Topic: Racial Affiliations of Haplogroups
osirion Member Posts: 716 Registered: May 2005
posted 17 September 2005 10:30 AM
The Horn of Africa was included as part of the Aksum Empire. This Empire was Christian and as such it would of had influence on those people under its dominion. Very likely there was considerable number of Somalians that were Christianized.As for proof of slavery that ecompassed Somalia, that is a matter of logical proof. Parts of Somalia was under the Abyssinian Empire and we know that Abyssinians were enslaved by Arabs. It follows that since parts of Somalia are in the set of those being enslaved that we can infer that they too experienced some degree of slavery. You simply have a problem following logic. You need to argue against the extent of the Aksum empire to exclude Somalians. I have specified that it was only parts of Somalia that were considered included as part of Abyssinia of Ancient. Either the definition of Abyssinia included part of Somalia or it didn't. If it did then we can infer that slavery was a part on the past for Somalians as well as Ethiopians. Besides, slavery is an experience that no nation, that I am aware of, has been exluded from.
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Ceelgabo_11 Member Posts: 80 Registered: Sep 2005
posted 17 September 2005 12:19 PM
quote: Originally posted by osirion: The Horn of Africa was part of the Aksum empire. Somalians did not convert to Islam in mass until the 13th century. Before that time many were Christians and as a result they were being enslaved by Arab merchants.
First you take a picture of Somali bantu and call it Ethnic Somali...know you claim that Somali was part of Aksum..which is a big ass lie... You claimed SOmalis were Christians which is also a big ass lie.. You claimed Somalis only become Muslim 13th century which also a big ass lie.. Somalis were muslim by 8th century...
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Ceelgabo_11 Member Posts: 80 Registered: Sep 2005
posted 17 September 2005 12:32 PM
quote: Originally posted by Super car: Now we are talking. Frankly, when I look at this boy, his body structure seems to be typical of other Somalis. Again, someone else might disagree with this. But unless, you can prove that this person is for sure a Bantu Somali, then your claim has no merit. [This message has been edited by Super car (edited 17 September 2005).]
Most Somali Cushitic speakers don't mix with Bantu groups. There is this baseless attitude out there , as amply expressed here by self-proclaimed Somali reactionaries, and one which [that is the attitude] has manifested itself in genetic test results, that the Bantu are inferior. Also,that boy in the photo, is holding a gun; are many Somali Bantus involved in fighting as well, in the capital city? Who are they supposedly fighting with? You are right that most Somalis haven't and wouldn't mix with bantus, but that said there are some Somali tribes that have mixed with bantu and some cases there have been bantus who became part of one the Somalis tribes in the South, particularly part of the Hawiyee tribe.
I think anyone who lives in Southern part of Somali is in some ways part of the conflict. Know the boy in the picture would most likely be a gun man for one the worlds in Mogadishu. IP: Logged |
osirion Member Posts: 716 Registered: May 2005
posted 17 September 2005 01:08 PM
quote: Originally posted by Ceelgabo_11: First you take a picture of Somali bantu and call it Ethnic Somali...know you claim that Somali was part of Aksum..which is a big ass lie... You claimed SOmalis were Christians which is also a big ass lie.. You claimed Somalis only become Muslim 13th century which also a big ass lie.. Somalis were muslim by 8th century... [img][\img]
First: Your picture did not come through. However, as a Nation the Somalians converted to Islam (as in a Sultante) during the 13th century.
Secondily: I never said that boy was a Somalian. You sir are the liar. When did I say his was a Ethinic Somalian! I have know idea what he is, I can only say that he is a East African. Thirdly: Aksum controlled parts of the Horn of Africa. Prove me wrong! Read about it if you can (I have to be careful here since Somalians do only have a 30% literacy rate - I'll try to be sensitive to that, can't expect everyone to have the high 75% literacy rates of West Africa; you would think Islamic nations would have a higher literacy rate in order for people to read the Quran):
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leba Member Posts: 167 Registered: Aug 2005
posted 17 September 2005 01:18 PM
Somalia was not part of Aksum...
Funny how the border stops at the somali area of Djibouti IP: Logged |
Djehuti Member Posts: 1631 Registered: Feb 2005
posted 17 September 2005 01:19 PM
Another thing is that even Sudanese took part in the slave trade of Bantus. Zanj was a Sudanese kingdom and scholars aren't sure, but they think the actual people of this kingdom were Fur. The Zanj were Muslims that had extensive contact with Aksum as well as other kingdoms of Ethiopia and the Horn.IP: Logged |
Ceelgabo_11 Member Posts: 80 Registered: Sep 2005
posted 17 September 2005 01:23 PM
quote: Originally posted by osirion: Abyssinian empire of Aksum. From the 2nd to the 7th century AD, the Ethiopian Aksum Kingdom dominated large parts of Somalia. Nevertheless, Arab Muslim merchants wrested control of the Africa-Asia trade routes, which Somalia was a part, from the Christian Aksumites, who consequently migrated from the Red Sea coast to the interior, seeking refuge in the highlands. We can surmise that after the merchants took control over parts of Somalia, that was under Aksumite control, enslavement of that population occurred. However, the Somalians did convert to Islam by the 13th century. In fact, a Muslim Somali leader, conquered much of Ethiopia. Thus began incursions by the Oromo people from the Southern borders of Ethiopia. I think you guys forget I am part Ethiopian. The fact that Somalians became slave traders is well known to me. The fact that Islam caused the downfall of a great Christian empire is also well known to me. What is also known to me, is that my people were also enslaved by the Arabs and the Somali traders and not just Bantu. Ethiopians are the mother group of the Cushitic family. [This message has been edited by osirion (edited 17 September 2005).]
Osiros Why are Jews soo good at lying and decieving?
When was Somali part of Aksumite? When did Aksumite enslave Somalis when they never dared to wonder the land east of them? You are right that Somalis took part in the slave trade, but so did the Habashees who who properly sold more of their own people into slavery than Somalis or Arabs or Turks ever did? Islam caused the downfall of Christian empire in Ethiopia? If it wasn't for Islam and the pledge made the first muslims who seeked refugee and protection in Abyssinia today Ethiopia would have been like Morroco or Iraq or Syria...but infortunately muslims back than made a pledge never to attack or conquer Abyssinia unless they oppress you or deny you from practising your faith...and this was obeyed by the muslims until they faced oppression from Abyssinian king Negus Yeshaq...
How come you know the enslaving of your people by the Arabs or SOmalis...but you don't know the greatest enslavers of Ethiopians, the Habeshees who sold Oromas, Sidomas, Nilotic tribes to Arabs, Portugies, Turks, Indians, etc..anyone who had money they sold slaves to.. I guess Habshee for selling their fellow country man and their own people into slavery are innocent and Somalis for selling their most hated enemies before they turned on themself are guilty for taking part of slave trade... [img][\img]
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Djehuti Member Posts: 1631 Registered: Feb 2005
posted 17 September 2005 01:33 PM
Slaves taken from the Horn and sold by Arab traders were called Abasha-- derived from Habasha. While some of these slaves were Ethiopian, one source I've read said that some came from Somalia too!All you Somalis do not go crazy over this (except for crazed jackal--Leb, since he can't help himself), as I said this comes from a single source I read long ago. IP: Logged |
leba Member Posts: 167 Registered: Aug 2005
posted 17 September 2005 01:37 PM
quote: Originally posted by Djehuti: Slaves taken from the Horn and sold by Arab traders were called Abasha-- derived from Habasha. While some of these slaves were Ethiopian, one source I've read said that some came from Somalia too!All you Somalis do not go crazy over this (except for crazed jackal--Leb, since he can't help himself), as I said this comes from a single source I read long ago.
Who are the Somali Bantu?
The descendants of six African tribes in East Africa, the Somali Bantu are not native Somalis. Their ancestors were taken from their native lands by Arab slave traders in the 18th and 19th centuries and sold through the Zanzibar slave market.
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leba Member Posts: 167 Registered: Aug 2005
posted 17 September 2005 01:43 PM
All the slaves from Somalia were bantu
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Djehuti Member Posts: 1631 Registered: Feb 2005
posted 17 September 2005 01:48 PM
I already know who the Somali Bantu are, dog's ass! The source actually said that some of the Abasha were ethnic Somalis!!And as I said before, since you can't help it your erratic responses are not surprising  IP: Logged |
leba Member Posts: 167 Registered: Aug 2005
posted 17 September 2005 02:05 PM
What bs source? Post it!IP: Logged |
Ceelgabo_11 Member Posts: 80 Registered: Sep 2005
posted 17 September 2005 02:09 PM
quote: Originally posted by Djehuti: Slaves taken from the Horn and sold by Arab traders were called Abasha-- derived from Habasha. While some of these slaves were Ethiopian, one source I've read said that some came from Somalia too!All you Somalis do not go crazy over this (except for crazed jackal--Leb, since he can't help himself), as I said this comes from a single source I read long ago.
Ths only slaves that i'm aware of coming from Somalis were bantu slaves who arabs brought to Southern Somalia as slaves because the Arabs couldn't use the Somali namads as slaves for couple of reasons. First Arabs needed the Ports for trade and trade with the natives who were mostly Somalis, so enslaving them would be declaration for war and the process Arabs wouldn't be able to use the Ports in Somalia, second must Somalis if not all by the time Arabs started trading in MOgadishu in 11th were muslims already, third Somalis have aggressive nomadic attitude which properly had something to do with why they never were enslaved by Arabs or the Turks, fourth if Arabs could have had Somalis as slaves than why did they go down to Tanzania or Mozambiq or Kenya or deep into Habashee territory to capture slaves if they could have had Somalis who lived right at the Coast as slaves..
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mali Member Posts: 215 Registered: May 2005
posted 17 September 2005 02:36 PM
quote: Originally posted by Ceelgabo_11: Osiros Why are Jews soo good at lying and decieving? When was Somali part of Aksumite? When did Aksumite enslave Somalis when they never dared to wonder the land east of them? You are right that Somalis took part in the slave trade, but so did the Habashees who who properly sold more of their own people into slavery than Somalis or Arabs or Turks ever did? Islam caused the downfall of Christian empire in Ethiopia? If it wasn't for Islam and the pledge made the first muslims who seeked refugee and protection in Abyssinia today Ethiopia would have been like Morroco or Iraq or Syria...but infortunately muslims back than made a pledge never to attack or conquer Abyssinia unless they oppress you or deny you from practising your faith...and this was obeyed by the muslims until they faced oppression from Abyssinian king Negus Yeshaq...
How come you know the enslaving of your people by the Arabs or SOmalis...but you don't know the greatest enslavers of Ethiopians, the Habeshees who sold Oromas, Sidomas, Nilotic tribes to Arabs, Portugies, Turks, Indians, etc..anyone who had money they sold slaves to.. I guess Habshee for selling their fellow country man and their own people into slavery are innocent and Somalis for selling their most hated enemies before they turned on themself are guilty for taking part of slave trade... [img][\img]
LMAO....The orgin of the WORD HABESH...IS SOMALI..... HABESH=SLAVE...... So when an ethiopian takes pride in the word habesh i lol.....where the somalis... A somali would beat the crap out u if u had ever called him or her a habesh..... However the reason why the habesh (primarily oromo) havent faced discrimnation in somali is for the reason they resemble other somalis physically as opposed to the bantu population...however habesh werent able to gain clan ties and as a result discrimnated and were subjected to petty maid ect.... what makes m LOL... Is that Osir...bases all info on ASSUMPTIONS.. if it doesnt Logically fit with his historic view of BLACK Africa...there must be something wrong with others and edu institutes that are finding other wise... Osir is the last person..and unlike euro...where on times he can play puzzling ring toss games...osir LIES... LIES CAUSE THEY SEEMINGLY DONT FIT WITH ANY HISTORICAL CHRONOLOGICAL MAP OF EVENTS.... so easy that an 8 yr 2nd grader can see through them... LMAO... OK SO WHAT WAS THE POINT OF THAT PIC...OSIR>>>> DO U REMEMBER---ANYTHING UVE POSTED ABOUT THE PIC ON PRI-PAGES...hmmm warning for osir not to step foot on mog...or hell get a cap up his a-s-s..LOL cee...dudes a chasing his own tail....
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COBRA Member Posts: 301 Registered: Apr 2005
posted 17 September 2005 02:44 PM
Just because you were made to beg... Doesn’t mean you have to bring us to your level.
[This message has been edited by COBRA (edited 17 September 2005).] IP: Logged |
mali Member Posts: 215 Registered: May 2005
posted 17 September 2005 02:46 PM
quote: Originally posted by Djehuti: Slaves taken from the Horn and sold by Arab traders were called Abasha-- derived from Habasha. While some of these slaves were Ethiopian, one source I've read said that some came from Somalia too!All you Somalis do not go crazy over this (except for crazed jackal--Leb, since he can't help himself), as I said this comes from a single source I read long ago.
Theres a high possiblity since..Other then the Bantus from mozamb...tanz... THERE WERE BANTU POPS ON THE SHABEELLE AND JUBBA.....who were the so called "INDIGINOUS " INHABITS BEFORE THE SOMALIS EXPANDED SOUTH...... And were also a source for slaver...but fought oppression from arab slave traders and as a result seeked elswhere for slaves.... its highly unlikely for sell there own...or be enslaved...for the very reason...A MUSLIM CANNOT OWN ANOTHER MUSLIM as a slave... so to retarded....since islam was the ONLY religion other then pre-islamic religions....Waqq and ayanla...were accepted... Christianity didnt hit the somali osir said...LMAO.... djeh...u should look up the clanship structure of ethnic somalis....and how it co-relates to the situation of today.... events 1000+ have determined the socio- possesion of many peeps oin Somalia..... So for AAs And americans to assume s-h-i-t..makes me lol.... the word new..obvious...but the clan structure....aint...
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mali Member Posts: 215 Registered: May 2005
posted 17 September 2005 02:59 PM
quote: Originally posted by Ceelgabo_11: Ths only slaves that i'm aware of coming from Somalis were bantu slaves who arabs brought to Southern Somalia as slaves because the Arabs couldn't use the Somali namads as slaves for couple of reasons. First Arabs needed the Ports for trade and trade with the natives who were mostly Somalis, so enslaving them would be declaration for war and the process Arabs wouldn't be able to use the Ports in Somalia, second must Somalis if not all by the time Arabs started trading in MOgadishu in 11th were muslims already, third Somalis have aggressive nomadic attitude which properly had something to do with why they never were enslaved by Arabs or the Turks, fourth if Arabs could have had Somalis as slaves than why did they go down to Tanzania or Mozambiq or Kenya or deep into Habashee territory to capture slaves if they could have had Somalis who lived right at the Coast as slaves..
Anyways...not much is known about somalia...archo wise...since..the masses havent even heard of the place before given < 20 yrs before...... So for peeps to go on here and talk about the contri of the somali peeps and the so called "kingdoms" they had nothing to do with... makes me lol.... much of somalia is uninhabited..where archo sites are being discovered..... giza was a reflection of the ungodly ppl of Egypt ..were nearly destroyed..... cee.. the north is a prospect for alot.. since the found neo- paintings...that are considered to be the largest found in afric... IP: Logged |
relaxx Member Posts: 504 Registered: May 2005
posted 17 September 2005 06:12 PM
quote: Originally posted by leba: What bs source? Post it!
leba, What's your clan? Is this guy a Negroid or Caucasoid, a pure Issaqh from Somaliland who allegedly has no bantu blood, personally I would have some doubt...I know some kikuyus who look like him. Relaxx [This message has been edited by relaxx (edited 17 September 2005).] IP: Logged |
rasol Member Posts: 4392 Registered: Jun 2004
posted 17 September 2005 06:13 PM
quote: Originally posted by relaxx: leba, What's your clan? Relaxx
Ku Klux.  IP: Logged |
mali Member Posts: 215 Registered: May 2005
posted 17 September 2005 06:20 PM
quote: Originally posted by leba: What bs source? Post it!
cool it leba.... somalis are not ahabesh or hbesh we all know..and they dont call one another habesh... the minority clans are called sab... not noble while the majority are samaal... noble.. its why the rahewhyan and diir are interchangably refered to as samaal. while the neighboring groups and others along twith the darood and hawiya in kenya SOMALILAND are refered to as HABESH=oromo... So it would be nearly imppossible to refer to a somali clan as HABESH.... since it refers to the oromos pop who are not of any clan lineage... Just as Koreans arent japanese.... ethnic Somalis arent Oromo Simple as that.... i was dying when djeh...said there was a clan named ahabesh... lmao...theres a abesh/oromo population in somali we all know but there a minority group osir...making out somalis as bantus... now djeh creating a non-existing clan within the ethnic somali geneology....lmao trust if there was such a clan id be the first to know...LOL IP: Logged |
mali Member Posts: 215 Registered: May 2005
posted 17 September 2005 06:24 PM
quote: Originally posted by relaxx: leba, What's your clan? Is this guy a Negroid or Caucasoid, a pure Issaqh from Somaliland who allegedly has no bantu blood, personally I would have some doubt...I know some kikuyus who look like him. Relaxx[This message has been edited by relaxx (edited 17 September 2005).]
k.... so whats ur point whether he is or not really doesnt matter.... we know what somalis look like...whether ur trying to point out a pheno that doesnt match the atypical look...i can care less... i assume he somali since theres a somali flag sitting next to him if he is then he is... seriously whats with this campaign to pic the extreme of the spectrumes... non-somali looking---whether atypical pops neihboring us or pops that are in europe... stop pic spamming...its worthless. IP: Logged |
mali Member Posts: 215 Registered: May 2005
posted 17 September 2005 06:29 PM
quote: Originally posted by relaxx: leba, What's your clan? Is this guy a Negroid or Caucasoid, a pure Issaqh from Somaliland who allegedly has no bantu blood, personally I would have some doubt...I know some kikuyus who look like him. Relaxx[This message has been edited by relaxx (edited 17 September 2005).]
Anyways ur wrong...relax...since somaliland is not only occupid by issaqs but also darrods and gudbirsi....LMAO.. scoop ur poop and eat it.... And since ur being so ignorant...there is many minority groups that live in HARGESIA that are not ethnic somali... Ur another ignorant fool...somalis a NATION... people flee war ravished mogdushio.. to the North....for Hell the Eritreans and Ethiop GOVT official STIL USE SOMALI PASSPORTS....LMAO... ur crap wont fly with me...try somewhere else... out IP: Logged |
relaxx Member Posts: 504 Registered: May 2005
posted 17 September 2005 06:50 PM
quote: Originally posted by mali: Anyways ur wrong...relax...since somaliland is not only occupid by issaqs but also darrods and gudbirsi....LMAO.. scoop ur poop and eat it....And since ur being so ignorant...there is many minority groups that live in HARGESIA that are not ethnic somali... Ur another ignorant fool...somalis a NATION... people flee war ravished mogdushio.. to the North....for Hell the Eritreans and Ethiop GOVT official STIL USE SOMALI PASSPORTS....LMAO... ur crap wont fly with me...try somewhere else... out
Please refrain from replying to my messages, it was for leba, it doesn't change the fact that Somaliland president looks like a bantu, that's how he was born, you can't change it. Relaxx
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leba Member Posts: 167 Registered: Aug 2005
posted 17 September 2005 06:55 PM
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leba Member Posts: 167 Registered: Aug 2005
posted 17 September 2005 06:59 PM
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Ceelgabo_11 Member Posts: 80 Registered: Sep 2005
posted 17 September 2005 06:59 PM
quote: Originally posted by osirion: First: Your picture did not come through. However, as a Nation the Somalians converted to Islam (as in a Sultante) during the 13th century. Secondily: I never said that boy was a Somalian. You sir are the liar. When did I say his was a Ethinic Somalian! I have know idea what he is, I can only say that he is a East African. Thirdly: Aksum controlled parts of the Horn of Africa. Prove me wrong! Read about it if you can (I have to be careful here since Somalians do only have a 30% literacy rate - I'll try to be sensitive to that, can't expect everyone to have the high 75% literacy rates of West Africa; you would think Islamic nations would have a higher literacy rate in order for people to read the Quran):
Somalis who are from Northern Somali converted to Islam before 10th 13th century Somalis already had Adel and have been muslim for centuries..Adel is also were the word Somali was used and the language Somalis speak was used...Southern Somali wasn't muslim until mid 15th century, but Southern Somali wasn't inhabited by Somalis until sometime 12th century when SOmalis migrated to South and by that time SOmalis in NOrth were muslims and brought Islam to South were the population were mostly Galla who eventually were chased out by the migrating Somali nomads..
I agree that Aksum controlled part of the Horn of Africa, but they never controlled Northern Somali or Eastern Ethiopia...
Is it the habit of the jews to result to insult when challenged about their deceitful information or is it only your habit?
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relaxx Member Posts: 504 Registered: May 2005
posted 17 September 2005 07:00 PM
leba, If you are proud about who you are, you should be able to tell the name of your clan. Be a man. RelaxxIP: Logged |
mali Member Posts: 215 Registered: May 2005
posted 17 September 2005 07:01 PM
quote: Originally posted by relaxx: Please refrain from replying to my messages, it was for leba, it doesn't change the fact that Somaliland president looks like a bantu, that's how he was born, you can't change it. Relaxx
KKKK.... i dont see ur point... by addressing the quest to leba ud think a fuse would signal outrage because he doesnt fit the atypical mold.. By the WAY DUMB A-S-S THE SOMALILAND PRES... IS NOT ISSAQ RETARD HE's GUDBARSI....UR A DUMB FOOL... TWO DIFF TRIBES THAT OCCUPY THE SAME LAND BOTH ETHNIC BUT ARE NOT TIED IN ANY WAY THROUGH CLAN LINE..... LEBA ..... these peeps are hilarious... 1 that wants to = the somali pops with the bantus.. other that wants to = somalis with the ABESH and now another wants to = somalis=kikuyans from my understanding Bajuunis...INHABIT KIKUYA... so know ur saying bajuunis are ethnic somalis..HMMMM... ur a funny a-s-s for the dumb fools who dont know what a bajuuni is...
relaxx Member Posts: 504 Registered: May 2005
posted 17 September 2005 07:05 PM
quote: Originally posted by mali: KKKK.... i dont see ur point... by addressing the quest to leba ud think a fuse would signal outrage because he doesnt fit the atypical mold..By the WAY DUMB A-S-S THE SOMALILAND PRES... IS NOT ISSAQ RETARD HE's GUDBARSI....UR A DUMB FOOL... TWO DIFF TRIBES THAT OCCUPY THE SAME LAND BOTH ETHNIC BUT ARE NOT TIED IN ANY WAY THROUGH CLAN LINE..... LEBA ..... these peeps are hilarious... 1 that wants to = the somali pops with the bantus.. other that wants to = somalis with the ABESH and now another wants to = somalis=kikuyans from my understanding Bajuunis...INHABIT KIKUYA... so know ur saying bajuunis are ethnic somalis..HMMMM... ur a funny a-s-s for the dumb fools who dont know what a bajuuni is...
Anyway he's from the North, who cares abouth Northern Somalis: Gadaboursis, Issaqhs, Issas, Warsengeli, Dolbahante...who think they are all Yemenis, I mean Issaqs look like Amharas and they pretend to be pure Somalis, good joke...say hello to your Yemeni friends... Relaxx
[This message has been edited by relaxx (edited 17 September 2005).] IP: Logged |
mali Member Posts: 215 Registered: May 2005
posted 17 September 2005 07:10 PM
quote: Originally posted by Ceelgabo_11: Somalis who are from Northern Somali converted to Islam before 10th 13th century Somalis already had Adel and have been muslim for centuries..Adel is also were the word Somali was used and the language Somalis speak was used...Southern Somali wasn't muslim until mid 15th century, but Southern Somali wasn't inhabited by Somalis until sometime 12th century when SOmalis migrated to South and by that time SOmalis in NOrth were muslims and brought Islam to South were the population were mostly Galla who eventually were chased out by the migrating Somali nomads.. I agree that Aksum controlled part of the Horn of Africa, but they never controlled Northern Somali or Eastern Ethiopia...
Is it the habit of the jews to result to insult when challenged about their deceitful information or is it only your habit?
Cee...this guy has an agenda to exploit somalia for what it isnt.... PULLING INFO from thin air... First he compares the progression of war torn somalia and the GDP or was it the economy to GHANA!!! and then compared LITERCACY rates...while comparing HIV rates.. Wouldnt u think if a LITERACY RATE OF hmm...75% ....HIV would be low since the peeps are edu..and disease co-relates to edu and health yet they have 1.8 % now compare to a literacay rate of 30% and the lowest HIV infection rate in the world...LMAO... id take no subsidy no debt no pandemic or epidemic....econmically rebuilding SOMALIA over any AFRICAN NATION...LMAO.... this dude a dont make me piss my pants.... the idea that somalia doesnt face as much as BLACK Africa or sub sahara makes these peeps salvate.....
get off of Somalia and move on IP: Logged |
mali Member Posts: 215 Registered: May 2005
posted 17 September 2005 07:15 PM
quote: Originally posted by relaxx: Anyway he's from the North, who cares abouth Northern Somalis: Gadaboursis, Issaqhs, Issas, Warsengeli, Dolbahante...who think they are all Yemenis, I mean Issaqs look like Amharas and they pretend to be pure Somalis, good joke...say hello to your Yemeni friends... Relaxx [This message has been edited by relaxx (edited 17 September 2005).]
ur flippin funny....yemen...of all the nations to be associated by ancestry YEMEN...dont make me peeps who are stealing from are waters and dumping WASTE...... AND ARE out of Africa...Considered 1 of the poorest if not the poorest nation... im not pro-somalialnd... but i know no fool WOuld deal with the get economically on its Id advise the somaliland pres...dont use the same financial advisor the yemenites used....wouldnt think theyd model there country after YEMEN...LOL... or gain INT'l RECOGNITION... ur funny...RELAX... go eat fish IP: Logged |
relaxx Member Posts: 504 Registered: May 2005
posted 17 September 2005 07:17 PM
quote: Originally posted by mali: Cee...this guy has an agenda to exploit somalia for what it isnt....PULLING INFO from thin air... First he compares the progression of war torn somalia and the GDP or was it the economy to GHANA!!! and then compared LITERCACY rates...while comparing HIV rates.. Wouldnt u think if a LITERACY RATE OF hmm...75% ....HIV would be low since the peeps are edu..and disease co-relates to edu and health yet they have 1.8 % now compare to a literacay rate of 30% and the lowest HIV infection rate in the world...LMAO... id take no subsidy no debt no pandemic or epidemic....econmically rebuilding SOMALIA over any AFRICAN NATION...LMAO.... this dude a dont make me piss my pants.... the idea that somalia doesnt face as much as BLACK Africa or sub sahara makes these peeps salvate.....
get off of Somalia and move on
Ciao Bantu boy. That's my last word... Relaxx
[This message has been edited by relaxx (edited 17 September 2005).] IP: Logged |
Ceelgabo_11 Member Posts: 80 Registered: Sep 2005
posted 17 September 2005 07:19 PM
quote: Originally posted by relaxx: leba, What's your clan? Is this guy a Negroid or Caucasoid, a pure Issaqh from Somaliland who allegedly has no bantu blood, personally I would have some doubt...I know some kikuyus who look like him. Relaxx[This message has been edited by relaxx (edited 17 September 2005).]
Relaxx I'm from Somaliland, and I could tell you that the guy you posted is as Somali as you could get..the forehead, the eyes, the curly hair.. IP: Logged |
rasol Member Posts: 4392 Registered: Jun 2004
posted 17 September 2005 07:20 PM
What we need is Somali's low HIV rate AND Ghana's high literacy rate throughout Africa.IP: Logged |
mali Member Posts: 215 Registered: May 2005
posted 17 September 2005 07:25 PM
quote: Originally posted by relaxx: Ciao Bantu boy. That's my last word... Relaxx [This message has been edited by relaxx (edited 17 September 2005).]
by the way relaxx...why are u discriminating the non indigenous peeps of somalia..... they can hold respect--positions in the new govt and other govt bodies in somaliland...and they do..... i dont see ur point... move on ...... by the way issaqs arent amaharic...lmao.. from what i got out of here is that ethnics somalis=oromos somalis=bantus somalis=banadir somalis=bajuunis WHat are ethnic somalis then..... is there such a group...lmao... from reading the crap on here knowing nothing of somali peeps that would be my conclusion.. however i know and all somalis know ethnic somalis=ethnic nationality or ethnicity out IP: Logged |
Djehuti Member Posts: 1631 Registered: Feb 2005
posted 17 September 2005 07:27 PM
quote: from Mali: Theres a high possiblity since..Other then the Bantus from mozamb...tanz...THERE WERE BANTU POPS ON THE SHABEELLE AND JUBBA.....who were the so called "INDIGINOUS " INHABITS BEFORE THE SOMALIS EXPANDED SOUTH...... And were also a source for slaver...but fought oppression from arab slave traders and as a result seeked elswhere for slaves.... its highly unlikely for sell there own...or be enslaved...for the very reason...A MUSLIM CANNOT OWN ANOTHER MUSLIM as a slave... so to retarded....since islam was the ONLY religion other then pre-islamic religions....Waqq and ayanla...were accepted... Christianity didnt hit the somali osir said...LMAO.... djeh...u should look up the clanship structure of ethnic somalis....and how it co-relates to the situation of today.... events 1000+ have determined the socio- possesion of many peeps oin Somalia..... So for AAs And americans to assume s-h-i-t..makes me lol.... the word new..obvious...but the clan structure....aint..
Mali, thanks for the info. This explains a lot. I especially thank you for your civility, unlike some Somalis here!  quote: Rasol says: Ku Klux..
LOL No but I sure hope his dumb ass could try to join them because of his "finer features" Maybe they could do us a favor and beat his stupid ass.
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relaxx Member Posts: 504 Registered: May 2005
posted 17 September 2005 07:27 PM
quote: Originally posted by Ceelgabo_11: Relaxx I'm from Somaliland, and I could tell you that the guy you posted is as Somali as you could get..the forehead, the eyes, the curly hair..
Who cares, he's an hybrid from the North , it's obvious. RelaxxIP: Logged |
leba Member Posts: 167 Registered: Aug 2005
posted 17 September 2005 07:30 PM
quote: Originally posted by leba:
quote: Originally posted by leba: Somalis
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Djehuti Member Posts: 1631 Registered: Feb 2005
posted 17 September 2005 07:32 PM
Perhaps Lebs is a frustrated Banadir? LOLIP: Logged |
relaxx Member Posts: 504 Registered: May 2005
posted 17 September 2005 07:33 PM
leba, Be a man, what's your clan?IP: Logged |
mali Member Posts: 215 Registered: May 2005
posted 17 September 2005 07:33 PM
quote: Originally posted by rasol: What we need is Somali's low HIV rate AND Ghana's high literacy rate throughout Africa.
thats the problem with africa....these reversable problems...are reversamble... there man made and can be resolved...not quite easy but certainly not hard.... the problem is africa produces what it can not consume...... Ghanas rice subsidy has destroyed growth in the rice sector for ghana and being able to trade for what other competitors are... its extremely sad....that africa has to realize that they must take the step to ride itself from debt and on its way to refirbish its economy and influenece in the world... its all at the grass roots getting ride of corruption....first and then all can fall in place.....
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leba Member Posts: 167 Registered: Aug 2005
posted 17 September 2005 07:34 PM
East African..
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Djehuti Member Posts: 1631 Registered: Feb 2005
posted 17 September 2005 07:35 PM
quote: Originally posted by mali: thats the problem with africa....these reversable problems...are reversamble...there man made and can be resolved...not quite easy but certainly not hard.... the problem is africa produces what it can not consume...... Ghanas rice subsidy has destroyed growth in the rice sector for ghana and being able to trade for what other competitors are... its extremely sad....that africa has to realize that they must take the step to ride itself from debt and on its way to refirbish its economy and influenece in the world... its all at the grass roots getting ride of corruption....first and then all can fall in place.....
What of Ghana's petroleum deposits? Can they not make use of this or are they out competed by the Near-East or US native reserves? IP: Logged |
relaxx Member Posts: 504 Registered: May 2005
posted 17 September 2005 07:45 PM
quote: Originally posted by rasol: What we need is Somali's low HIV rate AND Ghana's high literacy rate throughout Africa.
No offense Rasol, based on your interventions you seem a little a bit condesending towards Africans, I appreciate your wisdom but there's no point to look down on Africans, anyway we fathered the whole world and whether you are from Western Asia (like your name) or other parts of the world, the fact is we fathered all humans...whether white, black, asians, Egyptians, Mesopotamians,Greeks...who cares...except insecured people, ignorant, racist, people who have inferiority complex. Ciao. Relaxx
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mali Member Posts: 215 Registered: May 2005
posted 17 September 2005 07:46 PM
quote: Originally posted by Djehuti: What of Ghana's petroleum deposits? Can they not make use of this or are they out competed by the Near-East or US native reserves?
The funny thing... dje.... africa is blessed with the worlds richest natural resources but yet the ppl are cursed.... since a prime example is ...japan/korea/china there economy is not sustained by the god given resources but purely ingenuity.... management is key.....and an example is the west and far east...... corruption will always exist but on the level of destroying yourself and the future of ur ppl makes me wonder......
the relief of loans and subsidy for africa...isnt going to eliminate africas problem...its the oppressive regimes in many nations that exploit and hault the economic development of there own nation.. pocketing minuscule at the expense of there on peeps... IP: Logged |
Djehuti Member Posts: 1631 Registered: Feb 2005
posted 17 September 2005 07:47 PM
quote: Originally posted by leba: East African..
LMAO I am beginning to agree with Yonis, I think this guy is not even Somali let alone East African. He probably another deeply depraved idiot trying to cause some rift between blacks. Believe it or not these losers do exist in the cyber world. IP: Logged |
mali Member Posts: 215 Registered: May 2005
posted 17 September 2005 07:50 PM
quote: Originally posted by Djehuti: What of Ghana's petroleum deposits? Can they not make use of this or are they out competed by the Near-East or US native reserves?
africa is a never ending so are all the other "3rd" world nations... but a whole continent facing so much makes me frustarted IP: Logged |
relaxx Member Posts: 504 Registered: May 2005
posted 17 September 2005 07:51 PM
quote: Originally posted by Djehuti: [b]LMAO I am beginning to agree with Yonis, I think this guy is not even Somali let alone East African. He probably another deeply depraved idiot trying to cause some rift between blacks. Believe it or not these losers do exist in the cyber world.[/B]
He can't even tell me his clan.. Relaxx
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leba Member Posts: 167 Registered: Aug 2005
posted 17 September 2005 07:52 PM
quote: Originally posted by Djehuti: [b]LMAO I am beginning to agree with Yonis, I think this guy is not even Somali let alone East African. He probably another deeply depraved idiot trying to cause some rift between blacks. Believe it or not these losers do exist in the cyber world.[/B]
Who is Yonis? And what are you talking about i just posted an Ethiopian Oromo runner with a very east African phenotype. IP: Logged |
Djehuti Member Posts: 1631 Registered: Feb 2005
posted 17 September 2005 07:54 PM
Mali, are you from an urban area like Mogadishu or from the rural areas?IP: Logged |