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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Member # 2474
 - posted
I thought this forum is a good one for shring different views,because of different religions,cultures,colors,countries..names...forum for love not hatered...if you hate others for the sake of a religion..thn you are wrong...I know religion means tolerence and love not hatered....so please stop assaulting each other under the name of religion...and out of all segments of this forum all forums are filled with good feelings and love ..classifieds..living in egypt..locate business in egypt.....all in all except the one segment speaking about RELIGION..am I right?
bob the dog
Member # 4691
 - posted
Yes Sasa... you are right!!
Member # 1056
 - posted
I guess that's why not many people are very active on this forum, it doesn't seem to benefit anyone.
Member # 2474
 - posted
thanks samia, thanks newcomer...then wha can we do to make tis forum a forum of love..??!!
I suggest even if you want to invite other people to follow the religion you believe is the best one on earth ..then do that by showing us the best of that religion..show us tolerence and love..invite us by the good means and logic not by haterd..any reply?? specially from salama and morgan...
Member # 6851
 - posted
Originally posted by newcomer:
I guess that's why not many people are very active on this forum, it doesn't seem to benefit anyone.

You are right, I’ve never participated in a public forum before and I mainly came here because I was thinking of moving back to Cairo and wanted to catch up. But now I am just tired of reading all these hatred posts about religion. Once I see these LONG posts of anti-(any religion), I just roll my eyes and close the whole thing. People just need to post more positive remarks about living in Egypt (esp. if you choose to live there).. this is the whole point of this forum.. right? Positive thoughts not negative!!!

Member # 6138
 - posted
I totally agree with Samia. What is wrong with these religious debates is not so much the hatred postings as the fact what people are posting is not their own words. Would there really be any point in my posting up a page of the Bible everytime someone posted up a page of the Koran.

This is part of the problem, the other part is if someone makes a valid point, the opposing side merely trashes it, sticks up a printed page of somebody elses point of view and changes the subject.

To be fair, the Christian side does seem to be prepared to enter into an intelligent debate of one sort or another, but the Moslem camp doesnt seem to have anything to say, or any personal words of their own (except abuse perhaps) and simply stick up a page out of someone elses book.

The worst offenders are people like Salama who started off the practise of searching the web for "hate" pages. We could all do that but what the point? Now, she seems to have got everybody else doing it. Charlie the Saint.

Member # 2474
 - posted
[QUOTE]Originally posted by sokarya_686@hotmail.com:

((To be fair, the Christian side does seem to be prepared to enter into an intelligent debate of one sort or another, but the Moslem camp doesnt seem to have anything to say, or any personal words of their own (except abuse perhaps) and simply stick up a page out of someone elses book. )) to be Fair..Are You Judge and Party? this is not fair...just let some one who is Bhudist or Hindu judge if you are fair or not..

This is an offensive point of view..however I as a muslim will accept it.. and why you devide the forum to 2 camps? why not one capm..Human Camp...and let the judgement of religions..to the day of doom or the day after...Allah (God) will judge all people..now let us live as Brothers And Sisters Of one Family Parents...Adam And Eve..!!!!


Member # 6403
 - posted
Originally posted by sokarya_686@hotmail.com:
I totally agree with Samia. What is wrong with these religious debates is not so much the hatred postings as the fact what people are posting is not their own words. Would there really be any point in my posting up a page of the Bible everytime someone posted up a page of the Koran.

This is part of the problem, the other part is if someone makes a valid point, the opposing side merely trashes it, sticks up a printed page of somebody elses point of view and changes the subject.

To be fair, the Christian side does seem to be prepared to enter into an intelligent debate of one sort or another, but the Moslem camp doesnt seem to have anything to say, or any personal words of their own (except abuse perhaps) and simply stick up a page out of someone elses book.

The worst offenders are people like Salama who started off the practise of searching the web for "hate" pages. We could all do that but what the point? Now, she seems to have got everybody else doing it. Charlie the Saint.

dont act innocent ur just as bad as Salama u just dont realize it
u dont speak the truth about christians only bash the muslims
dont get me wrong i'm not muslim but i call it like i see it
ur a hypocrite

Member # 1925
 - posted
Personally I think the forum was spoilt by opening a separate religious colomn. Religion is a part of day to day life and the forum was much better where religion came up as a part of another topic when it was relevant to the subject being discussed. I certainly learnt a lot more then and thought about differing opinions. Most of the time I don't even bother to look in this section now as the cut and paste mentality is so boring.
Member # 1056
 - posted
I agree Penny, which was why I made the comments I did on the "smelly husbands" thread, before it got moved to the "Religion" forum! This new forum doesn't add anything to this board, it has just opened the door for another set of problems.
Member # 6138
 - posted
Well, that didnt take long for the hate to come out did it? Anyway, you neednt bother patronising me. I am not the slightest bit interested in your pagan ideas. As for all your sentiments of love and peace you can flush that down the toilet with all the other garbage you come out with in the name of Allah. And please lmangang, just because I had a go the other day about some rubbish you came out with, you dont have to equate me with Salama the heathen. Charlie the Saint.
[This message has been edited by sokarya_686@hotmail.com (edited 15 March 2005).]

[This message has been edited by sokarya_686@hotmail.com (edited 15 March 2005).]

Member # 5785
 - posted
Well, how to get people to treat each other as human beings first and not just members of a lesser God/Religion?

Muslims in Egypt are the majority and need to take the first step in this effort to reach out to the Coptic community and other Faiths in Egypt and let them know that we can live with them under the same roof and as neighbors.

When the Israelies were shooting at the Egyptian soliders during the war, they did not distinguish between a Muslim and Copt, both were likely to receive the same Israeli Bullet.

Wakeup people, we're all Egyptians and brothers, regardless of our Religions or Political views. We just need to learn how to get along better and love and respect our differences!!

[This message has been edited by ABAZA (edited 16 March 2005).]

bob the dog
Member # 4691
 - posted
I agree with Charlie about the long 'cut and pastes'
I never know what they are about, never bother to reply to them, because I can't be bothered to read them!!!
Member # 6138
 - posted
Its quite obvious the reglious forum has become a platform for Moslem Fundamentalists to spread their political agenda in the name of Allah. The do this primarily by attacking Christianity and the West in general in order to discredit everyone, and take the onus away from themselves. If they were simply to say whats good about Islam (and not whats bad about Christianity), they might stand more chance of being heard. Then people could perhaps discuss Islam in a positive way.

However, all the time religion is turned into a political agenda, its all a waste of time. One can either run away from it, ignore it, or meet it head on. Its an individual choice. There are many good Moslem people and the religion is basically good also, but the people who come here are not Moslems. Unfortunately, they seem to convince people that they are.

Charlie the Saint.

Member # 11270
 - posted
Originally posted by sokarya_686@hotmail.com:
Its quite obvious the reglious forum has become a platform for Moslem Fundamentalists to spread their political agenda in the name of Allah. The do this primarily by attacking Christianity and the West in general in order to discredit everyone, and take the onus away from themselves. If they were simply to say whats good about Islam (and not whats bad about Christianity), they might stand more chance of being heard. Then people could perhaps discuss Islam in a positive way.

However, all the time religion is turned into a political agenda, its all a waste of time. One can either run away from it, ignore it, or meet it head on. Its an individual choice. There are many good Moslem people and the religion is basically good also, but the people who come here are not Moslems. Unfortunately, they seem to convince people that they are.

Charlie the Saint.

actually its changed gone the other way round now dont you think
Member # 9287
 - posted
I think that this forum had truly affected my attitude .. Now I get pissed very easily when it comes to religion .. anyway I think I agree that we need more tolerance, but to do this we need respect first. Or so I think

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