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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Member # 20555
 - posted

Whipped mercilessly, worked to the bone in cotton fields and warned police will hunt them down if they escape: Incredible images show the brutal reality of slaves in America on the anniversary of the end of the brutal practice
A series of images show the everyday life of slaves in the United States before its abolition
One shows the scars inflicted on the back of one slave while others show them working in cotton fields
They resurfaced on the 153rd anniversary of the 13th Amendment being signed into law by Abraham Lincoln
The 13th Amendment, which passed two years after Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation, abolished slavery

Mena: Black Africans went from building civilizations and inventing science and religions all over the world for thousand of years to becoming enslaved for 500 years.

Black Africans were enslaved by the Europeans to replaced the Native Americans who have been genocide by the Europeans and worked in the plantations and mines of North America, South America and the Caribbean.

Pope Nicolas V Papal Bull authorized and legalized the slave trade of Africans by the European monarchs. I think the Papacy was responsible for the enslavement of African people.

The African kingdoms ruling class also was also responsible for the African Slave Trade because they have failed to unite their kingdoms and fight the foreign European and Arab slave traders instead they fought each other to kidnapped African people for the Europeans. In the contrary European have slaughtered each other in hundred years war, thirty years war, World Wars but when faced with a foreign invaders like the Moors, Arabs, Mongols and the Ottomans they have united to defeat the invaders. Today the Western world is united against China, India and Africa.

The lesson of the African Slave Trade for Black people is L Union Fait la Force meaning Unity is Power.

This horrific image shows the criss-crossing scars inflicted on one slave who was freed from a plantation in Louisiana

The images show the everyday lives of slaves in America before slavery was abolished

Many slaves endured long days doing the back-breaking work of picking cotton on plantations in states like Georgia

The series of images resurfaced on the 153rd anniversary of the 13th Amendment abolishing slavery being signed into law by President Abraham Lincoln on February 1, 1865
Member # 5777
 - posted

Re Native Americans. They were enslaved for 100 years by the Spanish Conquistadors. It was Spanish priest Bartolomo de Las Casas who proposed to the Pope and the Spanish monarch at the time that the "Indios" should be replaced by Africans because De Las Casas wanted to save the Indios for Christianity.
Linda Fahr
Member # 21979
 - posted
Actually, Africans were slaved and brutally tortured by Arabs hundred of years before European arrival. In fact, African males mixed race with Arabs, castrated captive African males, to sell to Arabs as "EUNUCHS" They were castrated in Niger and Nigeria, then sold to North Africa, Spain, and Middle Eastern Kingdoms.

In fact, the first slaves to arrived in America continent, were Irish and Scottish people. They were taken to Caribbean Islands, and United States as Indenture servants...The problem was, that they could be sold by their owners, beside, the majority of them were kept as slaves for their entire lives. If they broke a glass, or tried to escaped, their owner went to the court to renew their servitude for the rest of their lives, or dozen of years more. The majority of them died as slaves.

Now, I am curious why African Historians and Africancentrist don't write the true origin "Whipping"? Is that true that whipping humans has it's origin in Africa???? until today African tribes males, whipping their females, living gross marks in their backs? That's why the majority of whipping men in American plantations were African males?

Is that true, that whipping practice was introduced around the world by African males, since ancient times?

Actually, I have been searching the origin torture methods for decades. Many torture methods and tools were introduced in the west by mongoloid race. But, whipping certainly is of African males origin...

What make sick, is that are African females that encourage African males to whipping them, and the most chocking at all, is that they enjoyed it. As you can see in this video "MADE IN AFRICA".

In fact, whipping is originally part of African ritual Culture, of their ancient Bull jump ceremony. In fact, Bull jump ceremony is so old, that was painted in Ancient Greece, over 3000 years ago.....

Yes, I search for the origin of tortures, because I am an African Slave descendant. I am not only chocked with the brutal Mongoloid and European torture culture, but African torture as well...

Whipping Ceremony - Hamer Tribe - Africa |

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