you cannot refute this fact is equally clear.
That you continue to argue over a fact, that you cannot dispute is also clear/
This means the only notion you’ve been able to support is the notion that you’re
A jackass.
quote:Abkoben writes: race is a social construct
^ Not according to Keita
quote:Where did I say according to Keita race is a social construct?
Which one of the 4 words *not according to Keita*, makes any reference to you.
Keita regards K-zoid race as a pseudoscientific myth.
We regard you as a jackass.
You can’t refute either fact.
quote: According to Keita race in its original and correct use was taxonomic [i]"the correct use of the term 'race' is the most current taxonomic one...'natural' distinctions and connotes differences not susceptible to change...'Race' is a legitimate taxonomic concept that works for chimpanzees but does not apply to humans (at this time)."
^ That’s correct. Apparently you think that putting original in bold, will hide the word correct?
quote:But I say it still can be seen as a social construct
^ Per Keita, that would not be correct.
quote:1) it was a term (even if false term)
That the term is false, is of course, the point at issue.
That you admit the term is false, but attempt to justify it anyway – is the very definition of lie.
That you can’t reason this through for yourself, is the essence of jackass.
Which brings us to your double speak.
quote:You engage in grouping populations based on similar external phenotype which Keita sees as evidence of racial thinking.
This is also false, and you know this, as it has been pointed out to you repeatedly that Keita engages in population groups, and classifications, based on external phenotype and modeled as dendrograms – trees.
You cannot claim that Keita opposes any of the above as this is what he does – FOR A LIVING.
That you make this claims provides yet more evidence that you unfamiliar with Keita’s work.
Your efforts to distort the work of a scientist you’re unfamiliar with further renders you a jackass.
I’m sorry but your posts, all of them….. are jackass posts. There is nothing more to you than that.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:show where I "support the notion of caucasian race"
Again, you failed to support any notion other than that you're and illiterate jackass.
And if you do not dispute the fact that causasian race is a fraud, as noted by Keita, then the thread topic "K-zoid race is a myth" remains unrefuted.
Your jackass rantings are so rendered little more than a pointless and frustrated display of soured-grapes.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:show where I "support the notion of caucasian race"
Again, you failed to support any notion other than that you're and illiterate jackass.
And if you do not dispute the fact that causasian race is a fraud, as noted by Keita, then the thread topic "K-zoid race is a myth" remains unrefuted.
Your jackass rantings are so rendered little more than a pointless and frustrated display of soured-grapes.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
Posted by Alive-(What Box) (Member # 10819) on :
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
What is quite clear is your desperate need to cling to your last straw man even as you can't (page 34 going 35) quote me advancing it! Hence your stuck record method [posted 07 November, 2008 10:57 AM, posted 07 November, 2008 11:09 AM] LOL I fail to refute an argument I never advanced? HAHAHA
It is clear you need this straw because you cannot
- show where Keita, like Sforza, constructs geographical population dendrograms (the kind he critiques on his essay)
- show how the Asian and African are differentiated populations (even Aliveboy has yet to do this)
Remember the debate will begin when you do this
In order to validate Cavalli's dendrograms (tree) you will have to show that his "African" and "Asian" populations are so well differentiated (and independent) from each other as to support the distinctness implied by tree branches
Why can't you or your loverboy do this? ^
Your only recourse is to set up straw man (me advancing a "K-zoid" race....where?) and blow it down so as not to deal with the above. So pathetic little raslowitz, page 34 and yet to support your dishonest portrayal and twisting of Keita's position: his alleged support of Sforza and Bowcock.
No surprise as you can't even come straight on the quote in question:
- first you said he neither disagrees or agrees with the analysis
- and now you say he agrees with it [posted 06 November, 2008 11:12 PM]
- not before you claimed his position was that Europeans are a secondary type, genotype[posted 28 September, 2008 01:17 AM]...leaving poor Mary confused "Rasol's premise IS what Keita argues that Europeans as a population ARE a secondary type due to admixture"
- then leaving him more confused, "Keita never claimed that Europeans are a secondary type"
quote:That you admit the term is false, but attempt to justify it anyway
Not justifying race as a legitimate taxonomic concept, only acknowledging a fact as you did "the existence of social distinction based on race, is a given"
If the false idea of race was not a societal creation where was it created
Posted by Alive-(What Box) (Member # 10819) on :
quote:posted by akoben :
quote:Actually, I quoted Keita:"Europeans, the defining Caucasians, are descendants of a population that arose as a consequence of admixture between **already differentiated** populations ancestral to (some) Africans and Asians." - SOY Keita who says no such thing.
Yes already differentiated. Are you saying that Keita is himself advancing the notion that they are already differentiated?
quote:Yes, they give us line of descent. Not sure where I suggested otherwise... this certainly isn't the case with and wasn't suggested about Europeans.
How do you then agree on a what is a "European population" being intermediary between already differentiated populations "Asian" and "African" and put them on trees?
^Actually (as the dendogram implies and as Keita stated) you Euros are a result of the mergings of [differentiated] groups ancestral to Asians & Africans. That lineage markers don't correspond to a fixed set of traits is beside the point.
For your response to the first quote of mine, all I can say is: wow. He states right there that they were already differentiated.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
What is quite clear is your desperate need to cling to your last straw man even as you can't (page 34 going 35) quote me advancing it! Hence your stuck record method [posted 07 November, 2008 10:57 AM, posted 07 November, 2008 11:09 AM] LOL I fail to refute an argument I never advanced? HAHAHA
It is clear you need this straw because you cannot
- show where Keita, like Sforza, constructs geographical population dendrograms (the kind he critiques on his essay)
- show how the Asian and African are differentiated populations (even Aliveboy has yet to do this)
Remember the debate will begin when you do this
In order to validate Cavalli's dendrograms (tree) you will have to show that his "African" and "Asian" populations are so well differentiated (and independent) from each other as to support the distinctness implied by tree branches
Why can't you or your loverboy do this? ^
Your only recourse is to set up straw man (me advancing a "K-zoid" race....where?) and blow it down so as not to deal with the above. So pathetic little raslowitz, page 34 and yet to support your dishonest portrayal and twisting of Keita's position: his alleged support of Sforza and Bowcock.
No surprise as you can't even come straight on the quote in question:
- first you said he neither disagrees or agrees with the analysis
- and now you say he agrees with it [posted 06 November, 2008 11:12 PM]
- not before you claimed his position was that Europeans are a secondary type, genotype[posted 28 September, 2008 01:17 AM]...leaving poor Mary confused "Rasol's premise IS what Keita argues that Europeans as a population ARE a secondary type due to admixture"
- then leaving him more confused, "Keita never claimed that Europeans are a secondary type"
quote:That you admit the term is false, but attempt to justify it anyway
Not justifying race as a legitimate taxonomic concept, only acknowledging a fact as you did "the existence of social distinction based on race, is a given"
If the false idea of race was not a societal creation where was it created?
Posted by argyle104 (Member # 14634) on :
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
quote:assoben wrote: What is quite clear is your desperate need to cling...
Actually what is quite clear is your desperation period! By way of spinning and distorting what Keita says and even what Webster's dictionary says! LOL
How many kicks can your dumbass take?? Then again since your part of the aprasscee gang, I'm sure your ass can take a lot of abuse!
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:Originally posted by Alive-(What Box):
quote:posted by akoben :
quote:Actually, I quoted Keita:"Europeans, the defining Caucasians, are descendants of a population that arose as a consequence of admixture between **already differentiated** populations ancestral to (some) Africans and Asians." - SOY Keita who says no such thing.
Yes already differentiated. Are you saying that Keita is himself advancing the notion that they are already differentiated?
quote:Yes, they give us line of descent. Not sure where I suggested otherwise... this certainly isn't the case with and wasn't suggested about Europeans.
How do you then agree on a what is a "European population" being intermediary between already differentiated populations "Asian" and "African" and put them on trees?
^Actually (as the dendogram implies and as Keita stated) you Euros are a result of the mergings of [differentiated] groups ancestral to Asians & Africans. That lineage markers don't correspond to a fixed set of traits is beside the point.
For your response to the first quote of mine, all I can say is: wow. He states right there that they were already differentiated.
Again due to your dick sucking obligations to rasolowitz et al. you jumped in but still have not shown how the Asian and African are differentiated.
Keita does not say they are differentiated, he is analyzing Bowcock's work within the context of the persistence of racial thinking. Re dendrograms and population differentiation he is quite clear:
"few human populations, even authentic breeding ones, are so well differentiated (and independent) from each other as to support the distinctness implied by tree branches."
Which leads back to this
In order to validate Cavalli's dendrograms (tree) you will have to show that his "African" and "Asian" populations are so well differentiated (and independent) from each other as to support the distinctness implied by tree branches
Take the dick out of your mouth, and try to back up your claims.
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
Sorry Assoben but Alive is not like you and your boyfriends.
Posted by Alive-(What Box) (Member # 10819) on :
quote:Originally posted by the loser with the dunce hat on over in the corner:
you jumped in but still have not shown how the Asian and African are differentiated.
Genetically, dumbass!
quote:Keita does not say they are differentiated,
Prove it by providing a full quote in context.
"Ann Bowcock and her colleague's interpretation (Bowcock et al. 1991; Bowcock et al. 1994) of analyses of restriction-site polymorphisms and microsatellite polymorphisms (STRPs) suggests that Europeans, the defining Caucasians, are descendants of a population that arose as a consequence of admixture between already differentiated populations ancestral to (some) Africans and Asians. Therefore, Caucasians would be a secondary type of race due to its hybrid origin and not a primary race"." - S.O.Y. Keita
quote:"few human populations, even authentic breeding ones, are so well differentiated (and independent) from each other as to support the distinctness implied by tree branches."
Am I to take your dense ad-nauseum spamming of the above as a sign that you need the above spoon fed to you?
Basic fact: All populations have common ancestry, but with differing combinations of genetic markers that identify line of decent.Yet and still, taxonomically speaking, homo sapien sapiens do not subdivide - and I'm not sorry for it.
It's just a biological fact - if it makes you mad that human races aren't a valid taxonomy/ don't make sense taxonomically, that's your problem and until you get over it hold off learning biology,
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote: you jumped in but still have not shown how the Asian and African are differentiated.
quote:Genetically, dumbass!
Yes, dumbass, show how, genetically, the Asian and African populations are differentiated. How are they "two extremes"?!
quote:Keita does not say they are differentiated
quote:Prove it by providing a full quote in context.
"Ann Bowcock and her colleague's interpretation (Bowcock et al. 1991; Bowcock et al. 1994) of analyses of restriction-site polymorphisms and microsatellite polymorphisms (STRPs) suggests that Europeans, the defining Caucasians, are descendants of a population that arose as a consequence of admixture between already differentiated populations ancestral to (some) Africans and Asians. Therefore, Caucasians would be a secondary type of race due to its hybrid origin and not a primary race"." - S.O.Y. Keita
As was explained to your dumbass it was not an agreement (even your boyfriend rasolowitz admits it) with Bowcock's trees and "core populations" analysis. He was quoting her within the context of the persistence of racial thinking.
He completely undermines her entire work by exposing the fallacious nature of not only human population dendrograms but also her sampling methods:
quote:An example [of stereotyped ideas about continental populations] is the particular use of Khoisan and the short-statured groups of Central Africans. These populations are used as the archetypical African in many studies [he then references the Bowcock study]. This notion is clearly traceable to Coon (!!!) and Seligman (!!!) ... The belief that any living population could be proto-African is fundamentally unsound. (pg.359)
Fundamentally unsound?!?! Traceable to Coon?!?!?! LOL Oh my, how then can anyone think Keita could have been in agreement with a Coonian such as Bowcock?!
Now, you pathetic coat-tailing queer, tell us how a "Caucasoid"(that has no definition genetically or otherwise LOL) and a "Chinese from San Francisco" can be anymore proto-European and proto-Asian respectively?
Keep in mind what Keita said about specific groups used in studies, "strictly speaking, studies can only inform about the groups used in the analysis. Therefore a study using Mbuti [modern Pygmies], a clan of Saame speakers, a Swedish village, and Vedda can only tell us about each of them. These groups should not be reified into other entities."
Get to work and explain/defend the works of your white scholar, you "Africanist". LOL
None of your friends are here to save your dumbass so you will have to do it on your own. A frightening thought indeed. LOL
Posted by Alive-(What Box) (Member # 10819) on :
quote:akoho: As was explained to your dumbass it was not an agreement (even your boyfriend rasolowitz admits it) with Bowcock's trees and "core populations" analysis.
A cop-out, as expected. Produce the fcucking citation along with an explanation of which way it implies that he disagrees with them and their conclusion, ie
quote:"Ann Bowcock and her colleague's interpretation (Bowcock et al. 1991; Bowcock et al. 1994) of analyses of restriction-site polymorphisms and microsatellite polymorphisms (STRPs) suggests that Europeans, the defining Caucasians, are descendants of a population that arose as a consequence of admixture between already differentiated populations ancestral to (some) Africans and Asians. Therefore, Caucasians would be a secondary type of race due to its hybrid origin and not a primary race"." - S.O.Y. Keita
or be ignored.
Someone (rasol) may have hurt your feelings in the past or deflated your ego abit, and that's fine. But no one here cares. It's irrelevant to this discussion.
Also, if rasol says that Keita doesn't agree that Europeans are a result of Asian and African populations (which rasol doesn't), he would be wrong.
What Keita disagreed with was racial thinking.
"few human populations, even authentic breeding ones, are so well differentiated from each other as to support the distinctness implied by tree branches"
What a dumbass, akoben is, trying to feign as if he understands genetics.
"This notion is clearly traceable to Coon and Seligman ... The belief that any living population could be proto-African is fundamentally unsound." (pg.359)
Yes, the belief that a living population is is as a frozen-in-time proto-African population is fundamentally unsound.
It's similar to the belief that modern blacks "are" proto- modern whites.
Stop messin around.
"strictly speaking, studies can only inform about the groups used in the analysis."
^This is exactly true.
A study on the Egyptians only informs us about Egyptians. A study on Europeans only tells us about Europeans (like that they are possibly 'binoid blasian mulattos ). Your point?
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
Yes, dumbass, show how, genetically, the Asian and African populations are differentiated. How are they "two extremes"?!
Wow! completely ignored, and you call me a cop-out?!
I guess youre waiting for one of your boyfriends to come and tackle that one so you can cut and paste their **** too right? Oh well.
quote:Produce the fcucking citation along with an explanation of which way it implies that he disagrees with them and their conclusion,
Actually I already did (pg.359) along with his views on dendrograms and all, but since you lack basic comprehension skills, you're completely clueless of their implications re Bowcock et al. and their unsound scientific methods. So beating you down is almost too cruel since your a ****** retard. But I'll give you another.
"Sometimes local populations or even single individuals are used as surrogates or putative "core populations" for the old "great divisions of mankind", in what can only be construed as typological traditions. [he then references Sforza] (pg. 535)
On "core populations" representing continents or "true types" [echoes of the "true negro"? LOL] Keita shows how in the Coonian schema [where he locates Bowcock's work] Africans were called "Congoid" [compare with Bowcock's Zairian "pygmies"] as representative of "original Africans" and all others are "ancient hybrids" intermediate between Africans ("pygmies") and Europeans ("Caucasoids").
Bowcock merely echoes this **same core population theme** only her "Caucasoids" are the hybrids, intermediate between two extremes. But I ask again, how the **** are the "African" and "Asian" populations two extremes? You have yet to explain boy!
This is why Keita says, in reference to Bowcock's work, that the contributing groups seem to conform to received raciotypological schema — but should be acceptable to those who believe in the existence of races!
It's Coonian!
This is why Sforza would later admit that pygmies are not good candidates for a proto-African population! There goes the work of your Bowcock et al.
On racial units and their interaction.
"In the racial paradigm, races are fundamental units and generically maybe called ideal types. These types are units of interaction. Variation is primarily explained by gene flow, and in the earlier time groups conceived as admixed were sometimes called secondary races. This model is well illustrated by the writings of Coon." (pg 535)
If you understood what is being said above you would have understand the quote below as
Therefore, [according to Bowcock's work, her] Caucasians would be a secondary type or race due to its hybrid origin and not a primary race. This compromises the racial schema and [by showing her "Caucasians" to be admixed] also invalidates the metaphysical underpinnings of the persistent race construct, which implies deep and fundamental differences between its units"
Why is it a compromise?
Moving on, "[according to Bowcock's work] One of the units [her "Caucasoids of Europe"] is not fundamental, because its genesis is qualitatively different from the other units and even connects them."
Keita is not saying that Europeans are a secondary type, race or a connecting unit, he does not believe in unit/type definitions (Keita, 2001) only that they would be according to Bowcock's work because as he points out it is within the context of the racial paradigm.
quote:"few human populations, even authentic breeding ones, are so well differentiated from each other as to support the distinctness implied by tree branches"
Yes few populations, including authentic breeding ones ["core populations"] like a Mbuti, Bowcock's Pygmies, are so well differentiated [to be called "extremes"] as he says that they can in fact pair with a stereotypical Swede! So he is in fact undermining **Bowcock's** work here her "authentic breeding population" used to construct her trees.
quote:"This notion is clearly traceable to Coon and Seligman ... The belief that any living population could be proto-African is fundamentally unsound." (pg.359)
quote:Yes, the belief that a living population is is as a frozen-in-time proto-African population is fundamentally unsound.
If, you jackass, as he says, it is fundamentally unsound, how then can Bowcock's work and conclusions, that is built on such constructions, be sound?
quote:strictly speaking, studies can only inform about the groups used in the analysis."
^This is exactly true.
A study on the Egyptians only informs us about Egyptians. A study on Europeans only tells us about Europeans (like that they are possibly 'binoid blasian mulattos ). Your point?
See what I mean?! It went completely over your head didn't it?!!! Also, you're god damn cop-out projecting your s*** onto me. You completely avoid telling us how
"a Caucasoid (that has no definition genetically or otherwise LOL) and a Chinese from San Francisco can be anymore proto-European and proto-Asian respectively?"
Also, you fail to understand that "European" is not considered a group in this context, a Swede is. He is saying that a Swede should not be reified into other entities like geographical regions. It is fundamentally unsound to use so-called "core" populations (supposedly less-admixed) to reconstruct "racial" history (pg.542)
You clearly your parroting over the years has rendered you incompetent while exposing your lack of comprehension skills. Now no more cop-outs queer, answer the f*** questions.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote: Genes, peoples, and languages
L. Luca Cavalli-Sforza
What we know of the occupation of different continents (1) shows that West Asia was first settled around 100,000 years ago, although perhaps not permanently. Oceania was occupied first from Africa, more or less at the same time as East Asia (both probably having been settled by the coastal route of South Asia), and then from East Asia both Europe and America were settled, the latter certainly from the north, via the Bering Strait (then a wide land passage). The dates are approximately known, and the genetic distances corresponding to the splits in the unweighted pair–group method with arithmetic mean tree (or approximately the averages of appropriate columns and other entries in Table 2; see also ref. 1) are in reasonable agreement with them. This is indicated by the approximate constancy of the ratios D/T (genetic distance/time of first settlement) in Table 2. There is a marked uncertainty in the time of occupation of the Americas, and genetic data suggest the earlier dates are correct. But if very small groups of people were responsible for the initial settlement, as suggested also by other considerations, genetic drift may have been especially strong and the time of settlement, calculated from genetic distances, will be in excess. One reasonable hypothesis is that the genetic distance between Asia and Africa is shorter than that between Africa and the other continents in Table 1 because both Africans and Asians contributed to the settlement of Europe, which began about 40,000 years ago. It seems very reasonable to assume that both continents nearest to Europe contributed to its settlement, even if perhaps at different times and maybe repeatedly. It is reassuring that the analysis of other markers also consistently gives the same results in this case. Moreover, a specific evolutionary model tested, i.e., that Europe is formed by contributions from Asia and Africa, fits the distance matrix perfectly (6). In this simplified model, the migrations postulated to have populated Europe are estimated to have occurred at an early date (30,000 years ago), but it is impossible to distinguish, on the basis of these data, this model from that of several migrations at different times. The overall contributions from Asia and Africa were estimated to be around two-thirds and one-third, respectively. Simulations have shown (7) that this hypothesis explains quite well the discrepancy between trees obtained by maximum likelihood and neighbor joining.
This is what Akoben fails to address and realize. Obviously Akoben is trying to distort Cavalli's results into a racial schema(Albeit Keita says when dendrograms are used to categorize populations into distinct groups, due to phena etc.. is evidence of racial persistence), but what racial schema would that be Akoben??? Are you saying that all Oceanics are one race, all Asians are one race, all Africans are one race, all Native Americans are one race?
So basically you're saying, as phenotypically diverse as continental Asia is (but not genetically), you're saying Cavalli's dendrogram is promoting Indians, Chinese, Japanese, Filipinos, Andamanese etc... to be a single Asian race, or is he saying they're a human population, according to their geographical position in Asia and their lineage origin?
Cavalli's work teaches us about the history and migrations of the human family tree, for the last several hundred thousand years. From this work, Cavalli-Sforza himself has written, "The classification into races has proved to be a futile exercise"; and that "The idea of race in the human species serves no purpose."
Europeans are closest genetically to Africans whereas the original OOA populations. I.e Oceanians, appear furthest away genetically from Africans. Being that Oceanians and Europeans are part of the same non-African OOA population structure, then Europeans should be as distant genetically from Africans, as Oceanians are. Bit since Europe as received lineages post OOA into their gene pool as a geographical population, they appear intermediate. If this is not due to post OOA Neolithic migrations into Europe from Africa, then what is it Jackassoben?
^ All found in West Eurasia....and not in East Eurasia, SouthEast Asia, Australia, New Guinnea, Melanesia.
^^Which contributes to the confirmation of Cavalli's distance matrix...Now can you debunk or address the recent African admixture in Europeans that would make Europeans appear intermediate between Africans and Oceanic(non Africans)populations???? Or do you simply plan to continue arguing semantics??
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:Keita says when dendrograms are used to categorize populations into distinct groups, due to phena etc
Don't lie to validate your white masters **** boy. Keita does not quailfy his objections to population dendrograms. He is clear,
quote:Dendrograms are also used to illustrate the divergence of entities called human races or of populations used as their surrogates. This is problematic since few human populations, even authentic breeding ones, are so well differentiated (and independent) from each other as to support the distinctness implied by tree branches... The ubiquity and complexity of human migration patterns guarantee that branching points in trees will always be suspect. (Jorde 1985) Also, strictly speaking, studies can only inform about the groups used in the analysis. Therefore a study using Mbuti, a clan of Saame speakers, a Swedish village, and Vedda can only tell us about each of them. These groups should not be reified into other entities."
quote: "The persistence of the racial paradigm (and not just names) is further illustrated by investigators who use dendrograms (trees) to assess to group similarities or dissimilarities, usually in quest of intraspecific phylogenies. The groups utilized usually conform to the old racial schema.
Akoben doesn't understand the above.
Well as been said in this case, Cavalli's dendrogram, is not used as a quest sorting of populations due to similarities or dissimilarities between populations, but rather a story of human migrations, from Africa throughout the world.
If his populations are conforming to a racial schema, what schema are these? All non-Africans are descendants of a group of Africans who migrated out of East Africa. Therefore all non Africans as expected should appear as genetically uniform, and further away from Africa, the further the population from Africa, or last places populated by humans should be furthest genetically from Africa. Further than Oceanics being that they descend from Oceanics, and not directly from Africans. But since Europe, as explained by Cavalli, was populated by descendants of original OOA populations, and descendants of populations who arose in Africa, after the initial migration OOA. Europeans now appear closer to Africa genetically than do all non African populations.
quote: Dendrograms are also used to illustrate the divergence of entities called human races or of populations used as their surrogates. This is problematic since few human populations, even authentic breeding ones, are so well differentiated (and independent) from each other as to support the distinctness implied by tree branches.
Ako, again, how does Cavalli's dendrogram conform to a racial schema or divergence of human races, when his populations are geographically speaking and resulted from human migration patterns (linguistically, genetically etc..) and not according to phena, which would be racial persistence?
quote: The degree of drift has not been necessarily equal across space and time.
Of course, humans have evolved in Africa about three times longer than humans have outside of Africa.
quote: The ubiquity and complexity of human migration patterns guarantee that branching points in trees will always be suspect.
Indeed, which is why Cavalli-Sforza himself has written, "The classification into races has proved to be a futile exercise"; and that "The idea of race in the human species serves no purpose." Also which is why Cavalli took the initiative to study human migrations genetically and linguistically, instead of classifying into races/groups according to phena.
quote: (Jorde 1985) Also, strictly speaking, studies can only inform about the groups used in the analysis. Therefore a study using Mbuti, a clan of Saame speakers, a Swedish village, and Vedda [b]can only tell us about each of them. These groups should not be reified into other entities."
Indeed, which is why Cavalli's dendrogram is not classifying any populations into separate entities, but rather his results give clear indication of human migration throughout the world.
Europeans are closest genetically to Africans whereas the original OOA populations. I.e Oceanians, appear furthest away genetically from Africans. Being that Oceanians and Europeans are part of the same non-African OOA population structure, then Europeans should be as distant genetically from Africans, as Oceanians are. But since Europe has received lineages post OOA into their gene pool as a geographical population, they appear intermediate. If this is not due to post OOA Neolithic migrations into Europe from Africa, then what is it Jackassoben?
^ All found in West Eurasia....and not in East Eurasia, SouthEast Asia, Australia, New Guinnea, Melanesia.
^^Which contributes to the confirmation of Cavalli's distance matrix...Now can you debunk or address the recent African admixture in Europeans that would make Europeans appear intermediate between Africans and Oceanic(non Africans)populations???? Or do you simply plan to continue arguing semantics??
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:Cavalli's dendrogram, is not used as a quest sorting of populations due to similarities or dissimilarities between populations, but rather a story of human migrations, from Africa throughout the world.
You clearly are dumb "The most important difference in the human gene pool is clearly that between Africans and non-Africans"
Their purpose is, dufus, to show differences (hence so-called branching points) that go with those migrations, why do they talk about "two extremes" if not referring to group dissimilarities?
In any event "Sforza would later admit that pygmies are not good candidates for a proto-African population! There goes the work of your Bowcock et al."
quote:If his populations are conforming to a racial schema, what schema are these?
I already quoted Keita placing Bowcock et al. within the Coonian schema, read my posts and don't ask me rubbish. If you disagree, that they don't conform to Coon, then simply explain.
In any event, "Sforza would later admit that pygmies are not good candidates for a proto-African population! There goes the work of your Bowcock et al."
quote:Indeed, which is why Cavalli-Sforza himself has written, "The classification into races has proved to be a futile exercise"
What a total jackass you are! Even as he says this, in the same book, he still conforms to the old racial schema and divisions "The color map of the world shows very distinctly the differences that we know exist among the continents". <---- sorting of populations due to similarities or dissimilarities.
What are these? African, Caucasoids [I thought they were dead?], Mongoloids including American Indians and Australian aborigines; he refers to them minus American Indians as "four major ethnic groups" in which again Keita says cannot be a substitute for the traditional racial categories whose basis is morphophenotype.
In this book too your white idol talks about "core populations", a play on the theme of his idol Dobzhansky. Now because you have not read Keita to see what he has to say about Dobzhansky, the use of "core populations" and even Cavalli-Sforza's work, you are clueless as to the significance (and implications for you defense of the fraud Cavalli-Sforza) of what I just posted above.
quote:Indeed, which is why Cavalli's dendrogram is not classifying any populations into separate entities
Keita is not saying those groups are populations and should not be classified into separate entities you jackass, he is saying "These groups [the so-called "core populations"] should not be reified into other entities [such as geographical populations]."
Which is what Bowcock et al. does, which is why it is evidence of the persistence of racial thinking.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote: "The most important difference in the human gene pool is clearly that between Africans and non-Africans"
This is because all non Africans are descendant from a **single** East African population, while Africans in Africa have been evolving 3 times longer than that **single** population that walked OOA. Of course that **single** population migration that populated the world, will result in all non Africans being closer genetically to eachother(non Africans), than to other Africans. This is OOA you nitwit.
quote: Posted by Knowledge: Cavalli's dendrogram, is not used as a quest sorting of populations due to similarities or dissimilarities between populations, but rather a story of human migrations, from Africa throughout the world.
quote: Posted by Jackassoben: Their purpose is, dufus, to show differences (hence so-called branching points) that go with those migrations, why do they talk about "two extremes" if not referring to group dissimilarities?
No, the purpose of the dendrogram was to show human migrations throughout the world from Africa, to Oceania, to East Asia, into Europe and the Americas. This is exactly what Cavalli's dendrogram represents. This is called OOA, this is the OOA route that modern humans took. Nowhere is he conforming to racial entities.
Of course the two extremes would be Africans and non-Africans(Oceanics) where modern humans appear first in the fossil record, as well as carrying pristine OOA lineages, while the rest are derivatives of the Oceanic pristine lineages, you dumbass.
From Cavalli-Sforza: Genes, Culture, and Human Evolution. Pg 187.
quote: ..."In other words, all non-Africans carry M168. Of course, Africans carrying the M168 mutation today are the descendants of the African subpopulation from which the migrants originated.... Thus, the Australian/Eurasian Adam (the ancestor of all non-Africans) was an East African Man."
This is a population migration dendrogram, it in no way promotes race, and you've failed to prove otherwise, you can quote Keita disagreeing with dendrograms, when they conform to a racial schema, but Jackassoben, show me how Cavalli's distance matrix conforms to the racial schema??????
quote: Posted by Knowledge: If his populations are conforming to a racial schema, what schema are these?
quote: Posted by Jackassoben: I already quoted Keita placing Bowcock et al. within the Coonian schema, read my posts and don't ask me rubbish. If you disagree, that they don't conform to Coon, then simply explain.
You quoting Keita disagreeing with dendrograms that conform to a racial schema has nothing to do with Cavalli, "his" is in reference to Cavalli's human migration genetic dendrogram, now answer, If his populations are conforming to a racial schema, what schema are these?
Are you saying that all Oceanics are one race, all Asians are one race, all Africans are one race, all Native Americans are one race?
So basically you're saying, as phenotypically diverse as continental Asia is (but not genetically), you're saying Cavalli's dendrogram is promoting Indians, Chinese, Japanese, Filipinos, Andamanese etc... to be a single Asian race, or is he saying they're a human population, according to their geographical position in Asia and their lineage origin?
quote: Posted by Knowledge: Indeed, which is why Cavalli's dendrogram is not classifying any populations into separate entities
quote:Posted by Jackassoben: Keita is not saying those groups are populations and should not be classified into separate entities you jackass, he is saying "These groups [the so-called "core populations"] should not be reified into other entities [such as geographical populations]."
Keita is saying there is no such thing as race, therefore of course no population should be reified into other entities.
But now show me where Cavalli's dendrogram conforms a single population (I.e. Sami) into other entities besides the geographical location they reside?
Which is the OOA route from Africa, across South Asia into Australia, into East Asia, from East Asia into Europe and the Americas.....
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote: Cavalli's dendrogram, is not used as a quest sorting of populations due to similarities or dissimilarities
quote:"The most important difference in the human gene pool is clearly that between Africans and non-Africans"
quote:This is because all non Africans are descendant from a **single** East African population, while Africans in Africa have been evolving 3 times longer than that **single** population that walked OOA. Of course that **single** population migration that populated the world, will result in all non Africans being closer genetically to eachother(non Africans), than to other Africans. This is OOA you nitwit.
Poor you. Hey, nimwit, what does the word different mean? And what does the word dissimilar mean?
Jesus Christ dude, do you have to wear your ignorance like a badge? LOL
quote:Of course the two extremes would be Africans and non-Africans(Oceanics)
No nimwit, Bowcock et al's "two extremes" are "pygmies" and "San Francisco Chinese".
But as Keita said, "strictly speaking, studies can only inform about the groups used in the analysis. Therefore a study using Mbuti ["pygmy"], a clan of Saame speakers, a Swedish village, and Vedda can only tell us about each of them. These groups should not be reified into other entities [like entire geographical regions]."
quote:This is a population migration dendrogram,it in no way promotes race, and you've failed to prove otherwise, you can quote Keita disagreeing with dendrograms, when they conform to a racial schema,
It conforms to the old racial schema, jackass, when so-called "core populations" are used as representatives of entire geographical regions.
quote:show me how Cavalli's distance matrix conforms to the racial schema??????
Did this already you ******* idiot. Over and over. As I said, "If you disagree, that they don't conform to Coon, then simply explain."
quote:Are you saying that all Oceanics are one race, all Asians are one race, all Africans are one race, all Native Americans are one race?
No. I'm saying "Asia" is not some sort of genetically uniform entity.
quote:So basically you're saying, as phenotypically diverse as continental Asia is (but not genetically),
Asia is not genetically diverse? Are you saying that individual bearers (in this case Indians, Chinese, Japanese, Filipinos etc) of specific haplotypes form into clusters of individuals with uniform morphologies and geographical origin?
quote:you're saying Cavalli's dendrogram is promoting Indians, Chinese, Japanese, Filipinos, Andamanese etc... to be a single Asian race, or is he saying they're a human population, according to their geographical position in Asia and their lineage origin?
Dufus, as I showed, he drops the word but the old schema is still there; Keita sees it, and that's why he cites him in his essay The persistence of Racial Thinking.
Cavalli in fact lumps them into an entire geographical region: "Asian". Then he puts them on trees. Now, what does Keita say about such methods? What does he say about individual bearers of specific haplotypes forming into clusters of individuals with uniform morphologies and geographical origin? What does he say about the use of "core populations" representing entire geographical regions?
quote:no population should be reified into other entities
quote:But now show me where Cavalli's dendrogram conforms a single population (I.e. Sami) into other entities besides the geographical location they reside?
This is irrelevant since you have misrepresented what Keita was saying.
Posted by Alive-(What Box) (Member # 10819) on :
ako is STEAMIN,
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718: This is what Akoben fails to address and realize.
He fails to demonstrate that Keita implies that the genetic information used in the study HE CITES (to prove his point) is false, because he has either not read the study, or because he is blinded (hanging onto the dream of a Caucasian race).
quote:akoben sobs: Yes, dumbass, show how, genetically, the Asian and African populations are differentiated
How 'bout, first, dumbass, learn how, to use commas
The studies are provided. If you take issue with a studies conclusion, point out its flaws. If not (or if you are too stupid) then STFU. I cited Keita, who cited the study to show that Euros were intermediate Oceanians and Africans. Case closed.
quote:Wow! completely ignored, and you call me a cop-out?!
See above: if you take issue with a study's statement, YOU must show how it is flawed. It's not my job to teach some random ignoramus net-babboon playing games how to take analyze let alone comprehend studies. The citation is in plain English.
ako's understanding of genetics isn't my responsibility
Actually according to Keita, Bowcock's the one "hanging onto the dream of a Caucasian race", her Caucasoids of Europe would be a secondary race remember?
And Cavalli-Sforza too dreams of them, see his gentic map in Genes, Peoples, and Languages, and "The Ethiopians genotype is more than 50% African. It is difficult to say if they originated in Arabia and are therefore Caucasoids..."
quote:For one, "caucasoid" is scientifically bankrupt. What makes a gene "caucasoid", and what are they?
[Caucasoids] Do not reflect the underlying genetics..."very well"? How about "not at all"
Biologically, such terms [Caucasoid] are worse than useless. – Brace
Meanwhile - caucaZoids are as dead as a doornail – rasolowtz
quote:If you take issue with a studies conclusion, point out its flaws.
You sodomite, I already did. However, you still cannot show how Bowcock's work is valid. Validate her samples: use of her core population "pygmies", that Sforza later undermines; how does she identify a group, "Caucasoids" in Europe, that don't exsist!?!?!
You only prove yourself, with each post running away from your obligations, to indeed be the mere parrot of Egyptsearch. I ask you to show how Bowcock arrives at the conclusion that the "Asian" and "African" populations are differentiated, "two extremes", and you
1) post photobucket instead (LOL)
2) that doesn't validate Bowcock's "two extremes"
3) does not show them to be well differentiated and independent of each other to support the distinctness implied by tree branches.
4) "Countries and regions that share borders may also share DNA markers among their populations".
Remember, even your lover posted Keita, "Racialists models which imply non-overlapping gene pools (two extremes), are clearly negated by Professor Angel's work."
quote:He fails to demonstrate that Keita implies that the genetic information used in the study HE CITES (to prove his point) is false
Again, having beaten you down with Keita's exposure of Bowcock et al's Coonian methods to the point where you can't even reply to what I posted, you STILL fail (page 34 going 35)to show how they are two extremes, show how she arrives at her conclusions, methods used, and tell me if Keita is in agreement with it.
Why can't you go to Bowcock??????
I leave you with yet another incriminating quote.
quote:"Many investigators still use dendrograms to represent the philogenetic history of human "races". These representations imply bifurcations or splitting of ancestral populations." - Keita
quote:The genetic history of a group of populations is usually analyzed by reconstructing a tree of their origins…Genetic data consistently show a phylogenetically deep split between Africans and non-Africans - Sforza
Now gayboy constantly looking acceptance from others, read further on Keita's views on dendrograms (beyond what I have spoon fed you) and see if what you have posted with your Bowcock substitute, photobucket (LOL), supports "an absolute distinctness or discreetness" between populations?
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Perhaps Jackassoben wants to tell us which lineages arose, and/or are indigenous to Europe???
quote: Genes, peoples, and languages
L. Luca Cavalli-Sforza
What we know of the occupation of different continents (1) shows that West Asia was first settled around 100,000 years ago, although perhaps not permanently. Oceania was occupied first from Africa, more or less at the same time as East Asia (both probably having been settled by the coastal route of South Asia), and then from East Asia both Europe and America were settled, the latter certainly from the north, via the Bering Strait (then a wide land passage). The dates are approximately known, and the genetic distances corresponding to the splits in the unweighted pair–group method with arithmetic mean tree (or approximately the averages of appropriate columns and other entries in Table 2; see also ref. 1) are in reasonable agreement with them. This is indicated by the approximate constancy of the ratios D/T (genetic distance/time of first settlement) in Table 2. There is a marked uncertainty in the time of occupation of the Americas, and genetic data suggest the earlier dates are correct. But if very small groups of people were responsible for the initial settlement, as suggested also by other considerations, genetic drift may have been especially strong and the time of settlement, calculated from genetic distances, will be in excess. One reasonable hypothesis is that the genetic distance between Asia and Africa is shorter than that between Africa and the other continents in Table 1 because both Africans and Asians contributed to the settlement of Europe, which began about 40,000 years ago. It seems very reasonable to assume that both continents nearest to Europe contributed to its settlement, even if perhaps at different times and maybe repeatedly. It is reassuring that the analysis of other markers also consistently gives the same results in this case. Moreover, a specific evolutionary model tested, i.e., that Europe is formed by contributions from Asia and Africa, fits the distance matrix perfectly (6). In this simplified model, the migrations postulated to have populated Europe are estimated to have occurred at an early date (30,000 years ago), but it is impossible to distinguish, on the basis of these data, this model from that of several migrations at different times. The overall contributions from Asia and Africa were estimated to be around two-thirds and one-third, respectively. Simulations have shown (7) that this hypothesis explains quite well the discrepancy between trees obtained by maximum likelihood and neighbor joining.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
re: total destruction of "Caucasoid" myth
quote:jackass writes: Actually according to Keita, Bowcock's the one "hanging onto the dream of a Caucasian race",
^ Actually that's what you tried to do, by transferring your claims to others.
But, it didn't work.
Bottom line: Caucasoids are dead, and in your 35 pages, of jackass whinings, you have no answers, and no merely attempt to change the topic.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by Alive-(What Box): He fails to demonstrate that Keita implies that the genetic information used in the study HE CITES (to prove his point) is false, because he has either not read the study, or because he is blinded (hanging onto the dream of a Caucasian race).
Of course. It is amusing to log on to this forum one month later and see that jackass akoben is still plodding along with the same mindless triad of strawman arguments, non sequiturs and misquotes - in futile hope of deflecting attention from the topic of destruction of Caucasoid.
Truly jackass akoben never learns.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Bottom line is, Europeans, as every human being on this earth can trace their DNA back to Africa. This means there are no races, just a single homo sapien sapien species, that spread from Africa throughout the world, and subsequently evolved to survive in the region they inhabited (due to needs to produce Vitamin D in colder climates). If the populations descendants whom migrated OOA, from East Africa, would not have moved north, there would be no pale human populations (resulted from spread of agriculture), or phenotypes we see around the world etc.. Everyone would be darkskinned resembling their African ancestors, as we can see amongst the Oceanic populations. Therefore, Caucasoid, Mongoloid, and Negroid are myths.
If Europeans want to believe in the outdated notion of "race", I.e Caucasoid, Negroid and Mongoloid, if Europeans would like to identify themselves as a separate population that arose in Europe, and negate OOA. Well then, this person believing in race, would have to deal with the fact that Europeans inherited genetic influence from Asians and Africans. Bottom line, no "Caucasian race"
If Europeans want to believe in OOA, but distort it, and say human populations separated into "races", well then Europeans would have to deal with the fact that they received post OOA admixture from Africans, after a subset of East Africans had already left Africa, to ultimately become the ancestors of all non Africans. Bottom line still no "Caucasian race"
But since geneticists use DNA to track human migrations, and can ultimately apply dates to when and where lineages arose, [example: Ancient Egypt genetics]. Where geneticists are able to prove that Ancient Egyptians didn't have any outside influence, that this influence came in later times, well then yea, Cavalli would be correct. Europeans are a result of populations whose lineages arose in Asia, and populations whose lineages arose in Africa, post OOA.
If one wants to become technical, then there are no Asian, European, Australian populations/people/lineages etc.., albeit, there are people who live in said areas, who ultimately derive/originate/come from Africa. As proven by OOA.
Since Jackassoben already admits "Caucasoid" is a myth, well then this thread should've been finished.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
Oh I'm sorry, in all your straw man arguments and deflections I missed where you gave the definition for dissimilar and different, showed how well differentiated and independent of each other the Asian and African populations are? Your "two extremes". LOL
What is ironic and comical about your deceptions (placing the belief in Caucasoids on me) is the fact that it is your white gods who are the ones convinced they exist!
"In actuality there are no Europeans just some mixed Asian and Africans."[ posted 20 September, 2008 12:50 AM]
No Europeans? Tell that to your white god Cavalli-Sforza who sees "white genes" in black Americans! LOL
Hey ignoranceiskey718, why don't you ask your god "Why are whites in Europe identifiable? AND What racial group of yours do they fit under" LOL
"Genetic analysis shows that African Americans have on average 30% of their gene pool from European (White American) genes"
I suggest you follow Charlie Brown's lead and write to your favorite white scholars Bowcock et al. whom Keita cites as still conforming to the racial schema (Keita, 1997) and tell them that "Caucasoid" is dead, not me. LOL
Page 35 and you have still failed yet again to justify their dendrograms, use of core populations, their identifying of dead entities for sampling.
Oh how painful...
quote:Keita and Kittles criticize the use, by Cavalli-Sfroza et al., and Horai et al., of "core" populations [e.g. Bowcock's "pygmy", "Caucasoids ["Terms like caucasoid are worse than useless". - CL Brace] of European origin" and "San Francisco Chinese"](supposedly less-admixed) to reconstruct "racial" history.
and on their trees...
"Many investigators still use dendrograms to represent the philogenetic history of human "races". These representations imply bifurcations or splitting of ancestral populations." – Keita
"The genetic history of a group of populations is usually analyzed by reconstructing a tree of their origins…Genetic data consistently show a phylogenetically deep split between Africans and non-Africans" - Cavalli-Sforza
^ Despite the above and numerous other examples and quotes you dumbasses will stubbornly maintain that Cavalli's dendrogram is not conforming to the racial schema and is not a "quest sorting of populations due to similarities or dissimilarities". LOL
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
Oh my, the further we dig the more we see just who are the real hypocrites. LOL
The term phylogenetics is of Greek origin from the terms phyle/phylon (φυλή/φῦλον), meaning "tribe, race," and genetikos (γενετικός), meaning "relative to birth" from genesis (γένεσις ) "birth").
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718: Bottom line is, Europeans, as every human being on this earth can trace their DNA back to Africa. This means there are no races, just a single homo sapien sapien species, that spread from Africa throughout the world, and subsequently evolved to survive in the region they inhabited (due to needs to produce Vitamin D in colder climates). If the populations descendants whom migrated OOA, from East Africa, would not have moved north, there would be no pale human populations (resulted from spread of agriculture), or phenotypes we see around the world etc.. Everyone would be darkskinned resembling their African ancestors, as we can see amongst the Oceanic populations. Therefore, Caucasoid, Mongoloid, and Negroid are myths.
If Europeans want to believe in the outdated notion of "race", I.e Caucasoid, Negroid and Mongoloid, if Europeans would like to identify themselves as a separate population that arose in Europe, and negate OOA. Well then, this person believing in race, would have to deal with the fact that Europeans inherited genetic influence from Asians and Africans. Bottom line, no "Caucasian race"
If Europeans want to believe in OOA, but distort it, and say human populations separated into "races", well then Europeans would have to deal with the fact that they received post OOA admixture from Africans, after a subset of East Africans had already left Africa, to ultimately become the ancestors of all non Africans. Bottom line still no "Caucasian race"
But since geneticists use DNA to track human migrations, and can ultimately apply dates to when and where lineages arose, [example: Ancient Egypt genetics]. Where geneticists are able to prove that Ancient Egyptians didn't have any outside influence, that this influence came in later times, well then yea, Cavalli would be correct. Europeans are a result of populations whose lineages arose in Asia, and populations whose lineages arose in Africa, post OOA.
If one wants to become technical, then there are no Asian, European, Australian populations/people/lineages etc.., albeit, there are people who live in said areas, who ultimately derive/originate/come from Africa. As proven by OOA.
Since Jackassoben already admits "Caucasoid" is a myth, well then this thread should've been finished.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
^ LOL yes I thought as much. Still no attempt to define dissimilar, validate their tress etc etc. I guess your white god's own quotes on supposedly dead entities, "white genes" and their general sampling methods are too embarrassing. So is Keita's dismissal of them.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
^^^You outwitted parroting peon, care to explain which lineages arose in, and/or indigenous to Europe?
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
LOL you should ask you white god that question too!
"Genetic analysis shows that African Americans have on average 30% of their gene pool from European (White American) genes"
"there are no Asian, European, Australian populations/people/lineages" Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Originally posted by akoben: LOL you should ask you white god that question too!
"Genetic analysis shows that African Americans have on average 30% of their gene pool from European (White American) genes"
"there are no Asian, European, Australian populations/people/lineages"
Of course you give a non-answer. Typical of someone who has been outwitted. I am asking you Akoben, let me know.......
explain which lineages arose in, and/or indigenous to Europe?
Btw, quote me in full, stop cherrypicking lines......
quote:But since geneticists use DNA to track human migrations, and can ultimately apply dates to when and where lineages arose, [example: Ancient Egypt genetics]. Where geneticists are able to prove that Ancient Egyptians didn't have any outside influence, that this influence came in later times, well then yea, Cavalli would be correct. Europeans are a result of populations whose lineages arose in Asia, and populations whose lineages arose in Africa, post OOA.
If one wants to become technical, then there are no Asian, European, Australian populations/people/lineages etc.., albeit, there are people who live in said areas, who ultimately derive/originate/come from Africa. As proven by OOA.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
thats the whole point dufus, none: "there are no Asian, European, Australian populations/people/lineages"
Show how Asian and Afrian are differentiated.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote: thats the whole point dufus, none: "there are no Asian, European, Australian populations/people/lineages"
They are lineages which arose in Asia, which can ultimately be traced back to Africa, but are still lineages which arose in Asia. You're obviously upset there were NO lineages of which arose in Europe.
If Keita was debunking haplotype origins, I.e. Asia specific, Australian specific, African specific markers, then how come we are able to prove OOA? Tell me how come Keita, and geneticists in general are able to prove that E3b originates in Africa, and J in Southwest Asia?
Tell me how Keita is able to debunk geneticists when they say certain populations in Africa are result of outside admixture? But Keita confirms they are actually indigenous, how can Keita confirm this if there are no Asian or African lineages?
Tell me how we are able to confirm neolithic migrations coming from the middle east carrying African and Southwest Asian lineages, bringing agriculture into Europe, and not indigenous Europeans developing agriculture in situ??
Tell me how geneticists are able to confirm if a population is indigenous to the continent and or country?
I.e. that modern Egyptians carry genetic markers from Ancient Egyptians, or that modern Mexicans carry lineages from ancient Native Americans in Mexico?
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
^^^^While there are no answers for the above(of course), maybe you can simply address this Ako(of course not)??
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718: Perhaps Jackassoben wants to tell us which lineages arose, and/or are indigenous to Europe???
quote: Genes, peoples, and languages
L. Luca Cavalli-Sforza
What we know of the occupation of different continents (1) shows that West Asia was first settled around 100,000 years ago, although perhaps not permanently. Oceania was occupied first from Africa, more or less at the same time as East Asia (both probably having been settled by the coastal route of South Asia), and then from East Asia both Europe and America were settled, the latter certainly from the north, via the Bering Strait (then a wide land passage). The dates are approximately known, and the genetic distances corresponding to the splits in the unweighted pair–group method with arithmetic mean tree (or approximately the averages of appropriate columns and other entries in Table 2; see also ref. 1) are in reasonable agreement with them. This is indicated by the approximate constancy of the ratios D/T (genetic distance/time of first settlement) in Table 2. There is a marked uncertainty in the time of occupation of the Americas, and genetic data suggest the earlier dates are correct. But if very small groups of people were responsible for the initial settlement, as suggested also by other considerations, genetic drift may have been especially strong and the time of settlement, calculated from genetic distances, will be in excess. One reasonable hypothesis is that the genetic distance between Asia and Africa is shorter than that between Africa and the other continents in Table 1 because both Africans and Asians contributed to the settlement of Europe, which began about 40,000 years ago. It seems very reasonable to assume that both continents nearest to Europe contributed to its settlement, even if perhaps at different times and maybe repeatedly. It is reassuring that the analysis of other markers also consistently gives the same results in this case. Moreover, a specific evolutionary model tested, i.e., that Europe is formed by contributions from Asia and Africa, fits the distance matrix perfectly (6). In this simplified model, the migrations postulated to have populated Europe are estimated to have occurred at an early date (30,000 years ago), but it is impossible to distinguish, on the basis of these data, this model from that of several migrations at different times. The overall contributions from Asia and Africa were estimated to be around two-thirds and one-third, respectively. Simulations have shown (7) that this hypothesis explains quite well the discrepancy between trees obtained by maximum likelihood and neighbor joining.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:Originally posted by Alive-(What Box): He fails to demonstrate that Keita implies that the genetic information used in the study HE CITES (to prove his point) is false, because he has either not read the study, or because he is blinded (hanging onto the dream of a Caucasian race).
Of course. It is amusing to log on to this forum one month later and see that jackass akoben is still plodding along with the same mindless triad of strawman arguments, non sequiturs and misquotes - in futile hope of deflecting attention from the topic of destruction of Caucasoid.
Truly jackass akoben never learns.
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
Akobens sits in confusion, trying to figure out how to fit the square peg into the round hole.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
the background genetic variation of Europeans, Oceanians, and Asians originated in Africa and precedes in time the presence of modern humans in these areas. Europeans and Asian-Australians did develop more unique genetic profiles over time, but had a common background before their average "uniqueness" emerged. This background is African in a bio-historical sense. - The Diversity of Indigenous Africans
Yes "unique" lineages arose in Asia but as you can see, and still embarrassed to address, they are not well differentiated and independent of each other to support your master's trees, no "two extremes". These lineages don't translate into clusters of individuals with uniform morphologies and geographical origin. As far as "unique" lineages, Spencer Wells thinks Europe has one, and Cavalli-Sforza sees "European/white American genes" even as you say they is no such thing! If "there are no Europeans" how does Cavalli-Sforza find them genetically?
The lineages that are found in Europeans are actually there, and are actually European lineages which actually validates Cavallis distance matrix perfectly. – dufus parroting his master's own words to validate his own master! LOL
Europe is formed by contributions from Asia and Africa, fits the distance matrix perfectly
What Cavalli-Sforza distance matrix perfectly shows is his "pygmy" and "San Francisco Chinese" to be "extremes". (Bowcock et al)
But he would later undermine his own study by admitting that his "pygmy" was not a good candidate for a proto-African population. (Keita p.539) As I said, where are the Asian and African populations that are so well differentiated and impendent of each other to support your tree branching?
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
^^^Yes unique, and are Asian, arose in Asia, therefore, if there was a back migration from Asia into Africa (as proposed by many geneticists), geneticists (like Keita) would be able to trace this migration due to unique Asian markers. No way around it. Europeans carry derivatives of lineages which arose in Asia(which make them identifiable to Europeans), and Africa. This is how geneticists are able to tell Europeans were populated by ancient Asian derived founding lineages 35-40kya, and post OOA African admixture.
Also if you weren't such a dishonest troll. You would've posted my next comment following your misquote of my post, which was at the time when there was no edit function. Therefore my next comment I corrected my statement, which actually read...
The lineages found in Europeans are actually there, and are actually **AFRICAN**, which validates.......
L. Luca Cavalli-Sforza
quote: The genetic history of a group of populations is usually analyzed by reconstructing a tree of their origins. Reliability of the reconstruction depends on the validity of the hypothesis that genetic differentiation of the populations is mostly due to population fissions followed by independent evolution. ***If necessary, adjustment for major population admixtures can be made.*** Dating the fissions requires comparisons with paleoanthropological and paleontological dates, which are few and uncertain. A method of absolute genetic dating recently introduced uses mutation rates as molecular clocks; it was applied to human evolution using microsatellites, which have a sufficiently high mutation rate. Results are comparable with those of other methods and agree with a recent expansion of modern humans from Africa.
1) If Keita was debunking haplotype origins, I.e. Asia specific, Australian specific, African specific markers, then how come we are able to prove OOA? Tell me how come Keita, and geneticists in general are able to prove that E3b originates in Africa, and J in Southwest Asia?
2) Tell me how Keita is able to debunk geneticists when they say certain populations in Africa are result of outside admixture? But Keita confirms they are actually indigenous, how can Keita confirm this if there are no Asian or African lineages?
3) Tell me how we are able to confirm neolithic migrations coming from the middle east carrying African and Southwest Asian lineages, bringing agriculture into Europe, and not indigenous Europeans developing agriculture in situ??
4) Tell me how geneticists are able to confirm if a population is indigenous to the continent and or country?
5) I.e. that modern Egyptians carry genetic markers from Ancient Egyptians, or that modern Mexicans carry lineages from ancient Native Americans in Mexico?
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Genes, peoples, and languages
L. Luca Cavalli-Sforza
quote:The first tree of evolution based on gene frequencies of living humans was published 34 years ago. It was based on genetic distances among 15 populations, 3 per continent, calculated from 5 blood group systems, with a total of 20 alleles (1). The number of genes used was admittedly small, but it was practically impossible to get more information at that time. The only major correction of that early tree that became necessary later was to change its root. This was not too surprising, since locating the root is notoriously the most difficult problem. The standard solution today, usually possible with DNA markers, is to add an external group (an “outgroup”), practically chimpanzees.
Table 1 shows a matrix of genetic distances among continents based on **six times as many markers** (2). The type of genetic distances used — of which there exist a great many — is usually of little importance. But for a tree representation to be acceptable, the evolutionary hypothesis used for drawing the tree must be correct. ***The simplest hypothesis is that the evolutionary rate is the same across all branches of the tree, and the evolution is independent in all branches [i.e., there are no (important) genetic exchanges among them or similar conditions creating correlations among branches after their origin].*** This can be tested on the matrix, since on the basis of this simple hypothesis the distances should be the same, apart from statistical error, in each column (3).
There is one important exception to the rule in Table 1, namely that in the first column of the matrix Europe shows a shorter distance from Africa than do all the other continents. The difference is statistically significant and is consistently found with all markers, ranging from “classical” ones based on gene products [blood groups and protein polymorphisms (1)] to DNA markers such as restriction polymorphisms (4) and microsatellites (5). For incompletely understood reasons, discussed later, mtDNA trees of non-African populations are not as informative as desired.
This exception to good “treeness” of the data (3) is most probably responsible for the difference of results using two classes of methods for fitting trees. One of them, unweighted pair–group method with arithmetic mean, is made popular by its practical convenience and by the similarity of its results with those of the statistically most satisfactory method, maximum likelihood, on the assumption of constant evolutionary rates. The tree is shown in Fig. 1 a near that obtained with another method most popular these days, neighbor joining (Fig. 1 b). The most important difference is in the position of Europe, which with neighbor joining branches out first after the splitting of Africans and non-Africans and with maximum likelihood is the last but one.
What we know of the occupation of different continents (1) shows that West Asia was first settled around 100,000 years ago, although perhaps not permanently. Oceania was occupied first from Africa, more or less at the same time as East Asia (both probably having been settled by the coastal route of South Asia), and then from East Asia both Europe and America were settled, the latter certainly from the north, via the Bering Strait (then a wide land passage). The dates are approximately known, and the genetic distances corresponding to the splits in the unweighted pair–group method with arithmetic mean tree (or approximately the averages of appropriate columns and other entries in Table 2; see also ref. 1) are in reasonable agreement with them. This is indicated by the approximate constancy of the ratios D/T (genetic distance/time of first settlement) in Table 2. There is a marked uncertainty in the time of occupation of the Americas, and genetic data suggest the earlier dates are correct. But if very small groups of people were responsible for the initial settlement, as suggested also by other considerations, genetic drift may have been especially strong and the time of settlement, calculated from genetic distances, will be in excess.
One reasonable hypothesis is that the genetic distance between Asia and Africa is shorter than that between Africa and the other continents in Table 1 because both Africans and Asians contributed to the settlement of Europe, which began about 40,000 years ago. It seems very reasonable to assume that both continents nearest to Europe contributed to its settlement, even if perhaps at different times and maybe repeatedly. It is reassuring that the analysis of other markers also consistently gives the same results in this case. Moreover, a specific evolutionary model tested, i.e., that Europe is formed by contributions from Asia and Africa, fits the distance matrix perfectly (6). In this simplified model, the migrations postulated to have populated Europe are estimated to have occurred at an early date (30,000 years ago), but it is impossible to distinguish, on the basis of these data, this model from that of several migrations at different times. The overall contributions from Asia and Africa were estimated to be around two-thirds and one-third, respectively. Simulations have shown (7) that this hypothesis explains quite well the discrepancy between trees obtained by maximum likelihood and neighbor joining.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
Again, Asian "uniqueness" does not make Asian and African well differentiated and independent of each other, "two extremes". page 35 going 36 still you can validate you trees.
quote: Also if you weren't such a dishonest troll. You would've posted my next comment following your misquote of my post, which was at the time when there was no edit function.
LOL It don't ******* matter as:
"What Cavalli-Sforza distance matrix perfectly shows is his "pygmy" and "San Francisco Chinese" to be "extremes". (Bowcock et al) But he [Cavalli-Sforza] would later undermine his own study by admitting that his "pygmy" was not a good candidate for a proto-African population. (Keita p.539) As I said, where are the Asian and African populations that are so well differentiated and impendent of each other to support your tree branching?"
Since I already addressed the "uniqueness" of geographic lineages, your 6 pt questions are a clear diversion to escape your haunting obligations,
- show them to be well differentiated and independent of each other to support the distinctness implied by tree branches
- validate their use of core populations in their studies
- validate their identifying "Caucasoids" of Europe to use in their samples
- If "there are no Europeans" how does Cavalli-Sforza find them genetically?
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Nope, read, as follows.....
quote:Table 1 shows a matrix of genetic distances among continents based on **six times as many markers** (2). The type of genetic distances used — of which there exist a great many — is usually of little importance. But for a tree representation to be acceptable, the evolutionary hypothesis used for drawing the tree must be correct. ***The simplest hypothesis is that the evolutionary rate is the same across all branches of the tree, and the evolution is independent in all branches [i.e., there are no (important) genetic exchanges among them or similar conditions creating correlations among branches after their origin].*** This can be tested on the matrix, since on the basis of this simple hypothesis the distances should be the same, apart from statistical error, in each column (3).
There is one important exception to the rule in Table 1, namely that in the first column of the matrix Europe shows a shorter distance from Africa than do all the other continents. The difference is statistically significant and is consistently found with all markers, ranging from “classical” ones based on gene products [blood groups and protein polymorphisms (1)] to DNA markers such as restriction polymorphisms (4) and microsatellites (5).
Of course rasol agrees with me, it's that you're an idiot and don't understand, as I explained.
Europeans carry derivatives of lineages which arose in Asia, and Africa(which make them identifiable to Europeans). This is how geneticists are able to tell Europeans were populated by ancient Asian derived founding lineages 35-40kya, and post OOA African admixture.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
Genes, peoples, and languages
L. Luca Cavalli-Sforza
quote:The first book of population genetics I read was Genetics and the Origin of species, by Theodosius Dobzhansky, and it was basic for my understanding of the subject. I later had the chance of knowing Dobzhansky personally and sharing results of my early, relevant research with him. He greatly encouraged me to continue this line of work, and I am happy to share in this opportunity to honor his fundamental contributions. - Genes, peoples, and languages
Very significant admission by Cavalli-Sforza. And what are Dobzhansky's "fundamental contributions" you may ask? See Keita's The Persistence of Racial Thinking where he deals with his "breeding populations" and then compare with Cavalli's (his loyal disciple) echoes and Keita's critique,
quote:Keita and Kittles criticize the use, by Cavalli-Sfroza et al., and Horai et al., of "core" populations (supposedly less-admixed) to reconstruct "racial" history:
Their study consisted of mtDNA derived from an African individual from Uganda (who was used to represent all Africans), ten Japanese individuals whose sequences where amalgamated into one consensus sequence (to represent Asians), and the Cambridge sequence (used to represent Europeans). Here a single mtDNA sequence in two of three cases were deemed by the investigators to be representative of entire geographical regions conceptualized as being authentic. (The Persistence of Racial Thinking p.542)
Compare too with Bowcock's "pygmy", "Caucasoids ["Terms like caucasoid are worse than useless". - CL Brace] of European origin" and "San Francisco Chinese" as representative of entire geographical regions. (see also pg. 539 for Keita's debunking the notion of specific groups "representing" entire populations.)
quote:The Ethiopians genotype is more than 50% African. It is difficult to say if they originated in Arabia and are therefore Caucasoids...
I thought Caucasoids didn't exist! Or is this a mere echo of his "Ethiopian Caucasians"? And you want to lump Keita with this racist piece of ****?
quote:Black Americans ...who notoriously have a lighter skin color than Black Africans, their ancestors. This is especially true in the northern States. Genetic analysis shows that African Americans have on average 30% of their gene pool from European (White American) genes
LOL Ligter skin in blacks = "white genes". And this is not persistence of racial think?!?!?!
Also like YOU, your favorite white scholar is able to distinguish "black" from "white". How?
Also did you say some where that Europeans are just "Asian" and "African"? What then is so "unique" about "European genes" that makes them "white"? What makes whites an identifiable group in America?
quote:Europe is formed by contributions from Asia and Africa, fits the distance matrix perfectly (6).
Footnote 6 is the Bowcock et al. study ["pygmy", "Caucasiod of Europe" and "San Francisco Chinese"] he would later undermine by admitting that his "pygmy" was not a good candidate for a proto-African population. (Keita p.539)
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
^^^You're posting quotes that are not undermining the fact that there are Asian lineages, unique, and are Asian, arose in Asia, therefore, if there was a back migration from Asia into Africa (as proposed by many geneticists), geneticists (like Keita) would be able to trace this migration due to unique Asian markers. No way around it.
Of course you have no answers.......
1) If Keita was debunking haplotype origins, I.e. Asia specific, Australian specific, African specific markers, then how come we are able to prove OOA? Tell me how come Keita, and geneticists in general are able to prove that E3b originates in Africa, and J in Southwest Asia?
2) Tell me how Keita is able to debunk geneticists when they say certain populations in Africa are result of outside admixture? But Keita confirms they are actually indigenous, how can Keita confirm this if there are no Asian or African lineages?
3) Tell me how we are able to confirm neolithic migrations coming from the middle east carrying African and Southwest Asian lineages, bringing agriculture into Europe, and not indigenous Europeans developing agriculture in situ??
4) Tell me how geneticists are able to confirm if a population is indigenous to the continent and or country?
5) I.e. that modern Egyptians carry genetic markers from Ancient Egyptians, or that modern Mexicans carry lineages from ancient Native Americans in Mexico?
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718: Perhaps Jackassoben wants to tell us which lineages arose, and/or are indigenous to Europe???
quote: Genes, peoples, and languages
L. Luca Cavalli-Sforza
What we know of the occupation of different continents (1) shows that West Asia was first settled around 100,000 years ago, although perhaps not permanently. Oceania was occupied first from Africa, more or less at the same time as East Asia (both probably having been settled by the coastal route of South Asia), and then from East Asia both Europe and America were settled, the latter certainly from the north, via the Bering Strait (then a wide land passage). The dates are approximately known, and the genetic distances corresponding to the splits in the unweighted pair–group method with arithmetic mean tree (or approximately the averages of appropriate columns and other entries in Table 2; see also ref. 1) are in reasonable agreement with them. This is indicated by the approximate constancy of the ratios D/T (genetic distance/time of first settlement) in Table 2. There is a marked uncertainty in the time of occupation of the Americas, and genetic data suggest the earlier dates are correct. But if very small groups of people were responsible for the initial settlement, as suggested also by other considerations, genetic drift may have been especially strong and the time of settlement, calculated from genetic distances, will be in excess. One reasonable hypothesis is that the genetic distance between Asia and Africa is shorter than that between Africa and the other continents in Table 1 because both Africans and Asians contributed to the settlement of Europe, which began about 40,000 years ago. It seems very reasonable to assume that both continents nearest to Europe contributed to its settlement, even if perhaps at different times and maybe repeatedly. It is reassuring that the analysis of other markers also consistently gives the same results in this case. Moreover, a specific evolutionary model tested, i.e., that Europe is formed by contributions from Asia and Africa, fits the distance matrix perfectly (6). In this simplified model, the migrations postulated to have populated Europe are estimated to have occurred at an early date (30,000 years ago), but it is impossible to distinguish, on the basis of these data, this model from that of several migrations at different times. The overall contributions from Asia and Africa were estimated to be around two-thirds and one-third, respectively. Simulations have shown (7) that this hypothesis explains quite well the discrepancy between trees obtained by maximum likelihood and neighbor joining.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718: [QB] Nope, read, as follows.....
[QUOTE]Table 1 shows a matrix of genetic distances among continents based on **six times as many markers** (2). The type of genetic distances used — of which there exist a great many — is usually of little importance. But for a tree representation to be acceptable, the evolutionary hypothesis used for drawing the tree must be correct. ***The simplest hypothesis is that the evolutionary rate is the same across all branches of the tree, and the evolution is independent in all branches [i.e., there are no (important) genetic exchanges among them or similar conditions creating correlations among branches after their origin].*** This can be tested on the matrix, since on the basis of this simple hypothesis the distances should be the same, apart from statistical error, in each column (3).
There is one important exception to the rule in Table 1, namely that in the first column of the matrix Europe shows a shorter distance from Africa than do all the other continents. The difference is statistically significant and is consistently found with all markers, ranging from “classical” ones based on gene products [blood groups and protein polymorphisms (1)] to DNA markers such as restriction polymorphisms (4) and microsatellites (5).
Where is Footnote 6 and your staple quote, "Europe is formed by contributions from Asia and Africa, fits the distance matrix perfectly"?
Footnote 6: The Bowcock et al. study ["pygmy", "Caucasiod of Europe" and "San Francisco Chinese"] he would later undermine by admitting that his "pygmy" was not a good candidate for a proto-African population. (Keita p.539)
"Many investigators still use dendrograms to represent the philogenetic history of human "races". These representations imply bifurcations or splitting of ancestral populations." – Keita
"The genetic history of a group of populations is usually analyzed by reconstructing a tree of their origins…Genetic data consistently show a phylogenetically deep split between Africans and non-Africans" - Cavalli-Sforza
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote: ^^^You're posting quotes that are not undermining the fact that there are Asian lineages, unique, and are Asian, arose in Asia, therefore, if there was a back migration from Asia into Africa (as proposed by many geneticists), geneticists (like Keita) would be able to trace this migration due to unique Asian markers. No way around it.
LOL your stuck here I see. Tell me when you get to here:
Yes "unique" lineages arose in Asia but as you can see, and still embarrassed to address, they are not well differentiated and independent of each other to support your master's trees, no "two extremes".
- show them to be well differentiated and independent of each other to support the distinctness implied by tree branches
- validate their use of core populations in their studies
- validate their identifying "Caucasoids" of Europe to use in their samples
- If "there are no Europeans" how does Cavalli-Sforza find them genetically?
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
L. Luca Cavalli-Sforza
quote: The genetic history of a group of populations is usually analyzed by reconstructing a tree of their origins. Reliability of the reconstruction depends on the validity of the hypothesis that ***genetic differentiation*** of the populations is mostly due to population fissions followed by ***independent evolution***. ***If necessary, adjustment for major population admixtures can be made.*** Dating the fissions requires comparisons with paleoanthropological and paleontological dates, which are few and uncertain. A method of absolute genetic dating recently introduced uses mutation rates as molecular clocks; it was applied to human evolution using microsatellites, which have a sufficiently high mutation rate. Results are comparable with those of other methods and agree with a recent expansion of modern humans from Africa.
This is how geneticists are able to know if there were ancient migrations of populations from Asia into Africa or Europe, or post OOA Africa into Asia, or Africa into Europe.
Or just plain and simple, the fact that we are able to prove OOA by lineages identifiable to Africans, and nowhere else.
Also, the ability to take a DNA test and identify which haplogroups you carry, hence where your ancestors come from.
Cavalli finds European lineages, because Europeans carry derivatives of lineages which arose in Asia, and Africa(which make them identifiable to Europeans). This is how geneticists are able to tell Europeans were populated by ancient Asian derived founding lineages 35-40kya, and post OOA African admixture.
quote:The Origin of the Europeans; Combining Genetics and Archaeology, Scientists Rough Out Continent's 50,000-Year-Old Story
In one of the most detailed genetic reconstructions of population history so far, Dr. Martin Richards of the University of Huddersfield in England and many colleagues have traced the remarkably ancient ancestry of the present-day population of Europe.
Some 6 percent of Europeans are descended from the continent's first founders, who entered Europe from the Near East in the Upper Paleolithic era 45,000 years ago, Dr. Richards calculates. The descendants of these earliest arrivals are still more numerous in certain regions of Europe that may have provided them with refuge from subsequent waves of immigration. One is the mountainous Basque country, where people still speak a language completely different from all other European languages. Another is in the European extreme of Scandinavia. Another 80 percent arrived 30,000 to 20,000 years ago, before the peak of the last glaciation, and 10 percent came in the Neolithic 10,000 years ago, when the ice age ended and agriculture was first introduced to Europe from the Near East.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote: ***genetic differentiation***.
LOL didn't you say "Cavalli's dendrogram, is not used as a quest sorting of populations due to similarities or dissimilarities"
What a confused jackass you are! And an evasive one at that
Where is Footnote 6 and your staple quote, "Europe is formed by contributions from Asia and Africa, fits the distance matrix perfectly"?
Footnote 6: The Bowcock et al. study ["pygmy", "Caucasiod of Europe" and "San Francisco Chinese"] he would later undermine by admitting that his "pygmy" was not a good candidate for a proto-African population. (Keita p.539)
quote:Also, the ability to take a DNA test and identify which haplogroups you carry, hence where your ancestors come from.
Yes "unique" lineages arose in Asia but as you can see, and still embarrassed to address, they are not well differentiated and independent of each other to support your master's trees, no "two extremes".
- show them to be well differentiated and independent of each other to support the distinctness implied by tree branches
- validate their use of core populations in their studies
- validate their identifying "Caucasoids" of Europe to use in their samples
- If "there are no Europeans" how does Cavalli-Sforza find them genetically? Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
^^^You're completely going around in circles, and you keep repeating already answered questions.
quote: Posted by Knowledge: ***genetic differentiation***.
quote: LOL didn't you say "Cavalli's dendrogram, is not used as a quest sorting of populations due to similarities or dissimilarities"
Indeed it is not, it is a study which contributes to OOA, and discusses when and where /lineages arose, population migrations etc...
quote:The Origin of the Europeans; Combining Genetics and Archaeology, Scientists Rough Out Continent's 50,000-Year-Old Story
In one of the most detailed genetic reconstructions of population history so far, Dr. Martin Richards of the University of Huddersfield in England and many colleagues have traced the remarkably ancient ancestry of the present-day population of Europe.
Some 6 percent of Europeans are descended from the continent's first founders, who entered Europe from the Near East in the Upper Paleolithic era 45,000 years ago, Dr. Richards calculates. The descendants of these earliest arrivals are still more numerous in certain regions of Europe that may have provided them with refuge from subsequent waves of immigration. One is the mountainous Basque country, where people still speak a language completely different from all other European languages. Another is in the European extreme of Scandinavia. Another 80 percent arrived 30,000 to 20,000 years ago, before the peak of the last glaciation, and 10 percent came in the Neolithic 10,000 years ago, when the ice age ended and agriculture was first introduced to Europe from the Near East.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:Some 6 percent of Europeans...80 percent arrived
How does this add up with for white god’s study of Caucasoids of Europe being 65% ancestral Chinese and 1/3 African [“pygmy”] that he later admitted was no a good candidate? No wonder you blew off boofer. LOL
quote:Indeed it is not, it is a study which contributes to OOA, and discusses when and where /lineages arose, population migrations etc...
Why are you running also from the defintions of different and dissimilar? LOL
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Originally posted by akoben:
quote:Some 6 percent of Europeans...80 percent arrived
How does this add up with for white god’s study of Caucasoids of Europe being 65% ancestral Chinese and 1/3 African [“pygmy”] that he later admitted was no a good candidate? No wonder you blew off boofer. LOL
As you can see Europe was populated by populations carrying derivatives of Asian specific and African specific lineages, from outside of Europe.
explain which lineages arose in, and/or indigenous to Europe?
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
How does this add up with for white god’s study of Caucasoids of Europe being 65% ancestral Chinese and 1/3 African [“pygmy”] that he later admitted was no a good candidate?
- show them Asian and African populations to be well differentiated and independent of each other to support the distinctness implied by tree branches
- validate their use of core populations in their studies
- validate their identifying "Caucasoids" of Europe to use in their samples
- If "there are no Europeans" how does Cavalli-Sforza find them genetically?
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718: ^^^You're posting quotes that are not undermining the fact that there are Asian lineages, unique, and are Asian, arose in Asia, therefore, if there was a back migration from Asia into Africa (as proposed by many geneticists), geneticists (like Keita) would be able to trace this migration due to unique Asian markers. No way around it.
Of course you have no answers.......
1) If Keita was debunking haplotype origins, I.e. Asia specific, Australian specific, African specific markers, then how come we are able to prove OOA? Tell me how come Keita, and geneticists in general are able to prove that E3b originates in Africa, and J in Southwest Asia?
2) Tell me how Keita is able to debunk geneticists when they say certain populations in Africa are result of outside admixture? But Keita confirms they are actually indigenous, how can Keita confirm this if there are no Asian or African lineages?
3) Tell me how we are able to confirm neolithic migrations coming from the middle east carrying African and Southwest Asian lineages, bringing agriculture into Europe, and not indigenous Europeans developing agriculture in situ??
4) Tell me how geneticists are able to confirm if a population is indigenous to the continent and or country?
5) I.e. that modern Egyptians carry genetic markers from Ancient Egyptians, or that modern Mexicans carry lineages from ancient Native Americans in Mexico?
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718: Perhaps Jackassoben wants to tell us which lineages arose, and/or are indigenous to Europe???
quote: Genes, peoples, and languages
L. Luca Cavalli-Sforza
What we know of the occupation of different continents (1) shows that West Asia was first settled around 100,000 years ago, although perhaps not permanently. Oceania was occupied first from Africa, more or less at the same time as East Asia (both probably having been settled by the coastal route of South Asia), and then from East Asia both Europe and America were settled, the latter certainly from the north, via the Bering Strait (then a wide land passage). The dates are approximately known, and the genetic distances corresponding to the splits in the unweighted pair–group method with arithmetic mean tree (or approximately the averages of appropriate columns and other entries in Table 2; see also ref. 1) are in reasonable agreement with them. This is indicated by the approximate constancy of the ratios D/T (genetic distance/time of first settlement) in Table 2. There is a marked uncertainty in the time of occupation of the Americas, and genetic data suggest the earlier dates are correct. But if very small groups of people were responsible for the initial settlement, as suggested also by other considerations, genetic drift may have been especially strong and the time of settlement, calculated from genetic distances, will be in excess. One reasonable hypothesis is that the genetic distance between Asia and Africa is shorter than that between Africa and the other continents in Table 1 because both Africans and Asians contributed to the settlement of Europe, which began about 40,000 years ago. It seems very reasonable to assume that both continents nearest to Europe contributed to its settlement, even if perhaps at different times and maybe repeatedly. It is reassuring that the analysis of other markers also consistently gives the same results in this case. Moreover, a specific evolutionary model tested, i.e., that Europe is formed by contributions from Asia and Africa, fits the distance matrix perfectly (6). In this simplified model, the migrations postulated to have populated Europe are estimated to have occurred at an early date (30,000 years ago), but it is impossible to distinguish, on the basis of these data, this model from that of several migrations at different times. The overall contributions from Asia and Africa were estimated to be around two-thirds and one-third, respectively. Simulations have shown (7) that this hypothesis explains quite well the discrepancy between trees obtained by maximum likelihood and neighbor joining.
Indeed as pointed out earlier, the paper in question is by Keita and Rick Kittles - who is a population geneticist.
Of course Keita and Kittles both debunk the notion of caucasian race, and both support population genetics in anthropology.
lol, at jackass akobens ongoing failure via attempts to alter the message - since he can't refute the message.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
as pointed out earlier, and yet to be refuted on pg. 35, Keita debunked their dendrograms and core popualitons. "foundamentally unsound"
quote:As you can see Europe was populated by populations carrying derivatives of Asian specific and African specific lineages, from outside of Europe.
Asia was inhabited by populations carrying "African" and "Asian" lineages, Europe was in turn populated by them. No two extermes, no two population differentiation that can support tree branching. Where are the non overlapping genes on your geographial population map?
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Originally posted by akoben: How does this add up with for white god’s study of Caucasoids of Europe being 65% ancestral Chinese and 1/3 African [“pygmy”] that he later admitted was no a good candidate?
- show them Asian and African populations to be well differentiated and independent of each other to support the distinctness implied by tree branches
- validate their use of core populations in their studies
- validate their identifying "Caucasoids" of Europe to use in their samples
- If "there are no Europeans" how does Cavalli-Sforza find them genetically?
1) The fact that If Keita was debunking haplotype origins, I.e. Asia specific, Australian specific, African specific markers, we wouldn't be able to prove OOA. Tell me how come Keita, and geneticists in general are able to prove that E3b originates in Africa, and J in Southwest Asia?
2) The fact that Keita is able to debunk geneticists when they say certain populations in Africa are result of outside admixture. But Keita confirms they are actually indigenous, how can Keita confirm this if there are no Asian or African lineages?
3) The fact that we are able to confirm neolithic migrations coming from the middle east carrying African and Southwest Asian lineages, bringing agriculture into Europe, and not indigenous Europeans developing agriculture in situ.
4) The fact that geneticists are able to confirm if a population is indigenous to the continent and/or country.
5) I.e. that modern Egyptians carry genetic markers from Ancient Egyptians, or that modern Mexicans carry lineages from ancient Native Americans in Mexico.
6) Cavalli finds European lineages, because Europeans carry derivatives of lineages which arose in Asia, and Africa(which make them identifiable to Europeans). This is how geneticists are able to tell Europeans were populated by ancient Asian derived founding lineages 35-40kya, and post OOA African admixture.
7) Caucasoid is moot.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
what did you answer? quote the question and the answer. lol
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718: Nope, read, as follows.....
quote:Table 1 shows a matrix of genetic distances among continents based on **six times as many markers** (2). The type of genetic distances used — of which there exist a great many — is usually of little importance. But for a tree representation to be acceptable, the evolutionary hypothesis used for drawing the tree must be correct. ***The simplest hypothesis is that the evolutionary rate is the same across all branches of the tree, and the evolution is independent in all branches [i.e., there are no (important) genetic exchanges among them or similar conditions creating correlations among branches after their origin].*** This can be tested on the matrix, since on the basis of this simple hypothesis the distances should be the same, apart from statistical error, in each column (3).
There is one important exception to the rule in Table 1, namely that in the first column of the matrix Europe shows a shorter distance from Africa than do all the other continents. The difference is statistically significant and is consistently found with all markers, ranging from “classical” ones based on gene products [blood groups and protein polymorphisms (1)] to DNA markers such as restriction polymorphisms (4) and microsatellites (5).
Of course rasol agrees with me, it's that you're an idiot and don't understand, as I explained.
Europeans carry derivatives of lineages which arose in Asia, and Africa(which make them identifiable to Europeans). This is how geneticists are able to tell Europeans were populated by ancient Asian derived founding lineages 35-40kya, and post OOA African admixture.
^ Keita also agress with this.
akoben has lost his argument in defense of K-zoids, and seeks to deflect by generating and imaginary argument between all those who debunk his race-myths, incluing Keita.
it isn't working though, and never will.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
yes, Asia was inhabited by populations carrying "African" and "Asian" lineages, Europe was in turn populated by them. No two extremes, no two population differentiation that can support tree branching. Where are the non overlapping genes on your geographical population map?
And as pointed out earlier he does not agree with their dendrograms and core popualitons. (Bowcock et al 1991) "foundamentally unsound"
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:. No two extermes, no two population differentiation that can support tree branching.
^ No anthropologist agrees with this idiot mantra.
And of course, Keita disagrees...
An additional 20 dendrograms were generated using the minimum evolution algorithm. In none of them did the Badarian sam-ple affiliate with the European series. - SOY Keita.
^ So it's up to you to explain why tree branchings cannot be used to assess population differentiation.
Quoting Keita out of context, won't help you, since Keita uses dendorgrams and trees, and differentiates populations and draws conclusions based on them.
Keita's own work encompasses everything you claim is impossible.... though you fail to explain 'why'. (??)
Not surprising since you have no understanding of anthropology, and you are not able ever, to place information in it's proper context.
All you're good for is misquoting and misciting like a jackass, and in hopes of destracting from the total distruction of the K-zoid race mythology.
If this is not so, prove us wrong and explain in your words why 'trees' are inherently 'evil'. rotfl.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Originally posted by akoben: yes, Asia was inhabited by populations carrying "African" and "Asian" lineages, Europe was in turn populated by them. No two extremes, no two population differentiation that can support tree branching. Where are the non overlapping genes on your geographical population map?
And as pointed out earlier he does not agree with their dendrograms and core popualitons. (Bowcock et al 1991) "foundamentally unsound"
I am sure you can understand the following, that if Europeans weren't populated by post African admixture than the evolutionary rate should be the same across all branches.....
quote:***The simplest hypothesis is that the evolutionary rate is the same across all branches of the tree, and the evolution is independent in all branches [i.e., there are no (important) genetic exchanges among them or similar conditions creating correlations among branches after their origin].*** [/b] This can be tested on the matrix, since on the basis of this simple hypothesis the distances should be the same, apart from statistical error, in each column (3).
There is one important exception to the rule in Table 1, namely that in the first column of the matrix Europe shows a shorter distance from Africa than do all the other continents. The difference is statistically significant and is consistently found with all markers, ranging from “classical” ones based on gene products [blood groups and protein polymorphisms (1)] to DNA markers such as restriction polymorphisms (4) and microsatellites (5).
Do tell why Europe's distance is not at the same evolutionary rate as all the other continents???
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
Oh jesus, you really are rasolowitz. I went through this *** with him already. Keita's dendrograms in that article are not the same as Bowcock et al's you ******* idiot! He is not using "core populations" as representative of entire geographical regions. He is not branching populations but specific groups as he says,
"strictly speaking, studies can only inform about the groups used in the analysis. Therefore a study using Mbuti, a clan of Saame speakers, a Swedish village, and Vedda can only tell us about each of them. These groups should not be reified into other entities."
quote:Keita and Kittles criticize the use, by Cavalli-Sfroza et al., and Horai et al., of "core" populations (supposedly less-admixed) to reconstruct "racial" history:
Their study consisted of mtDNA derived from an African individual from Uganda (who was used to represent all Africans), ten Japanese individuals whose sequences where amalgamated into one consensus sequence (to represent Asians), and the Cambridge sequence (used to represent Europeans). Here a single mtDNA sequence in two of three cases were deemed by the investigators to be representative of entire geographical regions conceptualized as being authentic. (The Persistence of Racial Thinking p.542)
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:I am sure you can understand the following, that if Europeans weren't populated by post African admixture than the evolutionary rate should be the same across all branches....
Indeed, this is Keita's point, as to why Europeans fail to model as a fundamental phylo-clade or 'race'.
Still waiting for akoben to *explain* why Melanesians for example, cannot be modeled as a branching from a and root, as shown in the dendrogram below.
quote:Originally posted by rasol: poor baby akoben, still crying, still searching for k-zzzzoids...
quote:Originally posted by rasol: ^ jackass akoben can hide from the answers.... but he can't run from them.
Below are the answers, he doesn't have.
Question, why is race not relevant?
quote:ANSWERS FROM KEITA: race is based on the hypothesis of *fundamental* divisions.
one of the racial "units" [caucasian], is not fundamental, as its genesis is qualitatively different from the other "units" and even connects them - SOY Keita.
Question, why is the genesis of 'caucasian' qualitatively different?
Answers from Bowcock:
One can show that a branch to a population resulting from admixture tends to be shorter than other branches.
^ What can we conclude from this?
"Nuclear DNA studies also contribute to the deconstruction of received racial entities.
Question "How so"?
Keita answers:
Ann Bowcock and her colleague's interpretation (Bowcock et al. 1991; Bowcock et al. 1994) of analyses of restriction-site polymorphisms and microsatellite polymorphisms (STRPs) suggests that Europeans, the defining Caucasians, are descendants of a population that arose as a consequence of admixture between already differentiated populations ancestral to (some) Africans and Asians. Therefore, Caucasians would be a secondary type of race due to its hybrid origin and not a primary race".
^ The above is Dr. Keita's specific assessment, and not a general agreement or disagreement with or about anyone or anything else.
OPEN CHALLENGE to those who don't like the answers:
* Please produce evidence of ancient European phenotype.
* Please produce evidence of ancient European genotype.
Ancient K-zoids are nowhere in sight.
Keep dreaming, of caucazzzzoids.......
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Kita's dendrograms in that article are not the same as Bowcock et al's
^ No two dendrograms are the same, so that's a total strawmen, which doesn't answer the question as to why dendrograms *according to you*, -cannot be used- to model populations.
If you mean to admit that they can, depending on how the models are conceived, then you debunk your own claim to the contrary, jackass. lol.
Therefore the question stands.
No points for your jackass non answers, sorry.
quote: you ******* idiot! He is not using "core populations" as representative of entire geographical regions.
Really? So when Ancient Egyptians are classed in an African branch, and so distinguished from a European branch, this is 'different' than your empty-buzzword of 'core population'?
How so?
Africa and Europe are not 'geographic regions'?
What are they then?
Please explain..or really, i'm asking you to continue making a fool of yourself.... via further desparately idiotic rationalisations.
quote:He is not branching populations but specific groups
^ This statement is nonsense of course, since a population in genetics is precisely a spefified group?
Disagree.... good
Feel free to clarify the difference between:
* population
* specific group.
LOL, you're a riot.
There is no end to your neurotic need to make a fool of yourself is there.
Looking forward to more of your non answers.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
Right on que rasolowitz, I knew you were that deranged to create another "poster". LOL
Footnote 5 and 6 referred the "fundamentally flawed" Bowcock et al. study ["pygmy", "Caucasoids of Europe" and "San Francisco Chinese"] Cavalli-Sforza would later undermine by admitting that his "pygmy" was not a good candidate for a proto-African population. (Keita p.539)
quote: Do tell why Europe's distance is not at the same evolutionary rate as all the other continents???
No need to rasolowitz, your trees and sampling methods are "fundamentally flawed" - Keita. Even Cavalli-Sforza would later undermine by admitting that his "pygmy" was not a good candidate for a proto-African population. (Keita p.539)
But I'm sorry, I seemed to have missed the post where you addressed the following.
How does this add up with for white god's study of Caucasoids of Europe being 65% ancestral Chinese and 1/3 African ["pygmy"] that he later admitted was no a good candidate?
- show them Asian and African populations to be well differentiated and independent of each other to support the distinctness implied by tree branches
- validate their use of core populations in their studies
- validate their identifying "Caucasoids" of Europe to use in their samples
- If "there are no Europeans" how does Cavalli-Sforza find them genetically?
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:jackass writes I knew you were that deranged to created another "poster"
^ I don't blame you for being upset as my posts, to the point of incoherence.
After all, it's clear that you don't have any answers, as usual....
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:Kita's dendrograms in that article are not the same as Bowcock et al's
^ No two dendrograms are the same, so that's a total strawmen, which doesn't answer the question as to why dendrograms *according to you*, -cannot be used- to model populations.
If you mean to admit that they can, depending on how the models are conceived, then you debunk your own claim to the contrary, jackass. lol.
Therefore the question stands.
No points for your jackass non answers, sorry.
quote: you ******* idiot! He is not using "core populations" as representative of entire geographical regions.
Really? So when Ancient Egyptians are classed in an African branch, and so distinguished from a European branch, this is 'different' than your empty-buzzword of 'core population'?
How so?
Africa and Europe are not 'geographic regions'?
What are they then?
Please explain..or really, i'm asking you to continue making a fool of yourself.... via further desparately idiotic rationalisations.
quote:He is not branching populations but specific groups
^ This statement is nonsense of course, since a population in genetics is precisely a spefified group?
Disagree.... good
Feel free to clarify the difference between:
* population
* specific group.
LOL, you're a riot.
There is no end to your neurotic need to make a fool of yourself is there.
Looking forward to more of your non answers.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:Really? So when Ancient Egyptians are classed in and African branch, and distinguished from a European branch, but, this is 'different' than your empty-buzzword of 'core population'?
Which study does he "branch" an "Africa", "Europe" etc as Cavalli-Sforza. Post the dendrogram as you did Cavalli-Sforza.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:knowledge writes: Do tell why Europe's distance is not at the same evolutionary rate as all the other continents???
quote:jackass writes: No need to....
Then its settled.....
One can show that a branch to a population resulting from admixture tends to be shorter than other branches, ie Europeans
....if you want to persuade us that you don't need to dispute the above, then maybe you should stop crying over it.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
"indi-viduals of European origin from ongoing studies in ourlaboratories or reported in the literature; (//) Chinese born inmainland China living in the San Francisco Bay Area; (Hi)non-Austronesian speaking Melanesians from Bougainville(blood samples collected by J. Friedlaender); and (iv and v)two groups of African Pygmies, one from the Central AfricanRepublic and the other from northeastern Zaire. Thus theyare fairly representative of the world's aboriginal popula-tions,"
^^ "strictly speaking, studies can only inform about the groups used in the analysis. Therefore a study using Mbuti, a clan of Saame speakers, a Swedish village, and Vedda can only tell us about each of them. These groups should not be reified into other entities." - Keita
Cavalli-Sforza would later undermine by admitting that his "pygmy" was not a good candidate for a proto-African population. (Keita p.539)
quote:Keita and Kittles criticize the use, by Cavalli-Sfroza et al., and Horai et al., of "core" populations (supposedly less-admixed) to reconstruct "racial" history:
Their study consisted of mtDNA derived from an African individual from Uganda (who was used to represent all Africans), ten Japanese individuals whose sequences where amalgamated into one consensus sequence (to represent Asians), and the Cambridge sequence (used to represent Europeans). Here a single mtDNA sequence in two of three cases were deemed by the investigators to be representative of entire geographical regions conceptualized as being authentic. (The Persistence of Racial Thinking p.542)
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote: The existence of intermediate groups, whether they are products of gene flow or reflective of gradients of differentiation, or are the results of other microevolutionary processes, tends to negate the validity of the implicit or explicit practice associated with the concept of race. ---SOY Keita, page 541, racial thinking.
Akoben is debunked.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
One can show thata branch to á population resulting from admixture [between a "pygmy" I would later admit is not a good candidate, and a "Sa Fransisco Chinese"] tends to be shorter than other branches" Bowcock et al.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
[between a "pygmy" I would later admit is not a good candidate, and a "Sa Fransisco Chinese"]
^ tsk tsk, jackass.. there you go again, running away from comments you don't like, by misciting, misquoting and quoting out of context.
i realize you've got nothing to lose at this point, but still... that's just sad.
quote:Which study does he "branch" an "Africa", "Europe"
^ Meanwhile you have yet to answer any of my questions as to why population differentiation - cannot according to you be represented by trees.-
Virtually all anthropologists use trees to represent populations idiot.
Don't you know that?
By not answering - you effectively -admit- that your claims [actually all of them] are quite stupid, and utterly indefensible.
What's taking so long?
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Originally posted by akoben: One can show thata branch to á population resulting from admixture [between a "pygmy" I would later admit is not a good candidate, and a "Sa Fransisco Chinese"] tends to be shorter than other branches" Bowcock et al.
Akoben is debunked.
quote: The existence of intermediate groups, whether they are products of gene flow or reflective of gradients of differentiation, or are the results of other microevolutionary processes, tends to negate the validity of the implicit or explicit practice associated with the concept of race. ---SOY Keita, page 541, racial thinking.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718: The existence of intermediate groups, whether they are products of gene flow or reflective of gradients of differentiation, or are the results of other microevolutionary processes, tends to negate the validity of the implicit or explicit practice associated with the concept of race. ---SOY Keita, page 541, racial thinking.
You finally quoted something outside your staple misquote. Means you are reading him, good start. Now tell me what does he say about Bowcock et al's sampling methods and population differentiaion.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
quote: The existence of intermediate groups, whether they are products of gene flow or reflective of gradients of differentiation, or are the results of other microevolutionary processes, tends to negate the validity of the implicit or explicit practice associated with the concept of race. ---SOY Keita, page 541, racial thinking.
Akoben is debunked.
YES..... A-GAIN.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by akoben:
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718: The existence of intermediate groups, whether they are products of gene flow or reflective of gradients of differentiation, or are the results of other microevolutionary processes, tends to negate the validity of the implicit or explicit practice associated with the concept of race. ---SOY Keita, page 541, racial thinking.
You finally quoted something outside your staple misquote. Means you are reading him, good start. Now tell me what does he say about Bowcock et al's sampling methods and population differentiaion.
translation into akboens jackass-tongue: please change the subject to bowcock, so i don't have to deal with Keita debunking me. lol.
its from the same article you've been trying to misinterpret for the last month illiterate jackass.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Akoben debunked, AGAIN!!! lol
quote: Posted by Jackassoben: Now tell me what does he say about Bowcock et al's sampling methods and population differentiaion.
Sure, read Keita for yourself.
quote: There are numerous populations today that are products of mating of peoples from two or more of these alleged racial groups. These new populations historically tie these populations together, in one perspective, but may also be seen as smoothing species-levels genetic gradients. Interestingly the race construct is sometimes not consistently used in terms of it's own logic by its adherents. An example is labeling of groups that the people in question are hybrids. This inconsistency is no doubt due to socialized practice and a racialized worldview that has political trappings. The existence of intermediate groups, whether they are products of gene flow or reflective of gradients of differentiation, or are the results of other microevolutionary processes, tends to negate the validity of the implicit or explicit practice associated with the concept of race. ---SOY Keita, page 541, racial thinking.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Bowcock et al's sampling methods
^ I want to continue to humor you.
What exactly do you claim [pretend] to know about Anne Bowcock's sampling methods?
How would you improve upon them?
What are you talking about?
Do you even know?
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
Oh jesus, he is talking about labeling of "mixed" peoples, groups, not entire geographical regions, by a single racial label [like Obama is "black"] when they are in fact hybrids, mixed.
I know your dumb and don't know better. But you can't take that one quote isolated. This is why I say read the rest and tell me if he agrees with their study.
Try as you might he does not agree with Bowcock et al. 1991 her sampling methods and all.
quote: please change the subject to bowcock, so i don't have to deal with Keita.
The subject was always Bowcock, I know you cant quote her embarrassing Caucasoids and all but try, Now tell me what does he say about Bowcock et al's sampling methods and population differentiation. Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Posted by Jackassoben: Oh jesus, he is talking about labeling of "mixed" peoples, groups, not entire geographical regions, by a single racial label [like Obama is "black"] when they are in fact hybrids, mixed.
I know your dumb and don't know better. But you can't take that one quote isolated. This is why I say read the rest and tell me if he agrees with their study.
Try as you might he does not agree with Bowcock et al. 1991 her sampling methods and all.
No jackass, please, atleast act like you understand what you read....
Keita says: "the race construct is sometimes not consistently used in terms of it's own logic by its adherents. An example is labeling of groups that the people in question are hybrids."
^This above quote is talking about Bowcock et al labeling her populations " Defining Caucasians", despite her findings of them being genetically hybrids.
Then Keita goes on to say...
The existence of intermediate groups, whether they are products of gene flow or reflective of gradients of differentiation, or are the results of other microevolutionary processes, tends to negate the validity of the implicit or explicit practice associated with the concept of race.
Don't believe me? Read for yourself, dummy.
quote: There are numerous populations today that are products of mating of peoples from two or more of these alleged racial groups. These new populations historically tie these populations together, in one perspective, but may also be seen as smoothing species-levels genetic gradients. Interestingly the race construct is sometimes not consistently used in terms of it's own logic by its adherents. An example is labeling of groups that the people in question are hybrids. This inconsistency is no doubt due to socialized practice and a racialized worldview that has political trappings. The existence of intermediate groups, whether they are products of gene flow or reflective of gradients of differentiation, or are the results of other microevolutionary processes, tends to negate the validity of the implicit or explicit practice associated with the concept of race. ---SOY Keita, page 541, racial thinking.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:oh jesus, he is talking about labeling of "mixed" peoples, groups, not entire geographical regions, by a single racial label
I don't see how this no-sequitur rant helps you?
Though it is funny to listen to a self proclaimed anti-jew resort to appealing to the king of the jews, whenver he gets upset.
Shouldn't you be appealing to Norse Gods or something, or is Europes native "caucasian" religious custom too primitive for you?
Again, I enjoy watching you squirm like a coacroach though, so do tell:
-> In what way would trees be acceptable modeling 'populations' but not geographic regions?
Does this means that for you Europeans exist as 'population', but Europe does not exist as a geographic region.... or does it exist, but can't be modeled by dendrogram?
Of course, we all know the real answer is that you made up this argumet to escape from the fact that Europeans fail to model as a race, and instead show as a intermediate admixed group.
Your anti dendrogram 'thesis' [right?] is just a search for a scapegoat.
It actually doesn't matter what geometry you use to model Europeans - they still don't show as a race, and they still show their OOA origins, lack of native genetic distinction, and post OOA African admixtures.
quote:The subject was always Bowcock
No actually the subject is destruction of k-zoid race myth.
You've failed to support this myth, failed to address the subject, and now you've failed to change the subject.
So now what?
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:There are numerous populations today that are products of mating of peoples from two or more of these alleged racial groups.
Yes like AA, Caribbean's, Brazilians
He is NOT referring to Europe here as a "hybrid population" between two differentiated populations.
quote:An example is labeling of groups that the people in question are hybrids.
LOL How many times must I tell you, learn to *** quote properly, "An example is labeling of groups by a single racial label when the data indicate that the peoples in question are hybrids." like Obama first "black" president.
Also like certain New World black peoples.
quote:What exactly do you claim [pretend] to know about Anne Bowcock's sampling methods?
Went through this already, you pretend "geneticist". LOL
quote: ^This above quote is talking about Bowcock et al labeling her populations " Defining Caucasians", despite her findings of them being genetically hybrids.
Oh really? Where does he reference her study in that quote or paragraph?
quote:Meanwhile you have yet to answer any of my questions as to why population differentiation - cannot according to you be represented by trees.-
You kidding me? How many times did I beat you down on this? LOL
you should get buy with this, "Which study does he "branch" an "Africa", "Europe" etc as Cavalli-Sforza? Post the dendrogram as you did Cavalli-Sforza.
quote: No actually the subject is destruction of k-zoid race myth.
Translation: please change the subject to the long debunked "Caucasoid race" so I don't have to deal with Keita debunking Bowcock et al. LOL
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote: actually the subject is destruction of k-zoid race myth.
quote:Translation: please change the subject to the long debunked "Caucasoid race
^ THREAD TITLE: New E3b paper totally destroys East African "Caucasoid" myth
Sorry Jackass but that always was the subject.
You entered this conversation to support the K-zoid myth. You just failed to do so, and then began looking for a scapegoat via Bowcock.
Yes Caucasoids are long debunked, too bad you wasted 35 pages trying to defend them.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote: Yes like AA, Caribbean's, Brazilians
He is NOT referring to Europe here as a "hybrid population" between two differentiated populations.
Lmao, desperate. Of course Keita agrees. Please tell me how AA's, Caribbeans, Brazilians etc.. are hybrids? And Europeans aren't?
Remember Keita agrees with the fact that they're hybrids.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:It actually doesn't matter what geometry you use to model Europeans - they still don't show as a race
Ah yes, the beginnings of the abandonment of Bowcock et al, their methods Keita exposed as "fundamentally flawed" and their trees he exposed also. LOL
But I see your back to you edit button game again. So I’ll give you a rest to lick your wounds and then come back later to beat you down with more embarrassing Keita, and indeed Cavalli-Sforza quotes.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote: Ah yes, the beginnings of the abandonment of Bowcock et al, their methods Keita exposed as "fundamentally flawed" and their trees he exposed also. LOL
Yet Keita says:
The existence of **intermediate groups**, whether they are products of gene flow or reflective of gradients of differentiation, or are the results of other microevolutionary processes, tends to negate the validity of the implicit or explicit practice associated with the concept of race. ---SOY Keita, page 541, racial thinking.
What Intermediate groups is Keita referring to Jackass? Of course he's not talking about AA's, Caribbeans, Brazilians etc..
Of course Keita was referring to Bowcocks findings of Europeans being an intermediate population.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Ah yes, the beginnings of the abandonment of Bowcock et a
^ Actually, I'm challenging you directly to explain in your own words - to show what is *wrong* with her work.
You're hilarious, you fixate on Bowcock in order to run away from the topic.
Then when I challenge you to specifically refute Bowcock's work [why not, you've been completely destroyed visa the thread topic,and theres nothing left of you to squash], you run away from Bowock too.
You're such a weak-minded jackass, that you can't even address your own excuses.....
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:Bowcock et al's sampling methods
^ I want to continue to humor you.
What exactly do you claim [pretend] to know about Anne Bowcock's sampling methods?
^ Seems you don't.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:Please tell me how AA's, Caribbeans, Brazilians etc.. are hybrids? And Europeans aren't?
Not all AA, Caribbeans etc are hybrids, "mixed" in the context discussed here.
Thats why I said "Also like certain New World black peoples."
Not all AA, Caribbean etc are
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ But, you are. All Europeans are.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:Ah yes, the beginnings of the abandonment of Bowcock et a
^ Actually, I'm challenging you directly to explain in your own words - to show what is *wrong* with her work.
You're hilarious, you fixate on Bowcock in order to run away from the topic.
Then when I challenge you to specifically refute Bowcock's work [why not, you've been completely destroyed visa the thread topic,and theres nothing left of you to squash], you run away from Bowock too.
You're such a weak-minded jackass, that you can't even address your own excuses.....
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:Bowcock et al's sampling methods
^ I want to continue to humor you.
What exactly do you claim [pretend] to know about Anne Bowcock's sampling methods?
How would you improve upon them?
What are you talking about?
Do you even know?
Poor you. So late and pathetic. ((((yawn))))
Go read the posts pretend scholar, even in here.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Originally posted by akoben:
quote:Please tell me how AA's, Caribbeans, Brazilians etc.. are hybrids? And Europeans aren't?
Not all AA, Caribbeans etc are hybrids, "mixed" in the context discussed here.
Thats why I said "Also like certain New World black peoples."
Not all AA, Caribbean etc are
I didn't ask you how many Caribbeans, AA's etc.. were hybrids. I asked you how are they hybrids, and Europeans aren't? Pray tell how any of the people you mentioned are hybrids?
You can take your foot out of your mouth now.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by akoben:
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:Ah yes, the beginnings of the abandonment of Bowcock et a
^ Actually, I'm challenging you directly to explain in your own words - to show what is *wrong* with her work.
You're hilarious, you fixate on Bowcock in order to run away from the topic.
Then when I challenge you to specifically refute Bowcock's work [why not, you've been completely destroyed visa the thread topic,and theres nothing left of you to squash], you run away from Bowock too.
You're such a weak-minded jackass, that you can't even address your own excuses.....
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:Bowcock et al's sampling methods
^ I want to continue to humor you.
What exactly do you claim [pretend] to know about Anne Bowcock's sampling methods?
^ Sorry, a link to a previous page showing Knowledge and everyone else schooling you, while you make a fool of yourself, in no way answers the questions.
And this is ironic, since you are so desparate to change the subject to Bowcock, but then when challenged, you turn punk again [your true 'color'], and have nothing specific to say.
Of course, this is because you don't know anything about Bowcock, but simply saw her as a mechanism to deflect attention from the destruction of the K-zoid myth.
lol, lol, lol.
Well, since you have nothing to say, then...
Keep dreaming, of caucazzzzoids.......
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
LOL You predictable jackass, what does posting that link of your Aryan goddess have to do with their sampling methods used in 1991 study, undermined by Keita as "fundamentally unsound" and indeed by Cavalli-Sforza when he admits "pygmies" were not good candidate for proto-African? (Keita p.539)
How am I deflecting to Bowcock et al. when it was the very quote [Ann Bowcock and her colleague's interpretation]that exposed you as ignorant of the Keita's views? You thought he was agreeing that Europeans are a "secondary type", genotype remember?; thought he agreed with their "core population" analysis, their representing entire geographical regions on tree branches.
quote: already-differentiated
quote: ^ correct, of course. - rasolowitz
How? Post a genetic map that shows this.
"few human populations, even authentic breeding ones, are so well differentiated (and independent) from each other as to support the distinctness implied by tree branches."
Speaking of running from obligations, "Which study does he [Keita] "branch" an "Africa", "Europe" etc as Cavalli-Sforza? Post the dendrogram as you did Cavalli-Sforza.
quote:Yes Caucasoids are long debunked
Yet you cite Bowcock et al's "Caucasoids of European origin (Eur)" study and misrepresent Keita as agreeing with it? LOL
Your other white scholar Cavalli-Sforza doesn't seem to think they are dead either, he still dreams of them, "The Ethiopians genotype is more than 50% African. It is difficult to say if they originated in Arabia and are therefore Caucasoids..."
quote:Of course Keita was referring to Bowcocks findings of Europeans being an intermediate population.
Oh really, in that quote? Then it shouldn't be to hard to do this
- Where does he reference her study in that quote or paragraph?
- show them, Asian and African populations, to be well differentiated and independent of each other to support the distinctness implied by tree branches
- validate their use of "core populations" in their studies
- validate their identifying "Caucasoids" of Europe to use in their samples
- If "there are no Europeans" how does Cavalli-Sforza find them genetically?
quote:I asked you how are they hybrids, and Europeans aren't?
Again, some Caribbeans, AA etc are "hybrids" in the context discussed here. "Europeans" would be under the racial schema, an entire geographical region of "hybrids".
"Europeans would be a hybrid population if "race" was biologically valid." - dumbass
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
"Others use [Like Bowcock et al.] restriction site polymorphisms and nuclear or mtDNA. Generally these investigations assess the amount of genetic difference between the studies groups and estimate their divergence times. Sometimes the term race is not used to describe the units. On close scrutiny, however, these groups are conceived of as the traditional races [e.g. Pygmies/Negros) (PygZ), Caucasoids of European origin (Eur), Chinese/Mongoloid (Chi)] or taken to denote those races and hence all other groups within those races [this is the "core population" analysis he debunkes p.542]. **Strictly speaking**, the divergence times can only [Keita's emphasis] apply to the specific groups studied, which are hopefully real breeding populations and not to any others." (pg. 536)
Compare with
"Dendrograms are also used to illustrate the divergence of entities called human races **or of populations used as their surrogates.** This is problematic since few human populations, even authentic breeding ones, are so well differentiated (and independent) from each other as to support the distinctness implied by tree branches. The degree of drift has not been necessarily equal across space and time. The ubiquity and complexity of human migration patterns guarantee that branching points in trees will always be suspect. (Jorde 1985) Also, **strictly speaking**, studies can only inform about the groups used in the analysis. Therefore a study using Mbuti, a clan of Saame speakers, a Swedish village, and Vedda can only tell us about each of them. These groups should not be reified into other entities."
Keita and Kittles criticize the use, by Cavalli-Sfroza et al., and Horai et al., of "core" populations (supposedly less-admixed) to reconstruct "racial" history:
"Their study consisted of mtDNA derived from an African individual from Uganda (who was used to represent all Africans), ten Japanese individuals whose sequences where amalgamated into one consensus sequence (to represent Asians), and the Cambridge sequence (used to represent Europeans). Here a single mtDNA sequence in two of three cases were deemed by the investigators to be representative of entire geographical regions conceptualized as being authentic. (The Persistence of Racial Thinking p.542)"
"Many investigators still use dendrograms to represent the philogenetic history of human "races". These representations imply bifurcations or splitting of ancestral populations." – Keita
"The genetic history of a group of populations is usually analyzed by reconstructing a tree of their origins…Genetic data consistently show a phylogenetically deep split between Africans and non-Africans" - Cavalli-Sforza
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Why is this kid Akoben posting about Keita disagreeing with every single study in the world EXCEPT, Genes Peoples and Languages??? Lmao
Regardless, the devastating blow to Akobens long time rant about dendrograms. Keita debunks Akobens delusional assumptions in the same paper. Lol
quote: There are numerous populations today that are products of mating of peoples from two or more of these alleged racial groups. These new populations historically tie these populations together, in one perspective, but may also be seen as smoothing species-levels genetic gradients. Interestingly the race construct is sometimes not consistently used in terms of it's own logic by its adherents. An example is labeling of groups that the people in question are hybrids. This inconsistency is no doubt due to socialized practice and a racialized worldview that has political trappings.The existence of intermediate groups, whether they are products of gene flow or reflective of gradients of differentiation, or are the results of other microevolutionary processes, tends to negate the validity of the implicit or explicit practice associated with the concept of race. ---SOY Keita, page 541, racial thinking.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Posted by Jackassoben: Yes like AA, Caribbean's, Brazilians
He is NOT referring to Europe here as a "hybrid population" between two differentiated populations.
quote: Posted by Jackassoben: Again, some Caribbeans, AA etc are "hybrids" in the context discussed here.
Classic case of the dunce backtracking.
As we can all see your first reply was that Keita was talking about AA's Brazilians, Carribeans etc.. and not Europeans.
But Keita does not mention the Carribeans, Brazilians all, let alone being intermediate.
What he does speak upon in his paper is the Bowcock findings of "Caucasians" being an intermediate/hybrid population.
Btw, how would Brazilians, Caribbeans, AA's be intermediate? Intermediate between what? What populations?
quote:Posted by Jackassoben: "Europeans" would be under the racial schema, an entire geographical region of "hybrids".
The reason the racial schema is further debunked is because groups are intermediate as Keita himself says.
Keita: The existence of intermediate groups, whether they are products of gene flow or reflective of gradients of differentiation, or are the results of other microevolutionary processes, tends to negate the validity of the implicit or explicit practice associated with the concept of race.
To anyone who can read will understand Keita is saying the racial schema is further negated due to the fact of intermediate groups. Case closed.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:What does posting that link of your Aryan goddess have to do with their sampling methods used in 1991 study
And for the 3rd time, you are offered and opportunity to explain in your own words:
What are Bowcocks sampling methods?
If you claim they are unsound, explain -why-?
What's taking so long?
Why not admit that you have no idea whatsoever about Bowcock's or anyone elses actual work, beyound quoting out of context?
Why else would you fail to answer this question?
lol, even after your total surrender by way of admitting the distruction of the KawKaZoid myth, you even fail to sustain and argument for you own face saving destraction.
Bowcock he cried!
What about her, we asked?
Uh.....uhm, I don't know, "nothing in particuar", he replied.
And...Bowcock is no Aryan goddess. She's just not a retarded clown like you.
So, don't hate. lol lol, lol.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:As we can all see your first reply was that Keita was talking about AA's Brazilians, Carribeans etc.. and not Europeans.
But Keita does not mention the Carribeans, Brazilians all, let alone being intermediate.
What he does speak upon in his paper is the Bowcock findings of "Caucasians" being an intermediate/hybrid population
Jackass akoben always tries to transfer unpleasant truths.
Told "caucasians" are admixed/hybrids.... he tries to transfer to "Brazilians".
Told by Keita that caucasians are not a race - he tries to transfer to Bowcock.
Challenged to refute Anne Bowcock- now the obsessive target of his neurotic mysogyny, he tries to change the subject to Barack Obama.
Must be terrible living a world that requires you to constantly *run away* from the truth, as jackass akoben is forced to.
kzoid race myth is dead.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote: Posted by Jackassoben: Oh jesus, he is talking about labeling of "mixed" peoples, groups, not entire geographical regions, by a single racial label [like Obama is "black"] when they are in fact hybrids, mixed.
Lol, Obama is a factual hybrid , according to Akoben, but Europeans being 2/3rd Asian and 1/3rd African are not. Wheres the logic Akoben???
Burns don't it???
"Europe shows a shorter genetic distance from Africa than do all the other continents......The overall contributions from Asia and Africa were estimated to be around two-thirds and one-third, respectively. Simulations have shown (7) that this hypothesis explains quite well the discrepancy between trees obtained by maximum likelihood and neighbor joining. " - L. Luca Cavalli-Sforza
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
continuing on the topic of European as intermediate due to their admixed status....
Geneticist Alan Templeton:
There is more genetic similarity between Europeans and sub-Saharan Africans and between Europeans and Melanesians, than between Africans and Melanesians.
^ This situation can only be explained thru admixture in Europeans.
The only other scenario would have Europeans as the originating population from which others branch - but this would be indicated by greater genetic diversities within Europeans - which is not the case.
In fact the opposite is the case.
Europeans model as admixed populations.
ie ->
If Nigeria and Norway produce a baby, the baby is genetically closer to Nigeria -and- genetically closer to Norway, than Nigeria is to Norway.
Morover there is little genetic originality in the baby defined as genes not found in either Nigeria or Norway.
The result is that the baby's position is both intermediate and short stemmed [unoriginal].
Europeans are genetically closer to Asians [and Melanesians] and genetically closer to Africans, than Africans are to Melanesians or Asians.
This is correctly indicated in the chart above.
The position of Europeans is not merely intermediate, but 'short stemmed'.
Short stemmed populations indicate non-distinct 'hybrid' populations.
Anyone who wants to oppose this position must show -why- this principle would be incorrect.
Mindless hysterical rantings against Anne Bowcock - do *not* fullfull this obligation.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Jackassoben Where are you????Lmaoooo
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
Akoben sits in confusion, trying to figure out how to fit the square peg into the round hole.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:Mindless hysterical rantings against Anne Bowcock - do *not* fullfull this obligation.
^ Translated: please stop reminding me how much Keita exposed Bowcock et al., as I thought he was agreeing with them. LOL
Don't worry rasolowitz, I've only just begun.
quote:Why is this kid Akoben posting about Keita disagreeing with every single study in the world EXCEPT, Genes Peoples and Languages???
^ what makes you think this rasolowitz? Genes Peoples and Languages references that same Keita-debunked Bowcock study, "Europe is formed by contributions from Asia and Africa, fits the distance matrix perfectly" [Bowcock et al. 1991]
And he also disagrees with him here too
"It is already clear from other data that the Y chromosome variation shows geographic clustering much higher than mtDNA and probably higher than autosomes" - Genes Peoples and Languages
"Not surprisingly, the lack of exclusive "racial" clustering is also seen when haplotype phylogenies were constructed using Y chromosome polymorphisms. A. Ruiz Linares and his colleagues [Cavalli-Sforza] believe that clear evidence exists for geographic (continental) clustering of Y chromosome haplotypes. Their phylogeny, however, does not support this" - Keita
Which explains why you or your boyfriend Aliveboy have been unable, page 36 and counting, to show how your Asian and African populations are so well differentiated and independent of each other so as to support your tree branching.
Only a dumbass like you would think that by simply referencing Cavalli-Sforza means that he is in agreement. He references him here again "The Khoisan have been stated to have ancient Caucasian admixture, and in no small quantity", is he agreeing with Cavalli-Sforza here too? LOL
"Curiously, the converse is also observed eastern western short statured peoples from Central Africa [Bowcock et al.'s "core population"] are similar in gross morphological phenotype; that is, they belong to the same "race" but are as different from each other in some loci as they are from peoples from the other side of the world."
^ few human populations, even authentic breeding ones, are so well differentiated (and independent) from each other as to support the distinctness implied by tree branches.
"While analytical technology and types of data have changed, the sampling and interpretation of human variation continues under the influence of Coonian descriptions and models. The old races (morphophenotypic units) are simply described with new data, although the new data shatter the unity of the anatomically defined categories at the individual level. The problematic nature of genetic sampling is illustrated by the persistence of stereotyped ideas of continental populations or by practices that minimize the reality of variation. This seems especially true in the case of Africa. An example is the particular use of Khoisan and the short statured groups of Central Africa. These populations are used as the archetypal Africans in many studies [cites Bowcock et al. 1991]. This notion is clearly traceable to Coon and Seligman. More recently other scholars have stated that "contrary to many early opinions, modern Pygmies (Biaka and Mbuti) and Khoisan are not good candidates for proto African population (Cavalli – Sforza 1994). The belief that any living population could be proto African is fundamentally unsound (p.539)."
"[Caucasoids of European origin]...two groups of African Pygmies, ...Thus they are fairly representative of the world's aboriginal populations," [Bowcock et al.]
^ LOL "fundamentally unsound", "the contributing groups seem to conform to received raciotypological schema — but should be acceptable to those [like rasolowitz et al.] who believe in the existence of races." LOL
quote:"There are numerous populations today that are products of mating of peoples from two or more of these alleged racial groups. These new populations historically tie these populations together"
^ Is that quote referring to ancestral European populations as hybrids? LOL
quote:Obama is a factual hybrid, according to Akoben, but Europeans being 2/3rd Asian and 1/3rd African are not.
^ again you go for the Keita-debunked "fundamentally unsound" Bowcock 1991!
Keita does not agree with you and your rubbish about there being "no Europeans" in actuality, only "2/3rd Asian and 1/3rd African". [and neither does Cavalli-Sforza, posted 25 November, 2008 10:03 PM]
All the alleged racial groups developed "unique" genetics markers over time on a common background "This background is African in a bio-historical sense." (Keita, 1996)
Again, all Bowcock et al. "proved" was that their "Caucasoid" was 2/3 "San Francisco Chinese" and 1/3 "pygmy"/Mbuti. However
1) Caucasoids are a myth
2) Cavalli-Sforza later admits "pygmies" are not a good candidates for proto-African populations and
3) "the belief that any living population could be proto-African is fundamentally unsound."
^ this alone should have convinced your dumbass that Keita was NOT in agreement with Bowcock et al. I suspect you had feeling which is why you flipped from being in agreement ["he is cited by Keita"] to neither agreeing nor disagreeing back to agreement!!! LOL
Further debunking of Bowcock et al.
quote:"Generally these investigations assess the amount of genetic difference between the studies groups and estimate their divergence times. Sometimes the term race is not used to describe the units. On close scrutiny, however, these groups are conceived of as the traditional races [e.g. Bowcock et al: Pygmies/Negros (PygZ), Caucasoids of European origin (Eur), Chinese/Mongoloid (Chi)] or taken to denote those races and hence all other groups within those races...Strictly speaking, the divergence times can only [Keita's emphasis] apply to the specific groups studied, which are hopefully real breeding populations and not to any others." [Myth of Racial Divergence pg. 536]
^ So even if the times were to only apply to the specific groups studied [and not entire alleged geographic clusters/regions] by Bowcock et al., there is the problem of their "Caucasoids from Europe" being a "real breeding population" when
quote: For one, "caucasoid" is scientifically bankrupt. What makes a gene "caucasoid", and what are they?
[Caucasoids] Do not reflect the underlying genetics..."very well"? How about "not at all"
Biologically, such terms [Caucasoid] are worse than useless. – Brace
Meanwhile - caucaZoids are as dead as a doornail – rasolowtz
Bowcock et al. debunked from all angles!!!!! LOLOLOLOL
Racial divergence is a myth. But your whites scholars still persist in perpetuating it which is why Keita sees them as updated Coonians.
quote: And for the 3rd time, you are offered and opportunity to explain in your own words:What are Bowcocks sampling methods?
You keep asking what I have already destroyed you with, only to avoid this, "Which study does he [Keita] "branch" an "Africa", "Europe" etc as Cavalli-Sforza? Post the dendrogram as you did Cavalli-Sforza."
"Many investigators still use dendrograms to represent the philogenetic history of human "races". These representations imply bifurcations or splitting of ancestral populations, ...Dendrograms are also used to illustrate the divergence of entities called human races or of populations used as their surrogates…strictly speaking, studies can only inform about the groups used in the analysis. Therefore a study using Mbuti [Bowcock et al's "pygmy"], a clan of Saame speakers, a Swedish village, and Vedda can only tell us about each of them. These groups should not be reified into other entities." [Myth of Racial Divergence pg. 536]
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Many investigators still use dendrograms to represent the philogenetic history of human "races". - Keita
Whereas Keita uses dendrograms to represent the philogenetic history of populations he does not regard as races.
quote:An additional 20 dendrograms were generated using the minimum evolution algorithm. In none of them did the Badarian sam-ple affiliate with the European series. - SOY Keita.
Keita's position is that anthropology, as represented in dendrograms or any other geometry, do not support the ideology of race.
His position is *not* that denodrograms [which are themselves only a geometry, not and ideology] are inherently 'wrong', as you are trying to [quite stupidly] imply.
If he felt dendrograms were inherently bad, he would not use them himself - which of course he does.
You can't follow the above, because your jackass brain cannot process information properly, and in context.
Keita agrees that genetics can show that Europeans *do not model as a race*, because Europeans only show as terrtiary derivities and lack the phylo-genetic distinction required to support the notion of a 'caucasian race'.
Thus "caucasian" race is a fallacy, as shown....
Quoting Keita out of context neither refutes the fact that k-zoid race is a fallacy, nor answers any of the questions you were asked.
It is simply a futile attempt at stalling and distraction in the face of devastating debate failure on your part.
Try again...
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Translated: please stop reminding me how much Keita exposed Bowcock et al.,
^ Rather I should remind you:
- Keita debunked the k-zoid myth, you ran way.
- Instead you deflect attention to Bowcock, but when challenged to refute Bowcock,,,, you run away again.
Unanswered questions about Bowock.
quote: Specifically, what are Bowcock's sampling methods? Do you actually know -anything- at all about them?
Or are you just a faker, trying to destract attention from your failure to support the kzoid race myth?
quote:If you claim they are unsound, explain -why-? Explain what would then be a -sound- sampling method? Explain how such sound methods would in any way alter the material fact that Europeans fail to model as a race, and are revealed as and admixed population lacking primary genetic distinction?
Or..... are you just a faker, trying to destract attention from your failure to support the kzoid race myth?
What's taking so long? You pretend to want to discuss Bowcock but you avoid even attempting to answer these basic questions, answers to which are required in order for you to make any sense at all.
-> I'll answer the last question for you -
This is taking so long for you, because you are a humiliated jackass who has no idea of what he is talking about.
You're pathetic.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Keita: The existence of intermediate groups, whether they are products of gene flow or reflective of gradients of differentiation, or are the results of other microevolutionary processes, tends to negate the validity of the implicit or explicit practice associated with the concept of race.
- SOY Keita.
RIP - caucazoid race.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
quote: Posted by Jackassoben: Oh jesus, he is talking about labeling of "mixed" peoples, groups, not entire geographical regions, by a single racial label [like Obama is "black"] when they are in fact hybrids, mixed.
Lol, Obama is a factual hybrid , according to Akoben, but Europeans being 2/3rd Asian and 1/3rd African are not. Wheres the logic Akoben???
Burns don't it???
"Europe shows a shorter genetic distance from Africa than do all the other continents......The overall contributions from Asia and Africa were estimated to be around two-thirds and one-third, respectively. Simulations have shown (7) that this hypothesis explains quite well the discrepancy between trees obtained by maximum likelihood and neighbor joining. " - L. Luca Cavalli-Sforza
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
quote:Posted by Jackassoben: Yes like AA, Caribbean's, Brazilians
He is NOT referring to Europe here as a "hybrid population" between two differentiated populations.
quote: Posted by Jackassoben: Again, some Caribbeans, AA etc are "hybrids" in the context discussed here.
Classic case of the dunce backtracking.
As we can all see your first reply was that Keita was talking about AA's Brazilians, Carribeans etc.. and not Europeans.
But Keita does not mention the Carribeans, Brazilians all, let alone being intermediate.
What he does speak upon in his paper is the Bowcock findings of "Caucasians" being an intermediate/hybrid population.
Btw, how would Brazilians, Caribbeans, AA's be intermediate? Intermediate between what? What populations?
quote:Posted by Jackassoben: "Europeans" would be under the racial schema, an entire geographical region of "hybrids".
The reason the racial schema is further debunked is because groups are intermediate as Keita himself says.
Keita: The existence of intermediate groups, whether they are products of gene flow or reflective of gradients of differentiation, or are the results of other microevolutionary processes, tends to negate the validity of the implicit or explicit practice associated with the concept of race.
To anyone who can read will understand Keita is saying the racial schema is further negated due to the fact of intermediate groups. Case closed.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:To anyone who can read will understand Keita is saying the racial schema is further negated due to the fact of intermediate groups. Case closed.
^ This might not be the case if you could establish a congruence between 'pure races', and their proximity to 'intermediates' [mongrels].
The problem is - the kzoid centric - racial schema profers Europeans as the basis and template upon which to adjudge 'race'.
And this is where the whole schema collapses.
As noted by Keita and others:
"Europeans are *not* a fundamental division" of humanity.
Moreover, if there are no pure races - then there can be no mixed races either.
The concept of race itself is flawed at its very core.
Both Eurocentrists and mulatto centrists are so vexed.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
LMAO @ the predictable replies that not only betray a serious lack of basic comprehension skills and misreading of Keita, but your stuck record posts on Bowcock et al.'s sampling methods betray your inability to address the crushing critique Keita gives of them.
"fake arguments are based on strawmen. ignore what was said, make stuff up, argue that instead."
Ignore quotes like this --> "Fundamentally unsound". RIP - Bowcock et al. LOL
Make stuff up like this --> "Keita uses dendrograms to represent the philogenetic history of populations he does not regard as races."
No you dumbass, he does not. As I said before, the dendrograms in the Badarian study (you lied about when you introduced it [posted 07 October, 2008 02:27 AM]) are not used to illustrate the divergence of ancestral populations and branching of coninental regions as with Bowcock et al.
It is used to ascertain whether or not early Nile Valley farmers from El-Badari are aboriginals (Africans) or "European" AgroNostratic Immigrants this is why he says "strictly speaking, studies can only inform about the groups [Badarian, Berg, Zulu etc] used in the analysis" so the Nostratic thesis is debunked when the "Badarian series clusters with the tropical African [Bushman, Zulu]" and not with he European series [Berg, Norse etc].
^ of course an illiterate such as yourself cannot comprehend the difference between that and Bowcock et al. Which explains your inability to produce "Which study does he [Keita] "branch" an "Africa", "Europe" etc as Cavalli-Sforza? Post the dendrogram as you did Cavalli-Sforza."
Argue this instead --> "Keita's position is that anthropology, as represented in dendrograms or any other geometry, do not support the ideology of race."
Yes, but incomplete. His position/point in the essay The persistence if racial thinking and the myth of racial divergence is that the populations used service as surrogates for race, "Dendrograms are also used to illustrate the divergence of entities called human races or of populations used as their surrogates" and these can still be seen in works of his contemporaries [e.g. Bowcock et al.]
^ this is what you refuse to come to terms with: Bowcock et al. = updated Coon.
quote:Keita agrees that genetics can show that Europeans *do not model as a race*, because Europeans only show as terrtiary derivities [sic] and lack the phylo-genetic distinction required to support the notion of a 'caucasian race'.
Now your gone to "terrtiary derivities" [sic] before you insisted they were a secondary type, "secondary population" [posted 07 October, 2008 02:27 AM] then you flipped and said they are not [posted 08 October, 2008 07:02 PM] then when your buddies point out your original position [posted 11 October, 2008 03:20 PM] you get all upset [posted 23 October, 2008 05:39 PM]
quote:actually in Sforza' dna samples below, he uses non East African populations including central African 'pygmy' - rasolowitz
contrary to many early opinions, modern Pygmies (Biaka and Mbuti) and Khoisan are not good candidates for proto African population - Cavalli – Sforza
The belief that any living population could be proto African is fundamentally unsound - Keita
quote:Graph b) shows the genetic relatedness and distinctiveness of each population, denoted with each vector. – rasolowitz
Not surprisingly, the lack of exclusive "racial" clustering is also seen when haplotype phylogenies were constructed using Y chromosome polymorphisms. A. Ruiz Linares and his colleagues [Cavalli-Sforza] believe that clear evidence exists for geographic (continental) clustering of Y chromosome haplotypes. Their phylogeny, however, does not support this – Keita
group boundaries are not sharp or "real". mtDNA studies indicate that sequences of individuals from the received racial groups do not form exclusive clusters of mtDNA types. put another way, it has been shown that individuals from geographically separate and morphologically different "racial" groups sometimes possess mtDNA sequences more similar to each other's than to those of their assigned group. Given that mtDNA may be viewed as representing maternal lineages, this is not insignificant. This pattern has been interpreted as being the result of gene flow between populations. But it would also be seen if the ancestral Homo sapiens sapiens population was highly polymorphic and subsequent migrants were samples of this diversity – Keita
Near worldwide research on lineage markers (mtDNA and Y-chromosome variants) shows that the (individual) bearers of specific haplotypes do not form into clusters of individuals with uniform morphologies and geographical origin (i.e. classical "races" as commonly accepted) – Keita
Racialists models, which imply non-overlapping gene pools, ["two extremes"] are clearly negated by Angel's work. – Keita
Which brings us back to:
- Show how the Asian and African populations are two extremes, already differentiated, show evidence for your masters geographical (continental) clustering.
quote:Keita: The existence of intermediate groups, whether they are products of gene flow or reflective of gradients of differentiation, or are the results of other microevolutionary processes, tends to negate the validity of the implicit or explicit practice associated with the concept of race.
Even after being bombarded with quote after quote showing Keita debunking the very dendrograms and studies of your masters you still deceptively merge his quote with Cavalli-Sforza's dendrogram as if he is in agreement.
Yes, intermediate groups not entire geographic (continental) regions or clusters individuals making up this region. "Europe" does not constitute an entity made up of only two alleged racial groups, two extremes, two differentiated populations.
The notion that there are no Europeans in actuality, only 2/3rd Asian and 1/3rd African is rubbish. "Europe" consists of Asian and African as well as their haplotypes even your masters note this, and Keita exposed it (p. 537). Continental regions are not made up of specific groups of Hg that show a "Europe" versus "Asia" distinction.
"these [Ruiz Linares et al.] studies render the races as discreet units [or geographic (continental) clustering used as surrogates for race] invalid, because they illustrate that races are not bounded, genetically homogenous entities when numerous systems are considered."
"Europeans are a type" - rasolowitz
"Races are types, defined by complexes of anatomical traits; clear boundaries exist by definition ["Europe", "Asia"], and definitions are tautologies. (Breed-ing populations are mating systems.) The boundaries implied by the specificity of type definitions are shattered when other data are considered."
So in fact none of your maps posted support your master's continental clustering or how the African and Asian populatins are differentiated, "two extremes" as "group boundaries are not sharp or real".
If group boundries are not sharp or real how do you justify your continental trees and "two extremes"???
"Many investigators still use dendrograms to represent the philogenetic history of human "races". These representations imply bifurcations or splitting of ancestral populations. They suggest an absolute distinctness or discreetness that is not a flaw of ordinate methods."
"Not surprisingly, the lack of exclusive "racial" clustering is also seen when haplotype phylogenies were constructed using Y chromosome polymorphisms. A. Ruiz Linares and his colleagues [Cavalli-Sforza] believe that clear evidence exists for geographic (continental) clustering of Y chromosome haplotypes. Their phylogeny, however, does not support this"
""Others use [Like Bowcock et al.] restriction site polymorphisms and nuclear or mtDNA. Generally these investigations assess the amount of genetic difference between the studies groups and estimate their divergence times. Sometimes the term race is not used to describe the units. On close scrutiny, however, these groups are conceived of as the traditional races [e.g. Pygmies/Negros) (PygZ), Caucasoids of European origin (Eur), Chinese/Mongoloid (Chi)] or taken to denote those races and hence all other groups within those races [this is the "core population" analysis he debunkes p.542]. **Strictly speaking**, the divergence times can only [Keita's emphasis] apply to the specific groups studied, which are hopefully real breeding populations and not to any others." Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:Obama is a factual hybrid , according to Akoben, but Europeans being 2/3rd Asian and 1/3rd African are not.
Apart from the fact that Bowcock et al. actually talks about intermediacy between East Asian populations, i.e. their "Bay Area Chinese" (dubious rep. for all of Asia) and 1/3rd African "pygmy" (equally dubious proto African population), I am at a loss, rasolowitz, as to why you are now insisting that the continent of Europe is best described as "hybrids" when before you insisted that was not an accurate description:
quote:Using Disney's logic you could then call the whole white "race" mongrel-hybrid.. wherein intermediacy on a genetic distance map somehow equates to hybrid, European whites are merely mongrel-hybrids of Black and Asian pure races
Admitting that the model was dubious:
quote:In a [dubious] model of human population structure as African and non African, Europeans can only be seen as and [sic] admixed population.
Accepting your white master's dubious model of population distinction you now flipped and called the whole of your white "race" (Sicilians and Nordics) "hybrids" of African and Asian "extremes", "distinct" populations which Keita sees as terminologies and concepts used by some [e.g. Bowcock] as surrogates for "race".
"phylogenetically deep split between Africans and non-Africans" - Cavalli-Sforza
"Many investigators still use dendrograms to represent the philogenetic history of human "races". These representations imply bifurcations or splitting of ancestral populations." – Persistence of Racial Thinking
What is this "deep slip", "two extremes", "differentiation", "distinctiveness" of which you speak? How does it manifest itself, in light of the fact that few human populations, even authentic breeding ones, are so well differentiated (and independent) from each other as to support the distinctness implied by tree branches. and the fact that you said they were all at that time black.
Which brings us back to:
- Show how the Asian and African populations are two extremes, already differentiated, show evidence for your masters geographical (continental) clustering.
Validate Bowcock! Page 36 going 37
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Originally posted by akoben: [QB] [QUOTE]Obama is a factual hybrid , according to Akoben, but Europeans being 2/3rd Asian and 1/3rd African are not.
Apart from the fact that Bowcock et al. actually talks about intermediacy between East Asian populations, i.e. their "Bay Area Chinese" (dubious rep. for all of Asia) and 1/3rd African "pygmy" (equally dubious proto African population), I am at a loss, rasolowitz, as to why you are now insisting that the continent of Europe is best described as "hybrids" when before you insisted that was not an accurate description:
Jackass, get over it already.
You already stated clearly to the board that Obama is a factual hybrid, but how? If Obama is a hybrid, then Europeans are indeed definitely hybrids. Which further negates the validity of race.
This whole entire time you're sitting there arguing about Europeans not being hybrids, taking Keita out of context trying to use his work to invalidate European hybrids and Bowcocks findings. I post Keita's actual CONCLUSIONS from the same paper, you say he's not talking about the intermediate group we've been discussing, and he discusses as well this whole time?
Instead, you're saying he's talking about Caribbeans and AA's? You then confirm from your logic that these people(AA'S and Caribbeans, Brazilians) are the actual hybrids that Keita is talking about that further negates race?
You're a complete jackass. Give it up already.
Keita makes it perfectly clear that Bowcock findings actually deconstructs race once:
quote:"Nuclear DNA studies also contribute to the deconstruction of received racial entities. Ann Bowcock and her colleague's interpretation (Bowcock et al. 1991; Bowcock et al. 1994) of analyses of restriction-site polymorphisms and microsatellite polymorphisms (STRPs) suggests that Europeans, the defining Caucasians, are descendants of a population that arose as a consequence of admixture between already differentiated populations ancestral to (some) Africans and Asians. Therefore, Caucasians would be a secondary type or race due to its hybrid origin and not a primary race". - American Anthropologist (1997)
The reason the racial schema is further debunked is because groups are intermediate as Keita himself says.
And Twice:
Keita: The existence of intermediate groups, whether they are products of gene flow or reflective of gradients of differentiation, or are the results of other microevolutionary processes, tends to negate the validity of the implicit or explicit practice associated with the concept of race.
^^^Cavalli and Bowcock validated. To anyone who can read will understand Keita is saying the racial schema is further negated due to the fact of intermediate groups. Plain and simple, case closed.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
You really need remedial classes. Nuclear DNA studies contribute to the deconstruction of received racial entities because it shows that humans across the geographic expand don't form into separate and distinct "races" or geographic clusters like Bowcock et al.'s "Pygmies" (Africans), Mongolians/(Asians). It doesn't show geographic (continental) clustering as Cavalli-Sforza and you want to believe.
Even with the quotes in your face you still don't understand that Bowcock et al. does not simply say Europe was populated by people from Africa and Asia, which none denies. It says they are intermediate between two differentiated populations, two extremes, 2/3rd Asian and 1/3rd African based on their sampling methods. Keita does not agree with this in The Persistence of Racial Thinking. He picks apart the study by showing how few human populations, even authentic breeding ones, are so well differentiated (and independent) from each other as to support the distinctness implied by tree branches. and The belief that any living population could be proto African is fundamentally unsound.
Essentially showing how their sampling methods show retention of Coonian models hence the contributing groups seem to conform to received raciotypological schema — but should be acceptable to those who believe in the existence of races..
quote:While analytical technology and types of data have changed, the sampling and interpretation of human variation continues under the influence of Coonian descriptions and models....[cites Bowcock et al. 1991]. This notion is clearly traceable to Coon and Seligman.
quote:Coon spirit lives on in the minds of pseudos like Dienekes of course - rasolowitz
Yes, and clearly in Bowcock et al too. ^ This is what you fail to refute! ^ Noone is arguing against waves of invasion from Africa and Asia or the fact that there are intermediate groups: E.Africans (albeit not "Caucasians"), Greeks (even N.Europeans albeit lesser extent) and the demographic group called 'African American' whether by gene flow, gradients of differentiation or are the results of other microevolutionary processes.
But to refer to an entire continent as mere "hybrids" between two differentiated populations (extremes) and here being "no Europeans" is a fallacy since even you admit that Southern European's have multiple lineages that originate in Europe, in the MiddleEast and in Sub-saharan Africa
quote:if there are no pure races - then there can be no mixed races either
If this is your position then there are no pure geographical populations, i.e. exclusive geographical continental clustering (surrogates for race), then there are no "mixed" continents.
quote:Could Oceanians be a phenotypically preserved population, to where they are good representatives of the original Out Of Africa migrants? Exactly. Just like these Andaman islanders.
^ The belief that any living population could be proto African is fundamentally unsound.
You doubt on the one hand distinguishing characterizes between blacks and whites, yet see them too "Black Americans have... an average of 30 percent of White admixture" [ posted 28 August, 2008 05:57 PM].... Given that Europes [sic] current white population lacks the adaptive traits of their non white ancestors….The physical differences between ancient Africans and current Europeans are of proven adaptive significance, and are so specific." Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
^^^Lmao, I know you're upset and want to discuss things that just aren't there, but you're beating a dead horse. You've been debunked since you didn't know how to read, or perhaps thought no one else did. Your tired long winded posts are irrelevant and do not support your position. For in the CONCLUSION of Keitas paper he clearly states that the labeling of groups that the people in question ARE **hybrids** is persistence of racial thinking, since they are mere hybrids.
Who is Keita talking about being falsely labeled, despite their hybrid status? Obviously Europeans.
The fact that Keita goes on further to state in his CONCLUSION that the existence of intermediate groups, whether they are products of gene flow or reflective of gradients of differentiation, or are the results of other microevolutionary processes tends to negate the validity of "race". Is further confirmation of Europeans being an intermediate group. Point blank.
Go away now.
quote: There are numerous populations today that are products of mating of peoples from two or more of these alleged racial groups. These new populations historically tie these populations together, in one perspective, but may also be seen as smoothing species-levels genetic gradients. Interestingly the race construct is sometimes not consistently used in terms of it's own logic by its adherents. ***An example is labeling of groups that the people in question are hybrids.*** This inconsistency is no doubt due to socialized practice and a racialized worldview that has political trappings.****The existence of intermediate groups****, whether they are products of gene flow or reflective of gradients of differentiation, or are the results of other microevolutionary processes, tends to negate the validity of the implicit or explicit practice associated with the concept of race. ---SOY Keita, page 541, racial thinking.
Again, case closed.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Surely since Europe is home of non Africans, and was ultimately populated by non Africans, then Europeans should be genetically uniform with all other non African OOA descendants, but how come their evolutionary rate is NOT the same across all branches of the tree as all other non Africans?
quote: Genes, peoples, and languages
L. Luca Cavalli-Sforza
Table 1 shows a matrix of genetic distances among continents based on **six times as many markers** (2). The type of genetic distances used — of which there exist a great many — is usually of little importance. But for a tree representation to be acceptable, the evolutionary hypothesis used for drawing the tree must be correct. ***The simplest hypothesis is that the evolutionary rate is the same across all branches of the tree, and the evolution is independent in all branches [i.e., there are no (important) genetic exchanges among them or similar conditions creating correlations among branches after their origin].*** This can be tested on the matrix, since on the basis of this simple hypothesis the distances should be the same, apart from statistical error, in each column (3).
There is one important exception to the rule in Table 1, namely that in the first column of the matrix Europe shows a shorter distance from Africa than do all the other continents. The difference is statistically significant and is consistently found with all markers, ranging from “classical” ones based on gene products [blood groups and protein polymorphisms (1)] to DNA markers such as restriction polymorphisms (4) and microsatellites (5). For incompletely understood reasons, discussed later, mtDNA trees of non-African populations are not as informative as desired.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:Who is Keita talking about being falsely labeled, despite their hybrid status? Obviously Europeans.
Oh really? Where does he conclude they are hybrids? The Bowcock study he labels "fundamentally unsound"? Or when he says this
quote:This is because the next intra specific infusion seems to occur well after 90,000 B.P. based on nuclear DNA polymophisms and separates select Pacific peoples from a cluster of far east Asians and Europeans, or just from Asians if Europeans are interpreted as later hybrids. (538).
Nowhere can you show him advancing the theory of them as "hybrids", only highlighting what others say "Bowcock and her colleges interpretation", then deconstruct its underhand racialism.
When someone says "new" population they are referring to ancient evolutionary processes?
quote:The fact that Keita goes on further to state in his CONCLUSION that the existence of intermediate groups
Yes, intermediate groups like Berbers and Dravidians show intermediate between two continents that cannot be easily explained primarily as a result of hybridization, gene flow.
However, if you think Europeans are "hybrids" why do you still call them "white", even the more mixed Sicilians? Is it because the race construct is sometimes not consistently used in terms of it's own logic by its adherents.?
quote:then Europeans should be genetically uniform with all other non African OOA descendants,
quote:Near worldwide research on lineage markers (mtDNA and Y-chromosome variants) shows that the (individual) bearers of specific haplotypes do not form into clusters of individuals with uniform morphologies and geographical origin (i.e. classical "races" as commonly accepted) – Keita
Oh, could you please tell us what are the "core populations" used for Cavalli-Sforza's dendrograms in Genes, peoples, and languages? Thanks
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Round and round he goes, when will Akoben stop, nobody knows..........
It's pretty funny watching you squirm. Your response is redundant as you're arguing against Keita, the one you thought actually agreed with you. Go figure....
quote: There are numerous populations today that are products of mating of peoples from two or more of these alleged racial groups. These new populations historically tie these populations together, in one perspective, but may also be seen as smoothing species-levels genetic gradients. Interestingly the race construct is sometimes not consistently used in terms of it's own logic by its adherents. ***An example is labeling of groups that the people in question are hybrids.*** This inconsistency is no doubt due to socialized practice and a racialized worldview that has political trappings.****The existence of intermediate groups****, whether they are products of gene flow or reflective of gradients of differentiation, or are the results of other microevolutionary processes, tends to negate the validity of the implicit or explicit practice associated with the concept of race. ---SOY Keita, page 541, racial thinking.
To anyone who can read will definitely understand Keita is saying the validity of race is further negated due to the fact of intermediate groups. Plain and simple, case closed.
"Europe shows a shorter genetic distance from Africa than do all the other continents......The overall contributions from Asia and Africa were estimated to be around two-thirds and one-third, respectively. Simulations have shown (7) that this hypothesis explains quite well the discrepancy between trees obtained by maximum likelihood and neighbor joining. " - L. Luca Cavalli-Sforza
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:"Europe" consists of Asian and African
True. Finally you admit it.
quote: as well as their haplotypes
Really??? Do tell which lineages are European?
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Originally posted by akoben: [QB] [QUOTE]Who is Keita talking about being falsely labeled, despite their hybrid status? Obviously Europeans.
Oh really? Where does he conclude they are hybrids? The Bowcock study he labels "fundamentally unsound"? Or when he says this
No, when he says this.....
Interestingly the race construct is sometimes not consistently used in terms of it's own logic by its adherents. ***An example is labeling(Caucasians) of groups(Europeans) that the people in question (Europeans) are hybrids.***
quote: Nowhere can you show him advancing the theory of them as "hybrids", only highlighting what others say "Bowcock and her colleges interpretation", then deconstruct its underhand racialism.
Same quote, the existence of these groups further negates race.
Interestingly the race construct is sometimes not consistently used in terms of it's own logic by its adherents. ***An example is labeling(Caucasians) of groups(Europeans) that the people in question (Europeans) **are** hybrids.***
quote: Yes, intermediate groups like Berbers and Dravidians show intermediate between two continents that cannot be easily explained primarily as a result of hybridization, gene flow.
Lmao, yea Keita is discussing fish the whole time, but yet the conclusion will be about oranges. Go figure...
Meaning, he is debunking Europeans as a race, Bowcock et al. But yet in his conclusion when he speaks upon intermediate and hybrid groups now he's talking about Dravidians and Berbers.
Lmao squirm squirm.
Posted by Alive-(What Box) (Member # 10819) on :
quote:Knowledgewhiskey718: the existence of these groups further negates race.
As does the existance of this group:
This black African bantu speaking group has far more CMH (an alleged "Jewish gene" and Asian gene) than do non-black Jews.
They have a Hap that supposedly originated in Asia - more of it infact than many Eurasian Jews.
Some however, wouldn't know a fact if it jumped up an ...
settle down, akoben
quote:someone said: intermediate groups like Berbers and Dravidians show intermediate between twocontinents
Some groups like Amerindians and East Asians may fall inbetween others because of the simple mathematical nature of it all:
They have just a subset of ancient Oceaneans' genetic diversity, and because that was just a group that branched off from Africa, they show up as less original. [The only any groups are differentiable in the first place is because they have genetically differentiated, which is just a consequence of probability and of having been seperated for so long.]
You might be forgetting something though:
quote:One can show that a branch to a population resulting from admixture tends to be shorter than other branches.
- Ann Bowcock et al
Posted by Alive-(What Box) (Member # 10819) on :
quote:^ correct, of course. - rasol
quote:How? Post a genetic map that shows this. - akoben#9
quote:One can show that a branch to a population resulting from admixture tends to be shorter than other branches. - Bowcock
quote:"Europe shows a shorter genetic distance from Africa than do all the other continents......The overall contributions from Asia and Africa were estimated to be around two-thirds and one-third, respectively. Simulations have shown that this hypothesis explains quite well the discrepancy between trees obtained by maximum likelihood and neighbor joining. " - L. Luca Cavalli-Sforza
quote: The existence of intermediate groups****, whether they are products of gene flow or reflective of gradients of differentiation, or are the results of other microevolutionary processes, tends to negate the validity of the implicit or explicit practice associated with the concept of race. ---SOY Keita, page 541, racial thinking.
as shown....
boooo, jackass akoben's frustrated failed non responsive nonsensical rants, which attempt and fail to change the subject from the unrefuted facts above.
^ Again, open offer, anyone who thinks they can refute the above.... feel free to have a go.
We know jackass akoben can't, that's for sure.
Posted by Marc Washington (Member # 10979) on :
. .
. .
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ What is schizoid, is your repeated use of the n-word.
Rage on, angry self hating -little- man.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
"As San are the oldest Africans, San are our parents." - Marc [the genetically illiterate] Washington.
^ Incorrect. San are no more 'everyone's parents', than any other ethnene living today. Today's ethnic groups are -generally- 'cousin' to one another, not ancestral to one another.
Also the oldest lineages are found among East African's especially Tanzanians - and are found amongst peoples such as the Masai, and Datoga, and are *not* exclusive to South African San.
In terms of physiology - the earliest East Africans no more resemble SAN than they do Masai or Yoruba for that matter.
Yet you do not try to claim that the 1st Native Americans were "Masai" do you?
Early Native Americans would neither have spoken Masai language, look like the Masai, come directly from East Africa, or be genetically any closer in relation to Masai than they would be to the Chinese, or Polish. For the same reasons they would not have been San.
No scholar claims early Native Americans were San.
Only dumb-dumbs like you, and charlatans like Clyde Winters make such claims.
For these reasons it is appropriate that you place -your and Winters claims next to a picture of Beavis and Butthead, because that's exactly what you two are.
Rage on, angry self hating -little- man.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasol: unrefuted
quote:One can show that a branch to a population resulting from admixture tends to be shorter than other branches. - Bowcock
quote:"Europe shows a shorter genetic distance from Africa than do all the other continents......The overall contributions from Asia and Africa were estimated to be around two-thirds and one-third, respectively. Simulations have shown that this hypothesis explains quite well the discrepancy between trees obtained by maximum likelihood and neighbor joining. " - L. Luca Cavalli-Sforza
quote: The existence of intermediate groups****, whether they are products of gene flow or reflective of gradients of differentiation, or are the results of other microevolutionary processes, tends to negate the validity of the implicit or explicit practice associated with the concept of race. ---SOY Keita, page 541, racial thinking.
as shown....
boooo, jackass akoben's frustrated failed non responsive nonsensical rants, which attempt and fail to change the subject from the unrefuted facts above.
^ Again, open offer, anyone who thinks they can refute the above.... feel free to have a go.
We know jackass akoben can't, that's for sure.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
A genetic study has shown that the oldest known human DNA lineages are those of East Africans. The most ancient populations include the Sandawe, Burunge, Gorowaa and Datog people who live in Tanzania.
Whiskey, you have a habit of clouding your posts with round robin gibberish to avoid questions, so lets get specific, Oh, could you please tell us what are the "core populations" used for Cavalli-Sforza's dendrograms in Genes, peoples, and languages? Thanks
Why no reply?
and rasolowitz, However, if you think Europeans are "hybrids" why do you still call them "white", even the more mixed Sicilians?
Which study does he [Keita] "branch" an "Africa", "Europe" etc as Cavalli-Sforza? Post the dendrogram as you did Cavalli-Sforza. Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:Originally posted by Alive-(What Box):
quote:^ correct, of course. - rasol
quote:How? Post a genetic map that shows this. - akoben#9
Your maps actually show overlapping jackass, which further underscores Keita and undermines euros like you:
"Not surprisingly, the lack of exclusive "racial" clustering is also seen when haplotype phylogenies were constructed using Y chromosome polymorphisms. A. Ruiz Linares and his colleagues [Cavalli-Sforza] believe that clear evidence exists for geographic (continental) clustering of Y chromosome haplotypes. Their phylogeny, however, does not support this" - Keita
Maybe you should sick to fetching everyone in here a drink, butler.
Posted by Mmmkay (Member # 10013) on :
quote:Originally posted by akoben:
quote:Originally posted by Alive-(What Box):
quote:^ correct, of course. - rasol
quote:How? Post a genetic map that shows this. - akoben#9
Your maps actually show overlapping jackass, which further underscores Keita and undermines euros like you:
"Not surprisingly, the lack of exclusive "racial" clustering is also seen when haplotype phylogenies were constructed using Y chromosome polymorphisms. A. Ruiz Linares and his colleagues [Cavalli-Sforza] believe that clear evidence exists for geographic (continental) clustering of Y chromosome haplotypes. Their phylogeny, however, does not support this" - Keita
Maybe you should sick to fetching everyone in here a drink, butler.
^ Booo! Just give up already. Your wasting your time. You can't reason for peanuts and nobody here likes you to add.
Go home.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Jackassoben you can give up the act already, you've been shown to be a fraud over a thousand times
Tell me what you conclude from the following....
quote: The simplest hypothesis is that the evolutionary rate is the same across all branches of the tree, and the evolution is independent in all branches [i.e., there are no (important) genetic exchanges among them or similar conditions creating correlations among branches after their origin]. This can be tested on the matrix, since on the basis of this simple hypothesis the distances should be the same, apart from statistical error, in each column (3). There is one important exception to the rule in Table 1, namely that in the first column of the matrix Europe shows a shorter distance from Africa than do all the other continents. The difference is statistically significant and is consistently found with all markers, ranging from “classical” ones based on gene products [blood groups and protein polymorphisms (1)] to DNA markers such as restriction polymorphisms (4) and microsatellites (5).
Of course the following still stands unrefuted as well.
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718: Round and round he goes, when will Akoben stop, nobody knows..........
It's pretty funny watching you squirm. Your response is redundant as you're arguing against Keita, the one you thought actually agreed with you. Go figure....
quote: There are numerous populations today that are products of mating of peoples from two or more of these alleged racial groups. These new populations historically tie these populations together, in one perspective, but may also be seen as smoothing species-levels genetic gradients. Interestingly the race construct is sometimes not consistently used in terms of it's own logic by its adherents. ***An example is labeling of groups that the people in question are hybrids.*** This inconsistency is no doubt due to socialized practice and a racialized worldview that has political trappings.****The existence of intermediate groups****, whether they are products of gene flow or reflective of gradients of differentiation, or are the results of other microevolutionary processes, tends to negate the validity of the implicit or explicit practice associated with the concept of race. ---SOY Keita, page 541, racial thinking.
To anyone who can read will definitely understand Keita is saying the validity of race is further negated due to the fact of intermediate groups. Plain and simple, case closed.
"Europe shows a shorter genetic distance from Africa than do all the other continents......The overall contributions from Asia and Africa were estimated to be around two-thirds and one-third, respectively. Simulations have shown (7) that this hypothesis explains quite well the discrepancy between trees obtained by maximum likelihood and neighbor joining. " - L. Luca Cavalli-Sforza
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
quote:"Europe" consists of Asian and African
True. Finally you admit it.
quote: as well as their haplotypes
Really??? Do tell which lineages are European?
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Squirm Squirm Akoben, Squirm Squirm......
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
quote:Originally posted by akoben: [QB] [QUOTE]Who is Keita talking about being falsely labeled, despite their hybrid status? Obviously Europeans.
Oh really? Where does he conclude they are hybrids? The Bowcock study he labels "fundamentally unsound"? Or when he says this
No, when he says this.....
Interestingly the race construct is sometimes not consistently used in terms of it's own logic by its adherents. ***An example is labeling(Caucasians) of groups(Europeans) that the people in question (Europeans) are hybrids.***
quote: Nowhere can you show him advancing the theory of them as "hybrids", only highlighting what others say "Bowcock and her colleges interpretation", then deconstruct its underhand racialism.
Same quote, the existence of these groups further negates race.
Interestingly the race construct is sometimes not consistently used in terms of it's own logic by its adherents. ***An example is labeling(Caucasians) of groups(Europeans) that the people in question (Europeans) **are** hybrids.***
quote: Yes, intermediate groups like Berbers and Dravidians show intermediate between two continents that cannot be easily explained primarily as a result of hybridization, gene flow.
Lmao, yea Keita is discussing fish the whole time, but yet the conclusion will be about oranges. Go figure...
Meaning, he is debunking Europeans as a race, Bowcock et al. But yet in his conclusion when he speaks upon intermediate and hybrid groups now he's talking about Dravidians and Berbers.
Lmao squirm squirm.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:here is one important exception to the rule in Table 1, namely that in the first column of the matrix Europe shows a shorter distance from Africa than do all the other continents.
^ truth, because Europeans are derived from the original non African populations subsequently *mixed* with Africans. They are a classic genetic hybrid in the sense of having little genetic distinction, but rather are composed of Non African plus African originating DNA. This is the only way to explain their short stem position in *all* genetic studies.
quote:jackass protests: if you think Europeans are "hybrids" why do you still call them "white"
The reason you lose all your debates is that you are not intelligent enough to know how to argue without repeating the same 3 errors of logic, in virtually each reply.
* strawmen.
** mis-citations.
*** non-sequiturs.
Non-sequitur means -> it does *not* follow.
White is just a European ethnic reference derived from their pale skin, which is a result of recent genetic mutations.
It's what Europeans call themselves. If they want to stop calling themselves whites - that's fine with me. I don't care.
Hybrid is a reference to a crossbred population, with respect to it's parents.
It does not follow that if Europeans are white, they are therefore not hybrid.
It's your delusion that whiteness = 'a race'that is falsified by the reality of the mixed origin of Europeans.
Further, this delusion is completely *DESTROYED* by Rick Kittles et. genetic works proving both that leucoderma is recent and that the original European population was *not* white.
Whiteness is not proof of non-hybrid, or racial identity, of racial purity, or anything else.
Whiteness is only proof that you have little or no melanin in your skin.
Read and weep, jackass.... read and weep....
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:read, and weep
Posted by Alive-(What Box) (Member # 10819) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasol: ^ What is schizoid, is your repeated use of the n-word.
Posted by Alive-(What Box) (Member # 10819) on :
quote:Originally posted by akoben:
quote:Originally posted by Alive-(What Box):
quote:^ correct, of course. - rasol
quote:How? Post a genetic map that shows this. - akoben#9
Your maps actually show overlapping jackass, which further underscores Keita and undermines you
I guess rasol's right about that non-sequitar and strawman thing.
Lineages do not = races.
We all noticed you completely ignored the summation of points argued. (It's reposted 4th post from the top of this page if you need to see it... otherwise ...)
you're dismissed.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
Again the questions go unanswered, knowing fully well the consequences. Keita does not branch whole geographical continents as Cavalli-Sforza for reasons he already gave. And by revealing Bowcock et al.'s "core populations" you would underscore Keita's point re the persistence of racial thinking and the myth of racial divergence. Razor cuts both ways.
What is amusing however is seeing rasolowitz echoing evil euro's logic even after denouncing it ["Genetic distances in Africa",] claiming then that the term "mixed" is more appropriate when referring to Europeans. Now Europeans are transformed into a "classic genetic hybrid". LOL
This is because you are just a babbling buffoon who keeps contradicting himself while speed reading works you don't understand, maybe never will. Let me explain again, tell me when I'm going over your head.
Under the racial schema, a "hybrid" is a product of two or more of the alleged racial groups (first page of Keita's essay) that is, your so-called "differentiated populations", or "two extremes" [Bowcock et al.]. So the Obamas of today would be called "hybrids": products of two or more of the alleged racial groups, i.e. those "recognizable entities now labeled 'races'" (Keita).
Stay with me because this is where you keep ******* up.
This concept, however, cannot be correctly transfered to early human evolution. However, your white scholars still persist in racial thinking, but you're too dumb to realize it, as they imagine early human evolution to be a Wesley Snipes and a Michelle Yeoh producing a Nicolas Cage. This is what Keita refers to as the myth of racial divergence, as evidenced by their sampling methods and choice:
quote:... the persistence of the socially constructed normative view of the African as only the "Forest Negro" type, or the so-called "Pygmy" from Central Africa, in line with Coon's (1962, 1965) thinking. These populations are used as the representative African in many studies (see Bowcock et al., 1991, 1994; Cavalli-Sforza et al., 1994)
What is actually a population expansion has been mistakenly termed "racial divergence," which implies morphological differentiation into the recognizable entities now labeled "races." – Keita
Population expansion not "differentiation" or "two extremes". This is the reason why I told you, Beavis an Butthead, Keita says it [Bowcock et al.'s contributing groups] should be acceptable to those who believe in the existence of races, like this link below
quote:"Incidentally, although Cavalli-Sforza et al. here use the terminology of Africans, Europeans, and Asians, it is clear from the populations included in each group that what they really mean is Caucasoids, Negroids, and Mongoloids." Link
Again, Keita is not in agreement with Bowcock et al. about Europeans being "hybrid" or "inter-mixed" at foundation since there was no "racial divergence", they were not products of mating of peoples from two or more of the alleged racial groups, recognizable entities now labeled "races.". You yourself admit they were all black. [posted 25 August, 2008 08:03 PM] Are you going squeal "mis citation" again? LOL
Anyone who can read and comprehend will see he is not saying Europeans are "hybrids", secondary type, unit or race. Anyone who can read and comprehend sees the racialism and unsound methods of Bowcock et al. except you two knuckle heads. Go figure...
Which takes us back to what started all this: recognizable differences between the "races" and categorizing, grouping as such. Something you agree with when say the physical differences between ancient Africans and current [white] Europeans are significant. Yeh I agree.
Even Sicilians are white, though being more "mixed" than your "Nordic Europeans - who don't have nearly as much African ancestry" – rasolowitz
Whether you call them an ethnic group or racial group, which Keita sees as the same, is not the issue. My point is "less mixed"/"more mixed", they are still white people and significantly different from blacks.
Now before I dismiss you, where is that gas chamber that gassed Jews at Dachau? Tell us why is it an "extermination" camp again? Count down to nizkor site. lol
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:Originally posted by Alive-(What Box): heheheh hohoho weeeeeee zip zip zip weeeeee yoooooo
Poor you. Clueless as to the issue being discussed, eh? Look, when you're done playing with mmmkay send the bitch onto me. I want the same song too, I kinna like it. LOL
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Jackass akoben writes: Again the questions go unanswered
Agreed that you have not answered any of the questions put to you.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote: Keita does not branch whole geographical continents as Cavalli-Sforza for reasons he already gave.
^ False.
As we have shown....
You have 3 bogus approaches from bankrupt debate bag, and only 3.
1) strawman
2) non-sequitur and
3) mis-citation.
Nothing that comes out of your mouth, is not 1 of those 3 things.
The above is a mis-citation of Keita.
- Keita does not oppose branching of populations in dendrograms, because he does so himself.
This actually moots your whole argument, but you try to rescue it anyway via strawman, which also fails...
- Keita does not oppose branching by geography.
- Keita does not oppose branching by continent because he does that too - quite specifically grouping into
a) African series, and .... b) European series.
^ Which is exactly what you claim Keita opposes, because you are an ignorant illiterate jackass, who intentionally mis-cites in order to hide from his own debate defeat.
Keita opposes - race, not tree branches of course.
And since you cannot address Keita's debunking of the race construct, you attempt to make a strawman out of this thesis.
Lame stuff, from loser jackass akoben.
Now, back to my question which you ran away from, being a coward and a loser as you are.
If you claim that tree branches are inherently bad, then tell us, in your own words why?
What is a proper approach to population genetics according to you - if trees are bad?
If you claim that trees are *only* bad when you used to denote 'whole geographical continents' again explain why?
What, in principal is the difference between representing a 'whole continent' via a tree, or a sub continent, or region denoted by a river valley - such as 'nile valley' for example?
The answer is - there is *no* difference. The principal of denoting genes into population geographies, and then graphing the results into a tree is *exactly the same*, regardless of which population/geography it is applied to.
Indeed, the premise must be valid for -all- population/geographies, or none.
You can't claim it's ok if Keita does it, but not if anyone else does it, you silly moron.
According to Jackass akoben...
When are trees ok, and when are they -not- ok, and why?
In fact 'trees' are simply strawman distraction for you.
You know nothing about population genetics.
You simply seek to run away from the complete destruction of k-zoid race myths.
You're as much of a personal failure as is your debunked k-zoid ideology.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Keita is not in agreement with Bowcock et al. about Europeans being "hybrid" or "inter-mixed"
Actually it is Keita who states that Europeans are a heterogeneous group, and not a race to begin with. This actually describes his view, *moreso* than Sforza's or Bowcocks.
It is exactly Keita's point that Europeans have mixed lineages which negates the notion of European race.
Indeed this is the central point of Keita's thesis - You know...the point you are trying so hard to run away from.
You can hide, but you can't run....
"Angel also found evidence for a "black" (if such exists) genetic influence in neolithic and later Aegean populations. Racialists models, which imply non-overlapping gene pools, are clearly negated by Angel's work." - Keita.
^ Europens are intrinsically intermixed, with the very populations that refuted racialist models juxtapose them against, thus negating the racialist model. Thus Europeans are not a race. Per Keita.
Feel free then, to run away from Keita's further demolition of K-zoid fantasies with further worthless strawmen arguments...
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by Alive-(What Box):
quote:Originally posted by akoben:
quote:Originally posted by Alive-(What Box):
quote:^ correct, of course. - rasol
quote:How? Post a genetic map that shows this. - akoben#9
Your maps actually show overlapping jackass, which further underscores Keita and undermines you
I guess rasol's right about that non-sequitar and strawman thing.
Lineages do not = races.
We all noticed you completely ignored the summation of points argued. (It's reposted 4th post from the top of this page if you need to see it... otherwise ...)
you're dismissed.
^ Akoben is a classic whipped dog, who keeps returning to the cite of his destruction, only to be whipped yet again.
note: it's only a matter of time before 'debunked' returns too, for more humiliation.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
Yep, pretty much as expected. You still can't tell us what are Cavalli-Sforza's "core populations" in the studies for fear of what will come after. And as for his dendrograms versus Keita's, I wasn't surprised either that you wish to see the dendrograms in this study as being the same as your master's dendrogram you oh so love to spam. By now it is oh so obvious you are an illiterate.
This is why you can't answer the question "Which study does he [Keita] "branch" an "Africa", "Europe" etc as Cavalli-Sforza? Post the dendrogram as you did Cavalli-Sforza." You can only ask same questions already answered/posted/drummed into your think skull over and over in order to by time.
Then lie about me saying dendrograms are "inherently bad" and proceed to construct a "retort" on this basis. They call this straw. Desperate but expected.
quote: Actually it is Keita who states that Europeans are a heterogeneous group... mixed lineages ... ^ Europens [sic] are intrinsically intermixed
Oh you poor confused child, are you now subtlety going back to position #1: Euros are not hybrids but "mixed"? LOL
Whatever your decided choice of flip flops, you still have to deal with the fact that Keita does not agree with neo-Coonians like Bowcock et al. and their racial divergence. The whole point of the article (which I am convinced is now hopelessly lost on you) is that racial divergence is a myth; they were all African "biohistorically African" or African based at that time; no recognizable entities now labeled "races." No Bowcock et al's Caucasoids, Bay Area Chinese/Mongolids, or the stereotypical Negro/pygmy "differentiation", no "two extremes".
Human beings were never divisible into racial archetypes to begin with, remember? The separation of modern ethnic groups is in fact, very recent, remember? Eh, do you remember?
Of course not, you're a simple babbling self contradicting fool.
However, it's great fun watching you now having to resort to Evil Euro's logic [while simultaneously clinging to the Coonian methods of Bowcock et al. – wow, what a combination! LOL] when you get cornered arguing for Europeans being a "hybrid" at foundation when you yourself admitted that all were "black" at the time. That Keita quote doesnt help you either since 1) of course Europe under went various migrations/invasions, where else would people/lineages come from, mars? LOL and 2) "at foundation" is not Neolithic you illiterate fool. "at foundation" there were no recognisable entities called "races". All were black remember?
So humour us boy, and tell us how does Bowcock et al.'s racial divergence of a "pygmy"/African and a "Bay Area Chinese"/Mongoloid produce an "intermixed" "Caucasoid" at foundation?
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:whipped jackass writes: Yep, pretty much as expected.
^ Agreed, you still have no answers....
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:read, and weep
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:This is why you can't answer the question "Which study does he [Keita] "branch" an "Africa", "Europe"
^ This was already answered, of course. And as always - you run way from answers you don't like.
Again -> in the study "Early Nile Valley Farmers: Africans or Europeans?"
^ The whole purpose of this study is to determine whether Nile Valley civilisation is created by Africans, or Europeans.
In order to do this - Keita groups remains into - African, and European, then compares the Nile Valley samples, to see which, if either, group they belong to.
Keita concludes as follows:
20 dendrograms were generated using the minimum evolution algorithm.
In none of them did the Ancient Egyptians sample affiliate with the European series.
Keita continues:
It is interesting that the distance hierarchies and cluster analyses show the European series to always be closer to each other than any is to any one of the African series
^ The premise of this study, it's manner of execution and conclusions are all *directly contrary to your fake claims*
In fact, they give the lie to your ridiculous claim that Keita opposes 'trees' or 'dividing populations into tree branches' or placing 'whole geographic regions' into such branches., since that is - exactly what he did.
So, 10 pages from now, you can pretend you never read this, and then I can repost it...again.
Being forgetful neither masks your dishonesty, nor your stupidity.
Both of which factor into your debate failure and consequent humiliation.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ Meanwhile our questions for the jackass go unanswered.
He is invited to explain in his own words, why Keita and Bowcok and Sforza, and Kettles, and Brace, and Underhill and Wells, and Tishkoff - - ALL- use dendrograms to represent populations, and are supposedly *wrong* for doing so??
If you can't explain in your own words, why the above scientists are wrong, and you are right , it is simply an admission that you have no idea of what you're talking about.
All your 30 pages of crybaby/loser antics, is because you can't accept the painful truth of the mixed heritage of Europeans. lol, lol, lol, lol....
^ You keep crying, but never have any answers.
Why is that?
"Europe shows a shorter genetic distance from Africa than do all the other continents......The overall contributions from Asia and Africa were estimated to be around two-thirds and one-third, respectively. " Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
akoben weeps, alone, in the dark......
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:^ Meanwhile our questions for the jackass go unanswered.
Why don't you just admit that you cannot give us the "core populations" used by Sforza et al. because you know what will come after? <---- thats another question that will go unanswered. lol
I mean it's a simple question. What are the "core populations" used by Sforza et al.? You've been spamming that tree for quite a few years now and you cant give us even that? LOL
quote:'whole geographic regions' into such branches., since that is - exactly what he did..
You poor jailbird illiterate, he did not put whole geographical regions on branches. What every jailbird turn fax intent scholar will not comprehend is the difference between the geographic continental clustering [no evidence for this remember?] of Sforza et al. and what Keita does. He branched groups from Africa and Europe [Norse, Berg, Zulu, Badarian etc] in a cluster analysis for the purposes of refuting the so-called Nostratic hypothesis: which groups cluster or shows "greater affinity" with which.
His dendrograms are not used for the divergence of entities called human races or of populations used as their surrogates as Bowcock et al. Early human evolution do not include "whites" since at that time there was no recognizable entities now labelled "races". I will keep reminding your handicapped brain that you even admitted at that time they were all black.
Hence he could not, and did not, use dendrograms for the same reasons as Bowcock et al. since these was no "Norse" or a "Berg" at that time. Unless you're arguing (which you are essentially) that he is using them as representatives for Europe at foundation as did Bowcock et al. [her "Caucasoids of Europe" LOL] I must say, you do take your Coonian methods, peppered with Evil Euro-ian logic to ridiculous extremes! LOL
I mean come on, page 37 and still you don't understand the significance of this quote, "strictly speaking, studies can only inform about the groups used in the analysis. Therefore a study using Mbuti, a clan of Saame speakers, a Swedish village, and Vedda can only tell us about each of them. These groups should not be reified into other entities."
It is the best evidence yet that you are indeed irretrievably stupid and all correspondence with you might even be a bit cruel since it involves, essentially, poking fun at a handicap.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:^ Meanwhile our questions for the jackass go unanswered.
quote:akoben: Why don't you just admit that you cannot give us the "core populations" used by Sforza
How does this remark answer our questions?
Of course it doesn't.
Of your three tools.
non-sequitur, mis-citation and strawman.... this comment constitutes a strawman.
Everything you write: mis-cite, no-sequitur, or strawman - limited jackass that you are.
As for Sforza - If you read his "history and geography of the human genome" it has table after table of data with regards to population samples. This is where you can get the answer to any question regarding population samples.
Question: Have you read it? No.
What study of Sforza's have you -ever actually read?
No, you haven't read it - don't know anything about it, wouldn't understand it if you had read, and can't say anything intelligent about it.
Thus it is a completely irrelevant strawman with which you hope to destract attention from your failure to answer. And even so, we answered it. So now what?
What's taking so long?
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
-> We're waiting....
quote:Originally posted by rasol: ^ Meanwhile our questions for the jackass go unanswered.
He is invited to explain in his own words, why Keita and Bowcok and Sforza, and Kettles, and Brace, and Underhill and Wells, and Tishkoff - - ALL- use dendrograms to represent populations, and are supposedly *wrong* for doing so??
If you can't explain in your own words, why the above scientists are wrong, and you are right , it is simply an admission that you have no idea of what you're talking about.
All your 30 pages of crybaby/loser antics, is because you can't accept the painful truth of the mixed heritage of Europeans. lol, lol, lol, lol....
^ You keep crying, but never have any answers.
Why is that?
"Europe shows a shorter genetic distance from Africa than do all the other continents......The overall contributions from Asia and Africa were estimated to be around two-thirds and one-third, respectively. "
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:jackass in denial wites: Keita did not put whole geographical regions on branches.
^ Wrong. This is exactly what he did.
He divided into two geographical regions -
and Europe.
He then placed AE in the African region, and specifically stated that they did not belong in the European region.
As usual, when faced with unpleasant truth, you run away....
Keita concludes as follows:
20 dendrograms were generated using the minimum evolution algorithm.
In *none* of them did the Ancient Egyptians sample affiliate with the European series.
Keita continues:
distance hierarchies and cluster analyses show the European always be *closer to each other than to any of the African series.*
Ancient Egyptian cluster with the African series.
In no dendrogram do they cluster with European.
^ Your reply fails to address the above.
You claim that anthropologist cannot or should not do this.
I've asked you 7 times now to tell us in your own words -why-?
What is the basis of your incoherent claims?
Overmatched and clearly dumbfounded jackass - you don't even try to explain yourself. rotfl!
You can hide but you can't run.
We're waiting...
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:Question: Have you read it? No.What study of Sforza's have you -ever actually read?No, you haven't read it - don't know anything about it, wouldn't understand it if you had read, and can't say anything intelligent about it.
Ok intelligent inmate 46664, tell us what are the "core populations" used? It should be so hard.
quote:And even so, we answered it.
Oh really? Where?
The only list of samples for "core populations" came from me exposing Bowcock et al.'s racial divergence of Negro/pygmy, Caucasoid and Mongoloid/Bay Area Chinese. Ever since I showed how Keita debunked it, you have consistently shied away from naming the samples for your tree.
So again, quit with your games rasolowitz, post the fucking "core populations" for your four year old spamming of that tree, or just admit it conforms to the racial schema.
Show how Keita's dendrograms of Norse, Berg, Zalavar, Zulu, Badarian, Teita is the same as Sforza's use of "core populations" for Africa and Europe in an attempt at using said samples to represent the philogenetic history of human "races" or populations used as surrogates?
Using your Evil Euro-ian logic, are you saying Keita is using the "Berg", the "Norse" etc for the same reasons as Coonian Bowcock et al.? Are you saying then that Berg, Norse etc existed back then?
Answer the questions or continue to look stupid.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
^^^Still squirming I see.......
The existence of intermediate groups whether they are products of ***gene flow or reflective of gradients of differentiation, or are the results of other microevolutionary processes****
***whether they are products of gene flow or reflective of gradients of differentiation, or are the results of other microevolutionary processes ****
***whether they are products of gene flow or reflective of gradients of differentiation, or are the results of other microevolutionary processes****
***whether they are products of gene flow or reflective of gradients of differentiation, or are the results of other microevolutionary processes ****
quote: There are numerous populations today that are products of mating of peoples from two or more of these alleged racial groups. These new populations historically tie these populations together, in one perspective, but may also be seen as smoothing species-levels genetic gradients. Interestingly the race construct is sometimes not consistently used in terms of it's own logic by its adherents. ***An example is labeling of groups that the people in question are hybrids.*** This inconsistency is no doubt due to socialized practice and a racialized worldview that has political trappings.****The existence of intermediate groups****, whether they are products of gene flow or reflective of gradients of differentiation, or are the results of other microevolutionary processes, tends to negate the validity of the implicit or explicit practice associated with the concept of race. ---SOY Keita, page 541, racial thinking.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718: ^^^Still squirming I see.......
The existence of intermediate groups whether they are products of ***gene flow or reflective of gradients of differentiation, or are the results of other microevolutionary processes****
***whether they are products of gene flow or reflective of gradients of differentiation, or are the results of other microevolutionary processes ****
***whether they are products of gene flow or reflective of gradients of differentiation, or are the results of other microevolutionary processes****
***whether they are products of gene flow or reflective of gradients of differentiation, or are the results of other microevolutionary processes ****
quote: There are numerous populations today that are products of mating of peoples from two or more of these alleged racial groups. These new populations historically tie these populations together, in one perspective, but may also be seen as smoothing species-levels genetic gradients. Interestingly the race construct is sometimes not consistently used in terms of it's own logic by its adherents. ***An example is labeling of groups that the people in question are hybrids.*** This inconsistency is no doubt due to socialized practice and a racialized worldview that has political trappings.****The existence of intermediate groups****, whether they are products of gene flow or reflective of gradients of differentiation, or are the results of other microevolutionary processes, tends to negate the validity of the implicit or explicit practice associated with the concept of race. ---SOY Keita, page 541, racial thinking.
**sigh** Poor you.
Under the racial schema, "Hybrids" = products of two or more of alleged racial groups.
So again, "He is NOT referring to Europe here as a "hybrid population" between two differentiated populations."
If he is, that is, they are at foundation products of gene flow from two of the alleged racial groups (Bowcock et al.'s Negro/Pygmy and Mongoloid/Bay Area Chinese), please do explain.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:And even so, we answered it.
quote:jackass writes: Oh really? Where?
Yes really, here...
quote:Question: Have you read Sforza? No?
What study of Sforza's have you -ever actually read?
If no - you don't know anything about it, wouldn't understand it if you had read, and can't say anything intelligent about it.
quote:jackass tries to run: Ok, tell us what are the "core populations" used?
I will answer any question about Sforza you like.
But 1st you *must* answer my question.
Have you ever read Sforza's studies?
Yes or no?
If so, which one have you read?
Either that or admit - that you haven't read any Sforza study and don't know what you're talking about.
It shouldn't be so hard....
We're waiting?
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Jackassoben read slowly, and stop squirming.
Stand in the mirror and repeat this to yourself over and over....
The existence of intermediate groups whether they are products of ***gene flow or reflective of gradients of differentiation, or are the results of other microevolutionary processes**** tends to negate the validity of the implicit or explicit practice associated with the concept of race.
The existence of intermediate groups whether they are products of ***gene flow or reflective of gradients of differentiation, or are the results of other microevolutionary processes**** tends to negate the validity of the implicit or explicit practice associated with the concept of race.
The existence of intermediate groups whether they are products of ***gene flow or reflective of gradients of differentiation, or are the results of other microevolutionary processes**** tends to negate the validity of the implicit or explicit practice associated with the concept of race.
If you're going to squirm back to AA's and Brazilians etc... Please explain, AA's, Brazilians are intermediate between?
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:He is NOT referring to Europe here as a "hybrid population" between two differentiated populations
^ He is, and they are, according to *all genetic studies*, as shown...
^ You keep crying, but never have any answers.
Why is that?
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote: I will answer any question about Sforza you like.But 1st you *must* answer my question.Have you ever read Sforza's studies?Yes or no?If so, which one have you read?Either that or admit - that you haven't read any Sforza study and don't know what you're talking about.It shouldn't be so hard....We're waiting?
You know, this reminds me of Ausarianstein when he was on the verge of collapse in his holocaust debate beatdown. He too refused to answer questions he knew will undermine him. Now you're employing same stalling tactics. LOL
Look, grow up boy. You read the damn book in prison, you're the intelligent one remember? So post the fucking list of "core populations" used in his study or admit it conforms to the racial schema.
quote: Jackassoben read slowly, and stop squirming.
Did you read this slowly whiskey? Because you didn't seem to notice a question at the end.
"Under the racial schema, "Hybrids" = products of two or more of alleged racial groups. (e.g. some AA, Brazilians etc)
So again, "He is NOT referring to Europe here as a "hybrid population" between two differentiated populations."
If he is, that is, they are at foundation products of gene flow from two of the alleged racial groups (Bowcock et al.'s Negro/Pygmy and Mongoloid/Bay Area Chinese), please do explain."
quote: ^ He is, and they are, according to *all genetic studies*, as shown... - rasolowitz
Really? But I thought you said "Don't let EuroDisney bait you into calling Southern Europeans hybrids as a form of revenge argument. Cavalli-Szforza and others found that Europeans collectively cluster IN BETWEEN AFRICA AND EAST ASIA. Using Disney's logic you could then call the whole white "race" mongrel-hybrid, etc"
Now that you've flipped and flopped, then read slowly "If he is [saying this], that is, they [Europeans] are at foundation products of gene flow from two of the alleged racial groups (Bowcock et al.'s Negro/Pygmy and Mongoloid/Bay Area Chinese), please do explain" Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:rasol posts: Cavalli-Szforza and others found that Europeans collectively cluster IN BETWEEN AFRICA AND EAST ASIA.
Correct. The point is, this is not just true of southern Europeans..... but of *all* Europeans, and with respect to all native Africans. And this is what moots your attempts to destract with nonsense about Sforza's sampling. Sampling is irrelevant. Whether you sample Swazi and Swedes, or Greeks and Ghanians...the result is precisely the same.
Europeans will still show as a population that splits off from Africans along with East Asians -migrated from Central Asia to Europe, and then received genetic admixtures from Africans.
They have surprisingly little genetic distinction that is not attributable to the base population from which they derived.
This is Keita's point about their not being a primary population, and how this fact, refutes the notion of Europeans as a race.
quote:rasol asks: .Have you ever read Sforza's studies?Yes or no?If so, which one have you read?Either that or admit - that you haven't read any Sforza study and don't know what you're talking about.It shouldn't be so hard....We're waiting?
quote:jackass akoben squirms: You know, this reminds me of....
...all your other posts in which you squirm, but never answer the questions.
What's taking so long?
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote: Jackassoben read slowly, and stop squirming.
Did you read this slowly whiskey? Because you didn't seem to notice a question at the end.
"Under the racial schema, "Hybrids" = products of two or more of alleged racial groups. (e.g. some AA, Brazilians etc)
So again, "He is NOT referring to Europe here as a "hybrid population" between two differentiated populations."
If he is, that is, they are at foundation products of gene flow from two of the alleged racial groups (Bowcock et al.'s Negro/Pygmy and Mongoloid/Bay Area Chinese), please do explain."
Jackass, I know it's hard for you to accept, but read again slowly, try to comprehend. The existence of intermediate groups negates race. Not that race is validated by intermediate groups, but is further deconstructed by intermediate groups. Groups such as Europeans(YOU).
The existence of ***intermediate*** groups(Europeans) whether they are products of ***gene flow or reflective of gradients of differentiation, or are the results of other microevolutionary processes**** tends to negate the validity of the implicit or explicit practice associated with the concept of race.---SOY Keita
If you're going to squirm back to AA's and Brazilians etc... Please explain, AA's, Brazilians are intermediate between?
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:He is, and they are, according to *all genetic studies*, as shown
quote:askoben asks: really?
Answer: Yes really.
Feel free to show a study that refutes the following.....
^ You keep crying, but never have any answers.
Why is that?
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
It is sampling that exposes their Coonian methods and their persistence of racial thinking and racial divergence you ******* idiot. His essay is The Persistence of Racial Thinking and Myth of Racial Divergence: so a study implying an ancestral split between the alleged racial groups: Negro and the Mongolian/Bay Area Chinese producing a "European hybrid" at foundation is rubbish as 1) these alleged racial groups did not exist back then, 2) The belief that any living population could be proto African is fundamentally unsound (Keita)
Again, read slowly the myth of racial divergence
quote:... the persistence of the socially constructed normative view of the African as only the "Forest Negro" type, or the so-called "Pygmy" from Central Africa, in line with Coon's thinking. These populations are used as the representative African in many studies (see Bowcock et al., 1991, 1994; Cavalli-Sforza et al., 1994)
What is actually a population expansion has been mistakenly termed "racial divergence," which implies morphological differentiation into the recognizable entities now labeled "races." – Keita
I can understand why you would want to see sampling as "irrelevant" since it exposes them and you!
How are the two populations differentiated, extremes, when they have 1) overlapping genes and 2) they were all "black" at the time? Admit it man, you didn't understand what Bowcock et al. were really saying.
quote:Jackass, I know it's hard for you to accept, but read again slowly, try to comprehend. The existence of intermediate groups negates race. Not that race is validated by intermediate groups, but is further deconstructed by intermediate groups. Groups such as Europeans(YOU).
Same goes for you butthead, quit with your bullshit. Yes the existence of intermediate groups negates race as separate and distinct units, but
quote:"He is NOT referring to Europe here as a "hybrid population" between two differentiated populations."
If he is, that is, they are at foundation products of gene flow from two of the alleged racial groups (Bowcock et al.'s Negro/Pygmy and Mongoloid/Bay Area Chinese), please do explain."
Or shut the **** up.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:It is sampling that exposes their Coonian methods
What, pray tell, is a Coonian method of sampling?
What is non Coonian method?
How would using this unspecified 'non coonian' method alter the reality that Europeans are admixed?
^ Or save time and admit that you don't know what you're talking about. rotfl.
quote: I can understand why you would want to see sampling as "irrelevant" since it exposes them and you!
^Exposes what precisely and how?
Sampling method is irrelevant to the fact of the admixed origins of Europeans, because Europeans show as admixed -no matter how you sample them-.
Evidently you admit this, since I asked you to produce a single study that refutes this fact, and you failed to do so.
If you disagree then answer the question and produce the requested study.
Name the sampling method that can refuted the admixed origin of Europeans.
Method is .... 'what'?
Study referenced is ..... 'where'?
Apparently the answers are - nothing, and nowhere. lol lol lol at your jackass despair.
Again, what's taking so long?
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:akoben practically begs for mercy: Yes the existence of intermediate groups negates race as separate and distinct units, but....
^ ...."but" you have no answers for the fact that it is Europeans he is speaking of as the intermediates who are disqualified as a race, which in turns discredits the entire racial schema.
Originally posted by rasol:
quote:He is, and they are, according to *all genetic studies*, as shown
quote:askoben asks: really?
Answer: Yes really.
Feel free to show a study that refutes the following.....
^ You keep crying, but never have any answers.
Why is that? [/QUOTE]
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Jackass, I know it's hard for you to accept, but read again slowly, try to comprehend. The existence of intermediate groups negates race. Not that race is validated by intermediate groups, but is further deconstructed by intermediate groups. Groups such as Europeans(YOU).
Same goes for you butthead, quit with your bullshit. Yes the existence of intermediate groups negates race as separate and distinct units, but
"He is NOT referring to Europe here as a "hybrid population" between two differentiated populations."
Jackass, this is why I told you to read slowly. This is why you fail at life. Keita is referring here to Europeans as an **intermediate group** which negates race.
The existence of ***intermediate*** groups (Europeans) whether they are products of ***gene flow or reflective of gradients of differentiation, or are the results of other microevolutionary processes**** tends to negate the validity of the implicit or explicit practice associated with the concept of race.---SOY Keita
Intermediate between who you ask? Intermediate between non Africans(Oceanic's) and Africans.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote: Sampling method is irrelevant to the fact of the admixed origins of Europeans, because Europeans show as admixed -no matter how you sample them-.
lol rasolowitz back to his old dirty tricks again, editing "per Keita" agreeing with Euros as "intermixed". Why did you do that rasolowitz? You deceitful little ****.
**sigh** I'll just wait as usual for the edit option to phase out and come back to debunk you again...You deceitful little ****.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Surely since Europe is home of non Africans, and was populated by non Africans, then Europeans should be genetically uniform with all other non African OOA descendants, but how come their evolutionary rate is NOT the same across all branches of the tree as all other non Africans?
quote: Genes, peoples, and languages
L. Luca Cavalli-Sforza
Table 1 shows a matrix of genetic distances among continents based on **six times as many markers** (2). The type of genetic distances used — of which there exist a great many — is usually of little importance. But for a tree representation to be acceptable, the evolutionary hypothesis used for drawing the tree must be correct. ***The simplest hypothesis is that the evolutionary rate is the same across all branches of the tree, and the evolution is independent in all branches [i.e., there are no (important) genetic exchanges among them or similar conditions creating correlations among branches after their origin].*** This can be tested on the matrix, since on the basis of this simple hypothesis the distances should be the same, apart from statistical error, in each column (3).
There is one important exception to the rule in Table 1, namely that in the first column of the matrix Europe shows a shorter distance from Africa than do all the other continents. The difference is statistically significant and is consistently found with all markers, ranging from “classical” ones based on gene products [blood groups and protein polymorphisms (1)] to DNA markers such as restriction polymorphisms (4) and microsatellites (5). For incompletely understood reasons, discussed later, mtDNA trees of non-African populations are not as informative as desired.
Could it be because....
"Europe shows a shorter genetic distance from Africa than do all the other continents...... The overall contributions from Asia and Africa were estimated to be around two-thirds and one-third, respectively. Simulations have shown (7) that this hypothesis explains quite well the discrepancy between trees obtained by maximum likelihood and neighbor joining. " - L. Luca Cavalli-Sforza
^^^^^Oh yea, that's right, it is
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote: Sampling method is irrelevant to the fact of the admixed origins of Europeans, because Europeans show as admixed -no matter how you sample them-.
quote:JACKASS writes: lol rasol back to his old dirty tricks again, editing per Keita.
akoben....still no answers.
actually, per *all* geneticists and all studies of the European genome..
Thus we are still waiting for you to provide a single study which can refute.
But you've failed to do so.
Why is that?
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:'ll just wait as usual for the edit option to phase out which point, you will still have no answers, as usual.
--????????? -->
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasol: actually, per *all* geneticists and all studies of the European genome..
Thus we are still waiting for you to provide the study which can refute.
What's taking so long?
Yeh right now that you got caught it's "all geneticists" including Keita.
Don't worry your pretty little face child, I will soon be back (after the edit button stops) to debunk you again and show why Keita does not see Europeans as "admixed" at foundation.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Yeh right now that you got caught it's "all geneticists" including Keita.
^ You're awful ignorant. Keita is not a geneticist. Mis-citing me doesn't help you. It only results in your making a fool of yourself, as you just did, again.
quote: I will soon be back... make a fool of yourself yet again.
Yes we know.
We can't wait.
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:'ll just wait as usual for the edit option to phase out which point, you will still have no answers, as usual.
--????????? -->
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
Mis-citing. lol You wish you deceitful child...oh and so now you pull the "Keita is not a geneticist" card even though we are debating pg. 37 going on 38 wether or not you mis represented his work, specifically if he agrees with your white masters or not?
or wait...are you trying to subtly distance yourself from him now that he debunks them? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
Oh this is too I said I'm waiting, the edit button time is going
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
Lmao @ these two jackasses subtly trying to drop their Evil Euro-ian logic of Europeans as "hybrid" from their posts. Though "admixed" is no less a fallacy in this context. That rasolowitz would think so is just further evidence of his stupidity.
quote:It is irrelevant to the fact of the admixed origins of Europeans,
Explain to us all how is it that the European is a "hybrid" at foundation between two already differentiated populations (Pygmy/a black and Chinese), "two extremes", when there were only blacks at that time as you say? You flip flopping self defeating imbecile.
quote:because Europeans show as admixed -no matter how you sample them-, per Keita.
Damn boy you take lying to a whole new level. again, Keita does not agree with your Evil Euro-ian logic of Europeans being a "hybrid" at foundation between a Chinese and Pygmy
quote:"Nuclear DNA studies suggest to some that Blumenbach's "Caucasian" entity (or some of it) is at foundation an "inter-mixed" group composed of earlier differentiated non-European (specifically Asian and central African) [more specifically a "Pygmy" and Bay Area Chinese] elements — this may be a problem given that the contributing groups seem to conform to received raciotypological schema — but should be acceptable to those who believe in the existence of races."
You see that boy? It "should be acceptable to those who believe in the existence of races". Now why is that?
quote:What is actually a population expansion has been mistakenly termed "racial divergence," which implies morphological differentiation into the recognizable entities now labeled "races." - Keita
Did you see that boy? Population expansion not "differentiation" or "two extremes" involving a Pygmy and a San Francisco Chinese as racial archetypes.
Now are you going to continue to squirm at your obligations or answer them? You can start with Sforza's "core populations" then work your way up to how is it that the European is a "hybrid" at foundation between two already differentiated populations (Pygmy/a black and Chinese), "two extremes", when there were only blacks at that time as you say?
Same goes for you whiskey boy. Stop trying to switch the argument from your Evil Euro-ian logic. Your position, like your mentor you occasionally fetch studies for so as to get a pat on the back, is that Europeans are "genetically hybrids" and, without nay evidence of course, that's Keita's position too. So your obligation is still outstanding boy
"He is NOT referring to Europe here as a "hybrid population" between two differentiated populations."
"If he is, that is, they [Europeans] are at foundation products of gene flow from two of the alleged racial groups (Bowcock et al.'s Negro/Pygmy and Mongoloid/Bay Area Chinese), please do explain."
I am going to continue to post this until it's answered Whiskey. Might as well get it over with.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ frantic incoherent jackass babblings, but still no answers.
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:Yeh right now that you got caught it's "all geneticists" including Keita.
^ You're awful ignorant. Keita is not a geneticist, so that isn't something I would ever say.
Mis-citing me doesn't help you. It only results in your making a fool of yourself, as you just did, again.
quote: I will soon be back... make a fool of yourself yet again.
Yes we know.
We can't wait.
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:'ll just wait as usual for the edit option to phase out which point, you will still have no answers, as usual.
--????????? -->
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
Look, quit with your games for once in your life and man up to your bullshit. Everyone can see your squirming. You've been spamming that tree and parroting those whites for the better part of four years now, four years rasolowitz! Therefore any questions pertaining to their work and your understanding of it ( ) shouldn't be hard at all.
What are Sforza's "core populations" and how is it that the European is a "hybrid" at foundation between two already differentiated populations (Pygmy/black and a Chinese/Asian), "two extremes", when there were only blacks at that time as you say?
I am going to continue to post this until it's answered rasolowitz. Might as well get it over with. And when your "student" (rofl) whiskey returns and dodges the question as I suspect he will, the same will apply to him.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
^^^^Of course Jackassoben (the squirming copycat) has already been answered on every one of his insignificant miscitings but yet he still continues to ask. Meanwhile Keitas quote already debunked him.
Surely since Europe is home of non Africans, and was populated by non Africans, then Europeans should be genetically uniform with all other non African OOA descendants, but how come their evolutionary rate is NOT the same across all branches of the tree as all other non Africans?
quote: Genes, peoples, and languages
L. Luca Cavalli-Sforza
Table 1 shows a matrix of genetic distances among continents based on **six times as many markers** (2). The type of genetic distances used — of which there exist a great many — is usually of little importance. But for a tree representation to be acceptable, the evolutionary hypothesis used for drawing the tree must be correct. ***The simplest hypothesis is that the evolutionary rate is the same across all branches of the tree, and the evolution is independent in all branches [i.e., there are no (important) genetic exchanges among them or similar conditions creating correlations among branches after their origin].*** This can be tested on the matrix, since on the basis of this simple hypothesis the distances should be the same, apart from statistical error, in each column (3).
There is one important exception to the rule in Table 1, namely that in the first column of the matrix Europe shows a shorter distance from Africa than do all the other continents. The difference is statistically significant and is consistently found with all markers, ranging from “classical” ones based on gene products [blood groups and protein polymorphisms (1)] to DNA markers such as restriction polymorphisms (4) and microsatellites (5). For incompletely understood reasons, discussed later, mtDNA trees of non-African populations are not as informative as desired.
Could it be because....
"Europe shows a shorter genetic distance from Africa than do all the other continents...... The overall contributions from Asia and Africa were estimated to be around two-thirds and one-third, respectively. Simulations have shown (7) that this hypothesis explains quite well the discrepancy between trees obtained by maximum likelihood and neighbor joining. " - L. Luca Cavalli-Sforza
^^^^^Oh yea, that's right, it is
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Jackass, I know it's hard for you to accept, but read again slowly, try to comprehend. The existence of intermediate groups negates race. Not that race is validated by intermediate groups, but is further deconstructed by intermediate groups. Groups such as Europeans(YOU).
Same goes for you butthead, quit with your bullshit. Yes the existence of intermediate groups negates race as separate and distinct units, but
"He is NOT referring to Europe here as a "hybrid population" between two differentiated populations."
Jackass, this is why I told you to read slowly. This is why you fail at life. Keita is referring here to Europeans as an **intermediate group** which negates race. Regardless of gradients of differentiation etc....
Why do you keep on talking about Bowcock when Keita has already made it clear that......
The existence of ***intermediate*** groups (Europeans) whether they are products of ***gene flow or reflective of gradients of differentiation, or are the results of other microevolutionary processes**** tends to negate the validity of the implicit or explicit practice associated with the concept of race.---SOY Keita
Intermediate between who you ask? Intermediate between non Africans(Oceanic's) and Africans.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
Lmao @ the evasive jackass trying to avoid the question by wiggling his way out of his Europeans are hybrids position. You pathetic imbecile, you had no idea what Bowcock et al. were really saying did you boy? It all went totally over your little head did it?
Bowcock and Cavalli-Sforza are implying racial divergence hence their samples of C. African Pygmy, Bay Area Chinese and a Stanford University "Caucasian" as racial archetypes. When they say "intermediate" what they really mean is ADMIXTURE between two of the alleged racial groups.
However, intermediate don't necessarily translate into "hybrids" or "admixture". Are you still with me boy? Here let me explain further. "Hybrid" and "admixture" are terms under the racial schema which apply to products of the mating of peoples from two or more of the alleged racial groups. Some "intermediate groups" such as E. Africans, Berbers and early Europeans are properly reflective of gradients of differentiation, or are the results of other microevolutionary processes. While so-called "hybrids" are products of gene flow from two or more of the alleged racial groups like Obama etc, not early Europeans!!!
When you are finished processing the above in your brain (maybe another four years! ) you will understand what Keita means when he says "Nuclear DNA studies suggest to some that Blumenbach's "Caucasian" entity (or some of it) is at foundation an "inter-mixed" group composed of earlier differentiated non-European (specifically Asian and central African).... this may be a problem given that the contributing groups seem to conform to received raciotypological schema — but should be acceptable to those who believe in the existence of races"
^ he is referring to Bowcock et al's samples which imply morphological differentiation into the recognizable entities now labeled "races." i.e. racial divergence - their two already differentiated populations, two extremes, two alleged racial groups: a Pygmy/black and a Chinese/Mongoloid. Hence based on Bowcock et al. and under the general racial assumption held i.e. the racial schema, "Caucasian would [in their scenario] be a secondary type or race due to its hybrid origin [between two of the alleged racial groups a black and a Chinese]"
This is why he says racial divergence is a myth as, "What is actually a population expansion has been mistakenly termed "racial divergence," which implies morphological differentiation into the recognizable entities now labeled 'races.'"
Now come back to me in four years time when you understand what was said.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
^^^Lmao @ the long winded repetitive rant, from the outwitted poor peon.
Jackass, this is why I told you to read slowly. This is why you fail at life. Keita is referring here to Europeans as an **intermediate group** which negates race. Regardless of gradients of differentiation etc....
Why do you keep on talking about Bowcock when Keita has already made it clear that......
The existence of ***intermediate*** groups (Europeans) whether they are products of ***gene flow or reflective of gradients of differentiation, or are the results of other microevolutionary processes**** tends to negate the validity of the implicit or explicit practice associated with the concept of race.---SOY Keita
Intermediate between who you ask? Intermediate between non Africans(Oceanic's) and Africans.
Intermediate groups like Europeans negate race, whether they are products of ***gene flow or reflective of gradients of differentiation, or are the results of other microevolutionary processes**** Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
LOL Bait and switch. Wasn't it your positon, boy, that Europeans are hybrids like Obama? Be careful how you answer this question.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Originally posted by akoben: LOL Bait and switch. Wasn't it your positon, boy, that Europeans are hybrids like Obama? Be careful how you answer this question.
If Obama is a hybrid(which you stated specifically he was) then Europeans are definitely hybrids. You know from the very beginning, since YOU agreed with race, then you have to deal with Europeans being hybrids, intermediates. End of story.
Intermediate groups like Europeans negate race, whether they are products of ***gene flow or reflective of gradients of differentiation, or are the results of other microevolutionary processes**** Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718: End of story.
Translation: please, I want to end my humiliation now.
Ok boy. But first, you have to explain how can Europeans be "hybrids" at foundation when they are intermediate between two black populations?
Suggestion, from this point maybe you should start *every post* with: "I never said.." or.. even better, "I can explain".
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
^^^If Obama is a hybrid(which you stated specifically he was) then Europeans are definitely hybrids. You know from the very beginning, since YOU agreed with race , then you have to deal with Europeans being hybrids, intermediates. Will you address or explain??
Intermediate groups like Europeans negate race, whether they are products of ***gene flow or reflective of gradients of differentiation, or are the results of other microevolutionary processes****
Surely since Europe is home of non Africans, and was populated by non Africans, then Europeans should be genetically uniform with all other non African OOA descendants, but how come their evolutionary rate is NOT the same across all branches of the tree as all other non Africans?
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
And so now we enter the spamming phase when the defeated opponent spams his previous gibberish in an attempt at avoiding the question.
quote:Originally posted by akoben:
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718: End of story.
Translation: please, I want to end my humiliation now.
Ok boy. But first, you have to explain how can Europeans be "hybrids" at foundation when they are intermediate between two black populations?
Suggestion, from this point maybe you should start *every post* with: "I never said.." or.. even better, "I can explain".
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
I answered your question, you jackass. You asked me to explain hybrids, and since you specifically stated Obama was the hybrid Keita was talking about, so if Obama is a factual hybrid to you, then Europeans are definitely hybrids. <<<There is your answer....
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718: I answered your question, you jackass. You asked me to explain hybrids, and since you specifically stated Obama was the hybrid Keita was talking about, so if Obama is a factual hybrid to you, then Europeans are definitely hybrids. <<<There is your answer....
read slowly, boy.
how can Europeans be "hybrids" at foundation when they are intermediate between two black populations?
Suggestion, from this point maybe you should start *every post* with: "I never said.." or.. even better, "I can explain".
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Of course you'll never ever address this either. No wonder really.
Surely since Europe is home of non Africans, and was populated by non Africans, then Europeans should be genetically uniform with all other non African OOA descendants, but how come their evolutionary rate is NOT the same across all branches of the tree as all other non Africans?
quote: Genes, peoples, and languages
L. Luca Cavalli-Sforza
Table 1 shows a matrix of genetic distances among continents based on **six times as many markers** (2). The type of genetic distances used — of which there exist a great many — is usually of little importance. But for a tree representation to be acceptable, the evolutionary hypothesis used for drawing the tree must be correct. ***The simplest hypothesis is that the evolutionary rate is the same across all branches of the tree, and the evolution is independent in all branches [i.e., there are no (important) genetic exchanges among them or similar conditions creating correlations among branches after their origin].*** This can be tested on the matrix, since on the basis of this simple hypothesis the distances should be the same, apart from statistical error, in each column (3).
There is one important exception to the rule in Table 1, namely that in the first column of the matrix Europe shows a shorter distance from Africa than do all the other continents. The difference is statistically significant and is consistently found with all markers, ranging from “classical” ones based on gene products [blood groups and protein polymorphisms (1)] to DNA markers such as restriction polymorphisms (4) and microsatellites (5). For incompletely understood reasons, discussed later, mtDNA trees of non-African populations are not as informative as desired.
Could it be because....
"Europe shows a shorter genetic distance from Africa than do all the other continents...... The overall contributions from Asia and Africa were estimated to be around two-thirds and one-third, respectively. Simulations have shown (7) that this hypothesis explains quite well the discrepancy between trees obtained by maximum likelihood and neighbor joining. " - L. Luca Cavalli-Sforza
^^^^^Oh yea, that's right, it is!!!
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Originally posted by akoben:
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718: I answered your question, you jackass. You asked me to explain hybrids, and since you specifically stated Obama was the hybrid Keita was talking about, so if Obama is a factual hybrid to you, then Europeans are definitely hybrids. <<<There is your answer....
read slowly, boy.
how can Europeans be "hybrids" at foundation when they are intermediate between two black populations?
Suggestion, from this point maybe you should start *every post* with: "I never said.." or.. even better, "I can explain".
Can you read? You specifically stated that Obama is a factual hybrid, but how? If Europeans aren't?
If Obama is a factual hybrid, then Europeans being an estimated 2/3rd Asian and 1/3rd African, are definitely hybrids. <<<Read slowly, you copycatting jackass!!!
Explain how Obama is a factual hybrid according to YOU, and you'll have your answer....
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718: Of course you'll never ever address this either. No wonder really.
Surely since Europe is home of non Africans, and was populated by non Africans, then Europeans should be genetically uniform with all other non African OOA descendants, but how come their evolutionary rate is NOT the same across all branches of the tree as all other non Africans?
quote: Genes, peoples, and languages
L. Luca Cavalli-Sforza
Table 1 shows a matrix of genetic distances among continents based on **six times as many markers** (2). The type of genetic distances used — of which there exist a great many — is usually of little importance. But for a tree representation to be acceptable, the evolutionary hypothesis used for drawing the tree must be correct. ***The simplest hypothesis is that the evolutionary rate is the same across all branches of the tree, and the evolution is independent in all branches [i.e., there are no (important) genetic exchanges among them or similar conditions creating correlations among branches after their origin].*** This can be tested on the matrix, since on the basis of this simple hypothesis the distances should be the same, apart from statistical error, in each column (3).
There is one important exception to the rule in Table 1, namely that in the first column of the matrix Europe shows a shorter distance from Africa than do all the other continents. The difference is statistically significant and is consistently found with all markers, ranging from “classical” ones based on gene products [blood groups and protein polymorphisms (1)] to DNA markers such as restriction polymorphisms (4) and microsatellites (5). For incompletely understood reasons, discussed later, mtDNA trees of non-African populations are not as informative as desired.
Could it be because....
"Europe shows a shorter genetic distance from Africa than do all the other continents...... The overall contributions from Asia and Africa were estimated to be around two-thirds and one-third, respectively. Simulations have shown (7) that this hypothesis explains quite well the discrepancy between trees obtained by maximum likelihood and neighbor joining. " - L. Luca Cavalli-Sforza
^^^^^Oh yea, that's right, it is!!!
Who denied population expansion? Where else would Europe be populated? From Mars? Your straws, boy, will be blown down as quickly as they come but your question will still stand.
how can Europeans be "hybrids" at foundation when they are intermediate between two black populations?
^ come one what’s taking you so long?
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Of course you'll never ever address the below either, no wonder again.
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
quote:Posted by jackassoben: "Europe" consists of Asian and African
True. Finally you admit it.
quote:posted by jackassoben: as well as their haplotypes
Really??? Do tell which lineages are European?
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote: Who denied population expansion? Where else would Europe be populated? From Mars? Your straws, boy, will be blown down as quickly as they come but your question will still stand.
You're an idiot. This is the point, Europe consists of 2/3rd Asian and 1/3rd African lineages. lol
Thanks for admitting it.
Can you explain otherwise how come their evolutionary rate is NOT the same across all branches of the tree as all other non Africans?
quote: how can Europeans be "hybrids" at foundation when they are intermediate between two black populations?
Can you read? The same way Obama is a hybrid, Europeans are hybrids. You specifically stated that Obama is a factual hybrid, but how? If Europeans aren't?
If Obama is a factual hybrid, then Europeans being an estimated 2/3rd Asian and 1/3rd African, are definitely hybrids. <<<Read slowly, you copycatting jackass!!!
Explain how Obama is a factual hybrid according to YOU, and you'll have your answer....
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718: If Obama is a factual hybrid, then Europeans being an estimated 2/3rd Asian and 1/3rd African, are definitely hybrids. <<<Read slowly, you copycatting jackass!!!
Didn't I tell you not to answer me until four years time when you fully comprehend what I posted? [posted 08 December, 2008 12:01 PM]
Now go back, boy, and look see what a "hybrid" is and explain to us how European at foundation can be called such. You are dismissed to remedial class at once!!!!
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote: Posted by Jackassoben: Oh jesus, he is talking about labeling of "mixed" peoples, groups, not entire geographical regions, by a single racial label [like Obama is "black"] when they are in fact hybrids, mixed.
Lol, Obama is a factual hybrid , according to Akoben, but Europeans being 2/3rd Asian and 1/3rd African are not. Wheres the logic Akoben???
Burns don't it???
The same way Obama is a hybrid, Europeans are hybrids. You specifically stated that Obama is a factual hybrid.
If Obama is a factual hybrid, then Europeans being an estimated 2/3rd Asian and 1/3rd African, are definitely hybrids. <<<Read slowly, you copycatting jackass!!!
Explain how Obama is a factual hybrid according to YOU, and you'll have your answer....
"Europe shows a shorter genetic distance from Africa than do all the other continents......The overall contributions from Asia and Africa were estimated to be around two-thirds and one-third, respectively. Simulations have shown (7) that this hypothesis explains quite well the discrepancy between trees obtained by maximum likelihood and neighbor joining. " - L. Luca Cavalli-Sforza
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote: Posted by Jackassoben: Oh jesus, he is talking about labeling of "mixed" peoples, groups, not entire geographical regions, by a single racial label [like Obama is "black"] when they are in fact hybrids, mixed.
Of course Keita was never speaking about Obama or AA's. But was in fact speaking about Bowcock, in his conclusion, that she labels Europeans "Caucasians", despite her findings of them being hybrids.
quote: Interestingly the race construct is sometimes not consistently used in terms of it's own logic by its adherents. An example is labeling of groups that the people in question are hybrids. This inconsistency is no doubt due to socialized practice and a racialized worldview that has political trappings. The existence of intermediate groups, whether they are products of gene flow or reflective of gradients of differentiation, or are the results of other microevolutionary processes, tends to negate the validity of the implicit or explicit practice associated with the concept of race. ---SOY Keita, page 541, racial thinking.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
My god help your poor illiterate soul. But since you refuse to do your remedial classes I'll humor you boy.
So Europe was at foundation a mixture between two already differentiated populations, two "extremes", a C. African pygmy and an ancestral Chinese?
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Originally posted by akoben: My god help your poor illiterate soul. But since you refuse to do your remedial classes I'll humor you boy.
So Europe was at foundation a mixture between two already differentiated populations, two "extremes", a C. African pygmy and an ancestral Chinese?
Europeans are an intermediate group and negates race Regardless of gradients of differentiation etc....
Intermediate groups like Europeans negate race, whether they are products of ***gene flow or reflective of gradients of differentiation , or are the results of other microevolutionary processes****
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
quote: Posted by Jackassoben: Oh jesus, he is talking about labeling of "mixed" peoples, groups, not entire geographical regions, by a single racial label [like Obama is "black"] when they are in fact hybrids, mixed.
Of course Keita was never speaking about Obama or AA's. But was in fact speaking about Bowcock, in his conclusion, that she labels Europeans "Caucasians", despite her findings of them being hybrids.
quote: Interestingly the race construct is sometimes not consistently used in terms of it's own logic by its adherents. An example is labeling of groups that the people in question are hybrids. This inconsistency is no doubt due to socialized practice and a racialized worldview that has political trappings. The existence of intermediate groups, whether they are products of gene flow or reflective of gradients of differentiation, or are the results of other microevolutionary processes, tends to negate the validity of the implicit or explicit practice associated with the concept of race. ---SOY Keita, page 541, racial thinking.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
quote:Originally posted by akoben: So Europe was at foundation a mixture between two already differentiated populations, two "extremes", a C. African pygmy and an ancestral Chinese?
Europeans are an intermediate group and negates race Regardless of gradients of differentiation etc....
Intermediate groups like Europeans negate race, whether they are products of ***gene flow or reflective of gradients of differentiation , or are the results of other microevolutionary processes****
And here we enter another phase of the previous spamming phase where the defeated opponent spams his same old gibberish in an attempt at avoiding the same question asked differently.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
^^^^And here we see a clown laughing, trying to hide his idiocy, as Keita says regardless of differentiation the existence of intermediate groups such as Europeans negate race.
and of course Of course Keita was never speaking about Obama or AA's. But was in fact speaking about Bowcock, in his conclusion, that she labels Europeans "Caucasians", despite her findings of them being hybrids.
Poor poor jackassoben
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:African pygmy and an ancestral Chinese
^ this is of course, the jackass prattle of a complete idiot who cannot understand genetics.
Again, illiterate jackass:
It does not matter whether you represent Asians as Chinese, and Africans as Pygmy, or Asians as Mongolians and Africans as Zulu. [any group of East Asians, any group of Native Africans...any group of matter how matter how few.....same result]
Europeans will *always* show as an admixed group, composed of 2/3 Asian and 1/3 African.
And this is so for *all Europeans.*
This makes your jackass prattle entirely irrelevant.
This leads us right back to the question you keep trying to hide from.
If you disagree with this finding, then produce a study that can refute it.
What's taking so long?
^ It's taking so long because there is no genetic study that can refute the above finding of the admixed origin of Europeans.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
^^As we already know he can't use Keita, since Keita himself agrees that the existence of intermediate groups regardless of gene flow, differentiation etc... tends to NEGATE race, and not PROMOTE race, as Jackassoben would love to distort.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:Of course Keita was never speaking about Obama or AA's. But was in fact speaking about Bowcock, in his conclusion, that she labels Europeans "Caucasians", despite her findings of them being hybrids. Answers???
And here the subject proceeds to ask the same question already answered in an attpemt at avoiding his own **** up. lol
Again, I'll humor you because in the end you will have to deal with your question you keep avoiding or admit you're beatendown loser.
Keita is not saying they are hybrids at foundation since he said racial divergence is a myth. He is saying based on the interpretation of Bowcock et al. which implies racial divergence i.e. their "Caucasian" being hybrid between their two already differentiated populations, two extremes, two alleged racial archytypes "65% Chinese ancestors and 35% African ancestors" [Bowcock et al.] "Caucasian would [in their scenario] be a secondary type or race due to its hybrid origin [i.e. between two of the alleged racial groups 65% Chinese ancestors and 35% African ancestors]"
He himself does not believe this as "What is actually a population expansion has been mistakenly termed "racial divergence," which implies morphological differentiation into the recognizable entities now labeled 'races.'"
Read over and over this [posted 08 December, 2008 12:01 PM]
Didn't I say boy it would take four years until you would comprehend it?
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ sorry jackass, but running away from questions, won't make them go away....
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:African pygmy and an ancestral Chinese
^ this is of course, the jackass prattle of a complete idiot who cannot understand genetics.
Again, illiterate jackass:
It does not matter whether you represent Asians as Chinese, and Africans as Pygmy, or Asians as Mongolians and Africans as Zulu. [any group of East Asians, any group of Native Africans...any group of matter how matter how few.....same result]
Europeans will *always* show as an admixed group, composed of 2/3 Asian and 1/3 African.
And this is so for *all Europeans.*
This makes your jackass prattle entirely irrelevant.
This leads us right back to the question you keep trying to hide from.
If you disagree with this finding, then produce a study that can refute it.
What's taking so long?
^ It's taking so long because there is no genetic study that can refute the above finding of the admixed origin of Europeans.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Lmao jackass, of course you took it as him(Keita) saying Obama was a factual hybrid, we all know this.
But in actuality he was speaking of Bowcock labeling Europeans, Caucasians, despite them being hybrids.
Now remember, you said he was saying Obama was a factual hybrid. But he was never speaking about Obama. So who is the factual hybrid then? Of course I informed you that he was speaking of Europeans. So if you stated from the beginning Keita was saying the population he was implying to be factual hybrids (Obama, AA's Brazilians etc..) then in actuality you were saying Europeans are factual hybrids. But no, you retract now, and say you never did say that.
quote: He himself does not believe this as "What is actually a population expansion has been mistakenly termed "racial divergence,"
Oh really, please elaborate how Cavalli is implying geographical areas, Oceanic's to be one race? Asians to be one race? Africans to be one race etc....???
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Keita is not saying they are hybrids at foundation since he said racial divergence is a myth
^ nope, that's your jibberish, not what keita is saying.
Keita is saying:
- europeans are not at 'foundation'. [because they are derivitive to Africans and Non Africans... and not adjacent to them]
- therefore europeans are not a race.
- therefore race is a myth.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:^ this is of course, the jackass prattle of a complete idiot who cannot understand genetics.
It does not matter whether you represent Asians as Chinese, and Africans as Pygmy, or Asians as Mongolians and Africans as Zulu.
Europeans still show as an admixed group, composed of o2/3 Asian and 1/3 African.
Oh my, in the hole you dug for yourself you do resort to bizarre justifications for Bowcock et al.'s Coonian methods. But your justifications all lead back to this
So Europe (the defining "Caucasiods", local residents from Stanford and Yale LOL) was at foundation a mixture, "hybrid", between two already differentiated populations, two "extremes", 65% Chinese ancestors and 35% African ancestors?
But how can the European be a "hybrid" at foundation between two already differentiated populations, "two extremes" 65% Chinese ancestors and 35% African ancestors, when there were only blacks at that time as you say? Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:]But how can the European be a "hybrid" at foundation between two already differentiated populations, "two extremes" 65% Chinese ancestors and 35% African ancestors, when there were only blacks at that time as you say?
Stop distorting. Indians are Asian, Arabs are asian, but are not Chinese. Europeans received post OOA Neolithic admixture from Africans, after Europe was populated by paleolithic Asians.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote: Now remember, you said he was saying Obama was a factual hybrid. But he was never speaking about Obama. So who is the factual hybrid then? Of course I informed you that he was speaking of Europeans. So if you stated from the beginning Keita was saying the population he was implying to be factual hybrids (Obama, AA's Brazilians etc..) then in actuality you were saying Europeans are factual hybrids. But no, you retract now, and say you never did say that.
I'm saying you a complete jackass. One.
Two, I'm also saying Europeans are not "hybrids" at foundation based on the definition of "hybrid". Read over and over this [posted 08 December, 2008 12:01 PM]
quote:Keita is saying: - europeans are not at 'foundation'. - therefore europeans are not a race. - therefore race is a myth.
Prey tell what is "not at foundation"?
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Originally posted by akoben: [QB] [QUOTE] Now remember, you said he was saying Obama was a factual hybrid. But he was never speaking about Obama. So who is the factual hybrid then? Of course I informed you that he was speaking of Europeans. So if you stated from the beginning Keita was saying the population he was implying to be factual hybrids (Obama, AA's Brazilians etc..) then in actuality you were saying Europeans are factual hybrids. But no, you retract now, and say you never did say that.
I'm saying you a complete jackass. One.
Two, I'm also saying Europeans are not "hybrids" at foundation based on the definition of "hybrid". Read over and over this [posted 08 December, 2008 12:01 PM]
And I'm saying you never ever have answers as usual. I'm saying you're a jackass who got caught in his own lie. No wonder.
quote: Prey tell what is "not at foundation"?
Do tell which lineages are European?
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:Stop distorting. Indians are Asian, Arabs are asian, but are not Chinese. Europeans received post OOA Neolithic admixture after Europe was populated by paleolithic Asians.
Please boy, your own words are distortion in and of themselves.
All humans were black at the time (even Eurasians) we are discussing you confused child. No "Chinese" at time being discussed. Arabs are not a "race" dumbass.
Therefore no racial divergence as implied by Bowcock et al., so no Europe (of course no Stanford and Yale "Caucasians" LOL) could be at foundation a "hybrid", products of the mating of peoples from two or more of the alleged racial groups 65% Chinese ancestors and 35% African ancestors.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:rasol wrote: this is of course, the jackass prattle of a complete idiot who cannot understand genetics.
It does not matter whether you represent Asians as Chinese, and Africans as Pygmy, or Asians as Mongolians and Africans as Zulu.
Europeans still show as an admixed group, composed of o2/3 Asian and 1/3 African.
Jackass akoben dumbstruck response # 1:
quote:Oh my, in the hole you dug for yourself you do resort to bizarre justifications for Bowcock et al.'s Coonian methods.
^ Nah, I just allowed you to lead us back to questions you failed to answer.
- What precisely is a "proper" method of genetic sampling? - What is an improper method? - What is a Coonian method of genetic sampling.
What is any of the above except a desparate attempt to change the subjection from the complete destruction of the k-zoid race myth.
Jackass akoben dumbstruck response # 2:
quote:But how can the European be a "hybrid" at foundation between two already differentiated populations, "two extremes" 65% Chinese ancestors and 35% African ancestors, when there were only blacks at that time as you say?
As Black is not a race, a population, or a vector on the dendrogram, this *very dumb* reply from you, would be yet another example of a total non sequitur on your part.
Now, stop stalling and start addressing...
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasol: ^ sorry jackass, but running away from questions, won't make them go away....
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:African pygmy and an ancestral Chinese
^ this is of course, the jackass prattle of a complete idiot who cannot understand genetics.
Again, illiterate jackass:
It does not matter whether you represent Asians as Chinese, and Africans as Pygmy, or Asians as Mongolians and Africans as Zulu. [any group of East Asians, any group of Native Africans...any group of matter how matter how few.....same result]
Europeans will *always* show as an admixed group, composed of 2/3 Asian and 1/3 African.
And this is so for *all Europeans.*
This makes your jackass prattle entirely irrelevant.
This leads us right back to the question you keep trying to hide from.
If you disagree with this finding, then produce a study that can refute it.
What's taking so long?
^ It's taking so long because there is no genetic study that can refute the above finding of the admixed origin of Europeans.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:All humans were black at the time (even Eurasians)
Yes, you've finally learned something from this board. Now can you explain how this has anything to do with Europeans being populated by Asian lineages, (I am not saying they looked Chinese, you are) and post OOA neolithic admixture. Neolithic, at a time when Europeans weren't black anymore, like their Paleolithic Asian ancestors??
quote: No "Chinese" at time being discussed.
So why do you keep on mentioning ancestral Chinese? Both Europeans and East Asian pale phenotype is a recent evolution.
quote: Arabs are not a "race" dumbass.
And??? So what? There are NO races, or are you saying Chinese is a race? You're distorting as if Cavalli was saying Europe was populated by Chinese people since he said Asian, which is pure distortion on your part. Since early Europeans and East Asians resembled Australians and Africans.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:It does not matter whether you represent Asians as Chinese, and Africans as Pygmy, or Asians as Mongolians and Africans as Zulu...[or Caucasiods", local residents from Stanford and Yale]
Sillyboy it does. For this reason
1) a "hybrid" is a product of the mating of peoples from two or more of the alleged racial groups.
2) Those alleged racial groups didn't exist at the time, "What is actually a population expansion has been mistakenly termed "racial divergence," which implies morphological differentiation into the recognizable entities now labeled 'races.'"
But how can the European be a "hybrid" at foundation between two already differentiated populations, "two extremes" 65% Chinese ancestors and 35% African ancestors, when there were only blacks at that time as you say?
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:a "hybrid" is a product of the mating of peoples from two or more of the alleged racial groups.
HYBRID: anything derived from heterogeneous sources, or composed of elements of different or incongruous kinds.
^ Europeans *are* hybrids of Africans and Asians, according to the above definition.
And you can plead, whine, and rage against this fact, for the rest of your 'hybrid' life.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote: (I am not saying they looked Chinese, you are) ...So why do you keep on mentioning ancestral Chinese? Both Europeans and East Asian pale phenotype is a recent evolution... You're distorting as if Cavalli was saying Europe was populated by Chinese people since he said Asian, which is pure distortion on your part.
This is the source of your illiteracy you babbling buffoon. You NEVER read, and when you do you don't understand what you read, because you're a beatdown loser.
It is Bowcock et al. that says Chinese, jackass!
"European admixture consisted of 65% Chinese ancestors and 35% African ancestors"
Don't you recognize it? Of course not, your an illiterate who cant read!!!
quote: Since early Europeans and East Asians resembled Australians and Africans.
Yes jackass! They do, but no jackass Cavalli's racial divergence does not reflect this
"What is actually a population expansion has been mistakenly termed "racial divergence," which implies morphological differentiation into the recognizable entities now labeled 'races.'"
two already differentiated populations, "two extremes" 65% Chinese ancestors and 35% African ancestors
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote: You're distorting as if Cavalli was saying Europe was populated by Chinese people since he said Asian, which is pure distortion on your part.
It is Bowcock et al. that says Chinese, jackass!
Wow, here we go again, I am asking and discussing Cavalli and you mention Bowcock. Lmao
quote: Since early Europeans and East Asians resembled Australians and Africans.
They do, but no jackass Cavalli's racial divergence does not reflect this
Do tell, how do you figure this?
Of course Cavalli knows the same people who populated Australia, resembling Africans, also populated East Asia, and ultimately Europe and the Americas.
quote:Genes, peoples, and languages
L. Luca Cavalli-Sforza
What we know of the occupation of different continents (1) shows that West Asia was first settled around 100,000 years ago, although perhaps not permanently. Oceania was occupied first from Africa, more or less at the same time as East Asia (both probably having been settled by the coastal route of South Asia), and then from East Asia both Europe and America were settled, the latter certainly from the north, via the Bering Strait (then a wide land passage).
Please elaborate how Cavalli is implying geographical areas, Oceanic's to be one race? Asians to be one race? Africans to be one race etc....???
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:a "hybrid" is a product of the mating of peoples from two or more of the alleged racial groups.
quote:^ FALSE. HYBRID: anything derived from heterogeneous sources, or composed of elements of different or incongruous kinds.^ Europeans *are* hybrids of Africans and Asians, according to the above definition.
And you can plead, whine, and rage against this fact, for the rest of your 'hybrid' life.
You pitiful flip flopper. Whatever academic and business-type (LOL) definition for "hybrid" you scamper for now to justify your echoes of Evil Euro's logic does not negate the fact that "hybrid" in the Keita quote is a reference to a product of the mating of peoples from two or more of the alleged racial groups. Number 5 on your own source you deceitful wretch.
It is a reference to Bowcock et al.'s implying "racial admixture" between two already differentiated populations, "two extremes" 65% Chinese ancestors and 35% African ancestors. It is a reference to their inferring RACIAL divergence.
quote:Wow, here we go again, I am asking and discussing Cavalli and you mention Bowcock. Lmao
Look man, stop embarrassing yourself. Cavalli is apart of the Bowcock et al. study and he uses the same samples in History and Geography. And we are talking about Keits's quote referencing Bowcock et al. aren't we? Or do you want to bait and switch again?
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Round and round he goes.....
Keita disagrees with their terminology, but not their findings/data. Keita agrees with their findings and further uses their findings to deconstruct race.
These lines of evidence derive from analysis of serogenetic, nuclear DNA, Mitochondrial DNA, Y-chromosome polymorphisms, and skeletal data.
quote: Racial thinking persists in spite of multiple lines of evidence that deconstruct racial schema and their underlying philosophy. These lines of evidence derive from analysis of serogenetic, nuclear DNA, Mitochondrial DNA, Y-chromosome polymorphisms, and skeletal data. All show that the received racial categories should not be treated as bounded entities.
Theory also helps in the examination of the racial construct. None of the races as generally understood are breeding populations. Hence these entities are collection of various biological phenomena. They are not evolutionary units.
There are numerous populations today that are products of mating of peoples from two or more of these alleged racial groups. These new populations historically tie these populations together, in one perspective, but may also be seen as smoothing species-levels genetic gradients. Interestingly the race construct is sometimes not consistently used in terms of it's own logic by its adherents. An example is labeling of groups that the people in question are hybrids. This inconsistency is no doubt due to socialized practice and a racialized worldview that has political trappings. The existence of intermediate groups, whether they are products of gene flow or reflective of gradients of differentiation, or are the results of other microevolutionary processes, tends to negate the validity of the implicit or explicit practice associated with the concept of race. ---SOY Keita, page 541, racial thinking.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
Well done boy. You're reading more and more as a result of you being exposed as the ignoramus that you are. At this rate soon you will learn more in a day what rasolowitz couldnt learn in four ****** years! LOL
But now child, your are wrong to still maintain that he agrees with their conclusions based on their "assuming" and "maybe" two extremes, two of the alleged racial groups 65% Chinese 35% African contributed to a new population. He does not see the Chinese (stereotypical Mongolian) as "ancestral Asians" or the Pygmy (stereotypical Negro) as "ancestral Africans". He does not agree that such "two extremes" existed back then, do you? Hence the European at foundation cannot be a "hybrid", only based on their work which is still race based. Go back to here for definition of "hybrid" since you evidently forgot. [posted 08 December, 2008 12:01 PM]
The point of the essay was that it is with contemporaries like Bowcock et al. that racial thinking still persists despite evidence to the contrary.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Originally posted by akoben: .
^^^Blank post from a blank mind ???
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote: The point of the essay was that it is with contemporaries like Bowcock et al. that racial thinking still persists despite evidence to the contrary.
Yes indeed, by her own evidence to the contrary, which Keita uses, he just doesn't like the terminology of Caucasians, meanwhile her(Bowcock) nuclear DNA studies find them as hybrids.
These lines of evidence derive from analysis of serogenetic, nuclear DNA , Mitochondrial DNA, Y-chromosome polymorphisms, and skeletal data.
"Nuclear DNA studies also contribute to the deconstruction of received racial entities. Ann Bowcock and her colleague's interpretation (Bowcock et al. 1991; Bowcock et al. 1994) of analyses of restriction-site polymorphisms and microsatellite polymorphisms
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:meanwhile her(Bowcock) nuclear DNA studies find them as hybrids.
Yes of course they found their Stanford U "Caucasoid" sample to be a "hybrid", what else would a product of the mating of peoples from two or more of the alleged racial groups be?! The question is, does keita agree with it? Always come back to this...
"He is NOT referring to Europe here [posted 26 November, 2008 02:44 AM, posted 08 December, 2008 03:24 PM] as a "hybrid population" between two differentiated populations."
"If he is, that is, they [Europeans] are at foundation products of gene flow from two of the alleged racial groups (Bowcock et al.'s Negro/Pygmy and Mongoloid/Bay Area Chinese), please do explain."
Here kitty kitty kitty
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Yes of course they found their Stanford U "Caucasoid" sample to be a "hybrid", what else would a product of the mating of peoples from two or more of the alleged racial groups be?!
These new populations historically tie these populations together, in one perspective, but may also be seen as smoothing species-levels genetic gradients. --Keita.
quote: The question is, does keita agree with it? Always come back to this...
Of course he uses Bowcocks nuclear DNA study to further deconstruct race, all the while saying Europeans are an intermediate group which negates race. Fact: Europeans are result of Asians and Africans.
Racial thinking persists in spite of multiple lines of evidence that deconstruct racial schema and their underlying philosophy. These lines of evidence derive from analysis of serogenetic, nuclear DNA, Mitochondrial DNA, Y-chromosome polymorphisms, and skeletal data.
quote: Racial thinking persists in spite of multiple lines of evidence that deconstruct racial schema and their underlying philosophy. These lines of evidence derive from analysis of serogenetic, nuclear DNA, Mitochondrial DNA, Y-chromosome polymorphisms, and skeletal data. All show that the received racial categories should not be treated as bounded entities.
Theory also helps in the examination of the racial construct. None of the races as generally understood are breeding populations. Hence these entities are collection of various biological phenomena. They are not evolutionary units.
There are numerous populations today that are products of mating of peoples from two or more of these alleged racial groups. These new populations historically tie these populations together, in one perspective, but may also be seen as smoothing species-levels genetic gradients. Interestingly the race construct is sometimes not consistently used in terms of it's own logic by its adherents. An example is labeling of groups that the people in question are hybrids. This inconsistency is no doubt due to socialized practice and a racialized worldview that has political trappings. The existence of intermediate groups, whether they are products of gene flow or reflective of gradients of differentiation, or are the results of other microevolutionary processes, tends to negate the validity of the implicit or explicit practice associated with the concept of race. ---SOY Keita, page 541, racial thinking.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:These new populations historically tie these populations together, in one perspective, but may also be seen as smoothing species-levels genetic gradients. --Keita.
"He is NOT referring to Europe here [posted 26 November, 2008 02:44 AM, posted 08 December, 2008 03:24 PM, posted 08 December, 2008 04:20 PM] as a "hybrid population" between two differentiated populations."
"If he is, that is, they [Europeans] are at foundation products of gene flow from two of the alleged racial groups (Bowcock et al.'s Negro/Pygmy and Mongoloid/Bay Area Chinese), please do explain."
quote:Of course he uses Bowcocks nuclear DNA study to further deconstruct race, all the while saying Europeans are an intermediate group which negates race. Fact: Europeans are result of Asians and Africans.
**sigh** The infamous quote in question (pg. 538) is in reference to them as "hybrids" based on the assumptions of racial divergence by Bowcock et al. They would be such and such based on their assumptions.
While the reference to intermediate groups (p. 541) are to products of gene flow (like Obama, AA etc) or reflective of gradients of differentiation or are the results of other microevolutionary processes (early Europeans, E. Africans, Berbers etc)
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Lmao^^^^Stop making s h i t up man.
These lines of evidence derive from analysis of serogenetic, nuclear DNA, Mitochondrial DNA, Y-chromosome polymorphisms, and skeletal data.
quote: Racial thinking persists in spite of multiple lines of evidence that deconstruct racial schema and their underlying philosophy. These lines of evidence derive from analysis of serogenetic, nuclear DNA, Mitochondrial DNA, Y-chromosome polymorphisms, and skeletal data. All show that the received racial categories should not be treated as bounded entities.
Theory also helps in the examination of the racial construct. None of the races as generally understood are breeding populations. Hence these entities are collection of various biological phenomena. They are not evolutionary units.
There are numerous populations today that are products of mating of peoples from two or more of these alleged racial groups. These new populations historically tie these populations together, in one perspective, but may also be seen as smoothing species-levels genetic gradients. Interestingly the race construct is sometimes not consistently used in terms of it's own logic by its adherents. An example is labeling of groups that the people in question are hybrids. This inconsistency is no doubt due to socialized practice and a racialized worldview that has political trappings. The existence of intermediate groups, whether they are products of gene flow or reflective of gradients of differentiation, or are the results of other microevolutionary processes, tends to negate the validity of the implicit or explicit practice associated with the concept of race. ---SOY Keita, page 541, racial thinking.
Check and Mate........!!!!!
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718: Lmao^^^^Stop making s h i t up man.
These lines of evidence derive from analysis of serogenetic, nuclear DNA, Mitochondrial DNA, Y-chromosome polymorphisms, and skeletal data.
quote: Racial thinking persists in spite of multiple lines of evidence that deconstruct racial schema and their underlying philosophy. These lines of evidence derive from analysis of serogenetic, nuclear DNA, Mitochondrial DNA, Y-chromosome polymorphisms, and skeletal data. All show that the received racial categories should not be treated as bounded entities.
Theory also helps in the examination of the racial construct. None of the races as generally understood are breeding populations. Hence these entities are collection of various biological phenomena. They are not evolutionary units.
There are numerous populations today that are products of mating of peoples from two or more of these alleged racial groups. These new populations historically tie these populations together, in one perspective, but may also be seen as smoothing species-levels genetic gradients. Interestingly the race construct is sometimes not consistently used in terms of it's own logic by its adherents. An example is labeling of groups that the people in question are hybrids. This inconsistency is no doubt due to socialized practice and a racialized worldview that has political trappings. The existence of intermediate groups, whether they are products of gene flow or reflective of gradients of differentiation, or are the results of other microevolutionary processes, tends to negate the validity of the implicit or explicit practice associated with the concept of race. ---SOY Keita, page 541, racial thinking.
I mean I don't even have to reply to your worthless repetitive dribble anymore, just reference the posts where I debunked them over and over while you ignore my questions.
This is what happens to you when you use an illiterate jailbird like rasolowitz as mentor, boy. The internet is a dangerous place child, all kinds of crack pots out there. lol
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
You're the biggest crackpot and everyone realizes lol.
Europeans are 2/3rd Asian and 1/3rd African. Meaning as has been stated a million times. Europeans are descended from their Paleolithic ancestors from Asia, and recent post OOA neolithic admixture as well. You always fail to name lineages which arose in Europe which might debunk this finding, but you DON'T therefore all of your misquotes are irrelevant.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
These lines of evidence derive from analysis of serogenetic, nuclear DNA, Mitochondrial DNA, Y-chromosome polymorphisms, and skeletal data.
"Nuclear DNA studies also contribute to the deconstruction of received racial entities.--Keita
Keita states the above, then goes on to cite Bowcocks nuclear DNA study as further deconstructing race.
Ann Bowcock and her colleague's interpretation (Bowcock et al. 1991; Bowcock et al. 1994) of analyses of restriction-site polymorphisms and microsatellite polymorphisms (STRPs) suggests that Europeans, the defining Caucasians, are descendants of a population that arose as a consequence of admixture between already differentiated populations ancestral to (some) Africans and Asians. Therefore, Caucasians would be a secondary type or race due to its hybrid origin and not a primary race". ---Keita
quote: Racial thinking persists in spite of multiple lines of evidence that deconstruct racial schema and their underlying philosophy. These lines of evidence derive from analysis of serogenetic, nuclear DNA, Mitochondrial DNA, Y-chromosome polymorphisms, and skeletal data. All show that the received racial categories should not be treated as bounded entities.
Theory also helps in the examination of the racial construct. None of the races as generally understood are breeding populations. Hence these entities are collection of various biological phenomena. They are not evolutionary units.
There are numerous populations today that are products of mating of peoples from two or more of these alleged racial groups. These new populations historically tie these populations together, in one perspective, but may also be seen as smoothing species-levels genetic gradients. Interestingly the race construct is sometimes not consistently used in terms of it's own logic by its adherents. An example is labeling of groups that the people in question are hybrids. This inconsistency is no doubt due to socialized practice and a racialized worldview that has political trappings. The existence of intermediate groups, whether they are products of gene flow or reflective of gradients of differentiation, or are the results of other microevolutionary processes, tends to negate the validity of the implicit or explicit practice associated with the concept of race. ---SOY Keita, page 541, racial thinking.
lol page 39 and you still can't quote for ****!
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Of course no answers......
Of course the following goes unanswered, unaddressed and ultimately unrefuted as always.
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718: These lines of evidence derive from analysis of serogenetic, nuclear DNA, Mitochondrial DNA, Y-chromosome polymorphisms, and skeletal data.
"Nuclear DNA studies also contribute to the deconstruction of received racial entities.--Keita
Keita states the above, then goes on to cite Bowcocks nuclear DNA study as further deconstructing race.
Ann Bowcock and her colleague's interpretation (Bowcock et al. 1991; Bowcock et al. 1994) of analyses of restriction-site polymorphisms and microsatellite polymorphisms (STRPs) suggests that Europeans, the defining Caucasians, are descendants of a population that arose as a consequence of admixture between already differentiated populations ancestral to (some) Africans and Asians. Therefore, Caucasians would be a secondary type or race due to its hybrid origin and not a primary race". ---Keita
quote: Racial thinking persists in spite of multiple lines of evidence that deconstruct racial schema and their underlying philosophy. These lines of evidence derive from analysis of serogenetic, nuclear DNA, Mitochondrial DNA, Y-chromosome polymorphisms, and skeletal data. All show that the received racial categories should not be treated as bounded entities.
Theory also helps in the examination of the racial construct. None of the races as generally understood are breeding populations. Hence these entities are collection of various biological phenomena. They are not evolutionary units.
There are numerous populations today that are products of mating of peoples from two or more of these alleged racial groups. These new populations historically tie these populations together, in one perspective, but may also be seen as smoothing species-levels genetic gradients. Interestingly the race construct is sometimes not consistently used in terms of it's own logic by its adherents. An example is labeling of groups that the people in question are hybrids. This inconsistency is no doubt due to socialized practice and a racialized worldview that has political trappings. The existence of intermediate groups, whether they are products of gene flow or reflective of gradients of differentiation, or are the results of other microevolutionary processes, tends to negate the validity of the implicit or explicit practice associated with the concept of race. ---SOY Keita, page 541, racial thinking.
Do tell which lineages are European?
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
Europeans are 2/3rd Asian and 1/3rd African. Meaning as has been stated a million times. Europeans are descended from their Paleolithic ancestors from Asia, and recent post OOA neolithic admixture as well.
No Jackass. 2/3rd "Asian" means 2/3rd Chinese, but then, you didn't even know that this was what Bowcock et al. was actually saying. [posted 08 December, 2008 02:15 PM]
Are you then saying that Chinese are the putative "ancestral Asians"?
Countdown to a photoshop and not the answer to the question...
quote:You always fail to name lineages which arose in Europe which might debunk this finding, but you DON'T therefore all of your misquotes are irrelevant.
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718: Of course no answers......
Of course the following goes unanswered, unaddressed and ultimately unrefuted as always.
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718: These lines of evidence derive from analysis of serogenetic, ***nuclear DNA***, Mitochondrial DNA, Y-chromosome polymorphisms, and skeletal data.
"***Nuclear DNA*** studies also contribute to the deconstruction of received racial entities.--Keita
Keita states the above, then goes on to cite Bowcocks nuclear DNA study as further deconstructing race.
"Nuclear DNA studies also contribute to the deconstruction of received racial entities. Ann Bowcock and her colleague's interpretation (Bowcock et al. 1991; Bowcock et al. 1994) of analyses of restriction-site polymorphisms and microsatellite polymorphisms (STRPs) suggests that Europeans, the defining Caucasians, are descendants of a population that arose as a consequence of admixture between already differentiated populations ancestral to (some) Africans and Asians. Therefore, Caucasians would be a secondary type or race due to its hybrid origin and not a primary race". ---Keita
quote: Racial thinking persists in spite of multiple lines of evidence that deconstruct racial schema and their underlying philosophy. These lines of evidence derive from analysis of serogenetic, *****nuclear DNA*****, Mitochondrial DNA, Y-chromosome polymorphisms, and skeletal data. All show that the received racial categories should not be treated as bounded entities.
Theory also helps in the examination of the racial construct. None of the races as generally understood are breeding populations. Hence these entities are collection of various biological phenomena. They are not evolutionary units.
There are numerous populations today that are products of mating of peoples from two or more of these alleged racial groups. These new populations historically tie these populations together, in one perspective, but may also be seen as smoothing species-levels genetic gradients. Interestingly the race construct is sometimes not consistently used in terms of it's own logic by its adherents. An example is labeling of groups that the people in question are hybrids. This inconsistency is no doubt due to socialized practice and a racialized worldview that has political trappings. ****The existence of intermediate groups, whether they are products of gene flow or reflective of gradients of differentiation, or are the results of other microevolutionary processes, tends to negate the validity of the implicit or explicit practice associated with the concept of race.**** ---SOY Keita, page 541, racial thinking.
Do tell which lineages are European?
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
^ See what I mean? Photoshop, but still no answers.
Now look, I'm going to make the clown do it again
quote:"Nuclear DNA studies also contribute to the deconstruction of received racial entities. Ann Bowcock and her colleague's interpretation (Bowcock et al. 1991; Bowcock et al. 1994) of analyses of restriction-site polymorphisms and microsatellite polymorphisms (STRPs) suggests that Europeans, the defining Caucasians, are descendants of a population that arose as a consequence of admixture between already differentiated populations ancestral to (some) Africans and Asians. Therefore, Caucasians would be a secondary type or race due to its hybrid origin and not a primary race". ---Keita
If Keita is agreeing here with Bowcock et al. that Europeans are "hybrids" at foundation products of gene flow from two of the alleged racial groups, two "extremes" a black and a Chinese, please do explain in light of the fact that you said they were all black then....or are you then saying that Chinese are the putative "ancestral Asians"?
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
The existence of intermediate groups, whether they are products of gene flow or reflective of gradients of differentiation or are the results of other microevolutionary processes , , tends to negate the validity of the implicit or explicit practice associated with the concept of race. ---SOY Keita
"***Nuclear DNA*** studies also contribute to the deconstruction of received racial entities.--Keita
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718: Of course no answers......
Of course the following goes unanswered, unaddressed and ultimately unrefuted as always.
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718: These lines of evidence derive from analysis of serogenetic, ***nuclear DNA***, Mitochondrial DNA, Y-chromosome polymorphisms, and skeletal data.
"***Nuclear DNA*** studies also contribute to the deconstruction of received racial entities.--Keita
Keita states the above, then goes on to cite Bowcocks nuclear DNA study as further deconstructing race.
"Nuclear DNA studies also contribute to the deconstruction of received racial entities. Ann Bowcock and her colleague's interpretation (Bowcock et al. 1991; Bowcock et al. 1994) of analyses of restriction-site polymorphisms and microsatellite polymorphisms (STRPs) suggests that Europeans, the defining Caucasians, are descendants of a population that arose as a consequence of admixture between already differentiated populations ancestral to (some) Africans and Asians. Therefore, Caucasians would be a secondary type or race due to its hybrid origin and not a primary race". ---Keita
quote: Racial thinking persists in spite of multiple lines of evidence that deconstruct racial schema and their underlying philosophy. These lines of evidence derive from analysis of serogenetic, *****nuclear DNA*****, Mitochondrial DNA, Y-chromosome polymorphisms, and skeletal data. All show that the received racial categories should not be treated as bounded entities.
Theory also helps in the examination of the racial construct. None of the races as generally understood are breeding populations. Hence these entities are collection of various biological phenomena. They are not evolutionary units.
There are numerous populations today that are products of mating of peoples from two or more of these alleged racial groups. These new populations historically tie these populations together, in one perspective, but may also be seen as smoothing species-levels genetic gradients. Interestingly the race construct is sometimes not consistently used in terms of it's own logic by its adherents. An example is labeling of groups that the people in question are hybrids. This inconsistency is no doubt due to socialized practice and a racialized worldview that has political trappings. ****The existence of intermediate groups, whether they are products of gene flow or reflective of gradients of differentiation, or are the results of other microevolutionary processes, tends to negate the validity of the implicit or explicit practice associated with the concept of race.**** ---SOY Keita, page 541, racial thinking.
Do tell which lineages are European?
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
^ Another Photoshop minus the answers! Wow, boy, this is fun!
Watch me make the clown squirm again
Are you saying Europeans are "hybrids" at foundation i.e. products of gene flow from two of the alleged racial groups namely a C.African and a Chinese?
Or are they reflective of gradients of differentiation or are the results of other microevolutionary processes?
Which one?
quote:Nuclear DNA studies also contribute to the deconstruction of received racial entities. Ann Bowcock and her colleague's interpretation (Bowcock et al. 1991; Bowcock et al. 1994) of analyses of restriction-site polymorphisms and microsatellite polymorphisms (STRPs) suggests that Europeans, the defining Caucasians, are descendants of a population that arose as a consequence of admixture between already differentiated populations ancestral to (some) Africans and Asians. Therefore, Caucasians would be a secondary type or race due to its hybrid origin and not a primary race".
And I already answered your Photoshop. No one denied African and Asian lineages in Europe, its called population expansion jackass, what is a myth however is Bowcock et al.'s racial divergence between a black and a Chinese,
"What is actually a population expansion has been mistakenly termed "racial divergence," which implies morphological differentiation into the recognizable entities now labeled 'races.'" [i.e. 2/3rd Chinese and 1/3rd African]
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
As I've said, Keita disagrees with their terminology, but not their findings. You admit Europe was populated by Asian and African lineages, so does Cavalli, Keita and Bowcock. Bowcocks nuclear DNA study deconstructed race, this is why Keita quoted it, Keita just didn't agree with her terminology, calling them Caucasians, despite them being hybrids. In all actuality Bowcock cut the "defining Caucsians" at the root. The group who are supposed to represent Caucasians(Europeans) are actually an intermediate group, therefore Caucasoid is moot from stage 1.
Meaning they're an intermediate group which negates race.
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718: [qb] These lines of evidence derive from analysis of serogenetic, ***nuclear DNA***, Mitochondrial DNA, Y-chromosome polymorphisms, and skeletal data.
"***Nuclear DNA*** studies also contribute to the deconstruction of received racial entities.--Keita
Keita states the above, then goes on to cite Bowcocks nuclear DNA study as further deconstructing race.
"Nuclear DNA studies also contribute to the deconstruction of received racial entities. Ann Bowcock and her colleague's interpretation (Bowcock et al. 1991; Bowcock et al. 1994) of analyses of restriction-site polymorphisms and microsatellite polymorphisms (STRPs) suggests that Europeans, the defining Caucasians, are descendants of a population that arose as a consequence of admixture between already differentiated populations ancestral to (some) Africans and Asians. Therefore, Caucasians would be a secondary type or race due to its hybrid origin and not a primary race". ---Keita
[QUOTE] Racial thinking persists in spite of multiple lines of evidence that deconstruct racial schema and their underlying philosophy. These lines of evidence derive from analysis of serogenetic, *****nuclear DNA*****, Mitochondrial DNA, Y-chromosome polymorphisms, and skeletal data. All show that the received racial categories should not be treated as bounded entities.
Theory also helps in the examination of the racial construct. None of the races as generally understood are breeding populations. Hence these entities are collection of various biological phenomena. They are not evolutionary units.
There are numerous populations today that are products of mating of peoples from two or more of these alleged racial groups. These new populations historically tie these populations together, in one perspective, but may also be seen as smoothing species-levels genetic gradients. Interestingly the race construct is sometimes not consistently used in terms of it's own logic by its adherents. An example is labeling of groups that the people in question are hybrids. This inconsistency is no doubt due to socialized practice and a racialized worldview that has political trappings. ****The existence of intermediate groups, whether they are products of gene flow or reflective of gradients of differentiation, or are the results of other microevolutionary processes, tends to negate the validity of the implicit or explicit practice associated with the concept of race.**** ---SOY Keita, page 541, racial thinking.
Check and Mate!!!!!
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
^ And here comes whiskey again with the same spam minus the answer! You just went right on over the question didn't you boy? Didn't even bother to look it did you?
Here, I'll ask again
Are you saying Europeans are "hybrids" at foundation i.e. products of gene flow from two of the alleged racial groups namely a Central African and a Chinese?
Or are they reflective of gradients of differentiation or are the results of other microevolutionary processes?
Which one?
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
You can post your irrelevant nonsense over and over, but it was already addressed. You don't want to answer questions. You've already admitted Europe was populated by Asians and Africans, therefore this debate is finished. Caucasoids are, and always have been a myth.
You specifically stated that Obama is a factual hybrid.
If Obama is a factual hybrid, then Europeans being an estimated 2/3rd Asian and 1/3rd African, are definitely hybrids.
Now remember, you said Keita was saying Obama was a factual hybrid. But he was never speaking about Obama. So who is the factual hybrid then? Of course I informed you that he was speaking of Europeans. So if you stated from the beginning Keita was saying the population he was implying to be factual hybrids (Obama, AA's Brazilians etc..) then in actuality you were saying Europeans are factual hybrids. But no, you retract now, and say you never did say that.
quote: Posted by Jackassoben: Oh jesus, he is talking about labeling of "mixed" peoples, groups, not entire geographical regions, by a single racial label [like Obama is "black"] when they are in fact hybrids, mixed.
Of course Keita was never speaking about Obama or AA's, if he was, then prove it?
Keita was in fact speaking about Bowcock in his conclusion, that she labels Europeans, "Caucasians", despite her findings of them being hybrids.
I am saying that Europeans are a product of Asian and African lineages, and have no foundation lineages. No pristine lineages are exclusively European, all are derivatives. Europeans, defining 'Caucasians' would therefore be a secondary type or race.
As I've said, Keita disagrees with their terminology, but not their findings. You admit Europe was populated by Asian and African lineages, so does Cavalli, Keita and Bowcock. Bowcocks nuclear DNA study deconstructed race, this is why Keita quoted it, Keita just didn't agree with her terminology, calling them Caucasians, despite them being hybrids. In all actuality Bowcock cut the "defining Caucsians" at the root. The group who are supposed to represent Caucasians(Europeans) are actually an intermediate group, therefore Caucasoid is moot from stage 1.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
^ Again you went right over the question! Face it boy, you're done! Finished, debunked, reduced to face saving trolling!
quote:You can post your irrelevant nonsense over and over, but it was already addressed.
Oh really? Where did you address this?
Are you saying Europeans are "hybrids" at foundation i.e. products of gene flow from two of the alleged racial groups namely a Central African and a Chinese?
Or are they reflective of gradients of differentiation or are the results of other microevolutionary processes?
Which one?
quote:Now remember, you said Keita was saying Obama was a factual hybrid.
I said that quote was a reference to people like Obama who are products of the mating of peoples from two or more of the alleged racial groups.
quote: But he was never speaking about Obama.
No dumby, not specifically to him, only to populations who are products of the mating of peoples from two or more of the alleged racial groups, like him.
quote:So who is the factual hybrid then?
Products of the mating of peoples from two or more of the alleged racial groups.
quote:Of course I informed you that he was speaking of Europeans.
Because you're a jackass.
quote:So if you stated from the beginning Keita was saying the population he was implying to be factual hybrids (Obama, AA's Brazilians etc..) then in actuality you were saying Europeans are factual hybrids. But no, you retract now, and say you never did say that.
No jackass Europe at foundation was not a product of Chinese and Pygmies. Because you're an illiterate you imagine ancestral archytypes as "Europeans"/Stanford and Yale "Caucasian" residents, "Asians"/Bay Area Chinese and "Africans"/Pygmies. In this scenario then Europeans would be hybrids, secondary type or race. This however implies racial divergence in early human evolution. Keita says it's a myth.
quote:I am saying that Europeans are a product of Asian and African lineages, and have no foundation lineages. No pristine lineages are exclusively European, all are derivatives.
Yes, its called population expansion jackass, what is a myth however is Bowcock et al.'s racial divergence between a black and a Chinese,
"What is actually a population expansion has been mistakenly termed "racial divergence," which implies morphological differentiation into the recognizable entities now labeled 'races.'" [i.e. 2/3rd Chinese and 1/3rd African]
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote: ^ Again you went right over the question! Face it boy, you're done! Finished, debunked, reduced to face saving trolling!
Debunked? Europeans are products of Paleolithic Asians, and subsequent migrations from Africa, how did you debunk this? You've actually already admitted this. No point in discussing this any further, other than to make you look more like the jackass you already are, and everyone knows you to be.
quote: I said that quote was a reference to people like Obama who are products of the mating of peoples from two or more of the alleged racial groups. No dumby, not specifically to him, only to populations who are products of the mating of peoples from two or more of the alleged racial groups, like him. Products of the mating of peoples from two or more of the alleged racial groups.
Nope. This is were Keita was addressing people such as Obama.
There are numerous populations today that are products of mating of peoples from two or more of these alleged racial groups. These new populations historically tie these populations together, in one perspective, but may also be seen as smoothing species-levels genetic gradients.--Keita
This is from where you were saying Keita was saying Obama was a hybrid. Which is actually confusion and distortion or running away on your part.
Interestingly the race construct is sometimes not consistently used in terms of it's own logic by its adherents. An example is labeling of groups that the people in question are hybrids. This inconsistency is no doubt due to socialized practice and a racialized worldview that has political trappings.---Keita
^^But Keita is not talking about people like Obama here. Keita was in fact speaking about Bowcock in his conclusion, that she labels Europeans, "Caucasians", despite her findings of them being hybrids.
Keita then goes to to state......
****The existence of intermediate groups, whether they are products of gene flow or reflective of gradients of differentiation, or are the results of other microevolutionary processes, tends to negate the validity of the implicit or explicit practice associated with the concept of race.**** ---SOY Keita.
Of course he's talking about Europeans (the group in which he was actually discussing throughout the paper).
quote: Yes, its called population expansion jackass, what is a myth however is Bowcock et al.'s racial divergence between a black and a Chinese,
Yes terminology. As I've said, Keita disagrees with their terminology, but not their findings. You admit Europe was populated by Asian and African lineages, so does Cavalli, Keita and Bowcock. Bowcocks nuclear DNA study deconstructed race, this is why Keita quoted it, Keita just didn't agree with her terminology, calling them Caucasians, despite them being hybrids. In all actuality Bowcock cut the "defining Caucsians" at the root. The group who are supposed to represent Caucasians(Europeans) are actually an intermediate group, therefore Caucasoid is moot from stage 1.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Keita cites a nuclear DNA study in his work as deconstructing race, as follows
" Nuclear DNA studies also contribute to the deconstruction of received racial entities. Ann Bowcock and her colleague's interpretation (Bowcock et al. 1991; Bowcock et al. 1994) of analyses of restriction-site polymorphisms and microsatellite polymorphisms (STRPs) suggests that Europeans, the defining Caucasians, are descendants of a population that arose as a consequence of admixture between already differentiated populations ancestral to (some) Africans and Asians. Therefore, Caucasians would be a secondary type or race due to its hybrid origin and not a primary race". ---Keita
Then in Keita's conclusion he makes clear that Nuclear DNA studies show the received racial entities should not be treated as bounded entities, as follows.
Racial thinking persists in spite of multiple lines of evidence that deconstruct racial schema and their underlying philosophy. These lines of evidence derive from analysis of serogenetic, ***nuclear DNA***, Mitochondrial DNA, Y-chromosome polymorphisms, and skeletal data. All show that the received racial categories should not be treated as bounded entities.---Keita
So if he's not talking about Bowcocks nuclear DNA study deconstructing race, what other nuclear DNA study was there besides Bowcock that Keita mentions?
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:Europeans are products of Paleolithic Asians, and subsequent migrations from Africa... No point in discussing this any further
Hurray! Does this mean no more Photoshop to avoid my questions? Or am I speaking too soon?
quote: ^^But Keita is not talking about people like Obama here. Keita was in fact speaking about Bowcock in his conclusion, that she labels Europeans, "Caucasians", despite her findings of them being hybrids.
You know what's going to come next don't you boy? Pay close attention to the second part.
"He is NOT referring to Europe here as a "hybrid population" between two differentiated populations."
"If he is, that is, they [Europeans] are at foundation products of gene flow from two of the alleged racial groups (Bowcock et al.'s Negro/Pygmy and Mongoloid/Bay Area Chinese), please do explain."
quote: ****The existence of intermediate groups, whether they are products of gene flow or reflective of gradients of differentiation, or are the results of other microevolutionary processes, tends to negate the validity of the implicit or explicit practice associated with the concept of race.**** ---SOY Keita.
Of course he's talking about Europeans (the group in which he was actually discussing throughout the paper).
He discuses a number of "intermediate groups" in the paper, illiterate, early Europeans are but one. Oh I forgot you don't read your own sources.
But you know what's going to come next don't you boy?
Europeans are "hybrids" at foundation i.e. products of gene flow from two of the alleged racial groups namely a Central African and a Chinese?
Or are they reflective of gradients of differentiation or are the results of other microevolutionary processes?
Which one?
You can run but you cant hide bitch
quote:Yes terminology. As I've said, Keita disagrees with their terminology, but not their findings.
Well yeh, "terminology" like "hybrid" or "intermixed" for Europeans at foundation. Their work is "fundamentally unsound" – how's that for another "terminology"? LOL
Their samples, racial archetypes and hence interpretations of racial divergence between a Chinese and Pygmy hence their conclusions that early Europeans are a "hybrid".
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:"He is NOT referring to Europe here as a "hybrid population"
Keita is referring to Bowcock in his conclusion, that she labels Europeans, "Caucasians", despite her findings of them being hybrids.
Who else labeled a group, despite them finding the population to be hybrids, besides Bowcock?
Interestingly the race construct is sometimes not consistently used in terms of it's own logic by its adherents. An example is labeling of groups that the people in question are hybrids. --Keita
Bowcock labels Europeans Caucasians, despite her finding of them to be hybrids.
" Nuclear DNA studies also contribute to the deconstruction of received racial entities. Ann Bowcock and her colleague's interpretation (Bowcock et al. 1991; Bowcock et al. 1994) of analyses of restriction-site polymorphisms and microsatellite polymorphisms (STRPs) suggests that Europeans, the defining Caucasians , are descendants of a population that arose as a consequence of admixture between already differentiated populations ancestral to (some) Africans and Asians. Therefore, Caucasians would be a secondary type or race due to its hybrid origin and not a primary race". ---Keita
Keita cites a nuclear DNA study in his work as deconstructing race, as follows
" Nuclear DNA studies also contribute to the deconstruction of received racial entities. Ann Bowcock and her colleague's interpretation (Bowcock et al. 1991; Bowcock et al. 1994) of analyses of restriction-site polymorphisms and microsatellite polymorphisms (STRPs) suggests that Europeans, the defining Caucasians, are descendants of a population that arose as a consequence of admixture between already differentiated populations ancestral to (some) Africans and Asians. Therefore, Caucasians would be a secondary type or race due to its hybrid origin and not a primary race". ---Keita
Then in Keita's conclusion he makes clear that Nuclear DNA studies show the received racial entities should not be treated as bounded entities, as follows.
Racial thinking persists in spite of multiple lines of evidence that deconstruct racial schema and their underlying philosophy. These lines of evidence derive from analysis of serogenetic, ***nuclear DNA***, Mitochondrial DNA, Y-chromosome polymorphisms, and skeletal data. All show that the received racial categories should not be treated as bounded entities.---Keita
So if he's not talking about Bowcocks nuclear DNA study deconstructing race, what other nuclear DNA study was there besides Bowcock that Keita mentions?
Btw...That Chinese sample was a China born individual, living in Cali.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
You are a factual illiterate at foundation.
Repeating the same lines over and over pretending to answer the question when all you're doing is unnecessarily dragging out your comprehensive beatdown.
Did I not say pay close attention to the second part boy?
"If he is, that is, they [Europeans] are at foundation products of gene flow from two of the alleged racial groups (Bowcock et al.'s Negro/Pygmy and Mongoloid/Bay Area Chinese), please do explain."
And how about this?
Europeans are "hybrids" at foundation i.e. products of gene flow from two of the alleged racial groups namely a Central African and a Chinese?
Or are they reflective of gradients of differentiation or are the results of other microevolutionary processes?
Which one?
quote:Btw...That Chinese sample was a China born individual, living in Cali.
"China born" lol It doesn't matter illiterate if they are "china born" or not, are Chinese the putative "Asian" archetype? <---are you even going to answer this?
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote: "If he is, that is, they [Europeans] are at foundation products of gene flow from two of the alleged racial groups (Bowcock et al.'s Negro/Pygmy and Mongoloid/Bay Area Chinese), please do explain."Europeans are "hybrids" at foundation i.e. products of gene flow from two of the alleged racial groups namely a Central African and a Chinese?
Round and Round he goes.....
Europeans are products of Paleolithic Asians, and subsequent migrations from Africa. You've actually already admitted this.
Europeans carry lineages which first arose in Asia post OOA, and lineages that arose in Africa post OOA. If Europeans wouldn't have received post OOA Neolithic admixture from Africans, than Europeans would be totally consisted of lineages which first arose in Paleolithic Asia.
^ All found in West Eurasia....and not in East Eurasia, SouthEast Asia, Australia, New Guinnea, Melanesia.
Now can you debunk or address the recent African admixture in Europeans, and their Paleolithic Asian ancestors, that would make Europeans appear intermediate between Africans and Oceanic(non African) populations????
Address the fact that Europeans are closest genetically to Africans whereas the original OOA populations. I.e Oceanians appear furthest away genetically from Africa, if Oceanians and Europeans are part of the same non-African OOA population structure, then Europeans should be as distant genetically from Africans, as Oceanians are. If this is not due to post OOA migrations into Europe from Africa, then what is it?
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718: [QB]
quote:Jackassoben: "He is NOT referring to Europe here as a "hybrid population"
Keita is referring to Bowcock in his conclusion, that she labels Europeans, "Caucasians", despite her findings of them being hybrids.
Who else labeled a group, despite them finding the population to be hybrids, besides Bowcock?
Interestingly the race construct is sometimes not consistently used in terms of it's own logic by its adherents. An example is labeling of groups that the people in question are hybrids. --Keita
Bowcock labels Europeans Caucasians, despite her finding of them to be hybrids.
" Nuclear DNA studies also contribute to the deconstruction of received racial entities. Ann Bowcock and her colleague's interpretation (Bowcock et al. 1991; Bowcock et al. 1994) of analyses of restriction-site polymorphisms and microsatellite polymorphisms (STRPs) suggests that Europeans, the defining Caucasians , are descendants of a population that arose as a consequence of admixture between already differentiated populations ancestral to (some) Africans and Asians. Therefore, Caucasians would be a secondary type or race due to its hybrid origin and not a primary race". ---Keita
Keita cites a nuclear DNA study in his work as deconstructing race, as follows
" Nuclear DNA studies also contribute to the deconstruction of received racial entities. Ann Bowcock and her colleague's interpretation (Bowcock et al. 1991; Bowcock et al. 1994) of analyses of restriction-site polymorphisms and microsatellite polymorphisms (STRPs) suggests that Europeans, the defining Caucasians, are descendants of a population that arose as a consequence of admixture between already differentiated populations ancestral to (some) Africans and Asians. Therefore, Caucasians would be a secondary type or race due to its hybrid origin and not a primary race". ---Keita
Then in Keita's conclusion he makes clear that Nuclear DNA studies show the received racial entities should not be treated as bounded entities, as follows.
Racial thinking persists in spite of multiple lines of evidence that deconstruct racial schema and their underlying philosophy. These lines of evidence derive from analysis of serogenetic, ***nuclear DNA***, Mitochondrial DNA, Y-chromosome polymorphisms, and skeletal data. All show that the received racial categories should not be treated as bounded entities.---Keita
So if he's not talking about Bowcocks nuclear DNA study deconstructing race, what other nuclear DNA study was there besides Bowcock that Keita mentions?
Btw...That Chinese sample was a China born individual, living in Cali.
^^^Address the above now.
I'll post the questions so you can go back and read my above post for the answers..
Who else labeled a group, despite them finding the population to be hybrids, besides Bowcock?
So if he's not talking about Bowcocks nuclear DNA study deconstructing race, what other nuclear DNA study was there besides Bowcock that Keita mentions? Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
Yes indeed, round and round you go!
Going over what you said needed no further discussion: the fact of population expansion, OOA. Just another of your endless bag of tricks to avoid supporting your Coonian scholars and their conclusions that Europeans at foundation are "hybrids" between two already differentiated populations, two extremes Chinese and Central African.
Yes, Europe consists of Asian and African lineages, not Martian... ...and according to your calculations 2/3rd Asian and 1/3rd African. Are you then saying Chinese are the putative "Asian" archetype?
You said all were black at the time...
quote:^^^Address the above now. I'll post the questions so you can go back and read my above post for the answers..
Humour this pathetic soul and his defense mechanisms, making demands while squirming at his own obligations.
quote:Who else labeled a group, despite them finding the population to be hybrids, besides Bowcock?
quote: So if he's not talking about Bowcocks nuclear DNA study deconstructing race, what other nuclear DNA study was there besides Bowcock that Keita mentions?
**sigh** Bowcock's Nuclear DNA studies contribute to the deconstruction of received racial entities in the sense that her "Caucasian" sample showed as intermediate between her Chinese and African samples. Hence races are not bounded entities. Therefore, based on Bowcock and her colleague's interpretation European at foundation is a "hybrid". Racial divergence produced a "hybrid".
He does not however agree that this was the case in antiquity for reasons I have outlined over and over, and everyone expect you can see.
are you going to address my questions now?
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Yes, Europe consists of Asian and African lineages, not Martian... ...and according to your calculations 2/3rd Asian and 1/3rd African. Are you then saying Chinese are the putative "Asian" archetype?
You said all were black at the time.
Europe was populated from East Asia, therefore East Asian lineages are ancestral to Europeans, yes all humans still resembled original OOA migrants.
You say "Martian" as if all other populations consist of the same lineages as Europeans. Europeans, if were like Oceanic, or American aborigines, would consist totally of non-African lineages. But Europeans received post OOA lineages from another separate group of Africans, that arose after that subset of East Africans left Africa over 60kya.
Remember, a group of East Africans left Africa, to populate the world. That one group and their descendants are all non Africans, from Oceania, to Asia, to the Americas. This means all non Africans are like a family whose descendants migrated off and moved throughout the world, but are still related to other Africans, since they are ultimately descended from that small group of East Africans.
quote: ..."In other words, all non-Africans carry M168. Of course, Africans carrying the M168 mutation today are the descendants of the African subpopulation from which the migrants originated.... Thus, the Australian/Eurasian Adam (the ancestor of all non-Africans) was an East African Man." Cavalli-Sforza: Genes, Culture, and Human Evolution. Pg 187.
So Europe like all non Africans should be uniform as a family of non Africans, but instead Europe has received post OOA lineages from Africa after that original OOA migration took place over 60kya. So now Europeans appear as an intermediate group, which further negates the validity of race.
quote:***The simplest hypothesis is that the evolutionary rate is the same across all branches of the tree, and the evolution is independent in all branches [i.e., there are no (important) genetic exchanges among them or similar conditions creating correlations among branches after their origin].*** This can be tested on the matrix, since on the basis of this simple hypothesis the distances should be the same, apart from statistical error, in each column (3). There is one important exception to the rule in Table 1, namely that in the first column of the matrix Europe shows a shorter distance from Africa than do all the other continents. The difference is statistically significant and is consistently found with all markers, ranging from “classical” ones based on gene products [blood groups and protein polymorphisms (1)] to DNA markers such as restriction polymorphisms (4) and microsatellites (5).---Sforza
quote:Who else labeled a group, despite them finding the population to be hybrids, besides Bowcock?
Exactly Bowcock. So what was all your fussing, fighting and confusion? Why did you say Keita was referring to Obama as a factual hybrid, when in fact he was referring towards Bowcocks Europeans, but when you find out that he is speaking about Europeans, the people in question are no longer hybrids? Lmao
This is where Keita is talking about Bowcock, and hybrids...
Interestingly the race construct is sometimes not consistently used in terms of it's own logic by its adherents. An example is labeling of groups that the people in question are hybrids. --Keita
^^^This is also where you misinterpreted it as Keita was speaking about Obama and AA's, but in fact(as you admit)he was referring towards Bowcock and European hybrids.
Keita makes it clear that his objection is with labeling groups that are hybrids, "Caucasians", when they are in fact hybrids. hybrids, which further negate race.
quote: So if he's not talking about Bowcocks nuclear DNA study deconstructing race, what other nuclear DNA study was there besides Bowcock that Keita mentions?
Jackassoben: **sigh** Bowcock's Nuclear DNA studies contribute to the deconstruction of received racial entities in the sense that her "Caucasian" sample showed as intermediate between her Chinese and African samples. Hence races are not bounded entities. Therefore, based on Bowcock and her colleague's interpretation European at foundation is a "hybrid". Racial divergence produced a "hybrid".
Yes Europeans are intermediate, and therefore would model as hybrids, as Keita specifically makes it clear that Bowcocks findings, and not her methods/terminology(that old 19th century thinking with 20th century data) is what further negates race.
Keita cites a nuclear DNA study in his work as deconstructing race, as follows
" Nuclear DNA studies also contribute to the deconstruction of received racial entities. Ann Bowcock and her colleague's interpretation (Bowcock et al. 1991; Bowcock et al. 1994) of analyses of restriction-site polymorphisms and microsatellite polymorphisms (STRPs) suggests that Europeans, the defining Caucasians, are descendants of a population that arose as a consequence of admixture between already differentiated populations ancestral to (some) Africans and Asians. Therefore, Caucasians would be a secondary type or race due to its hybrid origin and not a primary race". ---Keita
Then in Keita's conclusion he makes clear that Nuclear DNA studies show the received racial entities should not be treated as bounded entities, as follows.
Racial thinking persists in spite of multiple lines of evidence that deconstruct racial schema and their underlying philosophy. These lines of evidence derive from analysis of serogenetic, ***nuclear DNA***, Mitochondrial DNA, Y-chromosome polymorphisms, and skeletal data. All show that the received racial categories should not be treated as bounded entities.---Keita
Interestingly the race construct is sometimes not consistently used in terms of it's own logic by its adherents. An example is labeling of groups that the people in question are hybrids. ---Keita
^^Remember, Keita is talking about Bowcocks European hybrids.
Keita then goes to to state......
****The existence of intermediate groups, whether they are products of gene flow or reflective of gradients of differentiation, or are the results of other microevolutionary processes, tends to negate the validity of the implicit or explicit practice associated with the concept of race.**** ---SOY Keita.
Keita doesn't agree with scientists using 19th century terminology, while using 20th century genetics. 20th century genetics, which negates race, such as ***nuclear DNA*** studies.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:Europe was populated from East Asia, therefore East Asian lineages are ancestral to Europeans, yes all humans still resembled original OOA migrants.
Are you saying Chinese are the putative "Asian archetypes"?
quote: Interestingly the race construct is sometimes not consistently used in terms of it's own logic by its adherents. An example is labeling of groups that the people in question are hybrids.
You still can't quote for ****
quote: An example is labeling of groups by a single racial label when the data indicate that the peoples in question are hybrids.
quote:Exactly Bowcock. So what was all your fussing, fighting and confusion? …This is where Keita is talking about Bowcock, and hybrids...
No jackass. It is Bowcock et al., not Keita, who sees Europeans at foundation as "hybrids" based on their Stanford U sample which show as "hybrid" between two of the alleged racial groups. Hence racial divergence in antiquity, but this is not what Keita thinks. It's a myth. A myth, jackass, a myth.
quote: Yes Europeans are intermediate, and therefore would model as hybrids
Europeans are "hybrids" at foundation between two of the alleged racial groups Chinese and "Forest Negro"? Please do explain this since you said all where black?
You can run but you can't hide bitch.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Wow you're repetitive, I already answered the questions you continue to ask, therefore you're done.
Yes Bowcock finds Europeans as hybrids, and Keita quotes her as further deconstructing race due to this finding. Intermediates. Ad Nauseum.
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
quote:Yes, Europe consists of Asian and African lineages, not Martian... ...and according to your calculations 2/3rd Asian and 1/3rd African. Are you then saying Chinese are the putative "Asian" archetype?
You said all were black at the time.
Europe was populated from East Asia, therefore East Asian lineages are ancestral to Europeans, yes all humans still resembled original OOA migrants.
You say "Martian" as if all other populations consist of the same lineages as Europeans. Europeans, if were like Oceanic, or American aborigines, would consist totally of non-African lineages. But Europeans received post OOA lineages from another separate group of Africans, that arose after that subset of East Africans left Africa over 60kya.
Remember, a group of East Africans left Africa, to populate the world. That one group and their descendants are all non Africans, from Oceania, to Asia, to the Americas. This means all non Africans are like a family whose descendants migrated off and moved throughout the world, but are still related to other Africans, since they are ultimately descended from that small group of East Africans.
quote: ..."In other words, all non-Africans carry M168. Of course, Africans carrying the M168 mutation today are the descendants of the African subpopulation from which the migrants originated.... Thus, the Australian/Eurasian Adam (the ancestor of all non-Africans) was an East African Man." Cavalli-Sforza: Genes, Culture, and Human Evolution. Pg 187.
So Europe like all non Africans should be uniform as a family of non Africans, but instead Europe has received post OOA lineages from Africa after that original OOA migration took place over 60kya. So now Europeans appear as an intermediate group, which further negates the validity of race.
quote:***The simplest hypothesis is that the evolutionary rate is the same across all branches of the tree, and the evolution is independent in all branches [i.e., there are no (important) genetic exchanges among them or similar conditions creating correlations among branches after their origin].*** This can be tested on the matrix, since on the basis of this simple hypothesis the distances should be the same, apart from statistical error, in each column (3). There is one important exception to the rule in Table 1, namely that in the first column of the matrix Europe shows a shorter distance from Africa than do all the other continents. The difference is statistically significant and is consistently found with all markers, ranging from “classical” ones based on gene products [blood groups and protein polymorphisms (1)] to DNA markers such as restriction polymorphisms (4) and microsatellites (5).---Sforza
quote:Who else labeled a group, despite them finding the population to be hybrids, besides Bowcock?
Exactly Bowcock. So what was all your fussing, fighting and confusion? Why did you say Keita was referring to Obama as a factual hybrid, when in fact he was referring towards Bowcocks Europeans, but when you find out that he is speaking about Europeans, the people in question are no longer hybrids? Lmao
This is where Keita is talking about Bowcock, and hybrids...
Interestingly the race construct is sometimes not consistently used in terms of it's own logic by its adherents. An example is labeling of groups that the people in question are hybrids. --Keita
^^^This is also where you misinterpreted it as Keita was speaking about Obama and AA's, but in fact(as you admit)he was referring towards Bowcock and European hybrids.
Keita makes it clear that his objection is with labeling groups that are hybrids, "Caucasians", when they are in fact hybrids. hybrids, which further negate race.
quote: So if he's not talking about Bowcocks nuclear DNA study deconstructing race, what other nuclear DNA study was there besides Bowcock that Keita mentions?
Jackassoben: **sigh** Bowcock's Nuclear DNA studies contribute to the deconstruction of received racial entities in the sense that her "Caucasian" sample showed as intermediate between her Chinese and African samples. Hence races are not bounded entities. Therefore, based on Bowcock and her colleague's interpretation European at foundation is a "hybrid". Racial divergence produced a "hybrid".
Yes Europeans are intermediate, and therefore would model as hybrids, as Keita specifically makes it clear that Bowcocks findings, and not her methods/terminology(that old 19th century thinking with 20th century data) is what further negates race.
Keita cites a nuclear DNA study in his work as deconstructing race, as follows
" Nuclear DNA studies also contribute to the deconstruction of received racial entities. Ann Bowcock and her colleague's interpretation (Bowcock et al. 1991; Bowcock et al. 1994) of analyses of restriction-site polymorphisms and microsatellite polymorphisms (STRPs) suggests that Europeans, the defining Caucasians, are descendants of a population that arose as a consequence of admixture between already differentiated populations ancestral to (some) Africans and Asians. Therefore, Caucasians would be a secondary type or race due to its hybrid origin and not a primary race". ---Keita
Then in Keita's conclusion he makes clear that Nuclear DNA studies show the received racial entities should not be treated as bounded entities, as follows.
Racial thinking persists in spite of multiple lines of evidence that deconstruct racial schema and their underlying philosophy. These lines of evidence derive from analysis of serogenetic, ***nuclear DNA***, Mitochondrial DNA, Y-chromosome polymorphisms, and skeletal data. All show that the received racial categories should not be treated as bounded entities.---Keita
Interestingly the race construct is sometimes not consistently used in terms of it's own logic by its adherents. An example is labeling of groups that the people in question are hybrids. ---Keita
^^Remember, Keita is talking about Bowcocks European hybrids.
Keita then goes to to state......
****The existence of intermediate groups, whether they are products of gene flow or reflective of gradients of differentiation, or are the results of other microevolutionary processes, tends to negate the validity of the implicit or explicit practice associated with the concept of race.**** ---SOY Keita.
Keita doesn't agree with scientists using 19th century terminology, while using 20th century genetics. 20th century genetics, which negates race, such as ***nuclear DNA*** studies.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
Look man, stop with your bullshit illiterate interpretations already. Go read the god damn study and stop embarrassing yourself. It in no way "proves" that "Europe" or white people as whole are made up of 65% "Asian" and 35% "African". Only that based on their assumptions [which they admit] of what were the ancestral archetypes, their "European" samples, local residents at around Stanford and Yale, showed admixture of 65% Chinese ancestors and 35% African ancestors [i.e. the "Forest Negro"].
This assumption is build on what Keita calls the persistence of racial thinking which leads to the myth of racial divergence which assumes that Chinese are the "ancestral Asians", the Asian archetype (the stereotypical Mongolians), and the forest Negro as the "true negro", the stereotypical African archetype. As Keita said this is the COONIAN method. The mere fact that Rasolowitz is ignorant of this method, despite Keita explaining it in a number of his essays, is further evidence that he is an illiterate who, like you, who cannot read.
Back to Bowcock et al.'s assumptions of racial divergence.
Those who are not illiterate will know not to aSSume that this is what actually took place in antiquity, OOA was simply a population expansion of what we know today as "black" people not a divergence between two already differentiated population, two extremes: a Chinese and "Forest Negro". "What is actually a population expansion has been mistakenly termed "racial divergence," which implies morphological differentiation into the recognizable entities now labeled 'races.'" [recognizable entities such as a Chinese and the "Forest Negro"]
Unless of course you believe in the myth of racial divergence this is only way Europeans could be a "hybrid" at foundation, which of course you believe, which of course is a sign of illiteracy.
The fact that you yourself said they didn't look Chinese (before you didn't realised what Bowcock et al. were actually saying) and said that all at that time were black shows you as a Flip flopping imbecile. Your positon now, c/o Bowcock, is that the "ancestral Asian" were really Chinese and this makes up 65% of "Europeans" today who were at foundation "hybrids" – using Evil Euro's logic you said should not be used.
Youre a fucking beatendown loser who avoids questions because it will show him up as the unread jackass he is.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:It in no way "proves" that "Europe" or white people as whole are made up of 65% "Asian" and 35% "African".
Oh really, then do tell, which lineages are European?
I'll wait.....
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote: "What is actually a population expansion has been mistakenly termed "racial divergence," which implies morphological differentiation into the recognizable entities now labeled 'races.'" [recognizable entities such as a Chinese and the "Forest Negro"]
So you're saying Cavalli is promoting Oceanics to be one race, Asians to be one race, Native Americans to be one race etc??? NO!!! Cavalli is not saying this, Cavalli is speaking of a population expansion from East Africa throughout the world. Asian specific, Australian specific etc.. is a fact. There are NO European specific pristine lineages.
1) If Keita was debunking haplotype origins, I.e. Asia specific, Australian specific, African specific markers, then how come we are able to prove OOA? Tell me how come Keita, and geneticists in general are able to prove that E3b originates in Africa, and J in Southwest Asia?
2) Tell me how Keita is able to debunk geneticists when they say certain populations in Africa are result of outside admixture? But Keita confirms they are actually indigenous, how can Keita confirm this if there are no Asian or African lineages?
3) Tell me how we are able to confirm neolithic migrations coming from the middle east carrying African and Southwest Asian lineages, bringing agriculture into Europe, and not indigenous Europeans developing agriculture in situ??
4) Tell me how geneticists are able to confirm if a population is indigenous to the continent and or country?
5) I.e. that modern Egyptians carry genetic markers from Ancient Egyptians, or that modern Mexicans carry lineages from ancient Native Americans in Mexico?
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Yet another post goes completely unaddressed, and unrefuted, as always..............
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
quote:Yes, Europe consists of Asian and African lineages, not Martian... ...and according to your calculations 2/3rd Asian and 1/3rd African. Are you then saying Chinese are the putative "Asian" archetype?
You said all were black at the time.
Europe was populated from East Asia, therefore East Asian lineages are ancestral to Europeans, yes all humans still resembled original OOA migrants.
You say "Martian" as if all other populations consist of the same lineages as Europeans. Europeans, if were like Oceanic, or American aborigines, would consist totally of non-African lineages. But Europeans received post OOA lineages from another separate group of Africans, that arose after that subset of East Africans left Africa over 60kya.
Remember, a group of East Africans left Africa, to populate the world. That one group and their descendants are all non Africans, from Oceania, to Asia, to the Americas. This means all non Africans are like a family whose descendants migrated off and moved throughout the world, but are still related to other Africans, since they are ultimately descended from that small group of East Africans.
quote: ..."In other words, all non-Africans carry M168. Of course, Africans carrying the M168 mutation today are the descendants of the African subpopulation from which the migrants originated.... Thus, the Australian/Eurasian Adam (the ancestor of all non-Africans) was an East African Man." Cavalli-Sforza: Genes, Culture, and Human Evolution. Pg 187.
So Europe like all non Africans should be uniform as a family of non Africans, but instead Europe has received post OOA lineages from Africa after that original OOA migration took place over 60kya. So now Europeans appear as an intermediate group, which further negates the validity of race.
quote:***The simplest hypothesis is that the evolutionary rate is the same across all branches of the tree, and the evolution is independent in all branches [i.e., there are no (important) genetic exchanges among them or similar conditions creating correlations among branches after their origin].*** This can be tested on the matrix, since on the basis of this simple hypothesis the distances should be the same, apart from statistical error, in each column (3). There is one important exception to the rule in Table 1, namely that in the first column of the matrix Europe shows a shorter distance from Africa than do all the other continents. The difference is statistically significant and is consistently found with all markers, ranging from “classical” ones based on gene products [blood groups and protein polymorphisms (1)] to DNA markers such as restriction polymorphisms (4) and microsatellites (5).---Sforza
quote:Who else labeled a group, despite them finding the population to be hybrids, besides Bowcock?
Exactly Bowcock. So what was all your fussing, fighting and confusion? Why did you say Keita was referring to Obama as a factual hybrid, when in fact he was referring towards Bowcocks Europeans, but when you find out that he is speaking about Europeans, the people in question are no longer hybrids? Lmao
This is where Keita is talking about Bowcock, and hybrids...
Interestingly the race construct is sometimes not consistently used in terms of it's own logic by its adherents. An example is labeling of groups that the people in question are hybrids. --Keita
^^^This is also where you misinterpreted it as Keita was speaking about Obama and AA's, but in fact(as you admit)he was referring towards Bowcock and European hybrids.
Keita makes it clear that his objection is with labeling groups that are hybrids, "Caucasians", when they are in fact hybrids. hybrids, which further negate race.
quote: So if he's not talking about Bowcocks nuclear DNA study deconstructing race, what other nuclear DNA study was there besides Bowcock that Keita mentions?
Jackassoben: **sigh** Bowcock's Nuclear DNA studies contribute to the deconstruction of received racial entities in the sense that her "Caucasian" sample showed as intermediate between her Chinese and African samples. Hence races are not bounded entities. Therefore, based on Bowcock and her colleague's interpretation European at foundation is a "hybrid". Racial divergence produced a "hybrid".
Yes Europeans are intermediate, and therefore would model as hybrids, as Keita specifically makes it clear that Bowcocks findings, and not her methods/terminology(that old 19th century thinking with 20th century data) is what further negates race.
Keita cites a nuclear DNA study in his work as deconstructing race, as follows
" Nuclear DNA studies also contribute to the deconstruction of received racial entities. Ann Bowcock and her colleague's interpretation (Bowcock et al. 1991; Bowcock et al. 1994) of analyses of restriction-site polymorphisms and microsatellite polymorphisms (STRPs) suggests that Europeans, the defining Caucasians, are descendants of a population that arose as a consequence of admixture between already differentiated populations ancestral to (some) Africans and Asians. Therefore, Caucasians would be a secondary type or race due to its hybrid origin and not a primary race". ---Keita
Then in Keita's conclusion he makes clear that Nuclear DNA studies show the received racial entities should not be treated as bounded entities, as follows.
Racial thinking persists in spite of multiple lines of evidence that deconstruct racial schema and their underlying philosophy. These lines of evidence derive from analysis of serogenetic, ***nuclear DNA***, Mitochondrial DNA, Y-chromosome polymorphisms, and skeletal data. All show that the received racial categories should not be treated as bounded entities.---Keita
Interestingly the race construct is sometimes not consistently used in terms of it's own logic by its adherents. An example is labeling of groups that the people in question are hybrids. ---Keita
^^Remember, Keita is talking about Bowcocks European hybrids.
Keita then goes to to state......
****The existence of intermediate groups, whether they are products of gene flow or reflective of gradients of differentiation, or are the results of other microevolutionary processes, tends to negate the validity of the implicit or explicit practice associated with the concept of race.**** ---SOY Keita.
Keita doesn't agree with scientists using 19th century terminology, while using 20th century genetics. 20th century genetics, which negates race, such as ***nuclear DNA*** studies.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote: The fact that you yourself said they didn't look Chinese (before you didn't realised what Bowcock et al. were actually saying) and said that all at that time were black shows you as a Flip flopping imbecile. Your positon now, c/o Bowcock, is that the "ancestral Asian" were really Chinese and this makes up 65% of "Europeans" today who were at foundation "hybrids" – using Evil Euro's logic you said should not be used.
Wrong, I never said they looked Chinese.
Ad Nauseum......
Europe was populated from East Asia, therefore East Asian lineages are ancestral to Europeans, yes all humans still resembled original OOA migrants.
You say "Martian" as if all other populations consist of the same lineages as Europeans. Europeans, if were like Oceanic, or American aborigines, would consist totally of non-African lineages. But Europeans received post OOA lineages from another separate group of Africans, that arose after that subset of East Africans left Africa over 60kya.
Remember, a group of East Africans left Africa, to populate the world. That one group and their descendants are all non Africans, from Oceania, to Asia, to the Americas. This means all non Africans are like a family whose descendants migrated off and moved throughout the world, but are still related to other Africans, since they are ultimately descended from that small group of East Africans.
quote: ..."In other words, all non-Africans carry M168. Of course, Africans carrying the M168 mutation today are the descendants of the African subpopulation from which the migrants originated.... Thus, the Australian/Eurasian Adam (the ancestor of all non-Africans) was an East African Man." Cavalli-Sforza: Genes, Culture, and Human Evolution. Pg 187.
So Europe like all non Africans should be uniform as a family of non Africans, but instead Europe has received post OOA lineages from Africa after that original OOA migration took place over 60kya. So now Europeans appear as an intermediate group, which further negates the validity of race.
quote:***The simplest hypothesis is that the evolutionary rate is the same across all branches of the tree, and the evolution is independent in all branches [i.e., there are no (important) genetic exchanges among them or similar conditions creating correlations among branches after their origin].*** This can be tested on the matrix, since on the basis of this simple hypothesis the distances should be the same, apart from statistical error, in each column (3). There is one important exception to the rule in Table 1, namely that in the first column of the matrix Europe shows a shorter distance from Africa than do all the other continents. The difference is statistically significant and is consistently found with all markers, ranging from “classical” ones based on gene products [blood groups and protein polymorphisms (1)] to DNA markers such as restriction polymorphisms (4) and microsatellites (5).---Sforza
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:It in no way "proves" that "Europe" or white people as whole are made up of 65% "Asian" and 35% "African".
quote: Oh really, then do tell, which lineages are European?
I feel so sorry for your mamma, I know she tried with you.
You only see what you want to see, don't you boy? I went on to say that what they actually showed was that their "European" samples, local residents at around Stanford and Yale, had admixture of 65% Chinese ancestors, dumbass, Chinese. So it's not 65% "Asian" as you would like to believe, only 65% Chinese. But they are not the proto-Asian, you even admit it, thus you debunked yourself. Hence you're an idiot. Tell me something I dont know.
quote:So you're saying Cavalli is promoting Oceanics to be one race, Asians to be one race, Native Americans to be one race etc???
Who gives a **** what that Keita-debunked Italian thinks. Fact: early humans looked like what we call today "black". Even you in one of your rear moments of clarity admitted they all looked the same. And of course your illiterate mentor too admitted they were black at the time. How then, dummy, can we get a "hybrid" population from two black populations?
Give it up, the rest of your posts are just the same worthless spam and evasive **** all in an attempt at avoiding the painful truth: there was no racial divergence in antiquity, no two already differentiated populations, no two extremes forming a "hybrid". Unless of course you do believe in racial divergence. Makes sense, you already surrendered to Evil Euro's logic.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote: Wrong, I never said they looked Chinese.
That's my point, you're a self contradicting illiterate! You said all looked the same and you don't imagine the ancestral Asian, the Asian archetype as looking like Chinese. But you parrot a study that assumes they are!!!!
This is because they are going by the COONIAN method. As Keita says, under the racial schema "racial" types are supposed to have "homes", geographic regions. So Asia is home to the Mongolian/Chinese, Europe to the Caucasian and Africa is home to the Forest Negro, "true Negros". This is the model they are following. Hence racial divergence; hence products of this are "hybrids", a secondary type or race. You didn't know this what they were really saying did you boy? No of course not because you're a mere tag along of an even bigger loser.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote: I went on to say that what they actually showed was that their "European" samples, local residents at around Stanford and Yale, had admixture of 65% Chinese ancestors, dumbass, Chinese. So it's not 65% "Asian"
Europeans carry derived lineages, NO pristine/underived lineages. All are derivatives of either Asian or African lineages.
These are Y-dna and Mtdna maps of Europe. Not the Yale students. Now tell me which lineages are European? Of course the answer is none, and they are all derived from Asians and Africans, therefore Europeans are a result of Asians and Africans.
European underived lineages??? I'll wait.....
quote: How then, dummy, can we get a "hybrid" population from two black populations?
As I've stated, Early Europeans, yes still resembled Australians and Africans. Mesolithic and Neolithic Europeans were gradually becoming cold adapted and turned pale in the Neolithic. So when these African migrations took place post OOA into Europe, Europeans were not black at the time, like their Paleolithic ancestors you nitwit....Ad Nauseum!!!!
^ All found in West Eurasia....and not in East Eurasia, SouthEast Asia, Australia, New Guinnea, Melanesia.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Remember, a group of East Africans left Africa, to populate the world. That one group and their descendants are all non Africans, from Oceania, to Asia, to the Americas. This means all non Africans are like a family whose descendants migrated off and moved throughout the world, but are still related to other Africans, since they are ultimately descended from that small group of East Africans.
So Europeans, like all non Africans should be uniform as a family of non Africans, but instead Europe has received post OOA lineages from Africa after that original OOA migration took place over 60kya. So now Europeans appear as an intermediate group, which further negates the validity of race.
Address the fact that Europeans are closest genetically to Africans whereas the original OOA populations. I.e Oceanians, appear furthest away genetically from Africa, if Oceanians and Europeans are part of the same non-African OOA population structure, then Europeans should be as distant genetically from Africans, as Oceanians are. If this is not due to post OOA migrations into Europe from Africa, then what is it?
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
^ face saving babble. Prey tell, what two populations contributed to "early Europeans"?
quote:Europeans carry derived lineages, NO pristine/underived lineages. All are derivatives of either Asian or African lineages.
Are you admitting then that the 65% is really Chinese and not "Asian" as you tried to mislead?
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote: Prey tell, what two populations contributed to "early Europeans"?
Early Paleolithic Europe was populated from Asia. Then post OOA migrations from Africa, idiot.
quote:Europeans carry derived lineages, NO pristine/underived lineages. All are derivatives of either Asian or African lineages.
Are you admitting then that the 65% is really Chinese and not "Asian" as you tried to mislead?
Like I said, they are derivatives of Asian and/or African lineages. No pristine lineages.
These are Y-dna and Mtdna maps of Europe. Not the Yale students. Now tell me which lineages are European? Of course the answer is none, and they are all derived from Asians and Africans, therefore Europeans are a result of Asians and Africans.
European underived lineages??? I'll wait.....
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote: Prey tell, what two populations contributed to "early Europeans"?
quote: Early Paleolithic Europe was populated from Asia. Then post OOA migrations from Africa, idiot.
Thank you. They were black populations.
quote:Like I said, they are derivatives of Asian and/or African lineages. No pristine lineages.
Yes, but what percentage is Asian?
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Originally posted by akoben: [QB] [QUOTE] Prey tell, what two populations contributed to "early Europeans"?
quote: Early Paleolithic Europe was populated from Asia. Then post OOA migrations from Africa, idiot.
Thank you. They were black populations.
Wow what an idiot. Africans post OOA, didn't populate Europe during the Paleolithic. So no, both populations were not black.
As I've stated, Early Europeans, yes still resembled Australians and Africans. Mesolithic and Neolithic Europeans were gradually becoming cold adapted and turned pale in the Neolithic.
quote: Body proportions in Late Pleistocene Europe and modern human origins
Body proportions covary with climate, apparently as the result of climatic selection. Ontogenetic research and migrant studies have demonstrated that body proportions are largely genetically controlled and are under low selective rates; thus studies of body form can provide evidence for evolutionarily short-term dispersals and/or gene flow. Following these observations, competing models of modern human origins yield different predictions concerning body proportion shifts in Late Pleistocene Europe. Replacement predicts that the earliest modern Europeans will possess “tropical” body proportions (assuming Africa is the center of origin), while Regional Continuity permits only minor shifts in body shape, due to climatic change and/or improved cultural buffering. This study tests these predictions via analyses of osteometric data reflective of trunk height and breadth, limb proportions and relative body mass for samples of Early Upper Paleolithic (EUP), Late Upper Paleolithic (LUP) and Mesolithic (MES) humans and 13 recent African and European populations. Results reveal a clear tendency for the EUP sample to cluster with recent Africans, while LUP and MES samples cluster with recent Europeans. These results refute the hypothesis of local continuity in Europe, and are consistent with an interpretation of elevated gene flow (and population dispersal?) from Africa, followed by subsequent climatic adaptation to colder conditions. These data do not, however, preclude the possibility of some (albeit small) contribution of genes from Neandertals to succeeding populations, as is postulated in Bräuer’s “Afro-European Sapiens” model.
So when these African migrations took place post OOA into Europe, Europeans were not black at the time, like their Paleolithic ancestors you nitwit....Ad Nauseum!!!!
^ All found in West Eurasia....and not in East Eurasia, SouthEast Asia, Australia, New Guinnea, Melanesia.
quote: Yes, but what percentage is Asian?
The contributions from Asia and Africa was estimated to be around 2/3rd and 1/3rd respectively.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:Africans post OOA, didn't populate Europe during the Paleolithic. So no, both populations were not black.
So Africans post OOA were not black?
quote:The contributions from Asia and Africa was estimated to be around 2/3rd and 1/3rd respectively.
Stop mispresenting reality clown. They found 65% ancestral Chinese in their "Caucasian" sample. Or are you saying that Chinese are indeed the ancestral Asian?
Bet you don't answer
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Originally posted by akoben: [QB] [QUOTE]Africans post OOA, didn't populate Europe during the Paleolithic. So no, both populations were not black.
So Africans post OOA were not black?
Yes, Africans post OOA were black, but the Europeans they mixed with were not black, like their Paleolithic ancestors.
quote: Body proportions in Late Pleistocene Europe and modern human origins
This study tests these predictions via analyses of osteometric data reflective of trunk height and breadth, limb proportions and relative body mass for samples of Early Upper Paleolithic (EUP), Late Upper Paleolithic (LUP) and Mesolithic (MES) humans and 13 recent African and European populations. Results reveal a clear tendency for the EUP sample to cluster with recent Africans, while LUP and MES samples cluster with recent Europeans. These results refute the hypothesis of local continuity in Europe, and are consistent with an interpretation of elevated gene flow (and population dispersal?) from Africa, followed by subsequent climatic adaptation to colder conditions. These data do not, however, preclude the possibility of some (albeit small) contribution of genes from Neandertals to succeeding populations, as is postulated in Bräuer’s “Afro-European Sapiens” model.
quote:The contributions from Asia and Africa was estimated to be around 2/3rd and 1/3rd respectively.
Stop mispresenting reality clown. They found 65% ancestral Chinese in their "Caucasian" sample. Or are you saying that Chinese are indeed the ancestral Asian?
Bet you don't answer
I've answered this a million times
These are Y-dna and Mtdna maps of Europe. Not the Yale students. Now tell me which lineages are European? Of course the answer is none, and they are all derived from Asians and Africans, therefore Europeans are a result of Asians and Africans.
European underived lineages??? I'll wait.....
One reasonable hypothesis is that the genetic distance between Asia and Africa is shorter than that between Africa and the other continents in Table 1 because both Africans and Asians contributed to the settlement of Europe, which began about 40,000 years ago. It seems very reasonable to assume that both continents nearest to Europe contributed to its settlement, even if perhaps at different times and maybe repeatedly. It is reassuring that the analysis of other markers also consistently gives the same results in this case. Moreover, a specific evolutionary model tested, i.e., that Europe is formed by contributions from Asia and Africa, fits the distance matrix perfectly (6). In this simplified model, the migrations postulated to have populated Europe are estimated to have occurred at an early date (30,000 years ago), but it is impossible to distinguish, on the basis of these data, this model from that of several migrations at different times. The overall contributions from Asia and Africa were estimated to be around two-thirds and one-third, respectively. Simulations have shown (7) that this hypothesis explains quite well the discrepancy between trees obtained by maximum likelihood and neighbor joining. ----Cavalli Sforza Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:Yes, Africans post OOA were black, but the Europeans they mixed with were not black, like their Paleolithic ancestors.
Look, it doesn't matter you squirming retard, how Europeans evolved. They were not at foundation a "hybrid" between two already differentiated populations, two so-called "extremes" Chinese and Forest Negroes. That's my point and you admit it so stop saving face, loser.
All your evasive posts merely underscore what Keita outlined: population expansion which is not racial divergence, morphological differentiation into the recognizable entities now labeled 'races.' Hence those "non Africans" such as the ancestral Asians don't translate into "Chinese". Unless of course if you believe in the Coonian universe of a "persisting diachronic relationship between geography, external anatomic phenotype ("racial type"), and a molecular "profile."
quote: I've answered this a million times
In your dreams maybe. But in reality you never answer **** because you know damn well (thanks to me) that 65% is a reference to ancestral Chinese not putative Asian archetypes. Unless of course you are saying that Chinese are indeed the ancestral Asian?
It only gets harder from here on boy. Admit it, you're all face saving from here on. You're already dead MF.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Originally posted by akoben: [QB] [QUOTE]Yes, Africans post OOA were black, but the Europeans they mixed with were not black, like their Paleolithic ancestors.
Look, it doesn't matter you squirming retard, how Europeans evolved.
Lmao, ohhh mannnnnn, now it doesn't matter? Of course it matters, because your point was that both populations were black at the time of the admixture, but they weren't.
quote: Jackassoben: Thank you. They were black populations. How then, dummy, can we get a "hybrid" population from two black populations?
They weren't both black.
quote: I've answered this a million times
In your dreams maybe. But in reality you never answer **** because you know damn well (thanks to me) that 65% is a reference to ancestral Chinese not putative Asian archetypes. Unless of course you are saying that Chinese are indeed the ancestral Asian?
Round and round you go. Europeans, consists of Asian and African lineages, no way around it, as shown from the following......
These are Y-dna and Mtdna maps of Europe. Not the Yale students.
Do tell which lineages are not Asian or African, but instead are European underived lineages??? I'll wait.....
One reasonable hypothesis is that the genetic distance between Asia and Africa is shorter than that between Africa and the other continents in Table 1 because both Africans and Asians contributed to the settlement of Europe, which began about 40,000 years ago. It seems very reasonable to assume that both continents nearest to Europe contributed to its settlement, even if perhaps at different times and maybe repeatedly. It is reassuring that the analysis of other markers also consistently gives the same results in this case. Moreover, a specific evolutionary model tested, i.e., that Europe is formed by contributions from Asia and Africa, fits the distance matrix perfectly (6). In this simplified model, the migrations postulated to have populated Europe are estimated to have occurred at an early date (30,000 years ago), but it is impossible to distinguish, on the basis of these data, this model from that of several migrations at different times. The overall contributions from Asia and Africa were estimated to be around two-thirds and one-third, respectively. Simulations have shown (7) that this hypothesis explains quite well the discrepancy between trees obtained by maximum likelihood and neighbor joining. ----Cavalli Sforza Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
Didn't I say it was all face saving for you from here on? Squirming in pain as you are forced to take your last breath on his thread. But lying won't save you either boy. My point is both populations, i.e. the contributing groups, were black. You agreed to this. It doesn't matter if Europeans at this time were evolving, they came from blacks, not Chinese.
Hence two black populations can't produce a "hybrid" which is a product of two or more of the alleged racial groups. This is not the case with Europeans at foundation. You admit it. You undermine your own source youve been spamming in your moronic imitation of your illiterate mentor. Who btw is noticeably absent as of late. lol
So you can spam your lineage photos till you're confident it clouds the page so no one will notice your beat down and inability to answer specific questions. But "Europeans" do not, repeat, do not consist of 65% Chinese and the rest African. You can't prove this. It is a fallacy your illiterate, now MIA, mentor has been peddling for better part of four years now.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:My point is both populations, i.e. the contributing groups, were black. You agreed to this.
Nope, the two contributing groups were not black, only black population were the post OOA Africans migrating into Europe.
Asian specific, Australian specific etc.. is a genetic fact. There are NO European specific pristine lineages. Which is how scientists are able to confirm if a population is indigenous to the continent and or country. I.e., Keita proving Egyptians were indigenous and not non African immigrants from the Near east.
It doesn't matter if Europeans at this time were evolving, they came from blacks, not Chinese.
Of course it matters since Europeans weren't black like their Paleolithic ancestors, they were gradually adapting to their environments. All humans come from Africa, doesn't mean all recent humans are black.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
Didn't I say it was all face saving for you from here on?
quote:Nope, the two contributing groups were not black, only black population were the post OOA Africans migrating into Europe.
Not the product you jackass, the contributing groups. Both black. Not black and Chinese.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Nope, the two contributing groups were not black, only black population were the post OOA Africans migrating into Europe.
Not the product you jackass, the contributing groups. Both black. Not black and Chinese.
You're an idiot, so you're saying modern day Europeans are black?? Because the LUP and Mesolithic Europeans match up with recent Europeans, and this is who the incoming post OOA migrants mixed with.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718: so you're saying modern day Europeans are black??
Where did I say or imply this?
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Right here, since you're saying both populations at the time of admixture were black. Which they weren't.
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
quote:Nope, the two contributing groups were not black, only black population were the post OOA Africans migrating into Europe.
Not the product you jackass, the contributing groups. Both black. Not black and Chinese.
You're an idiot, so you're saying modern day Europeans are black?? Because the LUP and Mesolithic Europeans match up with recent Europeans, and this is who the incoming post OOA migrants mixed with.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
^^^Exactly, no answers.....
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
I'm really sorry for you whiskey. I was actually looking to the heavens, asking why did god make you so dumb. Nowhere did I say or imply that modern Europeans were black. You are saving face. Go home whiskey. You're done for the day. I am confident however you did learn something today, more than rasolowitz could in four years.
Do you notice he is MIA? Do you know why? Go home and think on it.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Err Wrong as usual, your point was the two contributing groups were black, but the only black population were the post OOA Africans migrating into Europe.
So your premise that the two contributing groups were black, is falsified. Since you said both populations were black, you're actually implying that the gradually cold adapting Europeans were black during the Mesolithic and Neolithic like their Paleolithic ancestors, which they weren't. If not, then how do you say both populations were black?
Asian specific, Australian specific etc.. is a genetic fact. There are NO European specific pristine lineages. Which is how scientists are able to confirm if a population is indigenous to the continent and or country. I.e., Keita proving Egyptians were indigenous and not non African immigrants from the Near east.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:If not, then how do you say both populations were black?
What do you understand contributing groups to mean?
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Originally posted by akoben:
quote:If not, then how do you say both populations were black?
What do you understand contributing groups to mean?
Of course you love semantics, so let's hear what you mean by contributing groups? Jackass. And I'll debunk you again, right after with the same data.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
For once in your life could you pretend that you're not irredeemably stupid and answer the question?
What do you understand contributing groups to mean?
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
^^^Contributing groups are exactly what it means, groups that contributed to Europes genepool. Again, of course you love semantics, so let's hear what you mean by contributing groups? Jackass. Make yourself clear, and I'll debunk you again, right after, with the same data.
Posted by The Explorer (Member # 14778) on :
Don't know why it takes literally 40 pages to understand that the Europeans are relatively nearer to Africans than say, Melanesians, because they received more gene flow recently from Africa. This of course, would have the effect of placing Europeans in between Africans and groups like Australian aborigines and Melanesians where monophyletic units are concerned.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
Ok so you'll pass on that. Try this.
European Asian African
^ Which one of the above is intermediate?
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:This of course, would have the effect of placing European in between Africans and groups like Australian aborigines and Melanesians where monophyletic units are concerned.
Exactly. Lol
quote: ***The simplest hypothesis is that the evolutionary rate is the same across all branches of the tree, and the evolution is independent in all branches [i.e., there are no (important) genetic exchanges among them or similar conditions creating correlations among branches after their origin]. *** This can be tested on the matrix, since on the basis of this simple hypothesis the distances should be the same, apart from statistical error, in each column (3). There is one important exception to the rule in Table 1, namely that in the first column of the matrix Europe shows a shorter distance from Africa than do all the other continents. The difference is statistically significant and is consistently found with all markers, ranging from “classical” ones based on gene products [blood groups and protein polymorphisms (1)] to DNA markers such as restriction polymorphisms (4) and microsatellites (5).---Sforza
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
Don't even pretend, boy, that was what you were arguing. Your position c/o Bowock et al. is that Europeans are a "hybrid" at foundation between two already differentiated populations, two extremes Chinese and African.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote: Racial thinking persists in spite of multiple lines of evidence that deconstruct racial schema and their underlying philosophy. These lines of evidence derive from analysis of serogenetic, nuclear DNA, Mitochondrial DNA, Y-chromosome polymorphisms, and skeletal data. All show that the received racial categories should not be treated as bounded entities.
Theory also helps in the examination of the racial construct. None of the races as generally understood are breeding populations. Hence these entities are collection of various biological phenomena. They are not evolutionary units.
There are numerous populations today that are products of mating of peoples from two or more of these alleged racial groups. These new populations historically tie these populations together, in one perspective, but may also be seen as smoothing species-levels genetic gradients. Interestingly the race construct is sometimes not consistently used in terms of it's own logic by its adherents. An example is labeling of groups that the people in question are hybrids. This inconsistency is no doubt due to socialized practice and a racialized worldview that has political trappings. The existence of intermediate groups, whether they are products of gene flow or reflective of gradients of differentiation, or are the results of other microevolutionary processes, tends to negate the validity of the implicit or explicit practice associated with the concept of race. ---SOY Keita, page 541, racial thinking.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by The Explorer: Don't know why it takes literally 40 pages to understand that the Europeans are relatively nearer to Africans than say, Melanesians, because they received more gene flow recently from Africa. This of course, would have the effect of placing Europeans in between Africans and groups like Australian aborigines and Melanesians where monophyletic units are concerned.
40 pages exist for akoben to vent his anger against the fact that Europeans are derivitive of Asians subsequently admixed with Africans, and lacking the genetic distinction necessary to classify them as a race.
But while he vents his mindless slobbering rage we reiterate the facts.
So his is a lost effort now, and on page 80, soon....
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
And here we go again with magician whiskey and his smoke screen spams to hide his **** ups.
Wow, you made rasolowitz appear Criss Angel! And I see you magically made the answer to my question appear too! Your squirming was looking much too obvious. Yes, contributing groups are exactly what it means, groups that contributed to Europe's gene pool. You said they were black yes?
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:And here we go again with magician whiskey and his smoke screen spams to hide his **** ups
Do tell how I can be implying Europeans were hybrids at the foundation when Europeans weren't even mixed with the post OOA Africans yet?
quote: You said they were black yes?
NO, for the tenth time!!!!!
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718: Err Wrong as usual, your point was the two contributing groups were black, but the only black population were the post OOA Africans migrating into Europe.
So your premise that the two contributing groups were black, is falsified. Since you said both populations were black, you're actually implying that the gradually cold adapting Europeans were black during the Mesolithic and Neolithic like their Paleolithic ancestors, which they weren't. If not, then how do you say both contributing populations were black?
Asian specific, Australian specific etc.. is a genetic fact. There are NO European specific pristine lineages. Which is how scientists are able to confirm if a population is indigenous to the continent and or country. I.e., Keita proving Egyptians were indigenous and not non African immigrants from the Near east.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
Keita writes:
quote:Interestingly the race construct is sometimes not consistently used in terms of it's own logic by its adherents. An example is labeling of groups that the people in question are hybrids. This inconsistency is no doubt due to socialized practice and a racialized worldview that has political trappings.
The central tenant of the racial paradigm is the Europeans constitute - caucasian race.
This would be the fundamental reference point against which to classify other races - either juxtaposed against, or admixed with - caucasian.
^ Modern anthropology reveals this to be ethnocentric wishful thinking and not science.
Europe is not at foundation of -anything- in anthropology.
Europeans are just a hybrid of OOA Asians subsequently mixed with Africans.
{jackass akoben is now cued to pointless rage tantrum, which won't change anything, of course}
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
And since rasolowitz has magically reappeared, I will have to reply after the edit button lapses. It's the usual precautionary drill folks, nothing to get alarmed about. So don't worry I will be back to debunk your squirms, straws and misrepresentations later.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:jackass akoben writes: two extremes Chinese and African.
^ mis-citation, strawmen and nonsequitur. all you know.
boo, boo boooo, lol, lol lol -> a hundred posts from akoben, all of them stupid.
quote:since rasol has magically reappeared
^ having missed nothing, since you're just as dumb as ever.
Meanwhile, in 40 pages, you have failed to make this *disappear*....
Europeans = 2/3 asian/ 1/3 african, short stemmed hybrids, little genetic distinction, not a primary group, non fundamental, not a race.
^ 40 PAGES LATER i will re-post the above and LAUGH IN YOUR FACE at your dumbstruck babblement which fails to make this reality go away.
quote:So don't worry I will be back
^ it doesn't matter whether you come back or not, or write another 100 posts or not.
your posts are irrelevant garbage, and do nothing to alter the material facts stated above.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
^^^Lol exactly. Nor does Jackassoben have any answers for the below....
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
quote:Posted by Jackassoben: "He is NOT referring to Europe here as a "hybrid population"
Keita is referring to Bowcock in his conclusion, that she labels Europeans, "Caucasians", despite her findings of them being hybrids.
Who else labeled a group, despite them finding the population to be hybrids, besides Bowcock?
Interestingly the race construct is sometimes not consistently used in terms of it's own logic by its adherents. An example is labeling of groups that the people in question are hybrids. --Keita
Bowcock labels Europeans Caucasians, despite her finding of them to be hybrids.
" Nuclear DNA studies also contribute to the deconstruction of received racial entities. Ann Bowcock and her colleague's interpretation (Bowcock et al. 1991; Bowcock et al. 1994) of analyses of restriction-site polymorphisms and microsatellite polymorphisms (STRPs) suggests that Europeans, the defining Caucasians , are descendants of a population that arose as a consequence of admixture between already differentiated populations ancestral to (some) Africans and Asians. Therefore, Caucasians would be a secondary type or race due to its hybrid origin and not a primary race". ---Keita
Keita cites a nuclear DNA study in his work as deconstructing race, as follows
" Nuclear DNA studies also contribute to the deconstruction of received racial entities. Ann Bowcock and her colleague's interpretation (Bowcock et al. 1991; Bowcock et al. 1994) of analyses of restriction-site polymorphisms and microsatellite polymorphisms (STRPs) suggests that Europeans, the defining Caucasians, are descendants of a population that arose as a consequence of admixture between already differentiated populations ancestral to (some) Africans and Asians. Therefore, Caucasians would be a secondary type or race due to its hybrid origin and not a primary race". ---Keita
Then in Keita's conclusion he makes clear that Nuclear DNA studies show the received racial entities should not be treated as bounded entities, as follows.
Racial thinking persists in spite of multiple lines of evidence that deconstruct racial schema and their underlying philosophy. These lines of evidence derive from analysis of serogenetic, ***nuclear DNA***, Mitochondrial DNA, Y-chromosome polymorphisms, and skeletal data. All show that the received racial categories should not be treated as bounded entities.---Keita
So if he's not talking about Bowcocks nuclear DNA study deconstructing race, what other nuclear DNA study was there besides Bowcock that Keita mentions? [/QB]
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:Do tell how I can be implying Europeans were hybrids at the foundation
Because you are doing it right now jackass. You're still arguing in favour of Bowcock et al. and their racial divergence theory; you're still arguing in favour of Keita supporting it. But your problem is you don't even know that's what you're really supporting: Europeans are hybrids at foundation.
Just like you didn't even know they were really referring to Chinese. That's how pathetic you are! Now you're all face saving as you already admitted that the contributing groups, African and Asian, were black. And you were schooled as to what a "hybrid" is. Go home. Break ranks with your illiterate mentor, its not too late.
quote:your posts are irrelevant garbage, and do nothing to alter the material facts stated above.
This kid can't even comprehend what he reads or even quote properly [posted 09 December, 2008 11:09 PM] and he's talking about "material facts".
Look rasolowitz, learn to quote properly and then work your way up to basic reading and comprehension skills. Maybe then you will realise the joke's on you: "Europeans = 2/3 asian/ 1/3 african".
^ should read: 2/3 Chinese c/o Bowcock et al.'s racial divergence theory.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Of course when they say ancestral Chinese, they mean ancestral Asian, as mentioned. Also, they are in agreement that Europeans are intermediate between non-Africans and Africans, that Europe shows a shorter genetic distance from Africa than do all non-Africans.
quote:Posted by Jackassoben: All your evasive posts merely underscore what Keita outlined: population expansion which is not racial divergence, morphological differentiation into the recognizable entities now labeled 'races.' Hence those "non Africans" such as the ancestral Asians don't translate into "Chinese". Unless of course if you believe in the Coonian universe of a "persisting diachronic relationship between geography, external anatomic phenotype ("racial type"), and a molecular "profile."
Again. Keita is disagreeing with her terminology of divergence, which is actually population expansion, and that ancestral Asian = Chinese. Regardless, they were ancestral Asians.
quote: FIG. 1. (a) Rooted tree constructed by maximum likelihood, assuming constant evolutionary rates, for the five populations whose distances are shown in the lower triangle of Table 1. Eighty-four percent of bootstrap replicates give the tree topology ofa, supporting the sequence of fissions. Standard errors of branch lengths were estimated using the bootstrap. The time scale was based on the hypothesis that the separation of Africans from non-Africans took place 100,000 years ago (25). (b) Tree constructed by maximum likelihood, assuming a model of admixture between ***ancestral Africans*** and ***ancestral Asians***, fitting the distances of the lower triangle of Table 1. According to this model two divergent populations contribute in specified proportions to form a new population.
If genetic evolution in different lineages is independent and occurs at equal rates, we expect all distances between pairs of populations generated by a specific tree node to be equal (22). For example, all distances between African and non-African populations are expected to be equal. It is clear from Table 1 that the observed distances do not agree with this expectation: the distances between the African populations and Europeans are significantly smaller than the distances between the African populations and the other non-African populations.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
Oh my god, more illiteracy from the face saving clown! First you say he disagrees with the term Caucasian, now its terminology of divergence. Jesus Christ man give it up. He sees their work implying racial divergence (thus Europeans are a "hybrid" at foundation) as "fundamentally unsound".
But now I see you are slowing evolving into arguing now for the Chinese as the putative Asian archetype, "Regardless, they were ancestral Asians." No surprise, as now you argue Evil Euro's logic of Europeans as hybrids, "Using Disney's logic you could then call the whole white "race" mongrel-hybrid, etc" This is what happens when you bait and switch boy. Incoherent contradictory babble comes out.
So are you now saying then, that the Chinese were the early Paleolithic "Asians" in Europe?
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote: So are you now saying then, that the Chinese were the early Paleolithic "Asians" in Europe?
NO!! For the hundredth time, you dimwitted chump. When they say ancestral Chinese, they mean ancestral Asian, as mentioned. Also, they are in agreement that Europeans are intermediate between non-Africans and Africans, that Europe shows a shorter genetic distance from Africa than do all non-Africans.
quote:If genetic evolution in different lineages is independent and occurs at equal rates, we expect all distances between pairs of populations generated by a specific tree node to be equal (22). For example, all distances between African and non-African populations are expected to be equal. It is clear from Table 1 that the observed distances do not agree with this expectation: the distances between the African populations and Europeans are significantly smaller than the distances between the African populations and the other non-African populations.
I said Keita disagrees with her terminology of divergence which is really expansion and how they say Chinese as ancestral Asian. What I said was, of course the Paleolithic humans who populated Europe were ancestral Asians regardless.
***Ancestral Asians*** Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
Of course by "ancestral Chinese" they mean ancestral Asian because they imagine the **Chinese** as the Asian archetype you jackass! It is this stereotypical archetype, the Mongolian, along with the "Forest Negro" for Africa that Keita labels Coonian method. So they are not saying early Asians were black people, as you did. They are speaking about Chinese, and in the end can only prove what is Chinese.
"that Africans are significantly closer genetically to Europeans than to Chinese or Melanesians..."European admixture consisted of 65% Chinese ancestors and 35% African ancestors"
The above says nothing of how much of the generic "Asian" lineages "Europeans" have as you clowns would like to believe, only how much ancestral Chinese. It is their Chinese, jackass, their Chinese that Keita sees as them supporting theory of racial divergence, of two already differentiated (racially) populations.
It is the Chinese, jackass, the Chinese that leads them to view Europeans at foundation as "hybrids" because a "hybrid" is a product of two or more of the alleged groups - their Chinese and African Forest Negro. Two of the alleged racial groups, two so-called extremes, not two black populations. So they don't imagine "early Asians" as black, but Chinese looking which you said they did not look like. Hence their racial divergence, hence a myth. A myth, jackass, a myth.
You can't be a hybrid at foundation when you are the product of only black brainer.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Exactly, their Chinese is actual Ancestral Asian and their divergence is actually population expansion. We know they didn't look like Chinese and we know there was no divergence. Terminology terminology terminology!!!
Do tell which lineages aren't Asian or African???
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
"their Chinese is actual Ancestral Asian"
Are Chinese the proto Asian and is the "Pygmy" proto African?
And don't fucking run away this time boy, answer it.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
^^You're an idiot, why do you keep repeating questions already answered? Please tell me how can a Chinese be proto Asian, when their present pale phenotype is a recent evolutionary adaptation? No Pygmies are not proto African either. Ad Nauseum, answered for the hundredth time, but of course you'll ask again.
Anyway, now answer.....
Do tell which lineages aren't Asian or African???
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
Please tell me how can a Chinese be proto Asian, when their present pale phenotype is a recent evolutionary adaptation? No Pygmies are not proto African either.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Stop running you imbecilic little bitch. Do tell which lineages aren't Asian or African???
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
Don't be a wise ass now that you have been forced to concede that your master's work is fundamentally unsound. Where did I deny Asian and African lineages in Europe?
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Originally posted by akoben: Don't be a wise ass now that you have been forced to concede that your master's work is fundamentally unsound. Where did I deny Asian and African lineages in Europe?
Wtf??? You dumb prick, this is the whole point, this is what you were arguing against. Europeans are result of Asians and Africans coming together to create the European population. You were arguing with NO point.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote: Wtf??? You dumb prick, this is the whole point, this is what you were arguing against. Europeans are result of Asians and Africans coming together to create the European population. You were arguing with NO point.
I said this then, and say it again.
"Didn't I say it was all face saving for you from here on? Squirming in pain as you are forced to take your last breath on his thread. But lying won't save you either boy. [posted 09 December, 2008 09:34 PM]
I denied they were a "hybrid" at foundation, between two already differentiated populations, two extremes c/o Bowcock et al. and that Keita was in agreement with it.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Yea yea yea........
The overall contributions from Asia and Africa were estimated to be around two-thirds and one-third, respectively. Simulations have shown (7) that this hypothesis explains quite well the discrepancy between trees obtained by maximum likelihood and neighbor joining.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
Thus they [Chinese, Pygmy and "Caucasoids of European origin"] are fairly representative of the world's aboriginal populations... who are presently being **typed**. - Bowcock et al.
^ Please tell me [Mrs. Bowcock and colleagues] how can a Chinese be proto Asian, when their present pale phenotype is a recent evolutionary adaptation? No Pygmies are not proto African either. - whiskey
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
One can show that a branch to a population resulting from admixture tends to be shorter than other branches when methods are used that do not require constant evolutionary rates, by a simple extension of the theoretical treatment of admixture between branches of a tree (22).
If genetic evolution in different lineages is independent and occurs at equal rates, we expect all distances between pairs of populations generated by a specific tree node to be equal (22). For example, all distances between African and non-African populations are expected to be equal. It is clear from Table 1 that the observed distances do not agree with this expectation: the distances between the African populations and Europeans are significantly smaller than the distances between the African populations and the other non-African populations.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
^ So the European "hybrid" consists of two-third Asian lineages?
Posted by Mmmkay (Member # 10013) on :
^ Unrefuted...I'll add.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:jackass writes: learn to quote properly and then work your way up to basic reading and comprehension skills. Maybe then you will realise the joke's on you: "Europeans = 2/3 asian/ 1/3 african".
^ should read: 2/3 Chinese ->
Nope, jackass - the quote is from Cavelli Sforza, *not* Bowcock and it reads 2/3 Asian as stated, and not -2/3 Chinese- as you miscite via a different quote from another person, and taken out of context.
And this is the best you can do?
You're a mess.
You don't know who you're quoting, what they said, why they said it, what it means, what they do, what the data is, what the methods are.
Yet you write jackass reply after jackass reply, each one riddled with mis-citation [such as above] strawmen and non-sequiturs.
Good to see others are having fun humiliating you.
But you're too easy, too obviously a fool, to amuse me. Sorry.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
And so I'll ask again and watch you squirm for the fun of it.
What are the "core populations" used by Cavelli Sforza?
Posted by Alive-(What Box) (Member # 10819) on :
quote:Originally posted in another thread by aryan brotherhood -koben: Hey whiskey, I wonder what ever happened to those OOA Chinese that populated Europe? Records show that the early people of Europe were Chinese. What happened to them? Ah, they lost their history so they died....
Only a silly fool would suggest that the Chinese existed or that modern China people resemble "Eurasians" 30,000-60,000 years ago. Only an "Aryan" Nazi would take offence at the notion of these Asian people having populated Europe (which is as much a part of Asia as is India).
Interestingly enough, I've read that East Asians' forebearers at one point in time had morphology similar to modern Europeans in some way. I've also read that a change in diet drove their population to change phenotypically (perhaps at another phenetic point?).
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
^^^Of course as known Europeans don't become fully cold adapted until after the Mesolithic, and pale until the Neolithic.
So this following is a confirmation of these facts.
quote: Dr. Richard G. Klein, a paleoanthropologist at Stanford, said that it was hard to correlate the specific gene changes in the three populations with events in the archaeological record, but that the timing and nature of the changes in the East Asians and Europeans seemed compatible with the shift to agriculture. Rice farming became widespread in China 6,000 to 7,000 years ago, and agriculture reached Europe from the Near East around the same time.
Skeletons similar in form to modern Chinese are hard to find before that period, Dr. Klein said, and there are few European skeletons older than 10,000 years that look like modern Europeans.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Originally posted by akoben: ^ So the European "hybrid" consists of two-third Asian lineages?
Europe was populated by ancestral Asians in the upper Paleolithic and are descended from them as well.
If you disagree, then here are haplotypes as follows, feel free to name the non Asian and non African lineages. Feel free to name European specific underived lineages.....
Posted by Alive-(What Box) (Member # 10819) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasol: You are not making and are delivering a euology.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote: Only a silly fool would suggest that the Chinese existed or that modern China people resemble "Eurasians" 30,000-60,000 years ago.
^^^Did you see that whiskey???!!^^^, even Aliveboy the forum butler sees your beloved Bowcock et al. as silly fools! But don't worry he did it out of love for you. The poor unread child didn't realise the sarcasm in the post, didn't know he was further driving nails into your coffin.
Bowcock et al. RIP silly fools.
quote: ^ So the European "hybrid" consists of two-third Asian lineages?
quote:Europe was populated by ancestral Asians in the upper Paleolithic and are descended from them as well.
You can run but you can't hide. So the European "hybrid" consists of two-third Asian lineages? Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by Alive-(What Box):
quote:Originally posted by rasol: You are not making an are delivering a euology.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:You can run but you can't hide. So the European "hybrid" consists of two-third Asian lineages?
Feel free to name the non Asian and non African lineages. Feel free to name European specific underived lineages.....
Still waiting........
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote: ^ should read: 2/3 Chinese ->
quote: Originally posted by rasolowitz: the quote is from Cavelli Sforza, *not* Bowcock and it reads 2/3 Asian as stated, and not -2/3 Chinese- as you miscite via a different quote from another person, and taken out of context.
quote: And so I'll ask again and watch you squirm for the fun of it.
What are the "core populations" used by Cavelli Sforza?
quote:Originally squirmed by rasolowitz
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by Mmmkay: ^ Unrefuted...I'll add.
"Europeans appear as a mixture - 2/3 Asian, 1/3 African".
"It can be shown that populations *resulting from admixture* are shorter than other branches".
"The existence of intermediate groups, tends to negate the validity of the concept of race."
"Europeans, are *not* a race"
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ Akoben = 41 pages of dumbstruck response to devastating facts.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:Originally posted by akoben:
quote: ^ should read: 2/3 Chinese ->
quote: Originally posted by rasolowitz: the quote is from Cavelli Sforza, *not* Bowcock and it reads 2/3 Asian as stated, and not -2/3 Chinese- as you miscite via a different quote from another person, and taken out of context.
quote: And so I'll ask again and watch you squirm for the fun of it.
What are the "core populations" used by Cavelli Sforza?
quote:Originally squirmed by rasolowitz
quote:Originally squirmed again by rasolowitz: "Europeans appear as a mixture - 2/3 Asian, 1/3 African".
So again I ask, what are the "core populations" used by Cavelli Sforza?
Is it going to take 41 pages of squirming from you rasolowitz?
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:Originally squirmed by rasolowitz: It can be shown that populations *resulting from admixture* are shorter than other branches"
Africans are significantly closer genetically to Europeans than to Chinese or Melanesians...the branch corresponding to Europeans is very short, and shorter than the Chinese branch
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
^^^Jackassoben what's taking so long........???
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
quote:You can run but you can't hide. So the European "hybrid" consists of two-third Asian lineages?
Feel free to name the non Asian and non African lineages. Feel free to name European specific underived lineages.....
Still waiting........
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Originally posted by akoben:
quote:Originally squirmed by rasolowitz: It can be shown that populations *resulting from admixture* are shorter than other branches"
Africans are significantly closer genetically to Europeans than to Chinese or Melanesians...the branch corresponding to Europeans is very short, and shorter than the Chinese branch
If genetic evolution in different lineages is independent and occurs at equal rates, we expect all distances between pairs of populations generated by a specific tree node to be equal (22). For example, all distances between African and non-African populations are expected to be equal. It is clear from Table 1 that the observed distances do not agree with this expectation: the distances between the African populations and Europeans are significantly smaller than the distances between the African populations and the other non-African populations. Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
jackass akoben simply repeats his empty pointless protests, in absense of the inability to say anything intelligible.......
quote: again I ask, what are the "core populations" used by Cavelli Sforza?
- Again I ask, can't you read?
- Again I ask - can you present any study that refutes data from Keita, or Kittles, or Templeton, or Tishkoff, or Sforza, and *all* bilogical scientists, who report the same conclusion regards Europeans ->
Europeans are mixed.
No, you can't. You can't produce anything, other than piles of dung which is all jackasses are good for.
Therefore, the only one squirming - is you.
Over 1000 pages of genetic data..... and you are totally dumbstruck with frustration, at your inability to refute.
Europeans show as a genetic MIXTURE of 2/3 Asian, 1/3 African.
Looks like you've got some reading to do.
Hop to it jackass.
You're not the joker, you're just a stale, corny, weak joke.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:Originally posted by Mmmkay: ^ Unrefuted...I'll add.
"Europeans appear as a mixture - 2/3 Asian, 1/3 African".
"The existence of intermediate groups, tends to negate the validity of the concept of race."
"Europeans, are *not* a race"
Akoben's desparate protest.....
the branch corresponding to Europeans is very short, and shorter than the Chinese branch
^ That's true, and unrefuted, but does not actually relate to dendrogram above.
The citation and the graph, are from different studies, with different methods and samples.
They simply produce the same result.
As have still other studies.
Nor is there any study, -ever- , that can refute any of the studies showing Europeans to be admixed.
lol. Why is that, jackass?
Jackass akoben confuses one study for another, while *refuting neither*.
Thus the jackass confounds -himself- and no one else.
What an idiot.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Posted by rasol: The quote and the graph, are from different studies, with different methods and samples.
They simply produce the same result.
Which is what we have been relaying to this Jackass the whole time. I ask him, how Cavalli is referencing towards Oceanic's, Asians, Africans, Europeans, Native Americans as separate distinct races respectively(of course he has no answers), instead he distracts and posts Bowcock. Either way, he's an idiot, and his last resort is desperately flailing his arms to stray from what's actually presented.
Still no answers from the wailing braying jackass......
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
quote:Posted by jackassoben: You can run but you can't hide. So the European "hybrid" consists of two-third Asian lineages?
Feel free to name the non Asian and non African lineages. Feel free to name European specific underived lineages.....
Still waiting........
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:jackass writes: So again I ask
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718: ^^You're an idiot, why do you keep repeating questions already answered?
^ Because he can't refute the studies which prove that Europeans are mixed.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
How is Bowcock a distract you little insect? Are you going to pretend again that you weren't arguing for Keita being in agreement with them? Now that is has been demonstrated that only a "silly fool" would agree with their racial divergence theory you want to switch to Cavelli Sforza History and Geographywhich only shows up your illiteracy even more as it's the same samples as 1991, same racial divergence theory is implied!
This is why you squirm like a bitch when asked to name the samples and lie like the forum con man you are saying they are different samples. This is a lie and I dare you to post them.
You claim to have read both volumes (History and Genes) saying both were from the early 90s. However, Genes, Peoples, and Languages Italian version came out 96 not early 90s while English volume came out 2000.
You're the biggest fucking fraud on ES rasolowitz. Spamming that same tree for four years, four fucking years rasolowitz, and never occurred to you once to read the studies and find out what they are really arguing: racial divergence. Yes, over 1000 pages of genetic data which you obviously never read! Nine pages from a study you see on ES for years yet never once realised what Keita was really arguing. Your illiteracy is further evidenced by your insistence (before you back tracked) that Europeans are not hybrids but "mixed". All the while not realising that the "admixed" argument is again from Bowcock et al. 1991 and is a reference to racial admixing (Chinese and Forest Negro), which is why Keita says based on their interpretations Europeans would be a secondary type or race due to their hybrid origins. Hybrid and intermixed are used in the same context here. But you dint know because you are an illiterate jailbird who speed reads papers lacking basic comprehension skills.
That you're a flip flopping back tracking faux key board scholar is also seen in your confusing population expansion with "admixture" between two already differentiated groups Chinese and Africans. You ridiculously assume that "mixed" in this context is more appropriate than hybrid, but go right back to using hybrid because you thought Keita was agreeing with Bowcock and her "hybrid" Europeans. Argue for Europeans as a secondary type because you thought Keita was arguing for that. Then switched to saying Keita was not arguing for them as a secondary type. Then go back to saying they were and Keita argued as such. [posted 07 October, 2008 02:27 AM]
You can post your trees showing racial divergence of Chinese and Pygmy prototypes for Asia and Arica all you want to save face. But unless you show Keita in agreement with what he clearly labels as "fundamentally unsound" methods, remain debunked.
Posted by Alive-(What Box) (Member # 10819) on :
rofl @ each new post by akoben. Stuck on straws, non-sequitars and mis-citings with his ignorance on display, his posts take a turn for the better: his frustration now more apparent than ever, ako has become a comedian.
quote:Originally posted by akoben:
quote: Only a silly fool would suggest that the Chinese existed or that modern China people resemble "Eurasians" 30,000-60,000 years ago.
^^^Did you see that whiskey???!!^^^, even Aliveboy the forum butler sees your beloved Bowcock et al. as silly fools! But don't worry he did it out of love for you. The poor unread child didn't realise the sarcasm in the post, didn't know he was further driving nails into your coffin.
Bowcock et al. RIP silly fools.
quote: ^ So the European "hybrid" consists of two-third Asian lineages?
quote:Europe was populated by ancestral Asians in the upper Paleolithic and are descended from them as well.
You can run but you can't hide. So the European "hybrid" consists of two-third Asian lineages?
quote:Originally posted by akoben:
quote: ^ should read: 2/3 Chinese ->
quote: Originally posted by rasolowitz: the quote is from Cavelli Sforza, *not* Bowcock and it reads 2/3 Asian as stated, and not -2/3 Chinese- as you miscite via a different quote from another person, and taken out of context.
quote: And so I'll ask again and watch you squirm for the fun of it.
What are the "core populations" used by Cavelli Sforza?
quote:Originally squirmed by rasolowitz
good ones akoben.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:akoben pleads: How is Bowcock a distract?
She isn't. That's the point.
She isn't the author of this dendrogram...
.... or this quote:
"Europeans appear as a mixture - 2/3 Asian, 1/3 African".
-> which are unrefuted, in spite of your 41 pages of dumbstruck misogynistic rantings against Ann Bowcock.
Ann Bowock isn't -your problem-.
Neither is Cavelli Sforza, Keita, Kittles, Templeton or all other anthropologist who acknowledges the mixed origins of Europeans.
Your problem is that you can't cope with an unpleasant truth.
So, what can you do?
Respond with something stupid and irrelevant, so we can humiliate you again....
quote:Whatbox writes: good one's akoben.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
^ And as for you butler:
"It [Bowcock et al.] implies them [Caucasians] to be (ironically) a result of the merging of authentic, already-differentiated, breeding populations [i.e. Chinese and Forest Nengro]... This however does not stop this fact (eg, that Europeans are the result of already differentiated Asian and African populations) [i.e. Chinese and Forest negro] from being relavant [sic] to destroying the racial ideologies that were somewhat persistant [sic] even in scientific studies."
You didn't know what the **** you were actually supporting did you butler? Your inability to see beyond pleasing your "boys" lead you to support a study that implies racial divergence. A study that actually reinforces, not "destroy", the race ideology. You didnt realise the short fuse did you butler?
Bowcock et al. RIP silly fools.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Originally posted by akoben: How is Bowcock a distract you little insect? Are you going to pretend again that you weren't arguing for Keita being in agreement with them? Now that is has been demonstrated that only a "silly fool" would agree with their racial divergence theory you want to switch to Cavelli Sforza History and Geographywhich only shows up your illiteracy even more as it's the same samples as 1991, same racial divergence theory is implied!
This is why you squirm like a bitch when asked to name the samples and lie like the forum con man you are saying they are different samples. This is a lie and I dare you to post them.
You claim to have read both volumes (History and Genes) saying both were from the early 90s. However, Genes, Peoples, and Languages Italian version came out 96 not early 90s while English volume came out 2000.
You're the biggest fucking fraud on ES rasolowitz. Spamming that same tree for four years, four fucking years rasolowitz, and never occurred to you once to read the studies and find out what they are really arguing: racial divergence. Yes, over 1000 pages of genetic data which you obviously never read! Nine pages from a study you see on ES for years yet never once realised what Keita was really arguing. Your illiteracy is further evidenced by your insistence (before you back tracked) that Europeans are not hybrids but "mixed". All the while not realising that the "admixed" argument is again from Bowcock et al. 1991 and is a reference to racial admixing (Chinese and Forest Negro), which is why Keita says based on their interpretations Europeans would be a secondary type or race due to their hybrid origins. Hybrid and intermixed are used in the same context here. But you dint know because you are an illiterate jailbird who speed reads papers lacking basic comprehension skills.
That you're a flip flopping back tracking faux key board scholar is also seen in your confusing population expansion with "admixture" between two already differentiated groups Chinese and Africans. You ridiculously assume that "mixed" in this context is more appropriate than hybrid, but go right back to using hybrid because you thought Keita was agreeing with Bowcock and her "hybrid" Europeans. Argue for Europeans as a secondary type because you thought Keita was arguing for that. Then switched to saying Keita was not arguing for them as a secondary type. Then go back to saying they were and Keita argued as such. [posted 07 October, 2008 02:27 AM]
You can post your trees showing racial divergence of Chinese and Pygmy prototypes for Asia and Arica all you want to save face. But unless you show Keita in agreement with what he clearly labels as "fundamentally unsound" methods, remain debunked.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote: Neither is Cavelli Sforza, Keita, Kittles, Templeton or all other anthropologist who acknowledges the mixed origins of Europeans
Where does Keita "acknowledge" Europeans are foundation a hybrid between two differentiated populations?
quote: "Europeans appear as a mixture - 2/3 Asian, 1/3 African".
Same samples, same implications: racial divergence.
You can post your trees showing racial divergence of Chinese and Pygmy prototypes for Asia and Arica all you want to save face. But unless you show Keita in agreement with what he clearly labels as "fundamentally unsound" methods, remain debunked.
Dendrograms are also used to illustrate the divergence of entities called human races [Mongolian, Negroid] or of populations used as their surrogates [Bay Area Chinese and a "Forest Negro"]. This is problematic since few human populations, even authentic breeding ones, are so well differentiated (and independent) from each other as to support the distinctness implied by tree branches. - Keita
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ Not sure what cause the above incoherent jibberish; a mix of mis-quotes and [bracketed - dumb] remarks by you is supposed to aid.
Unless your point is that you're a frustrated jackass - who resorts to any means to make -still- no point, whatsoever.
Meanwhile, reality bites....
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Akboen writes: same samples, same implications, racial divergence
^ Incorrect, *different* samples, but same implications: Europeans are mixed.
^ Europeans -diverge- from Asians primarily via admixture with Africans.
And this is -PRECISELY- what Keita is referencing here:
Nuclear DNA studies DECONSTRUCTS the received racial entities.
^ lol, lol, lol. Every effort by you to run away from the destruction of your racial ideology - leads right back to it.
You can hide, but you can't run.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasolowitz: ^ Europeans are not the foundation of anything.
Europeans are the result of mixture of paleolithic Eurasians - and Neolithic, and later Africans, according to Keita, and essentially - everyone else.
So are you retreating again from your Evil Euro-ian logic of Europeans as "hybrids"? Huh punk bitch? lol
quote: hybrid - the entity described cannot be understood in terms of it's own originating characteristics as well as by reference to 2 or more descrete [sic] elements from which it is *derived.*
Europeans are hybrid. Europeans are short-vector, recently admixed hybrids. - rasolowitz
Euros are hybrids, Euros arent; they are secondary type, they are not.
And don't lie boy, Keita does not say they are result of "admixture" between two already differentiated populations Chinese an Forest negro. He says "this may be a problem given that the contributing groups [such as Chinese and forest Negros] seem to conform to received raciotypological schema — but should be acceptable to those who believe in the existence of races.[like rasolowitz et al.]"
Same samples, same implications: racial divergence.
You can post your trees showing racial divergence of Chinese and Pygmy prototypes for Asia and Arica all you want to save face. But unless you show Keita in agreement with what he clearly labels as "fundamentally unsound" methods, remain debunked.
Dendrograms are also used to illustrate the divergence of entities called human races [Mongolian, Negroid] or of populations used as their surrogates [Bay Area Chinese and a "Forest Negro"]. This is problematic since few human populations, even authentic breeding ones, are so well differentiated (and independent) from each other as to support the distinctness implied by tree branches. - Keita
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by akoben:
quote: Neither is Cavelli Sforza, Keita, Kittles, Templeton or all other anthropologist who acknowledges the mixed origins of Europeans
Where does Keita "acknowledge" Europeans are foundation a hybrid between two differentiated populations?
^ Europeans are *not* the foundation of anything.
Europeans are the result of paleolithic Eurasians - who later mixed with Africans, according to Keita, and essentially - everyone else.
Which is unrefuted, in 41 pages of your jackass dungpile postings...
- 2/3 Asian, 1/3 African. - not a primary race. - non fundamental. - derived. - admixed. - short stemmed. - hybrid.
^ Get the point?
I think you do.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote: - 2/3 Asian, 1/3 African.
So again I ask, what are the "core populations" used by Cavelli Sforza?
Is it going to take 41 pages of squirming from you rasolowitz?
quote:^ Get the point?
I think you do.
Oh yes I do. lol
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Where does Keita "acknowledge" Europeans are foundation a hybrid between two differentiated populations?
Please post the quote in which Bowcock or Sforza mentions Europeans to be hybrids at the foundation between two........ I bet you won't.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
Akoben's frustration appears to be boiling over.
The resultant torrent of babble should prove most amusing.
quote:hybrid - the entity described cannot be understood in terms of it's own originating characteristics as well as by reference to 2 or more descrete [sic] elements from which it is *derived.*
^ correct. if you disagree with this definition, try explaining why instead of babbling like a frustrated idiot.
quote:Europeans are hybrid.
^ correct. if you feel they don't meet the above definition, try explaining why instead of babbling like a frustrated idiot.
quote: Europeans are short-vector, recently admixed hybrid.
^ correct. as shown...
^ and unrefuted by your - 'babbling like a frustrated idiot'.
quote: Euros arent; they are secondary type, they are not.
^ incoherent ranting. apparently the result of frustration.
anything else?
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote: again I ask, what are the "core populations" used by Cavelli Sforza?
- Again we answer, can't you read?
^ hundreds of populations.
- no 'core' population of Chinese is used to represent East Asia, as you claim.
- no concept of Europeans being 'at foundation' is ever made either.
Both of these claims are your lies. Noting that these are your claims, and your lies, -is- in fact THE ANSWER to your stupid question.
Repeat this question at your leisure, and I will repost the answer.
I can do this forever.
Meanwhile....the truth of European origins continues to infuriate and confound you....
- 2/3 Asian, 1/3 African. - not a primary race. - non fundamental. - derived. - admixed. - short stemmed. - hybrid.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote: Please post the quote in which Bowcock or Sforza mentions Europeans to be hybrids at the foundation between two........ I bet you won't.
Of course because you're an illiterate jackass looking to save face from your **** up, thinking Keita was in agreement with Bowcock, you wouldn't understand that when they say,
"that Europeans are descendants of a population that arose due to admixture between two ancestral populations...ancestral Europeans are estimated to be an admixture of 65% ancestral Chinese and 35% ancestral Africans."
They mean Europeans are descendants of a population that arose as a result of admixture between two already differentiated populations.
"that Blumenbach's "Caucasian" entity (or some of it) is at foundation an "inter-mixed" group composed of earlier differentiated non-European (specifically Asian and central African) [more specifically a "Pygmy" and Bay Area Chinese] elements"
quote: Europeans are hybrid. - rasolowitz
Show how they are a population that arose as a result of mixing of two already differentiated populations, two extremes: Chinese and Forest Negro.
quote: - no 'core' population of Chinese is used to represent East Asia, as you claim.
Page 90 shows the same samples jackass. But then you didn't even read the book, thought it was written in the early 90s. LOL
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Show how they are a population that arose as a result of mixing of two already differentiated populations, two extremes: Chinese and Forest Negro.
Sure, just show us - where 'forest negro' and 'chinese' ???] are branches on the dendrogram:
Then show us where Sforza's quote:
Europeans show as a mixture of 2/3 African and 1/3 Asian.
-> contains the terms forest negro, and chinese?
Should be easy...
quote:page 90 shows the same samples.
^ Really, that's odd since sfroza's dendrogram above combines data from dozens of populations whereas your reference to 'chinese' and 'pygmy' contains only 5 populations - and doesn't even include many of the branches shown in the dendrogram.
In fact, they are not the same dendrogram, they are not the same population samples.
They only thing they have in common is their conclusion that Europeans are admixed.
And.... on this point, they are both unrefuted.
Confusing isn't refuting, jackass....sorry.
Try again....
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Keita does not say they are result of "admixture" between two already differentiated populations Chinese an Forest negro
^ Neither does Sforza, which is why we don't need to intentionally mis-cite... as you do.
What Sforza actually says:
"Europeans appear as a mixture - 2/3 Asian, 1/3 African".
^ Unrefuted.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
What's taking so long?
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:Show how they are a population that arose as a result of mixing of two already differentiated populations, two extremes: Chinese and Forest Negro.
Sure, just show us - where 'forest negro' and 'chinese' ???] are branches on the dendrogram:
Then show us where Sforza's quote:
Europeans show as a mixture of 2/3 African and 1/3 Asian.
-> contains the terms forest negro, and chinese?
Should be easy...
quote:page 90 shows the same samples.
^ Really, that's odd since sfroza's dendrogram above combines data from dozens of populations whereas your reference to 'chinese' and 'pygmy' contains only 5 populations - and doesn't even include many of the branches shown in the dendrogram.
In fact, they are not the same dendrogram, they are not the same population samples.
They only thing they have in common is their conclusion that Europeans are admixed.
And.... on this point, they are both unrefuted.
Confusing isn't refuting, jackass....sorry.
Try again....
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
What's taking so long?
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
quote:Where does Keita "acknowledge" Europeans are foundation a hybrid between two differentiated populations?
Please post the quote in which Bowcock or Sforza mentions Europeans to be hybrids at the foundation between two........ I bet you won't.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
Oh well, apparently the beaten down jackass is in full retreat.
Doesn't matter, he's just an excuse to educate real people with normal brains anyway.
Let's continue then.
From November 2007, New York Times:
BURIED IN A NY TIMES ARTICLE on the effect of DNA research on people's view of race was a sentence of a sort we can't recall having read in a major paper before:
"Race, many sociologists and anthropologists have argued for decades, is a social invention historically used to justify prejudice and persecution."
The mythological - indeed racist - origins of the concept of race has almost completely passed the mainstream media by and this omission has been a major factor in country's continuing ethnic problems.
SAM SMITH, GREAT AMERICAN POLITICAL REPAIR MANUAL, 1997 - There is simply no undisputed scientific definition of race. What are considered genetic characteristics are often the result of cultural habit and environmental adaptation. As far back as 1785, a German philosopher noted that "complexions run into each other." Julian Huxley suggested in 1941 that "it would be highly desirable if we could banish the question-begging term 'race' from all discussions of human affairs and substitute the noncommittal phrase 'ethnic group.' That would be a first step toward rational consideration of the problem at hand." Anthropologist Ashley Montagu in 1942 called race our "most dangerous myth."
Yet in our conversations and arguments, in our media, and even in our laws, the illusion of race is given great credibility. As a result, that which is transmitted culturally is considered genetically fixed, that which is an environmental adaptation is regarded as innate and that which is fluid is declared immutable.
Many still hang on to a notion similar to that of Carolus Linnaeus, who declared in 1758 that there were four races: white, red, dark and black. Others make up their own races, applying the term to religions (Jewish), language groups (Aryan) or nationalities (Irish). Modern science has little impact on our views.
Our concept of race comes largely from religion, literature, politics, and the oral tradition. It comes creaking with all the prejudices of the ages. It reeks of territoriality, of jingoism, of subjugation, and of the abuse of power.
DNA research has revealed just how great is our misconception of race. In The History and Geography of Human Genes, Luca Cavalli-Sforza of Stanford and his colleagues describe how many of the variations between humans are really adaptations to different environmental conditions (such as the relative density of sweat glands or lean bodies to dissipate heat and fat ones to retain it). But that's not the sort of thing you can easily build a system of apartheid around.
As Thomas S. Martin has written:
"The widest genetic divergence in human groups separates the Africans from the Australian aborigines, though ironically these two 'races' have the same skin color. . . There is no clearly distinguishable 'white race.' What Cavalli-Sforza calls the Caucasoids are a hybrid, about two-thirds Mongoloid and one-third African. Finns and Hungarians are slightly more Mongoloid, while Italians and Spaniards are more African, but the deviation is vanishingly slight.
If we are going to insist on dividing people by race, we should at least use comparisons more up-to-date than those thought up centuries ago. Here are a few suggestions based on modern science
Blood type: The New Guinean-Germans or the Japanese-Estonians or the Celtic-Indians. Front teeth: The Swedish - Indians Ability to digest: The Norwegian - Arab - Nigerians Nose length: The English - Algerians
Regardless of what science says, however, myth can kill and cause pain just as easily as scientific truth. And regardless of what science says, as anthropologist Alice Brues told Newsweek, "If I parachute into Nairobi, I know I'm not in Oslo."
In fact, give or take a few thousand years, it's unlikely that those of a Nordic skin complexion would stay that way living under the African sun. Similarly, the effects of a US diet are strong enough that the first generations of both European and Asian Americans have found themselves looking up at their grandchildren.
In such ways adaptation mimics what many think of as race. But who needs science when we have our own eyes? If it looks like race, that's good enough for us. Further, we are obsessed with the subject even as we say we wish to ignore it. A few years back, a study of urban elections coverage found five times as many stories about race as about taxes.
We can't even agree on what race is. In the 1990 census, Americans said they belonged to some 300 different races or ethnic groups. American Indians divided themselves into 600 tribes and Latinos into 70 categories.
Even as we talk endlessly of race and ethnicity, we simultaneously go to great lengths to prove that we are all the same. Why this contradiction? The answer can be partly found in the tacit assumption of many that human equity must be based primarily on competitive equality. Listen to talk about race (or sex) and notice how often the talk is also about competition. The cultural differences (real or presumed) that really disturb us are ones of competitive significance: thigh circumference, height, math ability and so forth. We accept more easily other differences -- varieties of hair, degree of subcutaneous fat, prevalence of sickle cell anemia -- because they don't affect (or affect far less) who gets to the top.
Once having decided which traits are important, we assign causes to them on the basis of convenience rather than fact. Our inability to sort out the relative genetic, cultural and environmental provenance of our differences doesn't impede our judgment at all. It is enough that a difference is observed. Thus we tend to deal neither with understanding what the facts about our differences and similarities really mean -- or, more importantly, with their ultimate irrelevance to developing a world where we can live harmoniously and happily with each other. We don't spend the effort to separate facts from fiction because both cut too close to our inability to appreciate and celebrate our human differences. It is far easier to pretend either that these differences are immutable or that they don't exist at all.
And so we come to the Catch-22 of ethnicity. It is hard to imagine a non-discriminatory, unprejudiced society in which race and sex matter much. Yet in our efforts to reach that goal, our society and its institutions constantly send the conflicting message that they are extremely important.
For example, our laws against discriminatory practices inevitably heighten general consciousness of race and sex. The media, drawn inexorably to conflict, plays up the issue. And the very groups that have suffered under racial or sexual stereotypes consciously foster countering stereotypes -- "you wouldn't understand, it's a black thing" -- as a form of protection. Thus, we find ourselves in the odd position of attempting to create a society that shuns invidious distinctions while at the same time -- often with fundamentalist or regulatory fervor -- accentuating those distinctions.
In the process we reduce our ethnic problems to a matter of regulation and power, and reduce our ambitions to the achievement of a tolerable stalemate rather than the creation of a truly better society. The positive aspects of diversity remain largely ignored and non-discrimination becomes merely another symbol of virtuous citizenship -- like not double-parking or paying your taxes. Martin Luther King said once: "Something must happen so as to touch the hearts and souls of men that they will come together, not because the law says it, but because it is natural and right."
Sorry, Martin. Our approach to prejudice and discrimination is not unlike our approach to drugs: We plan to simply rule them out of existence. In so doing, we have implicitly defined the limits of virtue as merely the absence of malice.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote: There is no clearly distinguishable 'white race.' What Cavalli-Sforza calls the Caucasoids are a hybrid, about two-thirds Mongoloid and one-third African.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
Lmao @ this bait and switch MF cutting Bowcock et al. 1991 lose after his initial argument has been debunked. Ok boy, you don't want to talk about Bowcock 1991 anymore? Fine. One down.
quote:Sure, just show us - where 'forest negro' and 'chinese' ???] are branches on the dendrogram:
They are used as proto-Asian and African. Same core populations used, Chinese and Pygmy. No? Then, again for the one millionth time, list the "core populations" used for proto-Asian and African. What's taking so long boy?
quote: ^ Really, that's odd since sfroza's dendrogram above combines data from dozens of populations.
Its odd because you never read the god damn book you thought was printed in the early 90s you lying jackass. Is that tree above in History and Geography? Show us the page.
quote:whereas your reference to 'chinese' and 'pygmy' contains only 5 populations - and doesn't even include many of the branches shown in the dendrogram
Oh yeh, which branch is left out?
quote:They only thing they have in common is their conclusion that Europeans are admixed.
Admixed between whom? Name the "parent" populations and list the "core populations" used for them. run but you can't hide bitch.
quote:Keita does not say they are result of "admixture" between two already differentiated populations Chinese an Forest negro
quote: ^ Neither does Sforza, which is why we don't need to intentionally mis-cite... as you do. What Sforza actually says: "Europeans appear as a mixture - 2/3 Asian, 1/3 African".
Semantics won't save you boy. Only shows your desperation.
quote:What Cavalli-Sforza calls the Caucasoids are a hybrid, about two-thirds Mongoloid and one-third African.
Instead of quoting NYT, boy, quote Keita in agreement with them and their racial divergence implying Europeans are at foundation a hybrid, a result of "admixture" between two already differentiated populations Chinese and a Forest negro. (Bowcock et al. 1991)
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by akoben: Lmao @ this bait and switch cutting
It's more like pin the tail on the donkey.
^Laugh your jack-ass off, all you want.
Evidently that pin "tickles".
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:rasol writes: Sure, just show us - where 'forest negro' and 'chinese' ???] are branches on the dendrogram:
quote:jackass writes: They are used as proto-Asian and African.
^ Really? Where jackass??
^ There is no proto-asian or proto-african in this dendrogram.
Nor is China used as a proxy for all of East Asia.
Nor would it make any difference if they were.
And here his why:
1) Europeans always show as mixed Asian and African no matter which populations you choose to compare them to.
2) No matter how many or how few populations you compare them too - they still come out mixed.
3) No matter how many or few Europeans populations you use, they still appear to be mixed.
4) This is is true in all studies.
This is how we know they are mixed. Because the results are repeated, over and over, study after study.
And this why you have no answers, no rebuttals to the fact of the mixed origins of Europeans.
How many times have you been asked to produce any evidence to the contrary, only to fail, with jackass rantings?
Instead of rebuttal, you expose your butt.
Why is that, jackass?
"Europeans appear as a mixture - 2/3 Asian, 1/3 African".
^ Unrefuted.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:jackass writes: Semantics won't save you
Illiteracy won't save you.
quote:"Europeans appear as a mixture - 2/3 Asian, 1/3 African".
- Cavalli Sforza.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:What Cavalli-Sforza calls the Caucasoids are a hybrid, about two-thirds Mongoloid and one-third African.
quote:Instead of New York Times, quote Keita in agreement
We have already quoted Keita in agreement with the above.
Instead of asking us to repeat the quote from Keita, that Europeans
- *are not a primary type*
- *due to their admixed origins*
- and that this fact *deconstructs the concept of race* ->
It is for you to quote - anyone - actually who can refute the above.
Anyone at all?
Is that so hard?
I guess so.
What's taking so long?
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Admixed between whom?
Again, the jackass asks the question answered a thousand times.
That's ok, we'll keep answering it...
"Europeans appear as a mixture - 2/3 Asian, 1/3 African".
^ Unrefuted.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Its odd because you never read the god damn book you thought was printed in the early 90s
^ Actually I have read both Sforza's history/geography and genes languages and peoples.
I have no idea why you think arguing over the copyright dates of various language/prints [early 90's to late 90's and actually his work goes back to the late 80's in some cases] can help you?
Actually, I do know why: You need to change the subject or somehow reverse the pattern of your ongoing humiliation.
Good luck with that.
You're such a hapless weakling, that I even play along with you, just for the fun of it.
I am amused that you wish to attack me based on this though, and want to encourage you, since this will lead you down another path of humiliation.
You know - I also claim to have read Herodotus - The Histories, which was written in 400 BC.
Perhaps you can prove that the English language translations were not written until centuries later, [DO TELL?] and so *expose my conspiracy* to lie about having read it.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:^ There is no proto-asian or proto-african in this dendrogram.
Oh I forgot, you are stupid. To construct a dendrogram jackass who's "representations imply bifurcations or splitting of ancestral populations." you will have to use core populations, so-called breeding populations, for these "ancestral populations". Proto-African and "proto Oriental" (recognise that word?) Bowcock et al.'s Chinese and Forest Negro. Same ones used for your tree. No? Post the ones used instead.
quote:Nor is China used as a proxy for all of East Asia. Nor would it make any difference if they were.
^ Please tell me [rasolowitz] how can a Chinese be proto Asian, when their present pale phenotype is a recent evolutionary adaptation? No Pygmies are not proto African either. – whiskey
And here his why you look like the illiterate you are. It would matter you jack ass as I have quoted Keita saying over and over that racial divergence is a myth, a fuking myth illiterate, a myth! So if you are going to imply that Chinese/Mongoloid are the proto-Asians that "spilt" from the African, Forest Negro, you are implying here racial divergence, jackass, a myth! Both populations where Europeans evolved and mixed with were black, as you admit. So Europeans cannot be a "hybrid" at foundation because "Europeans" did not emerge as a product from two of the alleged racial groups, which is what a hybrid is. They were black as you admit.
quote:We have already quoted Keita in agreement with the above.
In your dreams boy. I already quoted him saying racial divergence c/o Bowcock et al. is a myth.
quote: Thus they [Chinese, Pygmy and "Caucasoids of European origin"] are fairly representative of the world's aboriginal populations... who are presently being **typed**. - Bowcock et al.
... the persistence of the socially constructed normative view of the African as only the "Forest Negro" type, or the so-called "Pygmy" from Central Africa, in line with Coon's thinking. These populations are used as the representative African in many studies (see Bowcock et al., 1991, 1994; Cavalli-Sforza et al., 1994)
What is actually a population expansion has been mistakenly termed "racial divergence," which implies morphological differentiation into the recognizable entities now labeled "races." – Keita
quote: ^ Actually I have read both Sforza's history/geography and genes languages and peoples.
Give it a rest fraud, you have been exposed yet again. You never read **** and it shows.
quote:Again, the jackass asks the question answered a thousand times.
Oh really? What were the "core populations" used for that tree? And don't tell me about other trees with numerous populations (Berber, Japanese etc) showing your illiteracy yet again concerning the different kinds of trees for different analysis. What were the core population for THAT tree.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
quote:Where does Keita "acknowledge" Europeans are foundation a hybrid between two differentiated populations?
Please post the quote in which Bowcock or Sforza mentions Europeans to be hybrids at the foundation between two........ I bet you won't.
^ Right again, knowledge.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:To construct a dendrogram who's "representations imply bifurcations or splitting of ancestral populations." you will have to use core populations.
^ Really, according to whom?
Please present the geneticist who will state something you call -core population- is the basis of all dendrogram?
If I construct a dendrogram of
adam and eve, which bifurcates to cane and able,
and further to 5 children of cane and 7 children of able, then what for you, would define - 'core' population?
How would you distinguish 'core' population, from any and everyone sampled, and in every study which reaches a similar conclusion?
If 'core population' is simply - every population studied in any genetic study, then isn't the term -core- population a redundancy?
I look forward to your laughable non-explanations.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:rasol: Nor is China used as a proxy for all of East Asia. Nor would it make any difference if they were.
quote:akoben: Please tell me how can a Chinese be proto Asian?
^ this is your dumb claim. why are you asking us to explain it?
because you can't?
it has nothing to do with the dendrogram under discussion, which does not use Chinese as proxy for all of East Asia, nor does it make any claims about Proto Asia.
"Europeans appear as a mixture - 2/3 Asian, 1/3 African".
^ Unrefuted.
Still. Your desparate incoherent ranting....notwithstanding.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:I already quoted him saying racial divergence is a myth.
^ quite so, as Europeans are just a genetic derivative of Asians later admixed with Africans, and not a distinct race.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:Really, according to whom. If I construct a dendrogram of adam and eve, which bifurcates to cane and able,
admit it boy, you are finished.
quote:How would you distinguish 'core' population, from any and everyone sampled, and in every study which reaches a similar conclusion?
Whatever conclusions your white scholars, who sees Berbers as Caucasoids (History and Geography p. 77 and 100; and dreams of "Caucasian Ethiopians") come up with is their business. However, is Keita in agreement that Europeans are hybrids between to already differentiated populations? Dare you prove it boy?
quote:this is your dumb claim. why are you asking us to explain it.
No bitch. LMAO! It's the claim of Bowcock st al. 1991.
Thus they [Chinese, Pygmy and "Caucasoids of European origin"] are fairly representative of the world's aboriginal populations... who are presently being typed. - Bowcock et al.
^ And I'm holding your lying squirming ass to the fire because you claimed Keita was in agreement with them (Bowcock et al. 1991). Dare you prove it boy!
quote:it has nothing to do with the dendrogram under discussion, which does not use Chinese as proxy for all of East Asia, nor does it make any claims about Proto Asia.
Bait and switch MF oh yes it does. Post evidence to the contrary that they didn't use Chinese as proto-Asian. 2/3 Asian based on what core population? Did they sample black Chinese since you say Asians at that time were black? Did they sample Negritos? Who? Did he sample the fucking thin air? Or as Keita puts it, are the groups whether real breeding populations or aggregate of individuals assembled at the whim of the investigators? (Persistence, p. 357)
quote: ^ quite so, as Europeans are just a genetic derivative of Asians later admixed with Africans, and not a distinct race. unrefuted.
No illiterate. He and Bowcock are saying two completely different things. Read it again inmate. Jailbirds don't usually get it the first time around, or the first four years for that matter. LOL
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:rasol: Nor is China used as a proxy for all of East Asia. Nor would it make any difference if they were.
quote:akoben: Please tell me how can a Chinese be proto Asian?
^ this is your dumb claim. why are you asking us to explain it?
because you can't?
quote:it's bowcocks claim
Nope, it's your claim, a mis-citation of someone else, and completely irrelevant to....
"Europeans appear as a mixture - 2/3 Asian, 1/3 African".
^ Unrefuted.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:rasol: agreed, as Europeans are just a genetic derivative of Asians later admixed with Africans, and not a distinct race. unrefuted.
quote:jackass writes: He and Bowcock are saying two completely different things.
^ This is a no-sequitur as there is no 'he' and 'bowcock' referenced above.
What is referenced is the fact, that Europeans are mixed.
Which is of course unrefuted...... still.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Whatever conclusions your white scholars reach.
^ The color of the skin of the scholar is irrelevant to the fact that Europeans are mixed.
Perhaps that's why scholars of all colors agree upon this.
Naturally, any conclusion from any respected scholar trumphs the laughably mindless brayings of a frustrated jackass such as yourself.
So, if you'll pardon the pun, I don't see your point.
Perhaps that's because you pull it out of your rear end->
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:you claimed Keita was in agreement
Regarding Europeans, here is what Keita and I agree with:
"Nuclear DNA studies also contribute to the deconstruction of received racial entities. Ann Bowcock and her colleague's interpretation (Bowcock et al. 1991; Bowcock et al. 1994) of analyses of restriction-site polymorphisms and microsatellite polymorphisms (STRPs) suggests that Europeans, the defining Caucasians, are descendants of a population that arose as a consequence of admixture between already differentiated populations ancestral to (some) Africans and Asians. Therefore, Caucasians would be a secondary type of race due to its hybrid origin and not a primary race". - American Anthropologist (1997)
^ Of course this is where we began, with Keita stating that Ann Bowcocks work deconstructs the race paradigm, because it shows that Europeans are not a race - because of their admixed origins.
And this is the very citation that you entered this thread in order to refute, some 40 pages ago.
Do you think you've succeeded?
Do you think in another 40 pages, you'll have done anything more, than drive your blood pressure ever higher, and to no avail?
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:jackass: post evidence to the contrary that they didn't use Chinese as proto-Asian?
^ Why, as the above is an elementary burdan of proof fallacy.
if you claim chinese are -used as proto-asians- for the dendrogram in question - then you must show this.
if you can't - and *obviously* you can't then your claim is empty.
You might as well claim that Native Americans are represented in the dendrogram by Christopher Columbus, as the -core- population.
It's a claim made with no proof, and so summarily dismissed, as a quite retarded jackass rant.
It's actually a wonder you are still so incompetent at debate, after 41 pages and hundreds of posts. rotfl.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasol: ^ Akoben = 41 pages of dumbstruck response to devastating facts.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote: There is no clearly distinguishable 'white race.' What Cavalli-Sforza calls the Caucasoids are a hybrid, about two-thirds Mongoloid and one-third African.
- New York Times, Nov, 2007
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:if you claim chinese are -used as proto-asians- for the dendrogram in question - then you must show this.
We are on page 42 and still you run like a bitch. Too late for your childish games. I already did pg. 90. Now go tell me about the other trees with numerous populations (Berber, Japanese etc) in the book showing your illiteracy yet again concerning the different kinds of trees for different analysis. And I will ask you again if your spamming tree is in History and Geography and watch you squirm once more.
quote:Regarding Europeans, here is what Keita and I agree with
You agreed that you're a jackass who reads ****. But Keita agrees with their racial divergence? Suggest you read The Persistence of Racial Thinking and Myth of Racial Divergence again inmate. Jailbirds don't usually get it the first time around, or the first four years for that matter. LOL
Thus they [Chinese, Pygmy and "Caucasoids of European origin"] are fairly representative of the world's aboriginal populations... who are presently being typed. - Bowcock et al.
quote: ^ Of course this is where we began, with Keita stating that Ann Bowcocks work deconstructs the race paradigm, because it shows that Europeans are not a race - because of their admixed origins.
41 pages and you still can't show how Europeans are "amixed" between two already differentiated populations Chinese (two-thirds Mongoloid LOL) and Forest Negro.
You're beaten down loser on stuck record mode reduced to face saving spam. Go home, you've take enough bating for the day.
Posted by Alive-(What Box) (Member # 10819) on :
rasol's right, opening this thread to read the comments of some jackass who seems to think he can 'shake' someone (as if he knows what he's talking about) really is enjoyable.
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:To construct a dendrogram who's "representations imply bifurcations or splitting of ancestral populations." you will have to use core populations.
^ Really, according to whom?
Please present the geneticist who will state something you call -core population- is the basis of all dendrogram?
If I construct a dendrogram of
adam and eve, which bifurcates to cane and able,
and further to 5 children of cane and 7 children of able, then what for you, would define - 'core' population?
How would you distinguish 'core' population, from any and everyone sampled, and in every study which reaches a similar conclusion?
If 'core population' is simply - every population studied in any genetic study, then isn't the term -core- population a redundancy?
I look forward to your laughable non-explanations.
Knew this wouldn't be answered, he doesn't want to be that obvious of a jackass [feigning the grasp of that which he speaks of].
Jackassoben, your last few comments directed at me have really done well to this end (of revealing just how much of a jackass with delusions (of grandeur?) you are).
quote:Originally posted by akoben: ^ And as for you butler:
"It [Bowcock et al.] implies them [Caucasians] to be (ironically) a result of the merging of authentic, already-differentiated, breeding populations [i.e. Chinese and Forest Nengro]... This however does not stop this fact (eg, that Europeans are the result of already differentiated Asian and African populations) [i.e. Chinese and Forest negro] from being relavant [sic] to destroying the racial ideologies that were somewhat persistant [sic] even in scientific studies."
[Naaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! ] -> your side commentary is really an insult to the whole objective of the studies.
quote:You didn't know what the **** you were actually supporting did you butler? Your inability to see beyond pleasing your "boys" lead you to support a study that implies racial divergence. A study that actually reinforces, not "destroy", the race ideology. You didnt realise the short fuse did you butler?
akoben, since it's now clear you've been banking on one of us being as ignorant and as much a [deflatable] egotistical jackass as you, and yet this clearly isn't the case: why not drop the act?
Why carry on? Is it because egotism is only the beginning of your problem here? Is it because you're a (lame ass) charlatan?
You've been trying to insert "true negro" into the equation for some 15? pages now. Remember, from the beginning [over a dozen pages ago], probably way back before you've ever read two paragraphs of Keita's or any other scientists work.
An attempt to rally us "predictable ES negroes" against your "white scientists" or what??
Finish what you've started assoben: define "racial divergence", and then explain how the study supports it. (This should be appetizing but probably won't happen)
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:Originally posted by rasol: ^ Akoben = 42 pages of dumbstruck response to devastating facts.
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:Originally posted by Mmmkay: ^ Unrefuted...I'll add.
"Europeans appear as a mixture - 2/3 Asian, 1/3 African".
"It can be shown that populations *resulting from admixture* are shorter than other branches".
"The existence of intermediate groups, tends to negate the validity of the concept of race."
"Europeans, are *not* a race"
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:jackass akoben writes: you claimed Keita was in agreement
Regarding Europeans, here is what Keita and I agree with:
"Nuclear DNA studies also contribute to the deconstruction of received racial entities. Ann Bowcock and her colleague's interpretation (Bowcock et al. 1991; Bowcock et al. 1994) of analyses of restriction-site polymorphisms and microsatellite polymorphisms (STRPs) suggests that Europeans, the defining Caucasians, are descendants of a population that arose as a consequence of admixture between already differentiated populations ancestral to (some) Africans and Asians. Therefore, Caucasians would be a secondary type of race due to its hybrid origin and not a primary race". - American Anthropologist (1997)
^ Of course this is where we began, with Keita stating that Ann Bowcocks work deconstructs the race paradigm, because it shows that Europeans are not a race - because of their admixed origins.
quote:jackass akoben writes: But Keita agrees with their racial divergence?
Keita and everyone else agrees that you're a wailing braying jackass...
quote:knowledge writes: Still no answers from the wailing braying jackass......
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Gaykoben writes: ^ Please tell me [rasolowitz] how can a Chinese be proto Asian, when their present pale phenotype is a recent evolutionary adaptation?
Lmao, what a dunce, of course Chinese carry ancestral Asian lineages, you dumbass. Just because their present pale phenotype is a recent evolutionary adaptation doesn't mean they're new to the world genetically, they still carry and are descended from humans who've been in Asia for millenia. Wow you're slow, but what more can I expect from a wailing braying jackass such as yourself???
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
quote:Where does Keita "acknowledge" Europeans are foundation a hybrid between two differentiated populations?
Please post the quote in which Bowcock or Sforza mentions Europeans to be hybrids at the foundation between two........ I bet you won't.
What's taking so long to produce that quote gaykoben?
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
quote:You can run but you can't hide. So the European "hybrid" consists of two-third Asian lineages?
Feel free to name the non Asian and non African lineages. Feel free to name European specific underived lineages.....
Still waiting........
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:41 pages and you still can't show how Europeans are "amixed" between two already differentiated populations Chinese (two-thirds Mongoloid LOL) and Forest Negro.
Poor kid tries so hard to distort it's hilarious.
The overall contributions from **Asia** and Africa** were estimated to be around two-thirds and one-third, respectively. Simulations have shown (7) that this hypothesis explains quite well the discrepancy between trees obtained by maximum likelihood and neighbor joining.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Of course it's been explained and proven a million times that Europeans consist totally of ancestral Asian and post OOA African lineages. There are no underived specific European lineages, if so care to take a crack at it???
What's taking so long????
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
quote:You can run but you can't hide. So the European "hybrid" consists of two-third Asian lineages?
Feel free to name the non Asian and non African lineages. Feel free to name European specific underived lineages.....
Still waiting........
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Of course the jackass can not disprove the fact that his beloved Europeans genetic distance from Africans is **significantly** smaller than **ALL** non African populations. Of course this is because one can show that a branch to a population resulting from admixture tends to be shorter than other branches.
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718: Unrefuted.....
One can show that a branch to a population resulting from admixture tends to be shorter than other branches when methods are used that do not require constant evolutionary rates, by a simple extension of the theoretical treatment of admixture between branches of a tree (22).
If genetic evolution in different lineages is independent and occurs at equal rates, we expect all distances between pairs of populations generated by a specific tree node to be equal (22). For example, all distances between African and non-African populations are expected to be equal. It is clear from Table 1 that the observed distances do not agree with this expectation: the distances between the African populations and Europeans are significantly smaller than the distances between the African populations and the other non-African populations.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:What's taking so long to produce that quote gaykoben?
How long are you going to keep up this pretense whiskey? I thought I was actually getting through to you.
So the European "hybrid" consists of two-third Mongoloid? I thought you said they were black? lol
quote:Please present the geneticist who will state something you call -core population- is the basis of all dendrogram?
You ladies scream the loudest when accusing other posters of straw man yet you are most guilty of it. I think they call it projecting.
We are not talking "all dendrograms" here butler, but Cavalli-Sforza's and its/his relation to the Bowcock et al. 1991 study. The rest of your post is just face saving crap to cover for your obvious misreading of Bowcock. Did I misquote you, misrepresented what you were saying dear? How, explain?
And rasolwoitz why are you still spamming that quote from Bowcock et al. and still pretending as if Keita is in agreement? Is it, like your use of the word "hybrid" after denouncing it as Evil Euro's logic, a face saving tactic on your part?
I mean even whiskey has moved beyond Bowcock now,
quote:Thus they [Chinese, Pygmy and "Caucasoids of European origin"] are fairly representative of the world's aboriginal populations... who are presently being typed. - Bowcock et al.
^ Please tell me [Mrs. Bowcock and colleagues] how can a Chinese be proto Asian, when their present pale phenotype is a recent evolutionary adaptation? No Pygmies are not proto African either. – whiskey
he's gone ahead of your slow remedial ass!
Even your own source exposes Cavalli-Sforza's core populations by referring to his two-thirds Asian as two-thirds Mongoloid.
Now why did they say two-thirds Mongoloid rasolwoitz? Under the racial schema when the "great divisions of mankind" are referenced, what group is traditionally used as Mongoloid? Blacks? LOL
"Incidentally, although Cavalli-Sforza et al. here use the terminology of Africans, Europeans, and Asians, it is clear from the populations included in each group that what they really mean is Caucasoids, Negroids, and Mongoloids."
So the European "hybrid" consists of two-third Mongoloid? I thought you said they were black?
And as if I needed further proof of the comprehensive beat down these fools suffered, look at how they are now reduced to arguing with themselves!!!!!!!!!
quote:whiskey writes: ^ Please tell me how can a Chinese be proto Asian, when their present pale phenotype is a recent evolutionary adaptation? No Pygmies are not proto African either.
Whiskey replies: Lmao, what a dunce, of course Chinese carry ancestral Asian lineages, you dumbass. Just because their present pale phenotype is a recent evolutionary adaptation doesn't mean they're new to the world genetically, they still carry and are descended from humans who've been in Asia for millenia. Wow you're slow, but what more can I expect from a wailing braying jackass such as yourself???
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Originally posted by akoben: [QB] [QUOTE]What's taking so long to produce that quote gaykoben?
How long are you going to keep up this pretense whiskey? I thought I was actually getting through to you.
So the European "hybrid" consists of two-third Mongoloid? I thought you said they were black? lol
Firstly, of course you can't and will never produce the quote.
Secondly, Europeans are consists of Ancestral Asian, not Mongoloid. Mongoloid is a false outdated anthropological term.
Thirdly, are you still saying Europeans in the Neolithic were black?
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
whiskey writes: ^ Please tell me how can a Chinese be proto Asian, when their present pale phenotype is a recent evolutionary adaptation? No Pygmies are not proto African either.
Whiskey replies: Lmao, what a dunce, of course Chinese carry ancestral Asian lineages, you dumbass. Just because their present pale phenotype is a recent evolutionary adaptation doesn't mean they're new to the world genetically, they still carry and are descended from humans who've been in Asia for millenia. Wow you're slow, but what more can I expect from a wailing braying jackass such as yourself???
quote:Firstly, of course you can't and will never produce the quote.
Stop saving face you look pathetic.
quote:Secondly Europeans are consists of Ancestral Asian, not Mongoloid. Mongoloid is a false outdated anthropological term.
Lmao! Tell this to rasolowitz!
quote:Thirdly are you still saying Europeans in the Neolithic were black?
Where did I say this produce the quote and post.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
^^^^As usual you post distractions when all else fails and you want to dodge questions huh gaykoben???
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718: Of course it's been explained and proven a million times that Europeans consist totally of ancestral Asian and post OOA African lineages. There are no underived specific European lineages, if so care to take a crack at it???
What's taking so long????
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
quote:You can run but you can't hide. So the European "hybrid" consists of two-third Asian lineages?
Feel free to name the non Asian and non African lineages. Feel free to name European specific underived lineages.....
Still waiting........
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
What's taking you so long to disprove this gaykoben??
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718: Of course the jackass can not disprove the fact that his beloved Europeans genetic distance from Africans is **significantly** smaller than **ALL** non African populations. Of course this is because one can show that a branch to a population resulting from admixture tends to be shorter than other branches.
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718: Unrefuted.....
One can show that a branch to a population resulting from admixture tends to be shorter than other branches when methods are used that do not require constant evolutionary rates, by a simple extension of the theoretical treatment of admixture between branches of a tree (22).
If genetic evolution in different lineages is independent and occurs at equal rates, we expect all distances between pairs of populations generated by a specific tree node to be equal (22). For example, all distances between African and non-African populations are expected to be equal. It is clear from Table 1 that the observed distances do not agree with this expectation: the distances between the African populations and Europeans are significantly smaller than the distances between the African populations and the other non-African populations.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
^ take your medicine my dear boy. You're now reduced to arguing with yourself [posted 14 December, 2008 05:58 PM] when your straws have produced no better result for you. Your masters studies are "fundamentally unsound" (Keita, 1997). <----- look and weep.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
^^^Meanwhile you still can't prove the fact that Europeans consist totally of ancestral Asian and post OOA African lineages, and that there are no underived specific European lineages wrong..........
Poor jackassoben
Damn these fundamentally unsound reports seem to have produced factual data. What's taking so you so long to disprove it?? Why haven't you pointed out those non Asian, non African lineages that would render these reports wrong???
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718: Of course it's been explained and proven a million times that Europeans consist totally of ancestral Asian and post OOA African lineages. There are no underived specific European lineages, if so care to take a crack at it???
What's taking so long????
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
quote:You can run but you can't hide. So the European "hybrid" consists of two-third Asian lineages?
Feel free to name the non Asian and non African lineages. Feel free to name European specific underived lineages.....
Still waiting........
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
^ in your maps, how do you add up all the lineages to equal two-thirds Mongoloid?
quote:Damn these fundamentally unsound reports seem to have produced factual data. What's taking so you so long to disprove it??
What's taking you so long to show where I denied OOA? To prove also that the "split" was between Chinese and Forest Negreos? (Bowcock et al.) Whats taking so long?
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Originally posted by akoben: ^ in your maps, how do you add up all the lineages to equal two-thirds Mongoloid?
Simply, there are no mongoloids, all those lineages are either Asian or African, and there are no European underived specific lineages. Europeans appear to be 2/3rd Asian and 1/3rd African.
quote:Damn these fundamentally unsound reports seem to have produced factual data. What's taking so you so long to disprove it??
What's taking you so long to show where I denied OOA? To prove also that the "split" was between Chinese and Forest Negreos? (Bowcock et al.) Whats taking so long?
Split between Chinese and forest Negroes? Lmao, you distortion junkie. Asian specific lineages are a fact, post OOA African lineages are also a fact. This is how we know where populations migrate, and from where.
Ex: E3b is post OOA African, J is Asian. Both present in Europeans as well. Feel free to disprove the fact that we are able to tell when a population is admixed or not through genes.....???? E3b appears in southern Europe, but we know it's a post OOA African lineage.
So you can either disprove Asian and post OOA African specific lineages, or show underived specific European lineages......
What's taking so damn long????
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718: Of course it's been explained and proven a million times that Europeans consist totally of ancestral Asian and post OOA African lineages. There are no underived specific European lineages, if so care to take a crack at it???
What's taking so long????
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718: [qb] [QUOTE]You can run but you can't hide. So the European "hybrid" consists of two-third Asian lineages?
Feel free to name the non Asian and non African lineages. Feel free to name European specific underived lineages.....
Still waiting........
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote: Split between Chinese and forest Negroes? Lmao, you distortion junkie. Asian specific lineages are a fact, post OOA African lineages are also a fact. This is how we know where populations migrate, and from where.
Oh my god, you said Bowcock et al. produced factual data. So tell me how is it a fact that the putative ancestral "split" between Africa and Asian (which rasolowitz labels a dubious model) was really between ancestral Chinese and ancestral Africans (Forest Negroes). How is this fact? I have been asking you this ever since you jumped in to help out your illiterate mentor. What's taking so long? Validate Bowcock et al.!!!
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Originally posted by akoben:
quote: Split between Chinese and forest Negroes? Lmao, you distortion junkie. Asian specific lineages are a fact, post OOA African lineages are also a fact. This is how we know where populations migrate, and from where.
Oh my god, you said Bowcock et al. produced factual data. So tell me how
They both (Cavalli and Bowcock) produced valid data, which you can't refute.....
Validated by Uniparentals:
Ex: E3b is post OOA African, J is Asian. Both present in Europeans as well. Feel free to disprove the fact that we are able to tell when a population is admixed or not through genes.....???? E3b appears in southern Europe, but we know it's a post OOA African lineage. So take a bunch of these specific post OOA African lineages and these specific ancestral Asian lineages and put them together, you'll end up with the modern European gene pool.
So you can either disprove Asian and post OOA African specific lineages, or show underived specific European lineages......
What's taking so damn long????
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718: Of course the jackass can not disprove the fact that his beloved Europeans genetic distance from Africans is **significantly** smaller than **ALL** non African populations. Of course this is because one can show that a branch to a population resulting from admixture tends to be shorter than other branches.
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718: Unrefuted.....
One can show that a branch to a population resulting from admixture tends to be shorter than other branches when methods are used that do not require constant evolutionary rates, by a simple extension of the theoretical treatment of admixture between branches of a tree (22).
If genetic evolution in different lineages is independent and occurs at equal rates, we expect all distances between pairs of populations generated by a specific tree node to be equal (22). For example, all distances between African and non-African populations are expected to be equal. It is clear from Table 1 that the observed distances do not agree with this expectation: the distances between the African populations and Europeans are significantly smaller than the distances between the African populations and the other non-African populations.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Jackassoben where'd you go???? Buwahahahahahahahahahaa
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
Validated by Uniparentals:
Ex: E3b is post OOA African, J is Asian. Both present in Europeans as well. Feel free to disprove the fact that we are able to tell when a population is admixed or not through genes.....???? E3b appears in southern Europe, but we know it's a post OOA African lineage. So take a bunch of these specific post OOA African lineages and these specific ancestral Asian lineages and put them together, you'll end up with the modern European gene pool.
So you can either disprove Asian and post OOA African specific lineages, or show underived specific European lineages......
What's taking so damn long????
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Thus they [Chinese, Pygmy and "Caucasoids of European origin"] are fairly representative of the world's aboriginal populations... who are presently being typed. - Bowcock et al.
This distortion junkie never quits......
Please tell me why you have to add delusions, and subtract words from the actual quotes?
quote: The populations typed for 100 DNA markers were (i) individuals of European origin from ongoing studies in our laboratories or reported in the literature; (ii) Chinese born in mainland China living in the San Francisco Bay Area; (iii) non-Austronesian speaking Melanesians from Bougainville (blood samples collected by J. Friedlaender); and (iv and v) two groups of African Pygmies, one from the Central African Republic and the other from northeastern Zaire. Thus they are fairly representative of the world's aboriginal populations, except for Amerind populations, who are presently being typed. ---Bowcock et al.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
quote:41 pages and you still can't show how Europeans are "amixed" between two already differentiated populations Chinese (two-thirds Mongoloid LOL) and Forest Negro.
Poor kid tries so hard to distort it's hilarious.
The overall contributions from **Asia** and Africa** were estimated to be around two-thirds and one-third, respectively. Simulations have shown (7) that this hypothesis explains quite well the discrepancy between trees obtained by maximum likelihood and neighbor joining.
- mongoloid - proto asian - forest negro - true negro - evil white scientists
all = brain dead jackass akoben crying like a baby because he has no answers.
Europeans are mixed. jackass babbling won't purify them. hahahahaha.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
^ Hey, rasolowitz, look at what whiskey does to your sources
New York Times, Nov, 2007 - "Europeans are consists of Ancestral Asian, not Mongoloid."!!!!!!! - whiskey
Now look at what he does to your Bowcock et al.
Bowcock et al. - "Please tell me [Mrs. Bowcock and colleagues] how can a Chinese be proto Asian, when their present pale phenotype is a recent evolutionary adaptation? No Pygmies are not proto African either." - Whiskey
Nothing smacks of betrayal when your own friends cut you loose.
quote:They both (Cavalli and Bowcock) produced valid data, which you can't refute.....
*sigh* Poor you. I know you will soon start arguing against even this, calling yourself DUNCE once more. That's the one thing boy I totally agree with you on!
Now look boy, you started out saying Keita was in agreement with Bowcock e al. and their study: i.e. the European is foundationally an admixed group i.e. the result of gene flow between two distinct "races", two EXTREMES a Chinese (or Mongoloid c/o rasolowitz) and a Forest Negro. This is what a "foundationally admixed group" means: the result of gene flow between two distinct "races". (Keita, 1999)
Page 42 and you still cannot show how racial divergence c/o Bowcock et al. occurred in early human development. You cannot validate Bowcock et al. What you have posted is evidence of population expansion which is your pathetic straw to hide the fact of the specific claims of Bowcock et al. which are not merely population expansion (which others document) but racial divergence. I will ram this down your throat again:
quote:What is actually a population expansion has been mistakenly termed "racial divergence," which implies morphological differentiation into the recognizable entities now labeled "races."
^ two already differentiated populations, two extremes...not a fact!
quote:This distortion junkie never quits......Please tell me why you have to add delusions, and subtract words from the actual quotes?
Oh my god, another straw. This one even worse than the others since you showed us who the "they" are in that quote. You're not even good at straws anymore boy. You're finished.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Oh my god, another straw.
^ God abandoned you at birth with your defective jackass brain.
Every post you write is an idiotic strawman, no-sequitur, or miscitation.
You sure are a silly little jackass.
With, no answers.....
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
quote:41 pages and you still can't show how Europeans are "amixed" between two already differentiated populations Chinese (two-thirds Mongoloid LOL) and Forest Negro.
Poor kid tries so hard to distort it's hilarious.
The overall contributions from **Asia** and Africa** were estimated to be around two-thirds and one-third, respectively. Simulations have shown (7) that this hypothesis explains quite well the discrepancy between trees obtained by maximum likelihood and neighbor joining.
- mongoloid - proto asian - forest negro - true negro - evil white scientists
all = brain dead jackass akoben crying like a baby because he has no answers.
Europeans are mixed. jackass babbling won't purify them. hahahahaha.
Posted by Alive-(What Box) (Member # 10819) on :
It's not the end of the world if you don't know what you're talking about akoben.
The sheer thought that there are no real or scientifically valid biological subdivisions of humans beyond the HSS species is probably quite difficult to grasp for most people today (especially left-brain -oriented Westerners).
So it follows that a charlatan would have even more troubles with grasping the fact that population differentiation still exists (and is practically un-avoidable) between seperated populations. Or that subjective interpretations of phenotype (black) or fabrications like nationality (Chinese [img][/img]) have no bearing on (the real and genetically traceable) said differentiation [Australia's aboriginal population & Africa's are differentiated]. By the way, I read the page before RE-ing your soggy sarcasm jackass.
explained Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
4+4= 8 2+2+2+2= 8 5+3=8 6+2=8 7+1=8
Regardless of samples, it reveals the same results.
Jackassoben What's taking so damn long??
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718: Jackassoben where'd you go???? Buwahahahahahahahahahaa
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
Validated by Uniparentals:
Ex: E3b is post OOA African, J is Asian. Both present in Europeans as well. Feel free to disprove the fact that we are able to tell when a population is admixed or not through genes.....???? E3b appears in southern Europe, but we know it's a post OOA African lineage. So take a bunch of these specific post OOA African lineages and these specific ancestral Asian lineages and put them together, you'll end up with the modern European gene pool.
So you can either disprove Asian and post OOA African specific lineages, or show underived specific European lineages......
What's taking so damn long????
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718: Jackassoben
4+4= 8 2+2+2+2= 8 5+3=8 6+2=8 7+1=8
Regardless of samples, it reveals the same results.
Jackassoben What's taking so damn long??
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718: Jackassoben where'd you go???? Buwahahahahahahahahahaa
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
Validated by Uniparentals:
Ex: E3b is post OOA African, J is Asian. Both present in Europeans as well. Feel free to disprove the fact that we are able to tell when a population is admixed or not through genes.....???? E3b appears in southern Europe, but we know it's a post OOA African lineage. So take a bunch of these specific post OOA African lineages and these specific ancestral Asian lineages and put them together, you'll end up with the modern European gene pool.
So you can either disprove Asian and post OOA African specific lineages, or show underived specific European lineages......
What's taking so damn long????
Now look boy, you started out saying Keita was in agreement with Bowcock e al. and their study: i.e. the European is foundationally an admixed group i.e. the result of gene flow between two distinct "races", two EXTREMES a Chinese (or Mongoloid c/o rasolowitz) and a Forest Negro. This is what a "foundationally admixed group" means: the result of gene flow between two distinct "races". (Keita, 1999)
Page 42 and you still cannot show how racial divergence c/o Bowcock et al. occurred in early human development. You cannot validate Bowcock et al. What you have posted is evidence of population expansion which is your pathetic straw to hide the fact of the specific claims of Bowcock et al. which are not merely population expansion (which others document) but racial divergence. I will ram this down your throat again:
quote:What is actually a population expansion has been mistakenly termed "racial divergence," which implies morphological differentiation into the recognizable entities now labeled "races."
^ two already differentiated populations, two extremes...not a fact!
Aliveboy, it follows that a forum butler wouldn't understand that "already differentiated" in this context does not mean two genetically differentiated black populations, aboriginal Australians and Africans, but two racially differentiated populations African and Chinese. Hence Europeans are hybrids at foundation. I suspect you did know this after I schooled you, but I understand that you need a good come back from your **** up. I suggest you try spamming Keita-debunked trees like rasolowitz.
But no matter how many times you spam or spin you misinterpreted what Bowcock et al. were really arguing and thought Keita was in agreement when he clearly was not. You're all finished, its all face saving from here on.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Posted delusionally by Gaykoben: Now look boy, you started out saying Keita was in agreement with Bowcock e al. and their study: i.e. the European is foundationally an admixed group i.e. the result of gene flow between two distinct "races", two EXTREMES a Chinese (or Mongoloid c/o rasolowitz) and a Forest Negro. This is what a "foundationally admixed group" means: the result of gene flow between two distinct "races". (Keita, 1999)
Page 42 and you still cannot show how racial divergence c/o Bowcock et al. occurred in early human development. You cannot validate Bowcock et al. What you have posted is evidence of population expansion which is your pathetic straw to hide the fact of the specific claims of Bowcock et al. which are not merely population expansion (which others document) but racial divergence. I will ram this down your throat again:
Already validated, what's taking you so damn long address the following??
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
Validated by Uniparentals:
Ex: E3b is post OOA African, J is Asian. Both present in Europeans as well. Feel free to disprove the fact that we are able to tell when a population is admixed or not through genes.....???? E3b appears in southern Europe, but we know it's a post OOA African lineage. So take a bunch of these specific post OOA African lineages and these specific ancestral Asian lineages and put them together, you'll end up with the modern European gene pool.
So you can either disprove Asian and post OOA African specific lineages, or show underived specific European lineages......
What's taking so damn long????
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
quote:Posted delusionally by Gaykoben: Now look boy, you started out saying Keita was in agreement with Bowcock e al. and their study: i.e. the European is foundationally an admixed group i.e. the result of gene flow between two distinct "races", two EXTREMES a Chinese (or Mongoloid c/o rasolowitz) and a Forest Negro. This is what a "foundationally admixed group" means: the result of gene flow between two distinct "races". (Keita, 1999)
Page 42 and you still cannot show how racial divergence c/o Bowcock et al. occurred in early human development. You cannot validate Bowcock et al. What you have posted is evidence of population expansion which is your pathetic straw to hide the fact of the specific claims of Bowcock et al. which are not merely population expansion (which others document) but racial divergence. I will ram this down your throat again:
Already validated, what's taking you so damn long address the following??
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
Validated by Uniparentals:
Ex: E3b is post OOA African, J is Asian. Both present in Europeans as well. Feel free to disprove the fact that we are able to tell when a population is admixed or not through genes.....???? E3b appears in southern Europe, but we know it's a post OOA African lineage. So take a bunch of these specific post OOA African lineages and these specific ancestral Asian lineages and put them together, you'll end up with the modern European gene pool.
So you can either disprove Asian and post OOA African specific lineages, or show underived specific European lineages......
What's taking so damn long????
Oh really? You validated Bowcock et al.'s racial divergence? In all your bait and switching I must have missed it. Please do explain again.
While your at it, were the bearers of J Chinese/Mongoloid c/o Bowcock and rasolowitz? Show how this "Chinese" mix adds up to 65% in "Europeans". And please don't spam your map again that shows ALL lineages overlapping (which underscores Keita point about unsound geographic tree branching methods.)
Don't run like bitch when Boofer asked you to show how your lineages added up. Show statistically how J adds up to 65%.
And you will have to put Berbers under "Caucasoid"/Europeans as Sforza thinks its "no surprise" that North Africans are such! (p. 77 and 100) See too his coloring map on cover of his racist book for N.Africa in green - "Caucasoid" territory. LOL
So then, based on Sforza and you N.Africans are 65% Chinese and rest "African"? Also, since you admire his "scientific" work so much, do you think like him that Ethiopians could have been "Caucasoids"? LOL
Posted by Alive-(What Box) (Member # 10819) on :
quote:Originally posted by Alive-(What Box): It's not the end of the world if you don't know what you're talking about akoben.
The sheer thought that there are no real or scientifically valid biological subdivisions of humans beyond the HSS species is probably quite difficult to grasp for most people today, especially left-brain-oriented [which means non-holistic minded] Euro NAZIs.
You can either disprove Asian specific, and post OOA African specific lineages, or show underived specific European lineages...... what's taking so damn long?
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
Validated by Uniparentals:
Ex: E3b is post OOA African, J is Asian. Both present in Europeans as well. Feel free to disprove the fact that we are able to tell when a population is admixed or not through genes.....???? E3b appears in southern Europe, but we know it's a post OOA African lineage. So take a bunch of these specific post OOA African lineages and these specific ancestral Asian lineages and put them together, you'll end up with the modern European gene pool.
So you can either disprove Asian and post OOA African specific lineages, or show underived specific European lineages......
What's taking so damn long????
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
Oh come now whiskey, are we going to do this again? You start running then I chase you until you are forced to under cut your own sources, then you curse yourself [posted 4 December, 2008 05:58 PM] for doing it!!!
As I said, add up all those Asian and African lineages you keep spamming and show us how they confirm Bowcock et al.'s "valid data" of 65% Chinese and 35% African, the later is especially important since they only sampled the "Forest Negro". How did they all add up?
Show your working please e.g. such and such African lineage equals such and such percentage; and such and such Asian linage equals such and such percentage. And lets see if they add up to 65% and 35%.
And reference your answer. Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Jackassoben, you and your strawmen, I am not going to sit here and count lineages for you, I already posted the Mtdna and Y maps in front of your face, do your own work, show where it doesn't add up. Geneticists came up with the number. Look at the maps below you will note that Europe is consisted purely of derived lineages, none underived. All are either Asian or African. Let me know when you find otherwise.....
One reasonable hypothesis is that the genetic distance between Asia and Africa is shorter than that between Africa and the other continents in Table 1 because both Africans and Asians contributed to the settlement of Europe , which began about 40,000 years ago. It seems very reasonable to assume that both continents nearest to Europe contributed to its settlement, even if perhaps at different times and maybe repeatedly. It is reassuring that the analysis of other markers also consistently gives the same results in this case. Moreover, a specific evolutionary model tested, i.e., that Europe is formed by contributions from Asia and Africa, fits the distance matrix perfectly (6). In this simplified model, the migrations postulated to have populated Europe are estimated to have occurred at an early date (30,000 years ago), but it is impossible to distinguish, on the basis of these data, this model from that of several migrations at different times. The overall contributions from Asia and Africa were estimated to be around two-thirds and one-third, respectively. Simulations have shown (7) that this hypothesis explains quite well the discrepancy between trees obtained by maximum likelihood and neighbor joining.
^^^^Either disprove Asian and post OOA African specific lineages, or show underived specific European lineages......
What's taking so damn long????
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718: Damn jackassoben you and your redundant nonsense.
You can either disprove Asian specific, and post OOA African specific lineages, or show underived specific European lineages...... what's taking so damn long?
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
Validated by Uniparentals:
Ex: E3b is post OOA African, J is Asian. Both present in Europeans as well. Feel free to disprove the fact that we are able to tell when a population is admixed or not through genes.....???? E3b appears in southern Europe, but we know it's a post OOA African lineage. So take a bunch of these specific post OOA African lineages and these specific ancestral Asian lineages and put them together, you'll end up with the modern European gene pool.
So you can either disprove Asian and post OOA African specific lineages, or show underived specific European lineages......
What's taking so damn long????
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Akoben, What's taking so damn long????
-> it's the jackass factor....
^ keeps him pinned down, by the facts.
- 2/3 Asian, 1/3 African. - short stemmed, hybrid - derived, non fundamental - not a race
Posted by xyyman (Member # 13597) on :
You guys have too much time on your hands.
Posted by xyyman (Member # 13597) on :
@ Knowledge from your illustration I assume that you are saying that Y-HG-I orginated in the Balkans. FYI- Not everyone agrees. Eg Underhill confirmed that it originated in far northern Europe and is less than 6kyo. Which coincedentily corresponds to the apperance of white skin, where the “whitess” people are found. Where the LGM completely covered. Most like those that were trapped lived in caves and therefore developed the white skin to survive. And those that moved or were south remained “black”. So Meninarmer may have a point. Cave dwelling is the stimulus that developed the white skin.
In human genetics, Haplogroup I1 is a Y chromosome haplogroup occurring at greatest frequency in Scandinavia, associated with the mutations identified as M253, M307, P30, and P40. These are known as single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). It is a subclade of Haplogroup I. Before a reclassification in 2008,[1] the group was known as Haplogroup I1a.[2] Many individuals and organizations continue to use the I1a designation. The group displays a very clear frequency gradient, with a peak of approximately 40 percent among the populations of western Finland and more than 50 percent in the province of Satakunta,[3] around 35 percent in southern Norway, southwestern Sweden especially on the island of Gotland, and Denmark, with rapidly decreasing frequencies toward the edges of the historically Germanic sphere of influence
However, professor Ken Nordtvedt of Montana State University believes that I1 is a more recent group, probably emerging after the LGM.[8] Other researchers including Peter A. Underhill of the Human Population Genetics Laboratory at Stanford University have since confirmed this hypothesis in independent research. The study of I1, which some had argued was largely ignored by the genetic testing industry in favor of "mega-haplogroups" like R, is in flux. Revisions and updates to previous thinking, primarily published in academic journals, is constant, yet slow, showing an evolution in thought and scientific evidence.[11] The most recent common ancestor (MRCA) of I1 lived from 4,000 to 6,000 years ago somewhere in the far northern part of Europe, perhaps Denmark, according to Nordtvedt. His descendants are primarily found among the Germanic populations of northern Europe and the bordering Uralic and Celtic populations, although even in traditionally German demographics I1 is overshadowed by the more prevalent Haplogroup R.
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
Posted by Alive-(What Box) (Member # 10819) on :
quote:Originally posted by Young H*O*R*U*S: All the racial classifications (inc. the newer ones like mutiracial, biracial, multiethnic etc) are only meant to cause confusion among coloured people.
As far as the white-supremacists are concerned, there are white people are there are coloured people. End of story.
In reality there are 3 ultimate political groups on this planet (only ONE race) and they are:
The STATED focus of these groups is to discredit the so-called ‘One-Drop Rule’,
^ Yes, the strawman around which they attempt to hide their hatred of their own Black ancestry.
They are obvious in my opinion. Not a word comes out of their mouths that can effectively hide their true motivation.
quote:The reality is they are not fighting racism (which is White Supremacy in essence). They are fighting for their own privilege in the White caste social structure.
Correct of course, and this is why they focus their rhetoric on attacking the reality of Black identity construct.
The construct of European-whiteness, or Jewishness is either unaddressed or only poo-pooh'ed in passing, in hopes of lessoning the sheer obviousness of their manifest hypocrisy.
quote:If they were TRULY fighting racism they would challenge the notion of ‘Whiteness’ because this is where the privilege is held. They would point out that race is a pseudo-scientific concept because almost everyone on earth is ‘mixed’ and Mediterranean Europeans have substantial and recent African genetic inputs.
Mixed race racism, and pure race racism are the same thing.
One thing you should the case of the "Latino" variations of this racist ideology, they are also interested in maintaining the marginalisation and sublimation of Native Americans - by burying their distinct identity and status as aboriginal peoples... within the essentially Eurocentric construct of Latino, or Hispanic, which is why many Native Americans reject this appelation.
The mixed race racialist ideologues are ultimately ineffective, as their identity constructs are too internally conflicted, and defined in negative contexts - ie - what they 'aren't' as opposed to what they 'are'.
If you scratch beneath their surface, invariably you find identity confusion and anger searching for a target-outlet. Blacks are simply their preferred target.
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:She is the nemesis of those who advocate the uniquely American notion that there is no such thing as a White person with African ancestry
translation: waah, waah, why can't i be white?
the answer is white americans created their particular version of aparthied to prevent people like her from polluting it with their non-white ancestry.
this is the reality of the contempt in which she is held by white supremacy, which is the logical, though intimidating target of her wrath.
easier by far to attack a strawman, than to confront a powerful adversary.
The white Brazilian population, paradoxically, seems to be an excellent resource with which to study the phylogeny of western- and central-African mtDNA.
quote:Originally posted by rasol: Notice something revealing about this line...
[In America] that there is no such thing as a White person with African ancestry
Actually the American race definition system doesn't care about "African" ancestry.
African is not one of their 'races'.
What is actually at issue is if you can be a 'White' american with Black ancestry.
This is what the writer of the above means to address.
But they can't even bring themselves to do so.
The must eliminate Black even from the 'question they are asking' [whiteness is still there however], thus giving themselves away.
Like I said....they [Frank Sweet and the like] have no idea of just how transparent their racism is. They think they are hiding it, from themselves...maybe, but not from anyone who is the least bit perceptive.
quote:Originally posted by X-Ras: My mother is a Redbone and so am I, we don't deny our blackness nor are we fighting for a position in the white caste social structure. You have some that do this and these are the very "near white" looking ones who can "pass".
The share of Americans who identify themselves as multiracial has shrunk this decade, an unexpected trend in an increasingly diverse nation.
About 1.9% of the people checked off more than one race in a 2005 Census Bureau survey of 3 million households, a meaningful decline from two surveys in 2000.
Jungmiwha Bullock, president of the Association of MultiEthnic Americans, is not surprised. Some believe that identifying more than one race negates racial identity, she says. "To say you're black and Asian doesn't mean you're not black," she says. "I don't say I'm half black and half Korean. I'm 100% black, and I'm 100% Korean."
The Census numbers "clearly underestimate how many people are mixed race," says Daniel Lichter, a professor at Cornell University who has studied intermarriages. "People aren't willing to define themselves as such."
quote:Originally posted by rasol: In and American political context, the biggest proponents of the mixed race catagories are the Neo conservative whites.
What they actually wish to do, is dilute the pool of people who identify as Black in the United States.
It's a purely self-serving political tactic of white supremacy in the United States.
Note: never do any of these white conservatives, aknowledge their own 'mixed' ancestry and declare themselves 'non white'.
Some American of 'mixed' heritage are on to the game, this is clearly not what they expected when they added 'mixed' catagory to the American ethnocencus.
quote:Originally posted by King_Scorpion: I'm a very political person, and know a lot about the Neocon "movement" in the US. Though, I've never read or heard anything about what you're talking about.
quote:Originally posted by rasol: ^^ George Will Advocates For Multiracial Classification (10/97) Washington Post...
...should read, but *not* for himself, or say Thomas Jefferson, or the Ancient Greeks or other 'founders' of western [aka white] civilisation.....
Get the picture?
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:@ Knowledge from your illustration I assume that you are saying that Y-HG-I orginated in the Balkans. FYI- Not everyone agrees. Eg Underhill confirmed that it originated in far northern Europe and is less than 6kyo.
Haplogroup I1 is a subclade of Haplogroup I. The former is recent, place of origin believed to be in Scandanavia. Haplogroup I arose 20-25kya.
quote: Which coincedentily corresponds to the apperance of white skin, where the “whitess” people are found. Where the LGM completely covered. Most like those that were trapped lived in caves and therefore developed the white skin to survive. And those that moved or were south remained “black”. So Meninarmer may have a point. Cave dwelling is the stimulus that developed the white skin.
Why would white skin help you survive in caves?
Anyway, this clown meninarmers point is not that Europeans turned white from the caves, his premise is that African albinos migrated from Africa looking for refuge from the sun, and became today's Europeans.
Anyway this too is not the reason for pale skin neither is living in caves, as I have explained Ad nauseum, and I know you've read it.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
Look, just admit it Clulessiskey718 that you have no idea how your Italian racialist came up with the numbers. Just as how you had no idea they were referring to Chinese/Mongolians and racial divergence. He could have pulled any number out of his ass and you would spam that **** too. That is how pathetic you are. You can pull as many straws out of your ass as you like (both Africans and Asians contributed to the settlement of Europe - no ****?!... ) but why is it taking so long for you to show us how your numbers add up? You keep spamming it so you should know how they came up with it. How do you know if its correct or not?
What's taking so damn long????
quote:Europeans - short stemmed, hybrid - rasolowitz
quote:Don't let EuroDisney bait you into calling Southern Europeans hybrids as a form of revenge argument. Cavalli-Szforza and others found that Europeans collectively cluster IN BETWEEN AFRICA AND EAST ASIA. Using Disney's logic you could then call the whole white "race" mongrel-hybrid, etc…. By Disney's ridiculous rhetoric and logic-free semantics.... wherein intermediacy on a genetic distance map somehow equates to hybrid, European whites are merely mongrel-hybrids of Black and Asian pure races. – rasolowitz
If Southern Europeans and the mixed Middle Easterners are not hybrids then what are they?
rasolowitz replies: Middle Easterns are mixed, Southern Europeans are mixed.
quote:Whiskey writes: ^ Please tell me how can a Chinese be proto Asian, when their present pale phenotype is a recent evolutionary adaptation? No Pygmies are not proto African either.
Whiskey replies: Lmao, what a dunce, of course Chinese carry ancestral Asian lineages, you dumbass. Just because their present pale phenotype is a recent evolutionary adaptation doesn't mean they're new to the world genetically, they still carry and are descended from humans who've been in Asia for millenia. Wow you're slow, but what more can I expect from a wailing braying jackass such as yourself???
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
^^^More jackass redundant distraction from the squirming non answering nitwit. Of course I know how they came up with the numbers, uni-parentals, Y-dna and Mtdna, Asian specific and African specific lineages. The maps show that all the lineages are either Asian or African derivatives.......Validated by Uni-parentals:
Ex: E3b is post OOA African, J is Asian. Both present in Europeans as well. Feel free to disprove the fact that we are able to tell when a population is admixed or not through genes.....???? E3b appears in southern Europe, but we know it's a post OOA African lineage. So take a bunch of these specific post OOA African lineages and these specific ancestral Asian lineages and put them together, you'll end up with the modern European gene pool. All lineages below are either Asian or African derivatives....
So you can either disprove Asian and post OOA African specific lineages, or show underived specific European lineages......
What's taking so damn long???? Stop running!!!!
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
quote:Gaykoben writes: ^ Please tell me [rasolowitz] how can a Chinese be proto Asian, when their present pale phenotype is a recent evolutionary adaptation?
Lmao, what a dunce, of course Chinese carry ancestral Asian lineages, you dumbass. Just because their present pale phenotype is a recent evolutionary adaptation doesn't mean they're new to the world genetically, they still carry and are descended from humans who've been in Asia for millenia. Wow you're slow, but what more can I expect from a wailing braying jackass such as yourself???
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:So you can either disprove Asian and post OOA African specific lineages, or show underived specific European lineages......
What's taking so damn long????
^ Lack of support from a single scholar, or any study that can refute the above.
Of course....
Not even one.
And this, after hundreds of laughable posts, all apparently dedicated to showing just how stupid he is.
Why is that?
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:Akoben, What's taking so damn long????
-> it's the jackass factor....
^ keeps him pinned down, by the facts.
- 2/3 Asian, 1/3 African. - short stemmed, hybrid - derived, non fundamental - not a race
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:Of course I know how they came up with the numbers, uni-parentals, Y-dna and Mtdna, Asian specific and African specific lineages.The maps show that all the lineages are either Asian or African derivatives - Clulessiskey718
Yes, how does your map spams add up to 65% (or two-thirds Mongoloid for that matter), why not 35%? Where did they work it out? Did they pull the percentage out of their white Italian ass or was there a structured method in reaching those numbers?
Show your working please e.g. such and such African lineage equals such and such percentage; and such and such Asian linage equals such and such percentage. And lets see if they add up to 65% and 35%.
And reference your answer.
What's taking so damn long????
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
One reasonable hypothesis is that the genetic distance between Asia and Africa is shorter than that between Africa and the other continents in Table 1 because both Africans and Asians contributed to the settlement of Europe , which began about 40,000 years ago. It seems very reasonable to assume that both continents nearest to Europe contributed to its settlement, even if perhaps at different times and maybe repeatedly. It is reassuring that the analysis of other markers also consistently gives the same results in this case. Moreover, a specific evolutionary model tested, i.e., that Europe is formed by contributions from Asia and Africa, fits the distance matrix perfectly (6). In this simplified model, the migrations postulated to have populated Europe are estimated to have occurred at an early date (30,000 years ago), but it is impossible to distinguish, on the basis of these data, this model from that of several migrations at different times. The overall contributions from Asia and Africa were estimated to be around two-thirds and one-third, respectively. Simulations have shown (7) that this hypothesis explains quite well the discrepancy between trees obtained by maximum likelihood and neighbor joining.
quote:Originally posted by rasol: [qb] [QUOTE]So you can either disprove Asian and post OOA African specific lineages, or show underived specific European lineages......
What's taking so damn long????
^ Lack of support from a single scholar, or any study that can refute the above.
Of course....
Not even one.
And this, after hundreds of laughable posts, all apparently dedicated to showing just how stupid he is.
Why is that?
Well, because...........
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
Jackassoben sits in confusion, trying to figure out how to fit the square peg into the round hole.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
Yes it must be very difficult for you to fit you square Chinese lineages/pegs. But retreating to your spams wont save you boy as it was already established that Keita does not agree with your geographical continental clustering and tree branching,
"individuals from geographically separate and morphologically different "racial" groups sometimes possess mtDNA sequences more similar to each other's than to those of their assigned group." – Keita
Unless you are going to use racialist notions of clustering that places North Africans in the Caucasoids/Europeans branch and not African! (p. 77 and 100) fit the square peg into the round hole!
Yes, how does your map spams add up to 65% (or two-thirds Mongoloid for that matter), why not 35%? Where did they work it out? Did they pull the percentage out of their white Italian ass or was there a structured method in reaching those numbers?
Show your working please e.g. such and such African lineage equals such and such percentage; and such and such Asian linage equals such and such percentage. And lets see if they add up to 65% and 35%.
And reference your answer.
What's taking so damn long????
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
^^^ You can either disprove Asian and post OOA African specific lineages, or show underived specific European lineages......
^^This is what you are required to do, stop distracting.
What's taking so damn long???? Stop running!!!!
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
Where did I deny it?
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Originally posted by akoben: Where did I deny it?
Case closed.
Take a bunch of these specific post OOA African lineages and these specific ancestral Asian lineages and put them together, you'll end up with the modern European gene pool. All lineages showed are either Asian or post OOA African derived. Where is your confusion? Why do you question the fact that Europeans are consisted totally of ancestral Asian and post OOA derived lineages?
One reasonable hypothesis is that the genetic distance between Asia and Africa is shorter than that between Africa and the other continents in Table 1 because both Africans and Asians contributed to the settlement of Europe , which began about 40,000 years ago. It seems very reasonable to assume that both continents nearest to Europe contributed to its settlement, even if perhaps at different times and maybe repeatedly. It is reassuring that the analysis of other markers also consistently gives the same results in this case. Moreover, a specific evolutionary model tested, i.e., that Europe is formed by contributions from Asia and Africa, fits the distance matrix perfectly (6). In this simplified model, the migrations postulated to have populated Europe are estimated to have occurred at an early date (30,000 years ago), but it is impossible to distinguish, on the basis of these data, this model from that of several migrations at different times. The overall contributions from Asia and Africa were estimated to be around two-thirds and one-third, respectively. Simulations have shown (7) that this hypothesis explains quite well the discrepancy between trees obtained by maximum likelihood and neighbor joining. ---Sforza Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
Clueless wants to hurry up and "close" the case on his bait and switch argument, hoping to forget his former debunked position: i.e. Keita was in agreement with Bowcock et al.'s racial divergence theory of 65% Chinese and 35% Forest Negro.
^ It is that argument/case, boy, which is closed on you. Never mind your distraction re population expansion, OOA.
But if you want you can always try to validate Bowcock et al.'s "factual data" by telling us how does your contemporary maps answer the question of how the "European" at foundation was formed by 65% Chinese and 35% Forest Negro or two-thirds Mongolian and rest one-third "African" (Pygmy) for that matter. How did they arrive at these figures for each? From their "core population" samples? How? What's taking so damn long???? I think I know why?
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
^^No, you're case is closed, and your brain is as well.
quote: Tree constructed by maximum likelihood, assuming a model of admixture between ancestral Africans and ancestral Asians, fitting the distances of the lower triangle of Table 1. According to this model two divergent populations contribute in specified proportions to form a new population. Variouspairs of ancestral populations from which the European branch may have descended badmixture were tested for choosing ancestral types that contributed to the admixture. Data were found to be most consistent with this tree; ancestral Europeans are estimated to be an admixture of 65% ancestral Chinese and 35% ancestral Africans.--Bowcock
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
Please tell me how can a Chinese be proto Asian, when their present pale phenotype is a recent evolutionary adaptation? No Pygmies are not proto African either. – cluelessiskey718
[posted 10 December, 2008 08:30 PM]
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
^^^Indeed I was talking about phenotype, which was when you were trying to distract and discredit Chinese as ancestral Asian because their phenotype is recent. Their phenotype is recent, but their genes are ancestral, carried for millenia. You jackass.
Now bray another redundant insignificant comment.......
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
Oh boy, this is interesting you're trying to backtrack with this one too. Ok, so you're saying now that the Chinese (stereotypical Mongolians) are in fact the ancestral Asians as Bowcock et al. implies and Forest Negroes are proto-African too?
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
Latin redundant-, redundans, present participle of redundare to overflow — more at redound Date: 1594
: exceeding what is necessary or normal :
: characterized by similarity or repetition
:no longer needed for a job and hence laid off
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718: ^^^ You can either disprove Asian and post OOA African specific lineages, or show underived specific European lineages......
^^This is what you are required to do, stop distracting.
What's taking so damn long???? Stop running!!!!
quote:Originally posted by akoben: Where did I deny it?
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
Why don't you answer the post boy? Are we going to do this again? Stop dodging and start answering.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Originally posted by akoben: why don't you answer the post boy? are we going to do this again?
I don't answer to redundancy, nor clowns who never answer a single question asked to them ever such as yourself.
All lineages showed are either Asian or post OOA African derived. Take a bunch of these specific post OOA African lineages and these specific ancestral Asian lineages as mentioned and put them together, you'll end up with the modern European gene pool.
You can either disprove Asian and post OOA African specific lineages, or show underived specific European lineages......
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
So your new position is that Chinese are in fact "ancestral Asian" because they have genes from Palaeolithic Asians even though they are a recent evolutionary adaptation. Wouldn't that make Bowcock et al.'s "Caucasoids of European origin" too represent "ancestral Europeans" even though "Caucasoids" too are recent evolutionary adaptation? And, wouldn't that make the "Pygmies" a candidate too for proto African since they, like the Chinese, are decendants from the proto?
And wouldn't all this come right back to your support for Bowcock et al.'s racial divergence theory? Stop dodging and start answering.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
^^^Too simple. Yawns..............
quote:So your new position is that Chinese are in fact "ancestral Asian" because they have genes from Palaeolithic Asians even though they are a recent evolutionary adaptation.
New position? Lol. Of course Chinese carry ancestral Asian lineages, their paleness is recent.
quote: Wouldn't that make Bowcock et al.'s "Caucasoids of European origin" too represent "ancestral Europeans"
10% of modern Europeans are ancestral to Europe from 45kya. Another 80 percent arrived 30,000 to 20,000 years ago, before the peak of the last glaciation, and 10 percent came in the Neolithic 10,000 years ago, when the ice age ended and agriculture was first introduced to Europe from the Near East. Lineages they carry are ancestral Asian derived, and post OOA African lineages.
quote:even though "Caucasoids" too are recent evolutionary adaptation?
"Caucasoids" a recent evoltuionary adaptation? Europeans present paleness is a recent evolutionary adaptation, as is East Asian. Both carry ancestral lineages which arose in Asia.
quote: And, wouldn't that make the "Pygmies" a candidate too for proto African since they, like the Chinese, are decendants from the proto?
Pygmies carry Y-dna haplogroup B. Well, after Y-haplogroup A, it is the second oldest and one of the most diverse human Y-haplogroups.
quote:And wouldn't all this come right back to your support for Bowcock et al.'s racial divergence theory?
Nope. It all comes back to haplogroup origins. Ie, post OOA African specific, Asian specific etc...
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
Now your new position, to desperately try and validate Bowcock et al.'s racial divergence theory, is to argue that any samples can be "appropriate" representations based on the fact that subjects are descendants of the original. However, you said categorically both Chinese and Pygmies are not proto anything. "No Pygmies are not proto African either" Why the new position?
And also bear in mind even your latest bizarre twist to justify Bowcock et al.'s racialism is not supported by Keita either, "The belief that any living population could be proto African is fundamentally unsound" (p.539). Which was your original position: Keita agrees with Bowcock et al.
And given the fact that contemporary individuals from the received racial groups are a combination of multiplies lineages (meaning they are not static closed entities genetically, "group boundaries are not sharp or 'real'".), how can any living population be representative of the "proto" anything?
You tried but still got pie in your face!
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
^^^^Look at this copycatting jackass. Anyway, feel free, because, this is where you end up anyway.........
quote:Now your new position, to desperately try and validate Bowcock et al.'s racial divergence theory,
Nope. It all comes back to haplogroup origins. Ie, post OOA African specific, Asian specific etc...
Disprove Asian and post OOA African specific lineages, or show underived specific European lineages...... What's taking so damn long???? Stop running!!!!
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
It all ends up that with the fact that "Europeans" are not foundationally an admixed group i.e. the result of gene flow between two distinct "races", two EXTREMES a Chinese (or Mongoloid c/o rasolowitz) and a Forest Negro. This is what a "foundationally admixed group" means: the result of gene flow between two distinct "races". (Keita, 1999)
Your face saving, round robin twists and turns, backtracking and amazing (yet bizarre) justifications for their racial divergence theory will never, repeat never, "prove" the above.
- Europeans are not hybrids at foundaion
- Keita is not in agreement with Bowcock et al.
You tried to dodge but still got pie in your face! lol
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote: It all ends up that with the fact that "Europeans" are not foundationally an admixed group i.e. the result of gene flow between two distinct "races", two EXTREMES a Chinese (or Mongoloid c/o rasolowitz) and a Forest Negro.
Not "foundationally" nor racially, but they(Europeans) are result of admixture between populations who carried Asian specific, and post African specific lineages.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
^ Didn't I say it will take you four years to understand what they are really saying?
... ...
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Originally posted by akoben: ^ Didn't I say it will take you four years to understand what they are really saying?
... ...
Lmao. You really mean what you want them to say?? Buwahahaahahahahaaa
Everyone here knows race doesn't exist biologically jackass, but specific continental origin lineages do. This is where your anger and denial lies. You can't refute Asian and post OOA African specific lineages, can you? Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
what do they mean by "two extremes"?
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
^^^^ They mean you've changed the direction in the topic extremely, in a desperate attempt way too many times. Buwahahaahahahahaaa
You're all over the place jackassoben pull yourself together....
Stay focused!!!!
You can't refute Asian and post OOA African specific lineages, can you? Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
^^Thought so
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:Everyone here knows race doesn't exist biologically jackass, but specific continental origin lineages do.
Yes, but what the dummies don't comprehend is the fact that racial thinking still persists in contemporary "scholarship". E.g. those continents are assigned to "races" because,
quote:Racial thinking rests on the belief that visible human variation connotes fundamental deep differences [two extremes] within the species, which can be packaged into units of near uniform individuals.[e.g. Pygmies/Negros) (PygZ), Caucasoids of European origin (Eur), Chinese/Mongoloid (Chi)]
Continents assigned to "races",
quote:"Others [Like Bowcock et al.] use restriction site polymorphisms and nuclear or mtDNA. Generally these investigations assess the amount of genetic difference between the studies groups and estimate their divergence times. Sometimes the term race is not used to describe the units. On close scrutiny, however, these groups are conceived of as the traditional races [e.g. Pygmies/Negros) (PygZ), Caucasoids of European origin (Eur), Chinese/Mongoloid (Chi)] or taken to denote those races and hence all other groups within those races. Strictly speaking, the divergence times can only [Keita's emphasis] apply to the specific groups studied, which are hopefully real breeding populations and not to any others." (pg. 536)
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
It's cool. You can plead to the laymens, in desperation to explain that the populations who contributed to Europe from Asia, didn't look like present day Chinese. Regardless, Europeans are consisted of Asian and post OOA African lineages.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
^ But wasn't it you who (before you found out they were actually referring to Chinese lol) agreed they didn't look like present day Chinese back then [posted 08 December, 2008 02:01 PM] and therefore cannot be proto Asian [posted 10 December, 2008 08:30 PM]; of course all this was before you decided in was in your best interest to try and validate Bowcock et al.'s racial divergence since you were (blindly) defending it for so long. Hence your acceptance of Chinese as good candidates for proto-Asians – simply because they are descendants of early Asians. LOL
Damn boy how many positions you have on this one issue? Regardless Europeans are not hybrids or "admixed" at foundation between two racial extremes and Keita does not agree with Bowcock et al.
Now please continue with your straw argument of Asian and African lineages in Europeans. You tried to dodge but it got you anyway.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718: ^^^Too simple. Yawns..............
quote:So your new position is that Chinese are in fact "ancestral Asian" because they have genes from Palaeolithic Asians even though they are a recent evolutionary adaptation.
New position? Lol. Of course Chinese carry ancestral Asian lineages, their paleness is recent.
quote: Wouldn't that make Bowcock et al.'s "Caucasoids of European origin" too represent "ancestral Europeans"
10% of modern Europeans are ancestral to Europe from 45kya. Another 80 percent arrived 30,000 to 20,000 years ago, before the peak of the last glaciation, and 10 percent came in the Neolithic 10,000 years ago, when the ice age ended and agriculture was first introduced to Europe from the Near East. Lineages they carry are ancestral Asian derived, and post OOA African lineages.
quote:even though "Caucasoids" too are recent evolutionary adaptation?
"Caucasoids" a recent evoltuionary adaptation? Europeans present paleness is a recent evolutionary adaptation, as is East Asian. Both carry ancestral lineages which arose in Asia.
quote: And, wouldn't that make the "Pygmies" a candidate too for proto African since they, like the Chinese, are decendants from the proto?
Pygmies carry Y-dna haplogroup B. Well, after Y-haplogroup A, it is the second oldest and one of the most diverse human Y-haplogroups.
quote:And wouldn't all this come right back to your support for Bowcock et al.'s racial divergence theory?
Nope. It all comes back to haplogroup origins. Ie, post OOA African specific, Asian specific etc...
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718: ^^^^ They mean you've changed the direction in the topic extremely, in a desperate attempt way too many times. Buwahahaahahahahaaa
You're all over the place jackassoben pull yourself together....
Stay focused!!!!
You can't refute Asian and post OOA African specific lineages, can you? [/qb]
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:^ But wasn't it you who (before you found out they were actually referring to Chinese lol) agreed they didn't look like present day Chinese back then [posted 08 December, 2008 02:01 PM] and therefore cannot be proto Asian
Like I said. I was talking about phenotype, which was when you were trying to distract and discredit Chinese as ancestral Asian because their phenotype is recent. Which was when I said how can they be representative of ancestral Asians when their phenotype is recent(in reference to phenotype). Their phenotype is recent, but their genes are ancestral, carried for millenia. You jackass.
Now bray another redundant insignificant comment.......
Posted by Egmond Codfried (Member # 15683) on :
So then are you saying any sample from Africa, Asia and Europe is appropriate since we all carry "genes for millenia"?
If this is the case then are you now saying Pygmies are proto African too because they too carry "genes for millenia"?
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
^^^You always repeat the same exact questions of which I already answered, why???? Europe was populated from East Asia.
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718: ^^^Too simple. Yawns..............
quote:So your new position is that Chinese are in fact "ancestral Asian" because they have genes from Palaeolithic Asians even though they are a recent evolutionary adaptation.
New position? Lol. Of course Chinese carry ancestral Asian lineages, their paleness is recent.
quote: Wouldn't that make Bowcock et al.'s "Caucasoids of European origin" too represent "ancestral Europeans"
10% of modern Europeans are ancestral to Europe from 45kya. Another 80 percent arrived 30,000 to 20,000 years ago, before the peak of the last glaciation, and 10 percent came in the Neolithic 10,000 years ago, when the ice age ended and agriculture was first introduced to Europe from the Near East. Lineages they carry are ancestral Asian derived, and post OOA African lineages.
quote:even though "Caucasoids" too are recent evolutionary adaptation?
"Caucasoids" a recent evoltuionary adaptation? Europeans present paleness is a recent evolutionary adaptation, as is East Asian. Both carry ancestral lineages which arose in Asia.
quote:And, wouldn't that make the "Pygmies" a candidate too for proto African since they, like the Chinese, are decendants from the proto?
Pygmies carry Y-dna haplogroup B. Well, after Y-haplogroup A, it is the second oldest and one of the most diverse human Y-haplogroups.
quote:And wouldn't all this come right back to your support for Bowcock et al.'s racial divergence theory?
Nope. It all comes back to haplogroup origins. Ie, post OOA African specific, Asian specific etc... [/qb]
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:jackass writes: now please continue with your argument of Asian and African lineages in Europeans.
^ You mean this one.... ???
Europeans: mixed, 2/3 Asian, 13/ African
Europeans: short stemmed, hybrids.
Europeans: not a race.
Europeans: derived, non fundamental.
^ The one that is unrefuted in 40 some odd pages of your jackass babblement?
Consider it repeated.
Here's a bonus definition for -
akoben: racist, holocaust denying, jackass loser who can't stand the fact that Europeans are mixed.
You're welcome.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:jackass akboen pleads: So then are you saying any sample from Africa, Asia and Europe is appropriate.
^ Actually you are trying to run from the fact that all studies of African, Asian and Europeans lineages prove Europeans are mixed.
You are trying to run from the fact that no study can refute this.
You attempt to run by PRETENDING there is a -problem- [oh ha, ha] with "sampling."
This is funny to watch since you are an idiot who knows nothing about genetic sampling, or anything else.
The only "sampling" problem, is with the alcohol content in your urine.
This is the only explanation for why you waste post after post on such laughably, transparently bad arguments, that you have not gotten -any play- from anyone with, in 40 pages.
You are a clown that people laugh at and play with, because you are obviously terrified and infuriated at the reality of the mixed origins of Europeans.
The very act of continuing your futile plea only demonstrates that there is NO ESCAPE for you.
You can hide - but you can't run.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:jackass akoben whiny pseudo question: what is meant by two extremes?
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718: ^^^^ They mean you've changed the direction in the topic extremely, in a desperate attempt way too many times. Buwahahaahahahahaaa
it's the jackass factor....
Posted by The Explorer (Member # 14778) on :
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
Europe was populated from East Asia.
If Europe was populated from East Asia, it certainly doesn't seem to have been the case for their R1b forebearers, who arrived via the so-called "Near East" or "Southwestern Asia"; just to repeat...
From Cinnioglu et al
"The phylogenetic and spatial distribution of its equivalent in Europe (Cruciani et al. 2002), the R1-M173 (xM17) lineage for which considerable data exist (Semino et al. 2000a; Wells et al. 2001; Kivisild et al. 2003) implies that R1b3-M269 was well established throughout Paleolithic Europe, probably arriving from West Asia contemporaneous with Aurignacian culture.
Although the phylogeographic pattern of R1b3-M269 lineages in Europe suggest that R1-M173* ancestors first arrived from West Asia during the Upper Paleolithic, we cannot deduce if R1b3-M269 first entered Anatolia via the Bosporus isthmus or from an opposite eastward direction. However, archeological evidence supports the view of the arrival of Aurignacian culture to Anatolia from Europe during the Upper Paleolithic rather than from the Iranian plateau (Kuhn 2002)."
On mtDNA,...
Richards et al. 2000
Multiple dispersals of single sequence types are clearly a possibility, particularly for older types that are frequent in the Near East.
Members of haplogroups of eastern-Eurasian and African origin were excluded from these analyses, as “erratics”—that is, occasional migrants rather than parts of major range expansions. Few of these types occur more than once...
Table 1 shows frequencies and age estimates of the main mtDNA haplogroups that occur in the Near East and Europe. These clusters are restricted primarily to Europe and the Near East (western Eurasia). Western-Eurasian lineages are found at moderate frequencies as far east as central Asia (Comas et al. 1998) and are found at low frequencies in both India (Kivisild et al. 1999a) and Siberia (Torroni et al. 1998), but, in these cases, only restricted subsets of the western-Eurasian haplogroups have been found, suggesting that they are most probably the result of secondary expansions from the core Near Eastern/European zone.
On skin pigmentation alleles thus far identified, it has been shown here before that Europeans and East Asians generally fall into distinct clusters; alleles generally associated with European variation fall into SLC24A5, TYR, MATP and to some extent MC1R polymorphisms, while those generally associated with East Asian variation fall into ADAM17, DCT and ATRN polymorphisms.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:^^^You always repeat the same exact questions of which I already answered, why????
To show what a flip flopping jackass I made out of you. Like the forum amateur clown rasolowitz who is now reduced to hybridising Europeans after making it clear, through his particular brand of bizarre reasoning, that hybrids are not to be confused with being "mixed"(?). [Genetic distances in Africa]
Your old position (after you were forced to answer the question) was that Chinese were not proto Asian because of their recent adaptation and that Pygmies were not proto African either. [posted 10 December, 2008 08:30 PM] Now realising that you shot yourself and your white scholars you totally flipped to argue for Chinese and the Pygmies as ancestral archetypes because they carry ancestral genes for millenia. The only thing left for you now is to somehow show Keita in agreement with your new bizarre position.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote: If Europe was populated from East Asia, it certainly doesn't seem to have been the case for their R1b forebearers, who arrived via the so-called "Near East" or "Southwestern Asia"; just to repeat...
Indeed, you're correct, but Europe didn't receive just one influx of migrations. The R1b bearers entered Europe 30kya, while Europe was already populated since 40-45kya. In the Paleolithic, Europe was populated from East Asia, and then subsequent migrations, from other places as time went on, southwest Asia etc... per Spencer Wells, Sforza et al..
But.... According to the following Europe was populated 45kya from southwest Asia, per Dr. Martin Richards.
quote: In one of the most detailed genetic reconstructions of population history so far, Dr. Martin Richards of the University of Huddersfield in England and many colleagues have traced the remarkably ancient ancestry of the present-day population of Europe. Some 6 percent of Europeans are descended from the continent's first founders, who entered Europe from the Near East in the Upper Paleolithic era 45,000 years ago, Dr. Richards calculates. The descendants of these earliest arrivals are still more numerous in certain regions of Europe that may have provided them with refuge from subsequent waves of immigration. One is the mountainous Basque country, where people still speak a language completely different from all other European languages. Another is in the European extreme of Scandinavia. Another 80 percent arrived 30,000 to 20,000 years ago, before the peak of the last glaciation, and 10 percent came in the Neolithic 10,000 years ago, when the ice age ended and agriculture was first introduced to Europe from the Near East.
Either way, Europe has received subsequent migrations all of which contributed to the modern gene pool of Europeans. To account for their Asian and post OOA African specific genetic background.
quote:Body proportions in Late Pleistocene Europe and modern human origins*1
Trenton W. Holliday
Body proportions covary with climate, apparently as the result of climatic selection. Ontogenetic research and migrant studies have demonstrated that body proportions are largely genetically controlled and are under low selective rates; thus studies of body form can provide evidence for evolutionarily short-term dispersals and/or gene flow. Following these observations, competing models of modern human origins yield different predictions concerning body proportion shifts in Late Pleistocene Europe. Replacement predicts that the earliest modern Europeans will possess “tropical” body proportions (assuming Africa is the center of origin), while Regional Continuity permits only minor shifts in body shape, due to climatic change and/or improved cultural buffering. This study tests these predictions via analyses of osteometric data reflective of trunk height and breadth, limb proportions and relative body mass for samples of Early Upper Paleolithic (EUP), Late Upper Paleolithic (LUP) and Mesolithic (MES) humans and 13 recent African and European populations. Results reveal a clear tendency for the EUP sample to cluster with recent Africans, while LUP and MES samples cluster with recent Europeans. These results refute the hypothesis of local continuity in Europe, and are consistent with an interpretation of elevated gene flow (and population dispersal?) from Africa, followed by subsequent climatic adaptation to colder conditions. These data do not, however, preclude the possibility of some (albeit small) contribution of genes from Neandertals to succeeding populations, as is postulated in Bräuer’s “Afro-European Sapiens” model.
And then there is this, which also agrees that Europe was populated three times from the south.... Which would mean from Southwest Asia.
quote: Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey: The Genetic Map of Europe
By NICHOLAS WADE Published: August 13, 2008
Biologists have constructed a genetic map of Europe showing the degree of relatedness between its various populations.
All the populations are quite similar, but the differences are sufficient that it should be possible to devise a forensic test to tell which country in Europe an individual probably comes from, said Manfred Kayser, a geneticist at the Erasmus University Medical Center in the Netherlands.
The map shows, at right, the location in Europe where each of the sampled populations live and, at left, the genetic relationship between these 23 populations. The map was constructed by Dr. Kayser, Dr. Oscar Lao and others, and appears in an article in Current Biology published on line on August 7.
The genetic map of Europe bears a clear structural similarity to the geographic map. The major genetic differences are between populations of the **north and south** (the vertical axis of the map shows **north-south** differences, the horizontal axis those of east-west). The area assigned to each population reflects the amount of genetic variation in it.
"Europe has been colonized three times in the distant past, always from the south. Some 45,000 years ago the first modern humans entered Europe from the south. The glaciers returned around 20,000 years ago and the second colonization occurred about 17,000 years ago by people returning from southern refuges. The third invasion was that of farmers bringing the new agricultural technology from the Near East around 10,000 years ago. "
The pattern of genetic differences among present day Europeans probably reflects the impact of these three ancient migrations, Dr. Kayser said.
The map also identifies the existence of two genetic barriers within Europe. One is between the Finns (light blue, upper right) and other Europeans. It arose because the Finnish population was at one time very small and then expanded, bearing the atypical genetics of its few founders.
The other is between Italians (yellow, bottom center) and the rest. This may reflect the role of the Alps in impeding free flow of people between Italy and the rest of Europe.
Data for the map were generated by gene chips programmed to test and analyze 500,000 sites of common variation on the human genome, although only the 300,000 most reliable sites were used for the map. Dr. Kayser's team tested almost 2,500 people and analyzed the data by correlating the genetic variations in all the subjects. The genetic map is based on the two strongest of these sets of correlations.
The gene chips require large amounts of DNA, more than is available in most forensic samples. Dr. Kayser hopes to identify the sites on the human genome which are most diagnostic for European origin. These sites, if reasonably few in number, could be tested for in hair and blood samples, Dr. Kayser said.
Genomic sites that carry the strongest signal of variation among populations may be those influenced by evolutionary change, Dr. Kayser said. Of the 100 strongest sites, 17 are found in the region of the genome that confers lactose tolerance, an adaptation that arose among a cattle herding culture in northern Europe some 5,000 years ago. Most people switch off the lactose digesting gene after weaning, but the cattle herders evidently gained a great survival advantage by keeping the gene switched on through adulthood.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:The genetic map of Europe bears a clear structural similarity to the geographic map. The major genetic differences are between populations of the **north and south** (the vertical axis of the map shows **north-south** differences, the horizontal axis those of east-west). The area assigned to each population reflects the amount of genetic variation in it.
We all know what this means huh Jackassoben......?????
E3b, A, E3a[yes], L1, L2, L3, M1, U6, Benin Hbs autosome......
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:On skin pigmentation alleles thus far identified, it has been shown here before that Europeans and East Asians generally fall into distinct clusters; alleles generally associated with European variation fall into SLC24A5, TYR, MATP and to some extent MC1R polymorphisms, while those generally associated with East Asian variation fall into ADAM17, DCT and ATRN polymorphisms.
Yes, and independently arose in each population. East Asians haven arose earlier than Europeans.
quote: Signatures of Positive Selection in Genes Associated with Human Skin Pigmentation as Revealed from Analyses of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms
KEYWORDS human pigmentation • skin color • positive selection • genetic adaptation • Perlegen database • SNP • EHH test ABSTRACT
Phenotypic variation between human populations in skin pigmentation correlates with latitude at the continental level. A large number of hypotheses involving genetic adaptation have been proposed to explain human variation in skin colour, but only limited genetic evidence for positive selection has been presented. To shed light on the evolutionary genetic history of human variation in skin colour we inspected 118 genes associated with skin pigmentation in the Perlegen dataset, studying single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), and analyzed 55 genes in detail. We identified eight genes that are associated with the melanin pathway (SLC45A2, OCA2, TYRP1, DCT, KITLG, EGFR, DRD2 and PPARD) and presented significant differences in genetic variation between Europeans, Africans and Asians. In six of these genes we detected, by means of the EHH test, variability patterns that are compatible with the hypothesis of local positive selection in Europeans (OCA2, TYRP1 and KITLG) and in Asians (OCA2, DCT, KITLG, EGFR and DRD2), whereas signals were scarce in Africans (DCT, EGFR and DRD2). Furthermore, a statistically significant correlation between genotypic variation in four pigmentation candidate genes and phenotypic variation of skin colour in 51 worldwide human populations was revealed. Overall, our data also suggest that light skin colour is the derived state and is of independent origin in Europeans and Asians, whereas dark skin color seems of unique origin, reflecting the ancestral state in humans.
quote: The genetic architecture of normal variation in human pigmentation: an evolutionary perspective and model
Skin pigmentation varies substantially across human populations in a manner largely coincident with ultraviolet radiation intensity. This observation suggests that natural selection in response to sunlight is a major force in accounting for pigmentation variability. We review recent progress in identifying the genes controlling this variation with a particular focus on the trait's evolutionary past and the potential role of testing for signatures of selection in aiding the discovery of functionally important genes. We have analyzed SNP data from the International HapMap project in 77 pigmentation candidate genes for such signatures. On the basis of these results and other similar work, we provide a tentative three-population model (West Africa, East Asia and North Europe) of the evolutionary–genetic architecture of human pigmentation. These results suggest a complex evolutionary history, with selection acting on different gene targets at different times and places in the human past. Some candidate genes may have been selected in the ancestral human population, others in the ‘out of Africa’ proto European-Asian population, whereas most appear to have selectively evolved solely in either Europeans or East Asians separately despite the pigmentation similarities between these two populations. Selection signatures can provide important clues to aid gene discovery. However, these should be viewed as complements, rather than replacements of, functional studies including linkage and association analyses, which can directly refine our understanding of the trait.
Posted by The Explorer (Member # 14778) on :
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
quote: If Europe was populated from East Asia, it certainly doesn't seem to have been the case for their R1b forebearers, who arrived via the so-called "Near East" or "Southwestern Asia"; just to repeat...
Indeed, you're correct, but Europe didn't receive just one influx of migrations.
Never said otherwise. R1b however, accounts for the majority of contemporary European Y DNA.
quote: The R1b bearers entered Europe 30kya, while Europe was already populated since 40-45kya. In the Paleolithic, Europe was populated from East Asia, and then subsequent migrations, from other places as time went on, southwest Asia etc... per Spencer Wells, Sforza et al...
And these correspond to what Y DNA markers? Richards et al.'s piece already states that relatively little of European gene pool comes from East Asia on the mtDNA side.
quote: Either way, Europe has received subsequent migrations all of which contributed to the modern gene pool of Europeans. To account for their Asian and post OOA African specific genetic background.
Again, I never said there wasn't. I merely provided examples which suggest that the majority of contemporary European ancestry came by way of the so-called "Southwest Asian" or "Near Eastern" corridor, as opposed to East Asia. As I have noted here before, the jury is still out on the actual origins of R1* lineage itself for example; it is not as established as some make it out to be [an African origin is also probable at this point], but it would have entered Europe by way of the "Near Eastern" corridor.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Never said otherwise. R1b however, accounts for the majority of contemporary European Y DNA.
Which would actually correspond to Richards et al ...
Another 80 percent arrived 30,000 to 20,000 years ago, before the peak of the last glaciation--Richards et al
quote: And these correspond to what Y DNA markers? Richards et al.'s piece already states that relatively little of European gene pool comes from East Asia on the mtDNA side.
Well, therein lies the contradiction, as Richards also notes that Europe was populated from Southwest Asia instead of East Asia as well, 40-45kya, as did the following more recently Ny times published 2008 data. It seems(considering all data) as per the latest 2008 data, Europe was populated all three times from Southwest Asia.
quote:Again, I never said there wasn't. I merely provided examples which suggest that the majority of contemporary European ancestry came by way of the so-called "Southwest Asian" or "Near Eastern" corridor, as opposed to East Asia. As I have noted here before, the jury is still out on the actual origins of R1* lineage itself for example; it is not as established as some make it out to be [an African origin is also probable at this point], but it would have entered Europe by way of the "Near Eastern" corridor.
I didn't say you did, I was basically pointing it out for the laymen(jackassoben)reading.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:We all know what this means huh Jackassoben......?????
Yes, that Europeans are not hybrids at foundation and Keita does not agree with their racial divergence theory.
Look, its no secret clueless that you are the artful dodger when it comes to backtracking from your original BS. Like that time you supported another racialist population differentiation theory in the form of Egyptians and Nubians [Will Smith Now the Fresh Prince of Egypt] implying Smith was "mixed" because of his light skin.
Which ironically, bring us back to your latest population differentiation theory (ancestral African and ancestral Asians). If you admit here too that "mixed" is being a product of two or more of the alleged racial groups how can you argue that Europeans are "mixed" (not to be confused with "hybrid" according to our resident geneticist wanna be rasolwoitz's LOL) at foundation when you admit that both contributing groups were black? Are you now going to flip and argue that they were in fact not black but looked Chinese? That's the only way to validate words such as "mixed" and "hybrid" for Europeans at foundation in this context. You flipped on so many before I wouldn't be surprise...
quote:I didn't say you did, I was basically pointing it out for the laymen(jackassoben)reading.
Poor you. The more you twist, the more problems for you. You "pointed out" East Asian precisely because you wanted to validate Bowcock's East Asian candidates for ancestral Asians, the Chinese. However now Ausariantein has suggested the majority of contemporary European ancestry came by way "Southwest Asian" as opposed to east, where your Chinese are. No doubt throwing off your whopping 65% Chinese even more! Or are you going to argue now that their Chinese sample accurately covers ALL of the early Asian settlers of Europe? You get more bizarre as you go on boy.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Originally posted by akoben: [qb] [QUOTE]We all know what this means huh Jackassoben......?????
Yes, that Europeans are not hybrids at foundation and Keita does not agree with their racial divergence theory.
No, but that southern Europeans are more recently admixed with post OOA African migrants, than are northern Europeans.
Will you ever produce this quote which says Europeans are hybrids at the foundation?
quote:I didn't say you did, I was basically pointing it out for the laymen(jackassoben)reading.
Poor you. The more you twist, the more problems for you. You "pointed out" East Asian precisely because you wanted to validate Bowcock's East Asian candidates for ancestral Asians, the Chinese.
Actually it was Sforza, as I mentioned, who said Europe was populated from East Asia, although more recent data shows Europe was populated, three times, all from southwest Asia.
Regardless jackassoben, of how the lineages were introduced into Europe, they're there, and **you can't** refute it. No matter how many times you twist and turn the end results equal........
Feel free to name the non Asian and non African lineages. Feel free to name European specific underived lineages..... which could contradict the already noted fact that Europeans are consisted of Asian and African derived lineages......????
Still waiting........ What taking you so damn long???
Posted by Alive-(What Box) (Member # 10819) on :
The overall contributions from **Asia** and Africa** were estimated to be around two-thirds and one-third, respectively. Simulations have shown (7) that this hypothesis explains quite well the discrepancy between trees obtained by maximum likelihood and neighbor joining.
Posted by Alive-(What Box) (Member # 10819) on :
Pure black african E3b is the most prevalent Greek male lineage, which dates back to when incoming farmers impacted European populations big time, all the way up to Germany.
Somethings probably don't change.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:Will you ever produce this quote which says Europeans are hybrids at the foundation?
I already quoted Bowcock et al. 1991 and Keita commenting on them suggesting Europeans are "inter mixed" or "hybrids" at foundation. It's not my fault you lack basic comprehension skills.
As for your latest flip flop; like I said, you mentioned East Asia because you were just through flip flopping on the Chinese as good candidates for Asian archetypes so you can validate Bowcock et al. and the tree you've been spamming. Now that you have egg on your face it's suddenly Sforza's data not, yours. Now you want to pretend that you were not a convert to the gospel according to Bowcock and Sforza (ancestral Euros made up of Chinese and Forest Negro) and arguing that Keita was in agreement with them. Kid, next to rasolowitz you're the biggest joke on ES.
The data is not new BTW its been around since at least 2000, and as I said Keita was not in agreement with their study but you choose to ignore. It is not lost on ES that it took white peoples NYT to convince you that they were wrong; this is because you are a pathetic Puerto Rican in identity crisis mode looking for constant white validation. This is why you got peeved whenever you were asked to validate the numbers/percentages because you had no fucking idea what they were talking about since you were merely spamming your white masters tree. This is why you have to resort to straws: "K-zoids" and the peopling of Europe. For 43 pages you twist and turn but came out more twisted than ever. So much for your whopping 65% Chinese or two-thirds Mongolian!
I told you it was face saving from here on, which is why Aliveboy is still face saving with the discredited tree.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
- Europeans are a secondary type
- Europeans are not a secondary type
- Europeans are not hybrids
- Europeans are hybrids
- Chinese are not ancestral Asians
- Chinese are ancestral Asians
- Pygmies are not proto African
- Pygmies are proto African
- Europeans show as hybrid between East Asians and Africans
- Europeans do not show as hybrid between East Asians and Africans
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ jackass factor....
quote:Originally posted by Alive-(What Box):
The overall contributions from **Asia** and Africa** were estimated to be around two-thirds and one-third, respectively. Simulations have shown (7) that this hypothesis explains quite well the discrepancy between trees obtained by maximum likelihood and neighbor joining.
As always, a suggestion from this point on maybe you should start *every post* with: "I never said.." or.. even better, "I can explain".
Congratulations dufus, you're in second place for "top posters", and absolutely nothing to show for it!
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:jackass akboen pleads: So then are you saying any sample from Africa, Asia and Europe is appropriate.
^ Actually you are trying to run from the fact that all studies of African, Asian and Europeans lineages prove Europeans are mixed.
You are trying to run from the fact that no study can refute this.
You attempt to run by PRETENDING there is a -problem- [oh ha, ha] with "sampling."
This is funny to watch since you are an idiot who knows nothing about genetic sampling, or anything else.
The only "sampling" problem, is with the alcohol content in your urine.
This is the only explanation for why you waste post after post on such laughably, transparently bad arguments, that you have not gotten -any play- from anyone with, in 40 pages.
You are a clown that people laugh at and play with, because you are obviously terrified and infuriated at the reality of the mixed origins of Europeans.
The very act of continuing your futile plea only demonstrates that there is NO ESCAPE for you.
You can hide - but you can't run.
My oh my. Things are the same here as usual.
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:jackass akoben whiny pseudo question: what is meant by two extremes?
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718: ^^^^ They mean you've changed the direction in the topic extremely, in a desperate attempt way too many times. Buwahahaahahahahaaa
it's the jackass factor....
LOL Perhaps the last picture should be of a guy trying to pin something else to his a** if you know what I mean.
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
quote:Originally posted by Asshoben: To show what a flip flopping jackass I made out of you. Like the forum amateur clown rasolowitz who is now reduced to hybridising Europeans after making it clear, through his particular brand of bizarre reasoning, that hybrids are not to be confused with being "mixed"(?). [Genetic distances in Africa]
Either you are incredibly stupid or just denying the obvious. The purpose of Explorer's article was to show that as proof of humanity's origins in Africa, genetic diversity can be shown as decreasing the farther away a population is from Africa with Africans having the most genetic diveristy. Such diversity can also be seen in phenotype but that doesn't mean there are no such thing as "hybrids" or mixed populations as there certainly is and Europe is a perfect example of that. Since both cranial studies from Angel and Brace et. ales. have shown infusion of Africans and genetics have verified this with studies from Sforza and Keita et. ales. showing a third of Europeans having recent African lineages from the Neolithic. Thus Europeans are 2/3 Eurasian and 1/3 African meaning they are hybrid.
quote:Your old position (after you were forced to answer the question) was that Chinese were not proto Asian because of their recent adaptation and that Pygmies were not proto African either. [posted 10 December, 2008 08:30 PM] Now realising that you shot yourself and your white scholars you totally flipped to argue for Chinese and the Pygmies as ancestral archetypes because they carry ancestral genes for millenia. The only thing left for you now is to somehow show Keita in agreement with your new bizarre position.
As usual, your dwarfed intellect cannot comprehend very well. Genetics shows Europeans to primarily descend from Eurasians who are also ancestral to Chinese, NOT that they descend from modern Chinese you nitwit! Europeans, East Asians like Chinese, and South Asians all descend from a common ancestral population. Modern phenotypical appearance of these populations today came afterwards.
Indeed the jokes on you. Why so stupid??
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
are Chinese ancestral Asians?
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
^ No, but they are descended from them, moron.
Have you been getting glomped by your boyfriend Argyle lately?
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
Then why does Bowcock et al. says they are?
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Originally posted by akoben: Then why does Bowcock et al. says they are?
She doesn't. What she does say is 65% ancestral Chinese, as in 65% ancestral Asian. Not that Chinese (as you want to distort in their present phenotype) contributed to the European gene pool. Ad Nauseum.....
quote: Tree constructed by maximum likelihood, assuming a model of admixture between **ancestral Africans** and **ancestral Asians**, fitting the distances of the lower triangle of Table 1. According to this model two divergent populations contribute in specified proportions to form a new population. Various pairs of ancestral populations from which the European branch may have descended by admixture were tested for choosing ancestraltypes that contributed to the admixture. Data were found to be most consistent with this tree; ancestral Europeans are estimated to be an admixture of 65% **ancestral** Chinese and 35% ancestral Africans.
Feel free to name the non Asian and non African lineages. Feel free to name European specific underived lineages..... which would contradict the already noted fact(that you're arguing) that Europeans are consisted of Asian and African derived lineages......????
Still waiting........ What taking you so damn long???
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
You're just digging yourself deeper and deeper into your own ****. Just admit it cluless718, you didnt know what the **** they were really saying. Why do you have to twist and turn yourself out of shape just to save face?
Bowcock doesn't see Chinese as ancestral Asians eh?
"Thus they are fairly representative of the world's aboriginal populations."
Who are the "they" in that quote? And why do they apply the term ancestral Asians to their Chinese and not to Levant or Indus Valley populations? But following your convenient (mis) interpretation, if they are not saying Chinese are the ancestral Asians who are they saying is?
And why are you still arguing for Europeans as "hybrid" between East Asia and Africa when 1) you said they were both black 2) you conceded that Europe was peopled from SW Asia not East as you thought? If this is the case do ancestral Europeans still consist of 65% Chinese ancestors or 2/3 Mongolians? How do those numbers square with your latest flip flop?
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote: "Thus they are fairly representative of the world's aboriginal populations."
Yes genetically representative, not phenotypically, as you are desperately trying to distort. As Europeans are representative of paleolithic populations in Europe genetically, but not phenotypically.
You're completely repetitive asking the same questions over and over and over again, when they have already been addressed.....
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
quote:Originally posted by akoben: [qb] [QUOTE]We all know what this means huh Jackassoben......?????
Yes, that Europeans are not hybrids at foundation and Keita does not agree with their racial divergence theory.
No, but that southern Europeans are more recently admixed with post OOA African migrants, than are northern Europeans.
Will you ever produce this quote which says Europeans are hybrids at the foundation?
quote:I didn't say you did, I was basically pointing it out for the laymen(jackassoben)reading.
Poor you. The more you twist, the more problems for you. You "pointed out" East Asian precisely because you wanted to validate Bowcock's East Asian candidates for ancestral Asians, the Chinese.
Actually it was Sforza, as I mentioned, who said Europe was populated from East Asia, although more recent data shows Europe was populated, three times, all from southwest Asia.
Regardless jackassoben, of how the lineages were introduced into Europe, they're there, and **you can't** refute it. No matter how many times you twist and turn the end results equal........
Feel free to name the non Asian and non African lineages. Feel free to name European specific underived lineages..... which could contradict the already noted fact that Europeans are consisted of Asian and African derived lineages......????
Still waiting........ What taking you so damn long???
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
quote: "Thus they are fairly representative of the world's aboriginal populations."
Yes genetically representative, not phenotypically, as you are desperately trying to distort.
You keyboard twisting loser this means Pygmies are representative of proto-African genetically and present day Stanford and Yale residents are rep. of early Europeans genetically? WTF are you saying boy?!
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Originally posted by akoben:
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
quote: "Thus they are fairly representative of the world's aboriginal populations."
Yes genetically representative, not phenotypically, as you are desperately trying to distort.
You keyboard twisting loser this means Pygmies are representative of proto-African genetically and present day Stanford and Yale residents are rep. of early Euroepans genetically? WTF are you saying boy?!
The populations typed for 100 DNA markers were (i) individuals of European origin from ongoing studies in our laboratories or reported in the literature; (ii) Chinese born in mainland China living in the San Francisco Bay Area; (iii) non-Austronesian speaking Melanesians from Bougainville (blood samples collected by J. Friedlaender); and (iv and v) two groups of African Pygmies , one from the Central African Republic and the other from northeastern Zaire. Thus they are fairly representative of the world's aboriginal populations, except for Amerind populations, who are presently being typed.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
^ Your highlighting does not answer anything only shows how much of clown you are reduced to. Yes they are saying precisely what I posted: that those groups are fairly rep. of the worlds aboriginal populations. They are ancestral types. But how does this square with Keita who says Pygmies are not and your admission that Chinese are not? Are you saying their Chinese sample accurately describes the contributions of SW Asians? Are you now saying Europeans are 65% SW Asians?
While you are grappling to come up with more twists and face saving interpretations don't forget this
if they are not saying Chinese are the ancestral Asians who are they saying is? Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Originally posted by akoben: While you are grappling to come up with more twists and face saving interpretations don't forget this
if they are not saying Chinese are the ancestral Asians who are they saying is?
Chinese are genetically representative, not phenotypically, as you are desperately trying to distort. As Europeans are representative of paleolithic populations in Europe genetically, but not phenotypically.
Regardless jackassoben, of how the lineages were introduced into Europe, they're there, and **you can't** refute it. No matter how many times you twist and turn the end results equal........ Asian and African derived.
Validated by Uniparentals:
Ex: E3b is post OOA African, J is Asian. Both present in Europeans as well. Feel free to disprove the fact that we are able to tell when a population is admixed or not through genes.....???? E3b appears in southern Europe, but we know it's a post OOA African lineage. So take a bunch of these specific post OOA African lineages and these specific ancestral Asian lineages and put them together, you'll end up with the modern European gene pool.
Feel free to name the non Asian and non African lineages. Feel free to name European specific underived lineages ..... which would contradict the already noted fact that Europeans are consisted of Asian and African derived lineages......????
Still waiting........ What taking you so damn long??? Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
I'm not asking if they are "genetically representative". Read again boy and don't fucking run this time:
if they are not saying Chinese are the ancestral Asians who are they saying is? Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
65% ancestral Chinese, as in 65% ancestral Asian. Not that Chinese (as you want to distort in their present phenotype) contributed to the European gene pool. Ad Nauseum.....Chinese are genetically representative carrying Ancestral Asian lineages, not phenotypically, as you are desperately trying to distort. As Europeans are representative of paleolithic populations in Europe genetically, but not phenotypically.
You like arguing semantics without getting down to actual specifics, I would like for you to get specific, which is address the fact that Europeans consist totally of ancestral Asian derived and post OOA African derived lineages, so please let's do, which is what you fail to address.....
Regardless jackassoben, of how the lineages were introduced into Europe, they're there, and **you can't** refute it. No matter how many times you twist and turn the end results equal........ Asian and African derived.
Validated by Uniparentals:
Ex: E3b is post OOA African, J is Asian. Both present in Europeans as well. Feel free to disprove the fact that we are able to tell when a population is admixed or not through genes.....???? E3b appears in southern Europe, but we know it's a post OOA African lineage. So take a bunch of these specific post OOA African lineages and these specific ancestral Asian lineages and put them together, you'll end up with the modern European gene pool.
Feel free to name the non Asian and non African lineages. Feel free to name European specific underived lineages ..... which would contradict the already noted fact that Europeans are consisted of Asian and African derived lineages......????
Still waiting........ What taking you so damn long??? Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:65% ancestral Chinese, as in 65% ancestral Asian.
Sorry, 65% Chinese as in East Asian as they are saying Europeans are intermediate between East Asian (not your latest flip flop to SW Asian) and African remember? Of course not, I said it would take four years for you to get it.
Based on your face saving flip flop we are to believe that Bowcock et al. 1991 used the Pygmy sample as the archetypal African but their Chinese sample was not used as archetypal Asian?
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:they are saying Europeans are intermediate between East Asian (not your latest flip flop to SW Asian) and African remember?
Nope. They are saying Europe was populated from East Asia, and that Europeans are intermediate between Oceanic's and Africans...
From maximum likelihood estimates the European admixture consisted of 65% Chinese ancestors and 35% African ancestors (with a standard error of ±8%) and took place at a time =70% of the total since the origin, or 30 ± 6 kiloyears (kyr) ago.--Bowcock et al.
You keep repeating the same redundant nonsensical questions so you'll keep receiving this post until you address or refute it....
65% ancestral Chinese, as in 65% ancestral Asian. Not that Chinese (as you want to distort in their present phenotype) contributed to the European gene pool. Ad Nauseum.....Chinese are genetically representative carrying Ancestral Asian lineages, not phenotypically, as you are desperately trying to distort. As Europeans are representative of paleolithic populations in Europe genetically, but not phenotypically.
You like arguing semantics without getting down to actual specifics, I would like for you to get specific, which is address the fact that Europeans consist totally of ancestral Asian derived and post OOA African derived lineages, so please let's do, which is what you fail to address.....
Regardless jackassoben, of how the lineages were introduced into Europe, they're there, and **you can't** refute it. No matter how many times you twist and turn the end results equal........ Asian and African derived.
Validated by Uniparentals:
Ex: E3b is post OOA African, J is Asian. Both present in Europeans as well. Feel free to disprove the fact that we are able to tell when a population is admixed or not through genes.....???? E3b appears in southern Europe, but we know it's a post OOA African lineage. So take a bunch of these specific post OOA African lineages and these specific ancestral Asian lineages and put them together, you'll end up with the modern European gene pool.
Feel free to name the non Asian and non African lineages. Feel free to name European specific underived lineages ..... which would contradict the already noted fact that Europeans are consisted of Asian and African derived lineages......????
Still waiting........ What taking you so damn long???
quote: There are numerous populations today that are products of mating of peoples from two or more of these alleged racial groups. These new populations historically tie these populations together, in one perspective, but may also be seen as smoothing species-levels genetic gradients. Interestingly the race construct is sometimes not consistently used in terms of it's own logic by its adherents. An example is labeling of groups that the people in question are hybrids. This inconsistency is no doubt due to socialized practice and a racialized worldview that has political trappings. The existence of intermediate groups, whether they are products of gene flow or reflective of gradients of differentiation, or are the results of other microevolutionary processes, tends to negate the validity of the implicit or explicit practice associated with the concept of race.------SOY Keita, page 541, racial thinking.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:Nope. They are saying Europe was populated from East Asia, and that Europeans are intermediate between Oceanic's and Africans...
Rubbish. Bowcock et al. does not even say they are admixed between "Oceanic's" [sic] and Africans. And even your favorite picture spam does not show this. It shows E. Asian and African. Even your illiterate mentor see it Europeans are intermediate between Africans and East Asians.
Therefore when Cavalli-Sforza says overall contributions from "Asia" he is referring to East Asia, the Chinese, the Mongoloid according to rasolowitz's NYT. He is not referring to ALL of Asia from Palestine to Shanghai to Osaka. As Keita points out according to their interpretation Europeans arose as a consequence of admixture between already differentiated populations ancestral to (some) Africans and Asians. The "some" Asians here is a reference to their Chinese, their East Asians, their alleged ancestral Asians the Chinese. It is not saying ALL Asians.
So this has nothing to do with "semantics" but your own **** up. As was pointed out to your illiterate ass, East Asia and SW Asia are two different claims. Like everything else (hybrids, secondary type) you twist and turn yourself out of shape only exposing yourself as the forum illiterate.
You said that Chinese were not the Asian archetype:
Then why does Bowcock et al. says they [Chinese] are [ancestral Asian]?
quote:clueless replies: She does not
Faced with Bowcock saying they are representative of world aboriginal populations you then say well what they really mean to say is "genetically": Chinese are genetically descend from the ancestral Asians. This is complete BS of course but I will indulge it and play with you like a cat playing with its prey.
So if they are saying Chinese are genetically descend from the ancestral Asians who then are they saying were the real ancestral Asians Chinese descended from? Are we to believe that Bowcock et al. 1991 used the Pygmy sample as the archetypal African but their Chinese sample was not used as archetypal Asian only as a descendent of such?
Posted by Alive-(What Box) (Member # 10819) on :
quote:asshoben: Are Chinese ancestral Asians?
^wow. Talk about reading comprehension skills not to mention literacy.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Originally posted by akoben: [QB] [QUOTE]Nope. They are saying Europe was populated from East Asia, and that Europeans are intermediate between Oceanic's and Africans...
Rubbish. Bowcock et al. does not even say they are admixed between "Oceanic's" [sic] and Africans.
You dumb illiterate bastard. I never said Europe was populated by Oceanic's, but Europeans being non Africans, should be at the same evolutionary rate and therefore same genetic distance as all non African populations from Africa, but due to recent admixture from Africans, Europeans are now intermediate between non Africans(Oceanics) and Africans. As shown.....
quote: So if they are saying Chinese are genetically descend from the ancestral Asians who then are they saying were the real ancestral Asians Chinese descended from? Are we to believe that Bowcock et al. 1991 used the Pygmy sample as the archetypal African but their Chinese sample was not used as archetypal Asian only as a descendent of such?
Jackassoben rants: So if they are saying.... so if they are saying... so if they are saying.... you're like a broken record, with your distortion and what you want to argue what you think they mean
From maximum likelihood estimates the European admixture consisted of 65% Chinese ancestors and 35% African ancestors (with a standard error of ±8%) and took place at a time =70% of the total since the origin, or 30 ± 6 kiloyears (kyr) ago.--Bowcock et al.
^^^Pretty clear...Chinese ancestors=ancestral Asians
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
You keep repeating the same redundant nonsensical questions already answered, so you'll keep receiving this post until you address or refute it....
65% ancestral Chinese, as in 65% ancestral Asian. Not that Chinese (as you want to distort in their present phenotype) contributed to the European gene pool. Ad Nauseum.....Chinese are genetically representative carrying Ancestral Asian lineages, not phenotypically, as you are desperately trying to distort. As Europeans are representative of paleolithic populations in Europe genetically, but not phenotypically.
You like arguing semantics without getting down to actual specifics, I would like for you to get specific, which is address the fact that Europeans consist totally of ancestral Asian derived and post OOA African derived lineages, so please let's do, which is what you fail to address.....
Regardless jackassoben, of how the lineages were introduced into Europe, they're there, and **you can't** refute it. No matter how many times you twist and turn the end results equal........ Asian and African derived.
Validated by Uniparentals:
Ex: E3b is post OOA African, J is Asian. Both present in Europeans as well. Feel free to disprove the fact that we are able to tell when a population is admixed or not through genes.....???? E3b appears in southern Europe, but we know it's a post OOA African lineage. So take a bunch of these specific post OOA African lineages and these specific ancestral Asian lineages and put them together, you'll end up with the modern European gene pool.
Feel free to name the non Asian and non African lineages. Feel free to name European specific underived lineages ..... which would contradict the already noted fact that Europeans are consisted of Asian and African derived lineages......????
Still waiting........ What taking you so damn long???
quote: There are numerous populations today that are products of mating of peoples from two or more of these alleged racial groups. These new populations historically tie these populations together, in one perspective, but may also be seen as smoothing species-levels genetic gradients. Interestingly the race construct is sometimes not consistently used in terms of it's own logic by its adherents. An example is labeling of groups that the people in question are hybrids. This inconsistency is no doubt due to socialized practice and a racialized worldview that has political trappings. The existence of intermediate groups, whether they are products of gene flow or reflective of gradients of differentiation, or are the results of other microevolutionary processes, tends to negate the validity of the implicit or explicit practice associated with the concept of race.------SOY Keita, page 541, racial thinking.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:two extremes: Chinese and Forest Negro
^ the jackass continues to make up his own fake quotes, and then attempt to bait others into addressing them.
quote:Originally posted by Alive-(What Box):
quote:assopen: Are Chinese ancestral Asians?
^wow. Talk about reading comprehension skills not to mention literacy.
That's what happens when an illiterate jackass attempts to sustain for 40 pages an argument that ended on page.
Marc Washington did the same thing, before eventually surrendering in humiliation - but it took over a year.
Eventually jackass akoben will limp away in humiliation as well.
By my calculation, we have about 20 pages of jackass retardedness from akoben left before he finally catches on.
Jackass are funny like that, they're extremely slow...
Alight then jackass, continue.....
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
^ nice try distracting with that old quote from Keita, pretending that you still haven't demonstrated how he is saying Europeans are hybrid between two already differentiated populations, two extremes: Chinese and Forest Negro, in that quote.
quote:You dumb illiterate bastard. I never said Europe was populated by Oceanic's, but Europeans being non Africans, should be at the same evolutionary rate and therefore same genetic distance as all non African populations from Africa, but due to recent admixture from Africans, Europeans are now intermediate between non Africans(Oceanics) and Africans. As shown.....
Your anger is clearly as a result of your inability to reconcile your own BS. I never said you said Europe was populated by "Oceanic's[sic]" I said in response to this "Europeans are now intermediate between non Africans(Oceanics) and Africans." that Bowcock et al. does not even say they are admixed between "Oceanic's" [sic] and Africans. And since you repeated your lie I will say again that Bowcock does not say they are admixed between "Oceanic's" [sic] and Africans, they say Chinese (E.Asians) and Afrians.
quote:clueless in frustration: So if they are saying.... so if they are saying... so if they are saying.... you're like a broken record, with your distortion and what you want to argue what you think they mean. Chinese ancestors=ancestral Asians
You are a tired beaten down loser frustrated your BS mis interpretations keep blowing up in your face. Who then are they saying were the real ancestral Asians the Chinese are descended from? Are we to believe that Bowcock et al. 1991 used the Pygmy sample as the archetypal African but their Chinese sample was not used as archetypal Asian only as a descendent of them? Who then are they saying are the archetypical Asian?
Bowcock et al.'s Pygmy sample = archetypical African But their Chinese sample = descendants of archetypical Asian???
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:Originally posted by rasol: ^ Akoben = 42 pages of dumbstruck response to devastating facts.
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:Originally posted by Mmmkay: ^ Unrefuted...I'll add.
"Europeans appear as a mixture - 2/3 Asian, 1/3 African".
"It can be shown that populations *resulting from admixture* are shorter than other branches".
"The existence of intermediate groups, tends to negate the validity of the concept of race."
"Europeans, are *not* a race"
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:You dumb illiterate bastard. I never said Europe was populated by Oceanic's, but Europeans being non Africans, should be at the same evolutionary rate and therefore same genetic distance as all non African populations from Africa, but due to recent admixture from Africans, Europeans are now intermediate between non Africans(Oceanics) and Africans. As shown.....
Your anger is clearly as a result of your inability to reconcile your own BS. I never said you said Europe was populated by "Oceanic's[sic]" I said in response to this "Europeans are now intermediate between non Africans(Oceanics) and Africans." that Bowcock et al. does not even say they are admixed between "Oceanic's" [sic] and Africans. And since you repeated your lie I will say again that Bowcock does not say they are admixed between "Oceanic's" [sic] and Africans, they say Chinese (E.Asians) and Afrians.
Again, you show your illiteracy. Europeans are intermediate between Oceanic's and Africans, this does not mean they were populated from Oceania you dumb prick. Europeans being non Africans, should be at the same evolutionary rate and therefore same genetic distance as all non African populations from Africa, but due to recent admixture from Africans, Europeans are now intermediate between non Africans(Oceanics) and Africans.
Posted by Alive-(What Box) (Member # 10819) on :
I don't think ass-open fully realizes the implications of his contestings; if a 'more accurate' (ancestral; genetically speaking) group were found than the pigmy, this would influence the results how?
Further, what doesn't make sense about East Asians ("Chinese") having ancestral-Eurasian lineages?
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:Originally posted by rasol: ^ Akoben = 42 pages of dumbstruck response to devastating facts.
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:Originally posted by Mmmkay: ^ Unrefuted...I'll add.
"Europeans appear as a mixture - 2/3 Asian, 1/3 African".
"It can be shown that populations *resulting from admixture* are shorter than other branches".
"The existence of intermediate groups, tends to negate the validity of the concept of race."
"Europeans, are *not* a race"
You're way past irrelevant now. Apart from your hybrid **** up, even clueless18 sees Europe as peopled not from east but SW Asian (posted 20 December, 2008 08:54 PM).
Are you going to argue now that was what your Italian tree masters were really saying?
quote:Europeans are intermediate between Oceanic's and Africans,
Where does Bowcock say this? More importantly where does Keita...
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote: I don't think ass-open fully realizes the implications of his contestings; if a 'more accurate' (ancestral; genetically speaking) group were found than the pigmy, this would influence the results how?
Neither Pygmy nor Chinese samples are the sole basis or cause of Europeans being mixed.
Europeans will show as mixed no matter which Africans or Asians you sample them with respect to, and no matter which Europeans you sample.
Because they are....
"Europeans appear as a mixture - 2/3 Asian, 1/3 African".
"It can be shown that populations *resulting from admixture* are shorter than other branches".
"The existence of intermediate groups, tends to negate the validity of the concept of race."
"Europeans, are *not* a race"
Among the populations samples in the above dendrogram, are the following...
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Europe as peopled not from east but SW Asian
^ South West Asia is East of Europe, which is probably why Eurocentrists refer to it as the "Middle or Near East".
SouthWest Asia was itself peopled from Northern Eurasia and Africa.
The 1st Semites in Asia, were just Africans arriving to find people who were already there - C. Ehret.
Europeans split from East Asians in Central Asia, these people later mixed with Africans and SouthWest Asians.
That's why Europeans show as a mixture '2/3 Asian, 1/3 African'.
^ Unrefuted, in 44 pages of your desparate jackass babbling.
quote:are you going to argue now that was what your Italians were really saying
^ all the more obviously phoney then, your pretense that are saying Europeans are pygmy and part chinese, since this comment makes it clear that you know that's not what is being sad at all.
Europeans are mixed.
This makes you angry.
You can't refute it.
This makes you even more angry.
You can hide, but you can't run jackass.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
Wow, I see you brought a new picture spam to supplement your discredited tree of east Asians and Bowcock's racial divergence theory of Europeans being a hybrid at foundation between two extremes, two already differentiated populations ancestral to some Asians (i.e. Chinese/East Asians) and Africans (i.e. Forest Negroes).
How does your new map validate Bowcock et al.'s racial divergence theory and shows Keita being in agreement with it?
quote:^ South West Asia is East of Europe.
Yes, but it is not East Asia illiterate! LOL
No matter how you turn the map upside down to save face it contradicts your whopping 65% Chinese/East Asian in European as it was peopled, clueless says all three times from SW Asia, not east Asia. Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:The bawling she/male writes....
I see you brought a new picture spam to supplement your tree of east Asians
^ we see you are reduced again to whining like a baby, and babbling like a buffoon, because you have no answers...
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote: I don't think ass-open fully realizes the implications of his contestings; if a 'more accurate' (ancestral; genetically speaking) group were found than the pigmy, this would influence the results how?
Neither Pygmy nor Chinese samples are the sole basis or cause of Europeans being mixed.
Europeans will show as mixed no matter which Africans or Asians you sample them with respect to, and no matter which Europeans you sample.
Because they are....
"Europeans appear as a mixture - 2/3 Asian, 1/3 African".
"It can be shown that populations *resulting from admixture* are shorter than other branches".
"The existence of intermediate groups, tends to negate the validity of the concept of race."
"Europeans, are *not* a race"
Among the populations samples in the above dendrogram, are the is not the case that Chinese only represent Asia, nor that Pgymy only represent Africa.
This cry-baby excuse is thefore of course, a total red herring.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:South West Asia is East of Europe.
quote:irrelevant jackass remarks: Yes, but it is not East Asia
The citation in question never read as "east" asia. Learn to read, jackass....
"2/3 Asian, 1/3 African"
unrefuted. still.
instead of raging, ranting and crying, you need to produce a study that can refute the above.
but you can't.
why is that?
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote: Jackassoben whines: ...........
Stop the semantic runarounds....
Address the fact that Europeans consist totally of ancestral Asian derived and post OOA African derived lineages, which is what you *always* fail to address.....
No matter how many times you twist and turn the end results equal........ Asian and African derived.
Validated by Uniparentals:
Ex: E3b is post OOA African, J is Asian. Both present in Europeans as well. Feel free to disprove the fact that we are able to tell when a population is admixed or not through genes.....???? E3b appears in southern Europe, but we know it's a post OOA African lineage. So take a bunch of these specific post OOA African lineages and these specific ancestral Asian lineages and put them together, you'll end up with the modern European gene pool.
Feel free to name the non Asian and non African lineages. Feel free to name European specific underived lineages ..... which would contradict the already noted fact that Europeans are consisted of Asian and African derived lineages......????
Still waiting........ What taking you so damn long??? Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:address the fact that Europeans consist totally of ancestral Asian derived and post OOA African derived lineages
Clearly he can't. He's quite defenseless.
In 44 pages, here is jackass akobens sole response...
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ akoben is a neo-nazi who HATES the fact he is himself:
- mixed - mongrel - 'impure' - 'bastard'
-> everything he hates.
You *are* what you hate. Isn't that so Akoben?
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote: ^ all the more obviously phoney then, your pretense that are saying Europeans are pygmy and part chinese, since this comment makes it clear that you know that's not what is being sad at all.
Oh really? where are they saying ancestral Europeans are made up of all of Africa and ALL Asia? According to Bowcock Europe arose as a result of admixture between two already differentiated populations ancestral to some Asians and Africans. (Keita, 1997) Who were the already (racially) differentiated samples used as ancestral archetypes? Pygmies and Chinese. Central Africans and East Asians.
quote:Europeans are mixed.
Show how they arose as a result of admixture between two already differentiated populations Chinese and Forest Negro?
quote:The citation in question never read as "east" asia.
when Cavalli-Sforza says overall contributions from "Asia" he is referring to East Asia, the Chinese, the Mongoloid according to rasolowitz's NYT. He is not referring to ALL of Asia from Palestine to Shanghai to Osaka. As Keita points out according to their interpretation Europeans arose as a consequence of admixture between already differentiated populations ancestral to (some) Africans and Asians. The "some" Asians here is a reference to their Chinese, their East Asians, their alleged ancestral Asians the Chinese. It is not saying ALL Asians. Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
^^^mr. semantic strawman........
Refute the fact that Europeans consist totally of ancestral Asian derived and post OOA African derived lineages, which is what you *always* fail to address.....
No matter how many times you twist and turn the end results equal........ Asian and African derived.
Still waiting........ What taking you so damn long???
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718: ^^^mr. semantic strawman........
Refute the fact that Europeans consist totally of ancestral Asian derived and post OOA African derived lineages, which is what you *always* fail to address.....
No matter how many times you twist and turn the end results equal........ Asian and African derived.
Still waiting........ What taking you so damn long???
They consist of ancestral Asian alright, just not Chinese/East Asian as you advanced.
Your straws are even more comical now that Bowcock et al. has been contradictd not only by Keita but even your Dr. Richards. What how rasolowitz will squirm out of his European are hybrid between E.Asian and African.
quote:^ they are, as shown...
No they are not, the majority of contemporary European ancestry came not from East Asia. Europeans dont have 65% East Asian/Chinese.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Why are you still beating this dead horse
You're not a dead horse, you're a jackass, remember?
quote:when you already said Europeans are intermediate between Africans and East Asians.
^ they are, as shown...
^ the problem is, as always, that you are EXTREMELY STUPID, and cannot understand the difference between the above - and saying that Europeans *come from East Asia*, anymore than geneticists are saying that Europeans come from Oceania.
I know trying to think like a normal human being is too much to ask for a jackass like you.
It's tough being a jackass, isn't it?
Just listen to the sound of your own jackass braying...
quote:No they are not, the majority of contemporary European ancestry came not from East Asia.
^ What a jackass. Why would you write this unless you were trying to impress upon us -how stupid- you are?
I feel bad for you.
Really I do.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:address the fact that Europeans consist totally of ancestral Asian derived and post OOA African derived lineages
Clearly he can't. He's quite defenseless.
In 44 pages, here is jackass akobens sole response...
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Originally posted by akoben: [QUOTE]Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718: [qb] ^^^mr. semantic strawman........
Refute the fact that Europeans consist totally of ancestral Asian derived and post OOA African derived lineages, which is what you *always* fail to address.....
No matter how many times you twist and turn the end results equal........ Asian and African derived.
Still waiting........ What taking you so damn long???
They consist of ancestral Asian alright
Yes totally consisted of Asian and post OOA African derived lineages, which makes them an intermediate group. Again, check and mate. case
As shown.....
This is the hundredth time you've admitted it, yet you always retract and continue to argue against it...
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
Why do I feel we are going in circles and you're not telling the whole story? Didnt you say more than Europe consisting "totally" of Asian and African?
quote:Originally posted by akoben:
Clueless wants to hurry up and "close" the case on his bait and switch argument, hoping to forget his former debunked position: i.e. Keita was in agreement with Bowcock et al.'s racial divergence theory of 65% Chinese and 35% Forest Negro.
^ It is that argument/case, boy, which is closed on you. Never mind your distraction re population expansion, OOA.
But if you want you can always try to validate Bowcock et al.'s "factual data" by telling us how does your contemporary maps answer the question of how the "European" at foundation was formed by 65% Chinese and 35% Forest Negro or two-thirds Mongolian and rest one-third "African" (Pygmy) for that matter. How did they arrive at these figures for each? From their "core population" samples? How? What's taking so damn long???? I think I know why?
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
quote:Originally posted by akoben: [QUOTE]Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718: [qb] ^^^mr. semantic strawman........
Refute the fact that Europeans consist totally of ancestral Asian derived and post OOA African derived lineages, which is what you *always* fail to address.....
No matter how many times you twist and turn the end results equal........ Asian and African derived.
Still waiting........ What taking you so damn long???
They consist of ancestral Asian alright
Yes totally consisted of Asian and post OOA African derived lineages, which makes them an intermediate group. Again, check and mate. case
As shown.....
This is the hundredth time you've admitted it, yet you always retract and continue to argue against it...
^ Yes, the jackass continues to ramble right off the same cliff, over and over again.
Go easy on him. He can't help it....
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Didnt you say more than Europe consisting "totally" of Asian and African?
Coherence please..????
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:Europeans are intermediate between Oceanic's and Africans,
Where does Bowcock say this? More importantly where does Keita...
quote:Coherence please..????
Your bait and switch aside, Keita does not agree with Bowcock et al.'s racial divergence theory: their Pygmies as archetypal Africans and Chinese as archetypal Asians. (Persistence, (p.539). <---You have yet to prove this.
quote: is not the case that Chinese only represent Asia, nor that Pgymy only represent Africa.
Instead of picture spams of another tree show where Bowcock et al. and Sforza 1994 sampled others for their "ancestral populations". I think I asked you this question couple pages ago remember? What are their "core populations"? In your frustration you simply spam another map. Go figure...
quote:^ the problem is, as always, that you are EXTREMELY STUPID, and cannot understand the difference between the above - and saying that Europeans *come from East Asia*, anymore than geneticists are saying that Europeans come from Oceania.
The problem with you is you have to keep flip flopping each time your maps and scholars are debunked and you're contradicted. Sforza said Europe was populated from East Asia, hence "The intermediacy of the Europeans with respect to the African and East Asian populations". You yourself parroted this: that Europeans are genetically intermediate between "black Africans" and East Asians. So you know damn well they are not saying Europeans arose as a population intermediate between ALL Africa and ALL of Asia.
This is why Keita too said according to Bowcock et al. Europeans are descendants of a population that arose as a result of admixture between already differentiated populations ancestral to some Asians and African i.e. "some" here referring to their East Asian (rep. by Chinese) and Central African ( rep. by pygmies which Keita disagreed anyway).
However Richards showed most mtDNa came not from East Asia but "western-Eurasian origin". Clueless718 flowed suit and adjusted "although more recent data shows Europe was populated, three times, all from southwest Asia.".
Your now alone in your advocacy of Europeans showing as just 65% Chinese/East Asians and the rest "African" c/o Sforza. Where is this dominant East Asian element reflected in European maps when we know R1b is the dominant European Y DNA and Richard says little came East Asia on mtDNA side?
quote: ^ What a jackass. Why would you write this unless you were trying to impress upon us -how stupid- you are?
Jokes on you jailbird. Tracing European Founder Lineages in the Near Eastern mtDNA Pool Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Europeans are intermediate between Oceanic's and Africans,
Where does Bowcock say this? More importantly where does Keita...
One can show that a branch to a population resulting from admixture tends to be shorter than other branches when methods are used that do not require constant evolutionary rates, by a simple extension of the theoretical treatment of admixture between branches of a tree (22).
If genetic evolution in different lineages is independent and occurs at equal rates, we expect all distances between pairs of populations generated by a specific tree node to be equal (22). For example, all distances between African and non-African populations are expected to be equal. It is clear from Table 1 that the observed distances do not agree with this expectation: the distances between the African populations and Europeans are significantly smaller than the distances between the African populations and the other non-African populations.---Bowcock et al.
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
quote:Didnt you say more than Europe consisting "totally" of Asian and African?
Coherence please..????
Your bait and switch aside, Keita does not agree with Bowcock et al.'s racial divergence theory: their Pygmies as archetypal Africans and Chinese as archetypal Asians. (Persistence, (p.539). <---You have yet to prove this.
Lmao, talk about bait and switch... Anyway, please clarify your post on...
"Didnt you say more than Europe consisting "totally" of Asian and African?"
^^Coherence please??
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:Among the populations samples in the above dendrogram, are the is not the case that Chinese only represent Asia, nor that Pgymy only represent Africa.
You're such a pathetic liar. That's not even the same god damn tree. A poor illiterate soul such as yourself doesn't even understand that there are different trees for different studies: some trees are for cluster analysis and others used for divergence of ancestral populations, like the tree in question. Are those groups considered ancestral types by Bowcock et al.? Is the Dravidian considered ancestral Asian? When did Cavalli-Sforza, or anybody for that matter, group Indians and Eskimos in an "East Asian" branch? Is the Berber considered ancestral African by them? Not that it matters since Keita still blow you away, The belief that any living population could be proto African is fundamentally unsound (p.539). But seriously, post the fucking page where they say those populations were sampled as reps. for the tree in question or remain the discredited desperate jailbird you are.
quote:Europeans are intermediate between Oceanic's and Africans,
The intermediacy of the Europeans with respect to the African and East Asian populations...and
Europeans are descendants of a population that arose due to admixture between two ancestral populations....their Bougainville sample was not one of the two.
nothing about Europeans are intermediate between Oceanic's [sic] and Africans.
quote:Lmao, talk about bait and switch... Anyway, please clarify your post on...
No bait and switch sorry. Keita does not agree with Bowcock et al.'s racial divergence theory: their Pygmies as archetypal Africans and Chinese as archetypal Asians. (Persistence, (p.539). <---You have yet to prove this.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718: Europeans are intermediate between Oceanic's and Africans,
One can show that a branch to a population resulting from admixture tends to be shorter than other branches when methods are used that do not require constant evolutionary rates, by a simple extension of the theoretical treatment of admixture between branches of a tree (22).
Yes, this is clear.
There is more genetic similarity between Europeans and Africans - and between Europeans and Melanesians - than there is between Africans and Melanesians - Alan Templeton.
Europeans descend from a population of M168 bearing migrants out of Africa - but they are subsequently admixed with Africans and carry PN2 African lineages not found in East Asia or Melanesia.
They also lack genetic distinction of their own, in comparison to the Non African, and African groups from which they are derived.
This is why they fail, as denoted by Keita, to model as a race.
It is equally clear that jackass-oben can neither comprehend nor refute....anything.
The jackass is helpless....
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Inferring the population of origin of DNA evidence within the UK by allele-specific hybridization of Y-SNPs . Forensic Science International , Volume 152 , Issue 1 , Pages 45 - 53 J . Wetton , K . Tsang , H . Khan
Using 627 samples collected from individuals within the UK with pale-skinned Caucasian, dark-skinned Caucasian, African/Caribbean, South Asian, East Asian or Middle Eastern appearance we demonstrate that an individual's Y-SNP haplogroup is also strongly correlated with their physical appearance.
^ Wetton found both E3a, and E3b in 'caucasian' populations of Europe.
These lineages are not found in Melanesia and East Asia.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^Benin Haplotype is endemic to parts of Europe.
This autosome is not found in Melanesia and East Asia.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote: The problem with you is you have to keep flip flopping each time your maps and scholars are debunked and you're contradicted.
Sforza said Europe was populated from East Asia, hence "The intermediacy of the Europeans with respect to the African and East Asian populations.
^ No contradiction is referenced above.
What is demonstrated is the fact that you are so stupid, that you can't understand the difference between saying that
- Europeans are an admixture of Asians and Africans, and are thus
- intermediate between Africa and East Asia
- and claiming that Europeans -come from- East Asia, which no one is saying.
You always get dumbfounded because of your abnormally low intellect, and then try to convince yourself that "the world" is contradictory parodox.
The problem isn't that the world does not make sense.
The problem is that you don't have any sense.
Ha, haaa.
How amusing is your jackass behavior.
Go easy on him. He can't help it....
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:You're such a pathetic liar. That's not even the same god damn tree.
You're such a laughable whiny jackass of extreme 'low' intelligence.
There is only 1 tree shown.
The second graph [not a tree] shows individual population matrix used to form the tree in the 1st graph.
They are both from Cavelli Sforza's studies in which he concludes that Europeans are mixed.
His conclusion is *not* based soley on Chinese, Pygmy or any other one population,,,, fool.
Of course.
Why do even bother with such stupid argument?
You can remove the Chinese from the dozens of populations studied and it would make no difference, what-so-ever.
Dont' confuse your ridiculous excuses rooted in ignorance, with 'debate'.
That you're a whiny jackass who can't grasp reality - especially when he doesn't "like* it, is the only thing any of your posts demonstrate.
Keep crying....
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:The bawling she/male writes....
I see you brought a new picture spam to supplement your tree of east Asians
^ we see you are reduced again to whining like a baby, and babbling like a buffoon, because you have no answers...
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote: I don't think ass-open fully realizes the implications of his contestings; if a 'more accurate' (ancestral; genetically speaking) group were found than the pigmy, this would influence the results how?
Neither Pygmy nor Chinese samples are the sole basis or cause of Europeans being mixed.
Europeans will show as mixed no matter which Africans or Asians you sample them with respect to, and no matter which Europeans you sample.
Because they are....
"Europeans appear as a mixture - 2/3 Asian, 1/3 African".
"It can be shown that populations *resulting from admixture* are shorter than other branches".
"The existence of intermediate groups, tends to negate the validity of the concept of race."
"Europeans, are *not* a race"
Among the populations samples in the above dendrogram, are the is not the case that Chinese only represent Asia, nor that Pgymy only represent Africa.
This cry-baby excuse is thefore of course, a total red herring.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote: Europeans are an admixture of Asians and Africans
They are not saying Europeans are an admixture of "Asians" in general, sillyboy, but that Europeans are descendants of a population that arose as a result of admixture between already differentiated populations ancestral to some Asians and African i.e. "some" here referring to their East Asian (rep. by Chinese) and Central African ( rep. by pygmies). As I said Richards study contradicts it and Keita already says, The belief that any living population could be proto African is fundamentally unsound (p.539). .
quote:There is only 1 tree shown. The second graph shows individual populations used to form the trees. They are both from Cavelli Sforza's work in which he includes that Europeans are mixed.
You're a fucking liar, those populations are not sampled as ancestral to the five continents used for the tree in question. As I said post the fucking page where they say those populations were sampled as reps. for the tree in question or remain the discredited desperate jailbird you are. I fucking dare you.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:jackass whines: They are not saying Europeans are an admixture of "Asians" in general
And, why would anyone chase your unintelligible miscitations?
quote: jackass rambles off topic: The belief that any living population could be proto African is fundamentally unsound (p.539).
And, why would anyone chase after your desparate, irrelevant straws?
What is actually stated, and what is at issue: :
Europeans are a genetic mixture, 2/3 Asian, 1/3 African.
Unrefuted, and undressed.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:You're a fucking liar,
those populations are not sampled as ancestral
Akoben's incoherent rage ranting is quite entertaining.
No current population sampled is ancestral to anything.
Current populations are descendant from, not ancestral to.
Start with that fact, and then try to make some sense, with some of your jackass scribblings.
This matrix is from Sforza's History/Geography of Human Genes, where he states that Europeans are mixed.
Sforza's conclusions, the matrix, the tree.... all from the same study.
And this matrix graph is every bit as relevant to his conclusions, as the tree from which it is derived - and which is apparently driving you insane.
It simply shows individual populations and so completely moots your delusional rantings about Chinese and Pygmy.
^"Europeans show as a genetic mixture 2/3 Asian, 1/3 African" - Sforza
Unrefuted, and undressed.
^ Of course you know this, hence your hilarious tantrums.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
Look, stop stalling weasel, samples are used as aboriginal populations or archetypes for the continents as in their 1991 study. Post the fucking page where they say those populations were sampled as reps. for the tree in question or remain the discredited desperate jailbird you are. I fucking dare you.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:samples are used as aboriginal populations or archetypes for the continents
Pray tell, which ones, shown here are aboriginal, and which ones are not?
Bearing in mind that you claim that the following samples 'are *not*, the 'ancestral' ones. [incoherence notwithstanding]
The genetic information for this work came from a very large collection of gene frequencies grouped from 42 populations studied for 120 alleles - C Sforza, History Geography Human Genes.
Are they *all* aboriginal/archtypes, or only some of them?
quote:Post the fucking page where they say those populations were sampled as reps. for the tree in question
Again, it's for you to post the citation from Sforza stating that by saying "Europeans are mixture of African and Asian" - he means that they are a mixture of Pygmy and Chinese.
We are quoting him directly.
You are stating that he doesn't mean what he says.
Rather you claim he means - what *you* say, yet you provide no evidence for this.
Why is that?
This request remains outstanding after weeks of your babbling.
What's taking so long?
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
Yep. Thought so. Those populations are not used in the tree you spam for four years but fail to understand. Which is why you can't post the page and quote. You really are the fucking forum troll. What kind of person lies and makes stuff up on an internet forum to "win" an argument? How fucking childish and pathetic is that? 14000 + posts and nothing to show for it but lies and stupidity.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Those populations are not used in the tree.
The genetic information for this work came from a very large collection of gene frequencies grouped from 42 populations studied for 120 alleles - C Sforza, History Geography Human Genes.
1) Please cite Sforza to the effect that these populations are in fact not used to form his trees, or his conclusions that Europeans are mixed.
2) Please cite Sforza saying that Europeans, only appear to be mixed with "ancestral Chinese, and Pygmy." - and not Asians and Africans - as he *actually stated* and you fail to refute.
^ Convince us that this claim, by you, is anything more than laughably frusrated attempt to deny European mixed origins via distortion.
Add to following outstanding requests....
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:samples are used as aboriginal populations or archetypes for the continents
Pray tell, which ones, shown here are aboriginal, and which ones are not?
The genetic information for this work came from a very large collection of gene frequencies grouped from 42 populations studied for 120 alleles - C Sforza, History Geography Human Genes.
Are they *all* aboriginal/archtypes, or only some of them?
quote:Post the fucking page where they say those populations were sampled as reps. for the tree in question
Again, it's for you to post the citation from Sforza stating that by saying "Europeans are mixture of African and Asian" - he means that they are a mixture of Pygmy and Chinese.
This request remains outstanding after weeks of your babbling.
^ In short, convince us, that your not a whiny jackass, resorting to vulgar tantrum as a result of rage against his own [self] humiliation.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:How fucking childish and pathetic is that?
Quite so. The above is the one question, you actually have, clearly answered....
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:jackass whines: They are not saying Europeans are an admixture of "Asians" in general
And, why would anyone chase your unintelligible miscitations?
quote: jackass rambles off topic: The belief that any living population could be proto African is fundamentally unsound (p.539).
And, why would anyone chase after your desparate, irrelevant straws?
What is actually stated, and what is at issue: :
Europeans are a genetic mixture, 2/3 Asian, 1/3 African.
Unrefuted, and undressed.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
poor akoben.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:The genetic information for this work came from a very large collection of gene frequencies grouped from 42 populations studied for 120 alleles - C Sforza, History Geography Human Genes.
^ another lie. Those 42 aboriginal populations (p. 73) are not used for the tree in question and that quote is originally from this study which has his bizarre clustering which Keita spoke about in Persistence. How can you then argue that Keita is agreement (which is what this is all about) with them when he is deconstructing their racial thinking in his essay?
Another example being that they still see Mbuti and Khoisan as "important" core populations because of supposed less admixture. (p. 74) Keita clearly states that this is fundamentally unsound. So again you fail to show him in agreement with them no matter whee you desparately turn for help.
Your so fucking dishonest the more you twist the more you look like the fool you are.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by akoben: The genetic information for this work came from a very large collection of gene frequencies grouped from 42 populations studied for 120 alleles - C Sforza, History Geography Human Genes.
These data were also pooled for worldwide analyses into 42 populations, with data on 120 alleles at 44 loci. Both data sets (42 and 491 populations) are provided in appendixes. ^ The History and Geography of Human Genes by L. Luca Cavalli-Sforza, Paolo Menozzi and Albert Piazza
That study is a part of the basis for the books, dumb dumb.
The book, and Sforza's conclusion that Europeasn are mixed, references the populations shown in the graph, which is also from the book....
Europeans are a mix, 2/3 Asian, 1/3 African
Cavalli Sforza.
^ The real question is, how does any of your latest round of braying help you to refute the above?
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
^ stop posting reviews and unconnected picture spams. It means nothing as you're a proven liar.
Yes previous studies form the basis for later books, but again what you posted is not used for the tree in question. Look at his corresponding trees for appendix 1 (p. 78 - 90), not pertaining to the tree in question. Like I said what you posted was his cluster analysis, the type Keita deconstructed in Persistence. The kind Keita is not in agreement with. So your lies not withstanding, he is not in agreement with all of your trash. You are back where you started. Go home.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Like I said what you posted was his cluster analysis
^ Clusters form the basis of the tree vectors for Africa, Asia, Europe, etc. jackass. , and are based on the same population studies from which he derives his conclusion that Europeans are mixed, and which you've failed to address.
quote:How can you then argue that Keita is agreement (which is what this is all about) with them when he is deconstructing their racial thinking in his essay?
^ Of course this is a strawman, and a change of subject, since you can't answer any of our questions, but I will answer anyway for the fun of it, and because there is nothing you can say or do that will distract from the reality of Europeans being mixed.
I don't argue that Keita agrees with anyone except himself.
Keita states that Nuclear DNA testing undermines race.
He gives the reason that Europeans - although supposed as a primary division of mankind or a race - fail to model as such, because they are provably and substantially derived from Asians and Africans and not a primary group.
Since Europeans fail to model as a race, the entire Eurocentered ideology of race divison and assignment collapses.
This is Keita's position and I agree with it.
Your 40 pages of increasingly vulgar, frantic ranting, essentially amounts to a desparate attempt to rescue European racialism by trying to play off various miscitations of ill-comprehended works of Keita, Sforza and other scholars, against one another.
The problem is, they all agree that Europeans are mixed, so no quotes nor misquotes of/from any of them can ever help you.
This is why - when we ask you - to cite a refutation of the fact of Europeans as a mixed lot, you try to hide from the request, and divert the subject.
But diversion requires cleverness of which, you have none....which is why you're doomed.
poor akoben.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote: stop posting reviews and unconnected picture spams. It means nothing
It means you're a whiny jackass with no answers.
^"Europeans show as a genetic mixture 2/3 Asian, 1/3 African" - Cavalli Sforza
Unrefuted, and undressed.
^ To stop us from posting it, you have to stop denying it, or refute it.
You can't do the former because you're a racist loser who can't bear the truth.
You can't do the later because you're a jackass.
poor akoben.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote: It means nothing as you're a proven liar.
Sure, along with Keita, Kittles, Sforza, Templeton, Bowcock and everyone else that agrees that Europeans are mixed.
Of course, your hate means less than nothing, as you're a proven jackass, with no answers.
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:Originally posted by rasol: ^ Akoben = 42 pages of dumbstruck response to devastating facts.
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:Originally posted by Mmmkay: ^ Unrefuted...I'll add.
"Europeans appear as a mixture - 2/3 Asian, 1/3 African".
"It can be shown that populations *resulting from admixture* are shorter than other branches".
"The existence of intermediate groups, tends to negate the validity of the concept of race."
"Europeans, are *not* a race"
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
Again you're a proven liar. You fail to post the page and quote linking your mismatched ad hock ramblings. You merely switched to the 1988 study to supplement the embarrassment of the Bowcock et al. 1991 study which uses Chinese and Pygmy, which implies racial divergence between two already differentiated populations, to extremes; which you tried to but unsuccessfully argue that Keita was in agreement with. Having failed to show this, Keita somehow becomes a "straw man"!?!?! Wow!!!
How pathetic are you rasolowitz? Having failed miserably to show Keita validating your white masters you then throw him under the bus like their 1991 study!
quote:don't argue that Keita agrees with anyone except himself.
Ok fine. So we are finished then since I don't give a **** about your Italian masters theories re racial divergence in antiquity and/or their North Africans being somehow "Caucasoids". But really did it have to take 43 pages of lying, bait and switch, switching from mixed to hybrid back to mixed again to finally throwing Keita away? All your bait and switching has failed to validate Bowcock and show Keita agreeing with them. Keita does not agree that Europeans are hybrids or admixed at foundation, descendants of a population that arose as a consequence of admixture between already differentiated populations Chinese and Forest negro. (Bowcock et al. 1991)
^ babbling Europeans are "mixed", as if anyone argued they are a pure race, does not make them any more foundationally hybrid. Two black populations, Africans and Asians, cannot produce a "hybrid". There was no racial divergence back then, no morphological differentiation into the recognizable entities now labeled "races", hence no "hybrid" at foundation...sorry
quote:... the persistence of the socially constructed normative view of the African as only the "Forest Negro" type, or the so-called "Pygmy" from Central Africa, in line with Coon's thinking. These populations are used as the representative African in many studies (see Bowcock et al., 1991, 1994; Cavalli-Sforza et al., 1994)
What is actually a population expansion has been mistakenly termed "racial divergence," which implies morphological differentiation into the recognizable entities now labeled "races." – Keita
Posted by Alive-(What Box) (Member # 10819) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote: I don't think ass-open fully realizes the implications of his contestings; if a 'more accurate' (ancestral; genetically speaking) group were found than the pigmy, this would influence the results how?
Neither Pygmy nor Chinese samples are the sole basis or cause of Europeans being mixed.
Europeans will show as mixed no matter which Africans or Asians you sample them with respect to, and no matter which Europeans you sample.
Because they are....
"Europeans appear as a mixture - 2/3 Asian, 1/3 African".
"It can be shown that populations *resulting from admixture* are shorter than other branches".
"The existence of intermediate groups, tends to negate the validity of the concept of race."
"Europeans, are *not* a race"
Among the populations samples in the above dendrogram, are the following...
I think everyone understands the implications here save for ako and the rest our homoerotic-thread-posting nazi crew guests.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote: What is actually a population expansion has been mistakenly termed "racial divergence," which implies morphological differentiation into the recognizable entities now labeled "races." – Keita
Again, how many times are you going to repeat the same things to receive an answer, only to repeat it again in two weeks? Terminology terminology terminology. Bowcocks "divergence" is actually a population expansion, which is corrected and clarified by Keita. Which is what we've been saying this whole time jackass. Bwahahahahahahaa
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
quote:Originally posted by akoben: [QUOTE]Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718: [qb] ^^^mr. semantic strawman........
Refute the fact that Europeans consist totally of ancestral Asian derived and post OOA African derived lineages, which is what you *always* fail to address.....
No matter how many times you twist and turn the end results equal........ Asian and African derived.
Still waiting........ What taking you so damn long???
They consist of ancestral Asian alright
Yes totally consisted of Asian and post OOA African derived lineages, which makes them an intermediate group. Again, check and mate. case
As shown.....
This is the hundredth time you've admitted it, yet you always retract and continue to argue against it...
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote: Sure, along with Keita, Kittles, Sforza, Templeton, Bowcock and everyone else that agrees that Europeans are mixed.
Don't forget Mark Jobling et al.....
quote: The researchers, led by Professor Mark Jobling, of the Department of Genetics at the University of Leicester, first spotted the rare Y chromosome type, known as hgA1, in one individual, Mr. X. This happened whilst PhD student Ms. Turi King was sampling a larger group in a study to explore the association between surnames and the Y chromosome, both inherited from father to son. Mr. X, a white Caucasian living in Leicester, was unaware of having any African ancestors.
"As you can imagine, we were pretty amazed to find this result in someone unaware of having any African roots," explains Professor Jobling, a Wellcome Trust Senior Research Fellow. "The Y chromosome is passed down from father to son, so this suggested that Mr. X must have had African ancestry somewhere down the line. Our study suggests that this must have happened some time ago."
"This study shows that what it means to be British is complicated and always has been," says Professor Jobling. "Human migration history is clearly very complex, particularly for an island nation such as ours, and this study further debunks the idea that there are simple and distinct populations or 'races'."
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
LMAO Over 40 pages and Ashoben is still getting fried. Why not? His brains were already scrambled by Nazi rhetoric. I doubt even a Jewish shrink can help the poor bastard now.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasol: You merely switched to the 1988 study to supplement the embarrassment of the Bowcock et al.
The only one who switches to irrelevancies - ie - non sequiturs is you.
This is why when challenged to refute Sforza, you reference Bowcock.
^"Europeans show as a genetic mixture 2/3 Asian, 1/3 African"
quote: You're a proven liar.
When confronted with Sforza's conclusion that Europeans are mixed *2/3 Asian, 1/3 African*, you attempt to deny this statement, by substituting something else, said by someone else.
That is the lie.
Prove us wrong.
Provide a study refuting Sforza's conclusions that Europeans are mixed.
What's taking so long?
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:rasol: I don't argue that Keita agrees with anyone except himself.
quote: A sore loser writes: Ok fine. So we are finished then.
Actually you were finished on page one.
Your 40 pages of crying are completely irrelevant to the fact that Europeans are are mixture of African and Asian, and not a primary division or race.
quote: [/qb] "Europeans appear as a mixture - 2/3 Asian, 1/3 African".
"It can be shown that populations *resulting from admixture* are shorter than other branches".
"The existence of intermediate groups, tends to negate the validity of the concept of race."
"Europeans, are *not* a race"
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:This is why when challenged to refute Sforza, you reference Bowcock.
You seem to revel in public humiliation. Child, Sforza is apart of the 1991 study and it is repeated in History and Geography. And as you admitted already, all this started with the Keita quote (p. 538) and your misrepresentations of it. Now you want to forget Keita just as you would like to forget your past denunciations of the word "hybrid" for Europeans. I feel so sorry fo you boy.
You have absolutely no shame as do all con artists. Your quote re the 42 populations corresponds to Sforza's clustering for the dendrogram in (1988), not the same as his tree in figure 1, your favorite spam. And it is not connected to your new picture spam either. You're so stupid you can't even lie properly.
But what is indeed comical about this latest bait and switch is that in your flight from Bowcock et al. 1991 and the embarrassment it has obviously caused, you baited yourself into a corner. By running to Sforza (1988) to validate your favorite tree spam you end up underscoring Keita's argument re the ambiguous and suspect nature of tree branching.
Sforza (1988) is yet another one of the studies Keita deconstructs as problematic and even accuses Sforza of misleading his readers! (p. 540) Dopes like you of course! This is clearly seen by Sforza's shifting north African groups such as the Berbers who are seen as (genetically) "Caucasoid" and Sforza thinks its "no surprise" that North Africans are such! (p. 77 and 100) LOL And as for his Ethiopians being "genetically Africans (but mixed) who speak the language of Caucasoids!" (Persistence, p. 541)
It is evident that Keita laughs at, not agrees with, with your scholars boy. This is why you have throw him under the bus!
So in your 45 pages of bait and switch you actually baited yourself.
- Keita is not in agreement with their tree branching
- their bizarre and racialist clustering
- Europeans as a secondary type
- Europeans as foundational hybrids
quote:Again, how many times are you going to repeat the same things to receive an answer, only to repeat it again in two weeks? Terminology terminology terminology. Bowcocks "divergence" is actually a population expansion, which is corrected and clarified by Keita.
Poor you. You're as amateur and pathetic as your illiterate teacher. I would point out to your dumbass again that Coonian methods coupled with racial divergence theories are more than mere "terminology". But that's like kicking a man...sorry...boy when he's down. LOL
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Again, how many times are you going to repeat the same things to receive an answer, only to repeat it again in two weeks? Terminology terminology terminology. Bowcocks "divergence" is actually a population expansion, which is corrected and clarified by Keita.
Poor you. You're as amateur and pathetic as your illiterate teacher. I would point out to your dumbass again that Coonian methods coupled with racial divergence theories are more than mere "terminology". But that's like kicking a man...sorry...boy when he's down. LOL
What a lying phony you are.....So far you've only shown how Keita disagrees with terms his peers use, not once does Keita say Europeans are not mixed, nor does he debunk Bowcocks results, only her methods. Which is all you show. On the other hand, I, as well as others, have confirmed the fact that Europeans consists totally of Asian derived and post OOA African derived lineages. Which is genetic fact. And what do you do? You post Keita disagreeing with Bowcock's terminology, which has no bearing on the actual fact of Asian and African derived lineages.
Keita problem was with terminology and methods, there is absolutely no way you can show Keita saying Europeans consisting totally of Asian derived and post OOA African derived, is wrong, you can not show where he did or does, nor can you explain how it's wrong, so how do you say Keita disagreed with their results?
Of course you'll have no answer and instead will point out again how Keita dismisses their use of Caucasoid or racial divergence, but yet nowhere, not one time, can you quote Keita saying Europeans are not result of Asian and African derived lineages, because they are. Keita can't disagree with this because then he'll be lying......
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
One in one hundred white Britons directly descended from an African or Asian
May 20 2001
DNA reveals black genes in white Britons
Jonathan Leake, Science Editor
quote: ONE in every 100 "white" Britons is directly descended from an African or Asian, a new study has found. The study, which looked at the DNA of 10,000 people, found that many who believed their ancestry to be completely British were actually far more diverse.
Bryan Sykes, professor of human genetics at Oxford University, believes the DNA originates in Africans brought to Britain as soldiers and slaves by the Romans.
Among those whom Sykes found with a strong selection of African genes were a dairy farmer from Somerset whose British ancestry can be traced back hundreds of years.
Many other discoveries cannot be so easily explained. Sykes found that a primary school teacher in Edinburgh had Polynesian DNA that could only have originated from tribes in the south Pacific, even though her family could trace its British ancestry for at least 200 years.
Sykes believes such discoveries show that long migrations and consequent mixing of populations have always been a feature of humanity, making talk about racial purity meaningless.
He said: "This makes nonsense of any biological basis for racial classification. We are all a complex mixture and, at the same time, we are all related."
Similar analyses on black Britons have helped them to establish the links to their past that were destroyed when their ancestors were captured by slave traders.
Jendayi Serwah, of Bristol, came to Britain from Jamaica and was unable to trace her ancestry more than a few generations. Gene tests showed that she was almost certainly descended from members of the Kenyan Kikuyu tribe.
Other recent research has further undermined claims that Britain, or groups within it, could be racially unmixed. It showed that almost everybody of native European descent could trace their ancestry back to one of seven women who lived between 45,000 and 10,000 years ago.
Sykes is part of a project to create a genetic map of the British Isles, including Ireland. Early results suggest that, despite each group's claims to distinct origins, Protestants and Catholics in Northern Ireland were once members of the same tribe, some of whose members emigrated to southwest Scotland in about 800AD.
Copyright 2001 Times Newspapers Ltd.
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
^ Yes, it's studies like these that have Ashoben and his boyfriends like Argay in pain.
Yet Ashoben denies this FACT and opts for silly nonsequitors and strawmen arguments which means he ultimately has no argument at all. Yet his non-argument goes on for 40 pages now.
Well you know what they say about retards, it takes alot of time before their minds can comprehend the illogical error. More so than a child realizing that a dolphin is a mammal and not a fish.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
Clueless718, Where does Keita say Europeans are foundational hybrids, products of two of the alleged racial groups Chinese and C. African? That ancestral Europe arose as a consequence of admixture between two already differentiated populations, two so-called "extremes"? Where does he give credence to the racial divergence theories of your white masters with whom you seek to constantly validate your mongrel Puerto Rican ass? Not even Richards agrees with Sforza that Europe was settled from East Asia – hence your tree spam is irrelevant c/o Keita and Richards. Unless you want to join rasolowitz in his desperation and argue for Sforza (1998) to explain the tree.
quote: On the other hand, I, as well as others, have confirmed the fact that Europeans consists totally of Asian derived and post OOA African derived lineages.
Child you think too much of your insignificant self. OOA was established long before you sought to address your identity crisis on ES. You're nobody before you came here and you will continue to be a nobody just as your illiterate mentor who lacks the ability to comprehend the studies he speed reads. Your brushed ego leaves you with only one other option: pretend as if you spent 45 pages "debating" whether or not Europe was peopled from Asia and Africa or Venus and Mars. I'll just remind you then of what you failed miserably to prove:
- Keita is not in agreement with their tree branching
- their bizarre and racialist clustering
- Europeans as a secondary type
- Europeans as foundational hybrids
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:- Keita is not in agreement with their tree branching
- their bizarre and racialist clustering
- Europeans as a secondary type
- Europeans as foundational hybrids
These are all terminologies and methods that Keita disagrees with, you complete jackass. Of course he doesn't disagree with the genetic fact that Europe was formed by Asian and African populations, specifically identified by uniparentals(I.e. E3b African, and J Asian).
Of course as I said you can not produce a single quote where Keita says Europeans are not result of Asian and post OOA African populations coming together to create a new population(Europeans) and that these Europeans are totally consisted of Asian derived and post OOA African derived.
Not once does Keita say Europeans are not mixed, nor does he debunk Bowcocks results (that Europeans are totally consisted of Asian derived and post OOA African derived), only her methods. Which is all you show. I ask you to produce this quote or address this specifically. And what do you do? You distract and ignore it, by asking to show where Keita agrees with them. Well jackass, you can't show where he disagrees with the genetic fact of Europeans being Asian and post OOA African derived, so what's going on?
Just as I thought. Which is because you can't, you can only show how Keita disagrees with terminology. As mentioned, I, On the other hand, as well as others, have confirmed Bowcocks and Cavalli's results, the fact that Europeans consists totally of Asian derived and post OOA African derived lineages. You can not refute this because it is a genetic fact. You rather argue semantics and post quotes of Keita disagreeing with Bowcock's terminology, which has no bearing on the actual fact of Asian and African derived lineages.
Feel free to disprove the fact that Europeans totally consist of derived Asian and derived post OOA African lineages...... I am still waiting. Of course you already admitted it, but now is your time to retract and argue against it, I understand. Well I'm waiting for you to disprove this *genetic fact*, specifically, no semantics.
Whats taking so damn long jackassoben????
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
quote:Originally posted by akoben: [QUOTE]Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718: [qb] ^^^mr. semantic strawman........
Refute the fact that Europeans consist totally of ancestral Asian derived and post OOA African derived lineages, which is what you *always* fail to address.....
No matter how many times you twist and turn the end results equal........ Asian and African derived.
Still waiting........ What taking you so damn long???
They consist of ancestral Asian alright
Yes totally consisted of Asian and post OOA African derived lineages, which makes them an intermediate group. Again, check and mate. case
As shown.....
This is the hundredth time you've admitted it, yet you always retract and continue to argue against it...
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote: Sforza is apart of the 1991 study
^ Actually this is accidentally correct, since 'apart' means distinct from, which is true.
You cannot address Sforza's quote by misciting Bowcock.
You have to directly address Sforza, quote him correctly, and in context.
But the notion of context is beyound the comprehension of a jackass, so that will never happen.
Anything else, is just jackass antics -> All you're good for.
It's hilarious that such idiotic behavior passes - in your donkey-brain - for 'debate technique'.
Of course you are actually *trying* to say the opposite of what is true, but you again fail at it, like you have with everything else you've tried in your life.
The above quote is thus a perfect symbol of your 40 pages of incompetent futility.
Jackass, out of context, non-sequitur, miscitations cannot address Sforza's conclusion that Europeans are -mixed-.
In fact the whole purpose of your miscitation of Bowcock is to -HIDE- from Sforza conclusions, because you can't refute them.
Isn't that so, jackass?
Europeans show as mixture of 2/3 Asian, 1/3 African.
^ Unrefuted.
What you have demonstrated - to everyone - is that you're a total jackass.
quote:You seem to revel in public humiliation.
Yes, yours.
We all do......
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
My oh my, Ashoben's cheeks have sure taking alot of kicks yet the jackass still brays his sh*t! I guess his ass is used to punishment from his boyfriends.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Your quote re the 42 populations corresponds to Sforza's clustering for the dendrogram in (1988), not the same as his tree in figure 1
^ lol, at your incoherence.
Only a jackass would post a link he hasn't bothered to read:
Information from this table was adapted from refs. 1 and 2.
Reference 1 ↵Cavalli-Sforza L L, Menozzi P, Piazza A (1994) The History and Geography of Human Genes (Princeton Univ. Press, Princeton, NJ).
Reference 2 ↵Cavalli-Sforza L L (1996) Genes Peuples et Langues (Odile Jacob, Paris).
quote:And it is not connected to your new picture spam either
^ Of course they are all connected - as stated:
Coherence between a genetic tree derived from 42 populations with 120 classical polymorphisms
And shown:
^ Only a jackass would claim there is *no connection* between the data, graphs from the very link he just posted, and Sforza's conclusion that Europeans are mixed., which is the END RESULT of ALL of his data.
According to akoben Sfora's conclusion that Europeans are mixed has nothing to do with his data.
It's just something Sforza made up, for no reason, other than to drive akboen looney.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Jackassoben angrily types: Where does he give credence to the racial divergence theories of your white masters with whom you seek to constantly validate your mongrel Puerto Rican ass?
Lmao a bit upset??? Bwahahahahahahaahahahaaa
One in one hundred white Britons directly descended from an African or Asian
May 20 2001
DNA reveals black genes in white Britons
Jonathan Leake, Science Editor
quote: ONE in every 100 "white" Britons is directly descended from an African or Asian, a new study has found. The study, which looked at the DNA of 10,000 people, found that many who believed their ancestry to be completely British were actually far more diverse.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:DNA reveals black genes in white Britons
^ Wetton: Marked differences in Y-SNP allele frequencies between continental populations can be used to predict the biogeographic origin of a man's ancestral paternal lineage. Using 627 samples collected from individuals within the UK with pale-skinned Caucasian, dark-skinned Caucasian, [etc] we demonstrate that an individual's Y-SNP haplogroup is also strongly correlated with their physical appearance
^ Dark skinned "caucasians" of Europe -> 7% E3a, 17% E3b
^ Europeans are not a race. They are just depigmented descendants of Eurasians and Africans with little genetic distinction - short stem [hybrids].
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Jackassoben brays: ^ babbling Europeans are "mixed", as if anyone argued they are a pure race, does not make them any more foundationally hybrid.
Of course the babble is on your part, as Europeans arose as a result of Paleolithic Asians, and subsequent post OOA Africans, and nowhere does Cavalli or Bowcock state that post OOA Africans and Paleolithic Asians mixed "foundationally"(45kya) to create modern Europeans.
quote:Jackassoben brays: Two black populations, Africans and Asians, cannot produce a "hybrid".
Actually, as explained. Mesolithic Europeans did not resemble their Paleolithic ancestors in the complete sense of tropical adaptation, Europeans at the time of admixture were relatively short in stature exhibiting signs of cold adaptation, therefore not resembling their Paleolithic ancestors who resembled Australian and African populations being tropically adapted..
quote: Jackassoben brays: There was no racial divergence back then, no morphological differentiation into the recognizable entities now labeled "races", hence no "hybrid" at foundation...sorry
There was, and never will be a racial divergence, as it is actually population expansions (as Keita corrected remember). Morphological differentiation was already taking place in Europeans when subsequent post OOA migrations took place into Europe, so if this is what you consider a hybrid, well, Europeans are a hybrid. Jackass!!
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote: Originally squirmed by rasolowitz:
My god rasolowitz, you're just squirming all over the place when all I ask is for one lousy page and quote for the samples for your tree! I asked you for this list, you post a new picture spam – after much stalling of course. I asked you to reference this new picture spam, you quote Sforza (1988)! Then when this was pointed to your illiterate ass you insisted it was from History and Geography and to prove this you post a review of History and Geography!!!.
When this too was pointed out to your dumbass, you go right back to the Genes the web version that references the whole book, not page and quote linking your new picture spam to your tree! As your source say, "This is a big book!" it contains lots of information from different studies, including the 1991 study he was a part of, dumbass. Why reference the whole book when you claim to have read it? Why not reference the page? What kind of pathetic loser isn't man enough to admit he was lying when he said he read both volumes? Admit it rasolowitz, you didn't read ****!
And why are you still arguing in favour of Genes Peoples ("Europe being peopled from East Asia") and your tree spam which says EAST Asian, when even your confused student no longer agrees with this. posted 20 December, 2008 07:10 PM] And as I said, Where is this dominant East Asian element [2/3 Mongolian, 65% Chinese/East Asian] reflected in European when we know R1b is the dominant European Y DNA and Richard says little came East Asia on mtDNA side?
your tree spam is irrelevant c/o Keita and Richards.
quote:Morphological differentiation was already taking place in Europeans when subsequent post OOA migrations took place into Europe, so if this is what you consider a hybrid, well, Europeans are a hybrid.
Yep, taken straight from the rasolowitz book of artful dodging: change the meaning of words when they don't work out for you, then proceed to argue based on that. Like illiterate teacher, like stupid student. What you're doing is called straw man argument boy. This coupled with your repeated straws re the already established fact of OOA sums up your entire sorry predicament. As I said you're finished.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Morphological differentiation was already taking place in Europeans when subsequent post OOA migrations took place into Europe, so if this is what you consider a hybrid, well, Europeans are a hybrid.
Yep, taken straight from the rasolowitz book of artful dodging: change the meaning of words when they don't work out for you, then proceed to argue based on that. Like illiterate teacher, like stupid student. What you're doing is called straw man argument boy. This coupled with your repeated straws re the already established fact of OOA sums up your entire sorry predicament. As I said you're finished.
Yup, your post comes right out of the distracting semantic strawman book of jackasses. Change meanings of words? Sorry but I'm not like you. I debunk people like you instead.
You said there was no morphological differentiation to create what would be called a hybrid. Since you thought Europeans at the time of admixture with post OOA Africans, were still Australian or African resembling populations like their paleolithic ancestors, which they weren't.
Of course you were trying to argue, how can two black populations create a hybrid. Well, as explained Europeans did NOT resemble their Australian or African resembling paleolithic ancestors anymore, when they received this post OOA admixture. So if you were arguing against Europeans being hybrids because there was no morphological differentiation, but as explained to you, there was. Now, of course according to your own logic Europeans are hybrids since both populations contributing to form a new one, were not black, jackass!!!
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote: My god, you're just all over the place
^ gosh akoben, you're going nowhere at all, because you have no answers.
quote:Originally posted by rasol: ^ jackass factor....
quote:Originally posted by Alive-(What Box):
The overall contributions from **Asia** and Africa** were estimated to be around two-thirds and one-third, respectively. Simulations have shown (7) that this hypothesis explains quite well the discrepancy between trees obtained by maximum likelihood and neighbor joining.
The genetic information for this work came from a very large collection of gene frequencies grouped from 42 populations studied for 120 alleles.
Information from this table was adapted from refs. 1 and 2.
Reference 1 ↵Cavalli-Sforza L L, Menozzi P, Piazza A (1994) The History and Geography of Human Genes (Princeton Univ. Press, Princeton, NJ).
Reference 2 ↵Cavalli-Sforza L L (1996) Genes Peoples et Langues (Odile Jacob, Paris).
quote: I asked you to reference this new picture.
^ Done. We asked you to refute the above.
That was 40 pages ago, but still, no answers.
Why is that?
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:blah blah blah... So if you were arguing against Europeans being hybrids because there was no morphological differentiation, but as explained to you, there was. Now, of course according to your own logic Europeans are hybrids since both populations contributing to form a new one, were not black, jackass!!!
Translation: "so if you're saying what I want you to say, then I win! I'm that childish and desparate."
Dude, what I said is there for all to see. Stop twisting my words. You don't have an argument. You're long dead. Go **** yourself.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ the jackass suffers from attention deficit disorder, so we have to remind him of his failure to address...
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote: My god, you're just all over the place
^ gosh akoben, you're going nowhere at all, because you have no answers.
quote:Originally posted by rasol: ^ jackass factor....
quote:Originally posted by Alive-(What Box):
The overall contributions from **Asia** and Africa** were estimated to be around two-thirds and one-third, respectively. Simulations have shown (7) that this hypothesis explains quite well the discrepancy between trees obtained by maximum likelihood and neighbor joining.
The genetic information for this work came from a very large collection of gene frequencies grouped from 42 populations studied for 120 alleles.
Information from this table was adapted from refs. 1 and 2.
Reference 1 ↵Cavalli-Sforza L L, Menozzi P, Piazza A (1994) The History and Geography of Human Genes (Princeton Univ. Press, Princeton, NJ).
Reference 2 ↵Cavalli-Sforza L L (1996) Genes Peoples et Langues (Odile Jacob, Paris).
quote: I asked you to reference this new picture.
^ Done. We asked you to refute the above.
That was 40 pages ago.
What happened?
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Originally posted by akoben: [QB] [QUOTE]blah blah blah... So if you were arguing against Europeans being hybrids because there was no morphological differentiation, but as explained to you, there was. Now, of course according to your own logic Europeans are hybrids since both populations contributing to form a new one, were not black, jackass!!!
Translation: "so if you're saying what I want you to say, then I win! I'm that childish and desparate."
Nope, but just like you said, what you said, is there for all to see.......
quote:Jackassoben brays: Two black populations, Africans and Asians, cannot produce a "hybrid".
Actually, as explained. Mesolithic Europeans did not resemble their Paleolithic ancestors in the complete sense of tropical adaptation, Europeans at the time of admixture were relatively short in stature exhibiting signs of cold adaptation, therefore not resembling their Paleolithic ancestors who resembled Australian and African populations being tropically adapted, so there was morphological differentiation and Europeans at the time of admixture were not black...
Since your argument against Europeans being hybrids(as everyone can see) is because two black populations can't create a hyrbid. You're destroyed as usual.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ clearly the jackass does not know the meaning of the term hybrid.
but then what does he know, other than how to make straw arguments, via non-sequitur mis-citations?
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Well, as explained Europeans did NOT resemble their Australian or African resembling paleolithic ancestors anymore, when they received this post OOA admixture
correct, the pre-neolithic african incursions into West Asia and Europe are denoted skeletally, as the forms change with greater resemblance to modern africans at this time.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:Mesolithic Europeans did not resemble their Paleolithic ancestors
Child, get some help. Seriously. You actually quoted me correctly, but still insist on twisting my words. "Two black populations, Africans and Asians", where did I say a third "Mesolithic Europeans"?
Your ego is causing you to continue down this embarrassing path, just as your illiterate teacher who has been exposed as an unread crackpot.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ lack of answers is making your "attention deficit disorder" even worse.
take your ritalin please, and then answer the questions.....
quote:Originally posted by rasol: ^ the jackass suffers from attention deficit disorder, so we have to remind him of his failure to address...
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote: My god, you're just all over the place
^ gosh akoben, you're going nowhere at all, because you have no answers.
quote:Originally posted by rasol: ^ jackass factor....
quote:Originally posted by Alive-(What Box):
The overall contributions from **Asia** and Africa** were estimated to be around two-thirds and one-third, respectively. Simulations have shown (7) that this hypothesis explains quite well the discrepancy between trees obtained by maximum likelihood and neighbor joining.
The genetic information for this work came from a very large collection of gene frequencies grouped from 42 populations studied for 120 alleles.
Information from this table was adapted from refs. 1 and 2.
Reference 1 ↵Cavalli-Sforza L L, Menozzi P, Piazza A (1994) The History and Geography of Human Genes (Princeton Univ. Press, Princeton, NJ).
Reference 2 ↵Cavalli-Sforza L L (1996) Genes Peoples et Langues (Odile Jacob, Paris).
quote: I asked you to reference this new picture.
^ Done. We asked you to refute the above.
That was 40 pages ago.
What happened?
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Originally posted by akoben:
quote:Mesolithic Europeans did not resemble their Paleolithic ancestors
Child, get some help. Seriously. You actually quoted me correctly, but still insist on twisting my words. "Two black populations, Africans and Asians", where did I say a third "Mesolithic Europeans"?
Your ego is causing you to continue down this embarrassing path, just as your illiterate teacher who has been exposed as an unread crackpot.
Wow you're slow.....
There weren't two black populations, since it was one black population(post OOA Africans) mixing with Europeans who did not resemble their Australian or African resembling paleolithic ancestors. Remember morphological differentiation, jackass?
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^lol. you'd have better luck teaching a horse to count, than getting jackass akoben to 'think'.
What's that smell?
quote:Originally posted by rasol: ^ lack of answers is making your "attention deficit disorder" even worse.
take your ritalin please, and then answer the questions.....
quote:Originally posted by rasol: ^ the jackass suffers from attention deficit disorder, so we have to remind him of his failure to address...
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote: My god, you're just all over the place
^ gosh akoben, you're going nowhere at all, because you have no answers.
quote:Originally posted by rasol: ^ jackass factor....
quote:Originally posted by Alive-(What Box):
The overall contributions from **Asia** and Africa** were estimated to be around two-thirds and one-third, respectively. Simulations have shown (7) that this hypothesis explains quite well the discrepancy between trees obtained by maximum likelihood and neighbor joining.
The genetic information for this work came from a very large collection of gene frequencies grouped from 42 populations studied for 120 alleles.
Information from this table was adapted from refs. 1 and 2.
Reference 1 ↵Cavalli-Sforza L L, Menozzi P, Piazza A (1994) The History and Geography of Human Genes (Princeton Univ. Press, Princeton, NJ).
Reference 2 ↵Cavalli-Sforza L L (1996) Genes Peoples et Langues (Odile Jacob, Paris).
quote: I asked you to reference this new picture.
^ Done. We asked you to refute the above.
That was 40 pages ago.
What happened?
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote: There weren't two black populations
Oh really? How many populations formed the European?
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Originally posted by akoben:
quote: There weren't two black populations
Oh really? How many populations formed the European?
Dummy, there weren't two black populations, meaning, one was black(post OOA), and one was already morphologically changing due to adaptation in their environments, I.e gradually becoming cold adapted(Europeans).
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ rotfl, poor akoben
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
How many populations formed the European?
Bitch are we going to do this again?
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
there it is again,
that awful smell!!!
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
^^I definitly smell it...
Lmao @ this repetitive semantic jackass
Two populations Asian and African. Paleolithic Asians resembled Australians and Africans, yes. At the time of admixture with the incoming migrants from Africa, these ancestral Paleolithic Asians in Europe, were already morphologically changing due to adaptation in their environments, I.e gradually becoming cold adapted(Europeans). You want me to explain it again???
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote: Two populations Asian and African.
Was there morphological changes between these two populations that contributed to the formation of a new population European, according to Bowcock?
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Originally posted by akoben:
quote: Two populations Asian and African.
Was there morphological changes between these two populations that contributed to the formation of a new population European, according to Bowcock?
This kid is too damn slow.
Two populations Asian and African. Paleolithic Asians resembled Australians and Africans, yes. But, at the time of admixture with the incoming migrants from Africa, these ancestral Paleolithic Asians in Europe, were already morphologically changing due to adaptation in their environments, I.e gradually becoming cold adapted(Europeans). You want me to explain it again??? Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote: these ancestral Paleolithic Asians in Europe, were already morphologically changing
So what? Bowcock et al. did not say Mesolithic Europeans or "morphologically changing" Asians and Africans came together to form a new population. They said two populations, Asian and African, came together to form a new: European.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Originally posted by akoben:
quote: these ancestral Paleolithic Asians in Europe, were already morphologically changing
So what? Bowcock et al. did not say Mesolithic Europeans or "morphologically changing" Asians and Africans came together to form a new population. They said two populations, Asian and African, came together to form a new: European.
Lmao @ what a squirming jackass you are...... Bowcock tells us Asians and Africans came together to form a new population, yes. When we look at the genetic and skeletal record of migrations and admixture from post OOA Africans into Europe, we see it was well after Paleolithic Asians had already settled Europe, and were already gradually adapting to their environments.
Now, this is where your argument via two black populations not being able to form a hybrid population since there was no morphological differentiation. Well, now I point out that there was morphological differentiation at the time of admixtures between the Paleolithic Asians in Europe, and the incoming migrants from post OOA Africa. Will you now address this???
quote:Originally posted by rasol: there it is again,
that awful smell!!!
^^^Yup I still smell it, a rotting carcass of a jackassoben.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote: Well, now I point out that there was morphological differentiation at the time of admixtures between the Paleolithic Asians in Europe, and the incoming migrants from post OOA Africa. Will you now address this???
Oh my god, this is the worse form of face saving straw man rambling I have ever seen in my entire life! LOL
It doesn't matter what face saving rambles you come up with. According to Bowcock et al. Europeans are descendants of a population that arose due to admixture between two ancestral populations .... two divergent populations contribute in specified proportions to form a new population.
They are not saying that Mesolithic Europeans or "morphologically changing" Asians and Africans formed/produced a "new" population.
come again so I can throw your BS back in your face!
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote: According to Bowcock et al. Europeans are descendants of a population that arose due to admixture between two ancestral populations .... two divergent populations contribute in specified proportions to form a new population.They are not saying that Mesolithic Europeans or "morphologically changing" Asians and Africans formed/produced a "new" population.
Ok?? lol Yes this is exactly what this means. When we look at the genetic and skeletal record of migrations and admixture from post OOA Africans into Europe, we see it was well after Paleolithic Asians had already settled Europe, and were already gradually adapting to their environments.
It doesn't matter what you want to argue ms. semantic strawman. Bowcock and Cavalli inform us that Europeans are result of Africans and Asians coming together to create Europeans.
It's not my fault you don't understand OOA, or understand when these migrations, and admixture took place, to know that there was already morphological differentiation. This is your own remedial fault that you don't understand that we are able to know when these migration and admixture took place due to genetic and skeletal evidential facts.
Therefore your silly semantic strawman via "they didn't mention that the populations were morphologically differentiated" doesn't matter since I am proving to you that they were. Will you address this now? Stop running, because you can't run forever....
1) Europeans are result of Paleolithic Asians and post OOA Africans, all lineages present in Europeans are either Asian derived, or post OOA African derived.
2) At the time of admixture between Paleolithic Asians and incoming post OOA African migrants, the ancestral Asian population was already morphologically differentiated therefore were not black like their Paleolithic ancestors who resembled Australians and Africans more than modern inhabitants. Therefore as proven, it wasn't two black populations.
You're debunked again as usual....according to your own logic Europeans are hybrids. Mixing of two populations with morphological differentiation.
Another case closed on the dead rotting carcass of the jackassoben........
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Oh my god, this is the worse form of face saving straw man rambling I have ever seen in my entire life
^ Don't you have a mirror?
quote:Originally posted by rasol: ^ lack of answers is making your "attention deficit disorder" even worse.
take your ritalin please, and then answer the questions.....
quote:Originally posted by rasol: ^ the jackass suffers from attention deficit disorder, so we have to remind him of his failure to address...
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote: My god, you're just all over the place
^ gosh akoben, you're going nowhere at all, because you have no answers.
quote:Originally posted by rasol: ^ jackass factor....
quote:Originally posted by Alive-(What Box):
The overall contributions from **Asia** and Africa** were estimated to be around two-thirds and one-third, respectively. Simulations have shown (7) that this hypothesis explains quite well the discrepancy between trees obtained by maximum likelihood and neighbor joining.
The genetic information for this work came from a very large collection of gene frequencies grouped from 42 populations studied for 120 alleles.
Information from this table was adapted from refs. 1 and 2.
Reference 1 ↵Cavalli-Sforza L L, Menozzi P, Piazza A (1994) The History and Geography of Human Genes (Princeton Univ. Press, Princeton, NJ).
Reference 2 ↵Cavalli-Sforza L L (1996) Genes Peoples et Langues (Odile Jacob, Paris).
quote: I asked you to reference this new picture.
^ Done. We asked you to refute the above.
That was 40 pages ago.
What happened?
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote: or understand when these migrations, and admixture took place, to know that there was already morphological differentiation.
So the Europeans at the time of post OOA African migrants were not black (like early Paleolithic Asian settlers) but morphed into the modern inhabitants of today, they were what we call today "white" right?
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
ROTFL @ the idiot above who claims to know what he's talking about enough to make an argument but is (again) reduced to asking questions!
quote:Jackassoben angrily types: Where does he give credence to the racial divergence theories of your white masters with whom you seek to constantly validate your mongrel Puerto Rican ass?
My oh my, I see you share the same penchant as all other retard trolls-- resorting to ad-hominem attacks on people via presumed ethnicities. First you call Rasol a 'Jew' now 'Puerto-Rican'?? LOL He is neither but it doesn't matter because you're still fried up!
Hey guys, I smell that sh*t too! It's the smell of burnt donkey meat!
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Originally posted by akoben:
quote: or understand when these migrations, and admixture took place, to know that there was already morphological differentiation.
So the Europeans at the time of post OOA African migrants were not black (like early Paleolithic Asian settlers) but morphed into the modern inhabitants of today, they were what we call today "white" right?
Oh man, again, humans in Europe were gradually becoming cold adapted to what we see today, when post OOA African migrations took place. Morphological differentiation is noted from tropically adapted in the Paleolithic, and gradually towards cold adaption during the Mesolithic. You know damn well as much as it is explained on this board that Europeans only turned pale recently in order to allow UV in to produce Vitamin D through synthesis.
Posted by meninarmer (Member # 12654) on :
^ African migrates to Europe were slowly adapting to the climate, while African Albinos were not able to adapt, but found the Europeans climate much more suitable to their mutated state, relative to the African climate which was far more hostile and lead to certain early fatalities amongst them. Over time, following admixture, the modern European emerged.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
^^^You try so hard, but yet you always fail miserably... Poor kid.
quote: while African Albinos were not able to adapt, but found the Europeans climate much more suitable to their mutated state,
Albinism is recessive and is not something that becomes permanent because a climate fits well this recessive mutated state. Albinos who would live in Europe, would not produce ongoing albino children you dumbass.
Then you stupidly say albinos mixed and mixed with others to create Europeans, so basically you're saying this genetic recessive rarely occurring state of albinism became dominant over Africans and Asians who weren't albinos and carried no recessive genes?
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
Oh my god, I hope for your sake that you're only face saving. I really hope you're not this stupid.
Clueless718, there was no "admixture" between Paleolithic Asians and incoming post OOA African migrants to produce any new population. By the time post OOA Africans came Europeans were not paleolithic, Asian or black.
And these modern inhabitants (whites) didn't merge with incoming Africans to produce a new population, which would be a "hybrid". You see, hybrids are not the "Mixing of two populations with morphological differentiation" you silly illiterate child. Hybrids are products of two or more of the alleged racial groups; or to put it another way, products of two populations with morphological differentiation.
So Bowcock et al. argues: Europeans are hybrids, products of already differentiated Asian (not post Paleolithic Europeans) and Africans; arose as a result of admixture between two already differentiated populations Asian (not post Paleolithic Europeans) and Africans. You still fail to prove this. In fact, what you actually show is not two differentiated populations merging to produce a new, not racial divergence, but simple population expansion and evolution. Precisely what Keita argues, not Bowcock! So in the end, what all your face saving dribble actually did was to debunk Bowcock! Which I suspect you subconsciously wanted to do a long time ago when you realized how much of a liability they had become!
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
^^^That post is so imbecilic, contradicting and evasive, I don't even know where to start. I really shouldn't even waste my time with your strawmen, but hey let's go.....
quote:Jackassoben brays: there was no "admixture" between Paleolithic Asians and incoming post OOA African migrants to produce any new population. By the time post OOA Africans came Europeans were not paleolithic, Asian or black.
Lmao, now you're acting like you're telling me this? Anyway, as we look at the genetic and skeletal record of migrations and admixture from post OOA Africans into Europe, we see it was well after Paleolithic Asians had settled Europe, and were already gradually adapting to their environments.
quote: : writes: And these modern inhabitants (whites) didn't merge with incoming Africans to produce a new population, which would be a "hybrid".
Of course when post OOA Africans mixed with Asians in Europe the Asians weren't white, but they were considerably cold adapted, during the LUP and Mesolithic, Europeans matched up closer to recent Europeans in limb proportions indicating cold adaptations. Whereas their Paleolithic ancestors were tropically adapted and matched closely to recent Africans.
quote: : writes: You see, hybrids are not the "Mixing of two populations with morphological differentiation" you silly illiterate child. Hybrids are products of two or more of the alleged racial groups; or to put it another way, products of two populations with morphological differentiation.
Lmao, did you just say that? Wow, talk about contradictions, this is the worst.
Remember: Anything you say, can, and will be used against you.... Bwahahahahahahaahahahaahaa
quote: : writes: So Bowcock et al. argues: Europeans are hybrids, products of already differentiated Asian (not post Paleolithic Europeans) and Africans; arose as a result of admixture between two already differentiated populations Asian (not post Paleolithic Europeans) and Africans. You still fail to prove this.
Post paleolithic Europeans are Asian derived humans who received admixture from post OOA Africans to create the modern day European gene pool. Of course Bowcock argues that Europeans are a result of Asians and Africans coming together to create the modern European gene pool, which has been thoroughly validated many times.
quote: : writes: In fact, what you actually show is not two differentiated populations merging to produce a new, not racial divergence, but simple population expansion and evolution.
Girl shutup. I proved Europeans are result of Asians and Africans. Point blank.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Jackassoben debunks himself: Hybrids are products of two or more of the alleged racial groups; or to put it another way, products of two populations with morphological differentiation.
The two contributing populations were morphologically differentiated, you jackass.
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
^ Who you telling??
Know matter how many times the jackass is smashed and burned, it keeps going! My, this is the most stubborn and stupidest ass in the world.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:The two contributing populations were morphologically differentiated
^ Yes it is clear that European phenotype is the produce of both in situ and admixture based differentiations.
Hybrid also exists at the genetic, as opposed to morphological level.
Europeans have African paternal haplotypes E and A and maternal haplotypes L2, and L3.
These haplotypes are not found in East Asia, Australia or the Pacific Island natives.
This is because they did not exist in the original OOA populations.
Europeans also have Benin Haplotype which causes sickle cell morphology, which is endemic in parts of Europe - neither Benin Haplotype nor Sickle Cell is found in East Asia, Australia or the Pacific Islands.
These genotypes and phenotypes are characteristic of Europeans, but not their OOA cousins because Europeans are hybrid - genetically, and phenetically.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
akoben is now so dumbstruck that he doesn't even *try* to respond.......
Very well then.
I leave the defeated jackass smouldering carcass for the rest of you to kick around.
quote:Originally posted by rasol: ^ lack of answers is making your "attention deficit disorder" even worse.
take your ritalin please, and then answer the questions.....
quote:Originally posted by rasol: ^ the jackass suffers from attention deficit disorder, so we have to remind him of his failure to address...
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote: My god, you're just all over the place
^ gosh akoben, you're going nowhere at all, because you have no answers.
quote:Originally posted by rasol: ^ jackass factor....
quote:Originally posted by Alive-(What Box):
The overall contributions from **Asia** and Africa** were estimated to be around two-thirds and one-third, respectively. Simulations have shown (7) that this hypothesis explains quite well the discrepancy between trees obtained by maximum likelihood and neighbor joining.
The genetic information for this work came from a very large collection of gene frequencies grouped from 42 populations studied for 120 alleles.
Information from this table was adapted from refs. 1 and 2.
Reference 1 ↵Cavalli-Sforza L L, Menozzi P, Piazza A (1994) The History and Geography of Human Genes (Princeton Univ. Press, Princeton, NJ).
Reference 2 ↵Cavalli-Sforza L L (1996) Genes Peoples et Langues (Odile Jacob, Paris).
quote: I asked you to reference this new picture.
^ Done. We asked you to refute the above.
That was 40 pages ago.
What happened?
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasol: ...Hybrid also exists at the genetic, as opposed to morphological level.
Europeans have African paternal haplotypes E and A and maternal haplotypes L2, and L3.
These haplotypes are not found in East Asia, Australia or the Pacific Island natives.
This is because they did not exist in the original OOA populations.
Europeans also have Benin Haplotype which causes sickle cell morphology, which is endemic in parts of Europe - neither Benin Haplotype nor Sickle Cell is found in East Asia, Australia or the Pacific Islands.
These genotypes and phenotypes are characteristic of Europeans, but not their OOA cousins because Europeans are hybrid - genetically, and phenetically.
All the above is correct. So the question is what the hell is the jack ass arguing about, then?
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote: Amusing.
akoben is now so dumbstruck that he doesn't even *try* to respond.......
Very well then.
I leave the defeated jackass smouldering carcass for the rest of you to kick around.
Since when did he really even respond coherently and directly towards a question asked to him?
Anyway, the jackass been at its wits end, beaten to a pulp, pretty much obliterated, but yet still comes back for more..........
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
quote:Jackassoben debunks himself: Hybrids are products of two or more of the alleged racial groups; or to put it another way, products of two populations with morphological differentiation.
The two contributing populations were morphologically differentiated, you jackass.
Posted by alTakruri (Member # 10195) on :
It is the nature for a packass to brey. It is the nature of an open ass to fart (at the least). What else would you expect from one who is at once a jackass and an open ass except stubborn repetitive ****?
quote:Originally posted by Djehuti: ... what the hell is the jack ass arguing about, then?
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote: Of course Bowcock argues that Europeans are a result of Asians and Africans coming together
We've gone way past what Bowcock et al. actually argues boy. At this point I'm merely humoring your bullshit red herrings. For instance, when do "Asians" stop being "Asians" and start being "Europeans"? How can you argue incoming Africans mixed with "Asians" when they were in Europe for thousands of years and at this time were no longer black as you say? You said there was morphological differentiation, they were not black anymore. Now you say they were not white. So to justify the use of the word "hybrid", are you saying Africans "mixed" with these people who were not quite white as yet and not quite black anymore to produce whites (Europeans), hence Europeans are a hybrid products of two populations with morphological differentiation? LOL And if this is what you're arguing then wouldn't this come right back to Keita's argument against your masters assuming the independence of human populations to support his geographical tree branching?
quote:akoben is now so dumbstruck that he doesn't even *try* to respond.......
You're too stupid to even realize that I have rendered you totally irrelevant. I am now bored with replying to your spams. Until you post that page and quote, stay irrelevant.
quote:It is the nature for a packass to brey. It is the nature of an open ass to fart (at the least). What else would you expect from one who is at once a jackass and an open ass except stubborn repetitive ****?
It is in the nature of the Jew to hold a grudge on those who exposes him. I suspect you are still upset with me for exposing you as the hypocrite that you are for pointing fingers at "bigoted Christians".
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Jackass akboen whines: I am now bored
-> translation: You are now beaten.
"Europeans appear as a genetic mixture, 2/3 Asian, 1/3 African". Reference 1 ↵Cavalli-Sforza L L, Menozzi P, Piazza A (1994) The History and Geography of Human Genes (Princeton Univ. Press, Princeton, NJ).
Reference 2 ↵Cavalli-Sforza L L (1996) Genes Peoples et Langues (Odile Jacob, Paris).
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:akoben appeals to: oh jesus, oh god!!
^ apparently the difference between the anti-semitic jackass, and a jew, is the he believes the jewish rabbi jesus God.
quote:akoben: It is in the nature of the Jew to hold a grudge
^ It is in the nature of the Jackass to fail to answer questions, but continue to brey on, anyway.
46 pages: Not a single study, source or item of data to refute the fact the Europeans are mixed, as denoted by Keita, and Sforza, and Templeton and Wetton, and Bowcock.
100's of posts of your jackass breying, anti semitic babble while at the same time envoking your jewish god.... but no substance whatsoever.
quote:AlTakruri writes: It is the nature for a packass to brey. It is the nature of an open ass to fart (at the least). What else would you expect from one who is at once a jackass and an open ass except stubborn repetitive ****?
"Europeans appear as a genetic mixture, 2/3 Asian, 1/3 African".
Reference 1 ↵Cavalli-Sforza L L, Menozzi P, Piazza A (1994) The History and Geography of Human Genes (Princeton Univ. Press, Princeton, NJ).
Reference 2 ↵Cavalli-Sforza L L (1996) Genes Peoples et Langues (Odile Jacob, Paris).
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote: : writes: For instance, when do "Asians" stop being "Asians" and start being "Europeans"?
They're Asian, since their lineages arose and are specific to Asia, regardless of living in Europe, Africa, America wherever. This is what is being explained to you over and over, Europeans are product of Asian and post OOA Africans. They're European since they live in Europe but as explained their uni-parental haplogoups arose in Asia and post OOA Africa. Native Americans carry Asian specific haplogroups, but they're referred to as Native Americans, despite there being no specific American haplotypes, that actually arose in the Americas. Just like their are no specific underived lineages attributable to Europe, but yet we still call people in Europe, Europeans.
quote: : writes: How can you argue incoming Africans mixed with "Asians" when they were in Europe for thousands of years and at this time were no longer black as you say?
As explained above, regardless of where a population is, if their lineages tie them to a specific land of which this lineages arose. These lineages are, and will always remain tied to that land. So...Paleolithic Asians in Europe, were still Asians(carrying Asian derived lineages) until incoming Africans came and mixed to create the modern gene pool of the people in Europe. Which is totally Asian and post OOA African derived.
quote: : writes:
You said there was morphological differentiation, they were not black anymore.
Yes there was differentiation in the form of cold adaptation, LUP and Mesolithic humans in Europe were gradually becoming cold adapted, and did not match up to their Paleolithic ancestors, instead matched closely to recent Europeans.
quote: : writes: Now you say they were not white.
Of course they were not white, and I never said otherwise....
quote: : writes: So to justify the use of the word "hybrid", are you saying Africans "mixed" with these people who were not quite white as yet and not quite black anymore to produce whites (Europeans), hence Europeans are a hybrid products of two populations with morphological differentiation?
As explained ad Nauseum........humans in Europe didn't become white until farming spread(Neolithic), during their millenia in Europe, humans were becoming cold adapted. The reason they didn't turn white is because, as noted with Inuit. Early humans in Europe were hunter gatherers and retained this status until 6-8kya, when they adopted farming from incoming migrants. If there were no morphological differentiation, then how would we be able to tell skeletally that migrations took place?
Obviously there was morphological differentiation already taking place, as noted cold adaptation.
quote: : writes: LOL And if this is what you're arguing then wouldn't this come right back to Keita's argument against your masters assuming the independence of human populations to support his geographical tree branching?
Nope, it comes right back to UNI-PARENTALS. Asian specific, post OOA Africa specific etc.......
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
^ It's simple, the ancestors of Europeans originated in *Asia*. Europe is itself a subcontinent of Asia and not really seperate if anyone can look on a map. Europeans are mixed in the sense that about a third of them (especially those living along the Mediterranean) carry post OOA African lineages since as early as the Mesolithic.
Watch, Assopen (LOL good one, Takruri!) will come back with more idiotic strawmen and nonsequitors.
You can't teach an old dog new tricks, and apparently you can't teach a jackass anything.
Posted by White Nord (Member # 14093) on :
As far as the title pertains here is unrefuted sivence about Eb1 and Somalians Earth your freaking hearts you Afronuts
It is also important to point out that just because a haplotype is found at a high frequency in a population that doesn't make it from that population's geographic area or indicative of that population alone. For instance Haplotype R1b1 finds it highest frequency in Ireland. If a person has this DNA it is not indicative of an Irish race or an Irish origin. In fact most people that have it are not from Ireland. It is simply where this DNA is found at a high frequency.
The current population of Somalia is not known to be accurate. The last estimate put the population at around 9,800,000. I will round that up to ten million. million. So there are about five million men in Somalia. If we were to take about ten percent of that population we would come to the conclusion that Somali men that carry the Y chromosome markers for Haplogroup T number at about 500,000. Since this Y chromosome group is only about 9,000 years old and clearly has a non-African origin we can conclude that it entered into Somalia in recent years. The truth about that Haplogroup is that it is not found in 10% of the Somali population. This was a northern population they were testing and populations in other parts of Somalia did not have this haplotype.
Now let us study the Y chromosome Haplogroup E. Always a favorite it seems. We should begin by looking at the study you so often use. Let us read the introduction.
[I]East Africans are more related to Eurasians than to other African populations.1, 2, 3 Investigations of Y chromosome markers have shown that the East African populations were not significantly affected by the east bound Bantu expansion that took place approximately 3500 years ago, while a significant contact to Arab and Middle East populations can be deduced from the present distribution of the Y chromosomes in these areas.4, 5 The Y chromosome haplogroup E3a is found at high frequencies in the sub-Saharan, Bantu-speaking populations but at low frequencies in East Africa, while Eurasian haplogroups like J and K are found at various frequencies in East Africa.3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 However, the majority of Y chromosomes found in populations in Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia and Oromos in Somalia and North Kenya (Boranas) belong to haplogroup E3b1 defined by the Y chromosome marker M78.9, 10 A special branch of E3b1, cluster , which was defined by the presence of the otherwise rare Y STR allele 11 in DYS19, was observed in high frequencies in small samples of male Boranas (Oromos) in North Kenya, Ethiopian Oromos and Somali males, while the E3b1 cluster was found in low frequencies in non-Oromos from Ethiopia, Bantus from Kenya, North Egyptians10 and was almost absent in populations outside the Horn of Africa. Other clusters of haplogroup E3b1 (, and ) that are found in European, Arab, North and East African populations were not found in Oromos from North Kenya (Boranas) or Ethiopia, and found in only one of 23 Somali males.10[I/]
There is no unique marker about E3b that would make anyone believe that it belongs to a race of Somalian people.
I suspect that you have a psychological issue with Somalis having a clearly mixed race ancestry. Their Y chromsome markers indicate an origin outside of Africa and the study you so often use confirms that yet you come on here and try to put, not one, but two Y chromosome haplogroups into a made up race category. The study states that J and K2 (now T) are Eurasian markers that came to Somalia in recent years. It then goes on to focus on E3b and the difference between the markers they found. While some were unique to Africa other E3b markers apear to have an origin outside of Africa.
While the origin of E is debated still the origin of the E haplotypes in Somalia can trace back to the middle east and all the T and J haplotypes certainly trace back to the middle east and have a non-African origin. You do not claim that J has an African origin? Haplogroup J is found in Africa at a higher rate than T yet you focus on this. By numbers alone Italian men have more T markers. It is clearly Eurasian. The population of Egypt has about eighty million people. The frequency of Haplogroup T is about 8% in Egypt. It would appear that T has been in Egypt much longer than Somalia yet you want to put this haplogroup in a race category called Somalian. Most geneticists put its origin in Iran by the way.
Posted by TheAmericanPatriot (Member # 15824) on :
You cannot reason with these guys Nord. This board gets wilder every month. One of them claimed that henry VIII was actually black but that evil white people have covered it up. Most of the posts here come from a computer in a mental institution.
Posted by Youngblood Priest[Formerly The Bass (Member # 10328) on :
quote:Originally posted by White Nord: As far as the title pertains here is unrefuted sivence about Eb1 and Somalians Earth your freaking hearts you Afronuts
It is also important to point out that just because a haplotype is found at a high frequency in a population that doesn't make it from that population's geographic area or indicative of that population alone. For instance Haplotype R1b1 finds it highest frequency in Ireland. If a person has this DNA it is not indicative of an Irish race or an Irish origin. In fact most people that have it are not from Ireland. It is simply where this DNA is found at a high frequency.
The current population of Somalia is not known to be accurate. The last estimate put the population at around 9,800,000. I will round that up to ten million. million. So there are about five million men in Somalia. If we were to take about ten percent of that population we would come to the conclusion that Somali men that carry the Y chromosome markers for Haplogroup T number at about 500,000. Since this Y chromosome group is only about 9,000 years old and clearly has a non-African origin we can conclude that it entered into Somalia in recent years. The truth about that Haplogroup is that it is not found in 10% of the Somali population. This was a northern population they were testing and populations in other parts of Somalia did not have this haplotype.
Now let us study the Y chromosome Haplogroup E. Always a favorite it seems. We should begin by looking at the study you so often use. Let us read the introduction.
[I]East Africans are more related to Eurasians than to other African populations.1, 2, 3 Investigations of Y chromosome markers have shown that the East African populations were not significantly affected by the east bound Bantu expansion that took place approximately 3500 years ago, while a significant contact to Arab and Middle East populations can be deduced from the present distribution of the Y chromosomes in these areas.4, 5 The Y chromosome haplogroup E3a is found at high frequencies in the sub-Saharan, Bantu-speaking populations but at low frequencies in East Africa, while Eurasian haplogroups like J and K are found at various frequencies in East Africa.3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 However, the majority of Y chromosomes found in populations in Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia and Oromos in Somalia and North Kenya (Boranas) belong to haplogroup E3b1 defined by the Y chromosome marker M78.9, 10 A special branch of E3b1, cluster , which was defined by the presence of the otherwise rare Y STR allele 11 in DYS19, was observed in high frequencies in small samples of male Boranas (Oromos) in North Kenya, Ethiopian Oromos and Somali males, while the E3b1 cluster was found in low frequencies in non-Oromos from Ethiopia, Bantus from Kenya, North Egyptians10 and was almost absent in populations outside the Horn of Africa. Other clusters of haplogroup E3b1 (, and ) that are found in European, Arab, North and East African populations were not found in Oromos from North Kenya (Boranas) or Ethiopia, and found in only one of 23 Somali males.10[I/]
There is no unique marker about E3b that would make anyone believe that it belongs to a race of Somalian people.
I suspect that you have a psychological issue with Somalis having a clearly mixed race ancestry. Their Y chromsome markers indicate an origin outside of Africa and the study you so often use confirms that yet you come on here and try to put, not one, but two Y chromosome haplogroups into a made up race category. The study states that J and K2 (now T) are Eurasian markers that came to Somalia in recent years. It then goes on to focus on E3b and the difference between the markers they found. While some were unique to Africa other E3b markers apear to have an origin outside of Africa.
While the origin of E is debated still the origin of the E haplotypes in Somalia can trace back to the middle east and all the T and J haplotypes certainly trace back to the middle east and have a non-African origin. You do not claim that J has an African origin? Haplogroup J is found in Africa at a higher rate than T yet you focus on this. By numbers alone Italian men have more T markers. It is clearly Eurasian. The population of Egypt has about eighty million people. The frequency of Haplogroup T is about 8% in Egypt. It would appear that T has been in Egypt much longer than Somalia yet you want to put this haplogroup in a race category called Somalian. Most geneticists put its origin in Iran by the way.
"Nuclear DNA studies also contribute to the deconstruction of received racial entities. Ann Bowcock and her colleague's interpretation (Bowcock et al. 1991; Bowcock et al. 1994) of analyses of restriction-site polymorphisms and microsatellite polymorphisms (STRPs) suggests that Europeans, the defining Caucasians, are descendants of a population that arose as a consequence of admixture between already differentiated populations ancestral to (some) Africans and Asians. Therefore, Caucasians would be a secondary type of race due to its hybrid origin and not a primary race".
Short lengths for European and related branches have been observed previously for trees constructed from classical genetic data (1, 8, 30). Two possible explanations for the short European branch are (a) that after the fission, Europeans diverged at a much lower evolutionary rate, or (b) that Europeans are descendants of a population that arose due to admixture between two ancestral populations. The ad hoc hypothesis of a lower evolutionary rate in Europe is not further testable. We can, however, rule out one possible cause of such a reduction of evolutionary rates: the increase in population density due to agriculture. This was of such magnitude (31) that it may have frozen genetic drift in Europe. However, because this increase in density occurred fairly recently relative to the time of settlement of moderm humans in Europe, it cannot have caused a reduction of more than 20-25% in the evolutionary rate of Europeans; trees such as that of Fig. 2 indicate a reduction of the order of 80-90%o. In contrast to the lower evolutionary rate hypothesis, the hypothesis that the shorter branch leading to Europeans is due to admixture is testable. This hypothesis was suggested earlier for the analysis of three populations (Africans, Europeans, and Northeast Asians; ref. 7) but was not quantitatively analyzed. One can show that a branch to a population resulting from admixture tends to be shorter than other branches when methods are used that do not require constant evolutionary rates, by a simple extension of the theoretical treatment of admixture between branches of a tree (22).......The data were found to be consistent with admixture between the branch leading to Chinese after their separation from Melanesians and the branch leading to the two African populations (Fig. lb). From maximum likelihood estimates the European admixture consisted of 65% Chinese ancestors and 35% African ancestors (with a standard error of ±8%) and took place at a time =70% of the total since the origin, or 30 ± 6 kiloyears (kyr) ago.
Proc. Nati. Acad. Sci. USA Vol. 88, pp. 839-843, February 1991 Evolution Drift, admixture, and selection in human evolution: A study with DNA polymorphisms
Genes, peoples, and languages L. Luca Cavalli-Sforza
One reasonable hypothesis is that the genetic distance between Asia and Africa is shorter than that between Africa and the other continents in Table 1 because both Africans and Asians contributed to the settlement of Europe, which began about 40,000 years ago. It seems very reasonable to assume that both continents nearest to Europe contributed to its settlement, even if perhaps at different times and maybe repeatedly. It is reassuring that the analysis of other markers also consistently gives the same results in this case. Moreover, a specific evolutionary model tested, i.e., that Europe is formed by contributions from Asia and Africa, fits the distance matrix perfectly (6). In this simplified model, the migrations postulated to have populated Europe are estimated to have occurred at an early date (30,000 years ago), but it is impossible to distinguish, on the basis of these data, this model from that of several migrations at different times. The overall contributions from Asia and Africa were estimated to be around two-thirds and one-third, respectively. Simulations have shown (7) that this hypothesis explains quite well the discrepancy between trees obtained by maximum likelihood and neighbor joining.
Basically, the idea of European "racial purity" is shot, attempting to preserve so called "racial purity" is futile since it doesn't exist for Europeans due to their origin from a mixing of two already differentiated populations. "Pure mutts" don't exist.
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
How convenient that as Assoben is silent, (dumb) White Nerd comes in with some silly b.s. about East African Somalis being more closely related to white Irish than to other black Africans, and then (dumber) 'professor' comes right after with his amoral support!
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
quote:Originally posted by White Nord: As far as the title pertains here is unrefuted sivence about Eb1 and Somalians Earth your freaking hearts you Afronuts
It is also important to point out that just because a haplotype is found at a high frequency in a population that doesn't make it from that population's geographic area or indicative of that population alone. For instance Haplotype R1b1 finds it highest frequency in Ireland. If a person has this DNA it is not indicative of an Irish race or an Irish origin. In fact most people that have it are not from Ireland. It is simply where this DNA is found at a high frequency.
The current population of Somalia is not known to be accurate. The last estimate put the population at around 9,800,000. I will round that up to ten million. million. So there are about five million men in Somalia. If we were to take about ten percent of that population we would come to the conclusion that Somali men that carry the Y chromosome markers for Haplogroup T number at about 500,000. Since this Y chromosome group is only about 9,000 years old and clearly has a non-African origin we can conclude that it entered into Somalia in recent years. The truth about that Haplogroup is that it is not found in 10% of the Somali population. This was a northern population they were testing and populations in other parts of Somalia did not have this haplotype.
Now let us study the Y chromosome Haplogroup E. Always a favorite it seems. We should begin by looking at the study you so often use. Let us read the introduction.
East Africans are more related to Eurasians than to other African populations.1, 2, 3 Investigations of Y chromosome markers have shown that the East African populations were not significantly affected by the east bound Bantu expansion that took place approximately 3500 years ago, while a significant contact to Arab and Middle East populations can be deduced from the present distribution of the Y chromosomes in these areas.4, 5 The Y chromosome haplogroup E3a is found at high frequencies in the sub-Saharan, Bantu-speaking populations but at low frequencies in East Africa, while Eurasian haplogroups like J and K are found at various frequencies in East Africa.3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 However, the majority of Y chromosomes found in populations in Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia and Oromos in Somalia and North Kenya (Boranas) belong to haplogroup E3b1 defined by the Y chromosome marker M78.9, 10 A special branch of E3b1, cluster , which was defined by the presence of the otherwise rare Y STR allele 11 in DYS19, was observed in high frequencies in small samples of male Boranas (Oromos) in North Kenya, Ethiopian Oromos and Somali males, while the E3b1 cluster was found in low frequencies in non-Oromos from Ethiopia, Bantus from Kenya, North Egyptians10 and was almost absent in populations outside the Horn of Africa. Other clusters of haplogroup E3b1 (, and ) that are found in European, Arab, North and East African populations were not found in Oromos from North Kenya (Boranas) or Ethiopia, and found in only one of 23 Somali males.10
There is no unique marker about E3b that would make anyone believe that it belongs to a race of Somalian people.
I suspect that you have a psychological issue with Somalis having a clearly mixed race ancestry. Their Y chromsome markers indicate an origin outside of Africa and the study you so often use confirms that yet you come on here and try to put, not one, but two Y chromosome haplogroups into a made up race category. The study states that J and K2 (now T) are Eurasian markers that came to Somalia in recent years. It then goes on to focus on E3b and the difference between the markers they found. While some were unique to Africa other E3b markers apear to have an origin outside of Africa.
While the origin of E is debated still the origin of the E haplotypes in Somalia can trace back to the middle east and all the T and J haplotypes certainly trace back to the middle east and have a non-African origin. You do not claim that J has an African origin? Haplogroup J is found in Africa at a higher rate than T yet you focus on this. By numbers alone Italian men have more T markers. It is clearly Eurasian. The population of Egypt has about eighty million people. The frequency of Haplogroup T is about 8% in Egypt. It would appear that T has been in Egypt much longer than Somalia yet you want to put this haplogroup in a race category called Somalian. Most geneticists put its origin in Iran by the way.
^ Seriously we have deconstructed this study and the associated ridiculous claim about a dozen times in this forum with our old top troll Evil-Euro. The study is inaccurate in that it is a distortion on the fact that since *all* non-Africans descend from a subset of East Africans that left Africa over 60,000 years ago, then it is only natural that non-Africans (pure ones at least) are more closely related to East Africans than they are to Africans from other parts of the continent. But this in NO way means that East Africans themselves are somehow not closely related to other Africans! LOL
Again, just earlier I and other intelligent posters mentioned how the African origins of humankind disturb racists so much they are willing to make these ancient Africans "cacazoid" and low and behold White Nerd pops up with his b.s.!
Have you heard of Omo I, the earliest modern human remains found? Here's what anthropologists say about it:
"Taken together, the remains show that these early modern humans were...much like the people in southern Ethiopia and the southern Sudan today," Pearson said."
Wow very cacazoid these people must have looked then!
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
quote:Originally posted by White Nord: As far as the title pertains here is unrefuted sivence about Eb1 and Somalians Earth your freaking hearts you Afronuts
Don't you mean "eat" your heart out? Nevermind.
quote:It is also important to point out that just because a haplotype is found at a high frequency in a population that doesn't make it from that population's geographic area or indicative of that population alone. For instance Haplotype R1b1 finds it highest frequency in Ireland. If a person has this DNA it is not indicative of an Irish race or an Irish origin. In fact most people that have it are not from Ireland. It is simply where this DNA is found at a high frequency.
But usually, highest frequency means point of origin or close to point of origin. By the way, R1b1 highest frequency is not just in Ireland, moron but around the Northwestern Europe in general.
quote:The current population of Somalia is not known to be accurate. The last estimate put the population at around 9,800,000. I will round that up to ten million. million. So there are about five million men in Somalia. If we were to take about ten percent of that population we would come to the conclusion that Somali men that carry the Y chromosome markers for Haplogroup T number at about 500,000. Since this Y chromosome group is only about 9,000 years old and clearly has a non-African origin we can conclude that it entered into Somalia in recent years. The truth about that Haplogroup is that it is not found in 10% of the Somali population. This was a northern population they were testing and populations in other parts of Somalia did not have this haplotype.
Okay, and this non-African lineage is still found only in a minority of the population as expected. Your point?
quote:Now let us study the Y chromosome Haplogroup E. Always a favorite it seems. We should begin by looking at the study you so often use. Let us read the introduction.
East Africans are more related to Eurasians than to other African populations.1, 2, 3 Investigations of Y chromosome markers have shown that the East African populations were not significantly affected by the east bound Bantu expansion that took place approximately 3500 years ago, while a significant contact to Arab and Middle East populations can be deduced from the present distribution of the Y chromosomes in these areas.4, 5 The Y chromosome haplogroup E3a is found at high frequencies in the sub-Saharan, Bantu-speaking populations but at low frequencies in East Africa, while Eurasian haplogroups like J and K are found at various frequencies in East Africa.3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 However, the majority of Y chromosomes found in populations in Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia and Oromos in Somalia and North Kenya (Boranas) belong to haplogroup E3b1 defined by the Y chromosome marker M78.9, 10 A special branch of E3b1, cluster , which was defined by the presence of the otherwise rare Y STR allele 11 in DYS19, was observed in high frequencies in small samples of male Boranas (Oromos) in North Kenya, Ethiopian Oromos and Somali males, while the E3b1 cluster was found in low frequencies in non-Oromos from Ethiopia, Bantus from Kenya, North Egyptians10 and was almost absent in populations outside the Horn of Africa. Other clusters of haplogroup E3b1 (, and ) that are found in European, Arab, North and East African populations were not found in Oromos from North Kenya (Boranas) or Ethiopia, and found in only one of 23 Somali males.10
There is no unique marker about E3b that would make anyone believe that it belongs to a race of Somalian people.
Nobody said E3b was "unique" to Somalis you idiot! We are merely saying that it is common to them as it is to many other East African populations as your study above shows!
quote:I suspect that you have a psychological issue with Somalis having a clearly mixed race ancestry. Their Y chromsome markers indicate an origin outside of Africa and the study you so often use confirms that yet you come on here and try to put, not one, but two Y chromosome haplogroups into a made up race category. The study states that J and K2 (now T) are Eurasian markers that came to Somalia in recent years. It then goes on to focus on E3b and the difference between the markers they found. While some were unique to Africa other E3b markers apear to have an origin outside of Africa.
Yes, the Somali population may have a little mixed ancestry but the vast majority do NOT. And well, they certainly are not as mixed as Europeans who one-third of which have African ancestry. Which means you as a 'white' person has a much higher chance of having African ancestry than does a Somali! LOL
quote:While the origin of E is debated still the origin of the E haplotypes in Somalia can trace back to the middle east and all the T and J haplotypes certainly trace back to the middle east and have a non-African origin. You do not claim that J has an African origin? Haplogroup J is found in Africa at a higher rate than T yet you focus on this. By numbers alone Italian men have more T markers. It is clearly Eurasian. The population of Egypt has about eighty million people. The frequency of Haplogroup T is about 8% in Egypt. It would appear that T has been in Egypt much longer than Somalia yet you want to put this haplogroup in a race category called Somalian. Most geneticists put its origin in Iran by the way.
Again, Haplogroup T is a non-African lineage which unsurprisingly has low frequency among Africans, unlike E3b1 which is African and is found among Europeans as a whole at 33%. As far as "Middle Eastern" origins of E, many white racist obfuscate its African origins simply by calling Northeast Africa i.e. Egypt and even Sudan as "Middle East"! LOL Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
Clueless718, So basically according to your interpretation of what Bowcock et al. are really saying would read something like this: already differentiated populations Asians (i.e. Mesolithic cold adapting Europeans, a people not black and not white either...Yellow/Chinese? LOL) mixed with blacks to create a "hybrid", white Europeans? And as aboriginal representations for these populations they choose a Chinese for the cold adapting Europeans (the Asians) and a Pygmy for the incoming blacks (the Africans) and "Caucasoids of European origin" for the "hybrid" population? Please come back with more comic relief, you could go on Def Comedy Jam! LOL
Hey, high priest instead of resorting to cut and paste from rasolwoitz, with his mistakes and all (secondary type of race), you should actually read Keita, especially what he has to say about the notion of racial divergence (two already differentiated populations: Chinese and Pygmy), continental tree branching and the idea of pygmies as proto African.
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
White Nerd, your humiliating annihilation is in this thread here.
Look there if you dare.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
As far as the title pertains here is unrefuted sivence about Eb1 and Somalians Earth your freaking hearts out
^ Whatever you're drinking seems to have adversely effected your ability to type, or think.
Try again, once you're sober.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:While the origin of E is debated still the origin of the E haplotypes in Somalia can trace back to the middle east
You clearly have no idea of what you're talking about. Among other things you confuse M78, E3b, with M96 E.
There is no debate over the origin of either haplotype.
They are African.
This was denoted on the 1st page of this thread.
This being said, Your comments do not contest or debate any fact. They are just worthless stupid remarks from someone who does not pay attention and cannot comprehend.
In essence, you're the new jackass in town.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by Charlie Bass: Lets set Evil Euro turd up for a trap about his E3b is K-Zoid mania:
Damn, look at all those areas where E3b appears in high frequencies in SSA, by Evil Euroturd's logic SSA should be overwhelmingly Levantine K-Zoid looking
According to this study, Datog, who are Nilotic speaking people have 43% E3b1-M293, but since E3b is Caucasoid, why don't they look like so-called "mulattoes" and instead look like this:
Almost forgot those darfur people too, damn another study said this about Darfur males:
"Haplogroup E-M78, however, is more widely distributed and is thought to have an origin in eastern African. More recently, this haplogroup has been carefully dissected and was found to depict several well-established subclades with defined geographical clustering (Cruciani et al., 2006, 2007). Although this haplogroup is common to most Sudanese populations, it has exceptionally high frequency among populations like those of western Sudan (particularly Darfur) and the Beja in eastern Sudan."
And those Masalit
"The Masalit possesses by far the highest frequency of the E-M78 and of the E-V32 haplogroup, suggesting either a recent bottleneck in the population or a proximity to the origin of the haplogroup. Both E-V13, which is believed to originate in western Asia with its low frequency in North Africa, and E-V65 of North African origin (Cruciani et al., 2007), were not found among Sudanese."
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Basically, the idea of European "racial purity" is shot, attempting to preserve so called "racial purity" is futile since it doesn't exist for Europeans due to their origin from a mixing of two already differentiated populations. "Pure mutts" don't exist.
^ Exactly, and it's important to understand the racial dialectic [even when it is advocated by misguided students of African history] is inherently Eurocentric.
It places Europeans at the root. Uses them to define an imaginary race [Aryan/C-zoid/White/etc.], then postulates that other peoples are mongrelized versions of this European race; ie Indians, North Africans, Ainu Japanese, Native Americans, even Australian Aborigines....
All these peoples would be adjuged by their degree of Europid-ness, or Euro-pid influence.
This is pure transgressive propaganda, and it falls apart completely when tested via population genetics.
"Europeans appear as a genetic mixture, 2/3 Asian, 1/3 African". Reference 1 ↵Cavalli-Sforza L L, Menozzi P, Piazza A (1994) The History and Geography of Human Genes (Princeton Univ. Press, Princeton, NJ).
Reference 2 ↵Cavalli-Sforza L L (1996) Genes Peoples et Langues (Odile Jacob, Paris).
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
It seems jackass Assopen thinks he can escape his utter disgrace and humiliation here by escaping to another thread! LMAO
But to avail! B.S. is b.s. no matter where you type it. I just prefer to have b.s. isolated in one thread or section of the forum at a time.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ he can hide but he can't run.
Akoben = defeated donkey. Posted by Clyde Winters (Member # 10129) on :
KIK718 Akoben is making you look like a fool.
You just don't get it. How could the OOA population mix with Asians to form Europeans, when you have failed to explain how the OOA population became Asian in the first place.
Akoben plays you guys like a fiddle because you are so disrespectful you don't even think about what the opposition writes and look like fools to everyone except your supporters.
If Europeans can not find the transition skeletal remains between homo erectus, homo habilis and etc., how do you think your febble mind can show the origination of Europeans or Asians.
Akoben and the rest of us are laughing at you because you don't think and become rude and disrespectful to others instead of listening and extending your knowledge base.
Sad boy.
You just don't get it.
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718: ^^^That post is so imbecilic, contradicting and evasive, I don't even know where to start. I really shouldn't even waste my time with your strawmen, but hey let's go.....
quote:Jackassoben brays: there was no "admixture" between Paleolithic Asians and incoming post OOA African migrants to produce any new population. By the time post OOA Africans came Europeans were not paleolithic, Asian or black.
Lmao, now you're acting like you're telling me this? Anyway, as we look at the genetic and skeletal record of migrations and admixture from post OOA Africans into Europe, we see it was well after Paleolithic Asians had settled Europe, and were already gradually adapting to their environments.
quote: : writes: And these modern inhabitants (whites) didn't merge with incoming Africans to produce a new population, which would be a "hybrid".
Of course when post OOA Africans mixed with Asians in Europe the Asians weren't white, but they were considerably cold adapted, during the LUP and Mesolithic, Europeans matched up closer to recent Europeans in limb proportions indicating cold adaptations. Whereas their Paleolithic ancestors were tropically adapted and matched closely to recent Africans.
quote: : writes: You see, hybrids are not the "Mixing of two populations with morphological differentiation" you silly illiterate child. Hybrids are products of two or more of the alleged racial groups; or to put it another way, products of two populations with morphological differentiation.
Lmao, did you just say that? Wow, talk about contradictions, this is the worst.
Remember: Anything you say, can, and will be used against you.... Bwahahahahahahaahahahaahaa
quote: : writes: So Bowcock et al. argues: Europeans are hybrids, products of already differentiated Asian (not post Paleolithic Europeans) and Africans; arose as a result of admixture between two already differentiated populations Asian (not post Paleolithic Europeans) and Africans. You still fail to prove this.
Post paleolithic Europeans are Asian derived humans who received admixture from post OOA Africans to create the modern day European gene pool. Of course Bowcock argues that Europeans are a result of Asians and Africans coming together to create the modern European gene pool, which has been thoroughly validated many times.
quote: : writes: In fact, what you actually show is not two differentiated populations merging to produce a new, not racial divergence, but simple population expansion and evolution.
Girl shutup. I proved Europeans are result of Asians and Africans. Point blank.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:KIK718 Akoben is making you look like a fool.
^ Actually Knowledge is making perfect sense. All discussions of genetics make you look like a fool, as you don't even know the difference between mtdna and Y chromosome and confuse them.
Not just once, but over and over again.
Tell us how that is -not- foolish?
Tell us why we should take you seriously, when you can't even understand the basics?
Or just, don't reply, since there is really nothing you can say, is there?
Just run away, or change the subject or spam like you always do, when you lose [most of] your debates, on virtually ever topic, Dravidian, Olmec, Fijian, and Europeans.
As to your attempts to refute Knowledge, consider that for all the facts he presented you [just like jackass akoben], did not refute even - a single one -.
For the same reason... because you can't.
All you do, by way of feeble argument, is ask a frankly [dumb] question, which has already been answered.
So who looks silly Dr. Winters?
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:You just don't get it. How could the OOA population mix with Asians to form Europeans, when you have failed to explain how the OOA population became Asian in the first place.
^ This question [to the degree to which it is intelligible] was already answered.
It is no ones fault but yours that fail to comprehend basic anthropology.
-> Asia was settled from Africa - before Europe.
Europe was settled from Asia.
Europeans mixed with Africans repeatedly and subsequently to the settlement of Europe from Asia.
If you have any question about this, just ask it.
We will answer.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:If Europeans can not find the transition skeletal remains between homo erectus, homo habilis and etc., how do you think your febble mind can show the origination of Europeans or Asians.
Non homo-sapien are completely irrelevant to genetic facts of European origins.
Intelligent conversation requires that one stay on topic,and not introduce strawmen. [all losers, with no data, no facts, and no 'sense' resort to strawmen to give 'flava' to their intellectual bankrupcty]
All Europeans have paternal and maternal linages that lead directly back to African homo sapiens sapiens and withing the last 70 kya.
There is not a single European ever tested for DNA of whom this is not true.
quote:you are disrespectful
Respect is earned.
Your comments on genetics are laughable.
It's almost as if the topic is somehow - beyound - your grasp, which is amazing since, unlike jackass akoben, you are clearly intelligent.
You disrespect yourself.
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:KIK718 Akoben is making you look like a fool.
^ Actually Knowledge is making perfect sense.
Of course it makes perfect sense. Europeans are the products of two already differentiated populations: Asians (i.e. Mesolithic cold adapting Europeans, a people not black and not white either) and blacks. Thus they are a "hybrid". And as aboriginal representations for these populations Bowcock et al. choose a Chinese for the cold adapting Europeans and a Pygmy for the incoming blacks (the Africans) and "Caucasoids of European origin" for the "hybrid" population.
Not even you, with all your artful dodging, could come up with a better face saving bullshit! LOL
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Dr Winters wrote: nothing of substance
^ Calling you out Dr. Know Nothing.
Don't try to bait Knowledge, or Djehuti.
Respond directly to me.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote: jackass writes: Of course it makes perfect sense.
^ Of course you are a jackass, who has no answers......
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote:Oh my god, this is the worse form of face saving straw man rambling I have ever seen in my entire life
^ Don't you have a mirror?
quote:Originally posted by rasol: ^ lack of answers is making your "attention deficit disorder" even worse.
take your ritalin please, and then answer the questions.....
quote:Originally posted by rasol: ^ the jackass suffers from attention deficit disorder, so we have to remind him of his failure to address...
quote:Originally posted by rasol:
quote: My god, you're just all over the place
^ gosh akoben, you're going nowhere at all, because you have no answers.
quote:Originally posted by rasol: ^ jackass factor....
quote:Originally posted by Alive-(What Box):
The overall contributions from **Asia** and Africa** were estimated to be around two-thirds and one-third, respectively. Simulations have shown (7) that this hypothesis explains quite well the discrepancy between trees obtained by maximum likelihood and neighbor joining.
The genetic information for this work came from a very large collection of gene frequencies grouped from 42 populations studied for 120 alleles.
Information from this table was adapted from refs. 1 and 2.
Reference 1 ↵Cavalli-Sforza L L, Menozzi P, Piazza A (1994) The History and Geography of Human Genes (Princeton Univ. Press, Princeton, NJ).
Reference 2 ↵Cavalli-Sforza L L (1996) Genes Peoples et Langues (Odile Jacob, Paris).
quote: I asked you to reference this new picture.
^ Done. We asked you to refute the above.
That was 40 pages ago.
What happened?
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasol: ^ he can hide but he can't run.
Akoben = defeated donkey.
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718: Jackassoben and Clyde can learn from and should note the following post......
quote:Originally posted by Knowledgeiskey718:
quote:Clyde types: This is a contradiction. First there were no OOA people who settled Europe. The first homo spapien sapiens came via Iberia 20kya after the OOA population settled Asia. Between the Cro-Magnon people and OOA population were the Neanderthal population.
Clyde you have the worst understanding of OOA, and it's still apparent. Since humans did not populate Europe, directly from Africa.. Please learn the OOA model instead of making these things up.
Note the following, that all populations found around the ancient world represent original man leaving Africa over 60kya, and all people around the world are descended from this original subset of East African people. Lineages carried around the world, are called **non African** lineages, because they are lineages that arose outside of Africa, after the subset of East Africans left more than 60kya to populate the world(Whom all non-Africans descend from). Now, Australia, Asia, Europe etc... as all other continents, was originally settled by the descendants of this original migration out of East Africa. All non Africans carry M168,(which represents a subset of East African diversity) as does the population they descend from, in East Africa. Which is how we know that the people who populated the world (60+kya) was a subset of East Africans, represented by this marker which indicates all non Africans carry a small subset of African diversity.
The original OOA population who left to populate the world over 60kya, also went through subsequent population bottlenecks, and hence the loss of phenotypic and genetic diversity, AGAIN, which is represented by and proves the fact yet again, that all non Africans descend from a small subset of East Africans. Note, if the continents were populated by subsequent migrations directly from Africa(as you propose), than the genetic diversity of non Africans would be much greater than what it is, but this is not the case, and all non Africans lose diversity phenotypically, and genetically, the farther the population is from Africa.
Distance from Africa, not climate, explains within-population phenotypic diversity in humans
quote: The new findings show that a loss in genetic diversity the further a population is from Africa is mirrored by a loss in variation in physical attributes.
Lead researcher, Dr Andrea Manica from the University's Department of Zoology, explained: "The origin of anatomically modern humans has been the focus of much heated debate.*** Our genetic research shows the further modern humans have migrated from Africa the more genetic diversity has been lost within a population. ***
"However, some have used skull data to argue that modern humans originated in multiple spots around the world. We have combined our genetic data with new measurements of a large sample of skulls to show definitively that modern humans originated from a single area in Sub-saharan Africa."
The research team found that *genetic diversity decreased in populations the further away from Africa they were* - a result of *'bottlenecks'* or events that temporarily reduced populations during human migration. They then studied an exceptionally large sample of human skulls. Taking a set of measurements across all the skulls the team **showed that not only was variation **highest** amongst the sample from **south eastern Africa** but that it did **decrease** at the same rate as the **genetic data** the further the skull was away from Africa.
^^^Watch this Clyde, you might learn something. [/qb]
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
I suggest both Assoben and Dr. Winters read this book below before moving on to the more 'complex' questions of bioanthropology:
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
Page 47 -> the winner, and still unrefuted.
"Europeans appear as a mixture - 2/3 Asian, 1/3 African".
"It can be shown that populations *resulting from admixture* are shorter than other branches".
"The existence of intermediate groups, tends to negate the validity of the concept of race."
"Europeans, are *not* a race"
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
You can prance around the different threads with your worthless spam to your heart's content, but you got owned and you know it. Deal with it.
Also, did you notice that your student now argues for Asia and Europe as "alleged racial groups"?
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by akoben: You can prance around the different threads.
Or, I can easily bait you back into this one, and continue to illustrate the admixed origins of Europeans while *humiliating you*, just for the fun of it.
Of course, you must return to this thread.
Psychologically speaking, you have no choice.
Here is why....
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasolowitz: Or, I can easily bait you back into this one, and continue to illustrate the admixed origins of Europeans while humiliating you.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
^ you're such an easy mark,
easily controlled.
- with your knee-jerk replies that never address the facts, [which are mostly over your head anyway], and so only illustrate how upset you are by what you know to be true, but cannot admit.
i told you,defeated donkey, you can hide, but you can't run....
quote:defeated donkey writes: did you notice...
^ did *you* notice that the following is unrefuted in 47 pages or your whiny antics???
I hope so, because....*everyone else sure does.*
quote:Originally posted by rasol: Page 47 -> the winner, and still unrefuted.
"Europeans appear as a mixture - 2/3 Asian, 1/3 African".
"It can be shown that populations *resulting from admixture* are shorter than other branches".
"The existence of intermediate groups, tends to negate the validity of the concept of race."
"Europeans, are *not* a race"
Poor Akoben:
- he can't deny it. - he can't admit it. - he can't refute it. and... - he can't get over it.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
-> continue to suffer.......
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
^ Of course!
quote:Assoben: ..but you got owned and you know it. Deal with it.
Sorry but Rasol and the rest of us are not into the bondage fetish you and your boyfriends engage in.
quote:Also, did you notice that your student now argues for Asia and Europe as "alleged racial groups"?
ROTFL Indeed! And where pray-tell did Knowledge (which I presume you mean by 'student') ever argue for Asians and Europeans being racial groups let alone racial groupings at all?!!
Again, you misquote and distort what others have written or said! What a pathetic loser you are!!
Posted by Knowledgeiskey718 (Member # 15400) on :
quote:Originally posted by akoben: [QB] [QUOTE] The Dravidian sample shows shifts between Europe and Asia. Translation: Dravidians show sifts between two major racial groups. Pay attention little bitch....
Oh come now, clueless718, you know you're talking bullshit! Why are you doing this?! So Europeans are an alleged racial group now?
Tell Keita that Dravidians shifting between Europe and Asia, is not shifting between alleged major racial groups, because according to Keita. The Dravidian sample shows shifts between Europe and Asia. Translation: Dravidians show shifts between two major racial groups. Pay attention little bitch....
quote: A Dravidian sample from Southern India likewise shifts between European and Asian populations, not attaining significance by standard bootstrap criteria.-- Keita
The Berber and Dravidian examples show shifts between the major racial groups as traditionally and currently defined by scholars--Keita
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
did you notice that your student now argues for Asia and Europe as "alleged racial groups"?
quote:And where pray-tell did Knowledge (which I presume you mean by 'student') ever argue for Asians and Europeans being racial groups let alone racial groupings at all?!! - Mary
quote:The Dravidian sample shows shifts between Europe and Asia. Translation: Dravidians show shifts between two major racial groups. Pay attention little bitch.... - Clueless718
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:Originally posted by rasol: ^ you're such an easy mark,
easily controlled.
- with your knee-jerk replies that never address the facts, [which are mostly over your head anyway], and so only illustrate how upset you are by what you know to be true, but cannot admit.
i told you,defeated donkey, you can hide, but you can't run....
quote:defeated donkey writes: did you notice...
^ did *you* notice that the following is unrefuted in 47 pages or your whiny antics???
I hope so, because....*everyone else sure does.*
quote:Originally posted by rasol: Page 47 -> the winner, and still unrefuted.
"Europeans appear as a mixture - 2/3 Asian, 1/3 African".
"It can be shown that populations *resulting from admixture* are shorter than other branches".
"The existence of intermediate groups, tends to negate the validity of the concept of race."
"Europeans, are *not* a race"
Poor Akoben:
- he can't deny it. - he can't admit it. - he can't refute it. and... - he can't get over it.
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
-> continue to suffer.......
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
^ When is that donkey done roasting? I'm hungry.
On second thought, considering the unclean source of the meat, I'll pass.
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
The jackass needs to bring its sorry stubborn ass back here instead of escaping to other threads like the coward it is!
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
Well, no matter where you go,
there you are.....
quote:Originally posted by rasol: DEFEATED DONKEY SYNDROME:
-> continue to suffer.......
Posted by The Explorer (Member # 14778) on :
He is the gigantic ass of Ben Stein [aka AssOfBenStein] where nothing but hot air passes from; this is why nothing of tangible value can ever be expected to come from that ass-crack, and a crucial reason for self-hate (Jewish hate).
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
^ Indeed. And despite the dozens of pages in this thread and in others, he still fails to refute the fact that his European brethren are mixed.
Hey Assopen...
Posted by akoben (Member # 15244) on :
Lmao @ poor ole Mary squirm from post to post to avoid her obligations!
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
^ I'm not Mary, but you are the loser who avoids it's utter defeat and humiliation! Sorry but no 'Stolen Legacy' can help you, you lying white analed loser.
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
Mary Lefkowitz, Mary mother of Jesus, Jesus Christ,... non of these Jews or any Jew for that matter can help you except maybe a shrink.
Sorry Assopen, but you still remain the castrated mule that you are.
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
I see there are no replies from the ass in threads like this that really matter. Yet the ass chooses to make his issue pertaining to this topic in other threads and worse-- stalk me like the deranged schoolgirl he identifies with in his mind...
Posted by lorilei28 (Member # 16430) on :
My Dad's DNA marker came back as E1B1A(E3B). Which, we were surprised as my great grandfather came from Ukraine,Russia(German Russians). Now, I have heard of conflicting information of whether this Haplogroup is of Jewish ancestry or of Middle Eastern ancestry or of African ancestry.So, can someone explain to me which one is it?
Posted by MindoverMatter718 (Member # 15400) on :
^^ The lineage you're talking about is actually E1b1b (E3b).
This lineage E1b1b, is carried by many near easterners (Jews and Arabs),and Europeans, but originates from Africa, which denotes a recent immigration from Africa.
E3b (E1b1b) originated in sub-Saharan Africa, and expanded into the Near East and northern Africa at the end of the Pleistocene (Underhill et al. 2001). E3b (E1b1b) lineages would have then been introduced from the Near East into southern Europe by immigrant farmers, during the Neolithic expansion (Hammer et al. 1998; Semino et al.)
E1b1a (E3a) however the one your father carries, is another African lineage which also denotes recent African ancestry.
Posted by lorilei28 (Member # 16430) on :
Thank you very much for explaining what E1B1B means as it can be confusing.
Posted by lorilei28 (Member # 16430) on :
I am having the deep clade test done on my Dad's DNA to hopefully it will give me more information on his DNA.
Posted by blackmanthinking (Member # 17520) on :
Posted by L' (Member # 18238) on :
WOW~ Had to post... had to post
Posted by MindoverMatter718 (Member # 15400) on :
^btw akoben a.k.a jackassoben is none other than anguishofbeing if you didn't know already..
Posted by Djehuti (Member # 6698) on :
It's time Euronuts face the FACTS.
"Europeans are two-thirds Eurasian and one-third African" Cavilli Sforza.
This is because Europe lies just north of Africa, and Africans or there descendants have immigrated there since at least neolithic times.
That some Africans possess European ancestry from ancient times is without question though such foreign ancestry among the vast African population is minute in comparison to the African ancestry found among the relatively smaller European population which in ancient times was more sparse and thus more easily affected by demic diffusion.
All Euronuts like Castratedhide, Rahotip101, and Simpleton, and all closet-Euronuts like Lyinass and AnguishedofbeingJewfrightened, just need to accept this.
Posted by anguishofbeing (Member # 16736) on :
Ah yes, I remember the azz whipping you boys got in here as if it were yesterday.
Posted by AGÜEYBANÁ(Mind718) (Member # 15400) on :
^^ Yea sure, we know...
Posted by anguishofbeing (Member # 16736) on :
Mindless, do tell us more about how incoming Africans mixed with morphological whites, or is blacks with Asian genes? With you one is never certain. lol
Posted by AGÜEYBANÁ(Mind718) (Member # 15400) on :
If any of that was actually ever specifically said by me, sure I would have loved to elaborate. Too bad though as it's just one of those things where you quote out of context as usual...oh well.