As all of you know; or should know,(shame if you don't): Whites (the Hellenes) first began to invade Europe (Greece) around 1,200 B.C. Shortly thereafter; the Latin’s invaded Italy. This onslaught of enumerable invaders, forced many of the indigenous Africans of southern Europe and the Mediterranean Islands to band together and leave by ships. This was called the “Sea Peoples exodus” some tried to invade Egypt in search of a new home, but were repulsed by Ramesses III. However, Ramesses did allow the Tjeker (Minoans) of Crete to settle next-door in southern Canaan. Here they would be known as the “Philistines” and give the area its current name “Palestine”. The larger body of the Sea people wound-up settling in Anatolia (modern Turkey).
But what has always intrigued me is – What happened to those who could not, or would not leave. What was their lives like? To get an idea of what their lives were like, I always turned to Etruscan (Italy) tomb paintings. But in these, life appeared to be normal. In these also, you can see the transition, over many centuries, from Black African to mixed race, and then to hardly any trace of African at all.
Etruscan Tomb Painting.
But if things were so normal, how did we get to the vile Racism we see today? That has always perplexed me. It was not until investigating artifacts from the Italian site of Paestum (posted by Stone). (Paestum was a Greek/Roman city founded around the end of the 7th century B.C. by colonists from the Greek city of Sybaris, and originally known as Poseidonia). that I finally found at least part of the answer – Greeks. Or more accurately: Greek fascination, envy, revulsion, desire - for nature’s great gift to the Black man. A note of caution: the following images are of an explicit nature, but remember; they are priceless works of art, thousands of years old.
Here we see that the Greeks have introduced their particular preferences.
Here we see the typical exaggeration of the Black mans endowment: (that is a least 25% more than is normal).
Here we see a young Greek male, eagerly awaiting the attentions of a mature Black male.
Not to be outdone; Greek women seem to have made sure to get their fair share.
Contrast that; to the dimensions depicted with a Greek man and Woman doing the same thing.
Naturally, over time, tensions arose. (I am not sure if this is two women fighting, or a Black man and a White woman). The fact that they are unclothed would indicate the nature of the argument.
And perhaps from those tensions: grew the beginnings of Racism. The picture below is the first example; that I know of, where you find the beginnings of Blacks being written-out-of History. The scene depicts Alexander at war with the Persians. But in the picture, the Persians are depicted as the Turks that we see today - depicted as Persians. (The Turks didn’t show up until 2,000 years later).
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
Below is a picture of a REAL Persian Soldier.
Posted by xyyman (Member # 13597) on :
any more of these pics. This is some fascinating stuff.
If this is what you say it is. . .MAN!!!!! mind blowing.
No doubt the levant, Europe and Anotlia areas were part of GREATER AFRICA!!!! Posted by Ebony Allen (Member # 12771) on :
I don't believe any of it.
Posted by xyyman (Member # 13597) on :
Smart lady! Said it with conviction also. Posted by Mmmkay (Member # 10013) on :
The premise (among other things) of this thread is ridiculous. This forum continues to be pollutted with nonsense by the day.
Posted by xyyman (Member # 13597) on :
Without the beard and clothing this guy may pass for a modern day. . .Sudanese?? Definitely NOT modern Iranian.
So what happened? Is the logical question. . .if this is a typical Iranian of the day.
quote:Originally posted by Mike111: Below is a picture of a REAL Persian Soldier.
Posted by Jo Nongowa (Member # 14918) on :
Posted by xyyman (Member # 13597) on :
huh??? No?? to what?
Posted by Alive-(What Box) (Member # 10819) on :
Not answering for him but I thought that man was an Elamite?
Even if it is of a Persian, he could be of Elamite descent.
As for racism it is definitely a compensatory phenomena/tool, I don't feel like getting into it right now but I'd say the basis for racism is closely related to insecurity and and not the opposite as some people would like to suppose.
Posted by Alive-(What Box) (Member # 10819) on :
Nice thread, and good work.
Ah, such great work other than for this foolish sounding/looking [u know wut I mean ]
quote:Originally posted by Mike:
forced many of the indigenous Africans of southern Europe
assault to one's own reputation.
quote: and the Mediterranean Islands to band together and leave by ships. This was called the “Sea Peoples exodus” some tried to invade Egypt in search of a new home, but were repulsed by Ramesses III.
Better word for the bolded: rooted IMHO .
quote: However, Ramesses did allow the Tjeker (Minoans) of Crete to settle next-door in southern Canaan.
Fascinating stuff though honestly I'm not sure how we know the Sea Peoples were expelled and not taken as slaves ... unless this episode's fighting was as fierces as that round with the Hysksos - who were -in all likelihood- expelled[?].
I actually consider fringe-theorist-"Afrocentrists" to be "God's" irony on the out-dated but still larger psuedo-scholarly erroneous-Eurocentric ideology and group in general.
Same tactics, same style; it's as if, when Eurocentric media or writers thereof get a ... 'spin' these Afrocentrists are there to clean up [copy it with inverse motives/goals].
I find it hilarious.
Other than for their disingenuous work...
I actually find these guys a bit of a 'help' to Africanists (shcolars of Africana) ... because they hurt Eurocentrists.
You see, once a Eurocentrist (of the biased variety) discovers how to scholarly dismantle a psuedo-scientific or psuedo-linguistic Afrocentrist work, he will usually realize that heis doing the same thing, when an Africanist does the same thing to him.
It's quite funny. They go silent, let go of it, (the bull shinoski) and then (like in the Eurocentric area of the larger mainstream media) grab or hang on to the most frail, dubious, or easy argument they can find.
It's awesome, in a way.
I also like watching their masses set themselves up for the virtual-hay-maker by following their own psuedo-scholarly work.
From European Nords/Scandinavians migrating to the Nile Valley to start a civiliation un-touched by the natives (leave for in slavery) before ever starting anything let alone farming in Europe,
to the native and indigenous aboriginal Caucasoid Caucasians (two words not currently in scientific use for they denote a groups having nothing to do the Caucasus or real Caucasians) of the Sahara
to replacing the above said out-dated terms with "mediterranean" - a sea that sees a wide variety of people, not a single group, especially in antiquidated less mixed times.
How's that for saying something , Mike?
See what one can do with a free day (well, sorta) and more time on their hands?
Posted by Jo Nongowa (Member # 14918) on :
Re: No!
No, the picture of 'a real Persian Soldier' is not representative of a "modern day Sudanese"; whatever that is?
I am not in a position to speak with certainty on the Topic Starter's intent. But his/her rationale for racism based on the images posted reek of attitudes/perceptions imbibed by the practitioners and victims of White Supremacy(racism) with regard to the size of the Black (African) male's sexual organ.
Does the Topic Starter really want to be so frivolous with the serious matter of Racism (White Supremacy)?
Posted by Alive-(What Box) (Member # 10819) on :
On the real I do find that racialist-origin (theory well technically, at least temporarily) hypothesis( ) pretty interesting as there of course were - and are - people in Greece of African descent.
Let's give everyone a scare !
(If it's a scare they'll have then it's a scare they'll have - if they insist let them defeat themselves by doing what *they wish* with their attention) ( )
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
quote:Originally posted by Ebony Allen: I don't believe any of it.
Ebony - It has been several hours now since your reply. I wonder if in the intervening time, you might have troubled yourself to put any of the "Keywords" I mentioned above into your browser and checked anything.
For instance: You might have put "Paestum" into your browser to see if the pictures were real.
Then you might have put "Sea People" into your browser to see if there really was such an exodus.
Then you might have put "Hellenes" into your browser to see when they really arrived.
Then you might have put "Ramesses III" in your browser to see if such an invasion really took place.
Then you might have put "Persian soldier" in your browser to see if the picture matches.
I wonder: Did you do any of that?? P.S. it's always nice to check BEFORE giving an opinion.
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
quote:Originally posted by Mmmkay: The premise (among other things) of this thread is ridiculous. This forum continues to be pollutted with nonsense by the day.
MmmKay - Lucky for you, you are White, In your place, I would probably take the same position. Some of us call it "White Boy in Denial". But it's okay, you are White.
On the other hand, If you were Black, then I would have some strong words for you. You see; the world is full of Negroes, whose minds have become damaged, either by racism, perhaps by bad food - whatever, who knows, maybe they're just dumb-asses. So that now, their minds cannot comprehend that there might have been a different world in the past, or much else for that matter.
Therefore I thought this, a good way to introduce the subject matter. As I am sure you know, though the premise may be somewhat "Tongue-in-cheek" the material is truthful and accurate.
You see, the problem is this; these people are an anvil around the necks of Black people. Because there are so many of them, it is very difficult for Black people to make a positive move. All around the world, there are Black people, and even some White people who are trying to help, but it seems to be a loosing battle. Some people like Bill Cosby, who try to tell them that they are thinking wrong, and living wrong, becomes a pariah for his efforts.
So you see, if you were Black, I might have to cuss you out, for being such a mentally lazy, mindless MF for not checking. But since you are White, it's okay.
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
Alive-in-the-Box - I'm sorry that I didn't respond to you earlier. Problem is, I was having a hard time understanding what you were saying. Could you please re-phrase and re-post? Thanks.
You know; the thought just occurred to me: that is, just how dangerous having just a little knowledge can be. Seems a person could get into all sorts of trouble like that.
Posted by Mmmkay (Member # 10013) on :
quote:Originally posted by Mike111:
quote:Originally posted by Mmmkay: The premise (among other things) of this thread is ridiculous. This forum continues to be pollutted with nonsense by the day.
MmmKay - Lucky for you, you are White, In your place, I would probably take the same position. Some of us call it "White Boy in Denial".
Take Micheal Jacksons advice. The ridiculousness of this thread has nothing to do whether I'm black or white, but your ability an intelligent, well reasoned post based upon real evidence and data.
No, its just a mish-mash of unrelated pictures and false correlations based upon wishful thinking. My 9 year old cousin could come up with a better 5th grade report. Atleast he can make logical connections. You can't even do that.
So who's mentally lazy?
You've posted the equivalent of a kindergarten drawing. I liken this post to a slopy (albeit wasteful) work of art.
Good day.
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
^^^Which part do you challenge?? Posted by Alive-(What Box) (Member # 10819) on :
^Most likely has somethin to do with the first of your quotes comming up in this post.
Not sure what troubles one may be having with the English language.
Or perhaps trouble one may have understanding the fact that someone else likes their thread/ideas [these appease him and his humor], yet can recognize some of the faulty and plain false premises herein
...but in a nut shell:
quote:Originally posted by Mike:
forced many of the indigenous Africans of southern Europe
ROFL is all I have to say to the above.
The above is comedy.
quote:Originally posted by Alive-(Out Tha got-dayumn Muhfuhghan BOX!! What Box?):
quote: Mike wrote: and the Mediterranean Islands to band together and leave by ships. This was called the “Sea Peoples exodus” some tried to invade Egypt in search of a new home, but were repulsed by Ramesses III.
Better word for the italicized is rooted IMHO .
Translation: Basically I wrote this because I had it that Kemet took these invaders in as slaves as stated in my thread[?].
quote: However, Ramesses did allow the Tjeker (Minoans) of Crete to settle next-door in southern Canaan.
Fascinating stuff Mike though honestly I'm not sure how we know the Sea Peoples were [yada yada][/quote]
Translation, again, for those in need of assistance:
Basically, my inquery as to your evidence for this since you wrote it.
I suppose that I did write the whole post a bit crazily.
Truthfully, I don't care what you have to say responding to me about that post but this one question: do you have anything else regardign the fact that Southern Europeans expulsion of blacks is linked to the beginnings of racism?
I find this likely actually.
This next piece I'll just repost since it's my stance on those who make far-fetched claims:
quote:I actually consider fringe-theorist-"Afrocentrists" to be "God's" irony on the out-dated but still larger psuedo-scholarly erroneous-Eurocentric ideology and group in general.
Same tactics, same style; it's as if, when Eurocentric media or writers thereof get a ... 'spin' these Afrocentrists are there to clean up [copy it with inverse motives/goals].
I find it hilarious.
Other than for their disingenuous work...
I actually find these guys a bit of a 'help' to Africanists (shcolars of Africana) ... because they hurt Eurocentrists.
You see, once a Eurocentrist (of the biased variety) discovers how to scholarly dismantle a psuedo-scientific or psuedo-linguistic Afrocentrist work, he will usually realize that heis doing the same thing, when an Africanist does the same thing to him.
It's quite funny. They go silent, let go of it, (the bull shinoski) and then (like in the Eurocentric area of the larger mainstream media) grab or hang on to the most frail, dubious, or easy argument they can find.
It's awesome, in a way.
I also like watching their masses set themselves up for the virtual-hay-maker by following their own psuedo-scholarly work.
From European Nords/Scandinavians migrating to the Nile Valley to start a civiliation un-touched by the natives (leave for in slavery) before ever starting anything let alone farming in Europe,
to the native and indigenous aboriginal Caucasoid Caucasians (two words not currently in scientific use for they denote a groups having nothing to do the Caucasus or real Caucasians) of the Sahara
to replacing the above said out-dated terms with "mediterranean" - a sea that sees a wide variety of people, not a single group, especially in antiquidated less mixed times.
How's that for saying something, Mike?
See what one can do with a free day (well, sorta) and more time on their hands?
^^Perhaps Mike, if you won't listen to any of us for whatever reason, perhaps you might listen to what a 'veteren poster' like Thought Evergreen once stated:
quote:Originally posted by Evergreen: Evergreen Writes:
Alive-(What Box), all "clowning" aside the point is there is a real Black history we find in Ancient Egypt. Eurocentrists have a vested interest in seperating Black people from their historic past in North Africa. The White Power Structure is based upon the false teaching that White people founded what we call civilization. It is obvious that what we call civilization is based and rooted in North Africa. North Africa was originally inhabited by Black people at the time so-called civilized society began. Hence they are forced to create a fictious history of ancient White North Africans. Black people have responded with the truth in our history.
quote:rudely interrupted by Alive-(What Box): ^ Yes
quote:continued by Evergreen: But they try and negate this response by making our argument seem fringe and psuedo-scientific. Hence, we have a duty to expose the psuedo-scientists in our [own] community who are like Trojan Horses, destroying our credibility from within. This goes for blatant psuedo-scientists like Marc Washington or psuedo-scientists such as alTakruri who garb their psuedo-science in anthropological rhetoric.
quote:Originally posted by Alive out the Box not intending to be ofensive:
Me or Mmmkay or most any of the vets hangin with the psuedo-scholarly is like Brutha Lynch Hung hangin out with these whack guys here especially prmiddleeastern. hey WHAT'S PR MIDDLE EASTERN doing THERE in that white shirt reading "cracka"?!??!
Actually, the white dude in braids and the white chick are quite good.
Posted by Marc Washington (Member # 10979) on :
. .
Mike111. You are on to something with your observation on the beginnings of racism. From what I've seen, though, I'd say that as nomadic whites came out of the Steppes and were in search of an easier way of life, they were attracted to African life style.
Africans had settled communities; farming; pastoralism; art; musical instruments and great festivals; precious metals and jewelry of adornment. They had things that were compelling to whites and whites wanted these things and killed for them.
In my view, racism began from the first racial encounters where whites wanted to possess what Africans had - and had all over the known world: India, the Near East, Northern Europe, Siberia, Africa, Europe. Everywhere they went genocide and slavery occurred.
I have been collecting interracial prehistoric and early historic reliefs, statues, paintings. It often shows the black male and white female. And white males back in the first encounters were often seen as servants of the black kings and rulers. I'd say this was a spawning ground of racism where jealousy began.
Below I have a page which is only indirectly relevant. What it shows is early black-white encounters. Later I will put together a page focusing on this subject with many more examples. For now, the images on the right are a bit related to your thread:
Marc wrote - In my view, racism began from the first racial encounters where whites wanted to possess what Africans had - and had all over the known world: India, the Near East, Northern Europe, Siberia, Africa, Europe. Everywhere they went genocide and slavery occurred.
Actually Marc, that's what troubles me: there is no evidence of that. We know it happened, but according to all the tomb paintings that I have seen; Life was just wonderful, with Blacks and Whites living harmoniously together. One of the few involving Black/White violence is the one below; but here the White participant is only a White angel looking on, the deed is done by Blacks.
Most tomb paintings show wealthy Black men with White wifes and/or servants. See below..
Of course, we know that there were great wars between Blacks and Whites. It's just that strangely, it doesn't show up in tomb paintings. Why that is, and where can the REAL story be found, I have no idea, we will just have to keep looking. But again, you do find Black on Black violence, see below.
luckily, now that the British and French are not able to just go in, and take this stuff for their museums, a lot of it is staying local. Many people are photographing it and posting it on FLICKR. If you are interested in finding more from "Paestum" just put it in Yahoo, when you get your results, change over to images. The flickr posters with the best ones are Rita Willaert's, mcmCPH and mharrsch. You're going to have to go through a lot of photos, so I hope you have a fast connection.
BTW - Don't blame Whites for Slavery, that's a Black invention. It was Whites who stopped it.
Posted by Marc Washington (Member # 10979) on :
. .
Mike. Thanks for the observations, leads, and insight. I will post a few pages here that overlap that are relevant to the origins of racism and racial wars you write of as whites entered Greece and Western Europe and Africans had to give up ground. It was really hard to get this material.
First was the price of the book: $60 to $100 and some dollars. Out of my range. I'm in Budapest, Hungary and can't get the book here. So, a friend of mine in Philly tried to help. He got the book through interlibrary loan back in January but it had only fragile, brown pages that couldn't be photocopied.
Next, he tried to order the book. It was promised but two weeks later the publisher wrote that they were out of it.
Finally, he tried to borrow from yet another library and in the end succeeded in being able to photocopy a few chapters which I now have.
This stuff documents the presence of and demise of African populations in a Europe where they predate the arrival of whites.
I suppose whites would do just about anything to hide this material. It sure is hard to come by and covers largely unknown knowledge. There is nothing to be proud of here if you are white and realize what you have as a continent was stolen from another; and not only land and riches but culture and civilization. That largely Medieval Era (which was established with Africans and was their climax as a civilization in Europe before they were demolished) was the source of today's black impoverishment and white prosperity.
Djehuti (reluctantly) acknowledged that indeed the Germanic tribes did invade the British Isles. The following shows the sad fate of the blacks, our ancestors, that were there first in Greater Africa a.k.a. Europe (Europe so named by African Pheonicians - as you know).
LOL @ you guys claiming anyone with pigmnent as being Black.
Obviousl difference of color. But neither are Black. Then this lady must have been from the Solomon Islands
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
Chimu - I see that you are from the school that says East Africans are really Caucasian Blacks (I read that on Stormfront some time back).
Well you have finally beat me down: I ADMIT it. They ARE really "WHITE BLACKS". The fact that ALL of Man's features originated in Africa, and are STILL found in Africa, doesn't matter, and I freely admit that.
In fact, just to show you, that I have really come around, and am now on YOUR side, there are many former Black imposter's that I will now expose, just for you.
This San girl is NOT Black: Why; because she has Chinese eyes. She is EXPOSED!
As you correctly pointed-out, this boy is NOT Black: Why; his hair is blonde. He is EXPOSED!
No hope for this kid: He not only has a White nose, but straight hair to boot! He is EXPOSED!
And people like this are definitely OUT: Why; because they Don't even live in Africa. They are EXPOSED! (She might have passed on the nose and mouth, but the location and hair, knocked her out - sorry).
So Chimu - now that you have won, would you please take your honored place with the rest of the "Don't know and won't be told" crew. Thanks. Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
Marc - When I got interrupted by the Paestum material, I was actually trying to gather the energy to complete my research on the Paleolithic expansion of Grimaldi over Europe and Asia. As you know, no one has yet figured out how Whites and Mongols evolved in the Eurasian plains - or why they look the way they do.
A few days back, I was in a crowd of people, and in looking at the face of a Black woman, who I believe to be of San heritage, I felt that I found the answer.
As you know the San are the worlds oldest people (they are closest to the first modern man - the original Homo-sapien). They are also part of the Khoisan group, who are the first modern Humans to enter Europe 45,000 years ago (called Grimaldi by Whites) because of the remains found in Monaco. Point is, if this woman had yellow skin, you would swear she was Chinese - note the San girl above. We already know that Blacks were originally the founding civilization in China, could it be, that the interbreeding of Grimaldi and the Chinese Cro-Magnons produced the modern Chinese?
So Marc - if you would please do me the favor, if you can. I am on the look-out for mock-ups (the plaster busts), of grimaldi in Europe. Remains have been found all over Europe, but only the Russians have had the balls to make mock-ups, for obvious reasons. So if you run across any pictures in the local science journals, please post them.
BTW - I have heard people talk about Martin Bernal's "Black Athena" The Afroasiatic Roots of Classical Civilization. I have never read it (I prefer to do my own research), but you might find it useful.
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
Marc - I forgot to comment on the book - Origin of the Anglo-Saxon Race. "Stone Henge" says it all. The Celts arrived in England about 500 B.C. Stone Henge was built thousands of years earlier. For arguments sake, even if they were there, which they weren't, how would illiterate barbaric nomads, have the technology or even the mind, to build such a thing. White people sure get silly some times.
Posted by Marc Washington (Member # 10979) on :
. .
Mike. Sorry I haven't come across any Grimaldi mock-ups. If I do, I'll pass them on to you.
Where the modern Chinese come from? Well, to speak of Grimaldi, per se, as providing the input that created the modern Chinese, I have to think about that.
Think about it as to my knowledge, Mongoloid peoples, per se, did not start entering China until near 2500 BC. My take on Mongoloid origins is the following. Now, the San of South Africa used to be called "Little Chinese."
I think that the San migrated to Eurasia around 50,000 BC at least. And originally were peppercorn-haired along with, of course, the "almond" eye. Whites began to emerge (Steppe birthplace), it seems, near 4000 BC and in tiny trickles, at first, radiated everywhere and also to Mongolia where dark-skinned, almond-eyed San were.
The admixture, I believe, lead to skin-lightening and straightened hair. We can even see that today when Asian and African produce children. From the African side, the child is lighter and woolly hair often becomes straighter. I think that's where today's Asians came from.
And surprising, isn't it, that perhaps 80% of the "Asian" population we had near 1700 AD (and at the time, Asian - as compared to African - was maybe 60% of the Southeast and Far East population at 1700 AD but probably only 10% before 1500 AD) was from the super wave of Asians under Ghengis and Kubla Khan who swept into the Far East from Mongolia and depopulated those areas which then were virtually all African (I some web pages I can show you on Far East, Southeast, and Central Asian populations as African).
But, I think it's terrific you are a dedicated researcher in this area. I'd like to follow your progress over the coming years.
Take care,
. .
Posted by rasol (Member # 4592) on :
quote:I think that the San migrated to Eurasia around 50,000 BC at least.
You continue to fail to understand anthropology and always will, as long as you continue to harbor a non evolutionary racialist model of human origins.
No "san" migrated to Eurasia. The Chinese are not any closer to the San than they are to other Africans genetically.
Rather all non Africans descend from the same small pool of ancient African migrants.
They all share features in common with Africans which have changed over time and in frequency within these populations even as they have changed in Africans as well.
quote:Whites began to emerge (Steppe birthplace), it seems, near 4000 BC and in tiny trickles, at first, radiated everywhere and also to Mongolia where dark-skinned, almond-eyed San were.
The admixture, I believe, lead to skin-lightening and straightened hair.
More racialist nonsense. Chinese hair is on average straighter than European and so, cannot be 'straightened' by Europeans. I asked you before how you hope to account for the straight haired Navahoe, Eskimo, etc. You claim they get their hair from whites too? When? Pray tell.
Genetics has demonstrated that light skinned NorthEast Asians have distinct genes for depigmentation from Europeans, and so again, is not the product of admixture with them.
You continue to exist in a photoshopped vacuum of scientific illiteracy, in which most of what you believe, is rooted in 19th century European racism.
When are you going to join the 21st century?
Posted by Chimu (Member # 15060) on :
quote:Originally posted by Mike111: [QB] Chimu - I see that you are from the school that says East Africans are really Caucasian Blacks (I read that on Stormfront some time back).
LOL. Not at all. I don't beleive in the term at all. I beleive East Asians are just part of the continuum from Africa into the Near East and beyond. Their features make perfect sense for the place they are in.
quote:Well you have finally beat me down: I ADMIT it. They ARE really "WHITE BLACKS". The fact that ALL of Man's features originated in Africa, and are STILL found in Africa, doesn't matter, and I freely admit that.
Sorry bub, but all of humanity's measurements are not found in Africa.
quote:This San girl is NOT Black: Why; because she has Chinese eyes. She is EXPOSED!
She is not Black because she is not dark skinned and does not identify as Black. Her eyes have nothing to do with the Chinese.
quote:As you correctly pointed-out, this boy is NOT Black: Why; his hair is blonde. He is EXPOSED!
To be honest, I have no clue what Solomon Islanders identify as so I can't assume they are Black or not. But they definitely are not European. Nor do any of those pictures depict them.
Same difference with the rest of your claims. Sorry, but your trivial attempts at eyeballing are not anthropology.
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
Chimu - I have no defense for your deep knowledge and profound reasoning. Please rest assured that your comments will receive the consideration that they so richly deserve.
On another matter entirely: just out of curiosity, approximately where on your body, would you say your waistband normally resides?
Posted by Marc Washington (Member # 10979) on :
. .
[Marc writes] I think that the San migrated to Eurasia around 50,000 BC at least.
[Rasol writes] You continue to fail to understand anthropology and always will, as long as you continue to harbor a non evolutionary racialist model of human origins.
[Marc writes]"The Stanford team calculated a date of 112,000 years, plus or minus 42,000 years, for the separation of the Hadzabe and Ju|'hoansi populations. If this means that modern speech existed that long ago, it does not appear to fit with Dr. Klein's thesis.
But Dr. Knight said the estimate was very approximate and added that he believed the new findings about click language were fully compatible with Dr. Klein's theory. Clicks might have been part of the first fully articulate human language that appeared among some group of early humans 50,000 years ago. Those with the language gene would have out competed all other groups, so that language become universal in the surviving human population."
From: Nicholas Wade, In Click Languages, an Echo of the Tongues of the Ancients, New York Times, March 18, 2003.
This is why you won the Alfred E. Neumann Award for Scientific Brilliance as scientists say one thing and you, Rasol, pull "ideas" out of thin air and they become "Truth."
I will return to this.
Your friend Marc
. .
Posted by Marc Washington (Member # 10979) on :
. .
Rasol. I am basically not writing to you in reply but am using this as an opportunity to explain to others my initial point.
Dear All,
[Rasol writes] More racialist nonsense. Chinese hair is on average straighter than European and so, cannot be 'straightened' by Europeans.
[Marc writes] Rasol. That misses the point. I wrote: <snip> when Asian and African produce children [f]rom the African side, the child is lighter and woolly hair often becomes straighter.
Beginning with Eurasian San (remember the steatophygous figurine all say are San from Upper Paleolithic Europe?) and woolly hair mixing with Steppic whites to produce offspring with straight hair, I used today's Asians with straight hair producing children with Africans with woolly hair.
The outcome, from the African side, is straighter hair; not, as you mis-read me saying from whites in this particular regard.
The African-Asian model shows, I stated, how initial woolly hair of Eurasian San from Africa became straight (admixture from Steppic whites); producing today's Asians:
[1] Dark-skinned Eurasian San with woolly hair + Steppic whites with straight hair = light-skinned offspring with straight hair. Today's Asians bearing the San almond eye.
[2] Dark-skinned Africans with woolly hair + Asians with now straight hair = (from the African side) light-skinned offspring with straighter hair.
[2] can show how [1] resulted in today's Asians.
But, Rasol, I will further your continual mis-statements and fallacious conclusions.
. .
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
Sometimes - with all the data that we have to consider, we sometimes loose track: So to keep the conversation going – in an intelligent and respectful manner – I would like to reiterate the current state of our knowledge: from current scientific information. This is material, which we should ALL agree on – until new and better information becomes available.
This from an old encyclopedia article. (This relates to lightning of skin).
Neanderthals: Neanderthals were the first human group to survive in northern latitudes during the cold (glacial) phases of the Pleistocene. They had domesticated fire, as indicated by concentrations of charcoal and reddened earth in their sites. Yet, their hearths were simple and shallow and must have cooled off quickly, giving little warmth throughout the night. Not surprisingly, they exhibit anatomic adaptations to cold, especially in Europe, such as large body cores and relatively short limbs, which maximize heat production and minimize heat loss. The evidence of Neanderthal’s body adaptations to cold weather also makes it safe to assume that there was also a change in skin color from dark, with lots of melanin, to light with very little melanin.
Cro-Magnons: Just as complex as the origin of Cro-Magnons, is that of the duration of Cro-Magnons. It appears that they flourished during the Upper Paleolithic (old stone age, 40,000 - 4,000 years ago). Individuals with at least some Cro-Magnon characteristics - (these are called Cro-Magnoids), are found during the stone age in Europe, roughly from 5000 to about 2000 B.C. At the same time, remains have also been found for individuals who were quite different, often broad-headed, (as opposed to narrow headed).
The question of the relation of Cro-Magnons to the earliest forms of Homo-sapiens (like Neanderthal) is still unclear. It does appear however, that Cro-Magnons and Neanderthals are closer in affinity than was once believed. Though Cro-Magnon is found all over Europe, Asia and the Mediterranean, The tendency now is to locate the origin of the Cro-Magnon type Humanoid in the Middle-east:
This also, from an old encyclopedia article. (This relates to the genetic relationship between Whites and Mongols - Asians).
Genetic data shows that the biochemical systems of Asian and European populations, appear to be more similar to each other, than they are to African populations. thus, Asians (Mongols) and Europeans (Caucasians) may have shared a common ancestry with each other, some 40,000 years ago and a common ancestry with African populations, some 120,000 years ago.
We also know (from haplo-group “D” research) that about 50,000 years ago, there was a large migration of Africans from Southern Africa into South Asia and China (Some of Whom MAY have had Mongol features).
We also know that at about 45,000 years ago, the FIRST Homo-Sapien (the Khiosan “Grimaldi Man”) entered Europe, and then spread over Asia.
We also know that at about 25,000 years ago, there existed a colony of Blacks in Siberia (north of Mongolia), who DID NOT have Mongol features. The Black original settlers of Japan – the Jomon – also DID NOT appear to have Mongol features.
The tie-in may be this piece from HistoryFacelift’s Cornell University study post: Whites Genetically Weaker Than Blacks, Study Finds.
It's been known for years that all non-Africans (Whites and Mongols) are descended from a small group, perhaps only a few dozen individuals, who left the continent between 50,000 and 100,000 years ago.
But the Cornell study, published in the journal Nature Thursday, indicates that Europeans went through a second "population bottleneck," probably about 30,000 years ago, when the ancestral population was again reduced to relatively few in number.
Which indicates that the beginnings of the White and Mongol races: involved relatively few people.
To sum it up, there are at least TWO migrations into what would become the breeding grounds of Whites and Mongols to consider – Black Africans and Cro-Magnons, not to mention the Neanderthals: And of course the Homo- Erectus that had been there for hundreds of thousands of years.
We also know, from our own observations, that crossbreeding between Blacks and Whites produces unpredictable results. Some will be very dark, some very light, and some in-between, with this same variation in hair texture.
We would have to presume similar unpredictable results relating to the crossbreeding of Black Africans and ANY of the other three mentioned above.
Aside from the above: fast forward to 1,200 B.C. What caused Whites to begin a mass migration into Europe? It seems strange, in that so many came, in such a short time. Compare it with the Mongol expansion into Japan and South Asia; there it was very gradual. (They did not take-over Taiwan until about 1662 A.D.). Maybe the mass migration of Whites into Europe had to do with something like this.
The Great Flood The story of Noah and the great flood is one that so permeates our culture that generations of geologists have devoted their lives to looking for evidence of a prehistoric worldwide flood. But it was not until the 1990's that geologists William Ryan and Walter Pitman gathered clues pointing to an actual ancient flood in the Middle East about 7,500 years ago. Sediment core-samples the scientists took from the bottom of the Black Sea revealed sections of once-dry, sun-baked land.
These sediments were then covered by sections of uniform mud, strongly suggesting that these plains underwent a long-ago influx of saltwater. Though not worldwide, this cataclysmic event occurred at what could have been a locus of human activity at the time.
In their 1998 book, Noah's Flood: The New Scientific Discoveries about the Event that Changed History, Ryan and Pitman suggest the Black Sea was once a much smaller, land-locked freshwater lake, fed by ancient rivers, and surrounded by fertile plains. Neolithic people, Ryan and Pitman suppose, would have flocked to farm these Eden-like plains while supplementing their diets with the lake's abundant shellfish.
At this time - about 7,500 years ago - the global climate was still rapidly warming following the last Ice Age, causing the seas to rise. Ryan and Pitman hypothesize that, when sea levels rose beyond a critical point, the Mediterranean Sea overflowed, deluging the Black Sea basin with salty water and destroying the fertile plains around the once-shallow freshwater lake.
Any people living on those plains at the time would have witnessed what must have seemed like the wrath of an angry god. Based on the still northern flowing undercurrents of what we call the Bosporus Straits, Ryan and Pitman estimate the water rushed northward through this channel with force many times greater than Niagara Falls. As the waters rose about six inches per day, human settlements would have been washed away or under hundreds of feet of water within a year or so.
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
As an addendum - Judging from the responses on elTakruri's thread: Asian blacks? Not unless they're negroid I say.
Many people are not aware, that the current situation of mixed race (Black/Mongol) societies in South Asia, are relatively new. Below are some pictures of the original people of those countries.
In Burma/Thailand it began in about 1,300 A.D.
The Mon of Thailand.
In Cambodia it began in about 1,600 A.D.
The Khmer of Cambodia.
In Vietnam it began in about 1,600 A.D.
The Champa of Vietnam.
In Indonesia it began in about 1,600 A.D.
The Mendang-Mataram of Sumatra.
As mentioned above; In Taiwan it began in about 1,662 A.D.
Before the fall of the original societies and culture; and the subsequent opening for Mongols to migrate into these areas, they were purely Black societies.
In all; it took Mongols about 3,000 years to completely colonize East Asia. In marked contrast to Europe; where it took Whites but a few hundred years. Something MUST have happened in the western portion of the Eurasian Plains, to explain such a sudden and HUGE shift of people.
Posted by alTakruri (Member # 10195) on :
Sexual jealousy apparently was behind the extinction of a black population in Taiwan.
alTakruri - When I wrote the post, my intention was to impart information, while having a little fun with my tongue firmly in my cheek. Now I'm beginning to wonder if I stumbled unto something. Great post, thanks.
Posted by Doug M (Member # 7650) on :
quote:Originally posted by alTakruri: Sexual jealousy apparently was behind the extinction of a black population in Taiwan.
It is funny how they say the Saisayat are the "aboriginal" people, yet the black pygmies were the first. If that is so then how are the Saisiyat "aboriginal", if aboriginal means first? There is no such thing as a white aborigine because whites are not "first humans" anywhere on earth.
Posted by Mike111 (Member # 9361) on :
Doug M - Disenfranchising Blacks, is so ingrained into western culture, that even people who are trying not to be racist, do it without realizing that they are doing it. You will notice that the Saisayat had no trouble, admitting that the source of what they know, and have, was the Nigeritos? (If I am in error with the identification, please correct).
Posted by blackmanthinking (Member # 17520) on :