Topic: Southern Sudani?
Waryaa Member Posts: 72 Registered: May 2005
posted 28 July 2005 06:00 PM
The guy with the light green shirt, doesn't he look like a bit Southern Sudani? But then again if you look closely, there is something different. The nose, lips, etc.In another way, he resembles this old man: IP: Logged |
relaxx Member Posts: 387 Registered: May 2005
posted 28 July 2005 07:12 PM
quote: Originally posted by Waryaa: The guy with the light green shirt, doesn't he look like a bit Southern Sudani? But then again if you look closely, there is something different. The nose, lips, etc.In another way, he resembles this old man:
What's your point? They all look Somalis except maybe the Issaq guy (you know whom I'm talking about)who looks the way since the original Somalis lived in desert areas, they probably looked more like the guy with the light green shirt, just go in the Chalbi desert or Garissa (Northern Kenya, where people are less mixed with Arabs).... Relaxx [This message has been edited by relaxx (edited 28 July 2005).]
[This message has been edited by relaxx (edited 28 July 2005).] IP: Logged |
awale Member Posts: 36 Registered: Jul 2005
posted 29 July 2005 07:18 AM
quote: Originally posted by Relax: What's your point? They all look Somalis except maybe the Issaq guy (you know whom I'm talking about)who looks the way since the original Somalis lived in desert areas, they probably looked more like the guy with the light green shirt, just go in the Chalbi desert or Garissa (Northern Kenya, where people are less mixed with Arabs).... Relaxx
What you just wrote does not make any sense. Somalis in north Kenya are majority darood and they have a Yemeni ancestor. And Somalis in north Kenya do not look different Somalis from Somalia. The purest Somalis are the ones in south central Somalia near the river's area and south east Ethiopia because those do not have any Arabic ancestry. You need to stop dividing Somalis in north and south Somalia is not like Egypt or India... north kenyan somalis who do not look so dark like that man.
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relaxx Member Posts: 387 Registered: May 2005
posted 29 July 2005 11:18 AM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by awale: [B] The purest Somalis are the ones in south central Somalia near the river's area and south east Ethiopia because those do not have any Arabic ancestry. ----------------------------------- Are you talking about the Haawiye? RelaxxIP: Logged |
Waryaa Member Posts: 72 Registered: May 2005
posted 29 July 2005 02:04 PM
Cawaale, ninkaan wuxuu jecel yahay in uu qabgiilada Soomaalida uu soo kala dhigo, uu ka dhigo kuwa in ee ka yimaadeen faracooda Carab kuwa kalena ee yihiin asalkooda Madoow maxaa yeelay ma jeclo Soomaalida in ee ka duwan yihiin Madoowga kale uu kamid yahay wuxuuna yiraahdaa Carab ayaa gishiin. Adigana siriqdiisa uu kuu dhigay ayaa ku dhacday markaa keentay qabiil meesha, suu rabay ee noqotay.Soomaali dhamaantood hal farac ee kasoo jeedaan, ee iska dhaaf qabiilka iyo waxa kale. IP: Logged |
Djehuti Member Posts: 1358 Registered: Feb 2005
posted 29 July 2005 04:19 PM
Waryaa, what is the purpose of this thread you created anyway??If I were you, I would be more concerned about people like Evil-Euro spreading ridiculous (really funny) lies about your people. quote: Evil-Euro says: Somalis are intermediate between Caucasoids and Negroids. They've inherited their E3b1 paternally from Eurasian caucasoids, while they inherited their L1 and L2 mtDNA maternally from Bantus
 Thus, Somalis descend from caucasian men and Bantu women! LMAO [This message has been edited by Djehuti (edited 29 July 2005).] IP: Logged |
Super car Member Posts: 1515 Registered: Jan 2005
posted 29 July 2005 05:21 PM
quote: Originally posted by Djehuti: If I were you, I would be more concerned about people like Evil-Euro spreading ridiculous (really funny) lies about your people.
Frankly, I don't see why he should at all be concerned about insignificant drivel spewed out by some insecure internet ginney clown, who has to live with the eternal truth of his recent Black African roots. Remember, it is no accident that even the Best of Sicily folks looked upon this low form of life, as one scum that is not worth wasting time on! [This message has been edited by Super car (edited 29 July 2005).] IP: Logged |
relaxx Member Posts: 387 Registered: May 2005
posted 29 July 2005 05:57 PM
quote: Originally posted by Super car: Frankly, I don't see why he should at all be concerned about insignificant drivel spewed out by some insecure internet ginny clown, who has to live with the eternal truth of his recent Black African roots. Remember, it is no accident that even the Best of Sicily folks looked upon this low form of life, as one scum that is not worth wasting time on!
Agreed... IP: Logged |
relaxx Member Posts: 387 Registered: May 2005
posted 29 July 2005 06:04 PM
xxxx[This message has been edited by relaxx (edited 29 July 2005).] IP: Logged |
relaxx Member Posts: 387 Registered: May 2005
posted 29 July 2005 06:11 PM
quote: Originally posted by relaxx: [QUOTE]Originally posted by awale: [b] What you just wrote does not make any sense. Somalis in north Kenya are majority darood and they have a Yemeni ancestor. And Somalis in north Kenya do not look different Somalis from Somalia. The purest Somalis are the ones in south central Somalia near the river's area and south east Ethiopia because those do not have any Arabic ancestry. You need to stop dividing Somalis in north and south Somalia is not like Egypt or India...north kenyan somalis who do not look so dark like that man.
I was talking about the original Somalis. By the way I look at the image could I tell that they are from Northern Kenya...give me the proof. However when I go to Image google and enter Somali Kenya: the first image I get is this: . Open a history book or do more research and you'll see where the original Somalis come from, they are the ones who live next to the Boranas who are the original Oromos...Southern Ethiopia, Northern Kenya. Here are some Borana pics: Here another example what regular desert nomad people look like:an Afar: the Afars live near the Red Sea...but look quite dark. Why? because they live in the desert, it's the normal adaptation, however if you're telling me that a nomad who lives in the desert has a light skin...well there must be other elements involved for him to have a light skin...maybe you have the answer... Relaxx
[This message has been edited by relaxx (edited 29 July 2005).] IP: Logged |
awale Member Posts: 36 Registered: Jul 2005
posted 30 July 2005 07:22 AM
quote: I was talking about the original Somalis. By the way I look at the image could I tell that they are from Northern Kenya...give me the proof.
more kenyan somali people who look a lot lighter then that man. quote: However when I go to Image google and enter Somali Kenya: the first image I get is this: Open a history book or do more research and you'll see where the original Somalis come from, they are the ones who live next to the Boranas who are the original Oromos...Southern Ethiopia, Northern Kenya. Here are some Borana pics:
somalis came from northern somalia and conquered land south. quote: Here another example what regular desert nomad people look like:an Afar: the Afars live near the Red Sea...but look quite dark. Why? because they live in the desert, it's the normal adaptation, however if you're telling me that a nomad who lives in the desert has a light skin...well there must be other elements involved for him to have a light skin...maybe you have the answer...
a desert doesn’t make your skin ''darker'' it is radiations that does. this is why people from the arabian peninsula, saharan desert berbers, mongolians nomads and kalahari desert bushman are not that dark skinned. and btw that afar man looks somewhat arabic? [This message has been edited by awale (edited 30 July 2005).] IP: Logged |
relaxx Member Posts: 387 Registered: May 2005
posted 30 July 2005 07:37 AM
quote: Originally posted by awale: a desert doesn’t make your skin ''darker'' it is radiations that does. this is why people from the arabian peninsula, saharan desert berbers, mongolians nomads and kalahari desert bushman are not that dark skinned. and btw that afar man looks somewhat arabic? [This message has been edited by awale (edited 30 July 2005).]
You must be joking... question number 1: how the Afar man look Arabic? question number 2: My point is: Since the original Somalis were black Africans with Elongated Eastern African features...somehow their look must have changed by mixing with Yemenis...I mean some became lighter than the average African...There are many Africans with light skin...but you can have a light skin because you have some form of foreign admixture. I'm not trying to provoke you or offend you...but I'm pretty familiar with Eastern Africa(trust me), and many Somalis have the same skin tone as other Africans but some have a skin tone that indicates some form of admixture...I don't care if your ideal Somali must be light but I'm not blind...Do you agree with my point? Relaxx
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relaxx Member Posts: 387 Registered: May 2005
posted 30 July 2005 07:47 AM
quote: Originally posted by awale: somalis came from northern somalia and conquered land south. (edited 30 July 2005).]
Ther are myths which can be transmitted by elders...and facts: genetics...archeology...anthropology...ethnology...everything indicate that Somalis came from Southern Ethiopia, Northern Kenya...What do you want to believe facts or myths? I told you earlier open a book, do some research on your own...and you'll find out. You remember, you're the one who told me that Darods and Issaqs have Arab ancestry...however most of the sample of Somali Y chromosomes show that only 15 % of Somalis have some Eurasian ancestry (Arab ancestry). It means that probably many Issaqs or Darods don't have Arab ancestry. But that's not what they were told by their ancestors. Relaxx
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awale Member Posts: 36 Registered: Jul 2005
posted 30 July 2005 12:12 PM
quote: You must be joking... question number 1: how the Afar man look Arabic? question number 2: My point is: Since the original Somalis were black Africans with Elongated Eastern African features...somehow their look must have changed by mixing with Yemenis...I mean some became lighter than the average African...There are many Africans with light skin...but you can have a light skin because you have some form of foreign admixture. I'm not trying to provoke you or offend you...but I'm pretty familiar with Eastern Africa(trust me), and many Somalis have the same skin tone as other Africans but some have a skin tone that indicates some form of admixture...I don't care if your ideal Somali must be light but I'm not blind...Do you agree with my point? Relaxx
that was my point in the first place. you said that blue black man looked how somalis looked like before mixing with arabs and in north kenya. and i said you are totally wrong because many somalis with not much recent arab blood can look a LOT lighter then that man and southern somalis do not look different from their northern counterparts. btw I said that afar man looked somewhat Arabic because of his hooked nose and smile. i have seen that on many arabs. quote: Ther are myths which can be transmitted by elders...and facts: genetics...archeology...anthropology...ethnology...everything indicate that Somalis came from Southern Ethiopia, Northern Kenya...What do you want to believe facts or myths? I told you earlier open a book, do some research on your own...and you'll find out. You remember, you're the one who told me that Darods and Issaqs have Arab ancestry...however most of the sample of Somali Y chromosomes show that only 15 % of Somalis have some Eurasian ancestry (Arab ancestry). It means that probably many Issaqs or Darods don't have Arab ancestry. But that's not what they were told by their ancestors. Relaxx
no it isn't a myth. oromos and other ''ethiopians'' used to live in modern day somalia. somalis began conquering land from the north to the south. and later on jihads/wars eastwards against the christian abyssinia.. the oromos came from ethiopia to somalia not somalis. somalis are a relative new ethnic group established by oromos and others. quote: however most of the sample of Somali Y chromosomes show that only 15 % of Somalis have some Eurasian ancestry (Arab ancestry). It means that probably many Issaqs or Darods don't have Arab ancestry. But that's not what they were told by their ancestors. Relaxx
no, lol dude you totally misread the article it said all somalis on average got 15% eurasian ancestry on their y chromosomes. of coarse issaqs and darods got more then the whole somali population on average i think 25-20%. maybe hawiye and others reduced the euroasian on average. quote: Originally posted by Waryaa: [b]Cawaale, ninkaan wuxuu jecel yahay in uu qabgiilada Soomaalida uu soo kala dhigo, uu ka dhigo kuwa in ee ka yimaadeen faracooda Carab kuwa kalena ee yihiin asalkooda Madoow maxaa yeelay ma jeclo Soomaalida in ee ka duwan yihiin Madoowga kale uu kamid yahay wuxuuna yiraahdaa Carab ayaa gishiin. Adigana siriqdiisa uu kuu dhigay ayaa ku dhacday markaa keentay qabiil meesha, suu rabay ee noqotay.Soomaali dhamaantood hal farac ee kasoo jeedaan, ee iska dhaaf qabiilka iyo waxa kale.[/B]
i agree he needs to stop this bullshit with southern somalis / northern somalis.
[This message has been edited by awale (edited 30 July 2005).] IP: Logged |
relaxx Member Posts: 387 Registered: May 2005
posted 30 July 2005 01:10 PM
The only thing I agree with is: "somalis are a relative new ethnic group established by oromos and others." Well who looks more Somali Hawiye or Darods and Issaqs? Are Hawiye darker? I know few Darods who say they are physically different from Hawiye? .. Is it correct? Relaxx
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awale Member Posts: 36 Registered: Jul 2005
posted 30 July 2005 02:13 PM
quote: Originally posted by relaxx: The only thing I agree with is: "somalis are a relative new ethnic group established by oromos and others." Well who looks more Somali Hawiye or Darods and Issaqs? Are Hawiye darker? I know few Darods who say they are physically different from Hawiye? .. Is it correct? Relaxx
like i said stop dividing somalis there is no big difference between them. IP: Logged |
COBRA Member Posts: 237 Registered: Apr 2005
posted 30 July 2005 02:33 PM
relaxx = Garbageyou really are speaking nonsence again. Somalies are an extreamly old ethnic group. If you would have studied your would have found that somalies are not mixed and neather have bantu admixture. go back to class....somalies arn't NEGRO. IP: Logged |
relaxx Member Posts: 387 Registered: May 2005
posted 30 July 2005 06:14 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by COBRA: [B]relaxx = Garbage ------------------------ Thank you...Somalies are an extreamly old ethnic group. ----------------------------- I don't think so as was mentioned by Awale and other Somalis. If you would have studied your would have found that somalies are not mixed and neather have bantu admixture. ----------------------------- Some think they have, go on some threads like Pseudoscience, and you'll see that some people think they have some bantu admixture. Personally I don't know. I mean some have really big noses...I can see it in the city where I live...let's compare to the Afars...You can ask any Issa from Djbouti...they will tell you that Afars have more finer features...and are darker....they are more originals.
go back to class....somalies arn't NEGRO. -------------------------------- Yes they are...If you mean black....They are true NEGROES. Relaxx
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relaxx Member Posts: 387 Registered: May 2005
posted 30 July 2005 06:17 PM
quote: Originally posted by awale: like i said stop dividing somalis there is no big difference between them.
Really? Ask any Darod, he will tell you what he thinks about Hawiye...just try won't hurt you. RelaxxIP: Logged |
awale Member Posts: 36 Registered: Jul 2005
posted 30 July 2005 06:31 PM
quote: Yes they are...If you mean black....They are true NEGROES. Relaxx
no they're not, in my opinion negroe means if you have dark skin slave ancestry or people with congo bongo bantu inner african facial features quote: Really? Ask any Darod, he will tell you what he thinks about Hawiye...just try won't hurt you. Relaxx
and what if i'm darod  [This message has been edited by awale (edited 30 July 2005).] IP: Logged |
relaxx Member Posts: 387 Registered: May 2005
posted 30 July 2005 07:23 PM
quote: Originally posted by awale: [QUOTE]Yes they are...If you mean black....They are true NEGROES. Relaxx
no they're not, in my opinion negroe means if you have dark skin slave ancestry or people with congo bongo bantu inner african facial features quote: Really? Ask any Darod, he will tell you what he thinks about Hawiye...just try won't hurt you. Relaxx
and what if i'm darod  [This message has been edited by awale (edited 30 July 2005).][/QUOTE] There is a new name for the Hawiyes among some Somalis...I think it's a little bit derogatory...what is it? and why they assign it to the Hawiye? Relaxx IP: Logged |
relaxx Member Posts: 387 Registered: May 2005
posted 30 July 2005 07:25 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by awale: bongo.... -------------------------- What does it mean...doest it have a scientific meaning...or it's a particular Somali word from a particular dialect... RelaxxIP: Logged |
awale Member Posts: 36 Registered: Jul 2005
posted 30 July 2005 07:52 PM
quote: Relaxx
doqon naga amussxxs
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zulu Member Posts: 72 Registered: Mar 2005
posted 30 July 2005 08:16 PM
no they're not, in my opinion negroe means if you have dark skin slave ancestry or people with congo bongo bantu inner african facial features Awale, do you realize how ignorant this statement is? Do you know the definition of Negroe? We have some serious brainwashed brothers around. Europeans from Italy to Northern Europe don't bicker about the various color of their people. Why is it that Africans on the continent and the diaspora are so ignorant to know that we're the same with various shades of black, brown or whatever you call yourselves. We as a people have a long way to go. IP: Logged |
Super car Member Posts: 1515 Registered: Jan 2005
posted 30 July 2005 08:29 PM
What is 'outer' African facial features?  IP: Logged |
relaxx Member Posts: 387 Registered: May 2005
posted 30 July 2005 08:31 PM
quote: Originally posted by zulu:
no they're not, in my opinion negroe means if you have dark skin slave ancestry or people with congo bongo bantu inner african facial features Awale, do you realize how ignorant this statement is? Do you know the definition of Negroe? We have some serious brainwashed brothers around. Europeans from Italy to Northern Europe don't bicker about the various color of their people. Why is it that Africans on the continent and the diaspora are so ignorant to know that we're the same with various shades of black, brown or whatever you call yourselves. We as a people have a long way to go.
The man ate too much khat.. Relaxx IP: Logged |
amal81 Junior Member Posts: 3 Registered: Jun 2005
posted 31 July 2005 08:32 PM
lol, somalis are not a new group of people and the only somalis that claim arab ancestry are the darod and issaq. and where did you hear that somalis come from oromo, only oromos say that somalis come from them.but most historians and people say that it's the other way around as do most somalis, the only reason oromo say this is because they outnumber somalis now.the oromo have more words that are originally somali and somalis have no words that originally belongs to the oromo. and why is it that the darker the somali is the finer the faetures. a couple of decades back people use to think that somalis were just african arab mixed but if you go look at african and arab mixed people they look nothing like somalis. also if somalis were a new group people why does there poetry speak of times before islam and of great rulers before islam like queen Arawelo. also if somalis came from oromo why is it that somalia has a city called galciao(which means galla left)which is a clan of the oromo and the galla are known to somalis as the sons of Dir who did not accept islam and were kicked out of somalia. darod and issaq can claim arab ancestry and they might be a new people but most somalis are not.*and many issaq unlike darood don't claim arab ancestry but say that issaq was Dirs son not adopted son.most somalis that claim arab ancestry, only claim that to be closer to the prophet.but some somalis do have arab ancestory. Anywayz,most of the historians today say that somalis are some of the oldest people in africa. peace IP: Logged |
rasol Member Posts: 3829 Registered: Jun 2004
posted 31 July 2005 10:01 PM
quote: Originally posted by amal81: lol, somalis are not a new group of people and the only somalis that claim arab ancestry are the darod and issaq. and where did you hear that somalis come from oromo, only oromos say that somalis come from them.but most historians and people say that it's the other way around as do most somalis, the only reason oromo say this is because they outnumber somalis now.the oromo have more words that are originally somali and somalis have no words that originally belongs to the oromo. and why is it that the darker the somali is the finer the faetures. a couple of decades back people use to think that somalis were just african arab mixed but if you go look at african and arab mixed people they look nothing like somalis. also if somalis were a new group people why does there poetry speak of times before islam and of great rulers before islam like queen Arawelo. also if somalis came from oromo why is it that somalia has a city called galciao(which means galla left)which is a clan of the oromo and the galla are known to somalis as the sons of Dir who did not accept islam and were kicked out of somalia. darod and issaq can claim arab ancestry and they might be a new people but most somalis are not.*and many issaq unlike darood don't claim arab ancestry but say that issaq was Dirs son not adopted son.most somalis that claim arab ancestry, only claim that to be closer to the prophet.but some somalis do have arab ancestory. Anywayz,most of the historians today say that somalis are some of the oldest people in africa. peace
Much truth, above. It is actually pretty meaningless to refer to the Somali or Oromo as "older" than one another. Perhaps a linguist could decide which language is older? ?
But when you go back in time the individual ethnic groups simply cease to exist. And you are right that Somali do not, in general have features intermediate between Gulf Arabs and broad headed African varients. Indeed most Somali have neither the typical features of Asiatic Semitic nor Bantu. They have their own ethnic features as do many other Africans, but they are just authentically African...indeed ancient skeletal remains in East Africa resemble elongated types - Somali, Afar, Oromo, Tutsi, much more than they do most Bantu groups like the Kikuyu of Kenya. And this makes sense, since we know that the Somali and Oromo are descendant from the oldest East African populations - their lineages in East AFrica go back 30 thousand years or more, whereas the Bantu speakers migrated into East Africa out of Nigeria ultimately within the last 4,000 years. This Somali identity cat fights are tiresome, unnecessary and distructive because they play off the anti-Somali Africans who want to make the Somali somehow 'less' African than their neighbors, against the Somali self-haters who want to either be 'Arab-Yemeni' or just separate/superior to their African kin. [This message has been edited by rasol (edited 31 July 2005).] IP: Logged |
awale Member Posts: 36 Registered: Jul 2005
posted 01 August 2005 06:21 AM
amal wrote: quote: lol, somalis are not a new group of people and the only somalis that claim arab ancestry are the darod and issaq. and where did you hear that somalis come from oromo, only oromos say that somalis come from them.but most historians and people say that it's the other way around as do most somalis, the only reason oromo say this is because they outnumber somalis now.the oromo have more words that are originally somali and somalis have no words that originally belongs to the oromo. and why is it that the darker the somali is the finer the faetures. a couple of decades back people use to think that somalis were just african arab mixed but if you go look at african and arab mixed people they look nothing like somalis. also if somalis were a new group people why does there poetry speak of times before islam and of great rulers before islam like queen Arawelo. also if somalis came from oromo why is it that somalia has a city called galciao(which means galla left)which is a clan of the oromo and the galla are known to somalis as the sons of Dir who did not accept islam and were kicked out of somalia. darod and issaq can claim arab ancestry and they might be a new people but most somalis are not.*and many issaq unlike darood don't claim arab ancestry but say that issaq was Dirs son not adopted son.most somalis that claim arab ancestry, only claim that to be closer to the prophet.but some somalis do have arab ancestory. Anywayz,most of the historians today say that somalis are some of the oldest people in africa. peace
hi amal. yes oromos are way older then somalis. there are no very old historical facts about somalis. somalis just joined each other some are not even related by clan systems. and nobody did say somalis are arab mixed with bantu lol are you out of your mind. and there is tons of prove all over somalia that somalia use to be oromo land and not by people called ''somali''. and ofcoarse the ancestors of the somalis could be one of the oldest people on earth but i was talking about this ethnic group called ''somali'' wich is relatively new.(800-500 years old).
rasol wrote: quote: They have their own ethnic features as do many other Africans, but they are just authentically African...indeed ancient skeletal remains in East Africa resemble elongated types - Somali, Afar, Oromo, Tutsi, much more than they do most Bantu groups like the Kikuyu of Kenya.And this makes sense, since we know that the Somali and Oromo are descendant from the oldest East African populations - their lineages in East AFrica go back 30 thousand years or more, whereas the Bantu speakers migrated into East Africa out of Nigeria ultimately within the last 4,000 years. This Somali identity cat fights are tiresome, unnecessary and distructive because they play off the anti-Somali Africans who want to make the Somali somehow 'less' African than their neighbors, against the Somali self-haters who want to either be 'Arab-Yemeni' or just separate/superior to their African kin.
BS sorry, but tutsis look nothing!! like somalis all of them i've met looked like regular bantus. tutsis are not even cushitic and look nothing like us the difference between hutus and tutsis and tutsis looking like ethiopians is so fucking exaggerated. and where are the amharas and others in your list most somalis look a hell lot closer to an amhara or oromo then to a tutsi. IP: Logged |
awale Member Posts: 36 Registered: Jul 2005
posted 01 August 2005 06:26 AM
if these people came to somalia they would be confused for somali-bantus or be called jareer(bantu). IP: Logged |
relaxx Member Posts: 387 Registered: May 2005
posted 01 August 2005 07:47 AM
quote: Originally posted by relaxx: The man ate too much khat.. Relaxx
[QUOTE]Originally posted by amal81: why is it that the darker the somali is the finer the faetures.
------------------- The first picture speaks for itself... Relaxx [This message has been edited by relaxx (edited 01 August 2005).] IP: Logged |
relaxx Member Posts: 387 Registered: May 2005
posted 01 August 2005 11:06 AM
Eastern African looking Somalis: Relaxxo [This message has been edited by relaxx (edited 01 August 2005).]
[This message has been edited by relaxx (edited 01 August 2005).] IP: Logged |
rasol Member Posts: 3829 Registered: Jun 2004
posted 01 August 2005 11:14 AM
quote: Originally posted by awale: [amal wrote: BS sorry, but tutsis look nothing!! like somalis all of them i've met looked like regular bantus.
Tutsi vary as do Somali. In terms of objective phenotypical measurement and known data they are similar: Tutsi of Rwanda: [color=green] - Stature: 176 cm
- Head length: 198 mm
- Head breadth: 147 mm
- Face height: 125 mm
- Face breadth: 134 mm
- Nose height: 56 mm
- Nose breadth: 39 mm
- Relative trunk length: 49.7
- Cephalic Index: 74.5
- Facial Index: 92.8
- Nasal Index: 69.5[/color]
[color=blue] - Stature: 173 cm
- Head length: 194 mm
- Head Breadth: 140 mm
- Face Height: 121 mm
- Face Breadth: 137 mm
- Nose Height: 54 mm
- Nose Breadth: 39 mm
- Relative Trunk length: 47.7
- Cephalic Index: 72.8
- Facial Index: 89.0
- Nasal Index: 72.0[/color]
[color=red] - Stature: 171 cm
- Head length: 190 mm
- Head Breadth: 147 mm
- Face Height: 122 mm
- Face Breadth: 133 mm
- Nose Height: 53 mm
- Nose Breadth: 37 mm
- Relative Trunk length: 50.3
- Cephalic Index: 77.6
- Facial Index: 91.5
- Nasal Index: 69.0[/color]
Sab Somali: [color=gray] - Stature: 173 cm
- Head length: 194 mm
- Head Breadth: 145 mm
- Face Height: 119 mm
- Face Breadth: 134 mm
- Nose Height: 49 mm
- Nose Breadth: 36 mm
- Relative Trunk length: 49.7
- Cephalic Index: 74.7
- Facial Index: 88.5
- Nasal Index: 72.8[/color]
Warsingali Somali: [color=navy] - Stature: 168 cm
- Head length: 192 mm
- Head Breadth: 143 mm
- Face Height: 123 mm
- Face Breadth: 131 mm
- Nose Height: 52 mm
- Nose Breadth: 34 mm
- Relative Trunk length: 50.7
- Cephalic Index: 74.5
- Facial Index: 94.1
- Nasal Index: 66.0[/color]
Source: Jean Hiernaux The People of Africa pg 142 Do you have data to the contrary?
Picture spamming and screaming obscenities only shows anger and frustration. Present data. [This message has been edited by rasol (edited 01 August 2005).] IP: Logged |
awale Member Posts: 36 Registered: Jul 2005
posted 01 August 2005 11:38 AM
rasoli knew this was coming still tutsi's look nothing like somalis. many somalis have skulls who are ''fully caucasian'' does that mean we look like white europeans lol? tutsi's do not look like the same sub-race as ethiopians and somalis they look a hell lot more ''negroid/congoid'' or whatever they call it, sorry.
[This message has been edited by awale (edited 01 August 2005).] IP: Logged |
awale Member Posts: 36 Registered: Jul 2005
posted 01 August 2005 11:58 AM
Conclusion = Tutsi's are not Aethiopid.
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rasol Member Posts: 3829 Registered: Jun 2004
posted 01 August 2005 12:26 PM
quote: Originally posted by awale: rasol:i knew this was coming
And I knew when I asked you to present data, that you don't have any. Which is why you resort to mindless picture spamming.  Conclusion: Your 'no facts' approach to argument is childish and laughable. All these "somali debate" threads are typically reduced to an adolescent level. You are wasting your time, sorry. [This message has been edited by rasol (edited 01 August 2005).] IP: Logged |
awale Member Posts: 36 Registered: Jul 2005
posted 01 August 2005 12:57 PM
quote: Originally posted by rasol: And I knew when I asked you to present data, that [b]you don't have any.Which is why you resort to mindless picture spamming.  Conclusion: Your 'no facts' approach to argument is childish and laughable. All these "somali debate" threads are typically reduced to an adolescent level. You are wasting your time, sorry. [This message has been edited by rasol (edited 01 August 2005).][/B]
you lost it..
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walklikeanegyptian Member Posts: 92 Registered: Jul 2005
posted 01 August 2005 12:59 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by awale: [b]Somalis [QUOTE] the 4th one from the left looks sort of like Karyn Parsons (hilary) from the Fresh Prince of Bel-air.
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rasol Member Posts: 3829 Registered: Jun 2004
posted 01 August 2005 01:05 PM
quote: Originally posted by awale:you lost it..[
It's right here.....
Tutsi of Rwanda: [color=green] - Stature: 176 cm
- Head length: 198 mm
- Head breadth: 147 mm
- Face height: 125 mm
- Face breadth: 134 mm
- Nose height: 56 mm
- Nose breadth: 39 mm
- Relative trunk length: 49.7
- Cephalic Index: 74.5
- Facial Index: 92.8
- Nasal Index: 69.5[/color]
[color=blue] - Stature: 173 cm
- Head length: 194 mm
- Head Breadth: 140 mm
- Face Height: 121 mm
- Face Breadth: 137 mm
- Nose Height: 54 mm
- Nose Breadth: 39 mm
- Relative Trunk length: 47.7
- Cephalic Index: 72.8
- Facial Index: 89.0
- Nasal Index: 72.0[/color]
[color=red] - Stature: 171 cm
- Head length: 190 mm
- Head Breadth: 147 mm
- Face Height: 122 mm
- Face Breadth: 133 mm
- Nose Height: 53 mm
- Nose Breadth: 37 mm
- Relative Trunk length: 50.3
- Cephalic Index: 77.6
- Facial Index: 91.5
- Nasal Index: 69.0[/color]
Sab Somali: [color=gray] - Stature: 173 cm
- Head length: 194 mm
- Head Breadth: 145 mm
- Face Height: 119 mm
- Face Breadth: 134 mm
- Nose Height: 49 mm
- Nose Breadth: 36 mm
- Relative Trunk length: 49.7
- Cephalic Index: 74.7
- Facial Index: 88.5
- Nasal Index: 72.8[/color]
Warsingali Somali: [color=navy] - Stature: 168 cm
- Head length: 192 mm
- Head Breadth: 143 mm
- Face Height: 123 mm
- Face Breadth: 131 mm
- Nose Height: 52 mm
- Nose Breadth: 34 mm
- Relative Trunk length: 50.7
- Cephalic Index: 74.5
- Facial Index: 94.1
- Nasal Index: 66.0[/color]
Source: Jean Hiernaux The People of Africa pg 142 IP: Logged |
Djehuti Member Posts: 1358 Registered: Feb 2005
posted 01 August 2005 01:14 PM
quote: Originally posted by awale: you lost it..
No YOU lost it!! Just because Somalis and other people from the Horn region have different features does not mean they are a totally different 'race' or distantly related to so-called "congo" people. I am from Southeast Asia and my people and I have different features from Asians from farther north like China, Korea, and Japan. Yet no one denies that we are just as Asian as they are! Somalis are just as 'black'/'negro' and African as Pygmies, Bantus, Haratin, Tuareg, Yoruba, Masai, etc. etc. Relaxx is right, awale has eaten too much khat and Cobra has eaten too much clovers!! IP: Logged |
walklikeanegyptian Member Posts: 92 Registered: Jul 2005
posted 01 August 2005 01:17 PM
awale-Africa is a diverse continent. from the Nigerians to the Ethiopians, Somalis, and Egyptians, we're all African. do Swedish people and Italians look anything alike? no, but both are considered European (and caucasian). so just because certain people have different features means nothing. a large continent like Africa is going to be varied. IP: Logged |
awale Member Posts: 36 Registered: Jul 2005
posted 01 August 2005 01:38 PM
rasol tutsi's still look more like bantus then to us horn africans..Djehuti wrote: quote: No YOU lost it!! Just because Somalis and other people from the Horn region have different features does not mean they are a totally different 'race' or distantly related to so-called "congo" people. I am from Southeast Asia and my people and I have different features from Asians from farther north like China, Korea, and Japan. Yet no one denies that we are just as Asian as they are! Somalis are just as 'black'/'negro' and African as Pygmies, Bantus, Haratin, Tuareg, Yoruba, Masai, etc. etc. Relaxx is right, awale has eaten too much khat and Cobra has eaten too much clovers!!
south east asians and north east asians look almost the same to me. only south east asians are part aboriginal or negrito. i've a indonesian friend and eveybody describes him as ''that chinese guy'' . walklike.. wrote: quote: awale- Africa is a diverse continent. from the Nigerians to the Ethiopians, Somalis, and Egyptians, we're all African. do Swedish people and Italians look anything alike? no, but both are considered European (and caucasian). so just because certain people have different features means nothing. a large continent like Africa is going to be varied.
african is not a race it just simply means someone who lives in africa or has recent ancestry from africa.[This message has been edited by awale (edited 01 August 2005).] IP: Logged |
walklikeanegyptian Member Posts: 92 Registered: Jul 2005
posted 01 August 2005 01:40 PM
quote: Originally posted by awale: african is not a race it just simply means someone who lives in africa or has recent ancestry from africa.[This message has been edited by awale (edited 01 August 2005).]
i know, but Africa is diverse so to say that all Africans have a certain set of features is inaccurate. IP: Logged |
relaxx Member Posts: 387 Registered: May 2005
posted 01 August 2005 02:15 PM
quote: Originally posted by walklikeanegyptian: [QUOTE]Originally posted by awale: [b][b]Somalis [QUOTE] the 4th one from the left looks sort of like Karyn Parsons (hilary) from the Fresh Prince of Bel-air.[/B]
The two girls in the middle from the right don't look Eastern Africans...something else ...Bantus or Yemenis...I already showed you what non mixed Eastern Africans look like: fine mulatto like skin and Indian looking Somali president...When you put Somalis in the same bag as perfectly know that Amhara look different, they have more a Yemeni stop dumping Somalis in one bag with all Ethiopians... Now this a message for you Mr Darod: Your ancestors entered illegally in Eastern Africa...actually in Africa itself...and I suppose Issaqs and Issas as well. Now you've been our unwelcomed guest for few hundred years. You even had the audacity to govern Somalia since the independance. Now it's time to go home...and spend some quality time with Osama...and then you'll be able to insult African people freely from outside Africa...where you came from.... Here some other Eastern African looking Somalis (the pure ones), very fine features and dark skin like the originals:
[This message has been edited by relaxx (edited 01 August 2005).] IP: Logged |
awale Member Posts: 36 Registered: Jul 2005
posted 01 August 2005 02:33 PM
relaxx = garbage , liar.i posted those typical somalis and still you say they're mixed. there is nothing mixed about them. what because they dont have jet black skin like your ''pure'' east africans? here are some real mixed somalis. [This message has been edited by awale (edited 01 August 2005).] IP: Logged |
relaxx Member Posts: 387 Registered: May 2005
posted 01 August 2005 02:57 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by awale: [B]relaxx = garbage , liar. ----------- Thank you i posted those typical somalis and still you say they're mixed. there is nothing mixed about them. what because they dont have jet black skin like your ''pure'' east africans? ---------------------- Not only that but they have less fine features than the originals....and you know that... Relaxx
[This message has been edited by relaxx (edited 01 August 2005).] IP: Logged |
awale Member Posts: 36 Registered: Jul 2005
posted 01 August 2005 03:11 PM
Garbage boy wrote: quote: Not only that but they have less fine features than the originals....and you know that... Relaxx
all somali clans are native to somalia you lying moryaan southie. all the ones i have posted had ''fine features'' or whatever it means. your ''pure'' east africans are so dark you cant even see their damn features. IP: Logged |
Djehuti Member Posts: 1358 Registered: Feb 2005
posted 01 August 2005 03:53 PM
quote: Originally posted by awale: south east asians and north east asians look almost the same to me. only south east asians are part aboriginal or negrito. i've a indonesian friend and eveybody describes him as ''that chinese guy''.
WRONG!! Funny how you are so keen to distinguish Horn of East Africans from West Africans, but all of a sudden you say asians look the same! How hypocritical of you! You say that a Somali would stick out like a sore thumb in a crowd of Ghanians. Well a Filipino would also stick out in a crowd of Japanese, so don't give me that bull! While there's no doubt that some Southeast Asians have aboriginal ancestry, that still doesn't explain their general appearance which is different from that of most northeast Asians. What's more is that people in Central Asia have distinct features of their own also. There are many Tibetans and Nepalese that are very tall with long narrow faces and aquiline noses, features that many have called "caucasian". quote: african is not a race it just simply means someone who lives in africa or has recent ancestry from africa.
You are right about one thing, but the problem is what exactly do you mean by "race."Scientifically "race" does not really exist and is just a social/cultural term. If by race, you mean people that are closely related, then yes indigenous Africans can be thought of as a race since they are more closely related to each other than to nonAfricans. We have already explained many times that it does no good to pit one population in Africa (like Somalis) against another (like Bantus) because they are all closely related! Of course Somalis won't be as closely related to Bantus as they are to Oromos or Afar, but in the end all Africans are as related to each other as Europeans are related to each other. [This message has been edited by Djehuti (edited 01 August 2005).] IP: Logged |
awale Member Posts: 36 Registered: Jul 2005
posted 01 August 2005 04:20 PM
Djehuti wrote: quote: WRONG!!Funny how you are so keen to distinguish Horn of East Africans from West Africans, but all of a sudden you say asians look the same! How hypocritical of you! You say that a Somali would stick out like a sore thumb in a crowd of Ghanians. Well a Filipino would also stick out in a crowd of Japanese, so don't give me that bull! While there's no doubt that some Southeast Asians have aboriginal ancestry, that still doesn't explain their general appearance which is different from that of most northeast Asians. What's more is that people in Central Asia have distinct features of their own also. There are many Tibetans and Nepalese that are very tall with long narrow faces and aquiline noses, features that many have called "caucasian".
i'm not a hypocrit it jus't the damn truth. filapinos look closer to chinese and other north east asians then ethiopians and somalis do to west or central africans i'm never in my life been confused for an west or central african(and trust me there is a huge west african community where i live) i bet many people describe you as ''that chinese guy''. and there are no mongoloids with''caucasoid'' features unless you mean turanids who have caucasoid admixture. IP: Logged |
relaxx Member Posts: 387 Registered: May 2005
posted 01 August 2005 04:30 PM
quote: Originally posted by Djehuti: WRONG!! Funny how you are so keen to distinguish Horn of East Africans from West Africans, but all of a sudden you say asians look the same! How hypocritical of you! You say that a Somali would stick out like a sore thumb in a crowd of Ghanians. Well a Filipino would also stick out in a crowd of Japanese, so don't give me that bull! While there's no doubt that some Southeast Asians have aboriginal ancestry, that still doesn't explain their general appearance which is different from that of most northeast Asians. What's more is that people in Central Asia have distinct features of their own also. There are many Tibetans and Nepalese that are very tall with long narrow faces and aquiline noses, features that many have called "caucasian". [QUOTE]african is not a race it just simply means someone who lives in africa or has recent ancestry from africa.
You are right about one thing, but the problem is what exactly do you mean by "race."Scientifically "race" does not really exist and is just a social/cultural term. If by race, you mean people that are closely related, then yes indigenous Africans can be thought of as a race since they are more closely related to each other than to nonAfricans. We have already explained many times that it does no good to pit one population in Africa (like Somalis) against another (like Bantus) because they are all closely related! Of course Somalis won't be as closely related to Bantus as they are to Oromos or Afar, but in the end all Africans are as related to each other as Europeans are related to each other. [This message has been edited by Djehuti (edited 01 August 2005).][/QUOTE] The man is a Darod, they entered illegally in Eastern Africa...I mean Africa...we're still trying to find out where they are originally from before we kick them out to their original land...The funny thing he thinks he can talk about Africans when he's not even from there...let's see the 'garbage' that will come out from the Darod's mouth... Relaxx [This message has been edited by relaxx (edited 01 August 2005).] IP: Logged |